> The Nine Worlds Of Omega > by James Cribb > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 An Unknow Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was minding my own business working on the Ford Custom 500 in my garage. When I heard a loud noise coming from outside and I when to check it out come to find out there was a rift in space and time. Looking like something, you see in movies and right in front of me. I put my hand next to the riff and there was a reaction coming from the riff. Before I could get out of the way outcomes six multi-color horses. "My sweet celesta, what happened?" Said one of them an orange fur with blond hair wearing a brown hat. "I don't know, let's ask him." Said the one with pink fur with pink hair that looks like cotton candy. "Your right Pinky." said one of them with purple fur and purple hair with some highlights. "Excuse me and my friends; May I ask where are we?" She asked me close to my face on the ground. "You're here in the lower regions of the City-Planet of the Nine Worlds of Omega. We best us move before they show up." I told them getting up from the ground. "Who's they?" Said one with light blue fur and a rainbow hair using her wings to hover a few feet off the ground. "The Reds." I said out loud scaring them. "The Reds?" The purple one asks me. "But first I need to close these rift before they find out what just happened here." I said out load moving closer to the riff. Pulling a small device reaching out with it to close it with before someone else came through the riff is a small purple and green dragon. "Spike?" Ask the purple horse towards him confused."Twilight I was worry about you and I had to come with." Said Spike. "Stand back now!" I shouted to the dragon shuffling my hand towards his horse friends. I reach my hand again and finally close the riff. "Can you get us back home?" The orange horse asks me. "I can, It not going to be easy." I quickly answer her question. "Why is that?" white horse with purple hair ask me looking confused from what I just said. "I can get you home with this, but there a problem with that; because the riff will become unstable and end up destroying both our worlds in the process." I explain it to them. "So you're saying is that we need to find a way to make the riff you call it to work to get us home?" The orange horse asks me. "That right and best for us to get moving; My shop isn't too far from here." I answer her and told the rest of them quickly making our way towards the shop. "Twilight I'm scared." Spike tells her getting closer to her. "I know we all are." Said Twilight. "I have no idea how I'm going to help them. But I'm going to my best." As I thought to myself. We made it to my shop which was a big gray building. The white horse said out loud. " Did ever think of putting some color here?" "Just wait for the tile you see the inside." I said sliding a big door leading into darkness. This made the yellow horse scared. The eight of us made their way in. "Let me get the lights." I said flipping a which on the wall and the whole beginning to light up. The 7 of them see something they have never seen before. A big dark blue cart made of metal. "I'm guessing you never seen a car before." I tell them making my way to the side of the car. "What a car?" The orange horse asks me. "You meed this thing." The blue horse mocking what I just said hovering a few feet from the hood of the car. "I don't need to be rude. But I never got your names?" I asked them. The purple horse spoke. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. This little dragon is Spike. The others are Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinky Pie." Pointing at them with her hoof. "What about you?" Rainbow asks me. "James Cribb, is my name." I tell them. "Nice to meet you James." said Rarity. "I have to plan a party for him before we get back." Pinky said out loud with excitement. "Do you think it's a good time to plan a party?!" Applejack angry shouting that Pinky. "I think we need to calm down." Twilight tells everypony. "Clam down, CLAM DOWN, We are in another world that we have no idea and right being here!" Applejack shouted back to Twilight. "Your right. We have no idea what out there and we are all scared out of our minds. James is trying to find a way to get us back home." Twilight tells Applejack. "Your right. There no reason for me to act like to Pinky Pie, and I'm sorry." Applejack telling both her friend across the room. "Alright, it going to take some time to find the parts and miserable to get the riff to stabilize and get you folks back home." I tell them."So it like we are going to be here for a while." Applejack said out loud trying to calm herself. "At else the party can be moved up." Said Pinky Pie excided jumping off the walls and disappearing and reappearing in my jacket; Shocking me in the process. "Is she normally this rolled up?" I ask them. "Yes, she. Yes, she is." Said Fluttershy to me. "So you mention the Reds earlier; What are they?" Ask Rainbow. "Well, it a long story and it going to take some time get it all out. Please have a seat." I tell them. While I when to a nearby shelf and pull an old shape device that looks like a pyramid. I went back to them a place the device on the table and turn it on. "What is that?" Spike asked as I turned it on. "If you want to find out then you then have to be patient with him." Twilight tells him. "Thank you, Twilight." I tell her. "To answer your question Spinke. This is a holographic projection." I tell to the rest of them. "A holo-what?" Applejack with a questioning the whole thing. At that, the device fires up and projected a system of a planet with nine moons orbiting around it. "This is the world you landed in. We are on this planet here." I said out loud. Highlighting one of the moons going around the planet. "The planet of Omega is a racing planet made up different environments to test the driver and their car to the limits." I continued to say when Rainbow asks me. "So what does this have to with the Reds?" "I'm getting to that." I tell her. The hologram change from the planet into something else that looks more like an army. "This is them." I said tell them while the others look in shock. "It's a good thing we ran into you when we did." Applejack tells me. "They don't look that tough." Schmuck Rainbow. "You have no idea what you are mucking. Do you?" I ask Rainbow, which made her pull back a little. "As I was saying; The leader is the most roofless person you ever come across." I told to them, changing the hologram again to the leader. "He looks just like you?" Rarity asks me looking at the hologram of their leader wearing an officer uniform looking more like general having 5 stars on each side of his shoulders, clean shaven and wearing a hat with the 5 stars on it as well. "He is me. But not me. He as the looks of me but he is a machine that made a long time ago. When he got jealous and turn on me joined the Reds using this army taking over everything. I was fighting him with my own team called the Silencers. It wasn't until the Reds found us and killed the whole team. I was the only one that could get away." I said to them. The others were still in shock from what I said I shut off the device. "I'm sorry about what happen to you and to your team." Fluttershy tells me putting her hoof on my shoulder. "It best not to drill with the past. Now let's find a way to get you back home." I tell them getting ready for the long journey ahead of us. "There no time to waste; Let's get started." Applejack said to everypony and me. > Chapter 2 The New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later. "I was doing some recording on how I'm doing these 7 unknown cheaters from another world that came from threw a riff in space and time." I saying to a camera on my desk contacted to my computer which I named Old Gateway. "This video diary will be in a field under code name Main 7." I continuing saying into the camera. Stop the recording saving to the camera system then getting transferred to the computer system. The video was put in a new file under named the codename I said in the video. Twilight was standing at the door. "How are you doing?" She asks me. "I'm doing good for the most part." I tell her. "What is this thing? I have never seen anything like this before." She asks me looking at my computer. "You don't have a lot of advanced technology in your world?" I ask her. "Nothing this advanced." She tells me quickly. "Also to answer your question I made a file on here to track the progress on a safe way to make riff stable and get you all home. Now there is other work I need to attend to." I said getting up from my chair and leaving. "Maybe I can help?" Twilight asks me. "In the matter of fact, you can help me. Before you came into this world and I found you. I was working on the car you see before you." I tell her. "So is that a yes then?" She asks me. "Yes, you can." I said back to her; She smiles back following me to the car. "So what sim to be the problem? She asks me to while I opening the hood of the car. " It the timing on the valves is off." I said out loud. "Most likely from the last race I enter a few days ago." I said out loud making Twilight looking lost. "What race?" Rainbow came flying in flapping her wings asking me. "In this world racing is very different than what you would have in your world." I answer Rainbow question, underneath on the hood. "You use these things in your racing?" Rainbow asks me again. "Yes, we do. It looks like they're going to be another oil change." I said moving around hitting a button. Then the car was lifted off the ground by a platform underneath the car. Which scared Twilight and Rainbow. "What kind of magic is this?" Twilight asked me after standing back a bit while the car is still being lifted. I graded a black pan and went underneath the car. "Pardoned me if that scares you a bit." I tell them both of them. "That was no problem." Rainbow said to me. "Twilight I need you get me a wrench to loosen this blot; To drained the oil." I tell Twilight. She went to a nearby drawer and open it she asks me. "Which wrench do you need?" "Just get me the adjustable one." I tell to her.She lit up her horn and levitated it using her magic and handed it to me."Thanks, Twilight." I tell to her. "Your welcome." She tells me. As I adjusted the wrench and putting on the blot and turn it loose it. I move the pan under the blot and remove the wrench. Moving the loosen blot with my hand and remove it. Oil beginning pouring out of the car into the pan. At that point, Applejack came around the corner looking at me and asks out loud."What is that?" Rainbow answer. "It oil that came from the car. At least that what James told me." After a few moments, the last of the oil came out of the car. I move the pan from underneath the car. I got the wrench and the blot and put it back on. When back to button that rise the car and hit it again lower it. "That the first step taking care of." I said to Twilight and the others. I rise the hood back up and open a tap on top of the motor. I when to grab a new oil and a funnel. I put the funnel in the hole while Twilight watches. I grab the new oil and open it and pour it down the funnel into the motor. After the last of the new oil drop into the motor. "There we go." I said out loud removing the funnel and putting the cape back on, shutting the hood. I when to the driver side of the car and got inside. Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack still watch me trying to find out how this thing works. I pull out a key and put in the ignition and turn the key. The engine roar into life scaring everpony and the others finding out what was that noise. "Don't be scared it just the car." I said out loud. "It sounds like a storm was right on top of us." Rarity said. "Storm!" Fluttershy shouts in stock. "Relax their sugar cube. It alright." Applejack tells them both to calm down a little. "Now with that done I can get start finding a way to get your folks back home." I said to them. "So where to start." Twilight asks me. "The best place to start is in the archives at the library in the city." I said; I which made Twilight smile and excited and asks me. "Can I come with?" "Sure you can come." I tell to her. "Spike you are coming with us." she tells to him. I open the passenger door on the car to let Twilight and Spike in. I got in through the driver side and pull the key out started the engine. The vibrations coming through the car nearly spoke Spike. Getting the seat bait on with a worried look on his face. I turn on the radio and some music started playing with the sounds of sweet music that they have heard before in the there world. I push a button on the sun visor the car controlling the door. That made a ruff noise. After the door was all the way up I put the car into gear and ease my way out on the road. "This is different than walking."I tell them both. "It completely different what use back home with the trains." Twilight tells me. "Spike was enjoying the ride so far as am I." She continued saying. The nightlife was still going on and lights coming from other building and street lights were bright on the road as if it was the middle of the day. The music change to something the something like a piano was playing nearby. Which put a smile on Twilight and started going with the music. We made way on a highway to a different area of the planet that can answer your and where the library. The drive as a long one an hour and a half. Sun was coming up and Twilight fell asleep during and Spike was just waking up. "Is that the Sun?" Spike ask me. "Yes, it is." I answered him. "Never seen one that small." He tells me. "The sun is the same size that was where I'm from before I came here. It just the distance of it." I tell him. At that point, Twilight is just getting up. "You said what about the sun?" She said grunting. "Nice to see you awake we nearly there." I tell her. In the distance was a big building, bigger than anything they have seen back on our world. "That is big?" Spike said out loud. "And this it's a library." I said to them. There was huge white building with a little bit of gray around it at the top and bottom with stairs leading up to the building. "How are we going to find anything in this place?" Spike questioned me. "We find a way." Twilight tells him clamming him down. We pull into an empty spot near the building, turn off the engine and got out making sure no one sees us. "Yes, I see there going to be a problem with you being a horse and a small dragon just walking around." I tell them both. "So what are we going to do?" Spike asks me. ''I know a way, but it risky and might not work." when to the trunk and pull a device medium size briefcase and open it. "I'm going to need something a hair or a scale from the both of you." I tell them in which they gave a confused look on their faces. "If you want to go inside you need to do this." Spike pulls a scale and pluck a hair off of Twilight head and handed them to me. "So what do need these for?" Twilight ask me. As I pluck another hair of my head. "This is biological change-o-matic." I said to them "A Bio-what?" Spike asks me with a confused face. "A biological change-o-matic. It can change a person biological body into something else for hiding in plain sight. I use a few times hiding from the Reds." I tell them. "So what are going to do?" Twilight asks me. "I'm going to make both of you humans for a short time. So we get what we need in the library." I said talking fast putting spike scale in a mixing chamber and put my hair in another. I turn it on so I can work its magic to a few minutes. "There is a downside to these I can change your forms, But not your skin color when you both change." I said to while the device works its magic. After a couple minutes, A vinyl filled with a green liquid and hand it to Spike and told him to drink it. Spike look at first then drank. He was nearly staring off into space when it kicks in causing him a great deal of pain. It last only a minute untiles it stop. He stood up and change into a light pink human and he was naked. In which I handed him some clothes I had in the trunk. Spike quickly got well I made Twilights that same way I made Spikes. After a few moments, it was ready and the liquid was purple like her clot. She drank it after I hand it to her. She and in pain us like was but it lasted a little longer. I got some clothes for her; When she was done changing. After that, I closed the briefcase and put it back in the trunk and close the trunk. "Are you ready?" I ask them both. "Yes, we are. I'm supplying you have something for us in the trunk of your car. Like if you know we were coming." Twilight asks me wearing a pair of blue jeans and a purple shirt her cutie mark on it with some white tennis shoes. As for Spike was wearing a pair of black pants and a green shirt and some brown boots. "Well let's get going." I said. walking to the building. "I surprise that I can walk on two feet." Said Twilight. "I know. Whatever is in that stuff James made us drink made it easier to walk in this world." Said spike. > Chapter 3 Finding A Way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We made our way to the doors. Once inside I went to the front desk and asks the only person there. "Excuse me where are your archives at?" The person at the front desk told me "It down the hall to the left." He said to me. I when back to them come Twilight tell me and Spike. "I be right back, got to use the restroom." "Go on we be here." I tell her seeing Twilight go off with dose hips of her going back and through. "I seen that." Spike said "I never suspected that she make a body feel so good." I said to him. Meanwhile Twilight is making her way down the hall to a set of doors with a bathroom on them. She went inside and find a toilet and a sink next to it. "Well, here we go." She thought to herself. Closing the door behind her and locking it. Lower her plans and underwear that James have given her. Sitting down on the toilet after a long ride and big she and Spike when threw only a few minutes ago. After relieving herself; She felt odd like if been in this body for all of her life. Many things she never did before was like second nature to her. Although she only had this body for a few minutes ago. Also, she was feeling something else like her magic was getting stronger. The power was raging through her there was no tomorrow. She starting to feel really good at that point like she wants to play with herself. She places her hand on her new form pussy and starting going crazy with. a small moan exit from her mouth. Then she slaps out it before she gets anything fother. She thought to herself." What is wrong with me?" pulling her plants up leaving the restroom. Twilight made her way to the both of us. Looking a fuff in the face. I ask to see if she was alright."Are you alright?" I ask her. "I'm alright; Way?" She asks me."You look a little red?" I ask back. "Sorry." She tells me looking a little embarrassed by she try to do in the restroom. We start moving to the archives section with Twilight and Spike following behind. "Here we are." I said opening the door. There wasn't rows and rows of books but there was a huge computer. The face that Twilight look of disappointment. "Why did tell me that this thing is your world archive section?" Twilight shouted at me. "There are books here but this is what needs to find a way to get you back home." I tell her trying to calm her down; Pulling the same device used to close the riff. Plugged it to the computer and search for anything that makes the rift stable. It takes a few hours to find the answer that we are looking for. "That not good." I said "What, what did you find.?" Twilight asks me. "There is a portal that makes the rift stable for the safe." I said to them."So what the problem?" both of them asks me. "It's in the heart of the Reds base on the other side of the planet and there is no power. We are going to need elements of the nine worlds to give the portal exactly enough power to make it work." I said At that moment a group of arm thuds came into the building. In which the computer when off on the one they using. I look back on the screen; looking shout on what was there. "My god, they find me I don't how but they find me." I said out loud. "Who?" Twilight asks me. "It the people I race a few days ago. I guessing they want their money back." I said back looking at the screen. "Have you seen this man here today?" one of the men said to the man at the front desk. "That depends on who asking." The frontman said back to him. "We don't time for this." another man of holding a gun to his face. "Alright he in the archive section. Just don't shoot." The leader said to him. "Thank you" saying back to front desk before telling the man holding the gun. "Shoot him." Before he knew it he was shot through the head making everyone in the building scared and running for their lives. "Time to go." I said to them. walking out the door with them following before running into them. "Well, James Cribb." The leader of the group before I froze in place and said "Shit." I said out loud as the leader spoke again. "My boss wants the money you stole from us." The leader tells me."You should never place that bet again me with your man being the worst driver in the whole grid." I tell him. "Who your friends there?" The leader asks me. "Leave them out of this." I said back him. I wiser to Twilight and Spike "Run when I give the single." Walking up to the group then throwing a something to them. "DUCK!" Shouting one of them. When it when off there as a huge explosion that throws them back killing most of them. "RUN!" I shouted to them following to a window going through it. handing without no problem. "What is he?" Spike asks Twilight. "I know that was three stories up." She tells him. I shouted back to jump. "COME ON JUMP!" I shouted to them. "Do we trust him? "Spike asks Twilight "I don't know I don't run into them." Jumping out of the window landing safety to James. "DAMN IT" Shouted one of the armed thuds before shooting at Spike. Putting his hands up and stop the bullets in the air. "NO!!" Shouting Twilight James holding her back. Before Spike jumps out of that same window landing near them. Before Telling James. "You have some explaining to do?!" "Later back at the shop it not safe here." I said to them. Making your way to the car. After we get there a unit of the Reds just now showing up. "Hurry before they see us." I said to them. Running to the car getting in and taking off. A few cars were in pursuit after us. Making your way to the interstate. "What are you going to do?" Twilight ask me. "This." Hitting a button on the dashboard. Making the something pop out and fire on a pillar on a bridge. Hitting another button on the center dashboard making the car go into overdrive and launch itself to the speed of over 300 miles per hour. Passing the bridge, hitting another button making the device go off with an explosion that it to go down on the Reds wreaking them. "I think we lost them." Said Spike. "Let's get back to the shop." I tell both of them. > Chapter 4 The Explanation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After we lost the Reds and those armed thuds trying to kill was. We made our way back to the shop and the button to open the garage pull in, shut off the engine the others got out before I could. Applejack asks, "What in tarnation happen to you?" Looking at Twilight and Spike in their human bodies. "Well, we had to change into these bodies, Because of reasons." Twilight tells Applejack. " I can explain for this and how I going to get you, folks, back home." I said to the three of them. "Get the others." I tell Applejack. "That might be a problem." She tells me. "Why is that?" I asks her. "Because there are gone." she tells me. " Where did they go?" I asks her again. "Well Rainbow is trying to a find a cloud to sleep on; Fluttershy is trying to find some animals to talk to; Rarity when to find a clothing store to find some fabric to make a dress out of; Lastly Pinky when to find party decorations." Applejack said to me. Before long Rainbow was back nearly out of breath. "I can barely breathe up there; Its the clouds are higher than air can." She said trying to catch her breath. "So at else that one down what about the others." I tell them. "Applejack there an oxygen machine to give to Rainbow." I told AJ heading to the machine turning to on and handing the mouthpiece to Rainbow. "Thanks, AJ" Rainbow said back to Applejack putting the mouthpiece to her face. After that Rarity came back frustrated about not finding any fabric. "Hey, James where can I find fabric in this city?" Before looking over to Twilight and Spike. "What as happen to you?" She asks them. Applejack answers her. "I ask the same thing when they came back." "I will explain it when Pinky and Fluttershy cames back." I tell them. "So what now?" Asks Twilight. "We need to find them before the Reds find them first." I said out loud. "I know because we a run into them trying to escape from those armed thuds back at the library." Spike said. Twilight asks me. "Where do you keep animals in this world?" "Mainly on the Forest and Water Worlds. Nothing she going to find in this world is made out of metal." I said back to her. Before stopping in my tracks with a stock look on her face. "I can't be. There no way she would go there." At that point, Pinky came around the corner and said. "Go where." Before going to the car; Twilight stop me and ask me. "She in danger?" "Yes, she is more danger than anything on this planet." I said in repose. "If Fluttershy is in danger then we all are coming with you." She tells me. "List, Rainbow is not able to come with the way she is breathing." I tell Twilight. Rainbow heard that and got up taking the mouthpiece off. "I can do whatever I want and Fluttershy is my friend." She said before falling down. Applejack catching her in time. "Go on ahead I'll keep an eye on her." Applejack tells to everypony. "Alright get in." I said to the rest of them. Everyone and everypony made their way in the car. The door was opening. Before it opens all the way I gunned it and the car when crazy taking off behind a filled with smoke. "Slowdown!" said Spike. "I'm sorry but we are in a hurry here now." I said to Spike. Pinkey was sticking her head out of the window leading the wind have done a number to her face. Rarity shouted at Pinkly "Pull your head back in here." which she did having a grin so big that stretch to ear to ear. "So what the worry? Fluttershy can handle animals back home." Twilight tells me. "Animals in this world can kill anything can move. They are a lot bigger than anything you have." "Are bigger then dragons?" Asked Spike. Meanwhile at Fluttershy,"I have seen anything like this." She said to herself. Flying through a junkyard away from the city. But she doesn't know that she is being watched. She kelp fly through it, without know that she being watched. Threw the eyes of the beast watching the flying horse flying around making small movements. In the distance, the sound of an engine roar through the junkyard putting Fluttershy scared again hiding in a hole in a wall. "Stop the car!" Shouted Twilight. Which I hit the brakes putting the car to a stop. Fluttershy looks out of the hole where she was hiding from her name being called. "FLUTTERSHY! FLUTTERSHY CAME OUT WHERE EVER OUT ARE!" She knows that sound like Pinky Pie and when to the sources of the sound. She finds Twilight and the others next to the dark blue car she saw back at James home. "There she is." Said Rarity. Fluttershy seen Twilight and Spike in their human bodies was ask why. "Why do Twilight and Spike have those bodies?" Asks Fluttershy. "I can answer that when all of us get back to the shop." I said to them. There was a huge roar the scared everybody including myself. From out of some rumble, there was a huge mechanized animal that standing on two legs. Looking at us roaring again. "Get in the car everyone." I said to them. Which they did. I threw the car into reverse on hit the gas pedal; Which made the car go just as fast if it going forward. Thr animal starting to run after the car. Opening its mouth letting a flame of fire to them. I got out the way of the flame. Hitting a button on the dashboard launching the device to the animal. Hitting another button the device when off on the animal; Destroying one of its legs. Which makes the beast fall to the ground, sliding down through them; The lights in the eye of the beast when down and it was dead. Fluttershy when into tears about the death of the beast that was trying to kill them. "Sorry I had to this. But was the only way." I tell her. "You did have to that. We could have talked to him." Fluttershy tells me. "That animal wasn't real." I tell her trying to calm her nerves. "Then what is it?" She asks me. "It was a robot, that was grading the junkyard." I said back to her. Turning the car around heading to the city. Once we make our back to the shop. Rainbow recover from what made her lose her breath earlier that day. I pull the briefcase that was used to change Twilight and Spike bodies to look humans. "There is a reason why I change them so you can bend it, in this world that it wouldn't turn a few heads. When are in the library." I tell them. "So what the powers you, me, and Twilight?" Spike asks me. "It must be DNA that I use in the mixture to change the both of you." I tell the 7 of them. "Powers? What Powers? Rainbow asks me. Twilight answer that. "The power of jumping and landing from great highs and stopping bullets in mid-air." "COOL! I would like that." Rainbow said back to me and others. "As for what you said about DNwhatever you call it. So what is doing with them and you?" Asks Applejack. "The DNA of my is different than another person in this world. Because I'm not from this world." I tell the 7 of them looking stock after I told them. "What do mead your not from this world?" Ask Applejack. "I meed I from another world that found my way to this world." I told them."Through a riff?" Ask Twilight. "No, through a portal." I told to them. "So what are you doing here then?" Ask Pinky. "The portal close before I could get through it to my homeworld." I told to them. "So why couldn't you open an another portal?" Ask Rarity. "All of the portals to my world are close and I was the coordinates during the attack on the silencers base was lost." I said to them. "So what going do then?" Ask Twilight. "Now we have some hope." I said, pulling the same device used to close the riff. "This is coordinates to your world, not my." I said to them. "So, what do we need to do?" asksRainbow. "When we were at the library; There is a way but it dangerous." I tell the 7 them. "If it the only way to get home. Then count me in." Applejack said out loud. "Me too." Rainbow said as well. "What about the rest of you?" I asked them. Rarity nodded her head as well Fluttershy. Pinky scream in excitement. Twilight and Spike smile with joy. "So we are all in. Let's get started by finding the elements of the nine worlds." I tell them. "Why do we need them?" Ask Rainbow. "We need them to make the riff and the portal stable." I tells the 7 of them. > Chapter 5 Getting The Team Ready > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So how are going to get other eight worlds to get the elements." Asked Twilight. "First I need to change the bodies of the rest of you. To avoid running into the Reds again." I said out loud as the others plucking hairs from their heads and five from my head. "If it's the only way to help." Applejack said. After half an hour of changing and getting their clothes. Rarity asks me "how did you get these clothes." Wearing a pair of dark purple plants and a White long sleeve shirt with her cutie mark on it. On her feet was a pair of white ankle boots with a half inch heel on them. The stripes on them was a dark purple. "Well, there is a way with this." I told her. "What is that?" She asks me. "It's a fabricator. " I told her. "I still have Pinky outfit for her. Do you mind happen me?"Rarity asks me. "Yes I would; How those this work?"Telling her. "It's sample take a blank figure and name it to Pinky numbers here and here." Pointing at the figure on its chest, hips, and main areas around it. "I think I have it now." She said to me. putting the numbers into the machine. "Let me see here." She said to herself. "There sim to be a problem." She asks me. "What the problem?" I ask her. "They're not much to choose from." She tells me. "That's because I didn't get much on blueprint on choose from; Then when I can into this world a few years ago." I told her. "There is enough here to make an outfit with." She tells me. "Just make the same outfit I made for you. If you want?" I told her. "Let's see a pair of plants. The color is interesting. There a lot of them." Looking for the choice of color. "Let see a sky blue on them with a white belt. A pair of pink tennis shoes. A sky blue shirt with her cutie mark on it." She said to herself making the outfit. Hitting the create button on the screen. The mechanize begin work on the outfit. After a few minutes; It was done and I open the door put the outfit. I told Rarity "I go down to the clothing store for more prints. If would like if you? "Yes just let me know; When you are ready." She told me. I when down the hall to the bathroom and knock on the door. "Pinky?" I said threw the door. "Yes." She said back. I have an outfit for you." I again through the door. "You can leave it on a chair near the door." She said to me again. I put the clothes on the chair and move on to the kitchen. I see Rainbow and Applejack there. Applejack was wearing a tight pair of pants and a green and white button-up shirt. A neckless was around her neck that as her cutie mark as an amulet dangle from it. Her boots were like a pair of cowgirl boots. Rainbow was wearing a pair of blue shorts that were made for running. There was a white shirt with her cutie mark on the middle of her shirt. She wearing a pair of white and blue tennis shoes with rainbow laces. Also, she was wearing a pair of white knee high socks with blue trim around the edge of them. "Are two hungry?" I ask them. "Hell yell we are." Rainbow said to me. Opening the cabinets and a packet with the colors of Blue and Yellow on. "What is that?" Rainbow ask me. "Wait and see." I tell them hitting a button and opening a door to a device on the wall. Putting the packet inside and closing the door. Hitting another button and in a flash of light. The packet turns into a burger and fries on a tray. "Unbelievable." Said Twilight walking into the kitchen. I open the door to the device and pulled the tray out. "Is that what I think it is?" Rainbow asked me. "It's a burger from a place back in my own world. Before I came here." I said to here. "That what she was thinking of." Applejack tells me. "OH. You think this is meat." I said to them. "Is it?" Asked Rainbow. "No, it's not. It's something else entirely; That's it looks, smile and taste like it." I said to her taking a bite of the burger. "Then what is it then?" Ask Applejack as I gulp down on my own burger and said. "It's a meat substitute." Rainbow graded a fry from the tray and give it a try. "This is very good." Rainbow said to everyone in the room. "James, what is this?" Applejack said after opening the fridge and pointing at a picture of what looks like tea. "That tea." I said to her. After she heard that she pull it out and grab a glass and pour into it. That a drink of it. "Man, that's sweet." She tells me. "Strong too ate it?" I ask her. "Did someone say tea." Rarity came into the kitchen. "Rarity you have to got to try this?!" Applejack asked before the sugar sending her into a sugar high. Rarity grad the same glass that Applejack was drinking out of and taking a drink. "That's is very good, darling." She said to me before taking another drink. "So I guessing that Applejack doesn't take in a lot of sugar?" I ask Rarity. "No, she doesn't." She said to me as I was grabbing a glass of own to go with the meal I have. Rainbow grad the same yellow and blue packet and pot in the device and hit the button. In a flash another tray was there with same burger and fries I was eating. Rainbow pulled it out joined me and Rarity. Taking a small handful of fries into her mouth. Once she was done with them she looks at the burger and pick it up and take a bite. Inside her head was other joy coming to the burger. It was making her wet and wanting more. After that last bite. Took me by the cote and said. "That was the best meal I have ever had in my whole life." Going into kiss me for the meal; Before running off. "Well, that was something." I said to Rarity. "She starting to take a liking to you." she tells me. "That wouldn't surprise me." I told her back to finishing my meal. "I have you seen Fluttershy?" Rarity asked me. "No, she must be in the living room." Leaving the kitchen to check on Fluttershy and there she was on the couch crying about what as what ay the junkyard. "Fluttershy is still sad about what happens back at the junkyard?" I asked her. "Yes, I know you told me it was a robot. But there could have been another way." She said to me. Getting up and wiping away a tear from her face. She was wearing some light green plants with a top that was bright as the sun back on my world. Her shoes were a green and white color. a neckless with her cutie mark. Came close to me a give me a hug and said. "Thanks for saving me back there." Hugger her back and saying. "I know. It was a good thing I came at the right time. Or, I much whether not think about it." Pinky was out of the shower and wearing the outfit that me and Rarity made. Skip to the living room. Hugging from behind. Making my back pop. "HUGG!" I shouted making Fluttershy stand back and caching the couch before Pinky let go of me and I fell over from the plan. "PINKY WHAT ARE DOING?!" Shouted Fluttershy "What giving him a hug." She said after letting me go. "The rodes." I said out loud. "Rodes?" Ask Pinky "The rodes in my back holding everything in place." I told her removing my colt and shirt revealing a huge scar going all on way down my back. The others came to see what was shouting about. Looking at me and the scar on my back in a great deal of pain. "What happen?" Asked Twilight to both Fluttershy and Pinky. They told their sild of the story the other as starting to black out. > Chapter 6 Back Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few hours later I woke up on my bed. With some Tea on the end table next to my bed. There what a knock on the door. " Come in."I said out loud. Twilight came in to see how I'm doing. "Find now thanks to you and your friends." I said to her. "I found this in your bathroom. and it read to use for major back problems." She tells me holding a needle. "It's a good thing you find it. Before it could have gotten worst for me." Taking the needle from her and holding in my hand. "Whats there any more of them?" I ask her. "No just that one." She said back to me. "Well, then that going to be a problem." I said out loud. "Why is that?" She asks me. "The stuff there are in these for my trouble back is only found on the Swamp world." At that point, Pinky came in to say. " I'm sorry about hugging you to hard causing you back pain." "It's alright. you didn't know." I said to her. Getting up from bed putting a shirt on. Walking to the living room. "Are you alright." Fluttershy ask me. "Never better." I said to her. "So what the story with the rodes?" Applejack asks me. I take a set on my favorite chair after have a major back problem. "I will tell you. Long before I discover this world when I still living on my homeworld called Earth." A few hours of storytelling later.                 "And that how I found a way fix my back." I told the 7 of them. "So what about these samples you use for the needles?" Spike asked. "The samples can only be found on the Swamp world." I tell him. "What would happen if you have a major back problem and you did have those needles on you." Rainbow asked. "I don't want to think about." I said. "So what now?" Pinky asked, "We need to get to an old forgot silencers base that hidden away after the attack on my team years ago."Getting up from the chair and walking to the back. "So how do we find it?" Asked Spike. "I know where it is." Opening a drawer and pulling an odd-looking key with a strange symbol on it. Walking back to them holding the strange key. "What is odd looking key." Twilight said. I walk to the car and place it near it the hood of it and it magnetized itself to it with a stranger. "Come on get in. It might be cramp with your new bodies." I said that everyone when inside the car. Spike, Pinky, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity in the back. Twilight and Fluttershy seat in the passager seat. I got in the driver seat and started the engine and opened the door. Making our way through the city. "So where are we going?" Ask Rainbow. "To the edge of the city." I said. " Wait a minute didn't you say the whole planet is one big city?" Applejack asked in confusion. "I did, there are areas like the junkyard not made up of the city." I said answering her question. Nearing the edge of the city the key starting to light up. "Is that exposed to do that?"Twilight asks nervously. Then the key shouts out creating a portal. I push the car all it was worth reaching 300 mph on the speedo. "JAMES, JAMES, JAMES!" Shouted Fluttershy. Going through the portal. > Chapter 7 The Forest World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I a few seconds a portal opens on another planet in the system. A dark blue car came with the sound "JAMES!" Coming a the same time flying threw air for an only a second. Before landing on the ground of a distant jungle. "I need to close the portal." I said opening running to it reaching by hand out. The key used came to me and close the portal. The others got out looking around. Fluttershy asks "Where are we?" "Yell It looks like the Everfree forest." Said Rainbow. "We are on the Forest World." I said to them. "That thing we think we when thrown. Can it get us home? Asked Twilight. "No wrong portal. We need a cross-dimensional portal." I said to her and the rest of them. "Then what was kind of portal we when threw then?" Applejack asked me. "A gateway." I said. Before I could finish what I was saying Pinky explants what a gateway has how it work in this world. "A gateway is how you get between the nine worlds with funny looking keys." "Yes, what she said." I said out loud. "How do you know that?" Asked Rainbow. "I then threw James files on his computer back at the shop." She said back to Rainbow. "Note to self, change the password when I get back to the shop." I thought to myself. "The base shouldn't be too far." Everyone getting back into the car. Hitting a button on the touchscreen. Changing tires to off-road tires. "You are full of surprises." Said Twilight to me with a smile on her. Hitting another button launching a small flying camera. a screen pop out of them from the underneath the dashboard. looking at Twilight and Fluttershy. Showing us then going above the trees see nothing but forest for miles. Some of the trees are bigger than the rest of them. One of the was right next to them, Bigger than any building then a Mount Everest back on earth. "That is one big tree." Said Applejack. The camera rounded left and zoom into a building in the distance. "Twilight can change the mode to heat vision?" I ask her. "How do I do that?" She asked me. "Let me show you." I told her. "You see where it said mode on the upper right-hand side of the screen."I told her. "Yes, I see."She tells me. "Good hit it and there should be a list show up."I told her. Twilight hit the button on the screen. A list of the previews of each view under the name. "Do a mode mark heat vision." I told her. "I see it, heat vision." She said hitting, the screen change color with blue and red highlights on the building. "That is what we are looking for." I said hitting the recall button on the screen and hitting another button letting go of something underneath the car. "What's that sound? It sounded like we drop something? Asked Rarity. "It's just a marker so we can find your way back with your own cars."I said out loud. "Our own cars?"Applejack ask. "Yes, we find the elements with just one car. But I don't think that everyone else thinks that is a good idea." I told her."If you say so." she said back. The camera recover and the marker are placed. We taking off to the base from best way from the camera GPS system. Within a few miles in we ran into one of the animals of this world. A giant gorilla looking at us then move on with its business. "Why didn't attack like the one before?" Ask Fluttershy. "Becuase it's just a normal animal of his and only attack when being treating." I said to her.                 A few more miles we came to an edge of a cliffside. "Well, it looks like we going to have to find another way down." I said out loud. Before the GPS change, its direction to a road on the side of the cliff face. The road was wide enough for the car. "That no problem. I said before Pinky covering my mouth and said. "Don't jinx it." Within seconds her right leg when crazy like she was having a seizure or something. "That not good." She said out loud. A few rocks that were in a pile fell over and looking in my driver side mirror. There was a cloud of coming from behind then I see a big black and red vehicle. I knew what I was and hit the going down the road. "James, whats going on?" Twilight asked. "It the Reds sweeper." I said "I thought they were all gone by now. I guessing there a few of them left." I said when to reach the bottom of the cliffside the sweeper stop at the top of the cliffside edge. "Thing is a sweeper?" Applejack asks me looking back at the metal beast on wheels. > Chapter 8 Arriving At The Base > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After escaping the Sweeper before it get us on top of the cliff face a few miles back. "So how much longer is going to be?" Rainbow wine. "Here we are." I said. Stopping at a metal fence and two big metal door. "Let me handle this." Getting out and walking to the door. Put in a code to a number pad on and take a few steps back. The doors unlock and begin to open. I got back in and then threw it inside was the courtyard of the base. There was a huge gray building like my shop but bigger. We pull up to a door of the base. I turn off the engine and everyone got out. I when to a to the keypad and put the in code. Nothing happens. "What gives?" Shouted Rainbow punching a wall in frustration. "It must be the lockdown." I said."Lockdown? What lockdown?" Asked Applejack. "The lockdown I did before I escape from the Reds all those years ago." I said. "Is there a way to lift the lockdown." Twilight asked. "Yes there is, But it only from the inside." I said. "So how are we going to get inside." Rainbow asked. "Well maybe be if we would find the way in if it wasn't for your competing." An angry  Applejack said to Rainbow. "Alright if you have something to say to me then say it." Rainbow shouted back at Applejack. "If you didn't tough that damn ball. Then wouldn't be here in the first place." Applejack was cut off from a punch from Rainbow. Hitting the ground. AJ got up and threw a punch a Rainbow hitting her in the eye. "That is enough you two." Spike hold them back before any more damage can be done. "I know we are all on edge was ever seen we came into this world." Twilight said to everyone. Everyone looking down on themselves. "We have been through a lot I know. But we work together through this, we can do anything." Twilight continued to say. "I found a way to get inside." Looking at a broken window on the side of the building. I need three of you to the window." I said to them. "I go." Said Rainbow. " Me too." Said Spike. "I'll go too." Said Applejack.  "Good, flow me." I said to them. Leading them to the window. "Rainbow?" Asked Applejack. "Yes." Rainbow said. "Sorry about what happened back there. You didn't know that would happen when you touch that ball." She to her giving given her a hug. "What ball?" I ask them. "You see Twilight got a package from Princess Celestia with a letter came with it." Said Spike. Handing the letter that came with the package. I open it and read it. Dear Twilgiht Inside the package I sent to you with great intentions. Because what inside is something unknown of our world and tried everything to make it work. It came crashing to castle courtyard during the night. The guards and my sister came to me to see if I was alright because I was there when it crashed. Inside the crash site was a great red ball. too hot to touch even with magic. After it cooled and mouth of work with of getting nowhere. I sent to you having better work making work and reveal its secrets. I know you won't let me down. Your trusted teacher Princess Celesita "After she opens it and used her magic to get it out of the box it came in. Looking like the golden ball with weird markings on it like that the key." Spike said. "After a few days, Twilight looked in every book she as for anything on it  and those markings." Spike told me. "That's when we came by to see what has happened to her." Said Rainbow. "When we came in the place was a mess and drawing of the same symbols that were on that ball." Applejack said. "We when upstairs and Twilight at her desk. Looking at the ball. and talking to herself." Rainbow said. "We made her slap out of it and tell us was going on with her." Applejack tells me. "She started telling us about was she doing for the past few days and I looked at the ball and touch. Then it started to light up and float in the air beginning shooting out the symbols out of different colors. Then it started to spin making all of papers and books fly open. Then something was beginning to open and get got all suck down into and we woke up in this world and you finding us." Rainbow told me."Thanks for telling me that." I told them. getting to the broken window. "How are we going to get up there?" Asked Applejack. Looking around and seeing something we get up there. I get a running start at a wall and jump grabbing the edge of a section of concrete with my hands starting to climb. "How are you doing that?" asked Rainbow. Reaching the top where the window is and climb in before turning around and said to them. "Come on then."I tell them. "Its the only way in." said Rainbow to the others. Before running at the wall and grabbed the section of concrete and starting to climb. After reach on the top where the window is. I reach my hand and pull her in. Applejack was next. Reaching my hand at the top and told me. "You make it look easy." "I have been doing this a lot longer than you." I said to her pulling her in. "Spike you are the only one left. Now come on then!" I shouted to him through the window. "Come on Spike you can do this." He said to himself, before running at the wall. Jumping a the same spot the others did and made his way to the window. I pulled him and he was out of breath. Reaching into my coat pocket a flashlight out of it and turning it on. "There we go, we have some light."I said out loud. "Why can't we turn on the lights?" Asked Spike finally catching his breath. "The lockdown keeps the circuit breakers off until the lockdown is lifted. Even if they are on when the before the lockdown." I told them. "So how are we going to lift the lockdown?" Asks Applejack. "There is a bit active power in my old office for this place." I told them. "Where is your old office at?" Ask Rainbow. "Two floors up in the engineering department on the west side." I said to them. "Well better get moving." Applejack said. Making our way to flite of stars and when up to the floor. Opening the door was dark like the rest of the building. We made to the west sided to my old office and turn it on. I starting working on lifting the lockdown on the building. "How it coming?" Asks Spike. "Well, it could have been worst." I said to him. After a few minutes and hitting enter, the lights threw out the whole base on. "Good, let's get the others." I said out loud making our way to the doors where we park. "Let me enter the code." I when to the number pad and put in the code. After I put in the code the doors open with the sound alarms going off and yellow lights going off. The others came into the building and I when to get the car and bring inside. I seeing a familiar shape under a tarp. I put the tarp and see a yellow truck with a black camper shell on it. Letting a tear go from my face. Twilight came to me looking at the truck. "Is this mean something to you?" She asked me. "It was the truck I was driving when I came into this world." I told her. "What do you call it?" she asked me. "Old Yeller." I told her. "It best not to dreed on the past. Now let's get your cars made and ready to head back to the shop." I said to her. Moving to the platform and start taping on a computer. "I need the rest of you stand on those platforms over there." I said to them. "Here?" Applejack asks me pointing the platform next to a huge thing of arms. "Yes, now I have to do this one at a time. Becuase it just me here." I said them. "First is Pinky." I said to them. Pinky step on the platform and machine fire up. "OOOO, This going to be fun." She said." Some arm comes from the top and starts firing lasers on her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Shouted Applejack "It doesn't even hurt." Said Pinky. "It scanning her to make the ideal car for her. and the machine makes it happen." I said to them. After a few minutes and building the car rolled out. It looks like a dodge viper painted pink and with balloons all over it. Made up different colors of greens, blues, and yellows. "That is just like me in every way." Pinky before jumping off and running to the car. "Who's next?" I ask the rest of them. "I go next." said Applejack stepping on the platform. The arms lower on her and starting scanning her and building her car. When it was done and the car rolled out of the machine. But it didn't look like a car it was a truck, a big one painted Orange with apples and a tree on the sides on it. "Wow, this thing knows me so well." She said to me stepping off the platform. "Rarity your next, my dear." I told her. Rarity stepping on the platform and doing the same as the Pinky and Applejack. Rolling a white Lamborghini with purple diamonds on it. The wheels on it look like a mirror on them. Rarity looks please in her eyes and ran to me a give me a hug. "It couldn't any different." She told me. Fluttershy steps on the platform. Starting scanning her and building her car. After it was done scanning and building her car. It role out of the machine. A green Chevy Camaro with yellow stripes on the hood of the car and pink butterflies on the side. Twilight step on the platform after Fluttershy got off. Twilight is next to be scan. Scanning Twilight and building her car. After a few minutes, it was done and rolled out of the machine. Was a Purple RX-8 with pink and white stars all over it. There was a pink star on of the car and her cutie mark on the spoiler of the car. "That is the beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life." She said out loud. Spike was next to step on the platform, beginning the scan and building his car. Rolling out wasn't a car but a bike with a V8 engine painted black and chrome nearly everywhere from the tailpipes and the wheels. Spike looked a little shock about going to the bike and asked me. "What is it?" He asked me. "It's a Motorcycle Roster." I said to him. I did it know I wanted a bike instead of a car. "It scans your personally and builds the car or bike to fit it." I said to him and the others. Rainbow was the only one left to get their car. Rainbow jump on the platform. The arm beginning their scan and the machine fire up building her car. After a few minutes, another bike rolled out looking very different than another bike back on earth. It has four wheels. Two on each end of the bike painted blue with a rainbow lighting blot on each side of the bike. "WOW, THAT WAS AWESOME!" Rainbow shouting running to the bike. There was a button on the side of the handlebar. She prest it and the bike wheels opens up and begging to hover off the ground. "OAHHH!" She shouted out loud. Everyone got into her cars and found a few buttons and prest them. Spike bike made some kind of hologram of him and the bike. "Neat." he said. Twilight lunch a camera and looking around at the rest of them before being recalled back to her. "This can be most useful." She said. Fluttershy car disappeared like the car wasn't even there. "That can use for hiding in plain sight." I told her. Rarity Lambo was taking off in a blink of an eye. "That was fast." She said. Applejack truck was turned into a battering ram. "This can to good getting things out of the way." She said. Pinky viper can teleport to different places. "This is going to fun to use." She said with joy. "We best make our way back." I said to them. Before turning the machine off and walking to Old Yeller and cover it up. "Why are you covering your truck up for." Twilight ask me. "It's not like I can take it with me." I said,"Let get going." Said Twilight. "But first I need to get the keys to getting to the other worlds." I said to them. "Why can't we use the key we have already?" Ask Rainbow. "This key is only between the forest and the city worlds, none of the others." I told the others. "Where are the other keys at?" Applejack asked me. "They are here in the base for safekeeping." I said to them. "So what let's go get them." Pinky said "That's the problem. The keys are in a safe in the lower levels in the restricted area and I don't have access to that area. For security reasons." I told them. "Is there a get access to it?" Spike asked me. "Yes, there in the head leader office in the command center on the third floor of this place. With the lockdown lifted and power restore the elevators used be in good working order." I said to them. "Well, we best get moving." Applejack said to everyone. "Fluttershy, Twilight come with me. The rest of you stay here just in case something goes wrong." I told to them. Me, Twilight, and Fluttershy made are to the elevators; Hitting the button to call the elevator. "So what about this ball you got in the mail?" I asked Twilight. "How do you know about that?" Twilight asked me. "The other told me." I told her. "I'm guessing know about the letter too?" She asked me. "I think what that ball looks like, but I not too sure." I said to her. The came and open the doors; We when inside the elevator Fluttershy hit the button for the third floor. The doors close and it starting to move scaring Twilight and Fluttershy. "Relax." I told them. which they did. The elevator stopped on the third floor and doors open: We made our way out. "Come on, this way to the office." I said. "You sure know your way around?" Fluttershy asks me."I do in some area of the base because I design it." I told them. "Really, you design the whole place?" Asked Twilight. "Sure did." I said to them. reaching the office and turning on the computer and access some top secret files with an old access code. "Is this the ball that landed in your world?" turning the motor to let Twilight see what I'm seeing. "Yes that it." She told me. "What is it?" She asked me. "It a Piece of Omega. The only one that I know of." I told her. "What does it do?" She asked me. "To the matter of speaking its a riff opener." I told her. "You mean to tell me that ball can open up riffs between worlds." She said to me. "Where is the ball? I asked her. "I guesting back in our world." She told me. "As long no one else touches it. Then there shouldn't be any more coming into this world." I said to her. "So what about the access code to the restricted area." Twilight said to me. "Right best for me do that." I said to them. Getting the access codes that we need. "Here what we are looking for." I said out loud. "You found it?" Asked Twilight. "Yes, I did let get my old card." I said pulling a card key from my pocket and putting in the computer. Sending the code to the card. A window pops up asking a password. "Well then, lucky for me I know the password." I thought to myself. putting the password in and sending the access code to the card. "Good, we are good to go." I said to Twilight, not seeing Fluttershy. "Where is Fluttershy?" I ask Twilight. "I don't know. Best to go and look for her." She said. Beginning look for on the whole floor. Finding her exiting a bathroom. "At else you are alright." I said to her. "I told you I had to use the restroom. I guessing you didn't hear me." Fluttershy told me.                 We return to the others waiting for us with the access code in hand. "Did you get?" Asked Rarity. "Yes, we have it." I said holding a keycard. "Best for us to get moving if we want to get those keys." Applejack said to everyone. "Best do." I said to them. Walking to the elevator the others follow me. Calling the elevator to the lower levels. The doors open we got in and I put in the key card. The elevator starts moving to the lower levels. "It a little cramp in here?" Said Rainbow. "I hope someone doesn't pass gas." Said Pinky. "Whats that smell?" Asked Spike "It smells like smoke." Twilight said out loud. The doors open and the whole floor is on fire. "Herry we need to get fire alarm." I said out loud. Before running into the flames reaching the alarm on the other end of the hall. As soon the I pull it, Water shooting out putting out the flames. "Alright with the fire dealt with. Time to get the keys and get out of here." I said to them. Moving through a maze of hallways doors the eight of us found a big metal door and I look through the window it what behind it. A huge mosquito the size of a car look at before screaming flying at the door make a noise. The scared the seven of them. "What in tarnation what that?" Applejack asked me jumping back from the noise. "Mosquito." I told them. "Like how big can it be?" Twilight asked before looking through the window on the door. "EEEPPP!" Shouted her and jumping back from it. "That is a mosquito. It big as all our cars." she said out loud. "It most likely from the swap world. I don't know what it's doing here?" I said to the rest of them. "It looks like the door is holding." Said Twilight. "Let keep moving." I said out loud. Moving down down the halls and finding another metal door bigger than the one before. "What behind this one?" I said to myself. Looking through the window on the door. See a 50-foot scorpion. "Unbelievable." I said out loud. "What you find something?" Rarity asked me. "Now I why was never given access to this place before." I said loadout load so the others can hear it. "All of the doors as something from the nine worlds." I said before having a breakdown hitting a wall. A lot of noise came from the floor by me hitting the wall. "You did know what going on here when you were with them." Fluttershy said to me trying to come me down. "So what about the keys?" Rainbow asked. "They should be over here behind this door." I said to them. Opening the door and there they the other eight keys the only one was missing was the I alright have. The keys were in a glass safe and it looks like some burn marks on it from fire or something else entirely. I put in the in the code to the safe and the safe open so we can get the keys. "Here we go." I said out loud. "One question, Where did you get the key you rightly have if didn't have access before?" Asked Twilight. "The head leader handed me the key when the Reds was attacking." I said to her; Grabbing the 8 keys and putting them in a case nearby. "Now we can leave." I said to them. Moving to the elevator. "What about the animals?" Fluttershy asked me. "What about them." I asked her. "The ones behind metal doors?" She asked again. "They are too dangerous to let go right now." I told her. "How bad they can they be?" She asked. "Did you forget about the overgrown mosquito." Applejack said to Fluttershy. "No, I didn't." She shyly said. Following the others to the elevators. Later on at the main level at the cars. "Alright with have what we need to get the elements and samples on swamp worlds for my back." I said out load putting the case in the trunk of my car and the others were getting ready to head back to the shop on the city world. Getting in the car and turn on the radio and said. "Ready to go?" "Yelp." Twilight said out loud. "Ready when you are, Darling." Rarity said out loud. "I'm ready." Fluttershy said out loud. "Let's get on the road." Spike said out loud. "Party on."Pinky said out loud. "Ready to go sugar cube." Applejack said out loud. "Yes let' go." Rainbow Repay back to me. "When we reach the portal we need to be going 300 mph to get threw or you will miss like nothing is there." I told them over the radio. Putting the key on the hood of my car and opening the doors. Everyone moves through the door into the sunlight of the forest world. > Chapter 9 Heading Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I close the after we when threw them. "Remember; The sweeper is still out there. So be careful and don't get captured." I told them over the radio back inside my car, after taking off and the others follow behind with Rainbow and Spike leading the way. Coming to the gates of the base; We came before earlier that day. We stop and I got out the gate and got back to my car and move through. When we all got through it I close it. Maybe for the last time. I thought to myself. Making to the cliffside road. I got on the radio. "Twilight use your camera to see if the sweeper still there." I said to her. "On it." She said, firing her camera on moving to the top of the cliffside. Seeing nothing there. "We are all clear as far I can see." She told me over the radio. "Alright keep on guard if it shows up." I told the others on the radio. Driving onwards up the road to the top of the cliffside. She was right; The sweeper was nowhere to be seen. We keep going to the portal. "The way to the portal is very easy a little too easy." I thought to myself. From out of the blue the sweeper show going at us. We move out of its way in time. The sweeper hit the brakes and turn around and came after me. I pulled a 180 and made back to the cliffside. "What are doing?" Rainbow asked coming after me and with the other following close behind. "It's the keys." I said to them. "Because you have the keys it coming after you because of it." Twilight said to the other and to me over the radio. "I'm leading it to a trap." I told them. "So it wouldn't bother us again." Applejack said over the radio. Reaching the cliffside I pulled the e-brake siding to the edge of the cliffside. The sweeper drawing closer with every second. I hit a button on my steering wheel. The car starting to take off from the ground. Reaching higher than the height of the sweeper. Before the sweeper could break it when over the edge into the depths below. Landing back on the ground with the other seeing what just happen. "That was awesome." Said Rainbow into the radio. "Why couldn't you use that before?" Asked Spike. "Too much weight to use it." Driving back to the portal and the key lunch to the portal and open it. Everyone reach 300 mph before hitting the portal. The eight of them came through the portal on the city where we left. We all stop near the portal and I got out and ran to the portal reach my hand and close the portal. After we return to the shop and open the doors. Everyone pulls in and settle into their rooms for a good night after a hard day they had. I when to my computer to record on what has happened. Later back at the Reds base. "General! General!" Shouted an officer running to the leader of the Reds. "We have footage from the sweeper that was on the left on the forest world." Handing him the device with the footage. Seeing what on there made him mad on threw the device from across the from. "Well then. Our old friend has come out of hiding."The General said. "Sir, there more." The officer said picking up the device and handing back to him. "Who are they helping him?" He thought to himself. "Sir, what do want me to do?" Asked the officer. "Find him and his new friends." He told him. "Yes, sir." He said giving a salute. Back at the shop. Rainbow walk-in AJ room. Applejack was looking out the window. Into the city landscape outside with the blue and a purple moon in the night sky. Turning her head facing Rainbow said "Hi Rainbow." "Hi AJ, man thing as change for all of us." Rainbow said out loud."I know coming to this new world, you nearly dying on me and change into these bodies." AJ said to her. "I know what you mean. Trap on this world with no way back." Said Rainbow. "Sometimes I worry about my sister. Applebloom." AJ said out loud. "Your right I wonder what is Scootaloo doing now?" Rainbow asked. "Rarity most likely doing the same thing." AJ said to Rainbow. "I know a way to make your mind at peace." Rainbow said. "What are you talking abommmm." AJ said before Rainbow come in for a kiss cutting her off. Making AJ look stock at Rainbow. "What I thought you like this?" Rainbow said to AJ. "I do, I never suspected that you coming on to me. "AJ said her moving closer to her and kissing her back. Both of them moaning, locking lips and moving there all over each other. Rainbow stop to remove her shirt and letting land on the ground. Grabbing AJ hand moving to the bed. With Rainbow on top of AJ undid AJ plants siding them to see a pair of white panties. "Nice underwear you have there." Rainbow said to Aj while looking at, then turned looking up at her face. Rainbow moves her hand into her panties and starting to rub her clit. AJ moans a little. "That starting to feel good Rainbow." Aj told her reaching for Rainbows bra. Unhooking it from the back and remove it to the side of the bed. Rainbow was placed by this from AJ moving for another kiss and letting her other hand rub her pussy. Pulling away for a moment to lick her finger that was rubbing her clit. "MMMM. That taste sweet." Rainbow said flirting her. Rainbow stop rubbing her friend pussy to remove her shorts to let AJ see what kind of underwear she as on. "Nice pair you got there." AJ said looking at a red g-string with an apple on the front of it. "I know." Rainbow said back moving back to her friend and sliding down AJ panties. Putting two fingers into her pussy. Which made Applejack moan extremely. "OOOOO. Rainbow." AJ said out loud. Seeing her friend moan like there was no tomorrow. Rainbow with her free hand starting to rub her own pussy. "You making yourself wet their sugar cube?" AJ asked her friend. "You know it." Rainbow said back planting another kiss on her. Rainbow remove her fingers from her pussy. Breaking the kiss to let AJ taste her juices. "RJ, that is good. I going to want some more of that." AJ said to her plant a kiss back to Rainbow. AJ remove her boots and plants while they still kiss each other. Rainbow laid back on the bed. AJ kiss her way down to her. AJ remove her friend g-string. Rainbow open up her legs to let AJ get to her pussy. AJ move in on her Rainbow pussy and begin to lick it. Making Rainbow moan. "Oh, sweet Celestia." Making AJ go harder and deeper on RJ pussy. "AJ, OOOOO!" Moaned Rainbow. AJ was enjoying the taste and going for more. The walls of Rainbow pussy was trying to grab AJ tongue and hold her inside. "AJ, I"M GOING TO CUM." RJ moaning said to her friend. AJ couldn't hear her. She was in her whole little world. Rainbow starting to rock her hips into her friends face. AJ like that and keep eating her up. That the hight of there bliss Rainbow finally came make her squirt into AJ face. AJ was trying to eat it all up and licking her face. "AJ that was great, I never felt anything like that back home. When we did before." Rainbow said to her friend catching her breath. "Now it's my turn." RD said to Applejack. Applejack was licking the last of Rainbow cum from her face and laying back on the bed removing her panties and opening her legs to Rainbow. Rainbow starting to licking AJ pussy making her moan biting her lower lip as she does. "I'm going to make squirt like you did me." Rainbow said smiling to her friend. Going back into her pussy eating away at her, making her moan crazy. "OOOOO." Gapping for air. "So sure are good sugar cube?" AJ said out loud. Rainbow moves back a bit to answer her. "I know I am." She said moving back to her prize. Making AJ moan deep in pleasure. After few minutes of licking AJ pussy and moaning from AJ. "Rainbow I'm to cum." AJ said out loud. Applejack was in bliss heaven and picking from it. She finally came. Cumming in Rainbow face. "That was great." Applejack to her friend. "You want to go another round?" Rainbow asked AJ. "Yes, I would." AJ told her. Rainbow moves her position so they can be pussy to pussy. "Here we go." said Rainbow. They start rubbing pussy to pussy, rocking back and forth making the bedrocks along with them. Both of them moaning like it was the end of the world. "Rainbow do me harder." AJ said with her mouth open letting her tung hang out. Rainbow was breathing as fast she with each trust. This when on for 15 min. Both of them is reaching there pick of there bliss and then they came. Letting there fuses go onto the bed sheet. Both of them catching their breath cover in there own sweat. AJ catching for breath asked Rainbow. "You want to go another round." "Yes just give me a min." Rain told AJ still trying to catch her breath. Applejack reaches for her drawer on the end table next to her bed and pulls a double ended dildo ten inches long. "Wow, where did you get that?" Rainbow asked AJ. "I had this made form one James machines. I don't think he will mind." Applejack said licking the dildo. Rainbow was still looking a little shock about what she was doing. "Alright, I'm ready to go again." Rainbow said to her friend. Applejack placing the dildo in her pussy. Making her moan pushing in, Rainbow got back where she was when they were on pussy to pussy. Rainbow starting to make her way on the dildo making her moan as well going in. They keep going in unstill there they near pussy to pussy again. AJ and Rainbow starting to rocking again. There were having the time of lives with the dildo between them. Rainbow was screaming for more. "YES, YES, YES!" They move to from being on there backs to being on all fours never letting go of the dildo between them making them moan more while the move around. The rocking between them now was making the headboard of the bed hitting the wall with every rock. This when on for a very long time cumming, again and again, threw out the night. By the time they finally stop. It was 2:35 in the morning kissing each other. "I can't believe we when for that long." Rainbow told Applejack cuddling her close her with the dildo in their pussy. The dildo finally lets go from AJ pussy with her juices all one end of it. Rainbow toke the dildo out of her pussy and put back on the end table. They drifted off to sleep. Unknowing to them a small camera was there recording the whole thing. > Chapter 10 The Morning After > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a few hours of rest, Rainbow woke up from after what happen last night. She when back to her room to get something for a shower. "Man I'm going to need a shower after last night." She thought to herself. I was already up and moving to fix me some coffee when I see Rainbow coming from Applejack room. "I'm guessing they must have them some fun last night." I thought to myself. "Morning James." She said to me walking to her room. "Morning." I told her. Rainbow made it to her room and grabbed some clean clothes and a towel. Walk to the bathroom down the hall. Opening the door finding the bathroom as a walk in shower. She put her stuff on a small table next to the shower remove her clothes she had on yesterday and walk in the shower. Turn on the taps letting the water hit her blue skin and rainbow hair. "That's nice." She said to herself. Grabbing the soap nearby and a wash rage starting to get clean up. After she is done and turn off the water. Step out of the shower grab the towel on top of her clothes and trying herself off. Once she dries off beginning to get dress. Finding pants instead of shorts she wore yesterday. "I wonder what James is doing?" She said out load before coming out of the bathroom. Walking to the kitchen. Pinky was up when Rainbow left the bathroom. "Morning Dashly." Pinky said to her. "Morning Pinky." She told her friend. Going to the bathroom. I was sitting at the table drinking my coffee when Rainbow came in the kitchen. "Felling better from your shower?" I asked her. "Better than ever." She tells me. "I made some coffee if you want some?" I asked her. "Sure." She said grabbing a mug and pouring some in. "Where your cream and sugar at?" She asked me. "In the cabinet above you." I told her. She opens it and grabs them and a nearby spoon. Purring them into the mug and stir them together. Taking a slip, "That is good. Its just like back home." She said out loud. Taking her mug and sitting at the table across from me. Applejack is just waking up. Seeing the dildo she and Rainbow used last night. "MMMM, last night was incredible." She said out load sitting up stretching her. Getting up and moving to the dresser pull open the draw grab a clean pair of panties and put them on. Also grabbing her paints she whore yesterday and put them back on. A white tee shirt was nearby and slip it on before leaving her room. "I smell coffee." She thought to herself. Making her way to the kitchen see me and Rainbow sitting at the table. AJ made her a cup and sit at the table next to Rainbow. Putting her hand on Rainbow shoulder making Rainbow reach for her hand in return smiling at her. "So I'm guest you had a good time last night?" I asked them. "We had the time of our lives last time." Rainbow said to me. "They must have put the gift I gave Applejack to good use." I thought to myself. Rainbow put a light kiss on AJ. "You were always the best kisser." AJ said to her friend. Pinky was us coming into the kitchen her hair was still a little wet keeping her hair straight. "Pinky rarity see your hair straight like that." Rainbow said to her. "I know. I'm guessing my hair takes longer to try then when I was a horse." She said out loud. "By the way didn't you take a shower yesterday?" Applejack asked her. "Yes, I did. It just felt so good here than back home." She said grabbing her a cup of coffee. leading on the countertop slip on her coffee. Rarity walk into the kitchen grab a glass and walk to the fridge open it. Grab the tea picture and pour some into the glass. "I do like my tea hot. But I can learn to make do." She said out loud. "After all, Applejack was the one got me hook on it. When we got here." She said out loud again. "I never tried your tea yet James." Pinky said out loud. "Maybe later on." I said to her. Finishing off the last of my coffee. "Maybe I will. Pinky said back to me. Getting I see Fluttershy next to her car. I when to her after I put my mug in the sink. "Fluttershy. What are thinking about?" I asked her. "I never think that I would make something like this, with my mind." I said to her. "Just like I said back at the base. The machine scans your personality and build's the car on the personality." I said to her. "Way the color? Everyone else but me and Spike us them in the colors they have on there skin and clot when we back before we change." Fluttershy told me.  I thought for a moment when I said "Maybe the machine did a deep scan on you and Spike to get both of you. Then again I had it set on deep scan for all of you. Or maybe there something else entirely." I said to her. "Let me go and check on Twilight and Spike to see if they are alright." I told Fluttershy looking back at her car. I walk to twilight room and knock on the door. "Twilight, are you alright?" I said threw the door. Twilight opened the door looking tired. "Long night? I asked her. "Yes." she said given a yawned afterward. "I was trying to find anything on elements." She tells me."And?" I asked her. "Nothing. There is nothing on them. I then through everything online trying to find any information on them." She said to me. "Maybe you are looking the wrong places?" I asked her. Going to her computer I gave her and when to a website on elements. "Here we are." I said out loud. "Let me see." Twilight said. "The elements of Omega will reveal themselves if the person can do the impossible." She read out loud. "Well, I have some coffee made in the kitchen. If you want some?" I told her. "Trust me I'm going to need it." She said to me. Leaving her to check on Spike. "Spike, you up? Said through the door before opening it. Seeing Spike is just getting up and he was in his underwear. Before turning to face me. "I'll give you a few minutes." I said to him before closing the door behind me. Walking back to my room and close the door behind me. Walking to my computer and plugging in a device into it. A file shows up on the screen with a name Operation Tenth Element. I open the file and look through it. I found something that made my skin crawl. It involves the recall device on their world. It said. "If the elements would be removed then the recall device will be like an open doorway for the release through the device." I read that line to myself. I keep on reading and find something about the elements can only hold my one person nothing more. "It looks like we going to need one more person." I said to myself. Also, the tenth element is made of the others elements together. I close the file pull the device from the computer and put it somewhere safe.                 Leaving the room heading to see the others about finding the elements. I find them in the living room. Wait for me to come up with a plan. "So what are waiting on?" Asked Rainbow out load. "I know what we need to do." I said to them. "When I was trying to find those elements years ago after I got stuck here when the portal closes on me." I said them. "Why did you get them?" Pinky asks me."The elements can be yielded by one person." I said to them. "Wait a sec. There are only eight of us we need one more." Applejack said out loud. "I know someone can help. But we need to get him after we get the first element." I told them "Which element is that?" Twilight asked me. "The Storm element." I said out loud going to the briefcase opening it and grab the storm key putting on my hood of my car. "Let's get moving." I said out loud. Everyone get into there car and on there bikes. Make our way to the edge of the city launching the key opening the portal. "The portal is open gun it." I said over the radio. Everyone hit 300 mph before going through it. Everyone one has gone through it into another planet. > Chapter 11 The Storm World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal to the Storm world opens up and the 8 of them came through. The planet is dark and filled with clouds with a dark purple hue in the clouds. Rainbow and Spike looked around while I closed the portal. Thunder was going nearby. A big machine was flying nearby lighting struck the top of it making a bang scaring everyone but me. I got back into my car and radio Twilight. "Twilight, get the camera up and look for the most powerful electrical signal." "I'm on it." She said lunch her camera and changing the setting to electrical signals. "I'm getting three strong signals one of them is underground. The other two are high in the clouds. Wait a minute the two signals are moving towards us." Two lighting blots came from the above hitting the ground. Scaring me and the others. "My God." I said in shock seeing the lighting strick forming into bodies made out of them. Their purple eye look down on then one of them made a fist and trusted towards us nearly hitting us. "RUN FOR YOUR LIFES!" Shouting Pinky at the top of her lung over them before taking off making the rest of us go after her. "Pinky wait up." Rarity said to her over the radio. Applejack turns her truck around and hit the button to active the battering ram. Rainbow turns her head seeing what AJ is doing. She got on the radio. "AJ what are you doing?" "I'm going to show what happens when these things when they mass with my friends." She said out loud over the radio before gunning to them. Rainbow hit the button on the handlebar. Activating hovering mode and pull back on her bike going to AJ. AJ hit one of the legs of one of them chasing us. As soon she hit sparks around her truck and nearby areas. The creature fell from the impact of the hit. Rainbow sees what just happen landed near AJ truck gun it to her stopping only a few feet away. She tries to touch the door handle and sparks were still going through the stell body. "AJ are you alright?!" She shouted at her. Applejack was just waking up from being knocked out for a few seconds. "Yes, I'm alright for the most part." Putting the truck into reverse to get away from the beast that she ran into. Opening the door seeing Rainbow nearly in tears because of what she just did. Rainbow ran to her and hug her as tight as she could. The beast starting to move again. Rainbow lets go of AJ. They back in there cars and race to get to the others. The beast finally got up and running to them. "James we are coming to you." Rainbow said to me over the radio. "Is the beast following you?" I asked them. "Yes; why you ask?" she asked me. "I got a plan for them." I said to them before telling Rarity. "Rarity come in." I said to her over the radio. "Yes, James?" She said. "How it's coming on Pinky?" I said to her. "I got her to calm down and we are making our way to you, why you ask?" She said to me. "I have a plan for both them. I just need the rest of you whale me and Twilight set up a trap for them." I said to everyone over the radio. Me and Twilight broke off from them when Rarity and Pinky take our place. We stop and got out begin to step up the trap. "Twilight get the jumper cables from my car." I said to her. She ran to the truck and open it grabbing them and handing them to me. I grab some nearby metal polls and put in the in the ground. "Twilight there some wire also in the trunk."I told her. She when back it and grab the wire. Running back to me with them. Over the radio, Spike was trying to get a hold of us. "Guys how it coming I don't how much more we can take." He said over the radio. I was working like a madman get the trap ready. Getting the wire to the polls, connecting them to the jumper cables. "Twilight there one more thing is an old battery in the trunk. Get it." I said to her. The sound of thunder going off from the beast firing lighting stricks from them trying to hit the others. She ran to the trunk getting the battery and ran back to me. Connecting the other end of the jumper cables to the battery put to the ground and said to Twilight. "Tell the others the trap is set." She runs back to her car and got on the radio. "Guys the trap is ready to go bring them in." She said to them. "On our way." Said Spike. "Coming to you." Said Rainbow. Driving to the trap with both beasts following close behind them. They came over the trap when the beast step on the trap it when off on them. Sucking on them threw the polls into the battery. There was a loud thunder came from the trap when it when off on both beasts. I walk to the battery undid the jumper cables. Picking up the battery and putting back into the trunk off my car. Applejack got out of her truck and when to check on the damage done when she ran into the beast earlier. She see's no damage done. Just the radio fried from the impact. Rainbow sees AJ was hurt what happen. Her arm was dripping blood. Applejack felt a sharp pain in he arm and seeing the blood them from it. "James, AJ HURT!" Rainbow shouted. I ran to see where she is hurt at. I also saw the blood and told Rainbow. "Rainbow, I need you to go the back seat and grab of first aid kit." Rainbow did what I told her to do. The other ran over to me and Applejack. "Here." Rainbow said handing me the kit. I move AJ sleeve a little to see what I'm working with. See a cut on her arm I open the kit grab stuff to clean it and wrap it around with some bandages. "That should heal in a few days." I said to her. AJ hug me and said. "Thank you." "You're very welcome." I said to her. She let me go and I put the kit and the stuff used for the trap. Rainbow asked AJ. "Can you drive?" I ask her. "Yes, I can." She moving back to her truck and opening it with her good arm. I walk to Twilight car to see how far underground is the element. "Twilight how far underground is it?" I asked her. "It looks like 20 miles down." She said to me. "Let me lunch my camera to see if the if there is a way down there." I said to her. Going back to my car lunching my camera and seeing there a way down there. I search for a few minutes then I found a network of caves nearby that could get us down there. "I found a way to get us down there." I said to the others over the radio. We when to a cave. "Are you sure this is a place to find the element?" Twilight asked me. "I know it not much to by. But it's the only way to do it." I said to her. > Chapter 12 Going Underground > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We starting make threw a maze of caves. "We are going to get lost in here if we are not careful." Twilight said to the others. "Twilight is a way." I said to her launching a device that different then anything I use before. It was a few small balls hovering like the cameras we use before. I active them and blims of red light shout out of them. Take off ahead of us. "What's going on with balls?" AJ asked Rainbow. "I don't know? Let me ask James." She tells her. "James, what are those balls doing?" She asked me through the Radio. "They are getting the lay of the land." I said to her. "Lay of the land?" She asked me. "Making a 3-D map of these claves. So we wantn't get lost in there finding the element." I said to her and the rest of them. "So what did he say?" Applejack asked Rainbow. "Making a map. So won't get lost in there." She said to her.                 We start driving in with me leading them with the map. We when slow so the map can stay update while going through the caves. Lunching more of those of those the deeper we when. The place is like a maze down here. The deeper we when the more dangerous it became. "Careful now do make too much noise in here." I said over the radio. After a few hours driving through the network of caves. The balls I lunch was done making the map and came back to me. "Everyone stop." I said to them over the radio. We did and Twilight asked me. "What's going on." "We have the full map of the network of caves to the element." I said to her and the rest of them. "What going on Rainbow?" AJ asked her. "James said we have a map of this place."  She told her. "Good I don't want be in here much longer then we need to." Applejack said out loud. "Keep it down. Unless you want to cause a cave in." I said to her. "Sorry." She said back to me. "I know your radio is out commenting until we replace it back at the shop." I said to her. "What am I going to use for a radio." She asked me. I pulled an earpiece from my pocket and hand it to her. "This is a shortwave radio for this reason." I told her. She takes it and put in her ear. "Test, test, am I coming in good?" I said to her on the radio. "Yes, I can hear you." She said threw earpiece. "Good to hear that." I said to her. "We need to get going. Before it gets too late." I said to them through the radio. I look at the map and see where we are and how much far do still need to go. It was only a miles down and a no more than ten miles of road left. We got moving down the road to a huge door with the storm symbol on it. There was a hole in it for a key of some kind. I pull the key we used to get herewith. I put the key into the hole and the key active the door and open it. I pull the key from the hole, the door opens all the way. We walk into a huge room with the element in the middle of the room. It was glowing purple and I got closer to it. It starting to pluse at and glow brighter the closer I got to it. The element got brighter and beating faster until I touch. The element begin's to something else too when I touched it only a few seconds. The element reform itself to look like a computer chip and it when into my hands. I pull back seeing the chip with a purple glow around with the symbol of the world on it. "We have the storm element." I said to the others showing them. Rarity and Pinky wanted to take a closer look at it. The glow died down and looking a normal computer chip. When back to the cars and left the caves the same way we came in. The outside is gone from bad to worst with the wind picking up. "Looks like a hurricane is coming. We need to hurry." I said to the others over the radio. We took off to the portal as fast we could. We stop only a few miles from the portal I grab the key and put it on the hood of my car. I got back and we gun it to the portal. The portal open and we when threw it to the other side. > Chapter 13 Panic In Equestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile back in Equestria, after Twilight and her friends when missing. Everyone that knows them personally like Big Mac, Applebloom, Grandy Smith, Sweetybell, Scootaloo, and Princess Celestia came to Twilight library and home. To find there was no one there. Only a few drawings of some symbols and a golden ball. Celestia knows the ball she sent to Twilight a nearly a week ago. They look around through the whole place trying to find them. Not even Spike was there. Scootaloo looking a few drawings that were on the floor. "Applebloom do you know what these symbols are? She asked her friend. "I don't know. It looks like nothing I have ever seen before." She said back to Scootaloo. "Grandy, did you seen anything like these in your life?" Applebloom asked her grandmom. "No, never." she said. "Princess, what about you?" Applebloom asked her. "Yes, I have seen them before." She said. "Do you know anything about them?" Sweetybell asked her. "I don't know anything about. Because it shows up from a month ago. When that golden ball fell from the sky during one of my events landing in the courtyard nearly hitting me. I tried everything to make that ball to work. So I sent to Twilight to see if she has a better chance of making it work then I did. I guessing she did." She told the story to them. As soon she was done. The golden ball starting to glow and spin hovering in the air. Making everyone there was scared beyond belief. Then the ball takes off through the door breaking to pieces scaring the guards at the door. Everyone ran outside seeing the ball taking to the air going higher than anything before. It glowed brightly as a sun and sending dark clouds coming from the ball with one of the symbols coming from it glowing purple. Soon in a matter of moments, the sky was nothing but dark clouds. Lighting starting to come from them scaring everypony in Ponyville. Pegasus from Cloudsdale trying to reach the dark clouds. To move them away from Equestria. But they ran out of breath before they could reach them. Falling back down to the ground. Something starting to forming from up there a funnel came down near them everpony was running for their lives trying to find cover. "Sister, what is going on?" Luna asked her sister. "It the golden ball. It turns itself on. causing all this." Celestia told her sister. "What about Twilight and the others?" Luna asked her. "Missing." Celestia told her sister. "Missing." Luna said look shocked. "Every pegasus from Couldsdale trying to reach the clouds and the ball." Celestia told her sister. "Coming on dear sister." Luna said out load taking to the clouds. Making Celestia follow after her sister. They keep going to further then best pegasus can. But fell short of the golden ball. They fell back to the ground hard. The twister starting to the town causing damage to the buildings it touches. Just as soon it came it was gone.                 The dark clouds still fill the sky. The town hospital was filled with the injured ponies. "The storm was nothing like use back in cloudsdale." A nearby pegasus said to the doctor trying to treat him. Celestia and Luna were being treated for there injuries. Celestia levitated a quill and a paper and begin writing. When she was done sent it to Twilight where ever she is. > Chapter 14 The Great Danger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We made our way through the portal the city world with the storm element. Once everyone was through I close the portal. "One down eight to go." I said to myself. Looking at the key. We made our way back to the shop. When we all got there we had something to do. Twilight and Spike taking the element with them to get a closer look at it. Rarity toke AJ to check on the cut she had back on the planet. Pinky, Fluttershy when to the kitchen to something for everyone. Me and Rainbow want to work on replacing the radio on Applejack truck. I grabbed some tools for the job and start taking apart the dash to get the radio. Rainbow noteness something on my side of my neck. "James, what's that mark on the side of your neck?" She asked me. "What." Made me get up and in rear view mirror seeing the symbol for the storm element on the side of my neck. "Interesting." I said out loud. "Interesting how?" She asked me again. "It must be a bolding mark to the element." I answer her question. I went taking apart the dash. After a like 30 to 45 mins. The dash was taken apart to get to the radio and unplug it from the dash taking to a table nearby. Meanwhile with Twilight and Spike. Twilight looking at the element through a magnifying glass. The chip pulsated a little with a white wave coming from the symbol to the edge of it. The outside was very interesting with a steel frame around it on the top look like it was made out of gold or copper. Spike was feeling sick on his stomach and puck out a letter. She sees the letter and opens it. What she read stock her and begin running to James. "JAMES, JAMES, There you are something as happen back home." She came running to me as fast as could. "What going on?" I asked her. Everybody came behind her to see what made there friend go into a panic. "Yeah what is going on?" Rainbow asked her. "The device back in Equestria is causing a lot of damage there. By making dark clouds and bring them down on Ponyville. Everypony including the princesses couldn't get to the device. The clouds and device are higher then any pegasus could fly." She said to everyone there. "Is everypony ok?" Fluttershy asked Twilight. "No nearly that try to reach the clouds and the device fell hard to the ground when they ran out of breath." She said out loud. "I betting the hospital is full after that?" Spike said recovering from the what happened to him. "It is." Twilight said answering him dropping the letter to the floor. I pick up the letter and begin to read. Dear Twilight, I have regret to inform you. That the golden ball I sent as turn on and when high in the sky making dark clouds. It glows brightly as a sun and showing a purple glowing symbol in the clouds. Before the clouds down on the town of Ponyville. Every pegasus in cloudsdale tries a get up there to clear the sky. Me and Luna try to get the ball and fell to get before the storm can make too much damage the town. The storm clouds are still in the ski sticking the ground as I write is to you. I hope this finds where ever you and your friends are. Best reguards Princess Celestia I thought to myself. "The leak is worst then I ever thought possible." Putting the letter back on the table. The other talking about what to do next. As I going through my thoughts at the time. "James, James, James." Someone said my name. I look and seeing something in my feelings of the invention. A ghost of a person I can only see, I was still in the shop everyone else disappeared. "James I need you to find the rest of the elements. Before things can get worst for both are our and your friend's world." The ghost told me I reach my hand up and lighting came from my hand hitting the ceiling and a light destroying it. I find came around seeing the others ducking from what just happen. "What in the name of Celestia what that?!" Twilight asked me getting up. "I don't know." I told her. "Lighting just shot out of your hand." Rainbow said out loud. I look at my hand and it was glowing. Twilight see's the mark on the side of my neck is glowing purple. After only a few seconds the glowing in hand and on the side my neck when away. "Interesting?" I said out loud. "How is this interesting?" Asked Twilight. "Before I lunch lighting from my hand I have seen a ghost of some kind." I said to them. "Why didn't we see it?" Rainbow asked me. "I was the only one I could see it." I said to them. "Is it because of the element?" Fluttershy asked me. "I don't know. No one as yield the elements before in this world. There's no telling what could happen to me or the rest of you when we get the rest of the elements from the other words." I said out loud. "James, we all toke the change. When we came here and you helping us to get all of us home." Applejack said to me giving me a hug. "She right, we don't know what we are getting ourself into. We will do together." Rainbow said. "Thanks; the sooner I finish with the AJ radio we can go to the next world." I said to rest of them. "If you need anything we here right beside you?" Applejack told me putting her hand on my shoulder. Everyone when back to what they were doing before. All but for Pinky when to the tv in the living room grab one of my CD's and put in the CD-player and turn it on. The sound of horns and some other sound coming from the speaker that was coming from the CD-player. "That nice." She out load. I start to hear the music and when to see who turn the music. I see Pinky next to the player. She turns around and looks at me. "You know James I would like to get to know you better?" She said to walking to me. I what about to ask for something when she came in for a kiss. I look a little shock about her coming on to me. Then I see Fluttershy walking the living room see us. Pinky broke off from kissing me. "Fluttershy I did you doing?" She asks her friend turned around to face her friend. "Pinky I still need your help in the kitchen." She said to her. "Sure I be in their in a minute." Pinky said to her. Fluttershy left and Pinky turn back to face me. "We'll keep this up later." She said to me giving a lite kiss on my lips. Leaving me still looking a little shock weaving her hand to me. I when to CD-player to turn it off. After I turn it off I when back to the table where I was working on AJ radio. When I back there see Rainbow cleaning the remains of the light bulb with a broom and dustpan. She looks back up to me and asked. "You found what you are looking for?" "Yes, I did. You ready back to work?" I said to her. "You bet." She told me putting the remains into the trash can nearby. We went back to work fixing Applejack radio for her truck. I grab a small screwdriver and beginning taking apart the radio. Rainbow was watching from behind my shoulder seeing what I'm doing. "I think Pinky knows somepony back home." She told me. "Really who?" I asked her. "Vinyl Scratch I think is her name. She better knew why her stage name DJ-PON3." She told me. "Maybe after all of this is over I may want to see her." I said to her taking the cover off of the top radio to the inside. "My God." I said out load looking what I have to be working with. Most of the part can be reused. Some of the bigger and make it work will have to be replaced. "Luckey for me I have the parts to repair it." I told Rainbow. "Where are they?" She asked me. "In the back where the other pair parts are being kelp." I told her. She went to where I keep the pair parts. She found a create mark radio parts and grabbed the create and made her a way back to me. "Thank you, Rainbow." I said to her. "You're very welcome." She said back to me putting her hand on my shoulder. My hand starting to glow again and the radio and parts from the crate move in the air and taking itself part and replacing the parts all on there own. Once the damaged parts replaced and the radio was in good working order. The radio was still in the floating in the air before it when back to AJ truck putting the dash back together without me feeling another I had nearby. I look over see Rainbow and Applejack looking stock about what is going on. A light bulb flying past on the both of them. Soon Twilight and Fluttershy see was is going on to me and my hand parts and tools flying everywhere and somewhat just flowing in the air. After everything in the shop and Applejack truck was fixed. The glowing in my hand when away. The other seeing what just happen was in a deep state of stock before Rainbow asked me. "What in the name of Celestia, was that?" "I have no idea I just focus on the task of fixing the radio and everything starting to fly." I told them. "You mean the thought of it and it just happens?" Twilight said. "Your guess is good as my." I said to them. "Well, who's hungry?" Rainbow asked out load. "Yes its been a very strange day for all of us. Some food will get my mind off it." I said to her. "Well me and Pinky are working as hard we can get dinner ready for every one." Fluttershy said out loud. Pinky came around the corner and told us. "Dinner ready." "Good I'll get the others." Twilight told us. On the table in the kitchen was very interesting from what I could see. I can see a nearly very thing that I liked back when I was Earth. Burgers, Hotdogs, Fries, and the center was a big cake on the center of the table with a card on top of it. "The card is for you." Pinky told me. I grabbed the card from the cake and I begin to read it. Thank you for getting us home. From All of Us. There was a picture of them in their human form I give them. The card made me smile. Pinky gave me a hug just not as hard she did before. Music was coming from the CD-player in the living room. The party when on for some time. Late into the night. Everyone but me and Pinky turns in for the night. Pinky change the music to something that would get things going. She came over to me on the couch and sit next to me. "James?" She asked. "Yes." I said to her. "Did you like your party?" She asks me."Yes, I did. After all these years of being trap in this world. I nearly forgot how to have fun." I said to her. "The nigh is not over yet." Pinky said to me moving around sitting on my lap and planting a kiss on me. The TV on the wall was showing a fireplace on its screen. The lighting wasn't too bright for me or Pinky. The movement of our kiss starting to get very interesting. Making us all fall flat on the couch with me at the bottom and Pinky on top. She starting to unbutton my shirt and still kiss me on the way down my hairy chest. "OOOO, James I never knew you all of this hair on you." She said to me putting her hands on my chest. Moving my chest hair around. Pinky move to my plants and undid them sliding the zipper down seeing my underwear before them down to see what kind of packet I hiding away. She sees a 7-inch cock, Pinky lick her lips starting to give me a blowjob. It started slowly at first. Pinky was really getting at my cock after a few minutes. Making me taking in few deep breaths while she was doing me. I shut my eye and her continue to work on my cock. Precum start to come after a few minutes of her sucking on it. Her head on taking all of my cock in her mouth. Going very hard on my cock like she was in heat or something. "Pinky; You sure getting into it?" I said to her. She looks up at letting go of my cock from her mouth and taking in her hand coming up giving me another kiss on my lips. With her free hand undid and remove her pants. Revealing her sky blue panties to the world; Mostly me in the room. She stops kissing me and let go of my cock to remove for panties. She bent over sicken her tail in the air letting me get a good look at her curse's she has in that body. She removes her top revealing her bra which was the same color as her panties. I have never seen a better pair of breast in my life here or back home. "I'm so wet right now." She told getting back on top of me kissing me again. Pinky grabbed my cock and put into her pussy and rode me like there was no tomorrow. Pinky was going crazy with bliss reaching the edge of her pick and I was reaching my pick too; Just not hard a Pinky going on my cock. "I'm going to cum." She said out loud. Moaning from the riding my cock and breathing very hard. She reaches her and let go into an orgasm and keep riding my cock while was still having her first orgasm. "You just keep going without nothing stopping you." I told her. She just came in for another kiss and I look a little stock on reaction. She broke off the kiss and told me. "I'm not stopping until you have the time of your life." Looking a little weird when she told me. "What have I gotten myself into." I thought to myself. Pinky just roaded me harder. I was reaching my pick and was about to let go. Pinky knew this as was about to cum again. A few minutes later we both cum at the same time. Pinky pussy walls grab and hold my cock getting every drop of my seed. She finally let go and give me one last kiss on my lips. "That was a good time for the both of us." Pinky told me breaking away. Grabbing her clothes and heading back to her room. I pulled my pants and underwear back up. Turn everything off before I turn in for the night. "Now that was very interesting." I said to myself as I made my way to my room. > Chapter 15 The Next Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up to the sound of someone bagging on the shop door. I when to answer the door. To see someone there. An old friend of my Danny. "Danny, what on earth are you doing here?" I asked him. "Look there is something I have to tell you." He tells me. "What the matter?" I asked him. "It's the Reds they know you survive the attack on your old base all those years ago." He tells me. "I know what I have gotten myself into." I said to him. "I know you, James. You don't come out of hiding unless there a good reason for it?" He asked me. "Alright, you got me. Come inside where we can talk about this." I told him. "Sure, it best to keep these talks on the down low." Danny said going through the door. Looked and see new cars in the shop. "Are these yours?" He asked me. "I can explain that." I told him. He looks over and sees a pink skin and hair woman in the doorway from the shop to the living room. "Who is she?" Danny asked me. Before I could answer Pinky told him her name. "Hi, my name is Pinky Pie." shaking his hand in the process. "You sure got a strong hand shack you got there." Danny told Pinky. "Danny pressure." He told Pinky. "Listen me and my old friend is here to talk about something important." I told Pinky. "I get it. It's very important that only you two should know." She said to me and left the room so me and Danny can talk. "So she has something to with what you are doing." Danny asked me. "Yes, you see a few days ago a riff open up and she and 6 of her friends came through the riff, and a long story short I helping them to get back home." I tell him the whole story up to that point. "Well, that would explain it." He tells me. "What about that mark on the side of your neck?" He asked me. I put my hand on the side of my neck where the mark is and rub it a little. "Well you see in order to get them home I need to find the elements." I told him about what I been doing. "I will help you out on that but I can't drive after what as happen to me. He one of his pants legs back relieving a prosthetic leg. "My god, what happen to you?" I asked him. "After the attack on your old base. I and the Reds though you were dead with the rest of your team. I was captured by them and held at their base for what felt like years until I try to escape and had one of my legs cut off so I wouldn't do it again. But they never suspected to fake my own death to escape. I was put in the valley of the death. I came around to see dead bodies all around me near the base. I got away from that I was saved by a group of people a few miles from the base where I was being kelp. They made me a new leg and I got away. As far the Reds and most of the world thinks I'm dead." Danny told his story to me. "I’m grateful that you want to help me get them home. I just we need another driver to help us." I told him. "I know a guy that is willing to help." Danny told me. "Who?" I asked him. "Do you remember Frank?" He asked me. "Yes, I do." I said to him. "Well, he is a DJ that goes by a new name." He told me."What name is that?" I asked him. Leaning in. “Duke. Dr.Duke." He told me. "Do you know where I can find him?" I asked him. "Yes, he is going to be at a club in New York area of the planet." He told me. "The old New York track?" I asked him. "Yes that the area of the planet is very active of Reds and some of the Old MRPD." He told me. "When? “I asked him. "A few days from now." he said told me. "So what do you want me to do while you and the others getting elements? “Danny asked me "I do like someone to here keeping tabs on are Reds movements and hub network here to find forces to fight on our side to take down that general of theirs." I told my old friend. "First I need a place to seat up." He told me. "We need to build a network to make this work in the long run." he said to me. "I know that. From last time we tried this." I told him. “The network work last time was weak and leaking files to the Reds without us knowing." He tells me. "You thinking of using the same techniques they use on us?" I asked him. "There a radio relay nearby to tape into I would do it myself. If I still had my leg." He told me. Has I was getting up. "I'll get it done." I told him leaving the shop. Seeing the radio relay in the distance only and few hundred yards away. "This is going to be very interesting." I said to myself. I made my move to the relay. I see the relay is on the top of the radio tower. I start to climb the building that houses the tower. I made my way to the base of the tower. Letting a drone take fight from my hand and grab my device to control it. A camera on it came online given me a picture. "Alright let me see where the relay is and tape to it." I said out loud looking at the screen. The drone reaches the top of the tower looking for the relay. I see a white box. Moving the drone closer to it, moving it arms that it’s as and open the box. One of the arms remove a small device and puck it into the relay. "It's done." I said to myself and recall the drone. Grabbing the drone and making my way back to the shop. "James comes in?" Danny said over the earpiece. "Danny are we up and running?" I asked him. "Yes, we are good to go and get back here fast because there is something you might be interested in." He told me. "On my way." I told him. I made my back to the shop without a problem. Walking into the shop, seeing the Danny at his set up. "James your here. Taking a look at this." Danny told me. I came around to see what he wanted me to see. "What is it you wanted me to see?" I said out loud looking at the screen. "Is this what I think it is." I said to him looking at plans for a ship of unbelievable size. "Yes it is and they are making it happen for something I don't know." Danny told me. As Twilight came into the room to see what we are talking about. "What about this ship." She asked us. "This is what they are in the progress of building." Danny told her before saying something else t her. "I'm sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Danny one of James old friends." he told her. "I'm Twilight." She told him. "May I ask you a question?" She asked him. "Sure shoot." He tells her. "Why aren't you driving?" She asked him. "Because of this." He said showing his missing leg. "How did that happen?" She asked him. "Oh, it a long story." He told to her. After Danny told his story to her. She looks stock about what as happen to him. "I never knew that this world was this dangerous." She said to the both of us. "We knew what was getting our self into when we came here all those years ago." Danny told her. She is starting to cry a little about what has happened lately. I take her in my arms and try to calm her down. "There, there it’s going to be alright we just need to get the rest of the elements get to the portal under control of the Reds and get you home." I said to her. "Get the others." I told her. "I'll get them." She said to me. After she gets the others in coming up with our next move. "Alright, the next element is the swamp element and we need to get those samples we need to make meds for my back." I told them. "Samples, what samples?" Danny asked me. "After I when into hiding I use shouts to make easier to move around. Do you remember telling you about my back?" I told him. "Yes, I do." Danny told me.                 "Let get ready to move. We are leaving in 30 minutes." I told them. I when to case where I keep the keys to the other worlds. Grabbing the swamp key and put on the hood of my car. Twilight came to me with the with the storm element, handing it to me. The chip glows a little came into my hand. Also, the mark on the side of neck was glowing too. After 30 minutes everyone was ready to go with what we need to get those samples and the element itself. We were making our way to the edge of the city to open the portal. "Danny we may lose contact when we go through the portal. We try and contact you on the other side." I said to him over the radio. "Copy that." He said back to me. The key lunch to open the portal, all of us gun it making our way through the portal to the other side. > Chapter 16 The Swamp World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal open to a huge swamp in the middle of one the old zones were used for fighting. The eight of us made our way through the portal on the world. I ran to the portal to close it. "James come in. Come in, are you reading me?" I hear Danny coming through the radio. "Good, what else you can pick us up." I said to him. "So what these samples you need and get them out of the way first. I told them over the radio. "Better we those first." Said Twilight. "So what the first sample?" She asked me. "The first one is the sap from the vine of life." I told them. "If I can remember where the last time. Lucky for us there a sample scans in the system from last time I did this. Danny uploaded the files to the computer in my car." I said to everyone over the radio. "I'm on it." Danny said to me. He found the files for all of the samples for my back. Sent them to my onboard computer. "Just let put down a marker for the portal so we find are back." I am putting the markdown. We starting moving through old and forgot zone with old wreaks of falling car from the years of fighting and trying to kill each other. Twilight looked around sees them and asked me. "What has happen here?" "This used to be a battle zone for the key of this world. That was years ago." I told her and the other through the radio. "I remember that very well." Danny said. "Where are the bodies? All that I'm seeing is just a bunch of old wreaks." Said Spike. "You see back in those days there was a recall device inside their cars to get them out before their car blow up in their faces." I told them. "I'm betting back in those days things were crazy?" Rainbow asked. "They were. Because I was right in the middle of it. It was like a war zone with guns going off and missiles flying taking out the driver next to you. If it was the other driver trying to kill you it was zone trying too." I told them. Making are way the what was a major fight for the key. Fluttershy was getting a little scare from the story and the remains of the cars and trucks use in the fight. Making our way to a cliff face and there was no way up. "How are we going to get up there?" Rainbow said out loud. "Rainbow you give up to easy." I told her. Moving an old pad on the ground. The pad active forcing my car up and over to the top of the cliff face. The others follow one at a time. After we made their way up to the top of the cliff face. I see the vines of life nearby. Pushing a button launching the drone with the mods to get the samples. I plot the drone moving close to the vine and one arm with the mods I put on it. Suck it in the vine and drive the vine into a tube and the vines starting to move. One of the vines came to the life and attack Pinky car grabbing it and taking to the air. Pinky reach for the button to active her teleporter and landing back on the ground. I recalled the drone and get out of there a fast we can. The vines retreated back to where they came. The drone put the sample into somewhere safe. "What was that?!" Applejack asked me over the radio. "It looks like the vines are coming to live to protect itself." I told them. After the drone put the sample into a holding cell and grabbed another needle I have seen on my screen. "One down five to go." I told them over the radio. "So what is next?" Twilight asked me. "The next sample I need is from a young mosquito that just hatch." I told them. "So where can we find them." Rainbow asked me. "It's simple to find a full size one and follow it to its nest." I told them. Just as soon as I said that a full-size one was flying overhead with some eggs with them. "There it is." We begin to follow it to the nesting site of the entire mosquito. We follow it for a few miles and it brings us to its nest. There thousands of them. I lunch out the drone again to find the sample. Within seconds after I lunch it, one of the eggs hatch and a young one came from it. It still had some of the egg yolk on it. I move the drone in to get the sample without much problem. After I have the sample we move on to the rest of the samples. The blood of an eel, a scale of a gather, the moth from a tree, and last was a mushroom. After I have enough samples to makes the meds for my back. "So you have your samples you need to make the meds you need. What about the element?" Rainbow said to me over the radio. "The element is deep inside the swamp on the other side of another battle zone that on this planet." I told the rest of them. "So how do we get to this other zone?" Applejack asked. I pointed up seeing a track over the ground. "That is our way." I told them. "How do we get on there?" Twilight asked me. I look for a way and I found it with another bounds pad cover in a moth. I soon I go on it. It bound me on the track above. Everyone follow me onto the track as well. All of us start making our way down the old track. The track still holds up for being abandoned for years. "James?" Twilight asked over the radio. "Yes." I said. "Why was this road build in the first place?" She asked me. "You see there are tracks like this one on all of the nine worlds the only difference is the way out for them. I can tell you that another day." I told her. We made our way through the old and abended track to the older battle zone that houses the element of the swamp world. We made to the end of the track and there was a metal ring being over the ground like the track itself. We stop before the track ended. Me and Twilight got out and walk to the ring. “What is it?” She asked me. “That used to be a way back to my world in the past.” I said to her. “This ring is a portal?” She asked me again. “Yes, it is.” I told her back at the old portal. “Then why can’t we use it to get us home?” Rainbow asked as she getting off of her bike. “We can’t. If we could it would take a lot of power in which we don’t have. If we did it would only take us back to my world and I don’t want the Reds an open doorway back to my world.” I told her and others. “Ok I get it.” Rainbow said out loud. “What this second battle zone?” Applejack asked me over the radio. “Yes, it’s over here behind this wall of vines.” I told her and the rest of them pointing the wall a few yards away from the old portal. “How are we going to get through that?” Rarity asked me. I look around to find something to get through the wall. In the horizon, I see something that would. A vehicle with a drill on. It looks like it has seen better days with being over the ground like everything else on this world. I got back in my car and drove to it and got inside it with my car. The ramp on raise up and the drill turn on. “That is sooo cool! “Rainbow shouted over the radio. I hit the gas and to starting to move to the wall. Drilling a hole to the fore gotten battle zone. The drilling when on for what felt like hours. The other follows behind me only a yard away from me and the drilling. The remains of vines flying everywhere. “Well, that is sure a hail of a mess.” Applejack said out loud on the radio. “Well, that what happen. When you using a giant drill on a wall of vines.” She said out loud again to the rest of us. “Are you talking to yourself again AJ?” Pinky asks. “Sorry, thinking out loud.” AJ told Pinky. “I thought that I was the one whose talk to them self.” Pinky said out loud on the radio. As soon she was done talking I got on the radio and told the others. “I think we are getting close to the end of the wall.” “Good I want to get this element and get out of here.” Said Spike telling others about what he what thinking about being in this tunnel of made by the drill. After a few more minutes the drill was broke through the wall and the drill kelp going for a few more feet and it stops. The ramp lower and I back out of the vehicle. Me and the others enter the zone it was bigger than the one from before. Five pillars layout in the zone. Each one with some kind of weapon pointing at an old and dead creature on the one center of the zone area. There was a door like on the storm planet. We made our way to the door and we tried to open it with key and there was a different reaction. Then like before, the reaction wake so something up. Something big, the dead creature starting to come back to life and moving around. “That is not good.” Pinky said over the radio teaching like there was no tomorrow. “LOOK OUT!” Shouted Spike over the radio. A vine came to them. We all made got out of the way. Just in time as the vine hit the ground with a small shockwave throwing dust into the air. “That was to close.” I said out loud over the radio. I look up at the creature on the top of the pillar was back to life and roaring at the of its lungs. I see what made that noise and grab the chip and puck it into a square-shaped device on my dashboard. It glows purple as soon as I pug it in. Not just the chip glowed, the outside of my car glowed as well with the same color. Twilight and Rarity seen was what going on with my car. The vine lifted back up and drops on top of me. The chip made a shield around my car made out of light. As soon the vine touches it. It got shocks and retreated back. “I think you scared it off?” Asked Twilight. “No, I just made it angry.” I said out loud. At that moment a lot of vines came towards us. We made our way to cover the vines came towards me. I take off as fast my car could. I look at the weapons on the other pillars. “The weapons. Get to the weapons. It the only way to kill it.” I said to the others. “Did you get any of that Danny?” Rainbow asked him. “Yes, I did. The weapons on the top those pillars active them and stop the vines before James get wiped out." Danny tells them. Rainbow and Spike made to one to the north. Fluttershy and Rarity when to the south. Applejack and Twilight when for the one to the east. The pillars had roads on them to reach the top of them. “You ready Spike?” Rainbow asked him. He gives the thumbs up. They take off to the top of the pillar. As soon the others take off to the pillars Danny got on the radio. “James they are making their way to the weapons.” Just as soon he told me the news a vine came to hit me again. The shield was still on stocking the attack vine. When it hit me the radio single was lost when the antenna broke off and sent flying behind me landing the ground. “Danny? You there?” I asked him. “FUCK!” I shouted. Danny got with the others. “It looks like James radio is down.” He tells the others. At that point, Rainbow and Spike reach the top of the pillar on the north end of the zone. They look at the weapon there was some kind of huge cannon. "How do we work this thing?” Asked Rainbow. Looking at the cannon. “Danny, are you seeing what we are seeing?” Spike asked Danny over the radio. “Yes, I can.” Looking at the screen at the canon. “How are you seeing this?” Spike asked. “Look behind you.” He told them. They look around seeing a drone hovering a few feet off the ground. “It’s one of James’s drones.” He told them. “Well, that would explain it.” Rainbow said out loud. “Let me see what we are dealing with.” Danny said out load moving the drone closer to the canon. “Spike come here.” He told him. Spike move to the canon console. “Alright from the plans I see here in front of me. There is only one way to turn it on.” Danny said to them. Rainbow there’s a platform over there.” He told her moving the drone to the platform. “Alright, I’m on it.” She said over the radio driving on the platform. “There should be a treadmill on there.” He tells her. “I see it.” She told him. “Drive on it.” He tells her. “What do you want me to do?” She asked him. “We need to recharge the weapon to fair it.” He tells them. “Alright, I get it. We did ask for the whole story of it.” Rainbow said to him with a cocky attitude. She moves her bike on the treadmill and starts going as fast as her bike can go. “Spike anything?” Danny asked him. “Yes, it is something.” He said out load looking a gage on the console reading it charge level. Within a matter of moments, the weapon is fully charge and ready to fire. “Spike hit the big red button!” Danny shouted to him over the radio. He hit the button and the cannon fire a beam of light to the creature. As soon it hit it made it roar at the top of it lungs from being fire on. A huge vine came at the canon going to destroy the weapon. A shield came out of the covering the whole pillar stopping the creature from the destroying it. “I’m going to see how the others are doing.” Danny told them leaving to check on AJ and Twilight. After the weapon on the north pillar fire. AJ and Twilight made their way to the top of the pillar on the east end of the zone. A drone came to them. “Applejack, Twilight I’m here you to talk you through this.” Danny said to them over the radio. “I heard some of that. When you told Rainbow and Spike.” Twilight told him. “How much did you hear.” Danny asked her. “Nearly all of it.” She told him. She got out and made her way to the console. “Applejack do you see the platform?” Danny asked her over the radio. “Yes, I do.” She told him. “Good there a treadmill on there.” He told her. She drove on the platform and onto the treadmill. She starts getting the treadmill going charging the canon. After a few moment of charging the weapon, it was ready to fire. “It ready to fire.” Twilight said out loud. “FIRE THE WEAPON! Danny should to her. She hit the button and the cannon fire on the creature. Making it roar again trying to attack the canon like the first time. It didn’t work like before. “This creature is not too bright.” Applejack said over the radio. “I know right.” Rainbow answers her. Twilight looks over the edge of the pillar trying to see what happening to James. She sees me still getting case by the vines and chip was still glowing around the car. “We need to hurry. I don’t know how much longer he can hold out.” She said over the radio. At that point Rarity and Fluttershy made to the pillar on the south side of the zone. Danny drone was still at Twilight and AJ. “I need to get Rarity and Fluttershy. To see how they are doing.” Danny told Twilight and AJ. “Better get going.” Applejack said to him. Danny’s drone move as fast it could to the south pillar. “Rarity, Fluttershy come in.” He said over the radio. “Yes, what is it?” Rarity asked. “Are you at the pillar?” He asked them. “Yes, we do you asked?” Rarity asked. “Listen to me carefully I will talk through it.” Danny told them. After he told them what to do while trying to get to the south pillar. Fluttershy was charging the canon and Rarity were on the console when Danny drone finally got there. “Is it ready to fire?” Danny asked her. “Nearly there.” She told him. When Rainbow got the radio to tell Danny what just to Spike. “Spike as taking off to the last pillar.” She told him. “What?!” Danny said out loud. “Spike, Spike, Spike come in?” Danny tried to get a hold of him. There was nothing. He told Rainbow to follow him. “Rainbow follow him.” Danny told her. She raves her bike and when after him to talk some scents into him. Jumping off the edge of the pillar taking to the air. She sees him going as fast as his bike can go. Rainbow tried calling out to him. "SPIKE!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Still nothing. She landed back on the ground and gunned it to towards him. When she finally caught up with him getting in front of him making him stop. “Rainbow what the hell?!” Spike shouting at her. “What in name of Equestria are taking off like that?” Rainbow asked her friend. “I’m going to the last pillar and firing the weapon.” He told her. “Well if that what why did you didn’t tell me or Danny?” She asked him. “Because I know how to do it from the one we did.” Spike tells her. “I going with you.” She tells him. “For real you do that?” He asked her. “By the way, you need someone to charge up the weapon.” She told him. At the moment the canon on the south pillar fires. “There is one let.” Rainbow said to him. “Best to hurry.” Spike told her. Both of them take off to the pillar in the west end of the zone. After a few minutes they show up to the pillar seeing it in was the in the middle of a lake. Rainbow look around to see that there is a small road that leads to the pillar. They move to the top as fast they could. Some vines came after them but stopping a little short. “That was close.” Said Spike. They reach the top and they begin to charge up the canon. In a few minutes, it was ready. Spike fire the canon to the creature. The creature roars again into the last making it and the vines top in their tracks. I see what just happen and stop my car. Pull out the chip and got out of my car to look at the damage to my car. See the car got only light damage. “I look like only the antenna brock off. Lucky I have spares.” I said to myself opening the trunk pulling a spare out and replacing it. The radio was back in working order. I got back on the radio to get with others. “Hello is anyone out there.” I said out loud. “James it good to hear you are alright.” Pinky tells me. “It’s good to hear from you too.” Danny said out loud seeing the other came in to see how I made it. “James, how did you survive that?” Rainbow asked me. “I’m guessing that chip worked better than for you than anything I could use it for.” Applejack said. “Alright everyone back to the door.” I said to them. After 30 minutes me and the other got back to the door. “Here we go again.” I said out loud. Putting the key in the door and it begins to open. We walk inside seeing the element. “I alrighty have an element from the storm planet. Someone else needs to carry this element.” I tell them. “I will.” Said Spike walking up to the element. The element active and came to him. “AAAGGGG.” Shouted Spike at the top of his lungs. When Spike pulls back with a chip that looks like the other one I have. But it was glowing green. “Is there a mark on the side of my neck?” Spike asked the others. “There is a mark.” Applejack told him. Looking at his neck there is a mark the same mark that’s on the chip and the on the door. “Is it glowing?” He asked her. “No, not yet super club.” AJ told him. "We made our way back to the portal to the city world."I told them. Which as taking nearly an hour. We stop before we get to the portal and I put the key on the hood of my car. When I turn a see a red portal opening up. A few Reds cars came through the portal. I see one of them that made me look shocked. One of them belongs to the General. “James how long scent it been I destroy your base and friends?” He asked me. Making me mad in the process. "I see that you have the swamp key there?” The general asks me. “You are the worst mistake I have ever made.” I told him. “Oh, that hurts. Doesn’t matter kill them and take the key.” He told the other Reds. Taking off towards us. I grab the chip and active it. My starting to glow and created a shield and the Reds tried to stop in time. In which they didn’t and destroy themselves. “Well, it looks like you have one of the elements. This will not be the last time we run into each other.” The General told me before turning around and going through the portal. “Is that all he got?” Rainbow asked looking smug about. “No this is just the begin.” I told the rest of them. “He is right. Next time he will come with a stronger force than before.” Danny said over the radio. Danny drone came back to us after the General left. “Where was you?” Twilight asked. “I was trying to find you after the element was clam by Spike.” He told her. “Let’s get back to the shop.” I told them to deactivate the chip put back somewhere safe. We gun it where the portal is. The key lunch ahead of us to open the portal. When the portal open we made our way through the portal. > Chapter 17 The Waking Of The Swamp > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile back at the hospital in Equestria. A royal guard came running as fast he could to the room where Princess Celestia and Luna were. “Princess it’s moving.” He told them both. They got out of bed and made their way to the window. Seeing the golden ball was moving away from the town. “Sister where do think its heading?” Luna asks her sister. “I don’t know?” Celestia told her sister. “Guard go and follow it to where it going and what kind of dangers it about to release on this world.” Celestia told him. “I shall not fail you, princess.” The guard said them given a kneeling at them. The guard takes off out of the hospital and out of town to follow where that golden ball is heading. Past the Everfree forest going past Dodge City, into another forest. Then into a swamp then it stops. The guard tried to keep up with it was out of breath when it stops. “Why it would it come all the way out here?” He said out loud. The golden ball begins to spin and glowing out came out another symbol different than the one before. This time it was glowing green in the darken clouded up ski. A beam came from came from it, hitting the ground. After it hit the ground, things starting to grow and change the bugs became bigger. A lot bigger than anything that he or anypony else have ever seen. Vines around him starting moving around like snakes. The bugs take off to a nearby town of Baltimare. The vines followed them to the city. At the town, things have like they are on any other day of the week for them. They didn’t get scared by the dark storm clouds thinking it was the rainbow factory in cloudsdale was working overtime. Derpy Hooves was on vacation her daughter Dinky. In the distance, something made a terrifying sound that made them and every pony jump. Dinky look over to see what made that noise and sees a giant mosquito landing near her and her mother. Making every pony run for their lives. Derpy grabs Dinky and running for a nearby building. She came running through the doors see others were here. “Did you see them?” Some pony asks them. “The bugs?” Dinky answer him “No, the vines.” After he said that a vine came from behind got a hold of one of his hind legs and dragging him away “No, no, no, AAAAAA.” Every pony when to a nearby window to see what’s going on. The vine drags that pony out in the open, throwing him back on groundbreaking him back kegs. He tried to get up craw to safety a giant mosquito land on top of him and pull diving into his back sucking out all of his blood. The sack in the back got bigger from sucking out his blood. Derpy cover Dinky eyes from watching what was going on outside. Another pony was outside trying to running through the streets trying to find some cover. Another one of those huge mosquitos came down like a bird landing on its prey. The pony screams out in pain from being grabbed and taken to the air. A unicorn mare was trying to fight off a mosquito with her magic. Some vines came from behind grabbing her legs and taking her to the mosquito has trying to fight with. The mosquito takes her and drains her of all of her blood. After the mosquito has done with her. The vines drop her body hitting the ground. Meanwhile back in Ponyville the guard came back running to the hospital to tell the princess on what has happened him and the town of Baltimare. “I have an urgent message for the princesses!” He told the nurse that the front desk. “Sir, are you alright?” She asks him. “No time!” He told her before running to their room. He came through the door nearly out of breath. “Princesses Baltimare as falling. Ponies trap in the city with no way out.” He told them before collapsing on the floor. The nurses nearby came to see if he was alright. One of them put a hove to the side of his neck for a pulse. There was nothing. “He is dead.” Nurse Red Heart said out loud. There was something on his was something on underneath his body some bite mark way to big. For something of this world. “It looks like a mosquito bite it just way too big for it.” Nurse Red Heart said out loud. “What do you mean?” A nearby nurse asked her. The bite some nearly a foot long in diameter and red as an apple. “I mean a giant mosquito did is. He had very little blood in him when he came in running out of breath. Before killing over.” She told every pony in that room. A body bag came in to take him away. After the body has been dealt with. Celestia got up and remove her bandages she got out and trying to move down the hallway keep herself up. Nurse Red Heart was there by her side if she needs help. “Princess, you are not fully recovered from injuries from that fall yesterday.” She told her. “My ponies need me in these dark times.” Celestia said out load leaning next to the wall breathing hard. Seeing something she would never suspected. “Queen Chrysalis? What in the name of Equestria are you here?” Celestia asks her before falling to the floor. “Trust me we are in the same boat here.” She told her rival. “What do you mean?” She asks her. “Whatever is going on in that swamp and that town that guard told you and your sister? Is also affected me as well.” Chrysalis told her. “Sister, are you alright there?” Luna asks walking down the hallway. “You, why are you here?” She told Chrysalis looking cross. “Sister she’s here to help us in these dark times.” Celestia told her sister getting off the ground with the help of Nurse Red Heart. “What, after what she did in the past.” Luna told her sister. “You really do hold a grudge.” Chrysalis said out loud. “Why would I after what you do back at Canterlot.” Luna told her looking angry about her remark. “That is enough!” Celestia told both of them. “This golden ball is tearing apart Baltimare and treating the people there. I need the both of you to settle this grudge match and get the people out of there.” She told them getting back on her hooves. “It looks like we are working together on this one with your sister the way she is.” Chrysalis said to Luna. “Just don’t do anything you will regret later.” Luna told her with a still angry look on her face. They take off to the exit and toke to the air. Both of them were flying as fast as can could to Baltimare. Celestia when back to her room to get some much-needed rest after trying to leave. Back in Baltimare, it was a madhouse over there. Derpy and her daughter Dinky is in a shop in the middle of town with others ponies hiding there from what going on outside. “Mom, I’m scared.” She told her mother. “I know you are. I’m scared too.” She said to her daughter trying to calm her down, keeping her close and putting her left wing around her and her hove on top of her top of her head. Some of the others trying to calm about as what to them and their town. “I can’t take it, anymore!” One of the side before taking off out of the shop and just like before a giant mosquito was a building nearby the shop. The creature saw him, it roars and came down on him taking him to the air. “I have had enough of you!” He said at the top of its lungs at the creature that has a hold of him. Punching, kicking it even trying his magic on it. The creature lets go of him dropping him on top of a building where the mosquito was at. It lands on top of him taking its nose and lead back dive right in on his chest, beginning to suck out all of his blood. He was screaming during the whole time until he was drain. The ponies hear him screaming while he was being drained of his blood. “Is it over?” One of them asks. A second later the door was being banged on with a roar of one of those giant bloodsuckers. The door was blocked off from them getting in. The banging kelp going for a matter of moments. Until t give up and fly’s away. “Is it over?” Asks Dinky, to her mother. “I think that it is.” Derpy told her. “What are we going to do when they brake though?” She thought to herself shedding a tear. Luna and Chrysalis made their way to way the outskirts of the city see it turn into a swamp. “Oh, my, Equestria.” Chrysalis said out loud looking stock then as ever. “There are a lot of ponies in there that need to get out.” Luna told her. They land in the middle of city which is now a whole swamp. Something made a roar nearby them before it attacks Luna trying to suck her blood. “LUNA!” Chrysalis said out loud. Making her horn glow and attack the creature that was on Luna, killing it plopping next to Luna. Clawing away from the beast that nearly killed her. “Thanks.” She told her. Before looking stock at her and told her. “Don’t turn around.” “Why?” Chrysalis asks her. Turns around to see a group of vines made into a body of its every own. It was bigger then both of them compiled. It roars and came running to them. They dodge out if its path, hitting a wall of a building. “This thing is not too bright.” Chrysalis told Luna. Both of them herd somepony shouting at them. “You two get in here!” They look and see a male unicorn with a white clot and a blue mane. They got up from the ground and ran to him. The beast that hit the wall turns around and gives chase after them. Just as soon they threw the door that was being held open the white unicorn. He closes the door after they when through the door. “Thank you for helping us in our hour of need.” Luna said to him trying to catch both of their breath. He locks up the door and told both of them. “Follow me.” They made they we threw the building to a shop, seeing others trying to find a way out of the city. “Princess Luna.” Said Dinky, making Derpy look up at Luna her eyes were red from the lack of sleep. Both Luna and Chrysalis kelp following the pony that saves them from the creature that attacks them. “What are you doing here?” He asks them. “We do see what going on here and see what does get out.” Luna told him. “Is this all that is left of the town?” Chrysalis asks him. “Yes, I do believe. Every pony else is most likely dead from being attack and suck from those giant mosquitoes that are out there.” He told them. “I know I was attacked by one of them.” Luna told him. “They must be very being getting hungrier out there.” He told Luna. “What about the train into the city?” Luna asks him. “I don’t know if the station is working order. We need to send some pony to find out if that is possible” He said out loud. “I’ll go.” Luna told him. “Are you sure? After what as happen to you?” He asks “If it’s the only way to get very pony out of the city.” She told him. Making her way to the barricaded doorway to the outside. “Wait, There no idea what out there?” Chrysalis told Luna lifting a few things that made up the barricaded doorway. “Let me come with you?” Chrysalis asks her. “No. The others need to find a safe way to the station.” She told her. “Well, if you put like that it would be a good a point there.” Chrysalis told Luna. Moving the last of the objects of the barricaded and opening the door walking to the outside. Opening her wings and takes off to the air. Chrysalis made her back to the pony that saves both of them from whatever that thing was. Some of the ponies put the objects back to rebuild the barricaded. When she made her back to him he was pulling out a map of the city. “Here we are and here is the train station.” He told her pointing at the map with his hove. “With the dangers that inside the city will be very difficult to get to the station without running into these things that are out there.” He told her. “Are you sure, that there is a safe way to get to the station?” She asks him. “I think there is a safe way, but you will not like it.” He told her pulling another map from a draw. “Is that the sewer system?” She asks him. “I told you will not like it.” He told her. “If that is the only way then there is no other option.” Chrysalis told him looking down on the map of the sewers and the map of the surface level. “It’s best to tell the others.” He told her walking to the room where every other pony is hiding from the outside. “Everypony listen to me.” He said out loud jumping on a chair. “There is way to get out the city it not be easy if you don’t like is plan its the only plan we got!” He told them. “What is the plan?!” Some pony said out loud. “We have to get to the train station by going through the sewer system!” He told them which made every pony shouting that him and scared out of their minds. He put his hove up in the air to quit every pony. “Let me explain, there is no other way with costing us lives getting to the station!” Derpy and her daughter Dinky listen over the was the plan of going through the sewers to get to the train station. Luna is flying through the city trying to get to the train station. Which it was at on the edge of the city. The vines covering the buildings and releasing a green fog threw the city that makes them feel like a ghost town. “This is unbelievable.” Luna thought to herself. She looks over her shoulder seeing what has happened to the city and the ponies that used to live here. Now it the city is now a huge swamp. She kelp moving on to the train stations. The train station was cover with vines like the rest of the city. It wasn’t as bad as the rest of the city. The train lines weren’t covered with vines and the moss. Luna went inside to see if there a spare train and a few passager carts for every pony that making their way to the station. She found a steam train was nearby and a few carts forget every pony out of the city. She uses her magic to move the carts to the train. After a few hours of moving them and getting everything hook up and ready to go. She went to a nearby pay phone and put a few bits in it and deli the number to the shop. The phone rang a few times and some pony picks up on the other end of the line. “Hello, how I can help you?” Some pony told her over the line. “I need to talk to the pony that saves me and Chrysalis.” She asks the pony on the line. “Luna, you are talking to him.” He told her. “Good, the train is ready and waiting. You can make your way through the sewers to get here I will be here waiting on you.” She told him. “We are on our way.” He told her before hanging up the phone. Chrysalis was there hearing the conversation. “I’m guessing she did found a spare train at the station.” She said to him looking with joy in her eyes. “Well best to for us to take the map with us so we won't get lost.” He told her. The barricaded that was in front of the doorway was taking down. Some of them open a lead on the sidewalk to the sewer system. It was quite a little too quiet. The mosquito that was around was gone hunting elsewhere in the city. “Move it.” Somepony said to the others in the shop and nearby buildings that were used to hiding out from what was going on the outside. Derpy was covering Dinky with her wing. Once every pony is inside they close the doors they use to get access to sewer system. Every pony made their way through the sewers without getting lost thanks to the map. The smell was like a bunch of rotten eggs. They use flashlights that were in the shop to give them some light. Things were going well for them the vines that cover the city buildings and the streets. “How are doing?” Chrysalis asks him. “Only a few more miles.” He told her. After a few more hours going through the sewers, they made to the train station access point. Luna is at the access point and opens it up. Seeing every pony is alright and safe. “Everypony gets on the train.” He told them. Everypony climb into the train. As soon every pony is load into the train. “Who’s going to drive?” Asks Luna. A couple ponies came out and they said. “We’ll do it.” They made it to the engine to get things going. After a few minutes, the train begins to move out of the station. Derpy looks out the window and thinks to herself “Soon we will be home.” > Chapter 18 Dr. Duke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens up me and the rest made our way through it stopping a few feet away from the portal. I got out and close the portal once everyone came through. Spike rubs his neck from the mark of the swamp symbol on the side of his neck. “Are you alright?” Twilight asks him over the radio. “I’m alright it just the mark on the side of my neck feels off to me.” Spike answers her. The mark on the side of his neck begins to glow. A vine came through the portal before I could close it. The vine came to Spike and looking strange at him. The vine releases a seed on his right hand making his hand glow green. The vine when back to the portal and I had a chance to close the portal. Looking at the Swamp key and thought to myself “Two, Seven to go.” We sent back to shop for our next move and repairs to the vehicles. After a few hours of fixing the cars, we made our way to a club on the old New York track back in the days of racing in these worlds those years ago. “So who is this Duke character we are going to see at this club?” AJ asks me. “He an old friend of my, that is also in hiding with a new name.” I answer her over the radio. “Let me guess he used to be on the old team?” She asks me again. “He when by a different name back in those days. Frank is what I used to know him, before the attack and be disappeared under this new name so that me or the Reds can find him.” I told them over. We pull in front of the club and when inside. The place was jumping with people dancing around and drinks everywhere. The music was definitely techno and remixes of pop songs. Lights were like it would like some of the clubs back on Earth with blues, greens, and purple. Signs on the DJ table and nearby areas of the dance floor with the name of Frank’s new name. After a few moments, Frank take a break to get a drink at the bar. I came along sild of him. “Scotch on the rocks.” I told the bartender. Duke looks over to the side of me. “James Cribb, I never suspected man like you to drink.” He told me turning to face me. “It looks like you’re going to need my help again?” Duke asks me. “Yes I do, we need talk later where it’s safe. To feel you in on the details.” I told him. “After the club close for the night. We can talk then. Now try and enjoy yourself.” My old friend told me patting on the back making me spill some of the drink on the table. He when back to the work at the DJ table. Twilight and the others were at a nearby booth drinking some ciders. I look over at them and grab my drink and when to the booth where they are. “So how it go?” Rarity asks me. I sit down next to Pinky Pie on the outside on the far side putting my drink on the table. “Good, we have to wait until the club close tonight.” I told them have a ship some of my drink. Grabbing something from a pocket that looks like a cigar I put in my mouth and take a deep breath a red light lights up on the other end of it. I take it from my mouth and release the breath and smoke follow at the same time. “I never knew people of this world smoke?” Twilight asks me. “You look shock?” I answer her with a question. “Yes I am, I didn’t know you smoke?” She asks me. “This is not what you think its smoke and ash. It’s vapor smoke from a vapor cigar. That from my world and I bring it to this world.” I answer her question, putting the cigar back in a mouth to take another drag of the cigar. Pinky was being quiet for a moment drinking her cider which was non-alcoholic. She felt her stomach cramping up. “I’ll be right back.” She the others and left to the restroom that was on the other side of club. When she got there and when to a nearby stale and she puke into the toilet. She felt like she was being kicked in the gut and she felt the room spinning. “I never felt like that before until after the next day after a hard night of drinking with the girls back home.” She said to herself. Just then the door to the restroom opens up. “Pinky, are you alright?” Said one of her friends. “Fluttershy is that you?” Pinky asks through the stale door. “Yes it is.” She said out loud. Pinky got up and flushes the toilet walk out the sink to wash her face out a little. Fluttershy sees what she doing. “Are you sure are you alright?” She asks her friend. “Yes I think so.” Pinky told her while putting her hand at her hand at her stomach. “If I thought to myself she could be pregnant.” Fluttershy thought to herself. They left the restroom and head back to the others at the booth. Rainbow and Applejack was good and drunk dancing at the dance floor. Duke was working is magic on the stage with the turntable. I was finishing my drink at the booth with Rarity and Twilight when Pinky and Fluttershy came back. Pinky sit back down and try to finish her drink. She looks at everyone else having a good time on the dance floor and left the booth to join the group down on the floor. Duke got on the mic and said out loud. “Are we having a nice time out there tonight?” The crowd screams and cheered out on the dance floor and inside the club by raising their glasses. “We take you to 2012, you might know this one.” He sides over the cheering crowd before hitting play on the turntable. The crowd when nuts and dance like if the world was ending. Pinky knows this song back home. When work with a couple of DJ unicorns on one of their songs. The lyrics were a little off to her ears. She really like and starting to dance to the music with the rest of the crowd, then she sees Rainbow and Applejack kissing in the corner of the dance floor. “I never thought they had feeling for each other.” She thought to herself. As she was thinking that she bumps into some guy. “Hey watch it!” The rude guy told Pinky. “Sorry about I was lost in my thought.” She told him. “Sorry, no we don’t that here!” He shouted at her making go a little nutty. “Alright, how do you want to do this?” He asks him. “A dance-off.” He told her. Rainbow opens her eyes and broke away from the kiss with AJ came by to help her friend at her time of need. Applejack follows her to what pinkel Pinky got herself into this time. Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy also came down on the dance floor on Pinky’s side for the dance off. Duke looks up at the crowd and sees what going on and got on the mic. “Alright folks, it looks like we have a dance-off between two groups of six.” At that point, I got up from the booth and see what going on Duke was talking about on stage. “What’s going on?” Spike asks me. “I find out soon enough.” I answer him leaving the booth. I walk to a balcony overseeing the dance floor. I was seeing the girls about to have a dance-off with one of the best dance group of the nine worlds. Everyone clear the floor except the two groups. Duke put down the mic and changes the music for the dance off. The posters were the first to start things off by lunching to a few moves until the music bass kick in and going full force with their movements. Moving out from the edge taking the whole dance floor circling the girls in the middle. This made the girls go into their own dance moves to fight off the guys to the other side of the floor and when back to their side. The floor when dark for a second then lights on the guy's clothes came on and which Duke rise his right hand to the crowd and the music was winding up for a bass drop. He drops his hand on the table and the bass drop changing the music. The posters when back at the girls lighting up the dance floor with every move they made. The girls came lighting their side of them with their cutie mark colors and symbols which made the crowd go wide for them. The girls toke up the whole floor with each one doing their whole moves. Pinky was moving around with all her mite and killing on the floor. Light’s was showing pink, blue, and yellows and her party canon was showing in a hologram and fire it at the posters. Applejack was next doing siding on the floor change it to and dancing kicking up hologram dirt out there. She jumps down with back in the air and an apple tree came from the hologram ground and kick it letting apples fall on the floor and the posters. Rarity came on the floor next spinning around and lunching hologram gems at them and post for the crowd and purple and white fireworks when off behind her. Rainbow rolled on the dance floor like if she was roller skates with a hologram rainbow behind her changing the lights the floor to look like clouds. Jumping down on the dance floor lunching her iconic sonic rain-boom on the ground turning into a hologram hitting the posters. Rainbow moves out of the way to let Twilight do her magic on the floor. She moves on the dance floor doing her moves and letting the hologram magic build up in her hands and lunch it at the posters. Fluttershy was the last to do her moves she was shy at first and let the music do the moving for her and let go. Hologram animals dance with her and lunch at the posters. Then the music stops in the tracks when Fluttershy when back to the girls. Duke got back on the mic. “I think we have a winner here folks, don’t you think so?” The crowd when crazy for the girls. “I have to give this mate, to the girls.” The posters when back to the crowd and left the club. While the crowd cheerers for the girls I was right I was right I when it started with a smile on my face. I when back to the bar to get myself another drink and when back to the booth where Spike finished off his third drink in of a few moments. “Spike its best to pace yourself.” I told him. “I know how to hold my drink.” He told in his drunken state of mind. I knew that his far too drunk to even drive on his bike back to the shop. “He is going to one hell of a hangover in the morning.” I thought to myself. The girls walk back the booth seeing me and spike there. “You miss one hell of a dance-off out there.” Rainbow told us. “Spike was the only one that misses it.” I told her and the others. “Where were you?” She asks me. “I on the balcony overlooking the dance floor.” Answering her question. “Well, then I need a drink after that.” Rainbow said out loud. “Same here.” Twilight said. Everyone orders another round of drinks. Pinky’s drink was still non-alcoholic. After a few hours of drinking and partying throughout the night. Everyone but me and Pinky was drunk and pass out at the booth. Duke got on the mic for one last time for the night. “Alright, folks that are it for me tonight. I letting the next DJ take over for the next song.” He turns off the mic and got off the stage to meet up with me and the others. Duke sees that nearly everyone was drunk and pass out at the booth. I was drunk just not as bad as them I was wasn’t going as hard as they are with theirs. “So what bring you to my club and who are they, which they have some killer moves out there on the floor tonight?”Duke asks me. “You see they are not from this world like we are and I need help getting them home. Do you remember Danny back in those days when we used to be Silencers?” I ask him. “Yes I do. Why do you ask? He asks me. “He’s on board trying to get them home and he can’t drive. You and me are the last ones can help them by getting the elements. We already have two of them.” I tell him the story. “Wait a minute you have gotten two out of nine of the elements and you didn’t asks me to come with you to get them.” Duke tells me looking a little cross about it. “Now I was in hiding and I didn’t know that you and Danny were still alive.” I told him without waking the girls and Spike. “All that I’m asking is your help and I know that you miss the thrill of driving at high speeds and putting those Reds in their place.” I tells him. “Alright I’m in. You do know how to push my buttons. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.” He told me. “Yelp, it going to be few moments to get everyone up and get them silver up so they can drive back to the shop.” I told him. After a few minutes of getting everyone of else up and sliver up an enough to drive back to the shop. We made our way to the cars and when the cool air hit their faces, it made them want to punk out their gusts. Pinky was the only one that wasn’t drunk but she was tired from party throughout the night. I was the least drunk of the rest of them and cool air also made me sick to my stomach a little just not enough to punk my gusts out. I hear an engine starting up in the alleyway next to the club. I see a white car with a back spoiler and eight-speaker of the back of the car. The driver side window rolled down and I see Duke is inside. “What are we waiting for?” He asks me through the window. After everyone else gets a hold of them self we got inside the cars and made our way back to the shop without any problems. After we made our way back to the shop everyone when off to bed sleep off the booze that they had. “I know one thing they are going to get one hell of a hangover in the morning.” I thought to myself turning in for the night. Later that night Spike was having a nightmare about Equestria. A city overgrew with vines and monsters that were on the swamp planet hiding deep within the city itself. Then a person he has never seen before appeared right next to him overlooking the city. “Luna is that you?” He asks the person. The person didn’t talk to him and show him what needs to be seen. They when through a shop window and seeing something that scares that living daylights out of him. Ponies’ hiding from what has happened to this city and look over to his right shoulder sees two ponies landing in the center of the city. One of them looks like Princess Luna and the other looks like Queen Chrysalis. From out of nowhere a giant mosquito sweeps down and attacks Luna. Spike was a ghost and only sees what is happening in front of him. The person finally said something. “Get the rest of the elements and get back the piece of Omega to have both your world before it too late.” The person disappeared out of site and he finally woke up in a cold sweat. It takes him a few minutes to see that is hand and the mark on the side of his neck was glowing. After a few moments, the glowing when away and turn on the light next to his bed. “That was one weird dream.” He said out loud with a pounding headache from what happened last night at the club. > Chapter 19 Hangover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I got with a small hangover from drinking last night. As for the others, it could have been better for them. Danny, Duke, and Pinky were the only ones who don’t have a hangover. I walk into the kitchen seeing Spike with an ice pack on the side of his head. He was only one who drank the heaviest out of all of us. I when to the freight to get myself a glass of tea and some plan killers for a small headache I have. “I told you to take it easy on the drinks last night.” I told Spike. “Your right I was too drunk to notch.” Spike said out loud. At that point, Twilight and the others came into the kitchen with their own hangovers. “Pinky, how come you don’t have a hangover?” Rainbow asks her. “Because me drinks wasn’t alcoholic.” Pinky said answering her friend question. “You were always the one to never pass out on a drink of cider, and that with alcohol. So what is the deal?” Rainbow asks her friend. “I just didn’t wantn’t to be drunk last night.” Pinky answering her Rainbow question. At that point, Danny and Duke came into the kitchen. “About what?” Danny said out loud. “Nothing” Rainbow told him. “It did sound like nothing from what I was hearing.” He told her. “I think it’s none of your business about what we are talking about.” Rainbow told him. “Everyone needs to calm down.” Twilight told the both of them. “She’s right, we have work to do on the Water planet.” I told the rest of them. Spike put down the ice pack on the table and went to his bike thinking about what he has dreamed about last night. Twilight see a look of worry in Spike's eyes when he left the kitchen into the garage where the cars are being kelp. “Spike?” She asks her friend and assistant. “Yes, Twilight.” He answers her. “Are you feeling alright?” She asks him. “How can you tell?” Spike answers her with a question looking down on his bike. “I help raise you when I hatch you out of that egg all those years ago.” She told him putting her hand on her shoulder. “It this dream I had last night about back home and an unknown person talking to me. I see Princess Luna being attacked by something I couldn’t tell what it was. I was very difficult to even remember after I woke up in a cold sweat.” She told her. “Maybe because of drinking too much last night back at the club.” She tells him. “I don’t know it felt so real.” He tells her. I went into the garage to my car to get the samples for my back for when my back gives out. “James, what are you doing?” Twilight asks me. “I need to get samples made into medicine for my back. “I thought you already made some when we got back?” She asks me again. “I haven’t had a change too from fixing AJ truck.” Answering her question. Taking the samples to the lab in the back pass the bad rooms. Putting in the code to open the door. I when to the machine that I use before to make the medicine a few times before. This is going to take some time make. “It should be ready by the time we get back from the Water World.” I said to myself. Putting the samples in the machine and program it with the plans for them. I start to feel off. I put my hand over my left eye and I was feeling off balance for a few minutes and I had to sit down on a nearby chair. After a few moments, I was alright for now with the painkillers working for now. I left the lab and the machine to do its work and check on the others. I when to the garage seeing that everyone was waiting for me. “James, are you alright?” Pinky asks me to look a little concerned about me. “I’m alright.” I told her. She looks at me with a questionable look on her. I when to the safe where the keys for the other worlds and grabbed the water key and putting on top the hood of my car. After everything has been taking care off to find the water element. Danny drone is loaded up on the bed of AJ truck and Duke car is ready to go. We made our way to the edge of the city to the portal and the key lunch from the hood of my car and open the portal to the water world. The nine of us gunned it to the portal and when through it. > Chapter 20 Water World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal on the Water World opens and the nine of us came through seeing that drop us on some landfall made from coral and metal. Danny lunch is drone and I closed the portal. In the destine I see another portal opening up and I see the Reds driving force bigger than before back at swamp world. Me and the others look stock about the number is in the force. There were 20 cars, 5 trucks, and 1 tanker that are armed to the teeth with guns. I quickie got back in my car and told the others. “These Reds are going to try and stop us from finding the element. We need to get read of them before we can proceed.” Just I soon I said that the General came through the portal in his red and black car that looks like an Audi R8. After a moment or two, the Reds made their move coming at us. We toke of to the Reds at great speed. The tanker was leading the pack and fixing to fire its weapons on us. I got on the radio me, Twi, and Pinky brake left and everyone else break right when I tell you.” “Got it.” Said, everyone. The Reds kelp getting closer and closer. “NOW!” I shouted over the radio. Everyone breaks off making the tanker to hit the brakes and try and turn around but end up landing on its side taking it out. Me and the others got to work finishing the rest. Duke, AJ, and Rainbow work on the trucks. Everyone else got to work on the cars. Pinky has on her tail and two head for her. When they got close she active her teleporter and teleport another place. The cars crash into each other destroying them. “That was close.” She said over the radio. Fluttershy as her cloaking system on after breaking off from the group hiding from the Reds and sees Rainbow was in trouble with one of the trucks. “I could use a little help here.” Rainbow said over the radio. At the moment she turns off cloaking system and came to Rainbow rescue. In a fete of rage, she hit the gas and ran into the truck that is changing her friend. She hit the truck hard and totaling it. Rainbow sees Fluttershy what she was done she when to see if she is alright. “Fluttershy are you ok?” She asks over the radio. “Yes, I think so.” She told her friend. There was very little damage to the car that rainbow can see. The engine was still running fine as far she can tell. “There are much left.” I said over the radio. “Good, let finish this.” Applejack said out loud over the radio. The remaining Reds retreated back to the portal to their base of operations. “It looks right we won the fight.” Rainbow said over the radio. “The battle has been won but the war is far from over.” I said over the radio. The General stop before returning to the portal and told me and the others. “This is the first of many fights to come.” He turns around when through the portal. The portal closes behind him. “Well, then that could have gone better.” Duke said out loud over the radio. “With them out of the way. We can begin work on finding the element.” I said to them over the radio. Twilight lunch her drone to find any power scourges for the element. “Anything?” I ask her. “Nothing let.” She told me. “Danny, what about you?” I ask him. “I’m still scanning the area. But nothing let.” He told me. I lunch my drone to speed up process on finding anything on the element. After a good 30 minutes of scanning and searching, we found something that can be the element. The only problem is deep underwater like 2000 meters down. Danny found something that can get us down it that deaf. A sub big enough for all of us on a platform only 500 years from us. When we have everyone loaded on the sub and release from the platform. Pinky takes the controls of the sub and made our way to the single source deep under water. The glass dome on the front of it made it easy for Pinky to see where we are going. “Pinky I have a question?” Rainbow asks her. “Sure why not.” She answers her friend. “Where were you when that swamp monster was attacking James and we were working on firing the weapons on it?” She asks her. “Well, when I was having my Pinky scents I it the button on my teleporter and teleported to the other side of the zone. I can’t teleport back during one my Pinky scents going off like that.” She told her. “Well, that would explain it.” Rainbow said out loud. After a few hundred meters down sea life of this world starting to show up and what looks like a track that is underwater without being flooded with missing parts in it. “How is that possible?” Twilight asks me looking the track. “There a good reason for that. You see the rings around the track and the missing parts.” I told her. “Yes, I do.” She told me. “Those rings hold the air pressure and holding back the water from entering the track flooding the place.” I told her. “How do cars go over it without sinking to the bottom?” She asks me. “The answer to that is speed.” I told her. “Speed?” She asks. “With enough speed, any car can easily drive over it without a problem.” I told her moving away from the track going deeper into the depts. After what felt like hours we made to the single source and it is an underwater city and it’s huge for a city at these depts. “Take us in.” I told Pinky. “Oakey ducky.” She told me. She brings in to a docking bay at the docks. “I never knew this is here in all my years of racing on this planet. I never knew this place even existed.” I said out loud. After we dock got everyone off the sub and on to the dry docks. The single strength is nearly off the charts from what we were getting on interments. “The element can’t be far with the reading we are getting.” I said to them over the radio. “Best get going.” Duke told us. “This place is huge how will we find the door?” Rainbow asks me over the radio. “The single is the only way to find the door. So Danny lead the way.” I said to others. The city looks like there is no one body there. It was a ghost town here. Fluttershy starting to get scare the further we went into the forgotten city. “What happen to this city?” Twilight asks me. “I don’t know.” I told her. We got to the inner working of the city from what we can see that city is protected by the same technology we seen back at the track from earlier. “Whoever built this city use the same tech that was used on the tracks and the second battle zone from days of racing past?” I thought to myself. We made it to the center of the city and there it is the door that houses the element of this world. I got with the key in my hand I walk to the door. I stop for a moment making everyone question me. “What is the hold up?” Applejack asks me. “I know that the guardian hasn’t show up let and know after I put in the key it will show up to protect the element. Also we can’t get the element until we defeat whatever is protecting it in the first place.” I told them what I was thinking. “I know what you what are going through, because we all have been there.” AJ said to me. “The only ones really know what’s I’m going through is Danny and Duke.” I told her. “He right because were their back in those days.” Duke told her and the others. “Yes, we don’t know what you when threw and there a good reason for it. We also know that you very trouble about it.” AJ told me. After picking myself up and put in the key signaling the guardian which was a giant lizard that is bigger than anything they have seen before. It looks over to us and just did nothing for a moment. It moves closer to us then it just roars at us. Then it turns it head to Pinky for something. Then opens its mouth and roars again only to her. Then it turns around and it left us as we are. “That was strange?” I said out loud. Then something else shows up to fights us for the element and that is a giant robot that looks like the lizard that came a few moments earlier. The lizard came back to fight with us against the robot look like. We follow it from behind to help out what we can to destroy the mechanizes look like. The robot lunches it rockets towards us hitting the lizard and the nearby buildings bring them down. We dodge out of the way from the rumble of the combing buildings. “We need to find a way to win this fight before things can get worse?” I said over the radio. “I know what we can do?” AJ asks me. “I don’t know.” Pinky looks over beyond the fight sees a radio tower that is controlling the robot. “Guys, I found a way. Quick follow me.” Pinky told us before taking off into the middle of the fight. The rest of is quick to follow her into the middle of it. The lizard opens its mouth and breathing fire from its mouth onto the robot. Spike turns his head and sees what going on with their new friend. “He is a dragon like me.” He said out loud. “Spike, don’t do what I think you are doing?” Twilight said to him. Before she could finish what she was saying he hit the brakes and turn around and gun it to the fight with the chip he got from the swamp and pug it in the same place I use for my chip on the side of tank. It begin to glow green and around him and the bike. Hitting a ramp making his bike goes into the air. What happens next is that swamp vines appeared out of nowhere making a road for him. The rest of us see what just happen right in front of us look very shock and left Twilight mouth hanging open. “That is impossible!” Twilight said out loud. Spike did knottiness the road of vines underneath him. He reaches the top of one of the nearby turning off the chip and landing on top of the building. He turn his head sees the road of vines. The vines quickie turns brown and falls apart back into nothing. The robot sees what just happen in front of him and starting going after Spike. The lizard slam into the robot before it gets its metal mints on him. Firing more of its breath after hitting the ground. “Spike are you alright?” Twilight asks him. “Yes I am lucky the lizard got him before the robot could get me.” He told her making her calm down a little. “We need to get at that control tower before it’s too late.” Pinky said out loud. “Go on ahead.” Spike tells the rest of us. The rest of us made our way to tower without a problem. The controls are on top of the tower. “I can teleport to the top of the tower will many problems. I don’t know about the rest of you.” Pinky told us. “Go on ahead.” I told her. Within a blink of an eye, she was gone and teleported to the top of the tower. She got out of her car and looks around to find an off which or button. There is nothing like that it’s has a few command consoles for controls. On the screen was what the robot is seeing still fighting the lizard putting a hurt on it. She got one of the command consoles and begins to hack into the system and robot itself to end this fight. The other found their way up. “I never knew you can do this?” I ask her. “I don’t.” She told me hacking away at it sending it into overdrive making the computers and the servers go nuts sending sparking around us. We got out of there as fast we could. “Pinky are you coming?” I ask her. “Just give me a second.” She said finishing up and running to her car activating her teleporter landing next to us on the ground. The tower blows up into a ball of fire and the robot drop dead in its tracks. The lizard falls to the ground as well. We got close to it and Pinky got the closest to it and looks into its eye. Seeing the sky blue hue in its slowly turning black and the heartbeat got slower and slower until it stops altogether closing it eye for the last time. Pinky puts her hand on it before turning back with her head down and eyes closed. “Its best to get the element.” I said out loud after she came back to us.                 We made our way back to the door and open it with the key. A sky blue glow was a pulse like the others before. “Sense me and Spike are all righty have an element. Someone else will have to yield this one?” I told them. Pinky step forward and said. “I’ll do it in memory of our fallen friend.” She got closer to the element and pulsated faster and faster glowing brighter as well the closer she got. When finally stick her hand in it. She screams at the top of lungs for a few seconds making the element turn into a chip like the others coming into her hand. It’s glowing in a sky blue with its symbol. It glows for a minute then it when away. She came back to us with a mark on the side of her neck. “There is a symbol on the side your neck.” AJ tells her. She rubs it a little. “It’s best for us to be heading back.” I said out loud. When we got back to the sub, Pinky look back at the city or at least what is left of it after that fight. She thought to herself. “I will never forget you.” At that point, the mark on the side of her neck starting to glow making the water starting to move on its own. Taking the form of a person reach out its hand to her she reaches her right hand to it. It drops a blue gem on her making her glow. Me and the others see what just happen to her. “Incredible.” Duke said out loud. After a moment the glowing on her hand and the side of her neck when away she turns to me and said to me. “Are we ready?” “We’ll waiting on you.” I told her. Within a few moments, Pinky’s car is loaded up and got in the driver seat of the sub and made our way to the surface. After leaving the underwater city it when to the deeps of the sea with our friend with is with us in spirit. When we broke the surface it was still daylight out. The sun is just begun to over the horizon. Pinky moves the sub to dock where we were before. With everyone off and fixing to head back to the portal I look up to the sky and see the planet itself and some of the other moons like the storm, swamp, city, and ice worlds. “We must have been down there for some time now.” I thought to myself putting the key on the top hood of my car for the last time for today. We gun it to the portal opening it and going through it. > Chapter 21 Wall Of Water > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A train is pulling to the station at Ponyville from Baltimare. When it stops everypony got off the train to find some help for the sick and the injured. The sky is still dark from what happen in Ponyville a few days ago. Buildings were still a wreak from the twister and wind because of it. The hospital was filled to the brim with what as happen. Doctors and nurses came to the train station and set up a homemade hospital for the ponies coming from Baltimare. Princess Luna and Queen Chrysalis made their way to Princess Celestia to tell her what happened to them and the ponies of Baltimare. Derpy and her daughter when home after what has happened to them hoping to forget this. Back at the hospital, Celestia is still recovering from her injuries. Nurse Red Heart watching over her the best she can tending to the others patience that is recovery. When Luna and Chrysalis got there nurse got on the phone to let Celestia know that her sister is here. “She is back.” She said over the phone. “Send her in.” Celestia told her. Red Heart got off the phone and told Luna. “Go on ahead.” Luna made her way down the hall where her sister room is and open the door. Seeing what happened to her and to herself was grateful be that they can walk away from this. “How are you doing dear sister?” She asks her. “Better then I was yesterday.” She told her. “Yes, getting there and back is not easy after what happened in the city.” Luna tells her. “What happened there?” Celestia asks her, Luna tells her a story about what happened there and how they got out. “So the city of Baltimare is lost until an unknown date.” Celestia told her sister. Chrysalis came in the room looks out the window seeing a yellow glow coming fast flying over the hospital going to the Luna Sea. “The next city is trouble Luna get down to which city it is and get everypony out of there. I don’t want to lose more lives to this thing of a ball and what comes out of it that causing all of this from the very beginning.” Celestia told her sister and their enemy turned ally. “It will be done.” Luna told her sister before leaving to follow the golden ball with Chrysalis following not too far behind. Meanwhile back in Los Pegasus, Tricky was just finishing up a show to a group of ponies. “Thank you, Los Pegasus.” She shouted before walking backstage to her close friend Starlight Glimmer. “That was a great show you did out there.” Starlight told her. “I know I did I just need to get my pay for the show.” She told her friend. “I’ll be outside waiting on you.” Starlight said. Tricky walks to her boss office. She knots on the door. “Come in.” Somepony said out loud. She opens the door seeing a male Pegasus with a brown colt and graying mane wearing a black suit. “Great job out there. I would have never done better myself.” The Pegasus told her. “Thanks, Boss.” She said. “You are here for your pay I’m guessing?” He asks her. “Yes, I am.” She tells him. “I always pay the ponies that come and work for me.” Opening a draw at his desk getting a bag of coins and giving it to her. “Thank you.” She tells him putting the bag in her settle bag that she has on. “I will be looking for your next show.” He told her giving her a smile before walking her out the door. Starlight is waiting outside for a few minutes. Then she sees something in the ski, a yellow ball moving fast over the city heading to the ocean. “What is that?” She thought to herself. Soon everypony that seen what just happen in the ski asking themselves the same question that Starlight is thinking of. Tricky finally came outside seeing her friend looking out at the ocean. “What going on?” She asks her. “I don’t know.” Seeing a ski blue flash and some kind of symbol in the darken ski before shooting a blimp down into the water making a wave. Tricky go’s to her cart and get hitch up during this starlight just stared out before tells Tricky. “Run!” The both of them and others begin to run to higher ground. Starlight is quick on her hooves and uses a teleporter spell to get her and Tricky to higher ground without any problems. Pegasus takes to the air and Unicorns using the same spell that starlight use to get to higher ground. The Earth ponies are being helped by the Pegasus and Unicorns to get to higher ground. The wave got bigger and bigger than anything that anypony has ever seen. The ponies that are in the buildings that have no idea what’s going on the outside. “The ponies that are inside as no idea what’s going to happen to them.” Starlight said out loud. “Wait, what if you don’t make it back in time?” Tricky asks her. “I’ll make it.” She said before teleporting back to the city. Back in Ponyville, Luna and Chrysalis are running as fast they can to the train station. The driver and few more ponies turn and see them running to them. “What going on?” The train driver asks them. “The golden ball that causes what happen to Baltimare is heading for the ocean on the west coast and we need to leave right now.” Luna tells him. “We can’t the train needs to refuel with water. Because the water levels are empty we were lucky to get here with the levels we had.” He told them. “How long is it going to be?” Chrysalis asks him. “Mater of moments, we started filling the tanks when we got here in the first place.” He told them. “We’ll good go.” Somepony said out loud removing a hose from the engine underneath the wheels on the right side. Luna and Chrysalis get on the train heading to the city that would be hit next way whatever that ball release into this world. The trains whistle when off and it starting to move with 50 empty passager carts. “I hope that we are not no late this time.” Luna thought to herself looking out of the window. Starlight teleported to a nearby building filled ponies and ran inside. Stop by a guard on the inside stop her and asks her. “Whoa, where the fire?” “There is no time there is a huge wave coming to the city everypony that were outside is all righty on higher ground. The only ones that haven’t got to high ground are the ones that know what’s going on and we need to get these ponies to higher ground before it’s too late!” She shouted to him making everypony nearby hear her. The ponies that heard her when outside and seeing what about to happen to them they ran back inside to tell everypony that is in the building. Making them go into a panic and making their way to higher ground the best way they know how by running, teleporting, and flying. The wave just keeps getting bigger the closer it got. It looks like over 300 ft. tall. With everypony out of the building and on their way to higher ground she when outside to teleport to where Tricky is. When got outside and looks seeing wave as just made landfall hitting every building that it touches. She starting to run and trying to focus on the spell as the spell while running for her life. “Come up teleport.” She thought to herself. Within a flash, she is where Tricky is. “I got you.” She told her getting a hold of her hearing what sounds like a train in the distance. The train is coming as fast it can down the line to Los Pegasus. The train stops making it slide down the tracks in sparks. When it finally came to a stop on a hillside track where there are ponies and other lifeforms that were in the city. Luna looks out the window seeing a wall of water hitting the city making building fall from it and other things were being swept up by the wave. Luna got out helping the ponies get on board. Tricky and Starlight got on board to find a seat. Tricky was not happy about leaving her cart behind with all of her stuff and all the money she made that night. With everyone loaded on the train, it made its way back to Ponyville. > Chapter 22 The Big Race > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens on the city world the nine of us came through it landing the place a few times before. I close the portal just like before holding the key in my hand and thought to myself. “Three down six to go.” Pinky is thinking about what happened to her back on the Water World. I walk over to see if she is alright. She was in near tears from it. I open the door to talk to her before we when back to the shop. “I know you’re under a lot of stress after what happened back there. Me and the others are trying our best get you and your friends to get home.” She stops crying for a moment and grabs my hand told me. “It’s not. It’s this.” Putting my hand on her stomach I felt something that I would never think of. “I wasn’t too sure about until now.” She told me. “I don’t want the girls to know. This will only between us.” She said into my right ear. “You know I can keep a secret.” I told her. “I know I was your computer the other day.” She told me.                 “Hey James, are we going a get a move on.” Rainbow said over the radio. “Go on ahead we be there shortly.” I told her. The others left to the shop leaving me and Pinky there. Me and Pinky got out and walk to the edge of an of a cliff face where there some sits to sit down and just watch the sunset together. “James I would like to come with us back to Equestria when this is over?” Pinky asks me holding me tight one of my arms. “I don’t know. I have been here for years, going to another world of magic.” I told her. “I know this is tuff right now with the Reds, getting the elements and getting us back home. Also, this place is safe for the little guy that is growing inside me.” She told me. “The other thing is that we have no idea how the baby is going to turn out because you still have horse DNA mix with my.” I told her. “We will find a way until then we can’t the other to find out.” She told me putting her arms around removing my hat and glasses for a kiss. We kiss for what felt like hours when we broke away it was dark the street light over the road where they at came on with an orange hue over the cars with the planet in the night sky. “Best to be head on back. It’s getting late. ” I told her. “How about we a race back to the shop?” She asks me. “Not this time.” I told her. She got inside and just takes off without giving a second thought about it.                 I got in my car and gun to follow her and try to slow her down a little. She stops at a red light. I got the radio, “Are you sure you want to this?” I ask her. “I like to see you race again against me. After what you said about back in your racing days.” She told me over the radio. “Alright, it’s going one-mile drag race.” I told her. Both cars rev their engines and Pinky back tires spinning as she revs hers. The light change green and both cars take off as fast they can go. I look down on speedo I’m going 120 mph when both hit the ¼ mile mark. Pinky car is fallback by that point before shifting into a higher gear closing the gap. The ½ mile mark we are both going nearly 200 mph I starting to fall back a little shifting into high gear and pushing it very hard. The ¾ mile mark we are closing 250 mph right neck and neck me or Pinky isn’t lighting up pushing the cars for all their worth. The finish line coming fast and I let off on the gas a little to let her win this one both of us passing the 1-mile mark with Pinky finishing first. We slow down the cars to a stop after that and Pinky was trying to catch her breath after that. She got on the radio. “Did you east off the gas little on that last bit?” She asks me. “No that was all you.” I told her and that was a lie.                 The both of us got back to the shop without any problems. “What a night, thanks for the cheering up there James.” Pinky told me getting out of her car. “Any time Pinky.” I said to her. She when into her room after a wild night that night of racing. “I need to check on something back in the lab.” I thought to myself. Making my way to the lab to check and see if the medicine is done. After putting the code and opening the door. “Hun, the machine still on? I thought it would be done by this point.” I said to myself. Looking at the screen seeing that it’s at 99%. “It’s nearly done just one more percent.” I said out loud. Within a matter of seconds, it reaches 100% and I open the door to the machine and pull out the medicine already been put in the needles. Nearly a hundred of them I grab them and when to my bedroom bathroom and put them away for when I need them. After a day like that, I need some rest like there is no tomorrow and turn in for the night. > Chapter 23 Finding The Element > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning I went to check on Pinky and I find her pass out on the floor. “Pinky?!” I ran to her get her on her feet. “James, Is that you?” She said to me getting a hold of herself. “What happen?” I ask her. “I had a dream last time. I was in the ocean and making waves and one of them heads to a city that looks like Los Pegasus. The wave hit the city and I couldn’t stop it in time. Then I was on top on an of the building in the city I turn around and I see the person I back on the water city that gave me the gem.” She told me. “Did this person say anything to you?” I ask her. “Yes, she did. The person that is growing inside me will be very important someday. Then it disappears right in front of me I woke up water floating in front me then they drop on the floor and when into nothing I got then fell to the floor and you found me.” She told me. “This is a very interesting piece of a puzzle that I don’t fully understand.” I told her. “Whatever kind of puzzle this is. It’s a difficult one.” She told me. “I will have to think about that. For now, it’s going be a busy day for all of us to find the City element.” I told her. “You got that right.” She said. I walk to the kitchen seeing the others are already up and waiting for me and Pinky. “About time, what kelp you?” Rainbow asks me. “I was working late last night.” I told her and the others. Pinky made her way the kitchen look like she had been sleeping on the floor. “Pinky you don’t look like yourself?” Rarity asks her. “James, is there a spa somewhere on this planet?” She asks me. “I’m not sure, I never been to one.” I told her. “Never!” She said out loud. “Clam down a little; we just look up at the maps.” I told her going the kitchen table and something on underneath it. The table comes to life with lights like a computer screen. “Incredible.” She said looking shocked. A keyboard pops up next to me and I starting tipping way on it fast I can go. A window pops up with a map then turn 3-D map on the table. I tip in the search bar. Nearby spas. A few places come up on the map highlighted with a marker. The closest one is in Los Angeles region on the Hollywood strip. “How far is it?” She asks me. I tip in the directions from the shop. “Over 700 miles.” I told her. “Best to get going to help Pinky.” She told me. “Rarity, what about the element?” I ask her. “Your right, maybe after we get it?” She told me. “We shall see.” I told her. “Now with that out of the way, we can start looking for the element.” I said out loud. “Good the sooner we get it the best off we’ll be.” Applejack told me. “We can scan for the element like we did for the Storm and the Water worlds. The only problem is the power grid and other lines can get in the way.” I said out loud. “What about calibrating the scanners to filter out the interference like power grids, phone, and internet lines.” Twilight tells me. “Yes that’s brilliant I never thought of anything like that before.” I said out loud getting hugging her. “I know you could figure it out.” She told me after I put her down. “It going to take a like half an hour to calibrate the scanners into the system to boost the power of the filtering.” Grabbing the spare drone I keep in the shop for parts for the one that in my car. “Twilight, Danny I need the scanners off your drones.” I told them. I when to my car to get the scanner off of my drone. With the three scanners with me I when to the back grab some gear and tech for the job. I got all I need a laptop computer, a wireless server with a 200 MB speed completely, a tablet, Mixer, Cable, Headphones, 3-D Hologram projection, and three scanners. After a half an hour the scanner filter is ready to go. “James, how will this find the element?” Twilight asks me. “That tower not far from here will get me access to the old satellites that covering the planet and the other eight worlds. They used to be are until the Reds got a hold of them to find our bases. The only one that wasn’t found is the one on Forest World.” I told firing up the 3-D hologram showing the planet with the nine moons. I zoom in on the City World and got on the computer typing by like a madman. The server is trying to keep up with me as fast I was going. “I’m in.” I said out loud. “That was fast.” Twilight tells me. “With the access to the towers and old passwords can be very easy to get access to the satellites.” I told her. The hologram is showing thousands of them. “That is a lot of them.” AJ said out loud. “Over five thousand of them.” I told her coming around with the tablet. I hit the tablet on the screen a few times and the hologram changes showing lights on the planet. “I see your point. With all of those light finding the element is not going to be easy.” Rainbow told me. “Duke get on the mixer and a just a little.” I told him. He got there and mixer and did his magic and the single to get a better scan with satellites. The icons for the satellites changes position on the map to make a full scan of the planet. “Right with them in the right place let turn on a few things on my tablet.” I said out loud while touching the screen a little. “Here we go.” I said out loud hitting the scan button on my tablet. “How long it going to take until we get the location of the element?” Twilight asks me. “If my math is right, mater of moments.” I told her looking at the hologram map. Within seconds lights on the map goes out. “James, is that expose to do that?” AJ ask me. “Yes with the satellites scan for anything that matches the power signature that all of the elements have.” I answer her question. The lights continue to go out on the map until there are only four lights left on it. Three of them is on top of each other and the other one 700 miles in the Los Angeles region. I got on the laptop to pinpoint where the light source that is showing on the hologram map. “This can’t be right?” I said out loud. “What?” Twilight ask. “Hang on, let pull it up on the map.” The hologram change to the area the element is being held at. “You see what I see?” I ask them. “It looks like some kind of plant.” Twilight told me. “Yes, it is. Not any kind of plant a power plant build right on top of it feeding off it and sending it out to the rest of the planet and I thought everyone uses the generators from the storm world. Also, this place is the first battle zone like all the others. No doubt the Reds are guarding it.” I told her and the rest them. “How will we get in there without them knowing?” She asks me. “We don’t. We mash our way through and we’ll going to need weapons.” I told her and the others. “Wait, weapons what kind of weapons?” She asks me. “I’ll show you.” I told her. Going to the very back shop “Let me get the lights.” I said out loud. Flipping the switch on the wall showing something underneath a trap covering whatever could be underneath it. “Let me guess it another car of ours from your racing days?” Twilight asked me with the others following her where we are. I remove the trap revealing something that looks more like a tank than a car. “This car more like a tank with all the guns and missiles. This fortress was us for the zones.” I told them. “Danny did you and Duke also had one of these?” Rainbow asks him. “Yes, I did, back in those days. I was driving a truck a Ram truck and Duke was in the car like something that looks like armor truck with a body of an H2 Hummer.” He told her answering her question. “Where are they now?” She asks him. “Truck is gone from getting away from the Reds before capturing me and Duke Hummer, I don’t know.” He told her. I open the driver side door of the armored car. “Twilight come here.” I told her. She came to the passager side door and opens it. The dashboard was not even there at all only a few switches. I flip one of them and something came out from underneath it and pops up in front of the car. Making everyone but Danny and Duke to jump back a little. “What in tarnation is that?” Applejack said out loud. “That my dear is a ramp. Made out of some of the toughest metals I can get my hands on.” I told her getting out of the car. “What kind of metal is it?” she asks me. “Titanium, 100% pure.” I told her answering her question. “There must be plans for this contraption?” Rarity asks me. “There are on my old Gateway computer in my room. Let me go and get it.” I said out loud leaving them with the car. So, Duke how long did you know James?” Rarity asks him. “I lost track. As far I can remember when the M.R. Series started years ago.” He told her. “M.R. what is that mean?” Twilight asks him. “I’m not expose to say the name out loud without triggering the race itself.” He told her and the others which made them look a little lost about it. “I can explain it.” Danny side out loud. “You can do it better then I can.” Duke told him. “You see, anyone says the name can challenge anyone. Yes even the general. It never happens before as I can remember. Anyway before the race can start there is a wager between the two individuals, or teams for the race. The race takes place on ten different tracks anywhere on these nine worlds. This event has been done before for the last event during the series call the mystery event.” He told the rest of them. “How many tracks are on this event?” Rainbow asks him. “Over a thousand of them.” A voice came from behind them. Everyone turns around and sees James walking in the room. “Hey James and one more thing that is a lot of tracks.” Rainbow said out loud. “You have the plans?” Applejack asks me. “Yes I got them here.” Hold a flash drive in my hand. “Just plug it into the machine here.” I said out loud walking to the machine. As I walk to the machine something goes off behind me. Making blood shoot out from my chest falling on the ground in of me the others turn around seeing me there with a shotgun in my hands. “That isn’t me.” I said out loud. “I never suspected it to be this short.” My robotic counterpart tells me and the others. “What is the General planning?” I ask him. “I don’t, all I do know is that he and the other Reds are waiting for you at the stadium.” He told me. “That better be the truth.” I told him holding the shotgun next to his head firing blowing the rest of his robotic brains to the floor next to him. “Sorry about that.” I said getting up the others look shock about what just happen in front of them. “You just killed a man.” Fluttershy said out loud. “It was necessary.” I told her. “Why was that necessary?” She asks me. “For one to keep this place hidden from them and two there is no mark on the side of his from the storm element.” I said showing the side of his neck has no marks of any kind on it. “He wasn’t alone there was other trying to kidnap me.” I said out loud. “Really who would kidnap you?” Rainbow asks me with a smile on her face. “Who do you think? Anyway their bodies are in the hallway with their necks cut.” I said out loud. “How did you stop them?” Asks Spike I flick my hand a blade came out still red from the blood from what just happen to him. “James, where did you get that from?” Rarity asks me. “I got from it an old friend back on earth.” I told flicking my hand to retrace the blade grabbing the flash drive from the floor. “Damn, that was favorite clot lucky for me I have spares.” I thought to myself looking at my robotic counterpart. “Best to get back, to what I was trying to do before I was being kidnaped.” I said out loud getting up. “Yes, best do.” Twilight said out loud as I got back up. Walking over to the machine to get plans for the ramps and other weapons that we need for the fight ahead of us. Plugging it into the machine and putting the activation code for the machine within moments the machine was up and running making the weapons, ramps, and other mods for the cars. Weil that is going on I when to get the bodies and put them in a furnace big enough for bodies and other things like garbage with Duke and Danny help with them. They were taking care of they can’t track us which got me thinking about how did these three know where to find me. Back inside the machine as the ramps ready to go and working on the smoke machine and EMP’s. I the ramps together on a louder overhead the machine and transport it to the cars to insulation. The first car is mine. I got inside and the car to the lifter and get it ready for the reinsulating of the ramp. “I never suspected us use this again.” I said to myself. Putting in the new mounting units and wires into some holes I used before. The role bars for the ramp so it can go underneath the car in ready to go pull into the active position to make it easier for the ramp to be install. “Nearly done here.” I said out loud. The ramp is lower to roll bars and I finish the last parts of the installation are complete and I need to test it out lower the car getting inside flipping the switch that I wire to the ramp. The ramp collapses down and pulls underneath the car in a blink of an eye. I flip it again and the ramp came back up to the ready position. “Now for the rest of the cars,” I thought to myself moving the car from the lift. Meanwhile, Rarity and Pinky were in Rarity room trying to freshener her up a little and to see what is bothering her. “So Pinky may I ask what been going on lately with you?” She asks her friend. “Why do ask?” Questioning her friend with a raised eyebrow. “Well, you haven’t been acting like yourself in the past few days.” Rarity told her. “What do mean?” Pinky questioning her looking lost. “First is the non-alcoholic cider back at the club the other day. Second the time you spent with James last night. Three is the story from what Fluttershy told me. She and I know you are pregnant and we take a valve of silence until you are ready to tell the others about it.” She told her. “Fluttershy told you!” Pinky said out loud just not at the top of her lungs like before. “She was just guessing. I did think it was true. How did it happen?” Rarity asks her friend. “Well it was after the party we threw for James and I got way into and one thing leads to another and I had sex with him,” Pinky told her story making Rarity look shocked about it. “Did he came on to you?” She asks her with a worried look on her face. “No, I came on to him. It just felt right at the time like something was leading me to him or something.” She told Rarity with a straight face getting up look out the window to the daylighted sky with the planet and some of the other moons can easy seen looking like was about to hit each other any moment. At the point, there was a knot on the door. “Come in.” Rarity said out loud. The door open and Fluttershy came through and close it behind her. “Hi girls.” She said out loud. Pinky turns around and looks Fluttershy straight with envy in her eyes. “Pinky I know you’re mad about it, me and Rarity are the only ones who know about.” Fluttershy told her trying to calm her down before she hurt herself or the baby. “Are you sure only you two know?” Pinky asks her friend with a questionable look on her face. “I’m sure.” Fluttershy told her with a smile. “Now come on daring. Let’s get you fix up a little.” Rarity told Pinky, this made her drop her guard and sit back down on the bed next to her. Well with Rarity and Fluttershy fixing up Pinky, Rainbow and Applejack doing only god know what, Twilight and Spike are doing more research on the peace of Omega and the other elements, Danny was listening in on the where about the Reds, Duke was on the scanners to get more information on the place that houses the City element. As for me, I was busy getting the modifications on the rest of the cars. This toke for hours for the ramps along, by the time I got done with the ramps it was late at night and I was tried and there is a lot of work to do with the other mods. I when to the machine to see what was coming out of it. “I’m going to bet by the time I get this done.” I thought to myself. The machine pops out the last of the EMP’s and the smoke machine is all ready to be install. By the time I was done with dose the sun was breaking over the horizon. I was dead at that point and the others were just getting up to that point. Twilight sees me still working on the cars then asks me something. “James, your still up?” she asks me. “Yes, I have been working all night.” I told her rubbing my face from being so tried. I got up when to the kitchen and fix me some very strong coffee for the fight ahead. The others include Pinky Pie knows how tired I am. “James you’re not alright. You have done so much for us these past few days and you need some rest.” Twilight tells me as I finish my coffee and fixing another cup of the stuff that looks like tar with the cream and super that’s in the cup. I take a deep breath for a minute and told her and the others. “I’ll be alright.” I said out loud. “Are you sure sugar cube? I remember when I was so busy from bucking apples back home during harvest season that one year.” Applejack told me. “I remember that. You were so tired when helping me back at the bakery that same week during that harvest.” Pinky said out loud holding her stomach from the memory. “She wasn’t the only one helping that week.” Rainbow said out loud. “Really who?” I ask her. “Well, there was the town from the stampede of cows, me with a stunt, and Fluttershy with some rabbits.” She told me. “I’ll get a few hours of rest to get my strength back from working all night.” I said out loud. “Try to get some rest, James.” Twilight told me as I was leaving the kitchen in the hallway leading to the bedrooms. Twilight and the others when to the garage to see what James did to the cars during the late night. Twilight when to her car and found something new on her dashboard. She hit the switch on the dashboard making something that shocks her a little the quack shack. She got out and see what just happen, she sees a still ramp on the front of her car making her calm down a little. “James sure does know how to make this stuff work without any problem.” She said to herself. Applejack got in her truck and found the switch for the ramp and turns it on making a quick noise when it came out. She got out and looks at the ramp and it big as the front end of her truck. Hitting the switch again making the ramp go back underneath the truck and found another switch and flip it making smoke coming from the back the truck making her couch from the smoke. Rainbow turns on the fan to get that smoke to the outside. “Where did that come from?” Flipping the switch turning off the machine that is making the smoke that was filling the whole shop. She when to the back of her truck seeing the smoke was coming from the tailpipe of the truck. Within a few minutes, the smoke that filled the shop has clear to the outside world of the city. Spike is on his bike seeing something on the handlebars, he hit the button and something is going on with his bike then a shock of electricity came from the bike making the light in the shop go crazy for a few seconds. He looks around of his bike and seeing a machine next to the engine with the letters EMP on the device. “What does that mean?” He thought to himself. Rarity got inside her car looking a set of buttons that she never before. So hit one of them and see what it would do. Nothing happens so she gets out to take a look at her car seeing that everyone else is going very slow to hear the fan is going so slow that didn’t even look like it was moving. “Twilight?” she walks over to her looking at her ramp, she waves her hand in front of her face. Within a matter of seconds, that felt like moments to her. She jumps back a little with the turn of Twilight head turn to face. “Rarity what are doing?” She asks her looking at her both shock and confuses at the same time. “I don’t know one moment I hit a button on my car and the next thing I know that time as somehow slow down to a crawl.” She told her. Fluttershy also sees a list of buttons and hit one of them. Making the hood of her car open up making something that looks like a canon pop out into position. She hit the button again making the canon go away back underneath the hood of the car. Hitting another button making the car jump nearly hitting the ceiling with happens just happen right in front of her friends. Four polls pop out underneath the car. This made Twilight wonder having these mods is such a good idea. Rainbow got on her bike to see what James has done to it. There were no new buttons but there was a button see never seen until now on the left handlebar. She presses the button to see what it does, a beam of light comes out in front of the bike search for something to grab. “Cool! I didn’t know my bike can do that! She said out loud with an excited look on her face. The beam of light found a wrench nearby quickie pull it back to the bike with a loud thud. She picks up the wrench from the front of the bike with a confused look on her face. “That is wire?” She said out loud. Duke do remember the old layout on his car back when he was a Silencer and driving with his team of every own back in the day. “Lucky for James he knows how I like my layout.” He thought to himself. Flipping the switch for the ramp; making the ramp pop out without any problems. “Not bad.” He said to himself. “I don’t need test the rest of them. Because I know they do. But the other might need my help on this. Scene James is getting some sleep.” He said to himself getting out of the car closing the door behind him. Pinky wants did to hit every button and flip all the switches. But something inside her head telling her not to do that right now. There is one button works and what its do and that is her teleporter. All she did flip a switch for what she thinks is for the ramp. Within a quick jolt of the car, ramp came up in front of the car. “Good I know what that switch does.” She said to herself. Duke, can you me on this?” She asks him after he got out to head somewhere else. “Sure, what is it?” He told her going to her car on the driver side. “It’s these new buttons and switches that James put in.” She tells looks lost. “Let me guess you need to find out what they do?” He questions her looking at the console of switches and buttons on the dashboard. “Let me see what we got here.” He said to himself seeing one of the switches turned on and thought to himself. “That must be for the ramp.” Flipping the switch off, making the ramp go back underneath the Viper. “Now for the others.” He said out loud. Hitting the first button below the switches making everything slow down to a crawl. “OK, there is the speed breaker.” Hitting it again turning it off, then going for the switch next to the switch for the ramp. Flipping the switch making smoke coming out of the tailpipe from the back. Thank God for the fans still on to take away the smoke from the smoke machine. The next button to test is the bottom right hitting the button making the lights go crazy again for the second time today. “OK, there the EMP system.” He said out loud. There is a big red button at the very bottom. “That is for the turbo and I’m not hit that.” He told himself. “The other buttons and switches are not wired to anything yet.” He thought to himself. “Ok, Pinky I have some of them. The ones you need for right now.” He told her. After some explaining to her and the others, they know what to do with the console. A few hours later, I woke up after working an all-nighter on the cars. I when into the kitchen to fix a fresh pot of coffee. After I have the coffee machine going I when to the garage to check on the others and their cars. I see them trying to find out what the modifications I put on last night do. I rub my eyes a little from the few hours of sleep. “Danny, what’s going on here?” I ask him. “They are checking modifications you installed last night.” He told me. “I wasn’t done them. I put on what we need for the fight at the stadium with the Reds. But I finish that later on.” I tell him. After a pot of coffee later and a shower, I met the others in the garage. “Alright after some rest and you get a hold of the console modifications I work all night on.” I told them. “Thanks to Duke help us with the layout.” Twilight told me with Duke fisting the air a little. “It’s best for us to get going now; it’s going to be a long drive.” I told them. Grabbing the City key from the briefcase with the other keys, to get through the door. The garage door opens we made our way to the open road to Los Angeles region of the planet. The drive to LA was long and going areas of the planet that used to tracks back in the day of the M.R. Series, a junkyard, a still mile, a factory, and a power grid. After over 700 miles and 12-hour drive, we made it Los Angeles. “Looks like Los Pegasus back home.” Rainbow told me over the radio. The city is just as big New York just doesn’t have many tall buildings as New York, a big Hollywood sign on a hillside overseeing the city. “The element can’t be too far now.” Applejack said out loud over the radio. We made our way to the outskirts of the city limits to a hill overseeing the stadium and the second battle zone from the M.R. series. The place is crawling with Reds vehicles and personnel. “This is not going to easy.” I told myself. With the sun going down over the horizon I out to get a better look with my binoculars. “What do you see?” Twilight asks me on my headset. “Let me see.” I said on the headset looking through the binoculars. There were at least 50 cars, 30 trucks, 10 rigs, and 3 sweepers. Then I see the General car rolling to the stadium. “Damn.” I said in a soft whisper. Seeing the front gate opens up to let him and he rolls in closing the gate behind him. Overhead 2 helicopter gunships flying in and landing next to the stadium. “They must know we are coming?” I said over the headset. “What are talking about?” Applejack asks me. “With all of this security to stop us from getting this element is not impossible just difficult.” I told them. “What are we going to do?” Twilight said going into a panic. “Clam down Twilight.” Spike told her. “Yes use those breathing techniques you learn from Princess Cadence.” Pinky told her. “Alright.” Twilight said out loud taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down from having a panic attack. “I’m coming back.” I said on the headset walking back to the cars. I got in my car and thought about our next move. “James?” Fluttershy asks me. “What?” I said to her rubbing my head. “Do you think a way inside without making too much noise?” She asks me. “I don’t know. I need time to think.” I told her. After a few minutes of thinking I came up with a plan. “I got it.” I said over the radio. “Really what is it?” Rainbow asks me. “Sabotage.” I told them. “Sabotage like how?” Twilight asks me. “I have some C4 in the trunk if me and someone else plant them on the choppers and a few cars, trucks, and the rigs. We can catch them with their pants down.” I told them. “I’ll go.” Duke told me. “Thanks, old friend.” I told him. “Don’t mention it. You and me know we are the only ones here that can handle this kind of explosions.” He told me grabbing a few of them. “I don’t want radio silence while we are down there.” I told the others before heading down the hill to the Reds camp below. When we reach the bottom of the hill I nodded to him and when our separate ways to plant the explosions. I made my way to a nearby rig and planted the first C4 underneath the tanker. With that planted I quickly move a group of cars and plant the next one. I keep planting explosions throughout the base. I got to the helipad where the gunships are and plant the explosions. I see Duke at the gate and plant more C4. We both made our way back to the others on the hill. I got the binoculars take one last look and see the front gate opening seeing the General leaving the stadium heading somewhere else. “He was no idea what about to happen.” I thought to myself. When we both made to the top of the hill where the others waiting on us to make our next move. “Are we ready to go?” Twilight asks me. “Yes, we are. All I have to do is hit this button right here in my hand.” I told her. “Let’s do this thing!” Rainbow said out loud. Me and Duke got back in our cars and I hit the button on the device triggering the explosions sending the whole base up in flames giving us a good chance to enter the stadium during the chaos leaving them no survivors. Once inside we found the door with the City World symbol on it. I got out with the key my hand looking at the door bracing myself for the guardian. Taking a deep breath and putting the key in the keyhole signaling the guardian. This is not a beast, but a person on a platform overlooking the stadium. “Well, Well, Well who call me?” The Guardian asks us. “We have!” Applejack said to the top of lungs so who this person is. He looks over to me with the key in my hand lowering the platform to our level walk towards us. “James, it been too long?” He told me giving me a hug. This made me confuse and I asks him. “I’m sorry, who are you?” Backing away from me; “You don’t remember me do you?” The body changes into an old man with a graying beard and with gray hair wearing a pair of blue slacks and brown cowboy boots with a red plaid button-up shirt. After he done I remove my sunglasses to see with own eyes what just happen right in front of me. “Who is he and does he know you?” Twilight asks me. “That because he’s my father.” I said out loud. “You’re what?” Applejack asks me. “He didn’t studier.” The old man told her. “I am his father.” He told the others. “That is impossible because you died back on Earth back in 2015?” I ask him. “I did die. I somehow came back to life and I was made a guardian here.” He told me. “That doesn’t explain it.” I told him looking angry at the old man. “Show me your neck.” I told him. He quickly shows me his neck and there is the symbol for the City Element on the side of his neck. “I still have doubts, but I believe you for now.” I told him. “Son I know that was you giving the Reds some trouble lately.” He told me. “I have been getting the elements to get them home to their world.” I told the old man. “So that why our here not to see your old man.” He told me. “I didn’t know you were even alive after all these years.” I told him. “I didn’t want to you to know that I was alive until you were ready.” He told me flicking his hand around making the door open. “What are you doing?” I ask him. “Son,” putting his hand on my shoulder “it time for this old man to move on.” He told me putting a lot of weight on my heart making me turn my hand away from him going back to my car. “You must have a sick way of telling your son you’re leaving again?!” Applejack shouted at the old man being pissed off about what happened in of James and the rest of them. “He knows that I shouldn’t alive.” He told her before walking back to the platform. Applejack runs up to the old man and punches him square on the nose; making him falls to the ground. “Applejack!” I said to the top of my lungs, running up to her and trying to hold her back from the old man even more. “Let me go James or I hit you in the face?!” AJ told still pissed from hitting the old man. Before I knew it I got to hit the face with one of the Applejacks punches giving me a black eye. The others came running to help hold Applejack after I got hit. “Applejack calms down I know your pissed right but you need to calm down a little.” Rainbow told her helping me, and Spike to hold her back. Twilight and the rest help the old man get back on his feet. “You sure do know how to make friends?” He told me with a sarcastic voice getting something from his pocket to stop the bleeding. “Really after all these years that all you have to say,” I told him letting go of AJ. “Son?” He said out loud. “No, you are not the dad I remember back on Earth. You have change coming back from the grave.” I told him; this calm Applejack to look surprised at what I just told the old man. “James?” AJ asks after being let go after what I just said to the old man. This didn’t stop me I keep on walking to the cars. AJ comes around to face me and tells me. “Listen, you may never get another chance to make immense with your father again. I wish I could do that.” “The man I knew as my father died back on Earth.” I told her getting my car and taking off. “Get the element; I know where he is going?” Duke told the others before getting into his car taking off after me. Twilight and the others when into the room where the element is, the room was made out of pure metal and symbols on the walls of the room. In the center is the element glowing orange pulse anting like a heartbeat. It was like the others before but something is off with each beat. “So who’s going to have this one?” Rainbows everyone, the other look around until Applejack said. “I’ll do it; to make immense between a father and a son.” Stepping closer to the element the pulse became faster and faster until she right next to it. She put her right hand on the element making it glow as bright as the sun. “AAAAAAAAAA!” Applejack screaming at the top of her lungs because of the plan she is feeling. The element change into a chip like the others, she pulls her hand out making the power go out for the whole planet. With a matter of minutes, the power came back on. AJ is holding a chip with the symbol of the city world on it glowing orange. When she got back to us she has the same symbol on the side of her neck like the other bearers of the elements. She and the others see the old man in the doorway holding his chest before falling over on the ground. AJ runs towards him trying to help him he just hands her a letter and tells her “Give this to my son.” Before shutting his eyes for one last time. Meanwhile, I’m driving down the interstate heading to the city. Then the lights when off for a few minutes then it back on. “Someone just has the element.” I thought to myself making my way through downtown LA. A police car was waiting in a hole at the side of the interstate driving Chevy Corvette ZR1 in black and while all over it with the letters MRPD on the sides. He sees a blue blur and turns on his light and hit the gas to go after whoever just drove past him. When he catches up with the car and he didn’t recognize at first until he got to the side of it. “James Cribb, I’m going to be the first cop to catch the notorious racer that causes problems for other cops in the past.” He said to himself. I look in my rearview mirror seeing the flashing red and blue lights and just keep going trying to lose this guy. First I hit the button for my EMP making it slow down little getting back in the chase. Next, is the smoke machine hitting the button for it, making come out of the tailpipe making the cop very hard seeing where he is going heading him into a steel guardrail taking him out of the chase. I see ahead a roadblock in front of me. I quickly flip the switch for the ramp I install the other day, it came out in a blink of an eye and floor it making the engine roar towards the roadblock. The roadblock didn’t even stand a chance against the ramp, cars flipping turn around from the impact. Then one of them blows up from the spark and a linking fuel line. I flip the switch again retracting the ramp within a blink of an eye. “I think I lost them.” I said out loud flooring it again. By the time got where I’m heading the sun just broke over the horizon line. That place is a pier on the edge of a beach over what looks like the ocean but it wasn’t. I park near the end of the pier and got out seeing the news on the TV on a nearby open bar. “Good morning. This is Los Angles this morning we are getting confirm reports that James Cribb is somewhere in the city. If you see know anything about where are his where about contact the MRPD at once.” The reporter said out loud. “In other reports, there was an unknown power surge when threw the planet late last night.” He continues to give out the news. The barkeep asks me, “What will you have?” “Scotch on the rocks and make it a double.” I told him. “Well, I’m going to need to see some coin first.” He told me. “Alright.” I said out loud pulling a few coins with the same martens as everything else. “Didn’t you hear that explosion last night.” Someone said out loud. “Yes, I did. The news said that it’s a gas main going off.” The other gut told his friend I think that his friend. “I don’t think there’s a gas mine over to that old and abandoned stadium use for the second battle zone back in the M.R. Series?” He asks him. “So what you’re story?” The barkeep asks me. “If I told you, It would most likely bore you out of your mind.” I told him. I see a car pulling up and see someone comes to the door. I see the front door open and I see Duke there walking to me. “I knew I would find you here.” He told me. “Where are the girls and Spike?” I ask him. “I think they are back the stadium.” He told me, this made me get on my headset to get in contact with them. “Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinky, Fluttershy can anyone hear me?” I said out loud into the headset. “James, what going on, it’s like you are having a panic attack like Twilight?” Rainbow asks me over the radio. “Where are you and the others at right now?” I ask her. “We are on the interstate head in downtown heading for that Spa you show Rarity on that map of yours.” She tells me. “Just be careful.” I told her. “Don’t worry James. We got this.” She tells me getting off the radio heading into the city of Los Angles. > Chapter 24 Chaos In The Streets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the streets of Manehattan, a white unicorn with purple sunglasses walks to a building. “Mann, what a night.” She thought to herself going inside. The lobby is something from a magazine; “Hah Miss Scratch. I have a message for you from Miss Melody.” The manager told her as she going through the lobby. “Really, what she said?” She asks him. “She said that she had to get to practice early this morning and I see you later on this even.” He told her. “Thanks telling me.” She told him heading to the elevators. She uses her magic to put her headphone on from being around her neck. Electronic music coming from them this made her nod her head a little. By the time she reaches them there was a crowd of ponies the wait for them. “Who are they waiting for?” She thought to herself. The elevators doors open up seeing a director for the Daring Do movies. The crowd follows him from behind clearing the hallway to get easier access to the elevators. She hits the button with her hove calling them up, in a few minutes and a ping later. Soon she will be at her front door to her, her roommate and girlfriend apartment. After a quick elevator ride later to the 15th floor, the doors open she when to the end of the hallway to the front door. Getting the spare key with her magic they keep behind a flower pot next to the door just in case one of them loses there or lock themselves out. She opens the door putting the key behind the plant and when inside closing the door behind her. “It feels good to be home at last.” She said to herself taking off headphones and her glasses revealing her red eyes in the mirror next to the front door. The apartment is nice for a couple of the musicians in this city. It was bigger than there place back in Ponyville. “Man I’m starving.” Vinyl said to herself, going to the kitchen opening the fridge seeing nearly empty just enough to make a sandwich. “I look like someone has to go down to later on.” She said out loud pulling the ingredients to make a dandelion sandwich. “This is going to be the best sandwich I had in a long while.” She told herself after using her magic to make it. She walks into the living room using her magic to hover the sandwich in front of her. “I wonder what going on out there in the world?” She putting he sandwich down on the table and getting the remote turning on the TV to the equestrian news. A blue stallion with a brown mane with a gray color mare with black color mane is next to him. “Good morning, this is ENN May 5, 1003. There is no confirm report about what happen a month ago in Canterlot, and we have somepony that can explain about what happen that night.” The stallion said out loud to the camera in front of him. “Later on we see the results of the location of the next Equestrian Games.” The grey mare said out loud. “That’s interesting. I think I remember Octey saying something about that a month ago.” Vinyl thought to herself. The TV when on with some of the boring stuff that she just toon out until later on while she ate her sandwich and when back to the kitchen to get herself a drink of soda or something. Meanwhile at the ENN news station, an older white clot stallion with a graying mane and tail with his wife with a brown clot and white mane and tail. “I know you are nervous about this. You and I know you are doing the right thing.” The brown mare told her husband to calming his nerves. “I know I’m right about letting the ponies know and this high treason for leaking this information after the Princess told us to keep this top secret to the highest security.” He told her. Back at Vinyl’s and Octavia apartment, Vinyl just got to the living room with her drink seeing the news is going on with the boring stuff. “Next is the Special Report with are guest Dr. Galaxy Overwatch and Dr. Penelope Overwatch.” The blue stallion said out loud. “Finally the stuff that I’m interesting in.” She said out loud as the screen when into commercial break. Back at the studio, a young unicorn mare with a yellow clot and dark green mane and tail wearing a set of headphones, came to get the two doctors. “Dr. Overwatch we’ll ready for you.” She told them both be better when this is over and done with. They follow the young mare to where to the news floor where the hosts are. “First we need to get small mics on you so the ponies back home can hear you both.” The young mare tells them with another mare helping them with their microphones. “Welcome back, here we have Dr. Galaxy Overwatch and his wife Dr. Penelope Overwatch to what has happen in Canterlot a month ago, Doctor.” The stallion said to the camera. “Thank you for having me, this is about a cover up of something that came from another world.” Dr. Galaxy told them both and to the ponies that could be watching this. “Wait a cover up, for what exactly?” The stallion asks him. “A month ago something came from the havens above and landed in the court yard of the Princess Celestia and Luna castle, making a crater in the ground something red hot was in the crater too hot for anypony to touch or use their magic on it.” The doctor told them both and into the camera. “What this thing look like that landed in the crater look like?” The mare asks him. “I have a picture here and it should be on screen right now.” The TV screens to that are showing the broadcast. “This thing this big as a softball made out of metal that can stand extreme heat and land without causing damage to itself.” Dr. Galaxy Overwatch said out loud. “What are these symbols that are on it?” The stallion asks him. “I’m about to get to that. We and some other scientist were trying to decode the symbols and trying to get to have some kind of reaction to this code name at the time Golden Ball.” The good doctor tells them both. “Where is it now and why it takes to this long to show this cover up to the public eye?” The mare asks them both. “The ball has been sent to unknown location and during our work was giving a gage order to keep us from going the public and the press with this. There are others not just us and the scientist giving the gage order, the ponies that were there that night was giving the order as well and the press was giving a story about a pipe bomb going off by some enemy faction from across the globe.” The doctor told them both and the ponies of the world. “Thank you for your time doctor we have to cut to Ponyville for a breaking news story. “Thank you, I’m here in front of the Princess Twilight Sparkle home seeing that Princess Celestia and some other ponies of Ponyville when inside about the disappearance of Twilight and here close friends Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinky Pie, and Spike the local dragon, nearly a week ago.” The reporter said into the camera. Just then one of the windows glows bright then when away just as fast, The front doors of the castle burst open seeing the guards and the reporter, camera guy when into the ground. The camera shows something shooting off into the ski above Ponyville. Vinyl sees what just happen on screen and she can’t believe what she is watching. “Vinyl I’m home.” Said Octavia opening the door seeing what’s on TV. “Octy your home early?” She told her friend. “Yes practice was cut short day, because the condor was feeling well to get anything done.” Octavia told her friend looking at the screen at what is happen in Ponyville. “Vinyl what’s going on?” she ask her. “Yell it started out with a special report about what happen in Canterlot a month ago; Now something strange just happen back home.” The screen showing what just happening there something glowing bright as the sun then shooting some kind symbol in the ski with a purple glow to it, from where the camera man is pointing his camera at the ski. Dark clouds starting to form from the glowing thing that is in the ski. “Reporter can you hear me?” The stallion asks him over the broadcast. “Yes I’m still here. Just a little shaken up that all.” He said into the microphone he had with him, looking into the darkling ski. He sees the ponies that when inside running outside seeing the ski like he does. Before he could ask Celestia, Luna came too her see what going on and takes off to the ski. “Back to you in the studio.” The reporter said to the camera telling the host. Vinyl and Octavia was still in shock about what just happen back at home. “I never thought my day would go this way.” Octavia said out loud. Nether have I.” Vinyl told her, turning around to give her a hug and giving thoughts to the ponies back home. Then they heard a knock at the door. “I get it.” Vinyl said getting up from the couch putting on her glasses from the table next to the door and opens the door seeing Lyra and Bon Bon there. “Hey I never suspected you until next week?” Vinyl asks them. “Bon Bon started her vacation a week earlier then we both thought from work. So we came here on the next train from Ponyville.” Lyra tells her letting them in. “It’s a good thing too. Because of what happen there right now with something from space.” Vinyl tells them as they made their way to the living room seeing Octavia with a worry look on her face. Then both of them see what going on back home on the TV screen. The camera guy and the reporter still getting footage after they switch back to the studio. The darkling ski starting to release lighting strikes that on the town very few seconds. The camera guy gets footage of the now lighting up ski from what just happen in front of them both. “We’ll getting back to the reporter cover the story, Reporter.” The stallion said to the camera. “THANK YOU PONYVILLE IS IN CHAOS RIGHT NOW WITH WHAT GOING ON HERE!” He shouted to the top of his lungs, showing the footage of the lighting strikes hitting the city. “WAIT I SEE PEGAUSES TRYING TO CLEAR THE SKI FROM WHAT GOING ON!” He said out loud while the camera guy gets footage of the Pegasus from cloudsdale. Within a matter moments Pegasus start falling from the ski until the two ponies left in the air. Clouds starting turning above the city making the reporter and the camera guy scared out of their minds. “My sweet Celestia.” The reporter said out loud while the camera guy gets footage of what’s going on in the ski. Back at the studio and the Vinyl and Octavia apartment on the other places across Equestria showing the broadcast stand stock and all about what going on there. The clouds being to touch down on Ponyville turning them into twitters that nopony as ever seen before, within the matter of moments a series of twitters touch down causing damage to once great town of Ponyville. The camera guy is getting the footage of a life time, lighting still lighting strikes still when throughout the all ordeal. The ponies that still in the ski gets closer to the thing that causes all of this from the start. The camera guy still gets footage of them trying to stop this. Then both of them start to fall to the ground hard with a sound of a loud thud. The camera guy run towards the ponies that just fell with the reporter flowing close behind, when they go there shock both them making the camera guy to drop his camera to the ground. It was Princess Celestia and Luna on the ground and both of them are hurt badly. On the TV screen sees what just happen to the princesses making the hosts and everypony drop what they were hold to the ground as well. A twister is coming towards them both of them thought quickly on their hooves getting the both princesses to safely leaving the camera where he dropped it. The camera get swap up by the twister, showing the chaos that going on inside before the twister disappearing dropping it hard against the ground below destroying it to pieces, making the TV screens go black for a few seconds before being switch back to the studio. “We will get back to them as fast we can.” The stallion said to the camera telling the ponies who is watching the broadcast. The four mares pick up their mouths that just fell to the ground from what they watch. “Did you see what I just seen?” Lyra asks them. “I did and still don’t believe it.” Octavia said out loud. “It’s got to be that thing they were taking about earlier.” Vinyl told them. “What are you talking about Vinyl?” Octavia asks her. “A major cover up has come to the public eye before what just happen in Ponyville.” Vinyl told her, Lyra, and Bon Bon. “You mean the gage order that was everypony at the party last month.” Octavia said out loud. “You mean you knew something about this and didn’t tell us about it, we were dying to find out what happen and nopony would tell us anything.” Lyra said out loud to the Vinyl and Octavia. “Because of that gage order given to every guess that was there that night. I can’t even tell anypony about it.” She told her the reason for it. “She told me.” Vinyl said out loud. “WHAT?!” Lyra shouted. “She told me after I annoyed her about it.” Vinyl told Lyra and Bon Bon. “Yes I told her only if she didn’t tell anypony else about it. I guessing that cat out of the bag on this one after release to the public moment before just happen back home.” Octavia said out loud. A few hours later, the camera guy and the reporter got both Princesses to the local hospital for their recovery. The two when out to find their cart with their spear cameras and other gear to do the broadcast. Lucky for them the twister didn’t get close to their cart or to Twilight castle in the matter of fact. The ski still darkens with clouds and a few lighting strikes it the ground outside of the city. The camera guy opens the back doors to the cart and grabbing a spare camera that they very team as out in the field during an assignment. “Alright this shouldn’t take long.” The camera guy said out loud getting the camera ready for the broadcast for the lunchtime report later on that day. “We need to get back to the hospital for the report.” The Reporter tells him getting saddle up to get moving. “Come in Reporter. Come in.” Somepony said from the studio back at Manehattan. “Receiving you.” The reporter said into the headphones, “Good to hear from you again. The broadcast will be going on longer than normal because of what happen on your end earlier. Where are you heading now?” The pony asks them. “We’ll heading to the hospital to cover the recovery of the injured and see if we get in touch with the princesses.” The reporter told the pony that could be their boss. “Good cover the story and we bee with you shortly.” The pony told them. Back at the apartment Vinyl when to her room to get some sleep after working down at the club last night. “I’ll see you three later.” She said to the others leaving the living room walking down the hall. “Good night Vinyl.” Octavia tells her. “I still can’t believe what’s happening out there.” Lyra said out loud. “I know it’s like the end of the world or something.” Bon Bon said following after what Lyra said, getting up walking to the window looking out into the city bellow them. “RING, RING” The phone when off making Octavia gets up from the couch to answer it. “RING, RING” The phone rang again. She picks up the phone and answers it. “Hello.” She said into the headset. “Is this Miss. Melody?” The pony asks her on the other end. “Yes, this is Miss. Melody.” She said on her end. “This is the assistant to the conductor relaying a message that practice is cancelled until further notice. For all members of the orchestra about what is happen.” The pony told her. “I’m guessing that illness got worst and told you to tell everypony before tomorrow morning when everypony shows up.” She said tell the assistant on the phone. “Yes that it. How did you know?” Whoever the assistant asks her. “I noticed it earlier today during practice.” She told her. “Well I have to get off here. I still other ponies to tell the news.” The assistant told her. “Thank you for letting me know.” Octavia told her before hang up the phone. “So I guessing, you’re free for the next few days?” Lyra asks her with a smile on her face. “I guess so.” Octy told her friend heading back to the kitchen getting some cider for her and her friends. “Is it a little early for that?” Bon Bon asks her. “Don’t worry it non-alcoholic.” She told them putting the drinks on the coffee table. “Non-alcoholic cider never heard of it.” Bon Bon said out loud. “It’s new from the store down the street.” She tells her given her a drink. Bon Bon takes a gulp of it. “It taste like regular cider and I don’t get drunk from it. That a positive in my book.” She said out loud before taking gulp of it. The news on the TV screen still when on with a recap about what happen during the last hour with the interview about the cover up and what happen in Ponyville. While the mares try and relax about what just happen. Back in Ponyville the news reporter and camera guy just showed up at the hospital seeing Pegasus being reel in from where they crash landed and other ponies at are injured from the destruction of the storm. “We’ll good to go?’ The Reporter asks the Camera Guy. “Yes, whenever you’re ready.” He told him well he getting unhitches from the cart and getting his microphone headset ready to go. “Boss come in.” he said into the headset. “Receiving you.” The director running the whole show said his headset. “We’ll good to go and ready for broadcast.” He told him. “Good to hear.” The boss said with relief in is voice. “Let the host know we ready to go back to Ponyville.” The director told one of pony at the controls and telling what going on during the broadcast. “I just got word that the reporting team at Ponyville is at the hospital there covering the after math.” The stallion said out loud to the camera. Cutting to the reporter in Ponyville; “Thank you, this is the most darkest moment in this town and in Equestria.” The said out loud. “How many are injured there?” The stallion asks him. “I don’t know for sure? Ponies from cloudsdale and in town came pouring in the hospital to it limits trying to take care of them.” He said into the camera, cutting to the footage of the damage of the town. Building and houses damage and other left in ruins. The town hall gone from being eaten up by a twister, cutting to footage moments ago ponies being carried to the hospital, some by cart and other by other ponies on their back. A few hours later back in Manehattan. Ponies’ minding their owned business on the busy street below, back at the apartment Vinyl was just getting up from having a few hours of sleep. “I’m going to need some coffee before I hit the club for a set tonight.” She said to herself walking to her bedroom door. Rays of lights from the hallway made her to remove her sunglasses to see where she is going. Using some magic to change her eye color to a mix of blue and purple so her friend wantn’t find out about her true colors. She looks out the window seeing clouds rolling in and she thought to herself; “It must be the Pegasus from cloudsdale with a rainstorm or something.” She walks into the living room seeing the TV still on her friends has fell asleep from the empty bottles of cider o the table. She lifted one of the empty bottles with her magic seeing the label on said non-alcoholic. Grabbing the near empty ones and takes a shout. “It tastes like cider and its non-alcoholic. “Something is off.” She said to herself and asking herself. “Then why have they falling asleep from it.” Seeing the label was loose from the glass bottle getting at the label with her magic and pulled it off seeing the lie of the package told her the first place. “I knew it. Nopony can make a non-alcoholic cider and not like the real thing.” She said out loud going to the kitchen to fix herself a cup of coffee. “Mmm, what happen?” Octavia asks herself getting up from the couch. “Evening sleepyhead.” Vinyl said out loud giving a cup of a coffee with her magic; “Evening?” She asks her then sees that news clock is showing 12:14pm. “Your got drunk this morning.” She told her. “From what?” Octy asks her. “The cider and it isn’t non-alcoholic.” She told her. “What the label says non-alcoholic.” Octy told her. Vinyl got the glass bottle showing the right label on it to her and the fake one. Octavia couldn’t believe it to be fake and grabs one of the empty ones on the coffee table with her hove and pill off the label seeing that it is fake showing the real label underneath the fake one and is stock about getting drunk early in the morning. On the TV screen showing the Hay Day News broadcast, both of the host of the morning report is covering the show. “Welcome back, we’ll be getting an update from Ponyville; Reporter.” The stallion said to the camera. Cutting to the team covering what going on there; “Thanks you a guard from the Celestia royal guard seen running from the hospital to an unknown location. Because this thing that cause the damage in Ponyville has left to somewhere else entirely.” The Reporter tells the world. Then the camera guy points his camera to the area the thing when. Then a green light when off into the darken clouds above. The boss at the cuts to the hosts with the rest of the news broadcast. “We’ll keep you posted. Next is the interview with some of friends and family of Princess Twilight and her friends.” The mare said out loud. At the apartment Lyra and Bon Bon is dealing with their hangovers from drinking that cider. “Tavi?” Vinyl said her friend. “What is it Vinyl?” Octavia said with a ground in her voice dealing with her hangover. “Where did you get those from?” She asks her. “From the store down the street why do asks?” She said out loud in a great deal of plan in her head. “It feels like somepony is throwing a party in my and leading go one bit.” She said to herself. “I’ll go down there to see what is what and get you some painkillers too.” She told her best friend and girlfriend. “Please do and hurry.” Octy told her while get her jacket and sunglasses and when out the door. 15 minutes later at a nearly by store; Vinyl walk in the store seeing ponies getting what they need, she when down one of the many isles there finds the painkillers for Octavia and the others back home. Taking it with her magic goes down where the ciders are to see if the cider that the others were drink is morning. By the time she gets down the cider that Octavia got the other day is being pack into boxes and taking to the back. “What’s going on?” She asks somepony putting the cider in the boxes. “Sorry Miss if you wanted to buy these you can’t because there been a major recall on them. It was on the news this morning.” The store pony told her. “Really I must I miss it.” She told him. “The makers of this skip town before they could get arrested for false advertisement.” He told putting the last of them in a box and tapes it up for shipping to the factory. With the answers she was looking she when to the checkout place so she can get back to the home as soon as possible. “Evening.” The mare unicorn pony at the register said to Vinyl. “Did you find what you were looking for?” She asks her ringing up the small box of pills. “Yes I did.” She told her. “Good, that will be 5 bits and 23 sliver cents.” Vinyl gets the money with her magic from her clot pocket and gives it to her. “Thanks you and have a nice day.” The mare told her getting her bag and recite. “Same to you.” Vinyl told the mare leaving the store. “Best for me to hurry back.” She thought to herself heading up the road back home. Back at the apartment Octavia is the bathroom taking a quick shower to get the smell of my drunken from moments ago. “I hope Vinyl hurries up with those painkillers.” She said out loud turning on the taps for the shower. Vinyl walks in the door and shouts. “Octy I have them!” Lyra and Bon Bon cover their ears from Vinyl shouting. “Sorry girls.” She told them. Then she hears the shower running and thinks Octavia is taking a shower, the TV still on the news showing the latest of breaking news coming from Baltimare. The news team there is reporting what’s going on there. “Ponies here in Baltimare trying to find cover from to whatever came to this city.” He said into the camera, behind him a vine comes from one of the buildings sending rumble to the street below. A giant bug that looks like mosquito came down on the reporter and an vine wraps around one legs of the camera guy and dragging him way dropping the camera, showing the reporter being attack from the bug sucking is blood. The screen when off line showing bars of colors on it; Switching back to the studio with the state of shock on the faces of both of the hosts with their mouth hanging open. Outside ENN building Dr. Galaxy and Dr. Penelope Overwatch sees what just happen on a TV screen at a store window with other ponies around it. The both of them left and ran back to their lab and to see what is going on with that golden ball. “Taxi!” Galaxy shouted to the stallion pulling the cart getting his station. Stopping right next to them and they climbed in and tells him. “Uptown and hurry.” They take off to the uptown Manehattan. Nearly 30 minutes and they show up there lab. “Stop here.” He told the stallion and he pullover to let them. “That will be 60 bits.” The driver told them. Giving him the money and they are on their way to the lab, seeing their stuff being stuff being loaded up into carts and being taking away. “What’s going on here?” He asks to one of them. “We need all the information you have the Golden Ball and you are under arrest of high treason of revealing highly classified information.” He told them while too guard puts cuffs on them. “This is wrong the ponies as a right to know what going on.” Galaxy tells the agent. “Yes they do, not highly classified information under a gag order. “ The agent told getting the both of the traitors to the cart and closes the door behind them. “I knew it was a bad idea to do the interview with ENN.” Dr. Galaxy said out loud. “Hey, you didn’t know that any of this would happen.” Penelope tells him to calm his nerves a little. The convoy of carts when to an unknown place, then the doors open letting in light from where ever the both of them are. “Where are we?” Dr. Galaxy asks out loud. “You are where you need to be.” Said a black clot stallion unicorn with black mane and tail came out of the shadows wearing a white suit. “Who are you?” Penelope asks him. “I’m no one, Mr. no pony.” He tells them. “That is the awful lot of manure your saying.” Galaxy told him. “Well then, if I didn’t bring you here you would be in jail or in Tartarus by now.” He told them. “Last chance, who are you?” Galaxy asks him. “I’m with an organization that motors the strange going on in and around Equestria.” He told them. “What like aliens or something?” Galaxy asks him making him raise an eyebrow to that comment. “It’s best for me to show you.” He tells them heading to a doorway and opens it. Both of them follow him through the door seeing that something that blows their minds. Inside were a lot of different things from different sizes and shapes like a blue phone box and some kind of gun with a record in the middle of it. A metal backpack that doesn’t look like anypony can use it from the size of it alone. Remains of a metal cart bigger than anything they never seen painted red and black. “The real prize is in here.” The stallion told them to an another set of doors and goes through it showing a machine sparking out from the bottom of it missing its kegs and a section of its arm then it lends back up and speaks to them. “What are your orders?” The machine said out loud. The markens on its chest showing the same markens that are on the Golden Ball. The mark at the center showing a red wheel the same that is on the center of the middle the ball that wreaking havoc out there in the world. “Where did it come from?” Penelope asks him. “We found it in the Crystal Mountains like this with the remains and that was a month ago.” He told them. “WHAT!” Both of them said at the same time. “That right the same day the Golden Ball landed in the courtyard in Canterlot.” He told them. “Whatever world both of them came from and what’s going on out there are connected?” Galaxy asks him. “I’m afraid so, with Twilight and her friends missing.” He tells looking at the unknown machine. Inside the machine head showing a red outline on them and the room they were in. Back in Ponyville the reporter sees Princess Luna and Queen Chrysalis outside at the front of the hospital taking to the air heading for the city of Baltimare. “What is she doing here after what happen in her kingdom some time ago?” The Reporter thought to himself. The camera guy shows both them taking off heading in that direction. “Boss should we follow them?” He asks him. “No, stay there after what happen to the team when sent to Baltimare as most likely dead and we don’t wants to cause the loss of more lives.” He told them both. “Well it looks like we are staying here.” The Reporter told his partner. At the Vinyl and Octavia apartment, the four mares heading out to get some enjoyment out in the city before Vinyl as to head to the Club Luna for her set tonight there. “May I ask where Derpy and Dinky at is?” Octavia asks Lyra and Bon Bon. “She is on vacation and she told me they are heading to Baltimare.” Lyra tells her making her a little worry about what’s going on there right now. Vinyl calls the elevators as she tells them both. “I know her and she finds a way to survive and to protect that little filly of hers.” Vinyl tells them cheering them up a little bit. “I know it’s just think it’s the beginning of the end of Equestria as we know it.” Lyra tells as the elevators doors opens. A quick elevator ride later; they made their way through the lobby to the outside world of Manehattan. After some time later and elsewhere in Manehattan; the four of them are in the downtown region attend the fair to raise money for the damage in Ponyville and Baltimare. Vinyl sees Neon Lights on stage getting the ponies in the given mode to help the follow ponies. “Neon what are you doing here?” She tells him giving him a hug. “Vinyl it’s good to see you again. How long been seen the last time we work together?” He tells her. “Three months ago the last now, I think.” She tells him. “Anyway what are you doing here?” She asks him. “I’m here on my owned terms. Helping these follow ponies back where you and Octavia used to live.” He tells her before going to his turntables. “We’ll meet up later.” He tells her waving his hove to her. Octavia see other ponies from orchestra there. “Octavia!” One of them said out loud getting her attention. “Hey what are you doing here?” She asks her friend. “I’m here like the others to raise money for damage relief effort for Ponyville.” She tells her. “I didn’t know anything about this?” She tells her with a questionable look on her face. “This was such short notice on us as well. I did know about until I show up moments ago.” She tells Octavia. “Who is host?” She asks her. “I don’t know this fair came out of nowhere. From other ponies told me.” She tells her. “I have to find Vinyl and the others.” Octavia tells her friend before leaving to elsewhere in the fair.” What is going on here?” She thought to herself walking down the road. Lyra and Bon Bon were having the time of their lives right now. Seeing the fair looks like something Cheese Sandwich would do back in Ponyville for Rainbow Dash birthday some time ago; Then they bran into the pony himself. “Cheese Sandwich is that you?” Bon Bon said out loud so he can hear him. He turns around to see who just calls his name. “Lyra, Bon Bon what are doing in Manehattan?” He asks them both. “We’ll here to see are friends Vinyl and Octavia. What are you doing here?” Lyra tells him. “I’m trying to find out who’s hosting this event.” He tells them heading to a building where he thinks the host is. “You think the host is?” Bon Bon asks him. “From the sources they told me. I can find whoever the host in the penthouse.” He tells them going inside. “I like to meet this host.” Lyra said out loud following him inside as well Bon Bon. The lobby of the building looks like a five star hotels in the world. They when to the front desk where there’s a middle age mare Pegasus with a red clot and brown mane and tail with sliver lines in it. “Can I help you?” She asks them. “Yes, I would like to know the host for the fair outside is staying in the penthouse?” Cheese asks her. “Yes he is. I can I get your name?” She tells him. “Cheese Sandwich. Why do you ask?” Her tells her his name and asks her for a reason for asking for giving his name. “So I see if you are on his list of guess.” She tells him the reason for it. She got on the phone to ring him up. “I have a Cheese Sandwich here to see you.” She tells the host. “Good, sent him up.” The pony on the phone tells the mare. “He’s waiting for you.” The mare told him. “Thank you.” He tells her heading to the elevators with Lyra and Bon Bon following close behind. A quick elevator ride later, the doors open seeing ponies from the high class. “Cheese Sandwich.” A bodyguard tells the group leaving the elevator. “Yes.” He tells the oversize pony. “Come with me.” The group made their way through the crowd of ponies enjoying their time. “The host is in here.” Leading a set of double doors; He opens the doors and sees a leather chair facing the window overseeing the fair below. “Cheese Sandwich, you’re probably asking yourself this question. How did I get all of this ready in such a short time and how I got to raise so much money within a matter of minutes?” The pony asks him. “How did you know what I going to ask?” He answers him with a question. “It’s best for me to show you.” He said out loud turning around showing is face to the world. It’s was not a pony, a human with a gray beard and graying hair wearing a blue suit and a brown hat and black sunglasses. “James, do we have guest?” Someone said the aging man in front of them. A pink earth pony with pink mane and tail came through the door. “Pinky is that you?” Cheese asks her. “Yes it is.” She told him before giving him a hug. “Pinky you look older then the last time I seen you?” He asks her. “That because I am. 20 years from the one you know.” She tells the group, this stock them. “How is that possible?” Lyra asks her. “I can answer that.” I told them. “You see in my world, we found a way to get through time and space between worlds. I can’t say much about this, because of events that have not yet been set in stone.” I told them. “Now I have to get change to look like I belong to this world.” I said out loud getting out of the chair getting a tub with some liquid and drink it. Right before their eyes the human starting to change into a pony. Within a matter of moments, the change as complete stood an earth pony with dark blue clot and the same color mane and tail when he was human. He still has beard. His cutie mark has a gray wheel with 10 strange markens. “Dad, are we ready?” Another earth pony with a gray clot and black mane and tail with some white stripes going down them both are showing her cutie mark with the same wheel in the background and a white question mark in the floor ground. “Destiny it’s good to see you again.” I told her giving her a hug. “Who are they?” She asks me. “These are the ponies that your mother known years ago more like these days.” I tell her. “You mean Cheese Sandwich, Lyra Heartstrings, and Sweetly Drops aka Bon Bon.” She said out loud. “You can show your true self; if you want?” I ask my daughter. Within a flash, the gray earth pony changes into something between the two of pony and human. “What is going on, because I’m lost?” Lyra asks the three of us. “Spoilers.” Pinky said out loud. “What do you mean spoilers?” Bon Bon asks her. “Just like my husband said things are not set in stone.” She tells her and the other two. “After day we need to go back in own time.” I told the three of them. “In three days’ time, you will give this to Pinky and James in Ponyville.” Destiny tells them handing them a package with a letter. “Guard you can show them to the elevator now.” I told him. After a matter of moment of the three of them leaving to the elevator. Inside the elevator, Lyra asks out loud. “What in the name Celestia happen back there?” “I don’t know. But it as something to do with what happening to Ponyville and Baltimare. They trust they thrust us to do something in Ponyville in three days’ time.” Cheese Sandwich tells them to answer any question that they are thinking off. Vinyl and Octavia when to the same building that Lyra, Bon Bon, and some other pony that they don’t know. “Octy, who is that pony with Lyra and Bon Bon?” Vinyl asks her. “I don’t know.” Octavia tells her; both of them when inside into the lobby. “MAN! This place is hugh.” Vinyl said out loud Octavia face hoofing after that. “Vinyl.” She said to herself. The two of them sees the three ponies getting off the elevator with a package Lyra flowing it with her magic. “What with the package?” Octavia asks Lyra and Bon Bon. “I don’t know but it’s something to do with three days’ time.” Lyra tells them. “Who are you?” Vinyl asks the pony with them. “Sorry, I’m Cheese Sandwich I was in ponyville that one time for Rainbow Dash birthday.” He told the both of them. “I think both of us were out of town on that day7 for something I can’t remember.” Vinyl tells him. “Best to head to go back to the apartment now and relax a little before Vinyl has to go to work and you are welcome Cheese Sandwich.” Octavia said out loud. “I do appreciate that. Thank you.” Cheese tells her. The five leave the building to the fair making their way back to the apartment building. Back in Ponyville the Reporter and the Camera Guy hears a noise of a train coming. The both of them quickly made their way to the train station. By the time they got there the train just pulls into the station unloading the passengers off. “Let get set up.” The Reporter tells is partner and Camera Guy. Within a matter of minutes they are ready to go. Back at the studio, the team getting ready for the five 0 clock news broadcast. “Are we ready to go?” The director asks his team. “We ready to go.” One of the ponies at the controls said out loud. “What about the team in Ponyville?” He asks. “They’re at the train station and it looks like a train pulls in from Baltimare.” Another pony said out loud. “Alright, as long there not another disaster we should be a snooze broadcast.” The boss said to the team in the control room. “Begin broadcast.” He said out loud and a red live came on. On the main screen, the logo when off with the five 0 clock news on ENN. Then it cuts to the host of the even news. The host from before; “Good evening, we are bringing you an update from Ponyville and Baltimare.” The stallion said to the camera. “Also we are bringing you news from Manhattan for a fund raiser for the damage caused by the new sun in the ski.” The mare said to the same camera as well. “The team in Baltimare as mostly like didn’t survive the attack on them earlier day.” The Stallion said out loud. “We just got world in Ponyville that a train from Baltimare arrives just moments ago; Reporter.” He said out loud cutting to him. “Thank you. Ponies just leaving the station into these setup tents by the medical and the rescue squadron for the sick and the injured. Whatever happened in there and for these ponies will never forget in their lifetime.” The Reporter said out loud. “Have you talked to anypony?” The Stallion asks him. “We talk to one survivor that was there for a vacation with her daughter.” Cutting at the interview with a survivor showing her name underneath her head in frame. “We were very lucky to survive from what just happen to us and others ponies back in Baltimare and going to tuff for her and me as well.” Cutting back to him. “Just all that I can say is the ponies that got off that train is very lucky to be alive right now.” He said out loud. Cutting back to the studio. “They are very lucky indeed.” The stallion said out loud. Back at the apartment building, the group just shows up at the lobby making their way to the elevators. “So this is where you live?” Cheese asks Octavia and Vinyl. “It’s nice. But it ant no five star hotel.” Vinyl said out loud. Octavia calls the elevator and quick ride later and walk later. “Here we are.” Vinyl said getting the key from its hiding spot and opens the door. They when inside Lyra turn on the TV to the news and put the package on the coffee table. Vinyl when into her room to get ready for work, while Octavia check for messages on the answering machine next to the phone. There was one message and she played the message. “Vinyl, Octavia. This is Derpy, me and Dinky are find just a little shocking up. I know Lyra and Bon Bon are there with you. I’m calling you from a payphone at the train station and I’m going to see if I still have a home and I’ll check on your as well for damage. I’ll being seeing you at some point in the future.” The message play from the machine then a loud peep after the message ends. “At least they are ok.” She thought to herself and closes her eyes for a moment to put her mind at lease. Bon Bon and Cheese Sandwich try and think about what they will have to do in three days from now. “What do think is inside that package?” Cheese asks Bon Bon. “I don’t know? Your guess is good as my.” She tells him. Both of them looking at it guessing what might be inside. “Quit the fair we when to earlier is on. “Here we at the building the where the host of this fund raiser as raise more than a Trillion bits within the matter of hours after being set up this morning.” The reporter said to the camera. “Could you get an interview with the host?” The stallion asks the reporter at the scene. “We couldn’t get an interview because he, his wife and kid as to leave for an important business elsewhere and there he goes now.” Turning the camera to the top of building showing a zeppelin blimp leaving. Ring. Ring. The phone goes off. Octavia answer it. “Hello.” “Put the phone on speaker.” The pony said on the other end. She hits the button to put it on speaker. “Now take it to the other that in your apartment.” She takes the phone to the others in the living room. “Is everypony in there?” The pony asks her. “Everypony except Vinyl.” She said to unknown pony. “Go and get her.” The pony tells her. “Alright.” She said out loud running down the hall. Knotting on the door like a mad mare. “Octy what is it?” Vinyl asks out loud. “Vinyl there somepony here on the phone for you and the rest of us and told me to get you before he can continue.” Octavia tells her. “Alright I’m coming. She said out loud opening the door following her to the living room. “We’re all here.” Octavia said out loud to the phone. “Good, I need the five of you to get to the rooftop of your building and bring the package with you. Also tell Vinyl I talk with the club owner about her set and I have someone to cover for her.” The pony tells them. “Wait a minute, how could you replace me with someone else?” Vinyl said to the pony. “Just get to the roof and I can explain once you all are on board.” He said hanging up. Then a humming sound came over their building. “What is that?” Vinyl said out loud. “I’m guessing are ride.” Octavia said out loud. “I have the package.” Lyra said out loud. Everypony left the apartment and when to the elevator. “The roof access is a stairway on the top floor.” Octavia said out loud when the doors open. The elevator made it way to the top floor, then the doors open and the five of them when to a stairway for the access to the roof. They quickly made their way to the roof seeing a hugh zap land blimp. Lights and a ramp came down. A voice came from it. “Get in.” The voice said out loud. The five of them climbed aboard was greeted by the same guard back at the penthouse. Five of you follow me. The door closes to the outside world and leads them to the front of the blimp. “Vinyl, Octavia it’s good to see you again.” I told them as the five of them enters the room. “You?!” Lyra asks me seeing the same dark blue stallion in front of them from the party earlier today. “I never like using these hooves.” I said out loud. “What are you talking about?” Octavia asks me. “That’s because I’m not from your world.” I said then beeping from watch on my wrist on my forward left hove and I rise my hove to my face and said out loud. “Now if you excuse me. I need to get change.” Then I’m starting to change back to my human form. “What in the name of Luna is going on here?” Vinyl asks out loud out while she watches me transform. “Scratchy, you never understand.” Pinky said out loud, as she walks into the control room behind them. After I was done with my transformation showing the five of them my true form again to Lyra, Cheese, Bon Bon, and the first time for Vinyl and Octavia. “Sorry about that.” I tell the five of them. I got back on the controls putting the coordinates for our next destination. “Where are we going?” Pinky asks me. “To the Bunker.” I told her. “It would be good to be home form a bath and see gummy again.” Pinky tells me. “Gummy?” Asks Cheese. “He’s my pet alligator.” Pinky tells him. “Wait, you have a pet alligator? That is so cool.” Vinyl said out loud that everyone and pony can hear. “By the way, who did you get for my set at the club?” She asks me. “Do you remember a pony goes by the name Neon Lights?” I tell her. “Yes he my friend. Why do you ask?” She asks me. “I owed him a favor some time ago and now was a good time to cash it in.” I told her. “What kind of favor was that?” She asks me. “It’s only between me and him.” I tell her getting the blimp into position above the Bunker. Doors above a hanger opens and guild it in for a landing, I hit a button for the landing gear. “Here we go.” I said out loud. Landing the blimp on the ground making everything on the ship shake a little. “There something I have to show you and bring the package with you.” I told the five of them. On the outside the ramp to the blimp lowers and the door opens. Me and everypony walk and sees a Black clot stallion wearing a white slut great him and the others. “Agent, do we have them?” I ask him. “Yes sir, we do have them both here and they have seen are little gift.” He tells me. “Good, very good.” I told him. “Where are they now?” I asks him walking from the hanger to the archive room where belongings’ that don’t need to be in this world. The group get to the room where the remains of the humanize robot is. The double doors opens the five of them sees what the two Doctors have seen it when they when through. “Unbelievable.” Octavia said out loud looking at stuff there in that room they are going through. Vinyl was like a filly in a candy store seeing what in front of her a set of records and things she never seen in before. “What do we here?” She said has she lifted a CD case with her magic, on the cover said Dr. Duke Power Hr. on it with blue, green, purple, and pink. She opens it and sees a small disc like record. “I wonder if there a CD-player nearby?” She thought to herself. She looks around and sees a CD-player on one of the stands in the room and pop the disc into the player. The player loud the disc and the music starting to play by some speakers contacted to it. “Let’s see what is on this disc.” She tells herself. The music starts off slow with some soft beats, then starts to build up the beats faster and then it stop for a few seconds. “What happen?!” She shouted. I turn around seeing vinyl at the CD-player when the music stops. “VINYL GET DOWN!” I shouted at the stop of my lungs and running towards her. Before she could react she got on top of her, to cover her from the bass-drop that is coming any second now. Within the next few seconds, the bass-drop came down over top sent a sound wave over them hitting the others hit the ground so they can’t get hit from the sound wave that’s going through the loading room. I get behind the CD- player and unplug it before the next bass-drop could resume. “These are powerful artifacts that don’t belong in this world. So try and not to touch any of these things from now on.” I tell her getting up from the floor. “I get it. I’ll wantn’t touch anything.” Vinyl tells me getting off the floor. The others got off the ground as well. “Vinyl, do you think putting an unknown CD into a player is a good idea?” Octavia asks her. “I didn’t know what would happen when I put it into the player.” Vinyl tells her. The group keeps going through the hugh room making their way to a set of double doors. I open the doors and inside stock the whole group in front of their eyes. “What are your orders?” The robot said to them. “Stand down soldier.” I tell the machine. “Yes Sir.” The machine tells me trying to give me a salute with what left of is right arm. “What is it?” Vinyl asks me. “This right here is something from my world and this is a Racing Drone, use for the Reds years ago. More like my years, time travel is a messy thing to try to explain it.” I tell them. “Time travel? I know there is spells for it nothing to this level and for this long.” Lyra tells me. “I found a way to make work and it’s a trade secret. That only I know.” I tell them. “So what this have to do with us?” Bon Bon asks me. “Do you remember what I said back at the penthouse?” I ask them. “I do. You said some things are not set in stone let.” Cheese Sandwich tells me. The double doors open and came two more ponies with the pony wearing the white slut. “James here are the doctors that release the news story to the press.” He tells me drawing my attention to them. “Welcome doctors and my apologies for what happen to you earlier today.” I told the both of them. “What are you talking about?” Galaxy asks me. “I plan this from the start you know. The interview with the news and you getting pick up by man made to look like the royal guards and the local police force to get all your gear and bring it here. I have both of you set up in the next room.” I tell them. The agent takes them to the next room and they see very thing is ready to go and there is gear and equipment they have never seen before. In the center is a briefcase with same symbol of that is on the golden ball and the chest of the robot. They go to it and open it and see ten chips with the same symbols that are just the others they seen before. Two of them glowing and the third one begin to glow. Sending them into a panic running into the next room where the others are. “What going on?” I ask them. “It’s those chips in that briefcase one of them starts to glow.” Galaxy tells me. “The timeline is coming along nice.” I tell them and reach for a remote and turn on the TV to ENN. At the studio both of the host is talking to the reporting team in Ponyville. “We are showing you footage just a few moments ago.” The stallion said out loud cutting to the footage of the golden ball flying across the darken ski towards the west coast. A Pegasus news team quickly made their way to the west coast following the golden ball as fast can go even with the gear they have on them. “We’re heading to the west coast as fast we can go with gear we have.” The Pegasus reporter said on his mic. While the camera guy getting live footage showing the golden ball on screen and then it was gone from view of their camera. Back at the studio control room the director was going mad about what is happen right in front of him. “How could my day get any worse?” He asks himself this question during the whole thing. “Sir we lost visual contact of whatever this thing is.” A pony tells him. “Damn it.” He said with a whisper. “Alright get in contact with our ENN headquarters in Los Pegasus and I mean right now.” He tells one of the ponies he working with him. “Yes sir.” The pony said out loud hitting buttons and fast as she could. “What do you want?” The Los Pegasus director asks him. “I have something fast coming to the west coast and we need to find out what going on there.” He the mare director “I’ll let you use are footage for a favor later on.” She tells him. “Alright I’ll do it.” He tells her hanging up on his end. “We are just world from are ENN correspondence in Los Pegasus. Has given us live coverage of what happen on the west coast.” The stallion said out loud, cutting to news team covering the story on the second sun coming fast to the west coast. “Thank you I here at the dock in Los Pegasus keeping an eye out for this second sun and I think I see it?” The reporter said to the camera looking that the bear hills where the Applewood sign is. Where a glow of something bright as a sun breaking through the darken ski above. Then in a blink of an eye the second sun pass over the city heading the Luna Ocean. The camera guy there tries his best to get footage of the sun zipping pass the city before passing over the horizon line. Then a ski blue flash with a symbol in the ski, the team takes to the air and gets a closer look. The camera guy gets footage a beam coming from the sun and hitting the water below and making a hugh wave of water heading for Los Pegasus. This shock both them and the all those who is watching the live broadcast. The EEN control team sees what is heading for them and quickly gets the necessary gear and transfer full control to the ENN control room in Manehattan. “Get me the control room in Manhattan.” The mare said to one of the ponies still at the controls. “Yes ma’am.” The pony said to her getting on the phone. Back in Manehattan the phone rings and the director answers it. “Yes who is this?” He asks the pony the other end. “Don’t play games with me and listen we’ll transferring the control of our broadcast because there a wall of water coming to Los Pegasus and we are getting the necessary gear we need for a later broadcast.” She tells him. “Alright get transfer done with and get out of there before it hits.” He tells her. “And one more thing; Stay safe.” He tells her over the phone before hanging up. Within the matter of minutes the transfer is complete and the gear ready to go. They got out of there and head for higher ground. Seeing other ponies running to higher ground as well some teleporting them self and other takes to the air. The earth ponies being help by some of their fellow ponies to help them get to higher ground. The wall of water gets bigger and bigger the closer it gets to the city. As far they know, everypony is out of the city until a two ponies talking about the ones who don’t know what’s going on. Then that unicorn pony teleports back the city to warn the others. This makes other ponies go back into the city telling the ponies that are in those casinos and apartments that is left inside the city. In matter of moments later the pony teleports with ponies she could teleport at one time. Other ponies came back with other ponies trying to get them to higher ground. Then a train from Ponyville come stop on the high ground where every pony is. So everypony get aboard the train and just in time too. Because the wall of water just hit the city sending into the deeps of the South Luna Ocean. Back in the Bunker the group viewing the news broadcast seeing what just happen to the city of Los Pegasus being hit by this over 300 foot wall of water. “What is going here?” Dr. Galaxy asks me. “You see in my world there are nine elements that hold the nine worlds in working order and this golden ball is the link between the two worlds and with each element collected a little bit of that elemental power get through the Peace of Omega.” I tell them. “How do you know all this?” Octavia asks me. “That because I was there.” I tell them. “What do you mean you were there?” She asks me. “That because on the day, Twilight and her friends came through my world and I help them get back home.” I tell them. “I remember that.” Pinky said out loud coming into the room smiling after seeing what just happen on the TV news. “That why I marry you.” I tell her. She walks up to me and gives me a kiss. “When we go back to our own time when we’re done. I take you to a nice dinner.” I tell her. “Okie dokie James.” She tells me before leaving. “So you’re from another world and you marry Pinky Pie. Also the three of you are from 20 years from the future, come back for something to do with the five of us and this bunker fill with stuff not from this world and a unknown package for something to do three days from now.” Cheese tells me then his mind was too much and collapses on the floor. “Cheese Sandwich!” Lyra said out loud trying to catch him from hitting the floor too hard. “Is he alright?” Bon Bon asks me. “He alright, his just mind crash from thinking about it too much.” I tell them. “Put him on the couch.” Vinyl tells Lyra, putting him on the couch nearby. “That what happen when someone thinks about the 4th dimension too much. Trust me I know I when through what he when threw back on my world before when I came from Earth to the Nine Worlds. He will be out for a few hours.” I tell the rest of them. “This happen to you?” Lyra asks me. “Yes it did. Nearly 30 year ago in my own timeline when I cross dimension threw the same way that Twilight and the others did when the link was made between worlds.” I tell them. “Lucky for them their minds didn’t crash when they came through on my world.” I said out loud. Meanwhile on the train heading to Ponyville Luna is looking out the window after seeing another city lost having no idea what to do. Both Starlight and Tricky was on the passager cart that Luna and Chrysalis are on. “Luna, are you alright?” Starlight asks her. “I don’t know it feels like the end of days for Equestria.” She tells her. “Luna, I know these are dark times, but we’ll all ways come through in the end.” She tells her to cheer her up a little. “May I ask? Where are Twilight and the others?” She asks her. “They are missing.” She whispers to her ear. This shocks her and wonders who going to save us these dark times. After a long ride back to Ponyville both she and Tricky sent to the castle for any sign of clues on where they ran off too. When they got there the front door was destroyed seeing papers on the floor next to the library. “Twilight where did you go?” She said to herself, picking up one of the pieces of papers from the floor in front of the library. Seeing the same symbol back in Los Pegasus before the giant wave hit the city. Then another picks another piece of paper with another symbol on it. When she into the library seeing more of those strange symbols on more pages all over the library. “What was you up to, Twilight?” She asks herself. “Maybe Sunset knowns what going on?” She thought to herself. Finding the book on a table, opening it to a blank page and starting to writing in it. Dear Sunset Slimmer It me Starlight Glimmer, There is something strange going on in Equestria. Ponyville is ruins and Los Pegasus is underwater. From I hear from Baltimare has turned into a swamp. Twilight and others as gone missing even Spike is missing. No pony knows what going on here. Dark clouds filled the skies above and there is a second sun going to places and there is no idea what going to happen or where it going it going to hit next. Both of princesses have no idea what is going on, Celestia in still in the recovering from injuries from this morning. I hope you see this message and looking from hear from you soon. Your friend, Starlight Glimmer She stops writing and closes the book and takes it with her just in cast if she writes back. She leaves the castle and heads to the hospital to see the princesses. Derpy and her daughter Dinky walks through the remains of Ponyville to see if they still have a place to call home. “It’s OK Dinky, we’ll almost home.” She said to calm her nerves a little. “Are you sure mom?” She asks her mom while looking from the remains of their town. “I don’t know. Dinky, I don’t know.” She tells her. Soon they see their house still standing just some minor damage to it. This put a smile on both of their faces and starts running towards their home. “Help!” Somepony said out loud as they running. This make Dinky slowdown little listen again for the sound. “Help!” The noise sent again. Then she starts running the cries for help. “Dinky.” Derpy said out loud her running somewhere else. “Help!” Then she hears them and begins to follow her daughter to whomever calling for help. “HElp!” The sound grow louder the closer they got. “HELp!” Again the hear it again getting louder than before. “HELP!” Both of them found Mr. Cake from Sugar Cubed Conner. “Derpy, Dinky it good too you survive Baltimare.” He said to them given them hug. “Are you and your family safe?” She asks him. “Yes they’re alright. Not way I’m calling for help. It’s Major Mare, she hurt bad when I found her. The Miss is there with and we can’t move her on my own without hurting her more. Follow me quickly I don’t how much time she has left.” He tells them as the both of them follows to him to the major is. Miss. Cake trying to keep Major Mare awake long enough for Mr. Cake to find help. She turns her head seeing Mr. Cake running towards her with some help. “Honey your back with some help?” She asks him. “Yes I did.” Seeing Derpy and Dinky running towards them, seeing them makes her smile at them. “It’s good to see you again.” She tells them. “It’s good to see you too. How bad is her injures?” She asks her. “Pretty bad she lost a lot of blood and she can’t walk at all.” She tells her. “Is she still awake?” Derpy ask her. “I try my best to keep her awake and I don’t know how much longer she as.” She tells her. Derpy talks to Major Mare and try to get her on her back. “Major Mare it’s me Derpy, I taking you to the hospital.” “Derpy I thought you were on your vacation?” She said with a fate voice. “I was nearly got me and Dinky killed in the process.” She tell her to keep her awake while check on where she hurt at. She sees a hugh gash on her left side next to her back leg. “That doesn’t look.” She said to herself. “What was that?” Major Mare asks her. “It nothing.” She tells her to keep her worrying about how bad her injures are. “I’m going to need some bandages to cover this up until we get her to hospital.” She tells both the Cakes. “I think there a first aid kit nearby while I calling for help. “Go and get it.” She tells him and he running into the ruins of their once great city. Moments later, he come running back with the kit in his teeth. “Good you found it.” Derpy said to him. She opens the kit and gets the bandages and the clean spray to try to clean it. “Major Mare this is going to hurt.” She tells her before spraying the stuff. “AGGG!” She screams at the top of her lungs. Derpy works quickly cleaning the gash and wrapping it with the bandages. “Alright I dress the wound the best I could.” She tells the major. “Help me up?” Major Mare asks her and the cakes. The three of them help her on her hooves. “Thank you for help.” She tells them before collapsing from the lack of blood. “Major Mare, your too leak. Here let us help you get hospital.” Mr. Cake tells her after catching her before she hits the ground with Derpy help. The group slowly makes their way to the hospital. Moments later the group made finny got to the hospital. “We need help here!” Derpy shouted to the hospital staff. Ponies see the major injured and in need of help came running towards for. Getting a gurney and put Major Mare on it and taking her straight into the ER getting her prep for surgery. The doctors have been busy all day trying to heal the ponies from this morning and more just keep coming in. Dr. Blueheart has seen so many ponies in the ER today until he sees Major Mare contention. This made his heart drop like a ton of bricks. But he is still a doctor and gets ready for surgery. Later the doctor comes to the group that brings her. “She will make. But we need blood for a blood transfer. I need someone to give us there blood for the transfer?” He tells them. “I’ll do it.” Miss. Cake tells him. “Well come on then.” He tells her. I’ll be right back.” She tells her husband. “I’ll be waiting on you.” He tells her seeing her leaving with the doctor. “She’ll be alright.” Derpy tells him to cheer him up a little. “How about stay here with you until she gets back?” She asks him. “Thank you Derpy.” He said to her the three of them walks to the waiting room. Moments later in the waiting room. “I wonder how the twins are doing?” Dinky asks him to get his mind off his wife giving blood. “They’re doing find is far I can tell. They with their grandparents for a few days while we working the big order for somepony in Manehattan for a something important. As far we can tell.” He tells her. “Where do they live?” She asks him. “They live in Vanhoover.” He tells her. “At least they’re safe.” She tells him. “The order was filled the same day that Pinky and her friends disappeared. She had the day off to check on her friend for something. At least was she told me before she left?” He tells both of them. Miss. Cake came to them seeing them talking about something. “So what you were talking about?” She asks them. “Honey, you’re alright.” Mr. Cake tells her giving her a hug. “I just gave a little bit of blood. Not my life force.” She tells him kissing him. “How’s the major?” Derpy asks her. “The doctor said with the blood I have given she will have to be here in the hospital for a few days from what he told me, after he gives me a small pack of crackers to stale me for the small amount of blood loss.” Miss. Cake tells her and the others. “That’s good. It’s best for us to get home.” Derpy tells the both of them. “It’s good to see you and Dinky. Also thank you for helping us at hour of need.” Mr. Cake tells them before leaving them. It was a long walk back home for them after what happen to them going through the remains of the city. Moments later the both of them sees their home. This put a smile on both of their faces. Derpy opens the front door and sees the inside was just like they left it a few days ago. “Dinky let me see what is in the fridge for dinner.” She tells her. Walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge seeing a few things to make a quick meal. Dinky went to her room seeing her toys and a few books on her shelf; she sees a shadow of something that she remembers of what happens to her and her mother back in Baltimare. She moves backwards until she hits the wall and brakes out crying siding down. Derpy hears a noise upstairs and when to check on her. She opens the door and seeing her crying her eyes out from what happen to both of them earlier today. “Dinky what’s wrong?” She asks her. Then she looks over seeing the shadow of what looks like the beast that tried to kill them both during their vacation. The shadow looks like a small bug on the window isle casting a shadow that makes it looks bigger then it appears to be. She turns on the light making the shadow go away and the bug flies away. This cheer Dinky up little bit getting off the ground. “I nearly have dinner ready.” Derpy tells her. “This is not going be easy for her.” She thought to herself following her downstairs to the kitchen. A few minutes later dinner was ready. A few apple muffins and leftover apple pie, also there a few sandwiches that Derpy knows what she likes on her sandwich. Dinky get a few of those sandwiches and a little bit of leftover pie. As Derpy get a sandwich and a muffin. Dinky as still stocking up about what happen and her mother sees it in her eyes. “Dinky, I know what you are going through. I was there at your age. I when through something that I still get nightmares from time to time.” She tells her. “What was that?” Dinky asks her. “It was the first time I when to Cloudsdale with my parents. We were at the Wonder Blots training area. My father was still in the reserves back in those days.” She tells her the story. “Wait, grandpa was in the reserves and you told me he was a manager at the rainbow factory.” She said out loud confuse from the story. “I told the truth about him being a manager. What I didn’t tell you is what he did before he worked there. Now where was I, He was practicing with his best friend and teammate at the time. I can’t remember his name but I do know that she had a teenage daughter at the time.” She tells her. “What was her daughter name?” Dinky asks her. “Spitfire and she is the captain of the Wonder Blots these days.” She tells her. “Now where was I; Hua yes, He was practicing with him for a stunt for a show to impress the judge for the slots that was available at the time. Mom and I were there for support. Hours later when they were up to do there stud.” She pauses for a moment. “Mom?” Dinky asks her. Inside her mind were echoes of the painful memory. “OH MY SWEET CELESTIA, THIS ISN’T GOOD.” The echo goes off from somepony said out loud in her memory. “What.” Derpy slip out of it. “Mom you went out for a minute.” Dinky tells her. “Anyway, something goes wrong during the show and both of them fell out of the ski and landed hard on the ground below. I thought dad was dead from. But lucky for him and his partner survive from the impact and sent weeks in the hospital. I was traumatizing for me and have way I had nightmare about for what felt like year, until you were born. The nightmares stop coming after that.” She tells her the story. “Wow. After suspected that you would have nightmares from you’re up beat personally.” Dinky tells her mom after hearing the story. “I never thought about until today, when you were crying upstairs.” Derpy tells her. “Maybe I’ll get a visit from Luna soon about it.” Dinky tells her mother. “I hope so too.” Derpy tells holding her hove with her own. After some time and the darken ski still filled the night ski. The buildings that were still standing there lights came on to fill the darken streets; the two of them when to one their rooms. “Dinky I know it been a tuff for the both of us.” Derpy tells her getting her into bed. “Mommy would stand with me until I fall a sleep?” Dinky asks her mom. “Sure I will.” She tells her daughter to comfort her. She stays for what fell like hours Dinky fell asleep and turn off the light to the lamp that next to her bed and when off to her bed. While going down the hall making she sees photos of her and Dinky’s past. Most of them were good memories and others show some bad ones that both of them will never forget for a long time. She looks at one that was taking before the morning before the event that scared her for the rest of her life. “Things have change for the better and for worst for me and dad.” Derpy thought to herself looking at another photo of the new job at the rainbow factory. She shed a tear from the memory from the picture. She when to bed and glad about her life is heading and where she came from. Moments later she was in bed thinking about Dinky’s life and what going to happen to her before she closes her eyes and drifting off to sleep. Back at the Bunker, Dr. Galaxy and his wife working as fast they can with the documents and files that James and the agent he as bring them. The group that came with James on the blimp came into the lab. “I can believe how James knows much about what about to happen and can be in contact with so many ponies.” He asks her and others. “He said that he, Pinky, and Destiny is from 20 years in the future. At least what he told me back in the penthouse.” Lyra tells the both of them. “I never have seen this kind of tech in my life.” He said out loud looking at the strange tech that in the lab. Vinyl looks at a few mixers on the table and starts to mess with it. A screen came on showing an interface of something with the same symbols that seen before on the robot and golden ball that in the ski over the South Luna Ocean where it is right now. “What did you do?” Galaxy asks Vinyl. “I just mess with these mixers in front of me.” She tells him. “Try something else?” He asks her. “Let me see.” She said out loud messing around again, the screen shows more symbols that they have never seen before. Then something pops up on screen. “What is this?” Vinyl asks herself it looks like a video dirty of something like that. The others see what she as dung up from deep inside the tech was given to them. “This is very interesting.” Galaxy said out loud looking at a list of videos that goes back 25 year. He clicks on the first video show James younger and with a dark blue metal cart. “Good even this is a test run of the Ford custom 500 mark 1.” I said into the camera. Grabbing the camera and getting inside the metal deathtrap. I starting the engine and a roars came from that scared the 6 of them. “Man what kind of machine is that thing to make that kind of noise?” Vinyl asks out loud. “I don’t know.” Octavia said answering her question. They close that video and open up another one from a later date on it. Show the same metal beast from the first video and me. Going so fast down the road nearly reaching 300 mph on the speedo; then something opens in front the metal cart. Then the video goes black for a few seconds but the sound was still there. Then there was a sound of something that’s not from this world. The picture comes back showing clouds and lightning going off around me and in front of me is a road floating the darken ski. As the six of them watches the video of what going on; then two more metal carts show up out of nowhere. One was painted in purple and sliver, and the other was painted in red and black. Then more of them show up in those colors. One of the red and black cars hit James making him spin around in circles a few times until he hits something hard. The metal cart that hit me stops and turns around facing him. The top opens showing a machine driving it. It got out and heads towards him jumping on the hood on my car fixing to punch its way through the windshield and then something stops it from doing it and falls off the car to the side. I turn my head seeing one of the purple and sliver cars there. “Whoever is driving that just save my life?” I said out loud. Then the video ends. “I see that you tumble a pond the video archives.” I said out loud walking into the lab. “James I didn’t know you were coming.” Galaxy tells me. “What is all this, what you called it video archive?” Penelope asks me. “I’m not expose to tell you this because of the timeline. But I think now is a good time to tell you.” I tell them. “You see 20 years ago for me and Pinky, a week ago for you when the Princess Twilight and her friends disappeared.” I tell them. “Yes it was on the news this morning.” Vinyl tells me. “They didn’t disappear. They got teleported to my world or worlds be tactual.” I tell them. “What do you mean worlds?” Lyra asks me. “I mean the Nine of Omega and all this technology you see before you is from my world. Everything one piece that in here I got from a doctor some time ago.” I tell them. “That would explain that symbols.” Galaxy said out loud. “But doses know why the disasters out there?” Penelope asks me. “You right, in my world the elements are being collected as we speak. By my younger self, Twilight and the other, with each element being collected the device that out there in the darken ski release a little bit of it energy through the device.” I tell them. “Wait that thing that we give it the name Golden Ball is a device from your world.” Galaxy tells me looking stock about what I just told them. “We are here to get the money and find out how the Peace of Omega got to this world.” I tell them. “What did you called it? A Peace of Omega.” Octavia asks me. “That’s right. That is what called on file.” I said out loud answering her question. “What kind of device this Peace of Omega do?” Lyra asks me. “It’s a recall device make a link between two or more worlds. Well that is what design for and it never function like this before from what tells me from what is on the file.” I tell them. I when to the mixer and calibrated it to pull up the file on the Peace of Omega up. “Here we go.” I said out loud. The other came to the computer screen seeing the file. “So this is it. What did you bring all of us here to this place?” Bon Bon asks me. “Well I’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.” I tell them. “From what hear from the others and my agent. Each one of you as skills I need for a new team of Silencers and you are the only ones help or deal with disaster that coming. It’s your choice not my?” I ask them. “Is those the only options?” Vinyl asks me. “That’s it take it or leave it.” I tell them. After some time of thinking it over, they all agreed to the deal. “Welcome to the team. This origination normally keeps the Reds under control. But the old team was nearly wiped out the old team with only a few members that survive.” I tell them. “Those purple and sliver cars in that video is the Silencers and the red and black ones are the Reds?” Galaxy asks me. “That’s right.” I said out loud. “I still have one question?” Octavia asks me. “Sure, what is it?” I ask her. “This timeline and why don’t you recall what on this world?” She asks me. “Listen time travel is messing thing and I don’t remember it because I wasn’t here during the events in this world and other things that’s hasn’t taking place let.” I tell her. “It would be best not to think about too hard?” She asks me. “It would be a good idea.” I tell her. “Octy is gear that James has nothing I have seen before and some I know how to use. Like another DJ was here.” Vinyl tells her as finish talking with James. Then she sees a machine that picks her interest, she walks over to the machine and hit a button on it. The machine comes to life. Lifting her from the ground on a platform, snake like came to a shoot a laser on her. “Vinyl what’s happening?” Octavia asks her. “I don’t know but it doesn’t hurt.” She tells her calming her nerves a little. The machine comes to a making all kind of noise. JAMES WHAT IS GOING HERE!?” Octavia asks me at the top of her lungs. “SHE TURNS ON THE MACHINE THAT SCANS THE PERSOS ON THE PLATFORM AND BUILDTS A VEHICLE THAT MATCHES THERE PERSONILY!” I shouted at the top of my lungs over the noise the machine. After a matter of moments the machine stops and out comes a white car that she had seen in a dream before. “It can’t be?” She got off the platform get a closer look the car. “What is it Vinyl?” I ask her. She got in a get a remote with her magic and presses a button with her hove. The car transform into a DJ stage within a blink of an eye. “How did you know how to that?” I ask her. “I don’t know it just felt right to me. But I have seen it before in my dream.” She tells me. “In a dream, now that is interesting.” I said out loud. “How is that interesting?” She asks me. “I need you get back on that platform quickly.” I told her get on the controls to only do a deep scan. “OK.” She tells me as get everything set up. “Ok Vinyl I just going to do is use the scanners just use to make that car over there. I turn off the machine that made it and going to just it to get a deep scan of your DNA. Now this scan will take longer than last time to keep it from causing harm to you.” I tell her and the others. After she gets on the platform and begins the scan. “How long is this going to take?” Octavia asks me. “I don’t know I never use it for DNA scans before so this is new for me.” The scan when on for what felt like hours. “How you doing Vinyl?” I ask her. “I’m alright just bored that all.” Within the matter of moments the scan was compete and she steps off the platform. “Ok let me see what we got here?” I said to myself looking at the screen. Then I see something I haven’t seen in a long time. “Now this straight into Avant-garde territory.” I said out loud. “What is it?” Dr. Galaxy asks me looking at the screen. “There is human DNA in her body.” I said out loud. “And there looks like memories too and opens one of them seeing a human looking Vinyl in a mirror, wearing her iconic sunglasses. I quickly got scans out of the rest of them. The same thing was in there of human DNA in them with their own set of memories. “That would explain the strange dreams we sometimes have.” Bon Bon said out loud to the others. Then in the corner of my eye glowing came from the briefcase with an orange glow this time. I open the case showing the City Chip is glowing this time. I quickly turn on the news showing the reporting team in Ponyville on screen. “This is ENN at 10 o clock.” The announcer said out loud. Then the two host that been there all day during the previous broadcast earlier today. “Good even this ENN at 10 o’clock. After what as happen in Ponyville, Baltimare, and Los Pegasus we have confirm reports that the second sun is still over the South Luna Ocean we cutting to the news team in Ponyville. Reporter.” The stallion said to the camera, before cutting to the team in Ponyville. “Thank you. Ponies are still having a hard time after what happen this morning.” He said out loud. “I also got news that word that the major, Major Mare has been found and taking to the hospital and there is no telling on her contention has not been release to the public.” He continues to say out loud. Then the darken skis shows a sun coming up from the west and moving fast. Both of them know it’s the second sun heading somewhere else. The camera guy tries to get footage of the sun moving fast. “It’s the second sun moving fast to somewhere on the east coast.” He said out loud. The ponies at the studio ask themselves where the next disaster is heading. “Everypony listen things have been tuff for everypony and we don’t where it heading.” The director said out loud to calm everypony nerves and sent a Pegasus news team before the disaster hits. Within the matter of moments the team sent to find the second sun just leaving Manehattan. Then out of blue the second sun zip like a shooting star past them throwing them out of the ski, landing in the bay. The ground team sees it over the city and stopping in the middle of the city. The camera guy gets the footage of the second sun. Then a symbol came out of it with an orange hue lighting up the darken ski above the city. Then it starts to spins so fast that it showing some kind of charge. Then it releases it around it hitting very building throughout the city causing a city