> A Night With Your Favorite Bookworm > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Day At The Amusement Park > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sounds of the birds chirping and the sun shining through your bedroom window woke you up from your slumber and you sat up, letting out a yawn and stretched your arms. Your room was a mess and who could blame you, since last night was one of the best graduation parties your family threw you. You got out of bed and walked towards your closet and grabbed some fresh clothes and a towel. You walked out of your room and went inside the bathroom across from your room down the hall. You closed the door behind you and stripped yourself of your clothes. You took out your phone from one of your pajama pockets and turned on some music. You turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature before stepping inside and closing the curtains. As you were washing yourself, your memories of your senior year in high school filled your mind. You recalled the time when you had to take science, your worst subject in school. As much as you hated it, you weren't going to go down without putting up a fight. But that was only when you thought you were doing it on your own when in reality, the teacher chose to let the students find lab partners. You didn't know anyone in science class all that well, that is, until you got partnered up with this one girl with light purple skin and dark blue hair with a light and pink stripe which she put in a bun. She had purple eyes that seemed to sparkle like the stars in the night sky. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, but not the same Twilight you saw back in your junior year when Sunset use to bully everyone. Thanks to Twilight's help, she was able to help you get through science class without much of a fuss. You didn't know it at the time, but somehow, a girl as smart and cute as Twilight made you develop a crush on her, but you never confessed to her because she might not be interested. The two of you always remained friends, even after high school graduation. That was your last thought before you finished your shower. You turned off the shower water and stepped outside to dry yourself off. You paused the music on your phone as you were drying off and just then, your phone began ringing. "Hmm? Who could that be?" you ask yourself. You swapped the screen and answered the phone. "Hello?" On the other line, a familiar voice from a familiar girl calls you by your name. "...is that you?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, that's me. What'd you need, Twilight, is something wrong?" "N-No, nothing's wrong. I was wondering if we could meet up at Sugar Cube Corner later on at 9:15 A.M. You see, there's something very important that I've been meaning to discuss with you, but I never had the time because of high school. So, can we meet?" "Well, I'm not doing anything right now, so I guess I can stop by. And if you want, I can buy us some breakfast over at Sugar Cube Corner. How does that sound?" "Great! I'll see you soon!" "Alright then, I'll see you then, Twilight." The two of you hang up and you put your phone down on the bathroom sink. You finished drying yourself off and put on your clean clothes. You grabbed your towel and hung it back up on the rack next to the door before you brushed your teeth and put on your deodorant. You walked out of the bathroom shortly and back into your bedroom to get your wallet and house keys. You walked back down the hall and towards the front door at the far end. You opened the door and stepped outside before locking the door and heading out. Sometimes your parents offered to drive you somewhere, but because Sugar Cube Corner was a 10 minute walk from your house, you didn't trouble them. You checked your phone and saw that it was 9:03, plenty of time to make it to Sugar Cube Corner without much of a fuss. But there was something that seemed to bother you. The only time you and Twilight ever contacted each other was when you needed to get your science projects done with her. If she ever needed some friendly advise, she'd usually call her up one of her friends. Then you thought it might have something to do with relationship problems, but somehow, you didn't think Twilight was that kind of girl. You only thought that because of that one guy with the blue spikey hair who always seemed to act all awkward with her. It was obvious from Twilight's expression that she wasn't really interested in him. You scratched the back of your head, thinking about what she needed to talk to you about that was so important to meet up with her. Nothing came to mind and you just shrugged it off and kept walking until you reached Sugar Cube Corner where Twilight was waiting for you. She still wore the same outfit just as she did back in her old school Crystal Prep and in Canterlot High. "Hiya, Twilight." you say. "Hi there. I'm glad you made it. Come on inside." Twilight says. You nod and follow her inside the shop. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner. Oh, nice to see you again Twilight. Who's your friend?" Mrs. Cake asks. Seeing as how you rarely stopped by, you gave Mrs. Cake your name. "Oh, nice to meet you. Say, are you and Twilight out on a date right now?" she asks, getting all excited. "W-What?! N-N-No, he's just a friend!" Twilight stutters, blushing. You started blushing, too. "Y-Yeah, we're just friends, that's all." you say, a little hesitant. "Aww, that's a shame. I would think you two are a couple since Twilight tells me how much she liked studying with you before your graduation." Mrs. Cake explains. You quirked an eyebrow and turned to Twilight, who couldn't stop blushing. "You told her about me?" you ask. "Right, so, umm... shall we grab some breakfast?" Twilight asks, avoiding the question. "Uh... okay then. I'll have one muffin and a caramel frappuccino." You say to Mrs. Cake. "And I'll have a latte with a chocolate chip muffin please." Twilight says. "Very well then, your total comes up to $6.45." Mrs. Cake says. You reached for your pocket and grabbed your wallet, giving Mrs. Cake the cash. She takes it and puts the money in the cash register and giving you your change, "Thank you and your orders will be brought to you momentarily." "Cool, thanks." you reply. You walked away from the calander and Twilight follows you over to one of the tables and took your seats. For a few minutes, you and Twilight just said nothing. There was only awkward silence between the two of you until you broke the silence. "S-So, umm, what did you want to talk about?" "Umm, well you see... umm, do you remember the day when I transferred to Canterlot High after the Friendship Games ended and Principal Cinch