> Crime and Punishment (Rewrite/Clean Version) > by LegionofPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: "Crime" (Not Dark; Cloppy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Autumn day had been long with lots of apple-bucking, and Big Macintosh was enjoying some well-deserved rest...or was trying to. He had no sooner tucked Apple Bloom, his school-aged little sister, into her own bed and crawled into bed himself before he heard his bedroom door creak open. There were only two ponies that might sneak into his room at night, and both for very different reasons. He knew which of the two this was when they made sure to lock his bedroom door behind them before approaching his bed. He knew now that wasn’t a little filly who was coming to his bed complaining about having a nightmare, then ask to sleep with him that night. It was a grown mare who was going to ask the same, but in a different, far more intimate way. It was a good thing his visitor had gotten into the habit of locking the door; it had been very awkward for his nearly-nightly visitor to have to hide under the bed like she had that last time they were interrupted and nearly caught by Apple Bloom. Mac rolled over and looked toward the door to see his other, adult-mare sister Applejack creeping onto his bed with the most bedroom of emerald-green eyes, an expression that said ‘I’m not thinking with my brain, I'm thinking with my pussy.’ His sister was a typical earth-pony mare after all; usually horny, her body always urging her to try to make foals even when she was out of heat. “Ahm bit tired tonight, sis,” Mac muttered, “Ya know how applebuckin'—” Applejack put an orange-coated hoof on his muzzle to quiet him, then slowly crawled beneath his covers beside him. He couldn’t help but take a deep breath of her scent, and quickly realized by the musky-earthy scent, alongside her usual sweet-smelling arousal, that she’d gone into her Autumn heat. That settled it; he wouldn’t be able to pry her out of his bed even if he wanted to until she was properly satisfied, while also telling him that this would be a hay of a pleasurable night. “You c'n be as tired as ya want,” Applejack slid close, her body toned from years of hard farm-work feeling warm and soft against his own toned body, her slightly-rough hooves gently coaxing him onto his back, “Ya ain’t gotta do nothin’ but lay back and enjoy me doin' all th' work t'night. Ah know ya can smell Ahm in heat...Ah NEED ya bro. Deep inside'a me...” Applejack said in an intense whisper, her hoof reaching down to play with his already-swelling sheath. After fondling him for a few seconds more, teasing him, Mac felt as his sister climbed atop and mounted him, her having to practically do the splits to get her hind legs around his larger frame, but he stopped her by grabbing around her toned flanks with his hooves. He wanted to at least getting a taste of her dripping pussy before the main event started. He grasped her plot in his red-coated front hooves, tugging her fragrant pussy toward his face. She got the idea and chuckled, leaning forward to balance against the headboard as she partially sat on his face instead with practiced ease, her swollen dark-brown vulva pressed to his muzzle. "Mmmm...wanna taste yer mare first huh? Ah don't mind..." Either Applejack tasted better than ever, or he was hornier than he thought, because Mac rolled his eyes back from the first delicious drops of her estrus-pheromone-laden fluids on his tongue. He squeezed her rump as he pushed his muzzle against her, prying her labia apart with his muzzle and tongue as he ground his nose against her clit. She shivered and bit her lip so as to not moan too loudly, a muffled whimper getting out instead at the powerful tingle of pleasure that sent through her, her clit winking again. Needless to say Mac's body responded well to her fertile scent and flavor – her clit winking to him, inviting him on instinct to mount her and breed her – only adding to his large sheath swelling rapidly before his flare escaped. Applejack swiveled, turning herself about on his head before leaning down to his crotch. He felt warm lips slip over his tip and that wonderful tongue starting to work over him as he was lapping out thick mare honey. She let his black-skinned shaft expand within her hot muzzle, holding her breath and swallowing as it reached her throat. She barely gagged as her neck expanded with his size, her nose meeting his retracted sheath and smelling his musk strongly from the source. By Celestia Mac loved her throat. It had taken Applejack a long time to be able to do this for him, given that he had the longest and thickest cock of any stallion he knew; a full fifteen inches long as well as four around, his medial ring another half-inch more, a heavy sack with very large, virile balls accompanying them. He’d actually had some interested mares change their mind when they saw him at full staff in the past, afraid that it’d hurt when he penetrated. In fact, Applejack was one of only two mares that had ever taken him fully within her to the hilt within her pussy or throat, and the other may have only let him because she was in such bliss that she was only capable of answering ‘mmmm’ when asked if she was okay with him going all the way in. He'd...never spoken to her again after that night. Soon, Mac wasn’t satisfied with just her throat, as talented as she was with it, his instincts demanding more as his mind was saturated with her fertile scent. So, after he took one more lap of her flavorful mare-honey, he then coaxed her back downward. Applejack was happy to turn around to face him and sit her sopping wet slit against his saliva-covered shaft. At this point she hesitated; something she hadn’t done in a long time. She always just took him into herself, but not this time, instead sitting there looking down at him and blushing hotly. “Uh, Mac,” Applejack whispered, “Ah...uh...Ah haven’t taken mah foal control this heat...” she said, with that also explaining to Mac why she tasted and smelled so much better than usual. “Eenope?” Mac breathed heavily, barely able to stand the heat of her perfect pussy against his shaft as her pheromones wreaked havoc on his breeding instincts, "Y'outta them? Fergot it? Ah think Ah got condoms..." “Nah, Ah didn’t ferget it,” Applejack interrupted, blushing more, “Ah was actually hopin’…we could jus'...not use protection this heat.” Mac blinked. This wasn’t the first time his sister had indicated she wanted him to sire her a foal, as ridiculously taboo and illegal as that was, but it was the first time she’d gone through with not taking an ovulation prevention potion before coming to his bedroom to quell her heat with him. His muzzle hung open without responding, though Applejack generally knew what he was thinking with minimal communication, given they'd grown up together. “Ah was thinkin’,” Applejack muttered, looking rather adorable when flushed with a tint of pink from head to hoof with embarrassment, “Ah could just say that our foal is jus' from a random stallion in town knockin' me up when Ah happened across him while in mah heat and that Ah had…agreed not to let anypony know who studded meh. Wouldn’t be a lie, right? Yer in this town, ya woulda studded me, and ya don’t want me to let anypony know...” It was just like Applejack to spring this on Mac while he still had her powerful taste on his tongue and fertile scent in his muzzle, her pussy's lips slowly grinding against his sensitive medial ring, clit winking in need as she drooled her fertility-telling fluids onto his cock and large, sperm-filled balls. He knew that he definitely should say no... “Eeyup, Ah wanna make a foal with ya.” Mac replied before realizing it, and now it Mac who was blushing, not that it was apparent with his red coat. He’d always wanted this as much as she did – to have a foal with his sister, his most beloved mare – but the problem was what other ponies would think, much less what their family or the authorities would do should they find out. They knew the punishments. Still, there was no reason for them to suspect Applejack or her brother of doing anything...incestuous, since they had always been very careful not to display their relations publicly. Applejack rolled her hips smoothly against Mac at his acceptance, the only sounds in the room now the moist sliding of her lower lips against his pulsating length and their shallow breathing. Her thick juices were making a puddle on his lower belly, sliding off to pool onto his bed; saturating it with the scent of a mare in heat – his mare in heat – that he'd be sure to intimately enjoy each night he had it. Mac slid his hooves to her hips, feeling her powerful muscles tense with her movements before tugging her into place, his thick flare snugly at her entrance. Applejack slowly slid herself down on Big Mac's rod and distinctly felt every bit of his thick fifteen inches as it slid into her ever so slowly. She loved the feeling, finding that, as every time they did this while she was in heat, his mere entrance into her slightly quelled the burning heat deep in her already; loved how he stretched her so wide as to be borderline painful. "D–dang big brother, yer...so...biiiiiig!" Applejack moaned out quietly as she slid him ever-so-slowly into herself, teasing the big red stallion lying prone underneath her as well as herself with the super-slow descent. She saw his head press back into the pillow again, the feeling of her hot passage slowly, slowly sliding down his member again likely quite the sensation as it lazily encased him in its warm, tight confines once more. Mac’s blood flooded with pleasure hormones as he felt the familiar heat and slickness of his lover's pliable in-heat entrance sliding down upon and surrounding his length, gliding over each bump, ridge, and vein as she slid him into her fertile passage. They fit flawlessly as Applejack passed his medial ring moments later, that extra girth only adding to the nearly-painful stretching. The law said this was wrong, that brothers and sisters weren't supposed to have sex together – not supposed to have foals together – but neither of them understood why. It always felt so perfect, as if his cock and her pussy were molded specifically for each other. “Ah love you,” Applejack whispered, leaning forward and kissing him, her body encompassing him. Her pelvis finally pressed firmly against his some seconds later, her soft rump sitting gently upon his balls as she hilted him, his flare pressed firmly to her cervix. “Ah love ya too, mah beautiful sis.” panted Mac in return. This was something he never abbreviated to ‘eeyep’. His beautiful sister deserved no less than to hear just how much he loved her and how beautiful she was to him, straddling him as she was with him deep within