> Rarity the Alicorn > by Bronyxy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rarity the Alicorn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville was gripped with party fever.  Rainbow Dash, their resident weather pony was to be celebrating her birthday and her anniversary; her birthiversary if you will. As usual, the hyperactive pink tornado known as Pinkie Pie had spent the morning getting hold of party supplies and had been managing preparations in her inimitable style, but for some reason an unknown macaroni yellow stallion had come to town and appeared to be taking over from her.  Whilst having a helping hand around should have been a benefit, this new arrival had caused something of a stir and the young mares of the town had all been showing a keen interest in him, including all of Pinkie’s friends, especially Rainbow. Something was wrong.  Far away in Canterlot, Luna was plagued in her dreams by a troubling foreshadowing.  She was witnessing the incremental fall of Equestria as the two Royal Sisters looked on, unable to prevent its demise.  Whilst their alicorn magic could go so far, it needed to be supported by the Elements of Harmony, the source of magical energy that had petrified Discord, banished Nightmare Moon and even freed Princess Luna, but for some reason this power had been lost. Luna knew that she could not intervene directly as she could not mix her alicorn magic with friendship magic; this was Twilight’s special power and hers alone, as controlling the moon was her realm and her sister held dominion over the sun.  She needed to work through an intermediary, one of the Elements of Harmony with a magical susceptibility; a unicorn; Rarity. Luna allowed a brief smile to run across her lips as she pondered the beautiful white mare; generous to a fault and with an eye for detail, but always dreaming of romance and if truth were to be told, just a little vain. During the night time, Luna the dream walker could travel through any pony’s dreams with ease, but during the daytime when all but a few were wide awake, the night Princess had to fight hard to make contact.  Fortunately for her, Rarity was allowing herself to be swept off her hooves just enough to be in a day-dreamy state that left her open to Luna’s connection while she fantasised about the macaroni yellow stallion from out of town. In her role as dream walker, Princess Luna had become very well acquainted with the white unicorn’s penchant for the romantic and yet another crush was nothing new, but this time things were different although she couldn’t quite pin down why.  Through Rarity, she could sense Twilight, AJ, Fluttershy and of course the birthiversary mare Rainbow all being happily enchanted by a macaroni yellow stallion, even the down-to-earth no-nonsense farm pony having fallen under his spell.  She focused harder, but no matter how much effort she expended there was no Pinkie.  There it was in sharp focus before her, a rift between friends; between the bearers of the Elements of Harmony! Adversaries like Discord and Nightmare Moon had been unable to overcome the power of the Elements of Harmony, but here they were on the brink of being destroyed by friendship.  Luna frowned at the irony of the situation and realised that she had to act fast before these innocent intrigues led to a parting of the ways that would spell disaster for ponykind. It was a little after the clock had struck three when Luna shape shifted into a blue mist and entered the ethereal realm that allowed her to travel instantaneously anywhere in Equestria.  As quickly as it had formed, the ethereal blue mist disappeared from Princess Luna’s bed chamber and re-appeared over Ponyville, homing in to the aura of the purple maned unicorn as the dream walker prayed she wasn’t too late. Luna could not make Rarity work against her will, so knew she would have to get her to focus her energy of her own free will to save her friend.  She knew what she had to do, but didn’t relish how it had to be done, for it would mean hurting the lovable fashionista.  As she charged her power for what lay ahead, she felt a lump building in her throat and whispered “Celestia, forgive me for what I am about to do.” The sudden surge of magical energy struck Celestia like a lightning bolt and she froze in mid conversation, quickly to excuse herself to where she could be alone. What was happening?  She sensed it was Luna working some magic.  It didn’t seem malevolent such as she had felt with Nightmare Moon, but it was powerful none the less.  She hurried to an empty ante room in the Royal Palace and gave word to her concerned guards that she was not to be disturbed.  While they secured the doors, she trotted in a tight circle then settled herself with her hooves folded underneath her and immediately began to focus her aura to be ready to channel her magic to help her sister should it be required.  She would have expected Luna to have warned her in advance if she was going to create such a disturbance in the magical forces of Equestria, but this had come without warning; either something had cropped up quickly that required immediate attention or…  Well, Luna had forsaken Nightmare Moon after all, so she would not be working anything malevolent, would she?  Either way, she could not afford to be caught off guard. Instantly Rarity froze, her pupils shrinking to pinheads as Luna made her ethereal connection. Time stopped. Without any warning, Rarity suddenly found herself in her boudoir in front of her dresser.  She felt compelled to pick up her hand mirror as she did so often, but instead of seeing her flawless complexion she saw a sad and dejected Pinkie Pie walking slowly through a desolate landscape with her head hanging down, her mane and tail falling limply while her cutie mark of three balloons mocked her mercilessly.  Rarity gasped and looked away in shock. Against her will, the hand mirror pivoted slowly before her eyes.  Instead of showing her the solid backing of the mirror, she saw another mirrored face and had to look, unable to turn away.  The image this time was of Cheese Sandwich surrounded by her friends.  