> Routine Check-up > by Dying light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Say Ahhhhhh.......... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You approached the gleaming electric doors of Ponyvilles' resident dentist, your palms sweaty and your stomach churning. Usually a trip to the dentist wouldn't make you nervous, however, the circumstances here were different. This dentist was hot. Damn hot to be exact. The kind of mare you'd take a bullet for if Equestrians were that advanced. Summing up your courage, you proceeded through the doors as they opened. The room glistened a marble white as you shuffled across the polished floor. Even the air itself tasted clean, a testament to how much care the Equestrians gave to their healthcare system. Trying to avoid the awkward stare of ponies staring at you, you approached the counter. A cute grey pony with big green eyes stared at your towering frame from behind the counter, looking a little curious. Tilting her head to the side she asked. "Can I help you, Sir? Looking back at her, you realised you were breathing heavily and you were crunched over slightly. "Dammit man pull it together" you mentally chastised. You coughed and straightened yourself back up, the mare in front of you relaxing slightly as you did so. "Ingocnito, Anonymous Incognito" you replied. Leaning down slightly so she could hear you better, you continued. " I have an appointment to see Ms Colgate today." She shot her eyes down to the stacks of paper in front of her. Scanning them until she pulled one out. "Ah, yes," she started handing you a small form and a pen. "I need you to fill this out while you wait for the dentist to call you through, she won't be a moment." She waved to the seats to your left pushed against the wall conveniently full. Not being given much of a choice, you leant against the wall, filling out the form as you did so. It was a standard medical form. Age. Blood type. That sort of thing. As you idly filled the for out you eavesdropped on the conversations around you. However, it came as no shock that most were about you. "I didn't think the Hooman would bother with a standard dentist trip, doesn't the princess have a medical team for him?" one mare behind you said. "They'll need to sterilise the entire building once he's left," an overly snobbish unicorn stallion said from across the room. You made a mental note to breathe in his general direction on your way out, might find out where he lives too, send him a box of your nail clippings in the mail, then you'll wait until..... "Mr Incognito, please!" you heard a pink pegasus mare say, pulling you from your revenge plot. Sure enough, as promised the dental nurse called you through. You made your way across the white floor, making sure to shoot a death stare at that one stallion. Closing the door behind you, you were met with a long corridor, the nurse standing beside you. She pointed down the hall, then motioned to the right with her hoof. "Room 12, straight down and its the first door on the first right," she mentioned nonchalantly before heading into a door just to your left and out of sight. Now it was just you and your thoughts. Mustering your courage, you took your first step forward down the corridor. It seemed to go on forever as each step you took made you sweat more and more with each passing second. You couldn't deny to yourself that you did like Colgate, she was smart, kind and you'd probably guess she was kinky as hell, but the question was does she like you? Does she even see humans as attractive? Shaking the thoughts out of your head, you proceeded right and headed towards the door. You gripped the handle tightly. The sweat making it difficult for you to turn. Bracing yourself, you flung the door open. Unaware of who was on the other side. The door pelted into something with blinding force, causing a crash to come from behind it. "Ow, dick!!!!" you heard from behind the door. "Honestly Number Crunch, you have to be more careful with...Oh!" she was pulled from her rant when she looked up and noticed you standing there. "Anon, sorry, please come in," She gave you a sheepish smile as she beckoned you inside, before closing the door behind you. " Sorry," was all you could say, too captivated by her to render sentences together. The way she looked in her uniform was incredible. It hugged her in all the right places, giving particular attention to her flank, which was just peaking out from the fabric to reveal her impressive rotund rump. Her cuteness was only more emphasised by the way she carried herself. She tries so hard to act professional, but you could see quite clearly she was a bit clumsy and often forgetful. "Please have a seat," she waved a hoof at the green leather dentists chair in the middle of the room. Wasting no time, you sat down chair reclining ever so slightly. Hopping onto the stool next to you and taking the forms from you, she continued. "Now, any problems you've been having before I start?" "Not really," you answered looking at her. "Just