> The Gift for the Pegasus: A CMC Mission > by G4PONYTales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - A Mission to Remember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Look out!” Shouted Sweetie Belle. “Cutie Mark Crusader block transporters coming through!” Scootaloo chimed. The Cutie Mark Crusaders continued laughing as they rode the sliding cinder block down the hill to meet a certain pegasus, who was without a cutie mark and in need of help. Chipcutter, abruptly glanced up from the dinosaur he was sculpting out of his lunch. He gasped in awe at the a giant cinder block hurtling down the hill, and before he had a chance to jump and get out of the way… the cinder block stopped a foot away from him. All three crusaders, ready to start their mission, jumped off to greet him. “So, you said you needed our help?” asked Scootaloo, grinning with pride. Chipcutter blushed at the entrance, much to the three ponies’ joy. “Y-yes, that’s right.  You’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders, aren’t you?” “That we are”, said Sweetie Belle brightly. Applebloom then said, “how ‘bout we sit and chat fer a bit?” In an engaging conversation, Chipcutter learned about the CMC’s while the CMC’s learned more about Chipcutter. The problem solving minds that made them crusaders helping other ponies subconsciously connected, as always, to solve a problem. “So, ya said yur inta sculpting, right? So ain’t that yur cutie mark?” Chipcutter rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, I’ve been into sculpting for a while… but I still don’t have any cutie mark.” “But your sculptures are amazing! You definitely have talent; a sense of awesomeness.” Scootaloo put emphasis on the adjective in accordance with her pegasus role model; the most awesome pony she knew. “You… you guys really think so?” Asked Chipcutter, eagerness rising in his voice. With the eagerness came some more blushing from a compliment he’d never heard before; then again, he did keep the majority of his sculpting to himself. Sweetie Belle decided to share her unicorn sister’s story; being telekinetically dragged by her horn lead her to a rock filled with diamonds. It wasn’t until then that she knew her true passion, and talent, and gained her cutie mark in the process. “My sister was lead by her subconscious to a rock full of diamonds; one which would solve her true desire. But she needed to find it. And you may be the same way; you just need to do something to discover yourself.” With that remark, Sweetie Belle telekinetically handed him a hammer, and a mask. “Sculpt this giant rock.  Just… try.” Chipcutter took a deep breath, put on his mask, took his hammer, and started sculpting in high speed - not without jumping into the air first. To Scootaloo, it all happened in slow motion. And it was the part about him flying that drew her attention. The spreading of the wings, followed by the agility and skills of a pegasus sculpting a tall, tall rock of ever-changing form… “Scootaloo… Scootaloo, wake up,” a voice shouted. Scootaloo suddenly bolted up from her sleeping position. “Huh? Yeah, I’m awake! I’m awake!” She said frantically. She was in the Crusader Clubhouse along with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle; both looking at her like she had fainted. “Uh, Scootaloo, are you alright?” Asked Sweetie Belle. “Uh, everything’s fine,” Scootaloo said as she blushed, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. “Yer sure about that?” Applebloom asked, still wanting clarification, “I mean, you’ve been falling asleep during our mission wrap ups lately. What’s wrong?” “Wrong? Nothings wrong. It’s nothing, really,” The pegasus spoke quickly and profusely, searching for something - anything - in her brain to divert attention from herself. Her small, pathetic self.  But there was nothing. Nothing. “Well, if you’re tired then, why don’t you just go home?” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Really? Um- are you sure you don’t need my help settling down our mission?” Scootaloo asked her friends. “We’ll be fine,” Applebloom said. It’s just as well they don’t want my help. Ignoring the sub-conscious thought, Scootaloo wanted to protest but decided not to, just in case this embarrassing thing were to happen again. “Sure,” she said as she got up and went out of the door. But Scootaloo didn’t go home. She couldn’t go; not just yet. Instead, she needed to reassess her dream. The dream had been of a recent mission helping a pegasus, Chipcutter, to find his special talent: Sculpting. But the dream had put focus into more than just that; Scootaloo’s subconscious mind had brought up Chipcutter’s wings; how he completed the task of discovering his cutie mark with awesome, skillful flying. Scootaloo glanced at her own wings, which could do little but help her ride her scooter. She already had her cutie mark; has had it for a couple of years now. But she still couldn’t fly. Maybe Scootaloo’s dream had been trying to tell her something about herself that she, like Chipcutter and Rarity, was meant to do but needed to try in order to achieve it... And with that dream in mind, she would try doing it. Scootaloo stood on a tree stump, in some close proximity of the clubhouse. She glanced at the window where she could make out Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, lost in their mission wrap-up. They didn’t seem to notice what Scootaloo was doing, or trying to do, and maybe they would get to see it when it really happened. The small-winged pegasus stood on a treestump, then glanced at a butterfly flying by. Her eyes followed it, observing the with bright, big, glamourous wings; the way they beat swiftly through the air, with so much speed and agility... You can do it, Scootaloo! It was that voice, that inner voice which Scootaloo often relied on for moral guidance; that voice which propelled her. It told her, like many times, that she could do it. The young pegasus spread her wings, and leapt into the air; her wings, as always, breathing frantically to keep up. I’m doing it! I’m in the air! My wings; they’re working; if I keep up like this- Scootaloo opened her eyes shortly before falling from half a foot in the air. Lying on the ground, in a position she was quite familiar with, the adolescent pegasus stared dreary-eyed at the grass. In another painful attempt, she got up, and beat her wings. Without the help of a jump, they beat uselessly; weakly. Why can’t I do it? Why, why, why, why? She got up. Stood on the tree stump. Took a deep breath. And tried again. I can- no, no I can’t… My attempts are getting longer, so maybe if I try thirty times as hard… Ooff! Exhausted, a sore-winged pegasus lay down staring at the clouds. In her imagination they taunted her; she would never be able to fly to cloudsdale, would never be able to control the weather or blow away a cloud… Scootaloo grew weary at her thoughts, wondering why they existed; she started to questions herself for it, practically beating herself up for such self-pitying thoughts. Why now, all of a sudden, after so many years of accepting the truth? But could she ever accept the truth? > Chapter 2 - Encountering Reformed Rival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Scootaloo?” The familiar voice jolted the pegasus from her daydreaming, forcing her to shake her somber, weary mood. Scootaloo knew that voice, had heard it a thousand times. It took a few seconds for her to remind her subconscious not to lash out, and remind herself that the past was past. “Uh-, hi, Diamond Tiara.” The formal rival of the CMC’s, the one who had once been so mean, looked down at Scootaloo. A curious, somewhat amused look rested on her perfect, somewhat daunting face. The large, sky-blue eyes inflicted, unless Scootaloo was mistaken, only a hint of smugness. Scootaloo, suddenly overly conscious of her awkward orientation, abruptly jumped to a standing position and brushed herself off profusely. Despite efforts to look nonchalant, curious shivers ran down the pegasus’s spine.  Even though Diamond Tiara was reformed and had even called the CMCs her friends, suspicious doubt hung in Scootaloo’s confused mind. The nerves growing in Scootaloo’s mind somehow bore a wide, sheepish grin refusing to leave her face. It spread from ear to ear, providing the image of her face slowly blowing up like a balloon full of helium... Diamond Tiara broke the silence, jolting Scootaloo out of her head: “So… what are you up to?” Up to? Like flying? In retaining her stoic position against the suspicious comment Scootaloo replied: “Oh, er… cloud-watching, of course… I’ve had a… rough day on a tough mission with the other two CMC’s, and er… sometimes I just like to look at clouds!” Despite all efforts, she heard herself as nervous. And in response, Diamond Tiara’s intimidating eyes began to look… annoyed? Diamond Tiara glanced at the treehouse. “I would suppose you three are having one of your little… mission wrap-ups. And it seems unusual for a pony so devoted to her cause to desert her team… so why did you leave? Did they not want you there or something?” Scootaloo couldn’t tell whether the earth pony was serious, or joking.  It could be a joke… but could she be serious? “Well, I actually got dismissed early because I was… tired?” Scootaloo couldn’t exactly come out and say what was going on in her head. “So… I came out here and rested a bit.” Diamond Tiara then spoke quickly, her eyes brightening with renewed confidence: “Well then,I hope you’re feeling better, because I would like to see your clubhouse.” “R-really?” Scootaloo was taken by surprise, because the last time Diamond Tiara saw their clubhouse… it wasn’t a pleasant experience. However, that was before she fully trusted the CMC’s to take her into the light, away from the dark nurturing that had initially defined who she was… Diamond Tiara responded stoically to the silence: “Is there something wrong with that?” Think fast, Scootaloo! Stay. Focused! “No, not really, but… why do you want to see it…? You didn’t seem to like it that much the last time and…” the words, as usual, died in her mouth. Diamond Tiara put on a pouty face that was hard to identify as real, or fake. “Oh Scootaloo, don’t you understand? I want to be friends with you! We hardly see each other since you and your friends got your cutie marks, and I want to see you more.” That was true. Despite having called the CMCs her friends, she and the trio had barely interacted since then. Perhaps it was because they had their own lives, and very little in common. Or maybe it was because there was so much tension in between them that old habits died hard. Diamond Tiara walked up to Scootaloo, wearing a warm grin that barely suited the cold, pthalo-blue eyes that once smirked and mocked relentlessly. She continued: “So I was thinking I’d like to see your clubhouse… and possibly look in on some of your club meetings! What do you think?” The wide, eager grin across the porcelain face offered a different type of pride; one which, rather than mocking other ponies, expected them to consider wanting her around something to be excited about. The brightness in DIamond Tiara’s eyes seemed almost hypnotizing“So-o, do you think I could join one of your meetings?” Scootaloo blinked hard, in a vain effort to rid the taunting images behind her eyes, to ignore the inner instincts telling her not to trust Diamond Tiara, because she might get hurt again.  Scootaloo pushed aside her inner feelings, and smiled. “Sure, Diamond Tiara, why not?” The two ponies walked side by side; a rare sight for the two of them to digest. Even Diamond Tiara, from Scootaloo’s side view, appeared somewhat fazed by what was happening. This time, she was the one to break the silence. “Where’s, uh, Silver Spoon?” “Oh, she’s with her cousin. They went somewhere together on a weekend trip to some resort… it’s really a family thing.” This came as a surprise to Scootaloo; the two former tyrants of the school were always, always seen together. In fact, it felt strange from the very beginning to see Diamond Tiara alone. “So, gee, it looks like you don’t have much to do, huh?” Scootaloo glanced sideways at Diamond Tiara to catch a glimpse of agitation in the sparkle of her eye. Only a glimpse, before she closed her eyes and breathed deeply.  She then replied stoically: “Oh, it is a lonely weekend for me… but thank goodness I have a backup!” Her face brightened, as they stopped at the clubhouse ladder. The backhanded comment somewhat threw Scootaloo off track, back into a fog of confusion that clouded her mind. The confusion caused her pupils to dilate slightly, before she closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. When she opened them, she smiled widely and said: “Well, new friends are always welcome!”  But a nagging at the back of her mind told her something different. “Scootaloo? Yur, uh, back?” The two fillies, distracted from their mission wrap-up, looked rather puzzled to see the return of their weary friend so shortly. “Uumm… yeah, it’s a long story. But look who I brought!” On cue, through the doorway walked Diamond Tiara. “Diamond Tiara? Wow… it’s uh… a surprise to see you here…” The air of the clubhouse had never been so tense, the silence never so awkward. Diamond Tiara stepped in and said: “Well, Scootaloo and I met when she was cloud-seeing, and I asked her to bring me to see one of your mission wrap-ups! I mean, we haven’t seen each other in so long… and we’re friends, right?” It was to Scootaloo’s relief that the other three ponies began discussing more deeply about Diamond Tiara visiting the clubhouse, and them, after all these years. It was a relief, because this way Scootaloo no longer needed to use her dwindling energy on maintaining conversation, nor did she have to work through the confusion about Diamond Tiara that constantly clogged her mind... “Oh, hello, girls!” What do ya want, Diamond Tiara?” “Oh, we were watching your flag-carrying routine from afar and,well, we think it looks great!” “Uh… thanks?” “Except… it’s a bit ironic that your routine represents three types of ponies… with a pegasus who can’t fly…!” “Scootaloo? Hello, Earth to Scootaloo?” Applebloom waved her hoof in front of Scootaloo’s eyes, which were somehow glazed over. At least she hadn’t fallen asleep… When she snapped out of her daydream, Scootaloo focused her eyes on Diamond Tiara; she appeared to be smirking, and for a few timid minutes looked like her old self. “Scootaloo did seem pretty zonked out when I found her spacing out on the grass…” “And that’s the reason why we sent her home.” Sweetie Belle interrupted what could have been a sentence representing inner taunting and laughter from a pony who was newly reformed. The unicorn looked at her friend with concern in her big emerald eyes. “Scootaloo, I saw you space out again. Should you really be here if you’re so tired? What if you’re coming down with something…” “Well, Scootaloo seems fine to me”, chimed in a beaming Diamond Tiara. “And for sure, I don’t think she should be sent home because thanks to Scootaloo, I got to see this cool-looking tree house!” Sweetie Belle’s wide eyes dilated inarticulately. “That’s not… what I meant…” Diamond Tiara’s eyes now had a curious flash in them. “Well, it sounds like you didn’t want her around, when you were so hesitant to welcome her back.” “We were never hesitant!  We’re just… confused-” The pthalo-blue eyes then went puppy-dog.  “And me.  I mean, I thought we were friends…” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle glanced at each other speechlessly, dumbfoundedly. Applebloom was the one who spoke. “Honestly, Diamond Tiara, we’d love to have you around… but it might be tough adding you to our CMC clubhouse meetings because, well, we formed them out of a bond that we had with being blank flanks, and it’s really a symbolic thing that we all found each other when we thought we were alone.” Now, it was hard for anypony to tell whether Diamond Tiara was still feigning emotion. The same eyes that held her complex thoughts and feelings glanced somewhat distraughtly at her cutie mark. That crown, as all of them knew, was  a constant reminder of the pony she had once been. Although she had managed to change her ways since then, that cutie mark would always be there, like a label. Perhaps it was this cutie mark, and the reminders it brought, that prevented the ponies from being able to see each other as fully-made friends. At the moment Scootaloo, like many times, was being hit with so many memories that came with seeing Diamond Tiara. However she, having been eager - or was it obligation - to introduce the lonely filly to their friendship circle, spoke up: “Well, Diamond Tiara doesn’t have much else to do for the weekend… so how about she just sit in on one of our club meetings? I mean, she doesn’t have to join right away… let’s wait and see.” Scootaloo turned to Diamond Tiara, and smiled. “I’ll sit with you, and we can both watch the remainder of the mission wrap-up.” But as she said those words, the pegasus felt somewhat detached from what she said, in comparison to what she felt. “But Scootaloo… I thought you weren’t feeling well-” “No, no, it’s okay.  I’ll just sit and watch.” The pegasus beamed, her strengths in hiding what went on inside her somewhat increasing with the introduction of a newly reformed rival to the clubhouse, as though the last incident of bringing Diamond Tiara here had never happened. However, this newly-found motivation was temporary, and was sure to crack at the seams as Scootaloo’s feelings grew stronger... > Chapter 3 - The Start of Shadow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Watch out! Cutie Mark Crusaders coming thro-ough!” It was a new day, and already, it was a new mission.  Scootaloo, seemingly her old self again, was ambitiously pulling the two other crusaders to their next mission, on her scooter.  Her scooter, which defined who she was. I’m a pegasus who can’t fly… but my wings help me on my scooter but without my scooter… Just as she had for the many, many times that the self-doubt had come up, Scootaloo shook off the plaguing thoughts, and focused on what was awesome. The awesomeness of her scooter. The awesomeness… of being a crusader. “Coming thro-ough! Weeeeeeee-” “Alright, we’re here!” Scootaloo’s wings stopped beating, causing the scooter to slow down. Then, she began beating her wings the opposite direction; not to fast, so the scooter would head the opposing direction, decreasing in speed… and come to a stop. The proud pegasus wiped beads of sweat from her forehead before hopping off the scooter. The two other young crusaders dismounted, and assessed the location of their new mission. It was the Ponyville gym. “So, you come here every day, correct?” “Yes.” Their client, Bladerunner, grinned proudly. “This is practically my second home; I feel so free when I’m on the treadmill”. “Is that all you do? Just the treadmill?” “Well, I do sometimes do weights… but I just prefer to run, you know?” Bladerunner then stepped onto the treadmill, and spead it up so fast his legs became practically invisible when he ran with so much speed and agility… Chipcutter flew when he sculpted, with so much speed and agility……… As Scootaloo shook herself from her thoughts - she didn’t want to be caught spacing out again - The small but fast earth pony Bladerunner stopped, barely panting. He then glanced hopefully at his flank, sulking when there was still nothing there. “Do you really think that running is your special talent?” “I know it is! I love to run.” “But does anypony else know?” “No, uh... nopony else but me; I consider it my personal private time. My private time to just be me.” Scootaloo had another flashback about her own experience with her short-lived term “private pegasus time”... Maybe if I give myself private time to fly… and flying can be my private time! Maybe if I try… just a little harder… Ooof! At the mention of Bladerunner running in private, the three great minds chimed together. Scootaloo, despite the busy memories of her trying to get her cutie mark in flying - a pegasus talent just as running could be an earth pony talent - she spoke for her friends: “What about if somepony else knew how good you were? Like… if you went to a competition?” Bladerunner looked up thoughtfully. “I never really thought of that... “ he then glanced at the two CMC’s. “Do you really think so?” “For sure!” Sweetie Belle and Applebloom chimed. They then elaborated on how the presence of other ponies can help influence a cutie mark while Scootaloo, once again, got dragged into her stubborn thoughts… Why can’t flying be apart of my cutie mark? I’m almost fourteen. I should be able to fly, just like Bladerunner can run, because he’s an earth pony and I’m a pegasus and….  that’s just the way things are! “Sooo, Scootaloo?” The two other CMC’s looked expectantly at the slightly withdrawn pegasus. We shared our stories about our sisters getting their cutie marks in the presence of other ponies, so why dontcha share yur’s?” Scootaloo had been spaced out but alert when Applebloom said that it was leaving her family in Manehattan and running into the embrace of her family at the farm for Applebloom to get her cutie mark, and when Sweetie Belle said that Rarity found a rock full of diamonds, fell in love immediately, but didn’t get her cutie mark until after she presented her new fashion ideas in her costume designing for the school play. Scootaloo knew that, for the sake of her mission, she had to tell the story of her role model and mentor Rainbow Dash which, due to the closeness of their relationship, the CMC’s would sometimes call her sister. Normally, Scootaloo would be ecstatic to retell the story of the bestest, fastest flier in Equestria. But this time, as seemed to be the case these days, a troubled thought came into her head: Except… she was so much cooler than me before I turned thirteen… so am I really still worth being called her figurative sister? Scootaloo didn’t have time to coax the thought out of her head and remind herself that Rainbow Dash thought she was awesome just for being her; this was a mission, and she needed to speak. So, softly-spoken to the surprise of her friends, Scootaloo replied: “Oh, yeah, that’s right. My sister Rainbow Dash didn’t get her cutie mark for flying, despite knowing how good a flier she was, because she needed to race with other ponies and perform a sonic rainboom to realize how much she lived for flying….” As a lost Scootaloo told the story that Rainbow Dash had narrated countless times, she couldn’t help but… wish that she could perform a sonic rainboom too. “Scootaloo… are you sure about this?” “Uh… yeah, sure!  