Discord's Dastardly Delectable Dilemma Party

by draygan

First published

Discord throws a Nightmare Night party with a special party game just for Twilight

October 2017 Vore In Ponies Art Jam Entry. Theme: Nightmare Night

Discord forces invites Twilight over to Sugarcube Corner for a surprise Nightmare Night party with her friends. But her friends are nowhere to be found. In fact, Discord had turned Twilight's friends into Halloween treats as a sort of Nightmare Night party game. All Twilight must do is pick the food and eat it. Will Twilight pick right and save her friends?

Warnings: Food Transformation, Graphic Digestion, Beaten pony, post vore disposal

The Story

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Twilight followed behind Discord as he led the purple alicorn through the streets of Ponyville. Not that she had a choice thanks to the leash and collar around her neck.

“Discord! This isn’t funny! I have so much stuff to do to prepare for-”

“Yes, I’m quite sure you have tons of princessly duties,” Discord said, emphasizing the princessly duties bit sarcastically. “But tonight is Nightmare Night! Take a break, have fun with your friends. Even a Princess doesn’t work EVERY day! Why, Luna always takes off the night to have fun ever since she returned to normal!”

“But I-”

“All work and no play makes Twilight a dull mare.”

“Do I even have a choice?”

“Nope. Besides, here we are!”

The pair were standing just outside Sugarcube Corner. Twilight glanced upwards to examine the place. At first everything seemed to be normal, but this was near the end of the evening and the lights should have been on inside. Getting suspicious, Twilight eyed Discord accusingly.

“Discord… What have you done?”

Instead of getting a response, however, Twilight found herself dragged right inside. As soon as they entered, Discord snapped his fingers and the lights came on instantly. The inside of Sugarcube Corner was decorated in various spooky decorations as well as tons of Nightmare Night snacks and various party games all set up. And of course they had that slight Discord twist Fluttershy had come to love.

“Surprise! I set up a party with Fluttershy’s help! Do you love it?”

In all honesty, Twilight was flabbergasted by the work put in to get the party set up. “You and Fluttershy planned all this?”

Discord simply shook his head. “She only helped with a few ideas, but I set up everything by myself! Pretty impressed with me, aren’t you Twilight?” Discord bragged. “Though the idea for the party game surprisingly wasn’t my idea, but Fluttershy’s. Who knew how kinky she could be.” He then manifested a tray with exactly two lemon squares on it. “Might I offer you a lemon square?”

Twilight was indeed impressed with what Discord had done. The decorations, while normally only slightly spooky, were a hundred times better, with the chain of paper bats actually trying to fly off the walls, jack o lanterns that laughed when somepony passed by, even a large bubbling cauldron in the middle of the room. She happily grabbed one of the lemon squares in her magic and brought it to her lips, taking a bite as she took in the sights. She hadn’t even noticed the fact that there were only two lemon squares on the tray.

“Party game?” Twilight asked as she chewed thoughtfully. “Well There’s nothing wrong with something like that, but it would probably be more fun with my friends.” She paused and looked around. “Where are my friends, anyway?”

“Oh, they’re around. In fact they’re part of the party game, and we’re already playing! Better hope you chose right!”

Twilight swallowed the chewed up lemon square with a loud gulp. “Already playing? Chose right?” It was then that she realized the tray held only two treats. “Discooord….”

“What? Don’t blame ME, this was all Fluttershy’s idea!”

“WHAT was Fluttershy’s idea?”

“Well, she suggested a game for you specifically. Your friends are around but not quite the same, I’ve turned them into various treats or objects! LIke the lemon square you just ate!” When he saw Twilight’s angry expression he took a step back but raised his claw and paw defensively. “Now now, Twilight dear, I assure you, no lasting harm will come to your friends! I Pinkie Pie swear!”

Twilight pondered this and sighed. Fluttershy had been helping Discord get better and if Discord was telling the truth and it WAS Fluttershy’s idea anyway…

“Alright, I’ll play along with this game, even if I’m sure I wouldn’t have a choice to play anyway. What’s the game?”

