> Equestria Girls: Case Closed 3, Crime In Paradise > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Trouble Has Arrived (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several months have passed since the incident involving Dinky's kidnapping and Seth getting shot, but over time, he had fully recovered from his injury and was solving crimes left and right. Seth was also stepping up as Dinky's brand new father and Derpy was given proper training as one of his brand new assistant in his detective agency after she quit her previous job and moved into the penthouse. Seth had turned 21 years old during those months, but he refused to drink in order to keep his mind focused on his work and his family. But what was the biggest surprise was when Seth invited Derpy with him and the other girls to a trip over to a tropical island getaway. Everyone had pitched in to purchase the plane tickets and make reservations for a beach house for an entire week. However, for Twilight, she got word from her parents that they were going on a boat cruise for a while and she had to bring her pet dog, Spike along with them. Despite how long she's had him, Spike was always a small dog by the type of breed he actually was. When Seth first met the little pup, he nearly lost his mind when he heard Spike speak, but Twilight managed to calm Seth down. As of right now, The whole gang had arrived at their tropical island paradise and rented a beach house, along with unpacking all of their stuff. After getting settled in for the whole week, the girls all split up, doing their own thing. Rainbow Dash and Aria Blaze surfed up some waves on the ocean, Twilight and Sunset relaxed in the shade on the beach under their umbrella and reading some of their favorite books, Sonata and Pinkie Pie hung out by the ice cream stand, Applejack and Adagio, along with Rarity and Fluttershy were out playing volleyball and Seth was hanging out by the beach with Derpy, helping Dinky build a sand castle. The entire beach was crawling with children and adults, mostly between the ages of 6 to 37. Most of the people on the beach were college students. But Seth didn't pay any attention to them and only focused more on playing with his little girl. "Daddy, this is fun!" Dinky says, happily. "Heh, glad you like it, sweetie. Daddy's been working hard on his cases just so we could relax a bit," Seth replies "Thanks, daddy." "Oh, um, honey? Can you go get us some drinks? I could go for a nice orange soda." Derpy says. "Daddy, can you get me a strawberry milkshake." Dinky asked. "Heh, sure. I'll be back soon. Stay close to mommy and I'll be back soon." Seth replied, before giving Dinky a peck on the cheek and a peck on Derpy's lips. Seth then got up from the sand and walked down the beach, making his way towards the food stand. The sounds of the ocean waves and people laughing and having a good time calmed his nerves. Seth was glad to finally take a break from all of the drama and crimes he and the girls solved. Best part about his trip was that he had his girlfriends and his daughter to tag along. Including Twilight's pet. He made it over to the food stand and ordered the drinks for Derpy, Dinky and himself. He waited patiently on his seat for the drinks, all the while, some of the girls kept looking at him, giving him occasional winks before walking away and he ignored them. 'I needed this vacation. It's always nice to get away from work. Clears up the mind.' Seth thinks. Just then, the man came back with the drinks he ordered and Seth pays the man before walking back over to Derpy and Dinky and gave them their drinks. "Thanks daddy," Dinky says, before drinking her strawberry milkshake. "Thanks, babe," Derpy says. "No problem," Seth replies. "Just looking out for my little girl." Afterwards, Derpy and Seth opened up their cans of soda and started drinking. Derpy and Seth notices that Dinky got a little bit of her milkshake on her lips and start laughing a bit. "Mommy, daddy, what's so funny?" Dinky asks. "Nothing sweetie, just that you got a little bit of a milkshake mustache." Derpy giggles. Dinky took her finger and placed it over her upper lip, and found traces of her drink on it. She laughed as well. "Oopsies." Dinky says. Derpy and Seth couldn't stop themselves from laughing and held each other in a warm hug, trying to calm down. But then, just as things were simmering down, the sound of someone screaming bloody murder caught Seth's full attention. Dinky got scared. "Mommy, daddy, who screamed?" she asks, burying herself in her mom, not letting go. "I don't know, sweetie." Derpy says, looking around. "Derpy, take Dinky back to the beach house. I'll go see who's screaming." Seth says. Derpy nods and picks up her daughter, heading back to the beach house. 'Just when I finally had the chance to enjoy a nice vacation with my girls, crime just can't stop following me!' he thought. He rose up to his feet and ran into the direction where the scream was coming from. His eyes lock onto a woman who's lying on the ground and looked like she was in pain. Rarity was standing near her with a cup of tea in her hand. Her eyes locked on Seth and signaled him to rush over. "Darling, quick!" Rarity called out. Seth picked up the pace until he was close to her. He kneeled down to the woman and noticed two small holes on her hand. He gasped. "Shit! It's a snake bite!" Seth says. He looked up at the crowd as their eyes were locked onto him. "Someone get me a rag, hurry, there's no time!" One of the men from the crowd gave him a rag. He tied up the rag around the woman's wrist, making sure the poison would spread further down her body. "Rarity, I need you to hand me that tea of yours right now!" "What for?" Rarity asks. "Just hurry! There's no time!" "Oh, right!" Rarity gave him the cup. He thanked her and grabbed the girl's hand. He began sucking on the bite marks in order to drain the poison out. He spit them all out and rinsed his mouth out with the tea and spat it out before pouring some on the wound. "Seth, darling, I don't get it." "Tannins. Most teas contain chemicals known as tannins. They act as a temporary antivenom to neutralize the snake bite once poured on the wound. Of course, as a necessary precaution, the person who sucks out the poison has to rinse out the poison with the tea." Seth explains. Rarity never knew that Seth could use tea as a way to neutralize poison. She was able to take that into consideration before she finally grabbed her cell phone and called for an ambulance. While they waited, Seth kept watch over the woman lying down who was stabilizing for a bit. He held onto the last bit of tea in the cup just in case the poison started up again. The woman was blonde and had slightly tanned skin and wore a one piece purple bikini. While she was stabilizing, Seth was trying to come up with a logical explaination as to how a snake bit her. Rarity kneeled down and scanned part of the woman's body to find any other bite marks. "Darling, don't you think it's strange that it's strange that she was bitten? If the snake is still somewhere around, how come other people are still swimming?" Rarity asks. "Because, specifically, the banded sea snakes around this part of the beach are usually docile, unless they're caught in fishermens' nets." Fluttershy says, walking up to Seth and Rarity, "The snakes here only get territorial during the mating season, which recently ended." Seth's eyes widen in surprise. "A banded sea snake? But if that's the case, someone must've used the snake while they were underwater to have the snake bite this woman on the hand. It's not much to go on, but it's the best we've got, and if that's the case, someone tried to murder this woman." Seth says. "You could be right." Rarity says. Minutes later, the paramedics finally arrive. They carried the woman onto the ambulance. But before closing the doors, a man and woman ask to ride on board. The man had slightly pale skin with short brown hair. He was somewhere on the skinny side and looked to be in his mid twenties. The woman next to him had short black hair, but was a little longer than the guy's hair. She also had slightly pale skin and looked to be in her early twenties but looked younger than Seth. The paramedics agreed to allow the two to ride with them to the hospital. The two stepped inside the ambulance before the back doors closed and the ambulance took off. Seth got up and picked Rarity up, rising her back up to her feet and he watched as the ambulance drove farther and farther away. "Darling, is everything alright?" Rarity asked. "We gotta head back to the beach house and change! After that, I'll get one of the rental cars ready for us and we'll head over to the hospital." Seth replied. "R-Right!" Rarity and Fluttershy say. The three of them ran back to the beach house and didn't waste time. Upon arriving, Seth opened the door and got confronted by Derpy and Dinky. "Daddy, is everything okay?!" Dinky asks. "Is everything alright, babe?" Derpy asks. "For the moment, things are calm. It's safe to head back to the beach, but I've got to go somewhere. I'm afraid that crime never takes a break." Seth explains. "Aww, but daddy! I wanted to learn how to swim today! Do you have to work?" Dinky asks. The little 4 year old looked up at Seth with her big, starry eyes and sad look on her face. Seth leaned down and gently rubbed the top of Dinky's head and smiled at her. "I'm sorry, sweetie. But I promise that if I finish up early, I'll teach you how to swim." Seth replies. Dinky puffed up her cheeks making her adorable pouty face. "Is it a pinkie promise?" she asks. "I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." "OOH! I think I'd better come along so you do keep it!" Pinkie shouted from behind the girls and Seth. All of them, except Dinky, jumped in shock and looked over at Pinkie who was in the doorway, but weren't sure how she even got there in the first place. "Pinkie, how'd you get here?!" Seth asked, surprised. "Ask the writer of this story." Pinkie replies. "W-What?! What are you talking about?!" he asks again. "Try not to question it, darling. Remember, Pinkie knows a lot of things we don't understand." Rarity says. "R-Right. Anyways, I'll try my best to make sure I keep my promise, Dinky." Seth says to Dinky. "Hmm, okay. Be careful, daddy. I love you." Dinky replies, moving forward to hug Seth. Seth hugs her back. "I love you, too, sweetie." "We'll be waiting for you, babe." Derpy says. Seth stood up and hugged Derpy and planted a kiss on her lips before walking past the girls and went upstairs with Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie followed him close behind and went into their rooms. Inside Rarity's room, she kept her two piece bikini on and put on a dark purple shirt with no sleeves and a dark blue skirt. "I knew it was too good to be true! I hate it when crime gets in the way of our vacation. I was really looking forward to my trip down at the spa." Rarity says. "Well, I guess when you're a co-worker for a big detective agency, crime just seems to stick to you like glue. Not to mention the experience you get from all the cases that have been taken care of and developing that keen eye for details." When all is said and done and Rarity finished dressing, she walked out of her room and waited. Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were sharing a room and getting dressed. "So, Fluttershy, what's today's big case? Is it murder like it usually is? OOH, not wait, maybe it's a kidnapping, or maybe it's a robbery or something?" Pinkie rants on rapidly. "N-No, Pinkie. For now, it's probably attempted murder. Someone was bitten by a banded sea snake and now she's at the hospital getting treated." Fluttershy says. "How is that attempted murder? Snakes can't be charged." "Someone used the banded sea snake as a weapon to poison the victim. Usually, the banded sea snake is very docile and doesn't attack unless it's caught in a fisherman's net or when it's mating season, which had ended for quite some time." "Hmm, you know, when you put it that way, it does make sense. Alright then!" Pinkie quicked put on a white t-shirt with pink sleeve trims and a light blue skirt. Fluttershy put on a sleeveless light green shirt and a pink skirt before she and Pinkie went outside their rooms where Rarity was. Seth was in a seperate room from the other girls and had a lot on his mind as he stripped himself of his swim trunks and put on his regular clothes. "So far I've only got part of the puzzle solved, but there's still too many clues lingering about. One way or another, whoever it was that planned this is gonna wish hadn't done it. Thank god I got the girls backing me up, or I'd probably be stumped." he says to himself. Seth finally got dressed in his black tank top and matching black shorts. He walked out of the room and went with the three girls down the stairs and towards the front door. He grabbed one of the car keys and pressed the unlock button, making the rental car near the garage beep twice. He walked over to the car and entered into the driver's seat and Rarity took her seat next to Seth. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy got into the seats behind Rarity and Seth and all locked the doors before Seth started the car. He backed up away from the garage and drove down the road, never taking his eyes off the road, having that determined look on his face. Though, he wanted to make time, he didn't want to take any chances and end up getting pulled over by the local cops around the resort. Meanwhile, back at the beach, Applejack and Rainbow Dash got a little bored with their volleyball game and went out into the water, splashing each other. "You think you got what it takes to out-splash me, AJ?" Rainbow calls out. "Ah can sure as hell try, sugar cube." AJ replies. She and Rainbow Dash kept on splashing each other and chasing each other and having all sorts of fun. But just then, a big wave swept the two straight back to shore and landed then near the ice cream stand where Sonata was probably on her 3rd ice cream cone and had some ice cream stuck on the tip of her nose. "Heh, don'tcha think you've had enough, Sonata?" Rainbow asks. "I can't help it if the ice cream is so yummy." Sonata replies with a squee. "Now, just you be careful not to eat too much. Ya don't wanna get cramps when ya go out swimmin'. And ya might want to go easy on them cones or we won't have enough fer food." AJ says. "Aww, but it's so tasty!" Sonata pouted. AJ still looked at her with a stern look. She wasn't going to take "no" for an answer and it was only a matter of time until Sonata caved. "Oh, alright. After this, I'll take it easy, sorry Applejack and Rainbow." she says. "It's alright, sugar cube. But Ah still got one question. Where's Pinkie Pie? I thought that sugar-crazed gal would be stuffin' her face with ya." "Oh, she said something about her Pinkie Senses tingling. Something about how Seth is off on another case and she couldn't stand to sit and watch." "WHAT?!" AJ and Rainbow ask in unison. "Aww man! Why can't crime just take a break? We've worked hard to get here!" Rainbow complains. "Now, now, don't get yer bottom bikini in a bunch. Ah'm sure that with Pinkie by his side, Seth'll have no trouble with whatever's goin' on right now. Remember, he's helped us gain more experience as his partners and sharpened our minds to look out fer even the tiniest details. He's got faith in all of us just as much as we have faith in him, Rainbow Dash." AJ says. "I hope so." Rainbow says. Meanwhile, Seth had just barely managed to catch up with the ambulance and followed it steadily to the hospital and parked the rental car in a shady spot near the entrance. Seth, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy exited out of the car and walked inside the hospital. There, they found the same man and woman who rode in the ambulance. Seth confronted them. "Excuse me, can I have a word with you?" he asked, getting their full attention. "Huh? Who are you?" the man asked. "My name is Seth Brooks, I'm a detective." Seth pulled out his wallet and presented his business card, and when he does, the woman got a shocked look on her face. The girls took note of her reaction and thought it was kind of strange to react like that. "Oh? What seems to be the problem, detective?" the man asked. "I noticed you and this woman riding the ambulance with the other girl earlier. She had recently been bitten by a banded sea snake and is being treated here." Seth replies. "Yeah, I found out from the peramedics." "However, we have reason to believe that this wasn't a freak accident, darling." Rarity jumped in. "That's because the banded sea snake doesn't attack anyone unless it's been caught in a fishing net or if it's the mating season, but there were no fishing boats out at sea earlier and their time to mate had ended some time already," Fluttershy also steps in. "Yup yup, and the only other option for the attack was that someone used the snake as a weapon to try to murder the woman earlier today." Pinkie also steps in. "Umm... okay? Who are these girls?" the man asks. "These are my co-workers: Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. They've been working with me for over a year now and they've learned from experience as detectives themselves." Seth replies. "Oh, well my name's William James. The girl who got bitten was my fiance, Catherine Heathers." "And I'm Ericka Smith." the woman next to him says. "Well, now that introductions are out of the way, why don't you tell me what happened earlier today before your fiance was almost killed?" Seth asked. "Right. You see, a couple of friends and I were having a little get together at a hotel that's only a couple of blocks away because I've recently gotten engaged." William says. "There are more in your group? How many more?" Rarity asked. "Just two more. Their names are Keith Jackson and Katie Monti. They're on their way here." William says. "Good, this'll help in getting us more leads. We'll wait out here in the lobby until further notice." Seth says. Everyone else in the group nodded and took their seats, waiting patiently. For a while, nobody said anything and Seth's eyes just scanned the whole waiting room for no reason. Just then, his eyes lock onto Ericka who had her head turned away and had a strange look on her face. Seth was getting a suspsicious vibe from her and felt like she has something to do with this, but he couldn't address it because of lack of evidence. He grabbed his chin with his index finger and thumb, doing some thinking. "What's the matter, Sethy? Something bothering you?" Pinkie asked. "It's probably just a hunch, but somehow I think know who did it. But it's still too late to pursue. We're still missing some pieces of the puzzle." he replied. "Ooh! I didn't know we were playing puzzle games! Where is it?" she asks, all excited. "Pinkie, what I meant was that a crime scene is a like a puzzle. Just like putting all the pieces in their proper place, you need to find the right evidence to back up your claims in order to find the culprit." "Oh, why didn't you just say so?" "Pinkie, darling! Now's not the time to act so chipper! That woman might die in the emergency room!" "Sorry, I was just trying to have fun." "There's a time and place for you to have fun, just not on the job, Pinkie. Okay?" Seth asks rubbing her shoulder and giving her a serious, but calm look. "Oh, okay." Pinkie leaned in and gave Seth a peck on the cheek. He smiled at her and waited for the rest of the victim's friends to arrive. 'I'm not gonna rest until I find out if my hunch is correct and the culprit is who I think it is. But I just hope I can solve this case quick enough to spend some quality time with Dinky. I make a pinkie promise to my little girl and I intend on keeping my word' Seth thought to himself. > Trouble Has Arrived (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somewhere on the beach, the Dazzlings were taking a break, resting on their chairs under their umbrellas to keep them from getting a sunburn. The sounds of the ocean waves made Sonata so relaxed that she fell asleep and nuzzled herself into her arms, making cute snoring sounds. Aria facepalmed herself from Sonata pulling off that same "adorable" act on Seth back at the house. Adagio didn't care if Sonata kept looking cute, whether she could help it or not. All that matter to Adagio is resting up her strength for later on when she wants to get freaky with Seth again. She's had a lot of pent up stress ever since she and the other girls, including their boyfriend got to the beach and rented that house and is really craving another night of having her pussy rutted by Seth. Aria felt the same, too. Since they all came to the beach, she's had the most trouble with telling off other guys that she's not interested in any of them. Whenever they tried to force themselves on her, she'd send them back to their friends or family with their faces painted red with their blood, some pretty big shiners on their eyes and even fractured bones around certain parts of their body. Bruising up guys who treat her like a one night stand could only ease her stress so much. The only thing that could easily help calm her nerves is her boyfriend. "Aria, you awake?" Adagio asks. "Meh." Aria replies, not caring. "I'll take that as a yes. Listen, I don't think Seth is going to be available for quite some time until he's tucked his "daughter" safely in her bed at some time around tonight. Trust me, we'll have our fun with Seth later on once the little girl fast asleep." Adagio licks her lips. Aria does the same and smirks at the idea. The only thing she hopes is to not use a frying pan to knock him out senseless like she did before. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Seth and the others still waited for William and Ericka's friends to show up so he can continue on with the investigation. Rarity and Fluttershy were still lost in thought in who could've used a banded sea snake to poison that woman earlier. Soon, the doors to the entrance of the hospital opened up and a man and woman rushed over to William and Ericka and pretty sure enough, Seth's attention was locked on them. The man in question had dark brown skin and was bald. Looked to be in his mid 20s while the woman in question had pale white skin and dark brown hair. Seth immediately stood up from his seat and walked over to the group and started asking them some questions. "Excuse me, are you Keith Jackson and Katie Monti?" the man and woman turned around, looking at Seth with confusion, but answered honestly. "Y-Yeah, but who are you?" Keith asked. "Detective Seth Brooks." he replies. "Wait, you? A detective? At such a young age?" Katie asks. "Life is full of surprises, but before we stray off-track any further, there's something that I need to discuss with you all involving the situation at hand." he begins. Everyone nods. "You see, your friend, Catherine Heathers was bitten by a banded sea snake earlier today. But from what my co-worker, Fluttershy, said to me, they usually don't attack people out in the ocean unless they've been caught in a fisherman's net or if it's the mating season and last time that was checked, the mating season ended for some time." "So what are you trying to get at?" Katie asked. "This was no freak accident. It was attempted murder!" The group all got shocked to hear this news. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity all walked up to Seth. "But why would someone do that? Catherine is our best friend. It just doesn't make sense!" Keith says. "Well then, darling, can you tell us if Catherine ever made any enemies beforehand? This could help us narrow down our list of suspects." Rarity says. "Actually, now that you mention it, every day, before we came here to this resort, Catherine always ended up freaking out because of some stalker girl who kept sending her threatening messages in the mail saying stuff like "who do you think you are, stealing my man?" "I'm not going to let you get away with this" and of course, they had written one letter that spooked her real bad "don't get too comfortable, bimbo, I know where you're going, and when that day arrives, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." William explains. "So, this is all a vicious love triangle, huh?" Seth asked, more serious. "Yeah, but it's kinda crazy they'd do something like that. I was never really the biggest catch in school, in fact, I was pretty average compared to the other guys when I use to be at school." William says. "Well, if you guys'll excuse me, I've gotta--" Ericka says, reaching into her fanny pack near her left side, but she got a confused look. "Aww, jeez, of all the times to forget 'em, it had to be now. I accidentally left my damn key card and medical insurance in my hotel room!" "That's alright, we'll get it for you." Keith says. "Here, if you guys want, I'll drive you there." Seth says. "You sure" Katie asked, unsure about his offer. "If it's too far away to walk, I can easily take you there." he replies reassuring them. "Alright thanks." Keith says. "In the meantime, Pinkie Pie and Rarity, you both stay here. If the victim's condition changes for whatever reason, call me and I'll try to make it back as quick as I can. Fluttershy, you're gonna be coming along, too, since I might need your help a little bit more." Seth says. "Oh, okay. I don't mind." Fluttershy agrees. "Good. Then let's move out!" he orders, walking quickly out of the hospital with the others. He guides them over to the rental car and unlocks the doors. Everyone gets in and then closes the doors. Seth puts the key in and starts the engine and finally takes off. Keith helped guide Seth to the hotel the group was staying at, giving him the exact directions until 7 minutes later, they finally arrive. Everyone got out of the car and followed Keith and Katie inside the hotel. Keith talked with the man behind the counter and asked for a spare card key for their friend's room. He agreed to guide them to the hotel room, but mostly to make sure they wouldn't try to steal anything in the room. They all walked and took the elevator up to the 4th floor reached Ericka's room. The man let everyone in, including Seth and Fluttershy and immediately, Fluttershy's eyes caught sight of something on Ericka's bed. Seth's eyes drifted over to Ericka's bed also. It was cluttered with all sorts of small supplies, including what looked like tape, but there was something stuck to it. Fluttershy walked to take a closer look but kept herself from touching the tape so she wouldn't disturb the evidence. 'Oh dear! Are those...?!' Fluttershy thought. Seth, on the other hand, decided to talk to one of the victim's friends. "So, exactly how did you the others meet up, was it back in your school days?" "Yeah, we were part of the swimming club back in college. Back then, I mostly hung out with William and Catherine and of course, Katie. Those times were pretty hardcore, but even more hardcore when we got word that Ericka was joining the club with us." Keith said. "So, I'm guessing you guys didn't enroll on the same year, right?" Seth asked. "You got it. William, Katie and I were the same age and were starting our third year in college back then, but Catherine started off in her 2nd year and she's probably the same age as Ericka. I was planning on quitting the club after my third year, but when Ericka tagged along, I thought about sticking around. To tell you the truth, I guess I was in love with her." Seth nodded, taking in every single detail into account. 'If that's the case, then does that mean...? No, there's still not enough evidence to convict.' Seth though. "Hey, Keith! I can't find Ericka's insurance card." Katie says, looking through the luggage. "Check the bottom of the bag. It's wrapped up in a towel." Keith replies. Seth's eyes shrunk. 'How does he know where it is? He's never been in here?' he thought. Katie checked where Keith said to look and sure enough, she found it. "Wha- how did you...?" "It's an old trick my mom taught me that I taught Ericka about. It's no secret either. Even William knows about this trick, too and he's put it to good use." Seth thought about using that trick if he ever needed to keep his medical insurance safe when he's on the go, but before he could think about it more, he looked over at Fluttershy who signalled him to look at the stuff piled on Ericka's bed, and so he did. His glare got intense when he stumbled upon that tape with whatever was stuck on it, so he reached into his pocket and grabbed a small handkerchief before picking up the tape. He and Fluttershy examined it further and sure enough, Seth and Fluttershy's mind got clearer. "Fluttershy, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Seth asked. "Without a doubt." she replies with a little serious tone. With that said, Seth folded the tape in his handkerchief and turned his attention to Katie and Keith. "Alright, everyone. Let's get back to the hospital. The sooner the better." he says. But then, his cell phone rings and he takes it out of his pocket. "Excuse me for a second." he swaps his phone and steps outside, putting the phone up to his ear, "What is it, Rarity?" "Darling, the doctor just gave out the news about the woman. She's making a steady recovery." "Hi hi, Sethy! You heard right!" Pinkie shouts from the other line. "Pinkie, darling, stop testing my patience, this is serious!" Rarity snaps. At that moment, another clue hit Seth, giving him just enough info and caused him to glare calmly at the wall. "Ahem, sorry darling, anyways that's what I wanted to tell you and I just want to know if you and Fluttershy are okay. Did you find anything at the hotel that might help find the person who tried to kill that woman?" "I think me and Fluttershy just might have found enough evidence. But I need to be sure I'm not on a wild goose chase, so here's what I need you to do: Talk to William and Ericka and find out as much as you can about the whole incident before Catherine was bitten! Can you do that for me?" "Of course, darling. You can count on me!" "Hey, what about me?" Pinkie asks over the phone. "Either you can try to get some info from either William or Ericka, or you can just go ahead and tell me what you already know about this case." Seth says. "Now where's the fun in spoiling the fun in this story?" Pinkie asks with a giggle. Seth quirked an eyebrow, not knowing what she was talking about. "Uh... right. Then talk to one of those two people and when you've both finished, let me know when I get there and we'll crack this case together and relax." Seth orders calmly. "Right!" Rarity and Pinkie say before they hang up. Seth puts his phone back in his pocket and signals the others to follow his lead. Keith closes the door and follows Seth. Everyone takes the elevator back to the first floor and walk outside the front, getting back into Seth's rental car. With everyone present and accounted for, Seth takes off back to the hospital, never taking his eyes off the road. Minutes later, Seth parks the car near the front entrance and has everyone follow him. They walk inside the hospital and enter the waiting room. Seth and Fluttershy walked up to Pinkie and Rarity. "So, did you get any info from the woman's fiance and her friend?" Seth asks. "Yes, I did, darling. Here's what I found out from William." Rarity says. "It turns out that William and Catherine have been seeing each other ever since they were in high school, but the thing about Ericka is that she's been best friends with William ever since junior high. But what I heard from Ericka... well..." Rarity then whispers the rest to Seth and he nods. His fist tightens up and immediately... 'Yes. All the pieces have fallen into place! I know who tried to kill Catherine Heathers.' he thought. He walks over to the front desk and pulls out his wallet, showing his detective's badge. "Excuse me, I hate to bother you, but I'd like to ask you for a favor if that's okay." "Huh? Umm... well, okay." the woman behind the counter says. While he has a chat with the lady, Pinkie starts gazing at him from a short distance, wondering what he's up to, but then her eyes traveled downwards until she had her sights locked on Seth's butt. She smirks and starts feeling all handsy and walks toward Seth, trying to grab his butt. But then... "Don't even think about it, Pinkie." Rarity says, grabbing Pinkie's hands. "Remember, we can't act like this, we've still got a job to do." "Aww, you're no fun, Rarity!" Pinkie pouts with her cheeks puffed up. But the look on Rarity's face made it obvious she wasn't going to let her have her way with Seth. Even Fluttershy's stare was enough to make Pinkie Pie get the message, so she sighed in defeat. "Your attention, please." the lady over the intercom says. "Would Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Ericka Smith please meet detective Seth Brooks in the Hospital Administrator's office? I repeat, would Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Ericka please meet detective Seth Brooks in the Hospital Administrator's office?" The girls all looked up at the intercoms. Only Ericka was confused, but the other girls knew that Seth was probably ready to break the news and has found out the truth. "As he's always said..." Rarity says. "And how he'll keep saying it..." Pinkie says. "No matter the odds..." Fluttershy says. "One truth will always prevail!" they said in unison. Rarity walked up to the front desk and asked where the office was and the lady behind the desk gave her the directions. Soon, Rarity guides the other girls with her and come across the office where Seth was and open the door. Inside, Seth was sitting behind the table, facing the girls with a serious look on his face. "Glad you all could join." he says. Ericka closes the door behind her. "Now let's get this show on the road." "Look, I don't know what you want me in here for, but I gotta go check on Catherine." Ericka says. She turns around and reaches for the doorknob, but... "Oh, so you're worried about her now?" he asks, getting her attention again. "I suppose it does makes sense, since it was just an attempted murder. But if she had died, it would've been premeditated. In all honesty, this was not just some freak accident. Thanks to the info provided by my co-workers, I was able to deduce that this was all a cleverly devised plan to kill Catherine Heathers! And I'm pretty sure she knew what was gonna happen when she jumped into the water. That snake was used as a weapon for the killer, and I'm absolutely 100% sure that the killer is you, Ericka Smith!" Seth points at said girl, making her glare a bit. "Oh really now? What proof do you have that I tried to kill Catherine?" she asks, a bit offended. "Well, you might not know this, but I happen to know a thing or two about animals." Fluttershy says. "And I believe the proof lies in the fang marks from the snake. You see, the banded sea snake's mouth is very small, so if it had attack Catherine, it would've gone for a small part of the body, such as a finger or a toe." "That's right. But the fang marks were found on the back of her hand. A place that the sea snake could never reach out to bite on its own." Seth explains. "Seth, darling, should I explain what I saw out on the beach?" Rarity asks. "Sure, Rarity. This is where your eyes and ears come in." "Thank you. You see, darlings, I saw William pull Catherine back to shore when he thought she was drowning, but then Ericka swam up alongside Catherine and pulled out the sea snake she had hidden. If I'm guessing right, she held the snake by its neck and forced its fangs into Catherine's hand, releasing its poisonous vemon. So tell me, Ericka darling, am I right or am I wrong?" Rarity gives said girl a suspicious look. Ericka just looked at Rarity in annoyance. "And just how can you be so sure that I'm the guilty one, I mean, William and I rushed out into the water at the same time. And besides, how can anyone know that Catherine was going to start drowning at that particular moment?" "That's because the drowning was all just a stunt to test William's faithfulness to Catherine. She was only just pretending to drown out in the ocean. It's a little trick some girls'll do when they've been in a relationship with their lovers for a while. They start to wonder how their lovers'll feel about them. Other times, they'll usually do something like deliberately flirt in front of them to see if they can make them jealous." Rarity explains. "You know, that actually does sound accurate. So Catherine actually faked her drowing so her fiance would save her just to prove how far he would go to prove his love." Pinkie says. "So then, did Ericka try to stop her from doing this stunt?" Seth asked. "Well... at first glance right now, the pitiful darling probably shows no remorse, but I'll bet that she had second thoughts about it before she helped Catherine pull the stunt. But what Catherine didn't anticipate was the trap Ericka cooked up all by herself, one she hoped would get rid of Catherine forever." "Then if that's true. It's safe to say that Ericka went back to her hotel room to get a beach towel just as they planned, then up in the room, she took the snake and hid it in hr fanny pack. Confident that everything was ready, she headed straight back to the beach." Seth explains. "Then it was only a matter of timing it just right for Catherine to signal Ericka, telling her to begin the fake drowning." The more he explains, the more Ericka got agitated from him pulling apart her plan. "Ericka and William went out to save Catherine, but out in the water, she had no intention of saving her, so she took the snake and sank its fangs into Catherine's hand." Seth continued. "That's all just circumstancial evidence, you moron! How can you convict me if the snake is still out there?!" "Like I said before, you had the sea snake hidden away in your fanny pack, yet for some reason, you've been out by the beach the whole time since the crime was committed. You never had the opporrtunity to get rid of the evidence that use to be contained in the pack." Seth reached down into his pocket and pulled out his handkerchief with the small strap of tape contained in it. Ericka's eyes shrunk. "That's right. This is the same scotch tape you used to keep the snake hidden safely. The same tape that now has snake scales on it. Of course, she had no choice but to use it, otherwise she'd have a hard time putting the snake in and most likely get bitten herself. And I know she put it in her because she emptied her fanny pack out in her hotel room and put something else in-- the snake. I found this out when I saw all of her personal belongings all scattered on her bed when her friends were trying to find Catherine's insurance card." "But, what was the reason she had the snake bite her hand?" Pinkie asks. "Because in truth, Ms. Ericka here was jealous of William's fiance because she's in love with him. In other words, Pinkie dear, this was a vicious love triangle. She's probably been in love with the dear for quite a while, my guess is probably some time in high school." Rarity says. "No, it was much earlier than that. It was back in middle school. He was one of the nicest boys I've ever met and he was my very first friend. I just couldn't help myself falling in love with him. I wanted us to be happy together like husband and wife. But because of that bitch, Catherine, she went and stole him away from me and she acted like I didn't even exist or anything and I could let her have William!" Ericka confesses. "But...?" Fluttershy asks. "There was no denying that William loved her more than me and he didn't even know that he broke my heart, so I had to settle with just being his friend. And to make matters worse, during most of their relationships, she kept asking me to pull these stupid stunts to test his loyalty! William doesn't deserve that bitch, Catherine if she's just gonna play him on like he's some kind of tool to save her every time!" "If you felt that way, then you should've just told her instead of trying to kill her! And have you ever thought about how your crush would react if he found out you were behind this? And what do you think would happen if Catherine actually did die? William would've been devastated if Catherine had died and even moreso if he knew you did all of this and you got sent to prison because of this! You're extremely lucky that Catherine was saved just in time, otherwise you'd get a heavier sentence after all of this!" Seth scolded. Just as he lectured Ericka, she ended up feeling her heart breaking. Seth had made a good point and in doing so, she drops down to her knees and stares at the ground. "I... I wasn't thinking straight! I guess I never put into consideration how William would feel. I'm so sorry." Ericka says, feeling her tears run down her cheeks. Seth doesn't really let the look of remorse from a suspect get to him, but he let out a sigh and says to her... "Normally, I'd say "you should be sorry," but since Catherine is gonna live, I suggest you make it snappy and go see her as soon as possible before visiting hours are over." Ericka looked surprised to hear what Seth said. She quickly thanked him and ran out of the office to go see Catherine, but she didn't go alone. Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity followed her to the room where Catherine was recovering in and saw her laying in bed. Her fiance, William was with her. "Babe, it's gonna be alright. I'm here for you." William said. "W-Where's Ericka?" Catherine muttered. "I'm right here!" Ericka says, walking over to Catherine. "I guess this is what I get. I shouldn't have pushed it too far and... I'm sorry I dragged you into this, Ericka." Catherine says, looking at her friend. "Can you ever forgive me?" Ericka didn't understand why Catherine, the same girl she threatened and almost killed, was asking to forgive her. "Wait, what are you girls talking about?" William asks. "I got what I deserve. I didn't know when to stop with these stunts and I made a fool of myself. It's all my fault for dragging you both into this." Catherine says. "No, Catherine, it's not your fault!" Ericka says. "It's... my fault you're in this situation." Even after her confession, Catherine didn't want to press charges. Later on, Seth was informed by his girlfriends about Catherine's choice and got in touch with the local police station at the resort, giving them the statements and the evidence from the case. Ericka was now put on probation for the remainder of the vacation with her friends keeping an eye on her. And with that, the case was finally put to rest and Seth was able to drive the girls back to the beach house where they all got dressed up back into their swim wear and headed back to the warm beach. At the beach, Derpy was helping her daughter, Dinky, learn how to swim. Dinky was being held by her hands and kicked her little feet as fast as she could to stay afloat. She started wondering if her dad was done with his work and whether or not he would make it back in time to play with her. Her questions were answered when her mom pointed at the beach with a smile on her face. Dinky looked towards the shore and smiled in excitement. Seth was waving at them and ran out towards Dinky and scooped her up in his arms. "Daddy! You made it! You kept your promise!" Dinky says, happily hugging Seth. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, sweetie." Seth replies, hugging his daughter. "Sorry about the case, sweetie, I hope I didn't worry you too much." "No, daddy. I'm just happy you're finally back! Now we can play together!" Dinky nuzzled her cheek onto Seth's cheek, giggling and smiling. Seth lifted her up into the air, making airplane sounds and made Dinky laugh out loud and flapping her arms up and down. Derpy was glad that Seth was safe. She gets close to Seth and lays a kiss on his lips. "Thanks for making it back, babe." Derpy says. "Anything for my girls." Seth replies. He, Dinky and Derpy all played on the beach, swimming around and splashing each other until the sun began to set over the horizon, and then everyone got their stuff together and either packed up and left or went back to their hotels, beach houses, cottages, etc, and waited for the next day to have another time of their lives. > A Good Stress Reliever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that the case was finally put to rest, Seth was able to keep his Pinkie Promise and spend the rest of the day with his daughter, Dinky Doo and his girlfriend, Derpy. They spent their time together swimming around in the ocean, but made sure not to swim out deep. They also helped Dinky make a sand castle, only for it to get swept away by the tides of the ocean. Dinky was devastated at first, but a little bite to eat at the beach house and an ice cream cone were enough to put a smile back on her cute little face. By around 8 at night, Dinky was put to bed after an exhausting day with her step-dad and mom. Dinky felt like the happiest little girl ever. Derpy wanted to turn in early, too, so she went and took a quick shower before drifting off to sleep with her adorable little girl. Seth was able to take advantage of the opportunity to relax on the couch and watch some movie on his new Amazon Video account. Sitting next to him were two of the dazzlings, Adagio and Aria. Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy were exhausted from the case and fell asleep in their rooms, wearing nothing but their bra and panties. The weather was just too hot for them to wear their pajamas, despite the cool air conditioning. No one could blame them since the temperature was steadily increasing. They definitely weren't prepared for a surprise attempted murder case and of course, Seth felt the same way, but he's had a bit more experience. Rainbow Dash was having a little relaxation out in the pool in the backyard, resting her aching muscles. AJ took a little snack break in the kitchen, eating a slice of her apple pie. Twilight and Sunset took the opportunity to wash off the sweat from their bodies from being in the sun for too long. Twilight felt like it was too unbearable to read anything when she smelled sweat on her. Sonata was playing some video game on her cell phone up in her room, minding her own business. Sonata hummed a cute tone to herself to keep her even more occupied. With everyone else either sleeping or relaxing, Aria and Adagio took this opportunity to make their moves on Seth. Aria and Adagio leaned in close to their tired detective boyfriend and press their boobs on his chest. "You girls just don't know how to give a guy a break." Seth groans and chuckles. "Suck it up, you big baby. I haven't had a decent fuck in a while since we got here, and I'm hella stressed out and need you to fix that for me!" Aria retorts. "I agree, babe. I've been dying to get some action with you." Adagio adds on. Seth just stares at the two sirens' eyes and slowly throws his head back, letting out a sigh and a chuckle. "A guy never catches a break, but I guess I got no choice since you woke up the little guy down there." Seth gestures the tent in his crotch. Aria and Adagio chuckle seductively. "Well, I guess I have been working a bit hard so I guess I can stick around for a little bed action." "Now you're talking, hot shot!" Aria says. "Come and follow us. We have much to do, big boy." Adagio says in a sultry tone. She and Aria grab each of Seth's arms and take him upstairs and to their room. Once inside, they catch Sonata's attention. "Sonata, sweetie, the TV downstairs is all yours now." she says. "YAY! Thanks, Dagi!" Sonata says. She takes her phone with her and runs out the door with a cheerful smile on her face, slamming the door behind her. Adagio and Aria both push Seth onto the bed, making his face land smack onto the pillow and just barely almost hitting the head of the bed. He turns around with his crossed and unamused look in his eyes. "Damn it, girls! Be careful or you'll mash my brains up!" Seth shouted a bit. "Okay, we won't mash your brains up." Adagio shrugs casually. For a while, she and Aria spent their time getting undressed and left their cloths on the floor, now completely naked in front of Seth. "So instead, we're going to literally fuck the hell out of you." Adagio and Aria slowly walk up to the bed, giving their hips an added way in perfect sync with each other, arousing their boyfriend even further. Seth took the opportunity to strip himself of his clothes. Once he was completely naked, Adagio and Aria were finally facing him from up close. They pinned their breast nipples against his bare chest, giving him those sultry looks in their eyes, wanting him to rut them like he's done before. "Okay, ladies. Who wants a piece of my rod first?" he asks. "Aria can go first. I can wait." Adagio shrugs. "You sure?" Seth asks again. "Absolutely. I've learned to be patient in the past year we've known each other." Adagio reassured him. Aria smirked and didn't even start with the foreplay. She just went and grabbed Seth's hard rod and slammed herself onto his lap, feeling it reach the entrance to her womb. Seth grunted and threw his head back. "GAH! Fuck, Aria, that hurt!" he shouted. "Oh suck it up you big baby, I'm getting a good fuck outta you and I'm not gonna stop until you fill me up! Do I make myself clear, babe?" Aria asks, rubbing Seth's bare chest with her hand. "Fine, but don't slam on top of me like that again." "Fair enough. Now, where was I? Oh yeah!" Aria said nothing and started riding on Seth's cock. Seth reached out to Aria with one of his hands and grabbed one of her legs. Adagio laid down next to him and kissed him on the lips, pressing her boobs onto his chest. Seth used his vacant hand to stroke her beautiful, poofy hair as the two engaged in a hot make-out session. While he was kissing her, Adagio put on of her hands down and started rubbing her pussy, moaning into Seth's mouth. Aria was letting out lewd moans and wet slaps as she kept riding Seth's cock hungerly. Her inner walls hugged his hard rod tightly and her breasts bounced violently. Seth takes Aria by surprise and pumps his manhood up inside her womanhood a lot harder. Aria gasped and moaned in surprise. Aria had always loved rough sex, but for Seth to be this rough, she felt like she was in heaven. "F-Fuck yeah! Fuck me harder, babe! Keep pumping that monster of yours into my pussy!" Aria moaned loudly with her eyes shot up. At the same time, Adagio was pulled into a deep-throated make-out session and felt Seth's tongue explore every inch of her mouth. Adagio enjoyed how rough her boyfriend was handling her and Aria and started rubbing her pussy a lot more faster. Seth pulled away from the kiss to give Adagio some air. Adagio smirks at Seth and climbs on top of his face, now having her pussy directly onto his lips. He wastes no time and starts licking her pussy lips, making Adagio gasp and moan as she starts grinding her hips on his face. His tongue licks laps around her vaginal walls as she keeps up with the grinding on his face. Her attention turns Aria, who's rubbing her clit as she rides on her boyfriend's cock, moaning loudly like an animal in heat. Adagio leans in and smirks at Aria before pressing her lips onto Aria's. They lean in so close to each other, their boobs mash together and their tongues dance around in each other's throats. Seth could somehow tell what they were doing and grabbed Aria's plump ass and thrusted upwards with more force, causing Aria to moan more throaty as she keeps French kissing Adagio. Just then, Seth brought one of his hands away from Aria's butt and slammed it back down on it hard. Aria moaned even louder inside Adagio's mouth. She loves how Seth likes to be rough with her and luckily for her, he wasn't stopping there. Seth smacked her butt even harder a few more times. He then thrusted his tongue inside Adagio's inner walls of her pussy. Adagio was now the one to moan into Aria's mouth. The feeling of Seth touching her sensitive spots felt so good to her. She lunges her tongue down Aria's throat more while she grinds her hips in a circulat motion on Seth's face, trying to get him to make her cum all over his face. Seth already knew how to push all the right buttons when it came to banging all his lovely girlfriends. But eventually, Seth couldn't hold it in much longer and he grabbed a hold of Aria's hips and pulled her down before unleashing his hot seed inside her womb. Aria moaned in the kiss with Adagio and came all over Seth's crotch, staining the bed sheets without a care in the world. The two sirens pulled away from each other and hung onto each other by the shoulders, panting heavily. "Not bad, Adagio." Aria says with a smirk. "Same to you, Aria. *moan* Ooh, Seth you bad boy. You must really love my ass, don't you?" Adagio asks, looking down at the young detective. He gives her a thumbs up in agreement. Adagio could feel his tongue reach the sensitive parts of her inner vaginal walls, causing her to moan. "Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum! Keep eating me out, baby, I'm almost there!" In no time she ends up spraying her juices into his mouth. Seth took big gulps to avoid choking. When her climax had now died down, Adagio gets off Seth's face and pulls him up, chuckling at him. "What's so funny, Dagi?" Seth asks. "Nothing, I was just a bit ticklish when you dove your tongue inside my pussy. But I think it's time for you to put that huge monster inside me. Wouldn't you agree, Aria?" Adagio asks. "Hmm, yeah I'd say you deserve it. I've had my fun with the stud. Have fun you two." Aria says, smirking. She gets off of Seth's still-hard shaft and lays down on the bed. Adagio takes her chance and straddles on top of Seth and positions her pussy directly above his cock before sinking down onto him. His shaft had now completely disappeared into her inner walls. "Mmmmmm, oh we will." Adagio says seductively. She looks down at Seth and signals him to sit up. He does so very quickly, giving Adagio the chance to wrap her arms around him. "Carry me to the wall and fuck me like the wild animal you are." she whispers seductively. Oh, now she really pushed his button. The predatorial look in his eyes had returned and he immediately summed up all the strength he had in his body and carried Adagio off the bed and towards the wall. She was pinned and trapped in his grasp and that was how she wanted it to be. Same can be said for Seth. And now, Seth started pounding away inside Adagio with each of his mighty thrusts. She moaned from his rough pounding that she called her favorite kink. She could still remember the first time she seduced him to fuck her back at the penthouse in the shower when she and Sunset Shimmer found him lying unconcious on the sidewalks a little over a year ago. He was a pretty big wreck, but thanks to the girls, they gave Seth a warm home and helped set up his new detective agency, which is a huge success. But right now, Seth was pounding inside Adagio's pussy so hard, he was panting heavily and growling like a wild animal rutting its prey and Adagio was his main prey. Her breasts bounced beautifully up and down and just the sight of them made Seth pound her faster. "Oh FUCK! Oh yes! YES! YES! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!!! Mmm, you're so big! Fuck me harder, baby!" she moaned, giving into the pleasure. Seth didn't respond, he just kept pounding away and even licked her upwards from her glorious boobs all the way up to her neck. She shivered when his tongue touched her vital area and then moaned louder when he started sucking on her neck. Aria was getting so horny from watching her boyfriend fuck Adagio that she began rubbing her own pussy and massaging her breasts, moaning softly to herself. Seth could overhear Aria from where he was standing, thinking she wants to go one more round. If she does, then thank the good lord for giving him the strength and stamina to fuck his girlfriends for long periods of time. "Mmmmm, your pussy feels so tight around me. You must love my cock that much. Right, my horny girl?" Seth whispered in a bit of a growling tone. "Fuck yes, baby! I'm nothing without your cock! Fuck me harder! I'm such a bad girl!" She shouts in ecstacy. "Answering honestly like that deserves a reward for being such a good horny girl." he whispers seductively. "Let me give you some sugar." Seth leaned in and pressed his lips onto Adagio's. She wraps her arms and legs around him at this point and opens her mouth wide, intertwining her tongue with his. Her smooth skin on his was enough to drive Seth crazy and grab her plump ass and push his member deeper into her pussy and pressing it against the tip of her womb so hard. Adagio moaned in ecstacy, rubbing the palm of her hands on the back of her boyfriend's head, brushing through each strand of his long, brown hair. Before the trip, his hair reached down past his shoulder blades, so he had to cut some of it off to the point where they reached his shoulder blades exactly. Adagio really liked Seth having long hair, but not too long. The more the two kept fucking each other, the more hot and bothered Aria became to the point where she put two of her fingers inside her pussy and massaged her breast more. She blushed lightly as she pleasured herself from watch Seth and Adagio fuck each other's brains out. She wanted him inside her again and she wanted him to rut her wildly like he's doing with Adagio. "Mmph! Dagi! I'm gonna cum soon!" Seth grunted. "Please! Hurry up and shoot it inside me! I need your cum! Pump it all inside and don't hold back, baby!" She shouts, lost in the pleasure. Seth obliged and pumped his member inside her as hard and fast as he could and combined it with a few good spankings on her ass. Adagio blushed furiously from the sounds of her lewd pussy emitting wet slaps with each and every hard thrust. At that moment, Seth grunted out loud, rocketing his cum inside her love tunnel. Adagio threw her head up and sprayed her love juices all over her penis. A few drops land on Seth's legs and even made a mess on the floor with those juices. In a matter of at least 10 seconds, Adagio and Seth had finally calmed down and Seth put down Adagio gently, letting her regain her footing. "Mmmmm, I love you so much, babe." Adagio says, hugging Seth. "I love you too, Dagi." Seth replies, hugging her back. She leans in and kisses Seth softly on the lips. Seth caresses her poofy orange hair until they break the kiss shortly afterwards. Seth carries her once again, only this time in a bridal style and takes Dagi to the bed and lays her down gently. There was no doubt she was given a fucking so good, she ended up passing out. His eyes turn to his other girlfriend, Aria Blaze, who is still fingering her own pussy, moaning loudly and blushing rose red. "Aww, is someone feeling left out?" Seth asks, teasing her. "Ha-ha, very funny, jerk! Now shut up and get over hear and fuck me again!" Aria shouted in frustration. "Ah-ah-ah, not if you're talking like that." Seth teases, waving his finger. "First, you need to clean this off." Seth presented his shaft to Aria, which still had some excess cum at the tip. She growled at Seth for acting all smug at him, but at the same time, she was still anxious to have him fuck her. Seth could tell, but to make it easier for her, he walks on the other side of the bed where she was. Now that he was close enough, Aria leaned over and faced his rod. She licked off the excess cum from the tip of his cock and next thing he does is grab his it and slap it on her cheeks. Aria felt her groins aching for him to go deep inside her. To see her like this makes him pleased, but it couldn't go on forever. Seth climbs onto the bed and lays Aria back onto the bed and then hovers over her, caressing her cheek. Aria's blushing was just too adorable for him. He couldn't resist her. She looked up at him with a desperate look of lust in her eyes. "You ready, babe?" Seth asks genuinely. "J-Just hurry up and put it in, please!" she says, placing her arms around her boyfriend. Seth nods and guides his shaft into her pussy. Aria gasped and moaned. "I... I love you, babe." "I love you too, Aria." he replies. She pulls him in for a kiss at the same time as he starts thrusting inside her, sending waves of pleasure throughout her entire body. Their tongues intertwined with passion and lust and the aching urges inside Aria were slowly and steadily going away. Aria felt her body shiver as Seth pounded her so hard her legs even began to twitch. Her moans were muffled by the kiss, but even if they weren't, it wouldn't matter since Adagio was a heavy sleeper anytime she's fucked hard. Aria moved her arms throughout Seth's back, caressing him. He hummed in approval. Seth grabs a hold of her beautiful breasts and fondles them. Aria moaned in ecstacy, breaking the kiss. Her panting was growing rapid and and her moans gradually grew louder. She was completely helpless against her boyfriend's pleasuring skills, but she didn't care at all. She then reaches for her pigtails and undoes them until her hair was finally able to hang free, displaying her natural beauty and sexiness to him. Seth thought she was so beautiful that he stopped thrusting inside her. She got curious of why he stopped, and even more curious when he climbed off the bed and stood up. He signals her to stand up with him and she obeyed him very quickly. She walks up to him, letting him work his magic. Aria feels his handa reach for her butt and brings her closer to him. He carefully guides his shaft back inside her pussy, making her gasp. Now she knew what was happening: A standing fuck. With his arms firmly grasping her butt cheeks, she reached and wrapped her arms around his neck. Seth resumed pumping his hard shaft inside her womanhood, one again unleashing waves of pleasure throughout her siren's body, and she moans, loving the feeling so much. Aria takes one of her legs and wraps it around one of his legs and leaned into him, locking her lips with his again. It felt so good to see her in this state that Seth moved one of his hands up to caress her beautiful hair. Aria moaned from his skilled fingers and the wet slaps emitting from her pussy. She might have already banged him once earlier, but seeing Adagio getting rutted like that made her feel lonely. But not anymore, for she was now trapped in a world of endless pleasures by her boyfriend. Small drops of her pre-cum started leaking out of her pussy every time Seth slammed his member inside her. She became powerless and unable to control herself to the point where her legs gave out and she fell on her back, bringing Seth down with her. His shaft slipped out of Aria, but he slid it back in and leaned over Aria, panting heavily as he pounded her lewd, wanting pussy. "F-F-Fuck! That's it! Fuck me harder! Fill my pussy with your jizz, babe!" she moaned. Seth smiled and went a bit faster and harder, drving her even more crazy. Her moans grew more throaty and her pussy got wetter, allowing her boyfriend to slide in and out of her with effortless ease. Seth grunted and panted heavily, showing that his climax was getting closer and in a swift movement, he leans down to Aria and grabs her cheeks, bringing her close to his face and he smiles at her. "Kiss me right now, babe!" she moans loudly. "As you wish." Seth replied. He brings his lips onto Aria's and kisses her passionately. Her lips felt so soft and warm, he pounded her with all of his might. Aria finds enough strength to pull him in closer by locking her legs around his waist and wrapping her arms around his neck and back. By then, his climax reaches its peak and explodes inside every nook and cranny of her love tunnel. Aria moaned as loud as she could, feeling her own climax explode out of her. She held Seth a little longer, dancing her tongue with his for a bit until she needed to breathe. She broke the kiss and panted heavily with Seth, blushing like crazy. "I... love you... babe." she says before the fatigue got to her and she passed out, allowing Seth to be freed from her strong leg lock. "I love you too, Aria." Seth says quietly. He saw that he and Aria were drenched in sweat from all that fucking and now he deserved a little brake. So he carries Aria in his hands bridal style and lays her on the bed and lays down next to her, completely naked and covers himself, Adagio and Aria in the blankets, snuggling up with them and lets the fatigue take its toll on him and falls asleep > Fatal Lullaby (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day after everyone had gotten up and had their breakfast, the gang all went and started either doing their own thing either by themselves or each other. Seth chose to go out with Derpy and Dinky for a little walk on the beach, the former sirens all went out to relax at the beach, reading a few magazines underneath the shade of their umbrellas, Twilight stayed inside, catching up on her reading and spending some quality time with her dog, Spike, giving him belly rubs and watching movies. Rainbow Dash was out catching some waves on the beach while Applejack was relaxing and getting a tan on her already smoking-hot body. Rarity took the opportunity to enjoy a nice relaxing day at the spa with Fluttershy while Pinkie Pie was out getting herself some ice cream. Sunset took the opportunity to squeeze in an opening at a local karaoke bar and even invited a few of the girls to tag along. The only thing about that particular opening was that a few of Rainbow Dash's friends would be there, along with a certain girl who got a little too reckless as a former soccer captain. Dash didn't want to have to deal with her former rival ranting on and bringing up the past. The last thing Dash needed was some drama started up with a certain individual, especially when she's trying to relax. In just a few hours time at around 3 PM, Sunset brought along Sonata and Derpy. Seth decided to not go in order to look after his daughter, Dinky. He had her inside the beach house in the living room, watching some of Dinky's favorite shows. Seth agreed to look after his daughter in order for Derpy to enjoy a little time with the girls and she was very grateful he gave her a brake. A couple of blocks north of the beach house, Sunset, Sonata and Derpy were inside a karaoke room with three other people from their old high school. One of them was a girl with turqoise skin and amber eyes and had orange and yellow hair that reached past her shoulder blades. She had on a dark blue short sleeved shirt that was hidden under her white, long-sleeved thin overcoat and black shorts with the addition of these dark blue wrist bands and had D-cup breasts. She was Rainbow Dash's former high school rival who went by the name of Lightning Dust. The other one was a guy who had dark grey skin and golden yellow eyes. His had silver hair which was done in a mohawk and had on a black tank top, but it was also covered by an overcoat that looked exactly like Lightning Dust's overcoat. He had on short tan jeans and a small metal necklace with his name engraved on it. This man was Thunderlane. The other guy sitting next to Thunderlane had dark blue, spikey hair slid back and light blue skin. His eyes were a green like fresh spring grass. He had on a sky blue shirt with a sticker of a lightning bolt with wings on it and wore black jean shorts. This man's name was Soarin. Rainbow Dash's ex-boyfriend. He and Rainbow Dash had a bit of history together during their freshman and sophomore years in high school. But when their junior years came, Rainbow Dash had to stop seeing him because he moved away with his parents, but even though they were splitsville, they still kept in touch as good friends. As of right now, everyone was chilling out at the karaoke bar, taking turns singing songs and chatting about what has been happening throughout the years. "It was really nice of you guys to let us join in on the fun." Sunset said. "I wish I could have brought some more of my friends with me, but they all had other plans." "Hey, don't sweat it, Shim." Thunderlane said. "I just can't believe that we all got to see each other again. But let me tell ya, life was pretty rough." "Yeah, tell me about it. I've had to go through a lot of hoops to get where I am now. I even got myself a date planned out for later on tonight with Spitfire." Soarin said. "Really? What's the occasion?" Derpy asked, smiling. "Well, there's this." Soaring reaches into his pocket and shows Derpy a little ring box. She gasped and beamed excitedly for what Soarin had planned. "Spitfire and I have been dating for at least 3 years ever since high school and now I think I'm ready to take the next step." "That's so sweet! Congratulations, Soarin!" Sonata said. "What about you, Thunderlane? Are you dating anyone?" Sunset asked. "Well, I'm in love with this one girl, but she kinda changed. She thought she could win my heart just by changing a few of her bodily features and I just don't like it when girls do that. They think it's cool to try to look hotter for the sake of competing." Thunderlane said, looking down, disappointed. Lightning Dust glared at him when he wasn't looking. Sunset looked at Lightning Dust and wondered if she was the one Thunderlane was in love with, but it didn't seem like she was his type. Derpy, on the other hand, thought Lightning Dust actually was the woman he was in love with, but didn't understand why. From her point of view, Derpy thought that Lightning looked pretty attractive. "Hey, come on, bud. no need to bring up that kind of drama right now. We've all come here to have a good time and sing our hearts out. So, what do you guys say we get this party started?" Soarin asked? Thunderlane sighed and put on a small smile. "I guess you're right about that. No use in crying over spilled milk, so which one of you wants to go first?" he asked. "I'll go." Lightning Dust said, standing up. "There's no point waiting for someone else to say otherwise." Lightning made her way over to the mic and grabbed it, before selecting a song she loves. As soon as the song started, Lightning Dust took off. As soon as she finished her song, everyone cheered for Lightning Dust, except for Thunderlane. He only gave her a very slow clap at her performance. "That was so amazing, where you learn to sing like that, Lightning?" Derpy asked. "Practice makes perfect," Lighting says, checking the back of her hand, smirking. "Well, that was pretty good, but how about I show you all how I handle the mic? I did use to be a big part of this band called The Rainbooms." Sunset said, standing up. She walks over to the mic, also having a confident smile on her face as she picks it up and strolls through the selection for any good songs. But before she could select her song, Sonata ran up to her with a beaming smile on her face. "Sunny, Sunny! Can I sing with you?" Sonata asked. "I don't see why not. Get on up here and grab a mic!" Sunset encouraged. Sonata squeed and got up on stage with Sunset and strolled through the selection of songs. Sunset and Sonata didn't just want to sing any ordinary song, they wanted to sing a song that would involve a duet. Luckily, both girls came across the song they found to their liking. Sunset selected it and waited for the song to start. Everyone in the room got all excited when they saw the name of the song on the monitor. Soon, both girls took off. Soarin and Derpy cheered their hearts out after witnessing that amazing performance. Lightning scoffed, thinking she could do so much better than them, but deep down, she knew they were very talented. Thunderlane gave them a round of applause, smiling at the two talented girls. Sonata was still full of excitement from that performance, so she let it all out by hugging Sunset, giggling. "Okay, easy now, Sonata." Sunset says, patting Sonata on the back. "You did very good, Sonata." "You both did so amazing. I don't think even I can top that." Derpy says. However, Sunset begs to differ, since she's seen how well Derpy could sing back in Canterlot High during a talent show, but it was cut halfway when people would always pick on her because of her eyes. Sunset hated that part of high school so much, but luckily, she taught those bullies to never mess with Derpy ever again. "That's not true, I'm sure you've got a wonderful