> All She Can Do Is Watch > by TheVClaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cadance's Cucking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all the political discourse and recent hysteria that swept across the Crystal Empire the past couple months, the castle was having a surprisingly rare night of slumber without any issues. Even though guards were on patrol like usual, it didn’t seem like many other ponies were awake at this time of night. Even the newest member of Royalty, Princess Flurry Heart, was sound asleep at Sunburst’s home as a request from her father. Normally, the unicorn would prefer solitude and a night to himself, but it was hard to deny a request from Shining Armor when he asked him to watch over her for the night; especially when the Prince heavily hinted that he needed a night alone with Princess Cadance. So for now, the castle was completely barren of any noise or suspicious activity. That is, except for Shining Armor still being awake while his wife wasn’t. After making sure no guards or staff were too close to the doors, Shining locked the bedroom door shut while a nervous blush swept across his face. He then lit his horn and put up a sound-proofing spell around the room, ensuring that nopony outside this space would overhear them for the next few hours at least. He wasn’t sure how long this was actually going to last, but he wanted to be ready just in case. After all, if just a single thing went wrong or unnoticed, things could go very, very badly. Alas, the Prince sighed softly in relief when he looked around, noting that the window blinds were closed and that everything was secure. With their daughter in a safe place, and the castle under lockdown, there was nothing else to do but move forward with his plan. Shining’s heart was racing quickly, not just from the exhilaration of what he was going to do, but also from the slight feelings of guilt he was getting at the last minute. But despite how wrong this may have been, he already agreed to do it after thinking everything over. Cadance won’t appreciate it one bit, but she definitely deserved it after what she did earlier tonight. So after taking a deep breath, Shining exhaled and lit his horn once more while his wife was sound asleep in their bed. Since she ordered Shining to sleep on the couch after their argument at dinner, the Princess was conveniently sprawled out across the mattress with her limbs already spread to the four corners. So because of that, the Prince had no issue with using his bundles of rope to tie his wife’s hooves without disturbing her sleep. In less than a minute, Shining was able to bind all four of Cadance’s legs to the bedposts tightly -- as well as tie her wings closely to her back -- all without even the slightest hint of her stirring. Note to self, thought the Prince with a satisfied huff while looking over his handiwork, I need to buy Dad a good bottle of wine for making me join the Colt Scouts. After the Princess’ bindings were complete, Shining only needed to do two more things to make it complete: gagging her mouth and disabling her magic. Luckily, the Prince was able to easily acquire a horn inhibitor ring from the Royal Guard Armory, which happened to be the strongest one available. And with a simple clamp of the metal ring around the base of Cadance’s horn, a small involuntary zap of the Alicorn’s magic popped out from the tip to indicate it was ready; no matter what the Princess tried to do, she couldn’t use her magic to get out of this. Shining already had the gag in his hoof, but he paused as he looked down at his bound and temporarily de-magiced wife. He wanted to feel bad about what he was doing (or more importantly, what he was planning to do next), but it was hard to not look at the alicorn without being reminded of the things she said during dinner. Despite how rough an argument might get, there are just some things you don’t say to your husband and the father of your child. Especially not in front of company. And especially not in front of the child herself. But alas, marriage is about compromise, and Shining felt a bit generous despite his plans. So instead of gagging Cadance before waking her up, he decided to give his wife one last chance to make things right. After a brief sigh, the Prince reached a hoof out and nudged Cadance’s side firmly. The mare grunted a little in discomfort, and began to writhe against her bindings while her eyes were clenched shut. “Ughhhh… wha… what the…” After she opened her eyes and took notice of her limbs being tied up, Cadance yelped in shock and struggled against the ropes. “AHHHH! WHAT THE?!” Her reaction for the first few seconds were merely fear, which was probably to be expected. But as soon as she took notice of Shining standing before her at the foot of the bed with a stern stare, Cadance eventually settled down and glared back at him. Her breathing was limited for a moment due to her involuntary resistance, but her heart was still racing as she said in a bitter growl, “SHINING?! What the BUCK do you think you’re doing?!” The Princess normally wasn’t this vulgar, even in private, but Shining couldn’t blame her for the language given her situation. After all, this wasn’t the first time she was bound and restrained by less than friendly foes of Equestria. Regardless, the Prince cleared his throat before speaking with a firm and professional-sounding voice. “Cadance, I am really, really upset with you right now. There is a lot that I’m wanting to do, but for right now, I want us to talk about what you did at dinner tonight.” It took Cadance a moment to process what her husband was saying, but her expression quickly soured before saying with a scowl, “WHAT?! Shining Armor, have you lost your mind?!” “I could say the same thing about you,” replied Shining in a surprisingly cold tone. He didn’t raise his voice, but his eyes narrowed on Cadance as he continued in the same kind of voice he used on his sister at his wedding rehearsal. “Cadance, do you have any idea how insulting and inappropriate it was to say the things you did while our daughter was watching us? You know how impressionable she can be, and she’s already learning words and repeating them. So how exactly was it appropriate to act that way towards me in front of her?” “Oh, YOU want to talk about inappropriate?! Because I think THIS qualifies as being a little worse!” By now, Cadance was seething furiously while thrashing in her bindings. Of course, none of her movements seemed to make Shining even flinch in response. His wife may have been a Princess, but those knots were too well-tied even for her. After another moment of struggling, Cadance groaned and paused her writhing to yell angrily, “And if you’re going to tell me that I was being inappropriate, then you must’ve had a memory-wiping spell placed on you! If I recall, I wasn’t the one who invited that TYRANT to our personal dining room during dinner!” Despite Cadance’s furious tone, Shining didn’t care enough to try looking back to the door. He knew that the lock and soundproofing spell were active, so it wasn’t like his wife’s screaming was going to alert anypony outside this bedroom. Instead, the stallion sighed and responded in a calmer tone of voice, “Okay. I can understand why you were upset during dinner. I should’ve informed you of who I was bringing to join us as a guest, and for that I apologize.” Cadance just huffed and rolled her eyes, not noticing the slight twitch on her husband’s muzzle before he continued more sternly. “However, despite what I may have done, that’s still no excuse for you to respond the way you did. And I’m sure when Twilight and your aunts receive word of the letter I sent to them about it, they’ll feel the same way I do.” Cadance shouted furiously, “Oh, and I’m guessing you left THIS out of those letters, didn’t you?!” “Well, I didn’t do this until after the letters were sent out, so yes,” answered the Prince honestly. However, his expression turned angrier as he finished his rant down at his bound wife. “But that’s not the point, Cadance! What matters is what you called me in front of our daughter! I know you don’t like Sombra, and I completely understand why. Regardless of his rehabilitation or his apologies, I get why you don’t want to be near him. Especially in our private quarters. But despite your own feelings about him, that is NO EXCUSE to lash out at me! NOR is is appropriate in any way to call me ‘Just As Pathetic As Him’ in front of FLURRY HEART!!” From the way Cadance flinched at that last inflection of her husband’s voice, it seemed like she understood why Shining was so angry at her. In fact, the Princess may have had a strong bout of regret in her actions earlier that night. But