wild blackout. The TV screens across the land Equestria when out only showing color bars on them. The studio when black the only light source was from the glowing from the horns of unicorns that inside the building. “What just happen?” The director asks his team in the control room. “I don’t know what happen. But the whole building even the city is a black out.” One of the ponies said out loud. “A blackout and why doesn’t the emergency generators didn’t come online?” The director asks somepony on his headset. Nothing on the other end just silence. “Alright whatever just happen out there anything that runs on any kind of power source is dead in the water.” He said out loud to the team in the control building. “What should we do?” One of them asks him. “We need to get set on set to our studio in Filly Delphia. Get the necessary gear that we think still work and get them loud the next train leaving the city. Meanwhile back in Ponyville, Luna and Chrysalis got on the train they have been using before and making their way to the big city of Manehattan. “I sure hope it not bad like the last disaster.” Luna tells Chrysalis. “I hope so too.” She tells her. “Chrysalis why did decide to help us after what as happen to you back at the hive?” She asks her former enemy. “After I lost my home and subjects I was alone trying to find food for myself now. I was in the Everfree Forest for love to fest on. I found nothing then I see a shooting star in the night ski before collapsing on the ground. Someone saves me I couldn’t tell who or what this person is giving me something to eat and it filled me up. Then who ever safe me wrote this handing Luna the letter of this mysterious saver. Luna opens it and sees something that shocks her mind. Be here on this day on this time. Showing a picture of the Ponyville hospital and todays with today’s date with a time frame between 11 to 1. “This is way you’re helping us to settle diet with whoever saved you?” Luna asks her. “That was the plan until I see one disaster after another. So I’m doing this on my owned chord now.” Chrysalis tells Luna answering her question. “I’m going to need all the help I need right now scene my sister is in the hospital and Twilight and others are missing now.” Luna tells her cheering her spirits. “This reminds me that time in college over a thousand years ago.” Chrysalis told her remembering the time when face a similar thing before. “Don’t remind me.” Luna said out loud, trying not to remember the event back in those days. Back in Manehattan Grand Central Station, ponies just getting to the station trying to get out of the city a fast they can. While other ponies when to the docks to get out of the city by boat or ship. The EEN News team gets all the gear loaded on the first train to Filly Delphia. The train heading there is not for passengers only cargo. So the only way for the team to get Filly is by boat. So the team has to quickly get across town to the docks. When they got outside the station sees something hugh that never seen before, first is a big metal beast going down the road the city streets of Manehattan making all kind of noise from a roar and something like a larger blow horn. “What is that?” The hostess asks out loud. “I don’t know I never seen it before.” The director said out loud answering her question just as confuse as the rest of the team. More of those metal beasts of different sizes starting to show up one with a black and white color scheme with letters of MRPD on its sides flashing it lights scaring them and taking off down a side road fast it can. “Whoever these things are they are not from our world.” One of team members said out loud that in the control earlier today. “What are you talking about?” The director asks him. “Don’t you see the new building in the city?” He tell him making look at the new building that begins to show up now in the city. In the distance new building that nopony ever seen before, some are so big that at nearly break through the clouds and other has those strange symbols that they have never seen before except for symbol that showed in the black ski before the city when dark. Meanwhile back at the Bunker, James sends out a drone that he uses many times before when I was younger. Showing the live footage from it to the screen back at the lab; “We are getting live footage of the city.” I said out loud. “Is that Manehattan?” Lyra asks me looking shock what is coming through the small drone. Showing the city in a blackout with every little lights from the ground and the new buildings that came from the city of New York back in my world. The drone when into the city and try and see what is going on? The news team when to a nearly store to get some batteries for the cameras to get them working again to get footage for the morning broadcast when they get to Filly for the morning broadcast. “Is it working again? The director asks a camera guy that with them. “Just give me a minute to find out.” He tells him working the camera to get the batteries to see if they are still working. He holds his breath and hopes it turns on. Within a few seconds the camera get turns on showing light on the screen that on the camera. The camera guy sends a sound of relieve that it comes on. “Go and get the footage we need for the morning news broadcast.” The director tells the pegasus handing him the working camera. He runs outside and takes to the air. “He’ll be fine as far I can tell. Let’s get to the harbor.” He said to the ground. They left the store and quickly made their way to the docks as fast they can. The news team something in the ski heading in the city and fast to stop right in front of them. Back at the Bunker James as found the ENN news team. They are spook by the flying machine in front of them. I got on the microphone. “Relax everypony, it me the one who did the fund raiser earlier today.” I tell them to calm their nerves a little. “You the unknown pony who in the penthouse during the whole thing and we wasn’t on the list to come in to see you?” The director asks me through the drone. “Yes it is and would be best to keep my identity a secret.” I said out loud answering is question. “Also it best not to ask question you don’t want to know the answers too.” I tell them. “Why dose that voice sound so remember?” The Hostess thought to herself. “Best to move fast you aren’t too far from the docks.” I tell them before flying away from them to other parts of the city. The train that Luna and Chrysies is on just got to the bridge seeing the city of Manehattan in the dark only lights showing are showing are from the ground and the building nether of them have seen before. Trains starting to leave the city by the time they got there. “What is the hold up?” Luna asks the driver. “We have been told to go to a side track and wait for the trains that are leaving the city, so we can go into the station.” The driver told her what happen in their predicament. “How long will be until we go into the station?” Chrysies asks the driver. “Until I get the go head. That would an hour or two.” He tells her. “It looks like we have to wait.” She said out loud. Both of them see trains leaving the city through the one bridge heading in and out of the city for matter of minutes. Then a pegasus came where the train from Ponyville is currently is. “You are good to go.” She tells the train driver. The train jolts forward a little with a loud noise heading on the bridge. Moments later the train pulls into the only train station that comes in and out of the city, Grade Central Station. Both Luna and Chrysalis got off the train seeing close to 50 ponies still at the station. “What is going on out there?” Luna asks a staff member at the station. “Some ponies said they have seen metal carts some of them big as a train engine.” The condoner tells her. This make her curious and when outside to the street of the city. “So what are these things the ponies are talking about?” She said to herself. Then out of she sees a riff opens up and comes out a giant metal beast on wheels stopping feet from the station. A red light shows what in front of it, the front spinning thing that in front of this metal beast pull back into the open mouth. Then metal machines that stands on two legs walks out of the beast. It looks at Luna and starts running at her to attack her. She breasts herself with her magic and then hears something in the distance. “HEY YOU!” The machine turns around seeing a drone and when it instead. The drone fires a missile at the machine, destroying it leaving it in ruins. “Princess are you alright?” The drone asks her hovering a few feet of the ground. “Yes I’m alright who are you?” She asks the flying machine of death. “You will find out so enough.” It tells her before flying away. She when back inside the station seeing that they were waiting for her, where Chrysalis waiting outside the train passager cart. “Luna over here!” She shouted. Luna runs to her and both of them aboard the train. “Let’s go!” She shouted to the driver. Steam goes through the pistons at the front of the train and a quick jolt later. They were on their way out of the city. Then the door to the front of the station burst open showing more of those walking machines getting into the station. Luna sees more of them starting to come after her and the train. Then out of blue rays of fires came from the same drone that saves her just moments ago. The walking machines fell right where they were standing. The ponies on the train were screaming from is happen in front of them. They were seeing what Luna and Chrysalis is seeing. The driver opens up the throttle to a faster speed that isn’t safe for the coming and goings of trains at the station. The train starts build up speed as fast it can go. Within the matter of seconds it was out of the station making it way to the bridge. The drone finish off the last of the machines then starting to follows the train to the bridge. “That was close.” I said out loud. “Is the Luna alright?” Bon Bon asks me. “She alright and everyone on that train as well.” I tell her calming her nerves. Another drone came through the riff and it was control by the Reds. “It looks like it heading for the bridge.” I said out loud piloting the drone for an interception. “Where it’s going?” Chrysalis asks Luna. “Your guest is good as my.” She tells her answering her question. Then seeing another one of those flying machines heading to the bridge, It was not like the other one that just save them both and everypony on the train; It as red lights like the giant metal beast that had the walking contraptions. “Don’t worry I got you.” I said locking on the drone. It fires a missile heading to the bridge. I turn to the missile firing my guns at the missile destroying it. I did a quick turnaround to get a lock on. The screen shows a lock on the drone and fires my missile at the drone. It try turning around and firing flares to guild it to miss. But it didn’t work and the missile keeps going to the drone. The drone ran out of ideas and it gets destroy into nothing but nuts and bolts. I breathing a sign of relieve, “that was too close.” I said out loud; turning the drone around heading back to the bridge, seeing the train getting across heading back to Ponyville. I plot the drone to the docks to see if that news team has gotten on a ship. Elsewhere in the city the ENN news team just got to the docks seeing the last of the ships being loading up with the last of the ponies. They run to the loading bay of the passengers to get on the ship. “Is this ship heading to Filly?” The director asks the harbor master. “Yes it is hurry up and get on.” He tells them leading them to the ship. I plot the drone to the docks seeing only one ship left and I see the last of them boarding it. Another riff opens up and another Sweeper comes through. I quickly got on to destroy it before the unit of racing attack drones can get out. I fire the last of my missiles hitting the Sweeper destroy it. “What was that?!” The director said out loud, looking over to see a ball of fire shooting into the ski above. Everypony that hasn’t got aboard the ship begins to scramble on it. Soon everypony is aboard, the pegasus still down on the dock remove the mooring lines holding it in place. The ship smoke tach starting to releasing black smoke slowly the ship starting to move out of the harbor. The pegasus takes off to the air landing on the ship. The thing that’s in the air hovers next to the ship. I watch on screen. “Seeing that there is still one more in the city and it was air abort with a camera flying to the ship landing at it back end of it. This ship pick up speed a little after leaving the docks heading to opening water of the Celestia Sea. “Mission accomplished.” I said out loud, taking one last look at the city of Manehattan before returning to the Bunker. > Chapter 25 A Time To Relax > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and the others are driving down the interstate seeing the damage caused by James and the local cop that was chasing him moments ago. “What in tarnation happen?” Applejack asks the others over the radio. “I don’t know let me ask this guy.” Twilight said out loud rolling down her window. She stops in front of one of the officers. “Excuse me!” She said out loud. He turns his head and walks up to her. “Yes, can I help you?” He asks her. “What happen here?” She asks him. “Nothing really, just a minor problem with one of the local officer made foulest attempt to catch the notorious James Cribb.” He tells her while looking over the damage on the road. “Thank you, officer.” She tells him before driving off into the city. “Why would James being chase by the local cops like that?” She thought to herself. “So what he says?” Rarity asks Twilight. “He said that James causes this damage after being chased by one of the local officers around the city.” She tells her and the others. “We shouldn’t be too far from the spa.” Rarity said out loud. The group made their way through the confines of the damage road seeing destroy roadblocks, old slicks, and the police car that was chasing him crash into a guard rile at an off-ramp. “I’m guessing seeing dad again didn’t blow well for him?” Applejack asks the group. “I know this is just crazy.” Rainbow said out loud. “I know it like that time Spike when a little crazy from somepony gives him a gift.” Pinky said out loud. “Don’t remind me.” Spike said with an angry tone in his voice. “Sorry Spike that was a bad example on my part.” She tells him. “Listen is not just me that have done things that we are not proud of.” He tells the group. “He’s right we all done something that we have done something in our past that we regretted in the past; some more than others.” She tells the group. They made their way to the Hollywood Blvd. “This is like Applewood.” AJ said out loud looking at the building while driving down the street of Hollywood. The building where the Spa is coming up they pull into the parking lot next to the building. “This place is just as big as the spa back home.” Rarity said out loud getting out of her car. “I don’t know it looks bigger to me.” Fluttershy tells her. “Are you sure Fluttershy?” Rainbow asks her as they walk to the front door. “I’m sure about that that space for a spa for humans and this world would be pretty big.” She tells them. The group when seeing people walking around the lobby; this is the first time they didn’t have James or his friends with them. “Welcome to the Hollywood Spa, the best spa in the LA region. How can I help you?” A woman dress in a gray spa uniform asks them. “Yes, we are here to get some rest and relaxation.” Twilight tells her. “I’m betting after what a day you all had.” She said looking at them showing signs of stress in them. “How do you know that?” AJ asks her. “I can tell from the stress from your bodies alone.” She tells them leading them deep into the spa itself; seeing all the same stuff back home with the twins Louis and Aloe spa, and there some that never seen before like tanning beds. The group is when into a set of lockers with small black holes underneath the handle. “We don’t mean to be rude but what your name by the way?” Rainbow asks the woman handing them each a keycard. “Becky, my name is Becky.” She tells them. Twilight looks at the card and there is a number on it. She when to find her locker number 25 and plugs into the slot and a green came on by small clacks. She opens the door and seeing a white robe and slippers. The others find the same thing in their lockers with their own numbers 97, 98, 49, 68, 22, and 24. After a quick change into the robes and slipper that were in their lockers and putting their normal clothes in there. “So where to start?” Applejack asks them. “I don’t know about you me and Pinky are heading to the mud bath and facial.” Fluttershy tells them. “I’ll join you.” Rarity said out loud. “Are you about that?” Pinky asks her. “Yes I’m sure, I never past on a good facial daring.” She tells her. “Well me and Spike are going to try out those tanning beds we seen coming in.” Twilight tells them. “Those tanning beds help me out on with my now human skin.” He said out loud looking at his light purple skin. “I never tan before back home because I was always busy.” Twilight tells him looking at her darker purple skin. “I guessing me and Rainbow will go to the steam room.” AJ said to them. “I guessing we are heading to the steam room.” Rainbow said out loud. The group when off to different areas of the spa. The music in the place was something like would find in a spa soft melodies and strings being soft pluck like somepony they know who plays a lyra back home on most days of the week. Fluttershy, Pinky, Rarity made to the room where the mud baths are where there Becky and a few other members of the staff there getting there facial ready and apply it to their faces. “This is going to feel so good.” Rarity said out loud. “I’m bet so.” Pinky said with a serious tone in her voice trying to enjoy it that best she can. “Pinky, I know you’re tents about the whole thing. But we’re here to help you through this whole thing.” Fluttershy tells her to try and make her relax a little. “I know what are trying to do and not make me worry too much end up causing harm to the child.” Pinky said out loud. Becky and the other two staff members are done applying the facial so the three of them can get into the mud baths next to them. “Good thing there are swim sluts in those lockers for us.” Rarity said out loud getting in the mud. While Pinky and Fluttershy waited a little bit longer to get in. Meanwhile Twilight and Spike found the room with two empty tanning beds. “Well then.” Spike said out loud with an awkward tone in his voice scratching the back his head a little. “It’s Ok Spike this is the first time for me as well.” Twilight tells him to calm his nerves a little from the awkward situation. “I know Twilight; It not that, it’s something else entirely.” Spike tells her clinching his rob a little tighter around him. “Hang on Spike.” She tells him closing the door and locking it. “It Ok Spike you can show me.” He opens up the robes showing a white speedo, covering a 10-inch dick barely holding it all in. “Now I see the reason for it.” She said to herself and to Spike. “I know the speedo that was in my locker said one size fits all.” He tells her. “Your DNA must different than my and James cent you were a dragon before.” She tells him grabbing two funny looking plastic things go over their eyes. “Maybe so, tuff call to say.” He tells her taking one of the things from Twilight hand and lifted the top of the bed showing blue light coming from around the whole bed, The lights were so bright made him cover his eyes from it turning his head trying to get eyes adjust from the blinding light. “Spike, you’re alright?” Twilight asks him closing the lead of the bed. “I’m alright just everything is a little burly now just give me a moment.” He tells while vision clear. Twilight put the funny looking eyewear, lifted the lead and get inside the bed. Spike vision clear seeing the Twilight is already in her tanning bed. “OK let try this again.” He tells himself, putting the eyewear and getting in his tanning bed. Applejack and Rainbow found the steam room or rooms more to the point. “My sweet Celestia.” AJ said out loud. “I know mean AJ.” Rainbow tells her seeing close to 20 steam room. “This is a lot more than back home.” AJ seeing three lights above the doors questioning herself what are they for. She sees a staff member walking towards them. “Excuse me?” AJ asks her. “Yes, can I help you?” She asks the both of them. “Yes, what is with the lights above the doors?” AJ asks her. “First time coming here ate it?” She asks them. “Yes, it is.” AJ tells her. “Well then, the red light means there is someone inside, the yellow means that it’s under cleaning and repairs, the green means it ready for someone to use it.” She tells them both. “Thank you for telling us.” AJ tells her. “Your welcome.” She tells them before walking down the hall. “At least we know what those light mean now.” Rainbow said out loud walking to the nearest available room with a green light on. Rainbow opens the door and the light changes from green to red both of them walk straight in. Inside the steam were two seats and in the center next to the back wall with a pile of rocks and a metal ring above it dropping drops of water on the pile. “It sure steamy in here, you can boil an egg from the steam alone.” AJ said closing the door behind her. “Tell me about.” Rainbow tells her sitting down on the wooden bench. Applejack lies down on the bench across from her. Moments later both starting to get warm, but this not from the steam this was something else. “AJ do you feel that?” Rainbow asks her friend. “Yes I do and it’s making me feel good.” AJ tells her putting her right hand down rub her leg biting her bottom lip. Rainbow gets up when over to AJ removing her robe throwing it to the other side of the room. “Dashy what you doing?” She asks her a before Rainbow planted a kiss on her lips. “MMMMM” AJ moaned into her mouth. Rainbow broke the kiss and tells her. “We didn’t finish back at the club and I’m getting warm up here.” “I know what you mean sugar cube it feels like I’m on fire right now.” She tells her getting up taking off her robe and white panties that were giving to her from the locker, showing off her pussy to Rainbow. “This is going to be good and I can tell you.” Applejack tells rainbow as she gets down on her hands and knees like an animal licking her lips while looking at her prize. Rainbow digs right in her friend pussy eating it out with all her mite. “Rainbow, MMM, oh yes that the spot.” AJ said out loud while Rainbow keeps going in deeper and deeper with her tongue. “Too bad we don’t have are toys with us.” Rainbow said out loud. “I know I would take you right with it.” AJ tells her catching her breath a little. Rainbow backs up and takes two of fingers begins to fingering AJ pussy. Applejack mind when crazy from that. Moaning, breathing, and telling Rainbow to keep going. “Oh sweet Celestia, Rainbow whatever you’re doing, don’t stop whatever you do.” Rainbow removes the white panties with her free hand and fingering her own pussy making moan with pressure. Applejack when to fondle her breast while Rainbow mess around her pussy. AJ is reaching her peak and about to come in Rainbow face. “Rainbow I’m about to cum.” She tells her making stop finger herself and straight back to licking her until she about to cum. “Rainbow, AAAAHHHH! She screams squirting all over her face. She was trying to catch her breath and closes her eyes hearing the sound of Rainbow fingering herself again. Rainbow breathes heavily in and out with her tongue out, reaching her pick as well. She keeps fingering herself until she screams herself from the built up pressure. “I needed that after what happen back at the club.” Rainbow tells AJ getting off the floor grabbing her white panties and putting them back on. “I wonder where the showers are because I’m going to need one after that.” She said out loud. “I’m going to need one as well.” AJ said out loud putting her panties and robe back on. Rainbow quickly gets hers as well. Both of them left the steam room the light changes too yellow as they leave to find a shower. Elsewhere Pinky is finally loosing up thanks to mud and the facial. “It looks like you are finally relaxing a little.” Rarity said out loud making Fluttershy jump a little from it. “What was that I fail asleep?” She asks her friend, then looking over to Pinky with a smile on her face. “What do think she’s thinking about?” Rarity asks Fluttershy. “Knowing Pinky it could be anything.” Fluttershy tells her. Inside Pinky mind showing her and James in Ponyville getting their new house ready with both their friends and family. Pinky opens her eyes and turns her head to Rarity and said. “Thanks Rarity, I need this to calm my nerves from the stress of getting these elements and other things.” “Your welcome daring, I think it’s time to get out of this mud.” She said getting out of the mud grabbing a nearby tow to get the facial off her face. “Just give me a few more minutes Rarity.” Fluttershy tells her while she getting her stuff heading to the showers to get the mud off. “Pinky, what would your family going to think about this when we get back home?” Fluttershy asks her friend. “I never thought about it until now. I just hope that go easy on me and James?” Pinky said out loud. “We’ll come to that when the time is right.” She said to herself out loud. Both of them gets out of the mud and wipe off the facial and head to the showers to get the mud off. Spike and Twilight are enjoying their time in the tanning bed. Spike lefts the lead and getting out seeing his skin didn’t change much from it. He takes a deep breath of disappointed with the results. Twilight hears him and gets out of hers and her skin didn’t change either. “I’m guessing doing this over and over and again start to see some change over time.” She tells him. “Maybe your right and we don’t have time to try again.” He tells her putting his robe back on and unlocking the door and when to find the others. Twilight grabs her robe and when to follow him into another area of the building. “Spike wait up!” She shouted to him as he walks his way to the locker room. She puts on her robe around herself to keep from showing off her curves to the other guest around. “I know you’re a little mad right with the results with the tanning bed, how about I have a word with James to see about getting one of those when we get back home.” She tells him to calm his nerves. “Thank you, Twilight.” He tells her. “The others should be finished by now with their ways to relax.” Twilight tells him making their way to the locker room; the both of them seeing the other already in there getting change back into their normal clothes. “I was beginning to think you guys have gotten lost?” Rainbow tells with a sarcastic attitude putting her shirt back on. “I miss you too.” Twilight tells her. Twilight finds her locker number and puts in the keycard to unlock it seeing her normal clothes purple pants and same shirt with her cutie mark on it and black tennis shoes with purple lances on them, thanks to James giving them to her after she didn’t like the color on the other ones. She quickly got change and meet up with the others in the front lobby. When she got there she sees others and James talking to Becky from earlier at a nearby couch. “Rarity, why is James talking to her?” Twilight asks her friend. “I don’t know; Maybe someone in his past.” She tells her. “We will keep this up later.” I tell her rubbing her knee getting to meet the others. “Who is that and why were you talking to her?” Twilight asks me. “I tell you later when we get back on the road.” I tell her and the others. “This will be a good story on the drive back.” Applejack said out loud. Outside showing the night sky with the other worlds in clear ski warm air feeling of summer mouths back on Earth. “It starts to feel more like home every time I come here.” I said out loud. “It feels a bit too warm for my taste.” Rainbow tells me getting on her bike and turning it on. Applejack gets inside her truck and sees the letter for James from the old man back at the stadium and thought to herself. “What this letter as to do with James and his father.” Grabbing the letter makes her mark on the side of her neck starting to glow as well her right hand. Then she sees the city of Manehattan, she was standing on top of one of the buildings in the city; Seeing the Peace of Omega above the city firing something then the city when dark. She turns her heading seeing the same person that Pinky, Spike, and James have seen. “What in tarnation going on here?” She asks the unknown person standing next to her. “It best would be best for me to show you.” The person tells her before jumping off the building to the streets below. AJ looks overseeing the person is standing on the side of the building, the person reach out its hand to her and tell her. “Trust me.” AJ grabs the figure hand and before she knows it both of them were flying down the darken street seeing other ponies running and trying to find a way out of the city. “Can they see us?” AJ asks the person caring her through the air. “No, we are nothing more than mere ghost to them.” They made it to the train station. Hundreds to thousands of ponies making their way to there, time quickly passes by until somepony that she knows comes out of the station. “Princess Luna?” She said our loud also question herself way is she here. Then in a flash, a riff opens up and a Sweeper comes through it stopping in front of the station. “Not again!” She shouted seeing the metal beast again. Seeing the white metal speeder stops opens up and a shoulder that she saw back during the fight in the water world comes out of the Sweeper. The metal drone shoulder turns its head and sees Luna, runs towards her for an attack. Luna breast herself for it. Then from out of the blue the three of them hears a voice be called out to them. “HEY YOU!” The shoulder and AJ turn their heads seeing a drone planted in dark blue firing at them. The drone was destroyed the rounds that were fired at her when straight threw her hitting the ground next to her. The drone hovers over Luna asks her something. “Princess are you alright?” “Yes, I’m alright who are you?” She asks the flying drone that just helps her out. “You will find out soon enough.” The drone tells her before flying off. “I know who his plotting the drone!” She tries to tell Luna, even getting in front of her trying to stop her in her tracks. It didn’t work Luna just walk straight through her like a ghost. “I told you already you can see or even talk to them no matter how hard you try.” The person tells her. “Why did you show me this?” AJ asks the person. “I’m here to show you what you need to see so you know what to do.” The person tells her. “No, I want out of this nightmare. I want out! I want out!” She said out loud, then waking up in the driver seat of her truck breathing heavy too catch her breath from what just happen to her. Her hand was still glowing, she quickly checks the rear view mirror seeing that the mark on the side of her neck is still glowing. She turns her head to see the unknown person again inside her truck. “You again, what do you want from me?” She asks the person. “You didn’t let me finish. I have something for you before you woke up to me.” It tells her handing her a ring with an orange stone inside of it, sliding it on one of her fingers on her right hand. The glowing on her neck and right-hand stop and the unknown person disappeared in front of her eyes. “Applejack, Applejack, are you alright in there?” Twilight asks her over the radio. “Yes I’m alright; I just had a visit from our unknown friend.” AJ tells the rest of them. “Ready you had a visit from the person that has visited the other before when we get the other elements.” Twilight said out loud over the radio. “Alright it looks like Applejack as come by from dreamland for a bit. It time to head back to the shop.” I tell them. “Yes ready to go and you can tell us the story about Becky from the spa and how do you know her.” Applejack tells me over the radio. > Chapter 26 Becky's Backstory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The nine of us made our way down the interstate reaching the out skirts of the Los Angeles region. “So what about that backstory is Becky backstory?” Rainbow asks me. “It’s a long story and it look like I have enough time to tell you.” I said out loud. “Just start from the beginning.” Twilight tells me. “OK, it was the second year of qualifying arounds back on Earth at the Daytona international speedway.” “Wait a sec, There are tracks back on Earth?” Applejack asks me looking confuse by what I just said. “Yes there were hundreds of close circuits before I discover this world. Now where was I? Ha, yes. I was finish with my qualifying round when I see in the distend someone dominating the next round and thought to myself. Whoever is behind the wheel is very good. After the round was over and done with come to find out it was Becky. I didn’t know her name at the time when to the garages. I when to see to her she was driving a 1964 Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 planted black with white stripes coming from the top of the car reaching the front to the back of it. “You were good out there.” I told her. She turns around showing me her face which was the most beautiful face I seen by far. “So what is it to you?” She asks me. “I have seen you out doing better than lot of the other drivers out there in their stock cars and half a million dollar cars.” I told her. “This old girl hasn’t let me down let after I heavy modify it for the tracks.” She told me. “The next round is starting soon and I hope to see you again.” I told her. “I never got your name by the way?” She asks me. “James Cribb. Why do you ask?” I ask her. “I thought I seen you before. Your last year champ and I’m guild to see you in person.” She tells me like a fan would. “It good to meet a fan, but may I ask why are you here for the qualifying rounds?” I asked her. “So what did she say?” Rarity asks me. “I’m getting to that. She told me. “I’m here to show you that I can drive with the best of them and to be on her team.”” I told them. “Rainbow does it reminds you of somepony back home?” Pinky asks Rainbow. “Yes it does Pinky.” She said out loud answering her question. “Why would that ring any bells?” I ask them both. “You see back home, Rainbow was in the Wonder Blot Reserves training to be a full time Wonder Blot. One time she and another pegues I can’t remember her name. May helping me out on that?” Pinky asks her. “Lighting Dust is her name.” Rainbow said out loud. “Thanks Dashy. They were clearing out clouds with some other ponies in the group during a routine exercise. Lighting and Dashy were clearing clouds faster than any other pony in the group.” Pinky said out loud. “Thanks Pinky I take it from here.” Rainbow said out loud taking over the story. “Me and Lighting leading from the others and her methods were too reckless and dangerous. She want to be the best no matter cost, she got an idea for making a tornado to clear them faster than before. She was team leader and I a wing pony at the time.” Rainbow tells her side of the story. “I had no choice to follow her making the tornado and quickly lose control of it.” She said out loud. “Me and the others were on way to the Academy by hot air balloon to see her after only a few days after she left for the Academy. We picket a worst time to go there; the balloon got sucked into the twister and broke up causing all of us to fall from the sky heading to the ground fast. Lucky for us Rainbow jump to action to save us and with the help from the others that was there to save us as well.” Pinky tells her side of the story. “After saving my friends I when to the Captain Spitfire to tell what just happen. I told that I quit and turn in my batch. Just after I got my stuff together and made my way to exit with my friends waiting for me. From out of nowhere Cap. Spitfire had a word with me about not saying anything on her part before leaving her office, She kick out Lighting rapes her batch off before telling her to leave and give it to me as lead pony.” Rainbow tells her side of the story. “I betting that talking too with the Captain must have change her ways?” I ask Rainbow. “Yes she did. So did Becky did anything like that?” She asks me. “No nothing like that. After both of us made through the qualifying rounds and I brought her to my team with some other drivers made through. Things were going go for her the rest of my team racing, batting, and off-roading until the Mystery Event on the 8th random track for the event. It was only me, Becky, and three other drivers left. We weren’t the only team left there was five other team still in the game with the Reds and Silencers. This was before I joint them.” I tell the story. “Which track was it?” Twilight ask me. “Pardon?” I said out loud confuse. “Which track was it? Your robot counterpart said only ten track out of an over a thousand of them.” She asks me. “Right was the Fog Track.” I tell her. “Alright, back to the story. Things weren’t going good for me and my team. The first one was a Silencer, the other teams were out and only a few Reds left on the track. Me and Becky was getting to the end until something we see hit me and Becky’s cars causing both us to spin out of control hitting something big. I was alright as far I can see I couldn’t get the car to turn over and I see Becky’s car flip upside down through the decent fog. I got out seeing if she is alright and she look alright as far I could see. But she was knockout cold. Time was running out and I see the remaining Reds getting to the portal and time was running out. I ask my team members how much time is left. From what they told me stock me from I just heard. I only had minutes from the closing of the portal and I was trying very thing to think off and I ask my team can the ejection steam for time just like this can be remotely active. They told me it could. I got back inside the Mark 2 and look over to Becky car for one last time. I hit the red button for system, the next thing I know I was back on Earth at the stadium in Myrtle. I waited for Becky unconscious body to come through the portal. Moments later I was still waiting for her. Everyone from the teams and the people watching at the stadium and at home were waiting to see the last driver to come out. The clock reaches zero and the buzzers going before the portal close. Then in a flash it was close never seeing Becky again.” “So what happen to steam that was on her car?” Fluttershy asks me. “I come to find out that her E.E.S. was damage to do it by remote access and we didn’t find out until after the portal close.” I tell them. “So happen after that?” Spike asks me. “There was a candle lighting that night for Becky for being the first driver trap and I was out of the remaining races for the year ever seen the Mark 2 is also trap on the track.” I tell them. “Did you find her later on?” Rarity asks me. “Yes, I did. It was after I became a Silencer. We got word that the drivers from the third year of the MR series being held prisoner by the Reds at their main base. Me and a small team were sent in to get them out. After we see the prisoner cell blocks there were drivers that were lost or busted my MRPD during that year. This was after portals close, then I see one driver that look very for member for my past and I was right it was Becky. She was scare out of her mind at me seeing a Silencer. I had to show my face to her by remove my helmet. When she seeing me not a Silencer. She happy to see my for a long time now. After we get them back to the base, the Grad Leader tells them that the portals back to Earth are close never to be reopen again. This cause a lot of them to panic while others the thought of never seeing their families again. Bucky was just glad to see me again. In matter of fact we both were to see each other again after all this time.” I tell them that part of the story. “So did she get a job at the Spa we were just at moments ago?” Twilight ask me. “Well then is interesting because it wasn’t easy getting her the job there and I had to use up some old flavors of my to get her in there. Also she didn’t want the job at first and wanted to state with me. Until I told her that I couldn’t lose her again after what has happen to her on the Fog Track. So she toke the job and I pop in from time to time when I get a change. Then I come to find out that she is running the place lest then a year after getting the job.” I told them. “Did you visit her after you went into hiding?” Applejack asks me. “Yes I did and she made sure that I remember it.” I said out loud answering her question. “How?” AJ asks me again. “After I when into hiding; I visit the spa. This after she heard about the attack only a few days ago, when she seen me she gave me a good slap to the face and told me. “I thought you died.” Then I told her that I have to go into hiding to keep a low profile so I wantn’t get note ness by the Reds and finding anyone that I used to know. I never for gave myself after that.” I tell them why I left her like that. “It not like you got her pregnant.” Rainbow said in a sarcastic attitude making me and Pinky rub our necks a little. “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity shouted at her over that remark. “That is the business between James and Becky.” She tells her. This make Rainbow back off a little after what she just said earlier. “James, how much longer is it going to be?” Applejack asks reaching the edge of the junkyard; “We nearly there, the city Queen City where the shop is over the next few miles.” I said out loud driving over the hill seeing the city again. The nine of us made it to the shop again without any problems. “I’m going to feel really good to be home after a trip like that.” I thought to myself pulling into the garage. “Let just hope that we don’t have to make that kind of journey again, because now I have sore butt.” Rainbow said out loud turning off her bike and getting off. “You’re not the only one.” Spike said out loud getting off his bike stretching his back a little. “James I don’t how you do it driving for hours on end?” Twilight asks me. “I been doing this for some time now and training I had when I joined with the Silencers.” I tell them. “He not the only one that gotten used to it.” Danny said out loud walking to the garage. “Everyone that raced in the M.R. series and those that joined the Silencers got use driving for hours on end.” He tells the 7 of them. “How did you train for things like that?” Twilight asks both him and me. Duke just got out of his car and said out loud. “Man, I haven’t felt something like that for a long time.” “Back on Earth during my racing days there was platforms for practice before going out on the track. The only tracks we can’t practice on were on the Mystery Event.” I said out loud leaving the garage to the kitchen to get myself something to eat. Come to find out that the a packet of a low supply of packets goods are running low. “I look like I going to make a supply run.” I thought to myself. Grabbing that last of the packets and putting the microwave. Then in a quick flash a plate of fish and shrimp seafood platter. “Is there any more of them daring?” Rarity asks me. “I think there is a few more of them. But we are running low of them and I’m going to need to make a supply run tomorrow.” I tell her getting the plater out of the microwave taking to the table. “Did someone said about low on supply?” Rainbow said out loud walking into the kitchen. “Yes, I did. Before you came here a few days ago, I only had enough food for 1 person to live on for a week. So I told Rarity that I will have to make a supply run tomorrow. I do it after we get the Mountain Element.” I tell both of them and the others that were listening in out of the kitchen. “How could you know we were listening in?” Twilight asks me coming into the kitchen with the others. “I always had the scent of my surroundings for is long as I can remember.” I tell her answering her question. This confuses her a little about what I just said. “What that’s means James?” She asks me as I when to the fridge to fix myself a drink. “I have always had this scent. People from my world that have this scent either been trained to replace their eyes for those that can’t see or to those that can see can use it from keeping from get ambush by the enemy.” I tell her going back to the table. “Why those explain a little bit of the scent.” She tells me while the other get there owned packets ready so they can eat. “Duke, do you have this scent?” Twilight asks him. “Yes I do, nothing to the skill that James has. I heard one time that he can see into the future for some kind of outcome that only happens to him.” He tells her. “What do you mean, seeing into the future?” She asks him. “These are more like visions than anything else.” He tells her. “I wonder these visions that James has really do see into the future or is it something else entirely?” She thought to herself getting her food joining the others. After everyone ate and clean the kitchen a little bit. The only ones who are still up was me, Twilight, and Pinky. “James?” Twilight calls me to get my attention. “Yes, what is it?” I ask her on the living room couch. “I talk with Duke about this scent you mention earlier and he said that you get these visions of the future?” She asks me. “I do get these visions from time to time; the visions are more like what could happen to me for others that I know. Sometime they are right and others times are what could be.” I told her. “So it more likes déjà vu?” She asks me. “Something like that.” I tell her. Pinky was just stepping out of the shower. Hearing what me and Twilight is talking about when walks out of the bathroom wearing a robe and slippers with her hair flat like before walks into the living seeing both of talking about something. “So what are you two talking about?” Pinky asks the both of us. “James is explaining me about the visions part of his scent that he has.” Twilight tells her. “So it’s more like my Pinky scent. But different.” Pinky asks Twilight. “Both yes and no. Yes for the same elements use for your scent and no he doesn’t have those twitches that you have for different meaning.” She tells her. “After a long day, I’m going to feel good to be in my owned bed again.” Twilight said out loud getting off the couch and heading to her room. “Pinky, I guessing that time at the spa earlier help and the others a little?” I ask her. “Yes it did I needed another shower to get the rest of the mud I couldn’t get off back there.” She tells me. “I don’t want do know.” I tell her going in for a kiss. “James, not here not let.” Putting a finger on my lips stopping me in my tracks from kiss her. “We’re out in the open and someone mite would see.” She tells me. “You forgot that we did it on this couch.” I whisper into her ear. “I didn’t forget and everyone was asleep when we did it.” She whispers into my ear before kissing me on the lips. The both of us felt the little guy present inside Pinky. “Did you feel that?” She asks me. “Yes I did.” I tell her putting my hand on her stomach feeling the heat coming from it. “I’m going some rest now after a day like today.” She tells me kissing me again before walking to her room. “I would like to go back with them. We have to wait and see.” I thought to myself. The next morning, we were getting ready to get going to the portal to the Mountain World. “Ready to go?” I ask them putting the key on the hood of my car. Everyone was ready and waiting for me. We got to the edge of the city and the portal opens, the 9 gun it to the portal then a quick flash we were gone. > Chapter 27 Mountain World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens next to a canyon and the nine of us sees the canyon next to us. We stop so I can close the portal. After that was over and done with. Rainbow and Spike see the canyon over in the distance, “That is a big hole in the ground.” Rainbow said out loud looking into the canyon. “I know what you mean.” Spike said out loud looking down into the fog below. I got back inside my car and hit the button to release the marker so we can find our way back. Danny drone is up and air aboard to start the scanning the nearby landmass. Danny is also the controls of the satellites that are over the mountain world to get a better lay of the land. After a few moments later Danny gets get the landmass around us stretching for 250 miles radius from us. The map shows up on a small 3-D hologram that was used by the Silencers for any kind of information about our mission or track detail. “James, what with the 3-D map?” Spike asks me. “It a small device that the Silencers before I was brought into the team.” I tell him. “When did you install it?” He asks me again. “While I was putting the modifications I install them into everybody’s cars so you see what I’m seeing.” I tell him the others. “Well then, that would explain why I’m seeing a map.” He tells me looking at the map. “Spike that is enough.” Twilight tells him making him feel a little down. “Don’t mind him he just did get enough sleep last night.” She tells me. “I know how you feel after that; I would be in a treble mod from the lack of sleep.” I told her. “James, from what I seeing here on the map the mountains are so big that even Daring Do would have trouble trying to climb them.” Applejack said out loud. “Hey!” Rainbow shouted then looking at the map seeing the size of them. “Yea, she might have trouble climbing them if she doesn’t fly.” Rainbow said out loud. Just then the world underneath them begins to shake. “Earthquake!” AJ shouted seeing where Spike and Rainbow beginning to give way into the canyon. Both of them hurry to get out of there. Rainbow activating her flying mode on her bike and Spike plugs in the Swamp chip into the slot making a small bridge of vines underneath him to get across from the giving way landmass. Rainbow lands her bike next to the rest of them. Spike turns off the chip making the vine bridge stop and quickly turning brown destroying itself making him land next to everyone else. “That was to close!” Spike shouted. “I know what you mean.” Rainbow said out loud after getting clear the collapsing landmass that sending both of them into the fog below. Twilight gets out of her car and runs to Spike after he landed hugging him in her arms. “Spike, are you hurt?” She asks him from the shock of losing him into the depths below. “Twilight I’m alright. I’m alright for Equestria sack.” He tells her from the shock of the quack. “I never thought about losing you until now.” She tells him looking over the new space for the canyon before letting go of him and walks close to the edge seeing the mountain over their heads. The mountain is floating in midair with a few rocks floating around them as well. “How is that even possible?” Seeing the floating mountain and rocks, clouds clear out more showing more showing the whole canyon and some more mountains. Then she sees another track off in the distant. Then I look at my map seeing in coming “TWILIGHT GET BACK IN YOUR CAR WE HAVE INCOMING!” I shouted at her. Twilight see a small group of Reds Flying Attack Drones coming at us, she runs back into her car in time before they could open fire on them. The R.F.A.D. charges up their weapons to fire red balls of light then firing at them. Pinky turns on her teleporter and the others but me, Spike, and AJ hold our ground against them. When they open fire I quickly put up a small dome of electricity to protect myself. Spike with a wall of vines and AJ plug in the city chip. It makes itself and her truck glow orange. The projection of red energy balls comes at us hit the three of us, causing no harm thanks to the elements. “We got to do something!” Rainbow said out loud taking cover behind some nearby rocks. “I know what mean. I don’t know how much longer they can hold out.” Rarity said out loud looking at them getting attack by those the Reds drones. Then Pinky appear out of not where drawing them and their fire away from the three of us driving to the getting the drones to follow her into the fog. Pinky plugs in the water element chip making her car glow ski blue, then seeing the fog turn into the water around her heading back to the drones that are clashing her, the water fry their system making them crash to the rocks below. Pinky turns off the chip and active her teleporter landing her with the others. “That was close.” She said out loud after a rough landing. “Pinky I have never seen you did anything like that before?” Rainbow asks her. “This teleporter sure has its uses and I had to protect our friends.” She said out loud answering her question. “Thanks Pinky for saving us back there I don’t know how much longer we could hold out.” I told her over the radio. “You’re welcome James.” She tells me looking at me, Spike, and AJ. With the drones been dealt with the nine when to find the mountain element. But trying to find is harder than the ones from before because of the land cape of this world. Both me and Twilight lunch our drones to get a better chance to get to find the element. Danny got back on the satellites to any traces of the elemental power single. The satellites are still having problems; until something comes up from the satellites. It right on top of them down into the canyon deep into the fog. “Danny I need you to pilot the drone into the fog to get a better layout of the land so we so we get down there we can easily see where we going and any dangers as well.” I told him over the radio. “Alright, it’s going to take some time because I have to do the scan low so I wouldn’t end up hitting anything while I’m down there.” He tells before getting the drone ready for the deep scan. After a few minutes later, the drone is ready to head down into the fog bank below. “Good luck.” I tell him over the radio before disappearing into the fog bank below. Moments later Danny on the radio, “James you will not believe what I just found down here.” He tells me. “What did you find?” I ask him. “I found yours and Becky’s old cars.” He tells me. “How do they look?” I ask him. Your old car is just like you left it. But Becky’s still turnover but the passager door is open.” He tells me. “That is interesting?” I said out loud. “What do you mean sugar cube?” Applejack asks me. “I mean that fog bank below is where the Fog Track that was used when I thought that I lost Becky over two years ago.” I told the rest of them answering AJ question. “So there you are telling me and the rest of us that the over thousand tracks for the Mystery Event are on these nine worlds?” AJ asks me. “Yes from what I can tell from what I seeing.” I tell her while looking at the map. “Well, that answers one question out of many we have about this.” Rainbow said out loud. “This world has mysteries around every corner.” Twilight thought to herself. “Danny, how it coming with the scan?” I ask him. “Good, but slow.” He tells me. “Danny, I going to use my drone to speed up the process and I going to use some 3-D scanners I use in the caves on the Storm World.” I told him lunching my drone and smaller 3-D scanner drones. I sent the scanner drone into the fog bank and I pilot my drone into the fog bank below. In stand taking hours with just one drone. With help with my drone and the smaller 3-D scanner drones only take an hour and a half to map out the fog bank. Showing everything down there in that fog bank from the track, the two cars, the landmass below, and the last thing is the Door the houses the element of this world. From the holographic map shows a way to get down there safe by an old dirt road next to the next to the canyon where they are. “Danny, head on back.” I told him over the radio recalling the scanners and pilot my drone out of the fog bank. “On it.” He tells flying the drone out of the fog. After the scanners have returned and both are drones are back. “At least we can see where we are going down there.” Twilight said out loud looking at the map. “Are we going to get going?” Rainbow asks me. After the drone has returned back to its place and the controls retracted back underneath the dashboard. “Here go, let’s get that element and get out of here.” I said out loud. The nine of us quickly made our way to the dirt road into the fog bank. “Turn on your headlights.” I told the eight of them as we enter the fog bank. After everyone headlights have been turned on with the help with the map so we when to the first are the cars that me and Becky were during the race. Once we found both the cars still like they were. We stop and I got out to see what has happened after I use the EES. The passager door on Becky’s car was open and from what I can remember from the story she told me after I save her and the others. When she wakes up she tried the EES on her car and nothing happen. Then she gets out and get to my car and try my EES still nothing happen and sees only a ring through the fog ahead of her. That is when she came to a realization that she is trap. So walk through the fog until she sees clear skies, then seeing a unit of Reds on it routes on the Mountain World for anything she found her and take prisoner. Other seeing me looking around at the scene thinking to myself then walks over to Becky’s old car. Twilight gets out and walks over to me. “What are you doing?” I ask her. “I wonder what you are doing.” She tells me. “I’m trying to think on how the EES couldn’t do a remote access back on Earth.” I told her. AJ got out of her truck as well Pinky got out. It wasn’t long until everyone is out of their cars. “What is the holdup?” Applejack asks me. “He trying to find out what happened that caused the EES system to not work for a remote access.” Twilight tells her while the others when to the mark 2. “This car sure is different then what James is driving now.” Rarity said out loud. “I know what you mean; there are three holes on its side.” Spike said out loud looking at the small doors holes and opens one of them and there is some writing on it. Diesel fuel only. He opens another small door with more writing. Unleaded fuel only. He opens the last door and there’s more writing. Electric power only. “What does this thing run on?” He said out loud looking at the three ways that this car could run. Pinky opens the driver side door and sees the dashboard is very high tech that even Discord would even get lost by it. She found a red button and hits it. The engine fires up making smoke out of the tailpipe and making a lot of noise that sounds like a wounded animal. “Pinky turn that off!” Rainbow shouted out loud. It turns itself off with a sound noise. Pinky gets back out the car and tells me. “James, I think I broke it?” “No you didn’t it been sitting there for over two years now and I didn’t wanted to turn it over because that would happen; if I wanted to take it back to the shop.” I tell her still checking Becky’s car. After looking over the car I found something that wasn’t might to be there a small device that looks like a hockey puck on the rear bumper. So I taking it off and get a closer look at the device seeing markens that the Reds like to use. But this kind of device didn’t look like something that they would use; then again they were never played by the rules. “What is that?” Twilight asks me as I get up with the device in my hand. “I don’t know, this is new to me.” I tell her looking the device. “I’m taking this with us back to the shop but first I need to take out it battery cell first.” I said out loud taking the cover off then the battery itself. After that was over and done with I put into the trunk of the Mark 4. “I just need to get something out of Mark 2.” I said out loud walking over to the driver side and hitting the button for the trunk. I when over to it and open it up to find a tank of Nos that still full and not leaking at all over two years. “What is with the steel bottle and what dose Nos mean?” Rainbow asks me as I twist the nob and undid the hose to the tank and lifting it out of the trunk. “James I know what you are thinking of but don’t.” Duke tells me putting his hand on my shoulder. “I know but there might still be a way to use later on.” I tell him taking a closer look at the tank for cracks for anything that could give me trouble during transit. The others look confuses from the way the tank looks and the warning labels on it. “Twilight there’s a case in the trunk of my car.” I told her. She walks over to the trunk and opens it seeing few cases of different sizes and different labels on them. Then she sees one with the same Nos label on it and grabs it. “Here you go.” She said handing me the case. I open the case showing more tanks of Nos, but they were smaller than that James has in hand. “James, what do they do?” Rainbow asks me again. “I’ll show you.” Grabbing one of the smaller tanks and grabbing a lighter from my pocket. I loosen the valve releasing the contents inside, and then I left fire to it show a small flame. I turn away from them and open the valve all the way shooting out a ball of fame in front of them. I quickly turn off the vale all the way blowing out the small fame. “Those that answer your question?” I ask her the look on her face shows everything. After she picks up her mouth from the ground after I put the tanks into the case and put it away back in my trunk. “Where I can get one of those?” She thought to herself. After we that we got on our way to the door, moments later seeing the door with the world symbol on it. “What do think is guarding the door?” Rarity asks out loud. “There no telling from what we face off before it could be a rock monster or something.” Pinky said out loud. I got out with the Mountain Key in my hand. I plug in the key into the keyhole singling the guarding. There is screaming of the Guarding which is an overgrown bat bigger than their cars. “What is that?” Applejack said out loud question that loud noise; then seeing the bat landing next to them. Fluttershy gets out and walks to the bat. The bat is confused about Fluttershy walking towards him. “Fluttershy what are you doing?” Rainbow asks her. “I want to get a close look at him.” She tells her finally getting next to him. The bat leans in closer to her making a few clicking noises the closer he got to her. “You’re alright.” She tells him putting her hand on its nose. The bat pulls back a little from the touch making a more noise its mouth by clicking. The bat turns its head to see me and my car with the key; it starts to get angry at me with a memory of the last run in with me. “Fluttershy get out of there!” Rainbow shouted at her. Fluttershy just froze in place for a few seconds before running to her car. The bat roars at us, Rainbow rave her bike making the bat come at her in stand the others. “Rainbow what are you doing?” Applejack asks her friend as takes off making the bat follow her, before making her bike at to the air. “I got this. Just make a trap for it.” She tells me and the others disappeared into the descent. So I got back in my car checking the map for a good trap to trap the bat. After a few moments, I found a good place to trap it. There was a network of caves next to the canyon, so I got on the radio to tell radio. “Rainbow there a network of caves that we trap it in with a collapse after you cleared the caves.” I told her show the cave network on the map on her bike. “How are you going to cause a cave in?” She asks me. “Simple the small tanks of Nos.” I told her. “James, that is going not going to work.” Fluttershy tells me. “Why not?” I ask her. “Well, that network looks like it has a way to get out even we trap it.” She tells me. “I hope you have a plan before I get eaten.” Rainbow said out loud trying to avoid the attempts of chops from the bat trying to eat her. “Ok come back to us so you can quickly pick up one of the small tanks.” I told her. “James what are you going to do.” Fluttershy asks me. “If we can’t trap it then we would have to kill it.” I told her. “Kill it.” Fluttershy said out loud in a state of shock, making the Nos tank into a makeshift bomb. “Fluttershy there is no other way.” Applejack tells her to calm her nerves, as Rainbow lands next James handing her the bomb. “All you have to do make the bat eat this in stand of you.” I told her before the bat roars through the fog. Rainbow takes off again making the bat follow her again. Rainbow when straight up until both her and the bat was out of the fog into clear skies. The bat moves closer in for the kill Rainbow release the bomb as the bat opens its mouth to eat her. Rainbow gets out of the way in time as the bat chops down on the bomb in stand. It swallows the bomb then it got hover flapping its wings. Ones it hit the stomach acid the bomb goes off killing the bat into two pieces with a huge ball of blue flames; sending the remains back into the fog below The rest of us felt the landing of the remains of the bat nearby. Fluttershy is softly crying that only she cans her from her crying of the bat death. Rainbow lands next to Fluttershy “Fluttershy, I know you are taking this hard about what has happened to the bat back there.” She tells her friend making Fluttershy get out of her car to give Rainbow a hug to cheer both of them up. I got the key again in my hand to open the door after the guarding has been dealt with; the door opens for the first time ever. The nine of us made our way inside where a brown glowing orb slowing pulsating like a slow heartbeat. “Alright, then who is going to bear this element?” I ask the ones who do don’t have an element let. Fluttershy was about to step forward until Rainbow said out loud. “I’ll do it.” Step forward to the closer to the pulsating got faster and faster the closer she got. The reaches out with her right hand to touch it. It glows as bright as the sun, Rainbow screams at the top of her lungs “AAAAAAAAGGGGGG!” The orb turns into a chip with the symbol of this world. It finally stops pulling back her hand with the chip. She is trying to catch her breath now after that. “I haven’t felt something like that before.” She said out loud looking at the chip glowing brown for a few minutes. “Is there a symbol on the side of my neck?” She asks the others. “Yes, there is Dashy.” Pinky tells her making Rainbow rubs her neck. “Best head on back.” I said out loud. “I know what you mean.” Spike said out loud. Moments later after heading back, we found the top half of the bat. We stop so Fluttershy can pay her respects to the animal. She gets out of her car and walks to the remains of the animal by putting her hand on it for a few minutes. Once she was done with that we made our way out of the fog seeing the clear skies getting close to dark from the mountains that are over them. “That is strange? The Reds only sent a few Flying Attack Drones not any of the cars or other vehicles they have at their disposal.” I thought to myself as we made our way to the portal. Once the portal is open we gun it to the portal back to the City World. There was one more car out there, the General car pulls out of the cave entrance. “The war is far from over.” He said to himself heading back to his portal back to base. > Chapter 28 Canterlot Falls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The trains and ships that left Manehattan last night Luna tried to get a little bit of sleep after a day like today. The next thing she knows that she somewhere that she has never seen before in the dream world. Instand of doors or orbs showing ponies dreams. It was like the time when she did the shared dream with everypony in Ponyville to stop the tantibus from escaping to the real world. “What is going on here?” She tells herself. Looking like the city Manehattan, but a lot bigger with a blue planet in night ski. “Welcome Luna, to my dream world.” Someone sound out loud shocking Luna from the voice. “That voice, you were flying that machine that saved us from those other machines that were trying to kill us.” She tells me. “It wasn’t easy trying to get you into one of my dreams.” The unknown person tells her. “I remember that. I was helping somepony else with a nightmare when your voice came out of nowhere scaring me and the pony I was helping. Before you disappeared back into the unknown.” She tells the person. “That was the first but not the last time and it toke some time to get you in here.” The unknown person tells her. “Then why don’t you show yourself to me?” Luna orders the unknown person. “Every well.” The person said out loud showing his face to her, a human male with a brown hair and beard turning gray on both of them wearing a blue suit. “What are you?” Luna asks the person. “I’m not from your world at first and it would be a long story to tell you.” The old man told her. “Why not?” She asks the old man. “Because it is time to wake up.” The old man said out loud before everything around Luna turn white. “Luna, Luna are you are alright?” Chrysalis getting Luna attention waking up from the crazy dream she had. “I think I just mate whoever saved you from dying and gave you that message.” She tells her making question herself after just happen to her in the dream. “Really what did it look like?” She asks her. “I can tell from what he looks like those walking machines that attack the station instead of metal it was made out of flash brown hair and beard turning gray wearing a blue suit. But it feels like I should know more about him.” Luna tells Chrysalis shocking her a little from what Luna told her. “Ponyville coming up.” Said the driver out loud, slowing the train down so it can stop at the station. Elsewhere I just was waking up from my dream. “Did she get the message?” Pinky asks me. “No I couldn’t give her the message because of time, but I reveal myself to her.” I told her getting up. “This time travel sure is a messy to keep very thing right the way it exposes to happen.” She tells me getting up. “As long we don’t change things too much. By the time go back to our time very thing should be as we left it.” I told Pinky. “Another day of disasters coming.” I thought to myself getting dress for today head. The news crew just got off the ship in Filly Delphia. “The train with the gear should be pulling to the station here by now.” The director said out loud to the crew. Some of the crew when to pick up the gear from the train station waiting for them. “Alright, ponies we only have a few hours to be up and ready for the morning news broadcast.” He tells the remaining crew before running to the studio in the city. The team went to get the gear quickly made their way to the train station seeing the train from Manehattan pulled into the station only moments ago. Ponies and cargo is getting off the train. The team gets on the cargo cart to get there gear. “You’re from the news station?” The worker asks the crew unloading the crates. “Yes, we are and be careful there that gear cost more than you think.” One of the ponies tells him as he levitating the crates on a platform. “I got this; I’ve been doing this for ten years now.” He tells the news team unloading the last of the crates onto the platform. “I hope that they sent somepony with a cart or getting all this gear back to the studio will be near next to impossible.” One of the crew members said out loud pushing the platform to the exit. Just as they reach outside the station there were three carts from the studio to transport the gear to the studio in the city. Moments later at the studio the team are already there is getting ready for the broadcast. “I never thought that we be using this place again; after moving the studio to Manehattan three months ago.” The director thinking out loud, seeing the old studio floor with years of EEN news broadcasting ever scents the beginning. The gear that is still there still work not being used in 3 months of abandonment and neglected. Once the cart with the gear and the others coming from the station, the team get their tail into gear getting everything ready for the broadcast. Back in Ponyville everypony just got off the train. “This old steamer sure has been through a lot today.” The driver tells his fire pony that been with him through this journey. “I know what you mean. It feels like I’m going to need a week vacation after today.” The fire pony tells the driver. Both Luna and Chrysalis made their way to the hospital to see if Celestia will be release today. “I hope she is doing alright?” Luna thought to herself. When they got there Celestia is in a wheelchair outside the hospital overlooking the remains of Ponyville. “It good to see you moving around a little.” Luna tells her sister. “I know after what happened. It feels good to be moving around in stand being in bed all day.” Celestia tells the both of them. “Sister, there is something you need to know.” Luna said out loud. “Well then tell me.” Celestia asks the both of them. “It started after the golden landed in the courtyard. I was helped somepony with their nightmares until I heard a voice scaring me and the pony I was helping. The voice kelp coming back to find me every night after that each time the voice came in more clear every night. Yesterday I ask Chrysalis why she is helping us at our hour of need. She said that something saved her from starvation and gave her note with introductions on it with yesterday date and the time frame to come.” Luna tells her sister Chrysalis shows her the note. “Last night I was attacked by something made of metal and it walks on two legs in Manehattan. Lucky there was something to save me that night or I don’t want to know night happen.” Luna tells her sister looking shocked from the story. “Did this hero show itself?” Celestia asks her sister. “Yes, it did once after I was attacked and in the dream world. It looked one of those mythical creatures of old when we were fillies.” Luna tells her. “That is impassable they died long ago?” Celestia tells her. “What mythical creatures?” Chrysalis asks the both of them. “We were told stories of a species of creatures that walks on two legs dress in clothes. They had technology that can send them to the moon.” Celestia tells her. “Trust me I know I have seen things of their world from long ago.” Luna tells her. “But the things that attack us as we were leaving the station back in Manehattan, was not those old creatures of old.” Chrysalis tells both of them. “Sister it best for me to show you what I saw back there.” Luna tells her sister before lighting up her horn, taking both of them to her dreamscape. “Luna where are we?” Celestia asks her sister. “We’re in my dreamscape. This where I go when I’m trying to some rest. I want to show you is this.” Luna tells her sister in a quick flash both of them where on the street corner at the Manhattan train station before she gets attack by that metal beast. Luna shows the events from her memories showing Celestia the metal beast on wheels and the one that walks on two feet that attack her earlier. Celestia gets closer to the machine that attacked her sister to get a better look at it. Then out of blue something calls out to them. “HEY YOU!” Makes the machine to turn its head to whatever called out to the metal beast. A dark blue flying machine comes from the darken ski flying to them shooting something at it making the metal beast into pieces of what it used to be. The flying machine asks Luna; “Are you alright princess?” “Yes, I’m alright May I ask who are you?” She asks the flying machine that saved her from the beast. “You will find out soon enough.” The machine tells her before taking off into the darken clouds above her. “Sister?” Celestia asks her sister looking at some of the remains of the machine that attacked her. “Yes, that wasn’t the last time this flying machine saved us from these things.” Luna tells her sister changing the dreamscape to later that night at the inside the train station. Everypony use got on the train and it was getting it way out of the station when more of those metal beast started attacking the station and coming from the mouth of the station is the blue flying machine from earlier come to save them from the beast that making their way inside of the building. Sending those things back to where they came with fire and something that sounds like fireworks going off. Luna changes the dreamscape again to the bridge seeing another flying machine coming to the towards them it shows a red light before getting destroyed by an something else something else making it into a fireball. Celestia is surprised about from what Luna has shown her. “There is one more thing I need to show you.” Changing the dreamscape one more time to the Luna dream she had earlier, showing Celestia the city with the blue planet in the ski. “That time when Starlight our cutie marks for one day. I never have seen anything like this when I was in the dream world.” Celestia tells Luna looking at the blue planet. “I also never seen anything like this ether threw out the years.” Luna said out loud then in a flash the person in the blue suit shows his face again. “Is the person that been following you in the dreamscape?” Celestia asks her sister. “Yes, it as. It started out with just a voice until he showed me his face last night.” Luna tells her sister with Celestia looking at the man in the blue suit. “It good to see you again Luna and I can see that you have brought your sister here as well.” A voice said in the background. “I have something to give you before you woke up last time and there is no time is time.” The voice tells both of them in a flash a letter with a symbol on it floating down to both of them. Once they a have the letter the dreamscape faded into black waking both of them seeing the note from the dream world. Celestia opens the letter and begins to read it. From what she read shock her dropping the letter to the ground. Dear Celestia and Luna If you get this letter then the first day of disasters has already happened and the next day of disasters is coming. These disasters are base on environments in my world where your friends are being helped by my younger self. If you want to find out more about this come to this location two days from now. If you try to come earlier the disaster will be unthinkable. Your friend JC A royal guard comes running to the three of them. “Princess there is something that you should see.” Telling the three of them, taking the three them to a nearby TV tune to EEN showing footage of what happened last night in Manehattan after everything when dark. Everypony from Vanhoover to Filly Delphia and as far north to the Crystal Empire can see the broadcast; Even some areas the Griffin Kingdom. Meanwhile, at the bunker the TV showing the EEN morning broadcast. The Agent is running down the hall to my and Pinky’s bedroom, knocking on the door. Pinky answers the door seeing him at the door. “James it’s for you.” Pinky tells me while I dress luckily I had my pants on. “What is it agent?” I ask him putting on a shirt. “We are on the news.” He tells me making me turn on the TV in the bedroom showing the footage of the Reds Sweepers, attack drones and R.F.A.D. that I shout down last night. Then showing footage of the new buildings and one of the MRPD cars that ended up in the on this world. “That would explain the news stories from my world that when missing building from the New York.” I thought to myself. “Sir, I have Dr. Galaxy Overwatch on line 2.” The Agent tells me. “Put him through.” I told him. “We have a situation in the lab.” He tells me looking shocked about it what he sees in front of him. “I’m on my way.” I told him before hanging up and quickly making my way to the lab. When I got there the cast where the chips are glowing again, this time it’s brown. I open the case seeing the Mountain chip glowing and I know that the next one is coming next. “Agent, are the others up yet?” I asked him. “Everyone, but Cheese Sandwich. Why do ask?” He tells me. “Get the blimp ready to go.” I tell him. “Yes, sir.” He tells me giving me a salute. “Honey is everything alright?” Pinky asks me. “We going Canterlot to save as many ponies we can before the earthquake happens.” I tell her. “I know you like to save ponies but there nothing we do because of the timeline.” She tells me. “I know an old friend that told me that time can change a little bit help other from death.” I told her. “James what if you’re wrong about this?” She asks me. “I sure hope that not this one.” I told her. “Just let me and Destiny come with you to save them?” She asks me. “I do love both you and I know both of you would do anything to help anyone or pony out of the mud.” I told her heading to the hanger where the others are waiting for me. “Well, are you coming?” I ask her making her smile running to next to me. When we got to the hanger the blimp is getting the final preparations done. “Dad, what is happening?” Destiny asks me looking confused from what is happening. “Des the ponies are going to help to get everypony out of Canterlot when the earthquake hits.” I told her clearing things up with her. “That we’re doing and I thought that the time can’t be changed from causing major changes to the timeline?” She asks me. “I remember what I said but I can’t just stand on the sidelines seeing people that are need of help.” I told her holding back tears. “Dad I know you're still hurting from what to you years ago.” Destiny tells me giving me a hug to felt my spirits making me shed a tear. Vinyl and Octavia sees me and Destiny next to blimp. “Vinyl I know we don’t know much about them and future Pinky. But from what he showed us and what he knows about what is going on, it just feels like we should trust him.” She tells her friend. “I feel the same way about them.” Vinyl said out loud getting on broad. Lyra and Bon Bon are already on broad seeing me and Destiny hugging out there through a window. “Bonnie it feels like that James a lot of guilt on his shoulders.” Lyra tells her friend. “How can you tell?” She asks her. “It not like he is not showing on the surface. But underneath the surface, it’s clear as day.” Lyra tells Bon Bon. “Dad before we travel back in time. I was seeing somepony and I told him that I would like to marry him someday.” Destiny tells me. “What?” I said out loud looking shock from what she just told me. “I’ve been seeing somepony back home for some time now.” She tells me. “Do I know whoever you been seeing?” I ask her. “No, we meet when I was in college before all of this.” She tells me. “Destiny, I know you have the right to do as you will these days. Both me and Pinky did are jobs to raise you the best we could. There is one thing that would say is whatever makes you happy no matter what anyone said.” I told her seeing Pinky coming to the blimp. “About what now?” Pinky asks the both of us. “I’ll tell you later.” I told Pinky before getting on broad. With everypony on board, the hanger doors open and the blimp slowly gets out through the double doors. “Right we clear time to show this thing what it could.” I said out loud hitting a button on the control panel. Doors on the bottom of the blimp open up letting 12 curricle panels, once they were in their stations around the airship. Electricity starts running through the panels. I hit another button making the ship jolt at releasing the hot air balloon, letting it run with the wind. “What was that?” Octavia said out loud feeling the jolt seeing the balloon being let go. “Octy are you seeing what I'm seeing?” Vinyl asks Octavia looking over the side of the ship seeing one of the panels underneath the ship. “How is that even possible?” Octavia asks herself seeing the panel that Vinyl is seeing. “Your guess is good as my?” Vinyl said out loud looking shock from how is this ship is flying still. “Best to get below unless you want end hitting a wall.” I said out loud over the intercom. “What does he mean?” Octavia asks Vinyl. “I don’t know or I want to find out.” She tells her opening a door with her magic to the inside of the ship. The others are already below when both of them found them in the room below the control room where. Then in a jolt, the ship sent faster than any other airship before. “We’ll be there no more than five minutes.” I said over the intercom. “Five minutes? Even the fastest airship would take a few hours.” Lyra said out loud questioning herself on how is that even possible. “I don’t know Lyra whatever he did would make Star Swirl mind question on how all of this work and he would never find out how is that even possible.” Bon Bon tells Lyra. “I meet Star Swirl and other legends of old.” Pinky said out loud. “You mean the pillars of Equestria?” Lyra asks her. “Yes, and it a long story and we don’t have a lot of time to tell you so here is the cleft notes version. We found Star Swirl journal and sent to see if we can bring them back from limbo and we did borough them back and we borough the Pony of Shadows as well.” Pinky tells them. “So everything about them was true from the stories about their disappearances?” Lyra asks her from the details of the stories of old from what Pinky is telling them. “Pretty much yes and back to the story. Me and my friends were trying to find the Pony of Shadows threw out Equestria. Come to find out we had to use the Elements to send him back to limbo. Once we found him in an old town in the middle of nowhere. Twilight was dead on sending him back to limbo but the elements would disappear with him as well. Until Starlight, Twilight student talk to her about patching up the past and release the pony that was inside the Shadow Pony. After a long story, the pony was release from the hold of the Pony of Shadows and the darkest back to where it came without losing the elements.” Pinky tells the rest of the story to them. “So where are they now?” Vinyl asks her. “I don’t know from what I can remember they when looking around before settling back down. I guess being in limbo for over a thousand years would be a strange place after being away for so long.” Pinky answers her question. “Canterlot coming up.” I said into the intercom slowing down the ship. From what is happening shock everyone onboard. Earlier that day in Canterlot Sassy Saddles is just opening the Canterlot Boutique. Seeing the store with a small staff that Rarity hired a month ago when things were busier than that Sassy has never seen before. “I guessing things are going to be good as far I know.” She thought to herself. Turning on a small TV tune on EEN broadcast showing the footage of what happened in Manhattan last night. “If Rarity sees the city of Manhattan she would have a panic attack about the store if she was there.” I tell herself seeing a staff member from the Manhattan store to see if Rarity is there. “Sassy is Rarity here?” She asks her. “No did you did you check the store in Ponyville?” She asks her. “Yes, I did. She isn’t there either I did found her sister there with her friends.” She tells her. “What did she tell you?” Sassy asks her. “Yes she did, she told me that Rarity and her friends when missing over a week ago. It was on the news yesterday.” She tells Sassy looking shocked at the news of her employer. Then she sees the news is now showing the second sun moving again to somewhere back west. “Whatever going to happen I don’t want to have a bad day today.” Sassy thought to herself. Back at the Ponyville hospital the news showing the same thing that threw out the country. Celestia knows the next disaster is coming next but where is a good question. Luna takes a closer look at the letter seeing something on it. She uses her magic on it showing a map of Equestria showing the symbols where the golden ball has been, showing a new symbol at outside Canterlot. “Sister take a look at the letter is showing now.” Luna tells Celestia showing the map on the letter with the symbols where the golden ball has been. Luna shows her the news symbol outside Canterlot. This shock Celestia from what she is seeing from the map. “Luna get to Canterlot and get everypony out there before what kind of disaster comes to the city.” Celestia tells her sister and Chrysalis before bolting out of the hospital running to the train station. When they got there the driver and the fire pony seeing both of them running to the train getting ready for the next round of recuse missions. “Where are we heading?” The driver asks the both of them. “Canterlot.” Luna tells him before getting onboard the train. The light of the second sun glows to the east coming fast towards them. The train gets going slowly off the platform heading to Canterlot caves to the capital of the country and the only city on a side of a mountain. Sassy Saddle was busy dealing with a customer he order a month ago. “Sir I understand your problem right now you been trying to get your suit for a refit for your wedding.” She tells him. “I know this short note ness but my fiancé doesn’t like the suit that I would be wearing to the wedding. So want me to come here for a refit my one of the best that she knows in the whole city.” He tells her. “Well sir, just follow me to the fitting room to get your measurements for your new suit.” Sassy tells him leading to another pony that can do that for him. After that, she returns to the front desk seeing something is going on out there on the streets of the city. She looks out of the window seeing something bright as the sun just outside of the city. Luna train is just reaching the each of the city when the golden ball outside of the city glowing brightly again like it did above Ponyville yesterday morning. Everypony from the train and inside the city seeing a symbol shooting from the glowing sun in the darken ski glowing brown. Showing everypony in and around the city, Ponies from Ponyville can see the glowing symbol in the ski. The symbol stops glowing and fires a beam of light down into the ground. Ponies inside the city thought nothing would happen until the land starting shake than one big jolt building around shake violently some Sassy gets everypony out of the building before collapsing in on itself with other building next to it. “To the airships!” Somepony said out loud to the other ponies. The castle of the two sisters begins to fall apart from the shaking. Sassy runs as she could get to the docks where the airships are. While others when to the train station. The train that Luna and Chrysalis are on can feel the shaking that is hitting the city. Luna sees one of the towers falling of going to the land far below. The train tries to cross the only bridge for trains to get in and out of the city. In the destine a airship with electricity coming from the bottom of it comes out of the blue. All four of them sees this airship bigger than that were used at the docks. The bridge gives way from the violence shakes. The airship quickly gets under the collapsing bridge the driver hits the brakes on the train. But it was too short going off the rails landing on the airship that appeared out of nowhere. There was a big jolt on the ship it exposes out electricity from the dicks hold the extra weight now. “What was that?” Lyra said out loud after feeling the jolt. Everypony get to the surface seeing a train on a deck of the ship. The passengers get off the train seeing what landing on. “What is this place?” The train said out loud before seeing the falling city of Canterlot next to them. The train station begins to break apart sending off the mountain to the land below with more areas of the city. Sassy gets to the docks when she sees the strange airship catching the train in midair. Airships begin to leave the docks with ponies that didn’t go to the train station. The last of the airships takes off leaving more ponies that were still on the docks. The strange airship that saved the train parks at the docks lower in ramps to let the ponies that were left behind to die to come aboard the strange airship that trying to save them from the collapsing city. Ones everypony in aboard the ramps is recalled back to the ship. Sassy sees Princess Luna and mighty other ponies that she knows. The airship takes off firing lots of electricity to get it off the docks. The rest of the city that is still standing begins to slide down the mountain to the valley below. Lyra and Bon Bon were on the surface seeing if any of her friends made on broad or one of the others airships that already left. “Moon Dancer?” Lyra calls out seeing one of them making her turn her head. “Lyra what in the name of Equestria are you doing here?” Giving her a hug seeing her again after what just happen to her. “Did any of the other made it?” Lyra asks her friend. “I do know that Colgate made it on a airship but I don’t know about the others. I sure hope that they weren’t at the train station when it sided off the mountain.” Moon Dancers tells both of them. “There is only one way to find out.” Lyra tells her before moving to another part of the ship. Elsewhere on the ship both Luna and Chrysalis when to see the Captain for saving them from falling into the depths below. When they got there they were in for a shock when they open the door to bridge seeing the mythical creature in person. “You?” Luna said out loud seeing me at the controls. “Good to see you too.” I told the both of them. “Princess Luna it very good to see you again after all these years.” Pinky said out loud making both of them turn to the doorway seeing an older version of Pinky Pie then seeing a pony that almost looks like the man in the blue suit. “Dad is everything alright?” Destiny asks me seeing the both Luna and Chrysalis looking shocked by what is going on right in front of them. “Dad? Alright, what in the name of Equestria is going here?” Luna asks the three of us. “Ok, here the thing we are from the future to make sure that things go the way should and give you a fighting chance when an old enemy of my shows up in this world.” I told them the story. “From what I’m getting at is that Twilight and her friends ended up on your world through this Piece of Omega you called it and your younger selves are trying to back by getting these elements from your world and the disasters are caused by a leak that this the device to make the link stable for a safe crossing between worlds.” Luna tries to make scene out of what I just told them. “Yes, that is pretty much it.” I told them both. “We never got your name by the way?” Chrysalis asks me. “James Cribb. Why do you ask?” I ask the both them. “First I like to know the person that saved me from starvation a month ago.” She tells me. “You’re welcome for that. If I wasn’t for me would have died before morning.” I told her. “I haven’t fest on love for a month now. What did you do to me?” She asks me. “Well, I change your DNA so you won't have to fest on love as a main food force.” I told her. “That means I still feed on love if I want to. What can I normally source for food?” She asks me. “The same as every other pony out there in this world.” I told her. “You mean normal food that everyone else eats.” She tells me. “Yes to a point.” I tell her. The strange airship as well 25 others airships of different sizes made their way to a nearby town of Ponyville. The shockwaves of the falling city of the country capital city as it falls into the valley at the bottom of the mountain where the city used to be. Starlight and Trixie see the city falling off the side of the mountain. Then they see airships coming from the once great city of Canterlot. They weren’t the only ponies that seen the dissertation, Celestia tries to hold back tears from losing her home and many ponies that didn’t make it out of there. “I shouldn’t have sent my sister.” She thought to herself as she walks away from other ponies that sees the news broadcast before the single when out showing the bars. Elsewhere back the Filly Delphia the EEN lost the single during the city collapsed “What just happen?” The director asks his team seeing the colors on the screen. “I don’t know but I think the tower is dead.” Somepony tells him answering his question. “This there a way to get us back on online?” He asks his team. “I’m not too sure on that because that tower was put up there for the best place to reach everywhere from that point.” The same pony tells him. “So as far we can tell we are in the dark?” He asks him. “Yes, I’m afraid so.”One of the ponies said out loud. Back in Ponyville airships filled with ponies begin to land next to Ponyville. The ponies that just get off and those in town seeing the strange airship coming in for a landing shooting electricity as it comes in lowering what looks like metal feet from the bottom of the ship. Some of the panels changing its direction shooting electricity that the grown slowing it down landing on its metal feet holding up its weight. The electricity when away after it landed everypony on the ground sees the airship lowering its ramps letting ponies that were saved by the captain and his larger than life airship. “Are you coming?” Luna asks the three of us. “No it best for us to get moving back to where we need to be. But it would not be the last time we will meet.” I told them both as they were leaving the room. “Before I forget.” I said out loud making my hand glow making the train left itself of the airship making fly in the air to the tracks nearly by. Luna and Chrysies see the flying train getting off the train landing on tracks, once everypony but the ponies that came with me for this mission were off the ship. Sassy and Moon Dancer seeing something that doesn’t look like a pony before the ramps are rise back up and electricity firing from the panels making to left itself off the ground. Making ponies shocks from the strange airship as it flies over them. Celestia sees the airship leaving the city shocking her from is happening right in front of her before disappearing. Starlight and Trixie see the airship as well until the journal begins to glow to the page where it glowing at and begins to read. Dear Starlight Thanks for telling me about Twilight disappearance and like to help you find her and what going on there. I told the others about this and they want to help out as well on who want to take Twilight and her friends. So have the portal ready. Your friend Sunset Slimmer Starlight begins writing back to her. It’s good to hear from you. Things are not good here ponies from all over Equestria are being displaced and hurt by what just happened. Manehattan abandoned and just now Canterlot as side off the side of the mountain. There is a strange ship that just flies over Ponyville before disappearing. I'll be ready for you and the others arrival. Your friend Starlight “So what now?” Trixie asks her. “I’m guessing back to the castle as far I can tell and I think it’s the safest place in the city right now.” She tells her friend walking to the castle. > Chapter 29 Supply Run > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens up outside the of the Queen City letting the nine of us come through. I got out to close the portal by reaching out with my hand making the key come to me closing the gateway portal to the mountain world. Looking at the key in my hand and I thought to myself. “Five down four to go.” “Hey James, didn’t you say that you have to make a supply run?” AJ asks me. “Yes, I do. Let me guess you want to find how do people in the world get their food?” I ask her. “Yes, how did you know what I’m going too asked?” She asks me looking confused from what just told her. “My old man was a farmer back when he was a kid growing tobacco. I never grew up on the farm, but he did his best to raise me with the same values he did growing up.” I told her. “I never suspected that he was a farmer at all from the way he dressed back there. I thought he was a lumberjack or something.” She tells me. “I guessing never judge a person from the way he looks on the surface.” Twilight said out loud. “Apparently so.” Spike said after what Twilight just said. “That is ringing too many rings from what they told each other.” Twilight said out loud. “Really which one?” Spike asks her. “Tuff call on that one Spike because it reminds me of a few times that I Miss Judged on somepony back home.” Twilight tells him. “James, me and some of the others are heading back so you and AJ get what we need for the next few days or something.” Rarity tells me before taking off leaving me and AJ there. “We see you in a bit.” I told as they taking off down the road getting back into my car. “You ready AJ?” I ask her over the radio. “Sure are sugar cube.” She tells me. “Then follow me.” I told her as the both of drives down the road. Moments later both of us made our way to a building with name Omega Supermarket on the building. “Well, this is interesting.” Applejack thought to herself pulling to a parking spot next to me. “What do have here?” AJ asks me looking at the building. “What do you mean?” I ask her. “I thought we would be heading to a place with smaller shops or something like back home.” She tells me. “I forget that you were from a world that very different than my.” I told her. “I’m guessing force of habit.” She tells me as we when inside the building. From what AJ could see from inside the building seeing isles a pond of isles with a different kinds of food. “This is very different from back home.” She said to herself from what she is seeing. “You look surprised?” I ask her getting a cart from where others that were sitting at. While other people around the both of them carrying on with their business that there is nothing out of the ordinary. “James, why aren’t they giving us strange looks?” She asks me as we when on to one of the many isles. “That because of your skin color. If I would have brought any of the others they might have been a few looks.” I told her getting some apples. “What do you mean?” She asks me. “I mean you skin color close to someone from Earth that no one would give a second look at it.” I told her getting some bananas. “What you mean the orange skin?” She asks me looking at the skin on her left arm. “Yes pretty much; because before I got trap here there are some people that as orange skin either from birth or by tanning.” I told her going down another isle to the freezer section. “James, when we get back to the shop there is something I need to give to you.” She tells me as I getting some frozen pizzas out of the fridge. “What do mean something for me?” I ask her putting them in the shopping cart. “There a letter in my room for you from your father before he died, again.” She tells me making look surprise from what she just told me. “Did he died before or after you get the element?” I ask her get a few bags of fries and onion rings. “After I bonded with the element.” She tells me putting in the cart getting out of the frozen section to another section of the store. “I wonder what does it say?” I thought to myself making our way to another part of the store. “James I been asking myself on how all of this food for this world is grown and where are all of the farms to hold a population of this size for this world?” She asks me. “I don’t have all the answers, but I’m going to try to tell you the way I can.” I told her getting some chips from a nearby shelf. “Well tell me what do you know.” She tells me as I put the chips in the cart. “Most of the food is like back on Earth with land, seeds, time, and technology to grow and harvest them. Most of are the farms are as far I can tell is on an island on the forest world.” I told her getting a few can goods from one of the isles. “What about those packets that were back at the shop?” She asks me. “Those packets are from restaurants that I like to go.” I told her answering her question before asking her. “Is there anything you want or need?” “I don’t know if their stuff to make apple pie with.” She asks me. “Yes, there is better get them before heading to check out.” I told her. Moments later after with a cart full of food and for Applejack to make her pies with. “This should be enough for now.” I told myself heading to the checkout counter. “Did you find everything ok?” The person at the register asks me. “Yes, I did for this go around.” I told her getting the groceries on the countertop. After everything is rung up and loaded back in the cart inside paper bags. “That will be 254. 97.” The person at the register tells me, making me get the money out of my wallet handing her 260.00. “Here you go.” I told her. After she gave me my change we made our way back to the cars. “James never thought it cost so much to get cart full of groceries for a few days?” She asks me walking into the parking lot. “It the market these days the price of everything is going up.” I told her. “How are you able to pay for all of this these days?” AJ asks me. “Well through racing, it’s the best way to get pay while I was hiding from the Reds. I always had racing in blood as far back as I can remember.” I told her getting the bags into the trunk of my car. “Well I guessing all driving you been through the years must be taking it told on you?” She asks me as I put the last bag in the trunk. “I don’t know I never thought about because I’ve been doing so long. I don’t what to do without driving around now and again.” I told her closing the trunk. “I know what you mean I been working on the family farm so long. I don’t know what to do if it is gone.” She tells me before giving me a hug trying to hold back some of the tears. “There, there now.” I told her hugging for back shedding a tear. After that we got on the way back to the shop where the others are waiting; seeing Rainbow there at the garage doorway leaning on the wall holding the mountain chip to her eyes, when we pull into the garage. “Rainbow what are you doing?” AJ asks her friend getting out of her truck. “I’m trying to make sense on why we’re getting these elements in the first place?” Rainbow asks AJ. “Do you remember what James told us?” Aja asks her. “I do remember, not what I’m asking myself.” Rainbow tells her. “Then what?” She asks her. “I been talking with the others and what been happening to us and those ponies back home. Because those strange dreams that Spike and Pinky had and I know you begin to have them as well.” Rainbow tells her making Applejack look shocked from what she just told her. “How did you know?” AJ asks her. “Twilight tells me Spike dream and Pinky tells me hers and from what happened after James got the first element. They must be linked somehow?” Rainbow tells her friend what she had on her mind. “Come to mitch it, I dreamed that I was in Manehattan.” Applejack tells her before Rainbow interrupts her. “There was a mysteries figure showing you what you need to see?” “Yes, there was. Why did the same thing happen to the others?” Applejack asks Rainbow. “Yes, they did.” Rainbow tells her less than a second thought. “Alright, we need to have a word with James and Twilight about this.” AJ tells Rainbow as both of them walks back into the building. After the groceries were unloaded and put way Twilight and the others came to me in the living room. “James, we need to talk.” Twilight tells me sitting down on the couch. “What is this about Twilight?” I ask her. “The other told me about this dreams that they had on the night of when someone gets an element and there been a mysteries figure in each dream showing them something from Equestria. From what been seeing and that letter I got from Celestia a few days ago.” Twilight tells me before Rainbow cut in. “From what Twilight is trying to say there is something you are trying to hind from us for some reason.” Rainbow tells me. “Ok, I have been hiding something but for your owned safety. Then file on the Piece of Omega as something that even shocked me when I read it.” I told them. “So what did it say?” Twilight asks me. I take a deep breath before telling. “There is a leak but I still don’t know why that is. But still with each element that been yielded by someone, some of the energy is sent through the piece and there is a way to stop it.” I told them. “How?” Rainbow asks me. “In the file, there is something about a tenth element. But it only a myth, then again myths can be possible to be real in time. Like time travel back on Earth before I got trap here.” I told them. “Time travel is a myth back your world?” Twilight asks me. “Yes it was, you mean time travel is a thing back in your world?” I ask her. “There is a way through the use of magic and spells and there is one time that my student Starlight Glimmer tried and get revenge on me from what I did to her by trying to change an event in time that would be been disaster if me and Spike did stop her.” She told me. “Before you stop her did this event stop for any reason?” I ask her. “Yes, she did change the timeline a few times until I show her one of those timelines showing her what would happen if that event didn’t happen. After I showed her and showed me something from her past, she changes her way and the sonic rain-boom happened so we all can get the cutie marks.” She told me the story. “After what you just told us, we still trust you and you are the only way home.” Rarity tells me and Fluttershy smiles at me giving me a hug from behind. “Girls there is something I must tell you.” Pinky said out loud getting up from the couch. “Scene we are telling secrets I have something to tell you all.” Pinky told a deep breath before telling them. “Girls I’m pregnant.” Shocking everyone from what Pinky just told them. “Pinky how is that possible and who is the father?” Applejack asks her. “He is right next to you.” Pinky tells her as AJ looks at me. “No he didn’t come on me; I made a move on him.” Pinky said out loud. “That would explain everything from the way the both of you was acting the past day or two.” AJ tells her. “I’m thinking on how way we were feeling like we were in heat?” Twilight said out loud. “Really do tell.” Rainbow said with a sarcastic attitude. That made Twilight rubs her eyes a little before continuing to what she as to say. “Here is the thing when we change into these bodies thanks to James, I think must have increased are heat cycles to match our human forms.” Twilight told them. “Well, that one way to put it.” Rainbow said out loud. “Twilight I think that is enough on that subject for now and it looks like it getting late out there.” Rarity tells her heading to the kitchen get something to eat before turning in for the night. “Applejack?” Twilight asks her. “Yes, sugar cubed.” She said with a quick repay. “Is the food in this world is the same as its back home?” She asks her friend. “Both yes and no.” AJ tells her answering her question making Twilight confuse from what she just told her. “What do you mean? Yes and no?” She asks her. “There is an island on the forest world where all the produce for everyone on this world.” AJ tells twilight from what James tells her earlier today. “An island just for growing food and there must be different ways to grow food for the nine worlds?” Twilight thought to herself. “This world makes more questions for an ever-growing list that needs to be answered.” She said out loud getting up from the couch to see if what James just told them. She opens the file at is on the table computer screen, from what she has seen the story that he told them is true. “Twilight you’re alright? You look you seen a ghost?” Spike asks her. “Yes, it feels like I did.” She tells him rubbing her eyes. “A ghost like the ones from our dreams we been having?” He asks her. “No, it feels like we done this before for some reason.” Twilight tells him. “Again, what do you mean?” Spike asks her looking confused from what she just told him. “I mean it feels like déjà vu or something. I like we been through something like in the past or past life.” She tells him shocking him a little. “It would best to not think things like that for now.” He tells her. “You probably right it better not to think about it too much. I do think it’s best to get some rest for now.” Twilight said out loud closing the file and walking to her room. I was in my room finishing up a video journal entry before saving to the file on the old gateway. “James, you have a moment?” Rainbow asks opening the door. “What is it rainbow?” I ask her. “I would be lying if I did know from what AJ told me about what you have to do for money when you were in hiding and why you do it.” She tells me. “I’m guessing she told you that I don’t I never think about with the trill of racing?” I ask her. “Yes she did and I feel the same think about flying by home.” She tells me. “Before I transform you into your current forms you have today.” I told her. “Yes I’m not a fan of this for this body but it has it uses.” She tells me feeling herself a little. “Thanks for that, as far I can tell.” I told her. “This is like that one time when Twilight when through a mirror back home to a world like this but from what you told and show me is like it very much. But this wasn’t the first time she when threw it helping ourselves more like counterparts in that world.” She told me the story. “A mirror that anyone can use to travel between worlds? Now that is interesting.” I thought to myself. “James, you alright? You zone out there for a moment.” She asks me tapping me on my shoulder. “Hun, sorry I tend to do that when I’m thinking on something.” I told her getting up from my chair to fix myself something to drink. Rainbow looks over at my computer hitting one if the keys showing the name Old Gateway and a white bar showing password. “Let me see what about this.” She told herself putting in what could be the password. “Access Denied.” The computer tells her showing a red x across the screen. “I guessing 20% cooler isn’t the password. Then again, I'm not James, let me try again.” She tells herself trying a different password. When she hit enter again still the same thing happen again. “AGG. How did Pinky get on here last time?” She said in frustration. “Rainbow what are you doing?” Applejack asks her at the doorway. “I’m trying to see how did Pinky get on here that one time?” She tells her friend making her move next to her to see what could be on there. “Rainbow we never had anything like this back in Equestria.” She tells her. “I know but I want to find out about one these things ever scene Twilight came back from that human world and know that our human counterparts back them too?” Rainbow tells her trying another password. “Access Denied.” The computer tells them. “Here let me try?” AJ tells her friend looks like she going to have a beat down with it. “Alright give it a shot. I need to cool off.” Rainbow said out loud getting up from the chair out of frustration. “Ok Applejack let me give this a try.” She thought to herself sitting down on the chair putting in the password apples. “Access Denied.” “What I thought that would be it?” She said out loud making Rainbow hear from what comes out of her mouth. “You tried apples didn’t yell?” She asks her. “Whatever password James put on here is really tuff to crack.” She said out loud when Pinky walks past James’s door. “Hey girls what are you doing?” She asks them. “Trying on James computer here?” AJ tells her. “What for?” She asks them. “I don’t know Rainbow didn’t tell me.” AJ tells her before looking at Rainbow making her rub the back of her neck a little. “I just want to see what is on here. Can you blame me?” Dashy tells them. “Also trying to find out how you got on here before?” She asks Pinky. “Really that it, I was lucky last time hitting random buttons.” Pinky tells them both shocking them. Rainbow shakes her head before asking her. “Do you remember what you hit?” “Yes, I do remember. But I think he changes that password to something that he only knows.” She tells them. “Can you give a try?” Applejack asks her. “Sure I can give a try.” She said out loud making AJ get up from making Pinky get at the keyboard. “Here goes.” She tells herself putting in the password while Rainbow crosses her fingers. “Access Denied.” “See he did change his password so this couldn’t happen again.” She tells them. “You know if wanted on my computer, you could have just asked and not trying to guess the password.” I tell the three of them walking into my room with my drink. “James, what are you doing here?” Rainbow asks me looking shocked from coming out of the blue. “This is my room by the way.” I told her. “I forgot that it is.” She said with a small laugh while saying. Pinky gets up from the computer so I put in the password. “Access Granted.” The computer said showing a series of cars as a background picture and some files on it. “You see there’s nothing here that you shouldn’t worry about.” I told them showing what is on here. “Pinky where did you find the details on the portals we been using?” Rainbow asks her. “When I was on here last time there was on file I can get to without a password giving me a lot of information about the gateways.” Pinky said out loud looking at the file seeing the file now as a lock on it. Then a window opens showing the front door to the shop and some at the door. “James there is someone here.” AJ tells me, making get a closer look at the screen. “Becky, what is she doing here?” Making me get up from my computer to answer the door to see what she wants? “Becky, what are you doing here?” I ask her. “You weren’t easy to track down; but nice to see you too.” She tells me giving me dirty look. “That doesn’t answer my question, why are you here?” I ask her again. “I know you better than that, we used to date.” She tells me. “Not out loud. You know the others can hear you.” I told her. “Here is the thing. We both know that the rebels need a leader and you have your hands full right now to do the job right now. So I’m going to tell you this once, I going to lead the rebels that you and Danny started a few days ago.” She tells me. “You're right ever scented I came out of hiding thanks to the girls. There is no way for me to lead this rebel faction on my own. You will lead them to victory by causing distraction that we can get the other elements without having the Reds causing us trouble along the way.” I told her which makes her smile a little and giving me a hug in return. “Thank you, James. I know you can trust me.” She tells me giving me a kiss in return. “My car is over here.” She tells me leading me to her car which the same car that she got lost in. “It toke sometime rebuilding her, but it pays off in the end.” She tells me getting inside starting the engine. “I give you the details on where to find the rebels.” I told her kissing her again. “James, you sure do have a way with women.” She tells me before taking off down the road. “You have no idea.” I said to myself before going back inside. When I get back inside seeing the others have already left my room and I see the mic. for the camera has been turned off I turn the mic. back on and close the window locking the computer down for the night. “Who was at the door James?” Rarity asks me at my bedroom doorway. “Rarity it was just Becky found out where I live at.” I told her taking off my hat and sunglasses showing her my green eyes. “Oh James, I never knew that you have such beautiful eyes.” She tells me. “Pardon?” I asked her raising an eyebrow. “My apologies, now I know why Pinky happens to hoke up with up for that one time. That happened to make her pregnant.” She tells me. “She came onto me, not the other way around.” I told her. “Don’t remind me.” She tells me. “So what Pinky up to now?” I ask her. “She ok as far I can tell, but you might want to check on her in person.” She tells me, making me check on Pinky in her room. “Pinky you’re alright?” I asked her opening her bedroom door seeing her crying while looking out her window. “You are one big jerk. Kissing her like that.” Telling me turning her head facing me seeing my green eyes making her feel a little bit better. “I would never betray the people I’m trying to help. Even the people I used to date.” I tell her calming her down and lifting her spirits and her trust in me again. “You’re right; we need to focus on the task at hand with the elements.” She tells me whipping way the tears from her face. Moments later at Danny’s workstation. “Danny how the faction coming long?” I ask him. “We have been getting people coming every hour to join the faction by showing the people what the Reds true colors.” He tells me. “Get Becky on the line.” I order him. “Sure I’m on it.” He tells me dialing her number. “Yes hello.” Becky said over the phone. “Becky it time for you to meet the rebel faction leaders. I’m sending you location on where to find them.” I told her before hanging up. “James wait? She tries to tell me before I hang up on her. Then her phone changes to a map with a red dot on it; before giving her directions to the point. “It looks like an old factory.” She tells herself seeing two armed guards at the entertain. “Are you Becky?” One of them asks her. “Yes why do you ask?” She asks the guard. “Follow me.” He tells her leading her inside showing her a pair of sunglasses on a table. “Put them on.” He tells me, getting a closer at them before putting them on seeing people at a roundtable. “Good, you’re all here now.” I said out loud. “Why did you can this meeting for?” One of the leaders asks me. “I call this meeting because it’s time to turn these factions into a real rebellion army. I bought an old friend lead this army while my hands busy with something else.” I tell the faction leaders making them question my destination about this. “That is enough! Let me explain, she used to run we me back to my in racing days during the M.R. series in the past and I trust her to do a great job plus she heads the best spa in the Los Angeles region.” I told them calming everyone down. “Now let’s get down to business. Five of the elements have collected by some people I trying to get them home.” I tell them showing a map of the nine worlds with the highlighted planets showing the remaining elements that need to collect. “What does have to this have to do with us?” One of the faction leaders asks me. “Because of this.” I told the showing them a ship that been used by the Reds before during the last track during the Mystery Event. “It can’t be I thought they were destroyed after the fight with Silencers.” One of them tells me. “So did I until I got this information about this a few days ago and they are still rebuilding the ship for something I don’t know.” I told them. “Do know where is it being rebuilt?” A faction leader asks me. “Yes, it currently rebuilds in the Reds main base designs has a building under construction as a series buildings for the people. At least that was press was giving.” I answer there question. “So Becky and other faction leaders here is your mission, Find out on how where they are getting the materials and supplies for this ship and destroy them.” I told Becky and the rebel faction leaders. “You can count on us.” She tells me. “Very well this meeting is adjourned.” I told them before taking off the sunglasses I used for this meeting. “I hope that things going the way to should slow down the Reds rebuilding the ship.” I thought to myself turning in for a night. > Chapter 30 Rainbow Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow lying in her bed trying to get some rest sending herself into the dream world. “Alright show me something good.” She tells herself waking up the dream world, seeing the city of Canterlot with the darken clouds over the city. “What going on am I home?” She asks herself trying to touch somepony nearby come to find out that her hand when through the pony trying to get their attention. “Rainbow Dash, you thought you would interact with them.” Someone said out loud scaring her from whoever just talked to her. “Who said that and are you the mysteries person that been visiting all our dreams?” She asks the person talking to her. “There is not much time and there is a lot to show you.” The person tells her showing itself on a cloud. “That is so awesome!” She said with excitement. “Rainbow get on this cloud so I can show you what you need to know.” The mysteries person tells her reaching out its hand to her. Rainbow grabs it hand and being pull on board the cloud. “Hold tight.” The person tells her moving the cloud to outskirts of the city. “How are you doing that?” Rainbow asks the person flying the cloud without even touching it. “That not too important right now, this is more important than anything else right now.” The person tells her pointing at a something glowing bright as the sun coming to Canterlot. “Is that whatever James called it; The Piece of Omega.” Rainbow said out loud. “Yes, it is.” They stop next to the device. “Is it just me or that thing is getting brighter?” Rainbow asks out loud before firing the symbol that has been on the door and on the chip back on the Mountain World. “What’s going happen to Canterlot?!” She shouted at mysteries figure when a beam to the grown. The figure just looks down at what about to happen. Then a quick jolt the buildings and the castle begins to shake like it did when cliff side gave way nearly taking both her and Spike to the bottom of the canyon. “What are we doing we need to help them!” Rainbow shouts at the unknown figure starting the glowing brown a little. “There is nothing you or me can do you found that for yourself earlier trying to get somepony attention, or have you forgot that already.” The figure tells her trying to get the information to get through to her. “It would hurt to at least try and get them to a safe place. “Rainbow tries to talk the figure into trying to save them before both of them seeing an airship coming out of the blue getting closer to the city docks next to the bridge next to the train station. Both of them see the strange airship coming to the underneath the bridge when it gave way seeing it catch a train that was about across it before it gave way shooting electricity when it catches the train. Rainbow is shock from what just happen in front of her eyes. “Something is wrong?” The figure said out loud. “What are you talking about?” Rainbow asks the mysteries figure. “That wasn't exposed to happen. The timeline is being altered.” The figure said out loud before the cloud that they standing on beginning to disappear. “Rainbow that not a lot of time, tell the others when you wake up; as long you get the elements things should be back to normal.” The figure tells her before she falls off the cloud sending her into a freefall. Rainbow is panicking threw it all trying to find a way to slow her down a little. Then she notices that right hand begin to glow. “What is going on?” She thought herself. She begins to slow down but not enough before hitting the grown walking up in her bed breathing heavily. “Rainbow you’re alright you’re in your room.” Applejack tells her. “AJ what are you doing here?” She asks her friend trying to catch her breath. “I heard you from my room and when you were screaming threw out the night.” She tells her. “You ok Rainbow?” Twilight asks her entering her room. “Yes, I am. As far I can tell.” She tells her looking at her right hand. “That must have been a really bad nightmare you just had?” Twilight asks her. “Yes, it did see the mysteries figure and the city of Canterlot being destroyed by an Earthquake.” Rainbow tells both of them shocking both of them from what they just heard. “Then something else happens that surprise the figure.” Rainbow continues to tell them what happens in the dream. “What?” Both ask at the same time. “A strange looking airship that didn’t have a balloon on using panels shooting out electricity underneath it.” Rainbow told them from what she saw. “Now that in interesting, an airship that is not using a balloon to take off and using electricity to fly instant.” Twilight said thinking out loud. “There was one more thing that happened in my dream.” Rainbow tells them both. “What is that?” Twilight asks her. “My hand starting to glow while I was in freefall before hitting the grown shocking me awake.” Rainbow tells them. “Listen Rainbow before you woke up trying to catch your breath. You were floating off your bed before landing back on your bed hard.” AJ tells Rainbow from what she saw on her end while she having that nightmare. “Really, no wonder why I wasn’t slowing down before hitting the grown in the nightmare?” She asks herself. “I wish the Luna is here to help us with these crazy dreams we been having.” Twilight said out loud. Rainbow rubs her eyes a little before asking them. “What time is it?” “Eight o clock as last I check.” AJ tells her before Rainbow looks over at the clock showing the real-time; 8:03. “I think James is waiting for us.” Twilight tells them. “Just give me a few minutes to get ready.” Rainbow tells her getting up only wearing a bra and panties. After a quick change of clothes, Rainbow is ready for the day what is in her and her friend’s path. “Alright, here we go.” She tells herself before heading to the garage to find the others were having a chat with each other. “What going on?” She asks them. “Good, you’re here. Now I can see what been going on.” I said out loud pulling out a piece of paper with a map of Equestria on it. “From what from your dreams that you been having is very interesting because Twilight made this made to see where the Piece of Omega release the energy through the lick casing a lot of damage to your world.” I said out loud marking down the Storm symbol on the map. Spike mark down the Swamp symbol. Pinky did the same for the Water. AJ did the City and Rainbow did the Mountain symbol next to Canterlot. “Ok, here the thing we’ll keep track on this and be updating the map so we can see where in Equestria the Piece of Omega at all times or until after we get another element.” I told them putting away the map. “At else that good.” AJ tells me. “The only problem is that we can only see what’s going on in your dreams and the person that just got the element. So we will have to keep an eye on this as before getting the next element.” I told them all. “So you’re saying the next person who gets the next element will see what going on in Equestria?” Twilight asks trying to make sense of what I’m saying. “Yes, as far I can tell from trying to solve this Titanic size problem.” I said out loud answering her question the best that I can. “So which world are we going next?” Rarity asks me. “The Desert World is next and I was up early this morning getting the cars ready for this world.” I said out loud getting the Desert Key from the cast. “What did you do?” She asks me. “All I did what change the tires to one that can change its tread to any driving contention. Trust me we going to need them for this world.” I told them putting the key on the hood of my car. Ones we were ready to go quickly making our way to the outskirts of the Queen City where the portal is. “Here we go again.” I thought to myself as the portal opens in front of us sending us to the Desert World. > Chapter 31 The Desert World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens on at the bottom of a cliff face; the nine of came through seeing nothing but sand for miles with the heat of the sun biting down on us. “For the name of Celestia sack it dryer than the Bad Lands back home.” Spike out loud taking off his jacket trying to get cool off. “I know what you mean. How hot is it out here?” Rainbow said taking off her helmet to get some of that sweat coming off her head. I was close the portal quickly get back inside my car to check on the temperature. The outside gear is showing 124oF. “Damn, it must be the middle of summer on this world.” I said to myself taking off my jacket and turning the A/C on full blast and putting down a maker so we can find our way back to the portal. “Danny where are we?” I ask him over the radio after AJ lunches his drone from the back of her truck taking off her hat to get some of the sweat that gets from the heat alone. “It looks like you’re in the 50 miles of Las Vegas northwest from there.” He tells getting a better look from the air and looking at the map back at the shop of the Desert World. “Vegas what is that and is it anything like Los Pegasus back home?” AJ asks me when she gets inside of her truck. “No, I don’t think so from what you and the other's description of it. This is more like a city of the same name back on Earth before I even all of this started. But that is a story for another day. By the way, we are going to need the water from there so we can find the element.” I said answering her question and some of the others was things about. “He right from that heat of this world is going hard on the cars.” Duke tells them making the others too look at their water temperature gage. “How is that possible we only been here for only a few minutes and it nearly close to hot on the gage?” Twilight ask me seeing the rising line on the gage getting dangerously close to the top of the red mark on her car. The others see the same thing on their gages. “It would be best to get moving on to Vegas so I can get some water. Because I’m dying for a drink right about now.” Spike said over the radio. “Danny is there a nearby road heading into the city?” I ask him. “Yes there is, five miles south of your current position.” He tells me looking at the map from where we are right now. “Thanks Danny, we’ll call if we need anything else. Alright everyone changes to Off-Road treads on the tablet on your dashboard. “I told them changes my treads without any problems as for Spike and Rainbow use a smaller tablet that is on the bikes to change their treads. Once everyone treads have been changed we got on our way to the road that will lead us into the city of Las Vegas. “James I’m impressed from the things you can come up with only a matter of moments and with what you have to work with.” Twilight tells me over the radio. “Thanks, I learn to make do with I got to work with.” I told her. “Twilight I know that you and the other have questions about this world and list is getting longer every day now and a new world that we come across?” I asked her. “Things in this world are both fascinating and terrifying from what I have seen from the day we showed up from the riff.” She tells me making our way through the sandy path in front of them seeing a road. “Good to see a road again.” Rarity said out loud over the radio as I put down another marker next to the road. “Here we go again.” I thought to myself before heading south the road towards the city. “Is that city of Las Vegas?” Applejack asks me looking at the city in the distance. “Look at the size of it.” Rarity said out loud looking at the share size of it alone. “I know what you mean from the size of this city it must be one of the biggest city on the planet?” Twilight asks herself over the radio as we reach the outer edges of the city showing welcome to Las Vegas on a sign on the middle of the highway. “There must be a gas station nearby.” I said to myself. “Come again?” Applejack asks making a realization that I said that over the radio. “Nothing I was just talking to myself again.” I answer her question to dodge a bullet on that one. “That was strange and unlike him.” Duke thought to himself as we got off the highway to the interior of the city seeing a gas station nearby from where we got off the interstate. “I don’t want to be here longer than we need to be.” I said out loud getting out of my car before heading into to the store. “Something is wrong with him?” Twilight said out loud. “It wasn’t just me that I notelets that.” Duke said over the radio. “Pardon?” AJ asks them both. “It something with the city that making act this way, like he doesn’t want to be here for some reason?” Twilight was thinking out loud over the radio. “I think I might know the reason.” Danny said out loud. “Why is that?” Rarity asks him. “There is a nickname for this city back on Earth and that name is.” Being cut off by Pinky saying something random guessing’s. “City of landmarks, wait, city of hotels, I got it Show Town.” Pinky said trying to guess the city nickname. “No, that’s not it.” He tells her. “Then what is then?” She asks him. “Sin City; is the nickname that people back on Earth and there is no dough in my mind that it’s called the same thing here.” He answers their question. Meanwhile inside the store, I was checking on how much for a few gallons of water for this journey of ours. Until I see the prices tag on the gallons nearly 6.00 dollars a gallon. “There must be a water shortest or something.” I thought to myself getting a few gallons for the trip and some drinking water for everyone. After everything is been rough up the total was close to a hundred bucks. “You’re him aren’t you?” The cashier asks me. “Who are you referring too?” I ask him. “Oh my god you are him the legendary James Cribb. I’ve seen all your races and I’m a big fan as well, some of them thought you were died after what happen to you. But I knew it would take more than a crash to kill you.” The cashier fangasming over seeing me in person. “Listen I have some things to taking care of real quick.” I told him. “I can understand that you’re a busy man getting your car ready for the race that in a few days.” He tells me. “What race I didn’t know about a race? Until after you told me just now.” I ask him. “You didn’t know the race that been building up for months now?” He asks me. “I’m betting the Reds has something to do with this upcoming race?” I thought to myself. “Listen I have to get going with this water for something important.” I tell him to get out of the shop before the Reds or something worst happens. “Let me looks like you need some help with that.” He tells me helping me with those creates of water to the cars outside. The others see me and the cashier carrying crates of water to the only vehicles that are in the parking lot. Before heading back out with the water creates I turned on the earpiece that I leaded to AJ after her radio when out back on the Storm World. I overheard the conversation that Twilight and the others are talking about the city of Las Vegas, its nickname, and why I don’t like this city. “There a reason why I hate this city?” I said over the earpiece. “Why is that daring?” Rarity asks me over the radio while me, while I'll carrying creates to the cars. “I guess that Danny or Duke told you the city nickname?” I ask them. “Yes, Danny told us it nickname and I don’t know why this beautiful city is called Sin City as it nickname?” Rarity asks me. “After I when into hiding and getting the shop open in Queen City. I heard about a race going on in Las Vegas, so a quick transport ship later to city of Sin. Come to find out that the race is set up by a group of mobsters that want to take the money for themselves.” I told them. “Mobsters you mean the same people that attack us back the Library?” Twilight asks me. “Yes I far I can tell.” I answer her question getting the last create into the cars. Then what sound of an alarm going off throughout the whole city. “What’s with the alarm?” Rainbow asks out loud. “Sandstorm!” The cashier shouted before heading back into his shop. “Spike, Rainbow you’re going to need these.” I handing them some googles and a couple of bandanas. “Danny we’re out in the open can you finds us an underground parking lot to take some cover from this sandstorm.” I told him getting back inside my car. I see what I can do it seems that everybody heading to the nearby buildings for cover.” He tells as both Rainbow and Spike put on the stuff I just gave them; seeing a cloud of dust and dirt eating up the city into the storm. “My sweet Celestia, look at the size of it.” Twilight said in shock seeing the size of the sandstorm. “Danny, how it’s coming?” I ask him over the radio. “I’m working on this as fast I can here. Wait I got it, follow me.” He tells me before off down from the storm to nearest underground parking lot. Others see the storm is coming in fast through the city and they were shock of it sallow them up one by one. The air around them starts to turn orange cross with brown making us turn on our headlights. “I can see anything through this mast.” Applejack said out loud over the radio as they were trying to make their way forwards cover with Danny drone leading the way. James, I have to change the setting so I see through the sandstorm before I get sallow up by it.” He tells me changing the setting to making it easier for him to fly through the dust. With the changes over and done with before the storm sallow him. “Can you see me?” Danny asks us. “Yes I can barely throw the storm. “ I said over the radio. “Good let get going to that parking lot.” He tells me. On his end is showing something from an 80’s music video outlining the buildings, roads, and everything in between in different colors outlines of what around his drone and the others. Back with us the sandstorm starts to darken the ski. Dark as the night ski the only light that can be seen is from the building, streetlights, and the headlights and taillights from the cars that are still on the roads trying to find cover. “Is this normal James?” Twilights ask me. “No not here in Vegas, but it happens from time to time. Normality these storms show up in different areas of the planet.” I answered her question has we found the underground parking lot. The door to the parking lot opens up letting us in to give us cover from the storm. “Thank Celestia that we found some cover, it feels like I sallow a whole sandbox.” Rainbow said out loud taking off her bandana trying to cough up lung in the process. Spike is doing the same thing when he takes off his bandana. “Are you two are alright?” Fluttershy asks them about how much they are coughing. “I think I’m alright as far I can tell.” Rainbow answers her question finely stopping couching up. “Same here.” Spike answers her as well. “Good I thought that both of you got something in your lungs from the storm.” She tells the both of them. “Danny how long it’s going to be until the storm as past?” I ask him as he lands her drone next to the cars. “I don’t know minutes or hours.” He tells me. “Keep me posted.” I tell him. “Will do.” He tells before checking on the where element is going to be. “James, what about the water you got for the cars?” AJ asks me about the cardboard crates that’s in the trunks of Fluttershy car and my car. “This is the best place to get them cooled off and some fresh water in the radiators.” I said out loud getting one of the creates from the trunk of my car. Opening it up showing six gallons of water inside I grab one of them and start getting the cars to cool off from the heat and from the sandstorm. Hours later the cars temperature gages reading normal again. “That was close. I don’t know what would happen if it if one of the cars got a busted radiator or worst.” I thought to myself closing the hood on the Applejack truck. “Weather is clearing” My phone going off. “Storm passing.” I said out loud holding the phone in my hand. The doors to the parking lot open showing the daylight of the planet and the city of Vegas itself. “Good I’m ready to find the element of this world.” Applejack out loud getting in her truck while everyone else firing up their engines; as I’m making my way to my car, starting the engine the roar of the engines filled the underground parking lot. “Danny where is the element is?” I ask him over the radio. “During the while you and the others were taking cover from the sandstorm, I was working on where the Deseret Element is, and it looks like it in Cairo on the other side of the planet past Gas Town.” He tells me and the others. “Gas Town, Cairo, Las Vegas what’s next quicksand?” Twilight asks herself over the radio. “OK it’s going to be a long drive to Cairo. So keep a close eye on your gages on your water temperature out there on the roads.” I told them before heading to the highways heading to Cairo. The drive was long an enduring threw some of the most driving contentions that this world as to offer. We got off the highway and processed to off-road and dirt roads to avoid the Reds checkpoints that are on the highways of this world. Running into creatures of this world and a made a close run-in with a quicksand or too. “Here we are Cairo.” I said out loud on top of a hill as we overlooking the city. “Danny where in the city is the elemental door?” I ask him over the radio. “Just give me a moment.” He tells me as he gets a closer look at the map and piloting his drone over us and next to the city. “It looks like at the Pyramids of Giza deep within the main pyramid itself.” He tells me looking at the map. Making me to lunch my drone to get a better look, come to find out he was right about the where the door is; looking at the live footage coming from the drone. Before recalling it and making our way to the pyramid. “Way are these pyramids called the Pyramids of Giza?” Twilight asks me. “These were called something else long before the MR series toke off I was called the Pyramids of Giza of the similarities to the one back on Earth. So I never have been inside one of them before in my life. So this going to be interesting.” I said out loud answering her question while driving through the city. “This city of Cairo reminds me of Somnambula?” Rainbow asks herself and Pinky looking at architecture of the city. “I know what you mean the resemblance is uncanny.” Pinky said with surprise and questionable details of this world and back home. “This city both surprising and dangerous at the same time from what we have seen so far.” Twilight said out loud. “Lucky for us we didn’t made a run in with anyone trying to kill us yet.” Spike said out loud. “Good thing that Duke can use is car like a sonic whatever James called it to get us through all off those quicksands.” Rarity said out loud. “Amplifier, it’s a Sonic Amplifier.” I said out loud. “Rainbow, why does this city reminds you of one back home?” I ask her. “You see one time when Daring Do aka AK Yorlin was retiring from writing stories about her adventures. So me and Pinky when to see why she retiring from writing and saving the world.” Rainbow tells her side of the story when Pinky starts telling her said of the story. “She read news stories about her destroying carts and some other things that in her books and somepony giving her a bad name of stealing from the locals.” “Thank you Pinky. Anything work things out, lifted her spirits; as well find out who’s trying to give daring do a bad name in the first place.” Rainbow finish up the story on why the city of Cairo rings so many bells for them; as we made our way through the city. “That story reminds me of something else back on Earth?” I said out loud questioning the story. “Why is that?” Rainbow asks me. “There are two of them that I have in mind. I’ll show you when we get back to the show.” I answer her question. As we finally get to the pyramids of different sizes near the center of the city itself. “These things look like they been here for a long time.” Rarity said out loud looking the detail of the pyramids and there been left in a near state of ruins. “The city was built around the pyramids and rebuilt some of the ruins that been left over from the civilization that used to live on this planet.” I told the others from what I gather from the history of this world when I was doing research the first time a come across the city during a mission for the Silencers. Danny is trying to find a way inside the main pyramid scanning with his drone of the structure itself and the others pyramids around the main structure. “How we looking?” I ask him. “I can get things a few feet through the sand. Duke can you use you Sonic Amplifier for getting a deeper scan that I can’t get.” He said out loud over the radio. “I’m on it.” Duke said out loud getting his Amp getting ready to fire into the ground. “See what you can do.” I tell him. As he fires the first pulse into the sand below them. Bouncing off any solid objects down there and Duke Car can receive the singles that been bounced off of anything that is down there. “I’m getting something here. Danny, are you seeing what I’m seeing?” He asks him. “Yes I do.” He said out loud looking at the map seeing what Duke amp is keeping up below the sand. “It looks like buildings underneath the sand and it looks like there a keyhole to reveal the building that is underneath the sand.” He tells me and the others. “Where is this keyhole?” I ask him. “It looks like a few feet underneath the sand on the east side of the main pyramid.” He tells me looking over at the map. “We are on the South side of the pyramid.” I side out loud. “Best for us to get going then, In order to get to the elemental door.” Twilight said out loud over the radio before we toke off to the east side of the pyramid. Ok you’re getting close to the keyhole.” Danny tells the group as we made up the east side of structure getting close to the key I look over seeing the desert key beginning to glow the closer we get to the keyhole. “Guys something is happening with the key?” I said out loud over the radio. “What was that?” Twilight asks me about what I just said over the radio. “It’s the Desert Key it appears to be glowing.” I said over the radio answering her question. We keep going and the key kelp gets brighter and brighter until we gotten the center point where the keyhole is located. The brightest of the key became that I had to stop and get out of the car. “You’re alright there sugarcubed? I could see the brightest of that key from your windows being as dark as they are?” AJ asks me over the radio. “Yes, I’m alright as far I can tell. Just the key is so bright I had to stop.” I answer her question while the other looks shock from what is going on with the key. I start to float out of the car, hovering on stop where I’m currently standing at. The sand underneath me starting to shack, making me roll out of what about to come up through the sand. With a loud pop from the ground, stands a stone statue with a keyhole at the base of the statue. “That was way too close.” I said out loud making everyone come out of their cars to check on me. “James that was way too closes for you and for us as well.” Fluttershy said to me checking me out. The key starts to float in front of the statue, before going into the keyhole making a hugh noise and releasing energy all around the statue and the pyramids. “What is happening?” Twilight asks me. “I don’t know!” I shouted answering her question. Seeing sand around the pyramids and threw out the city being suck by something underneath the sand revealing more of the statue and the buildings that been underneath the sand itself for only god know how long. Meanwhile outside the city at a Reds checkpoint, “Sir there is something going on in Cairo.” The guard said into a headset into he has on. “What in the name of Omega are you talking about?” The General asks him. “Sir, I don’t know but I think that James and his friends must have gotten through without us knowing.” The guard tells him. “He must have been off-roading and some of the back roads that we didn’t think about covering. Meanwhile I, I mean we have a rebellion on our hands destroying resources for our project.” He tells him. “Sir, what do you want me to do?” He asks the General. “Get every unit that is on the planet and capture him and his friends, and I mean right now.” He orders the guard before hanging up on him. “What the hell are you?” He asks himself looking at the footage of a dark blue horse with a horn and wings being attacked from up of attack drones. We quickly got back in our cars and bikes keeping it from getting damage of what’s happening to them in front our eyes. Moment later after all of the sand is gone from the area. The key pops itself out of the keyhole coming back to us. Making everyone sees the key not coming to me but to Duke hovering next to hood of his car. “That’s impossible?” I said out loud looking at what’s going on right in front of my eyes. He gets out of his car, the key comes closer to him like it was calling to him. He grabs it and in a bright light both he and the key was gone. “DUKE!” I shouted at the top my lungs running to where he used to be. “Where am I?” He said out loud into a void. “Frank or would you preferred your other name?” The unknown voice said out loud before showing himself being a person the shape of Anubis. “I like to be called by my new name if you mind.” He tells the figure. “Very well, we have been waiting for you for a long time now.” The figure tells him making Duke confuse from what is happening. “What do I call you?” He asks the figure. “You can call me Anubis for the time being.” Anubis tells him. “Let me guess you’re the guardian of this world?” He asks the god. “Yes I am one and the oldest guardians the whole lot. Now before I sent you back to your friends I something to give to you as well when you return with them.” He tells him, handing him a scroll. “Open it after you get the element of this world. I see you and your friends on the other side.” He tells duke. “Wait, I still so many questions.” Duke said out loud before in flash he landed on the ground hard. “Duke!” Twilight shouts before running forwards him to see if he is alright. He’s coughing up a storm when we got there and to help get back on his feet. “I’m alright as far I can tell.” He tells them getting a hold of himself before seeing the scroll in his head. “Unbelievable it’s real and I thought for a second that it was a dream.” He thought to himself steadying him by leading next to his car. “The elemental door should be nearby.” I said out fixing to move out before seeing Spike staring at a wall for some reason. “Spike, what’s the holdup?!” I ask him. I when to see what gotten his attention. “Spike, what is with today?” I ask him before turning to face the wall that gotten his attention seeing why he didn’t answer me the first time I asked him. “Twilight?” I said over the radio. “Yes James, what is it?” She asks me. “It’s probably best for you and the others to see what Spike has found.” I told her, making her and the others got their curiosity going. By the time they got there to the wall where me and Spike is. They are shocked from what they are seeing. “What in the name of Equestria. It’s us.” AJ said out loud. “I know what you mean.” Rainbow said out loud seeing herself in her human form. “How is that even possible, this hundreds maybe even thousands of years old and who or whatever made this?” Twilight asks out loud seeing herself with one of the elements fighting what’s looks like army that closely resembles the Reds and there leader aka the General for a greater prize. On the wall that everyone is shock from what is on the wall, showing the nine of them using their elements from the nine worlds plus with other items that Twilight and the others as seen before on an army that looks uncanny like the Reds being led by their leader that like just like the general. “Danny, are you getting this?” I ask him. “Yes I am and recording what is going on the wall and anything else that could be of great interest.” He tells me recording the like stream of his drone. “Are those the elements of harmony?” Rainbow said out loud. “And are those the objects use by the Pillars to when the Pony of Shadows sending him and themselves to limbo.” Pinky said out loud making Twilight and the other notice the objects are being as well the elemental powers that the guardians handed to them. “There’s something else there.” Twilight when to take a closer look at the wall seeing another symbol on Pinky Stomach. “What are talking about Twilight?” I ask her making taking a closer look at what she seeing. Seeing the tenth Symbol that’s on Pinky stomach making question that my child that growing in pinky stomach is the Tenth wilder of this element. “What’s that at the bottom?” Twilight asks me looking at the rows of symbols at the bottom. Darkest is mysteries. When the time is needed the nine worlds calls on the guardians to defect the darkest and sent it back to where it’s came. When all the elements are together the tenth Element we show itself and pick a guardian to protect its power from anyone or anything would like to take it. “I don’t we’ll scan it real quick with my drone.” I said out loud active my drone threw a tablet that I had on me. Plotting the drone to the symbols underneath the stone drawing of us; I start to scan the symbols. After few minutes or two, it was done scanning the symbols. “We’ll find out what this means when get back to the shop.” I said out loud recalling the drone back to my car. “I sure hope so. This heat is killing me.” Spike said out loud trying to wet his mouth with a dry tough. “Same here; how do people of this world even live here?” Rainbow asks swapping away the sweat from her forehead. AJ takes a deep breath of the dry air before saying. “I don’t know Rainbow. That is another mystery that can be put on the list that just keeps growing the more time we sent here.” “Some of them have been answered and some others that make it more complicated to answer in the current state.” Twilight said out loud walking to her car to get something. “Twilight what are you doing?” I ask her going to her car getting one of camera that I had back that the shop. “I’m getting a few pictures of the place and try to make sense of all this.” She tells me taking a few pictures of the wall and the nearby areas that Danny drone sent over. After a few hours Twilight has her pictures of the location and a few more that Danny couldn’t take his drone to. “From what I got should make better scent of this and answers some of those questions of this world.” She told herself seeing the others are waiting for her. “Got the picture you wanted?” I ask her. “Yes I did and I got some that Danny couldn’t get is drone to because of reasons from what he told me.” She tells me. “It’s finally time to get the element of this world.” I said out loud to the others making them overjoyed about that; neither from the heat getting to them or they don’t want to be longer any longer. Moments later we found the elemental door with the symbol of this world on it. “Ok guardian we know what you look like. We don’t know what you have in store for us?” I said out loud holding the key in my hand, fixing to put it in the keyhole. After I put in the key singling the guardian to come and face for whatever test he has in mind. Ten statues of the guardian starting to move holding whatever weapon they are holding. “Oh my.” Fluttershy said out loud. “You can say that again Sugarcube.” Applejack reposting from what Fluttershy just said seeing statues moving