> An Overdue Confession > by Captain_Hairball > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Lesson is Learned but the Lesbianism is Irreversible > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheerilee leaned against the trunk of the Golden Oak Library, a large pile of overdue books clutched to her chest, her heart pounding, waiting for Twilight to leave. Twilight’s friends had gone in a little while ago — it was a lovely day, sunny but pleasantly cool, birds singing, butterflies fluttering. So hopefully they would all go out and enjoy it soon. Any minute now. Seriously. What was taking them so long? Cheerilee had been delighted when Twilight Sparkle had taken up residence in the Golden Oak Library three months ago. Having to get the keys from the Mayor’s office every time she needed to take her class there had been a hardship, and of course, personal browsing had been out of the question. Those dark days were gone, but she had to admit she’d gone a little overboard with the personal borrowing. It wasn’t the twenty-seven bits in library fines that bothered her — it was still cheaper than buying the books, and she thought of it as a donation to the library. No, it was Twilight’s disapproval she feared most. The door to the library opened. Six young mares and one tiny dragon came out, giggling and talking around Twilight. None of them looked back — they didn’t seem to have noticed her. Twilight didn’t lock the door on the way out — Ponyville was hardly the kind of town where you needed to lock your doors, after all. Cheerilee waited until the friends had vanished around the corner of a building, and darted for the library’s front door. Once inside, she set the books on the table in the center, with money for the fines, and a short note apologizing for the book being late. She straightened the pile and began to feel a little bit better. Then she saw a flash of purple light reflect on the walls in front of her. She heard Twilight Sparkle clearing her throat. “Turn around slowly, and keep your hooves where I can see them,” she said. Cheerilee did as she was told. “Um… I have to keep my hooves on the floor.” Twilight grinned sheepishly. “I’m sorry. I read that in westerns, sometimes, I always wanted to say it.” “Oh, I totally understand,” said Cheerilee, hazarding a smile. She felt… strange. Scared. Awkward. Sure. But there was more to it than that. Twilight Sparkle was a very… she was a very interesting pony. Cheerilee had always thought of herself as straight, but there was something that drew her to the younger mare. Maybe it was intelligence. Maybe it was her bravery. Maybe it was her innocence. Maybe it was her lush, plump little body. What wasn’t there to love about Twilight Sparkle? No. No. She wasn’t in love with Twilight. She was too young for her. Also, that would be gay. Not that there was anything wrong with being gay, it just wasn’t her. Wait, Twilight was talking. “And frankly I’m very disappointed in you! You of all ponies should know how important it is to return library books on time!” “I’m very sorry! I left money for the fine,” Cheerilee said, ducking her head, trying to look remorseful, as opposed to lustful. “The fine?” said Twilight, her eyes flashing with rage. “The fine?” Her horn began to glow purple. “I… yes. Yes, the fine,” said Cheerilee, backing away from Twilight slowly. “Um, what did I say?” “The fine” said Twilight, ”is meant to be a punishment. By keeping those books when they were overdue, you’ve kept them away from other ponies who wanted to read them! You made the books tardy!” “I just got distracted. And busy. And I couldn’t read them all in time!” Cheerilee kept backing away until the edge of the table began to press into her rump. It sank very deep — Cheerilee’s plot was lush and plump in its own less appealing early-middle-aged way. “Excuses. Excuses!” Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Perhaps you need a lesson. Perhaps fines aren’t the kind of punishment that makes an impression on you.” Cheerilee thought twenty-seven bits was a pretty painful punishment, especially on a schoolteacher’s salary. She didn’t know if that would be a wise thing to say to Twilight right now. The younger mare’s eyes were burning with genuine rage. Twilight was pretty scary when she was angry. “But I…” A purple glow wrapped around The Collected Tales of Monster Heart, and whipped the thick volume directly into Cheerilee’s cutie mark. The sound of library binding on flesh echoed through the room — Monster Heart had been a very prolific