> Phases of the Moon > by Dusk Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Out of Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mapper watched the trio of; Airmail, Tempest, and Wildfire leave the castle. The rest of the group had already left, except for Dusk and Brush Stroke, and they didn’t really count in her mind. “Now that Middle Pet has left the castle, shall we begin the tour, Mistress Luna?” “Certainly, Mistress Mapper,” said Luna. “We will start in the public museum, and then work our way from there to the lower levels.” Mapper asked, “Will Junior Pet be joining us on the tour?” “No,” stated Luna, “She is…uncomfortable, with the lower levels.” Mapper nodded and turned to her wife, “Didn’t dream of me, Senior Pet?” “No Mistress,” said Serenity. “Who did you dream of?” asked Mapper. “Mistress Luna,” answered Serenity. “It was the Princess, then?” Mapper pressed. “No Mistress,” was Serenity’s only answer. Mapper sighed softly. She knew her wife was being difficult on purpose, and that there was no real need for the questions. Still, it was important to keep up appearances. She opted for the waiting game and simply stared at her. Serenity finally confessed, “I dreamed of Nightmare Moonbeams.” They arrived at the elevator and Luna pressed the button for the lift. “I must apologise, Serenity. I don’t usually discuss any part of a dream with anypony other than the dreamer, but as you’re all close I figured a few details would be all right. If you’d like to share all your dream on the ride down, it’s up to you.” Serenity looked at her wife, “May I speak freely, Mistress?” “You may,” was Mapper’s terse reply. Serenity smiled as she told her dream, “All the talk from Mr. Caffeinated yesterday about Nightmare Moon, and then flying with Princess Luna, only to discover she was my idol, DJ Moonbeams. I thought how wonderful it would be to combine all three into one. Nightmare Moonbeams broke my body with her bass cannon slamming me against the wall. Then, she took my broken body and put it on her turntable and used the needle on my flesh to make beautiful music.” Mapper asked, “Was there blood?” “Yes Mistress,” Serenity responded excitedly, “There was lots of blood.” Mapper thought on that for a moment as the doors opened and the three of them stepped out of the elevator, “When did you last have a dream like that?” “The night you used the cricket bat on me, Mistress,” answered Serenity, “Only it was you in my dream, Mistress.” Luna was morbidly fascinated by the disturbing amount of glee in Serenity’s voice as she retold the dream she witnessed first hoof. “And the branding?” The joy left Serenity and she broke down crying as she nuzzled Mapper, “I love you, Mistress.” Mapper hugged her wife, “I know, love, I know. It was a dream. It’s okay, and you can tell her.” Serenity kept her face buried in Mapper’s mane, “I wanted you to own me, Mistress Luna.” Luna led the two of them from the elevator into the museum. “This part is open to the public. It has a history of Equestrian laws, and a somewhat benign display of crime and punishment. The last public execution was one hundred and eighty years ago. There have been non-public executions since, but even then, the last was fifteen years ago.” Princess Luna stopped at an unremarkable nondescript blank wall and she stared at it. “Just so you know Serenity, Nightmare Moon would have done all that to you and more.” Serenity finally moved back from her wife and turned to Luna, “I know and I would have welcomed it, Mistress Luna. In my dream, you used my body to make music, and the music was beautiful.” Luna, her attention focused on the wall, lit her horn and a part of it dropped into the floor which revealed a centuries old iron door hidden behind. “It most certainly was beautiful.” She placed her left hoof on a specific part of the door and a blue light surrounded it. A mechanical voice announced, from nowhere, “Hoof print verified. Retina scan required.” Calling upon her inner darkness, Luna reached into that other part of her that still lingered in her mind and she altered her eye to a slit pupil with a greenish tinge. Mapper shuddered at the sight, while Serenity’s joy returned. The mechanical voice continued, “Retina scan verified. Voice password required.” Luna sniffed and said, “I love you, Sky Dive.” “Voice password verified,” announced the mechanical voice. All the security passed, a series of mechanical sounds could be heard and the blue glow faded. Luna pushed open the door to reveal a series of steps down. “The rooms of interest are down there.” “You handled that security test rather well, Mistress Luna.” Stated Mapper. “You are some of the very few outside my family that know my true feelings for Sky Dive.” Luna said as she moved down the steps while the other two trailed behind her. At the bottom was a door identical to the one above, and Luna repeated all the steps to gain entry. “Only two ponies in all of Equestria can gain access to these rooms, and the other is holding court.” Serenity spoke up, “Love can only multiply, Mistress Luna, it can never diminish.” Mapper reflected on something Coffee Bean said earlier, “Was the bit with the eye, you, or an illusion?” “A very good question, Mistress Mapper,” Luna said as she tried to form an answer closest to the truth. “I would like to say it is an illusion, but I believe it is more like a memory.” Her horn was the only source of light as she moved down the hall. “To your left and right are holding cells. Sound carries very well down here so any noise made in the room ahead would be heard in these cells.” That was by design, so that the sounds of torture being carried out would in itself be a torture to those waiting their turn. The hall led into a larger space. Luna cast a spell which lit all the torches along the walls. They gave off an orange light. “Her stain is always with me,” Luna whispered. “Always.” Mapper looked around the room followed by Serenity. “Most of these will simply kill a pony in a very painful way. Loss of an asset.” She stopped at rack that held a variety of whips, “These, on the other hoof, would serve a purpose. She heard Serenity doing a tiny hoof dance to her right and turned to see what had her all excited. “Oh, an iron pony! I’ve only seen some literature on this.” Mapper moved to inspect the inside closely. “I thought you’d be interested in that,” Luna said. “I also have a wooden pony over here, and next to it a rack.” Mapper stepped back from the iron pony to look. “Caffy has a wooden pony, but the rack dislocates joints and seems to be another waste of an asset. At least it doesn’t kill quickly.” She looked at her wife still doing little hoof dances. “Senior Pet, step into the iron pony.” Serenity moved inside with haste, and Mapper closed the pony shut. All that is heard is a low moan from inside. Mapper sighed, and said in a low voice, “As I feared, not extreme enough.” Luna blinked, for a hundred needle sharp spikes had just been driven into Serenity’s flesh. “No?” Luna shook her head, “I’m aware of your pet’s addiction. Would she like me to use a bass weapon perhaps, like in her dream?” Mapper snorted, “I’m sure she would, but shattering her body is counterproductive.” She moved back to the whips and pulled a scourge off the wall. It was imbedded with metal. “This would strip hide without taking much muscle.” Luna whispered, “Would you like to look like the pony in her dreams?” Mapper smiled, “I can’t be her dream. I’m her reality. She has told me things I do to her in dreams. In dreams, there is no death, and there is instant healing.” “Healing I can provide,” said Luna, “should it be necessary.” Mapper snorted, “Maybe for punishment.” She looked around the room, “May I move a few things?” “Of course, you may,” Luna replied. Mapper used her magic to move a tall narrow pyramid under a ring in the ceiling. She then attached two chains to the ring that ended in manacles. Satisfied with her work she used her magic to open the iron pony. Inside Serenity’s teal fur, from the shoulder back, was the same color as her burgundy mane. Mapper cracked the scourge on the floor, and Serenity rushed over to grovel in front of her. “Are you a bad pony?” demanded Mapper. “Yes Mistress,” said a submissive Serenity. “Who is your owner?” Mapper shouted. “You are Mistress,” Serenity pleaded. Mapper walked around Serenity and trailed the scourge handle through her bloody fur. “Really, Pet?” Mapper slapped the handle against a cutie mark, “Then why did you want Mistress Luna to brand you?” Serenity cried out in anguish, “She wouldn’t hold back, Mistress!” Luna watched the interplay between the two ponies. Glad it wasn’t her in Mapper’s place. If it was, she wouldn’t hold back. Mapper used her magic to lift Serenity, slamming her back onto the ceiling. She then moved the manacles to her wife’s forelegs. “You will know your owner, Pet!” “Yes Mistress!” Serenity shouted. Mapper released her magic holding the unicorn up so that Serenity now hung from the ceiling by the chains fastened to her forelegs. She then lowered the ceiling ring and positioned Serenity’s body so the narrow pyramid slid into Serenity’s vaginal opening. Mapper hadn’t bothered to lube the pyramid, since she was sure her wife orgasmed a few times in the iron pony. Mapper continued to lower Serenity till she was spread wide by the pyramid, then a couple more links which would force Serenity to pull up on the manacles to relive the pressure. “Who is your owner?” “You are Mistress!” replied Serenity. Mapper watched blood flow down the pyramid as she lowered the unicorn another link. With her magic she flailed Serenity’s flank with the scourge which wrapped wickedly around her lower back. Mapper pulled it away with a spray of blood and torn flesh. Serenity’s eyes glazed over as she cried out in sheer joy. Watching, Luna smelled the scent of blood far more intense than any dream walk could bring. She wanted to move forward and put her hoof in the blood, but instead she turned to the stereo system. Music from one of Moonbeams’ sound tracks filled the dungeon. She specifically chose the one Serenity was playing in her dream. Mapper paused a moment to look at Luna and she gave a little nod to the pop music playing. “I don’t believe you!” shouted Mapper as the scourge fell again and again across the unicorn’s back and flank. Every strike ripped and tore at the teal mare’s twitching body, every strike sent blood spraying from the fresh wounds. The volume of the music increased, and Mapper dropped the chain another two links. “Who owns you?” Serenity was lost in a world of painful ecstasy. “Mistress Mapper owns me!” she cried out, “No other pony but Mistress Mapper!” “Then you will have my mark of ownership!” shouts Mapper. She turned to Luna. “Where are the irons?” she asked. Luna smiled and her eyes once more took on a dangerous green tinge, “Here they are.” She used her magic to pull a brazier filled with several irons. “You can have your choice.” Mapper looked at the irons and pulled one that didn’t seem historically important to her. Luna’s voice grew high and cold, “Good choice, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper, aware of the change in her friend’s aspect, carefully moved a little closer to Luna and lowered her voice, “I’d like to modify this to my cutie mark, and I will make every effort to restore when finished. May I?” The alicorn’s callous laugher sent chills down even her spine. “You may do as you wish,” Luna stated, “and there is no need to restore it.” “And have the Queen of the Libraries find out?” Mapper stated, “I think not.” She easily twisted the metal to the shape of her own mark. She lowered her voice further, “Can you make the heat an illusion, but the pain real?” Luna’s voice changed ever more in pitch and, as long fangs extended from her upper jaw, it was obvious she was losing herself just as Serenity had. “I can ignite any pain receptors you wish. I can make her believe her blood is boiling if you desire.” Her grin revealed the full extent of her fangs. Mapper painted the iron a bright pink, “Than please do so with this iron.” Luna shrugged her shoulders, “As you wish.” Her horn glowed briefly, “It is done.” Without hesitation, and because she didn’t trust the alicorn that now stood beside her, Mapper pressed the iron against her own cutie mark. She staggered under the immense pain, but she didn’t cry out, nor did she drop the iron. A glance showed Mapper her cutie mare was now bright pink. Luna’s voice purred, “It feels wonderful, doesn’t it? Most ponies scream when I brand them.” Mapper inspected the mark for burned flesh or just pink paint. Luna laughed a dark laugh, “You took that so well. Are you sure you don’t want real fire?” Mapper stepped forward and nuzzled Luna, “Watch and know true love.” With unsteady steps Mapper moved back to where Serenity hung. “Who is your owner?” Serenity responded in a dreamy voice, “Mistress Mapper is my owner.” Mapper moved the iron where Serenity could see it, “Then know your owner.” Serenity’s eyes were filled with love and her smile widened. Mapper moved the iron to the unicorn’s right flank and pressed it for a full ten seconds. Serenity screamed, “I love you!” Mapper moved over to her wife’s left flank and pressed the iron again for ten seconds. Serenity’s mouth was open, but there was no air left in her lungs to make any noise as the unicorn passed out. Mapper inspected Serenity’s flank to verify the flesh wasn’t burned, and turned back to Luna. Mapper saw the Princess as she sat with a forehoof pressed between her hind legs. With unsteady steps she moved near and nuzzled the alicorn. Luna panted. Her eyes again looked normal and the fangs were once more gone. She was whole, and she was Luna, still. Just like she had every second of every minute of every hour of every day, she had passed. She had quelled the darkness inside. “Forgive me, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper just smiled and turned back to her wife. She lifted Serenity off the pyramid and undid the manacles. She then laid her wife in the blood that had pooled beneath her. “All ponies are bad ponies,” Mapper stated without turning back to Luna. “We all have our dark side, but who rules us is a choice we all must make.” Mapper moved forward and stroked Serenity’s mane. “I don’t want any injuries that may harm her having a foal, but the rest can stay.” “I’m afraid you came very close to meeting my dark side,” Luna stated as she assessed Serenity’s injuries and then magically healed the internal ones. “I wasn’t afraid of that, but I didn’t trust you either. That is why I branded myself first.” She looked back at Luna, “I wanted to both see if you did what I asked and to experience what she would experience.” Mapper nuzzled Luna, “I don’t fear your dark side, and there are many that would welcome it returned.” She kissed Luna. “Princess Luna can and will keep control for as long as she wishes to.” Luna nodded, “It is good that you don’t trust me. To be honest I very nearly didn’t keep control.” She returned the kiss, “I had to remember you are my friends and not my enemies.” Mapper smiled, “If you had lost control, it really wouldn’t matter how much I did to stop you, then I don’t fear death.” She raised a hoof and pulled a suitably heroic pose, “It would have been epic though! A battle-hardened mage and an even stronger untested mage versus a Goddess!” Luna kissed the unicorn, “I really am glad it didn’t come to that, Mapper. Thank you for reminding me who I am.” Mapper kissed her back, “The real truth of the matter, Luna, is that if I did win I would have to face Octavia’s wrath. Better to have died losing.” Luna laughed a genuine laugh, “This much is true.” Mapper moved over to the pyramid and licked the point. “The body can produce so many interesting flavors.” She turned to her wife. “I lost count how many times she orgasmed on this thing.” Mapper sighed, and she stroked Serenity’s burgundy mane. “When I lost control, this pony nearly died. That Mapper is still alive and well, but this Mapper is the Mistress, and not she.” “We are very much alike, Mapper,” Luna said, stating the rather obvious. Perhaps that was why they were such good friends. Mapper snorted, “I might just be a little bit easier to kill than you.” “Like I said,” stated Luna, “I’m glad we didn’t have to find that out.” Mapper picked up the iron and restored it to the original mark, a look of distaste on her pink face “I’d rather not have my cutie mark in this place.” She put it back in the brazier, “Do you have water to clean up with?” “Of course,” Luna answered. She filled a barrel with water and levitated to a spot just outside the pool of blood. Mapper inspected Serenity to see if she had awakened yet. “Hmm, this won’t do at all. That scourge was far too effective. Please have a look at this.” Luna trots over to Serenity, “What do you need, Mapper?” Mapper parted the fur on an undamaged spot on Serenity’s flank. “That is the sort of scaring she should have. That was from a bullwhip.” She moved her hoof to a spot the scourge had hit, “This took too much flesh and fur, and it will not be at all hidden by her pelt. If you could do some healing to leave her a clean scar, please.” “Of course, Mapper. I’ve gotten quite good at healing since last Friday. Please lift her so I can get to both sides.” Once Mapper lifted Serenity in her magic, Luna went to work on the new damage, skillfully knitting flesh and restoring fur till only clean scars remained. “Thank you,” Mapper said, once more admiring the display of magic on show. “I don’t want her to lose her scars, but she must still preform. I don’t know how much Ms. Winter would care about the smell of blood.” Mapper set Serenity back down in her own blood and the unicorn began to stir. “It’s not a problem, Mapper,” responded Luna, “and…Winter, where have I heard that name?” “Friends of Wildfire,” replied Mapper. “She saved them from a burning building.” She nudged Serenity. “I love you Mistress,” came Serenity’s soft melodic voice. Mapper asked, “Who is your owner?” “You are my owner, Mistress,” Serenity replied. “Who are your Mistresses?” Mapper asked. Quickly, Serenity responded, “Mistress Mapper, Mistress Thespian, Mistress Snowfall, and Mistress Luna are my mistresses.” “Clean up,” ordered Mapper, satisfied that her wife was back with her. Luna watched Serenity stand up and, without any aid, begin to power wash the floor and pyramid with her sonic magic. Mapper moved to stand next to her and watched. “I remember now, Mapper.” She looked at her companion, “Just between us Mapper, did you really test Wildfire on that flight?” “Did I test her, yes,” Mapper said, “But the better question is what part of the flight was the test.” “Color me curious,” continued Luna, “You just seemed a trifle harsh with her after your return.” Mapper called out to her wife, “Senior Pet, do you owe your life to anyone?” “I owe my life to you, Mistress,” Serenity said immediately, without pause from her cleaning. “Why?” asked Mapper. “You are my life,” responded Serenity, “and without you I am dead.” “Explain it to Mistress Luna,” ordered Mapper. Serenity paused in her cleaning to look at Luna, “I love Mistress Mapper and all that I am is hers to do with as she pleases.” Mapper watched Luna take that in before she spoke, “Wildfire thinks I saved her life, but that isn’t true. I allowed her to keep her life, but she doesn’t understand that yet.” Luna nodded, “I get it. There’s a real difference between what she perceives and what is reality.” She smiled, “I’m guessing her landing was the test of her limits, and she passed?” Mapper smiled, “Yes, after she pulled out of the dive I told her it was five thousand feet up to the castle. She asked to land and I directed her to the tram station. I would have let her try to reach the top.” She shrugged, “I’m not really sure what I would have done when she failed that.” “You sound certain she’d fail.” Luna asked, “Could she have made the climb?” Mapper snorted, “She barely made the quarter mile to land, and that was mostly gliding.” Serenity finished the cleaning of floor, equipment, and her own hooves. She then pushed the dirty water to a drain. Mapper looked around as she spoke, “So am I. My teleport skill is really that bad.” Serenity fur was caked with blood, “Senior Pet, prance around. I want to see if you’re still dripping.” It was more of a hobble than a prance. Still Serenity stamped her hooves as she circled, and left no hoof prints or blood splotches. Luna continued, “Still it shows progress. I have to believe she wouldn’t have landed last week.” Mapper circled Serenity as she stood still, “That is the benefit of pain. It lets you know your limits. The pain is gone, but the wings are still weak. She needs to learn new limits and how to reset them.” She turned to Luna, “Is there any problem with Senior Pet walking the halls like this? I need to get her cleaned up.” “None at all, Mapper,” Luna said. “If you are done with the tour we can get Serenity cleaned.” “Thank you, Mistress Luna,” said Serenity, “for letting us play in here, and for the music.” “It was my pleasure, Serenity,” said Luna, “I’ll just need a moment to lock the doors and reset the security.” Once back in the stairwell Luna went through the same motions as she used to open the door. Only her pass phrase was ‘Rest easy, Sky Dive’. When they were back in the museum she locked the last door, and raised the wall. Mapper spoke up, “If the dark side needs appeasement, just ask, I’m sure my pet would love to play and I can watch next time.” In spite of herself, Luna’s eyes flashed green, “Really? I’d like that, if you’re both willing.” “Yes, Mistress Luna!” Serenity responded. Mapper giggled at her pet’s quick reply. “Remember when I said I didn’t trust you? You’ve shown trust, and I’m willing to return trust. I will be watching so you don’t forget the love part.” “Your supervision will be necessary if and when we return here.” Luna laid her hoof on the bare wall, “You two are the first to walk back out of here.” Serenity said, “Thank you, Mistress Luna.” “You know,” added Mapper, “it doesn’t have to be here. I really don’t know what I’m getting into, but I believe it is better us, than you, and far better us than your wife.” After the briefest of pauses, “If I may ask?” Luna removed her hoof from the wall and turned, “You may ask.” Mapper didn’t lower her gaze, “Has your wife seen this side of you?” Luna responded quietly, “She knows.” Mapper nodded, “There should be no secrets between wives. Why did I marry you, Pet?” Serenity answered, “So that we can be one mind, body, and soul.” “Octavia and I have no secrets,” said Luna. Mapper laughed lightly, “What I said about secrets was a lie. We all have secrets, don’t we, Pet?” “I forgive you Mistress,” Serenity responded. Mapper smiled, “Thank you for your trust in me, Luna. Both of us will treasure what happened in there, but in there it will stay.” Luna breathed a sigh of relief, “I understand, and you will forget this room exists, won’t you?” Mapper tilted her head, “I thought this room was open to the public.” She looked around the museum, “But I can forget it if you want.” Luna’s smile came back, “Thank you, Mapper,” She gave the unicorn a light kiss, and turned to Serenity, “Would you like me to teleport you to a bathroom?” “If it pleases the Mistress,” Serenity answered. Mapper chuckled as she looked at her wife, caked with blood from neck to fetlocks, “It would be interesting to see how the guards react, but of course there may be some tourists about.” “Brace yourselves,” Luna said, “We will see if your stomachs are better than Airmail’s.” Luna’s horn lit and the three of them appeared in Luna’s suite. “Bathroom through there.” Mapper laughed, “Thank you for the teleport. I’m very short range and line of sight, but I’m still a unicorn. Pet is far better, yet not skilled at it.” As Serenity took her leave and moved to the bathroom, Luna trotted over to her vanity and took out a small