Mission Control, Prepare for Touching

by randomguy9

First published

Dendrite Sparkle is a neuron, and chief commander of Twilight Sparkle's brain and body. After the stresses of her command become too much, she decides the best way to get relief is to give Twilight relief. Contains: Endo, Masturbation.

Dendrite Sparkle has been the chief commander of Twilight Sparkle's brain for as long as she can remember, and the tasks of managing all the bodily functions and higher consciousness functions of a very anxious pony have left her exhausted and stressed.

The best way to give herself relief, she realizes, is to give Twilight herself relief.

Contains: Endo, Masturbation, and Anthropomorphized Brain and Body Cells.

The Only Chapter

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Dendrite Sparkle was a very busy cell. This wasn't especially out of the ordinary for a neuron that needed to keep functioning at all times. Too many neurons fail, and the consciousness they form as a collective dies. Consciousness dies, and the body it's housed in plummets towards death as well. It was universally recognized among her kind that they couldn't afford to rest. Not even while Twilight Sparkle, the very pony they formed together, was asleep. No, a cell needed to stay alert, and this was true of brain cells perhaps more than any other.

Of course, even the most studious and practiced medical experts would have expected brain cells to look like miniature ponies. Aside from their gooey, translucent purple appearance and the multiple snakelike tendrils extending from their body, each of them looked almost exactly like Twilight Sparkle. Which was fitting, considering the fact that they were her.

But Dendrite Sparkle wasn't just any brain cell. She was the chief commander of Twilight's brain and body, the one who kept the whole thing running. Everyone there contributed to Twilight's mind to some degree, but she was the core of who Twilight was, as well as the central command that kept her host's unconscious bodily functions alive and functioning.

And she was tired. Oh, so very tired.

She sat in the in the midst of the brain's central bridge, a large, spacious, and fleshy room grown out of grey matter. Pulsating, brainy chairs and command consoles grew organically from the surface of the floor, and surrounding the room on all sides were several translucent monitors made from lipid membranes, each displaying a variety of graphs, diagrams, and informational charts. Dendrite faced the front of the room, looking through a much larger monitor that connected to the optic and auditory nerves, providing a full display of everything that Twilight saw and heard. Multiple other neurons sat at the various chairs and displays, busily working to analyze and process the abundance of information presented to them.

"Commander! Leptin levels are dropping!" Spoke one of the cells to her right.

"Increase Ghrelin levels accordingly!" said Dendrite Sparkle. "Let's get this pony something to eat!"

"Commander, we're receiving word from the sinuses of invasive particles!" spoke another cell to her left.

"Begin mucus production!" said Dendrite Sparkle. "And try to find some tissues, next time we have the opportunity! Flush the bastards out!"

"Commander, we've detected rhinovirus presence in the left lung's apical lobe!"

"Send in a team of lymphocytes!" said Dendrite Sparkle. "Make sure we adapt to the virus before we catch a cold!"

Receive information. Relay orders. Receive more information. Relay more orders. Rinse, repeat, and continue repeating for every moment until the day Twilight died. It wasn't fair. Her host had the opportunity to form friendships, to have hobbies, and to enjoy herself outside of doing what was needed to stay alive. But for a neuron, there was no such reprieve. It was nothing but constant work, and it would continue to be until the very day that she died along with the rest of the body.

Was there truly no escape?


A neuron to her left spoke up, but she was immediately cut off when a massive red lights began flashing across the room, paired with a deafening klaxon siren.

"What's going on!?" Dendrite Sparkle shouted. "Status report!"

"C-commander!" a neuron to her right reported. "We're getting a message from the pituitary! There's been an error in hormone production! They've released too many gonadotropins too early!"

Dread clutched at Dendrite's nucleus. That kind of mistake could only mean mean one thing.

"Strap in, everyone," she said. "We're going into estrus early."

Princess Twilight let out a mild cough as she sauntered through the streets of Ponyville, her hooves pattering against the cobblestone street as she enjoyed the warm summer day. The irritation in her lung was annoying, but it wasn't uncommon for her to get a mild cold even in warm weather, or possibly hay fever. She reached into her jeans pocket, and pulled out a small pack of tissues wrapped in a plastic container. Carefully, she pulled one out and blew her nose, and discarded the now-used tissue in a nearby trash can.

A rumbling in her stomach had alerted her to the fact that she had not yet eaten lunch. She quickly approached one of the many food vendors, a simple hay dog cart that had been set up on the side of the main street. After a short wait in line, she bought a single hay dog with ketchup. The vendor had attempted to give her a discount on the basis of her being princess, but Twilight had decline to take it. Her position had already offered her more wealth than she really ever felt she should have, it wasn't fair to demand that she pay back less than her fare share.

