> Crystal Amiss > by TassieDevil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Meet Crystal Rivot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was running through a huge forest where the trees towered over you and the roots threatened to trip you at every turn I looked back and a bolt of fear went through me for I saw a dark shadow right behind me and it looked as if it was trying to grasp me with its huge, black claws. Fear made me run faster than ever before and I thought I could ,make it when my hoof got trapped in a root and I fell over trying to free myself but no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't come free. I looked up and the dark shadow was getting ready to strike and it jumped towards me and everything turned black. I awoke shivering in a cold sweat but I wasn't shivering because of the cold. I heard a terrible sound that sounded so lost, so alone and so frightened but then I realised that it was coming from me. All of a sudden someone burst into the room teriffiying me even more but I saw it was just my father coming to calm me like he always did. But no amount of hugs or calming words quelled my sobs and eventually we both just laid there waiting for the tears to run its course. I usually never got nightmares but ever since mother had been taken I got them nearly every night, of course thinking of my mum brought a new round of sobs that racked my body. "sh everything will be okay" dad whispered "NO!" I screamed "NOTHING WILL BE OKAY EVER AGAIN!" then I ran outside of my bedroom then went through the front door and bolted down the cold, dark street. I ran faster than ever before I weaved through streets and ran down alley ways, maybe if I ran fast enough I could leave behind all the grief, all the fear. I felt guilty about running away from my father but I just couldn’t stay there, there were too many memories and whenever I looked him in the eye all I could see was my pain reflected in his eyes which did not help. I sat down on a bench just to catch my breath and all of a sudden I realised I was in Canterlot gardens. I had always liked this place it was always so peaceful and the plants really were beautiful and the animals were amazing but a new wave of tears swept over me when I remembered the day my parents took me here and me and my mum found the phoenix. “What is wrong child” a deep and mysterious voice asked “what?” I looked up and standing there in front of me was Princess Luna herself. I gasped in shock and fear and I started to cower away, either the princess did not see my fear or chose to ignore it for she just went ahead and sat right next to my shaking body. “I asked you if everything was alright young one you seem extremely upset” “I.... I’m fine” I whimpered then I burst out crying once again. I found myself in the arms of the princess of the night but instead of feeling trapped like whenever my father usually hugged me, Instead it felt safe and warm, which were things I have not felt for a while now. “There there child I’m sure it’s not that bad” the moment she said those words even dared to utter them I felt a wave of fury like no other, who did she think she was pretending to know my problems acting as if she understood me. Even though there was only compassion in her words I pushed her away from me as if she was some disgusting creature or something of the likes of that. I started to scream terrible things to her but what was worse was that she was completely calm, during this she didn’t even scowl or shout back the only thing she did when I had taken a breath between insults she muttered two words “I’m sorry”. These two words drove me into a fit of tears so strong I just collapsed into her awaiting arms “I’m sorry” I said through gritted teeth to stop the sobs “I just miss her so much” “I know I am truly very sorry for what happened to you and for what it’s worth which I’m sure is not very much I too know what its like to lose someone you love”. After that she would not, could not say anything else I glanced at her face and through tear filled eyes I saw that she had her eyes closed and I saw one stray tear fall down her face. And in the dead of the night with the arms of a princess around me I cried myself to sleep. I awoke in a daze and I recalled the night before but instead of worrying about my father or why I was here I decided to put those fears aside for now. I stretched my body and I realised I was on a bed as dark as night but with little dots that looked as if they blazed. I looked to the ceiling and saw the midnight sky with a beautiful full moon and thousands upon thousands of stars scattered across the sky or ceiling I’m not entirely sure if it is real or not I strained to reach the ceiling to feel the inky black sky. I started to jump on the bed trying to reach the ceiling/sky and strangely enough I felt joy in the simplicity