Maybe jumping from a cloud will get me my cutie mark in flying… just like Rainbow Dash!” “But… a hate ta say this Scoot but…. ya can’t fly.” Scootaloo grinned.  “Who’s to say I can’t try?” The small winged pegasus stood on a cloud, spread her wings, and took off… only to land in the parachute that had gotten her to that cloud in the first place….. Back at the clubhouse, Scootaloo managed to stay awake - she didn’t want to be excused again or for her friends to worry too much about her - she nodded and smiled when necessary. “So, it looks as though we successfully completed a mission, simply by encouraging a pony to push themselves a bit more to discover something about the talents they know they have, in order for them to get their cutie marks.” Sweetie Belle beamed. “Gee, girls. Ain’t that seem to be the type a’ thin’ we need ta do? Not ta mention, when we think about our sistas and how they got their cutie marks, it just seems to be the way to get a cutie mark in general.” Scootaloo wanted to say that she was happy they all had such a brilliant idea to tell the stories about their sisters - and her figurative sister - from the perspective of pushing yourself to discover yourself, but she couldn’t help but think that the idea had been her friends’, while she seemed almost absent from the mission. So who was to say she deserved to be at the meeting? Diamond Tiara was, once again, sitting on the sidelines. And she was the one who mentioned the obvious: “Scootaloo, you seem awfully quiet. Is something wrong?” Applebloom started to look concerned. “Diamond Tiara has a point. You sure don’t seem yurself…” For how long? This weekend? This month? Ever since Scootaloo reached age fourteen - the age when most fillies tended to mature - and realized she may never fly? Scootaloo resisted the urge to glance at her wings, which had barely grown with her size. “I’m… fine I… really am.” “Well, in any case,” Diamond Tiara stood up, and stretched. “It’s been really fun being with you girls this weekend, but I’m expecting Silver back today.” She flashed a bright white smile. “Thank you ponies so much for letting me see the treehouse, and I hope to see you soon.  And if it’s okay… maybe I can bring Silvey next time?” Then, without waiting for a reply, the the reformed rival winked at the CMC’s before bolting out of the treehouse. “So… what do ya girls think about Diamond Tiara… suddenly bein’ here?” The three CMC’s were having a snack at Sugarcube corner, to end their busy mission-filled weekend. Sweetie Belle glanced around, making sure the two former rivals weren’t around before she giggled: “It’s been… a little bit weird, to be honest.” The two CMC’s looked at Scootaloo, who seemed to appear neutral despite her two friends giggling at the bizarreness of Diamond Tiara being among them. “What ‘bout you, Scoot? Yur the one who invited Diamond Tiara so eagerly into our treehouse ta begin with… not ta put ya on the spot or anythin…” Scootaloo snapped to attention. “What, me? Really? Of course I don’t find it weird, she’s our friend, after all.” The pegasus grinned widely to hide the confusion in her head. “Besides, I invited her because we ran into each other outside, and she asked me and… I didn’t want her to feel left out.” “Well, that was very nice of ya, Scoot, but uh… we were wonderin… have ya been happy ta have Diamond Tiara around?” “Oh, look who it is”, said Diamond Tiara as she came up to the three friends with Silver Spoon, as always, by her side. “It’s three blank flanks. “And not to mention…” Silver Spoon grinned widely. “the wingless dodo!” “Hahahahahahahaha-” Scootaloo shook herself out of an unpleasant memory, before replying: “No, not at all.  I’ve liked having her around. She’s our friend, right?” Scootaloo then went back to taking long sips of her milkshake. “Well, she is our friend now, and ya  do have a point… but the two of us have been talkin’ an’ we can’t help but wonder…. If having Diamond Tiara around… ain't doin’ ya such a favour?” Scootaloo jerked up in surprised shock. “What makes you say that?” Sweetie Belle began to appear genuinely concerned. “Scootaloo, we know you haven’t been feeling yourself lately. At first I thought you were coming down with something. But over the weekend you haven’t exactly been… enthusiastic during our missions.” Shock shook Scootaloo. “Seriously?” Applebloom continued: “We’ve known ya fer years, Scoot. And we know ya haven’t been yerself. An’we can’t help but wonder… if it has ta do with havin’ Diamond Tiara around so much.” “Uh, Applebloom, what are you trying to say?” “Well, don’ get me wrong, she is our friend and all… and nota bring back bad memories but… surely ya remember all that mean stuff she would say about chya….” “Oh, hey girls!” “What do ya want, Diamond Tiara?” “Oh, nothing really… I think your flag-carrying routine is absolutely amazing, and so creative!” “Uh…. thanks?” “Except… it’s so brave of you to represent three types of ponies… with a pegasus who can’t even fly!” “Hahahahaha-” “Scootaloo, listen. We’re your friends, and we can tell that you aren’t feeling right. And I’m not talking about coming down with something.” Scootaloo sighed loudly. What could she say? The only thing to do… was to be honest. “Honestly guys, even I don’t know what’s going on with me. It’s just… so hard to explain.” Scootaloo forced a laugh at the whole thing. The laugh hardly ceased the worry on the faces of her two friends. But despite it all, she continued. “Honestly. I think I’ll be fine. It’ll pass. Maybe it’s…” she began to whisper: “My teenage hormones kicking in.” This, to Scootaloo’s relief, got some giggling. “But you know something? I want to have Diamond Tiara around. She is our friend, right?” “Yeah, but-” “Applebloom, I know what you said about… all that stuff. But that’s past. And I think having Diamond Tiara around as a friend, rather than an enemy… Will help me to make peace with her. And forget about all that past stuff. Because trust me. That’s past.” “Well, if you're so sure…” the two friends glanced at each other, before Sweetie Belle continued: “But… please. Trust us to tell you if you really feel bad. Because if so, we want to help. And we’d do anything we could.” “Honestly,” chimed in Applebloom. “Just give a holler, and we’ll be right there!” Scootaloo smiled for real, despite herself. She was so lucky to have such great, loyal friends, despite how pathetic she feels. “Thanks, you guys.” Scootaloo embraced her friends before she could finish another dark thought. That night, the young pegasus lay in bed, wondering about the true root of her feelings. The explanation for hormonal issues back at Sugarcube Corner had been a white lie. It could be hormonal issues… but maybe not. What Scootaloo had felt over the past few days - over the past few years - was gradual buildup of… something. Something within her that just… wouldn’t go away, no matter how hard she tried. She only knew that much. Scootaloo had never been a very self-aware pony, so it was hard for her to realize why something seemed to be… missing. Maybe... it really is related to having Diamond Tiara around? Scootaloo throughout the day, had been plagued by memories of confrontations with the formal filly-tormentor. From being called a blank flank… To being unable to-to- Scootaloo tried hard not to finish the thought. Regardless, other dark thoughts came up; flashbacks of being tormented by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for who she was… Wingless dodo-blank flank!.... Like, is this your home? Why here, and not Cloudsdale, where you belong! Go back to where you belong! Wingless… Can’t even fly… Fatigue began to kick in, and Scootaloo’s mind went blank. Then, like that day at the treehouse and days preceding that… her mind grew heavy with sleep. The exhausted, weary pegasus drifted off while staring at the dark hallway through the wide door frame. Her one last thought was a wish. A simple wish that she had some pony - Rainbow Dash, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, or just any pony - here right now to say everything would be okay… > Chapter 4 - The Nightmare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====================================~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` ------------------fffffffff--------lllll________!!!!!!!!!!!yyyyy…………….. All three of the CMC’s were in a parachute, flying up to cloudsdale. They stopped when they below the cloud where the house of the Dashes resided. “Scootaloo… yer sure ‘bout this?” The two friends eyed her with worry. Scootaloo just grinned, feeling more confident than any time in her life. “Definitely. You two remember when I took a slingshot up here with my scooter? So who’s to say this won’t work?” And with that, she heaved up a ramp, balancing it so it faced the wall of the house across from the Dashes. Scootaloo placed her scooter on the foot of the ramp, clenching the handle barsout of nerve. But a driving force constantly resided in her mind… I can do this… I can do this. The beating of her wings pushed the scooter up the ramp. Wheels spinning in the air, Scootaloo bumped against the wall of a house for more agility. It also directed her towards the top of the hot-air balloon which, with its’ hot air, would keep her in the air… “WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!  I did it; I AM DOING IT! “Rainbow Dash? Yoohoo, Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow Dash came out of her house sleepy-eyed. Ugh… what is it-”  Her eyes popped wide open. “Scoot?!” Scootaloo was flying on her scooter. Her wings were beating fast, frantically to keep her in the air, the hot air balloon thankfully below the house, giver Scootaloo the appearance… of flying. “C-can you believe it!?! I can fly! ON MY SCOOTER!” Rainbow Dash grinned proudly. “That’s my girl! You’re finally getting it!” I need to get it. She’s proud of me… maybe now I can fly with only my scooter… ’So now, I’m gonna perform a sonic rainboom!” “Woah, woah!” Eyes wide with concern, Rainbow Dash flew over to Scootaloo, as though trying to coax her down. “That’s such a big move, scootaloo,”  Her eyes narrowed. “I told you that we are different ponies, and since you can’t, well, really fly-” “I know, I know! That’s why I’ll do it… ON MY SCOOTER!” Scootaloo grinned. “My scooter will help me fly, don’t you see?!” With that, Scootaloo “flew” off the hot air that was keeping her up and onto a cloud. Everything around her seemed to block out, as it was only Scootaloo and her scooter. Scootaloo stood on the cloud, trying not to look down. Her wings began to beat, once again, driving her scooter off the cloud… but it was very, very slow. Scootaloo knew, a second too late, the mistake she was making. But when she screamed for Rainbow Dash, there was no pony in sight. The feeling of falling free-fall from the sky was indescribable. Despite this horrible feeling, Scootaloo couldn’t help but hate herself, in the process, for being unable to fly. Scootaloo landed in the playground of her school. All the ponies were outside, and saw her fall into a tree. Scootaloo brushed herself off and, in another vain attempt, tried to take off from her tree. But, to no avail. From her place on the ground, wings still beating desperately, a defeated pegasus heard the clapping of hooves. She looked up… it was her two old enemies. “Look who it is? The wingless dodo. Silvey and I know that you tried to fly, and failed!” Scootaloo jumped up. “First of all… I thought you two had promised to stop picking on me! Second…” Scootaloo’s eyes grew small. “Does everypony know?” Silver Spoon guffawed as both ponies ignored the first question.  She held up a newspaper with the front headline: Young Pegasus with Inability to Fly gets Extremely Hurt May be the First Pegasus Who can’t Fly. Below the heading and subheading was a picture of Scootaloo falling from the sky; presumably, this picture was taken by another pegasus who would rather laugh at how ridiculous Scootaloo looked then help her. Could it have been Rainbow Dash herself, having lost faith in the pegasus she had promised to take under her wing? By now, the whole playground was laughing.  Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were nowhere in sight. Like many times in Scootaloo’s life, there was nopony around to offer the comfort she needed. Like many times in her life, Scootaloo was alone. Scootaloo squeezed her eyes tight against the tears that threatened to pour. She needed to get somewhere safe, away from every pony making fun of her In an effort to feel secure, Scootaloo hid behind a tree. But there were ponies there as well, laughing at her. Even the animals seemed to be laughing, and there was no Fluttershy in sight to scold them. Before she knew it, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were there, once again, laughing, taunting, and teasing. With nowhere else to look, Scootaloo glanced longingly at the heavens beyond the leaves, beyond the trees. Clouds where only she could be, where things could be safe. But without a parachute, or anything, she had no way of getting up there. But she had to try. Scootaloo jumped up, beating her wings frantically, with exceeding effort, only for her body to go half a foot off the ground… and slowly come back down. She tried again. Up, down. Up, down. Beatbeatbeatbeatbeatbeatbeeeaaattttttttttttt Beat. Beat. Beat. The laughing had stopped. Scootaloo opened her wet eyes, and looked around. It was the setting of a starry night, the sky bright with stars. And Scootaloo stood on a cloud, looking down at Ponyville. Scootaloo should have been scared for being so up high, and unable to fly. But for some reason, she felt calm and secure among the stars.  Maybe she could stay here forever, and then nopony would ever hurt her again. Is that why I was having my nightmare?  Because… I’m just scared of everypony? Despite the words existing in Scootaloo’s head, she got a response:  “You are just about there, my young pegasus.” To Scootaloo’s astonishment, from the stars materialized Princess Luna. Scootaloo stuttered with surprise.  “P-Princess Luna! How could you hear me?” “In dreams, Scootaloo, especially in cases such as yours, I can understand the way ponies are thinking.  It is because your thoughts are so locked up in your mind that I have no choice but to look into your subconscious… only in dreams, though. Scootaloo’s mind continued to swarm, and Luna continued:  “Tell me what’s bothering you, Scootaloo.  WHy you are having those nightmares.  And I’ll see if I can help.” Scootaloo looked down upon the village in shame.  In the waking world, this would be difficult. Now, in the security of dreaming, Scootaloo could find thd the words: “I’m scared of being unable to fly. I hate being unable to fly, and I feel ashamed.” Luna nodded with interest. “Tell me about those ponies in your nightmare. Why were they taunting you?” “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, my former enemies, once made fun of me for being unable to fly. And I haven’t forgotten it since.” It was due to the security and quiet of sleep that Scootaloo finally began to cry, tears flowing freely and silently onto the cloud that helped her stand among the heavens. Hardly any other signs of crying showed, for Scootaloo’s subconscious was now numb with emotion. And Luna knew. “You are very, very emotional Scootaloo. You feel insecure, you let others get you down to the point where it hurts. And the pain only grows in you.” What had started out as a peaceful dream was now the second part of an awful nightmare. Raw emotion clawed at Scootaloo, demanding to break free… but the numb wall inside her that had always held back her discomfort prevented her from doing so. Silent tears were the only way, but they weren’t enough. The intensity of such emotion terrified Scootaloo. Luna continued: “I hate to see you in so much pain, my young pegasus. I came here to tell you why you hurt. It is not because of the ponies such as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who bullied you. It is because of you alone. You want to achieve a goal, but only you are preventing yourself from doing it.” Scootaloo could no longer speak, but think thoughts that reverberated through the stars: But I try flying all the time, and I can never get it. The answer, Scootaloo, is beyond flying. That is a long step away. Now, Scootaloo could speak: “S-s-s-so is it still possible f-f-for me to f-fly?” Luna glanced at the sky, as though it displayed a giant clock. “I will show you the solution. And hopefully when you wake up, you will know.” The shadow-coloured alicorn telekinetically lifted Scootaloo onto her back. Her horn continued to glow as her large wings changed direction. “Do not worry about falling, my dear pegasus.” The last part of the nightmare was hardly scary, because you cannot die in your dreams. Luna flew fast into Ponyville, with Scootaloo telekinetically attached to her back. As gravity sifted through her orange-red hair, Scootaloo felt secure. Princess Luna flew over the ponyville school, producing a sickly reminder in Scootaloo’s stomach about where she’d have to go tomorrow. The alicorn flew over the school, and before Scootaloo knew it, the two ponies were at the CMC clubhouse. Scootaloo saw the stump where she had practiced flying that one day, and a feeling of dread washed over her. “Do not feel upset, Scootaloo. Forget about the past, and move forward.” Princess Luna flew over to the clubhouse, over to the doorway. The clubhouse was dark with night, but somehow, Scootaloo could somehow sense the presence of safety; of friendship. “Scootaloo, friendship is always key. No pony should take on everything alone. That’s what you’ve been trying to do, and your nightmare displays the outcome: You are broken inside, and desperate.” Scootaloo immediately remembered an earlier part of her nightmare when her wings, were beating desperately - while she was falling, while she was being taunted and humiliated - to keep her in the air or escape from the ground. Luna continued: “Scootaloo, it is in the destiny of you and your friends to help other ponies. It is also in your destiny to help yourselves thrive and succeed. And this inner mission for the Cutie Mark Crusaders starts here, at your clubhouse.” Luna looked down at Scootaloo. Confront your friends tomorrow, Scootaloo. You need to do this; I have faith in you.” The realization sunk into Scootaloo, as an unrecognizable feeling of warmness began to wash over her……… > Chapter 5 - Inner Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Scootaloo’s alarm clock that roused her from the security and warmness accompanying her dreams. She awoke heavy-headed and weary, staring distortedly at the ceiling. After blinking a few times in an effort to stay awake, Scootaloo turned to her side and, at a slow pace, got up to get ready for school. The heavy feeling in Scootaloo’s head felt somewhat like fatigue; it was seemingly left over from an emotional sleep that left a heavy aftereffect of numbness. It was similar to the feeling she had during past CMC meetings,when she would fall asleep in front of her friends. But this time, the fatigue was intense. It was also left over from a sleeping encounter with Princess Luna and, most importantly, Scootaloo’s inner struggles. Scootaloo arrived at school on her scooter, more slowly than usual, with sluggishly-beating wings. “Scootaloo! Yoo-hoo, Scoot-a-loo!” A reactive instinct sparked in Scootaloo’s mind. At the recognition of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon’s voices, her small wings came to a halt, bracing from her as a defence mechanism. “What is-” Do not feel upset. The problem is not these ponies. Forget about the past, and move forward. “Hi… Diamond Tiara… And Silver Spoon.” To her own surprise, Scootaloo forced a smile with moderate effort. The two fillies approached Scootaloo as memories of her nightmare came rushing back; Scootaloo pictured the newspaper with the headline, and heard the laughing, before shutting her eyes tight and breathing deeply. It was a dream. My thoughts do not equal reality. Still, the pegasus tentatively scanned the playground to make sure no pony was smirking at her, then at DIamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to make sure that no newspaper was in sight. “How are you today? I’ve been telling Silvey all about your missions, and the mission wrap-up meetings - I was there, remember? - and how organized the three of you are!” Diamond Tiara’s voice was cheery, and sugary sweet. A feeling of doubt rose in Scootaloo’s head, but she pushed it aside. Silver Spoon spoke: “I was impressed when Diamond told me. I mean, we could all learn from you three; organization and time management, and helping others rather than yourselves.” Scootaloo grinned, as relaxation began to settle in her. “Oh, well… I mean, thanks! Always happy to help.” Scootaloo cursed the blush rising in her cheeks, but at least it took her attention away from the heaviness that constantly resided in her head. The bell rang for school. As usual, Diamond Tiara was the first to speak: “Oh dear, better get to class! Bye, Scootaloo! And hey - please tell us when the next mission wrap-up meeting is! And… It’s okay if Silvey comes too, right?” “Oh… for sure.” Suspicious disbelief rose in the back of Scootaloo’s mind despite her inner reassurance that the fillies were not causes of her problems. Like many times, Scootaloo ignored her thoughts and said buy to the two fillies, before rushing to park her scooter. At recess, or some time throughout the day, she would have to schedule an emergency CMC meeting - one that, for this time, should consist of the three Crusaders alone. She would just need to find a time to tell them… Calling CMC’s Emergency meeting; please meet at clubhouse at 4 p.m. One of the rules among the CMC’s was that serious matters - among them being emergency meetings - must be delivered by note, for confidential reasons. The downside of being a young filly was that most of your day was taken up by school, where there was little to no privacy or free time. That made a safe, private place to exchange discussion practically unreachable. The CMC’s learned their lesson a year or so earlier, were searching in vain for a place to eat their lunch in private. They found a quiet place only to find Button Mash, a transfer student, playing his video games on his Joyboy a foot away. And that was the most isolated place on school property. Despite her nerves, Scootaloo chuckled at the memory. Good thing they’d all be in high school soon, when things - hopefully - wouldn’t be so restrictive that all the young ponies were practically in chains. Scootaloo, following the risk-taking tactics of her brave and loyal role model Rainbow Dash, had taken the HUGE risk of passing the note among her friends in class. Instinctively, the two other friends shared it among each discreetly. Now came the hard part: explanations of Scootaloo’s inner struggles. The two other friends arrived within five minutes of the time frame.  