despite the pursing of her lips, or the way her breathing became fainter while tied down on the bed, she stayed silent as she looked up at Shining and heard him finish. “Now…” After a calming breath, the Prince’s professional tone returned as he said calmly, “Cadance, you know that I love you. And I know that you love me. I already apologized for bringing Sombra to dinner, and I promise I won’t do it again without asking you first. Because that’s what couples do. They apologize for their actions when they know they did wrong.” After the Princess tightened her grips against the ropes once more, Shining saw Cadance’s lips tighten as her eyes narrowed on him in growing anger. Regardless, Shining’s expression was unchanging as he said in addition, “Now, since I apologized to you, I think it’s only fair you apologize to me for what you called me. All you have to do is say you’re sorry, and I’ll undo these ropes and leave the room. That’s it. All will be forgiven, and I’ll never bring it up again.” After a couple seconds of silence, Cadance just stared at her husband in disbelief before huffing in disgust. “Really?” she asked in a pissed-off tone while narrowing her eyes on Shining. “You decide to break into my room when I specifically told you to not come in tonight, and TIE ME UP like a bucking rape victim, all so you could get me to apologize?!” Shining’s eyes narrowed back at her as his scowl intensified slightly. Alas, the Prince still kept his cool as he said back to her warningly. “Cadance, I am giving you the chance right now to apologize for what you did. You don’t even have to mean it! I just want to hear you say it! Like a decent pony!” “What, after doing THIS?!” After struggling in her bondage once more to emphasize the ludicrousness of her husband’s ‘plan,’ the Princess practically spat out her response with enough venom to knock a manticore out cold. “Shining, if you think that you’re going to get an apology after pulling a stunt THIS low, then you’re saaaaaaaadly mistaken! I am NOT going to apologize for what I said! After tying me up like this, it’s only confirming what I told you at dinner! YOU REALLY ARE PATHETIC!” Shining was sure that the ropes were probably a large part of Cadance’s emotionally heated response, that didn’t make hearing those words any less painful. So after a strong exhale, Shining floated up the ballgag with his magic and said with a shake of his head, “Well, you can’t say I didn’t try…” Cadance tried to resist, but Shining was able to pop the ballgag into her mouth before she could try thrashing her head away from it. She tried to yell for help before the Prince could strap the gag around the back of her head, but he wasn’t deterred by the sound of his wife’s muffled screams in the soundproofed room. “HEHHHHHHHB!!! HEHHHHHHHHHB!!!” “Soundproofing spell~” whispered Shining cheekily into her ear when she tried to catch her breath. He then walked away from the bed towards the closet, but paused when he heard a distinct crackling noise, followed by a pained cry from Cadance. While Shining’s back was turned, Cadance tried to use her magic for the first time to try and break out; unfortunately, the inhibitor ring made it so her burst of magic just stopped at the base, prompting in a severe headache that almost knocked the Princess unconscious. As her head fell back on the pillow in a pained daze, she heard Shining chirp out in addition, “Oh, did I not mention the inhibitor ring? My bad~ I guess you should’ve just said you were sorry…” Cadance's breathing became heavier as she began to realize how dire her situation was. Even though this wasn’t the first time she’d been tied up in bed by her husband, this was the first time she was forced into it without any sexual context. Upon realizing how tight her restraints were, as well as the precautions Shining took to keep her from escaping, her heart began to pound harder as fear settled in. Of course, even if she wasn’t scared by now, the sight of Shining opening up the closet would’ve made the bravest pony’s blood run cold in terror. After he opened the door, Shining smirked back at his bound wife as she watched the familiar figure exit from the closet. The being's loud, methodical steps echoed in the room against the marble floors. Even in the limited light of the bedroom, those blood red eyes were unmistakable to anyone who lived around the Crystal Empire. Ever since his reemergence, he tried his hardest to keep his presence as non-threatening and friendly as he could. But for now, the dark grey unicorn openly embraced his macabre appearance as he stepped towards the petrified Princess’ bed. His grin widened at he heard her whimper through her gag, helping to expose his long, glistening fangs. He may have not had any of his former Royal regalia on, but his domineering presence was still enough to make the Princess quiver as he stood tall over the foot of the bed. And after planting his hooves strongly on the footboard, making a loud enough thud to make Cadance squeak in fear, the dark stallion just stared down at her in fascination like a predator atop its wounded prey. Meanwhile, Shining stepped in to stand beside him and say down to his wife, “Cadance? I’m sure you remember Sombra, don’t you?” While looking up at the two smugly-grinning stallions, Cadance's breathing turned more rapid through her gag as she motioned to the closet. “Heh… Heh wuf feer?!” Sombra chuckled as he managed to make out Cadance's question, and motioned over to Shining as he answered cheekily, “If it makes you feel any better, ‘Princess,’ Shining only teleported me into the closet ten minutes ago while you were asleep. It wasn’t like I was in there all night or anything! Despite our plans, it’s not like I had no other things to do before this.” “Wh… Whah if heh HEWE?!” shouted Cadance as best as she could through her gag up at Shining. Regardless of how confused and terrified she looked, the Prince just shrugged with a playful huff. “Well,” began Shining while keeping his eyes locked on his wife’s, “ever since Twily made Sombra stay at the Crystal Empire as part of his rehabilitation, you’ve gotten increasingly hostile and bitter towards anypony who tried to give him a chance, including me. I would’ve figured that as the Princess of Love, YOU of all ponies would be the first to extend the olive branch towards him. But instead, you’ve just gotten meaner and less caring with each passing day. While at the same time, I’ve also gotten to know Sombra very well…” Cadance's head tilted a little as she heard that inflection, unsure of what Shining was trying to imply. However, her husband continued before she could have much time to process what he said. “And after what you said to both him AND me at dinner tonight, I think it’s pretty clear that you’re never going to take kindly to him, which I can understand. However, after you insulted BOTH of us, in front of Flurry Heart, I think it’s only clear for you to learn the truth the hard way...” Cadance blinked a couple times, unsure how to respond to that threatening statement. Her eyes darted between Shining and Sombra before she tried to ask through her gag. “Wh… Wha are oo falging avou?” Sombra grinned especially wide as he sighed in sweet, sadistic pleasure. He then looked over at Shining, whose face was noticeably blushed while smiling nervously himself. “Well, Shining?~” asked the former King in an antsy-sounding purr. “Are you sure you want her to know?” Shining took a second to catch his breath, but exhaled with a confirming nod while staring at his confused wife. “Yeah,” said the Prince as his expression turned more confident. “I’m sure, Babe~” Cadance's head reeled back a bit with her eyes widening in confusion. “V… Vave?” After taking a breath, Shining turned back to Sombra as his blush deepened before closing his eyes. And with his own wife watching, the Prince leaned in with his muzzle open to plant his lips against Sombra’s. He heard Cadance gasp in shock, but it was hard to care after thinking of the other things he heard come from her muzzle. So instead of looking back at the wide-eyed stare the Princess was giving them, Shining just kissed the Tyrant deeply while Sombra held him in his hooves. During Shining and Sombra’s kiss, Cadance could only watch in stunned silence while tied to the bed. Of all the things she could’ve expected her husband or that Tyrant to do to her while she was in this position, this was definitely not something she would’ve predicted. Her mouth was dropped so low, it was kinda surprising the ballgag was still lodged in her muzzle. Regardless, the Princess’ heart was starting to beat more painfully as she watched her husband openly make out with a former enemy in front of her. After