> Sexty Minute Stories > by O > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Little Foreplay Goes a Long Way (ScootaDash) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash decided to start things off the best way she knew how, by diving right in. She kissed the orange pegasus mare roughly and shoved her out of the air and back onto the large cloud bed. Foreplay was for ponies who didn't want each other bad enough. That wasn't a problem here. Dash knew she wanted the hot eighteen year old mare, and she knew that Scootaloo had to be burning up at the chance to be with her. There didn't need to be any sweet talk or cuddling or gentle kisses. Just hooves-on action. As soon as Dash's tongue touched Scoot's lips they parted to let it in, and as soon as their bodies pressed together Scoot's forelegs were wrapped around her. Their mutual excitement was electric, and the second Dash broke the kiss Scoot started kissing her cheek, then down her neck. “Oh yeah. More.” Dash said, her breath heavy. Scoot obliged, squirming lower to kiss down Dash's chest. Dash rolled onto her side to make it easier on the younger pegasus, and Scoot's kisses continued down her torso. Then the kisses stopped all of a sudden. Dash looked down, and Scoot was staring at Dash's side. “Something wrong? You're doing great. . .” “I just. . . I wanted to know if. . .” Scoot started to blush, which Dash found seriously cute and really did as much as kissing to add to the fire she was feeling. “What did ya' wanna know, Scoot?” “Can I preen you? Please?” Dash raised her eyebrows. “Preen me? Really?” Things had been so hot, and they were just about to get hotter, and now the kid wanted to throw some cold water on it. Preening was one of those things that was supposed to be sexy, but just felt like a waste of time when a pegasus was ready to go. Scoot probably learned from some flight school marefriend that you were supped to take time and connect and boring stuff like that. But seeing the hopeful look in those big purple eyes, Dash sighed and rolled over on her stomach, spreading her wings. “Fine. Go for it.” “Thanks, Dash. Thanks so much. I've always wanted to.” “Just don't make it take all night, okay?” Scoot nodded and carefully crouched down on one side of Dash. Dash could feel the younger pony's warm breath, then she felt a little lick at the base of one of her primary feathers before Scoot's teeth gently straighten it. Then again. Each lick sent a tingle, a sexy little shock that was soothed as the feather was straightened. Feeling it repeated over and over created a tension in her wings, one nerve at a time. Where before her wings were spread for Scoot's benefit, now they were stiff in a way she didn't normally get until she was very close to the edge of orgasm, but she was nowhere near that edge. Dash let out a little groan of pleasure. “Am I taking too long?” “Oh hay no. Oh my gosh, keep going.” Scoot carefully moved over her body and gave her other wing the same treatment. When she finished with the feathers, her tongue traced the length of the bone, sending a shiver up Dash's spine and fueling the desire between her rear legs. “You have the hottest wings, Dash.” Scoot said in a breathy whisper. “Really, I could do this all night.” Dash had no idea if it was the sultry voice or the nibble at the tip of the wing that made her tail twitch to the side and her hind quarters squirm, but Scoot followed it with another lick up the length of the shaft that made Dash gasp. Scoot gave that wing one last nibble, then moved back to Dash's other wing. Once again Dash felt a warm tongue and a nibble at the tip, but this time the tongue ran back down the wing to the base. Dash felt Scoot lick around the base of her wing with hard, firm licks that she was dying to feel against her pussy. Dash could feel the wetness soaking between her legs and couldn't have been more ready. She whimpered a little as Scoot gave the base of her wing a biting kiss. “Too hard?” Scoot whispered, worried. “No way.” Dash said, panting. “Amazing.” Scoot grinned, her eyes shining. “Good. You deserve amazing, Rainbow Dash.” She attacked the base of the wing with her tongue, forcing little grunts from Dash as her body imagined those actions farther back. Dash almost thought she was going to come right then. The feeling mounting in her was too close to the real deal, and finally she moaned, “Please! Just take me!” “Oh gosh, sorry.” Scoot said, hurrying back between Dash's rear legs. Dash managed to pull herself up on her rear knees, spreading her legs. She was dripping wet, she hadn't been this desperate for attention in years. She could feel the twitching