> Astronomy isn't important. > by TheOctoGal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: The Princess. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright and early morning, the sun was shining in the distance as Celestia was slowly raising it into the sky. Luna was lowering the moon as Celestia rose the sun. Today was an important day, a new princess had been born just hours earlier to her mother Starry Night and her father Grey Cloud. They named her Galexia Night, she was a small filly with a light Purple color, her wings being a shade of beautiful light blue. Her tail was the patterned shape of light creme, and violet. She was a beautiful filly, she made the most adorable faces and noises. Starry Night had awoken from her slumber, she looked up to see her husband Grey Cloud sound asleep as their child was asleep not that far away from the two. Starry Night smiled at the little filly and whispered over to her. "Good morning sweetie.." Galexia's small little eyes opened slowly. She moved around a bit before looking over at her mother, a smile appearing on her face. She started to move around and make inaudible noises, as most fillies would after being a few days old. Grey Cloud woke up slowly with a snort, and gave a smile. His white mane almost covering his eye. "Looks like the baby is awake this early already." He said, his smile becoming bigger. Starry Night had looked over at her husband a chuckled. "We don't want to have her wake up at five in the morning before Luna has even set the moon, so she could make way for Celestia to raise the sun." She chuckled. He laughed softly, smiling as the baby kept making noises. "Seems she's alive and well, Nurse Red Heart said that she's healthy so far. So we can just hope that she will stay that way in her early fillyhood, if a young filly her age were to get sick it could be bad." She gave him an angry look. "Okay, okay. Be quiet Doctor Hooves, don't start making assumptions and getting my hopes down like that, she's the cutest little filly the nurse said she's ever seen born in this hospital. I mean the thing is, she doesn't look anything like me or you. It's kind of strange don't you believe so?" She looked up, a bit of confusion in her voice. He nodded, and gave out a small sigh. He truly wondered what the future for this small little filly will be, is it true that she's really destined to be the princess of astronomy? He thought to himself Is being the princess of astronomy of all things, even that important..? Nurse Red Heart trotted into the room with a cart, having breakfast and some water. "Here you go miss Starry Night, I got you your breakfast ready. The results are in, there is nothing wrong with your baby. Except she does have an allergy to peanuts, so you want to be careful and make sure she doesn't get a hold of actual peanuts or peanut butter. Do you understand?" Starry Night nodded slowly, and smiled. "Thank you Nurse Red Heart, hopefully we can keep her safe in her fillyhood." Nurse Red Heart gave the new parents a soft smile, she sat her food and water down near Starry Night. She gave a small wave, and trotted back out of the room with the cart.. > Chapter Two: One whole year. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day was August 26th, 1017. It was a very special day, that many ponies in Equestria would be attending. It was Princess Galexia Night's first birthday. She had gotten bigger over the years, she learned how to slowly flap her wings. But so far nothing with her horn, and still just random noises was all she could make. One of the first ponies who arrived to her big party was the princess of the moon herself Princess Luna. Princess Luna was trotting up slowly to the big party tent, she smelt lots of delicious foods being cooked. Many baked goods, and many different foods that would be made on very special occasions. She trotted into the tent, and looked around. She saw the two adults working hard on cooking, decorations, and other party stuff. "Greetings Starry Night, Grey Cloud." She smiled. The two parents looked up in shock at how early the princess had come to the small filly's party. They both gave a warm smile with a "Hello!" Princess Luna gave out a small chuckled, seeing how hard the ponies were working just for their little filly. She knew it was important for them though, the filly was a princess for Celestia's sake. She knew that it was very important to a lot of ponies who live in Equestria. She smiled "Well, you two do seem to care very deeply for the new princess filly. I can see why of course, she's young and very important to Equestria. A new princess is always a big deal to ponies all over Equestria, far far away ponies come from. Today will be a very important and busy day for you two, she's going to be expecting a lot of ponies to want to see her and her cute little filly self this fine day!" Starry Night gave a small nod, and kept working. "I mean she's only turning one! It's not like she's turning thirteen for when she starts to study astronomy and learn how the motion of stars and planets move throughout each year and day! Right?" Princess Luna sighed. "Even though that's true, it won't be long until she will already be thirteen miss Night. Years and years go by very fast, I mean just look at how old Celestia and I are already, soon she'll be that old. And it will only feel like ten to twenty years for this young filly who's having this momentous occasion today, am I correct?" Grey Cloud looked over and nodded to the princess. "While that may be true, it will still be a while for us! We won't even be that old when she turns the age of thirteen! It won't be long though. But we'll just have to enjoy her at the age she's at for the time being. Even if she can't talk, do magic, or be able to fly right yet. She's still our little filly." They all smiled at each other, as more voices were heard coming in the distance. Soon the party would be starting, and a little filly would be having the best birthday that she'd ever have in her whole life... > Chapter Three: The party pony has arrived! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The party had just started to get exciting! The pony who was known throughout Equestria for throwing parties has arrived! Her name is Pinkie Pie, a pink Pony with a great mane style and a cutie mark of three beautiful balloons! When she came around, everything would become better in an instant! Everypony loved this party pony, especially young fillies and colts! The young Galexia Night was laying in her crib, as many ponies were there to see her. She kept looking up at them with her cute and adorable little face. Her big bright eyes reflecting beautiful light due to the lights that were on the floor and the walls. Galexia Night looked up as she saw a big pink pony stand over her. Pinkie Pie smiled. "Hi there little filly! So you're this new princess I have been hearing so much about! Want to see something funny little filly? I promise you'll love it! Every young little filly and colt loves what I am about to do!" Galexia Night stuck her tongue out, and her head shook up and down so that meant yes from what Pinkie Pie had assumed from the little filly who was still inaudible at the moment. Pinkie Pie took her hoof, and booped the little filly's nose. And it somehow went Honk! The little filly gasped, and giggled loudly. Galexia Night had loved the thing Pinkie Pie had done to her little nose! It was so funny and she absolutely loved it! Starry Night had trotted over to Pinkie Pie and chuckled. "I see she likes you already Miss Pinkie Pie, if I am correct from what I saw across the room?" She gave Pinkie Pie a big smile, letting her know that their little filly was for sure entertained by the pink pony. Pinkie Pie smiled happily, and bounced up and down. "You betcha! Every little pony loves when I do that! Can she talk yet? I wanna see if she can talk! Let me! Let me! PLEASE?!" She asked, really wanting to see if the young one year old was able to talk already. She knew she probably couldn't, but it was worth a try! Right? Starry Night frowned a bit. "She cannot talk yet, but I mean you could try to get her to talk! We've tried so much, but not much progress yet. Go ahead! See if she can say Pinkie Pie!" She thought it would be really hard, or even impossible to try to get her to talk yet. But I mean hey! Still it's worth a try! Pinkie Pie chuckled and looked over the crib. "Hey little filly! Can you say the name Pinkie Pie? Come on! I'll help you say it! It is really easy to say! Just learn how to say Pinkie then the word Pie! It's really easy!" Galexia Night just looked up at her and her mouth opened up slowly and a small noise emitted from her mouth. "P-Pink.. Pink!" She exclaimed, and jumped up a little in surprise. Pinkie Pie gasped. "Good good! Keep trying, now try to say the word Pinkie! Just add the letters I and e to the end of Pink!" Galexia nodded. "Pinki.... Pinkie? Pinkie!" She exclaimed, getting close to saying the full name of the pink pony in front of her! Pinkie Pie was so happy! She was almost about to say a full name of a pony! And that pony was going to be HER! "Now all that you have to do is say Pie after it! Ready?" At the same time both Pinkie Pie and Galexia Night said "Pinkie.... Pie!" Galexia Night had done it, she had said her first words. Pinkie Pie. > Chapter 4: Friends. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the year of 1022, Galexia Night had just turned five a week ago. She was doing great in school, her grades were good. She was also talking a lot more, and she as well was starting to love to stargaze all by herself at the middle of the night. It was pretty funny though, her parents would find her in the middle of the night and just smile as she stared off into the night sky. Galexia Night was trotting home from school all by herself, even though she was a princess she was very shy around other ponies at her age. She thought to herself. I wonder what I'll be able to see tonight, maybe I'll even see some of the other planets that are said to be in the solar system! She squealed out loud and some ponies that weren't too far away looked over at her with confusion on their faces. She ignored them and ran home as fast as she could! Starry Night was sitting down on their front porch, the home they lived in was quite big. Approximately 2,400 square feet to be exact. She was sitting there, she knew that eventually her young daughter would be returning from school. She's been doing so well in school recently, I'm so proud of her.. She spoke to herself softly, and her ears perked up as the small little filly came galloping towards her. Galexia was running towards her mother at a fast pace, really happy that she finally got home to see her loving mother Starry Night, and her loving father Grey Cloud. She squealed out loud. "MOMMY!!!" She exclaimed as she jumped at her mother. Starry Night let out a yelp of surprise as Galexia fell on her, she laughed softly and spoke in her soft tone of voice. "Well, it seems that you had a good day today didn't you? Oh who am I kidding! You love to go to school don't you?" She smiled softly. Galexia let out a small giggle. "Of course I did mommy! I had lots of funny! Sora and I got to make some paper pirate hats! And I drew a pirate ship! It was so so so fun!!" She smiled brightly at her mother and chuckled. She rolled her eyes and looked down at her. "Galexia, you spent the whole day with Starry Moon, Sora, and Whirlwind all day at school again today haven't you?" She chuckled lightly, remembering her friend. Starry Moon was a young mare with a light pink colored coat, her mane was a beautiful creme, and two pink streaks and one purple streak on each side of her head going down her mane. She was one of the most popular ponies who went to the school. Then there was Sora, a white forest deer who had been friends with Galexia for the longest time. Sora however, had a corrupted red eye. Her eye was corrupted during a terrible accident, leaving her to have an alternate personality who referred to herself as Tsuki. Then finally there was Whirlwind he was a beautiful white colored colt, his mane a beautiful and shiny crimson red color. He liked to wear a blindfold around his eyes a lot, nopony knew why he did. But he just did, and that was the way that everypony around the school liked the colt! "Your friends are quite the interesting ponies if you think about it. Starry Moon has stronger magic due to the moon's power at night time. Tsuki has that split personality, which if you ask me is a bit rude... and then there's Whirlwind. My my, he sure is a special colt in this world." Starry Night rolled her eyes as she said this, she didn't want her young little daughter to think she was being mean to her friends. Galexia nodded and sighed. "It's okay mommy, I understand what you're talking about. They're really fun to hang out with though! If I could spend the night with them that would make that night the best night I could ever have!" She exclaimed, clearly giving the obvious message that she wanted to have a sleepover. Her mother sighed and nodded. "Okay then, I shall write to their parents later tonight." She smiled. Galexia Night was so happy that her mother would let her do this. She smiled brightly as she gave her the biggest and warmest hug she's ever given to another pony in her whole life.