The Collars of Desire

by Sticky Keys

First published

After receiving enchanted collars from an unknown sender, each of the main six are thrust into hypnotic states and experience sexual situations based on their deepest desires.

The main six have received a mysterious package, each one containing their own unique collar and a note reading "Have fun." Gathering at Twilight's castle, they learn that the collars have been enchanted by the stranger who sent them. One by one the girls try them on and are thrust into a hypnotic state in which they are able to experience sexual situations based on their deepest desires.

Contains the following fetishes: Tentacles, public use, gangbang

The Collars

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It had been sitting at the doorstep of her castle. There was nothing more than Twilight Sparkle’s name on the label. Not even an address, as if it had been dropped off by the sender personally. The brown, cardboard package was now being carried in the light glow of Twilight’s magic. The purple alicorn trotted through the halls of the castle with the package floating beside her.

Upon reaching the comfort of her library, she took a seat on a cushion and her hoof pushed aside this week’s stack of books to read. The box was set on the table in front of her. Attempting to hold back her excitement, Twilight couldn’t help but be giddy. It wasn’t often that she received packages. Letters and pictures from ponies wanting to tell her about their friendships made from her lessons, sure, but almost never a package! Those were usually her favorites, if she was to be honest. They’d always been things like friendship bracelets or something else that ponies worked hard together to create and wanted to share with her.

Twilight’s magic tore through the tape holding the box closed and, with a hoof, she lifted the top to look inside. Almost immediately she had a confused look. Reaching in, she retrieved the item. Dangling from her hoof was a dark purple collar, matching near perfectly with her mane, and in place of the tag was a lighter purple gem cut into the shape of... Her cutie mark?

She set it on the table and looked back in the box. Maybe there was a letter or picture or something to explain why it was a collar. Why not a bracelet or something else? Did somepony think she had a pet dog or something? Inside lay a small piece of paper. Taking it in her magic, she held it up.

Have fun

Underneath the short, simple message was a heart. She flipped the paper over, hoping there was more on the back. Blank.

“What?” she couldn’t help but ask out loud.

Before she could think any more about it, the library door opened. She turned, expecting to see Spike, but instead saw a flustered Rarity, blushing, but angry at the same time. “Is this some kind of joke, Twilight?” the white unicorn asked, carrying a cardboard box beside her.

“What is it, Rarity?”

Rarity practically slammed her box on the table beside Twilight’s. It was about the same size as her own, and already opened. Inside was another collar. Purple, just like Rarity’s mane, with a blue gem shaped just like the ones that made Rarity’s cutie mark. With it was another slip of paper with the same heart and the same two words. Have fun.

“As beautiful as it may be, Twilight, I certainly hope you don’t think I am the type of lady to wear something so degrading as... That.”

Twilight turned back around to face her friend. “What makes you think I sent this?”

Rarity’s look of anger was gone near instantly. Had she just wrongly accused her friend? “Well... The package doesn’t have an address, so it was delivered personally. I just assumed it was from a friend. And the imprint of magic just made me think it could only be you.”

“Imprint...?” Twilight muttered, turning back to look at the collars she and Rarity had received.

“My apologies, darling.” Rarity stepped closer beside her. “I should not have accused you for this.”

The alicorn lowered her head and closed her eyes, focusing her magic on the collars. There was indeed a magical imprint on the collars. More specifically, on the gems that rested on the front. With the way magic worked, unicorns and alicorns could sense the presence of magic on anything infused with it. Typically things that were enchanted. They couldn’t, however, figure out whose magic left the imprint.

“Hmm...” Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin as she thought, looking at the collars. “Rarity, I wouldn’t recommend wearing it.”

“As if I would ever!” Rarity huffed, then paused and looked back to Twilight curiously. “Why, specifically?”

“I can’t be sure. But the gems are enchanted and you and I are the only ones in our group capable of magic. Neither of us made or delivered them, so they’re from a unicorn we don’t know.” She set the collars back into their respective boxes. “I wouldn’t trust anything like this from a stranger.”


Twilight looked back to Rarity. “What is it?”

“When I was at the spa with Fluttershy, she mentioned getting a strange package this morning too. She hadn’t opened it yet, but mentioned it didn’t have her address. You don’t think...?”

“She got a collar too,” Twilight agreed. “It must be. And if the three of us got one, I bet the others did too. In that case, something’s up.” Twilight retrieved a blank sheet of paper and her ink and quill, scribbling a quick note.

Emergency meeting. Come to the castle immediately. If you received a package this morning without an address on the label, bring it with you.

Her magic then cloned the letter into four copies and sent them out. One to Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash came speeding through the castle doors, holding her box in her hooves as she hovered in the air with strong flaps of her wings. Applejack followed after, a box on her back, and Fluttershy flying in behind with a package of her own. Twilight and Rarity were already in their own chairs around the table.

“What’s the big emergency, Twilight?” Applejack asked, taking her seat at the Cutie Map table with the box beside her.

“Is there something wrong with the collar?” Fluttershy asked, her opened box resting at her side as she took her seat.

“Collar?” Rainbow asked. She quickly opened her box and pulled out her own. A violet collar matching her eyes with an orange lightning bolt shaped gem. “Huh. Kinky.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity gasped.

“What?” Rainbow chuckled. “Not interested in a bit of pet play with a collar?”

“Are you?” Applejack asked, opening up her own package to see her own collar, green like her eyes with a reddish-orange apple-shaped gem.

“So what if I am?” the pegasus replied with a smirk. “It’s all in good fun.”

“Letting your partner treat you like a pet?” Rarity huffed. “It’s just so degrading...”

Fluttershy quietly took her own collar out of the package to set it on the table. Everyone else was. And if this conversation was about them, it may as well be in the open. Hers was a greenish blue like her eyes with a pink butterfly gem. It was actually kind of cute... She’d just been about to try it on when she’d gotten Twilight’s letter about it.

“Figures you’d say that, Rarity,” Applejack said with a little laugh. “Ah suppose you’d prefer something more along the lines of a romantic candle-lit bedroom with him treatin’ ya like a proper lady?”

“Absolutely!” Rarity was quick to answer. She sighed with a little smile and seemed to imagine it. “Being laid back and taken as an expression of love... It will be so divine~”

Will be?” Applejack noted.

“Are... You still a virgin, Rarity?” Rainbow asked, surprised.

“You say that like there’s something wrong with saving yourself for the one!” Rarity crossed her hooves over her chest.