of her hole and the slightest movement of air as Scoot got into position behind her. Then with one long, slow lick from Scoot's tongue, Dash exploded in orgasm. “More! More Scoot!” Scoot didn't need to be told twice, and she dove in with firm licks the length of Dash's slit. As Dash panted and moaned, the young pegasus pressed her muzzle deeply into Dash's needy marehood and flicked her tongue over the stiff little clit. “Celesia! Oh Scoot, yes!” Dash called, her voice cracking. The orgasm hadn't let up, and there was a higher peak looming, and she just needed a little push to get her there. And Scoot gave it to her, moving up to her hole with several deep licks, spreading her mouth so that her lips brushed Dash's clit and plunging into her depths. Dash's body froze and she screamed Scoot's name over and over. Scoot's tongue and lips never let up, rubbing her most sensitive spots deeply until the screams calmed into moans and finally whispers. Finally, Scoot pulled away. “That was okay, wasn't it?” Scoot asked, licking Dash's juices from her muzzle. “Heh, yeah. That was awesome.” Dash panted. “Gimme a minute. It's your turn next.” “Great, cause that made me so hot. I think I almost came just preening you.” Scoot said, flying so she could flop down next to Dash. “That's just the start, kid. I'm gonna give you some foreplay you won't believe.” Dash said with a wicked grin. After an orgasm like that foreplay seemed way cooler, and nopony deserved it more than the pony who showed her that. > Rarity's Perfect Stallion (SpiRarity) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author’s Note: I don’t really ship Rarity, but I was determined to do this prompt to show support to the blog. So the story might have gotten a little ambitious for something sexy written in sixty minutes, and it’s probably really rushed as a result. Sorry, I’ll do better next time. -O *** Rarity awoke before her lover, husband as of yesterday afternoon, in the posh hotel room in Canterlot. The handsome lavender unicorn stallion was sleeping peacefully. And, it had to be admitted, snoring a bit. Rarity nuzzled next to his ear. “Good morning, my prince.” “Wha? Oh.” He opened his eyes and smiled sleepily. “Morning, princess. Want some breakfast?” “I was thinking that breakfast might wait a bit.” Rarity said seductively. The stallion grinned. “More of last night?” “Oh yes.” Rarity said, nuzzling down his deep green mane. She couldn't believe how lucky she'd been. It was two months ago when Twilight's cousin arrived from Canterlot to take Spike's place as her assistant. Spike had just grown too big to stay in Ponyville, he no longer fit inside any of the shops. Twilight had gone to see him off, and returned with Sparkfire, the absolutely hunkiest unicorn Rarity had ever seen. He was tall and slender, with almost the build of an alicorn, and the gentlest green eyes. He'd swept her off of her hooves immediately. Her husband pulled her face to his for a deep kiss, then continued kissing across her cheek, to the nape of her neck then down her throat. She rolled over, allowing him access to her chest, which he peppered with more kisses. The night of their first kiss couldn't have been more perfect. He had been the gentlecolt of her dreams, the evening had been carefully planned, the meal exquisite, the flowers her favorite, and the walk home in the moonlight was so romantic she could just swoon. They came to her front door and she smiled and fluttered her eyelashes, giving him every hint to kiss her. But he still seemed nervous as he asked, “Can- can I kiss you?” “Yes,” She whispered, because that's how this was done. Her actual answer was more along the lines of YES! He leaned in and kissed her. And there were fireworks. Literally. Pink magic enveloped him, both of them. Rarity nearly panicked, but something about it felt warm and right. They kissed for a long time before he pulled away, grinning. “I knew it! Oh, wait 'til I tell Twilight.” “Tell Twilight what?” Rarity asked, still dazed but now confused and slightly offended. “Tell her. . . Rarity, I have something to tell you. I'm- I'm not Twilight's cousin.” “Who are you? What is going on?” She demanded, backing away. “There was this spell. . . Princess Cadance could do it. But Twilight thought it was dumb. I had to find true love in a month, without revealing who I was, or it wouldn't work.” Those gentle green eyes looked into hers. “But I told her, I knew I could find true love. I already knew the pony I'd love forever, and the only thing I wanted in the world was a chance to love her. The chance to be a stallion.” Rarity gasped. “Spike?” He nodded. “I love you, Rarity. And