> Everypony Flirts With Twilight Sparkle > by MehtiMahmudov > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Starlight Glimmer. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "By Celestia's tail, Starlight, I can swear we've been through that!" The very voice that usually brought a smile onto the pink-coated female unicorn’s face now sounded rather grumpy and quarrelsome. Just before that phrase had cut through the silence like a razor, assaulted her ears and even made her startle in shock, a former overzealous egalitarian dictator was contemplating her own naked body in front of a large mirror that matched her size and reflected her body in its full beauty. Today she’d spent a little more time in shower than usual, for she now was bound to look like a clean pretty princess. While she resided in her village, she had nopony to look good for: her subjects couldn’t care less whether she looked good or ‘somewhat decent’. But now, there was a damn good reason to look good, even inside the very walls of her new home. The reason was called Twilight Sparkle. She gently caressed her own generous breasts, cupping and lifting them a little, smirking as she let go and they went down and jiggled,launching lone drops of water that rested on her chest into the air. Her grin was getting wider and wider as her gaze went downward until it stopped on her cute velvety slit and on a tiny triangular gap her strong,thick thighs formed just below it. She was a hottie and she knew it. Her body, along with her attention, kindness and ,if absolutely necessary, dark sorcery were among the weapons she possessed and needed to use to their fullest potential. All was fair in wooing Twilight and war for her,unless there was a risk of hurting anypony. Even an outright seduction. However, your private time would never last long when you live under one roof with a teen dragon,an owl and a cute little book princess. “Are you there? We need to have a serious talk.” Twilight tried her best to sound intimidating, serious at least. “Why of course, come in, Your Highness~” Starlight sang off, turning to face the door. Her lips twisted in a smug smile in anticipation of seeing how a nervous little alicorn would react to a natural beauty of her once dangerous enemy. Twilight opened the door and dropped her jaw at the sight of Starlight’s uncovered ‘equal twins’. The mulberry alicorn blushed even more as soon as she realized her new trainee was absolutely nude and still wet. “Y-you told me I could come in!” She angrily sniffed air out of her nostrils and shut her eyes closed. “I don’t see the problem, Twiggo~” “First off, I am not a twig! Stop calling me names!” She bent forward a little and threatened her with a finger. “You’re not a twig indeed. Quite the opposite: your body is steaming hot~” A nude unicorn boldly teased, forming a little love heart with her hands and looking at her crush through the space of the said love heart “Don’t say such things!” Starlight now mentally compared the redness of tomatoes she had for breakfast that day and the one of Twilight’s cheek. The tomatoes lost. “Why’d you not tell me you were naked?!” “Sorry, Princess Cutielight! I thought it was okay since we are both girls…” She remarked after giving out a sharp gasp. “You don’t even have panties on!” “Princess Purplesmart, does it mean you’re fine with me having my mammaries exposed? Is that a permission to walk around the library topless? What a progressive and open-minded princess teaches me friendship! Let me kiss you as a sign of gratefulness! I always hated how this vile piece of cloth called brassiere limited my freedom!” Twilight gave out a high-pitched cry, sniffing the air out her nosr like an irritated bull: “THIS IS NOT WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT! And I still need to talk to you, you vixen!” “Oh, alright then, Twizilla. What seems to be the problem then, Princess Twiofficer?” Starlight questioned, while lazily putting on a nightgown she had bought for this very occasion and concealed under the sheets of her bed. “You may open your pretty eyes by the way, Your Cutene- I mean, Highness!” Twilight opened her eyes, but was still embarrassed. The only disadvantage (the only advantage from Starlight’s point of view,however) of the nightgown was its color. Or, rather, lack thereof. It was almost fully transparent. Not even a slightest part of Starlight’s sexy bits was covered. Twilight had to eat it up this time. She looked away blushing while nervously rubbing her elbows and continued: “I know you really wanted to impress your friend Trixie, but did you seriously have to spawn a thousand of floating teacups in the air for it?” “Oh my, sorry Twilight, it was an accident! I mixed up a spell! It was meant to be an illusion!” “Some pegasi are in hospital because of your ‘illusion’, you know.” “I guess you can almost say-” “Don’t you dare…” Twilight warned. “The pegasi got traumateased” “That’s it, young lady, you are going with me.” Twilight twisted Starlight’s ear and made her follow her with a tug. “Yes,your highness! I totally am not enjoying that!” Starlight groaned. “Go down and put some normal clothes on, we are going for a walk!” Starlight eventually found herself on the top of the hill not so far from Ponyville’s largest park, standing just behind her crush. The wind played with her hair ever-so-gently, making the scene so romantic that even hundreds of enormous white and blue teacups in the sky couldn’t ruin it. “Twilight, what have you brought me here for?” The naughty unicorn trainee asked, rubbing her bright-red ear that hurt even more in such a hot weather, secretly enjoying the way she was mistreated and punished as if she was merely a filly. “So you can undo your spell... you silly little perverted minx!” Starlight pretended to focus her magic, but Twilight stopped her: “Nevermind, I will do that myself until you bu-...I mean, mess up again!” Deep inside Starlight there was a tiniest regret Twilight wouldn’t get meaner with her. She was such a bad girl. Twilight focused on the sky and started channeling a powerful spell. It all started with a magical purple aura creating a round barrier around her and the surrounding world. Then, she lifted off the land and stopped mid air,raising her knees a little.Then she suddenly straightened and spread her legs, as if her body was resembling a grapevine cross.  What came next was a considerable and rapid gust of air that blew the dust off the ground in all directions and made grass palpitate a little. Than followed a flash so bright Starlight had to cover her eyes with her hand. “Oh, flip!” Twilight found herself trapped in magical aura so tight she couldn’t move. The purple substance that covered her all the way from her feet to the beginning of her neck wouldn’t let her move a muscle. After a little struggle with her own, a genuine panic took over her. “Help! Help! Wrong spell, I casted the wrong spell!” She hysterically flailed her head left to right before getting tired and howling in despair. “I’m sorry Celestia, I failed you! You taught me how important it was to focus, especially during heatwaves!” “Twily, just don’t worry, I have had this happened to me, I will rescue you!” Starlight ran towards Twilight and comforted her with a hug. She couldn’t hug back, but she certainly felt the warmth of Glimmy’s body. “You will have to cast the same spell. But only after your horn had a little bit of… release…” “Wait, what?” Twilight flopped her eyes in disbelief. “I don’t think I understand-” Twily had to cease talking when Starlight grabbed her horn and gave it a thorough,passionate lick. “What are you doing, idiot!?” Twilight loudly whispered,her notorious blush took over her face again. This time the shade reminded Starlight apples on Applejack’s ass. “Helping you out~” Starlight had to rise on her toes and grip the bookworm’s shoulder to get on the level of Twilight’s horn. Just as she did that, she put Twilight’s magical rod in her mouth. “Stop it,we are in public.” Twilight sighed Up,down, sucky-suck~ “This is embarrassing and lewd!” Twilight’s tongue lolled out on the next sigh. Encouraged by that, Starlight picked up the pace, letting her saliva build around the base of Twilight’s horn. “What if...somepony sees us?” The shy librarian let out a carnal moan. The thought of being caught along with Twilight’s song of pleasure made Starlight go insane. She started bobbing her head up and down so vigorously her vision went blurry. However she loved Twilight so much she suppressed both her headache and gag reflex. She was deepthroating the horn of her crush and she liked it so much she could’ve sworn the lady fluids she was producing during seven long minutes of hardcore hornjob would fill up a whiskey glass- maybe,even two. But all that existed for her then was Twilight’s horn and her moans of pleasure and approval. “G-glimmy, s-something is coming out of it!” Twilight screamed. The next thing Starlight knew was that her mouth was filled with yummy sticky mana. She popped the horn out of her mouth, gargled the liquid a little before swallowing it. “You taste like berries, cutie pie~” Twilight had been a panting mess incapable of coherent thought by the time Starlight was done sucking her horn off. “Oopsie. I wanted to help you relax, not exhaust you. Sorry, Princess Statuerkle!” Starlight rubbed her chin and giggled.” You surely need a nap. I will take you to my bed and nap with you, just for the safety reasons. Then we will undo the spell, okay?” She brought Twilight’s with her index finger and smiled. “Will you...Will you be cuddling me while naked?” “Maybe~” “I will punish you for taking advantage of my current state!” “Looking forward to it~” Starlight made a daring move: she planted a kiss onto the alicorn’s lips. To her surprise, the kiss was returned. > Chapter 2: Sunset Shimmer. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Twivi, are you home?” A certain female unicorn with a fiery mane asked a question that she had already known an answer to before banging her hand against the library door repeatedly in order to get Twilight to open the door as quick as possible. “Twivi?!” Sunset repeated, now noticeably louder.The sun was merciless that day and she didn’t plan to spend any more time outside, a fortiori the handle of the little red cart overfilled with books that she had carried all the way to the Golden Oaks was by now bound to give her calluses. Of course, she had her magic, but the heat seemed to make her lose her concentration needed for a proper use of magic. "That cute dork is probably studying or writing a friendship report again. Nothing surprising.Too engaged in her work to respond to the surrounding world. What a good girl." She thought. “Wait a moment, Sun-Shimmy, I am coming right away!” A muffled feminine voice and the clacking of Twilight’s shoes against hard wooden surface that came from the inside of her house elicited a pleased smirk from a bacon-haired girl. I hope Twivi doesn’t mind that the books I brought her are a little exotic. But I am sure this dirty little princess spends most of her free time reading such literature~ The galore of impure thoughts in Sunset’s head was cut off by a clank of a bolt lock and a door opening. She smiled even wider seeing the little dorky princess with a silly friendly smile in front of her, but instantly hid her excitement, making a more neutral expression. “Hey, Twivi. Do you remember that nice lady who used to run a flower shop? Well, she recently moved out of the town and headed to Canterlot, and before her leave she asked me to hand all those books over to you.” She said with fake indifference in her voice. Sunset remembered that Twilight had air conditioning inside her library, thus she was not a sweaty mess unlike herself. Her perfectly ironed white shirt, brown waistcoat, and cute face were free of any sweat, unlike Sunset’s damp t-shirt. She didn’t even bother to loose down her purple tie that was secured around her neck, flaunted on her chest and went down until it disappeared underneath her waistcoat. The library was so moderately chill the young librarian didn’t even have to undo her hair bun and let her so-bloody-long hair free. All of that couldn’t leave Sunset indifferent. Even if Twilight came to meet her looking like a sweat-drenched wreck, she’d still consider her the prettiest girl in the world. But now, this cute outfit was the difference between a diamond and a brilliant Twilight was in Sunset’s eyes. Twilight shone with a confident, maybe even slightly insolent happy smile, touching her glasses. “Books? Bring them in~” After some struggle with the cart, the books were inside. “Are you sure you want to keep them?” “Of course, I was running low on reading material anyw-” She stopped when she read the cover of the first book: “Naughty Teacher: Hottest Detention Ever” “First time I see such a weird book title,” she shrugged and opened it on a random page. Sunset’s senses brightened up that instant. Her gaze locked in on Twilight’s face. Sure, she was soon rewarded generously as her nerdy friend’s blood was pumped to her cheeks, painting them crimson red. Her eyes widened and pupils narrowed as she was gradually realizing what kind of book she was reading. “T-t-these are naughty books! These are kinds of books you can’t read until you are at a certain age! Why would you bring them to me, you meanie!” Twilight mustered to say before giving out an adorable ‘eek’, dropping the book and covering her red face with her arms. Her confident smile had been gone for a while then. “Well, Twivi, that lady was a lonely woman with her own needs...It is not surprising she liked romance books so much~” Sunset gave her friend a small head pat. “These are not just romance...These are...dirty books!” Sunset raised her eyebrow skeptically. “These books are fine, Twivi, it is your mind that makes innocent scenes dirty. You little pervert.” “I am not a pervert!” The poor girl was now blushing profusely. “There is nothing dirty in those books, you just see everything in sexual content. I don’t even know what you were doing just before I came in. It took you time to-” Sunset was cut off by her crush’s high-pitched objection “Shut up!” Twilight stamped her foot against the floor like a spoiled child. “These books are bad and I am not keeping them here!” “Then prove it~” Sunset teased. “Read the moments you consider ‘lewd’ and we will see how perverted and dirty-minded you exactly are.” “I-I will...Yes, I will!” Twilight childishly shouted. “You w-witch! Why do you always tease me?I will read this book aloud just to prove you are teasing me on purpose!” Having finished her foul attempt to defend herself, she picked up the book and as the book was getting closer to her eyes, she regretted her words more and more. Of course, Sunset couldn’t take Twilight seriously nor she was insulted by her. She was such a cutie when enraged, the orange mare thought. “Alright so…” Twilight gave a nervous giggle and cleared her throat, slouching and trying to morally brace herself for what she was about to do. “Hey...Hey, Window Breaker...Have you ever had…your...your…” Twilight started to read, her hands and voice shaky, her embarrassment taking over in her brain. Sunset bit her lower lip, seeing her former rival embarrassed like a schoolgirl turned her on so much her body couldn’t help but start sweating again. But sweat now was not the only liquid produced by her body. “I-I c-can’t do it...There, I said it… I can’t do it!” Princess Celestia’s personal protege was on the edge of crying. “Too much… too much!” Sunset knew exactly what to do. She wrapped her hands around the pony tightly and placed her head on her shoulder, whispering in reassuring voice: “It’s okay. It’s okay, I was just joking with you… You’re the best, cutest and smartest pony ever...I do not judge you...It’s just a book...We can read it together… It is normal! I swear, I will tell nopony about it...Now, how about we…” Sunset broke the hug and sat on the armchair. “Now come here and sit down on my lap.Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” Her voice was full of almost motherly care and attention. Twilight complied. Sunset was pleased to find her ex-rival was light and soft. She removed the rubber band from Twilight’s head, setting her lilac-smelling hair free to collapse and cover most of her back. Clean, long hair of mostly a slightly darker shade of purple than Twilight’s skin with the exception of two stripes left Sunset mesmerized. She now could only get lost in her hair by nuzzling her back and wrapping her hands around her. Sunset gradually realized she had a thing for hair. “Now, would you please read that for me, Twivi? I know you can~” “Hey...Hey, Window Breaker...Have you ever had…your... baseball bat... sucked... By a…t-teacher?” Sunset wasn’t listening. She only wanted to be even closer to her crush, yet she asked Twilight to go on. Sunset noticed that Twilight by then had lost herself in the process of reading, holding the book in her magical aura and her hands laying limp on her lap. “H-he slowly t-took off her waistcoat...t-then undone the buttons on h-her shirt, h-his...hands slid beneath it… and started groping her… bra-trapped melons...p-paying special attention to her puffy and by now fully erect...nip-ples…” “And he kept groping her. And groping wildly. Squeezing her nubs...a-and biting on her neck from b-behind…C-completely losing himself in his lust and hunger for her… huge sexy b-boobs, until he felt the urge to go b-bolder, and unclasped her bra...Of course...she w-wore a… front-fastening bra...like all the good smart… little sluts...” “What a bad book! I am sorry Twivi, it is indeed too lewd for us innocent ponies!” “Umm...I do have a little question for you though…” “Sure, ask away~” “If this book is too lewd for you...Why have you been performing everything he did to her... on... me?” > Chapter 3: Trixie Lulamoon. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The Great and Powerful Trixie thinks you are an awful teacher, Sparkle. I still can’t cast this stupid spell,” Trixie said in a cold yet cocky tone, slightly shaking her head sidewards. “Trixie, I have given you a manual that you most likely haven’t even bothered to open,” Twilight parried. “Firstly, manuals are too lame and boring for the Great and Powerful Trixie. Secondly, you haven’t motivated Trixie well enough by promising her a romantic dinner and a kissie time if she actually passed a pop quiz on that book.” Twilight wanted to say something in return, but all the words died out in her head and sounded improper for a reply. Finally, she gave in and let Trixie’s “I have always considered you cute, Sparkle,” Trixie continued out of sudden. Twilight’s face went crimson right away: “H-how I look has nothing to do with learning magic… F-focus on the dummy and try to use the ignition spell again,” Trixie noticed how Twilight raised her head and looked away, crossing her arms on her chest and trying to look at anything but the alluring azure show mare. “Come on Trixie, you can do it. Ignite the dummy.” The blue unicorn concentrated on the ragdoll that looked more like a scarecrow, instinctively closed her eyes and lit up her horn. She, however, had forgotten Twilight’s guideline to keep her eyes open. She had also forgotten that keeping her eyes open was crucial Instead of the dummy she aimed for, Trixie set fire to a tree to the right of it. “THE DUMMY,TRIXIE, NOT THE TREE!!!” Twilight’s scream shattered any confidence and Trixie managed to save up. More than a half of a poor birch that became an innocent victim of Trixie’s poor aim was enveloped by blue fire, turning leaves to ash in a matter of seconds. Twilight reacted quickly and spawned a huge amount of water that all came down at once upon the tree, put out the fire and washed some of the leaves down. When the water hit the ground with a splash, it left neither of the ponies dry. “I am a failure, aren’t I…” Trixie mumbled, ashamed of her yet another miserable fail. It was the fifth time she messed up that spell. She looked down and felt that her cape was covered in fibers. While she was busy picking the fibers only she could see, she didn’t notice the lavender princess approaching her until she gave her a hug. “You are not a failure. You just messed up a spell. It happens. Even I mess up spells sometimes…” She made an awkward pause,as if some wild memory had showed signs of life in the back of her head.  “Especially in such heatwave…” Twilight’s comforting touch was capable of just as much magic as her horn,Trixie though. She had never recovered from the state of despair as quickly as that day. “Oh...Trixie just remembered she’d made lemonade. How about we take a break and study the theory of this spell while sipping Trixie’s great and powerful lemonade?” “But I thought ‘The Great and Powerful TRrRrRrixie’ was ‘too cool for theory’~” Twilight teased. “Well as long as you are the one reading to me while my head rests on your angelic lap, I will certainly not consider such session boring~” Trixie whispered into Twilight’s ear, pulling her tie from under her waistcoat and twisting it around her finger. “Cute tie, by the way~” “Silly Trixie,” Twilight giggled and pulled away from a hug, Trixie instinctively let her tie go and had her arms by her sides. Two magicians were practising spells in the vicinity of Trixie’s wagon, so the trip to the show mare’s movable house was short. Once they were in and Twilight plopped on the show mare’s single bed that was pressed firmly against the wall, Trixie noticed a change in Twilight’s behavior. She wanted to take as little space as possible, fidgeted a lot, constantly jerked her head down as if not to hit the ceiling and constantly rubbed her elbows. The dorky purple princess lived in a relatively huge tree house with a lot of free space, she needed several minutes to get used to Trixie’s wagon,she figured. “So…” Twilight’s voice came from Trixie’s bedroom that also served as a dining room and a living room. Surely, the nerdy alicorn decided to break the silence and start a little conversation while Trixie was in the what seemed to be a kitchen. “Why would you still live here? Everypony has forgiven you, you know. You can get yourself a normal house.” Trixie let out a heavy sigh, handing Twilight a glass of lemonade. After a small pause, she told her she was too tight on money to get something better. “You can move in with me!” Twilight beamed. “B-but Sparkle, Starlight already moved in with you! Won’t it be a little crowdy for us all?” “Where there is room in the heart, there is room in the house…Besides, after Tirek blew up my house and I rebuilt it, I expanded it by adding several rooms. There will be just the space for you!” Trixie could feel warmth growing inside her. Nopony has ever been as kind to her as Twilight. She wanted to confess her love to her right that instance, but something stopped her. Though she forgot that while her words could hide her true feelings,her love-filled eyes couldn’t. Once they were done reading (or ,rather, once Trixie grew completely disinterested of all these mile-long sentences and uncalled-for trivial information) and ran out of lemonade, Trixie felt like it was time for her to act. She cleared her throat snuggled up to Twilight, seductively giggling and kneading Twilight’s knee. “That meanie, Tirek, how could he harm you and destroy your home?” Trixie put a hand on the manual, making it impossible for her dorky crush to go on reading. “Didn’t he know that you are the nicest…” “Well, actually-” “The most caring…” Trixie’s head got so close to Twilight she could smell her fresh breath. “Kindest…” The showmare could see her crush’s skin was covered in goosebumps as she nuzzled her neck, gently rubbing her nose up and down before nibbling on her collarbone. Twilight let out a small sigh before protesting: “Trixie, I’m trying to read-” The azure mare pulled the book out of Twilight’s grasp and carelessly tossed it on the floor. “Wh-what are you doing, Lulamoon?” Instead of an answer to her question, Twilight received a bold kiss on the lips from Trixie. The illusionist mare presumed that she’d try to pull away, so she secured her head with placing her hand on the back of Twilight’s neck. However, the dirty nerdy filly didn’t seem to mind “Cutest…” Trixie broke the kiss.”Prettiest…Sexiest pony ever~” She kept making small flattering comments between pants and kissing her love’s chin,slowly descending to her neck. “Trixie~” Twilight blushed hard and started panting too. Trixie expected her to ask her to stop or some sort of a ‘I am not ready’ phrase. For sure, she rushed it and now was about to get denied by her crush. Of course being rejected now would be a bad thing, since by Trixie had been dripping into her own panties like a broken faucet for a few minutes by now. But instead she felt a hand keeping her in place on the back of her head. Little did Trixie know that two previous lewd experiences she had had with her other former rivals  ruined Twilight’s sexual innocence and turned her into a dirty little filly-fooler who loved having her body played with. The hand Trixie still held on Twilight’s knee slid up the leg and hid underneath her pleated skirt on its own. It moved slowly, as if not to scare a shy animal that lived underneath it “Twilight, Trixie begs you, let her thank you for your kindness the way Trixie likes,” Trixie desperately moaned, showering the purple neck in kisses and suckles. “I-if you have to…” Twilight murmured, licking Trixie’s cheek. “You’re not a scaredy cat I used to  think you were, aren’t you?” The show mare dropped on her knees and licked her lips as her eyes embracing the most tempting view ever:cute flats, a pair of strong, beautiful legs covered in sheer white socks with two cute purple stripes just below the hem that almost reached her knees, a school-uniform inspired pleated skirt that would be a perfect student’s favorite piece of clothing. But when she realized that Twilight’s velvety cunny was merely in a few inches away from her face, her own nethers started to burn with lust. All she had to do was spread the shy book princess’ legs open. “Don’t be shy, Sparkle,I don’t bite~” The legs slowly spread apart and Trixie saw something that made her jaw drop in disbelief: Twilight had Starlight’s cutie mark on the pink lace panties she was wearing. It was placed right where Twily’s pussy was located and was darkened by her wetness. “W-why are you wearing Starlight’s underwear, Sparkle? Twilight’s eyes shot up in shock and surprise: “Wait,what?!” She lifted up her own skirt and looked under it to make sure Trixie was not lying. “I…” She nervously giggled and blushed even harder.”