got fired?" "Yeah, of course. How could I not remember that day?" "Well, back in my senior year of high school there, when I first became your partner in science class, I've sort of grew a little fond about you. But only as a friend at first." "That's understandable. Though, I wasn't like the other guys back in high school. I guess you could say I was a little bit too shy to talk to anyone I could relate to." "I know that feeling. Being an outcast isn't all that fun. Especially if you studied at Crystal Prep. Nobody seemed to like having me around and I felt so left out. But the day when I transferred to Canterlot High made me so happy that I even made some new friends, including you." "Aww, come on, Twilight, you're gonna make me blush." you turned away, smiling and blushing. Twilight giggles and says, "Too late for that." You laughed when she said that. Mrs. Cake finally came by and brought over your meals. "Enjoy, you two." Mrs. Cake says. "Thanks." You and Twilight reply. Your stomachs began to growl and that was your cues to bite into your muffins, savoring the sweet taste. "De-lish." you say, after gulping down your bite. "You said it." Twilight replies. You two then took a few sips from your drinks before Twilight continues speaking, "Anyways, I've kinda been meaning to ask you this. Umm... is there... anyone special in your life that you developed these special feelings for them?" She blushes when she asks that. "Umm... well... if I tell you, you won't get mad, right?" you ask, blushing. Twilight shakes her head left and right and you let out a sigh. "Okay, here it is." You pause for a second and look directly into Twilight's lavender eyes and say, "Twilight, I've had this crush on you for quite some time." Twilight gasps in surprise with her face blushing even more. "R-Really?" she asks. "Y-Yeah. You're one of the most smartest girls I've ever met, not to mention, the cutest. Sometimes, when I look at you, I can't stop thinking about how great our lives would be as a couple. But I never really pursued it because I didn't think I was your type." "Aww, that's so sweet of you. Well, if I'm going to be honest with myself, I've had a bit of a crush on you, too, ever since we were partners in science class. I didn't pursue my feelings either because I thought you were already with someone more... prettier than me..." Twilight looked down towards her knees, feeling a little bummed out since she wasn't like all the other girls back in Canterlot High. "What? That's ridiculous! Twilight, though there are a lot of girls out there who look and act different, I've always had my eyes on you. The only thing I wanted in a girlfriend is one who's smart, cute and very pretty, which is exactly what you are." "Aww, that's so sweet of you. Then, I guess I have one last question to ask you." Twilight pauses and leans in close to you before asking, "Will you be my boyfriend?" You smiled and gave her a kiss on the lips. She gasped and held the kiss with you until you broke it 10 seconds later and replied, "I'd be honored to have you as my girlfriend." With nothing more to say, the two of you enjoyed your breakfast at Sugar Cube Corner, making plans on what you two wanted to do next. Later on at around noon, you and Twilight made plans to visit this new amusement park called Canterlotland which had opened up about a week ago. You both explained to your parents that you both of you were going to be out and having fun with each other. Your parents told you to be safe when coming back while Twilight's parents said to make sure not to come back before it gets too dark. With everything sorted out, you and Twilight walked around the city, trying to find the theme park. Twilight gets a little curious and asks you. "Say, how come you don't have a car?" "Well, I'd get a car, but I don't have a license yet. All I have in this big fat wallet of mine is my ID and my graduation money, but I'm planning on applying for a driver's license soon and maybe save up for a brand new car, but that's going to take a little longer. But for now, I could use the exercise." "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's always nice to breathe in the fresh air." "No doubt about it." Twilight giggles and leans into you. You placed your arm around her and gave her arm a gentle rub. She purred and giggled at how you made her feel safe and secure. You shook your head with a smile and continued to walk for another 7 minutes before reaching the theme park. You and Twilight gasped at how big it was. The whole place had a few rollercoasters, snack stands, a waterslide and many other things. Twilight couldn't stop smiling. You guided her with you to the ticket booth and paid for the 1-day special before walking inside the park. "This is amazing! I don't know where to start!" Twilight says in excitement. "Hmm, I think I do." you say, looking at the biggest roller coaster. Twilight looked in surprise, but shrugged it off and latched onto your arm. "Well, if you want to ride it, then I'm up for it." You smiled at Twilight and took her by the hand and ran over to the line leading to the biggest roller coaster in the park, known as the Turbo Thrust. The line was fairly short and gave you and Twilight plenty of time to scan the park as you were waiting your turns. It felt nice to hear the sounds of people shouting with joy and kids laughing and having a good time. But what made it all even more special was having your new girlfriend with you to enjoy it all. Finally, it was time for you and Twilight to get on the roller coaster and sat in the front row. The two of you put on the safety bar to keep you two from falling out of the coaster. You both waited for other people to climb in and also put on their safety bars and finally felt the ride take off. "Ooh, this is gonna be great!" you say, excited. In the first few seconds, the coaster went on a little slow until it reached the ramp and Twilight was getting a bit scared and she clenched your hand tightly and she closed her eyes tightly, whimpering almost inaudible. Finally the roller coaster came down, moving at a faster pace and everyone began shouting with joy. Out of all the people, you could swear that Twilight screamed the loudest. You could feel the roller coaster moving left and right and make that one loop-de-loop. No matter how hard she tried, Twilight wanted to cling to you, but the safety bar prevented her from doing so. You reached as far as you could and rubbed her arm, letting her know you're right there beside her. She opens up her eyes and smiles at you. Moments later, the roller coaster came to a stop and you and Twilight climbed out. "You okay, Twilight?" you ask her, giving her a side hug. "I...I'm alright. I just feel like I