But the the minutes had dragged relentlessly.   Scootaloo, overtaken by nerves, had spent those minutes pacing, repeatedly going over what to say, and attempting to calm her racing heart. Scootaloo could hardly remember a time when she opened herself up to other ponies. That time with with the flag-carrying routine incident had been relatively minor, and short. This time, Scootaloo was officially opening herself up, rather than seeking a small amount of condolence to get her through another month. And, despite these two ponies being her closest friends, the pegasus couldn’t help worrying that things wouldn’t turn out as needed. The thoughts continued to race in Scootaloo’s head until until Scootaloo heard a “hi”.   There were Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, side by side, at the doorway. “H-hi girls, thanks for coming.” Scootaloo smiled wide, brightly.  Her smile was incredibly wide - in fact - it was so obviously forced. The other two friends noticed this, for they didn’t smile back.  They continued to stand at the doorway, looking at Scootaloo with concern. It was Applebloom who spoke first:  “Scoot, a think we ‘ave an idea ‘bout what this meetin’s about.”  Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement. Scootaloo started, the shock breaking her smile. “W-what do you mean? You’re  saying…” her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Have you been spying on me in my sleep?” Due to her low self confidence, the very idea of being spied on while dreaming caused Scootaloo’s cheeks to flush out of embarrassment, despite the narrow stare she managed to maintain. The eyes of her two friends widened in surprise: “What? No we- Scootaloo, we’re your friends. We don’t need to spy on you to know what’s wrong.” Sweetie Belle spoke in a sincere tone, her emerald eyes shining with concern. She came up closer to Scootaloo, who began to see her own flustered reflection in those wide eyes. “All we know is that this meeting is about you, and what you’ve been going through. What we would like to know is… what that thing is. The three ponies sat on the floor. A brief moment of silence ensued. Scootaloo racked her brain, thinking of what to say. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and spoke: “I.. I mentioned you spying on me in my sleep because… in my dreams, I found out the cause for my problems.” It took a few moments for the words to come out: “I have been upset about being unable to fly.” Scootaloo paused, then continued: “Because… I want to be able to fly.” There was a pause. Then, Sweetie Belle whispered: “We know.” Scootaloo told her friends about the dream she had, while they listened intently. About the nightmare, about meeting Princess Luna, and finally coming to a realization about her inner struggles. Applebloom seemed more concerned about the root of the problem: “Are you sure it ain’t Diamond Tiara for making you feel bad about yerself? Because…” her eyes grew sad. “We both know what happened.” Confusion raked Scootaloo’s mind, followed by frustration about it being so hard to get her point across. Who is to say I can’t have problems? Who is to say that just because I appeared so bright and cheerful in the past, I can’t possibly be sad now? Ignoring the conflict in her brain, Scootaloo breathed loudly before continuing: “No, you guys, it is not Diamond Tiara.” “But you dreamed ‘bout her, didn’tcha?” Applebloom was so persistent, it was almost as though she herself wanted Diamond Tiara to be the reason behind all this. “Yer dreams tell ya the truth, and in yer dreams, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon-” “Applebloom. Listen to what Scootaloo has to say. Please stop blaming Diamond Tiara.”  Sweetie Belle, the mediator, looked at Scootaloo. “Your problem is just that you want to fly, isn’t it?” Any stimulated thoughts against their former rival that had begun rising simmered down, as Scootaloo forced herself to look upon the truth - the one that Princess Luna had told her. “Yes. But my dream was blaming it on Diamond Tiara and SIlver Spoon, because they…” How should I put this… “They represent how I feel. “Yes, I’ve been thinking a lot about the times they made fun of me for being unable to fly, like during our flag carrying routine and, well, maybe it is sort of their fault. But either way…” “You just want... to fly,” chimed in Sweetie Belle. Hey eyes looked even sadder now than they had earlier. “You want to be like your role model, Rainbow Dash. Isn’t that right? Because she was in the dream.” “...I… I think that’s a part of it.” Scootaloo’s eyes turned downcast. She then spoke quietly: They began to sting as she thought of all those times watching Rainbow Dash fly through the air, do creative swoops and swirls, control weather clouds… while she herself could barely get a foot off the ground. “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, at one point… they brought up that I should have started flying ages ago-” “But what in tarnation does that got to do with anythin?!” Applebloom was now incredibly persistent to prevent Scootaloo from going down the dark path of self hatred she was already on.. “You see why I was so concerned ‘bout it being ‘bout Diamond Tiara?! She hurt you.  That’s why she’s in yer nightmares, that’s why you feel so bad now!” Scootaloo began to stiffen herself against the anger and frustration of her strong-minded friend. “Well, so what if it is? You are missing the point! I’ve always wanted to fly, even before I even knew Diamond Tiara existed! But now I’m fourteen and…” the voice trailed off into sadness. “I may… never fly.”  The tears welling in Scootaloo’s eyes reminded her of that one day with Rainbow Dash, after having been humiliated by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon: But… what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly? Then, Princess Luna’s words came back. It felt almost as though she was speaking to Scootaloo through her head, or maybe it was just a memory: Friendship is always key. No pony should take on everything alone. That’s what you’ve been trying to do, and your nightmare displays the outcome: You are broken inside, and desperate. Scootaloo looked up, staring at her friends firmly. “What I need to do no is to not think about Diamond Tiara, or Silver Spoon. What would help me… would be if you helped me to fly.” The eyes of her two friends looked wide with surprise, and some confusion. It was Applebloom who spoke first: “Scootaloo, I need ta be honest. How can me - an earth pony - and Sweetie Belle - a unicorn - help a pegasus like you fly? A’ mean, for us to help you… I know that you have extreme ways, Scoot.” The question left Scootaloo stumped, and somewhat defeated. Hear she had thought her encounter with Princess Luna and the advice she had received would be the answer to her problems. But now… “You know what? I’m up for it.” Sweetie Belle stood up proudly. “I’m up for the task. It’s a CMC mission, right?” Sweetie Belle came close to Scootaloo, grinning with sparkling emerald eyes. “The princess told you that we are destined to help ourselves, and each other?” “Yes.” Scootaloo spoke quietly. All that happened in the day was so much for her to take in, and the constant emotional roller coaster between her, defiant Applebloom, and compassionate Sweetie Belle… “Sweetie Belle… Scootaloo…” now Applebloom spoke softly. In a voice similar to what her sister would use when about to say an upcoming sentence. “You sure ‘bout this?” There was some kind of emotion in her eyes; a mix of worry and hesitant doubt. “Cause, I don’t wanna get set on unreal ideas or nothin-” “This is unreal? That’s like saying that our cutie marks are unreal!” Now Sweetie Belle, in her mode of being fully determined, as practically face-to-face with Applebloom as she made her point. “To say that helping Scootaloo fly is unreal is the same as saying our missions are only figments of a large dream! I mean, yes, it may sound hard, but that doesn’t have to mean we can’t do it!” Overcome now with sensitive determination to help her friend, Sweetie Belle grinned. “Applebloom. I don’t know about you, but I also got a visit from Princess Luna in my dreams at one time. And when I followed her instructions to help fix Rarity’s outfits so that she could please her favourite designer, good things happened. So who’s to say that no good things will come out of this.” Scootaloo felt somewhat related at the sight of Sweetie Belle being so provocative; it felt almost like a dream. Hope began to rise  through the heavy fog that had accompanied her throughout the day. “So… do you think you could use your magic, Sweetie Belle? To… make me fly?” Applebloom spoke: “I’m not sure that’s a real-” Sweetie Belle shut her with a hoof. “‘Unrealistic’, you say?” She burst out laughing, then thought for a bit: “... that said, it may be a bit hard…” “Listen, girls.” Now Applebloom stood up. “I think it’s safe to say that I’m in on this, because I care about Scootaloo, I want to help… and although I may be hesitant, I realize that it’s two against one, and, well, maybe Scootaloo has a point in this bein’ a mission.” Applebloom closed her eyes, and sighed. “I’m in, but on one condition.” “Yes?” Said Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo at the same time, Scootaloo only more with a determined look in her eye, adding “What is it?” Applebloom said, concern still in her face: “Can we please try to do this safely, and not let this mission get too dangerous?” “Y-yes, of course.” Scootaloo grinned. “No ziplining, no throwing anypony off a cliff, got it. We need to do this the CMC way.” The realization was getting to settle in: Her dream was coming true. Scootaloo would finally be able to fly. And, for the sake of the cooperation for all CMC’s, she would do it the safe way. Even if it took another year, it would happen. And I’m ready. > Chapter 6 - A Finicky Operation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “A-alright girls, let's begin; ‘Operation Help Scootaloo Fly’.” Applebloom, pointed to the diagram-sized  paper on the wall with the title: Operation: Help Scootaloo Fly “This paper will be fer us ta jot down ideas, outcomes, etc.”  She stood behind the front desk, smiling brightly. Scootaloo stared at the big, broad title in faint surprise. Her dream was actually coming true, after so many years of being the way she has been. It will finally work. I’ll finally get to- Sweetie Belle chimed in, interrupting Scootaloo’s thoughts: “Applebloom, not to be intrusive or anything but, well,- should we really be calling this an operation, if it’s a… CMC mission?” She grinned. “Just… you know, want to go by what Scootaloo referred to it as from her dream  It’s in our destiny, so it is a mission.” “More specifically what princess Luna called it.” Scootaloo chimed in, her tone unusually quiet. Neither of the other two ponies appeared to have heard her. Applebloom, frowning a little with annoyance, took a pencil and crossed out “operation”, changing it to “CMC Mission: Help Scootaloo fly”. She then said: “Ain’t that better?”  She went back to the front desk. “Now that the topic issue’s out a the way, let’s say we actually, well, brainstorm some ideas?” “She is right you know,” said Scootaloo, in a more audible tone, sober against the excitement bubbling in her. “I mean, if we’re going to make this… work, we better get started sometime, right?” “You’re right, you’re all right, okay, I’m sorry. Let’s move on, shall we?” Sweetie Belle spoke with an annoying tone, before a memory of the intense sympathy she felt for Scootaloo snapped her into an apologetic smile. “I mean, I just really want to see you fly, Scoot. So really, none of us should be getting holed up about this stuff.” She smiled eagerly. “Applebloom’s right:  Let’s get to it!” Unfortunately, that silly incident was only the first argument that was to happen upon this meeting. This meeting seemed to be more... finicky than Scootaloo had anticipated. After receiving a message for her destiny in an unforgettable dream, she was expecting things to flow quickly and smoothly - even if they weren’t lightning fast, like Rainbow Dash. But when was life ever easy, when not intolerable and hopeless? If it weren't for the constant excitement bubbling in Scootaloo, she would have shown some level of concern for the slowness of the meeting, caused by multiple disagreements among her friends: “I wonder if we could make a potion; maybe Zecora would have ideas? Or, Applebloom, you have also shown some interest in potions yourself; maybe you…?” “Hmmm, I’m not sure ‘bout that… remember I got the cutie pox when I tried that idea?  Too risky.” “Ugh, forget that. How about if I look for a flying spell?” “Sweetie Belle, you know your magic isn’t powerful enough to cast big spells… no offence.” “Well…” Sweetie Belle blushed at the backhanded remark, thought it was true that she took after her sister in terms of limited abilities. “What if we ask Twilight…?” “This is supposed to be a CMC mission. We ain’t gonna go asking other ponies. Besides, it’d be cheating if we asked a princess fer help. We need ta do this ourselves!” “Well, do you have any ideas then, Applebloom?” Now Applebloom was lost. She immediately noticed that Sweetie Belle had constantly mentioned magic because, well, she was a unicorn. And although her abilities were limited, she did have some ability and knowledge about the idea. What use could an earth pony be? Then, Applebloom remembered what Scootaloo said, that one day when their flag-carrying routine was in jeopardy due to Scootaloo’s damaged self-confidence: But… what if my wings never grow? What if I never fly?... Wings. She needs bigger wings. She needs- “Ai got it! Wing enhancements! They will be like gliders, attached to her wings to make them bigger!” Scootaloo had an image of herself going to school with giant gliders attached to her wings. She would fly in with her enhancements. But sleeping in them however…” CMC Mission: Help Scootaloo Fly Add enhancements to Scootaloo's wings to make them bigger As Applebloom finished jotting down the idea, Sweetie Belle scratched her chin in thought: “Well… how would we do it? And where would we get wing enhancers? Would we use… Feathers? Kites? “The material needs ta be thick, tough, glide-able. So… we can cut some hang gliders and attach them to Scoot’s wings!” “Well, that could work, but then Scoot still needs to learn how to fly. Maybe there’s a way she’s moving her wings that contributes to her inability. So it could be an issue even with enforcements...” Sweetie Belle piped up: “How about flying lessons?” “Well, that would work… if one a us could fly.” “What if I used a levitation spell to-” “Sweetie Belle, don’tcha remember what I said? No magic, even if your magic was strong enough. We should really be avoiding the whole magic idea, be more resourceful.” Applebloom was acting extra defensive against this idea, with the sensitivity knowing that she had no magic. Then, for the first time during the meeting, Scootaloo piped up: “Lessons with Rainbow Dash! She could teach me some tips and turns that I might need to learn…” CMC Mission: Help Scootaloo Fly Idea:  Add enhancements to Scootaloo's wings to make them bigger Idea:  Lessons with Rainbow Dash Sweetie Belle’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. “But… wouldn’t that go against the idea that this is a CMC mission only, and can only be done by us?” “Yeah but… I mean, lessons with a pegasus sound highly effective… and you two can still help out by persuading her to give me the lessons, and encouraging me on the way.” Scootaloo smiled brightly, her eyes wide with pleading. “I mean, come on. If lessons with Rainbow Dash was something I wanted to do, I would have done it long ago. It’s because of the help and encouragement I’m getting from my friends that I am thinking about it. That’s one thing CMCs do; help and encouragement!” Suddenly, some music started to play and Scootaloo got herself to stand on two legs, before swinging her arms in a song: “Help and encouragement is what everyone needs help and encouragement-” Applebloom shoved her onto Scootaloo’s mouth. “Okay, okay, we get it Scoot. I think we should save the singing fer later, and fer now focus on more brainstorming.” Scootaloo smiled sheepishly before getting down on all fours. “Right… let’s do it.” CMC Mission: Help Scootaloo Fly Idea:  Add enhancements to Scootaloo's wings to make them bigger Idea:  Lessons with Rainbow Dash Idea:  Throw Scootaloo from a high place (from the treehouse into a bush) and keep doing it until she flies All three CMCs sat looking at the paper, continuing to rake their brains for more ideas, ideas that could possibly work. Scootaloo broke the silence: “Well, uh… do you think we should start giving these a try? “Give what a try?” All three ponies turned at the sound of a familiar voice. “Hi girls,” said Diamond Tiara cheerfully. She hopped into the treehouse, Silver Spoon right behind her. “What’s that?” Applebloom quickly tore down the Mission diagram. “How’d you to know we were in here today?” This time, Silver Spoon spoke: “Diamond told me all about what you three do here, how you come here to wrap-up missions - mission wrap up, what a cute name! - and we just figured you’d be here, since it’s nearing the end of the week and things are starting to tone down at school. What’s a better way to end the week, right?” Don’t these two ponies have anything better to do than stalk us? Scootaloo couldn’t help the resentful feelings in her mind as her eagerness to start flying began slipping away. This was supposed to be a CMC mission. How could they do it if other ponies kept butting in? Scootaloo began cursing herself for inviting the nosy fillies to sit on the sidelines in the first place. But Diamond Tiara had looked so excited that day… how could I have said no? “Sooo, whatcha doing?” Diamond Tiara uncharacteristically hopped over to where Applebloom was standing. “You tore down that sign before I got to read it, silly! What does it say?” “Uuummm… honestly, Diamond Tiara, it’s confidential. It’s… a private mission. And…”  Applebloom sighed. “Honestly, it’d be better if we three did this alone. Like, just the three of us.” Diamond Tiara’s eyes widened with surprise. “A private mission?  