> Alicorn Princess of Ponyville > by Typist Gray > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: An Alicorn’s Morning Routine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight awoke with a groan as her alarm rung. She promptly silenced the offending sound as she snuggled back into the warmth of her blankets and nuzzled into the shoulders of her volunteer pillow. It was only one pillow last night, as things had been busy lately. Still, as she snuggled close, she sighed in contentment as she felt his breathing against her hoof and the contractions of his ass around her cock. “Twilight!” There was an explosion of confetti around the royal bedroom. “Pinkieeeee!” The princess groaned back, burying her face into her pillow’s mane. “It’s too early.” “Nu uh!” Pinkie’s mastery at arguments was unparalleled. “It’s 7:30 on the dot and you said you wanted to wake up at 7:30 on the dot every morning.” “Five more minutes,” Twilight whined, pulling tighter against the warmth of her pillow. “Nnnn,” Mr. Cake whined as well, shifting his hips back and clenching possessively around the cock in his ass, sending a jolt of pleasure through Twilight. He loved being filled and Twilight knew this. She knew it because it made her happy, which meant Mr. Cake, like any other pony in Ponyville, was all too happy to do whatever it took to please her. “But my pillow feels so good. Don’t you, pillow?” Her pillow made a sound of agreement. “See. How can you expect me to deprive my pillow of the pleasure of my cock spreading his ass wide?” She asked, pulling Mr. Cake close against her belly. “Sorry. No can do,” Pinkie said flatly, not sounding the least bit worried about defying Twilight. “By order of the Princess of Friendship, which is you by the way, Councilor of Laughter Pinkie, which is me, is not to listen to any whining and ensure that the Princess of Friendship, you again, must stick to the schedule every morning, no matter how much she whines like a little bitch.” Eventually Twilight found the strength to crane her neck up to look at the pink party pony. “Did I really say ‘little bitch’?” At Pinkie’s nod, Twilight groaned again and finally began pulling herself up. After untangling her legs around her pillow, she slowly extracted her cock from its sleeping bag. Her pillow moaned at the loss of fullness, but that only brought a smile to Twilight’s face. It never failed to warm her heart how good her ponies felt about doing whatever it took to please her. Eventually her cock gave a soft *plop* sound as it popped out, leaving her pillow’s anus gaping wide. Mr. Cake turned to face Twilight, looking like he was ready to beg to be filled again. But one look at his princess’ happy face and he knew such a request would be selfish. Who was he to make such demands of an alicorn goddess? Instead, he bowed and gave her the morning greeting she deserved. “Thank you, princess.” “You are most welcome,” Twilight beamed back. It was nice to be appreciated. She gave her former pillow a good smack on the rump, encouraging him to vacate her bed, which he did clumsily. She watched him struggle to steady himself as he walked - she had not been gentle - mindful of his still gaping asshole and the bit of cum that leaked out. It was a lovely sight that filled her with satisfaction, but also reminded her of her courtesies. “And tell Mrs. Cake I’m sorry she couldn’t make it, but not to worry. I’ll be sure to drop by and give her next foal a proper blessing later this week.” “Thank you again, princess.” Mr. Cake bobbed his head in a low bow before finally leaving the room. Twilight had only just hopped onto the floors of her crystal palace with a soft clop before she felt a gust of air against her belly. Looking down, she smiled as a pink cotton candy tail wagged out from between her forelegs. The pink poofy mane tickled her belly as she imagined the mare licking her lips in anticipation. The cute pink rump wiggled excitedly, causing the a series of jiggles that made Twilight’s mouth water. Her next words caught in her throat as she felt the familiar sensation of Pinkie’s lips wrap around the head of her cock. “Mmmh!” “Enjoying ourselves, ngh, are we?” Twilight said through grunts of pleasure as she felt her shaft sink deeper into her pink friend’s throat. Her hips gave an involuntary thrust, driving deeper into the warm, shuddering orifice. Pinkie expertly swirled her tongue around the head before deep throating, sinking all the way until her chin nearly touched Twilight’s testicles. “Y-you know, I was thinking that maybe we should just make this part of your usual duties.” “What?” Pinkie asked after letting the half-mast cock flop from her mouth. She was still crouching beneath her princess. “You can’t be serious.” “Why can’t I?” Twilight asked in amusement. Was Pinkie actually defying her? Did she still have that ability? Twilight thought a moment before dismissing the idea as absurd. Surely there must be some other explanation. “You do such a good job as my cock cleaner. It seems only right that we make it official.” “No way.” Pinkie’s mane shook from side to side, further tickling Twilight. “This is a favor I do for my friend and princess. Making it a job… just makes it seem less sincere, ya know?” “Fine,” Twilight lamented. It was a bit of relief that Pinkie’s refusal did not stem from defiance, but her own will in interpreting how best to make Twilight happy. Once more Pinkie engulfed Twilight’s alicorn shaft in her maw, pressing forward until Twilight felt the tip pressing into the earth mare’s throat, and then go deeper. She’s gotten really good at this, Twilight thought, reflecting on how only a year ago her friend had struggled just to get half her princess’ meat in her mouth, now she was deepthroating with the best of them. Under Pinkie’s expert care, it wasn’t long before Twilight finished, gasping as she fed her seed to her eager friend. After she’d finished drinking it all down, Pinkie crawled out from under Twilight and sat down in front of her like a dog begging for a treat. Twilight rewarded her with a proud smile and a gentle scratch behind the ears, earning a tapping hoof from her friend and pet. In turn, Pinkie replied with the customary response. “Thank you, princess.” *** Twilight walked down the halls of her palace, past the rows of guards in the violet colors of their princess. They were still few in number, as Ponyville was small and had little need for security. Most of them were on loan from her fellow alicorns until the local militia was trained to her satisfaction. Regardless, they did serve their function as decorations to make this feel like a real palace. “What’s the schedule for today, Spike?” Twilight asked as she heard her assistant scamper up beside her. The little drake held out a quill and parchment as he walked alongside his mistress. He’d grown taller in the last year, to the point where he was almost at eye level with Rarity, but that still left him a good head shorter than Twilight. Spike had also beefed out in several areas, having lost most of his baby pudge since becoming a father. “It’s the first of the month, so after breakfast