“Girls,” Twilight spoke up. “I didn’t ask you all here so we could talk about fetishes and virginity.”

“Darn,” Rainbow crossed her hooves over her chest and came down from the air to settle into her seat.

“So why did you call us here?” Fluttershy asked.

“The collars,” Twilight said, setting her own on the table along with everyone else’s. “They’re enchanted. I could sense the magic imprints the moment you all entered the castle. Every one of your collars have been enchanted in some way.”

“And that’s... Bad?” Rainbow shrugged.

“Of course it is!” Twilight replied. “The packages didn’t have our address, so they were delivered personally, probably to avoid giving a return address so we can’t figure out who they came from. And they were enchanted by somepony we don’t know. The question is why would somepony just randomly send each of us an enchanted collar without telling us who they are, or what the enchantment does?”

Fluttershy let out a little squeak at the horrible thoughts that quickly came to mind and pushed her collar further away from her. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked a little more concerned now that Twilight had put it that way.

“I just wanted to ask you girls... Did any of you happen to see who might have delivered the packages? Or know of anypony that might want to send them to us?”

The five mares sat in silence, exchanging glances with each other as they thought about it. None of them had been home when it was delivered. It could have been anyone...

The doors of the castle opened again. “Sorry I’m late!” Pinkie nearly shouted as she bounced her way in, her open box resting on her back. “I had some last minute deliveries to make on the way here. So!” She took her seat at the table with her box on the tabletop in front of her. “What are we talking about?”

“The collars, Pinkie,” Rainbow mentioned.

“Oh, the collars!” Pinkie giggled with a little snort and smiled widely. “Aren’t they fun? I had a blast with mine! A couple of times, actually. What happened with all of yours?”

The other five mares stared at the pink pony with surprise for a moment.

“Something wrong?” Pinkie asked, looking around like she said something wrong.

“Pinkie?” Twilight spoke up. “You didn’t... Put your collar on, did you?”

“I sure did!” Pinkie nodded. “Why?”

“Why would you do that, darling?” Rarity couldn’t help but ask.

“It was free,” was Pinkie’s simple answer. “I’m not going to turn down a free present!”

“But, Pinkie, the collar is enchanted!” Twilight told her.

“Oh, I know! That’s what makes it so fun.” A happy giggle and Pinkie smiled, reaching into her open package and pulling out her collar, yellow with a blue balloon shaped gem, both colors matching the balloons of her cutie mark. “And it’s cute too!”

Twilight groaned. “Well. You probably shouldn’t put it back on, Pinkie. It could be dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” Pinkie giggled and shook her head. “No, no, Twilight. It’s the opposite of dangerous! It’s super-duper fun! Look, I’ll prove it!” She lifted the collar up to her neck with the gem at the front of her throat.

“Pinkie, don’t!” Twilight tried to stop her.

“Don’t worry, Twilight!” Pinkie giggled and clasped the collar in place. Once the clasp clicked, there was a small flash and Pinkie appeared to fall limp, leaning back in her chair. Twilight’s immediately reached to Pinkie’s collar and tried to undo the clasp, tugging at it in desperation to get it off before something could happen, even working her magic at it to try and destroy it, but it seemed protected by some sort of spell.

“It’s stuck!” Twilight gasped.

“Uhm, Twilight? What’s happening?” Fluttershy pointed to the gem on Pinkie’s collar.

The blue balloon gem was glowing faintly. A look up at Pinkie showed that she had a wide smile, and her eyes were featureless, glowing white. The collar’s enchantment had taken action on her already.

“Oh, no...” Twilight settled back into her seat and started to focus her magic. A beam was shot from her horn, right at Pinkie’s head and a circular form of magic appeared above the table.

“What are ya doing, Twilight?” Applejack asked, worried for her party pony friend.

“I’m projecting her mind!” Twilight answered, looking up at the magic above them. “If I can’t get the collar off of her, all I can really do is get a look at what’s going on in her head. She might be getting hypnotized or something!”

“A look into Pinkie’s thoughts?” Rainbow asked. “Are you sure you want to see that?”

Nobody answered. Everyone was concerned. They each looked up to the portal of magic, worried about what sort of effect the collar could be having on their friend.

A Baker's Desire

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The pink mare had clasped her collar on around her neck and everything in her view went dark. She stood in a dark void, nothing in sight but blackness. Soon came the trails of pink and blue magic, looking like smoke. Pinkie let out an excited little giggle, eager to enjoy her collar once again. As she stood in the void, she watched as the fog came down around her, knowing from her past experiences what was happening.

The first thing she noticed was the smell. The scent of cake frosting hit her nose and she shivered pleasantly. Cake frosting had always been one of her most favorite scents. It was faint though, as if it was distant. As the smoky trails came down around her, they split apart and formed various objects, creating her surroundings. The first to come was the wooden, green-painted floor and a circular pink rug with little white balloon designs around the edges. Then came the wooden bed frame with a familiar balloon-shaped cutout in the headboard, along with the mattress, pink and white striped pillow, and green blanket with the pink balloons and candy treats design she knew so well.

Pinkie looked around her bedroom as the magic smoke completed the rest of her surroundings, complete with the window, stairs leading down to the bakery, her wardrobe, lamp, pictures of her friends... Even the crumbs from the piece of cake she'd had the night before were left on the plate on her nightstand. The collar's magic had created a replica of her bedroom, using every bit of her memories to make it almost exactly the way she had left it this morning. Almost.

The last thing that the magic smoke trails had created was what caught her attention, and was the one and only thing that she knew one hundred percent had not been in her room when she left. On the floor was a box, gift wrapped with pink wrapping paper and a blue bow on top. “Ooh!” Letting out an excited giggle at the sight of a present, there was a blur of pink and then she was beside the gift in an instant. She held it up close to her ear and gave it a shake, trying to figure out beforehand what could be inside. Then she lifted the lid; the moment she had started to raise it off the box, it came flying off as a horde of blue tentacles shot up into view, towering over the pink mare as she let out a scream.

“Oh no.” Twilight grasped at her head, closing her eyes as she looked away from the portal to Pinkie's mind. “This is bad. This is very, very bad! The collar's created some kind of monster to attack Pinkie Pie's mindscape and it's going to destroy her mind and take control and use Pinkie's body as some kind of puppet for its evil monster plans to attack all of Equestria!”

“Uh, Twi?” Applejack was unable to hold back a chuckle. “Think ya might be jumpin' to conclusions?”

