> The Promise of Home > by Troublesome Beast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Prelude Part I > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna tilted her head up from between Celestia's massive-- and massively damp, now-- thighs.  "'Tis spring," she said, "Is it not, my love?" and slowly ran her tongue along a particularly tense bulge of potent flesh.  As Celestia moaned, wings flaring widely and her juices coating Luna's face, the darker sister only teased at the puffy and aroused labia in white.  Just a tender hint of delight, refusing to truly submit to the sun's hidden glory while the question remained unanswered. A growl rumbled deep in Celestia's mighty chest, shaking the mountains of her mammaries in delectable bounces.  Dark, strong fingers grabbed for the edges of Celestia's tensing quads, and force that could shatter worlds gave Celestia a pleasant pinch. Still, Celestia thought while moaning, enough really is enough.  I want head, not backtalk!  She grabbed Luna's horn in a huge fist and pulled lightly.  Nevertheless, when her usually submissive sister persisted in teasing around Celestia's needy sex, she sighed in irked, pleasured defeat. "Lulu," she growled.  "Do I need to force you?"  She… wasn't sure she could.  Oh, Luna was already deep into Solar Musk Trance.  Celestia's arousal demanded that whomever was trapped within it rise and fall like the daystar, a thick, lung-filling sweet burn that illuminated the body's erogenous zones, focused the mind on pleasure, and called the vic-- the lover to obey Celestia, and Celestia's need.   But this was Luna Selene Solutae.  The Unbound Moon in all nine-foot-four of her navy-hided, amazon-giantess glory.  Wingtip to wingtip, horn to feet, one of the mightiest beings of Epona.  Lover, sister, and finally friend, but more importantly: a peer.  Celestia might be able to force obedience against Luna's stubbornness, but it would be no sure thing, and Celestia would burn herself in her own Sun's fire before damaging her sister like that. So, subtlety, if subtlety could be found in most powerful alicorn, the most powerful preternatural being of Epona.  Not goddess no, no worship, a fearful memory shrieked in the back of her mind.  A full foot and a third taller than Luna, Celestia's one-hundred and ten inch mega-biceps dwarfed her sister-sub's eighty-five inchers just like her quadruple-Z super-tits outmassed Luna's lovely Z-cups; in thigh, in forearm, in pectorals, in shoulders, in calves, in every proportion, Celestia's shining body dwarfed her well-loved Luna. And yet... Celestia tried not to be jealous over how perky Lulu's pair was, nor how chiseled the rest of her body showed off her constant body-building focus.  Besides, Celestia reminded herself, she came willingly to me when we made up.  Gave every beautiful inch of herself to me, and demanded I use her thoroughly.  She huffed a bit, glaring down at her so-called submissive.  At that, the horny bitch gets angry if I'm not a bossy enough bossmare and dominant.  But she won't obey now!  Flustered, distracted, it took her a moment to realize she was drenching Luna in her arousal-- and Luna was still out-stubborning her!  She reminded herself again:  Subtlety. Luna moaned, panting.  The intense definition and gorgeous strength of her body was responding to Celestia.  Celestia could see that, and the lovely bunch of muscle on muscle, of titanic traps down to giant glutes just made her gush all the harder into Luna's eager mouth.  Without Celestia's approval, Luna would be trapped in that horny neediness until her own alicorn power and ancient might reasserted itself. That undeniable need, that projected combination of unquenchable personal magnetism and will-searing pheromones should have forced Luna to let Celestia postpone the matter, postpone it and focus on their mutual pleasure.  Manipulation, enticement, a driving desire but not a resonant Command. All for naught.  "Neigh," Luna moaned.  "Shan't give in, beloved.  You need this.  She needs this."  A brief incoherent moment filled Luna's lips with babbling, and then she mumbled, "Your Luna needs you to remove the st-- Eek!"  The golden glow of Celestia's magic made thin lines, flogging Luna's heavy knockers but lightly; all it did was quench the complaint.  Then, flirting her ethereal tail teasingly from side to side, the navy blue alicorn dipped back to her favorite treat: Solar Slit. And redoubled her clench on whatever of Celestia's quads she could.  The pinch of pulverising power pressed deeper against Celestia's unconquerable thighs, then stroked and squeezed muscle and fat alike.  Massage dripped stimulation into Celestia's legs, and she spread them shamelessly wide.  This, she could luxuriate in, and possessively ground her dampness over Luna's muzzle. Waiting.  She liked edging herself almost as much as denying orgasm to others.  Luna would submit.  She had to. Or not. Her bitchy sister-fiancée refused to give in!  Celestia loved and cursed Luna's willpower.  Loved it, because it made this act a true lovemaking between partners, and not a mechanical act of a divine Princess using a willing follower as a self-warming dildo.  Cursed it, because even as she trapped Luna's terrifying strength easily between her immense legs, she couldn't force Luna to give her what she wanted!  "Ah, Lulu, fuck me!" she ordered.  Pleaded, now, in gasps, both broad hands grabbing Luna's horn and jerking it off rapidly.  Grunting, she held out against the lingual expertise for a while longer. If it had been her guards, not a one of them would have been conscious of anything but the need to do her every whim and then cum until they passed out.  Twilight Sparkle-- until lately-- would have been nearly a golem, precise and focused but on automatic adoration.  Her Lulu?  As far as Celestia understood it, Luna was in a rather pleasant buzz-to-drunk state on Celestia's pheromones.  It would be safe for Celestia to let the fire in her heart run wild for hours.  And then do it again within less than a month-- less than a week, even! And though that meant that Luna wasn't submitting to Celestia completely, was still driving her mad with erotic taunting, Celestia got something lovely from it, still.  This was stimulation, after all; quick laps along white hide mixed with flicking caresses of tonguetip along labia.  She turned the same expertise onto Luna, the same torment, cruelly pulling back from fondling Luna's flaring horn before any release. But Luna plowed on, kissing and nipping across Celestia's hurricane-thunder thighs, then twirling just the tip against Celestia's big, throbbing clitty.  Stimulation, even without the burning release her Sun drove her for-- Yes, Celestia thought.  I can handle this, sister.  I don't want to talk about our bargain yet. She could handle the oral expertise of millenni.  She knew she could.  The pair of them had fumbled a few times in experiment when they were very young, and hadn't had anything like their current, consummated relationship prior to Luna's banishment.  No lover Celestia had ever met came close. Except Twilight Sparkle, her Perfection reminded herself.  Which brought her mind back to Luna's probing, prodding… questioning, just like Celestia's greedy cunt squeezed and winked over Luna's probing, prodding tongue.  Resolutely, Celestia focused her enhanced sense of touch on Luna's dextrous lips and the taunting lash of teeth on so-sensitive inner thighs.  Racking one leg up over Luna's broad shoulder, she dug her heel into-- There, teasing cunt, got you!-- dug her heel into that spot just above Luna's tailbase. The occasional muffled, ecstatic coo got Celestia nowhere.  Even the squeak of stulted pleasure when Celestia did release Luna's horn unclimaxed only reminded her of Twilight Sparkle.  Of a very successful… and currently not very busy Twilight.  She pushed herself to ignore herself, to concentrate on the yes it's lovely teasing I'm enjoying this moment. Luna kept to her work.  Dark tongue took darker designs on Celestia's cunny.  Luna's own sacred darkness, not the Nightmare's madness, thankfully.  How should I be thankful? Celestia wondered, biting her lower lip hard and closing her eyes.  This was so near to toppling her, every flourish and probe of the moist muscle against Celestia's nethers a near-perfect coup against her stubbornness. She brought her other super-leg, an inevitable wall of virtually unparalleled strength, up against her sister's chiseled side and squeezed harshly.  Luna might be the superior tactician, strategist, and so forth, but Celestia was far physically stronger.  She compressed her sister, forcing air from the lesser muscle-bitch's lungs, and forcing her musk into the panting, lapping muzzle. Nowhere.  Luna just teased!  Celestia's loins felt like she was humping her beloved sun; the heat of need was unbearable. She could have just kept Luna prisoner in her legs and gotten herself off, of course, but that would have meant admitting her sister was right.  A loss in the grand tally of bickering, loving competition of presumed eternity. An eternity that she had nearly lost once already... Might as well just discuss what she wants, Celestia grumped.  And that way it's her tongue not my fingers.  She sighed.  Might as well…  In her heart, she couldn't hold back Honesty at all. Celestia Sola Invicta reminded herself, You lost the mare you love best in the world because you didn't listen to her concerns where they involved your plans.  You almost failed not just her, but every soul that depends on us both.  Maybe it's more than just 'might as well.' A certain perfect purple megazon's form bounced happily in the back of Celestia's memory.  Celestia knew well what gift Luna was trying to give them both.  The only reason she was fighting it, really fighting it, not just a sisters' squabble become a lovers' quarrel, was… fear. Holding out shouldn't have been a task, anyway, and at last, Celestia yielded.  The stubbornness she was wielding was going up against her lover and closest friend's desire to help her.  She couldn't fight that.  Not when it would feel so good when Luna stopped teasing!  At last, Celestia answered.  "Yes, Lulu, it is spring," she said with only a hint of unprincessly pout.  "And, yes, I did say when Twilight wasn't busy with the rite I'd… consider... " Celestia threw back her head as Luna encouraged her lingually.  Her own tongue extending long as though she could taste the sensation of Luna at her sex, Celestia cried out in near climax.  Near, but not near for long. Soft kisses abruptly peppered the much-teased pussy, and both lovers let out long rumbling whinnies of delight.  Celestia's sex pulsed against Luna's clever muzzle, sending shockwaves through the unrivaled strength and beauty of her ten-foot-eight frame.  The gush of her marecum over Luna's face, laden with the preternatural alicorn aphrodisiac essence, sent the nine-foot-four moon goddess into orgasmic spasms of her own.  Any competition of lover and loved, of licker and licked, of any will at all between the pair was forgotten. They came as the goddesses Celestia desperately didn't want to be.  Their roars alone should have shattered the stone walls.  Only a curious mixture of three magics held them in place.  Their femmecum, paired deluges.  The quiver and clench of supremely marely muscle turned them both into absolute icons of mare anatomy, and their wings reached out to caress either wall of their bedroom.. Beneath her, the dark navy of her lover's wings spread, not in eclipsed shadow, but in proud alliance. Celestia climaxed the hardest, and her release filled Luna's world with pleasure undimmed by the mechanisms of transmission.  Over the mere pleasures of a pheromone-triggered clit came Celestia's alicorn essence.  Forget its heady scent; it drove into Luna's mind and soaked onto her skin, forcing her to squeal and cream with nigh-maddening delight.  As though every cell of her body obeyed Celestia's command for her lover:  Be well loved.  Be mine. The rush between Luna's perfectly chiseled thunderstorm thighs was only slightly less potent.  It, too, threatened a dangerous positive feedback loop, reinforcing and demanding Celestia's sexual heat become an inferno.  Though, to Celestia's unbreakable will, it was merely a delicious perfume, a heady apéritif to their lovemaking. But Luna was not to be denied.  As the shuddering slowly abated, she resumed relentlessly teasing at Celestia's groin.  To lap worshipfully at the meeting between thigh and crotch, at her auroric pubes, teasingly close and lavishly lapping towards Celestia's stiff clitty but never even sliding over the hood.  She was so tantalizing and cruelly submissive that Celestia debated just closing her legs around her sister's head until the bratty bitch remembered who was boss. The warmth of Luna's breath played lightly over sex-soaked hide and she whispered, "Honesty may have been mine, sister, but you chose to wield them all when you stopped my madness."  Tossing the ethereal windswept locks of her mane back, Luna raised her head once more.  Eyes big with hope, lower lip quavering with manipulatory 'sadness,' and all her navy hide stained with Celestia's marecum, she begged, "Please, sister.  Do not bend your words.  You promised you would finally take a vacation-- and take it with your sweet little piece." The power of the Woona Face, even covered with femmejuices, remained unstoppable.. Before Celestia could even try to deflect the idea again, warmth became heat nearly to match that of Celestia's own core as Luna enticed her across her own reticience.  "Our wife to be, sister," Luna reminded her.  "You promised to take her to our heimat-locus." She had promised, in fact.  Promised to take Twilight Sparkle home. Celestia's muscles bulged at the thought, her nipples and clit somehow growing stiffer still with the very idea.  Her beauty and brawn were united.  Together, for a brief moment, she was a divine statue of perfected maretriarch might, and the sheer expansion of muscles let her naughty sister-slut creaming all the harder beneath Celestia's tensing form.   The idea was an insatiable drug, now that Celestia's inhibitors were stripped.  She was lost on the thoughts.  On stealing away her pretty little amazon student to bring her completely into the same plane, the same resonance that she and Luna had.  On fucking the rather extensive brains out of her beloved, dearest to her heart above all save her sister, and there equal.  On those rather extensive brains coming back in the morning after, and discussing thaumatology and geopolitics over breakfast. Of marrying Twilight Sparkle at last. The panting, groaning, shuddering moment that followed swept Celestia and Luna alike on a dream born of hope.  Luna's alicornic essence, her marecum, came into its own alchemical power now.  Catalyzed by Celestia's, the two senior Princesses were wafted away to a fantasy land that seemed to breathe both warm love and heated lovemaking.  This, in its own way, was the lovemaking of goddesses; a shared pleasure that transcended their rather sticky incarnations. What was an orgasm like this?  The fancy of the marriage to come?  The joy of a flowering herd?  Hard to say. But it wasn't the end, not in the slightest. Her sweet "little" (merely mountainously mighty to Celestia's landmass) submissive was still coming down from the alchemical orgasm-high when Celestia refocused on the here and now.  "Time to reward you, my dear," she said softly, watching Luna's O-face with an increasingly wicked intent. And heat.  Part of the reason Celestia had had to wait for the rite to be in swing was that, simply put, once her motor got running, it was so hard to be anything but a horny, dominant bossmare in need of slaking.  Even after a decade (less recovery time) of lovemaking with one who had been her equal had barely bitten off some of the edge of thousands of years of simply never getting enough of a fuck. She played with that desperate urge for a moment, bright finger teasing over dark tongue.  The light scrape of her nails teased sensitive nerve endings, and suddenly, Luna was sucking as hungrily on Celestia's finger as she would Celestia's fat clit.  Celestia knew the nervous system of every species on her planet instinctively and academically, but she knew her ponies, especially her beloveds, best.  