you sealed the spell. I'm a pony now, for the rest of my life.” Tears were coming to Rarity's eyes. At Spike's earnestness, at the love in his face, and at the overwhelming feeling of joy in her heart at having found a pony she knew would treat her like a princess. “I- I love you, Spike.” She grinned. “I love you!” She practically threw herself at him, kissing him deeply, which he returned with just as much passion. As he moved farther down her body, his lips caressing her, she took the tip of his horn in her mouth. “Oh wow. Oh Rarity, please. . .” Spike begged. She grinned and swirled her tongue around the hard bone as he moaned his approval, his hooves rubbing her sides. She sucked the full length of the horn into her mouth, drawing it out slowly as she felt his stallionhood unsheathing against her leg. When the tip left her lips, she smiled down at the awestruck stallion. “Somepony likes that, doesn't he?” He grinned. “Oh yeah. Wanna see how much?” “Oh yes. Show me exactly how much.” She breathed. He pulled away from her and she took her cue to roll over, holding her tail to the side. She expected to feel his stallionhood against her already wet entrance, but instead she felt his long tongue, gently caressing, teasing her. “Oh Spike, dear, please! Don't tease me like that.” “Sorry, my lady.” She felt him nuzzle up her rear and then over her back, forelegs tenderly wrapping around her as she felt him shift behind her. “Say the word, oh beautiful one.” Rarity smiled and relaxed at the tenderness of his every word, every motion. “Take me, my prince.” “You got it.” He said, and he pressed his length against her, then she felt herself part to allow it to enter her slowly. Inch by inch he filled her as he held her close. Once he was deep inside of her, he began to move, slowly pulling out so that she could feel every movement, then thrusting quickly back in, giving her a shock of pleasure. “Oh please, darling, more. Faster.” He complied immediately, his strokes turning hard and fast. Rarity moaned and felt herself clench around him. He didn't let up, drawing her orgasm out, keeping her in that blissful state for what seemed like an eternity. Finally she heard him start to moan, and his rhythm became erratic as he pressed against her, holding her tight, and climaxed. She felt the warmth inside her body coupled with the warmth of his body pressed to hers as the waves of pleasure subsided into perfect peace. They laid like that for a long time in afterglow, two ponies as close to one another as it was possible to be. Eventually, Spike spoke up. “Want me to make you breakfast?” “Spike, dear? We're in a hotel. We just have to call room service.” “Oh, right! Want me to do that?” “Just hold me for a bit longer. Breakfast can wait.” “Sure. Breakfast can wait.” Spike said, laying his head on Rarity's back. “That's how much I love you.” > Scootaloo's Best Day Ever (ScootaDash) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since Scootaloo left for flight school her visits back home had been few and far between. It wasn't that she didn't love Ponyville, she was just busy, and her old friends were busy, and it was hard to schedule a day to see everypony. But today was amazing. Today everypony made time for her. With the Best Young Flyer crown firmly on her head everypony in town stopped to congratulate her as they passed her on the street. Lunch with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle at Sugarcube Corner was an impromptu party, thanks to Pinkie Pie. And the highlight of the day had been when Silver Spoon tried to pretend like they'd been best friend back in the day, and Scootaloo had the chance to make it clear that she knew exactly who her friends had been, and Silver Spoon could go find Diamond Tiara and they could both jump in a lake. Now it was evening, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had both gone home, and there was one pony in town Scoot still hadn't seen. So as the sun was setting, she took off over town, scanning the cloud tops for a flash of cyan and rainbow. She caught sight of her over a field outside of town, the older pegasus seemed to be napping. But as Scoot came in to land next to Rainbow Dash, she could see that Dash was uncharacteristically watching the sun set. “Hey, Dash.” Scoot said with a grin. “Hey, kid. Nice hat.” Dash said, smiling. “Dash. . . I won! I won! Can you believe it? I thought I'd never even learn to fly, and I actually won Best Young Flyer!” Scoot couldn't help hopping into the air and flitting around excitedly. Dash laughed. “I know, I saw you.” “What? You saw? You were there?” Scoot asked, incredulous. “Of course I was.” Dash