of it, it was almost fun. A voice startled me “having fun” chuckled Princess Luna “Oh sorry” I said still slightly bouncing on the bed “its fine child” “Crystal” “Excuse me” “ My name is Crystal” I said almost bitterly “Okay Crystal, did you sleep well?” “I slept.............well” I sounded surprise at the words cause it was true “I haven’t had a good night’s sleep for a long time” more like a half a good night’s sleep I expected for the heartache and grief to hit me when I remember why I had been found crying in the gardens but no feelings came I actually almost felt safe. The sound of my stomach rumbling brought me back to my senses “hmmm you must be very hungry would you like to join, me for breakfast or would you like me to bring some food up here” “no thanks I’d rather eat with you than be alone” I said and though I wouldn’t admit it I was dead curious to see the rest of the castle I mean for a princess her room, wasn’t very decorative I mean sure her ceiling/sky was beautiful but there wasn’t really anything else exciting it had four walls which were all a rich, deep amethyst and the starry patterned bed with two regular old black bedside tables “well come then Crystal we should get there soon otherwise there may be no food left it us quite late in the morning after all” “okay lets go wait I do have one question though” “yes?” “Is that ceiling real?” and you could hear the sound of the Princesses laughter throughout the whole castle. So there we go what do you think you can tell me if you think it’s horrible. > A wink and a smile > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As we walked down the rather bland hallway a question struck me “Hey Luna?” “Yes dear Crystal” “How come this place is so bland I mean with you being the princess and all I thought you would have a more decorative home”. “Well you see Crystal it has been quite a while since I’ve needed to worry about that, when my sister freed me I just didn’t think it was important but now that you’re here” The rumbling of my stomach interrupted her making me blush like crazy. She started to chuckle which practically turned my whole face red as an apple “Maybe we should discuss this after breakfast” she suggested “yes maybe we should” I said trying albeit difficultly to show a cool expression but looking up to read her face I saw I wasn’t fooling her and we both started to giggle like little school fillies. “Ahh here we are “Luna exclaimed, I hadn’t even realised we were still walking down the ridiculously long hallway which of course was as bare as ever. We stopped in front of a beautiful door and it was also the strangest for two halves of it were completely different one side was nearly pure white with a golden sun in the middle spreading light all over its side and it positively oozed beauty and purity while the other side was a rich navy blue with a full moon right in the middle and thousands of stars burning brightly it was dark and mysterious but it was also beautiful and it also reminded me how hard it must be to live with someone who was pretty much your polar opposite “shall we enter” Luna asked with a hint of smile playing on her lips I realise I had been staring at the door far to intently “let’s go” I said quickly so we could avoid the awkwardness of the moment and with a push of her hooves we entered the room beyond. I gasped loudly in shock and then awe and I had to check more than once that I was awake. The room was absolutely indescribable their table (which filled almost half the room)f looked as if it was made from pure gold with amazing, intricate patterns that were made from what looked like silver and some other definitely precious material she had no name for except it was blue as a clear summer sky the patterns were delicate swirls and symbols that looked as if only a pony far superior and intelligent then herself would understand the chairs were in a similar fashion but they had a burgundy cushion on each one and they looked as soft as clouds. There were columns of marble with green leaves wrapped around them and the green complimented the white marble nicely. The two huge windows had extremely detailed pictures of the two princess it was so detailed you could almost see there manes flowing due to some mysterious magic that was beyond her, then of course there was the contents of the table. The food looked delicious there were platters of fruit that looked like precious gemstones with a sprinkle of sugar on each one, there were puddings of every shape, size and flavour, pancakes piled so high they looked as if they touched the ceiling (I wondered at the inconvenience it would be to get those but then I remembered they were unicorns to them it would be as simple as ABC), there were rolls of bread that were practically begging to be dripped in the sizzling sauces that were laid down right next to them, and on