> Nightmare Bite > by THEJamiboi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nightmare Bite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hanging lanterns swung slowly from the wire lines strung aloft from house to house above every street, the candles within casting an orange glow down below as ponies of various age wandered about, dressed in costumes of nurses, doctors, vampires, werewolves, scarecrows, wizards and witches and many, many more. Strange appearances were the norm on Nightmare Night, and considering Las Pegasus’ reputation, a few costumes were more suited to the gambling and high light life of the city, some innocent like a tuxedo with a dice head and some ponies dressed as the devil in midnight black. Chloe Adore drank in the atmosphere of where she was wandering through, despite her black coloured outfit, she was just as visible as any other pony, the glaring lights of the bright casinos, grinning jack’s smiling at the wanderers with glowing teeth, lit them all up visibly. Chloe’s large cat ears bounced as she walked, the black latex of her suit rubbing together making the rubber material creak quietly. Chloe grinned, passing a pair of mares in golden latex similar to her own, crooning at passers-by to try their luck for some pot luck ‘trick or treats’, no doubt the treats being bits and the tricks being weighted dice. One of the pair called out to Chloe then paused, hoof half raised in a pre-taught motion of seduction and Chloe winked a purple eyeshadowed eye, her dark green iris’s making the mare squirm under her gaze as if it were weakening her, Chloe blowing a fake kiss from her purple lipstick lips didn’t help her embarrassment either. Chloe turned away laughing softly, making the heart shaped earrings jingle quietly from the movement and Chloe turned off from the main street, heading down between an alley. Chloe paused, raising a black shoe clad hoof as she looked in her reflection of a discarded metal sheet, light blue magic glowed from her horn and Chloe brushed her brown mane back. “Perrrrfect.” Chloe purred giggling as she played up the part and kept going, leaving the alley, Chloe continued onward. Soon, a large crossroad, normally packed with wagons driving to and fro with little regard for pedestrians, came into view. The street had been remodelled for the night of fun with games and little foals were running by in costumes screaming and howling happily and innocently, asking for sweets from vendors and ponies carrying large sacks giving out sweets. Chloe wandered around, suddenly pausing as she looked down. Stretched along the road was a long winding white tail with a red underbelly, close inspection revealed scales and Chloe smiled; somepony pretending to be a snake sounded like her kind of ‘fun’. Chloe followed the long coils which were slithering along to the owner. She was bright white with a long wild fiery red mane just like her tail and its pattern. She was wearing a golden gown down to her waist, which covered the start of her tail, no doubt disguising the costume, the dress was covered in little pictures of ponies wrapped in coils. Golden bracelets covered the visible front legs from the ankles up just below where her legs joined to her body. Looking carefully showed it wasn’t many bracelets but one on each, a twisting wrapped up golden cobra watching with green emerald eyes. The mare was wearing a golden tiara fixed around her hear by a snake tail with a cobra raised above at the front, hood open… very much like the décor from the Southern city of Somnambula. Chloe smirked, it was a very convincing and nice look. “Good evening,” Chloe cooed softly approaching the mare “Enjoying the festival?” The mare turned to face Chloe and she noted she had purple slitted eyes, she must have extraordinary magical skill, no doubt how she made her tail shift as if it really were connected to her. The mare glanced over Chloe and smiled “Indeed I am, I had a little wander through the main city and found it a little too crowded, ponies kept tripping or stepping on my tail.” She said and Chloe nodded. “And such a gorgeous tail, it would be such a shame to ruin it.” Chloe said casually running a hoof along it, the material had a wonderfully snake-like feel to it and the material was spongey yet strong, probably a metal skeleton inside it surrounded by foam. “Glad you agree, and I must say you are a very brave pony, stroking a lamia’s tail.” Chloe smiled up at her. “A lamia huh? Impressive.” Chloe said “Anyway, I’m Chloe and may I ask the traditional question, miss?” Chloe asked. “Ruby,” Ruby said cheerfully “And you may.” “Trick… or treat?” Chloe asked lidding her eyes as she looked at Ruby, offering a bag filled with a mixture of sweet and ‘other things’ from her night of collecting. Ruby however didn’t flush as Chloe had expected, instead she return the gaze “You certainly look like a treat to me.” She said softly as her tail lifted up off the ground and around Chloe’s withers, trailing to the floor heavily. Chloe glanced at it then back at Ruby, a little caught off from having the table flipped, but she intended to pull it back “Oh why thank you, and I’m sure I taste sweet.” Chloe cooed, but the coil curled further, the tail tip pushing against