> Masked Matter-Horn [X-Rated Version] > by Pinkamena666 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Sweetest Mare She Knew > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal, noisy day in Maretropolis. Crime a constant occurrence and police sirens could be heard almost every hour of every day. So, it wasn't a stretch of the imagination that the Maretropolis Library was a very relaxing place for the citizens of the city. It was nice and quiet and specially built with soundproof walls to block out the noises of the city. However, every time the front door opened the sound spilled in, disrupting the silence. Twilight Sparkle was a huge fan of the Library. So much so, in fact, that she became the full-time librarian. Currently, she was reading a Daring Do book behind the counter as she hadn't received a new customer in about half an hour. She was wearing a thin, plum sweatshirt and black shorts along with a pair of sandals. As she read her book, she was unaware of a close friend sneaking up beside her. "Boo!" Yelled Trixie, popping up beside the desk and making the purple unicorn jump in fright. After receiving a few angry glares, she leaned against the counter, giggling. "Apologies, Sparkles." The blue unicorn wore a white tube top which covered her breasts and a purple, unzipped top showing it off. She also wore long, thin, black spandex pants and sandals. "Trixie..." Twilight growled, fixing her sweater and picking her book up off the floor. "This is a library. You're supposed to be quiet..." "Ooo! Sorry!" Her friend whispered loudly, leaning in over the counter. "Hey... Wanna catch a movie?" Twilight leaned back in her chair before eyeing the blue mare. "I'm working." "I know, I know," her friend cooed. "Trixie meant after." Twilight's frown turned to a smile. "Sure. I'd like that." "Great!" Getting a few more angry stares, Trixie looked around and chuckled softly. "Right," she whispered, looking at Twilight. "See ya later..." she cooed, holding out her hand. Smiling, Twilight took her hand before Trixie slowly slid her hand away, heading towards the front door. Twilight then went back to reading her book. A smile spread across her face as she knew how mischievous Trixie could be in the theater. Especially if she asked to sit in the back. The two went way back to when they were just foals. Trixie was practicing to be in the talent show while Twilight was focusing on her studies. During lunch, Trixie sat by herself, as usual, and set a box on the table. It was about the size of a puzzle cube. The blue filly then pulled a fake plastic wand from her backpack. Twirling it around in front of her, she cleared her throat, a cute smirk spreading across her face. "Watch in awe as the Great And Powerful Trixie makes a stuffed bunny appear in this box!" She said it more to herself, but it caught the attention of a few others, including Twilight. When she tapped the box with the wand and opened it, it was empty. A few kids laughed under their breath as Trixie kept whacking the box with her wand. "Come on! Come on! Come on!" The blue filly repeated. Twilight smiled and closed her book, stuffing it in her backpack before getting up. She then made her way over towards the blue filly. Both were outcasts at this school as Twilight was a loner and others thought Trixie was weird. Not to mention she liked to boast and act tougher than she really was. It was a perfect match. As she approached, Trixie stopped whacking the box and looked up at her. "You can't just make your stuffed bunny appear in the box without real magic," Twilight said with a smile. "Usually magic props have secret compartments for pulling off that illusion. Where'd you get yours?" Trixie held her gaze for a few seconds before eyeing the little box. "Um... My house..." The purple filly let out a giggle and sat down with her. "Maybe I can help." The blue filly tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. "How?" "Um... Duh..." Twi said, pointing to her horn. Trixie let out an embarrassed chuckle. "Oh, yeah... Right." She then looked away slightly before looking at Twilight with a smile. "Thank you..." Twilight clocked out of her shift at the library at 6pm. Spending the whole day reading her book was something she enjoyed a lot. But, what she enjoyed even more was being in the company of Trixie. Not only did she like the naughty things Trixie did but she also liked her as a mare. She was kind and funny. Full of herself, sure, but funny. Perhaps that's why Trixie felt the dame way about her. Because she saw things in Trixie that no one else did. When she left the library, she saw Trixie waiting for her. The blue mare was sitting on the steps, watching the cars drive by. Smiling, Twilight made her way over to her. When she was close enough, she placed her hand on Trixie's shoulder, making the blue mare look up at her. "Is Trixie ready?" She asked with a smile. Trixie nodded and stood up. "Of course she is," she replied, taking Twilight's hand. The two then left the steps and began walking down the sidewalk, heading towards the movie theater. It wasn't that far and the two did enjoy a walk every now and then. Both of them had cars, but once in a while they would just resort to walking. Except if they needed to go somewhere deeper in the city. As of a few weeks ago, the two moved into an apartment together on the outside of the city, where it was the quietest. "So, how are your shows going?" Asked Twilight, breaking the silence between them. "Oh, just... amazing," Trixie said with a light gasp and a wide smile. "I've made some really great props for the show that makes it appear like I'm using magic." "I'm guessing that magic inhibitor ring I made for you works?" "Like... a charm," Trixie smirked as she pulled a ring from her pocket. "All I do is let a unicorn try in the audience try it on to prove that it works." "Glad to hear it's going well," the purple mare replied as they neared an alley, where Twilight heard a commotion. "Oh, yes," Trixie continued, not hearing the noise. "It has changed everything for the better. And, I have you to thank for it," she cooed, poking Twilight's chest lightly. The librarian smiled at her before looking in the alley as they passed it. Letting out a gasp, she stopped walking. When Trixie felt her Twi's hand slip from her grasp, she stopped walking and looked back at her. "Twilight?" She asked, sounding worried. Twi didn't hear her as she watched a stallion thrust his rod into the mouth of another stallion, who looked beaten and was on his knees. When she stopped, the stallion looked over at her and growled lightly. "What are you looking at?" He asked, not stopping his thrusting. "You wanna join him?!" "N-No, I--" Twi stammered, taking a step back. "Come on, Twilight," Trixie said as she grabbed Twi's arm. As she was pulled away, Twi saw the stallion return his attention to his victim. "We have to do something," Twi said once they were further away. "Like what?" Asked Trixie. "He would've killed you. Maybe even raped you first. That what you want?" "N-No, but..." "Twilight, listen," Trixie said as she stepped in front of Twilight and grabbed her arms. "There's nothing you can do... Even