Taste Testing

by Dellinger

First published

Applejack and Sunset get it on, but realise that both have a certain taste to them.

When Applejack and Sunset take things to the next level, they notice something odd about how the other tastes.

Lesbo shenanigans ahead people.

All characters are 18+ so I don't get into trouble

Apples and bacon

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Sunset rubbed her arm nervously as she looked herself in her bathroom mirror. Today was the day she and her girlfriend would take things to the next level. She had never done something like this before, although she has wanted to try it with several of the girls in Canterlot High. Although she'd never admit that she wanted to try it with Aria the most, she was just a sucker for bad girls.

At that moment though, there was no one else she'd rather experience this with than Applejack. After they had graduated from CHS she had started to spend more time with the apple farmer. At first Applejack thought that it was because Sunset had taken an interest in either her brother, or her horses, so she was surprised to find out that our favourite bacon haired Equestrian was actually interested in her.

Now, the two of them had reached the three month mark. They had been slowly building up to this moment, not wanting to rush anything. Although with the Apple Family being very traditional, it was kinda hard for them to be anything but slow, and secretive. Granny didn't raise no dirty sinner. Except she did, but sinning is fun so it's ok.

Sunset smiled at her own reflection as she looked herself over, wearing nothing but her purple lace underwear, which hugged her generous curves nicely and left very little to the imagination.

She wouldn't be wearing them for much longer.

Smiling to herself once more, Sunset turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Opening her bedroom door, she blushed and smiled nervously as she saw Applejack waiting for her on her bed, completely naked and while giving the nervous Sunset a sultry gaze.

"Well, don't you look as beautiful as a sunrise in the Fall?" Applejack teased playfully as she beckoned Sunset to her. "C'mon now sugar, don't leave me waitin'."

Sunset slowly made her way towards the bed, unable to take her eyes off of Applejack's slim body, which was a perfect combination of smooth curve and firm muscle.

Applejack slid a hand over her hip and winked at her lover. "C'mon, don't be shy, I won't bite, unless ya want me too."

Sunset tried not to laugh at how her girlfriend was acting, while she did enjoy Applejack's teasing and flirting, most of the time it was either incredibly cheesy or seemed completely unnatural. She enjoyed it nonetheless, and seeing Applejack in all her naked glory warmed both her heart and her loins.

Upon reaching the edge of the bed, Applejack sat upright and cupped Sunsets cheek in her hand, gently pulling her down into a deep kiss. Sunset moaned quietly as their lips touched, Applejack pulling her down so that she lay on top of her. While the two were locked in a loving and passionate makeout session, Applejack slid her hands behind Sunset's back and unhooked her bra, ripping it away and revealing Sunset's perky breasts. Pulling away from the kiss, Applejack licked her lips as she eyed her lover's bosom.

Sunset tried to hide herself, but Applejack gently grabbed her arms and rolled over so that she had Sunset pinned under her. Sunset began to breathe heavily as Applejack began to get rougher and more dominant, eyeing her exposed chest. Taking her hands away from Sunset's arms, Applejack then slipped her fingers under her lover's panties, slowly sliding them down her slender legs and dropping them by the bedside. Sunset yet again tried to hide herself by crossing her legs, but Applejack placed her hands on the shy girl's thighs and smiled.

"Why would you ever want to hide such a beautiful body from me sugar? No need to feel nervous now, I'm gonna take great care of you, I promise." Applejack spoke with a soft, caring tone that washed away Sunset's nervousness as she looked Applejack in the eye. She saw only love and care in her lover's eyes, and felt happier than she ever had before, being able to share such an intimate moment with the girl she loved so dearly.

Applejack lowered herself so she was at eye level with Sunsets glistening folds, chuckling slightly as she noticed the small stip of hair just above Sunset's clit.

"Heh, I guess the carpet does match the drapes." She joked before wrapping her arms around Sunset's lower body, her mouth mere inches away from her love's untouched flower. "Are you ready Hun?" She asked gently.

"More than ready AJ." Sunset replied with a smile and a red face.

Applejack nodded and moved forward ever so slightly, planting a kiss on Sunset's sensitive folds before gently sliding her tongue from the top to the bottom, pausing at the bottom, noticing something odd.

Sunset moaned at the unfamiliar sensation, a new pleasure courising through her body. "Oh AJ...do it again..." She breathed out as her hands found their way to her breasts.

Applejack shook the odd feeling to the side and focused on pleasuring her lover. She slid her tongue up to Sunset's clit and gently poked the little love button with the tip of her tongue. Sunset moaned in ecstasy as she fondled her own breasts, squeezing her perky mounds and rubbing her errect nipples.

"Oh please don't stop Applejack..." Sunset moaned out, her breathing becoming uneven.

'I swear something ain't right here...' Applejack thought to herself, licking her lips and savouring the delicious, and somehow familiar taste of Sunset's juices. 'Doesn't matter, I got a girl I need to rut, and I'll damn well make sure she's seein' stars when this is over.'

Determined, Applejack pushed her tongue further into Sunset's vagina, penetrating her folds and gently lapping away at the steady stream of delicious juices. However, the taste of said juices were throwing her off.

'Why does she taste so familiar?' Applejack wondered as she pleasured her love with her tongue, listening to Sunset's pleasured moans as she tried to place a name on the flavour while she reached a hand down to her own love tunnel and began to pleasure herself. 'I swear I've tasted this before, it's so salty and delicious, it's drivin' me crazy. Wait...I know this flavour...it's...'

