> Mystical pony:starring goemon > by roytheboy1213 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mr.goemon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1:Mr.goemon *NOTE*i do not own ganbare goemon nor mlp fim if i did this whould have been animated. and for those of you who will complain about the story sucking feel free to make a better gg mlp crossover and tell me so i can raed it and favorite it. hope you like it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a peacfull day in the village of oedo(or edo).the sky was clear,the birds wher chirping,the charry blossums wher blooming.it was a peacfull day even goemon and his sidekick ebisumaru wher chilling out on the roof tops. goemon and frends wher known as heros in the land of japan for saveing the world numerous times. from an evil warlord to a phsycotic sports maniac to undead armys all the way to defeating imposters goemon,ebisumaru,saske,yai, and the mighty robot impact whould alway defeat those who wished to rule for ther selfish desire.And the lord of the region of oedo and the young princess yuki whould always congradulate the heros for rescuing all of japan or just the oedo region. "ah finally peace and prosparity"said goemon as he laid down on the roof of a general store. "yep.dumpling?"offered the puggy blue lacky as he scarfed sum dumplings. "hell why not...are they octopuss"asked goemon "better.ther golden!"ebisumaru reveaied some golden dumplings. "hell ya"exclaimed goemon as he ate one"wherd you get em?" "omitsu had some extras from the tea shop closeing early"ebisu explained as he ate another one"too bad she's in nagoya to help out the tea shop branch out ther." "yep she's probably haveing a good time"goemon then leaned over in a lazly sleep way. Then in the distance was a lady dressed in a purple jumpsuit with lush green hair running on the roof tops running twards the two. "hey you two"said th green haired ninja. "sup yae"ebisu said in happienes as he ate another dumpling"dumpling?" "shur"yae said as she took a dumpling. "sup yae how's the scouting?"goemon asked as he sat up. "prety boring ever since the last time we saved japan"yai said as she sat down. Then a little robot ninja with green clothing came runing twards the trio. "mr.goemon,mr.ebisumaru,ms.yai!"he said as he ran on the roof tops. "The wise man want's to show you something urgent at his lab!" little robot ninja exclaimed. "finally the posability of saveing japan agen!"goemon jumped for joy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was also a peacfull day in ponyvill just like in japan ther was no crime fires to put out. "ugh im so board!"exclaimed twilight as she finished her libary books."im going to see if the new book store has eny new books on magic" At le books store. "welcome ms.twilight looking for a new spell book?"asked the shop maneger. "yes do you have eny thing on growth or somin im going to try an experiment"twi explained. "oh sorry i just sold that one to another unicorn whering a sparkly shrowed"the shop keep explained."but i have a new book titled:advanced magic for advanced unicorns" "huh sounds pretty intresting"she poundered then bought the book with excitement. "oh boy i cant whait to read this book"twi said as she skiped to her libary. At the libary. "hmmm let's see no growth spells but here is an intresting teleportation spell"twi said to herself as she pointed to the spell. "Why wher you so ubsesed with a growth spell"asked twilights assestant spike the purple dragon. Twilight responded with an evil laugh and a creepy look at spike but thats a diffrent story for later eny way. "well i can just try this spell to pass some time till i get a copy of the book that was sold at the book store." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhil in japan out side the house of the wise man. "well i wounder what that old man wanted us to see"said goemon waiting impatently. Then some slidy japanese screen doors which reveiled an old man with a bushy beard. "ah goemon,ebisu,yai iv been waiting for you come in but pleas take off your shoes i also shampood the carpet." After they took ther shoe's off they headed into a room with a machine sentered at the middle with a computer attached to the front. "this is my amazing teleportifyer"said the wise man as he pointed to the machine with glee. "this baby can teleport you enywhere in the univers!" "enywhere?"asked the gang. "thats what i just said you dorks"he said in anoyance you know...hes old. "so how dose it work?"asked ebisu. "well i just dial a sertain cuardnece and the moniter will send me an image outside the location."wise man explained. "theres also a reason i wnted you all to come here...thers a planet i found as i was pushing random cuardeneses and i wanted you 4 to explor to see if ther are*giggles*cuties!"wise man said in glee. This of course left the four with a WTF face on each of them.But none of the less they wher excited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhil in equestria the mane 6 wher at twilights libary to witness her do the spell. "darling i cant whait to see this spell in action"said rairity with excitement. "ya i wonder what youll transport"said rainbow dash. "oh oh i wonder if shel summon alians from onther world!"pinkie pie exclaimed while jumping crazily. "well i know twi whon't mess it up since shes the best right sugercube?"asked apple jack as she turned to twi. Actually twi was kinda hopeing somin like that whould happen. "well if just finished the nessesary procoutions written in this book so we should get ready to teleport" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "so lets try this baby out!"said goemon as he raised his fist in the air. At the excact time wise man pused a button that said ready twilight had just preformed her spell and at both worlds a flash of light apeard in front of the ninjas and the mane 6 and a loud "aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh"was heard from the ninjas and wise man as they vanished. Hope you liked it. give me ideas! > Some strange new pony's > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2:Some strange new pony's. *NOTE*i do not own ganbare goemon nor mlp fim if i did this whould have been animated. and for those of you who will complain about the story sucking feel free to make a better gg mlp crossover and tell me so i can raed it and favorite it. hope you like it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All over japan weird portals wher appearing and