> The Road To Toronto > by Alden MacManx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: The Road To Toronto > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rapid Transit sat across the desk from Alex, in the ‘mayor’s office’ of Alexandria. “Now, let me get this straight. You would like me to head up to Toronto and open face-to-face dealings with this Ponytown group, right?” the silver-gray unicorn asked.                 “That’s it in a nutshell, Artie,” the bluish-green earth pony said. “You did say your range includes Toronto, so that makes you a natural. I can provide you with directions to their site, and get you good maps. You did say there are Amazon warehouses up there, yes?”                 “Three, as far as I can figure. I can help them raid the places, if they aint been taken already.”                 “You did help us get through late winter and spring by raiding the Phoenix warehouses. Up in Ponytown, they just barely made it through the winter. Additional supplies will help them, and once you learn how to get into the warehouses up there, you can forge a link between the warehouses and Ponytown. We can arrange a regular schedule for you to go up there and give them a hand when they need it.”                 Artie sighed some. “I can see the logic in it, but dammit, Alex, I aint a diplomat! You know I can get along with damn near anyone, but opening ties? Jeez, it aint my style!”                 Alex smiled some. “That’s why Soaring Heart is going with you. SHE will be the diplomat. Ponytown’s mayor, Sudden Storm, is a pegasus. You do your thing, let her do hers. In fact, take Coppertop and the dogs along as well. I’ll look after Sethra myself.”                 “Alex, you I think she would allow to do that. She’s a very particular kitty.”                 “You mean peculiar, yes?” Alex said with a small laugh.                 “Now, Sethra will know if I’m disloyal to her. She sees the need for everyone at the house, even the dogs, but she made it perfectly clear she aint doing any more traveling!” Artie said back, a smile on his face, but his head nodded in agreement.                 “Okay, then. It will be about a week before we get a Prius modified according to the instructions they sent us. You can drive that there.”                 “A Prius? Why that?”                 “Electric drive. Just take out the gas engine. Gas goes bad, but they have a reliable power supply up there, so you can recharge it.”                 “Put Amy on it. She’ll have it done in a day. Better yet, why not a Chevy Volt?” R.T. asked.                 “Once she clears her backlog, she will. That’s why I said a week. If you can find a Chevy Volt, go right on ahead and use it. Otherwise, wait for the Prius.”                 “Oh. Gotcha, Alex.” Artie said, getting up. “Who do I have to see about the maps? Don’t tell me Joseph, please.”                 “You’ll have to see Joseph. He runs the database.” Alex said, deadpan.                 Artie grimaced. He and Joseph had not got along in the time he and his family had been there. “I asked you not to tell me that, Chief.”                 “Get cracking, Max. You’re the best pony for the job. I trust you to do the job right.” Alex said, knowing the right words to motivate the unicorn.                 The words had her desired effect. Rapid Transit stood at attention on his hooves and saluted smartly, just missing his horn with his hoof. “Your trust won’t be misplaced, Madam Mayor!” he said before departing.                 Alex hid a smile as the unicorn left her office. “He’s so good to have around.” she said quietly. “He never fails to make me smile, one way or another. Even when he’s rude or angry, he’s always so polite.” She forced her attention back on her paperwork.                 Rapid Transit telegated home, to find nopony there, just his cat, Sethra. He let himself inside to fix a quick salad while waiting to psych himself up to meeting Joseph. While eating, he explained to Sethra what the plans were. When he was done, she walked over for a snuggle and purr, which he took as approval from her. After giving Sethra a thorough nosing, and getting a tail swat in return, he left a note saying he was heading for the library before stepping outside and telegating there. If it was just himself, or one or two other ponies, he could open a gate whenever he wished. After hauling a larger load, he would have to rest a while before opening another gate.                 Rapid Transit got the information he sought from Joseph, with a minimum of fuss, meaning he only had to raise his voice twice and threaten to telegate Joseph to the Pacific Ocean once. To say that Artie did not like Joseph was an understatement. Ever since their first conversation months before, Artie has hated Joseph’s attitude, and his guts. All he ever wanted from Joseph was an apology, but the nerd doesn’t understand why he wants one. It’s as if the super-genius had completely forgotten the reason for Artie’s rancor. That only gets Artie even angrier, but bluster and threats wouldn’t work on Joseph, so all Artie could do was fume in frustration after every meeting.                 Back at home, R.T. made a pot of coffee and studied the maps and information he was given, plotting routes from one place to another. The one place he was certain he could nail in Toronto was the Ontario Science Center, and he carefully checked the maps, determining where it was and where Ponytown is. He snorted as he studied. “I knew of Eglinton Avenue, but I could never remember why. Now I do.                 “Eglinton Avenue to the Don Valley Parkway, to the 401 East, take the Whites Road north to the Kingston Road, then east, mall on the right. Okay, that’s done, now to find out how to get to the warehouses.” he muttered as he flipped the pages. “West on the 401 around the airport to Highway One, Mississagua Road, go south to YZ1, north to Steeles and turn left, YZ3 is on the right, YZ2 further down on the left.”                 “What are you muttering about, Dad? When it comes to you and maps, you could study them through an earthquake and not notice.” Coppertop said as Rapid Transit made a bold leap roofward, yelling in surprise, knocking over his fortunately-empty coffee mug.                 After making a four-hoof landing back on the floor, Artie looked at his son. “When did you come in? Ya stahtled me!” he squawked in surprise.                 “About two minutes ago. You were so deep into your charts, you didn’t notice me slipping by and getting an apple.”                 “Yeah, I do that when I get handed a project. C’mere, you need a hug.” Artie said, moving back some so the orange earth pony could move in. “So, how was your day?”                 “Not bad, Dad. I spent a lot of time after class helping Doctor Oliver ready his garden for the spring. They say I’m not quite ready for unsupervised work yet.”                 “It won’t be long now before you will be. We’ve only been here two months. You’re making a lot of progress, and I’m proud of you. Me and Mom both.” Artie said with pride.                 Coppertop blushed a little, but leaned up against his adoptive father. “Thanks, Dad. Since we arrived, I’ve lost twenty pounds. Doctor Oliver is really happy about that. So am I.”                 “Glad to hear it, kid. Think you’re up for a trip next week?”                 “A trip? Where to?” Coppertop asked.                 Artie indicated the maps. “Toronto. There’s a colony of ponies up there that can use a hand. Mom will open diplomatic ties, I’m to open up warehouses, and you are to make ties with the kids up there. I’ll teach the unicorns, Mom will learn from the pegasi, and you learn from the earth ponies.”                 “They have kids up there?” Coppertop said, slightly unbelieving.                 “Yes. A young pegasus colt, about ten if I remember right, and an earth pony filly, five or so. Think you can make friends with them when you’re not helping me unload the warehouses, eh?”                 Coppertop gave his foster father a bit of a smile. “I think so, Dad. All I can do is the best I can do.”                 “And the best you can do is all you will do.” Artie finished before they head-hugged each other. “That’s my colt!” he said with pride.                 “Hey, you’re my dad now. I got a great example to follow.” Coppertop said with equal pride. “You don’t yell at me unless I really deserve it. You’re so supportive and loving and caring…” The chunky colt leaned up against his adoptive father, enjoying his presence.                 For the next week, Rapid Transit studied the Ponytown colony information, along with his wife, Soaring Heart. He got to know the ponies (as best he could from reports and a phone call) as well as the setup of their residence, learning of their problems and trying to brainstorm solutions. This was in addition to his other duties of going on salvage missions and learning how to run Alexandria’s fledgling fire department. With the return of non-wintry weather, the fire chief, Max Morley, got an itch to explore in his North Slope fire truck, so he had to learn to be a fire officer along with three other ponies.                 Working with Alex and his wife, he decided on gifts to give Ponytown and its residents. Alex contributed copies of beginning magic lore and histories to be brought to Ponytown, while he and his wife worked on gifts for some of the ponies. One thing that plagued the colony was its lack of fresh water. Artie came up with a solution, but the parts for it could not be found in Alexandria. He had to hope he could find what they needed somewhere in Toronto.                 When the car (and trailer) were ready to go, Rapid Transit telegated ahead to a place he remembered from over forty years before. He came out in an empty parking lot, with the debris of past storms piled about it. Walking around, he fixed in his mind the spot he wanted to come out at. It was cloudy, cool and damp, but no rain as of then. With a shrug, he gated back home.                 “Everyone ready to go?” he asked as he climbed into the Prius and buckled in. His wife and son said they were ready, while Laddie and Vanna yipped, eager to go see. “We’re off on the Road to Toronto…” he sang (badly, as usual). He put the car in gear, and nothing happened. Confused, he looked at the dash.                 “You forgot to start the car, love. Put it back in park.” Soaring Heart said gently as Coppertop tried to hold back a giggle.                 “I thought you already started this beast.” Artie grumbled as he put the shifter back in park before pushing the start button. “It’s so damn quiet, how can you tell it is on or off?”                 “Just look at the lights, love. Now, open the gate and let’s go!” Soaring Heart urged.                 “Yes, dear.” he sighed as he put the car in gear, the white beast moving. He opened the telegate, and they drove through from sunny Alexandria to cloudy Toronto.                 It took the better part of an hour to get to their destination, debris on the road keeping their speed down. More than once, he and Coppertop had to get out and move tree limbs, fallen signs or wires out of their way. “Remind me to send a nasty note to the Highway Department.” he grumbled.                 “I don’t think anyone is there to receive it, Dad.” Coppertop said gently.                 “Point made. We should be within a few hundred yards of the place.”                 “We are.” Coppertop said, pointing to a large billboard that proclaimed ‘PONYTOWN 500m AHEAD ON RIGHT’ in several different colors along with a bright yellow arrow pointing the way.                 “I like it when I’m right.” Artie said as he and Coppertop got back into the car. Coppertop rolling his eyes gently. He loved his father dearly, but he was so maddeningly oblivious at times.                 Through fortuitous happenstance, the team from Alexandria arrived at Ponytown just before lunch was served, which enabled the gifts to be given out (a good thing) and Artie’s speech (verdict uncertain) almost immediately. One thing Artie hated was any form of public speaking. Acting and radio work is fine, but to be up in front of a crowd, not so fine.                 “Citizens of Ponytown, Ponytown citizens, residents of Ponytown and Ponytown residents. That ought to cover everypony.” he opened to much laughter. “We come from Alexandria not only bearing gifts, but goodwill. Gifts do have meaning, but goodwill transcends meaning. It means we care enough to help.                 “Thanks to my discovery of the subway tunnel through everything, we have come here today to see how much help and goodwill we can bring along. We know your winter was difficult, but now that we are establishing ties, may the next winter not be as bad.                 “Now, let me talk about the gifts. For everyone, we have brought manuals about how to use our magic, brought here from Equestria by Lonely Day herself, who asks that you use them to enrich your lives. These are only basic-level texts, but they will serve as guidelines to see how well you have learned on your own, and what you have not figured out yet. If you want advanced training, call me and ask about transport to Alexandria. Suitable arrangements can be made, once I get to learn this place here well enough to add to my destination list.”                 After pausing for a few quick bites of lunch, he went on. “The individual gifts we hope to have tailored to the ones we decided to give. Soaring Heart and I worked hard on what we knew of you, and we spent several days putting everything together.”                 “Meaning I decided what to give, and he spent a day and a half crawling through various warehouses finding everything.” Soaring Heart said.                 “That’s my wife, putting me in my place.” Artie said to chuckles around the table. “So, on with the gift giving!”                 Coppertop pulled up a wagon, piled high with wrapped packages, both big and small. The first one Artie pulled out with his silver glow went to Tammy, the little light blue earth pony filly who was next to her mother, Rhonda. “I’m not good at giving little fillies gifts, so if we did something wrong, please let us know, okay?” he said, smiling at the little filly.                 “Okay!” she said, tearing open the package, to reveal a large stack of different colored construction paper, paint pots, paint brushes with handles big enough to be held in a pony’s mouth, and a box of BIG crayons, ones she could color with without biting through them. There were also painter’s smocks and two art folders big enough to hold the paper without folding or creasing. Tammy let out a squeal of delight, rushing up to tackle Artie with a big hug, the little earth pony easily knocking the bigger unicorn off his cushion onto the floor.                 “Lemme guess, ya like dem?” he said when he could draw breath again.                 “Yeah! I can color again!” she said happily before getting off Artie and heading to Soaring Heart for a gentler hug. The pegasus mare easily wrapped her wings around the filly. “Glad we can make you happy, Tammy.” she said quietly. “Thank you! Thank you so much!” Tammy said before going to sit next to her mother, the others of the Ponytown crowd stomping and whistling with joy and approval. “Where did you find such big crayons?” Rhonda asked. Artie levitated a package to Rhonda. “Open that and you’ll find out.” he said, getting back up onto his cushion. Rhonda opened her package with her own blue-green glow. Inside was a crayon maker, one adapted to produce crayons much larger than normal. “You melt old or different crayons down and pour it into the mold there, and out comes big strong crayons.” RT explained. “We didn’t find them, we MADE them!”                 “Thank you for this, ponies. It’s wonderful.” Rhonda said, sitting back to admire the joy she could see on Tammy’s face as she tried to work the crayons.                 Rapid Transit then looked at Randy, the yellow pegasus colt. “I understand you are a bit of a Harry Potter fan, right?” he asked as he levitated a big box to the colt.                 “Yeah, I like the stories. We have them in the library, well, some of them.” Randy said as he opened the package, to find not only the complete seven-volume set in both hardback and paperback, the two additional books in the series, and the complete DVD set of the movies, with a portable player.                 Randy’s eyes grew wide as he looked deeper in the box, finding House Gryffindor banners, a Sorting Hat, and a Hogwart’s robe. “Wow…” he breathed as he looked at his haul.                 “Oh, yes… one more thing.” Rapid Transit said as he levitated a smaller, slimmer box to Randy. “Nopony can be called a wizard without a wand, right?”                 “A wand?” Randy said as he opened the box to find a wand big enough to be held in his mouth. When he did, the wand’s tip lit up, not with a battery, but by magic.                 “A wand. One of the unicorns in Alexandria made this up for you when she heard of the trip here. Study the instructions, and you can learn a few tricks with it. Exactly what, I can’t say. I didn’t make it, I just delivered it. Do be careful, it is made of teak and rosewood. Rather expensive, really. Cost a few galleons, it did.” Artie said in his most upper-crust British voice.                 Randy smiled at Artie before putting the wand down and giving both him and Soaring Heart a hug of thanks. “Thank you. It’s wonderful.” he said, trying hard to be polite while inside he was exulting with glee.                 “You’re welcome, Randy. Do enjoy.” Soaring Heart said quietly.                 When Randy went back to his seat, Coppertop went over to him. “Hey, can we watch a movie or two later?” he asked the pegasus.                 “Sure! Once you show me how to work the player.”                 “Not a problem. I made sure it was fully charged before packing.”                 Reaching into his saddlebag, Artie pulled out a small box, about the size a good-quality watch would come in. As he levitated the box to Sudden Storm, he coughed a little.                 “Madam Mayor, er, Sudden Storm,” he quickly amended after his wife’s warning cough, “years ago, I aspired to work in radio. I went to school for it, and worked at a two-bit podunk country station for several months before I found running my mouth is not high on my list of favorite things to do. In that box, you will find a thousand hours of music on flash drives, broken into hours to play on your radio station here. All genres that I approve of, and a few I don’t. I was an older fellow, and I like the older music. So, sue me, I was old before. I ain’t now.                 “I made this up for you because I have heard how potent your radio station is, and want to give you a hoof in making it better. I hope you have a compatible player system on your computers.” he said, blushing a little as the box set itself down in front of Sudden Storm.                 Sudden Storm opened the box, to see several high-end flash drives inside. “Rapid Transit, this must have taken a long time to produce.” she said, looking at the visiting unicorn, who shrugged a little.                 “So, what’s a few white nights between friends, eh?” Artie said before having something to drink.                 “A few white nights, he said.” Coppertop said bluntly. “Dad, you stayed up late three nights in a row picking songs and loading them!”                 “Son, quit queering the pitch!” Artie growled mock-ferociously.                 “He’s not queering the pitch, he’s reinforcing it!” Morgan, the blue-green earth pony said, to the agreement of the Ponytown team.                 “He also needed my help in picking almost everything after 1990, except country. Dad, you may like music, but your tastes fossilized thirty years ago, when you got out of the Navy!” Coppertop said with a giggle.                 “I like MUSIC, son, not that raucous claptrap you listen to!” Artie fired back. “That Anime stuff you like is NOT music!                 “But, that brings me to another, more critical point.” Rapid Transit surveyed the small crowd. “One of your pressing problems is a lack of fresh, potable water, despite that mini-ocean you have knocking on your back door. Well, I have a possible solution, if we can find or fabricate the parts.”                 “Ladies and gentleponies, back in my misspent youth (or as he said the word, yoot), I served on not one, but three different nuclear submarines in the United States Navy. Our main source of fresh water, when we spend ten weeks out at sea without pulling into port, was an eight thousand gallon a day steam-powered evaporator.                 “Now, I know damn well that making steam like that here is not worth the effort, so I will now turn to our backup method of making fresh water, a two thousand gallon a day electric-powered distilling unit. It was a cranky piece of machinery, and we all hated it, but it saved our asses more than once, especially on the Grant when the evaporator sprung a leak.                 “The potable water requirements for you, me and the garden outside are not quite as strict as the water we ran through the nuclear reactor, so I think getting a few of the distilling units, hooking them up to some storage tanks, and pumping water from the lake to here, maybe into a holding tank the distillers can draw from, will go a long way in solving your water problems.”                 The Ponytown ponies looked at each other, with varying degrees of ‘why didn’t I think of that’ mixed in with ‘what the hell is that crazy old coot talking about’ playing on their faces before one of them, Serge, the big white pegasus, spoke up. “Just where do you propose finding these distilling units you talk about, Rapid Transit?” he asked.                 Rapid Transit looked back at Serge. “Submarines are not the only ships that have distilling units. You do have a waterfront, yes? One with ships tied up to it? Once we’re done plundering the Amazon warehouses, we’ll do some ship raiding. Hope you don’t mind being pirates for a while.” he said bluntly. Said bluntness struck a wrong chord in Serge, as he frowned in disapproval.                 “That is something that never would have occurred to any of us, Rapid Transit.” Sudden Storm said. “We have been using filter pitchers, filter straws, and raiding for bottled water since we started. Having a fresh water source would be of aid to us. We thought about starting the water system, but that is a little above our capabilities. “Right now, we have afternoon chores to get done, so I propose that you go with Swift Quill, Soaring Heart with me, and Coppertop with Jeff and Karin to help ready our field. We’ll all meet again at dinner, okay?”                 “Sounds good to me, Madam Mayor.” RT replied, getting up.                 “Dinner will be different, too, what with the spices and other goodies you brought with you. Sacks of flour of different types as well as a bread maker.” Jenn, the designated housemother said, with the other cooks nodding approval.                 “Not to mention the seeds you brought along.” Karin piped up, holding a book she was given, ‘What to Expect when You’re Expecting’, translated from Equestrian. “Some seeds we didn’t have will go good with the garden.”                 “Hey, we’s happy ta help.” RT responded in classic Bronxish. > Chapter Two: Friends and Enemies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later, Sudden Storm and Soaring Heart were parked on a cloud over Ponytown. “Is Rapid Transit always like he was during lunch?” Sudden Storm asked.                 “To be honest, yes and no. He is a very pleasant pony to know, and gets along with most anypony he meets. He DOES have a phobia of addressing groups, being the center of every pony’s attention, so he hides that by being almost clownish. He’s so paranoid about fitting in, wanting to belong to groups, it can be tough to live with. “One thing to note is that you really should not get him angry. He will defend what he feels is his, be it friends or family, with everything he can muster. What’s unusual is that he has come up with his best spells when he is either angry or frightened, and can’t really explain how he did it after.” Soaring Heart explained.                 “He struck me as being kind, polite and funny, yet also scared out of his wits. The only time I saw him calm during lunch is when the kids got their presents, and when he was talking about the distilling units.” Sudden Storm said.                 “When he’s sure of what’s going on or what he’s talking about, he’s calm. Otherwise, he’s fearful of putting a hoof wrong.” Soaring Heart said wryly. “I told him he didn’t have to worry.”                 “He didn’t, and neither do you. Friends are good to have, and his subway talent enables us to be friends together, rather than over a radio.”                 “Why do you think I named him Rapid Transit?” Soaring Heart said with a smile.                 “So, you named him. I can see why. What do you have to offer us, Madam Ambassador?”                 “Just the opportunity to be friends with you. You know more about controlling weather than I do. Something I would like to learn more about. Books are one way to learn, but I like having someone show me ways that work.” Soaring Heart told the Mayor.                 “Let’s get to work, shall we?” Sudden Storm said. For the next couple of hours, Sudden Storm demonstrated then drilled Soaring Heart on cloud control techniques she had learned on her own.                 Down in the back room of the former Wal-Mart, Artie was pacing around, with Swift Quill, Rich and Greg in attendance. “Now, from what I gather, this find-it spell does not require intimate knowledge of the storage area, but it helps. What you DO need is a clear image of what you’re looking for. Best is to actually have a sample on hand, even an empty carton. You can define the search for the specific brand, or a generic type. Like when I search for coffee, I can search for Tim Horton brand, or any ground coffee, or coffee beans, or espresso roast, or all of the above.                 “If you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, the spell may not work, due to lack of adequate definition.” he said as he looked at the pile of goods. “One of you, ask me to find something, anything that is back here.”                 “A necklace with a fake diamond crystal in the front, teardrop shape, on a gold-looking chain.” Swift Quill provided.                 “Okay. Pay attention, maybe you can figure out how I do this. I think I know what you are tawkin about.” Artie focused on the words, his horn lit up, then flared. A silvery flash lit up the room like a flashbulb, then faded.                 “Right. This way.” He walked over to a pile of boxes, then started shifting them in a deliberate manner, like he knew exactly what he was looking for, which he was. Within thirty seconds, he held up a white jewelry box. “There’s this one here, five more in the pile, and six more in another direction. Once anypony touches this with a hoof, I’ll forget where the others are.”                 “Before you do, where are the others that are not in this pile?” Greg asked.                 Artie put the box down on the floor. “I’ll show you.” He led the group to another part of the store room. Pointing with his horn, he said, “Four boxes down from the top, three boxes to the right, a brown box with six white boxes inside, all alike. Someone else dig them up, okay?”                 Rich did, moving the other boxes aside with his blue glow until he uncovered the box. He pulled the box out and opened it, revealing the six white boxes. Carefully, he opened a white box, revealing the necklace described. “Well, I’m impressed.” he said.                 Artie’s ears twitched. “Parlez-vous Francais?” he asked, it coming out more like ‘parley-voo frawn-SAY’.                 Rich grimaced at Artie’s horrible pronunciation. “Oui.” he replied.                 “Good! If I ever need to go to Montreal, you’re coming along. I got me one spot up there.” Artie said in his usual blunt manner, this time rankling Rich some. “Now, since you done seen what I can do, anyone else wanna try?”                 Swift Quill held up a hoof. “Can you try casting the spell again, but slower this time? We’ll do our best to ‘listen’ to the casting.”                 “Sounds like a plan. What should I dig up this time?”                 Greg went to another pile and rooted through it. He pulled out something and brought it to Artie. “Do we have any more of these specifically?” he asked, referring to the candle he had handed over.                 “Let’s find out.” Artie stared at the candle and focused. Again, his horn flared, the other three unicorns watching and feeling the spell go off. Of the three, the only one who showed understanding was Greg, the one with the least training.                 “By George, said John, I think Paul lost his Ringo…” Greg breathed, impressed by what he had just learned.                 “Well, ya beetle it out?” Artie asked.                 “I think so…” Greg said. “Somebody, find something for me to look for, please.”                 Rich went over to a pile and dug something out, Greg careful not to look in that direction. “Here, find this.” he said, passing Greg a small stuffed teddy bear. “Same size, different color. Find the closest one.”                 Greg looked the teddy bear over, then closed his eyes. His horn flared, and his eyes suddenly snapped open. “I see…” he said, dropping that bear and walking to the pile next to the one Rich had dug in, and quickly pulled out a bear, white instead of brown, the same size as the first. “It worked…”                 “Yes, but how?” Swift Quill asked. “I sensed the spell, but it didn’t feel quite right, like it… echoed…” she trailed off lamely, trying to explain what she sensed.                 “That’s because it’s not A spell, but more than one spell working in concert.” Rich said. “There’s the identifying part, the seeking part, and the reporting part. I managed to figure that out, but what I can’t figure out is how you got the parts to work together, Rapid Transit.”                 “Please, it’s R.T., or if you really want to make it easy on you, Artie. I respect formality in its place, but this aint it.                 “How I got to work them together, well, all I can say is damned if I know. I wanted coffee because I had run out, I had a warehouse that has over three MILLION items in it, and I had spent two hours soichin for it. Finally, I just got pissed off enough to scream, WHERE’S THE FRICKIN COFFEE!                 “Right then and there, I knew where the ground coffee was. All of it, in the warehouse. Since then, I figured out how to work it, not how it works. That’s a whole different kettle of fish. One piece of advice, though… don’t ask for a whole inventory. It aint woith da headache, trust me.”                 “I’m still going to figure out how you manage the spell, Artie.” Swift Quill said.                 “Hey, knock yourself out, Swifty. The one unicorn in Alexandria who could probably figger it out is also the one unicorn I wouldn’t give the time of day to if he asked. Not that he will, because he hates me as much as I hate him.” Artie said with more than a little heat.                 “Why do you hate him so much?” Rich asked.                 “Because he was rude to me and Soaring Heart on the phone when we first called in, and he hasn’t apologized for it yet! If he ever does, I might be cordial to the nerdy bastard, but now, I try to be civil with him, until he pisses me off.”                 “How long does that take?” Swift Quill asked.                 “About fifteen nanoseconds after we make eye contact. On a good day, thirty. There are some ponies who just rub me the wrong way, and he’s one a’dem.” RT practically snorted.                 “Hey, why don’t we break for a cup of coffee or something?” Greg suggested.                 “That’s a good idea. Have you tried coffee with fresh milk recently?” Swift Quill asked Artie quickly.                 “Are you tryin to bribe me, sister? If you is, it woiked. Now, let’s get some coffee!” Artie said, his demeanor changing from extremely angry to exceptionally kind in about fifteen milliseconds. “You leads me through dis maze, okay?”                 Later, Rapid Transit sat with the mechanics of the group and started sketching out his ideas about the distillation units. “If we get one, and it breaks down, youse ponies will be up the polluted tributary with no means of locomotion. I know they can be cranky sons of bitches, so I propose we get at least two, if not three.”                 “Just how big are these distillation units?” Morgan asked.                 “If I’m remembering right, about the size of a big desk for the main unit. That’s a Two-K machine. Nice thing about putting them in here is that we have lotsa elbow room to work with. On a sub, we barely had space to turn around without smacking into something. Don’t even ask about the berthing spaces.” Artie answered.                 “What about the berthing spaces?” Karin asked.                 Artie took on a pained look, like he had bitten into a particularly potent lemon. “I told you not to ask me about them, Karin.” he said in a pained voice, which made the four around the table laugh.                 “You mentioned something about holding tanks?” Jeff asked.                 “Yeah. You’re going to need a big holding tank inside for the fresh water output, some sort of pump assembly to get the water to your field out there, and most importantly, two big metal holding tanks outside to pump lake water into, suspended some in the air.”                 “Why up in the air?” Serge asked.                 “Think about it. How cold did it get here during the winter? Below freezing?”                 “Well below.” Serge said before Morgan jumped in.                 “I get it! Build it up high so we can build a fire underneath it to melt any ice that forms inside!” she said, her eyes wide.                 Artie grinned. “I love it when the students can anticipate the teacher. Yes, you got it right. During the winter, you have a lower demand for water, so you won’t need to run the distillers as often. If we site the tanks right, you can shovel snow off the roof into the tanks, melt it, distill it, and hey presto, fresh water!”                 “We may want two tanks inside, one for the field and one for household use, filling either as needed.” Jeff contributed.                 “Jeez, ya don’t need me, does ya?” Artie said with a bit of a laugh. “All I gots ta do is find the distiller units for ya, we gets them here, do some jiggery-pokery for the power, then you builds the inside and outside plumbin.                 “You know your needs better than I do, so I’ll leave the full how and where inside to youse folk. I’ll be happy to pitch in and gives ya a helpin hoof or two. Heck, maybe I can learn somethin from ya.”                 “Just how good a mechanic are you, R.T.?” Serge asked.                 “Me? I ain’t. I know enough to do strategic planning and figuring, the tactical I’ll leave to those better than I am. Why do you think I cleaned parking lots for two decades, then started working at Amazon for five years? I could barely work on cars.” Artie explained. That confession did more to cement Serge’s opinion, as well as swaying Morgan some away from the visiting DOWNSTATE New York pony.                 “You pointed the way, R.T. We’ll take it the rest of the distance.” Morgan said with a little distaste.                 “Hey, don’t be too hard on him, Morgan. He did think of something that we didn’t. At least they care enough to try, right?” Jeff said from his end of the table.                 “Yeah, but he ain’t a gold-plated savior, either. I bet he’s even a Giants fan.” Morgan muttered                 “No, Jets fan. Been a fan since Joe Willie was QB. At least the Jets DID win a Super Bowl, unlike the Bills.” Artie retorted.                 “I preferred hockey over football.” Morgan said with a glare.                 “The only good player I ever heard coming out of Buffalo was Miroslav Satan (pronounced zha-TAN, for those who like jumping to conclusions). Been a Rangers fan since I was a kid.”                 “RANGERS? How could anyone back the Rangers?” Morgan shouted, jumping to her hooves and snorting. Artie stared back, his nostrils dilating, ready to snap back.                 “Ponies, let’s break for a while, okay?” Jeff said quickly, interrupting the imminent war of words.                 “Good idea.” Serge snorted.                 Later that night, Sudden Storm was up in her radio porch, sorting through the flash drives she had been given. She whistled in surprise as she checked the one labeled ‘loose’. “Over seven thousand songs on here, all sorted by genre and artist. When did he find the time to put this all here?” she wondered aloud as she ran through the titles.                 “About half of them, he already had. All sorted and organized. The rest, he put Coppertop on the job.” Soaring Heart said from the bottom of the steps.                 Sudden Storm jumped a little at the unfamiliar voice. “You startled me! Come on up!” she called down quietly. Soaring Heart carefully climbed the steps. “Where’s Artie?”                 “Sound asleep downstairs, Laddie curled up next to him. He didn’t get much sleep last night, fretting about today. Like the gift?”                 “I’ve just started checking. With these, I can program the station for weeks in advance and not worry about it.” Stormy said with a little amazement.                 “Each playlist is between fifty and fifty-eight minutes in length, and he did make a thousand of them, each one different, but each one in the same genre. You should find about ten hours of holiday music there, along with classical, big band, fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, comedy, country, and modern. He had Coppertop do the modern stuff.”                 “He did say he didn’t like the modern music.” Stormy observed.                 “It’s the truth. The only modern music he likes is country, and not much of it. Frankly, being from London, I don’t understand much of the country music, but it does make him happy.” Soaring Heart told her hostess.                 “He really does want to help us out, right?” Stormy asked.                 “Oh, yes. He’s more than willing to do all he can to make your lives that much better. His water distiller idea has merit. I just hope you and he can make it happen.”                 “Making the pipes, tanks and other plumbing, we can do. We do need the distillers. I hope he’s right in finding them.”                 “I hope so too, Stormy. So does he. He does have an alternate plan, in case all else fails.”                 “Oh? What’s that?”                 “Telegating to the submarine base he worked at, finding if there are any subs there, and taking theirs. He does not want to do that, because of the news from that direction, but if he has to, he will.”                 Stormy whistled in appreciation. “He’s real dedicated to the idea of helping us.”                 “That he is, and that’s what he will do, starting in the morning. Speaking of which, I’m heading for bed. IF I can get into it, that is.”                 “He sprawls out a lot?”                 “He and Laddie both. I can get Laddie to move. Vanna stays with Coppertop.”                 “Get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be busy.” Stormy suggested.                 “You get some sleep, too, Madame Mayor.”                 Stormy glared at Soaring Heart, then snorted before smiling. “Will do, Madame Ambassador.” Milton, Ontario, about an hour later…                 Attila looked at his radio as different music started playing from the Ponytown station. After the song, something old that he did not know, he heard Sudden Storm say “That’s right, ponies, Ponytown has some new music, thanks to our new company from Alexandria. Thanks to Rapid Transit’s gift, we can remain on air twenty-four seven without being boring, repeating the same tunes over and over again.                 “I’ll still pop on at noon and six with live updates, plus breaking news when applicable. I’m off to bed now, but I’ll keep things going through the night. Until tomorrow!”                 As a song he recognized came over the radio, his assistant Nebulous Nimbus came in to where Attila was sheltering. “Bad news, boss. That pegasus bitch we captured back in Detroit, she managed to buck Samson and run off. We just found him. Doesn’t look good.” the red and yellow unicorn with the blue and purple frizzy mane reported.                 The big black earth pony stallion just looked at his aide. “Will he be able to keep up with us tomorrow?” Attila asked.                 “Doubtful, boss.” Nebulous Nimbus said. “I’m not sure he will live through the night. I was a paramedic, not a doctor.”                 Attila sighed. Samson is one of the two ponies in his band who could use firearms, Attila himself being the other. “If he can’t keep up, he stays behind. Our objective is unchanged. Ponytown will be mine.” he stated, not as a hope, but as a fact of life that will not be changed. “Four more days before we get there.”                 “Make it five, boss. We need to do more scavenging. We can still make progress, but foraging needs to be a priority if we are to arrive in peak condition.”                 Attila thought about his band’s condition before nodding. A former Detroit gang leader before the Event, he did know that conditioning was essential if he intended to take Ponytown as his own. “Good point, Neb. How about training?”                 “We have ten effective fighters. The pegasi won’t be much good in a fight, even if they knew how to fly, which they don’t. The two remaining captives won’t be any good in a fight, either. Should I dispatch a team to catch up with the pegasus bitch and off her? Samson said he did bust her up some before he got bucked.”                 “No, Neb, let her go. As good a brawler Samson is, no need to waste troops searching for a crip at night. Too much of a chance of losing more effectives. Tinker have my weapons set?”                 “Yes, he has, boss. He’s asleep now. We have two automatic pistols and a rifle adapted for your use, and two hundred rounds for each gun. He’ll want to see you in the morning for another harness fitting.” Neb reported.                 “Okay. Go eat and get some sleep yourself, Neb. You’re more important now, with Samson down. I’m going to doze some myself.” Attila said.                 “Got it, boss. See you in the morning.” Neb said before leaving the shelter.                 Attila sprawled on a pile of blankets, listening to the radio. As he dropped off to sleep, he couldn’t help but think, “Soon, Ponytown. Soon you will be mine, and I can truly be a conqueror, like I deserve to be.” > Chapter Three: A Dog and Pony Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early the next morning, too early for Artie’s tastes, a working party set out from Ponytown to YZ1, the first of the fulfillment centers west of Toronto. Serge drove the pickup, with Artie, Coppertop, Morgan, Greg and Soaring Heart. Per Artie’s request, Serge drove along the waterfront, to see what ships were in port. Fortunately, there was a plethora of ships to choose from. Filing it away for future reference, they proceeded to their destination.                 Pulling into the parking lot, everyone noticed a faint plume of smoke coming out of the back of the building. Driving around, they found a pile of discarded goods of all types, and smoke coming out of a crude vent pipe.                 “Looks like someone’s making a home here.” Serge said.                 “Sure does.” Artie replied. Turning to the back, he said to his wife, “Love, do a quick aerial reconnaissance and let us know what you see, please.”                 “Will do, love.” Soaring Heart said as she lifted off from the truck bed.                 One of the loading dock doors slowly rose, to reveal a humanoid figure in the shadows. Everypony in the truck stared as the figure came out into the light, revealing what could best be described as a cross between a bulldog and a human, wearing boxer shorts, said bulldog standing on its back feet. The dog waved and called out. “No need to hide! C’mon over! You from Ponytown?”                 Artie leaned out of the window. “How you know about Ponytown?” he hollered.                 “Eighty-eight nine FM, that’s how!” the dog shouted back before jumping off the loading dock. “They got some great new music yesterday!”                 “Yeah, and he brought it!” Morgan shouted before getting out of the bed of the pickup truck, Coppertop following.                 “I think our course of action has been decided, gentleponies.” Artie muttered as he opened the door.                 “Here is as good a place as any.” Serge said, shutting off the truck motor and setting the brakes before getting out.                 Soaring Heart walked up to the bulldog, who easily stood over her and the others. “So, what’s your name, and how did you come to be here?” she asked pleasantly.                 The bulldog looked down at the ponies before sitting on the parking lot. “My name was Andy Jacobs. Now, call me Bowser. I think it fits.” he said as he got comfortable. “I work here, or I did. I was working night shift on a Friday night, doing Problem Solve, when something happened. Next thing I know, it was dark, cold and nobody was around.”                 “Where you put the fire?” Artie asked as he came up to join the party.                 “At first, I built one in a cage by the loading dock, busting up pallets. That got me through until sun-up. With light, I started scavenging. Good thing the compactor was nearly empty. I bunged together an exhaust flue and I’m using that for heat. There’s enough stuff in here to keep me in beef jerky and water and juices for a while.” Bowser said. “It’s so GOOD to talk to someone again!”                 “Believe me, we all know the feeling.” Artie said. “First of all, introductions. From Ponytown, we have Serge the pegasus, Greg the unicorn, and Morgan the earth pony. I’m Rapid Transit, from Alexandria, my wife Soaring Heart (she’s the pegasus) and our son Coppertop.                 “I worked at Phoenix Seven when this went down. I was home, my father disappeared, so I went to Seven to camp out. Did that for over two months before I found out how to telegate between places. All I had to talk to was my cat and a dog pack.”                 “What did you do at Phoenix Seven?” Bowser asked.                 “Pack and sort, a little pick, and a full-time ambassador. How goes your scavenging?”                 “I’ve done about a third of the building so far, as much as I can reach. I’ve been reluctant to climb the racks. Found some real neat jewelry.” Bowser said. “Got me plenty of food, water, and other things.”                 “We were to come down here and see if there was anything worth scavenging to bring back to Ponytown. Maybe we can work out a means to swap stuff, trade what we want for what you want?” Morgan said.                 “Yeah! Got any shiny gems? I’ll be willing to trade a lot for gems!” Bowser said excitedly.                 “Why do you like gems so much?” Coppertop asked.                 Bowser shrugged. “I just do. Shiny stuff is good, but gems are best. I’ll show you my collection, but don’t take anything!”                 Soaring Heart smiled up at Bowser. “We don’t want to do that, Bowser. We would like to see what you have found, and maybe we can find you more in here.”                 “Find me more shinies?”                 “Why not? You did say there are places you can’t reach, right? We can help you look, and in return, bring you any we find, both here and elsewhere.”                 Bowser smiled wide, a little drool escaping from his mouth. “Thank you, Soaring Heart! Let’s go looking!”                 “Bowser, before we go looking about, please show us where you keep your stuff, so we all know not to go there. Greg and I will walk around, learning the place, and then we will do our searching for you.” Artie told the big dog-man cross.                 “Okay! Come on! I’ll show you. Have to check the fireplace, too.” Bowser said eagerly, bounding up into the open loading dock door. When nobody followed, he looked back. “Oops… want help getting in?”                 “Would not be a bad idea.” Morgan said with a sarcastic tone.                 Bowser jumped back down and picked up the ponies one at a time, setting them inside, except for Serge and Soaring Heart, who flew in. “Sorry I forgot, friends. Sometimes I get all excited.” He said in apology.                 “That’s all right, Bowser.” Soaring Heart said. “How long have you been alone?”                 Bowser shrugged before he shut the loading bay door. “I’m not entirely sure. Maybe a month. There was snow here when I woke up, but it’s gone now.”                 “That’s about right.” Morgan said. “The last of the snow melted a little more than two weeks ago. It’s a miracle you didn’t freeze here.”                 “So, I got lucky in being able to start a fire fast enough to keep me warm through the night, and finding enough blankets to huddle under to sleep. Getting the flue in so I could turn the compactor into a furnace helped matters too.” Bowser explained as he led the ponies to the furnace area, where he had set up his humble abode.                 “You sure like your gems, don’t you?” RT said as he beheld Bowser’s horde, which consisted of the cheap jewelry available in that warehouse.                 “Yes, I do. It’s so pretty, especially in the light. Makes me feel good to see them when I’m done doing my chores.” Bowser said. “Can you help me find more?”                 Serge spoke up. “I’m sure we can, Bowser. I know where I can get you lots of shiny gems, and some real gold and silver, too. We’re willing to trade what we have for stuff we want. Are you?”                 “Yeah! Whatever I don’t need, you can take with you!” Bowser said eagerly.                 “All right, den. Morgan, you and Greg look around the west end of the building, Coppertop and I will check the east end. Serge, you and Soaring Heart do aerial recon, seeing if you can get up and down the racking without too much trouble, as well as getting an overview of the building. Bowser, give us about an hour or so of looking about before we start searching, okay?” Artie declared, taking charge of the situation. After agreement from all hands, they split up to search, Serge a touch reluctantly. He only came along because a) he is the best driver of the pickup and b) Stormy asked him to. He and Morgan had talked some last night, Rich joining him. They all agreed that the visiting unicorn has talents, but he is also a real ass at times.                 An hour or so later, the groups reassembled at the fireplace. “Okay, everyone. Let’s figure out what we can and can’t do.” Artie said. He looked at the pegasi. “Any trouble flying about?”                 “No, no trouble flying up and down the aisles, but I doubt we can get anything of real substance down.” Soaring Heart reported, Serge nodding in agreement.                 “I thought that would be so, but I hadda check it out personally. His attention then went to Greg and Morgan. “You two find anything useful?”                 “Yes, we did. Cases and cases of canned vegetables, bottled water, and other foodstuffs we can use, along with some pallets of dehydrated foods.” Morgan reported. “Plus, some other goods we may find useful.”                 “I found the same thing on my side. Bowser, any chance of making an order picker operational?” RT asked.                 Bowser thought some before replying. “If we can get some charged, I can operate it. Thing is, I don’t know what it will take to run one. The chargers are not on house current.”                 “Good point. Been years since I ran a PIT myself. Serge, any chance some of these PITs have any charge left in them?” Artie asked.                 “I highly doubt it, R.T. Not after almost a year. Let me look over one of them, and I’ll see what can be done with them.”                 “Sounds good to me. You work on that. Greg, you think you know the coordinate system here well enough to use the finder spell?”                 Greg nodded. “I’m pretty sure I do. Numbers increase west to east, letters increase bottom to top, places in row increase south to north. What should we be going for?”                 “Let’s see about some provisions that Bowser here will NOT like, and get them over to Ponytown. Did you find any wagons or carts you can use?”                 “We did, and I have some rope to make a temp harness with.” Morgan said. “We’ll bring the full carts over to the door we came in.”                 “Fine. I’ll look for some myself, and some stuff for Bowser’s collection. We gotta please the host, right?” Artie said with a smile.                 “Got that right, love. What do you want me to do?” Soaring Heart asked.                 “Keep Bowser company. Talk to him. I’m sure he’s lonely, and can use some companionship.” Artie told his wife.                 “I would like that, Soaring Heart.” Bowser said.                 “If you would like that, then I will see you get it, Bowser.” she said before looking at the others. “Well, what are you folk waiting for? Get to work!” The five ponies scattered.                 Several hours later, the ponies and dog gathered at the loading dock door where they had come in at. The pickup truck’s bed was laden with goods Ponytown could use, mainly food and tools that Bowser had no use for. Bowser was happy that the ponies had not only found more food for him, but more jewelry and other trinkets he could add to his stash. With promises to return within a couple of days, the ponies headed back to Ponytown, Soaring Heart taking to the air, to allow for more room in the truck bed.                 On the drive back to Ponytown, Soaring Heart noticed something moving southwest of their location, something that cast a noticeable shadow. Curious, she flew over to look. The shadow resolved into a lone pony hobbling down a road, head down, taking one slow step at a time, holding its left foreleg high. The pony is a pegasus, pale sky blue in color, with a dusty red mane and tail and white wings.                 Soaring Heart landed about ten feet in front of the struggling pony. “Hello, what have we here?” she said quietly.                 The strange pony looked up. At this distance, Soaring Heart could see the pony’s fur was matted and dirty, with dried blood evident in some places, one wing not sitting properly, and the left foreleg was visibly broken. Tear streaks were visible on the pegasus’ face. “You can’t be with Attila… none of the pegasi know how to fly yet.” the pony gasped.                 “Attila? Who is he?”                 “The gang lord that is aiming to take over Ponytown in a few days. Do you have water?”                 “Not on me, but I can get some. Just hold on. Help will be coming. Now, let me call for help.” Soaring Heart said calmly, getting her phone out while looking around for street signs. Quickly, she nose-dialed Artie.                 “What you need, lovely? See something interesting?”                 “Artie, I’ve found an injured pegasus walking along Highway Six at the 407 junction. She’s got a broken leg, an injured wing, and she looks like she needs a few good meals. How soon can you get here?”                 After a pause, where Artie and Serge had a discussion, “We can be there in just a few minutes. That’s not too far where we were. Hang in there, help is on the way!”                 “We’ll be waiting, Artie. Don’t spare the horsepower!” Soaring Heart said before hanging up.                 “Friends of yours?” the strange pegasus asked.                 “Artie is my husband. Short for Rapid Transit. We were raiding an Amazon warehouse not too far from here. You’ve heard of Ponytown, yes? We’re visiting there.”                 “From Alexandria? Attila treats us as slaves, those that do not join his gang, but he makes no secret of Ponytown and his desire to take it for his own. He lets everyone listen while we march and camp. I was Marian Hendley, a professor of mathematics at Wayne State University in Detroit.”                 “I’m known as Soaring Heart, Marian. What I was is not what I am, so I took on a different name when I became a pony. How did you get so broken up?”                 “Attila’s number-two, Samson, tried to take me yesterday evening. I said no. He didn’t accept no for an answer. We fought. He broke my foreleg, but I kicked him a good one where it hurt a lot, then a couple more times before getting out of there as fast as I could.”                 “You’ll need to talk to Sudden Storm about this. AFTER you see our medic and have a decent dinner or two.”                 “I’ll talk, all right, at length and in detail.” Marian said as the truck came into view down the highway from where they stood. “Only if you promise to show me how to use my wings to fly.”                 “Once you can flap them, we will all help teach you.”                 Artie and Greg lifted Marian into the bed of the truck, rearranging supplies to make her comfortable while Coppertop checked her out. Coppertop had been training with Dr. Oliver in Alexandria almost daily since arrival, and while he could not do much to help, he could check her over and figure out what needed to be looked at further. A quick conference between Artie, Soaring Heart and Serge led to the conclusion that they would be tunneling back to Ponytown, after Serge phoned ahead to let Sudden Storm and Karin know what was going on.                 Artie fixed the intersection in his mind before gating to Ponytown, checking the path for the truck before gating back. He liked doing that when he was uncertain of the destination, especially when gating a vehicle through. He went back to the party, made sure everyone was ready, and opened a gate, telling Serge to drive through, that he would follow, which he did, galloping through to close the gate after Serge drove through the silver disc.                 It got busy at Ponytown after they got back, both taking care of Marian and unloading the supplies from the truck. Soaring Heart and Serge briefed Sudden Storm and Swift Quill on their findings, Karin, Coppertop, Rich and Morgan tending to Marian, while the others helped unload and stow the supply run. Marian, between yelps and groans, told the story of how she Returned and got swept up in Attila’s gang sweep before starting the winter walk to Ponytown, through cold, snow and wind.                 “It was horrible, walking through the snow and cold, with boot like things that came up our legs and heavy blankets over us all. When it got real windy, Attila, Nebulous Nimbus or Samson would put halters on all of us slaves and lead us in a line. Much as I hate Attila, I must say he is a dynamic, forceful leader. There were only two ways to leave slavery, death or joining his band. I’m the first successful escape, and I almost didn’t make it.”                 “It was lucky that we had arrived and decided to check out that warehouse. When Mom called Dad to say she had found you, we were heading back here.” Coppertop explained.                 “With a truckload of supplies.” Morgan added. “Feeling any better?”                 “I can do with a good dinner, a drink or three to forget about the pain resetting my wing and leg caused, followed by about three weeks asleep, but I have to say I am feeling a lot better. Thank you all for treating me.” Marian said to her benefactors.                 “Believe me when I say, ‘you’re welcome’, Marian.” Karin said from where she was resting, her pregnancy making it so she could not do all that was needed, but Coppertop, Rich and Morgan were her hooves in this case. “At least we didn’t have to call Doctor Oliver up from Alexandria. “Let’s get you fed and rested before we continue the questioning, okay?” “Just help me up, please. Now I can extend my leg without screaming.” Coppertop, with a little help from Morgan, got Marian up on her hooves and escorted her to the dining room, where Jenn had something warm and fresh waiting for her. After her dinner, she was escorted to a ‘guest room’ and told to get some sleep, which she did quickly. Coppertop told Vanna to stay with her, and to come and get him when she woke. The pit bull puppy gave a quiet yip and curled up at the foot of the mattress, watching Marian carefully. At the group’s dinner, those involved reported on the day’s events to the rest of the Ponytown citizenry. The report of finding Bowser was met with joy, and a discussion broke out as to how to ‘repay’ him, for this and future hauls. “Why not give him some of the stuff from the jewelry stores in the mall? It’s not like we have any use for it.” Swift Quill suggested. “Not a bad idea, but, how much at a time? It seems like he does not want to leave the warehouse, or else he would have raided nearby jewelry stores already.” Sudden Storm said. “I’ve been doing some reading on that.” Rhonda said from the foot of the table. “Some diamond dogs tend to be territorial, staying on one area that is theirs. Others like to wander, finding new goodies for their stash. Looks like Bowser is one of the territorial ones.” “Well, he’s got a lot in there to be territorial about.” Artie said in a bit of a drawl. “We done barely started emptying the place out of useful stuff, and we have two more to search.” “Not to mention we have another problem coming our way… Attila and his crew. Any ideas there?” Sudden Storm asked. “They are coming straight down the 401 freeway. Maybe set up an ambush?” Serge suggested. “Let me get eyes on them, and I can telegate a bomb in their midst.” Artie chipped in with. “Somehow, I don’t think sweet reason will work with them.” Swift Quill put in. “He wants to lord over this place.” “I would suggest an all-out assault, but none of us are real fighters.” Jeff said. “Plus, at least one has firearms.” “Maybe I can make it rain on their parade, with added lightning.” Sudden Storm mused. Soaring Heart stood up. “PONIES!” she shouted, cutting through the babble. When all quieted, she went on. “I suggest we contact someone who knows a little bit more about fighting than we do. I know some ponies in Alexandria who would be willing to help, if we but let them know.” “True Sight and some of hers, Mom?” Coppertop asked. “Yes, and Alex as well. Remember they may know we are here, but they do not know we know they are there. Artie, after dinner, we are going to call Alex and let her know we will be coming back for discussions. Sudden Storm, would you like to come along for the initial meeting?” “You better believe it, Soaring Heart! Nopony is going to take Ponytown away from us!” Sudden Storm declared, to the cheers of the Ponytown residents. That evening, Rapid Transit, Soaring Heart and Sudden Storm telegated to Alexandria for talks with Alex. An hour later, they were back in Ponytown, with Alex, True Sight, Adrian and Oliver in tow. Oliver did examinations on both Marian and Karin, while Alex, Adrian and True Sight sat down with most of the rest of Ponytown, the only ones excluded being Rhonda, Coppertop, Randy and Tammy. Discussions went on late into the night about Attila and his oncoming ‘horde’, and what to do about it, Oliver reporting in about the physical state of Marian. Talks adjourned late, to resume the next day, when Marian woke up. “We know what we know now,” Alex said before leaving, “but we need to know more about Attila and his gang. When Marian awakens, we will talk with her to learn what we can about them.” “Once we find out all we can know, then we can devise an attack plan. It seems to me that nothing short of physical force will dissuade him from an attack.” True Sight added. “I don’t like fighting, but here he will not give us any choice. So, if he wants a fight, we’ll give him one. On OUR terms, not his.” Sudden Storm said. “And our terms will not be pleasant… to them.” Artie said before opening the telegate back to Alexandria. “Artie… only what is needed, not what is wanted. You missed what happened before. I am not going to have a repeat.” Alex admonished before walking through the gate. “Yes, Chief.” Artie said before collapsing the telegate. Milton, Ontario, the next morning… Attila walked down the line of his gang, examining the wagons and carts hitched to the slaves and lower ranking members. He himself wore large saddlebags, with Nebulous Nimbus and Tinker carrying smaller ones. “Our destination today is Dixie Road at the very least, Dixon Road will be best. “We are very close to our destination, Ponytown. They have no idea we are here, and we are not going to give them any opportunity to find out. We will hit them and hit them hard, letting them know they have no choice but to accept me as their leader.” the black earth pony said to his troops. “It will be good to have fresh forage and electricity at our command again.” “Also, it will be good to stop moving so I can do some serious work, boss.” Tinker, a pink and green unicorn with a cutie mark of a soldering iron. “I hate leaving things half done.” “You have been very good for me, Tinker. Your efforts will not go unrewarded.” Attila told his aide, who brightened visibly at the praise. He usually did, Tinker being very close to being an idiot savant, but a useful one. “Samson will have to ride a cart today, but should be walking tomorrow, and will be ready for the fight, Attila.” Nebulous Nimbus reported. “Good to hear. Even better that you were wrong about his injuries.” “Amen to that, Attila. Head wounds do bleed freely. That threw me when I first saw him, and he did not recover consciousness until later than I had hoped. You can talk to him on the way.” “So I shall do, Nebulous.” Attila said quietly before raising his voice. “Let’s roll!” The wagon train of assorted carts and one large half-pickup wagon, pulled by the two remaining slaves, started moving northeastward on Highway 401, at a slow, measured pace. Attila did not feel a need to rush, not with his goal so close to him. > Chapter Four: Battle Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponytown, later that morning… Marian woke up with a shiver and a groan, her abused body resisting waking up, but pressures inside drove her awake, that and pain from her left wing shoulder and leg. She woke to find herself on a large soft mattress, covered by a light blanket. As she struggled to get up, a young pit bull dog at the foot of the bed woke up and yipped at her. She looked at the dog, who looked back before yipping again and running out with all the grace of a puppy. Marian took stock of her surroundings… a bed, a blanket, a lamp (currently off), four walls like an office cubicle, a cast on her left foreleg, a brace around her wing shoulder, and various bandages here and there. While she did hurt, the pain was much less than she remembered it. As she got unsteadily to her feet, the cast making it a challenge, a bright orange pony with a darker orange mane and a shock of copper color mane between the ears, stuck its head into the room, the puppy panting at its forefeet, her tail wagging hard enough to shake her whole back end. “Good morning, Miss Marian. Need a hoof?” Marian started to shake her head before stopping. “Can you show me to the rest room, please?” “Of course. Lean on me if you need to. Vanna, go to Karin and tell her Marian is awake, okay?” the pony told the puppy, who barked and scampered off. Marian found leaning on the pony did help. As he guided her to the toilet, she said, “Thank you for the help. What was your name again? I know I got here, but names and faces are fuzzy.” The pony guided Marian into the toilet area. “I’m Coppertop, junior medic and gardener. I’m also Vanna’s pony. Just ask her. Go on, do what you need to. I’ll wait out here.” “Thank you, Coppertop.” Marian said as she shuffled into position to do her business, Coppertop stepping out of sight of the door. When she was done, she shuffled her way out, Coppertop waiting at the door to help her. “Next, we go to the dining room, where you can have breakfast, and after, you’ll get to meet the rest of the Ponytown citizenry. We brought Doctor Oliver here from Alexandria last night to check you out. He put the cast on you, because Karin wasn’t sure she could do it right. He did say you were a bit of a mess, but medications and a good rest would help a lot.” Coppertop explained. “He was right. I still feel like hell, but the outer circles, not the inner. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll reach Purgatory.” “I’ll take your word for it.” Coppertop said as he led Marian to the dining area. Getting her down on a cushion, he then said, “Just wait here. I’ll send Jenn out with something for you, while I find Dad and Miss Storm.” Marian sprawled on the big cushion happily- the walk around Ponytown took a lot out of her, and she was quite hungry. “Sounds good to me!” she sighed in relief. As she waited, Marian noticed that her cast was not plain white, it had words on it. Mostly get-well wishes, but a couple of statements as well. One she could read (with a bit of effort, seeing as it was upside down to her eyes), read ‘Some things are best admired as an umbrella-stand, not as a body ornament.’, signed with a winged heart. She smiled after she finished reading the statement. For the first time since she woke up as a pony, she felt confident enough to welcome another day, rather than curse it. Jenn came in to the dining area, pushing a cart. “Good morning! Hope you’re up for breakfast!” she called out cheerily. Marian’s nose twitched at the scents. “Oatmeal… toast… scrambled eggs… real coffee?” she said as she tried to read the aromas. “Along with real milk and butter! Scrambled do you?” Jenn asked as she unloaded the cart. “Oh, yes! Those are real eggs, right? Not dried and remade?” “Later, I’ll show you the chicken coop we have out back. Another day, someone will show you the cow pasture.” “It’s a deal.” Marian said as she clumsily gripped the utensils and started eating, letting a forkful of scrambled egg melt in her mouth. Slowly, she ate the first good meal she has had since waking up as a pony months before, enjoying every bite and drink. There was even sugar for her coffee, an undreamed-of luxury to her. So, enraptured by breakfast, Marian did not notice three other ponies join her. The gray unicorn she remembered from the day before. The gray pegasus, greenish blue small pony and white pegasus she did not recall. “Marian, I’m Sudden Storm, the leader of Ponytown. With me are Alex Haggard, Rapid Transit, and Soaring Heart, from Alexandria. What we want from you is all the details you can remember about Attila, his gang, and their intentions.” the gray pegasus said. Marian nodded when she heard Sudden Storm. “Okay, Sudden Storm. I remember your voice from the radio. Attila has been receiving your signal all the way from Detroit.” she started. For the next two hours, she detailed all she could remember about Attila and his gang, from Attila’s dynamic leadership, to Samson’s wanton cruelty, Tinker’s gifts with crafting (as well as his disadvantages) Nebulous Nimbus’ organizational and medical skills, the pegasi inability to fly, everything she could and did observe from her position as a slave, sparing little detail. The quartet doing the questioning took copious notes during the time, their concern over the approaching gang mounting. When Marian showed signs of tiring, Coppertop was asked to bring her to Karin for checking over while the four discussed the impending problem. “For sure, I’m bringing in True Sight to quarterback this situation. She has more experience fighting than I do. However, I can see some ways where we can press our advantages in defense.” Alex said after Marian had left the room. “What advantages do you see?” Sudden Storm asked. “Several. For one, we have pegasi and thestrals, while they cannot fly. Second, they have unicorns who barely have a handle on telekinesis. Three, we know they are coming, and which way they are coming from, so they won’t be able to hide from us. “You will need to maintain surveillance from a distance, and more importantly, keep the cloud cover up. I say that because the cloud cover will be of aid to our pegasi.” “By keeping up observation from clouds as they drift by, and pulling for altitude to head back before drifting out of range.” Soaring Heart said in realization. Sudden Storm nodded in agreement. “Correct, Heart. Now, I have to refine this with True Sight and the others she will pick, but what I propose is what I am thinking of as an alphabet attack.” Alex said. “Whaddaya mean by that, Alex?” Rapid Transit asked, confused by the statement, giving voice not only to his own confusion, but that of the others. “A: we ask them to desist and depart. B: we use your tunnel, Artie, to leave them a package of scatter-thrown flash-bang grenades. If that does not work, the C is for chemical attack, namely tear gas.  As a last resort, we use D, send in the dogs.” Alex said, reluctance to go to the later options plainly evident on her face. “To do that, I’m gonna have to be where I can see them approach so I can deliver the warheads right.” Rapid Transit said. “I know that, Artie, so we’re going to have to find you a ‘duck blind’ to hide in, you and two more, to throw the grenades through your telegate when needed.” “That’s my job, Alex.” Sudden Storm said. “I also know what to do with those I don’t want to keep here. Artie, you have not seen the cow pasture yet, have you?” “When the heck have I had a chance to, Stormy?” “You will this afternoon. I want you to add the cow pasture to your list of destinations. I’m also going to have some tents set up there, for shelter. Today, they are far enough away to use the truck for a load there. “On the day of battle, I’ll want you to gate Jeff, Karin, Rhonda, Tammy, Coppertop and Randy to the pasture. I want them out of danger, just in case we should make a mistake.” “Coppertop won’t be a problem. Randy will be.” Soaring Heart observed, having spent some time with the pegasus colt. “He is going to be my messenger if needed, flying there and back as I call for. I do NOT want any of Attila’s force to have any inkling of where the pasture is. Tinker may be able to do some DF work on our radio signals.” Sudden Storm said. “If we do our jobs right, Stormy, Attila and his bunch won’t have a chance to inkle on Ponytown’s carpets.” Rapid Transit said with a small smile. He was immediately battered by two sets of pegasus wings while Alex merely rolled her eyes at his wordplay. She was used to it. That afternoon, Sudden Storm brought the rest of Ponytown up to speed with her plans, with True Sight and Alex to help elaborate. Everypony was given their parts to play and places to go. True Sight and her detachment will remain out of sight, in a building along Attila’s line of approach, until called upon, or they see an opportunity. Rapid Transit, with Swift Quill, Greg, and Rich, will be in another building with a periscope arrangement to see out at the street, with the others to lob tear gas and flash bangs as needed, Serge and Morgan detailed to go out and raid police stations nearby for weaponry. Randy complained a little about being in the cow pasture team, but when told his job, the little pegasus colt stood tall as he could. “I won’t let you down, Stormy!” he said with pride. “I know you won’t, Randy. That’s why you are in that job,” Sudden Storm said to him, with a smile. “Okay, today, Serge and Morgan go out to get the weapons. Jeff will bring Artie to the pasture, along with some camping gear, to make the place habitable for us. Soaring Heart and I will try to keep a discreet eye on out invaders. The rest of you, just act normally. We want to ease Attila into more confidence than he deserves.” “Right, Stormy.” The group chorused. Searching east of Toronto, Serge and Morgan went to five different police stations, raiding all they could from them. After the fifth stop, they figured they had enough of each, and started heading back. “I may not like the pony, but I’m damn glad Artie’s here. If they decided to wait another week, there might not be a Ponytown to visit.” Morgan said. “Even though he is a damned Jets fan.” “I just don’t like him on general principles,” Serge said as he drove. “Driving up here and offering all the benefits of