> Trouble With Dimensional Travel > by Fatblack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The beginning of a new adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Book?” Starlight said reading off a list. “Check!” Twilight answered. “Apple?” Starlight read off. “Check!” Twilight said. “Mirror?” Starlight pointing to the mirror that leads to Sunsets world as she read of the item on the list. “Check!” Twilight said. “Are you two done yet?” Trixie said bored out of her mind. The blue unicorn was sitting down on one of the chairs that circled the cutie map. “Just about Trixie,” Starlight said. “Good! The sooner you're done the sooner we can get to the spa,” Trixie said. “Are you ready Twilight?” Starlight asked. Twilight nodded she then levitates over a paper off the Cutie map and in front of her. She read the spell carefully. Even though she and Starlight made it she wanted to make sure it didn't have any glaring mistakes. After one came out she focused her magic. Across from Twilight on the ground was a red apple. All three mares watched the apple. Soon the apple suddenly started to glow purple similar to Twilight's magic. Then it disappeared  suddenly. Twilight and Starlight immediately ran to the book they use to talk to Sunset.     They waited patiently. Nopony spoke. All of their attention was on the book. Time felt like it stretched as they waited. When they see the familiar light that appeared on the book they went reading the message they were receiving form Sunset.     “It work!” Twilight and Starlight said excitedly after they read the message from Sunset. Starlight and Twilight rushed over to the mirror that would lead to Sunsets world. Soon the Apple they had sent over came barreling out. Twilight levitated the apple with her magic and inspected it. “The spell worked!!” Twilight exlamed jumping up and down excitedly. Starlight joined in tthe celebratoin. While the two mares celebrated their success and months of hard work Trixie couldn't help but think of the potential of the spell. How she could use it in her performance. All the specticales she could do. “One test down two more to go,” Starlight said. She then turned to around to the cutie map. She looked at the other two objects that she had placed earlier. A clear plastic box with a cricket inside, and lastly one of spikes jem. She levitates over the gem. She then reads the spell and proceeds to cast it. Just like the apple before the jem Started to glow in a light similar to Starlights magic aura. Then it disappeared in  a matter of a second.  Then just like before with the apple the jem cam out of the portal a short time later. Twilight retrieved the jem and sat it back onto the table next to the clear box with the kricket in it. Twilight then took the box with the kricket. She then retrieved the spell her and Starlight use to teleport objects to a different world. She read through it quickly. When she was done she placed it onto the cutie map. Twilight then went using the spell on the box with a cricket. The box disappeared just like the previous objects it teleported as well. After a couple of minutes the plastic box returned to the group through the mirror. It landed on the ground. Starlight and Twilight quickly rushed over to the box and was overjoyed to see the cricket is actually still alive and jumping. “Did the cricket survive?” Trixie asked from the cutie map. Starlight didn't even turn around to answer Trixie. “Yep! Maybe a little startled but yes it's alive!” “So does that mean that other things could survive?” Trixie asked. “Maybe, but we would need to do more test to make sure,” Starlight answered. “That's all Trixie needed to hear” “Why?” Twilight said as she and Starlight both turned around to face Trixie. When they turned around they were shocked to see Trixie standing away from the cutie map reading the spell they just been testing. The thing that surprised them the most was Trixie's horn was glowing brightly with magic. Then to top it all Trixie disappeared like she would at the end of  one of her magic acts. Starlight ran to the spot where Trixie had previously stood. She Looked around in almost disbelief as to what just happen. She then ran to the book used to talk to Sunset. She frantically wrote down her message to Sunset.  