need to stay away from the big roller coasters." she replies. "So, can we try some of the other rides here?" "Sure, and this time, you can pick." "Aww, thank you." You and Twilight walked away from the roller coaster and strolled around the amusement park trying to find some other rides to go one. The day went smoothly after about 15 rides. But it wasn't until later on that you had won a prize for Twilight after dunking someone in a tank filled with cold water. It was a good thing you took baseball in high school and those pitches paid off. At 3:00 P.M, you walked Twilight back to her house. "Thanks for taking me out. I had a great time." Twilight says. "It was no problem. I'm glad you had fun." you reply. "Well, I'd better get home." But just as you turned around to walk back to your house "Wait, hang on a second!" she shouted. "Hmm? What is it?" You waited for her to answer, but all she did was walk up to you and looked at you with those lavender eyes of hers and then she leaned up and kissed you on the lips. You kissed her back. "Thanks for the date." she says. "Anytime, Twilight. Anytime." you reply, hugging her. She hugs you back for a moment until you two let go and she walks inside her house and waves at you. You wave back at her before you began your walk back home and Twilight closes the front door. "Who knew I'd end up with a girl as "a-dork-able" as Twilight and actually take her out on a date? I guess my luck is starting to get better." you say to yourself. > Getting To Know The Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later on that night, you stayed in your room, playing GTA Online with your pals. It was one of your favorite things to do when you needed some time to yourself and who would blame you, the trip to that amusement park really drained you, but not enough to enjoy a little gaming night. You didn't have a mic to speak to the other players, so you just resorted to messaging them. While on one of your heists, you wondered what Twilight's parents might think. You're pretty sure that her parents already knew you were her former science partner, but they probably don't know that you're Twilight's new boyfriend and you didn't want to be in one of those "overprotective daddy issues" moments. You knew that stuff liked that happens in some movies and sometimes in real life, but honestly, to you it can get a little bit annoying now and then. The only thing you could do was hope that her parents would welcome you with open arms one of these days. Your parents have always loved and supported you throughout the past 18 years of your life thanks to all the time and dedication. With that last thought, you got your head back in the game, blasting CPU enemy Merryweather soldiers with your signature special carbine and rocket launcher. "Hey son!" your dad called out. "Yeah dad? Whatcha need?" you called out. "Come into the living room, your mom and I want to talk to you." "Okay." You felt disappointed about not finishing the heist, but if it was important, you had no choice but to put your PS4 into rest mode and hope to succeed another day. You turned off your TV and the light in your room as you walked out and headed into the living room where your mom and dad were waiting. They didn't look mad or disappointed, but with their straight faces, you knew something was up. "Have a seat, son." your dad said. He patted the spot on the couch between him and your mom. You sat down where he wanted you to. "So, am I in trouble? What's going on?" you ask. "No, you're not in trouble son. In fact, your mom and I have been talking and we were just curious." "About what?" you ask. "We've heard that you found yourself a girlfriend, is that not right?" your mom asks. "Yeah, her name's Twilight. We use to be partners in science class." "That's nice. Have you ever met her folks?" your dad asks. "No, but Twilight would always tell her parents about me. I guess, from what she tells me, they're joyed about their shy little daughter making new friends. But..." "What is it, sweetie?" your mom asks. "I think they were probably just talking about the girls that Twilight hangs out with. You know, the ones that played in this band called the... what was it again? Oh yeah, I remember, the "Rainbooms." "That's nice. So they only know the "lab partner" she always studied with?" your dad asks. "Yeah." "Well, maybe they can get to know you more. Believe it or not, your father and I thought about it and we were planning on inviting your girlfriend, Twilight over and her parents for dinner. We talked it over with them and thought that we could all enjoy a family dinner this Saturday." your mom explains. "What?! How did you even contact her parents?" you ask. "Well, Twilight's father and I are co-workers for a real estate agency. So, naturally, anytime he and I ever need some time to enjoy a few drinks, I just give him a call. But not this time. I've called him and ask if we could get together at our house for a special dinner. Naturally, he agreed." your dad explains. "Wait, so 1 or 2 weeks on the weekend, you've been going bowling and drinking with Twilight's dad? I thought you were always out and about all alone, or maybe with your boss." you say. "Nah, my boss never has the time to drink with me or any of the other co-workers. Not at his age. He barely even has time to spend with his grandchildren. But as I was saying, make sure you're dressed and ready for Saturday night if you want to impress your girlfriend's parents." your dad says. "Uhh, right. Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep that in mind." "Good. Well, I think that's about all we needed to tell you about. You can go on ahead and play your games or watch TV or whatever it was you were doing." your mom says. You nod and give her and your dad a hug before getting off the couch and walked towards the hallway. But then, "Oh, and one more thing, sweetie," your mom calls out, making you turn around. "Be sure not to get your girlfriend pregnant too early." You immediately dropped to the floor with your legs hanging upwards. "Mom, come on! Don't go bringing me up stuff like that, I'm not one of those guys who treats girls like one night stands!" you shout out in embarrassment with your cheeks blushing rose red. Your mom giggled. "I know sweetie, I was just teasing you." 