if you used magic on him, he would find you. You remember what happened to Glaze?" Twi opened her mouth to say something, but the mention of Glaze kept her quiet. Nodding, she rested her forehead on Trixie's right shoulder, letting out a sigh. "I just... I wish there was something I could do to help..." The blue mare nuzzled Twi and rubbed the back of her head. "I know you do, sweetie..." Both mares entered the theater with their popcorn, soda, and candy. Trixie eyed the empty back row and smirked, gently grabbing Twi's arm. "Hey," she cooed. "Back seats are open..." she said, before moving to sit in the back corner of the theater. Twilight gave her a smile and followed her. Looks like it was gonna be one of those times. Sitting beside her mare friend, Twilight set her soda in the cup holder and her bucket of popcorn in her lap. The two mares kept to eating their popcorn as the opening trailers played. Seems like there were a few action movies coming out soon, as well as a horror movie that looked somewhat decent. When the movie finally started, the theater fell silent as everyone watched. Trixie eyed Twilight and smirked, setting her popcorn down. She then leaned against Twilight and placed her hand on her bucket of popcorn. Without saying a word, the purple mare eyed her with a blush, before lowering her popcorn to the floor. Trixie then slid her hand to Twi's crotch. Looking around, Twilight noticed that no one knew what was happening. Looking back at Trixie, she leaned in and kissed her on the lips as Trixie began to rub her crotch. Even though Trixie could be full of herself and loud, she could also be very gentle. This is something Twilight liked about her. She wasn't afraid when they engaged in sexual activities like this. She knew the mare would be gentle with her. And not to mention the feel of her lips against her own was a sensation that Twilight never thought she'd feel. When it came down to it, Trixie was the sweetest mare she knew. The two continued their kiss in the back of the theater, Trixie slipping her hand in Twilight's shorts and gently rubbing her slit. Grabbing Trixie's shoulders, the purple mare pulled Trixie deeper into the kiss to stifle her moans. When she became quite certain that she could resist a moan, she moved her right hand to Trixie's tube top, slipping it inside and grabbing her breast. Twilight wasn't normally open about stuff like this. Not like Trixie. But, when they were together, she let it all out. As such, everyone else saw a nerdy bookworm, but Trixie saw a beautiful mare who was willing to put up with her antics and sometimes overwhelming attitude. For Trixie, Twilight was the sweetest mare she knew. Eventually, Twilight broke the kiss and gave Trixie a smile. "Let's save all of our energy for when we get home," she whispered. Nodding, Trixie gave her nose a kiss. "You got it," she whispered back, slipping her hand from her pants. Twilight did the same, sliding her hand free from Trixie's tube top before the two went back to watching the movie. Twilight opened the door to their apartment as both mares entered. Once inside, Trixie closed the door before both mares faced each other. A blush spread across Twilight's face as Trixie moved closer. The blue unicorn then took her hands and leaned in, kissing her on the lips. Closing her eyes, Twilight kissed back, placing her hands on Trixie's hips. After what felt like minutes, Trixie broke the kiss. "Why don't you get comfortable..." the magician cooed. "I bought some lingerie today I think you might like..." Blushing even more, Twilight smiled and nodded. "Okay..." Giving her one last kiss on the lips, Trixie ran into the bathroom to get changed. After she left, Twilight turned her attention to the window overlooking the city. Walking over to it, she looked out. Faint sirens could be heard in the distance. Letting out a sigh, she closed the curtains and made her way into the bedroom. Their apartment wasn't huge but it did have a main living room area with a small kitchen, couch and a TV. There was also a bathroom that had two doors, connecting to the bedroom and living room. The bedroom was big enough to hold a bed made for two, a dresser, bedside table with lamp, and a TV across from the bed. It wasn't much but it was home. Pulling off her sweater, she tossed it on top of the dresser. Afterwards, she removed her shorts, setting them with her sweater as she now stood in her lace black bra and panties. Usually she'd set them in the hamper in the bathroom, regardless of Trixie's presence in there, but the magician wanted her new lingerie to be a surprise. So, the dresser would have to do. Not long after the purple mare laid down on the bed, Trixie emerged from the bathroom. It was clear she must've gone to a shop which specializes in sexy lingerie since all she had one was a thin, lace tube top which squished her breasts together and very thin, skimpy lace black panties. "I know you like black lace, so... what do ya think?" Trixie asked with a smile, striking a pose like she was about to sit down. Twilight stared at her and sat up. She felt her heart rate quicken as she scanned the mare's body with her eyes. "You... You look... a-amazing," she replied with a smile. The magician then made her way over to the bed before straddling Twilight's lap, wrapping her arms around her. "Glad you like it. I had to save up for it." "What?" Asked Twilight, eyes going slightly wide. "H-How much did you--" She was cut off when Trixie put a finger to her lips. "Shh... Anything for you..." she cooed, leaning in and replacing her fingers with her own lips, both mares letting out a soft moan. After about 30 seconds, Twilight grabbed Trixie's side and rolled them over so she was on top, the blue mare letting out a giggle. Continuing the kiss, Twilight ran her hands down Trixie's sides and gripped her panties. Breaking the kiss, she gave her lover a smile and trailed kisses down her body. "Right to the goods, huh?" Asked Trixie, spreading her legs as she gripped her own breasts. "Your fault for teasing me in the theater..." Twi cooed with a wink, before sliding the mare's panties down her legs. After pulling them off her feet, she set them aside as Trixie wiggled her toes. Smiling, Twilight gave her foot a kiss before running her tongue up her leg and to her wet slit. Giving it few licks, she began to suckle on the clit. "Holy shit..." Trixie moaned out, tilting her head back and placing her hands on Twilight's head. "Oh, those books you read... s-sure do help..." Smirking, Twilight kept on sucking before pushing two fingers inside her. Gently pumping them, she pulled away and watched her fingers slide in and out, getting coated in juices. Moaning loudly, Trixie pulled off her bra and tossed it with her panties before gripping her breasts and pinching the nipples. Hearing her mate moan like that filled her with a happiness only the magician could make her feel. Returning to suck on the lips, it wasn't long before the blue mare climaxed in her face. Gasping as she pulled back, receiving another squirt, she saw the mare fall limp. "Really, Trix?" She asked in disbelief, her face dripping as she watched the mare