about half a minute of deep, lewd kissing, Shining and Sombra pulled their muzzles away from each other and grinned right at the stunned Princess. “That’s right,” said Shining with an especially evil smirk while narrowing his eyes on her mortified expression. “When I said I was getting to know Sombra very well, it wasn’t just about friendship, honey~” Cadance could only lay wide-eyed while tied and gagged, unable to do much as her eyes began to grow beads of tears. “Yuh… yuh…” “He what?” purred Sombra as he interrupted Cadance's trailing words and tilted his head with a chipper smile. “Indulged in some un-matrimonial debauchery behind your back for the past few weeks? Because if so, then the answer is yes~” A hiccupped gasp escaped Cadance’s covered mouth while staring between the two smug-looking stallions. She was starting to look absolutely devastated as she said towards her husband, “W-Wieth?!” Shining huffed with a smile and shrugged while looking away from her. “Well… admittedly it’s been less than a month,” confessed the Prince before glancing back at the former King. “And I’m pretty sure he was the one who started it with all his teasing~” “Hey, you could’ve easily said no,” piped Sombra back at him. Shining nodded apprehensively while keeping his carefree tone. “That may be true,” he answered before looking back at his shocked-looking wife, “but the fact of the matter is that it happened. And if it wasn’t for your bitchy attitude for the past couple months, maybe I wouldn’t have accepted his offer.” The white stallion then leaned his head in towards Cadance’s, narrowing his eyes on her as he said with a sadistic grin on his muzzle, “And maybe… just maybe… I wouldn’t have realized how amazing he was in bed~” That was when tears began to fall down Cadance's face. Hearing how honest Shining’s words were sounding through that malicious tone and smile, the Princess was unable to fathom how this could’ve happened. Even though she knew she may have been a bit… difficult at times, she couldn’t have thought her husband would resort to this sort of a low. But despite how hurt she looked to hear what he said, Cadance didn’t see any change in Shining’s expression when she began to cry. “Yuh… Yuh hah fef wif hih?” “Ohhhhh, yeah~” answered Sombra before her husband could first. His cocky grin was quite evident as he nodded in response and added, “Quite a lot, in fact! As soon as he got fed up with you, he melted into my hooves like butter! In the past few weeks, he was sneaking around every chance he could to have some real satisfaction from a pony!” Keeping his sadistic grin, Sombra turned back to his lover and said in a more dominant tone, “Tell her, Shining~” Cadance could actually see her husband shudder a little from Sombra’s tone, before he glanced back at him and nodded with a knowing smirk of his own. “Absolutely, my King~” he purred lustfully, which caused the Princess to gasp in utter disbelief of what she just heard. “Oh, did I not tell you?~” chirped the Prince cheekily and he turned back to his appalled and crying wife. “Ever since you’ve been acting so bitchy, I’ve been feeling a lot less confident with myself as a stallion. Fortunately, Sombra happens to be an outstanding Dom, and was able to get me to embrace being his Sub in order to feel happy away from you. So yeah, I’m not actually his slave or anything, but I do enjoy having him take me in ways that you’ve never even imagined, ‘Princess of Love’~” Cadance squirmed in her bindings, and clenched her eyes as she tried not to openly sob in front of these two monsters. Of course, it didn’t seem like Shining or Sombra cared too much about that as she heard the Tyrant say, “Keep going, my little Prince. I want her to know all the details before we start properly~” Even though Cadance looked absolutely miserable, Shining let his unpleasant recollections of her actions keep him from feeling too bad as he nodded pertly. “If you say so, my King…” Shining leaned in to have his muzzle less than an inch from Cadance’s ear, not minding her trying to pull away as he spoke in a sultry tone in front of her and Sombra. “I sucked his cock, Cadance. I’ve sucked it so many times in the past few weeks I lost count. And each time I did it, I swallowed~ I swallowed each and every load he gave me, honey. And I absolutely loved it~” Sombra cackled at hearing his lover’s malicious words, accompanied with the sight of Cadance writhing and sobbing silently through her gag. “I know, right?” piped the Tyrant loudly enough for her to hear. “And you said you hated the taste of semen! The Princess of Love refuses to swallow, but her subby little bitch of a husband is more than willing to do it for ME. A former villain. Isn’t that ironic?~” Shining chuckled as well as he pulled back and smiled back at his Dom. “I’m not sure if it’s technically ironic, but it’s still a fun little fact~” He then turned back to his tearful wife with a shrug and added, “Just like it’s a fun little fact how many times I’ve let him fuck me while you were in the other room~” “WHUH?!?” Cadance's eyes shot wide-open while reddened and moist, and she gawked up at him in utter shock. She honestly wasn’t sure what she should’ve been more stunned by hearing: that her husband was cheating on her in such close proximity to her, or that he actually agreed to bottom for anal. When she suggested pegging a year ago, Shining’s reaction was closer to her asking to castrate him. But now, the Prince just grinned proudly after that admission, and openly swayed his rump in front of the Tyrant behind him. “Granted,” continued Shining in an almost boastful tone, no longer sounding nervous about fulfilling his Dom’s command, “I felt a little guilty about doing that at first. But the more that you insulted me, and ignored me, and just acted like a total bitch, I started to look forward to doing something like this. All I needed was a good excuse to break the news to you…” As he pulled away from his mortified wife, Shining’s grin looked just as evil as Sombra’s as he stood above her with a menacing gleam in his eyes. “So just remember,” he finished as he narrowed his eyes on Cadance and said in sadistic tone, “the entire time I do this, know that I only did it because you refused to apologize. So in a funny way, everything I’m about to do is Entirely. Your. Fault~” Cadance was fairly certain what these two sickos were going to do as a demented form of punishment, but she wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Her face was already matted with tears, and she felt completely helpless while being bound and forced to her her husband say those horrible things. She hated to think what might happen next, but she was still taken aback when Sombra crawled up to the bed and sat beside her face. When Sombra spread his legs apart, Cadance's eyes widened in utter shock when she saw what the former King was packing. With his positioning right in front of Cadance's face, the Princess wasn’t able to look away from that massive, charcoal-colored appendage that hung over and across her exposed chest. Even though she never saw herself as a mare that judged stallions by the size of their members, she would be lying if she tried to say that Sombra’s cock wasn’t one of the biggest she ever witnessed with her bare eyes. Standing proudly with a girth as long and thick as a rolling pin, Sombra’s cock was giving off an especially thick musk that just made Cadance blush deeper with each passing second. And since that ballgag was still firmly in her mouth, the Princess’ nostrils flared wildly as she was given no choice but to breathe in that rich and savory musk. “Mmmm…” Shining purred lustfully as he bent down towards it with a lick of his lips. “Man, I can’t believe I’m doing this…” “Why is that?