She sunk to the ground when Sunset responded. “What did Sunset say? Did Trixie teleport over to their?” Twilight asked. Starlight shook her head left and right. “They haven't seen her,” Starlight said. “What was she thinking? She could be anywhere,” she said. “We dont know what universe or world she would of gone to or if she is now lost on sunsets world.” “Don't worry Starlight. Maybe she will just appear sooner or later.” twilight said. “I don't know Twilight, we don't know where she gone?” Starlight said. “Here how about we give it a day, if she not back or have messaged use we will go look for her.” Twilight said. Starlight was quite for a minute before letting out a sigh. “ Okay, I bet she probably just ended up somewhere in Equestria,” Starlight said. -----     It has now been twenty four hours since Trixie has teleported. Starlight not getting a wink of sleep worrying over her friend.     “Twilight I think we need to go find Trixie!” Starlight said very worried. “well we can go find Trixie all we need to do is use a spell that would track where ever she is at and then bring her back. Starlight brighten up hearing this.  “Of course let's get started we don't know where Trixie is at so the sooner we find her the sooner we get her back,” Starlight said. The two unicorns then left the room heading to the castle's library to find the needed spell. It didn't take long to find the spell needed. But after they found it Twilight had a Idea. “You know we should go get the girls since we don't know what we are going into and we might need all the help we can get.” Twilight said. “Also we should have sompony stay just in case we need help,” Starlight added to Twilights idea. “What if we get spike to be the one for if we need help,” she said. “That could work. Okay I will go get the girls and you go fill in spike of what we need him to do,” Twilight said. Starlight nodded and both mares left to go do what they needed to do. ---- Starlight stood in front of Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike. They were all listening to Starlight as she told them the plan. “So Twilight is going out cast the spell to track where ever Trixie has teleported to.” Starlight said as she paced back and forth. “Then after we know where she teleported Twilight will then use mine and Twilight's spell to teleport use to wherever Trixie is at. While Spike will stay here and if we aren't back in one hour he will go get help. Hopefully we won't be gone that long.” Starlight then stopped pacing and turned to her friends. “Any Questions?” Spike’s hand shot up immediately, “Umm… who should I go ask for help?” “Princess Celestia or anypony who could teleport to help use,” Starlight answered. “Why do you need all of use to go? If Trixie teleported wouldn't she just be somewhere in Equestria? Also couldn't Trixie teleport back here?” Rainbow asked. “Trixie could but she hasn't. Also with the knew spell me and Twilight created that Trixie used she could of ended up almost anywhere Starlight started to pace again. “She could be in equestria or in another dimension,” Starlight said as she stopped pacing. “Since we don't know what is going to happen we need as much help as we can get." After no more questions Starlight pulled out her and Twilight's spell along with the tracking spell and gave it to Spike “ Who ever you have help use give them these spells so they can help use,”  She said. After that they all the mares got into a circle. Twilight went casting the two need spells. They then disappeared. > New world > --------------------------------------------------------------------------   The first thing Twilight knew when she and her friends all reappeared in the new location is that where ever they where she couldn't see anything. Because when they teleported to where ever they are now they had all appeared a couple of feet in the air. Since gravity is still a around they all plummeted to the ground. The group all formed a pile with Twilight at the bottom of it.   Twilight tried to use her magic but not even a spark came out of her horn. “The spell must of taken more magic then I thought it did.” She thought. Twilight tried to get up but couldn't find the strength to even push herself up. She was forced to wait for everypony on top of her to get off.   Soon everypony on top of her started to get up. Twilight slowly able to see some of the area around her as her friends got off of her. First thing she noticed was the ground she sprawled on to. It's made out a cement. When more of her friends got off of her she started to see the building. Countless buildings all looked to be like homes. All of them monochromatic shades of gray. Every one of them was a few stories high. Each is wider than they are tall. “We got some trespassers!”Said a stern deep voice. Twilight had to turn around to see who spoke. She was alarmed to see Three earth pony stallions all of them having similar builds to Applejack's brother. The three of them were covered in thick, sturdy, black fabric. Along with a black helmet with a clear face guard.  