> Royal Cravings > by Blissey1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance squirmed atop her bed. That gnawing hunger in her gut had woken her up early. Again. She came to a resting position on her back and glanced down at her belly where a slight bump already forming, the source of her current distress. She had known that pregnant mares had a greatly increased appetite, but had no idea it was this bad! An angry rumbling erupted from her gut and she winced. For sure, her appetite had been through the roof lately, but this morning was particularly bad. There was an empty pit in her gut; she had never felt such an intense hunger before! Her ears perked up as she heard the clip clop of hooves coming down the hall accompanied by the sound of a rolling cart. Her face lit up into a smile as she rolled herself upright; breakfast was almost here! She couldn’t help but start salivating at the mere thought of finally being able to fill this empty void in her belly. “Breakfast is here, your highness!” came a female voice from just outside the door. A cart rolled through the door after, laden with foods one wouldn’t normally consider breakfast fare. But somehow, as Cadance looked over the veritable feast on the cart, none of it seemed so appealing despite her hunger. Then the mare pushing the cart stepped into the room and Cadance’s eyes went wide. The hungry alicorn salivation went into overdrive and she licked her lips to catch some drool about to leak out of her mouth. “Ooh? P-princess?” The mare asked, confused at the way her ruler was staring at her. “Princess, are  yo- ah!” The mare yelped as she was picked up in Cadance’s magic and pulled right up to the bed. Cadance’s heart was pounding in her chest. She didn’t know why this mare looked so scrumptious, and part of her mind was yelling at her that she can’t eat another pony! Especially not one of her own servants! But as she stared at the now frightened servant held in her magic, the empty pit in her belly was shouting even louder, demanding this pony as the only thing that would satisfy it. Against her better judgement, she leaned forward and licked the maid on the face, eliciting a startled yelp from the mare. She immediately let out a delighted moan; she tasted delicious, easily the most delectable thing her tastebuds had ever come in contact with! It was the last straw for her. She fully gave into her cravings as she twisted the mare around in her magic, opened her mouth wide, and shoved her back hooves inside without any hesitation. She didn’t even pause to think if it was even possible for her to swallow an entire pony before she took the first, loud gulp, pulling the mare’s hooves down into her throat. Her eyes rolled up into her head as she hummed contentedly around her meal; this is what she had been craving! The servant mare was too stunned to react at first as Cadance gave another powerful swallow, pulling her into the alicorn’s mouth up to her flanks. Her monarch couldn’t possibly be devouring her! This had to be some kind of dream… Another noisy gulp pulled her backside into her ruler’s mouth, and the alicorn started gnawing on those squishy cheeks. Not hard enough to cause injury, but certainly enough to be painful. Enough to tell the servant that this was no dream. “P-Princess!” the mare shouted, “Princess Cadance, please! You can’t d- mmph!” The mare’s mouth was forced shut by her monarch’s magic. There was no longer any conscious thought in Cadance’s mind; the only thing in her head was the need to send this mare down into her stomach, to satisfy her hunger. Another gulp and she felt the mare’s hooves enter her belly. A much more pleased sounding rumbling emanated from her midsection and Cadance redoubled her swallowing, quickly pulling down more of the struggling mare, a feat made easy by the copious amounts of drool seeping out from around her meal and coating the mare. She rolled over onto her back and placed a hoof on her now much larger belly, a bulge growing even bigger as more and more of the servant was crammed into the compact space. In no time at all only the mare’s head remained outside, Cadance’s lips wrapped around her neck. With no need to hold her still anymore, Cadance released her magical hold on the mare. “Pri… princess…” the mare wheezed out, having difficulty filling her lungs with air with the way Cadance’s throat constricted around her chest. Another gulp pulled the mare’s head into her monarch’s maw. “Please…” Cadance would never know what the mare would have said, as another swallow allowed the ravenous princess to shut her lips, finally sealing her meal fully within her. A few more swallows cleared her throat and she let out as gasp followed by heavy panting. She couldn’t believe what she had just done