singing voice. Go ahead and give it a try." Sunset insists, as she puts the mic back where it was. She then walks off the stage and guides Derpy to the stage. "I-I-I don't know, Sunset. What if everyone hates me? What if I mess up? They might laugh at me!" Derpy panicked, rubbing her arms nervously. Sunset shushed her and gives Derpy a big hug to help calm her down, which works a few seconds later. "Come on, Derpy. You should know that we're not going to laugh at you. You won't mess up either. You just gotta believe in yourself, okay?" Sunset kept pressing on, smiling warmly at Derpy. Her words of encouragement somehow got through to Derpy. Her panicking frown disappeared and was replaced with a smile, beaming with confidence. "Then I'll give it my best shot!" she said. Derpy walks up to the stage and grabs a hold of the mic and didn't even bother to look through the selection of songs, her eyes already locked on the song that she wants to sing. She selects it and takes a deep breath, finally taking off as the song had begun to play. Sonata cried uncontollably from how emotional the song was and even clapped at Derpy's amazing singing, she sounded like an angel. Everyone else clapped and cheered for Derpy. Thunderlane's eyes grew wet from his tears, he truly loved how well Derpy sang so well. Derpy blushed and bowed when the song ended and she never felt so happy about singing in her whole entire life. Derpy gently sets the mic back up where it belongs and walks off the stage. Sunset walks over to Derpy and gives her the longest, heart-warming hug anyone's ever given her. "I told you that you'd do well and you proved it. That was so beautiful." Sunset says, holding in her tears of joy, obviously the song really got to her. Derpy hugs Sunset back for a while before they finally pull away and make their way back to their seats, waiting for the next singer to take the stage. But then, another song started playing, which caught everyone off-guard but in a good way for Thunderlane. "Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! Alright everybody, watch and learn!" Thunderlane said, getting up from his seat and running up on stage. Lightning Dust shook her head, like she knew what song he was going to sing, but she wasn't smiling. Soarin, on the other hand, was chuckling at his old pal and knows exactly whyhe was getting so excited. "Hey, what's going on? Why are you looking so down, Lightning?" Sunset asks. "Oh nothing. It's just that ol' Thunderlane's got this annoying habit of singing this one song that he never gets tired of, you might even call it his theme song." "Sit back everyone and watch as I strut my stuff." Thunderlane boasts. Thunderlane grabbed his overcoat and threw it over his left side before he finally took off like the professional singer he dreamed of being. Right after the song ended, Thunderlane bowed as Sunset, Sonata and Derpy clapped. Thunderlane folded his arms and didn't stop smirking until he walked back to his seat and sat back down. Thunderlane soon walks off the stage and sits back down with his friends, sighing in relief. Just then, the door opens up and a man in a waiter's outfit comes in and leaves a few plates of food on the table. The gang had ordered some pizza, egg sandwiches and a couple of jugs of beer and soda. "I bet you all must be pretty hungry from all of the singing right now." said the waiter. "The other employees were all crazy, saying stuff like "did we just invite some famous celebrities in here?" "Well, they're half-right. I do plan on making a career in singing." Thunderlane said. The waiter chuckled. "If that's the case, I wish you the best of luck on your future career." he said. "Oh hey! Here, take this." Soarin said, reaching into his pocket and giving the waiter a $5 tip. "Thank you, and enjoy your meal." the waiter said. He then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him and let the group enjoy their food. Thunderlane reached out first and grabbed an egg sandwich, but accidentally dropped it on his black tank top. He grabs it again and dusts off some of the eggs that splattered on his shirt and started eating. "So, you're actually going to be performing as a singer?" Sunset asked. "Yup. As soon as I get home, I'm gonna make plans to audition. I'll still keep in touch with the others, but I something tells me that..." Thunderlane paused and noticed a piece of egg stuck to his thumb, which he licks off, leaving it spotless. "I got a feeling that my agent won't even give me breaks." "Well, you gotta understand, Thunderlane. Being a celebrity comes with sacrifices. But judging by all of that confidence, you don't look too worried about it." Soarin said. Thunderlane give Soarin a confident smirk, but then. Thunderlane grunted and gripped his throat. He stumbled onto the floor tried to shout. The others all gathered around to try and help him. But then, Thunderlane completely sank down into the floor, not moving. Sunset grabbed Thunderlane's wrist and put two fingers on it, checking if he still has a pulse. "Guys... it's no use... he's dead." Sunset said, shaking her head left and right. Derpy backed away, short of breath, shocked at what just happened. Soarin reached into his phone and dialed the number for the cops. He explained the situation in specific details and gave them the exact location of where they were. After that, Soarin hung up and kneeled down, clenching his fist from the sight of his dead friend. "Damn it!" he said. Sunset took a quick look at Thunderlane's corpse and caught the scent of a familiar smell and gasped. "Cyanide," she said quietly to herself. Minutes later, the cops showed up at the scene of the crime. Sunset, Sonata and Derpy stayed inside of the crime scene, seeing as how they were detectives themselves. Soarin and Lightning Dust had to stay out of the crime scene and answer some questions the police had for them. While they were being questioned, an inspector who went by the name of Bronze Knuckles, was given the details by Sunset on how Thunderlane was killed. Bronze Knuckles was a man who was in his mid 40s, African American, stood at a solid 6 feet tall and was bald. He also had a muscular build. As he glaced at the victim's body, one of the forensics team showed up with the results on the cyanide and where they had found it. "We got the lab results back, inspector. The victim had cyanide all over his finger, his skin, and even the mic came back positive as well, sir." he said. "The way I see it, the killer must have coated the microphone with poison so the victim would get it on his hands, then the victim ate and went possum on the floor," Bronze Knuckles said. "Only problem is that he wasn't playing possum and only those who recently sang before the victim had the time and opportunity, but you girls don't have any poison on you, right?" he asked. "That's right, inspector," Derpy said, trying to remain calm. "Plus, I never really knew Thunderlane up until just now and he didn't seem like a bad guy. In fact, he was probably the type you'd want to go out for drinks, even though I'm not a drinker." "I suppose that leaves us with his two friends over there," Bronze gestured to Soarin and Lightning Dust who were sitting in the lobby. The girls and the inspector went over to the two friends just as one of the investigators came back with what looks like a suit case. "Inspector, we have the victim's suit case and found only his clothes and a small box with music stuff," they said, setting on the front desk. Then, something fell out of the luggage and floated down to the floor. Sonata noticed it and picked it up, looking at the picture while the other girls talked with the accused. "Alright, you two, I've got some questions I've gotta ask you: Did the victim ever have any enemies that he was or wasn't aware of?" Bronze asked. "No, as far as I'm aware, he was pretty much loved by everyone, including his little brother back home. He was even gonna send him a couple of postcards to him." Lightning replied. "But, now that I think about it, he and I would sometimes get into a few fights every now and then, but that's as far as it went." "And what about that song that he sang? Don't you think it's strange how that one song played on it's own, or perhaps that someone requested it?" Derpy asked. The inspector looked at both Lightning and Soarin, but both of them shook their heads, same with the waiter who brought them their food. 'I wonder if it sounds fishy to ask them what's on my mind. Hmm, well, it couldn't hurt to try,' Sunset thought to herself before approaching them. "Hey, this might sound like an odd question, but did Thunderlane always throw off his coat when he wanted to sing?" she asked. "Only during that one song he always sang. He's always loved to sing that one song ever since he was just a child, it stuck to him like glue," Soarin replied. Just then, 'Hmm, maybe this is the clue we can work with,' Sunset thought. "Inspector, the forensics team said that there was poison found on the victim's skin, can you tell me where?" she asked. "I'm pretty sure the poison was found on his left elbow and his right fingers," Bronze replied. "What about on his coat, was there any poison on that, too?" Sunset asked again. "No, it was checked out thoroughly, there was no trace of poison whatsoever," Bronze confirmed. Sunset gasped quietly, 'Of course! Now I get it! Okay, I figured out exactly how the murderer got the poison on Thunderlane and only two people were able to pull this off! It had to have been someone with the same coat as the victim's, so Soarin checks out. But I don't have enough evidence to confirm what the motive was for killing him, what do I do?' she thought to herself. While Sunset was coming up with a motive, Inspector Bronze looked through the suitcase with all of Thunderlane's stuff, trying to see if there's anything that could give them a lead, but found nothing. But when he wasn't looking, a small picture fell onto the floor. Sonata took notice of the picture and picked it up, checking out the picture. "Wow, I didn't know you and Thunderlane were in a band," Sonata said. Soarin got curious and walked over to Sonata, looking at the picture. "Oh yeah, that was our old high school band. That was during our senior year, we wanted to end our teenage years with a bang and back then, Lightning and Thunderlane were like two peas in a pod," Soarin said, putting on a sad smile on his face. "Wait, you mean Thunderlane and Lightning didn't fight that much back then?" Sonata asked. "No, they were inseperable up until after a week after graduation," Soarin confirmed. "Ooh, can I show this to Sunset and Derpy?" "Go right ahead." Sonata smiled and went over to Sunset who was still lost in thought. "Sunny! guess what!" she said, scaring Sunset a little and breaking her concentration. "Oh, sorry. Listen, I just got some info about Thunderlane and Lightning Dust, take a look at this," she said, giving Sunset the picture. "This was them during their senior year of high school and..." Sonata paused and leaned in, whispering in Sunset's ear. Right as Sunset turned the picture over, Sunset gasped at what she saw, now finally having all the pieces of the puzzle together, an uneasy feeling made itself known to her. 'So that's it, huh? If that's the case, then a terrible tragedy has just taken place,' Sunset thought. "Hey, is something wrong, Sunset?" Derpy asked, walking over to Sunset. She wasn't happy with what she was going to explain to the girls, as well as Lightning Dust and Soarin. > Fatal Lullaby (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- About an hour into the investigation, Sunset, Derpy and Sonata had finally figured out who poisoned Thunderlane and have given the police and Inspector Bronze Knuckles specific instructions on how to catch their suspect, which was falling into place, thanks to their cooperation. It took some more time to set up for everyone to set up their trap, approximately half an hour more. Soarin wasn't sure what the police or the detectives were planning, but he was told to play along with it. Once everything was set up, they all called in Lightning Dust into the karaoke room they rented and Soarin was already inside, lounging on the couch. But Soarin wasn't alone. A couple of cops, along with the girls and Inspector Bronze was there as well. "Soarin, what's going on? You said they figured out who murdered Thunderlane?" Lightning asked. Soarin nodded and pat his hand on the spot next to him, telling her to sit down. She sighed and sat down next to Soarin, suddenly feeling a little uneasy with this pressure slowly building up inside her. "Soarin, I don't know why they need us here if they already figured out who the killer is. Shouldn't we go back to our hotel rooms?" "I don't think that's going to be possible for you anymore, Lightning," Sunset said, taking a step forward, "The hotel services already checked you out because we know that you killed Thunderlane." Hearing this made Lightning Dust gasp a little bit. "Hmm, if I remember correctly, he said something like this, which kinda triggered you: "I'm in love with this one girl, but she kinda changed. She thought she could win my heart just by changing a few of her bodily features and I just don't like it when girls do that," Sonata said, quoting Thunderlane's words. "N-Now hold on a second, I'm not a killer! Just because I was sitting in the same room with Thunderlane doesn't really mean I killed him," Lightning tries to convince. "But it was still possible for you to get the poison on him. All you really had to do was get him to sing that one song he loves so much: Lou Bega's 1+1 is 2," Derpy counter-argued. "Wha-- but..." Lightning was at a loss for words. "Here, why don't you sing the song right now? We've got the microphone all set up for you. Don't worry, there's no poison on it, I promise," Sunset said. Lightning Dust sighed, thinking that this whole thing was pointless, but she chose to get it over with just to humor them. "What have I got to lose?" Lightning asked. She walked up to the stage and grabbed the mic, but then... "Hold on, aren't you suppose to throw your coat off over your shoulder like Thunderlane did? Last time I checked, that is exactly how Thunderlane always started off before singing Lou Bega's 1+1 is 2." "That's right. Thunderlane always started it off like that," Soarin commented. "Alright then, let's take it from the top. Do it just the way Thunderlane did it," Sunset orders. Lightning Dust sighed and removed her sleeves from the jacket arms and then she placed her left hand on the right hand side of the front of the coat. "Good, now rip off the jacket with your left hand." Lightning thought it was pointless, but she did as she was instructed right before she began singing. As expected, she takes off just like how Thunderlane did. "She's had a lot of practice, that's for sure. It's no surprise since we used to be in a band once," Soarin said. Right as the song ends, Lightning strikes a pose and sets the mic down. "There, you happy now?" she asked, getting tired of this little charade. Sunset confirms it with a nod before heading over to the table. There, she removed a piece of cloth and showed off a nice spread. "Very. Now if you could just do what Thunderlane did and have a bite of this food. We've ordered the same ones we had back when we first got here. Go ahead, Lightning. It hasn't been tampered with," Sunset assured. "Nah, I think I'll pass on that. Better to be on the safe side, and I'm not that hungry. Look, who do you think you girls are getting me to do all these things? My friend just died today, excuse me for not wanting to have a picnic here and what if I ended up getting poison on my hands if I ever held him after he was murdered?" Lightning asked, getting more frustrated. "Inspector Bronze, do you think you can take a closer look at the jacket she threw on the floor?" Sonata asked politely as she points to the coat. "I guess it couldn't hurt," Bronze agreed. "Go ahead! Check the damn coat, even if you find poison on it, that won't prove anything!" she said. "That's true, but it's not the poison we're looking for, it's something else. Something that I have a hunch that a guy like Thunderlane would actually have on him," Derpy stepped in. Lightning was clueless on what Derpy was talking about until Bronze found something tucked inside of the coat. "Hey, it's a lighter!" Bronze said. "Precisely... Thunderlane's lighter," Derpy nodded. Lightning gasped... she had been found out. "That's not Lightning's coat you have in your hands, it's Thunderlane's. He had the lighter before he was killed, but it was never found because Lightning Dust switched the jackets to conceal the evidence." Soarin gasped. He couldn't believe that his own friend would murder Thunderlane, but he couldn't start hurling questions right now. The girls were far from done. "Precisely, and here's how it went down: Lightning put the poison on the inside of Thunderlane's coat near the left elbow before the gathering earlier today ever began. That way, when Thunderlane put his jacket on, the poison got on the left elbow of his skin. After that, all she would have to do is make him sing 1+1 is 2. Lightning Dust knew he would throw his coat off like he always did and that his right hand would come into contact with his left elbow and get poison on it. The rest was simple: Thunderlane then eats with his poisoned hand and his death comes swiftly after that," Sunset said. "But it doesn't make sense. What kind of motive would she have to kill him?" Soarin asked? "The motive's right here," Sonata said, flashing the photograph in her hand. "This is a picture of your old high school band, you know, the one you, Thunderlane and Lightning were in." Bronze got a little curious and checked out the picture, still not able to grasp the situation. "But this is only a picture of a band. True, I can see Lightning in here but..." just as Bronze was about to finish, he spots the details on Lightning Dust. "...Wait a sec!" "You catch on quick, don't you?" Lightning Dust said, getting everyone's attention. "Yeah, that's me in the picture how I used to look. I had my hair grown out and my boobs done." This confession now peaked everyone's curiosity to this new info. "I did it for Thunderlane, I was in love and he meant the world to me. When I heard he was planning on becoming a famous Hip-Hop singer, I thought I was gonna lose him. But he offered to let me be his backup singer and travel as a pro with him." "Aww, that was so sweet of him," Sonata said. "I know. For the first time in my life, I felt like the feeling was mutual, that Thunderlane loved me, too. But I didn't want to lose him, since Hip-Hop singers can choose from thousands of women. I wanted to be able to compete, so that's when I got breast implants. But then Thunderlane turned me down and decided to try to go solo and lost all respect towards me. He hated me, you all saw how he made that comment earlier." Lightning Dust said, her voice a bit shaky. "So that's it, huh?" Soarin asked, feeling sympathy for Lightning. "Yeah. Now you know the truth. It was Thunderlane's way of degrading and demeaning me. Of making me feel ugly, I loved Thunderlane and he hated me! That's why I killed him," after her confession, Lightning looked down in shame, now having nothing more to say. "I'm really sorry you feel that way, Lightning, but I'm afraid that you killed him for nothing. In reality, Thunderlane still loved you very much," Derpy said, looking down all sad. "She's right, Lightning," Soarin stepped in. "What Derpy says is true, Thunderlane did love you. Inspector, could you let me see that photo please?" "Yeah, sure," Bronze gives Soarin the picture. Soaring flips the photo and hands it to Lightning. "These are the lyrics to Thunderlane's new song when he was gonna go pro. It's a love song, and he wrote it just for you to tell you how he really felt about you," Soarin said. Lightning Dust read the title of the song that said "I Won't Let The Real You Go" and then the lyrics in question. Lightning's eyes almost flooded with tears, but she held it in and clenched her fist. "You're lying, Soarin!" Lightning said, all shooken up. "No, Lightning, it's the truth. Thunderlane loved you very much and he always said a lot of good things about you when we would go out drinking. Well... almost. He would vent a little, always saying "I don't get it, she was awesome the way she was, why would she go and change her boobs like that?" Soarin persisted. "You see? He hated me for that," Lightning replied, feeling a bit more down. "I know he was disappointed about it, I won't lie about that. But Thunderlane wouldn't have written such a beautiful song if he hated you... isn't that right, Lightning Dust?" And those words were enough to break the shell of her emotions and make Lightning gasp. "Oh no... no, no, Soarin! What have I done?" she asked herself. Her whole body shook violently. "Thunderlane... Thunderlane... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Lightning Dust dropped to the floor, crying her eyes out. Derpy couldn't contain it any longer and cried as well, but was comforted by Sonata. Derpy was still fairly new to this whole investigating thing and to find out such heartbreaking news about this one case, it was too much for her. 