sleep. "Again?" After licking her lips clean, she laid on her back beside the sleeping unicorn and spread her legs. Once again she'd have to pleasure herself. Trixie may be an amazing partner and best friend but when it came to stamina... she was the worst. She was getting better at lasting longer, but she still needed work. After a few minutes of fingering herself with her left hand and fondling Trixie's breasts with her right, she finally managed to climax herself, getting a little juice on Trixie's hip. Letting out a sigh, she scooted up against her and rested her head on her shoulder. Giving Trix a quick kiss on the cheek, she rested her head and closed her eyes. Twilight was startled awake as Trixie plopped down atop her, both mares still naked. "Trixie is sooooo sorry..." the blue mare apologized as she hugged the mare. Twilight hesitated before letting out a yawn and rubbing her eyes. "Um... For what? For..." She paused to yawn again. "For falling asleep on me again?" "Yes, that," Trixie said quickly. "But, I can make it up to you!" She exclaimed before sliding lower. "Wh-- Trixie!" Twilight gasped. "I'm still groggy... Wait until I'm awake!" Trixie looked up from Twilight's crotch. "Then, let's shower together! I'll do it in there!" She said excitedly before rushing into the bathroom. Twilight let out a groan, before letting out a chuckle. Another one of Trixie's cute personality traits is that if she feels like she wronged Twilight in any way she'd do whatever she could to make it right. It was especially cute when it was for something like this. Sliding off the bed, Twilight went over to the bathroom door and opened it, stepping inside and closing the door. When she was inside, she saw Trixie testing the temperature of the shower water. Her butt was facing the purple mare as she lightly waved it back and forth. Letting out a giggle, Twilight walked up beside her and lightly rubbed her butt. "Warm enough, yet?" She asked. Trixie looked back with a smile as she stood up. "Yes. It's perfect. Come on in," she said as she stepped inside. Twilight followed her into the shower and closed the curtain to make sure water didn't get outside of the tub. When she turned to Trixie, the magician pulled her into a kiss. Startled for only a second, Twi loosened up and kissed back. Almost immediately, Trixie broke the kiss and got to her knees. Gasping at the sudden sensation to her slit, Twilight slammed her hands against the side of the tub, letting the water wash over her as Trixie serviced her crotch. Curling her toes from the pleasure she received, Twilight gritted her teeth as her lover made a meal of her pussy. It was like she hadn't eaten or tasted her crotch in years. Like she was starving for pussy. After a few more minutes, Twilight let out an adorable squeak as she came. Due to the shower, it was hard to determine how much hit Trixie, but the mare seemed to get a good taste of it and licked her lips. She then stood up as the two giggled and kissed again. Twilight and Trixie left the bathroom with a towel wrapped around their bodies as Twilight made her way to the dresser and Trixie plopped onto the bed, turning on the TV. There was a news report on an upcoming meteor shower tonight. "Hey, there's going to be a meteor shower tonight," Trixie said with a smile. "Hang out in the park and watch it?" Twilight smiled as she opened her dresser and looked over at Trixie. "Of course. That sounds lovely." She then returned her attention to her dresser as she pulled out a black bra and black panties. Trixie watched her slip into her underwear before switching the channel to a game show. Hearing the channel change, Twilight looked back at her. "Don't you have a gig today?" She asked, pulling out a thin, dark purple t-shirt. "Nope," the magician replied, moving her legs back and forth as she watched the TV. "Nothing today. Saturday, though... Tomorrow..." Looking over at Twilight, she smiled. "Don't you have the mid-day shift?" Twi eyed her and smiled lightly. "Yeah? So?" "Well..." Trixie began as she looked at the clock on the bedside table, before looking at her again. "You have 1 hour before you have to be there. Watch TV with me." Hesitating, Twilight smiled and put her shirt away before heading over to the bed. When she sat down, Trixie got behind her and opened her towel, wrapping them both in it as she rested her chin on Twilight's right shoulder. "I'm so glad we moved in together," the blue mare said, scooting closer to the bookworm and cuddling a little more tightly. "Mmm... Waking up with you is amazing..." "I feel the same way, Trix," Twi said with a smile as she felt the mare's breasts against her back. "I've known you for a while, but I love seeing this side of you... Even if you're normal personality is pretty adorable." Giggling, Trixie gave her neck a kiss. "Kids found it annoying growing up. It was only after I became a real magician did they accept it..." She then paused for a moment as she gave a small, happy smile. "Except you... You gave me a chance from the start..." Twilight smiled lightly, too, before turning around and wrapping her arms around the mare, looking her in the eyes. "We've been over this before, Trix," she said as she put her hand on the mare's cheek. "You're a sweet mare... You can stop being baffled by the idea that someone actually loves you." Trixie blushed and smiled. "Twilight, I--" She was cut off when Twilight leaned in and kissed her. The purple mare suddenly gasped when she looked at the clock. "Oh, shoot!" She gasped, jumping off the bed. "What's wrong?" Asked the blue mare, sitting up, not bothering to cover up with the towel. "I forgot to factor in the time it'll take to walk there," Twilight said quickly as she slipped her shirt on. "Just take your car, silly," Trixie said with a light chuckle. "Huh?" The librarian asked, looking back at her. "Oh... Right... The car..." Blushing in embarrassment, she started to slow down, searching for a pair of shorts. Trixie pulled her gaze from Twi's butt as she returned her attention to the game show. Twilight soon found what she was looking for; a pair of black shorts. "You can visit me at the library," Twi said as she pulled on her shorts. "If you promise to be quiet." Trixie let out a chuckle and rolled onto her back. "I may do that. I do enjoy spending time with it." Giggling, the purple mare closed the dresser and turned to face Trixie. "We're pretty much together all the time, Trix." "I know," the mare replied with a smile. "And I enjoy it." Slipping into her sandals, Twilight walked over to her and bent over, giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "Catch ya later, Trix," she cooed, standing up and heading out of the bedroom. "Love ya!" She called. "And Trixie loves you, Twilight Sparkle!" The blue mare called back, making the librarian giggle as she left the apartment. > Smooth White Space Seed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat down at her seat behind the counter and pulled out her Daring Do book. As the hours went by, she helped customers with returns and check-outs and even had to deal with a couple late fees. All in all it wasn't a terrible day. Just boring like the