Mayor Mare will be by to give her reports from town hall. And here,” he handed Twilight a note, “is a list of all the issues you wanted to bring up with her about zoning rights and stuff.” “Thank you, Spike.” Twilight took the note in her magic and read in silence. “No problem,” Spike beamed proudly. “That shouldn’t take more than an hour. After that you hold court for three hours, and then a three hour break for lunch.” He chuckled. “What’s so funny?” “Oh poor you with all your princessly duties. How will you ever find the time to just relax and do what you wanna do?” He teased. “Oh ha ha,” Twilight mocked. She liked the attention and respect ponies gave her since becoming a princess, but it was still nice to see that some things never changed, especially her number one assistant. “Speaking of doing what you wanna do, how’s the family?” “They’re great!” Spike cheered. “Rarity just got this idea for a new line of baby clothes that just look so adorable. We’re thinking of turning Barb onto solid foods soon. We’ll start with an apple and see if she can handle a ruby after that.” “I’m so happy to hear that,” Twilight gushed as she imagined the cute little hybrid in her crib, burbling and cooing as her father and mothers doted on her. “And Sweetie?” “She and the others are finalizing the paper work to open a new chapter of the Crusaders in Manehatten. I’m so happy for her, but,” Spike lowered his head, his smile fading somewhat. “But?” “But she’s worried she might be too busy with that to have time for another foal. We’ve all got our claws and hooves full with Barb as it is.” “Oh.” Twilight remembered how excited Spike had been when they got the news that Rarity was pregnant. He’d grown a lot since becoming a parent, both physically and emotionally. It hurt to see one of her oldest and loyalist friends so down. “What if you got a nanny?” “A nanny?” “Sure,” Twilight beamed. “Just someone to help pick up the slack around the boutique. That way you should all have a bit more free time and Sweetie can have your foal on her next heat. I’d even be able to bless her as much as she wants.” Spike gave Twilight a wry smile. “And I suppose that offer of blessing goes for the rest of us, too?” He flagged his tail for emphasis, his asshole quivering in anticipation. “Naturally,” Twilight said proudly. “I’m always willing to make time for my friends.” “It’s a tempting offer, but I’ll have to talk it over with the girls first.” “Fair enough.” Twilight nodded as they neared the dining hall. “Anything else to report?” “Let’s see.” Spike pressed his nose back against the parchment and listed off the day’s obligations. After lunch court would resume, she had various meetings around Ponyville, including a visit to the school house, preparations for the griffon ambassador should be ready for her arrival tomorrow, and then she’d have the rest of the day off. “Good job, Spike.” The alicorn nuzzled the drake’s chin affectionately and left him with a soft kiss. They ate breakfast together, as usual, but unfortunately all their other friends had other obligations to meet. Despite his critiques of the chefs, Spike still enjoyed being the one served for a change as the maids brought in their meals. Twilight picked the prettiest of them whose face would serve as her sitting cushion, as had become their little tradition. The princess and drake ate and chatted about their daily affairs as the maid went to work on the alicorn’s pussy, sucking her nub and stimulating her to half-mast by the end of the meal. *** “Greeting’s Princess Twilight,” Mayor Mare greeted with a bow. “And thank you.” “You are most welcome.” It never failed to excite Twilight each time someone thanked her. Such had been the custom in ancient times when the alicorns had first come to Equestria, but had since faded from common memory. After learning of such a travesty, Twilight had vowed to bring it back, along with many of the old customs her mentor had believe no longer relevant in the modern age. It was one of the few issues on which Twilight had to disagree. They were alicorns, rulers of the Equestrian Empire and its provinces. The least their subjects owed them was gratitude for caring for them so well. Mayor Mare concluded the custom of beginning all formal business by first kissing the tip of her princess’ dick, which was still partially hard as she sat in her office. The aged mare quickly listed off last month’s affairs as she piled the papers onto Twilight’s desk. The signature of the princess was needed to finalize all formal documents. Twilight’s hoof gently rubbed along her shaft, ensuring that it lost none of its vigor as she signed away. Thankfully, her dick only grew as she found the monotony of organized paperwork most stimulating. Further, the mayor knew her stuff as there was next to nothing Twilight felt the need to question. Zoning laws seemed in order, there had been no complaints about the conversion to the metric system she’d instituted, and there’d even been a marked drop in property damage, continuing the trend since her ascension. Now that she was in charge, everything was running smoother. With business concluded, the mayor gave Twilight’s dick a goodbye kiss, this time daringly licking up a dab of her bubbling alicorn pre. Twilight considered chastising the mare for doing so without permission, but figured she’d earned a little treat after doing such a good job. Next on the agenda was the throne room where court was to be held. This time Twilight selected one of the butlers to serve as her cushion. His nose pressed comfortably between her ass cheeks, his breath tickling her pucker as her balls rested on his chin. She couldn’t help but giggle as his cock sprang from its sheath as he faithfully ate his princess out. She decided to tease him by rubbing her own cock against his, laughing further at how much larger hers was. All the while an audience of ponies looked on in awe as their princess casually played with her lucky toy. At Spike’s announcement, court began and petitioners came forth one at a time. Each began with the formal greeting of thanking their princess and kissing her penis. Despite the fact that Twilight had arranged for most issues to go to the mayor, such as petty arguments and lesser trade disputes, she was still amazed by how many had been willing to fill out the extra paperwork to come and see her personally. Then again, she was an alicorn. She could hardly blame them for trusting her wisdom over that of some lowly pony. Among the petitions Twilight was happiest to answer were the requests for blessings, another custom Twilight had resurrected. In days of yore, when the alicorns made their way across their then small kingdom, ponies would flock to them with requests for blessings on their marriages, unborn foals, or anything else they were anxious about. The blessing basically amounted to a request to be fucked by an alicorn. Anus, pussy, or mouth; it did not matter so long as the alicorn’s blessed seed poured into the bodies of their lowly subjects. At one point the wife of Twilight’s current cushion came forth, middle heavy with foal, and requested such a