towards them. “Which one is the real one?” I thought to myself seeing the ten of them with yellow glowing eyes with the desert symbol in them. Then a rocket from an RPG hit one of them making the statues turn to see who just attack them. Come to find out it was a unit of the Reds that come to find what going on in Cairo and made a foolish mistake attacking the statues. “The darkness has come to me.” The guardian tells Duke. “Those Reds basters. They can go to hell very single one of them can go straight to hell.” He said with venom in his veins of hate from happen to him and his friends in the past. “The darkness has been in your past as well as of mine. Here the thing will show the darkness what it means to attack a guardian.” Anubis tells him. “James, the guardian is willing to help us to destroy the Reds.” Duke tells me over the radio. “Are you sure?” I ask him. “Yes really they are willing to help.” He tells me. “If they are willing to help us then let them.” I said out loud making him happy for the moment turning on his music; making the speakers on the back of his car sending shock waves around them and the guardian statues. Making the Reds Commutations go offline, so they can’t call for enforcements. The Reds fires a wave of RPG rockets towards us. The statues that are holding shields throw them up to stop rockets in their tracks. They reload and fire again hitting the shields destroying them and the statues leaving only six of them left. The commander of the unit stops the rocket attack and sent in the drones and heavies into the attack. The statues ran into the force heading straight at them while me and the others when circle around the attacking force. Me, Duke, Twilight, and Spike when around of the left side, while Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Pinky, and Fluttershy when around on the right side. Those who as chips activated them to fight the Reds. “Here we go again.” I said out loud seeing my hand glowing again heard on the radio that the others hands starting to glow as well. “James, is your hand glowing?” AJ asks me looking at her own hand glowing. “Yes it is why is your hand glowing as well?” I ask her. “Same here.” Rainbow said out loud. “Ohh glowy.” Pinky said out loud with joy. “What’s going on?” Spike asks noticing his glowing hand. When we reach the attacking force Fluttershy turn on her canons and fires at the some of the Reds destroying them with only a few shots. Rarity turns on her speed trap making time slow down running into a few of the heavies taking them out of the fight. As for statues takes a few more drones and heavies with a few swings with their weapons. As for me and some of the others use our elemental powers to finish up with the attack force leaving only the commander left. “Wait, wait, wait for just a moment.” The commander said out loud holding is hands up singling his surrender seeing the statues pointing their weapons at him. “Do you even think that you were going to get away from what you did?” I ask him holding a garage towards him. “I’m just a person that was taken prisoner and brainwash to join them. I wasn’t until just now the brainwashing stopped and got my head clear from what I have done.” He tells me his story taking off his helmet revealing his face to the world for the first time in a long time with a clearer mind. The statues pull back there weapons from the commanders face so he remove the markens that holding him to the Reds mainframe. Removing them and a chip that been implanted on the back of his neck and breaking it in half freeing him forever. The Guardian opens the elemental door. “I guessing we pass the test or something?” Duke thought to himself. “You did pass the test and you will be the next guardian of this world.” Anubis tells him before disappearing for now. The nine of us when through the doorway seeing the element glowing yellow. “Ok Duke you’re up.” I tell him as he gets closer to it making pulsating faster the closer he gets to it. When he finally got close enough to the element that it’s pulsating so fast like the others before. “Here we go.” He thought to himself before putting his hand on it making him scream at the top of lungs. “AAAAAGGGGGGG!” Making the element glows brightly as the sun filling the whole room making everyone to cover their eyes from the light coming from it. The element changes into a chip with the symbol of this world on it when he finally pulls his arm out and falling to the ground. Duke is breathing heavy after bonding with the element; the chip is glowing the same color that it was pulsating with small white waves coming from the symbol itself. “You’re alright there buddy?” I ask him helping him off the ground. “I’m alright as far I can tell and I got to tell you that’s the roughest thing I did in a long time.” He tells me getting a hold of himself on his feet. “You’re the guardian now; take care of it with your life.” Anubis tells him before disappearing from his head. “Commander, your face looks familiar?” I ask him as he witnesses the whole thing. “That because I use to drive for the M.R. series when it was still active during the third year before I was taking by the Reds during that time.” He tells me. “I’m guessing you’re one the first prisoners that have been putting into the Red army?” I ask him. “Yes I was, but regretted very moment that I had done during that time.” He tells me. “We can take you as far Vegas with a new set of clothes far you get spotted out in the open by in the city.” I tell him. “Thanks James I would like that.” He tells me. “What is your name by the way?” Twilight asks the former Commander. “Steve McCoy.” He answers her question. “Brainwashing, now that something you don’t see every day?” AJ said out loud before walking out to the cars. “Steve, is there any more of them out there?” I ask him opening the driver side door on my car. “No the force that attacks you earlier is the all the Reds on the planet. Because the General couldn’t send me back up, because of a rebellion army come out of nowhere destroying factories and mills for a secret project for the General as plan for.” He tells me. “So we’re good to use the main road all the way towards Vegas.” I said out loud turning on the engine waiting for everyone else is ready to go. We quickly made our way towards Vegas as fast we could go. There aren’t any more checkpoints set up by the Reds it didn’t take us long to get to Vegas. If we to go off-road again it would take us just as long as before maybe longer because it’s getting dark in the when we got on the highway towards Vegas. When we got to Vegas the sun as already gone down showing the nightlife of the city. “Is that same city we were here earlier today?” Rainbow asks over the radio. “Yes it is Rainbow. Vegas looks very different at night than during the daylight hours.” I said answering her question. “I can believe that sugar cubed.” AJ said out loud seconds after answering Rainbow question. We stop at the gas station where we got the water earlier. “I have some pair clothes in the trunk of my car that might fit you.” I tell Steve as he gets out and I open my trunk. “Which bag?” He asks me after he opens up the trunk looking at all the stuff that in my trunk. I got out seeing what he talking about. “It’s the black bag right here.” I said getting the bag out. “I know that I have to clean out my trunk one of these here days.” I tell him handing him the bag of clothes. “Hey James if we cross paths again.” He tries to tell me before I cut him off to say something to him. “Here take this and get on the next transport to the city world find the rebels and tells them that I sent you there.” I told leaving him confuse from what I just told him. “Wait rebels what on Earth are you talking about?” He asks me. “You’ll find out soon enough.” I tell him getting back into my car. The nine of us made our way to the first tracker where to go off-road at to reach the portal. We stop real quick so I can put the key on top of the hood of my car. We move as fast we can to the portal. “Gun it to the portal!” I shouted to the others after the portal opens; the nine when through the portal the without any problems. > Chapter 32 Dust Blow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia is still in shock about what as happen to her home and capital of Equestria. Also seeing the strange airship that saved her sister and a lot of ponies that would have died if didn’t show up when it disappears from where ever it came from. “Sister!” Luna shouted from across the courtyard where she was when the strange looking airship when it’s taking off. “Luna it good to see that you’re alright, after what just happen in Canterlot.” She tells her sister giving her a hug. “You’ve seen the airship?” Luna asks her sister. “Yes, I did see it taking off before disappearing like there was nothing there. Why do you ask?” She asks her sister looking a little lost. “Well, me and Chrysalis were on it and we talked with the person who’s driving it.” Luna tells her making her miss heard from what her sister just said. “Person?” Celestia asks her. “That’s right a person in other words humans.” Luna said out loud making shocking her sister. “So they are returning after all these years.” Celestia said thinking out loud. “That isn’t the full story.” Luna tells her. “What are you talking about dear sister?” She asks her looking confess from what her sister just told her. “You see the human that saved me, Chrysalis, and other ponies today is from the future; more like 20 years from what he told me.” Luna trying to tell her sister from what James told her. “Was there anyone else with him?” Celestia asks him. “Yes, there’s an older Pinkly Pie and their daughter Destiny.” Luna tells her shocking her a little. “I’m guessing where their younger self’s in the world where Twilight and the others are?” Celestia asks her sister. “Yes that they are from what he told their younger selves are trying to find a way home by getting the nine elements of his world to get them home without destroying both worlds in the process. That is what he told me on the ship.” Luna tells her answering some of her sister questions. “That won't be the last time we see of them?” Celestia asks her sister looking over the ruins of Canterlot. Chrysalis is walking through remains of Ponyville thinking about what James just told her changing her DNA where she can’t survive on eating love along. “How could he do that to me?” She asks herself. “When he saw me starving to death like that he had to do something to save my life by changing my DNA where I can still eat off love but not of a main food source; at else that what he told me when I asked him on the ship.” She answers her owned question in her head before running into one of the doctors at the tents with some medicine trying to help the ponies that came from Baltimare yesterday afternoon. “I’m sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” He tells her before taking off to where he needed most of all. Chrysalis got curious why he in set a hurry to get the tents. Moments later when she got there she sees something that shocks her beyond belief. “Oh, my sweet Equestria.” She said seeing ponies showing green and yellow veins showing up where their blood veins are glowing with every heartbeat. “I need to tell Luna about this.” She tells herself before running to where Luna and Celestia were last seen. Both Celestia and Luna see Chrysalis running towards them. “We have a problem at the tents where we’re keeping the some of the sick that came from Baltimare yesterday.” She tells them both shocking them both from what she told them; before seeing a guard running to them with great importance. “Your highness the doctors wish to see the three of you.” He tells them. “Is it urgent?” Celestia asks him. “Yes, some of them have no idea what going on with the ponies that came from Baltimare yesterday.” He tells them trying to catch his breath from spirt he just did. “We’ll are on way.” Luna tells him before the three of them takes off to the tents. When they got there, both Celestia and Luna were in for a shock of a lifetime; seeing close to a hundred ponies having glowing green and yellow blood veins showing up all over their bodies. “How did this happen?” Celestia asks the doctor that inside with them. “I don’t know princess they start showing up this morning out of nowhere.” He tells her the story on them. “And before you ask, no, no pony has died from this let.” He tells answers her question before she could even had a chance to ask. “Thanks doctor keep me posted on any changes.” She tells him walking to one of the ponies in bed seeing her contention. “Luna, how many got off the train when you got back from Baltimare?” Celestia asks her sister. “It was like close to three hundred ponies from what I seen getting on the train.” Luna her calming her sister nerves little. “There must be something in Baltimare made these ponies look the way they look in their current state.” The doctor said thinking out loud from what he heard from the sister conversation. “With what going on out there these days are not the best option right now.” Chrysalis said out loud. “I know what you mean Chrysalis after what happen to us and what about to happen out there right now and I’m not going into that city now trying to save ponies where that Piece of Omega in the darken ski above us.” Luna said out loud scare out her mind for what about to happen pulling out the map with the symbols on it showing a new symbol on it outside of Dodge City and Apple Loosa close to the Bad Lands. “Sister the next disaster is coming!” She shouts at her sister. Meanwhile on the airship, Vinyl and Octavia are making their way to where Lyra and Bon Bon are. “I still surprise about what has happen back in Canterlot.” Octavia tells her friend from the shock of it all. “I know what you mean Octy, I’m still can’t believe it that Canterlot is gone into the valley below.” Vinyl said what is on her mind at the time; opens the door where their friends are where Lyra is looking out the window trying to hold back the tears from what just happen. “Lyra, you’re alright?” Vinyl asks her friend. “It my parents I don’t know that they made it out of the city.” Lyra said out loud looking out of the window before turning around facing her friend shedding a few tears. “I’m still surprise that James found out that we were humans in a past life.” Lyra said out loud changing the subject to save herself the trouble of worrying too much. “I never thought that I was a human in the past.” Vinyl telling her friend about the events on has happened to them last night. “That would explain a lot?” Lyra asks herself. “What are you talking about Lyra?” Vinyl asks her. “Back when I was a foul, I starting having these dreams about a past life in a different then Equestria. I had skin the same color as my clot the only different was that I was wearing clothes that comes close to what would where if I would were for that world. When I woke up the next morning I starting to find out more about what was going on in that dream; come to find out that there used to creatures called humans and wanted to find out more about them.” Lyra tells her story. “Did you find out anything before yesterday?” Vinyl asks her. “Yes, I did. But from what I could find in the Canterlot library in the mythical section where I found the named and some of their culture and world.” She answering Vinyl’s question. “I tell you from what I’ve seen in the past two days are better than years of research on the subject.” Lyra said out loud making Bon Bon turns her head on the story Lyra is telling. “First I thought it was just a myth until yesterday and I thought it was just a hobby she been doing in her spare time.” She said out loud before hearing on the intercom. “We have a change in our destination. We’re heading for Dodge City.” I said out loud over the intercom. Five minutes earlier. The phone connected between the airship and the Bunker starts to ring. “Destiny can you answer that.” I tell her, making her get up from where she was sitting to answer the phone come to it’s the Dr. Galaxy Overwatch. “Doctor what is it?” She asks him over the phone. “Destiny where’s your father at?” He asks her. “He is currently driving the airship why what’s going on?” She asks him making her worry a little. “Put it on speaker.” I tell her, she quick put the phone on speaker. “Doctor what going on?” I ask him. “James, it the case where with the chips are. One of them is glowing.” He tells me. “Which one is glowing?” I ask him. “The case is glowing yellow from what I can see.” He tells me. “It got to be the Desert Chip.” I said out loud. “What about Cheese Sandwich, is he woken up let?” Pinky asks the Galaxy popping out from behind Destiny shocking her a little from being caught off guard a little. “He just woke up from being having his brain crash like that. He all right as far I can tell Penelope and that Agent of yours is looking after him until his head clears.” He tells the three of us. “Thank you Doctor.” I said before hanging up on him and got on the intercom to tell the others that we’ll be heading to Dodge City; changing course dictation to the city. Back at the Ponyville, Chrysalis and Luna are running towards the train station with great hash. Both of them look seeing the Piece of Omega glowing again before taking off to the spot on the map. “We don’t have much time.” Luna said out loud seeing the train is ready to go where they are needed. “Where’re we going?” The driver asks them before climbing aboard. “Apple Loosa.” Luna tells them both before getting aboard with Chrysalis. Within moments the train pulls out of the station heading for their destination as fast the steam train can go. Elsewhere in the Equestria desert plans in a buffalo camp Chief Thunderhoofs looks over the darken ski above him and the camp; then seeing something coming towards them that look like a sun moving fast towards them before flying over their camp towards the hills next to the Bad Lands. “Something is coming and it’s not good.” He said out loud. Before seeing a yellow glow in the darken ski. “We must hurry and get to Apple Loosa for cover.” He said to every buffalo in the camp even his daughter Little Strongheart. “From what, may I ask?” She asks her father. “Don’t you feel it?” He asks her. “What?” She asks him again making her confuse by what he just told her. “There is something coming that just doesn’t feel right. It started a month ago and the feeling kelp coming at me like an itch you can’t scratch.” He tells her. “I know how that feels sometimes and I tell the others to be ready to leave in a short time.” She tells her father to tell the other buffalo to be ready to go. Near an half an hour later every buffalo start running towards Apple Loosa. Braeburn and some other ponies trying to cover up some of the apple trees before the sandstorm hit the town and apple ocher. Within at moments to pair all the trees are covered up and running towards town seeing Chief Thunderhoofs and other buffalos in town talking to the Sheriff. “What do you mean there no place to take cover from the sandstorm?” Chief asks him. “There are room for some but not everypony and buffalo. It just no telling how badly this storm can be from that sun lighting up the darken ski above us.” He tells him the news. “I have some room that I can pair.” Braeburn said out lout telling them both. “Thanks Braeburn for doing this.” The sheriff tells him before heading elsewhere that needed him. “Thanks Braeburn for doing this.” Strongheart tells him taking her, her father and some of the other buffalo that couldn’t go to the other shelters that nearly full with them and the town folk. “Best for us to hurry then.” He tells the group of them that couldn’t get to the shelters. The group wasted to time getting a move on seeing the sandstorm coming fast towards them. “There it is.” Braeburn said out loud running as he can towards a hugh farmhouse for its size. “I never thought that your house would be this big?” Chief questions, looking at the sherd size of the house itself. “Thanks for that the family build it when we came here a few years ago.” He answers the Chief question opening the front door letting every buffalo into the den before closing the door behind them and himself. “Make yourselves at home.” Braeburn said out loud locking the front door. The den was impressive for one lone stallion showing a few couches, coffee table, and end tables with lamps on them. “Braeburn?” Strongheart said out loud getting his attention. “Yes Strongheart what is it?” He asks her looking at his TV screen at the corner of the room. “I’m guessing that you don’t have a TV back at the camp?” He asks her. “Yes we do but it’s a lot smaller and can’t get a good single sometimes and it runs off batteries when we got it a few months ago.” She tells him turning it on showing a down single with color bars through the screen itself. “What’s going on?” She asks him. “I guessing you didn’t get the news about what happen this morning in Canterlot.” He tells her. “What happed?” She asked him. “There was something that been going around the Equestria leaving city in ruin and abandon. The news has been keeping everypony well inform on what’s going out there until the earthquake in Canterlot this morning. So there no telling what’s going to happen next.” He telling her and the other buffalo included her father nearly scaring everypony. Then they hear the winds outside picking up letting everypony know that the sandstorm his over there house. Then lighting strikes start hitting ground outside everypony inside and throughout the town of Apple Loosa. Elsewhere on the tracks the train carrying Luna and Chrysalis hits its brakes stopping the train before entering the sandstorm ahead them. “What’s going on, why did we stop?” Chrysalis said out loud before looking outside seeing the sandstorm head of the train. “Luna, are you seeing what I’m seeing?” She asks he friend. “Yes I do. Driver what’s going on?” She asks the train driver through the intercom use for staff to the train driver. “We stop because we wouldn’t be able to see anything through that.” He tells her hearing the thunder coming from the sandstorm in front of them. Elsewhere in Dodge City is just like any other day for ponies with the darken clouds above the city. Cherry Jubilee is mining her own business running her shop and cherry ranch when she see a yellow flash outside one of the windows to the shop and when to investigate what in the name of Equestria made that light. By the time she got outside looking at where the yellow flash came from seeing other ponies looking at the same direction. “What’s going on?” She asks a big station with a horseshoe for a cutie mark on his flank. “I don’t know ma’am. I do know is, that I have nothing to do with this.” He answers her question. “Thanks for being honest with me. May I ask what your name by the way?” She asks him. “Trouble Shoes ma’am.” He answers her question. Before hearing a bang coming from behind them making both of them turn their hands and others ponies to see what made that loud noise. A few minutes earlier, on James airship quickly making its way towards Dodge City as fast it can go. “James, why are we heading for Dodge City in stand heading for Apple Loosa?” Pinky asks me. “Don’t you remember what happen after Duke woke from his nightmare?” I answer her question with one of my own. “Yes I do and I was trying to forget it until today.” She answers him trying not to recall on a painful memory that scared both of them that they would never forget. “These nightmares and those licks that the element powers are coming through the Piece of Omega are connected somehow.” I said out loud while driving the ship to the city. “What are getting at?” She asks me. “I am going to see making that nightmare not so bad this time that it wouldn’t make the event as bad as we remember.” I answer her question. “I sure hope your right?” She asks me before leaving the room. “You’re not the only one.” I said after she left the control room. “Dodge City coming up!” I said over the ship intercom down slow the ship making a loud noise the instance the ship slow down nearly scaring everypony in the city and on board the ship. “That’s something I will never get used to.” Vinyl said out loud from the noise. “Same here.” Octavia said out loud agreeing with her friend. Meanwhile back in town both Cherry and Trouble Shoes as well some others seeing the strange looking airship that landing outside of town next to the train station. After it landed and the circle metal plates at it under belly, powers them down making everypony walking up to the strange looking that landed outside of town. Meanwhile inside I left the control room going to another part of the ship with Pinky and Destiny following me from behind. “Dad what are you doing?” Destiny asks me looking scared out of her mind from where I’m going; stopping at a door with a control panel next to the door. “Something that needed to be done before things can get worst.” I said enter the pin code into the key pad; making the locks on the doors unhitch themselves and open the door showing weapons design for humans or unicorn magic. The Bon Bon sees me and the others opening a door that’s block off before and went to get the others. “Guy’s you have to see what James is doing.” She tells the others making everypony to see what’s going on with James. By the time they got there seeing James pulling a something that looks like a small canon with a scoop on it; putting shells inside whatever he got in his hands. “James, what is that thing in your hands there?” Lyra asks me making me stop what I doing? “This is something back in my world.” I answer her question cocking the weapon making a loud noise within itself scaring the four of them. Vinyl sees one of them that she would made with her hooves and magic; a strange looking weapon with a record at the middle and three equalizer knobs at the back end of the weapon; a speaker at the front of it. “What is that?” She thought to herself using her magic to lift the odd-looking weapon hanging on the wall to get a better look at it. “Vinyl, what is that you got there?” Octavia asks her seeing the strange looking weapon. “I don’t know Octy, but it feels like seen this before.” She said out loud getting a closer look at it. Pinky gets her confetti cannon ready to go while I get some more weapons that I might need for what’s coming. Destiny had never used a gun before but knows how to use a crossbow and a longbow many times before thanks to her father teaching her how to use them. “Destiny?” I called her name to get her attention. “Yes dad what is it?” She asks me. “I never taught you how to use a gun except for the weapons I taught you when you were old enough to teach you.” I told her as she getting her crossbow ready. “I know you have your reasons and I like to thank you for showing me the way when I was younger and ready for them.” She tells me getting her arrow pouch and putting it on her back. With my gun loaded and everyone else is ready for what about to happen. “Lyra, Bon Bon, and Octavia; I need you to get everypony on the ship while we hold off what about to come out there.” I told them as I get more shells and putting them inside a leather strap that’s on the gun itself; also a Clot 45 handgun with a few chips for it. Meanwhile ponies get close to the strange looking airship that landed next to their town train station before hearing a voice coming from it. “Ponies of Dodge City there is something coming towards your town, it would be best for you to get on the ship before it too late.” A voice said out loud coming the ship out speakers making confuse until the ground underneath begins to shake making them scaring them a little. Cherry and Trouble Shoes turn around to see what is coming towards them and their town, to see that it’s something big. “What is that?” Cherry ask herself looking off in the darken desert behind them; before turning back to the airship making loud noises of ramps being lower and doors being opened. “James, what about you’re disguise?” Pinky asks me while I lower the ramps. “There is no time for it and ponies and other lifeforms are going to find out about my true form sooner or later.” I answer her question while grabbing my gun again and heading for one of the main doors showing the world of Equestria my true form for since coming back in time. “Here goes nothing.” I tell myself before opening the door to the outside world. Ponies see a strange figure stepping out the ship holding what looks like a cannon in its hands wearing a blue suit, brown western hat, and black sunglasses. Behind him are other ponies and one that’s like not of this world that wore clothes like the unknown figure that stepped of the ship and gripping a crossbow in its hands; more like her hands. “What are you?” One of the town’s folk asks me stepping toward from the crow. “I’m here to help and to save as many lives as possible.” I said out loud to the entire town answers his question while walking through crow of ponies before me and some of the others. “Pinky?” Cherry thought to herself seeing for friend walking with the figure and other ponies that she doesn’t know. Seeing me walk a few more feet lifting the small cannon to my shoulder and taking aim into the darkness in front of me and firing the weapon with a loud bang making all but the ponies taking cover from the weapon I was carrying being fired. Before hearing a scream of something in the darkness before seeing a 50ft scorpion running towards me and some town folk for an attack after being hit by my bullet. I cock my gun letting the used shell spit out of the side of the gun, sending it flying to the ground below. The gun was ready to use again, steady myself for the next shot aiming down the site of my scope before hitting the trigger, sending the bullet towards attacking scorpion hitting right in the sweat spot killing it instantaneously making it fall the ground hard making the falling beast slid towards us stopping only inches away from me. “James you did. You saved them.” Vinyl tells me pocking at the scorpion with a metal poll to make sure that it’s dead. “No it isn’t, it ain’t over yet.” I said stepping over one of it claw and cocking my gun again sending another shell flying to the ground. Cherry walks over to Pinky seeing her getting cannon ready to fire when she that that’s it is her but older somehow. “Cherry it’s good to see you again.” Pinky said to her friend giving her a hug, making her confuse on what going on. “Sorry, this whole time travel business is still a messy to get your mind behind.” Pinky tells her friend. “Time travel?” She questions herself. “Pinky, do you know whoever those two are?” She asks her looking at me and Destiny. “OOHHH. You mean my husband James and Daughter Destiny.” She answers her question making her questioning herself on why Pinky gets marry to this creature and gave birth to a hybrid as of that. “Cherry you there?” Pinky asks her friend trying to get attention from her thoughts at going through her head. “Best for you to get on James airship for your own safety.” She tells her friend seeing Trouble Shoes and other town folks getting on strange looking airship being leaded by other ponies that came with Pinky and her family. Vinyl lift the weapon she got from the ship armory seeing how to use this thing. Then seeing the trigger next to the grip on the weapon thinking to herself. “That must be it.” She thought to see before using her magic on the trigger making the weapon charge up making all kind of noise before firing sound waves towards where it was aiming at; which was a nearby barrel destroying into a pile of sprinters. “Whole sweet Celestia; I like this weapon!” She said out loud. I turn around on what made that noise to see Vinyl found out how to use the portable bass cannon or I better known as a dub-step gun. “Be careful on where you point that thing.” I tell her making her look at after I said that. “I’ll be careful James.” She tells me after finding out how to use the weapon that’s she holding with her magic. Octavia, Lyra, and Bon Bon trying to get everypony on James’s airship. While me and the others when to check out the town for ponies that doesn’t know what’s going on. I’m walking down main street seeing a cloud of dust off towards where Apple Loosa is. “I sure hope that Luna got there before the storm reach town.” I thought to myself before feeling the ground below me shack making take cover next to building seeing Destiny and Vinyl doing the same on the other side of the street. The shacking continue making a few used and near empty cider bottles getting knock over from the vibrations of something big coming towards them. Seeing another scorpion bigger than the one I killed just moments ago. I got on the shortwave to get a hold of Pinky. “Pinky what is your current location?” I into a small mic in my clot sleeve. “I’m on one of the street seeing our new friend in front of me.” She tells me making me look down the street seeing her in front and out of site of the scorpion. “I wantn’t be able to get a clean shot from where I’m at.” I told the others through the CB. “What do you want to do?” Vinyl asks me. “Hang on, Pinky are canons set?” I ask my wife. “Yes they are ready to go.” She tells me. “Good, we are going to need them to make distraction until I can get a clean shot. Vinyl, take the bass cannon and Pinky with the distraction. Destiny you’re with me to the rooftops to put down this beast.” I told them my plan. “That sounds good to me.” Vinyl said out loud before towards where Pinky is. Destiny goes to the rooftop using her elemental powers to jump to the top while I have to use a nearby leader to reach the top. “Pinky is Vinyl with you?” I ask Pinky through the CB. “Yes she’s here.” She tells me. “Good you know what to do.” I give her the single to start the distraction. Pinky presses a button with her hoof that’s hook up to the canons fire at the scorpion. Pissing it off a little attacking one of the canons destroying it with one of its claws. “Vinyl, I need a little bit of time to reload the canons.” Pinky tells her. “I cover you.” She said out loud running with the bass canon with her magic firing at the beast while Pinky goes to reload the canons as fast she can go before seeing me and Destiny running across the rooftops. Within the next 15 seconds the canons are ready to fire again. “Vinyl I’m good to go again!” Pinky shouts at her telling to get out of the way so Pinky could fire the canons again. Vinyl quickly gets out of the way while runs towards the button as fast as she could. I’m running a fast I could to get into position to get a clean shot; while Destiny getting her crossbow ready to fire her supercharge arrows with her elemental power that I taught her years ago. Pinky gets to the firing button, but look’s to see that Vinyl is safely out of way of the canons. She sees Vinyl in a safe distant away from the canons and hits the button again firing off the canons towards the scorpion pissing it off even more destroying another canon. Destiny aims her crossbow at the scorpion as I get ready to firing at the beast as Vinyl firing at the scorpion with her weapon using the full blast off to get its attention back towards her so Pinky can reload the canon again. The scorpion starts using its tail to attack Vinyl missing with very strike. “James, how it coming? Because I don’t know how much longer Vinyl can hold out before she gets hit by that tail.” Pinky tells me as she reloading one of the canons. “I’m in position and ready to fire I just waiting a clean shot.” I said out loud answering her question steadying myself to fire the shot. I look through the scope seeing the weak spot and take fire sending the bullet towards where I aim it. It misses the weak spot hitting above it as the scorpion trying to attack Vinyl. “Damn.” I said out loud quickly reloading the gun sending the spent shell flying to the ground below where I’m standing. Destiny sees that I miss the weak spot and aim her crossbow where the weak spot is and fires the supercharge arrow towards where the weak spot hitting it right dib in the middle sending 70,000 volts right into the brain; making a great dill of pain to the beast making it scream as loud it can go. Giving me the I dill shot for the bullet straight into the weak spot. I steady myself to a few seconds to fire the gun. I hit the trigger, firing the bullet towards the weak spot hitting right in the middle killing the scorpion sending the body towards ground hard. Vinyl hears the body hitting the ground behind her, making her turn around seeing the now dead body of the scorpion, breathing hard from ducking and dodging the scorpion tail attacks. “Are you alright there Vinyl?” Pinky asks her walking up towards her Both me and Destiny made are way towards them. “What now?” Vinyl asks me. “There is one more scorpion out there but Pinky lost two of her canons and even with all the ammo that I bring with me are nearly sent taking these beast down.” I said out loud looking at my gun. “What about the other weapon you got?” Pinky asks me making me think putting the rifle over my shoulder with it leather stripe mounted to the gun itself; getting the handgun out to get a better look at it. “Clot 45; good, but not good enough to take down a scorpion of that size. Even with the grenades that are on my belt.” I said answering her question. “Grenades; what are those?” Vinyl asks me and the others. Making me put one of the grenades from my bait. “This.” I answer her question holding it my hand with the pin still inside. Vinyl use her magic to lift the grenade from my hand to get a closer look at it, which is small ball shape with a metal bar and a pin with a circle ring at one end. “How powerful is this thing?” She asks putting back in my hand with her magic. “Normally, I would show off what this can do. But with the danger we are in right now I can’t show you right now.” I said answering her question putting the grenade back on my belt with the others. “Ok, Pinky get the remaining canons back to ship. We’re leaving.” I gave the order to the group. “Sure thing honey.” She tells me, getting the remaining working canons ready to go. “Destiny, go help your mother with the canons?” I ask her. “You got it dad.” She tells me walking to her mother to help out with the remaining canons. “Vinyl you’re with me giving them enough time, so we all can get back to the ship.” I told her getting ready to roll myself check on how mighty shells I got left before heading out to check the nearby building. Back at the ship ponies from the city just finish get themselves aboard. Octavia, Lyra, and Bon Bon hears the fire from Pinky canons and Vinyl bass canon going off in the distance. “I sure hope that Vinyl is alright?” Octavia thought to herself looking off in the distance of the city before hearing something off in the distance. She was about to run towards the group when she another roar from those creatures out that they are fighting with. The fighting when on for what felt like forever; until the sound stop just as soon it started. Octavia with a worry look of fear on her face looking at where the sound of gun fire and sounds of the creature the group were fighting. Moments go by; Octavia gets worry enough that she couldn’t take it anymore and start running towards where the sound of Pinky’s canon fire and Vinyl bass canon used to be. When she gets there she sees the body of the creature the other were fighting moments ago lying dead on the ground. “Oh my Celestia.” She said out loud getting closer to the body before hearing footstep on the other side of the body. She quickly walks around the falling creature to see Pinky and Destiny there packing up the remaining canons. “Octavia what are you doing here? You be back at the ship with the others.” I ask her getting her attention seeing me and Vinyl on lookout duty. “I sorry James; I got worry about Vinyl and her safety.” She tells the reason behind her actions leaving the ship. “I’m both disappointed and grateful that you came. Because we are going to need help getting the canons back to the ship; But with two of the scorpions dead and one more still out there.” I told her what is going through my mind. “James, we’re ready to go.” Pinky said out loud getting my attention. “Good.” I answer out. “Octavia, get hoke up to one of the remaining canons while me and Vinyl take point and look out for the other scorpion that’s still out there.” I order her; Meanwhile Destiny changes her form back to her pony form. Octavia and Vinyl remember the other said that she can change her form between pony, human, and her hybrid form. But seeing her transform being performed before their eyes for the first time ever. Moments later everypony and myself are ready to move out to the ship. Octavia and Pinky are hitches up to one of the remaining canons while Destiny with help of her elemental power is hitched up to three canons. “Destiny you got this right?” I ask her before heading back to the ship. “Yes I got this even without my powers and just going off my earth pony straight alone.” She tells me getting the straps adjusted to make it easier for her to pull the canons she hitches up to. After a second or two we got underway back towards the ship. Octavia and Pinky are in the middle of the pack while Destiny takes up the rear, she kelp a good pace with them. As for me and Vinyl were scouting ahead for that scorpion that still out there. After what felt like forever the group got the ship without running into the last scorpion; where Lyra and Bon Bon waiting for us. “It good to see the five of you again.” Lyra tells us as I when towards a button underneath the second ramp. Making a lot of noise from the ship lowering a platform for the canons can be loaded so we won't have to go through the ship to the cargo bay and armory. “Lyra is everypony is on board?” I ask her lower the platform the ground floor. “Yes they are. Is there anypony still in the city?” She asks me. “I far I can tell. The city is deserted with only two dead scorpions and one still out there. But from the noise, the platform is making can easily bring the beast towards the ship. So we need to be on are way before he show up and destroy the ship and everypony on board.” I said answering her question when the platform finally touches the desert ground. Cherry and Trouble Shoes as well other ponies hears something that sounds like metal beast attacking the ship. Before finding a nearby window seeing us and me lowering a metal platform; It when on for a moment or too it stop. “We don’t have much time before the scorpion comes running towards the ship. So get those canons on the platform and get yourself onboard.” I order the group. Octavia and Pinky quickly gets their canons onto the platform without any problem. Destiny was a different story with her canons she was towing on the platform. The canons weren’t getting to position the first two canons. “Destiny what’s the problem with your canons?” I ask her. “Dad I have to do this one at a time on the platform so we can close with it getting jam and damaging one of the canons.” She answers my question. With help from me and the other the canons got into the right position prevent the platform from jamming I recall it. I hit the recall button on the platform after everypony as cleared the platform making a lot of noise again as the platform being recalled back into the ship itself with the remaining canons. Destiny changes back to her true form. Before the group gets aboard through the second ramp, I quickly get myself towards the bridge with the gun still in my hand. Pinky and Destiny follow a fast they can go towards the guns located next to the bridge. I open the bridge door putting my rifle on a hanging rack before getting at the controls starting the engines making more noise than the platform ever then. Nearly a min or so later the noise from the engine as clam down from being started up. I hear a noise coming from outside that’s not coming from the ship itself. I got the coms to the guns control room. “Pinky, get the guns ready to fire. Because we are going to have company sooner than we think.” I gave the order through coms. Both Pinky and Destiny fire up the Gatling guns and the 50 caliber canons controls panels. “Come on mom, you done this before and it my first time with the real thing.” Destiny said putting her hand on her hoof calming her nerves a little from not having done this for over a year a now. The cameras on the guns light up on the motors in the control room, showing the last of scorpions running towards the ship. Destiny gets the Gatling guns to train it crosshairs on the beast coming to attack the ship. She hit the trigger sending a wave of bullets at the beast; Making it scream at the top its lungs before using one of it claws to take cover from the barrage of bullets being fire at it. Pinky sees that Destiny training by James and the summations as pay off in the long run when is to use them. She gets on the 50 caliber canon controls lining up her crosshairs to the leak spot located between the eyes. She hoofs the trigger firing the canon towards the weak spot. The bullet fly’s through the air towards the scorpion, the beast lowers its claw making the bullet having a clear shot hitting the weak spot dead on. Making the scorpion scream for the last time; Before hitting the ground hard killing the beast making a bloody mess on the desert floor below. Destiny releases the trigger stopping the Gatling guns leaving only smoke from the barrels. Both of them relieve the tension from fighting the last scorpion. The engines finally warm back up sending power to the panels making electricity around the panels. I got the intercom; “Lyra retract the boarding ramps.” I order her through the intercom. Lyra gets on the controls to retract the ramps used by everypony to get on board the ship. With only a few seconds later the ramps are up and retracted Lyra get on coms to the bridge. “James the ramps are up and we are ready to go.” She tells me. “Good very good.” I answer her before getting on the control taking off the ground making the ship shack at little from getting off the desert ground below. I hit the switch for the landing gear and bring them back into the ship. Both Pinky and Destiny comes from the guns controls to the bridge seeing me piloting the ship and making a heading towards Ponyville. Elsewhere back on the train tracks outside of Apple Loosa Luna sees the strange looking ship of the saver of Canterlot taking off from Dodge City heading back towards Ponyville. “There they go again.” Luna said out loud looking out of the window seeing the light from the panels from the strange looking ship, making Chrysalis to look out the window seeing the ship as well before thinking out loud. “James, you have done so much already for everyone in Equestria.” “I know what you mean there. Even the stuff I have done now from what I had from the time I was Nightmare Moon.” Luna response after what Chrysalis just said before feeling a jolt from the train surprising them both. Luna get on the intercom to the driver; “What’s going on up there?” She asks them, quickly getting a repose. “Princess, the sandstorm is clearing enough to get underway towards the train station in Apple Loosa.” The driver answering her question; making both of them look out of the window seeing the sandstorm outside dying down before going away all together leaving only the darken ski above. Moments later the train whistle going off, slowing itself down enough for a smooth stop into the station. When both of them got off the train to see the town is covered up with sand from the storm and seeing metal carts and other things that looks from the world James told to them about earlier today. Ponies and buffalos start coming out of the shelters seeing what just has happened to the city. Braeburn and the buffalo that no choice to take cover at his home from the sandstorm seeing nothing but dust covering everything from the buildings and the strange looking metal wagons and stone statues of a hairless money; a one with a dog for a head on top something that walks on its back legs. “What in the name of Equestria is going on?” Braeburn thought to himself looking at one of the metal wagons the appeared next to his house, before hearing what sound like a train whistle going off before pulling into the station. The group quickly get themselves why a train is coming to see Princess Luna and Queen Chrysalis there at the station with a train that’s big enough to get everypony on board. Both of them walk over to one of the stone statues seeing the same symbols at the base of the statue that’s on the Piece of Omega. “Princess, what are you doing here?” Braeburn asks her. “To get everypony back to Ponyville for you’re owned safely; because whatever just happened here is happening all over Equestria.” Luna answers his question making him regret asking. “I know, I’ve seen the news before it when out this morning.” He said out loud making Strongheart walk next to him try to lift is spirts again. “It alright.” She said making him take off is hat and take a deep breath lease the tension of what’s going through his mind right now; the sheriff come walking towards them to ask the princess why she brings a train that’s clearly from Filly Delphia not anywhere else in Equestria. “Princess Luna, what are you doing here?” He asks her looking a little confess before seeing the statues and metal cart that just appeared in their great city out of nowhere. “What in the name of Celestia is going on here?” He said out loud seeing what is going right in front of his eyes before falling over of state of shock. Luna runs towards him to see if he’s alright; she uses her magic to check quickly to feel for a heartbeat. Lucky it is still beating but its beating too fast to make him fall to the ground. “Chrysalis, get everypony on the train as fast you can.” Luna tells her making get everypony to that already at the train station on board with the help of the Chief Thunderhoofs and the train drivers. Within the matter of moment’s everypony but Luna, Braeburn, and Braveheart trying to get the Sheriff to the train. With the things kelp getting worst for the Sheriff and his heartbeat passing out every few seconds of opening his eyes to see what going on. “Sheriff, come on stay awake long enough to get on the train. Then you let you sleep as long you want during the ride back to Ponyville.” Braeburn tells him trying to him awake. For what felt like forever the group gets on the train. Braeburn and Luna put the Sheriff on a nearby empty seat so he can get comfortable so he sleep through the ride back to Ponyville. The whistle goes off then a quick jolt the train gets on its way back towards Ponyville. Luna sits down on an empty next to the window shutting her eyes to try to talk with James in the Dreamscape. > Chapter 33 The Dream You Never Forget > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens outside the city limits of Queen City, me and the others come through it landing next to it like mighty times before. The group stops so I can close the portal. After the key comes back into my hand by reaching my hand out closing the portal to the Desert World; looking at the key and thought to myself. “Six down, three to go.” I got back into my car we quickly made our way back to the shop; so that me and others can find out about what we found back in Cairo. Once we got to the shop I got straight to work on the pictures and the scans from the symbols underneath the stone drawing of us. While Spike when to the bathroom from the day he had so far. “Damn, this is going to take some time to figure out what this distraction is saying.” I said out loud looking at the picture of all of us and the symbols at the bottom. “Is there is something we can do?” Twilight asks me. “Yes there is, but it not going to be easy to translate. Because I’ve been trying to find out what they mean from day one I joined the Silencers.” I said answering her question. “So what did you find out for a translation?” AJ asks me. “Well, other than symbols for the nine worlds and some of the mysteries tracks back in the day.” I answer her question opening a file on the table screen showing the Omega symbols and their English translation only the numbers and the sum of leathers both upper and lower cast. They take a look at what I have done so far. “James, this, this is impressive from what you have done so far.” Twilight tells me seeing the translation so far. “I know it wasn’t easy from what I got so far.” I said out loud getting clot from my car and putting it back on while saying it. On the file shows numbers, 1 through 0 is already been translated. A through J, P through Z on the uppercase side of the symbols is translated. The lowercase is a different story only A through E and J through O are done. Every else still needed to be translated. I pull up the picture and the scans from Danny’s drone so we can find anything that looks different then from what already been translated. “James I don’t know how long it going take to full translated the rest of the symbols that are left.” Danny tells looking concurred from I’m trying to do. I take a deep breath before telling him what’s on my mind. “Danny, that’s stone drawing back in Cairo, shocks even me and everyone else that was there today.” I said out loud calming his nerves a little. Duke pulls the scroll from his back pocket before breaking the seal on it opening the scroll showing ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, and Mayan and Aztec translated from the Omega symbols. “James, better take a look at this.” He said out loud putting the scroll on the table. Me and the others get a closer look at it seeing what’s on it. “That’s impossible?” I questioning from what I’m seeing on the damn scroll. “James, what kind of language is this?” Rainbow asks me looking lost. I take off my sunglasses to rub my eyes a little before answering her question. “Well where to start, there’s ancient Egyptian and Greek; which makes since because they are in the same part of the part back on Earth only different was nearly a thousand miles from each other and time as well it was almost 4000 years apart from each other.” I said answering part of her question. “Thanks for the history lesson. But what about the other symbols that’s already there?” She tells me making me look at the two other languages that’s on the scroll. “Those are Mayan and Aztec.” I said out loud answering her question making Twilight confuse from what I just said. “Mayan, Aztec that sounds like the places where Daring Do when on her adventures in her books?” Twilight asks out loud. “Well I never heard of her books. Anyway, they two cultures on the other side of the planet and they take place during different times from each other. But they nearly the same from what I can remember.” I answer her question. “That why both languages nearly look that same.” She tells me. “Wait a minute, you mean to tell me the places she when and wrote about are base somehow connect to places in your world?” Rainbow asks out loud in a state of confusion from what me and Twilight just said. “I’m saying that is or isn’t Rainbow.” Twilight said trying to answer her question. “Yea, we’ll ask A.K. when we get back.” Rainbow said finally calming down her nerves long enough to help me with the translation. With the open scroll and the file on what I got so far; we get to work on the completing the translation. Me, Twilight, and Pinkly get to work on translating the remaining upper case letters while Danny, Duke, Rarity, and Fluttershy get to work on the get to work on translating F through I lower case. AJ and Rainbow get P through Z lower case. “This’s not going to easy.” AJ said looking at the untranslated lowercase letters that she and Rainbow as to do. “I know what you mean there AJ, this trying to solve one of those puzzle that can’t be solve.” Rainbow said out loud. Spike just came out of the bathroom to see what’s going on. “Spike, you can help the Rainbow and Applejack with the translation.” Twilight tells him. “Translating what?” He asks before looking at the open file and scroll on the table in front of him. “Well this isn’t going to be easy.” He said thinking out loud. “You should have been there when I started on the translating this.” I said in repose looking at one of the symbols that looks like uppercase K think. Hours past the clock hit 1:00 am on the clock on the wall; everyone still awake until Rainbow and Applejack gotten so tired of they just fell asleep on the couch. I toke off my hat to scratch my head a little leading my hair losing up a little from working the translation. “You weren’t lying this going to take some time.” Rarity said trying to something of the lowercase H in the language of the strange of this world. “I know it would, it toke me nearly a year to get this far as I did.” I said getting the last of the uppercase letters. Duke yawned finished translating another lowercase letter for the letter s, the charterics of a lowercase s back in my home only with two dots in the empty space. “James, I’m going to turn in for the night.” He tells me before crashing on the couch. “Alright, but remember you’re next for the nightmares so be careful when you see the mysteries figure going to show you and what he has to tell you.” I told before he close his eyes for the night. He got conferrable and when straight to the dream world; Waking up seeing nothing but desert sand for miles with dark skies above him coming from horizon to horizon. “Well, here we go again.” He thought to himself before seeing something that looks like a moving sun coming towards him before stopping on top of him. “What the hell is going on here?” He thought out loud seeing what looks like the sun glowing bitter before shooting out the symbol of desert world into the darken skies above him glowing yellow; Before shooting out a beam into the ground next to him, sending sand and dust into the air before hearing a voice calling out to him. “Duke.” The unknown voice called out his name; scaring him from what’s going on around him. He finally around to face who’s calling out to him to see the mysteries figure that showing everyone else about what’s going on in the other world. “It good to see you again old friend.” The figure said confusing him from what he said. “Pardon; I’ve never before in my life?” He asks the figure. “That’s right, I keep forgetting that. Anyway best for us to get going to show you like I showed the others.” The figure tells him reaching out his hand. Duke takes his hand before he even noticed that both of them were in the air heading for a nearby town. By the time they got there Duke trying to catch his breath from the trip alone before seeing a what looks like an old wild west town back on Earth and the movies that toke place during that time. “Where are we?” He asks the figure. “Dodge City.” It answers his question seeing ponies all over the place minding their owned business. “Can they see us?” He asks the figure. “No, they can’t see us. We are more ghosts to them.” It answers him before a pony walks past them rivaling the true to him leaving light blue traits from where he walks past before coming back to him like nothing happened. “That feels ward.” He said out said after the last of the trails comes back to both of them. “He’s coming.” The figure said out loud. “What on Earth are you talking about?” Duke asks whatever the figure is looking off into the distance. He turns his head to see blue lights in the darken ski above them coming towards them and the town. “What is that?” He said out loud seeing the lights getting closer and closer before he figure out that’s a ship fly through the skies like there’s no tomorrow. It slows itself down enough to make a landing next to the towns train station. Duke walks towards the strange looking ship before hearing something coming from the intercoms. “Ponies of Dodge City there is something coming towards your town, it would be best for you to get on the ship before it too late.” The unknown voice said through the speakers from the ship. “That voice why does it sound so remember?” The said thinking out loud, getting closer to the ship with all the ponies that’s in the city before feeling the ground shake a little before seeing shadows of something coming towards him. “What the hell?” He said out loud; questioning himself seeing the shadows in the distance of something big. Noise start coming from the ship of ramps be lowered and one of the doors opening showing someone that even shock him from the basic of what’s going at that moment. “James, it can’t be that’s impossible.” He said out loud from the shock of what’s going on in front of his eyes. Before seeing what looks like Pinky Pie but older and in a pony form. There is one more that looks a mix of both their forms. There are four more ponies coming off the ship behind them. “You know this person?” The figure asks him. “Yes I do, but he looks like 20 years older from my friend I know now.” He answers its question while what’s going on in the background. One of the ponies asks the older man in the blue suit. “I’m here to help and to save as many lives as possible.” The older man said out loud before taking the rifle in his hands and takes aim out the in the middle of town where the shaking is. He pulls the trigger fire the round into where it was aimed at hitting something big killing instantly. Both of them see a body of a 50ft scorpion handing towards the older man and the others. “Oh my god.” He said out loud from what just happen right in front of him. “James you did. You saved them.” The white pony said to him pocking the beast with a metal poll. “No it isn’t, it ain’t over yet.” The older man said out loud stepping over one of its claws begins to going down the road with two other ponies and the hybrid. “Let me ask you this Duke; where did you even meet this person you called James?” The figure asks him. “It back during the time when we were both Silencers during the war between the Reds and Silencers.” He tells him. “What war?” It asks him. “The war been going on for what felt like hundreds maybe thousands of years; long story short the Reds found the main base of operations on the Forest World, killed nearly everyone in their but for me, James, and Danny. I still don’t know if Sam made it out of there and I’m guessing James has no idea as well.” He tells the figure. “Go on.” It said. “After the base was attacked and James when into hiding, I had to fake my death to fool the Reds and toke under a new name of Dr. Duke and starting working as a DJ for a small club in New York. I was making money and trying to forget my past, until James found me and told me about what he trying to for Twilight and her friends.” He tells the figure the whole story from what he can remember. “Do you think that James is a bad man?” The figure asks him. “No, he’s not, from the time I been with him back when we were both Silencers and as of lately. He only does the things he does, because he has to survive from the mob and General and his Reds.” He tells the figure before hearing gun fire going off in the distance. “Thank you Duke, for the information you gave me.” The figure tells him making sand fly around Duke notice that the desert symbol on the side of his neck starting to glow. “Wait, there one more question. You called me old friend when we first meet out in the desert?” He asks the figure for one as time the sand kicking up around him lifting him off the ground making tuff to hear. “There no time to answer that, just tell James and the others that you need to find the other elements before it too late!” The figure shouts to make sure that he hears the message. Before being jolted awake from the dream world nearly scaring everyone in that’s still awake. “You’re alright there Duke?” I ask him. “Yes, as far I can tell.” He answers me before seeing sand floating around his right hand and that his neck is still glowing from the dream. The glowing die down making the sand go into his hand making it glow a little before dying down like his neck. Everyone else that fell asleep just now waking up seeing the glowing dying down from Duke’s hand and neck. “So I’m guessing the mysteries figure visit your dream as night daring?” Rarity asks him.“Yes, he did or I think it’s a he?” He said out loud getting his thoughts on the dream he just had. “I know what you mean, there it tuff enough to even tell who or whatever this figure is?” AJ said in repose from what Duke just said. “The dream was very strange for me; then the nightmare I had after the attack on the base years ago.” Duke tells the group. “Really we want to know everything.” Twilight asks him. “Ok just let me get my thoughts together. I woke up in the middle of a desert in your world. Then I see the Piece of Omega coming at me stopping above my head; before shooting out the symbol of the Desert World glowing yellow. Then shoot out a beam to the ground next to me sending sand and dust into the air.” He tells them. “Then what happen?” Fluttershy asks him. “I was trying to cover up my face from the sand being sent into the air, before hearing the figure from out of nowhere saying something that shocked even me a little.” He said out loud. “What did it said?” AJ asks him. “You wantn’t believe me if I told you? He said; Good to see you again old friend. Like we had meted many times before.” He tells them shocking everyone there. “Wait the figure said that to you?” Rainbow asks him. “Yes he did and the dream gets stranger from there.” He answers her question making everyone wonder what happened from both in the dream and back home. “After that, he takes my hand and the next thing I knew we were flying towards a nearby city.” He tells them. “Which city is that daring?” Rarity asks him. “Dodge City.” He quickly answers her before getting back to the story. “When we got there I was shocked at first of seeing ponies everywhere before coming to a relation that this is your world not my and one of them walk through us like we were ghost. Before the figure gets my attention to the edge of the city seeing something coming towards the city. When it got there it was an airship that I have never seen before.” He tells them before Rainbow cut in the middle. “Duke did this ship as panels at the bottom of it and there’s lighting coming from them?” She asks him. “Yes, why you ask?” Question her with a question of my own. “Well, you see in my dream that strange looking ship show up as well and it catches a train from a collapsing bridge.” Rainbow said out loud before I cut her off. “Thank you Rainbow. Duke, please continue on with the story.” I said out loud. “Right after the ship landed next to the towns train station. Whoever driving the ship said over the ship intercom said; “Ponies of Dodge City there is something coming towards your town, it would be best for you to get on the ship before it too late.” After moments later the ramps lowered and one of the doors open up let the driver and it's passengers off and you want not believe it if told you and I there seeing in front of me in my own eyes.” He tells us. “What did you see?” I ask him. “You, I saw you and Pinky there.” He tells me. “WHAT!” Pinky shouted in shock. “I know what you mean why you said that before telling us.” Twilight said out loud from the state of shock the rest of the group is dealing with. “The only difference was that of the both of them looks 20 years older and they weren’t alone there was a hybrid of a human and pony there with them.” He tells them. “Wait you mean our child?” I ask him. “As far I can tell yes.” He answers my question. “Was there anypony else with them?” Twilight ask him. “Yes, there are. There are four of them and they look like something else. One was a while with a blue hair with a pair of purple sunglasses; another was gray with black hair and wearing a pink bowtie; another was yellow with purple and pink hair and the last one was light green with green and white hair.” He tells them. “The those four are ponies we know very well back home and they are Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings, and Bon Bon.” Pinky said out loud. “Why are they with them?” Rainbow asks out loud. “I don’t know Rainbow. I just don’t know.” Twilight tries to answers the question. “What happened next?” Spike asks Duke. “After everyone got off the ship and four of them had weapons with them, I know one looked like your old gun on Earth there James.” He tells them before I said that nearly shock even myself. “Marlin, Old Marlin.” “Yes as are I can tell. Pinky had some canons towing behind her, the white one was carrying something I have seen before but I can’t remember it from the top of my head and your child was carrying a crossbow.” He tells them. “Why would they need those weapons and I wonder that drone that was in my dream the other day was really there?” AJ asks out loud. “From this information that happen so far in both worlds; I would say yes indeed.” I said answering her question. “Anyway back to the story the ground below starting to shack like there’s something coming towards them; You walk pass the crow of ponies to the middle of the street. You toke aim with your gun and fire it into where the shacking is coming from. You pulled the trigger sending the round hitting a 50 ft. scorpion killing it in a intend sending the body dragging itself on the ground stopping only a few feet from you.” He tells them. “That impossible; even for me.” I said out loud. “You somehow did it.” He tells me. “What happens next?” Spike asks him while Fluttershy shed a tear for the scorpion. “After the body stop said something I couldn’t make out after the pony you called Vinyl pock the beast with a metal poll. The group with the weapons when onwards down the street; while the others help the town folk get on the strange looking airship that landed next to their train station. After the two group when onwards with their task at hand; the figure asks me who you were. So I told him that you were James Cribb and that you look like 20 years older than what I know you now. Also, the first time we meet and the war between the Reds and Silencers. Also, the Reds attack on the base that still gives me nightmares about to this every day.” He tells them. “Duke, I never would have suspected that you had scares from that day as well.” I tell him. “What in tarnation are you talking about James?” AJ asks me. “Well AJ, when you have seen what we been through it leaves scares on you either mental or physical or both. A lot of those scares run deep and it would take something to remind you that scare and it would tear itself open again.” I said trying to hold the tears I had answering her question. “I know about the scares from my brother Shining Armor and he’s the captain of the guards before marrying Cadence. But I don’t think his scares are big or as deep as you three.” Twilight tells the three of us. “Trust me if your brother was there with us his scares would run that deep as well.” I told her finishing off the as of the translation. “Before I woke up I see a sandstorm of towards another town and gunfire going off in the destine. Dust was kicking up around me and starting to float in the air with the sand. I ask him how does he know me, but I didn’t get the answer I wanted all I got was the same as the others before get the remaining elements before it’s too late.” He tells them as I pull out the map with the symbols of it and he puts the desert symbol where he thinks he woke up in the Equestria; next to the Bad Lands. With the translation done and quickly translate the direction under the stone drawing of the nine of us and here it what it said. Darkest is mysteries. When the time is need the nine worlds calls on the guardians to defect the darkest and sent it back to where it’s came. When all the elements are together the tenth Element we show itself and pick a guardian to protect its power from anyone or anything would like to take it. “Jesus, this barely makes any scents.” I said out loud. “What?” Twilight asks me before looking the translation. “Darkest, Guardians, what in the name of Equestria are they trying to say?” She asks herself and the others. “Maybe it something to do with something we can’t fully understand as of yet.” Fluttershy said out loud. “Yes, it got to be that, because I remember in one of Daring Do books it had something like this at showed it true meaning later on.” Twilight said out. “I must have missed that book?” Rainbow said out scratching her head from what going on. “It was one of the early books that no longer being published.” Twilight said answering her friend question. “Why that Twilight?” She asks her friend. “I don’t know but that book is on the very rare list and I was about to get a copy of the book before it got pulled off store shelves for an unknown reason and that was nearly a month ago.” Twilight tells her friend answering her question. “Come to think of it things just got strange even before we when to your house and found you with the Piece of Omega.” Rainbow said out loud. “What, you mean the TV station and the tower in the Canterlot right?” Twilight asks her. “Not just that the family that came out of nowhere and started the TV broadcast ENN and other networks that made them millions of bits in a mouth and where they live in an old bunker out of Manehattan.” She tells her. “Yell do think that the older versions of James, Pinky, and there child came are the same. Come to think of it I got a visit from myself that one time but that was only for a week and for only a few seconds before sending me back.” Twilight said out loud. “Do forget that time Starlight just a time travel scroll to change the everypony time line.” Rainbow said out loud. “No I didn’t forget that and got everything right in the end. But this is different because there must have been some powerful magic to make this happen in the first place.” Twilight said trying to get head around the problem. “Listen I don’t know about what going with a family that came out of nowhere and even if their older counterparts. I just want to get back home to see my family again.” Applejack said out loud nearly going into a rate about it. “I know you all want to get home and there is only a few more elements we need to get before getting to the cross-dimensional portal.” I said trying to calm them down a little. “He right; it been a long night trying to translate this and listening to what happened in Duke Dream and Equestria. I’m turning in a while.” Rarity said out getting off the couch heading to her room. “She right, I wonder what time it is?” Danny asks himself before looking on the clock on the wall showing 2:45am. “You know without that scroll and the translation you got so far before we finish it off would have taken all night.” Twilight tells me. “I knew it would take some time to translate that. Go on head I got some things to finish up before turning in.” I said going on the hall to the lab to check on the medicine for my back. I made it to the door but I felt something was off like I was being watched; I look around to see if I was alone before putting in the code for the door and when inside to see the machines as stop and the medicine are put in into the needles for 2000 shots. “That toke longer than last time I made some. Then again I’ve been busy trying to help them out the best I can.” I thought to myself before hearing the door hitches opening to see Pinky and Twilight at the door. “What are you doing here?” I ask them. “Well, we just want to know what you are doing behind a locked door.” Pinky answers my question. “Well I was checking on the medicine and it’s done for only god know how long it been.” I tell them. “God, Who is that?” Twilight asks me. “It a long and confusing story to get all out.” I answer her question. “Your right maybe another time would be best.” She tells me. “Yep, we got to get another element in the morning.” I said getting a few needles from the storage and put it in a bag for them when the time comes to use them. The next morning everyone is up and checking on some last things before heading back to the Forest World. Danny and Applejack were checking upon the drone from the sandstorm yesterday before loading it into the bed of her truck. While I get the key from the briefcase where I have the others lock away. “How we looking there Danny?” I ask him. “So far, so good the drone didn’t suffer any real damage from the storm yesterday; If it did it would be so minor damage that I can’t see or even worry about.” He tells closing the tailgate on AJ truck. “Good very good.” I tell him before walking over to my car putting the key on top of the hood of my car again, maybe for the last time. Pinky sees me looking like I have seen a ghost or something on my mind. She walks over to me and asks me. “James, is there something wrong?” “I don’t know; I been having these dreams lately about a cube spinning in the middle of the desert.” I tell her. “A spinning cube?” She asks confusion “I know but it was spinning on one of its corners going faster and faster.” Twilight overhears what I saying and cut in by asking me. “What was it made out of?” “I was about to get to that; It was made from chrome titanium looking like a giant mirror.” I said answering her question. “Then a platform comes out of the sand stopping right above the spinning club and it was made out of rusted metal a staircase came from the platform lowering itself to ground below, and it made out of same material as the platform.” I tell them both when the other fears in the story. “Then what happened?” Twilight asks me. “I was about to climb the stair to the platform when I hear a horse whiting of in the distance, I turn to face the horse running towards me made of pure white clot and mane stop only a few feet away from me; I walk to the horse putting it head next to my hand making look to see he or she was carrying only a sword and a hostler for it.” I tell them. “Interesting.” Duke said out said scratching his jaw a little. “Then dark storm clouds come overhead making everything turn dark even the sun as black as shake cloth, the only light there was around the still spinning away and the horse stay right by me the sword begins to glow. So I toke the sword from its hostler and it glowed brightly like it has been touch by God himself. Then my dream ended as well the story for now.” I tell them. “How long you been having this dream sugarcubed?” AJ asks me. “I’ve been having this dream when I first discover the nine worlds all those years ago.” I said answering her question. “Daring when did you starting you get this dream?” Rarity asks me. “Rare at first until you seven showed up; the dream been showing up nearly every night now.” I answered her question putting my hands on my car to try to clear my trouble thoughts from what been going on in my dreamscape, before hitting the hood of the car making a lot of noise and sending small sparks lighting from my hands scaring nearly everyone in the room. “James, I don’t know what kind of scares you carry with you, but with the baby on the way; we’ll get through this together and we wantn’t be alone on this.” Pinky tells me trying to calm my nerves a little by giving me a hug with the others but Duke and Danny didn’t join in. “James, Pinky is right about your scares and what you carry with you.” Rarity tells me “And James you will never be alone again.” Twilight tells me. “Thanks guys for being with me and for my old friends coming back to help me through these dark times.” I said out loud to make sure everyone in the room could hear me and trying not to shield a tear. Moments later the nine of us are leaving the city to the portal to the Forest World. The key lunches itself towards where the portal is and opens it up for us to go through to find the element and piece of this puzzle. > Chapter 34 Return To The Jungle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Portal opens again on the Forest World letting us come through seeing the trees of this again. I got out to close the portal; once the key in my and walk back to my car I hear Duke over the radio saying something. “Come again?” I asked him. “I said; I never suspected to see this place again.” He tells me. “You mean the attack?” Rainbow asks him. “Yes, the attack that many lives that day and still have nightmares about.” He answers her question. “You mean the same base that when to before?” She asks out loud. “You must be talking about the research base that James and I used work at.” He answers her. “Then what about the keys for the other worlds and the creatures that’s underground?” Twilight asks both me and Duke. “You see Twilight; the attack was on the main base that was only a few miles from the research base. Also, the underground where the creatures and the keys used to be are part of the main base and other smaller bases used the organization.” Duke explains himself. “Alright, that is enough questions for now. Danny, is your drone already air board?” I said over the radio. “Not let AJ needs to get her tailgate down so lunch my drone.” He said out loud. “I’m working on it just give me a second.” AJ said out getting out of her truck walking to get the tailgate down. Once the tailgate is down Danny lunch is drone into the air. “All right I’m in the air now. What you need from me James?” He asks me. “Is there any power spicks anywhere else other than the reach base?” I ask him. “Yes there are but you are not going to like it.” He tells me over the radio. “How many?” I asked. “Hundreds, wait thousands of them.” He tells me. “There no way to search them all in one day.” I said to myself before saying over the radio. “Danny, fitter out the spicks to only showing the elemental power that we used before finding the City Element.” I tell him over the radio. “You got it.” He tells me fitter out the power spikes that’s on the map to only showing one left showing itself on the map. “Alright I have it; I’m sending it to you.” He tells me sending the map to me and the others computers. “It looks like it’s going to be a long drive for us.” Spike said out loud looking at the map on his left arm. “Tell me about.” Rainbow said out loud looking at the same map on her arm. I put down another marker to the portal after the power supply on the other one as gone out from the last time we were here. “Alright, we only have 48 hours before maker goes dead on us.” I said over the radio setting the timer and changing the tire setting to off-road. After everyone else changes there setting on their tiers we got on our way to where the element of this world should be. “James?” Fluttershy asks me over the radio. “Yes Fluttershy, what is it?” I ask her. “When we the General and the Reds for the first time back on the Swamp World, You said something like you were the greatest mistake I’ve ever made. Why is that?” She asks me. “Well you see;” I stop for a second to take a breath, “I’m the one that built him.” I answer her question “Wait I didn’t just hear that?” Spike asks out loud in confusion. “You did and been regretting that distention ever sent.” I said out loud over the radio. “Why’s that?” Twilight asks me. “It started not long after I joined up with the Silencers to finally end the war; by building a weapon that can do that. I made an an-drone that looks like a human with a metal frame underneath. I gave the face that would be proud of when he looks in the mirror; also I gave him a soul as well that was part of myself. My dark side and a little bit of my light side as well.” I tell them. “Then what happen?” Fluttershy asks me. “The machine became human after that and I treated him like family and some of the others did as well. But most of the other including the Grad Leader of the Silencers only sees a weapon waiting to be used. So left in the middle of the night he left and joined up with the Reds and quickly toke over the order and became the man or machine called the General.” I tell them the story by the time we reach the research base or what left of it from the as the time they were there. “Soon old friend, soon.” I thought to myself before driving around the building to the back gate where its lock and over gowned with weeds and low hanging branches from the nearby trees. I got out to find the control panel to get the gate open; just like everything else the panel as most growing on it making it look more run down then really is. I put in the code for it and slowly but surely the gate opens up making all the noise in the world, breaking breaches, tarring up weeds, alarms going off and lights flashing. By the time gate finally opens the others including myself are head to areas of the planet that no one has ever gone through in a long time. “Here we go James, into the great unknown.” Duke said out loud over the radio. “It been so long I came through this way, hopefully I remember the way.” I thought to myself before setting off on the dirt road ahead of us. The road ahead was dark from the trees barely any sunlight can get through them leaving the ground floor in a sea of light fog. Once everyone got through the gate the gate close behind us leaving us only chose to go forward on an old forgotten dirt road in front of them. “Twilight I know that this reminds me a lot of the Everfree Forest back home from the way it feels right now.” Spike tells her. “I know how you feel Spike.” Twilight answers him trying to calm his nerves a little know that she’s going through the thought in her head. Everyone but me and Duke was thinking of the same thing until we got to another gate but this one was destroyed from being attacked. “I’m guessing this used to be the main base for the Silencers?” Twilight asks me. “Yes it was.” I answer her before driving inside the ground of what is left of the base; the others follow me seconds later to see what the remains of the old order. Seeing that there are reeks of helicopter gunship but they look different than what the Reds are currently using and when we were in Los Angeles getting the City Element. These have the turbines coming from the side, not from the top, not like the Reds coppers; there’s a turbine at the back. But these days they are nothing more than old reeks from a forgotten battle long ago. The only people that can recall that there ever been a fight was the people that there when it happened, which was few. In the distance was a series of buildings followed by what remains of a larger building with destroyed satellite dishes and cell towers. We stop only a few feet away from the remains of the larger building I got out as well Twilight and Fluttershy; I walk to a pile of concrete and steel and remove some of the debris from the pile to see the remains of the Grad Leader. By the time some of the others see the dead body is nothing more than a skeleton with the torn clothes of what was his uniform at the time. The uniform was like someone from the military with a white for the base with purple for the parts on his shoulders of the jacket. The rest of the uniform couldn’t be seen from the debris that’s on it. I close my eyes, hearing gunfire and the fellow man that I fought with, eat with was being killed left and right by my creation and the leader of the enemy that we were fighting for so long at our front doorstep; whipping us out in the stand of them. I open up my eyes to see Fluttershy putting her hand on my shoulder. “It’s ok there, James.” She tells me before I put my hand where her hand is. Then I begin to feel something like footsteps of something big coming towards us. I quickly get to see what's coming to see a T-Rex slowly coming towards me and it wasn’t alone flour raptors came running from the main gate that we came from coming at us just stopping a few yards few from the cars and the others while the T-Rex gets closer. “James, do you know what these are?” Twilight asks me. “Yes I do, from a long time ago back on Earth. I don’t how they ended up here on this world.” I said still looking at the beast slowly coming at me before stopping to lower its head on nearly my eye level; opening it mouth letting out a roar that can be heard for miles. “RRROOOOAAARRR!” “Good to see you too.” I said to the beast putting my hand next to face before calming itself to a friendlier mood as well the raptors. “Looks like the translator I gave you broke some time ago.” I said getting a closer look at the collar with a speaker on it. I mess around with it I slowly back up a little and said try it now. “Hello.” It said through the speaker. “Hun, it feels good to hear what I’m saying again, after all this time.” It said out loud. “That beast can talk?” Rainbow asks in state confusion. “Of course he can.” Said one of the Raptors next to her; shocking her as well Applejack and Spike. “OK, what in the name of Equestria is going on and who or what these beasts are?” Applejack asks out loud. “I can explain this the best way that I can. You see these beasts are Dino’s from a time from my world long ago that no longer excess. The Silencers what trying nearly anything to turn the tables for the order to end this war once and for all. This was after the creation when missing. We found five eggs left out in the middle of the forest during one of the missions, it looks like there’s been a major fight between to families, bodies were left and right with most of them dead or wounded from their injuries that looking about mirror moments from death.” I tell them answering her question. “Let me guest you there when it happened?” AJ asks me. “Yes I was with a member of the team and from I’ve seen they nearly made me sick to my stomach and I toke the eggs back to base so they can be put better use. When they hatch I gave them all names, Rexy, Blue, Delta, Echo, and Bravo.” I said pointing to each one of them to the rest of the group. “What is with the collars around their necks?” Twilight asks me. “You see when they got nearly full groaned I made those collars around their necks to help out with their training to smooth things over with me and the others Silencers in the base.” I answer her question. Duke gets out of his car seeing one of the Raptors next to his car. “Blue, it been too long.” He tells him. “Frank, I thought you dead years?” Blue tells him getting closer to him putting his head on his shoulder “You see Blue I had to fake my death and take a new name to hide under the Reds raider.” He answers him. “So, what name you go by now?” He asks him. “Duke, Dr. Duke.” He answers him. “Well Duke, what brings you and James out of hiding?” He asks him. “You see these seven are from another world like we used to be; so long story short we getting the elements of the nine worlds to get them home through the portal and that’s at the Reds main base on the City World.” He tells him and the other four answering his question in the process. “I remember hearing that place is harder to get in then Fort Knots.” Rexy said out loud. “Really, where did you hear that?” Rainbow asks him. “I hear it from being said when James and his team was on that rescue mission to save some people back in the day before we hatch.” He answers her question. “That must be when Becky and the others drivers that they saved from being brainwashed by the Reds.” Twilight said out loud. “Must be the woman that James brought that night after he got back?” Echo said out loud. “Your right that was her.” I answer his question. “Yea, what’s she been doing these days?” Bravo asks me. “As far I can tell, she’s still in Los Angeles working at the spa to help her get back on her feet.” I answer his question. “Listen I would stay and catch up but we don’t have a lot of time to get the element and get back before the marker goes out.” I said looking at the countdown watch showing less than 46 hours on it. “James?” Rexy calls me before me and the others are making our way to the cars. “What is it, Rexy?” I ask him. “Just don’t forget us and come back when you get a change?” He asks me. “I will when I get a chance to.” I answer his question as I was opening the driver side door before stepping inside. “I'll be sure that happens.” Twilight tells with Fluttershy Agreement to the idea with a smile; as I close the door and starting the engine. Within mirror moments everyone got back into their cars, we made our way to other side of the base seeing more ruins and reeks of cars, trucks, and helicopters. There are wreaks of Reds vehicles as well from the attack. More bodies from side starting showing the further we when seeing at the scale of the last fight for the Silencers. “My sweet Celestia; I have never seen anything like this.” Twilight said over the radio. “I know from what is left of the base and from what we have seen so far. This was definitely the last fight for the Silencers before only a few of them left.” Spike said trying from throwing up his breakfast that morning. “Things have changed around here from the attack.” Duke said out loud over the radio. “I know what you mean there.” Danny looking at the live feed the drone flying overhead of the group. When the group finally gets to the other side of the old base; where another gate bigger than the one from the came through on the other side. “James, there one thing I want to know is that why did Silencers made you their head engineer of the order?” Rarity asks me over the radio. “You see when I first came through the portal and discovery of the Nine Worlds. I got the attention from both sides and trying everything to get me but they were never able to catch me until one day during the third year of the MR series I was hit by something and made me flip the car a few times landing on its top like Becky’s car did a year before. The EJS was out from the crash and a Reds vehicle showed up to take me prisoner then out of nowhere a Silencer rescue me from them and gave me a lift back to their headquarters, where I melt the Grand Leader at the time and offer me to join up with them or take my chances with the Reds or the MRPD trying to shut down the MR series for good. So I toke up on their offer and they made me head engineer of the order. So what they have seen from me and during the three years of the series.” I said answering her question before going through the gate into the jungle again to let another dirt road leading to the only god knows where. “Now that was a mouth full there James.” Applejack tells me over the radio. “Yes it was.” I said out loud. “I don’t know where this road leads but it got to be better than here.” I thought to myself heading down the road with the others. Miles pond miles when on by going down the dirt road until; the dirt road leads to an open field with tall grass that looks like it sent on for miles. I got on the radio and said to the others. “I don’t know what could be hiding in the grass but let’s get through this as fast we without making too much noise in the process.” Then out of nowhere, there’s noise coming from elsewhere that wasn’t us. “What’s that?” Duke asks out loud from the noise. “I don’t know.” I answered in confusion from the noise. “That sound like a guns going off.” Danny said through the radio, before flying his drone to get a better look at the making all of that noise sending live footage to me and the others. When he got there, there’s a series of vehicles driving down the dirt road heading to the same open field that we’re on. “James, whatever they are? They’re coming your way.” Danny tells me. “They look like Reds, what are they?” I question myself looking at the footage. Within seconds those that has the elemental chips get ready whatever that coming at towards us. Fluttershy gets her canons ready to fire. The noise gets louder and louder while we were ready for a fight. Then they showed up heading towards us before seeing the glowing colors coming to the cars and bike in front of them; making them hitting their breaks stopping only a few feet away from each other. “James, who are they?” Rainbow asks me looking at the vehicles of dirt bikes, rally car, trucks, and buggies. Then more show up stopping behind the first set of vehicles of dump trucks, big rigs, and one looking something that the Reds would use. The truck blows its horn making the group clears a much-needed path for the truck. Once the path is clear the truck slowly made its way towards us; stopping only a few inches away from us. The driver side door opens and the driver of the truck steps out of the wearing what looks like a rancher than a truck driver. “James is that you?” The driver asks out loud. I open the door to get a closer look at this person; with the storm element still active leaving a purple glow around my car. “Who are you?” I ask the person before answering theirs. “You don’t remember me after all these years; It's me John, John Conway.” He tells me answering my question. “John, I thought you died during the third year of the M.R. series.” I said out loud. “No I didn’t I was arrested by the M.R.P.D. and place in jail for what felt like a long time until I broke out of jail and toke the next transport to the Forest Planet; where I came to the force you see before you and made me their leader.” He tells me. “Boss, what are we doing are we going to kill them or what?” Asks someone from one of the dirt bikes behind John making him turn to face him and quickly gave him a death glare making him back off a little; John turns back towards me and tells me. “Listen James, I know what you been doing last of late with that little rebellion of yours and what you're trying to do getting them back home.” “That right you were there that at the meeting when I gave the order.” I said out loud that we can only hear what I just said. “I that I do know is that Becky is doing a hell of a job leading the factions together to leaked the General and his Reds, as well the project that you uncover when you started this rebellion.” He whispers to me. “What are they talking about?” Applejack asks the others. “I don’t know, but it something important between them.” Twilight answers her question in a state of confusion. “Alright, men let them past!” John shouted to the group before climbing into the rig. I made my way back to the others when the path is being cleared for us. Once I back inside my car and I eject the chip making my car stop glowing purple; making everyone else to do the same with theirs and Fluttershy recalling her canons. John moves his rig out of the way so we can get going with our mission. “James, what in tarnation is going on here with running into people either know you by name or you end up knowing them?” Applejack asks me in an both of state of anger and confusion when we reach the other side of the group that was in our way. “OK, you got me there before the M.R. series when I discover the nine worlds. When I was testing out the top speed on mark 1; anyway after that, I toke what money I had left from the project and starting to something which would become the M.R. series. When the first year on the qualifying rounds for this new style of racing, thousands of drivers showed from around world from all style of racing; Stock car, drifting, off-road, nearly every style known to mankind showed to have a chance to be in this thing that I came up with.” I said over the radio answering part of the question when we reach the end of the open field to let another section of jungle. “How many drivers were there going to be when it was done?” Spike asks me. “When the qualifying rounds were done only 50 drivers would move on to the next level of racing, which was the M.R. series.” I said out loud answering his question. “I’m guessing with the war between the Reds and Silencers and with 50 other drivers showing up from Earth cause problem for both of them?” Twilight asks me. “Both yes and no. let me explain it did surprise them both factions and gave them both a chance to see what these drivers will do in the end. Until we reach the City Event, in Queen City, LA, and New York. Where the M.R.P.D. came into play; chasing the drivers throughout the cities until they reach the other side losing the cops.” I explain what happen from what I can remember during the first year. “Thanks for trying to explain it but that doesn’t answer, why it wrong during the third year of the series?” AJ asks me when we reach a ruined city used for one of the zones during days of long ago where the other sees more armor cars and trucks like they seen back at the Swamp World. Knowing from their fight that they had with the Reds for what felt like many times now. When a reds portal opens up knowing what about to come out. “Here they come.” Duke said through the radio. When another portal opens looking like the one we were using to get between worlds on the other side of the ruins. “What in the name of Equestria, is going on here?” Rarity asks herself before seeing what look like a canon on wheels. “I know what they are.” I said out loud seeing the same thing. “What is it that thing?” She asks me. “It’s a tank.” I said answering her question when more of them came through the Reds portal. Then tanks and armor cars starting coming from the other portal with the symbol of a five-pointed star painted white across the front and the side of every single one of them. “My god I lead you straight to a battlefield during another war that I started.” I thought to myself when soldiers starting pouring out of the armor cars when I hear air crate in the distance before seeing jets with the white star on them starting attacking the Reds tanks while still coming out of the portal when another red portal opens up in the middle of the air. “What’s happing?” Shouted AJ over the radio during the battle. When the Reds sent their flying unmanned drones that we face before going after the jets. Then tanks from both start firing on each other making hits and nearby hits on each other; when I see one fired from a Red tank hitting one of the tanks firing on a different tank nearby sending into a ball of flaming reek. Twilight and the others are to believe what going on right in front of their eyes seeing the battle first hand. I plugged in the Storm element back in making my car glow purple again. When I hear a horn going off behind me then I see John rig and his men coming from behind driving around us to attack the Reds forces that are still coming out of the portal. The mark on the side of my neck starts to glow again making the clear sky turn dark with storm clouds within a matter of seconds. I was so angry with myself and with what’s going in front of me when I hear shouting coming from the radio. “JAMES, JAMES, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!” Someone shouted at me, but I was so pissed off that I couldn’t think straight and hit the gas driving into the nearby enemy tank hitting making it blow itself up from the impact alone, I keep going hitting another, and another turning the tables of this fight to the Rebels. Making the Reds have to do a retreat back to the portal. Just as fast they came through the portal they were being destroyed either by me or the Rebels. When the Reds portals closed there was only a five tanks left and no aircraft from the Reds and like 50 tanks, nearly all of John men, 100 jets were still in the air. Nearly every men that didn’t die during the fight were injured or just thankful to be alive after that. I stopped my car in front of the Rebels unplugged the Strom Element making the car stopped glowing purple. The glowing on the side of my neck also stopped as I got out being cheered by the men that I just fought with. The others came running towards me as the men cheered. “My man you saved us a lot of trouble doing that.” One of the soldiers tells me. Then a car comes through the still open portal and I know who’s driving that car. A black with white strips across the top of the car slowly makes its way towards me. That when Twilight and the others finally got to me. When the car stopped only a few feet away from me, the driver gets out and walks towards me while the men are still celebrating over the victory today. “I never suspected to see you out here.” The woman tells me wearing a black and white uniform of an officer during times of war giving me a hug. “Nice to see you too, Becky.” I said out loud putting my arms around her shocking everyone else from the group. “What is going on here James?” Twilight asks me making breaking away from hugging an old friend and one of the factions leaders of the Rebellion that me and Danny started a few days ago. I take a deep breath and I whisper to Becky. “I’ll be right back.” Before turning facing Twilight and the others looking angry and confused at me and the battle that toke place just moments ago. “Twilight, I know you’re both pissed and confused. But this army you see before you is both my and Danny creation only a few days ago and became the rebellion to fight the Reds so we wantn’t have to.” I answer her question hoping to clear everything up. “Why did you do this?” Rarity asks me. “Do you remember the fight with the Reds back on the Water World?” I ask the group. “Yes we do and we barely made out of there alive.” Rainbow answers my question without hesitation. “You see without the rebellion wasn’t started and draw a lot of their forces from coming at us and stopping our mission of getting you home.” I tell the group. “From everything that happens so far ever scents we show up in this world. There’s been nothing but death and destruction. This is what Celestia and Luna felt when they were fighting King Sombra a thousand years ago.” Twilight said trying to hold back her feelings and crying on the spot. Spike came over to try to comfort Twilight as well Pinky and AJ. While Rainbow and Fluttershy sent to see new flaming reeks of the destroyed tanks and planes of the battle; before seeing something coming looking like airships back home, but looking different at the same time. Others see the ships coming at them including Becky. I see them as well. “What the hell?” I thought to myself. “Relates James, there are on our sides.” Becky tells me as the ships get closer towards us before landing near the troops. Ramps lower themselves to let troops and some of the tanks being loaded while others climb back into the armor cars and trucks. “Best to get back to your mission there James as I get back to my.” She tells me before getting back into her car. “I’ll be seeing you around Becky.” I told her before her until next time we meet; going through the portal. Within what felt like hours the last of the ships takes leaving the battle, John and his men have long been gone after the fighting stop. Leaving me and others still at the remains of the battlefield with the storm clouds overhead. I begin to feel raindrop hitting my hat I see the rebel ships heading to ski above when I walk over to Twilight and the others. “Twilight I know how you feel. I when through the same thing years ago, for what I did will hunt me for the rest of my days and every day I been trying to find to forgive myself and silk out redemption.” I said trying to calm her down trying back my tears removing my sunglasses where I can only see bars lights coming from the headlight and tail lights of the cars. “Thank you James, but still this place is just so different then what I’ve exercise back in Equestria.” She tells me feeling the raindrops hitting her as well. “She right we had gone through different way back home than here. The only people with the exercise that you been through or got used too; are Duke, Danny, John, Becky, and others people of this world that we don’t know or ever seen before.” Spike tells me before Applejack tells something that makes another scare that would never heal no matter what. “Also that Piece of Omega is in Equestria making all kinds of chaos and destruction. Also, I don’t know if there’s going to be a lot left when we get back home after all of this is over.” AJ said out loud. “I don’t even think Discord would this kind of Chaos when he around before and after he was reform and made friends with Fluttershy.” Pinky said out loud. “He always has been more of a prankster than anything else.” Rainbow said out loud. “There one thing that I can say is this. If the General knows about Equestria and invades with his whole army; there wouldn’t be an Equestria to come home too.” Twilight said out loud then the next thing it starting to rain slows and light at first. I feel the mark on the side of my neck pulsating a little making me rub my neck a little from the rain alone, before putting my sunglasses back on. I when to see how much time is left on the clock inside my car showing less than 36 hours and I thought to myself. “If we don’t get going we’ll miss our deadline and the marker will go dead. But we the weather starting turn bad with the storm cloud above them. So I have to make a choice find a place to take cover until the storm past. Which it would take hours or keep going towards where the element is located but Rainbow and Spike will get wet from the heavy rains that about to come anytime now. This would make them catch a cold or worst.” “Rainbow, Spike come here.” I called out to both of them. When both of them got over to me confused about what’s about to happen. “What is it?” Spike asks me. “Listen,” I said before taking a deep breath before continuing what I’m trying to say to the both of them. “You and I know you two are the only ones riding around on bikes in stand driving in a car or truck.” I tell them before taking off by Rainbow. “What are getting at?” She asks me. “Let me finish first, before putting your input into the problem we are dealing with.” I quickly answer her making her back off a little before I could continue explaining the problem with them and our options. “Here the problem you see the rain coming down right down?” I ask them. “Yes, why?” Rainbow answers my question with a question of her own. “With those human bodies, I gave you are different than your old bodies when you came here days ago. Those bodies are weak to weather like this.” I tell the both of them confusing them both. “The weather is light for now but it going to get worst and heavier later on.” I tell them. “So what are our options?” Spike asks me. “The first option is. We keep going towards the element. But risking the both of you catching a cold or worst the flu from the changing weather. The second option. Is taking cover in a nearby cave and wait for the weather to calm down enough to continue. But this would take time away from getting the element and getting back to the portal before the marker goes dead.” I tell the options making the both of them think of the only options I gave them. “I’ll give the both of you a few minutes to think things over.” I told the both of them closing the driver side door; with the rain hitting the windshield and windows of my car waiting for them to make a decision on which option we’ll make. I while I wait for the both of them to make a decision on which one of the options I gave them. I shut my eyes hearing the raindrops falling on the car. Then I see a cave big enough for all of us not far from here. “James, James, James.” I hear someone calling my name making me open my eyes to see Rainbow and Spike standing next to me, knocking on the window. “James, we made a decision after we talk to some of the other about it while waited on us and we will go with the second option.” Spike tells me through the window. “Good both of you get on your bikes we’re moving out.” I tell both of them starting my engine making everyone else to get their cars and bikes within seconds. “James, what’s going on?” Twilight asked me over the radio. “I’ll explain when we get there.” I answer her question; as the ten quickly made are why the remains of the battlefield that toke place moments ago to another area of the ruins to a cave big enough for us and our vehicles. We quickly drove inside when the rain is just coming down like there’s no tomorrow. “Thanks, James for giving us those options.” Spike said out loud turning off his engine and getting off. “What option?” Twilight asks again. “Listen Twilight, I talk to Spike and Rainbow not long after the battle and the ships left and the portals closed. I gave them the only two options that I can think of at the time before the weather turns bad and both of them getting sick with a bug or worst the flu and I told them marker could go dead by the time we get back to the portal.” I answer her question over the radio. While AJ gets out of her truck to look around the cave notice something is off that doesn’t look like a normal cave; the cave ceiling looking too straight and the walls are showing the same thing with moss growing on them. The mouth of the cave has overgrown plants they’ve seen back on the trees and at the remains of base and reeks earlier today. “James there’s something wrong with this cave?” AJ asks me. “You got to remember that this place is not like a normal cave. I’m guessing that this place must have been used for a hanger or something a long time ago.” I answer her getting a fire going with some dry wood nearby, some lighter fluid and a match. Spike sees me what I’m doing getting the match to light before throwing it into the small pile of wood shock in light fluid; sending it into a light with a near fireball nearly hitting the ceiling of the cave; before return to a normal fire. Duke looking from the mouth of the cave to the forest and some of the ruins of the zone and battlefield with the reek Reds tanks still on fire even with the heavy rain coming down outside. Rarity sees Duke looking outside of what as happen for what felt like hours ago. She when to see what he look at or going through his mind. “Duke daring there must be something on your mind?” She asks him. “Yes there is. It just with everything and what has happened to me during my dream last night showing me something that I thought I have never seen from James in a long time until the fight earlier today.” He answers her question looking off into the distance. Rarity sees a few reek tanks that the Reds used during the battle. Pinky is sitting next to fire getting warm a little bit stretching her hands out a little. I toke off my jacket and put it around her. “Thank you James.” She tells me getting arms getting my coat around her a little better. I sit down next to her getting a warm myself; Fluttershy looks a Pinky on why she feels so cold right now. “Pinky, are you alright?” She asks her friend looking at her right hand where the gem she got from figure back at that underwater city at the Water World. “I’m alright just a little cold that all.” She answers her friend. Duke and Rarity made their way with us at the fireplace. “So James, why did you just do that during the fight between the Reds and the Rebels?” Duke asks me getting the attention of everyone else that hasn’t got the fire let. “I don’t know, there one thing I do know is that the mark on the side of my neck was glowing before joining the fight on the side of the Rebels.” I answer my old friend question. “That might explain the weather outside.” Twilight said out loud. “What are you getting at sugar cube?” AJ asks her. “I remember Sunset and her friend aka our counterparts were dealing with their magic powers when she wrote to me about some time ago in one of the letters.” She answers her question but making me, Duke, and Danny confuse from what she just said. “Must the portal she talked about back in her world.” I thought to myself. “What are you talking about Twilight?” Duke asks her. “You see where I’m from there’s a portal that leads to a human world made up of pony in human forms. Anyway long story short there’s magic problem one time made her and our counterparts to have magic power base on our magic abilities; everyone except for Sunset. I’m guessing when she when through the portal like I did a few times loses her magic for an unknown reason.” She tries to explain it the best way she can answer his question. “Well, that’s very interesting about your world.” He said out loud before turning towards me. “You got a minute?” He asks me. “Sure.” I answered him getting up walking away from the fire and the others. “Listen James, This world that they came from could be Earth we used to know before we became trap on the world.” He tells me. “I’ve been thinking the same thing. But there no way I can tell with the coordinates I had on me when the base but it gotten destroyed during the attack all those years ago.” I told him about the situation at hand. “What about the coordinates to their world?” He asks me. “The device is in clot pocket.” I quickly answer him looking at the mouth of the cave seeing the heavy rain looks like it starting to clear out showing sunlight outside. I when to the mouth of the cave seeing the fires on the destroyed tanks are out. The clouds are breaking up showing clear skies above with the sun starting to get low making me look at my watch showing 6:43 pm. “Damn if we don’t get moving the marker is going to go dead before we get back.” I thought to myself going back inside to check on the timer. When I got there; the clock is showing 32hrs left on it. “What’s going on?” Rainbow asks out loud notice checking the timer inside my car computer before seeing the rain as stop outside the cave entrance. “Look likes we’ll about to leave.” She thought to herself. I quickly made toward the campfire with one of the gallons of water I bought back in Vegas I had left over from getting the Desert Element. Opening the gallon and pouring the water on the campfire making gray smoke making everyone thinking it much be time to go on our journey get the Forest Element. Once everyone ready to go and I told Pinky to keep my jacket on for now and told her to turn on the heater in her car to keep warm. The engines started and warm up from being cool off during the time taking cover from the storm. The dirt road was very wet nearly turn to mud from the heavy rain of the storm made getting through very difficult for some of the cars running low to the ground even with the off-road tires on. For what felt like forever the sun keeps getting closer and closer the horizon line turning the ski more orange-red color. Rainbow and Spike see the ski above them never seen back home. Hours later and the sun has settled over the horizon showing the night sky with the other planets and the plants that not being hit by the car's headlights starting to glow of different colors making things the nightlife on this planet very interesting. Rarity and Fluttershy see the glowing plants thinking that their friend Zecora like to work her magic on these. Miles ahead the dirt road became so muddy and so bogged down, that Applejack truck was getting stuck in the mud now. We have to stop on a dry area that’s we could make camp for the night. With a couple of tents that I keep around for just when the time calls for it. Moments after both of them have been set up and a fire going. Pinky is still trying to get warm the best way she can even being close to the fire and my clot on. Fluttershy seeing her friend trying her best to get warm then seeing that neck starting to glow a little warm her body up making her feel better; after she got warm up enough the glowing stop making her to take off my jacket and handing back to me. “That was weird?” Pinky said out loud after handing my jacket. After I put my jacket back on I begin to think about what I have seen before she handing me my jacket and the glowing from the mark on the side of her neck, which listens to the nightlife of this world again after what felt like forever. The sound of birds and crickets as well some other lifeforms that live on this world looking at the night sky above us seeing the main planet as well the six other worlds that along with the main world. Duke when to get some food that I pack before heading out to this world. “It a good thing that I plan ahead.” I thought to myself seeing getting the grill ready sitting it over the fire. “What’s going to be for dinner?” AJ asks him. “From what I can find are these.” He answers her question holding small packets of noodles of different flavors. “I’ve never seen anything like these back home.” Rarity said out loud holding one of the packets; which Duke putting a pot on the grill and put some water before opening one of the other packets and putting it into the pot of water. Moments later the food for the group and everyone has eaten the meal of noodles. I still think about what has happened to me and Pinky today before turning in for the night. By the time I close my eyes and enter my dreamscape; knowing what’s about to happen. > Chapter 35 The Spinning Cube > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I open my eyes again and found myself in the middle of the desert like many times before. I get on my feet and turn around to see the cube again made out of the same material I have seen before of chrome titanium looking like a giant mirror the size is different than before. The cube has gotten bigger from the dream yesterday; the size was the height of a two-story house. Now this time the cube is as big as a four-story building. I feel the ground beneath me where I’m standing at that moment starting a shack and I knew what’s coming next. I got out of the way of a platform can come out of the ground reaching the new height of the spinning cube; the platform was the same like before the only difference is the new height. I walk over to one of the supports holding it up. I rub my hand across it feeling that it feels more ruff then before made out of rusted metal. I hear the paroling staircase coming from the platform lowering itself to the desert sand underneath it. Once it lowered itself I walk over to the staircase wondering if I can reach the top this time. I quickly reach the base of the staircase even I know what about to come next. But I didn’t care about that at the moment and I start to go up the staircase as fast I can go. Within moments I was surprised that the white horse is at the top of the platform in stand running towards me back before. The horse walks towards me still holding the sword with it hoster on its left side. I look overseeing something that I have never seen before. I see ten slots of the same size as the elemental chips. Then I got a closer look seeing one of them was filled with the storm element. I see the storm I’ve seen many times before coming from the horizon making itself into the hurricane where the eye of the storm is over the spinning cube. “Is this what you wanted to show after all this time?” I asked the white horse standing next to me which I look over the horizon line of the desert. The horse didn’t answer me because it can’t talk only show me what it trying to show me. “Look at me talking to something from my dreamscape and there must be a reason why I’m being shown all of this.” I asked myself before seeing the sword starting to glow like many times. I grab the sword from the hoster, seeing it glowing pure white like it has been touched by the hand of God himself. I look overseeing that another slot was filled glowing white as well. I see the cube starting to slow down this time. “That's never happened before?” I said thinking out loud, then the mark on the side of my neck starting to hurt making me rub it a little. “What in god name going on here.” I said dropping the sword on the platform. The cube slowed down so much that looks like it about to stop at any moment. I look up to see the horse is helping me on my feet when it stopped. It begins to open up glowing so bright that I couldn’t see a thing even with the sunglasses I had on. I woke up trying to catch my breath when I see something next to me and that is a white pen. I get a closer look at it to see that there some writing on it. Use the pen when it feels right James. Before putting it my clot pocket to see what time is it. It showed 3:37 am on my watch. I could still hear the crickets still going and everyone else was still asleep. I when outside the tent; Twilight wakes to see me leaving the tent and begins to follow me. I found a nearby lake where we made camp to think about what I just a dream was so different than all of those times before. Twilight continue to follow me to the lake where I was at thinking things over. I hear the noise behind me and I turn around to see Twilight coming around a bunch. “Hey, Twilight.” Said before rubbing my eyes; looking at the small lake and the night sky above me. “What’s going on James?” She asks me before sitting down on a nearby down tree branch. “Nothing, it’s just the spinning cube dream again.” I answer her before finding out that I left my sunglasses back at the camp; making Twilight see my eyes for the first time a really good at them and seeing the gilt in my eyes that I’ve been carrying for a long time now. “James, now I see the reason why you were those sunglasses now.” She tells me seeing my green eyes of their age and what they had seen. The left eye looking likes it about to close even in near darkest of the night shy showing that my eyes showed shown something else that even Twilight couldn’t make out was there a little bit of brown starting to show up from not wearing the sunglasses. I rubbed my eyes again from a long time wearing them where there’s two pressed in marks on both sides of my nose. “James, there’s something you’re not telling me?” She asks me making me sit down next to her. “That’s because I’m still trying to find out about what on Earth is going on with life. The strange dream I’ve been having lately after I discovered the nine worlds and that one after we got the Storm Element and a bunch of other things that don’t have a clear answer from what we are seeing.” I answer her question rubbing my head a little from thinking about it too much. “I know how you feel. From everything I knew from Equestria before we came here are very mind blowing from what I have seen so far.” She tells me looking at the others in the night sky wondering about to happen next. After what felt like forever, the both of us made our way back to the camp and tried to get some sleep, well Twilight while I hear something that doesn’t feel right. So I when to find out what I just heard; I grabbed my sunglasses and my hat before heading out to find the noise. Moments later of following the noise to find something that nearly scares me to half to death. That was a group of wild dogs looking more like wolfs than anything else; Walking around me before coming at me, making me ready myself for the attack. Group stopped only a few away from me clamming themselves before running away from me, every one of them except for one getting close to me like a young pup, looking like a few years old with black and white fur with brown eyes, like Rexy and the Raptors I help trained with Duke years ago. The pup looks me straight into my eyes before; coming jumping on me making me fall to the ground, licking me like the young pup knew me or something. The pup stopped licking me and back up so I can get back up. The young pup looks like the one I had back on Earth when I was a kid. “Spot?” I said out loud; making the young pup look at me weird and a little confused from what I just said. I left the young pup in the state of confusion, but the pup follows me back to camp. I look up seeing the night sky is starting to show some color making me look at my watch seeing that it’s almost 6 am. Minutes later; the pup continuing to follow me to the campsite making think about the pup wants to stay with me. “Interesting, it like this pup wants me to be his owner or something.” I thought to myself when Applejack comes out of the tent seeing the dog sitting next to me. “James, what’s with him?” She asks me making him retreat behind me. “I don’t know. It like he knows me or something.” I answer her question making relax a little rubbing his nose on my left hand; making me to pet his hand a little. Soon the other was wake wonder why there’s a dog at the camp. Making him wants to run back into the forest, but he didn’t, he stands at my side. I when to my car to see how much time is left on the timer. When I got there, there were less than 23 hrs. remaining on the clock. The pup jumps into my car after checking the timer, not wanting to get out. I rolled down the windows a little to let him breathe a little bit better. I meet up with the others getting everything to pack up and ready to go; within nearly an hour we were ready to go for the rest of the journey to get the Forest Element. > Chapter 36 The Forest Guardian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After many hours and many miles later, we made our way to an old and forgotten city that looks like something like from fertile Japan or ancient China. Danny's drone flying over the forgotten city to get a better look at it, while the rest made our way deeper into the city. "This reminds me of a story I heard growing up?" Rarity asks herself over the radio. "You mean the story of Mistmane you told us during that camp trip?" Rainbow asks her " Yes, that the one. But this place looks like has seen better days." She answers her friend while trying to get a better at what happened here and why it was left in ruin. We got kelp going until seeing something in the distance that's we never suspected in a million years; a statue of another dragon but this one looks different than one we before and the ones the Twilight and the others seen back in their world. The statue head looks like a normal dragon, but there's something like strings coming from the side of its face next to its mouth. But the body doesn't look like a normal dragon, it has a body more like a snake. We stop at the statue to get a better look at it. "This must be another type of dragon?" Spike asks looking at the statue in front of him. While I notice something on the platform and wipe away the most relieving a stone plate with a strange looking keyhole next to a plate. "Here stands the lair of the Forest Guardian." "Who would build a statue of the Guardian? Unless." I said thinking out loud before quickly heading back to the getting the Forest Key. "James, what you're doing?" Duke asks me making everyone else look at me heading back to the statue with the key. "Why is there a statue with the same keyhole used for the other elemental doors from the other worlds we trying to get the others elements?" I ask them with the key in my hand. "You mean?" Twilight answers me with a question of her own before covering her mouth and gapping when it finally clicks for her and the others, as I put the key into the keyhole. Within a matter of seconds, the key starting to glow as the grown around us starting to shake making creaks around the statue lowering itself, making to dive towards the key and it before it when into the darkenest below. Then the ground us and the cars make a big jolt making everyone nearly fall to the ground, before lowering us towards where the statue is heading. Danny sees what going on toke is drone into the deeps where we are heading. Moments later the ground stopped where the statue as stopped and the key stopped glowing and I take the key from the keyhole. Rainbow and AJ look up to see the hole that just made is nearly the size of their thumbs or the size of the moon of there world. Once Danny rejoins with us there's only one path leading towards into darkness in front of us. Then a pulse of a normal green color came from the darkness towards us. "Fluttershy." When a voice in the distance scares nearly everyone. "How does it knows my name?" Fluttershy asks out loud. "I don't know, but there only one way to find out." Rainbow answer her question getting back on her bike and starting her engine. "Rainbow!" Twilight shouted to her getting her attention. "Listen Rainbow there no telling what kind of guardian we're dealing with until we do let just take slow to see what this dragon does." Twilight tells Rainbow to talk some sense into her. "She right, there no telling what this dragon might be doing being a guardian of the element we need." AJ respawn from Twilight just said. "There a change that this guardian is one of the nice ones like some of the others?" Pinky said with a smile on her face. "Fluttershy; come to me, I need you." The voice calls out to them again like he's hurt making Fluttershy think out loud. "He sounds like hurt." before jumping to action towards getting in her car and starting the engine and taking towards where the guardian would be. "Fluttershy wait up." Twilight said over the radio making the rest of us follow her towards where the element and the guardian would be. Moments later with the pluses from the element leading the way; we found a large room with roots coming from the trees at the surface. At the center is the element plus- acting like the others before. "Nice, you and friends as showed up." The voice said to us making us look around the room to see where it's coming from. "OK guardian; we know what you look, so show yourself!" Rainbow shouts to the voice wherever it coming from. "Rainbow, you're always looking for a fight." The answer her with a sarcastic flair in his voice before a bright flash of light coming from above us making everyone to cover our eyes from the light. There's movement coming from the other side of the light making very hard to see what behind it. Once the light died down showing the guardian looking just like the statue, but looking a lot older with green and yellow scales. Yellow eyes glowing brightly as the sun looking at us. He's holding something in his claw-like hand looking something that I can't make it out from inside my car. I got out of my car to see this guardian in face to face. He lands next to me making me remove my sunglasses to show him my eyes that I'm not the who he thinks I am. "James, I'm so sorry about what happened." He tells me, making to shed a tear a little from my own past. "Now there's something I need to show you." He tells us making the thing in his hand glowing again so bright white. The next thing we know it we're back in Equestria in the city of Ponyville, but it's very different from what Twilight and her friends remember. The city is left in a ner state of ruins and seeing a huge ship in the ski hovering for what looks hundreds maybe thousands of feet in the air going as far the eye can see. The Peace of Omega in the ski near the ship. "Where are we?" Rainbow asks out loud looking around getting off her bike before seeing the city of Cloudsdale be attack by some both Reds attack drones and gunships sending the floating city into a fireball in the ski. "What's going on?" Applejack said getting out of seeing what's happening around them seeing her home and farm being in a set of flames by of drones with flamethrowers setting fire to the apple trees that she and her family spent a lifetime building. Twilight and Spike see their home being destroyed by those tanks they have seen earlier yesterday. "Starlight!" Twilight before hitting the gas heading to the castle as fast she can as well Spike trying his best to keep up with her but falling behind. Both of them are only a few yards away until the base of the castle starting to fall; making both them to it their breaks seeing their home fall the ground smashing to pieces. "No, no." Twilight tells herself getting out of her car, running as fast she can towards the rubble to see if Starlight got out in time mindless else checking through the rubble until she sees her body bearly hanging on for life. Starlight opens her eyes to see Twilight in her human form and could only say one thing. "I'm sorry." reaching her with one of her hooves towards her before falling down next to her, letting go of her last breath closing her eyes for the last time. By that point Twilight breakdown crying from pain and heartache from the event. Fluttershy sees a huge tree she seen back on Forest World just as big in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Before looking overseeing the forest being cut down with more Reds machines and bulldozers, the animals even the Timberwolves trying to fight them off, but with no avail with Drones killing and destroying them the further the machines when. Rarity and Pinky sees both their homes felt in ruin and the Cakes as well other ponies running for their lives running past the both of them; turning around to see more of those drones and bigger ones with people inside them looking more like suit of armor, carrying rifles and miniguns that would go on a helicopter than anything else. Then the ground shank beneath their feet making both of wonder what to come at them. Seconds later something did behind the drones, eyes glowing red with fire walking on three legs looking more snakes from the way are moving, scaring both of them to near death from the hight along, the beast they see stands over 70th ft tall. The weapons that it's carrying makes of two miniguns and something that I could never see before. The weapon charges up before firing a ray of light as bright as the sun towards the crowd of ponies, sending them into nothing but smoke and ash remind of the crowd where the weapon it. Ponies still alive ran through the smoke turning their colts and manes to gray or near gray from being nearby when it hit. Both me and Duke sees what going right in front of eyes and seen this time and again from the attack on the base years ago, But this time it's very different it wasn't just the base this it was the whole world this time. Then I hear a voice behind me. "Both of you have seen this before?" The voice asked the both us, making me turn to see it's the guardian. "Where are we?" I ask him. "Your where you need to be, to be seen what would happen in your mission." He answers my question before showing all of us something else. The around of us turn from death and ruin to a cave where's a tree made up by the castle. Twilight sees what happened around her and trying to find out what just happen to herself and her friends, before turning to see the Tree of Harmony with the elements still inside the tree itself. The tree isn't looking like the way Twilight remembers the last time she saw it, that because the tree turning dark from what going out and throughout the land of Equestria and beyond. Then people starting to make their way into the cave where the tree is being kelp. Everyone turns around to see who is coming and come to find out it was no other than the General himself with some commanders following him. "So your the source of the power of this world?" He asks the tree like it could take or something, then in a small flash, something came from the tree taking the form of Twilight in pony form. "So your the force the destruction and chaos?" She asks him. "You mean what going on outside, then yes I am." He answers her question with a cocky ass attitude. Making her look angry from what he just said before he reaches out to the other men behind him, handing him something that looks that many times before back on Earth. "Let me ask you this, do you know what this is?" He asks her holding the device in hand. "No, I don't." She answers him. "Well let me show, what five pounds of C-4 would do." He said before throwing it towards the tree, making me jump into action running towards the explosive before landing on the middle of the tree, With the detonator handing to him from one of the other men with and flip the switch making the C-4 into giant fireball and a shockwave hurting the pony form the tree taking form of, when she opened her eyes she sees the figure standing over her. "I knew that wouldn't kill you. I just want to know what these gems are and what do they do?" He asks her grabbing her with one arm and pulling a handgun with his other hand before pointing it at the tree. "They're the Elements of Harmony." She answers him taking a breath before continuing. "They are elements represents strength throughout the land and world. Only a few that represents can the Elements the most can handle them and used their power for the good of the world." She answers him making him angry a little making him fire the handgun where been aiming at which was the tree itself. Everyone even myself is shock what's going on going on in front of us. Twilight just wanted to hit the General in anger, but it would be useless because this is only a vision of what may come to be. Then in a flash, we're back in the room we were before he showed us what he wanted to show us. "What was all of that?" AJ asks the Guardian for what they just saw back there. "That is what will happen if you fail in your mission before the Darkness can found out about your world and destroy it before you can get back home." He answers her. "Wait, you mean this will happen if the General and his Reds get to Equestria before we even have a chance to get home?" Rarity asks out loud. "Also what was that giant ship hovering over Ponyville?" Rainbow asks trying to make what she saw in ski above the city. "Not only that; but why would he be interested in the Tree of Harmony?" Spike asks next question. "All that I can say, is that there's one thing that saves your world from other distortion and that is a word that only a few people know about. Two of them are in this room as we speak." The old dragon tells us before touching the ground before us. "You mean the MR Series?" I ask him. "Yes." He answers my question. "No, no those words can never be said in a million years." I said being stunned from what he just told me and the others. "James, what are you talking about?" Spike asks me, making take a deep breath and swallow my pride before telling them the truth. "Do you remember what happen back in Los Angeles?" I ask the seven of them. "Yes, you mean the mess you made daring?" Rarity asks me. "Yes, there's a reason why the MRPD tries to catches me. You see after I discovered the nine worlds, back on Earth I built a business around what I discover on that day with money I had on me at the time after the speed test of the mark 1 of the car you see today. After the qualifying rounds was over and done; the real racing begins right into the nine worlds and war that been going on for a very long time. The race series was a huge hit all around the world and made over 5 billion dollars from the views alone and the mark 1 was put into a museum in my hometown. The second year was the same thing as the first year but more divers showed for the qualifying rounds and I was there's when I might Becky." I stop to take a breath before continuing on what I have to say. "After the second year and Becky became trap on the nine worlds. The MRPD tried to catch the drivers even me as well but they could only do that during the City Event. Once the third year started MRPD started showing up on the tracks with the Silenzers and Reds through there owned portals, the same portal we are using today; also their cars became faster than before doing everything they can to catch every driver, but the ones that tried either crashed their cars or got destroyed from the environments of the other eight worlds. After I became trapped and joined up with Silenzers, I found out that the Grand Leader, the old General of the Reds, and the Chief of MRPD met together before the third year started that only way to end the MR series was that I took out of action and close the portal to Earth so that this wouldn't happen again and if the words of the MR series get said out loud it starts all over again." I explain to them the best way that I can. "Well then, it would be best not to say those words if we don't want that happen to us." Spike said out. "Now what about this element. The only ones who haven't got one let are me, Rarity, and Fluttershy." Twilight said before Fluttershy step forward. "I'll do it." She said stepping closer to element making the plus go a faster and faster the closer she got until she right next to it. "Wait." The Guardian said landing next to her. "After you take the element, take this as well." He tells her putting the clear ball that he used to show us what we need to know, on the ground next to her. She takes a deep breath before reaching out with her right hand and putting it on it making it glow brightly as a sun making everyone else try to cover their eyes from the light when Fluttershy screams can be heard from across the room. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Fluttershy screamed from the plain as the element takes a new form of a chip looking us like the others with the same symbol like the key as on it. The roots around begins to shack before there's a shock wave when she finally able to pull the element out; making it glow green and a mark on the side of her neck as well. A few seconds later the guardian falls to the ground; Fluttershy sees him falling to the ground making run to him to see if he needs some help. Both the element and the mark on the side of her neck still glowing. "It alright Fluttershy, this has to happen because I have seen." He tells her before closing his eyes for the last time. The glowing from the element and the mark has stopped she couldn't help but cry for him and what he has gone throughout these years. Twilight and her friends came to if she going to be alright. "Fluttershy?" Twilight said her name with considered. "Yes, Twilight." She answers her trying to hold back some of the tears. "It ok, those who already have an element knows how you feel right now." She tells her friend trying to cheer her up a little. "It not that why I'm crying. It because I can still feel him touching my shoulder knowing that he's in a better place now." Fluttershy tells her friend. I check the timer on my watch showing 10:27 am, I check on the timer inside my car showing less than 10 hrs left and the pup taking a nap in the passager seat. "Must be a heavy sleeper." I thought to myself before heading back to the others. "How much time is left?" AJ asks me. "We got less than 10 hrs to reach the portal before the marker battery dies." I answer her question. "Best for us to get a move on then." Applejack said running back to her truck. Fluttershy gets back on her feet and picks up the clear ball before getting back to her car as well everyone else towards their vehicles heading back to the elevator and to the surface. By the time we reach the surface there are animals all around us even the giant gorilla we seen before is also there. Also, Rexy and the Raptors are there as well in the sky has a green hue like the northern lights back on Earth. "What's are they doing here?" Rainbow asks looking confused as ever. "I don't know." I answer making me confuse as well from going on right in front of me. Animals from all sizes came to see something that they haven't seen for a long time on this world a passing of a guardian and see who or what is the next guardian. Rexy steps forward us making me and Fluttershy get out of our cars trying to found out what going on and why you're all here. "Rex, what going on?" I ask him. "We're here to pay respect to the new Guardian of this world and we'll follow her to the end." He answers my question as well tells the rest of us through the collar. The animals begin to clear a path on the ancient road we use when we found the city. The both of us got back into our cars and slowly made our way down the cleared path in front of us, Rexy, the Raptors, the giant gorilla, and the others made all kind of noise from roaring, beating their chest, kicking up dirt. While the ones who can fly flap the wings; while others kneel down as we when on past them. Once we were out of the city clear the last of the animals we gun it forwards the portal as fast we can. After what felt like forever and hundreds of miles of going through the remains of the battlefield from yesterday and the old Silenzers main base, we reach the research center where I used to work at. When a Red portal opens where the exit is and all of the hit the breaks stopping a few yards away from the open portal waiting to see what will come out of it. Seconds later only one vehicle came through and it was a Sweeper. The portal closes behind it; the Sweeper opens the front where a spinning gear was used for a door and out came were a few bikes and armor cars used for the zones years ago. But these weren't Reds they were something else entirely. One of them on a bike came towards us before stopping next to us pointing at his ear, making me change my radio to the right channel. "Can you hear me?" Ask the person on the bike. "Yes we can, may I ask who you and your friends are?" I ask him. "We're a special forces squadron for the Rebellion code name Predator Squadron." He answers my question I got a better look at him seeing a patch on his right arm showing what looks like a pather on it with claw marks underneath it. Before seeing another portal opening next to us. "We'll be in touch; James." He tells me before driving to the portal as well the other and Sweeper follow him. After both portals closed we got on our way towards where the gateway portal is located with the marker. The timer keeps counting down the closer we got and only no less than ten miles to go when we reach the cliff face we used a few times before. We found the road and move as fast we could up the cliff face. While I look overseeing the old base and where Old Yeller is being stored and thought to myself. "It only a matter of time." From only being only five miles from the marker now and only having less than five mins left. We stopped for a few seconds to put the key on top on my car. The timer keeps going and just drove on the dirt road until the place starting to look a familiar and I knew where we're heading. The timer showing only 45 seconds left and thinking to myself going 137 mph; "Come on, come on, just only a few more yards away." The key shoots out from my car towards the portal and it's open up. We push our cars to speed to get through the gateway; back towards the city world and the shop. > Chapter 37 The Doctor Is In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A brown stallion walks his way through the remains of the city of Ponyville, reaching a house that hasn't been touch by the storm that hit his town yesterday. *knok**knok**knok* "Derpy you're home?" He said out loud hoping that his friend is home and most of all safe. The door opens up seeing his friend is safe and sound jumping at him for a hug said something that would bring a tear to his eye. "Good to you again Doctor." "Nice to see you too." He tells her with her getting off of him so he can get off the ground. "Want a drink?" She asks him. "Yes I would." He answers her as the both of them heading inside. "So Doctor, how goes the search for the Tardis?" She asks him putting water into a pot. "Still no luck, where or even when it taking off to is very difficult to find any trace of riff energy or even the sound anywhere in this world." He tells her answering her question. "You"ll found it, when you least expect it." She tells him putting the pot on the stove and turning on the heat for the burner. "So, how Dinky been up to these days?" He asks her. "She has been alright up until yesterday during our vacation to Baltimare." She tells him, making him wondering what happened when the water begins to boil. Once the drinks of tea were ready and she told him what happened to her and Dinky. He was shocked by what has happened to both of them. "Where is she?" He asks her. "She in her room. I check on her before you showed up she is still asleep." She answers his question when somepony comes into the kitchen. "Dinky glad to you again." He looks at her before dropping the cup of tea on the floor breaking the mug when it hit the floor where he stands; seeing that her blood vanes are glowing green throughout her small body. Derpy seeing the same thing that made her scared out of her mind. "We need to get her to the hospital." He said out loud getting her on his back and both of them ran out of the house with Derpy following not far behind. Moments later the three of them run to the front doors of the hospital to the front desk. "Yes, can I help you?" The nurse at the front desk asks them before seeing Dinky conention. "Doctor, we've got another one here." She said out loud alerting a nearby doctor. "Hay bring a journey over! This is the two hundred case alone." He tells one of the nurses using her magic to push a journey to where he and Dinky is. Using her magic to lift her to the journey before taking her to another part of the hospital, where the other cases are being kelp. "Two hundred cases. Like what is going on here and what happened in Baltimare?" He thought to himself when he hears something flying over the hospital making nearly everything shake. "Derpy stay here with your daughter, I'm going to check this out." He tells her friend. "Doctor, be careful now you hear." She tells him before he runs out of the hospital seeing a strange looking airship with panels underneath it shooting out electricity making it fly in the air above him heading towards the train station. He runs as fast as he can to the train station as it lands next to the train station where the other airships are being kelp. A train making its way to the station when he got there. Princess Luna and Chrysalis seeing him and the airship landing next to them. "Well this is interesting, why James toke longer then getting back then we did?" Chrysalis asks for now friend. "I don't know, but why is he here?" Luna asks looking out the window seeing the Doctor standing next to the station. The airship ramps lower and everyone that's abort got off seeing the remains of Ponyville. The panels starting to shut themselves off as the train passengers get off and a couple of ponies carrying their sheriff to the hospital. After everypony was off the airship the heroes of the day came of the airship. He sees a human in a blue suit wearing a brown cowboy hat and sunglasses steps off the airship. He tries to get a better look at him until seeing both Luna and Chrysalis walks towards him and the others. "Why does he looks so remember?" He thought to himself as the group when to go see Celestia at the hospital. Once eveypony and other lifeforms cleared the area around the strange looking ship. He when up to the ramp to the door where the stranger that looks familiar from his past. The door was lock and he grabs a device from where he keeps it and uses it on the lock on the door making a strange noise of not this world. "Come on, Come on." He tells himself. Then hearing the locks unlock themselves and opening the door. He quickly when inside and seeing how much space from the look on the outside. "This place is fantastic." He said out loud making his way to a cargo whole where create a pond crate is stacked on top of each other and what looks like Pinky's party canons are being stored. Then make his way towards the front of the ship where the bridge and lounge is located at. Once he got to the bridge it looks like almost a normal bridge for this kind of airship. But there's technology that looks more like should be on Earth not here in Equestria. "How did you get here?" He thought to himself before seeing a pocket watch on a table nearby what looks like a phone. When he picks the watch up sees an eagle on the front and symbol of a wheel on the back and starting to lose his balance remembering an event from his past that just now resurface to the light of day. "When you see this pocket watch again you will remember who I am and you come and find me." A voice echoed inside his mind. "James, it can't be him?" he thought to himself putting the watch back on the table and running out of the ship to the hospital as fast he could. Meanwhile at the hospital: Me, Pinky, and Destiny were having a chat with Celestia. "Listen, there something you three are not telling me?" She asks us. "Celestia, we are from the future, but not from this timeline." Destiny tries to answers her question the best way she can. "When our younger selves show up in this timeline will only know about the aftermath of what happening now when we got back." I answer her question. "How come I didn't see this coming?" She tells herself. "Sister, don't beat yourself about, I didn't know about either." Luna tells trying to cheer up a little. I pulled out my cigar and light it up releasing only steam that smells like a cigar would. "I haven't seen you used that in 20 years." Pinky tells me as I take another drag from it and releasing the smoke into the room. "I just a little stress out is all and now think is a good time to use it." I tell her holding it in my right hand. All three of them seeing what I'm doing with the cigar and wondering why I'm doing that in the first place. Destiny sees me smoking for the first time and nearly shock at what I'm doing. When Nurse Red Heart comes into the room. "Excuse me, but I have somepony in the lobby saying that he knows you or something?" She tells me in confusion. Making me put away my cigar back into my clot pocket and see who this pony is with the nurse following me close behind. Moments later when I reach the lobby I see a tan color stallion with a dark brown made and tail with an hourglass for his cutie mark. "Is this him?" I ask her. "Yes this him." "Good to see you again after all these years." He tells me, making questioning what he just said to me. "Pardon, I've never seen you before in my life." I tell him. "He can't remember me because that is still in his future." He thought to himself. "Hello, you ok there; you when quite on me for a second?" I ask him getting his attention. "Listen James, there's a friend of my that need help and you know more about this I would ever." He tells me. "Wait, how did you know my name?" I ask him. "Listen this hasn't been the first time we run into each other. The first for you but not for me." He answers my question handing me a device he was holding in his hoove making me to get a closer look at it. "What is it?" I ask him. "This is the first time for you, I call it a Sonic Screwdriver." He answers my question turning it on making a buzzing sound and blue light coming from the device. "Your not from this world?" I ask him. "Yes your right about that. My name is the Doctor." He answers me. "Doctor who?" I ask him again in confusing. "Just the Doctor." He answers my question I turn off the device making the buzzing stop and light turn off. "So what about your friend?" I ask him. "She is here at the hospital and maybe you can do something about what she has?" He asks me. "Sure I'll see what I can do." I said talking n the task that lies in front me before turning to the nurse I was with. "Nurse Red Herat where is his friend that he talking about?" I ask her. "I don't know, I can find out for you." She tells me before asking one of the nurses at the front desk. "What's your friend name?" She asks him. "Dinky Hooves." He answers her question. Minutes later. "I see, I'll let him know." She tells her co-worker leaving towards the both on where she at. "We've found her. But she's in an area of the hospital where the other cases are being kelp from the other patients in the hospital." She tells both of us. "Well let's go see her." The Doc said out loud. "Wait a second she only allowed only a few visitors at a time and the both of you can go back there until the both you have a facemask." She tells him stopping him in his tracks. "Let me guess, there's a facemask for me not for him?" He asks her before looking over to me. "That right." She quickly answers his question making me wonder what going on around here. "James, don't you have a mask back on your ship?" He asks me. "I do, I haven't used it in years." I answer him. "We'll wait here until you get back." He tells me as I made my way to the front door. Pinky and Destiny are in a nearby waiting room waiting to hear something from me or from both princess or Chrysalis trying to find out their next move. Pinky looks out the window into the darken sky above the town; seeing me leaving the hospital before hearing me on a two-way radio that she had on her. "Pinky, can you hear me?" I ask both of them. "Yes, yes we can. Did you see who wanted to see you?" She asks me. "Yes I did, but not the point right now." I answer her question. "Dad, what are you talking about?" Destiny asks me looking a little scared from what I just said. "Listen there's some kind going on that I don't know yet. But I'm about to find out; I got to get my mask that's on the ship." I told them when Chrysalis hears what's going when she came into the room where both of them are. "Just be careful honey." Pinky tells me over the radio. "You know I always do. 10-4." I tell her before putting the radio away. Chrysalis sees the radio and remembers everything that has happened to her in the past weeks and remembers seeing the sick ponies with those green glowing blood vanes seen earlier today. Luna walks into the room seeing the radio a well and remembers everything that's happened in the past two days. "Things have changed for the both us, has it Luna?" Chrysalis asks her friend. "You can say that again. I don't know how much more me and sister can take from what going on." She answers her question sounding tired. "Luna, do you remember the ponies we bring back from Baltimare?" She asks her making her wonder about the question, both Pinky, and Destiny wonder about it too. "Yes, I do remember them and I'm surprised that you or I came down with the same thing as the others." She answers her question. "Glowing blood vanes?" Pinky asks out loud. "What happened in Baltimare?" Destiney the both of them. "I don't have the honest answer but I answer it the best way that I can. When we were trying a way out of the city without getting attack from those creatures that around the survivors trying to get them as well us. Luna toke to the air to the city's train station the same train we have been using for the past day or so." Chrysalis tell them "Let me guess you and the others take to the underground tunnels that lead straight to the train station?" Destiny asks her. "Yes we did. Why you ask?" She asks her. "Think back was there something that they would have caught from being down there?" She asks her. "I don't think so." She answers her question. "Then it must be so small that even a trained eye can see without a telescope." She said thinking out loud. "Just like her father." Pinky thought to herself. Back on the ship. I see the security door that's on it has been unlocked and I pull my gun out and headed inside quickly making my way towards the bridge. There nothing out of space except for my pocket watch laying on the floor next to the table where I left it. I pick up the watch and put it in my clot pocket and thought to myself. "That doctor going as some answers for me when we meet again." I when to where I keep my mask for when I need it. I open crate underneath the table to see a black gas mask without the eye protection. With that what I need to see what's going on at the hospital; I hurried back as fast I can with no time to spare. Moments later, at the hospital The Doctor and Nurse Redheart still waiting for me when I got there with my mask. Both of them sees the mask I had with me; Doctor knows what it is from the way it looks. With everything ready to go we made our way towards the area of the hospital where those are showing systems being kelp at. We were stopped at a checkpoint where there are a few staff members there. "Excuse me you three can't go through without a mask on."A security member tells us. I take off my hat for a moment so I can put on the gas mask of mine. While Nurse Redheart and the Doctor out on standard medical masks. With everything ready to go to past the checkpoint the guard let us through into the restricted area and I was in a shock I never seen coming. From what I've seen is at least 25 ponies showing systems of something I've never seen before, with their blood vanes glowing a mixer of green and yellow. I see both Vinyl and Octavia with one of them wearing the same mask that Doctor and Nurse Redheart is wearing. "James, what are you doing here?" Octavia asks me seeing them with a gas mask on. "I'm about to find out Octavia." I answer her sounding a little off talking through the mask. "I don't see her." The doctor said out loud. "She must be where the tents are." Redheart said out loud opening another door leading outside but there's a tube made of clear plastic leading to tents covered with the same material as the tube around the tents. I see the both of them leading outside to clear tube to the tents outside. "Wait here with Vinyl until I know more about what's going on here." I tell her before following the others through the doors. I follow both of them through the tube to when and pulled the clover to the tent connected to the tube. Seeing a makeshift hospital where the rest of them are being kelp. Doctors see his friends and let her know we're here. "Derpy." He shouts across the room making her turn her head to see us leading towards her and Dinky; she is too wearing a mask as well. "Doctor. It about time you showed up." She tells him. "I'm sorry that I toke so long getting here, but I like you to meet someone from my past." He tells her before looking at me. "Who is he?" She asks him. "This is James Cribb." He answered her question. "Excuse me miss, I never meet him before in my life until today." I tell her. "You mean your past Doctor?" She asks him. "Yes, time travel is every messy to keep it straight." He answers her question. I see a doctor nearby wearing a mask as well and when to him to ask a few questions. "Damn it, everything I know about medicine and whatever this disease is and trying to find a cure." He said out loud in frustration. "Doc, maybe I can help?" I ask him. "What are you some kind of miracle worker." He answers my question before turning to me before going into a shock of seeing me falling off his chair in the process breathing heavy through the mask. "Calm down there buddy, I'm just here to help." I tell reaching out with my right hand towards him. "I never thought that I would see one in real life, until today." He tells me grabbing my hand with his hoof and getting back on his hooves. "What you mean?" I ask him. "I read about your kind back when I was a filly and I was told that you were mist and that they died long ago." He answers my question. " I never got your name doctor?" I ask him. "Yes, my name is Doctor Strongheart, or you can call me Strongheart if you want. What about you?" He answers my question with one his own. "James Cribb is my name." I answer him. "Well then with that out of that way, let get down to business. When they started to come in with systems?" I ask him. "It was slow at slow at first until a flood of them start coming in, but all I do know is that they were the ones from the train that came from Bailtmare from what they tell me." He answers my question. "Ok that a start, any of them died?" I ask him. "No pony as died let, that's the problem no pony has died or gotten worst from showing systems when they got here." He answers me. Dinky contention hasn't changed from earlier coming to the hospital. She opens her eyes to see her mom and the doctor there next to her. Turning to see me talking to Dr. Strongheart. "Who's that?" She asks her mother. "Someone the Doctor knows from his past and he's here to help." She answers her question. "Well Strongheart, Did you taken any blood samples?" I ask him "No we haven't done that from the flood of patients coming in with systems." He answers my question while I get the stuff I need for a blood sample. With a needle, tube, and other things I need in my hand walking to where Dinky and her folks are. Both Dr. Strongheart and Nurse Redheart followed me to where was heading grabbing a chair next to her on the other side of the bed and putting the stuff on an end table next to the bed. Dinky opens her eyes to face me with a little bit of fear going through her. "What's her name?" I ask the both Derpy and the Doctor. "Dinky Hooves." She answers my question before getting my attention back to Dinky. "Dinky can you hear me?" I ask her in a calm voice trying to calm her nerves a little. "Yes, I can hear you." She answers me. "Relax Dinky, I'm just going to take a blood sample." I tell her opening an alcohol wipe and rubbing it on a spot on her left front hoove; taking a stretchable cloth and wrapping it above where I rubbed the wipe at and making it tight making the vanes build up pressure around it. I grab the needle with a hose connected to it. "Dinky, you're going feel something like a pitch." I tell before putting the needle in. She felt a pitch like pain from the needle going in I rubbed the wipe at; blood starting coming out stopping at the other end. I grab the tube and connect it to the other end of the hose letting the blood flow through into the tube. Normally blood is dark red, but this time blood coming out is showing a mix of red, green, and yellow. Once the tube is full I disconnect it from the hose and put it on the table. "Strongheart, can you hand me that cotton ball." I ask him. after he hands me the cotton ball, I put it on top where the needle is and slowly pulled while holding some pressure until the bleeding stopped. I put the needle on the table and losing the cloth letting the build up pressure to release. A few minutes later I remove the cotton ball and put in a normal band-aid. "That wasn't so bad?" I ask her. "No, it wasn't and thank you for talking it through to me." She tells me trying her best to get lean up to give me a hug. "Rest now, we're going to find a way to make you and the other better." I tell her holding her hoove making her lay back down. I get on my feet and get the used up stuff as well the blood sample. Once the used stuff is put in the right place. "Strongheart, is there a lab where I study and test the blood sample?" I ask him. "Yes, we have a lab to find some kind of a cure." He tells me. "Where is it?" I ask him. "On the other side of the flap where you ran into me." He tells me. I quickly made my way to the lab with Strongheart, Nurse Redheart, and the Doctor following not too far behind. I look at the blood sample and before pulling the flap revealing the make shilf lab in front of me. "Well, this place is so well equipped." I said out loud beginning my work with the sample. "What are you doing?" Stronghart asks me getting a small needle and getting a little bit from the sample to get a closer look at what cause it to change like this. "Putting an amount of the sample under the scopes." I answer him continuing with what I'm doing. "You must have done this before?" He asks me. "Both yes and no." I answer him making confuse from that answer while taking the needle and putting the blood on a small clear piece of glass and open a door a scope. "What do mean yes and no?" He asks me trying to get right. "Yes, I've done this kind of testing where I'm from and no I haven't done it in a long time." I answer him hoping to clear things up. "It doesn't look like time as slow you down at all." he tells me as I turned on a light and a motor next to it slowing coming on before showing them a set of blood cells showing themselves in their new colors with every little red pigment on them. "The gear in this lab is older then what I have back in my lab. But it still works even some of the gear is in need of an upgrade to fight any new diseases and ailments that could pop up." I said out loud looking at the screen before hitting the zoom key on a keyboard next to it making the scope zoom closer at one of the cells. Again, again, I zoom closer on the cell trying to see something until I seeing something that looks like a virus. I zoom in one more time to get a better look and low and there it is; looking like spore from something that I don't know. "Wait a minute." I said out loud. "What?" The Doctor asks me as I when to grab something from the pocket inside my clot and pulling out another needle with a cap on it. All three of them sees what I have in my hand wondering what I'm about to do. I zoom back out and open the door on the scope I remove the cap and slowly twist the other end to one and aim it on the sample, I push the button releasing the serum on the sample and quickly closed the door and wait to see what will happen. Within seconds the serum starting to show results turning the blood from a greenish yellow to a dark red. "What is in that stuff?" Strongheart asks me. "Now then I have my secrets on what's in the serum but one or more has somehow is or made the cure for this. It was originally for my back when I was younger." I answer him undertaking the serum with me and going as fast I can to Dinky with the others following close behind. "Dinky?" I ask her by name making her to open her eyes and turn towards me. "Dinky, I'm going to give you a shot to make you feel better and it going to feel like a pitch again." I tell her twisting the other end of the needle as far it would before getting her the serum. Dinky felt a small pain from the needle going in the serum going into her body. Once the shot was done I did the same thing as before with a cotton ball when I was taking the blood sample from her just moments ago. I waited to see the serum work on her. Seconds later the glowing in her vanes starting going away. Her mother and the others around her see what going on as well. She lifts her right hoove seeing her blood vanes returning to normal. She quickly gave me a hug in thanks. "Thank you, Thank you." She tells me. "James, tell me that you have more this serum?" Srongheart asks me. "Yes I do, a lot more enough for everypony here." I answer him putting the used up needle on the table. "There's a problem is there?" He asks me. "Yes there is a problem. The rest of it is back at my place." I answer him. "Well, let's go get the rest." The Doctor said out loud. "The only way to get there is my ship. Because of the serum in a cooler back at my place." I said getting up from my chair getting the used needle and putting the cape back on and putting it back into my clot pocket before heading back with the Doctor and Nurse Redheart following me back to the main building. "I'll be back Strongheart." I tell him opening the flap to the tube. Once we are on the other side I see Vinyl and Octavia still at the bedside of somepony looking like Vinyl but a little older and a stallion. "Vinyl, Octavia." I call out to them getting their attention. "What is it, James?" Vinyl asks me with a cross look on her face. "Vinyl relax." Octavia tries to calm her friend down a little. "What is it James?" She asks me. "You see I have the cure, but it's back at the HQ and I'm going to need both of you to help me getting it on the ship." I tell them both, shocking Vinyl from what I just said. "Where's Lyra and Bon Bon at?" I ask them. "Oh, they when home to see if they still have a home after we landed." Vinyl tells me after calming down a little. "Dad I'll be back." She tells the pony in the bed gripping her hoove in return. Once everypony and myself get through the checkpoint and remove the mask we were wearing. "I just don't want to leave him behind." Vinyl said out loud. "Hey, he going ok." Octavia tells her lifting her spirits; while I pulled out the two-way radio. "Pinky, Destiny come in." I said over the radio. "Dad, what is it?" Destiny asks me. "Listen I need you, your mother, Luna, Celestia, and Chrysalis to be at the front of the hospital; I already got Vinyl, Octavia with me, as well the nurse and somepony calls himself the Doctor." I tell her. "We'll be there as fast we can." She tells me before putting the radio away on my belt. Back in Celestia room. Celestia is walking around again but it still hurts for her to move her wings. "It looks like your still grounded." Luna tells her sister. "That may be. But I got to do something about what going on outside and throughout Equestria." Celestia said out loud through the pain in her wings. When Destiny come walking in with Pinky following close behind. "Celestia, Luna; That was my dad on the radio and he wants not just but you two and Chrysalis." She tells them before noticing that Chrysalis is not in the room with them. "Where's Chrysalis?" She asks both of them. "I'm right here." Chrysalis said on the other side of the bathroom door in the room. "Well then." Destiny said out loud before rubbing her eyes. Once Chrysalis is out of the bathroom and the group made their way towards the front of the hospital where James and the others are waiting for us. "What kelp yea." I ask them. "It wasn't that long of a wait." Destiny tells me making me laugh a little. "Honey, why do are out here?" Pinky asks me. "Do you remember about my back years ago?" I ask her. "Yes, I do." She answers my question with a concerned tone in her voice. 'Well the medicine I've been using for my back is the cure for what going on where I was at." I tell her. "The glowing blood?" Destiny asks me. "Yes and the cure is the serum I been using for years." I answer her question. "Wait, Nurse Redheart you were with him is he telling the truth?" Celestia asks her. "Yes, he isn't lying. Me and a few others have seen it happened in front of our eyes." She answers her question. When two more ponies made their way towards us. "Lyra, Bon Bon; glad to see both of you to join us." I tell them. "I know both of you when to see if you still have a home." I said out loud. "It a good thing that we still have a home to go too." Lyra tells me. "It just suffered major damage from the storm that hit yesterday." Bon Bon tells me. "Now with everypony here, we need to get to the ship." I tell the group. Moments later at the train station "The size is something else, when you're up close to it." Celestia said out loud looking at the strange looking ship in front of her. "That she is." I tell her as I made my way to the door and unlocking it. Once everypony is aboard me, Celestia, and the Doctor made our way to the bridge. "It going to get a little loud." I said flipping some switches on the control panel. "Why did you say that?" Celestia asks me notice screens and lights coming on and I grab a key from my clot pocket and putting into an ignition switch and turn it making all kind of noise from other parts of the ship scaring nearly everypony but Pinky and Destiny after gotten used to the noise by now. I look over to one of the screens notice the power level is rising once the noise from the engine dies-down from starting up. "Here we go." I said pushing a few leavers on the other side of the control panel making the electricity to the panels underneath the ship itself making take off the ground lifting 40 tons of steel of the ground into the air. I hit a button recalling the landing gear and turned the ship to a North-East direction to the bunker and home of the new Silenzers HQ. Meanwhile in another part of the ship. Luna looks out the window seeing the ground below and begins to think about what this bunker looks like. Chrysalis wonder about this too never seen it before even after James help her from near death from what felt like a long time ago. Then the ship is a safe distance away from Ponyville; The ship starts made more noise from the back of the ship. Then a jolt nearly knocks Celestia, Luna, Chrysalis, and the Doctor of their hooves. While every pony else didn't even feel it. "First time Luna?" Destiny asks her helping her to get back on her hooves. "Yes, it is; and that was some jolt?" She tells her getting on her hooves again before looking out the window; seeing the land of Equestria pasting by going faster than anything she had seen before. "That is impossible?" She thought to herself seeing the speed that the ship is going. Back on the Bridge "We'll be there in a half an hour." I said out loud going over the power levels and showing at 85% on the screen. "Doctor, may I ask where and when did we meet the first time?" I ask him. "Well James, it was during the Time War when we meet for the first time and as for where it was Gallifrey. The Daleks were about to make their first of many attacks on Gallifrey sents the war has begun. As for me, it was after I regenerated and stopped calling myself the Doctor." He tells me. "Let me guess, I acted just you did back at the hospital?" I ask him. "No, you were very subtle when we first meet really showing your poker face there. It wasn't until you use elemental powers on some Daleks that was attacking near us and a group of soldiers. Shocking me, the rest of the and the whole Gallifreyan army." He tells me. "So what's bring you to find me?" I ask him. "First, it was your face then it was that pocket watch you keep with you." He tells making me to take out the pocket watch from my pocket. "Why did this made you remember me and come looking for me?" I ask him holding the watch in my hand. "It's the symbol on the back made me remember what you did from that day and you made that watch of yours to make me remember when I see both you and that watch again." He tells me. "Hum, I'm going to have to remind myself when I meet that version of you." I said out loud thinking out loud. "You will James." He tells me. Moments later. "We'll here." I said over the intercome slowing down the ship to an open field in the middle of nowhere. But the only thing is there is a giant balloon laying there like the ones used on the zeppelins airships in Canterlot and throughout Equestria. "Where's the bunker?" Luna thinking out loud before seeing the field begin to move and shake a little. Lights begin to flash as the ground open up revealing what lays beneath. "Impossible." Luna said in shock seeing what going in front of her eyes. The ground continues to shake and move below the ship as I get the landing gear down and slowly bringing it down into the landing bay of the base. "That it, nice and slow." I said out loud steering the ship into place once the doors open all the way. The panels at the bottom changes its position for a smooth landing. The ship shakes a little bit from the landing on it landing gear taking the weight of the 40-ton airship. The doors begin to close after we landed and the engine shut down and the ramps and cargo hack lowering them self. Lights for the cargo hack came on lighting the steel and concrete floor below. I get the two-way radio and change the channel to the one we used for a long time. "Agent, meet me and the others at the freezer." I said over the radio. "You got boss." He tells me as I leave the bridge with Celestia and the Doctor following close behind. Once everypony is off the ship and the door finally closed lights quickly came on showing how big is the hanger really is. The ship only tokes a quarter of the place leaving a lot left for more of them and other kinds of machines being covered with tarps. "There's one thing I don't get is, how did you get this place built and keep it secret for so long?" Celestia asks me. "Sorry princess, there some things that must be kelp under wraps." I answer her question opening a set of steel door going deeper into the base. Until we reach the archives and trophy room where the dangerous items for being kelp. When I door the double door into the room those seeing for the first were in shock from seeing what in there. The doctor sees something that he recognizes all too well. "Is that." He thought to himself running towards the blue box with the words police call box on the top in white letters on a black background. "I'm guessing she your Doctor?" I ask him. "Yes she is. It my Tardis; I thought I would never see you again." He said out loud kissing before trying to open the door coming to out its lock. "Oh, I forgot about the key needed to open it." He said out loud reaching for something around his neck. "Here we go." He said out loud putting the key into the keyhole and turn the key and gave it a small push. But it didn't open it just made the door shank a little. "No, no, no; Don't do this to me." He said out loud getting frustrated from trying to get the door. "Here let me try." I tell him. "Sure, maybe you have better luck than me." He tells me handing me a brass key. I quickly put the key back into the keyhole and turn the key making the locks unlock themselves and the door open a little. The Doctor sees the door to his Tardis open in front of me. "Impossible?" He said thinking out loud and questioning way it open to him and not to me. I fully open the door to see what's inside. It was dark at first until the lights inside came on; showing a huge room with a steel platform with a steel grate for the floor making floor see through to the floor below. In front of me is some kind of control console with six sections with different items on it from a typewriter and keyboard from a Commodore 64. Well, other stuff were levers and switches from a car radio, a throttle control from a passenger jet, and a shifter from a manual transmission with the numbers 1-6 and a letter R on a white ball with black letters. Two 22' monitors are at the bass above the console with grip handles on both sides of them. A tower is coming from the console reaching the top of the room with a blue hue inside a clear glass tube. The walls of the room are made from the same as the platform and the console with orange circular things on the walls a the same level above the Tardis doors. From what I can see is at least eight of them. The Doctor and the others came in after me, while I see in wonder from seeing this for the first time ever. "Incredible." Is all I could say. "Well that the first I anyone ever said." The Doctor tells me until Octavia said something he heard many times before. "It's bigger in the inside." "There we go, someone said it; in this case somepony said it." He said out loud making his way to the console. "Now I got to find out the way the Tardis door didn't open for you instead of me." He said getting on commodore keyboard trying to type with hooves to run a scan the Tardis systems. Seconds later the scan detected something deep within the control console alerting the Doctor and me to see what showed up on screen. "That strange there something inside the console." He said out before heading the lower level underneath the console; I follow him to where he is heading when to open up a panel revealing more tech and wires. "Well, well, well; what do we have here." He said to see something that wasn't exposed to be there and pulled it out looking like a hockey puck with a speaker inside there's a wire connected to it as well. The Doctor unplugs from where it was connected to showing the plug is a USB plug. "Does this look for familiar to you?" He asks me handing me the device. "Let me see." Getting a better look at it. Then hit me it wasn't just an ordinary speaker. It was both a storage device and a Bluetooth speaker. I when back to the console while the Doctor closes the panel and follow me as fast he can. Pinky and the others see me with the strange device in my hand. "What that?" Destiny asks me as making me to the console and plugging into USB slot next to the Commodore 64 making the screen change showing what's on the device. The screen goes black at first, then the Silenzers logo flashes on the screen for a few seconds then a menu list pops up. I click on one of the icon's labels with the name countdown. The only thing showing a double zero in red colors. "Strange." I thought to look at the countdown before closing it and opening another menu reading messages and the only thing in there is one video file with no title. So I click on it making the video file pop up on both screens and beginning to play. There was nothing at first only background noise of fighting going on outside. Then the picture comes in showing white circles on walls and what looks like store ports made out of some kind of rock. Then I see myself wearing an outfit I haven't worn in years. "Hello is this thing on?" I ask out loud tipping the what could be a camera making the picture flicker a little showing white streaks go across the screen. "There we go. Hello Doctor, Pinky, Destiny, and my younger self. As well other lifeforms that's there watching this. I know you all have a lot of questions and I don't have a lot of time to answer them right now. All you need to know is that countdown is for your generations Doctor and this device is for your Tardis so that both you and her can get through both worlds without getting void particles on both of you to the world you are in right now if my calculations are right you both are in Equestria at the Silenzers headquarters aka the bunker." My older self said in the video. "Yea, that was a rough landing." The Doctor said rubbing the back of his neck a little. "First off, if the Tardis takes off after your regeneration into the form you are now. I'm sorry about that for the long wait of getting this message and thank God that both of your paths cross later then I thought or even remember for as old as I am. By the way James; you're a lot older then you look from what I can remember when I got the same message you are getting now. I'm guessing you must be pushing towards your 60's. Well, your real age is over 50,000 years old." The older self tells me nearly shocking about my real age. I wasn't the only one shock from hearing the message. Celesta and Luna were shocked the most out of the group from hearing my real age. As for the Doctor his shock but not really. "How come, he is that old and not be a timelord?" The Doctor thought to himself. "One more thing, before I go. Destiny your time will come sooner then you might think." My older self said before the video ends making the screen go black and close to the main menu. "Well, that answers my question on way my Tardis take off after I step out of it for a few minutes after I regenerate." The Doctor said out loud as I unplug the device from the console making a strange sound after I unplug it before the sounds of bells going off. "That doesn't sound good?" Lyra said loud from all the noise coming from inside the Tardis scaring everypony and myself included. "That a cloister bell." The Doctor said getting on console trying to make the bells stop. But they keep getting louder and louder soon more cloister bells going off sound going one after another for what felt like forever. Then the bells stopped making everypony think that it's over before more noise sounding like it trying to take off before shutting down sending sparks from the console and control panels. The light around also starting to sparking and blowing those bubs that around the control room of the Tardis. "Come on baby. Why are you acting like this?!" The Doctor said talking to his Tardis as both screens start to flicker in and out of the picture. "James, plug that speaker back in!" He shouts at me so I can hear him from the noise the Tardis is making. I get on the console and quickly plug back in the device into the console. Making everything clam down inside the Tardis. "What in Tartarus was that?" Chrysalis ask out loud getting back on her hooves from taking over from what just happen. "I don't have the faintest idea." The doctor answers her question wonder about that himself. "Doctor, how long was it from the last time we meet?" I ask him. "I lost track how many years but regenerations. Well, that was; eight generations now." He answers me. "I thinking that my device and your Tardis are more connected then." I tell him. "You mean, it now part of the Tardis from being underneath the console even after the changes she when through." He said out loud going like a million miles per hour from the revelation. "Excuse me. but are we getting sidetrack being in here." Bon Bon said out loud making the both of us get our mind on what we came here for. "She's right, we both got side track here. Don't worry Doctor, she'll be save here at the bunker." I tell him rubbing the glass tube above the console. "If you say so James." He tells me as every pony else leaves the Tardis. "Relax Doctor, as long it still locks and no one removes the device from the console. It will be." I tell handing him the Tardis key as we made our way out of the doors of the Tardis. I closed the door before hearing the door lock itself without the key. "Automatic locks, interesting." I said out loud wondering about that for a few seconds before changing my train of thought to the way we came here in the first place. Moments later "Here we are." I said out loud at a set of elevators. "What an elevator?" Lyra ask me "You mean a lift?" The Doctor said question from what Lyra ask me. "It the same thing, it just the chose of words." I said hitting the button calling the elevator seeing that bigger than a standard for passengers. "A cargo lift." The doctor said out loud getting inside the elevator with everypony following behind with myself being the last one to get inside before the doors close. I hit one of the buttons on the control panel next to the doors. The button with the number -17 lights up after I hit the button. The elevator starts to move with a small jolt to start moving to the lower levels of the bunker. > Chapter 38 The Cure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The elevator jolts a little slowing itself to come to a full stop at the -17 floor. Once we arrived at the floor the doors open show a hallway with walls made out of steel and the floor made out of concrete. Once everypony is off, I lead the way to the freezer where the medicine is located. Minutes later there are set of double doors made from wood and four flag polls on both sides of the doors. One of them as the Equestrian flag. But this flag doesn’t look like the one they seen many times before. This flag is a more rectangular shape in the design but everything that on the other flag is this there from the seal of the two sisters and the stars around the seal. “What is an Equestrian flag doing here?” Bon Bon thought to herself before seeing the other three flags. One of them is silver for the base and background. There’s a wheel in the middle looking like it’s still in motion. The colors are purple and white. I know what that flag means to me. The second one is different from the others. Because it, as three colors make up its design and those colors, are red, white, and blue. The red and white are made into stripes 5 each going one after another. The blue is on the upper left or right dep ins on which way you're looking at it. It’s a square with a white star taking up most of the square. The last flag is very different from the other three. Because the background is black with the ten strange symbols that they have seen so far and the ones that let to be seen with a gray wheel that only Celestia and Luna as seen before on the Piece of Omega. “James, what is behind this door?” Luna asks me. “That room isn’t ready yet.” I answer her question making Celestia think to herself. “How big is this place.” Celestia thought to herself. Before the group made our way to the freezer. Moments later. The group arrived at the freezer where Agent Undercover is waiting on us. There’s a door looking more like a bank vault than a freezer, tans standing 4 to 6 ft high with coolant and liquid nitrogen on them connected to the room. “Boss what kelp you?” He asks me. “You remember the blue box in the archives?” I answer his question with one of my own. “Yes, why do you ask?” He asks me. “Well, we found the owner.” I tell him. “Well then; Way are we at the freezer again?” He asks me. “We need access to the serum.” I answer him taking a set of keys from my pocket and open and lock box next to the door and pulling out two keys thicker then I have on me and handing one of the keys to him. He when to the other side of the vault and a keyhole and put it in. I do the same on my end. “On my mark, three, two, one, mark.” I said out loud making both of us turn our keys at the same time make a keypad pop up on my end and palm scanner. I put in the code and put my right hand on the scanner; the scanner slowly scans my hand before making the locks and hitches undid themselves. I turn the knob and pull making the cold air come out and what looks like fog to come out as well hitting the floor as I open the door. I when inside Celestia and Luna follow me into the fog bank. Inside there is shelf upon shelf filled with metal crates; each one weighing at least 50 pounds. Luna can fell the cold car going through her thanks to the fans going inside on the roof. “James, how cold do you keep in here?” She asks me as I pull one of the creates. “At least -25oC.” I answer her opening the create and pull out one of the needles. “Is that it?” Celestia asks me seeing the needle in my hand. “Yelp, this is it.” I answer getting a closer look at it when everypony else came through the fog bank. I put the needle back into its slot and close the create. “Agent, can you bring some platforms?” I ask him. “Sure boss.” He answers left to get the platforms to load the creates on too. Everypony else walk inside for does seeing this for the first time and feeling cold air hitting them. “I should have remembered my jacket.” Octavia said out loud feeling go through her like a blade. “I know how you feel Tavi.” Vinyl tells her felling the same thing going through her. Seconds later Agent came back with four platforms to load the creates on. “Now, I need to concentrate.” I said getting myself ready for the task at hand; I close my eyes and clear my mind of all thoughts making the mark on the side of my neck starting to glow as well both my hand. Creates on the shelves start to move on their own onto the platforms next to me. Those see this for the first time are in a state of shock seeing those creates weighting 50 pounds flying through the air without the use of magic. “How is possible, that he using magic?” Celestia thought to herself seeing what going in front of her eyes. “THAT IS SO AMSOME!” Vinyl said at the top of her lungs seeing the creates flying through the cold air before landing on the platforms next to me. Moments later with the platforms loaded more than enough medicine for everypony in Ponyville with each one weighing nearly 200 pounds. I open my eyes again letting out a deep breath as well the used up energy of my elemental powers to die down. Agent, Destiny, Pinky, and myself push the loaded platform into the hallway with everypony else following close behind escaping the cold air from the freezer. I stopped my platform feeling my back where the old rods are starting to hurt. It feels like I'd been shot in the back with a 22 caliber bullet. I when over to close the freezer door feeling the pain get to me as I close the door and lock it up. Destiny and Pinky can see the pain I going through and Destiny abandons her platform to try to help me. “Dad, you’re alright?” She asks me. “No, I’m not.” I answer her. “How bad is it?” She asks me again growing concern about it. “Right now, it feels like been shot with a 22 caliber from a handgun next to my back.” I answer her question making jump action opening one the creates and get one of the needles as I when to sit down with Nurse Redheart help on the floor next to the platform she is at. She opens the cap of the needle and twists the other end to the full dose. “Destiny don’t.” I try my best to tell through the pain. “Dad, I know what I’m doing.” She tells me sticking the needle the side of my neck; letting the serum go into the bloodstream getting to where it needed the most. Destiny pops the cap back on the needle and put it in a nearby bean. “How are you feeling?” Redheart asks me. “There something wrong; the serum is taking longer than normally would.” I answer trying to getting up from the pain before falling back down to the floor trying to get a hold of the nearest thing which is a platform. “DAD!” Destiny shouted trying to catch me with Nurse Redheart help. I was breathing heavy by this point. Pinky can see that I’m not doing alright it was like the first time when she and her friends seen this happen. I get a hold myself to at else try to talk. “Vinyl, Lyra you’re going have to push the platforms with I wouldn’t be able to with the way my back is hurting and Destiny is going to have to help me to get back on my feet.” I the both of them, making them use their magic on the platforms making them feel very light like it didn’t weigh anything at all. “Pinky, I need you, Agent, Lyra to go on ahead.” I tell them making Pinky worry about my well being. “Honey?” she tries to ask me before I cut her off. “Go, the elevator can’t take all of us and the cargo at once.” I tell her. Seconds later the three of them with their platforms made their way to the elevator as the slowly made our way there. Destiny takes my right arm and throws it over her head with Nurse Redheart helping her out the other side of me. Vinyl uses her magic on her platform and Bon Bon wounder way unicorn magic can lift or move something as heavy those platforms. “Vinyl?” Bon Bon asks her. “Yes.” Vinyl respond. “I always wonder that this from the power of unicorn magic and why you and Lyra are not having problems pushing them?” She asks her friend. “I’m guessing, I got used to when I first start using it when I was a filly.” She answers to her friend. “Let me see if I can push it? Bon Bon asks her friend making Vinyl to let go of the platform so her friend to have a go at it. Bon Bon gets behind the platform putting her front legs on the platform and give a push slowly making the wheels turns. “Oh sweet Celestia, this weights as much as you said it does.” She tells me. “I told you aren’t light.” I tell her making stop trying to push and Vinyl take over again. Moments later at the elevator. Pinky is standing there waiting on shocking me because her platform is still there with her; when we got there. “Pinky, what are you doing?” I ask her. “Just I told you. I’m not leaving you. Plus, we’ll go to hell and back for each other.” She answers my question. “I remember that; because it was in our wedding vows.” I tell her about making her kiss me. “We already did.” She tells me breaking the kiss. “They must really love each other to put that in their wedding vows?” Chrysalis thought to herself seeing the love going in front of her. “Where’s Agent and Lyra?” I ask Pinky. “They when on ahead.” She quickly answers me before hitting the button to call the elevator. “Good.” I said taking a deep breath. Once the elevator doors open and the platforms as well everypony else on board; me, Destiny, and Nurse Redheart were the last ones left to get on. “Put me here.” I tell them putting me next to the controls leaning me on the wall. Once the elevator starts to move I begin to feel sick to my stomach and barf something that even shocks me; what came was strange looking energy with a purple hue to it. “Well, that never happen before.” I Said out loud seeing the energy slowly when away. The doctor sees this and he knows about to happen and thought to himself. “He going to regenerate. But it every different then I do it. Must be that element he gotten years ago in his timeline.” He thought to him as I barf up more of that strange energy. “James, what’s going on?” Luna asks me I get a hold of myself to answer her. “I don’t know, but it feels like I’m dying and the Storm element is trying to keep me alive; I guessing.” I said trying to catch my breath making me to remove my sunglasses and open my eyes shocking Pinky and Destiny. Because for my whole life were green. From what both of them seeing can only be impossible. I over to one of the tiny mirrors next to the control panel; I see that my eye color is changing from green to purple. Elsewhere in the bunker. Agent and Lyra are making their way through the archives when Lyra begins to wonder why did he joined the order and way James fall into this. “Agent.” Lyra calls his name. “Yes.” He replays. “I wonder when you meet James and way you joined the Silenzers?” She asks him, making him stop and a deep breath before pulling out an old photo with himself stand next to a young mare and a filly. The mare has a tan colt color with light brown color for her mane and tail. There’s red bands near the end of her mane and tail. Her cutie mark has a heart with a baby bottle in front of it. The stale of the mark is unique at least from the way the photo has been taken. The filly is a colt with dark brown color for his colt and his mane and tail color is more of an orange and red color; there’s a green and white hat with a plastic propeller blade in a light purple shade. From the time of the photo was taken he hasn’t gotten his cutie mark yet. “What happen?” She asks him making him to take a deep breath before answering her. “I was trying my best for them. But I was a crook and a thief. But I was also a cop for the Manehatten Police Department. One of my undercover jobs when south and I died in the process. That when I meet James, I don’t know what he did to me; but I was declared to everypony that knows me even my wife and son. That only pony knows that I’m back from the dead is the pony over the morgue. Not long after that day, I found out that they have moved to Ponyville and I still sent them money every month to take care of them even in the shadows; James pay me really well so I can do that. All that I can say is that without James I don’t know what could happen to them after that day.” He tells her the story. She gets a better look at the photo and remembers seeing them in Ponyville from time to time when I go to play my Lyra in the center of town next to the fountain in the afternoon when school let out; before she gives the photo back to him. “I’m betting it wasn’t easy for you, with you being dead and all?” She asks him. “It wasn’t at first until I got used to it and I can still support them in the shadows.” He answers her putting the photo my into the inside of his slut jacket before noticing the strange looking cloud coming from the direction of the elevator; making Lyra notice it as well. So they made their way to the ship still seeing the strange purple fog coming towards them as Agent lowers the cargo bay loading bay. Then the other came through the fog to the ship. “There she is.” I thought to myself before barfing up more purple energy. “The Marlow.” I finish my train of thought. “Boss, are you alright?” Agent asks seeing me without sunglasses for one of the rare times he has seen me, then he see the color of my eyes has changed as well. “I’m alright as far I can tell.” I answer him before barfing more of that energy. “Just get the platforms load.” I finish my train of thought as he, Pinky, Lyra, and Vinyl getting the Marlow load. Destiny and Nurse Redheart help me on board to the bridge. Moments later. I’m sitting on the captain chair next to the controls; when I hear Agent on the Radio “Boss, you’re ready to go.” He tells me. “Good, I would like you to come with us; but with our guest here and the bunker is needed someone to be here.” I tell him. “You got it, Boss.” He tells me before putting away the radio back on my belt. Once everypony is aboard. Destiny and Pinky came to the bridge to see how I’m doing. “How you doing, honey?” Pinky ask me putting her hoof on my right shoulder. “It still there, but not as bad has it was. Has for the energy it has stopped for now. But I don’t know for how long.” I answer her putting my left hand on her hoof making her calming her nerves a little. “Destiny.” I called her. “Yes, dad.” She answers me. “I won't be able to pilot the ship back to Ponyville and I need you to pilot the ship for me.” I tell her nearly shocking her in the process. “Are you sure I’m ready for that?” She asks me. “I know you are. I show you.” I answer her handing her the key. Destiny made her way to the controls and the ship steering wheel. Getting the grip of the ship. “Now Destiny, take the key and put in the ignition switch.” I tell making taking the key I gave to her, putting the ignition and turning it making the engine turn over making a lot of noise from the engine bay. The control panel lights came on as well the screens. “Destiny you see the screen showing the power level?” I ask her making her to look at one of the screens showing the power level showing of 83% and four bars quickly rising. “Yes, I do.” She answers me. “You see four bars going up?” I ask her. “Yes, I do.” She answers me wonder what going on. “The bars are the power levels to the panels and they need to charge up to get this ship off the ground.” I tell her the reason for that. Seconds later all four bars are full. “Now you see the throttle?” I ask her making to see two leavers made out of stainless steel and there are black balls on the end; attached to a box made out of the same material as the leavers next to the steering wheel. “I see it.” She answers me. “There’s a switch next to it.” I tell her making her putting her hand on it and turn it to it to the right making more noise throughout the ship sending the electricity to the panels making one of the screens showing the panels go from red to green. “You need to open the hanger doors. There’s a green button next to the throttle.” I tell her making her push the button making the lights and a lot of noise from outside the ship. Slowly the door showing the still darken ski above us. “Now slowly open the throttle.” I tell her, making her to grab the two leavers and push them forward a little making the 40-ton airship off the concrete floor sending electricity to the nearby walls to keep it from making contact with as it taking off. Slowly the ship made its way through the hanger doors seeing the open field as it gets higher and higher off the ground. “Destiny the leaver for the landing gear is on the other side of the wheel.” I tell her making her to grab the only leaver their and push it up making the landing gear recall itself into the ship. “You see the compass in front of the wheel?” I ask her. “Yes, I do.” She answers me showing the ship currently pointing NE on it. “The ship heading need to be SW towards Ponyville.” I tell her making her to turn the ship to the right heading as the ship climb higher above the trees. With ship pointing the right direction. “Now before you fully open the throttle you see the red button next to it?” I ask her. “Yes, I do. Is that the hyperdrive?” She asks me. “Yes, it is. Now open the throttle and push the button.” I tell making her to push both of the leavers forward and quickly push the button making the ship breast itself for hypersonic speed. Then one quick jolt the ship is in hypersonic speed seeing the ground below passing on the way. “We’ll be there in a half an hour.” I said out loud padding her back a little. Elsewhere on the ship. Lyra is the lounge where the others are looking out of the window thinking about what Agent told her. Bon Bon sees her friend looking out the window and knows there’s something on her mind. “Lyra, what’s on your mind?” She asks her friend making her loose her train of thought for a second. “I was thinking about the agent and way James came to him in the first place?” She answers friend. “You remember the mare and her son that lives nears Twilight old home before she got her castle?” She asks her. “Somewhat, I do see them from time to time at Sugar Cube Corner.” Bon Bon answers her with a confused look on her face. “Well, she married to him and the kid is his as well.” She tells her. “What happen?” She asks. “From what he told me, there was an undercover job wrong and he was declared dead for only two days. When James found him.” She answers her question. “Funny thing is that, how can he pay for all of the stuff and support them at the same time?” Question the story her friend told her. “You see James pay him more than enough to do, the only problem is that he has to do it in the shadows.” Lyra answers her friend. “Well, that would make a scent for him dead on paper.” She said out loud. The doctor is thinking about what he saw back there in the elevator and try to get his head around about what I said about the element trying to keep him alive. But also remembering when he met my older self using his powers on 100 thousand Daleks at once and when one of them fired at him; the beam just bounced off. Thinking Dalek just missed fired at him again and bouncing off hitting nearby rocks making all of them scared out of their minds. Before asking him. “WHAT ARE YOU?! The Dalek that just fires at him. “My name is James Cribb and you just made the biggest mistake in your life.” He answers the tin can on wheels making it look up seeing the dark ski filling with storm clouds making all them feel of fear going through them before seeing a bolt of purple lighting hit me showing what I really am. Once the lightning bolt hit him all I saw was a flash then. Standing there was him with both of his glowing purple hue and spark of the lighting coming from them. There was something else as well glowing on the side of his neck glowing the same color as his hands. He removes his sunglasses and opens his eyes to see eyes were glowing purple as well. “EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!” The Dalek shouted before firing its weapon at him again. Witch it hit but there’s no damage like he absorbed the blast. Scaring all 100 thousand of them making all of them fire on him absorbing all of their firepower before giving up. “My turn.” He said before shooting up his hand releasing all the power back at them through a series of lighting bolts hitting every single one of them; making all of them scream in pain before blowing up in a series of fireballs leaving only burning metal behind. Shocking myself and other time lords that were there on that day. Before coming out of his train of thought by Luna. “Hard to believe, isn’t it?” She asks him. “Even for me.” He answers her. “I never would have suspected at James would be that old from the way he looks.” She said out loud. “I know what you mean Luna.” He repays to her remark. Celestia is look out the window wondering what his world would have looked like from the stories that she and her sister read on his people when they were younger and feeling like something was missing in her life; maybe a past life or something like that. Vinyl and Octavia still trying to wrap their heads around with what happened to them in the past two with Vinyl using her magic to hold up the weapon that she used earlier today and remembering what James told her. “How come I design this and make some much damage like my bass canon would?” She thought to herself. While Octavia is wondering about her parents that were in Canterlot when the quake happened. As for Chrysalis remembering the time that they saved her life from death. She was flying above a forest 50 miles from Manehatten. After flying for days from losing her kingdom and home for what felt like a lifetime. She was losing strength of non-stop flying causing her to crash into the forest below and being knockout from the impact. When she came around she sees a small campfire going in the night sky above her before seeing a figure that she has seen before. “You!” She said out loud trying to get up before falling back down getting the attention of the figure which was Pinky Pie but an older version of her. “Good you’re awake I’ll him know.” Pinky tells her before leaving heading to a nearby tent set up. “Good to see you finally came around.” A voice calls out to her making her to set up seeing who or what just called out to her. When she saw who called out to her to see a creature she never has seen before walking towards her standing on two feet with a pale color to its skin have a dark brown hair with a graying beard. Wearing a tan color cargo pants with a white button-up shirt and a dark brown clot and a pair of tan boots. That wasn’t the only thing on his face were a pair of sunglasses reflecting the light from the campfire off of them and a dark brown hat on top of his head. “What are you?” She asks the creature. “I’m a human from a different world and time.” It answers her question before sitting down on a nearby log before continuing with his train of thought. “My name James Cribb, as well.” Telling her finishing his thought. “What happen?” She asks both of them. “From the time we found you; you were knocking on death doorstep and we couldn’t move you very far from where you crash that way we set up camp right here.” I answer her question; when a metal cart on wheels made from metal and rubber pulls up with lights coming from the front. “Good she here.” I said out loud getting up as the sound coming from the metal beast stopped in its track then the lights turn off; before the door on the right side from the where she is sitting, seeing another creature different than anything seen so far. The creature looked like a mix of pony and human, but female no doubt about it; with gray clot or skin but it had a tail of a pony with the same color as it hair on top it’s head which was black from what she could see with the only light was from the campfire. She was wearing clothes like James is; but different from he was wearing at in color, from light blue, purple and white. “Did you bring the stuff?” I ask the creature. “Of cure, dad.” It said answer him opening the back of the metal cart pulling a brown bag and making my way back to the campfire. “You was very lucky that Destiny saw you crash and came to both of us to help you.” I tell her opening the bag and pull out a metal thermos; begin to open and pouring something into the other end that looks like a cup, before handing it to her. “Drink it.” I tell her making her to use her magic to lift the cup from my hand and slip it feeling the warm drink go down her throat. “What is that?” She asks me. “Sweet tea, my own recipe.” I answer her question making her drink a little bit more of it. “How long were you flying?” I asked her getting something out of the bag. “Days, why you ask?” She answers me with a question of her own. “Well, that one out of the way; when was last time you eat?” I asked her still trying to find whatever I need in the bag and thing to myself. “Where is it?” “Weeks, maybe months.” She answers me slipping on more of her drink. “Well, that would do it.” I tell her wondering what I’m talking about. “You see flying for that long without sleep and not eating for that long as you said. It would be only a matter of time until your body gives way forcing you to stop in your tracks, even if your will is strong to keep going.” I telling pulling a small metal box from the bag and open it revealing a small glass bottle and a needle shocking her seeing what in the box. “Relax Chrysalis, this will help you in the end.” I tell her shocking her even more about how I knew her name getting the needle pulling the orange cape off and grabbing the bottle. Getting an alcohol swab and wipe it on top of the bottle and the needle before getting the needle ready. Seeing the needle shows what inside the bottle showing a green color going into the needle. “How do you know my name?” She asks me before I could answer her Pinky jumped in for me. “I told him.” Answering her question; as I take the same swab on her hoof where I plan to implant the shout. “This will feel like a bee sting for a second.” I tell her before sticking the needle into her making her feel the pain for only a second then feeling the shot going into her body. She feels that shout every time remembering that event. If she knew back then what she knew now; she would never let him give her that shot in the first place. But she never thought that shot would have saved her life. So trying to think about how to pay them back for everything that they had done to her. 25 minutes later Both me and Destiny were still on the bridge getting ready for our arrival in Ponyville. I look over to screen showing the power level is at 79%. “Fifth teen years has been good you Marlow.” I thought to myself feeling the controls in my hands; before Destiny broke my train of thought reliving the first years after construction was completed of two years of hard work and paining. Pinky was their during its construction seeing the 40-ton airship slowly coming together. As for Destiny, she was too young to remember seeing coming together, but she remembers the first time that she and her father were heading to Ponyville to see Twilight and current Captain of the Wonder Bolts, Rainbow Dash for something that she can’t remember at the time. Seeing the ground go so fast underneath the ship while in the lobby with her mother. “Here we are Ponyville.” I said out loud as Destiny turns off the hyperdrive seeing the remains of Ponyville within only a few hundred yards away. > Chapter 39 Into A Mind Of A Mad Man > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- James’s ship slowly made into clearing in front of the hospital with Destiny behind the wheel. The nearby grass and butches next are moving from the wind coming from the panels underneath the ship itself as Destiny lowers the landing gear letting the 40-ton airship rest its weight on its own landing gear and the ground below. “We don’t have a lot of time.” I said getting off the chair still feeling the pain in my back from earlier today; making it hard to move my right arm. While Destiny powers down the ship and opens the cargo bay doors, when she notices that I was opening the door with my left hand in stand of my right. “Mom, didn’t you see that?” She asks her mother after I left the room. “What?” She answers her in confusing. “Whatever going on with Dad; it starting to make me worry about him now.” She answers her mother. “Why that honey?” Pinky asks her looking a little concern about what she just said. “Didn’t you see that?” Destiny asks her mother; which she nodded no back to her. “He used his left hand in stand of his right.” She tells her mother. “It’s best for us to go with him to make sure he doesn’t make things worst.” Pinky tells her daughter opening the door. Both of them quickly made their way to the cargo bay seeing some of the hospital stuff is aboard getting heavy creates that been loaded on the platforms off the ship into the building. Then they see me there talking to Nurse Redheart. “Are you sure you’re alright; we check you out to see if something we can do?” She asks me. “I’m alright Nurse, it just taking longer for the serum to work.” I answer her. Both of them knows something is wrong with me, but they don’t know what? When I when to check on how the unloading is going. Both of them when to see Nurse Redheart. “Nurse Redheart.” Destiny calls out to her getting her attention. “Yes, what is it?” She asks her. “What did he say to you?” She asks her. “I ask him if he alright; but he told me that he is right and the serum is taking longer to work. Is what he told me.” Redheart tells them both. “Why is something wrong?” She asks them. “Listen Redheart, I know you just melt my dad, but I knew him all my life and I can tell something wrong with him even from a distance.” Destiny tells her. “Why what happened?” Red asked her wondering what she has seen. “Back o the bridge as he was leaving I notice that he was using is lift arm in stand of his right.” Destiny answering her question. “Now I know I only knew you three just yesterday and I notice something while I was talking with your father.” Nurse tells her making throw a shocked look on her face. What?” Both of them said in unison wondering what she has seen. “Well, I’ve seen that his right arm was close to his chest and that he was sweating during our little chat. I something like this before, but I’m not 100% sure; that it could be a heart attack.” Nurse Redheart tells them both. “Come on then; what the holdup?” I said out loud, as I overseeing the last of the creates are being loaded. I feel the pain in my back moving to my chest and making very difficult moving my right arm, reaching for the cigar in my clot pocket as well my lighter in another. Putting in my mouth and light up it up; when I begin to feel light headed making lose my balance. I fell to my knees then to the right side dropping the cigar and making my hat fall of as well making I roll a few feet. Destiny, Pinky, and Nurse Redheart see me falling and came running towards me. I could barely keep myself awake when I hear Destiny something in a panic. “Dad, no, no, no, no, no.” She said in a panic rolling me to my back. As Pinky only saw me in this state when we first meet 20 years. As Nurse Redheart trying to getting some of her co-workers to help me. Meanwhile in front of the hospital Celestia, Luna, and the Doctor starting to see medical staff heading to the ship and one of them is wheeling a gurney over. “Something must have gone wrong.” Luna said out loud seeing what going on before all three of them made their way towards the cargo bay and they aren’t the only ones heading the cargo bay. Chrysalis, Lyra, and Bon Bon seeing what going on getting off the ship and wonder what going on. When both groups got there can see me lying on the steel floor with Destiny and Pinky in near tears, fearing the worst. The one the bring the gurney over lower it to make it easier for me to be loaded on. It has taken four unicorns to get me loaded on the gurney before quickly leaving the ship and heading into the hospital. Chrysalis feels the fear of dread coming from both Pinky and Destiny. Luna felt something else coming from me more like my head. I keep slipping in and out seeing only a blur from lighting going off outside to being wheel inside hearing the staff wondering what going on with me; while others getting me hooked up to machines. “His heartbeat is rising to dangerous levels.” One of them said looking at the motor show my blood pressure showing 260/120; while lighting going off near the hospital scaring everypony inside. Nurse Redheart notice something turning my head to see that the mark on the side of my neck is glowing but this time in a purple color; knowing what about to happen. “Everypony, stand back!” She shouted to the group before something coming from outside then a loud bang came from the front of the hospital doors seeing a lighting blot with a purple hug quickly made through the hospital ground to where I’m being kept. The bolt was moving more like a snake than anything else before bursting through the doors and hitting in the forehead knocking me out completely. Everypony that was still there see something that they never end up seeing in a million lifetimes. The lightning bolt was still there but where it came in contact on my head is just one long snake sending electric current straight into the brain. The motor showing my blood pressure in back to a normal level of 120/60. Elsewhere in the hospital. Destiny and Pinky wonder what that big bang came from and when to see what happen. End up seeing the lighting bolt floating in mid-air with a purple hug. “Dad?” She thought to herself flowing the current with mother following close behind; to see me out cold and seeing that all of the medical staff and everypony else that seen it in a state of shock from what has happened in front of them. Both of the Princess, The Doctor, even Chrysalis comes to wonder what just happen as following the current as well. Luna still feels something going on inside my head. On the motor, my heartbeat starting to slow down. “What going on here?” The doctor asks before reaching the lightning bolt with his hoof; feeling the current going few him and something else deep within my mind. Making Luna reach as well as making the feeling much stronger through the current. Then in a flash, both of them were forced to let go; trying to catch their breath. “Why did you see?” Celestia asks them. “I don’t know, it far too fuzzy to make it out. But whatever going on inside his head is forcing is mind to go into a dream-like state; so deep even I can’t make it out.” Luna answers her question. “Why do you go into his dream and make him wake up; like you did for you to capture the tantabus?” Pinky ask her. “I could but it would be dangerous. Because to bring him back to waking world his enter the deeps of his minds and I may not like what may be in there.” She answers her question looking at me with a concerned look on her face. “Luna please?” Destiny ask grabbing my left hand. “Alright, I’ll do it.” She answers her and fixing to light up her horn and enter the dream realm when the doctor interrupts her. “I’m coming along with you.” He tells her. “I sure hope you know what you are getting yourself into.” She tells her making him to close while light up her horn making two white lines come out attaching themselves to the foreheads of both the Doctor and James's mind. Then her eyes open glowing white. She found herself and the Doctor in the dream realm with balls around them then they a giant one come towards them quickly suck both of them inside in blinding white light. When they came around they found themselves in the middle of a desert. Luna can feel something is wrong and try to get up to find that she as a different form. A hybrid form like Destiny but looking more human than anything else. Seeing that her skin is the same color as her colt and to see that her hair is the same as well. Her wings and horn are missing scaring her a little. The clothes she is wearing is made from different material; a dark blue pair of leather pants and black pair of thigh high boots with a 4-inch heel and a one-inch platform making the rest. The shirt was cotton with the same color as her pants with her cutie mark on it. She was wearing a black leather jacket. Getting up seeing that she quickly regained her balance without much trouble. Seeing another human next to her. “Doctor?” Calling out to him; making him slowly get up. “I’m back, I back to normal.” He said getting up with joy hearing his voice then quickly remember using that voice before making himself to get a better look at himself. Seeing that he back in tenth regeneration form even down to the clothes; wearing a blue slut and a brown clot that reach that almost reached the ground. The footwear was a pair of Condon All-Stars in a shade of dark brown. “Well that a different color from what I remember.” He said out loud be notice Luna standing there in her current form. “Luna, nice outfit you got there.” He tells her before realizing that they are in the middle of the desert. “I’m guessing we’re in James dreamscape?” He ask her. “Yes we are and I don’t know why we’re in these forms.” She answers his question before noticing something losing her train of thought, seeing a spinning club on one of its corners next to them made from material looking a giant mirror as big as a four-story building. “What are you?” The doctor asked out loud pulling his sonic screwdriver trying to scan the cube. But not getting anything from it. The ground underneath their feet begins to shake. “Luna get back.” The doctor tells her getting out of dodge. Then a platform made out of rusted metal starts rising from the sand shocking both of them. Rising, rising until it reached the top of the cube. “Well this is interesting,” Luna said out loud seeing the platform around the cube. Then hearing something coming from behind them making both of them turn to what made that noise. Coming towards them is a white horse with a white mane and tail running as fast it could. Seeing something else on its side shaking as it slows down to meet them. “Well, this day get stranger and stranger.” The Doctor said out loud from what he has seen so far. Luna sees the horse slowly walk towards and the Doctor getting his screwdriver trying to get any kind of reading but again nothing. “That wouldn’t work in here.” A voice calls out to them shocking both of them. “Who said that?” The Doctor ask out loud looking around to see who or what made that noise. “I’m right in front of you.” The voice called out getting both of their attention to the white horse standing right in front of them. “How are even talking?” Luna ask the horse. “Well, first off I’m a guy and two I’m talking to you through the dream itself.” He answers her question. “If both of you suspect to find James. You wouldn’t find him here.” He tells them both. “Then where can we find him?” The doctor ask him. “He's in the core of his own mind. To keep himself from going mad from everything that he been through. You might have seen the lighting bolt connect to his head?” He ask them. “Yes we did.” The Doctor answers his question. “The element saved his body but it can’t reach the core where he is.” He tells them. “What do we have to do?” Luna ask him. “I can lead you to the outer rim of his mind and both of you get to the core and bring him to the outer rim. So I can bring all three of you back to the dream world.” He tells them both. “Well, it not like we any choice now do we.” The Doctor said out loud. “Well then, get on.” He tells them. Once both of them get on. “It best to hang on.” He tells them before taking off as fast he can go running away from the spinning cube and the rusted up platform. Both Luna and the Doctor hanging on the best they could when something is opening ahead of them. A riff glowing white with a black center opens up in front of them and the horse just keeps getting faster and faster. When something like a dome starting to form around them the faster they when towards the riff. Then in a flash of white light making both of them close their eyes and hearing something either one of them as ever hear before; sounding like future canon charging up before going off with a big bag. When they open their eyes again that they have made it and what they could see is truly spectacular a city bigger than anything they have ever seen before making Canterlot and Manehatten look small in comparison. The horse stopped so that they could get of Luna still dumbfounded of the size stretching as far the eye can see. Before stepping off the edge nearly falling into the deeps of the black void below them. “You don’t want to end up down there.” The horse tells them both catching herself stepping a few feet back from the edge. When they can see something coming towards them. A subway train coming towards them on tracks that don’t even exist. Slowing down before stopping in front of the group. All the doors open up and someone comes out of one of the doors wearing a blue suit with a conductor hat with the same color as its hat. Looking human with a light tan skin with a dark brown mustache. Wearing black frame glasses showing his brown eyes; noticing the group getting their attention. “Excuse me sir; can this train get us to where we need to go?” Luna ask him. “Well let me guess your heading to the core?” He answers her question with one of his own. “Yes, we are.” She answers him in a state of shock. “Can you do it?” The Doctor ask him. “No, we can’t take you straight to it. Because of reasons I can get into right now. But the end of the line leads to the border of creative fields and the long term memory banks.” He tells them answering his question. “Anyway is just you three?” He ask them. “No, it just them.” The horse answers his question without even shocking the conductor. “Well come on you two.” He tells Luna and The Doctor getting on the train. “ALL ABOARD!” The conductor shouted before getting back on; making all of the doors close. Then a quick jolt nearly causing both nearly falling to the steel floor below. Making them grab one of the steal pools that next to the seats. “Conductor.” Luna calls him getting his attention. “Yes, what is it?” He ask her. “May I ask what this train is called?” She ask him. “Well my dear, this is the train of thought express. One of many, going through the city; from cargo to passenger.” He answers her question feeling the beginning to turn 180o upside down. But there is no way to tell from up or down in this place. Both of them can feel the turn taking place, but something not right. Making the Doctor look out the window seeing what going on. “Clover, absolutely clover.” He said out loud making Luna wonder what he just said. “What is it, Doctor?” She ask him before seeing the city has turned upside down. “You see gravity here is very different then back home.” He answers her question. “Why is that?” She ask him again as the conductor leaves the part of the train they were in. “You see while we’re in here there no way to tell up or down. It's like being outside in space but we can still feel gravity somehow?”He said out loud before noticing the conductor as left. As the train gets closer and closer to the city. “Where did he go?” He ask out loud walking to a set of doors between the train carts. Before seeing people setting in their sets reading the newspaper showing what going on outside with a headline. James has gone into a coma! Luna follows him feeling the train turning a hard left still heading into the city. The skyscrapers starting to come into reach glowing different colors and an electric going into the top of the buildings from other parts of the city and from coming above them through a series of riffs sending more current into different parts of the city. The train keeps getting lower into the city making people that on the train get themselves ready to get off getting bags of tools and briefcases filled with stacks of paper and files. Moments later Luna and the Doctor wonder what is going on with these people before feeling the train touching the ground making everyone lose their balance for a second. Seeing the city like it is. Seeing trucks loaded with something with glowing spheres heading other areas of the city. Some loaded with gray spheres heading to loading dock being load up on a cargo train heading while another leaving heading to the void where Luna nearly falling into. The train begins to slow down pulling into a station before stopping and opening the doors letting the people that ready to get off. Before letting some more. The conductor sees them again “The next stop is the end of the line.” He tells them before moving into other parts of the train as the doors close again seeing those people just got on get settling down for the ride. Then another jolt the train was on its way to the last stop. Luna and the Doctor start seeing the building a pond building flying by them as the train going as fast it could into the deeper into the city. After what felt like forever. The train slows down into the last station of the line. Once the train stops and the doors open; both Luna and the Doctor gets off seeing the Conductor getting off for a smoke break lighting up a cigarette. “Well folks, this is the end of the line.” He tells them taking a drag of the cigarette. “We’ll come to this station every hour.” He tells them again. “Thanks.” Luna tells him. “I wish you the best of luck getting to the core.” He tells them taking another drag from the cigarette. Both Luna and the Doctor made their way out of the station to finally see this city up close and in person. Seeing buildings going as far they could see; buildings going as high as 300 stories and some even bigger. Before seeing another truck loaded with more of those different color spheres turning heading down the road towards a gate with a few guards their. Both of them quickly made their way to the gate to see what behind it. “Hold it right there.” One of the guards that seen them coming to the gate while his coworker talked with the driver of the truck. “Excuse me guard, may I ask what is behind that gate?” The Doctor ask him. “Well sir, this one of many gates leading to the long term memory.” He answers his question making his coworker. “Hang on Mack. I got to see what going on.” The other guard tells the driver going before going to see what going on with his co-worker; seeing that he’s talking to two people, one of them with a blue skin tone. “Private, what in god name are you doing?” He ask him getting his attention. “Sorry sir, these two wanted to know what behind this gate.” The guard answers his co-worker. “Did you tell them?” He ask him again. “Yes sir, I did.” He quickly answers him; before looking at them. “Get back to your post.” He tells the private. “Yes, sir.” He said giving a salute and heading back to the guard post leaving the Doctor and Luna with the other guard rubbing his eyes a little. “God help me.” He thought to himself. “Excuse me.” Luna said getting his attention. “Yes, what is it?” He ask her trying to calm himself from losing his temper on both of them. “You seamstress.” She answers his question. “You have no idea, when you have to work 10 to 12 hours a day and most of all during this time right now knowing something trying to get to the core to kill everything I know from living in this god for sacking the city.” He answers her question with everything going through his mind. “Listen, I’m sorry we didn’t get your name?” The Doctor ask the guard standing in front of them. “Sergeant Brigs.” He answers his question. “Well, as I was saying; we need to get the core to rescue James.” The Doctor finishing his train of thought. “The core, both of you.” He said out loud in a state of shock from what he just heard. “That right.” Luna quickly reposed. “You did mansion something else trying to get to the core?” She ask him. “I did, there something else out there I never seen it in person; but I’ve heard of it.” “What is it?” Luna ask him again. “From what I’ve heard that there’s a person out there with red veins glowing and can spit up black tar that can control a person just by touching it. The face looks like a rotten corpse showing bone or something from what I can tell is a gunshot from the left side of its face and it’s left eye glows red from time to time.” He describes what it looks like. “Is that what you trying to guard?” The doctor ask him. “Yes, and to keep tabs on what comes in and out of these checkpoints.” He answers the question before hearing the truck horn going off making his attention to the truck driver looking at the side view mirror wondering what the hold-up. “Excuse me.” He tells them before turning his attention to the truck driver. “Mack I told you I’m checking this out, I do appreciate your patience but you may have to help me out with this favor I did for you some time ago!” Brigs shout at the driver. “I thought you never bring that up. What do you need?” Mack ask his friend. “Listen these two are trying to get to the core to rescue James, from what kind of place he ended up in this time.” Brigs tell him. “Well, you have seen my paperwork and I can help them get to the core, but you and I know I can’t go all the way there; before they know something is up.” He tells the Sergeant. “Good,” He said out loud before getting the attention of both of the Luna and the Doctor to come on. “He can take both of you near the core. But there’s no way come back to this checkpoint once you come through.” He tells them opening the passenger door to the rig; seeing the driver is an older man wearing all black with graying hair still showing black still their. The cab nearly looks like it was made from wood alone with black leather seats. “Hello, I’m the Doctor and this is Luna.” The Doctor said to the driver getting into the cab of the truck. “You can call me Mack.” He tells them shifting the gear shift into 1st gear. “Mack, thank for doing this.” Luna tells him getting into the back as the Doctor gets into the passenger seat and about to close the door when the Brigs said something “Mack, just give me a second to open the gate.” He tells Mack before walking off towards the guard post where his coworker is. “Open the gate, Private.” Brigs tell his coworker. Making him push a button making the lights on top of the gate towers to light up flashing with a yellow color. Then the gate locks and hitches unlock themselves; before seeing the door jerk open a little before sliding open making noise that you can hear for miles like nails on a chalkboard. A minute later the door is finally and making all that noise. Mack moves the gear lever into position making the semi move a little before moving towards the gate into the long term memory. Luna looks out the side view mirror seeing something looking like a shadow behind a building looking at her. “What was that?” She thought to herself thinking that her eyes are playing tricks on her. Once the truck is through the guard at the guard post pushed the button again making the gate quickly close behind them faster then it was trying to open. Luna readjusted herself as the truck pick up speed before seeing something in the distance. When they have gotten closer to see what it is, it nearly shocks both Luna and the Doctor. Shelves a pond shelves big a the buildings outside with roads going around them seeing other semi-trucks and a lot more of those orbs in different colors. Seeing trucks getting loading through these glass tubes with more of those gray out color orbs they have seen before. “Oh my god.” The Doctor said out loud seeing the size of this place. “You say that again.” Luna said staring at the same thing. “How big is this place?” Luna ask Mack. “This place goes on for miles and there are more of those orbs here then anyone can be able to count.” He answers her question “All of them are his memories?” She ask him again as the truck make its way to the outer edge of this place. “Yes, they are all his memories from his very long life, even the ones on the trailer.” He answers making a turn making something to roll around out behind them; getting both of their attention. The Doctor goes to see what was that and come to find out it was one of the orbs in a shade of blue, red and purple. Mack sees what he has found and begin to get a little angry hitting the breaks stopping the truck making the Doctor loses his balance, almost dropping the orb in the process. “Put that back where you found it.” Mack tells him in a tone like he about to kill him. Making the Doctor put the orb back where he found. Then Mack gets the truck moving again calming himself down. “Was that one of his memories?” The Doctor ask him in a tone that he hasn’t used in a long time. “Yes that is one his memories but that is a copy of one of my favorite memories that near the core of something that happened to James a long time ago.” He answers his question. Luna wondering why he would make a copy this memory. While The Doctor and Mack still talking; as they reach the interior of this place. “What you mean; it one of your favorite?” The Doctor ask him before Mack could answer the Doctor kelp going. “Are there anymore back there?” “There’s something I must show you.” He answers him before my a left turn towards a shop or something; pulling into the parking lot of the building. Once the truck is shut off and parked. “Bring the orb.” He tells the Doctor opening the driver side door and getting out. Luna still wondering about all of this while the Doctor gets the orb he saw earlier and follow Mack inside. Inside there was nobody there around only a few stations with helmets with cores attached to them. They made their way to a few of the stations. “The orb.” Mack tells the Doctor, making him hand him the memory orb and putting in a docking station making the two of those stations fire up; making both Luna and the Doctor wonder what about to happen. “The helmets, you’re going to need them to view the memory.” He tells them; making them stand on the platforms and graded the helmets that are there. “Aren’t you coming with?” Luna ask her getting her helmet. “No, I have seen it too many times and it would be best to see in person for the first time. One more thing that, it would be like being in a movie. If there something coming towards you it will just go through you without hurting you.” He tells them. “Well then, what I use to say a long time ago. Allons-y.” He said out loud before putting on the helmet with Luna quickly putting her on. Both of them pull something down over their eyes. Making the platform turn blue sending both of them into the memory. > Chapter 40 Old Scares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A portal opens making both of them see what inside the memory. From what they could see is a military base with a planet with a shade of blue, green, and purple in the night sky above them. There were other plants around them seeing eight others in different colors. They weren’t alone theirs a lot of movement around then seeing a strange looking helicopter with the rotating blades on each side of the vehicle slowly making its way to a landing platform near some other personnel. Luna and Doctor wondering who inside before seeing the side door slide open revealing a younger James with four other people getting out as well. One of the personnel came to him. “He wants to see you.” He tells me. “What does the old man want this time. I still have work to do back research headquarters?!” I ask loud enough so he could hear me over the blades. Both Luna and Doctor see a figure at the window on the highest floor there making very hard from where they were standing. “Frank; I’m going to see what the old man wants this time.” I said to one of the people that come off the helicopter. “Danny; Shut it down this isn’t going an easy visit.” I said to the pilot making shutting down engine making the blades slow themselves down. The group starts to lead me into the building. Both Luna and the Doctor also follow them into the building. One of the soldiers opens a metal door leading into the building; once the group is through the door Luna came through the door before it closed on the Doctor. Making him stop in his tracks before remembering that this a memory and we are more like a ghost, putting his hand through the metal door seeing that both of them can easily go through without a problem. Inside the group quickly made their way to an elevator near the end of an all-way where are more personal doing their jobs keeping the base and the order in check. “Doctor?” Luna called with a concerned tone in her voice before seeing him walking through the door behind her, scaring her a little making her jump a little. “Haa; Don’t do that.” She tells him recovering from the reaction. “Relax Luna, this is just memory after all.” He tells her getting a move on to catch up with the group. At the elevator, the doors begin to open and everyone gets inside. Doctor and Luna begin to run at the elevator seeing the elevator doors begin to close. The Doctor makes it in time, but Luna didn’t get there in time and run straight through the doors bumping into the Doctor nearly making both of them fall to the ground. “I got you.” He tells her getting a hold of their balance before feeling the elevator begins to move to the upper levels. Both of them still having trouble seeing looking so young from what they have seen him. He looks like in his 30’s during this memory. “He looks so young from the real world.” Luna said out loud. Seeing me wearing my normal clothes from back in the day Wearing blue jeans, a purple polo shirt, a dark blue jacket, black combat boots, and his brown cowboy hat and black sunglasses. Moments later or what felt like to them, the elevator slows down to the top floor. “We’re here.” One of the soldiers said before the elevator comes to a complete stop. The doors quickly open letting everyone off. Both Luna and Doctor see more soldiers at computers and other computers looking more like a radar for air traffic outside. “Incredible.” Luna seeing what happening in front of them as the group made their way to a set of a stair leading an office floor higher then it looks from the outside. Luna and Doctor like to see more of this place seeing the man that they saw outside standing next to the window. Both of them quickly made their way to the office above them to see James and the others meeting an old man wearing a white officer uniform with purple ribbons on his shoulders of his jacket; He looks like he is the mid to late ’50s with gray hair and scare on left side his face from a battle that happened in his past long ago. “Ok, what gives you the idea to bring me over here?” I ask the old man. “Soldiers, leave us.” He tells the others making them leave the room closing the door behind them leaving only James and the old man. But Luna and the Doctor are in there with them being only a memory. “James, there’s something you need to see.” The old man tells me walking over to his desk and opening a video file from servers; before putting on a screen behind him showing footage. “Is that who I think who that is?” I ask him. “Yes, it is.” He tells me, showing the footage of the point of view of my creation. The footage is showing troops of the Reds and the General at the time. “General, I change you to a fight to the death, for the leadership of the Reds.” My creation said to the Reds General. “I accept.” The General responds to the android. Troops start to clear out leaving only the Reds General and my creation. A few came back with swords, spears, and handguns. “Choose your weapon.” General tells him making him choose a sword with a 3 foot of blade. Then General chooses his weapon which is a spear with a 2-foot blade and a heavy ball at the other end. They walk to the other end of the room with them facing each other with a killer look from the General before the footage begins to skip and fuzzy like a broken tv. “What going on?” I ask the old man. “It’s the footage messing up from the fight making us losing most of the footage. But the audio at the end came through.” He tells me. “Let me listen.” I tell him. The footage keeps going to the end the video is showing a black screen, but the audio keeps going. “Reds your old General is dead and I’m taking control of this army and faction. If you want to stand behind me to destroy our enemies once and or fall.” The voice of my creation said out loud before hearing cheers of troops coming from the background before the footage ends. Both the Doctor and Luna seeing the video in a state of shock from what they just saw. “What his this creation and why did he or whatever it is killed this General and toke over.” The Doctor ask out loud before being cut off by the old man. “Well, James with this new General leading the Reds and I’m just an old man in his 60’s. It would be best for me to step down from being the leader of the Silenzers.” He tells me. “What are you saying?” I ask him in a state of confusion. “It means, I like to lead the order; I like you to be Grand Leader of the Silenzers.” He tells me making me lose my breath in a state of shock. “Grand Leader?” Luna asks out loud in confusing. “Must be titles like a CEO or President.” The Doctor tells her trying to answer her question the best way he can. Just at that moment, the building shook like an earthquake making alarms go off. Making everyone lose their balance making both Doctor and Luna trying there best to stay on their feet from going through walls. The old man gets on a walkie-talkie. “What the hell was that?” He ask one of the guards outside the building. “It the Reds there attacking and they have a new General leading them!” The guard tells him through before being cut off from a gunshot. “Solider, solider.” The old man said through it before someone put it up on the other end. “Hello Grand Leader, how you been these days, you old fool.” The voice said on the other end, shocking even me. “Why are you doing this?” He ask him. “Well, for one treating me like god damn weapon that you can just pull the trigger whenever you want. I joined the Reds and take over. One more thing tells James he’s next after I kill you. You old sick son of a bitch.” The General tells him before slamming the walkie-talkie on the other end. Both Doctor and Luna hear what just happened in front of them. “Who is this General?” Luna asking herself out loud before feeling another jolt from a blast coming from outside making her go through the wall she standing near. “Luna!” The Doctor called to her getting her on her feet again before feeling another more jolts and blast coming from outside making him fall next to her. Trying to get back on their feet seeing everyone scrambling to get weapons from a nearby locker. Doctor when to a nearby window overseeing the base. Seeing soldiers out there falling from missiles landing from outside the concrete wall while seeing others grabbing nearby guns and climbing the wall where the missiles are coming from. While others start to climb into machines as fast they could. Luna came to see what he is looking at and can see the anger coming from his eyes before seeing the same thing feeling only one thing coming from her mind is fear. “I should have been here when all of this going on.” The Doctor said out loud with a tone that sent chills down your back. “Doctor, don’t go beating yourself up for what you didn’t know about.” Luna trying to clam him seeing what going outside, before me and the old man coming out of the office. “Where are we going?” I ask him following him to a nearby stairway. Luna and the Doctor see both of us and begin to follow them going as fast they could feel the vibrations coming the battle outside. Lights start to flicker from them the lower they got. “We need to one of the keys, we keep in a safe in the lower levels.” The old man tells me trying his best to keep himself stable grabbing the rale on his left side from shockwaves along. Things were very different for both Luna and the Doctor with nothing to grab on too barely staying on their feet from the battle going on outside. “Dear God, I haven’t felt anything sent the last great time war.” The Doctor said outside trying to keep himself steady going down the flight of stairs. “I know how you feel.” Luna tells him trying her best to get down those same stairs without falling through one of the walls or going through the rail and falling to the lower levels. That looks like it goes one forever. Both me and the old man made our way to a locked door with a card reader on its right side of it. He took out his ID card and swap it making the door became unlock making both of us go through. Both Doctor and Luna see us going through the door and quickly made their way through before it closed. There were only myself and the old man making ours through a maze of core doors leading back to the research center where I work. “Sir, may I ask wasn’t I aware of these underground paths?” I ask the old man. “James, there are things through these halls that you wouldn’t like for us to do. That one of the reasons we didn’t bring you down here until now.” He answers my question. “But that not the main reason for it?” I ask him again. “That all I’m going to tell you for now.” He answers me in a tone of voice that normally makes me back down. But this time I became a little piss from it. “What are you hiding from me?” I ask him again in a serious tone in my voice that made the old man spine run cold stopping him from his tracks. The Doctor and Luna see me and the change of tone in my voice feeling the same thing going through them as well. “You feel that too Doctor?” Luna asks him. “Yes. I did. There is something James has that makes people feel what they don’t want to feel. “I know how that feels, there are things that things that I don’t even know been going on right under my nose.” He answers me making. “Well, that would explain a lot. I know everyone has their secrets. Some that would stay with them throughout their life’s ever to see that light of day.” I tell him still feeling the vibrations coming from above. As both of us made our way through the maze of corridors with both Luna and the Doctor. Until we made are to one of the metal doors the size of a two-car garage with a small door on it and I decided to take a look inside through the small window shaped hole to nothing but darkest at first until I see the outline of a mosquito from the Swamp world. The Old Man sees me look through it and tells me. “James, there are things that must be kelp buried.” Before closing the sliding window, before moving on. Luna and the Doctor want to see what behind this walking through it seeing the same mosquito; which made Luna jump back a little from what happened to her and Chrysalis back in Bailtmare. The Doctor sees this oversize mosquito with only one thing coming from his mind and that regret to what has happened to it, trying to reach out to touch with his left hand feeling sorry for it; to only have his hand to go through like there was nothing there in front of him. Luna sees the creature for what it really is, a prisoner of this war and as a lab rat. Making to stand down to get a little closer to it; starting to feel the same as the Doctor feels about the creature. “He scared.” The Doctor said still feeling the vibrations coming from above them making the creature trying to hold on for dear life. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He tries to talk to the creature. But it like trying to talk to a brick wall right now. So, both of them have no other choice but to leave it behind to see James and the Old man made their way to door at the end of the hallway. The old man using his keycard to open the door and open it showing that all nine keys are glowing. “That the first I have seen them like this.” The old man said out before getting the Forest key and handing it to me. Still glowing in my hand, I can feel something is off before the door closes on it owned locking itself as well. Before seeing a wall of fire coming towards us making us. Both of us run as fast we could back to the stairway. Both Luna and The Doctor sees the wall of fire as well and follow us Once all of us made to the door of the stairway. Keycard doesn’t want to work at that moment and the wall of fire was only feet away from us. The key is glowing brighter than ever forcing me to close my eyes even with the sunglasses on. The wall of fire came at us but something that not even the old man be dumfounded from what is happing right in front of him. Luna and the Doctor standing next to them seeing the same thing as well. The wall of fire didn’t swallow them whole; it moves around them. This when on for a few seconds before the fire dies down showing the burn marks up and down the hall the only place that didn’t get touch was where we stand. I open my eyes to see the aftermath. “What just happen?” I said out loud questioning seeing the burn marks around them before seeing the old man dumfounded from what just happen in front of him. “I don’t know, I’m surprised that we are still alive after all of that.” He tells me making me look around to see the scorch marks around them, seeing something is off about its space is big enough for four people, not two. Luna and The Doctor sees that look in my eye knows that there’s something up. “He knows.” Luna said out loud. Before everything around them begins to freeze into place leaving only both of them only to move. “Luna, Doctor.” A voice calls out to them. “Did you hear that?” The Doctor asks her friend. “Yes, I did.” Luna said out loud before something coming towards them. A figure shaped like a human with white streaks coming from its body like lighting going around its body. “I know what both of you been through your lifetimes. But James here; his life has always been interesting. Even after he discovered the nine worlds and got cock up in the civil war that been going on for far too long.” The figure tells them both. “What are you?” The Doctor asks the mysterious figure. “All in good time Doctor.” It answers him not answering his question. Before feeling the vibrations coming again as well as the remaining flames starting to move again. “We need back to the surface.” The old man tells me swapping his keycard again making the door open again, both of us quickly made our way to the surface. Luna and the Doctor follow us as fast they could. “Who or what was that?” Luna ask the Doctor. “I don’t know even with all my travels. I never ran into anything like that.” He answers her question. Once at the surface, the old man took a look outside threw a nearby window seeing that the battle is still going on before seeing the main gate going into a giant explosion of fire and men behind the gate sent flying from the blast. Before seeing that traitor in his new Aldi R8 painted red and black before seeing troops coming through and opening fire on his coworker and friends for many years. “They’re through the main gate.” He said out loud. “What do you mean?” I ask him before seeing the massacre outside. “There only one thing we can do now; Lockdown.” The old man tells me. By the time The Doctor and Luna made their way to where we are. Before seeing what going on outside, which made Luna want to puck her guts out. “Sir, if you do that all of our bases and safehouses will be lockdown as well.” I tell him. “We have no choice.” He tells me making to where the lockdown is. While outside “TAKE IT DOWN BEFORE THEY ACTIVE THE LOCKDOWN.” The General shouted making the tanks that come through the open gate beginning to open fire on the building itself. Doctor and Luna take over as best they could from blasted coming from outside. Knowing it would go straight through them but feels so real now up close to fighting now. Both of them seeing me and the old man made our way back to his office as quickly as we could to active the lockdown. Moments later both made back to his office with Luna and the Doctor following close behind. The old man made his way to a brass bust of an Engle pulling its head to reveal a white button and press it; making a section of wall behind his desk to open up, revealing a small computer coming out. Once it was out the screen came on showing “Do you like to active the lockdown.” With the first letters of the words, Yes and No. The old man made his way to the computer and press the “Y” key activating the lockdown throughout the building and other facilities through the nine worlds. “Is it done?” I ask him. “Yes, it is done. But the fight is far from over.” He tells getting something from his desk. Which was a key for his car down in the garage on the other side of the base. Things were different from the outside. Tanks still firing at the building the General pulling a firearm from the inside of his leather jacket. Which was an old Smith & Wesson clot action revolver carrying 45 caliber bullets. Doctor and Luna see what going on outside while me and the old man were activating the lockdown. “It’s getting worse.” Luna said out loud before seeing coming towards them. “Get down!” The Doctor shouted grabbing Luna jumping out of the way of the blast making everything in room turn into nothing but dust and fire. The old man and myself were still in his office from the blast happen just nocking out the windows inside the office covering us in shares of glass. Likely for us we were covering our heads from the glass. “We need to get to the garage.” He tells me getting up letting shares of glass falling from his uniform. I’m getting from where was taking cover from only a few feet from him was taking cover. Luna and Doctor got from where they landed seeing the room, they were standing in nothing more the ruin of fire and dust from the blast. “This memory is getting to dangerous.” Luna said out loud before getting up. “Your right there.” The Doctor said in repost trying to reach for the helmet he was wearing; trying to take it off. Back in the shop outside he reaches for the helmet, but something is wrong, the helmet isn’t even trying to budge. Back inside the memory; The Doctor made a terrifying revelation they are stuck in the memory riding out the rest of the way. With both of them trapped inside until it ends. They see me and the old man leaving the room to a stairway leading outside. They tried their best to follow us through what left the room with flames coming from some of the trashed computers and dust still in the air making it very difficult to see. Luna having a stuff time breathing from all of that dust in the air. Things are different outside. Men are still gun down outside with the high where they’re standing hearing the sound of gunfire going off and explosions going every few seconds. Luna takes a look outside again seeing the red and black sports car making its way towards the building. The driver side door opens to their leader climbing out wearing his uniform nearly all black with his leather trench cloth covering the upper torso with black pants and boots. He looks where Luna is looking through and freaks her out seeing his face for the first time. “It looks us like him.” She thought to herself seeing their leader. “Sir.” One of the soldiers “You better give me good news commander.” The General tells him. “Sir, we blasted where the lockdown is going to active.” He tells his leader. “Well?” The General asks him. “The lockdown has been active.” He answers him; making the General piss off. Then in a fraction of a second, he pulls out his gun from his clot and aims it at his face and fires it. Killing him on the spot letting his body falls to the ground before a couple of men take the body away. “Find them and bring them to be to me, if they're still alive.” The General tells his men around him putting his gun away. Luna sees what just happen on the ground, seeing this man or machine being so cold to his own men killing them without remorse. The Doctor sees Luna just standing there seeing what going outside. “Luna!” He shouts at her getting still in shock about what she just saw. Doctor when over to her finally breaking her train of thought. Getting her focus on what her friend is trying to tell still hearing the sound the gunshot going through her head again. “Doctor, I’ve seen his face.” She tells wondering what she is talking about before. “Who’s face?” He asks her questions about what she has seen. “There Leaders face is James’s face. Just without any facial hair.” She answers his question. The Doctor looks out of the hole to see his face with his own eyes. Seeing their leader still down their walking towards the remains of the building seeing a part of his face; without a level of doubt, it is James's face and like Luna subscribed it. “The General.” He said out loud “Come again?” Luna asks him to question how he knew his name. “I remember a time when James told me about him and what he did. Now, seeing in person. If he comes to Equestria; then God helps us.” He tells her scaring her in the progress. Before Luna could react seeing the figure again this time standing next to them. “Time is running out.” It tells them scaring them notice that me and the old man have left the room leaving the door open. Both of them quickly their way threw the open door seeing me and old man are like two levels down and making our way the open walkway leading to another section of the building with very little damage so far. With both of them trying their best to catch up with us, seeing a few tanks making their way to the other side to start another barrage on the building. With both of them out in the open, knowing that those shells will go straight through them, but can still feel the vibrations and aftershocks. Once me and the old man made are away from the other side while the few tanks get themselves into position. Once we made our way to the garage and access through both his and my keycards unlocking the emergency doors above the main garage doors. Seeing his both and my cars. Which are a Lamborghini Murcielago and Nissan 350Z in their Silenzers colors purple and silver. Meanwhile outside, Doctor and Luna making their way over the walkway; when the tanks begin to fire at the walkway hitting near them sending shockwaves near them almost getting thrown off the platform. “Hang on, Luna!” The Doctor shouts to her, before feeling the shockwave from a nearby blast to one of the tanks. Making her hang on for dear life until the blast has gone past them. Looking up seeing nothing fire and smoke around herself, standing up seeing something is following them on the walkway; seeing the shadow of the General coming towards them, looking more like a demon than anything else. The heat coming from fires around them making it feels like they’re in the fiery depths of hell. Luna gets back on her to run as fast she could towards the garage. As for the Doctor he gets up from where shockwave sent him seeing Luna running by him. Getting on his feet turning to the walkway is completely in flames and seeing a shadow of the General, sending him a fiery fit of rage. Slowly making his across the platform from being shellshock just seconds ago. Luna makes her way to the other side, seeing the Doctor struggling to make it across. She runs back to him, getting on the right side of him grabbing his arm swigging around herself; to get the both of them to the other side together. Still sound of gunshots coming inside the building this time, as well around them on the ground floor. Once both of them made their way to door, they just walk right past; Seeing me and the old man at the cars below them. With the Doctor finally able to get himself stable thanks to Luna. “Thank you, Luna.” He tells her. “No problem Doctor.” Luna tells him. “Even with all that I have seen throughout my generations. I never felt or even seen anything like this before.” He tells her. Before hearing coming towards where they’re standing, then a loud bang it the building making the structure weak itself sending creaks from where it hit. “We don’t have much time, the building goes.” The old man tells me unlocking his car and grab a black bag from a strong age locker; putting into the car. “What’s this.” I ask him to point out the black bag. “The Order must live on. Here is some money and location for a safe house that off the books and unaffected by the lockdown.” He tells me feeling another hit the building, while Luna and the Doctor made their way to the ground level. “Where is this safe house?” I ask him. “Queen City, an old warehouse in lower levels. Big enough for 11 people and at least 15 vehicles.” He tells me. “The roof is about to go.” The Doctor looks up seeing the creaks get too big making both of them stand back before seeing small pieces fell hitting the 350Z; alerting to both me and the old man seeing the pieces that hit the car. Then making both of us look up at the ceiling seeing the creaks, scaring both me and the old man. “We don’t have much time.” I said before hearing another blast from outside seeing the creaks and making a major chunk of the rook to come down landing the 350Z, for a brief second I hear something. “God damn it.” The old man said out loud seeing that his left leg is pin from the heavy debris. “Boss, you’re alright?” I ask him before seeing that his leg his pin down and that the rest of the roof is fixing to go down as well. “There’s only enough time for you to get out.” He tells me handing me his car keys, knowing that this will be the last time we’re going to see each other. “Are you sure about this?” I ask him to hear the roof structure could go any second. “Yes, I’m sure. Now go.” He tells me getting back running as fast I can to the car. Once inside and trying to get the engine going, before roaring to life. I hit a button on the sun visor, making the garage door open as fast it could before stopping about half-way through. I put the car into gear a rev the engine getting out of there in the madhouse outside. Doctor and Luna follow me through the door seeing the old man there helpless being pin down; “Best of luck, James; Best of luck.” He said out loud before the roof finally gives way crushing him to death. Doctor and Luna see everything begins to freeze in their place before seeing the same portal opens again when they came into this memory. Both of them walk through it know what they just saw. > Chapter 41 The Core > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna and The Doctor see themselves back in the store finally be able to take of those helmets. “Come back.” Mack tells both still feeling the aftereffects of what happened in that memory. “You never told us we would be feeling the shockwaves in there.” The Doctor tells him, trying to catch his breath from the aftereffects. “I remember my first time going in.” Mack tells him handing both a small bottle of water. “Thanks.” The takes the water from him and take a quick drink before continuing. “What I don’t understand is that figure we’ve seen inside.” He finishes his train of thought; making Mack wondering the hell he is talking about. “Figure, what figure?” He asks both of them. Luna finally gets a whole of herself to talk. “You see something happen inside that memory.” She tells him what has happened inside the memory. “So, they are true.” He said out loud. “What is?” Luna asks him. “I thought they were false, but the rumors are true.” He tells them. “I never have seen this figure in person, but I hear folks seeing this figure in their dreams and in James's memories. But both of you seen this figure in person inside that memory.” He tells them his side of the story. “So, you mean is that this figure is like a god; only showing itself when it wants too?” The Doctor asks him. “Technically, I’m afraid so.” Mack answers his question. “Well, James isn’t going to come out of this on his own.” Mack said out loud clapping his hands together before grabbing the memory out of the slot, shutting down the machine. Luna and The Doctor putting the helmets back still feeling a little off from just moments ago. The three of them made their way back to the rig, before seeing a set of red and blue lights coming towards them. Just in a few seconds a blue and white Crown Victoria pulls into the parking lot where they are, making Luna a little nervous and The Doctor ready for what about to happen. “Relax.” Mack tells them seeing the driver get out of the car on the driver side door seeing a police officer taking them, with his lights still going. “Mack; What the hell are you doing here?” The officer asks him like his knows him. “Officer Menendez, nice to you too.” Mack tells him in a cocky attitude, confusing Luna. “Mack, you know why I’m here. Don’t you?” The officer asks him. “Is it about the shipment I have in the trailer.” He answers the officer making him a little angry before hearing his radio going off stopping him in his tracks. “Mack, I never liked your attitude. But I’ll let you off the hook this time next time, you may not be so lucky.” The officer tells him before getting back towards his car and takes off. “Ok, what just happen?” The Doctor asks out loud being confused has ever been. “That not important right now. We need to get you two to the core as we can.” Mack answers him opening the driver side door on his rig. Before hearing something in the distance like an explosion. Then seeing a fireball to where they came in at. Luna remembers seeing back there, but wasn’t too sure, until now. The three of them seeing the fire in front of them hearing the sound of gunfire now for only a few seconds. Then something jumps from the fire coming towards them. Landing on one of the buildings coming towards near them before and landing only a few yards away. A pond seeing what is in front of them shocks the three of them. The figure looks like the General that they had seen in that memory, but looking more like a rotten corpse with the left side of his face blasted off from what looks like a gun shot making both of his eyes glowing red and veins coming from his left arm making it leak some kind black slime. “Nice to see both of you after all these years.” The creature tells the three of them. “Which one of us, were you referring too?” Mack asks the creature standing. “Not you, you old man.” It answers out loud in its voice sound like a malfunctioning speaker. Scaring the three of them before seeing that the creature is doing something making it mouth glow red before spitting a red glowing slime ball landing on the truck tank “GET DOWN!” Mack shouts before seeing truck goes up in flames making Luna and the Doctor duck to the ground, as well seeing Mack get set on fire as well on his right arm, making him quickly put out the fire making his shirt badly damage, showing that his skin his just a little red. But once he sees that his truck has gone into a fireball in front of him. It felt like someone shot him in his heart with a slug round from a shotgun. Luna looks up seeing that creature that destroyed Mack’s truck is coming closer towards them showing what kind of force that they are dealing with. Just then a set of blue and red lights come at them and see that it the officer that they just met coming towards them as fast he could, before hitting the General and crashing to a nearby wall making the car his was driving to go up in flames as well. The Doctor seeing all of this going gets back up helping Luna back on her feet. Seeing everything that just happens. “Mack, you’re alright?” He asks him, seeing the damaged shirt and the red skin. “I’ll be alright. But this was my favorite shirt; That bastard.” He said out loud answering his question after seeing the state of his shirt. Then hearing the remains of the police car that is still on fire slowly moving getting their attention. “Impossible?” Mack said out loud seeing what going on in front of his eyes. Then in a split second the car shot up from the ground, flipping 180o handing on its top seeing the creature coming out of the wreckage looking like didn’t leave a mark on him, creaking his neck before coming towards the three of us. “We need to get out of here.” Luna said out loud. “She’s right, we need to get to the core before he gets there.” Quickly repose the Doctor getting Mack on his feet. “Where do you think you're going?” The creature asks them before being hit with a blast of a shotgun, making him turn to see who just fire at him. Seeing that it was an officer of the law with his shotgun. “Come on, I’m over here!” He shouts at him firing off another shot, hitting him again pissing him off. The creature turns his attention toward the officer. Luna sees this helping the Doctor with Mack to get to safety. “Come on you, baster.” The officer said out loud firing off two shots off before running out of ammo in his shotgun. Quickly throwing to the side and taking out his sidearm, which is a 9mm pistol. Firing everything he got screaming at it drawing its attention from those three that was heading towards. The creature coming closer and closer taking all the fire the officer putting into him. Until the officer ran out of ammo grabbing the officer with his glowing hand lifting him off the ground. The officer having a tuff time breathing. “You're pissing me off.” The creature tells him before pulling a revolver with his other hand. Dropping the officer hitting the ground coughing trying to catch his breath before seeing the gun aim towards his head and close his eyes. BANG!!!! The creature that looks like a rotten corpse of the General, holsters his gun turn to see that those three have escaped. “We’ll meet again. Sooner than you think.” He said out loud seeing the flaming wreck of the rig in front of him. Elsewhere. Luna and The Doctor carrying Mack threw the streets of the city getting a few blocks away before hearing a loud gunshot behind them; Then nothing. “It sounds like the young officer didn’t make it.” Mack said out loud starting to feel the pain coming from his arm that been set on fire. The Doctor getting a closer look at it seeing that there is some more severe than it looks just a few minutes ago. “That doesn’t look good.” He tells himself; Mack hears that without the Doctor knows. “How bad?” He asks him, shocking the Doctor from what he said earlier. “Sorry, I was thinking out loud.” The Doctor tells Mack trying to calm his nerves while dealing with the pain. “How bad?” Mack asks him again feeling the pain shoot up his arm. “Not good, it looks like second-degree burns.” The Doctor answers his question. “Damn. It could be worst; I could have been dead.” Mack said out loud. “Can you make it?” Luna asks him. “Yes, I can; I just got a burn-up arm.” Mack answers her question getting up from the ground trying not to let his burn up arm from being touch. “Come on then, we need to get to the core. Before that thing gets there first.” Mack said out loud. Meanwhile outside. Destiny still holding her father's hand feeling the tension going on inside. While the lightning bolt still trying to find him with the Doctor and Luna helping it along. While Celestia wondering still to think a way out of this tragedy. Ponies and guards outside trying to keep everyone calm, while the sky above them still dark but feeling like it should be late by now. Back inside. Mack, Luna, and the Doctor made there way deeper into the long-term memory, seeing a train line above them. Wondering where it leads. “I’m thinking that this line leads close to the core.” Mack said out loud. “How are we going to get up there?” Luna asks in response before seeing one the train zipping on by above them making sound scrapping metal for a few seconds. “Impossible, I mean impossible to jump on that train at that height and speed; from where we’ll standing.” The Doctor said out loud about thinking the impossible. Before hearing children laughing behind them. The three of them seeing three children running around and playing until one of them see them and comes towards them. Then in a white flash, the child turned into a young adult human, wearing a purple coat with a light blue shirt, dark blue pants with a brown belt and black three-inch heel boots. Luna knows who’s this person is. “Destiny, what are you doing here?” She asks her while the Doctor realizes it just as soon Luna does. “Luna, things are not looking good outside.” She answers her question. “How are you doing this?” Luna asks her again. “Let just say, you taught me the technique with the help of my father.” She answers her again, Destiny cuts her off before she could ask another question. “Luna, my dad is getting worst and you need to hurry; or both of you will be a trap here.” She tells them, shocking them in the progress. “What do you mean?” The Doctor asks her. “Listen, I don’t have long, and time is running out for everyone here.” She answers his question the best she can see the train line above them seeing another train going by. “It looks like a train comes by every 30 seconds.” Destiny said out loud. “Can you help us?” Luna asks her. “Yes, I will.” She answers her question. They quickly made their way when into a nearby building with a bridge overlooking the line. Moments later the group made their way to the bridge over the bridge seeing another train going passing through. “Shit, we missed it.” Mack said out loud. “Relax, there’s another one coming.” Destiny tells him to see another one coming at the end of the track. Luna and the Doctor sees glass on the windows of the bridge. “How are we going to get on the train?” Luna asks her, as she pulls something like a weapon with a speaker on the end and aimed it, at one of the windows on the other side from where the train. She pulled the trigger and the weapon charge up and fire a sound wave shattering the window and the ones next to it. “Destiny, what are you doing?” The Doctor asks her. “How you suspect to get on the train.” She answers her question putting away her weapon. “You mean to jump on it?” He asks her dumbfounded look on his face as she gets into position. Mack and Luna do the same. The Doctor still thinking this is crazy. “Do you trust me?” Destiny asks him to make him get into position next to Luna. “On my mark.” Destiny said before beginning to count down. “Three, Two, One, Mark.” The flour of the run through the opening in the windows quickly seeing the train going under them. Then landing on their feet seeing building going way in a flash feeling the wind going through them just as fast. Before seeing something else landed on the train with them, making them turn and see what jump on with them and come to find out its that creature on their heels again. Destiny gets her weapon again and aimed it at the creature and fire it at the creature. Sending it off the train, she when to check and sees nothing. Before the creature comes up shocking her making her jump back losing her weapon. Making get back on the top of the train pulling out its gun and aimed it. Destiny remembers her training from her master when she was younger. Moving quickly she kicks it out of his hand and making a few punches into its weak points around its neck, face, and chest. Making it freeze in place for a few seconds before sliding her leg around below around its feet making it fall to the ground sending it flying through the train landing to the ground below. The three of them seeing what just happen in front of their eyes and still couldn’t believe it. Making them turn seeing the building around them are gone showing a bright light in front of them. The light is bright as the sun, making them place their hand over their eyes try to make it out what they are trying to see. When they passed through seeing a building, looking more like a tower reaching nearly ten thousand feet high from where their standing as the train comes into the station. “I don’t know what about to happen, I never came through this way before.” Mack said out loud when the train comes to a stop. Beginning to feel the top of the train where there are standing open up making to try and stay on their feet as it shifts and opens up revealing themselves be containers throughout the train and cranes quickly came over the train to unload it within a few minutes. The group jumps off the train landing on their feet, but Mack landed on his feet making him fall on his burnt-up arm. “AHHH, GOD DAMN IT!” He shouted at the top of his lungs in pain. The Doctor helps him get back on his feet seeing that his arm is in flame from the fall. “You’re going to be alright?” Destiny asks him. “I’ll be alright just give me a minute.” He answers her question still feeling the pain going through his arm trying his best to get back on his feet with the Doctor's help. The place was never like anything they never have seen before. Cranes moving only minutes apart from each other uploading the trains that came in before sent from where they came on loading up more of those containers filled with only god knows what, repeating the cycle again and again. The group sees another train just pulling into the line next to them coming to a stop. The tops open and cranes reach over them lifting more of those containers one by one. When an alarm goes off, with red lights going off. The group sees what jump off the just arrived train, seeing that creature again handing on its feet. “Impossible.” The Doctor said out loud seeing the creature again after that they just lost it. A swat unit came through stopping next to them and men wearing armor looking more like an army than anything else. They get into position making a roadblock holding shields in front of the creature while others came behind and the sides of the creature and men on top the armored car holding guns from AR-15 to 12-gauge shotguns. Before hearing a voice coming from everywhere and nowhere. “You think, you just came in here and try to take over.” The voice called out to the creature. “No, I suspect you to die.” The creature relayed. “So be it.” The voice called out loud before hearing one of the armor men called out to the others. “OPEN FIRE!” The men open fire on the creature in a hell of gunfire. The group taking over trying to getaway. They made their way behind the other side of the dockyard, still hearing all that gunfire going on for what felt like forever. Until they ran out of ammo. The room feels with smoke for a few minutes until the smoke cleared. The creature was still standing, and it didn’t even have a scratch on it popping its neck before replaying. “Well then, my turn.” The creature relayed charging its glowing hand before hitting the ground making a shock wave of red and black energy, heading in all directions making the lights go and sending the army to fall backward. Making the cranes comes to a complete stop. Before charging up something before lunching it from its mouth aim at the train on its left side, hitting it sending it into a series of fireballs, killing the armed swat. Before firing another train on the other side, sending it into a fireball as well. The ones in front of the creature, still holding strong after being knockdown on their asses. Starting to get scared out of their mind seeing what kind of powers this thing as. The group quickly made their way through the chaos. The only lights there are from the fires and the red light still going. Destiny remembers the stories before she was even born and now seeing it, first-hand. She understands what will happen to her and this creature she just fought. In the flash, she wakes up in the waking world seeing her mother trying to get her attention. Seeing the lightning bolt gets stronger and brighter before attaching to her as well. Sending back into the mind of her fathers. Waking up with the group seeing where the body starting to glow in a white hue. Making the creature take notice killing the as swat member. Luna sees Destiny glowing Mack and the Doctor sees her glowing as well. “What’s going on?” Mack said out loud. Before hearing lighting strikes around hitting the building. Then in a flash the unknow figure appeared in front of them, coming closer and closer towards Destiny feeling the mark on the side of her neck begins to hurt. The figure just keels next to her and reaches out its hand touching her making the glowing even brighter. Making the creature starts to run towards them. Destiny opens her eyes which is glowing pure white and called out to the creature. “The Darkness Has Gone Too Long In This Mind, Now Be Gone!” Destiny shots at the creature holding her hand out picking up the creature before sending across the room. Pissing off the creature going for another attack at her making his arms glow in hate, while Mack gets in the way of the attack hitting him in the gut-punching straight through him sending blood everywhere behind him. “Fool.” The creature said out pulling its arm out the victim letting the body hit the floor. “NNNNOOOOO!” Luna shouts at the top of her lungs. Destiny using her powers to pick up the creature and sees a clear ball only a few feet away from her and use her power to grab it. “You can’t get rid of me, you just can’t.” The creature said out loud. Before Destiny throws the ball below it, activating it making the body of the creature being turn into red and black smoke, and being suck into the ball, while the creature said it last words. “You can get rid of me, I’m the darkness. I keep even the devil up at night. I will return.” It said as the last of him turns into smoke and suck into the ball below him. Showing the smoke inside. Then in a flash Destiny was gone leaving Luna and the Doctor alone with a dying Mack. They both ran towards him see that he is breathing the last of his breaths has well. With the last of his strength tilted his head up to tells them one thing. “Reach the top of the tower.” He tells them before letting go letting his head falls back to the ground for the last time. Then they notice that their someone missing. “Where’s Destiny?” The Doctor asks out loud looking around for her. “She must when back to the real world, without a choice.” Luna answers his question still trying to morn their friend that stuck with them for this long. Both are along in the mind of a mad man without anyone leading them the rest of the way. They have no choice to go on the rest of this journey on their own. “Luna, I know you’re trying to morn. But the only thing we can do is to reach the top of this tower, find James, and bring him to the outskirts where that horse is waiting for us.” The Doctor tells her, making her get back on her feet; seeing the speaker steam come online, spraying trying to put out the fires around them getting wet the process. Both leave the area trying to find a lift somewhere. Seeing the now smoke glass ball holding the creature that has to follow them so far just laying the ground wetting water on before turning into steam the moment the water hits it. Once they left the area something or someone picks it up, unknown to what will come to it. They find a cargo lift and gets into it and active it goes up the higher floors above them, until that they are only like 50 floors up it stopped at a floor with a Hugh double-door with a plaque on it and it said, Memory Cores. They remember their trip to that memory that Mack made a copy was from. They push open the doors seeing looks like hundreds of those memories resting on podiums with a painting behind each and every one of them. The paintings didn’t look like ordinary paintings, they are more like 3D- images of what that holds within it. The Doctor remembers art style like this back in his homeworld of Gallifrey. Then seeing the memory with the painting behind it seeing everything that had experience seeing the memory for themselves. Luna sees another memory with painting what looks like a major battle taking place. The memory is in a mix color of red and purple, with Twilight and her friends fighting in the battle with a grand army behind them fighting a fierce adversary looking they are outnumbered, seeing the painting changing to something that made the tables turn in her favor, show those elements and ones that have let to show themselves fighting alongside them. The only person that they don’t see is James himself in the memory. Not knowing what will happen if she touches it. She reaches her hand but remembering the trip she had with the other memory with the doctor and pulls her hand back. The Doctor sees another memory but this one of joy glowing in bright yellow color. He sees the painting show, Pinky and James in a hospital room holding a baby, remembering that must be Destiny in her father’s arms. They keep going seeing more memories and their paintings above them, until one stuck out the most seeing a trophy with a memory sitting on top of it. The memory showing a blind of all the colors they had seen so far. The painting shows me and woman standing on stage with lights flashing around them from cameras and other sources next to the stage is a blue car looking it been through a tough fight and a black and white car next to it looking an older model then the blue car standing next to it. “This must be a very important memory.” The Doctor said out loud seeing some writing on the trophy that difficult to make out. But it said, WINNER OF THE FIRST EVER CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE M R SERIES. The space that is missing for some reason that is the most difficult to read, because of the missing letters. Seeing the letters were once there have been taking off for some reason. They when past it sees another memory with a shade of both purple and yellow, in a stand of sitting on a platform this memory sits on the car they seen just a few seconds ago, the painting shows the vehicle going as fast it can go seeing a portal opening up in front of it. They kelp going through the place seeing things that they would have never seen in their lifetimes. They find an elevator that will take them through the rest of the way up. Seeing the numbers slowly climb up, both are them waiting until it reaches the top of the tower, thinking about what could be up there. Meanwhile Destiny just wakes up gasping for breath. Seeing everyone scared seeing what just happened moments ago, wondering what going on with her mother grabbing her left hand. “What did you see?” Pinky asks her daughter. “Why, what happens?” She asks her mother in reposes still baffled, before remembering what happens inside her father’s mind. Seeing the lightning bolt is no longer attached to her hand, but still attached to her father’s forehead. After a quick explanation to everypony in that room. Celestia thinking about what kind of creature can do that kind of stuff from being in a mind of a man that trying to help them through these dark times. She has a good idea of what it looks like from Destiny's description and what she saw inside there, knowing that her sister is going through the same. Things were starting to calm themselves down with cure going around the sick and those that are injured from yesterday are recovering. The guards outside the building trying to help the staff with the patients. A group of guards brings more crates from the ship and from the train station coming back from getting more supplies from the train that just moments ago. Well, others when to the ruins of once-great of Canterlot, trying to find survivors that didn’t make it out in time. Back in the mind of a mad man. The elevator starts to slow down knowing that just reaches the top of the tower. Not knowing what waiting for them. When it stops and the doors open, they see another one of those doors with the same symbol that they had seen many times before. But the door looks like it was made from wood that just looks and off looking more like metal or plastic. Before the door opens all on its own, making both of them jump back a little; seeing only a black void in front of them. “Doctor, I’ve seen some things before, but this scares me, not knowing what is in there.” Luna tells him grabbing his hand. “I feel the same thing, but we didn’t come this far to stop now.” He said in reposes, before heading into the black void in front of them. The door quickly closes behind them, leaving both of them in the dark before hearing a voice. “Are you with him?” The unknown voice asks them to scare them not knowing what will happen to them next. “You mean the creature downstairs, we’re not with whatever it was.” The doctor answers the question from their unknown host. Before seeing a match being lit in front of them seeing a cigar being lit. Seeing the unknown person in person shocking both of them. “James, is that really you?” Luna ask him to see their friend looking younger than the last time that they’ve seen them. “No, I’m not him. I’m really his subconscious. Trying my best to keep things running, while the one you’re looking for is somewhere else that I can’t even go.” The subconscious tells them as the light the room comes on. “Then where is he?” Luna asks him, as the subconscious removes his cigar and blows out the smoke. “I’ll take you to him.” The subconscious tells them both heading to a part of the room leading them to where their friend truly is. He leads them to a set of double doors. “Before I let you see him, just don’t get scared when you see him.” He tells them before opening the door. Once the doors are open, they see something that either of them had seen before. A sphere 30 ft. in diameter takes nearly the whole room the process. In glowing bright blue color with some shades of purple taking up nearly half of the sphere. “How is this even possible?” The Doctor asks him. “A mind always has fascinated people of the waking world.” The Subconscious answers him but also raises more questions from that statement. “What you mean, James made this thing?” Luna asks him. “Yes, he did; and he is in there. He only goes in there when need to go in there, but this time he just fell into it, that way I’m here and the rise of the creature you saw earlier today.” The Subconscious answers her question the best he could. “What was that creature we saw earlier and way he looks that person we saw in that one memory we saw?” The Doctor asks him. “It showed up here 20 years ago, after the event that let to happen. Anyway, it started up slow at first, until its first attack and each time it has become stronger and getting closer to the tower. This time we were lucky, next time we may not be as lucky. Also, way it looks like James's creation and most morrow enemy, I don’t know that answer to that.” He answers his question the best he can. “Well, not the answer I was looking for, but an answer none the least.” The Doctor response from the remark. “So, how do we get in?” The Doctor asks him. “You jump in.” He response making both of them look up seeing a metal plank above the sphere. “How do we get up there?” Luna ask him, before seeing a platform come down on the left side of the room, answering her question before the Subconscious could answer. They quickly make their way towards the platform. Before hearing something from the subconscious. “Listen, I don’t know what you find in there, but I hope that you find him and bring him back to the waking world.” He tells them before the platform is taking to the higher floors. Once they reach the metal plank, the platform stops in front seeing the sphere below. Seeing the Subconscious standing there taking another drag from the cigar. Both seeing what lies ahead of them, they both were thinking the same thing and that is. “What is the other side?” Before jumping in into the sphere below. > Chapter 42 Going Deeper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beep, Beep, Beep. The sound of an alarm clock going off next to me, waking me up from a deep sleep. I reach overturning off the damn alarm for what felt like a billion times. The clock showing the time of 8:01 am. Lying in bed in a place I like to be called, the place more like a dump from why it looks like being in a house full of people. Or it used to be, I live in this place for some time now. “Another nightmare, these things are coming more often this month.” I said out loud before pulling the covers from me getting out of bed and jumping into the shower. After a quick shower and I look in the mirror, seeing myself being 35. “Look at you, sometimes it feels like I was meant for something else.” I thought to myself before I get myself ready for work at the office. When it comes to me, that it’s my day off. But remember that he still needs to go to the office anyway. For the files for the bank for my company that I sent nearly five years of building. So, I got ready throwing on some jeans, a gray shirt, brown boots, and my worn jacket I been wearing for years. Grabbing my hat and sunglasses before heading out of the door. Seeing my car out in the driveway, a 2018 Ford Focus in its tan color. It said that it's gold, but I don’t look like it is. Anyway, today is going to a good I thought to myself. Once I’m on my way to the office, seeing the town I sent years it has grown so much that it's very different from when I moved to this town years ago. I see people looking at the shy above, seeing the sky starting to change making the clouds forming looking like a hurricane, then a portal opens up and two people came through it landing near me. Seeing a man in a brown trench coat and brown slut, a woman wearing something more like a dominatrix cross with punk with her dark blue hair. I hit the brakes stopping the car only a few feet away from them. Seeing them getting up, grunting with pain. “Uh, that was ruff.” The man in the colt said out making his bones pop a few times. Seeing the woman getting up and trying to stay on her feet with those high heels boots that must be at least 6 inches high. They take a look at me, making me turn off the engine and get out of the car. Once I get out of the car, they come towards me, like they knew. “James, it didn’t take long for us to find you in the place.” The man in the slut tells me, making me question them how they know me. “I’m sorry but, how do you know me from?” I ask them. “Really James, you don’t know who we are?” The blue hair woman asks me in repose to my question, making me grab my head feeling something coming towards me a ton of bricks. “Luna, Doctor; what in god name are you doing here?” I ask them to resize who they are. “Good, you remember now. We’re here to take to back to the waking world.” The Doctor tells me, before hearing the sound of sounders coming towards them. “We need to get going. Come with me.” I tell them to get into the car, making both of them quickly get into the car. The Doctor and Luna see the interior of the 5-door car. “Listen, I know why you’re now. But trying to get out will be tuff even for me. Because this place is made for me to trying to recover from the waking world. By living a time before I discover the nine world and the Ford Custom 500 project get off the ground.” I tell them as we made our way to the office. Moments later. We made our way towards the office I sent year building, Cribb Production. or Cribb Pro. for short. “Here we are.” I said pulling into the parking lot of the building. Which was an old building only having a few levels to it. The building wasn’t a ruin down, it was decent for its age. “This place has seen better days.” The Doctor said out loud getting out of the car, seeing the building in front of them. “Come on, the office is on the third floor.” I said getting out of the car. The three of us made our way into the building reaching the stairway seeing the elevator is out of order. Moments later We reach the third floor; I am catching my breath a little from the heat inside the staircase. “I hate having to come to these stairs, there’s no a/c in this staircase.” I said out loud, feeling the cool breeze coming from a vent above the doorway. The office is at the other end of the hallway. Seeing the company name on the glass door. I unlock it letting them in, seeing the lobby with a few chairs and a desk in front of them. No one was there only me, and my friends. The lights came on automating when we came in. I when into my office taking off my hat, clot, and sunglasses; letting them see my eyes. “I’ve never seen your eyes before.” The Doctor tells me to see them for the first time. Luna didn’t see me without sunglasses as well until that moment. “Let me ask you this, how old I am in the walking world?” I ask them. “Well, from your look I would say; mid 50’s the too early ’60s.” The Doctor answers me. “James, with the short time we’ve melted. I haven’t seen you without your glasses?” Luna asks me still seeing my green eyes, seeing plain behind those eyes, knowing what he has been through in the real world. I open up one of the draws in my desk and pull out a file, opening it up revealing a bunch of drawings even one that they remember very well. The drawing showing the cube they seen earlier, the only thing that is missing is the white horse they have seen. “Impossible.” The Doctor said out loud seeing the drawing and seeing another drawing with haggling off the wall, both had seen this when they came in. On the drawing is Destiny the way they had seen her when they first mate her. The only thing that is missing is the mark on the side of her neck. But seeing her cutie mark on the bottom left of the drawing with her full name. Seeing other drawing is in black and white, showing a picture of the New York Harbor, seeing the great city of New York. With the statue of liberty on the bottom left. Like the drawing, the bottom left. His desk has two computer motors a gaming rig standing next to it, waiting to be turned on. The desk is Hugh with its L-shape design, taking up nearly the whole room. “What do you mean?” I ask him from that repose of the drawing of the cube. “We’ve seen it trying to get to you.” He tells me. “You mean it real?” I ask him. “Yell, both yes and no.” He answers my question. “Listen James, trying to get to you wasn’t easy and we had to enter your mind through your mindscape. That’s where we have seen the cube and the horse who talked to us. Saying that we need you to come with us back into your mind and your dreamscape to come back into the waking world. First, we need to get out of this place first.” Luna tells me before the Doctor tells me, feeling the world around them begins to shake a little before it gets stronger and then. Everything around them turns into a white blur. Leaving them into a light blue void around them leaving only them. The only thing around them is a chip with a symbol of a purple lighting blot on its front, with a white ring pulsating from the center on both sides. Coming towards me making me grab it, then a flash everything from the outside came to me all at once. Showing my real age, gray hair, and all. The mark on the side of my neck came back and starts to glow making everything around them, starts to change and a portal opens sucking them into it. The three of them come out of the sphere, before seeing start to collapse on itself. Sending a beam of light above them, into the lighting blot above them trying to find James. Making everything around them making a purple glowing light above them, like solar winds healing the mind. Making the mind more awake as more active as wakes up. Making both James and the Subconscious feeling the change. The buildings in the distance lighting up, as well the tower. A helicopter comes towards them landing on the roof. The three of us quickly made our way to the roof seeing the train conductor opens the door with a pilot in the seat on the right side. “Come on then. We need to get you three back to the dreamscape before he fully wakes up.” He tells them. The only person taking was left behind is the Subconscious at the tower, trying to keep things in order until the transition is complete. They quickly get on abord and quickly takes off. Seeing the city coming more alive and people begin to cheer seeing the copper above them heading to the place where the gate of the dreamscape is located. Moments later, he begins to climb in height heading into the black void. I see the black void in front of me as well the city behind us. A portal opens in front of them, and the pilot heads straight into it. In a flash, they end up in the middle of a desert seeing something in the distance making the sun flash into the pilot's eyes even with a pair of sunglasses. I see this as well, but the solar flares had no effect on me, knowing that forgot my sunglasses. The engines start to cut out the closer we got. “I got to bring this thing down before we crash.” The pilot said out loud, slowly bring the helicopter to the ground; with the engine cutting out more and more the lower they got. “Hang on.” The Conductor said out loud seeing the engine finally cut out from 50 ft off the ground. Everyone braces themselves for impact, landing into the sandy ground below. The Helicopter hit the ground hard rolling over landing a few time landings on its top. After it was over, my vision becomes burry seeing the Doctor and Luna moving from the crash. “James, James!” I hear one of them calling in an echo sounding like Luna. Once my head clear and my hearing started to return to normal, seeing the pilot is dead and the Conductor badly hurt. As for the rest of us were only have a few bumps and bruises, The Doctor trying to help him. “I’m here, I’m here, how long was I out?” I ask Luna. “Only a few seconds.” She answers my question getting me back feet helping me out of the wreck. The Doctor did the same with the Conductor. The ground gives way slowing up the wreck into the deeps of the sand below. The Doctor trying a cure the Conductor injuries the best he could. Notice something is off, the air they’re breathing has no air at all and yet they are still alive. “That way engine out causing us to crash.” He said out loud. “What do you mean?” Luna ask him before taking in a few breaths filling the air is off as well. “I never felt anything like this, during my time of dream walking through ponies dream back home.” She said out loud answering her own question. As for me, the memories of this place start coming back to me, making to run up a nearby sand dune, seeing the object in the distance. Luna sees me on top of the dune. “James, what are looking at.” She asks me. Before seeing run down the other side making her follow. The Doctor sees her running to the same dune I ran over just seconds ago. Before he could the Conductor tells him. “Go, James knows where to go. Leave me here.” Sitting upon a pick of wreckage that didn’t sink into the sand, getting a cigarette from inside his clot pocket and light it up; seeing the two of them trying to catch up with James. I keep running towards the object hearing the voice of Luna behind me but can’t make it out what she said. Feeling the heat coming down me the closer I get to it until I can’t feel the heat anymore. I keep getting closer and closer I get feeling less and less around me. Until I fall over hitting the sand below. I begin to craw towards the object only the power of my will alone. When I finally see the object in front of me. “I see it.” I thought to myself seeing the cube spinning on one of its corners. I see it spinning clockwise from where I’m at. Get enough straight to get myself back on my feet seeing Luna and the Doctor finally caught up to me. The ground underneath begins to shake feeling the vibrations going up my legs. Then the platform lunch out of the ground with the three of us with it. Reaching the top of the cube, I sent it to see it below us. I see storm clouds start to form above us, turning into a hurricane with an eye above us. I hear something next to me. “James, James.” It calls out my name. then I see whoever calls out to me and is the white horse I’ve seen many times before, slowly walks towards us. “Thank you for bring him.” It tells both Luna and the Doctor before disappearing. “You see them so enough. Now I have a message for you.” It tells me before touching my forehead. Then series of flashes, I see a bunch of images coming to me all at once. Once it’s over I stud there trying to catch my breath. Before seeing the cube levitating itself of the ground reaching the height of the platform. Once it reaches the top, the cube starts to slow down until it comes to a complete stop. It opens in a glow of white light coming from it as it opens. Before