> The Royal Affair - Trouble In Canterlot > by xxxclopfics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Love Drunk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout Equestria ponies celebrated. Laughter and cheer could be heard everywhere in Canterlot. When the palace doors opened they introduced King Sombra and Queen Celestia. Bells rang out for them as they left for their honeymoon. Not everyone was as happy as they appeared to be though. Princess Luna trotted back to her room after wishing her sister and brother-in-law a good time. Sighing she used her magic to open a bottle of champagne for herself. "To being alone while your sister enjoys being married!" She raised her glass sarcastically and took a sip. "Congratulations! Didn't know the party was is here too?" Discord materialized in front of Luna, making her spit. "Now, now! That is no way for a princess to act! Here I am congratulating you and you spit on me!" With a of snap of his fingers the mess was gone. "What is it you want? These are my private quarters you are intruding on." Luna glared as he poured a generous amount of her champagne into his own glass. Her horn glowed before taking the bottle back from him. "I would also like to know why you insist upon stealing from me!" She snapped at him and put the bottle away. Discord finished the glass and tossed it out a window. Wasting no time he laid across her bed and conjured up more alcohol. "Sorry my little princess, I just thought you could use some company is all." He took a sip from one of many bottles. "I mean this must be awful for you, being alone again and all that." Luna froze at his words. She stared out her window at all the ponies celebrating the supposed joyous occasion. "I'm not lonely. I have my subjects and friends to keep me company." She shook her mane out and took off her garments she wore for the event. "You can leave when you like." Discord rolled his eyes at her and started to get up. Before he could leave his eyes caught her solemn look and made his heart ache for a moment. Not sure if he was going to regret it or not he stayed, offering her a drink as friends. Surprisingly to him, she accepted. They talked the night away, drinking while they listened to each other. As the day gave way to night and Luna came back from raising the moon, things started to heat up. Discord commented on her figure and she found herself posing for him flirtatiously. Soon they were getting tangled up in each other. By the end of the night their party for two ended in more than a few drinks. When morning was about to come Luna awoke to a strange feeling. She wasn't alone in her bed. A blush quickly made its way on to and across her face. Discord was laying on top of her, his member still buried deep inside of her. It took everything she had in her not to wake him as she slipped him out of her and then herself out of the bed. The events of the night were fuzzy, but she had a good idea of what happened when she saw all of the empty wine bottles and other alcoholic beverages on her floor. By the time she had finished raising the sun Discord had seemingly left. On her pillows was an apology of sorts. He was sorry for causing her trouble, but couldn't help commenting on her performance in bed. She was nervous, flustered and sick all at once. If anyone found out about what happened she'd never hear the end of it. With that thought in mind she decided to go to him intending to apologize herself and ask that he forget it ever happened. Upon arriving at his home her plan had gone south. He helped her into his home, making some rather suggestive remarks as he did. She became flustered all over again. For at least a little bit she was able to keep herself presentable, but after a little more persuading from discord she found herself in the same situation. This little tango of theirs went on even when Celestia and Sombra returned. It was Sombra who had caught them once and promised not to tell. Shortly after they made their relationship public, though many were happy, Celestia was more in disbelief. After the announcement Luna went back to her quarters. She only had a moment of peace before Celestia barged in. "Tia!" She spun around to greet her annoyed sister. "Lulu! What is the meaning of this?! Surely you are jesting with me!" Her eyes were wide and voice slightly shaken and agitated. When her sister didn't respond she huffed. "Lulu he is the Lord of Chaos! He's older than you as well! Do you know what you're doing by being with him?!" Having heard enough of her sister's complaints Luna stomped a hoof down. "Enough! I'm sorry you feel that way Tia, but it is what it is! If I and all of Equestria could be happy for you and Sombra then you can be happy for me! Now get out!" Her horn glowed and slammed the doors shut once a fuming Celestia left the room. The weeks that followed had been tense for the sisters. Celestia had calmed down some, but Luna had not. Instead she and Discord flaunted their relationship in front of her, even letting her catch them in the act on several occasions. Things were not going well in the palace now that their relationship was out in the open. > Queen's Lament > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a few months since they had gone public and things seemed to be going well for the odd couple. Discord would come over after Luna was done playing her part as co-ruler of Equestria and the two would spend the night together. They made sure to be just loud enough for Celestia to hear, promising to stop if she would just accept them, but she couldn't. Celestia laid in bed next to Sombra, trying to cover her ears. Ever since Luna and her argued about her relationship with the once evil lord of chaos she was made to hear the two make love almost every night. "Why must they be so crude!" Celestia was unable to take it anymore and had cast a silencing spell. Finally she had some peace and quiet, but the spell didn't solve all of her problems as it would wear off eventually and they would be at it until the sun rose. "Having