rest. Though, she enjoyed boring. Boring meant more reading. And reading, to Twilight, was the least boring thing there was. Another hour passed before Trixie entered the building, making her way towards the counter. She was wearing a large purple t-shirt which hung down over her right shoulder and shorts that were almost covered up by her shirt. On her feet she wore her sandals. Seeing her made Twilight smile as she set her book down. The magician quickly walked up to a nearby table and brought a chair over, setting it down next to Twilight before taking a seat. "Hey, there," the blue mare said with a smile. "Book getting good?" She asked, sliding up next to Twi. The purple unicorn set her book down on the counter. "It's getting there, yeah. Did you do anything today since I left? Buy any more skimpy outfits?" Trixie let out a giggle, covering her mouth so as to make sure not to annoy anyone else in the library. "No, no more sexy clothes for my Twittles," she said, crossing her legs and putting her right arm around the mare. "So, there's actually... something I wanted to ask you..." she said, her expression turning from happy to somewhat nervous. Twilight hesitated, reading her expression before nodding. "What is it?" The blue mare kept silent for a few seconds before speaking. "W-Well... I-I mean we've... been dating for a while now... And I love you and you love me..." the mare stammered, looking away. "S-So, I was just wondering if... maybe you wanted to... I-I don't know, uh..." Twilight thought for a moment before smiling, giving her a hug. "Of course..." Trixie returned her smile and hugged back. "Trixie was hoping you'd say that..." A smile then spread across her face. "We need to do something to remember this moment," she cooed, slipping her hand into the mare's panties. Twilight blushed and gasped, covering her crotch. "Trixie, what the f--" "Shhh..." the blue mare whispered. "We're in the library..." She kept rubbing her lover's crotch, loving how she looked when she bit her lip. The wetter her fingers got, the redder Twi's face became. Soon, it was too much for the bookworm to handle and she quickly stood up. "Bathroom. Now," she said, before walking away. Trixie chuckled and quickly followed her. She certainly enjoyed the moments when Twilight gave in like this. Always made her feel good to be able make her girlfriend feel good. And there was something about doing it in public places she seemed to like. The library had two types of bathrooms. The main bathroom with stalls for customers and single bathrooms out back for employees. When the two got to the mare's employee bathroom door, Twilight backed into it as Trixie pinned her to it, the two kissing passionately. Twi closed her eyes as she felt for the doorknob. Upon finding it, she opened it and the stumbled inside. The magician then used her foot to kick the door shut, before feeling for the lock so as not to be disturbed. Once they had their privacy, Trixie backed Twilight into the wall and gripped her shirt. After kissing for a bit more, she pulled back and lifted Twi's shirt up over her bra. Smiling, she pulled her bra up as well before leaning in and wrapping her lips around the left nipple. Letting out a moan, Twi held her close and tilted her head back. The feeling was incredible. Though, it made sense as Trixie was not only her girlfriend and knew her on a personal level, but she was also a mare and knew how to please a mare. After a few flicks of her tongue, Trixie switched breasts, her right hand fondling the left breast. Twilight bit the knuckle of her index finger to keep from moaning in pleasure. Soon, Trixie pulled back and gripped both tits in her hand. Leaning in, she placed her face between them and let out a soft moan. Twilight didn't have the biggest breasts in the world, b-cups, to be exact, but Trixie loved them just the same. Even if her c-cups were much bigger. Once she had her face-full of cleavage, Trixie stood up and lifted her own shirt, revealing her bra-less tits. "Really, Trix?" Twilight asked with a pant. "No bra? I thought that was an apartment-only thing?" "Trixie likes feeling free," the blue mare said as she pressed her breasts to Twilight as she gave her a kiss. "I am wearing panties if that makes you feel better..." she cooed before getting to her knees. Twilight blushed as she felt the mare pull down her pants just enough to reveal her covered crotch. Trix then slid her panties before diving in. Letting out a loud gasp, Twilight covered her mouth, eyes going wide. Looking down, she watched Trixie making a meal of her pussy. Her nose was pressed to her crotch as her lips were buried in her slit, tongue sliding all around inside her. "Holy shit..." Twilight moaned, her right leg twitching as she bit her knuckle again. The librarian managed to hold back her orgasm for quite a while but completely lost it when the mare began suckling on her clit. Grabbing Trixie's shoulders, she let out a strained groan as she coated Trixie's face with her orgasmic fluids. Letting out a deep sigh, Trixie stood up and kissed her deeply on the lips. Once she regained her composure, Twilight grabbed Trixie's arms and flipped them around, giving the mare a wink. Trixie winked back and raised her arms over her head. Twilight felt her heart race, loving when Trixie gave her her body to play with as she saw fit. The bookworm grabbed her breasts and squished them together, flicking her tongue back and forth between both nipples. She then gently bit into the right breast and sucked on the flesh. Letting the bubbly boob slide from her mouth she licked all over the mound before squeezing both once more. As she did, Trixie moaned softly and smiled. Once she had her fill of Trixie's tits, Twilight got to her knees and pulled down Trixie's shorts and panties. Licking her lips, she leaned in and pressed her lips to Trixie's slit. As she slid her tongue inside, she was hit with the mare's delicious taste and began to get more into it. Holding the mare's ass, she buried her face deeper into the mare's crotch, licking as deep as she could. The sudden sensation made Trixie squeak in pleasure, putting her left hand over her mouth as she fondled her breasts with her right hand. Kicking her sandals off, she curled her toes and flexed the digits as her pussy dripped all over Twi's mouth. Twilight let out a soft moan as the taste was increased due to the amount of fluids leaking from her mate, making her eat her out faster. It wasn't long before Trixie's toes clenched even tighter as she slammed her hands against the wall, spraying her lover's face with her juices. Panting heavily, Trixie slid down the wall and landed in a seated position. Legs spread, toes twitching, and pussy leaking, Trixie just sat on the floor as Twilight just giggled, licking her lips. "I can see you enjoyed that..." Twilight said with a smile. "It makes me feel good knowing I can please you like this." She then took Trixie's left foot and began to lick at her toes, loving how the tiny digits twitched against her tongue. Trixie smiled and took a deep breath. "Yes, that was... amazing... Such a great and... powerful orgasm..." she sighed, wiping sweat from her