Just that little combo of scrape and stroke, of edge and gentleness, and her urge to dominate reveled in watching her beautiful warmistress sister cum from finger-sucking. It was a wickedness that blessed them both, and Celestia giggled as she retrieved her finger from Luna's lips.  With no reason not to, she took the moistness of Luna's mouth down between her thighs on that finger, mingling it with her own honey.  She could at least frig a bit of her edge off while she waited for Luna to recover. "Wha…" Luna stuttered for a moment, then shook her head.  "Your pardon, if you please, Celly; I seem to have stumbled and left myself behind in the future."  She tensed, her dark nips hardening as she heard her sister.. her lover… her mistress growl at her.  "Oh." Imagine, for a moment, not necessarily your perfect beauty, but a perfect beauty.  One whose juicy curves and sculpted strength had found such an overflowing balance that they drifted into the minds and lusts of whoever beheld them.  Not to displace one's own tastes, but to supplement them.  To show an erotic core and fire that made the heart ache and genitalia engorge, glistening in a glowing aurora much more than just her hair and tail. Now imagine Luna Selene Solutae, who very much loved mares best.  Who loved strength second only to a moral heart, who adored nice big curves to suck and squeeze and nuzzle.  Imagine her hearing that perfect beauty snarl with lust-- then getting a good, long, drooling look of that perfect beauty.  The perfect beauty who did match Luna's own internal ideas.  Everything that Dream dreamed of, on flagrant, flaunting parade. Climax was inevitable, and entirely welcome. Purring sinuously but shifting dangerously, Celestia grabbed her sister by her corded navy-hided throat.  "Yes.  Oh," she snarled.  It wasn't quite so bad.  The tantric rituals that Luna had been teaching hadn't just been for her apprentice cum fiancé.  Luna was starting toughen up, to reduce the personal and metaphysical gap on the squared millennium of Celestia's thousand years holding Sun and Moon combined. However, that just meant that their bed-destroying, pocket-plane-quaking lovemaking was more frequent.  The logic was clear; Celestia reminded herself, Which is why poor, doomed Lulu is right that I can surprise Twilight with a week or two of lovemaking, when twice in a month used to knock her for a loop.  "It's not Celly right now," she declared, and hoisted the naked giantess high up in the air. Luna was beautiful too, dangling there.  Hyper-detailed definition, giant curves wobbling around lusciously, warmare without equal-- ensnared.  Trapped by a giant hand and held to squirm midair.  Celestia's neck tensed, her clit throbbed, and she licked her lips.  Her hips tensed and her pussy clenched a bit, but she forbade herself any moans of pleasure at the sight of the dangling alicorn of the moon.  Standing, her immense muscles not even bulging, Celestia admitted to herself it wasn't quite true that she was 'Mistress Sun' yet now. She had summoned her SOL IMPERAT OMNES collar, and bound her-still heaving ultra-amazon body with the white straps and trophy belt that were her prefered costume for really, intensely physical domming.  Still… she reminded herself, keeping her loins in check, If anypony deserves a warning before I beat her into the same hide-shade as sweet little Sparkle, it's Lulu. The mare in question wasn't finished with her brattiness, it seemed.  "Oh?" Luna gasped around Celestia's terrifyingly strong fingers.  The sensation of utterly dominating the second most powerful entity on Epona-- of literally holding Luna's very breath in her hands-- was the headiest mead to Celestia.  She couldn't help herself; her nostrils flared with more than just their mutual scent; she involuntarily sucked in her lower lip and began to chew on it.  She almost missed the bratting, though, and that would never do. Luna's strength was sufficient to force the white fingers at her neck a bit apart, just by breathing, just by saying, "So… it's not Celly, who honestly needs some work on her intellectual dominatrix ac-eep!"  The bratting was cut short by another Solar Snarl, and the slap of great white wings leaving feather-prints over Luna's cutie marks. The flick of feather and the swat of wings was executed and repeated while Celestia's eyes bulged with lust, her skin flushed with need, and her Luna squealed with pleasure and pain alike.  She writhed, but she writhed to better present her ass for Celestia to punish.  For a moment, they concentrated on each other in the obscenely physical, and Luna shamelessly drenched the floor with her climactic juices yet again. Still, Lulu rallied, saying, "What you're grunting-- excuse me, saying-- is that instead, I'm getting the terrible, awful thistle patch of Mistress Sun.  That I, who submits only to one mare ever and rather enjoys getting a sweaty, physical, pounding ownage from the one entity stronger than myself… is going to get beaten, spanked, and made to squeal like I'd become the Pig-Princess of Orgasms?" Celestia glared.  Lulu, darn you, don't make me laugh or we're going to have to start all over! she fumed.  Or rather, the cuddly oversoul of her fumed.  The millennia-mastering scholar noted that there was definitely a challenger for both of them on the strength front, and that part of the whole point of their recent endeavours was that one would rise to give them both a little time off and let somepony else do the work for a change. Her inner teacher called that a run-on sentence, and tsked.  Mental department feuds were established, fought upon the field of bureaucratic honor, and ended, before a truce was called in favor of backing the Mistress Sun project. "Celly's gonna giggle!" came the mocking laugh.  Deep, now, not like when they were fillies.  Raspy, too; Mistress Sun had retightened her grip.  But repeated, always repeated, that mocking, singsong voice that threatened to rob her of all dignity.  "Celly's gonna giggle!  Celly's gonna giggle!" We're not foals any more, though, Mistress Sun thought, and her sudden, fierce smile actually had enough force to shut Lulu up.  Instead, she just stretched her burly arm higher, lifting Lulu's horn almost to the ceiling, and then hurled her against the floor of their temporary dimensional retreat. A good thing they were away from home, too.  Epona might or might not have survived the impact force with which Mistress Sun gave her disobedient slut the reward said sub desperately desired.  Canterlot certainly wouldn't have survived Lulu crashing to the ground, her massive Z-cup tits wobbling wildly about.  Her left tit even smacked her upside head as she crashed.  For that matter was a minor but attributable miracle to the mutual magics that had made the place that it didn't just shatter the walls of localized reality. "If it's a brutal pounding Lulu wants," Mistress Sun rumbled, "Then I'm afraid it's a brutal pounding you're going to get, my dear.  I hope you have a good enough cushion for court tonight." the growl and reverberation of her voice was pitched to Lulu's ears and Lulu's lusts.  The vibration tsunami struck Lulu as she lay prone, and her body responded on automatic.  The floor was pounded by two huge navy blue hammers masquerading as fists, and gorgeous quads that looked like they could support the sky in their chiseled majesty thrust up, heels hard on the floor. Her gushing cunt was displayed for Mistress Sun's prurient amusement, and Mistress Sun was pleased with the result indeed. And with her partner's resilience.  "Promises, milady," quipped Lulu, and then yelped as Mistress Sun kicked her legs out from under her, sending her abused ass right down to the floor again.  Not stopping there, Mistress Sun slammed her giant, size-thirty foot down onto Lulu's rock-and-then-some hard abs.  Beautiful, supremely sculpted abdominal muscles that nonetheless needed more than just the 'some' as a chiseled leg that could literally have kicked mass on the same scale with their owner's sun came down on them. Nowhere near so fierce, of course.  Keyed up and horny, yes; anything but loving towards her Lulu, never. She ground that big, flat foot into Lulu's stomach, chuckling in a deep super-contralto as the flailing, impotent strength of the Warmistress of Equestria was slammed again and again towards the pinning leg.  Then Mistress Sun flexed. The sight would have driven Lulu to weep, Sun knew, if the horny bitch wasn't too busy cumming again.  Even Mistress Sun was too honest not to admit she didn't enjoy the look as much as the feel.  It started with her foot, of course.  Toes tensing and ankle pivoting, the bulge seemed to travel up, Mistress Sun's huge calf suddenly swelled like the rising sun.  That titanic ball of beautiful strength was hardly the end.  Tendons like bridge-cables across the void of stars pulled and became taut.  Her huge thigh's succulent padding seemed to part as vast prominences, new mountain ranges grew.  Quadriceps triumphant. Lulu gamely struggled on, pounding and jamming at Mistress Sun's gorgeously expanded leg even as the mere muscular sight of it made her squeal and juice.  She even dared try to roll off to one side or the other.  Still, without the Nightmare's augmentation, Lulu's quest was futile.  Her control was not. Neither dominant nor submissive unleashed the full vastness of her power in that moment.  The full scent of their aroused sexes, certainly.  A certain hammyness, whether in Lulu's completely impractical writhing that mostly just showed her bouncing breasts off for her dom or Mistress Sun's smug triumph which mostly kept Lulu's breathing on the ragged edge, sure.  But neither wished to risk the other, nor to risk their play becoming perilous through overcorrection. Indeed, boob-quaking more than pure strength was the competition of the moment.  While Lulu went for a sort of wild writhe, Mistress Sun went for a titanic tit-jiggle cascade instead.  She laughed.  Laughed uproariously, posing the whole while, raising the back of one hand to her muzzle, the other curled into a battering fist and planted on one of the orbiting vastnesses of her fertile hips. Delicious, Mistress Sun thought, moaning in between gasped laughter now.  Her ZZZZ tits felt so good in barely-bound bobbly, wobbly display.  Nipples hardened and pressed against the straps of her outfit, redoubling the pleasure of it all, a wonderful foreplay even as its hypnotic excess 'forced' poor Lulu into drooling admiration. There was, however, a lot of room for 'not quite perilous' within both mares' circumstances of the moment.  Indeed, much of their activity would be taken towards creating the fullness of both mares' desires.  Luna Selene Solutae was still Unbound, no matter how much Mistress Sun tied up and ravished Lulu the Slave.  However, as lovers, even Luna's thirst for dominance was simply redirected.  In general, redirected to her own submissives, and to being what would have been called a pushy bottom for Celestia had it been especially likely for Celestia to fail to give her beloved sister the release she craved. Mistress Sun was quite well aware that her 'beaten' slave on the ground was at least superior enough of a tactician to catch her tells, of course.  In There was a part of her that was far too aware that the whole thing was an elaborate pantomine between functional equals.  Functional equals who had nine years ago and change shyly, and far more tenderly worked out the terms of their sexual relationship at all levels.  With the thoroughness of generals, diarchs, and consummate nerds, they had worked out everything, including their kinkiness, and any "battles" were-- well.  Because it got them both hot. So when Mistress Sun dropped the laughter, Lulu the Slave was, of course caught by the "unexpected" knee-drop that followed.  Which just so happened to fall on those beaten abs again, and in turn, left Lulu hissing in pain.  The kind of pain that to an inveterate sado-masochist like the ultra-muscled Lulu, vastly accentuated the pleasure that Mistress Sun's huge foot soon "forced" upon Lulu's clenching, drenching cunt. Both concentrated on ignoring their analytics, and threw scare quotes right out the window of their self narration.  "Fiend!" gasped Lulu, and swung her clasped fists together in a giant mace-swing right up towards Mistress Sun's colossal tits.  Mistress Sun caught them both in her outstretched palm, the lightning quick strike of her massive arm slamming against Lulu's wrists and making the blue-hided warmistress yelp in shock. Shortly followed by Lulu also yelping out, "Ah, blasted Su-u~unnnnnf!" as Mistress Sun squeezed hard… and began to stroke her thick foot in swifter, skilled motions against Lulu's femmejuice-weeping pussy.  Microcontrol so far beyond that which any of their younger alicorn colleagues could even conceive of let Mistress Sun wield the motion of toes and tendons and the foot itself with even more dexterity than a tongue or even fingers on a mortal pony. There was a reward in this, too.  More than the heady fumes of Luna's hypnagogic musk exciting Mistress Sun's own throbbing clit in turn.  Urge was rising in Mistress Sun, and there was such relief in conquering her slut's pussy.  But not enough. "You're going to submit shortly, little slut," growled Mistress Sun.  "Just give in, and spare yourself the pain."  Words like 'Tyrant' or 'Rebel' were… not good for them, in terms of mental health.  Not here, in their lovemaking, though both looked forward to experimenting with Sparkle and the others.  The frustrated storyteller in them both wanted that kind of play.  For the moment, Lulu was Mistress Sun's lower-case-r-rebellious slut, and insistently so. Rebellious, brutalized, and already cumming like a common street whorse.  In heat.  MIstress Sun didn't give Lulu much time to deny her.  Still holding Lulu's wrists trapped and constricted, she reached behind herself.  A bright white hand scooped up under the chiseled, sweat-drenched expanse of navy leg, and yanked forward.  The smaller alicorn struggled against it, but she was simply no match for the unleashed strength of the Sun. Nor would Mistress Sun permit her to desire such struggles, not for long.  Her dextrous toes swiftly sought and found intimacies with Lulu's sex, soaking them, yes, but caressing folds and squeezing labia all the while.  "N-no!" squealed the helpless wench, and Mistress Sun smiled beatifically. Then she caught Lulu's clit between her toes to better torment, and pulled harder on Lulu's stretching, bulging, flexing weakness of a mountainous leg.  "You're exposed, slave," Mistress Sun intoned fiercely.  "Already caught; already doomed.  Give over, and I'll fill your sex with more than just foot.  Stuff you and claim you… again." "Ne-- nnn… NEVER!" howled Lulu, kicking hard at Mistress Sun's sculpted side with her free leg.  It was worse than futile; she was creaming-- squirting-- all over Mistress Sun's foot, and the huge Solar Dominatrix could feel Lulu's core clench beneath her shin, rough abs squeezing and rippling as the force of her orgasm hit. It was also futile because it just put Lulu's other leg, no matter how strong, no matter how mega-amazonian, in reach of Mistress Sun's rippling, broad arm.  The ultra-amazon Sun simply snatched  the other leg, forcing it bent double and around like the first.  "I could hog-tie you like the little piggy you are," she said with a chuckle, "But why should I give you further orgasms as  you desire before you submit?  Before you even service your mistress?" Smirking, the ten-foot-eight alicorn rose back to her feet and released Lulu's waving limbs.  She didn't spare her muscular sub anything, though.  As the dark-hided beauty below sought to roll away, Mistress Sun's cabled, hawsered, redwood-might leg tensed, muscles like an avalanche forming under the soft padding-- and then slammed into Lulu's oblique as she tried to squirm out. Before the kick could send Lulu flying, casual power and beautiful strength arrested Lulu's momentum.  While the mighty limbs of the lunar alicorn were already beginning to prepare for a force-dispersing roll, Mistress Sun gave a casual leg show, a brief flex like continental plates grinding islands up into existence from nothing.  