blessing to ensure their foal would be born happy and healthy. Despite her pregnant belly, she was a petite thing with green fur and a white mane. Twilight didn’t pay much attention to her name as she gently stroked her hoof over the unicorn mare’s horn, causing her to shudder. The alicorn princess gazed deeply into her subject’s eyes, studying her intently. The spell had been coming along nicely. Dominance, as it was so called, had been the most valuable asset to the alicorns in maintaining order since the defeat of Discord. Since her ascension, Twilight was given access to Dominance, an all-encompassing spell that wrapped across all Equestria like a soothing blanket, ready to be called on by the alicorns whenever they needed it. And since Twilight’s addition to the roster of alicorns, she’d contributed her knowledge and power to the precious spell, causing it to grow in ways that even her fellow alicorns hadn’t predicted. That was part of the reason why she’d been given Ponyville as a distinct province of the empire, to study the improved Dominance and use the town’s ponies as her test subjects. As Twilight gazed into the mare’s eyes, gone was the haze that had once characterized a charmed pony. The mare was fully lucid and herself. She would obey the command of any alicorn with utmost devotion, but as herself and not a mindless doll. It was why Pinkie was still so hyper or why Spike had kept his snark. These were integral parts of who they were. Dominance only added unconditional love and worship of the alicorns to what already was, without taking anything away. Without question, it was a beautiful sight. Keeping her hoof on the mare’s head, Twilight gently guided the unicorn forward until its mouth touched her husband’s erection. She parted her lips without question and allowed Twilight to press her head down further and further until her chin was pressed against his testicles. The crowd watched on with expressions of impassiveness, awe, and arousal. The princess was doing it, which automatically made it right. The green mare was thinking as much as she suckled hungrily on her husband’s dick. Twilight groaned as she felt him work all the harder as his tongue probed deeper into her nethers. With the unicorn’s head still in her grip, she bobbed the mare up and down along the stallion’s dick, her own alicorn penis occasionally flopping against her face. With her free hoof, Twilight began stroking her own shaft while the audience watched with rapt attention. The green mare shook her rump, no doubt aching to be filled, but Twilight didn’t care. It would have been so easy to order Spike or any other stallion to come forth and give her a good rutting, but the unicorn’s pleasure didn’t matter. Right now all that mattered was this mare fellating her husband so that he’d be encouraged to better eat her out. Twilight soon felt her nethers clench and cock twitch, signaling that she was close. With one final push of the mare’s head, she heard her scream as her throat flooded with stallion cum, her pussy squirted all over the stallion’s face, and her dick erupted all over the green mare’s lovely mane. Twilight leaned back in her throne, allowing her cushion to go free so it wouldn’t drown. Well trained maids ran up and began cleaning her with their tongues, licking her fur, dick, and pussy free of all excess liquids. Her cushion and its wife could clean themselves up on their own time. For the alicorn princess of Ponyville, there was only one thing going through her mind. This is going to be a good day. > Chapter 2: Mending Fences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After such an arduous morning of tending her flock, er, subjects, Twilight spent much of her lunch break in her favorite pastime. Organizing books! Her new library would never replace the sentimentality of the one she lost in the war against Tirak, but in terms of volume, there was simply no comparison. This was the superior library. And, being such a generous princess, she made it available to all of Ponyville, though not before giving everyone proper lessons in how to care for books. “Hey, Twi!” Called a somewhat crackly voice. “Oh. Hello Rainbow.” Twilight quickly descended from the upper shelves and met her friend with a soft nuzzle. “I thought you were busy this morning.” “I thought I was too.” Rainbow puffed out her chest in pride. “Turns out I underestimated my own abilities. And with your new duty roster, we’ve already set up the weather for all today and most of tomorrow. So I decided to call it early.” “Rainbow,” Twilight sighed with a mix of exasperation and relief. No matter what, Rainbow was still Rainbow. “I thought AJ was going to have a talk with you about this.” “Oh she did,” Rainbow said with a guilty grin. “Until I gave my counter argument.” She opened her mouth and flapped her tongue suggestively. “Mare was putty in my hooves.” “Was she now?” Twilight tapped her hoof impatiently. “Oh! Sorry.” Rainbow realized her mistake and nodded her head in a soft bow. “Thanks a lot, princess.” “You are most welcome,” Twilight beamed, glad that Rainbow remembered her manners. Just because they were good friends didn’t exclude the pegasus from basic courtesy. “But I mean it,” Rainbow insisted. “I know we all owe you for being an alicorn and looking after us and all, but this is personal. If it weren’t for you, me and AJ would’ve never gotten together. We’d still probably be farten around using a bunch of silly competitions just so we’d have an excuse to hang out without looking suspicious.” “Well…” Twilight blushed with a shrug. “All I really did was tell you two to be honest with yourselves.” “It’s not just us either.” Rainbow went on. “Mac with Cheerilee and Fluttershy. Spike with Rarity and Sweetie. Come to think of it, thanks to you I don’t think there are more than a couple dozen single ponies left in Ponyville.” “Oh stop.” Twilight waved a hoof. She was pretending to be humble, but in truth she was very proud of her accomplishments. “I didn’t do that much. I just helped ponies get over a lot of their silly inhibitions. After all,” she straightened up and fanned her wings out in her most regal pose. “It is the duty of we alicorns to ensure that our ponies are well taken care of.” “Speaking of inhibitions,” Rainbow continued. “Me and AJ have been talking, and we’d really like for Mac to stud for our foals, but he’s not really too keen on it.” “Our, as in the both of you?” Twilight asked. There was no judgement. She just wanted clarification. “Yup. AJ’s got a thing for her brother’s super dick and I’d like me some of that too.” The cyan pegasus licked her lips. “You think you could give him one of your special talks?” She asked while using her hooves for air quotes. Twilight frowned, despite the entertainment value of her friend’s gesture. “What’s the matter, Twi?” “This might require more than just a talk,” Twilight said as she galloped off to the library’s restricted section with Rainbow following close behind. “Why? What’s the matter?” Twilight stopped at a seemingly unimpressive wall as her horn lit with the black light of alicorn magic. The wall folded in on