a small pain in one of my wisdom teeth." That was a small lie. To be honest, you had no actual problem, you just wanted an excuse to see Colgate. She made a small grunt of acknowledgement before writing something down. Her blue and white tail twitched every so often as she did. "Okay," she said. She hopped off the small dental stool and took a mirror and probe off the table next to you. She pushed a silver button just under the chair and it started to tilt backwards, at the same time a light descended on top of you, focusing on your mouth. Colgate then appeared at your side, standing on her hind legs, a small but cute dental mask on her face.You could see a small blush appear from behind it when she saw you staring at her. "Ermmm," she began "I er....I don't think this will work normally, what with your height and all." She had a very good point. The chair you were back in was designed for ponies, you were far too tall for her to reach you conventionally. "Hmm," you thought, she looked at you confused. Then an idea hit you. You sat up in the chair and grabbed Colgate. Placing one hand on her chest and the other, totally not intentionally, on her 'wet?!' rear. "Hey, what the heeeeaaaahhhhh!" she cried startled as you hoisted her up and placed her on top of you. She stiffened up as you let go, her face now a deep red. She was a bit heavy but nothing you couldn't handle and she staggered slightly on your chest, trying to get her footing. You laughed slightly to yourself As she recovered, her horn lit up slightly, sparks starting to emit from the top. She looked at you angrily. However the eyes that met yours were not ones of rage, but embarrassment. You gave her a sheepish grin as you smiled softly. Her gaze went softer, the sparks from her horn instead diverting to pick up her equipment once more. "Warn me next time!" she barked as she pointed the dental equipment at you. "Now open wide, say ahhhhh" As instructed you opened your mouth, however, your thoughts were becoming distracted by an odd smell that had started to profuse its way around the room suddenly.It wasn't an odd smell, it was rather pleasant, minty, but still quite overpowering, and distracting. While Colgate examined your teeth, you tried to pinpoint where it was coming from. It wasn't from the equipment around the room, and it most certainly wasn't coming from you, you hope at least. 'Was it coming from Colgate?' you thought to yourself. The mare in question was busy idly checking your mouth. Pushing the mirror around every crack and crevasse in your food hole. If you didn't know any better you'd say she was enjoying studying another species teeth, however from where she had decided to stand, you'd say otherwise. Colgate had placed her hind legs square across your crotch, her hoof absently massaging your member, if not slightly crushing your balls. Every slight movement caused her gentle hoof to glide across you, causing your dick to slowly become hard. As Colgate mused through your mouth, you heard her speak up, however, the prodding still continued. "Overall you *rub* have a really nice set of teeth *rub* however, you clearly *rub rub* haven't been brushing quite enough," suddenly the rubbing stopped, much to your disappointment. Colgate suddenly pushed herself close to you her muzzle only an inch from your face. You could feel her hot breath against you as her gaze went from stern to sultry. "So, it looks like I need to teach you the importance of brushing," she said sexily as she slammed her mouth into yours sealing you boh in a kiss. Your member was now threatening to rip through your pants, begging to be set free as it pressed against its fabric prison. You could feel her run up and down your strained member with the tip of her hoof as she explored your mouth, her tongue battling with yours. Slowly she released you, both of you gasping hard as she broke away. The pressure that had built in your pants was nearing a breaking point as your dick struggled madly against you. However, before you had a chance to address the situation at hand. it was taken care of for you. Colgate used her hind legs to push your pants down, her gentle touch providing a sweet release for you as your dick slammed straight into her bubbly ass. The action causing it to jiggle madly as her tail gently tickled the case as it twitched wildly with excitement. Colgate looked beneath herself to get a good view of your length, her horn planted straight in front of your mouth. Slowly she squeezed her thighs together, encasing your dick with her silky thighs. Her thighs caused your dick to twitch, inciting a small moan from you. She looked back up at you, a small smirk appearing on her face. "You even carry your toothbrush with you," she rocked her thighs, causing you to moan again. "Really Anon, there's no excuse for you not to brush." She slowly started grinding herself on you, pumping your dick with her thighs in a repeating motion. Each pump caused her big ass to jiggle even more, Colgate only making you harder with each bounce. Your