'And how often does THAT happen? I keep losing count!' you thought to yourself sarcastically. You got back up on your feet and brushed yourself off. Afterwards, you went back into your room and turned your game system back on, ready for another online gaming session. But you still couldn't believe that your dad called Twilight's family over for dinner. You were in hot water now, and from the situation you're in, you'll have to dress to impress, especially if it's with Twilight's mother and father and whoever else is in her family. What's even worse, the only thing you have in your closet that even slightly nice to wear is your short sleeved button up shirt. But somehow, it'd look good with some of your nice blue jeans you had hanging inside your closet. You shook your head to stop worrying a bit and get back to what you started earlier, heading into the GTA Online server with your friends again. The next day, you slept in after going to bed late last night. When the sun shined through your window, you groaned, tossing and turning to get a few more minutes of sleep. Last night's online gaming was a real pain in the neck after some of your teammates kept getting slaughtered. It took you and your team a total of 10 tries before you finally completed a heist and went to bed at 2 A.M. 'Ugh, I get that they're trying, but next time, I need to work with pros who can at least live when getting capped or try to convince my team to use heavy combat suits.' you thought. You looked at your nightstand and your alarm clock read 11:45 A.M in the morning. It sucked that you had to miss breakfast and skip straight to lunch, but you still had some leftover cash from yesterday. You got out of bed and stretched your body, yawning. You could already feel your throat all dry. You walked out of your room and down the hallway towards the kitchen. There was a water dispenser that gave out fresh, filtered water and that was better than tap water. You took a cup from one of the cupboards and placed it under the dispenser and pushed down on the lever. After that, you drank out of your cup and headed back into your room. You picked out some nice clean clothes and walked into the bathroom. There, you stripped yourself of your sweats and boxer briefs, but you didn't wear any shirts when you slept throughout the night. You turned on the shower and stepped inside when it was warm enough and started washing off your body. But this time, you washed yourself a bit slower than usual. The feeling of the shower beating down on you stopped making you worry and helped you think more clearly. Yes, tonight was a dinner night with Twilight and her parents, but earlier it felt like you were treating it like some job interview. Though, it was important to show her parents you really care and you were serious about being Twilight's boyfriend. At the same time, you didn't want to get too serious and scare them off. Like most parents, they don't like seeing their beloved children getting hurt. Whether it was physically, mentally or socially, no parent likes to see their children hurt, no matter the excuse. In order to make sure, you made a vow to yourself that when dinnertime comes around and Twilight and her family show up, you'd be on your best behavior and be truthful. With that last thought, you picked up the pace, washing down every inch of your body before rinsing off and turning off the shower. You stepped out and dried yourself off with the towel. You hung your towel back on the rack and put your clothes on before walking out of the bathroom and into your room. 6 hours went by and it was easy to pass the time thanks to all the old video games you like to play. Anytime you got bored with online gaming, it always felt good to play solo on your older Playstation systems and not have to deal with all those sore losers online. Right now, you were playing Crash Bandicoot: Warped. You were on the 3rd boss battle with two of your Aku Aku masks still going strong. But then, "Come here, son! Our guests are here." your dad called out. You paused your game and walked out of your room and into the living room. You saw Twilight and her parents, along with this other guy who looked a couple of years older than her. From the look on her parents' faces, they were curious of you. You introduced yourself to Twilight's parents and shook their hands. "...it's very nice to meet you." you say. "Well, nice to meet you, too, young man. My name is Night Light. I'm your father's old colleague and co-worker, of course, he's probably already told you." Night says. "I'm pleased to meet you, as well. My name's Twilight Velvet, I'm Twilight Sparkle's mother." Velvet says. "And I'm Shining Armor. Twilight Sparkle's my little sister." Shining says. He then gets a look at you and says, "Hmm, so from what I've heard from home and back at Crystal Prep, you're Twily's former lab partner and supposedly her new boyfriend?" "Yeah. Also, I didn't know she had an older brother. Nice to meet you." you say. "Right back atcha. At least with you, I'm more comfortable for my little Twily to hang out with." "Huh?" you ask. You were confused why he was so comfortable with you dating his sister. "Well, I'm sure you all have a lot to talk about, but why don't we discuss it at the dinner table. I've prepared a special kind of dinner for all of us." your mom says. Everyone, including you, nodded and went over to the table where a fantastic spread was prepared for everyone. You could feel your stomach growling and wanted to dig in already, but like any good host, you controlled yourself and sat down. Your girlfriend, Twilight, sat down next to you and signalled you to come closer to her. You did as you were asked. "Your parents are really nice people. I didn't know my dad worked with your dad." Twilight whispered. "Neither did I. All I know is that my dad works with an old colleague of his." you whisper back. "But, what did your brother mean when he said he was comfortable with me dating you?" "Oh, well you see, there were these two other guys in high school that sort of had a crush on me, one of them being this guy named Flash Sentry, which Shining Armor hated, and Timber Spruce, which was during my trip to Camp Everfree because Timber was an adult and I was still a minor. Shining Armor and my parents didn't want me dating guys who were adults. As for Flash, I didn't really see him that way." "Wow, I had no idea. I just hope I don't get on your parents' bad sides. I know your brother's okay with me, but I don't want to piss him off." "You won't. I've told him to not hurt you." Seeing the reassurance in her eyes made you nod and peck Twilight on the cheek. She giggles and the two of you grab the food from the middle of the table and onto your plates. Everyone else began eating and chatting away with the usual grown up stuff, talking about business and vacation ideas and just plain silly arguement they have with other people in their lives. 