“Oh it’s quite simple, really. Most of your friends, not all, but most, have been turned into some form of food. You pick between the two and decide to eat one and leave the other. Once all your choices have been made, I’ll turn them back to ponies. If you chose wrong, you’ll get your belly all plumped up with your friends. And there’s no getting them out. Horses don’t throw up!” Discord then chuckled. “Of course if you chose wrong, the friends you swallowed will remember after they get reformed and may turn on you!”

Twilight blinked in confusion then shook her head to clear it. “This is Fluttershy’s idea? But why? How?”

“Isn’t it obvious? You shy yellow friend is into vore. Why else do you explain her keeping that huge snake on her sanctuary?”

“The one I had to save her from its coils last week?”

“The very same!”

“And my other friends?”

“Well, I can’t say that Rarity or Rainbow Dash were too enthused to participate, but Pinkie Pie thought it would be fun and Applejack was fairly confident that you’d pick the food and not her. So, shall we find out if you chose the right lemon square, or wait until the end?”

“Well, if I’m playing along with your game, what are the rules?”

“Ah, the rules, yes. Let’s see if I can remember what Fluttershy said.” His head morphed into a facsimile of Fluttershy’s. His voice now sounded just like Fluttershy’s. “You have to choose one of the two items offered. You cannot use magic to scan the items, only use levitation if you need to. After each try you can ask to check and see how you’re doing, or wait til the end. I think Twilight would wait til the end to get a surprise belly, though. I know that’s what I’d choose.” Discord then changed his head back to his own, a sly grin on his face. “Soooo those are fair, aren’t they?”

Twilight gave a nod and sighed. “Yeah, that’s fair. And since Fluttershy suggested it, I think I’ll wait til the end to find out the results.” She paused. “You know, she didn’t say I couldn’t ask who I’m choosing. So will you at least let me do that?”

Discord gave this a short thought before giving a shrug. “I don’t see why not. And you know what? You won’t even have to ask, I’ll just tell you the choices.”

Twilight nodded in agreement just as Discord spoke again.

“Very well. Your first choice was, naturally, Fluttershy. And your second?” He snapped his claw and on that same silver platter appeared two cupcakes. Both were white cake with a blueberry filling topped with a white and blue swirl. “Your second choice is Rarity.”

Twilight began to stare intently at the cupcakes taking in how exactly they looked. They both looked identical, except one looked like it was rushed. The cupcake had too much batter for the paper lining, leading to bits that dripped down the side, and the frosting was completely lopsided. She leaned in to give the two a sniff as well, making mental notes. Her mind worked overtime as she formulated her plan and her choice.

Rarity is always prim and proper and hates having even a single strand of her mane out of place. So logically, it would be the cupcake that looked and smelled completely perfect. But, with this game being run by Discord and knowing his sense of humor, he’d change Rarity into a cupcake less than perfect. Unless Discord knows I know his sense of humor and would choose the imperfect cupcake so instead he changed her into the perfect cupcake and-’

“Well, Princess? Have you made up your mind yet?” asked Discord. HIs question broke Twilight out of her thoughts before she slipped into an endless loop.

“Huh? What? Oh, yes, my choice!” she responded hastily. She pointed her horn at the platter and made her choice. She picked up the perfect looking cupcake, peeled the wrapper off, then ate the thing in a couple of bites. Her mouth burst with the blueberry flavor, the princess giving out a small moan of appreciation.

“If one thing is true, I make sure any foods I make tastes delicious. Hearing you moan like that makes me so happy!” Discord exclaimed, already making the next choice appear. This time it was two apples: a red delicious and a zap apple.

“Two apples?” asked Twilight with a chuckle. “Let me guess, this is Applejack’s choice?”

Discord raised an eyebrow at the suggestion before shaking his head. “And why exactly would you think that?”

“Because they’re apples?” offered Twilight sheepishly.

Discord zipped forward and came face to face with Twilight. “Do you really think I’d turn Applejack into an apple, or Rarity into a marshmallow, or Rainbow Dash into a cupcake?” he growled out. “How utterly dull and predictable.”

Twilight blinked and gave a small chuckle. “I guess you’re not as predictable as I thought you might.”

“Well of course not. Lord of Chaos? I’m sure we’ve met. In any case this is actually Rainbow Dash’s choice.”