her. Promising to carry his foal. Applejack then rolled her hips against Mac again, pulling up and down in a practiced rhythm, her slick lips flexing out as she pulled him outward and pushing inward when she pushed him back inside. As tired as he was, Mac couldn’t keep his hips from humping upwards against her on instinct in response, breathing heavily and enjoying another deep kiss with her, tongues playing together eagerly as they stared into each other's eyes. They didn’t break the kiss as Applejack continued to ride her brother like the bronco he was; it helped muffle their moans. As her passage clamped around his massive cock, thrusting up and down like a piston on him, the wet smacks of their flesh meeting echoed throughout the room now as her sopping crotch pounded against his. For now there was nothing but one another to the siblings, the sounds of their increasingly moist pelvises smacking together, the lewd slurping suction of Big Mac's rod sliding out of Applejack's depths a sound so loud that it was a wonder that that alone didn’t wake up Apple Bloom in the next room. It was a good thing she was a very deep sleeper. The only reason that Mac could hold his load for more than thirty seconds, with how perfectly Applejack's inner muscles were massaging him now, was because of how much practice he had with Applejack. His first time with her as teens during her first heat, he'd filled her with a heavy load of his adolescent cum within ten seconds of entering her heavenly canal. Luckily, she didn't get pregnant that time, and they soon learned about contraceptive methods when Granny Smith gave them 'the talk' upon realizing Applejack was in her first estrus. Granny had made sure to emphasize the dangers of incest, as well as the consequence. It had turned out she didn't know they were still screwing behind the barn each night during her estrus, using condoms given away for free each breeding season in their class to prevent a foal, following an after-school trip for a contraceptive potion after that first day. Didn't know that they still were having sex nearly nightly to this day, or even sometimes multiple times throughout the day and night both during her fertile days. Didn't know they were trying their damnedest to conceive an incest foal together right then. Applejack was lucky to be a mare though, as she didn’t have to hold her orgasm in, nor could she have even if she had wanted to in her current hormonal state. Mac barely entered her for the twelfth time before her wet inner flesh was convulsing around him from base to swelling flare; milking him, her body desperate to wring out all the potent seed it could get from those heavy balls to make his foal with. Mac couldn’t tell if his sister was having multiple intense orgasms in a chain, or if she hadn’t been able to stop the first one and was just riding it through the whole act, but all he felt was her constantly kneading him, and by Celestia did it feel good. The lack of foal control seemed to be making Applejack all the more spastic, sensitive, and needy, her body shaking with the effort to not squeal in delight save a few quiet squeaks that escaped into Mac's muzzle. She hadn't actually had sex during a heat while the sensations were not mostly repressed with infertility potions or condoms in many years, and clearly her brain was having a hard time handling the raw, overwhelming feelings of being truly bred bareback that she hadn't experienced since their first time as foals. This time, she didn't have to worry about rushing to the general store for a 'morning after potion'. Mac's seed was there to stay, to take root and grow. Applejack looked to be enjoying the feeling of Mac's thickness spreading her open while she clenched rapidly on him to the point that she was barely sentient, all she could feel being fullness, pleasure, and primal satisfaction. Not that Mac minded, as he was barely keeping coherent thoughts in his head himself, his hips rocking up against the tensed, shivering, cumming mare mounted on him. Mac hammered his hips up at this point when she stopped humping back and tensed up in another orgasm, bouncing her against him, and slid his hooves from her hips down to her teats just above her slit, swollen due to her hormonal state, subtly feeling his own cock gently bulging through her belly with each thrust. He pushed against her and slid his hooftips in circles around her outer areola, enjoying how the spongy flesh gave at his touch, then rubbing into her diamond-hard nipples themselves, making her squeak and seeing as her eyes actually started tearing up from the intensity of the pleasure. "M-Mac...I...I can't..." Applejack managed to whimper out as she pulled away from the kiss, only to ram her hips down and pin his to the bed for a moment as she clearly came again, her pussy muscles holding him in a death grip and her hips grinding against his as a fresh torrent of mare-cum flooded his cock and balls in her liquid pleasure. Mac couldn’t stop thinking about how this beautiful flesh would feed their future foal with life-sustaining milk as he continued to rub her areola, and he himself was looking forward to getting to taste some mare milk of his own from the tap once she was lactating. Mac started to get dizzy from the constant, pleasurably-milking furnace that he was trapped in, just letting his body move on instinct while he enjoyed the feeling of his sister cumming again and again as he humped up into her. Their muzzles were still pressed together and had never parted once save to speak, though it was impossible to play their tongues together since both of them had clenched their teeth in an effort to not scream their passion out. Their 'kissing' at the moment consisted mostly of their teeth crashing lightly together with each buck. Mac arched his back to make his thrusts deeper, harder, every muscle tensing, pouring sweat so much that he was leaving an imprint in the sheet beneath him. Applejack was sweating just as much, and that's not to mention just how soaked the mattress and Mac's crotch was with Applejack's mare-honey and his own precum. His thrusts became uncontrolled and out of sync, just trying to keep up with the rapid slamming of his sister atop him. “T-that’s it b-bro,” Applejack moaned quietly as she finally came off of her chain of eight orgasms, easily able to tell that he was about to give her fertile insides a coat of sticky white by just how thick his flare was growing within her and how saccadic his thrusts were, “Time t' buck yer little sis full'a our foal…oh Mac Ah've dreamed about this ever since Ah c'n remember. Cum in meh...make me a mama t' yer foal...” This voice of his sister encouraging him to knock her up was easily the hottest thing Mac had ever heard, and he went over the edge harder than he ever had, his flare swelling up to its usual ludicrous size and making her groan in pleasure at the intense inner stretching, watching her belly's bulge swell a little more as he plugged her up for his soon-to-come load. His balls tensed up and, after a few dry pulses, the first shot of his very virile seed burst from his shaft and forced him to press his head against the pillow even harder, then moaning loudly into Applejack's muzzle as the intense orgasmic pleasure it caused him slammed his mind. Big Mac just kept rocking his hips, pumping his proliferous load into his sister's foal-passage for what felt like forever; motivated to fill her fuller by the musky scent of her heat so prevalent in the room, her own pleasured moans, her gripping, kneading passage clenching and rippling around him as it claimed his foal. Cumming harder and more than ever before at the promise that this time he was actually going to breed her, his body clearly wanting to make sure it took. Hours could have passed by in the time he felt her squeezing around his rod, his and her orgasms never seeming to end as she started to pump down on him even as she came again. Her muscles milked him, pulling everything she could from him, and what he had was a lot. He'd been saving up for her, it would seem. Applejack meanwhile clenched down on his pulsing cock hard as she came again and again from the feeling of him planting his seed in her unprotected womb, determined to not let a single drop escape as she felt the thick, sticky warmth of his incestuous sperm flooding her depths. She actively felt each glob traveling up his cock before exploding deep within her belly as her powerful vaginal muscles milked his cock, knowing it was likely coating her uterus by the sheer depth it was going. "Ho'fuck...so much, so deep..." Applejack muttered, quivering as her brother dumped his nuts into her fertile womb. Mac shook uncontrollably, but she didn’t stop slamming her body against him, making herself milk out every drop Mac had to offer, her whimpers seeming to go up an octave with each new blast. Her belly began to swell, more than it already was from his massive flare's girth at least, as he flooded her vaginal fornix. Said flare gave his cum nowhere to go but up, leaving not a single fold of her foal-oven not drenched in his foal-cream, some of his semen even reaching her Fallopian tubes, where a fertile egg waited for it. Oh Celestia, he was really doing it, Applejack thought; he was finally breeding her! Her brother was the first stallion to get the privilege of making a new life with her; the first stallion to mark her as his mare and claim her womb for his foal. With that much cum so deep inside her while she was likely ovulating, she knew, it was impossible for her not to get pregnant! Applejack's hips slowly ceased their rocking once Mac's balls had emptied themselves into her and his dick stopped throbbing, instead starting to go soft within her, its job well done shown by the large bulge of cum he'd left within her lower belly. As she lay against him for a moment, giving him another kiss as they cradled each other's heads, she pulled herself belly to belly with him as they let their perfectly fitted parts throb against one another. As Mac felt her semen-stuffed belly press to his, he already couldn’t wait to meet their foal, and to put another foal, then another, and more after, inside of her if this went well enough. Their incestuous lust sated, they enjoyed a moment of looking into each other's eyes, nothing but pure love shining through for one another. Mac so wished she wasn’t his sister right now. He’d love to be able to kiss her in public or even rut her senseless in public places where it was allowed, like the park; to let everypony see just how much he loved his sister, and how perfectly they fit each other. Applejack lay her head on his chest and sighed, clearly wanting to sleep with him still tightly fitted inside her, his flare keeping her womb plugged with all his seed until she was