> The Library of Friendship > by FrostyPony17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 The Value of Confidence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Value of Confidence A dragon. She had stared down a full grown dragon. Even as she walked down the mountain alongside her friends, Fluttershy couldn’t quite believe all that had happened. She also did not think she deserved the praise her friends showered her with. She hadn’t been brave, she insisted. She had been terrified. Every word she spoke, she had expected to go up in flames at any moment. Or eaten. Or crushed. Even now as she prepared for sleep, the leftover adrenaline made her body shake like a leaf. But… something was different now. Something she couldn’t quite put her hoof on. She hadn’t consciously noticed it before, but the feeling had followed her all the way down the mountain. Every word they had said, every pat on the back, stayed with her. Lingered long after they had all said their goodbyes and parted ways. Now that she finally had time alone to think, Fluttershy began to wonder just what that feeling was. She knew she would not be getting to sleep until she figured this out. It was pleasant, but it wasn’t quite happiness. It didn’t make her jump for joy, or laugh out loud. It wasn’t the same as the feelings of warmth and belonging that she had when near her dear friends. It wasn’t like the countless times Rainbow had defended her from bullies, or when Applejack helped with some chores that required heavy lifting. It was not the same as when Twilight shared her knowledge of the countless things from her books, Rarity gave something freely to a pony in need, or when Pinkie made everypony laugh out loud with her ridiculous antics. It was as if she had finally found the role she played in their group. Something she could contribute on their adventures, instead of just being a decoration in the background. She smiled as she realized just what this foreign feeling was. Something she had never in her life had. Self confidence. She sighed happily as she burrowed under her blanket. She was still afraid of a lot of things, it was true. But maybe, just maybe, she could face those fears with her friends by her side. Perhaps she was just a little brave. “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” > 2 Silence is Golden > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence is Golden Light shone through the treehouse windows, sunbeams highlighting the motes of dust drifting through the warm summer air. It was the perfect day to stay inside, out of the heat, curled up with a good book. Which was exactly what Twilight, Rainbow, and oddly enough, Pinkie were doing on this particularly hot day. After Twilight had gotten Rainbow into reading, she had been surprised when a skeptical pink pony had shown up on her doorstep as well, dragged along by the blue pegasus. It wasn’t long however, before she had eagerly looked through all of Twilights books on baking. Pinkie was just as surprised as them to find she was actually capable of matching and even exceeding Twilight’s pace in reading. At least, when she was interested in the book at hoof. They had since taken to having weekly reading sessions where each would bring a book to recommend to the others, and they would all sit quietly together. It had become an unspoken rule that nopony was to talk during this time, and they all followed this rule whenever possible. Thus, they had gotten quite good at reading each others body language and silent cues. Like when Pinkie would hang upside down from her place on the top floor to poke Twilight with a hoof, signalling she was done with the physics book impossibly grasped in her mane. Or when Twilight finished her adventure story, levitating it up to Rainbow who was curled up in the windowsill. They would continue passing around books until they had finished with the ones they had brought. Then Rainbow and Pinkie would both turn to grin expectantly at Twilight. The purple librarian would smile, levitate a few books off the shelves, and send them off with her friends for some weekend reading. The day afterwards would again be full of pranks and chatter from all three, as though nothing had happened. But every Friday the two would wordlessly show up on her doorstep, ready for another afternoon of uncharacteristic silence. But sometimes you don’t need to speak to be heard. Sometimes the loudest words are the ones left unspoken. Sometimes trying something new can be just what you needed. Sometimes all you need for a good time is a couple friends, some good books, and a bit of peace and quiet. “Silence makes the real conversations between friends. Not the saying, but the never needing to say that counts.” > 3 Respectable Nonsense > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Respectable Nonsense Pinkie still didn’t know just how or when it had happened, but she was finding it harder and harder to surprise her friends with anything, and