No sooner had the words left Discord Twilight had already plucked the red delicious apple from the silver tray and was happily munching on it.

“WHat a quick choice! Not going to overanalyze it like you did with Rarity?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not this time Discord. I know you’d keep Rainbow’s color scheme even if you transformed her!”

Discord only shrugged and set the zap apple down to the side before making the next choice appear. This time it was two marshmallows that strangely looked exactly like Applejack. Twilight recognized it immediately.

“Your next choice is Apple-”

Discord couldn’t even finish his sentence before one of the two marshmallows was devoured. “You didn’t even let me finish!” he complained. “You’re supposed to let me explain the choice!”

Twilight only shook her head. “No need. I knew it was Applejack by the way they were shaped and one of them didn’t have her hat. Even transformed, Applejack ALWAYS has her hat!”

Discord glanced down at the tray to see the remaining marshmallow on it sculpted with said hat. With a slight growl at his flair and showmanship being shown up by impatience, he led Twilight quickly to the next room. Inside were two similar looking Pinkie Pie pinatas hanging from the ceiling.

“I was going to save this part for last after the game was over, but since you’re so eager to play I figure why wait. Your final choice is for Pinkie Pie.” He then held out a decent sized bat. “No blindfolds, no pulling the pinatas up and down, just your choice of which one is Pinkie. Once you choose which one is Pinkie Pie, you just have to smash open the other one.”

Twilight took the bat in her magic and approached the two pinatas. She glanced back and forth between the two trying to decide which one to swing at. She finally made her decision and readied her bat for a swing.

“Oh, by the way,” Discord interjected before Twilight followed through with the swing. “This is the only choice you’ll know immediately if you chose right or wrong. The right pinata will break open and spill out candy, the other won’t break at all! But… the real one will take some bit of force to crack open. So if it doesn’t break at first, it might be Pinkie Pie. Or it might be the real pinata. Good luck!”

Twilight gulped hard. If she chose the right pinata it would take some force to crack open. And if she chose wrong…

Twilight pushed any thoughts of doubt out of her mind. She knew her friends, she knew Discord and knew if Fluttershy was behind the idea, Discord would make sure that the game ended with every choice she made right. She swung the bat at one of the pinata’s legs.

The bat smacked into the leg and half broke. Twilight grinned when she saw it and figured she had chosen correctly. She aimed for another leg and broke it before pulling the bat back for another strike. The bat once again smacked against the pinata, this time striking the Pinkie pinata’s snout, bending it out of place. She then positioned herself right next to the pinata and readied a heavy strike. She released the stored up energy and slammed the bat right into the pinata’s side. Said pinata deformed but did not seem to break. Remembering what Discord had said, she ran to the other side a readied a similar strike. Again the bat struck the side of the pinata but only caused a deformation. Getting frustrated, Twilight began wailing on the pinata, so sure that she had chosen the right one. Strikes to the pinata’s side, head, face, snout, but none of them would break the pinata. With one exasperated grunt she flung the bat at the pinata, blinking in surprise when the bat went inside the rump of the pinata, but no indication it broke anything.

“Celestia dammit!” Twilight cursed while breathing hard and covered in sweat from her exertion. She lit her horn and grasped the bat in her magic. She attempted to pull the bat free from the pinata but found it wasn’t slipping free. Her mind clouded by her frustration she couldn’t figure out what had happened. She had chosen wrong.

It wasn’t until Discord tapped Twilight on the shoulder she snapped out of her frustration. “Twilight, I think you need to calm down. I’d figured you’d realize at this point but as usual you let your emotions cloud your mind.”

“Realize?” Twilight asked before gasping loudly. “Horse apples… that’s not the pinata, is it?”

Discord snapped his claw and changed the Pinkie Pinata back into a pony. Pinkie Pie fell down to the ground with a dull thump and stayed still in a heap. Twilight couldn’t help but take note of how Pinkie looked. Two of her legs were broken. Her muzzle was dislocated and scattered just inches away were many broken teeth. Bruises lined her body over her back and belly. Both her eyes were bruised and swollen shut. A closer inspection with her magic, now that the game was over, revealed most of Pinkie’s ribs broken. Two had punctured her lungs. Other bones were broken and there was massive internal bleeding. But the cherry on top of it all was the bat. Half the bat was shoved deep inside Pinkie’s pussy. When she had been transformed back, her passage stretched immediately to accommodate the bat causing tearing and more bleeding.