This made them all the more intimidating as they galloped towards her and her friends. “Keep your hooves were we can see them!” Said one of the stallions running towards them. Another pony dressed similar to the other three came running into the area. Attached on his foreleg was a cylinder shaped object. He stopped when he was a few feet away. He raised his hoof that has the cylinder object attached. Twilight could just make out a rope that hung from the back part of the cylinder. The stallion grabbed the rope with his mouth. His head yanked back pulling the rope. Out the other end of the Cylinder came a large net flew out towards Twilight and her friends. Twilight and Rainbow Dash Both reacted quickly. Twilight tried to stop the net with her magic. Rainbow tried to fly and blow the net away with the wind generated from her wings. Surprisingly both failed. Twilight horn didn't even have magic aura surround it. Rainbow couldn't get of the ground as her wings flapped uselessly. The net landed onto Twilight and her friends. They struggled to get free of the net only succeeded in getting more tangled in it. “You're all under arrest!” one of the three guards said as they now surrounded the mares still struggling to get free of the net. “For what?” Rainbow asked. “Silence!” one of the other guards ordered. “Take them away,” he ordered. The rest of the guards grabbed onto  a few strategic points of the net and pulled. The net moved now surrounding mares entirely. The guards proceeded to walk while holding parts of the net dragging it behind them. Twilight and her friends helplessly trapped in the net forced to go where ever the stallions go. -----     “You know jail isn't to bad.” Pinkie saying her very unpopular opinion. “We got everything we need! We got a window with a wonderful view.” Pinkie said as she ran towards the barred window. All she could see was the empty jail yard. “ We got plenty of benches to sit on.” Pinkie points to each bench that all her friends sat on. “We also got a harmonica!” Pinkie then pulls out a harmonica she found and starts to play it. Everypony just let Pinkie Pie be Pinkie Pie while they all talked. “When are we going to get out of here? Every moment wasted here could of been time spent looking for Trixie.” Starlight said. “Don't worry sugarcube we haven't done anything wrong so we should be out of here soon,” Applejack said. “Well if we didn't do anything wrong why are we in here?” Rarity asked. “Maybe we teleported in a private area,” Fluttershy said. Suddenly the sound of a metal door opening followed by multiple hooves walking toward them could be heard. The three stallions came into view. Two of them had the same close as the guards. The other stallion wasn't he was a milk chocolate colored unicorn. He had cream colored mane styled wildy. He wore a gray buttoned up vest with white sleeves that went half way down his leg, along with a simple black tie. The stallion that had the vest had this strange look he was giving them. Almost like he was trying to understand what he was seeing. He turned to the guard on his right. “Can you open the door,” He said with a calm soft sophisticated voice. He the turned to the other guard. “Can you go fetch a pod I got a feeling I'm going to need it soon,” The guards got to their requested jobs. The one ran down the hallway and the other stayed and unlocked the jail cell. The Stallion didn't hesitate to walk in.     He walk to the center of the room and looked at all the mares in there.     “Hello,” he said.  “My name is Fix.” He added.     “Why were we arrested?” Rainbow Dash asked very loudly.     “Simple, we know you were not from around here.” Fix answered Rainbow Dash. “How do you know we aren't from around here?” Twilight asked. “I don't think we look much different from anypony for what I've seen.” She added. “Well if you were from around here you would already know why.” Fix said. “Okay so since you know we aren't from around here could we go now.” Starlight said. “Not yet. I need to know if all of you are friendly or dangerous?” Fix asked. “Look we don't want to hurt anypony we just came to find are friend that is all. So if you don't mind could you let us go so we can find her.” Starlight pleaded. “Let me guess this friend of yours talks in third person and is a blue unicorn,” Fix said in a cocky know it all tone. “Yes! You've seen Trixie! Is she alright.” Starlight said excitedly. “Yes I know Trixie and if you want to see if she is alright you can come see for yourself,” Fix said. “You just have to follow me.” Fix said. -----     The girls couldn't believe what they were riding in. When Fix led them outside of the jail there was a strange white egg shape object floating in the air. Along the middle of it was a inch wide silver line that went along the side. The guard from earlier stood beside it. As the group got closer he put his hoof on the egg shape object. from the top part of the line the top half broke into two equal parts. Each part went to the separate ends. A carpet like material rolled out like a curled tongue out of one's mouth. When it landed onto the ground it made itself into a set of stairs.     