> Along with the Snow > by Calico64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Slap Number > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there was one time in Ranchtown that truly hyped up the air quite a bit, it was College Registration day. Pledgers were doing the stupid crap they always did to get into the Sorority or Fraternity of their choice. Cheerleaders and sports players were out there getting the pulses up in the crowd with their cheers and shouts. While there was a good number of kids getting into the excitement, most of them just wanted to get their classes registered before they were all full up. The crowd was huge that day, and Winter Solstice probably picked one of the worst times to arrive. The very bright blue unicorn with flowing, spiky icy blue hair sighed as he held his phone in his hand, and hoped to the powers that be that it wasn’t too late. He had on a thick jacket, and an expensive pair of pants that held his legs tight. The air wasn’t gusting, but the breeze in itself was rather freezing. A fresh layer of snow had laid itself down over night, but that was rather normal for the time of year. He didn’t mind the cold too much, it was, after all, his name sake. While others were shivering every time there was a good wind blowing by, he simply side stepped into the pack. He ambled through the crowd, looking for the main classes he needed to take. Thankfully, though, it wasn’t the English or Math classes that people were crowding around, those were the big electives. The ponies in the stands were scrambling to get them signed up, and using his phone for the reference, he started his way around the registration site. He signed his name on many forms, and took copies of his own from the pink papers below them. He swished his backpack off of one shoulder and stuffed the papers down into it, not too worried about wrinkling them. He wasn’t too selective when it came to the condition of his own files, he just wanted to have them as proof. It was a struggle to get around people. There were young mares coming up to him to sign petitions to heighten the quality of life around the dorms, and there were stallions coming up to him to join their frats. He nodded to them and waved them away, making up some excuse that he was late for something, when he more or less just wasn’t interested. Winter finally got all of his main classes signed up, and he still had room for one more elective. Well, there was the problem. He had no idea what he wanted to do, and he wanted to be careful. He didn’t want to sign up and pay for a class only to find out it wasn’t what he thought it was, or that it was entirely too hard to concentrate on and end up dropping out of it. He had some scholarships he could muscle in with, but even those were dreadfully sketchy when it came to spending their money. Wasting scholarship money did not look good on his record, and he didn’t want to end up losing one all together. Winter was sensible enough when it came to school. He wasn’t the greatest student ever, but he was also no slouch. Even when times got hard, he tried his best to stick with it. Having been raised by a single mother, he knew how hard life could get, and he swore to her up and down that he would not let it all go to waste. Frozen Pop was a lovely mare, and she loved her son very, very much, but that was a story for another time. He walked around for a bit, asked some questions, got some catalogs and brochures for whatever looked interesting. Art came up more than once, but then he thought about the work involved in such a field, and wondered if painting a picture at the last minute was worth missing a full essay in English Comp. He thought about it for a moment, and decided to think while he walked around, assuring the Art Class Sign-up stand that he would be back with an answer. Only he was doing a little too much thinking, and not enough of paying attention to where he was going, and he started to get into a huge crowd of jocks and sports ponies that were continuing their hooping and hollering as they pranced around with enough school spirit that could be measured by the miles. He decided he could think better elsewhere, and turned around. Only as he turned around, his hand didn’t so much brush up, but more slid across a soft orb of some kind. He moved his hand, and looked down to see that there was a mare’s butt that was clad in a pair of red sweat pants. It took him a moment to put together that he had accidentally just groped her butt. He looked up to see that this bright tan furred unicorn was glaring directly at him with piercing green eyes. She brushed her brown and white mane out of her face, and before he could say any sort of apology, her hand came back fast, swatting full palmed into his right cheek. His face went numb on one side as it turned all the way to the right. After just a few seconds, the numbing turned into a burning of which he held his cold hand against. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” She hollered at him. Thankfully her protests were drowned out from the crowd as the cheerleaders and jocks continued to make a ruckus around them. “Just because I’m bent over, signing up for a scholarship does not invite you to cop a feel on my ass!” “But I--” He started, but she interrupted him as she pulled her red jacket around her ample breasts to hide them as well. Although they were clad in a sports bra and black t-shirt, thoroughly left to the imagination. “I oughtta report you to the school board! Sexual harassment has a serious zero tolerance on school grounds! I could get you expelled! But I feel like I should probably just kick your ass right here right now!” She held up both of her fists as she invaded his personal bubble directly up into his face. Her unicorn horn crossing with his. “Whoa whoa whoa! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to touch you!” Winter shouted as she was just about to rear back for a punch. “I was just turning around and my hand brushed up against you, I didn’t mean to!” He held his hands up defensively, moving their position to try and catch her fist, wherever it came from. She stood there for a moment, and at first, she figured he was just lying, but she looked him over, and he didn’t quite have the gropey type of aura. In fact, he kind of reminded her of one those kids from the movies, the ones who have a good heart, but end up getting killed by the monster, and their character is built in that sort of way to make us feel sorry for them. The expression of terror on his face told her that he was more or less wasn’t fibbing. That it had, indeed, been an accident. Some predatory stallions would have just kept smiling, even after she slapped them, and still try to get her phone number. She had dealt with more than a few of those pervs, and straightened them out but good. She wasn’t getting a scholarship for hockey, she LIVED, BREATHED, and ATE hockey! Her body was built as solid as a feminine brick, and her reflexes were agile, and sharp so she could catch hockey pucks with her stick. She was also built that tough so she could slap asshole stallions who thought she was a plaything to grope on. After just a moment, she calmed down a bit, and saw that his breathing was relaxing, but his hands were still up in that defensive stance, as if he didn’t trust her not to lash out at him once again. “I’m sorry.” She said, and that finally got him to put his hands down and stand up straight. “I’ve been around too many corners with touchy feely jerks.” She looked off toward the jockeys dancing around some freshman who was trying to sign up for football. Then she looked back at Winter. “I’m Golden Goal.” She extended her hand to him, and he took it in his in a shake. “Winter Solstice, nice to meet you.” He looked around, and was still caught up in that awkward moment of ‘I just touched your ass, but nice to meet you. Nice slap by the way.’ “Likewise.” She smiled now. “Were you signing up for sports?” “Me? Oh, no, I was just deciding on an elective to take. It looks like it’s gonna be art.” He said, rubbing the right side of his cheek, still feeling that uncomfortable tingling. “Oh, crap, I feel terrible for slapping you now.” She blushed and looked off to the side, and giggled a little bit. “I got you pretty good too, I can still feel your cheek in my hand.” “It’s fine, I’ve had worse.” He smiled, but that made his cheek tingle even harder, so it didn’t last long. “Well, either way, here.” She turned around, and picked up a business from a container on the tent’s table, and a pen. She turned back to him. “Turn around.” Golden said, and he complied with a curious look. The mare put the card up against his back and wrote on it. As she pulled it off, Winter turned back around to her, and she handed it over. It was her phone number. She even drew a tiny smiley face beside it. Winter’s eyes widened as he saw this, and looked at her to see she was smiling now. To her, he had an adorable look on his face, and this made him blush even harder. “There, call me sometime. I gotta get going, my ride is going to be here in a bout five.” She walked away, and his eyes followed her. She turned and waved at him with another smile. “Seeya around!” He stood there, staring off into space now, and then looked back at the card. It was literally the first phone number he’d ever gotten from a girl, and wasn’t entirely sure how to handle such a thing. It was like some ancient, foreign object that if he moved in just the wrong way, it could shatter into dust and float away on the wind. That reminded him, though, he needed to put it in his phone immediately. That was when he felt a hand come up and touch his shoulder. “Hey bro, were you interest-” “GAH!!-” He jumped out of his skin, and his horn activated its magical glow, zapping the newcomer immediately! He looked to see that he had partially frozen a pony in a cube of ice, and the pamphlets in his hand scattered everywhere. They were advertisements for buckball, and it stated in bright red letters on the front “Ranch U Nightmares, Buck All of YOU!” “Oh, God! Uuuhh, sorry!” He said, saw that the guy he had frozen was still alive, and still conscious, but his face was frozen in a horrified expression. “Ummm, you’ll thaw here in a bit. Sorry!” He said and started running. He did the Art Class elective fill out form as fast as he could, and he ran off toward the town library, which wasn’t far from campus. ----- “Sloooooooooooow down, Winter. Catch your breath.” Fable whispered to him. Winter was sweating, Fable figured if anyone could sweat in this kind of weather, it was him. The young, red furred pegasus was shelving books at the Ranchtown library. It was a dull, and uninteresting job, though the perks were alright. It was quiet, and you got to read books when there was nothing else to do. Fable liked it, but he knew why others did not last long in such an environment. “Now, what’s this about someone slapping a number on your face?” He said, as he shelved a book under the F column in the fiction section, for Feather Light. “No… no… She slapped me, and then she gave me her number. I accidentally touched her ass when I passed her by.” Winter said as he followed his pegasus friend from one aisle to the next. “Was it a nice ass?” The black maned pegasus snickered as he shelved another one. “What?... Well, yeah it was, but that’s not the point. I have her number, and it looked like she actually wanted me to call her. Isn’t that insane? There was a lot of stuff I was expecting to happen at the college registration. I could have gotten pulverized by jocks, spray painted by pledgers, even got snowballed by some pranksters. Getting a hockey girl’s number was not on that list, by any means.” Winter said, his head still reeling from what had happened. It all seemed to happen so fast now that he tried to think about it. “Well, that’s good. When are you planning to call her?” Fable jumped a little bit, flapped his wings to get a little higher up the shelf, and poked it through the space between two other hardbacks. “That’s just it, Fable, I don’t know. I have no idea what to do! I was lost in those beautiful green eyes of hers, I couldn’t think! Now all I can do is think about how I’m gonna screw this up.” Winter’s eyes began darting back and forth, trying to think of something in the library that might be able to help him. He could get a dating guide, but those always gave such crappy advice, and quite honestly he didn’t feel like reading an entire dumb book before calling Golden. “Well, that’s the spirit, dear boy.” Fable put on his aristocratic voice with the high class drawl in his speaking. “Relax, Winter, anyone can tell you that being high strung is not going to help you in the least.” That was when the pegasus looked up with a confused expression. “Wait, are you coming to ME for advice?” “Well… kinda?” Winter gave a nervous smile at him. “What in Celestia’s Equestria do you think I can do to help? It’s not like I’m swimming in mares at the moment.” “But you tapped a girl’s ass right he--” That was when Fable brought a hand to Winter’s muzzle and stopped him from talking. Fable gave him a look as if he was absolutely nutso! Then he looked around to make sure no one had even heard him utter that phrase, especially Miss Hardcover. If she even heard anything about kids having sex in her library (which happened more than he’d like to admit) he would be fired so damn fast his wings would fall off. “Ooohhh, Winter, how about we not talk about the sort of thing that could get my pony ass canned.” He hissed at Winter, and the bright blue unicorn nodded. Fable removed his hand from Winter’s mouth and kept shelving more books. “Now, look, yeah, I may have… some experience with the fairer sex, but I am definitely not the guru on the subject. You just gotta play it smooth. Call her tonight, ask her out to a movie, that’s always a good start. Then, if the movie goes well, walk with her through town. It’s like, what, Thursday today?” “Yeah, but a movie sounds pretty bland, doesn’t it?” Winter asked, and picked up a book with his magic horn, and placed it in the place it was supposed to go. “Yeah, maybe a little bit, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot of things to do in a college town. You can think of something.” Fable looked over at him again, seeing that Winter now had his hand over head forehead, rubbing his fingers on his horn, obviously in deep thought. That was when Fable’s eyes lit up a bit, and he got out his phone. This drew a look from Winter, and he observed his pegasus friend searching through his contacts. Then he began to text. “What are you doing?” Winter asked, trying to get a good look at his screen. “I’m getting you someone who might actually be able to help.” He grinned as he was messaged back. Fable’s blue eyes looked back at Winter, who was still in a state of dumbfounded curiosity, but also a look of slight optimism. “Alright, bro. Before you call this girl…” “Oh, Golden Goal.” Winter said, checking the little card she gave him to make sure he got her name right. “Right, before you call Golden, go to this address.” He held up the screen in front of Winter, and he squinted to read the small text on his messenger. “Uh huh, and who exactly is…” -------- “Home Stretch?” Winter asked as he stood outside of a bright red house in the suburbs. The house seemed nice enough, and he saw that there were no cars in the driveway. “That’s me!” Home Stretch stood outside of her door, and to Winter’s great surprise and amazement, she was wearing a Cheerleading outfit. She was a college student, obviously. The gigantic red R stood out on her black cheerleader suit with a red border and trim. She was the epitome of both cute and hot all rolled into one. The freckles on her face made her look young, but her height and developed buxoms gave evidence that she was a little older than Winter, probably around twenty. Her fur was a very dark, luscious blue, and her hair was a very deep teal. “Fable said you needed some dating advice. I kind of owe him a favor.” She gave him a wink and took a step back. “Come on in!” He walked in, taken in by a fairly spacious living room area, there were two reclining chairs close to the wall to the fair left, and a couch beside them. One thing he noticed was there was a very large amount of books mounted on three separate bookshelves throughout the entire room, two on the far wall, and one to the right of him. They were enormous shelves, and all of them were packed full of books. He suddenly knew how Fable got to know her. “This waaayy~” She sang a little as she walked back to a hallway on the right far end of the living room, and they both walked across the pink carpet. “So, tell me about this girl. How pretty is she?” “She’s majestic.” He said, his thoughts suddenly turning to Golden Goal, and the heat on his cheek flaring up slightly as he did. “Ooooo, majestic, that’s a good word.” She said as she walked to the farthest room in on the right side of the hallway, and opening the door to her room. It was a cluttered mess. Beauty products, an assortment of pompoms, sports paraphernalia, and magazines were strewn everywhere. Then, of course, there were the books. She had a collection of romance novels, horror tales, adventure stories, and other assorted genres, but all of these were neatly stood across her dresser, with bookends on either side of the long row. “Now, come in, sit wherever you’d like.” She said as she sat on her full sized bed, and patted the space next to her after she shoved a pile of magazines off of it. Winter smiled at this, and sat beside her on her bed. It was obvious that he was not very comfortable, though, his nervousness was written across his face. Home Stretch was good at reading people, and just by the way he crossed his arms across his belly, it showed that he was blocking a little. “Hey, relax, woosa, get comfortable. You don’t need to be so straight laced around me. It takes a lot to offend me, I promise.” She winked at him, and then touched both of his arms, pulling them apart. “Now, go on about this whole sticky situation you’re in.” “Well, I dunno, I don’t have that much experience with girls, and I don’t know what to do, even if I do call her. I keep thinking I’ll say the wrong thing, or kill the mood by saying something wrong.” Winter said, and then tapered off into his own train of thought. Home Stretch clapped her hands together, snapping him out of it immediately, and he looked at her with wide eyes. “You are thinking, like, waaayyyy too much. You need to relax, and I can help a little.” She sat up straight and put her hands on her hips as she smiled at him. “Just act like I’m this girl, what’s her name?” “Golden Goal.” He said, and looked at her, all the sudden, he noticed how tight that cheerleader outfit was very tight on her. “Alright, I’m Golden Goal, just take it easy, and ask me anything at all.” She smiled, but then put on her serious face as she nodded toward him. “Oh.” He looked from side to side, then looked at her in a slightly serious expression. “Ummm, so I was wondering if you…” He kept looking at her, and she couldn’t help but smile. “I was wondering if you wanted to go to see a movie this weekend?” He asked, but then he looked left to right. “But if you’re busy, I understand.” “Ah ah, there you are, right there. No, do not second guess your question. Look at me, and ask that question with no other questions on your mind. Your first line was almost perfect, just ask once, and do not second guess it with a lot of drivel.” She said, and positioned his chin up a bit more with a hand on it, and she took both of his hands, putting them on his hips. “Oh! I know what can help!” She got up from the bed, and went to her dresser, pulling open some drawers, sorting through a few things. She looked in her tank top drawer, her underwear drawer, then got into her bra drawer. Winter blinked as she sorted through her unmentionables, and wondered if she was wanting him to look away. He gave a mental shrug, figuring she’d tell him to look away if she wanted him to. That was when she got on her knees and bent over to look in the lower slots of her dresser. The ones without drawers for one reason or another. His jaw dropped open completely. Her skirt hiked up over her butt and she had no panties on at all. Her dark blue furred butt cheeks were shown in all of their everloving glory. Underneath, there was her partially opened labia, giving a small peak into the pink part of her very tight slit. Winter’s cock grew to its fullest extent, and dear Celestia was it getting hot all of the sudden. “Ah ha!” She shouted, and came up with a hitachi wand, a white one with a blue, bulbous head on top of it. She turned it on to check the batteries, and it purred like a cat. “Yes, this should work quite well. She turned back to him, and saw that he looked even more nervous than before. His smile had sporadic wreck all over it. “Oh, dear me, what in Equestria could be wrong? Do I really make you that jittery?” “Um, no! Not at all, I’m just a little hot.” He chortled a little, and she walked over to him with a grin on her face. “Well, I can’t help you there, it is winter time, and the mother person doesn’t really like a freezing cold house.” She said and got behind him on the bed, walking on her knees to his back, and began to work the vibrating wand over him. His skin broke out into gooseflesh, and he had to admit, it was quite nice. She worked the head all over his back very slowly. “There, feeling better? More soothed, and cooled off.” She looked over his shoulder to see the very large bulge in his pants was about as subtle as a jackhammer, and her eyes lit up a bit. Her grin widened across her face and Home Stretch got close to his ear and whispered. “How about you sooth me a little now?” “Oh, ummm, okay.” He turned to her, standing up to the edge of the bed. As he reached for the wand, she turned it off and sent it across the bed. It hit the bottom of the mattress and rolled off onto the floor. “Noooo, that thing’s old news.” She bent over and got on all fours. Her hand went up to the crotch of his pants, and she used her fingers to trace both sides of his very large erection. “You need to sooth me with this monster.” In a flash, his pants were opened, and fell to his feet, along with his boxer briefs. “Oh, wha-what do--” She interrupted his stutters by shoving the entire length of his hard on