She flinched as she heard herself simper “Your party sounds simply divine…” Had she really done that, in front of Pinkie Pie?  Was she really so shallow? The more she thought about it, the less she liked the answer. The mirror turned again, returning to a sad and broken Pinkie, her sparkling blue eyes having lost their trademark lustre as their owner trudged aimlessly in the wilderness.  There was no shock now, just remorse as her eyes began to brim with tears.  “Make it stop!  Please make it stop!” she cried. Luna’s heart was breaking, shard at a time and tears trickled down her muzzle as she conjured these shocking images; images that could become all too real if the course of future events was not changed.  She had to keep going even though it tore at her very soul. Rarity was desperate not to see more, but the hand mirror turned again slowly, this time showing Cheese Sandwich and her friends once more.  “I must say I marvel at your superior party planning expertise, Cheese Sandwich” she said in her giggling voice, dallying with the strange stallion whom she didn’t even know.  Sweet Celestia, did she really flirt that openly, that hurtfully?  Deep inside, she knew that she had.  “No more! No more!!” she wailed piteously as her mascara began running down her cheeks. The mirror turned again and once more she couldn’t look away.  This time, the unkempt dishevelled and dirty pink pony continued to stagger unsteadily on her aimless way across a friendless landscape until one of her forelegs gave way and she fell to the ground.  The lovable pink pony who had only ever had one goal in life; that of making other ponies happy didn’t even try to get up; the last of her spirit long since having deserted her wasted body.  She lay immobile, staring unblinkingly ahead in spite of the little dust eddies that soiled her eyes and stuck to her muzzle. “Pinkie!  Pinkie!” screamed Rarity at the pathetic image of her dear friend “I’m coming!  Please hold on, I’m coming for you!” While she watched in horror, Pinkie’s chest made one last heaving surge and then her dulled blue eyes gave one last final roll as the Element of Laughter was lost to Equestria.  Forever. The heated pain behind Rarity’s eyes was matched only by the aching throbbing pain in her heart and she gave the most desperate scream as she saw the mirror turn again.  “Dear sweet Celestia!” she cried “How much more?” Now she saw Twilight and her other friends desperately trying to get the Elements of Harmony to work.  There must be an emergency of some kind that the Princesses were unable to resolve and all hope seemed to rest on Friendship Magic.  They were all there; four of them wearing their necklaces and Twilight with her tiara.  There was one necklace still in its box; the one bearing a light blue party balloon.  Without its owner, it was no more than a useless trinket, and because they all had to work together, none of the others could work either.  The Elements of Harmony were no more.  The message was clear. The mirror turned again to face the horrified unicorn, this time showing Rarity her own face; with puffy bloodshot eyes and cascading mascara all down her face.  Whilst she watched through a veil of tears, the boudoir faded and the makeup stains melted away as the scenery returned around her.  She gasped as her body was once more her own and a blue mist slipped away unseen behind her. With horrifying clarity, Rarity suddenly knew she had to do something to save her friend and ensure the sanctity of the Elements of Harmony, but most of all her pink friend to whom she, the Element of Generosity, had been most thoughtless.  She had to make amends. Of her closest friends only Fluttershy was anywhere to be seen, and that was only because she had stayed behind to help a caterpillar cross the road.  In her urgency to get things moving, Rarity unceremoniously grabbed the shy Pegasus who responded with a dainty “eeep!” “Fluttershy darling” she said in a tone that betrayed gravitas of her thoughts “I fear we have all been rather beastly to poor Pinkie Pie what with this Cheese Sandwich stallion coming to town and impressing us with his party planning.  Whilst it’s true he may be very good at what he does, it has slipped all of our minds that our dear, dear Pinkie must be so put out and none of us has been there to support her.” “Oh dear.  Do you really think so?” said Fluttershy.  She thought for a moment with her big eyes looking up and to one side and then followed it up with a slight but determined nod of her head. “You’re right” she concessed, looking even more embarrassed than usual “We have got a bit carried away.  Poor Pinkie.” “Darling, we simply must let the others know so we can all rally round and support her before she does something … you know; rash.  Come on; let’s get to her before this goof off thing starts.” “Oh, I think it’s already started” interjected Fluttershy quietly, and then looking down at the ground pawing the dirt with her hoof added apologetically “I couldn’t bear to watch.” “Come on then – no time to lose” said Rarity taking a firm lead.  Before the yellow pegasus could raise any further objections she found herself being towed behind the energised purple maned unicorn, her eyes wide with terror. The two friends hove into sight round a street corner just in time to witness an eight storey cake dropping onto Rainbow.  Rarity stopped aghast and Fluttershy’s momentum caused her to keep going, bumping into the unicorn’s hind quarters with a surprised but rather muffled “mmrghh!” sound.  Rarity was so shocked by what she saw she did not even move when the yellow pegasus bounced off her flank, but stood transfixed with mouth agape. “No, no, no, no!” she screamed “Sweet Celestia we’re too late!” While Fluttershy remained in an untidy yellow and pink heap on the ground, eyes rotating in opposite directions with shock, Rarity took off towards the dazed weather pony.  She arrived like an express train converging with Twilight and AJ, causing consternation to flash across the face of the cyan blue pegasus as they all spoke at once checking to see that she was unhurt. Distracted by this diversion, Rarity suddenly remembered the reason for her arrival in the main square; it wasn’t Rainbow – it was Pinkie!  