> Big Horse Women Need Male > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Big Horse Women > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly, your eyes opened to see two massive horse women next to your bed... pink love heart shaped bed. One was a dark blue, the other was a snow white. Both of them stood at least ten feet tall, the white one was slightly taller and therefore her features were a little larger as well than the dark blue horse. Each one had a set of huge, basketball sized eyes, and ridiculously large breasts, the size of literally beach balls, barely contained by a bra far too small for them. Down below they wore a thin thong each, which looked like they really struggled not to be torn off by the sheer vast mass of their monstrously thick thighs, combined with their enormous rumps. Atop their heads stood a long, pike-like horn. For a long moment you stared wide eyed in shock at the giant horse women, not being able to comprehend what you were seeing. They seemed to like that you were staring at them,  judging by the bedroom eyes they were giving you. Suddenly, their breasts, thighs, height, and overall features began to rapidly expand. The two moaned aloud as their bodies grew in size, their bras and underwear didn't last long, soon being ripped asunder by the expanding tide of their flesh. Their breasts now free to shine in all their glory rapidly inflated in size, while still maintaining their perfect balloon shape, and defying the laws of physics by not sagging in the slightest. The massive spheres that were their breasts jiggled widely about as they grew bigger and bigger, heavier and heavier, fatter and fatter. Up and up their bodies rose, the very room itself expanding as well to accommodate the growing mass of the horse women. You watched them continue to grow in size, before you decided to close your eyes, and go back to sleep, in the hope you were just high. Feeling insulted by this they stopped growing. "Wake up handsome ape! We demand thy seed!' bellowed a rich cultured, feminine voice. You whimpered in fear, opening your eyes to stare at the giant horse women now standing at least fifty feet tall, giving you bedroom eyes. The white horse didn't seem very impressed by this. Their breasts might as well be blimps now, and their asses were now truly gigantic bouncy castles of soft, jiggly flesh. "Luna, we talked about this. We need to ease the human into doing the deed." came her soft, yet stern, motherly voice. "What the hell is going on here?! Who the hell are you?!" you shouted. "We are Princess Luna!" the dark blue horse lady roared. "Greetings, I am Princess Celestia. What's your name?" said the white one in a soft voice. "My name is Anon. Why am I here?" Celestia sat down on the bed, the massive weight of her huge backside instantly snapping the supports of the bed like matchsticks beneath her. “I'll be blunt my little human, we need you to unleash your semen into as many mares as possible for the remainder of your short lifespan." "What?! No!” “Anon, I wish there was another way, believe me, but there is none. You, my little human are the only hope of our species continued existence.” she said in a pleading tone, looking down at you with sad, puppy dog eyes. “How? Why me? Why can't you just have sex with your men to reproduce?” “We… could not give birth to stallions for a very long time. So, we require a human male to breed with as many mares as he can before he expires.” spoke Luna in a sad, longing voice. “Well, you are very beautiful, so it  shouldn't be too hard.” “Why thank you, my little human.” she said softly, blushing profusely. You gulped in fear when Luna's body grew into the air by several feet, her rump and breasts growing even larger along with it. “Uhhh, how many mares are we talking about here?" you asked nervously. "You have four million, five hundred, and sixty nine mares to impregnate. Some of which will require re-impregnation after they are done giving birth, so that our population can grow slightly. We can magically extend your lifespan for an extra two thousand years to achieve this task." said Celestia. For a long moment you simply stared in utter shock, with your jaw dropped. "Uhhh…. how many mares again?” you asked in a low, timid voice. “You have four million, five hundred, and sixty nine mares to impregnate. Along with re-impregnating at least a thousand more mares once they are done giving birth.” Celestia stated firmly. You simply whimpered in fear. "Is thou ready to unleash thy seed into us?" spoke Luna in a hot breathy voice, making her way to sit down next to Celestia, her nearly as large backside joining alongside hers. "Uh, can't I just donate my sperm?" "No. We must feel thy phallus unleash its seed inside us to make us pregnant." roared Luna in anger, her body growing even larger by several feet. You gulped in fear. "Uhhh, do I have a choice in the matter?" "No! We will rape thee if we must. We must receive thy seed, willingly or unwillingly! Luna roared, her body going through another violent surge of growth by several feet, now slightly taller than Celestia. Celestia for her part didn't look so happy to see Luna being bigger than her,  judging by the frown and narrowed eyes she was giving her. Celestia sighed deeply.”I’m sorry, Anon. But we will be forced to rape you if you resist, for the fate of our species depends on you breeding with us. Please, don't force us to rape you. We would much prefer you consent to your fate. I promise, once you are done, you shall be a free man, and you won't have to have sex with another mare again.” “We want to make you happy, so you shall frequently receive blowjob sessions, breastfeeding sessions, cuddle sessions, and eating pussy sessions.” Celestia continued. “Okay… but isn't there some other way?” “No. We need your cum. Ponies live for ten thousand years, but cannot have foals without human semen. Alicorns like ourself need thy semen so we can maintain our immortality. A human male like thyself only comes to Equestria once every five thousand years. Without thy seed, our species would go extinct." "OK. I’ll do it." you said in a low voice. "Good. First, the male human shall have sex with the petite mares, then the large mares, then the hyper growth mares." as Luna spoke sweat poured down your forehead like bullets, your whole body trembling in fear. "Hyper growth mares? Like yourself?" you asked in a low, nervous voice. "Yes, us hyper growth mares grow continuously bigger and bigger during intimate sessions with our lovers, and when we feel scared, angry or admired. Don't worry, no matter how big and heavy us mares get, the natural magical protection our bodies cast upon our lovers would ensure you won't die, nor feel pain." “Phew, my pelvis is safe.” you said in relief, wiping the sweat off your forehead. “My body is ready.” To Be Continued