down her throat, and it slid in with very little effort. She moaned as she felt his massive dick fill her mouth, and her tongue began to work the bottom as her head bobbed back and forth on it. “Ooohhh, Home Stretch, that’s…” He attempted to talk, but her skill was palpable, and her technique was gorgeous in its execution. Home Stretch considered fellatio an art, one that you needed to hone with every fiber of your being. It was by far her favorite part of sex. She gorged herself on cock, and worked as hard as she could to get that wonderful cream filling as her sweet reward. She pulled it from her mouth and looked up toward him. “Mmmmm, it’s such a beautiful piece of meat. I didn’t know they came in such a beautiful blue.” Home stretch jerked his cock, which was indeed a sky blue with dark blue spots all over it. “It’s so beautifully thick.” “Home Stretch!” A female voice called from the living room, and the door shut. Every muscle in Winter’s body tensed up at that point, even his penis muscle that made it go straight up and point diagonally toward the ceiling. “In here, Mom! Come here!” His jaw dropped as she called back to her mother, he looked at her with an almost betrayed expression, and she merely winked. “Oooohhhh Dear Celestia, what do we have here?” In came a taller, purple mare with wider hips, and a bit of a thicker form to her body. Her breasts, however, were not slightly bigger, they were far bigger than Home Stretch’s, who was no slouch to begin with. He was no expert at bra sizes, but she easily beat DD’s. The older mare came to Winter’s side, and he eyed her, frozen in place by this very strange, but suddenly interesting situation. She wore a long, pink and white flowered skirt, and her top matched. Her name tag on her blouse was for the mall just up the street, and told him her name was “Bow.” “Dearest me! He is a specimen, isn’t he?” Her eyes brightened as Winter’s stiff sex organ, and she took its slobbery length in her hand, as Home Stretch handed it off to her. He turned toward her as she got to her knees and dropped her purse beside her. “Hi, I’m Bow and Arrow.” She winked at him, and looked down at his blue rod like a starving predator. “I’m Winter Solst-- NNN!!” If Home Stretch’s blowjob was a double bacon cheeseburger, then Bow and Arrow’s blow job was a full steak dinner! Her tongue touched every single sensitive area on his dick, and whatever she didn’t reach, her hand massaged it with a slick easiness that got his whole length pulsing, and twitching. “Wait, Mom!” Home Stretch pulled off her cheerleader top, and allowed her purple nippled tits to bounce out as she got onto the ground next to her mother, who only let up on stroking his cock momentarily. She was just in time to catch the first two spurts of jizz as he cringed and groaned in the back of his throat. Both of them caught every drop of semen into their mouths, their chins, and Stretch made sure that her ample breasts were spattered. Seven shots in all, and his stiffness only lost a fraction of its solidity. With almost, no effort what so ever, Bow and Arrow, who flicked her pink, long hair with bottom curls over her shoulder, began to tickle his ballsack with her fingernails, and rubbed just under the head of his schlong to bring it back to full vitality. He shuddered at the sensation, making the mother pony giggle. “He is so damn young and spry. I feel like I’m playing with my favorite toy all over again.” She grinned at Winter, who gave a meek smile back at her. Then Bow looked back at Home Stretch, and nodded toward the bed. “Up on the bed, honey, show him your naughty bits.” Stretch squealed with delight, and hopped up onto the bed. She upped her skirt to show off her ass to him once again, only this time, her womanhood was far more wet, and open. The pink skin between her pussylips glistened with gathered juice, and he could even notice a slight twitching. Winter didn’t really need any prompting, he simply stepped up to her, watching as she lowered her ass down toward his hips to give him a good angle. His cock’s head slid inside of her, and she cried out, giving a long moan as he began to fuck her. As he pulled his dick out, only to thrust it back in, he noticed that her juices glazed his shaft with a beautiful coat. She was more than ready for him, backing her ass into his pelvis to double the impact he had on her. He sent delicious tremors through her body, and her tits bounced with joy as he tongue hung out of her mouth. “Fuck! Mom! Damn! He’s--- Oooohh!” “What? Are you--” Bow asked, but didn’t even need to finish her question. Stretch was already twitching all over, and her pussy grabbed and squeezed his dick, strangling it with a tight grip. “Ooooohhh, good girl.” Bow and Arrow grabbed her daughter’s tit and massaged it a little, getting up on top of the bed to remove her own panties from underneath her long skirt. Then, looked at his high standing dong, and said to hell with it. She went ahead and removed everything, giving sight on all of her plump, stout figure. Her gigantic tits did two full bounces as she pulled her bra up and over her head. She urged him toward her as she sat on the edge of the bed. She suddenly spit on his dick and locked it between both of her buxoms and began to slide them up and down his shaft. The head of his dick disappeared and reappeared between those two monsters over and over. Bow moaned at the sensation of a nice, hot prick between her melons, and stopped moving them, only to start working her mouth and tongue over the head of his dick. His legs began to weaken as the sensation began to render him powerless. Her tongue was that of a goddess, or a succubus, and it was beyond the work of an expert, it was the work of the master. She looked up at him as she noticed the look on his face, and she stopped suddenly. He was on the very edge of climax, but as she stopped, she removed her breasts from his length, and let him stand on its own. His sex visibly pulsed with life, and virility. Winter almost cursed out loud, but then noticed that she was on her back now, and her big, purple ass was visible with her legs straight up in the air, bearing all of her nether region to him. Without skipping a beat, her was on top of her, his hands on either side of her body, and his massive rod penetrated her vaginal hole like a spear. She called out his name on the first act of entrance, it was hard and jarring, and sent a wondrous shockwave through her system. She relished the feeling of pleasure and slight pain mixed together. This young stud pumped her full of cock a mile a minute and she herself felt young again for a moment. Bow bit her bottom lip, and smile at him. Her green eyes locked with his blue eyes, and they gazed in each other’s eyes for a long while. That was, until he was forced to close his eyes. The warmth of her tube was so very wonderful around his piping hot cock. It took no time at all for him to cum, and he came a great deal inside of her. Her head jerked upward at the sensation of him spurting like a firehose deep into her. Hot sperm filled her cunt and she came herself, leaning her head back onto the bed. “Fuck! That was… Oooohhh Home Stretch… I don’t care about you cleaning your room anymore.” She licked her lips and looked up at the gasping young stallion on top of her, whose still twitching member was still sheathed inside of her. “I think this is a fair ultimatum.” “Wow, Mom, you mean it?” Home Stretch said from beside her, enjoying the show with her hand propping up her head. Her fingers were deep inside of her own vaginal hole as she enjoyed the show. “For a while, anyway.” She grinned at her daughter. Home Stretch smiled big at this, and then she looked over at Winter, who was now pulling out of her Mom. Warm spunk drooled from her cunny hole, and she sighed a little. “Now, as for you, Winter!” She pointed two wet fingers at him, and he looked at her with a quizzical expression. “You get a shower in my bathroom, you take some cologne from my Mom’s bathroom, and you give that girl a call.” “Wait, what?” Winter tilted his head to the side a little bit. “Yes, if she denies you, you tell her she is missing out on some serious horse sausage, and you come back over to me for a pity fuck. Maybe two pity fucks. Either way, you now have someone to fall back--” She was interrupted by her mother clearing her throat and frowning at her. “Two mares to fall back on. You got that?” She continued to point at him with those juice covered digits. He nodded, and she grinned at him. “Good, now go!” > The Big Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night came very slowly on that day. Winter stood outside of his house, telling his mother he was going out for a bit, and to his relief, she didn’t ask where he was going, only that he stay in contact if he was going to be late. His hair was brushed, he showered twice, and he put on some expensive cologne that Home Stretch let him borrow. He checked his watch for the fourth time that minute, and he tapped his booted hoof on the icy sidewalk. A fresh blanket of snow had dropped on and off that day, and now the clouded sky was almost completely dark. The street lights were on, and cars were driving by the neighborhood very slowly to keep from skidding on the frozen roads. The call had gone a little too smoothly. There was no hesitation on his part, as Home Stretch had told him, and Fable had told him, and he decided was the best way to do it. It worked, she agreed almost immediately, and agreed to meet him at his house, as she didn’t live very far away at all, just a few blocks away. Things had gone well, but even that made Winter nervous. Well, you could have gotten him to be nervous about a duck crossing the street in that moment. Hell, a fish swimming in a pond would have made him nervous. A baby reaching for him to hold her would have made him nervous! But he took a deep breath, and brushed his hand through his long, sky blue hair. There was entirely too much that could go wrong, and that out weighed his notion of things going well. He took another deep breath, just calm down, play it cool. Just try not to be nervous, and stop checking your phone every five seconds. It’s not even seven o’clock yet, she may just be coming down the street, or maybe she’s still powdering her nose, or… something. There’s no need to freak ou-- “Hey Winter!” “GAH!!!!” He jumped out of his bright bluish white fur as she came up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder. He took some more deep breaths as he held his chest. “Sorry!” She said, and gave a small, nervous giggle. “Are you ready to go?” Golden Goal said as she brushed her light brown mane behind her shoulder. She wore a bright red beanie that came down to the to just above her eyes, and those bright green irises smiled at him as she stood there in her thick black coat, and heavy burgundy sweatpants. She also had an dark orange backpack, which had several patches of hockey teams that she had been following for many years. Golden looked him over to see that he had on only a light jacket and long black pants that looked like they barely had fabric at all. On his back, he wore a white backpack with red shoulder straps. “Dear lord, Winter. Aren’t you freezing? You barely have anything on!” “I’m alright, it has to be a lot colder than this to bother me.” He smiled. He turned and began to walk with her down the sidewalk. They didn’t say much at first, they simply waved at cars passing by very slowly. One of them even rolled down their windows, and shouted that they’re crazy to be out here in the snow. It was true, snow was literally everywhere, and if it weren’t getting so dark, they may have gone snowblind from staring at it too much, but that was a worry for another time. “So… Hockey, eh?” Winter asked, and her eyes instantly shot to him, and he swore that he saw sparkling in them as they beamed him a smile. “Why, yes. I happen to be quite passionate about hockey. And so far as I could tell, I’m glad we moved to Ranchtown, because the Nightmares are quite formidable as a team. I feel like I got a lot of chance to be part of it.” Her fists clenched as she raised them up to her chest level, as if she was poised for a fight. “How long have you been playing?” Winter Solstice asked, a little amused that he got such a rise out of her without much effort at all. “Oh, for as long as I can remember, and before that I watched all kinds of games. My favorite team, by far, is the Canterlot Mighty Bucks. They are my ultimate goal, joining them would be amazing! If I even got a second string position on that team, I would feel that my life is all but complete!” The fire that burned in her eyes could melt every inch of snow around them if it truly emitted heat. She looked over at him to see he was smiling, and Golden noticed that she was becoming quite intense. She smiled back and scratched the back of her beanie. “Aherm, anyway, I also love this place for its pond, it’s absolutely perfect weather right now. So we can go ice skating!” Her teeth shined as her smile widened. “Well, yeah, but I warn you, my ice skating is a little rusty.” He said this, but in truth he hadn’t ice skated for a very long time. His ice skates were way back in in his closet, and it took him a little while to find them. Thankfully, though, they still fit his hooves, albeit quite snug. “Ah, no worries. I’ll take it slow with you, maybe I’ll even show you a couple of moves.” She looked off in the distance, seeing that the park was quite near now. With so few cars on the streets, it was easy to walk the city blocks. Getting to the park was a breeze, and both of them marvelled at all of the evergreen trees that were covered in beautiful patches of snow. The pond had iced over completely, and as they neared it, they heard a guitar playing somewhere nearby. Along the right side of the walkway, they came across a blue pony, bundled up in a black coat, and matching padded pants. He wore sunglasses, although it was quite dark at that point, he was still very visible in the street light just to the right of him. He strummed on his tan brown acoustic, and he was quite good. He had a dark gray mane, and a little soul patch below his muzzle, with a small mustache to match. He also wore a black fedora hat that fit snuggly over the top of his mane, allowing his unicorn horn to pop out of the front. “Oooo, I’ve never seen this pony.” She said, looking toward Winter, who shrugged and shook his head, he’d never seen this guy either. As they approached, he smiled at them, using his horn to lift his hat toward them and nod. “My my my, what are you two youngin’s doin’ in a blizzard of the soul at dis time’a night?” He asked as he gently strummed his instrument. “Oh, we’re just gonna go ice skating on the pond. The weather is perfect for it. What’s your name?” Winter asked, watching carefully as his left hand traveled up and down the frets of the guitar, playing as if it were as natural as breathing. “Ha!” He gave a small burst, causing them to draw their heads back a little. “Me name’s Sixstrings, da pleasure is mine.” He nodded toward them. “Oh, well I’m Golden Goal, and this is Winter Solstice.” She said, and Winter nodded toward him. “You’re really good on that guitar, how long have you been playing?” “Ever since da doctor cut my cord and set me free, milady. So if you really wish to brave da dangers of de night for freedom, den you have my blessings. I will play for as long as love shines free as da winter snow, and de mornin’ wind.” He started playing a light, slow melody. “Ya’ll enjoy ya selves. May ya love flow as de snow will blow. Back and forth and back and down as de love will go. In all directions, along with tha snow.” They smiled at him, and Winter was about to say that they weren’t exactly in love, but then he looked at Golden, who was merely blushing at his poetic nature. She nodded toward the pond at Winter, and he nodded. They began to walk down the path, and he kept playing uninterrupted. It was a slow, melodic tune of simplicity, and beauty, and it did, indeed, match the slow drift of the falling snowflakes. They sat in the snow beside one another, on the bank of the frozen pond as they switched their boots out for ice skates. She noticed that his blade was quite dull, and she giggled a little at this, but speed wasn’t really on the list of needed attributes that night. He was shaky as he stood up on the blades, and slowly worked his way to the ice. She took big steps, as if she was walking on giant lily pads. She got to the ice, and instantly began to glide evenly on the surface, spinning around to face toward him. She gave herself a light push toward the edge of the ice to him. Golden reached out toward him with both of her hands, and he gave her a very nervous smile. “Come on, you can do it. Just reach for my hands, and keep yourself upright. Don’t lean too far back or forward, just keep your weight distributed evenly.” He took her hands, and she pulled him out onto the ice. Suddenly, he was skating across, as she made smooth movements, skating backwards with simple, little gliding steps. “Use the sides of your blades to guide your direction, and keep your skates straight, if you feel them beginning to split your legs, just adjust your hooves inward and get them straight again.” She instructed him, and he was keeping his eyes fixed on his skates. “Hey, look at me.” He looked up at her, and he was glad that he did. The moon finally showed through the clouds, and her visage was almost dreamlike. She let his hands go for a moment, only to twirl three times in front of him, and then grab his hands again. Golden pulled Winter closer, and for a moment, he could feel her breath on his cheek, as her breath made small puffs of vapor in the cold, winter air. “Keep it steady.” She said, and let his hands go. She turned all the way around, and then began to race up to the end of the pond, starting to ride the coast, very close to the shore. She glided along the edge of the pond, and looked back at him with a smile. Winter was going steadily, starting to pick up his skating a little. Remembering his lessons as a colt. He wasn’t swift and fluid like Golden, but he was handling his own. He leaned a little to the right, and made a very wide turn toward her as he glided over the ice. “There ya go! See? I knew you could pick it up if you tried.” She called back to him. “Now come catch up to me!” “Catch up to you? I’m not that fast quite yet.” He hollered toward her, and she laughed a little. “Oh yeah? Well, I’ll go slower. Come on, I’m sure you can pick up some speed.” Golden turned back around and skated backwards once again. “See? Now you can catch up to me.” He leaned forward a little bit, and started to push himself a little faster. He gained up speed at a steady rate, and he started to close the distance between them. “That’s the spirit!” She said, and clapped a little. “But you’re still not quite getting there!” “Aww, come on! Give me a break, I’m just now picking this back up.” They travelled back to the place they started, and they could hear that sixstrings was still playing, though it was a bit of a faster tune. “Oh yeah? Well, what if I said if you caught me, I’ll give you something special?” She said, and began rubbing her hands together, wringing them one by one. “Something special? Like what?” Winter asked, and she giggled. “I guess you’re gonna have to catch me to find out!” She winked at him, and kept up a steady pace as she skated backwards, keeping up a fluid motion. As she reached the other side of the pond, she began to make a wide turn around the coast once again. She stood on one skate as she traced the shallow water around the outer rim of the pond. As she did this, Winter took a sharp turn and started skating fast! He worked his skates on the ice as quickly as he could, cutting the distance between them as she made a spectacle of it. Her eyes widened as he approached her. “Whoa, hey, steady now!” She said, but at this speed, he didn’t really know how to stop. He caught her, but at the same time, both of them collided. He tackled her onto the shore, where they were met with a soft sheet of snow to break their fall. He got up from on top of her, about to say a steady stream of apologies. To his surprise, she was laughing. Not only laughing, but more guffawing. She gave him a pat on the cheek as if to slap him, and then her laughter trailed off a little bit as Golden looked up at him. “So… what was that about giving me something special?” He asked her, and she gave a small chuckle. Her brown hair was now poking out the front of her beanie. The beautiful music coming from the guitar began to grow a bit louder as they gazed into each other’s eyes. “Oh, I don’t know if you want it.” She spoke softly, pursing her lips a little. “Well, what if I do?” He nearly whispered to her. Running his hand over her cheek, to her forehead where he brushed her hair to the side, out of her eyes. “You sure?” She asked ever so quietly. “Mmmhmm.” Their muzzles touched, and their lips pressed against one another. Her nose was cold, but her lips were so warm. It was a moment that turned his mind blank, and they lived in that moment for a good, long while. Over time, their lips were flat against one another, and they both tilted their heads opposite one another. For the longest time, they stayed on the shore of that pond, and kissed. Over and over, their fingers traced over their cheeks, and down to their necks. After a moment that felt as if it could last forever, they softly broke the kiss, and gazed at one another. Their cheeks flushed, and eyes barely open. “You’re very cold.” He said, and she nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t expect it to reach this temperature tonight. We should probably get inside.” She leaned her muzzle against his, closing her eyes, and they cuddled for a moment, before finally getting to their hooves. They retrieved their boots and backpacks once again, and as they exited the park, they noticed that Sixstrings was gone. However, for some reason, his music kept on playing. ------- They got to her house, and snuck to her room while Golden’s mother was asleep. The two of them got out of their wet winter wardrobe and Golden was still shivering. Now in his black t-shirt, and boxer briefs, he wrapped his arms around her, there in the middle of her room. It was a room covered from corner to corner with hockey memorabilia, posters, trophies, hockey