sucking me in quickly closing itself with me inside. The cube starts to spin again going faster and faster., until it launches itself into the clouds above, I keep going so fast seeing things from my life. The MR series, both wars until I see a hospital in front of me and my body. In a flash, I was in the waking world lunging forward in the bed with everything still connected making to fall over, trying to catch my breath. Everypony in the room, was scared out of their mind seeing me waking up like that. Luna and the Doctor is waking up as well. Destiny grabs my hand on my left side getting my attention. Once I site starts to clear only seeing the light coming off the room is making things worst. “Where are my glasses?” I ask out loud. Making Destiny garb them, handing to me. Using my other hand to get them on, making things clear seeing everypony there. “Dad, I’m so glad you’re alright.” Destiny tells me giving me a hug. “Destiny, where am I?” I ask her before hearing a doctor. “You’re in the hospital.” He tells me using his magic to get the medical equipment off me with Nurse Redheart's help. I get up feeling like I’ve been hit by a train, feeling areas in my back starting to pop a little, looking out of the window seeing outside before looking over remains of the city of Ponyville towards the Everfree Forest in the distance. “Did they get the serum?” I ask the doctor. “Yes, they did and it’s working very well. The ponies are in recovery.” He answers me, before seeing Luna and the Doctor come into the room. “I see you made it out.” I tell them back in their pony forms as well everypony else that was in the room. Derby and her child Dinky came into the room. Dinky jump on me giving me a hug for saving her life. Vinyl and Octavia come into the room seeing that I’m alright. “Man, you’re lucky James.” Vinyl said out loud. “It feels like I’ve been hit by a train.” I repose getting my hat from an end table near me. My pants were still on, just my shirt and jacket were removed while I was out. I see a bright light in the distance coming towards the forest. Remembering everything the past few days, I grab my shirt and jacket putting them back on as fast I could. Once I was fully dressed and quickly made my way through the halls of the hospital trying to find the exit. Pinky and Destiny see me leaving and quickly follow me. Celestia and Luna wondering what I saw and look out the window seeing the bright light coming towards them again. Meanwhile in Twilight castle. Trixie and Starlight waiting by the mirror for Sunset and her friends. Until a flash Sunset came through her friends follow suit in their pony forms. Rainbow carrying a set of saddlebags on her back. “Ok, what’s going on?” She asks out loud. As for everyone else trying to get a hold of themselves with their new form. The only ones that don’t have this problem were Sunset being born in this world. Sunset looks out the window seeing the ruins of the great city of Ponyville and Canterlot, seeing an unknown ship bigger than she had ever seen before. Seeing something comes out of the hospital, grabbing a nearby telescope looking through it seeing what she saw, seeing a human with what looks like Pinky and an upright walking horse following him, shocking her dropping the telescope making Rainbow look through seeing the same thing, making her scream in joy with a smile making everypony else wondering why she so happy. “Rainbow, what in tarnation are you doing?” Applejack asks her. “It's him.” Rainbow answer question making Rarity her again. “Who’s him?” Making Rainbow reach into her bag grabbing a small laptop turning it on with her wings after putting on a nearby table. Once it was power up and log on, she pulls a series of videos and posters of a race series showing its name with its logo. One of those posters shows the man in his mid to late ’30s with a dark blue car next to him. “I never seen or even heard this series?” Applejack asks her. “Well, it was short-lived series that left an impact on me, because my father was in the qualifying rounds during its second year.” Rainbow answers her question by showing a photo of her father in his younger years looking in his early 20’s with the car he used for the qualifying rounds. “Why did all of this have an impact on you?” Twilight asks her while Sunset getting a closer look at this one poster of a driver with an old black and white muscle car. “While because that is where, he meet my mother when she was a teenager.” She answers to her friend. While Sunset sees one of the posters that nearly shock her. A woman in her mid-20’s having the same color hair like her in a braided ponytail. Leather jacket almost likes her just older the car she drives was an interesting array of colors looking like a sunset with her cutie mark into the design. Making her turn getting a closer look at her own cutie mark. Twilight sees her getting at her rear end. “Sunset, are you alright?” She asks her friend making her break her contraction. “Hun, Twilight.” She said out loud answering her friend, making her see the poster she was looking at. While Rarity and Spike to the other part of the castle until they reached the room where the table of Equestria it with strange symbols on it and there’s a plant with nine moons hovering a few feet above the table. Trixie catches up to them seeing what they are seeing. Back in the other room, Sunset and Twilight seeing the poster of what looks like her mother in human form could be. “Starlight, did you get a hold of the princesses?” Sunset asks her friend. “While, it wasn’t easy but yes, I did.” She answers questions rubbing the back of the head. “Starlight, did you see any of the princesses?” Sunset asks her again. “Starlight, did you meet any of the princesses?” Sunset asks her again trying to a different answer than before. “Ok, I couldn’t get to either of the princesses because of what goes on after we came back from what happened in Las Pegasus. But I did talk to Luna for a bit, trying to find out what going on and for some reason, Queen Chrysalis was there, and she didn’t attack me when she saw me, just looking out of the window seeing the city being hit by a wall of water.” Starlight answers her question with a different answer making her friend begin to wonder. “What did she say when you talk to her?” Sunset asks her. “All that she could say is that, “Dark days are coming.” She answers her question from what she could remember from yesterday. Just then Spike come running in as fast he could go, stopping only a few feet away from them trying to catch his breath before speaking. “There’s something going with the table with the map on it.” He tells them, making everypony in there quickly made their way to the room he was talking seeing Trixie and Rarity standing there. Seeing the map with those strange symbols over the city of Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan, the ocean outside of Las Pegasus, between the towns of Apple Loosa and Dodge City. Seeing above them is a planet with nine moons with three of them still having their symbols on them until one of them comes off and starts to fall towards the map below landing in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Then the ground begins to shack small at first before getting stronger by the second seeing the roots of the old Ponyville Library shacking making the gems shack from side to side. Everyone grabbed whatever nearby the shacking when on for what felt like forever stopped. “What the hell was that?” Applejack asks out loud getting back on her hooves. Sunset looks at the map and sees something big in the middle of the Everfree Forest. Ten minutes earlier. I walk out of the hospital front doors with Pinky and Destiny following close behind. Celestia and Luna trying to catch up as well Chrysalis. The Doctor, Vinyl, and Octavia trying to catch up to the rest of the group. “Where are we going?” Vinyl asks out loud trying to get an answer from me, seeing that I am heading for the ship. I reach the cargo hatch making my way towards the armory. I grabbed Old Marlin and a machete in its sleeve. Destiny and Pinky grab some rocket launchers and some flashlights. Once I grabbed what I came for I when to the bridge, to grab a device from the safe. Seeing that phone screen going off with a message from the bucker. The message is from Galaxy Overwatch. “James, I don’t know if you ever get this message. But there something going on chips in that briefcase of yours. Another chip starts to glow with a green color. The others are still glowing just not as bright when they did the first time yesterday. I don’t know what going on outside and the pony is still unconscious and we’re trying our best.” He said before hearing some banging coming from the next room before an explosion from that room making him and the camera to fall back from the blast. Before the message cuts to black showing a message on the screen. End Of Transmission. “It got to be that Red Soldier that I was trying to repair.” I thought to myself, grabbing my gear seeing Destiny and Pinky loading their weapons and getting their gear together. Destiny can feel something is off. Grabbing her gear and heading for the main deck opening hatch door seeing the Piece of Omega over the Everfree Forest. Shooting out the symbol of the Forest World into the darken ski in a green hue, before a beam in the same color into the ground which lasts for a few seconds. Then in a sharp jolt from the ground and throughout the ship begins to shake. She tries her best to hang on to the side rile on the side of the ship. Seeing that her father trying to get to her making both to see something coming from the forest. Going taller and taller the object coming from the top of the tree line from where they are standing. The higher it gets and the more in volume it gets from its base. It starts to branch off as it grows. Destiny sees what coming up now and remembers the Everfree Tree that was grown before she was born seeing it come up from the ground in her own eyes. The tree keeps growing for a few more seconds until it stops. The tree is showing a height of over 9000 meters, with Piece of Omega hovering overhead. “Incredible.” I said out loud seeing the tree growth for the first time ever. Celestia and Luna came through the door seeing the tree in their backyard, with a show of shock on their faces. As for others on the ship and around remains of the town of Ponyville seeing what came up through the forest that gave ponies in town and neighboring towns a scare of what goes on in that forest and its name Everfree. Pinky came to the main deck where me and Destiny are, breaking our concentration with the new object in the middle of the forest. “James, what about Zecora?” She asks me, worrying about her friend that lives in the forest. “Your right, she is there during it grows and not knowing what came through from the Forest World.” I said out loud grabbing my gun from the floor. Heading for the edge of the grabbing with three hooks on the end looking like a fishing hook from a storage box where I am at. Hooking at the edge with two hooks throwing the other end over the edge, grabbing the rope and leaping over. The others seeing me sliding down the rope reaching the ground below; Destiny follows suit just a few seconds later. I look seeing her reaching the bottom with me, remembering that her training is paying off, making shed a tear thinking to myself. “She sure has grown up thanks to yourself, Pinky, and many others that help her throughout her training.” “Dad, is everything alright?” She asks me breaking my train of thought for a second. “Yes, I’m fine.” I answer her unhooking myself from the rope, seeing Destiny doing the same. The others use their wings or the ramps to make their way towards us heading for the Everfree Forest with what will be called the Everfree tree. Moments later at the edge of the forest not knowing what just came through. Pinky remembers what is inside the forest, but she does not even know what came through. “Well, are we just going to stand around here or we’ll going in?” Vinyl said out loud making Octavia mock at that comment but knowing that it is true. We head in with me heading the pack with Pinky showing where to go. Hearing Timberwolves in the distance seeing me for the first time, as we made our way through the forest. Seeing the roots from the tree starting to glow and ones made from crystal. Vinyl and Octavia look up seeing the tree underneath them feeling small. Destiny remembers she come here at nights to clear her mind at times when she had a rough day at school for something else that sims to be a problem. Celestia and Luna see where the tree sprouts up from, it turns out to be their old home that in the forest all those years ago. Moments later I felt something coming towards us. “Can you feel that?” I ask it out loud. “I do.” The Doctor said out loud answering my question. Pinky feeling it getting closer to us. “James, they feel remember.” Pinky tells me. “They do feel remember.” I said out loud before calling out a name. “Rexy, I know that’s you!” Making the footsteps get closer and louder with every step. Until a tree limes move to see the figure shows itself. “Master” It calls out loud. The others in the group start to feel nervous and jittery as it came from the tree line in front of us. “Master, that can’t be you from the last time I have seen you.” It said out loud showing itself to be a giant lizard that walks on its back legs like a dragon of this world, no wings, and two small arms, standing nearly 20 ft tall. “Trust me, Rexy. It’s me.” I tell him seeing for others behind him. “You’re all here.” I said out loud seeing four raptors coming around him seeing me again. “James, you look different.” One of them asks me. “Yes, I do look different from the last time you saw me. Because I’m from the future, 20 years to be precise.” I answer her question the simplest way that I can. The others see me talking to them and they are talking back through their collars. “They’ve been a well train.” The Doctor said loud than the others. Luna and Celestia seeing these creatures and seeing me talking to them. Before seeing one of the smaller lizards turning its head towards the forest behind them. “James, I feel something coming.” It tells me. “What is it Blue?” I ask him. “I feel something out there that coming towards us that doesn’t feel right.” He tells me seeing the nearby trees to move and it's not the wind move them before hearing something in the distance. SSSCCCRREEEE!!! Sounding like nails of a chalkboard mix with a fork on a plant, making everyone ears ring from the sound of what could be out there. Rexy and the Raptors turn towards where the sound came from. The creature that came from behind the trees, more than one of them came to the tree circling the group. Destiny gets her bow ready seeing what out there, spiders, giant spiders. Dark gray bodies with light blue stars on their backs and blue eyes, standing from 5ft to nearly 10 ft tall. “This isn’t good.” I said out loud pulling my gun from its holster and a machete in the other. The spiders open their mouths letting something to come out hitting the ground below them. Raptors curl their lips and Rexy faces most of the threat, as for me pulling the hammer back on my gun while Destiny getting ready to a series of quick-fire on them. Then two of them fire out their webs hitting both Vinyl and Octavia, Destiny thinking fast fires tow arrows into where they came from hitting them killing them letting their bodies hit the floor. Then a series of the web came around us hitting the ground near us, Vinyl and Octavia get the web off the best they could and fast they could. Luna and Celestia light up their horns trying to give away out from being trap by them. Rexy and the Raptors charge towards them taking out a large number them as for me I see one of the lunches itself towards me I swing my machete at slice it in half letting the body remains fall behind me. Pinky trying to find a way out before seeing one of them in front of her making her fall backward. Destiny sees that she is in trouble fires an arrow at it killing before running towards her seeing another heading towards her fires another at it killing as well. “Mom, you’re alright?” She asks her before seeing a clear path. “Yes, I’m alright.” She responds getting back on her hooves from a fright just now. “DAD WE’VE FOUND A WAY OUT!” Destiny shouts to me making me turn to see where they are and quickly shout to the others. “GET GOING FOLLOW DESTINY AND PINKY!” Quickly firing a series of shots towards them killing three of them. The group quickly made their way down the path leaving me, Rexy, and the Raptors. I look and see Pinky and Destiny still there waiting on me. “REXY, FALL BACK; FALL BACK!” I shout to Rexy and the others that are still out there making my way towards them. “What are you doing?!” I ask them nearly the top of my lungs. “We’re waiting for you.” Destiny answers me as I take a binding shot while looking at the both of them, haring a kill off in the distance. Before seeing that Rexy and the others retreating into the tree line. Taking a grenade from my belt, pulling the pin, and throwing it towards where most of them are heading towards us. Within a few seconds, a fireball came from it and golf the rest of them in flames. Leaving only a few of them left, to retreat into the tree line. The three of us meet up with the others; wondering what just happen. “We’re want to be hearing them again.” I said out loud putting my handgun way grabbing that cigar of my and lighting it up. “What was that loud bang?” Celestia ask me, making me move the bottom right of my jacket revealing the remaining grenades on my belt. Then remembering her studies of the world where I came from trying to find everything she can from days of long ago. Seeing one of those things that I am carrying on my belt. Never experience it until now. The Doctor saw this many times before threw out his lifetimes. Until he came here, he found a place to call home from the troubles of his past and from the gilt of the people he been with throughout his journey. Now seeing it happening here, where never thought could happen, feeling the guilt coming from within. Seeing Pinky touching his shoulder feeling what he is going through. “Doctor, I know you feel. Because I’ve been there before.” She tells him trying to make him feel better. “How?” He asks her. “Well, it from a battle that is yet to happen.” She answers his question keeping her voice down. “What happens?” He asks her again keeping his voice down from others can’t hear their conversation. “Well, to start things off. It was just after we got the last element to get us home and most of us came through the portal leaving only me and James to go through. I see James's car gets hit by something that looks like a fireball, making his car to flip a few times hitting some rocks nearly. I just it the portal, stopping my car only a few feet away running towards the portal. Seeing that begins to close Twilight and Applejack trying to hold me back. Because I was pregnant with what would become Destiny.” She tells him trying to hold back her tears, before continuing with her story. “Once the portal close letting the key to that world fell to the ground before. I broke down crying seeing what just happen. Then I see James's friend, Duke coming to get the key. Twilight trying to come up with the next move, without James leading the way. We made our way to his shop where we been hiding out for what felt like forever. Then the Tv screen came on as we walk into the living room, seeing him sitting at the computer talking to us holding the crystal ball we’ve gotten from the other day.” She tells him shedding a few tears from what has happened to her and her friend. “I was still torn up from what just happen and can’t think straight. While Twilight talks the record like a real person. Showing a map of the location in one the worlds leading to where the rebels are located.” She tells him finally break down crying holding The Doctor feeling the pain she is going through. “I know how that feels. When I meet James for the first time.” He tells her trying to lift her spirits. “Plus, I know what goes on inside his head seeing it hopefully for the last time.” He tells her pulling her in for a hug. Has for me taking another drag of my cigar, seeing the remains of the fight we just been through. Thinking about what will happen next to the timeline and if it is even possible to return to our own timeline once all of this is even over and done with. Vinyl and Octavia trying to get the last of the web off their bodies. Seeing Pinky break down and crying while James takes another drag of his cigar thinking about something, seeing Destiny taking off her pack seeing the remaining arrows that she has, seeing no more ten remaining. “What kind of training did she go through?” Octavia asks out loud but keeping her voice low only her and her friend can hear. “I don’t know; I just don’t know.” Vinyl answers her friend keeping her voice down getting the last of the web off her body. Luna and Chrysalis still recovering from what just happen. “That was a mess.” Chrysalis tells her friend at the timekeeping her voice down. “I know what you mean, but we’re still here.” Luna responds to the comment. I look and see that everyone is in trouble with what just happen. I put away my cigar putting it out before putting it away. Grabbing my handgun from its holster, checking it ammo seeing only having two rounds left in the clip and one in the barrel just waiting to be fired. “Good thing that I brought more than one clip with me.” I thought to myself seeing Destiny used up half of her arrows, beginning this journey. I get up putting my handgun back into it holster inside my jacket taking a breath before telling the others. “Alright, I don’t want to be here longer than I have to, and I know you feel the same thing.” I said out loud leading the group towards where are heading. Pinky clearing her face from the tears of the story she was trying to tell her friend and that story heard her trying to tell it. Destiny seeing the trouble that her mother is feeling, grabbing her pack and racing to catch up with her. “Mom, are you alright?” She asks her to see something that is still troubling her. “Destiny, me and your Father have seen things that we’ll carry with us and I’m hoping that you won't carry the same pain that we’ve carry.” Pinky answer her daughter's question the best way she could try to fight back some of the tears. With machete in hand clearing a path with the only light source is from the plants that came through during the bleeding effect that been happening the past few days. Coming across a patch of poison jock planets in front of us. Pinky knows the patch through without getting any of the plants on yourself. The ones who could fly take off flying over the patch as for the rest of us, made our way through with Pinky leading the way. I remember the time Pinky and her friends did to themselves without knowing what will do, and I want to take a sample of the planet for study and why they reacted the way that they do. But I will do that after all of this is over. Once everyone made it to the other side. “Where’re close.” Pinky tells me seeing a light source from the other side of those trees in front of us. I cut through the remaining limbs of the tree, seeing her home is nearly covered in roots. Luckily, the front door and the window showing the light inside. “It would be best for me and Destiny to wait outside.” I tell Pinky. “Your right.” She responds, heading to the door trying to bring herself to a mood of her younger. “Zecora!!” She said out loud knocking on the door, seeing the door slowly open seeing the quake has a mess of her home, before seeing the body of her friend. She panics runs towards her and called out. “JAMES, WE NEED HELP IN HERE!” Making me run inside seeing her body check for a pulse. “Destiny get Nurse Redheart in here.” I said out loud seeing Destiny coming in seeing what going on. I felt a small pulse coming from her and explain to Pinky seeing Nurse Redheart coming in. “She’s alright, she’s just unconscious.” Feeling a good size knot on the back of her head, before feeling another shock wave making everything inside the shack again making some of the remaining stuff that still on the shelve to fall off hitting the ground. A few seconds it has over, still feeling the after effect of it. “It looks like she has suffered a major concussion.” Nurse Redheart tells me feeling the same knot. “I was thinking the same.” I respond picking up her body best and carefully has can on my back, feeling the weight of her body on my back putting a severe strain on the rods in my back. Pinky and Destiny know what I am doing trying to help. Getting outside where everyone else is waiting. “Dad, you just got out of the hospital, and with the way, your back is nowadays.” Destiny tells me helping me lift Zecora's body to safety. “Honey, she’s right. I remember the first time you told me about your back.” Pinky tells me carrying her body a few more feet while Nurse Redheart gets a clean rag and a bucket of cold water from the remains of her kitchen. Still feeling the weight of her body getting too much for me I put her body on a nearby tree. Vinyl and Octavia sees me caring for her body, remembering what has happened so far. “You know, it seems that James has himself a heavy heart.” Octavia said just loud enough for her friend and a few others to hear. “I can believe that.” The Doctor said in response to what she just said. “Why is that Doctor?” Vinyl asks him. “From the time that I met him back from where I’m from. I think the only reason why he helps out with whoever he comes across, is because of the demons of his past.” He said in response. “Why do mean?” She asks him again. “Has far I known, I’m the anyone who knows what goes on behind those eyes of his.” He answers her question the best he can. Meanwhile Me and Nurse Redheart trying our best to keep the swelling down. “Damn.” I said in a whisper dipping the rag in the water again. “Destiny, I need you to find a sponge.” I tell her. “On it.” She quickly responded heading back inside looking for what I need. Seconds later. She came out running as fast she could with a bathroom sponge in hand. “Here.” She tells me catching her breath. I take the sponge and soak it in the water, put it on her head where the knot is; taking the rage soaking it, putting on top of the sponge, and tying it around her head so it wouldn’t slide off. I see her trying to open her eyes for a brief second before blacking out again. “Zecora, Zecora; Stay with us?!” I said with a worried look in my voice. “She doesn’t have long.” I said out loud picking up her body seeing that both Princesses and Chrysalis are nowhere to be found. But short on time the rest of us quickly made our way back towards Ponyville. Elsewhere. Celestia flying as fast she can go with her Sister close behind. “Sister where are you going?!” She shouts at her lungs, before seeing Chrysalis follow close them. Did not get a response from her sister having no idea that got to her. The three head for the base of the tree, seeing something that they think of. There’s an old home that base in the center of this forest is still standing. The tree grew around the remains of the tree with a series of opening to get into the remains. The tree of land near the entrance, feeling something is watching them as they when inside. “Sister, why are we here?” Luna asks her to see remains are darker now with the base of the tree covering the place showing the only light source it above them glowing a bright green color. Remembering the trouble times with her sister over a thousand years ago. Waiting for a response from her but nothing heading for the library. “Something wrong.” She said out loud knowing is definitely off with her. Chrysalis knows from being former enemies that she never acts like this. They follow her into the library pulling a book on the shelf activating something back there making the shelf itself move back and to the side showing an elevator that looks like it from another time. “Where did this come from?” Luna asks her sister, still getting no response. The three of them when inside the elevator and made their way towards where our heads. After what felt like forever it begins to slow down until becomes a complete stop and the stone corridor is shown before the doors are open. Celestia uses her horn to light up a series of torches showing the path ahead. Luna really getting scared not knowing her sister is up to, let still following her. After moments and for what many miles. The three of them reach a Hugh room like the one in James Bunker. But this place was old like it been buried for a long time leading into hearing the concrete creaking from the weight above. “Luna there’s a reason for me being here.” She said out loud moving towards an object being cover with a tarp, using her magic removing the tarp revealing what’s underneath. Which is a chest with a lock on. Using her magic to blast the lock open making what is inside to glow with a light blue color. Slowing open it reveals itself to be clear ball looking it made from glass glowing from it core in the light blue color. “What is it?” Luna asks her sister never seen it before. “You see, while you were away for college. I was in the crystal mountains with a group of friends. I see a shooting star flying by where we made camp for the night, landing on a nearby ridge. I ran towards it and I see it glowing in the same color you see before you.” She tells her sister while Chrysalis remembers that night seeing the same shooting star heading towards those mountains. Celestia using her magic to remove the object from the chest continuing with her story. “When I got there; there was a carter from the snow and the ice-cool it down enough so I can use my magic to get and when I touch it everything when black. The next thing that I know, I was in the middle of a parent’s throne room but was different. It looks like our throne before the events of Nightmare Moon. Then I see you there angry at me before darkness takes a hold of you and turning you into Nightmare Moon. To cut a long story short, after your banishment to the moon, I had this thing hidden way for all these years until today.” She told them, they are they here in the first place, using her magic to wrap the orb. “Is that why you been so distant after I came back from college?” Luna asks her sister trying to hold back a tear before letting go of a single drop run down her cheek. “Yes, I still regret using this thing. But one time I use it, I saw something that shows light through the dark times that lay ahead.” She said out loud grabbing a saddle bag to put this in. “Time to go.” Celestia said out loud heading for the elevator. Elsewhere The rescue group made their way out of the Everfree Forest, having Zecora on my back while Destiny trying her best to keep the rag wrap around her head wet and cold. Me, Pinky, Nurse Redheart, and Destiny quickly made our way towards the hospital. As for everypony else waited outside as we made our way in. “Is she going to make it?” Octavia asks out loud. “I don’t know.” The Doctor answers her question unknowing what might happen next. Inside was still busy in the main lobby for the past two days now, working non-stop taking care of the sick and the injured. When an overworked doctor sees me and the others carrying a body on my back. Nurse Redheart gets a nearby Gurnee; the Doctor came by to see what the story. “What happened?” He asks me as I put her body down on the Gurnee. “I think she has suffered a major concussion.” I answer him removing the wet rag off her head to show him the knot on her head. “We need to get her to the operating room.” He tells me and Nurse Redheart. “Don’t worry James, we take care of her.” Nurse Redheart tells me before heading towards the operation room. “Nurse.” I said out loud making her stop in her tracks to look at me. “Let me know when she recovers?” I ask her. “I will, James.” She answers me before heading to the operation room. Feeling scent of the guilt of what has happened and what I know will happen. Making me take off my sunglass’s shedding a few tears in the process; Using my free hand to wipe away the few tears that were there. Destiny sees me doing this and asks me. “Dad, are you alright?” In a worried voice. “Destiny, after everything that has happened so far. I don’t that I can forgive myself.” I answer her question the best I can feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. Meanwhile outside Pinky is walking outside seeing her old friends and the town that she spent most of her life in, seeing it in the state that it is in. She slowly made her way towards Twilight castle before seeing both princesses and Chrysalis flying over her heading towards the hospital where James and the others are before continuing. Back at the Hospital Celestia lands near the others and asks where’s James. “Where is he?” She asks out loud. Before hearing an answer from Octavia “He is inside.” Making her head on in seeing me and Destiny in the waiting room, waiting to see if Zecora going to make it. I see Celestina coming towards me. “James.” She calls out my name. “Yes, what is it?” I ask her to look up at her. “I have something that might belong to you.” She answers me using her magic to lift a sphere shape object wrap up in a rag, handing it to me feeling the power coming from it. “What is it?” Destiny asks out loud. “I don’t know, but I’m about to find out.” I quickly answer before removing the cloth rag. Revealing what the object is to me, a crystal ball glowing ski blue hue from it. “Where did you get this?” I ask her to make her tell me her side of the story on how she got a hold of it over a thousand years ago. “Now, the pieces are coming together.” I said out loud removing the last of the rage feeling the cold glass in my hands. “What do you mean?” Luna asks me. “Well, to put simply this fell during our time jump to this timeline, and this one when longer into the past until it came through to create the events of Nightmare Moon and other things that let to be reveal themselves.” I answer her question the best I can, before feeling the crystal ball starting to active, everything when black around me. > Chapter 43 The Black Void > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I open my eyes to see nothing around me, I quickly turn around seeing nothing but black. The ground feels like it is made of glass making an echoey sound with every step I take. “Hello!” I said out loud making the sound of my voice sound louder turn it into more of a shout. Before taking more steps letting it echo around me. Before feeling something like a cold breeze going through me like a blade, sending chills up the old rods in my back. “I know there’s someone here with me! Show yourself!” I shout into the void. Then a blink of an eye I see smoke forming around making me cough. The smoke became thick I start to see red within the smoke before hearing something within that smoke. “I’ve come back.” It said to me, before taking the form of someone from my past. Someone I have been trying to keep lock away in my memories for what felt like a lifetime now. “You.” I said to the figure that has taking shape of my old enemy, looking like the way he looks like before I had shot him. “Yes, it's me again and this time. I’ll go after the ones you hold dear.” He tells me while smiling that grin of his towards me. “The first person I’ll be going after is your daughter. For fowling my escape from that prison of your mind.” He tells me before showing what he looks like now. Is that of a rotting corpse with the rot and decay of the left side of his face from where I shot him all those years ago. His left eye glowing red and red vanes glowing down his left arm. The clothes he wears his the same when he died, just worn down from the body and the passage of time. I quickly draw my weapon and fire at him. Making him go back into black smoke for a split second before turn back. “Do you think that will work this time?” He said out loud before turning back into his true form. “After all, I am your personal demon after all.” He tells me before firing a red energy ball from his left hand, making dodge out the way hitting the glass floor hard, feeling that in the lower back knowing something must have to broke. “It no use, old man. I will get one way or another.” He tells me charging up another shot. I begin to feel something from deep inside my body making me reach out my hand and in a split second purple lighting came out hitting him making him fall to his knees, making the charge upshot to miss me by a mile hitting the wall sending the energy to go around us filling the void with red lighting before turning back ski blue. The lighting kelp coming from my hand giving me enough time to get myself on my feet, using my other hand, reaching out into the light-up void sending the energy to me. Once I had enough, my body being charge up with the energy I just have gotten from the void. I aim it towards my demon and let it go with everything I got. Lighting mixes with the energy turning into a dark blue color hitting. The corpse falls backward on his back before being drag to the edge, before being lifted higher getting hit along the way. This kelp going for what felt like forever until he turns back into smoke diapering into the void. Making me stop and letting go of what just happen to me falling to the glass floor seeing a bright light above me coming towards me. I close my eyes as it comes to my chest, I feel it doing something to me, before opening my eyes again. I was back in the hospital with everyone looking at me still holding the crystal ball. I look seeing Destiny next to me crying. “What the matter?” I ask her. “Dad, your awake.” She tells me giving me a hug making me nearly dropping it. “How long I been out?” I ask out loud. “No more than five minutes.” Luna answers my question. “Strange, it felt longer than that.” I said out loud before feeling the pain in my back from where I fell, making me grab a nearby chair; making Destiny let go looking worried about what might happen next. “I’ll be alright. Just a little sore from what happened inside.” I said out loud making Destiny calm her nerves. I look around wondering where Pinky is. “Have anyone seen Pinky?” I ask still looking around. “I’ve seen her.” Chrysalis answers my question making me stop looking around. “Where?” I ask her. “I’ve her heading for Twilight castle, while we’re coming in.” She answers me making to clover up the crystal ball up in the rage before heading out the door. I made my way out of the hospital, everyone sees me heading towards the ruins of the city. Destiny looks up seeing the Piece of Omega over what will be call Everfree Tree. Vinyl and Octavia knows that they did not get hard from the storm that hit yesterday. As for Lyra and Bon Bon do not know if their place is alright or their parent’s. Elsewhere Outside Twilight’s Castle Pinky reaches the double doors of the castle and push it open seeing the hallways for what felt forever letting those memories come crashing through, most of them were good and some were not so good. But she never felt happier knowing the journey that she and her friends has gone through. Reliving those memories like ghosts shedding tears in the process walking down the hallway reaching the throng room where the table is located. She hears voices on the other side and slowly opens it not knowing what could be on the other side. She sees figures on the other side but only their shadows. Hearing what sounds like Trixie and Rarity talking to each other that was difficult making out what they are saying. Before hearing something behind her. “Pinky?” The pony calls out making her turn to see who called out her name. “Rainbow?” Response seeing her old friend looking as young as ever. Before seeing another version of herself coming around the corner. “Yes, Dashie?” She asks her before seeing herself standing at the door where the others are. But she looks older than what she looks like now, making her mouth drop and gapping for breath alerting the others in the other room where others are. The door opens they came running out making the older Pinky fall backward as they came out, siding backyards towards the wall on the other side of the hallway. Starlight sees her and helps her up, before getting a closer look at her. “Pinky; Is that you?” Starlight asks her to see an older version of her friend. “It can't be her; I mean look at her she looks almost like Granny Smith, then Pinky Pie.” Trixie responds while Pinky gets herself steady, before seeing more of her old friends making her lose herself falling back down again. Sunset standing next to her helping her to stand on her hooves. She touches her making her eyes glow white for a few seconds before letting go. “She is Pinky Pie.” She said out loud. “What did you see?” Twilight asks her friend. “Everything.” She said in a quick response. Everyone helps Pinky off the floor heading towards the library and puts her on the couch. Once she is put on the couch, everyone except for Twilight and Sunset. “Sunset.” Twilight calls her friend getting her attention. “Yes, Twilight.” She quickly responded. “What did mean, “Everything” when you saw in her mind?” Twilight asks her friend. “Well, it is best for me to show you.” She answers her taking her to hove before reaching out to touch the sleeping Pinky, making both of their eyes glow white. > Chapter 44 Memory Lane > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Sunset wake up from being blinded by the white light, seeing a field of cotton candy and sweets, behind them was a castle made from chocolate and gingerbread. “I’m guessing where inside Pinky's mind?” Twilight asks herself. “Yes, we are.” Sunset said in a quick response. Both quickly make their way towards the castle gates. Using their magic to open the gate made their way towards the courtyard seeing the place is busy with ponies doing their tasks throughout the courtyard, some of them using some kind of magic to carry different color orbs to platforms onto cargo wagons before being taken away to a lift that sends them to the lower levels of this place. They see one the wagon finish being loaded and coming past them, they jump in as it rolled by. Sunset gets a closer look at these orbs seeing memories in them of what happened today. Seeing a lot of purple and blues in here but seeing one that is glowing a bright yellow, it too deep to get of hold of now. Twilight holds one of the blue orbs and the memory within it. Showing her in the middle of the forest calling to a pony with a light brown cloth and dark brown mane and tail. Before putting it back looking at other this time it was purple, showing another memory of seeing her calling out someone's name standing next to the unconscious body of a zebra. She put it back not want to look at it any more right now as they made it to the lift. The lift was made from wood like the wagons. In a quick jolt, the lift and moves them to the lower levels of this place. Sunset and Twilight look around as when lower and lower seeing that the wall is made from stone with a wooden frame around them, before seeing one of the walls has ended and let, they are still when down. Curiosity has gotten the best of them; they climb over the cargo to see on behind them. A Hugh room that looks like it goes on for miles field with shelves and tons more of those glowing orbs. The lift starts to slow down, making both get down trying to remain hidden. Once it stops with a jolt making the orbs around them shake a little. Then the wagon slowly made its way off the lift, before picking up speed into the Hugh room around them. They see the shelves filled with more orbs of different colors looking like a night back home in their world. After what felt like forever the wagon stops, both get off making sure the pony did not see them. Both quickly made deeper getting lost in the process having no idea where to go. “This place is like a maze.” Sunset said out loud as they when down one of the core doors. Twilight notices the way the memories are organized. “Sunset. The answer is right in front of us.” She tells her friend. “What do you mean?” Sunset asks her with a confused look from that statement. “Look around the answer is in front of us. Remember who’s mind we are in?” She tells her friend making her get a closer look at one of the memories of the shelve seeing the memory from within the glowing orb in a shade of yellow. Inside the is showing a memory from her childhood of herself on her family rock farm before seeing a sonic rain boom over the gray ski above her. Making her mane and tail change looking like her sisters to what she has known by today. Sunset looks at the memory next to it glowing bitter then one it looks has the same color from the other. Getting a closer look into the memory that lay within. Seeing her getting her cutie mark at a party with her family in the background. With her family so happy partying with her. Now with the memories leading them showing them the path. They quickly made their way to the other side of the room with a double door leading to other parts of her mind. Pushing it open seeing a sea of darkness as they enter. Before the doors close letting the darkness come around them. Feeling the something wet underneath them making their hooves damp making their clot on their legs set. Before seeing a series of light coming towards them with a ski blue light. The closer the light gets to them looking more flame the closer it comes making the darkness fade away showing what truly around them. With darkness faded away with light from torches showing that walls around them are made what looks like coral and sea life. “where are we now?” Twilight asks out loud seeing what’s around them. “I don’t know.” Sunset answers in the response to what she sees in front of her eyes. They slowly made their way through until they see something in the distance where the torches are leading them. Seeing a statue made from the stone of Pinky with sea life both on and around it. “HAHAHAHAHA.” The sound of laughter coming from somewhere that they couldn’t see spoke them. “What was that?” Sunset said out in a quick response from speaking like that. “I think it time for us to go.” Twilight said out loud. “Agreed.” Sunset quickly responds trying to let go in the real world. “Strange, I can’t let go.” Sunset said out loud. “That isn’t good.” Twilight said in quick response. “No, something must be keeping us here.” Sunset said with a worried look on her face. Just then ground and water beneath them begin to shake and the torches around them being affected by what might be coming towards them. Then a wall of water came from one of the hallways, heading towards with rapid speed. The water hit them pulling them into the current, trying to get a hold of themselves trying to reach the surface. When they reach the surface seeing the room is filled halfway already. “Sunset, we don’t have long until this room is filled.” Twilight said out loud seeing the ceiling getting closer with every passing second. Both trying to find a way to get out of this situation. “There’s no way out.” Sunset said in a panic seeing their breathable air is running out. Without thinking Sunset and Twilight take in one last breath before going under seeing everything going dark underneath them, thinking that they might not make it out of this. Before seeing coming towards them fast grabbing hold of them heading somewhere up seeing light and the surface heading towards so fast that they cannot keep their eyes open. Once the object breaches the surface sending water over the side of the object. Both couching trying to catch their breath seeing that the object is a ship, looks more like an ocean liner seeing the sun coming over the event horizon. “Sunrise.” Twilight said out loud still seeing the remaining water go over the side of the liner seeing that this ship is Hugh from where they are standing. “HAHAHAHAHA!” The voice laughs again from earlier, this time it is coming from somewhere within the ship. “I don’t know where this laugh is leading us, but it cannot be good.” Sunset said out loud with scents of doubt in her voice. Beginning to feel the ship starting to move to see the one ship funnels exposing black smoke. Not knowing what might happen next, they head inside seeing Pinky sitting at a nearby chair reading the paper. “Pinky?” Sunset calls out to her getting her attention putting the paper down, and look at them with a serious look on her face. “Hello, Sunset.” She said in response to her question getting up from where she is sitting, moving to pass them heading towards the stairway with a glass dome over it letting in sunlight. “HAHAHAHAHAHA!” The voice of laughter fills the halls around them. “Ok, where is that coming from.” Twilight asks out loud in frustration getting the attention of their friend leading them. “That is what keeping you here.” Pinky answers her question heading to the lower levels of the ship. Seeing that things are starting to change around them. The walls start to turn to that rote and dedicated. The white paint begins to pill of the wall while other areas are something black on them like mold. Sunset takes her hove-to touch what is on the wall, feeling slimy like a bar of soap. Seeing the tail that she just made, seeing a little red on her hove. “What is going on here?” She thought to herself before wiping it on the floor. They keep going further down the stairway seeing it getting worst the further they when. Until they reach the bottom seeing the mold getting redder, they start to get scared from what they are seeing. The only one that was not scared was Pinky leading down the hallway towards a metal door that looks more rested and covered in no other word from what they are seeing. “Is that what I think that is?” Twilight asks out loud seeing the door in front of them. “Yelp, it is covered in blood.” Pinky answers her question grabbing the catch door unlocking it and pulling it open, revealing an ocean of darkness hearing something big on the other side. Seeing a sign above the door cover in rust and blood making difficult to read. Sunset uses her magic to grab a nearby rage to wrap away some of the blood showing what lies beneath. Engine Room. Sunset and Twilight when through the other side into the darkness Both turn around seeing their friend not coming with them. “You are coming?” Twilight asks her. “No, this is where I must leave you now and I can’t follow.” Pinky said in response before closing the door, leaving both in the dark. Sunset uses her magic to give them some light before seeing the light around them starting to come on around, showing what truly around them. From what they could see was very little trying to cut into the darkness around them before hearing a voice from the darkness. “Well, I see there are some new ingredients for my latest batch.” The voice said out loud. “Who in Celestia are you?” Sunset asks whoever or whatever is out there. “It is best to show myself.” The voice answers her question before seeing the light coming on taking away the darkness. Once all the lights came on with some of them flickering before staying on showing what the darkness was hiding. Bodies wrapped in body bags with dried blood on them were hanging from chains coming from the ceiling and catwalks from the sides of the engines. The floor is nearly covered in dried blood and seeing a nearby table with another wrapped up body. The smell was bad making both sick to their stomachs seeing what in front of their eyes. The engines made so much noise that they were a little surprised to hear that voice at all. Seeing some of the pipes leading to the two engines having jets of steam escaping from them and they look nearly rusted from the seals. Then the figure shows itself from the catwalk one the engine on their left side. The figure shocks them the most once it showed itself in the light. It looks like Pinky, but her mane and tail did not look right. It was not the way the other one that leads them down here, it was straight. “Pinky, what going on?!” Sunset asks her out loud so she could hear her from the sound of the engine next to her. “There is something I must show you.” She answers her question. “Is that why you are keeping us here?” Twilight asks her to see her jump over landing on her hooves heading to the wrap-up body on the table. “What are you?” Sunset asks her still seeing this version of the pony that in the waking world. “To put it bluntly Sunset, I’m her Darkside and these bodies are from memories that were too painful for her to handle” She answers her question losing the rope from the body. “And the blood?” Twilight asks her. “I had some problems with some memories that didn’t want to die.” She did her best to answer her question the best she can removing the wrap from the head of the body showing. The head looks like a human head clean-shaven with short dark brown hair on its head. The left side of the head had a Hugh hole showing that it been shot from a firearm. “Who is this?” Twilight asks her. “This is her husband's worst enemy that changes her life forever and that date coming very soon.” She answers her question in most vague responses. “Is that what you wanted to show us?” Sunset asks her. “Mainly yes.” She answers her question, making Sunset and Twilight eyes glow white sending them to the waking world. She wraps up the head, walking over to the other body that is hanging before thinking out loud. “I wish I could show you the real reason.” Back in the waking world, both trying to catch their breath from what they just saw. Seeing that they are not alone, seeing two figures standing next to them. At the same time, Pinky just waking up. “James, Destiny?” Calling out their names seeing them with a worried look on their faces. Moments earlier Me, Destiny, and everypony else following close behind heading towards Twilight’s castle. I see the front door standing wide open and heading inside seeing the corridors of the castle before hearing voices that sound familiar. “I don’t know what going to happen next?” A voice called from around the corner with a fate volume. “Rainbow?” I ask myself to head towards the voice before the voice of Applejack. “I know what you mean, with everything going on here. There’s no telling what might happen next.” The voice of AJ said in response the closer I got. “Rainbow I wouldn’t turn around?” The voice of AJ tells her friend making to look to my side seeing my shadow on the floor and the wall on the other side of the corridor. “We can see you standing around the corner there.” AJ calls out to me making me take a deep breath to show myself to them, which Rainbow finally turns around seeing me. “OHHHH MYY GODDD!” Rainbow gaps out what going through her mind seeing me. Everypony else comes running towards were are seeing me nearly sent me into a state of shock catching myself on the wall. Destiny comes running in hearing like someone having a panic attack, before seeing double. Getting back into focus seeing her dad going through the same thing. Seeing a younger version of her mom full of energy, hardly ever seen her like this. Starlight sees the former Queen of the Changelings, feeling something is not right about her. Chrysalis seeing the pony that has done everything to her but remembering everything that has happened in the past few days feeling something that does not want to take revenge right there and then feeling more regret of nearly on death doorstep. I get a hold of myself before asking. “Where is she?” I ask out loud getting off the wall before hearing a response. “I know.” Starlight response to my question before leading me and Destiny to her. Opening the door with her magic seeing Sunset and Twilight standing next to her. Making her get a closer look seeing that both of their eyes are glowing white while touching their friend. Both me and Destiny sees this too making to get near my love trying to wake her wake, but nothing is working. Destiny tries to use her power to touch Sunset to find out what is going on, that also failed. With nothing else to do, both of us have no choice is to wait until it is over. I remove the gun I still carried on my back, before taking a sit on the couch across from Pinky, while stood next to the fireplace before using her powers to get a fire going, filling the heat coming from it filling the room. Starlight stayed close seeing me and Destiny waiting in a nearby chair with something on her mind that does not make scent getting the attention of the man sitting next to her. “Excuse me.” Getting my attention trying to get my attention on something else. “Yes, Starlight?” I quickly responded nearly scaring her to nearly make her jump out the couch. “What how, I mean. How do you know my name?” Starlight asks in a studdard trying to get it straight in her head from that response. “We know each other in my timeline. But for the sake of the timeline, I stop you right there before knowing too much about your own timeline.” I did my best to answer her question the best I can without telling her too much about what might let to happen. “There is something on your mind and I think, I know what it is?” I ask her. “Yes, it about Chrysalis; the last time I saw her was after me and few others that show the changelings hive a different way to live and valve revenge on me before taking off into the forest around her former home.” She tells me making me take a breath before giving my side of the story. “You see Starlight, Destiny found her crashing in the forest near where I live at. From where she crashed, and she was nearly on death's doorstep. We made camp around her crash site and bring her back to life. I also change her DNA that doesn’t have to feed on love alone.” I tell them what happened to her. “Well, that answers some of it, but not the whole thing.” Starlight response from my answer. “What do you mean?” I ask her to wonder myself. “I mean; why didn’t she attack me after laying eyes on me after what I did to her.” She tells me to answer my question. “Well, Starlight; all that says is, maybe going through her own redemption, or a life delt.” I try my best to answer her question. “I’m guessing I have to find out for myself?” She said thinking out loud. I see Rainbow standing outside the doorway talking to Applejack. Before coming in coming towards me. “Excuse me, Mr. Cribb.” She said getting my attention-holding something that looks more like an autograph book under her wing, before remembering that Rainbow has well the others that with my younger self trying to get back to this world. “Yes, Rainbow.” I said out loud nearly shocking her, knowing her name before telling me. Getting a hold of herself before saying what is on her mind. “I like to have your autograph.” Handing me her little black book. I open it seeing other names in here as well, including A.K. Yearling. I found a blank page and wrote my name with the pen that was in my clot pocket. After handing it back to her she when a little crazy taking off into the air before saying. “I have it! I have it! I have James Cribb autograph!” She shouted in glee doing loops around the room. Not knowing what I just done, I just gave way that I am still alive from a world that I lift behind long ago. I quickly get up and shout her name. “Rainbow!” I call her name getting her attention, making her land near me. I took a deep breath before continuing with my train of thought. “Rainbow don’t let that book fall into the wrong hands. Because I’m sub-post to be died.” I told her making her question what I just told her. “Why is that?” She asks me. “Well, after the crash that made my radio and camera go out. Not even that I was almost near died from it. Those on the outside thought that E.J.S. did not work sending me back fear the worst. After I was declared dead, everything on that side was shut down and forgotten about only a few people know of it’s existed.” I told her. “I was only a baby when that happen and my dad's old recording of those races and posters, he kelp over the years. I did not see those of the last days of the series. Now I know why.” She tells me. “Where are those recordings and posters?” I ask her. “Right now, they are on my laptop.” She tells me. “Bring it to me.” I tell her making her leave the room to get it. Outside in the hallway Applejack and Rarity saw what happen and feel sorry for their friend. Applejack came busting in after that, feeling a little piss from what just happen. “Excuse me Mr. Cribb; We don’t know what happens in your past and why you people back home think that you’re still died.” She tells me with an angry look on her face. “Your right there, you don’t know what I’ve been through.” I said in response before turning to attention towards Rainbow. “Rainbow.” I call her out getting her attention. “Yes.” She response. “You can keep the recordings and posters. Just keep quilt about that I am still alive as for the autograph that I just gave you. Just say it writing down before I’ve become trapped.” I said out loud before noticing that Pinky, Sunset, and Twilight starting to come around. “James, Destiny.” Pinky calls out making to grab her hove feeling her head as she wakes up to the waking world, seeing that they are in Twilight study seeing Destiny standing next to the fire feeling the comfort of the man she felled in love with all those years ago. Sunset and Twilight getting a hold of themselves after what they saw inside their friend's head. Destiny feeling the heat coming off the fire trying to find out what might happen next. Then it hit her making her leave the room heading towards where the others in the chamber were the crystal table showing the map. Starlight and Applejack follow her trying to get going through her head. A moment or two later. Trixie waiting in the chamber sitting in one of the chairs before seeing the double doors open seeing a creature that she has never seen before coming in seeing the map of Equestria with the symbols of her father’s old-world on the map where the piece of Omega has been. She slowly comes towards the table making her right-hand glow before putting it on the table making it glow showing the figure of Twilight shows itself on the table. Trixie sees what going on in front of her but cannot believe what she is seeing. The spirit looks around to see the person that called her. “Good to finally meet you.” Destiny calls out to her. “Who are you?” The spirit asks her. “Someone that let to meet. I just got the ball rolling.” Destiny answers her question the best she could without giving too much away. “There someone else that needs to be here.” She calls out before calling out one name out to the world. “DISCORD!!” She shouted before continuing. “I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE!” Then a flash seeing a creature made up of different parts from different animals. Looking around seeing who called out to him. Before seeing the creature in front of her standing next to the table. “What are you?” He asks her before seeing the spirit standing on the table. “That will come later now there is someone I like for you to meet.” She tells them to take her hand off the table making the spirit free to walk around, leading them to where her parents are. Once they get to the door where they are. “Wait here.” She tells them before heading inside. Pinky just getting herself on her hooves seeing her daughter coming back, before telling her husband what going through her mind. “James, I do love you. But everything that has happened so far has been tuff on me and taking its toll on me. I remember the times that the sins of your past are coming back as well. But every time you became stronger from it no matter what, I like to see the same thing in myself after all this time.” She tells me pulling her hove on my shoulder making me want to shed a tear. “Dad.” Destiny calls to me. “Yes, Destiny.” I response trying my best to get a hold of myself feeling Pinky's pain going through me. “I have someone to see you.” She tells me. “Just give me a minute.” I tell her getting myself together while she heads to the door. Once I’m ready, I gave her the single letting her know I’m ready. She opens the door. “He’s ready to see you.” She tells them, fully opening the door to let them in. Discord was the first to come to see me and said something that will shock me. “James Cribb, long time no see.” Something going through my mind was one thing. “My journey is far from over.” After he came in a shocked me with what he just told me. A spirit taking the form of Twilight in her pony form when we first met and there only one thing that came to my mind. “This isn’t good.” She came closer to me to get a closer look at me before taking my hand feeling the energy coming from her. “Do you know who I am?” She asks me. “I know that you’re the spirit of the tree of harmony.” I quickly responded to her question making her feel the energy coming from me. “I felt you process every scent you three came here.” She tells me. “What do you mean?” Pinks asks her. “I mean when you mean to come here and made this mess with the timestream and I know you're trying to fix it from what has happened.” She tells us to answer her question the best she could before letting go. “There’s one thing going through my mind right now is to Discord.” I said out loud turning my attention towards him. “What would that be?” He asks me with a smirk on his face. “Where and when in my timeline did, we meet?” I ask him. “I can’t say much on one’s destiny, but they're one thing I can say is that it will be interesting.” He answers my question more like a riddle. “I’m guest I told you that?” I ask him again. “Your timeline is a mess from where I’m standing.” He answers me pulling a strange-looking ruler pointing in different directions. “Dad, it best to focus on the here and now.” Destiny tells me seeing the ruler that Discord holding disappeared in a flash. “Your right.” I said out loud fearing the journey that lays ahead. Sunset still in the room seeing the whole thing in front of her feeling the same thing that I am through my head, come to me put her hove on my shoulder. Before the spirit of the tree gets my attention. “I must go now.” She said out loud before disappearing in a flash of light. Celestia and Luna came into the room after she disappeared before seeing Discord hovering a few feet in the air before seeing Sunset close to me. “Sunset?” Celestia asks her nearly shocking her letting go of me. “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna.” Sunset said out in shock seeing her old teacher. Celestia walks closer to her former student making Sunset walk backward until she hit the wall. “Sunset.” She calls out her name seeing her scared out of her mind. “Yes, Princess.” She quickly responded fearing the worst. But that wasn’t like that at all. Celestia gives her a warm hug seeing the tears in her eyes knowing everything that has happened in their past. “Sunset, I know after all this time that you still think that I have abandoned you and let your heart be filled with hatred and resentment against me, but after what has happened to you and the friends you made in the other world, I forgive you.” She tells her to make Sunset do the same to forgive herself and her former teacher. Meanwhile, Queen Chrysalis standing outside the still open door seeing everything that going on in that room. Remembering the sins of her past that nearly cost her own life, her own pride getting the best of her feeling that she would never forgive herself because of it. Has for Discord still hovering messing around the room until he sees Fluttershy comes in and flies over to her shocking her. I see him fixing to do something that would make problems later for this version of her. “Discord.” I call out to him getting his attention. “Yes.” He replies. “There is something you must know, about this version of her.” I tell making him remarkably interesting in the topic. “You see she isn’t the one you know; she is the one where Sunset stays and the one you know is with my younger self in a world where I’m at or more boldly him.” I did my best to explain to him without having to go to a piece of paper and pen to explain it. Knowing Discord from my timeline knows what going on and very unpredictable. But unknow about this one from this timeline. “I know that isn’t the one I know I just caught in the moment, faring the worst trying to find her seeing that she is missing in the newspaper.” He tells me making me wonder if he knows more than he leads to believe. “I know you James from the last time we meet. You do not like to be tested and push too hard. Making me remember the time I got a push from someone I don’t want to talk about it right now.” He tells me to make wounder who pushes him. “James.” Luna calls out to me getting my attention. “There’s something that has always been bugging me, is that why did you give me this map?” She asks me to get them out from where she has been keeping them. I take the map from her showing where the Piece of Omega has been. I see the still wrap up crystal ball next to me. “Destiny there is something we must do.” I tell her getting them heading out the door. Making even Discord wonder going through my mind. Those that were in there begin to follow me where the table is located. Trixie still recovering from the shocking seeing Destiny for the first time. Seeing the double doors open seeing both her and me coming in with nearly everypony following close behind. “Ok, this is getting far too wired even for me.” She said out loud seeing me putting the map down as well the crystal ball unwraps it and putting it on the table in front of me seeing it starting to glow purple this time. “To answer your question Luna, it best for me to show what I been showed a long time ago.” I said out loud putting my right hand on the table making the symbol on the side of my neck glow. Luna puts one hove on the table. “Come on it best for everyone that is here to see this as well.” I tell the others making them do the same leaving only Pinky and Destiny. Before they as well touch the table making their symbols glow as well. “Spirit, if you still there it best for you to see this as well.” I said out loud before seeing a flash of light seeing her on the table. “Now it's time.” I said out loud making the crystal ball glow in our elemental colors before seeing a flash of light, sending us into something we might or may not want to see. > Chapter 45 Shadows Of What Lies Ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flash of light in the gulf us for what felt like forever, once it dissipates, we were somewhere outside a city twist the size of Manehattan. “Where are we?” Celestia asks me seeing what is in front of them. “Home, Ponyville.” Destiny answers her question seeing hover-ships coming from the converted ruins of Canterlot into a shipyard and dry dock. “Is that Canterlot?” Luna asks me to see the converted city. “Yes, it is.” I answer her question. “Is this Ponyville from your timeline?” Starlight asks me trying to see Twilight castle somewhere within that city, but only seeing skyscrapers in the way. “It is.” I answer her heading into the city. Discord seeing what going on so far and only have only thing in mind. “This is too chaos even for me.” Moments later the city center. The group made their way seeing the city is completely deserted seeing shadows of creatures that occupied the city streets standing still like they are just frozen in time. Not even vehicles on land or the air have been affected making everyone a little jittery, before seeing a statue of a group of people nine individuals before recognizing them, Twilight and the others with me and an old friend. Celestia and Luna walk up to the statue seeing a list of names around the base and something is written there. “Here lie the names of the lives that we have lost during the Battle Of Ponyville.” “What is this battle?” Celestia asks herself out loud. “I don’t know sister; it must have been grand to build a statue of this event.” Luna quickly responded to her sister's comment. The Spirit comes to them getting a closer look at the statue before touching it making a flash coming from it consuming the group sending them somewhere else. Once it fades seeing that the city they saw before is back to the ruins of town before the rebuild seeing battle lines are being prepped seeing more ghosts of different creatures from all walks of life. Just like before they are frozen in time. “James, something is wrong.” Pinky tells me looking worried seeing what these ghosts. “I know, the last time we saw this it was only the ten of us from that time we saw that vision.” I answer her seeing these ghosts. “It must be the number of creatures coming through this time is making the vision come out like this, or the timeline hasn’t fully restored let.” I said out loud walking through the battlefield. Then a flash of light comes around us again sending us somewhere else. When we came around, we were in the middle of the desert everyone their confuses. “Where are we now?” Trixie asks out loud. Felling no heat, no air, with the sun overhead. Shocking me knowing where we are. Luna and The Doctor feel the same thing knowing where they are and wondering why they are back here. I look over seeing where we spawned at seeing a crash site of a down helicopter with someone laying next to it not moving. Making me get up heading to the crash site, Luna and The Doctor sees me heading towards the crash site and quickly follow. The others see us heading towards the site and they followed as well. Once I get closer to the site seeing the dead bodies in the colt pit seats and more bits and pieces of the chopper seeing tracks leading from the crash site to the horizon. I see a third body leading against the wreckage. I look at the body from where I’m standing seeing that he been dead for what looks like weeks. Luna and The Doctor seeing the body begin to lose it in their own way. Luna falls to the sanded ground while The Doctor holds it in. Everyone else in the group confuses about what they are seeing. “I thought this place was just a dream, but now seeing it. It is very real and out there.” I thought to myself remembering those events of the past few hours ago. Destiny curious gets the best of her and wondering why they are here and walks over the horizon where the tracks are leading, seeing something shining in the distance. “Dad!” She calls out to me getting my attention. “What is it?” I ask coming towards before seeing the same thing she is seeing, making me shake in disbelief of what I am seeing. “No, that is impossible. I can be here.” I said out loud making me fall to my knees pushing the ground. Pinky comes up seeing the same thing remembering those dreams I’ve been having ever scent we meet. Luna and The Doctor came over knowing where we are now, with the others following close behind. Celestia wonders what this place is seeing the same thing in the distance. Twilight and Sunset seeing the same thing in the distance wondering going to happen to them next. Rainbow sees the object wondering what it might be. Rarity and Applejack getting scared out of their minds right seeing everything in front of them so far. Trixie and Starlight getting more confused by the second without knowing what going on. As for Discord and the Spirit are just lost feeling something going on in the lack of air in the environment. Chrysalis feeling the emotion of fear and anger coming from the rest of the group. As for Pinky (EG) feeling joy and bliss not knowing what is going on right in front of her face. The group made their way towards the object feeling that it takes longer and longer the closer they got. Until they got close enough to see in more detail, it was a spinning cube made out of titanium steel with a smooth surface that more like a giant mirror, standing as high as a 4-story building. It was spinning counterclockwise this time, making me worry seeing spinning clockwise in the past. Everyone standing and amazed seeing this thing, Discord and the Spirit trying to get something off it, feeling something that should not be there, but it was there in front of their eyes feeling something is off about the place that makes them want to leave as fast as possible. “Something is not right with this place.” Spirit said out loud feeling something going up back stepping back from the group. As for me feeling something is coming, I get into position stepping a few feet forward. Then a sharp jolt makes me lose my footing as the object takes me away scaring everyone else below it gets higher and higher until it reaches the top of the cube. I get on my feet seeing that it’s a ring shape platform made out of rusted metal. I walk over to the edge seeing everyone is down there scared out of their minds. Luna and The Doctor quickly recover from the shock before everyone else there, experiences this before seeing at the top of the platform. Spirit really starts to get scared now. “We should leave now.” She said out loud making a break for running away from the object before seeing a wall of fire come out of nowhere stopping her in her tracks. Others see this starting freak over this making Celestia call out to who holding us here. “WHO IS HOLDING US HERE?!” She shouts to whoever can hear her. Seeing the sun in the sky starting to black as sackcloth sending the desert around them into darkness. Seeing the moon come over the horizon showing that its color is off. The color of it is showing a bright red. I look overseeing the staircase starting to come down while seeing everything going on. Luna sees the discolored moon and feels fear going through her trying to use her wings to take and falling to the ground. I see my hands starting to glow purple seeing the storm starting to take shape above us. Everyone begins to get real scare seeing all of this going on. Vinyl and Octavia holding each other tight. Lyra and Bon Bon never suspected seeing this. Once the staircase reaches the bottom Pinky and Destiny come running as fast, they can reach me. Once they reach the top, they see that my hands are glowing and do not know why before seeing hands and hooves are starting to glow as well, making the storm above them get more chaotic shooting lighting around them in their colors. “Dad, what going on?” Destiny asks me. “I don’t know I never see anything like this before.” I quickly answer her question not knowing what might happen next, then in an instant, the three were struck by a series of light blots of different colors. The others see this, quickly making their way to the top. Once they got there, they see something that never suspects to see in their lifetimes. A white horse with a white mane and tail slowly walks around the corner carrying a sword around its body in its holster. I turn around seeing him again seeing that my jacket is damage from lighting seeing that my hands have changed too, the tips of my figures have nearly turned black; feeling the steel rods in my back are filled with a power I have never felt before like I can take on the world again. Luna and The Doctor sees him again knowing from the last time they meet recusing James, as for everyone else this is the first time. I rub my figures together seeing the suit coming off before drawing my attention towards the white horse like an old friend. “Let me ask you this; why are we all here?” I ask him knowing I would never get an answer. “To show you something.” He answers me shocking me hearing that voice setting off alarm bells in my head. “Impossible.” I quickly responded before seeing the storm above us starting to change color sticking bright red lighting in the distance seeing something coming towards us. I look and see that the Spirit is still out there. “She is in danger and I have to get her.” I said out loud fixing to jump. “Wait.” He tells me stopping in my tracks. “Get on.” He tells me making wondering what he about to do. I quickly get on him, feeling the heating coming from him; Then in a quick jolt, he takes off to the edge jumping over shocking me in the process. The landing was ruff nearly falling off once I get a hold of himself, he takes off towards where she is feeling the wind coming around us the faster we got, seeing the wall of fire seeing her panicking trying to go around it. “SPIRIT!” I shout trying to get her attention, but it isn’t working for me. “We going to have to cut her off.” He tells me picking up speed taking to close the gap. The closer we get making me look at the wall of fire remembering the attack on the old Silenzers headquarters, setting off more alarm bells in my head. I see her again and again I call out her name. “SPIRIT!” This getting her attention, making her stop turns towards us, seeing me and the white horse I am riding on. We slowed down enough to jump off, I look at the wall of fire seeing a face on the other side making me jump a little seeing him again in this place just waiting before seeing the flames in front of us make him vanish before my eyes. I get backtrack getting the Spirit on the horse before myself, before heading back looking back seeing those flames are starting to die down. “What was that back there?” I ask him. “I’ll explain once we get back.” He tells not really answer my question. Moments later back at the cube. The others see us coming in not knowing how they get back up. Before seeing them coming up the staircase. Both of us get off still waiting on why we are here and why I keep coming back every time I fall asleep. “To answer all your questions, it best to start to the beginning.” He tells us starting to tell a tale that shocks our world. “There has been a war going on longer, than anyone ever know throughout the know and unknown universe. Two ideologies clashing against each other leaving only death and destruction in their wake; every time one force gets stronger with each fight. I have seen this time and time again, trying to help out where I can. But this army of darkness is growing again, and their new leader is gaining more power as we speak. Right now, he is trapped; but if this demon gets out then this army will be let loose throughout time and space. When that happens, he becoming towards here with his followers and destroy this place sending everything into nothing but darkness where there is no light can escape.” “When will this happen?” Luna asks him to question the whole thing. “The clues are out there; you just have to find them.” He answers her question with more vagueness towards it; before seeing the storm above them starting to open up, making the storm look more like a hurricane showing the blood moon above them. “There something that always bug with all these years until I heard your voice for the time.” I said out loud before continuing with what going rolling around in my head. “Was that you from the very beginning?” I ask him. “What do you mean?” He answers my question with one of his own. “I mean, were you there giving me and the others those visions of what goes on in Equestria during all the chaos?” I ask him getting my point across. “To answer question James, if you think I am the person you think I am. Then yes I am that person.” He answers my question with more like a riddle, confusing me a little. Destiny gets a little curious walking around the platform where the White horse came from seeing a control panel with ten slots seeing three of them are filled with glowing purple, sky blue, and white, their elemental colors. Hearing something in the distance coming towards them making her turn to see what’s coming. Seeing a familiar shape of back when she was a kid. “Holder Boulder.” She said out loud seeing a lightning strike behind him showing his full body letting the wind glid him in, before landing only a few yards away sending shock waves without the sanded ground below making everyone else see what is coming. I look at the object seeing what is out there. “Impossible.” I said out loud seeing him again after all these years. The others see the object out there and begin to wonder what they are seeing. Pinky sees him out there remember the day when he woke up, thanks to Destiny's powers. The object out there shows a shape of a dragon fully grown standing nearly 70 feet long and standing nearly 4 to 5 stories tall. His skin looks like it was made from stone with spikes long his back with a shine to them when the light hit them, green eyes spears through the darkness. Celestia and Luna see the dragon getting closer towards them, mainly Destiny. Before tilling his head letting loose white flame into the clouds above them. Seeing the club behind them starting to slow down making everyone wonder what going on. “James, what is going on?” Celestia asks me. “I don’t know, I never saw this before.” I quickly responded, seeing that nearly coming to a stop before seeing it split in two, making things very interesting for me. The split cube starting to turn again but one going clockwise and the other going counterclockwise. Seeing the sand ground below starting to move away from cube seeing the fire in the distance starting to grow making a ring of fire around them. The storm above them gets more active letting the eye of the storm grow around them until it reaches the edge of the ring of fire. I look up seeing the blood moon above in a sea of black making me worry. “James it's time.” The white horse tells me seeing the sword he is carrying glowing making me reach for but hesitated to know what might happen next. Instant of me grabbing it, Destiny grabs it seeing the sword glowing in her hand making everyone there wonder and disbelief of what going on. The dragon sees this making her get on. But she did not tell him anything. “Not yet, not let there is something that has to be done first. But when we all come back here.” Stopping in the middle before feeling something going through her making her drop the sword letting it hit the rusted floor below. “Destiny.” I call out to her getting a hold of her seeing something is wrong seeing blood coming from her nose. I grabbed the sword ending this nightmare making everything go white sending us back to the room where this journey begins. I see Destiny still out, before coming around seeing that they are back. “Dad, what happened?” She asks me before feeling the pain on her left side trying to get up. Making me wonder what happen, moving her jacket on her left side seeing bruce there. The size of it making lift her shirt making sure does not hurt her. The pain of doing this made her a great deal of pain sending a shock wave through her. Once I see the full size of it, I quickly active my powers making my right hand glow before putting it over the bruce making the pain go away for a little while. Once she comes down from the pain going away feeling relieved of the pain finally able to get up on her own, seeing the bruce for herself. Remember what happened back there feeling something like a building falling on top of you, before feeling the blood coming from her nose. She leaves as fast she could towards the nearest restroom. I wonder what seems to be bothering her and being to follow her, but Pinky stops me touching my shoulder. “James, I’ll go.” She tells me before leaving to follow her. Meanwhile Destiny burst through the door heading to the sink, turning on the water making the mirror fog up a little seeing herself in it, trying her best to wash away the blood. Before hearing something or someone calling out to her. “Destiny.” The voice calls out making her to look around the room seeing that she is alone, before looking back in the mirror seeing that completely fog up now. She uses her hand to wipe away the fog seeing not herself in the mirror but someone else. Standing there was a human with tan skin and dark brown hair reaching the back of his neck and a beard of the same color reaching nearly half a foot long, wearing a white robe from what she could see. “Who are you?” She asks him. “That not important right now, but there’s one thing you must know is that I was you from a past life that carried the element you are carrying now.” He answers her question, making her rub her neck a little. “Why are you speaking to me?” She asks him again. “To let you know when your time comes you much make great decision to save everyone you care about.” He answers her question before vanishing leaving only her reflection in the mirror. “Wait, what decision?” Asks him again in a panic before he vanished. She hears a knock at the door. “Destiny, honey; you alright in there?” Hearing her mother's voice making her grab a tow to dry her face before replying to her. “Yes, I’m fine.” Looking in the mirror again to making sure that everything is alright in her reflection before leaving through the still open door, seeing her mother standing there. Pinky looks at her daughter knowing something is bothering her but leave it for now. While Destiny still has what he said going through her mind again. “When the time comes you much make a decision to save the people you care about.” > Chapter 46 Fluttershy Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens letting us return to the City world outside the Queen City district. Fluttershy looks at the passenger seat seeing the crystal ball got from the dragon that was the former Forest Guardian. Seeing that glowing the same color of her element wanting to touch it but remembering what he shows her and her friends. Later at the James garage. Pulling in feeling emotionally exhausted right down to her core, feeling the elemental power following through her now human body making her way towards her room. Rainbow sees her friend heading towards her. “Fluttershy.” She calls out to her making her stop in her tracks, making her attention her but not turning around. “Yes.” She response. “You alright?” She asks her to worry about what might happen next. “Just a bit tire, I’m going to turn in early.” Answering her friend before continuing towards her room. “Wait, you know your next to seen by that figure that has been haunting us in our dreams.” She tells her to see her friend opening the door. “I know.” She answers her before going threw and closing the door, heading towards the bed removing her shirt and her shoes. Feeling so tire did not even bother removing her jeans and just lay down on her head feeling the weight of the world coming down on her before sending her into the dream world. She wakes up fully cloth wearing the same clothes just moments ago, in a middle foggy forest seeing the sky above is darkening with cloud cover as far she could see. Getting up still very tire but feeling something coming through her body nearly falling before catching herself and her vision becoming burly. Seeing shadows in her burly vision before seeing someone reaching out to her to help her. Grabbing the figure reaching hand being helped by this figure that decided to help. Once she is standing on her feet without falling overseeing the figure with a clearer vision. “You?” She asks the figure seeing the unknown figure showing itself to her. The figure shape looking human shape standing a little taller than her. Feeling something coming from this figure making her full of energy almost recovering. “Fluttershy.” It calls out towards her, making her letting go of this figure helping her before looking up seeing something coming towards them before zipping past them. Making Fluttershy run towards the flying object. She runs through the dark and foggy forest making things very differential to get through. Hearing the creatures in the dark forest around her. Before seeing the object overhead before pasting through the brush seeing a ruin of a castle knowing where she is now. “The castle of the two sisters.” She said out loud before seeing the object above the castle lighting up and shooting a green into the clouded sky above. The light shows the symbol of the Forest world and its element. The second later the light shoots out a beam into the ground below nearly the ruins. She sees the light circle of ruins before going deep into the ground. Moments later the ground around starts to shake sending shockwaves through the land for miles around. She tries to keep herself standing before seeing roots coming from the ground sending her falling back making her slid. She quickly recovers from the own ordeal. Seeing the roots are forming into something big, climbing higher and higher passing the high of the trees around it. Almost just as fast it came it was overseeing the object is a giant tree she saw back on the planet. Seeing the base of the tree see is covering the ruins with little to no damage that not already there. Before hearing something behind her making her turn around to see the figure again. “What are you doing here?” She asks the figure. “To show you, what you are afraid of and then conquered it, you have seen what you can do when you turn your fear into something powerful, when you do this you can do anything you set your mind towards it.” It tells her. “What do you mean?” She asks the figure from the confusion from its statement. “I mean show a power you have to bring out when you want to without the pressure of your fear leading you to that power.” It answers her question the best it could. “I know you had felt this power before when the fear takes over giving you the drive to fight the fear and reaching the goal that drove the fear to stop you in your tracks.” It tells her. Before reaching out touch her forehead making the around them glow white, before seeing nothing but white for a second. Leaving both in a sea of white, before Fluttershy could get her bearing seeing a couch and a chair pop up out of nowhere. Seeing the couch and chair looking like something she has never seen before. Looking like it made from high-quality leather. She gets on the couch seeing the unknown figure taking a sit in the chair and asks her one question. “Tell me, what are you truly afraid of.” “What you mean?” She asks him confuses look on her face. “I mean there something in your past that holding you back, of what you are truly capable of.” It tells her before continuing. “There must be some reason the previous Guardian gave you their element?” It asks her before continuing going at a million miles an hour. “STOP!” Fluttershy shouts into the white void making it leave an echo, making the figure getting its attention back towards her. Before seeing that her chest is glowing making her reach for it pulling out a little green flame holding it in her hand. Feeling the heat coming off but not hurting her one bit. “How are you doing this?” The Figure asks her. “I don’t know?” Answering its question with one of her own before putting the flame back in her chest. Before having something come to her. “That would explain a lot.” She said out loud, before seeing the white void around them begin to fill things from the past and the waking world. From her car to memories of those when she felt this power. Getting off the couch heading towards her car, now knowing why the color is chosen from being a yellow color to a dark green and why it took longer than her friends. As for the memories that filled the room from times when she helps her friends with a sleeping dragon, to the time when she was trying to be friends with animals at Canterlot during what mite to be the best night of her life. Other memories from the time when she and Applejack were in Los Pegasus during a friendship mission. Standing up for Discord when was asks for friendship when her friends didn’t trust him after what he has done. Their one memory from only a few days during their fight with those Reds attacking us on the water world, nearly killing her friend Rainbow, making her jump to gear saving her friend being killed. Making her put her hand on her chest remembering what it felt like to during that. Feeling the strength coming off her was the first time ever and feeling empty afterward. Trying her best to recreate the event in her mind, feeling the danger going through her body, but something is stopping her. Before seeing another memory from her past that been buried for what felt like a lifetime ago. It was her first time performing on stage in Cloudsdale. Feeling her fear starting to take hold making her falls to the ground breathing heavily. The figure sees this. “That your greatest fear.” It said out loud seeing the memory and her reaction towards it. Before Fluttershy remembers those memories that made her scared out of her mind reliving the painful memory time and time again. Having flashbacks towards moments feeling the heat building up inside her making the figure take a few steps back. Making the fire inside her grow bigger than she has ever felt before until now. Making the pain start to fade from existence. The glowing in her chest became bigger and brighter making her grab her chest feeling the heat going through her body until she pulls it out, she holds the flame in her both of her hands. Then a quick flash both are underneath the tree inside the ruins of the castle. She gets up letting go of the flame seeing it going up above the ruins until reaches the top of the arch making it glow in her element color, before seeing a couple of portals opening up before seeing a few friendly faces come through them. “Rex?” She calls out to him getting his attention making her take a few steps back. Before feeling something outside the place in the Everfree Forest, he and the others that came with him leave the remains of the castle. Fluttershy wants to follow them, but the figure stops her in her tracks making everything go white again; waking up in her room breathing heavy and a cold sweat. Seeing that is only a quarter after four in the morning seeing a shadow going past her door making her wonder who is out there. Putting on her shirt again heading out the door. Still trying to find out more who passed her door slowly made her way down the hall towards where the cars are. Seeing someone heading towards her car with something in its hand before turning on the lights seeing that it's James without his hat on. “James?” She calls out to me making me jump a little before turning to face her. “What are you doing?” She asks me. “I was going to surprise you. Because I was going to change the color of your car to the color you feel more comfortable with like yellow or something.” I quickly answer her question putting the sandpaper away. “James, there no need for that anymore. I know the reason why it painted this color now.” She tells me, making me question the change in heart on the color. “I’m guessing the Figure show you something for this change of heart?” I ask her. “You can say that.” She answers me leaving me baffled in her response before leaving me for a shower. Hours later. I was in the kitchen fixing myself a cup of coffee when something comes to my mind. “The cars and Spike and Rainbow bikes aren’t ready for some contentions on both remaining worlds that we need to get to.” > Chapter 47 Rarity Creativity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity sitting on the couch in the living room feeling like something is missing wearing the clothes that James made for her and her friends for what felt like forever. James has the machine that makes the clothes, and he showed her one time how it worked, but never put her hands on it to make more conformable clothing for herself and her friends. She looks over at Fluttershy feeling different now than she was yesterday. Ever scent they came to this world and what has happened to them so far. The only ones that have not gotten an element yet is herself and Twilight and do not know what cause her to change in attitude from what she uses to be. “Fluttershy.” She calls out her friend getting her attention. “Yes, Rarity.” In a quick response turning towards her friend sitting on the couch. “There one thing on my mind; What happen last night?” She asks her friend. “You weren’t the anyone that notice.” Fluttershy responds from being asked. “Well, I’ll tell you.” She starts things off. “I was so tired and turn in early last night. Then I wake up in the middle of the Everfree Forest, before seeing that figure that has been hunting us in our dreams. It wanted to show me how to control that power within myself, by conquering my fear that has been holding me back. It wasn’t easy for me but afterwards, I understand the reason for the color of my car.” She told her friend. “What was that strength you found?” Rarity asks her friend. “A flame that been inside me all this time until last night when I fully felt that flame within myself and never going to lose it.” Fluttershy tells her friend. Not knowing others were listening in on their conversation. “Interesting.” Twilight said out loud with Rainbow and Applejack standing close by. “She had a different experience than the rest of us.” Rainbow said out loud. “I know, from what happen to me.” AJ said out loud listening in. “I know you're over their girls.” Fluttershy said out loud making them scare from the shock of it and making them to come out of the hiding spot they were in. Before noticing how quiet the place is. “Where’s Spike and Pinky?” Fluttershy asks her friends. “Knowing Spike, he most likely to still be asleep. I better go check on him.” Twilight said out loud before leaving. “Pinky, I haven’t seen her all day.” Rarity said out loud wondering where she is. “She might still be in her room?” Rainbow asks out loud. Rainbow, Rarity, AJ, and Fluttershy quickly made their way towards their friend’s room seeing Twilight Knocking on Spike's bedroom door just down the hall. “Spike, you in there?” Twilight asks him threw the door not knowing if he is in there or not. Before opening the door, seeing no one there. “Spike?” She asks out in the darken room. Turning on the light seeing that he is not there and begins to go into a panic looking around for her friend someone close to her. “This is not like him.” Twilight thought to herself before leaving to meet her friends across the hall. Seeing the door open and the light on. Seeing her friends panicking seeing their friend Pinky is also missing. Before hearing something coming from the roof. They quickly found a staircase to the roof, seeing only one person there. “Spike.” Twilight said out loud as he looks off into space with the gas giant in the sky above them. “Spike.” Twilight said out loud trying to get his attention. But nothing making her to reach out towards him to get his attention. Once she gets close and puts her hand on him breaking his contention. “Twilight, what are you doing up here?” He asks her before seeing the others there on the roof. “I come to ask you the same thing?” Answering his question with one of her own. “Spike daring, have you seen Pinky Pie anywhere today?” Rarity asks him. “Yes, she is with James and the guys getting some parts for something he didn’t tell me, but he did give me this note for you Rarity.” Spike answers her question before pulling out a piece of folded-up paper from his shirt pocket making Rarity walk up to him. “Really let me see it?” She asks him to make him hand her the folded-up paper towards her making her open it up and begin to read it. Rarity I know you been down ever scent you got here, and I have a task for you. You remember showing you the device that we made the clothes for you and your friends. Well, with your skills with clothing and never truly use it until that time a few days ago. Well, for starters there’s a few blueprints for some bodysuits for Rainbow and Spike for both Ice and Lava Worlds. The only thing is there is the outline and their sizes already there and I’m leaving the design to you. Just don’t go crazy with it. One more thing is you and your friends are going to need winter clothes for the Ice World too, which I’m also leaving to you. As for me and Duke already have stuff for the ice world. So, you don’t have to worry about it. Thanks James Once she was done reading the note putting it in her back pocket and head downstairs towards where the clothing device is located. Seeing that it's still on the two blueprints for both Rainbow and Spike in their sizes there and everything. Rainbow size is perfect for her 5ft 7in high and athletic frame. Spike size is bigger than is frame of 5ft 10in and more athletic frame. “Interesting?” She said thinking out loud seeing the size difference. “I’ve never suspected that Spike is that big.” She continues thinking out loud before going back to Rainbow's bodysuit and begin working on the color and design for it. First is the base color for the suit, with the sky-blue color. Before looking it over. “That isn’t going to work.” She thought out loud before changing to a darker shade more towards her wounder blot base color. “That better.” She said out loud beginning to work on logos and details. First loading a logo of her cutie mark on the back of the suit and a small one on the left side of the chest. Trying to find something close towards, but nothing. So, she did the only thing she could do is create the wonder blots logo. First saving what she has and open a logo creation seeing hers and her friend’s cutie marks are in the system from last time. Seeing a new logo project and click on it loading a blank page that is transparent with a list of names of what they are. She scrolls down the list that looks like it goes on forever before seeing the search bar and clicks on type the word wings in it. Only eight items show up she moves the cursor over one item making a small window to pop up previewing what they truly are. She moves to the others trying to find one that close towards the wings on the logo. The second to last one out of the eight is the best one, so she clicks on it making another window pop up. “What do we have here?” She asks out loud seeing the window getting a closer look. The window shows a bunch of stuff. Showing four bars with colors on them; one showing all colors but Black and White with a small vertical bar showing where it is. The two below it shows the color black and white with the highlight color on one side of the bar. The last one shows one side showing the highlighted color and the other side shows a black and white version of the color. Seeing series of checkboxes showing one of them saying, Boarders. She clicks on it making another window to pop up, with its own set of color settings. She starts messing with the setting showing the border changing the color. The border for the wings is changing colors, from white to more of a blue color, and change the lighting blot border towards the colors. After like 15 mins or so, she was done working the coloring was finish, and saved the logo. Pulling the project, she has been working on back up and loading the Wonder Bolts logo being upload to the project and applying to the suit on the upper left side below her cutie mark. She quickly saves the design before finishing it off and hitting the print button making the machine start-up making RD’s Suit. As the machine works the suit, she pulls up the suit layout design for Spike’s suit, looking at the layout again. Seeing his suit is bigger than his frame, making her wonder why that is. Making things remarkably interesting and beginning working on the base color. Pulling the window of the base color, to a royal purple. Before pulling small detail like stripes down the side of the arms and side of the suit. Trying to think of other designs is doing that well. Before remembering the gemstone, he gave to her for what felt like a lifetime ago. Finding something in the system that comes close towards the heart shape and finds it. Begins working make it look close towards it. Once the design is done and ready to be imported. She puts on the right side of the suit. Overlooking her work for the last time, before hitting the print button. The machine still working on Rainbow's suit, Spike is coming down the line. With those suits done and being made, checking the wait time on them seeing the clock is showing at else three hours on them. Before hearing the garage doors opening and engine coming towards them. “James, must be back.” She said out loud stepping away from the machine heading to the over past overlooking the cars seeing James’s car pulling in. Rarity sees Pinky getting out feeling like herself again with a smile on her face. Duke and Danny get out the back and unload the cargo that this in the trunk. Pinky feels more like mindful bliss in her smile like she is in love. She wants to see what happened but remembering the clothes that they need. So, she when back to the machine and finish the job the fast she can go. Three hours later. The machine working overtime getting the winter clothes ready. The suits have been ready nearly two hours ago. She hears something coming from the garage making her want to find out what going on. Seeing James, Duke, and Danny working on Spike and Rainbow bikes. Seeing the garage door open seeing rain coming from outside making her want to head out there for some reason. Making her way down seeing both Twilight and Spike at a makeshift lab working on something that looks like water with some blue coloring with it. curiosity gets the best of her and wondering what this stuff is. “Twilight.” She calls out to her friend getting her attention. “Hun, Rarity.” Twilight said out loud getting stubble breaking her contraction. “Sorry darling, I was just wondering what this stuff is you and Spike working on?” She asks her friend. “It’s some kind of formula James made from where he’s from.” Twilight said out loud hearing the lab going at full blast. “Tighten the line or the coolant pressure going to go out, when we get to the lava world.” I said out loud. “Working on it James, the clamps are being a son of a gun.” Duke said in a quick response being underneath Spike bike. Rarity still trying to find out what going on and made her way towards me. “James daring, may I ask why need this stuff?” Asking me while finishing fitting a small radiator. “What are you talking about?” I ask her getting a piece of metal next to me covering the engine bay. “You got that line clamped yet, Duke?” I ask my friend underneath the bike. “Give me a second James.” He replied finishing tightening the clamp on the remaining line. “Got it.” Duke said out loud getting out from underneath the bike. “To answer your question Rarity, the temperature on both worlds will be unstable. With most temperatures on the other worlds are more stable. The suits I had you made have a temperature regulator made within the fibers those extreme temperatures. As for the modifications we are doing to the bikes are for the same thing, the liquid is a coolant I made back home during the MR series for me and the other drivers to get threw.” I did my best to answer her question to the best of my abilities while moving the piece of metal into position. Looking confused by that statement before clicking inside her head. “I think I get it daring.” She tells me, still trying to put it too together. “Got it.” I said out loud finally got the piece into position before getting the screws and mounting brackets. “I know it a lot to take in.” I tell her noticing the confusing look on her face. “It's not that James, it the way you said it taking some time to take.” She tells me finishing up here, “I know how that fills sometimes.” I said getting up heading towards the kitchen. “Duke?” She calls to him getting his attention on the other side of the bike to finish up. “Yes, what is it Rarity?” He responded with a question of his own. “How long have you known him, you think he has a plan, or is he making this up as he goes along?” She asks him. “Now that is a billion-dollar question, that I don’t even know the answer.” He tells her making her more confuses by that statement. With that in mind, she made her way towards where her friends are, passing by the kitchen seeing James making some hot to drink. Seeing her friends there in the living room with something on the screen with Rainbow flipping few channels until landing on the news with a breaking news story. Braking News “We still having missing person reports coming from New York of buildings disappearing without a trace and that not the only thing in Cairo the sand around the just disappeared revealing an agent city beneath the sand that not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years and remains of a battle between the Reds and some unknown force.” The reporter said. "The rebels haven’t taken responsibility for the attack. But we got this repose from the leader of the Reds earlier today.” The reporter said again before cutting to the interview with the General of the Reds. “These attacks from the rebels are becoming a nuisance to the community and the nation as a whole. We need to stick together to end this confect.” He tells the press. "Here we have someone might explain what’s going on. Professor Adam McDonnell." “Thank you, I'm afraid that we are entering a cataclysmic endeavor, let me explain. A few days ago, we have been picked up from the storm world with the biggest storm that we have never seen with a major power pick from one of the generators from a nearby island.” I hear what going on-screen when to what in slam hell he is talking about. “Again on the swamp world, the same thing happens from a nearby motoring station of the plant life on the planet.” The Professor tells the reporter. “Interesting?” I thought to myself. Before he continues. “I was in Los Angeles when it happened again, but this time it was on here on this world on the outskirts of the region knocking out power to the build and losing our data for a few minutes before being restored.” He tells the reporter. “I bet that was hairy?” He asks the Professor. “It was. There was another outpost on the mountain world getting the same reading as before. After what happened in Cairo and getting the same readings earlier that day, and when to investigate.” The Professor tells him “James, do you know who this guy is?” Rainbow asks me. “I don’t know.” I answer her question hearing more about this trying to finish my drink. “Once we got there, me and my colleagues found the ruin that you speak off and something else. First were remains of a battle between of some Reds soldiers and something else that we can’t make out at first until later that day.” He continues. “Incredible.” AJ said out loud remembering that craven of us. “First finding a camber with remains of the same energy signature that we been picking up from the other worlds days before. We stay there a couple of days seeing cravens and writing that have long been died that been buried underneath the sand for thousands of years. We pick up another signature on another world during our time there. This time coming from the forest world. I gotten report coming from another outpost from that world of a Nor Borealis around the planet.” He tells the reporter. “What are you saying, Professor?” The Reporter asks him. “From what I have seen and getting from the reports. I come up with is that the Guardians of old are coming back with new holders or that they have been recreated into these current forms. All I can say is that Guardians of old, if you are out there watching this program. I say hear us out from the people of the nation and the worlds of we inhabit, pair us.” Telling the reporter and those who are watching the program. Making me rub the side of my neck where the mark is feeling the power going threw me. “What those he means?” Rarity asks out loud confuse by that statement. “I don’t know.” Rainbow quickly responded. “There is still work that needs to be done.” AJ said out loud getting up from the couch where she was setting heading towards the garage. “She’s right.” Pinky said getting up from where she was setting before feeling a little lightheaded. Fluttershy and Rarity getting a little concerned about her health and the child she’s carrying. “Pinky, you are feeling alright?” Fluttershy asks her. “I’ll be alight, need something to eat before heading down to the garage.” She responded to her friend's question in the kitchen. “Thanks for letting me come with you this morning.” Pinky tells me walking past me. “I’m the one who ask this morning and I'm sorry for making you skip breakfast this morning, we were in a hurry to get these parts before it got it too late in the day.” I tell her as she made it to the kitchen opening the fridge. “I know James. You alrighty told me earlier today, I still trying to find out what do I want to eat.” She tells me trying to find anything to eat before seeing some watermelon that has been cut up still in its package. Getting that and opening it open get and pick of it, getting her fill. “I didn’t know you like watermelon?” I ask her to know her for a short time that I’ve known her. “Neither did I.” She tells me eating another conch from it. “I’ll see you downstairs when you’ll ready.” I tell her finishing my drink putting next to the sink leaving the room. Rarity sees her friend hearing this making her wonder what goes inside the mind of the man who is trying to get them home. Seeing me leaving the room heading downstairs making wonder what happened this morning. She when into the kitchen seeing her friend finishing the peace before getting another. “Pinky?” She calls out getting her attention with concern with her voice. “What is it Rarity?” Pinky asks her friend in quick response. “What happened this morning?” She asks her friend seeing eating another conch of the peace. “Rare, I had a lot on my mind this morning when James knock on my door. Seeing that I trouble and asked me in which I answer about our child and what kind of world we bring him or her into when we get back home. He tells me we’ll take it one step at a time and ask me to come with to get my mind off it seeing the world that became his home for I’m guesting months.” Pinky tells her friend finishing up the second peace before putting the rest back in the fridge. “I know how you feel Pinky. Feeling like the way this morning before James gave me this task.” Rarity tells her friend seeing her friend leaving the room heading downstairs. Feeling the scent of urgency when to check the machine seeing that everything is ready and other clothes that she made a change of clothes from it for her and her friends. Seeing the new shoes that she made for herself. Witch is a low heel shoe with a two-inch heel on the back made from black leather with a zipper on the inside of the pair. Grabbing the shoes returning the living room couch to quickly removing the tennis shoes she had been wearing for days now. Once she switches shoes getting a closer look at them on her feet. “These will work better for me than those tennis shoes.” She thought to herself getting up feeling the major difference from them taking a few steps before heading downstairs. Reaching the stairs feeling the pressure from her feet being a little off balance grabbing the handrail to help her get downstairs. “This is more difficult than it looks. Also, it going to take some time to get used to.” She thought to herself making her way down. I saw Rarity new shoes not thinking about her needs but seeing that she is off balance knowing it going to take some time for her to get use to them. Remembering why I gave them tennis shoes and AJ 1-in heel cowgirl boots, make it easier for walking around. I know Rarity would find them in the menus of that device and make them for herself. I’ll leave it be for now and I’ll leave it to her owned devices. I also told her in the note to use her creative skill to not go crazy and those shoes she is wearing are far from what it could be. Thinking about what was going threw my mind finishing with Rainbow bike before moving towards Spikes. After half an hour later Rarity still getting use to her new shoes. Before remembering the shoes, she made for the next world have a higher heel on them. when to check on the device knowing that she may have to change them before they are made. She made her way to the machine to see if they are made or there is still time to change the design. Once she gets there was just finishing up a design seeing her boots are already made seeing her jacket next to them. Seeing them that they are different from what she had planned. The heel was shorter and there was a platform to smooth out the difference. “Who made the change?” She thought to herself knowing that she was coming back to make the changes herself. She changes shoes to see how much of a difference between the two. Once she did that take a quick walk in them. Deafly feeling the difference more conferrable than the others. Seeing everything done on her end seeing the machine came online making something that she didn’t put in. Feeling someone behind her turning to see no one there. “Who there?” She asks out loud before having the feeling go away just as quickly. “What in the name of Tartarus was that?” She thought to herself looking around the room still feeling the aftereffects of whatever she felt. Spike walks up seeing Rarity worry like she has seen a ghost or something. “Rare?” Called out to her getting her attention. “Are you alright?” He asks her still a little scared out of her mind. “Spike, it feels like there is a ghost here with us or something.” She tells him leaning against the machine seeing that the design that has been put in is still going. The machine stops and spits out a brown color jacket with white fur on the inside and on the end of the sleeves. “Whose jacket is that?” Spike asks out loud seeing the jacket. “I don’t know, I’ve already made clothes for everyone else.” Rarity answers in quick response. Getting a closer look at it before hearing a voice behind them. “I see that my jacket is ready.” Make them turn to see who said that and that person is Danny. “You made this?” Rarity asks him. “I did and made some changes to one or two of your designs that were being made before you made a major mistake.” He answers her question. “I see you are wearing one of those changes.” Danny tells her noticing the shoes. “Yes, I was coming to make the changes before they were made, but I see you beat me there.” She tells him. “Why did you make a jacket for yourself?” Spike asks him. “You see I’m coming with you this time and I’ll explain later when we get there.” Danny answers his question the same way James would. “Strange?” Spike asks out loud. “I know what you mean.” Rarity quickly responded. Spike checks on one of the suits that Rare made for him seeing the gemstone patch on it making him smile knowing she remembers the same gift she gave to her what felt like a long time now. “Like the finishing touches, I did?” Rarity asks him seeing that smile on his face. “I do.” He said in response. Hearing someone coming upstairs getting their attention seeing who it is. Seeing Rainbow coming up heading towards the kitchen. “Rainbow, daring.” Rarity said getting her attention “Yea Rare.” Rainbow quickly responded getting herself a drink from the fringe. “I have your suit ready if you want to try it on, if you want to.” Rarity tells her friend. Rainbow grabbing a cold can drink and crack it open taking a gulp from it, before seeing the look of confusion on her face getting a closer look at the label on the can. Seeing the name Lighting Fresh on the can with a mountain for the background. Finishing her drink heading to see her suit. “Oh my god, Rare this suit is perfect.” She said in excitement seeing her suit for the first time seeing the Wonder Blots logo there with her name there. Spike already getting his suit and Rainbow left to put her on. After moments goes by Spike and Rainbow come out with their suits on Rarity see the suits fit from the measurements that James put in earlier. Spike wearing his boots and Rainbows wearing her shoes with the suit. Both seeing two buttons on the right sleeve. One red, one blue. Spike pushes the Red one while Rainbow does the same thing to the blue one. Feeling the difference in body temperature. Rainbow feeling cold air going through her body, while Spike feeling the heat building up quickly making him quickly press the button again making the heat go away. Rainbow did the same thing to her suit making the cold air go away. Seeing James coming up wiping his hands with a rag. “Everything ready downstairs and best ourselves ready for the long road ahead.” I said out loud giving those I haven’t told let. “Good.” Spike said out loud feeling the last of the heat coming from the suit. While I left to my room to get change. Rarity and her friends change into their winter clothes; Rarity wearing her boots, jacket mostly purple with a lighter shade for the inside. Having some white leather gloves. Pinky wears a sky-blue jacket with cloth cover gloves, Knee-high winter boots like the ones Rarity has on but in a darker shade of sky-blue. Having a winter hat cloth-like with her cutie mark on it in the same shade as her jacket. Twilight wearing a dark purple jacket different than the others more insulated covering only the underbody, her winter boots are knee-high like others more like Rarity’s more a lighter shade of the ones she has on. Fluttershy winter clothes are a little different from the others wearing an insulted leather jacket that nearly covers her hold body in a lovely shade of yellow that is not too harsh to the eye. Her pants are insulted as well still in the same color of light green. As for her boots were knee-high like the others the only difference our a light shade of pink with her butter sky’s on them. Applejack winter gear is only a thick brown jacket, a pair of insulting jeans, and some brown boots like the ones Spike wears in her size. “I like my other boots, but these will do for now.” She thought to herself after finish changing into them. Rainbow and Spike wearing their suits with their old boots and shoes. Duke is a jacket that he got from storage in the trunk of his car and a thicker shirt for winter weather. The jacket has an old logo on the back reading I-40 Brothers in black & white shield and ribbon On the front is an Australian flag, on the inside is the logo for the Silenzers. “We’re just waiting for James now.” Duke said out loud before seeing the door to my room open. Seeing me coming out in my own winter gear, which is a leather jacket in dark blue shade insulted on the inside with a purple shade pattern and pockets on the inside like the others. Wearing the same purple polo shirt, he's been wearing seeing a white shirt underneath it. The jeans were the same, but his shoes were different they are combat boots that had seen some miles. Still wearing my brown hat and sunglasses, for what felt like many lifetimes now. “Are we ready?” I ask them to see their gear ready to go. “I believe we are daring.” Rarity tells me before hearing a voice elsewhere. “I’m coming too.” Danny said out loud wearing the brown jacket that he made earlier. “Are you sure, Danny?” I ask him. “Yes, I am sure plus there is a reason for it as well.” He tells me. “The signal straight will be weak to do it here. So, I am coming with you for that reason and to see an old friend if possible.” Finish off his train of thought grabbing his bag with a laptop. “Who are you going to riding with?” I ask him. “ I’ll be riding with Duke.” He answers me heading downstairs. I remove my sunglasses to rub my eyes before heading downstairs myself. Moments later outside of town. I take point with the Ice World key on the front of my car, before shooting out making the portal open. All of us gun it reaching 300 mph sending us through the portal. > Chapter 48 Ice World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens and we come flying out hitting the ice right way trying to come to a stop on the ice making all of us spin out of control. Making me use both the main brakes and the E-brake. Once I came to a complete stop I get out and ran towards the portal to close it. Seeing the others are still trouble stopping Twilight car doing 360o ‘s turn before getting into a bank of fresh slow stopping. Rainbow and Spike feeling the cold air going threw their suits. Still trying to get a hold of their bikes. Seconds later they come to a stop and quickly active their suit feeling the heat going threw them, warming them up. Rarity gets a hold of her car and coming to a stop before anyone else did seeing Twilight hitting the snowbank sent over to see if she is alright. Fluttershy, AJ, and Duke took the longest to stop. “That was ruff.” Danny said out loud getting his laptop ready to pilot the drone. I close the portal seeing Rarity going towards Twilight seeing her in the snowbank that stops. I get on my earpiece to check. “Twilight, Twilight come in.” I said hoping to get a response. “James, I’m here.” She tells me to put her hand on her head to check to feel any bums. Seeing the engine still running putting the car in revere trying to get out of the snowbank. Feeling her back wheels spinning not getting anywhere. “Twilight, you’re going to need to change your tires for the ice.” I tell her over the radio making her stop and change the tires before trying again. This time out without a problem this time. I when over to check for any kind of damage, after I look it overseeing no damage I when back over to my car seeing the dog, I pick up sitting in the passage seat. I starch his head making him feel good. Danny drone starts to take flight from the back of AJ’s truck, getting the lay of the land. The drone fly’s above us seeing the wasteland of ice and cold as far as the eye can see. The sun above showing a halo ring around it, creating a credible site. I see the coolant working seeing the temperature gage staying in the middle. I look overseeing the temperature on the middle screen showing only 21o F. “It must be the summers months.” I thought to myself, seeing the live footage coming from Danny’s drone seeing the sun going down knowing that we only have a few hours left before the temperature drops. “We don’t have long.” I tell the others over the radio. “Then let’s get going.” Rainbow said out loud finishing the tires on her bike. “Rainbow wait, we need to find elemental energy first.” Twilight responded getting one of her drones ready for flight. Once they take flight beginning scanning but getting interferents from the snow and ice around them making her fly her drone higher to clean it up. But getting a weaker single than before. Once she gets the height that she was before getting the same single straight as before. She looks on her screen seeing where it’s coming from; A bearing of NW by W with some numbers of 332o. “Strange I didn’t know that until now.” She said thinking out loud. “Anything?” Pinky asks her over the radio. “Yes, I got something. But it a weak single coming from NW by W.” She tells us answering her question. “What it’s bearing?” Danny asks her. “Bearing, you mean the three numbers under the direction?” She asks him a question of her own. “Yes, tell me those numbers for the heading.” He answers her question before getting an answer from her. “332.” I overhear the heading knowing that it not going to a lot of time to find it in time and we’re going to need to find a place to rest for the night before hearing something. Danny continues taking. “I’ve been going over maps from where are now, and towards are heading that is an outpost; more like a city from I’m getting.” “What is it call?” AJ asks him. “On the maps is coming up as Outpost 25, but with a place this size must have a local name.” He answers looking confuse. “It best to get going before it gets dark.” I said tell the others. “He’s right the temperature going to drop fast.” Duke quickly responded from what I just said. “Twilight take point.” I tell her with both drones flying overhead leading the way for us. Duke when over her, then Spike and Rainbow on their bikes, Fluttershy come next, Rarity next to follow, AJ is next with me take up the rear. The ice makes things difficult for us even with the change in tires. Witch we had to take it slow until we get more stable ground for better grip. The wasteland is mostly flat before seeing a storm coming over the horizon line. I turn to see the storm coming not knowing if it’s coming towards this direction or away. “James?” Rainbow calls me over the radio. “Yes.” I reply. “You see that storm, that I’m seeing?” She asks me. “Yes, I notice it and hoping that it not coming in this direction.” I reply answering her question. “I don’t look like it’s coming towards this direction; it looks like going away from us.” She tells me. “That explains the way the ice is handing.” I said thinking out loud before seeing something in the distance. Twilight slows down seeing the same thing. “Twilight?” Spike calls her name over the radio seeing what she is doing. Seeing object getting closer making them wonder what it is. I see it, but still too far away to tell what it truly is. Many miles later and the closer we got. Until we got no more than 10 miles to go. I finally see what it is, but I wasn’t too sure about it. I let loose my drone trying to get a better look from its camera, fearing my worst fears. “Impossible.” I said out loud over the radio, making us stop only 300 yards away. A wall of ice standing nearly a mile high with no end in sight from either side of where we are. My, Danny’s, and Twilight’s drones are in the air making our way to the top of the wall to what on the other side. “Impossible.” I said seeing the screen for myself, more ice but there is something with this ice. So, I get out and walk towards the wall, removing one of my gloves to put my hand on it. From what I can feel is that this isn’t ice, it’s more like crystal than anything else. Rarity then gets on the radio seeing what I’m doing to the wall. “James, what are you doing?” She asks me. “To see if I’m right about what I think it is.” I answer her question. “Then what is it?” AJ asks me. “Crystal, this wall is one big crystal.” I answer her putting my glove back on. “We want to be going this way.” Duke said out loud. “Duke, we got to find some way to get around this. Use your sonic wave plus to see where this thing ends.” I tell him over the radio. “It can be done it just be more notable from what we use back on the desert world.” He tells me. “Do it.” I quickly respond to what he told me. Duke charges up the plus before firing under him hitting the ice around them. The shock waves go out for miles. On his screen getting a map of the area with a ten-mile radius showing the crystal wall with no end in sight of the range giving back. He charges up for another shot but a more powerful one than before, then fires the plus making the range go up to 50-miles out this time seeing the wall on the east side change a little bit. But it's the edge of the new range, so he charges up more powerful plus than last time. He fires the plus getting a range going to a 100-mile this time getting a clear picture of what's on the east side. The wall looks like it levels out on the east side, so he gets on the radio. “It looks like the wall and the ground level, levels each other out from I’m getting these pluses.” He tells everyone. Rainbow and Spike notice something going on with the ice seeing crakes start to show. The dog in the passenger seat gets noticing something is wrong making me feel the same thing making me open my door seeing the crakes showing underneath me. Before feeling a small shake underneath, I close my door and quickly get back on the radio. “We got to move, now!” I shout over the radio making everyone else wonder what going on before feeling a stronger shake this time making everyone get the lead out heading east. Before seeing the ice begin to give way in my driver-side mirror. The ice-making our escape from the collapsing ice behind us. Pinky trying to keep up but her back wheels are spinning more than making grip starting to fall behind. Applejack sees she is in trouble active her elemental chip and moving behind her making contact with her back bumper. AJ’s truck and better grip help Pinky making her catch up. 50 miles and the ice still trying to catch us, and I see in the distance seeing an on-ramp leading to the top. I quickly get into position for the on-ramp with everyone else follow close behind. The on-ramp is made from crystal and we quickly made are on there with the ice collapsing around us but stopping at the on-ramp. We made our way to the top of the wall seeing the ice floor completely collapse leave what looks like water to the event horizon. “Getting back is going to be harder now with the ice gone.” Danny said out loud over the radio. “It will freeze over again during the winter months.” I quickly responded to that statement. “Those charges were too strong for the ice. I thought it was thicker than that.” Duke said out loud not know the radio pick that up. I recall my drone that just rejoins us from that event only Danny’s and Twilight's are still flying. “We’ll find a way to get back to the portal.” I said out loud over the radio. “It best to get back on track on finding the element.” Twilight response from what I just said. Seeing the tires are getting more grip than before, we get on our way towards the element. 