one part of the table there were literally thousands upon thousands of chocolates and sweets and little cakes that looked like they had been made from fairies and for all I know they could of been. I sat down next to Luna who had already found a place to sit and soon I found myself grabbing everything that was edible within hoofs reach. It was undeniably the most delicious meal I have ever had. After I had finished stuffing myself I finally noticed that we were completely alone “Excuse me princess” I asked “Please call me Luna” “Umm okay Luna why is there nopony here apart from us?” “Well it is quite late in the morning” “How late?” an uneasiness washing over me that had nothing to do with the large amount of food I just ate. “Well i it’s about an hour to midday” she stammered uncertainly “WHAT! It’s been that long already” I can’t believe I had just forgotten about my father but I had this place had distracted me and so did Luna I must be the worst daughter in history my eyes started to burn as tears sprang into them thinking about the pain I had put him through, how I had ran off without even considering his feelings I mean mother’s death was hard on him too I mean most days now he just sat at the table staring at the nothingness sometimes a drink in his hand sometimes none. But whatever the problems we had, we have to face them together “Thank you so much for everything Luna but I have got to get going” “May I ask why” I threw words at her like father and help but already I was scampering for the door “WAIT!” “Sorry Luna” and then I pushed open the door and ran outside the room not hearing the alicorns warnings. I ran out into a maze of marble tunnels and immediately lost my bearings. I looked back and instead of seeing kind, sweet Luna I saw the dark shadow that plagues my dreams and haunts me when I’m awake. I had no idea what I was seeing was real or just some creepy hallucination I was having but I didn’t want to found out so I ran through the maze hoping I could lose her in the web of tunnels and winding stairwells. But everywhere I went there was the shadow blocking me whenever I thought I saw an exit. Pretty soon with all the fear, sadness and adrenaline coursed through me my legs just gave out and I just laid in a dark empty room shivering as the shadows crept up to me and once again everything turned black. Eventually I awoke and saw that the room was almost too dark to see anything though could make out small details such as various shapes of what looked to be stone but it was too dark to be sure. I noticed that there were no evil beings surrounding me and plotting the most painful and evil way to kill me and I started to doubt my own sanity but no matter what had actually happened my fear had been real and so were the tears that were running down my face. I tried to wipe them away but they kept on streaming out of my eyes and after a hard attempt to stem, the flow I gave up. I noticed a door (that was not unlike the one that entered into the dining room, it was too magnificent to call a dining room but I couldn’t think of what else to call it) and mustering up all my bravery I went through the door. I entered into a room that looked like it had been carved from one block of marble everything fitted together so well and it looked as if the tables that were all on the edges of the massive room had been grown from the rock itself. I then saw that I was not alone there were about 50 guards all in talking and eating it seems I have entered the barracks I was not entirely sure if this was a bad or good thing “THIEF!” somepony screamed, bad it was definitely bad. I had no idea what do as the 50 or so guards advanced to me I considered going through the maze but who knows what could happen in there so I stood my ground and looked for another way to escape. There, there was door with sunlight glinting through the bottom. But how was I supposed to get there so I did the first thing that came to mind “CHARGE!” I screamed as I ran towards the guards as fast as I could and this was something they weren’t expecting from, a little pony like me and their surprise caused a break in rank which I quickly galloped through and I ran as hard as I could to the door but when I got to it all hope seemed lost but strange purple air covered the door and I heard a satisfying click of the door opened and I looked back for just a moment and I saw Luna right at entrance to the barracks and as I turned back to run through the door and to home I swore she winked at me. Okay so she wasn’t trying to kill me at all I smiled at the thought as I was being chased by a horde of guards. > This can't be happening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful spring morning there was not one cloud in the light blue sky, a warm breeze ruffled through the leaves which made a strange yet pleasant tingling sound it also