figures, and fan flags. Her floor wasn’t filthy, but now it was covered in their clothing as they hugged one another close. Golden cuddled up into his warmth, and was amazed at how he could still keep warm after they were wet from melted snow, and just coming home as the wind began to blow, and cut through their winter wear like it was barely there. Her face was numb, but now blood began to flow to it rather quickly as it pressed against his chest. Her freezing hands rubbed up underneath his black shirt, and before she knew it, she was more or less all wrapped around him like a Heartswarming gift. She became very warm over time, and the two of them sat on her bed, covering up with her comforter. “So, I don’t suppose this date would be complete without a movie, right?” He asked, and smiled at her. She laughed, calling him a goof under her breath. She got up from the bed, and went over to her computer. After a few moments, she began a movie. As it started with the beginning credits, she got up from her seat, and she brushed her long hair from her shoulders, and onto her back. In that moment, she smiled at him, and it was beyond description. She was dressed in a blue t-shirt, and black shorts that she had on under her winter pants. She smiled at him with her eyes half open, and it may have been the light shining behind her, but Golden looked as if she was glowing. She didn’t even get out of his view of the movie she played as she crawled back into the bed. As she neared him, his hand came to her neck, and she leaned into his palm. Golden’s smile brightened as Winter began to caress her up to her cheek, and her muzzle turned to his and they met with another very long, wonderful kiss. After a moment, the sounds of the movie were lost in that instant. Her hands caressed his chest, and they were lost to the rest of the world. Once again, they seemed to disappear without a single trace, and that’s how they wanted it to be. As their kiss broke, she put both of her knees on either side of his legs, and she removed her shirt, revealing the black bra she wore. To her surprise, Winter pulled her close to him, and began to kiss her chest, causing her to blush deeply. Especially when his hands reached down to her ass, and squeezed both of her butt cheeks. “Mmmm, don’t slap me, please.” He smiled up at her, and she began to laugh. That fit of laughter was interrupted as she gasped. He started caressing her buns. The fabric of her short shorts was especially thin and she could feel every touch of his amazing hands. “I’ll forgive you, for now.” She moaned, speaking softly. Golden was not ashamed to admit that her butt was very sensitive. Winter’s hands worked her rump, and his lips laid small kisses on the visible parts of her breasts. Her fingers combed through his blue hair, and she pulled her head back. Her eyes closed, and she softly whispered. “Oh, yes. Don’t stop.” His hands only left her hind quarters for one instant, and before she knew it, her bra fell downward. Her eyes opened and she gazed at him, gawking as her breasts were exposed. He gazed at her beautiful, light brown nipples as they were bared before him. Before she could even ask how he did that, one of her nipples were engulfed in her mouth, and she didn’t care anymore. Her moan was a little louder this time. She gripped his hair hard as he sucked on her areola, caressing it with his tongue. Golden’s willpower was fading fast, and with dire need, and hunger, her hand traced the side of his chest and stomach, down to the immediately noticeable bulge in the bed cover. The whites of her eyes showed clearly as she looked down at him, and her hand traced the length, and girth. Winter was as hard as an iceberg, and it felt like there was no end to his shaft. “Sweet mercy, Winter! Are you planning to break me?” Golden breathed out the words as his mouth switched to her other nipple, and she gritted her teeth. “Mmmhmmm.” He hummed, and her grip on his hidden weapon tightened. He suddenly pulled her down lengthwise onto the bed, and rolled up on top of her as he began to kiss both of her breasts together. “Ohh! Okay.” She smiled at him as he did his work. As he kissed down under her tits, his fingers pulled her shorts off, along with her panties. Just by the strong, juicy smell, he could tell that she was absolutely soaked. The fact that cool air was now directly touching her beautiful, opened labia only made things worse. He saw the look on her face as he caught a good glimpse of her womanhood, and it was a mixture of many expressions. There was a strong need, but a glimpse of worry, and one of excitement as well. As he pulled his underoos down to his knees, her face only turned a darker shade of red. His knees were planted on either side of her flanks, which displayed her cutie mark of a hockey goal red siren light, and his rock hard cock leaned forward, patting her pussylips, making her flinch just a little at how heavy it was. She gazed at his throbbing member, and a whole new barrage of expressions showed of her face as she stared. All of them were offsprings of amazement, and slight terror. That was until Winter came up to her face to face, and her eyes met his. Their lips locked once again, and his sex organ began to rub against hers. She moaned into his mouth, and pushed her tongue against his as her hands grabbed the back of his neck. Their horns crossed, even clicked together as their lips worked on one another’s. He hummed against her lips as well, and he grabbed underneath her knees, lifting them closer back toward her, and her hooves went straight up in the air. With some care, he pulled back, allowing the tip of his manhood to slide down over her lips, precum rubbing against her crotch. Her eyes opened once again to meet his as their lips stayed together. The look of worry never left, but the look of need was that much stronger. Golden’s hands gripped onto his shoulders, and his hands clenched her hips as the head of his cock pushed into her and a muffled cry came into his mouth from her own throat. She drew in a sharp breath as he pushed deeper inside of her, and all of her limbs locked up tight against him. Golden could not believe that more and more of his length entered inside of her. Her wide eyes gazed upon Winter as his eyes clenched shut. She squeezed his rod with a death grip, and it was so amazingly warm. A great deal of his penis was inside of her as he began to push into her with a little force now. He began to pull in and out of her wonderful pussy lips, and her legs twitched hard. “Are-- you--” He began to ask, and her hand shot up to his mouth, gripping with with trembling fingers. “More!” She said in a whimpering voice. “More! More!” Her hand grasped blindly at his muzzle, which did not deter him in anyway. His hips began to pat against hers, as they interlocked and she moaned ever louder as he did not let up. The first orgasm rushed against her, causing her to gasp in a deep breath, and her vagina to grip his cock and loosen up back and forth. His gigantic, light blue dick with dark blue spots created beautiful friction against every part of her vaginal walls, grinding against her g-spot without halting. As he pushed his whole length inside of her one or two more times, she came once again, this time drawing a high pitched cry from her as she held onto his arms with clenching hands. This did not prepare her, however, for him. He pushed deep into her, his entire length filled her tunnel, and she felt him burst between her legs. Her moans sang a high pitch as her eyes clenched shut. She felt semen gush into her insides, and she twitched through a third orgasm. Her head leaned against his, and the two of them held close. Golden thought that his sperm was going to shoot inside of her for hours, and she would have been okay with that. Without warning, though, it stopped, and the two of them released their gasping breaths. They panted in sync for a moment, and their sweaty bodies stayed together. Though, a very tired Winter dropped to the other side of the bed from Golden Goal, he stayed inside of her and they bunched up together. “Mmmmm, fine, you can stay over.” She whispered to him, smiling, and he followed suit with a light chuckle. Their cuddling only intensified at this moment, staying close together on her bed. He even pulled the covers over them with a little difficulty. It seemed like forever, but the movie had ended after a while. Winter didn’t even know what movie was on, and Golden had already forgotten. The video ended, and the screen went black. Even in the dark, their caressing continued, and their kisses never stopped until the two of them drifted off to sleep. Outside, the snow continued to fall. > Please Don't Tell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The college year was dragging, and man it was dragging hard! Poor Winter never knew how hard study time was with a girlfriend in the mix. Golden Goal had been going steady with him for the entire semester. Their love flourished over the hockey season as well. It became something of a ritual for her to come over during the big games and cuddle up to him on the couch. Though, when he team was pulling off some awesome plays, it amazed Winter how hot it got her. There were times when the Mighty Bucks did so well that she instantly wanted a hot fuck to celebrate. If that wasn’t enough, even when they were doing poorly, there was a chance that angry sex was in order. His relationship with Golden was anything but normal. Sadly, though, hockey season had ended, and Golden was accepted into a training camp in order to play for the Ranch U Nightmares. It wasn’t all terrible though, this did give him more gaming time. Still, his long distance relationship with her, he couldn’t help but feel that there was a void in his life. Speaking of which, he still couldn’t find his damn phone. He went on the social media on his computer and asked if anyone had seen it anywhere he’d been recently. So far, no one seemed to know. He backtracked everywhere he’d been in the past couple of days, but he couldn’t find it anywhere. It looked like he was just gonna have to bite the bullet, cancel his plan and get another one. He sighed, knowing that his mother certainly wasn’t going to be able to afford another phone for him, so it was up to him to find out where to get the money. He’d done some odd jobs for people around Ranchtown to help his mother make ends meet, but they were still just barely holding it together with cost of living, and his college classes. He rubbed the base of his horn on the front of his forehead, and poking his finger at the tip of it. So many troubles in his life and he had very few answers for them. He tried his best to help his mom in anything she needed. He did everything he could to go above and beyond. Still, all things considered, he didn’t have it so bad. He had a few hours of computer time before he went to his next class. Although Golden wasn’t online, he decided to get a look at what was going on in the pop culture world. None of the movies looked any good at the theaters, and no good games were on sale, at least not to Winter’s tastes. He thought about going onto a good porn site and having a good jerk, but there was a little too much possibility of his mom walking in. Last time she grounded him for a week. The grounding wasn’t that big of a problem, it’s just the chores she made him do that really got him. All the sudden, a notification popped up at the bottom right of his screen, telling him he got a new message from…. Pearl Necklace? The name rang a bell, but if it’s the Pearl Necklace he knew about, why in the hell would she be e-mailing him? If he remembered correctly, wasn’t she that rich mare who could buy any store she really liked? Wasn’t she coming out with her own line of perfume and clothing at some point? Winter had actually met her for a brief moment when he went to the mall one day. She was walking beside some short, stout white furred pony with a punk look. She stopped him and asked him a couple of weird questions like if he had the chance, would he grab a cop’s ass if he had the chance of getting away with it, or if he would clean a pool completely naked if given the chance. He honestly… wait a minute… that was the day he lost his phone. He quickly clicked the notification, but it had already gone away. He cursed and went after it in his e-mails and clicked on her message. He opened it, reading the topic as “Gotcha!” Dear Mr. Solstice, Hi! My name’s Pearl Necklace, we met in the mall, and I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t have your phone on you! You know how I know that? Because I found your phone on the food court table! I’m not going to go into details about how I opened it, but I got it open and what I found was very interesting! Winter’s heart sunk into his stomach, and his palms instantly began to sweat. He knew what was on that phone, and the only reason he wasn’t worried about someone opening it was because it was double locked so that no one could open it. That was, unless someone could hack it, and he figured Pearl had the resources to do that. Here on this e-mail, you’ll see that I have attached a few choice video files that really caught my interest. In fact, I watched them with my friend Death Metal, and we really found them to our liking. Now, I’m not really one for blackmail, and I don’t want to make a huge deal out of this, but it would be in your best interest to do what I say. Don’t worry, if you play along, you’ll get your phone back, and no one has to be the wiser. First, there is a package coming to your front door, it should be there around the time you get this e-mail. I want you to open the attached videos, as I have captioned them with the proper address. Why did I do this? Because I’m fucked up in the head and I am seriously getting off on being completely depraved and evil. Personally bring that package to the attached address, after that, you’ll receive further instructions. This is going to be so much fun!~ <3 <3 <3 Be in touch! :) He sighed, she sounded like she was just giggling as she typed up this whole e-mail, and merrily plotting this whole scheme to take complete advantage. Before he even opened the video attachment, he knew damn well what it had in it. It featured his mother, Frozen Pop crawling into his lap as he pointed his phone down at her. Frozen looked very similar to him, having the same Azure colored fur, and sky blue mane. However, she was ever so thick. Her tits rested on his thighs, squishing up against them with that wonderful, natural malleable attribute. She looked at him with such amazing bedroom eyes and started to lick he tongue all over his hardening penis. “Mommy loves her big boy’s cock.” She whispered up to him. Winter breathed hard on the other side of the phone, out of sight but still had an amazing angle of Frozen sliding his big dick into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down on it. Both of her huge tits sagged and mashed against his leg as his dong hardened to its fullest extent, and she had to take great care as she deep throated him almost to the base of his blue and sky blue spotted shaft. She pulled his cock out of her mouth and began to jerk it with such care, licking his glans as she gazed at him with her eyes barely open. Frozen Pop was getting into it as her lust for her son grew in that moment. His moans of ecstasy grew more intense as she rubbed her palm all over his saliva covered horse cock that now stood like an unyielding tower next to his mom’s face. She licked the shaft with such a bright smile of delight as she put her fingers around his balls and worked them as well. That’s when the video stopped. He remembered he couldn’t concentrate on holding the phone anymore and stopped recording so that he could just enjoy his mom’s amazing blowjob. Yup, in more ways than one, he was fucked. The caption on the bottom of the video had the number of her address, 899. He played the next video, and was even more over shadowed by guilt as he saw himself lying on the bed, butt naked with his schlong harder than diamonds. He remembered his mother had already masturbated in front of him while he massaged himself in front of her until neither of them could stand it anymore. So she told him to get the camcorder and set it up on a tripod. Frozen Pop walked into the room and put her muzzle against her son’s hard on, starting to kiss it and lick it all over. He put his hand on the back of her neck to urge her on, but she was already mounting him in reverse cowgirl at that point. She put her knees on either side of him, and angled his huge cock up to slide along her wet, dripping pussy. Frozen slid Winter’s cock into her sopping vagina and cried out a little as he pushed inside of her. She jumped a little, her huge breasts bouncing as she did. With some gusto she began to bounce on top of him, sliding him in and out of her nether lips. She fucked her son, moaning with each time his cock mashed fully into her pussy. Her tits bounced, and her moans became louder as their mixed juices began dribbling out of her cunt. His hands gripped her hips and he started pushing against her. She smiled back at him as he slid his thick rod all the way into her and her eyes closed as she caressed her own tits. Winter couldn’t help but harden as she watched the video, his pants stretching as his blue cock grew. He finally saw the caption at the bottom of the screen “Hope St.” So that was it, 899 Hope St. That’s when he heard the door open and close from across the house. He quickly closed the video file and got up from his desk. The feeling of dread ever present in his chest. “Hey honey!” His mom said as she entered the house. “How was your day?” “Ummm, it was alright.” He walked out of his room and met her in the living room. To his dismay, he saw that she had a box in her hand and held it up to him. She wore a purple dress with a button up blouse. She’d just gotten off of work, and judging by her casual demeanor, it must have been a pretty good day. “Were you expecting a package?” She asked, and handed it to him. He saw that it was, indeed, made out to him. “Yeah, it’s for school.” He lied to her, but it was definitely for her own good. She really didn’t need to know that their little secret was compromised. “Oh! Well, don’t forget to open it before your class today. You might need it.” “Yeah.” He smiled at her, and she leaned in for a little kiss on the lips, which he gave her. To her surprise, he cuddled up to her and hugged her tight. “Oh, my.” She smiled and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him back. “Are you okay, darling?” “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be home a little late today, Home Stretch is doing an extra day of study before the exam.” He said, knowing that she liked Home Stretch, especially since she was helping him with his classes. “Oh, good, I know you’ll do well. I’ll have some left over mac and cheese for you when you get home.” “Thanks, Mom. I gotta get going.” He said, taking the box to his room so he could change his shirt, and pants. He figured he should at least look a little more presentable if he was going to be a sacrificial lamb for Pearl. He couldn’t begin to imagine how all of this was going to pan out. It was obvious that he was going to have to miss class, but the make-up homework was never that hard. “Alright, I’ll probably be asleep by the time you get home, so have fun at class!” He nodded to her and gave her another little kiss as he was leaving. He sighed as he walked out of the door. “Fuck my life…” ------ “So, tell me again why we’re in our swim suits but we’re not going swimming?” Death Metal asked as she laid on Pearl’s bed, which had a perfect view of the backyard pool. She sat there in a black two piece, both the bra and the bottoms bared a green nuclear symbol, with a small alien head drawn in the middle of them. She lied on her back, looking at the ceiling with her hands behind her head. Pearl’s house was surprisingly upper middle class for the rich girl’s tastes. Death Metal was amazed at how homely it felt in there, and while it was certainly not cheap, it wasn’t the billion bit house Death had expected. Throughout their relationship, Death Metal had started to grow accustomed to visiting Pearl’s house. She figured it would be the type of house she would buy if she had the money, which she most certainly did not. They’d been together for just under half a year, and no one would believe it, judging by how different they were. Their initial hatred for one another was so great, they honestly shouldn’t have worked out so well. As they clashed the first time they talked, they got under each other’s skin so terribly, and their thoughts loomed over one another like a black cloud ready to strike with a zap of lightning. That was just it, though, the more Death Metal thought about it, the more she figured that was why they hated each other, and thought about one another so much, maybe deep down, Death really liked Pearl the whole time. Society had a funny way of making different classes of ponies hate one another. The pink, red haired pony walked into the room to see Death splayed out over the top of her bed covers. She couldn’t help but gaze at her off white fur and raven hair. Her hooves were flat on the surface of the bed, and her knees were bent. The way Death’s legs were spread gave Pearl a full view of her crotch. Her bikini bottoms did not leave much to the imagination, as her pussy lips were lined out perfectly, and her inner thighs looked so delicious in that pose. “Did you hear me?” Death said as she lifted her head to glare at Pearl. She saw where her eyes were gazing, and rolled her eyes. “Oh! Right, well, remember those videos we saw of that guy fucking his mom?” She asked, and very slowly began to approach Death Metal as she laid her head back down on the bed. “Yeah, that guy’s a freak…” She said this, but remembered in great detail how the very idea of a real mother and son porn video gave her such an astounding girl boner. “What about him? Did you give his phone back?” “Oh, no, I had a better idea.” Quickly as she could, she lunged her face into Death Metal’s crotch, and caught the white pony completely off guard, making her give the cutest squeal she’d ever heard. “What the f---” She started to protest, but then she felt Pearl’s lips start to rub against her bikini bottoms. “Pearl, you