fertilized, but they couldn’t; it’d be too hard to explain why she was coming out of his bedroom the next morning and smelling of estrus, him, and sex. "Thank ya bro..." Applejack whispered after they'd shared one more kiss before she pulled off of him with a long, lewd slurp, a thick glob of his virile cum splatting onto his balls. Reluctantly Applejack headed to the bathroom to clean up, her body shaking and his foal-batter still drooling down her thighs even as the occasional vaginal or uterine contraction did its best to keep his seed within her fertile core where it was needed. Where her foal was soon to be conceived. ~ It was a little over nine months into Applejack's pregnancy with her brother's foal and she couldn’t be happier about it, even if she couldn’t properly show it. Mac had successfully impregnated her during her heat that night, and that new life they'd made had been steadily growing within her, a perfectly healthy pregnancy through and through. Everypony bought the story of Applejack simply not wanting to tell who her foal's sire was; having a foal out of wedlock was accepted and even expected in a society where fewer ponies bothered to marry than didn’t, and where mares outnumbered stallions six to one. Applejack had tried to sleep with more stallions in town after she was sure she was fertilized and still had the aftershocks of her waning estrus, since previously she had done so far less than the average mare, wanting to support the idea that her foal belonged to 'just some stallion in town' as she allowed every one of them to finish inside of her without protection. She'd realized she probably should have started at least screwing stallions with protection before she'd gone into heat and Mac planted his seed matter of fact, but hindsight was twenty-twenty. Applejack encouraged Mac to be more open to the mares jumping him and asking him to stud for them, to provide distraction from any idea that Applejack’s foal might be his if there were other mares carrying his foals already. He had done so, breeding and impregnating at least seven other mares at their request. Though Applejack had to admit it made her jealous, especially when she realized several of her best friends were having sex with him, and Fluttershy was even having a foal by him, she knew it was for the best. Starlight Glimmer had even recently complained to Applejack several months ago about the racket Twilight and Mac made the night before, also positive Princess Twilight was in heat during it. Applejack wondered if she maybe shouldn’t have encouraged him so much, but didn’t want to seem possessive. Still, she felt the need to ensure that Mac remembered who his mare was, even if it was so far in her pregnancy to be doing this. She went into the orchard where he was working one day, with her being long forbidden to work until she'd foaled, so her presence was likely to be a surprise. She was sure Apple Bloom was off with her friends, and Granny never walked out this far into the orchard. The coast was clear, with the thick treetops preventing any pegusi from seeing them too. Mac perked his ears when he heard Applejack approach, making her chuckle. No doubt he was worried about her walking so far in her condition. “Ah’m okay,” Applejack said, “Just felt tha need ta mark mah territory is all. Make sure mah stallion remembers who his mare really is...” Mac shifted a hoof a bit at her honesty, perhaps feeling awkward at the realization that she might be envious. Knowing him, he felt worse than he should. "Sorry 'bout all th other mares...and foals. It's jus', they were in heat, an' they asked me if I'd...y'know, give 'em one. Ya said to..." “Don’t be that way, ya know it’s alright. Ah actually look forward t' seeing what kinda cute l'il foals ya gave them.” Applejack encouraged, indeed looking forward to seeing her little nieces and nephews, especially Fluttershy's foal. “Anyway, Ah want mah brother’s hot dick in me all the same. Jus'...be gentle. Don't want our little colt gettin' hurt.” Applejack wobbled around to face her plot toward him, flagging her tail up to reveal both a moist slit and swollen teats, packed tightly behind that firm oblong belly where their foal currently resided. Mac didn’t mount her immediately, instead stepping up and taking a deep breath of her sweet-as-ever arousal before sliding his head down. She expected him to take give her slit a good licking, but he went lower instead, pushing his lips against one of her nipples, slurping rather loudly and mm-ing a bit at the taste of her milk. Applejack smirked, wondering for how many months he’d wanted to do that. Applejack then spread her legs, letting him get his fill of her teats' milk, and it definitely didn’t feel bad being sucked dry like that. At the same time Applejack was in a randy mood, so she politely grasped his neck in her tail and coaxed him upward after he drained her for a while. He chuckled at her eagerness, though still not mounting. He sat on his haunches and pulled her back to do the same, letting his sweaty chest set against her back and licking at one of her ears affectionately. Applejack pushed her rump back until she felt his solid shaft against her pussy, Mac not wasting any time before sliding it until his flare was snug against her slit, then pulling her down immediately. She needed this, already as slick as if they had already had a half-hour's foreplay, and easily encompassed that thick girth within her, feeling the stretch that she could only get from him. None of the other stallions she'd slept with could even dream of comparing to her brother's, to her at least, perfect cock. Applejack moaned, arching her body against her brother as he entered, not thinking her clearest as she tried to push back as deeply as she could. Mac had chosen the position, it seemed, to make it easier for him to control the depth of penetration, a credit to him for being very careful that her over-eagerness didn’t become a problem for their foal. All the same, he groaned, rolling his eyes back as he lay his muzzle against her shoulder, nuzzling softly. Applejack slid her front hooves back as Mac held her, stroking over whatever part of his incredibly hot body she could reach. His hooves slid down to her breasts after hooking around her hips to stabilize her, rubbing into them, so plump and ready for their foal that they leaked milk even from the slightest pressure. He bathed one hoof in her milk before raising it to her lips and letting her lick it off. It was sweeter than she expected. Soon their bodies were rolling together. Though the sound of the moist sliding wasn’t as loud outdoors, their moans were. It was rare that they didn’t have to stifle their moans; maybe they should do this out here more often, in the far orchard where nopony typically ventured. For once she let herself squeal in a pitch very unlike her, and Mac continued to lick at the back of her head, his own loud groans practically vibrating through her head. They took it nice and slow, Big Mac backing off every time he felt her pussy tense up, as if making her stave off her orgasm as long as he could instead of the quickies they were usually forced to do, but Applejack didn’t mind. It would only feel better in the end if he denied her for a while. For a while, Applejack just enjoyed her sibling's cock inside her, every familiar curve of his shaft stoking her flames. She knew that cock better than any other mare could; she’d felt it grow from a respectable length when he was a teenager, to the massive stallion tool that it was now, to its rapid throbbing as it had knocked her up nearly a year ago. Applejack wrapped her tail about her brother's hips, both to grasp and intertwine it with his own tail, and to feel the wonderful movement of him humping into her, loving how his powerful muscles tensed as they made love. Shortly after, his shaft throbbed hard; Applejack could feel that Mac was nearing his peak as he flared up huge again, about to blast his incestuous load inside her as he had hundreds of times before as he spread her inmost passage wide. He sped up his thrusts, and she let herself go as well, gritting her teeth and clenching her eyes closed, but loosing a loud moan from her throat at the same time as her muscles started their rhythmic, orgasmic milking. Mac groaned as well as his shaft blasted into her convulsing hole, filling her whole passage and letting it run down both their thighs as it overflowed instead of going into her womb where it naturally belonged. After all, she was already quite full there as it was. “Nggh, that’s mah sexy brother,” Applejack moaned, “Pump mah pussy full while yer foal kicks its cute little legs…make me cum again...” Suddenly Big Mac stopped thrusting. Not the slow stopping they usually did before round two, but instantly stopped. Applejack looked behind her at him, realizing that he was looking off to the side into the bushes nearby. Following his line of sight, her heart sank as she saw her little sister Apple Bloom peaking out from behind a nearby tree, her eyes wider than Applejack had ever seen on her. “Apple Bloom!” Applejack gasped, “This ain’t…well it is what it looks like, but let me explain!” Of all the ponies to catch them, why did it have to be her little sister, the one pony who she couldn't talk logically to. “Apple Bloom please,” panted Applejack, “c'n we just agree not ta tell? Ah...Ah really need ya not to tell!” “That foal is…Big Mac's?!” Apple Bloom looked more sick from thinking about it, putting a hoof on her muzzle as her face turned a shade of green, “Applejack! Yer askin’ me ta lie!” “No!” Applejack rationalized, realizing just how far up shit's creek they were now if Apple Bloom had heard what she'd just said too, “Just… don’t tell anypony 'bout this is all!” “You told me that was lyin’ by...em-ission!” Apple Bloom shot back, and she was right. “This is gross, havin' a foal by yer brother! I’m tellin’ Twilight!” Choosing Twilight meant that Apple Bloom didn’t simply think it gross, but also realized it was illegal. Her sister was about to turn them in to ‘the authorities' and fulfill their greatest fear, and Applejack was ashamed that her best friend was going to be told by her own little sister that she was fucking her brother and now carried his foal. “Wait!” Applejack sighed, despair growing in her very soul at this being learned of...and the consequences that would follow that revelation, “At least let us go with you and explain....please!” “I don’t even want to be around you, you disgusting freaks!” screamed Apple Bloom before running toward Ponyville towards Twilight's castle. Unknowingly sealing the fate of her siblings. "Apple Bloom, wait, please! They're...they're gonna..." Big Mac shouted out with tears in his eyes before he started hyperventelating, a wail of emotional anguish escaping him. But Apple Bloom was already gone, leaving her siblings to only hug and kiss each other for possibly the final time, and ponder their now-inevitable fate. > Chapter 2: Punishment (WARNING: VERY Dark!) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: This chapter contains VERY dark themes, including past instances of many multiple murders, forced abortions, forced ideals leading to the illegal sterilization of thousands to millions over centuries, and one very twisted pony in a place of abused power who caused it all. If you would like to avoid this content, skip this chapter entirely and instead go to the next chapter's second portion (search for ~ ~ ~), as I've designed this story to make this chapter and dark content completely optional. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS VERSION IS DRASTICALLY CHANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL STORY'S CHAPTER! NOTE THE LACK OF THE 'GORE' TAG. ~ ~ ~ Twilight was no less shocked than Apple Bloom had been when she ran to tell Twilight that she'd seen Big Mac mating with Applejack and told her Applejack had basically admitted her foal was his; to think that her own friend had done something so abhorrent as getting pregnant with a foal by her own brother. Such a thing had never happened in Ponyville, at least not under her watch. Twilight couldn’t show Applejack mercy, Celestia had said; it’d be a public scandal if she were caught letting this 'disgusting aberration of nature' happen in her jurisdiction. Even with Twilight handling everything in the trial and sentencing correctly, Celestia had scolded her; one of those under Twilight’s command had gotten pregnant by her brother ten months prior and Twilight had never realized. Twilight’s punishment was to enact the punishment. Personally. Applejack and Macintosh had been moved to Ponyville Hospital the date of their punishment, to the maternity wing. When Twilight arrived, she found that Granny Smith hadn’t showed up, but Apple Bloom was in the waiting room, rocking back and forth, a distant expression on her face. “You did the right thing telling me, sweetie. What Applejack and Big Mac did was wrong, and now they need to be punished for it.” Twilight stopped and placed a hoof on Apple Bloom’s shoulder, “You should be proud of bringing them to justice…but please run along. You don’t want to hear this.” Twilight knew there would be screaming, to say the least. Her stomach churned at the thought. Apple Bloom nodded solemnly, walking away like a robot while Twilight went into the operating room. Applejack and Macintosh were restrained in the type of beds that would have normally been used for delivering foals, made so that the bottom half split apart to spread a patient’s hind legs; a sick irony, given their current use to prevent these two from ever producing more foals to deliver. These tables, though, were modified so buckled nylon straps were there, pinning all four limbs of the 'patients' and making movement impossible. They also completely exposed both ponies' genitals to Twilight, another strap pinning their tails to the table's base. There were doctors present in case of emergency, but this procedure was Twilight’s responsibility, so they gave a short bow to her and left her to it. Applejack’s very pregnant belly was quite large, and with a quick magical scan of the fetus within, Twilight knew she had only a bit over a month left before she delivered a new life into the world, but in Equestria, the punishment for a crime did not wait. The foal's life may have to be forfeited too, if it wasn't developed enough to survive outside the womb. Twilight looked as stoic as she could. She had spent all the previous night reading a book on how to do the procedures and made lists to make sure she didn’t forget anything. Everything should be okay, she kept telling herself, though that growing pit in her stomach told her otherwise. She had, after all, never performed a surgery, let alone involuntary ones on two ponies she cared deeply for. “Hey Twilight,” Applejack said, her voice shaking in fear, “We get painkillers, right?” She hoped Twilight may give her a pass on this, but Twilight simply shook her head 'no'. “You know better, you heard the law read,” Twilight scolded. Lack of anesthesia was part of the punishment; they would only get a cloth-wrapped wooden rod to bite down on to muffle their screams and prevent them from cracking their teeth from gritting them. “And that’s PRINCESS Twilight, mare.” Twilight said firmly. She had never insisted on the title being used before, let alone by one of her closest friends, but she was enacting a punishment as a princess; it was inappropriate to acknowledge friendship with the criminals. “Sorry, Princess Twilight,” Applejack corrected, tears rolling down her face, shivering. She had done this to herself, Twilight thought. Even still, she felt that worming guilty feeling in her gut that she just couldn't get rid of. “You two have broken a sacred law passed by Celestia,” Twilight continued sternly, “the law banning incest and incestuous inbreeding. Do the lawbreakers understand why this penalty must be enacted?” “Yes, Yer Majesty,” Applejack sniffled. “Eeyup…P-Princess,” Macintosh said. His voice was shaking even more than Applejack’s, and he visibly jerked when Twilight’s eyes focused on him. “Do the lawbreakers have anything else to say before the procedures begins?” Twilight said all the things she was supposed to. “Ah’m sorry Ah made ya do this, P-Princess, Twilight,” Applejack choked on a sob. “I will start with the stallion. I will state the sentence again for clarity: the punishment for incestuous breeding, for a stallion, is the complete surgical removal of both testicles, so that such a vile act cannot be repeated," She then turned to Applejack. "and for a mare, punishment is for her to have her uterus, Fallopian tubes, and both ovaries surgically removed and her cervix sealed, so that she will not bear the fruit of her kin again." "In the case of the pregnancy still existing at time of punishment, as is your case..." Twilight said, seeing Applejack's tears flow at the mention of her unborn child, "...the foal may be spared if it is developed enough to survive outside the mother after its removal from the uterus, by choice of the jurisdiction's Princess. As the standing Princess of Ponyville, I will grant this mercy." Twilight got at least some solace at the relief that crossed Applejack's face. "Thank ya...and Ah'm so sorry ya gotta do this, Princess..." "The accused are also legally barred from ever seeking mystically-based fertility treatments, or mystically-based or any other replacement or reconstructive surgery of the reproductive organs, lest the treatment-administering doctor be permanently barred from their practice and otherwise punished appropriately,” Twilight stated emotionlessly, giving no reply to Applejack's apology and walking toward Macintosh. Mac was wide-eyed and hyperventilating at this point, while Applejack silently mourned the potential new lives that would never be hers to hold or love once she was forcibly sterilized; the new lives Mac would never be able to sire once he was. Macintosh nodded, tears streaming down his own face now. Twilight was tempted to scold him for being dramatic, given that he was only getting what he himself earned, but figured it was best to let him get it all out now. That way they could put this all behind them afterward as well as they could. “Ah’m sorry, brother, 'bout the orchard. Ah just wanted one more time before the foal was born...” Applejack said, barely restraining herself from breaking down again. “Silence,” Twilight said in her ‘angry mother’ tone, “The criminals will NOT speak to one another until after the procedures are completed. I’d rather not be forced to use magical means to...ensure your cooperation.” “Y-yes Princess,” Applejack stammered, flinching as if she expected to be immediately flogged for speaking. Twilight looked at Macintosh’s thick sheath and pendulous, virile balls. It peeved Twilight that Macintosh was making her destroy such beautiful things, and she felt awkward that she’d had his large cock spurting its virile load inside her just the night before he was was arrested, soothing her personal needs. She’d miss slurping that full, virile ballsack while she jacked him off with her magic. The same balls that had given her a foal months past, which she still carried today. But, laws were laws. “You could have saved a lot of trouble if you’d just settled for knocking me up, or any of the other mares you have already,” Twilight sighed at Macintosh, “Just so you know, stallion, I am pregnant with your foal as well...but you just had to go and fuck your sister pregnant instead of choosing to be with the princess...” Mac felt a bestial pride even at this point of learning he'd given a princess a foal...even if that same princess was now going to take his ability to give any other mares such a gift. At least, he thought, maybe the other mares whom he'd given foals to would allow him to see and be a father to them, if they didn't ban him from visitation of his children after hearing of his publicly-announced crimes. He was also thankful to Twilight for allowing him to possibly keep the foal he'd made with Applejack...if it survived. Twilight looked at the tray of instruments, taking a deep breath in an attempt to remain as detached as possible as she mentally prepared herself to surgically and magically sterilize her friends. She picked up the emasculator and other tools with her magic, making overly-certain all were magically sterilized, sharpened, and functional, as if reluctant to begin. Macintosh couldn’t take his eyes off those tools; the tools that would soon take part of his stallionhood away. “Mare, stallion,” Twilight warned when she saw Applejack and Mac look away, tapping Mac's balls with visible magic, “Eyes here. Part of your sentence is to watch the procedure throughout. Both criminals must watch both punishments.” Applejack nodded quietly and turned to look at her brother's plump balls for the final time before he was castrated, showing a shamed expression that this was happening to Mac because of her encouragement. Because of her desire to have a foal with him, he would never have another. “Very well,” Twilight sighed as she raised a parchment up to her face. Oh Celestia, she had made a list, Applejack thought, “Shave the patient's surgical site.” Twilight picked up a straight razor, checking its sharpness. Mac had never been more still as she brought it to his leg, not that avoiding injury to his balls served any purpose given he was about to lose them. His fur was rather thick, but Twilight had enchanted and honed the blade so it would cut easily, shaving his inner thighs from