The hay dog was finished quickly and messily, leaving a large ketchup stain on her white blouse and ketchup smeared across her muzzle. It was a good thing Rarity hadn't seen her like that, as she knew seeing such reckless disregard for clothing would send the fashionista into conniptions. Twilight didn't much mind the stains, however, she could remove them very easily with her magic.

Just as she finished, however, a new sensation suddenly welled up within her, causing her to let out a yelp. An overwhelmingly powerful itch within her loins, a constant tingling just inside of her marehood that begged to be touched, begged for the irritation to be vigorously rubbed away.

"N-no! It's not supposed to happen yet!" Twilight called out.

A yellow stallion with an orange mane, a mere passerby on the street, turned and looked at her curiously. "Something wrong, Princess?"

"No! Nothing!" Twilight blurted out. "I have to go. Bye!"

The speed at which she flown back into the castle was fast enough that she appeared as nothing more than a purple streak in the sky. Teleporting would have been faster, but her mind was in no position to be concentrating on anything at the moment. She had to fix this. She had to fix this, now.

She'd made her way to the castle faster than she could have anticipated. Spike shot her a very odd look at she bolted past the throne room and up the stairs, to her own bedchamber. It was probably the way that she had grabbed the crotch of her pants as she ran, but right now she didn't care.

After hurriedly closing the door behind her, she let out a deep sigh. Now that she had made it back, there was only one thing left for her to do. She turned and looked to her bedside desk, where a small bottle of pills lay on the surface.

Twilight reached toward the bottle, her hand shaking. All it would take was one pill. One pill, and the swollen, burning sensation inside of her would stop. One pill, and she would go back to a normal routine.

Just as she held her hand out, Twilight paused. Was this really what she wanted?

Dendrite looked through the main viewscreen, seeing the world as Twilight saw it. Twilight's hand reached towards the pill bottle, quivering as it moved outward. However, instead of grabbing it, it remained hovering just above it.

"Commander!" said one of the neurons. "We're ready to take the pills! Just give the word!"

Dendrite sighed. It would be easy enough to take the pills, and to go back to a normal routine. To go back to the endless drudgery of keeping the body and mind alive. But that wasn't what she wanted. She wanted something more than that.

A stray thought crossed Dendrite's mind. There was a feature in the bridge's command console that went seldom used. A means for the chief commander to directly link to all of the sensory nerves, and experience all of the sensations Twilight felt for herself. It was meant to be used only in times of mortal danger, when increased reaction speeds from the commander were necessary to prevent a sudden and usually violent death. There was a risk to using it, as it separated herself from the collective of other neurons. Too long separated, and the other neurons would atrophy.

But Dendrite couldn't take any more of it. The endless rut, the repeating over and over of the same tasks. She had to do something to relieve her stress. And now, with Twilight's body in heat, she knew exactly how to do it.

"Prepare the neural link!" said Dendrite. "I'm connecting myself directly to her!"

The entire command room went silent. "C-Commander, are you sure?"

"Just do it!" Dendrite shouted back. "That's an order!"

"Y-yes commander! Readying neural link!"

The nerve cell to her right pressed a button on her console, and a hatch in the command room's ceiling opened. From the opening, a single bloblike helmet made from cellular matter descended, suspended from a number of tendrils connecting it to the fleshy opening above. Carefully, Dendrite Sparkle reached up and grabbed the helmet, and placed it over her eyes.

Then, all at once, her entire world transformed in a burst of sensory input.

Twilight had always been afraid of sexual stimulation. Not because she was averse to the idea of pleasure; she had found herself often reading pornography out of sheer fascination. But no matter what she had read or heard about sex, it had all seemed so... messy. Spilling ketchup over herself was one thing, but the possibility of having to clean her own bodily fluids was not something she enjoyed. Not if they had ended up on her bedding, and certainly not if they became matted into her own coat.

The pills on the counter had helped her deal with this fear for as long as she had been fully matured. Her estrus cycle was normally timed like clockwork, and she always took steps to prevent it from affecting her. Yet now, feeling the fire in her lower abdomen burning ever more, she wasn't sure she wanted to quell it. The idea just felt... unsatisfying, somehow.

Twilight knew exactly what she wanted. It was something she had denied for a long, long time, yet now? Now she couldn't deny it any longer. With a sigh, she unzipped her pants, and then slowly pulled them off, letting them fall to the floor. Her blouse followed afterward. All that remained now was a simple white bra and a pair of panties. She cupped her breasts in her hands, feeling their soft volume, their weight in her palms. Her heartbeat intensified, and she could feel it thumping against the center of her palms as she held them against her chest.