Just for a blink of an eye, just to distract Lulu's attention with lust.  And in that eyeblink, Mistress Sun used that flex, her long leg pumping out again… And her heel came down on Lulu's sternum like the thunderclap of a crashing meteor.  She pinned Lulu's broad body down through the writhing crash, then almost daintily lifted her marecum-coated size-thirty foot to dangle in front of Lulu's lips.  "Clean," Mistress Sun growled.  "Suck your lewdness from my toes, or I'll just tie a strapon over your cunt when it comes time to use you like a stallion." As expected, the threat to her sister's (mostly hammed-up) misandrist, traditionalist Dignity was all that was required.  Mistress Sun gave a pleasured moan as Lulu began to make long, obscene licks at Sun's toes,  The press of tongue against the sensitive flesh, so used to avoiding all obstacles, was wondrous.  Indeed, Mistress Sun hardly needed to reach between her thighs to accompany the shuddering delight of Lulu massaging the ball of her foot. > Chapter 2 - Prelude Part II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lulu's world narrowed to her mouth, her mistress' foot, and her own clenching cunny.  Her need, her fueled lust drove her, no longer to escape or to masturbate in lunatic frenzy, but to suck on those huge white toes.  She slathered her tongue up and down over Mistress Sun's foot, the taste of that calloused white hide ambrosia in this strange moment. And was rewarded by the gentle fall of aphrodisiac from her mistress' teasing twat, the splash of it igniting Lulu's already sensitive Z-cups with ecstasy.  She moaned, but did not fail in her duties, trembling her tongue like a flat vibrator as she scraped it along Mistress Sun's broad size-thirty foot.  She kissed when she dared, her dextrous upper lip massaging like pleading fingers across the taut white hide. The stress of rulership and goddesshood melted from Lulu.  Her hard core, the impenetrable Unbound Moon noted grimly that while she was getting the time of her life, her sister-mistress was barely even cutting into her own urges.  Lulu could read it in the tenseness, the extra quiver in her mistress' legmuscles even as Lulu sucked and lapped at Mistress Sun's proffered heel.  She would not permit Celestia to forget her promise afterwards. Until then, the fun doubled and redoubled.  When at last she heard her mistress growl, "Enough!" Lulu obediently rolled onto her back, hands at her side.  She was unsurprised that Mistress Sun chose to rub their mutual position in, wiping her foot off on Lulu's face and muzzle. S'fine, she thought.  Means Lulu can do this!  With the thought, she stole kisses from the conquering foot, then beamed up at the stern, growling face partially obscured by gigantic white-hided boobs.  "Love you, Mistress," she panted.  "Your Lulu merely wishes to thank your foot for the privilege of being its towel, too." A chuckle escaped the larger alicorn's taut abs, rolling up through her gargantuan rack and putting a smile on that fierce face.  Surrendering in her own way, Mistress Sun planted her dried foot to the other side of Lulu's head and squatted down with superstorm thighs spread lazily wide.  Pretty pussy, was all Lulu could moan, to herself, as she stared into the gorgeous drenched sex mere inches past her lips, let alone the hypnotic pulse of her mistress' auroric pubes. She couldn't manage verbalizing the words at all, and didn't care.  She did care when Mistress Sun tapped two strong fingers against those addictively beautiful lips and nodded: permission. Lulu curled with ease, her toned belly tensing and her shoulders twitching just lightly.  Without daring to lift a limb that she had not been ordered, not even her wings, she easily held herself up and began to messily kiss at those divine labia.  To lick-clean all the aphrodisiac musk and marejuice she was permitted-- but not daring clit or to go within without command.  Not yet. Mistress Sun groaned, and Lulu could see where her gigantic thigh muscles fought with each other to avoid slamming over Lulu's head and trapping her in the dark of leg and cunt.  Not that Lulu would mind such a potent embrace of gorgeous mega-muscles, thanks.  But she listened obediently as her mistress warned, "I'm still going to use you like one of my stallions, sweet wimp.  Your tongue is nice, but I want to feel something stiff between my thighs while I pound you onto the floor." Lulu had little time to earn herself more of the pleasure, then.  Her nostrils flaring and lungs filling with Mistress Sun's dominating pheromones, she tentatively stroked her tonguetip closer to that pulsing clit nestled just beneath the base of the aurora-flowing pubic mound.  "A fine pleading, dear slut," Mistress Sun crooned.  "You can earn a double-ender, I think.  You have my permission to pig out on the greatest pussy on the planet." Arrogance like that would have brought their old relationship into a terrible row, of course.  Luna was proud of her beauty, right down to the sacred dark deliciousness of her twat.  But she and her sister weren't dropping trou in a bivouac tent to competitively masturbate and compare cunts.  If Lulu's mistress hadn't ladyed it over her and reveled in her mistressy, the Luna part of her would have been angry and disappointed.  Instead, she got her fantasy, she got her orgasms, and she got to make her lover squeal. Even this is mine, a sad thought followed.  And why I must push her to take dear Twilight Sparkle to our hidden home.  Am I the slave in this phantasy?  Perhaps, but the truest climaxes have been all mine, and dear Mistress Sun's need but touched lightly.  A grin touched her lips, which she pressed to the gorgeous nether lips before her.  Let us be harder for my silly-hard Celestia, then. So she got to work eagerly.  The same expertise that had driven her sister insane with teased near-climax before was bent to one end and one end only: total climax.  Celestia might equally value cock and cunt but Luna didn't.  So Lulu gave those tasty folds and pretty clit the ride of their eternal life.  She'd spent quite enough time between curvy thighs, as an arrogant mistress tasting a perfect meal, as a lover of equals, spreading pleasure and sharing joy.  Every tongue-lash against waiting G, every drilling thrust deep within moist folds, and every swirl of broad, flat muscle against that pulsing clit was the refined and practiced expression of cunnilingual perfection. Just what Mistress Sun deserved, of course. The dangerous bulge of quad and quad made the air around Lulu's head quiver.  Mistress Sun was flexing her legs hard, grinding her own calves back up into her thighs.  Not just in errant display, either.  She fucked Lulu's face with a moaning, grunting, shuddering lust, rocking her enormous hips back and forth in partnership with Lulu's skilled oral efforts.  Divine lips clenched, and when Lulu dared to flick her eyes up, she saw her mistress' rippling belly, a constant wave and surge of tense power as Lulu's work was rewarded. As for the Mare of the Moon herself, this not-actually thralldom was no bad fate.  Indulged in the fantasies her poor cult and thestrals could not provide her, she thrilled.  Dominant as she might be with them, top as she might be nine lusts out of ten, Luna needed some time off the hot seat of mistressy once in awhile, something only her dearest Celestia could provide, for now. The formalization of Safe, Sane, and Consensual was, in Lulu and Luna's estimation, one of the better philosophical developments of this new world she'd been thrust into.  Speaking of thrusts…  Idle thoughts would not get her poor dominatrix-sister off. Despite not needing to breathe at all, she furiously inhaled her mistress' pheromones nearly as hungrily as she sucked down the Solar Marecum.  Mistress Sun's orgasms left an indescribably glorious taste on Lulu's tongue, burning like ambrosia on the way down.  The essence of those orgasms electrified Lulu, and as her mistress keened out a high, triumphant wail, Lulu's own untended but hardly unstimulated sex quivered with its own ecstasy.  They were together, and the pleasure would always grow as it was shared between them. Lulu took her time "earning" further mutual pleasure.  She savored the taste of Mistress Sun's hide and sex alike, especially tending her hardened clit with worshipful kisses and clever licks.  She modulated and moderated, taking care to ever-increase Mistress Sun's pleasure with lap after lap, but committing neither to over-stimulate one spot, nor to neglect her ready G within.   Whoops, she thought as her head was abruptly surrounded with bright-hided hyper-muscle.  Somepony's feeling good.  Squeezing tight enough to crush worlds but light enough to barely ring Lulu's bell, she could feel the trembles and clenches of conquering thighs around her skull in quakes and waves. For all the clenching power and dizziness it caused Lulu, she pressed another pleased smile to pleasured Solar-nethers.  Tis what a drum's orgasm must feel, was her whimsical decision.  Not that the night-maned Princess of the Moon minded; her mistress couldn't unleash her strength like this with a mortal, or even Sparkle; this service was-- so far-- Lulu's own. Service repaid with service, a wonderful high of resistance and strength clashing, and Lulu probed the one source of light available to her: her mistress' glowing nethers.  Lulu might not have sweet little Shy's absurdly long tongue, but hers was long enough to reach the treasured depths of her mistress.  Her upper lip, as capable as a finger, kept steady time on Mistress Sun's clit, and together… Light and air returned, though Lulu still preferred Mistress Sun's fragrance to it all, even the sweetness of denied breath returned.  Mistress Sun slammed her huge quads far apart as her climax struck, her thick hands running through her flowing mane above.  Lulu noted the display, and the accompanying re-spread of wings and re-re-rebouncing of titanic tits, with an almost abstract adoration; her practical focus was on the squirting cunt creaming over her greedy tongue. Mistress Sun's roars could not be so easily ignored, and they had their intended side-effects.  Lulu couldn't have stopped her tail from flagging beneath her if she'd wanted.  Having submitted to the elder alicorn, even her consummate cunny-focus was yielding to similarly submit to her sister-dominatrix's desire for cock, artificial at the least.  In between slurping up Mistress Sun's orgasmic release, she fluttered her eyelashes at her mistress, and whined. Given that Mistress Sun's unrestrained and unfathomably beautiful ZZZZs were flinging and jiggling about wildly, and Mistress Sun's head was thrown back in abandon as she creamed, Lulu's begging eyes were probably missed.  But it was clear her whining wasn't; when Mistress Sun finished half-drowning her sister-submissive in alicorn marecum, she let out a rumbling purr.  "Ready to be used, wench?"  A tender, if stern hand came down to rub the Celestial scent over Lulu's muzzle.  A mark of ownership; a possessive love. Good, the irrepressible Luna within thought.  No more shame for your lusts and kinks, my dear one.  Your Luna will show you the way to be Unbound, and not merely Unconquered. Indeed, that lovely threat, that dreadfully arousing promise-- all the same, really-- was enough to get Lulu shuddering from horn to toes.  "Shall thy Lulu then be used as she is best made, Mistress?" she cooed, nuzzling Mistress Sun's hand with bestial abandon.  For all she was covered and claimed by her mistress' climax, and pinned beneath the Princessly Pussy, Lulu blushed hotly.  "Wouldst that thou made such use of me until sight has left and my hearing filled with thy pleasure, beloved."  She winked slyly.  "Of course, thy Lulu's sense was struck from her head in the moment you claimed her." Her lover's scene-face faltered a bit, and she recognized the vulnerability that struck at Celestia's heart, here.  To let her in, in an intimacy Celestia's special cadre could never have, to release those bounds of propriety that kept the Princess of the Sun as a distant and gentle matriarch even when topping her cadre…  It was a venture and a blossoming. A treasure, a gift as true as Luna's submission in turn.  Luna's voice cracked a bit, and she gazed lovingly into Celestia's gentle eyes.  "Bless you for opening heart and bed to me," she said softly, and Celestia smiled, tracing her fingers over femmejuice-stained hide, drawing abstractions on Luna's face. "Bless you for loving me," Celestia replied.  "For all I failed you, and others had to come to your rescue."  Then, before Luna's orgasm-addled brain could protest such 'failings,' Celestia switched to a growling purr.  "And along those lines, let's see if we can't fuck you silly, my dear cunt.  Ready?" A long eee of delight escaped Lulu's throat, and she wriggled on the floor beneath her mistress.  "At thy command, Mistress Sun," she noted, then grinned broader, straining her head and corded neck against her mistress' prison of muscle.  "And at thy convenience only, of course." Slowly, Mistress Sun uncurled from her crouch.  Take thy slave's breath with thee, beloved mistress, Lulu thought, watching the motion.  Maretriarch, thou'rt the Sun, save what Moon can carve.  When she had been younger and… influenced… Lulu had envied much about her sister.  The row upon row of titanic muscle; the excessively fertile and fertilely excessive curves; the delicate poise and control. All of that was on display in the simple act of standing.  Lush waves of curvaceousness danced atop muscled masses on her legs and hips.  Her breezy, warm tail slid across Lulu's battered torso like the gentle hand of mercy, only to add a merciless tease to Lulu's much-climaxed quim at the end.  Her belly, fit and perfect, almost mechanistic in its rigid glory but with just enough curves to make it real and lust-devouring. Her sex, of course, and her mighty mammary mountains too, but Lulu knew she would be lost once again if she stared at those too long.  Instead, she took a now-critical eye to her sister's elegant vastness.  The massive Mistress Sun curled her potent arms as she rose, sufficient flexion to bulge her forearms and tease at the power within her biceps, but only to bulge pleasingly. Now, older, wounded but healed, and more sure of herself, Lulu was… proud.  Not merely of how powerful and gorgeous her bossmare was, but of herself, and her own comparative musclework.  Here, as in military thinking or weapons skill, she was the superior to her sister-dominatrix.  She didn't flaunt it in that moment, but her personal bodysculpting, by biomantic will and relentless exercise, had achieved a perfection that even Mistress Sun had not.  The difference in the muscular chisel was slight, but Mistress Sun's curvy excess, while mouth-wateringly complimentary to her sculpted form, concealed and contrasted some of that strength. Whereas Lulu, if her mistress had ordered, could flex but lightly and show off form and rigidity, expansion and tension, all manner of wondrous bodybuilding. She had not been so ordered, so she masturbated instead, slipping her supple fingers down to her own ethereal mound.  "Mistress," she moaned.  "Thy curves will shatter thy Lulu if thee but wills it." Mistress Sun snorted, irked only in the smallest bit.  Indeed, the whole session was finally, finally getting her nerves relaxed, her knots unwound, and of course, her pussy released as it deserved, as her poor pony cadre subs simply couldn't withstand.  But still!  While part of the fun was wiping the floor with her beloved bitch, Lulu did have a crazy tendency to switch between extremes of irrepressible brat and over-effusive supplicant.  Her similar tendency to revert to archaic forms when truly emotional was… cute, the massive muscle-mistress supposed, but her poetry was so gloomy sometimes. Still, bitch-boinking to be done, and mutual preternatural passion to increase and then culminate.  She waved a hand as she began to circle Lulu's prone, self-pleasuring body.  A smile did cross her lips; Lulu was so wonderfully messy when she was in ecstasy.  She even managed to somehow end up with her ethereal mane disheveled into wispy-knotty strands, and that was just the weirdest of it.  