'All of this could have been avoided if they had only been able to express their feelings for one another. What causes us to build walls around our hearts? Underneath their tough exteriors, love was waiting like a shy child to speak out, but it never got its chance,' Sunset thought as only one tear fell from her eye. By the time the case was done, it had gotten late and the beach was nearly empty with only couples roaming the beaches since alchohol is forbidden on the beach. Sonata, Derpy and Sunset were all making their way back to the beach house to check up on the gang and see how they're doing. For Derpy, she hopes Dinky Doo is having fun with Seth and hopes she had some fun with today. When they reach the beach house, the three girls can hear little Dinky laughing up a storm in the house, so Derpy can tell that she's still having fun. The girls walk inside the beach house and close the door, noticing that Dinky is in the living room, watching an old classic show with Seth called The Three Stooges. The episode they're watching was Dizzy Detectives. All the other girls were nowhere in their sights, so they might have all gone upstairs to their rooms or taking a shower after a long day at the beach. It would naturally make sense since it was blazing hot out there, but hopefully they all got to swim or play in the ocean like tossing each other a beach ball. Since everyone else is probably relaxing in their rooms or in the showers, Sunset headed upstairs with Sonata to rest their tired brains and legs. "Dinky, sweetie, I'm home!" Derpy called out. Dinky jumped up and looked over. She smiled and waved at her mom and motioned her to come sit with her. "Did you have a fun time with daddy?" Dinky nodded as Derpy took her seat next to her little girl. "I had so much fun, mommy! Daddy helped me make a sand castle, we went swimming, we ate ice cream and he played catch with me with a beach ball!" Dinky said, hugging her mom. "Thank you so much, Seth. I'm glad you had fun with Dinky," Derpy said. She snuggled her daughter close to her and rubbed her cheek, making her giggle. Dinky nuzzled into her mommy and continued to watch The Three Stooges with her mom and dad. "Not a problem, Derpy. By the way, how was karaoke? You look a little exhausted," Seth said. "Yeah, we had fun at first, but... well, I'd rather not say for now. I just want to relax and be with you two so I can rest my tired body," she said. Derpy didn't feel comfortable about talking about a case with Dinky present, so she had to keep quiet about it. So, for the rest of the day, she spent it watching TV and movies until it was time to put her precious little muffin angel to sleep. Dinky had passed out at around 8:45 and had the help of Seth to carry her up to the bedroom and let her rest up. Derpy tucked her in and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight, sweetie," Derpy whispered. Seth leaned in and kissed Dinky on the cheek. "Sweet dreams, Dinky," Seth whispered. Dinky sighed and snuggled into her blankets adorably. Seth and Derpy quietly exited the room and turned off the light before closing the door. "Now that the little muffin angel is asleep, how about we have a little chat in the living room. Maybe you can tell how things went down at the karaoke bar earlier today." Derpy giggled. "Sure thing, Seth." And so Seth and Derpy headed back downstairs to the living room. They sat themselves down on the couch and continued watching TV. "Anyways, now that Dinky's asleep, here's what really happened at the karaoke bar. There was a murder that went down at the karaoke bar. A man named Thunderlane was murdered. The suspect: Lightning Dust, his old high school crush when they were in a band. Thunderlane was planning on going pro as a singer and wanted Lightning Dust to come with him as his manager, but he changed his mind when she got breast implant in order to compete with other women. At the bar, he said he didn't like it when girls try to change their bodies just make themselves more desirable to other men," Derpy explained. "How was he killed?" Seth asked. "He was poisoned. Lightning did it out of revenge for Thunderlane making her feel ugly. But there's more to this, it turned out that Thunderlane loved her very much. And Soarin, who was Thunderlane and Lightning Dust's lifelong friend, proved it by showing her the love song Thunderlane wrote for her. Lightning was so devastated and how she has to live with the guilt for the rest of her life. But, she was told that she would be given a lighter sentence when she heads back to Canterlot." "That's good news. At least it was a slap on the wrist for her. The poor girl must have been through so much, but still, that didn't excuse her to commit murder. She and Thunderlane could have avoided all of this if she and him talked about how they could have just worked out their problems," Seth commented. "I don't know how you've been able to do this sort of thing for so long without shedding a tear, Seth. I couldn't even keep myself from crying when she found out the cold truth," Derpy snuggled herself up to Seth, giving him a big hug, in which he returns with a hug of his own. "I'm starting to think I'm not cut out to be a detective like you and the rest of the girls." That's when Seth gave her some words of encouragement. "Derpy, listen to me, I've been a detective for a few years now, but there were a couple times when I was a complete wreck after a case was finished. I know it's hard being a detective, I won't lie about that, it just takes a little time to get used to the job, that's all. Although, if it makes you uncomfortable, you're more than welcome to stop being a detective," he said. "Seth? This is just me speaking hypothetical, but what if you ended up finding out that one of us committed a crime, would you try to defend us or do your job and turn us in? I won't think anything less of you if you tell me the truth, you can trust me on that." "If one of you girls committed a crime, I'd turn in whoever's responsible for the crime they committed. It's my basic job as a detective, regardless of that, although I'd probably be a nervous wreck after that." "Yes, I can understand why you'd feel like that afterwards. I'd be too, if I found out one of my friends did something bad and I had to turn them in. "Like I said earlier, if it gets too difficult for you to handle, I'll respect your decision about quitting the job and I can help you find a new one. But, if you want to keep being a detective, then I'll act as your guide in helping out with a cases until you're ready to handle it on your own without getting emotional. Whatever you decide is up to you and I will respect your decision and support you no matter what." "Thanks, Seth. But after hearing your words of encouragement, I think I'll stick to being a detective. If you can get the job done just like in your previous cases, I will, too. And besides, it's thanks to you, I'm growing very keen eye for details to find the truth behind each case," Derpy said. "You see? That's the kind of attitude that'll take you far and wide. You're a very strong and independent young woman who is able to provide for you and your... I mean our daughter. Just keep your head held high and I'm sure things might get a bit more easier for you. That's what live by as a detective. But for now, it's been a long day, so we should take the time to relax and enjoy our vacation." "Absolutely, and I've got just the perfect way to make this night so much more enjoyable." hearing this, Seth was definitely ready for what Derpy had in store for him. "I'm looking forward to it... my sweet little muffin," Seth remarked playfully. Derpy giggled and pulls him into a deep kiss, wrapping her arms around him. Seth wraps his arms around Derpy, playfully brushing his tongue against her teeth until she opens up and allows him to tongue wrestle with her. Her soft, adorable moans echoed inside her lover's mouth as Seth soon began to caress her sides. Just when Seth was about to pull her on top of him, Derpy pulls him on top of her and lays herself down on the couch, letting his tongue plunge deeper inside her mouth. She pushes Seth off a bit and breaks the kiss, "No, this time, you get to be on top, sweetheart," she said. They resumed their make-out session for a while before Seth started kissing and sucking on Derpy's neck. She let out adorable moans. "Shall we take this to the outdoor pool?" Seth asked. "Yes please," Derpy replied with the cutest girly giggle. Seth picks up his wall-eyed lover bridal style and carries her outside into the backyard where the pool was all set up and no one was around to see them. "Thank goodness Dinky won't hear or see us. The last thing I want is for my little princess to see her mommy and daddy "getting dirty" in the pool." "Ooh, mind if I join you guys?" said Sonata. Seth and and Derpy got surprised when Sonata showed up and wanted to join in on the fun. "Hmm, well, you did help out in the case, so I guess we can have a threesome. Is that okay with you, honey?" Derpy asked Seth, just as Sonata gave him the most adorable puppy-dog eyes. "Pwetty pwease, Sethy?" Sonata begged adorably. "Sure, the more the merrier," he said. Seth then lets Derpy stand and then strips himself, just as the girls took off their own clothes until all three of them were completely naked. "Get ready, girls. This is only just the beginning of a very long and passionate night." And with that said, the three lovers jumped into the pool, having a great time skinny-dipping and getting ready for the biggest threesome they will ever have. > A Fine Night For Skinny Dipping > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seth and his girls swam towards each other, pressing their naked bodies onto each other in a very sexy group hug, soon turning into a 3-way make-out session. Sonata and Derpy gave out cute moans and caressed their lover's plump ass, causing him to tense up. Seth chuckled and grabbed their butts in return. He pulls them closer to him, mashing their lovely boobs onto his chest. His shaft hardened and grew, easily getting his ladies' attention and they were very pleased with this. Sonata and Derpy reached underneath the water and stroked Seth's cock vigorously, causing him to let out a moan of satisfaction. He enjoyed their skilled hands stroking him and decided to pay them back by sucking on their necks, driving his siren and his wall-eyed beauty almost over the edge. Sonata wraps her right leg around Seth's left leg and Derpy wraps her left leg around Seth's right leg. "You're such a bad boy, feeling up our booties and sucking on our necks like that, Sethy," Sonata teased seductively, giving him the bedroom eyes. She plunges her lips onto his while she and Derpy kept stroking their boyfriend's cock, eager to have Seth ready for the main event later on. Sonata then invades his mouth with her tongue and vice versa. However, Derpy did not want Sonata to hog him all to herself. Derpy grabs Seth's cheek and turns him towards her, thus locking her lips with her handsome detective. In order to keep Sonata from throwing a fit, he squeezed her ass cheeks and rubbed her pussy. Sonata felt a little better and suddenly stopped stroking her lover's cock. Seth didn't mind, since Derpy still stroked him, getting him even harder than he was before. When he was ready, Derpy took her hand off his rod and broke the kiss. "I needed this for a while now. You want to have a little taste of my... special muffin?" Derpy asked. "Does a muffin taste better with blueberries?" Seth asked, nuzzling her nose-to-nose. Derpy giggled. "And you say I'm the cutie?" Derpy sassed before she swam up to the edge of the pool and got out before sitting on the edge with her legs spread wide open. "Come up here and eat my special muffin and I might let you... how do you say it... fuck me in my tushie?" she let out a cute, girly giggle. With an offer like that, how could Seth refuse? Like the hungry beast he is, Seth swam up to Derpy leaned on the edge, allowing Derpy to wrap her legs around him. "Now eat up, my precious sweet heart." Just then, Sonata appears in between Seth and Derpy. "Ooh, while you're at it, how about fucking me in the ass until both of you finish up? "Hmm, now that's not a bad idea. A little anal and oral sex does sound enjoyable," Seth replied. He carefully alligned himself with Sonata's anal hold and grabbed one of her butt cheeks. "Here comes your prize," he whispered before entering inside of her tight ass. Sonata moaned, biting her lower jaw. Despite the pain, Sonata powered through it and took in every inch of his dick. Derpy made sure his attention was also fixated on herself and spread her pussy lips open with her fingers, "Don't leave me hanging, sweetie," she ordered, seductively. "Wouldn't dream of it," Seth smirked. He opened his mouth, plunged his tongue into her pussy and started slurping up her sweet juices from her inner walls. Derpy gasped and shuddered. Her entire upper body bent back with her head shot up high in the air. Sonata also shot her head up high in the air, enjoying Seth's amazing dick plunging inside her anal caves. She couldn't contain her excitement and started to rub her pussy underneath the water, getting even more turned on. "That's the spot! Lick me! Slurp up every drop of my honey!" she screamed. Seth hummed while slurping up Derpy's tasty love drops. His hands massaged her inne thighs and would suck on her clit. "OH MY GOD, THAT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD!" she hollered. Of course, this was Derpy's weak spot. And of course, he'd go for her weak spot every time. "Mmm, fuck me in the ass harder, baby! Fuck me harder! Make me into a slutty mess!" Sonata screamed and Seth kept right on pumping his dick harder and deeper inside of her ass. There were no words to describe how much she loved having anal sex with her lover. Meanwhile, Derpy felt like she was ready to spray her juices all over Seth and Sonata any minute. Derpy massaged one of her breasts and started to breathe heavier and all she had to show for it was a cute, goofy smile. "Dear god, my previous boyfriend never pleasured me this much! It feels so good!" Derpy said. Her whole body tensed up just as she was ready to explode. She squirmed and moaned like a lust-driven animal and tightly wrapped her legs around Seth's neck. Sonata was going nuts and felt herself about to lose it big time. Seth could barely hold it in any longer as well and soon, all three of them climaxed. Derpy's sweet juices gushed into her lover's mouth. Seth exploded his jizz deep inside Sonata's anal love cave and she came hard in the pool. Derpy and Sonata moaned loudly and went limp with Derpy falling on her back on the ground, and Sonata and Seth leaning onto the ledge of the pool, all three were panting heavily like they ran a marathon. "Oh wow... that was... amazing," Derpy said. "I'll say," Sonata added. "My tushie feels so sore. I... I might get addicted to anal sex." She gave out a goofy giggle and then carried herself towards the shallow end of the pool. Sonata remained there in order to rest up her tired rump while Seth got out of the pool and helped Derpy sit back up. She had on a goofy grin with half-lidded eyes and tongue sticking. She turned her attention to Seth. Seth looked back at Derpy and chuckled. "Aww, you're so cute," he said, stroking her cheek. Derpy giggles and then grabs him, pinning him down. "I have my ways of showing how cute I can really be. Now, be a good boy and let the muffin mama show you how she can really ride a cock anal style," Derpy commanded seductively. Seth chuckled, enjoying the sight of his wall-eyed girlfriend taking command. She lifts herself up while grabbing his cock. She carefully aims it at her anus and slowly sinks down, moaning adorably. The tightness around of her anal caves squeezing Seths cock made him groan and grunt. Derpy's wall-eyes stayed half-lidded, her tongue lolled out. And it was long before she starts bouncing on top of Seth and moaned some more. Thanks to Seth's cock being wet, it was easy for Derpy to slide it in and out of her ass. Derpy's breasts jiggled and bounced gracefully. Seth moaned alongside with her. His eyes drift toward her exposed muffin button between her legs, which was leaking juices nonstop. Seth would admire how beautiful she was when she's horny. Her lewd moaning sounded too cute for him to hold back his excitement. He sits up and hugs Derpy. The wall-eyed muffin lover was going crazy from her boyfriend's sudden movement. She hugged him back, moaning in his ear before whispering to him what he already knows. "I... I love you, Seth." "I love you too, Derpy," he whispered back. Derpy pulls him in for a kiss. He accepts it and dances his tongue with hers as she keeps riding his cock. Her ass felt like it was in heaven. Derpy moaned in her lover's mouth and stared into his eyes with love and passion. She needed this... no... she wanted this. She wanted a good fuck from Seth and she was getting it after the harsh case that she went through. The sweet relief of Seth's cock plowing her anus was just what she needed, along with some relaxation. Derpy's movements grew faster and quicker. She was thirsty for her boyfriend's cum. She wanted him to explode inside of her cute butt. Seth could feel the pressure building up in his balls. "D-Derpy, hold onto me, I feel another climax coming up real soon," he warned. "It's fine... just f-f-finish it all inside of me," the muffin lover replied. Seth didn't hold anything back and thrusted deep inside her tight butt. Derpy bounced more violently on his lap, letting out moans of pure bliss, unable to keep herself in control of the sweet sex she was having. Seth grunted and panted like a wild animal and then growled once he felt his climax explode inside his muffin-hungry lover. Derpy let out a throaty scream, tightly closing her beautiful eyes. Derpy's wet pussy squirted out juices onto Seth's crotch area like a sprinkler. Her ass felt like it was being filled by a delicious cream filling that only Seth could produce for her. After the two of them finished, she removed his cock from her tushie and laid herself down. Seth slumped backwards. His breath was short and his whole body was sweating up a storm. "God damn, you girls never mess around, do you?" Seth said. He got no response. He waited a few more seconds before picking himself up and saw Sonata walking towards him. Meanwhile, Derpy also picks herself up and then suddenly, without warning. "GLOMP!!!" Both girls shout, hugging him and tackling him into the pool. Seth is easily pushed into the water, then swims back to the surface, gasping for air. "What the hell was that all about?" he asked between breaths. "That's easy, I wanna go another round," Sonata said innocently. "Technically, both of us want to go another round. The question is... are you willing to go for at least one more round with each of us?" Derpy asked. Seth stroked his chin, thinking long and hard... for like 3 second and then pulled both of his girls in and then. "Only if you like you're up for another round. So what do you say?" Sonata asked. "Hmm... let me think..." Seth replied, stroking his chin. Both of the cute girls waited in anticipation for their long haired lover to make his decision. "Okay, I've thought about it and I finally have my answer." The next thing he does is grab Sonata and carry her off to the shallow end of the pool and sits her down on his lap. "Now how about we have you take the lead, since I felt like I haven't given you the chance to shine." Right away, Sonata's eyes glisten with joy and excitement and she bounced up and down, squealing. "Derpy, you hear that?! We're going for another round!" Sonata replied, turning herself around halfway to look at Derpy, who seemed to be very happy about it. "That's great! And since you were chosen first, I think I'll take this time to head out for a short second," Derpy replied as she was getting out of the pool. Sonata tilted her head, curiously. "Why, where are you going?" Sonata asked. "I gotta go take one of my birth control pills, I can't risk the chance of getting pregnant again," Derpy explains, "Don't worry about it, I'll be right back out once I've finished taking my pills. Then we can get freaky like Pinkie Pie having a sugar rush. Just make sure you've got enough energy left in the tank when it's my turn." "Got it," Seth gave her a thumbs up right before Derpy was fully out of the pool and walked inside the beach house to tend to her business. "Now then, where were we?" Sonata asked, turning her attention back to her stud of a boyfriend, staring at him with her seductive smile and bedroom eyes. Seth grinned and grabbed both of Sonata's butt cheeks, lifting her up and then setting her back down. Seth's throbbing member is soon buried inside of his siren lover's warm, wet passage and both of them wasted no time in having their fun. Sonata begins the fun by playfully teasing Seth, grinding her hips on his cock and then bouncing steadily, causing ripples to form in the pool. Sonata moaned while her detective lover groaned, throwing his head back with that same grin on his face. The ponytailed siren thought he looked cute. She wanted to play with him a little more, rather than just spend the evening bouncing on his big, fat cock and so she leans in and presses her breasts into his face. "Like my boobies, big boy?" she asked, playfull mashing her ample bosom into the horny man's face. She let out a cute giggle mashing her bust into his face even more, turning him on even further than she did before. "Well, do my gianormous boobies make you happy?" she asked again, this time, more seductively. To answer the obvious question, Seth sucks on one of Sonata's nipples. She yelped adorably and began to moan even more pervertedly, moving her hips in a circle. Her movements got a little quicker than before as did her breathing get heavier. "You're such a bad girl, Sonata," Seth chuckled, staring at her with his lust-filled gaze. Sonata's seductive giggling was a clear sign that she enjoyed being a bad girl. Soon, Seth decided to switch nipples and so he did, pleasing his cute siren girlfriend to the fullest. Seth kept his hands on Sonata's soft tush and squished her butt cheeks, meanwhile licking her breast nipple as she kept bouncing on top of him. She was turning into one hell of a slutty mess, unable to pull away from Seth's amazing pleasuring skills. Sonata wanted nothing more than to climax right then and there, but she wasn't there yet. Once Seth stopped sucking on her breast nipple, she pulled away, going even faster on his lap. Her breasts jiggled in his face, his cock stretched out parts of her pussy she didn't know she even had. "Oh yeah! Oh hell yeah! More! I want more! Give me more of your fat, juicy cock, Sethy!" Sonata cried out, clinging to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He moved one of his arms up to her back while using his other arm to massage her luscious round buttocks. Seth wanted to take control of the taco-loving siren, but he didn't want to steal the show unless she couldn't go on. So, he just sat there in the water on the steps, letting her work her magic on him. He wasn't sure if he was going to last much long against this horny girl, but he was gonna make sure she has the time of her life after the case they went through earlier. Pretty soon, Derpy came back with a cup of water in one hand and a pill in the other. She guzzled down her birth control pill with the water she brought with her and then set it on the table before stepping into the pool and sitting down next to Seth and laying a big wet kiss on his lips. Sonata couldn't help herself and turned Derpy towards her, planting her lips on the Muffin Queen. Derpy yelped in surprise from the sudden intrusion, but felt a hint of excitement rushing through her body. Closing her eyes, the wall-eyed muffin queen gave into the temptation and pulled Sonata into a very heated make-out session she'll never forget. Seth watched in amazement as the two sexy girls went at each other while Sonata kept ravaging her pussy with Seth thick and throbbing phallus. Sonata feels like Seth could explode at any moment. This was the break she was looking for and slammed her hips on his lap as hard and quickly as she could. She and Derpy moaned in each other's mouths, dancing their tongues together. Their boobs mashed together, causing a previous memory to hit Seth hard. He can still recall how Twilight and Sunset first did that in front of him in the shower then scissoring each other. Recalling that memory caused Seth to become so aroused, he grunted as he soon felt the feeling in his balls swell up and he blew his load deep inside Sonata's wet passage while some of his seed leaked into the pool, killing the sperm. Sonata moaned after pulling away from the kiss with Derpy. In doing so, Sonata sprayed her cum all over Seth's cock while most of it leaked into the pool. Sonata's expression was priceless to both Derpy and Seth; with her eyes shot up, a goofy grin formed on her cute face, her tongue lolled out and what looked like hearts forming in her eyes from loving the sweet sensation she craved. "Mmm, I never knew how exciting kissing a girl would feel," Derpy said, grazing her lips with the tip of her fingers, then licking them sensually. "Say, Seth, how about you and I make it more interesting? I know just what to do to make all three of us feel good for tonight." she offered. Seth widened his eyes. He can somehow tell that this night what only just beginning for the three of them. Thank god, he's still got some energy left in him for at least one more round before he retires for the rest of the night. "Alrighty, what did you have in mind?" Seth asked. Derpy's expression turned mischievious. She turns on the sexiness even further by laying Sonata down on the ground on the edge of the pool. She still remained in her current condition, knocked out from the pleasure. Derpy proceeds to straddle herself on top of the satisfied siren and mash her body against Sonata's softly while keeping her butt shot up. Seth figured it out right away what she wanted. He was gonna give her exactly what she was craving and make sure she would get the full treatment. Getting out of the pool, Seth gets behind the sandwiched girls, grabs Derpy's soft, squishy ass and plunges his cock inside her. The wall-eyed cutie instantly squirted some of her pre-cum out of her pussy. She went on with these lewd moans of pure ecstasy and wasn't able to control herself. It was enough to make Sonata come to her senses and lay witness to the hot show that was taking place before her very eyes. Seeing Derpy on top of her, getting fucked intensely by Seth and being shown no mercy, was truly one of the most sexiest sights to behold. The temptation was too much to resist and Sonata hugged Derpy closer to her right before licking