Reaching back, she undid the clasp of her bra. It fell to the ground softly. Twilight looked down at her chest, her breasts both containing an ample volume. Slowly, her fingers began trailing across their surface, edging ever closer to her own nipples...

The sensation was unlike anything Dendrite had ever felt. As Twilight's fingers danced across her chest, they circled around her nipples, gently rubbing the areolas and tweaking the nipples themselves. A slight yet pleasurable tingle traveled through her breasts, spreading throughout Twilight's chest area, and Dendrite could feel every single part of it. It was such a simple sensation, such a comparatively mild one, yet it was more than Dendrite had ever held the privilege of feeling. She moaned slightly, and that moan sent a signal through the neural link, into the core of Twilight's consciousness, prompting Twilight to let out a little moan as well.

"Engaging excitement phase!" one of the neurons called. "Nipples hardening! Vaginal walls producing lubrication! Increasing blood flow to the groinal area!"

"Commander, should we send further excitement phase protocols to the reproductive organs?" another neuron called out.

"Y-yes!" Dendrite spoke breathlessly. "Do it!"

Deep within Twilight's nethers, multitudes of worker cells diligently crawled up the walls of the vagina. In one direction, gentle beams of light poured through a mesh of white fabric, while in the other, a donut-shaped ring of flesh marked the entrance to Twilight's uterus. The cells climbed up the interior of the pink tunnel with the greatest of ease, carrying paint rollers drenched in organic lubrication. As they covered the surface of the walls, the vagina became moist, a task designed to ensure it was prepared for sexual stimulation.

A membranous window was placed among one of the walls looked out on the scene, its material grown in such a way that it appeared as another part of the vaginal wall to the workers, but was transparent when looking through it on the other side. A one-way window, made entirely out of lipids and held together by magic. Behind it, a team of nerve cells stood within a small control station, the interior lined with panels and displays showing data from Twilight's reproductive system. The local Administrator stood by the window, observing the worker cells with fascination.

Suddenly, a warning light flared, bathing the control center and the vaginal tunnel outside in red flashes. The workers scrambled to exit the workspace, crawling into numerous pores that suddenly opened within the vaginal walls, before closing as they exited.

"Administrator!" one of the neurons called. "We're receiving orders to start the excitement phase!"

The Administrator motioned with a hand. "Engage," she said.

The neuron pressed a button on her console. At its touch, a massive rumbling sound shook the vaginal cavern, paired with a steady, low thump-thump in the background as Twilight's pulse intensified. The walls spasmed and shuddered, then began closing inwards, the outer third of the vaginal wall just before the entrance contracting and tightening. Meanwhile, the innermost portion of the vagina expanded outwards, tenting into a wider space. A rumble from beyond the cervix indicated motion from the uterus, and the back wall shifted so that the cervix pointed downwards as the Twilight's womb raised itself to a higher position.

"Keep a close eye on the pleasure readings as we send them to the brain," said the Administrator. "Be prepared to engage the next phase as soon as possible."


The moan escaped from Twilight's lips softly, yet the noise was downright startling. Was she really enjoying it that much?

It wasn't even a very strong stimulation. Just a simple touch against her own nipple, barely enough to really feel it. And yet, somehow, something within her responded involuntarily. She felt as though she had been waiting for this forever, and she hadn't even really gotten started.

She didn't even need to think it through any longer. The burning in her loins wouldn't wait, couldn't wait. She walked backwards and sat on her bed, lowering herself onto her back. With a single, smooth motion, she pulled her panties down, feeling the sudden moistness between her legs.

Looking forward, she peered across her breasts, drinking in her soft, supple curves with her own eyes. She'd long known that she was attracted to bodies of all sexual characteristics, yet with her aversion to explicitly sexual situations she'd never really appreciated just how attractive she was herself.

Both of her breasts were quite large, looking at them now. As they flopped slightly to the sides of her body due to gravity's pull, she realized that they had truly impressive reach. Slowly, she cupped her left hand across her left breast, lifting it up and back, pushing the nipple closer to her face. It was just close enough that she could reach to it out with her tongue. Sticking her tongue out, she slowly touched it to her nipple, feeling the pleasant tingle as she traced and flicked it with her tongue.

Unable to hold herself back any longer, her other hand slowly snaked its way past her torso, beyond her belly, and towards the yearning flesh that lay just beneath her abdomen...