itself to reveal a hidden room. The princess entered and quickly snatched up one of the books Celestia had leant her on Dominance’s secret history. Seeing as her friend was beginning to grow nervous, Twilight decided to calm her down. “I don’t think it’s serious, but if Big Mac’s still fretting about little things like incest, then that might suggest some sort of flaw in Dominance.” “Flaw?” Rainbow’s panic was beginning to heighten. Dominance was a closely guarded secret of the crowns. However, as a Councilor of Friendship, Rainbow and the other former Elements were entitled to such knowledge. They were well aware of how Dominance had changed them and all of Ponyville. However, the nature of Dominance helped them to understand why it was a good and necessary thing. They were grateful for the way Twilight had used the spell to improve all their lives. This was why Rainbow was so worried, for a flaw in Dominance could compromise the great life she now enjoyed with AJ. “What kind of flaw?” “Maybe flaw isn’t the best word,” Twilight said mostly to herself as she scanned through the book. “I might be jumping the gun here. Ah ha!” she proclaimed as she found the section she’d been searching for. “It’s probably just a little gap in the grid. If so, it should be easy to fix.” “But I thought you changed Dominance so that it wouldn’t have gaps anymore.” “I thought I did,” Twilight said as she reached for her saddle bag and loaded it with some of the charts she’d drawn of Ponyville’s magical grid and how it related to Dominance. “But it’s okay. If I can figure out what caused the gap, I can make adjustments to the spell to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Rainbow made a sound of relief. “That’s a load off my shoulders.” “Not if we get to Sweet Apple Acres and get the gap closed before lunch,” Twilight said with a suggestive waggle of her eyebrows. Rainbow quickly caught on and soon the pair were racing to the farm. *** “And you’re sure you don’t want to mount this?” Twilight asked, pointing at the subject matter. After being eaten out by her marefriend, AJ had bent over with her rump held high and tail flagging to give all a clear view of her winking pussy. It was this that Twilight was pointing to as AJ spread her butt cheeks apart for extra incentive, letting her brother know that he was more than welcome inside her. And yet the giant of a stallion just stared on with his usual neutrality. “E’nope,” Mac said flatly. “And what about this?” Twilight moved down from AJ to Fluttershy, who had also been eaten out, had her tail flagged, and plump rump spread, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her belly also bulged with the foal her virile stallion had planted in her some months ago. “Do you want to mount this?” “E’yup,” Mac said as his mammoth cock immediately jumped from his sheath and hit the ground with a soft thud. His wife’s supple bottom never failed to arouse him. “And what about this?” Twilight turned around and flagged her tail up for Big Mac to see her dripping pussy, swaying balls, and unsheathed cock, but did not demean herself by bending over and spreading herself. She’d fucked and been fucked by the red stallion before, so this was nothing new. “Would you like to mount this?” “E’yup,” he said, this time swallowing to keep from drooling. The other mares giggled at his enthusiasm. Even Granny Smith and Apple Bloom, who had been watching from off to the side, were enthralled by this predicament and Twilight’s efforts to solve it. Twilight turned back around to face the stallion, her face scrunched in contemplation. Her horn was lit to examine the flow of magic in the area, yet there didn’t seem to be any noticeable gaps or flaws in Dominance. More so, Mac’s behavior was perfectly in line with what had become the new norm around Ponyville, all save for the simple peculiarity of not wanting to fuck his sister. Incest had been just one of many silly taboos that she had thrown out. Granted that this one did have some basis in biology, but modern magic was more than capable of ensuring all foals were born without defects. “Fluttershy.” “Yes, Twilight,” the butter pegasus spoke softly. “You love Big Mac, right?” “O-of course!” Fluttershy insisted despite her stuttering. “He’s my husband and the father of my foal. I’ve,” she blushed and tried hiding behind her mane. “I’ve also had a crush on him since I first came to Ponyville.” “You and every other mare and filly in town,” AJ joked. “But I only got the courage to really talk to him thanks to Dominance,” Fluttershy added. “Thank you for that.” “Good.” Twilight nodded. “Now, I want you to imagine for a second that you weren’t pregnant and that Big Mac was actually sterile.” She waited for the image to sink in. “You still wanted a foal and someone like… Mr. Cake offered to stud for you. How would you feel about that?” Fluttershy didn’t take long to consider. “I don’t think I’d mind.” Her tone was as dispassionate as if she were asked to choose between two equally plain pieces of silverware. “I mean, it’d be sad if I couldn’t carry my Biggy Wiggy’s foal,” her words caused the hulk of a stallion to turn away in embarrassment, “but I don’t think that’d really change anything. So long as we’re together, I think it would all be fine.” Twilight nodded and turned to the stallion. “What about you, Mac? How would you feel if you were infertile and someone like Mr. Cake had to stud for your mares?” Mac took even less time to answer. “Same.” He shrugged, but discerned from Twilight’s expression that she wanted more. “Ah mean, Ah don’t see nothin’ wrong with that. Mr. Cake’d just be doin’ us a favor, like a good neighbor. Bit more personal, but t’ain’t much different than when we spot each other fer drinks. Wouldn’t change how Ah feel bout mah little Butter Blossom or Cherry Smile.” Fluttershy blushed at the use of her pet name. “I see.” Twilight nodded. So far all of this was in line with the changes she’d designed. Ponyville had become a land of openness and free love. One couldn’t simply go around and mount anyone they wanted on the streets. They’d have to ask first and then find a nice secluded spot. Generally the party being asked would accept now that they’ve all been stripped of their old hang-ups. So long as the mare wasn’t in heat, sex was nothing more than a means of bonding between ponies and used to spread the magic of friendship. “But you still don’t want to fuck your sister?” “E’nope,” he said flatly. “Ah don’t mind doin’ it with Dashie here, but Ah draw the line at mount’n any of mah sisters.” “Uh, Twi,” Rainbow whispered. “This might sound dumb, but why don’t you just tell him to mount her? Wouldn’t that fix everything?” “No, Rainbow,” Twilight sighed. Dash wasn’t wrong, but she was missing the point. “I could just tell him what to do, and he’d have to obey, but that’s just a bandage solution. It doesn’t solve the core issue that he has to want it on his own.” “Sorreh Princess.” Mac shrugged. “Ah know what ya’ll want and I wish Ah could give it ta ya, but Ah just can’t bring mahself ta look at mah family like that.” “Family?” Twilight considered, repeating the