box. She turned to Mapper, “I’d like you to have this.” Mapper blushed, “We’re both already married.” Luna was flustered, “What? No! I mean, yes we are, but that is not what this is for.” Mapper giggled and took the box. When she opened it she could only stare, stare in wonder and amazement at the gold and platinum ring inside. “Who made this? It’s off my ability to even read.” Luna giggled, “Your Princess of Libraries made it. It’s a level twenty.” “What?” asked Mapper, in awe and respect of the innocuous, innocent looking enchanted device. The power emanating from it was tangible. “Does Celestia get a little too frisky for her?” “Sometimes,” Luna smiled. “Octavia has used it on me a few times.” “I only carry around level nines, because there is no unicorn outside the Celestia borough in Manehatten that can make a ten.” Mapper’s voice turned deadly serious, “Now this is trust. What would you have done if Caffy had an artifact like this in his playroom?” “I would have submitted to him using it,” answered Luna. “The one he did use I could have broken if I wished.” Mapper laughed, “We all knew that. The only unicorn there that couldn’t break it would have been Omega.” Luna smiled, “I knew I was safe and in good hooves. I saw his dream, and I gave him his dream.” She giggled, “It also scratched my little itch, too.” “Luna,” Mapper asked, “why would I need this?” Luna moved onto her bed and reclined, “Because I trust you Mapper, you are more than a friend to me. You speak of repeating what happened down there. You saw how close I was. You’ll need this to control me. Believe me when I say you are now among the six ponies living that know of that room.” Luna smiled, “I’d like to have my itch scratched too, while you’re here.” Mapper set the ring next to Luna on the bed and the box back on the vanity. “I need to wash my pet. I won’t be long. We can talk about this after that.” She kissed the Princess, “Pain is real, happiness is false. Love is true power and hate withers before it.” Mapper followed Serenity into the bathroom. Luna’s curiosity overcame her and she cast a spell to make the wall to the bathroom transparent in one direction and allowed the sound to carry out. She watched Mapper gently and tenderly hoof wash Serenity to remove the caked blood and inspect the wounds. She complemented Serenity how well her pet did under pain, and asked about the flavors of the iron pony, pyramid, and scourge. Once finished, Mapper brushed Serenity’s pelt, mane and tail which hid any evidence of her scars. Luna let the spell fade as they moved to exit the bathroom. Mapper climbed onto the bed with the ring between her and Luna. Serenity still had a bit of a limp as she climbed onto the bed to lay on Luna’s other side. “It really comes down to trust, Luna,” Mapper led off. “I can’t take this, but you can bring it with you anywhere, true?” Luna nodded, “True.” “I could forget it, and then where would we be?” explained Mapper. “First though, for trust, you must have truth. I do not want to use that. I have control and I don’t need it. Pet knows she doesn’t yet have control and needs it.” Mapper toyed with the ring, “You showed real control today. I saw a happiness in freedom, yet you were still in control.” Mapper moved the ring to the box on the vanity. “It was control on the edge, but still control. Luna, what did you think when I said I’ll show you true love?” Luna watched the ring move off to the box and pursed her lips, “I thought you’d show me exactly why you and Serenity love each other, and you did.” “Did it move your dark side though?” Mapper asked. “No, that aspect of me does not or cannot know love,” stated Luna. “However, seeing such love allowed me to remain in control.” “It is sad for any pony to not know love,” commented Serenity. Mapper stroked Luna’s cheek, “I can say I love you, but it isn’t the love your wife holds for you, or the love I hold for my herd. Maybe it is close to the love your sister has for you. You cannot control love, for it must run free. I trust you. I do not fear you. I think the one thing you are concerned about is I don’t fear letting you go either.” “And that is why you need that,” Luna said as she pointed to the ring in the box. “That shows a lack of trust,” stated Mapper. “If you want me to use that, then you really don’t want to play with us.” “I don’t want to use it,” explained Luna, “more I want you to know it’s there should you need it. I’m in control of myself.” “If you trust me to keep you in control, then you won’t need that,” said Mapper. “It is still fine to have it nearby.” Serenity nuzzled Luna’s ear, “Smart ponies think like Princesses.” Luna laughed and turned to kiss Serenity. She closed the box and kissed Mapper, “I trust you to control me, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper kissed back, “I’ll trust your healing skills if we accidently char some flesh.” “Mistress?” inquired Serenity. Mapper looked at her wife who was in turn looked at her own cutie mark. “Yes, Pet?” “I’m sorry you had to wash off your brand,” Serenity explained. Mapper reached over Luna and poked Serenity’s cutie mark. She watched her wife flinch and a look of joy spread across her face. “Still there, just invisible.” Luna smiled, “That was a lovely moment to watch.” Mapper giggled, “Which branding? My ass is sore as, well, I don’t think I can say how sore it is.” Luna giggled, “Both.” Serenity crawled up on top of Luna to look at Mapper’s pink cutie mark. “I’m sorry Mistress.” “Forgiven,” said Mapper, “and I’m happy you’re not angry that I got to try it first.” Serenity giggled, “May I ask Mistress Luna a question?” “You may,” answered Mapper. Serenity asked, “Mistress Luna, did your sister enjoy the video game?” Luna laughed, “Yes she did, and very much so. So much I was afraid she might eat it.” Serenity smiled, “Mistress Luna, did your pet enjoy the pink paddle?” Luna nodded, “She enjoyed its touch. It stings worse than a regular one.” Mapper laughed, “Not nearly as much as those pink socks, I’m sure!” Serenity giggled, “Mistress, may I walk around, please?” Mapper nodded. “Mistress, could you help me stand please?” Mapper got off the bed and moved to the other side to help her wife off the bed. While Serenity stood unsteadily for a few moments, Mapper asked, “Is there anywhere she can’t go?” “Not really,” replied Luna. “The few restricted locations will have guards.” “Thank you, Mistress,” said Serenity as she turned to the pony on the bed, “Thank you, Mistress Luna.” Serenity moved off like a pony five times her age, with a smile of a pony one fifth her age. Mapper watched her leave the suite, and then climbed back onto the bed where she was. “I hope I didn’t insult you when I said most of those toys were useless.” “Not at all,” said Luna. “You were quite correct when you said most of them kill. That is what they were intended for.” “I’m still part of the ‘I’ve never killed a pony’ club,” Mapper said. “Came close, but that doesn’t count. I’ve always looked at death as the cheap escape. I won’t go out of my way to avoid it, but I’m not looking for it either.” Mapper giggled, “Serenity really did like the iron pony though.” “You and Serenity are two very unique ponies, Mapper.” Luna shook her head, “You have seen that room, and here you are talking to me now.” Mapper gave it a bit of thought, “I wonder what it would have been like back then. Did you have henchponies? I could be a good henchpony. I have a strong sadistic streak that runs through me. Airmail helped me harness that.” Luna snorted at the thought of ‘henchponies’, “I do have a network of operatives that work for me as and when required. They bring certain ponies to my attention.” Mapper giggled, “Not my cup of coffee, but you should get the likes of Kupambana or Coffee Bean to recruit some zebras for you. Caffy says they are invisible to most of pony society.” Luna nodded, “You know, I’ll take that advice.” Mapper leaned against Luna, “My ass really does hurt.” Luna giggled, “Would you like me to do something about that?” Mapper gave the alicorn her biggest, most soulful eyes, “Will you kiss my booboo and make it all better?” Luna laughed at the look Mapper gave her, “I will if you use the contents of my toy box on me.” “I can only imagine my toy box and ask, do you have a time limit?” said Mapper. “How long can you stay?” inquired Luna by way of reply. “We have a seven O’clock appointment at the Season’s house as a favour to a herd member. Serenity will be preforming,” said Mapper. “I think we would have to leave here by five thirty to prepare for that event.” “My schedule is clear until night court,” said Luna. She shuffled around on the bed and cast a healing spell over Mappers cutie mark and gave it a light kiss. “I’d like some cuddle time before you go.” Mapper wiggled her ass and rolled to her back with her legs in the air. “Thank you for the healing spell, but I got what I really wanted.” She broke out in laughter, “For you to kiss my ass.” “Both were my pleasure,” stated Luna. “I do hope that one of them did the trick.” Mapper rolled off the bed and pranced around a bit, “It does feel a lot better.” She stopped by the bed, “I was going to ask if you wanted an audience, that is, do I get an assistant, not that I need one of course.” “Then I could summon Tavi here, if you wish,” said Luna. “That would be the pony I’m thinking of.” Mapper said with a nod. > Chapter 2 - Passing Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna called up her wife and, with a sultry voice, she asked if Octavia would come to her suite. Octavia readily agreed and said she would be there in a few minutes. “When was the last time Octavia spanked your pretty flank?” asked Mapper once Luna had hung up. Luna shrugged, “It has been a while.” Mapper laughed, “I guess it would depend on what is in your toy box.” She looked around, “Which is where, by the way?” Luna pointed her head towards a door. “In the walk-in closet, you can’t miss it.” Mapper did an eye roll, “Of course you’d use a walk-in closet for your toy box.” Mapper trotted through the door and the pink unicorn opened the box. “Not too bad a selection,” she commented. “I could use a coffee.” “I can have one brought up for you,” said Luna. “Sugar?” Mapper answered, “Mocha please, my chocolate levels are dropping. Have them bring up a Celestia special and an earl gray also, please.” Luna said, “Just give me a moment.” She levitated her phone over, “Hello Tia, I wanted to let you know I’m lowering the wards. Yes, Tavi and I will be playing. Yes, I’ll give you a full report later, bye.” She dialled another number. “Please bring a coffee mocha, Celestia special, and earl gray to my suite. Oh, add some chocolate brownies to that please. Yes, thank you.” “You should tell Caffy to name a drink after you,” Mapper said from within the closet. “I see you haven’t broken the pink paddle yet.” Luna laughed, “I should ask him, and earth pony ass isn’t that hard.” “Not a bad selection,” commented Mapper. “No rubber chicken.” She was unable to see Luna’s questioning face. “But you have this!” She ducked back out with some gold trimmed white socks draped over a foreleg. Luna’s blush was priceless. Mapper concentrated extremely hard and levitated the socks over to Luna. “Put those on, please.” “At once,” said Luna. She slipped a sock over each leg, and noted that Mapper was watching her. Which deepened the blush, “Yes?” Mapper was curious if they would fit or be too long. Since they fit she knew they belonged to Luna. “Are those parts of your dress up like a Sun Goddess set?” Luna giggled, “Tia likes me to wear them when we play.” Mapper found a corset that was also part of the set. “Does Tia have a matching set of blue socks with dark trim?” “Yes, in her closet,” responded Luna. She watched Mapper levitate the corset to her and she put it on without being told. Mapper found the white panties to the set, but she left those in the closet. She had already decided what was in the toy box she would use, and what was missing. She walked back out of the closet, “I know you told Caffy your safe word.” Luna nodded, “I did, and it is ‘Moon’.” Mapper smiled, “Yes, it is a beautiful one. Okay, serious Mapper here. Anything off limits?” Luna gave it a moment of thought, “Binding my wings makes me nervous, but not off limits. Apart from that, no.” Mapper giggled, “Caffy still won’t let me mount him, and I even ask nicely. No problems with any body fluids?” Luna laughed at the image of Mapper on top of Caffeinated. “None at all.” “Eh,” said Mapper, “I still think it is a waste of good food upchucking on a pony.” She floats the shiny golden bridle set over to Luna. There was a knock at the door, and Mapper had no idea who was at the door, nor did she care, “Enter!” Octavia entered with a tray of drinks held in her mouth. “This must be my lucky day! Coffee service delivered by a Princess.” Luna laughed again, “Welcome, dearest Tavi. Mapper, don’t I get the panties to finish off this set?” Mapper took the tray from Octavia and set it on the vanity. “Mistress Tavi you have arrived just in time.” She watched Octavia give her a questioning look and then looked over at her wife. Mapper continued, “Lulu has been a very naughty and presumptuous pony!” Octavia again glanced at Luna and saw her small nod. A smile then spread across the old earth pony mare’s face. “Lulu can be very presumptuous, just ask her sister.” “Does it run in the family?” asked Mapper. “Oh, yes it does,” responded Octavia. “She also talks a lot,” commented Mapper. “I fear she is on the verge of dehydration!” “Oh my, that does sound serous!” exclaimed Octavia. “Whatever shall we do to save her?” Mapper took her mocha, “One of those drinks is for you, Mistress Tavi, and the other is to help hydrate Lulu.” Octavia took a delicate sip of the coffee, and then she picked up the tea, a sweet smile all over her elderly face. “Enjoy love,” she stated as she hoofed the cup to Luna. She smiled as Luna grimaced at the taste of the tea her son so loved. Mapper smiled, “Let us reflect on this moment and enjoy our beverages.” “I think she is doing a little better.” Octavia said as Luna slowly sipped the tea. “Though I’m not sure that was enough.” Mapper sipped her mocha, “You may be right, we should keep a close watch on Lulu.” After some more reflection over their drinks, Mapper said, “When we woke up this morning I told everypony to hurry to breakfast so we could get waffles.” Lowers her voice to a stage whisper, “Mistress Tavi, your son is rather slow in the morning.” Octavia grinned, “Dusk isn’t much of a morning pony, Mistress Mapper.” “I know!” exclaimed Mapper. She glanced at Luna, “I think she still looks a bit dehydrated. Do drink your tea, Lulu.” Mapper turned back to Octavia, “Where was I? Oh yes! So, we finally get to breakfast and there wasn’t a waffle on the table! You were there! Where were all the waffles?” Mapper nodded toward Luna who glared back. Octavia completely missed the cue from Mapper, “I trust you were served to your satisfaction when you sat for breakfast?” Mapper did an eye roll and leaned close to Octavia to whisper, “Your wife had the only waffles on her plate so she must have taken the last of them.” Mapper sat back up. “Oh,” said Octavia, “well, she does like her waffles.” Mapper snorted, “So there I am, and all, I mean ‘all’ the waffles are on Lulu’s plate. Every last one of them! And you know what she says? I’ll tell you want she says.” Mapper put on the worst Celestia impersonation ever attempted by a pony, “You can just order more.” Mapper threw her hooves in the air. “Get more, she says. Everypony knows that the first waffles in the morning are the best waffles! The batter gets all stale after that.” Mapper leaned closer to Octavia, “Your wife is a very bad pony.” “Terrible, Mistress Mapper,” Octavia shook her head, her greying charcoal grey mane swaying as she did so. “Simply terrible.” “I know!” said Mapper, “What can I do, I ask myself by saying ‘What can I do?’ Well what would you do?” Octavia responded, “I’m surprised Lulu didn’t offer you her waffles, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper shrugged, “She did sort of drool on them, you know? She drools all the time. I mean, she’s drooling tea right now.” Octavia looked apologetic, “I’m afraid she doesn’t really care for tea.” “Is that right?” Mapper frowned. “Bad ponies should be thankful for tea.” Mapper concentrated hard and she levitated the tea cup away from Luna to Octavia’s hooves. “Don’t you agree Mistress Tavi?” Octavia nodded, “I most certainly agree, Mistress Mapper.” “On your back Lulu,” commanded Mapper. Once Luna had obediently rolled over, Mapper hoofed a gag to Octavia, “Please apply this butterfly gag to the bad pony.” “I’d be happy to, Mistress Mapper.” Octavia smiled, “Open up Lulu.” Luna complied and Octavia inserted the gag and secured it behind the alicorn’s head. “Thank you, Mistress, Tavi,” said Mapper, “and look what if found! A funnel. What luck!” Octavia giggled, “Luck indeed.” Mapper placed the funnel through the circular opening in the butterfly gag. “Now she will have no trouble drinking her tea. Would you be a dear and pour?” “Certainly, it would be a pleasure.” Octavia smiled at her wife, “Enjoy Lulu.” She slowly poured the tea in the funnel and ignored Luna’s grimace. “Thank Celestia,” said Mapper, “That should save Lulu from passing out from dehydration. Unless,” Mapper left a dramatic pause as she didn’t want to push the mare where she wouldn’t want to go, “Do you by chance need to use the potty, Mistress Tavi?” Octavia blinked and looked at Luna who gave her no sign whatsoever. She looked back at Mapper and smiled, “Now that you mention it, I didn’t have time to use the toilet before being summoned from my room to provide drinks.” “Oh, look, there is a convenient funnel right here!” Mapper pointed out. “I would say that is Celestial providence.” “Providence indeed,” Octavia said as she kissed Luna’s forehead. The alicorn gave a slight nod, a sure sign to proceed. “I believe I’ll take advantage of this turn of events, Mistress Mapper.” “Very good,” Mapper said as she moved in close. She watched Octavia climb up on the bed and position her hindquarters over the funnel. “Allow me to steady the funnel for you, my dear.” Mapper held the funnel for a close view of her own while blocking the view for Luna. Her horn lit up to ensure that the stream didn’t miss the funnel. Octavia lifted her tail, not knowing Luna’s view was blocked and placed a fore hoof on her belly. She released her stream. Octavia could hear it hit the plastic funnel and she smiled. Once done she ended the steam with a sigh. Luna managed to swallow the pee without gagging. “She was a thirsty pony,” exclaimed Mapper. I may have to use the funnel later, but I found that somewhat arousing. How about you, Mistress Tavi?” “It was indeed a turn on, Mistress Mapper.” Octavia saw the hard blush on her wife’s cheeks. “Oh my! Look at this odd contraption!” Mapper declared, for she held a double ended dildo in her hoof. “What is this possibly for?” “I’d hazard a guess,” said Octavia, “It is used to, as they say, ‘rut’ a pony, Mistress Mapper.” “But,” Mapper points her other hoof at it, “it has two ends!” “Ah, that is so the one doing the rutting gets her pleasure as well, Mistress Mapper,” explained Octavia. “Oh my, that sounds exciting!” exclaimed Mapper. “But I don’t want to risk an injury.” Mapper moved belly down on the bed so her muzzle almost brushed Luna’s. “Please move and face me, Mistress Tavi.” Once Octavia had moved she placed the dildo between them. “Let’s make sure this is properly lubricated.” As each moved down the dildo with the purpose to have a tongue battle at the middle. Their muzzles bumped into Luna’s muzzle and the funnel still in her mouth. Luna watched the battle over the dildo and lost control of her wings as they spread wide underneath her. If it weren’t for the funnel she could join in the battle. Then Luna decided it was worth the risk and she pushed the funnel out with her tongue. She then pushed her own tongue through the hole in the gag to add to the lubrication. Mapper didn’t react immediately to the funnel falling out. Instead, she chose to continue the three-way battle for the middle of the dildo. After five minutes, Mapper let go of the dildo and knocked the funnel to the floor with a fore hoof. As Octavia pulled away with the dildo in her mouth, Mapper stated, “Oh my moon and stars. I’d forgotten all about the bad pony being there. She has knocked her funnel to the floor!” Octavia removed the dildo from her mouth, “The naughty pony also seems to be unable to control her wings.” He ran a hoof through the primaries, “Maybe it was a cry for help because she is still thirsty?” “I think you may be right,” said Mapper. “Let’s both spin around and put that to its proper use. Between the two of us we may be able to generate enough liquid to keep her alive.” “Brilliant idea!” said Octavia. She waited till Mapper had presented her backside, and then she inserted the dildo. Octavia then spun around and moved back to slide the toy deep inside her. “I do hope we can save her.” “We can but try,” said Mapper. She lessened her hold on the dildo and pulled forward. Mapper pushed back and clenched down on the toy which let Octavia move forward. Both mares fell into a rhythm and quickly built up the pace. Luna watched cross eyed as the mares positioned just centimeters above her went to work. Her muzzle was slammed from one side and then the other. Luna kept her tongue pushed out, only too happy to lick whatever she came in contact with. “Mistress Tavi!” exclaimed Mapper. “I didn’t know your tongue was so long!” “It’s not,” said Octavia. “I think the naughty pony likes naughty mares.” The two continued the furious pace for another five minutes. “I’m about to explode!” Mapper said, “Me too!” she slammed backwards and kept still as the orgasm surged through her. She could feel Octavia shudder with her own orgasm through the dildo. Luna’s muzzle was pressed between the thighs of the two mares over her head. The cum from both overflowed the juncture onto her tongue and into her mouth. Luna couldn’t remember the last time she witnessed something so hot. Mapper clenched down on the toy and pulled forward removing it from Octavia. Octavia turned to look at her wife. “Mistress Mapper! I fear it wasn’t enough. Her tongue is hanging out.” “We have failed!” said Mapper. Quick call the servants for more tea.” “Yes,” said Octavia. “We must save her, I’ll call for two.” Luna shook her head. “The poor dear is shaking! Order three and some refills for us too.” Luna stopped shaking her head and gave Mapper her best death glare. Mapper merely smiled back. “I’ll do what I can to stave off her demise.” Mapper carefully pulled the dildo out of herself with magic and moved it to a hoof. She then slipped one end through the hole in the gag. “There may be enough moisture on this to keep her going.” Octavia laughed while on the phone. “Capital idea.” After ensuring the servants knew it was an urgent matter she came back to the bed. “They will be here shortly. I do hope Lulu will be able to hold on.” She saw the wings were still spread wide and nibbled at the primary feathers which caused Luna to shudder. “Oh, do you think that will help her hold on?” Mapper nipped and licked Luna’s ear so she could keep an eye on the dildo. After a few minutes, Mapper turned the dildo around so Luna could clean the other side. Luna was in heaven as both ponies played with her and she had a cum soaked dildo in her mouth. She was extremely pleased that Mapper would spend such quality time with her and quickly moved her to the top of a short list of dear friends. Only when the servant knocked at the outer door did Luna’s mood turn sour. There would be more of the dreaded tea in her near future. ~ ~ ~ After Serenity left Luna’s suite she walked the halls of the castle. Every guard she passed was polite and asked if she needed any help. When Serenity said, she was fine, they