...I hurried when you texted me to come to your place and I think I pulled the wrong pair of panties from the drawer.” Trixie chuckled and shrugged: “I hope she doesn’t mind  getting her panties back with a wet stain on them~” Trixie reached for the hem of Twilight’s panties and yanked them down, breaking a thick silver line of sexual fluids that connected Twilight’s slit and the piece of fabric that isolated it from the world. Not much time after that was wasted: without hesitation, Trixie dove in on her treat, made a trial lick that seemed to send a vibration of pleasure through the nerd’s body before she started to wildly lap down on Twilight’s pussy, causing her heavy breathing to turn into carnal moans. “K-keep going, please,” Twilight grabbed Trixie’s horn and pulled her even closer. The show mare kept zealously licking her princess’ cunt, suckling on her clit and experimenting with her sensitive zones. Every time she found such a zone, she was rewarded with a moan more high-pitched and cuter than the others. She was constantly altering her licking strategy: first it was just up-to-down, then it turned to left-to-right, then started moving her tongue in zigzags that then turned into circular licks with small pauses that were needed to give some special attention to the alicorn’s erect clitty. Eventually she decided to have some fun and started ‘drawing’ letters of the alphabet on her most sensitive body part. Her effort didn’t go unnoticed: Twilight wanted her to go deeper by tugging her inside. Trixie knew what was coming, so she took a deep breath. Next thing she knew, the perverted little book horse shoved a good part of her muzzle inside her winking wet vagina. “Oh sweet Celestia~” Twilight moaned and closed her eyes in bliss. Trixie was still vigorously lapping her lover’s yummy love juices, but soon found out she was running low on air. She tried to pull back, but Twilight wouldn’t let her do that. She groaned into Twilight’s vagina that only made her lover shake in excitement and pleasure. She tried to pull back again, but to no avail. Only on the third time Twilight realized that Trixie needed a bit of air. She let her go. Trixie pulled her wet snout out, greedily sucking on air with quick sharp breaths. “Trixie, just a little more~” “Anything for you, Empress Twilight!” Inhaling some more air, Trixie shoved her snout inside Twilight’s cunt even deeper, wildly licking on the insides and feeling her walls slapping on her cheeks wildly. Trixie could feel Twilight was reaching her limit. Twilight let out a scream so loud it almost broke Trixie’s wooden wagon as her orgasm rocked her body. Right after that, she fell limp unable to move a muscle. She was a sweating, panting mess that needed a shower after such a treatment.Trixie, however, was in no better condition. Her condition was, in fact, even worse, as her face was marked with smelly girl cum. Trixie’s snout slipped out of Twilight’s vagina: “Thank you for studying with me, Empress Sparkle.” ‘Empress Sparkle’, however, was unable to provide a coherent response. The only thing she mustered to say was Trixie’s name. “What a good empress.” Trixie smiled and collapsed on the floor. > Bonus chapter 1: Starlight Glimmer Sends Nudes. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight got out of Trixie’s wagon only when the sun was about to set. The citizens of Ponyville, however, still kept roaming around. To her luck, none of the passing-by ponies knew the reason behind her huge smile: she just spent the time of her life with a certain great and powerful mare. First Starlight, then Sunset...Then....This...What is happening to me? What is next? A buzzing sound slapped her ears and returned her to reality. A medium-sized briefcase made of black leather was an irreplaceable item for a nerd like Twilight for obvious reasons.She wore it every day like her friend Rarity wore her fancy top-notch lady bags Twilight considered too inconvenient. She could store letters, textbooks, sheets, pens, pencils and a huge number of other things within the leather bounds of ‘her little friend’, as she liked to call it. It took Twilight little time to figure that the source of the vibrating noise was inside her briefcase. And as if she needed further confirmation, something buzzed inside it again. Twilight undid the button of the briefcase and spread it open, trying to notice her phone. After an unpleasant process of rummaging through her documents and books, she finally grasped the phone and pulled it out. She found a comfy spot in the shade of a large tree in the vicinity and sat under it. Having nervously looked around, she activated it with a tap on the middle button and read a notification on the lock screen: 'You have 2 unread messages from Glim-Glam.’ Twilight chuckled. Her phone was the only place where she could be as silly as she desired without having anypony consider her unprofessional, and almost every person she had in her contacts’ list carried a cute nickname. Even Princess Celestia was renamed into “Sun Horse”. Starlight texted Twilight every now and then. It was either her seeking advice on a friendship issue or asking how to turn Spike back into a teen dragon form. Twilight unlocked her phone with a flick of a finger and opened her Messenger. It’s just Starlight asking her a trivial thing. As usual. Right? ‘You little minx’ ‘Think you can steal my panties and keep me unaware of that, Silly Sparkle?’ Twilight’s blood instantly shot up her body and made her face red. Her pace of breathing quickened as her eyes went wide and pupils narrowed. She tried to hug her knees and almost dropped her phone on the ground, her shaky hands were disobeying her will. As soon as the poor purple princess recovered from her shock, she started typing an explanatory letter at a speed of a lighting but froze when she saw a notification she didn’t expect. ‘Glim Glam is typing…’ Oh, Celestia. Twilight was reminded of her little mistake in the worst way possible. What was Starlight about to type? It was certainly a rant letter where she called Twilight a sloppy pervert and telling her their friendship had to be put to a terminal end. Yes, Starlight might’ve flirted with her, even sucked her horn, but how would she react to such a crime against a pony’s privacy. But what came next made Twilight have a micro heart attack. ‘It’s a game two can play, Twinario~’ A close-up image of Starlight’s snout pressed against Twilight’s panties was attached to the text. Her lips were twisted into a satisfied, even insolent smile and her nostrils were expanded, a detail that made it clear that Twilight’s trainee was boldly sniffing her mentor’s panties. Twilight erased everything she wrote and then felt her legs falling limp on their own, exposing her (or, technically, Starlight’s) panties. Not putting that into account, she typed a reply: ‘Starlight, no! It was just a mistake!’ There. She said it. Starlight, however, shot back a reply: 'Your panties are so tiny. I’m sorry, but I have to put them on even if my thick ass stretches them. They smell of you and you know I can’t think straight when my nose catches your feminine smell. I had to try them on.’ Of course, another dirty photograph followed. This time, it revealed Starlight’s fit belly, tempting little navel, and thick thighs, her crotch hid under her own panties and her index finger pointing at the six-pointed star sign on her panties. She lay on Twilight’s bed, she figured. What Twilight didn’t notice right away, was a damp dark stain on her panties.The fabric was so wet that Starlight’s velvety was fully exposed. When Twilight finally noticed the stain, she gasped and involuntary avenged her by creating a similar wet stain of an equal size in Starlight’s panties. Her body was enjoying the naughty pictures more than she was ready to admit. ‘Starly, what are you doing? This is very embarrassing.’ She was now typing with one hand. The other slipped underneath her shirt. “Twilight, I’m sooooo weeeet! Come home and stop me or I’ll fuck the life out of myself and die.” The third image had a funny angle. It seemed like it was taken directly from Starlight’s point of view in lying state. Her huge bra-trapped melons were the only visible part of her torso. But it was by far not the hottest thing in the picture. The hottest thing in the picture was her hand. That little light pink hand, slender fingers, and well-groomed nails were unfairly cute, Twilight thought until she noticed what her hand was covered in. A thick line of vaginal fluids connecting all five fingers together and dripping down the hand made the image so hot that Twilight’s genitals went into overdrive. Yet she had to type a reply: ‘Starlight, take my panties off! We can’t do that!These images are too sexy!’ Twilight wanted the phrase to make her sound at least somewhat decent. But to herself she couldn’t lie: she was hornier than a bitch in heat. She nervously pulled her hand back from under her shirt and quickly shoved it beneath her panties, starting to fondle her tender flower and letting sharp gasps every time her fingers made a bolder move. Twilight just imagined the view of Starlight’s pussy juice right in front of her, the smell, the taste and totally got lost in the universe of lewdness. An alicorn that used to be shy like a bunny was now masturbating and moaning in public without a drop of regret. Her hand went up and down, made circular moves and flicked her clitty, each movement sending more and more pleasure up her spine. Suddenly she heard that buzzing sound again and instantly checked her phone. ‘Of course, you should’ve told me that earlier, silly! I didn’t expect you’d be that bold, however! See something you like, Princess Sexylight~?’ An image of Starlight’s spread wet girl hole made Twilight hysterically rub her pussy and moan loud enough to scare off nearby birds. Eventually, a point of no return was reached. Her feet curled down, legs bent and back stretched backward as she sang her hypnotizing song of pleasure and rocked one of the greatest orgasms she experienced on her own. After that, she lay down on the grass, hands spread apart and head looking upwards. She suddenly noticed the cold wind that grazed her skin like a young lover. "Oh Starlight, we should exchange underwear more often..." She whispered as if Starlight could hear her and closed her eyes. > Chapter 4: Triple The Fun! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Hey Sparkle can Trixie come over to your place right now? Trixie wantd to apologise 4 being such a meanie to you and your friends!’ Twilight was not surprised to see her friend with benefits sending her a message in the most inconvenient time. She quickly typed a reply: ‘Trixie, stop it! You have ‘apologised’ to me so many times this week that my...private parts ache! And by the way, you forgot to put a comma after the word ‘Sparkle’. Your messages in general are trash, please abide the grammatical laws when texting’ The purple pony received a reply almost instantly. ‘I’M HORNY SPARKLE I DON’T CARE ABOUT BUCKING GRAMMAR!’ Twilight noticed Trixie typing another message,the one asking for forgiveness for her rude tone,she assumed, but couldn’t see the message itself as an amber hand snatched her device out of her hands. “Give it back!” Twilight yelled,afraid for the privacy of her conversation. Sunset, fortunately, didn’t even intend to read her messages. She just smirked and placed the phone under the sofa cushion. “Stop looking at your phone, Twivi. I’m cold. I want snuggles,” she cooed as she raveled her hands around Twilight’s neck and pulled her into a tight embrace, her chest pressing against Twilight’s face and limiting her air. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Twilight hadn’t expected guests. The purple princess pushed herself out of creamy unicorn’s grasp, stood up from the sofa,tripped and bumped into a coffee table. The doorbell rang once again and forced her to forget about the pain below her knee. “I’m coming!” she yelled and rushed towards the door. Twilight was not amused to have someone knocking on her door at the time she was entertaining a guest (especially considering she was one of her lovers) at their personal time. She was even less amused to realize that it had been Trixie,that annoying azure thing with a silver tongue,petite body  and golden hands, who dared to come uninvited and interfere with her love adventures. “Trixie, how in the bloody hell did you get here so fast?!” Twilight whispered angrily. “I told you I was not in the mood!” She said after glancing back to make sure the creamy girl was on her own place on the sofa. “You taught Trixie the teleportation spell. Remember? Teleportation spell!” She stressed the word ‘teleportation’ in a cartoonish way. “Besides, I wasn’t really that far away in the first place.Also,um,Trixie’s been a bit pushy during our conversation. I hope you don’t mind,” the illusionist mare seemed to avoid apologising directly on purpose, as the arrogance within her was still strong,even if now concealed. “Now, can Trixie just…” “Twivi, what’s taking you so lon-” Sunset whined coyly stood up to pull Twilight back into her cuddly kingdom and walked to the door, but froze when her eyes met with Trixie’s. Twilight started sweating and hid her gaze. The purple magical girl felt that such a badly timed encounter could be the end of it all “What do you need here, Trixie? Twilight doesn’t have time for your stupid magic duels.” Sunset stated emotionlessly. “Oh excuuuse me, Miss ‘I am so reformed now’, but me and my marefriend are going to do whatever we want.” Trixie said while making an arrogant gesture. “Marefriend?” Sunset looked at Twilight, but she only nervously giggled. “She could not have dated you unless you poisoned her with something or seduced her, you blue good-for-nothing!” “W-what did you say, bitch!?” Anger boiled within Trixie’s head. What stopped the strife between the two was Starlight’s innocent voice: “Twiggy-wiggy, I’m home! I brought you flowers!” A silent scene started. Frozen in shock, Trixie and Sunset were looking at Starlight, which in turn was looking at Twilight, red and dying of shame. That scene lasted for a minute until Starlight spoke: “What are you two doing here?” “No, what are YOU doing here and why did you bring my marefriend flowers?” Trixie threw her hands up in anger and jealousy. While Trixie and Starlight were arguing loudly, Sunset recovered and asked Twilight if she couldn’t have kept her vagina in panties half-jokingly when her own jealousy wore off a bit. “But I was just a victim of constant lewding, I couldn’t help it!” Twilight mumbled. “Then wanna play a little fun game with all three of us, Twivy?” Sunset smirked menacingly “What game?” Twilight asked, scratching the back of her head. Sunset pulled a golden watch on a chain from her pocket and approached the arguing girls. Placing a hand on Trixie’s and Starlight’s shoulders, she said firmly. “Girls, cut that out,you’re only annoying our Empress with your petty squabbles! Better look at my watch! Isn’t it pretty?” Sunset removed a hand, the one with a watch hidden within her clenched fist, from Trixie’s shoulder,let it slide out of her grasp and hang on the chain then motioned her hand sideways to make it sway like a pendulum. “We haven't got time for such things, Sunset, cut it ou-” Trixie stopped talking as she quickly got mesmerised and her lower jaw separated from the upper one. The same thing happened to Starlight. Something weird happened to both ponies’ eyes: Twilight could distinctly see their pupils turn into big whirling spirals,their heads turning left and right as their hypnotized gaze followed the watch. “Sunset, what are you…” The orange mare didn’t pay her lover any attention, she dropped the act and started whispering something into Trixie’s ear, which still was unconscious. After that, she whispered something else into Starlight’s. After that, she snapped her fingers and both girls regained their consciousness they eyes went back to normal. Relatively normal. They were focused on Twilight. Trixie’s face overall now seemed to express submission, while Starlight’s eyes reflected fear and denial. Sunset smirked at the result of her hypnosis. “Let me introduce to you Trixie the good pet and Starlight the bad pet, and let me introduce myself, Sunset the Slave Master, your loyal personal fuck pet, Empress Twilight!” “What!?” Twilight shouted. “I have…’persuaded’ them into being more friendly to each other and submit to you,Empress Twilight~” Sunset sang off, her tone deviously innocent. “Undo it right away, you witch, this is illegal, I am sure! What would Celestia say?” “First off, I am sure they wouldn’t mind. They were attracted to you so much, I am sure they’d do it anyways. I just...gave them a little nudge, hehe…Besides, this act of hypnosis can’t be undone for 24 hours, so you better play with them while you can. As for Sunass, she’s in Canterlot and we’re here. Don’t think about her~” “Don’t call her that,” Twilight pouted. “Sorry, Empress, it’s just that the only mistress we recognise is you and not some princess Celery,” “Stop it...You shouldn't say that…”Twilight couldn’t keep herself from blushing and feeling something warm in her tummy. She was...flattened? Did she enjoy being called that? No, that couldn’t be, that would make her proud and dominant and arrogant and...bad. But lying to herself was futile. She clearly enjoyed that, so she decided to give in, at least pretending to not get pleasure from such a lewd game ahead of her. She’s clearly read enough literature to know where this was going. “Anyways, just look at this azure mage. She’s probably frustrated you. Now you can take your revenge!” Sunset beamed, nudging Trixie to approach her new mistress. “As for Starlight, it’s a bit more complex. She’s a rebel, but a crave rebel. She has some dignity left in her brain, so you’ll have to punish her into submission.” Sunset said it without much emotion, as if it was medieval and beating misbehaving slaves was okay. “No, I’m not going to hurt her…” Twilight frowned. “Okay then, you can still play with the blue one. You can do anything to her?” “A-anything?” Twilight was by now barely hiding her excitement and thirst to start playing with big-busted thick ex-villainess like her doll already “She’s all yours, Empress Twilight,if you do not believe me, you can easily prove to yourself that this blue witch is really submissive~” Sunset cooed. “H-how?” “Shove your finger into her mouth,honey, and you’ll see how happily she takes it,” ‘What? Why would anypony do such a thing?’ Twilight thought. It seemed wrong. Wasn’t her mouth full of dangerous bacteria? Her own fingers might’ve not been bacteria free,either. Sex was one thing, but pushing fingers into somepony else’s mouth seemed wrong! Twilight wasn’t going to do this. It didn’t seem healthy. But then, she grew curious. The little amount of curiosity in her head, however, grew rapidly as a forest fired and turned into a mind-blurring lust. She looked at Trixie. She was standing still,her mane got messy for obscure reasons, her stupid submissive gaze was fixed on her new mistress but her mouth was shut. Twilight slowly lifted up her hand,clenched into a fist so it’d be on one level with Trixie’s mouth. She hesitated to stick her pointer finger out, as her rational part of mind, though fighting a losing battle with perverted thoughts of a purple bookworm, was still telling her to refrain from such actions. But soon, she relaxed a bit and extended her finger, her hand was now slowly but surely approaching Trixie’s mouth. The next thing that Twilight felt was her digit penetrating Trixie’s wet lips and bumping into a wall of her teeth, that made her pull her hand back instinctively. The purple pony hadn’t expected that Trixie would ignore her actions and not obediently open her food hole for her empress’ pleasure. “Can you… open your mouth, Trixie?” she said spontaneously. “O-oh!” Trixie jerked. “Sorry Empress Twilight, I got mesmerized by your deep pretty eyes!” The azure mare opened her mouth once again, making the gap between the upper and lower rows of her snow-white teeth large enough for a finger to pass through. Fired up by waiting too long, Twilight no longer hesitated and only froze for a brief when the tip of her finger came into contact with Trixie’s hot, almost steaming lips. She took a pause to savour the pleasant feeling of having hot air brush her hand with its gentle grace, the feeling of total domination over her lover and former arch-nemesis. She pushed her finger further,tilting her hand left and right and collecting all the precious saliva that had gathered in the magician’s mouth. Such experience was too much for the said perverted magician, it even made her feel a strong tingle in  her by now damp nether regions. She couldn’t contain her emotions and moaned against Twilight’s finger, her tongue coming into lewd contact with the mischievous intruder,making dirty wet sounds. ‘I think I am starting to enjoy this.’ Twilight thought as she inserted her middle finger into Trixie’s mouth.Although longer than her index finger, it quickly caught up with its brother in terms of being drenched with saliva. With that, the both of her fingers were able to slide in and out of Trixie’s mouth, making her moan like a light-headed drunk floozy, some alley cat that is ready to stick anything in her mouth without thinking twice. Suddenly, she got an ever greater idea when Trixie’s tongue brushed up against her thumbs. “Now where is it…” she mumbled to herself, her lips twisting into a smug smile. She was using her fingers like scissors now, trying to catch Trixie’s tongue between them. After some failed attempts to pinch it, she finally squeezed it between her fingers tightly and gave it a tug. The purple pony pulled it out of Trixie’s mouth and held it right there, in the open, making a saliva trail slip down onto the floor. Trixie couldn’t do much but keep her mouth open and try to moan from pleasure of being toyed with. “You’re really into this, aren’t you? You little naughty wench, you love being violated with my fingers, like some kind of property.” It seemed that by now Twilight herself had been somehow hypnotized into being a mean dominant mistress, but no, it was natural,it was real her,it was like some savage inner animal awoken from years of slumber in her soul. “Ah hah,” Trixie lightly nodded and made a noise that sounded like a dumb giggle. Having your tongue squeezed between someone’s finger was making it hard to communicate.The azure mare was panting wildly, her whole face resembling pure concentration of submission and lust. Twilight tugged gently on Trixie’s tongue and let it go. Her attention was now turned to Starlight. “Starly, be a dear and suck my fingers clean~” Starlight’s ears perked up, she frowned: “What? Never!” “Please!” “No!” “As your empress I command you to do it!” “No, it’s yucky!” Twilight suddenly remembered what Sunset had told her. Only violence can teach this girl manners. She didn’t want to beat Starlight, but her urge to have her fingers sucked along with feeling of her unquestioned authority being offended made her mind turn towards the darker side of her mind. “SUCK MY FINGER AT ONCE!” She yelled. “Please, no!” Twilight’s hand swung almost on its own and gave Starlight a slap not overly strong, but surely audible and powerful enough to leave a red print on Starlight’s cheek. The purple pony grabbed her by the neck and shook her head a bit. “Do I need to hit you again?” “N-no…” Starlight meeped, her ear falling down. This time she didn’t resist her mouth being penetrated by the pair of fingers that had violated another mare before. “See, Empress Twivi? A whore only understands the language of violen-”Sunset’s remark was cut off by a stinging pain in her abdomen that made her fall down and her body curled up in pain. It has been a powerful hit with a magical fist from her mistress that made her fall and curl up like an embryo. But as the stinging pain faded a little, another feeling took its place. “Ow! That was kind of painful...and hot...I think I had damped my panties with my own fuck honey…” she whispered to herself after a little recovery. “Fucking bitch, stop pretending you’re equal to me. All three of you are my pets. And I decide how to treat you, not some self-proclaimed ‘slave master’...” “I’m sorry Empress…” Sunset faked a whine. “Now let’s put you all to good use… On all fours and follow me!” She remarked as she made her way to the sofa and sat on it, putting one leg on another. Of course, the first one on her fours was Trixie. She was also the first one to crawl up to her mistress’ feet.  Starlight followed less enthusiastically, as she was kind of afraid of being bullied further. Sunset was the last one, as she was paying more attention to rubbing her nethers with her hand. But eventually, she reached Twilight too, still playing with herself. Only a kick in the face made her stop. “Did I let you touch yourself?” Twilight snapped. “I’m sorry, Empress Twilight…” “Now, you three… Take off my slippers…” Trixie wanted to do as told, but Twilight suddenly continued: “-with your teeth.” Trixie has once again proved to be a good girl. She bit on the slipper and pulled it off her mistress’ leg, revealing Twilight’s bare sexy purple foot and freeing the thin feminine scent it gave out. Twilight quickly changed the leg on top on the other one, signaling Starlight and Sunset to take that one off to. “I want you to fight for it. Steal it from each other’s mouths,the one who keeps it in her mouth wins a reward, and remember: no hands or magic! Only your face holes!” Sunset was the first to react and quickly sank her teeth into Twilight’s slipper and pulled it off. Starlight hesitated a lot, but went for it too and growled at Sunset. “I’m not letting you win that. What if she bullies the loser later as a punishment?” she said as she bit into the slipper, a horrible taste and smell making her lose her focus. The two engaged in a tug of war, their teeth probably even hurt a bit but neither seemed to give in yet. The scene made Twilight giggle loudly, and damn, even her laughter seemed dominant, like one of an evil goddess. “Good girls!” Eventually, Sunset won. Exhausted and sweaty, Starlight collapsed at her mistress’ feet. “Please, don’t bully me, Empress Twilight, I am but an innocent pet filly!” Twilight brought her gaze up. With her foot. It wasn’t a kick, it was just a gentle touch under her chin. And to be honest, Twilight’s feet weren’t half bad. They were big (not abnormally big), yet soft, feminine and well groomed, yet gave off a little pleasant smell. “You can make it up by worshipping my feet~” Twilight cooed, wiggling her toes seductively. “You join in too, bacon horse…” Sunset willingly put three toes in her mouth and started rolling her tongue over them, making shlipping sounds, yet Starlight had the whole foot thrust into her mouth without warning. “Trixie!” Twilight made a sound usual for a dog owner calling their dog. “Come here, Empress wants to pet something on her lap!” Trixie quickly crawled towards her on all fours, surprisingly fast and in an agile manner, as if she was used to it. She got on the sofa and rested her torso on Twilight’s lap. Soon she had warm hands exploring the back of her neck and spine, and gasped in bliss. “I love you Empress Twilight!” While trying to pull Trixie’s pants down, Twilight had to pay a little less attention to all the new, exciting things her feet were experiencing, not that it could save her already drenched panties from getting any wetter by that point. The feeling of domination mixed with sensations of having the space between her toes invaded by agile tongues was beyond exciting. “Now,Trixie and Sunset have been good pets. They can touch themselves and cum as soon as I let them go home. As for you, Starlight, masturbation is prohibited.” “What!?” Starlight took Twilight’s foot out of her mouth and whined. “P-please, no!” “Did I let you stop