her mouth “This… this is real!” Chloe suddenly realised stupidly, no unicorn could move so many coils at once in so many different directions or arcs, the magic would snap… and Chloe had finally looked at the mare’s horn; no magic. “Of coursssse it’ssss real, my cosssstume issss thissss, I am the Queen of Ssssaddle Passssssss.” Ruby hissed indicating the regal golden costume over her body as her tail tugged on Chloe making her look back towards her as the mare had been edging back a little unsure of how to approach this new development. Ruby began to let her coils dance behind her, raising and lowering them, twisting them in front and behind other coils that hung motionless or moved as they touched other coils, the flickering candlelight dancing down the smooth clean scales, waving upon Chloe’s watching face as she couldn’t help but marvel at the beautiful sheen on the coils and how they controlled the light perfectly… once or twice the coils would twist… twist back into a beautiful spiral and Chloe sighed, Ruby’s coils, save for the one around Chloe’s back, were all behind Ruby, away from Chloe… and Chloe couldn’t deny the little pinches and rubs felt wonderful~ “Ssssee you can relaxxxx with me,” Ruby cooed her dancing coils making a deft swishing motion backwards and Chloe began to walk forward as the light danced ever-on, calling her. Ruby was slithering backwards, leading her away from the crowd who were busy watching a street performer make jack-o’-lanterns dance in the air whilst carving out empty pumpkins, too busy to noticing a mare being shepherded away from the crowd. Ruby let the coil around Chloe’s wither’s curl around, forming a leash to lead her, but the sudden tug on her neck caused Chloe to give a sudden shake of her head, as if clearing it from a deep daze “H-hay what do you think you’re doing?” Chloe asked, reaching up to push at the coil. “Oh, nothing just a habit of my coils, curling around you for some delicious warmth.” Ruby cooed as a thick coil sat itself atop Chloe’s head making it dip forward from the weight “There, now you have a lovely crown for a cuddly cat.” Ruby said giggling softly. Chloe kicked up onto her hind legs “This is not what I had in mind.” Chloe mumbled tugging at her ‘collar’ and the coil atop her head. “Did you imagine seducing me?” Ruby asked smirking “Because you were doomed from the get-go, nopony has a slicker tongue than a snake,” Ruby cooed as she let the coil crown droop down over Chloe’s face over her eyes gripping her around her temples and the back of her head like a blindfold. Abandoning her attempts to rid herself of the collar, Chloe focused on removing the white squishy tail, pulling and pushing on it from either side, trying to lift it back up over her head so she could see this serpent. “I have a few ideas what to do with that tongue.” Chloe said with a smirk, a little touch of herself surfacing despite the situation. “Oh, I’m sure you do, but see that’s the problem,” Ruby cooed as Chloe shifted her hooves forward, one next to each of her temples, managing to get some tractions before ‘overpowering’ Ruby and ‘forcing’ the coil up off her eyes slowly as Ruby finished “You still have ideas in your head.” Chloe opened her mouth to ask what Ruby meant by that but her voice caught in her throat as Chloe had pushed the coil fully out of the way so she could once more see. She was greeted by the face of Ruby, almost touching Chloe’s, taking up all of Chloe’s cone of vision and held its attention firmly due to her sudden repositioning. Chloe focused on Ruby’s eyes, the strangest part of the lamia’s appearance now. Gone were the black slits set into pools of purple, replaced, instead, with rings of pulsing colours. There was no pattern or logic, neither eye flowed with matching rings, each flowing with its own cascading display of brilliant colours and just as Chloe thought she’d correctly guessed the next colour in either eye she was proven wrong by a random change. The colours pulsed faster and with more rings within moments of Chloe first setting her gaze upon them, a soft glow emanating from each one, making Ruby’s face glow and the light gleamed off her attire, the snake perched upon her head appeared to sway with Ruby’s own little movements, the gold drawing Chloe’s gaze in towards the main attraction on display, just for her. “That’s it Chloe, just focus on my eyes, let yourself relax, keep watching as each new ring pulses over the last one, taking you deeper and deeper into their gentle glow.” Ruby whispered softly as Chloe felt her legs quivering under the weight of the coil around her head, which her body was still sending signals to hold it when it could better use them to resist this green, yellow, red. It wasn’t hard for Chloe to figure out continuing to listen to this seductive snake and let her have her way was a great idea, but as Chloe told her body to stop this from continuing she found white, black, brown within her own mind. Already, Ruby’s spell was cementing into her mind, slowing it and corrupting it to the mental liberator. Chloe couldn’t move her front hooves, forced to hold the coil up unable to lift it over her head and get rid of it, but unable to let it go and allow it to cover her vision once