~” cooed Sombra teasingly as he leaned back a little, making his cock stand more prominently in Cadance's line of vision. “You’ve already done it countless times before, little Prince. The only difference is that you have an audience now~” When his muzzle got within a couple inches of that thick cockhead, which was already oozing out a thick droplet of pre which lingered on Sombra’s crown, Shining giggled with a blush and said with a shrug, “Yeah, I suppose so…” The Prince then looked back at his wife, whose wide and teary eyes were darting between that well-endowed cock and her husband standing before it. Cadance wasn’t able to look away from either of the things caught in her vision, and was utterly helpless as she saw Shining lock eyes with her and say, “I guess I better make this count…” Shining Armor’s eyes never left his wife’s as he opened his mouth wide, and brought his tongue out to give the tip of Sombra’s cockhead a deep and generous lap. The Prince took his sweet time as he collected that first glob of Sombra’s pre seeping from the meaty tip, groaning in pleasure from the taste. Although, Shining’s response was barely heard over the low and domineering pur that emanated from Sombra’s grinning muzzle. Even though Cadance was starting to sob softly through her gag, unable to fathom what was happening before her, the Princess’ eyes didn’t even blink while glued to the horrid sight. Instead, she just stared in shocked disbelief while her husband licked the head of Sombra’s cock, groaning more with each lap as he savored the musky flavor. “Nnnnn…” Shining narrowed his eyes sadistically on his wife, seeing how rapidly her eyes were darting between his face and the Tyrant’s cock he was tending to. After closing his mouth briefly to swallow Sombra’s pre, Shining licked his lips with a satisfied smirk while his lover growled in approval above him. The Prince then gripped the length of Sombra’s shaft with his hoof, and began to stroke it slowly in front of his wife. “You like that?~” he asked coyly, not caring how strongly Cadance was glaring at him through her bondage and sobs. “Well, you better hope that mood changes, babe. Because I’m gonna do a lot more~” Then without warning, Shining turned to face Sombra’s member directly, and grinned before opening his maw to let that meaty cock sink into his mouth. The Prince closed his eyes as he leaned in, causing Cadance to gawk at how easily her husband was able to push that thick, throbbing cockhead into his muzzle. Clearly having done this before, the stallion let out a muffled moan as his lips wrapped around the top of Sombra’s shaft, and he started to suck his lover off with growing vigor. Meanwhile, Sombra gritted his fanged teeth as he leaned his head back and growled with a menacing hiss. “Yessssss… That’s right, Shining… Show your useless mare how a cock should be handled~” Cadance wasn’t sure what she should be more appalled by: that Sombra was insulting her so cruelly while having her husband tend to his sick whims, or that Shining actually nodded with a groan as he continued sucking his cock in front of her. While his hoof kept stroking the back half of Sombra’s shaft to keep him stimulated, Shining reopened his eyes to peer back as his wife and wink mockingly. His head pushed in as far as he could go, being able to take almost half of the Tyrant’s length before that cockhead could hit the back of his throat. After keeping himself lodged at that point for a moment, the stallion slowly pulled back as his lips suckled and caressed every inch it slid across. As soon as Shining’s mouth came back to the meaty crown of Sombra’s stallionhood, he let out a needy moan before sliding his lips back across that shaft. His head started to bob back and forth across Sombra’s cock slowly, all while his eyes remained locked on his wife’s stunned stare on him. Even though the musky and masculine taste of his lover’s flesh was enough to make Shining shudder in glee, that feeling of vengeance at seeing Cadance's mortified expression made each drag of his tongue that much sweeter. “Nnnnnnn…” Cadance was breathing rapidly through her nostrils, with her anger and betrayal burning furiously through her teary eyes. But because of the ballgag in her muzzle, all she could do was thrash pointlessly in her bindings while trying to speak through pained groans. “Uh hahe yuh… Uh hahe yuh fo muhhhhh…” Shining knew exactly what his wife was saying, but he couldn’t have cared less what he heard as he continued to blow his King obediently. Meanwhile, one of Sombra’s hooves came down to rest on top of the stallion’s head to pet him softly. “Oh, don’t worry Cadance,” cooed Sombra mockingly while eyeing her from above. “I don’t think your opinion matters anymore. Considering how poorly you can handle your husband in bed, it isn’t like you have much to offer to counteract your personality.” “FUDUHHH!!” Cadance tried to roar out furiously, but the gag just made her muffled scream sound like a pathetic garble. As the Alicorn kept squirming and tearing up, Sombra just cackled in delight before gripping Shining’s mane tightly. “Why should I ‘Shut up,’ Princess?” Sombra asked with a coy sneer, not even looking back at Shining while his hips moved against the Prince's muzzle. “I’m only speaking the truth, after all! Honestly, it astounds me that the 'Princess of Love' could be such a prude under the covers! Only going for missionary, and driving your husband mad until he’s begging for someone like me to do this to him~” Sombra finally looked down at his sub, who was held firmly in place by his hair while the Tyrant shoved his cock in and out of his mouth. Cadance couldn’t help staring back at her husband again, whose eyes were rolled back in depraved bliss at having Sombra thrusting against his open muzzle. The lewd schlicks of that cock sliding between her husband’s lips echoed in the room, broken only by the occasional noises emanating from Shining’s throat at having it rutted so mercilessly. Sombra held onto Shining’s mane with an iron grip as he used his face like a sex-toy, not receiving any sign of discomfort or obligation from the stallion during. “Nnnnngh!” groaned the former King when he finally stared back at the Princess, who could only writhe uncomfortably underneath her husband’s adulterous submission. “You… you really dropped the ball on losing this little slut, you know that?!” During his chiding, Sombra had to pause briefly to catch his breath between thrusts. “I… I got him to do whatever I w-wanted! At a-any time! And… and you pretty much wasted the opportunity to have some real fun with him~ But… but don’t worry… I’ll make sure you see how a REAL lover should treat this man!~” His thrusts against Shining’s muzzle became more erratic, which caused Cadance to cringe at the lewd slaps of Sombra’s balls hitting her husband’s chin. After all their years of marriage, Cadance could honestly say that she never saw Shining in this kind of light before. Instead of the dignified, upstanding citizen who was loved by all of Equestria, all that she saw now was some depraved, cock-hungry slut who was allowing himself to be defiled so animalistically. And considering how he was letting Sombra of all ponies treat him this way, Cadance couldn’t even recognize her husband anymore. But before she could dwell too much on how much she lost, Cadance saw her husband’s head get yanked back by his hair. As soon as Sombra’s cock was pulled out of his mouth with a wet pop, Shining gasped several times while blushing heavily. He looked like he was about to pass out from oxygen deprivation if Sombra kept himself inside for a moment longer, but the stallion was still smiling eagerly up at his domineering lover. Still holding his hair, Sombra growled with a fanged grin before saying sweetly, “You know, you should really give your wife a good show~” After motioning down to his rigid, throbbing cock, Sombra purred in satisfaction as the unicorn instinctively began stroking the length with his hoof. “I couldn’t agree more, my King~” replied Shining in a sickly-sweet tone of his own. Of course, as he stroked the full length of Sombra’s massive cock, making sure to point it right at his face, Shining couldn’t resist turning back towards Cadance with a wide and knowing grin. “Mmmm…” Shining licked his lips enticingly, and kept his eyes pinned on his squirming wife while Sombra’s groans grew more needy. “You better get a good look at this, babe,” he purred as his strokes grew faster across his lover’s length. “Because you wouldn’t believe how much he has in him~” Just as Sombra moaned out with his head pulled back in pleasure, Shining knew that the Tyrant was about to blow his load at any moment. So as Cadance laid in a stunned and speechless state, she stared in awe as her husband turned back to that throbbing cockhead with his mouth opened wide. Looking like an experienced porn star, Shining Armor had his tongue sticking out lazily while jerking off Sombra with all of his might, clearly anticipating that hefty load that was about to shoot out. Cadance was still groaning faintly through her ballgag, but her cheeks blushed as she realized what she was about to see her husband do; plus, the growing scent of the former King’s arousal was becoming overwhelming, especially since she had no way to avoid inhaling the heady aroma. “Ahhh! Aaaahhh!! AAAHHHH!!!