worshipping? Keep sucking!” Twilight commanded and the poor pony had to resume the licking, while her mistress pulled Trixie’s pants down along with her panties and penetrated her pink vulnerable pussy,eliciting a moan from the blue unicorn. That was going to be a very long day. > Chapter 5: Royal Cuddles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight has never been to the principal’s office, yet somehow she felt the anxiety that naughty pupils have to go through while waiting for their due punishment outside the room of horrors. The uneasy waiting was always more traumatizing than the punishment itself, that is how psychology works. The inner parts of one’s brain always try to make the possible outcomes look more tragic in our minds. But Twilight had issues rationalizing her thinking with the celestial demigod sitting in front of her with a cold expression. She was not as friendly as she used to be with her. She looked dead serious this time. Twilight tried her best to look anywhere but on Celestia. “Twilight-” Twilight skipped in chair as she heard her name and instantly stopped playing with her hair. “Twilight, we need to talk about something that’s been going on with you,” Celestia spoke up, closing her notebook and not giving up her serious look. “Me? Nothing has been going on with me,y-your highness,” Twilight responded. ”You should not be concerned about anything.” “Twilight, you have been spending a lot of time at home,abandoning some of your duties. You became clumsy, you always look tired and distracted,” Celestia said. “I know that something has happened to you.” Twilight slowly started to realize what Celestia was talking about, that made her anxiety blossom like a cherry tree in spring. “R-really?” she played innocent. “I might have just studied...or overworked, that’s it!” “You don’t get me. I know that something happened to you. I even know what exactlyhappened to you,” Celestia sat up and leaned over her table menacingly. She didn’t seem angry, but that didn’t help the situation. When she sat up, Twilight remembered the one of the many reasons behind her overzealous studying.Celestia was by two heads taller than her, if not by more. She towered above her like Goliath above David, like an amazon above her victim. She was beautiful and formidable. Everything about her was perfect: her horn, her burning eyes, her royal wings, her frame, her thighs, her enormous bosom, which was bigger than Trixie’s and Sunset’s busts combined. Twilight loved her teacher in all the right and wrong ways and yet was somehow subconsciously afraid of her. Twilight was sweating intensely. Her secret affairs must’ve been unveiled to others, that was transparent. The question was the grade of the said eclat. Was it something that only Celestia knew or was the news about Twilight fucking three girls at a time spread among the common ponies? Rumors spread faster than bamboo grew and Twilight knew that. “I-I’ve just been busy… with my students…” she meeped. “Well, I am fully aware of that. What have you done to them?” Celestia questioned. “What have I done to them?” Twilight bit on her fist. “N-nothing really, nothing extraordinary I mean.” Celestia wasn’t really happy with Twilight playing the role of an oblivious naive little girl. “Well, let’s try another approach.” Celestia sighed. “What have you been doing yesterday from seven to eight?” “I-I have been composing… a friendship report…” Having swallowed and rubbed sweat off her forehead, Twilight responded sincerely. Celestia nodded: “That is right, and what were Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon doing while you were writing the report?” Oh damn. How could she know? “I don’t remember.” “You don’t remember?” Celestia asked dramatically with a thin tone of sarcasm.” That’s peculiar. I was quite confident you never had issues with memory. Well, I will kindly remind you: while Trixie was performing cunnilingus on you and Starlight had your foot up her throat, Sunset was fellating your horn and fondling your breasts. All of them wore lingerie and had collars with a ‘Twilight’s Pet’ tag on them. Does it ring up any bells?” ‘How in the name of the stars did she know?’: Twilight’s heart seemed to stop for an instance. Celestia knew the details even she had forgotten about that pleasant evening. ‘It doesn’t make a difference. I am so fucking banished for this. ff to the Moon I go! My own lust dug my grave and now falling into is a matter of time! “I would never degrade anypony like that!” Twilight weakly objected. “Well, that’s a shame…” Celestia mumbled. “Wait, what?” Twilight got a little confused as she couldn’t hear what  Celestia had just said right. “I-I said that it’s a shame that you l-lie to me, Princess of Friendship,” Celestia gave out nervously, without her previous confidence, but soon assembled herself. “But I do understand you. You can tell me the truth, I am your teacher after all…” Twilight shook her head as if she had nothing to do with it. “Have you been courting several girls at once, Twilight?” Celestia went on with her assaults. Twilight was silent like a captive partisan. “Twilight-” “ALRIGHT I DID IT! I DID IT AND I HAD NO FEAR OF CONSEQUENCES! JUST SEND ME TO MOON OR TARTARUS OR SOMETHING AT LAST AND END IT!” Twilight snapped, the poor girl was on the verge of crying. “T-Twilight, I am not blaming you for anything…” Celestia gave a kind smile, got up, approached Twilight, who now was trying desperately to hide her gaze below her hair, and stroked her head before encouraging her to get up for a hug with a slight tug. “I am not going to make you unhappy, trust me.” Twilight couldn’t believe what she heard. She didn’t feel relief instantly, she was still quite concerned. She got up slowly and wrapped her hands around Celestia, her face diving into her huge chest. “Twilight, you are a young, beautiful mare. It is only natural that you are surrounded by lovers.I have watched you grow and develop from a child to an incredibly...well...hot young woman everypony desires. Not like your old ugly teacher…” Celestia gave a deep sigh, in which Twilight noticed something...erotic. “Don’t say things like that. You’re not ugly. You’re not old…” She said, getting her face away from Celestia a bit and lifting her gaze. “You’re the prettiest princess ever!” Well, Celestia might’ve been old nominally. But even though her life must’ve been enough to see radium decay, saying she looked older than thirty seven years old would be wrong. She seemed to only get more beautiful with ages, and who if not Twilight knew this? “Twilight, you keep lying to me… You don’t love me anymore, do you?” She whispered passionately, leaning forward and making the gap between their lips dangerously. “Princess, what are you talking about?” Twilight blushed, but now it was a completely different kind of embarrassment. “Twilight, do you love me?” Celestia put her hands on Twilight’s cheeks and whispered. “Y-yes I do,” “Then can I ask you something?” Celestia questioned in a sultry and desperate voice. “O-of course.” “Do me.” Wait,what the fuck? Is she for real? Twilight might’ve been sleeping. She even carefully pinched herself to make sure. And hell no, she was awake. Awake and excited as fuck. “Twilight, please...I haven’t been touched by anypony for years…” As if she needed any further confirmation, she smelled some stingy feminine musk that most definitely belonged to her teacher. Celestia grabbed Twilight’s hand and pressed it against her crotch: “This itch won’t go away. Please, help me. I’ll... even play along with you...” Twilight was in heaven. Her princess, her teacher - her first crush ever - was now trying to bang her and it was better than in her dreams. Celestia’s crotch was soft and radiated heat even through two layers of clothing. Having a hand on Celestia’s divine pussy felt like owning the whole universe and it was damn great to rule the universe Twilight closed her eyes as was kissed and pushed towards the door that led to Celestia’s bedroom: “What do you mean by playing along?” “I know how much you are into teacher/student stuff~” Celestia cooed as she opened the door to her bedroom with her magic and shoved Twilight into it. In the room, Twilight saw a beautiful school uniform - a shirt,a pair of black thigh highs and a pleated skirt put on a hanger hanging on the closet handle. “How did you know?” “I know everything, my star pupil,” Celestia answered, bolting the doors behind her with her magic. She had to repeat the procedure with the other door that led to the hallway as well to prevent intruders from interrupting them. Twilight was too busy ogling her teacher and preventing herself from cumming from all she’d just heard on spot to cringe at the unfunny pun. She bit her lower lip in anticipation. “Now, feel free to use your magic to change into these clothes~” Twilight made an effort and her horn lit. Spark! The whole room got filled with purple smoke for a second and hid them both for a second.The clothes have disappeared from the hanger and found its new home. “Wait, what?” Celestia squeaked, something was clearly troubling her speech and breathing, as