Celestia's teeth caught on her lower lip; she adored watching sweat form over hide that almost never felt strained, and a flush of dark red under darkest blue… Mine! A grunt escaped Mistress Sun's lips, and she firmly toe-squeezed Lulu's fat right nipple.  "My curves will shatter you, dear pet?" she asked with a soft laugh.  "You could tempt your owner to spend forever ensconced here, so long as you promised to scream and sing songs of praise like this to me." "Forever, Mistress, thy slave wouldst-- ahhh!" wailed Lulu.  The gorgeous sculpting of the dark princess' hyper-amazonian body came into sharp relief as she came.  Between Mistress Sun's toe-manipulation of her climax-sensitized nub, and her own expert frigging, she lost herself again. Honestly, I'm only slightly jealous of the sculpting she's gotten from lifting with dear Twiley's resistance artifacts, Mistress Sun reminded herself as she stood over Lulu.  She caressed and fondled Lulu's flexing and tensing bicep, using just her foot's light press to force Lulu's eighty-five inch bicep to turn from peak to plain, not even putting her weight into it.  Then she slid the big toe, nail-edge, down to the side and pressed-- there!  I do like the effects my curves have on sluts like Lulu and prizes like Sparkle.  And she also enjoyed watching a bit of pressure-point response put Lulu back into flexing her bicep out hard. "Oh, stop pouting, you silly wench," Mistress Sun told her, and her horn flared.  She didn't need to focus on the telekinesis to retrieve her next tool of mutual victory, so she just leered at her twitching sub.  "You like it when I admire my property-- your body, that you work so hard to give me…"  She groaned, panting a bit.  It wasn't completely true, of course; Luna had worked out and chosen a path for herself. But she does so love surrendering it to me, Mistress Sun thought happily, and slid her foot up to brush against Lulu's muzzle.  The horny slave kissed almost as eagerly as though she were at either of Mistress Sun's lips, and the huge solar alicorn grinned broadly.  "You did serve my pussy well, dear slut," she cooed at Lulu, who gave the most adorably lewd blush at the compliment. Tapping her chin while Lulu enthusiastically debased herself for Mistress Sun's foot, the mistress considered her options.  "The floor's a bit… worked from our last bout," she mused, "But I'm not sure even your performance was good enough you deserve to be fucked in a bed."  She winked, and held out one of her larger double-ended dildos, still shimmering in her gold aura.  It was huge, an old favorite for doing favored lovers, and she had none save Sparkle who even equaled Lulu in her favor. It was broad and knobbly, ten inches wide at the thinnest, with a multiplicity of rings and bumps to better stimulate the Royal Pussy and whoever got to be the other end as the keystone in a night of stress relief.  Just holding it out made her glow with warm memories of hotter nights.  She quirked an eyebrow, and looked down at Lulu.  Not one to waste a moment looking at a lovely mare in private, Mistress Sun brought a broad hand up to her broader teat, and began to fondle the soft breastflesh of the base. Interesting, Mistress Sun thought.  She's not actually grimacing at the moment; she usually plays up the misandry a bit, if just for persona.  For all she was 'forceful' and arrogant as Mistress Sun, Celestia would never have done something Luna found truly unpleasant-- but something the little nine-foot-four warmistress could squirm about?  That just made things more fun for them both. But, she thought, watching Luna skip mock-shudders and go straight to the lewd squirming.  An eyebrow raised elegantly, framed by Celestia's floating mane.  Huh.  She's actually following the sway of my toy with hunger!  She sucked on her lower lip, licking her teeth slowly as she plotted. Nickering with delight, Mistress Sun leered and arched her back.  Her gigantic quadruple-Zs bounced forward; her abs stood out in sharp relief, and she swung the knobbly, soft-ridged mass around in front of Lulu's face.  "Mmm," she purred.  "Could it be that your apprentice has gotten you used to loving a cock?  Should I animate my lovely toy here on your side as well?  Not just fuck you like some pretty little stallion, but fill you like a broodmare, too?" Lulu whimpered deliciously, and Mistress Sun was surprised to see real conflict in her sub's face.  Carefully watching to make sure she didn't go too far, she pressed at the sudden flush of shame and interest in those expressive, almond shaped eyes.  "You do think so!" she said with a laugh.  "Little Lulu Pussy-Licker has got a taste for male-cum at last."  She smirked.  "Should your mistress be jealous?  Your apprentice hasn't passed your challenge yet…" "He hath not, madame, nor do I yield to any of thy unfortunate obsession with the weaker sex!" barked Lulu back, then yelped as Mistress Sun swatted her face with the huge false cock.  The animation and living warmth Lulu usually avoided was already flaring in it, but much as Mistress Sun surmised, the massive lunar alicorn didn't protest that. "You just keep believing that, my cockthirsty little pony," Mistress Sun taunted, and spoke over Lulu's outraged half-word, half-grunt retorts.  "Or do you think you're any more capable of holding your climaxes against my will now than last time?" Lulu huffed, and Mistress Sun chuckled fondly.  She hadn't quite gotten to dear Sparkle with anything like that yet, of course; even for Lulu, she had only started directly forcing her sub to break discipline.  It was one of the dangers; one of the reasons she needed the Herd to dissipate her drives.  If she really wanted… if she really pushed… then nopony, no entity she'd ever fucked had been able to hold out.  And I always want to push, she thought with a concealed sigh.  I have to be so restrained from day to day it kills me! Even with a lover; even with the mightiest of her lovers, on most nights. Not tonight, she vowed.  Lulu wouldn't be fighting her, and she wanted to send her on to dreamland and her Lunar patrols with bliss, not the tangled emotions that one of their clashes, if otherwise fun, would lead.  So she didn't make the order, and instead, grabbed her sister's flowing mane in hand, and hauled her over towards the bed.  "Cavemare style is the least I'm going to do to you, little cunt," she promised.  "Speaking of Sparkle, I had her reinforce the bed the same way she did her own." Lulu groaned, and Mistress Sun laughed again, her nostrils flaring as Lulu's arousal hit like the sweetest of perfumes.  "Lulu," she said with mock exasperation, "Are you looking forward to me using you as a dildo-sconce?  And pounding down on you until you are unconscious?" The reply was prompt, and pert enough that Mistress Sun felt compelled to telekinetically tan her sub's cutie-marks.  "Please and thank you, beloved Mistress," Lulu said cheerfully.  "With an extra bit of boobnosis on the si-EeEEEeeek!"  Her punishment earned and received, Lulu got in a climax early. As a further 'punishment,' obviously for climaxing before her mistress, and not because Lulu loved the cavemare act, really, Mistress Sun hauled the bratty wench completely off the ground by her mane and hurled her onto the bed.  Not that I can really begrudge her, she thought with a hidden smile.  She doesn't enjoy edging quite as much as I do, and-- well.  A blush almost slipped through Mistress Sun's adamantine self-control.  She got me to promise to do what I wanted to do anyway, and it means she's going to be missing this for a week.  The least I can do, really. The 'least,' in this sense, included Mistress Sun slapping Lulu lewdly on her abused cutiemark, smirking, and ordering, "Legs up, wench.  I know you remember how to be taken like a stud."  Whining, whimpering-- and sticking her tongue out at the distasteful comparison-- Lulu obeyed. Mistress Sun took her time to enjoy the view of her prize slut shifting into place.  Those long, rough-hewn dark blue legs were so gorgeous in their appropriately amazonian vastness, and the position had two secondary benefits. Lulu's hips and rump were one of the few areas of her body with more than minimal padding at all.  Celestia did love fat-bottomed mares.  A nice, lush curve, still slightly glowing red from repeated stern spanks, jiggling and quivering with anticipation as her sex winked.  The earnest invitation of Lulu's twat wasn't the only gorgeous invitation on display.  She was flexible enough to spread her legs a bit as she hauled them back, but Lulu's lovely Zs were simply too big to let her knees avoid pushing back into all that pert, almost unnatural bounciness. The resulting squish of the Lovely Lunar Globes was almost enough to tempt Mistress Sun into another position, just to get some time sucking on those beautiful black shotglass-nubs.  Almost; it would mean disappointing Lulu's anticipation of humiliation-play to an extent, and Mistress Sun hated to disappoint.  Even if I'll have her screaming my name either way, she thought confidently. With a bit more swagger to her drool-demanding hips, and a bit more flex in her gigantic, bulky quads, than the motion required, Mistress Sun sauntered onto the bed.  Her mega-melons bounced; her enormous nipples, bigger than even her own fists, perked a bit excessively as Lulu's entire body shuddered with very complimentary delight at the sight.  Once she was on the bed, she remained on her knees, but Lulu's supine supplication kept their position clear. Mistress Sun snorted, levitating the dildo over.  "I know you don't need hands to hold yourself in place, cunt," she warned Lulu.  "Even without your wings you'd be able to hold your back in place.  So bring up those greedy hands and show your mistress where you're going to be dicked and dick-holder alike."  As Lulu whined, she flashed a toothy smile.  "Don't worry about showing me how much you're looking forward to it.  You're flash-flooding my bed, my dear; I know you're looking forward to being used and ravished all in one." Shuddering and shaking from a submissive thrill far more than any effort, Lulu's big biceps tensed lightly as she moved to obey.  Holding herself up as her mistress noted, by sheer backpower alone, her thick fingers reached her puffy vulva and pinned the labia wide open, a dark wetness exposed to the Sun's prurient heat.  By sheer force of will, she managed to even relax her sex enough to keep her clitty-wink to a little tremble of desire, but it seemed like nothing could stop her aromatic gush to be owned. "Mine," growled Mistress Sun, and she roughly planted the 'plug' tip of the double-dildo into Luna.  A curved, almost inverse teardrop shape designed to force the sub's pussy to take a larger and larger shaft, then fit snugly in place so that Mistress Sun herself was never treated to anything less than her own satisfying fullness, the huge thing bowed out as far as twelve-inches in width at one point.  Animated by its inherent magic, it forced a hyper stretch, lewd and broad, on the dark, pretty pussy, and Mistress Sun's will set it wriggling about almost instantly Lulu squealed at the obscene penetration, her fingers trembling, but holding herself wide and vulnerable for the invader.  "Oh, such a drama prince," Mistress Sun sniffed.  "I know you've been taking bigger cock on a regular basis, slut." The long, groaning shudder that forced its way through Lulu like the Solar Shaft did her pussy was music to Mistress Sun's ears.  The beautiful warmare-sub moaned, "Quality over quantity, milady!  In thy hands, at thy pressage, I am the more impressed!"  She was already bucking, her hips tensing and her shoulderblades slamming into the reinforced bed, and Mistress Sun was doing her best to play that up. She knew her sub's sex so well, after all.  As her hands wrapped around the hyper-wide and change phallus, she gave it a slight tilt and curve with each thrust, the better to make Lulu feel herself stretch, to feel her deepest, most sensitive regions stimulated with both pinpoint precision and a faux-callous force.  Mistress Sun's control of the animated dildo was an easy multitask, letting her squirm it and wriggle the bumpy surface about, leaving no part of her sister's soaked slit unplundered-- or unpleasured. Humming happy to herself, Mistress Sun watched her sub quake and quiver with pleasure.  Watched that taut, tense belly begin to swell from the hyper-sized invasion.  It was all delicious.  A deep laugh bellowed forth, sending her immense rack wiggling and wobbling about, and she commented, "Rainbow of Light, you're such a pretty picture, my dear Lulu.  You always are when that needy little cunt of yours is blowing your mind out with pleasure.  And like this, my…"  She groaned with pleasure, squeezing muscle and fat together with her two thighs rubbing across the puffy lips of her sex.  "You're almost as gorgeous as when I've my fist elbow-deep in you and you start to forget either of our names." Groaning and gasping, Lulu managed to thrust her hips up to further meet the stretching shaft.  "At thy hands, mistress," she started, but quavered under a glare from Mistress Sun.  Well, quavered slightly differently.  "Ah, as thou wish't, I shan't be too gloomy."  Then she gave her mistress a much more fiery, much more Luna stare.  "So long as you do pound me to pieces… figuratively, anyway." Mistress Sun laughed and began to thrust the shaft deeper and deeper, cooing and licking her lips as she watched Lulu buck and bounce against the wriggling intrusion.  I knew the reversions were more than half an act! she accused mentally, but let her sub play the foolish time-lost and sex-addled wanderer. It made her happy, after all, and that was what Mistress Sun's lust and love could agree upon. At last, the thicker-still base rested against Lulu's slit, and Mistress Sun idly slapped away Lulu's hands.  "Beneath that lovely rear of yours, dear slut," she commanded.  "And be ready to be used." Lulu's grunts were deeper now, and she carefully clasped her hands, one over the other, beneath her upraised ass.  'Ready' proved a little more difficult; the massive phallus didn't quite mold the body like a live stud or futa might their partner, despite the animating spell.  In fact, the rigidity was a part of how Mistress Sun wanted it, keeping her pretty prey overfull and under more than just a bit of strain.  Strain that accompanied and accentuated the usual erogenous flow of a stretch, of course. But the nine-foot-four alicorn managed it at last, all four feet of stimulating shaft outlined as it plowed up through Lulu's abs, capturing and distending them, to nestle in the dark perkiness of her giant Zs.  Mistress Sun smiled, and stood up to her full height.  Muscles upon muscles in literally divine harmony followed the motion yet again, and through her connection to the sex toy, she felt Lulu clench and spasm in orgasmic awe. She wasn't done yet. "And what do you think of this difference between conquered and conquest, then?" she asked with a groan of her own as she dipped the other end towards her own pussy, guiding the stiff head in between slick folds.  Lulu blushed, and tried to settle her hips and accept her oncoming mistress like a good filly-stud, but she kept wriggling.  Even, or perhaps especially after Mistress Sun spanked her. It's always so nice seeing her react to this trick, Mistress Sun thought fondly.  It had only come in the centuries after Nightmare Moon's defeat.  Somehow, despite the normal way that hyper bodies interacted, Celestia's had become quite a bit more… dominant.  While a hyper maretriarch would still distend over a hyper stud's cock, relying on muscle control and eager acumen to maintain control of the fuck in the classic, traditionalist paradigm (the less said about the neotraditionalist, the better), Celestia conquered cock, be it of male or futa or fake, as now. Of course, she conquered everything she took within; fists and even fingers on the rare occasions she'd lain with a dragon or sapient kaiju.  They all did as the dildo did now: became compressed without damage, without even distress, to fit her form.  As Mistress Sun, she reveled in this final, intimate domination, and so the hardness of her abs remained unchallenged as her core clenched, all but devouring the faux phallus on the way in.  