not just with surprise parties. It was no secret to her that most ponies thought her to be strange. However, very few understood that while she was proud to be a friend to every single pony in town, not many were close enough for her to label them friends to her in return. Even fewer of those knew her well enough to guess at what she was thinking at any given moment, and go along with whatever she had planned. Which was how she had gotten to her current position tied in streamers and hanging upside down from the ceiling.of the bakery alongside a snoring Twilight. She had long since stopped struggling, the streamers seemed to multiply when she tried. She didn’t recall quite what had happened last night, but Rainbow was sleeping in the punch bowl, Rarity had run off with a paper bag over her head screaming about a fashion emergency, Applejack was out looking for her lost hat, and Fluttershy was nowhere to be seen. Probably out reforming street gangs. She tended to do that when she got drunk. All in all, not a bad birthday party. But hanging there had given Pinkie a rare moment of quiet to think. When she had cared for the Cake twins for the first time, Twilight hadn’t batted an eye when she answered the door wearing not one, but two diapers. She had simply offered her help. Rainbow went along with even the craziest of antics, even that one that involved launching Pinkie from her party cannon from Ponyville all the way into Canterlot Castle, just to prove to Twilight it could be done. Celestia had actually thanked them for breaking a particularly ugly stained glass window. They had also been the first ones in the entire town to not only actually remember her birthday, but throw her a surprise party. Pinkie smiled as she swayed back and forth. She really had the best friends a pony could ask for. They just seemed to… understand her Suddenly, the bell atop the front door rang, and she twisted around to see who had entered to become her savior. Fluttershy stumbled into the bakery, blinking the harsh sun out of her eyes. She looked down at the gold chain around her neck emblazoned with “FS” and made an adorable whining sound. “How does this keep happening?” “Who cares? Fly up here and untie us! Twilight snores…” “Tis the privilege of friendship to talk nonsense, and to have her nonsense respected.” > 4 Candy and Contradictions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candy and Contradictions Fluttershy hummed happily as she watered her sunflowers. They were growing up so fast, at least a couple inches each day! It wouldn’t be long now before they bloomed, and she couldn’t wait to show her friends. “POP!” “I just don’t understand ponies!” “EEP! Oh. Hello Discord.” “Greetings, Fluttershy. I know this is a rather sudden visit, but I had to get away from town for a bit.” Discord snapped his talon, causing a lemon shaped like a hammock to appear. He hopped into his fruity bed, which held his weight in midair despite not being attached to anything, and began to rant. “Why is it that my cotton candy clouds are fine sometimes, but making Applejacks pigs sprout wings every time someone says ‘when pigs fly’ isn’t? Or that time when I brought Pinkie Pie’s mane to life Mane-iac style was ok, but bringing cookies to life at the bakery was bad? You ponies are crazy, and that means something coming from me!” Fluttershy patted his shoulder as he stuck a straw into his hammock. She was forced to avert her eyes from the straw though, it’s twists and turns were not for pony minds to comprehend. “Now Discord, I’m sure you’ll get things right sooner or later.” She said in a soothing voice. “You just need practice, that’s all.” Fluttershy tried to think of other ways to help him. If there was one thing she knew for sure, it was that ordinary methods wouldn’t work with the Lord of Chaos. She needed something new, something strange, something like… “Heya Fluttershy! Heya Discord!” Fluttershy was struck by inspiration as a happy ball of pink came hopping down the road. “Pinkie! I’m sorry for asking, but could you do a favor for me?” “Of course! And don’t apologize for it silly!” Pinkie laughed. “I’m happy to help.” “Um, sorry for apologizing… Oh, I did it again, didn’t I? So-” Discord’s paw snaked down and clamped the yellow mare’s mouth shut for a moment. “Are you ready to get to the point, my dear?” He asked. She nodded, and he let go. “I think Pinkie could explain to you better than I ever could just what separates an acceptable prank from an unacceptable one. And I’m sure you two could have lots of fun together too!” Discord looked doubtful, but he was no match for Pinkie’s energetic strength as she tugged him toward town all while talking a mile a minute. “OH, this is gonna be so much fun! First we’ll go to Twilight’s library and mix up all the homophones in her books! Then we can…” As Pinkie’s voice faded into the distance, Fluttershy couldn’t help but think she may have created a monster. She just wasn’t quite sure which one...