> The Empress' Master > by RoyalBardofCanterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadence groaned as Senator Ruby Red stood upon the podium. He had been finished pontificating for five minutes. Now he had moved onto rambling. When he got into ranting, Cadence would have to cut him off. Two hours ago, the Senate had begun a debate about funding education and maybe even starting a public education system like in the rest of Equestria. Everyone was for educating children right? That shouldn't have led to an argument right? Cadence felt a strong urge to smash her head against one of the alabaster walls that made up the Senate halls. She was sitting in the center of the room on her (of course) crystal throne. Hundreds of rings of stone benches surrounded her. She stared up at the wide ceiling and wondered why they didn't have a rotunda. Rotundas were very fashionable in architecture now and the Equestrian Parliament had a rotunda. She wondered what sort of paperwork she'd need to file in order to begin constructing a rotunda. She bet that would give Ruby Red a heart attack considering how he apparently felt the government should never use tax money to do anything. At all. Ever. She breathed a sigh and began counting the number of times the burgundy-coated senator used the word "wasteful." He was up to ten and she'd only been counting for five minutes. Finally, she'd had enough. She stomped her hoof and suddenly all eyes were on her. "Alright. New rule. All senate speeches can only last ten minutes. Senator Red, your contribution to the debate is noted. Please sit down and give somepony else a chance to speak." The light streaming in through the high windows had grown noticeably dimmer. Ruby Red grumbled a bit, but obeyed his empress. After all, her predecessor had been known to flog senators that annoyed him and, while Cadence was nice, it was not wise to press her to far. The poorly named Emerald-who was in fact completely biege-stood. "Colleagues of the Senate, all education should be paid for by the state from elementary school to college all the way up to the phd level as well as vocational courses. This should only cost us roughly three-billion bits a year. I've done the math. Furthermore..." Cadence choked. Emerald was Ruby's opposite. Both of them would take a good idea and push it so far to the extreme that it became patently absurd. Those estimates were far too high. Did she intend to make college mandatory? Listening to the senator drone on, she realized she was beginning to drift off. She allowed her thoughts to drift. After ruling the empire for a while, she had already heard most of the old debates hashed and rehashed again. She counted how many times Emerald used her favorite phrase, "a brighter future." She had gotten up to three. Cadence's eyes roved over to the window. Outside, a contingent of guard ponies streamed by. Their armor glinted in the light of the fading sun, a mixture of orange dancing on silver. Their taught, rippling muscles pushed against their fur as they ran. Beneath that armor, they must have been sweating. Their hooves slammed down on the earth, their breath coming out in pants. Their tails swished behind them. Back and forth, back and forth, the endless rows of guards rushed forward, their strong hooves kicking up dust. The land rumbled with each strike of hoof against grass. Her cheeks colored as she watched the powerful contingent of warriors. Emerald concluded her speech with a powerful declaration that cannabis should be legalized along with heroin and methamphetamine. Cadence looked up. "We're not legalizing meth or heroin. The debate on cannabis legalization will be later this week." The guards all stopped as one and pulled out their spears. Cadence's cheeks burned as she watched the guard stallions pull out their spears, the long, hard shafts ending in a silver point, and thrust out. They would pull the spear back to their sides and then thrust out again. Again and again, back and forth, the stallion's spears piercing the air. Cadence felt a familiar dampness growing between her legs. Cadence tried to swallow. Her mouth felt dry and she took a swig of water. "Alright. Alright. I think everypony has had a chance to contribute." The wonderful water cooled her parched throat. A bead of sweat broke out and trailed down her forehead, tickled her pink fur. "Um, does anypony else want to speak? Shall we have the vote now? All in favor of a public education system for elementary and secondary education please say aye." "Aye." The majority of senators intoned. "All not in favor?" About four senators gave unenthusiastic "nays." Emerald was among them. It was her way or the highway, as usual. "The motion passes. Tomorrow, we'll work on a new budget." Cadence stretched and stood "Any further business?" The dampness between her thighs was becoming unbearable. An itch that she couldn't quite scratch. She bit her lip. The guards, still acting as one, thrust their spears upward. Oh, Gods. As they thrust, they had to turn which showed off their muscular, well-developed thighs. If Cadence looked closely, she could almost make out... Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts...Keynesian economics, Aunt Celestia in a bathing suit, Twilight as a filly...yeah. There we go. She closed her eyes and took in a sharp intake of breath. Summer was coming on the land. Was her heat coming in early? It shouldn't be this soon, but there was no denying the urges coursing through her body. When she opened her eyes, everypony was staring at her. Some of them were even sniffing the air, although they were trying to hide it. Cadence's face was now the color of a tomato. Kindly old Senator Diamond, who had probably been there since the Senate was a hut where the early Crystal chiefs convened, gave her a questioning glance. "Are you all right, Your Majesty?" "I...I'm fine. It's been a long and tiring debate." She drew herself up to her full height and tried to regain her imperial dignity. "I hereby declare this meeting of the Senate adjourned. Good night, Everypony." She almost fled the Senate chambers, her face and nether regions both equally heated. She did manage to slow it down once she got out to the hall. The cool, crystal floor sent a chill against the soles of her hooves. She shivered. The cool tingles clashed with the burning heat in her most intimate region. She shivered and broke out into a very dignified and not at all frantic rush for her chambers. Her hooves clopped firmly against the floor as she cantered down the winding and twisting hallways. She wondered why the hall seemed so long. All she wanted to do was get to her own chambers and slip her hoof down low or maybe Shining would be back from practice and she could just ride his cock... That thought brought yet more heat. Oh, Gods, what is going on? Is something wrong with me? There were a few possibilities. Maybe it was the proximity to the Crystal Heart. Yes, that would make sense. No, no it wouldn't. Would it? The minute she got to her chambers she flung the door open with a burst of her magic and slammed it closed behind her. She stood on the pink carpeting and breathed slowly, trying to get everything under control. She trailed across the carpet and then laid down on her bed. She spread her legs and slipped one hoof down to her vulva, beginning to trace it. A satisfied moan broke forth from her lips as she frenziedly rubbed her clit, imagining Shining's impressive girth penetrating her. The door opened. Cadence looked up and jerked her hoof away. Shining smirked. "Please. Don't stop on my account." "I'd much rather if you did this for me." "Oh really?" The smell of sweat, his sweat, wafted over to her and brushed against her nose as he came closer. His white fur and blue mane were drenched with sweat. The smell only drove her more wild. His taught muscles rippled against his fur with every step he took. "But first, Master needs to review your behavior." She sat up on the bed. "Oh, does he now? Does Master think I've been a bad filly?" "Master doesn't know." The bed springs creaked as he laid on the mattress and he traced her cheek with his hoof. The touch made her shudder. "If you have been, Master will have to punish you." His breath tickled her ear which flicked back. "Punish me? Oh no, please don't punish me Master." "Well, Master can't let you be naughty. Maybe Master will have to spank you." Her knees felt like jelly as he moved towards her and captured her lips in a kiss. "We can do it in my office." "Okay." "Come on. Follow me." Cadence followed him as he left the room. She trailed behind him as he went towards his office. They walked further down the hallway and turned a corner. Shining pushed open a door and ushered her inside, swatting her bottom with his tail. She jumped as she entered the severely austere room. There was an oakwood desk in the center of the room containing only paperwork and two pictures, one of their wedding day and another a Sparkle family picture. There was a comfortable, brown leather sofa against the wall. Shining sat down in the leather chair. This office had two purposes. One, was for Shining to do his millitary duties-deciding guard rotations and the like- and two, it was the spanking room for when Cadence was naughty. And Cadence had been very, very naughty. Master leered at her. She looked to the floor. He ordered her to look at him and she gazed into his blue eyes. She was obedient. Submissive. "Turn around, lift your tail." She turned and hiked up her tail, showing him her pretty princess pussy. He walked around the side of the desk and grasped her backside, kneading the flesh. She trembled, so horny she was barely to restrain herself from jumping him and knocking him onto the table. With his left hoof, he grasped the other side of her rump and squeezed. Cadence gasped. "Have you been a good princess or a naughty princess?" "I've been naughty." "What'd you do?" "I wasn't paying attention today. Too distracted. I was thinking about all the ways I wanted to make love to you." The caressing got rougher. "Then go stand in the corner. And I do mean stand." Cadence raised an eyebrow. Corner time? We've never done that before. "What if I don't want to stand in the corner?" "What if I want to paddle you for disobeying me?" "Oh no, Sir, not the paddle!" He slapped her bum. "Then get that cute muzzle of yours in the corner. And remember, stand." Cadence wondered what Shining Armor had in store. She meekly went to the corner, placing her muzzle against the wall and standing on her hind legs. The odd position made her back legs tremble and called to mind getting in trouble as a filly. She meant it when she said she didn't want the paddle. Not because it'd hurt, but because she wanted-needed-to feel his hoof on her butt. He sauntered over to her. His breath was hot against her mane. He slipped one hoof under her tail and tickled her vulva. Her breath came out in a short gasps. He grinded his hoof against her, stoking the flames of her lust with each stroke against her flower whose petals were dripping with love dew. She squirmed, rubbing herself against his hoof, letting out little moans of pleasure. He suddenly withdrew his hoof. "Naughty fillies don't get to come." "B-but, Sir I need to come." "Oh, you're going to come-right after I spank you silly." He stood behind her, his hoof only a few inches from her entrance. She rubbed her legs together, thrust the air. He nibbled her ear. The tingles running up and down her cunt caused her to squirm, little gasps coming from her mouth. All the while, Shining just stood there, so close she could feel his heat. She bit her lip and resisted the urge to reach down between her legs, though her hoof twitched a few times. Shining didn't touch her, he didn't have to. Just his presence was enough to make her drum her forelegs on the floor which earned her a sharp smack to her rear. "Naughty princesses