smiled. “You don't think I'd let you do something like that without making sure you were okay, right?” “Why didn't you say hi?” Scoot asked as she landed again next to the lounging pegasus. “You had a bunch of friends there. . . I didn't want to interrupt.” Dash said with a smile and a wave of her hoof, but her eyes drifted back to the sunset. “You should have. I would have introduced you.” Scoot said, slightly disappointed and confused. “But thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.” Dash smiled, a genuine smile, “No problem.” There was silence for a moment, and Dash glanced back at the sunset. “Wanna sit with me for a minute?” “Sure!” Scoot said, laying on the cloud next to Dash. She watched the sunset for a little bit. “Um, Dash?” “Yeah?” “Why are we watching the sunset? I mean, it's not really a Rainbow Dash kinda thing.” “It reminds me of somepony. . .” Dash said. “Did you know that you're beautiful?” “What? No I'm not.” Scoot said, blushing furiously. “Yup. Really beautiful. I never would have thought- I mean, don't get me wrong, you were a cute kid and all, but I saw you the other day, and wow. Like a sunset. Like one of the Princesses or something.” “Um. . . thanks.” Dash sighed, “So. . . yeah.” Another silence. “Dash?” “Yeah, Scoot?” “I'm right here.” Scoot furrowed her brow. “Sooo, why do you need to be reminded of me?” “It's. . . complicated, squirt. I'm just liking the sunset, okay?” “Okay.” After another long pause, Scoot couldn't help but ask, “You really think I'm beautiful?” “Yeah.” “Like, really beautiful?” Dash rolled her eyes. “Yes, Scoot. Really beautiful, okay?” “Could. . . could I kiss you?” Scoot held her breath, waiting for an answer. It was dumb to ask, Dash only though of her as a kid. Squirt. No way would she let Scoot kiss her. Dash stared at her. “You wanna kiss me?” “Um. . . yeah?” “But aren't I like, your big sister or something? I'm like a zillion years older then you.” Dash said, cautiously. Scoot's eyes went wide. “Are you kidding? I've always had the biggest crush on you! Before I even knew I could have a crush on mares I had a crush on you. You're lucky I was older before I figured that out, or I would have been as bad as Spike was with Rarity.” “Oh.” Dash said, surprised. Then she grinned. “Well then, come here.” Scoot leaned over and held her breath, then her lips touched Rainbow Dash's. Then again. Then Dash's forelegs wrapped around her, and she wrapped hers around Dash. Scoot's brain was frozen. After having accepted the Best Young Flyer crown, a day with the Wonderbolts, and the accolades of the town, making out with Rainbow Dash was just too much awesome. There was no use thinking right now because obviously reality was on vacation. Instead Scoot felt every movement as Dash's hooves ran along her back, brushing her wings. She felt Dash's warm breath as their lips parted for a second before rejoining. Dash's lean, muscular body pressed to hers. Every detail felt like it was being imprinted in her mind, exactly the way it was happening. Dash guided her back onto the cloud, and it felt damp against her back and wings. She looked up into those deep rose eyes and felt the longer blue and green and violet tips of Dash's mane tickle her cheek as Dash grinned down at her. “You wanna take off that crown?” Dash asked. “No way. I think making out with you while wearing the Best Young Flyer crown was the first thing I ever clopped to.” Scoot said, grinning. Dash laughed. “Can't argue with that.” Scoot leaned up and caught Dash's lips again, pulling the older pegasus down against her. Dash pulled away from her lips to kiss her neck, biting it softly as Scoot nuzzled that amazing mane. She felt Dash's hooves run down her body to her flanks, rubbing up and down over her cutie marks as Dash continued to bite and suck at her neck. “This is so cool.” Scoot whispered. Dash left off her neck and nuzzled up to her ear. Scoot couldn't see her face, but she could hear the impish grin as Dash said “How about this?” Scoot felt one of Dash's hooves slip around her body to her belly, then slowly make it's way lower. She caught her breath, but managed a whimpered. “Uh-huh.” Dash's hoof went lower still, now brushing over her sex. “Still cool?” Scoot couldn't talk anymore, but she nodded vigiorously. Dash started to rub her mound firmly, and whispered “I don't know how you got to be so hot, but you're the most beautiful mare I've ever seen.” Scoot's hips thrust against Dash's hoof, and Dash focused her attention right over Scoot's clit. She rubbed it with quick even strokes, matching Scoot's rhythm. Scoot's breath came erratically, she knew she was close to