friendship like he was some sort of savior. That rankles me a lot.” “It may rankle you, and I don’t like him either, but how do you think we would fare against Attila’s gang if they were not here?” Serge thought for over a minute before replying. “To be honest, not very well. We may triumph in the end, but, not without casualties. Having surprise on us would have been a big advantage.” “So, shall we be thankful he is here and accept his, and Alexandria’s help?” “We can be, but I don’t have to like it, and I don’t!” “Neither do I, but at least we will be alive and free to hate his guts, right?” At the cow pasture, Jeff and Artie unloaded the truck of tents, awnings and other gear. As Artie assembled them, Jeff asked the unicorn, “What do you think our chances are?” “To be honest, I don’t know.” Artie said as he staked down a big tent. “I’m not a warrior, never have been, never will be. True Sight is. With her quarterbacking, we stand a better chance than if I was.” “I’m glad you said that, Artie. You’re honest with us.” “I may be honest, but that doesn’t stop me from being worried.” “This refuge here will keep the kids and Karin safe. To be honest, I’ve been wanting to put some sort of shelter up here, anyhow. This just gave us a reason to get it done,” Jeff told the unicorn. “Hey, I’m happy to be able to help. Let me tell you, after what I’ve been through the last six months, I don’t want to see or hear any other ponies suffering like I did. I am not a mechanic by any stretch of the imagination. I had to use the tried and true GAH method to survive. This time, it worked. Sometimes, it won’t.” “GAH?” Jeff said, confused for a few seconds before it dawned on him. “Oh, yes… guess and hope.” “Exactly. A whole lot of guessing and a whole lot of hoping, with no one to talk to but my cat and the dogs. The subway tunnel came as a big surprise, and meeting Sara made my life a whole lot better. Finding out about Alexandria was better still. Finding out about you ponies, well…” Artie paused, gathering his thoughts before going on. “I like being alone, but not lonely. To bring ponies together, so we can all help each other, that makes me feel a whole lot better about waking up a unicorn than anything else.” Jeff looked at Artie, seeing something he hadn’t seen before. “You mean it, don’t you? You like bringing ponies together?” “For almost three months, I was lonely. Heartbreakingly lonely. You don’t know how many times I wanted to just jump off a bridge. Sethra and Laddie kept me here long enough for the loneliness to end. “Now, there is a band of barbarians here, coming to take away all you have been built because they either don’t have the skills to build their own empire, or, they just plain don’t want to. I am not about to allow that to happen to my new friends, even if all of them don’t think I am their friend yet.” “You’ve noticed the hostility?” Jeff asked. “Hell, yeah!” Artie exclaimed, getting another tent’s materials laid out. “I ain’t been the easiest to get along with, as a person or a pony. I can get the feelings from all I meet. The kids like me, Quill does, Greg and Jenn do, as does Rhonda. Stormy and the rest, including you, have not made up their minds yet about us. Rich doesn’t like me, Morgan, well, she just has to have the bad luck to be a Sabres fan. Serge thinks I’m the Devil incarnate.  Can you tell him something for me, please?” “What would that be, Artie?” “I’m only HALF the Devil incarnate,” he said, raising a hoof to indicate his horn. “Missing a horn to be a full devil. I know damn well I can be loud, pushy and brash. What many don’t know is why.” “Stormy did say to me that you don’t like to be in groups, especially leading a group.” “Correct. I don’t like to lead. Teaching is fine. Leading is not. I’m so afraid of making a mistake that can get someone hurt, mostly myself. That’s why we suggested we get Alex up here with some better ideas. Think about it… if we were a week later, we would not be dealing with you, but your new lord and master.” “Got that right. Got the area fixed in your mind well enough to gate home and back?” “Got it.” Artie said as he held the big tent upright for Jeff to drive the stakes in. “I’ll do anything to keep my son safe, even though I’m willing to bet he fights better than I do.” Jeff finished driving the stakes down, and Artie tightened the stays. “You have one advantage over him, you know.” “I do. I fight dirty, and in this case, I’m willing to kill, if necessary. I’d rather not, but I know I can if I have to,” Artie said as he tied the last line down, making the tent stand firm. “Let’s get the supplies loaded in here, then get the rest of the tents set up.” Over Ponytown, Soaring Heart and Sudden Storm went on a look about, Stormy showing Heart how to keep the clouds low and how to dart in and out of them, not presenting themselves for very long. “I see some movement on a motorway,” Heart said suddenly. Storm looked in that direction. “I see them, too. Looks like the caravan is approaching. If I were them, I would set up camp in that grassy area near that mall.” “Shall we fly high, then come down and peek through a cloud as it drifts over?” Heart suggested. Storm giggled a little. “You’re reading my mind! Follow me!” She flapped strongly, picking up speed and climbing, Heart not far from her tail. Ten minutes of hard flying, maneuvering to keep clouds between them and the bandit team, had the two resting on a cloud, their heads poking out the bottom. “Okay, the one in the front has to be Attila. The big, black earth pony. He’s carrying a big pack.” Storm observed. “That’s something Marian made a point of saying. Yes, he’s the leader of the band, but he also does his fair share of the work. Two ponies to each wagon, one to smaller carts, and five carrying packs. The two smaller ones are guards, and the top three carrying packs.” “There’s a pony in a wagon up front. That can be the Samson that attacked Marian. He’s not as bad off as she thought.” Storm kept watching the troupe. “He is riding, instead of walking. He’s hurt, but not dead. I’m sure he can still shoot, even laid up.” They watched as Attila led the band onto the grassy area Storm described. “He’s no dunce, for sure. There’s a nice stream for drinking water, and a pool for bathing, if they can stand the cold. They’re gathering under the trees and the unicorns are setting up shelters. Smart dude, but so overconfident.” Storm said as they drifted by. “He’s still going to be a dangerous opponent. We have an idea what he will do, but we don’t know exactly what. Firearms are a good force equalizer.” Heart commented. “So is Artie. Let’s find a good place for him to monitor the approach, and have Serge and Morgan deliver the goods there. This is not going to be pretty. Win or lose, our resources are going to be strained.” Stormy said as they drifted closer to Ponytown. “I hope we will have enough food for all when this is over. Tonight, we’ll talk battle plans with the community. We need to figure out what to do, win OR lose.” Heart could only nod. “True Sight will be a big help. Being a thestral, she can look about at night, getting a report on them.” “Seeing as until she arrived, I have never heard of a thestral, nor mentioned it on air, Attila could not know of them, either.” “Advantage, us.” Regional Park, late that afternoon: “Company, set camp here!” Attila bellowed. The assorted ponies started their setting camp routine, unicorns off-loading carts and the wagons, pegasi and earth ponies setting up shelters, details starting a fire, fetching water and wood, and one detachment looking for a place to raid for edibles. All went smoothly, as Attila had relentlessly trained and driven his band for the past several months. “Ponies, you did well today, making better time than I had hoped. We will camp here for two days, then advance closer to Ponytown before starting our assault four days from now, in the early morning hours!” he shouted to his band. Many of them smiled at his praise, others looked worried about the coming battle. Attila himself set up his own shelter, then put on his rifle harness to get twenty rounds of practice fire in, at different ranges, well away from camp. Samson was offloaded from his cart and made his way to Attila as he was setting up. “I better get some drilling in, too,” he managed to say, his gait still a bit off and his eyes not quite tracking, but doing better than the day before. “Are you sure, Samson? You still look off.” Attila said cautiously. “Damn it, Attila, I’m not going to be a drag on the attack! We’ve been together from the beginning, and I refuse to let you down!” the brown and white earth pony said firmly. “If I’m still off, let’s see just how far, then take actions once we know.” Attila had to smile a little. The two have been friends for a long time, even before they woke up as ponies. “Well said, Samson. Go have Tinker help you on with your harness, then come out here.” “Yes, Attila!” Samson barked before turning and leaving to find Tinker, their inventive unicorn. Attila got his rifle ready in the harness that Tinker had devised to enable him to shoot, sighted in carefully, and fired three rounds from the M-16. Trotting to the target, he saw that he was still off some, the harness not being perfect. “Still, having these to fire is an advantage we have and they do not,” he mused as he looked at the holes in the target planks, well to the right of his aim. Samson made it back, wearing his rifle harness and carrying an ammo pack. Rules were that no one could carry loaded firearms near Attila, and Samson was very scrupulous in following the rules. “Load me, Attila. I need practice.” Attila removed a loaded clip and put it in the rifle. Samson worked the mechanism and loaded the rifle. Attila moved clear, and Samson took his shots before safing the rifle. “Check me, please.” After verifying the safety on, Attila fetched the target. It was clean, bare of marks. “I think you have to aim more to the left. Also, I noticed your flinching with every shot,” he remarked. “I know, Attila. The rounds going off does hurt my ears. Let me try again, please. I will not fail you!” Attila moved the safety, and Samson took three more shots before Attila called a halt and checked the target. Again, the rounds were off to the right, but all three had hit the target. “Good shooting, Samson! Between the two of us, Ponytown will be ours in four more days.” “I will do my part, Attila.” Above, the live fire practice was witnessed by Soaring Heart and Sudden Storm. “Tonight, True Sight will observe them. Maybe hear them. We’ll find out later. For now, let’s head back to Ponytown and make some more plans.” Storm said as they drifted over the camp. “Sounds like a plan to me,” Soaring Heart agreed. At Ponytown, the two ladies arrived to find Artie and Jeff waiting for them, having put together the cow pasture camp. They were loading the truck bed wagon with supplies. “How it looking, love?” Artie asked his wife. “Well, they DO have firearms, and can use them. We still have to scout out your duck blind, and make plans for observing them tonight.” “I wish they would just wise up and go away,” Artie sighed. “But, if they want a fight, let’s show them a fight they are not expecting.” “Playing to our strengths, not theirs.” Jeff said in agreement. “We’re working on it, Jeff. Where’s Marian?” Stormy asked. “She should still be inside. Where can she go with a cast on her leg?” Jeff replied. “I want to talk to her some more, now that we have seen them. Excuse me, but I have more work to do,” Stormy said as she flew inside. “Need a hoof packing, love?” “Why not? Sure, let’s get loaded. Food, water, blankets, tools, toys… make sure we got everything we need.” > Chapter 5: Fight Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside Ponytown, Stormy encountered Serge and Morgan, Morgan pulling a wagon loaded with tear gas bombs and flash-bang grenades. “Where do you want these, Stormy?” Serge asked. “The bank down by the library. I want these locked up in case Tammy gets curious. You have not seen her, have you?’ Stormy asked. Morgan answered that question. “Knowing her, she is busy coloring with Rhonda in their room, while Rhonda is busy studying.” “Tammy does know what is important to her.” Serge added. “That she does. Now, get the stuff out of sight. I have to find Marian and talk to her. I just observed the band of invaders and I have some more questions to ask.” “Odds are she’s in the kitchen, with Jenn,” Morgan said. “Okay, then. We have a battle to fight and win. Knowing is half the battle.” Stormy did find Marian in the kitchen, resting on a pad, her left foreleg on a pillow. Jenn was busy fixing dinner for the crew. “Marian, we need to talk some.” Marian looked up. “Sure, Miss Storm. What you need from me?” “More information about Attila’s band. Who is most likely to be in the front lines of the battle?” Marian thought for a short time. “Attila and Samson, for sure, with the weapons. Tinker and Nimbus will hang back. The pegasi could fight, but they are not good fighters. Those like Attila and Jenn will be in front. The unicorns and pegasi will be back in the second rank, ready to move up when an opportunity presents itself.” “That makes seven in the front rank, five in the second, two back with the slaves, and five more who could be anywhere. That makes the odds more even. None of us here at Ponytown are what you can call skilled warriors. True Sight and her squad are, but that’s only five total. Plus, they have firearms,” Stormy observed. “That they do, but why should you let them come here? Why not hit them in camp, when they are NOT expecting us to attack?” Marian asked. Stormy looked a little surprised at that question, like it had never occurred to her. “I should bring that up with True Sight. If we hit them at night, we could hit them without their weapons.” “I’m no warrior, just a history student.” Stormy looked closely at Marian. “I thought you said you were a math professor,” she said sharply. Marian blushed brightly. “Yes, well, if I had said that, my life in Attila’s pack would have been much rougher,” she managed to stammer out, clearly embarrassed. “Let me guess, you weren’t a female then, either.” Stormy said dryly. Marian openly stared at Sudden Storm. “How did you know?” she squeaked, alarmed. “I didn’t know, I made a guess. Parts of your story didn’t add up to me. Also, you’re not the only case of gender swapping known to have happened,” Stormy said quietly, patting the rattled pegasus with a hoof. “It was how you described Samson’s assault that rang a bell to me.” “Can we talk about this later? We have other work to do first before we have the luxury of looking at my psych profile,” Marian asked. “Sure. Just relax and get better. That’s more important to you than anything else. When we start the fight, I’m sending you to the cow pasture, for safety. You’re in no condition to fight.” “Sounds good to me,” Marian said, struggling to her feet, Stormy giving her a nudge up. “I’ll be in my room. Wake me at dinnertime, okay?” “Will do, Marian. Get some sleep.” Before dinner, Sudden Storm gathered together True Sight and her team, along with most of the population of Ponytown. “It has been suggested to me to stage a night attack, and catch the band asleep. Any suggestions?” “Not a night attack, but a night raid. I and my team can