
by Yes Indeed

First published

An adolescent Princess Cadance is pushed to to her limit when someone tries to sabotage her relationship. But will her quest for revenge go too far?

[Content Warning: Vore]

An adolescent Princess Cadance is pushed to to her limit when someone tries to sabotage her relationship. But will her quest for revenge go too far?

Done for the Pony Vore Hub art jam on tumblr: https://ponyvorehub.tumblr.com/

Cover image edited from the official Friendship is Magic comic # 12


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A pink composition notebook commands the attention of the love struck mare. Her hoof gently traces the outline of her latest creation. She blows the eraser scraps from her notebook as a gesture of completion. She gazes down at her doodles. A mare and a stallion. Her and him. Cadance and Shining Armor. A sudden nudge brought her out of her fantasy.

“Hey lover girl, you’re gonna miss the show.”

“Huh? Oh right! Thanks Rosie.” Cadance replied indifferently.

The entire classroom now had their full attention to the front. The unicorn professor, clad in a white overcoat and thick safety goggles, was levitating an old horseshoe over a glass container filled with liquid.

“Alright, since you all have been so patient and attentive for the introduction to the chapter, how about a little preview to some of the lab experiments you’ll be doing after you come back from your spring break. Okay first row: goggles on! I don’t want to have to send anyone home blind.”

With that final warning she cautiously lowered the horseshoe into the vat sideways. Stopping when it was half submerged. Almost instantly, the solution began to bubble and the half of the object that was submerged began to change hue. The class watched with awe as they collectively realized that the horseshoe was indeed dissolving in a very strong acid. Large chunks eroding and disappearing within seconds. Cadance, on the other hoof, was more interested in the remaining class time than the demonstration. There was the possibility that she could bring up the experiment in a casual conversation with Shining. No, she reconsidered. He’s not that much of a nerd. Is he? But once again she was shaken out of a daydream. This time by thunderous applause.

“Oh thank you! Thank you!” The teacher joked, triumphantly holding up the remains of horseshoe. One side still pristine while the other was dull and withered. “What I find most interesting is that the chemical that corroded this horseshoe is also found within all of our stomachs! But this fascination must be tempered with extreme caution. You all see what this does to metal. But imagine what it can do your clothes, your eyes, or your bare fur and hooves! So remember, class, we will be taking safety very seriously in the upcoming lab sessions involving acids and bases.”Just as the teacher finished her speech, the final bell of the school day rang out. The light mood was quickly overtaken by the rush to repack saddlebags and run home as quickly as one could.

“…and five points extra credit to whoever stays and helps clean the lab.” Was the last thing Cadance heard before galloping out of the classroom. The hallways were already starting to fill with fellow classmates. Who were almost as eager to leave as she was. But in her race to meet up with her love, her friend caught up to her not long after leaving. “Whoa slow down Princess Wonderbolt, I don’t think he’ll be as eager to see you if you’re covered in sweat.” The love struck teen slowed her gait at that thought. “I guess you’re right Rosie, but can you blame me? We have so much planned for the week. And since his little sister is away for a science camp, it’ll just be me and him.” Diamond Rose looked at her slyly. “But we’ll both be home before curfew!” Cadance blushed. The pegusus giggled at her friend’s modesty. Yet her demeanor quickly changed as she looked ahead. “Uh oh. Looks like you’ve got company.” When Cadance looked up, a strong sense of annoyance quickly filled her.

“Ladies, ladies. Where’s the fire. You weren’t gonna leave without saying goodbye to me, where you?” The large silver unicorn mocked.

“Hello again, Gladius.” Diamond Rose spoke for the both of them as Cadance ignored him in disgust. “And don’t you already have a girlfriend? Can’t you go bother her?”

“Well eheh, we’ve got something of an open relationship, you know? Besides, just because the princess over here has a boyfriend I guess that means he’s the only stallion who gets to talk to her. Or maybe,” He leans into Cadance, “you’re just a little tongue-tied.”

Cadance glared at him. “Now you listen here, Gladius. I am in a stable, loving relationship with my boyfriend and I will never, ever go out with anyone as long as I’m with him. Got it?” She yelled as she aggressively poked her hoof at his chest. But out of the corner of her eye she noticed that stallion so familiar to her. But something wasn’t right. He walked slowly down the hallway. Tail between his legs and head drooping low, staring at the tiles. He glanced back at the image of the girl of his dreams holding her hoof to the chest of another stallion before turning a corner and walking out of sight. The gravity of the moment hit her immediately. She pushed hard off of the stallion and began sprinting down the hallway.