5 minutes went by and you were on your 2nd plate of food. At that moment, the subject about you and Twilight dating had just come up. "Who knew Twilight's lab partner would actually be her brand new sweetheart. I always knew she'd find the right guy to call her own." Velvet says. "Of course, normally, we've been a bit overprotective and picky about the boys who would always come after her and that sort of bugged me." Night says. "I can understand where you're coming from. Believe it or not, I've been a little too worried with my son when he was still in high school. I would always get worried about him being taken advantage of him because he would always be so kind, but that never happened to him. He would always keep telling us about that one friend who always made him smile at the end of the day." your mom says. "And that one friend is the very same girl sitting right next to him. It came to a shock to the both of us when he told us he was dating your daughter." your dad says. "We were a bit skeptical at first, but from what our daughter tells us, your son is one of a kind. Twilight told us that your son treated her out to breakfast at Sugar Cube Corner and even took her out to that amusement park that's been attracting huge crowds." Night Light says. "And as for you, young man," Velvet say to you. You gave her your full attention. "Thank you for taking good care of our daughter and making her happy." "You're very welcome, Mrs. Velvet." you say. "Aww, no need to be formal. You can just call me Velvet." "And you can call me Night." "Right. Okay then." "Well, why don't you tell us about yourself? Twilight's told us about your little date and your two being lab partners, but we want to know more." Shining asks. "Well, every now and then, I enjoy a few nostalgic moments, watching these old childhood movies in my room and playing old games. It's a hobby of mine. I'm sort of old-fashioned when it comes to music, so I listen to these old love songs my parents love to listen to. Aside from those things, all my life, I've had this stubborn habit with standing up to bullies whenever they keep picking on these other kids. But, I never had any friends to talk to or anyone to socialize with because I was "too spoiled." you explain. "We went through a wild phase when he was in middle school. His mom and I have been putting in some overtime in order to receive more income. Because of that, we had to hire a babysitter to watch over him, and he was always upset he never got to see us that much." your dad says. "Aww, that's so sad. Are you pulling through okay now?" Velvet asks. "Of course. We've managed to make time for him, even though work is tough. But we could never bare the thought of not spending enough quality time with our son. But now that's he's grown into a fine young man, he's always been out and about these days." your mom says. "I know my mom and dad work hard, but that's just how life goes." you say. "Hey, maybe someday I could introduce you to my sister-in-law and my niece. And my dog, Spike. I'm sure they'd love to meet you." Twilight says, putting her hand over yours. "Aww, thanks, Twilight." "You're welcome. Now how about we finish eating." "You took the words right out of my mouth." you say. Everyone else agreed and resumed eating. 10 minutes later, everything on the table was now completely tucked away inside everyone's stomachs and you kept patting your stomach from eating three whole plates of food. "Woo, I'm stuffed. Thanks for the dinner, it was delicious." Shining says. "Yes, thank you for inviting us. We had a great time." Velvet says. "We should do this again sometimes. Only next time, we'll invite you over for dinner." Night says. "We're glad you enjoyed it. And we look forward to that day." your mom says. You, Twilight and everyone else got out of your chairs and walked to the front door and you opened it, letting your guests out and saying your good-byes. Twilight lean in and kissed you on the lips and took out a piece of paper and wrote what looked like her phone number. She gives it to you before head over to the car with her family and drove back home. Afterwards, you placed the paper inside your pocket and headed back inside the house to help your parents clean up the mess in the dining room. > A Night To Remember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You and Twilight have been dating for 3 months. During those times, you found yourself a job at a pizza parlor and Twilight worked alongside with you, but she was bumped up to assistant manager a lot quicker than you thought, but you didn't worry about it. She was always one to step up her game, which helped her bring in more customers and have the boss get on her good side. But she thought she couldn't have done it without your help, which was nonsense, because despite how difficult it was, she proved to be a strong and independant woman. You told her this and this ended up landing you behind the pizza parlor with her in a full-blown make-out session. When you two weren't working, you'd always text or call each other on the weekdays, but on the weekends, you sometimes play your games at your house or go out with Twilight to the movies or for a little stroll around the park and talk about random stuff or tell jokes. You had a pretty good sense of humor and Twilight loved to have a good, decent laugh every once in a while. Tonight, Twilight invited you over to watch a scary movie with her. It was on a late Saturday night and Shining was out with his wife, Cadance. But you didn't know what Twilight's parents were up to, that is, until you and Twilight found a note on the fridge saying they went out of town to celebrate their wedding anniversary and will be back late on Sunday night. Luckily, they had the courtesy of leaving $20 on the fridge for you and Twilight to buy a pizza while they were away and you figured now might be the time to enjoy a late night movie. Twilight had recently bought this remake version of the older movie Poltergeist, which has been out for quite a while. She wanted to see if it was at least a bit scarrier than the original. As of right now, you took out your cell phone and dialed the number for the pizza place. Twilight went to the living room and put in the DVD. Once it was in, she skipped the other movie trailers and went straight to the disc menu while you placed your order for a large pizza with a 2 liter soft drink. And of course, you gave them the address to deliver the food. "...Okay, then your order comes to a total of $15 and will this be cash or credit?" the guy asks over the phone. "Cash." you reply. "Alright, we'll be there in 20 minutes and thank you for calling." "Cool, thanks." You hung up and walked over to the living room and sat on the couch where Twilight was sitting, letting out a sigh of relief. "Now we wait." you say. "Great. Now I can start the movie." she replies. Twilight pressed the play button and leaned herself onto your arm, cuddling close