~” Sombra cried out in ecstasy from Shining’s enthusiastic stroking, and his cock throbbed hard as multiple ropes of his seed shot out in front of Cadance. The Princess gasped silently through her nostrils, her eyes unblinking as she saw the first couple strong spurts go directly into her husband’s hungry mouth. Of course, as soon as the stallion closed his lips to savor the taste of his King, Sombra’s remaining strands draped all over his face and mane. Long, gooey ropes of the Tyrant’s glossy white cum splattered all over his Prince, dribbling down in messy strings from his hair and horn. A couple large strings hung obscenely from the bridge of his muzzle, not that he seemed to care as he waited for him to finish. “Nnnnnngggg~” After that heavy groan, it was clear that the last of Sombra’s load was dribbling out from the head of his cock. Shining shuddered in pleasure as he reopened his mouth, with the Tyrrant’s cum still inside and hanging in gooey strands between his lips; nevertheless, his tongue still came out with a thick coating of his Master’s seed, and slowly lapped up the last few drops hanging from Sombra’s drooling cockhead. But even as his tongue pulled back in, his mouth remained wide open when he finally turned towards his stoic wife. Cadance still looked beyond pained from what she had to witness, but no tears were coming from her reddened eyes as she got that first good glimpse of Shining’s mouth flooded with King Sombra’s cum. Shining made sure to wiggle his tongue around in that pool of white, gooey seed to tease the mare, hoping it would really put some salt in that major wound he made. When he finally closed his lips, keeping all of his King’s load between his puffed-out lips, the Prince eyed Cadance with a malicious half-lidded stare while slowly swishing the mixture in his mouth. The salty and bitter load made his fur stand on end as he savored the flavor, growing more intense with each flick of his tongue; meanwhile, Cadance had to try her hardest not to shudder involuntarily at what her husband was lewdly displaying before her. Of course, Sombra was able to notice the Princess’ body language as he watched the spectacle from above. As soon as Shining pulled his head back, pointing his throat right to Cadance's face, Sombra saw how much the mare’s hind-legs quivered when her husband made that first heavy gulp. The lump of Sombra’s load traveling down Shining’s throat was large enough to easily see, as evidenced by how Cadance's purple eyes followed the bulge each time he swallowed. And after witnessing Shining make four large swallows, the poor alicorn’s body was unable to stay still the instant he brought his head down, and opened his mouth wide to show his clean tongue with a satisfied sigh. Cadance closed her eyes during her husband’s sigh, and her body writhed hard during her prolonged shudder. “... mmmmmmphhhh…” Sombra’s eyes widened immensely, but it wasn’t nearly as evident as the toothy smile that spread across his muzzle. “Oh, my~” he purred with a new idea popping into his head. As he realized how to make this night really special, the Tyrant glanced down at his lover and asked, “Shining… Please don’t tell me I’m the only one who noticed that~” “Hmm?” Cadance reopened her eyes weakly, her cheeks still blushed as she tried to close her legs; unfortunately, her bondage made any attempts to conceal herself fairly useless. Shining, who was able to look down at his wife after seeing that shudder as well, smirked just as slyly as his King when he turned back to him. “Noticed what?” asked Shining in a coy tone. “That the prude little bitch we have tied up is enjoying what she’s seeing?~” “WHUH!?” Cadance squealed through her gag like a pig in a slaughterhouse, and thrashed in her ropes pointlessly once more. “NUH!! NUH UH UM--MMMMPHHH!!!~” Cadance's muffled scream was instantly stopped as soon as Shining brought a hoof down between her spread-open legs. The Princess clenched her eyes shut as she groaned and shivered from her husband’s touch, feeling horrible for giving in while her cheeks burned intensely. Meanwhile, both Shining and Sombra chuckled mockingly as the white stallion slid his hoof up and down Cadance's exposed marehood, which was already wet before he even touched it. “Oh, won’t you look at that?” said Sombra as his teasing smile was directed back at Cadance's shameful expression. “It seems like the worthless little Princess likes watching her husband suck my cock like a little pervert~” Cadance tried to groan in desperation while shaking her head violently, but it was to no avail. Shining continued to slide his hoof up and down his wife’s moist, puffy lips, prompting the Princess to start moaning out weakly. She absolutely hated that the touch of her cheating husband was still making her fur stand on end, but her mind was helplessly clouded by the mental images of him taking that cock so well, as well as by the lingering aroma of Sombra’s elusive musk.  By the time Shining finally pulled his hoof away, now coated in a thin sheen of his wife’s shameful arousal, the Alicorn was trying to stifle her muffled noises while the stallion brought his hoof up to his mouth. “Mmmm…” After licking up a small taste of Cadance's sweet nectar, the Prince smirked with a chuckle before saying teasingly down at her, “Tastes like a fresh cuckold to me~” “Indeed,” added Sombra as he leered down at the Princess with a condescending grin of his own. “Although, it wouldn’t hurt to make sure, after all~” “Nnnnn…” Shining closed his eyes as he took a deeper lap of his wife’s juices from his hoof, savoring the arousal that she gave off from witnessing his debaucherous acts. While the Princess laid in the bed with a mix of fear and confusion glowing across her blushed face, she could only watch as her husband glanced back at Sombra and replied, “You know what? I couldn’t agree more, my King~” After making one last glance down at Cadance, who couldn’t even try to speak anymore while laying in silent resentment and arousal, Sombra grinned lustfully and began to turn himself around on the bed. “Shining,” he said with a groan as he adjusted his position, eventually laying on his stomach with his rear directly facing Cadance's blushed expression. With his torso right between the Princess’ legs, and his tail flicking mere inches from her wettening sex, Sombra smiled evilly back at Shining as he lifted his rear upward. “Could you be a dear and lick something other than your wife’s worthless juices? I think your tongue prefers something a little more…” Sombra promptly lifted his tail during that pause, making Cadance wince as she got a clear view of the Tyrant’s puckered tailhole. Of course, it seemed the ex-King didn’t even mind his new exposure as he finished his description towards his lover. “... exotic~” Shining just grinned with an eager growl in his voice, making it clear that he did this before. “Ooohhh, I missed seeing that~” After wiping his wife’s juices from his hoof against the bedsheets, Shining didn’t even glance back at Cadance as he went in muzzle-first towards Sombra’s rump. His hooves came up to grab hold of each of the Tyrant’s plump cheeks, and squeezed them tight to make Sombra purr in approval. The older stallion’s growl soon turned to a raspy moan the instant Shining’s tongue came out, and dragged upward against his King’s wrinkled flesh. “Ahhh!~” Sombra gasped with a satisfied smile while clenching his eyes to that familiar wetness dragging across his hole. “Nnnnngghhh… T-That’s right, little pony,” he groaned, eliciting a strong shudder while Shining continued to lap diligently. “Enjoy your King’s banquet~” Because of her angle underneath Sombra and her husband, Cadance got the perfect view from below as she watched Shining rimming his lover before her. Each eager drag of his tongue was accompanied by a guttural moan from the back of his throat, clearly savoring the taste of his King’s musk. Cadance's eyes were strained at the sight of her spouse eating out their former enemy, but she couldn’t bear to close them shut either. Even when she saw Shining’s lips press up around Sombra’s hole, the Princess just squirmed with a guilty moan as she imagined that tongue prodding hard against her tormentor’s entrance. “Mmmmph!” Sombra moaned out in a raspy growl as the Prince got more rabid with his rimming, holding onto his rear for dear life while tonguing that tight hole. It took a moment for the Tyrant to relax himself, as his body shivered with delight each time his lover’s tongue swirled around his twitching pucker. However, it wasn’t long before Shining’s diligent muscle could finally slip inside, wriggling in deep to cause his King to shudder in his grasp. But despite how loud Sombra’s lewd moans came out during his treatment, both of them could clearly overhear the shameful noises coming through Cadance's drooling ballgag. “... Nnnnn!