fucking slut! OH!” Her legs tightened around Pearl’s head as she rubbed her muzzle hard against her pussy through her bikini bottom. With one finger, she moved her bikini bottom to the side, and dug her tongue into Death’s little slit. “Errmm!! Pearl, what exactly are you planning? You always do-OOH-- this! Why can’t you just--nnnn-- let me in on this?” Death Metal could barely restrain herself from wriggling from Pearl’s very lively tongue. “Because it’s more fun.” She said, then gave Death another full tongue lick. “And I want to get rid of your hatred of surprises.” Pearl put her whole mouth on her crotch, and sucked all of it. Her tongue continued to work as she did, keeping that wonderful suction pressure on her pink little quim. “Fuck! I hate you so m--mmmuch!” The Pink pony smiled as she said that, knowing it was her way of saying she loved her. She pressed her whole muzzle harder against her girlfriend’s labia, and rubbed her teeth against her clit just a little bit, making Death whine in that high pitch that drove her crazy! Death Metal was giving her rough, grunting moans at that point. Pearl’s hands rubbed up to her bikini bra and moved it out of the way of her tits, groping them with both her hands as her mouth continued to eat her cunt, sucking up the juices. Then there came the doorbell ring. Pearl stopped and looked up at Death, grinning. “What are you doing? Don’t leave me hanging!” Death Metal said, her tits out in full view while her sloppy pussy lips were wide open after such a fantastic licking. “Trust me, Death, this is going to be so worth it, you’ll thank me even harder than when we played with Fable.” She said as she got up and stood in front of her. “Now, make yourself presentable for our guest.” This drew a very puzzled look from the very edged Death Metal. “Guest?” After just a minute, Pearl opened the door, and smiled at Winter, who had the package in his hands. Death Metal looked out the door to see the azure colored unicorn outside. Her face twisted with further befuddlement. “Hi, Winter! Glad you could make it. I see you brought the package! Come on in.” She said and held the door open for him and stood off to the side to let him cross. “Winter, this is my girlfriend, Death Metal.” “Umm, hi, I remember you from the mall.” Winter said as he placed the  box on the coffee table in the center of the room, in front of the couch. “Yeah…” Metal said as she gave Pearl another look. Pearl did that same grin she always did in these situations, and she walked up to the coffee table, facing Winter as she used her nails to open the tape. “Now, Winter, since I have control over your fate, I’m looking to take full advantage of the situation, and have a little bit of fun.” Death Metal frowned a little bit as she said this. She looked over at Winter to see he was not in a very good state of mind at all. Sure, fucking your Mom is pretty damn weird, but did he really deserve all of this? That was when Pearl opened the box, and produced a plastic package. The package had a red piece of cloth inside of it, with a label on top of it bearing the image of a studly stallion with a tiny speedo on. “Oh, good! Your official uniform came in! What luck, it’s the perfect size too!” The devilish grin spread over her face as the absolute look of terror crossed his face. She tossed it to him and it slapped him lightly in the face, not even causing him to flinch. “Put it on.” He looked over at Death Metal, who had no discernable expression on the matter, then looked back at Pearl, whose face did not even slightly move. He hesitated, but managed to tear open the plastic wrapping, only to see that the fabric on this speedo was almost completely non-existent. It was even smaller than he had expected. “Ummm, should I go--” He started to point down the hall that more than likely had a bathroom, but Pearl was already shaking her head, keeping that horribly devious smile. He gulped, and stood up, starting to undress. He got down to his skivvies and pulled them down, making Death Metal switch her hand position as she stared at him. His penis was in its sheath, but the head was very slightly poking out the top of it. Before long, the way they were staring at him was starting to have an effect. His dick starting to produce more length from the sheath, and its girth became ever so apparent. The bathing suits both of them wore were something to behold, and left very little to the imagination. Death Metal’s nuclear symbol bikini did wonders for her complexion with the black on white contrast. While Pearl’s was a bright red, with little yellow flame patterns on them. They were so shiny, they looked like silk. Just the idea of what was under their swim suits was not doing him any favors as he attempted to pull his tiny swim briefs up, however the fabric only covered up his scrotum, and part of his shaft’s base. Pearl’s hand went up to her mouth as her grin went away, now it was a mix of trying not to laugh and hiding the fact that this was making her very wet. Even Death Metal’s cheeks were growing a very rosy color. “Now then, Death and I are going out to sunbathe, and my pool needs cleaning so we can have a nice little dip.” Pearl got up and motioned for him to follow as she walked with Death Metal to the backyard. The two of them grabbed their small handbags and opened the door. The pool ranged from three feet to twelve feet deep. It had four lush red pool chairs along the far side of it with one table in between the middle of them. The table’s umbrella was closed so that the sun was in full view of the chairs. As far as Winter could tell, the pool wasn’t all that dirty. Thankfully, though, Winter had some experience in cleaning pools. However, last time he did this, he didn’t have his full erect, ten inch cock hanging out of what was essentially a man thong. The two mares walked over to the other side of the pool and laid out their towels onto the table. Death pulled out some sunshades from her tiny dark gray bag and put them on. Pearl simply lied down on her chair and splayed out onto the chair, letting the sun beam down on her. Winter did as he was told, and got the pool cleaning equipment from the pool closet on the far side of the patio. He put the pool vacuum together with its long hose, and began to sweep it across the bottom surface. What Winter didn’t notice was that Death Metal was sneaking peeks from behind her shades, and when she was sure he wasn’t looking, she put her hand between her legs and gave her thinly clad pussy a good rubbing. She would instantly stop as his glance turned upward. “I saw that.” Pearl whispered, peeking her eye toward Death with a smile. “Shhhh.” Death Metal gave her a tiny smile back, turning her head toward her. “How’s it coming, Winter?” Pearl asked, looking up at him, seeing that his penis was still very hard, even though he did make an honest attempt to concentrate on his work. “Oh, it’s going pretty good.” He looked up toward her. “I’m almost done with…” His voice trailed off as he looked up to see Pearl was now on her knees, with her ass straight up in the air. She removed her bra and flung it at Death Metal, who caught it and put it on top of her head without even thinking about it. “Good, glad to hear it.” She said, moaning a little as she stretched, and her ass crack was perfectly lined with her bikini bottom. The bright color showed it off perfectly. “Be a dear and get me a bottle of water from the fridge, would you?” She asked him, her eyes closed as she wiggled her ass, her red tail flopping around a bit. He nodded, and quickly took the vacuum hose out of the pool. Winter turned it off and went inside for a moment. “How long are you gonna keep him on a leash?” Death Metal asked, tipping her glasses down and looking at Pearl with a little grin. “However long.” She winked at Death Metal. After just a moment, Winter came back outside and twisted open the water bottle’s top. He walked up to her, and held it toward her. “Here ya go.” Winter said, only to see her point her thumb toward her back. “Pour it on me.” She put on that certain grin once again, and this was when Death Metal flick her sunglasses up to her forehead. The off white pony widened her eyes toward Pearl, her eyebrow raised. Winter’s eyes widened as well. The water was ice cold, even he would feel uncomfortable. That was when she flicked a sudden grim face toward him. This was one of those looks that his mother would give him if he said he would take out the trash but he waited until it got overflowed. It was a gruesome expression that startled him into subordination. He turned the bottle on its side above her and let the water trickle down onto her back. She gave a sudden spasm, and her tits flopped back and forth beneath her as she gasped. Her hands tightened on the sides of her chair and she shook fiercely! Pearl gave Winter the most hateful glare he’d ever seen in his life! “How dare you! How dare you spill water on me! I can’t believe you’d be so clumsy!” She near screamed toward him as she stood up. Her tits were still flopping about, and her nipples were now hard as tiny rocks. Her hand came across his face. It rocked him with a slap, but didn’t particularly hurt. It seemed like more of a slap that was meant to shame him, more than actually sting. “Get your ass back over here and lick it off of me!” She huffed as she got back on all fours, making sure that her tits flopped back and forth plenty. “Well, go on!” Pearl commanded him. He got down on his knees and began to lick along the wet parts of her back, and over her shoulder. His warm tongue on her drew a soft moan from her. The goosebumps forming on her gave her the most amazing feeling she’d ever had in her life. Winter ran his mouth all over her bumpy skin and fine fur, licking all the way to her breast. Her under boob felt that wet, thawing muscle slide along it, and she gasped, closing her eyes. Pearl put her hand on the back of his mane, and pet him as he continued to lick all over her nipple. He latched onto her nipple, starting to suckle, while his hand reached up and began to caress the other. “Ummmm, Death Metal?” Pearl looked over toward her girlfriend, who was now sitting in her pool chair, her legs wide open and caressing her cunny with two fingers, watching them. “Yeah?” She turned her attention to her, having to break away from gazing at Winter’s progress. “There’s a servant who’s getting handsy.” Pearl pointed down at Winter, who looked up with an eyebrow raised. That was when he heard Death Metal get up from her seat, and pop all of her knuckles at the same time. Winter’s eyes went completely wide. He looked at Pearl, who took three steps back from him, and he turned to Death. “Wait, what, you. I. We. But. I--” Winter started six sentences which he never finished, and looked at her as she approached him. Her eyes were dead center on him as her sneer visibly twisted her face with disgust. With a huge show of strength, speed and accuracy, Death’s palm smacked against Winter’s chest, dead center. Winter let out a sudden puff of breath and fell back into the chair behind him, which slid along with his momentum for a foot. His body tensed up, and his hands clamped against the chair’s arm rests as he skidded to a stop. Pearl was laughing with her hand cupping her mouth and Death had a tiny smile on her face as she took off her sunglasses and set them on the table beside her. There they stood, looking down at him. His balls still covered by the small man thong, but his erect cock still bobbing back and forth with every move he made. Pearl’s evil glare beamed down at the helpless azure colored unicorn stallion. Then they turned to one another leaned in for a little kiss before kneeling down onto both sides of the chair. Both of them grabbed Winter’s cock at the same time. They took one last look at him, and both of them began gorging on his cock at the same time. He cringed as an amassed amount of sensations invaded his very sensitive horse dick all at once. Their tongues and mouths lapped over the sides of his shaft, and Pearl made sure to kiss his glans. Her mouth squeezed the head of his penis, and her tongue swirled all over it, changing direction more than once to catch him off guard. Death Metal kissed the base of his shaft with a gentle mouth. She used one finger to pull his speedo off of his balls so that she could lick them as well. His breathing was sporadic at this point. He moaned, but also gave a startled yelp at points he didn’t expect. So many licks and sucks happening at once, and they were overjoyed to feel that he only hardened to his fullest extent. “Come on, Winter!” Pearl said between having his cock in her mouth, and slipping it out of her mouth periodically. “We haven’t got all day!” “Yeah, what’s the matter, we ain’t hot enough for you?” Death said, stern face glaring at him as she gave him suction along the middle of his shaft. Funny they should mention that, actually because as they spoke, he was already wincing hard, as the orgasm he had been building was the absolute real deal. Before they even talked, he was already feeling the edge tipping over. His breathing increased to the point of gasping for air as Pearl began to speak, and just as Metal finished her say in it, there came a hard shock into Pearl mouth, and all over her face. As Death Metal grasped the center ring of his dick and pulled it to her face, she thought of threatening him with pain if he didn’t give her sum too. However, she was spattered on the chest and neck with his white, sticky sperm. She even leaned in to catch some of it with her mouth. Five shots spurted all over the two of them. By that point Winter was panting for breath and his heart was racing with very little signs of stopping. “Damnit! Winter! What the hell!” Death Metal stood up, the majority of her face splattered with sperm. “How in the hell am I gonna get this out of my hair?” Pearl laughed a little. “Looks like Mommy didn’t milk him this morning.” She said and his face twisted with mortification, making her laugh harder. “Don’t worry, he’ll have fun knowing we’re going to get naked in the shower without him, and I’ll help you scrub your hair.” Winter started to talk once again and Pearl held up her finger toward him, quieting him immediately. This finger pointed at his snout, and she pressed it against his muzzle. “Now, we’re going to go wash our hair. You be back here tomorrow. Same Pearl time. Same Pearl channel. Got it?” He nodded vigorously, and she one-finger waved at him as the two of them walked back toward the back door. “Don’t be late!” She rubbed a little bit of his cum off of her chin, and stuck her finger into her mouth, licking it clean as she winked at him. Winter plopped his head back against the chair’s cushion. With a great big sigh, he couldn’t help but wonder just what the hell he’d gotten himself into. > Mothers and Maids > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter had done his college makeup course for his previous absence, and today he had no college courses to go to. Today, he had nothing else to do other than to make sure his Mom didn’t know what he was doing. Since Pearl found his phone at the mall, she still had not given it back. She’d shamed him, and embarrassed him, and told him to come the next day. Well now it’s the next day, and he tried his best to ready himself for what was to come. He laid in his bed, trying to relax before his return to Pearl Necklace’s house. It’s not like he hated the treatment, it’s not like he was the manliest stallion in the world, and he’d been in certain… other situations with much worse circumstances. Still, he had no idea what she had in store for him that day, and for all he knew, it could be worse than the day before. He checked the time on his replacement cheap flip phone, just thirty minutes left. He sighed, and got out of bed, making sure that his room was at least somewhat presentable in case his Mom wanted to check on it. She was also off today, but he kept his distance as casually as he could. Frozen Pop could ask questions he didn’t want to answer. Winter got out of his room, but didn’t see his Mom in the living room down the hall, instead he heard her humming in her room, or her bathroom if he was splitting hairs. He poked his head into the room, and smelled perfume, feeling the heat of a previously run shower. She was getting ready for something. “Mom?” Winter asked as he got inside. “Hey honey, do you have class today?” She asked as she pulled her panties up, and then grabbed her bra. She looked in the mirror, seeing him in her room. She smiled as he noticed her large breasts were out. She took her time putting her bra on, then setting it to the side and brushing her hair. “Ummm no, not until tomorrow.” Winter said, trying his best not to stare at her. “Alright, well I’ve got a meeting tonight, so if you need some money for takeout, you can get it out of my purse. You said you had a job tonight?” She asked, sometimes she voiced her concern with the jobs he did, telling him that all of the tree branch cutting or the large jobs of snow shoveling were so very dangerous. “Yeah, someone wants me to clean their house.” Winter said, not even noticing that he was full on gazing at her large, bouncing tits. She was so much fat as she was thick, with the mother bod in full effect. “Oh! Well that should be easy, if I’ve taught you anything, it’s how to clean a house.” She giggled a little bit, running the brush through her hair as she looked in the mirror just a few more times and put it aside. “That’s good, cleaning a house shouldn’t be too dangerous.” She turned to him and smiled. Her fur was the same color as his, and her nipples were sky blue. “When do you need to leave?” “In about thirty minutes.” Winter said as he checked his phone to make sure he was correct. “Did you need me to pick anything up from the store?” She thought for a moment, she had just gone to the grocery store, but that didn’t always mean she didn’t forget something on her run. She shook her head, though. She was rather thorough this time around. “No, we should be okay.” Then she smiled at him from the mirror. That’s when she gave him the look. That look when she was wanting something, and he was just the pony to give it to her. She was about to grab her makeup kit, but then turned toward him, and took a few steps into the room. “So, you have thirty minutes, perhaps you could let mommy give you a nice little look over before you go.” Frozen Pop walked up to him and they shared in an embrace and a kiss. “Mommy needs to make sure her big boy is good to go out into the world.” “Well, I mean--” She kissed him again, and put her hand on the crotch of his pants. She moaned into his mouth as she proved herself right. He was rock solid hard. Knowing that she made him that way was such a turn on. Without a single word, she unbuckled his leather belt, and tugged his jeans down to reveal his wondrous ten inch cock flopping up and down as it was released. “Ooooh, did I do that? I’m sorry.” She said as she smiled up at him. Before he could say anything more, she began to lick down at the base of his penis, and onto his scrotum. She knew he loved to have his balls licked, and caressed. Frozen traced her tongue all the way up his cock, and slid the glans into her mouth. She licked her tongue in circles around his head, thrilling as he began to breathe harder. Her hand used the lube of her saliva and jerked his large, massive shaft while her other began to rub his balls with her fingertips. Winter knew that she had already done her mane, so he dared not run his fingers through it. Instead he reached down and cupped her large breast in his hand, using his fingers to pinch the nipples softly. She moaned into the thick cock in her mouth, and sucked harder with her head bobbing back and forth. She slid it in and out of her mouth before finally taking her mouth off of it and jerking it with both of her hands. “Mmmmm don’t cum on Mommy’s face, cum in my mouth, my big strong stallion.” She smiled at him with those bedroom eyes, and then shoved his cock ever so deep into her mouth, all the way to the back of it. She swallowed his hard on, making no gagging sounds as she was thoroughly prepared for it. Her hand massaged his balls as she put it back halfway into her mouth. His face clenched shut, and sweat gleamed on his forehead as his teeth gritted tight. She looked up at him with a provocative, mocking expression as she kept sucking ever harder, and jerking his cock almost to the point of creating friction heat. His large, sky blue and blue spotted cock twitched in her mouth. He unleashed a splooge of salty cum into her mouth. She gulped it as fast as she could before the next shot of sticky semen came into her mouth as she continuously massaged his shaft to goad him into cumming more. He panted hard, loving each soft stroke she gave him as she licked the head of his cock clean. She drank all of it, not wasting a single drop, or getting any on her face or hair. Though she was quite enthralled with the feeling of hot, steamy sperm all over her muzzle, she did have a meeting later that night, and she wanted to make sure that she didn’t have any telltale signs of having sex with her only son. “Oh wow, Mom, that was awesome.” He whispered as he backed away from her a little bit to get his pants back up and buckle his belt around his waist once again. “But I need to get going.” He checked his phone again to see that he only had twenty minutes to get over to Pearl’s or his day was going to get a lot worse than it already was going to be. “Alright honey, I love you!” She called after him as he started to hurry out of the room, fixing his shirt and pants to where he licked them, not tucked in. “Love you too, Mom!” He said as he scurried out the door. -------- “Are you kidding me?” Pearl said as she stood behind Death Metal, looking at her in the mirror. The two of them gazed at Death Metal in sheer amazement. She couldn’t remember the last time Death had looked so bangable in their relatively brief relationship. “What’s there not to be sure about? You’re so fucking hot!” Pearl said as she very carefully brushed her hands through both sides of Death’s raven black hair. After their little playtime with Winter yesterday, they had gotten to talking about Death Metal’s hair as Pearl washed it in their bathroom. She had been trying to get the white mare to do a makeover day, not because she didn’t