You’ve never said that before until now… and I thought we were friends.” The pthalo-blue eyes got big with such exaggerated sadness, the other fillies -except for Silver Spoon - couldn’t tell whether it was real or fake. Applebloom scratched her head uncomfortably. “A’m… sorry, Diamond Tiara. It’s just that, well, when ya run such a tight business-” “No no, I understand.” Diamond Tiara closed her large eyes in sadness, before turning away. “Silvey and I… will just leave. You… go on with your mission. You don’t need us.” She sniffed; again, it was hard to tell whether the sadness was genuine. “Goodbye…” Goodbye and good riddance. For whatever reason, despite efforts to keep herself cool around the two reformed rivals, Scootaloo was beginning to feel something against them being around… “Well anyways - sorry about that Scoot, what was yer question?” Scootaloo shook herself back to reality. “Right. I was wondering… how about we try these things out, or something? I really like the idea of wing enhancers, to make it feel like my wings have grown.” Her wings beat eagerly. “I mean, the idea about throwing me from a high place works too, but maybe we should combine two to see if the wing-enhancers work in such situations.” “Yeah, now that we’re talking about this, I don’t think I’m so sure about wing enhancers after all, Scoot.” Applebloom with honesty, and sympathy. “I know I was the one to have mentioned it, but I’m not sure sure if it would end safely. I mean, who knows if you’ll be able to direct the wings properly, and with such strong gliders, they can cut through wind so fast… maybe too fast.” Worry began to edge Applebloom’s voice. “We wanna help you, Scoot, but we wanna do this as safely as possible.” “Oh… okay…” Scootaloo spoke softly, her voice hinting disappointment. “it would be cool and all, to have such big strong wings, but…” Scootaloo’s head hung. “Maybe you’re right.” Sweetie Belle chimed in eagerly, not wanting the emotion in the room to get to heavy. “So, that’s why I suggested flying lessons. It’s a safe way to learn how to fly, with a flying professional who actually knows what she’s doing, and it’s not so risky!” Sweetie Belle continued to beam with confidence. “Then, we can do the test with dropping you out of the treehouse - and if nothing works, we can try the wing enhancements. But at least by then, you’ll have your flying abilities down so it’ll be… slightly less safe. What do you say?” Before Scootaloo could say anything, all three ponies jumped at the sound of a new voice: “This ‘secret mission’ is for Scootaloo, right? Because I’m pretty sure she’s the only one of you three with wings.” > Chapter 7 - Accepting Assistance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three ponies fell silent as Diamond Tiara and her friend came upon the CMCs, strutting with the confidant, arrogance air that instinctively accompanied them. The two fillies walked over to the CMCs. Naturally, Diamond Tiara spoke first: “Silver and I were waiting outside, and we heard what you were saying.” The expression on her face, however, was hard to read. There were a few beats of silence. Then, Silver Spoon spoke, with a slight smirk in her voice. “This is about helping Scootaloo fly, isn’t it?” The CMCs hardly knew what to say in response to the smart-aleck grins on the two fillies’ faces. It looked as though the truth was out… now what would these two say? These ponies, who have made fun of me in the past- no. The past is past, Scootaloo. The past is in the past. But… what will they say about me? Finally, Diamond Tiara spoke: “We knew it. We just, like, knew it. You should really work on making this treehouse more private for ponies who you don’t want around.” A grinning Diamond Tiara motioned to the open doorway as she spoke. Applebloom found her voice: “Look.  We’re sorry we didn’t ask you two to come today. We never meant to hurt your feelings.” If there was one thing Applebloom was good at, it was saying something sincere while being honest. While it was true that neither of the CMCs were that keen on having the two reformed rivals as part of this special meeting, the actions had never been intentionally to make anypony feel left out. “But you two really shoudn’t ‘ave been spyin’ on us.” Diamond Tiara flashed one of her signature smiles; an effective mix between proud, friendly, and devious.  Perhaps the Deviousness, once again, was in the imagination of the CMCs. “In all fairness, Applebloom, you told us to leave. But you never said we couldn’t listen in.”  She glanced at her friend. “Isn’t that right, Silvey?” Silver Spoon shrugged slyly. “She does have a point, you know. Like, you three should really be more consistent with your wording.” Applebloom scowled: “Fer yer information it’s not you three, I was the one speakin’-” Applebloom shook her head. “Why am I gettin’ hung up over this? My point is, this is a-” “We know, we know, it’s a secret mission.” Silver Spoon spoke dismissively while waving her hoof and rolling her eyes, not showing any negative emotion from being rejected. “Our point is, we couldn’t help but listen in. And…”  Silver Spoon closed her eyes, and sighed loudly. “We aren’t here to make fun of you. We want…” She cringed a bit. “...to help... you.” The  crusaders were taken aback by surprise. Surprise, slightly hinted with doubt. Could this really be happening, or was this another a joke? Although the two rivals were reformed - as far as most ponies at the Ponyville school knew - who was to say that this for sure wasn’t another prank, or joke? Once again, strong-minded Applebloom spoke: “... Well, this is a surprise. But anyways, we really appreciate the offer and all, but this is something’ we should really do by ourselves.” Applebloom smiled widely. “So, not to rude or anythin’, but can ya please leave. Thank you.” Scootaloo couldn’t help flinching at the way Applebloom spoke. She had clearly inherited from her artificial sister the capability of being extremely honest and hard-headed, to a point where it could be hurtful. And these two fillies didn’t necessarily deserve to not be given a second chance. But do I want these two to help me fly? Scootaloo’s mind began to spin, like it always tended to do whenever the two former rivals were around. She thought of all the times Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon made fun of her for her inability to fly. At first, there were only small comments. Small bouts of giggling, pointing, name-calling. Small, rare situations that were easy to ignore. However, the fillies grew more persistent with age. And the bullying towards Scootaloo - besides many other ponies that were made into targets for flaws they had, from being blank flanks to unpopular to simply “uncool”, the bullying grew worse. Diamond Tiara, slightly taken aback by Applebloom’s words, spoke: “Listen. If you three let me help out… I’ll feel better about myself.” Her voice was softer now; her expression more somber. “This is going to sound a bit stupid, but… I’ve always wanted to be somepony else. And in order for that to happen-” Diamond Tiara looked away, blushing. “- or should I say, for me to realize that it’s happening… I just need to help somepony. Anypony. And I figured now that you three… may look like you need some help, I want to take this opportunity to prove to other ponies,” Diamond Tiara cringed, “and myself, that I’m… not so mean?” Diamond Tiara looked at the CMCs sheepishly. The words she had just spoken were hard to say, and yet, they flowed off her tongue quickly as though they had been rehearsed many times. “Uh, hold on a sec please.” Applebloom motioned her two friends closer, towards the back of the treehouse. She was calling for a private discussion. The entire discussion happened in whispers. Applebloom spoke first: “Scootaloo… what do you think? This mission is for you after all.” Her eyes bounced in the direction of the two other fillies.  “Do you want them to help you fly?” “Uuhh…” Scootaloo felt undecided. A part of her thought maybe, while a small voice in her still whispered: no”. The real question was which of the voices in her - which sides of her gut - she should trust. She went with the first one: “Maybe? I mean, well, it doesn’t look like they are going to leave unless we… let them in, you know?” “But that ain’t an excuse to include them. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I trust those two more than I did before, but… are we ready to trust them this much?” Applebloom’s eyes reflected the way Scootaloo felt: Uncertain, worried, confused. Finally, Sweetie Belle spoke: “You know what? They already know our mission, and they want to help. So, let’s trust them.” She beamed. The two other ponies looked at the unicorn in surprise. “What makes ya decide so quickly, Sweetie? Why do ya think this is such a good idea?” Sweetie Belle slighted in annoyance, without breaking her confidant air: “Well, Scootaloo did say that this is a CMC mission… but it would still be considered one if we were involved. Maybe we should look at this another way, and open up the idea of including other ponies, rather than restricting the responsibilities to us.” Sweetie Belle glanced over at the two fillies, as her expression turned more sincere: “And if we do this, we’ll help them feel more welcome. I think Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon can be nice, and we just need to give them a chance rather than shut them out, just because - no offence Scootaloo - this is supopsedly a mission only for the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” “But, Sweetie Belle - well, I like yer suggestion an’ all, but… who’s to say that this should be ‘bout them, when it’s really ‘bout Scootaloo flyin’?” Sweetie Belle’s eyes began to show more emotion: “But Applebloom, you don’t understand. If we help them, we also help Scootaloo. This mission is still about her. And we seem to be a bit limited on ideas. Maybe it’ll help to have two other friends help.” Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened in surprise, as the word “friends” came out of her mouth so automatically. Nevertheless, she continued. “I don’t know about you, but I really want to see Scootaloo fly.” The comment left Scootaloo blushing, with the warmness of receiving encouragement and care that she had been waiting all her life to receive. Sweetie Belle continued: “And here, it looks like we might all win both ways. Before saying whether letting other ponies help will…” Sweetie Belle made quotations with her hooves, “...’jinx things’, I say we give these two fillies a chance, and consider that maybe letting them help is for the good of this mission.” Applebloom sighed softly. “If ya say so, Sweetie. I mean, somepony needed to make a decision eventually.” Nethertheless, she smiled while saying this; Applebloom was confidant herself that perhaps this would work for the better, for three ponies rather than one. “Scoot, the final decision is yers. So, whaddya think?” The two ponies glanced at her encouragingly. Scootaloo, blush still rising in her cheeks from receiving so much care for her problems, answered: “Yes.” All three ponies turned around to inform Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon the decision. The two fillies had waited patiently for a rather long secret discussion. Scootaloo was the one who spoke, beaming: “Welcome to our mission.” As Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon cheered, everything in Scootaloo’s mind seemed to be alright. However, as the other two CMCs retained the Mission Diagram in order to show the two fillies the plans they had brainstormed already, the dark thoughts that she thought were long gone began to resurface… “Al-right! I call this CMC mission… To order!” Applebloom tapped the front table with the mock judge hammer. It felt just like old times, calling missions to order in this professional way. Only this time, there were two other ponies accompanying the CMCs in this special mission for a pegasus.  Two ponies who, in efforts to mend their old ways, insisted on helping this one time. At least, that was what it seemed like; hopefully, it was the truth. But meanwhile - all doubts cast aside - there was a mission to perform. A mission… with three cutie mark crusaders and two reformed rivals. No pony would have ever seen it coming. > Chapter 8 - Lessons with Rainbow Dash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Resumin’ from yesterday’s meetin’, our CMC Mission is ta help Scootaloo fly.” Scootaloo blushed a little at the mention of her goal around two former rivals who, in the past, she never would have dared tell something so personal. Especially when it had to do with her inability to fly, a topic which had encouraged countless jokes from the two fillies, and some ponies under their influence. Applebloom mounted the diagram on the wall, and read out the ideas: CMC Mission: Help Scootaloo Fly Idea: Add enhancements to Scootaloo's wings to make them bigger Problem: Might be too dangerous Idea:  Lessons with Rainbow Dash Idea:  Throw Scootaloo from a high place (from the treehouse into a bush) and keep doing it until she flies Silver Spoon raised her hoof. “Wouldn’t it be a little… dangerous to throw a Scootaloo out the window? I mean, it would be the same as throwing an earth pony out the window, because she can’t fly or use magic. No offence to earth ponies.” “None taken,” said Applebloom. “However, that is why we decided there’d be a trampoline or bush or somethin’ to soften Scootaloo’s fall.” Sweetie Belle chimed in: “It would be risky, but… it’s one of the few ideas we could come up with, and we are willing to try every available option we have.” “Well, can I make a suggestion?”, piped up Diamond Tiara. “How about, rather than throw poor Scootaloo out the window to get her to do something she can’t even do, how about if we first try lessons with Rainbow Dash? I mean, obviously none of us are pegasi, so maybe it makes more sense.” “I suppose so. Whaddya think, Scoot?” All eyes rested on Scootaloo, whose heart had begun thrumming with the idea of Rainbow Dash teaching her to fly. My role model, Rainbow Dash… but would she really waste her time on a hopeless case like me? What came out of Scootaloo’s mind was this: “How do you think we can get Rainbow Dash to agree to this?”  Scootaloo looked down.  “I mean, she has so many other priorities…” “But you two are so close, Scoot.” Sweetie Belle smiled reassuringly. “I’m sure that when she really knows how much you want to fly, she’d be happy to teach you.  I’m confident it’ll work.” Scootaloo looked at all her friends, who had eagerness in their eyes. She couldn’t get over the surprise of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon being so eager to help her; if anything, they looked slightly more eager than her friends. All Scootaloo could do was go into this, hope it would work, and hope it wouldn’t fall through the cracks. Rainbow Dash was soaring through the air, in the lead of fellow Wonderbolt members. With her being one of the top members on the team, it was hard to believe that she, at one point, had been trying to win their respect. It was flying practice. Scootaloo had known, from past times of coming to Cloudsdale to see her mentor, that flying practice would be around this time. Like the many times of coming to Cloudsdale, Scootaloo felt nervous about approaching a world of pegasi who could fly, who would probably look down upon her like a black sheep who didn’t belong. But this time was even more nervous, for two reasons: She was arriving in a hot air balloon, rather than the awesome way she had established when she first met Rainbow Dash’s parents, Bo Hothoof and Windy Whistles. Scootaloo was risking her meager confidence by requesting flying lessons - she, a lonely pegasus - with so many ponies watching, including the Wonderbolts. “Come on, Scootaloo”, whispered Diamond Tiara. The whispering of a once intimidating voice sent goosebumps down Scootaloo’s spine, despite knowing she could trust the two fully reformed rivals. “You need to push yourself. Get yourself onto those clouds, call her name. It’s now or never.” Scootaloo breathed loud. Then she got on her scooter and, with an efficient beating of her wings, drove up the ramp and onto the clouds… Flying through the air on her scooter was an awesome sensation. Unfortunately, the sensation was short as Scootaloo landed on the clouds, once again unable to fly. “Rainbow Dash.” Her voice came out quiet. Speak up, Scoot. Get what you want, what you need. Scootaloo looked back at her friends, who smiled encouragingly at her.  With renewed confidence, Scootaloo took out a microphone, and called out again. Rainbow Dash stopped abruptly, in recognition of a familiar young voice. She flew to the side, took off her flight goggles,and squinted down below. “Scootaloo?” What she saw was a young, tiny-winged pegasus, waving her hooves wildly to get attention. If it had been her parents interrupting her flight practice for the sake of, well, being parents, then that would be a different story.  However, with the history of so many moments in between the two of them, Rainbow Dash had developed a soft spot for her interesting little fan.  And if she wanted to have a talk, then that was important. Rainbow Dash turned and called back: “Sorry guys, duty calls! I’ll come back in about ten, okay?” Then, Rainbow Dash flew, with speed and precision, down to her young follower. “So, let me get this straight: You want flying lessons?” Scootaloo had told Rainbow Dash everything she had discussed with her friends, including the nightmare; after all, this wasn’t the first time she shared bad dreams with the older pegasus. That said, it was still hard getting her point across in real life. Scootaloo spoke softly, with some nerve in her voice: “Well, remember when I asked you a few years back if you could… take me under your wing and teach me some things?” Rainbow Dash thought: “Yeah, I do remember that.” She looked down at Scootaloo. “Did you really mean at that time that you wanted me to help you fly?” “Not help me, teach me. I know that my wings are too small.” Scootaloo glanced sadly at her wings, which opened and closed uselessly. “And I know there’s a chance that… I may never fly. But I know that you are an amazing flier. So I was thinking…” Eagerness began to edge Scootaloo’s expression. “Maybe you could teach me a few things that I can do. Some tricks that… may work for me?” Scootaloo’s wings instinctively buzzed with excitement. She edged closer to Rainbow Dash. “The truth is, I’ve always wanted to fly, especially if it meant being as awesome as you.” “Scootaloo”, Rainbow Dash’s tone grew serious, “remember what I said about you being awesome in your own way?” Scootaloo’s eyes began to fill with plead. “I know that.  But even so... now that I’m getting older, and I still can't…” the words pierced Scootaloo’s heart. “I want you to try, Rainbow Dash, please. For me.” Rainbow Dash was taken aback once again, by the look of Scootaloo’s eyes. Hope, edged with crestfallen sadness. Finally, she spoke: “Okay, Scoot. Hang around for another while while I finish practice, and I’ll teach you to fly.” She patted Scootaloo on the head, before taking off. Scootaloo told the rest about her success, and gave them permission to leave or stay, since she was planning to be able to fly back home - or at least get a ride from Rainbow Dash. Since then, she had been bubbling with excitement and anticipation for the rest of the Wonderbolts’ flying practice. She tried to focus on the show-rehearsal, but couldn’t help feeling like the time for flying lessons wouldn’t approach fast enough. Scootaloo focused on the Wonderbolts themselves; the way their wings moved and glided gracefully through the air, flapping to defy gravity.  Despite the difficulty of the task, Scootaloo concentrated on their wings in the hopes that one day, that would be her. Scootaloo became so entranced that she forgot her fears about being made fun of by other pegasi for having such small, useless wings.  Instead, she seemed to have finally refound her ability to focus on the present, and on what was awesome. “Alright, let’s get to it shall we?” Rainbow Dash blew a whistle around her neck, before holding up a timer. “Let’s try some wing exercises. You are to stay in the air for ten seconds. One, two, three, GO!” Scootaloo jumped in the air, and her wings retained the rapid buzz that they often gave in an attempt to fly. Naturally, despite her hard work, the attempt was shorter than ten seconds.  Scootaloo fell flat on her face, onto the cloud. “Okay, so that didn’t work. So how about having a boost?” Scootaloo tried to find the meaning of Rainbow Dash’s words. “What do you mean by that?” “I’ll show you. Here.” Rainbow Dash flew over to Scootaloo with a few flaps of her wings. “I’ll hold you in between my hooves, like so, and i’ll fly into the air, like so!” Rainbow Dash holding Scootaloo between two hooves, flew four feet into the air. She then whispered into Scootaloo’s ear: “Now, Scoot. You are in the air. You are in midair, and you need to beat your wings to stay off the ground, so that you don’t fall. Got it?” Scootaloo nodded, not bothering to mention that this trick had happened once before, while she was falling out of a tree after a failed attempt to interview a nest of birds for the Foal Free Press, and that attempt had been unsuccessful. That had been a while back, anyway. Maybe with Rainbow Dash here… Scootaloo’s wings began to move. They buzzed, and buzzed… Rainbow Dash’s hooves let go. And Scootaloo remained four feet in the air. She squinted with concentration, her wings beating rapidly, as she tried not to think of that one time she did the same thing, and fell out of the tree. The attempt was unsuccessful, and Scootaloo fell face-down, hard, onto the cloud. The flashback from a few years ago repeating itself in her head, Scootaloo glanced at her beating wings with a look of defeat, and then said to Rainbow Dash: “Could we just… try that again?” But even as the words left her lips, Scootaloo knew that if it didn’t work this time - or any other times in the past - the odds were pretty slim about this tiresome trick working at all. Rainbow Dash sat down with a huff. “Okay, Scootaloo, we’ve been doing this for a long time. Aren’t you tired by now? Because I know I am.” “Me? Tired!?! I don’t want to stop trying no matter how I feel!” With that, Scootaloo jumped into the air one more time… “ngh…” and fell down. The attempt was even shorter than the last; her small wings were getting tired, and weak. Rainbow Dash sighed. “Look, Scoot. I’m very sorry about the way this is turning out, but- Suddenly, something Sparkled in Scootaloo’s eyes, as a brand new idea came into her head. She jumped up and spoke excitedly: “Wait! I just realized something! I remember watching the way the Wonderbolts flew earlier - specifically their wings - thinking if my wings could move a different… way?” The hopeful pleading returned to her eyes. Rainbow Dash tapped her chin in thought. “I never thought about that. Not to brag or anything, but flying as always come to me naturally. That said, maybe you do need to learn.” She grinned, and winked. “Come over here, Scoot. I’ll fly slowly for you. Pay special attention to my wings, okay?” Rainbow Dash’s wings flapped up and down, changing directions, but always maintaining a steady beat. What Scootaloo noticed especially was that they flapped, not buzzed. “Do what I do, Scoot. Stay right behind me. Watch, and learn.” Scootaloo eagerly hopped right next to Rainbow Dash and spread her own wings wide. “You see, Scoot, first you should get your shoulder muscles involved. Like so.” Rainbow Dash stood up, and rolled her shoulders in miniature circles. Scootaloo repeated the movement with ease. She grinned. Next, Rainbow Dash got back onto four legs. “Now I’m gonna move my wings, ve-ery slo-owly, and you’re gonna try repeating my movements. Got it?” Scootaloo nodded, excitement rising in her chest. “Got it!” Rainbow Dash stood casually, moving nothing but her wings.  