Twilight's Guardian

by Vasto Lorde

First published

X over with Bleach. Vasto Lorde Ichicgo loses his fight with Ulqiorra and is transported to Equestria.

This is something that came to me when I saw the episode for Vasto Lorde Ichigo.

When Ichigo loses the fight against Ulqiorra he is transported to Equestria where he runs into Twilight, who was getting kidnapped at the time. He somehow mistakes her voice for Orihime's and protects her.

Now after being saved by him Twilight has to make sure to keep him in check as she had already witnessed some of his power. How well will these two get along and what does this mean for Twilight's future and the safety of her friends and family, and all of Equestria.

Contains spoilers for Bleach.


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Darkness was all he could see. There was nothing around him but blue and black. The black lines quickly flowed down the blue back ground. If he looked hard enough he could see the faint outline of the peach colored dome he was concealed in, and if he looked even further he could see the outline of the person outside the dome.

Orihime sat outside her healing dome and on her knees, tears streaming down her face staring at the hole in the middle of Ichigo's chest. "What do I do!?" She cried. Ishida skided past her and was holding his arm. "Ishida your arm!"

"It's ok Orihime, I stopped the bleeding just worry about healing Kurosaki." He said as he stood up and looked at their opponent.

"It is useless, he will die no matter how great your power." Their opponent said. He was a creature of black and white, his hair was long and black. His body, face and ears that resembled that of a bat. The ears were long and slender. The lower half of his body along with his arms were covered in black fur. He had clawed hands and feet, the feet had black fur on them and there were four clawed toes and something that looked like a heel spur on the back of his foot. His ribs were able to be seen and there was a hole in his chest. He had two great black bat wings protruding from his back. He also had a long slender tail. His eyes were green and his irises were yellow.There were also black lines that went under his eyes and another single black line that went down from his chest.

The Quincy readied his weapon to fire, but never got the chance as their opponent known as Ulqiorra moved fast enough that Ishida couldn't even get shot off. Ulqiorra cut Ishida in the side and then swatted him away like a fly with a wing.

Time seemed to slow down for Orihime. Both Kurosaki and Ishida were down. Why, why did this happen? Orihime started crying more heavily."I came here so I could protect them, why am I the one who always needs protection!? They always risk their lives for me, WHY!?" Orihime screamed as she remembered all the times she was saved by her friends, and the times where she thought she got in their way. This was so unfair! They always saved her it's just not fair. Ulqiorra pointed his finger at her.

"Goodbye women." He said.

"Help me...Kurosaki, help me!" She screamed.

'She's calling me.' He thought as he heard her voice.'She's in trouble, she's calling. Get up!' He thought as his hand started moving.'I...will protect her, I will protect her, I WILL PROTECT HER. Nothing will ever touch her.' He said as his body started changing. A mask started forming on his face, his normally short hair grew longer until it reached right behind his back. Two horns grew on the side of his head and his skin turned white. His brown eyes, turned black and his irises yellow. When the mask was done forming it looked like a skull. The mask had black markings that went from the back of his head and towards his eyes and then all the way down to his chin. His wrists now had red tufs of fur on them so did the area around his ankles and neck.

"What is that form, who are you" Ulquiorra asked. Ichigo just stood there."It seems you can't understand me, but i'll ask again who are you?" He asked.

Ichigo's hand flew out to the side and a jet black sword flew into his grasp. He swung it back and the ground was pushed up and resembled that of a wave. Orihime was also blasted away, fortunately Ishida was back in the game and caught her just as in time.

"Whatever." Ulquiorra said as he prepared his cero obscuras. To his surprise this creature had a cero of its own.

Once he had started forming his cero the creature had started forming its own. A swirling red ball of spiritual energy formed between its horns, once it was done he fired. The creatures cero easily overpowered Ulquiorra's cero obscuras. The resulting explosion was huge. Ulquiorra took to the air"He has a cero strong enough to counter my cero obscuras, he may resemble a hollow but he's only human." He said puzzled. Ichigo appeared behind him."Don't mock me he said!" As he lifted his arm, Ichigo grabbed the onto the outstretched arm and cut it off. Ulquiorra sped to the ground using the flash step. He pointed another finger at the creature, but never used the chance as the creature used sonida, which was a faster version of the flash step. He quickly moved so as not to get hit with the slash the creature tried to connect with his head. His severed arm started to regrow."See creature you can not defeat me. I can regenerate any part of my body quickly and with minimal effort." The creature only stared at him. The creature ran forward and he took to the air flying towards the moon, only to get pushed into one of the buildings and onto the ground.

"You've forced me to do this." Ulquiorra said as he put his hands together and then spread them apart forming a green lance"Hold still creature, i'd rather not miss." He said as he took aim with the lance and threw it at the creature, who merely tilted its head to the side and the lance flew past and into the sands of Las Noches. The resulting explosion didn't even bother the creature. There were buildings that were destroyed and crumbled to the ground. Ulquiorra readied another lance but didn't get to throw it as the creature was already behind him."Don't mock me!" He said again. He thrust the lance and the creature caught it in its bare hands.'He caught it with his hand!' Ulquiorra said mentally. The lance exploded in the creatures hand and then it got a clean cut on Ulquiorra's shoulder down to his stomach. The slash created a small crater and Ulquiorra fell onto his back. The creature slammed its foot on top of Ulquiorra's head and pointed its horns towards him.