Derpy's neck slowly. Derpy had turned into a moaning, slutty mess just like how Sonata did when she rode Seth. Derpy can feel her pussy being stretched out thanks to her lover's thick, juicy cock pumping in and out of her with effortless ease. Seth's hips collided with his muffin lover's posterior over and over, which emitted lewd, wet slaps. "Mmm! Oh yeah! Mess up my pussy! Give it to me good!" Derpy moaned. Seth got turned on from Derpy's dirty talk and kept on pouring on the sweet sensation of her inner walls being plowed. He then spanked the muffin queen's ass, panting like a vicious predator. "Ooh, looks like you brought out his alpha male, Derpy. You lucky girl," Sonata teased. Derpy grinned down at Sonata and mashed her lips with Sonata to shut her up. Sonata took in Derpy's tongue and danced it with hers, melting in the kiss. Both of these horny girl lost themselves in their own little world. Seth grew hornier from the sight of the two girls kissing each other while he fucked his hot and sexy, young MILF. His movements became even quicker and felt pressure building up from down below. "D-Damn it! I'm... I'm about to cum!" Seth grunted. Neither of the two girls said a thing, they would just keep moaning in each other's mouths. With all his might, the young detective blew his hot load deep down Derpy's womb, which made her scream in Sonata's mouth. Her pussy was being filled to the brim with Seth's hot seed. Her own juices squirted all over the ground while her mouth was still being invaded by Sonata's skilled tongue. Derpy's strength slipped away from her and went limp on top of the ponytailed siren. Seth's last bit of strength and stamina had left him completely and soon, he pulled out of Derpy and slumped backwards, landing on his butt. He stayed like that for a moment to catch his breath, all while his cock went limp. A few more moments passed and soon, Derpy and Sonata regained their breathing and a bit of their strength, picking each other up off the ground. Seth stood up and grabbed some towels and gave the two theirs while he wrapped his tower around his midsection. "Oh wow... I definitely needed that," Sonata said. "You were amazing, Seth. And so were you, Derpy, I thought you were gonna back out on that little "smoochy-smoochy" action. But instead, you went right with it, does this mean that you like girls now?" Sonata asked, teasingly, grinning. Derpy stroked her chin, thinking about it and tilting her head adorably. "Hmm... well, I wanted to say "no," but it just felt too good for me to resist. Maybe if the opportunity presents itself to me again, I might consider going bi. But until then, my lips belong to Seth," Derpy replied, walking up to said man and hugging him warmly. Seth returns the hug and gives Derpy a tender kiss on the lips. "And I'll always have all of you. Now, I think it's time we head inside and take a shower. *yawn* All that fucking in the pool really wiped me out and I am ready for some much needed shut eye," he replied. Derpy and Sonata agreed and all went inside the beach house, getting themselves all cleaned up and ready for some much needed rest. But who knows what else is in store for the group of detectives. Well, they'll certainly find out once the sun rises up over the horizon. > Murderous Idol > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was high in the sky and the people were all taking the time to have some fun out on the beach or at some of the snack shacks. It seemed a bit too hot for Seth and the girls to go out, so they mostly stayed inside of the beach house. All except for Seth and Rainbow Dash. Derpy decided to take over with watching Dinky by watching a TV show from the old days called The Muppets. Pinkie Pie joined in on watching the show because of her fondness for Fozzie Bear. Aria Blaze took a liking to this old show because of Miss Piggy's intolerance for other people stepping all over her and insulting her. Anyone who did so, she would be giving them a healthy dose of "pork chops." Rarity spent her time sunbathing out in the backyard pool. Adagio was out by the pool, soaking her smooth feet and basked in the relaxation. Applejack was in the kitchen with Twilight's pet dog, Spike, having a couple of bites to eat, but AJ didn't feed Spike any human food. Twilight and Sunset spent most of the day in their room, strolling online and playing games. Sonata and Fluttershy spent their time playing a board game. As for what Seth and Rainbow Dash were up to, they were taking a nice walk around the area. With the warm, summer breeze blowing against the two lovers' hair and feeling refreshed from a good night's sleep, it was a perfect day to get to know the way of the land. Rainbow Dash was excited to spend the whole entire day with her awesome boyfriend. And Rainbow Dash was determined to make the most of her time with him, even if she had to tie a rope around him, then drag him all over town. "Hey, Seth. You sure sounded like you had a lot of fun last night. Sonata and Derpy must've really ridden that rod of yours really good, babe," Rainbow commented. "Yeah. And I just realized something: Every time you and the girls and I solve each case, we end up getting together in a few fuck sessions. I ain't complaining. Though, I do remember how last month when all of you girls, minus sweet little Dinky, had to go 3 whole weeks without sex because that one case back home. If I recall correctly, it was about that man you idolized because he was a former living legend?" Seth asked. "Used to idolize! Just the thought of that guy's name pisses me off!" Rainbow corrected. "Right, heh. Sorry about that. And if I recall correctly, you showed real talent when you cracked the whole case and without my help no less. Well, there was the matter of having to convince you that you can't disprove anyone, despite how famous they are," Seth said. *Flashback* Back in Canterlot City, a group of people were gathered at a manor to celebrate the birthday of former member of the Navy and retired veteran known as Wind Rider. Seth was invited as a guest of honor and Rainbow Dash asked if she could come over so she could meet her idol. She was allowed to come since she was considered an ace detective just like her boss. Wind Rider was flattered to hear that one of Seth's co-workers was a really huge fan of him and his. At the party, out in the living room, lots of other members of the Blue Angels, be they fresh meat or retired veterans just like the man of the hour, were conversing with each other.  Seth and Rainbow, on the other hand, were talking to the infamous Wind Rider himself, though the poor man had suffered a broken leg and is now in a wheelchair. "I have to say, I'm so glad to have such a young detective joining me, it's great to finally meet you," Wind Rider said. "We're glad to meet you too, Mr. Rider. I've heard lots of great things about you, too," Seth replied. "I know, right? You got to pilot a jet when you were 19 years old! Oh man, I wish I could've seen it all that day, that would have made my life complete!" Rainbow fangirled. Wind Rider chuckled. "Your friend here is really enthusiastic. I've never met a more spunky fan," Wind complimented. "She gets like this whenever she sees either Daring Do or you. You just gotta love fangirls. So, not to sound rude, but what reason did you have for wanting to invite me to your birthday?" Seth asked. "Well, your face kept popping up all over the news. It's like this is all 2nd nature to you," Wind said. "It's not as easy as it sounds, though, I can tell you that. And I wasn't the only one who was cracking and solving cases, I have Rainbow Dash and the others to thank for that. Detective work isn't just a one-man job, it requires lots of teamwork. Anyways, let's talk about you, so you're retired from the Blue Angels?" Seth asked, earning a nod from the birthday man. "Yup, 45 years in the Navy is a tough job. I was trying to fix one of the jets, but then not only did I dislocate my shoulder, I threw my back out. It hurt a lot, I tell ya. Once I got discharged, I finally got time to relax. Though, I have been struggling a little financially," Wind said. The conversation kept going until suddenly. "Oh, please excuse me, I've got to go use the restroom," Wind said as he did a 180 in his wheelchair and pushed himself down the hallway. Seth got confused for some reason as he watched Wind Rider wander off down the hall. He looked in another direction and saw a door a few feet away from Wind's flat screen TV. That door led to the bathroom. "Something bothering you, Sethy boy?" Rainbow asked. "I'm probably just overthinking things, that's all," he replied. Seth and Rainbow continued to enjoy the party, talking to each other, mostly it was Rainbow Dash talking about how awesome he is. And she even begged Seth to take a picture of her with Wind Rider to keep as a memento. Seth agreed.  Around 9:30 P.M when Wind Rider hadn't shown up after his trip to the bathroom almost an hour ago, everyone was startled by the sound of a gunshot coming from upstairs. Seth and Rainbow acted out on pure instinct and ran upstairs. A few of the guests also followed suit, worried that Wind Rider might've been the victim. Everyone searched everywhere in the upstairs area to search where the gunshot came from. Eventually, one of the guests let out a terrified shriek and then pointed in said guest room. Seth and Rainbow Dash rushed over and suddenly gasped at what they've discovered. A man was lying on the ground with a single gunshot wound to the heart and he wasn't moving an inch. "Holy crap!" Rainbow said. Seth ran over to the man and grabbed his arm, checking his pulse. After a few seconds... he shook his head, "It's no good, he's already dead," he said. Then he turned around to look at the crowd. "All of you, don't just stand there, call the police and wait downstairs!" Seth ordered. Seth rose back up to his feet and was about to get to work on investigating. But just as he was about to do so... "Yo, Seth, hold up!" Rainbow said. "If someone was murdered in my idol's mansion, then I want to be the one to catch that bastard and bring him in!" "Rainbow Dash, I can understand why you want to do this and I fully respect you for that, but this is no time to be acting like a hero," Seth said. "I don't feel comfortable with letting you handle this case on your own knowing the suspect could still be armed at this very moment." "Sethy, as much as I appreciate your concern for me, I'd rather handle the case on my own and find the perp who did this… and in my idol's manor!" Rainbow said. "Are you sure about this? There's no harm in us working together on this. Our chances of catching him as a team will work better than flying solo," Seth said, making sure she was absolutely sure. "I can do this. One chance, that's all I need to prove I can do this on my own," Rainbow replied, looking more serious, not wanting to turn back on her chance. Seth sighed in defeat and allowed Rainbow to investigate the crime scene, but gave her a peck on the cheek. "I trust you. I'll go back downstairs to make sure no one leaves," he said. "Gotcha," Rainbow said before Seth took his leave. With the crime scene all to herself, Rainbow got to straight to work on investigating the crime scene. First, she explored the room's interior, checking for any sort of clue that the murderer might've left. Nothing was out of place inside the room, save for the stiff. Speaking of which, Rainbow took the liberty of searching the dead body's person and found the victim's wallet with his credit cards, cash and driver's license still inside. She read the victim's name on his license, figuring out his name was Edward Jeice, age 41, then placed his wallet back in his coat pocket, not that he'll need it anymore. Rainbow's eyes quickly dart over towards the balcony where the curtains were blowing inward.  She decided not to leave anything unchecked. At first, she looked down over the balcony and noticed how just how high up the room was. "Unless they got some Equestrian magic and can fly like me, no normal person can climb up here from the ground level," Rainbow said to herself. Her eyes gaze over to a neighboring window, which was still open and could see that just below the window doorway was a narrow ledge. "Only a highly trained acrobat could make that kind of jump." she said. Just then, an idea hit her, 'Wait, if I'm right…' Rainbow thought before zooming out of the room and down the hall, making a left turn. She comes across two doors, each leading to two separate rooms. One was a bathroom and the other was the neighboring room. She checked the room and found out that the window inside that room was still open. 'Okay, time to find out where this bozo hid the rope!' she thought. Rainbow searched high and low in the empty room, unable to find anything. She got a little frustrated and groaned, unable to find anything. The speedster didn't know where else to look when just as she was about to walk out, a strange box caught her eye. A strange box that was sticking out from underneath a bed. She pulled it out from underneath and opened it up. She gasped at what she found inside: A piece of rope which was tied up very tightly to a thick wooden stick. "This is it! Now I see how he got over to the room! But this is only circumstancial evidence, I need more to go on than this!" However, as she was about to head out, she noticed something on the nightstand next to the bed. It was a group photo of the Blue Angels from 1992, she quickly looked through said photo. “I wonder if he's still got friends, even after retiring. Come on, Rainbow! Now isn’t the time for that! You gotta keep your head in the game and solve this case!” Rainbow scolded herself. And Rainbow didn't waste time in running back into the room where the stiff was still lying down on the ground with his eyes still open. Feeling sorry for the guy, Rainbow kneeled down and closed the victim's eyes and then went over to the balcony again. "Okay, if my hunch is correct, there should be…" Rainbow kneeled down again and checked the railing over on the balcony and the floor. Sure enough, "Bingo!" she said, spotting some wood shavings on the balcony where the killer had left behind. But then… "Hold on, there's no way the killer could've known the victim was gonna be in this room. Hmm… maybe, he could've called him to tell him to meet him up here. If that's the case, then how did he know there would be a window parallel to where this room was? You'd have to know the layout of this manor inside and out to--" Then, just as Rainbow brainstormed, she let out a gasp, learning the truth. "No! It can't be! T-T-There's no way!" Meanwhile, down in the living room where all the guests have been gathered, Seth was keeping an eye on all the guests in the room, making sure none of them were trying to escape. As for Wind Rider, he was being looked after by Seth, standing by his side, looking "upset." "I still can't believe it. How could this happen, and to my old friend?" Wind said, pounding his chair, unable to accept that Edward Jeice was gone. Though he looked like he was hurt from the loss of his friend, Seth had his doubts about him and of course, he also did a little research himself while Rainbow was fixated on finding out how the crime was committed. "It's not pretty, but it happens," Seth said, playing along with his act. "By the way, Wind. Earlier when you needed to use the bathroom, why didn't you just use the one down here? It was much closer," "Do I really need a reason to explain where I should do my business, or do you suspect me for having to play some part in this whole mess?" he asked, deadpanned, "Edward just died and I'm gonna make sure whoever killed him will pay for this." "Sorry, it was just a question," Seth said. 'You might be able to fool these people, Mr. Rider, but there's no way you can fool me. However, I'll leave it up to Dash,' he thought. In no time flat, the cops soon arrive at the scene. When they all enter the building, Seth tells them what happened and Wind tells them where the body is at. As the police go up to check the crime scene, Rainbow Dash comes down, looking disappointed and very mad, but she didn't look like she wanted to strangle someone or explode up in their face, thank god for that. "Rainbow, did you find anything?" Seth asked. "More than I should've," she replied. "I think I might've solved the case." Everyone in the room heard Rainbow and were whispering their doubts and concerns, but Seth blinked, surprised by what she said. Wind Rider quirked an eyebrow and crossed his arms skeptically. "Please, are you honestly saying the killer could be one of my guests?" Wind asked. "Who else? The room the victim was killed in was locked from the inside. It took a lot of us to force the door open when we heard the gunshot. The culprit's only entry and escape point was the open window, but we're currently three stories up. There aren't prints below from the killer climbing up from the street because he entered through a neighboring window in your house," Rainbow explained. "That's ridiculous, there must be a 10 meter gap between the windows! No mere human could jump that and survive the jump altogether!" Wind protested. "A narrow ledge runs just beneath the closest window. By tiptoeing along the ledge, it's a 2 meter jump to the balcony window into the room," Rainbow said calmly while Seth stayed silent listened to her brilliant deduction skills take flight. However, Wind Rider begged to differ. "Hah, that's fantasy. How could he escaped? It's one thing to jump off a ledge only 10 centimeters wide, but jumping back on would be impossible." "When the killer crawled out the first window, he brought along with him a long piece of rope, which he tied to the ledge before he jumped. He then hooked its other end right onto the balcony and then proceeded to start climbing back across," Rainbow said. "But there's no rope on the balcony, now. How could he untie it afterwards?" Seth asked. "It's actually a whole lot easier when you think about it, Sethy. You see, the culprit tied a stick to the rope and wedged it between the railings. Once slacking, it easily came free. Take a closer look out on the balcony, there's wood shavings where the stick rubbed against the railings," Rainbow said, smiling at her genius lover. "Brilliant work, Dash. But I should also tell you something about the victim. Apparently he was a banker who was known to be paranoid when it came to his business dealings. So, I'm pretty sure that's why he locked himself in a room during such a huge party. But why did he go there now of all times?" "From the way I see it, it's clearly obvious that the killer may have arranged a meeting, asking the banker to wait for him in the locked room," Rainbow said. "Enough of these theories! Edward was my friend, so just tell me who did it!" Wind Rider exclaimed, growing extremely impatient and rather worried. "There's only one person who knows the layout of this manor inside and out well enough to plan this trap and only one person the banker would trust with these secret meetings… and that…" Rainbow says, putting on probably the coldest glare she had. "Go on…" Seth said as the others watch in suspense. The speed deva then points her finger… directly at her idol, or ex-idol in this case, Wind Rider. "And that means, YOU, sir!" Rainbow yelled. Wind could only laugh at her accusation. "You think I'm the acrobat? I can't even stand up on this busted leg," Wind said, smiling. "Like Sethy says, only one truth prevails," Rainbow said. Seth took this as his cue. His eyes dart at what looked like a globe, which was placed above the fireplace. He grabbed the thing and threw the heavy object at Wind Rider with great force. Wind panicked and jumped out of the way with an added tuck and roll before standing up on his feet, realizing too late he blew his own cover. The crowd gasped at how Wind moved like that. "SIr, how did you do that?!" one of the guests asked. "Damn reflexes!" Wind said, looking pale as he was caught. "You've been able to walk just fine for quite some time now. Care to fill him in on this, babe?" Rainbow asked with a wink, smirking at him. "I shook down your doctor over the phone, he told me everything. We also got witnesses who heard you and Edward arguing about a whole lot o' green," Seth said, crossing his arms while Wind glared at the young detectives before trying to run off. "Oh no you don't!" Rainbow said, bolting right in front of Wind and drop-kicking him in the chin, causing him to fall back onto his back. "Bullseye!" she shouted. With Wind Rider knocked out and caught red-handed, Seth and Rainbow let the police take care of business as they cuffed the man and sent his sorry ass to the station for some further questioning. *End of Flashback* "Okay, maybe I helped a little, but you still cracked the case all on your own and that's a great feat to accomplish, especially in one day," Seth said, rubbing Dashie's cheek. "Yeah, yeah, but that's just how awesome I am," Dash gloated.  “I’m pretty sure some of the people back in high school mistook you for a guy.” Seth assumed. “You know, you’d be very surprised.” She answered, wiping a bit of sweat off her brow. Seth and Rainbow kept walking for a little bit and the sun kept shining onto them. It was a bit much and Seth was getting a little thirsty, he hadn’t gotten a good beverage yet, but luck was on the couple's side as he noticed a rest stop over by the beach which had a few tables with umbrellas nearby. It also had a couple vending machines next to it, and to top it off, there seemed to be a food stand there as well. “I’m getting a little parched her, Dashie. You wanna go hit that rest stop and grab a snack?” Seth asked, pointing to the small building near the beach. “You bet, I could use a drink myself, Sethy.” Rainbow replied, chuckling. Seth had liked the name Rainbow Dash came up with, considering how he calls her Dashie all the time. “I'll race ya!” Seth said as he then raised his hand up and brought it down, smacking Rainbow on the ass and then running to the building. “Mm! Oh no you don’t!” Rainbow shouted, running as fast as she could chasing after him. She chose not to use her geode since she figured it would be cheating. Seth could feel Rainbow's presence gaining on him and he tried to speed up his sprinting, but he noticed that Rainbow finally passed him. Soon, she was waiting for him by the rest stop, with a confident smirk on her face. Seth was out of breath when he finally got to her. "Still faster." Rainbow said, confidently. "I'll go find us a table." Seth nodded and walked up to the front of the food stop and placed two orders of hot dogs, an orange soda for Dashie and a bottle of water for him. He paid the cashier soon afterwards and made his way back to the table where his girlfriend was. As he walked back, he noticed that Rainbow was her phone, and looked… kinda down, her smile had left her. "I just... don't understand. Why? Why did they have to seperate?" He heard her say. His curiosity meter reached to middle height and he walked up behind her. "What's wrong, Dashie?" Seth asked. "Huh!? Um-uh! Nothing! Nothing!" Rainbow said, immediately closing her phone and giving her boyfriend an innocent smile like nothing was wrong. It was just so adorable to Seth that he just couldn't stop himself from giving her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed and chuckled nervously, Seth was starting to worry and wonder why she was suddenly acting like this. But his thoughts were interrupted by their order number being called. "Oookay? I'll be right back, Dashie." Seth said, he went for a kiss on the lips, but when their lips connected, something about the kiss felt wrong. Rainbow didn't give much force into the kiss and knowing her, she would've kept him there for a few more seconds to tongue kiss him. But this was a little different, it was like she didn't care about the kiss like she usually did. Seth soon walked away to get the food. "That was odd, she's starting to act different. What's gotten into her? I've never seen Rainbow Dash looking so down like this before, so what's going on?" Seth said to himself as he grabbed their food. "I might want to keep an eye on her for a little bit, she's probably hiding something." Seth looked over at Rainbow, she was still surfing through her phone, looking at a lot of these old pictures of her back when she was in high school. But he couldn't see it entirely. He pulled out his phone and had plans to text the girls in case she kept this behavior up. He walked back over to her and she immediately closed her phone and gave a clearly fake smile. "Hey Seth! Boy, the food smells so good, I'm starving. Thanks for this." Rainbow began eating her food and taking a sip of her drink. "So Rainbow, what's the matter?" Seth looked at her. "What do you mean?" Rainbow responded. "You've been acting very strange ever since we came to this snack stand, so tell me. What seems to be the problem, did something happen to you?" He asked. "Um… uh… I've… I've been feeling nostalgic lately… I really miss being in high school. It was such an amazing experience, despite me going through many hard school work and my parents supported me until I moved in with you guys. I just miss being in high school, and I miss being wi-" Rainbow stops herself and immediately followed up with "w-with the, umm... soccer team! Yeah, that's it! I loved being a part of the soccer team and being the lead captain of every sport in all of Canterlot High School." "I understand how you feel, Dashie. There are some things in my life that I wish I could relive. And I bet being a part of Canterlot High School was awesome." Seth replied, rubbing her back. She kept eating her food whiling giving him a nod. "I sometimes wish that I could just go back in time and undo some of the most embarrassing things I've ever done in the past, though." Rainbow said, blushing a little. "I remember this one time I was in soccer practice and I slipped and painfully hit the splits. It tore my uniform a little bit but not too badly, but the embarrassment was still just as horrible, babe. But my friends were there to comfort me. But Pinkie didn't hold back on the teasing and nicknames, like when she gave me the name "Rainbow Split." She even gave me a banana split for free after that disaster was over. It was a bit of a win and lose for me, but I still admit that Pinkie still makes some of the best banana splits in all of Canterlot City." "I can agree with you on that." Seth chuckled. "You know, Seth, seeing you with Derpy and Dinky makes me wish I was a mother." She said. "Having a kid is something I'd love to do with you as well." Seth replied, but Rainbow chuckled nervously blushing at the thought of being a mom to Seth's kid. "That's just it, a part of me still tells me I'm a little young… so, I'm honestly not sure if I'm truly ready to actually be a mother just yet. I mean, it's so much work and we have a lot of work as well. But you, you're making time out of your busy schedule and you're practically Dinky's new father, which I respect." Rainbow chuckles, then she lets out a pretty large and very loud belch before lightly beating her chest. It was pretty loud, according to Seth and he was impressed with her belch. "Damn, Dashie. Nice one." He chuckled at the end. "You should've seen my burping contest with Pinkie. Maybe when we get home, I could have a burping contest with her and then you can have a front-row seat." she offered. "Sounds like a plan. But for now, why don't we just enjoy our lunch together and then I'll check out your burping contest with Pinkie Pie," Seth suggested. "You got it, babe," she replied. And so they raised their drinks together and then got back to eating the rest of their freshly prepared lunch. But as they were eating, Seth's mind was still focused on Dashie's behavior. 'I know there's more to Rainbow's story than meets the eye. Maybe I'll have better luck asking Pinkie about it. She might know something about this whole ordeal that's going on.' > Sweet Dose of Paradise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soon after they finished eating and spending a little time out on the beach, Seth and Rainbow started making their way back to the beach house. Seth still noticed Rainbow’s behavior was severely different than how she normally behaves. She was very brief with some of his questions and only just gave him the occasional “It’s nothing, babe, really,” and “I’m okay, don’t worry.” Something was definitely off about her and he was getting awfully worried about his girlfriend. Seth pulled out his phone and checked the time, it was 5:43 PM, so yeah, they should definitely head back right now. They did exchange some conversation here and there, but it was pretty brief. Seth knew for a fact that something was up, so when he and Rainbow get back to the beach house, he would ask Pinkie Pie if she knew anything about her recent behavior and if he could fix it. He also noticed a slight change in Rainbow’s movement and knowing her, she would’ve started to jog her way to the beach house, but she was just walking as if she was doing the walk of shame or something. Her head was down and only a few times looked up to look at where she was walking.  Soon, the beach house came into view and the sun had set along the beach. Seth and Rainbow head inside the beach house but Rainbow then uses her geode to bolt straight into her room for some unknown reason, knocking Sunset Shimmer down to the ground while she was taking some towels out of the laundry room, startling her and making her drop the towels on top of her. “Agh! Dangit, Rainbow Dash!” Sunset groaned to herself as she began picking up the towels. Seth came over and helped her out with the towels, even folding them up. “Sorry she did that, she’s been acting strange lately, like she’s trying to hide something. Her recent behavior has been really confusing me.” Seth explained. “Hmm, she’s probably having a nostalgic feeling. I think you should talk to Pinkie Pie, she’ll fill you in on the info since she's like an open book. But, I think she’s asleep right now. I’ll leave a note on her door. Thanks a lot for helping me out, babe.” Sunset says, giving him a peck on the cheek. Sunset walks away down a hall with an added sway to her hips, which Seth could not help but stare at her lovely booty. Once Bunset was out of sight, he makes his way to the couch in the living room and started watching TV. He switched through some of the TV shows which consisted of reality shows, drama, horror, comedy, movies and news. He didn’t know which channel to settle on so he chose to watch an old Disney movie that was playing called “101 Dalmations.”  While he was watching the movie, he felt a presence near him and he looked to his left to see Dinky rolled up in a blanket. She smiles and starts jumping up and down. “Look Daddy! I’m a caterpillar!” She said, adorably. "Aww, Dinky you look adorable," Seth replied, picking her up and nuzzling his step-daughter nose to nose making Dinky giggle happily. "Who's my precious little muffin caterpillar?" "Me, daddy! I am!" Dinky replied. She hugged her step-father tightly, cuddling him, letting out a yawn. "Aww, are you getting sleepy, Dinky?" Seth asked his step-daughter, but she shook her head and yawned again, giving him the answer he needed. "No! I'm not sweepy! I wanna play, Daddy!" She replied, pouting a little. He chuckled and decided to play with his precious step-daughter, carefully running through the house with her on his shoulders and making her feel like a cute superhero. "Wee!! I'm Super Dinky!!" She exclaimed, laughing out loud while Seth managed to look where he was going and to not accidentally crash or fall. They started to play throughout the house, playing hide and seek, tag and just chasing each other throughout the beach house.  Right now, Seth was looking for Dinky after another game of hide and seek, she was really good at hiding. He looked in the closets, her bedroom, and even the basement. But he would constantly hear her adorable little giggles from other rooms. Where could his cute little baby muffin be?  "Okay Dinky, you win, come on out." Seth announced, finally giving up. Then emerges from underneath a bunch of pillows on the couch, still wrapped up in her cute little blanket like the adorable little caterpillar she is, jumping up and down for joy at her victory. "Woohoo! I won! I'm the best hider ever!" Dinky said, jumping for joy. "You clever girl! How did you do that?" Seth asked. "I switched hiding spots while you were looking for me in other places!" Dinky exclaimed. Seth grabbed his step-daughter and they fell onto the couch, he tickled her as she laughed out loud. Dinky laughed and laughed while Seth tickled her. Soon, Seth stopped to let Dinky catch her breath. "I love you Daddy!" Dinky said to Seth. "I love you too, Dinky." Seth replied. Dinky then hugged him again. "I love you three thousand." Dinky said to Seth. "Three thousand… wow!" Seth replied, hugging her back.  Seth comforted his step-daughter, rubbing her back and began walking to her room. As Seth and Dinky walked past the girl's room, he then heard what sounded like sobbing coming straight from the room that Rainbow Dash was currently sleeping in. Was she crying? "Daddy? Why is auntie Rainbow Dash crying?" Dinky asks Seth. "I…. I don't know. She's been acting strange." Seth tries to open her door, but it was locked. Okay, now he knew that there was something wrong. But Seth noticed the clock, it was Dinky's bedtime. He soon saw Derpy head out of her room and smile at him. "Time for bed now, Dinky." Derpy said to her daughter, taking her in her arms. “Okay mommy…. *yawn* Goodnight daddy! I wuv you!” She waved to him as he waved back. Derpy took her into her bedroom and placed her in her bed. Seth moved his ear against Rainbow’s door again, now hearing the sound of silence. “I’ve never seen her act like this. hopefully Pinkie will know something about this.” Seth thought to himself when Rainbow went silent. He quietly walked away from Rainbow's room, making his way back into the living room once again. He then turned on the TV and decided to look at the news for a bit. A news reported about Wind Rider’s sentencing. The man had been charged with first degree murder and multiple other charges such as fraud and money laundering. One of the police officers was being interviewed and explaining the situation and how Seth Brooks and Rainbow Dash managed to find the clues and gather up the evidence they needed against Wind Rider to put him away for a long time. The officer also seemed to explain he was actually looking to help out with Seth's detective agency which made Seth quirk an eyebrow. "That was one messy case I'll never forget." Seth said. "I'll say!" A squeaky female voice exclaimed. "Ahh!!" Seth screamed as he turned around, seeing Pinkie in her underwear. Her bra barely covered her yummy, busty breasts and her panties were a little loose so he could kinda see her wet little pussy through a small opening in her panties.  "Hi Sethy!" She said, helping him up and kissing his nose. "Geez Pinkie Pie! Don't scare me like that, you almost gave me a heart attack!" He said, putting his hand over his heart and panting quickly. Pinkie giggles and pats him on the back. "So, you wanted to talk to me about something?" Pinkie asked "I got Sunset's note." Seth turned off the TV and cleared his throat before turning to the pink beauty. "Well, I'm actually a little worried about Rainbow Dash. She's been acting very strange lately and she's looking through her old photos. I'm not sure if she's missing someone or something." Seth explained. But he saw Pinkie's jaw hitting the floor. "I think I know what the problem is!" Pinkie exclaims. "Well, what is it?" Seth asked. Pinkie let out a giggle and then shook her head. "I would tell you buuuuuuut… you aren't gonna get an answer that easy." She grabs his hand and starts guiding him into the room she's staying in. He tried one more time to open Rainbow's door, still locked. The sobbing had stopped though, which probably meant she possibly cried herself to sleep. Poor girl. Soon, the two of them were in Pinkie's room and she shuts the door and locks it, putting on a sexy grin on her face. "So… what do you have in mind Pinkie?" Seth asked, beginning to grin having an idea where it was going. "Well, since you're curious and I'm a little horny, I'll tell you why Rainbow's acting like this if you agree… to fill three of my holes, cutie-patootie." She winks at him as she began to strip off her underwear. But the word "three" confused Seth a little bit. "Three holes?" He asked, still baffled. "My pussy, my booty and my mouth." Pinkie said, now butt naked. She walks up to him and wraps one of her arms around his neck, her other hand squeezing one of his butt cheeks, making him blush a little more and smirk at her for making such a bold move. "Ohhhh, I see where you're going with this." He said, smirking at her. He retaliated by grabbing both of her butt cheeks, squeezing them both and they soon fall onto the bed. Pinkie practically ripped Seth's clothes off, now both of them were completely naked. "Now, let's get to it, big boy. And you may want to pay attention to my moans, because it might give you an idea for Rainbow's behavior." Pinkie said to Seth, getting into a 69 position with him, gently stroking his shaft and grinning at him. Seth grinned back and nodded. "Well, this is gonna be a little tough. Hopefully I can catch all the hi- Ohhhh yeah!" Seth's thoughts were interrupted by Pinkie's large boobs mashing together with his shaft in between them. She began rubbing her breasts up and down on his erect dick, making Seth moan softly. Every now and then, she would also give his tip the occasional licks, even sucking it. "Mmmmm! You have nice flavor. Hehehehe! I could possibly wrap your cock up with a nice bow when my next birthday comes by, Sethy" Pinkie said, giggling adorably. Seth instantly picked up on how Pinkie Pie had put so much emphasis on the word "bow." Seth was confused by that first hint, which means that he'll need more hints to work with. He continued on with the pleasure, massaging and carassing both of her butt cheeks as she kept pleasuring his large dick. She giggled as he played with her ass. Pinkie was generating more adorable giggles and moans. Pinkie moved one of her hands to start rubbing her pussy slowly, she moaned more and kept licking his tip. She then took his head into her mouth, which made Seth moan and began licking her pussy, savoring the taste of her sweet cotton candy flavored juices. She began bobbing her head up and down on his tip while moving her boobs up and down on the base.  "Oh hell yeah, Pinkie. You know how to give an awesome blowjob." Seth's head flopped onto the pillow, looking up at the ceiling and keeping his moans quiet and not wake up anyone who might be asleep. He looked down at her as she stared back with her beautiful eyes. They looked so adorable and pretty, they never failed in the least to make him happy. Pinkie took her mouth off his shaft for a bit to catch her breath, keeping that sexy and adorable a smile on her face. "Hehehehe! I love you, Sethy, you have such an amazing taste. I can't wait for the day when we become parents to our babies in the future," Pinkie said out loud. Seth heard another hint. Parents? Seth was confused.  "Pinkie, what does that have to do with Rainbow's beha- MM!" Seth was cut off when Pinkie grabbed his balls, massaging them tenderly. Seth immediately retaliated by spanking Pinkie's big ass, making her yelp giggle againn nearly killing him with her cuteness. "You just have to keep listening." She winked at him, making him nod as he laid back down and she began sucking on his shaft again, this time going faster. Seth's moans grew heavier, her mouth was so warm and wet, it was like a sweet little dose of paradise. He felt her tongue slither around his length, he felt the pressure starting to rise as her bobbing went faster and faster. Pinkie didn't hold back and went as fast as she could, she felt his cock grow bigger and bigger until he shot his seed into her mouth. Her cheeks puffed out a little when he shot multiple loads inside her mouth. She swallowed every drop of seed that shot into her mouth and she pulled her mouth off his tip, she fondles her boobs and giggles. "Damn, Sethy. If I came home on a cold, windy night, your cock'll warm me right up." Pinkie said, another hint being dropped for him. Seth was starting to like this idea, it was like a puzzle game through sex and so far, piece by piece, he was getting the info he needed. But this was only the beginning and Pinkie was far from satisfied and needed to pleasure her a little more. Seth surprised Pinkie, making her yelp as he got her in a doggystyle position. He aimed his throbbing member at her sweet pucker hole just above her pussy. He eased it inside her, hilting all the way. "Mmmm oh yes! Your huge cock is splitting me apart! I might need a wheelchair to move around the house for a while you know?" Pinkie moaned again. Seth picked up on that hint right away. He pressed onwards, pounding her preciously plump balloon butt. Her moans were loud and her giggles were loud as well, Seth also noticed her bouncing balloons on her chest and grabbed them, making moan even louder.  "Oh yes! Grab my boobies Sethy! Fuck me hard! Not a day goes by when I don't miss having your delicously thick cock so deep inside me!" Pinkie said, winking at him. Another hint, so it might be that Rainbow is missing something or someone dear in her life. But he's gonna need to continue fucking Pinkie to get the rest of the info he needs in finding out the truth. Seth continued to pound this party-loving boobilicious babe, stirring up her ass cavern. Pinkie bit her lower lip, trying to hold back her squeals. Seth leaned his body onto Pinkie Pie's, getting a good feel of Pinkie's poofy hair and smooth skin. Pinkie's body shivered and she giggled cutely. Seth then turns up the pleasure, placing to fingers on her clit, rubbing it along with her pussy. Pinkie failed to keep in her squealing and let it out. She squirted out her pussy juices onto his ballsack and caused him to blow is hot load inside her ass caves. "Mmm. Now that's what I call a good fucking. Now there's just one big hole left you need to fill. So…" Pinkie paused and helped remove Seth's cock out of her ass before laying on her back and spreading her pussy lips out wide. "...get to pussy-fucking, cutie-patootie." she said adorably, staring at him with those sweet bedroom eyes of hers. "Please, you're the cutie-patootie right now," Seth replied. 'And I found that hint you dropped on me and I think I fully understand what's going on,' he thought to himself. Seth finally aligned his still-hardened member with his party girl and rammed it home. Pinkie let out a yelp and a satisfied moan. "By the way, I've dropped the last hint on you, so I hope that you found all the pieces of info you need from me. Now finish your end of the bargain… and fuck me good," Pinkie ordered seductively, brushing her boyfriend's hairlocks between her fingers tenderly. Seth nodded without saying a word as he pounded this horny party girl, pinning her down on the bed in a mating press. Seth and Pinkie exchanged moans of passion, lust and love with each other, keeping their everlasting gazes upon each other's eyes. Pinkie's cheeks gave off a small blush and her jiggling boobs bounced beautifully up and down, begging to get played with again. Pinkie wrapped her arms around her lover's neck, pulling him into a deep make-out session and locked her legs around his waist tightly. Pinkie's tongue danced with Seth's and sucked on his tongue and vice versa. Seth plowed her pussy deeper and mashed his chest with her breasts. The man's breath was growing quick and heavy so was Pinkie's as well. He cupped his girlfriend's soft cheeks, laying the rest of his body down gently on her gorgeously smooth body, he went as fast as he could. Pumping his shaft in and out of the party girl's pussy, they shared a big kiss as Seth grunted and moaned into her mouth. He was also most there, her pussy tightened around his length and she came heavily again. Spraying his shaft with her love juices. That was it, Seth couldn't take it anymore. He thrusted as deep into Pinkie Pie as he could, shooting his semen deep into her pretty pink party pussy. Her belly began to bulge a bit as all three of her holes were now filled up with her lover's thick cum. "Wow… Sethy. That was so amazing. I missed being aPinkie "cream" Pie." She giggled out loud. Seth ruffled her hair and kissed her on the cheek and then kissed both of her nipples. "Hehehe! So, did you get all my hints?" Pinkie asked, smirking. "I did. Let me piece them together again…" Seth closed his eyes for a second and listened to all the hints she gave through their sexy session. Bow Windy Parents Splitting Miss One big hole It all made sense now.  "She misses her parents." Seth said, looking at Pinkie. Was it really true? Pinkie reached into her hair and pulled out what looked like a yearbook from CHS. "This is my yearbook. We were in 12th grade." Pinkie explained as she started flipping through the pages. "I remember having a certain page in this book marked special, I just hope I can somehow fi- Ahah! Here's the one we're looking for!" The page consisted of the girls togethers in a photo together and in separate photos with what looked like their families and Seth got to see what Rainbow's parents looked like. Her dad had faded blue, cerulean skin with short, rainbow hair, brownish-gold eyes and had a fit build. The woman next to him has orange hair with magenta eyes and cyan blue skin just like Rainbow Dash. "Those are Rainbow Dash's parents. Even to this day, they never stopped loving and supporting her even when times got rough for them," Pinkie explained. "She loved them so much and they loved her. They were what anyone might call "the best parents a kid could ever have." But then, something happened. One day, they got into a big fight and they just..." Seth noticed Pinkie beginning to cry. He hugged her. "What's wrong?" Seth asked. "... They ended up divorcing without telling Rainbow Dash!"  Seth's eyes grew wide, he was shocked. "Oh my god, why didn't she tell me about all this before, Pinkie?" "Because some time after her parents got divorced, she wound up getting amnesia. Rainbow Dash was in the middle of a work-out session back at the gym. She was about to put the barbell back where it belongs when she accidentally lost her grip and the bar fell hard on her head while she was trying to sit up. The other employees got her out, but after that, she lost some of her memory. Back then, she forgot she had graduated and that she had a job and... she even forgot her parents divorcing." "Until now," Seth said, putting two and two together. "Pinkie, I think now, Rainbow Dash needs some comfort now more than ever before. She had loving parents, the one thing I never had. I feel like I owe Rainbow Dash a solid, help her with her family issue." "I don't know, Sethy, I mean this is a family matter. Are you sure you should be doing this?" "Positive. I'm not letting Rainbow Dash live an unhappy life while her parents are divorced" Seth said before getting up from the bed and getting his clothes. "You know, Sethy... you're a very sweet guy. No wonder we love you." "That's just how I am. Life gave me a lot of shit, but I chose the right way out," Seth said. "Even if I did screw up a little bit here and there." "Hehe! Always the humble one, as usual. You never cease to amaze me. Anyways, *yawn* I think we should head to bed, I'm getting the sleepies. Goodnight Sethy, I love you. Also, before I forget, do you think when you wake up and I'm still asleep… could you fuck me in my sleep? It's one of my most favorite fetishes I've always wanted to experience in a really, really long time now," Pinkie said.  "I love you too, Pinkie. Goodnight. And yes, I'll do that for you." Seth reached for the light on the nightstand and turned it off and Pinkie put her yearbook back in her hair. They snuggled up together and Seth had one more final thought before he fell fast asleep. "It's all beginning to makes sense now. Rainbow Dash is suffering from her family splitting up. I have to talk to her at some point, maybe I could get an answer from the other girls if she's still unwilling. Hopefully I can talk to Rainbow Dash and maybe… try to help resolve her parents divorcing." he thought. But before his eyes could close completely, they opened up quickly when he realized something. "Wait a minute… she probably still has her parents' numbers saved in her cell phone! Perhaps there's still a chance! I'll try to convince her to let me talk to them tomorrow, but for now, I think it's time I got a little shut-eye." Soon, his eyes closed and he wrapped his arm around his cute lover and she sighed adorably, letting him snuggle her as the two finally drifted off into dreamland. > Dirty Secrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After some much-needed rest, Seth slowly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was the clock on Pinkie’s nightstand, which read 7:49 AM. He looked over and saw that Pinkie had not gotten up yet. He smirked to himself, remembering that she wanted to be fucked in her sleep. He figured that a few minutes could not hurt. But he also did remember… he needed to do some research on Rainbow Dash's parents. He sighed to himself because he wasn’t gonna be able to fulfill Pinkie’s wish right now. Seth sat up and then reached over onto Pinkie's nightstand and grabbed a post-it note. “Hey Pinkie, I’m sorry, but I wasn’t able to find the time to bang you while you were sleep because I need to do try and fix things for Rainbow Dash. I promise to give you the sleeping fuck you want tomorrow morning, but right now, I need to do some investigating on trying to help resolve whatever issue Rainbow's parents are going through at the moment. Love you very much.” Seth places the note on her forehead and then makes his way out of her room quietly. He made his way down the hall and got to Rainbow Dash’s room, her door was open but she wasn’t inside. He was a little confused and looked around and guessed she had definitely left in a hurry. Seth soon left the room and headed downstairs after he finished looking around. Applejack and Sunset Shimmer were up, cooking a deliciously big breakfast, judging by the tasty, heavenly aroma. “Good morning girls. Whatcha cookin’?” Seth asked them. “We're making some eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, etcetera, etcetera. As long as Pinkie Pie doesn't tear it all up, leaving nothing but scraps, we should have enough for everyone,” Sunset replied. “An' we all know that gal can eat. By the way, do ya know what’s up with Rainbow Dash? She left earlier for her morning jog but barely even spoke a word to us.” Applejack added. “That’s what I was going to look into. She has been acting pretty strange recently, so I’m going to do some investigating on her to see what's wrong,” Seth explained. “But not I fill up the hole in my stomach, I might end up passing out if I don't eat." he chuckled. Seth walked over to his desk and grabbed his laptop took it with him over to the dining table before the girls placed his breakfast plate in front of him. He took his seat and opened up his laptop. He began to eat his breakfast while his laptop was powering up. A few bites into his meal and after his computer was up and running, he quickly searched up Rainbow Dash's history. One click was all it took to learn the history of this accomplished young man and everything he's done. Rainbow Dash was born in Canterlot City, no surprise there. And according to her history, her parents names were Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, currently divorced. He searched up both of their names and learned something else that was pretty interesting. Bow was a construction worker for a large company and considered one of the best ones in the business, even though he was only 43. As for Windy, who was 39, she was a soccer coach to a high school out of town before she had to retire and work part-time at a local sporting goods store. This was around the time she had become a mother to her daughter, Rainbow Dash. But, according to their wikipedia, they split up after there were rumors of Bow cheating on her with some random girl. The young lady was suspected to as barely a young adult, but Bow kept insisting that he had no interest in her. Sadly, Windy didn't believe him and withing a couple of weeks, she divorced him and moved out of the house while Rainbow was out. “So, that's the story. Hmm, very interesting. To think that a happy family could wound up being split up over a simple fight not knowing if it was true or not. This could be more difficult than I thought." Seth said quietly to himself. Taking a bite out of his breakfast, he began to search up more info on Bow and Windy. "Alright then, let's see if we can find anything else on Dashie's parents." This search, however, came as a surprise to Seth. He found out that Bow and Windy, despite their marriage going down the dumps, they still live in the same quiet neighborhood, just in different houses. "Hmm... maybe I should focus more on who this mystery girl was that split up Rainbow's parents. But in order to do that, I'd have to go back to Canterlot and talk to Bow in person, which is impossible since my flight won't be back for another few days and I don't know where he lives. But... on the other hand... yes! Maybe this just might work, even though it could wind up a longshot." Seth said to himself. And so, Seth grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed some numbers. He waited for someone to pick up on the other end. Sure enough... "Hello, Steel Bars here," he said. "Hey, Steel, it's Seth. Listen, I need a favor from you," Seth replied. With a little luck, he's hoping that Steel could help him piece together this puzzle. Right now, doing this investigation on his own just isn't an option, not with his limited range and resources right now. "What'd ya need?" Steel asked. "I need you to go and talk to a man named Bow Hothoof. He might've been wrongfully framed and lost his happy family, but I need find out if it's true or not," Seth stated. "What am I looking for exactly?" Steel asked. "Ask him if he has any info on a woman who tried to flirt with him. Possibly in her early 20s. If you come back with anything, please let me know and I'll see if I can track her down," Seth said. "For what? If she's guilty of causing a divorce, you can't arrest her," Steel pointed out. "I know, but I'm more interested in gathering evidence so I can help Bow get back the life he had and return to his loving wife and daughter," Seth explained. "Hmm... alright then. I'll see what I can do. If I find anything, I'll contact you right away," he replied. "Thanks, Steel. I owe you one," Seth nodded before both of 'em hung up. 'Good. Now that I've taken care of that, all that's left is to leeave it up to Steel. Once this vacation's over and we head back to Canterlot, I'm gonna bring that smile back on Rainbow's face,' Seth thought. A couple of hours went by and so far, Seth hasn't gotten a single phone call from Steel. 'Guess he's either gathering some info and finished his interview with the man, or it's still going on... or maybe he got wrapped up in another case,' he thought to himself. He sighed. 'No one ever said this job would be easy, so I just gotta roll with it. Just then, the front door opened up and he saw Rainbow Dash coming inside after finishing up her morning jog. She then goes into the kitchen and grabs a cup of water. She took a few sips of and then went up to her bedroom afterwards. 'It doesn't look like she's gotten over her parents' Seth thought to himself. He didn’t exactly know what to do now or what to say. He's never had trouble with talking to someone on an investigation, but this was a different scenario entirely. Does he just leave her be... or talk to her? Rainbow just kept sitting on her bed, sipping her glass of water, still crying. But he just remembered that he hadn't told her about his plan to get his parents back together and he was already putting a plan into motion. Figuring it was okay, he slowly raised his hand up and gently knocked on her door to get her attention and it worked. Rainbow Dash turned to Seth's direction. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything and was wondering if I could come inside." “Huh?! Oh. H-Hey Seth.” Rainbow Dash said, sounding a little down. “Hey Dashie, you doing okay?” Seth asked, though he already knew how she was feeling. He went ahead and sat down next to her, trying to give her some comfort "You look like you... just won 3rd place in some kind of special sports event, Dashie," he pointed out. “Y-Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She replied, giving him a fake smile. Seth contemplated on giving her a kiss, but he figured that may not be much of a good idea right now. “What’s the matter?” He asked her, even though he probably already knew. But Rainbow Dash kept trying to drop the subject as she took another sip of her water. It's clear she doesn't want Seth to know about her little predicament with her mom and dad. “Just needed to take some time to rest up and refuel. Tiring jog, ya know?” She chuckled, seeming a little down still, so Seth tried to be vague about it. “Oh, okay. Well, Dashie, I've been thinking a lot lately and... you, like most of the other girls have something that makes me both happy and sad about: the love of a mother and father. Most of you girls grew up with the love and support of your parents... whereas I, myself... wasn't so fortunate. I'm not mad, I'm happy you have families... I just wish I had the very same love and support from mine... before they died." he said. “Huh?" she asked, confused. "Why bring up the subject of parents? Are you... asking to marry me and have your children or something, dude?" "W-What? No! Besides, I'd need a lot of rings to do that. And... I know now's not the time since you're going through some... personal struggle right now." Seth said. "And Rainbow... I just wanna let you know that if there's anything trouble you, you can always come talk to me and I'll help you out in the best way I can. That's what I'm here for, so don't hesitate to come and talk to me, okay?" "Uh... right. Thanks, Seth. I'll make a note of that when I need your help," Rainbow replied, calming down a little before hugging and kissing him. Seth returned her affections before letting go. “Love you, babe,” Seth replied to her as he exited her room and then headed downstairs. Rainbow soon had her whole room to herself and laid down on her bed, sighing. She pondered the words he had said to her while having the thought of her parents fresh on her mind. Could he have figured out her issue? If so, why didn't he just tell Rainbow Dash about it in the first place? Well, in any case, at least she's got someone to back her up in case something's troubling her heavily. A few minutes later, Seth walked out of the house to get some fresh air. Joining him by his side were Derpy and Dinky for a little family stroll. Dinky was in the middle, holding Seth's left hand and her mom's right hand, skipping along the sidewalk cutely while her mom and step-dad chatted. "So, honey, I heard that you were talking to Rainbow Dash earlier while she was crying, did something happen?" Derpy asked. "Well... don't tell Rainbow, but I may have found out that her parents divorced some time ago because some homewrecker girl got between them. I'm trying to find out who caused them to split, but I had to get some help from Steel Bars, you know, my partner?" Seth whispered. "Oh my! That sounds awful. But I'm happy you're doing this for her. Did you tell her you were trying to help fix her parents' relationship and get them back together?" Derpy asked. Seth shook his head left and right, which confused Derpy a little. "But why? Doesn't she deserve to know what you're doing?" "She does, but not right now. The timing isn't right," Seth pointed out. Derpy thought for a minute before nodding. "You're right. I guess if she found out what you were trying to do right now, she'd probably accuse you of butting into something that's not your business." "Bingo," Seth nodded. "BINGO!" Dinky exclaimed happily, jumping her highest. Derpy and Seth chuckled lifted up Dinky into the air by each hand and swung her back and forth. "Whee!!! I'm flying!" "Yes you are, my little muffin," Derpy giggled. Just before they could have some more laughs and fun together… *Ring… Ring...Ring* Seth and Derpy put down Dinky before he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone before answering it and putting it against his ear. "What's up, this is Seth," he said. "Seth, it's Steel. I interviewed the guy just like you asked and got some info on the girl." Steel said before giving out the info via phone. It turns out whoever the girl was that tried to hit on Bow... was someone Seth knew from his old high school and the mere mentioning of her name still makes him cringe. Derpy and Dinky looked at him with worry in their eyes, thinking he got a call with bad news about whatever it was. "Alright. That's all I need to know, thanks for all your help, Steel, I owe you one." he said before hanging up. "What was that, Seth?" Derpy asked. "It was Steel. He got me all the info I needed. But... let's just say, when we get home, you're not gonna like who I have to introduce you to," Seth replied. "Believe it or not, you and the other girls weren't my first girlfriends, but... you are my most faithful ones." he looked at Derpy with a calm smile, going over and hugging her and Dinky before kissing Derpy on the lips and Dinky on the cheek. "Hey, since we're out here, why don't we go for a swim out on the beach and cool off?" "Oh, great idea! But, what about your search?" Derpy asked. "My target lives in Canterlot, I won't be able to go back for another couple of days," Seth pointed out, "So there's no reason to cut our vacation short to find a homewrecker just yet." "Hmm... point taken. I guess it couldn't hurt. I am wearing my bathing suit after all," Derpy said, referring to her bathing suit underneath her white tank top. "Yay! Swimming!" Dinky cheered. Seth carried little Dinky on his shoulders and soon they headed on over to the beach to catch up on the sun's rays and enjoy a little summer fun. Little did Seth know, his little trip to the beach could lead him into a world of complications. After arriving at the beach, Seth, Dinky and Derpy all got changed into their beach gear and made a break for the water, which wasn't that cold, kinda warm, due to the sun's heat. And luckily for them, they put on sunscreen to avoid getting toasted and having to deal with blisters. For about 10 to 15 minutes, they spent their time splashing around in the water and swimming, sharing laughs like any normal happy family would. Dinky laughed and cheered the whole entire time they were in the water. However, she wasn't laughing when some of the salt water snuck into her mouth, but she spat it out quickly. Derpy and Seth told her to be careful due to how the ocean was extremely bad and salty. After a while, they decided to get out of the water and rest in the sand while Dinky started building herself a dribbling sand castle... or two. Derpy and Seth watched calmly, observing their cheerful little girl as she kept bringing a smile to them. But then... "Who knew I'd end up running into you here of all places," a female voice said. Seth blinked in surprise and then turned to face whoever it was. His eyes widened at the sight of a beautiful young lady, possibly in her early 20s, had long brunette hair, matching brown eyes, dressed in a faded red, two-piece bikini... but Seth wasn't feeling too happy to see this particular girl. "What's wrong? Don't you recognize me?" "How can I forget? After what you did to me, I couldn't forget even if I tried." he replied. "Uh, Seth? Who is this woman? And how does she know you?" Derpy asked, confused. Seth sighed, for he knew, this would come up eventually. "Derpy... this is Mariah... my ex-girlfriend," Seth said. "Your ex-girlfriend?" Derpy asked, shocked. "What happened?" "It's a long story." Seth said. "Mommy call the others! She's a bad lady! Very BAD lady! She made daddy sad!" Dinky shouted, pointing her little finger at Mariah, which shocked her... but not because she accused her. "Daddy?! She's your daughter?" Mariah asked. "Step-daughter, but yes," Seth cleared up. "And she's the best daughter I could ever ask for, even if her original daddy isn't around... at the moment." "But you are my real daddy," Dinky insisted, hugging his leg. "Aww, thanks sweetie," Seth said, smiled, rubbing Dinky's little head softly. "But, back on the subject at hand, what made you want to approach me?" "I just... you know, wanted to say hi. And... I heard you're cracking cases." she said. "Yeah, I've been doing that for quite a while now, finally made it a professional career. But what brings you here at this beach resort, you with your family?" he asked. "Eh, sort of. My daddy's here on a business trip with his company. I'm currently here on vacation at a lodge my daddy rented for me," Mariah replied. "Oh, okay. Well anyways, if that's all you want to talk about, I think my girlfriend and I will be heading back to the beach house for some relaxation and dry off a little. Ready girls?" he asked. "Sure, honey." Derpy nodded. "Yeah! Bye-bye, meanie lady! You keep away from my daddy!" Dinky scolded before blowing raspberries at her until Derpy told her to stop. The three got up and soon made their way out of the beach and headed on back to the beach house. Meanwhile, Mariah just watched them walk away and when they were just far enough ahead... she went and followed. As for Seth... well... 'To think that she'd be here of all places. As much as I don't wanna have to deal with her, I don't exactly have choice on this matter anymore. I've gotta make my move in due time.' he thought. Moments later, Seth, Derpy and Dinky all made it back to the beach house and closed the door behind them, having dried off mostly thanks to the sun. At the moment, Rarity was upstairs in the bathroom, having finished her shower and waiting to take off her face mask, Fluttershy was in the living room, playing with Spike and giving him belly rubs, Twilight was in the living room, listening to some music while she read some online books, Pinkie was up in her room, pouting that she never got fucked in her sleep and had to fill up that emptiness with this morning's breakfast, Applejack was out in the back, chilling by the pool, Rainbow was in her room... for obvious reasons and the Dazzlings were out in the pool cooling off, basking in the peace and quiet. Sunset, however, was by the front door, playing a game on her phone until she saw Seth, Derpy and Dinky come in and then welcomed them back. "Hey guys, welcome back." she said. "Thanks, Shim-Shim," Seth replied before hugging her. "How was your day so far?" he asked while Derpy and Dinky just stood beside him, wanting to break the news to Sunset about a certain girl. "It was fine, but what's up with those two?" Sunset asked. "Well, if you must know, Seth got approached by someone... a woman." Derpy whispered. Sunset blinked in surprise before looking at Seth. "And that's not all... she might've shared some history with him." "Are you serious?" Sunset asked, surprised. "Yeah! She was a bad lady! She made daddy sad!" Dinky yelled. "Who made Seth sad?" Fluttershy asked, cutting in. "No use in hiding it. Come on girls, gather around, I'll let you in on who I saw," Seth said. Sunset went around the house, gathering all the girls, letting them know about Seth's news. Everyone quickly stopped what they were doing and all came into the living room and sat on/around the couch. Their boss/boyfriend was standing in front of everyone, clearing his throat up. "So, tell us, Seth. What's going on?" Adagio asked. "Yeah, I wanna know, too!" Sonata chimed in. "What's on your mind?" "Something tells me it can't be good," Spike said. "Alright girls, here it is: Some of you might've heard this story, some of you haven't. But the bottom line is... I had a run-in... with my ex-girlfriend," he confessed, making some of the girls gasp. "Her name is Mariah... Mariah Kriks and she and I used to date back in high school." "So... why is this such a big deal?" Spike asked. "Because, Spike, she and I ran into a bump in the road that ultimately made me break up with her. She cheated on me with some other guy whom she claimed was more handsome than me. I chewed her out, along with that other guy who thought he was all hot stuff. The guy tried to come at me, but I tripped him and went along my daily routine, flipping her off and focusing more on my studies. And right now, I bumped into that very same cheater I dumped years ago," Seth explained. "Wow, what a--" Aria almost finished before realizing the child in the room. Derpy then told Dinky to go upstairs and she did, not wanting to hear the others cuss. "Thanks, Derpy. Also... what the fuck, that fucking whore has some serious nerve!" she finished. "Yeah, what kind of girl would do something like that to you? If you ask me, she's nothing but a meanie party-pooper with no regards for others feelings!" Pinkie said, pouting her face. "I hope she gets what she has coming to her or I'll throw her the WORST party ever!" "That won't be necessary. After I dumped her in front of thousands of students, she eventually became known as the "Backstabbing Bitch" of my school," Seth said. "Goodness me," Rarity blinked in surprise. "That has to be worse thing to happen to someone if they were caught cheating out in public like that. But at least we're happy, knowing that prude got what she deserved and... possibly more if anything else ever did happen." "So, what happened when you saw her again?" Spike asked. "Well, apparently, her father's here on some business trip and she wanted to tag along. So, she got him to rent a lodge for her on this resort. Anything else beyong that... I don't know. But she found me playing with Derpy and Dinky, so she decided to surprise me with her presence. So... now you know." Seth finished before the girls looked amongst each other. "Sorry ya had to see her again. Tell ya what, if she drops by out of nowhere and gives ya shit, we'll make sure that gal don't ruin yer day," Applejack said. "Count me in on that. I mean, come on... a bitch like her, ditching you for some other guy she claimed was "handsome," now that's really low... even for us. At least we stuck by your side," Dagi added. "Yeah, no matter what, we're always gonna look out for you, just like you did for us." Twilight chimed in, making her lover feel more at ease. "After all, we love you 3000," Sunset added, making him and the girls laugh. "I know, I know, but I can't help it if the MCU was that amazing," she chuckled. "Oh and Seth... since it's almost time tomorrow, I just wanna say... Happy early birthday." "Thanks, Sunset," he replied. He walked up to his baconheaded lover and hugged her before getting swarmed by his other amazing lovers. Later on that day, around the afternoon, Seth was watching TV on the couch when all of a sudden, Pinkie jumps onto the couch, sitting next to him. "I got your note from this morning and just to make sure... do you Pinkie Promise me you'll fuck me in my sleep tomorrow?" she whispered. Seth looked at her... and the disappointment in her eyes when he backed out on her request. He lied to her, so obviously he needed to make it up to her after she helped him find the clues to Rainbow Dash's depression lately. "Alright. I Pinkie Promise," he nodded. Pinkie squealed and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the lips before skipping along upstairs for... who knows what. Today has been quite a day for Seth. However... what he didn't know was that in a couple of days from now, on the day of his life will take a drastic turn. For his sake, let us hope that within a couple of days... it doesn't become the very last day of his entire life.