> The Apple Policy (A Braeburn x Soarin fic) > by night_shade2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Apple Policy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "An' stay down!" yelled my very angry father, as he kicked me out the door. "Omf!" I groaned as a suitcase of my stuff landed on me. My father looked down upon me and said, "You are not an' Apple anymore Braeburn." He slammed the door shut and locked the door. "Geez," I said getting up, "He didn' need to be so mean about it." I walked down the dirt roads of Appleloosa. I knew I couldn't stay here, it was policy. "Stupid policy," I muttered under my breath, "I wished it nevah existed." I kicked the ground my fore-hoof. I kept walking to the edge of the town. If I stayed here, I could face even worse punishment from my father and the rest of the Apples here. Then I realized something, something important. "Buck!" I cursed. Apple Jack, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh were coming tomorrow to visit, and I was supposed to greet them. "Oh well, somepony else will have to greet them." I said with a disappointed tone. I hung my head low and kept on walking towards the edge of town. Then suddenly, I felt a pair of hooves on my shoulder and a cool breeze on my back. "Go away Soarin," I said to my stallionfriend, "Just please, go away. I-I just want to be alone." I kept walking towards the edge of Appleloosa, staring at the ground. "Braeburn!" cried out Soarin, as he flew in front of me, "What's wrong?" I turned in the opposite direction of the pegasus. "Babe!" cried out Soarin again. "Go away Soarin! This is none of your business." I demanded. I didn't want Soarin to get involved with this. I love him too much to even consider putting that burden on him. I kept walking. Soarin got in front of me again. "Soarin I won't ask you again, so move. This is none of your concern." I said stamping my hoof on the ground. "Brae, this is of my concern. Now tell me what happened." The pegasus demanded. I just pushed him out of the way and ran for the train. "I'm sorry Soarin!" I screamed as I ran, tears flying into the wind. I almost made it to the train station, if it weren't for the pegasus I was dating. He tackled me to the ground and pined my hooves above my head. "Now tell me what's wrong," said Soarin. "This don' concern you Soarin. Trust me, ya don' want to be dragged into this," I said trying to dodge his stare, "Now let me go Soar-" I was cutoff by a kiss. A gentle and warm kiss. I wanted to kiss him so badly and tell him about the Apple Policy, but I couldn't. I couldn't bear to set that knowledge upon him. I pushed the blue stallion off of me and said, "Goodbye Soarin." I turned to get on the train, but a sharp pain ran through my body. I turned around and screamed, "Soarin get off my tail!" I tried to shake him off, but he just clenched down tighter. Muffled, he said, "No. Not until you tell me what's wrong." I tried to shake him off again, but it was no use. I couldn't shake him off, so I tried to reason with him. "Soarin! Get off! I'm tryin' to protect y'all," I said again, crying, not from pain, but my heart shattering slowly, "Please! I love ya too much. Please get off before-" Before I could finish my statement I heard the loud and low sound of my father's voice. "Let him go you feather brained pegasus," said my father, annoyed. A swift kick followed. It hit Soarin, making the Wonderbolt fly without his wings into the side of the train station. "Soarin!" I screamed, running towards the pegasus. "Leave now or you know what'll happen Brae," said my father, warning me of what was to happen if I didn't leave. My father got into an offensive position, ready to attack at any moment. "I'll- We'll leave," I said, holding the unconscious stallion in my hooves, "Just go dad. Leave us alone. Once the sun rises you have to....you have to kill me." My father smirked in victory. "Ha, you remembered. I didn' want to do 'is to y'all, but rules are rules. Now leave, I'll tell Apple Jack everthin'," He said smugly. And with that I pulled Soarin onto the train and disappeared into the night. My head hung low as I put Soarin on a seat. I paid the conductor for our sudden presence on the train. He said we could stay there for the night, but had to leave in the morning. That was plenty fine with me, considering I had an unconscious stallion with me and no place to go. Once the morning came 'round I was woken by reflex. Celestia was making the Sun rise now, waking it from its nightly slumber. "Dawn," I said, remembering all those days in Appleloosa. I sank back down in my seat, staring at the sunrise. "Soarin, wake up," I said, shaking the pegasus with my hoof. "Hm? Wha? Brae? What happened?" asked Soarin, rubbing his head, "What time is it?" "Morning, now hush up and watch