She looked around to find the pink earth pony, but she was nowhere to be seen; she had sidled away in the commotion. “No, no , no , no!” she chided herself; this was not how her ‘rescue’ mission was supposed to have gone.  Quickly she blurted out the real reason for her frantic arrival only to be stopped mid flow by the southern accent of an orange farm pony. “Now hold on there, Nellie” she drawled, “Jus’ take yer time an’ tell us what’s up so we can unnerstand you.” The unwanted delay was too much for Rarity to bear and she broke down in floods of tears, desperate to find their pink friend before ... well, before it happened. Her mascara really was running down her face this time out of pure frustration.  Between sobs she managed to get her message over with occasional pauses punctuated by a gentle “there, there” sounds from a pink maned pegasus who had dusted herself off and come to join her friends; Rarity looking like she would benefit from a few kind words.  Once she had succeeded in getting her message over, albeit with a few dramatic enhancements, the friends all realised that she was right and that they all had some degree of apologising to do. The posse of five set off for Sugarcube Corner with renewed resolve only to be confronted by the pink earth pony pulling an overloaded wagon, her treasured party cannon hitched to the back.  She was really leaving town! The friends knew what to do and they all set about their apologies and telling her how much she meant to them; the greatest eloquence coming from the usually brash rainbow maned weather pony who said “But don’t you get it?  You’re both super-duper party ponies.  Sure, Cheese Sandwich is a great guest party pony … but you’re Ponyville’s permanent party pony.  Nopony could ever take your place.  And we could never have a party without you.” Pinkie unhitched herself and all the friends shared a big hug.  Rarity burst into tears again, but this time tears of joy.  The Elements of Harmony were safe. Preparations proceeded apace with two party planners giving their all; working together rather than in opposition.  The result was the best party ever seen in Ponyville.  As it was night time, Princess Luna had appeared to join the celebration.  She had taken the opportunity to explain to her sister what had happened earlier in the day and why there had been a sudden surge in the magical dynamic.  Celestia had been relieved and praised her sister for her quick and decisive action; she had never really doubted that Luna would have ever considered bringing back Nightmare Moon again, had she?  Of course not … Luna clapped her hooves together with joy as Pinkie Pie wearing a top hat and a blue bow tie emerged on stage to sing a catchy song entitled ‘Make a Wish’ supported by three of her closest friends Twilight, Rarity and AJ dancing behind her and decided that one last act was needed to help make up for the horrors she had made Rarity face earlier in the day.  She knew how much Rarity had enjoyed having wings during her disastrous appearance at the ‘Best Young Flyer’ competition in Cloudsdale and this gave her an idea.  Quickly she made psychic connection with a well-known fashion photographer who was taking pictures of the glamorous and influential ponies at the event and planted the suggestion in her mind to focus on the act proceeding on the stage.  Although she wasn’t quite sure why, Photo Finish had the feeling that something may be about to happen, and complied with the suggestion that had popped into her head, turning away in mid-session from a rather self-inflated couple of aristocratic ponies. The Princess of the Night cast her magic and just for a few seconds projected a pair of pure white Pegasus wings onto the fashionista while she was dancing.  A camera flashed and the moment was caught forever.  Rarity felt nothing more than the lightest kiss on her back and paid the sensation no heed as she continued her performance like the true professional she was. The next day there came a knock at the door of the Carousel Boutique.  Sweetie Belle opened the door to see the renowned fashion photographer standing on the threshold.  She invited Photo Finish in politely and scampered into the back room of the boutique where the white unicorn was sewing together the panels of her latest creation. “Big Sis, Big Sis!” she jabbered, the words spilling out of her with an excitement all of their own. “It’s Photo Finish! I didn’t know you were doing a fashion shoot today!  Please can I join in!  Oh please!” she continued with one word barely having the time to get out before it was pushed impatiently by the next one waiting behind. Rarity looked a little taken aback as she stared over her red rimmed glasses in surprise and walked into the shop to greet her friend. “Darling” said Photo Finish “I must congratulate you on your fabulous new look.  It stole the show.  Can we do a shoot to capture them in all their glory?” Rarity was utterly confused and Photo Finish handed her the picture she had taken the night before.  She held on to the photograph delicately and gasped, reclining onto a nearby fainting couch. “What is it Big Sis, huh, huh?” pestered Sweetie Belle.  Rarity was unable to respond, and as her little sister looked at the picture her jaw dropped and her eyes widened. “So.  Like I say; we do photo shoot, yes?” continued the photographer. “I’m sorry darling, no” said the stunned fashionista “that must have been a trick of the light, for clearly you can see I am merely a unicorn.” Whilst her mouth said one thing, her heart said another. “I don’t suppose could have that picture, could I?” she enquired, recovering a little more of her composure. “Of course darling.  If you don’t have wings then I can’t afford to show it around or I would be laughed out of town.  You can have it; just don’t say it was me who took it, you know?” With that she went.  As the bell above the door tinkled a broad smile spread across Rarity’s face.  She had indeed made a wish.  And it had come true.