above his knee up to around his sheath. Her magic held his balls firmly as she shaved them too, very carefully removing each hair until they were completely black-skinned instead of red-furred. Twilight glared at Mac when he got an erection from the ball-fondling, but he couldn’t help it. A mare he had knocked up with a foal, and fucked recently too, was fondling his sack with telekinesis; what was he supposed to do? Instead, Twilight ignored it as she stood after she'd admired his lovely cock and balls for a while more. "...next, um...s-shave the mare above and around the uterine area..." Twilight said as she sat down the parchment next to Mac, who was clearly looking and sounding on the verge of panic. As she resharpened the straight-razor with her magic, slowly, she picked up the parchment for her notes on a full hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy. “S-shave the area,” Twilight repeated, then produced the same razor that she had shaved Mac with, though found that it was significantly easier to shave a mare. There was no unintentional arousal involved with Applejack; she was so dry that it practically chafed when she shifted her hips. Applejack stayed stark still as she felt the cold blade shaving her very pregnant belly, her motherly instincts firing off as she felt something sharp so near her baby. Twilight, however, masterfully shaved the whole swollen mound meticulously, getting every hair without so much as nicking her...as though she were stalling. Twilight could feel the life within her friend's womb shifting at the vibrations, her heart aching already as she wondered just how he would look. How her best friend's only son would look. Finally, when not a single hair could be found on Applejack's gravid belly or pelvis, leaving only her pink skin visible, Twilight sighed, making sure once more that the equipment was sterile, before finally picking up the castration instructions again with a sigh. “One: Identify two testicles.” Twilight read from her list as she finished up. As she placed the razor back on the table, Mac's erection had long been deflated, perhaps to never rise again. She grasped Mac’s balls again in her magic, now focused on him like an object to be altered rather than a pony; it helped distance herself further from their to-be-dead friendship and romantic relationship. Mac probably would never even want to see their foal when it was born after this, let alone want anything to do with her. “Step two: apply local anesthesia. Skip,” Twilight commented, ignoring the step for adding anesthesia, since that specifically wasn’t allowed by the law, “Step three: Identify the perineum on stallion..." Twilight grasped the flesh just behind his ball sack, stretching it as far as she could, hearing Mac whimpering. “Stallion, please be a bit more mature about this,” Twilight scolded him, “I haven’t even started cutting. Speaking of cutting though, step four: make two half-inch incisions on either side of the bottom of the scrotum, beneath each testicle.” Twilight picked up the emasculator and a scalpel in her magic again, moving towards Mac's crotch... ~ The night before Applejack and Mac's trial, it was dark in Canterlot Castle as Luna and one of her nighttime guards patrolled the castle. While they were doing this, a pink Pegasus mare with Lunar Guard Captain armor was busily reading about Equestria laws that were put into effect over the past millennium. Captain Passion Silverstreak put one of her hooves to an aged parchment recovered from a long-lost archive she'd gotten her hands on; she had learned about this so called ‘taboo law’, where members of family cannot marry or breed with other members of the same family, and had read upon its origin after losing her own ability to breed because of it. She had loved her brother and allowed him to plant his seed in her during her heat, but the next month they'd been caught making love again and a forced abortion for her and sterilization for both were ordered and executed. Her brother didn't survive when a so-called 'accidental miscalculation' happened in the surgery, causing him to die of exsanguination from the 'accidental' severing of both testicular arteries during the castration, and blatant lack of any effort to stop the bleeding. She'd never been able to prove it was intentional, and it was simply brushed under the rug after the surgeon was forever banned from practicing again, but she knew that Princess Celestia had intentionally killed her brother for publicly speaking out against this law in their trial; calling Celestia 'heartless' and 'an archaic old mule' for passing and strictly maintaining it, especially on the very limited stallion population; even during a serious population crisis, given the lack of many colts being born in the past fifty years. Hearing that the Element of Honesty had bred with her brother, one of the most sought-after studs in Ponyville, and both may be scheduled for sterilization the next morning after her trial - and with her during her tenth month of pregnancy no less - infuriated Passion into looking up this law once more. This time, however, she dug deeper than ever, calling in all her favors and getting hold of documents kept secreted away for millennia. Princess Luna walked into her friend's bedroom, seeing her Captain of the Night Guard hunched over the desk and sighed; it was, after all, a common sight. “Passion,” Luna said, softly placing a hoof on the back of the named pony, the latter's wings shuffling in reaction, “why don't you get some rest and keep working tomorrow? You need to be well-rested and on guard to effectively run my Guard.” Passion gave a stern glare to the deep-blue alicorn, which made her flinch. “No, not yet...” Passion said simply but intensely, “what's to happen to Applejack and Big Macintosh was enough for me to look into this more, not to mention...what happened to my brother and myself last year. What I witnessed, my brother bleeding to death while everypony just WATCHED his lifeblood drain out of him, when its flow could have easily been clamped off, was a crime in itself. But I did find something. Finally, after all these years, I found proof that this so-called 'law'…it's illegal and a quack!” Luna looked at the pink Pegasus with surprise at what she said. She looked over Passion's shoulder and saw a copy of the bill drafted and signed in by her sister Celestia that focused on the so called 'taboo law' and its strict punishments. “These records from a long-forgotten archive, hidden away somewhere the princess would never find them, was only recently rediscovered in a secret room of the second basement of a contact of mine," Passion said, dragging some other yellowed papers over with a wing, "they show how this law, along with many others limiting sexual activity based on species, the pony's tribe, or even their blood relation, were drafted nine centuries ago. This was while you were still trapped on the Moon, your Highness." "Proceed, you have my attention," Luna assured, and Passion nodded. "According to these transcripts, and signed as valid by the Trusted Transcriptor of the time, the laws presented got only one 'yay' vote by Celestia, while the rest of the committee it was presented to voted 'neigh' on them and dropped them. I, however, found in other records of inmates, that the names of many that were imprisoned for life - as well as being castrated or otherwise sterilized for obviously non-existent or falsified crimes of incest, what with some not even having the siblings they were accused of having sex with - in the Canterlot dungeons, matched the ones of the ponies, who voted no. As well, many of those who have actively spoken out about these archaic laws being lifted in more recent years are the ones now within those cells or sterilized, or both." Luna was shocked. All of what she had read, all of the proof laid out before her, showed that her sister was at fault here; at fault for the illegal castration and forced sterilization of hundreds to millions of mares and stallions, responsible for millions of unnecessary deaths, unborn and born alike, as well as the possible murders of the many who had opposed her many illegitimate laws. Passion then grabbed her saddlebags and put all the fake laws and bills into it, as well as proof of their fallacy. “I am presenting this to Captain Shining Armor immediately for an arrest warrant, and then to Celestia herself officially and the media tomorrow. I've been right all this time about this. I just wish...” Luna noticed tears forming in Passion's eyes, anguish in her voice, “... I should've done this sooner. I could have saved him. Could have saved my foal. Our foal.” Luna wrapped a wing around her captain and embraced her in a warm hug, listening to her explaining how her brother had died, and how she had been sterilized as well. “I know the pain of losing family must hurt you a lot Passion. You and your brother would've had a wonderful foal that would've done great things, I'm sure. I just wish I was back from the Moon before what had happened to both of them. There are so many things Celestia has been hiding from me...this is clearly one of them,” Luna said, comforting the mare as Passion cried into her chest, "You, however, needn't worry about confronting Celestia. I will take care of that myself." Celestia, meanwhile, had just finished a luxurious bath, stepping out with her mane in a towel. To her utter surprise, dozens of Royal and Lunar guards walked in and surrounded Celestia, an anti-magic ring being forced onto her horn before she could react, along with her being physically restrained. "What is the meaning of this? Unhoof me at once!" she commanded, but it was ignored. Captain Shining Armor and Princess Luna walked up to Celestia and placed chained shackles on her forelegs and hindlegs. “Celestia,“ Luna said, “you are under arrest for multiple crimes against Equestrian society; including the illegal enactment of denied laws, multiple hundreds to millions of murders of born and forcibly aborted foals, as well thousands of adult ponies, surrounding the illegally-implemented 'Taboo Law', including the deaths of Captain Silverstreak's child and brother. You will hereby be imprisoned in Canterlot Castle, fully bound, until your trial is held tomorrow.” Celestia gave no resistance as she was then escorted to the dungeons to await her trial. She had cleansed the land of its filth for as long as she could, she thought with a smile, but only wished she could have cleansed more. > Chapter 3: Acquittal and Dismissal (Dark, Followed By Happy then Cloppy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: If you would like to avoid the dark content, skip to the second portion instead (search for ~ ~ ~), as I've designed this story to make the dark content completely