the sunrise," I said. The sunrise was so beautiful to watch. I've seen it everyday since I was a foal. Soarin yawned and said, "I've never been up this early." He watched with me as the Sun rose higher into the sky, making the pretty colors of dawn fade away. Then Soarin said, "Wait.....oh no, Spitfire's gonna kill me." He was worried, very worried. Who wouldn't be afraid of a pony named "Spitfire" ? I tried to soothe him, "It'll be fine Soar. If Spit yells at y'all, I'll take responsibility." I kissed his cheek and blushed. "Sorry for gettin' y'all involved with this," I said, gesturing to nothing, "We have to get off soon. I think we're goin' to Hoofston. It ain't as far as you think from Appleloosa. I can't go with you though. I'm banned from entering my hometown ever again, that is until I prove that I'm not a colt cuddler." I noticed Soarin's widen. "Hey Brae," said Soarin, "What happened last night? Like I know the events, but I'm still confused." I wanted to avoid this question, but sighed with defeat as I began to explain everything. "Soarin, I wanted to avoid this, but it seems I can't. I may as well tell you, but you've got to promise me that you wont tell a soul," Soarin nodded and so I continued, "There's this sorta code in the Apple family called the "Apple Policy". It serves as a set of rules for all members of the Apple family. There's a few that included the basic elements of harmony: kindness, honesty, loyalty, generosity. Those are the basic few, but then it gets complicated. I broke the rules of: nevah to be a colt cuddler, datin' somepony who's not an earth pony, cloppin' around with 'em, cloppin' before marriage, and the most sacred rules. Our sacred rules. They apply directly to the family and we all follow 'em, like a cow follows the herd; never failin' to obey them or resist accepting the consequences. I nevah told my family 'bout us, so I wasn' honest nor loyal to my family. I betrayed the family. This results in shunning and excommunication from all of the Apple family. If I didn't leave Appleloosa right 'ere and then, it would have resulted in death or at best, a good beatin'. The Apple Policy applies to all who bear the last name of Apple, from the when it was made by the first Apple to the last one, it will apply to all." I put my head in my hooves and cried. Soarin held me close and said, "It will be okay Brae. I love you and plus, it's the end of the tour. I know you can't walk on clouds, but I'm thinking about settling down with somepony soon. Being a Wonderbolt really takes a toll on you." "D-don' do that for me Soar. I ain't deserve it or you. I wish things were differen' Soar, but rules are rules. I want you to find somepony more deserving of your love than me. I love you Soar," I said with heavy sobbing. Soarin kissed me and said, "I love you too and I'm not going to let anypony or any policy stop us. I love you Braeburn too much. When I first met you, I wasn't in a good place at the time. Fillies and mares were all over me and I didn't like it, so I turned to drinking and being bitter all the time. Nopony knows I'm a colt cuddler, well nopony except for you," we both laughed at that before he continued, "Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, etc. They were both all over me. Thank Celestia I met you. I met you when I was running from my problems in life. I literally ran into you and then this happened. All of two years ago." I reminisced on the memories with Soarin. A blue pegasus, who I was not familiar with at the time, had run into me. He was very lost and afraid and a bit drunk. I had agreed at help him, which resulted in infatuation and a bit of clopping around with him. An earth pony, visiting Canterlot, had met the pegasus stallion of his dreams all in one night. I kissed Soarin again and said, "I love you." I rolled off of his lap and walked towards the door. "You comin'?" I asked. Soarin looked at me with love and said, "Yeah." We walked off the train and onto the platform, hoof and hoof, not caring what anypony else thought of us. Just the two of us, together.....forever. I love him.... > The Next Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Apple Jack and the rest of the Ponyville Apple family arrived in Appleloosa, they weren't greeted by the bright and cheerful Braeburn, but by his father. "Howdy Bra- U-Uncle Jonagold? Where's-" Apple Jack was cut off by her uncle. "You ain't be mentionin' that name anymore, policy says so. An' we have to live by that policy Apple Jack. You ain't to mention his name anymore. He broke the rules and fiddled with a pegasus stallion. He betrayed the family. Rouge one, he was. Always have been and always will be. Mighty fine stallion right there," said Jonagold. "I see," said Apple Jack, tilting her head down. Granny Smith looked solemnly with