coming. Finally with a loud moan her body stiffened. She lay in that bliss for what seemed like forever, Dash's hoof still pressing against her, her hips still thrusting, and time standing still. Finally she relaxed back into the cloud. Dash laughed, her face still next to Scoots. “Thought I'd save you the trouble when you got home. So, wanna go to dinner in Cloudsdale tomorrow? My treat.” “What tomorrow? There's no tomorrow. This day is everything awesome ever. I give up, nothing will ever live up to this.” Dash leaned over and kissed her deeply. Then she pulled away, grinning. “I'll bet you I can make tomorrow even more awesome.” “I. . . don't really think I can lose that bet.” Scoot said with a grin, sitting up and kissing Dash again as the sun finished setting. > Hot and Wet (AppleDash) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sweat was rolling down Applejack face as she turned to buck the next tree. It was hot and dry, and had been all week. As her hooves connected with the trunk, dust and leaves fell with the apples and collected in AJ's damp coat. It was days like this that she was glad for her trusty hat, it provided a little shade for her eyes and kept the grime out of them. She trotted to the next tree, the sun beating down on her back. As she entered the patch of shade she stopped for a second to enjoy the tiny change in temperature. Anything that felt even a little cooler was a treasure right now. Just as she was ready to get the tree bucked, a pretty blue face with a rainbow mane popped out from the branches above. “Break time?” Applejack chuckled. “Maybe it is time for a break. But not for long, I gotta lot of trees to go.” Rainbow Dash grinned. “Great. I've got a surprise for you.” She took off, flying away fast. Applejack was scanning the horizon for her return, but she didn't see the pegasus. Instead, she saw something so beautiful it had to be a dream. A small, dark gray raincloud headed towards her fast. It stopped right in front of the tree she was standing under, and Dash called from behind it, “Hurry up, before anypony sees. We're not supposed to bring these out until tomorrow.” Dash didn't have to tell her twice, AJ hurried under the dark cloud and tossed her hat back under the tree. In this sweltering heat, a cool shower sounded like a day at the spa. After just a few seconds the little patch of rain started hard. She felt the heat wash off her body along with the sweat and dirt, as the clean water soaked her coat and mane. She looked up and closed her eyes, letting it run down her face. Then she felt the cool breeze of beating wings, and heard a whisper in her ear. “No pony is around for miles.” Applejack looked next to her and her lips immediately connected with Dash's. Dash was just as soaked as she was, her mane flat and wet and dripping down her face. AJ broke the kiss to plant kisses down Dash's cheek and neck, the rain water running down the pegasus and the clean sky smell she always had made each kiss refreshing in a way that nothing could match. When she got to the bottom of Dash's neck she bit it lightly. Dash's wings parted the raindrops as they stiffened suddenly, casting water off the feathers in a spray. She moaned softly as she nuzzled AJ's mane. “Oh my, it's been weeks since it was cool 'nough to be this close to ya'.” AJ muttered between kisses and bites. “Let's see just how wet we can get.” “You're so on.” Dash gasped, and put her forelegs under AJ's, flipping her on her back with Dash landing on top. They shared another long, deep kiss before Dash turned around. Water dripped from Dash's tail into AJ's face, and the sweet, musky scent of her sex teased AJ. AJ wrapped her forelegs around Dash's back end, bringing the tempting wet slit to her lips at the same time she felt Dash's tongue plunge into her own marehood. They each let out muffled cries of pleasure. AJ tried to focus on the wet mound in front of her, but she found it nearly impossible as Dash lashed her tongue over AJ's clit again and again, fast firm licks that made AJ's hips thrust while little grunts escaped her lips. AJ let the pleasure wash over her, but as she did her tongue slid over Dash's pussy savoring the musky juices dripping from it as they combined with the fresh rainwater streaming down the pegasus. It was sexy and refreshing, and combined with the passionate attention her own sex was getting it wasn't long before she was screaming into the dripping confines of her lover. Dash didn't let up for a long time, but as AJ wore down Dash started pressing her delicious sex against AJ's muzzle, and Applejack relished the chance to lick and slurp at the treat presented. Her