look fuckable, but more because makeover days were so much fun! Winter had cum all in Death’s hair, and gotten her a little annoyed. However, at the same time, she did love it when Pearl used her cleaning products in it and got it glistening with absolute full body delight. After a long, heated conversation of the joys of girly pleasures, the pink furred mare finally convinced her to get it styled. What came about it was beyond comprehension. Pearl never dreamed that a simple haircut would make such an amazing difference, but it certainly was a difference between night and day. Death Metal had hair that now came down to just above her shoulders. Even so short, it still had such a beautiful full body and it shined with every strand. Death wore her black shirt with the Skull Hoof shirt that had their new album “Seven Coffin Nails” logo on the front of it in dark red letters. Her gray pants with the steel chain and zipper pockets hung low on her hips, and she kept staring at her reflection. Though Pearl favored her hair, she’d never really bothered to change it. Now that she did, she had no idea what to think of it. Pearl’s arms came up around Death’s waist and held her close, nuzzling her nose into the white mare’s side of her neck. She closed her eyes as Pearl caressed her belly and warmed her up to it. “Do you really like it?” Death Metal asked softly as she looked back at Pearl, and she hummed a yes into her neck. She gave a small moan at the vibrations that stimulated her, and made her get gooseflesh. She leaned her head to the side to give Pearl more room, and let her lick up and down, reaching all of those wonderful, sensitive areas. “It’s gorgeous. I’m almost jealous.” Pearl grinned, and Death’s eyes widened. The thought of her being jealous of anything Death possessed was so very outlandish to her. She turned her face into Pearl’s and they met in a kiss. She reached behind herself, grabbing the red haired earth pony’s rump and squeezing it. Both of them suddenly put on a frown as the doorbell rang. Pearl pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. “Well, he’s right on time. Wonderful.” They shared one more kiss as they started for the door. “You remember the plan for today?” “Yep, I got it.” Death Metal nodded, and put a tiny smile on that only lasted a moment. Pearl opened the door as they made it through the living room. “Good! You made it, come on in.” Pearl said, and Winter walked in. As soon as he looked at Death Metal, his eyes widened. She stood in the middle of the front room, and he couldn’t help but stare at how short her hair was. She looked so very different, but at the same time it seemed to suit her. “You cum in my hair today, I’ll fucking kill you.” Death said with a very somber tone. The sudden flash of anger in her eyes told him that she was not kidding at all. He gave a nervous chuckle and scratched the back of his head. Pearl walked into her room while the two of them got reacquainted. “Alright, Winter, we’re going to have a bit of a change in our official uniform today.” She said as she came back out. Winter thought that the word official was a bit null and void with that sentiment. She passed him a small white ruffled piece of cloth, and he unfurled it to see that it was a maid’s apron. A tiny maid’s apron at that. Another white ruffled cloth fell to the ground as it unfurled, and he picked it up to see that it was an old fashioned maid’s bonnet. It was the kind that strapped onto your head and curved over it like a sun visor. He looked at the two fashion accessories and then looked at Pearl. That horrid, evil grin came back over her face as she gazed at him. “Let me guess…” Winter started to say, and she was already nodding. He closed his eyes and sighed, and then opened them only to roll them. “Fine.” He got undressed in front of them. He folded his clothes and put them on the small table by the door. He put the apron’s loop over his head and put it on, and tied it behind his back. It covered up nothing but his lower chest and his abs. Then he looked at the bonnet, and his face twisted with embarrassment as he strapped it under his chin. It rested on his head, and he could do nothing but wear a defeatist frown on his face. “Ooohhh! It’s so perfect!” Pearl put both hands on his cheeks and nuzzled his muzzle while he looked off to the side, that frown only growing more grim. “Now, I’m going to do some work on the computer, and you’re going to be my little cleaner around the house! You do some chores, and do whatever Death Metal says while I’m working. Kay?” She smiled brightly as he gave a little nod. She skipped off to her room once again, humming a happy tune. Winter looked over at Death, who continued to give him that somber expression. She pointed toward the kitchen which directly connected to the living room. “Cleaner closet is in there in the pantry. The kitchen needs sweeping.” She said as she walked to the couch and got out a remote control, turning on the stereo system. As he went to the pantry, getting out the very expensive, sturdy broom from it, he started to hear very loud, heavy metal music. He started sweeping up. He glanced over toward Death to see that her eyes were closed, and her head was bumping up and down to the beat of a very loud, thrashing guitar and drums. The grindcore music was especially loud, and Death sat right by the speaker, not seeming to notice at all. Winter got all of the corners, and all of the tight spaces with some difficulty before he brushed all of the dirt and crumbs into a dustpan, putting it all in the trash. After that, he filled up a small mop bucket, and got to getting the mop wet. The whole time, there was song after song of angry thrashing. Some of the songs Winter recognized, but never really listened to. She apparently loved Fang Driver, and the Divers, but after a while she put on the new album that Skullhoof came out with, the one she wore the shirt for. Mopping didn’t take long, after a while, he walked backward with the mop swabbing to and fro as he backed up back onto the carpet. What he didn’t see was Death Metal was watching him as he did. Seeing his bright blue tail partially covering his nicely toned yet slightly chubby rump as he backed up toward the living room. He finished mopping the kitchen and then leaned the mop onto the wall. “That doesn’t go there.” She spoke over the banging music, and he looked at her. He looked at it, then looked at the mop bucket. He took one big step over the white and black checkered floor that was partially damp, and put the mop into the mop bucket. He jumped over the wet part of the floor this time, and landed onto the carpet. Her eyes widened a bit as his large, flopping cock and balls slapped against his leg as he landed. She looked away as he looked back at her. “Now come over here.” She said, and turned down the music a bit. He complied, walking to her as she pointed toward the lower cabinet underneath the stereo. “I want my records reorganized alphabetically by either band names or last names.” She looked at him, and at first he thought she was joking. Then he opened the cabinet and saw that she was being very serious. There were rows of records, all of them just as large as he remembered. He almost started laughing, asking who in their right minds had records anymore. He thought better of it as he knew something of who he was dealing with. Maybe making fun of her choice of medium entertainment wasn’t the smartest idea he’d ever had. He got down on his hands and knees and started to do as she said, laying out her records to see their bands and their singers, starting to pick out all of the A’s. Death Metal leaned back on the red couch, watching as he did this. Obviously, the alphabetical order was just busy work, and it wasn’t going to last a week. However, now she could watch as his legs spread out on his knees, and his cock dangled between his legs. Just seeing him in such a submissive state made her wet. She bit her lower lip as she tentatively began rubbing her crotch with her hand, remembering him like this by the pool. Neither she nor Pearl got each other off since then, opting to wait and enjoy his servitude just a little more. All it did was make her more on edge. She had only had sex with Fable Prose before, and that was more Pearl’s doing than anything, so she wasn’t entirely sure how to initiate such scenarios. If she wanted to fight Winter, that much was easy for her. Death Metal could more than likely destroy him with a single punch, but now she was in a completely different ballpark. A guy was on his knees in front of her, more or less completely naked with his cock in plain view. She knew the potential, she just wasn’t sure what to do. Pearl gave her little tidbits of suggestions on how to get him, but all she knew to do was order him around and put him in sexy positions. “Ummm, Death?” Winter said, looking back at her. She opened her eyes and looked down at him, making her hand stay still. “Yeah?” Her somber expression stayed as it was. “I have four albums for Killproof, would they just go in order of title?” Winter asked, ignoring the fact that he just caught her rubbing her cunt in front of him. “Yeah, don’t worry about the ‘the’ and the ‘a’ in front of their names, just put them in the same order.” She said, and nodded, continuing, now with a good number of piles. “And be careful with them, some of them are pretty old.” He continued, and she tried to get her train of thought back, but found it a lot harder as she noticed his cock had grown a few inches. That little wimp caught her rubbing herself, she just knew it. She rolled her eyes, knowing that she wasn’t very good at this whole roleplaying and dominatrix thing. She knew something about sex, but she didn’t really know how to be anyone else but herself. Death figured it was time for a more direct approach. As Winter began stacking them neatly and putting them back into the cabinet, Death Metal began to rustle her jeans from behind him. He finished up the stacking, and put them evenly in their rows before finally closing the cabinet. “Alright, there you--” He looked back at her to see that she was now in her red bra, with matching panties. They were gifts from Pearl, saying that they matched the depth of the green color in her eyes. She sat with her clothes on the floor beside the couch, and her legs open to give him a very good look at her mound as it bulged out the front of her underwear. “Good, nice job. Now come over here and massage my legs.” Death said, her tone never going anywhere other than her normal, demanding persona. He nodded, and knew to start with the shins. He was careful as he did, not knowing if she suffered from shin splints. His fingers gripped her calfs, and began to work his thumbs very gently over her lower leg. He was good, she had to admit. She didn’t know that this was a normal activity with him and his mother. Death looked down at him to see that he was gazing at her crotch, and there was no way he didn’t notice the wet spot that was forming on her panties. “So, ummmm how long have you and Pearl been together?” Winter asked, not knowing if she was much for conversation. His eyebrows raised as she glared at him with those piercing, green eyes. She looked off to the side, then looked off to the other side. “About half a year now.” She said in a more soft tone. His hands worked their way to her next shin and gave it the same treatment. He was careful not to massage the shin bones directly, just the calf muscles around them, gently digging his thumbs into her muscles as he went. “I couldn’t help but notice you and her are pretty different in… a lot of ways.” “Yeah. I noticed that too.” Death said, thinking of getting onto him for talking too much, but his hands were working some sort of magic on her. Then something happened that she didn’t expect. He sat up on his knees and lifted her legs upward. He spread her legs out and pulled her down from a seated position to a laying position on the couch. With her legs spread, he began to work his thumbs onto her inner thighs, hitting her pressure points so softly. Her eyes widened as she felt his thumbs rub such tender spots, and circle them in such sensual, gentle rubs. She felt it, his hard cock laid down on top of her crotch, and it was harder than it was before. He wasn’t even at his full length and already his dick felt very, very heavy. His palms gripped her thighs, and began to grip them and release them at a very slow pace. There was no way he wouldn’t notice the moisture building underneath his cock. She was very noticeably biting her lower lip now, her eyes having that worried look as she gazed at his massive prick. Death Metal put her hand down on his manhood and pressed it harder against her pussy clad in such a thin red fabric and began rocking against him slowly to get a good rubbing in. She figured her panties were useless as time went on, and interrupted him for a moment to slide them off her legs. She pulled him into the same position as they were before, only this time, his hands reached up to either side of her pussy mound, and began to rub it with his cock still firmly placed between her outer labia. After only a moment, Death Metal began to sweat. Her throat made groaning noises that he could only describe as either growling or deep grunting. She wasted no time in pulling her bra up over her tits, which flopped out as she continued to grind his cock against her sopping wet cunt. After a moment, she saw his precum seep out from the tip and that was the last straw. In one smooth movement, she scooted way back and back down with his cock angled to push into her very tight vagina. His penis slid in easily, as there was a great deal of lube already drenching his cock as it entered her. The two of them began to work off of each other’s thrusts as he started to fuck her. She winced a little bit at the size of him, and was instantly reminding herself just to work through it. She knew it only got better from there, and she was not wrong. As he slowly began to pick up his pace, he was fucking her so damn well that she began making noises she seldom ever made. Winter was careful with her, knowing that she was quite inexperienced in this, just judging by the fact that she mostly did things like this with Pearl. Such a tiny pussy hole couldn’t have had many others inside of it. He did start fucking her harder, though, and she growled through the sudden change in pace. Now she was starting to look angrily into his eyes, and after only a few more moments, she put her hand onto his chest to stop him. She panted, leaning up toward him and leaving him with a wide eyed expression, with his eyebrows way up. He looked at her with a puzzled expression, and she furrowed her eyebrows at him. “I… want to be… on top.” She glared at him some more, and then grabbed his lower muzzle, pulling him close. “And I want you to fuck me harder!” Without question, they switched positions. He sat on the couch, and she sat on top of him. Before he could push back into her, she pushed his cock onto his stomach. She slid her wet pussy over the length of his hot, wet prick, grinding it with her teeth gritting hard and her eyes closed. She couldn’t get over how amazing his shaft felt against her pussy lips. Death loved the feeling of a stallion’s sex organ creating such luscious friction against her nether regions. Though, that intense feeling had to lead somewhere, and she got to the point where she had to shove his cock inside of her right then and there. She began to bounce on top of him, facing away from him so he could clearly see her ass and her pussy as it strangled his huge blue spotted dong. Her juices covered him, and she used one hand to steady herself on the couch, and the other to grip her breast. She licked her own nipple, even bit it a little bit as her lust grew to amazing heights. Death tried every angle. Leaning back, leaning forward. Bending over so she could watch his cock as it worked its way back and forth inside of her wet cunny. It got to the point where he couldn’t take it anymore. Winter could barely get a push in with her humping him at such a fast and even pace. Her pussy was putting so much pressure on his manhood, and he couldn’t get over how amazingly warm she was. She was fucking him, that much was certain. Her toned abs and her tight ass did their work with a regularity that he didn’t even need to put any effort into it. Though, with that thought, he put his hands on her ass and began to pull her down harder onto him, their pelvises slapped against one another with a wet, erotic sound that drove him crazy. She glared back at him, and his first instinct was to take his hands off of her, but he didn’t. Her butt cheeks were so tight, and taut. Her body was like a soft piece of iron that had a very deep vulnerable side. However, his mind wandered a little too much, and he forgot that he was so close to climax. He clenched his teeth together, and tried his very best to stop the cum from rising in his shaft, but as it got to his cock’s head, it was too late. A shot spewed inside of her, followed by three more in quick succession, followed by another wad of cum. A large amount of it seeped out of her onto his base. She sat on top of him, his cock as far as it would go into her, and she relished in that wonderful orgasm they shared. There really was no way to describe such a feeling. She sat there with her eyes shut, and her head leaning forward. Her hair was a mess now, but that didn’t matter. After just a moment, she did her best to brush it back to its straight position. Then she leaned back, laying on top of him. His cock slid out of her, releasing a great deal of cum that flowed from her opening. She didn’t care if it got on the couch, anyway, she would just make him clean it up. “So ummm…” He said in the middle of their gasping. She narrowly opened her eyes and looked at him as his face was right beside hers. “I ummm… like what you’ve done with your hair.” “Uh huh.” She hummed. “You look cu---” He caught himself before he said it, knowing that saying it could mean a beat down. “You look… good.” She grunted a very tiny chuckle without smiling, and rolled her eyes. “Thanks, I guess.” “Okay, so you guys just stay right there, but I have a meeting here, and she just pulled up!” Pearl said as she came back into the living room from her room. “Meeting?” Death Metal’s eyebrow raised. “Her?” Winter asked, his face a little panicky, and puzzled. “Uh huh! And she’s here!” Before the door could knock, she opened it, and there she was. Frozen Pop walked into the house, and Winter’s heart went ice cold. His mouth dropped and went into a wide frown. Even Death Metal’s face went into a stern, stone cold face as she glared at Pearl, suddenly wishing that she didn’t have a gallon of cum in her so she could get up and knock that pink pony into the next year! “Hi, Pearl, nice to---HOLY GODS!!!!” Frozen Pop looked at both Winter and Death Metal on the couch. His cock losing its definition, though it was still covered in cum which was dripping from the off white mare’s pussy as she stayed on top of him. Death figured there was no point in trying to cover up, their cover was blown. Death simply glared at Pearl. “Ummm, hi Mom!” Winter broke out into a cold sweat. “Don’t you ‘Hi Mom’ me! What are you doing here? Who is that? Why are you here? I thought you were going to clean someone’s house!” “I was cleaning their house. They just-- well I--- things happened! I thought you were going to a meeting!” “This is where I was going to a meeting! Pearl called me over--” There was a pause. After a moment, all three of them were looking at Pearl. There, she stood with the most devious, evil, malignant, super villainous grin growing over her face. They could have sworn her red hair was growing into devil horns and her red eyes were glowing with demonic presence. Her high pitched cackle drove a cold spike through Winter’s heart, and she could only cackle harder as her plan was coming to perfect fruition! > Opportunity Pumps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaahahahaaa!” Pearl had been at it for about a full two minutes before she finally panted and sighed. She wiped a tear from her eye and looked at all of them as they still gazed at her. Their looks were a mixture of both worry and anger with a dash of confusion. “Well I thought it was funny.” She turned her head toward Death Metal, her off-white furred girlfriend with shortish raven colored hair. However, the only message she got from Death’s green eyes was a great deal of anger. Just from this reaction, Winter could tell she was not privy to Pearl’s plan from the start. He still held her as she sat on his lap, her short stature lying longways on his torso. His semen still dripping from her well fucked pussy. Both Winter and his mother, Frozen Pop were especially confused. Both of them looked at one another, and it was Winter who looked the most worried. Obviously, once she was brought up to speed on the whole situation, she would know that he lost his phone, and still had their videos on it. Frozen Pop, the mother mare was just plain lost. She thought she was coming in for a business proposition from one of the richest ponies in Equestria only to find her only son on a couch, fucking a short, young mare with two spike earrings in one ear. Both her and her son shared many physical traits, most notably their azure colored fur and pale blue hair. However, she was a bit more stout than her son, who was in much better shape given the age difference. Frozen Pop felt so out of place, as she wore her long dress and hot purple blouse, with her best jewelry on her neck and fingers to try and impress Pearl Necklace. “Alright, alright, so….” Pearl sat Frozen Pop down on the two chairs on the other side of the living room, near the couch, with a small side table in between them. As Winter Solstice and Death Metal cleaned up their mess, she spilled the beans. She went through the whole story with Winter losing his phone, her finding it and finding the videos inside. The sheer look of terror on Frozen’s face as she said what was on the videos was beyond description. Her eyes widened, her hand went to her mouth and she even began to break out in a nervous shake. Pearl took both of Frozen Pop’s hands and held them with both of hers. “But that was when I got the idea to use your son as my own little play thing. I was never planning to tell