Discord did nothing to help Pinkie, who was lying in a heap and lightly twitching. He just stood there watching Twilight.

“Too bad, it seems you chose wrong and beat your friend to death. Well, not exactly til death but she’s definitely bleeding out. Shall we find out how well you did with your other choices?”

In horror, Twilight attempted to run over and help Pinkie Pie. If Discord didn’t do anything to help Pinkie when she was turned back that meant…

But as soon as Twilight made a first step she found herself falling to the ground. The collar and leash that was on her neck earlier had appeared again. It was Discord’s quick tug that caused Twilight to fall.

“Now now, we can’t have you running off before we find out how you did, now, can we?”

Twilight only laid on the floor and shook her head. “I thought… I thought you were gonna… I thought my friends would be safe! You said…”

“I lied. Fluttershy gave me the idea, but I thought just reforming them after was too boring. And besides, did you REALLY think I’d just let your picks all be right? What fun is that?”

Discord snapped his claw and the pair appeared in the front portion of Sugar Cube Corner.

“Now then!” Discord said loudly. “Let’s see how you did!” With another snap of his claw, and the cutie marks of each of Twilight’s friends hovered in the air before zipping in front of her.

Discord pointed toward Applejack’s cutie mark and readied a snap. “Let’s start with Applejack! And the Twilight’s choice is…” With a snap, Applejack appeared before the Twilight, safe and sound and no worse for wear. “Correct!”

Applejack could only smile and give a small country curtsy. “I tol’ you Twilight would choose right! She knows us well enough and you well enough to see through your tricks!”

Discord gave a sly smile. “Oh? You think so?” he asked snapping multiple times. Twilight’s stomach bulged out to the size of three ponies with the first snap with each additional snap making the cutie marks appear on the side of her belly. Simultaneously, the food items appeared in front of Discord. A final snap targeted Applejack.

“I thought you’d do better than this!” Discord said while shaking his head. “I figured you’d know your friends and me better!” The lights dimmed and a pair of glasses appeared on Twilight’s face. They blinked to life like magic and she saw Fluttershy in front of her. She looked away and gasped, finding that as she looked around, she could see her friends in her stomach.

Discord snapped his fingers and there was a brief flash. “If we let things go naturally we’d be here for days! Let’s speed things up a bit.”

“Huh?” asked Twilight before letting out a small groan. Her stomach began to groan and gurgle loudly. “What have you done?”

“Why don’t you see for yourself?”

Twilight’s gaze drifted to the view on her left and to her right and she gasped. She watched her stomach lurch to life. The stomach walls kneaded and massaged hard around the ponies as acidic juices dripped all around them. Even the smallest drop of the stomach acid ate away through their manes and fur down to the skin underneath. Whatever Discord had done strengthened not only her stomach muscles, but the acids inside as well. And as it pooled around them, all three ponies began to squirm and whimper.

Rainbow Dash was the first to start thrashing about. Sensing this, Discord grabbed Twilight’s head and turned her to stare at Rainbow. He forced her to watch as Rainbow’s wings were quickly stripped of feathers down to the bone. Not that any other view would have been better. Twilight managed to wrench her head free of Discord’s grip so she could look away, but the new view wasn’t any better. She found herself looking at Rarity. Her mane and fur were already burned away and many red patches were already eaten through to the muscle underneath. Twilight watched as Rarity struggled in the belly. At least until Discord grabbed her head again and forced her to glance away.

Now she found herself staring at Fluttershy. Fluttershy writhed and squirmed more than the others obviously in much more pain. Like the other two, Fluttershy was devoid of her mane, tail, and coat. But unlike the other two, red spots on her body were much bigger and exposed not only the muscle but the bone underneath. Her ears had also been dissolved away already.