tongue swirled inside the pegasus, and by the time Dash pulled away from AJ's marehood she was moaning and grinding against AJ's face. After just a few more deep kisses to Dash's soaked hole, Dash threw her head back in ecstasy as she came, her rainbow mane spraying rainwater behind her. She rode AJ's muzzle for a few minutes longer before pulling away and rolling off the earth pony. The two completely soaked and contented ponies lay on the wet ground, letting the rain wash them off until the cloud had emptied itself. Once the rain petered off, AJ slowly got to her hooves. She felt surprisingly clean, cool, and relaxed, about the best she'd ever felt in the middle of any work day. “That sure hit the spot.” She grinned at Dash as she went back to the tree she had been bucking. “Uh-huh. All of them.” Dash answered with a smile as she flew up and dismantled the cloud with a kick. “Ya' ain't gonna get in trouble for takin' that cloud, are ya?” AJ asked, then she turned and bucked the tree hard, apples falling into bushels around her. “What cloud?” Dash asked innocently. AJ chuckled and moved to the next tree. “The one that made us and the ground all soaked. A weather patrol pony might notice that if they were flyin' by.” “Like I said, what cloud? I'll just tell 'em they have no idea what happens when me and my marefriend get hot and wet.” Dash said with a sly grin. Then she dodged the apple AJ whipped with her tail in response. > Nice Wedding (AppleDash) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra and Bon Bon had invited the whole town to their wedding in the park. Applejack was friendly enough with both of them, everypony was, so she sat with her friends towards the back of the large crowd. On one side of her was Rarity, crying like a baby. On the other side Rainbow Dash was looking bored. Applejack couldn't blame Dash. Mayor Mare was performing the ceremony, and it wasn't every day she had a captive audience. The program said that there were going to be ten different readings of various mushy love poems, two speeches on the beauty of love, and almost as an afterthought the two ponies who happened to be getting married would exchange vows. The Mayor planned on talking so much that Applejack had to try to remember if it was an election year or something. As the Mayor launched into the second or third poem, Applejack rolled her eyes. She sighed and glanced at Dash, expecting to see the same disinterest on her face. And at first that's just was she saw. Then Dash caught her eye and smirked. They had been dating long enough that AJ knew this was bad. Dash had gone from bored to dangerously bored, and when Dash got dangerously bored and couldn't escape, she got ideas. From the way she was smiling, Applejack knew that this idea was a doozy, and was probably trouble too. She raised her eyebrows at her marefriend, and Dash leaned over. Dash got as close as she could to AJ's ear, and said just loud enough for AJ to hear it, “I wanna fuck you.” Applejack's eyes went wide. She looked over at Dash, who was looking at her with the same smirk. “What in tarnation-” Applejack said softly, only to be met with shove from her other side. “Applejack. Behave.” Rarity whispered. AJ pointed to Dash, “I'm tryin' to. She-” “Shh!” Rarity hushed, then went back to watching the ceremony. AJ took a deep breath, and tried to do the same. While she was looking straight ahead and thinking about the wedding and all of the town being here and sure not thinking about her marefriend's inappropriate proposition, she felt Dash's breath on her ear again. “I wanna start kissing you right here. First your lips, then down your neck. Maybe I'll bite a little too, I know you like that. Right at the bottom of your neck, kissing and biting. . .” Applejack felt a blush rising to her cheeks. She could imagine it too easily, the firm warm pressure and the smell of Dash's mane as the pegasus roughly caressed her neck with her mouth. She drew in her breath. “Oh, I'm not gonna stop there, though. I'll keep kissing and licking down your body. I'll push you down onto the grass so I can get at the whole thing. Down your chest. . . over your stomach. . . between your legs.” Dash licked her ear. Her imagination was filling in the feeling of Dash's mouth against her sex, so that Applejack's body actually quivered in response to the nonexistant kiss. She could feel herself becoming uncomfortably aroused, and she seemed to be the only one of the two of them who noticed they were at a wedding and this wasn't the place to be getting so turned on. She turned to Dash and mouthed “Stop it.” “You love it.” Dash whispered, giggling a little. “You'll