“'Jumping to conclusions'? You can see it happening right in front of you!” Twilight said, pointing up the projection.

“Actually,” Rainbow Dash cut in, not taking her eyes off the swirling magic. “I'm not seeing much attacking. That looks more like... Tickling. I think.”

“Wha-” Twilight looked back up at the portal to see what she meant.

The pink mare was now laid on her back on the floor beside the opened box. A few of the blue tendrils were bending down to come to her level and flicking across her belly and neck, making her giggle as they brushed over her ticklish spots. They appeared to be leaving some kind of sticky-looking clear liquid wherever they touched her as if they were gooey tentacles.

“Ahahahaha! S-Stop it! I can't take it a-ahaha-anymore!” Pinkie pleaded through her laughter as she squirmed and wiggled, trying to escape the tickling tentacles.

They soon stopped tickling her and Pinkie was able to sit back up, calming down from her laughing fit. She grabbed one of the tentacles and hugged it tight to her body. The limb slid through her grasp and hooked around her neck, patting her on the back as it was apparently returning the hug.

“Aw, you're just a bunch of friendly tentacles, aren't you? You're not so scary.” Pinkie giggled, nuzzling her cheek sweetly against the tendril she was hugging. Then her ears perked up and she brought her head back to look at the appendage. “Oh! I bet I know why you're here...” She grinned.

Pinkie let go of the tentacle and smiled as she watched and felt it move from her shoulder and go around her side, sliding across her back and wrapping around her midsection once, twice, and then a third time, then tightened its firm grip on her. Showing its strength, the tentacle lifted her up and off the ground with ease and giggled happily. “I've been wanting to try this for such a long time!”

Two more of the blue, gooey tentacles made their way up to her level. They each grabbed her front hooves and brought them up above her head, and wrapped around both hooves, holding them together and keeping a firm grasp. Now that she was held more securely by the tentacles, the large one around her belly unwrapped. Coming towards her face, Pinkie smiled and happily let it brush over her cheek.

After a brief moment of nuzzling, she turned her head to look at the writhing appendage, then leaned forward. She puckered her lips and planted a light kiss right at the pointed tip, appearing to not care that it left the thin layer of wetness on her lips.

“Did she just... Kiss it?” Fluttershy had to ask curiously.

Rainbow Dash seemed to be a bit more interested at what she was watching now. Her front hooves came up on the top of the table they were gathered around. She had a bit of a smirk now, and her wings were stretched outward from her sides. “I like where this is going.”

“Where what's goin'?” Applejack felt that she knew, but she had to hear it.

Rainbow didn't say a word. All eyes focused back on Pinkie's situation to find the tentacle was now beginning to drift downward, trailing down over her chin, her neck, and to her chest, continuing on down over her belly and leaving a trail of its gooey wetness along the way. Rainbow's smirk, the way Pinkie was positioned, and the tentacle's actions were all more than enough for each of the ponies to know exactly where this was headed.

It was confirmed when two more tentacles came up from the present box and wrapped around her hind legs and spread them apart. Her legs were pulled open so easily, it was obvious Pinkie had not even attempted to resist.

“Oh my...” Fluttershy gasped, covering her eyes and looking away with a bright red blush. “Girls? I don't know if we should watch this... This seems kind of like a private thing...”

Rarity nodded. “I'd rather not see her like this if I can help it.”

“Private or not, we should at least keep an eye on her,” Twilight pointed out. “No matter how much we might not like seeing her this way, Pinkie could be in danger. It could be luring her into some false sense of security before bringing her to harm...”

Applejack shook her head. “I'm not so sure, Twi. The way she was actin' before? Seemed like she'd already tried on the collar at some point. If she was able to take it off before, maybe it's not such a bad thing?”

Rainbow Dash was smiling widely, her attention still focused on watching her pink friend. She'd always had an interest in tentacles, but there was never a safe way she'd heard of to get that experience. Her friend was so lucky! The blue pegasus had to force herself to keep from pleasuring herself in front of her friends.

“Maybe these collars are some kind of thank you gift to us for saving Equestria?” Rainbow wondered aloud. “Sure looks like a good time to me. I mean... Look at that! She seems to be enjoying herself.”

With her legs spread so wide, Pinkie's pussy was now exposed for the tentacles and her friends that could still bring themselves to watch. She was wet as if she had been anticipating this situation she was in. The large, gooey appendage had trailed down along her body only to be lifted away before it could touch those needy nethers of the pink mare.

Suspended in the air, Pinkie had no control of herself. The tentacles held her front hooves tightly above her head, ensuring it wouldn't drop her so easily. Others held her hind legs apart. The one teasing her got so agonizingly close to her clit but denied her the pleasure of contact. Pinkie let out a whimper. It was teasing her more than she would like.

At the sound of her needy whimper, the large tentacle lowered down between her thighs and brushed the tip across her folds, drawing out a soft moan from the mare as it glided down and worked its way back up, giving a playful little flick over her clit. She shivered pleasurably and couldn't help but squirm at the feeling. The tentacles tightened, keeping her steady.

It began to shake, then warp. Pinkie, along with her friends, watched as the tentacle moved. The gooey substance changed shape, shifting from a typical pointed-end tendril into a shape resembling that of a stallion's erection. Thick, throbbing, a wide head, and even the ring. Pinkie's eyes seemed to light up at that and she chewed on her bottom lip as she eagerly waited, trying to show at least a little patience.

The tentacle rewarded the mare by drawing back, sliding the underside of its length against her lower belly, and the head rubbed against her slick labia. Pinkie prepared herself and the gooey cock prodded at her and managed to push its way into her. Reshaping itself to a better size so it wouldn't struggle to work its way deeper into her tight insides. The mare shivered and moaned as it rubbed along her inner walls, coating it in her wetness as it secreted its own sticky fluid inside her.

“Ahhh...~” Pinkie finally let out a more noticeable moan. There was no reason to hold back. She and the tentacle were alone in her mindscape. It wasn't like somepony was going to barge in and interrupt.

Feeling the tendril working its way deeper and deeper, letting her feel every inch stretching her insides, Pinkie relaxed and succumbed to the needy tentacle. Soon enough, she'd felt the ridge of that ring slip into her and push further in. Not long after that, she'd felt and heard a light slap of a pair of orbs hit against her rump. Pinkie gasped and took a look down, finding that the creature had added some balls to the base of the cock for her.