optional. Alternately, simply read the second version of this chapter (Alternate chapter 3) by pressing the 'Next Chapter' arrow above. ~ "STOOOOOOOOOOOP EVERYTHING!!!" A loud female voice screamed into the makeshift operating room, making Twilight jump and drop the scalpel and emasculator, while also knocking her out of her emotionally-dead trance she'd put herself into. "Who the hay..." Twilight started, before turning and seeing Captain Passion Silverstreak entering the room with an accompaniment of two Royal Guards. "...what is the meaning of this interruption? I'm carrying out a punishment sentenced by Princess Celestia herself!" Silverstreak shook her head 'no', presenting Twilight with a note from the appointed reigning lead monarch of Equestria, Princess Luna. "That is no longer necessary, Princess. All punishments, past and present, related to Equestria Penal Code Chapter 10 Part B, reading 'Ponies within the degrees of consanguinity in which marriages are declared by the subsections of this law to be incestuous and void, who intermarry or interbreed with each other, or commit fornication or adultery with each other, whether resulting in conception of a foal and pregnancy or not, are to be punished by non-anesthetized castration or hysterectomy...' and so-forth, or various other portions of the penal code, are hereby null and void. Said law was illegally enacted by Princess Celestia against the clear disapproval of the entire counsel it was presented to, whom she illegally imprisoned and tortured afterwards." Silverstreak then paused for a breath, looking over to Applejack and Big Mac. "Official apologies, pardons and offers for Royal-Treasury-funded surgeries or spells for the replacement of the reproductive organs, as well as mental therapy and care, of all on record have been issued, and even to those off the records, who suffered wrongfully of the infertility caused by this archaic, morally wrong law." Twilight's lip quivered, her wings drooping as her eyes filled with tears at this news. She'd nearly involuntarily sterilized one her closest friends, and her own stud, without anesthesia, because of a quack law! One illegally enacted by her once-idol, her mentor, Princess Celestia. A law aimed only at causing pain to those who loved each other differently than Celestia deemed right. Silverstreak then paused, sighing. "My...my brother was one of those killed by her law, and I suffered its punishment too. Celestia made this fake law and enforced it by herself, crushing anyone who resisted. That alone is multiple felonies against Equestrian law, and more documents showed she did this to more laws, including those banning, interspecies, homosexual, and even some inter-tribal pony relationships and interbreeding, and even banning certain types of sex." Silverstreak then looked to Applejack and Big Mac, pitying them as memories of her brother and her being strapped down much the same way flooded back to her. "Celestia, needless to say, has already been arrested and may be officially dismissed from her position following her trial, and Princess Luna is taking her place, at least temporarily, as monarch. Our magicians are also trying to find the ancient ritual to reverse her transformation into an Alicorn, as she is no longer deserving of such a magnificent form. Additionally, provided she is found guilty, she has been sentenced to her own sterilization after she is transformed back to her natural form, without anesthesia, in order to feel the pain she's subjected thousands of others to, followed by lifelong imprisonment...which shall only be a normal pony's lifespan, given the transformation spell also strips her of her immortality, if the ancient texts are to be believed.” Twilight looked as though she'd been struck with a mallet. She first looked to Big Mac, still strapped to the table and exposed to her, his hairless balls reminding her of what she'd nearly done, then to Applejack, whose gravid, hairless, pink-skinned belly reminded her of the same. As though her legs had transformed into wet noodles, Twilight collapsed to the ground and instantly began wailing, tears streaming down her cheeks as the reality of what she'd nearly done to her best friend, and the sire of both of their and others' foals, hit her full force once her mental barriers were dropped and all her restrained emotions hit like a tidal wave. If she'd delayed even one minute less... "Hey, hey, it's OK Shug...we're still alright...mah foal's still OK," Applejack cooed upon seeing her friend in distress, despite still being strapped down to the table on which she was meant to have her womb and ovaries removed, and possibly lose her foal, "Ya didn't hurt us, Mac or me. It's OK..." "B-buh...I was...I WAS GONNA...!" Twilight cried out, before once more devolving to sobs mixed with partial apologies, the sight of the scalpel her causing her to grab it in her magic and hurl it across the room, lodging it into the far concrete wall with the force. As Applejack and Mac were released from the table by the royal guards, as well as each being given their official pardon and apology letter from Princess Luna, Applejack reached down and nuzzled into Twilight's mane, the mare squirming away from the soft affection. "I DON'T DESERVE YOUR PITY! I ALMOST CUT YOU OPEN AND... I ALMOST...YOUR F-FOAL...A-AND...F-FOR NO REASON!" Twilight wailed, trying to use her hooves and wings to cover herself in shame, "I DON'T DESERVE TO BE A PRINCESS!" "Twi, ya were only doin' what th' law forced you to. What Celestia made you. You couldn't do anything else. Besides, like Ah said, we're completely unharmed." Applejack then forced a chuckle, "'Sides, th' air on my belly feels pretty good without all'a that fur in th' way." Twilight gave a small chuckle, which then evolved into a laugh. Before she knew it, near-manic laughter intermingled with her sobs, except now she had Applejack wrapped in a very tight hug, wailing into her friend's chest. Applejack simply held her friend, feeling her sob against her, comforting the pony who had just very nearly taken very important parts from her brother and herself, and possibly the life of their foal, against her own will. "It's OK Shug, it's OK. Everythin' is gonna be just fine..." ~ Apple Bloom, and most of the entire land, had trouble grasping that everything she knew about Equestrian laws were lies. That she was very nearly responsible for the possible death of her siblings' foal and making her siblings unable to breed anymore. She still remembered what happened to cause this; her own inability to trust her gut and her family over what she believed was a legitimate law. She'd been told everything after her siblings' release regarding what had nearly happened to Applejack and Big Mac, and had happened to countless thousands of other ponies over the years. The thought alone of so many lives, and potential lives, lost made Apple Bloom sick to her stomach. She never knew Celestia would go so far as to kill innocent foals and destroy so many equally innocent ponies' ability to breed simply because she didn't like the idea of incest, or intertribal, or interspecies, foals. At first Apple Bloom thought she did the right thing telling Twilight, until Passion arrived to her school and told everypony the truth. Then she threw up and simply felt terrible after, before apologizing excessively to her big brother and sister, over and over, in between her sobs. Ever since then Apple Bloom did little around the farm, barely spent time with her friends, barely ate anything, and never came out of her room unless necessary. Eventually she came out of her funk after she was repeatedly forgiven by her siblings, who simply told her she'd done nothing wrong. Apple Bloom knew better though; she knew in her soul that all of this could have been prevented if she'd just listened to her loved ones. Apple Bloom grew up normally past that, that small stain easily overlooked but never forgotten as she became a young mare, then a mare with foals of her own. She always trusted her family after that however, and always listened to them first and foremost. Twilight was scarred by the 'what if's for many long years past. What if she'd made that first incision on Big Mac? What if she'd done what the rest of her notes had said to do? What if Applejack's foal hadn't survived? What If Applejack or Big Mac had bled out because she'd messed up? Twilight eventually moved on past her depressed state after many months of therapy, but since then she was always closer than ever to Applejack and Big Mac, constantly offering her help with anything she could, and always making time to simply hang out. They of course forgave her time and again for it, simply wanting to move past that all. Captain Passion's restoration surgeries successfully gave her back her ability to breed, and she is now the proud mother of a family of five foals with a sixth on the way, as well as a loving husband who only too happily gives them to her and helps raise them. She will never forget her brother's memory, but knows she must move on in his honor. He would want her to be happy, and to have a family like they never could. Meanwhile, down in the deepest part of the castle dungeons sat, formerly Princess, Celestia. All her regalia was gone, smelted so nopony would ever know of her previous title of Princess again, her name struck from all records forevermore and forbidden to be spoken or written under severe penalty; essentially erased from Equestrian history save for her heinous actions. All she would be known as was a nameless monster of a pony who ruled as a god-tyrant, and who would die as a mortal. Celestia sat chained in a dark, damp cell, before soon the sounds of Luna's hoofsteps echoed through the hall as she walked to her sister's cell. She looked in at her sister, seeing the ugly pink scar along her lower abdomen where her own reproductive organs were removed without anesthesia, then destroyed before her very eyes in repentance for those countless thousands she'd forced it on for hundreds of years. Celestia hatefully looked at Luna through the bars of the door's small window and said nothing. She never did during her sister's brief daily visits, not that she could. Ever since the truth was revealed about her crimes, she had been forcibly turned back into her original, mortal Earth Pony form, the spell also stripping her of her immortality. She was to be locked in this dungeon until she finally left this mortal plane, knowing that all she would see for the rest of her limited days were these four walls, with only silence as her company. As a precaution, Luna had Celestia's voice muted, not allowing her to con her way out of her punishment. Sister looked at disowned sister for a while, until Celestia looked away and Luna left. Celestia knew