“Shining, wait!” she screamed as she started to chase him down, commanding the attention of everyone in the hall.

“Cadance slow down!” Diamond Rose shouted, trying to keep up. “Will you just slow down and listen.” She huffed “It was just a misunderstanding. It’s not a big deal.”

“It is to me!” She shouted back. “Oh where’d he go?”

After a several frantic moments of searching, she was pointed in his direction by her fellow schoolmates. But when she turned a corner around a secluded hallway, she was stunned by what she saw. Shining Armor pinned against the wall by another mare. A bright red unicorn.

"Get away from my boyfriend, you tart!" Cadance gasped.

The pair quickly brought their attention to the princess, who was at full gallop towards them. Sliding a few inches after stopping because of her momentum. The accused unicorn mare only giggled and pushed a blushing Shining Armor to the floor. "That's Cherry Tart to you, Princess." The red mare scoffed as she pointed at Cadance. "And you're one to talk, your so called boyfriend down there says he saw you trying to seduce mine!"

"I didn't say tha-!"

"Oh quiet you!" Cherry Tart interrupted the humiliated stallion. "He said something to that effect. And he was just looked so heartbroken over it, that I just had to come over and comfort him. Isn't that right, sweetie?"

They all looked down at Shining Armor, who was clearly not handling the pressure of the situation very well.

"Cadence, y-you can't believe her. I love you! I- It was just-" He stammered. Tears began welling up in his eyes. His legs began to quiver.

"I'm sorry Cadance!" Was the only thing he could get out before he scrambled to his hooves and bolted down the hallway. Wailing and shouting "Please forgive me!" before turning the corner. Out of view but not out of earshot.

"Oh I just love sensitive boys, don't you princess?" Cherry Tart asked smugly.

"What did you do to him?" Cadance could barely control her anger at the diminutive mare.

"That's really a question you should be asking yourself, isn't it? I mean, just listen to the poor guy." Shining Armor’s blubbering could still be heard even a few moments after galloping away. "If I were you, I would seriously reconsider my relationship with him. Especially if all I was doing was talking to other girl's boyfriends."

"That's enough." Diamond Rose shouted in an awkwardly trying to end the encounter. "You keep talking about your boyfriend. Well why don't you, uh, check… on him or something?"

"You know you're right. I really ought to make sure he wasn't seduced the Royal Highness over here." She began walking away, but turned her head and ended. "You know I wouldn't feel too bad, princess. They're plenty of time to make it up to him. Maybe you could tag along when I take him to a concert. Plenty of stallions there for you." She winked and turned the same corner Shining Armor did a few moments ago.

"Wow, what's her damage? She's up to something weird for sure. What do you think?" Diamond Rose turned to Cadance. But the princess was in no condition to respond. She was sitting on her haunches. Quietly sobbing to herself.

"It's not fair." She said softly. But repeated herself, shouting "It's not fair! I've never bothered either of them. I just want to live my life with Shining Armor. Is that so much to ask?" Before her friend could get a word in edgewise, Cadance continued. Anger building in every sentence. "I've been a role model for everypony! I tutor freshman, I volunteer at the retirement home. I even babysit fillies and colts in my spare time. And what do I get in return?” She turned to her friend, who just grinned awkwardly and shrugged. “Two creeps trying to ruin my perfect relationship." She shouted and flailed her arms emphatically. "Well I’m putting my hoof down, Rosie. No more pretty pink princess. No one is getting between me and my future husband!" She stamped her hoof. “No one!”

Diamond Rose quietly but firmly voiced her opinion. "Uh, maybe you should slow down a bit, lover girl. You guys are going steady, but I mean, don't you think you're going a bit overboard? Just take a deep breath and-"

"NO!" Cadance cut her off, putting both her hooves against her friend. "You just don't understand! We're going to get married, we're going to live in a giant crystal castle protected by the love our subjects have for us, and we're going to live. Happily. Ever. After!"