~” Cadance was whimpering like a hungry dog staring up at its owners’ meals, but there was nothing she could do while watching her husband eating out Sombra with a muffled growl in his voice. Each time his tongue flicked strongly inside of the Tyrant, Cadance got a good look at Sombra’s half-flaccid cock twitching in deep pleasure. A couple drops of his remnant seed dropped down onto Cadance's stomach with each shudder that swept across his body, but it was nothing compared to how soaked the fur between her legs was becoming. By this point, the Alicorn was finding it extremely difficult to deny her body’s reaction to seeing Shining rimming someone else so much more passionately than he did with her. “Mmmm… Mmmmmmmph~” Sombra sighed with a satisfied grin as he heard Cadance's moans growing more audible within the room. “Oh, you… y-you like that?~” he tried to jeer between breaths, despite his voice being shaky from his lover’s ravenous tongue-lashings. “Y-You really should’ve let him use his tongue more often!~ It… I-It’s a shame he won’t eat y-you out like he does with me~” Cadance was hurt by that comment, not wanting to think that she really lost her husband in that sort of way. But as her heart raced, and her loins burned wildly between her legs, the Princess could only groan through her gag in confirmation of that fact. The realization stung like a hornet striking her in the chest, but she could also feel her marehood winking uncontrollably between her open legs. As her eyes became half lidded while still stemming tears, the sight of her husband devouring her enemy so primally made her moan in shameful jealousy. Sombra could feel himself getting hard again, mostly from the aid of his lover’s tongue occasionally rubbing against his prostate with his eager licks. However, as soon as he glanced down at the Princess between his legs, his grin grew tremendously when he saw how turned-on she was getting by her husband’s lecherous acts. Meanwhile, the Prince just savored the warmth and tightness of Sombra’s hole clenched around his tongue, as well as the wild squirms he felt from him while grabbing his toned flanks. Shining may have delivered a few mind-blowing bouts of cunnilingus to his wife in the past, but the taste of her velvety folds didn’t give him the sensation he felt by tonguing Sombra the way he was now. “Uuuunnnnffff~” By the time Sombra was growing fully erect once more, Cadance was guiltily staring right at that massive appendage as it hung teasingly over her exposed and aroused form. With the way her cunny was dripping in unbridled arousal, it wouldn’t have been too shocking if the Princess was pondering the idea of that cock being thrusted into her mercilessly. But alas, Cadance's marehood was left to merely gush and clench around nothing while marveling at Sombra’s well-endowed member, not being able to touch it in any way. By the time Shining finally finished rimming his lover, and pulled away from his rump with several strings of saliva connecting his lips to that glistening hole, Cadance squirmed hard at the sight of that sopping-wet entrance presented before her. Shining panted heavily after his tongue was pulled free, but he made sure to grin up at Sombra and reply sincerely, “Th… T-Thank you, my King~” Of course, Sombra merely chuckled when he saw how deep Cadance's blush had gotten from hearing that. “You like hearing that?” gloated the Tyrant with a shake of his rear down at her. “Believe me, Shining loves submitting to me like a little slave. And he also loves giving it to me like this~ Even after all the times I let him fuck me continuously, he said I was still way tighter than your old cunt ever was...” Cadance winced painfully, but still let out a lingering groan while biting her ballgag hard. She wanted to protest Sombra’s claim, even without being able to actually say it, but any statements she could try to make just felt petty and… a little dishonest. Despite how badly her marehood was burning for some relief or penetration, the Alicorn knew that she was still fairly stretched out after giving birth to Flurry Heart. And with the sight of Sombra’s wet, perky hole puckering above her tauntingly, Cadance wouldn’t be surprised if he was tighter than her. That fact made the Princess cringe painfully, but it also made her legs tense up from her cunny winking. Shining was wiping his muzzle with a foreleg when he saw how much Cadance was writing underneath him and Sombra, which caused him to huff in surprise and intrigue. “Well then,” said the Prince as he smirked back at his lover. “It seems like she won’t object to seeing how tight you really are~” He then glanced back down at his blushed and cringing wife, narrowing his eyes on her with an evil smirk. “Are you, honey?” Cadance grunted bitterly at how condescending her husband’s tone sounded with that last word, delivering that nickname to her with such malice and sickly-sweet bile. However, despite how different Shining was acting, Cadance couldn’t stop shivering in arousal from being in such a compromising position. Instead of being in bed with the kind, dependable stallion she married and made a foal with, the Princess was now bound and gagged before a mean and domineering beast who was denying her even the slightest hint of pleasure. It was so demeaning and insulting to her name and title, but with each passing second, the mare was finding it harder to deny how much her nerves were tingling for more. So after a strong shudder that tensed her hooves against the ropes, Cadance could only close her eyes with a shaky sigh before shaking her head. “That’s a good girl~” Shining bent down to plant a small peck on the tip of Cadance's deactivated horn, making it zap slightly against his lips like static electricity. While the mare kept squirming with a reluctant moan emitting from her gag, her husband quickly got into position as he mounted Sombra in his presented stance. The Tyrant only let out a brief groan at the familiar weight of his lover pressed against his back. Meanwhile, Cadance reopened her eyes to stare up at Sombra’s waiting entrance, and her husband’s cockhead prodding tightly against it. “I hope you have a good view,” jeered Sombra from above as he felt Shining positioning his stallionhood against him. “Because you’re gonna see how a real pony takes your husband’s cock~” Cadance shivered in hesitance, but her face still blushed deeply as she stared up at the two with her eyes half-lidded. The sight was so demoralizing, and Sombra’s words bore into her like a dagger piercing her stomach. However, as her eyes gazed up at that muscular physique of her husband’s, and then towards the toned and endowed figure of his lover’s, Cadance knew she couldn’t look away if she tried. The instant she heard Shining begin to grunt hard, and she saw the thick crown of his cock press in even harder against Sombra’s glistened hole, the Princess’ body quivered in apprehensive approval. She couldn’t try to deny it now. She wanted to see it happen. “Mmmrrrrrgh!~” Shining clenched his eyes tightly as he tensed up his hind-legs behind Sombra, feeling his rigid cochkead sliwly sinking in through that ring of the King’s flesh. “G-Godess… Y-You’re so bucking tight~” Sombra may have been trying to relax himself as much as possible, but he still gritted his teeth as he felt his tailhole being stretched open by the Prince’s throbbing hot member. However, he was still able to grin with a sultry pur as he let the stallion enter him in front of his own wife. “Nnnnngh, d-don’t you know it~” he snarled condescendingly so Cadance could hear him. “I bet after that foal you two had, your… your bitch of a wife feels like a sack of meat compared to me!~” The noises coming through Cadance's gag were now coming out louder than the two stallion’ grunting, which just made the sexual tension in the room much more electrifying to the lovers. Hearing how much the Princess was guiltily getting into it, and smelling the distinct scent of her arousal wafting through from beneath them, Shining didn’t even feel guilty as he replied with a vindictive tone, “O-Oh yeah! She--Mmnnnghhh… Th-There we go… C-Compared to you, fucking her is like tossing a carrot down a hallway!~” Cadance winced a little at that comparison, but another moan still broke out through her ballgag. Despite how much her hind-legs tensed up against those ropes, her poor cunny was left completely untouched as her lips stayed spread-open and drooling with her juices. Her clit repeatedly winked in dire need of pleasure, blinking within Sombra’s sights like a little pink beacon beneath his hooves. Alas, the former King showed no mercy at the sight of Cadance's needy button, and only moaned in sweet relief the instant Shining’s cockhead popped inside of his entrance. “AAAHHH!!