4 hours and 200 miles underway. The sun overhead has lower 10o from its previous position and the temperature begins to drop, the readout showing 15oF, wind speed picking up as well showing 5mph coming from the NW dictation. We begin to see lights or what looks like lights in the distance. “We must be getting close towards where that outpost that Danny mention earlier.” I thought to myself. We get closer and closer towards those lights seeing ships coming and going. “Yes, this must be it.” I said out loud not knowing that my earpiece is active. “What was that daring?” Rarity asks me. “Hun, sorry thinking out loud.” I quickly respond to that question getting my attention and turn off the earpiece. When we reach the outer each of the city finally getting its name of a signpost. “ST. Petersburg.” “Another place named after a city on Earth.” Duke said out loud over the radio. > Chapter 49 An Old Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We made our way to throw the city ships coming in and out of the city, cars, and trucks going around the city. The city is alive and well for the city this size. We main our way down one of the main roads seeing a large ship over our heads heading towards the other side of the city. Before seeing a transport ship coming into range in my rear-view mirror looking from its size a little more than 50 meters long. The exhaust fumes are in cyan color and the paint color show two shades of purple one dark, one light. The place is heading not towards where the others are heading; it heading to a hanger on the east side of the city. Knowing that we must stay for the night and if I know who piloting that ship. We’ll be better off for it. Rainbow sees the ship heading for the east side of the city. “Did you see that?” Rainbow asks Spike making him turn his heading seeing the small purple ship. I pull off the main road Spike saw that, making him turn around and begin to follow. “James, what are you doing?” He asks me over the radio. I ignore him and pick following the ship towards its hanger. The others hear this wondering what is going threw my mind. Twilight gets on the radio trying to get my attention. “James, answer me.” She said making her turn right on the next street coming up making the others follow. Danny’s drone seeing the ship heading east wondering why I’m following it as well. With following me and not knowing that the others have begun to follow, I see the ship slowing down and a roof opening up something that doesn’t look anything like a hanger, like a warehouse-like one of the safehouses. Which got me thinking was this place on lockdown or it must be one off the books. I pull off to a side road next to the building and park it. Looking around before I get out seeing a way in. I open the door and get leaving the heater and the engine still running so the dog want to get cold. I hear a motorcycle behind me making me turn and see who follows me. “Spike, what are doing?” I ask him, seeing him pulling up next to me. “I would ask you the same thing?” Answering my question with one of his own. “Curiosity.” I answer him looking anyway getting in the building, then seeing an open window, then seeing a drainpipe next to it making my way towards it. “Curiosity.” Spike said out loud only that he can hear it, then seeing me climbing up the pipe. Begins to follow climbing the pipe. I open the window so I can get in. I hear someone coming behind me making to see who it is. “Spike?” I call out his name in confusion looking at him getting into the window. “I’m trying to find out what in name of Celestia are you doing?” He asks me almost into a shout. “Keep your voice down I don’t think we are alone.” I tell him seeing where we are hearing the roof closing and the engines shutting down. Looks like a bedroom we are in that hasn’t been used for a long time now. I quickly move over to the door and open little seeing the other side, Lights coming from downstairs near the ship. I get down low open the door more get threw heading to the stairwell. I look over to see where Spike is seeing that he’s only a few feet away from to keep low. “Wait here, until I give the word.” I tell him moving downstairs seeing the ship. “Dolphin class.” I thought to myself before seeing the feet of the owner on the other side getting lines to hook up to the tail end the same side whoever the person is. The owner start coming this way, making me duck into the darkness around me making sure I wasn’t seen. The owner is no more than 5ft 9in from where I’m standing, wearing a suit for space travel still wearing its helmet that was blackout, heading upstairs knowing that Spike is still up there. As the owner makes its way upstairs keeping quiet and, in the shadows, make my upstairs seeing the owner heading towards the bedroom. Seeing Spike on the far side of the room, I quickly made my way towards still in the shadows. “Spike.” I whisper to him getting his attention, scaring him a little in the progress. I see the light coming on in the room. I see whoever standing there feeling the cold air going getting the attention of the owner. “That damn window broke again I know that I’d close that window before I left 3 months ago.” It said closing the window The owner closes the door making us move to a nearby window quietly opening seeing another pipe only a few feet away. “Go first Spike.” I tell him, making him climb out the window heading down to ground level. I look over at the window seeing the person making me wait for a moment or two, seeing the shadow of the person taking off the helmet and removing a cap letting its hair down, removing the suit seeing that the person is female and a fine looking one at that slim body, toned butt, and a good size of C-cup breast. The shadow moves away heading across the room. Making me act quick jumping out the window sliding down with Spike waiting on me. “What kelp you?” He asks me seeing the shadow of the person off the wall on the other side making me and Spike lean back to the wall. Before seeing the light turns off, making both of us make a run for it to the cars. Spike quickly gets on his bike and starts the engine. Before opening my door, I tell Spike one thing. “We let the others know what happen here.” I tell him with a stern look on my face. Elsewhere across town. Twilight and the others get lost driving threw the city ending up in the bad part of town. Rarity looks concerned about the contention that they landed themselves in. “Twilight, are you sure you know where we are going?” She asks her over the radio making Fluttershy to the radio now. “Know what you mean, plus it looks like it going to be dark soon.” With a worried tone in her voice. Applejack gets on the radio this time. “I notice that for a while and be best to find somewhere to rest for the night.” She said in a worried tone in her voice as well, making Rainbow notice that Spike is missing for like a half an hour now. “Anyone seen Spike?” She the rest over the radio. “I saw him turn around a while ago heading down one of the side roads and asking what James is doing.” Rarity answers her question, making Duke and Danny wondering what I’m doing heading for the eastside near one of the old and decommission warehouses. “Twilight pick up, if your there.” Hearing my voice over the radio. “James, what going on disappearing on us like and where’s Spike?” Twilight asks with a worried tone in her voice. “I’ll tell you later, meet me at a bar near our location on the east side of town and Spike is here with me.” I answer her question. “A bar what is its place called daring?” Rarity asks me. “The name is White Russian.” I answer her question leaving them on their own. “Does anyone knows where this place is?” AJ asks over the radio. “I think so, it's been some time since the last time I was here.” Duke answers her question leading the way towards the bar. Meanwhile at the White Russian. I just got off the radio taking the dog with me with Spike leaning next to the car with his bike parked next to me, seeing the sun beginning to set with only 7:17 pm on the clock. “You think whoever owns that ship we come to a place like this?” He asks me. “She’ll come.” I quickly answer her question seeing the building is more like a shack than the other building around it with a big parking lot. “She?” He asks me confuse from with I just said. “Yes, I got a real good look at her.” I answer his question and this is a place where you want to get somewhere without going threw the airport.” I answer her question closing the door heading to the front door. I when threw the doors making everyone turn to see just came through the door. Making me feel unwelcome, I when to the bar to get myself a drink. “Can I help you?” Ask the barkeep. “I’ll have Scotch on the rocks and an apple cider.” I tell him. “What about the dog?” He ask me. “Got something back for him?” I answer with one of my own. “Might have some leftover meat or something, I’ll have to check.” He answers my question starts getting our drinks ready. “Bring it over.” I tell heading to a table where Spike sitting at a big enough for the whole group coming in the back. Meanwhile outside A stranger walks up to the bar wearing a hood over her head seeing a group of cars and a bike pull in the parking lot making her deck into a side of the building out of view, before seeing the car and bike that was at earlier. “They must be looking for me?” She thought to herself seeing them getting out of the vehicles before hearing their conversation. “This is the place.” Duke said out loud getting out. “James and Spike must be already inside.” Twilight said out loud heading into the building. Hearing that name making her have alarm bells going off in her head before pulling out her phone with a list of names and James C is on that list. Inside I already taking a sip of my drink with they walk in. “Twilight, over here.” I shout over the noise in the bar, while the dog getting his fill on some leftovers from the kitchen. Spike turning the bottle upside down getting the last of it. Everyone takes their seats while a waitress coming up behind. “What can I get yah?” She asks us. “Let me see two beers and 6 ciders.” I tell her before Spike interrupts me. “Make it another.” He said out loud starting to feel good. “7 ciders.” I corrected myself. “And for you?” She asks me. “I’m good.” I tell her taking another sip of my drink. Once all the drinks got here, I can tell the others what going on. “You see I notice that want be enough time to get the element and get out before the sun goes down and the temperatures get unbelievably cold on this world.” I tell them. “How cold can it get?” Rainbow asks me gulping her drink nearly finish it in one go. “Trying like -150oF during the winter months.” I answer her question. “That pretty cold?” Pinky said out loud. “That not the only thing as well.” I said rubbing my neck a little seeing a person in a hooded jacket just coming from the cold before taking a seat at the bar. “What is it, James?” Rarity asks me making nearly everyone turn hearing that name. “It's about the water I didn’t pack to the journey ahead.” I answer her question. “Why not use the water here?” Rainbow asks me just finish off her drink. “Because the water here, isn’t water; it’s really mercury and become very deadly to those who try to drink it.” I answer her question when there a big guy starts walking up to me. “James Cribb.” He calls out my name getting attention. “Can I help you?” I ask him. “Yes, you’re a wanted man with a 25-million-dollar bounty on your head.” He said out loud making everyone else get up from what he just said, everyone but the person in the hooded jacket returning to her drink. I took a deep breath before getting up with my drink before taking the last leaving only the ice in the glass. “I just hate to waste a good drink like that.” I said out loud leaving the man confuses from what I just said, before taking the glass and smashing it in the side of his head leaving him unconscious. Which makes everyone bar the bar to come at me. One came to my right I quickly dodge out of the way making him run into the table next to me. While another came on my right, I aim my arm out to him making one of the deices I keep in my sleeves to act like a taser sending electric shocks threw his body before collapsing to the floor. Witch makes the others scare a little before one pulls out a handgun and takes aim at me. With quick think I grab a nearby chair and throw it at him making him fire the gun only hitting my shoulder leaving only a flesh wound. Sending the guy to the ground making the gun flying out of his hands and across the room. At that point, things are to go crazy at the bar hearing what sounds like a storm that just comes out of nowhere over the bar making everyone at the bar scare out of their mind, everyone except for the person in the hooded jacket still finishing her drink. The storm outside gets bigger sending lighting strikes around the buildings before one hit the building, sending it threw the building and hitting me but not killing me. But something else something new I have never felt before, making the mark on the side of my neck glow and hand to glow purple. I see that asshole grabs his gun and pointed it at me again and fires it until it was empty. Seeing the fear in his face now, I reach up to remove my sunglasses; showing that my eyes are also glowing purple as well. I reach up with my overhand and send out a lighting blot towards him in a quick flash and a rumble of thunder. He falls over dead with a hole threw him and a black spot on the wall behind him. The power goes away from me making the glowing stop, finally getting the attention of the person in the hooded jacket that just finished her drink. “Are you here to find me or something else?” She asks me before alarm bells goes off from not just my head but everyone else in the group. “Have we met before?” I ask her. “You might have seen me before.” She said removing her hood to the group letting her red and yellow fall behind. “Sunset.” Twilight calls out to her. > Chapter 50 A Place To Rest For The Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Impossible.” Twilight said out loud seeing her but did not believe it. Pinky notices something is off about her. “How can she be the Sunset we know is back in her world and having one here with us?” Applejack asks out loud getting up from where she was sitting. “Unless.” Twilight said out loud before getting a major alarm bell when off in her head. “You’re her counterpart.” She said out loud. “No wonder we saw her double back there, because she’s been here the whole time.” Spike said out loud. “That not the only thing that is different.” Pinky said out loud getting up from her chair beginning a little lightheaded making her friends worry a little. “She looks older than the other Sunset.” She finishes what she had to say. “Your right, she does look older maybe closer towards James’s age.” Twilight made that statement getting her attention. “I’m only 27 the last time I check.” Sunset tells her looking over the dead body before heading the door. Making me go after her with the dog following close behind. I open the seeing her walking up the road with her hood over her head. “Sunset.” I call out to her trying to get her attention. “James, it best for you and your friends to leave; Before things get worst around here.” She tells me still walking away, making me grab her arm. “Let go of me.” She tells me pulling out a blade and stabbing me in the gut, making me grunt a little seeing the blood start coming out onto my favorite shirt. This makes the power that is still in me going active, making the mark on the side of my neck start to glow. She notices it making her pull out the blade seeing the stab wound quickly starting to heal. “What happen to you?” She asks me seeing the glowing died down, getting a closer look at the mark on the side of my neck. “Something I had to do.” I answer her question rubbing my neck seeing the blood on my shirt. “There is something you want?” She asks me wiping the blood off before putting it back in her pocket. “There is, we need a place to stay for the night?” I answer her question with one of my own. “Why don’t you get a room across town or go back to where you come from.” She gave me an answer. “Tell me one thing?” She asks me before trying to leave with me still grabbing hold of her. “What is it Sunset?” I answer her question with one of my own. “Was that you at my place earlier today?” She asks me with a stern look on her face. “And don’t you lie to me James.” She tells me pulling a gun out from her jacket. I took a deep breath before answering. “Yes, I was there. Only because I saw your ship coming in knowing you never make things easy for yourself and I put two and two together.” “I don’t have space at my place you and your friends, but I got space on my ship to let you stay the night only one night.” She tells me making to let go of her arm to take a few steps back. “Thanks Sunset, by the way, it's not loaded.” I tell her shocking her checking her gun seeing that it is empty heading back inside. Sunset sees the dog sitting there during the whole thing before following him back inside. Seeing the barkeep on the phone before hanging up as soon I come in seeing the others were waiting for me on any news on where to stay. “We found a place to stay for the night.” I told them heading back to the bar to have a word with the barkeep. “Sorry about the trouble.” I tell him. “Don’t worry about it that guy was an asshole, and I know people that can make stuff like this go away without a trace.” He tells me. Giving him some money to cover the damages and the drinks, before heading the money back to me. “Call this a favor for an old friend of yours.” He tells me leaving a little confused about it looking seeing the others heading outside when I’m done. I when out the door with my dog following close behind, Twilight getting my attention. “Where are we going?” She asks me. “Just follow me.” I said opening the door to my car letting the dog in making himself comfortable in the seat. She notices the blood on my shirt as I get in of my car wondering what happen earlier. “Did Sunset do that?” She thought to herself before heading towards her car, before something else comes to her mind. “What happen to this Sunset to make her hard boil?” Thinking to herself getting inside her car before seeing that she got a passenger, turning to see that person is Sunset waiting on us. Moments later and a few blocks away. We pull up to a side alley of the building. “So, where is the front door?” Rainbow ask over the radio making Sunset pull out a device from inside her jacket, hitting a button making the walls pull apart revealing the garage door and open after the walls finishing pulling apart. Making me, Frank, and Danny knows this is a decommission safehouse now. Once everyone is inside and the door closes, and the outside walls hides the entrance to the building. Sunset gets outreaching the light switch showing what the dark is hiding. First, another Mazda RX-8 was painted in orange, red, and a little bit of yellow, with her mark on the hood. Next to them were the small ship painted in the two shades of purple and white on the side. Cables and hoses are attached to it. Sunset removes her jacket showing what she is wearing, which is a pair of black skinning jeans with 3-in leather boots that goes up to her knees. A red long sleeve sweater that hugs her then body showing her C-cup bust prow. She made her way upstairs making me follow her. Once I get up there seeing her getting some coffee brewing. “Tell me James, are you still seeing that bitch Becky?” She asks me. “You mean if we are still dating, then no. but I do stay in touch with her whenever I get a chance to.” I answer her question making her angry from that response. Slipping me. “I was sent to prison and had to escape from it. Because you didn’t come to me during that day, you kelp going after those cops block me in.” She tells me before pulling a cigarette from a nearby pack. I pull out my lighter, lighting it for her. “You weren’t the only one capture on that day either.” I tell her pulling out my cigar and light it, making her curious from what I just said. “What the hell are you talking about?” She asks me. I finish lighting my cigar and take a long drag before continuing. “I mean, I capture too on that day as well. I was taking by the Silenzers after I crash and leave me with me with an only choice to join up with them once I’m taking back to their base.” I tell her making her loosening her tone hearing what happened to me. “I always thought you made it through.” She tells me taking another hit. “I didn’t.” I tell taking a seat at the table seeing an ashtray on there. “I see that you are riding with the I-40 Brothers.” She tells me getting a couple of mugs from the cabinet. “Yes, me, Frank, and Danny are the last of the Silenzers; everyone else is dead.” I tell her taking another drag. “That must have been tuff on you?” She asks me finish making the coffee handing it to me. “It was.” I answer her before taking a slip. “How did you come by one of our safehouses?” I ask her. “The place has abandoned about a month later from my escape with my car.” She answers me slipping her coffee. “That this place was decommissioned, leaving nothing behind.” I tell her feeling the heat coming from the mug. “Where did you get the ship from?” I ask her taking a slip. “I got that from a junkyard, about a week later and begin work as a smuggler, and that bar is where I use to make business deals with.” She answers me. “Why that paintwork and I know it not for laying low?” I ask her. “It not for laying low, it for the opposite reasons. Make people think it’s for passage, not cargo.” She answers me. “Well then, that interesting.” I said removing my hat to rub my forehead feeling a headache coming and the rods in my back starting to act up from the cold air around me. The pain starts to get worst making me to rub my sunglasses showing my green eyes to her for the first time seeing the lights in the kitchen feel like small suns in my face. I try to reach for something in my jacket, before feeling something in my gut before coming up. What came up scare both me and Sunset, it was pure energy glowing purple coming above us. Then feeling another one coming, more of the purple energy coming from inside me. Feeling it going away after the second one came out of me, still feeling the after-effects of the headache getting my attention towards Sunset with a worried look on her face. I rub the side of my neck making Sunset get a good look at the mark on the side of my neck. “Where did this mark come from?” She asks seeing it looking more like a birthmark than anything like this before. “If you must know, I got it on the storm world after I got this.” I tell her getting the elemental chip from my pocket. Seeing this made her to try to grab it sending a shock threw her, making her wonder what the hell this thing is. “What the hell is it?” She asks me sitting down for the first time getting another cigarette lighting it up. “This is the element of the Storm world and I guesting I’ve became its guardian.” I answer her question putting the elemental chip back in my pocket. “Why do have it?” She asks me taking a drag. “Those friends of mine are not from this world and I found a way to get them back to their world. But I need the elements from the nine worlds in order to do it. So far we have seven with only two left.” I tell her what going on. “Is that why you are here?” She asks me taking another drag. “Yes, it is. It's just lucky that our paths cross once again.” I said getting up from my chair heading towards the staircase. “James.” She calls out to me making look and see that my hat and sunglasses are still on the table seeing her getting up coming towards me hearing the others downstairs. “How about making up for lost time?” She asks me to come in putting her arms around me for a kiss. “I can’t, I got one of them pregnant.” I tell her making her, even more, turn on. “Which one?” Trying to get into my pants “Pinky Pie.” I answer her seeing her putting her hand on the outside of her pants making herself go wild. “Don’t worry James, I’m on the pill.” She tells me finally getting my cock free and beginning to suck on it. Meanwhile downstair. Pinky feels something going on upstairs between James and Sunset and slowly goes up seeing Sunset sucking on his cock, start making herself horny has starting to run her pussy from the outside. I look over seeing her standing there with that face of her when we did it. Removing her jacket and gloves leaving only her hat and her normal clothes on. Coming next to Sunset to start licking my balls, while starting to reach in Sunset pants and start rubbing her pussy making her really wet down making her moan in the progress. I begin to feel pressure before coming to a stop seeing both Sunset and Pinky begin to kiss each other. Sunset grabs my cock and pulls back to say something. “Let’s take this to the bedroom.” She lets go of my cock so I can zip up my fly and follow them to the bedroom. Seeing them still kissing and taking each other clothes moving to the bed. Giving me a show in the progress letting me take off my jacket and shirt revealing my chest hair. Seeing both of them in their bras and panties the room gets hot in there even with the broken window that gotten suck. I use my powers to close the window all the way with a flick of my hand. Pinky pulls Sunset’s panties and begins work using her tong on her pussy making Sunset go wild with pressure. I take off my pants showing my cock to them Sunset smiles see it and grab it to take it into her mouth. Pinky rubs her pussy know that she’s pregnant, but can’t help herself. Sunset moaning like no tomorrow fixing to cum and then she closes up her legs feeling the orgasm taking hold almost making her scream. Sunset wanted more than that putting my cock back in her mouth feeling pre-cum fall into her mouth making her suck harder making me moan a little. Pinky sees a dildo that is the same size as James's cock and picks it up leaving Sunset's pussy making her rub it on her own, while taking her figures wet with her own pussy juice to wet the dildo. Sunset sucking as hard she can be feeling that I’m about to get close making me moan a little more before almost grunting with pressure. She sees this pulls out and uses her hand to finish me off with her mouth open. Within a matter of seconds, I reach my limit and orgasm shooting cum on her face mostly hitting inside her mouth. Meanwhile, Pinky going at it with the dildo going in and out of her pussy making her moan a lot from it before reaching her orgasm. Sunset changes position to be line up having her pussy line up with my cock and push herself on my cock starting to move back and forth, beginning to moan again. I see Pinky going to town on that dildo not even slowing down after her first orgasm and quickly reaching her second. “OH JAMES!” She screams at the top of her lungs feeling the second orgasm coming in and quickly working on her third. I see Sunset gridding my still hard cock that has just been sent feeling the second load coming sending me over the edge and unloading inside her pussy. Feeling sent and my cock going soft as I pull out. Sunset changes position getting a cigarette and light it up. I see Pinky getting close to a third and possible final orgasm. Pinky breathing heavily then the third orgasm hits her leaving her spent leaving the dildo inside her pussy as she falls sideways out cold. I get up, pulling my pants back on going into the kitchen to get myself a drink seeing my hat and sunglasses are still where I left them. I grab my glasses and put them back on stop making the lights feel like suns to me. I look where Sunset stabbed me seeing no scar there. “I’m guesting be a guardian as it perks.” I thought to myself fixing myself a cup of coffee before seeing Sunset standing there in a robe covering her body. “That was a hell of a time James.” She tells me sitting down on the countertop next to me. I finish making my coffee before hearing Sunset asks me something I can’t make out what she just said. “I’ve never saw you without your glasses, even during the whole series until today; care to explain?” She asks me while I take a slip. “First off, the situation with my eyes happened before the series. When I stumble across the portals during my high-speed test run of the mark 1. After I came back after that discovery leaving my eyes damage leaving every light source to act like suns to me. I use the glasses to cut out the glare to see normally.” I answer her question taking another slip of my coffee. “I remember telling me about you back, did you get the rods remove after you was trapped here?” She asks me again “No, they’re still there inside me.” I answer her question finish off my coffee before fixing another. “What did you overcome it with those pills you use to take?” She asks me hearing the others downstairs. “I’ve come up with a serum that does more than just deal with the pain, it gives me a scent of movement before the rods got put in.” I answer her question making her feel joy for me hugging me. “How long does it last?” She asks me. “Two maybe three weeks if I’m lucky. I take it when I have flare-ups making it feel like being hit with slug round from a shout gun.” I tell her finish making my third cup so far. Meanwhile downstairs Twilight getting a closer look at the ship seeing the name. U.S.S. Starlight. Seeing its name named after her student and friend wondering why it called that. She removes her gloves, putting her hand on the hull feeling cold to the touch, and begins to think about what she is doing back in Equestria. Spike sees her with a worried look on her face while touching the hull. “Twilight.” He calls out to her breaking her contention. “Spike, what is it?” She asks him showing a tear going down her cheek. “Thinking about home again?” Answer with a question of his own. “Yes I have, remembering what we were showed when we found that dragon and show us might happen if we something doesn’t happen. Also been thinking about Starlight and how she’s doing.” She answers his almost coming to a breakdown of her own. On the other side of the ship, Danny looking over his drone for damages during the whole time in the air seeing the charge is only at 45% checking the load out seeing that if we don’t get back by this time tomorrow it will be dead in the water with no way out. “Something wrong?” Duke asks him. “Yes, there is something wrong. I don’t have a way to charge up the drone and if we don’t get back by this time tomorrow, then we’ll be up shit creek without a paddle.” He answers his friend's question. “Is there a way to lower the power uses?” Duke asks him. “No, without losing power the thrusters.” Danny answers him before noticing that one of the thrusters on the back has been damage. “Damn.” Danny said loud seeing the damage. “Must have been that sandstorm back in Vegas.” He said out loud. “I’m going to have to fully shut down to make repairs.” He said out loud power down the drone and start pulling apart the rear thruster. Back upstairs Pinky just walking up from feeling the cold air coming making her want to put her clothes back on, before remembering that time she when to Yaktakistan during Prince Rutherford's first trip to Ponyville and remember how cold it was for me during my first trip. Once she has her clothes on seeing Sunset and James talking in the kitchen seeing that he has his glasses back on still without a shirt on. When to grab her jacket and put it back on trying to get warm again. Sunset her trying to get warm-up getting up fixing her a cup of coffee. She sees her coming towards her with a mug of something black in it. “This will warm you up a little.” She tells her giving her the mug making her to take a drink almost burning her tung in the progress. “Careful now, it’s hot.” Sunset tells her after trying to take a drink to it. Making Pinky having to brow on it trying to cool it down a little before trying again, this time taking a slip instead of a gulp feeling the heat from it coming going down warm her up tasted quite better from it. “Got any sugar?” Pinky asks her making her confuse knowing that there’s already sugar in it. “It's over on the counter next to the powder cream.” Sunset answers her question watches Pinky walk over to the counter grabbing the sugar and putting lots more than Sunset did for both mine and her coffee. Once she has it mix up making she takes another slip from it tasting better now, before heading downstairs. “She must have a sweet tooth on her?” Sunset asks me. “I guess she does, because did the same thing to the gallons of tea I make.” I answer her question finishing off my coffee going back to get my shirt and jacket. I put my shirt back on with my jacket as well, I grab my hat from where I place it and when downstairs before hearing Sunset calls my name. “James.” Making me stop in my tracks “It was good to catch up for lost time.” She tells me before remembering my cigar still on the table. I grab it putting it back in my inside coat pocket, before feeling something is missing making me go into a panic quickly checking my other pockets before for needle, which I carry it with me for emergencies before feeling it in the other inside pocket on the other side of the jacket. “I found it.” I said pulling it out showing Sunset showing the liquid inside in a dark orange color. I put it back in my pocket for when the time for it. “Is that the serum?” She asks me. “Yes, it is.” I quickly answer her question heading for the staircase. When I reach down seeing Danny working on his drone while Duke checking the pressures on the bikes before closing the panel on Spike’s bike. Pinky drinking her coffee with the others in what looks like a sitting area with Applejack starting to complain. “It’s getting cold in here.” She said out loud trying to get warm. Sunset comes downstairs seeing me just standing there looking at the ship, remembering the time seeing one of these in a museum not long after I was captured and join up with the Silenzers. “Why the name?” I ask noticing her behind me. “It just felt right for her.” She answers me. “It has taken some work to get her refit for the job at hand.” She tells me coming to the left side of the ship pulling on a handle opening the door making the pressure inside to equalize to the outside air, making puffs of pressurize air from sides of the door. The pressurize air stops coming out making her to lower the boarding ramp to the interior in a sea of white walls and tented glass showing the outside. But the outside showing more of a black mirror. The lights coming on has soon she lowered the ramp some of them flicker a little before coming on completely. “It has been refitted with 16 economy bunks with running showers for any reason.” She tells us while Duke and Danny still working while Sunset gave us the tour. Hitting the button opening the doors to four sections of bunks in a mini hallway section, each section has four bunks in a row and on top each other two bunks high, with lockers on the wall with the door and the showers at the end of the hallways. “Reminds me of the bunks on the train back home.” Spike said out loud. “At least there's a shower.” Rarity said out loud checking the shower out seeing that it's small only can hold one person at a time. “At else their privacy.” She thought to herself seeing a button below making her to press it makes a toilet come out with some toiletries next to it. “That is interesting.” She thought to herself pushing the button again making it retract to where it came with a flush as it did. The bunk has little steps for easy access for passengers with drawers for storage for people who want to ease of access. Lights are also in the bunks as well. “This is nothing like those bunks back home.” Applejack said out loud feeling one of the mattresses inside one of the bunks feeling soft like sitting on a cloud. “I’ll leave the ramp down for you.” Sunset said leaving me alone with her while the others checking things out. “James, come with me.” She tells me making her follow to the front of the ship where the cockpit is located. She pushes a button next to it making it open show only a chair there making me wonder, how this works by sitting in it making the chair go active having panels on both sides of the chair come up, seeing the interface coming online. In a sea of blue and orange with a model of the ship with shields on the right side of a sensor readout of other ship on there. Showing some kind of compass with a sloid blue dot in the center next to the sensor readout. I look seeing showing flight controls like I saw on our transport ships back on the old Silenzers headquarters, seeing the ship bearing pointing at a direction of 114o. I didn’t want to start the engines so I push a blue button making the interface turn off and the sides to retract so I can get out of this chair. “There was more you didn’t see.” Sunset tells me sitting down in the chair this time seeing the chair making the side panels come back with a joystick this time on her right side and throttle on her left. Showing the interface coming online now with two windows just popping up this time. One showing ship states while the other shows a map of the system of the nine worlds and more beyond that. “That enough.” I tell her making her power everything off and get out of the chair. While I head to the door hitting the button to open, she quickly follows going to the other end of the ship towards what I think is the engine bay. “James, where are you going?” Sunset asks me seeing that I’m ahead for the cargo bay and where the frame shift drive is located. I push a button making the door in front of me to open seeing crates in a hexagon shape casting standing 6ft 5in long and height of 4 ft from one of the sides. Sunset sees me in the cargo hold looking at one of the crates, Mining material iron org. “We did these come from?” I ask her. “I have a contact, wanted this org for an unknown reason, and I found them floating out there in space.” She answers my question. “Who is this contract?” I ask her. “I got a phone call at the bar for a face-to-face meeting but refuse to show and call me instead. Gave details of trying to find 500 pounds of iron org. I was about to hang up on them until I heard the payment for shipment, and I couldn’t refuse. For the past 6 months, I've been finding the org and take it to the location the contact told me where to drop it off.” She tells me. “What was the payment?” I ask her. “It was 50 million dollars and a pardon.” She tells me as I open one of the crates, filled with rocks. I pull one of them out to get a closer look to notice something is off. “This isn’t iron org.” I tell her making what it is. “It’s really copper painted to look like iron org.” I tell her making her angry. “This job was a setup from the word go.” I’m afraid so.” I responded to that statement rubbing the paint off showing the copper coloring underneath. “How many more drops are left? I ask her. “This is the last load for the shipment, say that they are meeting me in person with the payment.” She tells me. “Now that I know it’s a setup and they want to be there, when I show up tomorrow.” She tells me the feeling of losing hope. Making me feel bad for her knowing that we have to get back on the road in the morning. “Sunset.” I call out her name getting her attention almost fixing to cry her heart out. Twilight leaves the bunks sees the door open down the hall hearing someone crying. “I don’t know what to do, James.” Sunset tells him. “Neither do I.” I tell her trying to comfort her before seeing Twilight in the corner of my eye. Sunset starts to get a whole of herself leaving in a hurry out of the ship. I wanted to follow her, but she needs time putting the rock in my coat pocket and close the crate. Later on, at 3:34 am. Twilight having trouble sleeping in her bunk seeing the others sound to sleep. Still thinking about what she saw earlier between James and Sunset. Getting up putting on some clothes leaving to check up on Sunset. Once outside her bedroom knocking on the door. “It’s open.” Hearing a voice on the other side opening the door seeing Sunset there with a lit cigarette in her hand and still in her robe. “Having trouble sleeping.” She asks her. “Yes, I’ve been thinking home and my version of Sunset that I know and became friends.” Twilight tells her. “Where is she nowadays?” Sunset asks her taking another drag. “The last time I saw her is in another world with their versions of myself and my friends.” She tells her seeing some photos of her past, seeing a photo of herself and two people that would never saw. “Celestia, Luna.” She said out loud seeing a younger version of the one from Canterlot High principal and vice-principal, making Sunset to see the photo. Remember that day during the third year taking back in 2006 with her car in the background. Celestia was my crew chief and Luna was my mechanic seeing Luna wearing a sky-blue jumpsuit, while Celestia wearing a yellow polo shirt and a headset with her hair pulled back into a ponytail. “You seen them?” She asks her to wonder whatever happened to them. “Yes, they run a high school together with Celestia as principal and Luna being vice principal.” She answers her question. “What's the school’s name?” Sunset asks her. “I think it calls Canterlot High.” She answers her question making her smile putting out the cigarette. “Our old school, I’m surprised that your version hasn’t gotten mix up with me.” Sunset tells Twilight. “How old were you, when this was taking?” Twilight asks her. “I was only 24, as well Celestia. Luna was 22, I think.” Sunset answer her question the best she could remember. “There one thing from what I saw earlier and from what see in this photo, what happen to you?” She asks her. “This is going to take some time to get all out.” Sunset tells her. For like a half-an-hour or so to explain everything that has happened to her and the deal that she took 6 months ago and finding out that it not real with everything that she did so far. “All I lost my way home, but that pardon was to make me start a new life in this world.” Sunset tells her. “I have a word with James about helping you.” Twilight tells her before heading back downstairs. Once downstairs see that I’m already awake at the trunk of my car seeing a cable leading from my car to Danny’s drone. The light from the trunk making easy to see my face seeing that I’m not wearing my glasses again grabbing a wrap and putting it around me for two guns and a couple of clips of ammo. I look over seeing Twilight standing there wondering what I’m doing. “Is this about Sunset and her pardon?” She asks me seeing everything I got in here grabbing a black belt holster and putting it around my waist, tightening it up in place. “I have.” I answer her grabbing a couple of clot 45 putting in the waist holster getting another gun that is in its own holster with no belt attached only a clip on the back. I pull the gun revealing that it is a 35-caliber revolver painted black checking the ammo. “Looking like you’re going into a fight?” She asks me as I close the gun putting it back in its holster. Putting in the clipping to the belt on my back. I grab some clips for my guns putting them in their place for quick reload. Coming to the passenger side glove box, getting two more guns bigger 50-caliber checking the ammo before putting them in the holster that strapped to my back. Sunset comes down seeing me strapped for war. “James, what in hell are you doing?” She asks me. Meanwhile back at the bunks Danny just starting to wake up seeing the clock next to him showing 4:04 am. Then hearing something outside quickly getting up to check it out. “Duke.” He calls out to him still sound asleep before calling him by this real name. “Frank.” This time waking him. “Danny, what the hell waking me up at this time of night?” Duke tells him before turning over trying to go back to sleep. “Listen something going on outside and I don’t see James in his bunk.” Danny tells him making him finally getting up to see for himself. “Shit, you’re right.” Duke said out loud seeing Spike still sound asleep, heading for the ramp seeing James, Sunset, and Twilight near his car. They see ready for war not knowing what going threw my mind, before Danny sees a cable leading to his drone from James’s car. He when over to check the charge level now showing at 85%. Seeing the was makeshift to a one of old plugs sawder to a normal 50-foot extension cord leading towards to the trunk of James’s car. “What the hell going on James?” Danny asks me seeing everything going on. “I going to help her get pardon even its mite ends up having to stay another day.” I answer his question making Sunset nearly shade in tears hearing the news. “What your play?” Dukes asks me “I tell you when everyone is wake.” I answer his question getting my last gun from my trunk an old hunting rifle with a scope on it having a thought to myself. “Old Marlin. I to go to work again.” Later at 8:37 am Spike the last person just starting to wake is everyone else is missing checking the other bucks making him put his clothes back on turning on the heat faction in the suit, trying to find the others. He didn’t have to go far seeing them at the sitting area. “Spike it's about time you woke up.” Rainbow said out loud seeing him. “What going on?” Spike asks them. “I don’t know, your guess is good as my.” AJ answer his question. “Did anything saw James, Twilight, Duke, and Danny?” AJ asks out loud looking around trying to find them. “I think they’re with Sunset upstairs.” Rarity response to the question before seeing them coming downstairs seeing me without my jacket and loaded up looking for a fight with all those guns on me. “What going on James?” AJ asks me to make me give a quick response. “We going to help Sunset to get out of a bad deal that she has gotten herself in.” I tell them making them a little upset from what I just said. “Are you crazy James, I thought we were here to get the element and get back today.” Applejack tells me with a piss-off tone in her voice. “I know how you feel Applejack and those like what I’m doing. But me, Twilight, and Sunset have been talking upstairs with Duke and Danny.” I tell them before Twilight steps in to finish. “He means that he be willing to do anything to get to help people that need help. He could have chosen not to help get home, but he did not. He is trying everything possible to get us back home. Now someone else needs our help and be willing to help, I also want to help this version of a friend in need.” Fluttershy feels the same thing before response. “I’ll help.” “Count me in too.” Pinky said out loud after her friend’s response “Me as well, daring.” Rarity said out loud. “Rarity, are you crazy?” AJ asks her before throwing up her arms. “I guess I’m in too.” She said out loud leaving only Rainbow and Spike haven’t decided yet. “Well, you two are the only ones left.” I tell them. “Well, if AJ doing this so am I.” Rainbow said out loud. “Alright, I’m in.” Spike said out loud making me to put a smile on my face. “Alright here's the pain.” I said pulling a map of an area outside of the city limits. “Sunset will be delivering the last shipment to the meeting point, and I will be waiting in the cargo hold for them to collect. Danny, you will be taking drone close by just out of sight from them just keep the camera tight on them during the deal.” I tell them. “What about us?” Applejack asks me. “I’m getting to that.” I answer her question before continuing with the pain. “Fluttershy, AJ, and Rainbow you be running as backup. When you hear the weapon fires from the meeting point come after us and bring them hell.” I tell them. “Twilight, Spike, Pinky, Rarity, and Duke will be running support with the drone overhead. The drone has been fixed with guns and a couple of missiles.” I tell them before Sunset steps in. “The ship has weapons on board to make it for us.” She tells me. “Danny can do a remote access to the weapons and flight controls we need to get out of there fast.” I tell them. Sunset hits a button making the ship's weapons come out. They are a couple of gantlet guns shooting up a 100 round for every 10 seconds with a tracer round every other round to see where it is aiming at. “Will use that, if needed.” I said out loud look at them making Sunset hit the button making the guns retract. “Alright, this pain will go off without anything problems. If they are problems will find a way to get out of this before it gets worst.” I tell them. “Wait a minute, James. There is something you overlook.” Danny tells me. “Everyone using their car and bike to get to the meeting point and with you waiting in the cargo hold. Who will be driving your car?” He asks me, making me throw him my keys to the car making him a shock and confuse at the same time seeing them in her hands. “You know I have a missing leg using a prosthetic to get around.” He tells me. “I have rods in my back and that hasn’t slowed me down.” I tell him. Sunset removes the cables and hoses connect to the ship closing the panels to the plugs. I grab Old Marlin and heading the ship before Sunset calls out my name. “James.” Getting my attention as I reach the boarding ramp. “Are you sure about this?” She asks me. “I am.” Was my only answer as she hit the button for the entrance of the building has, I hear the noise of my car starting up. I when up the boarding ramp heading towards the cargo bay then into the hyperdrive generator room is located. I open the door to the generator seeing that it wasn’t a hyperdrive generator, it was a frameshift driver variant. Slower than a hyperdrive making a journey longer, but faster than light and a hell of a lot faster than anything back on Earth during the space age of the 20th to early 21st century aka when I because trapped. I find somewhere to sit down for the trip, feeling the ship starting to power up. Sunset sitting in the clot pit powering up the ship turning to the left side panel scrolling down to open the roof. Those that haven’t left and waiting outside seeing the roof opens with a little bite of loose snow coming down hitting the ship. The ones outside see a lair of snow sliding off the roof hitting the ground below until the roof fully opens. “Time to go.” Sunset said out loud firing the upwards thrusters sending a cyan blue color from them making the ship achieve lift. The who are still haven’t gotten threw the main entrance has gone through. “We’re out, Sunset.” Twilight tells her threw the radio making her to hit the button to close the hidden entrance. Once she is clear of the roof opening hovering a few good feet turning to the panel sending the command to close the roof. The main engines thrusters engage sending the same color away from the building. I can feel that we are underway I get on the earpiece in my ear to tell the others over the radio. “Alright let get this done.” > Chapter 51 The Meeting Point > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can feel the rumble of the ship's main engines as we get closer towards the meeting point. I close my eyes feeling something I haven’t felt in a long time. The feeling of doing something right. I feel the ship begin to slow down the creaking and moan of the forward thrusters slowing us slow. I hear bulkheads opening letting the landing gear down. The upward thrusters bring us in for a smooth landing. Then felt a big jolt as we made touch down hearing the engines powering down. “We’re here James, just waiting on my contact.” Sunset tells me over the radio. “Alright, is everyone is in position?” I ask out loud over the radio waiting for a response. “We’re here waiting for the signal.” Applejack tells me. “Good to go.” Danny tells me having his drones overhead them getting a tight angle of the ship in the distance, seeing the wind picking up a little making the loose snow go over the ice. I pull out my phone to get a signal of the drone watching the footage, seeing the ship in view before seeing a total of five vehicles coming. “Danny, can you get a closer look at the vehicles coming our way?” I ask him. “Give me a second. Got it.” He tells me tightening up on the cars, seeing that they are all black SUVs; looking like Aldi’s. Which gets me thinking about who made this deal with Sunset. “It's not those Reds basters, Mobsters maybe they fit the profile but they are the ones to make this kind of deals. They must be mercenaries with high connections to make this kind of deal.” I thought to myself seeing the footage. “I see them.” Sunset tells me while I look over the footage. They stop no more than 50 away from the ship, the camera tightening closer to the people coming out of the cars one of them looking like a businessman than a mercenary. I see no more than 20 mercenaries acting as bodyguards towards him. “Sunset, we know you’re in there.” He calls out to her making her leave the seat before giving the gun set on auto when giving the signal on a remote, she is carrying. “I’m coming out.” She tells them over the ship speakers. She heads towards the boarding ramp opening the hatch, letting the air equalize first before lowering to the icily ground below seeing three of them waiting for her. She comes down wearing not her spacesuit but, in the clothes, she was wearing before with the hooded jacket over her to try to keep warm with her arms in her coat pockets hold on to the tiny remote waiting for the signal. I hear her outside threw the radio while looking at the footage. Before hearing footsteps outside coming towards the making me turn off my phone leaving only the audio going to the earpiece. I grab one of my 45’s and grab a silencer. Attaching it slowing cocking making the bullet go into the camber ready to fire. I hear the cargo hold door open hearing them. “16 crates the finale shipment is here.” He tells his boss before hearing one of the crates being open giving me a good chance to quickly open the door to the frameshift drive. I take cover behind on one side of the frame with my gun drawn before whispering that I can only hear. “Make me fast and accurate.” I quickly take aim at one of the men and fire the shot, hitting him in the head before quickly moving towards the other guy before he could react firing another shot, hitting him in the head. Making both dead bodies it the floor. “What the hell going on in there?” Hearing a voice out outside the hatch door making me quickly move to the right side of the door seeing the third guy stepping into the room seeing the bodies. I quickly move to take him out shooting him in the head before he could report the bodies. I move out to the hallway checking that it is clear before I when towards the boarding ramp, seeing two more of them waiting at the end of the ramp. I whistle towards getting their attention. “What was that?” Asks out loud from one of them. “I don’t know, I’ll check it out.” The other gut said heading up the ramp making me to take a few steps away from the ramp. Once I see him turning his head towards the cockpit before turning towards me, with my gun aim at him and quickly fire at his head. Before I could grab him, his body falls backward down the ramp alerting the guard quickly getting the radio and taking aim firing shots at me sending round bouncing off the walls almost hitting me. “She isn’t alone!” He shouts over the radio during his firing, which makes the others grab their guns at taking cover behind the SUVs. Sunset moves to hit the button on her remote making the ship guns come out and open fire at the mercenary’s cousin damage to two of the vehicles, which one of them blows up from the damage sending the five of them dead from the blast. Applejack hears the gunfire making her, Fluttershy, and Rainbow move towards them. AJ grabs her elemental chip putting it in the socket making her truck and the chip itself glow orange hue around it. Rainbow does the same using her element making her bike glow a brown hue around herself and the bike. Fluttershy uses her element making her car have a light green color hue covering her car getting her canons ready to fire, seeing one of their vehicles blows making it into a fierily wreak. She fires her canons sending them towards them sending two more of their SUVs into a fireball killing three more from the blast. Sunset guns stop firing at them seeing that it run out of ammo. Making me grab one of their rifles and open fire on them killing two more. Applejack comes charging in ramming one of their SUV’s crushing one of them into one of the wreaks. Rainbow sees another one of them climbing into one of the least damaged SUVs picking up the guy in the business suit. “James, one of them is getting away.” She tells me over the radio after killing another one of them, making me turn to see the fliting car. I drop the rifle getting Old Marlin off my back and take aim at them taking a deep breath then fire. Sending the bullet flying towards them hitting the back tire on the lift side and it loses control rolling over a few times killing the driver leaving the guy in the suit alone. He crawls out of the car threw the busted-up windshield having his suit tore up from the crash and his face taking a few major scratches leaving his face mess up and bleeding. Seeing me walking up towards him making him crawl backward before hitting the wreak. “What the hell do you want?” He asks me. I didn’t answer him putting the rifle leading next to the wreak pulling my 50 Cal from inside my jacket. “Who send you?” I ask him. “What.” He quickly answers my question leaving me angry and fires at his left leg near his balls, making him scream out in pain. “I ask again, who sent you?” I ask him again hoping this time I’ll get a different response. “We never got a name we were told to pick up the shipment and deliver it to him.” He answers my question grunting from the pain. “I never saw his face, but I know what his car looks like.” He tells me. “What was the car?” I ask him getting curious now. “It was a red and black Aldi R8.” He tells me. Making me not like that answer I raise my gun at his head and firing. After I kill him checking his pockets for the pardon feeling an envelope with a piece of paper in it. I open it seeing the pardon in Sunset’s name with today’s date on it. With the final gunshot fired with me heading back to the ship made everything around us go quiet for only a moment. Seeing Sunset getting up from the snow checking for bullets holes before seeing me coming back with an envelope in my hand. “Did you get it?” She asks me. “Yes, we got it.” I answer her handing it to her. She quickly opens it up seeing the pardon in her name and with today’s date on it. Rainbow finds a metal briefcase in the only vehicle left only a little damage from the gunfire. She opens it seeing a bunch of 100 dollars bills in stacks that filled the case, before calling out getting her attention. “Sunset.” She calls out making her come overseeing the briefcase open with the money inside. “That is the other part of the payment.” She said out loud coming to close the briefcase. After she closes the case feeling a scent of joy for the first time in a long time in her life. “I have my life back now.” She whispers to herself. She notices that I’m steering off into space getting a little worry about what is going threw my mind. “James, what going on?” She asks me to break my train of thought before quickly repaying. “I found out who put you up to the job.” I answer her question “Who?” She asks me to make to take a breath before answering. “It was the leader of the Reds that was put those mercenaries and you to the job.” “I knew something was off from the very beginning.” She tells me grabbing the briefcase full of money and makes her way towards her ship. I check to see if I have everything with me seeing that I do. Remembering the three bodies that are still on the ship. Seeing Sunset tossing one of them outside near the ramp; before closing the door. Seconds later the ship engines power up and come online sending loose snow away from the ship start covering the bodies and some of the wreaks that are still on fire. Slowly take off the ground throw it upwards thrusters. The force making from the thrusters to grab my hat from the wind coming from the ship seeing it lifting itself into the air above it. I see the cargo doors and begin to eject the cargo and two remaining bodies landing in the snow below. Once the cargo doors are closed and take off towards the horizon. I walk over to AJ's truck and get in the passage side removing the rifle before climbing in the sit. “Let’s get to the others.” I tell her making her and the others heading towards where the others are located. Moments later seeing Danny’s drone in the ski above before seeing the others waiting on us. I hear Rarity on the radio. “Is it done darling?” She asks me, making me a quick response on AJ’s radio. “Yes, it is done and over with. Also, there is something about it that doesn’t make scent from what I found out.” “What the hell are you talking about?” Danny asks me. “I mean, there is something big going on. First off, the General calls Sunset over the phone at the bar giving her a favor that she couldn’t refuse. Then hires those mercenaries to pick up the cargo to take it to them for the past six months until today. Getting the last shipment with her payment with them. The only thing they never thought on was us getting in the way.” I answer his question still trying to my head around it. “That is interesting.” Twilight tells me as I open the passenger side door letting in the cold air outside. Grabbing my rifle before getting out making my way towards my car seeing the pup going a little crazy seeing me. Danny opens the door gets out of the driver's seat seeing the young pup quickly get outcome running towards me in the snow, making me put a smile on my face. I lean down putting the butt of the rifle in the snow seeing him come close to me making to scratch his head a little. “Thinking it about time for a name.” I said out loud before getting up heading towards the trunk. “Come on boy.” I tell him making him follow. I see Danny standing there looking at me. “How is the car doing?” I ask him. “She handles like a dream. No wonder you drove one during the series back in the day.” He answers me. “She handles better without this snow and ice everywhere.” I quickly responded to the statement opening the truck putting my rifle in the trunk. “What now James?” He asks me as I close the trunk. “First off, we make our way towards the element and find a way to get back to the gateway with the ice gone getting to this point.” I answer his question heading towards the driver's side of the car. His drone hovering overhead us, he grabs his laptop leaving me and the young pup standing there. “Come on boy.” I tell him, making him jump into the car putting himself in the passenger’s seat. Duke pulls his car next to mine before rolling down the window on his driver's side which is the right side of the car. “What the hell going on now?” He asks me making me get on the radio earpiece I have on me. “Twilight get your drone in the air.” I tell her. “Were leaving.” I tell them getting in the driver seat, firing up the engine getting into gear. Danny gets into Duke’s car on the left side seeing Twilight drone take flight above meeting up with his still hovering above us. Inside Twilight car showing the signal of the element again coming from NWN bearing 334o. With her taking the lead again leading us towards it threw the frozen wasteland. > Chapter 52 Snakeskin Pass > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After many miles into this frozen wasteland, the wind picks up the forward north we when. Seeing a mountain reach in front of us at the event horizon the clouds overhead them. I begin to think that it would take longer to go around them, I lunch a drone myself towards the mountains in front of us. The wind made us slow down the suits Rainbow and Spike are working overtime trying to keep them warm. The drone I lunched reached the mountain reach seeing something I never thought I saw again; remains of nearly a hundred vehicles buried under the ice showing themselves from the drone flying over remains. The closer we got to the mountains the others start seeing the remains sticking threw the ice-making Twilight leading the pack to stop on the outer edge of the remains. Rainbow feels the wind cutting threw her like a blade, even with the suit working overtime trying to keep her body warm. Spike gets on the radio and asks Twilight why we stopped before seeing the remains of a truck that had been nearly buried in the snow was being removed by the strong winds. “Twilight.” Was the only thing he said before seeing the remains next to him nearly scaring him to near death. “Spike?” She calls to him over the radio getting attention from the remains. “Never mind.” That was the only thing he could say still trying to catch his breath seeing his breath from how cold it is out there. I open the door feeling the cold wind cutting threw me a blade and feeling someone shooting me with a billion of needles straight down the spine of my back. Remembering the rods in my back making it crack and pop as I get out. “Wait here.” I tell the young pup as I close the door seeing him coming to the driver's side and starting to walk towards the others, Spike turns around to see me walking up. “James, what are you doing?!” He calls out to me as I walk past Duke’s car. The dog starts to try to find ways to open the door using a front to grab the door handle and using his body to push open the door and start running towards me. I hear him behind me before hearing something like a loud crash to the left side of me making to quickly react to take over by jumping over the hood of Duke’s car, seeing what made that noise. Seeing one of the wreaks that were close by side off from top of another wreak and the heavy snow bury underneath them. I look and see the young pup tugging on my pants leg trying to tell me something. “What is it?” I ask him, making him pull on my pants leg more before hearing another crash behind me and another. Knowing something is coming feeling something underneath the ice before breaking throw sending wreaks, snow, and ice around us. The figure slowly comes up from the hole in the ice, a snake nearly five hundred foot long from what we saw. From what we could see from it the main body is black like oil with a yellow stripe on its belly. The eyes were a bright orange color almost glowing from a distance. It turns to face us leaving us nearly a stow making us not to move a muscle if it goes by the site before feeling the wind picking up from the mouth of the pass making the rods in my back to feel like being stabbed in the back making me fall to my knees in pain. The snake sees this but does nothing yet as I grab the injection needle that I’ve been carrying with me seeing that it has been frozen soiled. With a great deal of pain going threw me the injection becomes completely useless. I fall over to the ground seeing only the clouded sky in front of me. The others were still scared out of their minds to move to see the snake in front of them seeing that I’m in trouble and can’t do anything about it, before seeing the snake started to move closer towards us. The young started barking at me, pulling on my jacket trying to get me up before seeing the snake in front of my eyes again looking straight into its eyes, seeing it open its mouth pulling out its vang-like teeth out seeing one of them hover right over me. Seeing a drop starting to form, I couldn’t move because of the pain. The drop comes down hitting me in the mouth. The drop didn’t taste of poison it tasted something else entirely. It tastes very sweet and warm. I can feel it going threw my body making the pain going away making me quickly up on my feet feeling a rush. The snake pulls back a little seeing that I’m alright before turning away from us, digging into the ice leaving us. Spike and Rainbow saw the most of it while the others were limited from inside their cars and mirrors. Pinky opens her door and comes running toward me. “James, why did you do that?” She asks me with a worried tone in her voice. I see the body of the snake still going while trying to get a whole of myself of what just happened. I take a deep breath before answering. “First off, I was trying to get a better look at where are we. Now I know where we are.” Still feeling the heat going through my body. “Then where are we, daring?” Rarity asks me as I walk up towards them passing AJ’s truck. I remove my sunglasses before feeling another cold breeze coming from the mouth of the pass. “Snakeskin Pass.” I said out loud answering her question. Which makes Duke and Danny get out hearing the answer over the radio remember the first time they came threw the pass during the second year of the MR Series back in the day. Remembering that day very well. It was the second track of the ice event. Duke was driving a 2014 HVS Gen-F GTS Prototype. Painted in black and white with the team logo on the hood. While Danny was driving a 2005 Pontiac GTO. Painted in the same theme with the logo on the sides. He was coming up on the mouth of the pass when the road in front of them just caved in swallowing up the three drivers in the front of them with high winds coming from the opening. We hit the break hard on the ice up the road they were on. The tires were having trouble getting the grip on the ice making both to side on the ice. Duke’s car was fitted with an all-wheel-drive system. While Danny’s was fitted with a rear-wheel-drive making the ice even troublesome for him. The cave-in hole coming closer and closer Duke nearly came to a stop, stopping with his front wheels coming over the edge, while Danny was still coming too fast going over the edge crashing into the cave in hole below. Duke throws it in reverse getting his front back on the road, before getting out seeing that his brother has gone over the edge trying to see where he landed. Seeing that his car is in a mangled mess of what used to be his brother’s car. Before hearing something on the radio. Making him quickly gets back inside hearing that he's crew chief that Danny just use his EJS leaving only a few brushes from landing on the airbag, for things like this. Duke good to hear that his brother is ok but he is out of the rest of the season. Has for Danny knowing what happens now waiting for his brother to come through the portal seeing the clock still ticking down showing only 80 mins left. Duke found a way to get around of the cave in hole and reach the end with only five minutes left on the clock. As for now, James just finishes telling the others about the past and the rumor of a beast that guards the pass and attacks to try to go threw without making a peace offering. I still feeling the heat going threw my body, which I never felt my whole life and mostly the rods were like they were never there before that surgery that change me forever. Felt another gust of wind coming from the mouth of the pass making me to grab my hat before the wind try to take it away from me. The mouth of the pass is only a one-lane road covered in ice and snow with a strong gust of winds coming from the mouth every felt seconds, some gusts stronger than others. Not only that that pass always changes with the snakes that lay below the ice, not only that trying to get threw without making a mistake would be impossible. “How would we get through?” Rarity asks me begins to feel the effects of the cold winds coming from the mouth. “There is only one way to pass through and they’re already in the air.” I answer her question pointing up at the three drones that are hovering above us. The storm from the south of us looks like it changes course by the high winds above us heading for the pass from what can see in the distance. “We don’t have long to get through with that storm coming.” I tell the group noticing the storm in the distance. “How long?” Twilight asks me to make me quickly respond towards it. “An hour, two at the most; if we’re lucky.” I answer her question. “Then let’s get going.” Rainbow said out loud ravening her engine. “Rainbow!” AJ shouts to her getting her attention. “What is it AJ?” She asks her in response for being called feeling another gust of wind coming from the mouth of the pass. “We don’t know what’s in there and we can’t just go in blind and hope for the best.” Applejack tells her. Before seeing Danny kneeling using his hand to push the loose snow away seeing the remains of his old car in the ice below him making him to shut his eyes to pay respects towards an old friend that he never got to. Duke sees this knowing that he finally made peace with one of his demons of his past. His brother with everything that has happened of losing his leg during the attack at the Silenzers HQ a few years ago. Once he gets back in his brother's car takes control of his drone, flying above the entrance of the pass, and begins to send the live feed to Twilight's car. Twilight recalls her drone with the live feed coming from Danny’s drone. With Twilight still in front of the pack and begins to lead everyone into the mouth of the pass with me taking up the rear. We try to take it slow going through the pass but the single road is covered with snow and ice making things a little difficult for the tires trying to get a grip. Sliding on every curve fighting our best to get the grip on the corner. Our speed is limited to only 45 mph to get through the pass if we try to go faster, we’ll end up somewhere we don’t want to be. I remember going through the pass at a faster speed in the past at 75 mph. But this time we weren’t in a race against the clock, so we take our time to get through the pass making sure that everyone makes it through without any issue, or so I thought. I notice Twilight having trouble seeing her rear end starting to give way slipping on some ice starting to go into a fishtail. Inside her Twilight trying to stay in control of her car feeling it's starting to go. First trying to hit the brakes which makes her go into a fishtail. She quickly gives it some gas trying to straighten it up, but it didn’t make nearly turn sideways so she turns the wheel in the other direction feeling the car in control once again. Spike sees this seeing her car doing this nearing sending his own bike into a fishtail of his own, sending his backend out while still in control hearing the rear tire trying to get grip making a trial of broken-up ice into the air behind him. Twilight gets ger car out of the fishtail and in full control once again, seeing Spike fishtailing his bike on the ice seeing that he has better control than she did. The first turn was coming up trying to slow down to make the turn seeing they are starting to pick up speed coming from a downward slope. She sees that she is coming up to fast to make the turn, so the only thing is to do a fishtail maneuver to make the turn. She opens the throttle shifting down a gear in the progress making the engine nearly go into red line. With only 5 years away from the turn she hits the brakes and turns the wheel into the turn before quickly turning it in the other direction hitting the clutch and sending her car into a drift on the ice. I see her drifting around the corner seeing small pieces of ice coming from the rear tires. AJ tries to make the turn as well sending her truck into fishtail as well quickly losing control before getting the grip on the ice to get around it. Duke hasn’t been on the ice for some time now but knows what his car can do causing his back end to go out drifting around the corner without any problem. I’m the last one to get around the corner seeing I’m coming in too fast to the turn. The only way for me was to drift the corner, but in stand I hit the both main brakes and the E-brake to slow down to get grip on the turn like I have done many times before. The mark 4 and the others I use before have been built for grip, not drift with the AWD system. The ice is too slick for the system to get a grip making the car too go wide into the turn missing the apex nearly crashing the car on an ice spike that coming from the ground in front of me. I was only no more than fifteen feet away when the grip came back to the car making it finally make the turn. With being how slick the pass is now than the last time I came threw here during the last year of the series. The others carry on not knowing what going on with me taking up the rear. I slowly catch up with them filling the slick patches on the road with ice setting the tires when we got here. We come to a complete stop with a spit in the pass with two passes. “This place is like a maze.” Twilight said out loud. “What was that Twilight, please repeat.” Spike said over the radio. “I didn’t realize that my radio is on.” She quickly responded over the radio. I've been thinking while we’ll stop at this impasse launching my drone seeing how far the storm is coming. On my screen seeing the drone is having trouble getting stable with the high winds taking the storm towards this distraction. I run the numbers in my head with the speed of the winds coming from the drone recalling my drone and get on the radio. “Guys we have a problem.” I tell them. “What is it daring?” Rarity asks me. “I just run some numbers in my head with the headwinds coming from that storm behind us, we only have like 15 mins to get threw the pass without making any mistakes.” I answer her question while telling the others. “And Danny it's best to recall that drone of yours before it gets damaged from the winds.” I tell him. “James, what are you talking about?” He asks me with a confused look about what I just told him. “Listen those headwinds were throwing my drone like crazy before recalling it.” I answer his question. “James would never put us in harm's way like this.” Duke tells his brother making question his judgment on his friend knowing everything that has happened to them so far. “Really would like to bring up my missing leg and your scares from that day that makes you to drink your problems to forget that day ever happen.” Danny tells with an angry tone in his voice. Duke takes a deep breath before continuing with his train of thought. “I know how you feel Danny. I still don’t trust him fully, but when he knows something is wrong. That I can trust him.” “Alright, I’ll do it.” Danny takes the controls of his drone and pilot it back towards us landing in the back of AJ’s truck. I see his drone landing on the back of the truck and get back on the radio. “Alright, Duke I need you to send a low ranch pulse of only reaching a 5 miles ranch to see where the pass is leading and not lead us towards a dead end.” I tell him over the radio. Duke questions what I just said. “Are you sure about that James?” He asks me to make me quickly respond with an answer. “I know it is dangerous, but with these low-reach pulses will keep the sides from coming down on us while we trying to get through the pass.” I take a breath before continuing with my train of thought. “Also, we all remember what happened yesterday with does high-end pulses that made the ice to fall apart underneath us.” Duke set up the pulse to the reach and power setting before firing the pulse around seeing the pass with a few dead ends seeing the patch to the left is leading towards one of those dead ends. Danny gets on the radio and asks me something about the pass. “James, there is something about this, that just rubs me the wrong way?” I get the radio with my response. “What is it, Danny?” I ask him. “One, why don’t we use the same path from memory and why are using pulses like this?” He asks me to make me to take a breath before responding with my answer. “We would do that but pass changes with every time that a storm passes through this area. The path we use from before it could be blocked by snow and ice. The snakes go threw clearing one of the paths for the pass for the time being.” “That's why we're in a hurry now?” AJ asks me over the radio listening in. “Yes, now let's get going.; time is short.” I answer her question with my statement. Duke gets on the radio seeing the left path is leading towards a dead end. “Take the path on the right Twilight.” He tells her leading the group into the path further into the pass itself. The path is clear for now seeing the road is not much better making the driving contention worst. Rarity AWD Lambo is having trouble getting the grip on the Icey Road. Twilight leading the pack threw the pass while Rainbow sees those clouds above them getting worst seeing the high winds sending the lower clouds moving faster than the high-level clouds. Things were getting worst us trying to get threw the pass itself. Making our progress to go down towards a craw making the path leading us to take more time getting through the pass. We came towards another spit in the path again, Duke fires another pulse-like before seeing the right path is blocked this time. “Left Twilight.” He tells her over the radio leading the group threw the path in front of us. The driving contentions improve a little bit, but not by much. My wheels begin to slip making me to fall behind only by 20 feet away. The grip I was feeling on this path making me have alarm bells going off in my head. Remembering that this path is the more dangerous part of the pass seeing the path begins to open up seeing the road widening into a near-frozen lake on the left of us and steam vents off in the distance towards the other side of the path and a side of the mountainside with the pack in the snow on it. Parts of the lake that hasn’t been frozen near the vents in the water there don’t look like ordinary water remember it looks more like mercery than anything else. The steam is covering the path in front of us. I hit the brakes nearly coming to a near stop while the others keep going. I feel something is wrong with this place. I get out of the car and walk out towards the frozen lake making my way towards steam vents. Seeing the steam coming out full blast one of them hitting me in the face knocking out cold. A few miles ahead Fluttershy taking up the rear now seeing that I’m not there following them and gets on the radio. “Has anyone know what happen to James?” She asks them. “What!” Rainbow said out loud questioning what she just heard. What are talking about Fluttershy?” Twilight asks her. “I mean that he just disappeared.” Fluttershy answers her friend with a concerned tone in her voice. “Me and Spike will go back and try to find him.” Rainbow said over the radio hitting the brakes on her bike during a 180 turn with Spike with a worried look on his face. Rainbow starts to head back towards where I was last seen, with Spike following not too far behind. They weren’t the only ones Applejack hit the brakes on her truck as well and turn around to follow them as well. Meanwhile back at the car, the young pup feels the cold air noticing the driver's side door is standing wide open and begins to worry about where I when. Getting out of the car threw the still open door hearing a sound of an engine coming towards him. Rainbow sees my car with the dog outside making her to hit the brakes making her to come to a stop before she could do any damage to my car or hurt the young pup. Spike and AJ stopped only a few feet away, Spike gets off his bike noticing that my door on the driver's side and that the engine is still on. “Strange?” He said out loud heading to the driver's side wondering before hearing another engine coming seeing that both Pinky and Rarity coming towards them. They stopped next to Applejack truck; Pinky comes running towards the car with a terrified worry look on her face. “James where did you go?” She asks out loud trying to hold back tears noticing tracks leading away from the car and the young pup sniffing the trail before running and following the tracks. Pinky begins to follow with Rarity and Rainbow. Elsewhere. I begin to wake up from being knockout seeing something in the gassers seeing that there is a hot spring with someone swimming in it making it hard to see who's there with the steam making things tuff to see acting like a thick fog. I get closer to the hot spring to see who is and see something that shocks me. “What are you doing here?” I ask the person. The person moves showing himself and it is the leader of the Reds and my creation. “Nice to see you too James.” He tells me taking a sit on the other side of the spring making me wonder something. “Is this real?” I ask him to make him too quickly response. “No, this isn’t real.” Knowing that answers one of my questions. I see him grabbing something to the left of him looking like a detonator arming the device making a red light to light up. I have no idea what he is planning and knowing I have to be careful and get the detonator and deactivate it, even if this place is real or not. If I keep him talking, I might be able to do it. I remove my sunglasses and rage to wipe them down with the steam fogging them up letting him see my green eyes. “Why are you here?” I ask him before putting them back on activating a mode on my sunglasses to hack the device to fool him without him realizing. “I here inside your head for my own reasons.” He tells me not answering my question as my glasses lock on the device and it take a few seconds to complete. “What are those reasons?” I ask him again before hearing voices in the distance maintaining focus on the device for a few more seconds. He notices something is off and begins to move out of the water showing that he is wearing trunks and now the detonator is hacked and has been deactivated leaving the light on to think that still active. “To kill all the Silenzers and end the war.” He tells me grabbing a handgun which is his revolver and aiming it at me. “The war ended after you attack the main base and killed everyone there.” I tell him getting my cigar and begin to light it, taking a drag off it. Now he notices something is off still aiming at me firing at me all the rounds at me missing every shot. “What the hell?” He asks out loud checking his gun seeing the sent rounds before ejecting them. “I know that I put live rounds.” He said out loud answering his own question while I take another drag from my cigar. “You said yourself that this place isn’t real.” I tell him taking another drag making him turn his attention towards the device that is still in his hand moving his thumb over the trigger and hitting it. Seeing it did nothing and throw it at me and come running at me taggle me to the ground and begin to hit my face knocking me out hearing my name being called out. “JAMES!!!” I start coming around hearing voices in the distance calling my name. “JAMES!!” The voice calls out. I'm still in a haze seeing my sunglasses are off lying next to me, feeling the heat off the nearby geyser that knocked me out. I grab my sunglasses and putting them back on before noticing that my hat is missing. Looking around seeing it behind me grabbing it before getting myself on my feet seeing the young pup coming towards me with Pinky following close behind. She comes running hugging me with tears in her eyes fearing the worst before seeing the others that followed. Rarity asks me something that couldn’t hear the first time. “I’m sorry, come again?” I ask her to quickly respond with the question that she asked me the first time. “I said daring; What happened to you?” She asks me hearing the question this time. It takes me a moment before answering with only one answer. “I don’t know what happened.” I answer her question still a little hazy making feel the back of my head feeling a wet spot making me to see what I felt. Seeing that there is blood on my hand. Quickly wiping the blood on my jeans and quickly putting my hat back on. Pinky finally lets go of me feeling joy in her life again fearing the worst. The young pup knows something is wrong with me trying to let others know. But they didn’t notice at first. But Rainbow notices something red on my pants and notices that I’m still off-balance after finding me. I’m start to feel hazy again before falling to the ground, Rainbow quick response trying to catch me before feeling the weight going down on her all at once taking her down with me. “Sweet Celestia!” She shot trying to hold me up before hitting on ground with me. I begin to blackout from the head injury. Meanwhile, Rainbow feeling the weight of my body on her. “He’s not light.” She tells her friends to get around my body from trying to crush her in the process. “I’m surprised he didn’t crush you?” Pinky tells her to help her get back on her feet. “I should say the same thing to you, while you were getting down on him.” She quickly responded standing herself. “Just to let you know I was on top of him.” Pinky tells her while Rarity tries to remove my hat to get a better look at the injury, but she is having trouble with the weight coming from my body. “Girls can you help me.” She asks them to make them wonder what she is doing. “Rare, what are you doing?” Rainbow asks her getting on the other side of me. “I’m trying to find injury on the back is head and his hat is in the way.” She answers her trying to lift me off the ground. Rainbow and Pinky start to help to try to lift my body off the ground. They manage to lift me off the ground and put me next to a side of a ridgeline Rarity removes my seeing the blood on the back of the hat turns my head sees a trail of blood, moving some of my hair seeing that there’s a two to three-inch gash with blood coming out every few seconds. Rarity opens her jacket and quickly removes her scarf beginning to wrap it around my head trying to stop the bleeding. Once it done, she graded one of my arms while Rainbow on the other side before saying something. “You know that never going to come clean again.” Making her quickly respond. “I know.” Before lifting me off the ground. Pinky grabs my hat and begins to follow with the young pup not too far behind. > Chapter 53 Snakeskin Pass pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moments later. AJ and Spike were waiting where James wonder off leaving his car behind. The wind picked up threw the pass with the clouds above them going faster thanks to the high winds. AJ standing next to James's car start to find cold air getting to her, and starts to rub her arms trying to get warm. Before hearing footsteps in the distance. “Spike?!” She calls out to him sitting on his bike with his suit working almost overtime trying to keep him warm. “Yes.” He responds to be called out before hearing the same footsteps. The fog rolled in while their friends when to find James. They begin to see shadows in the fog bank, before seeing Rarity and Rainbow carrying James with Pinky following them. Spike quickly gets off his bike running towards them, taking Rarity's side while AJ did the same for Rainbow. With them trying to catch their breath for carrying him for what felt like a mile or two. “What happen?” Spike asks them before getting a quick response from Pinky Pie. “He’s hurt.” Both of them noticed the makeshift bandage that was once Rarity's scarf. Hearing an engine coming towards them and three sets of headlights cutting threw the fog. Stopping only a few yards away. Twilight gets out coming running towards where everyone else sees the makeshift bandage on my head. Pinky opens the door on the passenger side of my car Spike and AJ help me get into the seat. I start to come around still filling the effects of the blood loss, making vision go hazy. Duke and Danny get out wondering what going on with Fluttershy following close behind. Filling the cold air around them cutting threw them like a blade seeing the storm above them drawing closer by the min. Twilight talking to the others when they came closer to hear. “Alright, things couldn’t get worst. But they could have been worst.” Saying feeling the cold cutting threw her jacket as well as getting the confused looks from the others. Pinky standing to me checking on my heath before Rarity speaks up. “Twilight darling, I know you're trying to help. But it's not working.” She tells her friend. “I know.” Twilight said in response. “Just give me a minute.” Twilight said out loud before giving time to think about their next move. Danny speaks up while Twilight is thinking. “Why let me drive James’s car.” Making Twilight lose her train of thought for a second before responding to that statement. “Well, that answers one of my questions. What about the pup?” She asks out loud. Before hearing out from Fluttershy that wouldn’t be out of character for her. “I’ll take him, for now.” She answers Twilight's question before running into a roadblock with their pain. The young pup doesn’t want to leave James’s side sitting in the driver's seat. Danny gets to the driver's side door and begins to open it seeing the pup grilling at him, making to take a step back. Fluttershy comes around towards the driver's side of my car seeing the pup start to grail at her as well, she uses the stair on him with little effect. I come around hearing the pup putting my hand on his back claiming him down and turning towards me. “I’ll be alright, go with Fluttershy for now.” I tell him before blacking out again. The young pup leaves with Fluttershy towards her car. Danny finally gets in and now sees the car gone into electric mode to save fuel. Pushing the gas making the car go back into normal mode hearing a small roar of the engine. Closing the door seeing the car is still in drive just the e-break is on with light on, and the handle pulled up. He releases the brake feeling the car move a little. Meanwhile, Fluttershy getting the young pup in the passenger seat still looks worried about what will happen to James. She gets into the driver's side before hearing a voice of a child. “Will he be alright?” The voice asks out loud scaring a little wondering where it came from before looking over at the young pup. “Did you say that?” She asks him before hearing a quick response. “Yes, I did.” He answers her question. Before realizing a glow coming from the mirror, getting a closer look seeing that her mark on the side of her neck is glowing. “You can hear me?” The young pup asks her to take the young pup's mind off from James for a moment. “Yes, I can back home, but I couldn’t in this place until now.” She answers the pup's question before making a realization. “It must be the element.” She said out loud. Then a loud crash of thunder when off in the distance making it echo throughout the pass, spoking everyone. Spike is the first to speak up. “I think it is time for us to get going.” Seeing the cloud going dark above them. “He’s right, with this storm coming in and getting worst the longer we wait.” Twilight said out loud walking towards her car. The journey hasn’t been going well for the group with James injured and the coming storm getting worst and closing in on them and now stuck in the middle of this god for sacking road. With Twilight taking point leading the group with the help of Duke pulses. The miles when on and on threw the ice. The road when many directions leading only God knows where. No matter which path we take the storm seems to be following us and getting stronger. Rainbow gets on the noticing something going on with the storm. “Is it just me, or this that storm following us and getting stronger?” Applejack wondering about this too and get on the radio. “Danny, how’s James doing?” She asks him. He looks over at me trying to come around before blackout again. “Not good, he tries to force himself awake and keep blacking out from the blood loss. Meanwhile Twilight starts to get frustrated with how long it’s taking and not only that it feels like they are going around in circles. Then something cut across her vision making her to hit the brakes nearly having the others rear-end her. “Twilight, what was that about?” Spike asks her over the radio. “I saw something.” She answers his question. “What did you see?” Rarity asks her. “I don’t know it looks more like a shadow than anything else. Before seeing a figure coming towards them wearing heavy clothes made for extreme cold. “Who’s there?” Rainbow asks the unknown figure that shows out of nowhere. The figure removes its hood revealing itself. Shows an older man in his mid to late 60s from the gray and white hire on his head and face. The beard on his face was full and bushy, made of gray and silver. “Hello there.” He responded with a warm felt smile on his face. The jacket he was wearing is a fur coat that dragged on the snow. Black leather gloves. The fur coat has died into a dark color that is hard to make out from inside of their cars. Twilight gets out leaving the engine running to talk with the old man. The closer she got to see the old man seeing the jacket died color is dark red with black trim on the sleeve edges and the middle of the jacket. “Was you following us?” She asks him before getting an answer from him. “Or are you following me?” He answers her question leaving her puzzle. He looks up seeing the storm before heading towards James’s car taking up the rear of the group. The others see the old man questioning what going on. The old man opens the passenger door seeing me out cold, and that is not the only thing seeing the makeshift bandage on my head. As well me trying to come around seeing a burry vision of the old man in front of me. Hearing a loud crack of thunder overhead before everything goes black. He moves the collar revealing the mark on of my neck. “A Guardian.” He said out loud before turning and seeing a purple lighting strike cutting across the darken sky above them. “A Storm Guardian.” He said out loud before seeing Twilight coming toward him. “Excuse me sir, but time is short with that storm ragging over ahead.” She tells him before getting cut off by him. “And you’re trying to get threw the pass without lost in the progress.” “How did you know that?” She asks him leaving herself puzzled by the response. “I’ve seen many come threw this pass and get themselves lost in the progress. Both Reds, Silenzers, and those drivers during the dark times.” He said out loud somewhat answering her question pulling something out from inside his jacket. “What is that?” Twilight asks him before doing a loud whistle off into the distance. The others are trying to find out what going on over the radio and by ear before seeing a single headlight turn on in the distance and with a roar of an engine seeing a red v twin motorcycle coming towards them, jumping over them landing the rear pulling up towards the old man. He closes the passenger side door and gets on the bike before saying something to Twilight. “If you and your friends don’t want to be lost, it would be best to follow me.” He tells her. After he said that Twilight gets back into her car, and he takes the lead. Before throwing the small sphere-like object made from glass. In just seconds a portal opens in front of them shocking everyone. “Impossible.” Danny said out loud before hearing something over the radio. “If you’ll want out; it would be best to follow me.” Realizing it’s the old man said that. With no time wasted we follow the old man threw the portal. > Chapter 54 An Old Workshop Of Long Ago > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The portal opens at a new location many miles away from the middle of the pass we were stuck in. Rainbow and Spike look around seeing the storm near the horizon line with the sun shining overhead with a halo ring around it. Once everyone is threw the portal, it quickly closes leaving them at this new location. The radio goes off with the old man speaking. “My place is over here.” He tells them before taking off leading them threw this winter wonderland. Rarity gets on the radio trying to speak with the old man. “Excuse me daring. But we never got your name?” She asks him hoping to get an answer. She gets her answer. “You can call me. Chris.” He answers her question. “Well Chris, nice to meet you.” Twilight said over the radio from that response. Before hearing Danny over the radio. “Guys, I hope you know what you are doing. Because James isn’t doing too good.” I’ve been trying to come around. I start to move my hand towards my head seeing that we are out of the pass. I grunt a little before saying something. “What happened?” I asked out loud before seeing Danny driving my car. “James you're awake?” He answers my question with one of his own. “Yes, I’m awake and feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck.” I answer his question with my vision still bury. I notice that we were somewhere else on the planet seeing the storm far behind. I get on the radio to see where we are. “Where the hell are we?” I ask them shocking everyone. “You’re awake, James?” Pinky asks me with the sound of joy in her voice. “Beardly.” I answer her question. “And to answer your question, James; We’re heading towards our new friend Chris’s place.” She answers his question as the group when over a rig seeing something shock her leaving her speechless. Everyone sees a small city that has seen better days, buildings made from brick and molder with a building in the middle of the city looking like a factory. “Chris, what is this place?” Rainbow asks him pulling up next to him. “Home.” Chris answers her question nearly shedding a tear. He quickly rubs his eyes before reelevating his engine to keep the pressure up from the cold air around them. They quickly made their way to the outskirts of the ruined city. “Wow, this place has surely seen better days.” Spike out loud leaving an echo throughout the city before seeing some of the buildings have suffered fire damage from the darken breaks and wood. Twilight and the others seeing old shops and the stone roads with Danny still driving my car. “Danny, stop the car.” I tell him making him to stop in the middle of the road with us still taking up the rear. No problem for us and the group. He pulls over I quickly open the door and quickly made my way towards one of the ruined buildings. I feel sick to my stomach and puke my guts out. Once the deed was done and my stomach emptied of its contents remembering I didn’t eat anything this morning or threw out the day. Before feeling the storm, that is still at the pass coming this away, but it would take some time to reach me. Danny sees me puking my guts out. “Something wrong with him?” He thought to himself, before seeing me coming back to the car. Once climb back in still feeling like crap. “You alright?” He asks me. “Yes, I’ll be fine. Must be the mike I use for my coffee had gone bad.” I answer his question the best I can. “It best for you to drive with me still feeling like crap.” I tell him as he hit the gas catching up with the group. When we reach the old factory, we stopped in front of the gate with a change and padlock on it; Chris gets off and unlock the gate. After he opens the gate and everyone on the other side, he quickly gets his bike on the other side before locking it. The wind starts to pick up sending loose snow that's on the ground to come up hitting him in the face. “I have a warehouse to store your vehicles at. Just let me get it open.” He tells them over the radio heading towards one of the warehouse doors and quickly opens it. Leaving everyone else to enter the warehouse while when to gets the bike from where he left it next to the gate. Inside the warehouse is pretty must empty except for an object that’s cover-up by a tarp. Once everyone is in and Chris closes the warehouse door. I open the door seeing the young pup running towards me when Fluttershy opens the door to let him out. “It’s alright boy, calm down.” I tell him from the excitement of seeing that up and walking around. As for everyone else seeing me walking around after the blood loss. “How are you feeling James?” Applejack asks me. “I think, I’m alright. At least I up and walking around.” I answer her question grabbing my hat from being on the dashboard. “I’m guesting, I hit my head on some sharp, causing the blood loss, and Rarity thanks for using your scarf as a make-shift bandage.” I tell them before catching my breath before finishing my train of thought. “I’m sorry about scaring you like that.” I tell Pinky. “It was just a shock to me.” She tells me before noticing the old man. “Who are you?” I ask him I get his attention as he pushes his bike into storge. “This is Chris. Willing to help us out of that road feeling like we're getting lost.” Twilight informs me as Chris heads towards one end of the warehouse click on the lights in the warehouse and threw out the whole factory. “So, guardian, how your head?” He asks me catching me off guard as well as everyone else. “Guardian, you mean me?” I answer his question with one of my own. “Yes, you.” He answers me with a quick response. “Alright, as far I can tell.” I tell him and he removes his jacket. Once he removes his jacket showing that he’s wearing dark red pants and long sleeve shirt with three buttons. Also, black suspenders and black boots that look like seen better days. I thought I saw something on his neck, but not 100% sure. “What was that?” I thought to myself feeling my head taking a deep breath. “I need some rest.” I said out loud removing the makeshift bandage feeling the bleeding has stopped. Seeing that still wearing my sunglasses. Before noticing where Chris ran off too. “Where did he go?” I ask out loud. “I think he when this way.” Rarity answers my question pointing out a doorway to a flight of stairs hearing footsteps going up. The place is almost like a maze even with lights on seeing dozens of machines that doesn’t look has been running for years with all the cobwebs that on them. Seeing the lights come on in what looks like an office. “He must be up there.” Rainbow said out loud pointing to the light coming on. “Go on ahead, I’ll catch up.” I tell the others. “Where are you going?” Spike asks me getting my attention causing me to turn around with a quick response. “Going to find a rest room, with how big this place; there must be one somewhere.” Duke and Danny wondering what going threw my mind. “We’ll make sure, he’ll be fine.” Duke tells the others with both following me to find the nearest restroom. Twilight and the others to find a way towards the office hoping to find Chris. Meanwhile Chris is in the office sitting at his desk with an old photo of his wife. “Berbera, it's nearly over for me, and I’m coming home. I’ve been carrying this element for what felt like a thousand lifetimes now.” He said out loud before hearing footsteps outside. Outside in the hallway. Seeing the door with a window showing the light from inside the office. “Chris, you in there?” Pinky asks threw the door before trying to open it feels like it is locked from the inside. Before starting to feel cold air underneath the door. “Chris, you alright in there?” Twilight asks still getting nothing. “Chris daring, open up please.” Rarity pleaded with him. “No good, looks like I'll have to break it down.” Spike said out loud before running at the door, trying to bust threw. Once he hits the door it didn’t even try to budge causing him to fall back to the hardwood ground making Rainbow laugh her ass off. Once she stops laughing long to say something. “Nice try Spike.” She tells him, before helping him up. Rarity feels the pressure change putting her hand to the door feeling nearly cold as ice before hearing something heavy being moved and the pressure changes making her to turn the nob seeing no one there. Just an empty office with a fire going in the fireplace with the lights still on. The layout has a big desk at the far end with a wall of windows from where they saw them. The left side has the fireplace with two bookshelves on either side. On the right side has another desk with bags of a pond bags of old mail and on the wall has photos of Chris in his younger days and one photo of him with some others underneath a tree that light up one of them wearing a wedding dress, the woman is a young blond in her early 20’s; and Chris in his late 20’s with a full beard wearing a brighter red suit and boots that are shined up. The others in the photo next to them are eight older gentlemen wearing the same suit and one woman in a red dress. The last person in the photo is a tall man dressed in white and with a white beard that goes down to his knees holding a dark blue crystal and it appears to be glowing when the photo was taken. Twilight gets a closer look at the wedding picture seeing the glowing crystal. “That must be it.” She said out loud while Rarity looks at the desk. On the desk was a computer motor with a set of pens on the desk. The computer is an IBM from the mid 1990’s with the badge case next to the desk and CRT-V motor. The keyboard is also a badge color and it is also a mechanical in nature. There were also a few frame photos one of them is his wife in her later years and the older man from where they first met. As well as the people in the wedding photo holding a baby in front of their home. The last photo was Chris riding in a sled being pulled by eight reindeer with the same sacks used for the mail. Rarity hit some buttons on the keyboard making the motor to turn on seeing a single word on it. Password. And a box to it. She tries to think what think what the password would be. Looking around the desk for any clues looking at the photos on the desk seeing the photo of the older woman from the wedding photo. Picking it turning it overseeing the frame can be open and open it seeing some writing on the back of the photo reading. “To a loving husband. From your wife. Berbera.” She types in the name and the screen goes black for a second, then a string of text with a list of different programs on them. One program sticks out from the rest of the size of it under a single name. LIST. With no mouse, she uses the arrow keys to open the program. Once she opens it and millions of names with one or two dots next to them with the date of the last update were made was corrupted leaving it blank. “Who is this guy?” She asks herself while Rainbow sticks her hands next to the fire. “Strange the fire feels cold, not warm.” She said out loud putting her hands back in her pockets trying to get them warm again. Before seeing the fireplace start to shake and filling the pressure inside the office changed like before. Rarity closes the program and logs out putting everything back the way it was. The fireplace flames turns blue as the structure quickly begins to change hearing an elevator coming up. Once it gets there the fire goes out and the back wall all opens seeing Chris standing there. “What are you doing here?” He asks them to see all of them standing there. Elsewhere I was still looking for a rest room but this place was so run down and highly doubt there would be running water. Seeing Duke and Danny following close behind helping me trying to find one. We came to a set of double doors and turn the nob seeing that it was still unlocked which it is, and when inside with both following close behind. The room was big with a kitchen next to it. “Looks like we found the galley.” Danny said out loud as I noticed the restroom at the other end. I quickly make my way towards it and tells them. “Unless you want neither one of you wants to jerk me off. It is best to wait outside.” I tell them in a playful matter. “Alright James, enough with the gay jokes.” Duke tells me as I when Inside. The restroom was a real shithole and when over to the sink and turn on the taps seeing the water is running. “Well, at less that's a good thing.” Beginning to wash my face a little bit the warm water helps, I check the back of my head feeling the cut with the nearly dried up blood. “This will be another scare after it heals. And hoping that my mind goes threw any changes from this.” I thought to myself using a rag that I carried with me to clean this cut a little better with what I got on hand. Back in the office. Twilight is the first to speak up. “I know this looks bad. But we had no idea where you when.” She tells him seeing Rarity next to his desk making him to walk towards his desk putting in the password, seeing nothing has changed. “Alright, what do you want to know.” He asks them. “One, what happened here?” Rarity asks him putting her hand on his shoulder. “Well, to answer that question it's best to start from the beginning.” He tells them before beginning his story. Well, where to start; let’s start back when I was a baby. I don’t remember much from those days other than what they told me when they found me and something guarding the snowy mountains of central Europe. The folks who raise me were toy makers for a local lord calling himself a king. Anyway, he liked the toys as well as the children. The deliveries to the king stopped not long after who or whatever guardian the path they normally take. He hired guards for them but they end up missing trying to reach them. This when on while I was growing up. Once I came to age and volunteered to make the deliveries using a different path threw the mountains. With a sack full of toys and a map of the land with the best way to get threw to the nearby town. During this time, I didn’t have my bright red suit, because it was still being made at the time. So, I use what I had at the time a fur coat and hat with some warm clothes underneath. Within moments into my journey coming across a pigpen sounding like a goose, I forget the name I gave to him. He chooses to come with me. Anyway, once we came to the city in question. The people didn’t like me at first until one of the kids a little boy no less asks me what I’m doing here. I feel sorry for the little boy and gave him one of the toys in the sack. Soon other kids ask about the toys and give them toys as well, before long the word has spread, both good and bad. Not long after I start giving the toys to the children of the town, that I’m in. The mayor hears this thinking this would like bad for his image with the local lord visiting only days away and banned all toys in the city and sent the guards to collect the toys that had been given out. Rainbow interrupts the story to say something on her mind. “This guy sounds like a prick.” Making Twilight to quickly respond to that. “Rainbow.” “She right, that guy was a prick.” Chris said out loud, before giving his attention from Twilight. “Sorry about that, please continue.” She tells him. “Right, now where was I.” He said out loud thinking where he left off. “Ah, I remember now.” Once the order was given to the guards and I was near a nearby schoolhouse seeing kids playing with the toy I had just given to them. One of the school teachers came to me thank bring joy to the children for the first time in their lives. She was younger than I was only by a few years and came from another town from what she told me. When I first meet her, she was beautiful, blond tied into a ponytail, and the dress was wearing was a plaid blue color with a fur coat keeping her warm from the cold mountain air. I grab into the sack get the last toy and give her a doll, making her smile before seeing guards coming to the school telling the children to give up their toys and telling them about the bane. She tells me to go hiding the doll I give her into her jacket. She asks me my name and tells me her name she tells me hers before I go. I quickly leave town as fast as I could with my little buddy following close behind. It was starting to get dark and the only path to get home was the same path years ago that guards when missing on. The wind picks up the further we when kicking up loose snow making it hard to see. I begin to see something in the distance. Once I get close seeing a frozen body and he wasn’t alone. There must be hundreds of bodies. Remembering those stories, the others told were true and my curiosity has gotten the best of me. I when to see what caused this. The closer to the source I got the worst it got until I hear a voice call out to me. “Why are you here?” I answer whoever called out to me. “I came to see why you killed these people with ice?!” The path of ice comes out of the ground leading to a nearby mountainside. Me and little friend made our way down the icy path before seeing a castle made of ice. Seeing a set of double doors, I rubbed up ageist it to find out felt more like glass than anything else. The doors open seeing the inside made from some material making my footsteps echo. Then I see an old man wearing a white robe and a white hat that looks like a crown. His skin was snow white stretching out his hand seeing ice making something before becoming hard like the glass around us. I see that it’s a weapon which is a staff and asks me one thing. “Why are you trespassing on my land?” Unknown what might happen next, I chose my next words very carefully. “I’m just trying to get home. On the other side of the mountain.” I tell him putting my empty sack down on the floor. Then come running towards me. My little buddy warns me making me dodge out of the way in time, making himself lose balance falling to the ground and dropping his weapon landing next to me. I quickly picked up to defend myself as he gets up making a pair of swords out of the same material as the staff I’m currently holding. “I know why you’re really here for.” He tells me leaving shocked at what he just said before coming at me. Making to regain my focus holding staff to block his attacks and sending fragments of ice into the air weakening the staff. The staff breaks in two making me lose my balance from the last impact sending the old man back a few feet, before coming at me again. Quickly grabbed one of the broken ends holding it up as he jumped at me. I close my eyes for a moment thinking it was the end. Before hearing the swords hit the ground next to me before seeing the shock on the old man's face. He fell sideways with the end of the staff that I was holding to defend myself, is in his chest. Blood starts to come out, quickly I toke the sack and used one of the swords to cut it in half and cover the wound pulling the staff out and covered him up the best I could. He passes out on me as tried to cover up the wound. The whole place starts to shake seeing the place starting to come apart. My little buddy was telling me seeing glass shattering has it the ground. Once I was done and got him on my back. We got out of there to the exit as it was falling apart, I quickly whistle. Seeing one of my reindeer friends coming towards me at the exit. “I’m coming Commit!” I loud out to him as the place was coming down around us. The cracks were coming faster and faster making us must jump to safety sending the last of it down the mountain. I was catching my breath. Commit came next to me making me quickly get and climb on with the old man and my little buddy. “Come on Commit; Take us home as fast you can.” I tell him before taking off threw the snow and seeing a light behind us. Once we got home the others see as well my mother helping the old man and getting him some help with the help of the others. I waited to see what will happen, when she came out telling me that he’ll live to make me feel a little bit better, thinking that killed a man. I stayed with him while he sleeps until he woke up the morning still the pain in his chest, shocked to see me. “You saved me.” He tells me making grab him a drink and tell me everything. That he’s a guardian from another world carrying one of nine elements and came here to hind from what he called the Darkness that he and the other guardians were fighting for a very long time now not knowing what started all of this, and all that he knows is after every fight the darkest gets stronger every time. Applejack interrupts this time with a question. “What is the Darkness?” “I ask myself that exact same question. When I first heard about them.” Chris quickly responded before continuing. He tells me something else that there is a legend of a 10th element, and it will come when the army of darkness comes back. Pinky says something interrupting this time. “Strange, none of the others didn’t mention it until now.” “Tell me, how many elements have you gotten so far?” Chris asks them, Pinky quickly answers his question. “Seven of them; Storm, Swamp, Water, City, Mountain, Desert, Forest.” Chris takes a breath. “Leaving only me and the Lava Guardian left.” He said out loud. “Chris.” Twilight calls out to him getting attention. “What happen next?” She asks him to make him to continue with the story. After he told me everything and let him rest. While getting ready to next trip my next trip with another sack of toys for the children, seeing the mailman with a stack of letters with one from the same school teacher I’d talk to later. Letting me know that all the toys were burned, and guards are on alert for someone with a sack of toys. I had to change my trip to do it at night to use the darkness as cover. I wrote back to her to tell the children's parents to leave the front door unlock to let me know that there is one waiting for a toy. While waiting for nightfall I, when to the castle remains, seeing something glowing underneath some rubble. I found a small lockbox it was made from crystal and tuff as diamonds, I tried to open it seeing that it was locked, and it won't open without a key. I see whatever inside is glowing a dark blue color. I quickly made my way back home to give it back to the old man. To see that he was awake and gave him the lockbox and gave it back to me and tell me one thing. “Keep it safe, until it’s time.” Leaving me a little confused at the time. I kept it safe in some place that only I know. Once I was ready to leave and found a gift waiting for me. Once I open it showed the red suit with my mother behind me smiling at me telling me that she made it for me. I put on the suit knowing that the guards will see me if I’m not careful. I check in with the old man before I left. He gave me something to help me to hind from the guards. The object was a crystal and he told me “To wear this and they wouldn’t know you’re even there.” He pulls out the same object from being around his neck showing the others. From what the old man is doing from helping me and that he’s slowly dying from our fight the first time we meet. Not only that he was giving me some of his abilities when he was a guardian. Once I get to town, I put it seeing the guards at the front gate and just walk past them like wasn’t even there. Once my sack was empty and quickly leave threw one of the side gates and quickly made my way home. The next morning the mayor was pissed about the new toys and did the same thing as yesterday. The school teacher left the city and take the same path to my home. She told me he did the same thing and rise the guard count. She also told me to tell the people to lock all doors throughout the city. That wasn’t the only thing she told me she told me the reason for this. The old man hears this and comes outside, he gave me another ability taking some loose ground snow and making a snowball. He breathes on it and shows a picture of the terrible mayor of the city. “YOU HAVE FAILED ME ONCE AGAIN NOT STOPPING THAT TOY MAKER!” Shouting at someone in the room. “Sir, we’ll trying our best, but this man is like a ghost.” Someone tells him. “DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS MAKES ME LOOK WITH THE LORD COMING LATER THIS WEEK!” Shouting out loud making his face turn red with anger finally showing the person he was talking to, the captain of the guard and the school teacher's brother. “Really?” Twilight asks out loud interrupting the story this time making Chris to rub his eyes from telling the story. “Sorry Chris, my brother is also the captain of the guard back home.” Twilight tells him before continuing. I noticed the chimneys throughout the rooftops was big enough for myself and the sack I have to carry. I tell Berbera to tell the children there is more coming and I have a way to keep an eye on them. After another night of delivering the toys to the town children and hearing the mayor's voice throughout the mountains making the old man smile hearing his voice. Berbera quickly left town knowing that she has something to do with the toy maker. I see her running towards me this morning in tears, hearing that her brother tried anything to get what the mayor wants showing the slap marks on her face. I toke her inside meeting the rest of the family, mother saw her face and use her makeup to cover up the bruises telling her it will take some time to heal. I ask her to stay with us, but she turned it down before heading back to town. I stopped her before she when to far down the road and I ask her if there was anything to hind the toys to fool the guards until it was clear for the children to play with the toys. The only thing we could come up with is the stockings that were left to hang over the fireplace to dry. That night using the same route I’d been using with a sack full of toys, hiding from the guards and filling stockings with toys. The next morning, the guards checked every home for toys seeing nothing, fooling them in the progress. Making the children happy seeing that their toys are not taken away to be burned. The mayor sees the kids playing with their toys outside his office making him very angry calling his captain for any leads on the toy maker. He has a lead about a forgotten path threw the mountain that was used years ago, and a home there of old toy makers. Berbera was listening in and rust out of town to warn me what was about to happen. But with a storm coming that same day. It wasn’t until it has gotten dark seeing everyone there as well as the old man walking around. I already left to make another delivery into town. Unknow to her seeing her brother with some guards to arrest everyone there even her sister. I walk into a trap getting myself arrested seeing sad faces on the children as I was taken to jail. The next morning with everyone I know arrested hearing something outside someone coming to find out it was the lord that the mayor was getting ready for. Later on, that day hearing something else the people of the town is marching towards city hall where the mayor and the local lord are, chanting “FREE THE TOY MAKER!” The Lord asks the mayor of the meaning of this and the story of arresting some toy makers and asks to speak to me and the rest of my family including Berbera, and the Guardian. We told our side of the story of helping the children. After hearing our side, he let us go and told the mayor and the captain to don’t go after him anymore. I gave him one of the toys which is a yo-yo and follow us to the angry mob and tell them that the banned-on toys is lifted and he pardon the toy maker and his friends for the mayor's pride. Spike interrupted this time. “Guesting both the captain and the mayor didn’t take the news too well?” He asks Chris. “No, they didn’t.” He answers him before continuing The lord was shot in the back by the captain of guards killing him and blaming us making us to flee the city I called out to my reindeer friends. All of us get on to get back home and begin to pack up what can. I when to grab the lockbox. We could hear guards coming up the mountain. The old man used the last of his strength to make two ice mounters while we got on the sled. With the reindeer hitch up ready to pull us. We were waiting on the old man he was moving the fast he could go before a bullet hit him making him fall to the ground. I quickly jump off to get him up carrying him to the sled throwing him on before jumping in as another round of bullets hit the sled, spooking the reindeer and pulling us uncontrollably towards a cliff. The old man hands me a bag of power and tells me to throw it at them. I throw it at the two leading reindeer sending shingling dust on all of them. We see the cliff quickly coming up knowing it was over for us. But it wasn’t the next thing we know that we were flying. The guards see us flying standing there in stock with both the mayor and the captain. The mayor grabs one of the guns from the guards and aims it at me. The captain stops him missing and fires into the air above them. Berbera checks the old man seeing that he’s hurt badly this time. We found somewhere to land, seeing the old man knowing that it was the end for him grabbing the key from around his neck and grabbing the lockbox. Unlocking shows what he’s been guarding all this time, a crystal that’s glowing dark blue and he told me something I’ll never forget. “There can be only one guardian and that has to be you, Chris.” I look over at Berbera and ask her to marry me right there and then. She said yes. We got married underneath a pine tree using some of the crystals that the old man made. After we kissed, he was finally able to give me the element making me its new Guardian. The last thing he did was open a portal to his home before seeing his body turn to snow letting the wind carry them away. “That's so sad.” Rarity said out loud trying to hold some tears. “Yes, it was.” Chris said out loud trying to hold back his tears as well. “Come to find out years later that there was a kid’s movie of what happened making it kid-friendly from what really happened. I believe the studio name called was Ranking Base or something along those lines.” Chris finishes his train of thought before continuing. The portal leads right here and begins to build a new home. Years pass and a group of elves hears about a new guardian and ask to stay. They help me make toys after they train by the older toy makers. They were great at turning the workshop into a factory with a town around it. Back home the story of a giving toy maker spread around the world giving me a new name of Santa Claus. Then there was one day that changes everything both here and on Earth. The Darkness I was told all those years ago attack me during one of delivery on Christmas eve. They were around me making having to flee leaving many children behind and those nukes that have been stockpiling for a long time goes off days later knowing that the Darkness has something to do with this. It toke it toll on me. “When did it happen?” Twilight asks him. “Somewhere in the 2020’s or the 2030’s, when it happened.” He answers her questions before continuing Berbera passes away not long after that, leaving me alone. Then the Darkness found me attacking my home killing elves, and burning homes and shops. Until it was over leaving nothing left. My aging slowed down thanks to the element and the way time works here is different than on Earth. 50 years have passed until I found you stuck in that pass. “And to make a long story short.” Chris finishes his train of thought before hearing the word. “Too Late.” From everyone at once in the room. “Came in here to grab this.” Grabbing the same lockbox from the story and putting it on his deck. Grabbing the key from around his neck unlocking it and opening it showing the others making all the other elements glow in their pockets making them pull it out. Before noticing that there are two missing and ask them. “Where are the other Guardians?” Chris asks them. “James, when to find a restroom; guesting to get myself clean up a little.” AJ answers his question. Elsewhere I was busy trying to clean this cut with what I got on hand. “This must have a first aid kit or a doctor's office with the supplies to cover this up before it could fester.” I thought to myself before turning off the water before joining Duke and Danny waiting outside. You alright James?” Danny asks me. “I will once I get something to cover it up.” I answer him “There must be a first aid kit in the kitchen.” Duke tells me as leaves to check. “Don’t take too long while me and Danny will see if they're a doctor's office.” I let him know while he searches for it. “Just don’t get lost you two.” He tells us threw the kitchen door while we were leaving. While trying to locate the doctor I noticed that the element starts to glow making me to pull it out of my coat pocket. Back in the kitchen, Duke's element also starts to glow as well wondering what’s going on before seeing a kit on the wall that’s bolted to the wall. He goes over to it and opens it to see it is empty. “Damn.” He said out loud leaving the kitchen to find James and his brother. Meanwhile I and Danny walking down one many hallways trying to find the doctor's office, when something came to my mind. “Danny, something been bugging my mind ever scent you and your brother came to race during the three years of racing?” I ask him. “Yes, James it’s about our last name; isn’t it?” He asks me a question of own. “Yes, it is.” I responded with a deep breath. “Well, we are brothers with the same father, just different mothers. Frank was a few years older than me. He was given Dad’s last name, as for me I given my mother’s last name. We didn’t meet each other until one day outside of Sydney. I was out of work at the time looking for anything and Frank was working at an auto shop where I have gotten an interview at. I came in on an interview and the owner thought I was someone else that already working for him, until Frank came in to tell him something I can’t remember, giving him a shock on his face with us standing next to each other. I thought I didn’t get the job from the shock. It turns out I got the job on the spot. Me and Frank catch up finding out that we were raised by our mothers not knowing our father. Because Dad was a soldier in the U.S. Army and was sent back to the states from Frank heard from his mother.” He tells me the story making me raise more questions. “Is that why you two came to the States?” I ask him. “Both yes, and no. Yes, to find our father, and no, because we both wanted to open our own shop in the States. Trying to move and get started was a mess for us. It token some time to get things going the way we wanted and started a small racing them with us the only drivers to start when we heard about the new race series coming from Florida, and you know the rest from there.” He tells me answering part of my question. “Did you ever find him?” I ask him to make him to take a deep breath before answering. “Yes, we did. He died in a car crash, and he was drunk.” He tells me. “Sorry about that.” I quickly responded to that. “It's not your fault, he was thrown out of the army, and he didn’t take it too well.” He tells me as Duke found. “What were you two talking about?” He asks us. “James, ask about our last name and I told him the story about that and our dad.” Danny answers him. “We never know him other from the stories our moms told us.” Duke tells me. “I got curious. Is all.” I tell them still looking around for a doctor’s office. “If you’re still looking for a doctor’s office?” Duke asks me to make me turn towards him. “Because I think I found it.” He tells me leading both of us going down a hallway that we haven’t checked yet. The door has a red cross on a window on the wooden door. The door was locked making to get something from my pocket. Grabbing a set of lock picks and beginning to pick at the lock slowly open it. > Chapter 55 A Storm Is Coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I’ve been picking at the lock, slowly getting it open the lock has rusted and stiff. Finally, get the lock set and am able to turn seeing the door pop open. I push open the door and see tons of cobwebs around the door frame and threw out the infirmary seeing a few bed frames with no mattresses on them. “There must be something?” I said thinking out loud entering, hitting the light switch seeing nothing happen to leave the room in the dark. “Fuse must be busted or tripped.” Duke said out loud walking in as he walked into a cobweb, using his hand to knock it off. While grabbing my zippo lighter from my pocket lighting giving us a little light. “The breaker box must be somewhere.” Danny said out loud coming into the room. “With the size of this place, it could be anywhere.” I said out loud feeling something bite me making me slap the back of my neck. “Pesky spiders.” I thought to myself trying to see what just bite me, but with the lighting in here, it’s impossible to see. I move my lighter closer to my hand seeing that it was a black spider, I wipe my hand on my jeans before trying to look at the current box. “Here’s one.” Danny said out loud trying to move a heavy table. Duke quickly to the other end helping his brother. Once it’s out of the way seeing the current box is covered with cobwebs, I move closer wiping them away before opening it. Seeing all the breakers have been turned off, I flip on all the breakers seeing the lights coming back turn on, and threw out the factory that had been connected to it. I close my zippo and put it back in my pocket. I take a deep breath before searching for medicine and badges. I when over towards one of the cabinets seeing every little in there. Seeing only had a few glass bottles with different names on them, one being painkillers. Grabbing the bottle checking to see if it’s still in date. But from being a glass bottle and the color of it and the label faded making it very hard to read. Seeing the pain killer bottle has been sitting there checking for a date seeing that it when out in 1927 using an earth date. I open the cap to get a better look at the capsules. Two capsules came out landing on my hand seeing looking like pills are like those of today. I thought it over before putting the pills back in the bottle and putting them back in the cabinet. I start to feel a little off, feeling the storm coming this way. Duke notices it stands next to me. “You’re alright?” He asks me. “I’m alright, just a little tired that's all.” I answer him opening one of the swards seeing bandages. I grab one of them and some rubbing alcohol in a small bottle. I have the things to patch up right now moving over to the desk and beginning to work patching myself up. I saw a mirror checking on the bite. Seeing it starting to turn red I use some alcohol to clean it making it burn a little. Once everything is done with my head patched up and the bite cleaned up the best I can. Putting everything back and meeting up with both Danny and Duke. “Ready.” Danny asks me. “Yes.” I answer him still feeling off. “Best to meet up with the others.” I tell them leaving with both following, turning off the light on the way out. Back in the office. Twilight and Chris talking while Pinky is feeling off from being pregnant and haven’t eaten anything all day from coming here. “I’m starting to get hungry.” Rainbow said out loud. “I think we all are getting hungry.” Applejack said out loud. “Before I bring you here, I was getting dinner ready.” Chris said out loud. “Where?” Spike asks him. “Back in the penthouse above the factory.” He answers him grabbing the lockbox before heading. Once everyone is out, James, Danny, and Duke make their way toward where we are. “How are you feeling James?” Pinky asks me to see still carrying both my hat and Rarity’s scarf on my side. “I’m alright just a little tired and won’t be wearing my hat for some time.” I answer her question cheering her up a little bit. I grabbed the element from my pocket seeing that it was still glowing just not as bright as before. Not only that, I can feel the storm getting closer. Chris locks his office and leads us towards the penthouse, leading us to an elevator. “A service elevator.” I said out loud seeing the space inside big enough for like 10 to 15 people with room for cargo. Chris grabs a set of keys from his pocket and put one of them in a lock at the top, turning it and making the elevator start to move. “How far do we have to go?” Danny asks Chris. “Only have to go 15 floors.” He said out loud answering his question. Seeing the light slowly goes from the ground floor. Once it gets to the penthouse level and the door opens, showing how big it is with the penthouse making up 3 floors looking more like a mansion than anything else. “Wow.” Rainbow said out loud making it echo. The main hall is the biggest room from what we could see the center of the room has an 8ft pine tree that’s been decorated with ornaments from around the world. Seeing crystals on the tree reflecting light off the chandeliers above them. The décor feels warm and alive from the rest of the factory, more so the town outside. Darken stained wood that gives off a shine towards it. I when over towards one of the stair rails removing my gloves to side by side on it before giving it a sniff. “Hard oak.” I said out loud making everyone else wonder what going threw my mind as I put my glove back on. While I was sniffing the oak Chris when to the kitchen. Seeing that the goose that’s been roasting for only God knows how many hours now sends the smell throughout the penthouse. Spike started to smell it making his stomach starts to growl with hunger. “You smell that?” He said out loud starts making his way toward the kitchen letting his nose lead the way. Has for me I was more tired than hungry and make my way upstairs, Pinky notices this and stops me only a few steps in. “James?” She calls out to me grabbing my right arm. “I just need to get some rest.” I answer her making to let go so I find a guest room or something. Back in the kitchen Chris uses melted butter to finish dressing the still-roasting goose when Spike walks in to see the kitchen. The size and layout of the kitchen is that of a cross bends of different eras from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century. The fireplace with the goose roasts over it in the room with Chris dressing it while it slowly spins on a spit hanging off it. The left side of the room has countertops and cabinets with can goods on the countertops bags of flour and sugar opened and a large mixing bowl with the unused ingredients waiting to mix up. On the right side of the room has a large gas power industrial oven and a walk-in refrigerator/ freezer. The oven is on and active showing the flames coming from the small windows with the temperature slowly going up passing 150oF. “Another hour or so and it would be ready.” He said out loud not knowing that Spike standing in the doorway. “I hope so too.” Spike answer in response making Chris turn around seeing him smiling. Chris gets up getting himself steady on his feet with the nearly empty blow of melted butter. “Where are the others?” Chris asks him putting it on the nearby table. “James has gone to get some rest and the others must be at the elevator where I left them.” Spike answers his question grabbing a finished biscuit that is still warm after coming from the oven. Spike takes a bite from it feeling the heat of the still-warm biscuit. After clewing and slowing it taking a breath before talking to Chris. “That’s good, very good.” He said out loud. “Thanks, my wife made them all the time and it toke a few times to make them right.” Chris said to the compliment. “Then what’s in the oven then?” He asks him before taking another bite. “It’s another batch.” He answers his question wiping his hands, beating the last of the flower dust off them. “SPIKE!” Twilight calls out his name. “I’m in the kitchen with Chris!” He calls out in response. “OOOEEE! Something smells good.” AJ said out loud smelling the goose cooking and the next batch of biscuits coming along. Twilight, AJ, and Rarity walk into the kitchen seeing the goose over the flames, leaving them in shock for a moment. “Well, that's interesting.” Twilight said out loud after collecting herself before finishing off her train of thought. “We've only been here for a few days, and we don’t eat meat, but that smell is making me hungry for it.” “I’m guessing you folks don’t eat meat?” Chris asks them hearing what Twilight just said, before hearing the rest cutting her off in the progress. “That’s right.” Applejack answers in response. “That's alright because the people who use to work for me didn’t eat meat either. Because it's tuff finding meat that wouldn’t kill you in the progress.” Chris tells them. Twilight's curiosity peaks now hearing that. “How did you get around that?” Twilight asks him as he walks over towards the oven and opens the door seeing the flames coming out the doorway with the heat as well. The temperature dropping like a stone, he grabbed a metal tray to get something out of the oven. The smell of the fresh bash of biscuits coming out of the oven and putting them on the nearby countertop. Grabbing something else from the still open oven what looks like a loaf of freshly baked bread. But the smell is more like a baked potato than anything else. “What’s that smell?” Rainbow and the two brothers finally making their way to the kitchen. “It smells like bake potatoes.” Danny said smelling it. Chris places the first loaf on the counter and when to grab another one. Once he put both on the counter. Grabbing one of the loaves and cutting it into pieces showing that stuff with potatoes with bits of vegetables. “Does it have a name?” Twilight asks him, as keeps cutting into the loaf. “ Knish. Is what it is called.” Chris answers her question. Chris starts telling them a story. “I was in New York during on one of my vacations back on Earth. It was spring 2004, at least from what I can remember. I walk by a shop that sells them from the first time saw them thinking the same thing potatoes stuffed inside a loaf of bread and saw how many versions there are. I bought one and gave it a try and fell in love after the first bite. I asked the owner how they are made and he told me. Once I got back and tried to make some.” “How did it go?” Twilight asks him Chris continues. “Not good, it toke some time and a lot of trial and error to make it right.” He tells them as he finished cutting up the first loaf. Before moving on to the next one. “Do you use whole or instead?” Duke asks him. “whole, I use instead if I have to.” Chris answers his question still cutting up the loaf. “Wait a minute.” AJ said out loud realizing something. “You mention New York, have you been to New York on the City world?” She asks Chris. “Yes, I’ve been there. But it's completely different from the real city.” He quickly answers her without missing a step. Twilight hears this questioning what she just heard before speaking up about it. “We know that me and my friends have never been to New York you’re talking about. But we have been to the one in this world.” She tells him. Just then hearing a crack of thunder then threw the building, shocking everyone. “Must be that storm.” AJ said out loud, Pinky comes running towards the kitchen after feeling the strike of the thunder. She trying to catch her breath well trying to talk at the same time. “I when to check up on James because I was worried about him.” She stopped coughing trying to do both at the same time. Twilight walks over trying to calm her down. “Calm down Pinky.” She tells her friend finally able to catch her breath. “Like I said, I when to check up on James and he’s not doing too good, he is shaking really bad.” She said out loud, making Pinky, Twilight, and Chris to go where he is located at. Elsewhere I was lying down on the couch in one of the bedrooms, beginning to feel cold with the fire going into the fireplace. The rods in my back aching up sending cold shivers up my back. I get up reaching into my coat trying to find the serum that has been in there for a few days now. Finding both the serum and the cigar. Seeing that the serum is still frozen dropping the needle seeing rolling towards the fire. My right arm starts to go numb still feeling the cold creeping up my arm making it difficult to move. The only thing going threw my mind is to light the cigar. Reaching for my lighter with the arm that hasn’t gone numb feeling that it’s in the other pocket. I had no choice but to use my right arm to get the lighter, and with a great deal of pain, I reach for it. Pulling the lighter out of my pocket and put it on my left side while I put the cigar to my mouth. Grabbing the lighter with my left hand and light the cigar. Taking a long drag of it before lying back down. Still feeling the effects of letting the vaper smoke out, I close my eyes feeling the thunder in the distance. I wake up not in the desert, but in the middle of a snow-clover forest. “This is new.” I said out loud still feeling the effects of the cold air around me both in the real world and the dream world. I try to move my right arm feeling like pins and needles going through my arm like being stabbed a million times. “I will be best not to move it unless I have to.” I said out loud getting up from the snow-clover ground. I look around trying to get my bearings seeing nothing but trees around me, with the sun high in the sky. I take a deep breath before thinking out loud. “There is no telling where to go without getting lost in the progress.” Before seeing something in the trees, then come flying toward me. A white eagle with blue eyes landing next to me, then hearing a wolf howe behind me making me turn around seeing a white wolf with blue eyes slowly walking towards me. The hawk was on my left while the wolf when to my right. I hear a voice in the distance. “James.” It calls out to me. I see the loose snow starting to fly around me making a small silicone starting to form, within seconds the snow started to form a figure of that a old wizard. “Nice to finally meet you James.” He tells me. “Who are you?” I ask him making him quickly answer my question. “I’m the previous Guardian of the Ice Element. Before Chris took over for me.” He tells me. “Why am I here?” I ask him another question in a state of confusion. “To deliver a message for Chris, yourself, and the other Guardians that have been prophesize to end the war with the Army of Darkness. They are building their forces again; all they need is a leader and that leader will be reborn from fire and darkness.” He tells me. “You mean my creation that turns against me and my allies?” I ask him. “Maybe, I’m not the one who wrote it.” He answers my question. “Then who did?” I ask him. “The first Guardian who carried the 10th element a long time ago.” He tells me. Storm clouds begin to form above us, sending sticks of purple lighting in the woods around us sparking flames. Moments later the forest turns into a flaming inferno sending smoke into the sky above us. The wizard looks around seeing the flames around. “Time is running short for us, and I wish I could tell you more.” He tells me. “How do I get out of here?” I ask him only pointing in the direction behind me where the break in the flames. “If we meet again, let's just hope it is in better conditions.” He tells me before turning back into loose snow. The wolf becomes bigger, big enough to carry me on his back. The hawk takes to the air while I get on the wolf's back. As for the break in the flames, it quickly closes and reopens very few seconds. I tell the wolf one thing. “We only have one shot.” He takes off towards the break going as fast as he can. The break gets closer and closer until the brakes close before running towards it and in a brief second, it opens letting us pass by. All around us nothing but flames trees even the ground floor has been set ablaze. I look and see nothing but smoke above nearly blacking out the ski before seeing the hawk guiding us out of this inferno. Back in the real world. Chris opens the door to one of the bedrooms where I’m lying down on the couch. “He’s in here.” He calls out to the others coming to where we’re at. Twilight and Pinky running where I’m at, seeing Chris standing next to the still lite fire cracking from the heat coming off the wood. As for me lying on the couch out cold. “What happened?” Pinky asks out loud seeing me out cold, while Twilight sees James's push-button needle filled with still frozen serum laying next to the fireplace. “It must be the rods again.” Twilight said out loud picking it up from the ground and feeling another rumble of thunder louder this time only no more than 500 yards off. Then a purple flash came across the window. Chris walks to the window and opens it seeing storm the been following them has finally over them with purple lighting off in the sky above them. “It is best to stand back, you two.” He tells them stepping aside and seeing a bolt of purple lighting come through the open window shocking both Twilight and Pinky to finally stand back from James, as the blot hits me on my forehead. Twilight is shocked at what she sees the bolt of lightning is connected to my head sending pluses to my head. “What is happening?” She asks him. “It looks like, the element is trying to save the Guardian.” He answers her question from what can see going on right in front of him. “Why is that?” Twilight asks him while Pinky leading over to tries to touch the pulsating bolt, but it wouldn’t let her. “It must be the bond between the element and the Guardian.” He answers her question walking around the still-connected lightning bolt. “The bond?” Pinky asks out loud getting up. “Yes, the bond between the element and its Guardian.” Chris tells them to answer her question in the progress. “This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this until now.” Twilight said out loud making Pinky to rub the side of her neck where her mark is located, feeling the bond between her element letting go of a few tears feeling them going down the sides of her face heading towards the floor; but they don’t hit the floor beginning to float few inches of the hardwood floor. Without thinking she grabs the lightning bolt making Chris and Twilight jolt back from a shock wave sending both of them back hitting the nearby wall. Twilight recovers first seeing standing there with her eyes wild open with the same bolt of lightning now connected to her as. Chris came a second seeing the same thing seeing that her mark lightning up as well her eyes. “Twilight, it best not to touch her.” He tells her. Back in the dreamscape. Pinky smells smoke and quickly wakes up seeing the forest around her on fire quickly gets up and starts to cough from the smoke. Melting the snow around her feeling something inside her starting to come alive. The mark on the side of her neck started to light up feeling the melted snow now turn to water coming towards her. Small at first seeing the water starting to form on her hands slowly getting bigger trying to cover her mouth before trying to call out someone's name. “JAMES!” As loud she could before a flame hit her left leg catching her pants on fire using her hands to put out the flame. Elsewhere The wolf stopped hearing my name being called out, before hearing something else. “AAAAAHHHHHHH!” Someone screams out in pain, before running towards the scream. Back in the blaze. Pinky falls over in pain having tripped over a branch of wood that is still on fire sending flame toward her right arm as she tries to get back up, having a hard enough time fire around her on her own. She hears something coming towards her she tries to use her powers to get back up but can’t from the pain. She screams out in pain that when out for miles, before hearing something coming towards her jumping threw the flames landing near her seeing James left hand to reach out towards her. Use her left hand to grab him, using both of their strength to get her behind him on the of the wolf. The wolf jumped threw a break in the flames to the direction that would lead them out of there. “What are you doing here Pinky?” I ask her. “I don’t know, the last thing I remember what grabbing that bolt of lightning that attach to your head and then waking up here nearly baked awake.” She answers my question trying to hang on for dear life. I look up seeing the hawk guiding us threw this mess that this storm has made. I begin to fill the pain going up my arm towards my back making it pop in a few places making a few cracks of the thunder around us. Then a few drops of rain hitting the flames below turning them into steam on contact. The few drops turns into a downpour slowly killing the flames around us. “James, what’s going on?” Pinky asks me seeing what going on turning into a heavy downpour. The pain in my back started to become intense hitting one of the screws making it feel like being stabbed in the back with a 6 ft. spear. I begin to breath heavy because of the pain making the storm above us release a few strikes of lightning across the now darken ski before hitting one of the trees in front of us making it fall to the ground, without even slowing down we jump over it seeing the remains starting to catch alight from spark still going threw the remains of the tree. Pinky sees that her hands are still cover in blobs of water beginning to glow white she touches my back seeing the water going in threw the clothes reach his back starting to release the pain that I’m feeling. I begin to feel release from the pain getting the feeling back in my right arm once again. I reach out to her to tell her one thing. “Thank you Pinky, thank you.” “You're welcome James." She responded to that by reaching for burned part of her leg. “AAAAHHHH!” she screams out in pain putting water on the burn marks. The rain still coming down hard after the last of the flames has been extinguished creating a fog of steam with the remains of the smock above us making it hard to see what is in front of us. The steam-up fog is so thick that it’s making it impossible to see no more than a few feet in front of us. I can hear the lightning above us the heat from the flames as well the heavy around us. With the feeling in my arm fully restore just the feeling of pins and needles still going threw. The wolf begins to slow down to a stop before looking around seeing nothing but fog and some burnup trees that are nearby. He begins to growl at whatever is out there. Both of us look to see who or what he is growling at. A figure walks out of the fog an older man dressed in a white suit more cream-looking than white. In contrast from his skin color looks like it hasn’t ever seen the sun. His face has a short white beard and white slick back hair, wearing white frame sunglasses. “Who are you?” I ask him has the wolf still growling at him. Not answering he takes off his sunglasses and put them inside his suit jacket letting us see his eyes they have a sliver color. “It’s best not to know my name, for now; James.” He finally answers me shocking not just me but Pinky as well. “WHAT!” Pinky said out loud from that statement and still tried to heal the burn marks on her leg. The gloves the old man were black leather gloves taking them off seeing that his hands starting to glow making a few balls of white light before blowing towards us. The small balls of light heading towards going around me heading towards Pinky’s burned-up leg. They enter the wound making the burns marks with her water starting to heal the wound. Minutes later the wound has been fully healed making her jump off putting pressure on her leg feeling like new, moving her attention towards the Old Man. “Thank you.” She tells him making to put on his gloves and glasses before turning towards me. “If we meet again, it wants to be the last.” He tells me before walking into the fog, disappearing in the progress. “How did he know your name?” Pinky asks me before climbing back on. “I don’t know, but it feels like I should.” I answer the question baffled by what just happened to see the hawk circling around us calling out to us. The smoke above us begins to clear as well the steam-up fog. Off in the distance on top of a snowy mountain reflecting something back towards us. “That must be where we’re going.” I said out loud seeing whatever on reflecting back at us every few seconds. We take towards it as fast as the wolf can go. > Chapter 56 The Snowy Mountain Top > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wind start to pick up the higher we sent. Seeing the reflection getting bigger the closer we get. Still feeling the pin needles still going threw my arm. Pinky trying to hang on for dear life behind me, while I grip the wolf fur to hang on. I see the hawk still guiding us towards whatever is on top of the mountain. “What do think is there, when we get there?” Pinky asks me. “I don’t know Pinky; I just don’t know.” I answer her question feeling the wolf slowing down a little. I look around seeing the storm hasn’t even moved seeing the lightning still going off every few seconds. The forest that was there was burned to the ground thanks to the storm. I feel guilty about seeing Pinky hurt from it. But also who was that old man dressed in white who helped us out? I have so many questions and very few answers right now. After what felt like an eternity we finally reached the top of the snowy mountain seeing an old castle made of ice. Pinky sees this nearly shock her before speaking out. “This must be the home of the Old Guardian home before running into Chris.” She said out loud. We get off onto the loose snow and begin to walk toward what looks like the main gates. The main gates which are made from the same ice have the rest of the castle begins to open unlocking with snaps nearly scaring Pinky from the noise of the gate opening progress making her jump back a little bit. With all the noise the gate is making echoing throughout the mountains. The gate pulls open making all the noise in the world gears snapping and grinding from the frozen ice on them breaking off and falling to the snow-clover ground below. After what felt like an eternity of content noise the gate finally open all the way, letting us come in. We slowly made our way inside the castle seeing the ice has been built up from being abandoned for only God knows how long. Just then a strong gust of wind come from inside the building making the pins and needles in my right side shoot up my arm once again making to nearly fall to the ground, but I was able to catch myself on a nearby wall. Pinky sees this and begins to worry about what’s going on with me, coming up next to me before she asks me I gave a quick response “I’ll be alright Pinky.” Moving my making it pop in a few places in the old rods. I notice something about the castle wall that I was leaning on. I take off my glove feeling stone work feeling the heat coming off of it but also cool to the touch. “This castle isn’t made from ice but crystals, big ones.” I said getting stable on my feet again. We made our way to an open courtyard covered in ice and snow and the center has something there. Both of us see this and knows what it is. Witch is a large glass ball with four crystal columns around it. “This must be the Guardian's old home before whatever forces him to leave for Earth,” I said out loud. “Chris told me and my friends about what happened to the old wizard, before giving the element to Chris.” Pinky said out loud. “I must have been trying to find some medicine when he told you and the others?” I ask out loud. “Yes, you were with both the brothers with you.” Pinky responded. The wind was picking up again seeing the loose snow being blown away revealing what lies beneath, what was laying beneath a skeleton of a soldier of long ago. I when over to the long died soldier for anything he used to fight for. Seeing anything who or what he was working for, then seeing the symbol of the Omega 9 neither red nor purple but from the worn-out clothes before he died must have been late 19th century or early 20th after the first world war. “Interesting.” I said out loud getting Pinky's attention. “What did you find, James?” She asks me before seeing the corpse nearly making to throw up in the progress. “Oh sweet Celestia, James.” She said trying not to puke her guts out. Once she gets a hold of herself trying to not look at the corpse. “What seems to be so interesting?” She asks me trying not to look at it. “He must have been dead for maybe two or three hundred years now; from the uniform alone. Not only that he fought for the Omega9 army before the Civil War that tore these words apart.” I said answering her question getting my knife to cut the old symbol off the uniform. Once I cut it off seeing the old army symbol making asks more questions than it answers. Why would the army go after one of the guardians? Then the ground benighted them begins to shake sending the pack in snow off the roof and sliding down nearly hitting me. The wolf begins to grow at whatever is coming while the hawk above us circles around us. The shakes become more intent the closer it comes, I run to the edge where the source of the sound seeing only a green glow coming from the fog below. “What the hell is that?” I said out loud as Pinky made her way here with me seeing whatever climbing the side of the mountain. “I don’t know James. Whatever it is, it is big.” She said out loud trying to answer my question the best she can seeing what's coming up. The jolts of footsteps coming towards us begin to sound like a bell shaking the ground making us lose our footing making grabbing the nearby wall without having packed snow or crystal rubble off the walls. Then it stopped making me get my footing again before saying. “Thank god, it stopped.” Then a leg reaches over the edge of the wall where are hitting the crystal floor making dust and lose snow fly into the air around us. Then another leg came over this time hitting the wall on the right side of us. The legs were carrying a body over the edge showing us what it looks like, which is a giant spider with glowing green veins throughout the body and its legs that are showing. The mouth is moving and pulsating leaking green liquid falling from its mouth hitting the ground, melting the crystals floor with every drop. “Oh, crap.” I said out loud only so I can hear then it turns its attention towards me. “Shit.” Was the only thing going through my mind. The giant spider's mouth begins to glow bright green before shooting off a blast of a toxic ball heading towards me, making me quickly jump out of the way missing me landing the crystal floor covered with loose snow quickly melting from the ball. Creating a huge hole nearly 15ft wide that nearly making me fall in. “To close.” I said out loud seeing some of it splashed on me creating holes in my leather jacket. “You alright?” Pinky asks me nearly going into a panic seeing how big the hole is. “I think so.” I quickly answer starting to feel some of the burn from the holes going into my shirt now begin to touch my skin making it burn a little. I look a see that the spider is lining up another shot this time aiming at Pinky. “Pinky run!” I shout at her making her to see the spider aiming at her now. Thinking fast she moves towards inside the nearest building to get cover. She closes the heavy wood door before the spider takes a shot hitting the building creating another only 5ft wide this time. Pinky looks through the newly created hole seeing that I haven’t moved yet. The spider takes among me again I quickly move to find cover heading inside the nearest building. The building is on the far side from where Pinky is located, but inside is something that I would never see. A 50-caliber rifle from the same era but looks different a little too modern nowadays. There were four clips one of them already attached to the gun; The gun has a scope as well that looks too modern almost being almost futuristic than anything else. I grab the gun and three remaining clips before resizing where to put them. Then seeing the bottom of the clips have a holster clip making it earlier to clip to my belt. Once I’m ready to see the wall starting to melt away from the acid shots that hit the building where I took cover and found the gun at. I see the giant spider still hunting for me and Pinky, she is safe where she is. But not me. I take aim at the still-growing hole in the wall. I hold my breath seeing the face and the crosshairs aim at one of its eyes; without a second thought pulling the trigger. In a quick flash and a push back hitting my shoulder nearly making me fall to the ground. The bullet flew threw the air going the speed of light heading towards the eye and hitting right in the middle sending the green acid-fused blood out threw created a hole in the eye making the spider scream out in pain sending small blind shouts around him landing the crystal walls of the building around it. I look and see the building where Pinky taking cover has been covered in acid blood dissolving the crystal wall where she is hiding at before she her walking out with a weapon her very own which is a flame thrower. With the anger in her eyes starts going to town on the spider torching one of its legs. This makes it use one of its other legs to attack but misses with every strike from the pain of losing an eye and torching of one of its front legs. With every miss Pinky lights up the leg a little bite at a time; With all the moving around that they are doing making very tuff to make a clean shot to the remaining eyes. I quickly look around seeing an edge with the height I need to make a clean shot. “Keep it busy!” I shout out to her after another miss strike giving me the thumbs up before lighting the leg up again. I quickly move to a nearby ladder that has been built into the crystal wall and begin to climb up the fast as I can go. Once I reach the top moving to the edge and quickly taking aim but not getting a clean shot, I call out to the spider. “Hay you son of bitch!” Getting its attention from Pinky so she can take cover. I quickly take aim at one of the other eyes and see it in my crosshairs. Without taking a second thought pulling the trigger and sending the second round out hitting the target taking out another eye leaving only two eyes left. But the spider quickly on the draw after being hit quickly firing an acid ball towards me but missing hitting the edge where I’m located. I quickly take aim again trying to take aim at the remaining eyes. The remaining eyes are smaller than the other ones I have already taken out. I see one of them in my crosshairs and quickly pulling the trigger sending the third round towards it, but missing ricocheting off the thick skeletal skin and hitting the crystal wall behind him. Elsewhere Pinky sees me on the edge missing the shot and when inside something that would help. She when where she found the flame thrower to find something bigger seeing nothing would work before seeing something big under a tarp, pulling on the tarp revealing what is underneath. She quickly smiles at it before saying. “That will do.” I take aim again seeing one of the eyes again in my crosshairs and pulling the trigger. Again, missing before feeling something crashing through the crystal walls. I look and see something crashing through the wall below where I'm standing on. Seeing a tank coming threw stopping in front of the spider aiming its gun at it and opening fire hitting directly in its mouth. Exploding after impact killing the spider and sending the acid blood all around missing the tank and the wall where I’m at. The remains fall to the ground licking the acid blood where they lay. The driver's door opens seeing Pinky climbing out seeing the remains of what just happened in front of her. Before turning to see me climbing down the ladder. “Thanks Pinky.” I tell her. “You're welcome James.” She tells me getting out of the tank that has now been trashed from the acid blood landing on its tracks. “I’m not even going to ask where you found this.” I tell her putting the gun down and the unused clips next to the tank that hasn’t been hit by the acid blood, I take a deep breath before feeling the heat from an unknown source going through me finally making the pins and needles in my arm go away. I look and see the wolf coming out of one of the building remains with the hawk landing on a crystal wall next to him. The wind picks up again seeing loose snow leading into the building where they are. “Looks like the Guardian wants to show us something.” I said out loud leading towards the opening. Pinky follows close behind. “I sure hope you know what are you doing, James?” She tells me. “Your guest is good as my now.” I respond to that statement. The opening leads to a flight of stairs that leads deeper into the complex, the stairway has no source of light leading downstairs. The only source of light is the zippo lighter in my pocket. “Pinky did you see a flashlight or something in the armory; by any chance?” I ask her. She opens her mouth before thinking for a moment. “I don’t think I did.” She tells me. “Well then, we’ll going to need something to see down there and my lighter isn’t going to cut it.” I said heading towards the tank-shaped hole in the wall. I’m looking around in the armory seeing every gun from a musket shot to a machine gun. “Damn, there must be something here.” I said under my breath opening very wooden and metal create. I hear something behind me making me turn around seeing Pinky walking threw the hole. “What are doing?” I ask her still looking around before having to take my sunglasses off and putting them on my shirt. “I’m trying to help find whatever it is you are looking for.” She responded making me turn my head towards her, showing her my eyes for the first time nearly shocking her. She walks over to me getting a closer look at my eyes. “This must be the first time seeing your eyes.” She tells me rubbing my beard seeing my green eyes coming from the sunlight cutting through the hole. “You have seen something that makes you look older than you look.” She tells me. “I’ve seen things you never would believe.” I quickly responded to that statement. Before seeing something that may help. “What is that?” I ask out loud walking over towards a table with a small wooden crate that hasn’t been opened yet. I see a crowbar next to it and pry it open seeing six kerosene oil lamps that can be carried with a handle aka minders lamp. I pick up one of them seeing something different about them there was no place to put in the fuel at, turning it over seeing a hand crank at the bottom. “I’ve seen something like this in a movie.” I thought to myself pulling on the hand crank and beginning turning it clockwise for a few seconds. Popping the crank back in turning it upright turning a nob and lighting up with no flame. Pinky sees this and walks over. “I’m betting Twilight would have a field day with that.” She said out loud grabbing one from the create trying to turn it counterclockwise and not working. Quickly realized her mistake and turned it clockwise for a few seconds. Then turns it on nearly blinding herself in the progress. “Alright with a way to see best to get back to that stairway.” I said out loud heading to the hole in the wall before grabbing my sunglasses and putting them back on. Back at the staircase with lanterns next to us with me leading the way. “James?” Pinky calls out to me wanting to ask me something. “What is it?” I answer her question with one of my own. “There something that always been something bugging me, ever scent we meet you through the riff.” She tells me. “What seems to be on your mind?” I ask her. “It’s with the sunglasses, I’ve never seen you without them until today?” She asks me. Making me stop in my tracks making me to take a breath before answering. “It happened after the first top-speed test of the mark one prototype of the Ford Custom 500. It was just me in the Utah desert and a Gropro camera. The funding for the project has just dried up and this test would those big fat cats at Ford to say it can be done. On that day I would make a discovery that would change my life forever.” I tell her. “You mean this place?” She asks me as we made our way down the stairs. “Yes, it is. During the test, I push the car faster than I ever push it reaching 300 mph seeing a flash of light in front of me than a flash a portal open up I couldn’t change direction in time from how fast I was going and when straight through. The next thing I know I was falling threw the air with dark clouds around me, the car when vertical seeing something coming up fast. A track floating thousands of feet in the air. I landed on it nearly running off the track, once I was able to stop and get out to look around seeing the portal where I came from and there was no way to get back up there and there was only one way forward from there, I get back in my car and head down the track as fast I go hoping to find a way back home. The track when on and on seeing things I never thought it was possible, lighting going off around me.” I tell her. “It was the Storm world, wasn’t it?” She asks me. “Yes, it was. Come to find out I wasn’t alone there on that track. Not long after seeing headlights coming up behind me coming fast, one set red and the other purple. Two cars one painted red and black while the other was silver and purple trying to take each other off the road before seeing me the one painted red and black came up aside me on the driver's side, then hitting me making me spin out of control. I quickly gain control stopping seeing the car that just hit me stopped and turn around to face me stopping only a few feet away and seeing a ball of red color light charging from the front of it. I was fearing the worst closing my eyes before hearing a crash in front of me and seeing the car flying through the air falling off the track into the abyss below. I look and see the silver car save me turning around and heading down the track leaving me alone.” I tell her. “The person who saved you was a Silenzer?” She asks me again. “Yes, it was. Back to the point of the story after I reached the end of the track seeing another portal and ended up back at the Utah desert where I started. I get out and everything around me was so bright looking like a nuke when off in front of me. I had a pair of sunglasses with me and put them on so I can see. Come to find out the portal done something to my eyes that makes it very impossible for me to see without something to take out that glare.” I answer her question. “I’ve never known until and take the way you always keep it nearly dark back home?” She asks me. “Yes, that’s why.” I answer her question when nearly reaching the bottom of the staircase into a dark room with nearly nothing it but a light coming from the top leading to a pedestal with a book on it. The wolf with the hawk on it back on his back walks past us heading toward the pedestal. I’m a little confused about this heading towards it with Pinky looking around and following close behind. I get closer to the book still closed with the title in gold-like lettering reading out. The History of Omega.” I crake open the book to the first few pages seeing that it was in English. Making me nearly drop the lantern, I put it down before continuing reading. I read a few lines saying that there were ten worlds of Omega and the tenth is lost to time. I continue to read, before calling out to Pinky. “Pinky, I’ve found something interesting.” I tell her getting her attention off from looking at a few platforms around the room but seeing one destroyed leaving only nine in stand of ten. “What is it, James?” She asks me, walking over to me and seeing the crake open book. “I think this is why they came here.” I tell her closing the book before seeing the platforms begin to light up with different colors except for two, the one been destroyed and the one next to it. The ones that are lighting up show the previous Guardians even my dad on the platform for the city Guardian. The one for Ice shows the old wizard before Chris toke over the role. Pinky sees the previous Guardian for her element remembering how badly hurt he was at the end. “I don’t know if I can take this with us when we wake up. But I don’t want to change it.” I said out loud grabbing the lantern and beginning to head towards the exit, seeing Pinky still looking at her predecessor. “I think it’s time for us to go.” I tell her getting her attention. “I think you’re right there, James.” She responded heading towards the exit. The wolf and hawk didn’t follow us before feeling a strong gust of wind pasting us hitting the book and making it fly open, flipping pages until it stopped. I begin to wonder what is going on and walk over to the book to see what page it landed on. Pinky curiosity is peaked by this point wanting to see as well. The book landed on a page somewhere in the middle, and the page read out. The downfall of the Guardians. The remaining eight guardians decided to stay after flighting one of their own locking him away with his followers meanwhile the Guardian carrying the 10th element left to find a way to finish the fight with the army of darkness. Many years pass and ships came to this world looking for a new home and they them a home. The Guardians were worshiped like gods with their abilities from the elements. Still checking in the 10th world that they made after defeating the army of darkness the first time. Which started to ring alarm bells in my head before continuing. The plant change throughout the years seeing things that are nearly scared to death. Then one day the people revolt against the Guardians making them hide in plain sight for disappeared altogether. One of the newest Guardians that have been chosen by the city element after the former died from an attack leaving no one to carry it. “Impossible.” I said out loud before looking at the image of my dad standing at the platform, before continuing. The one who’s been carrying the ice element for many years now using his abilities for a source of good helping the local population and providing joy for many of the children of the 10th plant for many years until the attack of those revolted against the Guardians leaving many dead in the progress. “It doesn’t say which faction attacked Chris either the Reds or the Silenzers, or even the Omega Army that attack this place.” I said out loud before continuing. After that attack things changed for the years to come. Those who attack and those who didn’t of their own reasons to do so, split forming their own factions which became the most powerful faction throughout these worlds I reach the end of the page making wanting to turn to the next page, but the book didn’t want to let me. Before trying to force it, the book closed on its own and the platform showing the images of previous Guardians faded away. The light overlooking the pedestal began to fade before hearing some voices coming down the stairs. Me and Pinky try to hide behind the platforms the wolf and the hawk eyes begin to glow making the same glow go around us without even knowing it. The voices get louder. “Are you sure this is the place?” Someone asks out loud. “I mean look around this has to be the place.” The other voice calls out seeing two figures coming down. One is an aging man in his late 50’s to early 60's with a white beard wearing a heavy coat and gloves carrying one of those lanterns. While the other is someone who is in his early 30’s wearing the same heavy coat as well. The old man sees the pedestal with the book on it. “We found it, after all these years we found it.” He said excitedly walking toward it. “Professor.” The younger man calls out to him. “I knew that it existed. But those who said it was just a myth.” The old man said putting his lantern down where I put my down knocking it over. Once it hit the ground the magic around it stopped and busted it open killing the light in the progress which scared the old man made to jump after that, seeing what fail to see the now broken lantern seeing the same one he is using. Meanwhile, the young man feels something drop on his shoulder and begins to burn making him scream out in pain. “God damn something burning the hell out of me.” He said out loud quickly taking off his coat. Which makes the glowing in the wolf and hawk eyes to stop showing themselves to them to the old man and the panicking young man in front of them. I look and see my arm has stopped glowing as well around Pinky. The young man sees the lantern that she's still carrying. “Who's there?” He calls out to her quickly pulling out a 9mm gun, making her quickly get up from where she is hiding. “Don’t shoot.” She calls out to them. The Professor sees this and quick response. “Ricky, Ricky put the gun down.” Trying to calm him down. I take a deep breath before standing up. “You better listen to him.” I said out loud making both of them to turn and face me, with the young man now aiming the gun at me now. “Who the hell are you?” The young man asks me aiming the gun. I hold my hands up slowly walking around the platform. “From the way you are asking me. I’m guessing both of you never heard of me?” I ask them to make both of them wonder what I’m talking about. “Who are you?” The Professor asks me making wonder what’s going on. “Cribb, James Cribb is my name.” I answer him. “Well James, what are you doing here?” The young man asks me still holding the gun. “To be honest, we have no idea either we follow a hawk and a wolf in here leading us to this book.” I tell them making the young man to lower his gun finally. “I have something to ask you is, what year is it?” I ask them. “It’s 1964.” The professor answers me making me nearly go into shock before realizing Omega years or Earth years. “Earth years or Omega years I him?” I ask him again. “Omega year in Earth it would be like 2015, my best guest.” He answers my question, before hearing something at the staircase. “Professor!” Someone calls out making the professor walk over towards the staircase calling out to the person with a response. “Yes, Captain!” Calls out to whoever is up there. “We have a situation up here!” The person calls out, feeling something coming shaking the room around us. “That's not good.” The young man said out loud. “Did you see the giant spider outside the building?” Pinky asks them. “What spider?” The young man asks out loud in response. I begin to rub my eyes a little before responding to that response. “Shit, that isn’t good.” I said out loud. We begin to hear gunfire going off from the mouth of the staircase before someone call out. “PROFESSOR!” Making both the Professor and the young man run up the staircase. I when to the opening of the staircase waiting for something still gunfire going off above us when on for what felt like a lifetime now. Then hearing footsteps coming down seeing the Professor and the young man carry someone that has been badly hurt seeing that it was a soldier wearing nearly the same clothes of those bodies we saw earlier. The soldier left side has been burned off from being splashed on by an acid blast and shaking from the pain. Both me and Pinky see this man shaking from the pain, I quickly move over to him getting a closer look at him. “Put him over here.” I tell them leading to one of the platforms. Once he is laid down on the platform. “Does anyone have any fresh water?” I ask out loud. One of them made the Professor grab a canteen before handing it to me. “Here.” He tells me holding it while quickly taking off my gloves. “Give it to Pinky.” I tell him looking a little confused before handing it to the young woman standing next to me. Pinky grabs the canteen from the Professor and opens the top. “Pinky I’m going to use my power to numb the pain while you use the water with your powers to try to heal him.” I tell her getting ready making my hand glow a little. Once they were ready, I put them over the wound numbing the pain. While Pinky started to use her powers levitating the water out of the canteen making it float in her hands start to make it spin to glow into a sky-blue color. “Alright Pinky, you ready?” I ask her finishing numbing the wound, she nods at me. I remove my hands Pinky moves the healing water quickly on the wound, and the water quickly moves into the wound. The wound quickly begins healing, Professor and the young man seeing what is going on stand in shock at what going on in front of them. After the wound is fully healed the soldier jump forwards sitting up leaving only the uniform tattered and worn, catching his breath as fast he could, while the Professor put his hand on my right shoulder getting my attention towards him without turning my head. “What are you?” He asks me to notice something on my neck pulling the collar of my shirt revealing the mark that had been given to me after I’d taken the mantle of the Guardian of the Storm Element. “You’re a Guardian?” He asks me nearly in shock and confusion. “What?!” The young man said out loud in disbelief. Making Pinky to pull the collar on her jacket to show them her mark shocking the young man. “Both of you are Guardians?!” He asks both of us nearly shouting at us. I still see the wolf and the hawk eyes still glowing before suddenly stopping revealing themselves to them. “Where did they come from?” The young man asks loud seeing them, the platforms begin to glow. “Professor, what is going on?” The young man asks the Professor. “I don’t know Ricky; the Guardians are always unknown to the rest of us.” He answers the question the best he could think of. Only eight out of ten platforms are glowing before showing the guardians of old. The first ones who carried the elements. I look seeing the platform of the City element not seeing my dad but someone I’ve never seen before. The person standing there is an older man in his late 50’s maybe early 60’s from the way he looks at least in the face. Wearing something of a time period of 1923 gives or takes a few years. “Dad is still alive being the current guardian of that element.” I thought to myself. The professor notices that the book unlocks itself and begins to open up on a page with only a few lines on it. The professor when up to the book saw the page and begin to read. To does who see this that, dark times lie ahead for those who see this. A Guardian will be taken by the Army of Darkness and when the time comes, to those who hear this after a series of signs. The remaining Guardians will unite the people to fight the Army of Darkness to recover one of their own. After reading it, the book quickly closes locking itself. The Professor grabs the book from its pedestal. Voices around us started echoing throughout the room getting louder and louder. “THE END IS NINE. THE END IS NINE.” The voices keep repeating this praise making everyone including the Professor cover their ears. The Professor doing his best to cover his ears still holding on to the book. The young man grabs the Professor making him drop the book letting it hit the floor hard making the chatting stop in its tracks. I uncover my ears finally able to hear myself think. “Thank God.” I said out loud seeing the young man and the Professor starting to have a fight. “Ricky, what the hell are you doing? The Professor asks him pushing him off begins to hear ringing in his ears getting louder with every passing second. The young man tells him something, but the Professor is just staring off into space making the young man stop in his tracks. “Professor?” He calls out to him nothing before putting his hand on the old man's shoulder finally getting his attention. “Ricky, something has gone wrong with my hearing. I think I’ve gone deaf.” He tells barely hearing his own voice. Then the book opens up to a page making the young man see what it said. The page reads as follows. This is for the young man who reads this. Your Mentor has temporarily lost his hearing and it will take some time to get it back even something to help along those lines. “What does that even mean?” He asks out loud before the book closes again and locks itself. “Ricky, I know what means.” I tell him getting his attention before continuing with my train of thought. “It means he will get his hearing back but without a hearing aid to fully get it back.” I tell him. “It’s really a nickname, not my real name.” He tells me. “Really then what is your name?” Pinky asks him. “My name is Adam McDonnell. The Professor starts calling that not long after started working for him.” He tells us to answer her question nearly making her to go into shock remembering the news story that he has taken in. “James.” Pinky calls out my name getting my attention. “You have a second.” She asks me. “Of course, excuse me there Adam.” I said out loud walking over towards her. “What is it Pinky?” I ask her. “You remember the news story back not too long ago?” She answers my question with one of her own. “Yes, I think so.” I answer her question still a little lost. “When my and the other saw the story on your tv. The person the reporter was interviewing was an older version of him. It has taken me a moment from the face but wasn’t for sure about it until he told us his name.” She tells me. “So that put us about 20 to 30 years in the past.” I tell her. “Then why are we here?” She asks me questions herself. The soldier feels like a new man even after having to cover his ears from damage unlike the Professor trying to hold on to the book while trying to cover his ears earlier. “Adam, Professor; I think working for the army is not in the best interest for me. I think it would be best if I join the force.” He said out loud. “You mean you’re going to leave us here with no way of getting back?” Adam asks him. “No, not let. I’ll do it after this job is over and done with.” He answers his question. “Thanks for that.” The Professor said out loud shocking Adam and the Soldier. “I’m getting some of my hearing back now. But still bad.” He said out loud. I pick up the book before looking at both the Professor and Adam. “Adam, Professor.” I call out to them getting their attention. “This place isn’t safe for it and I just ask both of you something that may not make scent right now.” I continue my train of thought. “Then what is it?” Adam asks me. “I need both of you to keep this safe until it’s safe at a later date.” I tell them handing Adam the book before helping the Professor to his feet. “Now, best to get out of here.” I said out loud heading towards the staircase. “What about the giant spider that is still out there?” The soldier asks me. “Don’t worry about that, because me and Pinky will help to fight it off while you head for the main gate to hopefully there is a car or truck to get yourselves out.” I answer his question shocking Pinky a little by that statement. “James, what are you doing?” She asks me to make me go over to her to explain. “Pinky, I know this isn’t easy to make scent right now. But that spider that we killed is no doubt the same one. So, we will just fight off we may have to use our powers to do it.” I did my best to explain it to her. “Alright James, I thrust you but still feel lost about the whole thing.” She tells me walking over towards the staircase. Still, at the entrance of the staircase, I take a deep breath before slowly walking up the stairs, the others follow close behind. Once we reach the top. “Wait here, until I give all clear.” I tell them slowly walking out to see the damage in the courtyard, trucks heavy damage with parts of them melted away while others were set on fire. The weather was clear with every little wind making things every quiet only hearing the footsteps that I was making and the burning remains of the trucks on fire. The bodies were nowhere to be seen with only a few weapons and a few pieces of gear laying in the loose snow around. “Where are the bodies?” I ask myself seeing this. I wave my hand giving them the single with the Professor holding the book. “Where did it go?” Pinky asks me seeing the damage. “I don’t know, but it can’t be too far.” I answer her question quietly as possible. “Where is the Jeep?” Adam asks the Professor. “Do you remember, we park it outside the castle gate.” He answers his question making his voice echo from losing his hearing earlier. “Oh yeah, I forgot there for a second.” He said out loud seeing the damage that was in front of them which was one of the jeeps that they brought with them. Then the floor begins to shake a little getting stronger every few seconds. “Get to the gate.” I tell them feeling the electricity going threw me going to my right arm, forming itself in my hand getting bigger in the progress. The lighting bolt takes the form of a whip nearly 4 to 6 ft. long. As for Pinky taking the water from the borrowed Thomas, using her power making it float in the air around her. The water that was left wasn’t enough to use, so she use a nearby water source of a well and melted snow to make a ring of water hovering around her. The shaking gets more intense with every passing second until I can see one of the legs rise itself over the edge, then seeing another; rising its Hugh body over the wall's edge. Seeing it again knowing that we can’t kill it, just hold it off until they can get to safety. Dark storm clouds begin to form above us making a few strikes of purple lighting dance across the sky above us. The Spider notices this and slowly back off a little before one of them hits it making it scream from the pain. “JAMES, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!!” Pinky shouts at me seeing the lightning strike. “This isn’t me.” I quickly responded by shouting and seeing more strikes hit it making things worst. I look around to make any sense about what in slam hell is going on. Before seeing a figure on top of the tower overlooking the courtyard, but quickly glancing back seeing whoever was up there just disappeared. Pinky sees me just staring off in the distance, she gets my attention. “James, there's no time to be staring off into space.” She tells me getting my attention to the bigger picture right in front of me. The spider screams out in pain throwing its own body against the crystal walls nearby making the loose snow on top of the walls fall to the ground. Professor, Adam, and the soldier quickly made their way towards the main gates where the last functional vehicle was hopefully still there. I quickly look up seeing a bank of loose snow falling above us; I jump into action running toward Pinky grabbing her and moving out of the way. She drops the water that she was carrying landing on the ground making Pinky finally lose her temper. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU JAMES!” She shouts at me getting up making the Spider turns its attention towards her. “YOU GO DO THINGS THAT JUST MAKE THINGS WORST FOR EVERYONE YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH!” She finally taking her rage out on me before turning her attention towards the Spider. “AND YOU!” She shouts turning her attention towards the giant spider and pointing at it. “YOU COME HERE KILLING THESE PEOPLE TO PROTECT A STUPID BOOK THAT HAS A MIND OF ITS OWN.” She shouts at it making it turn back a little, the mark on the side of her neck begins to glow in her eyes as well. The loose snow quickly turns into water making the spider scared. Her rage when to a boiling point making a wall of water before using her arms moving them towards the spider making the wall of water move towards it, hitting and carrying it over the edge making it fall down the mountainside. Once it was done, she begins to calm down making the glowing in her eyes begin to die down. She begins to fate from the amount of rage that she just let lose I quickly catch her letting her fall into my arms. Meanwhile Professor and the others finally reach the main gate seeing the last jeep. Which is a Willis Jeep from World War 2 that has a cover and a heater that has been added in. The soldier gets into the driver while the Professor gets in the back and Adam gets into the passenger seat. The engine starts up without any problems and gets into gear. Before leaving the soldier asks out loud. “What about them?” “I have a feeling; we see them again.” Adam answers in response seeing the spider going over the edge. The wolf and the hawk came to us, and their eyes begin to glow with loose snow beginning to fly around us. Within a few seconds, we found ourselves back in the present day and we were not alone. Standing behind me was the same old man wearing the cream color suit we meet earlier. I felt his present and ask him one thing. “Was that you I saw?” He put his hand on my shoulder feeling something that I can’t understand right now. “I was there helping you from the sidelines from the every beginning.” He tells me removing his hand off my shoulder. I take a deep breath seeing my breath from the cold air around me. “Then why are you here?” I ask him to make the hawk land on the wolf’s back walking next to him. “To take them back home.” He answers my question petting the wolf. “What?” I said out loud in confession realizing that I was still carrying Pinky in my arms, which she started coming around. “James.” She calls out to me before disappearing in my arms. “I think it's time for you to wake up.” He tells me seeing the world begin to spin turning black. The next thing I know I seeing the fireplace having a fire still going and slowly dying. I feel that my head has been hit with a hammer. I see Pinky waking up with both Twilight and Chris nearby. I rub my head getting up and seeing the still open window with the storm cloud overhead the building. I wave my hand closing the window. Chris and Twilight see this a little shocked of that. I realize what I just did, but I didn’t ask it right now with me being in a fog right now. I slowly get up feeling like crap and the rods stiff with every movement making my back pop in a few places. “Chris, tell me you have some coffee or something to wake my ass up?” I ask him. “I’ll have to check.” He tells me leaving the room and heading to the kitchen. > Chapter 57 What The Hell Happen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I look seeing that Pinky is finally getting up, finding the cigar where I dropped it. I walk to the fireplace getting the lighter out of my pocket, lighting the cigar before taking a drag off it. “James, I’m sorry about what I said back there.” She tells me sitting up. “Don't be, you'll been under a lot of stress lately and I stop taking stuff like that personally, even if they are true.” I tell her making her feel a little better. Twilight gets up from the chair where she has been sitting at, which has one thing going threw her mind. “What happen to you?” She asks us. “Before answering that. Let me ask you this. How long were we out?” I ask her taking another drag of my cigar. “I guesting 15, 20 mins.” She answers my question. “Strange, it feels like longer for us.” Pinky said out loud when the sound of footsteps came from the hallway. Then Chris carried a tray with a few mugs filled with something that looks like coffee. He hands them out to everyone leaving me and himself left, handing me one of them. “Thanks Chris.” I said taking a slip nearly shocking me from what was really in it. “Damn. This is hot cocoa.” I said out loud taking another slip. “This will wake you up.” Chris tells me taking his mug. “Twilight!!” Spike calls out making Twilight answer. “We’ll in here!” She answers him before seeing him running in here nearly out of breath. “Guys they're something you got to see.” He tells us making to leave hearing a TV going off in another room which is the living room. On the TV is a news broadcast about a wildfire on the ice world that burned nearly a million acres and chaos at a bar in St Petersburg leaving one man dead after a fight. Both me and Pinky remember about the fire we were in earlier during our trip and running into the man in white. The news continues with a statement from the leader of the Reds. Cutting to a video of him. “Ladies and gentlemen, as of today I’ve called into action of the Court of Justice to lay down martial law in the major districts of New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Queen City. To crake down on rebellion activity. Anyone caught after hours of 10 pm local time without no reason will be detained immediately.” He said to the camera. The news cut off the broadcast to a breaking news story coming from the major districts breaking out into a riot of the order. Local police force trying to maintain order and being overwhelmed in the progress. “Things are getting crazy out there.” Rainbow said out loud seeing the chaos on the screen. Chris mutes the TV. “This world is going straight down the crapper.” He said out loud. “This Rebellion that they are talking about sure is making a lot of noise.” Rarity said out loud. “Wait a minute.” AJ said out loud coming to a realization. “Do you guys remember the fight we saw back in those ruins between the Reds and a force that look like an army?” She asks out loud. “Yes, I remember that.” Rarity said in repose. “I have been thinking about those people and those the news is calling them a Rebellion is that same force.” She said out loud. “Impossible, those guys seem so nice.” Fluttershy said in response. “If so, then why are they talking about them so much?” AJ asks them. “I tell you tell you is just propaganda to make them look bad.” I said out loud taking another slip from my mug. “Then what about people rioting?” AJ asks me. “It’s the people taking their rage to the system that then controlling them after the civil war ended.” I answer her question. “Well, that explains that but why?” She asks out loud. I take another slip before answering. “The people has been secretly showing resistance to the system and only a matter of time before the spark goes off.” I tried to answer the question without giving the real reason for my lighting that spark with some hacked towers. “Alright, I’m getting off this gravy train.” She said out loud getting up feeling a little tipsy and making everyone notice. Making Rainbow pull out a half-empty bottle of cider making her open it and took a sniff, smelling the strong alcoholic fumes coming from what is left. “Where did you get this?” Rainbow asks Applejack feeling the effects of the drink. “I’ve found it in the kitchen making Rainbow seeing that it's 80 Prof. Chris grabs the bottle from Rainbow and sits AJ back on the couch. Applejack is good a drunk now. AJ takes a deep breath knowing that the cider is hitting her like when she bucks trees back home. Things are not easy for her ever scent coming here using alcohol to try the pain go away and fearing for her family back home. “It’s Apple Bloom not knowing what is happening back home. I know Big Mac and Granny Smith will take care of her. But it's when she wants her sister to be there and I can’t with me here.” She thought to herself about what going threw her mind at the time of feeling drunk. Rarity gets both my and Pinky’s attention. “Pinky and James, me and others found after the lighting bolt connect to both of your heads. What we want to know is what happened?” She asks us. “From what we saw. It going to take some time to get it all out.” I said out loud taking a sit with the nearly empty mug in my hand. After a lengthy explanation of what happened to us and taking a gulp of hot cocoa leaving the mug now empty. “Unbelievable.” Twilight said out loud. “I was fixing to call bullshit. But with everything that has happened so far. I wanted to be surprised now.” Rainbow said out loud. “Then who is this man in white?” Duke asks out loud. “I ask myself the same question the first time we meet.” I answer his question. “Then where is this so call book located now.” Twilights ask out loud. “The only one who knows the answer is the Professor we saw on the news the other day.” Pinky answers her question. “I don’t know where he is now or where he put it.” I said out loud taking another slip before remembering that it's empty. Applejack tried to get silver up before feeling something in her gut. “Bathroom.” She said out loud quickly getting up and running towards the nearest bathroom. Once she gets to one she let loose punking her guts out. Both Fluttershy and Rainbow when to see how she’s doing, lucky the door is open. After she empties her guts making her feels like crap sitting on the floor next to the toilet. “How are you feeling?” Rainbow asks her to make her only grow out in pain. “HUUUNNGGG!!” “Not good you hit the bottle a little too hard today.” She tells her flushing the toilet, before helping AJ off the ground feeling the weight of her body making Fluttershy on the other side of her helping Rainbow carry AJ back to the living room. Back to the living room Rainbow and Fluttershy carrying AJ. They put her back on the couch to have her sleep it off before she did. Chris walks in carrying some meds and a drink. “Applejack.” Calling out to her making her get up seeing Chris standing next to her wondering what going on. “What is it Chris?” She asks him seeing the medicine of something pink in a small cup. “Here take this. It settles your stomach.” He answers her question making her take it with no questions ask still feeling the pain in her stomach. Taking the meds feeling very good nearly settling her guts on the spot but it will take some time to take full effect. “Thanks Chris.” She tells him handing him back the small cup, before Chirs hands her a glass with what looks like a milkshake. “This will stop the hangover from taking full effect and trust me you don’t want that.” He tells her. She smells it taking a small slip before taking a big gulp of it. “Chris, I don’t know what is in this best it's something I’ve never had before.” She tells him. “I'm glad you like it. Get some rest while you can.” He tells her before leaving her with her hangover drink. He walks to his bedroom and walks over to an end table pulling a small box out of her pocket with a blue light coming out it seems. Feeling tired after carrying this element for all these years rubbing his eyes. Hearing a knock on the door. “Come in.” He calls out. The door opens seeing Rarity walking through. “Chris, there is something that has been on my mind as of late.” She tells him. “What is it?” He asks her. She takes a deep breath before saying what is on her mind. “Is what happened here?” She finally asks him. “You mean what happen to this city and factory?” He asks her. “Yes.” She quickly responded. “Well, that will take some time to get all out.” He tells her before starting the story. It started after I got back from another Christmas Eve of deliveries on Earth, somewhere in the 2020s or the 2030s. When my head elf came running to tell me that world just ended with nukes going off. Which made the worker morale go crashing down and have no idea what to do next. The factory floor was forced to shut down with there no more Christmas on Earth and with what going on outside these mountains making getting news nearly impossible of what going on. This when on for nearly two years until one day, I what sleeping with my wife and then heard an explosion in the outskirts of the city waking me and my wife up. Then another when off within seconds of the last one the phone when off and hearing the head elf telling me that we are under attack. Which is the army of Darkness from what could see from that window, pointing at one of the windows. When looking out the window the city that we spent many years building is now on fire and helicopter gunships flying overhead firing missiles landing on building sending them a blaze. I open the window and jump out using my powers to help land, I quickly get on my bike a when towards one of many blazes throughout the city using my ice powers to try to put it out. But the attacks keep coming seeing one of the gunships heading toward the factory. I use one of my transport port balls to quickly get back to the factory seeing that gunship only flying but my wife uses more transport balls to get as many elves as possible out of the city. I see a tank coming towards the factory taking aim at the factory I quickly throw up an ice wall and turn it into a hardened crystal. It fired hitting the wall, but the shockwave from the blast nearly made the wall sharded. Before I could make it stronger the tank fires off another shot destroying into pieces to me and others behind me. One of the bigger pieces landed on my wife I quickly ran towards her seeing that she was hurt very bad, bleeding out with the sharp piece hits her chest puncturing her lungs and her heart. The Medics come by a quickly came to try to save her, but with the amount of blood she already lost this made me very angry using my powers to take out the tank. But the fight was far from over three more tanks came rolling down the main street and I see their leader on one of them. Their leader was someone that look more like a demon than anything else. Rarity breaks the story to ask a question. “Did he look anything like James?” “No, I would make the connection when we first meet.” He answers her question. “The previous leader of the Reds must have been there before the current General took over.” She said out loud. “That may be, now where was I? Ah yes, I remember now.” Chris said before continuing. I was filled with rage seeing three more tanks coming down the main street and seeing the leader who’s is attacking the city. I use my powers to fire two rolls of ice toward two of the tanks. When it reached them and blow them sky-high in a fireball. Which made the last tank go in full speed at me going to ram me. I just stood there waiting for the last moment. Then throw up a crystal wall with a spike on the face heading to the tank making trying to slow down, but it was too late. The tank hit the wall killing the driver and the gunner, but the leader was able to jump out before the impact. The leader asks me something that I’ve known nothing about until today. He asks me about a book. Which is the same book that the old Guardian hid back in his castle. I have no idea what he was talking about. Until one of his soldiers got on the radio telling him to take it and told him that it wasn’t here. “Damn, stop the attack and fall back we’re leaving.” He said over the radio making the attack stop in its tracks seeing one of the helicopters land near us and he left getting on the it taking off, before I toke the last of my rage out on him. I heard my radio go off telling me that my wife only have moments to live. I use one of the last of the transport balls to take me back to where she is. When I got there the piece of crystal had been removed and bandages covering the wounds leaving the nearly covered in blood. “Chris we did all we could do for her, but she is going to die any moment now.” The doctor tells me. All I could do is be with her during the final moments. She opens her eyes to see me and told me one thing. “Chris, these have been the best years I sense we meet helping the children of the town and the world after all these years.” Then she became really weak closing her eyes and seeing her finally letting go of her last breath. “I’m sorry Chris.” She tells him. “After all these years using my elemental powers for helping children of the world, and on that day being a Guardian is both a blessing and a curse.” He tells her. “It has been nearly 10 years since she died, and the last of the elves leave for other parts of these worlds. Leaving me alone in a city that has long been forgotten. Now it’s time for me to move on towards my next journey.” He tells her reaching for the box and opening it revealing a glowing sapphire gemstone making the whole room light up in a dark blue color. “Rarity, I like to give this to you. But I know giving this to you will be the end of me.” He tells her closing the box. “I know Chris, from the others some we had to fight but others like James’s dad and the aging dragon who was the Forest Guardian who gave them to us without any second thought. While Pinky took over for the Water Guardian after a fight protecting it from a metal version of itself and was dying from the injuries. As for the Desert Guardian did something we never would have thought of, he fought with us after a small army of the Reds attacked us; Using eight statues of itself. We won in the end, but before the fight, the Guardian called out to Duke personally making him disappear. But in the end, he was chosen to carry the element as well Fluttershy for the Forest element when the dragon call out to her.” She tells him. “The Guardian after me is unknown to me, leaving me in the dark but I do see the world during the summer months over the event horizon.” He tells her looking out the window and seeing the Lava world in the darkening sky above them. “You mean to tell me you know nothing about that world?” Rarity asks him. “Here is what I know it was about it. It was used during the racing competition and there is something on that world that is a complete mystery to me. But the Reds and the government don’t even have a foothold there and during the fight against the Guardians. The armies didn’t even bother going after him.” He tells her. “Is that all you know?” She asks him. “Yes, that is all I know.” He answers her question. “All I can say is, be careful going after the Lava Element.” He tells her. Back in the living room. Applejack got up after silvern up feeling a little off seeing Rainbow and Fluttershy sitting the same where she laid down on. “How are you feeling?” Rainbow asks her friend. “A little hungover.” AJ answers her question rubbing her head a little. “Yes, I would too. If I drink that much.” Rainbow quickly responds to that statement. Which made AJ a little annoyed from that but with the hangover going threw her head making her a little sick from it, she let it go for now. Back at the garage. I have the hood open checking the fluids, pulling the oil dipstick seeing the oil levels are in safe levels but seeing the color looks more like use-up oil than anything else. “Damn, I’m going to need another oil change when I get back.” I said out loud thinking that I was alone. “What was that, James?” Twilight asks me to make giving my attention towards her without even looking at her. “Looks like I’ll have to give the car another oil change.” I answer her using a blue paper towel wiping the dipstick before putting it back in before checking the other fluid levels. “That quick?” Hearing the sound of Spike's voice from that response. “We’ve been putting a lot of miles in the past few days.” I answer him opening a cap where the power steering fluid goes. I move my sunglasses down my nose seeing that the level is a little low but at safe levels. Closing the cap checking the brake fluid level opening the reservoir seeing the levels are dangerously low nearly empty. “I must have a leak somewhere?” I ask out loud checking the brake lines on the front end seeing they are fine, making me to go to my trunk to grab the 3-ton jack to check the lines coming to the rear brakes. I get underneath seeing a wet spot seeing the line for the rear left side has been damaged nearly cutting a hole in it. “Damn.” I said out loud getting both Spike and Twilight's attention. “What's wrong?” Twilight asks me. “I have a leak in one of the rear brake lines and I don’t know when it happened, so I don’t know how long it has been going on. But seeing the levels are dangerously low will make things very interesting for me.” I answer her question getting up from underneath and heading back to the trunk. “Can it be fixed?” She asks me. “Yes, I can fix but I’ll have to do it back at the shop. All I can do right now is patch it up and hope for the best.” I answer her question looking in my trunk for something to patch up the line. “Please tell me I didn’t leave it back at the shop.” I said out loud still searching for whatever I’m looking for. Both Spike and Twilight wonder what I’m going on about. “What are you trying to find?” Spike asks me looking at what’s in the trunk, seeing what's in there nearly shocked in. There are many things in the trunk from the size alone, there is a hunting rifle with a scope; a small, insulated chest with ammunition, grenades, and C4 explosives. On the other side is a small bag with some tools. There was bags of dry food and a gallon of water. A small cooking pot they used before that waiting to be cleaned. I look in the tool bag seeing that it is in there. Moving tools around before seeing what I’m looking for, which is 3-inch-wide black duct tape. “Thank god, I found what I’m looking for.” I said out loud heading back towards where the leak is located. Looking at the line will be hard to get to with the tape with what I must do to fully patch it up. With the roll of tape in my hand I break off a piece of tape, the piece nearly an inch long. Taking it towards the damaged line pulling to make space to rape the tape around the damaged area. I know one layer isn’t enough and make a few more layers on it. Grabbing my lighter from my pocket and lighting it and putting it over the tape to make a good seal. “That should hold it for now.” I said putting my lighter back in my pocket. “I sure hope so James.” Spike tells me. “I still need to get it fix when we get back.” I said out loud lowering the jack and putting it back in the trunk. “What about the brake fluid?” Twilight asks me. “That patchwork I just did should hold whatever remains until we get back to the shop.” I answer her question closing the trunk. Once I closed the hood heading back to the penthouse while Twilight and Spike stayed behind. “Did you see what’s in his trunk?” Spike asks her friend. “No, I didn’t.” She answers his question. “From what saw, I begin to think he’s either hiding or misleading us.” He tells her making her wonder the same thing. Elsewhere in the factory. Pinky and the brothers were looking around seeing what was made here before found what look animal pens and something covered underneath a tarp. Pinky pulls on the tarp revealing an old red sled with a layer of dust on it. “This must be the sled from the story Chris told me and my friends.” She thought to herself. “What story?” Duke asks her to shock her making her to quickly respond. “How did you hear that?” She asks him. “What do you mean?” He asks her to question her. “I didn’t say it out loud I thought it.” She finally answers him after recovering from the shock. “Must be your elemental powers kicking in.” Danny tells them both, making Duke find the nearest mirror to see if his mark is glowing. Once he found it seeing that it wasn’t before glowing hearing voices around him. “Who the hell is saying that?” He calls out seeing ghosts around him of those who already passed but still hunting the factory. “Am I Death or something?” He asks himself before seeing the previous Guardian standing in front of him. “How are you here?” He asks him. “I’m here to guide you for some duties for taking on element that I’ve been carrying for all these years.” The Guardian answers his question the best he could. “Then what are they?” He asks him again. “To help these lost souls towards the next world.” The Guardian answers his question. “How will I do that?” He asks him. “I show you, but not now with something bigger coming.” The Guardian tells him before vanishing as well the ghost around him. The mark stops glowing leaving him alone facing the mirror hearing his brother and Pinky's voices in the distance. He gets a hold of himself and made his way towards them. “What did I miss?” He asks them. “Nothing much Pinky was catching me up with Chris's story he told to her and her friends while we were trying to find James some medicine earlier.” His brother tells him. After Pinky fills them in on the same story. Duke starts to hear Rarity and Chris's voices and begins to present the ice element to her. “I feel something off.” Duke said out loud. “You felt that too?” Pinky asks him. I was going up the stairway feeling something is off. Spike begins to feel off sitting on his bike. Applejack felt the same thing thinking it was the effects of the hangover. But Rainbow and Fluttershy feeling the same thing. Chris feels something is off and walks over to the window, seeing a set of lights coming toward the old factory. He quickly left to see what is coming, Rarity when to the window seeing the same set of lights coming towards the factory. She when to find the others, finding AJ, Rainbow, and Fluttershy still in the living room. With AJ still recovering from the hangover. Before seeing me finally coming up from the elevator. “James, there’s something coming I saw a set of lights coming towards this place.” She tells me, making me quickly respond with one thing going through my mind. “Where’s Chris?” I ask out loud. “Didn’t you see him?” Rainbow asks me. “No, I didn’t see him because the elevator is the only way to get in and out. As far I can tell.” I answer her question. Then I just realize there must be a hidden staircase in case of fires and began looking around for any sign of the staircase. Then feeling a breeze cut through me making the old rods go stiff and pop a few times. I remove one of my gloves and feel the same cold breeze finding the hidden staircase. I look around the frame for the nob. But there was no nob and begin to find a hidden laver or some kind of Rube Goldberg device. I see a clock next to the frame with no more than three chains I pull on the middle chain then hear locks being unlocked and the door itself pop open on its own. “Looks like I found the staircase.” I said out loud not noticing Rarity walking the walkway where I found the door at. I didn’t have a flashlight on me right now, but I can feel my powers activating again holding out my ungloved hand and quickly making a ball of light with a few strikes of white lighting. “That’s interesting.” I thought to myself holding the ball of light. Rarity sees me holding a ball of light in my hand. “How are you doing that?” She asks me. “I don’t know.” I quickly answer her question before inside the staircase with the ball of light in my hand, I see the staircase when on forever into the darkness below. I when a little deeper into the staircase before I could react the door quickly closed behind me leaving me in the darkness. “James!!!” I can hear Rarity on the other side of the doorway. “Yes, Rare I can hear can you hear me?” I ask her through the now-closed door. “Yes, I can hear you. Just tell me how did you opened this door?” She asks me. “Listen there is a clock to your right just pull the middle chain.” I tell her, then hearing the same locks being undone and the door open towards me making to take a few steps back. Once it was fully opened, I see Rarity standing there with a shocked look on her face. I walk out seeing the ball of light that I just created out of thin air just disappeared. I can feel the power going through my arm. Rarity finally notices something on my ungloved hand showing a golden ring on my finger. “Where did you get that ring?” She asks drawing my attention towards the ring that I’ve been wearing for many years now. “This, I had this for years.” I answer her question before she notices something missing from the ring itself, there’s a hole in the middle where a stone exposes to be. She gets a closer look at it seeing the hole and asks me something that remains me towards the early not long after graduation from high school. “What happened to the stone?” She asks me. “That stone fail off years ago and never got around to getting it fix and if I did it would have fallen off again not long after word. By the way, it looks a little better that way from having it so long now.” I answer her question putting my glove back on. “James, maybe after all of this over I could get you another stone for the ring? If you want to.” She tells me before I headed towards the elevator. “If I do, I let you know.” I respond to that before hitting the button and calling the elevator waiting for it to come. Back outside the factory gates Chris stood at the gates pulling it open seeing the set of lights are from a semi-truck, which is a Kenworth W750 series with a sleeper cab on the back. The driver stops a few from the gate hearing the parking brake engage before the driver's side door opens to see an older man in his 50s. “Hi, Dad.” He said out loud. “Good to see John.” Chris tells him before giving him a hug. “How are the grandkids?” He asks him. “Good as far I can tell being in college one is New York and the other is Los Angles” He answers his question. “Dad, what happened here?” John asks his dad. “John, do you remember about the darkness I told you when you were a kid?” Chris asks him. “Yes, I remembered.” He quickly answers him. “They did this.” Chris tells him making him wonder only one thing. “Where’s mom?” He asks him to make him take a deep breath before answering. “She died.” He answers his son's question shocking his son. He takes a deep breath speaking his mind. “Those bastards!” He shouts out loud as I walk out the garage door making all the noise in the world from being opened. Chris turns around seeing me walking out with Twilight and Spike following close behind. “Chris, who is that?” Twilight asks him. “This is my son, John.” He answers her question making him quickly get a hold of himself before being introduced. “Nice to meet you, John.” Twilight tells him to reach out her hand towards him making him slowly reach out towards her reached out hand. “Nice to meet you.” He tells her before seeing more people coming out of the old forgotten factory. Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack see the stranger shaking their friend's hand. Applejack begins to feel sick to her stomach from the cold outside air with a quick reaction and wants to puke out her guts again but this time nearly completely empty, but with the smoothy and the meds settle her stomach moments ago. Rainbow sees this and tries to comfort her friend. Finally, Pinky and the brothers came out. “I kinda figured you be out here, when we couldn’t find you in the penthouse.” She said out loud. Duke begins to hear voices coming from elsewhere not too far from here. “Wait, till you hear the single from John.” He hears what he said. Meanwhile. I begin to walk around the semi truck seeing the trailer is a white box trailer with a reefer that is active I look at the controls are set as a heater near 60oF. “Not to comment here to see a cargo don’t over freeze.” I thought to myself before hearing Duke behind me. “James, I’m hearing voices coming from the trailer.” He whispers to me without letting what inside to hear him. “We have the target nearby waiting on the single from the informant.” A voice from inside the trailer. “I heard that now.” I whisper to Duke jumping off the rig and heading back towards where the cars are being kelp. “Where are you going?” Duke asks me but he asks me directly into my mind. “Something for those inside.” I relayed in my mind. Duke begins to hear John’s thoughts thinking about something, but it is fate to hear it clearly. Something about his family. “I hope my family is safe after forcing me to do this to get them back.” He thought out loud. “Don’t panic, I’m speaking to you threw thoughts. I want to ask you what is going on?” Dukes asks him using his powers to speak to John through his mind. “How are you doing this?” John asks out through his mind. “That's not important right now. Who has your family?” Dukes asks him into his mind. “They have been taken hostage from the leading faction of the Government and those who are in the trailer are 20-armed men to arrest the person they call James Cribb.” He tells him. “Leading faction you mean the Reds?” Duke asks him. “Yes.” He quickly responded to both of them seeing me holding something in my hand. I’m carrying a smoke grenade filled with knockout gas. I quickly made my way towards the loading doors back to the back of the rear of the trailer, I unlock the door and quickly pull the pin quickly open the door throwing it in, and quickly closing and locking the door. Within seconds voices from inside the trailer begin to panic and gunfire begin to open up aiming at the trailer itself, the others take cover from the gunfire coming from the trailer a few holes were made from the panicked men inside breathing in the gas. This when on for a few minutes until the voices and gunfire died down. Once I think that it’s safe, I open the trailer door letting the remaining gas out of the trailer, and see the armed men were either knockout from the gas or dead from the panic gunfire. “Who is not dead or knockout call out?!” I ask if anyone is still alive and hasn’t fallen asleep. I see a figure walking towards the open doors from the little light. Then the figure stumbles out the door landing on the ground. Quickly coffin tried to get the gas out of his lungs before seeing me standing next to him. He dressed like a S.W.A.T. unit in all black. I pick him up from his back, getting him on his feet and putting his back against the trailer. His face is covered up wearing a mask, I quickly remove the mask showing his face to me. “I’m going to ask you a few questions, ok.” I told him. “What, ok, just don’t kill me.” He tells me still trying to catch his breath. “I’m not making any promises.” I told him before continuing. “Who sent you?” I asked him. “I work for the MRPD, Swat unit. But we were sent from the higher-up to bring you in.” He tells me. “Is the higher up are working for the Reds by any chance?” I asked him another question. “As far I can tell, yes.” He answers me. “Now, where does where the John comes into this?” I asked him. “From what heard that his family is being held hostage and was forced to help bring you in.” He answers my question. “Well, you answer my questions for now, and I’ve kept my promise.” I tell him, letting him go. Heading toward the others when he calls out to me. “James.” Making me stop in my tracks turning my head to the side while my back is turned towards him. “Why did you spare me.” He asks me. “I only kill in self-defense and those who hurt me personally.” I answer his question before getting myself back on track. John breaks down crying, fearing for his family, not knowing what will happen to them now. Chris stands next to his son seeing that he is heartbroken. “Son, what is going on?” He asks him, making him want to spill his guts out towards everyone here. “They have been held hostage by those who run the Government and the deal is that I bring one of the MRPD SWAT units to where someone named James Cribb is located at or where he’s heading.” He said out loud. “How did you and they know that he would be here?” Twilight asks him. “Because I told him, he would be heading here to get the element that Dad has been carrying for many years now.” He quickly answers her question seeing me coming around the other side of his truck. Chris begins to feel angry with me before leading it go knowing that it’s not my fault for just happening moments ago, before seeing the last of the men that had been hiding inside the trailer following me around the truck. “John.” I call out getting his attention. “John, there is no telling where your family is being held at, but we’ll try to find them with the best of our abilities.” I told him. “James?” Rainbow calls my name getting my attention but not looking at her yet. “How are we going to do that with us being here?” She asked me, looking a little confused by that statement I just said out loud. “John, I don’t know how long this will take. But I always keep my promises in the end.” I finished telling him what was going through my mind. “Now, if you excuse me, I have to make a phone call now.” I said out loud leaving and heading back to the garage. Back inside I pull out my cell phone and begin to dial a number. It rings a few times before an answer. “Hello.” The person on the other end said. “Becky, I need some help to find a family that has been held hostage by the Reds.” I spoke. “James, you know I’m busy fighting a war out here.” She tells me. “I know you are, but this is for a small recon mission for now.” I told her. “I can do a small team for that.” She tells me. “Good, here is what I know for now. The son of the current Ice Guardian tried to use a trap to capture me with a SWAT unit, and this person’s family has been taken hostage by the MRPD or The Reds. Location unknown.” I tell her what I know. “Is that everything James?” She asks me. “Yes, that is it for now.” I answered her question. “I’ll get the team ready, and James be careful out there.” She tells me. “I’ll try.” I tell her before hanging up the phone. Then I hear something making and I quickly reacted to that before hearing a loud crash. “Who’s there?” I ask out loud only to see a rat the size of a small cat that running across the floor. “Ok, false alarm.” I said out loud before seeing the young pup chasing after the rat. “Hum, he must have followed me.” I said out loud only I can hear. “James!?” I hear Fluttershy's voice calls out. “What is it Fluttershy.” I responded. “It’s that person you spared wants to talk to you.” She tells me. I quickly when back to where the others are seeing the cop sitting on the ground next to the wall. “What is it?” I ask him still walking towards him making him quickly get up. “What is the rest of the unit that is still inside the trailer?” He asks me. “I have the trailer door still open and letting the knockout gas slowly vent out of the trailer. We have to wait a few more minutes to check on the rest and treat the injured of any wounds.” I answer his question. Then sees on the snowy ground showing a few drips of blood coming from his right arm. “Your hit somewhere on your arm, let me check it out.” I tell him checking his arm and seeing a tear in his shirt. I look through the tear seeing a small flesh wound. “Looks like a flesh wound, a small one, clean scratch. But still need to be treated.” I told him. “Well, it wouldn’t be the first time being shot at.” He tells me. “Chris, I’ll take him to the Infirmary where I treated myself at.” I tell Chris who is still with his son. “Alright.” He tells me have I taken the cop to the entrance of the building. A pone seeing the old factory floor covered in cobwebs. “This place has seen better days.” He said out loud. “We all said the same thing we came here.” I responded to that statement. Once we got to the infirmary; “OK, sit on one of the beds and remove the body armor and your shirt, while I get some things to patch you up.” I tell him heading to one of the cabinets with a few draws. Grabbing some clean bandages, rubbing alcohol, a Q-tip, a curved needle and some tread, a clean tin cup with some water, and a small gas power burner that was nearby. I started lighting the burner with my zippo lighter from my pocket before putting the tin cup filled with water on it. I put the needle and tread in the water before grabbing the Q-tip and the rubbing alcohol seeing the cop with his shirt off, for someone who looks like in his late 30s to maybe early 40s in good shape a little bite on the heavy side, but not slowing him down one bite. I take the Q-tip and open the lead of the rubbing alcohol, dipping one end of the Q-tip into the alcohol, and letting the runoff go back into the bottle. Putting the bottle down and screw the lead back on with one hand. Once my hand is free, I begin to use my powers to light up my hand he notices this and quickly asks me. “What are you doing?” “Relax, I going to try to numb the area around the wound.” I tell him hovering my hand around the wound sending small jolts of power into the tissue of his arm. Once that is done, I take the Q-tip and begin to clean the wound. “I don’t know what you did there, but I not feeling a thing right now.” He tells me. Once the wound is clean enough to sow the wound close with the needle and thread. I look over seeing the tin cup filled with water is heating up enough to sterilize them both. “Alight, the needle and thread is ready.” I said out loud going to get the needle and thread before throwing away the used Q-tip now. I grab a set of tweezers to get them out of the now-hot water. I see the needle has some steam coming off it, within a few seconds the steam when away. “Now for the hard part.” I said out loud walking back to him. I stick the needle on the edge of the wound and begin to close the wound. Once I reach the other end of the wound I start heading back to the other end where I started at. After sowing the wound, I when to grab a pair of scissors to cut the remaining thread that wasn’t used and was still on the curved needle. I grab the clean bandages and cover up the now patch-up wound. “Alright, your patch up and ready to go.” I told him getting up to turn off the still-on burning. “Why is my arm still numb?” He asks me. “Don’t worry about that the feeling will come back after you heal.” I tell him putting the used stuff where it needs to be. “I believe enough time has passed to check on the rest of the Unit.” I tell him while he is putting his shirt back on. “Good.” He said out loud. Later back at the truck. Everyone slowly moved the remaining unit out of the trailer and moved them toward the infirmary. Some need some major attention from the wounds taken during the chaos earlier. Me, Chris, and Rarity look after those who need the major attention while the others are looking after the others. I see Chris using the meds I’d found earlier when I was looking for the meds myself and I wonder why he is using them. “Chris?” I called out to him to get his attention. “Yes, James.” He response. “Why are you using that expired meds?” I ask him to make him wonder what I’m going on before realizing what I’m going on about. “These aren’t expired.” He answers me by making me question him. “What are you talking about?” I asked him. “I got these not too long ago, maybe a few months back.” He answers my question, still leaving me dumbfounded. “I’m not even going to ask how you have gotten these meds from the 1920s.” I tell him finishing patching up another man. After what felt like a long time, all the men from the unit have been patched up and healing from their wounds from what we can do. The ones that are still knocked out from the gas are lying in one of the beds. As for me, my hands were covered in blood from patching them up. I when to get myself wash up. Chris and Rarity hands finished washing their hands. “I’m a tailor, not a surgeon.” Rarity said out loud before finishing her train of thought. “I managed to patch them up the best I can with what I can do.” She said finally finishing her train of what going through her mind. “Well Rare, I started as an engineer. But I learned a few basic medical skills over the years.” I tell her as I begin to wash my hands. After I tried my hands and put my jacket back on and when to check on some of the men that I had patched up even the one I patch up first. “How you’re doing?” I asked him. “My arm is still a little numb, but I manage. But my Surge has taken the worst out of the unit.” He tells me rubbing his arm a little. “I know I patch him up the best I could. He is going to need to go the hospital back in St. Petersburg to fully recover.” I told him. “I know with the ice roads between here and back towards are currently down with the frozen ocean broke up the other day without no rim or reason.” He tells me. “If I can find some way to get there. Can we move him?” I ask him. “The only way, you can get there in time. If you have a ship.” He tells me with a seed of doubt in his voice. I pull the gateway key out of my pocket that I use to get here. “Maybe this.” I said out loud showing him the key. A pond of seeing the key nearly sent him into a state of shock. “Impossible.” He said out loud. “How did you come across this?” He asks me after recovering from his shocked reaction. “The Silenzers has them up until they were wiped out from the Red's attack on the main headquarters, some time ago.” I answered his question. “That might explain the bounty on your head.” He tells me. “I had the bounty before the Silenzers recruited me after saving me from that crash I had during the last days of the MR series.” I tell him. “But this key may not work getting back to St Petersburg.” I tell him. “I read from the old records about these keys were used to get across the other worlds without no problems.” He tells me. “You’re right. But let me come up with a plan to get ourselves there.” I tell him putting the key back into my coat pocket. Meanwhile grabbing my phone from my pocket and beginning dialing a number I didn’t wanted to call. The ringing when on for what felt like forever until whoever was on the other end answers. “Hi, Sunset.” I said. “James, what do you want this time?” She asks me. “Listen Sunset, how many people can you fit in that ship of yours?” I ask her. “At least 50 people. Why do you ask?” She asks me again with a concerned tone in her voice. “Do you know that big abandoned factory passed the Snakeskin Pass on the other side of the frozen ocean?” I ask her. “Yes, I know where that is. James what is going on, why are you doing over there?” She asks me. “Listen Sunset. I know you have like a million questions right now. But I need you to just listen right now. This person that is with the swat unit got injured very badly and I tried my best to patch him up the best I can do. But he needs to be sent to the main hospital in St. Peterburg to be fully treated and with the ice roads between here and there are currently gone thanks to me, leaving the only land road to get there will take too long for him to get there; and that why I’m calling because I need your help big time. Sunset.” I told her. There was silence on the other end before I heard her voice again. “Alright James, I’ll do it. But you own me big time.” She tells me before hanging up. I put my phone back into its holster. I see Chris heading towards the garage. Things were different this time I see him sweating even with the cold air around the building. I begin to follow him to an area I haven’t gone to. I see Chris going to something underneath a tarp with a layer of dust on it. He beans over to remove the tarp relieving what is underneath it. Which is a 1957 Chrysler Town and Country painted bright red with white on the sides of it near the rear. The trim and bumpers are covered in chrome. The car looks new like it just came off the factory floor. The interior has red leather bucket seats at the front and a bench seat at the back. The dash has just as much chrome as the outside with the red and white detail matching the outside paint theme. “That’s very impressive Chris. Did you just get this one or have you did been very good at keeping it up?” I ask him nearly scaring him getting his attention and turning his attention towards me after getting a hold of himself after being scared a little bite. “You scared me, James.” He tells me. “I have that effect on people.” I quickly responded to that. “I had this for a long time now. Just harley takes it out because of the ice. But I’ve made some upgrades over the years, like the brakes, shocks, the engine making it from fuel injected instead of carbonator for better performance, and put ice tires for better grip on the ice. “I’m not even going to ask how you got it.” I said out loud. “I know. But I used to drive a slide for a long time before getting this car. But this isn’t the only car I had over the years.” He tells me. “I’ve been given a good number of cars over the years some were deals of some car brads using my likeness over the years during the Christmas season.” He tells me. “Which ones?” I asked him. “Well, let me think there was Mercedes, Lincoln, and some others that I can’t think at the top of my head right now.” He answers my question the best he can before rubbing his forehead of some sweat the been building up. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” He asks me. “No, must be you. I can feel a cold chill going through the old rods of my right now.” I answered him. “Then it worst.” He said out loud making me wonder what on earth he is talking about. “What?” I ask him. “I have a feeling that my time is coming closer and closer with every passing minute.” He answers my question staring off into space. “You’ll alright?” I ask him “James, I’ve been carrying this element for nearly 300 years now and it is time for this old Guardian to rest so the next one can carry the element for the next generation.” He tells me. I grab my walkie-talkie and am about to say something before Chris stops me. “No, I still have time for something that I have to do.” He tells me making me put the radio back on my belt. “Have you already chosen the next Guardian to take over for you?” I ask him which makes him smile a little. “I have and she knows she is next, but she is not ready to be bonded with.” He tells me. “Rare. She the one?” I ask him again. But he didn’t replay this time with only a smile and a tear followed suit. Elsewhere Rarity looking after some of the men she patched just moments ago. Fluttershy and Twilight see her nearly in a nervous wreck after the work she just did moments ago. “How does James do this without losing himself?” She asks out loud seeing her hands shaking a little, before realizing her friends were behind her. “He has been here longer than any of us.” Twilight's response to that statement. “Rare, things may look bleak now. But James always finds a way in the end.” Fluttershy tells her friend. “That may be true. But that's not what I’m asking before seeing one of the men she patched up get up hearing their conversation. “James. I’ve heard things about him over the time he’s been here.” He tells them. “What?” Twilight asks him. “From the file that the MRPD has on him is nearly a mile long and the bounty on him will give bounty hunters fear and those who try to go after him, never have been heard from again. That even before these new powers that been added lately.” He tells them. “We have seen this too, but from what seen they were self-defense.” Fluttershy tells him. “There was that one time he did kill, but that was a robot version of himself and two other guys trying to take him away after the swap. Lucky, he had something to fight them off before the job was complete.” Twilight tells him. “How much do you trust him?” He asks them. “From the short time, all of us were here and he is trying everything in his power to take us home.” Rarity answers his question with no delay after being asked and the told in her voice made came from the heart. “That may be, but all that I can tell you is be careful around him. You know what a person is underneath the surface.” He tells them. Meanwhile Applejack finally started to feel better having the hangover when away after what felt like forever seeing both Rainbow and Spike nearby, rubbing her head. “Man hit me a little hard.” She said out loud. “I know after drinking half a bottle and having a hangover that big.” Rainbow tells her while Spike has something in his hands. “Here AJ, I’m betting you starving after that?” Spike tells her handing a plate of biscuits to settle her stomach. She takes the plate and begins to eat. “Thanks, Spike.” She tells him, before wondering where is everyone. “Where is everyone?” She asks them. “I know Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity are with the Infirmary looking after the people Rare, Chris, and James patched up at recovering. James and Chris are somewhere around the building. Pinky is with the brothers at the garage checking on something.” Rainbow answers her question to the best of her knowledge. “Danny must be checking on his drone on the back of my truck.” AJ said out loud finishing eating. At the garage. Danny checks on his drone on the back of AJ’s track for damage. “How she looking, Danny?” Duke asks him. “She’s doing alright for now, just need to keep an eye on it before something goes wrong when we go to the Lava world.” He answers his question. They heard something coming downstairs seeing Pinky coming towards them making Duke turns his head towards her direction. “Hey Pinky; What’s on your mind?” He asks her. “I was just in the infirmary checking the others and overhearing something about James, and I want to ask you what do you know about James?” She asks them. “Well, to get the full story will take some time to get all out.” Duke said out loud. “The first time I ever heard that name was during the early years of the MR series. Me and Danny were working at our shop when we heard it over the radio for qualifying rounds in Daytona Florida the Daytona Speedway which was left nearly abandoned after NASCAR was shut down closing all their tracks.” Duke tells her. “When we got there, there were thousands of drivers around the world showed up with him standing on stage and he was already wearing his sunglasses and that brown hat of his. He said that the rounds are going to be split into five rounds by a points system of the car, truck, or bike you're going to be using. Not only that, there are only 50 slots for this new series. Me and my brother were close to nearly didn’t make but we did.” Duke tells her. “Oh yeah, the Daytona rounds were a cakewalk compared to what coming. Even though they were tuff.” Danny said out loud. “I tell you folks back home and Australia quickly became fans of us and we chose the name the I-40 Brothers as our team name. But the other divers and yes, even James did some gay jokes seeing that we didn’t look like one another coming from different mothers and all.” Duke tells her. “But Becky and Sunset were there too during the whole three years and they saw that we were brothers and the other drivers were trying to keep us on edge, while others were using it for hatred things during that time. But James always put a stop to it after a hate group nearly destroyed Danny's car and race day was the next day, so James offers to help throughout the night. So threw the long night until morning me, James, Danny, Sunset, and Becky were working on his car to get it ready for the second race event of the Desert Month.” He tells her. “After that day, I begin to trust James, Sunset, and Becky through thick and thin no matter what comes out way. The five of us quickly became a team.” He tells her going towards his car opening the glove box pulling out an old photo of the whole group handing it to Pinky so she can take a look at it. The photo shows James, Sunset, Becky, Duke, Danny, and two other people standing next to them. The other two were nearly the same age as Sunset, maybe a few years different. The older one has pink hair wearing a white cap with a sun on it. While the younger wears a dark blue cap with a white moon, and her hair was a lighter shade of blue. In the background were all five cars James’s Mark 1 painted white, Becky’s Ford Mustang, Sunset’s Mazda RX-8, Danny’s GTO, and Duke’s HST. But they were a couple of bikes, both sports bikes. “When was this taken?” Pinky asks him. “That was taken after we manage to fix Danny’s car and we had all been given a copy of the same photo. Knowing we will be there for each other no matter what has been thrown our way.” He tells her. Pinky tried to hand back the photo to him, but he didn’t and said one thing. “Keep it, it may help you later on in the future.” She puts the photo in her back pocket, before asking one question. “What happened?” “Everything changes after Becky became trapped here. James was beating himself up about it during the final year, Me and Danny were taken by the Silenzers during the third track during the Mystery Challenge. We didn’t see James until after was recused from being taken by either the MRPD or the Reds.” Dukes tells her. “What happened after Becky became trapped here; Because he told us but never when into happened afterward, I just want to hear it both of you?” She asks them. “Before Beaky, disappeared because she was the first to become lost. After that, there was an investigation which lasted a long time, but no charges were filed after taking a statement from me, Danny, James, even Sunset.” He answers her question before his brother cuts in. “Don’t forget Tilly and her sister Luna were questioned being the team crew chiefs.” He said out loud, still working on his drone. “I was getting that.” He tells his brother before continuing. “After that day, James lost his focus during the third and final year of the series. Making his driving sloppy even on the tracks he has done very well on in the previous two years. He was fearing the worst of what happened to her knowing his first run-in with the Reds for the first time.” He tells her. “He told me when he discovered.” She tells him. “After me and my brother were taken by the Silenzers and recruited in the engineering department and Danny became the pilot for that department along. After what felt likes months, we see James again and he was recruited as head Engineer for the Silenzers.” He tells her. ‘It was 6 months after James was recruited, we found Becky and some other drivers that had been lost, have been taken by the Reds. So, the three of us with a small team when into the Reds headquarters and rescued them. But on the way the chopper had taken damage from the way out after we were discovered, and we had to stop in a middle of a field with tall grass around and 30 miles back to the Silenzers headquarters. With no choice but to walk the rest of the way. Along the way, we found a few abandoned nests with eggs smash say for only five eggs left.” He tells her. “Those eggs became Rexy and the four rappers?” She asks them. “Yes, that's right, and James made some collars for them to make it easier to train them.” He tells her. “Yes, they were good; even the others in the faction didn’t like them there. Thinking that they are dangerous even the grand leader thinks it was a bad idea.” Danny said out loud. “I remember James came up with the idea for the person we now know has the General?” She asks them. “He pitch the idea to the Grand Leader and other department heads and he has given the green light for the project, the size of the project was bigger than anything he has done before even the MR Series back home. The building of the Skeletor structure took two months to finish the longest was everything else even the blood. That last part was the mind and time was running out from the others and James toke a gamble and build the mind from his own. We were both there during that process and the pain that James was going through having that helmet on made both of us scared out of our minds. After it was over and James felt weak after that having his whole mind being copied into a machine that didn’t have a face yet.” He tells her. “Is that why he has why he’s got James’s face?” She asks them. “Yes, he had to shave his beard off to make the mod for the face which took nearly two weeks to have to face just right. Then the day finally came to reveal the project to everyone in the faction. But it was turned on and fully active it jumps up from the platform still feeling the pain James when through during the copying progress. He only had one thing to say, and I still remember what it said.” He tells her making her wonder herself. “What?” She asks him. “What the hell happen?” He answers her question. “By that point, it was no longer James’s memories; They were the creature he created.” Danny said out loud finally finishing going over his drone. “The Grand Leader and the other department heads were impressed with the work, but the others were not having thinking of it as just a machine that fighting against for many years now.” He tells her. “Then how did this creature become the leader of the Reds and whipped out the Silenzers leaving only a few left?” She asks them. “After its activation, it was months later when disappeared one night and joined up with the Reds and somehow became their leader giving himself that name he goes by now. He knows where the headquarters is located and brought everyone for the attack leaving no survivors that they know of. We were lucky, but we are scared Danny losing his leg and me with PDSD at the event making me to drink heavily during my time as a DJ. We didn’t know anything about James until one day.” He tells her. “What?” She asks. “We heard about someone driving a dark blue Ford custom job in Queen City knowing that it was him. With me still in New York for at that club, I sent my brother to find him which he did living at that hanger and you may know the rest from there.” He tells her finally finishing the long story. “My Celestia, I’ve never known that and that explains how he knows both of you, Becky, and Sunset. But the other two sisters in the photo you gave me. What has ever happened to them?” She asks them. “We don’t know, guesting back home working somewhere maybe a school for something.” Duke answers her question the best he could. “Well, that is a long story.” She tells them. “It would have been longer if we added everything. I was going through the important bits without going through every bit of detail.” Duke responses. “I have a feeling our story is going to get a lot longer before all of this is over and done with.” Danny said out loud slowly getting off the back of AJ’s before feeling his prostate leg coming off. “Duke.” He calls out to his brother. “What?” He asks him. “It's my leg. It’s coming off again.” He answers his question by making Duke come to his brother’s side helping him get off the tailgate making sit down on the rear bumper. “I got Danny, we need to get you a robotic leg to fix this problem.” He tells him. “I know, but with the cost of getting that kind of leg is more than what we both make in a year.” Danny responded, putting his leg back into position. “That's better.” Danny said out loud getting back up. “I know Danny, that leg cost nearly half a million dollars.” Duke said out loud. “Even this one, I can take off for when I need to and charge it up to have some feeling.” Danny said out loud. “At that one only cost us only 50K.” Duke responded to that statement. “The charge level must be getting low.” Danny said out loud trying to walk feeling the leg trying to drag behind him. “When was the last time you charge it?” Duke asks him. “The other night before coming here.” Danny answers his question. Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg. Sunset getting ready to leave when there’s a knock on the door making her jump a little. With her deals in the past, it could be anyone. She slowly made her way to the front door looking through the eye hole and seeing someone she never thought she never sees again. “Sunset, I know your home.” The person said the other side of the door, making Sunset unlock the door and slowly open the door. “Becky.” She said out seeing an old friend and former team-mate after what felt like years now and she wasn’t alone. Two other people standing next to her dressed in winter gear and heavy jackets. “This fears a waste of time.” One of them said only he and the other guy can hear. “She has chosen to come here after getting a phone call from James.” The other guy said in response. “Sorry Becky, I don’t have time. I was about to leave; after James called me saying that he need me and my ship to pick up someone and take them to the main hospital in town.” She tells her heading back inside. “Sunset, he also called me about something of someone having their family being held hostage by the Reds.” Becky tells her after she grabbed her helmet. “Becky, I know things have changed with you being here longer than the rest of us.” She tells her walking towards the ship opening the airlock making the stairs go down. “Wait outside.” Becky tells the two guys to wait outside. “Yes, maid.” One of them responds while she walks inside closing the door. “Sunset, I know you had a tuff time after being arrested and thrown in prison; but you had no idea what happen to me after I was captured by those basters Reds to get information about all of us even James, but I never said a word until he saved me and gave me a new life in LA until he came to me about a change to make a difference.” She tells her while Sunset climbs up the stairs. “Becky, I have no time to catch up now with a life on the line. But if you want to come then come on.” She tells her. “I’m coming Sunset.” She tells her climbing up the stairs afterward she hits a button closing the stairway ramp and sealing the airlock. Back at the factory. James and Chris were still where he keeps his car slowly making their way to where the rest are located. “Hold on Chris.” I tell him carrying him feeling the weight on me putting strain on the rods on my back. “The progress is going faster and faster now. I may not have long. The elemental transfer needs to be completed before it's too late.” He tells me lifting his hand and seeing that it's quickly turning blue. Rarity sees me carrying Chris and quickly comes to help. “What happened?” She asks us making Chris quickly respond. “The transfer needs to happen now before it is too late.” The three of us quickly made our way to the penthouse living room where everyone else is. “Dad, what happened?” John asks his father making him quickly answer. “It’s time son.” “No.” He quickly responds to that statement before seeing his father’s hand quickly turning blue. “Rarity, get the box I put on the side of my bed.” He tells her making quickly leave to get the box. She gets to his bedroom seeing the box still pulsating in a dark blue flash. She grabs it and quickly made her way back to where Chris and the others were. “I got it.” She said out loud handing it to Chris. He opens it letting the dark blue light laminate around him and the room. “Rarity, come here.” He tells her making her go next to him. He grabs the dark blue pulsating stone from the box. “Rarity, I wouldn’t live forever, but without this element, I never would have lived as long I have and now my time has come to an end but there must be a Guardian to carry the element for the next generation.” He tells her removing her glove. “Chris you choice me to be the next Guardian for the Ice Element?” She asks him. “Yes.” He answers his question before putting the stone in her hand, making it start glowing brighter and brighter in her hand. Then a flash of dark blue in golfs the room nearly as bright as a star. Then Rarity starts to scream at the top of her lungs “AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” She screams in pain until the stone begins to change its shape into something else during the progress. The windows open by the wind making the fire go out before turning into a dark blue color. After what felt like forever the fire and light begins to die down making Rarity seeing the stone has turned into a chip like the others before with the symbol of this world glowing a dark blue color. She looks over seeing Chris sitting but still alive seeing his hand is back to normal and smiling. “It is done.” He said out loud shocking everyone else there. “How are you still alive?” Rainbow asks him in shock seeing this. “It's just a reset.” He answers her question seeing the skyline has changed with a dark blue aura dancing the skyline as far the eye can see. Outside of town. Sunset and Becky see the bright light in the mountains on the other side of the ocean flying to where James is located. “What the hell is that?” Sunset asks her friend. “Looks like another Guardian has been chosen.” Becky quickly answers her friend. Back at the factory. James sees Chris is still alive and after answering Rainbow’s question makes him ask one of my own. “Reset, what are you talking about?” I ask him. “It happens after a Guardian has chosen the next Guardian without combat and still has some time left. Before the element tries to have the guardian either with or without effects both good and bad.” He answers my question the best he could. “I bought myself a few hours now.” He said out loud nearly feeling like a new man. “Dad, I thought you were going to die.” John tells his father. “I chose to give the element up things go bad for me.” He tells his son. “Dad, how long do you long have?” He asks him. “As long as I can go. As far I can tell.” He quickly answers his son’s question noticing something flying across the sky and heading toward the factory. “We have company coming.” He said out loud to me looking through the window and seeing Sunset ship coming this away. “Sunset, she is coming.” I said out loud leaving towards the infirmary with nearly everyone following close behind. Rarity still holding the elemental chip still glowing a little bit. “What have I done?” She thought to herself with a concerned look on her face. Fluttershy sees this and tells her one thing. “You be alright Rare; this is new to all of us.” Outside the factory gates. Sunset guilds the ship into position seeing the semi-truck going to be in the way and lands next to it without causing any damage to her ship, the truck, and the surrounding buildings. She shuts down the engines but still has the main power online for a quick turnover. “Ok, let's see what James and the others are doing here.” She said out loud, getting out of the chair. “Sunset, I’m sorry about what happened in the past and want to heal any damage from this and start fresh.” Becky tells her. “Like the good old days?” Sunset asks her. “Yes, if you want?” Becky asks her. “The trust is still there Becky and the others have earned back the trust helping me get my life back. But you haven’t done that yet.” She tells her friend. “Then what will?” She asks her. “Just help me get things going again after all of this is over?” Sunset asks her. “I’ll see what I can do Sunset.” She answers her question not knowing what will happen next. Back at the Infirmary. Things were crazy those who can move help those who can right now. “Chris, can you take over while I check on Sunset.” I tell him heading towards the main gates. Outside the main gates. Sunset unlocks the airlock letting the cold air from outside quickly come inside the ship. The wind is cutting through them like a blade. “Jesus Crist, it is cold.” Becky said out loud trying to close her jacket but the wind not having it. I walk towards the main gate seeing both Sunset and Becky walking towards the gate. “Becky, what are you doing here?” I asked her. “I was already in St. Petersburg when you called to see an old friend to make things right.” She answers my question. “Meaning Sunset?” I asked her again. “Yes, James. Do you remember through thick and thin no matter what.” She quickly responded. “I know Becky. But right now, I have something different going on here right now.” I tell her before turning my attention toward Sunset. “How many beds do you have on that ship?” I asked her. “At least 30 beds the last I checked.” Sunset tells me heading inside to get away from the wind gust. “Good, we’re going to need them.” I said heading inside with Becky following close behind. Back at the Infirmary Rarity is looking in a mirror checking the side of her neck seeing the Symbol on the side of her neck feeling the cold going through her body lowering her body temperature before quickly going back up. Chris saw her having some trouble with what was going on. “The elemental powers are slowing taking hold and the transfer isn’t done yet with me still alive.” He tells her to try to make her feel better. “Chris, there is something I always want to know is after James became the Guardian for the Storm Element.” She tells him, making him wonder what is going through her mind. “What is that, Rarity?” He asks her. “Why us; I mean why have we been chosen?” She him. “The time is right that the elements and all of you were in the right place at the right time and why they are turning into chips now, is something beyond even my understanding.” He answers her question the best he could. “I’m guesting Twilight will be next to the Guardian for the Lava Element?” She asks him. “If the time is right, she will be the Guardian for that element.” He answers her question with no doubt in his mind. “But when you do. I have one thing to said is, be careful going after it.” He tells her like a warning. The people who can walk are helping those who are too heavily injured getting ready to be loaded up on the ship. The loading progress is slow trying to keep them comfortable while being loaded into the beds. After a long and slow progress, the man I patched up had one thing to say to me. “James, after everything you did to save this unit. We will be there for you when the time comes for it. We’ll be there.” He tells me. “Thank you.” I tell him holding my hand out making him shake my hand. “Alright everyone on board and ready to go.” Sunset said out loud heading up the stairs with the last few men climbing aboard. She is waiting for Becky to get on board before stealing the airlock. “Come on Becky, unless you want to be left behind.” She tells her waiting at the top of the steps. “I’m coming, coming.” She said out loud climbing up the stairs. After the airlock is sealed and the engine started Sunset slowly lifts the ship off the ground making the lose snow around it fly upwards. All of us see the ship clear the buildings heading toward St Petersburg over the mountains. Chris finally feels the time has come. “It’s time.” He said out loud, seeing his hands quickly becoming white and turning into snow. Rarity and the others see what is happening to him. John sees what is happening to him and starts to feel his heart beginning to break. “Dad, it is time to pass on to the next world?” He asks him, trying to fight back the tears in his eyes. “Yes, son it’s time.” He responded answering his question seeing his entire body turning white even his clothes turning. Once his body turns white as snow the wind picks up making the snow come off his body. Without saying a word, the only thing going through his mind was nothing only lifting his arm and smiling before the wind picks up again breaking up his body and carrying him into the wind. “Thanks, Dad.” John said out loud after seeing his turned into snow and the wind carried him away to the next world. Rarity rubs her neck a little finally feeling the full effects of the elemental powers taking hold of changing her body looking up at the sky above seeing the elemental color lighting up the sky above while the sun goes over the horizon line of the mountain range around the region. “Ok, we have a long road ahead for us to get back to the portal.” I said out loud heading back to the garage. “He’s right the key can only work where it first opened when we came here.” Duke's response to that statement. “That means going back to St. Petersburg.” Twilight said out loud. “How will we get back there with the ice roads out?” Rainbow asks not knowing what will happen. “There’s an old road big enough for us to use but more dangerous cutting through the region known by other truckers as the Icey Hell.” John said out loud answering her question before towards his trailer to close the doors. Then something wanted to show up at the worst time. “James, something coming???!!!” Spike shouts seeing this. “What now?” I ask out loud heading out the garage towards where he is, from what I saw I know I was going to be a fight on my hands seeing a set of red headlights. “More Reds grunts.” I said out loud before seeing a sweeper in the group heading towards us. “Damn, this will not be easy with that.” I said out loud. “What about our powers?” Spike asks me. “I don’t know we never used them before.” I quickly responded heading back to my car to get a weapon, which is a modified AR-15, and a few clips with explosive rounds loaded. The others sees me doing only Duke and Danny knows that a fight is about to happen here. “James, is there time to set up some traps?” Duke asks me. “No, they’re coming fast and they have a sweeper with them which will make things very interesting for us.” I quickly responded answering his question. Then Rare neck begins to glow opening her eyes showing that they are glowing as well and the wind outside picks up loose snow moving with the wind quickly making itself bigger with every passing second until it was done. Five creatures made from ice were standing outside the main gates waiting on them to nearly reach them before charging at them. One of them hits the sweeper throwing it backward making it land on its side before going into a fireball, sending bits of metal flying around. While the others quickly turn the rest into scrap metal. Once it was done the creatures that rarity just made turn back into loose snow. Rarity's eyes stop glowing as well mark she looks around wondering what just happened. “What just happened?” She asks the others while they saw what just happened in front of their eyes. “I don’t know sugar cube.” Applejack said still dumbfounded. We didn’t have time to think about too hard right now with the long road ahead of us. We were underway heading toward St. Petersburg the long way around. Hours and many miles later with John leading the way, we finally made it to a region known as the Icy Hell. The Icy Hell is a diamond mind that has been abandoned for many years now dump trucks are left to rust and freeze with buildings filled with broken-down machinery and busted-up windows. The land was left bear with nothing only the now blackened earth below the snow melts when it touches the ground, steam comes from pounds that have been dumped with things that would be best not to say, but the color of the water is nearly a darken green haze with a little of orange mixed in. The smell was revolting making the hairs in the nose burn from it alone. Spike and Rainbow rubbed their noses every few seconds from the smell making their eyes water in the progress. The convey stop in our tracks Rainbow and Spike are having trouble breathing now feeling their throats burning now. “Couch, couch, couch!!!!” Rainbow couching so hard now making her lungs now hurt. “Owww. Couch, couch!!!!” She said in pain before couching again. Spike begins to couch heavy now. “Couch, Couch, Couch!!!!” He tries to stop himself from coughing so hard. “I can’t breathe. Couch, couch, couch, couch!!!!!” Rainbow said over the radio making all of us pullover. We pulled next to one of the abandoned buildings. “I’ll check to see what is in there.” I said over the radio opening the door leaving the engine running and immediately feeling the effects Rainbow and Spike are going through. I quickly ran inside the building with a breathing machine that had been left behind near the door. I grabbed it and put it on feeling the effects have stopped taking to it. I take a deep breath feeling the machine is still working after an unknown amount of time left behind. The machine looks like a face mask with a filtration system connected to a hose to the machine. The part at covers the face is made from plastic that looks like glass, the seals and straps were made out of leather that can be adjusted for the wearer. The hose is flexible and long enough for the wearer of different heights and weights. “I’ve found something, But I only found one for now I need to find more.” I said over the radio. “Just don’t take too long James. Rainbow and Spike are safe now in Rarity's and Applejack's cars.” Twilight tells me. Inside AJ’s truck Rainbow is starting to breathe normally again. “I don’t know what was in the air but felt like it was trying to kill me.” She said out loud taking a few deep breaths. “Like that time, you were trying to reach the clouds back at James, when we first got here?” AJ asks her. “No, that was different the air was getting weaker the higher I when until I nearly passed out trying to reach them.” Rainbow tells her friend. Back inside the abandoned building. The building was dark with no power and the sun going down I grab the flashlight from a nearby emergency cabinet. I turn it on seeing that it still worked. “Now, there must be a generator somewhere.” I said out loud before heading deeper into the building. The building was big, the size of the mine outside. I made my way to the lower levels of the building seeing signs for electrical shocks printed on them. “I must be getting close to the generator now.” I said out loud. I walk into a large two-level room with a huge machine in the middle of the room. “That must be the generator?” I ask myself. I see three open containers of Perry good size nearly 4ft long and 2ft wide. I look around to see anything that may fit, seeing them outside the room. They look more like a giant pill than anything else I pick up them feeling the weight of them having to use both hands to pick one of them up. “Christ, this thing is heavy.” I said out loud feeling the weight of it. Once I get it loaded into one of the capsules. “Damn, those must weigh nearly fifty pounds maybe more.” I said out loud before seeing a loading cart that can easily fit them. “That could have been useful five minutes ago.” I said out loud, catching my breath. I grabbed the cart and load up the other two still feeling the weight of each loading them onto the cart and getting them into the capsules. “Ok, how do I turn this thing on?” I ask myself before seeing a light-up terminal that was running on its own power. I go to it and see what I can do. I see that it’s no different than the one back in the engineering department. “So, this is an older model generator than the one I’m used to. The controls to turn this thing on should be the same.” I said out loud firing the start-up sequence and seeing the containers begin to close and a voice came over the intercoms. “Power up sequence begins.” The robotic voice said before saying it throughout the building and the mine. The generator makes a lot of noise seeing rings quickly turning faster and lighting up turning blue. Then the lights turn on throughout the building and the surrounding buildings. “James, what did you do?” Twilight asks me over the radio. Then the intercoms go off. “Power fully restored.” The robotic voice said. “I had to restore power to see where I can find here.” I answer her question over the radio. The intercom goes off again. “Toxic levels in the air. Building compromise. Activating breach seals.” The robotic voice said before the busted-up windows begin to close with metal seals automatically covering them up. “James?” She calls out over the radio. The intercom goes off again. “Activating air filtration. Please leave your breathing devices on until the progress is complete.” The robotic voice said out loud. I leave the generator running. “This place must have been one of the early mines leaving the region with toxic air for what may be years. I’m guessing that's why it's been given that name.” I thought to myself. The intercom goes off again. “Air filtration compete. You can safely remove your breathing devices now.” The robotic voice said out loud. I remove the facemask I have been wearing seeing that it has a hook and I put it on my belt for now. I get on the radio to tell the others. “Ok, it's safe to come in.” I said over the radio. “Good, I need to charge up my leg.” Danny said over the radio. Once everyone is safely inside only having a little irritation from the toxic air. Danny left to find a charger with the right plug for his leg while the others were heading to other parts of the building. “We can’t stay here.” Applejack said out loud seeing the state of the building. “This place is like the remains of the Silenzers building back on the Forest world.” Rainbow said out loud. “We’re staying here until I can get my leg charged up a little bit. Which will only take like an hour or so, if I can find the right plug for it.” Danny said out loud. “What does it take?” Pinky asks him. “It’s a special plug, but I have a micro-USB adapter for when I’m caught short.” He answers her question pulling the adapter out of his pocket. The adapter is a male cylinder with a hole on top and on the other end is the female micro-USB plug. “This won't fully charge it just enough until I can do it, only stopping halfway.” He said out loud. “Ok, there goes the feeling; it must be at 5% to save on power.” He said out loud rubbing his fake leg. I finally made my way to where the others were. “Is my car still running?” I ask them. “No I shut it off before coming in.” Duke answers me handing my keys. “Thanks, Frank.” I told him. “I haven’t been called by my real name in what feels like years now.” He tells me. I put my keys in my pocket seeing both Rainbow and Spike feeling a lot better now. “I need to find another one of these breathing devices before getting back on the road.” I said out loud unhooking the one I’d been carrying off my belt and putting it on a nearby table. I left to continue searching throughout the building that I haven’t checked yet. While Danny and Duke try to a plug to charge up his leg which is earlier than my task. They found the plug and Danny is charging up his leg now. While finding another breathing device has become harder than you think. “Having things are harder to find than you think.” I thought to myself, trying to find another breathing device for either Rainbow or Spike. There is one room I haven’t checked yet. I open the door to see crates stack on top of each other I open one of the crates seeing breathing device kits, enough for everyone. I get on the radio. “AJ, can you come where I’m at?” I asked her to hope she heard me. Moments later she came to where I’m at. “Grab the other end.” I told her to quickly grab the other side of the crate and ask me. “What in here?” “There are enough breathing machines in this crate for everyone.” I quickly answered her question lifting the crate. We move the crate to where the others are showing the breathing devices. I grabbed one of the devices heading to where Danny is waiting while his leg is still charging up. “Here you go.” I tell him, handing him the device. “Thanks, James.” He tells me taking the facemask and getting readjusted for himself. “How much longer do you got?” I ask him. “Maybe 45 minutes, give or take.” He answers my question with hesitation. “Well, we’re going to be here for a while.” I thought to myself going somewhere else in the building to see what happened here. I made my way to one of the main offices on the upper levels to find my answers maybe. The office is something from the 1930s mob boss than the ones who I saw before. Dark wooden walls with a big wooden desk with a big black leather desk covered with dust. I walk up to one of the nearby filing cabinets seeing the files are still there after all these years. I began searching for anything that might have what happened here and caused its abandonment and leaving the region so toxic that everyone had to wear a breathing device to breathe when they are outside. Pinky is roaming around the building making her way to the upper levels and seeing one of the office lights on with the door open, she walks over seeing me reading a file in my hand. “James?” She calls out to me to get my attention. “Oh, hi Pinky.” I responded. “What are you doing?” She asks me. “Trying to get some answers.” I respond by putting the file on the dust-covered desk. “You never like being relaxed for one second?” She asks me, making me take a deep breath first before answering. “It's the way I am, always working on something or trying to find answers to what popped into my head.” I answered her question. “James, sometimes you should take time to slow down and look around from time and time; If you don’t, you could miss what is right in front your eyes.” She tells me. I remove my sunglasses and my hat, put them on the desk, and rub my forehead a little. “I have a lot on my mind, and I don’t want to talk about right now.” I said out loud. “James, I’ve been hearing a lot of things about you from others about what happened during your time before joining the Silenzers and said about what happened to others you have known. But you are still a mystery to even me and my friends.” She tells me. I take a deep breath rubbing my eyes before answering her. “What do you like to know?” I asked her. Other than what I already from you and others that you know have told me. But there are things that are missing that have been left a mystery to everyone even to the friends.” She tells me. “Pinky, my real name isn’t James, but I never when by my real first for many years now. The name I’ve been going by is my middle name. I’ve never liked my first name when by my middle name as far I can remember now.” I tell her nearly shocking her. “Then what is your real name?” She asks me. “I tell you, but I have to whisper it into your ear.” I answered her question. She walks over to me, and I whisper in her ear my real first name. “For now, keep calling me James.” I told her. “Will do James.” She tells me grabbing my hand and feeling the warmth coming off her. “James, Twilight, and Spike minted something about the money you stole from when you were at the archives searching for a way to get us back home?” She asks me “I didn’t steal any money from them. They were just but hurt about losing to me during a race a few days before in Las Vegas. They never expected an outsider to just show up and showed them something that a few rookies of some powerful people in the city.” I answered her question the best I recall from what happened. “With that short time, we were there. I thought we would run in with them. I guess they were too busy to notice.” I said out loud picking up the file I was reading. “Those guys' egos were bigger the size of their engines.” I said out loud opening the file and trying to read it some more. “I’m guessing someone I know about big egos.” She said out loud, getting my attention. “Is it Rainbow?” I asked her. “No, but she does have a big ego. But the one I’m talking about somepony is friends with Twilight’s student back home.” She tells me answering my question. “Before she became friends, she meets Twilight long before she became the person you know now. She challenged her and lost, making her take her revenge on her and the rest of the town. She takes my mouth away during the whole thing. Yes, I was pissed about it and still hold a grudge about it. But over time she loosens up over time being friends.” She tells me. “Wow, that’s a big ego.” I responded to that still reading the file. “James, you remain me of myself back on the family rock farm.” She tells me. “I hardly ever see you smile. Why is that?” She asks me. I stop reading and take a deep breath before answering. “With everything that has happened to me over the years, seeing both of your folks pass away before showing them what you were made off and having to prove yourself to get over every obstacle that’s lays before you. I nearly gave up a few times but something kelp me going never give up on something I know is right to my heart and soul.” I answer her question to hold back the tears in my eyes. “That’s one reason I don’t let people get too close knowing something will happen to them and I have to fight the right way to deal with it in the end.” I tell her wiping away the tears. “But I think that it is time for a change.” I said out loud before going back to reading the file. “I know, I know James.” She tells me. “Did you find anything?” She asks me. “I’m right this place used to be a diamond mine one of the early ones and the size of this is one of the biggest. The planning of this building has built-in filters to make the air inside breathable for the staff. I’ll going over this file one name came up again and again.” I answer her. “What is that?” She asks me. “Alpha and Omega Mining Co. one of the biggest companies that use one of the mining companies before going belly up from a series of lawsuits from both its workers working the miles and the government running an investigation on all the mines both active and abandoned. After they when belly up and conglomerate that runs it had no choice to shut it down leaving them to rot.” I tell her answering her question from what I know reading the file. “How did you know that?” She asked me. “During my time here with the Silenzers I learn a lot of things about what happened on these worlds.” I answered her question without hesitation. “Plus, I like to find answers to things that don’t fully understand. Even if I don’t like the answer in the end.” I tell her closing the file and put it on the desk. “The old progress of diamond mining during the early miles is not just dangerous for everyone who worked and the region around the mine. The progress release toxic into the air and don’t notice it until six months after the drills start running.” I tell her rubbing my eyes. “You, ok?” She asks me seeing me rubbing my eyes too much during the whole time. “I must be tired being up sent early this morning.” I answer her rubbing the tiredness from my eyes. “James, there is something bugging my mind ever scent Danny and Duke told me about after you activated him.” She tells me. “What is that?” I asked her with a confused look on my face. “They said one day he just disappeared and joined up with the Reds and became their leader changing his name. They also mention the others didn’t like him because of what he is.” She tells me. “What are you getting at?” I asked her. “What I’m getting at is, how did he leave?” She finally asks me. “To answer that question, it started with the pitch idea I gave to the Grand Leader and the other department heads and was given the green light which took three years to finish the project. The other department heads wanted to pull the plug during the whole time. The mind was the longest to make but the AI coding wasn’t going to be finished in time and I use a method that feels more like black magic copying every bit of my mind to finish the code. The pain I felt what like dying during the whole time. There are times I still feel the pain from it going through my mind feeling like small headaches. After he was activated during the presentation, I saw him screaming in pain seeing me going into a panic seeing me for the first time.” I tell her my side of the story. “Then what happened?” She asks me. “The others didn’t like him and feared him thinking that he would kill them in the end. But I felt like I failed in the project of how it turned out during the whole thing. The day before he disappeared, I was on the phone talking about what to do with him. I suggested whipping his mind and starting from fresh but wanted to take away his free will and I disagree. I’m guessing he overheard the conversation and felt betrayed, and he found a way out to escape well anyone knowing or seeing him. Then the day of the attack that changed everything, Me, Danny, and Duke were heading to the main headquarters by helicopter with Danny piloting it. The Grand Leader wanted to see me in his office, come to find out where he is, and offered me something that I never thought of, he offered me to be Grand Leader of the Silenzers. But the Reds attacked before it was essential to the others. After the attack I thought I was the only one left of the old order that was still alive. Until Danny found me not long after you came through here.” I answered her question. “How long has it been?” She asks me. “It has been well over a year of keeping my head down only having a few problems during that time. Not knowing who was coming after you either a cop or someone from the Reds.” I answered her question by telling more than before. “Now I know why you were in a hurry to close the portal when we came here the first time.” She tells me hearing someone's footsteps in the hallway. “James, Pinky; you up here?” The voice calls to us sounding like Fluttershy's voice. “Yes, we’re in here.” I call out to her making her follow my voice towards the office where we are. “James, Danny said he’s ready to go with that leg gotten charged up a little bit.” She tells us making us ready to move. Back near the main airlock. Danny just unplug his leg from the charger put the charger in his coat pocket and take a deep breath before standing up. “Ok, things could be worst.” He thought out loud. Looking over seeing the breathing device that James gave to him knowing that things are about to change in a matter of days before seeing Rarity walking past breaking his train of thought. His brother was going through something on a nearby terminal seeing a map layout of the mines and building. “It looks like a path from one of the mine tunnels leading out of the region.” Duke said out loud looking at the map. “Really can we take it?” Danny asks him. “Both yes, and no.” He answers his brother’s question. “Why is that?” Danny asks him. “The size of the tunnels is going to be tight for not just our vehicles, but also John’s truck will be impossible even without a trailer.” Duke answers again. “Plus, the toxins in the air are going to be too much for the simple breathing devices we found. The one we need is built for the miners deep in the tunnels.” Duke said that statement finally finishing his train of thought. Me, Pinky as well Fluttershy made our way toward the main airlock seeing everyone is there except for one. “Where’s John?” I ask out loud, making everyone realize that he is missing. I get on the radio checking to see if he is still in his truck out there. “John, you there?” I asked over the radio waiting for a response. Nothing on the other end, I ask again. “John, pick up the radio; if your still in that truck of yours?” I waited again for a response. “Yes, I’m here in my truck. Just resting my eyes for a few minutes.” John responds over the radio. “Ok, John we’re coming out and I got something for you.” I told him over the radio. “If it’s one of those breathing devices, I already have one of those when I through this region the first-time years ago.” John responds. “That’s just dumb luck for us.” Rainbow said out loud with a sarcastic tone in her voice. “Rainbow.” Twilight calls out getting her attention for the remark. “Ok, Spike, Rainbow don’t take off your facemask until we are safely out of the region.” I tell them grabbing my breathing device before putting it on. We slowly made our way through the main airlock making our way toward our vehicles. I looked over seeing John’s truck hasn’t even been turned off during the whole time we were inside. Every small breath sounds louder than without it. But it's making the air around me breathable. I was the last one to enter my car seeing the young pup lying in the passenger seat, but he wasn’t moving I began to worry about him. I quickly started the car letting the air circulate quickly frittering the air. I put my arm over him and rub him hoping he’s alright, then he slowly starts to move on his own I remove my facemask turning off the device. “Good, I was fearing the worst for you, I forgot you were out here.” I said out loud. The young pup breathing quickly turns back to normal and the convey slowly made out of the region. > Chapter 58 The Long Road Ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The convey slowly made our way out of the region known as Icily Hell. We saw old mining machines and drills, even mine cards covered in rust laying the tracks that had been rusted and buried under the blackened dirt surrounding them. We reached the edge of the mine seeing a metal chain fence from the road heading to one of many exits and the one we’re heading to is one of the main gates with a forgotten security box at the entrance. The lights were on at the box thanks to the restored power to the facilities. The gate was open seeing that it was rusted open with lights that still burned showing the coming and going of the mine. The gravel road mixed with the blackened dirt grew slowly starting to get covered with snow the farther away from mine you got. John leading the convey with me taken up the rear. “OK, stay close; But give yourself enough stopping distance just in case.” John tells us over the radio. The sun has already gone over the horizon slowly turning the sky towards the night sky above them the night showing the dark blue awara lights dancing across the night sky with the gas giant and the other planets. The dirt road gets a layer of ice building up the further we when. Tires beginning to slip from the icy road that lays before us. I heard Pinky over the radio that nearly scared me. “James, I notice a needle reaching E.” This makes me look at my gas line seeing that it’s also getting low dropping below the quarter mark. “Damn, everyone check your fuel levels.” I ask them over the radio. “My show a quarter mark a little above.” Applejack answers my question. “My showing a little below the quarter mark.” Duke answers me. “My shows a quarter mark.” Rarity answers. “The needle showing close to E halfway between the mark above it.” Pinky answers me. “I’m showing between the quarter and the half mark on my bike.” Rainbow answers me. “The one on my bike showing nearly empty.” Spike answers me. “My showing a little above the quarter.” Twilight answers me. “Fluttershy, what about you?” I ask her. “My showing nearly on the quarter mark.” She finally answered my question. “John, how many gallons does that truck of yours hold?” I ask him over the radio. “This truck can hold 300 gallons of diesel in both of my tanks, but I know there’s an old truck stop not too far from where we’re located at.” He answers my question. “Question, is there any hydrogen there?” I ask him. “Yes, I think so. I know they have normal gas stations for gas and diesel, even charging stations for EVs.” He answers my question. “Ok, how much further is it?” I ask him again. “Only 20 maybe 30 miles away from here.” He answered my question which made me see what the reach is, currently showing 75 miles. “Ok, I have enough to get there.” I thought to myself. We quickly made our way towards this station as fast we could and hopefully wouldn’t run out of fuel before reaching it. Once we reach the station that looks a little rundown, I roll down the window letting the cold air come in, but see toxics is clear with us outside the toxic region now. I take a few deep breaths feeling the cold air going into my lungs. “The air is cleared from the toxins.” I said out loud rolling up the window and letting the heater warm up the cab. I see one of the fueling stations that is far from the main building with a few machines behind a wall. I pull the car up to the station and step out with the engine still on, to check the pump seeing that it still has power, and the nozzle has the hydrogen attachment that can work with my car. So, I turned off the engine and started the refueling progress which only took nearly a minute. With the refueling complete and I pulled the car away from the pump to check on the others, seeing them refueling their vehicles. Twilight leaning next to her car while refueling her car seeing me pulling up wanting to ask me something she gets on the radio and asks me what is on her mind. “James, why didn’t we do this before?” “Because there’s a holding tank of fuel back at the safe house and I refuel all cars at the end of the day which makes me take longer to refuel all cars before turning in for the night.” I answered her question. “That’s why we were in a hurry to get back before the end of the day before we all ran out of fuel.” She tells me. “Yes, we my face out there with the bounty on my head makes me be more careful going out. But I think it’s a little too late with all the activity we’ve been doing over the past few days now.” I responded to her statement. “Damn.” John said over the radio making me realize that we said that over the radio. “I know, I know.” I said in response. Then a click from the nozzle seeing that it stopped pumping gas into her car. Soon everyone is fueled up and ready to go with only AJ’s truck being the last one to finish refueling. “Rainbow, Spike we’re cleared from the toxics before we pulled into this station. So, you can take off those facemasks.” I tell them over the radio before seeing them without them on. “Thanks James, but we already can tell when I pulled my facemask off before refueling my bike.” Rainbow tells me before putting on her helmet. With refueling done and out of the way seeing the night sky above us with the streetlights at the station glowing bright from having its own power supply built right in. The wind is calm only going a few miles right now, but the temperature begins to drop slowly at first, but this is normal for the spring months now. All that I know is this road is going to be busy with the ice roads destroyed yesterday after we got here. The convey slowly made our way from the station and onto the open road that lay ahead before us. 75 miles later. The convey made our way to a nearby mountain reach with over case of clouds hanging overhead; The winds picks up through these mountains making the cold air around us making it colder cause of it. “Celestia, this is cold.” Rainbow said out loud over the radio with the suit working as hard it could try to keep her warm, but with the speed she was going and the wind itself cutting through her like hot knives causing her some discomfort making her to slow her speed right down to find some relief; But the wind keeps picking up speed the further the convey when through these mountains. Spike feels the same effects but handing the cold better having a larger profile than her and having been used to the cold used to be a dragon before turning human, even after only being here only a day so far on the planet. He looks up at the night sky above us seeing the Lava nearly taking up the skyline, the dark blue lights still lighting up the sky with a few clouds hanging overhead being carried over the mountains. His bike slips on a silk piece of ice getting him getting his focus on driving and getting control back from nearly falling the Icey Road in front of him. I see this and I get on the radio. “You alright?” I asked him. “I’m alright, just nearly slipped on some ice.” He answers my question once he gets control of his bike again. “Stay focused Spike, these will quickly make you lose control on these roads.” I told him. “Noted.” He responded to that. The road twists and swines around through these mountains even some areas have built up layers of ice on them. But that wasn’t the only thing we were traveling these roads at the dead end of night and no streetlights only going by the headlights coming off our cars heading the way for us. Twilight nearly spins out of control during one of turns sending herself over the edge of a what looks like a thousand-foot drop into a black abbess below. John, having trouble getting around some of the tight cures with the size of his truck, still carrying that trailer too. Rarity even with the all-wheel drive system on her supercar makes it very troublesome trying to find grip on these roads. As for me never been on this road before but having dealt with these kinds of roads before is making a cakewalk for me to go at slow speeds and let the all-wheel drive find the best grip without having to push the car too hard making it slip. Duke had driven on these roads before but was used to hot, dry, and sandy conditions coming from Australia and California, and his brother too. John growing up here knows these roads, but one slip-up can bring you towards your very end with no one for miles to help you out of a bind. The road keeps climbing through these mountains nearly reaching the clouds above us only maybe 3000 ft from reaching them. As for us, we’re trying to get through without any problems hopefully. I thought to myself seeing those clouds and how close we are to them. “A fog bank would be troublesome for anyone who gets caught driving through it on this road.” I thought to myself. Then I catch something in my driver-side rear-view mirror, a fog bank coming behind us quickly covering the mountains behind us and coming fast. Before I could get on the radio to warn the others the fog reached us, and the winds really picked up speed now. “Damn, where did all this fog come from?” Duke asks out loud over the radio which made seeing the radio near next to impossible with the headlight having the high beams on now. “We’re going to have to stop for now. Driving through this at night will be far too dangerous, even for me.” I tell the others over the radio. “There is a log cabin, not too far from here maybe 20 to 30 mins away.” John answers me over the radio. “Good, I can’t see a damn thing in this stuff.” Duke said out loud over the radio. 45 mins later. The convey slowly made our way towards this log cabin on the other side of the next rigg. John led the convey off the main on a dirt road covered with blackened dirt with loose white snow on the edges. “How much longer is it going to take, I’m freezing my butt off being on this bike.” Rainbow said over the radio letting loose of what was on her mind. Just then after she said that the outline of the building’s roof with the snow covering it. “We’re here.” John said over the radio as we got closer and closer towards the building. But the size of the building looks more like a hotel than a normal log cabin. “This is a log cabin, looks more like a hotel than anything else.” AJ said out loud seeing the building. We reach the main entrance moments later. Seeing the lights were off throughout the building thinking that it was abandoned but it looks like been well maintained over the years, either it just when under or it was shut down for the night with it being very late at night. “I know the owner of this place; we can stay here for the night.” John tells us over the radio. John gets out of his truck leaving the engine running, heading inside the building. I get out of my car and quickly head inside behind him and hearing him calling a name into the darkness. “Peter, I know your still here running the place.” He said out loud. Then the light in a room behind the reception desk comes on. “John, what the hell are you doing here.” An old man with white hair and a short beard walks out wearing his PJs. “I closed this place down after no one comes down here anymore with the ice roads opened up five months ago.” He said out loud finishing what going through his mind. “You may get more business now with the ice roads currently down.” I said out loud from that statement making his attention towards me still looking tired from being waking up in the middle of the night. “I don’t want smart-ass remarks.” He tells me. “Sorry, I didn’t think you knew.” I quickly apologize. “I heard about it on the news last night.” He tells me in a piss-off tone in his voice. “Listen Peter, we need some rooms for the night.” John tells him. “Like how many rooms do you need?” The old man asks. “At least 12 rooms.” I answer out loud nearly shocking the old man. Once he quickly recovered from the shock and saw all the headlights at the front of the building seeing everyone waiting outside on the cameras. “I was fixing to ask why, but I’ve seen everything now. Just give me a moment to get the keys.” He said out loud before going to the back and to get them. He turns on a set of lights seeing rows of keys with keyrings on them and each one has a number on them. He grabbed 12 keys from the second row before returning to the counter, putting them down on the countertop. “Ok, the rooms are on the second-floor east side of the building overlooking the indoor pool.” He tells us as I grab 11 of them while John grabs the 12th key. “And Mr. Cribb, it’s a pressure to have you and your friends here.” He tells me leaving a spooky vibe from him after grabbing the keys. “How did he know my last name?” I thought to myself heading back outside and seeing the others waiting on me. “Well, James do we have a place to stay for the night?” Rainbow asks me rubbing her arms trying to stay warm with the suit working on overtime for many hours now. “We do, I have a room key for everyone.” I answer her question handing the keys out. “The rooms are on the second floor on the east side; there should be signs to help you out.” I tell them. I look over and see somewhere to park the cars but no above or underground parking lot. This means parking the cars out in the cold, even with mods done to both bikes will be very difficult to start them up in the morning. So, I went back inside to the front desk seeing Peter standing behind the desk. Before I could ask, he put another key on the desk with a different key ring on it with the number S1 on it. “For the bikes, Mr. Cribb and yes they are heated.” He tells me. I grab the key and head back outside where Rainbow and Spike are waiting on me. “I was beginning to think you were going to let the bikes freeze up for the night.” Rainbow tells me. “Rainbow, get inside and get yourself a warm shower to warm yourself up. I’ll park your bike for you.” I tell her making her get off the bike and head in Both me and Spike take the bikes to the storage unit near the back of the building seeing a small row of units with their unit number on them. I open the unit marked with S1 feeling the warm air coming out. We put them inside and locked the unit back up. “Get inside Spike and get yourself warm while you still can.” I tell him heading back towards the main entrance where my car is the only car that hasn’t let been parked. I quickly parked the car where the others were and grabbed a few things from the trunk before heading inside with the young pup. Once inside I see Pinky sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby and I can feel something is off with her. “Something wrong?” I ask her. “Yes, there is something bothering me.” She answers my question making quickly asks another question. “What is it?” “What will happen after all of this is overdone with? Because I can feel somepony else back home feeling the same thing.” She answers my question. “I can feel it too Pinky.” I tell her holding her hand feeling the pain she is going through. “Thanks for listening James, I’m to get a warm shower and some rest.” She tells me getting up and heading towards the second floor. I take a deep breath grabbing the crystal ball that had been given to Fluttershy back when the previous Guardian of the Forest World. I made my way to 12th room on the second floor with the young pup following close behind I looked over at out the window and saw the indoor pool with blue light coming from the rim of it. I unlock the door opening the door turn on the light and see a queen-sized bed with a couch and a 55-inch flat-screen TV, there was also a kitchen with a table. I see a small bathroom with tows on the rack. I removed my jacket and put the crystal ball on the table. After a quick shower, lying in bed with the pup lying next to me quickly fell asleep. I close my eyes for only a second before hearing something like a phone ringtone. I answered the phone next to the bed before hearing the ringing somewhere else in the room I checked my mobile seeing that it wasn’t the source. I got up to see the crystal ball lighting up with blue pluses and they lined up with the ringtones I was hearing. “Ok, I am going to answer this.” I thought to myself before touching making the ball glow blue and hearing a voice on the other end. Elsewhere. Pinky was in the shower letting the warm water hit her skin, before hearing a knock on her door getting her attention. “Coming!” She shuts from the shower turning off the water and grabbing a tow heading to the door. “Who is it?” She asks whoever is on the other side of the door before opening it. “Pinky, it's me.” Hearing Fluttershy’s voice. “Fluttershy.” She responded opening the door seeing she wasn’t alone. Rainbow and Applejack standing next to her. “Can we come in?” Rainbow asks her. “Sure.” Pinky answers her friend letting them in. Grabbing one of the other tows to dry her now wet pink hair before giving her attention to them, as they get themselves comfortable on the couch and a nearby chair. AJ took the chair while the others were sitting on the couch. “Ok girls, I know their something troubling your minds?” She asks them. “Pinky, we all noticed a change in you ever scent we came here.” Applejack said out loud before Rainbow cut in. “What gives, you acting this way?” Rainbow asks her making AJ too angry stare at her for that. “Girls, what we are trying to say is that you have been getting close to James a lot the past few days.” Fluttershy said out loud. “Your right, I’ve been getting close to James the past few days even with me being pregnant. But there is something more to it.” Pinky tells them. “Then what is it?” Rainbow asks her. “Well, even before coming here I start having these dreams of me meeting somepony that looks a lot like James now, but it looks more like a ghost than anything else.” She answers her question busy trying to dry her hair. “Hun, that’s interesting sugar cubed.” Applejack said out loud hearing that. “Now, girls let me put some clothes on really quick.” Pinky said out loud heading back to the bathroom. Fluttershy noticed off about their friend but didn’t bring it up right now. Minutes later. Pinky walks out of the bathroom only wearing her pants and shirt, when Fluttershy gets her attention. “Pinky, are you feeling alright?” She asks her. “It's just the past few days of me not having a lot of sugar, scent we got here, and James doesn’t use a lot of sugar in his drinks or have sweets at his home.” She answers her question. “And I tell you girls it does affect you after a few days.” She finishes what’s on her mind. “She isn’t lying I said some of his tea when we got here, and it wasn’t sweet but it sure is strong.” AJ said out loud. “I know, I was acting like you after only a cup of it.” Rainbow quickly responded to that response. “All I can say is James knows how to make some good tea.” Fluttershy said out loud. “I wonder what would happen if Celestia had some of it?” Pinky asks out loud. “I don’t know, knowing she does drink a lot of it back home.” Fluttershy answers her question the best she can. “Ok, best for us to get some rest.” AJ said out loud getting up from where she was sitting. “Yes, it is getting late; and going to be a long road ahead for us in the morning.” Fluttershy said out loud. Once everyone leaves, leaving Pinky in an empty room with nothing but her thoughts of her own. Before hearing a fate voice in the room. “Pinky.” The voice called out her name making her to turn around to see if there was anyone else still in the room, but no one was there. “Pinky.” It calls out again before seeing a quick flash of light before seeing a young girl standing before her dress in blue flare pants and black high heel boots, a ski blue shirt showing off her midriff, and topping it off is a purple trench coat. She’s shocked about seeing this nearly making her fall backward on the bed. “Who are you?” She asks this person. “Nice to see you too Mom.” She said out loud. “Wait, Mom.” Pinky said out loud. “Yes, it's me; Destiny. I’m just using my powers to do this. Don’t be mad at me for doing this and try not to take long.” Destiny tells her sitting down next to her on the bed. Pinky takes a deep breath before saying what is on her mind. “Why are you here?” She asks her daughter. “Well, there is something I’ve been wanting to ask your older self, but she not doing too good right now seeing her home in ruin and knowing what will happen later down; and I want to ask you because you’re going through the same thing right now.” Destiny answers her younger self. “What do you mean?” Pink asks her again confused about what she is saying. “For starters, there is a boy we have known each other for some time now and I trust him with my heart with him never knowing his father like there is something more between us. I have a picture of him.” She answers her question before pulling a photo of the person she’s talking about. Destiny hands her mother the photo, making her to hold it close to get a better look. She sees a young man no older than her daughter, pale skin with a little tan. Seeing his eyes have a yellow shade to them and his hair is short only no more than an inch in length and the color is mostly red with orange highlights in it. The clothes he is wearing give him a bad-boy vibe. A white shirt with a black necklace with a red stone in the middle. Black leather pants and jacket, topping it off with black biker boots. “When did you first meet?” Pinky asks her. “It was after the Ponyville Derby when we first met. He and his mother were in town from their home on these worlds and over the years of him moving to Manehattan. Our paths crossed again in one of the coffee shops and started hitting off and asked why he was here to try and find his father and try to help him but we didn’t find anything after the link between worlds was permanently open. All that we know is that he lives in Manehattan was our only lead and he sent money every month to help.” She answers her question before having to stop. Pinky wonders why she stopped. “Why did you stop?” She asks her. “Something to do messing with the timestream that haven’t already done.” She answers her question. “And the real reason is to ask you because you’re feeling the same thing about Dad during this time.” Destiny finishes what is going through her mind. “Destiny, with me still being young and not having much experience. But all I can say is trust your heart is telling you.” Pinky answers her question the best she can. “Mom, thanks for listening. I need to get back before Dad finds out what I’m doing.” She said out loud before disappearing into a flash of white light. “Destiny.” Pinky calls out her name before realizing she is alone in the room again. She rubbed her eyes from a long day she just climbing into bed. Elsewhere. I just hung up with whoever was on the other end of the crystal ball, thinking about what was just said. “I can’t let them win in the end.” I thought to myself. Once I turn in for the night. Hours later. The room phone begins to ring. I woke up realizing the phone was ringing and I answered the phone, I rubbed my eyes to get the tiredness from my eyes before responding. “Hello.” “Mr. Cribb, I have a message from the owner.” The receptionist tells me. “Then what is the message?” I asked him. “The owner likes to meet you before you and your friends leave.” He tells me. “Where?” I asked him. “At the hotel bar.” He tells me. “I’ll be there in an hour.” I tell him before hanging up. I look over at the clock seeing that it’s a quarter after seven in the morning seeing the morning sun slowly coming over the event horizon outside the room window. I get up hearing the bones in my back creaking and popping along the way feeling the stiffness of the steel rods. After using the bathroom, looking in the mirror showing the tired green eyes staring back at me, remembering what happened last night and knowing what needed to be done. I turn on the water letting the warm water fill the sink, rubbing my eyes before splashing my face with the water. Once I feel like I’m fully awake and turn off the tap. I left the bathroom and threw on the clothes I had been wearing scent yesterday. Grabbing the sunglasses and my hat left, heading towards the bar. After nearly an hour later and trying to find the bar. The place looks empty with only one person sitting a one of the back tables having some breakfast with some coffee. The owner is an older man looking the same age as the person I met last night. “James, nice to finally meet you in person, and I can say the legends don’t lie.” He tells me. “I was told you wanted to meet me.” I response. “Yes, I did and it’s about that bounty that is on your head.” He tells me. “Let me guess, it has grown?” I asked him. “It did to nearly a billion dollars now. But this place is safe for now with this place for those who have contracts on them or those who does any kind of business for the underworld.” He tells me. “What do mean?” I asked him. “So, you can relax with no one knowing you’re here.” He tells me before taking a sip of his coffee. “I’m guessing you heard about my driving skill for the underground back in Queen City?” I asked him. “I did, and I know you’re a Guardian now.” He response. “How?” I asked him. “I saw a story on the news two days ago about a group of bounty hunters who were killed trying to capture a bounty that showed up in St. Peterburg. They showed a picture of your face then told the killed bounty hunter was killed by a series of lightning strikes, and I put two and two together.” He answers my question. “Now if you excuse me James, I have to get this place up and running for not just are regulars that come here, but ones will be coming for much-needed rest until the ice roads are refrozen during the winter months, which will be six months from now.” He tells me after he finishes up his meal. I take a deep breath before realizing what he said moments ago. “Wait, you mean other bounty hunters can come here?” I asked him. “Yes, including others from the underground like traffickers, hitmen, and even others that I’m not going to name here.” He answers my question. “You said this place is safe, right?” I asked him again. “Yes, I did. There is one rule for not just here. But other places like this place throughout these worlds. Never do business on these hollow grounds or else suffer the consequences.” He answers my question. “Sorry for keeping you waiting.” I told him. “Don’t be, I just get you up to speed with what this place is.” He tells me before getting up from the table, getting the dishes together, and heading to the kitchen. Not knowing what would happen next, I left the bar not hungry right now heading towards the heated indoor pool to think about what to do next. It was still early for everyone betting some were still asleep as far I can tell, so I decided to wait on them. I reached the pool seeing the calm water waiting for someone to jump in I walked over to a set of chairs next to a table and cooled my heels a bit. Elsewhere. Rarity starts to wake up feeling a little off after what happened yesterday and not having a dream like the others had before. “I guess it will come later.” She thought to herself getting up and feeling some pain coming from her feet having been wearing those 2 in heel boots all day yesterday and the day before. “James was right about them.” She thought to herself looking at them. She gets up and walks over to the bathroom seeing her face with no makeup on and hair amess. She takes a deep breath before getting herself ready for the day ahead. Applejack was already up and walking out of her room when she noticed something off about this place and over to the wall that looked a little off. She walks over to the part of the wall to get a better look seeing that there is what looks like a doorknob. She twisted it confirming that it was a doorknob hearing something unlocking itself before trying to push on the wall. The door was only open enough to make herself walk through, seeing a dark room covered with cobwebs in the doorway. She wipes them away before entering the dark room. Once she walks in seeing nothing but darkness. “Ok, there must be a light switch or something.” She told herself trying to feel the wall before something tapped her head. “What was that?” She asks out loud before seeing what tapped her head seeing a string and quickly pulls on it making the light above her turn on showing what the darkness is hiding. She saw a row of lights above her with their own string waiting to be pulled. “Well then, what is going on with this place?” She asks out loud quickly walking up to the next light and turning it on showing an old painting of what looks like a man in his mid to late 40’s wearing a gray suit. There is a pack at the bottom of the frame. The Founder. But the name underneath but it was no longer there being faded away with time. She tries to rub it to get something only the year. 1927 “Who are you, really?” She asks out loud before hearing something in the distance. The sounded pipe rumbled with build-up pressure within the pipe making her look upward seeing metal pipes leading to other parts of the of the floor and throughout the building. “There must be a good-sized boiler keeping this place warm?” She asks out loud before realizing she is alone in this place. While looking around in the dark noticed something that looked like a button. “Ok, what do you do?” She asks before pushing it not knowing what will happen. She hears something moving and unlocking themselves before seeing the wall moving in front her revealing it to be a window looking into one of the rooms. “Interesting, who’s room is this?” She thought to herself before hearing the shower going inside the room. She sees another button with pipes overhead. She pushes the button showing the bathroom where she is looking at seeing someone in the shower, but having a hard time seeing who’s in the shower thanks to the steam around the person. Rarity feels the hot water hitting her skin. “Hun, I needed this.” She said out loud not knowing that she was being watched. “Rare.” AJ said out loud seeing her friend making her reach for the button before stopping in her tracks when she heard her friend starting to be humming to a song that she hasn’t heard in years. “I know this song.” She thought to herself remembering the first time when she heard it. It was not long after I came back to Ponyville after spending some time in Manehattan. I saw Rarity and told me she had gotten her cutie mark the same day I did after that rainbow ring showed up out of nowhere the other day. When we heard something over the radio at one of the stores about a contest coming to town and we had an idea of doing this with another friend of mine who has a great singing voice I met at camp. We got up in touch with her and made a song that wasn’t good at first and asked help from a starting-up artist from our class with a blue mane and white coat like Rare. After nearly a week with her help, we got something that would blow away the competition. On the day of the contest, there must have been nearly 100 ponies signed up for this. We were the ones near the end to perform. Everypony was scared out of their minds not knowing what would happen. But once it was over and done with. We gave it our all and from the shock of the crowd left them speechless. We thought they didn’t like us made us nearly walk off stage before hearing the sound of clapping and cheers even those who were already when on were cheering for us too. We didn’t care if we won or not by that point, but we did. AJ breaks away from her flashback-down memory when hears the water being shut off and Rarity getting out of the shower dripping wet. AJ quickly pushes the button closing the wall. “Damn, I need to calm down a little before things get too hot.” She thought to herself. Quickly making her way out of there, reaching the door where she found it moments ago. Looking for the knob seeing nothing there. “Ok, there must be something else here.” She thought to herself still trying to find the mechanism to unlock the door. Then she found something to unlock the door and quickly made her way towards the other side. “Ok, I least I was able to get out of that before Rare found out.” She thought to herself pulling the now open door closed. Elsewhere Spike is still sounded asleep when he hears a knock on his door, waking him up. “Ung.” He growled after being woken up before hearing a voice on the other side of the door. “Spike, you up?” Twilight asks him. “I am now.” He responded after getting up from bed. “Well hurry up I think the others are waiting on us.” She tells him through the door. “Alright just let me get dressed first.” He responded only wearing his underwear before seeing the jumpsuit he had been wearing back on. “I’ll wait for you downstairs.” She tells them before leaving. Meanwhile, I had been in a chair for what felt like forever now after what happened last night. Still feeling chill going up the rods in my back feeling pins and needles being stick into me. I reach into my coat pocket grabbing a bottle of painkillers I have on hand for minor pain such as this. I opened the bottle and took two 800 milligrams pills and quickly took them. I take a deep breath after taking them before thinking to myself. “That will take some time.” I get up putting the bottle back into my coat pocket before heading back inside. Seeing the small number of staff working like bees getting things ready for the day. I see them setting up a breakfast buffet for both the staff and guests. I can feel my stomach finally waking up. I see the owner and receptionist talking about something that I can’t hear. I see John is already up heading to where I met the owner earlier this morning. “Hey James.” He calls out to me getting my attention. “Hey John.” I response. “How long you been up?” He asks me. “I've been up scent 7 in the morning.” I quickly respond answering his question. “Heading towards the breakfast buffet?” He asks me. “I guess so.” I answer him. “Good looks like they are finishing setting up the buffet.” He tells me seeing the staff working like busy bees trying to finish up. “What time do they start serving?” I ask him. “They normally start around 8.” He quickly answers my question making to look at my watch seeing that only 5 mins after 8. “Must be running late.” I said out loud. “Yeah, they are sometimes late, but that's rare.” He response. “I’m guessing you already met the owner?” He asks me. “Yes, we met earlier.” I answer him. “He told you what this place really is?” he asks me. “Yes, he told me.” I quickly answer his question. “Good, he told me when I first came here, like you I sometimes work for the underworld.” He tells me has we head towards the buffet where I met the owner earlier. “The buffet is included with the price with the room the lunch and dinner buffet are the only times they charge you. But came in late last night that we missed the dinner buffet.” He has grabs a plate from a stack of plates. He starts loading up with some scribble eggs. I grab a plate from the stack and grab some eggs seeing some beacon grabbing a few strips, grabbing two pieces of toast. Before finishing getting some hashbrowns. But what I need most right now is coffee. Seeing a coffee and tea bar at the end. I grab the biggest cup that they have and fill it with some coffee. I look seeing some half-half cream and pour some in before grabbing the sugar and pouring in then mixing it up. I tasted some of it before making sure it was right. “Yap, pure Columbian.” I said out loud feeling the taste was just right and how I liked it. With the coffee made and my plate loaded up, I made my way towards a nearby table before seeing some of the others coming. Pinky, Fluttershy, and Rainbow see me heading towards one of the tables with a plate loaded up with breakfast. “Wonder what kind of pancakes they have?” Pinky said out loud grabbing a plate with Flutters and Dashy close behind. Pinky made a beeline towards the pancakes grabbing like six of them and the syrup packets while Fluttershy grabbed some fruit and a few pancakes. As for Rainbow when for some pancakes but also some cereal that looks like back in Equestria. As for drinks, Pinky grabs some orange juice, and Fluttershy grabs some pineapple juice. Rainbow grabs some milk for her cereal and some coffee. Once everyone got what they needed and made their way towards where I was sitting at, seeing that I’m putting the eggs and bacon on the toast making it into a sand switch leaving the hashbrowns as a side dish. “Hay James, see that you’re already up.” Rainbow tells me sitting down at the same table with her friends. “Where’s the pup?” Pinky asks me before putting some pancakes in her mouth. “He’s back in the bedroom.” I quickly answered her question taking a bite of the sand switch. “Before I leave here, I’ll get him some food.” I tell them before going for another bite. While the others were enjoying their meal, but I could feel something was wrong. Even after what the owner told me earlier this morning. Pinky notices this and asks me something getting my attention. “You alright?” “I don’t know, but something feels off.” I answered her question. Then I see one of the staff almost running towards the owner and whispering something into his ear. “We shouldn’t worry too much. After what service we offered here.” He said out loud trying to calm his employee not knowing I could hear him from across the room. “But Sir, it’s them.” The employee said out loud. “Well then, it going to be a busy morning.” The owner said out loud before walking over towards I’m at. “James, we need to talk.” He tells me. “Excuse me.” I told the others before getting up and grabbing the cup of coffee I didn’t want to go to waste. I followed him to the other side of the room. “James, it looks like we’re going to have some community here soon.” He tells me. “Your staff is aching like that is a bad thing from what I heard.” I quickly responded before taking another slip of my coffee. “Anyway James. Things are bad around here with the Commission wanting to take away the safeguards here and that's what got him scared.” He tells me. “Then what?” I ask him. “What coming is a task force from the Reds being led by their second in command.” He tells me. “Black Hand.” I quickly said out loud. “I’m afraid so.” He response. “They have been trying to find me for only God how long now.” I said taking another slip. “There is still time James.” He tells me before finishing the last of my coffee. “No, it’s time that I finished this; once and for all.” I said leaving him shocked by my response. I begin to leave the room before grabbing some bacon from the buffet before heading back towards my room. The young pup sees me with the bacon in my hand but feels something off about me. I was taking deep breaths feeling something in me awaking up anger, regret, fear, and something else power of a coming storm that lay ahead. I hand the pup the bacon before heading to the bathroom to look in the mirror taking off my sunglasses and seeing that my eyes are changing color to a purple color, feeling creaking in my jolts and my back knowing what is about to happen. KNOCK, KNOCK. I hear a knock on the door. “James.” Hearing Pinky’s voice on the other side. I didn’t think to grab my sunglasses before answering, she got a good look into my eyes seeing the change in color showing something changed in me. “Your eyes.” She tells me. “I know they change.” I said before seeing that she was carrying a to-go plate with what was left of my breakfast. “James, there is something wrong?” She asks me as she lets herself in. “Do you remember when you and your friends came through that riff?” I ask her as she sits on the edge of the bed. “Yes, I do.” She quickly responded to the question. “And do you remember that I minted something about the Reds while I closed the riff?” I asked her to leave her a little confused, making her think a bit before answering. “I think so. Why do you ask?” She response. “Well, there is something about that. There is a task force heading here too, no doubt to arrest me or kill me; but all that I know is, not good to those I work or live here.” I told her. “Do you mean those who been coming after us?” She asks me about what I just said. “Maybe. But those who came after us lately could be from this task force.” I answer her question the best I can. “Well, do you have a plan?” She asks me. “I got something coming it going to take time to be ready.” I answer her. “What about the others?” She asks me. “I don’t know.” I quickly answered her question. “Well James, you’ll find out a way.” She tells me getting up and leaving the room. “I sure hope so this time.” I said out loud after she left.