more, this coil also served to lock Chloe’s head forward which she discovered as she tried to turn her head, the coil slithering and pinching her head turning her back towards Ruby’s eyes smoothly. The collar however hadn’t sadly idly by, it had begun to curl steadily down Chloe’s body, slithering down her neck to her body and all around covering her up, skipping over her legs holding the heavy coil up. Chloe gave a meek moan, whether of delight as the soft, smooth and scaly coils slid gracefully along her body rubbing her, or of defiance, Ruby, or Chloe really, didn’t know nor care. Ruby would soon ensure it could only be the prior soon enough! Ruby had Chloe bound by her tail and the mare was able to wrench her gaze free to look down as the coils slid over her body covering light brown in sheens of white and red. But Chloe couldn’t see, due to them starting around her neck, the coil around her neck was thicker than Chloe’s head now and she couldn’t see around it, just a sea of white and red gripping her body firmly with her front hooves squashed between two slithering, rubbing coils. “Eyes up, back on mine.” Ruby said and Chloe’s head turned back up on command “Quiet.” Ruby ordered, gold, purple, red.  Chloe shut her mouth silencing her retort and complaints to Ruby’s amusement “That’s it, you’re learning your place. You’re enjoying each new colour, each new wonder displayed before you, ring after ring, colour after colour wiping away thought after thought… there’s nothing left, nothing of you, your responsibilities, your worries or fears… just desires… the desire to see more colours and relax in my grip,” Ruby gave a little tug, lifting Chloe off the floor to finish her cocoon under her back hooves, closing her in a pile of white. Chloe’s mind was quiet, not gone but her own minds voice was being drowned out by Ruby’s loud, commanding, echoing voice… it was so much easier to listen to it than her own thoughts now and they couldn’t guarantee this bliss like Ruby could! Chloe’s coil crowd drifted down the back of her head brushing her mane and settled around the back of her head supporting her further, her front legs being tucked in as the cocoon loosened and pulled away to allow them inside, making Chloe feel helpless without any means of moving without Ruby’s involvement, allowing the hypnosis to go deeper into her mind “That’s it Chloe, you understand, this bliss creeping into your mind, it’s heavenly, wonderful… you can’t compare it to anything you’ve tried before, it feels so good. Your mind is silent save for my voice, no thoughts, I think for you… you merely obey and you adore the opportunity to obey, don’t you?” Ruby rubbed and shifted her coils, imitating a nod from Chloe “Good slave, you exist to obey your mistress, you are a slave to my whims and desires. What I wish is your command and you love that don’t you?” Another nod, except now Chloe was consciously nodding, her mind a vacant space of pulsing colours, a blank smile on her face now her thoughts had long since been silenced, replaced by her mistress’ words made law. Ruby licked her lips “Good girl, do you remember what I said earlier? How you look like a treat? Well, mind if I indulge in my food?” Ruby asked softly, Chloe giving a little shake of her head with a wide smile as Ruby set Chloe down on the floor, a slither of Chloe registering the swaying trees above her and the distant murmur of celebrating ponies as her position changed. Mistress had taken her far away from the crowds of ponies, far away from being discovered and interrupted… how kind… “Not at all mistress, I hope I taste delicious.” Chloe said, after a little delay for her syrupy mind to remember she had vocal cords and then how to use them, her smile never wavering as her eyes pulsed faster than Ruby’s, glowing in the dim light like torches. “Good slave, I’m sure you will.” Ruby cooed laying atop Chloe’s cocoon and shifting her tail for the next part. Chloe felt her hind legs being uncovered for a moment as new coils slithered up her legs to her thighs pulling them apart. The helpless latex clad mare felt her costume being rubbed between her legs by a slick coil as Ruby slithered back over to her, cupping her head and resting it upon her scaly lap. Chloe moaned and wriggled, squirming from her mistress’ touch, the scales, muscles and fat rubbing in a symphony of pleasure against her covered clit. Ruby smiled as a coil slid against her belly and the first coil and down Chloe’s clothes, between her legs, the sound of the latex stretching squeaked in the quiet night followed by Chloe gasping, which Ruby broke by tightening her coils forcing her to gulp down the sound. “No sound, just lay back, be quiet and enjoy. Or I’ll squeeze to keep you quiet.” Ruby cooed smiling. Chloe didn’t listen though, or perhaps she did but chose to ignore her warning, as the close touch of her mistress’ coils rubbed back and forth along her pussy lips, dragging it up and down with the coil, her love and desire making the coil damp and even slicker than before. Chloe kept giving little gasps and moans and her delight only grew as her mistress tightened her coils to ‘silence’ her, not relaxing their grip. The constriction truly began as Chloe started to pant in a lustful