scout the area tonight and make plans for a raid tomorrow night. What I plan on doing is either taking or damaging their weapons, to make any future combat a little more one sided, to us,” True Sight suggested. “What bothers me is how youse ponies can get in and out without being detected.” Artie spoke up. “Tonight, we fly in, Featherlight and I, to look around. The other three will do a perimeter check. Tomorrow, during the day, I want to see if we can get you in for a look, Artie. Hopefully, you can telegate us in, getting the drop on them.” “Getting him close enough to spot the camp without being detected won’t be easy.” Soaring Heart said. “No, but that will be part of tonight’s scouting raid. Find where the weapons dump is, and raid it tomorrow,” True Sight replied. “Raid it? Why not drop an incendiary or two on top of it and blow it into the next county?” Artie asked. “The less they have, the better for us, right?” True Sight sighed quietly. She knew of Artie’s defensiveness, and it could be tiresome at times, because he was no fighter, not at all. “Artie, we MAY do that tomorrow night, but we have to find it first, then observe the patterns they use during the night, to get in and out undetected.” Artie had the grace to blush some, the insides of his ears reddening. “Sorry, Sight. I just want this threat removed. They is good ponies up here, and the more help I can give them, the better my heart will feel, is all.” Sudden Storm looked at Artie in a slightly different light. “You really mean that, don’t you? You really care about us, a bunch of strangers up in the northern reaches of nowhere?” Artie first looked at Stormy, around the table, then back at the mayor of Ponytown. “Lady, there ain’t enough of us to waste time and resources fighting each other. The sooner this menace is removed to a place where they can’t hurts anypony, da better I is gonna rest at night.” The ponies from Alexandria knew when Artie was speaking from the heart- his Bronx honk became more pronounced. “So, let’s complete our planning,” Softer Heart said quietly. “Maybe some aerial reconnaissance photos tomorrow will help.” “You have a camera you can operate, Heart?” Swift Quill asked. “After a fashion. It fits onto a harness I have, and has a two to four-hour chip life before it fills. I can’t operate it in flight, so it’s best turned on and left on the whole time,” Softer Heart explained. “If you finally got the aiming points right, Heart,” Featherlight commented, remembering early trials in Alexandria. “Thank you for the vote of confidence, dearie,” Heart replied in her driest tones. That night, an hour after sundown, Artie and Swift Quill drove out to within half a mile of Attila’s camp site in the Tesla, which had cardboard masks placed over the headlights. This was done to minimize the time and effort True Sight’s team would have to use both in getting to the site and back from it undetected. Finding a suitably isolated spot, Quill shut off the car. “Okay, Artie, here we are. Think you can bust into this building here without calling attention to yourself?” “Heck, no. That’s what you are here for, oh superior unicorn. I’m just a hack with talents. Hack as in the taxi driver, that is.” Artie replied. “Point taken,” Quill said as she got out of the car, going to the door she had parked in front of, the garage door of a service station. “If I can get the door open into the service bay, think you can get the door tracks greased?” Artie held up the cans of WD-40 he had brought. “If this doesn’t do the job, we’ll just have to find another place, right?” he said as he put the cans down. “This is the best place nearby. Out of sight, out of hearing, out of touch. This will be a good sally port.” “Just get the side door open quietly, willya? I gonna do the big doors,” Artie said a bit peevishly. Swift Quill just smiled gently as the small door in front of them let out a faint thunk. She pulled the door open with a flourish. “How’s that for you?” Artie shrugged as he picked up the cans again, along with a flashlight. “Not bad,” he grunted as he headed in. Picking a door, Artie lofted a spray can and thoroughly greased the tracks of the door. It took him three full cans to get it done to his satisfaction. He then proceeded to the door itself, looking for a lock on it. Finding it, he swiftly unlocked the door before lifting gently. When nothing happened, he lifted a little harder. The door wobbled, but held. “Come on, ya samminabeetch, LIFT!” Artie grunted as he gave it a harder pull, his horn glowing bright silver. “Er, Artie, you forgot something…” Swift Quill said quietly. “What that?” he snapped. “There’s more than one lock. You missed the other.” Swift Quill said, pointing out the second lock, then unlocking it. “Try it now.” Artie tried again, and the door slid silently up the tracks to its raised position. “Who’da thunk they’d put more than one lock on the damn door?” he grumbled. “How many garages you break into, Artie?” “None. Why?” “It shows. Think you got a good enough fix on here to bring True Sight and her gang over?” “After that little escapade, I damn well ought to. Be right back, Swifty,” Artie said as he opened a telegate and trotted through. Three minutes later, the five members of True Sight’s team appeared out of nothing, followed by Artie. “Okay, team, let’s go do this.” True Sight said as she took to the skies, followed by Featherlight. The other three, shod in silencing shoes, marched off in the direction of the camp. “I hope they know what they are doing,” Quill said. “Trust me… they do.” True Sight and Featherlight sped through the skies to the camp, the low clouds helping them approach unseen. At the camp, the thestral and the pegasus split, circling in opposite directions over the camp, taking in details. Several campfires burned brightly, ponies doing chores before bed. Only one tent had any form of artificial light on, one of the bigger ones. “If Marian’s intelligence is right, that has to be Tinker’s tent. I wonder what he’s doing now.” Featherlight said over her radio. “Probably making more rounds of ammo, or some other sort of nastiness. I can’t hear what’s going on down there, just four radios all tuned to Ponytown.” True Sight said in reply. “I wonder which one the ammo dump is?” “The ammo dump should be in that metal trailer. We have to take that out early.” “I agree. Any idea how?” “Limpet charge.” “That will work. On the roof?” “On the roof.” The thestral and pegasus lazily circled over the encampment, noting any and all activity, occasionally spotting one of the other team members as they ghosted about. After half an hour, they headed back to the garage, where Artie and Swift Quill were waiting. “Find anything useful over there?” Artie asked. “We think so. We’ll find out for sure tomorrow if we were right or wrong. Let’s get out of here, and restore the place to rights before you leave. We’ll use it again.” True sight said. “That’s good. Let’s get out of here!” Swift Quill emphasized. Artie opened the gate, the five fighters trotted through, then Artie closed the gate and the shop doors before following Quill back to the Tesla. At Ponytown, True Sight and her crew outlined the quick, sharp raid they had planned for tomorrow. “If we got our targets right, tomorrow, we will remove the firearms from play. It’s amazing what a little bit of explosives can do, when applied right,” she explained to the Ponytown group. “Explosives? How so?” Serge asked. “We have some small explosive charges. Not big, but more than enough to take out wagons and carts. If we can render them weaponless and immobile, they should be much more amenable to reason.” True Sight said patiently. “Or more desperate than ever to avoid capture, if they think we are as bad as they are.” Morgan chipped in with. “True, but there are twenty-three of them, counting slaves, and more of us. We can handle them, once the firearms are taken out.” “If they do give up, what can we do with them?” Sudden Storm asked. “We don’t have the supplies to handle such a population jump.” “I’ll get them to Alexandria, Stormy. You don’t have to put up with them all.” Artie told the mayor. “I’m going to have you add one more thing to your weapons package. A satellite phone, with a note attached. I’ll give Attila a chance to end this peacefully. If he chooses not to, well, Ponytown belongs to US, not THEM, right?” Stormy said. The Ponytown crowd cheered. “You aint standing alone, Stormy! We stands with you!” Artie declared, to the cheers of the Alexandria contingent. “Ponytown will NOT fall! I’ll defend your town to the last drop of… HIS blood!” he went on, pointing at his son, Coppertop, to much laughter. “Gee, Thanks, Dad.” Coppertop said drily. “Do you have the explosives you talk about, True Sight?” Jeff asked, standing close to Karin. “Not here, but at our base in Alexandria. They are not big, but we don’t need them to be very big. The detonators, though, are triggered by a means they have not figured out yet.” True Sight explained. “Magic, I take it?” Swift Quill asked. “Correct. Shining Spiral, here,” at which she indicated the unicorn in her group, “has developed a means to detonate a substance at a distance with a spell. What is good is that we can sow the explosives and he can detonate them at a distance. He can choose which one to detonate at each time, so one can go off at one place, then another in another place a minute later, and so on.” “Not bad at all. Hope it sends them into fits.” Swift Quill commented. “That’s the idea.” The next night, Artie took the assault squad back to the garage using the telegate. “How long you want me to wait here?” he asked True Sight. “If we’re not back in an hour, call us on the radio,” the thestral told him. “We’ll call you on our return.” “Sounds like a plan to me.” Artie said as he unlocked the garage door and opened it. The squad made their way out into the cloudy night silently. The squad approached in a similar way to the night before, just from a different direction. They crept around, watching over the camp as a few ponies went about their business, others asleep in their shelters. The explosives were planted on wagons, carts, trailers, but not the shelters. They were not out to deliberately hurt anypony, just remove as much of their offensive capability as they could. True Sight herself left the most important package, the preprogrammed sat phone which she left right outside Attila’s shelter. The squad made their way back to the garage, where Shining Spiral cast the spell to detonate the explosives. Over the course of a minute, ten small bombs went off, the booms audible even at the garage distance. The last bomb was the one on the metal trailer they presumed held munitions. That boom was followed by an eleventh, bigger boom. Flames shot up from that trailer. “I think you put a little too much sugar in that one, Butch.” Artie commented. “They must have had something quite flammable in the last one.” “Well, it flammed good. I can see the fire from here. Think we should check out the scene?” Artie asked. True Sight and Featherlight took off immediately, heading for the campsite. The two earth ponies also left, leaving Shining Spiral with Artie. “Looks like that’s a yes.” Artie said. “We will kill when we must, not at whim. Now was not a time for killing.” Shining Spiral said quietly. “Let’s hope our opposition feels the same way.” “Rapid Transit, return to Ponytown and bring all that can be brought. The fight may begin now.” Shining Spiral said in level, even tones, which Artie knew meant ‘do what I say or I will kick you from Alexandria to Equestria in one shot’. Artie formed a telegate and ran through. At the campsite, the four came upon a scene of minor carnage. Flames licked from several of the shelters, ponies running about, some with burns. Attila had come out of his shelter, shouting orders, trying to regain control of his panicked camp. The tent that had been lit the night before was in flames. I think it’s time we made our presence known.” True Sight said over her radio link as she landed in the center of the camp, Featherlight by her side. “Attention, followers of Attila! We have known of your presence for several days, and had hopes of dissuading you from bringing the fight to Ponytown. Our intent was to remove your capacity for war, but apparently some of your secrets were quite explosive. Renounce your intention to invade Ponytown, and we will assist you in resettling elsewhere,” she declared in a loud voice, her two earth pony members moving up to stand alongside her and Featherlight. Attila came up to the foursome, rage apparent on his face. “Now, we will kill all who stand in my way! You harm my gang, you harm ME! We repay blood with blood!” he shouted, going to attack True Sight, only to be blocked by one of the earth ponies. “We are willing to live in peace, but if you want war, we will give you war like you have not seen before!” True Sight said, spreading her wings wide, baring her fangs. “Attention! Everyone rush the invaders! Tear them apart! Suffer them not to live!” Attila shouted, trying to rally his troops. “Screw that, Attila! I need a hand here with Tinker! It’s bad!” another voice shouted from beyond the blazing tent. Attila glared at the foursome. “Tinker had best not die, or you all will,” he growled. “This Tinker need not die. If he is wounded, we will help him. Show us where he is, do not attack us, and we will give him the chance to recover, as will the others who are wounded.” Attila backed up a few steps. “Neb, can you bring Tinker here?” he shouted. “On my way!” A moment later, Nebulous Nimbus came out of the dark, carrying Tinker in his glow. Blood seeped from Tinker’s burned hide, his limbs limp and still. “If Tinker dies, so will you all. If Tinker recovers, we will leave. You have the word of Attila on that.” “We know the word of Attila is good.” A minute later, the sound of hooves in full run was heard, approaching from the direction of the garage. A light appeared in the dark, followed by four more. Shining Spiral was in the lead, followed by Swift Quill, Rich, Greg, and Artie. Farther back were Jeff, Coppertop and Morgan, followed by Laddie and Vanna. All were bearing packs, except for Artie and the dogs. “Which is the worst casualty?” Shining Spiral asked. Five hooves pointed to Tinker, held in Neb’s glow. Shining Spiral nodded, and a sheet came out of his pack, unfolding as it was placed on the ground. “Put him there and give me space.” Neb did so and all backed off. From above came a shout. “All hooves, go around and help the injured! That’s what we’re here for!” Sudden Storm said as she landed, along with Soaring Heart, Serge and Randy. The Ponytown crew scattered to do what they could. Storm walked up to Attila. Looking up at the big black stallion, she said, “So, you intended to take Ponytown as your own, eh?” Attila looked down at Sudden Storm, neither cowed or defiant. “It is my destiny to rule. My brand says so,” he said, turning to show his cutie mark, a gold crown and a silver sword. “What gives you the right to march in and take what we have worked to build for a year? Why did you not simply stop and build on your own?” Storm asked, True Sight and one of her earth ponies standing near. “You saw the winter we just had. It was too cold to build. I found your station on the radio shortly after my resurrection, and