> Rainbow Wants Inside You > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Extra Equipment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The cloudy mattress your near naked human body lay upon was soft and warm to the touch, despite literally being made of watery substance. In fact, it was a miracle that you didn't fall through it to your death. The very room you were in for the most part was literally made of clouds, somehow binding together, and not drifting away like they usually do. It’s magic, that's how it works. No other explanation needed. Lying next to you was none other than your small, interdimensional alien rainbow horse friend known as Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer of Equestria. Everything about this mare was great, her sleek, well toned body was truly a breathtaking sight, and many other good things. All was great, except for one ‘little’ thing. Down below, between her legs was a set of bulging, heavy, big blue balls the size of grapefruit, and worst of all, her plump sheath, which contained her massive horse-cock. Thankfully, she still had a vagina, so it wasn't totally gay to be with her. ‘Okay Anon. All I have to do is just stick to her vagina and avoid her penis and balls. I’m not homosexual, I’m a beer drinking, bacon eating straight man. Just keep away from the dick and testicles and then I won't be homosexual at the end of this.” came your thoughts. You don't know why you agreed to do this… Okay, you're desperate for sex, so this can lead a man to do crazy things, like taking the risk of losing the virginity of your asshole by a giant horse cock going up it. For a man has needs, she has a vagina, so it isn't totally gay. You are a true manly, heterosexual man, so you don't like cock and balls. What you are about to do isn't gay, as long as you avoid her penis and balls. “Now, remember Dashie. I don't want any penis stuff. I’m not gay.” you stated firmly. Rainbow scoffed, crossing her hooves. “What kind of self-respecting heterosexual stallion doesn't like cock and balls? Sounds awfully gay to me.” she asked in a most bitter tone. “Because it’s gay!” you exclaimed. “No, it’s not gay! Don't be a gay faggot Anon! It's not gay to take a mare’s massive penis up the butt! It’s only gay when you take a small, inferior stallion cock up the anus if you’re a male!” she shouted. “I’m sorry, Rainbow. Please, don't rape me.” you pleaded, clasping your hands together in prayer. Rainbow’s jaw dropped, her look of anger quickly replaced by an expression of absolute shock. “Anon, how could you say that?!” she said in a raised voice. Now looking more hurt, than angry. “I want to lovingly cum inside your mouth and anus with my mighty magical pony penis, not rape you.” When you gave her no answer, the pegasus snuggled up to you, folding one wing over you. You shuddered at the amazingly soft and warm feel of her feathers gently brushing against your bare skin. “Well, Rainbow… You did masturbate in front of me and came all over me when we first met.” “That's just how us ponies say a friendly hello. If I didn't masturbate in front of you, and cum on you, then everypony could have assumed you were some sort of evil monster without the smell of cum off you.” “Okay, but that's still a pretty messed up way of greeting someone. Oh, and you tried to stick your dick in my mouth today.” “That's how ponies greet close friends, we stick our cocks in our friends mouths. How was I supposed to know you considered that rapey?” “Okay… What the hell do your species consider rape then? “ “If a mare or stallion straight up rams their cock up your ass without your consent.” “Okay, soooo, masturbating in front of someone, followed by cunming on them, or stuffing your dick down a friend’s throat without asking them isn't considered rapey?” you asked in a most bewildered tone. “Nope.” “Man, your species is messed up.” “At least we don't do the whole weird handshaking thing you told me about. That sounds awfully gay and unfriendly.” “Okay, but how does that workout when you send a diplomat to another sapient minded species, and you formerly greet them by cumming on their face?” “Equestria has the finest diplomats in the world, there’s nothing more friendly of a greeting than cummming on someone’s face. It breaks tension and makes them smell nice too.” “I just don't see how that's a productive way to start a dialogue. I’m pretty sure a world leader from my world would declare war immediately if he was ejaculated on.” “Whatever Anon. Show me your penis already!“ she demanded. “Okay, but please don't be mean. Its nowhere near as big as yours.