to you as the movie started. You chuckled and stroked her hair and gave her a peck on the cheek, making her giggle. "You're such a sweetheart." "I can't help it if you're a cute little bookworm." you retort. She giggles again. But then she jumps out of shock and surprise from the sudden loud toppling of toy clowns in the movie. You also jumped and placed your hand over your heart, catching your breath. "Shit, that scared the crap outta me." "Ghosts, I can handle, but clowns? Definitely not! Forgive me if I sound insensitive, but I don't care if they're toy clowns, they freak me out, period!" "That, we both can agree on." As the minutes went by and jumpscares kept happening, the two of you were a bit on edge, but you kept your eyes locked on the TV, not looking away. Your legs were quivering just like Twilights. Suddenly, you both jumped from the sound of the door knocking. You placed your hand over your heart. "Who is it, the pizza guy?" Twilight asked. You checked your phone for the time and then nodded.\ "Yup, wait right here." you reply. You got up from the couch and Twilight paused the movie so she wouldn't get scared without you. You opened the door and revealed the pizza guy. He gives you the pizza and the soda and you pay him the $20 Twilight's parents loaned you two. He stuffs the bill in his pocket and gives you the receipt and the $5 change before walking back to the car and driving off. You closed the door and brought the pizza and soda with you. "Oh, here, let me get us some plates!" Twilight says. She got out of the chair and ran to the kitchen and grabbed to plates and handed one to you. You grabbed it and took two slices of pizza. Twilight also hands you a cup and grabs one herself. You poured soda inside her cup and then you filled up your cup before bringing your food to the living room and continued the movie. "So, tell me, do you like horror movies?" Twilight asks. "Sort of. I'm sort of a Stephen King fan so I watch movies like Thinner, Children of the Corn, IT, and The Shining, but I'm not too keen with them movie Cujo." you reply. "Why's that?" "Because in the end of the movie, Cujo, the dog, dies. Anytime those Hollywood people make movies that kill off dogs, they automatically piss me off." "I understand. Nobody likes seeing domesticated animals die, but it's all just staged. No animals are ever harmed when shooting the movies." "I can't argue with you there, but I still say they should lay off stuff like that. If I ever worked in the movie business, I'm gonna make sure I make it clear to not make any dog death scenes." "If you did, you wouldn't assault anybody, would you?" "No, of course not, I just tell them "hey, here's my #1 rule: no dog death scenes." And that's it." "Good for y--" before Twilight could finish her sentence, the clown in the movie tackled the little boy and cackled, making Twilight scream a bit. "Holy shit!" you shouted. Twilight covered her face in your chest. You held her close and rocked her left and right, shushing her and calming her nerves. "Fucking hell, I hate clowns." "That's it!" Twilight summed up a little courage and grabbed the DVD remote and turned off the DVD player and went to turn off the TV. "Let me guess, you're gonna wait until the sun's up before you finish the movie?" you ask. "Yeah. Come on, we can take the food up to my room and... well... maybe we'll do something else." she says, turning away, blushing rose red. You were curious of her acting like this all of a sudden, but you shrugged it off and took your food and drink with you upstairs, following Twilight to her room. She opens the door to her room and the two of you walk inside before she heads back downstairs. She soon returns with the pizza and the soda and sets them down on top of one of her dressers next to her bed. "Alright, so now what do we do? Watch a different movie?" "Sure, I was even thinking about watching this one." Twilight pulled out the movie Aladdin. "Oh, you like that movie?" "Yeah, I love the Genie. He's so funny and random. He kinda reminds me of Pinkie Pie." "That's true. But I just wish his voice actor didn't commit suicide. May he rest in peace." "Yeah, that was the worst event to ever happen. But even though he's gone, I still watch this movie as a reminder of how much he made my childhood so bright." "Well then, let's pop that little disc into the DVD player. I could use a good laugh." Twilight giggles at your enthusiasm and takes the movie with her and puts it inside her DVD player and turns on the TV before taking her seat on the edge of the bed. You sat down next to her before giving her the plate of pizza and her drink. You grabbed yours shortly afterwards and relaxed, watching one of your favorite movies that made you laugh so much even to this day. After the movie had ended, the pizza box and the soda bottle was finally empty and you and Twilight finally had your fill for the night. You pat your stomach and sighed in relief. "Woo, I'm stuffed." you say. "Me too. I don't think I can eat another bi- *uurp*" she burps at the end. She blushes and covers her mouth and you lifted your head up with your eyes widened. "Damn, Twilight. Nice one." you say in surprise. "Sorry. It came out of nowhere." "Hey, better out than in I always say." hearing those words made Twilight quirk an eyebrow at you before laughing out loud with you, causing the two of you to fall backwards onto Twilight's bed. When you two finally stopped, you looked at each other with smiles on your faces. "Thanks for coming over. I had a really great time." she says genuinely. "I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't been your lab partner back in high school. You're just so much more understanding than just about any other boys." "Aww, come on, Twilight. You're gonna make me blush. Besides, I could actually say that you're more understanding than most of the girls I've met in school. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." "And I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. Thanks for giving me a chance." "Thank you, too." You and Twilight sat back up and moved closer to the center of the bed, sitting on your knees. Your faces got closer and closer until you finally connected your lips with hers. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms gently around her, while at the same time, she wraps her arms around your neck. You and Twilight have kissed before, but this time, it felt much more different. Her tongues tries to get past your teeth, begging to explore your mouth. You grant her permission and explored her mouth with your tongue as well. She moaned softly and pulls you closer to her until she loses her balance and falls backwards, landing on her pillow. You kept tongue wrestling Twilight. She starts moaning a bit louder, and you felt a slight wetness coming from your knee. You realized that her panties were soaking wet and your knee was pressed against them. You could feel your pants get tighter and had a noticable bulge coming from your crotch. Twilight pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily, trying to catch her breath. "You're getting turned on from this, aren't you?" she asked seductively. "It's hard to resist a cute little egghead like you." you retort in the same tone. She lets out a cute, girly giggle and gives you a seductive look. "Then, how about we make it more interesting?" Twilight starts unbuttoning her shirt and takes it off, along with her white blouse, leaving only her dark purple bra to cover up her beautiful C-Cup breasts and then reaches down to take off her skirt and pulls it off. Underneath her skirt were matching dark purple panties that were a little soaked from her pussy lips. You felt your jaw drop so low, it felt like it broke through the bed and floor as you gazed at the naked lavender cutie in front of your eyes. Almost immediately, you grabbed the bottom of your shirt and took it off. You weren't exactly a body builder, but your physical appearence was fairly good. You then reached down and unbutton your pants and pulled them off and tossed them and your shirt on the floor. Twilight decides to sweep her clothes off her bed and onto the floor as well and stares at you with her half-lidded eyes. "T-Twilight, you look beautiful." you say, blushing. "Thank you. But, I'm still kind of ashamed of myself." Twilight says, blushing and looking down. "Why? What's the matter?" "Well, for one thing, my breasts aren't that big. I understand if you don't like my size." "Twilight, maybe you don't know me, but I don't care how big or small your breasts are. And besides, I think they're just the right size. Not too big, not too small. So never doubt yourself because of what I think about you, because I love you with all my heart, Twilight." you say whole-heartedly. She gasps and lunges in, giving you a hug. As she was hugging you, you remembered what your dad said about a woman's heart being both a fickle and fragile thing. You knew very well not take Twilight's heart lightly and you made a vow to never take her lightly, ever. With nothing else more to say, you pulled away from the hug and laid down on your back with Twilight on top of you. "I love you, Twilight." you say with a smile. You gently caressed her cheek. She blushes and leans her cheek more into the palm of your hand. "I love you, too." she replies, genuinely. She gives you a peck on the lips before sitting back up and reached behind her back, unclipping her bra and let it fall. Now there was nothing keeping her breasts imprisoned and you couldn't stop staring at how beautiful she looks. Twilight then reaches the back of her head and releases her hair from its bun prison and lets it hang loose. A few strands of her hair droop over her shoulders and she lets out a sigh of relief before looking down at you. You blushed at the sight of how even more beautiful she looks. A familiar feeling from down below starts making itself known to you and Twilight. She could feel your boxer-covered cock pressing against her soaking wet panties where her womanhood was and she moaned slightly. She turns around and presents her cute lavender booty in front of your face as she looks down at the tent in your boxers. She takes them off watches your cock spring free and boop her in the nose. She giggles adorably. "It's so hard and so big like a big, meaty sausage. I think I'll give this bad boy a taste." she says seductively. She opens her mouth and starts licking the lip of your cock. "O-O-O-O-Oh, holy shit! That feels good!" you moan. Your eyes locked onto where her dripping vulva was and licked your lips hungerly. 'But I got a feeling she might taste good.' you thought. Feeling bold, you pulled her panties down until you could see her dripping pussy. She was dripping wet and without a moment to spare, you leaned in and started licking her pussy lips. Twilight moaned as she kept sucking on the tip of your cock. She wanted more than just the tip so she dove in deeper, fitting your whole shaft inside her mouth. You dove your tongue inside her pussy and slurped up her sweet love juices. It felt so good to her that she swayed her butt left and right as she was still bobbing her head up and down on your rock hard, meaty sausage. Sometimes, she never really cared much about eating meat, but the feeling and the taste of your cock was a different story. As for you, you always wondered why people loved sweet stuff. But from the moment your taste buds were touched by Twilight's pussy juices, you understood why. You also gave her butt cheeks a few good squeezes and a few gentle rubs. You and Twilight kept moaning as you were eating each other out. You and her could feel the vibrations throughout both of your entire bodies. For a few minutes the two of you spent your time eating each other out until you both stopped before you both could reach your climax. Twilight climbs off of you and lays down on her pillow. You crawl over to her and lay down next to her, panting with her. "You tasted so good. A little salty, but still good." Twilight says. "And you've got a pretty sweet taste yourself." you reply. You kissed her on the cheek, making her giggle. "You know, I can't believe that out of all the guys back at school, I ended up being with you. Even my family likes you enough to call you their 2nd son." "Hey, trust me, ever since we've been dating, my mom and dad always thought of you as the daughter they always wanted to call their own. Not only are you so kind and smart, but also because they love how you always seem to make me happy." "My parents say the same thing about you. Even my sister-in-law and my big brother. Anyways, I guess now's as good a time as any to say... I'm ready to go all the way." "Really?" "Yeah. But... please be gentle. It's my very first time." "It's my first time, too. I'll be as gentle as possible." You sat up and turned to the edge of the bed. Twilight looked up in confusion. But then she got the idea of what you wanted to try. She sits up and takes her panties off completely before crawling up to you and sits on your lap, facing you. She takes your shaft and guides it at her entrance. "W-Wait a second! I forgot to bring a condom!" you say in panic. "I'm on birth control. You don't have to be scared about getting me pregnant." she reassures you. The sultry look in her lavender eyes was enough to reassure she wasn't lying. You smiled at her and nodded, giving her the okay to keep going. Twilight sank further down and felt the tip of your cock touching her pussy lips and almost sinking inside her completely. She closed her eyes tightly and felt a little pain. She whimpered and held onto your shoulder for support until she sank completey down with your shaft buried deep inside her. She shouts in pain and clang onto you panting and had tears running down her eyes. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here." you whisper in her ear. "It hurts!" she sobs slightly. "Just take it easy, Twilight. Here, let me make you feel better." you leaned in and kissed her on the lips, catching her off guard and made her gasp. She melts away from your lips connecting with hers and you hug each other in a warm embrace until she felt the pain subside. You broke the kiss and looked down to where you saw small droplets of blood coming from her soaking pussy and you could feel her inner walls tighten around your shaft. You looked back at Twilight. "Does it still hurt or are you okay to move on your own?" "I... I'm ready." she says. Twilight lifts herself up a little bit and slowly descends downwards and repeats this process over and over until she feels comfortable and begins bouncing on your lap. You could feel your cock penetrating her deepest parts of her inner walls. She moans louder and louder as she keeps sinking your shaft deeper inside her lewd wet pussy. "Oh, fuck! Y-You're so big! I love it so much!" she moans. "You're so tight, Twilight!" you moan back. You buried your face into her chest, sucking on her nipples. "OH YES! Suck on them more! It feels so fucking good!" she shouts. You never heard her say something like that and you certainly never saw her act like this. But if this was how she was like in this passionate moment, you certainly loved what you saw. You brought one of your hands down towards her butt and gave it a smack. "OH YEAH! I've been a bad girl! Punish me more, my love!" She sounded way over the edge when she said that, but that just meant for fun to enjoy with her. You smacked het butt a few more times and made her bounce on your lap a little bit faster. You pulled away from her breast and gazed at her beautiful face. Her eyes were shot up and had her tongue hanging loose. Her moans got more throaty the more she kept riding you while you moaned and panted loudly. Twilight grabs both of your cheeks and makes pulls you in for a deep, passionate make-out session. Her hips start grinding on their own. You could feel your hips thrusting upwards on their own. You could feel the tip of your shaft press against the tip of Twilight's womb. Twilight was so aroused that she thrusted her tongue inside your mouth, moaning as loud as she possibly could. You thrusted your tongue inside her mouth, too. Your hands kept caressing every inch of her naked body as you both synchronized your hips together. You felt her breasts press against your bare chest and couldn't help but want to go all out on her. However, that fantasy of yours had to be kept under control since you would be gentle with Twilight until she felt like she was ready to be fucked hard. "I... I'm gonna cum soon! Hurry up and fuck me hard! I want you to fill me up!" she shouts, breaking the kiss. You grab her and switch the two of you into a doggy style position. Twilight was leaning over her bed and you standing behind her, ready to plunge your shaft deep inside her again. You slammed inside her over and over, panting and grunting like a wild animal. Twilight was moaning out loud like a wild animal in heat, enjoying the feeling of her love tunnel being rutted by your long and hard shaft. You gripped one of her breasts with one hand and used your other hand to play with her pussy and massaged her clit, driving her crazy. She kept moaning louder and louder. In the midst of your passionate love-making, her glasses fell off and her upper body gave out and went limp. The only thing keeping her lower body from collapsing was your grip on her and your powerful thrust. Thrust after thrust, your climax was getting closer. You lean in close to Twilight who was letting out her throaty moans, looking like she was getting close, too. You sped up your thrusts and put more power into them, grunting and panting like you were running out of energy. But you still kept on going and she never gave up either, despite the state her body is in. Finally, Twilight let out a scream and sprayed your crotch with her cum. Her love nectar landed below your feet and some drops landed on her bed sheets. That was enough to push you over the edge and you finally pumped every single drop of your hot seed inside her womb. You shouted in ecstacy, feeling your shaft throbbing and pumping more and more of your cum inside Twilight. Pretty soon, Twilight turned herself around to face you and you saw her slightly bulged up stomach. Her chest was moving up and down with every steady breath. She had nothing left inside her just as much as you did and felt completely satisfied. You pulled your cock out of her pussy and layed down on the bed with her, catching your breath. "You were... amazing." she panted. "So were you... cutie." you retort, panting. "I... I never knew how good sex could feel when you get use to it." "Sorry if I hurt you at first." "You didn't hurt me. You were gentle with me. But you know, I think I'll just take it slow and just keep going out like how we've been doing. If I ever feel like I want to feel you inside me again, maybe I'll give you call and see if we can try over at your parents house." "Sounds good to me, but it'll have to be when they're not at home. They like to go snooping in my room just because I keep the door locked. All I do is watch Netflix and play the PS4." "I believe you. And I think that sounds like a plan. But for now *yawn* I think I'll turn in for the night, I've never felt so tired in my life." Twilight crawled over to her pillow and pulled the covers over her body and snuggled her cute little head into her comfy pillow. "Alright, *yawn* I'll go ahead and find the blankets and head back downs-" "Wait! You know, you can sleep in my bed if you'd like. I've got plenty room." "Are you sure? What if your parents find out?" "It's okay. I'll sort things out with them so they won't give you too big a scolding. I can even convince my brother to cool off if he ever tries to blow his top off." "Heh, Twilight you amaze me." "And you've always had my heart." You chuckle and crawl over to her pillow and pulled the covers over you. You lay down on Twilight's pillow. You faced Twilight and hug her. "I love you, Twilight." you say. "I love you, too." she replies softly. She lets out a cute sigh and finally falls asleep. Your eyes grew heavy for a short while before you let out a sigh of relief yourself and drifted off into the dreamland.