anyone in the first place, even if Winter declined my offer.” “Wait… what?!” Winter interjected, but Pearl only winked at him and went back to his mother. “So I decided to take advantage of him and make him wear embarrassing outfits, hence why he’s in a tiny maid’s apron and bonnet with his cock hanging out.” Pearl gave Frozen that sly grin again and she gave a nervous chuckle as she looked at her son, who was obviously in a great deal of disdain over the whole situation. Pearl gave a little giggle. “So, then I decided to call you and ask you over here. Partially because I wanted to see Death and Winter’s expression when you came in, and also because… well… we’ll get to that in a moment.” “But… this still doesn’t make sense.” Frozen Pop was finally able to talk after all of the surprises threw her into a kind of shock. “What are you wanting to gain from all of this? Why the secrecy and the underhanded antics?” “It’s what she does.” Death Metal spoke, standing naked in the middle of the living room, obviously far from caring at this point. Her arms were crossed under her breasts, and she stood in an even stance. “She gets off on it.” The pink, red headed earth pony smiled sweetly at Frozen Pop, as she did not even try to deny what Death proclaimed. Her cryptic methods had always confused people and her tenacious art of getting what she wants has baffled even the most conniving ne’er-do-wells. She noticed Frozen was now looking at her son, and while she didn’t seem to approve of his outfit, she also didn’t seem to mind it at all. This furrowed Winter’s brow and made him cover up his torso with his arms. “Mom! Stop!” Winter whined, making Frozen smile. “Now, from what I gather from you, and what you’ve told me,” Pearl caught her attention again while Death Metal bumped Winter’s shoulder with her fist, motioning for him to sit on the couch so she could sit with him. “You’re an over-worked waitress with house bills, tuition costs, and a list of debts longer than Winter’s-” Winter growled at her, and she gave him a raspberry real fast before continuing. “Well, I have an eye for business. It’s one thing that my Daddy gave me that he didn’t have to pay for. I want to give you what you’ve always wanted.” Pearl said this, and Frozen Pop did a double take between her and Winter. “What I’ve always wanted?” She asked, and Pearl smiled, for once it was more of a wholesome smile. “You said that you wanted a frozen treat store. Well, winter is about to start, the season I mean, and by the time we get it up and running, it’ll be summer again.” “But-- you mean--” Frozen stammered, her hand going to her cheek, with tears suddenly welling up in her eyes. “Yes, I am starting businesses in Ranchtown, and among them is a food stand. Well, who doesn’t love ice cream, right?” Frozen’s tears were streaming down her face, her hand covering her mouth now. The joy in her almost caused her heart to explode, it was beating so fast. She looked over at her son, whose jaw was dropped all the way it could go, and his eyes were almost bulging out of their sockets. Winter glanced at Death, who had a tiny smile on her face. He smiled at her, then turned back to his mother who was standing up and reaching for him. He got up as fast as he could, and walked over to her. He was still nude, but in that moment he could have worn a dinosaur costume and she wouldn’t have cared. Frozen embraced her son and openly cried on his chest, as she was much shorter than him. He held onto her tight, and rubbed her back softly as he rocked her from side to side. There was a long moment for Frozen to get her bearings back. There were kisses on both Winter, and Pearl. There was even an embrace to Death Metal, who was less than comfortable with it, but she endured it, knowing that she didn’t want to ruin the moment. The coming conversation was that of paperwork, plans, and employments on the charts. “Well, Winter will be working there, no matter what he says.” Frozen stated as she started to collect the paperwork for everything in a very large bag. “Sure, why not…” Winter said as he rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and Fable’s been talking to me about another part time job, so he can work it too.” “Oh! Fable! Yes, I haven’t talked to him in ages, you should really bring him over more.” Frozen Pop said. This was when both Death and Pearl shared a look with wide eyes. The name “Fable” resonated with them as well. “Okay! So, I have given you all of the info I have thus far. Just wait for my signal, quit your job, and I’ll give you a shiny new one.” The older azure colored unicorn gave a hyper squeal at the prospect of owning her own dessert store. “I can’t thank you enough for this. I mean, this is all so sudden.” “I know, but I’ve given your son such a hard time lately, and I can’t help but feel like I need to do something nice for you.” Pearl said as she smiled at Winter. “Plus! Like I said, this is all part of my new business plan. I’m getting a few locations in the city, and I wanted to do something with them.” “Isn’t your father wanting property in Ranchtown?” Frozen asked. She didn’t know a lot about it, but she had heard that he was under a lot of scrutiny for monopolizing his corporation for just that reason. “Yeah, he’s given me a few choice locations! Signed them over to me and everything!” She smiled brightly. “And yours will be right across the street from a restaurant. So, it’s perfect. Just remember, I need a menu before December so I can start ordering materials.” “Haha, that’s already been done.” The mother pone said as she looked over at Winter. “Winter and I have been planning for this for a long time. He even came up with a few ice cream sundae ideas all his own when he was just a colt.” “Awwwww, how sweet!” Pearl said as she put her hands on either side of her face, causing Winter to groan and look the other way. “But still, it has been so very hard for Winter lately. I have been taking such advantage of him, and I feel really bad.” Bullshit, both Winter and Death thought in sync. “I think it’s time for Winter to relax just a little bit. He did such a great job in the kitchen. And doesn’t he look just oh so adorable in his little maid outfit?” Pearl said as she leaned closer to Frozen cheek to cheek. Winter couldn’t believe that his mother was actually falling for this kind of manipulation. She was eying Winter like a horny schoolgirl, and grinning along with Pearl as they both got up from the chairs and skulked closer to him. “Ummmm… I should really be go--” As Winter moved to get up from the couch, the short but strangely strong Death Metal caught his hand in a vice grip and sat him back down with a “nope.” Before he knew it, Frozen’s mouth was all over his flaccid cock, licking and sucking along the shaft. It took no time at all to get his manhood active once again. It was bad enough that his mom was getting him off while two girls watched, but Pearl sat beside him on the other side of the couch and began to tongue his nipple a little. He didn’t really consider his nipples to be sensitive, but really, any lewd act could have turned him on in that situation. Even Death Metal got in on the action as she put her breasts up to Winter’s face. Without even thinking, he latched onto one of the off-white earth pony’s nipples and began to suck. His mother stripped down in front of him, as did Pearl. The pink pony bared her breasts and pressed them up to his face along with Death’s, and suddenly his head was trapped between two pairs of massive mammaries. His mom was not helping the situation any either. Her tongue brought his pulsing dick to life with its fluid motion over the tender blue skin. Frozen smiled as he saw the two pairs of tits entrapping his face. They rubbed their nipples all over him, as they did, Pearl and Metal looked at one another and met in a deep, wondrous kiss. The two girls wrestled their tongues together. Pearl hurried herself to get off the rest of her clothes. Her red tail shaking free from the confines of her skirt as her ass came loose. All three of them gathered around Winter. The two girl lovers marvelled as the mother pony pulled Winter’s legs forward to make him lay them on her shoulders as she started to suck on his balls. Pearl noticed that his dick was free then, and attacked as soon as she could. Her mouth engulfed his head and swirled her tongue all over it. The pink pony bobbed her head up and down his long, hard shaft while Frozen licked and sucked on both of his balls one at a time. As this went on, Death Metal made her way around them, and came up behind Pearl. She spread Pearl’s ass cheeks apart and licked her entire tongue over her pink cunt. Pearl moaned into Winter’s dick as she did this. “You’re so fucking wet!” Death said as she took her mouth off of Pearl’s pussy and slipped two fingers into her honey hole. “Why do you have to be such a horny slut?” Her mock anger was a little lost on Frozen, and she looked at Death with a bit of worry. “No one asked your opinion, Donkey Metal!” Pearl said as she slid Winter’s cock out of her mouth. Before she knew it, Death Metal grabbed her with an arm around her stomach and suplexed her down onto the soft, carpeted floor with a thud. There was a bit of pain, but what little there was was quickly forgotten as Death slid her tongue into Pearl’s prissy pink pussy and began to eat her out with great gusto. The pink pony’s red hair was now a tangled mess strewn about the carpeted floor. Frozen had crawled away from her son on the couch, and got her sweet quim just over Pearl’s face as Death Metal continued to finger her and gorge herself on her slit. Before the poor pony on the floor could say anything, she was given a face full of vagina. Frozen shivered at the sensation of Pearl’s tongue all over her. Winter enjoyed this show, his hand sliding up and down his already well lubed cock. That’s when he noticed that since everyone was already ganging up on Pearl, he had a very nice opening. He slid off of the couch and onto the floor along with them. He got up on top of Pearl’s stomach, and started to play with her already hard nipples. His hands groped her tits, squeezing them together and massaging them a bit. Her hands went to his and gripped them softly, letting him know he was doing a good job. She rubbed the backs of his hands softly as he groped her breasts with care. Then his cock slid in between the two of them. He spit on his long shaft and used it to lube up her tits. He began to push his cock between them, and her moaning reached new heights of intensity. The very tip of his prick poked in and out of her bust, with his tip leaking precum that only lubricated his fucking more. It took no time at all for Pearl to reach an orgasm. Her pussy leaked a good deal of juice, which Death Metal lapped up immediately. She wiped her mouth and looked up at Winter. “Hey, I think you should tend to her.” She said as she got up to her knees and moved out of the way. Winter looked back and smiled, nodding. He got his very hard cock out from between her tits, letting them go back to their normal state as he got off of her chest and got into position between her legs. His cock slid in easily, her vaginal walls were already soaked, and her tunnel accepted him with no fuss, only a good bit of tightness. Her breaking became strained, and her tongue ground against Frozen Pop’s pussy as Winter began thrusting into her. Frozen massaged her large, slightly sagging breasts as she started to moan as well. Death Metal began sucking on both of Pearl’s tits one after the other, and the pink pony was swimming in lust. Everything on her was reeling from the sensations. Her body became harder and harder to control. Her legs twitched spontaneously, and her fingers gripped the carpet below her. Frozen Pop finally clenched her teeth together. Pearl’s skilled tongue brought her to a very hard orgasm. She stayed on her squirming tongue for a good minute after that, and had to pull up from her, as the sensations became too hard. The pink pony’s moans were now free to echo through her house as a hard cock plunged into her, kissing her cervix and her marefriend sucked her sensitive nipples. She was driven to yet another orgasm, this time her back arched hard, and now her forehead glistened with beads of sweat. Death Metal came to her face and began making out with her as the rutting continued. Pearl’s tongue bullied Death’s into submission as passion fueled her sudden burst of energy. The raven haired pony only backed off of Pearl for a moment, licking her lips. “You taste like vagina.” Death said in such a matter-of-fact tone in her voice. Without warning, Pearl’s hand came up and slapped Death Metal’s pussy with a very audible thwack! This drew a loud squeak from the white pony, making her eyes widen to their fullest extent. The slap was so loud that even Frozen’s hand went to her mouth as she looked at the two ponies, and Winter slowed down just a little bit as his mouth hung open. Death Metal bit her lower lip as her hand clenched her suddenly aching pussy. Her eyes closed tight as she felt the explosion of pain and pleasure rush over her both at once. Such a raw, unyielding feeling swept over her as her hand began to rub her very wet slit. Death opened her eyes in a scowl toward the grinning pony who still lied flat on her back. “Keep fucking her.” Death Metal said as she glared over toward Winter. “Now.” Winter did not argue, nor did he hesitate to start pumping his horse cock in and out of Pearl, from tip to base harder and faster than before. Pearl reacted with clenched eyes, she was already working off two full fledged orgasms, and now she was being forced into a third, not that she was complaining. Then Death Metal leaned over toward Winter, and reached her hand down between their two bumping pelvises. Her finger found its way to the very top of Pearl’s pink labia. When Pearl finally caught onto what Death was doing, her eyes widened and she gasped and looked down. “NO!” Pearl shouted, but it was too late. Death Metal pinched the small, slightly swollen clitoris between her middle and forefinger, drawing a sudden scream from her. She sat straight up with her eyes and mouth wide open, moaning louder than Winter had ever seen a girl moan. Pearl tore through a third orgasm that sounded more painful than pleasurable. She almost seemed to spasm, and Winter’s cock slipped out of her as her feet went flat on the floor. Her crotch raised up into the air before Death Metal finally released her from the death grip. Pearl’s ass hit the floor like a sack of potatoes and she laid there, breathing hard in and out. “Damn!” Frozen Pop said, drawing Death and Winter’s attention. “When you guys play around you play for keeps, don’t you?” Death couldn’t argue the point, and she looked down at Pearl, who was conked out at that point. She had a few dazed moments of loopy consciousness after such a hard cum, but that went away fast. “The poor dear.” Frozen stood up and waved her hand over Pearl’s face. “She’s out like a light.” “She’ll be out for the night. I’ve only done that to her twice before, and she has never recovered consciousness right away.” Death said as she stood up and picked up Pearl from the floor. One arm held her head and neck while the other went under the crooks of her knees and she lifted her as she stood up. “I’ll bring her to bed. You two can sleep in the guest room if you want.” They watched her leave the room, but stop at the entrance to the master bedroom. She turned around and looked at both of them. “Oh, and help yourselves to anything in the fridge. Good night.” She walked into the room, her ass swishing back and forth along with her black tail. Death Metal hooked her hoof over the edge of the door and pulled it closed. “Dear lord, Winter, I approve of your friends, but those two are something else.” Frozen said. Winter got up to his feet, and popped his back. He looked out the backdoor to the house to see that it was, in fact, night time. He looked back to see Death Metal open the door to the master bedroom. “Oh yeah, and here.” She tossed something at Winter before closing the door again. Winter held out his hand and caught it. He looked down to see his phone in his hand. He clicked the side button to see that it was actually a lot later than he thought. “Well, all’s well that ends well.” Frozen said as she walked to the other door across from the master bedroom, on the other side of the living room. She opened it to see that the guest bedroom was at least twice as large as her own master bedroom. “So, I take it that means we’re staying the night here?” Winter asked as he followed her into the room, and she turned on the light. “Of course we are, after all she’s done for us, I would consider it rude if we didn’t accept her hospitality.” Frozen checked the cushion for softness, and was delighted to note that not only was it especially high end, but also a mix between soft and firm. Winter was looking around at the decor, seeing a lot of small paintings of fillies and colts playing in streams or in the streets. The pictures looked like they took place in the 1920’s or somewhere around there. They looked like actually paintings too, not copies. The room was set up like a passion project. There were some very strange decorations like old Nightmare Night figures like little statues of ghosts and odd pumpkin post cards. All of this on a desk that had a laptop set up on top of it with a very expensive looking desk chair pushed into it. Beyond that, there were old black and white pictures that looked like they had been taken back when hay stacks cost ten bits. It was like Pearl wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with the room, so she just put in the necessities, bed, desk, chair, dresser, TV, night stand and what not. Then she just kind of scribbled something that resembled decorations into the mix and called it good. Still, the white walls and soft, green carpet made for a decent mix overall. He couldn’t fault that choice, not that he was an interior decorator of any kind. “Winterrrr…” Frozen beckoned him, and before he even turned around, he recognized that voice she made. As expected, she was already on her hands and knees with her nice, round ass toward him, clearly showing her cutie mark, which was a blue popsicle with two snowflakes surrounding it. She sat at the center of the bed, and used two fingers from one hand to spread her ass cheeks and reveal her very wet, and ready pussy underneath. “I know you haven’t cum yet.” She smiled at him and fluttered her eyelashes a bit. “You know I love to take care of you.” Winter did not argue, in fact, neither did his blue spotted rod as it grew to the occasion almost immediately. He approached the bed as his cock bobbed up and down. He got on his knees onto the bed and came up behind Frozen Pop. “Mmmmm, that’s a good boy, come fuck me.” The mother pony gasped as she felt his thick length slide into her waiting cunt. His hands spread her ass out in order to go all the way balls deep into her very wet sheathe. Before she could even compliment how full he made her feel, he started pumping her. Frozen laid her head onto the bed mattress, cuddling it as she indulged herself in her son’s amazing cock pistoning in and out of her. His hands gripped both of her ass cheeks. Their soft, pillowy features made them give into his hands, and mash like a pair of velvety smooth marshmallows. After a moment of caressing her malleable ass cheeks, he gripped them tight, and began to bang her hard and fast. He loved surprising her like this, she got a kick out of being caught off guard with a nice smooth, hard fucking. She turned her head into the comforter on the mattress to muffle her moans, knowing that both Death Metal and Pearl were sleeping. “Oh! Winter! You’re such a biiiiig boy! Yes! Fuck yeah! Fuck me!” She let out some more, louder oh’s into the comforter as he started to stuff her with the entire length of his hard penis, his pelvis smacking against hers as he did. They came together. He continued pumping her full of cock as it spurted sweet, white jizz into her cunny, cooling the fire burning inside of her. She whined in a high pitch as he pushed into her just a few more times before finally pulling out and plopping down onto the bed, his head on a pillow. “Dear sweet Celestia… I am exhausted.” Winter said as he struggled to get underneath the covers. Frozen joined him under the covers and held him close to her. It took them no time at all to fall asleep. ------- Celestia brought the sun up, and Winter was able to peel the side of his face off of his pillow to see that his Mom was already up. She had such a subtle way to tell him to make the bed, as she had already made her side of the bed. The smell of pancakes and syrup was potent in the air, and he was able to rise from the bed, albeit slowly. He looked around for his clothes, but then remembered that they were still in the living room. The voices of both his mom and Pearl could clearly be heard through the wall, as well as breakfast being made. He opened the door to see that Death Metal was walking out of the master bedroom with a pair of towels on, one on her head and one on her torso. “Yeah, if only Death could cook, we wouldn’t have to order out so much.” Pearl grinned at Death Metal as she walked by, giving Pearl the finger. “Love you too, honey bunny!” “Hey Winter, your plate’s up next!” Frozen said, and Winter was taken aback as he noticed they were both still naked, standing in the kitchen. Pearl Necklace was leaned up against the countertop, looking at his mother’s phone, and flicking through what he could only imagine were pictures. “Oh, yes, that picture is one of my favorites from when he was starting grade school. The poor dear broke the zipper on his pants and I had to pull him from class to take him to get a new pair.” Pearl let out a gale of laughter, and looked over at Winter, who furrowed his brow. He had remembered that day, and that awful picture she had taken of him being angry with a brand new pair of pants on. It took him a while to live that little incident down. The joke name “Winter Fresh Pants” still haunted him on occasion. “Wait a minute, don’t you have work today?” Winter asked, looking to see that if she did, the diner she worked at opened at five in the morning. “Oh, I quit that job. Pearl said we could work as her maids until we got the ice cream shoppe set up.” Frozen