Twilight could only watch in horror as she averted her gaze. Once Discord let go of her head, Twilight tried to find a way to not see her friends. But no matter where she looked, it was always a view of one of her friends. Rainbow was still fighting hard but with how she was squirming about and with her mouth opened, Twilight could only guess she must be screaming. “Oh Celestia at least I can’t hear what’s going on…”

As if reading Twilight’s mind, Discord looked somewhat displeased. Twilight wasn’t freaking out as much as he had expected. He grabbed Twilight’s snout and held it still, forcing her to watch as the red spots spread, grew, then exposed the muscle and bone on Rarity. As she watched, one of her ears twitched. Discord realized what was wrong and he faceclawed.

“Of course, of course. I completely forgot! I need to turn the sound on!”

With one snap Twilight found her ears ringing with the high pitched screams of Rarity. She was sobbing uncontrollably as she fought and punched against the stomach surrounding her. The stomach responded in turn with a tight squeeze, forcing the air out of her lungs with a high pitched squeak. Her next breath brought some stomach acid down her nose, the new feeling of burning inside renewing her thrashing and sobbing.

Twilight looked away from Rarity only to find herself looking at Rainbow Dash again. She was getting digested much faster than Rarity. Where there were only a few spots on Rarity that showed through to the bone, Rainbow’s body had many places already stripped completely to the bone. She thrashed about as best she could, but with all four of her limbs mostly bone she could only weakly squirm about. She didn’t scream as much as Rarity, though. Instead, her words were a string of expletives that would make even Celestia blush. Twilight watched in morbid fascination as a red, raw line slowly appeared on Rainbow’s belly before it split, spilling her internal organs out into the burning acids. Twilight couldn’t bear to watch anymore and looked away.

As she turned her head away, Twilight let out a loud belch just as she found herself staring at Fluttershy again. She watched as the stomach contracted around Fluttershy at just the same time as her belch. Morbid curiosity took hold and she poked at her stomach. She watched as the inside deformed at where her hoof had poked and Fluttershy let out a surprised cry. Twilight wiggled her hooves, too encumbered by the ponies in her gut to move.

“Discord! You get them out of me this instant or I’ll-” Twilight’s words cut off when she heard her stomach give a loud gurgle. The bulges in her stomach began to writhe and fight even harder and the screams got louder.

“Or you’ll what?” retorted Discord. “You can’t throw them up and there’s only one other way out. But if they’re still all whole I doubt they’ll fit without hurting you~”

Twilight shook her head, getting glimpses of her three friends in various states of digestion. Rainbow’s belly and chest had already split open and her organs were floating in the rising stomach acids. She wouldn’t last much longer. Rarity wasn’t far behind, though it was her face and snout eaten away the most. Pieces of the bones underneath were visible in spots that were only growing in size. Fluttershy, however, who had been digesting rather quickly, was now digesting the slowest of the three. She had ended up sandwiched between Rainbow Dash and Rarity which offered her some protection from the acids.

Her stomach’s occupants found themselves squished together tighter when Twilight let out another loud and crass belch.

“My, my, Twilight. How un-marelike of you. Is that any way for a princess to behave?”

Twilight could only groan as another belch escaped her lips. A rumbling in her gut caught her attention and she lifted her tail, letting out a loud bout of flatulence in combination with another belch. “Ugh… I feel so sick…” she complained.

Discord saw this and took some pity on her. “Oh, we can’t have you feeling bad, you still have ponies to digest!” Twilight felt something pressed to her lips and a liquid sloshing against them. “Open up and take your medicine. This will help settle your stomach. Twilight could only comply, hoping it would make her stomach feel better.

As soon as the liquid hit her tongue, she blinked. The medicine tasted strongly of apples. But as the liquid splashed down into her stretched but smaller belly she felt her stomach settle. She opened her eyes in relief and gasped when she saw the bottle Discord was holding. While it was smaller than her, she could easily tell the empty glass bottle was shaped just like…

“Surprise! The medicine was Applejack! Well, what was essentially Applejack. All that’s left is a shell that held her inside!” With those words he dropped the empty glass bottle that was all that was left of Applejack and simultaneously flicked Twilight’s horn. Unable to grab the glass container in her magic she could only watch in horror as it landed on the ground and shattered to pieces.