Thankfully, there was an… equivalent sensation to the erogenous distension flow effect, a heated, pulsing feeling of her whole form, frame and flesh and hide, enjoying itself with this.  A full-body ecstacy distribution. Perhaps down to her very spirit. She took it all in, pushing her weight down onto her waiting sister.  The thickness of it was a delicious tightness.  Even if it couldn't stretch her, it did fill her, and there was a lovely irregularity to its knobbly construction.  Even before she took the whole shaft inside, she began to clench her core around it and thrust down, rocking Luna back against the bed.  "Going to pound you, sweet Lulu," she purred.  "Going to pound you, and scorch your mind with pleasure." "P-p-please… ahh!" squealed Lulu in response.  Mistress Sun began to thrust harder, pushing her strength against her sister's, two impossibilities clashing.  Lulu fought to speak, fought to hold herself up as she had been ordered.  Mistress Sun just wanted to bang, hard.  To see if she could wipe that bratty retort away with pure delight.  She was the stronger, after all. The strong, conquering walls of her cunt had only clenched around the medial spiral of the shaft when Lulu cried out in wailing climax.  Her butt hit the bed, and Mistress Sun's golden magic punished Lulu's dark nips for her failure.  Squeezes, twists, tugs, all perfectly calculated to mix pleasure and pain, leaving the submissive moon-goddess nothing left but to keep orgasming. The brat remained.  Mistress Sun wasn't too surprised to hear Lulu turn a moan into, "Please and thank you…" Oh, thank me, is it? she thought viciously.  Let's see just what you're thanking me for, beloved. Mistress Sun gave a lewd grunt, grabbing Lulu's ass in her strong hands and squeezing hard.  "My meat," she purred, rolling hips and stomach around the double-ended phallus.  "My fuckmeat."  She hauled her slut back up and into position with a rough heave, and sat the navy bubble-butt down on her heavily muscled superstorm thighs.  Not that she left off the harsh hold; she just moved it to Lulu's curvy hips, her thumbs digging into the lush padding.  It was enough. All that magical false-cock, all the way to the base, all the way inside her, and completely defeated. Groaning, Mistress Sun leaned forward, shimmying and rotating her hips to 'kiss' her pussy lips against Lulu's strained nethers.  "Oooh," she groaned.  "So wet.  You like this, don't you?  You like being made to take it like a stud in a brothel, bent double to give me all the control." "Mm… mmm… uhnnnnnahhhh!" was all Lulu could respond as her sister-dominatrix began to thrust yet again, pounding her hard. Licking her lips and curling her toes behind, Mistress Sun purred.  "Don't deny it," she ordered.  "I can feel that lovely tail pushed off to the side, feel your ass tensing.  The mare in you wants to be broodfucked, but the Lulu… the Lulu likes being ground down into a senseless fucktoy, doesn't she?"  Pound, pound, pound, Mistress Sun emphasized her points with rough, bucking thrusts over the dildo and against Lulu's creaming twat. At that point, it was all over except for the screaming.  And the squealing.  And further pounding, of course.  Lulu's screams were frequent variations on the theme, of "Yes!  Yes thy fucking Lulu fucking loves to be a fucking slut to be thy fucking meat, howsoever thou so choose!"  Mistress Sun found it flattering that she was able to fuck Lulu so hard her speech felt it, but she was still vexed. Her pretty little fucktoy was still talking, after all, and not just wailing. So she redoubled her efforts.  Lulu's poor nipples were still under Mistress Sun's telekinetic 'care' (a care that certainly involved no mercy other than pleasure); it was a good beginning, but not enough.  As she kept rocking her hips back and forth on the captured dildo, she sank her golden magic into the very flesh of Lulu's rapidly bouncing boobs.  She followed the lines of Lulu's nerves, enhancing them, strengthening them-- perfecting them until the entire three-hundred and thirty-six pounds of succulent titflesh would feel like a cluster of clitori.  So that each thunderous slap of hip to hip and sex to sex set all of that delicious sensation exploding back and forth. "Mine," Mistress Sun grunted, sweat rolling down from her hornbase and dripping onto her sister-slave's distended belly.  Each renewed call, each new thrust over the oversized dildo moved in her, too, pleasuring her pussy even as she used Lulu's like a sconce.  Her toes curled out behind her; her self-control kept her tail caressing her glorious rump, but not by much.   "Mine!" she roared, slamming herself back and forth, harder and harder.  Immense muscles backed by even greater power corded and bulged under white hide.  Her biceps and triceps tightened even more than her hard grip on her lover's hips would seem to necessitate.  Beneath her outspread wings, traps and delts and lats and everything bulked out; a map of some paradise-continent in rugged relief. Relief.  "Ah!" squealed Lulu, again and again as her sister and beloved used her tight twat and hyper-amazonian body as a mount to self-fuck.  "Ahnnnn~!  Aaaaa-hhhhh-n-n-n-n-n-n~n!"  The squeals grew higher and higher, drool running down both sides of Lulu's muzzle.  Her face was flushed with a glowing red almost as bright as her well-beaten buttocks.  Wordless noises soon became just noise as Mistress Sun kept rapid-fire pistoning her hips over her end of the dildo.  Even with Lulu's end locked in place, the Solar force-fucking kept her stretched and bouncing over the distension. With Mistress Sun's magic adding two great infernos of sexualized energy, pulsing through Lulu's whole brawny body, it take long for even noise to be impossible for the well-used alicorn.  She fell down completely onto the bed and her dom's thighs, a fresh bowing shift in the double-ended toy.  Still horny, still not finally released, Mistress Sun kept thrusting a few more times against her Sister's limp body, eventually letting out a small, shuddering wail of pleasure. "Th-thanks, Luna," she said softly, and pulled her sister's limp form up to cuddle her, docking tits with tits in a complicated squeeze and press.  White hide smooshed around navy, and Celestia kissed Luna's sleeping lips.  "Rest well, and guard our little ponies well." A brief sigh followed.  She was still so horny.  Apocalyptic climaxes, kept from reverberating over the world by the centuries of enchantments laid into the castle walls and little else, only got her so far.  Further than your poor cadre, she reminded herself.  Glad I gave them the night off. Celestia tugged herself free from her sister, and with her impishness returning, tucked her into bed on her side.  She arranged some extra folds of the sheets around the still-soaked dildo, doing her best to make it look like Luna not only had a dick, but evening wood, too.  Giggling lightly, she sat beside her sister's unconscious form and began to rapidly frig herself.  She began to plan how she'd keep the edge of her horniness down, too, when her morning squad came in to serve her pussy and ass to the best of their abilities. Her fingers speeded up, and her nostrils flared, taking in the mutual musk heavy-laden in the room.  I'm going to be pushing that best, she decided.  See if I can't get it down a little more. She still needed to get a little less… pushy for Twilight, or the poor dear would end up sleeping through the week after just the first night. > Chapter 3 - The Best Part of Waking Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle wasn't used to being woken up by having her face fucked, good and hard. Woken, anyway.  One of the benefits of her increased stamina and her herd's stud was that the purple mini-giantess/mega-amazon alicorn was used to getting her face fucked, good and hard on a regular basis.  Whether by her domtoy or her mistresses, now that she could get fucked more often by her impossibly powerful and impossibly lusty mistresses without going insane. Even at that, it wasn't that she was unused to having sex before and after sleeping.  Her betrothal herd now included two mares and one stallion.  On top of that, Luna, Princess of the Night and one of Twilight's two favorite doms in the world was being courted by the herd, and had begun to draw Twilight herself into the sex magic education of Luna's apprentice.  In a manner of speaking, Twilight was, in fact, used to having fully informed and consensual sex while she was sleeping. It made a pretty sight, too.  She was quite flattered, honestly, by how much literal and verbal gushing her pretty stud and prettier mares made when they described her whole eight-feet tall megazonian body, a lavender memorial to strength mixed with curves, reacting to the pleasuring of the Dreams.  She'd made a pretty sight herself under such stimulation.  Starting from the forward wave front-- her huge U-cups quivering, the padded plush over her thunderstorm thighs getting soaked by her gushing sex. And then-- and then the soft sweetness of that plush being displaced by the taut power within.  Bulges, tightening tendons and making rocky promontories of her musculature along the lavender lengths of legs, waiting for the moment. She'd had to flex then as a mighty force forbade her now, proud in her climax, her rippling abs tensing and her mighty sixty-inch biceps peaking out. From what they said, sometimes her wings got so stiff they lifted her clear off the bed.  They were getting that way right now, too.  Just as-- she was pretty certain, in her muzzy, half-awake fugue--  that having her jaw distended and her mouth repeatedly invaded was happening in the waking world, not her lovely dreams. To be fair, as a lifelong abuser of Nap Stack magic and increasingly lethal doses of caffeine alike, she didn't sleep very much.  She'd also developed early to rise habits while studying at her beloved Celestia's side.  As a result, it was usually Twilight who woke one of her mares by riding their faces, or who sucked her stallion off to give herself a lovely breakfast. Especially if he was trying to sleep through a promised lecture hall date!  She was not letting that one go anytime soon. So-- analysis continued while Twilight's face was used like the cheap, low-status whorse of her intermittent fantasies.  Analysis…  Nope, her poor ass was unfortunately unstuffed. Anyway-- right.  How she knew this wasn't one of her babes bumping her face.  The list must go on, even if more and more of her mind was too fuck-silly to do even simple things like quasi-dimensional supertransformation equations, the list must continue. Thus, she added to the evidence footnotes some comparative facts.  On the off chance that one of them woke up before her, her mares would usually wake her up by toe sucking.  Similarly, her entirely well-trained coltfriend and top-toy preferred getting his breakfast honey in first when waking her up.  Furthermore, she hadn't told the overeager lug he could just throat-swab her out of the blue.  She preferred being awake for that, and just as she always asked her sweetie-mares if she could fuck them to wakefulness first, she knew her wishes would be respected by her sweetie-stud. Saddly, this logic did not help Twilight in establishing the identity of whoever was using her face like their personal glory hole or love glove golem.  It eliminated several possibilities, but she was still too out of it-- from her latest caffeine crash if nothing else-- to draw the logical conclusion about who it was.  Especially since there were precisely two ponies in Epona who did have permission to use her like a dirty, dirty whorse whenever they felt like it. She had learned to tell the difference in their tastes, after all. That said, the blissful taste of the column of flesh being used to stretch her jaw out wide kicked her into an instinctive kind of obedience.  The moment it had pressed into her maw, she'd begun to slurp it subconsciously with her tongue; as it forced her jaws to stretch wide, she'd begun to nurse heavily.  When her swirling tongue was covered in a warm, rich-tasting fluid that burned like brandy's older, leather-jacket wearing cousin with a lighter, her sleep-addled mind was sent on a further bender.  She wrapped her long, muscular limbs across the huge softness just past her mouth, and squeezed. "Mmm, Twily, yes!" groaned a deep, familiar voice.  A voice that somehow managed to.. chirp? despite its rumbling contralto.  A strong hand grabbed the back of Twilight's striped mane and pulled forward.  The squishy flesh she was latching onto was suddenly pushing around her muzzle, bouncing off it as the owner slammed back and forth.  Another sturdy, broad hand grabbed her by one of her scrumptiously jiggly asscheeks, and squeezed hard on her cutie mark. Hard enough to feel her muscular glutes beneath the jiggly fat-- and to pinch that, conquering it.  Hard enough over the hyper-sensitive cutie mark hide, that, combined with the thick fluid's warm spread of sensation, she started to gush, her power-rippled legs spreading themselves shamelessly as she clutched at the huge… breast, yes.  The huge boob that's fucking my face like my sweetiestud when he's got me good and tied up, she thought. Identity hit her at last, breaking in like the dawn. Exactly like the dawn, as it happened.  Twilight opened her eyes to see a mass of squooshy white pumping and pistoning against her face.  "Celestia?" she tried to ask.  Impeded and imprisoned, all she could do was gargle helplessly over the gargantuan nipple being used to swab the back of her throat.  Like the giant, quadruple-Z teat that Celestia was milking into her, the crinkly nipple was so oversized that its owner did occasionally did use it as a phallic substitute for favored playthings. And I am a favorite plaything, indeed! Twilight giggled as her mentor, mistress, and beloved marefriend groaned rather than respond verbally.  Whee!  The scent of Celestia's arousal was nearly as hard an aphrodisiac hammer to Twilight's clit as the arousing force of her empowering milk.  More of Twilight woke up, and she began to edge herself, to force her purple-hided body's sudden need to climax to obey her mistress' usual terms. "Mm, Twi, dear, don't," groaned Celestia.  Before the confused younger alicorn could even fudge a why-like sound around the colossal nub, Celestia ruthlessly snaked her hand from Twilight's lush tush to up between her thunderstorm thighs.  Huge white fingers, thick and skillful, thrust into her sopping sex.  There was a light pout in Celestia's voice.  "Come on, faithful lover!  I want to feel my sweetie-whorse cum!" A pout turned to a hungry growl.  "I want to feel my sweetie-whorse scream for me, faithful lover," Celestia rumbled.  "Make me feel your climax, beloved." Well, Twilight thought as those skilled fingers worked inexorable magic on well-known secrets, that's certainly clear enough instruction.  A twice-spoken title penetrated her nearly as deeply.  Wait-- faithful lover?  The thought was derailed as Celestia's clever thumb found her clit, and Twilight began gush and moan.  Fiercely, the smaller purple amazon forced herself to lavish love and tonguework on Celestia's hefty nipple.  Repaying lustfully the most-massive mare of Epona for the mind-blowing and core-clenching wave of milk down her belly Still-- ever, and always-- she was Twilight Sparkle, or why would Celestia deign to even acknowledge her climax as a treasure, rather than a monarch-mistress' pleased gratitude for a job well done? Therefore, part of her simply couldn't stop thinking.  Even though she was now, indeed, climaxing harder than she'd had in a month.  No offense to her herd, but they weren't Celestia.  Anyway, she told herself as fluffy fuck-fog curled over her consciousness.  Can't stop thinking. Which was a good thing!  She had divine responsibilities that she couldn't just lay aside because she was getting a literally perfect fingering from the literally perfect mare she literally loved best.  Loved perfectly?  Perhaps some day.  Mmm, Twilight groaned, the oral equivalent eliciting an answering moan from Celestia as Twilight further hummed around her nipple.  Pussy feels so-o-o-o good…  So warm… so buzzywuzzy eee…  The part of her that was thinking was glad she wasn't able to speak at the moment.  