forehead. Taking her toes out of her mouth, Twilight set Trixie's foot down and crawled up to the mare. "I think we should get ourselves together and leave so I don't miss any customers..." Trixie nodded as Twilight stood up and fixed her shirt, pulling up her pants. "You go," the blue mare panted. "I'll sit here for a bit..." Twi let out a chuckle and fixed her bra and top. "As you wish... sweetie," she cooed, leaving the bathroom and quickly closing the door, using her magic to lock the door from the inside. She then made her way back to the front counter to see a mare waiting. "Sorry to keep you waiting, ma'am," she said with a smile. "I had something that needed taking care of..." The mare gave her a smile and nodded. "It's fine. I just got here." Twilight slid behind the counter and stepped up to the mare. "So... How can I help you?" Twilight and Trixie sat down at the counter at their local diner. It was a small dinner with a mini bar and a couple booths for those that didn't like sitting on the stools. The mares ordered a veggie burger and a soda to accompany it. "So, it's really happening, then..." Twi said with a smile as she eyed the counter, her finger tracing a circle repeatedly. "You're the one who said yes," Trixie said with a giggle. "But, you're right... It's hard to believe. But in a good way." "Oh, of course," Twi said with a smile as she looked up at the mare. "A good way. Just... we've been friends since fillyhood... and then we dated for a few years..." "And then moved in together," Trixie finished as she leaned in. "Trixie can not imagine being with another who isn't Twilight Sparkle." The purple mare patted her leg before the waiter came over with their drinks, setting them down on the counter. "Did I hear correctly?" He asked with a smile. "Are you two getting married?" Twilight blushed and eyed her drink while Trixie gave him the thumbs up. "You bet," the magician said with a wide smile. "Meal's on the house," the waiter said with a chuckle, before leaving to make their sandwiches. "Is it on the house until we're married?" Trixie called after him. "Don't push it," the stallion called back jokingly. The magician chuckled and turned to Twilight. "Yay... Free food..." Twilight smirked and took her drink. "More importantly... the wedding," she said, holding out her glass. Trixie took her own and clinked it against Twilight's. "To the wedding." The two mares entered the park, hand-in-hand as they made their way to one of the benches. Sitting down, Trixie laid her head on Twi's shoulder. It was a night night at the park, even though it was smack dab in the middle of the city. The moon was full and the stars were out. All that was missing were the meteors. Twilight pulled out her phone to check for any updates on the meteor shower. "Hmm..." She thought aloud. "They're still on their way, though they're smaller than originally anticipated. Should be a few minutes." "Smaller?" Asked Trixie with a pout. "Trixie wanted to see big balls of fire rain down from the sky." "That's... slightly worrying..." Twilight muttered as she put her phone away. "How many do you think there'll be?" Trixie asked as she watched the sky. "A lot?" The purple smiled and put her arm around her. "I'm sure there'll be a decent amount..." The two kept staring up at the sky for a few more minutes before they saw the first one. Immediately following were about a dozen more. Maybe 20 total. It was hard to tell since they were so far away. The two mares watched in awe before Twilight felt something was wrong. Looking around the park, she saw no one else, nor did she hear the sound of cars driving passed. Silence. Pulling out her phone, she checked the web site again for info on the meteor shower. Feeling her mare friend move so suddenly, Trixie lifted her head and watched her. "What are you doing?" Asked the magician, curious as to why the bookworm wasn't watching the meteors. Refreshing the web page, Twilight let out a gasp. There was a warning as an update for everyone to remain indoors. The meteors were set to impact the city. "Oh, shit..." Twilight gasped, showing Trixie the page. "We need to move. Now." Reading the warning, Trixie's eyes went wide. "Oh, shit is right. Let's move." As they stood and looked up, they noticed the meteors had gotten closer, one heading right for them. The two let out yells of terror and took off full speed. Small debris from the approaching meteor crashed all around them, making them cover their heads in fear. It wasn't long before the main one hit, sending the two flying through the air and tumbling across the grass. A few distant BOOMS could be heard as Twilight lifted her head, coughing. "Trixie?" She asked, gently shaking the mare. Getting no response, Twilight nervously checked her neck for a pulse. "Oh, thank god..." She sighed, also holding her fingers near the mare's nose to see if she was breathing. She was. Getting up, Twilight turned to look at the impact crater. Surprisingly, it wasn't that big. It was about as deep as a soccer ball is thick and had the circumference of a trash can lid. No wonder why there wasn't much damage done to the area or the mares, though it was still odd that the crater wasn't bigger. Walking over to it, Twilight knelt down and waved the smoke away. Inside was a small, white rock about the size of a tennis ball. Slowly reaching out, Twilight gave it a tap. Cold. "The hell?" Twilight asked herself as she picked it up. Not that heavy. "What is this?" The sound of Trixie coughing pulled her focus from the space rock back to the fallen mare. "Trixie!" She gasped, rushing over to her and kneeling down. "Are you okay?" "I..." Trixie started, before coughing and rolling onto her stomach. "I think so..." she groaned, slowly getting to her feet. "Here," Twi said, helping her up as she gently took her arm. "Could've been worse, right?" Trixie let out a soft chuckle, followed by another cough. She then looked over at the crater. "Wow... Anything in there?" Twilight smiled, holding out her hand with the space rock in it. "This white rock. Strangest thing is that when I pulled it out, it was cold," the mare explained as Trixie picked it up and looked it over. "Cold?" She asked, rubbing it with her thumb. "Smooth... Kind of looks like a seed... Like a... white... space seed..." The purple mare smirked and gently took it back. "Come on," she said, putting it in her pocket. "I'd say we've seen enough." Nodding, Trixie put her arm around Twilight as the two turned and began heading back. As they did, fire trucks, cop cars, and a couple ambulances pulled up around the park. The police shone their lights on the two as a voice came over a loudspeaker. "Please proceed to the nearest ambulance immediately and clear the area," the voice ordered. Letting out a sigh, Twilight eyed the magician. "I guess we need a check-up first." "Suppose it is for the best..." Trixie said, sharing Twilight's annoyance. The two just wanted to get back to their apartment and rest for the night, but now it seemed they needed to get checked for possible cuts and bruises. Even though it was the safe thing to do, the two didn't really feel hurt or injured in any way but it wouldn't hurt