spread the sweet perfume of flowers that covered the city, the birds were singing in the trees, Celestia’s sun burned proudly in the sky shedding light on the world below. Unfortunately one little pony did not have the chance to stop and smell the flowers. While I tore through the streets of Canterlot passing a school with a bunch of little fillies captivated by the chase and shops which sold a variety of things from hats to purified mineral water, with who knows how many guards tailing behind me. I tried to reason with the guard ponies that I wasn’t a thief but they were all either complete idiots or didn’t know that thieves generally possessed something from the pony they were trying to steal from and would have at least made an attempt to be unseen and since I did not fit either of these requirements they had to be idiots. I turned a corner “PERFECT” I thought for standing there were a large crowd of ponies just milling around chattering about this and that. They gave off an almost mindless cattle feel just going wherever the grass grew or in their case fashion. I ran straight through the middle of the crowd not even bothering to pay attention to the gasps of surprise, shock and countless insults. I looked back and satisfyingly saw that the herd of so called fashionista’s reverted to its original shape keeping me hidden from the guards whose booming voice could be overheard the mindless chatter coming from civilians “Excuse me sir” “Please pardon my manners” “No no after you madam” I had to stifle a giggle as I listened to the guards trying to get through (and rather unsuccessfully) the herd. After deciding that I had more pressing matters then a few well a lot of idiotic ponies, I started to trot home knowing that I was safe from those “dastardly fiends” I laughed at my own joke which brought me quite a lot of strange looks from ponies all around and in return I stuck my tongue out at them which created a universal look of disgust someponies even screamed I just laughed at them. I felt free as I walked away from them as if all the darkness had ceased to exist I mean yes I still felt pain whenever I thought of mother but whenever I thought of Luna all those feelings all but evaporated it may not be the most healthy way to get rid of pain but it was the only thing that helped. I turned a corner and realized I was only a few blocks from home I picked up the pace I was so excited to see dad it was as if I hadn’t seen him in months which if you think about it was kind of true I mean the real him the one that glowed life and breathed kindness. He never used to drink when mum was around but I guess it’s pretty understandable why he turned to alcohol but he was still kind and gentle to me but he didn’t glow anymore he merely flickered. I was walking past the bakery and I smelt chocolate and sugary goodness, what the hell I thought I may as well pop in and say hello. Maybe I can get some of those chocolate éclairs for dad that he loved so much, I wondered as I walked inside the small bakery and a small bell tinkled as I entered. “Oh hello Crystal I haven’t seen you for a while” exclaimed the plump yet sweet baker “Hey Vanilla Bliss I guess I’ve been kind of.... well preoccupied” I tried to say it without breaking my voice I don’t think I did a very good job when she said “I know sweetie hey how about a free batch of those éclairs your father loves so much” “Can I have it to go?” I asked “I need to be home soon” “of course you can sweetie I’ll be just a few minutes” she walked to the back to get the éclairs ready. I sat at a table and stared out the window and I remembered the last time I had been in here, I was picking up some cakes for a picnic to Canterlot gardens, I had recalled that day easily, it was the day we saw the phoenix perched on a tree in all its regal majesty my mind went back to that magical day. “Come on mum we have to go soon” I whined to my mum she always did this whenever we were about to go she suddenly remembered she had to get something or redo her mane like she was now “tell you what while I’m doing this you can go with your father to the bakery and help him carry or those scrumptious treats where taking” she poked me gently in the stomach at the last part which made me break out in giggles “okay mum” I said in between gasps “I’ll go right now”. I ran out of the house and down the street and saw that dad was just entering the bakery I galloped so I could catch up to him “DAD” I shouted, I was strangely excited for some reason and in my excitement I forgot that not only was he hard of hearing but also the clear, glass door had been shut. By the time I noticed it was too late I tried to stop but my momentum kept me going until BAM my nose gushed blood spraying the door that was remarkably unaffected by the collision. “CRYSTAL!” My father was screamed he always overreacts with these things