Before Pinkie could think any further on the matter, a moan was drawn out of her as the tentacle pulled back, dragging along her inner walls on the way out. Once the ring popped out, she'd give a gasp and another moan as it shoved right back in with a slap of those gooey balls against her butt.

She knew it was all in her head and none of this was actually happening, but it felt so real it may as well be happening to her physical body. The slick tendril pumping its way in and out of her, ring grinding along her insides, gooey balls hitting her ass. Just the thought that it was some kind of tentacle creature was getting to her and arousing her greatly. She was panting in rhythm with its thrusts into her as she let it take her body for a ride. It seemed to relax as she openly moaned for it, loosening the tight grip on her forehooves and hindlegs. The piston-like motions increased in both speed and force, giving Pinkie what she was craving. A good fuck.

“Ahh... Ahhh~ Hnnnfh...” Pinkie's body was beginning to get rocked back and forth and she tossed her head back with a loud moan, savoring the pleasure of the tentacle cock that was pounding into her. It was like a dream come true. She'd read so many erotic comics of things like this, she'd always wanted to try it. Tentacles were just as good as she hoped!

In the midst of her panting and moaning, a second cock-shaped tentacle came up in front of her and ran along her lips. As horny as she was, she had just been thinking about wanting another to suck on. Accepting it, she wrapped her lips around it. The tentacle provided a sweet taste, almost like candy. It only served to encourage her and she brought her head forward as far as she could. Her lips barely giving a kiss to the ring on this second cock before she pulled back.

It matched her movements, thrusting into her mouth while keeping pace in her marehood, taking her from both ends. Pinkie's eyes were half-lidded, looking as if she were in heaven at the moment. Muffled moans escaped her stuffed mouth. The tentacle curved its way down, pushing deeper to get into her throat, and she could tell without seeing that her throat was bulged out around the size of it. Normally she might have had to gag on a dick that big going so deep, but this was in her mind. Why would she fantasize about having such limitations?

“She's really gettin' into it.” Applejack was unsure if she should be surprised to find this out about her friend. She'd heard rumors that Pinkie threw some 'secret' parties once in a while, but maybe those rumors were more true than she'd realized...

“Ten bits says she swallows,” Rainbow said bluntly.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity gasped.

“Ah think she'll take a facial instead,” Applejack replied with a grin, holding her hoof out toward the pegasus. Rainbow smirked and accepted the wager with a hoof bump.

Rarity's eye twitched in response. She could hardly believe these two would make a wager on such a vulgar thing! Rolling her eyes, she relaxed back in her seat, still concerned for her pink friend.

A loud, yet muffled, moan brought their attention back to Pinkie. Her eyes were starting to roll back a bit as the tentacle between her thighs seemed to pick up the pace even further and start slamming into her more roughly than before. Her leg twitched in pleasure as it pounded into her, those gooey balls bouncing off her jiggly rump with each thrust. It was getting more frantic, probably getting ready to relieve its load.

Pinkie tensed up, reaching the peak of her pleasure first. Her inner walls clenched around the invading tendril as she came, sweet juices spurting out of her and onto the thick length that was still pumping in and out, further increasing her own pleasure and making her ride out her orgasm.

The tentacles inside her gave a few more thrusts before finally pushing in one final time. Their balls rested against her backside and at her chin as a thick, creamy substance was pumped into her pussy and throat at the same time, stuffing her from both ends. Pinkie greedily gulped it down her throat and into her belly as her marehood was stuffed as well. She felt so warm and full and still it was filling her to the brim...

“Hah! I knew it. Pay up, apple butt,” Dash said, holding out her hoof for her winnings.

“Darn.” Applejack pulled out a small pile of bits and pushed it towards the pegasus. “I was sure she would have been happier with a big mess.”


Their attention was turned back toward Pinkie. The collar had unclasped itself from Pinkie's neck, falling to the ground in front of her seat. The projected view Twilight was providing showed Pinkie being laid back on her bed before fading away as the alicorn ended the spell.

“Ohhh, wow...~” Pinkie muttered, looking a bit dazed as she then lay her head on the table. “That was the best one yet.”

She was still panting, and something could be heard dripping underneath her. The other five were staring at her blankly, unsure if they should be concerned or not.

“What?” she asked. “Was I drooling again?” Pinkie sat up, rubbing at her cheeks and chin.

“Are you going to explain what just happened?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie giggled softly, sounding exhausted. “I just got fucked by a tentacle creature, Twilight. Duh! I know you saw it!” She swooned a little and licked at her lips. “Aw, I wish the taste would linger at least for a little bit. That was tasty.”

“You knew we were watching?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“Of course!” Pinkie nodded with a smile. “As I was entering that place, I could hear Twilight say something about projecting my mind! I figured that meant you could see what I saw. Did you guys enjoy the show?”

“Yeah we did!” Dash nearly shouted, flying over to Pinkie and holding her face. “How was it? Were they good? Tentacles always look like they feel good in the comics. How'd the cum taste?”

“Rainbow Dash! Could you stop being so vulgar for a little bit?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dash huffed and returned to her seat, crossing her hooves in front of her, leaving Pinkie to laugh a little.

Pinkie's collar was lifted from the ground in the purple glow of Twilight's magic. It hovered in front of her as she inspected it closely. “It seems putting the collar on links the magic in the gem to your mind,” she said. “And creates a scenario for you to experience...”

“Yep!” Pinkie agreed, sitting upright. “Put it on and you get to have some sexy fun based on what you want! My first time, I got spitroasted by a couple of stallion studs that used to visit me all the time. After that, I ended up being a stallion's birthday present. Then now I got those tentacles~!”

“You wanted those things?” Rarity asked. “But you seemed so surprised by them.”

“Well, I wasn't expecting them. I was thinking about how badly I wanted to get spitroasted again. But then that happened. Not exactly a bad thing though. I still liked it a lot!”

“Huh. So it doesn't always give you what you want...” Twilight turned her attention back to the gem, trying to understand it better. “I think... The magic linking to your mind does more than put you there. It seems like it reads your thoughts and builds the setting based on your innermost desires, whether it's what you expected or not.”

“But who sent 'em to us?” Applejack looked over to Twilight.

“And why?” Rarity added.

“I don't know,” Twilight answered. “But I'll look into it. I'm sure I can find some kind of tracking spell to trace these back to where they came from. In the meantime-”

“Enjoy all the sex we could ever want?” Rainbow asked hopefully.