word under her breath until her eyes shined in realization. “That’s it! Mac. You like Mrs. Cake, right?” “E’yup.” “She’s a really good friend and neighbor, right?” “E’yup.” “And you have no issue with fucking her, her husband, or both at once if you were in the mood. Right?” “E’yup.” Twilight’s grin was growing with her excitement, along with her erection. There was a little known element to these kinds of wide area spells and how they could be augmented, not with more magic, but through logic. “You and the other Apples are very close with everyone in Ponyville. In fact, you’re so close it’s almost like you’re family in spirit, don’t you think?” Mac had to ponder this a moment, but eventually nodded. “S’pose so.” “In fact, it wasn’t too long ago that Rainbow and I were declared honorary members of the Apple family, right?” “E’yup.” “So, since Rainbow is honorary family, and Ponyville is also like you’re extended family, and you’re willing to have fun with all of us, why is AJ any different just because of a little blood?” As Mac pondered Twilight’s reasoning, the young alicorn could sense the fluctuation of magic around him. Dominance was in Mac’s mind and body, reading and rewriting him all at once to better fit the will of the alicorns, as it was meant to. In time the fluctuation passed and the red stallion looked at his princess with beaming pride. “It ain’t!” he declared with a bold stomp of his hoof. “Ponyville’s all one big happy family and Ah shouldn’t get mahself hung up over the little things.” The large stallion set his hungry eyes on the orange mare beside his wife. Both rumps were an alluring site, but his sister’s had the added appeal of being something new. They’d both had plenty of lovers since Twilight brought Dominance to their town, but the old taboo of the forbidden fruit lingered in Mac’s brain just enough to add that extra layer of excitement. “That’s mah brother!” Apple Bloom cheered. “Way t’ go, sunny. Maybe later ya could help this old bitty feel like a spry young thing again?” Granny offered as she casually hoofed herself. Mac wasn’t listening though. All of his attention was focused on those firm powerful flanks that only came from a lifetime of honest labor. He was drooling as he walked forward, almost in a daze. Apple Jack, his sister, the filly he’d helped raise, being there for one another during the good times and the bad, was staring at him with a yearning that sent an arrow through his heart. How could he have ever been so foolish for ignoring her need? All titles and honors aside, she was his sister and she deserved the very best he could offer. AJ gave a muffled moan as her beloved brother pressed his nose against her folds. A shiver ran down her spine as she felt his tongue dart out experimentally. Her pussy was winking around the exploring appendage, trying to gobble it down and pull it in. As her hooves dug into the dirt beneath her, AJ glanced to her side to find Fluttershy smiling sweetly at her. There wasn’t a trace of malice or envy in the butter yellow mare’s eyes, only genuine kindness and joy for her friend finally knowing the pleasure of her beloved husband’s affections. All mares, and stallions for that matter, had their own unique flavors. Big Mac had had a joyous time learning the truth of this as he sampled and was sampled by virtually every pony in town. Save for the one issue, it had been an open buffet. Mare or stallion, colt or filly, all were treats to be enjoyed. And his sister was no different, tasting of salty sweat around her butt cheeks while her inner juices were more like that of a fresh apple. As much as he loved this, wanting to savor the taste and drink in the smell forever, the twitching between his legs reminded him of more urgent needs. Mac promptly hopped up onto his sister’s back, resting the full magnitude of his weight upon her relatively smaller form. He knew she could take it. He nuzzled his cheek between her shoulders, savoring the feeling of her breathing against his belly. Using his hooves, he carefully lined himself up and pressed the tip of his flaring shaft against her winking pussy. AJ whimpered as she felt the first inch of her brother’s cock enter her moist pussy. He was so big, almost as big as Twilight, but that didn’t matter nearly as much as the fact that it belonged to the stallion she’d always secretly crushed on since they were little. She’d told herself that it wasn’t meant to be, but Twilight had finally freed them of such silly notions. And now she could enjoy the full experience of her brother, the biggest stallion in town, gently sinking inch after inch of his mammoth foal maker into her moist marehood. His shaft burned inside her, as she no doubt burned around him as she craved the sensation of being filled. Each second filled her with greater want as he sank deeper, hollowing her out with his rod. She gave a light moan as she felt him pull out a short ways, only to sink back deeper than before. She knew, as Fluttershy and Cheerilee were fond of describing, how Mac loved taking his time getting his lovers good and ready for a good fucking. “He’s really gentle when he starts,” Fluttershy commented as she nuzzled AJ’s cheek. The wet shlicking sound of the penetrating dick provided the ambiance. “My Biggy Wiggy knows how big he is, so he always starts out by easing you into his girth. He’s nice like that.” The Pegasus gave her husband a wink, earning a smile in return as he grunted. “But that’s just for starters.” Big Mac huffed as he felt himself finally hilt inside his sister, his balls touching her inner thighs. “Sis?” he asked. AJ felt like she was melting around his cock, but managed to peek over her shoulder and answer with the softest of nods. With his sister’s permission, Big Mac pulled out almost to the tip, only to slam back down with greater force than before. “Once he gets started,” Fluttershy continued as she savored the look on her friend’s face, listening to the wet smacking sounds of her husband’s thrusting. “He’s like a machine, pounding a mare’s pussy until she feels like gelatin.” Hearing the normally shy mare use such lewd words was sending AJ over the edge. She couldn’t bring herself to turn her head, but she knew her lover, family, and princess were all watching her get her pussy smashed by her older brother, and it was amazing. She pressed her hooves down on her muzzle to stifle her joyous wailing. She pressed her rump up higher, trying to meet her brother’s powerful thrusts, but she doubted it made a difference compared to his power. Mac snarled like a beast as he bit down on his sister’s neck, hilting one last time in his sister’s cunt. A flood of cum erupted from his tip into his sister, filling her with its warmth. Her pussy continued to wink around his shaft as she pressed back, wanting to milk him for all she could. His seed was her reward and she wanted every last drop inside her. She whinnied gratefully as her brother just stood there, basking in the afterglow. After realizing that slopping smacking sounds of sex were still in the air, Fluttershy pointed the siblings over to Rainbow. The cyan mare was bent over with