everything was her fault from the start, the loss of so much because of her old-fashioned ideals, and she accepted her punishment knowing that Equestria would be better off without her rule. She wondered if it had actually been worth it in the end, losing everything for her intolerence. She would have the rest of her life alone to contemplate it. ~ ~ ~ "C'mon Applejack, y'almost got it! Ah can see his head crownin'!" Big Mac encouraged, hearing an acknowledging grunt from Applejack. Applejack was in labor now, stretched out on her side in her barn on a bed of hay as she delivered her foal as her distant ancestors had before her. Ever since 'the incident' over two months ago, Applejack had vehemently avoided hospitals, preferring natural or magical remedies or treatments over organized medicine far more than before. Now, as she was surrounded by the father of the foal – her brother – as well as her five closest friends and little sister, Applejack pushed with all of her might as she felt another contraction, feeling as the new life was slowly being passed out of her. As she heard a gurgling followed by a cry, that pressure within her had ended some minutes later after a particularly long contraction. She collapsed and rested as she drowsily looked downward. As she saw a sandy-blonde mane and a brief glimpse of deep orange fur, she couldn't help but smile. Soon, after the foal had been cleaned and found completely healthy by Fluttershy, who had helped other animals give birth many times before and also held a degree in equine medicine, Big Macintosh held out a small cloth-swathed form to her, a small tuft of that same sandy-blonde mane sticking out. "Here ya go Applejack...meet yer son." Mac said, a pride swelling in his chest as Applejack held her hooves out and accepted her foal. Applejack smiled. "Ya mean our son. Our son, Burgundy Apple." "Eeyup." As Applejack moved the receiving blanket aside, she smiled as she saw an adorable little colt looking back at her. His coat was a deep red-orange, his obvious lack of wings or a horn easily identifying him as an earth pony. His mane was a sandy blonde like his father's, his eyes an emerald green that the two parents shared, and he had a smattering of his mother's pale freckles on his muzzle and cheeks. Applejack instantly felt as her heart was claimed by her little foal, and she only too gladly gave it. "So, mah husband, Ah think we did a good job on him." Applejack said weakly, giving an equally weak smile to accompany it as she was so drained from the birth. Ever since the abolishing of the falsely-implemented so-called 'Taboo Laws' and all other related illegally-implemented laws, and the dethroning of Princess Celestia for that among many other crimes the previous month, it was now legal for brothers and sisters to be in relationships and to have sex and foals the same way anypony else was, including in designated public places. Intertribal, interspecies, and homosexual relationships were legal as well. Applejack and Big Mac had been betrothed the very next day after the abolishment. The abolishment didn't change some ponies' views on incestuous, intertribal, or interspecies relationships being wrong, with ponies having that idea rammed into their heads for the past nine hundred years, but it made their opinions legally irrelevant. "Ah think...mah next heat...we need t' head to the park. Ah've always dreamed of showin' everypony else how much Ah love mah brother and husband...how perfect we are t'gether. What better way than to show 'em that than by how willing Ah am to bear his second foal, an' for all to see?" Applejack asked, only getting a small smile from him. "You worry 'bout recoverin' from havin' this foal first, then we can discuss havin' more and just how we will, yeah?" Mac asked, getting a soft nod from Applejack as she held her little colt to her chest, now humming softly a tune her own mother used whenever she was upset. As he started fussing, and with some help from Twilight, he was placed to his mother's teat as he started to take in his first meal. "Ah ain't against havin' more though, handsome as this'un came out." Twilight looked down at the beautiful little foal, unable to help it as tears came to her eyes as she remembered how he just might not be here right now if things hadn't turned out how they had. "What's th' matter Sugarcube?" Applejack asked as she saw her friend crying, before Twilight quickly wiped away the tears. "It's, uh, nothing. It's just, he's such a handsome little colt...almost reminds me of my own son from Mac. Thanks again for him..." Twilight fibbed, still indeed quite pregnant with said foal, getting a knowing look from Applejack, but with it being dropped after that. "Eeyup." Mac replied simply. "Um...after he's done eating...would it be OK for me to hold him?" Fluttershy asked quietly, "I've gotten really good at handling foals since I had my and Mac's son Butterscotch. Um...speaking of, Mac, would it be possible to give me another foal this upcoming mating season? I'm sure Butter would love a brother or sister to play with..." "Sure, we'll discuss it later." Mac said, before focusing back on his sister and son. After all, Applejack had agreed to let him keep studding for and impregnating other mares so long as she came first and foremost to him, and Mac agreed to let Applejack have sex freely with other stallions so long as she used protection and he was the only one allowed to have sex with her in her estrus unprotected, and give her foals. Neither had a problem with that arrangement. "Oooh, me next!" Pinkie asked significantly less quietly, "in holding the cute li'l foal, AND getting studded by Mac! I want a cute fuzzy little baby too!" "Yeah, Ah don't mind them holdin' our foal, do you bro?" "Not at all, mah love. Not at all." ~ It was nearly a year later, with Burgundy, Butterscotch and Apple Bloom playing together in another field with Granny Smith watching them, that Applejack and Big Mac stepped out into the special 'cutie-marked ponies only' grass fields of Ponyville Park. Big Mac could smell his sister's fertile scent, his penis already dropping from its sheath as he was called by that scent to breed his mare again. "So," Big Mac asked, "Y' ready t' make yer dream come true; to show everypony just how much we love each other?" "Ah've...never been more ready in mah life Mac. Get on mah back and rut a little brother or sister for Burgundy into me, like ya did jus' last week fer Fluttershy to give Butters a sibling," Applejack replied, flagging her tail over her back for all to see, Mac completely hard by this point. "Only too gladly, mah wife..." Big Mac whispered into her ear, before mounting her without further ado, getting a loud moan from her that caught the attention of the other couples having sex nearby, or those others simply enjoying a meal and a show of the others having sex. "...y'ain't gotta be quiet no more, AJ. Let everypony hear how much ya love me an' mah cock." "I love YAAAAAH!" Applejack exclaimed as she felt Mac impale her onto his dick in one fluid movement, her so wet and pliable from her estrus that he slid to her core in one slick thrust. She'd never felt so much freedom before; just being allowed to be mounted and bred like this by her true love, in public, without fear of persecution, felt so utterly liberating to her. They held together after that, savoring the feeling of filling or being filled, the eyes of many other ponies on the Element of Harmony as she was being given a second foal by her brother. Some of the other ponies who had been passive now mounted on their mares or mares on their stallions, a chorus of moans joining Applejack's as she felt Mac's huge cock once more sliding perfectly through her as she looked around, a shudder going through her as she saw how many eyes looked back; how many creatures could see just how much she loved her brother. Griffins mounted on pegusi, mares on mares, pegusi on earth ponies, and unicorns with zebras; just like for them, love knew no bounds. "F-Faster..." Applejack demanded, and Mac was only too happy to oblige, widening his back hooves a bit to get the needed leverage. Applejack leaned her head back as she met Mac's lips in a kiss. This was not a kiss to desperately try to hide their pleasured sounds, oh no, they let those bellow out for all to hear. No, this was a kiss of lovers as they worked to make a new life, Mac's hips now moving at a smooth, rapid pace as he bred his mare. "M-More..." Applejack demanded sensually as she felt the pressure in her building, the burning in her womb for her stallion's seed growing more insistent, her inner muscles kneading the cock within her to try and sate it. "Be patient mah love...Ah'll give ya our foal soon..." Big Mac teased, though the stimulation more than made his hips want to rock faster into the nearly-hot, slick, demandingly-tight walls of his sister's pussy. "Ah...Ah want it...n-now. Show everypony...how much Ah want yer foal...gimme..." Applejack stammered out, before squealing out as her orgasm hit her and her back arched up sharply, her body going into overdrive as her rhythmic, orgasmic contractions rolled through her pussy. The eyes of everycreature on her, and the promise of getting another foal, made it all so much more intense. "Ahlright...y'win...here it comes..." Big Mac said as he felt his sister's internal ripples kneading him for all he was worth, slamming home and meeting his fully-swollen flare to her cervix again with one firm hump. Applejack squealed as she felt him pulsing within her, then letting out a loud cry of pleasure and nearly collapsing as she finally felt as each massive glob of her brother's cum made its way up his cock, before then being launched into her womb. She could feel it all pooling there as more and more was added with each rapid throb, her womb eventually stretching a bit to accommodate the huge, unending load pumping into her. Both ponies stayed there stock still as their bodies worked hard to conceive a foal, Applejack claiming every drop from her brother, slowly rocking her hips and keeping him deep to assure she got every last sperm. They held like that, quickly hearing the orgasmic cries of the other creatures around them as more new foals were likely conceived as well, the scent of virile stallions and fertile mares mixing together alongside the scent of sated lust. "There ya go sis...that should be enough for a foal, huh?" Mac asked, enjoying the gentle ripples that Applejack's orgasmic aftershocks sent along his cock as he remained hilted, an occasional dry pulse rewarding them as his flare kept his seed dammed in her womb. "E-eeyup...Ah can't wait t' meet them next year..." Applejack said, before meeting Mac's lips in another passionate kiss as she felt just how much Mac had 'donated' to