“No.” Twilight scowled. Rainbow pouted. Rarity rolled her eyes again. “Don't wear them. For all we know, someone's hoping we'll use them enough for it to break our minds. Then they'll swoop in and start commanding us around. Or... Something. I don't know, but it can't be a good idea to play around with these things.”

“So... Should we leave them here with you to study?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, surely whoever sent them expected us to gather. And who knows what would happen if they got close enough to each other. The magic might react and cause something.” Twilight tucked her own collar away back in its box it arrived in. “Probably best to keep them separate for now. I can just study mine. If I find something out, I'll invite you all back here to confirm with the rest.”

Rarity nodded in agreement. “I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't intend to even have the thing in sight.” She took her collar in her magic and stuffed it back in the box it came in, closing it up. The rest of the ponies did the same, storing them back in their own boxes, but not before Rainbow got one last tempted look at hers.

“Take them home,” Twilight told everyone. “Keep them hidden so nopony finds it and tries it on. I would hate for somepony else to get caught up in this if something bad does happen.”

Everyone got up from their seats, ready to head home, each carrying their collar, now hidden away in the boxes.

“Don't you even think about putting it on, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight added, nearly shouting.

“I got it, Twilight!” Dash replied, a bit annoyed that she was the one to get called out. “Danger, magic, blah blah blah... I won't put it on!”

A Wonderbolt's Desire

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White blurs of clouds were speeding past, wind rushing through her multi-colored mane. the heat of the sun beating down on her, the thrill of pushing her limits to speed through the sky as fast as she possibly could... Rainbow Dash loved it all. Almost nothing cleared her mind better than the high speed she was currently traveling at. Ever since she had become a Wonderbolt, the pegasus had spent nearly half her time on the flight courses. Dodging through pillars, busting clouds, looping through the hoops, all just to see how fast she could complete a course. Her first days as a Wonderbolt usually ended with bruises from how hard she hit the obstacles. Now, however... Now she was nearly flawless.

She was currently on her favorite of all the courses. Hooves outstretched in front of her, Rainbow Dash deftly wove left and right, swerving between moving pillars with that signature rainbow blur trailing behind from her tail. At the end of the section of pillars came the part she still hadn't quite mastered. Just as she came from around the final pillar she had to take a nearly ninety-degree angle upwards and squeeze through a series of hoops too small for wings to be outstretched and too close together to get to flap her wings in between.

Taking the upward turn, she picked up all the speed she could muster. At the last moment, Rainbow Dash tucked her wings and hooves to her sides, making herself as thin as possible and entering the series of hoops. She watched above, each ring a blur as she passed through. Just as she came out the top past the final ring, she extended her wings to try and slow her ascent as early as possible, her wings bumping the top ring for a two second penalty in the process. She flipped over, facing downward, and went right back through the tunnel of rings with her wings tucked in again. Coming out the bottom, she took the second ninety degree turn, heading straight ahead from where the pillar segment had been. The moment she busted through the cloud at the end, she heard the click of the stopwatch, signaling the end of her run.

Rainbow Dash came to a stop and returned to the finish line, panting lightly from the rush of adrenaline coursing through her. “How was that one?” She felt pretty good about her time but was still worried.

“Seventeen seconds,” Spitfire answered. It was an impressive time but she answered in such a bored tone in her voice it was obvious to anyone that Rainbow had been getting this time consistently and Spitfire was hardly impressed anymore. It was just Rainbow's standard time by now. “Come on, Rainbow Dash, you already hold the record on this course with sixteen seconds.”

“I guess.” Rainbow sighed, disappointed even with Spitfire trying to cheer her up. She had run this course tons of times. She could do it flawlessly if she wasn't pressed for time, but she just had that urge to break her sixteen second record. She already nailed it on her record time, but there was still that one second window where her wings had still been closed at the top of the ring tunnel that she could make up. “If I could get it timed just right I know I could shave off another second. It's driving me crazy."

Spitfire handed the stopwatch back to the pegasus. “You've been out here all afternoon. Why don't you call it for the day? Try again with a clear head.”

“Yeah, I guess you're right.” Rainbow Dash nodded. She wouldn't get anywhere if she kept getting herself worked up over a mere second of time on a course she already held the record on. She had to clear her head and just try again later.

“Besides, we've gotta work on the routine in the morning for tomorrow night's performance,” Spitfire reminded her, giving her wings a flap and lifting off the ground. “Do whatever you need to do to relax and just get your rest tonight.”

“I will.” Rainbow smiled. “Thanks for timing me again. See you in the morning.”

The pegasus gave her a salute and went on her way, heading toward the mess hall. Rainbow Dash took one last glance at the stopwatch, clocked at seventeen seconds. She groaned at the sight and clicked the reset button. She did not want that seventeen staring at her all night.

It was fairly late by the time Rainbow had gotten back home. Princess Celestia had lowered the sun and Princess Luna raised the moon. She made no plans for dinner since she had just eaten something at the Wonderbolt mess hall before leaving.

Rainbow had no idea how much she had needed a hot shower until she had gotten in. The warmth flowing over her back and soothing her sore muscles. It especially felt nice on the tips of her wings which were already looking slightly bruised from all the times she bumped the same exact ring over and over today. Who knew a cloud could cause bruising?

After drying off, Rainbow flopped onto her couch with a relieved sigh. Nothing was better than resting on something made of cloud. Especially after the rush of racing through the training course all afternoon.

She had considered spending the rest of the evening rereading her signed hardcover limited edition copy of her Daring Do and the Crystal of Dreams to relax, but knowing her she'd probably be up all night finishing it and be too tired for the morning Wonderbolt practice. She'd have to wait for tomorrow to let Daring Do ruin her sleep schedule. So what was Rainbow to do? She wasn't tired enough to go straight to sleep yet, she had already eaten, Tank was deep in sleep, and it was too late to go see what her friends were up to. Except maybe Twilight, but she was no doubt still busy studying that collar of hers.

The collar.

So focused on trying to best her record time on the flight course, Rainbow Dash had nearly forgotten about those mysterious collars. She glanced over, seeing hers on the stand beside the couch. That awesome lightning bolt shape of the gem that was similar to the Element of Harmony that had been on the necklace she wore. The strap of the collar matched the color of her eyes.

After seeing what the collars were capable of with that lewd demonstration from Pinkie Pie the night before... It was so tempting to put hers on. Of course Twilight was right in that they could possibly be dangerous since nopony knew where they had come from. But if they were so dangerous, how come nothing happened to Pinkie even though she had put it on twice?