haze, not forcing air out after the first tight tug, but compressing her chest as Chloe breathed out, tighter and tighter, less and less air, the panting turning to wheezing and little wisps. Chloe’s eyes widened as Ruby tugged her clothes down, the lamia rubbing the end of her tail suggestively against Chloe’s entrance. Ruby relaxed her coils, the soothing sound of scales rubbing against scales calming Chloe’s fluttering heart, Chloe took several welcome gulps of air now her lungs were allowed it. During which, the tail tip lunged into Chloe, filling her up to her womb, the coil curling in an S shape within her tunnel to slide more within. Chloe sort of buckled where she lay at this, tilting her body to one side as she gave a shaky short breath filled cry, a coil slamming onto her drooling mouth to silence her, curling around the back of her head as she began to pant through her nose, hot breath steaming in the cool air as Chloe’s pulsing eyes rolled up slowly. Ruby twisted her coil around inside Chloe into a corkscrew and let it twist, drilling into Chloe and the mare couldn’t stand it, her rear legs quivering as she came, her cum drooling all over the coils gripping her body, Chloe’s body tensed for a moment, rigid like a board, then relaxed and remained still as Ruby tugged her tail free, inspecting the glittering tube of muscle. “Let’s see how well you taste, my treat.” Ruby cooed running her forked tongue along her tail, the bitter taste of her scales mixing in with Chloe’s love as she watched, panting in her confining cocoon “Delicious… but not very satisfying,” Ruby said suckling on her tail tip with a fanged grin at Chloe “But I bet you will be.” Ruby cooed dragging Chloe towards her “Do you want to be a treat for me, Chloe?” Ruby asked and Chloe managed a sluggish nod “Such a good girl, let’s get you out of this suit, rubber isn’t a tasty material, maybe next year you can wear honey for me.” Ruby joked tugging the segments of Chloe’s costume off one at a time and tossing them casually around the forest without regard for them, Chloe wouldn’t be needing them where she was going! Ruby smiled as Chloe hung now naked as she finished throwing her fake ears aside, the mare drooling from both lips with need to satiate her mistress’ hunger. She didn’t need to wait too long as Ruby turned Chloe upward into the air, her mane slipping and hanging down towards Ruby’s unhinged mouth. Chloe’s flavour was fruity, a slight strawberry and sugar tang to it and Ruby slurped Chloe’s head down, her mouth suckling on her taste and savouring it as she slid towards the back of her throat. Chloe hummed in delight, her hypnosis letting off blissful fireworks for satiating her mistress’ appetite for pony. Chloe felt the tight enclosed walls of Ruby’s throat undulating as they drew her in, Ruby’s oesophagus clinging to Chloe’s head, her face appearing briefly in Ruby’s neck alight with delight before sliding into her pony body, Ruby gulping her down steadily, her coils slithering away, the tight scaly grip replaced with tight, squishy throat muscles as Chloe slid deeper. Ruby threw her head back and held Chloe’s legs and rump vertically up, slurping down the slightly damp waist of her latest prey. Chloe had entered the start of Ruby’s tail, her tunnel leading down into the dark depths of the lamia gripping her tightly despite gravity wanting to drag her down. Ruby let go of Chloe’s hoof and slurped down her tail greedily and licked her lips with a satisfied pat of her tail, which made Chloe sway. Ruby looked down, lifting the approaching coil upward so Chloe bent back a little with a barely audible moan. Ruby looped coils over the slithering lump, slowing Chloe’s descent by tightening the passage, transforming the descent from a dark slide, into a delightful massage, her body being pampered by the surface of Ruby’s internal tail walls and the juices covering them. Deeper and deeper Chloe slid, until, after several minutes, she finally reached the entrancing lamia’s first stomach, the ‘doorway’ opening to admit her as Chloe slipped inside with a flop, the walls closing in around her as she rolled over, Chloe laying rigid as a board. Ruby sat down beside the bulge and pushed her hooves into it, outlines of Chloe’s body appearing, though not specific features due to the width. “It must feel wonderful in there, right slave?” Ruby said quietly as she rubbed the bulge back as forth, making it rock slightly. There was no response from Chloe, save for muffled moans and little, weak wriggles. But Ruby’s tail did begin to gurgle and churn loudly, pre-digestion juices dripping over Chloe’s body, making her fur tingle and feel overly soft. Were Chloe in a more mentally sound state, she might have been panicking or asking Ruby what was happening, instead, Chloe absentmindedly rubbed the juice over her body, as if it were an oil, smiling to herself as if delighted with her situation. Ruby smiled and glanced around, finding Chloe’s discarded bag of sweets “I wonder if there are any other ‘treats’ I could snag up tonight?” Ruby cooed smirking as the Queenly lamia slithered back towards the festivals, Chloe’s quiet moans muffled by the music playing and the dense crowds. Nopony would notice a missing cat… or two.