Starlight struggled to hide her fascination but she surprised it as she kept her sights on the Mayor who walked up the stairs and into the pod. “Come on don't you want to see your friend.” he said getting their attention. One by one they got on. Starlight was the first one on. When she got to the stairs she put a hesitant hoof onto the stairs and when it dont give under her weight she quickly went up the stairs into the pod. The others didn't show hesitation after Starlight was in. In side was cushions all around. The girls all got onto a cushion. Fix, who was sitting in the front, pushed a few buttons. After Fix pushed the buttons the two haves returned to their original position; sealing the occupants inside. It went pitch black for a few moments before it suddenly went bright. The top half of the pod was outside of the pod. Their view of outside was underwhelming to say the least. The buildings around them was similar to the ones they seen earlier when they arrived into this world. The few ponies they could see walking around all where guards with the same armor as the guards they dealt with earlier in the day. They only noticed they were moving when the images outside started to move. The pod moved fast but they couldn't feel it. They tried to see the images outside but the pod moved so fast it all looked like a blur. “So where is Trixie?” Starlight asked Fix. “She is staying at one of my mansions.” Fix answered. “One of your mansions, ponies listen to you and you own more than one mansion! What do you do?” Rarity asked coming into the conversation. “Well I'm the mayor of  this city, also i'm from a long line of inventors.” Fix said. “My great great great grandfather was actually the one that invented this vehicle where are in now.” Fix explained. “This is just one of many things that my family has invented to help everypony's life here.” “What other things have your family invented?” Twilight asked intrigue “So many things,I’ll have to show you all sometime, specially from what i've heard from Trixie most of these inventions would help fix a few issues that my world has solved.” Fix said he looked away from the bottom and looked towards Twilight. “Maybe when I'm showing you all the inventions my families made maybe you can explain to me what you're?” Fix asked. “Me?” Twilight asked pointing to herself. “Ya. I've never seen a pony that has a horn and wings before.” “You don't know what a alicorn is?” Twilight asked.     “Well considering that this is the first time I'm hearing about and seeing a Alicorn, yes I didnt even know about alicorns.” Fix said cockily. “I'm surprised that Trixie never mention anything about alicorns. Me and her have talked many times about the differences between are worlds.”     “What does he mean he and Trixie has talked many times about our worlds. She only been gone for a day” Starlight thought to herself. The pod had came to a sudden stop end the conversation. When everypony collected themselves after the sudden stop they could see the new location is  drastically different from the last few location they have seen in this world.One thing is that everything wasn't just gray. The houses and other buildings veried in colors. Even in front of some of the homes was gardens with bright colorful flowers.   The pod open up and the stairs rolled out. Fix was the first to get off and the rest of the group exited the pod after him. When they were out they could see a large house. Just like the other buildings it was wider than it was tall. The house was brick and was bright silver with a black roof top. They could see the front door. it was a double doors but was very wide, wider than the doors to Celestia’s throne room were tall. The pod opened and everypony walked out of it. They followed Fix as he went to the door. To the right of the door was a black panel that fix put his hoof on it. A bright green light went up and down. After that the doors opened up. Fix the gestured for them all to go in. First thing they noticed was how huge the room inside is. The room was circular. The walls all painted a whitish yellow.  