even though I felt completely fine apart from the ache in my head, the ringing in my ears, my nose was making a river of blood and I had a lump on my head the size of a bee’s nest okay maybe he’s allowed to overreact a little. I whimpered pathetically when he burst out of the door and then slipped in the pool of blood that was still gushing out of my nose. The scene could almost be comical if we weren’t screaming in pain “MUM!” “WILLOW” we both screamed simultaneously. Mum burst out of the house, magic enveloped her horn and then she picked us both up and as gently as she could put us down at her feet she then looked over our bodies. Magic sparked at the tip of her horn and enveloped me once again but instead of lifting me she stemmed the blood coming out of my nose and fixing some crack deep inside, than she created a cooling sensation all over my thumping head which practically eradicated all the pain, all that was left was a slight dull thud that was easy to shrug off. I stood up as my mum turned to dad and when I looked I gasped at the sight of his leg which was bent in a very irregular fashion which told me it was fractured maybe even broken. But mother being the gifted healer she was kept a calm face and once again magic sprouted from her horn covering dad’s body head to hoof and slowly but surely his leg went back to its proper shape and the cuts all over his body which he somehow acquired when he fell on the hard asphalt vanished from sight. This wasn’t the first time I saw her heal somepony but it was the first time she healed me, it made me feel safe and warm. After about an hour or so dad was up and walking “So can we go now” I asked “I don’t know your father is pretty weak” mum said pretty much crushing all hope I had of going “Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine a picnic in the gardens will be fun” dad said optimistically “Okay fine we’ll go I guess the exercise would do you well” she admitted “YAY YAY YAY!” ponies might say I was too excited and I was acting like a like a little filly but I would just stick my tongue out at them which probably proves their point.”Come on we have to go now” I started whining again the events before completely forgotten. “Okay let’s go” dad said as he started to walk across the street he turned around and flashed us goofy grin “are you coming?” “Wait aren’t we gonna get the cakes from the bakery?” I asked Mum and dad both shared a glance “Uhhhh maybe we should leave vanilla alone for a while we’ll go get food somewhere else” “Okay” I said. We continued to walk in silence we passed by a few shops and a school but nothing really exciting happened until we got there. We walked around the castle to reach the gardens beyond. We walked past many ponies who were all dressed in ridiculous clothing they wore hats the size of blimps and platform shoes that looked like bricks and probably weighed as much. Dad and I had to stifle snickers when we passed a pony who had actually dyed her fur a sickly yellow and you could tell it was dyed cause the roots were growing back in which were a light green so she actually looked like a pile of sick. Mother composed herself much better than us and gave us scolding looks every chance she got but even she had to smile when we passed a pair of ponies who had their noses so high you actually see their nose hair and their heads were held so high up the woman’s wig fell right off revealing a very embarrassed and very bold mare who quickly ran away with a look of horror on her face. Me and dad started cracking up there and then “did you see her face!” I screeched with tears streaming down my face “I know!” dad cried than burst into even more laughter rendering him unable to speak “Come on we have to go you’re causing a scene” mum was right our laughter brought the critical stares of many ponies she tried to push us away and go back outside we didn’t budge a single itch we actually started to roll on the floor. With a huff mum lifted us both up with her magic and ignoring the stares she continued on her way to the gardens. We were still giggling a bit when we both dropped to the ground with a thud “Where here” mum gasped she had obviously exerted herself far more than necessary but it was pretty much all our fault so we couldn’t really tell her she shouldn’t have while we’ve been laughing all the way here. I took in our surroundings we were in a little grove surrounded by tree’s, with rare flowers scattered on the ground and the grass was extremely soft and was better than any rug or blanket. The perfect place to have a picnic I sighed happily and lay across the ground giving a sound of content “well than come on” dad said excitedly “What?” I had no idea what he was talking about “We have to find some food otherwise what’s the point” “Can’t we just lay here it’s so peaceful” “You can if you want but I’m going I’m