"Okay, okay!" The pegasus slowly backed away from her distraught friend. "So, assuming you haven't completely lost your mind, how exactly do you intend to 'put your hoof down' and stop them for good. I mean, I can think of plenty of ways that don't involve gruesome violence, if that's what you're getting at. You and Shinning are going to have a week to yourselves. No school, no creeps. Just let this blow over. You're a princess. You're above destroying those who get in your way. Right?" She paused, expecting Cadance to have gotten her thoughts together and to have seen reason in the argument. Her hopes gradually faded as Cadance remained silent, staring at the floor. Eyes darting back and forth. Plotting. When her eyes stopped, a wicked smile formed. With one word she had her plan worked out.

"Horseshoes." She chuckled to herself. She then got back on her hooves and redirected her attention to her thoroughly concerned friend. Who had failed to find any significance in her friend’s word.

"Rosie?" Cadance joyfully queried. "You're a pony in the know. Could you point me in the direction of both Cherry Tart and her loyal boyfriend Gladius?" Before Diamond Rose could utter a syllable, Cadance put a hoof right over her mouth. "And F.Y.I, I consider you one of my best and closest friends. But remember, if you lie to me," Cadance and ROSE were now nose to nose. "I know where you live." And ended on a smile.

"Ah… yes Cadance, uh, Princess. I would never lead you astray. And I say this as your good friend who values my life as much as our friendship." Diamond Rose stammered out. “Now I just happened to know that both Gladius and Cherry Tart are sometimes seen heading into the boy's showers after they're supposed to be closed. They're only ever in there for a few minutes so nobody really knows what they're up to in there. Can't imagine what they’d be doing with so little time, either." She laughed awkwardly.

Cadance gave her a reassuring smile. "Thank you kindly, Rosie. That’ll be all. I'll see you after spring break." She said as she turned to leave.

"Uh, Princess… Cadance. As your friend, I should also say that maybe-"

"That will be ALL, Diamond Rose." As she shouted, Cadance’s princesses horn suddenly flashed pink. At the same time, a large pink bubble encased her friend. The pegasus began to kick at her instant prison, with no success. No sooner did she begin to scream in desperation did the bubble ascend slightly off the ground. Then, without warning, the large pink bubble containing her friend disappeared from sight with a loud crack.

"For your sake I hope I sent you to Canterlot Park and not Canterlot falls." Cadance mused to herself. With that she began her hunt. Her mind clouded with thoughts of revenge. The closer she got to the gymnasium the more intense her anger became. Thoughts of the demonstration in her chemistry class still fresh in her mind. “You’re just a little horseshoe, Cherry.” She kept thinking aloud. In no time at all she was stalking the sports complex. Breaking into the gym and quietly sneaking into the boy's locker room. As she went deeper into the complex, she heard two distinct voices echoing from exactly where she hoped they’d be.

"Sounds like you're in the clear, Rosie." She muttered to herself as she approached the shower room. She carefully removed her saddlebags and slowly crept between two rows of lockers. The closer she got to the shower, the quieter her hoof steps became. But with one misstep her hoof fell on the old tiled floor too quickly, and the light tap was enough to pause her target's conversation.

"You heard that too, right?" Gladius asked nervously.

"Oh get a hold of yourself you big dope. Aren't you listening to me?" His diminutive girlfriend scolded. "What we're doing to them, its working I'm telling you."

"You really think so?"

"I know so. My poor Shining cried like a baby when his spineless girlfriend confronted us. Come to think of it, she probably cried just as hard. I didn't stick around watch any more waterworks."

Her Shining? Cadance thought to herself.

"But you know what that means, don't you, big guy?" Cherry Tart nudged the large stallion.

"Yeah," he quickly picked up the hint. "There's a heartbroken alicorn princess that needs a real man to comfort her."

"Atta boy!" She exclaimed. "You'll be hitched to a princess in no time. And then finally I'll have that big nerd all to myself." She thought aloud.

"In that case, you mind if I leave? I got a princess to rescue." Gladius joked.

"You go on then. I'll give it a week before I pick up what's left of Shining's ego. Oh, this worked out so much quicker than I expected." Cherry Tart declared as Gladius walked out a rear exit. The door slam reverberated through the entire complex, leaving only her and her stalker alone in the building. Cadance wasted no time confronting her foe. Galloping straight into the shower and almost tackling Cherry. Her sudden appearance making the latter scream in shock. Shock quickly turning to anger upon realizing who scared.

“You creep! Are you spying on me?” Cherry shouted.