like you have to stay still in the corner. Three extra minutes." She could smell his arousal, this had to be torment for him to. She forced herself to stay completely still and the seconds dragged on. Shining strode over to the couch and sat down. "Come here." He patted his lap. Ears drooping, head low, she meekly laid across her husband's lap. He rested a hoof on her backside, rubbing circles in the tender flesh, occasionally petting her flower. Then, he raised his hoof and landed a light slap across her bottom. A second followed quickly to the same place and then a third. She jerked and squirmed as a fourth spank feel down upon her derriere. "Oh...oh, Sir..." He paused in the spanking and gently caressed where he had smacked. Then, he sharply swatted her bottom just below where he had spanked the first few times. She rested on the cushion while Shining delivered a hard blow to her bottom and then a quick barrage of claps on the hills of her backside. The claps across her rump fell all across her rear end. A heat was building up in her rump to match the heat building up in her most intimate places. Shining alternated the slaps, dishing out a flurry of spanks to the left part of her rump and then a flurry of spanks to the right side of her rump. He moved lower, slapping her upper thighs. The empress's rump slowly turned crimson beneath the roasting from Shining's hoof. He began to slap higher, going upwards to the very center of her backside and clapping her sit spot. She spread out her forelegs and backlegs, adjusting herself so that her bum was more easy for him to smack. The smacks to her bum built up in intensity, the tempo of the spanking building up to a crescendo. Shining finished with ten hard smacks. "Had enough?" She shook her head. "Oh no, Master. That's not enough." He steadied his hoof and gave the center of her rump another series of whacks. She cried out for the first time since the spanking began as the hard whacks descended across her tender rump. He stopped and patted the punished princess's posterior. "Hmm, I think that's enough punishment." She crawled up in his lap and crushed her lips to his. He wrapped her up in his embrace and held her close. "Shining? I love you." "I love you too." She pulled apart. "And I want to show you just how much I love you." His wife being across his lap had brought out the captain's rod. The impressive length stood straight up as Cadence's lips left a trail of fluttering kisses down his chest. She slid down to her knees. Shining's breath hitched in his throat. The aroma of his sweaty cock was pungent and musky, the rod of flesh throbbing. "C-Cadence? I-I thought you said that you hated the idea of giving a blowjob." "I changed my mind. I want to give you pleasure." "You don't...you don't have to." She looked up at him. "I know I don't have to. I want to. I want to serve you, Master. Because I love you so much." Her eyes grew half-lidded as she took in the penis quivering before her. "I love you this much." She gave his tip an exploratory flick. He cried out. "Oh...oh, Cadence. That feels so good." Her lips fully wrapped around the head of the great organ. It bobbed in her mouth. The taste of it was not as objectionable as she had feared. In fact it tasted almost good. She bobbed her head and glided down the head, stopping at his medial ring. Shining squirmed just as Cadence had during the spanking. "Good, Slut, oh Goddess, that feels good." Tingles of pleasures raced up his spine as his wife's lips slid down his stallion-hood. To her surprise, tingles of pleasure also raced down her own spine as the cock in her mouth tickled the roof of her mouth. Shining reached down with his hoof guiding her down the length. "Don't choke yourself, Slut, but slowly." He guided his wife's head as she sucked on his length. Pressure built up in his jewels and drops of pre-cum sprayed into Cadence's mouth. She made satisfied moans as she sucked on his length, pleasant sensations running through her body as the male member rubbed against the inside of her mouth. It felt so dirty. Here she was, dignified Empress of the Crystal Ponies, Princess of Equestria, getting her mouth ridden by her husband's cock. It felt so dirty and wrong and so very, very hot. "C-Cadence...let go." He pulled away, panting. "Are you alright?" Cadence asked. "I want to finish in your pussy." She stood up and bent over the desk, sticking out her soundly spanked bottom. His quivering stallionhood throbbed as he traveled across the room. He wrapped his hooves around her side and nipped at her neck. Cadence nickered and then shouted in ecstasy as Shining pushed himself inside of her, driving his hips in a rhythmic cycle in and out of her. She pressed up against him, grinding her hips against the member repeatedly driving into her pussy, pulling it inside of her. Shining thrust inside of her and finally released his load. The hot, sticky seed rushed inside of her. A feeling of absolute, heavenly joy washed over her, waves of pleasure crashing through her and drowning her consciousness in pure bliss. Cadence's moans were joined by Shining Armor's as he reached his peak and cried out in the delight of release. There was a symphony of lustful moans as they both rode out their orgasms together. Shining slouched against her and Cadence relaxed on the desk. He got off of her back and she threw her forelegs around him. "I needed that." He embraced her. "Which part?" "All of it. I kind of like giving blowjobs now that I've tried it." "I knew I had the best wife ever." She giggled and swatted his shoulder. "The Senate was terrible today. Stupid fighting. I just need somepony else to hold the reins sometimes." He cuddled her close and carried her over to the couch where they snuggled on the cushions. She buried her muzzle into his shoulder, inhaled his scent. He stroked her mane. "I'll always be there, Cadence. To hold your reins or to just hold you when you need it." She nestled into him. "I know."