The very moment that Twilight touched her clitoris, Dendrite felt an absolutely electrifying sensation jolt up her central axon. If the feeling of Twilight's nipples being teased was overwhelming before, this was absolutely beyond that, so overwhelming that it overtook all of her senses at once. A flood of stimulation rushed into every part of being, drowning her in a pleasure that smothered her mind and sent her cellular body into writhing ecstasy.

As she moaned in pure bliss, another neuron tried to call to Dendrite's attention. It was almost impossible to hear, barely audible above the groans that escaped her. And yet, she still had a job to do. She tried to pry her attention from her own pleasure, managing just long enough to hear the neuron repeat itself.

"Commander! I said, should we move to the plateau phase?"

"Y-yes..." Dendrite just barely was able to make out.

The Administrator looked out through the window, at the scene of the vagina before her. A hot, musty smell permeated the station, and the gentle throbbing of Twilight's heartbeat remained constant in the background as her loud moans reverberated through her flesh.

"Administrator! We've got orders to start the plateau phase!" a neuron called out.

"Make it so," the Administrator replied.

Another rumbling noise, and the vagina shifted further. The outermost segment contracted further into a tight tunnel, flesh throbbing and pulsing, shifting in color from a soft pink to a deep purple. Deeper in, the uterus rumbled as it raised itself further.

And then, suddenly and without warning, a pair of fingers burst through the vaginal entrance. Gliding inward and outward, they rubbed against the upper ceiling of the vagina with wild abandon. The entire organ quaked and shuddered with every motion, Twilight's pulse thumping like a thousand bass drums, and her moans of pleasure growing ever more intense.

"Pleasure levels still increasing, Administrator!" said one of the neurons.

"As I thought," the Administrator said calmly. "Prepare to climax. We'll be hitting our peak at any moment."

Twilight's body had quickly worked itself into a steady motion, slipping her fingers in and out of her soaking wet tunnel. Her thumb idly flicked itself against her clitoris, while her left hand continued holding her left breast, gently squeezing and cradling it as she rocked back and forth. Little bursts of pleasure shot through her body with every touch, a pressure building up deep within her.

The walls of her vagina clenched down harder, pressing tightly against her fingers. Her muscles tensed, and she drew closer and closer to the edge. Her body was practically screaming at her for release, begging her for climax. Incoherent noises escaped from her throat with every motion, as she pushed further and further.

Then, with one final cry, her entire body shook with the explosive force of orgasm.

"Pleasure levels at maximum!" called a neuron. "Shall we proceed with orgasm?"

"Do it," the Administrator replied.

"Right!" the neuron called back. "Engaging orgasm protocol" She reached out and pressed a button on her console.

And then, the entire station was struck with the force of a thundering earthquake. Twilight's heartbeat reached a sudden crescendo, and the muscles of the pelvic region quaked and shuddered with immense force, shaking the fleshy surface beneath their cellular feet until they were nearly knocked over. The administrator was forced to grab onto the nearest console just to maintain her balance. Reverberating throughout the entire region was a

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Twilight's cry reverberated from all directions, the sound carrying deep into her own flesh.


Outside, the outer third of the vagina clamped down forcefully, contracting tightly around the fingers that they surrounded. Deeper within, the cervix made a rapid puckering motion, a motion that, combined with the spasms of the vaginal walls, would pass any fertile bodily fluids deeper within her, into the awaiting womb.




The rhythmic contractions continued for several more seconds, each one with enough force to crush even the sturdiest cells. Each successive contraction was only marginally less powerful than the last, but slowly yet surely they began to grow further apart, fading gradually as the last throes Twilight's orgasm wound down. When it finally ceased, Twilight's fingers were left drenched in her own fluids, hanging loosely within her own cavern.

The muscles of the vaginal walls relaxed, already beginning to revert to their normal shape. As Twilight's fingers slid themselves out, a blissful sigh could be heard echoing through her flesh.

As Twilight's masturbation session concluded, Dendrite Sparkle was left slouching limply in her chair, so thoroughly rocked by ecstasy that she could barely even move. Even as the neural link faded and the helmet retreated back into the ceiling, the impossibly pleasurable feeling never quite left her, instead merely dulling into a warm, fuzzy tingling that lingered throughout her cytoplasm. Around her, the other neurons were rapidly engaging their sleep protocols as the exhausted Twilight feel deep into slumber. Even as their host rested, a neuron's job was never done. Yet despite her previous exhaustion, the prospect of returning to work didn't bother her. What she had experienced was the most amazing thing she could have ever hoped for, and it was exactly the relief she needed.

A smile crept its way across Dendrite's cellular features. She would have to do this again sometime.