Dragon's Coil

by Tehsandmaster

First published

Barbrix has only dreams left to remind her of the glory days in the court of the moon. Alone, shackled and confined in her home until Celestia appears with a certain young unicorn...

With the defeat of the Lunar revolt, and Luna's banishment to the moon her great generals were placed in secret prisons. Barbrix, the dragon general was shackled by the very draconian magic she taught to the ponies and trapped in her home.

Twilight Sparkle was very recently possibly the happiest Faelin in Equestria. However, her parents death and brother's enrollment in the military academy leaves her bereft and without a guardian.

Celestia has ruled alone for nearly a thousand years, and regret has constantly plagued her. with her new apprentice's tragedy she sees the possibility for every party involved to come away whole again.

An AU asking a few questions, namely a rule 63 spike, and the switching of roles, Barb to the elder guardian figure, and Twilight as the younger ward. Eventual barb/rarity romance, sex tags for those later chapters.

Rainbow Before the Rain

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Rainbow before the rain

Celestia stood solemnly as the rain came pouring down, one arm protectively over a smaller, grief stricken form. A sigh escaped her as she looked over the darkened, rain slicked cemetery, as she reflected on how inevitable nature's symmetry was; there could be no rainbow without rain after all.

Which brought her to her current predicament, her apprentice, who had oh so recently come to her attention and who had impressed her with the few study sessions they had since, Celestia finding a refuge from the weight of her centuries and her apprentice a mentor who not only knew the answers to her many questions but also knew how to answer those questions in the best way to teach.

Which is why today was especially shattering.

It had seemed like a perfectly normal day; No adverse weather scheduled, no dark evil stirring against the peaceful nation of Equestria, the citizens safe and secure in the knowledge of their fellow citizens commitment to the same ideals of peace, kindness and harmony. Yet despite it's avatar in stasis, chaos, and it's often calamitous effects still persisted.

It was no one's fault, that was apparent from the outset. The kind of one in a million incident that engineers throw around as what ifs? And then build defences around. What if the load bearing supports of a bridge sheared at the wrong time? What if the train was on the heavier side of weight tolerance? What if the impact resistance spell matrix destabilized due to ley line interference? What if the emergency suspension spell failed due to passenger mana interference? What if a certain pair of Faelin were asleep? Confident that everything was alright and thus unable to react in time?

The answer to all of those questions was answered by the rasping sobs coming from Celestia's young apprentice.

Celestia's question however, remained unanswered. That her beloved apprentice needed emotional support went without saying, and Celestia would provide it without fail. But she would make a poor mother, as an hour session a day was hardly enough time for the business of raising a child, and governing an empire, even one as peaceful and prosperous as hers was a demanding task for a single monarch. Celestia's eyes clouded with remembered pain at her thoughts but she quickly shook it off and refocused on her grief stricken apprentice. An immortal being measured and planned time by the centuries and epochs, and a certain milestone was fast approaching, a milestone her apprentice must be whole and hale for. 'if only' Celestia thought to herself ' there was a way to place her into a family'. Adoption wouldn't work; both to the need for a settling in process as well as the need to filter the “right” sort of family.

That they would love and care for her charge was, of course, without question. But it must be a specific kind of love, an all encompassing love that treasured every aspect of her apprentice. Her strengths, her flaws. The kind of love a mother showed her only child, or a dragon it's hoard.

Celestias's eyes widened at the sudden thought, her wings twitching ever so slightly before settling again at her sides. 'this' she thought 'was an idea worth following, and may solve more than my previous plans.'

Gazing once more upon the misted stone dotted landscape Celestia gave her charge a squeeze on the shoulder and spoke “come Twilight, let us return to the palace, there are many things to discuss.”

The return to the palace was uneventful, the heavy drapery of the royal carriage muting the city and the falling rain outside. It's warm colours bringing with them a sense of security despite the weather. A shame Twilight was to distraught to reap the benefits. Not two weeks ago she had a family, then her parents had left with her brother to Trottingham, there to see their eldest son settled into the student housing of the royal military academy.