"Hello there, Cherry Tart." Cadance began a slow advance towards her. "That sounded like quite the scheme you both cooked up. Unfortunately our relationship is a bit stronger than you think."

“Yeah well so what? Okay so I like the same boy you do. Why don’t you just run back to your little castle and have a tea party or something?” Cadance said nothing. Only stared her down and continued her march forward. "Okay listen." Cherry began as she backpedaled. "It's just, I never realized how cute Shining was until I saw him standing next to you every day. I guess that just means you guys are just a really cute couple." Again, her explanation did nothing to slow Cadance's advance. "Look, it was Gladius' idea! Okay, he… he as a crush on you like every other stallion at Canterlot Academy. We go way back and I was just trying to help him out! It's him you want. I promise I won't stand within a mile of your boyfriend." Again still, Cherry's pleas were met by Cadance's silent, unbroken gaze. The desperate mare made one final threat. "I-if you take one step closer I'll scream for help! Then the whole school will know what a creep you are!"

Cadence heeded her threat and stopped mid step. But Cherry Tart severely underestimated Cadance's commitment to revenge. The princess stood tall and closed her eyes, her horn again glowed bright. Then, a translucent pink ribbon began to manifest itself by dancing around the alicorn's head. Cherry simply watched in confusion as the magical ribbon began to slowly snake its way towards her. Suddenly, like a snake, the ribbon struck out towards her face. Before she could react, the ribbon wrapped itself tightly around her mussel. It worked quickly, making a nice little bow right on top of her nose before vanishing into thin air. Cherry tried to speak, but could not open her mouth. She put her hooves to her face tried to force it open, but to no avail.

"So did you have anything else planned?" Cadance mocked. "Or can we finish this?" Cherry pawed at her mussel and screamed. With her own mouth muting her cries, her only recourse was to try to run. But when she turned she immediately fell to the floor. She tried to crawl but went nowhere. Looking back, she saw here rear legs pinned to the ground by a pink aura. The princess’s horn was glowing intensely. “Unfortunately for you, I don’t believe you’ll learn anything if I just let you go.” Cadance, already salivating, brought her head to the floor. She was almost touching the trapped mare’s hooves with her nose. “So let me teach you something I learned in chemistry class!” Without hesitation, Cherry’s hooves were dragged straight into Cadance’s mouth.

Inch by inch Cherry Tart was slowly being drawn down the throat of the predatory princess. Her hooves flailing wildly as she desperately tried to scramble away. Cracking tiles during her struggle. Cadance had no problem getting as far as halfway up Cherry’s legs. Using her magic to slide the desperate mare across the floor and into her mouth. But only after a few moments Cadance realized was staring down her biggest obstacle: Cherry’s butt. That is, whatever glimpse she could get of it through her prey’s flailing tail. If she wanted to get this pony down, she thought, she’d have to change her strategy. Cadance began by releasing her magical grip on Cherry’s hind legs, which were already secured deep within her neck. There was still no chance of escape for Cherry Tart as Cadance enveloped the mare’s chest with more bondage magic. Then, the princess braced herself.

With all her strength, both magical and physical, Cadance pushed. Keeping the mare almost completely immobile while lunging her head forward. With a great effort she managed to force her jaws over Cherry’s thighs, stopping just short of her ample bottom. Cherry, clearly become exhausted from the ordeal, moaned with discomfort as more and more of her body was being squeezed into the vengeful unicorn. Cadance was likewise straining over her current endeavor. Her jaws stretching ever wider, and her neck becoming increasingly distended by its current occupant. But she was too committed now to quit, and she was face to face with her greatest challenge. Once again, Cadance stiffened her stance and with all her might began working her jaws over her pinned-down prey. She placed both of her fore hooves and Cherry’s rump and began pulling it in. All the while her hind legs were pushing forward with what little traction they had on the tiled floor.

With each swallow, Cherry’s resolve weakened. Like a snake Cadance brought more and more of her prey into her painfully stretched mouth. She expertly used her tongue to moisten Cherry’s fur. Making it easier for her to go down. All the while brushing that troublesome tail out of her eyes After an exhausting effort, Cadance got the last of Cherry’s rump in her mouth. Making it to the dock of her tail, the princess made a special effort to finish it off by guiding it into her mouth with her hooves. From there Cadance again released her magical grip. It would take more effort to Cherry to squeeze out than for her to be stuffed in, she reasoned. With another great gulp was able to pull Cherry’s butt into her neck. Leaving it so distended that one could see Cherry’s coat and pastry cutie mark through Cadance’s stretched skin.