Taking advantage of Twilight’s distractedness, Discord poked a couple of spots on Twilight’s stomach. At first nothing seemed to happen but Twilight’s stomach began to roil and squirm about. At about the same time Fluttershy began to scream.

Twilight glanced around and found herself staring at Fluttershy again. She could see exactly why the pegasus was screaming so loudly. What remained on either side of Fluttershy wasn’t her friends, but piles of bones completely stripped of their flesh. She looked away but Discord forced her to look back. In the time it took for that, Fluttershy’s entire bottom half was stripped down to bone with her organs spilling out. The screams got louder but the fighting slowly weakened.

“Alright, time to finish this part up!” Discord suddenly said, snapping his claw yet again. Twilight could only watch in horror as she watched her former friend'’s organs dissolve almost instantly. The remaining flesh appeared to disappear right before her eyes as flesh was rent from bone until everything left in her now softer and pudgier belly were bare bones. And even those were showing signs of wear.

Twilight’s view into her own stomach disappeared when Discord removed the glasses from her face. Anger surged through Twilight and she stomped a hoof. “Ok Discord! You’ve had your fun tormenting me and my friends, you will turn them back or so help me…”

Discord gave a shrug and a nod. “Oh, certainly, my dear Twilight. But not without one more last little game. I can turn them back from what waste is left over.

Twilight spoke through gritted teeth: “So I just have to let out the waste my friends got turned into and you’ll turn them back to ponies. Let me guess, you want me to relieve myself somewhere publicly and embarrass myself for your amusement?”

“Something like that. I’m transporting you somewhere in Ponyville, you’ll just have to make sure you can find me and bring me to where you relieved yourself. That of course means you have to bring me TO the waste.”

“I’ll just hold it til I can find you again!” retorted Twilight before seeing Discord’s sly grin.

“Might not be that simple because by my calculations you’ll have to start relieving yourself in 10, 9, 8,” Discord snapped his claws and sent Twilight teleporting somewhere randomly.

The next thing Twilight saw when her vision cleared was a small room. No, not a room, a bathroom stall. A small one at that, one that could only hold one pony at a time. But Twilight had no time to figure out where she was when the pressure in her lower bowels got too great. Discord was right, she wouldn't be able to hold it in at all.

The slight sound of trickling echoed out of the hole underneath her as she first released her piss. She took note of the heavy apple scent but couldn’t stop to ponder on that. Instead, her tail flagged up and let out a loud sounding, putrid smelling fart. The sound was amplified by the toilet bowl. With a loud groan she felt her ponut stretching around the first horse apple. She heard a slight crackle as it slipped free and plopped down into the soft pile of waste already below her. She couldn’t see underneath herself, but a few small pieces of bone stuck out. Twilight let out a grunt as she felt herself pushing out the next horse apple. With the built up gas behind it rocketed out and splashed the toilet water up onto her rump. At the same time she let out a loud trumpeting fart followed by a huge sigh of relief.

Twilight grit her teeth and began to sweat as she relieved herself. Not from the exertion of passing the remains of three ponies but from how hot it was in the room she was in. No, not a room, Twilight finally realized. The small, cramped space, the hard wood under her rump, and the putrid scent of horse apples… she was in an outhouse. She immediately knew where she was: Sweet Apple Acres! And if she was there, she wasn’t that far from Sugar Cube Corner!

A large rumble in her gut brought her attention back to the task at hoof. The pressure built up, leaving her straining and groaning in pain. Finally, she felt the stuck horse apple plop free, releasing everything backed up in her following with a sputtering fart each time a horse apple passed her tight ring. Finally, she felt empty and used some toilet paper to wipe herself clean. She opened the door and made a beeline to find Discord as quick as possible.

“I’ve bested you once again, Discord!” she shouted as she ran, feeling victorious.

Big Macintosh walked up to the back of the outhouse and opened up a large panel. Seeing the fresh manure inside he grinned and began to shovel it out into a barrel. It would make great fertilizer for the trees and other crops around the farm.

“Sure wish AJ and her friends coulda’ helped with the fertilizin’... woulda gone much faster considering all the manure we got,” he mumbled to himself as he dragged the now full barrel to the barn, tossed it among 20 or so others, then headed off toward Sugarcube Corner.