Rainbow Dash reached over, picking up the collar and sat back, staring down at the lightning bolt gem. Just thinking back on that show Pinkie had put on was getting the pegasus a little worked up. She had a thing for tentacles herself and couldn't help but wonder if her own collar would do the same for her. Perhaps it would be something even better. It could find inner desires that she might not even know she had...

She could get rutted by a line of stallions one after another. She could get taken by a swarm of tentacles like Pinkie had. For all she knew, she could end up in that Power Ponies world again. That Mistress Mare-velous character that Applejack had become could surely be at least some fun with that rope...

That was it. Rainbow had convinced herself. If it was okay for Pinkie to do it twice, surely she would be fine just once... right? After thinking over her decision for a grand total of two seconds, Rainbow slipped the collar around her neck and clasped it into place. It was time to find out what her innermost desires really were.

Everything went dark. For a moment there was nothing but blackness, then there were those swirling mists of color that she recognized from when everyone had watched Pinkie's 'demonstration' the night before. Just like what happened with Pinkie Pie, the colored smoke fell into place around Rainbow Dash to begin forming the scenery for her time of fun. The pegasus was nipping at her lip, clearly excited to find out what the collar thought her ideal fantasy would be.

The location for her fun was starting to appear. First it was the tiled floors, then the benches. Lockers with various cutie mark badges popped up against light blue walls. Rainbow recognized the place easily. The Wonderbolt locker room.

Immediately the idea of getting rutted by any of the handsome Wonderbolt stallions was coming to the mare's mind. She just had to wonder which one it would be. Soarin, Silver Zoom, Wind Waker, Fire Streak... There were so many to choose from! Could she possibly luck out and get them all one after another? She was about to find out.

As the scenery continued forming around her, she found herself standing in front of her opened locker. The contents all matching the real version of her locker down to a tee. The picture of her friends, the Wonderbolt jacket, the first place prize ribbon... The collar most definitely had gotten into her head to make everything as accurate as it could. She quickly started to feel out of breath and the bases of her wings felt a bit sore out of nowhere. She took a seat on the bench, looking into her locker and trying to figure out why she was feeling sore.

“Hey, Dash!” came a familiar voice. Rainbow turned to see Spitfire in the entryway to the locker room. “Wow. You look worn out. Why are you hanging around after hours?”

“Uhhh...-” Rainbow was surprised, not sure what to think. She wasn't sure what the collar had in mind for her just yet but surely it wasn't Spitfire... Sure was pretty and all but Rainbow wasn't into mares! Or so she told herself. Could the collar possibly know more about herself than she did? Did the magic of the collar think she was a lesbian and setting her up with Spitfire? Or was this some kind of set up for something to come later? What was she supposed to say here? She had to think quickly. “I was just... doing some extra laps. I'm just catching a quick breather and then I'll head out.”

Spitfire gave her a quizzical look, wondering if she should call her out on the lie or just accept it on move on. She then shrugged. “Alright then. Lock up on your way out.” Just as Spitfire was turning to leave, Rainbow let out a sudden gasp at a twinge of pain and clutched a hoof at the base of her wing. Spitfire stopped and looked back to her. “You alright?”

“Y-Yeah,” Rainbow flexed her wing, trying to work out the muscles in the joint. “Just a little sore. Guess I went at the course a bit rough today.”

“Probably. You do tend to overexert yourself.” Spitfire stepped into the locker room. “If you want, I could try to work out the kinks real quick.”

Rainbow couldn't stop herself from thinking perverted thoughts at the mention of kinks, her dirty mind besting her at that moment. She wasn't the most interested in other mares, but... she had an open mind and was usually up for giving new things a try. If this is what the collar had in store for her, maybe she was into it more than she thought. Why not give it a try in the safety of her mind with her collar's magic?

“Uh- Sure. I could use the help.” Rainbow Dash turned around in her seat as Spitfire approached her from behind. She felt warmth spreading through her cheeks, though wasn't sure if she was blushing or not. Thankfully she was faced away from Spitfire so even if she were blushing, she wouldn't see it.

Soon enough, she felt those hooves on her left wing. Holding it in place with one hoof as the other kneaded at the base. Rainbow felt a bit of discomfort at first but it quickly melted away as Spitfire worked at the joint, pressing into it and kneading. The soreness faded fairly quickly.

“You really know what you're doing...” Rainbow complimented.

“I've had my fair share of sore wings. Read up a bit on some massaging techniques that work wonders,” Spitfire noted. “Thinking of becoming a masseuse for the Wonderbolts when I eventually retire.”

Rainbow felt her hooves move to the other wing and heard a few light pops as Spitfire cracked the wing joint and Rainbow shuddered at the instant relief she felt. “You'd do a great job.”

It had barely been a minute and her wings already felt loads better than before. Maybe that had been the collar's plan after all. Make her sore so she couldn't turn down a massage. She decided to see if she could push her luck and get some more of that work done.

“Think you could work on my shoulders a bit?” Rainbow asked, glancing back to her superior.

“Guess I'm better at this than I thought.” Spitfire gave a light laugh and moved her hooves up to the pegasus's shoulders. “Fine, just this once though. Next time I'll have to charge you.”

“Aah... I'll bring the bits. This would totally be worth it.” Rainbow let out a sigh as those hooves worked wonders on her shoulders. It was like Spitfire was a pro at this already. The way those hooves rolled over her shoulder blades and worked out her knots was amazing... Rainbow couldn't stop herself from letting out a soft moan.

“Jeez, Dash. You might be liking this a little too much,” Spitfire teased with a little grin.

Rainbow bit at her lower lip at that, her cheeks flushing. “So what if I am?”

Spitfire closed in, hooves moving from Rainbow's shoulders and sliding down under her hooves to rub over her chest. Her face came up beside Dash's own over her shoulder with her voice shifting to a bit more of a lustful tone as she whispered. “If you were, then... I might move on a bit lower.”

That sent a shiver down Rainbow's spine. Who knew Spitfire could be so seductive? It didn't quite seem like her, but... at the same time it was somehow all too fitting. Before she could open her mouth to speak, Rainbow felt those hooves move from her chest, wandering down. It seemed Spitfire took her silence as a go ahead.

Rainbow was a bit nervous. Sure, she'd been with a couple of stallions before, but never a mare. This would be her first lesbian experience... and with Spitfire!

With those hooves wandering down along her toned belly, she couldn't help but let her hind hooves come apart, anticipating Spitfire's touch. One of her hooves stopped on her abdomen and the other went right between the mare's thighs, giving Rainbow her first touch from another mare.