as she rubbed both hooves against the wriggling bulge distending her midsection. And even more unbelievable to her was that even though she had just literally devoured an entire pony, she was still hungry. She let out a distressed groan as her belly gave an angry rumbling, demanding more. In her desperation to silence the craving gnawing at her mind, she began grabbing food off the cart with her magic and shoving it down her mouth. She hardly even took time to chew anything; she was pretty sure she swallowed a few large, solid objects. But she didn’t care. The only thing on her mind was the need to fill the void in her gut. Her midsection rounded out as she shoved more and more food down her throat, the form of the mare she had devoured being buried in additional food. But even as she scooped up the lasts crumbs of food in her magic, her hunger did not relent. She realized that the craving overtaking her didn’t want just any old food; her baby wanted ponies. The part of her mind not subsumed by hunger already felt bad enough about having forced one of her devoted servants into being nourishment for the life growing within her, she didn’t want to devour any others. But even as she thought trying to resist the urge to devour another pony, to just wait out the cravings, a particularly sharp hunger pang shot through her, causing her to let out a pained moan. Some part of her knew this hunger was magical in nature and would only get worse if she ignored it. The only way to get rid of it was to give it what it wanted. She reluctantly sat up and rang a bell hanging near the door with her magic, a bell that would summon more assistance. She only had to wait an agonizing half a minute before two more servants appeared at the door, one a teal blue and another a pale yellow. “You need help, Pr- ahh!” Both servants let out a yelp as Cadance grabbed them in her magic. “I’m so sorry I have to do this,” Cadance said to the two mares who were looking back at her in confusion. Their confusion didn’t last long as they finally noticed their monarch’s bulging gut and saw some movement from within. They knew another mare had just left to bring the princess her breakfast, so it only took them a few moments to connect the dots. Their eyes widened in shock and one mare sharply inhaled, but Cadance was faster and forced their mouth shut with her magic before the mare could scream. “Please, I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t have to, but the craving is- ngh!” Cadance winced as another pang shot through her. “The craving is just too strong!” She did her best to put on a smile for the two doomed mares. “L-look at it this way! You’re going to help create the heir to the Crystal Empire!” This didn’t seem to do anything to mollify the two terrified mares. “We’ll name out daughter after you, I promise!” Cadance continued, “your sacrifice won’t be forgotten!” Cadance suddenly let out another pained groan as another hunger pang hit her, nearly sending the pink alicorn to her knees. “I-I’m sorry, but I can’t wait any longer!” With that Cadance opened her mouth wide and lowered one of the servants into her maw. The second the mare’s hind hooves hit her tongue her eyes rolled up into her head. It was like ambrosia, the most delicious thing she had ever tasted! Any remaining shred of reluctance vanished in an instant as Cadance crammed the mare into her maw, taking her entire hind legs down into her throat in one massive gulp. The ravenous alicorn let out a moan of delight around her meal at the feeling of her throat being stretched full of food again. But one look at the other terrified mare still struggling in her magic turned her moan into another pained groan as another small pang shook her. She needed this second mare inside of her now. But how? She couldn’t possibly swallow down both of them at once… The corners of her mouth curled up as she got an idea. She floated the remaining mare around to her backside… Prince Shining Armor trotted down the hall at a brisk pace. Even as prince, he had still taken over training the Crystal Empire’s guards. It required him to wake up very early, much earlier than Cadance ever woke up, but he had a break now and couldn’t wait to say good morning to his wonderful wife. “Cadance, I-” He stopped dead in his tracks at the sight that greeted him as he passed through the door. There was his wife, her belly engorged to the point it was lifting her flanks up into the air. With ehr back to him, it gave the satllion a perfect view of his wife’s cunny, as well as her anus, which was impossibly stretched around the torso of a mare, her pale yellow rump and legs flailing about in the air. Cadacne let out a grunt and Shining’s jaw fell open as a few inches of the mare was sucked inside her