writer, and the impact nearly knocked Cheerilee off her hooves. “Ouch!” yelped Cheerilee. “Oh… oh my gosh!” said Twilight, staring at the large, book-shaped red mark over Cheerilee’s smiling daisies. “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what… I don’t know what came over me!” She dropped the book, then caught it again, because damaging a book would be horrible! She rushed over to Cheerilee’s flank and made to caress the injury. Then she realized that she was doing and jerked her hoof back away from Cheerilee’s bottom. Cheerilee felt funny inside. “No. It’s… all right. You just… you got carried away, is all. You’re very passionate. About books, I mean.” Cheerilee found her cheeks were hot. Two of the front ones, not just one of the rear ones. Was she blushing? Twilight shook her head, and backed away, looking panicked. “No, it was really inappropriate of me! Please don’t tell anypony I did that. I’m so horny. I mean sorry. I’m so sorry.” “I’d better go,” said Cheerilee. “Maybe you’d better. Oh! I need to write a letter to the princess! She’ll be so disappointed in me!” Twilight began to run back and forth, levitating an ink pot and several scraps of paper out of the writing desk. “So disappointed!” Cheerilee turned towards the door. She took a few steps towards it and then stopped. “Twilight, why exactly are you writing a letter to Princess Celestia about hitting me on the bum with a book?” “Friendship lessons,” explained Twilight. “I have to try to make friends, and tell her about what I learn from it.” Twilight glanced at the floor. “I’m really bad at making friends.” Cheerilee took a deep breath. “So, Might one of these lessons… be that it’s important to be honest about your feelings?” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Maybe. Cheerilee, do you have feelings you need to be honest about?” Cheerilee nodded. Was she really doing this? “Twilight Sparkle, I liked it when you hit my bottom with that book. A lot.” Apparently, she was. Twilight gulped. “Can I be honest about a feeling, too?” “Yes, please.” “I really liked hitting your butt with that book. The whole thing just… rippled away from it, then back into place. It was like hitting a gelatin mold with a ruler.” Twilight looked really nervous. “I’m worried that might be a gay feeling. Cheerilee, I’m worried I might be gay.” “I’m worried might be gay, too. Not in general, just for you.” “We could try to spank the gay out of each other,” said Twilight. “That might work. If we associate another mare’s body with pain, that might make us less gay!” Cheerilee nodded. That seemed like a terrible idea, guaranteed to backfire. She was all for it. “We should test your theory.” She dropped to her front knees, leaving her bottom hiked high in the air facing Twilight. She swung her tail to one side. “Me first.” Twilight levitated the book again. Holy Zacherle, that thing was over a thousand pages long! What had Cheerilee gotten herself into? She squinted her eyes shut. She waited. This was taking too long. Had Twilight chickened out? Was she already out the back door, fleeing gay temptation? SMACK! The Impact of the book on her left buttock drove Cheerilee forward, mashing her nose into the hardwood floor. She gasped as the wave of sudden pain rolled through her body. Seconds later, the book slammed into her right buttock, pushing her nose into the floor again. “Was that okay?” asked Twilight, from behind her. “Did I hit you too hard? I’m sorry if I hit you too hard.” “No!” moaned Cheerilee. “Harder!” The book came back down, right in the middle, sending ripples through the flesh of Cheerilee’s ass, and mashing her ponut and her pussy. Cheerilee gritted her teeth as the book came down on her bottom again and again. Pain rippled through her body, like the impact rippled through her soft flesh, growing with every blow. Twilight’s telekinesis was very strong, and apparently, she was very literal minded. To her, ‘harder’ mean much, much harder. A few more blows like that and Cheerilee’s ass was burning. She couldn’t take any more. “Enough! Stop! Stop!” Twilight looked worried. “Did I do a bad job?” “No, Twilight. You did great.” She had done great. Cheerilee’s thighs were shaking, and her pussy was literally dripping on the floor. And the pain in her ass would remind her of this encounter all day — in fact probably well into next week. “You were very powerful. But”, she said, slipping into Teacher Mode, “There's more to a spanking than raw power. Turn around and let me show you.” “Like this?” said Twilight, rotating