love the feeling of my lips on your slit, kissing, then nuzzling into that hot pussy of yours and running my tongue over everything. I know you're getting wet thinking about that. Tell me you aren't getting wet, and I'll stop right now.” There was no way that Applejack could convince Dash she wasn't getting wet, because it would have been a straight up lie. She could feel the fluid between her legs, and the discreet squirming she was doing was making it worse. Since she couldn't honestly get Dash to stop, she reached over and punched the pegasus hard on the foreleg. “Somepony wants it rough, huh? Okay, cowpony. I'll put my hooves on your legs and hold 'em apart, then. . . I'm gonna attack that hot delicious pussy with my tongue. It'll taste so good, sucking and slurping at that little button of yours, digging my muzzle down into you, again and again, over and over, until I hear you moaning my name. Ooh, you know you're thinking about my muzzle grinding against your hole. Rubbing it just right. That feeling building in you. . . come on, AJ. Moan for me.” “Mmm.” A little moan escaped Applejack before she could help it. Her mind was so close to that orgasm, and her body was begging to catch up. All she could do was squirm, there was no way she could touch herself, and it would be rude to leave. She wondered for a moment if it would be more rude to just start coming in the middle of the ceremony. Dash giggled, “That's right. And when I've got you there, wiggling and moaning and begging to come, that's when I'll really go to it. You know how awesome I can be when I really dig in, I can hit everything, all at once, and I can keep at it for as long as you keep screaming my name. And I'll make sure you're screaming it for a good long time.” Applejack's eyes were closed, and she was panting now, her whole body was tense, begging for the release that Dash was promising. Something had to give, Dash had to stop or she had to touch herself or- “Well that was a lovely ceremony.” Applejack's eyes popped open. Rarity and their friends were standing up and stretching. But Applejack needed way more than stretching. She hopped to her hooves and grabbed Dash's tail in her mouth as she rushed away from her friends and the other ponies at the wedding. Noticing a tent set up for refreshments she dragged Dash behind it and held her down. “Nice ceremony, huh?” Dash said with a smirk. “I heard enough outta you, Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said, planting her lips on the pegasus. She pulled away and rolled them both over so Dash was on top. “I oughta be makin' you pay, but first you'd best get to backin' up your big mouth.” Dash grinned down at Applejack. “Nice ceremony, awesome reception.” > The Mailbox: Crashing (AppleDash) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Warning for seemingly pressured consent, humiliation, and light domination, in the context of a dream.) Applejack stood on the platform of a train station she didn’t recognize, waiting for Twilight. They clearly had to talk, the letters of the past few days had made a mess of everything. At least Applejack had been honest in her last letter so Twilight understood how she felt about her, but also how confused she was. Maybe when they were together, they’d be able to work out how they felt. She barely even had time to register when a multi-colored streak from the sky smashed into her, pushing her to the ground. “Rainbow Dash! What’re you doin’ here? I’m waitin’ on Twi-” Applejack was silenced by Dash’s lips pressing against hers. She struggled, but with Dash on top of her she couldn’t get away. The kiss broke, and Rainbow Dash just smirked down at her. Applejack blushed, but she could feel her body getting as warm as her cheeks. “We can’t do this! Twilight’s gonna be here, and I told her all that stuff... this ain’t right, Dash.” Dash’s hooves started to drift down her sides, lingering at the apples on her flanks with little circles. “You’re not actually dating, right?” “Well, no, I don't know if she even likes me, and I still don’t know what I-” Applejack started to explain, as Dash leaned down and bit the side of her neck lightly. “Mmm...” “You wanna learn to crash,” Dash whispered, then gave another little bite before going on, “You wanna fuck me, and not care who sees it, and not worry about what you’ll tell Twilight. You wanna do this, and damn the consequences.” “No! No, I...” Dash’s hooves moved slowly from the outside of AJ’s hind legs to her inner thighs, tracing up and down. AJ gasped, “I-” but she cut off when Dash bit the side of her neck again, and forming a coherent sentence became impossible. “Oooh...” “That’s