A few days later her parents boarded a train to return home. The Royal Equestrian Rail stated 'every train on time, keeping Equestria connected' they had failed Twilight on both counts.

The intellectual side of her, the side not consumed by grief recognized the sheer improbability of what had occurred. However, the harsh reality that it did happen was the only true concern for her torn heart.

She need to see her brother, but other than a tear-stained letter that had arrived the day before, he was forcibly absent. Not even Celestia herself could change the policy of the military academy. No breaks until term end. No exceptions. A cruel practice perhaps, but one that taught the prospective officer cadets the cold reality of being in the army. Not that her parents would actually want Shining to leave his dream in order to attend something like a funeral. Not her mother with her perpetual smile, or her father with his calm, steady presence. A sob wracked Twilight's small frame as that thought brought even more sorrow and the accompanying pain, and suddenly she was pulled into the embrace of a goddess. Soft soothing sounds accompanied by tender hands soon had the worst of the sobs at bay, the pain however, remained.

Celestia gazed at her protege, thinking over the course of action best suited to the situation, 'it would' she reflected 'be much better to simply carry on with the plan now, while Twilight was still malleable, her grief providing a shield of sorts.'

Her path decided Celestia pulled Twilight onto her lap and spoke in the same soft soothing tones. “Twilight, this has been a painful time for you, and in our time together I have come to see you as someone who I care for, who is important to me” Twilight's form stilled even more and Celestia smiled softly knowing what direction her pupil's thoughts were going. “but” she continued “I cannot give you the love and attention that you deserve. I love you, of course, but my duties to the crown must come first. Yet I have in mind a guardian for you Twilight, one who can give you these things, one who also will share your grief over the loss of family.' Silence filled the carriage at the end of that statement and while her sorrow remained, that spark of curiosity that always drove Twilight glimmered in the miasma of her emotions, and Twilight was always a slave to her curiosity...

“Who?” Twilight’s own voice surprised her, it had only been used for wailing for so long it's sound was foreign. Still pressed against Celestia's body, she was unable to see the smile that slowly spread across the goddess's face.

For after all, Celestia was a goddess of warmth and love. And if helping her beloved student also helped heal others; then no harm could come from it.

Celestia cleared her throat before answering Twilight's question, “she is much older than you, almost my equal in age, she is from a different time; a time when Equestria was perhaps less...peaceful”

Twilight's gasp of shock and subsequent questioning pose encouraged Celestia's current thoughts even more. Her student was always looking for knowledge, and even in her numbed state that would remain true. And the more questions she would ask...

“Oh yes Twilight” Celestia continued “there was a time when we had to know more about war than about peace, but, perhaps it would be best if I brought you to her now; so that you may see her for yourself”

Twilight's slow nod was all the answer she needed, and with a small gesture she relayed her need to stop, and when the driver came 'round to enquire her liege's wishes, she quickly and quietly expressed her desire for an alternate destination. If the driver held any negative thoughts about her new instructions, her carefully neutral face showed nothing of it, however it should be noted that the loosening of her blade in it's scabbard said far more than words possibly could.

Canterlot was an old city. Older even then the palace that rose from it's centre. Everything around the palace was a symbol of the sun, bright, even in the night it shone with the light of it's monarch. But, there was another side to Canterlot. The Old City.