In the center of the room was what looks like a yoga mat like substance in the center. Cushions so large that all the girls could sit on one and still have room to spare surrounded the mat eight in total. On the other side of the room they could see wide sliding glass doors that lead to a backyard they could only see a portion of from where they stood. The room had two hallways leading out from it. One was to the right and the other was to the left. Fix walked past the group and to the hallway to the right. “Trixie is this way,” Fix said walking down the hallway. Everypony followed behind him some like Twilight, Starlight and Rainbow Dash followed cautiously while Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie was looking around the house as they followed.     The hallway was wide enough for everypony to walk side by side behind the mayor. He walked to the first door on his right. It to is wide like every other door they seen at this house and various others.     The mayor put his hoof on another panel similar to the front door. The door responded by opening swiftly. The door disappearing into the wall. Light from the room poured into the hallway. One by one the seven mares enter the room.     The first thing they notices was a blue blob with what looked like long silver hair that was just a inch off the floor. The blob was as wide as three ponies side to side and was as tall as two ponies stacked on top of each other. It rested on top of what looked like a extra large white yoga mat that took up just a few inches more ground then the blob.     “Trixie you have guest!” said the mayor.     “uhh ahh” a yawn came from the blob. “Huh? Sorry….Trixie….. was taking…. a….. beauty nap.” two familiar purple eyes slowly opened, blinking a few times between deep breaths. “What did...you...say ?” Trixie said in between shallow breaths. “Is it….. second lunch….. yet?” Trixie she finally noticed the group of mares standing in front of her. Starlight stared at Trixie with look of horror. As the others started to stop seeing the blob as some random blue mass and started to recognize it as Trixie they all had different reactions. Rarity held her hoof to her mouth to try to not to throw up when she realized that it was Trixie. Applejack and Rainbow Dash jaws dropped when they got the realization. Fluttershy and Twilight shared the similar look of horror Starlight has. While Pinkie pie looked at Trixie with intrigue. Trixie rested on her mattress size belly. Her legs were lifted off the ground and encased in fat to the point where just the tips of her hooves was visible. Trixie’s head was surrounded in so much fat it's almost hidden amongst her folds. Her cheeks were easily the size of a average pony’s head. Starlight could barley count how many chins Trixie has, they just blend into all the other folds of fat Trixie has.  Starlight looked farther back and could see the largest part of Trixie and that is her flank. Each ass cheek was large enough that Starlight could rest on one with room to spare. Starlight couldnt even see Trixies hind legs and she was sure Trixie hasn't seen them for some time. Her cutie mark was so stretched out to the point it was unrecognizable just a mesh of colors on her flanks. Trixie’s weight wasn't the only thing that has changed since the last time Starlight seen her friend. Trixies mane has grown very long. If Trixie was at her normal weight, Trixie’s mane would be drag on the ground if she were to walk. But with how fat she is it just inches away from the ground instead of resting on it. Starlight quickly turned to face the mayor. She marched up to him and shoved her hoof into him. “What did you do to her!” Starlight yelled angrily at him. “I didn't do anything,” Fix answered sternly. “She did this to herself.” “How could anypony be able to get this big by themselves?” Starlight said. “Let alone in a day's time?” Starlight said while pointing towards Trixie. “A day?” Trixie questioned. Everypony's attention went the the blue mass. “I've been…  here for….over a…. year! “That's strange. Trixie you’ve only been gone for little more than a day.” Twilight said. “Maybe time runs differently between our worlds,” Mayor Fix answered the attention now shifting to him. “So a day in are world is the equivalent to a year here in this world? ” Twilight asked out loud. “Maybe but we can't test that until we get home,” Starlight said. She then shook her head. “Don't change the subject!” She said. “I don't think my friend would get so fat on purpose.” “I think it's just a side effect of living here for over a year and spending time with the local mares. Honestly i'm surprised she isn’t bigger.” Fix said. “What do you mean by that?” Starlight asked. “Well from what i've heard from Trixie and seeing you all, in your world where skinny mares are the norm. But here massively fat mares are the norm. Heck by our standards Trixie is still considered one the skinny mares, she is still under her first ton.” “Well then we better get home while she still is!” Starlight said as she started to walk to Trixie. “How do you plan to get home though?” Mayor Fix asked. Stopped and turn back to the Mayor, “Simple we use the spell that we used to get here,” Starlight said. “Starlight…. you can't,” Trixie said breathlessly. “Haven’t you….tried to use…. any….. magic?”she asked.     “No! Why?” Starlight asked turning to Trixie.     “Trixie hasn’t been able to use magic the whole time she’s been here,” said Fix answered Starlight. “Another thing that is different with our worlds. Is that in your world magic still exists.” Spine tingling chill went down the spines of Starlight and her friends hearing this. “Unicorns can’t summon magic with their horns,” Fix pointed to Rarity before pointing to Rainbow next. “Pegasus can’t still fly,” Rainbow let out an audible gulp hearing what Fix is saying. “Earth ponies are no longer stronger and have more energy then other unicorns and Pegasus's." Fix said now pointing to Pinkie Pie. “But in this world nopony has been able to use magic for generations.”  Fix explained while everypony flinched. “Now that you all in this world. You all lost the ability to use magic just like ponies have in this world.” > Lunch Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You’re joking right?” Rainbow smirked when she asked the question. Rainbow looked over to Trixie “This is just some weird prank Trixie came up with,” she said walking up to Trixie. “I betting your using some type of illusion spell.” Rainbow finished saying just as she raised her hoof and poked at Trixie’s chest. Her face went from  smirking to shock as her hoof went in a few inches into Trixie’s chest. “She's so soft and warm” Rainbow thought to herself. “Get your… hoof off of… the great… and powerful… Trixie!” Trixie breathlesy said as she tried swatting Rainbows hoof away but with so much fat weighing down her forelegs she couldn’t even begin to move them. Her whole body jiggled as a response to her action. Even when Trixie gave up trying to get Rainbow’s hoof off her body still moved. “It’s not… an illusion…” she added as she panted, her face was slightly red and had a slight layer of sweat on her forehead. Rainbow shook her head left and right and took her hoof off of Trixie. “So it’s not an illusion,” she said. “Then you probably just got too fat to teleport yourself home and have been stuck here.” Rainbow said. “Does magic work like that?” Fix asked. “I know Rainbow is wrong since when Trixie came here she was skinny then and if she could of use magic she would have used magic if she could, and shes only gained weight while being here, but if ponies can get to fat to use magic that would explain why some ponies here can't use magic in my world.” He added. “Sadly no, magic doesn't work like that since that would mean we could still use magic.” Starlight answered the mayor. “Maybe Trixie doesn’t remember the spell to teleport home.” Twilight said optimisticly. “That would explain why she been stuck here.” “Maybe Trixie's been stuck here because magic doesn't work here.” Fix said. “Haven't you tried using magic yet?” He asked. “I have tried to use magic and it didn't work,” Twilight answered. “But maybe Starlight and I just exhausted our magic. We did just use a new spell and it could of used more magic than we thought it did.” She said. “Maybe it also affected me and Fluttershy so we can’t fly!” Rainbow said. “Stop denying what's happening.” Fix said trying to stop the girls from getting their hopes up. “You all lost your magic! The sooner you come to terms with that the sooner we can start focusing on working on a solution!” He exclaimed to make sure they all heard him. “We have not lost our magic!” Rainbow and Twilight said back defensively. “Then use it!” Fix ordered. Rainbow started to flap her wings. Strong gust of wind was being generated. She got onto her back legs raising her forelegs into the air. She hopped a few times trying to get into the air. Come on you can do it She thought to herself. Eventually Rainbow stopped and was back with all four hooves on the ground. “See you can’t fly.” Fix said with no enjoyment in being right. “I can fly! I just haven't eat at all today I just need to get some food and I'll have the energy to fly.” “Me and Twilight haven't eaten all day so maybe after we get some food we will be able to use are magic again.” Starlight said. Fix let out a sigh. “If you say so, but if after you eat and you still cant use your magic will you just listen to me the?” he asked. “Deal!” Rainbow said. “Good.” Fix said. He tilted his head up to the ceiling. Everypony looked up to the ceiling too. All they could see was a glowing light line outline the edges of the roof and in the center of the