“ “I figured that. After all, nobody has a bigger penis than a pony penis.” she proclaimed with pride. With that you pulled down your pants to reveal your fully erect, but not so impressively large member. Rainbow’s mouth formed an ‘O’ shape for a brief moment, before she fell back, legs kicking the air as she laughed hysterically, leaving you blushing bright red and utterly humiliated. “It’s so tiny! Hahahaha!” she shouted. “Yeah… well… you shut up.” came your weak comeback, the timid tone of your voice only making it even worse. Soon, tears fell down her cheeks as she kept laughing at you without stop. “Hahahaha! No wonder you hate penis so much. You hardly even have one!” Several minutes went by with Rainbow continuing to laugh at you. By the end of it, you were a broken man. You looked down at your pathetic genitalia, not even coming close in comparison to the great size of a pony’s reproductive organs. “Anon, are you Okay?” she asked in a surprisingly soft tone. You couldn’t find the words to answer her. You were a broken man, all your pride and self-esteem was gone, the sound of laughter from Rainbow at the sight of your small penis was playing over and over again in your mind. You shuddered at the sudden feel of her silky soft hoof gently rubbing your balls. This took you out of your depression, compelling you to look at her, where you were met with a pair of sympathetic eyes and a look of genuine concern, a rare sight from this tomboy girl. “Hey, your little penis is cute. I’m sorry I laughed at it. I’ll still allow you to cum inside me. Do you forgive me?” “I guess so.” you said in a low voice. “Sounds good enough for me.” she said happily, gently patting you on the back.“Now, let me show you a real cock, Mr. teeny-weeny.” she said mockingly, giving you an evil grin. You simply uttered a low growl in answer to that. In one quick motion she brought a hoof down between her legs, proceeding from there to begin furiously rubbing her marehood, moaning aloud as she did so. The first inch came out of her fat sheath, from there it began to raise higher and higher into the air, rapidly growing in thickness as well as in length. You could only watch in envy as her mighty blue horse-cock swelled larger and larger in size, its thick veins pulsing with power as it grew. Up and up her cock rose, growing longer and longer, thicker and thicker by the second. Its great girth forming a dark shadow over you. By the time it stopped growing it was slightly longer than her own body, and twice as thick as her own leg. Four and a half feet of long and thick horse-cock ready for you, but you're not gay, so you won't do anything with it. Her thick, meaty slab of meat towered into the air right next to you, all the while the pegasus gave you a smug grin. You felt extremely inadequate, it was like as if your penis was a mere pistol brought to a big machine gun fight. “But… you’re a pony, so that means you only last thirty seconds or so right?” you spoke in an imploring tone, hopeful for some advantage over her. “You kidding, I could ride your ass non-stop until I collapse from exhaustion with this thing inside you, and still remain hard as I feed you my cum over and over again. “ To prove her point her balls bloated outward, doubling in size within mere seconds. “Stupid overpowered horse-cock!“ you shouted. As if to add insult to injury, her shaft twitched hard, before growing even longer by several inches and becoming slightly thicker as well, along with her balls growing slightly larger by a good few inches. Rainbow beamed happily at her now even more massive horse-cock with pride for a brief moment, before mockingly sticking her tongue out at you. “Hah, your jealousy only makes my mighty magical pony penis even bigger and more powerful.” she said with narcissistic pride, eyeing her massive cock with a devious smug grin. “Love and worship me, pathetic small dick ape. Bow before the superiority of magical pony penis. Soon, you shall be on your knees worshiping the power of pony penis, and will be taking my glorious cum inside you.” “For the last time, I don't like penis. And stop making fun of my penis!” you shouted defensively. “Okay, I’ll try stop making fun of your junk. But quit lying about not liking penises dude.” “I don't like penis! “ you shouted in a defensive manner. “Oh please, Anon. It’s only a matter of time. Try to resist if you must, but in the end you shall fall in love with my mighty magical pony penis, and then I will be cumming inside you, it is inevitable.” she spoke in a smug tone, lovingly stroking her massive mare-meat with a hoof. “No! I’ll be cumming inside you Rainbow Dash. There will be no cumming inside me.” you stated firmly, pressing your forehead against hers. ‘Whatever dude, let's fuck already!” she shouted, dismissing you with a nonchalant wave of her hoof. You nodded, nervously eyeing the massive horse-cock bobbing right next to you on the bed. It was not helped by Rainbow Dash giving you a most evil grin. To Be Continued > Awkward Sex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were lying next to a ridiculously heavily endowed mare, with a thick, meaty and long cock. Your tiny human cock was nowhere near the size in comparison to it. You couldn't move, you were simply too terrified. Fortunately, Rainbow seemed to soon pick up on your anxiety, prompting her to gently rub your back. “I’ll take the lead. Okay?” she said softly. With that Rainbow stood up, from there she made to stand over you, her mighty shaft standing tall and proud above you. Its massive size casting a huge dark shadow over you. Her great big blue fat cock bobbed eagerly in the air, swinging from side to side. Without further ado, the mare proceeded to straddle herself over you, resting her soft blue bubble butt between your legs, pressing