The rainbow mare let out a gasp at the touch, letting out a pleasured moan as Spitfire's hoof started running up and down along her already slick folds. The leader's giggle came in her ear and she nudged her cheek against Rainbow's. “Already wet, huh? Didn't think you were into mares, Dash."

“H-Aaah...~” Rainbow couldn't hold back her moans. It had been too long since she felt a hoof other than her own working her over. “I d-didn't think you were, either, Spitfire.”

Just like with her wings and on her shoulders, Spitfire's hoof was working wonders on her. Each stroke along her wet nethers sending tingles through Rainbow's body and drawing out her moans. She took a glance down to watch her leader's orange hoof running along the outer lips and prodding between them.

“Do you, aah... do this with the other Wonderbolts?” Rainbow asked curiously, starting to grind her hips forward against Spitfire's hoof.

“Sometimes.” Spitfire grinned, pressing her chest against Rainbow's back to get in a more comfortable position, her hoof reaching between those thighs more easily. She gave that little bud some attention. “Fleetfoot's got quite the tongue on her,” she added, letting the mare's imagination wander.

Maybe the collar's magic did know her better than she thought. As Rainbow sat there with Spitfire against her back, rubbing at her soaked pussy, and imagining her and Fleetfoot doing things together, she found herself enjoying it more and more. It was getting to be almost too much, even for her. Normally she could last quite a while, but... it was all such a big turn on.

Her thighs closed in around Spitfire's hoof and she let out a groan as she came without a chance to give any warning. Rainbow heard the chuckle in her ear as she burst, a sticky mess splattering across Spitfire's hoof as intense pleasure coursed through her core.

“Cumming already?” Spitfire teased. “I know I'm good and all but I expected a little more from your kind of stamina.”

Rainbow panted from the climax. She was curious why the collar hadn't unclasped yet. She'd came already! Didn't it come off on its own when Pinkie was done? Maybe it kept going until she was fully satisfied... That must be it! She had gotten off but she was still ready for more.

She huffed at the teasing and had to lay back over the bench, catching her breath. “G-Give me a break, Spitfire. It's been a while since the last time I got off.”

“Sure it has.” Spitfire winked.

Rainbow got up from the bench then, turning to face her with a bit of a challenging gleam in her eye. “I'd like to see you last longer.”

Spitfire raised a brow with a playful grin. “You offering~?”

Rainbow smirked. She was completely into this now, and the way Spitfire was acting was just the kind of thing she liked. It was like they were challenging each other. She would certainly consider herself at least bisexual by now. She could only hope she'd at least return the kind of pleasure Spitfire had given her.

“On your back, Dash,” Spitfire said, her tone a bit more commanding than Rainbow had expected, catching her off guard. It reminded her of the academy, before she was even in the Wonderbolt reserves.

Rainbow obliged, laying herself on the floor so there would be more room. Spitfire stepped forward walking above her, and plopped herself right down onto Dash's chest. Rainbow's snout a few mere inches from her leader's marehood. Wet with anticipation, glistening in the light of the locker room. It looked so inviting...

“Don't keep me waiting now,” Spitfire said. Before Rainbow could do or say anything, she felt a hoof on the back of her head suddenly press her forward. Her first contact with another mare's pussy and it was so forceful! Just the way she would have preferred if she'd ever had a choice in the matter. The rainbow mare set to work right away to please her superior, her tongue slipping out and taking her first lick up along Spitfire's wet folds.

At first it tasted almost like nothing, but with another lick and then a third, Dash was picking up a slight bit of sweetness. Rainbow reached her hooves up, grasping at Spitfire's thighs and pulling her forward to sit her more on top of her face rather than her chest. Her tongue continued taking swipes through her folds.

“Oooh... You're better at this than I thought,” Spitfire moaned out.

Rainbow looked up at her. The sight of Spitfire towering over her face was something she hoped to see more often. She held her thighs tighter as she slipped her tongue up into the moaning mare's pussy. Her lips pressed more firmly against Spitfire's crotch as her tongue worked its way into her. Spitfire rested her hooves back on Rainbow's chest to keep her balance as she squirmed her hips a bit, grinding down against the mare's face and rewarding her with hot moans.

Closing her eyes, Rainbow let herself enjoy the moment, savoring that sweet taste of Spitfire's velvety inner walls. Her tongue roamed, exploring the Wonderbolt's insides.

“Ah~” Spitfire had suddenly gasped, making Rainbow pause for a moment. It was like she'd just spiked her pleasure in an instant. She was quick to realize what had happened. Moving her tongue back the way it had come from cause Spitfire to gasp again and glance down to Rainbow, her reaction telling the mare what she needed to know. She found her g-spot.

Rainbow playfully winked to her superior and focused directly at that sensitive area, assaulting the mare's senses. She was rewarded with a series of louder moans, Spitfire no doubt getting close as she felt those inner walls close in a bit around her eagerly lapping tongue.

She pushed up, knocking Spitfire off balance and sending her to the floor. Spitfire was taken by surprise as she fell onto her back but didn't seem to mind as Rainbow dove back down in between the Wonderbolt's thighs and dug in.

“H-Haaaahh... Dash~!” Spitfire moaned out, trying to give the pegasus a warning of her coming climax but unable to get the words out.

Thighs closed in around Rainbow's head, bringing her face into Spitfire's crotch and holding her in place. Spitfire arched her back in pleasure, letting out a groan as she was sent over the edge into orgasm, squirming under the onslaught of Rainbow's tongue continuing to run along her velvety inner walls even as she was soaking her snout in a sticky mess of marecum.

Rainbow Dash persisted, not giving Spitfire a break and making her ride it out, squirming from the sheer pleasure. She could hardly stand so much pleasure and Rainbow didn't seem to want to stop. Spitfire had to reach down and push Rainbow back away from her.

“T-Take it easy, Dash!” Spitfire was left panting, immediately closing her hind legs once Rainbow was pushed back.

Rainbow gave a little laugh and sat upright, looking down at the leader of the Wonderbolts that she had left panting. “Too much for you?” She took a lick over her lips, savoring the taste of Spitfire's juices that soaked her muzzle.

“Maybe a little.” Spitfire huffed, sitting up to look to the pegasus. “Your tongue is just... awesome.

A smirk spread over Rainbow's face at the compliment and she soon realized just how quickly she'd gotten Spitfire off. “I think I won. You came faster than I did.”