sadness in her eyes. She would miss her grandson dearly. Big Mac said nothing, as usual. He was too big and too string to show emotion. Apple Bloom, too young and oblivious to understand the situation fully, looked at her uncle with confusion. "What policy?" asked Apple Bloom. "The Apple Policy," said Jonagold, making the small filly quiet. She remembered the Apple Policy once more, remembering every word drilled into her little head. From the time a filly or colt knew how to read, they were given the Apple Policy to memorize their whole life. It didn't matter if you liked or not, you memorized it and accepted it fully, knowing full well the consequences if they were broken. "Awe," dreaded Apple Bloom, turning around to show her flank, "I wanted to show him my cutie mark. I just got it last spring." "Maybe he'll see it one day. We can't directly contact him Apple Bloom," said Jonagold, picking up his niece, "If we find him in passing, he'll probably see it." "Okay!" Apple Bloom said, returning to her once cheerful manner. Jonagold smiled, but it faded away quickly as he turned to face Granny Smith. "Ma, we 'ave to talk about him. I already sent the letters out this morning," said Jonagold, "Ma, he was my only son and I-I just need somepony to talk to about it." Granny Smith sighed and said, "Apple Jack, Big Mac. Go to the orchard. Take Apple Bloom with you." Apple Jack and Big Mac nodded and took off with Apple Bloom to the orchard. Granny Smith and Jonagold walked back to his house. "It's been years since I've been here, bout you've done a mighty fine job boy," said Granny Smith. "Yeah but Ma....where did I go wrong? Was I not there for him enough? Was it when Whiplash died? What did I do wrong Ma?" Jonagold asked, his voice breaking from the tears rolling down his muzzle. "You did all you could Jonagold. Someponies are just like that and some are not. It wasn't your fault son, but I know it was hard for ya. He was all you had left, but rules are rules Jonagold. You know that," Granny Smith said, putting a hoof around her son. "Mama, I miss him. I wish he could of stayed but-" Jonagold's voice wouldn't speak anymore. "The policy was made for a reason and it's older and harder than an apple made out of diamonds," said Granny Smith, hugging her son tighter, "When Goldspur and Blossom Party died, I was heartbroken. My child and the mare I came to call family, had died. They left me to raise their kin and so I did. Now you an' Whiplash ain't done nuthin' wrong, but be good ponies. This ain't your fault and never will be. This ain't your fault." Little did they know the other three Apples were listening by the door. They heard every word and then returned to the fields to work. They were here to help with the apple orchard, since Braeburn asked them several weeks ago. They continued their daily lives, as if Braeburn never existed. In their minds he did not; in their hearts he would stay forever. Once an Apple, always an Apple, no matter what. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Soarin got back to Appleloosa, Spitfire was mad. "I don't care if it was a personal matter or not! We're late, you're late, and we're on thin ice Soarin!" screamed Spitfire, "And no, we cannot help your coltfriend out! You're on thin ice Soarin, very thin ice!" Spitfire stormed away angrily, leaving Soarin very, very scared. "It'll be okay Soarin. She's just angry that you have a coltfriend and didn't come back last night," said Fleetfoot, "Say, where is your coltfriend?" "He's on the outskirts of town. He can't come into the town. It's some personal, family matter," said Soarin. Soarin started to walk out the door when- "SOARIN!" screamed an excited Rainbow Dash, crashing into Soarin at full speed. The Wonderbolts had brought Rainbow Dash on tour this season, because she wouldn't shut up. This was why they didn't want her in the first place. "Rainbow! Get off me!" yelled Soarin, very annoyed. Rainbow rolled off her long-time, celebrity, idol crush and apologized. Soarin didn't say anything and left without a word. "What's his problem?" asked Rainbow Dash, "Am I not good enough for him?" "You know he's a coltcuddler, right?" said Fleetfoot, making Rainbow Dash sputter in shock. "C-c-c-c-c-coltcuddler? Soarin? This has to be a joke, right?" said Rainbow Dash, hoping it was a joke. "Nope. He said something about apples and being on the outskirts of town," said Fleetfoot, turning away to talk to Misty Fly. Rainbow was out the door to follow Soarin. When she found him, Soarin was talking to a yellow, earth pony. She recognized him as Apple Jack's cousin, but she had long forgotten his name. Rainbow was about to rush the two, but then they kissed right in front of her. Rainbow screamed and flew away, crying that any hopes of wooing her crush were gone. Soarin and