took her for her word and left her be. She enjoyed the artwork and stained glass windows as she wandered. It reminded her of an earlier time when students from Celestia’s school would come over to the castle for field trips or lessons. She was happy to get her Mistress’ request as she had grown bored of the interior, and the teal unicorn moved out to the gardens. The beauty was breathtaking, with the scents of the flowers and riot of colors. She moved from the public spaces to the more private, royal garden, area. A guard stationed at the entrance recognized the pony. All of them had been briefed about Princess Luna’s guests. “Lady Serenity, do you need any assistance?” he asked. “A guided tour of the Royal Gardens would be very nice,” responded Serenity. “One moment please,” responded that guard as he called out her request on the radio. After a positive response, he added, “A guild will be here shortly.” “Thank you,” said Serenity, and she sat down and stared at the guard through half lidded eyes until he started to fidget. Fortunate for him, the guide did arrive quickly. Her last trip to this area was short as the school only wanted to point out a few of the statues for their historical purposes. The guide she had was very knowledgeable and readily answered her questions. Another mental nudge from her Mistress via the link they shared let her know that time was growing short. Serenity thanked her guide with a kiss, and when she saw the same pony was guarding the entrance she thanked him with a kiss too. Soon, Serenity was out the main gate and into the town of Canterlot proper. Her goal was the Beer and Pacifier. A very…unique establishment, that she had cause to visit in the past. ~ ~ ~ Mapper managed not to laugh – just - when she saw the change in Luna’s look at the knock on the door. “Please be a dear and get that, Mistress Tavi. I don’t want the naughty pony to choke on this lovely toy.” “I’d be happy to,” responded Octavia. She opened the door, “Thank you, Frappe, I’ll take it from here.” Octavia trotted back into the room and set the tray on a low table. When Mapper tried to remove the dildo, Luna attempted to hold onto as she pressed it against the room of her mouth with her tongue. Mapper though, was easily able to pull it out. “Thank Celestia, you’re just in time. She is so parched the toy was stuck to her tongue.” “Ah, poor Lulu,” said Octavia. “They were able to deliver her favorite tea.” Octavia had long ago grown immune to Luna’s death stare. Mapper still held the dildo in front of Luna’s face. “Lulu, my dear, which end tasted better?” Luna nodded towards Octavia. Mapper replaced the funnel. “Of course, there was no right answer to that question.” She looked over to Octavia. “Is the tea of a drinkable temperature?” “Yes, quite drinkable,” responded Octavia. “I will administer a cup to our naughty pony before she passes away.” She ignored Luna’s desperate, pleading, whimper. Octavia poured and Luna had no choice but to swallow. “I think she is starting to like it, Mistress Mapper. It is a good thing we have two more.” Mapper stroked the large powerful wing nearest to her. “Mistress Tavi, I don’t have these appendages, but they seem rather stiff to either side of Lulu. Do you have some manual on how to care for such things?” Octavia lightly stroked the wing on her side which elicited a lustful moan from Luna. “As it happens, I do have a book on the proper care of wings.” Mapper lightly rubbed the juncture of the wing and barrel. “Excellent! I do wish to learn how to care for such things.” The wing under her touch grew even stiffer as Luna continued to moan. Octavia left the bed and moved to a nearby bookshelf. She promptly returned with a surprisingly thick and heavy looking book. “This was written for pegasi, but I think the principle is the same.” Mapper nodded, “Well she is a pegasus, just with a pointy thing.” Mapper continued to stroke the juncture. “Should we do a wing together or tackle them both at the same time?” Luna nodded eagerly which caused the funnel to wobble. Octavia said, “I think the naughty pony would like us to do a wing each. Though I’m not sure she has earned it.” “Well, Mistress Tavi, if you can trust me to work unsupervised then let’s give it a go,” said Mapper. “Just put the book here on her tummy for our reference.” “Oh, I think you’ll pick it up just fine, Mistress Mapper,” Octavia said as she placed the thick volume on Luna’s belly, just where her bladder was. “I’m sure the naughty pony will give some indication if we should do it wrong.” Mapper leaned forward and pressed a hoof on Luna’s lower belly as she studied the book. “This book doesn’t seem to point out the tickly bits.” Octavia saw what Mapper was doing and she too placed a hoof on Luna’s lower belly while the other pointed out locations on the wing. “These locations are particularly ticklish, Mistress Mapper.” “You are a wealth of knowledge, Mistress Tavi!” Mapper moved back down to Luna’s side. “Let me verify my location.” She dug the toe of her fore hoof into Luna’s ribs and counted. Slowly. Luna’s laughter was muffled by the gag and funnel. “Yes, I think I have it now.” Octavia when straight to the tickle spots she knew about on Luna, and enjoyed watching her wife squirm. “She is shaking a lot. Do you think she is still thirsty?” “She may well be,” said Mapper who ignored pointedly Luna’s shaking head. “Please administer a second cup, Mistress Tavi, and then we can take a break to enjoy our own. This preening has quite worn me out.” “Excellent idea, Mistress Mapper.” Octavia wasted no time pouring another cup of tea down the funnel and then sat next to Luna with her coffee while Mapper drank her mocha. “This has been a most enjoyable day, Mistress Mapper.” “Yes, it has,” agreed Mapper. “Thank you so much, Mistress Tavi, for your hospitality.” Octavia took a small bow at the compliment. Octavia finished her coffee and tapped Luna’s lower belly. The alicorn squeezed her eyes and her hind legs shut. “She still seems to be in some distress. It may be the naughty pony’s feathers need alignment.” Mapper drank the last of her mocha, “Oh my, I nearly forgot about the naughty pony.” She pressed a hoof down on the book, “Yes, I believe I was working here when we last left off. Well, back to work then.” She started with a very sensual preen on Luna’s wing. Octavia smiled and moved to start a similar preen on the wing before her with some added tickling. “If this doesn’t do the trick we still have another cup of tea.” She fought hard not to laugh as Luna franticly shook her head. Mapper laid a hind leg over Luna’s belly to better get at the primary feathers. “This must be very pleasurable judging by how much she is squirming.” Luna started thinking about tax codes, the noble petitioner who complained yesterday the grass in the parks were too short, even Day Court, in a futile attempt to take her mind off how much she needed to pee. Octavia leaned on the book to get a better view of what Mapper was doing. “Yes, Mistress Mapper, those long feathers at the end are quite sensitive.” Mapper pushed off with her hind leg to get closer to the long feathers. “Thank you, Mistress Tavi, I’ll pay extra attention to these.” Unable to stop herself, Luna groaned and a golden trickle escaped between her legs. Octavia sniffed, “Mistress Mapper, I think the naughty pony is having an accident.” “What?” Mapper spun around in place and landed both fore hooves on Luna’s belly. The alicorn groaned and fully released her bladder, unable to hold it in anymore. “Mistress Tavi! Lulu has sprung a leak!” Mapper tried to stem the flow with one hoof while she pushed down with the other, which made an even bigger mess. “All the tea she needed is escaping!” Luna’s bright red blush burned through her dark fur. “Oh my, she has,” said Octavia. “Whatever shall we do?” “First we need to plug the leak! I saw just the items.” Mapper concentrated and levitated two dildo harnesses over from the toy box. She then lifted Luna and rolled her onto her side letting the funnel fall out. Mapper then slid her back so the soaked sheets were mid-barrel before setting her back down. Luna folded her wings away and closed her eyes as the now cold dampness of her waste soaked into her fur. She could feel her blush burning even brighter. This was so unbecoming of a Princess, but at the same time, she was so very aroused. “There are two holes, but I don’t know which one to plug so we should plug them both,” stated Mapper. “Let’s put these on and then chose a hole to plug.” “Brilliant idea,” said Octavia as she took one harness. She slipped it on over her hind legs. “I’ll take this little hole here, under the tail.” Mapper slipped her harness on, “Then I’ll take the other one. I’ll lie along her belly, and you along her back. I’m sure we’ll be able to save her.” As Mapper got into position she said, “I hope you don’t mind laying in the spilled tea.” “It seems a small price to pay for saving Lulu’s life,” said Octavia. “Let’s plug that leak!” “We will be national heroes!” Mapper slid in fully. “No finesse, Mistress Tavi, we need to plug her up tight.” Octavia watched Mapper slide out and back in again. “I quite agree.” Octavia smiled as she lined up her dildo and gave a powerful earth pony thrust hilting it deep inside Luna’s asshole. Mapper thrusted in and out at a rapid pace, “I’m going to plug that hole, you tea spilling filly!” Octavia hammered Luna’s ass hard, “Such a waste of good tea!” In no time at all, Luna squealed through her first orgasm and she still had enough left in her to squirt. “Mistress Tavi,” shouted Mapper. “She is still leaking! We must redouble our efforts to plug her up!” “I will Mistress Mapper.” Octavia curled Luna’s tail around a hoof and pulled hard. Her wife’s moan under her was music to her ears. “Please forgive me for what I’m about to say, Mistress Tavi,” Mapper informed her partner. “I will translate for you later.” Octavia continued to plug in and out of Luna’s tail hole, “By all means do as you must, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper picked up her pace, “Tu mungu wa usiku ya kweli ya mwezi ya thamani ya tahadhari ya kiki farasi mbili kuabudu yake.” She tilted her head up to look at Luna who had tilted her head down to look back. “Mwezi kuongezeka na seti katika mapenzi yako na jua ni kucheza yako kitu!” Luna tried to speak through the gag but settled for nodding her head vigorously. “Now, Mistress Tavi, give her all you got!” “At once Mistress Mapper.” Octavia brought the tail to her mouth and bit down, and pulled it up Luna’s back. Luna squealed at the pain. Mapper spoke up, “Kutolewa nguvuza usiku na uangaxe juu yetu utukufu wenuy!” Luna tried to scream through the gag as she went through another, even stronger orgasm. The alicorn’s horn glowed a dark blue light as she rode out the climax. Mapper slowed down her thrusts and leaned over Luna’s body. Octavia saw her partner slow down and eased back on her thrusts. She leaned across Luna to give Mapper a kiss. Luna’s horn faded and the old grey earth pony stopped thrusting altogether. “We may have saved her.” Mapper also stopped thrusting, “I do hope we have.” She looked at Luna as she laid there and panted through the gag. Mapper giggled, “Now all of us are wet. So, Lulu, you may simply nod. Did my lessons from Coffee Bean work?” Luna gave a tired nod of her head. Moments later, the suite door opened and Serenity stepped through. “I have returned, Mistress.” “Excellent timing, Pet.” Mapper withdrew from Luna and waited for Octavia to do the same. She removed both harnesses, and set them aside for cleaning later. “I think two worshipers need to be worshiped, Mistress Tavi. Would you like Lulu to tend to you with or without her gag?” “With I think,” Octavia said with a smile. “It’s nice having her quiet.” Mapper nodded, “First, now that the leak is plugged, we must ensure she survives. More tea!” “I just so happen to have another cup,” said Octavia. “Please replace the funnel, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper rolled Luna onto her back. The cold wetness that she was forced to lay on sent a shiver down the alicorn’s spine. Mapper replaced the funnel, “Ready, Mistress Tavi.” “Thank you,” Octavia said. She poured the cold tea down the funnel and watched Luna wince at the taste. Mapper sat back down and picked up what was left of her now cold mocha. “We should let that work its way into her system before we exercise her further.” Octavia picked up her Celestia special which tasted as good cold as it did hot. She sat next to Mapper and watched Serenity sit just inside the room. At first, she was going to ask about her, but changed her mind, “You said you would translate. I believe that was Zebran you were speaking?” “It was, and I did,” Mapper nodded. She took a breath to translate the words in her head before she said, “Only the true Goddess of the Night is worthy to be worshiped by two mares. The Moon rises and sets at your will, and the sun is your play thing.” Mapper smiled, “Come for us Goddess of the Night and release your essence of blessing upon us.” “That sounds very poetic, Mistress Mapper,” Octavia said. “I should put some effort into learning some Zebran.” “Thank you, Mistress Tavi,” responded Mapper. “I do try now and again.” “Have you always known Zebran, Mistress Mapper?” Octavia asked, her curiosity piqued. “I knew enough to separate a zebra from their bits,” said Mapper, “but Caffeinated gave me cause to learn more, if only to know what he was saying about me.” Octavia laughed, and finished her coffee, “Should I order more drinks?” “Yes, Lulu may be parched after her big leak and my Pet would like some tea too please,” said Mapper. “Also, one can never have too much coffee.” Octavia placed the order, “They will have it up in a couple of minutes. I see Serenity has some full saddle bags.” “If you will allow, Mistress Tavi, we can explore her saddle bags after our refreshment and some more entertainment.” Mapper moved over and pulled another butterfly gag from the toy box. “It seems that Lulu must have some large parties.” She placed the gag in Serenity’s mouth and fastened it around her head. “Now both pets are dressed the same.” Mapper giggled, “Well, one is a bit dryer than the other. Pet, lie on your back next to Lulu.” “I just happen to know where one can find another funnel too!” said Octavia. She pulled one out of a cabinet behind the bar. As she placed the funnel in Serenity’s gag as the drink service arrived. “Your staff is very efficient, Mistress Tavi,” said Mapper. “Thank you, Mistress Mapper,” said Octavia. “I’ll pass on your kind words. Here is your mocha.” Both mares sat down and enjoyed their fresh hot coffees. Half way through, Octavia touched a tea cup. She said, “I do think they have cooled enough to provide life giving substance to the naughty ponies.” “Thank you for the reminder, Mistress Tavi,” said Mapper. “I’d forgotten all about the naughty ponies. We must make sure they are hydrated for the trials to come.” Mapper took a tea and poured it into Serenity’s funnel while Octavia did the same to Luna’s funnel. “Now we can let that settle as we finish our coffee.” “This has turned out to be a most pleasant day, Mistress Mapper,” said Octavia. “You really should visit us more often.” “The pleasure is all mine, Mistress Tavi,” responded Mapper. “Of course, my schedule is most hectic. Still, I’ll always try to make time for friends.” Mapper finished her coffee. “Did you happen to keep count of how many times Lulu orgasmed?” “Yes,” answered Octavia. “I counted twice.” “Hum,” thought Mapper. “I think she does owe us interest for spilling all that tea.” Mapper looked at the ponies on the bed, “May she use magic?” “If I’m following your line of thought, Mistress Mapper, I don’t see why not,” said Octavia. “You are a racy one, Mistress Tavi,” giggled Mapper. “Last rule. First to three wins or loses?” Octavia smiled, “I do wish to enjoy the full experience, nor do I want her to hold back. First to three wins.” “Challenge accepted,” stated Mapper. Both her and Octavia moved to a dryer spot at the head of the bed and laid back with fluffy pillows behind them. “Thespian will hate me for this. Let the licking be doubled!” Octavia laughed at the joke as she watched both naughty ponies roll over to their bellies. They left the funnels behind as they crawled forward. Luna dove head first between her wife’s hind legs and thrust her tongue through the hole in the gag. The alicorn’s horn lit up to add a very satisfying vibration to her tongue work. Serenity didn’t light her horn as she lapped away at Mapper’s cleft. She did bring both fore hooves into play above and below her licking zone. Luna knew what Octavia liked, and she worked hard to push her over the edge as rapidly as she could. The grey hind legs soon squeezed her head and she felt a hoof pushing her muzzle in deeper. Luna moved a fore hoof to Octavia’s tail hole and felt her wife shudder through her first orgasm. Mapper looked serene with her forelegs at her side. Serenity’s horn remained unlit, but her hooves and tongue moved at a furious pace. After Octavia finished her orgasm, Serenity cast a brief spell. Octavia and Luna felt a slight electrostatic shock that would make their fur stand on end, but Mapper felt the full brunt of the spell. The Mistress was no longer sat on a dry spot. Luna pulled back so she could slip her horn into Octavia’s dripping wet slit. Years of experience came into play so she could maneuver her long horn in and out of Octavia without causing her injury. Luna again let loose her magic and Octavia came for a second time. Not to be outdone, Serenity lifted Mapper’s hindquarters up with her magic and slipped the tip of her horn into Mapper’s anus. The horn glowed for two seconds and Mapper lost all control of her bladder and proved she could squirt with the best of them. Serenity welcomed the warm fluid as it ran down her face, and removed her horn. She lowered her Mistress down to the bed and resumed her lapping and hoof play. Luna redoubled her efforts on her tired wife, determined to bring her to that third climax. Mapper moved a fore hoof to turn Octavia’s head to face her. The pink unicorn’s horn lit up and she said, “Mimi ni nani changamoto Mungu wa Mwezi.” Mapper kissed Octavia deeply. Luna felt Mapper’s magic and then realized she used it to close the butterfly gag on Serenity leaving her with just her lips to continue. Mapper’s phrase though, ‘Who am I to challenge the Goddess of the Moon’ got Luna very wet indeed. She inserted her horn into Octavia’s ass, and set it to full vibrate. Octavia came hard. Her moan of ecstasy could be heard even though Mapper sealed her lips. Octavia leaned back from the kiss, “Victory is mine.” Mapper smiled and looked down between her hind legs at the pony looking back at her, “For shame I have such a bad pony for a Pet, don’t I?” Serenity nodded vigorously. “I should punish her for her failure.” Serenity nodded even more vigorously. Mapper turned to Octavia, “Mistress Tavi, does my Pet seem over anxious to you?” Octavia looked back but unable to speak at the moment as her wife’s horn was still in her ass. Luna withdrew the horn to be followed by a gentle kiss. Octavia could again think straight and answered Mapper’s question, “Not at all, Mistress Mapper. I think your Pet merely welcomes her punishment.” Mapper turned back to her wife and nodded. With a quick burst of magic the gag fell away. “Make me sing, Pet.” Serenity resumed her work with gusto. Both Octavia and Luna looked on to enjoy the show. Serenity, now free of the gag, buried her teal muzzle deep into Mapper’s crotch. Once her Mistress had rested her fore hooves on her horn, Serenity started to emit magical low frequency pulses. Octavia moved in close to start a battle of the tongues with Mapper, and Luna joined the show by using her magic to manipulate Mapper’s breasts. Moments later Mapper called out Serenity’s name into Octavia’s mouth as she arched her back in a heart pounding orgasm. Serenity released her magic and lightly kissed Mapper’s outer lips. Octavia too moved away to look at the panting unicorn. “It was a close call, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper laughed, “I shan’t be a sore loser.” Mapper looked around her, “I do say Lulu is soiled, Senior Pet is soiled, I’m soiled, and I dare say you too are soiled, Mistress Tavi. What do you say to a shower and then some lunch?” “I say I should introduce you to the royal baths,” commented Octavia, “and then we can see about lunch.” “That sounds positively decadent!” said Mapper. The unicorn rolled out of the bed and favored her left hip. “Yes a hot bath is just what I need. After that we can see what Senior Pet picked up before we go to lunch.” “I’ve been interested in what she brought since her return,” said Octavia. “Come along Lulu.” Once the alicorn was out of the bed, Octavia removed the gag. “Walk with me, Mistress Mapper. Our servants can follow along and attend to our needs.” They walked along a corridor which intersected with two others. Octavia led them down the one to the right. Mapper spoke up, “Do you think we might see the Princess at lunch?” “Yes,” responded Octavia. “She usually takes her lunch in about an hour.” Mapper clapped her hooves, “How exciting. We must ensure we are presentable before her Highness.” Mapper stopped when the corridor opened into a large room with numerous pools of varying temperatures. “Oh my, this is far beyond what I imagined!” Octavia led the way to one pool, “This one is for general bathing. Come Lulu, I do need to be cleaned of all that spilled tea.” “May I use the restroom, Mistress?” Luna asked. “No time for that!” said Mapper as she entered the pool. She waved a hoof at Serenity. Her wife moved over to the shampoos where Luna was selecting one for Octavia. She picked up a lilac scented one and started to wash Mapper nose to tail. “I could grow used to this, Mistress Tavi.” Once Mapper and Octavia were clean, Mapper asked, “Does this opulent spa have a fur dryer?” “Of course,” said Octavia. “I’ll show you.” Before Mapper followed her, she turned to the other two. “You may clean each other, but nothing sensual! We don’t want to be late for lunch.” She followed Octavia out of the pool to enjoy the warm jets of air. Mapper kept her voice low, “Could you arrange for two teas and coffee for us to be in the room when we get back?” Octavia smiled, “Yes I can.” She walked over to a small table with a phone and placed the order. “I’m looking forward to seeing what Serenity brought.” Once the pets were dry the four moved out of the pool room. “I’m so looking forward to lunch with the Princess,” said Mapper. “On this day of the week,” Octavia said, “the Princess usually takes lunch in her suite. I’m sure, her Highness won’t have an objection to us joining her.” Mapper nudged Octavia with her shoulder, “You have such an inside track with royalty.” “I can confirm with the Princess,” Octavia moved towards the phone. “Oh no, Mistress Tavi,” Mapper said to stop her. “It must be a surprise.” She moved into the room. “Look, there is another drink service! How thoughtful, we shouldn’t let it go to waste. I’m sure your servants toiled long and hard to prepare this.” “Our staff is quite diligent,” said Octavia. “We still have time before the Princess will start her lunch.” “You must pass on my appreciation to them, Mistress Tavi,” said Mapper. “Senior Pet, please drink one of the teas. Lulu, please drink the other, or do I need to get the funnel?” Serenity hastened over to the drink service and picked one of the teas up with her magic and proceeded to drink it down. Luna glared at Mapper, but only saw a smiling unicorn in return. With a somewhat defeated sigh she levitated the other tea over to herself and began to drink it. “I fear that Lulu still doesn’t seem to care for the tea,” Octavia said as she picked up her Celestial coffee. “That may be so,” said Mapper, “but her safety does come first. Maybe the Princess will have