What Scootaloo noticed was this: Rainbow Dash’s large, feathered, lustful wings flapped up and down with glamour. There was flexibility in the way they folded through the air, how the upper muscles seemingly rolled like waves. The outer feathers seemingly scraped the space around them. The lower muscles, however, remained stiff for directing flight and movement. Rainbow Dash continued to move her wings, while glancing at Scootaloo. “Now, give yours a try!” Scootaloo glanced at her own wings, and tried moving them. They repeated the movements of Rainbow Dash; the miniature muscles moved with the flexibility and agility that wings naturally had. But, due to the size of the wings, the flaps - though skillful - were short and rapid. Scootaloo could see, while looking at her wings, why they couldn’t take her off the ground. Rainbow Dash didn’t mention whether or not she noticed this. She just said: “Alright, easy does it. You gotta remember adding those shoulders in. Now… why don’t you try flying? Scootaloo began to scowl at her wings, like she had once before. A flashback hit her about that one night after the flag carrying routine, when she had tried, again and again, to fly off the ground. Shaking her head to get rid of it, Scootaloo glanced at her own wings, and tried. Scootaloo’s wings were small and weak, like a young filly. They didn’t flap like the long, broad wings of an older pegasus, rather,  they buzzed. But maybe, Scootaloo could teach them to flap like Rainbow Dash’s. Scootaloo was now  in the air, concentrating hard on the movement of her wings. Flap=flap-flap-flap… Scootaloo had somehow gotten the wings into a motion slower than flapping. Though not as skillful as Rainbow Dash’s, they seemed to do the trick.  Maybe this way would work. She gradually got higher and higher... Suddenly, the wings began to slow down - the got too slow. Scootaloo’s eyes popped open right  before she fell from the air. Frustration bubbling in her, she got up and tried again. Come on, Scootaloo.  Come on!  Flap-flap-flap-flap-flapflapflapflapflap- “oof!” Scootaloo could see, now, that her wings had the tendency to instinctively speed up, and buzz rather than flap, presumably due to their incompetent size. The frustration was immediately replaced by intense determination, which she recognized from her attempts to fly during the flag-carrying routine. Scootaloo got up… and fell. Got up… and fell. Scootaloo got up and, her face scrunched in concentration, began to take- A hoof was suddenly on her back. “Scootaloo, you’re getting very frustrated. I… I think you should stop for now. You’re trying very, very hard.... But I’m not sure if this is going to work.” Scootaloo’s eyes popped open: “You mean… you can’t teach me to fly?” A ball of devastation rolled up in Scootaloo’s chest, and into her eyes. Rainbow Dash looked sadly at her: “Honestly, Scootaloo… I’ve been watching you. You just… don’t have to ability to fly. Your wings… they aren’t big enough, or they don’t move like they should, or maybe it’s a little of both-” The determination was back. “No. NO! I have to fly- ngh!” Scootaloo began to rise into the air, rocking unsteadily from side to side until one of her small, hardworking wings gave out, and Scootaloo fell down, flat on her face. Her wings shrivelled with cramps, and fatigue. Rainbow Dash came down to Scootaloo’s level, and lifted her face up with a hoof. She spoke softly: “Listen, Scootaloo. You really shouldn’t try to do something that you can’t do. I’ve told you before: I am me, and you are you. You’re awesome the way you are. Don’t you remember that? Do you remember me saying that?” Scootaloo nodded, biting her lip. Rainbow Dash continued: “So, just remember what I said, alright?” She smiled. “I know it can be very, very hard to accept when you can’t do something. I can imagine how devastated I would be if I couldn’t fly -” Worry replaced her expression. “No offense.” “None taken,” mumbled Scootaloo. She looked down defeatedly at the cloud she was on, which was beginning to turn orange with the sun set. The cloud became see through, and Scootaloo looked down on Ponyville. It was such a beautiful view, from the cloud she was on. It was a beautiful view that every other pegasus saw every day, and took for granted. The ability to fly through the clouds, looking down on the land… was something Scootaloo would probably never have. Rainbow Dash bent down, and hugged Scootaloo. “Look. I’m really, really sorry, okay?” “Can we try again another time, Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo spoke with uncharacteristically heavy emotion in her voice; a vocal tone she normally wouldn’t have been caught dead speaking in. Blinking against the tears, she looked pleadingly at her mentor. Rainbow Dash sighed, and then smiled: “If it makes you feel better, then sure.” She stood up, and motioned to her back. “Hop on Scoot, and I’ll take you home.” > Chapter 9 - Different Ideas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo trudged into the CMC clubhouse for the next meeting. She was in such a daze, such a foggy state, she barely noticed the smiling faces of her friends. Diamond Tiara spoke first! “Scootaloo! Long time no see! Another day of flying lessons yesterday; was it?” She beamed. “So-o, have you seen any improvement lately?” The same question had been asked every single meeting that followed a flying lesson. Now, tired of belting out the same answer, Scootaloo resorted to another response. She opened her wings, buzzed them uselessly, and then looked down in defeat. The other ponies looked at each other awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Finally, Sweetie Belle spoke: “Maybe next time, you’ll get it?” Scootaloo spoke in a low, frustrated tone, one which she knew she would sincerely regret using later on: “I’ve been having flying lessons for weeks. And it’s always the same thing.  No improvement!” Scootaloo scrunched up her face and beat her wings one last time, before sitting down with a huff. The frustrated had been building in her with every passing lesson - none of which ended in success - and it was finally, despite efforts to conceal it, starting to show. “Well…” Diamond Tiara spoke with hesitance. “I remember, when I tried to become nice, it took a lot of effort. So maybe that’s what you need. That, and some confidence.” All tension about having the two reformed rivals around had long ceased, despite recurring memories of their bullying. Even so, it still took a little bit of effort for Scootaloo to look up and smile at Diamond Tiara, like she would at her friends. “Thank you for the advice, Diamond Tiara. It’s just so… frustrating…” She grinned. “If you keep trying, the lessons should work.” Silver Spoon then spoke: “Whether they work or not, you like spending time with Rainbow Dash, right? Maybe this is a good thing for you to do anyway. You know, a diversion.” Scootaloo’s gaze faltered slightly at the unexpected words, words which shed light on a new idea: Not only may the lessons never work… but was she really deluding herself by taking lessons with Rainbow Dash - lessons which would wind up being only a diversion from reality? Even if it made her feel better… Scootaloo wasn’t so sure about being a pony who thought that way; who aimed for the impossible without achieving, simply to distract herself from the reality. This, she thought, would lead her down a fairly dark path of low self-confidence that she wasn’t so sure she wanted to be on. Applebloom didn’t speak; she just came over, and patted Scootaloo’s shoulder with sympathy. Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo with shining, sympathetic eyes. She resisted the words that clogged her throat, and threatened to come out: I don’t think that flying lessons are the solution to the problem, or your feelings. “Come on, Scoot! You can do it! Just fly up to that next cloud; it’s only two feet up! Now… go!”  Rainbow Dash blew her whistle. “Hmpf… hrrrggg…” Scootaloo levitated into the air, her wings buzzing wildly… and fell from a foot and a half. Rainbow Dash smiled half-heartedly. “Hey, a half a foot higher than your first record! Congrats!” She put her hoof up for a high-hoof, and Scootaloo responded to it grudgingly. “Now,” Rainbow Dash continued, as she herself flew a few inches above the cloud she stood on, “remember what I taught you about flapping your wings, and really getting those shoulder muscles in?” Her wings moved slower than usual, as a demonstration. Scootaloo watched the way Rainbow Dash’s wings rolled and bended elegantly in the air, with effective agility and flexibility. She then folded and unfolded her wings a few times, clenched and unclenched the muscles in them, and flapped… Scootaloo’s friends sat on the sideline, watching with amusement as Scootaloo tried her full effort to get into the air - now she got to two feet… before falling hard on the cloud. Finally, Sweetie Belle spoke up: “Does, uh, anypony else think that these flying lessons… may not be what Scootaloo needs?” Applebloom answered: “Well, I don’t know ‘bout that, but they did seem like the best option on our list. The least dangerous one, anyhow.” “I agree,” chimed in Silver Spoon, who had become more talkative and involved since she got further into the habit of speaking for herself, rather than reflecting or agreeing with the words of Diamond Tiara. “Even if they don’t really work, well, Scootaloo seems to be enjoying them, and they are a start.” “But we’ve been at a ‘start’ for three weeks already. And don’t you remember how frustrated she’s been with the results, or should I say, lack of?” As Sweetie Belle spoke, an idea chimed in her head - one which she had kept hidden for days, unsure of how the other ponies would react to it. Instead of saying the idea that threatened to leave her mouth, she simply said: “I think we should try something else.” Applebloom frowned out of confusion. “What do ya mean, somethin’ else? We’ve brainstormed all we could, and everythin’ else seems-” “Dangerous. I know.” Sweetie Belle glanced back at Scootaloo, who was now lying on the clouds, exhausted and defeated, with Rainbow Dash sitting beside her and talking to her. “How about if we at least ask Rainbow Dash if she thinks these flying lessons are working. She’s the pegasus after all, so she should know best.” Sweetie Belle then glanced at her friends. “And from there, we can do some more thinking. Maybe after knowing what Rainbow Dash thinks, we will have some ideas.” The truth was, Sweetie Belle already had an idea. But it was one she would need to try without the knowing of her pessimistic friend, Applebloom. After having a quick discussion with Rainbow Dash, all four fillies went back to Ponyville on the hot air balloon the had arrived in. Scootaloo had been left back in Cloudsdale to do more training - but by now, they knew that Rainbow Dash was only doing this to help Scootaloo feel better. She herself knew how little progress was happening, and that even with the few tweaks that Scootaloo made to her attempts, she needed bigger, stronger wings to be able to fly. Bigger, stronger wings. Bigger. Stronger. That was what Rainbow Dash had said. Scootaloo didn’t need to learn how to fly, she needed the ability. And that was what she didn’t want to admit. That was why Sweetie Belle had decided, once and for all, to use magic to help Scootaloo fly. Meanwhile, it was still a bit of a trip from Cloudsdale, Because of this, the fillies had a fair amount of time to talk about their faltering mission. “A’m really worried about Scootaloo”, said Applebloom. “She wants somethin’ she can’t get. That’s the worst thin’ fer a pony; we should all be grateful fer what we ‘ave, rather than wantin’ to be somepony else.” If anypony noticed the reference Applebloom unintentionally made about Diamond Tiara needing to have become somepony else in order to be reformed, nopony mentioned it. Sometimes, it was better to leave things in the past, where they belonged. Silver Spoon spoke: “I don’t think I’ll ever know what it’s like to not have an ability of your own race… or any of us, for that matter. Do any of you two happen to know how long Scootaloo felt so discouraged? Like, maybe as a young filly she thought that one day she would fly, but then she grew and saw that her wings wouldn’t grow…” Sweetie Belle answered: “We never thought of her feeling so discouraged; her personality, for the most part, has always been so cheerful and bright. But I think it started a few years ago, when Applebloom and I started to notice her having moments of sulking and trying to fly. She never talked about it out loud with us until these past few weeks.” Diamond Tiara had been quiet the entire time. But when the ponies finally arrived at the clubhouse, she spoke: “I can’t help but wonder… if it has anything to do with what I told herr… about being a pegasus who can’t fly.” The ponies waited at the treehouse, trying to think about other ideas they could try for Scootaloo. At this point, everypony was devoted to this mission, to make Scootaloo happy. No one had responded to Diamond Tiara’s comment about it being her fault, so there was a small elephant in the room. Everypony had mixed thoughts as to whether it was or wasn’t Diamond Tiara’s fault, but they all subconsciously decided that what’s past was past. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle must have had the busiest mind in the room.  She, being the one pony with magic, couldn’t help feeling as though she wasn’t contributing all she could - despite Applebloom having shot down the idea of her or anypony more powerful using magic, because it was “cheating”. Unsure of what to do with the thoughts in her head, Sweetie Belle spoke up: “I wonder if we should try throwing Scootaloo out the window after all?”  The words came off as overdetermined to throw a pony out the window against her will.  Nevertheless, she continued:  “I know Silver Spoon said it would be risky, but…” If I were to assist her with some magic, it might be worth a shot. Silver Spoon shot Sweetie Belle a look. “Exactly. As I’ve said, it would just be too dangerous. We need to think of a better, safer idea. But it’s quite hard with a pegasus who just can’t fly-” “Why can’t we at least try that idea? We can  have a trampoline at the bottom or something! Besides, it’d be good practice for her to stay in the air.” Sweetie Belle constantly stifled her idea of levitating Scootaloo, and maybe afterwards using magic to make her wings grow. Diamond Tiara snorted. “But Rainbow Dash told us: Her wings need to be bigger, and stronger. She knows how to fly, but she just can’t. That’s our predicament.” Then, feeling suddenly ashamed, she looked down. The elephant in the room was back, once again. As all ponies tried to ignore it, all Sweetie Belle could think about was how good a diversion it would be if she mentioned magic- but then all these ponies would defy and doubt her. She, like her sister, was hardly taken seriously when it came to knowledge of magic. And like Applebloom had said, it would be cheating. That said, Sweetie Belle could not stop being tempted by the thought.  If these ponies would just back off, and let her help Scootaloo her way, this mission would actually get somewhere. Sweetie Belle knew that her magic wasn’t that strong; she took after her sister in the sense of being a unicorn who wouldn’t exactly qualify for Princess Celestia’s magic school. Nevertheless, Sweetie Belle was a unicorn, so who was to say it would be impossible for her to… at least try?” Lessons with Rainbow Dash took place three times a week now. Every other day would be an ordinary CMC meeting to follow up. Each follow-up meeting, Scootaloo’s mood grew worse. Earlier in the month she would walk in at least attempting to smile despite the frustrated, edgy thoughts that went on in her head. Once she figured out that her friends could read her like a book, she had stopped trying to hide what went on inside her. Scootaloo never got angry; she never punched the wall, or screamed, or anything. What everypony saw was simply frustration and depression that bottled up in her head until she just seemed drained to exhaustion. Throughout the week, Sweetie Belle had been keeping a mental list of ways to use her magic to help Scootaloo fly. She had done a little bit of research in the library for spells that might help, and took note of magical enhancements that could help Scootaloo. In watching her friend grow weary throughout the meeting, Sweetie Belle decided: Maybe I should use a mood-enhancement spell, to increase her confidence. The pace of CMC follow-up meetings would go as follows: Scootaloo would give the run-down about her last flying lesson, ponies would ask her questions about how she felt the lessons were going (to which here Scootaloo would put on a confidant expression and say that she thought they would have to help her eventually), and otherwise the ponies would just talk; about Scootaloo and how she felt now and how long she's wanted to fly, not to mention brainstorming further ideas to help her strengthen her wings and agility. There would be light conversation to get to know Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon better, to better enforce their presence in the group. Because the structure of meetings had become so loose, it wasn’t too hard for Sweetie Belle to pull Scootaloo over for a talk. The two ponies went to the corner of the clubhouse and whispered quietly: “Scoot. I was thinking. I really want to help, and… I think I should use my magic to help you fly.” Scootaloo’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “M-m-” Sweetie Belle quickly shoved her hoof into Scootaloo’s mouth to block her from blurting out the word. Then, she continued: “I’m telling you quietly like this, because I don’t want Applebloom or the others to know. She…” Sweetie Belle averted her eyes before glancing back, “thinks it would be cheating. And,” she sighed loudly, “that I’m not powerful enough.” Scootaloo’s voice was sleepily sombre, with a touch of sympathy: “Well, no offence Sweetie, but-” Sweetie Belle interrupted quickly before the words could sting her: “I know, I know what you’re going to say, and I know, alright? But… I want to try. I want to see if I can do it. More importantly, I want to help you.” Sweetie Belle’s sympathetic eyes met Scootaloo’s. “Scoot, I know you won’t want to hear this… we don’t think the lessons are working for you.” To the unicorn’s surprise, Scootaloo didn’t react. Instead, she hung her head in defeat, and murmured: “I know. I just… wanted to try and see-” “I understand that. Rainbow Dash knows you want to keep going, so she kept giving you lessons, but… she talked to us, and she too doesn’t feel confidant about this plan.” Suddenly, Scootaloo’s expression changed. Her wings spread out, and she began to scowl. “So Rainbow Dash doesn’t believe in me. These lessons may be for nothing.” Sweetie Belle recognized this look: It was the expression of frustrated anger that Scootaloo often had. She knew it would, with nowhere else to go, turn into defeat. It was not dangerous, rather, it was hard to watch. Sweetie Belle could only look sadly at Scootaloo, until she looked up and said: “I like your idea. Let’s try it.” While Sweetie Belle was off talking to Scootaloo, Applebloom took the opportunity to discuss her thoughts on the mission with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. “I’m not so sure about the direction this is goin’. Not to mention, we went for lessons with Rainbow Dash thinkin’ that would be aur best bet. An’ it seemed perfect because, well, she’s a pegasus, and we as Scootaloo’s friends who, well, know nothin’ about flyin’ could encourage her and route her on. But…”  Applebloom frowned, her hairbow sagging. “I’m afraid we may not have any more ideas.” Diamond Tiara thought for a second. Then suddenly, her blue eyes sparkled with brilliant confidence: “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Applebloom  I think I have an idea how you can help. Or more accurately, how we can help.” She gestured around the circle at the three ponies, then continued: “We should meet sometime tomorrow - maybe during Scootaloo’s flying lessons? ‘And talk about it. I think you’ll really like this.” She grinned ecstatically, to the ponies’ surprise. “Silver spoon, you should come too.” > Chapter 10 - Magical Assistance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle’s List of Ideas for Scootaloo Levitate her out of a window Try to make her wings grow bigger and stronger Floating spell to make her float without the use of wings Sweetie Belle, who was now sitting at home, tapped her chin for other ideas. They were obviously based on what the CMCs had talked about, in terms of giving Scootaloo a boost by throwing her out of the window or enhancing her wings. So at least there was still some team effort involved in this solitary planning. I get the idea of “team effort”, thought Sweetie Belle, but I can’t help but wish that we could all just do our own planning like this, rather than having to all agree with each others’ ideas in order for them to come through. I mean, maybe magic will be the answer after all, and now that I’m finally coming to a stand and doing my own planning, Scootaloo will finally get the help that she needs. Sweetie Belle felt a small twinge of guilt for going ahead with her ideas without the rest of her team. Then she shoved it off, knowing that if she wasn’t taking a stand to do what she felt was right, this CMC mission probably wouldn’t go far at all. It was the next day - a day for lessons with Rainbow Dash. As always, all four of Scootaloo’s friends had arrived in a hot air balloon to come and watch, and support Scootaloo. The idea of using magic was still a secret, and neither the pegasus nor the unicorn had discussed the proposal since it was mentioned the other day. Sweetie Belle sat watching Scootaloo struggle to stay in the air for more than five seconds, wondering constantly about when she should start using magic, and how to use it discreetly. She knew that Applebloom would likely be unhappy at Sweetie Belle for going ahead with something that hadn’t been agreed upon by everypony as a team. But what else was there for them to do? It was either wait for another brilliant idea, or do magic discreetly. And Sweetie Belle was choosing the latter. In fact, thought Sweetie Belle as she watched Scootaloo practice flapping her wings the way Rainbow Dash flapped hers, and then performing another unsuccessful attempt, maybe I should help Scootaloo… right now. Sweetie Belle glanced at her friends, then held up a book to block her horn so that nopony would see the glow. She then used her horn to burn two peepholes through the book and, glancing through them, concentrated… Scootaloo yelped as a magical orb surrounded her while she was in the air. Her wings stopped beating out of surprise… and surprise overcame her when she realized she was staying in the air… “Sweetie Belle! Hello, earth to Sweetie Belle?” It was Applebloom, waving her hoof in front of the unicorn’s face. She immediately realized she was daydreaming, and snapped out of it. “Yeah, sorry…” she smiled sheepishly. She then glanced back at Scootaloo, who was still trying unsuccessfully to fly. “So, I figured I should tell ya this… Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon want to talk to me in private tomorrow about… somethin’.” Applebloom rubbed her head nervously. “It’s… well, I don’t really know what it’s about, but Diamond Tiara seems to really want us to meet, and uh… I think I should be there.” Sweetie Belle tried not to let the surprise show on her face, nor the excited beating of her heart. “Um, sure.  