her dripping wet, hot, soft marehood against your manhood. The only downside was her big, fat, heavy horse-cock came to rest upon your torso, along with her massive balls resting gently upon your far smaller ones.This was made even worse by the fact her cock was so long, the thick and meaty mushroom head of her cock’s tip was pressing against your face. The smell of skittles filled your nostrils as her mighty tip pushed against your face. You hissed in pain, her balls were heavy. The thick mass of meat resting on your lap was quite uncomfortable to bare. Rather than protest, you gave her cock a gentle push, moving it aside with your hand, laying to rest her meaty member on your right shoulder. Rainbow sighed sadly when you did that. “Awww, I wanted to cum on your face dude.” she huffed. “That would be gay Rainbow. No gay shit is happening here.” you said bitterly. “Yeah, whatever dude. Stick it in me already.” You raised your arms, taking a tight grip of her muscular backside. The feel of her soft, furry rump was wonderful, her soft flesh conceding slightly from under your applied pressure, before meeting the firm muscle beneath. You gently thrust your hips forward, but your penis wasn’t exactly pointing straight, and ended up poking her huge, left testicle, which felt uncomfortably soft and warm to the touch. Rainbow’s mouth formed a ‘O’ shaped for a brief moment, before shifting into a shit eating grin. You gave her an awkward smile, before trying your luck again. Your hips lightly thrust forward, this time meeting their mark. The soft, hot and wet walls of her marehood enveloped your tip, causing you to shudder in bliss. You took a deep breath, before taking the plunge. The soft walls of her marehood, tightly squeezed your cock as you entered her. Rainbow made happy whinny sounds, while you moaned in ecstasy at the wonderful feel of her wet and soft love tunnel massaging your cock within its tender hold. Soon enough, you were balls deep. Your cock was now lovingly hugged by her amazingly strong, yet soft, wet, and hot feeling walls of her vagina. You had a dream like look on your face, Rainbow on the other hand looked quite disappointed. You sighed, making to look down at your small, pitiful balls, flanked on both sides by rainbows enormous balls, with its towering slab of fat horse-cock standing tall and proud into the air. 'Man, I’m jealous.’ came your thoughts. Her cock throbbed powerfully, growing by several more inches. At the same time, her balls grew slightly bigger, causing you to hiss in pain. Rainbow gave you a wicked grin, before lifting herself up and then slamming hard upon your lap. Her huge, blue balls came down onto your lap with a loud slapping sound. You uttered a quiet grunt, her heavy balls smacking your legs was a little painful. Before you had a chance to recover, Rainbow Dash lifted herself up again and came slamming down again. Repeatedly, without stop Rainbow Dash came slamming down upon your lap, her long, fat cock swung wildly about as she bounced up and down upon you. The sounds of big heavy balls slapping against flesh filled the room, along with your painful grunts of pain from the tremendous weight of her balls impacting your lap. 'Man, this is so gay!’ came your thoughts. Her cock throbbed powerfully, growing once more in size. However, this time something even worse happened. To your indescribable horror, you felt your shaft rapidly begin to shorten, while at the same time Rainbow's cock grew even larger. Rainbow uttered a loud moan, her cock going through an overdrive of expansion, soaring into the air, casting a vast shadow over you. Her balls swelled in thickness, inflating like balloons atop you. You hissed in pain at the increasing weight of her growing balls. Your cock was nothing in comparison to her mighty shaft, growing more and more mighty by the second. You cried out in pain, when her inflating heavy balls came slamming upon your lap. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash showed you mercy, by not bouncing on you again, letting her balls go through its expansion. You looked on in horror at these turn of events, while Rainbow Dash had a big smug grin. Shorter and shorter your cock became, filling her less and less, eventually to the point it slipped out of her marehood, continuing to become even shorter from there. Her cock rose into the air, showing no sign of stopping as it swelled in thickness and length by ridiculous proportions. Her cock grew, bigger and bigger, longer and longer, thicker and thicker, fatter and fatter, heavier and heavier. Your balls deflated, rapidly shrinking into peanut size, and becoming even smaller from there. Rainbow's balls on the other hand began to become mighty big blue beach balls. In a few short moments, your cock was gone. Replaced with a vagina. Rainbow on the other hand had an even greater cock then before, three times the length and as thick as your own torso. You raised your hands to cover your face, before you began to wail in grief. “There-there, Anon. Your penis will grow back if you appease my cock.” she said softly. “Really?