Braeburn turned to see a streak of rainbow flying away. "Well, she's gonna be madder than a rattlesnake in June. I reckon this is gonna be in the press," said Braeburn. "Damage control," said Soarin with a wink. "What?" said Braeburn, very confused. "Fleetfoot's got this under control. Rainbow isn't going to say a thing," said Soarin. "Okay, if you say so," said Braeburn, nervous that this would go public. Soarin noticed Braeburn's nervousness and a wing around his coltfriend. Soarin wanted Braeburn to be happy. Soarin had finally had his special somepony, somepony to love; somepony to call his own for once. He had his share of heartbreaks by countless mares, so that's why Soarin was a coltcuddler. Soarin was fed up with 'mare problems.' Mares that would cheat on him, mares that dumped him for no reason, mares that only used him for fame and fortune. When Soarin met Braeburn, the stallion didn't know anything about the Wonderbolts. He just saw Soarin as Soarin; nothing more than a lost and confused pegasus. Soarin, who was incredibly drunk at the time, had met Braeburn in Canterlot, and Soarin, being incredibly drunk, had clopped around with Braeburn, because Soaring becomes hypersexual when drunk. Braeburn learned that from experience. "I-I love you Brae, more than I ever loved anypony," said Soarin, "I want you to come with me, on the rest of the tour. Canterlot is the next and last stop on the tour. I-I want you to come with me Brae. There's something I wanted to show you there." Braeburn looked confusion, but confusion quickly turned to happiness, as Braeburn embraced his coltfriend, in a much needed hug. "I-I'll come Soarin. Just let me-" Braeburn was cutoff, by coltfriend, who had now carried the yellow earth pony into the sky. "PUT ME DOW SOARIN!" screamed Braeburn, fearful of his life. "Sorry Brae," said Soarin, putting his coltfriend down. "Now just what in the hay were you thinking?!" scolded Braeburn. "I wasn't," Soarin said blushing. "Exactly, now come on. We have a train to catch," said Braeburn, heading for the back of the train. Soarin zipped past him and happily got on the train. Braeburn, taking a seat next to him, got angry glares from Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Soarin took Braeburn back to the same spot they first met, two years ago. "Soar, isn't this the place-" "Mhm," said Soarin, cutting off Braeburn, "Brae, this is only one thing I wanted to show you." "Then what's the other?" Braeburned asked, looking around, not noticing the kneeling pegasus. "Braeburn Apple, we met here, when I was drunk, two years ago," said Soarin, "And now that has blossomed into this. Though we have been through thick and thin, we've done it together and now," Soarin pulled out a small, black box behind his wings, "Will you make the happiest stal- pony alive, and marry me?" Braeburn jumped back in surprise. He held his hooves over his muzzle and started to cry happily. Soarin, fortunately was patient, despite his job being daring and fast and being surrounded by impatient ponies. Braeburn eventually wiped the tears away, and choked out a soft, "Yes." Soarin lifted the ring (which was attached to a necklace) and hung it around his stallion's neck. Soarin finally had somepony to call his own, but nothing would prepare him for what his yellow fiancé would do next. "I wanna give you somethin' since you've graced me with this," said Braeburn, fumbling with the Apple necklace that was already around his neck, "I wanna give you this. It's somethin' every Apple gets at birth, like that heirloom thingy other ponies do, but since I'm no longer an Apple, it's yours." Braeburn hung the necklace, swaying with an tiny apple-shaped gem, around Soarin's neck. "Brae, but this is-" Soarin was cut off by a kiss, that was well accepted. "Soarin, I'm happier than Pinkie Pie eating cake so just accept this. Please, I love ya Soar. I truly love ya Soar. You're my whole word," Braeburn's accent got thicker with each word, "Now come on, I'll buy ya some pie." Soarin smiled wide and flew into his fiancé, who was trotting away to the nearest pie shop. They tumbled into a garbage can, landing with Soarin on top of Braeburn, attacking the stallion with kisses. "Soarin, get off of me!" yelled Braeburn, trying to roll out form beneath Soarin. "I'm sorry, I love you," said Soarin, getting off of Braeburn. "Yeah, yeah. Lets just go that pie, then we can have whiskey and sexy times," whispered Braeburn into Soarin's ear, as he trotted past the pegasus once more. Soarin was now blushing a bright red through his blue coat, following closely behind his fiancé. Braeburn softly chuckled at Soarin as they walked towards the pie shop, and a future that would lead to three beautiful colts: Tree Bucker (earth pony); Thunder Hooves (pegasus), and Iron Horn (unicorn).