smiled at her. “I pay extra if you work nude.” Pearl smiled sweetly. The words “we” and “maids” stuck out to him like sore thumbs. His brow furrowed and his eyes shot over toward the counter space close to him to see that damn bonnet and apron neatly folded for him. Then he looked at his mother, who held up a large plate of food toward him. “Eat up, honey.” Frozen winked at him. > Two for the Goal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One thing going into new experiences, you obviously don’t know what to expect overall. So, naturally, you would prepare yourself for one or two of the things that seem a little alarming. This was the very first time that Fable had ever been to a hockey game. In fact, before he met Winter Solstice, he never expected to attend one. It’s not that he hated hockey, it’s just that it wouldn’t be something he’d ever think to do on a Friday night. In some preparation, he watched some of the game clips on HoofTube. There were videos such as the bloodiest fights, most unique injuries, brawls involving referees, and, Fable found this one interesting, fights in the crowd of a hockey game. He hadn’t expected there to be so many teeth lost in this knock-down, drag out sport. Apparently, the intensity of the sport and the fandom of the sport was one of the big draws to it. This did not even come close to preparing him for what he was about to endure. Winter and Fable made it to Ranch U stadium, they were hoping to catch Golden Goal before she went into the locker room, but there was no such luck. Still, they had great seats, they weren’t at the barriers, but they were close enough. What Fable didn’t know was that Winter was putting them dead set in the center of the two Fandoms. They were right on the borderline of the Ranch U Nightmares and the Trample Bay Stampeders. Blue and Gold banners, shirts, jerseys, face paint went alongside Black and Red foam fingers, cardboard signs, flags and bull horns! Over the course of only about twenty minutes, that entire stadium was filling to the brim with rival hockey fans, and they were already giving each other mean looks and small gestures of affection. As soon as that puck was placed between the two warring factions, Winter stood straight up and shouted among the crowd. “Arrow Spike sucks bull cock!” Instantly, he was met with roaring reports from both sides of the stands. Trample Bay fans got to their feet, as did the RU Nightmare nuts and they had a good little spat of screaming and outright loathing. Winter shouted straight back at them while Fable Prose simply sat beside him with big dumb expressions of surprise on his face as both sides of the stands had it out. “Ummm, Winter, isn’t that a good way to get a chair thrown at your head?” Fable shouted just high enough to have Winter hear him. “Ah, they won’t do anything. Bunch of fucking pansies is all they are!” This caused a smaller little confrontation between the two crowds, some of the bigger stallions wearing their gold and blue colors started to eye Winter as if they found the one they were going to mug after the game was done. On the same token, there were some older stallions in the crowd on the RU side, one with the red and black jersey that he proudly proclaimed was his son’s. “Oh, hey, you said Golden was in the change up, right?” Fable said, noting that as the game had been going on, they began to change out the players to replace them with fresh sets of skates. “Yep! There she is! Number 77!” He pointed her out as she came from the sidelines and began to skate to the middle of the ring. While she specialized in goalying, she was quite fond of getting to the middle of the fray. She was just outside the center ring when the puck became active. Passing from player to player in the Nightmares, they were forced to dodge, skating left and right to get past the Stampeders as they… well… stampeded after them. The puck was finally passed to Golden Goal, who used her momentum to keep the flow going on the ice. Golden had taken the team quite seriously when she joined their ranks. She showed up for practice every single day, way earlier than any other of her teammates. Golden drove hard at practice, giving it every single ounce of her effort every day, and that’s what the coach loved about her. However, that was when everyone was reminded of one of her bigger downfalls. As a Stampeder came up toward her haunches, his stick and his glove glanced off of her glutes. Even through the padding ,she could feel both of the object sliding against her ass. She instantly stopped, brake-checking the opponent and sending her elbow straight into his sternum. “You mother fucker, what are you doing?! Trying to cop a feel on me you stupid piece of monkey shit!?” Her gloved fist collided with the face shield of his helmet, knocking him onto his back. The crowd went into an absolute frenzy! Winter was punching the air, shouting at Golden to take his damn head off! Fable was awe struck at the ferocity of such a battle, especially as her own teammates started pulling her off of the poor guy whose helmet actually cracked as it hit the ice. Opposing players tried to get involved, but were stopped by either the gaming officials or the other side as each of them started to push on each other. “Golden! GOLDEN!” The bright gray stallion shouted as he grabbed her by her waist and pulled her against the side barrier. He used his stick to ward off the stampeders who wanted a piece of her. “Calm down! Dear Celestia, you need to cool off! He wasn’t even trying to cop a feel!” “Bullshit! I could feel it!” Golden glared at Disterious, who glared back and shook his head. “Have you never seen someone try to get the puck with a stick between your legs?! It sounds lewd and inappropriate, but that’s what he was doing!” Golden still hadn’t breathed the fire out of her lungs, but she started to gleem some doubt in her eyes. Little by little, the stadium calmed down, and they got it all sorted out. Golden was given a 5 minute penalty box sit, but she was still hailed as a hero in the eyes of Ranch U fans. They chanted her name, begging her to kick one of them in the balls next time. However, there was one on the Ranch U side who was not so amused by what transpired on the skating rink. A mare unicorn who had a somewhat sour look on her face. The tan furred unicorn eyed Winter in the crowd, and shook her head as she brushed her dark brown hair with the white highlight to the side of her face. The game didn’t have such a high point (or low point as some would see it) but it was still quite exciting. Fable witnessed much of the hockey culture he had heard so much about, and Golden Goal actually made a goal. The game was won by Ranch U, 4 to 3 much to the delight of the fans all over the ring. It was a good long while before Winter and Fable could finally make their way out of the stadium and get to the parking lot. When they say that sports are huge in Ranchtown, they are not kidding. It is a stadium that can fit well over a thousand people, and does on a very regular basis. Hockey and Football are the two top sports in Ranch U and the fans could fill the stadium faster than anything. However, that made it pretty hard to get together with someone in the stadium. Both Fable and Winter waited by Winter’s car in the parking lot. They stood there with their hands in their pockets, watching the long line of slow moving cars honk at each other as the assholes force their way in line before the zipper effect could work. Little by little, the parking lot emptied out, and soon it was just the player cars, and some of the loiterers who had nothing better to do than hang out in school grounds. “So… yeah, you said she was just dressing and coming out to meet us? When was the last time she texted you?” Fable asked as he checked his phone for the time for about the third time in the past five minutes. “Fifteen minutes ago. Obviously something caught up to her. Come on, we’re going to the locker room.” Winter said as he started walking back toward the stadium. “Wait, the locker room? Isn’t that kind of off limits?” Fable followed him from the parking lot, onto the sidewalk. “Well, yeah, but if she’s expecting us, I don’t think it would be a problem, would it?” Winter reasoned with Fable, but the red pegasus could only give Winter a quizzical look. It already seemed like the entire team had packed up and left by the time they got there anyway. Apparently, taking showers in the locker room just wasn’t all that popular anymore when they didn’t have any kind of team meetup afterward. However, as they neared the locker room door, they certainly could tell that someone was still there. “That’s her voice, isn’t it?” Fable spoke a little above a whisper, and Winter nodded to him. “Mom, I know I made a mistake! You don’t need to tell me for the twentieth time! I said I was sorry, I even apologized to the guy after the game was over!” Golden said as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She had changed out of her pads, but she still had on her hockey jersey, with a pair of old jeans and an undershirt. She frowned as her mother still shook her head. “What do you think the scouts will be saying to one another when they see you rage like that over the smallest little touch? ‘That girl sure had spunk when she plowed her fist into that guy’s face shield, we need her on our team?’ You need to get that fire under control, or you’re going to be finding yourself without a pot to piss in when you get out of college, not to mention the hockey scholarship you’re riding right now can be snatched away from you in the blink of an eye if this conduct keeps up! I love you, honey, but don’t think I will be making excuses for you when the EHL comes knocking on my door asking those awkward questions about roughing!” Hat Trick said as she stared her daughter down, who was now looking off to the side with her eyes scowled and her breathing raised. “Gee, not to mention what it will look like to the great Hat Trick, whose reputation just can’t handle a daughter with anger management issues! I’m sure all of those documentaries will just rave about that!” Her eyebrow furrowed at her mother, who was now growing visibly agitated. “That’s not at all the point, and you know it, young lady. And I would appreciate if you toned down that attitude! This isn’t about me, this is about you and your hockey career that hasn’t even started yet. You know, that career that you’ve wanted more than anything since you could barely even walk? Get your anger under control before it starts to control you. I will not allow you to ruin yourself if I can help it. You’re my daughter and I love you with every bit of me.” Hattie walked up to Golden and placed her hand on her cheek. A tiny teardrop ran down the side of Golden Goal’s face as her mother softly stroked it with her palm. There was a long moment of silence between the two of them as they gazed at one another. Golden’s expression had softened along with her mothers and they stayed there in silence. Outside the door, Winter and Fable looked at one another, wanting to ask what they were doing, but neither of them spoke. Golden took one step closer to Hattie, and her mother embraced her close. Golden let out a small sigh as more tears ran down her cheeks, and she leaned her head onto Hattie’s shoulder. They stayed in each other’s embrace for a long while before Golden pulled back a little and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, and Hat Trick leaned her forehead onto Golden’s. She nodded, then pulled back once more. “Now, don’t worry about such things right now. Go ahead and get home after you’ve cooled your head, and I’ll be waiting for you. Alright?” Hattie asked, and her daughter nodded. The slightly heavier mare kissed her daughter on the nose and smiled warmly. Her motherly love could be felt at full force. She slowly pulled back from her and turned to leave. “Have a good day, honey.” “You too mom.” Golden said as she stood there in the middle of the locker room. Hattie opened the door to the hallway, and narrowly missed smacking Winter in the nose, but he pulled his head back just in time. She didn’t even notice them as she turned down the hallway and kept walking toward the exit. As she walked, Winter and Fable caught the door before it closed, slipping into the girl’s locker room. “Winter! Hey…” Golden tried her best to compose herself, not at all expecting them to just waltz straight into the girl’s bathroom. She looked off to the side to rub off her tears and try to compose herself a bit before he got a good look at her. However, she wasn’t ready for him to just come in and straight up embrace her right away. He closed his arms over her and held her very close. As he did, she was surprised, but melted into the embrace almost immediately. They stayed there in silence for a moment. “Hey…” Winter finally said, rocking her from side to side as he rubbed her back. “Hey, Winter.” She looked up from his shoulder and saw Fable, standing behind Winter, trying his very best not to look awkward. “Hey Fable.” “Hey.” The red pegasus waved to her. “Let’s get out of here. I’m ready to chill the fuck out right now.” Golden slid out from Winter’s arms and grabbed her sports bag, putting it over her shoulder. “Oh, right, where to?” Winter asked as they all started to walk out. “I do not care.” She laughed a little bit as they exited into the hallway. ------- Cloud Stone wasn’t especially busy that night, but some of the college hockey fans were still there as the three of them arrived. As they arrived, Venue, the bartender, pulled out all of their liquids of choice. Fable and Winter had beers while Golden had liquor and soda. “Right, so the best way I can describe it is that we pretty much had to entice her with our… manly qualities.” Fable said, taking another drink from his beer. “You could say we had to act like total asshole, douchebag jocks, no offense.” He said to Golden who almost did a spit take at the notion that she was a jock because she played hockey. All three of them had a good laugh at this. “Fuck you, I ain’t no jock!” She took another long drink of her drink. They had a nice fresh guffaw at her comment, but then waved away their tipsy giggles. “Right, so we barely even wave our muscles at her, and this older chick is seriously in some kind of heat. I don’t know if our pheromones were getting to her or what was going on, but one look at our abs and she gets squishy.” Fable continued, but then thought that perhaps this next part wasn’t the best way to get into the story, notably because Winter-- “Oh yeah, then we bent her over a table and double fucked her. Like, seriously, Fable was going hard on this girl, and I got her ass!” Winter said, and both Golden and Fable’s eyes widened at his outward comment. Fable started to become very, very worried about why in the hell he would just so blatantly admit that to his girlfriend, who was, in fact, his girlfriend at the time this all happened. “Oh my God…” Golden said, her mouth hanging open. “And she just let you fuck her on a table? Wasn’t she a health inspector? How sanitary is that?” Fable shot her a surprised look with his eyebrow raised. “I know, right? Seriously, all three of our juices just dripped all over that damn table. Some health inspector.” Winter downed the rest of his beer and waved down Venue for another one. “That’s why we get free drinks from this place. Pearl said she would repay us for helping her with that whole thing, now we got free drinks for life.” “Damn straight.” Venue said, knowing that Pearl was probably the best owner he had ever worked with. Not only did she promote him to head manager of the club, but she got them new TV’s, bigger sound systems at the DJ booth, and made sure that all of his employees got their jobs back after that whole ordeal. “Pearl told me to give you the king’s ransom, and here ya go.” He placed them fresh drinks on the bar and threw away their old bottles, working his way back over the bar. “Wow, and this all happened with that Rich Co. scandal?” Golden asked, and both of them put their beers back down after drinking, nodding their heads. “Dude, that old guy was pissed.” Fable said, making Winter laugh a bit. “And we almost got in that fight in that garage? I mean, seriously? Those guys working there looked huge!” Both of them laughed at this. “Uh, yeah! You think I know much about fighting? We could have gotten killed!” Fable said, and Winter laughed even harder. Golden sat between them at the bar, dumbfounded at this story. Part of her would have liked to be there, not only to help, but to just be a part of it. However, another part of her thought that it sounded especially dangerous. If she had been there, she could have ended up killing someone or something along those lines, because she definitely would have brought her metal hockey stick into the fray. “Alright, so you guys fucked a chick and showed up at a storage facility, and for that, you got free drinks at this club, for life.” She stared at one, then the other as they both nodded. “Oh, and I caught a rat.” Winter said, raising his hand. “Oh yeah, the rat, what did you name that rat?” Fable pointed at Winter and waggled his finger, trying to think of the name. “Mr. Mousy Butt.” Winter said, draining the last of his beer and both Fable and Golden start laughing once again. “Yeah, last I heard he got taken to an animal shelter. I’ll miss that furry little love muffin.” “Venue! Let’s finish this off with some towers!” Fable said, and the large, blue and white patched earth pony looked their way and grinned. “Did you just say towers?” Golden asked, and Fable grinned at her. “Ummm, Fable, you sure you want to go with that?” Winter asked him, and Fable grinned even wider. “Dude, how trashed are you planning on--” “Here you go, you crazy kids!” Venue said as he brought a very tall bottle that looked something like a bong, but it had a spout on the bottom, while the long, thick neck was filled with bright blue, milky liquid. “What in the hell is that?” Golden looked mesmerized at the tower of alcoholic liquid that stood around three feet tall on a wide base to make sure it didn’t topple over. “It’s called The Sea Cat Tower. It’s a mixture of delicious sweet stuff and Amber Cat.” Fable said as he grabbed two long shot glasses and filled them up for both him and Winter. Then he filled up a third one and offered it to Golden, who took it with some hesitation. All three of them clicked their glasses together, and downed the first drink. “Wow, that’s pretty smooth.” Golden pursed her lips and nodded. Then she widened her eyes as she looked back at Fable. “Wait a minute, did you just say this was Amber C--” Golden didn’t remember anything after that. ------ Fable unlocked his door and Winter carried Golden, who was singing a jolly little turn, slurring her words, and waving her finger in the air with a stupid smile on her face. “Thank you, my dear boy. Such a sexy little shtallion, I love thish man!” Golden spoke much louder than she should have, but Fable didn’t care, his neighbors were dicks anyway. “Alright, on the couch.” He said, and Winter complied, putting Golden across the couch cushions. “Goldie? You okay?” “You’re sho red! Wooowwww… and those feathers….” She reached up from the couch and grabbed the bottom of his wing, wiggling it around with her fingers and giggling. “They’re shoooo cool!” He watched as she jiggled his wings a little bit, his eyebrow going up, and looking at Winter, who shrugged. They took a cab, none of them were in any shape to drive, and they figured they would just get Winter’s car tomorrow, Fable could fly over to Cold Stone rather easily and pick it up, then drop it off at his apartment for Winter to take. Fable crouched down as best he could without wobbling too much to keep his balance. “Alright, Golden, you need to drink some water and get some sleep. I’ll go get you a drink and you can--Whoa!” She suddenly grabbed Fable and pulled him close to her. “Mmmmm what are you talking about? I’m not shleepy… At least, not like you’re talkin’ ‘bout.” Before Fable could do anything, she locked lips with him and gave him a nice, sloppy french kiss. “Mmmmm such a shexy shtud…” She rubbed his very tight chest and moaned at the wonderful feeling. Fable pulled away from her, but she had a tight grasp of his shirt and fell on top of him as he tipped over onto his back. She gave a little yip as she landed on him, then she started to laugh. “Now, now, Goldie, just take it easy. Let’s not be too hasty.” Fable said as she crawled up on top of him, her hands rubbed up his shirt onto his red fur abs and chest. “Who’s being hasty?” Golden spoke a little more clearly now and went up to him face to face. “Winter!” Fable turned to Winter, who was watching the two of them intently, his hand very visibly on his crotch, rubbing a little. “Winter!! What the hell are you doing? Come over here and get your girl--nnnnn!” Golden suddenly started to nibble on his ear, giving it little licks. He suddenly started to melt at the sensation. “You’re doing great, buddy!” Winter gave him the thumbs up as he watched his girl rub her knee softly against Fable’s crotch to feel his cock hardening as a result. “Doing great?! Are you crazy? This is your gi-- whoa!” Fable gazed at her as she undid his pants before he even knew it, and brought his long, hard cock out to full view. “Oh, God, Winter! You weren’t kidding. He’s huge!” She started to jerk Fable’s dick in front of him, and slid it into her mouth, smiling up at him with that hazy, drunken smirk. “Mmmhmm, Fable’s got a nice big cock, alright.” Winter said, also somewhat in a drunken haze, and Fable gave him a flabbergasted look. His look didn’t last long, though. Golden’s skill in sucking cock became ever apparent through her tongue, which lapped up Fable’s juices like a pro as she pulled his pants all the way off of his hooves. She continued to caress his chest under his shirt and he figured he would go ahead and just slide that off too. As soon as the shirt came off, Golden was already fully naked. Before Fable could even ask how she did that, she was grinding her severely wet pussy on his shaft. It didn’t take long for Fable to start grinding against her, his hands on either of her hips. She began to breathe harder, her tits bobbing up and down as she started to get into it with her bedroom eyes gazing on the red pegasus. She moved her brown hair