Old Canterlot was built in the shadow of the mountain, with the idea of protection from the sun, even on cloudless days, with the sun at it's apex Old Canterlot remained shadowed. Stone gardens and shade loving plants grew in abundance, and unlike the New districts, Old Canterlot was practically abandoned. It's lands and buildings tied to noble houses that had made the shift to the court of the sun but refused to lose an iota of their power, noble houses that had disappeared and the land held in stewardship, and families that would never leave the city. The last one was perhaps the only citizenry Twilight saw as her curiosity compelled her to gaze out the window. The architecture was strikingly different as well, windows were all strictly top story affairs, often slitted in the style of castles and outpost homes of the expansionist era. The only concessions to the need for outdoor admittance a door, often heavily built, and a viewing platform, at the highest point of the home. Twilight couldn't help but wonder how wonderful a telescopic view would be form those platforms. Finally, they came upon a large stone house, built in an architectural style not seen since the discordian era, tall, wide walls connected by raised and enclosed walkways to a blockish central building, at least 11 metres taller then the surrounding walls, all built out of a black stone, seemingly without mortar.

As they approached, Twilight's nose tickled with the scent of unfamiliar magic, and her ears started twitching as she attempted to discern the purpose if the architecture, as well as the source of the odd magic.

So focused on these mysteries, she didn't notice when the carriage stopped. She did however notice when Celestia touched her shoulder, “come Twilight” Celestia murmured, “we have arrived” as the driver made her way to open the doors for Celestia and her apprentice, rain-shades at the ready for her passengers Twilight was abuzz with curiosity.

How old was this building? Who lived here? Someone nearly as old as Celestia certainly, but as different from her as night was to day.

The admittance to the courtyard was a large double door, tall as it was wide, and upon approach Twilight noticed strange runes dancing across it's surface. Unlike the magic she was familiar with, where a single seal was used to represent an entire array, this magic seemed to constantly recast itself, going through it's entire array before collapsing on itself, only to begin the process anew. “the time this would require to properly set and cast must be massive” Twilight murmured, almost to herself as they drew closer to the entryway.

Celestia smiled “this magic is very different from our own” she stated, and at Twilight's sudden intake of breath she giggled and continued “it is far better suited to permanency, but as in all things, balance, it lacks the swifter spells we have at our command” Celestia finished her short explanation as she placed her hand upon the massive portal.

“Draconic Magic!” Twilight burst out in excitement. “I've only read accounts! If this pony is a master of dragon runes they could teach me!” Twilight's excitement shifted into high gear as she gazed in awe at her teacher “Think of the hybrid spells!”

Her next statement was cut off however by a sudden flash of light as the runes suddenly appeared all at once, before a second set appeared in a circle in the air around Celestia's hand. The floating runes flashed red and then, almost begrudgingly, shifted to green and blue before blinking out of existence, the gates shuddered open, fighting the very spell that forced them to move, additional runes glared along the walkway, defensive spells leashed at the last moment, Jaws muzzled shut, but the intent remaining. Twilight gulped as Celestia strode unperturbed along a cobblestone path, only stopping to glance serenely over her shoulder. “come along Twilight” she said before turning and carrying along the path, Twilight swallowed her fear and followed her Mentor

Dreams were all she had left, memories of battles won, of feasts and celebrations. These were visited time and time again in her dreams, dreams only interrupted when her body forced her awake, and her species survival instinct overrode her desire to simply fade away.

This time however, her dreams were not interrupted by the ravenous hunger that gripped her once a century and where she consumed the gems left to her by her gaolers, this awakening was through the goading of spells of rune-craft, the very runes she had taught the faithless betrayers that chose to serve the accursed Sun after the defeat of her Lunar goddess. She shifted her form as she felt the runes awakening, clumsily set, but with the power of many behind them. Runes to bind, to prevent, to halt any violence of body she may wish to engage in, or on. Runed shackles glowed sullenly against her wrists and ankles as they activated in turn. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the level of security being forced upon her. Curiosity quickly overcame her surprise however, as she began to wonder just what 'guest' she was about to be forced to greet. Rising to her feet, she made her way to the clothes-press, it wouldn’t do to meet her invaders unarmoured after all.