roof is a dome shaped object about three feet in diameter. “A.I please bring us double of what ever Trixie has for second Lunch usually.” He asked seemingly to nothing. Three white line appeared on the side the dome on the ceiling. “Okay just one moment Mayor Fix.” said a hollow staticy voice coming out of the dome. “Who is that?” Applejack asked. “I'm not a who, I am a what.” said the voice. “Then what is talking?” Applejack asked. “I am.” “Then what are you?” Applejack asked starting to get frustrated. “I’m this home's Artificial intelligence system.” the A.I. answered. “A.I. for short.” “A artificial intela what's it now?” Applejack asked to nopony particular Fix was the one to answer Applejack “It's a computer with the ability to think and operate on its own. Every house and building uses one. Its need so ponies like Trixie who can do next to nothing for herself.” “Lunch is now ready.” the A.I said to the room. The dome on the ceiling descended down to the ponies revealing a hole in the ceiling. A fresh aroma filled the room. As it came down to eye level with everypony  they could see the other side to the dome. It's a flat table top with a variety of food. Over a four dozen Daffodile sandwiches, several pots fill up with soup. Countless pizzas each with a different topping. Three separate piles of hay fries. Six three tier cakes. All of this dominated everypony's view. “That's all?” Fix asked. “I ordered double of what Trixie normally orders. I don't even think all of this would win her hunger.” “Trixie can eat all of this!” Starlight and the others thought to themselves. “Don’t worry Mayor Fix this is just a appetizer.” The A.I answered. “Oh! Okay that makes sense,” Fix said. “Alright girls dig in.” “Finally… Trixie is… wasting… away… over here!” Trixie said breathlessly . “A.I would… you please?” Tixie asked. The A.I didn’t even answer her as it already knew what to do. Two robotic arms came out from the ceiling from the same place the dome has came down from. At the end of the arms was three rounded appendages. Everypony watched as each one went to a different item. One went to a slice of pizza with red and green peppers on it, while the other grabbed one of the daffodil sandwiches. Both arms then moved to Trixie and extended the one with the pizza to Trixie first. Trixie tilted her head and opened her mouth wide welcoming the pizza. The robotic arm lowered the pizza down so that Trixie could reach it. She took a big bite from the pizza smearing the tomato sauce on her chubby cheeks and chins. Everypony watched insolent as Trixie chewed quickly before she swallowed and then take more bites from the slice of pizza. Soon the pizza was gone and was inside Trixie being digested. “A.I… Trixie… requires… a drink.” She demanded. “What do you wish to drink Ms.Lulamoon?” the A.I asked. “The… usual.”  She answered. “A extra creamy peanut butter and chocolate shake coming on up.” The now empty arm returned back to the ceiling while the one with the sandwich went closer to Trixie so Trixie could eat it. When the sandwich was devoured the other arm returned form the hole in the ceiling with a milkshake in a glass cup with a straw. When it got close enough for Trixie to reach she closed her mouth onto the straw and sucked down the shake only stopping when she suddenly got a brain freeze. “Aren't you girls going to eat to see if you can get energy back so you can see if you can use magic?” Fix spoke getting everyone's attention away from Trixie. “Ofcourse we are,”Rainbow said sounding confident. “Just there is so much there's, we don't know where to start?” “I know where I’m going to start.” Pinkie said. “Those chocolate cakes look delicious.” She said as she bounced her way closer to the table. Just as pinkie reached the table Twilight suddenly spoke, “Wait Pinkie.” Pinkie Pie stopped. “What?” The pink mare asked. Twilight didn't answer Pinkie as she turned to face Fix. “How do we know this food doesn't have anything in it?” She asked. “You could of drugged them so that its all super addicting.” Starlight said walking and standing next to Twilight and glared at Fix. “That could help explain why Trixie has gotten so fat.” She thought to herself. “What reason would I have to do that?” Fix deadpanned. “Maybe you get some strange kick from it.” Rainbow said. “I don’t get any kicks and I didn’t drug the food.” Fix said slightly irritated. “Trixie wasn't anywhere close to as annoying as these seven mares,” He thought. “Here I can prove it to you.” Fix walked up to the table and inspected it before he picked up a daffodil sandwich and took a bite out of it. “See nothing.” Fix stated as he finished the sandwich.