her ass up as Twilight pounded into her. No doubt the princess had become excited from their ‘sibling bonding’ and the ever loyal Rainbow was offering relief. AJ was happy at seeing her wife happy, but also proud of her for doing her duty to service the alicorns. Big Mac had similar thoughts, only he was wondering if it’d be too presumptuous to ask for her blessing after she’d already gone through the trouble of making him realize what he’d been missing out on. In the end, the siblings settled on watching their friend and lover do her duty while their continued to enjoy the feeling of one another’s bodies, a delight that they would partake in for many years to come. a > Chapter 3: Blessings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was bursting with joy as she trotted down the street, half erect cock bouncing against her belly. More than once she failed to notice ponies offering their customary greeting of gratitude. She was just in too good a mood. After the brief scare with Big Mac and the error in Dominance, she’d righted the wrong and succeeded in strengthening the blessed spell even further. Now, whenever another being under Dominance’s control started to have the same doubts as Big Mac, the spell would guide them through a similar line of reasoning and show how wonderful total submission to the alicorns truly was. “Pardon me, your highness,” a voice called. Twilight stopped to look at the tan earth mare. Her cutie mark was that of a heart and baby bottle. The princess frowned as she tried to place the name. It wasn’t that long ago when she was second only to Pinkie in her encyclopedic knowledge of ponies’ names. However, since her ascension, ponies’ names had been losing their relevance. Who they were just didn’t seem to matter as much as their love and loyalty to her and all other alicorns. More and more she saw them as just ponies. “Thank you, your highness,” the mare said with a bow. “My name is Cream Heart.” “Hello Cream Heart,” Twilight greeted graciously. “What can I do for you?” “Forgive my forwardness, but I was hoping you could bless my son.” “Oh?” Twilight was always up for a blessing, but she liked to pretend otherwise. It made her feel good whenever ponies started pleading or even begging for what she was willing to offer for free. After all, they were just ponies and she was an alicorn. It was only natural for them to beg. “Who is your son and why does he need an alicorn’s blessing?” “His name is Button Mash.” Cream Heart offered up a photo, having anticipated that the princess would have better things to do than remember her son. “I fear he might be addicted to video games and that it’s having an adverse effect on his studies. Please, Princess.” She bowed even lower. “Anything you can do would be terribly appreciated. I’d do anything if it means helping my little boy.” Twilight smirked at the groveling mare. She glanced around to find ponies looking on with awe and understanding. More and more this had become the norm for most ponies that approached her. Thanks to Dominance, they had rapidly picked up on social cues that told them this was the way to approach a being as great and wonderful as an alicorn. Truly it was blessing enough to be in her presence and breathe the same air, but they still had their petty wants. Even so, part of alicorn greatness was their sense of duty to their subjects. “Very well.” Twilight flared her wings for her formal declaration. “Because of your manners and humility, I, Princess Twilight, will happily bless your son, Bottom Bash.” “It’s Button Mash, your highness,” Cream Heart corrected softly. “Of course it is,” Twilight replied uncaringly. “I was just heading to the school later this afternoon. I’ll see him then. But before I do, there is something I need to ask of you.” “Anything, my Princess. Anything!” “This is a question, not an order,” Twilight clarified. She’d learned the importance of being careful with her words. These ponies would merrily trot right into a hydra’s mouth if they thought it’d make their princess happy. “Do you ever fuck your son? If not, why?” Cream Heart frowned in confusion at such an odd question. “Of course I fuck him, your highness. He’s my son.” Twilight nodded. “Good. Then there’s no issue with there being a blood relation?” “There was, but…” Cream Heart trailed off. “But?” “It’s my husband, you see,” Cream Heart carefully explained so as not to cause offense. “For the longest time he’s been reluctant to touch our son like that. However, I had a talk with him a little less than an hour ago and he seemed to realize how silly he’d been, promising to pound little Button’s tail hole when he got home.” “I see.” Twilight nodded in contemplation. This was an unsettling development. On the one hand, it was good to know that Dominance was already correcting similar errors around town. However, there was the undeniable issue of these errors having gone on for so long without her notice. The situations are similar too, Twilight thought. The oldest stallion in the family feeling reluctant to engage in physical relations with a blood relative. This could mean there are factors at work reacting undesirably with Dominance. More so, the fact that all of this has been going on for so long without my notice would suggest that the element of tolerance and ignoring of taboos I added might be inadvertently helping ponies ignore what they shouldn’t. Twilight quickly calmed herself down as she considered this. Ponyville was still in its experimental phase, which meant that errors like this should be expected. It might simply be that, instead of ignoring taboos entirely, they should abandon old ones and replace them with the new way of thinking. In any case, she’d have to write to princess Celestia on her findings and get the elder alicorn’s opinion on the matter before making any more modifications. For now, her stomach was rumbling. “That will be all, my little pony.” Twilight had to suppress a giggle at using her mentor’s term. “You may go now.” “Thank you, your highness.” Cream Heart continued to bow as she backed away. “We are all forever in debt to the alicorns.” “Naturally,” Twilight said smugly as she resumed her trot back home. *** Lunch and the continuation of court were relatively uneventful. She’d decided to sit on a stallion’s lap for the latter, having him spear her ass while petitions were given. After allowing him to cum inside when court ended, and after having him clean up his mess with his mouth, the young alicorn was ready for her visit to the school. Twilight Sparkle loved foals. She’d loved them ever since she learned what being an alicorn truly meant. They were always so eager, naïve, and so very tight. The blank flanks made her feel especially naughty, at least until she remembered that being an alicorn made everything she did morally justified, but it was still fun to pretend that she was just another pony in some backwards land where they still suffered under such terrible inhibitions. It was the foals that had been easiest to convince since the experiment began. All they knew was that sex and obeying the alicorns felt good, and that was all