in place so her plump young buttocks were facing Cheerilee. She lifted her tail up to one side, giving Cheerilee a view she’d been longing for for months. Twilight Sparkle was beautiful back there. A clean, pert little ponut. Plump, juicy pussy lips, thick and smooth, glistening with desire, with an especially nibble-able little upturned cusp at the bottom. All of it covered with smooth, glossy purple skin. As she watched, Twilight’s pussy winked open at her, revealing the hungry pink flesh inside. Cheerilee needed to taste it. But no. That would be gay. “Perfect,” said Cheerilee, trying to maintain her teacher tone. “Now, I’m going to have to use my mouth, so if it starts to hurt too much, or if you need me to explain something, speak up, okay?” Twilight mumbled a reply. Cheerilee lifted a slim volume of Ideal Weirdo’s plays — her neck muscles weren’t up to Monster Heart — and began with a light smack at the cusp of Twilight’s bottom. Twilight whimpered. Cheerilee grinned. She hadn’t seen anything yet. Two more smacks on the back of the thighs had Twilight’s legs trembling. Cheerilee moved around to one flank, working her way up to Twilight’s cutie mark. Though the cutie mark wasn’t any more sensitive than the flesh around it, violence against it… well, it was rather personal, wasn’t it? So this was where Cheerilee really leaned into it. She drew her head back and whipped the book forward, making Twilight’s bottom jiggle. Twilight yelped. As well she should. Cheerilee kept at it until the tone of Twilight’s cries changed from around to worried. Twilight was a good little pony, wasn’t she? Suspecting that Twilight might hesitate to speak up to a teacher, Cheerilee set the book back on the table. “How are we doing, Twilight?” she said, nosing her paddled cutie mark. Twilight winced away from the touch. “I’m… I’m okay, Miss Cheerilee.” “Do we see how a slow build can be more effective than just hammering away?” “Yes, Miss Cheerilee.” Cheerilee smiled with satisfaction. “And are we feeling any less gay?” Twilight hesitated before answering. She was still shaking, the poor dear. “No, Miss Cheerilee. I want you even more.” “Oh Twilight, I’m so sorry. I could spank you more. Do you think that would help?” “I really don’t, Miss Cheerilee.” “So the experiment was a failure.” Cheerilee tried to feel bad about that. She tried really hard. But nope. Nothing. “No experiment is a failure if it yields useful data,” said Twilight, looking up at her. Her cheeks were damp, but she had a smile on her lips. “Well, then what do we do?” said Cheerilee. Twilight shuffled her hoof nervously. She looked at the floor. “Do you want to go up to my room to discuss our findings?” Cheerilee nodded. “I do. Really, really badly.” Twilight clapped her hooves and grinned. She led Cheerilee up the stairs to her room. Cheerilee admired the bunch and stretch of her ass muscles as she moved, nice and plump and juicy — such a lovely, strong young mare! She started licking her cheeks before they were through the bedroom door. “What do lesbian ponies do, anyway?” said Cheerilee, following Twilight onto her bed. “Oh, I’ve read extensively on the topic. You were the right track. Your tongue needs to be about four inches to the left, though.” “Mght hr?” said Cheerilee. “Oh, sweet holy Zacherle! Exactly.” Said Twilight, who then started gnawing on her pillow. Cheerilee twisted her tongue in between Twilight’s flaring lips and ground her tongue against Twilight’s clit. Twilight’s pussy juices were musky and pungent and sweet. Coffee and chocolate. She pressed her tiny snout into Twilight’s pussy. The soft, wet flesh felt silky against her nose. She moaned, hooves fumbling at her own sex, matronly haunches humping at a tangle in the bedsheets. Twilight’s young ass rocked back against her face, jiggling, tail flopped up over her back. Twilight’s cries got louder and louder. Her thighs trembled violently. Delectable pony goo dripped onto the bed sheets. Cheerilee’s tongue, unused to such exertions, ached and burned. The texture of Twilight’s pussy was the most wonderful thing she’d ever felt, but how long was this going to take? She locked her teeth around Twilight’s nub and sucked on it hard. She lashed her tongue across the trapped nub. Twilight screamed. The younger mare’s pussy spasmed, spraying go across the top of Cheerilee’s snout. There. That’d done it. Twilight slid off of Cheerilee’s muzzle and onto the bed. “Oh. Mmmm. Ngh. So. So good,” she moaned. She was trying to turn around, but her legs didn’t seem to be