trouble sleeping?" Sombra awoke and looked to his wife tiredly. "Are they really being that loud?" He raised a brow to her, noting that he didn't hear a thing. "My love, I'm sorry if I woke you." She gave him a gentle kiss. "Yes, it seems they still insist upon harassing me with their 'love' making." She huffed and nearly gagged just thinking about it. "I'm surprised you're able to sleep through it!" She laughed a little confused by her own observation. Sombra used his magic to lift up the ear buds he had taken out upon waking up. "I enchanted them to block out all noises beyond the room. " He put them back down and conjured a pair up for her as well. Celestia smiled and thanked him. "I just wish they would stop. But of course there is no reason for them too. I can't even have a single romantic night with you, I'm so tired all the time from a lack of sleep!" Her eyes welled up with tears. Intimacy was not something he was very good at, but it was something his wife craved. He leaned over and began licking and trailing kisses down her neck. "Well we're awake now, why not try while it's still quiet?" He continued to leave small bite marks down her back, hearing her soft moans as he did so. Her wings spread out and she began to relax for the first time in a while. "Oh Sombra~!" She could feel herself heating up as he paid special attention to her wings. "You always seem to know just the right things to say and do." She moaned as he made his way down to her private parts. His breath was hot as he brought his mouth to her folds. Without much hesitation he began lapping up her juices. He made sure to pleasure every inch, giving extra attention to her labia. It didn't take much to get her to orgasm using just his tongue. He would stop there, but he knew she needed more. "Are you ready?" "Ple-" She didn't get to finish as he lined himself up behind her and began penetrating her. "Please, go faster!" She was drooling from ecstasy and needed to feel more of him. Sombra complied by thrusting faster, but it wasn't enough for her. She used her magic on his hips to make him buck harder and deeper. She moaned his name rather loudly into her pillows. Feeling herself about to go over the edge again she started to lose herself making him go even faster. Sombra didn't mind her using him, but it was making it rather hard to control himself. As she came and clenched around his member it took everything he had not to cum inside of her. He thrusted into her a few more times as she spasmed before pulling out and releasing on her flank. He huffed tiredly and laid beside her, placing a kiss on her shoulder. "Goodnight Darling, I love you." Celestia was tired from their little exercise and thought that's all she would need to feel better, but she found herself wanting more. She felt his cum drip off of her flank and leak down in to her vagina. She levitated a tissue to clean herself off, realizing what she truly been wanting for a while now, a family. Discord pulled himself out of the now slumbering alicorn princess. They had had yet another delightful night of playful rough housing. He walked out to her balcony, still exposed and dripping with his own ejaculate. He summoned a clock to look at the time and realized it was far pass the time Luna should have lowered the moon. Having a little fun with it first, he decided to lower it for her. As he did so he happened to realize the sun beginning to rise. Shocked he looked up to see Celestia bright eyed and bushy-tailed as she brought the sun up. "Well someone seems to have gotten a good rest last night, I'm so... glad." He remarked sarcastically. Celestia flew down to him, ready retort, but then noticed his rather perky member still covered in his own fluids. "For the love of... Cover up Discord!" She turned her face and used a wing to cover her eyes. "Must you be so crude this early?!" She hissed at him, though she was still quiet enough not to wake anypony. With a snap of his fingers he was cleaned up and presentable. "My apologies my queen, is there anything else I can do for you?" He bowed mockingly before her. She peaked at him before uncovering her eyes to make sure he wasn't joking. "If told you to stop screwing my sister would you listen?" She narrowed her eyes at him. When he told her no she sighed with annoyance. "Please tell me you two are using protection at least." "Why would that make you feel better? You don't want your sister to have any foals of her own? Or maybe you just want to have them first?" He was taunting her now and trying to push her buttons. "Or maybe you're jealous? Jealousy! That must be it! Is the dark king not giving you any foals? You have my sincerest apologies!" He summoned a tissue and pretended to cry for her. Celestia thought back to their wedding night, honey moon, nights before Luna and Discord's torment and even the night she had just spent with him. Every time they were intimate he had pulled out or made sure to use a condom, not once had he ever released inside of her. Something broke inside of her, but instead of crying in front of discord she turned to yell at him. "I just don't want her to have foals with a beastly creature like you!" This struck a nerve and Discord was now getting mad. "Funny coming from you, if I recall correctly, you once wanted to have foals with this 'beastly creature'!" He knew he had won that argument as she stared, mouth agape, at him. He waited for her to respond, but she said nothing. "You know what? Fine, have it your way." He summoned some parchment and a pen and teleported it to Luna's pillow after writing something real fast. "What Celeste wants, Celeste ALWAYS gets! Doesn't matter who she ends up hurting. Goodbye my 'fair' queen." He pulled her face close to his, kissing her roughly before disappearing back to his world. Celestia stood in disbelief. He had the gall to be so rude to her and to kiss her! She huffed and turned around to leave. "Discord you idiot!" She let a single tear escape her before returning to her proper self. At least she had saved Luna from him.