her, "Thank ya'gain, mah love." Eventually, Mac slid off of Applejack's back, a large glob of his excess semen following his partially-swollen flare out. They then lay together there as they shared their afterglow, looking around at all the other satisfied ponies around them. Ponies who now knew just how much they loved each other. > ALTERNATE Chapter 3: Acquittal and Dismissal (Not dark; Happy/Cloppy) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Note: This is simply part of the original chapter three with only the cloppy and happy bits included for your 're-reading for the clop and/or happy ending' pleasure. ~ ~ ~ "C'mon Applejack, y'almost got it! Ah can see his head crownin'!" Big Mac encouraged, hearing an acknowledging grunt from Applejack. Applejack was in labor now, stretched out on her side in her barn on a bed of hay as she delivered her foal as her ancestors had before her. Ever since 'the incident' over a month ago, Applejack had vehemently avoided hospitals, preferring natural or magical remedies or treatments over organized medicine. Now, as she was surrounded by the father of the foal – her brother – as well as her five closest friends and little sister, Applejack pushed with all of her might as she felt another contraction, feeling as the new life was slowly being passed out of her. As she heard a gurgling followed by a cry once that pressure within her had ended some minutes later after a particularly long contraction, she collapsed and rested as she drowsily looked downward. As she saw a sandy-blonde mane and a brief glimpse of deep orange fur she couldn't help but smile. Soon after, after the foal had been cleaned and being found completely healthy, Big Macintosh held out a small cloth-swathed form to her, a small tuft of that same sandy-blonde mane sticking out. "Here ya go Applejack...meet yer son." Mac said, a pride swelling in his chest as Applejack held her hooves out and accepted her foal. Applejack smiled. "Ya mean our son. Our son, Burgundy Apple." "Eeyup." As Applejack moved the receiving blanket aside, she smiled as she saw an adorable little colt looking back at her. His coat was a deep red-orange, his obvious lack of wings and horn easily identifying him as an earth pony. His mane was a sandy blonde like his father's, his eyes an emerald green that the two parents shared. Applejack instantly felt as her heart was claimed by her little foal, and she only too gladly gave it. "So, mah husband, Ah think we did a good job on him." Applejack said weakly, giving an equally weak smile to accompany it as she was so drained from the birth. Ever since the abolishing of the falsely-implemented so-called 'Taboo Laws' and all other related illegally-implemented laws, and the dethroning of Princess Celestia for that among many other crimes the previous month, it was now legal for brothers and sisters to be in relationships and to have sex the same way anypony else was, including in designated public places. Applejack and Big Mac had been betrothed the very next day after the abolishment. The abolishment didn't change some ponies' views on incestuous, interracial, or interspecies relationships being wrong, with ponies having that idea rammed into their heads for the past nine hundred years, but it made their opinions legally irrelevant. "Ah think...mah next heat...we need t' head to the park. Ah've always dreamed of showin' everypony else how much Ah love mah brother and husband... how perfect we are t'gether. What better way than to show 'em that than by how willing Ah am to bear his second foal, an' for all to see?" Applejack asked, only getting a small smile from him. "You worry 'bout recoverin' from havin' this foal first, then we can discuss havin' more and just how we will, yeah?" Mac asked, getting a soft nod from Applejack as she held her little colt to her chest, now humming softly a tune her own mother used whenever she was upset. As he started fussing, and with some help from Twilight, he was placed to his mother's teat as he started to take in his first meal. "Ah ain't against havin' more though, handsome as this'un came out." Twilight looked down at the beautiful little foal, unable to help it as tears came to her eyes as she remembered how he just might not be here right now if things hadn't turned out how they had. "What's th' matter Sugarcube?" Applejack asked as she saw her friend crying, before Twilight quickly wiped away the tears. "It's, uh, nothing. It's just, he's such a handsome little colt...almost reminds me of my own son from Mac, Crimson Dawn. Thanks again for him..." Twilight fibbed, getting a knowing look from Applejack, but with it being dropped after that. "Eeyup." Mac replied simply. "Um...after he's done eating...would it be OK for me to hold him?" Fluttershy asked quietly, "I've gotten really good at handling foals since I had our foal Butterscotch. Um...speaking of, Mac, would it be possible to give me another foal this upcoming mating season? I'm sure Butter would love a brother or sister to play with..." "Eeyup, we'll discuss it later." Mac said, before focusing back on his sister and son. After all, Applejack had agreed to let him keep studding for other mares so long as she came first and foremost to him, and Mac agreed to let Applejack have sex freely with other stallions so long as she used protection and he was the only one allowed to give her foals. Neither had a problem with that arrangement. "Oooh, me next!" Pinkie asked significantly less quietly, "in holding the cute li'l' foal, AND getting studded by Mac! I want a cute fuzzy little baby too!" "Yeah, Ah don't mind them holdin' our foal, do you bro?" "Not at all, mah love. Not at all." ~ It was nearly a year later, with Burgundy and Apple Bloom playing together in another field with Granny Smith watching them, that Applejack and Big Mac stepped out into the grass fields of Ponyville Park. Big Mac could smell his sister's fertile scent, his penis already dropping from its sheath as he was called by that scent to breed his mare. "So," Big Mac asked, "Y' ready t' make yer dream come true; to show everypony just how much we love each other?" "Ah've...never been more ready in mah life Mac. Get on mah back and rut a little brother or sister for Burgundy into me, like ya did fer Fluttershy 'gain. Knock me up with our second foal, just like you gave her and Pinkie one," Applejack replied, flagging her tail over her back for all to see, Mac completely hard by this point. "Only too gladly, mah wife..." Big Mac whispered into her ear, before mounting her without further ado, getting a loud moan from her that caught the attention of the other couples having sex nearby, or those others simply enjoying a meal and a show of the others having sex, "...y'ain't gotta be quiet no more. Let everypony hear how much ya love me an' mah cock." "I love YAAAAAH!" Applejack exclaimed as she felt Mac impale her onto his dick in one fluid movement, her so wet and ready from her estrus that he slid to her core in one slick thrust. She'd never felt so much freedom before, just being allowed to be mounted and bred like this in public without fear of persecution feeling so utterly liberating to her. They held together after that, savoring the feeling of filling or being filled, the eyes of many other ponies on the Element of Harmony as she was being given a second foal by her brother. Some of the other ponies who had been passive now mounted on their mares or mares on their stallions, a chorus of moans joining Applejack's as she felt Mac's huge cock once more sliding perfectly through her as she looked around, a shudder going through her as she saw how many eyes looked back; how many ponies could see just how much she loved her brother. "F-Faster..." Applejack demanded, and Mac was only too happy to oblige, widening his back hooves a bit to get the needed leverage. Applejack leaned her head back as she met Mac's lips in a kiss. This was not a kiss to desperately try to hide their pleasured sounds, oh no, they let those bellow out for all to hear. No, this was a kiss of lovers as they worked to make a new life, Mac's hips now moving at a smooth, rapid pace as he bred his mare. "M-More..." Applejack demanded as she felt the pressure in her building, the burning in her womb for her stallion's seed growing more insistent, her inner muscles kneading the cock within her to try and sate it. "Be patient mah love...Ah'll give ya our foal soon..." Big Mac teased, though the stimulation more than make his hips want to rock faster into the nearly-hot, slick, demandingly-tight walls of his sister's pussy. "Ah...Ah want it...n-now. Show everypony...how much Ah want yer foal...gimme..." Applejack stammered out, before squealing out as her orgasm hit her and her back arched up sharply, her body going into overdrive as her rhythmic, orgasmic contractions rolled through her pussy. The eyes of everypony on her, and the promise of getting another foal, made it all so much more intense. "Ahlright...y'win...here it comes..." Big Mac said as he felt his internal ripples kneading him for all he was worth, slamming home and meeting his fully-swollen flare to her cervix again with one firm hump. Applejack squealed as she felt him pulsing within her, then letting out a loud cry of pleasure and nearly collapsing as she finally felt as each massive glob of her brother's cum made its way up his cock, before then being launched into her womb. She could feel it all pooling there as more and more was added with each rapid throb, her womb eventually stretching a bit to accommodate the huge, unending load pumping into her. Both ponies stayed there stock still as their bodies worked hard to conceive a foal, Applejack claiming every drop from her brother, slowly rocking her hips and keeping him deep to assure she got every last sperm. They held like that, quickly hearing the orgasmic cries of other ponies around them as more new foals were likely conceived as well, the scent of virile stallions and fertile mares mixing together alongside the scent of sated lust. "There ya go sis...that should be enough for a foal, huh?" Mac asked, enjoying the gentle ripples that Applejack's orgasmic aftershocks sent along his cock as he remained hilted, an occasional dry pulse rewarding them as his flare kept his seed dammed in her womb. "E-eeyup...Ah can't wait t' meet them next year..." Applejack said, before meeting Mac's lips in another passionate kiss as she felt just how much Mac had 'donated' to her, "Thank ya'gain, mah love." Eventually, Mac slid off of Applejack's back, a large glob of his excess semen following his partially-swollen flare out. They then lay cuddled together there as they shared their afterglow, looking around at all the other satisfied ponies around them. Ponies who now knew just how much they loved each other.