Spitfire rolled her eyes, letting out a laugh. “Always so competitive.”

“Naturally!” Rainbow gave her wings a proud flap.

“Well then...” Spitfire finally caught her second wind and lay back down to the floor. Her hind hooves spread apart again, presenting herself to the mare again as she eyed her with a lustful gaze. “Come claim your prize, Dash.”

Rainbow perked up as Spitfire was spreading her legs again, apparently submitting herself to the winner of their little challenge. It didn't take long for her to realize what Spitfire was offering. It would be her first time doing it, but Rainbow was of course interested to find out how great it really is. Stepping closer, Rainbow stood over her. She brought one leg over Spitfire's, and the other legs went the opposite, crossing together.

Rainbow pressed her hips down, bringing her drenched marehood down against Spitfire's own. Her hooves grabbed at Spitfire's raised leg and held it close as both mares started to work their hips together in slow, rolling movements.

“Nnnh...~” They both moaned out in unison, pussy grinding against pussy, making a sticky mess as their eager juices were mixed together.

If she wasn't sure about it before, she was now; Rainbow was bisexual. Hell, with the way things were going, she might give up stallions altogether by the time they were done. Did she really just think that? Rainbow blinked, a bit surprised at her thoughts. There's no way she'd give up stallions! A big, meaty dick was just too great of a thing to want to give up!

“Ah~” Rainbow gasped as Spitfire moved her hips just the right way, flicking her winking clit against Rainbow's, pulling the pegasus out of her thoughts.

“What ya thinking about, Dash?” Spitfire asked. Rainbow had been too caught up in her thoughts to realize Spitfire had noticed.

Rainbow chewed her lip for a second at that question, and decided to be honest this time. “Well... This is my first time with another mare, actually,” she admitted. “I was never really into other mares until tonight.”

Spitfire raised a brow. “And yet here you are, giving me the best scissoring I've - mnnnh - I've ever had.”

A faint blush spread over Rainbow's cheeks at that. Was she really such a natural at this that she was giving Spitfire a better time than Fleetfoot ever did?

“Is that a blush I see, Dash?” Spitfire grinned. “I didn't know you even could blush.”

Flustered, Rainbow looked away from the mare. “N-No! It's just hot in here or something.”

Spitfire smirked, her hind leg hooking around Rainbow's waist and pulling her hips in closer to mash their marehoods together more firmly, making the mare on top gasp again. She reached up, turning Rainbow's head to look at her again. “Oh, it's pretty hot in here, alright.”

Rainbow smiled. Spitfire was really saying and doing all the right things to turn her on more.

It was amazing how much Rainbow had learned about herself. Not only did she find out she wasn't even straight, but... It seemed she was starting to like mares even more than stallions! As good as it felt to have a hard, throbbing cock plunging deep into her, she had to admit it to herself; eating out and scissoring with another mare was probably better.

The two mares panted and moaned together, their sensitive folds rubbing together smoothly thanks to their shared juices. Rainbow focused her attention on their winking buds, making sure they prodded at each other as they bump and grind.

“I don't think I can last much longer...” Rainbow warned.

“Neither can I, Dash.” Spitfire's hooves reached toward Rainbow's waist, pulling the mare against her harder.

“Aaah... H-Hnn...~”

They couldn't take it anymore. Both pegasus mares kept working their hips together, each bringing the other mare to their breaking point. They seemed to be on equal ground this time as they both arched their backs and let out an orgasmic moan at the same time. Their already wet crotches getting more drenched as they came together. Pleasure coursed through their bodies as they made a wet, sticky mess of each other.

The pleasure was more intense than Rainbow had expected. Coming down from their shared climax, she felt the exhaustion kicking in. She lay back on the floor, her hind hooves still entwined with Spitfire's. She panted heavily, feeling a bit dazed as she stared up at the ceiling.

“That settles it.” Rainbow rested a hoof over her chest, feeling her heart racing from the excitement. “I'm gay now.”

Spitfire's laugh rang out and she sat up to look over to Rainbow Dash. “Guess you just needed the right mare to give you a nudge, huh?”

“I guess so.” Rainbow agreed. She lay back, her leg twitching.

Everything went black for a brief moment. The world faded away into swirls of colored smoke. She heard the clasp of her collar coming undone and it fell away from her neck. It had felt that she was satisfied and its work was done. She was free, safe and sound just like she expected. She found herself looking up at the ceiling of her living room now, laying on her couch which no doubt had a wet spot now.

The Next Day

Rainbow took a sharp inhale as pain was coursing through her aching wings. She was sat on the bench in the Wonderbolt locker room. The nighttime air show had just ended and the team was finishing their showers and leaving for home. As if the tricks they performed weren't rough on her wings already, they had done some extra routines as an encore for the audience. Everyone was gone by now and she was the last one left, not quite ready to fly again to get home with her wings feeling so sore.

“Hey, Dash!” came a familiar voice. Rainbow turned to see Spitfire in the entryway to the locker room. “Wow. You look worn out. Hanging around much longer?”

“Just for a bit,” Rainbow answered. “My wings have never ached this much after a show before. I'm gonna let them rest for a bit before I head home.”

“Alright. Lock up the place on your way out.”

This felt familiar. As Spitfire turned to walk away, Rainbow perked up as she realized this is just how things had started with her fantasy from the collar's magic.

“Hey, Spitfire?” Rainbow spoke up, stopping the mare before she left.

“Yeah?” Spitfire turned back. “What's up?”

“Uhh...” Should she really go for it? Was she ready to try out a lesbian experience for real? It was one thing to do it in the safety of her mind with the magic of a lust collar. But trying the real thing... “Would you mind massaging my wings?” she blurted out.

Spitfire rose a brow, looking back to the rainbow-maned pegasus. She never thought the proud Rainbow Dash would ask for something like a massage. It caught her off guard.

“You don't want me to massage you, Dash. Trust me. I tried it once for Soarin a while back and it put him in the hospital for a week.” Spitfire laughed a bit and started to leave again, giving a suggestion on her way out. “Try the spa. Aloe and Lotus do free massages for the Wonderbolts all the time.”

Rainbow Dash was left alone, surprised. That didn't go at all how the collar thought it would. Then again, that was supposed to be her desire, not an actual representation of the real Spitfire. For all she knew, Spitfire wasn't into mares like the collar's version was.

“The spa, huh...?” Rainbow thought about it for a moment and then smiled, shutting her locker.