a better selection of teas, but that one is so highly rated by Prince Dusk.” Mapper sipped her mocha. “I’m very worried though that Lulu may spring another leak in front of the Princess.” “Oh, that would be terrible,” said Octavia. “I might lose my lunch privileges! Do you think it would be best to leave her behind?” Mapper shook her head, “One’s Pet is a reflection of the Mistress. It wouldn’t do at all to leave them behind, Mistress Tavi. Somepony must serve after all!” Mapper reflected a moment as she sipped. “Fear not though, for I have a solution once our drinks are finished.” Octavia nodded and finished her coffee while at the same time she made sure Luna didn’t pour her tea into a plant. “I’m feeling a bit ravenousness, Mistress Mapper. I believe we should make our way to the Princess’s suite for lunch if we want to be on time.” Mapper saw both Pets had finished their tea, “I fear the bed may not be in any condition for use.” She looked around, “Ah, a day bed, just was we need. Lulu, Senior Pet, up on the day bed on your backs.” Serenity quickly complied, while Luna followed. She was as curious as Octavia as to what Mapper may have planned. Octavia voiced her curiosity, “So, Mistress Mapper, you have a plan to keep the Pets from embarrassing us?” “I do!” exclaimed Mapper. “Please follow me.” She led Octavia over to the saddlebags and ensured their bodies would block the view of any peeping alicorns. Mapper opened the bag so Octavia could look inside. Octavia looked and stepped back in surprise, “Is that?” “Yes!” said Mapper. “See this removes any worries about unexpected leaks.” Octavia smiled, “Yes it does.” She looked back at her wife, “I do hope I remember how to put them on.” “It’s like riding a bicycle, my dear,” said Mapper. “Some things you never forget.” Mapper took the talcum powder out. “I’ll take care of this bit if you could do the rest, please, Mistress Tavi.” “I’d be happy to,” said Octavia. She stayed at the saddlebag to complete the surprise. Mapper lifted Luna by a hind leg and liberally applied the baby powder. She watched with unbridled delight as Luna’s eyes widened in surprise. Mapper than moved over to Serenity and did the same, but all her wife did was smile. She stepped back and turned to Octavia. Octavia took two adult sized nappies out of the bag with her mouth and trotted over to the ponies on the day bed. Luna’s cheeks turned a very, very bright red as her wife approached. Octavia fastened a nappy on each of the waiting ponies. “I bet they both feel like Princesses with that lovely crescent moon on black cutie mark on the nappies.” “I’m sure they do, Mistress Tavi,” Mapper said. “And look, if the lunch was outside we could put these on.” Mapper held up the plastic nappy protectors with Lunar Guard Stallions on them. “Then they could feel like Royal Guards protecting the Princess.” Mapper thoroughly enjoyed watching Luna’s cheeks burn. “Lunch will be indoors though, and I like the idea of be attended to by a Princess.” “I’ll put one on my Pet so she can be the Princess’s guard.” Mapper added the nappy cover to Serenity. For the first time, Luna spoke up, “Mistress, I-I’m to wear this?” “Yes Lulu, you will wear that. I only wish there were booties to properly complete the look.” Octavia said. “Instruct me if I have erred, Mistress,” said Serenity in a subdued voice. Octavia waved away her apology with a hoof, “She does remind me of my foal. Shall we dress for lunch, Mistress Mapper?” “Of course!” said Mapper. “We must surpass our foal’s cuteness.” Mapper pulled out a simple dress from Octavia’s closet, “This will do nicely.” Octavia selected a similar dress. She whispered to Mapper, “I know a long cut that will get us there in a timely manner.” Mapper said, “Please lead the way, Mistress Tavi. I’ll follow behind to ensure our two foals don’t get lost.” Octavia left the suite and instead of turning right down the short corridor to Celestia’s suite, she turned left which led to Luna’s entrance to the throne room. Serenity followed, and Luna glanced longingly at the correct direction before she too followed Octavia. Mapper followed the three and noted the two guards at Luna’s door said nothing and didn’t even turn their heads as they passed. After going down a set of stairs, Octavia turned to her right. At the bottom, one of the guards spoke up, “Good day to you, Princess.” He fought and completely failed to hide his smirk. The crimson returned to Luna’s cheeks in full force as she acknowledged the new guard, “Good d-day, Stonewall.” Mapper stopped at the guard, “A good day it is, Stonewall. We are sporting a new proposed uniform. The darker one is for admin types, and the lighter one is wearing the Lunar Guard model. Maybe you’d like to try one on now?” Stonewall took his eyes off Luna to look at the unicorn in front of him, “Um… No miss, that’s fine, thank you.” Mapper moved after the others, but she muttered loudly, “I fear there may de dissention in the ranks.” “What? No!” exclaimed Stonewall, “That’s not what I meant miss!” Mapper smiled as she moved along through the administrative office space. Clerks stopped and stared, but wisely said nothing. Mapper choose to not tease them about the possible uniform change. Octavia led them back up the steps to Celestia’s area of the castle. The guard at Celestia’s door looked at Luna and then riveted his eyes on Octavia, “Good day, Lady Octavia, may I assist you?” “Greetings, Lance,” said Octavia, “I’m here to see the Princess.” “Shall I announce you?” asked Lance. “No thank you, Lance,” responded Octavia. “I’m expected.” Lance, a guard of many years’ experience, opened the door and Octavia led the way in. Luna fidgeted and hesitated, while Serenity passed her. Mapper came up behind Luna and nudged her forward. She whispered to her, “Don’t worry my little foal, the Princess isn’t mean.” Celestia’s suite was a mirror image of Luna’s in design, but not in decoration. Luna moved into the antechamber and froze up again. “Mistress?” Luna begged, “I need to use the toilet.” “Never fear, Mistress Tavi,” said Mapper, “I have spare nappies with me in case of an accident.” Octavia nodded, “A wise precaution, Mistress Mapper, as they may well be needed.” She looked at her wife, “Come along, Lulu. Don’t want to keep her Highness waiting.” Mapper moved forward to look into the next room. Serenity stayed to her side. She saw Celestia at her desk behind a mountain of scrolls. The alicorn didn’t look up from her work, but she did twitch an ear. It was enough to let Mapper know she was aware of their presence. Luna looks at the floor, “Mistress, I-I really need to use the toilet.” Octavia smiled, “That is why you’re wearing a nappy, so you don’t have to worry about it.” “Please, Mistress,” pleaded Luna as her guts lurched and her bowels clenched. “We shouldn’t keep the Princess waiting,” said Mapper. Octavia turned away from Luna to move up with Mapper. Luna, shame and humiliation burning through the core of her being, closed her eyes and whispered, “Moon.” Mapper had to sit down as a hard orgasm surged through her body. Serenity sat down just behind her to wait. Octavia turned back to Luna and saw tears in her eyes. She returned to her wife and took the time to kiss away the tears. “Shall I announce ourselves, Mistress Mapper?” “No, Mistress Tavi,” said Mapper as she stood back up. “Let’s get Mistress Luna to a toilet, the game is over.” Mapper moved up next to Luna, “Usilie Mungu wa Mwezi kwa ajili yaw ewe ni salama na familia.” Luna sniffed and snuffelled, but she was encouraged by Mapper’s considerate words. “I know, but I just couldn’t do that in front of my sister.” Octavia led the group out of the suite to a waiting room across the hall for visiting dignitaries. “There is a bathroom in here, my love.” Octavia assisted Luna in removing the nappy, and Luna moved straight into the stall. “Mistress?” said Serenity. “May I also use the toilet?” “You may,” said Mapper. Serenity giggled as she removed her nappy. “I was ready to let loose a stinky in front of Princess Celestia.” Once Luna had finished her business she came out of the stall. Serenity went in after she exited. “Thank you,” Luna said, “I just couldn’t…” “It is a safe word for a reason, dear, and I will always honor that,” said Mapper, “Right Mistress Octavia?” Octavia kissed her wife before she responded, “Right you are, Mistress Mapper.” “So, Mistress Mapper, was your orgasm satisfying?” asked Luna, though the look on the pink unicorn’s face answered all her questions. Mapper giggled, “Very much so. I just hope your sister doesn’t slip and fall on the puddle I left behind. Celestia was nose deep in paperwork, so unless she is on a diet of scrolls, she wasn’t eating lunch anyways.” “I’m sure she will be fine,” said Luna. Administration was one of the few things she hated with a burning passion. Once Serenity exited the toilet, the Princess continued, “Shall we have lunch in my suite then?” “That sounds lovely,” said Mapper, “As I’m feeling positively overdressed right now.” “I must agree to that,” said Octavia, “When compared to those two.” She led the way out of the waiting room and down the short corridor back to their shared suite. > Chapter 3 - Into the Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in Luna’s suite, Octavia and Mapper got undressed while Luna ordered lunch for the four of them. “Thank you again for the game. It was more than I expected, yet it was all I could have hoped for.” “You’re very welcome, Luna,” said Mapper. “I know I had fun. I believe we still have a few hours of snuggling on the schedule.” Octavia asked, “Do you think Tia knew we were out in her foyer?” “She was pretty busy with that mountain of scrolls,” responded Mapper. “I doubt we could have snuck in on my sister,” said Luna, “but the only thing that would distract Tia from work is cake.” Mapper laughed, “I’m woefully unprepared for that! I didn’t bring any of Thespian’s cake with me.” Luna giggled, “Tia did enjoy the cake I brought back the other day.” “After you made her wait, you prankster,” said Octavia. Luna nodded, “You should have seen her face when she thought I was eating the only slice.” “You are such a naughty filly,” Octavia said as she kissed her wife. “A good naughty,” said Mapper. “A bad naughty would have been if it was the only slice. While Thespian is married to a zebra you still risked your life eating a cake meant for Celestia.” The lunch service arrived with coffee for everypony. Daisy and cucumber sandwiches, fried okra, and fruit salad made up the meal. “I’d had enough tea to last me forever!” said Luna. After the meal, the four of them settled down for some serious snuggle time. Mapper commented, “Last night was a lot of fun, but I do think I heard a shout that sounded a lot like you, Mistress Luna. I think they shouted, ‘Come on!’ or something to that effect.” Luna blushed, “Oh, you heard that.” “All ponies are bad ponies,” said Serenity, “but some are better at it than others.” “They are indeed,” agreed Octavia. Luna feigned an innocent look, “What? You lot had your fun with Dusk. We were trying to have a nice little threesome.” Luna nudged her two guests, “We weren’t the ponies that set off the alarms. Twice!” Mapper waved a fore hoof like it was a small thing. Luna kissed Mapper, “What was the first one? A level five gravity spell?” Luna kissed Serenity, “The second alarm went off right when Tia was about to mount me.” Mapper smiled, “I’m responsible for the gravity spell. Just shows my level of control to keep it to level five while receiving a well done horn job. Senior pet,” Mapper giggled as Serenity’s cheeks turned red. “She was the second alarm and she was wearing a level ten inhibitor at the time.” “Really, Miss Serenity?” said an amazed Octavia. “That is impressive,” said Luna. “I’m glad you had the inhibitor on. Rebuilding half the castle is such a hassle.” Luna giggled, “Had there been a third time, Tia was going to let the guards arrest you.” Mapper leaned in and whispered, “Don’t let Omega know his horn job went unnoticed.” “Well,” said Octavia, “Tia does hate it when her sexy time is interrupted.” “I won’t say a word, Mapper,” said Luna. “And what Tavi says is true, we have to schedule months in advance!” The four of them laughed out loud at that. “I have a bag of level nine inhibitors that are broken,” said Mapper as Serenity’s blush intensified. “I’m going to take them by the school to be repaired. It has been awhile since I had such talent to pleasure Senior Pet at both ends.” Luna kissed Serenity’s cheek and quickly pulled away waving a hoof over her mouth. “Careful Serenity, that blush might catch the castle on fire.” Serenity decided to act naughty and stuck her tongue out at Luna. Luna laughed, “Oh my, how ‘cheeky’. It’s good that Dusk let you use Vocal’s inhibitor. He insisted on wearing it when he was Dusk’s ‘puppy’. My fault I got him that job to go back on the road. I used to like our walkies.” “If you don’t mind foregoing some cuddle time, you can take Senior Pet on walkies,” suggested Mapper quickly. “She is fully house broken too, so no messy accidents.” Luna chuckled, “You should have Dusk tell you about the problems he had with Vocal when they went outdoors. Yes, I’d be happy to go for a walk in the gardens with your pet.” “Mistress Luna, your gardens are beautiful,” Serenity said. “I visited them during my free time and enjoyed resting by the fountain. I will only use the toilet on your command, Mistress.” “Dusky said it was less than convenient at times,” said Mapper. Octavia laughed, “Vocal dropped a load in the middle of the market district one afternoon. Dusk almost died of embarrassment. He put Vocal in his cage for a few nights.” Mapper tilted her head, “Was that a punishment or a reward?” “It was definitely a punishment,” said Luna. “Vocal liked his pet bed, but wasn’t keen on the cage. He usually got just a few hours instead of a few days in it. I do have a collar and lead in my toy box, Mapper, unless you have your own?” Mapper smiled, “The one I have is pink, so feel free to use your own.” Luna rolled her eyes, “Of course it would be pink.” She levitated a dark blue collar and leash out of her toy box and fastened the collar around Serenity’s neck. Luna attached the leash to the collar and said, “One thing, you won’t bark at me, will you?” “So, you wish for her to be a dog,” said Mapper. “No barking at all or barking only on command? Like if somepony is annoying you?” Luna smiled, “I was going to say no, but maybe barking at a few nobles would be fun.” Mapper asked, “High level of training?” Luna nodded, “If you wouldn’t mind.” “Already done.” Mapper smiled, “Please let her know her bark command cue. She is very observant and will work to ear commands. Also, if you’re worried about her doing her business, even though she is highly trained, you can put a lunar guard nappy on her.” Luna laughed, “I’m not worried about that.” She looked at Serenity, “Pup, my left ear flick means bark, understand?” Luna flicked her left ear. Serenity barked loudly. “Oh my,” Luna exclaimed, “Has somepony been practicing?” Mapper looked off to the side, “Maybe.” Serenity pulled lightly at the leash. “Okay pup, let’s take you out to the garden so you can sniff some trees.” Luna moved towards the exit and Serenity followed on Luna’s left one pace back. “You have a very well trained pup, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper agreed, “The finest Celestia’s school can produce.” “Yes, I knew that school existed for a reason.” Luna laughed and moved around the room and Serenity stayed in position. She kissed Octavia, “Do try to be good for Mapper, my love.” “No promises.” Octavia followed up with another kiss. Luna moved on out of the room. Although she was out of sight the two remaining mares heard Serenity bark in the hallway. Mapper moved to sit next to Octavia, “Now that the Mistress is away, how shall the mares play?” Octavia bowed, “Anyway you like, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper shook her head, “Octavia, at this moment there are no Mistresses. Just two mares that know each other and this mare would like to learn how to please the other.” “Of course,” Octavia giggled. “Now that you mention it, I’ve always liked my collarbone nibbled.” “How interesting,” said Mapper. “It just so happens that I like to nibble on collarbones. And, while it is not a secret, I like it when anypony plays with my horn.” Mapper nuzzled Octavia’s ear, “No fear, no shame. I won’t judge you for what you like or dislike.” Octavia blushed, “Seeing those nappies brought back a lot of fond memories, and seeing Lulu in them made me wonder.” She moved her head and kissed Mapper’s horn. “Do you think I’d look good in nappies, Tavi, my dear?” questioned Mapper as she nibbled on Octavia’s collarbone. Octavia stroked Mapper’s brown mane and paused in licking her horn, “We could find out?’ Mapper moved from nibbling a collarbone to nuzzling Octavia’s neck, “May I be your little filly, Momma Tavi?” Octavia’s face lit up with anticipation. “Oh, I’d like that.” she said, “I’d like that a lot.” She gave Mapper’s nose a chaste kiss, “My little filly.” Mapper stopped nibbling and softly nuzzled as she made googling and cooing noses. Octavia looked at Mapper and had an idea, “Would my little filly like to play with some toys?” Mapper smiled and waved her hooves. “Well, we best get you dressed first.” Octavia giggled, “We don’t want any accidents.” Octavia carried Mapper over to the day bed and laid her on her back. She quickly gathered the powder and Luna cutie mark nappies. Mapper briefly thought of giving Octavia a golden shower for her efforts. While she was sure her newborn would get her at least once with that trick, Mapper decided Octavia was in too good a mood to spoil. She’d wait till later to give the gray mare a stinky to change. Octavia expertly applied the powder and put the Luna cutie mark nappy on the unicorn. She left off the protective cover since mapper had no outfit to ruin with a messy diaper. “Let’s take you to the nursery.” Octavia put Mapper on her back and left the suite. Mapper thought about what age foal she should be for Octavia. Since the nursery would most likely have newborn foal toys, Mapper thought six months would be a good age to act. She let out a giggling laugh as Octavia carried her. She couldn’t help it as she thought the nursery would have a couple dozen musical interments along with the toys. Mapper started chewing on Octavia’s mane since it was available. Octavia hoofed open the door, “I’m sure my filly will find something in here to interest her.” She sat Mapper in the middle of the room on the padded floor. The unicorn looked around and saw a variety of toys that ranged from newborn to a two year old. She grabbed at the nearest thing which was an alphabet block and stuck it part way in her mouth. Octavia saw what Mapper did and picked up a stuffed teddy bear. “That’s not food.” She said as she swapped the teddy for the block. Mapper took the teddy bear and rolled to her belly. She used the bear to attack another block that was nearby. She lost her balance and fell over. Mapper dropped the teddy bear and rolled to her side. She couldn’t see the bear behind her, and started to whimper. “It’s okay, dear,” said Octavia. She pulled the bear from behind Mapper and moved it to her front, “Boo!” Mapper squealed with glee. She grabbed the bear and continued her assault on the alphabet block. Octavia started to stack the blocks. Mapper held off her assault until the wall was three blocks high. She lunged forward with the bear. “Grrr,” she exclaimed as the bear knocked over the wall. Mapper’s laughter filled the room. Octavia laughed with her. It had been a long time since she had this sort of fun. Octavia grabbed a teddy bear for herself and started rebuilding the wall with the bear hiding behind it. Mapper stopped her attack on the wall as she hid behind her own bear. Once the wall was four blocks high, Octavia stood up her own bear, “Grrowl.” Mapper blinked in surprise at the foreign bear. That was her wall, and not his. She lunged forward again with the bear, “Grrr!” Octavia met the attack with her bear to defend the wall, and do a very poor job of it as Mapper knocked it down again. Her bear danced in rage as she quickly rebuilt the wall, only to have it knocked down again. She reached out and grabbed a rattle. All thoughts of the bear war fled Mapper’s mind when she heard the rattle. She dropped the bear and reached out for the rattle. Octavia released it to her possession and she shook it for all she was worth. The noise was nice. She hit the padded floor and then the bear with the rattle. The noise wasn’t what she was looking for. Then she hit a block and shouted with glee at the loud noise. Octavia laughed at how easily Mapper was distracted, and how focused she was on the new toy. Her heart filled with a longing. This is what she wanted in her life. Another foal. Mapper dropped the rattle and looked around her for something else to do. Octavia whispered, “Would my little filly like a pony ride?” Mapper gurgled and held up her hooves. Octavia wrapped her foal in a hug and kissed the filly’s nose. She put Mapper on her back and started to prance around the room. Mapper held onto Octavia’s mane and giggled. She lightly kicked the gray mare’s flanks to get her to go faster. After a few minutes of prancing, Octavia started to buck her hips. The filly on her back bounced and laughed even harder.Mapper continued to giggle until she let go of Octavia’s main. Her forelegs wind milled as she cried out, and slipped off to the side. Octavia quickly spun in place and caught Mapper in her forelegs. She lowered her filly to the floor and nuzzled her belly. “Was mama to rough?” She held her filly close, “Mommy has you, sweetie, it’s all right.” Mapper, the scare soon forgotten, held on to Octavia, and was soon chewing on her mane again. Octavia laughed and rolled onto her back as she pulled Mapper with her. She started tossing Mapper into the air and catching her showing off her earth pony strength. Mapper laughed as she was tossed into the air. Octavia sheer strength impressed her as she tossed her higher and higher. The grey mare added belly raspberries which set Mapper off to laughing even louder. Until she was overcome with hic-ups. Octavia lowered Mapper to her chest and rubbed her back. “My little filly get the hic-ups?” The unicorn soon calmed down and started chewing on Octavia’s mane. As she chewed, Mapper drooled down the grey mare’s neck. Octavia giggled and placed Mapper on her back on the mat. “Is my filly hungry?” Mapper gurgled and reached out to her. “Mommy will get you some milk sweetie.” She trotted over to the intercom, “Please bring a jug of warm milk to the nursery. Yes, the nursery.” Octavia hurried over to the changing table as Mapper started to fuss. She gathered a bottle. “It won’t be long, sweetie,” Octavia said as she returned to Mapper’s side. Mapper continued to fuss as she reached out. Octavia put a pacifier in the unicorn’s mouth only to have her filly spit it out. She put the pacifier back in, “Just a few more minutes, little one.” Mapper continued to cry as she refused the pacifier. A knock on the door had Octavia up in a flash as she went to retrieve the warm jug of milk. “It’s here,” she said as she turned around. She wasted no time filling the bottle and offering it to Mapper. The unicorn pushed the bottle away and cried louder. “Come on, little one. The milk is right here,” said Octavia as she tried to offer the bottle without success. Mapper cried out and rolled away from Octavia. She ignored the grey mare as she called out to her. Instead she grabbed a bunch of alphabet blocks and quickly lined them up. Octavia was going to pull Mapper back to her, but instead she looked at what the mare was doing. “Oh…” She laughed as Mapper looked at her with teary eyes. Octavia pulled Mapper to her and moved her head to a teat. “Drink up, my little filly.” Mapper latched onto a teat and suckled for all she was worth. She enjoyed Octavia as she ran a hoof through her mane. After a few minutes Mapper switched to the other nipple and continued to suck greedily. Octavia cooed happily. She glanced at the alphabet blocks, “It’s a good thing I have such a cleaver filly to let momma know what she wants.” She continued to stroke her filly’s mane, “You drink all you want so you can grow big and strong.” Mapper smiled around the nipple and giggled as she sucked. Then she stopped suckling, and a look of great concentration crossed her muzzle. Octavia looked at her filly, “Are you okay, little one?” A noise and odour were soon followed by a sigh from Mapper. Octavia laughed, “Okay, it is changing time!” She picked Mapper up and moved her to the changing table. She then gave the unicorn the teddy bear to keep her occupied while she changed her. Mapper used the bear to attack the nearest thing, which was Octavia. “Grrr.” The closest she got was her own chest fur. For a brief moment she thought of giving her ‘momma’ a golden shower, but decided against it, since both of them were having so much fun. Octavia loosened the cloth diaper on Mapper and wrinkled her nose. “Oh, my!” Breathing through her mouth she put the dirty nappy in a bag and in the hamper. Even Mapper wrinkled her nose. ‘What did I eat last night?’ She found if she held the bear to her muzzle it helped to hide the smell. Taking the wipes, she cleaned up her filly, who had made quite the mess. Soon the wipes were in the trash, and Mapper’s clean bum was powdered, and nappied. “Now you are a clean filly!” She moved Mapper back to the floor. “I’ll be right back once I put these stinkers away.” She made sure to set the hamper and trash bin near the door for later, after making double sure that both were sealed. While Octavia’s back was turned, Mapper started to crawl across the floor. She was on the hunt for something noisy. Octavia watched Mapper for a few moments before she snuck up on the foal. “Where are you going?” She lowered herself and used her forehooves to tickle Mapper’s hind hooves. Mapper squealed with laughter and used her only weapon. She tossed the bear at Octavia, but that proved to be ineffective. She then curled up to try and protect her hooves. “Some filly have tickly hooves?” Octavia smiled as Mapper curled up to protect herself. “Does my filly have…” She moved from the hooves to the ribs, “Tickly ribs?” Mapper squealed even louder and promptly uncurled to try and roll away, only to leave her hooves exposed which Octavia quickly moved to tickle. She lightly batted at the grey mare with her forehooves. Octavia backed off to let Mapper catch her breath. She picked up the bear that her filly tossed at her. Mapper reached out for it, only to leave herself open for another tickle assault. As her last defense she wrapped her legs around Octavia’s tickling leg. Octavia was laughing so hard at Mapper’s antics she had tears streaming from her eyes. She stopped tickling and wrapped Mapper up in a hug. “Oh, my little filly, you make this old mare feel young again.” Her filly, in turn wrapped her up in a hug. “Mama,” stated Mapper, and she kissed Octavia’s cheek. Octavia returned the kiss to Mapper’s cheek, “I love you, my little filly.” They lay there together snuggling. Octavia lets loose a soft sigh, and kissed Mapper’s horn, “Thank you for this time, my little filly.” Mapper stroked Octavia’s mane, “You know, inside this old mare.” She tapped Octavia’s chest, “There is still a young mare alive and well. Tell me, Junior Pet, why do you torment your Mistress so?” Octavia blinked and leaned back to look at Mapper. “Torment her?” She looked away, “Because I’m a silly foolish pet, Mistress Mapper.” Mapper moved her head back to face her and kissed her lightly, “All pets are silly, but not all are foolish. You judge yourself by a mirror, and not by Luna’s eyes.” She smiled as she relayed a thought to Serenity, “I think you’ll be in for a surprise if she sends you to that mirror room again. Which one, I don’t know.” Her hoof drifted down Octavia’s body, “Do you miss having dusky at your breast?” Octavia nodded, “Yes, yes I do.” “Have you reached menopause yet?” asked Mapper. “I haven’t, not yet Mistress,” answered Octavia. “A grace for earth ponies.” Mapper smiled and gave Octavia another kiss. “So, do you want to bear another foal, or maybe your wife can carry this burden?” Octavia’s face lit up, “I would love to carry another foal, Mistress Mapper. My wife has said she’d carry this time, but her work, what she does, I’d rather bear the foal.” “Maybe,” Mapper said after some thought, and communication with Serenity, “Luna doesn’t want an old mare to carry that burden. Now if you were the pretty mare she wakes up to every day, then she might let you carry the foal, and share the joy of the birth with her pretty mare.” “I understand, Mistress Mapper.” Octavia smiled, “Thank you for helping me find this young mare in me once more.” She kissed the end of Mapper’s nose and ran her tickly hooves down the unicorn’s side. Mapper laughed, “Am I old enough to retaliate?” Octavia giggled, “You’re as old as you want to be, Mistress Mapper.” “Mama!” squealed Mapper as she tried to roll away to escape. Octavia continued the tickle attack while Mapper rolled around. After a few minutes, Mapper put an end to it as she carefully seized Octavia in her magic. She rolled to her back and lowered Octavia on top of herself. She kissed the mare on her lips, “Remember your own words. You’re as old as you want to be.” Octavia kissed back, “Thank you for this lesson, Mistress Mapper. I’ll not forget it.” She added another kiss. “You do make for an adorable filly.” “That’s what my mother said to me, too.” Mapper smiled, “Would you like a filly this time, or pot luck?” “I think a filly would be nice,” responded Octavia. “Dusk could use a sister.” Mapper giggled, “Dusky would be a role model for her. You went the natural route the first time?” Octavia nodded, “It was one of Luna’s guard stallions, and that is a story in, and of itself.” “If you considered the magic route, you could use your egg and Luna’s egg. That would guarantee a filly, and I’m sure the Queen of Libraries would have a solution.” Octavia laughed, “That is a good idea, Mistress. I’m sure Lulu would agree with it.” “Good!” stated Mapper. “Now, while you are a mare of good taste, you’re not very filling. Shall we enjoy that milk you had delivered?” “Why not,” giggled Octavia. She watched Mapper take up the bottle. “You can unscrew the teat, if you like Mistress.” Mapper suckled on the bottle for a moment, “You’re right, this will take forever.” She removed the nipple and drank down the contents. After she refilled the bottle form the jug, she hoofed it over to Octavia. Octavia took the bottle, “So you do like it after all, Mistress? And here was me thinking I was poisoning my filly.” She drank down the milk. “Nothing tastes better than momma!” giggled Mapper. “I thought for a moment you never breast fed Dusky.” Octavia shook her head, “I did. It’s just been awhile.” Mapper took the bottle back and refilled it. She then downed the liquid and refilled it again with the last of the jug. “It’s a good thing you have such a smart filly, then.” Octavia looked over at the alphabet blocks and took the offered bottle. She tousled Mapper’s mane. “You were a very clever filly, Mistress.” She finished off the bottle. “I know what I want,” said Mapper. “Shall we return? Senior Pet and I must prepare for our next engagement, and I think someone still wants more snuggle time. And maybe a bit of sleep.” “I think we should.” Octavia stood with Mapper and led the way to the door. She opened it to let the unicorn go first, “Thank you for playing in the nursery with me, Mistress. I’m glad this lesson didn’t require the crop.” Mapper moved past her into the hall, “The crop was at the bottom of my lesson plan.” She giggled, “Get it? Bottom.” Octavia followed Mapper out into the hall, “My bottom did indeed get it, Mistress.” As they walked down the hall, Octavia added, “It was a pleasure, Mistress, though I don’t remember Dusky smelling that bad on just milk.” She watched Mapper’s pink cheeks turn red, and grinned, “Although, I’ve smelt worse, Mistress.” Mapper gasped, “Pray tell, do you mean the Goddess of the Sun passes wind?” “Let’s just say, that not everything smells of roses and rainbows.” Octavia opened the door to her suite and let Mapper enter first. Octavia followed and dropped one bag in the trash, and the other in the laundry. “A drink, Mistress Mapper?” “Four, I think,” said Mapper. “The other two should be along shortly.” ~ ~ ~ Luna led Serenity out of her suite, and both guards stared straight ahead. Luna flicked her left ear and Serenity barked loudly. Neither guard flinched. “I’ll be in the royal gardens should my sister have need of me.” The guard on the left continued to stare straight ahead, “Understood, your Highness.” Luna continued along the path she was led earlier, and was pleased that Stonewall was still standing guard. She led Serenity up to him and flicked her ear. Serenity stopped and sniffed the guard, and then barked loudly. To his credit, Stonewall didn’t flinch, but he did say, “Yes, your Highness, I’ll be happy to wear any uniform you choose.” “That is good to know, Stonewall,” said Luna. She deviated from her earlier path by continuing down another set of stairs that led to the throne room. She peeked in through a secret window in the door. Her sister held session with the usual assortment of buffoons before her. Luna briefly entertained the thought of leading Serenity through the throne room, but dismissed the idea just as briefly. As Luna moved through the corridors, Serenity held guard position looking at every pony that came near. If a pony stopped to talk with Luna, Serenity would sniff them, but nothing else. Alone in a corridor, Luna said, “I dare say you’re as diligent as one of my personal guards.” Serenity just smiled in return. Luna exited out a side door of the castle into the gardens. She stopped and greeted the guard at the entrance to the royal gardens. Serenity sniffed the guard, but held her position next to Luna. Once past the gate, Luna said, “Did you enjoy the fountain, pup?” Serenity looked back at her with a silly smile and her tongue lolled out. “Then let’s find that fountain, pup!” Luna took off at a fast trot, and Serenity remained at her side. She quickened the pace as she took a roundabout way to the fountain. The unicorn remained her faithful hound at her side. Once she reached the fountain, Luna stopped to scratch at Serenity’s ears. “You’re a good pup, aren’t you?” Serenity had a silly smile plastered on her face. Luna giggled, “Let’s walk over there.” She led her pup to a more secluded spot in the gardens. She unclipped the leash and broke off a small branch from a nearby tree. “Want to play fetch?” Serenity crouched down low, her tail and butt waggled at a furious pace. Luna laughed and cast the stick with her magic. Serenity gave chase to the stick. Luna noted she didn’t use her magic. It landed near a familiar pegasus statue and her pet retrieved the stick and ran back to her. When Serenity dropped it at Luna’s hooves she picked it up with her magic and ran towards the statue. Serenity gave chase, but when she reached the statue, Luna flung the stick back the way she came. She laughed as Serenity skidded to a halt and ran back to get the stick. The unicorn grabbed the stick with her mouth and ran back towards the statue, only to see Luna wasn’t there. A quick scan of the garden showed her that Luna had moved off to one side. Without breaking stride, she turned and ran towards Luna. She dropped the stick at the alicorn’s hooves and smiled when Luna scratched her mane. “You’re a good pup,” said Luna as she scratched the burgundy mane. She picked up the stick and tossed it again before she moved to a new position. Serenity gathered up the stick and searched for her. Soon she ran her way to drop off the stick. The continued the game of fetch and chase, and Luna wondered if the unicorn was ever going to tire. Luna once again stood by the pegasus statue when Serenity dropped the stick at her hooves. Luna picked up the stick and waved it in front of Serenity. The unicorn watched the stick as her butt and tail moved side to side. Luna flung the stick with her magic and Serenity took off in the direction of the throw. Only Luna never let go. She laughed as Serenity searched for the stick. When she whistled the unicorn looked back at her, and Luna waved the stick. Serenity ran up and crouched before her again. “You may toilet whenever you need,” said Luna. “But only very bad pups go on the statue behind me.” Luna tossed the stick with her magic, and Serenity took off after it. Once she retrieved the stick, the unicorn ducked off to a bush where she relieved her bladder. Once the bush was well watered she trotted up to Luna and dropped the stick. “Good pup! Very good pup!” Luna scratched under Serenity’s chin, and the unicorn rolled over in the grass to present her belly for rubs. The alicorn laughed. “Yes, good pups get belly rubs. Bad pups would get a stick on their ass.” Serenity glanced at the statue as if in thought. She looked back at Luna and remained on her back with legs in the air as she enjoyed the belly rub. “Maybe some pup would have liked a stick on her ass,” commented Luna. Serenity gave a little whine. “I’m glad you know the difference between good and bad naughty.” Serenity quickly rolled to her hooves. Before Luna could question the action, she saw the unicorn take guard position. Luna looked in the direction Serenity pointed and sighed, “They must be nobles to have made it this far.” A pair of unicorn stallions had entered. One of the unicorns pointed at her, and she sighed again. ‘There is no escape from nobility.’ It looked like a heated argument had started between the two. They were too far away to hear or read lips, and Luna wasn’t going to waste a spell to listen to noble gossip. One had three stacked silver coins for a cutie mark, and Luna realised it was one of her sister’s many finance ministers. The name Silver Bit came to her. The other had an open-door cutie mark and she had no idea who it was. Sadly, she was going to find out as the open-door one headed towards her, while the other lagged behind. “Luna, I demand you sign my proposal!” stated the stallion as soon as he neared the alicorn. Her eyes narrowed, and she looked at the other pony. He quickly stepped forward, and bowed respectfully. Something the other stallion did not do. “Pardon, you Highness, I’m…” “Silver Bit,” interrupted Luna. “We have met. How goes the budget?” The other stallion snorted, but before he could say anything, Sliver Bit quickly spoke up. “It goes well your Highness.” He saw the Princess glance at the other stallion and then back to him. “This is Heavy Weight, your Highness. Pardon our interruption.” “My proposal,” announced Heavy Weight, interrupting yet again, “It is very time sensitive, and requires your immediate signature!” Luna watched Silver Bit wisely take a step away, distancing himself from his companion. “Of course, Heavy Weight.” She watched Silver Bit’s jaw drop. “I’m sure what you have is truly urgent. Please produce the documents for my signature.” She thought Silver Bit had gone into shock. “Silver Bit, do you have a quill and inkwell available?” “Y-yes your Highness,” Silver Bit stammered as he produced the requested items. His partner had pulled out the documents and was ready to give them over to Luna for signature. “It is good that you found me, Heavy Weight. I do hope my guards were of assistance.” She saw the smug smile on the stallion’s face. “Pet, please take control of the inkwell and quill while I examine the documents.” She watched Serenity easily slice through Silver Bit’s magic to take over the items. “I’ll be happy to sign next to my sister’s signature to ensure your proposal is fast tracked.” The smug smiled disappeared and Heavy Weight pulled the documents back closer to his side. “Um, Princess Celestia informed me that your signature was required.” “Of course,” stated Luna, “But normally such items would wait till I held court. This must be part of my area of expertise then, and of true importance for my sister to send you to me directly.” Heavy Weight swallowed, “Maybe I was over eager at Princess Celestia’s request. I could come back during your night court.” “Nay!” exclaimed Luna. “That would be a waste of your valuable time, Heavy Weight.” Luna took the documents from the other unicorn’s magic but noted he did try to resist. “That way you can return to my sister for her signature next to mine and have this fast tracked!” She watched Silver Bit take another step away from his companion. She smiled as Heavy Weight tried to take the documents back and failed. Heavy Weight opened his mouth, but Luna raised a hoof. “Silence while I read.” The stallion turned to run but was quickly seized in her dark blue magic. “Of course, an area of Canterlot’s Residential District levelled to provide the Noble District with a daytime picnic area for lunch. I do see why my sister would send you to me.” Silver Bit also turned, but Luna spoke up, “Stand fast Silver Bit. So Heavy Weight, just what did my sister say to you in court today?” The stallion clenched his jaw and said nothing. Luna smiled, “Maybe it was something like this? The homes of these ponies are not a blight on our fair city for they are well maintained.” Luna watched the stallion snort. “And her telling you to find me? I think not.” “I’ll have you know, I have influence in this city,” stated Heavy Weight. “You will not…” Luna’s magic wrapped around the stallion’s jaw. “I do think I’ve heard enough.” The document burst into flames and disappeared so that not even ash remained. “Pet, please write ‘banned from the castle for thirty days’ around his cutie mark and do get both sides.” She easily overcame Heavy Weight’s paltry magic burst to escape. Serenity dipped the feather end of the quill in the inkwell and boldly wrote Luna’s command around the cutie mark on both sides. Luna cast a spell to ensure it was permeant for the thirty days before it could be washed off. “Please return the inkwell, pet,” Luna turned her attention back to the other stallion, “I’m sorry that I ruined your quill, Silver Bit. Maybe next time ponies will listen to your advice.” Silver Bit put away the inkwell, “Thank you for being so gracious, your Highness.” “You have my leave, Sliver Bit.” She watched the stallion quickly trot off. She flicked an ear and Serenity started barking and growling at the remaining pony. “I will give you a head start. Pet, if you catch him before he leaves this inner garden, you may bite him.” Serenity crouched low and continued to growl and bark. Luna released the other stallion and he took off at a gallop. “You’ve not heard the last of me!” shouted the stallion. Luna raised a hoof and Serenity gave pursuit. “I hope not,” she said softly. Serenity nipped at the noble’s flanks but didn’t actually bite him. Just before he cleared the gate she did grab a few tail hairs and yank them out. Both guards at the gate started to laugh, but then they saw Serenity look at them. They quickly returned to attention. The unicorn smiled and trotted back to Luna where she left the few hairs at the Princess’ hooves. Luna raised the stick and gave two quick strikes so Serenity’s ass. “Bad pup! You shouldn’t litter my garden with such trash!” A burst of magic and the tail hairs disappeared. If she judged the look on Serenity’s face, she had one very happy pup. Luna laughed and attached the leash, “Let’s go for a walk.” Serenity quickly fell in beside the Princess, one pace back. They exited the inner garden and made their way through the outer garden towards exit. Along the way, Luna saw a unicorn mare sitting on a low bench as she read a book. She saw the red sun in a white sun cutie mark. ‘Yet another noble I don’t recognise.’ She continued on her way in the hope that nothing would happen. The mare saw the Princess approach and quickly stood up and curtsied. “Greetings, your Highness. It’s an honour to meet you.” She looked between the Princess and the unicorn, before remaining fixed on Luna. “I’m taking my pup for a walk,” said Luna. “And good day to you…” “Daybreak, your Highness,” responded the mare. “I’m a member of the literary society.” She watched the unicorn sniff her. “May I please pet your pet?” Luna was a bit surprised, pleasantly so. “You may.” Daybreak gently petted the unicorn’s mane. “She is very well trained, your highness. Is her name, by chance, Serenity?” Luna smiled, “Yes, her name is Serenity. Maybe you have something for my pet to sign?” “I do!” Daybreak pulled a Playbill and pen out of her saddlebag. “If she could sign this please?” Serenity looked up at Luna and with her nod she signed the Playbill from her show in Manehatten. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” The mare danced happily as she looked at her signed pamphlet. “Best day ever!” “I wish you a fine day, Daybreak,” said Luna. She tugged the leash, “Come pet, I’m a thirsty.” She left the dancing mare behind as she led serenity out the castle main gate and into town. Many ponies stopped to stare. Luna wasn’t sure if they were staring at her, or her pet. She paid them no mind as she moved down the street. Her pet remained at her side and sniffed any pony that got close enough. That alone caused the crowd to keep their distance. Luna spotted a corner café she had visited in the past and led Serenity to an outside table. She tapped a hoof under the table and Serenity squeezed herself beneath the table. A waiter soon appeared, “Princess Luna, such a pleasure to have you visit again. What may I get you?” “Coffee, black, for me, please, and a water for my pup,” responded Luna. “W-water?” The waiter looked at the unicorn under the table. “At once, your Highness!” He scurried off to fetch the order. Luna giggled and stroked Serenity’s mane. “I’m having fun, and I hope you are too.” Serenity responded by nuzzling the hoof and giving it a little lick. The waiter soon returned and set the coffee cup and water bowl on the table, “Your drinks, your Highness.” He made no effort to hurry off. “Thank you, sir.” Luna levitated the water bowl to the ground and picked up her cup. She then flicked her ear and Serenity started barking loudly at the waiter. The waiter jumped back and then quickly returned to the safety of the café. “Good pup,” said Luna as she scratched Serenity’s ears. She relaxed and took a sip of her coffee. Serenity quickly lapped up the water and then pushed the bowl around with her nose which made a bit of noise. Luna looked down, “What is it up?” Serenity whined. “Oh, you want some more?” Luna giggled when Serenity left her tongue out the side of her mouth and panted. Luna levitated the bowl back up to the table and waved. The same waiter responded to her wave. “Yes Princess?” He saw the bowl, “Ah, more water. At once your Highness!” Within moments he was back with a fresh bowl of water and this time he placed it on the ground. Serenity slowly lapped up the water. The waiter bowed and departed. “Thank you again, sir,” Luna called out as he left. She resumed drinking her coffee as she enjoyed the late afternoon sun. Once she finished she levitated the bowl back to the table and saw it had a little water left. Luna put some bits on the table and took up the leash. “Back to the castle, pet, and we can play a bit more.” Serenity crawled out from under the table and was quickly at Luna’s side. She wagged her tail and had a big smile on her face. The walk back was uneventful until they came across some foals. “Why is she on a leash,” asked one filly. “She is pretending to be a puppy,” responded Luna. “Can I be a puppy?” asked the filly. “You can pretend to be one,” stated Luna. “Do you know how puppies behave?” The filly shook her head. “Watch.” Luna looked at Serenity, “Sit.” The unicorn sat. “Roll over.” Serenity rolled over onto her back and then back to her hooves. “Beg.” Serenity sat and raised her forelegs and whined softly. “She is a good puppy,” said a colt who watched the show. “Why is she pretending to be a puppy?” “She is an actress,” answered Luna. “She has to be able to pretend to be many things for those that watch her show.” “That looks like fun!” The colt started running around and barked. “Yeah!” said the filly as she joined the colt in barking. To the side Luna saw an adult shaking his head, until another pointed out who was with Luna. The adult started clapping his hooves and called out, “You show the Princess how a puppy acts, Emerald!” Luna waved at the adults and then turned back to the foals. “Remember to be good puppies and listen to your parents.” Both turned to barked then nodded. Luna continued her journey back to the castle. The mare was no longer on the bench. Luna was sure she went home to put her new treasure in a safe place. When she approached the inner garden she asked the guard, “Is there anypony inside?” The guard on the left answered, “No, Princess. The garden is clear.” Luna nodded and moved past them. She returned to the pegasus statue and saw the gardeners had removed her stick already. Luna chuckled and broke off another one. “Go get it girl!” She tossed the stick with her magic, and then sat next to the statue to await Serenity’s return. Serenity didn’t go after the stick though. Instead she lightly tugged at the leash. Luna laughed, “How silly of me.” She removed the leash and Serenity was off like a shot after the stick. Luna was still laughing when she dropped it at her hooves. “Good pup!” Luna draped a wing over Serenity and looked up at the statue of the rearing pegasus mare. “This was a pony very special to me,” she said as she scratched Serenity’s ears. “You’d have liked her.” Serenity looked up at the statue and then leaned against Luna under her wing blanket. “Her name was Sky Dive,” explained Luna. She rested her head against Serenity’s. “I miss her, pup.” Luna sighed softly and looked at Serenity, “You want to be you again, or are you happy chasing my stick?” Serenity responded by kissing the alicorn. Luna smiled, “Thanks, and you would have liked her. She was a lot of fun.” “Yes, Mistress. Was she a bad pony too?” Serenity smiled, “In a good way?” Luna nodded and laughed, “Sky Dive was a very bad pegasus, in a very good way.” Luna reached out to touch the base of the statue. “She was my last lover before Octavia. Before my banishment. I betrayed and abandoned her when Nightmare Moon took over.” Luna sniffed, “I wanted to see her when I returned, only to find out she had been naught but dust for centuries.” “Thank you for sharing her with me, Mistress,” said Serenity. “You are right, Mistress, I do like her.” “You’re welcome, Serenity.” Luna whispered, “Call me Luna.” She nuzzled the unicorn, “I like to think she forgave me in the end.” “Mistress Luna, is it okay if I call you Mistress Luna?” Serenity giggled, and a change seemed to come over her. “Luna, is there any reason why she wouldn’t forgive you? All ponies are bad ponies, even you, Luna, but I forgive you.” “You can call me whatever you like, Serenity,” said Luna. Sorrowfully she looked up at the statue. “Sky Dive died eighty years after I was banished. Records her family kept said she died cursing my name because I wasn’t there for her, and that I abandoned her. I wanted to find her when I came back to tell her I was sorry. I was too late.” Luna sniffed again. Serenity lightly kissed her, “I know not all ponies tell the truth. I know that some will say things to hurt others. Unless you have her own writings that says she did so, then you do not know. I know this Luna. I know of a pony whom I love that would have forgiven you back then, even if it meant her death. Because of her, I can forgive you for all that you have done regardless of the reason you did it.” Luna didn’t hold back the tears. She nuzzled Serenity, “Thank you.” Both of them sat in silence for a bit, until Luna asked, “When do you have to be leaving?” “The show at Winter’s house is at seven, so we planned on leaving at six,” said Serenity. “All we need to get ready is at the hotel.” Serenity looked around to make sure they were alone and leaned in close. “Mistress got in trouble at the school earlier today, so she will be playing the part of a stallion at the sorority party tonight at ten.” Serenity used her devastating soulful eye attack, “Maybe you could come, Mistress Luna?” While Luna had grown immune to such well-aimed and deadly attacks, thanks to her wife, Octavia, she still smiled and wiped away her tears. “Don’t worry, your favorite DJ will be there.” Serenity nuzzled back, “They don’t have a live DJ, so that will be a lot of fun. Dusky has several of your CD’s in his room.” “Does he really?” Luna giggled, “I bet a star with your name on it that Vocal put them there.” Serenity gave a musical laugh, “I think you’re right as they are all bootleg copies.” Luna gasped in faux shock, “Maybe I should run him in for having counterfeits! Then again, Dusky wouldn’t have any of my music at all.” Luna whispered like it was a state secret, “He is very much Tavi’s double where music is concerned.” “I like Lady Octavia’s music, then there is no music I don’t like. The music I like most is the music that makes my Mistress face hoof,” Serenity concluded with a giggle. “Oh?” enquired Luna, “And what is that?” “Middle Pet got me a Spice Mares CD. I played it once and sang every song. Mistress told me to never play it again.” Serenity smiled, “I sang every song again, but didn’t play the CD. I was such a bad pony she punished me with the cricket bat.” Serenity shivered in pleasure at the memory. “My, that was a thoughtful gift from Wildfire,” commented Luna. “It was great you got double the fun out of it. I hope you needed a new cricket bat after.” Serenity shrugged, “Not yet. They still make them well enough to outlast a unicorn’s ass.” “You know, if you really want to test that cricket bat, I have a Black Lace, and The Firm CD you can have to take home.” Luna laughed, “Tia said if I play them again, I’d be back on the moon.” Serenity grinned, “Only if you played them, right Mistress Luna? I know what I’ll be singing at karaoke night.” “Oh yeah,” said Luna, “I’m fairly sure you’re safe.” “Maybe Lady Octavia will want to do karaoke again?” asked Serenity. Luna nodded, “I’m certain she would. I happen to know that Tavi likes Del Shannon, and there is a folk group she likes called Steeleye Span.” “Oh! I really like Steeleye Span!” exclaimed Serenity. “But do you think Lady Octavia would sing ‘Colour Flashing Hair’?” “Maybe she would,” replied Luna. Serenity smiled at the thought of them doing another duet on stage, “I think she would like a group we have back home, called Manehatten Steamroller.” “She does!” said Luna. “You should hear her sing ‘All Around My Hat’, oh she loves that song. They even have a song named after you.” Serenity blushed, “It’s a good song.” Serenity blushed more. “Lady Octavia and Mistress had fun too,” stated Serenity. “Would you rather talk to her about it?” “You’re communicating with Mapper right now, aren’t you?” Serenity nodded, and Luna continued, “I would, but I’d appreciate a ‘heads up’ as the ponies say these days.” Serenity looked Luna in the eye, “Mistress Mapper played a six month old filly. All the way, if you understand. It reminded Lady Octavia of her youth. That she could still capture that moment now. Time stops for no one, but love will endure.” “I understand you perfectly, Serenity. I’m going to confide in you, since last Friday, Tavi has spoken of having another foal with me.” Luna took a deep breath. “It was after talking with you and Wildfire after we repaired her wings. Tavi wants to bear the foal, but I might see if I could do it this time.” “You are good with illusions such as the mirror room and has Lady Octavia reached menopause yet?” inquired Serenity. Luna tilted her head as such a non-sequitur comment. “I am, and she hasn’t.” “It is Mistress Mapper’s hope that Lady Octavia will be the young pretty mare you see, and not need that mirror room again.” Serenity scuffed the grass, “May I ask a question that may result in my punishment?” “I would be over joyed to not use that mirror room again.” Luna lifted Serenity’s head, “You may ask me anything.” “Does the Princess want to be heavy with foal, or maybe your egg and her body? Sorry, I’m a bad pony, and your life is your own to live. But… While today’s medicine makes bearing a foal safer, there is still a danger. Would Equestria be better served to lose a Princes or a cello player?” Luna said nothing and looked up at the statue of her former lover. After a few minutes she spoke, “Everything we do bears risk, Serenity. It is whether or not the reward is worth the risk that is the true question. Even if I knew I’d die giving birth to a foal, I’d still do it for Tavi. I’m sure she would say the same.” Serenity nodded, “Then if it pleases the Mistress, let Lady Octavia bear this foal. If you use your egg and hers it will guarantee a filly. I’m sure the Princess of Libraries would be able to make that solution work.” Serenity placed a hoof on Luna’s chest. “You gave your blessing that Wildfire would bear a filly. I too, wish to bear a filly, if for my Mistress. Maybe the Princess of Libraries could find a solution for us too.” Luna laughed, “Being heavy with foal would make Night Court drag out even more. I will consult with Twilight on this matter, as the ‘Princess of Libraries’.” Luna shook her head, “That alicorn’s magic has surpassed both mine and Tia’s. I would like to blend Tavi’s and my blood together to form a foal. I’m sure that Twilight can make my blessing come true also.” Serenity smiled, “I would love for your blessing to come true, as would Middle Pet. Thank you Mistress Luna for listening to this silly pony. Mistress Mapper and Lady Octavia are returning to your suite.” “I need more silly ponies in my life,” said Luna. “You and Mapper have been a breath of fresh air in this castle and in this city.” Luna yawned, “Let us join them in the suite then.” Serenity stood up and crouched down as she wagged her tail and butt. Luna attached the leash to her collar. “Hold this for me, pup.” She levitated the stick over for Serenity to take it in her mouth. “Let’s go find your owner.” Luna looked up at the statue, “Fare thee well, Sky Dive. I will love you always, as I will always love Octavia.” The pair trotted out of the garden. Serenity remained on guard all the way back to the suite. Nopony interfered with their journey. Once inside Luna unclipped the leash. Luna yawned, “Go on pup. Go find your Mistress.” She watched her wife set down the phone, and Mapper in some Lunar Guard nappies. “Serenity wasn’t kidding when she said you’d played a filly, Mapper.” The Princess giggled, “It suits you.” Mapper giggled, and Serenity blocked her from falling off the couch. Octavia said, “Mistress Mapper was a charming filly.” She remembered the nappy change, “Most of the time anyways.” She gave Luna a lusty kiss, “Did you have fun with your pup?” Luna nodded and kissed back, “Serenity was an excellent pup. She barked at a few rude ponies for me.” A knock sounded on the door, and Octavia fetched the four coffees. “Drinks are served.” Mapper took the stick from Serenity, and Serenity used her magic to remove the nappy. Mapper rolled off the couch and put the stick into Serenity’s saddlebag. She put the nappy in the toy box. “A little something for the road would be nice.” Luna took her coffee and climbed up on the bed. “I doubt this will keep me up much longer.” The other three joined her on the bed. “Still it has been a good day. You’ve seen all sides of me Mapper.” “One must if one is to understand a pony, Luna,” said Mapper as she drank her coffee. “Nopony has but one side like a painting.” “There is a joy in discovering each other,” said Octavia as she cuddled up to Luna. Mapper gave her empty cup to Serenity, and her wife set both cups on the table. “I wish to thank you both for your hospitality this fine day. Till our paths cross again.” Luna gave each a kiss, “It was our pleasure, Mapper. I have a feeling I’ll see you soon.” Octavia followed up with a kiss to each. “Thank you for reminding me what a pretty young mare I am.” She nuzzled Luna, “Till we meet again.” Mapper and Serenity rolled out of the bed and faced the pair on it. Each bowed deeply and then walked out of the suite leaving the other two to rekindle their love for each other. As they walked the halls, Mapper said, “You’ve been a bad pony, Senior Pet. For that you may sing anything you like tonight, and I will spank you soundly before the moon sets.” Serenity did her happy dance as she followed Mapper out of the castle and onto the streets of Canterlot. > Chapter 4 - Lunar Eclipse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mapper watched the taxi with Air Raid still inside drive off into the night. “What do you really think?” “She has grown up since that day on the cloud,” said Serenity. “She will be a good friend for Wildfire.” She followed Mapper through the front gate of the School for Gifted Unicorns. “Ready to server your punishment, Mistress? You are a bad pony.” Mapper laughed, “First I’ll need to add something to my outfit.” She veered off to the public restroom. Inside, Serenity helped her undress so she could put the stallionator on. Once dressed and groomed, Mapper led them to the sorority house. “I do hope the mares of today are made of sterner stuff.” “Mistress, I may have told somepony that we would be here tonight,” commented Serenity as they walked. Mapper said nothing. “I told Mistress Luna, and she said that Moonbeams would be here tonight.” “It is a good thing I’ve already committed to having you spanked.” Mapper bumped her wife’s flank. “And you say I’m a bad pony.” Serenity smiled, “All ponies are bad ponies.” She knocked on the door. “I’m just better at it than most.” The door opened before Mapper could respond. The mare shouted back to the house, “Serenity is here with the stud service we ordered!” She moved aside for the guests, “Please come in. Everypony has been waiting, but you’re right on time.” Once inside, Mapper looked around. The whole house had turned out for this party, and a few other invites besides, it seemed. Then she saw the pegasus, “There is a pegasus in Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns? Why am I surprised?” Night Frost, the sorority leader came over, “Please don’t make a scene, Mapper, she is…” Mapper held up a hoof to halt the explanation. She knew full well who ‘Moonbeams’ really was, of course. “Your house, so you can invite who you wish. Careful that the Head Mistress doesn’t find out.” She produced a ‘Pick a Number’ wheel. “Who is giving out tickets?” A mare stepped forward, “That would be me, Ground Breaker.” She took the wheel. “You have number one then,” said Mapper. “Please distribute some tickets and then come in after one minute so I can get in character.” Ground Breaker moved off to do so after she took the first ticket. Mapper turned back to Night Frost, “Does everypony know the rules?” Night Frost nodded. “Good, she has been a very bad pony.” Mapper kissed Serenity, “Have fun, my beloved bad pony.” Mapper moved off to a side room. Serenity moved into the house and was greeted by many of the sisters. She ensured them that she would sing. “Who is the pegasus?” she asked. One of the unicorn mares came up, “Sister, that is DJ Moonbeams. You have to meet her.” Serenity nodded, and the mare led her up to the table. “Moonbeams, this is Serenity.” The pegasus looked the mare over, “You’re the singer, right sugar?” “I am!” responded Serenity. “You play music?” The pegasus nodded. The mare next to her tapped her shoulder, “Serenity! Don’t you know who that is?” Serenity looked at her, “She’s a DJ, and yes, I’ll have a wine cooler please.” The mare blinked and moved off to get the drink. “This party is a snoozer! Play KT’s ‘Gone to the Dogs’, it is time to have some fun.” “Sure thing, sugar, I can do that.” Moonbeams grinned and started the song. Mapper walked out with her third mare, “Next!” Then Serenity started to howl. The pink unicorn shook her head, “Crop!” Twenty five unicorns took up their crops. Mapper looked at her fourth mare, “Follow.” She led her into the room. “Begin!” commanded Night Frost and hers was the first crop to fall. “One!” Serenity continued to sing as the crops fell. She barked and howled and danced under the strikes. She even paused to scratch an ear with a rear hoof. Once the twenty fifth fell she finished her song and drank down the wine cooler. “Another, if you please.” She walked back to the DJ stand. “I feel like sailing away, can you play that please?” Moonbeams started the song and Serenity moved off to sing. She motioned one of the mares to her. “What was that cropping all about?” “Oh, um, ah,” the mare stammered. “It is, just, well…” she sighed, “Okay, if Mapper says crop, then twenty five of us get to use a crop on her.” “Can I join in the fun?” Moonbeams asked. “You want to?” she asked. Moonbeams nodded, “You may not strike her neck or head. To do so…I’m not sure what Mapper can do to you, but please don’t. I’ll let Night Frost know.” Moonbeams watched the mare scamper off and, when the song finished, Serenity again approached the DJ stand with an empty bottle held in her magic. “You thirsty? I’m thirsty!” “Sure am, sugar, a beer would be right nice right now,” responded Moonbeams, a smile on her face. “Okay!” Serenity leaned in closer, “It will cost you a kiss.” Moonbeams fought hard to not snigger when one of the nearby mares gasped. “Seems a fair price for delivery.” She leaned forward and gave Serenity a solid kiss. Serenity trotted off with a definite sway in her ass and tail which reminded her of a puppy she had not too long ago. To one side Moonbeams saw the mare she spoke with in a conference with Night Frost. There was some conspicuous hoof pointing, and Night Frost nodded. Night Frost walked up and dropped off a crop. “That is yours for the night.” Serenity soon returned with another wine cooler for herself and a six pack for the DJ “That kiss was worth all six!” She set the beers down on the table and noticed the riding crop. Moonbeams took up one with her wing. “Do you sing?” Serenity asked. She downed half a bottle. “I do more than spin discs, sugar,” replied Moonbeams. “Cool! You take the mare part and I’ll take the stallion part,” said Serenity. “Play Hayloaf, ‘Paradise by the Dashboard Light’, and meet me on the dance floor. I’ll lead.” Serenity downed her cooler and left the empty bottle before she sauntered off. Moonbeams smiled and finished her beer. She set the player for a short delay and followed Serenity. “You can lead me anywhere you want, sugar.” Serenity reared up on her hind legs pushing against Moonbeam so that she stood on two legs. They sang a duet with the song. One of Serenity’s forehooves roamed freely along Moonbeams’ flank. The pegasus returned the favour while a crowd had gathered to watch. “Some filly is feeling a bit frisky,” commented Moonbeams. “I like it.” The song ended, and Serenity said, “Very frisky Moonbeams.” She didn’t let go of her partner, but started to sing acapella, ‘Love Me Tender’ as they danced. Mapper walked out to gather her next mare, and she paused to watch her wife. With a grin she sent her wife a thought, and then took the mare into the room. The song ended, and Serenity placed a long kiss on Moonbeams. “Thank you for the dance.” The crowd around clapped and stomped hooves. They separated, and Moonbeams said, “I could love you tender, you frisky mare.” “Aww,” said Serenity, “And I thought you liked it rurrrough!” Both mares giggled. “Now what you really wanted to hear me sing. Mozart’s Martern aller Arten! If you can, Moonbeams?” “I’m ready for any sort of music!” exclaimed the pegasus as she went back to her station. She started the song and soon Serenity was singing a seven minute ultra-soprano piece. A sudden and unexpected burst of yellow magic filled the room and Celestia appeared near the centre. Serenity, ever the professional, didn’t miss a beat in her song. Night Frost ran up to the Princess that now stood among them. “Head Mistress, it is an unexpected honour that you’re attending.” “You did send an invitation, Night Frost,” responded Celestia, a ghost of a smile at the edges off her muzzle. Night Frost always sent the Head Mistress an invitation, and she had never accepted one before. “Thank you for coming, Head Mistress. May I offer you a drink?” Mapper stepped out of the room, “Next!” She saw Celestia standing there but said nothing. “Ah, Mapper,” said Celestia. “It is good to see you serving your detention so admirably. How do I play?” “You get a number like everypony else,” said Mapper. Celestia turned to Night Frost, “And how do I get a number?” Another mare came to the shocked Night Frost’s aid, “I’m Ground Breaker, Head Mistress, and I have the numbers.” She pulled one off the wheel, “The next number is twenty three.” “I see,” Celestia took the number. “What number is being served now?” The mare next to Mapper said, “I have number nine. I can trade, Head Mistress.” Celestia put a hoof to her chest, “What? And have my sister find out I cut in line? Myself forbid, I’d never hear the end of it.” She shooed the mare and watched with interest as both her and Mapper entered the room. She turned to Night Frost, “A dry white, if you please.” Night Frost nodded and moved to get the Princess her drink. When she returned, Celestia took the glass of wine in her magic, and said, “I approve of you inviting another tribe to this event.” Once again poor Night Frost went slack jawed. The operatic song ended, and Serenity took up a wine cooler in her magic. She briefly talked with the DJ and then walked up to Celestia. She saw the Princess smile at her, but before Celestia could say anything, Serenity started to sing ‘Agadoo’ by Black Lace. She even included all the dance motions, for good measure. Celestia did an eye roll and facehoofed at the abomination that was ‘Agadoo’. From the room Mapper shouted, “Crop!” Celestia watched the unicorns all gather with crops held in their magic. Night Frost started it with the count of one. Crops continued to fall all over Serenity’s body, but she never deviated from the song. At the end she saw the pegasus take wing and land near the unicorn. She brought a crop down on Serenity’s cutie mark for number twenty five that made the mare stager, but she still didn’t waver in her song. Serenity finished the song and Moonbeams turned to leave, but Serenity caught her and whispered in her ear. Moonbeams nodded and moved back to her station. The unicorn took up a glass of white wine and a wine cooler in her magic and offered the wine to Celestia. She moved close and whispered into the Princess ear, “I could do what Sonic did to you if you wish.” Celestia’s wings floofed. The music started, and Serenity moved around the Princess singing ‘Caruso’ from Lucio Dalla. Mapper came out for her next mare, and she fully approved of what Serenity was doing. Still, she could tell by the link they shared that her mind was growing clouded from how much she had drank. It was a party though, and she could sort that out later. Moonbeams also approved of the handling of her sister. Not many could get Celestia’s wings to respond. She wished she could have overheard what Serenity whispered, but that was something she could wheedle out of her later. Serenity finished her wine cooler. “Do you sing, Head Mistress?” Celestia nodded, “I’ve been known to sing.” “Then sing with me. I have a song in mind, and if you don’t know it, I’m sure you’ll know the second.” Serenity smiled and drew near, “’I Will Always Love You’ by Dolly.” Celestia managed to not blush and shook her head. “That’s alright, I can sing that one with Moonbeams.” She looked at the DJ, “’Flower Duet’ from Lakmé.” She turned back to the Princess, “You are Lakmé and I’ll be Mallika.” Celestia nodded and they sang. The sorority couldn’t remember the last time they heard Celestia sing. Even Mapper paused between mares to listen to the duet. Once they finished the whole house applauded, leaving the Princess smiling happily. “That…it has been a long time, thank you Serenity.” The unicorn bowed, “My pleasure, Head Mistress.” Serenity refiled the alicorn’s wine glass and got another cooler for herself. “Now for a song for the group. Beethooven’s Fidelio, ‘Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin?’ That should get the blood stirring.” Celestia said, “Germanic, I like it.” Serenity belted out the long song and when finished she said, “I need a short food break. Way too many wine coolers in my tummy.” Her walk to the buffet wasn’t all that steady. The other sisters were quick to assist their star performer in her quest for food. Celestia walked up to the DJ table. “Cancel night court?” “Not sure what you’re talking about sugar,” said Moonbeams, who was holding ‘court’ where she was. “I heard all appointments were rescheduled for tomorrow, and nopony showed up.” She giggled, “Inkblot is there to handle any unscheduled visitors and delay them to later tonight.” “Thank you for telling me about this party, and urging me to come,” added Celestia. “I know you’re not the biggest fan of my music, but how can you not love to hear that unicorn sing?” Moonbeams asked as she looked at the teal mare at the buffet table. “Why did you hit her with a riding crop?” asked Celestia. “When Mapper says ‘Crop’, she gets twenty five whacks,” said Moonbeams. “You can ask Night Frost for one. I’m sure it will happen again.” Celestia nodded, “Very well.” She turned when she heard a noise from the table and laughed, “Even her belches are musical.” “Looks like it is time for round two.” Moonbeams raised her voice, “What will you have, sugar?” Serenity smiled, “Itakuwa Mungu wa Usiku kucheza ‘Usiku na Mchana’ na Kambua?” Moonbeams blinked and then nodded. Celestia understood the zebran though she wasn’t so sure of the title given to her sister. Still, if she was acknowledged as the Goddess of the Sun, then her sister being Goddess of the Moon was within acceptability. As for the song ‘Night and Day’, it was one she hadn’t heard of. The song started, and Serenity waved a hoof, “Dance with me!” Serenity started dancing some zebran tribal dance. The sisters soon tried to copy this dance style they hadn’t seen before. Moonbeams joined Serenity on the floor, along with Celestia. As Celestia danced she listened to the words and realized it was a song to Nightmare Moon. The mare that danced alongside of her, though she was in disguise. It had often been said that history learned is history that doesn’t repeat. It was a thought she had to hold onto. As the group tried to catch their breath from dancing, Serenity downed another cooler. She shouted, “What’s the earth pony mating call?” The sisters responded, “I’m so drunk!” “What’s the pegasus mating call?” called out Serenity. “Has the earth pony left yet?” called back the sisters. Serenity finished it up with, “What’s the unicorn mating call?” All the sisters shouted, “Next!” The room filled with laughter. Celestia spoke up, mischief in her tone. “What is the alicorn mating call?” Serenity wobbled a bit in thought, as the laughter died away. She was saved from whatever she was going to say by her Mistress when Mapper shouted from the other room, “Take a Number!” Celestia suddenly remembered that snorting wine through your nose burned. Again, the room erupted in laughter. Even Moonbeams did a spit take with Mapper’s answer. Moonbeams put on Equestrian Pie since it was time to take a potty break after all the beer she had drank. Serenity started singing to the song as it was one of her favourites. She encouraged the other sisters to join in on the chorus while Celestia approached Night Frost. “Moonbeams said to talk to you about getting a crop.” “Okay, you can have one for the night. When Mapper calls out ‘crop’ you can be the twenty fifth whack. Just don’t hit her neck or head, or Mapper will get upset.” She passed a crop to Celestia in her magic. Celestia smiled, “And what would an upset Mapper do?” Night Frost shrugged, “Against you, not much, but she could toss this whole school at your castle and hope one of the buildings hit it.” “I’ll try to avoid that, Night Frost,” said Celestia. Night Frost nodded vigorously. “Moonbeams!” said Serenity as she remembered something from Winter’s house. “We got something for you.” She rummaged around in Mapper’s saddlebag and pulled out a brown paper bag with a few grease spots. “This is from Winter.” Moonbeams took the bag in hoof and opened it to see it was filled with spring rolls. She popped one in her mouth, “These are amazing!” Of course, food drew her sister like a magnet. Without her asking, she hoofed one over to Celestia. Celestia ate it, “These are good. Who made them?” “Ms. Winter, a friend of Middle Pet’s…err…Wildfire’s.” said Serenity. “We sort of dropped names at my earlier performance at her place.” “You can drop names all day if it gets me these,” Moonbeams stuffed another one in her mouth. “It did give the pretenders pause. So, you up for another duet, Moonbeams?” asked Serenity. “Sure am sugar,” She hooved the bag to Celestia, “You won’t eat all of them?” Celestia thought about it and then shook her head. She was also thinking of contacting this Winter and getting more of these spring rolls. “What do you want, sugar?” “Trotolta and Neighton’s ‘You’re the One that I Want’,” answered Serenity. “You certainly are, I mean, I’ll play that one,” said Moonbeams. Serenity giggled as she nuzzled Moonbeams, “My evil plan is to leave you wanting and send you home.” Moonbeams nuzzled back, “Oh really, sugar? Well in that case I’ll have to drag you home with me, wont I? You singing stallion or mare?” “Both are in my range,” answered Serenity, “So you can choose.” “I’ll take Trotolta then,” responded Moonbeams. She started the song. “By the way,” commented Serenity, “If you take me home, I come with baggage.” “I can live with that,” said Moonbeams. They both sang and danced. The song ended and the sisters all applauded. Serenity kept dancing on four hooves. Moonbeams looked at her and Serenity responded, “Where’s a nappy when you need one!” She rushed off to the bathroom, and Moonbeams laughed. Moonbeams went over to Ground Breaker, “Still some numbers left?” “Of course, Moonbeams,” said Ground Breaker as she peeled off a number, “Here you go, number twenty seven. You’re after Lighting Strike.” She pointed out a black mare with silver mane. “Thank you,” The DJ took the number and walked over to her station to take up another beer. Celestia dropped the bag next to her. “I was going to leave you one and say I didn’t eat one.” She giggled, “But I left you just over half. Good thing they have a buffet table.” “Lucky me,” responded Moonbeams. “I see you got yourself a crop, don’t hold back.” Celestia nodded. “Ah, the star returns!” Serenity moved to the centre of the room and stuck a heroic pose, “I have returned!” Polite applause from the sisters followed said heroic pose. “Wagner’s Die Walküre, ‘Walkürenritt’, please.” Serenity sang the part of each of the Valkyrie sisters. When the song finished, Serenity pranced around and looked at Moonbeams. “’Closer’ by The Firm.” Moonbeams giggled and Celestia facehoofed, “You told her.” Moonbeams giggled some more and started the song. Serenity was sure to let Mapper know that Celestia’s opinion of this song was. She exited the room with a mare and called out, “Crop!” The unicorns gathered around Serenity and both Moonbeams and Celestia flew to stand behind her. Night Frost started the count at one. Moonbeams got in count twenty four on a flank and staggered the mare. Celestia got in twenty five on the opposite flack and Serenity went down in a puddle. She never stopped singing and when Celestia stepped forward, Night Frost waved her off. Serenity ended the song she got back up on unsteady legs. “I beg thee play ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Mareson.” “Sure thing, sugar.” Moonbeams returned to the table and started the song. Mapper came out as this was a duet they had sung together many times. A mare approached Celestia, “Head Mistress, I’m Silent Hoof and hold number twenty two. I’ll be going in after this song, and you’ll be next.” “Thank you, Silent Hoof, I look forward to what the detention student can produce,” said Celestia. When the song ended, Serenity was on far steadier legs. Mapper left with Silent Hoof into the side room. Serenity looked around, “Misty!” Morning Mist rolled her eyes at her nickname, “What Ser?” “I’m going to need a localized waterfall,” requested Serenity. “With who?” Morning Mist asked. Serenity pointed at the DJ who did a head tilt. “Hot!” Serenity giggled and swayed her way over to the DJ table. “’The Time of My Life’ from Dirty Dancing. Join me on the floor.” Moonbeams sniggered. She set the song up and put it on delay and followed Serenity onto the dance floor. Word was out and the others, to include her sister, formed a circle. Serenity used her magic to remove the black evening gown, and she revealed the rope harness and panties that she still wore underneath. She strutted around Moonbeams, “Misty is very good at water magic. You’re going to get wet.” “Like I’m not already,” smirked Moonbeams. The music started, and Serenity sang and danced with her. She danced very close. The waterfall also started when water fell from the ceiling to the floor, and at the same time it fell upward from the floor to the ceiling. Moonbeams whispered in Serenity’s ear, “She is good at water magic.” She danced with the unicorn. “Nice ropes you’re wearing.” Serenity used a break in the lyrics to whisper back, “They keep me from falling apart.” “Wouldn’t want that.” Moonbeams twisted the ropes. Serenity moaned, and her dance went from sensual to erotic. She ground her flank against Moonbeams. The DJ whispered with a sly grin as she nibbled an ear. “Oops, must’ve slipped or something.” She tightened them again. Serenity lowered her front legs and kept her ass high and tail higher. She let go of Moonbeams to dance around her. She nuzzled and nipped as she circled the pegasus. Moonbeams let her play although she did show a stray hoof when there was a chance to stroke the dancing unicorn. Celestia watched the unicorn worship her sister, but from the night at the dinner, it didn’t surprise her. Still it was really erotic, and she again found herself trying to keep control of her wings. When the song ended voice whispered in her ear. Centuries of practice kept the Princess from jumping. “Your number is up, Head Mistress,” whispered Mapper. “Are you stallion enough for me, Mapper?” questioned Celestia. Mapper smiled, “None are stallion enough for you, but I do believe I can be mare enough for you this night.” The unicorn headed to the side room, “Follow.” A brief thought of refusing the command crossed Celestia’s mind. This was one of the ponies that interrupted her sexy times. She followed. ‘She won’t interrupt them this time.’ Serenity kissed Moonbeams long and hard. Around them the mares clapped hooves. “Sweeny Todd, please.” “Sure thing, sugar.” Moonbeams returned to her station and started the song. Serenity sang. While Serenity sang she moved close to the room where Mapper was serving the mares. Her horn briefly lit up. “Sweet Sun and Moon!” shouted Celestia. Again, applause filled the main room. Serenity moved back to the DJ station as she finished the song. “By Celestia’s teats, I do think she came.” The unicorn giggled. “Les Mesrables, ‘On My Own’, please.” Moonbeams laughed and started the next song for the teal unicorn. “I’m glad she did, and you can do that for me too, sugar.” Serenity smiled and moved back into the room to sing. It was hard to stay in song when she saw Celestia prance out of the room only to be replaced by another unicorn. The other sorority sisters gathered around the Head Mistress to congratulate her. The song ended, and Serenity requested, “Lauper, ‘Mares just wanna have fun’.” Serenity danced and sang, and soon all the sisters were singing with her. At the end of the song, the mare looked at the room with her Mistress and pouted. “Spice Mares, ‘Wannabe’, please.” When she sang the first word, Mapper shouted, “Crop!” Celestia looked at Moonbeams and whispered, “I shouldn’t do this. I put her on the floor last time.” Moonbeams looked back and hissed, “Even I don’t understand the depths of her need, but if you care for her at all you will not hold back.” When it came time for her strike she didn’t hold back. Celestia unleased her strike on the teal unicorn’s opposite flank. Serenity went down in a puddle of her own creation. Her eyes were glazed, and her lips moved, but no sound came out. Celestia stepped forward, but a black pegasus wing blocked her path. She looked at Moonbeams, but the pegasus only had eyes for the mare on the floor. The song ended, and Serenity’s lips stopped moving. Mapper walked out to collect her next mare and said nothing. After a long minute Serenity blinked. She rolled to her back with all four hooves in the air. “My ass is on fire!” she squeaked. “Play ‘Just Like Fire’ by Pink.” Moonbeams nodded and went to put the song on. Celestia watched the mare on the floor. She was surprised she could even move with how hard she had hit her. When the song started, Serenity sang while on her back. She danced with her hooves in the air. Lightning Strike walked up to the DJ, “I’m going in, and I understand you’re next.” Moonbeams nodded, and the black mare excitedly followed Mapper into the room. Serenity finished the song and rolled back to her side, “’Fly Me to the Moon’, by Sneighnatra.” Moonbeams started the song and Serenity sang from where she lay. When she finished that song, she closed her eyes and laid there. Celestia moved forward again, only to stop when the unicorn was surrounded in a glowing magenta magical aura. “Needle,” called out Mapper. A green unicorn with an orange mane walked past Celestia. “Hi, Head Mistress. Nice show tonight.” She touched Serenity with her horn, “No crippling injuries, Mapper.” The mare walked off to the bar, her assessment complete. Mapper walked out, “Thank you Needle.” She kissed Serenity and looked up. “I believe there is one more number?” Moonbeams waved her ticket like she had won the lottery. “That would be me!” Mapper smiled, “It is a good thing I got some wing practice a little earlier.” She turned and walked towards the room. On the way she bumped Celestia’s flank with her own. Moonbeam giggled as she did the same on the way to the room. Celestia looked at Night Frost, “What about her?” Night Frost walked up to the alicorn, “Mapper will take her home and lavish praise on her for a job well done.” The sorority leader touched Serenity’s mane. “Maybe well enough she will beat her some more.” “Why?” Celestia asked, curious. She never got curious these days, but she was now. Night Frost looked back at her, “You’ve read her file, Head Mistress, and you ask why?” Celestia had read her record along with Mapper’s. Both were thick and due to several reasons, neither were accepted into the battle mage forces. “Reading and seeing are two very different things.” Night Frost nodded. “It has been a most interesting night. Please invite me again, and I’ll make it an effort to attend, even without the added entertainment.” Celestia smiled, “Give my regards to the DJ.” Night Frost bowed, “As you wish, Head Mistress.” The alicorn disappeared in a flash of golden light. “Let’s wrap this up, mares.” A murmur of ‘Yes Night Frost’ was heard as the leader stood guard over the unicorn on the floor. Mapper put all of her effort into the mare under her. Without Serenity’s magic she couldn’t put the finishing touch that she would have liked to have done. Still, her efforts did seem appreciated. “Yes!” shouted Moonbeams when she came. “Yes, I so needed that.” Mapper dismounted and giggled. Moonbeams winked at her, “Not quite zebra standards, but good.” “I could have recited zebran poetry, but it really isn’t my style.” Mapper walked out of the room with Moonbeams close behind. Night Frost gave her a bow and moved off to help the other mares. She walked up and gave Serenity another kiss. “She doesn’t know how to quit, much like another pegasus we used to know.” Moonbeams nodded, “Ture, but that pegasus learned pretty quickly.” Mapper stroked the unicorn’s mane, “This bad pony started drinking early. Deadens her pleasure and thus requiring more stimulus to get off on the pain.” She sighed softly, “Bad pony. Also, my spring rolls disappeared. I hope they made it to you.” “They sure did, sugar,” Moonbeams assured Mapper. “Not sure if she told you earlier, but I redecorated. Threw out a load of mirrors.” “I’m sure the young Momma Tavi doesn’t need them anymore.” She continued to pet Serenity. “Either of us can shut down the link. She did that the moment she saw you in the room. I still gave her what she wanted, but I didn’t know how badly she wanted it.” She looked back up at the DJ, “Did the show meet your expectations?” “Yeah, totally! I had a blast, and Serenity was a lot of fun.” Moonbeams opened another beer. “It was fun using a crop on her. I trust I didn’t hold back?” Mapper chuckled, “You do pack a lot of punch for a pegasus, but without a horn, you didn’t compare to Celestia. Thank you for letting pet know what songs she dislikes the most.” “I was pleasantly surprised when she showed up.” Moonbeams pointed at the unicorn on the floor, “That one though, surprised her, like the first time I saw her take Wildfire’s pain.” “As excited as she was to see you here,” said Mapper, “I think she orgasmed when Celestia showed up. I should thank the both of you for not holding back. We will be doing things like this every other month, so our herd can stay together.” “I reckon I know her well enough by now, Maps,” stated Moonbeams as she knocked off half the beer. “Keep’n the extremes away from the less extreme, huh?” Mapper nodded, “It is what split us from Tempest and Airmail. I don’t want Middle Pet seeing a pony that will not use her safe word.” With concentration, Mapper levitated Serenity to her back. “Thank you for stopping by, Moonbeams, it really made the sister’s evening.” “Uh huh, especially since Wildfire just started using hers. I had fun, and the sisters are cool.” She finished her beer, “What are you two going to do now?” “I’ve filled my end of the detention, not that I’m complaining of course.” Mapper looked at her wife, “I’ll carry this one back to the hotel for some snuggles. Tomorrow we’ll do some shopping and for her some healing. Natural healing.” “Anythin’ I can do?” Moonbeams smiled, “Yah welcome at mine, if yah like.” Mapper giggled, “Oh, you need a foal or puppy for the night?” Moonbeams giggled with her, “I think the puppy’s tuckered out, and I could use a friend, though my wife wouldn’t say no to a foal.” Mapper laughed, “That comment would have broken your son. I don’t know if your daughter would have fared any better. My friend, would you like to share a cab to your place?” Moonbeams shook her head, “My colt’s a softie. I’d love to Maps, plus I need to change into something more comfy,” she concluded with a wink. “Of course, my friend.” Mapper picked up Serenity’s dress and stuffed it into the saddle bag. She placed that over Serenity’s body. In order to leave, they passed through the gauntlet of sisters. Each thanked them for their service and entertainment. Outside the school gate, a cab was waiting. “Imperial Palace,” Mapper told the driver. Moonbeams put a hoof over her muzzle to stop the laughter. The cabbie just looked at the unicorn with a blank face. “Castle,” added Mapper. With the cabbie’s nod she placed Serenity in against the door and took up the spot in the middle. Moonbeams followed and closed the door. “I love how serious you take everything.” “Life is too short to waste time on seriousness,” responded Mapper, “Unless that is what keeps life from becoming too short.” It was a short ride to the castle from the school. As the driver pulled up, Luna dropped her illusion spell. “That feels better!” Mapper nodded, “The horn does make the mare.” Luna got out of the cab, highly amused at the shock of the driver. She waved Mapper away and paid for the cab ride. “Thank you, driver.” Mapper lifted Serenity to her back. Luna led the way past the gate, “It’s nice being my actual size,” she said with a stretch. “I think Serenity knows that song too,” said Mapper. “The look on the cab driver was priceless. You know your secret identity isn’t that secret in the sorority, not that any of them would dare to call you out.” Luna shrugged, “I’m not fussed if they knew who I was. It’s still nice to play the part of a regular pony. I thought Night Frost was going to explode when Serenity acted like she had no clue who I was.” She nudged Mapper, “That’s why I like you and the rest so much. You don’t stand on eggshells around me, and it’s nice you aren’t scared of me either.” “I think Caffy and Bean may have a reverent fear of you. The fear they may disappoint you.” Mapper giggled, “I was born in this back-water village. I saw your sister at the school when she stopped in for some of the good cake.” Mapper paused in thought. “I fear your son didn’t impress me at all when we first met, but he has grown on me since then. You almost failed that night at the party. In the end it was time with your wife that really brought it all home.” Mapper nudged back, “My friend.” “I think you like Dusky better than Dusk, am I right?” asked Luna. “Dusky is a role that Dusk plays, like the role I’m playing now,” Mapper said. “The difference is this is a role I play when needed. Dusk isn’t playing the role when required.” Luna nodded, “I’m happy with him where he is. I think Oils is a better match than Vocal was.” She looked at Mapper, “I’m assuming you meant when Caffy disciplined me? I’m afraid I can get too far in my roles at times, then that day was a stressful one to be sure.” “We all play a role in life,” stated Mapper. “I agree that Dusk has matured with Oils, and with his new assignment under you.” Mapper nuzzled Luna, “Did you find Serenity to be a nice stress relief?” Luna nodded, “I did indeed my friend! I think Dusky is happier in ‘her’ role than I’ve seen in a long time.” “Time will tell,” commented Mapper, “He is different from Trails, and she is different from Shoe.” They walked down the halls towards Luna’s suite. “It is nice the mirror room is no longer needed. Have you reached a decision on the foal that your wife so wants?” “Oh, yes. Tavi and I had a heart to heart after you left for Winter’s place, and before my nap.” She nuzzled the unicorn. “Tavi will carry the foal to full term, we’ve agreed. She has a gained a new lease of life in her.” Mapper smiled, “She tell you about the milk?” Luna laughed, “She did indeed, my poor wife was a little clueless. Then you were a fussy foal not taking the bottle.” She bumped Mapper’s flank, “Good thing you’re such a smart foal, able to lay out those blocks.” “Yes,” Mapper nodded vigorously, “She had a very smart filly, and she’s going to have a very smart filly.” Luna smiled, “Thanks, Mapper. I’ve asked Serenity, and I’ll ask you as well. Would you be godparents to our filly?” Mapper winked, “I do have an excess of Celestia plushies that my godfoal can chew on.” Luna wrapped Mapper up in a hug and planted a kiss on her. “Thank you, my friend. You know, I’m really pleased I went with Dusk back to Caffy’s place now.” “You did many things that day,” commented Mapper, “Then you’re a more hooves on pony than your sweet sister.” Luna smiled, “There were many things that needed to be done that day, some easier than others. I’ve always favoured the hooves on approach, as the shopping trip showed. That was a fun day.” Mapper sadly shook her head, “For most of us at least. Poor Junior Pet had a very trying day.” Luna giggled, “I’ve sent a suggestion to the Manehatten Mayor to erect a plaque at that fountain. Tavi has worn those pink socks since then. I’m looking forward to see her in the pink lingerie.” “She didn’t mind taking care of this pink pony,” snickered Mapper. “Are Dusky and Oils still in town?” “You’re not Pinkie Pie,” Luna extorted. “Dusky and Oils are in his suite. They’re heading for Ponyville tomorrow with an eye on a property.” Mapper nodded, “I could see Oils relocating to Ponyville. The landscapes would delight him.” She moved flank to flank with Luna. “I will tease about the pool on which monster will attack Ponyville this week, of course.” Luna giggled, “I’d expect no less, Mapper. I’m glad he makes my little mare happy. Funny how things work out, isn’t it?” “Ah, humour, your mileage may vary,” responded Mapper. “Does the Queen of Libraries know she may gain a resident?” “Queen, is she?” questioned Luna. Mapper responded, “Princess’ share, and Queens rule. Sparkle rules the library, no matter where she may be.” Luna couldn’t argue the point. “No, she doesn’t know yet. I’m sure Twilight will love to see her old student around more. Thankfully, not for dating advice.” Mapper laughed, “Now that was true humour!” At the base of the steps, Mapper asked, “What’s our destination?” “Hmm, that’s a good question. Tavi will be asleep by now. We can always use the function room. It has comfy sofas, TV’s, and a bar. Any suggestions?” Mapper thought about it, “Well, I was thinking Sky Dive, but the stick is at the hotel. The nursery, but we drank all the milk. Celestia’s room, only the nappies are in your room. Dusky’s room, and I know Oils will share a bed.” She smiled, “And there is your room, and Junior Pet is pretty enough she doesn’t need beauty sleep.” “We could do any of those things if you like,” said Luna. Mapper put a hoof on the alicorn’s shoulder. “Before I invited you into my cab, what were your plans for this evening?” “Just to have some quiet time with a friend. I think I’d like to visit the garden.” Luna nuzzled Mapper, “If you’d accompany me?” “I think first plans are the best plans, at least, until the test of battle,” responded Mapper. “I fear you will need to lead as my guide is asleep at the moment.” Luna smiled, “I’d be happy to, it’s just down this way.” Luna headed for one of the side exits to the garden. Her night guards were in place, and they saluted as she and Mapper walked past. The area shimmered under the pale moonlight. “My wife admires your night, and I work and thrive in it.” Mapper giggled, “After all I can gaze upon the light of your moon and not the light of your sister’s sun.” “Thank you, Mapper. I do take pride in my work.” Luna led the way through the outer gardens and into the royal gardens. “This is where Serenity was a nice pup and chased off some unwanted guests.” She sat down by Sky Dive’s statue and patted a place next to her. “Sit please, I have a gift for the both of you.” Mapper sniffed, “You didn’t fall into my trap, friend. I must be growing transparent. A gift would brighten any mood." She placed Serenity in front of Luna and sat down beside the alicorn. Luna didn’t rise to the bait about her sister that Mapper dangled. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll try to be trapped next time.” The alicorn giggled, “Close your eyes.” Mapper did as she asked. Luna then cast a complicated, but familiar spell. “You may open your eyes and look at the moon.” Her spell had placed new and very bright stars to either side of the orb in the sky. Mapper kissed Luna before she looked to the moon. She giggled, “Did you just mess with some poor astronomer’s night?” “I do hope so,” Luna smiled, “They are yours and Serenity’s.” Mapper leaned against Luna and nuzzled under the alicorn’s jaw. “Thank you.” “You know,” continued Luna, “The stars were never meant to be stationary in constellations. Tia just got lazy while I was away is all.” Mapper snorted, “I’m sure the profs in school would love to know that.” She looked across the night sky, “I look at the stars, but I don’t study them. You should move things a tiny bit to see if you get a rise from the Queen of Libraries in Ponyville.” Luna laughed, “Before my banishment, I’d make a totally new sky each and every night. Watch this.” Luna’s horn lit up and the stars faded from view except those that made a huge dot to dot of two unicorns. “Now you and Serenity are constellations.” Mapper watched Luna work and snickered, “I can hear them now. Two unicorns! The stars foretell our doooooooom!” Luna joined Mapper in laughter, “I should put them back, I suppose.” Stars reappeared in the night sky, or at least most of them. “A little change never hurt anything.” Luna’s phone rang. She looked at the caller ID, “Well speak of the Queen.” Luna answers, “Hello Twilight, how are you this evening?” “Say hello to the Queen of Libraries for me,” Mapper said softly. Luna’s smile grew wider, “Twilight, Twilight, calm down. Nothing is wrong with the stars, I’m just having a little fun.” Luna rolled her eyes, “Yes, it’s all fine. Yes, I know a few hundred are missing, nopony will notice.” Luna sighed, “Oh, fine, I’ll put them back. Also, a friend of mine and former classmate of yours says hi, Queen of the Libraries.” The alicorn and unicorn giggled. “Her name is Mapper. You remembered her? Of course, how could you forget?” Luna pouted, “Fine, I’ll put the rest back, but the two new ones stay. Bye Twilight.” Luna ended the call, “She can be so dull at times.” Mapper reared up on her hind legs and stuck a heroic pose next to the statue, “But she remembered me! The Great and Powerful Mapper! Able to toss a mountain a mile,” she stood back down on all four hooves, “And with a favourable wind, teleport a yard.” Luna giggled, “I assume you’ve always been memorable. You looked good standing there next to Sky.” Mapper nodded, “Brash, that would be me. If you didn’t know me, you would.” She looked up at the pegasus statue. “Part of being brash. She had it too, didn’t she?” “Oh, yes, very much so, in spades,” Luna agreed. “She was brash too.” Mapper sat back down next to Luna, “I can be like her, but I can’t be Sky Dive.” She shrugged her shoulders up and down, “No wings, don’t you know.” “No pony can be my Sky Dive,” Luna sniggered. “She was brash alright, confident, arrogant even, but she had such a drive. She was always doing something, anything.” Luna smiled, “She wasn’t afraid to put me in my place, either.” Mapper nuzzled Luna’s ear and whispered, “Naweza kuwa Rafiki. Sitakuwa ndiyo farasi au kukuambia uongo unataka kusikia. Mimi si kubeba mtoto wako, na mimi si kuchukua mtoto wako kwa ajili ya mnyama wangu.” A shiver when down Luna’s back. Whether it was from the whispers in her ear, or the words that were whispered. “It just so happens that a friend is what I truly need. The last thing a need is a yes mare.” Luna returned the nuzzle. “My gorgeous wife will bear my foal, and I don’t think Oils will let you have his little mare for a pet anyways.” Mapper reached out and petted Serenity’s mane, “I come with baggage.” “You know,” Luna giggled. “That’s just what Serenity said earlier at the party.” Mapper continued to pet her wife, “She would betray you, if I asked her too. That is one large piece of baggage. As for me, I won’t kill for you, I won’t even kill to save you. But for her I would kill. It is important that you know where our loyalties truly lie.” “I understand you perfectly, Mapper, and the offer is still there.” Luna looked up at the statue, “You know what really set Sky and Tavi apart from the others? I’m their lover first, friend second, and princess third.” Mapper looked up and then back at Luna, “For us it would be friend first. Love is the frosting that makes friendship tastier. I could put carnie third, but that is asking a lot!” Luna gave that the warranted eye roll. “That’ll do me just fine. Sky only called me Princess once, when we first met.” “It would be situational for me. Is it the right thing? Is it the wrong thing? Or will it just annoy you?” she ended with a smile and looked down at her wife. “For Senior Pet it will be because Mistress would be the wrong title at the moment. It seems she has no respect for that pegasus DJ.” Luna petted the burgundy mane with Mapper, “I can agree that Mistress may be the wrong title in many cases. My true title doesn’t annoy me, Mapper.” She looked back at the pink unicorn, “While I prefer Luna, you can, of course, address me as you wish at a given moment.” “I’ll let Senior Pet know that misuse of Mistress would be naughty in a bad way.” Mapper nuzzled up the side of Luna’s face, “I can be quite” She bit Luna’s ear, “Annoying when I want to be.” She let Luna flick her ear out of the grasp of her teeth, “But you most likely won’t earn that treatment.” She kissed her way back down Luna’s face. “The only royalty I knew was your sister. When we first met, that was my image for you.” She kissed Luna fully, “Thank you for destroying that image.” “We can all be annoying when we desire to be, Mapper.” Luna returned the kiss, “I hope you aren’t disappointed with my image.” Mapper licked her lips, “The real you had a rocky start, but things firmed up nicely. All of us can be pretenders. I’m one most of the time. When you let a pony see you with your mane down though, that is true beauty.” “I’m pleased you like the real me.” Luna looked off into the night sky. “Dismantling the mirror room and beginning preparations for our new foal has had another interesting effect. Tavi doesn’t want me to be her Mistress any longer.” “The fun of the game doesn’t require a Mistress/Pet relationship,” said Mapper. “I think you can look at Caffy and Thespy for that.” She looked up the stars, “I hazard a guess it has moved from Mistress Pet to Dom Sub.” “You assume correctly,” said Luna. Mapper took another kiss, “Wildfire could tell me today, ‘Mapper, I’m no longer your pet,’ and life would be just fine. Of course, I’ll still spank that pretty flank of hers.” Mapper turned to study Luna, “Dom Sub is a better relationship over Mistress Pet. Not equals, but one is not at the other’s mercy.” Luna looked back, “To be honest, I don’t think Wildfire would say that. She seems comfortable in her role with you and the herd.” She leaned in and took her own kiss. “I’d rather Tavi be my Sub than my Pet.” Mapper shrugged, “It may return too, if only for some play time.” She giggled, “Will you be her foal for that day? She might just chase a stick for the day.” Luna smiled, “I’d be happy to be her little Woona. I’m sure we can come to an arrangement where she’ll chase a stick for me.” Mapper laughed, “Arrangement? You are far too formal. You’ll see her looking at or fiddling with a nappy, and you’ll know to seize the moment. Another day you’ll be together in the garden and some crazy pony will drop a stick at your hooves with an ‘I dare you’ look. If I’ve learned one thing as a Dom, it is the Sub decides when it is play time.” “You’re quite right there,” Luna agreed. “Tavi has always lead the way in our relationship, as I’m sure you’re aware.” Mapper tilted her head and lifted an eyebrow, “From what I’ve heard, she merely stumbled into you, and you decided she was a keeper. Then Tavi wouldn’t let you go.” Luna smirked, “Fair enough, I wanted her in the start of our relationship. And you’re right, she hasn’t let me go, nor would I for that matter.” “You are her anchor,” said Mapper, “And in stormy seas that is priceless.” “Every pony needs an anchor,” added Luna. “This is my anchor,” Mapper said as she continued to pet Serenity. “What is your anchor, Luna?” Luna thought about that for a moment, “My family is my anchor. All of them that are here and the one still to come.” “That is a wide harbour,” Mapper said softly, “While less likely to break a chain, it does lead to rougher seas.” “I take you point, but with a big enough crew, those seas can be navigated,” responded Luna. Mapper looked smug, “Arr, but be careful matey least a zebra become captain of your ship. Not that I be a complaining, as I don’t want to be walk’n the plank!” Luna snorted, “I can think of a couple willing zebras for the job.” She licked Mapper’s ear, “I’d keep you around though, as long as my cabin is kept clean.” “I’m sure a maid can be found. After all, dust between the sheets is a grave problem on any ship.” She whispered in Luna’s ear, “If you find a zebra captain, be sure to remind them you’re the admiral. I forgot to do that.” Luna nodded, “I’ll be sure to let the zebra know who’s in charge.” “If it’s the zebra I’m thinking of, she will be behind you all the way.” Mapper giggled, “There is no hall in Canterlot. Then I think there are five zebras within fifty miles of here.” “You know my priestess,” Luna giggled, “No hall here just means an excuse to go to Manehatten.” Mapper nodded, “that was a rather intense night of karaoke. You ready for an army looking for you to lead them?” Luna’s expression was neutral. “Ah, yes, karaoke night. That was the first time you called me friend, remember?” Mapper nodded. Luna continued, “I don’t think Equestria’s ready for Nightmare Moon’s return just yet.” Mapper waved a hoof, “Caffy has come around. Even Coffee Bean is no longer looking for your sister’s head on a pike. My friend, we’ve chatted about change. How freedom brings chaos and disturbs order.” She nuzzled the alicorn, “I’m Nightmare’s friend too, but Luna could lead that army if she chooses to.” “Should I choose to.” Luna decided a change of subject was in order. “Serenity wishes to bear you a filly, I believe.” Mapper went along with the flow. She considered the earlier topic closed. “Ah, yes, foals.” She looked down at her wife, “She thinks I’ll handle a filly better than a colt. She rightly fears if I can discipline a colt.” She looked back to Luna, “Wildfire so wants a filly too, and I think Serenity is caught up in that.” Mapper smiled, “Does the Queen of Libraries have a solution?” “Twilight does have a solution,” answered Luna. “Serenity asked me if I could temporarily kill a stallion’s sperm that would produce a colt to ensure a filly. I told her I couldn’t, but I did consult Twilight. She thought it would be easier to do it herself than teach me. Science and all that.” Mapper laughed as she remembered how Twilight was in school. “What surprised me,” continued Luna, “Is Twilight will cast the spell on the mares, so there will be no lasting effect on the stallions.” “Oh, that is a better solution,” said Mapper. “I had thought the spell would have to be cast on the stallions. Then this is why I was part of ‘The rest of the graduating class’. What about your foal? Will you use magic this time?” “Yes, this time we will,” said Luna. “Again, Twilight has the solution to merge each of our eggs in Tavi’s womb. It seems fillies are all the rage.” “It will make you the filly’s true sire,” said Mapper. “Senior and Middle Pet have the joy of a herd to choose from, and both plan on including the sire in the filly’s lives.” “The benefit of a herd for sure. I’m quite excited to be this filly’s sire.” She leaned in close, “Not as excited as Wildfire, though. She doesn’t just dream about a certain rugby team.” “Oh, Mistress of Dreams, is my pet dreaming now?” Luna closed her eyes and lit her horn for a moment, “Both of them are.” “Now, oh Mistress of Dreams, is Middle Pet dreaming of a field of black with nothing but sound?” “Not at all,” said Luna with a shake of her head. “Right now, she’s conflicted. She’s dreaming of a lime green mare she once knew and is vaguely familiar to me. Her dreaming mind is playing out scenarios. Meeting this mare, snubbing her, and so on.” “That would be my doing. Her first sexual experience, a mare named Air Raid. Her parents are Fire Prism and Storm Blaze, and they are pretenders that were at Winter’s party.” Mapper reached out to Luna, “That is not where I wish this to go, as you may guess.” “Air Raid! I remember her now. She was around Dusk’s suite years ago with the rest of their friends at the time. Would you have me steer this dream down a certain path?” Mapper shook her head, “No, I would have you merge dreams. The triad with her are most likely sleeping too, and I can get to sleep quickly. I believe you can bring awareness to the dreamer without waking them?” Luna nodded. “Then please show Wildfire the mini herd that loves her. Let her see the mares she is with.” “I will try to do so, just give me a moment.” Luna blushed, “Oh my, that time on the cloud really was an experience, wasn’t it?” Mapper giggled, “Yes, one you’ve shared, right? Please forgive me, but I’m going to lay here on the grass with Pet. Feel free to wake me when you’re finished.” Mapper snuggled up against her wife’s back and quickly put herself in a trance. Luna confirmed that other four were in the dreamscape and waited for Mapper to enter it. Once in she let the other’s dreams fade away and merged the five together. Since three could fly, and the other two could cloud walk, she put them all on a cloud. She included her sister’s sun so that true colours could be seen. The Princess smiled as the four mares looked at Wildfire, only this Wildfire had her large wide chestnut brown eyes. For a moment they just stared at each other, then Wildfire let out a squeal that would have shook the moon if it were outside the dreamscape. Once the five had united, she reached out to the others in the herd and found they were also in the dreamscape. It took a lot of effort and concentration, but soon Luna had all twenty-three gathered on the cloud. The joy overcame any panic as they all bonded with Wildfire. Hope and excitement was what she felt in the pegasus whose wings she healed. Hope was a powerful emotion which brought a tear to Luna’s eye. A hope that she would see the filly she would give birth to when that filly was able to enter the dreamscape. A hope Luna shared about her own filly that was to come. All things must end, though, and the exertion that Luna was putting into this shared dream began to wear on her. She let the dream fade as each returned to their own dreams, but even then, the event tainted those dreams with that same hope. She gently shook Mapper’s shoulder, “Was it what you expected?” “More than I thought possible.” Mapper laughed, “I so wish I could be there when she wakes up. The squeal might set off alarms.” Mapper got up and moved to lean against Luna. “I imagine the most beautiful dreams are from ponies that have never had sight. To see the world, they can only imagine in their dreams.” Luna nodded and nuzzled Mapper into a kiss. “I could tell you stories of dreams so beautiful they make my night sky seem drab by comparison. That was a lovely gift you gave Wildfire.” “I suggested, but you gave her the dream.” Mapper kissed back. “Love is a powerful motivator.” “The most powerful of all as you have reminded me.” Luna chuckled, “It would be fun to watch her wake up on the train.” Mapper looked up at Sky Dive’s statue, “Dreams keep our memories alive.” Luna looked along with Mapper, “Well said, my friend.” She kissed Mapper. “About what you said earlier. I have had such an experience on a cloud, and you are the cause for her dreaming of her ex-marefriend?” Mapper shrugged, “Serenity doesn’t dislike Air Raid, so I’m willing to give Middle Pet a chance at closure, or to open that door again. I gave Air Raid her number.” She looked up at the moon and then to the left and right, “Thank you.” Luna pulled Mapper next to her in a wing embrace. Her horn lit up and those two stars grew a little brighter. “It was my pleasure. I think the stars might move a little more from now on, if only to annoy Twilight. Those two will always guard my moon.” Mapper laughed, “I think that would annoy the Queen of Libraries more.” She put on her worse Twilight lecture voice imitation, “Stars move with the seasons so that over the course of the year you will see all the constellations.” Luna facehoofed at the terrible impersonation. “Well, when Twilight creates the night sky, she can do what she likes. Until then they’ll stay as my night guard.” Mapper made full use of the wing blanket, “Careful what you say. She is a powerful one. She was powerful before she got her wings. To be her friend though, would require binding.” “It is true, she is powerful.” Luna giggled, “I’d like to see you bind Twilight.” Mapper waved a hoof like it would be nothing, “I can certainly try. I’m not sure I could hold her. I’m powerful, but I’m still just a unicorn.” Mapper smiled, “Now for something completely different, my friend. Would you like a jester at Night Court?” Luna squeezed Mapper with her wing, “I’d love to have a jester.” “When do you hold night court?” asked Mapper. “I’ll have to see if I can schedule you in.” Luna shook her head at Mapper’s presumptuousness. “Every Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday are by appointment only. Tia and I sometimes swap court on Friday as part of our growing closer.” “I’ll have to give Coco a call to make sure I have the right outfit.” Mapper looked around, “Show me your garden in the night, Luna. The last time I really looked around Discord was still in residence.” “Wow, that has been a while.” Luna stood up. “I think we’ve kept Sky company long enough.” Mapper stood and lifted Serenity to her back. She gave Sky Dive a small bow. “Once I left Canterlot, the only reason to return was for class reunions.” Luna led the way through the gardens to cover as much ground as she could. She was happy that Tia let her have a hoof in some of the plants. The ones that really shone under moonlight. “Are they all like the party earlier?” “The reunions are pretty tame, but the after party at the sorority, yes,” answered Mapper. “I was in the battle mage sorority, and when I found out Serenity was in the same sorority, it kind of clicked.” Luna nodded, “Like I said before. It’s funny how things seem to come together. You and Serenity, me and Octavia, Wildfire meeting you all in Manehatten.” Mapper looked around as they walked, “To hear it from Lavender, Dusky showed some empathy that day. Of course, showing up in Manehatten on the spur of the moment with Vocal, and of all coffee shops in that town, he picks one with a zebra.” “Precisely my point. If Vocal Chord wasn’t busy with the comeback gig I sorted out for him, Dusky wouldn’t have taken Wildfire at all.” Luna shuddered, “To think how different the past week would have been.” Mapper laughed, “Maybe it was a good thing you let Discord go.” Luna looked around a bit surprised he didn’t show up when his name was called. “Perhaps it is. Sometimes, I wonder if he isn’t pulling strings out there somewhere. Surely, happenstances like these can’t all be coincidences?” “Personally, I’d rather give him credit than to think I’m a pawn in your sister’s game.” Mapper nuzzled her friend. Luna nuzzled back, “I’d rather believe that too, and you have to admit, he has a sense of humour for coincidences like these.” “I like to think he has a sense of justice too. In school they said he was evil, but I’ve always thought of him as amoral.” Mapper smiled, “Your moon does make this place shine in a different light.” “I can say, I never thought of him as evil either. He just did things because he could, and because it suited him to do so.” She bumped Mapper’s flank, “Everything’s better by moonlight, right?” “I think my flank is still sore,” giggled Mapper. “Yes, it is, though I’m used to a lot of neon to go with your moon.” “Well I can’t do neon.” Luna looked up, “But the moon has a couple of helpers tonight.” Mapper returned the flank bump, “Yes you do, right here with you.” In a quiet voice Luna said, “Thank you Mapper, for everything.” “It’s what friends do.” The unicorn’s voice turned conspiratorial, “What can you show me that the public doesn’t see? Is there a statue commemorating cake?” Luna laughed, “In a manner of speaking. Over there is a statue of Chancellor Puddinghead.” The two of them walked side by side deeper into the garden.