sucking up eny thing they could. Impact the mighty robot was taking a nap then. "agh whats happening?!"said impact as he got sucked in through the portal that sucked up our heros. In another part of japan. "when i get my hands on goemon ill strangle him!"said a robotic kabuki style man whering a green box on his back and a terminator eye on his face.Then a portal opened next to him and started to suck him up."what the he-"the portal finally sucked him up then closed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "ugh my head"moaned goemon as his vison was blury."ebisu,yae,saske,wiseman?where are you." "g-goemon is that you?"moaned ebisu with his vision blured as well. "is everybody ok?"asked wise man with his vison blured. "i-im ok"yelped yae as her vision...as you guesed it blured. "uh guys"said saske as his vison was normal. "What is it saske"goemon asked as his vison started to clear up. "Guy's Wake up!"said saske. Then as soon as every bodys vision was clear they were shocked to see that they have became pony's. "w-wa"ebisu said in confusion. ebisu was a light blue puggy earth pony with a blue mane that was curled up and atached by his nose. "w-why are we horse's?!"asked goemon in a paniking Goemon was a red stalion with a blue spiky man with black patches on the back of his head whering a pit of make up on his face you know so he could keep those pekatchu red circles on his cheeks or end of lips. "i can't belive this its impossable"said yae as she paniked. yae was a tall purple earth pony with a lush green mane. "actually im not veary suprised at something like this happening to us"said saske. saske was a short light green pegusis with a spikey mane on the top of his head and bandeges on his hoofs. "is every bo---oh my gawsh you guys ar pony's!!"said wise man as he was gleefull for he was...a brony. "so ar you"pointed out goemon with a cunfused look on his face. wiseman was a old unicorn with a grey mane and a brown body. "do you know what this means?!"wise man asked as the gang was still confused. "we'r in my little pony frend ship is magic so the teliporterizer worked!!!"wiseman said in glee. again this left a WTF face on them. ------------------------------------- "what in tarnations just happend?!"asked apple jack as she was on the floor of twilights house. The main 6 where still in twis house for nothing reall changed. "i dont know but i feel as if pinkie's crazy theory might have come true"twi said as she looked out the window to see the goemon gang walk into pony ville from the everfree. the other mares saw what she ment befor as they aslo saw the ninjas out her widow. "yay new ponys in town! oh i gotta make them a welcome party!!"yelled pinkie as she bolted out the door with supper speed. ------------------- "this place looks like it came from a story book"said goemon as he looked all over the place. "yep this show was made in america in 2010 and its still going on!"wiseman said as he was jumping around like pinkie pie. "sooo..how long have you been a fan"asked yae still shocked that wiseman was a brony. "ever since the show first came out when i was looking for my noody channles then i saw it on my screen and dicided to watch the whole episode"explained wiseman.the fact he was looking for noody channles was no suprise for the ninjas as wiseman was also known as a bit of a perv in oedo. "huh i was always wondering about why a show about ponys was soo poular on the internet"said ebisu as he rubed his chin with yhis hoof. "well nether the less we gotta get home. who knows how many of our old nemesis are on the loose after that little stunt"goemon told the resat of them. ------------------------------- Near a wagon in the ever free. "ugh that punk twilight!how dose she get so good at magic!"yelled a light blue unicorn comeing out of a wagon i mentiond erlyer. "if only those two idiots hadent have brought back that ersa minor i the great and powerfull trixe would of had my day!"trixie yelled and cursed the two for messing up her plan.aka snips and snails the two special ed students. "if only i had a body gard to keep idots like them out of the way i the great and powerfull trixe would finally be able to show my full power!"then she noticed a light appear at the side of her wagon to reveail kabuki as a pony. kabuki was a army green stalion who was still whairing the same atire i mentioned erlyer and his robotic terminator eye was still there. "Perfict"trixie grinned evily at kabuki. ------------------------------------- in canterlot In the middle of this ritch city a white light appered and out of it came a pitch black alicorn with a bright orange mane along with 4 diferent earth ponys wairing ridicules white bunny costumes. "Well i dont know what happened but finally we escaped that god awfull prison"said the black alicorn. "master magginosu it apairs that we have been teleported to a new world and we have been turned into horses"said one of the bunny colts this one had blue fur. "isnt it obvious!"yelled magginosu. -------------------------------- in the changling base. The qween of the changlings was still pissed that she failed missrably in the canterlot invasion. "your magisty we have the prisoners waiting"said a changling gard. "good bring them in"said the changling qween. Then the gards pulled up 5 weird looking ponys.4 of them wher white filly sized with different expressions on each face.an evil grin withn the one with a red mane.a happy look on the one with the yellow mane.a i dont really give two shits bad ass face on the one with the green mane.and the one with the pink mane looked as it whanted to cry.but the last one was an adult sized one with dark blue fur with red markings on his face and a yellow mane. "why have you tresspased on changling territory!?"demanded the qweeen "we don't even know how we got here in fact the last thing i remember was commiting suicide!"yelled the blue fur one. ----------------------------- in the town of appleloosa. "darn those apple thieves keep stealing our lively hood"yelled a yellow colt in a cowboy costume. "its too late this time there too fast"said a brown colt whairing a sherif costume. then suddenly a white light light appered right in front of them as an actual human was launched out of it.The human was wairing a re jump suit and hand black hair and he was hold ind a large gold pipe in his ands(the smokeing pipe not a plumber pipe). "ugh my head"moaned the strang being. (classic goemon in equestria that is super) hope you all liked this chapter.