decided there is the place I must be. By the time I gathered enough horses, the first snows had started to fall. So, we made our way here, despite everything.” Attila said. “That you did. Marian told us about the trip. That’s how we knew you were coming.” Attila snorted and stomped a hoof. “I was advised to go after her, but I demurred. Maybe that was an error on my part. Samson was injured, and I was worried about him,” he said, then looked around. “Where IS Samson?” Attila called out, “Neb, search the area. Get a head count!” “Yes, boss.” Neb said from where he was watching Shining Spiral work on healing Tinker. “Marian did say you inspire loyalty in some. I see she was not wrong in her observation.” “Marian refused to join the gang, so she remained a slave. She would not willingly accept my leadership. The others did, and did not suffer from it. No slave of mine suffered. They just had no say in my planning.” Attila said matter-of-factly. “So, I have heard. You did give of yourself as much or more than anypony else. You showed remarkable drive to get your troupe here in the weather conditions we had, all the way from Detroit. Why not channel that drive into building an encampment of your own? With spring coming, you will have time now to establish your own town before next winter. We can assist you in setting up.” “Once we establish, will you interfere with my leadership methods?” Attila asked with some suspicion. Sudden Storm looked up at the big earth pony stallion. “I would prefer that you not keep slaves, but other than that, no.” Attila considered Sudden Storm’s words. “I must think some on that. Shall we survey the encampment and check on casualties?” he asked. “Sounds like a good idea. I can also get an estimate on what help you will need in the short term.” “Let us go, then. I want to see which of my gang is injured, and how badly.” Attila started walking, deliberately away from where Shining Spiral was working on Tinker. “You can teach my unicorns and pegasi how to use their abilities?” “And teach your earth ponies, those like you, how to use your own special talents, like growing food from seed to harvest in a few days. We can do that. Once having done so, I do want assurances that your town and mine do not attack each other to take what the other has.” Sudden Storm said in a serious tone of voice. “I can agree to that. We must mutually decide on where such a town can be situated without interfering with each other.” Attila said as they came across Coppertop treating one of Attila’s unicorn’s wounds. They were not serious, but any wound needs treating. “Close enough to assist and trade with each other, yet far enough away so we are not in each other’s pockets. Both we from Ponytown, and the ones from Alexandria, will be willing to assist you in getting your settlement up and viable. Assistance you will need to ask for. We will not do it for you, but we will tell you how we established Ponytown, and let you make your own decisions,” Sudden Storm said as they walked. “You are smarter than you look and sound, Sudden Storm. Had I but the means to contact you, maybe I would have. The conditions we were in made such a luxury impossible. Surviving came first.” Attila said slowly, considering every word as he thought quickly. Bending low to put his mouth by her ear, he whispered, “Thank you for letting me keep my pride, as well as not making me look weak in front of the gang.” Sudden Storm whispered back. “Attila, I know how fragile leadership can be. I can’t lead by sheer power and strength, like you do, so I have to use more guile and cajoling. Your troop needs a strong leader. You have proven your ability to lead. Now, to find a place to have you and yours settle.” “I have an idea, not far away. A Wal-Mart in Milton.” “Not bad, but not much tillable acreage nearby, nor pastureland. Maybe tomorrow or the next day, we’ll go hunting together.” Sudden Storm said before both of them pricked their ears up and raised their heads as the sounds of a commotion reached them. “Kill the invaders! Destroy all that stand in Attila’s way!” they both heard. “That’s Samson! Something’s wrong for him to say that!” Attila said, startled. “Follow me!” Sudden Storm said as she took to the nighttime sky. Hoofbeats were audible, heading towards the shouting, Samson’s among them. Stormy got enough altitude to look around. She could see a pony rearing, the one identified to her as Samson, standing over Artie’s body, Laddie barking ferociously, lunging at Samson to keep him away from Artie. Samson came down from his rearing position, right on the black Labrador. The dog let out a loud whine, and dropped on the spot, blood coming from his mouth. Samson reared again, only to get a hoof to the head by a fast-moving white pegasus. Before the dazed earth pony could figure out what was going on, a teal blue earth pony came charging in, vaulting over Artie and Laddie to impact her shoulder into Samson’s chest, sending Samson flying a short way before falling to the ground, where a blue glow held the dazed pony down. “You’re NOT going to kill one of ours tonight!” Serge shouted as he circled for another strike. “Yeah! If anyone’s gonna kill Artie, it ain’t gonna be you!” Morgan snarled as she got up from the ground, where she fell after impact. “Ponies, he can’t hear you. He’s unconscious.” Rich said from where he stood, head lowered, the glow from his horn surrounding the fallen pony. “Someone has a hard hoof.” Sudden Storm circled the scene as other ponies ran up. “Why did you do that for? You don’t even like him!” she called down. “Stormy, Artie may be a bastard to get along with, but he’s OUR bastard! Even if he IS a Jets fan!” Morgan called up as Attila came into the area. “How is he?” Attila asked Rich. “Out colder than the lake is now.” Rich said, moving his glow to Artie. “So is he. Artie must have been taken by surprise.” As Coppertop came running up to check on his father, Vanna went over to sniff at Laddie. She then sat down and let out a pained howl. “That can’t be good.” Soaring Heart said quietly. “Rich, how bad is my father? Can you sense that?” Coppertop asked as he started examining Artie. “Bad lump on his head. He should be waking up in a while.” Rich said as Samson started to stir. “Samson, you have done a bad thing here. Say why I should not kill you where you lie.” Attila said to his former second, who looked up at his boss with total surprise in his eyes. “Attila, Ponytown struck first! Kill them all and we can take it! Show no mercy!” Samson whined from where he lay. “Samson, matters are now on a different level. Ponytown is offering us a chance to build on our own. I will take that offer. We will have power and fresh food again.” Attila said seriously. “No, Attila! What we need, we take, and let the others submit to us! Show no mercy!” Attila grew stern. “Do you want to fight me for leadership? You can, or you can leave. Now. Pack your possessions and go. Those are your only options, Samson.” He said, standing over the earth pony. The two locked eyes as the others gathered around. “I will fight you, Attila. Even now, I can defeat you.” Samson growled as he got to his feet. “Everyone, get clear! This is a leadership duel!” Attila called out. The other ponies drew clear, Swift Quill and Rich moving Artie and Laddie aside. The two big earth ponies stared at each other. “Attila, you went soft! You are supposed to be a conqueror! If you cannot conquer, step aside and I will!” Samson said, his eyes still not quite focusing. “If you wish to conquer, you will have to go through me to do so.” Attila said, before rearing back and, striking swiftly, struck Samson’s head with a forehoof. Samson dropped like a sack of potatoes, blood leaking from above his left eye. “Attention, all! Samson has lost his bid for leadership of us, and so now, I, Attila, declare that Samson is no longer part of the gang. If he stays, he stays as a slave.” Attila declared. “Nebulous Nimbus, record this fact.” “Will do, boss.” Neb said from his spot in the surrounding circle of ponies. Sudden Storm landed next to Attila. “I also will declare that Attila’s tribe are to be thought of as friends of Ponytown. A place for them to settle will be determined, and we will, working together, bring your town up to Ponytown standards,” she declared, to the surprise of Attila’s gang and the delight of the others. As the cheering commenced, Artie woke up from unconsciousness. “What’s all the shouting about?” he asked his son. “Peace is breaking out all over, Dad. I think we won.” “Not without a cost, though.” Soaring Heart said, landing next to her husband and son. “Samson killed Laddie, who was defending you.” Artie looked heartbroken. “He killed Laddie? Laddie was defending me?” “Yes, he did, Artie. Samson was about to stomp your skull in. Laddie deflected and took the blow.” Sudden Storm said, joining the group. “I’m gonna miss him.” Artie sniffled before breaking down, held by his family. > Chapter Six: Afterwards, the after words. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days later: Attila and Sudden Storm looked at what they decided would be the new settlement site, next to Ajax Downs race track. There was a Wal-Mart there, along with open fields for tilling and several small lakes for a water source. “It’s going to take a lot of effort to get this place up to Ponytown standards, but I do not doubt our ability to do so.” Attila said as they walked through the Wal-Mart, both wearing headlamps to see through the gloomy interior. “Tinker is expected to be ready to come back in a week or so. Shining Spiral’s healing spell was quite effective. I can’t believe he was working on making napalm in his tent.” Sudden Storm said. “Tinker hates waste. Everything can be put to use, even old gas. I have found the best thing to do with Tinker is to allow him to fiddle on his own. He’s a good kid.” “Kid? How old was he, before the Change?” Stormy asked. “According to him, thirteen going on fourteen. He just loves to fiddle and putter. When I let him, that is. He invented the harnesses that allow us… ponies… to use firearms. He did that during a storm layover outside of London.” Attila said as he looked around. “He also said he had some ideas of making a generator and storage battery package, but we never stopped long enough to allow him to do more than paper figuring.” The two went out the back door of the store to look out on the fields. “Now he has a chance. Just a suggestion- have him put his workshop somewhere OTHER than your residence.” Attila nickered a little at those words. “Sage advice, Mayor Storm. I’ll keep that under advisement. When do you think we can get Rapid Transit to get us from where we are to here? The sooner we start, the sooner we can finish.” “That’s going to take some convincing, but he will be able to soon. When your team is ready, let me know, and I will let Soaring Heart know to start talking him into it. He is rightfully very angry at Samson, and by extension, your gang. He loved his dog. For a long time, Laddie and his pet cat were all he had to talk to. “You don’t want Samson back, do you?” Attila got a determined look on his face. “No, I don’t. If he comes back, he will be a slave, and you don’t want me to keep slaves, so, the best thing is for him to stay in Alexandria and hope he can be rehabilitated. He always had violent tendencies, even before. I used them to the team’s advantage. Now, he is a liability,” he said with more than a trace of bitterness. “I trusted him. Now, I can’t. “I do have a large group behind me, and under my guidance, before the snow flies again, Ajax will be a thriving, prosperous community. This I so declare as of now.” Sudden Storm looked up at her fellow mayor. “You know, with seventeen ponies under you, you just might pull it off. Help will be available, when you ask for it. All we will really need to do for you is to find and move here cows and milking equipment. The rest, we’ll teach when asked, but you will have to do the work yourselves. You’ll find a pride in accomplishment. We did.” “I know the feeling, Sudden Storm.” Attila said before turning and looking the pegasus in the face, tilting some so the headlamp didn’t catch either of them full on. “Forgive me for the attempted invasion? I was doing what I thought right for me and mine.” “Personally, Attila, I forgive you. Others may not be as forgiving, but only time will tell when we stop referring to you as the former invaders and start calling you good neighbors.” “Good neighbors. I like the sound of that. Let’s head back to camp and get the move on!” August 28th, 2016. Attila stood on the roof of what was now called Ajax Center, looking over the fields to the north and east. To the north, four of his earth ponies were tilling the acreage, while to the east, two unicorns were getting the fields there harvested. Farther west, the herd of cows living there were thriving, under the watchful eye of two of his ponies. Behind him on the roof, four small wind turbines hummed in the breeze, while on the building next door, photovoltaic panels glittered in the sunshine. The two buildings were now fully electrified, with enough power left over to run the vapor distillers they had acquired, but only one at a time. The battery bank provided power at night. As he looked around, he can see two pegasi flying up from Ponytown, presumably Sudden Storm and Marian Hendley, because from this distance, he could easily tell if Randy or Serge were aloft. Two of his own pegasi made their way towards Ponytown. Footsteps clopping behind him heralded the arrival of his aide, Nebulous Nimbus. Training over the last few months had increased his magical capabilities, and his organizational skills helped the Center thrive. “Figured I would find you up here, boss.” “What’s the report, Neb?” “Looks like we will be set for winter. We have enough supplies stockpiled both here and in the old Costco across the way to see us through a winter like the one we had with a lot left over. Tinker has a plan to make big planters in the main building, essentially making a mini-farm, to keep us in fresh vegetables through the winter. He thinks a hundred feet on a side, with twelve inches of soil, would go a long way for us.” “We have enough topsoil for that big a patch? Not to mention walls to keep the soil from spilling out?” Attila asked. “According to Tinker, we do. Heat and sun lamps as well. He’s thinking of putting in a small patch at first, and we can work on it while the snow flies, tunneling between here and the Depot. Speaking of which, he wants to work on that next, a tunnel between the Center and the Depot. He says he can have it done in a day, with cabling to run the power through there when the weather gets bad.” “Tell him I think the plastic wading pools would be better than building big planters in our home. Also, tell him he can do his project tomorrow. Remind him we will be having some rain tomorrow, in the morning, so he can allow for that.” Attila said. “Right, boss. Oh… tomorrow afternoon, Stormy will be over to look at how we are doing, along with some ponies from Alexandria. Got anything to add to the dicker list?” Neb asked. “No, we’re standing good with them now. Let’s not push our luck. We’re enjoying fresh food, heat and shelter, thanks to their aid. Better than last year, right?” “Got that right, boss.”