Yeah, okay, that’s fine.” “Yer okay with that?” Applebloom looked serious. “I know we always like to meet up after flyin’ lessons… but ta be honest, our meetin’s haven’t been of much substance lately anyway - not to say that our mission’s fallin’ through’ or anythin’ but, my point is, maybe it’s good we all have a break tomorrow. A break. Yes. A break. AB, that is exactly what I need. Sweetie Belle tried not to look to happy as she nodded understandingly. “Yeah, sure, you go ahead. Maybe I’ll use it as a day off to do my own thing.” That was only a white lie. Applebloom grinned. “Yeah, sure. I’m glad you’re alright with this. You know I’d never leave you out of things unless it was an unusual situation like this.” The words left a slight pang in Sweetie Belle’s heart, because that was exactly what she was doing. Nevertheless, she brushed off the feeling and smiled back. “I completely understand. We’re all friends, after all.” She then realized something: “Wait. Where do you think you’ll meet?” “Oh. Diamond Tiara mentioned Silver Spoon’s house, because it’s private and her parents are often away. Why?” This is perfect! Sweetie Belle smiled cooly. “Oh, I was just thinking I could spend my me-time in the treehouse.” “Yeah, well anyhow, I already told Scootaloo that the meetin’s off fer tomorrow. That said, she may get the same idea and join ya in the abandoned treehouse.” Applebloom laughed. “All I’m sayin’ is, be prepared fer a surprise.” Sweetie Belle could only smile at that. “Yeah.  Right.” A surprise… Scootaloo, Meet me at the treehouse after school. I want to show you something I think you might like. Scootaloo knew that the note she got in class was from Sweetie Belle. She also knew that the meeting for tomorrow had been called off, which could only mean one thing: It was time for Sweetie Belle to try using magic. Scootaloo hadn’t travelled on her scooter in days, because she wanted to save her energy for flying lessons. Also, her wings had been feeling sore lately from all the practicing, and to ride her scooter required lots of strength; something she felt her small wings losing rather than growing. Scootaloo had butterflies in her stomach as she approached the treehouse. The butterflies were from excitement, and worry that something might go wrong. All she could do was  hope that the magic would be a better resort - even if it was considered cheating. Scootaloo arrived at the treehouse first. She walked past the stump where she had attempted flying many weeks ago, where she first met reformed Diamond Tiara. She climbed the ladder and walked into the treehouse. The treehouse felt so empty without her friends, and powerful with memories of friendship. It would also be a powerful place for Scootaloo to visit, due to this mission to remember that took place right now. It was a meaningful mission because it involved something so deep, and was a demonstration that she had friends who truly cared about her, and would think she was awesome even if this mission did fall through. Scootaloo, for the millionth time since this mission had started, ignored the negativity buzzing in her brain. Negativity towards herself and the expected outcome of this mission. She just closed her eyes, and breathed in the woodsy scent. She stood there, deep in thought, for a while until she heard Sweetie Belle’s eager voice. Sweetie Belle mounted her list of ideas telekinetically onto the wall. She then telekinetically took a few books out of her school bag. They were spell books. Scootaloo squinted at them, recognizing a couple that she had spotted Twilight reading in the past. These were the kind of books that skilled unicorns used. Did Sweetie Belle really have the capability to perform such spells? She’s a unicorn, Scootaloo, she reminded herself. She can do magic. So of course she can pull it off. Still, Scootaloo - often a daredevil herself - couldn’t help the small but significant butterflies in her stomach. The three fillies had taken the train into the outskirts of Ponyville, where the higher-class ponies tended to live. Applebloom looked all around the house she was in with wide eyes. She knew Silver Spoon was rich, and was somewhat expecting she’d live in a mansion; But this was a palace. The ceilings were glass, and were roughly one hundred feet high. A pool was in the backyard. Lush couches and lined the party-sized living room, and in the middle stood a long marble top table with gold finishing. The other rooms were glamourous looking themselves, in their own way. Silver Spoon spoke up, in a somewhat familiar tone she would use to boast about ponies she marveled about, or looked up to: “My family actually meets with a lot of important ponies. They run several large farm and furniture manufacturing companies around Equestria; that’s why they are gone so often.” They approached the couches. “Please, girls. Have a seat.” So this was actually a meeting room, not a living room. That made things easier to understand. Applebloom had trouble imagining how her family who ran a small farm in Ponyville would react to all this… material wealth. Her sister, for starters, would have a fit about marble top tables and other class or ceramic house-things being pretty, but not practical. Another thing Applebloom had trouble digesting was that she was doing something that would have seemed unthinkable years back: Sitting in the mansion of Silver Spoon, on the same couch as Diamond Tiara. Although she knew they were reformed, it still felt weird and somewhat surreal. Maybe, after all those years, it still would despite having fully accepted these two as friends. Sweetie Belle flipped to a few pages she had bookmarked in a spellbook, and read out loud from them. “Pony levitation spell, for beginners: Keeps the pony in the air for ten minutes, providing the physical effect of flying. Allows to pony to move through the air at their free will, like they are swimming.” She telekinetically flipped the page. “Secondary pony levitation spell: Allows the unicorn casting the spell to move and control the pony they are levitating, but requires more magical stamina and raw will. Not recommended for beginners.” Sweetie Belle smiled. “So beginners can use these spells after all. Otherwise, it would say that on all these spells!” Scootaloo felt herself relax a little, despite the excitement of being levitated into the air, and being able to fly - even if it was only for ten minutes. “Temporary growth spell: Lasts an hour, allows the object to grow to the unicorn’s desire. Cannot be used on other ponies.” Sweetie Belle frowned. “But look here: Pony growth spell. Can grow a pony bigger than their designated size. Specific results depend  on the unicorn’s intentions and raw will. See the spell underneath to reverse effects.” Sweetie Belle clapped her hooves gleefully. “We’re getting somewhere, are we not?” Scootaloo grinned as she felt herself catching Sweetie Belle’s excitement. Sweetie Belle telekinetically opened the other spell books. “These other books are backups; they have spells somewhat similar to this; in a way, all spells are connected to one another.” She grinned at the memory of Twilight’s lessons from a while back, when she would occasionally practice magic with Sweetie Belle. “But I think we should go through these first. So, where do you want to start?” Scootaloo thought for a second. Despite the excitement bubbling in her - this could really work! - she decided that these things should be taken slow and steady. “How about if we do the spells them in the order you mentioned them. You can start with the beginners-friendly levitation spell.” “So, I was thinking: You know how, like, neither of us can do much to help Scootaloo because we aren’t pegasi, and therefore hardly know, like, anything about flying?” For the duration of the mission, the predicament had been beneath a fog of denial; a low-key elephant in the room. Diamond Tiara took the two other ponies by surprise in how she mentioned it so straight-forwardly, so bluntly. Because of the strong, manipulative personality that Diamond Tiara seemingly still possessed despite being reformed, the two other ponies automatically nodded in agreement. The ring leader smiled sweetly, and continued: “Well, there are three races here in Equestria, correct? Unicorns, Pegasi, Earth Ponies.” She flipped her long mane as she said so. “And, we are all special, in our own ways. Correct?” The two other earth ponies in the room nodded, not quite sure what Diamond Tiara was getting at with this speech - although it did have a pleasant motivation to it, recognizing that no race dominated another. Even Silver Spoon was surprised to see this morally confidant side of her best friend. “You two are probably wondering why I’m saying this. Well, it’s because, we’re all Earth Ponies. And although we know nothing about flying, we can help Scootaloo, with our abilities.” Applebloom raised a hoof, her eyes narrowed in confusion. “So… what yer sayin’ is, we should help Scootaloo with our Earth Pony abilities?” Diamond Tiara flipped her long mane: “What you’re saying is Earth Ponies are useless?” “No no, I don’t mean that. I know her have special traits of our own. My sister uses her strength to run our family farm, fer pete's’ sa-” “Well do you know what? Farming is what we are specially good at. You just stated my point right there, Applebloom. Sometimes, the natural way is the only way to go. Therefore, we earth ponies should farm some food to help Scootaloo’s wings grow. Who’s with me?” “I am!” Silver Spoon jumped in giddily, before saying to Applebloom; “I did say that my family is rich because of farming.” She turned towards her best friend. “So who is to say we can’t use these talents for stuff other than money? What a great idea, Diamond!” Diamond Tiara, still a lover of attention, flipped her mane and giggled. Applebloom began to smile in thought: Maybe this would be a good idea. If there was one thing she had learned today, it was that having Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon around for help may have been the best decision she had made this year. > Chapter 11 - Spells and Mishaps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Okay Scootaloo, get ready for some flying!” Sweetie Belle’s horn glowed bright. “And here, we… go! Hrrrggg… Hrrrggg…” Scootaloo suddenly felt bloated, like she had eaten too much ice cream at Sugarcube Corner. She then looked down to see herself literally blowing up like a balloon… and like a balloon, she was beginning to float. Scootaloo looked down from three feet in the air. She rose to four feet, five feet… “Uh, Sweetie Belle? I need help-” In a flash, the young unicorn squeezed her eyes shut and lit up her horn. The spell was immediately reversed and Scootaloo, who didn’t bother even trying to stay in the air, fell to the ground. “Okay, well, that spell blew you up.” Sweetie Belle giggled to herself as she telekinetically flipped the page of her spell book; she was unusually giddy at the idea of using magic, something she had never really done a lot of. “So, let’s try this spell!” Scootaloo closed her eyes and smiled, preparing for a surprise. Sure enough, she started to fly into the air - except - her wings weren’t moving at all. Scootaloo opened her eyes to find herself in a telekinetic bubble. She looked down at Sweetie Belle to realize that this was a spell that didn’t require her constant concentration - Scootaloo could actually fly. Scootaloo took a deep breath, and beat her wings. Like her scooter, the telekinetic bubble responded to the pressure from the wing movement. It moved Scootaloo in all directions, depending on the direction of its’ propellers. Bubbling with excitement, Scootaloo flew a few feet into the air before glancing down at Sweetie Belle ecstatically. “Sweetie, look! I did it, I did it! I-” all of a sudden, the bubble touched a tree branch - and popped. Scootaloo scrunched up her face and beat her wings erratically, before falling from ten feet in the air with a shriek. Sweetie Belle telekinetically dabbed Scootaloo’s wounds with some antiseptic. They had tried several levitation spells already - all of which hadn't worked for various reasons. Telekinetic-flying bubbles couldn’t be douched by outer objects because that would break the forcefield that sealed out the gravity. Immaterial levitation-bubbles couldn’t be popped, but were sensitive to the wind above the trees - that was when Scootaloo had experienced her biggest fall. Even after that, Scootaloo had insisted that Sweetie Belle try levitating her manually, just to give her the feel of flying. But Sweetie Belle’s horn gave out after fifteen minutes, despite all efforts to keep Scootaloo in the air. That was when she herself started to look discouraged at not being powerful enough to at least fly Scootaloo to Cloudsdale without risks of oosing her telekinetic hold. Like Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle had tried this spell again and again, hoping she would get stronger, but to no avail. There was some silence between the two discouraged ponies for many moments. Scootaloo tried to mask the intense sulking and depression that threatened to broil inside her. She did not, however the effort it took, want to make Sweetie Belle feel like a failure. So instead, despite her dwindling confidence, Scootaloo spoke up: “Do you think… we could still try a growth spell?” Sweetie Belle read the spell several times in the book, then wiped some sweat off her forehead that came from a combination of nerve, and the effort of so much magic in one day. Scootaloo began to look concerned: “Sweetie… are you sure about this?” Despite having little to no knowledge of magic herself; if there was one thing the pegasus knew, it was that nopony in general could produce quality work under stress and fatigue. So, despite the anticipation to fly bubbling in her stomach, Scootaloo spoke: “Maybe we should try another day.” But Scootaloo’s voice faltered as the words left her mouth. She didn’t want to wait. She wanted to fly today, or she’d be nervous the entire night and tomorrow. Also, when would they find a time tomorrow to do magic once Applebloom and the others were back from their meeting, and standing guard to make sure no “cheating” was involved in the mission? That would create conflict, which was something Scootaloo did not want to happen. It was something that, due to the nature of their destiny to help ponies including each other, could not happen. Therefore, the magic would have to happen today, or another day when the others were not in the know. To Scootaloo’s relief, Sweetie Belle smiled. “No, no. We’ll definitely do it today. But I should probably take a five minute break first.” The “five minute break” lasted at least half an hour. Scootaloo spent all that time pacing, constantly thinking the time would come to try the spell. Like she did when waiting for flying lessons to start, Scootaloo also wondered about what the outcome would be. She anticipated the results, wondering whether the spell would work and if it did, wondering what it would be like to have big, strong, glamourous wings… She wondered what the wings would look like - alicorn wings? That would be nice to have. Of course, wings like Rainbow Dash’s would be just fine… but would they grow at all? Of course this spell will work, Scootaloo told herself in an effort to be positive. Magic Always works! Nevertheless, her mind wandering progressively, Scootaloo wondered, and she wondered... Scootaloo glanced anxiously at Sweetie Belle, who seemed to be taking her sweet time resting and eating ice cream sundae. Before their gazes could meet Scootaloo snapped hers’ away. No, Scoot. Do not rush the magical process. If she doesn’t rest, then it won’t work. It has to work. While focusing her gaze on the scenery around the trees, Scootaloo caught sight of some butterflies passing by. She felt a lump in her throat, then glanced at her wings.  She flapped them up and down uselessly, wondering if not even magic could make them grow…… “Scootaloo, I’m ready!” The sound of Sweetie Belle’s voice brought Scootaloo out of her daydreams, daydreams which had been full of excitement and worry. Scootaloo glanced at the sun, which was getting to be lower in the sky.  Then she closed her eyes, sighed deeply and, after sending a silent prayer to the alicorns, hopped over to Sweetie Belle, ready to play Russian Roulette with the remainder of the plan. The last thing Scootaloo could focus on was Sweetie Belle levitating the book, reading silently, lowering it, breathing deeply. Scootaloo focused on every move the unicorn made, before she began to stare in concentration, her horn beginning to glow… Scootaloo rose. She rose higher… but her hooves still felt the ground. Yet she could still look down at her unicorn friend, because she had grown fifteen feet tall. Sweetie Belle’s jaw dropped as she screamed: “Scootaloo!” Scootaloo walked around a bit on her elongated legs. Despite her wings still not working, it was still quite fun being able to see the treetops without the barriers of a hot-air balloon. This felt like a dream. Scootaloo stomped around a bit. She bended and unbended her legs. She jumped, to push herself higher into the air. But before she knew it, a concerned Sweetie Belle had reversed the spell and Scootaloo was back to her usual height. “What was that for?! I loved being so tall!” Scootaloo spoke words of agitation only because she was surprised, and excited, about what had just happened. Her expression wasn’t even cross; if anything, it was ecstatic. Nevertheless, Sweetie Belle shook her head and raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t being realistic, Scoot. How would you be able to walk around fifteen feet tall? If anything, you should be grateful that I was able to reverse the spell so easily. Reality immediately set in, and Scootaloo grew more serious. “Sorry. But did my wings grow?” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “But hey, don’t get discouraged! Let’s try a different spell, shall we?” On the second try, Scootaloo grew five feet wide. Looking down at herself, the butterflies in her stomach recurred. This was so weird… Too nervous to check them herself, Scootaloo braced her wings away from her body. “Well, what about my wings? Did they grow too?” Sweetie Belle giggled a little despite herself, before putting a grave expression on her face. “Scootaloo, I can’t even see your wings. There must be a spell that focuses primarily on specific body parts.” Due to the embarrassment of being so wide, Scootaloo didn’t resist as Sweetie Belle - after a minute of studying the reversal spell - shrank her back. The unicorn then glanced at her wings, which were exactly the same. A seed of disappointment began to grow beneath the nerve and painful anticipation that clogged her stomach. While waiting for the next spell, an anxious Scootaloo performed some wing exercises that Rainbow Dash had taught her. I mean, thought Scootaloo, those lessons couldn’t have been for nothing. Maybe these would help the spell work? “Okay, Scootaloo. Please be ready for this, and do as I say. You got that?” Scootaloo nodded, and breathed deeply. “Okay. This is a slightly more advanced spell. As I perform it, I’ll need you to help me by imagining yourself with big wings. Just… hold the thought in your head. Picture yourself with big, strong, beautiful wings!” Sweetie Belle beamed encouragingly, helping Scootaloo to feel more relaxed. Since the two had known each other since they were very young, they almost always knew how to react towards each other, and what to say. Renowned confidence filled Scootaloo, like a balloon with helium rising toward the sun, not caring if it would pop. For once, Scootaloo felt confident enough to focus only on the present moment, and remember what was awesome. The spell didn’t affect Scootaloo’s wings, rather, it affected Scootaloo’s eyes. Her eyes grew huge. They stretched beyond her head (Sweetie Belle didn’t want to think about what the expanding eyeballs looked like from behind). As for Scootaloo, her field of vision had expanded so that she could see the sky and the ground at the same time. It was awesome. But it wasn’t what she wanted. Sweetie Belle noticed her own expression reflected in Scootaloo’s giant eyes, and could tell from looking at herself that she, who had been so confident from the very beginning, was beginning to feel defeated at the constant sign of failure. Nevertheless, she tried again. The two ponies finally sat side by side against the dwindling daylight. Despite the clearness of the sky, and the freshness of the forest air, a dense fog of self pity and defeat was beginning to dawn on the two CMCs. Sweetie Belle had tried, and tried. She tried the spells again, and again, and again. Eventually, she grew tired. Also, despite her deep wanting to help Scootaloo, her expectations, like Rainbow Dash’s, began to die off. The spells, no matter how hard the unicorn had tried, would not work the way she wanted them to. Every time Sweetie Belle performed the spell, or any spell similar  to it, something different happened Scootaloo’s head got big. Her mouth got big. Everything but her wings got big. But Scootaloo herself was not ready to quit. So while Sweetie Belle sat rubbing her tired horn, Scootaloo looked at her with pleading, shining eyes. She, despite her own disgust, was in danger of crying. The young pegasus’s voice gave away the desperation that clogged her throat: Sweetie Belle. One more time………... please? Sweetie Belle herself almost grew close to tears. When she stopped rubbing her horn and looked Scootaloo’s way, she saw her own reflection in those big, pleading eyes. Despite the spell having worn off, Scootaloo’s eyes were so huge, Sweetie Belle could see everything. Her own expression looked sad, just like her friend.  Sad, sympathetic, but honest. She spoke: “Scootaloo… honestly, I don’t know what else to do. I thought this would work but… I don’t think this is the answer.” “No…” Scootaloo practically choked out the word. Never before had such crushing emotion threatened her so severely, so suddenly. And Sweetie Belle could see the emotion in those wide, bright eyes. As though it were contagious, her own eyes threatened to tear up. Sweetie Belle could only close her eyes against the tears of sympathy, and shake her head in sorrow. Her horn hurt so, so much from all the strain. “I’m sorry. But… maybe we’ll be able to figure something else out.” She forced a smile, and patted Scootaloo on the back. “Don’t worry so much. Please.” But now, worrying was all Scootaloo could do. It was as though the fact that magic didn’t work was the straw that broke the camel’s back. If magic couldn’t even make Scootaloo fly, then maybe, nothing could. The two defeated ponies went their separate ways, unsure of what was to happen in the near future… Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked Applebloom to the train heading back to Ponyville. A few years earlier, it would have been considered unthinkable to be walking side by side with two of the snobbiest fillies in Equestria. If Applebloom could travel back in time and tell her old self what she was currently doing, the jaw of her younger, blank-flanked self would have dropped. But now, things were different. The three of them were friends, Applebloom finally had her cutie mark, and she had also been the one - along with her friends - to reform the two ponies.  So, easy to say, the past was definitely past. “Honestly, Diamond, I am, like, so impressed with your planning.” Diamond Tiara grinned widely, showing all her teeth. “So am I. This is so going to work.”  She then glanced at Applebloom. “Isn’t that right, Applebloom?” The yellow earth pony smiled encouragingly, despite being slightly intimidated by Diamond Tiara’s pompous wording; even though she was nice, she could still be a little narcissistic. Nevertheless, Applebloom agreed. “Sure, I’m so glad to have yer help, Diamond. And you know somethin’, I feel confident that this will really work.” However, despite the feedback she gave, something else began to tap Applebloom’s mind, something she had been thinking from the very beginning but hadn’t had the courage to tell a persistent, over-confidant Diamond Tiara:  Had it been right for the three of them to go ahead with their planning and brainstorming without involving Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo? > Chapter 12 - CMC Conflict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the alarm that broke Scootaloo out of her nightmares. The nightmares had consisted only of disembodied thoughts born from her recurring depression. This time, the depression was worse because it was laced sharply with defeat. Defeat. What an unattractive word. Defeat was what one felt when they were a failure. Defeat was what everypony in the CMC group would feel when, come five years, Scootaloo would still not be able to fly. Scootaloo wound up trudging through the day like a zombie, and wishing she could just disappear. While she moped around, the other three ponies grew concerned about the well-being of their friend. As Applebloom, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon surrounded Scootaloo with questions, she told them she wasn’t feeling well, and couldn’t explain just yet, but would probably feel fine once it passed. This did little to ease the concern of her friends but nevertheless, they left her alone. While this happened, Sweetie Belle - the one pony who knew what was going on in Scootaloo’s head - could do was watch from a distance, unsure of what was to happen next. Today was the day for lessons with Rainbow Dash. As always, everypony waited in the hot air balloon near the clubhouse for their friend to arrive. Sweetie Belle, for the sake of keeping things secret to avoid conflict, masked her conflicted emotions from her friends as she attempted to make normal conversation. “So… are you three going to tell me what you discussed last night?” A look of mock horror crossed Silver Spoon’s face. “Sweetie Belle! Like, how could you be so nosy?” But she was only teasing. Both ponies knew that Sweetie Belle had the right to know what was going on. Diamond Tiara grinned proudly. “It’s a surprise. We will tell you after Scootaloo’s flying lessons.” She paused. “You and Scootaloo. Together.” The remark only spiked Sweetie Belle’s curiosity. Despite the defeat and guilt she had been feeling all day, she couldn’t help but wonder what could be so secret. Her heart leaped in her chest when Applebloom spoke: “Oh, speak of the devil. There’s Scootaloo comin’ our way right now!” But Scootaloo looked far from eager to be there. As she grew closer, everypony could tell that whatever was going on inside of her had only progressed, and was getting to show even more now than earlier. Applebloom took Sweetie Belle aside, and whispered: “Sweetie Belle, you were with Scootaloo yesterday… did somethin’ happen that you know of?” Sweetie Belle remained silent, for she could not find the right words to say in such a situation. The silence told Applebloom everything; it was as though she, being related to the element of honesty, had a way of knowing the truth. “Sweetie Belle, there’s something’ yer not tellin’ me, is there.” Sweetie Belle closed her eyes, and sighed loudly. She felt tears beginning to well up behind her eyelids. Applebloom turned toward the other two ponies. “There’s somethin’ off here. I think we should call off the lessons fer today, and have a talk.” Her grim expression got Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to look at each other with concern. They, unable to tell what was going on, began to worry that they had done something wrong by confiding in Diamond Tiara’s ideas. Safe to say, DIamond Tiara and SIlver Spoon weren’t the ones at fault. They figured out who was at fault the second they all got into the treehouse with Scootaloo sulking behind them, lost in her thoughts. Applebloom came up to Sweetie Belle, and said: “You used magic, didn’t ya?” The expression on Applebloom’s face was uncommon from her normal cheery expression. It was an expression of anger, one which filled the room with negative energy. Sweetie Belle spoke softly… “While you were gone yesterday… yes.” “But how did you know?” The two ponies looked to see Scootaloo finally talking. She spoke again, with a serious expression in her eyes. “How did you guess that Sweetie Belle used her magic? Nothing has changed, see?” Scootaloo turned around to show Applebloom her small wings, which hadn’t grown at all. “Because,” said Applebloom pompously, “If there’s one thing that I’m good at, it’s being able to guess what the outcome of a situation will be, emotion-wise. More specifically…” She came closer to Sweetie Belle, her eyes narrowing; “I knew that if ya tried ta use magic on Scootaloo, and it didn’t work, she’d be even more disappointed than before. And look.”  Applebloom motioned at Scootaloo, who was staring at the argument with shock. “She feels even worse, because you tried to do an unrealistic scenario, and got her hopes too high. Why did ya go ahead with this, without telling me?” Applebloom spoke in a stern, sincere voice, but it felt like she was shouting. To the two ponies’ surprise, Scootaloo stepped in. “Look. Applebloom, don’t be mad. Sweetie Belle wanted to help me, okay? She felt bad for me, and she wanted to use her magic because, well,” her eyes narrowed, and began to cloud over. “...we both thought it would work.” Scootaloo was all of a sudden very soft spoken, as the memories of yesterday - a day that felt like weeks ago within the fog of her mind - came hurtling back towards her.  “...but it didn’t.”  As the emotions threatened to tear Scootaloo apart once again, her biggest mission at the moment was to not let these ponies see her cry. Especially Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon; what if they make fun of me again- Scootaloo shook the thought out of her mind. Wasn’t she done being hurt by those two ponies already? Wasn’t she past all of that? While Scootaloo argued within herself, Sweetie Belle began to get teary eyed - and she, unashamed,  let it show. “I… felt bad for Scootaloo… for being unable to fly, a-and I thought… magic would help.” “But dontcha remember what I said? About magic bein’ cheatin’? “Yeah, but-” “And who is ta say only you can help, because yer a unicorn? I’ll have ya know that I had a talk with Diamond Tiara and SIlver Spoon about researching food to give Scootaloo to help her wings grow, and-” “So the meeting was about the mission! Well!  So much for leaving ponies out.” Sweetie Belle huffed dramatically. “Looks like I’m not the only one who should be ashamed.” As the fighting went on, all Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon could do was sit by the sidelines… and watch. Watch. That was all they could do. Because what could they do to help? Silver Spoon whispered to Diamond Tiara: “Listen… you told me before why you wanted to help the CMCs with this mission. Don’t you think that now is a good time to, well, explain?” Diamond Tiara looked lost in thought. There was, in fact, a reason why she had joined the CMC mission - a reason which she had been secretive about, and had never considered sharing to the CMCs. She didn’t even tell Silver Spoon until a few days after they joined. Silver Spoon looked at Diamond Tiara sincerely. She had become much more sincere and soft around her friend since she gave up her evil ways, and since Silver Spoon started feeling less like a hench pony. “Diamond Tiara, let me say this to you, as your friend. I think now is the time to be honest.” Just around the time that Silver Spoon was talking to Diamond Tiara, Applebloom said something unthinkable - an unthinkable sentence that would get all ponies to stop in their tracks: “Listen, if we’re gonna be fightin’ like this, ai don’t think this mission is worth it. I mean, we’re all mad at each other an’-” “What? No!” To everypony’s surprise, Diamond Tiara came rushing toward the CMCs. “Listen.  You know why I came to help out with this mission?  And this is going to sound completely ridiculous but…” Diamond Tiara closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. “One night, I got a visit from Princess Luna, and she told me that in order for me to get over my past and accept who I am, I need to help you achieve a mission.” > Chapter 13 - Confrontations and Reparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room fell silent. Nopony would have ever, ever expected to hear that sentence come out of Diamond Tiara’s mouth. Diamond Tiara broke the silence, and spoke calmly: “I had a dream one night - a nightmare, actually, that I had no friends.  In the dream, I felt very depressed -” Diamond Tiara shuddered at the memory. “And not only that, but I was still my old self. I was doing mean things… but itwascompulsiveandIcouldn’tstopokay?”  The rest of the sentence came out quickly, as the reformed rival’s cheeks began to flush. Silver Spoon stepped in. “I had a similar dream. I was still Diamond Tiara’s… hence pony, and I was just as bad as her. And both our dreams had two things in common.” The three CMCs stayed silent. Silver Spoon continued: The first thing: We were both being mean to Scootaloo, and we both made fun of her for being unable to fly.” Scootaloo snapped out of her thoughts. She looked at the two other ponies with wide, surprised eyes. She could say only one word: “What?” Silver Spoon spoke again, her eyes closed: “In our dreams, we made fun of Scootaloo, until she got so upset she had to ran away. And I think that’s leftover… from guilt.” Silver Spoon closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. “Which is why the second common thing happened: Princess Luna.  And she told us both, in each of our dreams, that we must help Scootaloo fly in order to… to-” “To get over our pasts and accept ourselves, and help Scootaloo achieve what she needs.” Diamond Tiara finished the sentence. She still looked flustered from sharing such a personal truth with ponies she used to fight with for years.” All of a sudden, Scootaloo found her voice, and the courage to speak. And, for once, she told Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon about how they hurt her. Scootaloo talked for a long, long time. She mentioned the time when Diamond Tiara threatened to exploit her with a picture of her falling from a tree in a failed attempt to fly if she quite the Ponyville foals’ paper. She brought up several other times when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon each made a special point of making Scootaloo a target for being unable to fly, by calling her hurtful names whenever she passed by. Finally, Scootaloo got to the straw that broke the camel’s back: When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ruined the flag carrying competition for her by making furn of her inability. Although she healed on the outside, she was never healed on the inside. “I mean, I want to accept you two as friends, and I wish I could, but… you two really… hurt me.” Then, the unthinkable happened: Scootaloo began to tear up. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon looked at her, sorrow entrenched into their eyes. Sweetie Belle jumped in: “I remember how sad Scootaloo was that day - and I wanted to help her, but I didn’t know what to do. And now I think I know what she wants.” Sweetie Belle eyed the two ponies. “An apology.” Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon both whispered: “I’m sorry.” Sweetie Belle continued: “You know what?  I’ll tell you both something. Scoot and I have known each other for many years, even before we met Applebloom. So we know each other very, very well. And I’ve always felt especially sad for her that she can’t fly.” Sweetie Belle gulped. “Since Scootaloo got her cutie mark, I began noticing that she was starting to sulk more. And I thought it was because you two were around, before I found out the real reason. And I’m not sure if having you two around brought up Scootaloo’s emotions - maybe it did. But do you know something?” Sweetie Belle’s eyes softened. “My magic hasn’t worked on her. I couldn’t get her wings to grow, couldn’t get her to fly. So now we both feel very defeated. And we appreciate your apologies, but I’m not sure if there’s any other way to help Scootaloo.” “Which is why I was going to say,” said Diamond Tiara softly, “that Luna told me that friendship is key. She said that friendship is what reformed me in the first place. Your friendship made me a better pony.” Diamond Tiara’s eyes watered at the remark. “But even then, I could tell there was still some tension between us. That we weren’t really friends yet. And I think I know why.” She looked over at Scootaloo, and spoke softly. “It still hurts, doesn’t it?” Scootaloo nodded, as a huge wave washed over her. To her own surprise, her eyes gave in, and tears began to roll down her face. “Which is why,” Diamond Tiara took a deep breath. “What we need to do - before any magic or farming, is to heal.” Scootaloo began to blubber: “H-how can I heal i-i-if I c-can’t fly?” Diamond Tiara continued: “You can’t fly because of how much you hurt, Scootaloo. You don’t have the confidence you need. You don’t have the trust you need. You don’t trust yourself, or us.” Diamond Tiara motioned to her and Silver Spoon. “But I do have confidence! And I do accept you both as friends!” Tears streamed from Scootaloo’s eyes. “What do you even mean?” “I mean,” Diamond Tiara spoke softly. “What I mean is this: Your subconscious feels different from what you let on. You’re still mad at us. You still won’t forgive yourself. And because of that, you can’t fly.” “Well, why couldn’t I fly in the first place?!” Scootaloo was angry now.  Everything was boiling over; everything she had felt, had never fully let out until now. All the anger, all the pain. It had all escalated so quickly. Diamond Tiara shrugged. “Who knows?” But Princess Luna spoke to you too, right?” Scootaloo nodded through her tears. Sweetie Belle put a reassuring hoof on her, and telekinetically handed her some tissues. This time, Silver Spoon spoke: “Then you will fly, Scootaloo. But it’ll take some time, and some work.” She smiled tearfully. “And what you need to do is to get over the pain. Confront your emotions. You’re doing it right now.” Scootaloo began to smile through her incessant sobbing. “So… I’m making progress?” Diamond Tiara nodded. “It’ll take some time. You need to get over your emotions, accept us as friends… and we’ll go from there. Step by step.” Scootaloo glanced around the room, at all the ponies who were truly her friends. Applebloom still looked a little shellshocked, but there was a twinge of realization and understanding in her expression. Suddenly, A beam of light began to show through her emotions, like the sun breaking through storm clouds. All the pain she had been through started to subside, like clouds. Realization finally hit Scootaloo; it was something she needed help to realize; in order to fly, she needed to forgive everypony, including herself, and find confidence again. Confidence, and happiness. This had all come as a surprise, to everypony in the room. But somehow, they all knew it was what needed to happen. “Hey! Look at that,” said Applebloom, pointing.” Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara’s cutie mark was glowing, just like Diamond Tiara’s had when she was first reformed. Nopony knew exactly what it meant, but would figure out the true reason soon. Either way, it was an omen that what they did was would help Scootaloo; it was what needed to happen. For the very first time since this entire mission started, Scootaloo felt truly hopeful. > Chapter 14 - Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CMC mission did not wind up being an ordinary short-term mission - it took several years. During that time, reparations and amendments were made, one by one. Scootaloo continued to have nightmares about being bullied, but whenever she did, she would talk them out with her friends, and in doing so, felt the weight and fatigue that often followed her nightmares lift from her head. Scootaloo felt lighter. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon appeared happier too. They were finally fully accepted members of the CMCs. In a way, they were CMCs too: They had needed to find the true meaning of their cutie marks. Diamond Tiara, as she had mentioned when she was first reformed, had a special talent for getting other ponies to do what she wanted - which meant, getting the CMCs to be her friends so that she could help them, and become the pony she wanted to be. This included getting Scootaloo to forgive her, and herself, so that she could fly. Apparently, Silver Spoon’s cutie mark could be used for knowing what to do in certain situations. She had been born with a silver spoon in her mouth, which meant she was born into a life of being rich. However, this also meant that she came into the world prepared to take on certain tasks; tasks which involved helping other ponies in her own way. In this case, that had meant encouraging Diamond Tiara to follow her dreams in order to amend her personal feelings, and her relationship with the CMCs. Silver Spoon was a hench pony, but now for a good cause. As for Scootaloo learning to fly, the actual work process to help Scootaloo fly resumed. As her self confidence grew, Scootaloo found that she was less timid when flying, and found that, despite her small wings, she had some ability - more than she had let on - that only needed to be enhanced. First, Scootaloo listened to Applebloom and ate foods which were known by Earth Pony experts to promote strength, agility, and growth. The combination of healthy food, and the compassion and caring that Scootaloo had always craved, actually helped her wings to grow. Sweetie Belle didn’t use a growth spell after all. What she did was levitate Scootaloo at times, giving her a chance to practice being in the air, and using her wings to keep herself up. The process was slow, and there were a lot of cuts and bruises on the way, but with Scootaloo’s growing self-confidence and dwindling memories of being bullied for being unable to fly, progress became achievable. It was the combination of healthy food, a touch of magic, and friends to rely on for emotional healing and confidence building that got Scootaloo to gradually achieve her dream. In two years, she could fly all the way up to a tree and back. From there, the process happened more quickly. One day, she flew up to Cloudsdale and saw Rainbow Dash, who looked thrilled to see Scootaloo finally flying. Now that Scootaloo could fly, she could have some real lessons with Rainbow Dash about tricks. Scootaloo’s wings grew to be large and beautiful, and even a bit tinged with rainbow colours with respect to the standard CMC multicoloured cutie-mark emblem. When she turned eighteen, Rainbow Dash taught Scootaloo how to control the weather by moving clouds. Scootaloo found she could move them with her wings alone, being fast just like she had been on her scooter when she was a filly. Scootaloo became known as the thunder rider of Cloudsdale; the pegasus with the most agility when it came to clearing the weather. Scootaloo did it with compassion to help other ponies; something she learned when becoming a Cutie Mark Crusader. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle became stronger with magic and at times, she could even help Scootaloo control the weather with spells. Because of this, the two of them could work as a team to stop severe weather disasters; they were helping the world, together. Applebloom inherited the farm from her sister, and developed a food-research team with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The three of them farmed food and researched natural ways to help others. Helped the world by providing it with delicious food that could help ponies in predicaments such as Scootaloo’s. They were all cutie mark crusaders, who had discovered themselves and helped other ponies. And they couldn’t have done it without each other. The End > Optional Chapter 1 - Writer's Commentary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The idea for this fanfiction was born between my co-writer and myself (no puns intended). In discussing the show, we often came to the topic about Scootaloo being shown as unable to fly, and came to an agreement that to see Scootaloo fly would be an excellent bucket list item. I started to bring up the idea of writing an MLP fan fiction, because we are both into the creative arts and the show. And then, my co-writer brought up the idea for a plot: A fanfiction where the other two CMC’s help Scootaloo fly. The Making of The Story Chapter 1 - A Mission to Remember In my rough draft, the story took place in season five shortly after “Crusaders of the Lost Mark”, and were happily leaving school right until suddenly, Scootaloo began to question herself for being unable to fly, especially now that she had a somewhat mixed-message cutie mark with a wing and a thunder bolt in it (I always did wonder about what that meant, like if Scootaloo was destined to become an awesome flier someday). However, my co-writer suggested that I make it more current (as in, season seven 2017). He also suggested that I open up with a CMC mission. That was when I started to make things highly complex. I got a bit carried away, and opened up another rough draft which featured Visual Art, a character who I literally created at the last minute. Similarly with Diamond Tiara, this character would come to question the way he was brought up, while wondering why he doesn’t have his cutie mark yet, but my co-writer said “not too complicated!” So, I made the final draft about Chipcutter, a background pony who appeared in the season seven episode “Forever Filly”. From here, my co-writer took over, turning the opening part into a daydream Scootaloo happened to be having while dozing off during a mission wrap-up. From here on out, the rest was my idea to have Scootaloo, in the midst of self-struggle, attempt to fly before encountering reformed Diamond Tiara. The latter idea came from both of us, who always questioned why Diamond Tiara became a background character after her reformation. Chapter 2 - Encountering Reformed Rival With a better idea from my co-writer about what a reader would want in my fanfiction (hopefully we got it right!!), I wrote the entire chapter including the synopsis. However, I found it a very, very hard chapter to write. I rewrote it several times. The first time, my imagination ran away with me a bit and I wrote a chapter where Scootaloo eagerly invites Diamond Tiara to the clubhouse, but the other two CMC’s convince her quietly that they still can’t fully trust Diamond Tiara and therefore influence Scootaloo to turn against her and say she’s not welcome, provoking Diamond Tiara to spout out hurtful words about Scootaloo’s inability to fly and she, in turn, is set into a deeper depression.  Long story short, I love drama. Then, my co-editor brought up that it might be too confusing, that Scootaloo would invite Diamond Tiara into the clubhouse and all of a sudden go against her (Not to mention that they would be against Diamond Tiara despite knowing she is reformed). It can happen if someone is in such a deep depression they can’t make decisions, but I couldn’t help but agree that the plot was getting too complicated, once again. So instead, I took a simpler approach. Diamond Tiara is let into their circle, just to sit out on the CMC  meetings. And Scootaloo starts to feel like having her old enemy around is further enforcing her dark feelings. From here, I developed an intention to develop a subplot where the former-school bully and handicapped victim help each other out of their depressions from self-hatred. Chapter 3 - The Start of Shadow This chapter was easier to write, but I didn’t find it that… exciting to write. At this point of the story, Scootaloo’s friends began to notice her dark thoughts and she herself was becoming more tuned into her flashbacks. It was a chapter with such a flat plot, that all you can do is drag on the dialogue until you get to the exciting part (the nightmare - mua ha ha ha!) This chapter was also the most forgettable for me. Like, the plot was so flat that while writing it, I was thinking “time to get on with things already!” and while preparing a commentary a few weeks later, I thought: “What was that chapter about again? I need to skim over it…” One thing I did enjoy was writing about the way Scootaloo’s friends can read her like a book - s a matter of fact, they’ve known each other for years and are incredibly close friends literally destined to be together. So it was very enjoyable to write about the friendship between the CMCs, and how Scootaloo’s friends begin to truly feel concern for her, while Scootaloo truly begins to struggle with her inner demons. Chapter 4 - The Nightmare This chapter is when I truly became invested into writing the story. I don’t think I am the only one who enjoys writing bad dreams the most. Dreams are powerful because they reflect the deepest feelings hidden in your subconscious, despite your attempts at hiding them in the waking world. That is exactly the situation with Scootaloo: She feels terrible that she can’t fly, and while she doesn’t hate Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon she is still plagued by memories of them tormenting her and she, as a handicapped target for their bullying, subconsciously fears having them around to make fun of her even if they are reformed. I purposely melded the part with Rainbow Dash to the part with Scootaloo being bullied at school because that’s exactly what dreams do: Nothing makes sense, and stories meld into each other.  That is why Scootaloo did a crazy stunt to make herself fly, one she probably wouldn’t do in real life - and then attempt a sonic Rainboom knowing she wouldn’t be able to fly, only to fall onto the school grounds to be made fun of. And in the end, she can’t fly away to safety. Finally, adding Princess Luna was my idea, in order to add a satisfying twist to the story: Scootaloo is destined to fly, and her friends are destined to help her do so, because it is in all of their destiny to help themselves and other ponies. Chapter 5 - Inner Explanation This must have been one of my favourite chapters to write, because it was the first so far to rely so heavily on drama, emotion, and the deep subject of reaching out to your friends and confessing to them, and yourself, that you need help. Scootaloo’s dream has gotten her to realize what she must do, so she finally gathers the courage to call for an emergency meeting and confess. I have some experience of gathering the courage to ask for help and then waiting all day for that moment when you will have to open yourself up to someone else and trust them to watch you do so, and therefore I channelled some of my experience into Scootaloo’s nervous feelings and hayward anticipating thoughts. The First Draft At the part where Scootaloo confesses that she wants to fly, the emotion escalated fast. It involved her suddenly breaking down and sobbing that she longed more than anything to fly, until she couldn’t stop crying and her two friends embraced her, and then Sweetie Belle began to cry because she is highly sensitive and cries for other ponies (that scene is inspired by a similar scene  in One Bad Apple), and when her friends say they will help her Scootaloo all of a sudden cheers up, and they all do that thing where they put their hooves in the middle and say “one, two, three… CRUSADERS! That last part was added on account of my being aware how dramatic this scene was getting, and how it needed to become uplifting. Co-editor's comment: Emotion is over-exaggerated and ends too abruptly. The Final Draft This was less emotional, but still heartwarming, and still very enjoyable to write. From here, I decided to keep the part about Sweetie Belle being highly sensitive, and make her highly sympathetic of Scootaloo’s feelings while Applebloom is more tactful. I think that is quite similar to their personalities, because Sweetie Belle is highly emotional and sympathetic (again, she cried for Applebloom in One Bad Apple), and Applebloom is the sister of the element of honesty, so I can see her being more honest, grounded, and direct like her sister. Chapter 6 - A Finicky Operation This chapter involved more brainstorming of ideas on how the CMCs would help Scootaloo fly. It was also meant to be the part where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon come into the scene, and say that they want to help. I actually have very little to say about this chapter. It was interesting to write because it involved a lot of story and plot development. I attempted to put less emphasis on emotion and more on the plot’s progression and transformation into helping Scootaloo fly. Chapter 7 - Accepting Assistance This chapter was also very easy to write. It involved a more consideration for the relationship between the characters, and the reformed personalities of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. The plot was very basic, but still interesting to write, because it provided more growth of the story’s sub-plot to  include Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon - more specifically, resolving the conflict once and for all between the CMCs and their former rivals. Chapter 8 - Lessons with Rainbow Dash This chapter gave me the opportunity to fully include Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon into the mix, and have them encourage flying lessons. This supports the idea of Scootaloo needing support from her friends, and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon being effective contributors to the mission. Therefore, here was an opportunity to tie the two subplots closer together, and further develop the purposes for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon existing. This chapter involved more thinking, because I needed to actually live in the story. As in, I needed to literally ask myself: “What are flying lessons from Rainbow Dash like?” I took into consideration reasons why Scootaloo can’t fly; her wings are small, and/or they don’t work well enough to fly. In addition, she was shown several times throughout the show to instinctively try to fly despite knowing she couldn’t (Ponyville Confidential, For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Flight to the Finish). Therefore, I included that into Rainbow Dash’s lessons, because you need to do something in order to achieve it. I knew that lessons with Rainbow Dash would have to fail, because the story can’t end too quickly. Therefore, my next step was to conduct an idea as to why, and how, this plan failed. Then I decided it was simply because Scootaloo knows how to fly, but can’t because of her wings. She wants it to be a different reason but, unfortunately, that is the truth. Chapter 9 - Different Ideas This chapter was originally called “Magical Assistance”, because it was originally going to be about Sweetie Belle beginning to help Scootaloo with her magic. However, I wanted to include some more story development, including development of the characters and storyline itself, rather than simply jumping to conclusions about Sweetie Belle ultimately making a decision. Therefore, I made this into a chapter of her getting the idea to use magic to help Scootaloo, while Diamond Tiara develops an idea of her own… This chapter also gets more into the perspective and thoughts of Sweetie Belle, who I’ve already stated as the most sympathetic toward Scootaloo and the most desperate to help. That made it easier for me to reason why she would be so eager to use magic. Chapter 10 - Magical Ideas By now, all the characters were tied together, and Sweetie Belle’s plan was fully in order while Applebloom was developing and starting hers’. This is where I thought to myself: “Finally, some action!” From this point on, the story began to branch out into different parts and chapters as it occurred to me to include as many ways that the ponies attempted to help Scootaloo as possible.  For a while during the writing process, I had the intention to include a part with Applebloom wanting to use her earth-pony abilities to help, with the assistance of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. This was for two reasons: I want to see Earth Ponies use their abilities more in general, rather than Sweetie Belle using her magic because she’s a unicorn, while the three earth ponies can do nothing but watch. I wanted to do something with CMC being a different race. I wanted to do something with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon - in the process, elaborating on their reformed personalities (something that the show NEEDS to include), and their purpose for being in this fanfiction (to help Scootaloo, prove themselves fully reformed, and become accepted as true friends of the CMCs. From here, I created another chapter. Which is… Chapter 10 - Spells and Mishaps. As for figuring out what spells Sweetie Belle would use, here’s the thinking process here: Levitation Spells: This idea was a no brainer; levitation = flying. That said, there must be a reason as to why these don’t work, because the fanfiction could not end without the Earth Ponies playing a part. The idea came to me as I wrote about Sweetie Belle performing the spells from her books: Levitation bubbless sealing out gravity but being popped, spells that wear off or are too hard to perform. Long story short, a true fan of the show easily knows the mishaps of unicorn magic. (Especially after watching episodes like Sonic Rainboom). Growth Spells: This idea played a more important part, due to what it portrays. These spells involved making Scootaloo’s wings grow - a good idea, because that was established in the show (Flight to the Finish) and this fanfiction that her small wings are a primary source of the problem. I came up with this idea when brainstorming rough ideas for spells, and then I got thinking: “If this spell fails, then Scootaloo feels more discouraged because she is so different, that even magic cannot help her wings grow”. I then decided that this would be the straw that broke the camel's back, because the fact that even magic could not make Scootaloo’s useless wings work would not only disappoint her, but lower her self confidence, therefore send her into a deep enough depression for me to write the next chapter. Chapter 11 - CMC Conflict The original chapter for this title was “I Quit!”, an idea from my co-editor. But as this fanfiction grew more dramatic, I decided that a more climatically descriptive title would be more fitting for what this chapter represents. From here, I just went to town; I wrote an emotional argument between the CMCs for not listening to each other, and from here, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were cued to help them out. It was here that I had the last minute idea to have Diamond Tiara, according to Princess Luna, destined to help them, in order to help herself. Chapter 12 - Confrontations and Reparations I added this chapter, which wasn’t in the original story outline that my co-editor had designed in the beginning. The reason is that I decided that after all this drama, there just needed to be a genuine moment of reparation; more specifically, one which would involve Scootaloo finally confronting what has truly bothered her and inhibited her self confidence. I also felt there needed to be a moment where she would officially confront the two reformed rivals, tell them how much they had hurt her, and fully accept them as friends. This would officially resolve the subplot about the two reformed rivals being accepted into the friendship circle. This chapter also demonstrates that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are symbolic of Scootaloo’s self-hatred and damaged self-confidence for being unable to fly, because they are the ponies who, in Flight to the Finish, brought to light her dark feelings for being unable to fly. I tried not to make the climax to this chapter too rushed or sudden, but if it appeared that way, I apologize. I think climactic endings to stories are always the hardest to write. Overall purpose of the story The epilogue basically speaks for itself. The original purpose of this story was initially for Scootaloo to fly, but it became about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon becoming fully accepted into the CMC friendship circle something that the show seemingly skipped over. Since there was a them for self-confidence and discovering yourself, I wound up adding Sweetie Belle and Applebloom to the mix, in terms of renewing their self confidence and discovering their complete destinies as as CMC Unicorn, and CMC Earth Pony. The overall theme for this story was self confidence, getting over rough spots, and helping each other to discover who you are. CMC wise, this story came to be about how the CMCs progressed in their skills with collaborating to help other ponies, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon included. It took a lot of work, time, and effort to write this story, and I hope that it shows. I hope that this is an enjoyable story for all you MLP fans out there, and thank you for reading. Hannah Papernick-Yudin Writer of “The Gift for the Pegasus: A CMC Mission” > Optional Chapter 2 - Co-Editor's Thoughts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both the writer and myself have been around the “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” fandom for quite a while. Some of the questions in the later seasons came up to us. I’m sure that a lot of people in the fandom has been wondering why the creators of the show did not allow Scootaloo to fly. As the Co-Editor and a viewer of the show along with the fans, I’ve also asked why the creators did not give Diamond Tiara a major recurring role after the season 5 episode “Crusaders of the Lost Mark”. It became the latter that both the writer and myself that we would create a story revolving around the Cutie Mark Crusaders with the help of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon to assist Scootaloo in her flying. Although I came across some news somewhere out on the internet that Faust intentionally gave Scootaloo the inability to fly, I thought “who needs to go with that rule when you have an imagination? Just do it in the fandom!” During the process of creating and editing, there has been a lot of struggles of timing as well as spacing issues and spelling mistakes. Even though the author of this story covered most of the grammar, I came up with a strategy (like everyone else) to watch the author’s back and cover up anything that stuck out. As for the spacing issue, I find myself having to remove the extra spaces that the author has created (no offence). I may be the Co-Editor, but I am also a reader of this fan fiction… only in process mode. During the preparations, I gave out chapter ideas and suggestions on how to write each chapter. Chapters such as “I Quit!” and “Epilogue” were some of them, but many items has been changed throughout the process. However, the “Epilogue” chapter has came out surprisingly different and better from what I imagined it to be. Nevertheless, I am only the Co-Editor of this story and only have the privilege to do the editing and suggestions. Overall, the writer and I did manage to complete the story right before the requested deadline (requested by me) and I hope this fanfiction has been entertaining for you. Timonthy Chow Co-Editor of “The Gift for the Pegasus: A CMC Mission”