Elocution had been a course she'd aced so long ago, even if a nerdy young Twilight hadn't seem the use. Mi… mistress-mentor… always did like me learning to use my tongue. The still-studious inner self of an increasingly Sparkled Twilight focused on words.  Kept cataloging and listing, even as her body did its duty.  Body and instincts remained focused on bobbing her head and neck back and forth to further stimulate the stiff super-nip, of course. Words, though-- words were a bliss all their own.  Celestia usually called her faithful student, even now.  It was an affectionate title, one to which Twilight clung to as tightly as-- as tightly as-- well, as tightly as she was clinging to Celestia's huge right teat, come to that.  She tried to focus, and not just on swirling her tongue desperately over the massive nipple pounding back and forth in her distended maw.  To be called faithful lover meant that Celestia had something in mind… The hardest climax yet ripped through Twilight Sparkle as all of that potential loomed large in her hopes. Precisely what her marefriend wanted, it seemed.  As though the Sun's Perfection of Generosity would result in any less. Celestia popped her nipple right out of Twilight's mouth, and creamed it-- literally-- right over Twilight's face.  Her strong hand tugged on her nipple, pushed on it, pulled, milking her fat udder hard to cover Twilight's face in the thick, magic-tingling stuff.  She arched her body back a bit, white wings still outstretched to either side, but it put her smiling face in view. Once Twilight wiped some of the milk away so she could see, she tried to-- complain?  Beg for more?  She couldn't tell.  As she spluttered helplessly, her eyes were drawn back to her marefriend's heaving mega-mammaries.  Celestia's laughter, pure, joyous laughter, was even more hypnotic than that bouncing, and Twilight could barely resist either.  She didn't fight back when Celestia purred, pulled her milk covered hands up to full lips, and began to lick the milk away. She especially didn't fight when Celestia loomed over her, grabbed her wrists and slammed her back against the bed.  "If we didn't have such a big day ahead," Celestia purred, speaking between longer slurps of her own milk, "this would be a different pair of lips, my love.  As it is…"  The huge alicorn let out another Twi-soaking growl, and kissed her fiercely on her freshly-cleaned lips. When the kiss faded to a simple smile, Twilight was already starting to panic.  What day? she wondered.  No tests, no assignments…  What did I forget?  Where's Barb when… okay, this might not be the best time for Barb. While Twilight had been suppressing the urge to start teleporting her calendar over, Celestia had already started to taste more of her favorite flavor: lavender mare.  She kissed, licked, and nipped all over Twilight's throat, with an unerring sense for Twilight's most reactive nerves and sensitive hide. "Ce… Celestia!" Twilight gasped as the huge giantess left another possessive nip on her shoulder.  Gasped, and mewled, and squirmed as an involuntary shudder of pleasure ripped through her.  It shouldn't have been possible; Twilight was nowhere near as body-sensitive as, say, Fluttershy.  But Celestia knew her body, and viewed it as ultimately, hers to play with… and to pleasure. Twilight came, squealing, her eyes rolling back into her head as she blanked out under the sheer force of her orgasm. When she woke again, Twilight was cognizant of three facts:  First, and possibly most embarrassing, Celestia had bathed her and cleaned her while she was unconscious, then clothed her.  T-shirt, bra, panties, short-shorts, and nothing more, but clothed.   Clothed for a dirty mega-mare's prurient pleasure, but that wasn't Twilight's objection so much as not having been awake to appreciate it!  Being used like a doll, helpless and hapless in her marefriend's power… Is it too much to ask to be awake to enjoy it?  I know self-paralysis spells! Oh, yes, and blush-inducing enough, Celestia had retrieved Twilight's collar and clasped it firmly around her lovely lavender neck, leash-ring warm from Twilight's body heat already. Intended for public use?  As my Flutterbutt says… Oh, my! Second, possible tie, before the last of those, Celestia had fitted her with rather snug plugs, completely filling-- and even hyper-stretching-- her ass and pussy alike.  They jostled when she moved. Or rather, when she was moved, because for third, Celestia, now dressed herself in at least a scandalously low-cut white T-shirt, had trapped Twilight within her cleavage and ultra-bra once again.  Unable to check to see if jeans to match shirt, her fuzzy mind asserted.  Must inspect every inch of her jeans later.  For science.  Focusing on her butt.  Glutteal science.  Hee. She was situated high enough in Celestia's gigantic quadruple-Zs that she wasn't breathing boob, at least.  Her beloved did have a tendency to stuff her where the only thing that she could catch a breath on was Celestia's own musk.  Not that Twilight disliked that… or the warm compromise between firm and yielding that was Celestia's exquisite titflesh, of course.  She would, however, have liked to be able to use her arms. Note-taking by telekinesis was nice and all but there were other things she'd like to manipulate right now... While she was considering the pros and cons, a familiar voice spoke.  Suddenly, "out of boobs" became a life or death necessity, possibly to include "die from embarrassment afterwards" in any event.  A simple rolling pectoral flex from Celestia kept Twilight physically pinned by the peaking teats.  As for magic-- well.  For all Twilight was magic, caught in Celestia's embrace like this, it was remarkably simple for the elder alicorn to suppress any attempts at telekinesis, teleportation, or self-immolation. As a result, Twilight was forced to sit and listen as Celestia and Barb conversed.  The sheer near-chortle in Barb's voice was nearly enough to make Twilight whine like a filly.  "Sure, your highness," the little dragonness said.  "I can have a week's worth of clothes packed.  Customary reading material?  Or will she… uh… and you, um, Princess… princesses?" You'll be needing reading material wherever I send you later, Barb! snarled Twilight, though only to herself. "No, dear one," Celestia said with a purring nicker.  "I do intend to keep her occupied with more than just sport."  She reached down to ruffle Barb's spines.  "I think she may enjoy some of the reading material our parents left around." "Your parents?" asked Twilight, interested despite herself. "You're awake, faithful lover!" Celestia squeed in the way that ten-foot-eight ultra-amazonian giantesses usually don't.  It left Twilight's ears ringing and Barb laughing out loud.  Celestia leaned down to tug on Twilight's ear-- hard, back, like a lover on top.  The only consolation Twilight had was that Barb was soon as red-faced as she. After a breathless, bouncy moment, Celestia stopped tugging on Twilight's ear and clapped her hands together-- almost like a little filly.  Twilight could literally feel her heartbeat pound, ringing like a bell.  It was overwhelmed by… something.  Something more than scent, more than than the heat, it was this air of… Pinkie-like energy around Celestia.  It had her completely dazed.  "Celestia?" she asked weakly. "Mmmmmm, pretty pet?" replied the giantess, rocking back and forth on her heels and setting her bra, breasts, and Twilight wobbling about. Oh, I can blush more, Twilight noted, then coughed.  If you give her longer, it's going to be ears, and licks, and soon enough, fucking in front of Barb.  I am not ready to resolve those issues yet!  Thankfully, thought was fast for Twilight, and multithreaded.  Hastily, she nosed at Celestia's chin and asked, "You said we were going to your parents' home?"  Then she remembered what Barb said.  "... For a week?" Celestia wrapped her vast, potent arms around Twilight and squeezed tight.  The manic heartrate quickened, but something of the Princessly Mask froze in, body-wide.  Though-- what a body!  "Yes," Celestia said.  "I…"  Suddenly, that odd, un-Celestia energy popped, and the huge mare laughed… … nervously? Still feeling deeply embarrassed (while certainly comfortable) by her titular imprisonment, Twilight turned to Barb, hoping to share a moment of awkward recognition.  Two females of the world, veterans of Canterlot, the Everfree, and weirder places all around, oathbound warmages in Celestia's service, caught in their liege's fey mood. Traitor! Twilight thought at Barb, while Celestia's laughing set her bouncing and vibrating around in the warm white-hided cleavage.  Or rather, at the absence of Barb.  Cowardly lizard!  How can you leave me here, here in the… um… wonderful… squooshy… hot… boobies… Mixed feelings ensued. Eventually, Celestia calmed herself.  "I'm so sorry, Twilight."  Her voice was soft and measured again, with a hint of distant sadness.  "I never told you about our parents, did I?"  She tightened her grip on her gargantuan melons, hugging the luscious heft of it all tight around her lavender captive. Picking her words carefully, Twilight shook her head and said, "No, love."  She briefly, and futilely, struggled to free her arms from the crush of mega-tits.  Giving up on the concept-- for the moment-- she nosed lightly at the High Princess' strong neck.  "There are 43 separate hypotheses of varying evidence as to the parenta…"  She trailed off as Celestia shook her head, her chest, and her passenger all at once. The huge alicorn planted a hand over her cleavage, near enough for Twilight to sneak a daring kiss.  Celestia's smile lit up, and she fanned herself lightly.  "Sorry, Twily," she said with a quiet rumble.  "I just… this isn't really spontaneous, per se.  Lulu put the screws to me last night-- I promised…" Twilight was taken along for the ride as Celestia inhaled deeply.  The breath rippled, her whole body stretching out in magnificent display of curves and power, then let out a long, calming breath.  Not unlike the self-control techniques she'd taught Twilight, at that.  Another oddly shy smile, another kiss on Twilight's forehead, and Celestia went on, "Anyway… our parents weren't the last alicorns to pass.  But Lulu and I were the last natural-born alicorns, centuries before Equestria was founded." Celestia sighed.  "They were…" the explanatory attempt trailed off, and Twilight wished yet again she could move her arms.  She deeply wanted to hug away that ancient pain, hurts scarred across the span of millennia.  But Twilight was trapped, and eventually, Celestia continued. In short, stacatto, un-Celestia-like bursts of speech, but continuation, nonetheless. "They were idiots, Twilight," Celestia managed.  Old bitterness flared across the Solar Princess' face and tone.  Sharp yet jerky, the words tumbled out.  "I don't dislike monogamy.  I've even worked to spread it as a way to break down the traditional social pressures on males, and if it wasn't for the trade-offs, I'd be inclined against the Royal Herd marriage.  But my father was literally the last male alicorn.  And he and mother refused to even consider magical means of impregnating other mares.  At all!" She groused for a moment almost wordlessly, cradling tits and Twilight close for a bit.  At a loss for words, Twilight just snuggled, and made a few choices when Barb peaked her head in to ask about the packing. Her pulse slowing, Celestia picked up from there, "I've told you that modern Equestria is both more advanced in technology over all, but less advanced in thaumics, than the lands that were lost to the Hidden Windigo invasion, yes?"  When Twilight nodded, Celestia went on.  "Well… alicorns may be harmony driven, but as my own botches with Lulu, Sunset, and you show, that doesn't mean we always make the right decision.  There are myopias that eternity creates, unfortunately…" The giantess shivered, and hugged Twilight tightly between her titanic tits.  "There were miracles that the alicorns of old could have shared with ponies, and never did," she said softly.  Twilight could make it out, just barely over the ringing in her ears caused by abrupt boob-to-cranium pressure.  "Never.  Not even in the waning days of the Plague…" Twilight quietly said, "Which is why you've pushed for discoveries by ponies for ponies, and our alliance with Asinia…" Fondness warmed Celestia's bitter-chilled cheeks, and she nodded.  "Precisely, beloved," she replied.  Flipping her glowing mane to the other side-- and further bobbling Twilight about, she sighed again before continuing.  "Anyway, even if they had shared that knowledge, my parents refused to participate in any group projects anyway.  Father focused all of his-- admittedly considerable-- talents to curing the Fading Plague, while mother guarded him like a dragon around a queenstone." Silence settled over Celestia into Twilight, and then the mightiest of mega-mares sighed yet again.  Twilight couldn't find it in her to enjoy the breastflesh rippling over her too much; not with her dearest Celestia so out of sorts.  "He even succeeded…" the huge High Princess grudgingly admitted, "After a five month stint of never leaving his lab, which left me to care for both making sure he stayed fed and for Lulu's everything after mother finished Fading a month in." There was no heat in the Princess of the Sun's voice at that moment.  Only a terrible cold, the worst of winter's distance.  "Then the selfish prick committed suicide," she said, tones clipped and jagged as icicles.  "Lulu was a baby!" Need finally drove Twilight to surpass her mentor's hold.  While tears streamed down Celestia's cheeks, Twilight slipped an unusual teleport through Celestia's still-adamant wards.  The smaller megazon fiercely gripped a hug around the implacable and elegant column of her lover's corded neck.  "I love you," Twilight promised.  "I will never leave you." Celestia forgave the escape, and just held Twilight for a while.  Her immense left arm shited beneath Twilight's well-rounded rear; her right passed behind and around the smaller alicorn to squeeze her all the tighter against a single massive tit.  Twilight's U's bounced up almost comically, smacking her in the face, hills to the mighty white mountain beneath. If … hills were soft and scrumptious, even to their owner... and… uh… mountains droolworthy curves. Twilight reminded herself that metaphors did not extend in the manner of formal logic.  Studiously, she refocused on Celestia.  A few more sniffles crossed the massive, massively-muscled giantess' expression, and thus hastened to finish her story. "Well," she said, swallowing heavily.  "The rest, you mostly know.  Dear Uncle Auros checked in every year or so, and found me, struggling to run the Miracle Devices.  He helped us get onto our feet, and find the Last Village."  Twilight's ears perked; the Last Village of the Alicorns was tantalizingly referenced in the Journal of the Two Sisters. Where tantalizing both meant, "A single sentence," and "Not to be much expanded today."   Celestia did explain, "Most of those mares were crazy before we got there; many also committed suicide when they found out father had.  Others refused his cure for the Fading Plague.  There were twenty left when Lulu and I left, still blank flank fillies, for Equestria."  That was to be all, it seemed-- though it did triple or quadruple the knowledge Twilight had.  Depending, Twilight thought, on whether or not I should value sentences or facts more.  First Herd problems! With a little smile, Celestia tucked Twilight back into her cleavage, arms trapped and all.  "But we did keep up the place," she said.  "It's mostly self-maintaining as long as it's Claimed by a divinity, and while you would not believe how loudly I screeched when Lulu first brought a marefriend home to 'reconsecrate' it…" Another Celestial shrug wobbled Twilight about in warm, squooshy captivity yet again.  The story continued, fascinating Twilight slightly more than the wondrous wobble-lation about her.  Celestia said, "I bowed to her superior logic… and superior aim with custard.  For centuries after we reached our majority, we would take our most loved ladies and lads home.  To affirm life, while retaining our links to the past.  And because it's amazingly well hidden, and thus one of the few decent vacation spots for goddesses.  