The walk down the pathway was surprisingly lengthy, as Celestia seemed inclined to walk the area of the estate and view the landscape. Twilight didn't mind of course, as it gave her an opportunity to gaze upon and investigate the unique architectural artifact presented to her. The outer walls were thick, possibly large enough to contain entire rooms, and the way the walkways from the central building connected to them made that hypothesis almost a certainty. And the architectural style! Twilight couldn’t help but squee as the history of this building impressed itself upon her. 'This style was only ever used during the militant Discordian era, the Reclamation era at the latest!' Twilight thought 'and given the unique crenellations and lack of decorative flourishes it's most likely a discordian era building!' every moment felt like a moment stolen from the past, and for the first time in what felt like ages, the pain wasn't with her, just her curiosity. And aside from the glimmer of guilt she felt, she was so very grateful to be free of her sorrow.

Celestia gazed upon her student and smiled. This was Twilight at her purest, a desire to know, to understand. Her entire existence one dedicated to knowledge. Her instructors at the school were concerned with her starting so young, but Celestia knew that Twilight would accomplish amazing things, and the sooner started, the better. For all of Equestria and, just perhaps, for Twilight and Celestia as well.

“Come Twilight” Celestia said, unable to hide her smile any longer “we have given ample time to allow our hostess to prepare herself; Shall we go to meet her?” and get out of the rain was an unspoken point of her query as well, but her apprentice was so engrossed with her surroundings that she was loathe to pull her away.

At first Celestia's words barely seemed to reach Twilight, but as the idea of meeting the pony who lived here slowly sank into her thought process her entire being snapped to focus on Celestia “Yes please!” Twilight exclaimed with an excited grin, a grin that slowly faded as her ears drooped “Umm, Princess, do you...do you think she'll like me?”

Celestia smile was as bright as the sun when she responded “my precious student, no one who knows you could ever dislike you.” She pulled Twilight into an embrace, Twilight's head resting on the gentle swell of her stomach “but come, our host is an old creature, and surprisingly impatient.”

As they approached the main building's entrance, Twilight pressed tighter against Celestia. What had once grabbed at her curiosity now seemed to strike her with fear. Everything was so stark and severe. A far cry from the whimsical architecture of modern times. As Celestia's hands reached for the ponderous door handles, they creaked open just before her touch. Twilight looked up, and up, and up again. This was no pony; scaled skin, elongated muzzle, slitted eyes, large, leathery wings draped over shoulders that grew into arms ending in razor edge claws and a long, sinuous tail in constant agitated motion told her all she needed to know about the owner of this building. “Dr...Dra....Dragon!” Twilight whimpered before passing out.

The tea ceremony was a ritual predating Equestria. A remnant of an old Earthslin culture that had barely survived the great fall and had merged itself into another culture. The original purpose was to encourage opposing warlords to think, and talk with one another through careful and rigid codes of conduct.

Granted that there was usually a pair of attractive attendants handpicked to appeal to both parties didn't hurt...

Celestia raised the cup to her lips, delicately drawing the liquid into her mouth before letting out a pleased sound. “It is such a joy to drink dreamer's gift again Barbrix, I'm afraid the palace staff lacks the knowledge to properly brew the teas of the night”

Barbrix snorted angrily, but the rules of conduct bound her words as the shackles bound her actions. Sipping her own tea she bitterly replied “it is often a fact that the treasures of the defeated must be lost so the victors may shine all the brighter” Barbrix's particular emphasis on the word Shine brought a grimace of remembered pain across Celestia's face before quickly being replaced by the serene smile that she was most associated with.

“We often miss present gains to remember past losses” Celestia replied, causing Barbrix's glance to shoot up to her own, reptilian eyes blazing anger. “but” Celestia quickly stated with a lifted hand, “I did not come here to discuss victory and loss, nor to compare who among us lost the most, I came here to present you my apprentice.” Celestia's lifted hand returned to stroke her apprentice's head, still unconscious, nestled in her lap.