they needed to know as the gospel of submission spread across town. But that was all in the past. The present was so much more fun. Mrs. Cheerilee Apple introduced Twilight to the class, who all thanked her for being there. Her visit here, as it was for so many other places, was meant as a morale boost to motivate the little ponies into being the best subjects they could be. With formalities concluded, Twilight called this trip’s lucky little foal forward. Meekly the dark brown earth colt with the cute little hat walked up to his princess, moving past the looks of envy from his classmates. “Y-yes, ma’am. Th-thank you,” he greeted, unable to take his eyes off the floor. “Button,” Twilight cooed gently as she sat on her haunches. “I want you to look me in the eye.” His head shot up suddenly, his nose barely missing the tip of Twilight’s erect rod. He barely seemed to notice as he looked up, waiting anxiously for further instructions like the nervous colt he was. After motioning for Cheerilee to wait to begin the lesson, Twilight beamed down at the colt and brushed a hoof along his chin. “Button.” “Y-yes ma’am?” “I had a talk with your mother today.” “Y-you did?” he asked nervously, likely fearful of being in trouble. “Mh hm. She’s very worried about you falling behind in your studies.” Her hoof glided across the colt’s body and down his barrel as she got him used to her touch. “She asked if I could help by blessing you.” “B-bless… Y-you mean,” he glanced back, “p-putting it in my butt?” “Of course,” Twilight beamed maternally. “Why? Haven’t you had penises in your butt before?” Button lowered his eyes in what looked like shame. Briefly Twilight considered that this might not be the best location to discuss what were likely personal matters. However, that thought didn’t last long. He was a pony and she was an alicorn. He’d face his demons wherever and whenever was convenient for her. A look of stern warning was all it took to inform him of such and the colt found his courage to obey. “W-well, other colts, sure. But, um, n-no other stallions have done that with me yet.” “You poor thing.” Twilight hugged the little colt to her chest, allowing her cock to press into his belly. All around she could hear foals muttering to themselves, wondering why or how such a thing could happen. She knew he could hear it too and gently stroked his mane to calm him. “How about we fix that right now. I’ll show you just how great it can be to have your little body speared on a stallion’s girth. Does that sound fun?” He swallowed. “It, uh, does actually.” He smiled, filling Twilight’s heart with warmth. She might not have cared too much about his name or any feelings of shame or inadequacy, but it never failed to give her the shivers each time a pony offered itself to her. “Alright, little guy.” Twilight let the colt go and leaned back onto her haunches, letting her erect dick stand on its own for the pony that would soon be its new resting place. She lit her horn, earning a soft yelp from the colt. “Don’t worry. That was just a lubrication spell to get you ready. I don’t want to take up too much class time with foreplay, you know.” Button nodded meekly as Twilight motioned for him to turn around. The sensation of moisture in his little tail hole had already caused his tail to flag. He’d walked in on more than his fair share of ponies rutting in the past. They never shooed him away, and sometimes invited him to join in, but he rarely had the nerve to do so, especially when a stallion was involved. He’d never had any reservations with fillies, mares, or colts, but full grown stallions just scared him. However, he was always a little envious whenever he saw the looks of bliss on a pony’s face as they were penetrated by a thick piece of stallion meat. Between his soft chocolate cheeks sat his puckered little button, just waiting to be filled. Beneath the star hung his tiny balls and juicy little prick. Twilight licked her lips at the succulent sight, ready to enjoy this colt as he deserved. Chuckling, Twilight’s horn lit once more and the colt was soon encased in her magic. His legs flailed helplessly for solid ground, which only excited her more at the power she held over him. No soothing words were offered as she maneuvered him towards her, until her thick cock was sandwiched nicely between his diminutive buns. “P-Princess?” he asked, only to get a swift shush from the alicorn. “You feel nice,” Twilight cooed as she slid her cock along his crack, her dick leaking dabs of pre onto his back. “Your little buns are so soft. I’m surprised more stallions haven’t used you for a cock sleeve, yet.” Button moaned in want, only marginally aware of the full attention of his classmates upon him. “How does it feel, my little toy? How does it feel to be helpless before an alicorn as she gets ready to spear your ass in front of the entire class?” She gestured around the room at all the gawking foals. “I-it feels good,” he whined. “I… Please. I want it in me.” That was what she was waiting for. “Then take it!” Her magic folded his hind legs up as she lowered his anus down along her cock. He squirmed, but the magic held him tight. His little lubricated anus was tight at first, but quickly opened up to allow her entry. Like so many, this little foal’s colt pussy stretched nicely around his alicorn’s cock as she sank deeper inside of him. “Agh!” He cried in ecstasy as his ass burned from the friction. “So tight,” Twilight grunted. She sank him deeper and deeper. He really hadn’t had much action back there as his anal walls resisted. However, knowledge of his service to the princess allowed him to loosen considerably. Finally his little sack was touching hers and her teats pressed against his lower back. She’d fully sheathed herself inside him in just a few seconds and gave a contented sigh. “Are you good?” She didn’t really care, but it seemed like the polite thing to say. “Y-yes,” the colt grunted. “I-is that it?” His ass might have felt really good as the massive cock filled him, but he was fairly certain sex involved a bit more movement after penetration. “For now,” Twilight cooed as she stroked at his mane. With a glow she applied an adhesive spell around his anal ring. Pulling him back with a hoof, she applied another adhesive to his back and her belly. It wasn’t terribly solid, but it served well enough to hold him in place. Twilight stood and shook her body lightly, testing the durability of the spell as the audience of foals looked on in amazement. “Are you good?” Mrs. Cheerilee asked, her voice devoid of any shock over seeing one of her foals turned into a living sex toy for an alicorn. It wasn’t like such a sight was anything new for her class. In fact, it was rare that Twilight didn’t seize some random foal a few times a week and either plant them down on her cock or press their little bodies against her nethers like a pair of living underwear. Twilight nodded in contentment and motioned for Cheerilee to begin the day’s lesson. Today’s lesson was history, the true history of Equestria as taught from the books Twilight had loaned the teacher. It was important for the foals to