to find out from professionals. In a darkened bedroom lay a naked blue alicorn mare, reading a book as a naked white alicorn mare lay beside her. The TV was on the news channel when a report of the meteor shower came on. "In breaking news tonight, the meteor shower expected to pass us by ended up changing its course and striking different parts of the city." The blue alicorn lowered her book as the report went on. "No casualties have been reported and fire and rescue has been dispatched--" Scenes of the crash sites began cycling in the background, showing the damage done to the city. In one shot was the park, with Twilight and Trixie approaching an ambulance. The alicorn closed her book and looked at the mare beside her. "Sister?" She asked, receiving a questioning groan. "I think I have found what we've been waiting for..." Twilight and Trixie dropped onto their bed with a groan, both mares feeling exhausted. After a long day of waiting for the meteor shower and that romp in the library bathroom, combined with the excitement of almost getting killed by a smooth white space seed, the two simply wanted to rest. "Feel like watching TV?" Asked Twilight. Shaking her head, Trixie laid her arms above her head. "No... Shower?" Sighing, Twilight rubbed her forehead. "No..." She then turned to face the mare. "More celebratory sex?" Trixie hesitated in thought before shaking her head. "Unfortunately, even Trixie is far too exhausted to partake in sexual activities..." Letting out a chuckle, Twilight gently punched her side. "But, not too tired to be dramatic, huh?" "Never too tired for drama, Twilight Sparkle." Giggling softly, they both stared at the ceiling. Kicking their sandals off, both mares pulled off their top and slid out of their pants, lazily lobbing the clothing onto the floor. They then removed their bra and panties and tossed them aside before sliding under the covers. Once they were in a comfortable position, the two turned to face each other and embraced. Breasts squished together, the two fell asleep with the feeling of the other's breath against their face. > The Hero The City Needs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight let out a yawn and sat up, stretching with a yawn as she eyed the bed. Trixie was gone but the shower was on. After rubbing her eyes, she got up and walked into the bathroom just as Trixie shut the water off. Opening the shower door, the magician grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body. "Morning, Twilight," the mare said with a smile, walking over to her and giving her a hug. Twi hugged back with a smile of her own. "Morning, Trix," she said, pulling back and kissing the mare on the lips. When they pulled away, Trixie walked over to the sink to fix her hair. "Apologies for the early shower. I just have two gigs today and one is in a couple hours. And, I'd like to get some practice in before it starts." "It's okay," the purple mare said as she walked up next to her. "I get it. I'll just examine that space rock..." "That should be fun," the light blue mare said as she began combing her hair. "You do like learning new things." Twilight smiled and gave her a kiss on the neck before stepping into the shower. Sitting down at the kitchen counter, Twilight set the space rock on a metal tray. "Okay," she muttered, holding up a hammer and lightly tapping the rock. Nothing. "Seems pretty sturdy... Pretty... rock solid," she added, letting out a little giggle before looking around her apartment. She then returned her attention to the rock. "Thank god no one heard that..." After hammering it for a few more times, it cracked. Smiling widely, Twilight sped up and hit it harder until the rock broke in half. Inside was what appeared to be a purple gem. Tilting her head, Twilight hit the half of the rock that held the gem a few more times before the gem fell out onto the tray. It gave off a strange glow, like it as pulsating. Setting the hammer down, Twilight cautiously poked it with a finger. Nothing. Pinching it with two fingers, she picked it up and then let it drop back down onto the tray. Either it was radiation-free or it wasn't radiated enough to be n issue. However, Twilight didn't have a Geiger counter to test this. After taking a deep breath, she grabbed it with her whole hand. For a few seconds, nothing happened. However, when Twilight went to put it down, it stuck to her palm. "What the..." Twilight gasped, turning her hand over to look at it. When she did, the gem began to burrow itself into her hand. Letting out a pained groan, Twilight dropped to her knees and held her wrist. There was no blood but it still hurt like crazy. The strangest thing was when it was fully embedded under the skin, it felt like it was dissolving. Soon, she couldn't feel the gem anymore but she felt a strange energy course through her body before her horn began to burn. Letting out a groan, Twilight stumbled to her feet and ran into the bathroom, quickly turning on the shower and letting the water wash over her head. Soon, her right hand began to burn as she looked down at it. The burn grew and grew before a blast of light erupted from it, sending her flying backwards through the doorway into her bedroom. Tumbling across the floor, she hit the bed and let out a groan. When Twilight was about a half mile from the city, she pulled up to the side of the road and got out, stumbling into a large field. Looking around, she made sure no one was around before looking at her hands. They didn't burn anymore but she still felt the energy. "What's happening?" She asked. "Did I... Did I fire off some sort of... light... energy... thing?" Looking over her right hand, she hesitantly aimed her palm out in front of her. "Okay," she muttered, before a beam of light energy shot from her hand. After a few seconds, her hand began to heat up and she quickly closed her hand into a fist. "Ah, crap, that hurts..." she grunted. "But... I can... shoot a light beam?" She asked herself, opening her hand again. "What was in that gem?" Sitting down in the grass, she flexed her fingers before pointing her right index finger at the ground. Firing a small light beam from it, she found that this did't heat up her hand as much. Additionally, the ground seemed unaffected by the grass all leaned away as if there was a force from the beam pushing them away. "Shock waves..." Twi muttered, coming to the conclusion that her light beams weren't deadly, but could knock stuff around. Then a thought came to her; that stallion who was being attacked in the alley... Perhaps she could use her new abilities to help others like him. That this was the solution she's been looking for to keep the city safe. Quickly standing up she accidentally fired off a beam into the ground that sent her flying up into the air. Hitting the ground with a loud grunt, she just lay there and groaned. Getting back into her car, she rubbed her head and just sat there for a moment before looking out at the city. If she were to help others, she'd need to conceal her identity so she wouldn't be attacked at random or, worst of all, have others close to her get attacked. Picking up her cell phone, she dialed a number and