Barbrix's glare shifted to the whelp, who. Perhaps feeling the animosity in said gaze began shifting in Celestia's lap. “And why should I care what your Apprentice's name is?” Barbrix asked, her forked tongue tasting the air around the question, as if tasting for royal trickery.

A raised eyebrow was her only response, and then “I was unaware you had fallen so low as to break a vow Barbrix, it was my understanding that no true dragon could do so and survive the dishonour.”

A snarl broke free from the dragoness's throat, despite the rigid code of conduct surrounding the ceremony “You would dare question my honour Faithless One? I who brought the first of the Crystal Empire to his knee's? I who held the sword of justice for the high courts? I who taught the secrets of the Runes when asked by my rightful liege? You. Would. Dare!?” Barbrix had allowed her tea to fall helplessly to the floor, contents spilling as she uncoiled to her full height, shackles glowing bright red as the magic in them kept her from unleashing her full rage at the calm goddess before her.

Smile never leaving her lips, Celestia responded “This is Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Twilight Velvet, daughter of Dusk Venture, son of Dusk Auspex, son of Twilight Hospice who is descended in a direct line to Captain of the Lunar Guard, Twilight Armour, who swore an oath of Fealty to Luna Equis and to her three Great Generals and in return received the promise that though her blood would be shed to protect her Liege, her Liege and Her servants would guard her blood as if it were their own, and in times of need foster her blood in their own homes, as they would their own. Twilight has lost her parents in one cruel blow, and her only sibling to the study of war. Would you deny that your Oath remains in effect?”

Barbrix's eyes had begun widening throughout the Sun's speech, and upon the recitation of the final name, Barbrix mind flashed to a different time, and before her stood a mare, gleaming white, resplendent in her dusk purple armour, pride in her service shining in every nuance of her bearing, her cutie mark emblazoned on her breast plate with Luna's mark displayed on her left shoulder piece, captains rank splayed across her right. Lost in memory, Barbrix sank back into her chair, clawed hands reaching out towards Twilight Sparkle, before jerking back to grip the armrests of her seat. “so, the line of Twilight Armour continues...” Barbrix whispered, before shaking her head to dismiss the painful memories “my oath remains in effect, as too does my willingness to uphold it, but I have long been removed from Equestria, and have never been an...acolyte of the softer Arts, I have as much business and right to raise a youth as a Skylin does planning and growing a garden”

Celestia disguised a giggle with a cough as she took another drink of tea, “Actually Barbrix, the floating gardens of Los Pegasus are among the most beautiful gardens known to the world, rivaling even the rose gardens of Trottingham.” Celestia paused to sip at her tea again, savouring a taste of happier times before continuing. “much has changed in the world since the great peace, in point of fact, our nation has secured itself so well, economically and politically, that the standing armed forces is down to 4 armies, 3 navies and a single specialized air force.”

The Dragoness snorted at that admission before replying “never the less, I have not changed, and if I take this whelp, I will raise it in accordance with my ways and tradition. She will be a Dragon in all the ways that are important.” Barbrix's eyes narrowed as if to emphasize her point.

Celestia put her cup down as she thought of the best way to handle this. A small concession would go towards healing the rift, yet she had to be firm as well. “Very well Barbrix, however, she is still a pony, still a Faelin, as such she must be part of her birth culture” Barb remained silent, and Celestia pressed her attack “as well as all this, she remains my beloved apprentice, you may raise her as a dragon, but she will always be a pony, and so she will be of two worlds Barbrix. Your oath requires you to do as well as you can to insure her success in the world, and, as you are fond of reminding me” here Celestia raised her cup to her mouth again, allowing the subtle flavours to shift and dance upon her tongue, each moment a memory, and when she swallowed, the moment gone. Leaving emptiness in it's place “I won”

Silence echoed after that statement as Barbrix bowed her head, “very well Kinslayer” Barbrix venomously muttered not catching the pain that shifted across the celestial monarchs face. Barbrix raised her head, “Wake your apprentice so that I may see my oath fulfilled, I can smell the magic you're using to keep her sedated, and would as soon end it as be rid of you.”