Having secured her prey, Cadance planted her hooves on the ground and sat up straight. She lifted her head straight up to let gravity help bring her prey in. Cherry half-heartedly beat her hooves at Cadance’s head. She could muster no more strength after the initial shock. With each gulp she was being jerked down into the princess’s belly. Cadance’s own tongue snaking up her prey’s chest and neck, eliciting a feeble reaction from her prey. Finally, after only a few more moments, only Cherry’s head and fore hooves were left peeking out of Cadance’s mouth. Saliva drizzling over her face and out of Cadance’s mouth. In a final twisted act, the alicorn released the magic seal that kept her prey quiet. Cherry gasped, chocking on Cadance’s drool and breath constricted by the tight confines of her predator’s body. Before she could do anything else, Cadance closed her mouth shut. And with her cheeks distended, the princess exerted all her strength to swallow what was left of her prey. With a loud gulp Cherry was forced down her throat and was squeezed into the princesses hot, tight belly. The outline of her body clearly visible in Cadance’s neck, and descending into the alicorn slowly but easily.

Cadance wiped her mouth, belched, and sighed in relief. Her revenge was complete. She looked back down and her distended belly and grinned. The squirming bulge in her midsection did not even hang below her knees. She put a hoof to her midsection to ease some of the discomfort caused by her restless prey. She collected her things and made for the door. Eager to get home and put the episode behind her.

She poked her head out the back door, weary of any witnesses, and began to walk behind the edge of campus. It was all clear until she heard a pained moan coming from the bushes. She stopped cold in her tracks. She stood and tried to stay as quiet as she could. The whimpers coming from her gut made that almost impossible. Realizing that her presence was probably already known, she cautiously walked towards the shrubbery. Peeking into the foliage, she got a second shock of the day. Shining Armor, with a squirming belly that was double the size of Cadance’s, was writhing on the ground in pain. She dove to the ground to help her boyfriend.

“Shining!” She gasped, startling the stallion.

“Cadance? Is that *urp*…”

“Shhh. It’s okay.” She cradled his head. “What happened to you?”

“It was an accident I swear!”He blushed. “I was looking for you after I calmed back down. Sompony said they saw you heading for the locker rooms. When I got here, I ran into Gladius.”

Cadance heart began to race. Her boyfriend exacting the same revenge on his rival that she did! She lamented on the romantic notion briefly. Shining continued.

“I was going to ask him if he had seen you around. You know, because you guys were talking earlier. It couldn’t’ have been a coincidence, right? But when he saw me he started freaking out and apologizing for talking to you. Like, its okay for other *urp*…ugh… other stallions to talk to you. But when I tried to calm him down… well, I guess he tried to teleport away. Tried.” Shining put a hoof on his belly. A large hoof pushed back from the inside and startled them both.

“Wait,” Cadance asked. “So this was just an accident? But I saw you earlier. You looked devastated to see us talking together.”

“Oh.” Shining remembered. “Yeah that was actually because I had some-“Shining paused again to release a loud burp. “Ow… uh. I had some bad news. You see, we may not have Spring break to ourselves after all. Twilight’s science camp got cancelled. We’re going to have to do a bit of babysitting for spring break. I know you had so much planned for us. I just didn’t want to disappoint you.”

“So, you weren’t upset with me?” Cadance glanced down at her belly. The weight of her overzealous actions was descending on her. Shining still completely unaware of her deed.

“I should be asking you that! The way I ran away like that,”

“And cried.” She quickly pointed out.

“Uh, yeah, that too. I thought it made me look kinda guilty.” Shining looked away with a bit of shame, but Cadance but her hoof to his chin and brought his gaze back to her.

“Shining,” She spoke softly. “I would never assume you were cheating on me. We were meant for each other, remember? Who’s going to live in that crystal castle with me?” She giggled. Shining cracked a smile and chuckled briefly before being interrupted by another deep, loud burp.

“So, uh. What am I going to do about this?” Shining looked down and motioned at his still actively squirming belly.

Cadance glanced back at her own stomach and thought for a moment, panic filled her heart.

“We should probably get Princess Celestia. She’ll know what to do. Hopefully…”