working quite right. “Mmggh mmmm,” said Cheerilee, her exhausted tongue hanging uselessly out of the side of her mouth. Twilight, tired of trying to get her legs to work, levitated herself up and turned around in midair, plopping herself onto the bed in front of Cheerilee. She then knocked Cheerilee back with a gentle magical bump to the chest, leaving her lying on her back with her hooves in the air and her head hanging off the edge of the bed. “Ngh!” said Cheerilee, feeling her belly pudge bounce as she came down. Twilight wrapped her forelegs around the older mare’s hind legs and nuzzled at her teats. “They’re so soft,” said Twilight. “They get bigger when you get older. Even if you don’t have foals,” said Cheerilee, willing her tongue to work right. “It’s gross. I’m sorry.” “No, it’s wonderful,” said Twilight, who then set to work sucking on one of her nipples like she was starving to death. Twilight plucked at her other nipple with her magic, sending sparks of pleasure through her body. “Lick me! Lick me, please,” Cheerliee begged, kicking her hind legs and pushing at the top of Twilight’s head, trying to get the unicorn to move down. “All right, all right. Don’t rush me!” said Twilight, nuzzling over Cheerilee’s plump folds. “Ohhh! I’ve never been this close to somepony else’s before. It smells nice!” “It does?” said Cheerilee. She like Twilight’s of course, but she’d never thought about her own smell beyond a distant disgust. “Mmmhhhmmm! It kind of smells… like a burrito, I guess? But in a good way!” Cheerilee stared at Twilight in horror. “Stop. Stop talking. Just lick.” She covered her face in shame. You are what you eat. Apparently. Twilight’s tongue soon made her forget her shame. For a total novice, she sure knew her way around. Her books on the topic were apparently really good. Her tongue circled Cheerilee’s lips, closing slowly inward. The dipped through her juices and slipped up to press against her nub. She felt herself wink open for the younger mare. Pleasure grew, spreading through her body in a warm glow. Cheerilee lifted her head, and looked down at that innocent young face, joyously tasting pussy for the first time. Her parents would be furious with Cheerilee! That thought was too much. Cheerilee thrashed on the bed, her head exploding in fireworks. Twilight pressed her tongue to Cheerilee’s nub, licking and licking until the pleasure faded and she was too sensitive to touch. “A pedophile,” said Cheerilee. “You’ve turned me into a pedophile.” “What?” said Twilight, looking confused in alarm. “I’ve corrupted a sweet young thing. Introduced her to unnatural acts.” Twilight looked annoyed. “Cheerilee, I’m twenty-two! That’s not even ephebophilia. That’s ‘everybody rightfully wants my sexy-young-butt-o-philia’ ” Cheerilee facehoofed. “Twilight, do you have any idea how old I am?” Twilight grinned. “I like older mares! Apparently!” Cheerilee blushed. “Even dumpy middle-aged ones?” “Definitely dumpy middle aged ones! You’ve confirmed my theories about my sexuality! I am so gay.” Cheerilee pulled herself over to Twilight, and kissed her, tasting herself on Twilight’s lips. Definitely time to cut back on the burritos. Twilight pulled away, looking awkward. “My friends are probably wondering where I am, though.” Cheerilee’s heart broke a little. “You can go if you need to.” Of course. She’d broken Twilight in, but she shouldn’t expect that she’d get to keep her. Twilight deserved a younger, prettier mare. “I have papers to grade.” And burritos to eat. Lots of them. Twilight’s horn glowed. Her bedside table opened, and a hardcover book floated out. Something by Anais Hïnny. “This is one of the better books on lesbianism I’ve read. Why don’t you borrow it for the night? It’s due bright and early tomorrow morning.” Twilight narrowed her eyes. “But if you wanted to return it late. Maybe after dinner and a play tomorrow night…” Cheerilee blushed. “Oh, I’ll be sure to.” Twilight pecked her on the nose. “Gotta go, though. Seriously. Don’t want my new friends to think I don’t like them!” Cheerilee gasped. “Right now? But don’t you want to take a…” Twilight vanished in a flash of purple light. “…bath?” Well. There wouldn’t be any questions. Twilight’s friends would know exactly what she’d been up to once they got a whiff of her. The young mare would need some lessons in basic social skills. But in the mean time, Twilight hadn’t said that Cheerilee couldn’t use her bath. She drew herself a nice hot one, and lay among the bubbles thinking happy thoughts about her new young friend.