pink sphincter. He was almost able to formulate a thought when he heard a muffled shouting. His gaze drifted towards the front of his wife where he saw her mouth stretched around yet another mare. He only now realized he could hear the glrk glrup of his wife slowly but surely swallowing down the mare filling her mouth. He just stood there completely stunned as he watched the love of his life devour two mares whole, each noise gulp and groan pulling one or the other deeper into her depths. The mare being sucked into her ass was the first to vanish, Candace’s pink pucked slowly closing around the mare’s hooves until with one last grunt they were sucked inside all the way, no more trace of the mare visible. The mare traveling down her gullet followed soon after as Cadance closed her lips around the mare’s muzzle. Chaining watches in stunned awe as the bulge in his wife’s neck sunk deeper and deeper into her chest until it finally vanished into her barrel, her belly bloating out to the point it completely lifted her hind legs off the ground. “Yyyeeeeeessss…” Cadance moaned out, a look of unimaginable relief on her face, “finally it’s gone…” “C-Cadance?” Shining Armor finally managed to say. “Shiny!?” Cadance shouted with a start as she instinctively tried to spin around to face the stallion, but with her massively distended stomach lifting her hindquarters into the air she only managed to flail her hindlegs about. “N-no!” she shouted, craning her neck to look back at her husband, “no, y-you cant see me like this!” Tears started welling up in her eyes. “Cadance, what…” Shining said as he started approaching her. “I’m a monster!” Cadance cried out, bursting into sobs. “A bloated, glutenous, pony eating monster!” “Cadance, what happened!?” Shining asked, any shock he had now fully replaced with concern as he draped a hoof around his distraught wife’s neck. “When I-I woke up, I felt hungrier than I ever have in my e-entire life!” Cadance explained between sobs, “and when the servant came in with the breakfast cart, h-had a sudden urge to, to lick her, and I did a-and next thing I knew I had her halfway down my throat! But even after devouring her and the food on the cart I w-was still hungry so I, I summoned two more servants and ate them, too-o-o-o!” She broke down into tears, burying her face into Shining’s chest. “So… it was like… a pregnancy craving?” Shining proffered. Cadance look back up at her husband. “But I’ve never heard of a pregnant mare getting a craving for other ponies!” she screeched, “I’m a monster!” She buried her face into her husband’s chest again, using his bulk to muffle her sobbing. “Well to be fair I don’t think there’s ever been a pregnant alicorn, before…” Shining replied, his mouth tilting up into a smirk. Then he wrapped his wife up into a hug. “Cadance, listen to me,” he said, “I know this is something you never would have done if you could help it. It’s… regrettable…” he continued, glancing at her engorged, still moving, and now gurgling gut, “that it resulted in the loss some of our trusted staff… but it’s not something you did on purpose, Cadey, so you’re not a monster.” Cadance removed her tear stained face from her husband’s chest.“But… But what if I get these cravings again?” the distraught alicorn asked her husband. “That’s something we can deal with,” Shining replied, “we’ll make plans to ensure we don’t lose anypony else to our baby growing inside you. Cadance’s sobbing had diminished to mere sniffling by that point. “I still f-feel like a gluttonous slob…” she said, looking away from Shining. “To be honest…” Shining replied, “I think you look kind of hot like this.” “W-what!?” Cadance asked, shock on her face as she turned to Shining. “This massive belly of yours? I kind of like it!” Shining explained with a smirk, placing a hoof on her distended gut and squishing into it a bit. “I’d like to try to stuff you with normal food instead of ponies sometime, see if I can get you anywhere near this bloated~” A choked laugh escaped from Cadance as she smiled for the first time since Shining had entered the room. “Oh Shiny…” She leaned forward as best she could with her belly partially immobilizing her and embraced her husband, Shining eagerly returning the hug. They remained like that in silence for a few moments before Cadance spoke up again. “Oh, and Shining?” “Yes, love?” “I… promised the two servants you saw me… devouring… that… that I’d name out daughter after them…” “That… would be quite fitting, actually,” Shining replied after a moment’s thought. “What were their names?” “Snow Flurry and Gleaming Heart.” “Snow Flurry and Gleaming Heart…” Shining repeated to himself. “How about… Flurry Heart?” Cadance smiled. “I… I like that name. We’ll name our daughter Flurry Heart.”