hands darted out and grabbed at her shapely rear melding the flesh in your hands as you forced the rolls of fat around your dick. This caused Colgate to give a small yelp in surprise, however, her surprise soon turned to determination as she began to pump even faster, eager to make you submit. You felt your peak nearing as Colgate's thighs relentlessly pumped you harder and harder, the velvet feel of her thighs massaging every part of you. Your moans filled the room as cum began to build in your balls. Colgate's tail started to rub against your balls, doing everything it could to entice out its prize. Sure enough, your peak came. Your back arched against the chair as cum erupted from you. "Oh wow!" Colgate said as her ass and thighs were painted white by your seed your continuous thrusts between her dying down as the last few spurts shot up and onto the floor of the room. You slumped back panting, Colgate smirking atop you. She looked like she'd just beaten you in formal combat, the big grin adorning her face a sign that she'd beaten you. However, the dampness that adorned your shirt said otherwise. Colgate clearly wanted you in her, and you'd be more than happy to oblige. Your dick was already starting to return to is full mast as Colgate began to get up. She turned to get off the chair, giving you a full view of her bubble butt. The thought of ploughing her big ass made your dick return to a rock hard state there and then. As she hopped down, you hoisted yourself up, your mind focused on her ass. Colgate didn't notice you behind her as she went to pick up the cum covered equipment on the floor. "So Anon," she started, still oblivious to you. "About that wisdom toooooooaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!" she said surprised. Without warning you had grabbed her thighs and pulled her towards you, your solid member pressed firmly against her puckered ring. "What," you started pushing the tip into her. "You shove this fat jiggly ass straight in my face and not expect me to play with it," you stated hungrily as you pushed your member into her ass. You leant over her, your size allowing you to talk straight into her ear. "Looks like you need a filling, Colgate." You didn't give her time to respond as you began thrusting into her, each slam sending ripples over her ass. Her once cocky expression replaced by one of pure pleasure as you pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. Her ass tightened around you, massaging your dick as her moans echoed through the room. The whole practice could probably hear you at this point, but you didn't care. All you cared about was making this mare yours. You increased your pace as you slammed into her, your hands picking her rear up into the air, forcing your dick even deeper into her, Colgate's eyes rolled back into her head as she grasped the counter-top for support, her moans now replaced by mear giggles, your carnal desire breaking her. You felt her constrict around you even more as you neared your peak, her soft squidgy ass now adorned with sweat as it bashed against your frame. You gave her a harsh slap, exciting a cry of pleasure from her as it jiggled wildly. Her tail had wrapped around your waist as a magical aura appeared around your balls. You felt an intense amount of pleasure as Colgate gave another cry, her magic constricting your balls bringing you closer to orgasm. You felt Colgate push harder against you as her orgasm neared. Your own not far off. You began thrusting madly into her, your lust overtaking reason as you pushed yourself to cum. On queue, you both came, unleashing your fluids into Colgate. "Oh, Celestia Yes!" she cried as she shivered uncontrollably her orgasm causing her legs to weaken. "Buck me!! Buck me like the whorse I am. Make me yourrrrrs!!!!" She collapsed to the floor, her rear still in the air as you shot the last thick rope into her ass. Slowly pulling away, your member fell out with a small *pop* as you fell to the floor exhausted. Her cum filled ass leaking slightly as she struggled to move against the tiled floor. Colgate was panting slowly as her tongue rolled out of her mouth. Her face was one of satisfaction, a dopey smile adorned her face. Her tail swished slowly in the air. "That *huff* was *huff* amazing," she said in between staggered breaths. "Yeah," you grunted as you slowly regained your feet, using the soaked chair as a ballast. Colgate did the same, only using her stool. The two of you wore heavy blushes, Colgate quickly gathering her papers while you redressed yourself. As you finished doing up your fly, she handed you the form you gave her at the start, only filled with writing and much stickier. "Like I said, you have very good teeth," she started as you went for the door. As you were halfway out, she then continued. "However, you'll need to see me next week," She gave you a sultry look. Winking as she spoke. "I found a 'bigger' problem that needs filling." A smirk crept onto your face as you left. She really is the best dentist in Equestria.