though she had been hugged by Fluttershy’s bear. But as the smokes faded, one could see what happened to her. “NOT ON ME, TWILIGHT!” Celestia said. “Shhh, shhh, now be a good school girl and sit down~” Twilight, whose only change in looks was a cute professional bun and a long ruler in hand, said, breathing heavily at the sight of Celestia in a extra tight uniform. “It is… too… small...it’s gonna rip apart.” Celestia was right. Only gods knew what power kept the uniform (without taking into account a few shirt buttons that had bravely lost a battle against pressure caused by Celestia’s melons) together. “Well, that’s even better~” Twilight now changed her tone to a more dominant one. She had quickly gained confidence as she saw the chain of events turning in favor of her lust. She rarely took any time to see that she had turned from a (mostly) innocent filly to a lustful purple devil that seized every opportunity to bang a girl she saw.Did she regret it? Not very much.”Now, dear student, you’ve been misbehaving a lot lately, falling behind in your studies.” While she was walking in circles around clumsily-standing Celestia like a shark, she gave her rump a stinging spank with a ruler, making her jerk, gasp sharply and almost fall down. “Stand still and think of how bad of a school filly you are.” The command didn’t seem too hard, as it was the only thing the sun goddess could do without ripping her new clothes. “Twilight, let me take it off-” “Beg your pardon? It’s Miss Sparkle to you. You certainly lack manners, dirty little student…” Twilight scolded, shaking her head disappointedly. “M-miss Sparkle…” Celestia squeezed out through her  gritted teeth angrily. “Can I take these clothes off?” “Not yet~” Twilight teased. “You modern school girls are so salacious! All you think about is coitus with males and drinking alcohol! Not paying the slightest attention to your studies, tsk tsk!” Without any realization that Celestia was finding that outfit really inconvievent for such activities, she was getting further in her role of a strict teacher, and that was surely turning her on. She was living the dream, no, she never even dared to dream of such things! Yet there she was, a wet slutty princess of sun fully at her mercy. “Now let’s try to see if you can solve some math problems… What is the derivative of 3x squared?” She whispered coyly, grabbing Celestia’s buttock and giving it a light shake. “Eek-” Celestia wasn’t capable of coherent speech, as the schoolgirl outfit seemed like it was about to squeeze her insides out. “‘Eek’ is not a correct answer,” Twilight swung the ruler and gave Celestia a spank.”What year was Canterlot built?” “1432 of Third Era…” “Incorrect again.” Once again the ruler made of solid material landed sharply on Celestia’s rear. “Okay, let’s try a more relevant question. Imagine that your friend has spilled something. What are you supposed to do?” “B-bring them ti-ti-tissue?” Celestia guessed. She didn’t want any more attempts on her rear’s integrity. “Wrong again,” Twilight bent Celestia forward, which caused her shirt to finally give in and RIIIIIIIIP apart. What used to be a pretty uniformturnedinto shreds. What a pity. Celestia was finally able to breathe. But her relief was soon changed with embarrassment, as her bra ripped apart too, leaving her topless in front of her student. Sure, she wanted to fool around with her, but as she realized it all got serious, she was overwhelmed with embarrassment and covered her melons with her hands. “You should bend over,-” Twilight’s hand slipped up Celestia’s thigh and reached her damp panty-clad crotch.”take your panties off,-” Twilight hooked the hem of her panties with one finger and yanked them all the way down, noticing a silver trail that connected the piece of underwear with something beneath the skirt. She had to lift Celestia’s legs, one at a time, to take them off completely and as she did, she smacked them into Celestia’s face as if she was polishing a car with a piece of cloth. “-And just rub it with your panties till it’s clean…” If Twilight had a dick, it would’ve torn her own skirt right now. She was barely able to keep her role as she wanted to mount Celestia right now without any further foreplay. “That’s what real friends do~” She said as she pushed the panties in between Celestia’s lips. Celestia made some muffled protests, but she couldn’t care less. “Twiwight, whvat ave you-” Twilight found a zipper on Celestia’s skirt and pulled it down ,and with some more help from the purple princess, it fell to Celestia’s legs. The white princess gasped in shock, awkwardly turned around to face Twilight and used her hands to try and cover her drenched royal cunt from Twilight’s prying eyes. While doing so, she realized she’d revealed her bosom to her and hurriedly used her right hand to at least try to hide her areolas,keeping her. “You dirty little bowine, you’re enjoying it! You haven’t even spat out your panties covered in your naughty fluids, even though you could!” Twilight made a victorious pose, putting her hands on her waist and giving a smug grin. “Alright, even though you are so ignorant and dim-witted, there’s still a way you can contribute to science~” Celestia’s muffled whining became louder and lewder as Twilight spoke and proceeded defiling her. Twilight’s fingers sank underneath into Celestia’s boob meat. She was extraordinarily soft and Twilight wanted to never let her giant mammaries go. “You need to sacrifice your body to science, let your smart teacher put it through a veeeery deep and thorough research~ Lie down on the bed and spread your legs.” “Bhut Twivifht!” Celestia protested. “I beg your pardon?” Twilight said in a fancy manner, raising the ruler above her head threateningly. Celestia got the message across and complied, lying down and revealing her pink royal pussy. “Good, good, obey my orders and I won’t have to dragoon you into submission,” Twilight said as she smirked and prodded Celestia’s opening with a ruler, making her shiver from sudden stimulation. She wanted to do the naughty thing. She wanted to violate her teacher’s pink pussy with something clearly not designed for it. “W-wait, I-I shall get splinters if you do that with a ruler!” Celestia whined, spitting out the saliva-drenched panties. “I don’t really care, that’s your problem…”Twilight said simply. “Let’s find out how deep your cunt is.” Barely finishing her phrase, Twilght pushed the ruler inside. Celestia moaned and her walls squeezed around the ruler. Twilight couldn’t feel the pleasure of stimulation, but she knew clearly that Celestia could and that turned her on. She could feel how Celestia twitched upon every slight move of the ruler inside her. Twilight decided to waste no more time and started thrusting it in and out gently yet steadily. The fun thing in the carnal act with a ruler was that she could see exactly how many inches of wood dissappeared inside her princess. Thrust in. Thrust out. Thrust in. A quick look onto the ruler to see how deep it was. All that accompanied by Celestia’s naughty moans and sounds of sheets being squeezed by her pale hands. “9 inches, impressive! Can you take more?” Twilight pushed it in further and reached the glorious celestial cervix, making Celestia scream her name and roll her eyes back “HHHHOLY FFFFUCK TWILIIIIGHT!” But Twilight needed to have some fun too. She automatized the thrusting using a simple spell,took of her bottoms, pulled her panties aside to expose her vagina, scooted up the bed and sat on Celestia’s face. Or rather plopped on it. She wasn’t very heavy, however the experience for Celestia was an unpleasant one, that was obvious from the muffled protests and whines she made. She made an attempt to get the bubble butt out of her way to breathe, but to no avail. It was hard to breathe, and the little air she got reeked of Twilight’s pussy. “Eat my pussy if you want me to get off of you.” Twilight honked Celestia’s breast. Celestia got the message across this time too. She licked Twilight’s stiff clitoris as her face got smeared in fuck honey. Oversensitive Twilight jerked as a wave of pleasure rushed through her spine and moaned As she sped up, so did the ruler. As she slowed down, the ruler punished her by decreasing the pace aswell. It seemed to replicate all her efforts. After a while, Celestia got used to her new position and started lapping as fast as she could, the ruler also reached its maximum speed.Twilight figured licks only isn’t enough, so she started humping her teacher’s face. Sounds of wet humping and lewd moans filled the room and seemed to go far beyond it. Soon both of the girl knew that they had reached the point of no return. Celestia came first. Her pussy tensed up and she screameed, ruining the already damp sheets underneath her further. Twilight orgasmed after, humping the stuffing out of Celestia’s snout. She lay down powerless near her tutor, the wet ruler slinding out of Celestia’s cunny. “This...was… fun…” Twilight said between gasps for air. “Yes…hey... wanna cuddle?” Celestia said after. Twilight responded by nodding and raveling her hands around Celestia’s head.