“Look I know you all just met me today and you’ve all had a long day and don't know much of this world and your still shocked at seeing how its affected your friend,but  Please just trust me.” He added. He looked over to Twilight and Starlight as he spoke again, “Look the sooner you eat the sooner you can see if you still have magic.” So with some reluctance from a few of the mares they walked to the table. “Are there plates we could use?” Rarity asked. Shortly after Rarity spoke another arm came out of the hole in the ceiling balancing a stack of plates in its one hand. “Here is the plates Miss.” The A.I said. “Thank you,” Rarity said as she took the top plate of the stack and proceeded to walk around the table. The others did the a same after they retrieve their own plate.  Eventually they all had a few items on their plates and sat around the table. Most were hesitant to eat Pinkie and Applejack took their first bites . “Wow! This cake is delicious!” Pinkie exclaimed with frosting and cake crumbs on her mouth. “It's so moist and the frosting is so rich and creamy.” “I can't believe food this good was done so fast.” Applejack said after finishing a bowl of tomato soup. “How many ponies are here cooking?” she asked. “None.” Fix answers. “The A.I is able to makes multiple dishes at the same time.” “That must come in handy for parties.” Pinkie said. “Most definitely especially when ponies range from Trixie's size to even larger proportions.” Fix said. “I remember the last dinner party I had the A.I worked all night long just to get the appetizers done. I had to get the service of two other A.I one to do the main course and the other to do dessert.” he said remember fondly about the party. The room filled with the sound of ponies munching. Occasionally the AI would be requested by Trixie for a refill of her milkshake or to get her more of a pacific dish. Fix just sat and waited patiently for the others to get done eating. When he noticed that the seven mares were no longer eating he got back onto his hooves. “Did you all get enough?” He asked. “Yes I think so.”Rainbow said. Rainbow got off the ground and onto her hooves. She flared her wings out and started to flap them. With each flap she put more and more effort. “Come on fly already.” she thought to herself angry. She stopped for only a moment to catch her breath before she tried again. Twilight and the others watched in silence as they waited to see if Rainbow could fly. After each failed attempt they could feel a pit of despair inside them grow little by little. “See you don’t have magic, so you can’t fly.” Fix said slight disappointed. “I can fly!” Rainbow spat, now onto her fifth attempt. After her seventh attempt she stopped and breathed in heavily. “I know how important magic is to you but you have to stop before you hurt yourself,” Fix said. Rainbow glared at Fix. “How would you know how important magic is to us!” Rainbow said back angrily. “You never had magic to begin with!” “Rainbow you got to calm down,”Rarity said. “You don't need to be yelling at Fix, he's not the reason why we cant use magic. He is only trying to help use.” “Y-you’re right.” Rainbow said sadly. “Im sorry Fix.” “Its okay Rainbow. Trixie was the same way when she appeared her and tried to use magic.”Fix said. Fix looked over to Trixie and sees the mare still eating to her heart's content with her face and chins covered in food stains. “She was very upset just like you, but you know what cheered her up?” He asked. “Was it the food?” Pinkie asked. Fix shook his head. “No even though she obviously enjoys it,” he glanced over to Trixie seeing her siping from a large green bowl that the robotic hand had tilted to allow her to drink. He then continued, “it was actually showing her around the city.” Fix said. He looked up to the ceiling “A.I whats the time?” he asked. “It is two o’clock” robotic voice responded almost immediately. “Okay thank you.” Fix said. “I don’t have a meeting until later tonight, so If you all want to I could show you around the city.” The girls all looked to one another before they answered. “I think that would be a good idea since we are stuck here for who knows how long.” Starlight answered for all of them. “Alright then let's get back to the cruiser.” Fix turned around and walked to the door and just like before put his hoof onto the black panel and the door open. The others got up and followed him out. Starlight the last one to leave. Just as she was about to walk out the door she took a look back to Trixie. The image of how she remembered her friend being just what was a just a day ago to her slowly faded to what Trixie was now. “Why did Twilight and I make that stupid spell?” She asked herself. “Goodbye Trixie.” she said as she walked away following the others.