waited. "Twilight?" A male's voice answered. "What's up?" "Hey, Spike," Twilight said and rubbed her head again. "I... I need some help with a thing... Can you come over to my place?" "Sure, but... What about Trixie?" "She'll be busy all day..." Twi said and let out a sigh. "And, besides... the less she knows about this, the better... I don't want her worrying..." "Sounds serious," the dragon said. "I'll be right over." "Thanks, Spike," Twi said with a smile before hanging up and back to the city. The purple mare pulled up to her apartment complex and spotted a familiar purple truck with a green roof. Pulling up and parking beside it, Twilight quickly got out and headed into the building. Once in the small lobby, Twilight saw her purple friend sitting in a chair, waiting for her. He was an 18-year-old purple dragon with green scales and a short muzzle. For clothing, he wore a black hooded sweatshirt, jeans, and black sneakers. Seeing her, he stood up and smiled. " Hey, Twilight." "Come on, Spike," she said, grabbing his arm as she walked passed him. "We got work to do." "Whoa, like what?" He asked, stumbling after her as they entered an elevator. "You remember that meteor shower?" She asked, pushing the button for the third floor. "Well, I found a space rock." Spike raised an eyebrow. "A space rock?" He asked, crossing his arms. "I get you like to geek out about certain things, Twilight, but come on..." "It's more than that," Twi frowned, her face soon lighting up again. "It did something..." When the elevator stopped, Twilight grabbed the dragon's arm and pulled him down the hall to her apartment room. Quickly opening the door, Twilight led him inside. "So..." she said, quickly walking over to the kitchen counter where the rock pieces still lay on the tray. "I broke the space rock open and found a gem inside," she explained as Spike entered and closed the door. "When I held the gem... it melted into my hand, or something," Twi stammered as she tried explaining it. "It hurt a lot, but... now I can fire concentrated light beams from my hand." She then fired one at the floor, making the living room carpet flutter as the chairs in the kitchen rattled. Spike stumbled back, startled. "What the hell?!" He asked. "Wh... Why would you do that inside?!" "I'm just so excited!" Twi exclaimed. "I can do magic even experienced unicorns can't. And I can do it so easily, too," she said as she lit her hands up. Only this time, they were lit red instead of white. "Huh?" She asked, confused. When she felt a light heat in her palm, she understood what this was. "I think... I have different energy types..." she said, making one hand light up red and the other white. "Light, and... heat, maybe?" Spike stared at her in shock for a moment before slowly walking over to her. "Um... If that... is heat, then... maybe you shouldn't use it indoors... Or on others..." "You're right," the unicorn replied, quickly closing her hands. "But, this is just to explain why I need your help..." Spike hesitated before sitting down in a chair in the kitchen, facing her. "Alright, Twilight. I'm interested..." "Good," the mare said as she pulled up a seat and sat down in front of him. "I wanna fight crime and help others but I can't risk criminals finding out who I am so I need a costume." Spike raised an eyebrow. "A costume?" "Yeah, like a superhero costume," Twi nodded, smiling widely. "Something... cool... And a superhero name!" Spike crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Twilight... I think you're in way over your head. Just because some weird space rock gave you new abilities doesn't mean you should go fighting crime... It's dangerous... And Trixie would be right to worry. I would worry. Your brother and your parents would worry. We can't let what happened to Glaze happen to you." Twilight thought for a moment, taking in everything Spike was saying. She then stood up and tuned, walking over to the window in the living room. Looking out at the city, she crossed her arms. "Glaze just wanted to help... She wanted to make this city a better place." "And the city killed her," Spike reminded her. "No, Spike... The city didn't kill her... Those thugs did... Because they remembered her face and hunted her down..." Wiping tears away, she turned to Spike. "I'm doing this for Glaze. To not let her dream die... Don't you see, Spike? I can be the hero she wanted... Please..." As he listened, Spike's expression seemed to lighten before he let out a sigh. "I... I can make you a costume... Rarity's taught me well... He then thought for a moment, scratching his chin. "Come to think of it... she's been going out a lot recently..." Smiling, Twilight unfolded her arms. "Thank you... And you can worry about your girlfriend later... Let's talk about my costume." Smiling, Spike stood up. "Let me get my sketchbook." Pacing back and forth in front of the door, Twilight waited until the door opened and Spike entered, carrying a box. "Did you make it?" Asked Twilight with a wide smile. "Um..." Spike started as he used his foot to close the door. "Yeah... Were you standing there this whole time?" "I-I was way too excited to do anything else!" The mare said, stepping up to the dragon and taking the box. "Twilight, its been three hou--" Spike tried to say before Twilight ran off towards the bathroom. "I have to try this on right now!" The mare called to him before disappearing in the bathroom. Letting out a sigh, Spike walked over to the couch and sat down, turning on the TV. "Hmm... I wonder why Rarity was out agai..." He then stopped and quickly looked back at the bathroom door. "No..." he said with a light chuckle, turning back around to face the TV. "There's no way Rarity's... fighting crime..." Leaning back on the couch, he let out a sigh. "About as odd as a nerdy librarian fighting crime--" He was cut short when the bathroom door flung open, the purple mare hoping out in her uniform. "Ta-Dah!" She said happily. "What do ya think?" She was wearing a red latex bodysuit with a white collar that had a point which hung over her chest. In the middle of the collar was a purple diamond. She also wore white gloves, white boots, and a red mask with yellow goggles. Spike quickly turned around, startled by her outburst. "Oh... Um..." he muttered as he calmed down, looking her over. "Yeah, I... I think it suits you," he said with a smile. "Oh! And check this out," Twilight said as she turned her back to Spike. "I discovered this while you were out," she said as her hair lit up before growing longer. "Hair growth spell. This space gem has unlocked so many possibilities," she said as she turned back to Spike. "Well, it helps a little," Spike said as he got up. "Just... be careful, okay?" Twilight smiled and walked up to him, giving him a hug. "I will. Thanks, Spike..." The dragon hugged back before heading for the door. "I'll call you later to make sure you're okay." "Oh, I'll be fine," Twi said with a chuckle, Spike giving her a look of uncertainty. "Honest." After hesitating, the purple dragon left the apartment to head back to Rarity's. Once he was gone, Twilight looked herself over with a wide smile. "I look so cool!" She exclaimed, before running to the