Then…" Still a bit grouchy at her confinement (but not really, because Boobs), Twilight leaned up to kiss Celestia's throat again.  "She won't leave you again either," Twilight said firmly.  "She loves you every bit as much as I do, and we have each other." Celestia cooed lewdly and sweetly all at once.  Before Twilight could do more than moan, the titanic High Princess gave Twilight a deep, probing kiss.  The passion of it stole her breath right away even as their tongues tangled. "Thank you, faithful lover," Celestia purred.  "You're right, of course."  She smoothed out her shirt in a reflexive motion; everything perfectly aligned, even with her purple passenger.  "So now you know the sorry story of the Fall of the Alicorns."  A thin, hungry smile spread across her white muzzle.  "And you know what I have planned for you, mm?" Twilight blushed, and squirmed around in the warm, soft embrace of Celestia's mega-melons.  Still, she managed playfulness.  "Gonna carry me off, love?  Steal me away to your hidden fastness and have your wicked, er, relaxation with me?" Celestia's reply sent shivers of an entirely more pleasant kind down Twilight's spine.  "Oh, I imagine there'll be some relaxation, dear," the huge alicorn nickered.  "If only because I still need to be careful not to break you." The resulting shudder was neither simply from being bounced along with Celestia's nickering, nor only in arousal from the threatening promise. Twilight stared at the… house.  Then she looked up at Celestia's chin.  Then she stared back at the… house.  Probably a house, she told herself.  Almost certainly not another prank, given the little speech back at Canterlot. Too organized for Discord, she thought, leaning back into the titanic quad-Z cleavage that held her still.  Too weird for anypony else! > Chapter 4 - Dream a Little Dream of Home (Barely Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trip to Celestia's ancestral home had been promising, as puzzled paths and thaumatological conundrums went. Those were among Twilight's favorite funs, after all! After Barb had finished kitting out Twilight's bag, the princessly pair had made good time flying out of Canterlot. Celestia hadn't teleported until they were outside the city, hidden by clouds and spells. Twilight had tried to keep track of the re-orientations, but had eventually settled for letting her eidetic memory soak it all in. She could analyze later. Or she could ask Celestia, but that sounded like lazy talk to Twilight. After the dizzying series of jumps and portals, Celestia had landed in a craggy mountain range. The stones here had strange hues, and the earth itself hummed differently. Though there was plenty of sky above, Celestia had taken the route on foot, including passing through some deep passages only to emerge into bright sunlight later. In point of fact, she'd jogged. Being carried in her busty marefriend-mistress-liege lady's cleavage while she traveled thus had definitely been an interesting experience. Celestia seemed almost giddy on the road, though she had asked Twilight for silence until they arrived, and had remained quiet herself. She carried the dufflebag Barb had packed for Twilight in one hand, taking nothing of her own save the clothes on her back, and her Twilight. Twilight supposed she probably kept clothes in her parents' nameless home. After a particularly long, dark tunnel, they emerged out into a pastoral wonderland. The air was sweet and clear, particularly since a rapidly burbling brook passed not too far from the cavern entrance. In the distance, a green valley rolled out under the watch of tall, forest-covered mountains. The sun was bright-- brighter than when they'd gone into the caves, and Twilight gasped when she looked up. "Your sense of direction isn't off, and, no, we didn't spend a day wandering below," Celestia said softly. "This is, and isn't, my sun. There was another alicorn who brought our sweetie across the sky once. One of the first after the Fracture. He Faded long before I was born, and the burden fell upon the unicorns and the Heavenly Fulcrum." She shrugged. "Apparently, he decided to make it an especially warm and pleasant day when our parents put the finishing touches on the Valley. So much so that when father ordered our local day and night, he kept it." Twilight nestled into the warmth of Celestia's bountiful bosom yet again. She'd made her peace with the awkward position a while back, and a sudden chill swept over her that the intensely bright sun, all wrong for the winter day they'd left behind, could not ward away. "Ordered…?" she asked, wondering. Celestia pointed off into the distance. "See the rainbow there?" she asked, and when Twilight agreed, Celestia explained, "That's always there, always that bright, even at night. As is the relatively clear sky. It never rains here, but even if Eternal Night had come here, too, the plants would always thrive." Massive, muscled white shoulders rolled, and the High Princess gave a wry smile. "Time was not something my parents felt obliged to respect. They felt it should respect them. There are four times here-- Dawn, which lasts six hours, Day which lasts eight, Twilight--" and here she broke her speech and kissed her Twilight deeply before going, "Which lasts another six, and then Night, for ten. My sun-- and I can feel its heartbeat and love-- never moves during a given span; Luna's moon stays high overhead, neither rising nor falling, at night. And when we return, despite having spent thirty hours for every twenty-four, the days will sync up perfectly." Swallowing heavily, Twilight hugged tight against the soft perfection of Celestia's left tit and said, "Oh." Celestia chuckled softly. "There are many secrets in the Valley," she said. "Some of them wonderful. Some of them nothing more than monuments to a lost society's inward decline. That rainbow, for example, could theoretically take us to Megan's Earth, the Elysium Crossroads, or a manifold of alternate Equestrias. That would be wonderful if we could use it, let alone understand how to recreate it." She shrugs. "And there's an apparently stone-perfect recreation of Megan's Estates where 'the Blessed' mortal ponies got to play when serving my parents." The mixture of repulsion and fear that always hit Celestia when she honestly expressed her feelings about most alicorn religious structures other than their Elysial Estates made the thrum of her heartbeat pound faster at and around Twilight. It didn't last. The giant princess shrugged, a beaming smile rising over Twilight's head yet again. "But that's nothing, compared to the Beach House of Loud Dreams." "Beach?" "You'll see, dear." Twilight had been skeptical that any structure could match the oddity of a fixed, alien (if comfortable) sky with a dimensional terminus rainbow that shone at night. A single tower rising towards the sky would have been absolutely normal. Despite how pink it was. And it was very pink. Pinkie Pie would have been difficult to discern as a pony against how literally glowing pink it was. If the river had widened, perhaps leading to a series of waterfalls or mountain lakes, that might have been an understandable 'beach.' I think I'm starting to understand why Celestia is a bit cynical about her… our… forebears, Twilight thought. The Beach House of Loud Dreams was, technically, nestled up against the slopes forming the southern side of the Valley. Or at least, it should have been, and once you got far enough east or west, it would have been. The geography around the house itself was certainly no different than the rest of the placid valley… for what Twilight's expert eyes pegged as fifty yards back. Past that fifty yards, stretching two hundred east and west the mountains opened onto a very pleasant-looking beach. The beachfront itself was more or less fifty yards in-- depending on where you were-- and the waves were nearly loud enough to be considered roaring. The rolling wedge of impossible coastline was replete with plant and animal life, and neither ponies nor any other kind of beings. "Celestia, the… the mountains, and…" she whined. She hated to whine to Celestia-- except as sexually appropriate-- but she had to; there was no other tonal response. "If you go too far east or west," Celestia said with a little chuckle, "you wrap around, and you can never get farther from the beach than you can swim, or that would take more than about five minutes to swim back, no matter how long you take going out." She shrugged, giant shoulders rolling as they bobbed Twilight's confinement up and down. "It attaches to no body of water-- anywhere-- and the plant life exists without animals, great or small." She hugged Twilight close. "I think animals could live here, did live here once, my dear," she said with a tender smile. "Ponies certainly can, and did. Maybe if we come here often enough we could reintroduce some species. We'd need to do some further research in the Library Columns first, to make sure it's safe when we're not in residence…" Research. Library anythings. Twilight groaned and squirmed faster between Celestia's heavy melons, panting lightly. Celestia purred, "Keep that feeling in mind, faithful lover," she said quietly. "Sex on the beach eventually; settling in to home now." Home. The… house. The extremely pink tower; Twilight thought it looked like a cutout of a series of apartment buildings. Stacked up three stories, a redder pink for the sloping roofs, there was a tiny rooftop observation deck, complete with a little blue telescope and some lawn chairs. There was a… squished… gazebo, barely looking like there'd be enough room for Celestia, but no apparent stairs. Then Celestia sung to the house, and it opened. Unfolded. Twirled; rather than the front door opening, the house turned itself completely around. Not a speck of dust or turf was disturbed; the house was just backwards. Or they were standing in it. "Celestia, what in Megan's Name is this?" Twlight yelped. The unfolding of the house had shifted into three columns of tight, almost unusable rooms on display. They were scaled up to Celestia size, but the bedroom-- the single, solitary bedroom, right above the foyer with no stairs-- was almost completely filled from wall to wall with the bed. There were some strange glowing stands, a night table wedged in on either side in a space so tight that Twilight wasn't sure that Celestia should be able to walk in it sideways, let alone at shoulder-breadth. The other rooms were much the same-- a high thaumotech kitchen that looked to share more with the rooms you'd see on Sunset Shimmer's Earth, an open restroom (to the unfolded sky?!), an airy dining room with a table that barely qualified as more than a stand between two wedged-in chairs, and an odd little room that had a table, and nothing more. Compared to the absurd extravagance of a repeating day that synched up with thirty hours to every twenty-four, self-perpetuating scenery, and the space available, it was baffling. Baffling-- and impossible, even magically. Wait, Twilight thought and narrowed her eyes. No, it doesn't make sense. She squirmed a bit with the warm embrace of Celestial tit-squish. Twilight tried, really she did, for a better view while Celestia just cradled her close within her cleavage. She paid attention to everything-- not merely to what her horn was telling her, nor just her earth sense. Not even the odd, hardly understood pegasus probability vibrations. Twilight listened to the alicorn she had become, and to the power of Magic. "They're portals," Twilight breathed, then corrected herself. "No-- they're folds in space. Symbols of the rooms themselves." She laughed softly. "If Luna was here and wanted to go to a different bedroom…" "She would see hers," Celestia confirmed. "And she wouldn't be able to see ours unless we wanted to be seen and she wanted to see us. The bathrooms gave me anxiety fits for decades anyway, but I promise, you get privacy there, too." She made a slight gesture, and suddenly, the unfolded building unrolled a tall, cylindrical addition with a spiral staircase. "It can have stairs, if the owners want or permit guests. Daddy's lab and momma's salle take special runic impressions on your spirit core, but I'll wave you in later." The two alicorns' eyes met. "I know you want to see the lab, dear," Celestia said in a sweet growl, "But you've been a lovely vibrator for the voyage and if I have to wait too much longer to ride your face I may just fuck your horn until you pass out." She thoughtfully tapped a finger to her lips. "Honestly, I'm going to fuck you until you pass out anyway, faithful lover. I guess my main concern is whether or not you'll be awake for me to cook you dinner and then fuck you into unconsciousness tonight. So! Bed first, lab later." The promise of her muscle-giantess marefriend's plans had Twilight squirming and whimpering, "Celestia, I'm soaking my panties-- fuck, I'm drenched clean through!" "Again." "Buh?" "You're soaked through again, my dear. And I appreciate the flattery, but. To work with us now." The flight up was easy enough, though Twilight's stomach (and arcane receptors) lurched when they passed through the shimmering field that formed the entrance to the space fold. The room within was… soothing. Soothing was the word. There was plenty of space, for all the bed would have been big enough to fit four Celestias, and wasn't that an image Twilight loved? The walls were a soft blue color, like-- She blinked. "Are… your walls the sky on a quiet spring day?" "You know," Celestia said fondly as she pulled Twilight up for a fierce, if fast, kiss. "You're the first one to notice the resemblance before I brought it up, dear one." She helped Twilight regain her balance-- from the hours spent captive in Celestia's cleavage perhaps only slightly more than the kiss. "I can, technically change it all. It's not really the sky, no, it's perfectly private. It's just sky-like, and a sky-light. At night, it will dim, but…" She smiled. "Blue is a lovely color, and I've always found it nice on the eyes." Before Twilight could reply, Celestia seized her chin. "I'm rather fond of lavender these days, but you're not to blend in. Or become invisible." The gigantic, mega-muscled and mighty-curved High Princess leaned down, looming over her smaller marefriend, the aurora of her mane flowing into a halo behind her head, both eyes locked fiercely at Twilight's. Knees going weak, Twilight struggled to avoid falling into the magenta eternity of Celestia's gaze. Her will strong, her trust stronger, she suddenly tilted her head, pushed up on tippy-toes, and kissed Celestia deeply. Surprised, the elder alicorn accepted her younger's enthusiasm, and the moment lingered. Then Celestia broke the kiss and gave Twilight a slight, almost hidden smile. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you for your boldness." Before Twilight could reply, she loomed over her smaller marefriend, smooshing great white ZZZZs across Twilight's head and shoulder. In a flash, Celestia squeezed Twilight's plush-and-power rump possessively through the short-shorts. "But now," Celestia purred, "I want my Twily-butt. All my Twily-butt." "Boldness is not off the list," Twilight retorted, and began to roll and squeeze the curvaceous excess of her ass back against Celestia's hand. I know you, my love, Twilight thought. As the jiggling backtrack bought her a fresh flash of Celestia's lust, raised her burly arms high above her head and began to curl and wave them in time with her shaking booty. You love pretty little dancers squirming for you, and I love getting you all dommy-dom until the Princess Mask… Shattered. Celestia's hidden smile became a hungry leer. Her reflexive charisma, always intent on hiding her overpowering presence, broke. It wasn't that Celestia's vast musculature was hidden per se. The same powerful arms that could flex into one-hundred and ten inch biceps were there. The quads that looked like their own stretch of rough, hilly country even at rest certainly weren't hidden by jeans those tight. At that, while Celestia had a similar combination of curvy padding and amazonian power that Twilight did, the padding was concentrated, up top in front and in the Grand Sun Booty behind, with only so much left over for her limbs. And yet… Even as obsessed with Celestia as Twilight, as strong her will and keen her vision, when Celestia didn't want to be thought of as a pillar of power, Twilight knew her eyes would just skip over those details. Would neglect to inform the rest of her brain. Ponykind in general had a mental picture of Celestia as a tall, vast, motherly figure, and that was the way Celestia liked it. If still a fertility not-a-goddess mother figure. Not now. Twilight gasped, and could barely keep wriggling her sinuous dance in Celestia's grip. All her lover-- her mistress, true and always-- was doing was just being herself. Being the Unconquered Sun. Muscles on muscles. Broad of shoulder, strong of arm and so strong of leg. Killer quads-- no. Twilight had killer quads. Celestia had apocalyptic thighs, thighs that you had to worship the pure power bulging beneath her curves… or watch your world burn. And the tits… Twilight moaned to herself. I can't even think the m-word about those now. Luscious, heavy, colossal fat sacks of breastflesh, proud and high but so massive, so full that their jiggle would have continued with Celestia holding her breath in still air. "Please, Pr-pr-pr-Mistress Sun!" Twilight gasped, and pitched forward. Her fall was arrested by her wings bomfing out in stiff erection, and stopped when her not-even-puny by comparison fingers clutched desperately onto Celestia's, Sun's biceps. Not even at their full one-hundred and ten inch expansion, but already hard and pulsing with the Solar heat. Twilight's head fell forward, self-control hanging by a thread preventing her from trespassing into the gorgeous cleavage valley before her. Mistress Sun wasn't even really flexing, but Twilight felt a buzz, no a roar, from her achingly stiff clit, through the moist medium of her already clenching sex and core, straight up her spine. It screamed at her, the need to cum, the need to climax just by being blessed by her mistress still clothed presence. Nonetheless, Twilight endured, let the thrum of her edging support her, carrying her over the rocky wave of her mistress' charisma. She smiled up at Sun, into the shining light. Dare, she told herself. She hasn't ordered, she wants me for a reason. Dare. So she did. Love filled her, desire directed her, and overwhelmed the naked force of her lover. She stiffened every muscle in her mini-giantess body, bulging out dangerously in every inch. Fueled by her love for Mistress Sun, by a desire to be the strong lover that the Sun needed for fulfillment. And yet... Before Celestia's awe-inspiring mountain effigy carved to the honor of warmare power, Twilight knew herself to be a little hill, barely a roll in the terrain. If Twilight's legs were tree trunks, Celestia's were the forest-- no, a jungle, trees and vines and strength twisted into dense-packed superiority. Twilight's heaviest flex on her arm would have fit with room to spare in Celestia's at rest. The vastness of Celestia's chest-- why, it was more than how far beyond the end of the alphabet that her tits were. The gigantic, power-plumped pecs behind were colossal, barely-hidden leviathans beneath a sea of white hide, and Twilight's muscles would have been but a mouthful to such an overdrawn beast of a metaphor. Thus was Celestia made into Mistress Sun, or perhaps, the Sun in Celestia revealed. They were ever the same. But by the rainbows, Twilight moaned-- thought, unable to form the words aloud, I love this light! Here, now, with none of Celestia's exquisite body language ordering all who saw her to forget her might and be mothered, every chiseled inch, every fertile curve, all of it, pounded into Twilight's vision and ignited her loins as though she were near to touching the Sun itself, the inferno met flesh. So Twilight kissed Mistress Sun full on the lips. Because, whether Sparkle or Twily or just the smiling Princess of Friendship, she was Twilight Sparkle, and of course she did. Mistress Sun smiled, and tilted Twilight's chin up into the kiss. She pressed forward, looming her white frame over Twilight's purple, shoving her colossal knockers over Twilight's 'merely' giant. Nipples engorged into sudden stiffness in the ways monoliths do not usually spontaneously arise, pressing shirt to shirt and straining the fabrics of both dangerously. "Hello, dear pet," she said when the kiss at last ended. "I see my sweet Lulu told the truth. You have become even stronger than the last time I made you kneel." Twilight blushed, heat from more than just her disobediently juicing loins spreading rapidly. She ducked into a false curtsy, tugging further back just a bit so as not to actually shove her face between the drool-inducing expanses of Mt. Sunboob and Mt. Suntit. Which was which occasionally varied, especially as the Solar pheromones began to addle Twilight further, but she was fairly certain she knew them correctly at the moment. The mental sorting, however, seemed to make her mistress somewhat impatient. Before the imperious raise of the Solar eyebrow could more than half-quirk, Twilight coughed and asked, "Would Mistress prefer that I kneel? Make the full horn obeisance?" She blushed and swished her tail-- and juicy hips!-- from side to side. "That I refer to myself in the third person, strip naked and cover myself in icing…?" A deep laugh echoed forth from the taller alicorn. This did not particularly assist in Twilight's attempts to keep herself from subspace for the moment. Mistress Sun's gigantic breasts were barely constrained by the low-cut t-shirt and the heroically designed and enchanted ZZZZ-cup bra beneath. They… wobbled. It was a poor word; twin mountains of jiggly teat wriggling just so-- no. Just perfectly. Everything about Mistress Sun flared with perfection. Not always actually perfect, even for an alicorn. Perfection, the process. But a simple thing like how a pair of titan-tits bounced and jogged about as she laughed? Yes, thought Twilight, openly drooling. Perfect… She could feel the glorious breasts, clothed and restrained or not, hypnotizing her. Sapping her will to do anything but collapse and beg to be permitted to worship every inch, and then beg to be forgiven for the temerity. Lesser mares-- mares, stallions, futa-neighri, and other species as well-- lesser lovers had, Twilight knew. Celestia had told her, and told her how Celestia deeply desired lovers who would not so be broken. Twilight, therefore, refused to be broken. Was her will sapped? Perhaps, but her mind was such a fortress, such a beacon, as to require sterner undermining that just jiggle. Even if I am certain mistress is adding a bit. The curves of a smile pulled in not-quite-confirmation at the edge of Mistress Sun's lips. She rocked back on her heels, looking thoughtful. Only Twilight's diligence in avoiding the snare of the sudden redoubling of hypnotitic jiggle let her nearly be caught by the wriggle and lewd lushness of Sun's broader-than-broad, curvy beyond belief hips; the swish of Sun's auroric tail pulling her in like a lure Then Mistress Sun kissed her, and Twilight climaxed, unable to resist it any longer. The endless strength of her mistress' arms enveloped her. Held her. Claimed her-- and supported her. If the titanic alicorn trapped Twilight in her bulging embrace, she supported Twilight through her climax. Not that she did not extract her toll; huge fingers spread over Twilight's jiggling, wriggling ass to squeeze right down to her flexing glutes as she soaked her short-shorts with marejuices yet again. Mistress Sun's tongue forced its way past Twilight's squealing lips, conquering her mouth and tasting her deep. She pulled the lavender alicorn tight to her, breasts smooshing and docking together in endless and spectacular disarray. Only when Twilight had a full minute of climax did Mistress Sun cease kissing, pulling back-- and bouncing on her heels again. "Mistress!" Twilight complained. Well. Groaned. Groaned could be a groan of complaint, she insisted to herself. Her massive mistress fanned her still-hypnobobbling breasts, then stilled every last jiggle with a simple touch of her left palm over her cleavage. All was as she would have it, and her smile's brilliance redoubled. "My apologies, Twilight, truly," she said with a gently lascivious grin. "I'm stepping ahead of myself." She winked. "A challenge, my dearest pet. Can you recall the first night you truly gave yourself to me without ending up in a puddle at my feet?" "Y.." Twilight gasped, and the memory ripped through her. Her mistress'-- Goddess', she remembered, in her heart of hearts bound to Honesty near as much as Applejack-- sadness at the new moon's missing light. A ritual, a full month of a determined little unicorn not lifting so much as a quill with magic, nor even seeing to her own release, let alone another's. Denial, from one moon to the next. "Yes! I remember! I remember every m-m-moment, Megan and Moochick, mistress, ahnnnn!" She was heaving, rocking, her wings trying to stretch out further. Her jiggles held not the Sun's compelling magnetism, though they certainly held Mistress Sun's appreciation. Her ass, the deliciously plump derriere over hardened mega-muscle she was so proud of-- just a shadow of the Sun. But Twilight had the Sun's smile, and that gave her enough presence of mind to smile vaguely and brat. "Maybe, ah, ah… not a puddle," she groaned, her core clenching so hard she nearly self-smothered upon her own broad breasts-- or Mistress Sun's! Her eyes still glazing as the amazing night-- a few hours only, truly-- blazed through her head, she whimpered. She had been so much weaker then. And if she was more potent, more resistant now, the intensity felt the same. A soft coo was accompanied by a possessive caress over her neck. "But you wish to kneel, faithful lover?" Mistress Sun purred, a nickering laugh following. Twilight couldn't see the jiggle any more; her eyes were full of the past. Still, her mistress spoke. "If you must; but dearest, you drench me, with your sacrifice. With the strength you offer to me." Gratefully groaning, Twilight folded herself to her knees carefully. The elegance that her mistress demanded kept her massive muscles-- so small beneath the might of her owner-- in check. Her trembling ceased, though the vibration of pleasure continued. To her knees she went, knight before her princess. Her queen. Mistress Sun smiled. Twilight could feel the warmth, though her head was bowed. The radiance of it swept across her shoulders and wings, leered lovingly over her U-cup udders, shone over quads and biceps and triceps alike. The heavily corded muscles were in a tense sort of rest, held still for the review of the all-conquering Sun. "Excellent, dear Twilight," Mistress Sun cooed softly. "Now, attend. You no longer have need of such preparation to draw power, and I haven't the patience to wait a month. So you will guide me; I will paint the runes upon your body, and then you will energize them." The smile's brilliance redoubled. "Edible hide paint. I will enjoy flavoring and tasting my sweet little muscle-bitch." Just the suggestion, just the hope of being her mistress' toy and satiation, was enough to force Twilight to lock herself down, to assert microcontrol over her increasingly insatiable clit. "N-not ordered, I know, Mistress," she moaned as Mistress Sun tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at the unclimax. "B-but I'm tapping this. Any extra helps." A rough chuckle sent the tantra in Twilight spiking desperately, right down to her root. "Any other time, I'd take deeper advantage to help you," Mistress Sun commented. "But I want to actually fuck you, dear. Are you prepared to give… no, I won't make you give me orders, poor dear." Twilight whined at the very thought, earning her heavy hanging knockers a wingswatting from her mistress. That brightened up her day, as did her mistress' explanation. Mistress Sun corrected herself, saying, "Are you prepared to guide my hand in binding you? In setting your body to channel your magic, your stars, and the friendship of your heart to survive my undivided attention for a week?" Determination rose in Twilight, harder than her hide-- harder than her nipples' stiff arousal at her mistress' interest. "Yes," she said, suppressing the stutter. "I am in your hands, my mistress, my love, and my mind and soul are given to you." At Sun's gesture, she rose slowly to her knees, somewhat wobbly from her little trip through Solar lusts and love alike. And Mistress Sun hadn't even really started fucking her yet. A thin line of golden energy strung out from Sun's horn to catch Twilight's collar. Somehow, the glow separated from the giantess' horn, levitated down to her hand, and soon, Twilight was stumbling happily after her much bigger, much buffer mistress. She was lead over to the huge bed, nipples stiffer than steel. Once alongside, Mistress Sun slapped her ass gently, only enough to leave a red handprint over Twilight's cutie mark. And to leave her squealing, of course, the pleasure-sting nearly breaking her over into full climax just at the touch. "There we go," purred the colossal Sun. She towered over Twilight, who barely reached up to one of those low-hanging megatitties. "So. This is for you as much as it is for me, dearest of sluts. Would you prefer to try to obey me? Or to be forced?" Twilight's cheeks reddened as much as the handprint on her rump. "I'd l-like to obey, mistress," she said, the megazon blushing before her ultrazon lover. "I want to be strong for you." The smile she got was reward enough. "I love you, Twilight," Mistress Sun said softly. "Thank you, forever thank you." She stroked one of Twilight's blushes gently; Twilight could feel the rough strength in the deft fingers and cooed, nuzzling against her mistress' broad palm. "Now. Will I need to paint your legs?" When Twilight blushed brighter and nodded, Mistress Sun just smiled even brighter and asked, "On your back?" A nod. "Mm. Could we skip your front if I just bent you over the bed and made free with you?" "Eeeeee," Twilight squeaked, wriggling her plush ass and striped tail about. Her toes curled, trying to dig into the odd floor and gaining nothing. "Yes mistress! Please mistress! May I be a bit of a broody about it, mistress?" Mistress Sun ground her lush right hip into Twilight's tits, considering. "Yes," she decided, then leaned way over, enveloping Twilight's chest with her own far-more-massive melons, and kissed the squee to silence. "But only if you knock the repetitions off a bit, dear. If I could be less… forceful with you right now, I would; I honestly wish…" Twilight took her lover's huge hand in between her own strong palms and squeezed. "Then you are Mistress Celestia to me for now," she said firmly. "Until you order otherwise, your whorse will… moderate." Names are important things. Mistress Celestia signaled her approval by deep-throating Twilight's purple horn in one gulp. Twilight yelped at first, then panted, moaning her mistress' name-- names, both interchanging as her horn charged up. She tried to force an edge… But her mistress would have none of it. When Celestia's tongue wrapped around Twilight's horntip and swirled, Twilight screamed in climax. Her empty sex clenched and throbbed as though her mistress had deigned to fist her, and her magic flared off into Mistress Celestia's greedy, sucking throat. Mistress Celestia gorged on Twilight's mana, taking it into herself as the horn spluttered and flared for her prurient taste. Eventually, she popped it out of her mouth, forced Twilight's head back, and swirled her own magic-jizz back over Twilight's tongue, sharing the flaring illusions. She didn't let Twilight have it all back; Twilight suspected her mistress had plans for that power. The leash was released, and Mistress Celestia planted her hands on her hips, staring down at Twilight. Ulping, Twilight feigned a most coquettish blush, a broody's lie as she covered her magenta-glowing lips with one hand and her fat, aching nipples with a burly forearm. "M-mistress!" she chirped. "You embarrass your broody bitch so." She swished and rolled her hips, the lewd invitation belying any pretended shyness as she turned around. Her tail flicked over her quivering ass, never failing in its flag. Now, Twilight knew, her aching cunt winking wetly, Now I shall find my victory in surrender; now, I shall kiss the sun. And though I burn… I shall not fade away; neigh, I shall become more still for the burning.