"Go ahead. Show me what a true monster you are." Ulquiorra said. As if it was waiting for those very words the creatures cero started swirling between its horns and fired. The cero broke through the ceiling of Las Noches all the way to the ground. Once again he smile cleared there floating in the crater was Ulquiorra and the creature. Ulquiorra's bottom half and his left arm was missing.

The creature tossed Ulquiorra to the side and readied its weapon to finish him off. But before he could Ulquiorra used his final move. Ulquiorra used his wings to tear a hole in reality and the creature was flung through it.

Once the creature was gone, Ulquiorra's body healed and he stood up. He newly healed legs and arms were very thin due to all the vital organs and muscles being destroyed. He walked over to Ishida and Orihime and pointed his finger at them.

"Now it's time to end th-" Ulquiorra said as the finger he was pointing started to disappear."It seems that my power has fully depleted. Well women it looks like your hope won in the end." He said as his entire body evaporated.'I never did get to find out what heart really was.' Was his last thought.

In The Land Of Equestria, Streets of Ponyville

Princess Twilight Sparkle trotted down the nice stone paths of the streets of Ponyville humming a happy tune. It was dark outside and there were not many ponies around. Twilight was would give a nod to anypony she passed. As she passed by an allyway there was a sound.

"I wonder what that was?" She said as she looked into the darkness of the ally. She thought about going into the ally but decided against it. She was about to start walking again, but she heard the sound again, this time a lot closer. She looked at the ally again, not noticing the presence of the pony walking infront of her. There was a feeling of cold enchanted steel on her horn. She realized that it was an inhibitor ring and she opened her wings to take flight, but before she could she was tackled to the ground by another pony and she saw a teal magical aura floating some rope. Said rope was used to tie her hooves and wings. She looked at her three captors, two earth ponies and one unicorn. The first earth pony had purple fur and a red mane, with green eyes and a open book for a cutie mark.

The second earth pony had a silver coat and mane with blue eyes and a shooting star as a cutie mark. The unicorn had orange fur with a blue-green mane, with red eyes, with a microscope for a cutie mark.

"What do you want?!" Twilight asked.

"Well kidnapping a princess and holding her for ransom is a great way to get a large amount of bits, even if it is very dangerous. It also gives us a chance to have a little fun." The first earth pony said, Twilight's eyes widened at this and she instinctively tried to close her hind legs a little more.

"Aww isn't that cute." The second earth pony said.

"Anyways lets get out of here before anypony sees us." The unicorn said.

"Help some-" Twilight said but was stopped as the unicorn closed her muzzle with his magic. With luck nopony heard, but it looks like fate has other ideas.

Some distance away from the kidnapping a green swirling void appeared and a bipedal creature fell out. The creature stood up and heard a voice. The voice sounded like Orihime's."Protect...must protect." The creature said slowly and darted in the direction of the voice. Once it arrived at it he voices point of origin it saw four other creatures. One of the creatures tuned its head towards him.

"What the fuck is that?!" He yelled. The other three creatures tuned their heads towards him. The unicorn lost his concentration and the magic around Twilight's muzzle vanished.

"Help me!" Twilight said.

To Ichigo the voice sounded like Orihime, but she looked different. No that doesn't matter Orihime was in trouble and she needed protection. Ichigo dashed forward and grabbed the first earth pony by the neck, and with one powerful swip disconnected his head with his body. The body fell to the ground and Ichigo threw the severed head to the side. The unicorn charged a offensive spell and fired. It struck Ichigo in the chest, or it would have if it wasn't deflected by his sword sending the blast into the second earth pony who exploded into a million tiny pieces of meat, blood and bone. The unicorn stared in disbelief. He decided there was only one thing left to do, run. He turned around and ran at his fastest pace.

Ichigo wasn't letting him get away. He pointed his horns at the escaping unicorn and his cero started forming between his horns once it was ready he fired and the cero hit the unicorn dead on. The resulting explosion caused a small crater to form and the puny unicorn to be blown to pieces.

Once every thing was done he turned his attention to the bound Orihime (Twilight), who had a scared expression on her face. He knelt down and spoke."No be afraid. Won't hurt you." He said as he cut the ropes with his claws. Twilight slowly stood. Ichigo saw something protruding from Orihime's forehead, it was purple long and pointy. There was also some small ring on it. He placed his fingers around it and slowly removed it.

"Th...thank you, what's your name?" Twilight asked.

"My name Ichigo." He replied. Why doesn't Orihime remember his name? Must be because of those other creatures that hurt Orihime."Are you hurt?"

"No i'm fine, thank you for asking. What are you doing here?" Twilight replied.

"I am here to protect you, Orihime." Ichigo said.

"I think you have the wrong mare, my name is Twilight." She responded.

"But you sound like Orihime." Ichigo said. Why did she say her name was Twilight? Maybe this had something to do with that Ulquiorra character. Maybe this is a different dimension, and this dimensions version of Orihime is named Twilight. Whatever, if this is Orihime then he would protect her to the end of his days."Orihime Twilight, I will protect you for all my life. Wheather you like it or not, you will have my protection." Ichigo said sternly.

"O....ok, but you'll have to follow my rules" Twilight responded.

"To the letter." Ichigo replied.

Twilight could already feel this was going to be hard and weird to explain.