starving” Mum had just cuddled up to me making the idea of staying much more appealing “you can go dear we’ll still be here” Mum said tiredly “Okay I’ll go look for food you can stay here with Crystal” He started to walk forwards to the trees “I’ll be back soon!” he shouted and with that he disappeared in the tree’s I rested on my mum’s head and pretty soon in our own little world I fell asleep. “Crystal wake up” mum whispered nudging my head with her muzzle “Hmmmm wha what is it, is it dad?” I was kinda annoyed that she woke me up “No look up there” she pointed up to a tree where on the branch was the most magnificent of creatures every part of it looked as if it burned like fire unit was beautiful, awesome and mysterious its eyes hid secrets centauries years old and its very being looked regal and magical as if it was some sort of spawn of the sun itself I must of made some noise or something for it stared straight at, me I wasn’t entirely sure if I should be scared or not. It squawked then flew right in front of me and plucked one of its glorious feathers and dropped it right on my muzzle I expected to get burned or hurt but all I felt was a pleasant warm sensation and I knew then and there everything would turn out fine. I guess I fell asleep after that cause the next thing I remember is waking up in the middle of the night with the phoenix feather in my mane. I’ve still got it somewhere hidden in my room kept away from prying eyes including mine I love to see it but then I hate it, brings to many memories and feelings which are much easier to just leave alone. “Here you go darling” Vanilla came towards me holding a bag of sweet delicious treats that were sure to please dad. “Will that be all you want today?” “Yes thanks Vanilla how much do I owe you?” “Don’t worry about that this one’s on the house” “Oh thanks Vanilla” I started towards the door “Don’t worry about it tell your father I said hi” “Will do bye Vanilla” “Bye Crystal have a good day” I walked briskly to the front door and saw that all the lights were off through the windows, odd I fastened to a trot and pushed the door open with far too much force than necessary. “DAD!” I shouted the only answer I could hear was silence “DAD WHERE ARE YOU” I was starting to panic where could he be. “DAD” I was screaming now I burst into every room of the house not expecting to find him but I had to make sure I didn’t miss anything before I took my search to the streets. I was about to leave the house when I caught his scent it was weak and already I could tell it was fading quickly but if I was quick I might find him. I followed the scent outside the door and around the street corner I ran through streets and across roads until eventually I noticed it getting stronger and stronger and I was sure I was nearing my destination and I stopped dead right in front of a dark, grimy alleyway. Ignoring all common sense I ran straight into it not caring about the dangers there very possibly could be “DAD!” I shouted once more I squinted into the dark, menacing depths. “Crystal?” someone whispered I spun around searching for its creator. Nothing I wondered if I had even heard it or in my desperation I heard it in my head alone.”Crystal” this time it was louder and more pronounced it came from the very end of the alley where I was afraid to go. “Father is that you?” I walked cautiously towards the end WAM I tripped over something and landed in some weird, warm tar I recognized the smell that wasn’t tar. “Dad” I said shakily, peering at the thing that tripped me I saw a shape that bulged in various places and some fur. His mouth opened and he was trying to say something. I edged up to him scared to see what I already knew to accept it as real. But I did and I peered into his eye’s and saw pain from the wounds he had somehow obtained, Love for the pony who was staring into his eyes and grief at the thought of his daughter not a filly but not yet a mare completely alone in this world. “Hoo ...of” He whispered “What” I said trying to hold back the tears that were brimming in my eyes “Hoof” he said slightly stronger while he weakly waved his right forehoof “Oh” I put my two forehooves into his and I felt him hold onto them as well but instead of clenching on to them as hard as he could he instead released something into my hoof and then let go as if that small task drained him of all energy which it probably did. I glanced at what he gave me and I saw one shining, perfect phoenix feather. “I love you father” I whispered as tears ran down my face “I love you too” He said and with that he rested one hoof on my cheek his eyes locked on mine and he turned still. “NO!” I screamed “SOMEONE HELP, HELP PLEASE ANYPONY” I was screaming at the top of my lungs “Please don’t leave me” I cried and I hugged his body close sobs racking my body “please don’t” and everything turned black.