Celestia sighed “we both loved her Barbrix, just as were both guilty of being blind to her. In different ways perhaps, but..” here she trailed off, noticing Barbrix's narrowed, misty eyes.

Enough walls had been breached today, and the groundwork for future conversations laid Celestia thought, time to proceed to the Twilight based portion of her visit. Shifting the hand that was still softly stroking her apprentices hair, she muttered the spell to halt he sleep she had willed on her apprentice and her horn glowed as the energies altered to wake her instead.

Twilight stirred, comfortable as she hadn't been in what felt like forever, the soft welcoming warmth a cradle from the world. Opening her eyes she saw an expanse of white, shifting slightly, she attempted to orient herself to see the face of her erstwhile pillow, but was hampered in her efforts by the pillow's own voluminous spheres, which, Twilight reflected, was an answer to the identity of her perch in and of itself, the soft hands stroking her hair and the melodious giggle that accompanied her movements was just additional supporting evidence, closing her eyes and snuggling into the literal lap of luxury Twilight murmured “Princess I had the strangest dream.”

“Oh?” the celestial voice rang

“uh huh. I though you had brought me to a dragon!” a soft chuckle escaped Twilight's mouth “There hasn't been an Equestrian dragon sighting since the Lunar revolt, never-mind here in Canterlot” Twilight chuckled again, half in amusement at the absurdity of the situation, half in joy at being able to feel joy.

A new voice interrupted her mirth; whereas Celestia's was calming and regal, a warm summer breeze. This voice was dark, smooth like steel wrapped in heavy satin “Perhaps whelp, you would do well to collect your own knowledge rather than the words of others?”

Eye's flaring wide and ears flattening Twilight slowly raised herself off Celestia's lap barely registering as Celestia shifted her around so was now seated on Celestia's lap, and gazed across a table littered with a tea service, and into an alien visage.

The dragon was tall, taller perhaps then Celestia, and her garb was very different from the clothing she saw here in Canterlot, whereas modern styles were either two piece affairs with a top and bottom, or long flowing dresses, the dragon's garb was almost...anachronistic.

It consisted of a long, white tunic with a thin purple stripe running along either side, and a dark heavy outer robe loosely draped over one shoulder. The form under the tunic was obviously feminine, yet muscled and corded in a way that Twilight had not seen outside of the guardsmen.

As Twilight’s gaze tracked upwards, taking in the expanse of her host's scaled visage she came at last to the eyes, an expanse of emerald green a pitch black slit through it, alien, frightening, a predators gaze, yet...somehow a mirror to the pain she was feeling. And for the first time since that horrible day Twilight didn't feel alone. Gulping, Twilight shyly waved at the figure, “h...he...hello, my name is...”

“Twilight Sparkle” the dragoness interrupted, “Celestia has informed me both of your name and lineage, and so I recognize my duty to you.” Twilight blinked as the scaled form rose and began steadily approaching her “and so I, Barbrix Nightclaw call you fledgling of my nest, hatched outside of clan, but by lineage born to clan. You are found, and I shall claim you, aid you in your struggles, your enemies are my enemies.” here her measured tones broke off as she glanced aside to the silent royal witness “and my enemies shall be yours” falling silent, Barb fell to one knee, level with the wide eyed child and whispered “I cannot pretend I shall be ideal, nor am I to be a replacement, however, my oath stands, and I shall honour it, and in doing so honour your family, will you claim me? As I have claimed you?”

Twilight said nothing, mutely staring into the foreign face. Yet so disturbingly familiar. Silence. Stretched all longer due to the emotion in the room, until suddenly, a sob broke from Twilight's form.

“Yes, Yes please! I just don't want to be alone again”

Unthinking Barbrix plucked Twilight from Celestia's lap, enfolding her in both her arms and wings. “of course whelp, neither of us will be alone again”