right... take a risk, you little coward.” Dash taunted, her hooves still stroking right next to the site of AJ’s growing arousal. “Worry about yourself for once. What do you need?” “I- I don’t know...” Applejack’s mind searched through the sensations surging through her body for some kind of sense, something that would make this okay, or not okay, she had no idea which. “You sure about that?” Dash whispered, her warm breath right in AJ’s ear, as her hoof ever so gently found AJ’s soaking marehood and stroked the slit. “I need this!” Applejack gasped desperately, bucking her hips toward Dash’s hoof. “Fuck me, Dash!” Ponies on the train platform stopped to stare, but Dash just grinned as she shifted, pressing her thigh against AJ’s needy sex. “That’s more like it.” Dash started to move slowly against her. The blue coat quickly became slick with AJ’s juices, easily parting her lips and stroking the sensitive areas inside with firm and maddeningly unhurried movements. Applejack moaned and tried to thrust her hips, but found that she couldn’t. She had no control over herself, while the motion of Dash’s body made shockwaves that rumbled through her nerves. “Look at all these ponies, AJ.” Dash whispered teasingly, never stopping her slow thrusts. “They can all see you can’t even keep yourself together long enough to get to a bathroom or something.” Applejack glanced at the shocked faces of the watching crowd. She knew they were from Ponyville, though she couldn’t recognize a specific face. They were all ponies who counted on her to be responsible and dependable, and they were watching her throw that away for the pleasure of losing her mind. And she was clearly losing her mind, Dash’s sensual pace never stopped or changed, and AJ could do nothing to bring herself out of this desperate plateau. “Uuuunh... more...” she moaned to Dash, hoping the pegasus would show her some mercy. Dash just grinned. “Show ‘em what a slut you are. Scream it out.” “More!” Applejack yelled, heedless of the other ponies. “Dash, please, more!” Dash responded by grinding against Applejack, then replacing her slow movements with quick sharp thrusts. The change shot through AJ’s body like lightning, her muscles clenching. She cried out with a long moan of pleasure until Dash stifled it with a kiss that pushed her head against the ground as Dash’s tongue invaded her mouth. By the time it finished, all AJ was capable of was panting and whimpering as the waves of pleasure washed over her more quickly than her poor mind could process. Dash’s voice seemed to come from far away. “You totally ruined your chances with Twilight...” “Oh yeah... don’t care... please...” Applejack stammered breathlessly, looking up into those twinkling rose-colored eyes. “This is how it feels to crash, AJ. So good.” Dash grinned. “I can make you crash.” Dash ground hard against her, and rode AJ with a wild abandon that cleared AJ’s mind and sent her into explosions of pleasure as she screamed Dash’s name. Slowly, the reality of the pleasure faded as Applejack barely joined the waking world, reaching her hoof to stroke the soaked slit between her legs and hold onto some of that feeling. Her mind grasped for pieces of the delicious dream. Rainbow Dash. Her eyes went large. Rainbow Dash? What about Twilight? She’d just told Twilight how she felt, and she’d never in her life even considered her feelings for Dash. She’d assumed she didn’t have any past friendship. But the soaked sheets, and the wetness she could feel almost dripping between her legs indicated she might have been wrong about that. Maybe not. Dreams could mean all sorts of things. Rainbow Dash or no, she sure didn’t want to be doing those things on a train platform in front of her neighbors. Maybe this was one of those psychological thingies, and it was the back of her mind trying to tell her something. She decided she oughta to tell a pony who knew something about that stuff and see what they thought. Then she buried her face in the pillow in frustration. The only pony she knew who would have any idea about that would be Twilight, and that letter might be a tad awkward, “Dear Twilight, So I had this dream where I was waiting for you to talk about how we feel, and then I had sex with Rainbow Dash in the middle of the train station. What’s that mean?” Too much had been going on the past few days. Too many crazy emotions and confessions and ponies not knowing their own feelings. Maybe that was all. After a few days of peace and quiet, this would all calm down, and she just wouldn’t dream about Rainbow Dash. With fresh determination, Applejack got up and headed to the bathroom for a very cold shower.