~” Sombra closed his eyes and shuddered through that brief bout of pain that swept across him. However, by the time Shining began to slowly slide his shaft in, the Tyrant was able to groan shakily at that familiar appendage filling him from the inside. “A-A-Aaaaaaaahhhhh~” Meanwhile, Cadance shuddered from underneath as she marveled at how well her husband’s cock slid into the former King, like that stallionhood was made for him. Her pussy was burning intensely between her legs, igniting her arousal to no end and leaving her mind blank of everything but pure desire. The sounds of Sombra’s moans rang deeply enough in her ears to make them tingle in jealousy. Her breaths through her nostrils were flooded with the scent of both her own arousal and theirs, keeping her on edge as she watched her husband giving it to that stallion. That mean… relentless… masculine stallion, who was staring back at the Princess with a strained but knowing smile while filled with Shining’s cock. “Mmmmm… Bet you wish it was you taking this, huh~?” After hearing another pop from Shining’s medial ridge sinking in through Sombra’s tight hole, Cadance groaned needily and nodded her head without thinking. Sombra merely huffed with a mocking smirk pointed at her, despite shuddering from his lover getting balls-deep inside of him. “Mmmmmph!~ W-Well… I th-think it’s pretty clear that he deserves someone better than you to handle his cock~ Isn’t that right, Shining?~” Since the white stallion could tell how much his wife was enjoying this, he replied cheekily in response, “Ohhhh yeah~ You… You’re way better than Cadance!~” If the Alicorn wasn’t already broken from what her husband was doing before her, hearing him say that comment surely did it. Cadance groaned in a high-pitched, strained-sounding cry through her gag, not needing her love-magic to know that Shining really meant that statement. But as her eyes stayed peered at her former stallion’s thick, meaty cock, and the Tyrant’s tight hole wrapped around it like a vice, the Princess almost couldn’t blame him for saying it. Sombra looked so tight, and Shining looked so pleased filling him with his cock instead of her. The betrayal should’ve shattered her heart like a champagne glass, but instead she just felt a small twinge that was completely overshadowed by the throbbing from her hot, soaking cunt. Even though Shining took his time with that first penetration, he made up for the lost time by pulling his length out much quicker. Sombra moaned in a mix of surprise and pleasure as he felt that cock escaping him, leaving his body yearning for his lover to thrust back in. Of course, from the way Cadance was leering desperately at that shaft sliding out from above her, it was obvious that Sombra wasn’t the only one who wanted that to happen. Her body writhed in dire need below them, and her heart was pounding for what she really wanted in that moment. She wanted her husband to keep going. She wanted-- No… She needed to see just how much better Sombra was than her. She needed to see just how hard her dominant, primally-fueled husband could deliver those thrusts into someone who could take it. She needed to witness that strong, overbearing King claiming her husband as her own, and proving how little the Princess of Love was actually needed in the bedroom. No… She didn’t just need it… She deserved it. With that revelation burning hard inside of her head, Cadance moaned out needily underneath her husband, and her hips thrusted upward towards nothing. Shining, upon seeing how much his wife convulsed as he pulled out, paused while only the head of his cock was inside of Sombra. Meanwhile, Sombra merely growled like a waiting beast as he glared back at the Princess with a sinister sneer. “If only you could see yourself right now, Cadance.” he purred with a distasteful tone, but still grinning steadily. “Seeing your husband fucking another man, and you’re getting off to it like a complete deviant~ And you called him pathetic?” While Cadance groaned in her deeply aroused state, now completely understanding the hypocrisy of her statements earlier, Shining shuddered as he remained in position with his cock throbbing. “H-Hey, give her some slack,” jeered Shining back at his King. “I think the mare learned her lesson. And right now, I think she knows what punishment she deserves~” Shining narrowed his eyes down at his wife, grinning as maniacally as the Tyrant he was mounting. By this point, Cadance couldn’t have cared less what she had to do, and merely nodded her head in dire need of release. With her cunny winking nonstop between her legs, the Alicorn moaned with a deep blush and tried to speak through her gag. “P… Pweeffff…” “Please what, your Highness?~” asked Shining mockingly, clearly wanting to hear her say it out loud. Cadance cringed faintly, but she also shuddered as she realized what she wanted to ask. The Princess wanted to hate herself for sinking so low, but her cuckolded state of mind left her with no other option that would satisfy her. “Pweef… pweef fuf hih.” “Nnnnnphhhh… W-What was that?~” asked Sombra with a sadistic grin of his own, his cock twitching hard for Cadance to see. Alas, the mare was too far gone to mind, and merely moaned with another convulsion before repeating herself more clearly. “P-Pweef fuf hih! Fu… Fuf hih hahb!~” “Fuck him hard~?” Catching what his new cuckold of a wife said, Shining smiled mischievously and tensed himself behind Sombra. After a shake of his head, the Prince scoffed while staring down at her. “Well then, if my pathetic cuck of a wife wants me to fuck a real pony, then who am I to…” Shining used that brief pause to grant Cadance her wish, and drive his hips in hard against Sombra’s backside to plunge his cock in deep. “... JUDGE!” Sombra instantly moaned out in an elated yelp, and his body shook tremendously above his captive cuck. Cadance moaned hard from that first thrust as well, with more of her arousal leaking out to leave a puddle on the bed. Her chin and neck, as well as the top half of her chest, were becoming steadily damp as she continued to drool sloppily through her ballgag. But despite how soaked and defeated the Princess felt, she couldn’t have cared less as she watched Shining pull back out to repeat his motions. And with each lewd smack of her husband’s body against Sombra’s, Cadance's marehood began burning hotter than it ever did through penetration. Shining moaned between hearty grunts as he fucked Sombra with all of his might, driving his hips strongly into the King and making their balls smack with each full penetration he made. And Sombra, despite being on the bottom, still growled in a domineering tone that made Cadance's spine tingle beneath him. His hole remained tightly wrapped around Shining’s shaft with each powerful thrust, but the Tyrant was still clearly in charge as he grinned up at his lover. “Who… who’s better suited for your cock, Shining?~” he asked condescendingly. “Me? Or that cunt staring up at us?~” The last time a pony even dared call Cadance that term, they ended up in critical condition in the hospital for two weeks. But now, the Princess just groaned shamefully in pained pleasure without trying to object. Of course, her marehood really clenched hard when she heard her husband reply back to him, “Y-You are, Sombra! You… you’re so much better than my wife!~” Cadance's head rolled back as she moaned through her gag, unable to deny how guiltily tantalizing this moment was. Her eyes stayed glued to the deceitful spectacle above her head, watching intently as her husband rutted their former enemy with such a charismatic force she never experienced herself. Her heart ached in jealousy and betrayal, but her cunny dripped in dire approval of seeing something so much greater than what she deserved. This strong… muscular pony deserved to be the one taking her husband’s cock so well. Not her. As Shining’s thrusts grew more rapid, Cadance's pussy continued to wink and convulse on its own, helping to bring her closer to her own meager orgasm. Meanwhile, Sombra’s thick and meaty cock throbbed hard above her bound body, with his cockhead dripping a copious amount of pre down to her stomach. The scent of the Tyrant’s seed set Cadance even more ablaze in need, wanting nothing more than to be the recipient of that pleasure he was sharing with Shining. But alas, as her mind succumbed to the cuckolded state cementing in her, the Princess knew that the passion and lust shared between Shining and Sombra shouldn’t be interfered. Especially by a pathetic beta of a mare like herself. “Ahhhh!!~” cried out Shining between heavy pants, as his thrusts against Sombra grew more erratic and hefty. “I’m… I’m about to…” “Nnnnnggg!