learn at an early age all the alicorns had done for them, all they should be grateful for, and all that they owed their princesses. As Cheerilee lectured, Twilight had brought Button’s school supplies down to the floor while he sat in her lap. Just because he was serving as her cock sleeve didn’t excuse him from his work. Even so, Twilight couldn’t help but run a hoof tenderly along his side, savoring every little flinch as he tried to focus on his work. Being as Twilight had committed the book being taught to memory long so ago, the mare let her mind wander. Mostly she thought of Dominance and her work with it. Not long ago she’d come up with a way to have the spell leach off ambient energy from the atmosphere rather than relying exclusively on alicorn magic. It had been quite the hurdle. In celebration, she’d ordered the entire town into an impromptu orgy with her at the center. Twilight giggled as she thought about how her old, non-alicorn self might have reacted to such a performance. It was, admittedly, a bit of a struggle to imagine. Though it had only been a little over a year, it felt like a lifetime ago that she was nothing but a common pony and not a divine entity. She imagined her old, lesser self speaking to her while not under Dominance’s control. ‘Monster! Rapist! Murderer!’ These were just some of the accusations old Twilight might hurl at Princess Twilight. She laughed as she imagined her retort. ‘If I were a pony, you would most certainly have a point. However, being as I am now an alicorn, I am merely claiming what rightfully belongs to me.’ Now, if old Twilight were around today, she’d immediately see the logic in Princess Twilight’s words and that would be that. However, being a relic of the past, old Twilight would more likely say something along the lines of how no pony had the right to do such horrific things, not even Celestia. Old Twilight wouldn’t stop there. Alicorns are monsters! You just replaced one evil with another. Princess Twilight smiled contentedly, even as she felt a faint twinge deep down inside. You’re brainwashing them, just as you were. They don’t love you! It’s all a lie. Just… just as your love for Celestia and Cadence was probably a lie. Princess Twilight frowned, not liking the way she imagined old Twilight beginning to tear up at such an accusation. She was just a pony, a single, unimportant, misinformed pony, so surely her opinion didn’t count for anything. And yet, she was the simple, unimportant pony who would go on to be Princess Twilight. Didn’t that mean she… NO! No, of course she didn’t matter. She was in the past, essentially dead and gone, where she could be of no use to the alicorns. What about grandpa? old Twilight countered. He used to bring us books all the time when we were young. He’d sit by the fire and read to us before he died. How can you say he doesn’t matter? Princess Twilight blinked, not expecting that. She… old Twilight had loved grandpa dearly. It was like the way both old and Princess Twilight loved their friends, the bearers of the Elements. They had purpose and value under alicorn rule, so… No! old Twilight screamed. Pinkie loved making ponies laugh. She made us laugh, too. Or have you forgotten? All those times we were feeling down, it was like she could sense it and was always there to give us exactly what we needed. Princess Twilight blinked, recalling all the times the pink mare had brought cupcakes over. Most of the time they were just shut in the fridge while Pinkie sat there and provided an open ear for all of her… old Twilight’s woes. Similar memories of the others popped up, the way they all made old Twilight smile and feel so content just being around them. It… mattered? Matters, old Twilight corrected with a tearful growl. Present tense. It was important then and it’s still important now, even if you’ve twisted them under your perverted desires. Princess Twilight was growing angry. She imagined herself casting Dominance over this blasphemer. Surely now she’d see reason and apologize for her disrespectful words. Because that’s all you can do, old Twilight accused with a sneer. We used to study friendship, remember? It always felt so wonderful the way we’d overcome obstacles, build bridges, and strengthen trust. We were all the better for it, too! Remember the way Fluttershy was a borderline agoraphobic? Compare that to how she was before we got these stupid wings. Princess Twilight did, imagining how the yellow mare would smile as she trotted down the road. At first she walked with her head hung low, often sprinting between obstacles to hide behind. Then, after growing closer with old Twilight, she’d changed. Her trotting became more bold, more confident. Occasionally she’d strike up conversations with complete strangers, just to celebrate the fact that she could. It was a happy image that made the alicorn’s heart ache. Now what you’ve turned her into. Princess Twilight blinked in realization. New Fluttershy still smiled as she trotted down the street, occasionally exchanging kisses and offering oral with the locals. She, like most others, usually had a hot blush on her cheeks from their most recent fucking. She’d learn to spend much more time away from her cottage, leaving her Dominance controlled animals to mostly take care of themselves. Come to think of it, the only time she actually went to her old cottage anymore was to drop off pet food. She really didn’t give a damn about them anymore, preferring instead to occupy her time with the Apples. In fact, they were ALL like that. Rarity still made outfits, but they were mostly of a sexual theme. She’d long stopped wishing to open a boutique in Canterlot and was content just being fucked here in Ponyville. Rainbow still worked the weather and flew fast, but she’d stopped competing. Mostly she just flew between sex partners. Oddly, AJ and Pinkie seemed the relatively least changed. Their actions had become overtly sexual in numerous ways, but they still worked the farm and spread smiles, respectively. Was that better or worse? It was just… Twilight shook her head in anger. She imagined herself conjuring a storm and smiting her heretical old self. Bolt after bolt of white hot lightning struck the belligerent mare until she was nothing but black cinders. Yet even when the imaginary deed was done, Alicorn Princess Twilight still felt angered. Returning to reality, Twilight’s eyes landed on a foal whom she recognized. It was Berry Pinch, daughter of Berry Punch, one of Twilight’s current test subjects. The alicorn sighed in relief at the change of topics. However, that left her feeling no less angry to stare at the foal. Though little Pinch had done nothing wrong, just the sight of her sitting there filled Twilight with the ache of failure. She’d come to especially detest failure ever since her ascension, striking out at even remote reminders of her inability to accomplish what was her right to do as ruler. Thinking on this particular failure, Twilight was reminded of the foal resting upon her cock. An idea formed and she grinned. She’d been afflicted with a bad mood, and there was only one way to change that.