window. Letting out a sigh, she turned away and sat down on the couch. "Maybe I should wait until night time..." She said as she turned on the TV. There was a report of foiled crime activity across the city from some masked mare. "Are you kidding?" She asked, sighing. "There's more of us?" She then shut off the TV before getting up. "Time to take action." Walking over to her window, she opened it and looked out. Third floor was still pretty high up. Looking at her hands, she lit them up with light energy. Taking a deep breath, she climbed into the window, ready to jump. "Okay..." Twi muttered. "One... Two..." She then got ready to jump before climbing back inside. "Ah, screw this," she said, letting out a deep sigh. Turning around and walking over to the kitchen area, she dragged a chair into the middle of the room. After climbing on top of it, she stood up and flexed her fingers a couple times. After taking a deep breath, she then slowly leaned forward on her tiptoes before falling forward. Letting out a yell of fright, she fired at the ground, making her jerk upwards before hitting the ground. Choking lightly, she didn't really feel any pain. As if her attempt to slow her fall worked. "Alright..." she grunted, getting to her feet. "Time for the real test..." Walking back to the window, she climbed up onto the windowsill and looked down. "Okay, it's just... a little further than the chair," she told herself with a nervous chuckle. Taking a deep breath, she jumped out. Letting out a yell on the way down, she aimed her hands down at the ground. When she was close to the bottom she gave a short burst from her hands, making her stop suddenly before landing gently. She stumbled a bit but managed to stay up. Standing still for a moment, she looked up and let out a chuckle. "Hey, I did it." Twilight moved to the driveway of the apartment complex, waiting for cars to pass before darting across the street into an alley. Using the alleys and the shadows, she made her way into the city. When a ladder came into a view, rather than passing it, Twilight latched onto it and climbed up onto the roof. "Alright," she sighed, interlocking her fingers behind her head and walking to the middle of the roof. "Time to stop some crime." Twilight was laying on her back, looking up at the sky before she heard a grunt in a nearby alley. Sitting up quickly, Twilight smiled widely and stood up. "Yes! A crime!" She said happily, before putting a finger to her chin. "Maybe I shouldn't shout that out..." She then took off, leaping over alleys before she came to the one the noises were coming from. Peering in, she saw a brown stallion dressed in a leather jacket and jeans beating up a smaller, white stallion. "Now's my chance to make a difference..." Twilight muttered before jumping down into the alley, using a burst from her hands to slow her fall. When she landed, both stallions looked over at her, the brown stallion letting go of the white stallion's collar, letting him fall to the ground. "What the hell is this?" Asked the brown stallion, facing the mare. "Some mare playing dress-up?" "Oh, not just dress-up," Twilight said with a smile. "Haven't watched the news?" The stallion narrowed his eyes and began running at her. Twilight let out a gasp and fired a blast of light energy at the stallion, knocking him into a dumpster. He fell to the ground with a grunt, slowly looking up at her. The mare smiled and pointed at him. "There's more where that came from," she warned him. "Leave now." The stallion let out a growl and stumbled to his feet. "I'll be seeing you again..." he said before running away. When he was gone, Twilight walked over to the down white stallion and knelt down. "Are you okay?" She asked. The stallion nodded and let out a groan as he sat up and leaned back against the building. "He just started when you came... Thanks..." "No problem," Twilight said before standing up. "Need any help standing, or..." The stallion shook his head. "No, I'm good. I just need a minute..." Twilight nodded and began walking away. "If you need any help again in the future, I'll probably be around." Twilight approached the side of their apartment building and looked up at the window. "Huh... Now, how do I get back up there?" She asked, looking around. After finding nothing, she looks at her hands and then up at the window again. An idea came to mind as she took a few steps back. After taking a moment to think about this, she took a deep breath and fired two blasts behind her, sending her flying upwards. Letting out a yell of fright, she let out a grunt as she hit her windowsill and held on as best she could. Pressing her feet on the side of the building, she climbed up into her room and fell to the floor with a sigh. "Ho..." she panted. "Made it..." Getting to her feet, she closed the window and was heading for the bathroom when she heard the doorknob jiggle. Letting out a gasp, she dove into the bathroom and closed the door jut as Trixie entered the apartment. "Twilight?" She asked, eyeing the bathroom door. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, Trix!" She called through the door. The blue mare hesitated before closing the door and headed into the kitchen. "So, did you have a productive day?" Twilight finally slid out of her suit, folding it up nicely. "Um... It was... interesting!" She called, looking around for a place to hide it. She then moved to the toilet and felt behind it. Letting out a sigh, she shook her head, not wanting to put her costume near somewhere so dirty. Eyeing the clothes she was wearing when Spike was over, she quickly grabbed her shirt and shoved her superhero outfit in there. She then wrapped her pants around it and set it on the sink, making sure her suit was hidden. Standing in only her bra and panties, she tried to think of a way to deal with Trixie. She did usually pass out while they had sex, so that was an option. Eyeing her crotch, she had an idea; a spell the two had been trying to get right for a while now. "Well... if my magic's increased, then maybe..." she muttered, waving her hand over her crotch. Concentrating hard, she let out a grunt when she felt a new weight between her legs. Letting out a gasp, she looked over her new member. "Oh, hell yes..." she grunted triumphantly. She then opened the bathroom partially and looked out at Trixie. "Hey, Trix," she said with a smile. The blue mare eyed her, closing the fridge and turning to face her. "Um... Were you... enjoying yourself?" She asked with a smile. "More like... preparing," the purple mare cooed. "I've learnt a new spell," she said with a smile. "Well, part of it, anyways..." The blue mare's eyes widened as she ran over to the partially open bathroom door. "Is it... that spell?" She asked. "The one where you become a stallion with a nice, thick--" "Not a stallion..." Twilight said with a smirk, before opening the door and showing Trixie her thick, stallion penis. "Just this." Trixie's eyes went wide and she gasped, putting a hand over her mouth. "Oh, wow... That's huge..." She then looked up at Twilight. "What do you do with it?" The purple mare hesitated in thought for a moment before shrugging. "I have... no idea..."