Applejack pulled her tongue away as Sunset reached her orgasm, screaming in pure pleasure as her juices flowed out of her vagina and stained the bed sheets. "Oh my...oh sweet Celestia that was...that was amazing..." Sunset breathed out, her entire body falling limp. "That was incredibly Applejack...Applejack?" She asked, getting no reply. Still stuck in the afterglow of her first true orgasm, Sunset shakily raised her head to look at her lover, who was still positioned between her legs. "Applejack? Are you ok?" She asked dreamily.

"Ya taste like bacon..." Applejack muttered.

"What was that?"

"Ya taste like bacon Sunset." Applejack blurted out. "I don't know how but ya do."

Sunset blinked in confusion as her ability to think clearly slowly returned to her. "I taste like...what?"

"You heard me, yer insides and yer juice taste like bacon Sunny."

Sunset raised a brow and sat upright. "Ok...is...is that a problem?"

"No! Heavens no! You're delicious it's just...a little weird ya know?" Applejack admitted. "I mean, yer hair and yer bush both look like bacon, and now ya taste like it."

"Well, are girls not supposed to taste like certain foods down there?" Sunset asked while tilting her head.

"Well I guess it really depends on the food ya eat, but it's not supposed to perfectly taste like the food. So ya eat a lot of bacon?"

Sunset frowned and rolled her eyes. "AJ, you know I'm a vegetarian."

"Right, sorry, this is cloudin' my thoughts is all."

"Well you clouded my thoughts just now." Sunset teased, earning a smile from the confused cowgirl. "Hey, maybe it's because I'm from Equestria? Or maybe it's because of the magic we use all the time?"

"Maybe, here, taste me and see if I taste like anythin'." Applejack said while crawling back onto the bed and spreading her legs.

Sunset blushed heavily. "W-What?"

"Ya heard me, taste me and see what I taste like." Applejack stated simply.

Sunset stuttered more as she slowly positioned herself to her face was inches away from Applejacks trimmed crotch. "I-I don't have any experience, I-I don't-" She was going to object more but Applejack put a finger to her lips to silence her.

"Just try to copy what I did to you, now hurry up and tell me what I taste like, I'm wanting to figure this weird stuff out sos I can get back to ruttin' you like a wild animal."

Gulping nervously, Sunset closed the distance between her mouth and Applejack's folds and nervously slid her tongue across the cowgirls most intimate area. Applejack moaned slightly at the feeling and watched as Sunset smacked her lips a few times, trying to place the taste.


"Hold on, I need to get a better taste." Sunset said quietly before repeatedly licking her girlfriend's vagina up and down, shoving her tongue deeper into her lover's folds to lap up any and all juices she could.

Applejack lay back and sighed in pleasure, Sunset was a little sloppy, but she'd bet better with practice. Just as Sunset was about to push her over the edge, she pulled away and took in a breath. "Apple pie!" She gasped out, having not taken a breathe the whole time. "You taste like apple pie!"

"Now how does that make any sense? Last time I checked I tasted slightly like apple cider but mostly like sugar."

"Wait how do you-"

"You seriously think the five of us girls never got up to somethin'?" Applejack asked with a smirk.

"O-Oh...well, no I...it doesn't matter." Sunset stuttered as she got to her feet, her boobs jiggling slightly. "Well, you have your answer, now what?"

"Now we gotta figure out what's causin' this, this can't be natural."

"Yeah but, why?"


"Why is this important? This isn't a bad thing. If anything, this just makes eating each other out more enjoyable." Sunset pointed out.

"Huh...I guess yer right, I don't know why I thought this was so important." Applejack muttered while rubbing her arm slightly, trying to finish herself off with her other arm.

"It probably just took you by surprise, it's alright, this was still really fun, and I'm glad I got to have my first time with you AJ." Sunset spoke with a loving tone as she planted a kiss on her lover's cheek.

"Aww, thanks Hun. Hey, what do you think the others taste like?" Applejack asked curiously.

"Why are you asking me? You're the one that rutted them." Sunset responded cheekily.

"Well before I didn't taste like apple pie, so their tastes must have changed too."

Sunset paused and thought for a moment. "Well, Pinkie would be some kind of sweet, probably some flavour of ice cream or cotton candy, I think Fluttershy would taste like butterscotch..."

"Rainbow would probably taste like some kinda sports drink or apple cider, Twilight probably tastes like pancakes."

"Wait our Twilight or Princess Twilight?" Sunset asked confused.

"Yes." Applejack answered, earning her a smack on the head. "Alright alright. What about Rarity?"

"I think grapes or some fancy dish we can't name."

"She probably tastes like sardines." This earned Applejack another smash to the head. "Oh come on that was funny."

Sunset rolled her eyes and put a finger to her chin in thought. "You know, there's two people I can't guess a flavour for."

"And who are ya thinkin' about?" Applejack asked with curiosity.


Sunset walked out of Principal Celestia's office and wiped the cum off of her mouth and walked towards Principal Luna's office, where moans could still be heard. After a few more moments one final scream of pleasure echoed before Applejack walked out of the door. "So?" She asked with a smirk.

"Strawberry cake and sunflower oil, what about yours?" Sunset asked with her own smirk, seeing Applejack's smirk fall.

"Moonpies..." The cowgirl muttered while handing a twenty dollar bill to her girlfriend. "Still can't believe you got it right..."

"Well next time we bet, make sure you pick something that doesn't have to do with alcohol, did you seriously think she was going to taste like moonshine?" Sunset asked teasingly.

"Ah shut it, who's next on the list?"

Sunset pulled out a clipboard with a list of names of former students of CHS. "Well, we can go for Trixie and Depry, or we could try to find the Dazzlings."

"Lets go with the Dazzlings, they fucked with our brains before, now I wanna tongue-fuck their brains out." Applejack replied with a smirk.

And so began their long journey of finding girls they knew and tongue-fucking them to find out what their cum and pussies taste like. The end.