~” Sombra could barely speak between Shining’s powerful ruts, especially as his own hind-legs started to buckle from the Prince’s shaft sliding across his prostate so teasingly well. Alas, the ex-King still moaned out shakily before glancing back at Cadance with a panting sneer. “You… you w-wanna… s-see your husband cum inside a real pony, bitch?~” Cadance's eyes could barely stay open from being so strained, but they were still glued to her husband’s eager thrusts above her as she moaned and nodded her head. “Y… Y-YUF!~” Shining’s cock throbbed hard inside of Sombra from hearing his wife’s elated admission, causing him to shudder while still thrusting. “You… Y-You still think I’m pathetic?!” taunted the Prince while fucking his lover like a jackhammer. Cadance violently shook her head with a heavy blush, moaning as she writhed underneath the action as a spectator. “N-Nuuuuuuhhhhh… Yuh nud…” “You’re damn right, he’s not!” yelled Sombra between heavy thrusts as he felt Shining’s cock throbbing even harder, which caused himself to reach towards his own climax as well. “He… belongs to me now, you understand? He… he’s never going to fuck a worthless mare like you again! You… you don’t deserve his cock!~” With the last of her composure slipping away from her overwhelming lust, Cadance could only moan with her cunny burning in undeniable agreement. “Y-Yuf!~” she cried out through her gag, with the last of her shame escaping her voice. “Ah… Ah dode… Ah dode defurf id…” Shining clenched his eyes shut as he delivered his last remaining thrusts into the Tyrant, determined to fill him to the brim with his pent-up load. As he grunted through his gritted teeth, the Prince heard Sombra moan out between thrusts, “S… Say it again, bitch!” “Ah dode defurf id!~” cried Cadance while her marehood winked even harder, fully accepting her confession as fact. After all she did to her husband, and all that she witnessed him to with this superior pony, the Alicorn knew that his cock needed better. The realization stung, but it also brought the cuckold closer to that orgasm she so badly needed. Despite how badly she needed to see her husband finish inside of Sombra, Cadance's eyes clenched shut for a moment as she cried out desperately. “Ah… AH DODE DEFURF ID!!!~” That elated cry, combined with his tightly Sombra’s hole clenched around his shaft, was enough to finally set Shining Armor over the edge. As soon as Cadance reopened her eyes, they widened as she saw how tightly her husband’s thigh muscles spasmed during his strained moan. He delivered several hard, twitching thrusts inside of the Tyrant while buried deep inside of him, undoubtedly reaching orgasm and flooding him with all of his rich, virile seed. Even that Cadance couldn’t see the actual climax occurring inside of Sombra, her eyes strained as she groaned strongly through her gag and writhed form her peak being reached. Of course, her reaction to teetering on the edge of release was nothing compared to Sombra’s primal cry, which pierced the room as he tensed up from Shining cumming inside his deepest depths. The instant Cadance's husband erupted his load inside of him, Sombra’s fur stood on end from feeling such a voluptuous amount of warm cum flooding inside of his body. Shining may have been his sub, but the Tyrant savored how animalistic and beastly the unicorn’s cry came out during his much-needed orgasm; especially considering that he was willing to do it so vindictively in front of his cuckold wife. Before Shining was halfway through with his orgasm, the ex-King cried out in strained bliss as his own member throbbed hard, not even needing to be touched as he came hard on top of the bound Cadance. While hearing the Princess let out those muffled moans, Sombra’s entire body pulsated as rope after rope of his cum shot out of him, splattering lewdly all over her stomach and thighs. “Mmmmmm!! Mmmmmmph!!! MMMMMMPHHH!!!~” Cadance, unable to take anymore teasing, finally tipped past the breaking point as her cunny spasmed wildly underneath the two stallions fucking above her. Her eyes clenched shut as she came powerfully, with several spurts of her juices squirting out without any assistance from herself or the ponies above her. As the Princess cried out through her ballgag and orgasmed from the sheer cuckolding she experienced, every muscle in her body froze while she endured multiple waves of monumental pleasure. Just before she could pass out from the sheer exhaustion and fatigue her body went through, Cadance's eyes rolled back as her climax swept across her body, leaving her nothing more than a twitching and cum-covered mess by the time her head slumped back against her pillow. When Shining and Sombra finally finished, both of them breathing heavily and savoring the afterglow of their taboo intercourse, Princess Cadance was out like a light while laying in her bindings and a puddle of her arousal. Sombra, who merely laid down on his stomach while Shining was still buried in him, was the first to notice the Alicorn’s unconscious state when he glanced back at her lazily. “Ummm… wow. I… I h-honestly didn’t expect her to enjoy it that much.” “Y-Yeah. Me… me neither…” Shining was still panting deeply as he laid on top of the Tyrant, needing another moment to catch his breath. When he looked back at his wife, who was still drooling through her gag and shivering a little, Shining huffed with a smirk and shrugged before saying. “Honestly, I’m just glad my precautions held out. But yeah… it does make me wonder what to do now.” “Really?” asked Sombra as he glanced up at him curiously. Even though Shining’s softening stallionhood was still inside of him, the ex-King was able to ask casually, “So… are you not going to erase her memories about tonight? I mean, that was why you asked me to teach you the spell.” “Well…” Shining paused as he looked back at Cadance for a moment, seeing the post-orgasmic smile plastered on her face after falling asleep. “Maybe... I could wait until she wakes up, at least? I mean… if we did make her a cuckold, then…” Sombra’s brows raised in surprise, but his grin also widened while peering up at the Prince. “Oh my goodness… Shining Armor, are you considering keeping Cadance in the know?~” “I-I dunno!” he blurted in response, blushing a bit while ignoring Sombra’s cheeky smirk. “I just… m-maybe if she likes it, then… sh-she won’t say anything about us to the public. That makes sense right?” “Hey,” retorted Sombra with a shrug and a low chuckle, “as long as neither of us get killed, and I get to keep tormenting your wife, then I won’t object in the slightest~” Shining sighed with a roll of his eyes, not looking surprised that his lover would say that. But while the Prince tried not to smile at his playful banter, Sombra peered back at the Alicorn with narrowed eyes and a sinister grin. He didn’t want to say anything to Shining right now, but the Tyrant was already getting some especially wicked ideas for what to do if Cadance did want to stay a cuckold for them. Starting with a few ideas involving the Princess’ wedding dress~ “B-But,” said Shining as he exhaled deeply and laid on top of Sombra’s back, waiting to get soft enough before pulling out. “I’ll see what happens when she wakes up. If she tries to kill me, then I’ll wipe her memories of this and make her think nothing happened. And if she’s, ummm… not mad, then…” While the Prince’s words trailed off apprehensively, Sombra chuckled again and responded with a grin, “Then we’re gonna be using this bed more often~” Thinking the idea over, Shining couldn’t resist smiling weakly either. “Yeah,” he admitted as he nuzzled Sombra’s back and held him for a soft hug. “I suppose we actually could.” “And, you can admit how you feel about me without worrying about her reaction,” said Sombra with a warm smile up at him. Shining took a breath, but still smiled back down at him with a shrug. “Well, we’ll see…” After a moment, Shining huffed and admitted with a tilt of his head. “I’ll admit, it would be nice to say it in front of others.” Sombra already knew what he meant, but he still raised his brow and asked cheekily, “To say what, my little pet?~” Shining saw that taunting smirk from his lover, and sighed with his own smile growing warmer. “To say that… I love you, Sombra~” Even though he was still on his stomach, Sombra leaned his head back towards Shining and replied kindly, “And I love you too, Shining~” While the cucked Princess laid in a near comatose state on the bed, her husband and former enemy shared a long, loving kiss on top of her as the room fell into silence. Even though the morning would probably prove to be quite an eventful one, neither of the stallions paid any heed to what would happen while in each other’s embrace. Instead, the two just savored the moment they had together, both of them hoping that this wouldn’t be the only time it occurred.