…. No joking?” you said in a low, timid voice. “Yes. If you worship my mighty magical pony penis, you will get your penis back.” You gulped, your eyes travelling up the long spire of her massive slab of her fat horse-cock standing tall and proud into the air. “Gay or not, I can’t live without my penis.” With that, you licked the monstrously thick midsection of her cock, Rainbow making a loud neigh in approval. You stood up, you needed to stand up for this… she was huge. You now stood before the high mushroom head that was her cock’s tip. Without further ado, you leaned forward to lick her sensitive tip. Her cock twitched, hard, rainbow pre-cum the color of a rainbow began to leak from her thick mushroom tip, tasting of sweet skittles. “Yes! Worship my mighty magical pony penis human if you want your cock back!” she shouted excitedly. With that you stopped pussy footing around,  by wrapping your arms around the ridiculously thick shaft, proceeding from there to stroke her shaft vigorously with both your arms, while at the same time licking her fat mushroom head. “That’s more like it! Work that cock!” You hate it to admit it but her cock tasted delicious, the smell of skittles was flowing into your nostrils and the taste of her rainbow pre-cum was quite delicious. You moaned at the taste of her, without stop, you worshiped the mighty pony dong. Rainbow made loud happy whinnies and other horse noises as you worshiped her cock. “Oh, Anon. I’m about to cum!” By hearing this you only proceeded to worship her cock even harder. Your head moved about the fat tip of her member, licking every inch of the big blue mushroom before you. Her cock throbbed powerfully, swelling in thickness and length by several inches, before unleashing a volcano eruption of rainbow cum. Spurt after spurt of her skittle flavored essence showered over you. By the time she had finished, you were a rainbow colored snowman, covered in hot horse spunk. Nonetheless, you were immensely relieved to feel your cock coming back, growing slightly bigger than it was actually before as if to reward you. “Okay, that’s over with. I won’t have to do that other gay thing.” Just then, you felt your cock begin to shrink. “Okay, okay! I’ll do it!” you shouted in panic. Your cock reversed its shrinkage, and returned back to its larger size. "You cannot escape from the power of horse cock human." With that Rainbow Dash stood up, her fat cock swinging from side to side, bobbing eagerly. You gulped reluctantly going on all fours behind her, presenting your ass to the mare. Rainbow wrapped her hooves around your waist, positioning her fat cock's tip at the entrance of your asshole, you shuddered at the feel of her member pressing against it. “Are you ready for cock you, little faggot?” she said in a nasty tone. “Yes. Make me yours, Rainbow.” You cried out in pain when she violently thrusted inside you, her cock went quickly through your intestines, through your stomach, and then up your throat and out of your mouth without somehow killing you. Tears fell down your cheeks from the pain, your entire body ached from being impaled by her cock. Your body was bloated out, to accommodate the massive shaft inside you. The big blue shaft's tip out of your mouth bobbed up and down outside of your mouth. But other than that, Rainbow didn't' move, allowing you to adjust to her massive size. Soon enough the pain began to wither away, replaced with a soothing warmth and a firm hardness deep inside you.  You moaned like a bitch in heat at the feel of big fat long pony cock inside you. Rainbow whinnied softly, before pulling her hips back, bringing her cock’s tip back inside your mouth. A sad sigh left you when you felt Rainbow’s cock had left your mouth to go back down your throat. Back and forth Rainbow thrust her hips, her cock coming in and out of your mouth each time. Her all powerful god horse cock made sweet love to your body. You moaned in utmost bliss as her mighty cock made sweet love to you. Over and over again, her cock made sweet love to your body, pounding your insides and making your whole body shudder in bliss as you moaned in ecstasy.  Yours and her moans filled the room, she rode you without stop, her big, blue heavy balls slapping against your backside with a wonderful sound of flesh slapping against flesh. Rainbow nickered loudly before suddenly picking up the pace, violently thrusting into you. You cried in a mix of both pain and pleasure as she rode you like a jackhammer. You shuddered, moaning in bliss at the feel of being rode like no tomorrow. Her mighty endurance ensured she could go for a prolonged time without stop. You lay there, helpless as she rode you without mercy, pounding into you with her big fat cock, massaging your entire body and causing you to shake uncontrollably in pleasure. You were lost to the world in pleasure, seeing literally rainbows flashing over your eyes. Eventually, after prolonged pounding you felt her cock begin to grow even larger inside you, making you scream, before she exploded inside you, filling you up with vast quantities of her essence. Spurt, after spurt of her rainbow cum flowed into your body bloating you out like a balloon, by the time she had finished you were more than a miniature blimp. "When you deflate you can ride me, Anon." she said softly. End