away from her face, on the side of her horn as she leaned closer to his face and met him in another kiss. Winter gazed at her ass as she worked it over Fable’s balls. She oozed pussy juice all over his long, dark skinned shaft, making him twitch and leak a bit of his own precum. “Fuck, that’s so hot!” Golden Goal shouted as she slid all the way over his cock and angled it to enter her, going down onto his penis, letting it slide into her vaginal tunnel. Fable tried to reason with her, but his mind was already convoluted with booze, much like herself, and he could only push against her as she bounced on top of him. She moaned out loud and pushed him flat on his back to where his wings spanned almost to their fullest. She smiled at through of him being her red angel, then she looked back at Winter. The azure unicorn had his cock out with his pants around his ankles, jerking his steely dick with one hand. This only heightened her lustful desire, driving her to push herself harder down onto their mutual friend whose cock was twitching inside of her. “Mmmm! Please! Fuck me like you fucked that whore in the candy store! Use me! Make me your pretty little slut!” She shouted at both of them, drawing their full attention, making them look at each other. Fable looked at Winter as much as he could with a mare bouncing on him, and Winter blinked a little. He shrugged and then got a nice devious grin on his face as he got up from his chair. Winter stripped down and went into Fable’s bedroom for a moment. Golden Goal played with both of her tits, squeezing the nipples hard as she moaned. Fable’s cock was not so different from Winter’s but it certainly had its ups and downs in comparison. “Yeah! I could fuck you all night, you big sexy stud!” She licked his nose and kept grinding her pussy up and down, his cock pressing against her cervix over and over as her pussy was absolutely filled with his length and girth. Winter came back into the room, rubbing his penis, which was at full length and covered in a gleaming lubricant. Before Golden even noticed he was back in the room, he positioned himself behind her, making her blink for a moment before pushing his blue spotted dick into her asshole. She stopped humping Fable immediately as she felt Winter invade her anal cavity and pushed deep into her. She let out a squeak as he did this and felt such an unbelievable pressure as his cock filled her up. With two cocks filling her naughty holes, the two of them began to work into her one after the other. Golden began to sweat hard, clenching her eyes shut as they double teamed her. She felt both of their balls slap against her. She had never felt so full in her life. Having only done anal a few times with Winter, she knew she could take him, but having two almost felt like it was too much. Golden felt like she was on the edge, but never fully going over. They pumped her so full of cock that the word “stretched” even seemed like an understatement. Her eyes were wide, she was breathing hard, but her moans only came out in small, loud bursts as she seemed to try and concentrate with a head full of whiskey and ecstasy. Her first orgasm rocked her hard! Her drunken state had slowed down the process, but only made it far more of an impact as it happened. The brown unicorn mare began to twitch all over, her ass and pussy vibrating with how much she was shaking. Fable, too, looked like he was on the verge of blowing. They fucked her so much that they even lost a bit of their positions. Fable could feel something rubbing against his balls after a moment. His eyes opened, not knowing what that was rubbing against his sack. It was soft, but also a little rough at the same time, and rubbed his scrotum at the same pace as he was fucking Golden. It took him a good minute before he realized, at the same Winter did, that their ball sacks had started to rub together. Both of them made stupid faces at one another. Fable looked to see that Golden still had her eyes shut, oblivious to what was going on around her, so Fable stared wide eyed at his best friend, who gave him the same look. Winter looked apologetic, he just couldn’t really express it right that moment, it wasn’t exactly good conversation material while you were fucking a lady, only to bring up that your testicles had made contact with your best friend’s. It wasn’t long before Fable’s face clenched, his orgasm had been building for so long that he could do nothing to stop it, short of seeing Golden Goal’s mother walk into the room with her hands over her mouth as she witnessed two stallions banging her daughter on the floor. Fable stopped immediately, as did Winter, who looked up with his face going slack. Golden, however, still had her eyes shut and was still locked in that wondrous place of booze and orgasm heaven. She was sweating, panting hard. “Why’d you-- stop guys? What’s-” she opened her eyes and was instantly met with the eyes of Hat Trick, the thicker, motherly pony. She glared at her daughter who merely looked back at her with a cryptic expression. “Hey Mom! What are you do-- Oh yeah! I texted you from the cab, didn’t I? Hi!” “Golden Goal, what in Celestia’s sweet ass are you doing?!” Then her angry eyes turned to both of the stallions giving it to her. “And you two! Get off of her!” “Aww! Mom! I wanted them to! I hit on Fable and--nnng!” She cringed as Winter pulled out of her asshole and she slid Fable’s huge, twitching cock out of her very well fucked quim. “Got his stiff dick inside of me.” “The way you’re talking, are you drunk?” Hattie watched as her daughter went down Fable’s legs and put her face next to Fable’s very long, hard dick. “Mmmm, yeah. Just look at this stud.” Golden said as she started to suck on the side of the shaft while her Mom watched. At first Fable thought that this would make Hattie explode, but instead she seemed to hold quiet. Winter looked back at Hattie to see that she was merely standing there with a blank, apathetic gaze. “Golden… maybe you--” she was interrupted by Golden’s slurping noise and moan as she popped Fable’s cock head into her mouth and continued to suck. Hat Trick found herself glaring at her, then all over Fable’s amazingly built body. Then her gaze switched to Winter, who was also still naked, and quite erect and long. “Ummm, yes, well, perhaps I should… come back tomorrow to… pick her up.” She tried to move back to the door, but the whole scene just stood out to her, even as Winter was using wipes to clean off his manhood. “Umm! Hattie, maybe it’s best that you stay?” Winter said as he walked over to her. All she could stare at was his hard, bobbing cock as he walked. “You look so tired, and it’s ridiculously late. I’m sure Fable wouldn’t mind if you slept in his bed.” Fable gave a small moment of annoyance at the idea, but nodded. “Yeah, Miss Hat Trick-- mmmph” He thought twice about speaking at that moment, he was, after all, getting a blowjob from her daughter. Winter took Hattie’s hand and led her to Fable’s room. She could barely speak, completely and utterly overwhelmed at this whole scenario laid out in front of her. “Ummm, Miss Hat Trick, are you okay?” Winter asked, trying to get in her line of sight, but he still wasn’t even sure if she saw him. “Winter! I cannot believe you.” She said in a quivering voice as she sat on his bed. “Treating my daughter like a slut and then bringing me into this bedroom like I’m some sort of floozy!” She wobbled her finger at Winter as she started to glare at him. “Wait, what? But Miss Hat--” “Don’t Miss Hat Trick me! Call me Hattie! And you know exactly what you’re doing. You don’t even have the decency to put on some clothes and cover yourself up!” She said, shooting a look down at his low hanging cock, which was now only semi hardened. “I’m sorry, I’ll go put on--” He was interrupted as she suddenly grasped his shaft and began to jerk it. “No! It’s too late now! I’m so--” She paused for a moment, seemingly needing to catch her breath as she gazed at his beautiful blue cock. It was mostly bright blue but had dark blue spots all over its middle and base. “Disappointed… in you.” She gave a soft exasperation as she pulled him closer to her as she sat on the bed. Winter tried to say something, but was afraid to interrupt her, fearing she may become unhinged. Then his mouth opened as her tongue found its way to his head and began to trace circles all around the glans penis. He couldn’t help but harden even more as his cock was suddenly engulfed by the mother pony’s maw. He hated to admit it, but she gave even better head than her daughter, a fact he would never say out loud to either of them. “Oh! I can’t take this!” She pulled off her shirt and unbuttoned her bra as soon as she could, letting her gigantic mammaries bounce free with their huge dark reddish brown nipples. Hattie gorged on his cock once again, sucking with all of her might. Her head bobbed on his dick and her hand gripped his balls in a firmness that almost hurt… almost. “Ooohhh, fuck! I’m gonna--” Winter said this but before he could even say a word of it, Hattie pulled her mouth away from him, giving him the most massive blue balls to go along with his blue cock. “Aww! Miss Hat Trick!” “I said call me Hattie!” She snapped back at him and then got up from her seated position to remove what remained of her clothing. Hattie revealed her very plump body to him, with a nice juicy, round ass to go with her orbular, hanging tits. She laid straight back down on the bed and kept glaring up at him with a mean look as she lifted her legs up in the air. She had a very open, wet pussy that she widened with both of her fingers. Above her soaking cunt was a small bush of brown hair. As she spread her pussy lips, a tiny dribble of juice trickled out of it. It was apparent that she was simply too embarrassed to admit that seeing two young stallions plowing her daughter was such an amazing turn on. “Now I say come and help your future mother-in-law a little bit.” The azure stallion couldn’t even begin to piece together the implications of that comment as he gazed at her piping hot marehood. He climbed on top of her and slid his huge dick into her without any trouble. His arms held her legs up and his hips began to slap against her crotch as he did as he was told. Already, the mother mare was moaning out loud, especially when she heard her daughter getting fucked in the next room. Their moans were almost directly in sync with one another as Winter plowed her with his raging boner buried deep into her pussy hole. “Oh, Winter! Now I see--hah! What she sees in you! Oh! Yes! Fuck me! Harder!” He had no reservations about going faster and harder with his dick plowing into her and his balls slapping against her as he began to sweat. Her eyes squinted as her mouth grew wider with each hump growing harder. Her moans became so loud as she held onto his hips and begged him to pump her full of his sweet, hot cum! The unicorn stallion was entirely too pent up to argue. As he fucked the unicorn mare, his cock suddenly flooded her vaginal tunnel with sticky foal batter. It only took a few more pumps inside Hattie to cause her to cum as well, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling her down with her as he continued to overflow her pussy with semen. In the next room, Fable was having similar effects, only with Golden still on top. She pumped her hips up and down on him while he matched her with his thrusts, kissing the entrance to her cervix with the tip of his penis. Before he could even gasp the words that he was going to climax, she only rode him harder! She strangled the sperm from him as the pegasus spurted huge wads into her lovely, stretched vagina. The young unicorn mare was gasping as she stopped, both of her knees on either side of Fable’s hips. His cum began to drizzle from her well fucked vagina as she relaxed on top of him. The mare slumped down on top of him with her eyes barely open and a big smile on her face as she gazed at him up close from his shoulder. They gasped for a little while. “Mmmmm, thanks for the memories.” She whispered, her voice trailing off as she closed her eyes completely. That was when she began to snore into his ear, making his eyes widen. “Golden?” Fable said, patting her hip which bared her red hockey goal siren cutie mark. “Golden??” He said a little louder, but she was completely out. He tried his best to get up from the floor, but he was all tired out and she was not exactly light with her athletic body completely dead weight on top of him. He let out a horse sigh and shrugged, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. ------ All four of them sat on Fable’s couch, each of them with a white mug of coffee in their hands. Golden’s eyes had gigantic bags underneath them, while Fable and Winter just had gigantic headaches. Fable glanced over at Golden, who felt his eyes upon her. She looked back at him, and gave a tiny smile. However, the smile turned back into a huge frown as the horrible hangover took hold of her once again. It was a quiet morning. Winter and Fable needed to start getting ready for work in a few hours. “Well!” Hattie said in her light, perky voice, causing all three of them to cringe hard. “That certainly was an interesting venture, wasn’t it? I must say, I can’t remember the last time I had so much…. Ummm, fun.” She giggled as she looked over at Winter, who squinted and blinked. He remembered some of what happened, what really stood out was Hat Trick’s gorgeously thick ass, but a lot of that night was shrouded in mystery. Golden, on the other hand, remembered none of it. All she knew was that she woke up feeling like her head was filled with swamp water, and her pussy was chock full of pegasus dick. Her ass hurt like hell and she felt like she was going to barf, but nothing came of it. “Well, I’m going to take my darling little princess home, you two need to get ready to work for Frozen Pop tonight, so I’m certain she’s already at the ice cream store!” Her voice was entirely too loud once again. All of their eyes closed at the piercing quality of her voice. Winter and Fable both grunted their agreement while Hattie helped her daughter to her feet. “Thanks for the coffee, guys.” Golden said as she very carefully put her mug on the table. “Have a good day, Golden. Remember to drink water.” Fable waved to her, as did Winter. “I’ll call you later!” Winter said in a low voice, trying his best not to irritate his head. “Oh, stop by anytime Winter!” She blew him a kiss and they closed the door behind them, leaving Winter and Fable on the couch. The two stallions shared a moment of silence alone. They quietly sipped their coffee and gave each other looks. There was a length of glances as they sat there. Winter was in his boxers and a t-shirt, while Fable was in his pajama pants and white shirt with “Noobs Get Own3d” on the front of it. Fable sighed, drawing the unicorn’s attention once again. They looked at each other for a good long while until the pegasus leaned forward and put his mug on the coffee table in front of him. “Our balls touched!” Fable finally said, causing Winter to spit his coffee! > Baby Blues > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her water broke. It wasn’t a very smooth trek to the hospital, but it was prepared enough to make it there safe while also maintaining the proper speed limit to the hospital. The neonatal unit was more than prepared for their arrival because Golden Goal was more than two weeks late. If she had made it to three weeks, they would have had to induce her. While Golden was dealing with the contractions with the nurses, Winter made it to the neonatal lobby to make the phone calls. Obviously, Hat Trick and his mother were the first ones to know. Both of them dropped everything and said they would arrive soon.  Then came Fable’s phone call. At first, Winter didn’t even recognize his voice. He sounded like he’d just woke up or fallen into the deep pit of despair. The azure unicorn put on a concerned expression and made sure it was his makeshift husband before giving him the big news. To his relief, it seemed to wake the red pegasus up a bit to a more active state, but there was still that question as to what was happening with him. He didn’t have much time to deal with it, though. He had to make a few more calls to Disterious, Vodka and Spark. From there, the news could spread where it may.  He checked his watch, it was eight on a cold winter night and it was obvious that his wife was not going to be quick with this birth. Winter decided that coffee was the best option. It was best to get a leg up on the situation before he found himself passing out at the finish line. Given his luck, he’d probably pass out two minutes before his daughter was born. Boy, that would be something. Thankfully, the hospital was equipped with a good coffee maker on the counter. Before he could get to it, though, he got cut off by a changeling.  Winter noticed her hair was quite a pretty color of bright blue and white. She was slender, but very shapely and she didn’t even pay him a single acorn of attention as she poured herself a mug of coffee and used up the last of it. He noticed she wasn’t about to brew up another batch as she put her cream and sugar into her cup and leaned against the countertop. She had gauged holes in her ears, and her hair was made up in a short ponytail in the back. To his surprise, he noticed she had a hospital badge on for a Nurse’s Assistant. Her name read “Sting” and all the sudden, that name rang a bell. She noticed him, but then continued to drink her coffee, grimacing at the awful taste.  “You’d think the hospital would splurge for a single cup coffee maker.” Winter said with a nervous laugh as he started to make another pot.  “Maybe you would. This hospital cheaps out on everything they can.” Sting said as she took another sip. “Golden’s having her baby, eh?” Sting said, drawing his attention. “What?” She said as she saw the look on his face.  “I thought I recognized you. Weren’t you that girl I met at the gym?” Winter asked and she shrugged.  “Probably, I haven’t seen her there for a while, but I guess that’s because she’s getting ready to push a foal out of her vagina.” She said, making him physically recoil at the imagery. “I guess that foal would be yours. Congrats.” The changeling said, and she looked up at him, only coming up to his chest as she was so short. Then she walked off as he filled the coffee maker with water from the pot. He blinked as she walked away. If he didn’t know any better, it looked like she was swaying her hips a bit more than was natural. With her insect like wings and her crooked horn on her head, she put her earbud in. It was hard to believe she actually worked there. She looked like she was squatting more than working as she started up her phone and drank her coffee.  “Goldie’s got some weird friends.” Winter said to himself.  “Winter!” He was startled a bit as he turned around and saw his mother and Hat Trick walk in. Hattie walked up to him quickly and grabbed onto him in a hug. “We came as fast as we could! Finally, I can’t believe she was so late in having her. How is she?” She asked, resisting as best she could the urge to go into the natal unit to see Golden.  “She’s fine. She’s just going through the early contractions and the nurses are keeping an eye on her vitals. The dilation is still a little while off before we’ll be seeing any real action.” He said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. Frozen Pop, his ice blue unicorn mother, was quick to motion for her own cup to fill. The older mare was obviously very hastily put together. She did wear lipstick and she had eyeshadow on, but beyond that, there wasn’t much done with her hair or any other cosmetics. She was probably about to be in bed when she got the call. She had on one of her older sweat shirts with jeans on. Frozen gave her son a kiss on the cheek and nuzzled him before pouring herself a cup.  “I’m so excited! I can’t believe it’s finally time! I’ve been dreaming of a granddaughter. Did Golden have her dream yet? Did you two come up with a name?” Frozen asked, whispering a little bit.  “Yeah, she did have the dream.” Winter said, remembering the night Golden had her dream about their daughter. It was on a mountain with the snowiest peak and going down the mountain with her over and over again. They didn’t even need to take a lift to the top, they just skied up the side of the mountain to go down the other side. Golden Goal loved every moment of that dream and meeting their daughter for the first time, even though she remembered next to nothing about her. “I don’t know if she wants to reveal the name yet, so you’ll need to ask her.” Hat Trick wasn’t in much better shape. In fact, it looked like she just got out of the shower. Her makeup was gone and her hair was in curlers and judging by the shape of her breasts inside her Ranchtown Nightmares jersey, she neglected to put on a bra along with her tight fitting pajama pants. “Oh, she’ll spill the beans. I’m going to either have a new hockey player or a girl who loves dollies. Either way, that child is getting spoiled and I’m gonna know what she wants beforehand.” She said as she poured herself what remained in the pot and began to shake one of the sugar packets. She opened the sugar and then brought her head back, pouring the sugar into her mouth before opening more to put into her coffee. Golden’s mother had a paunch on her that Winter could see very clearly through the tight fitting jersey. Her flopping tits also caught his eye.  “You coffeed up, Hattie?” Frozen asked as she took two big gulps of hers. Hat Trick nodded and took another generous portion in her mouth. “Good, then let’s go see that girl my boy knocked up.” This drew a bit of a choking from Winter as he was drinking his coffee. “What is with people and their phrasing tonight?” Winter asked as his mother gave him a big motherly smooch on his cheek, smearing lipstick on him. Hattie did much of the same on his other cheek, only without the smearing lipstick.  “We’ll be back, Winty.” Frozen said as the two of them began to walk toward the nurse’s station. Thankfully, it was pretty obvious that Hat Trick was Golden’s mother. They barely needed to check her ID before letting the two of them into the back room while Winter finished his coffee.  “Winter! I came as soon as I heard!” A voice said, drawing his attention. He smiled as he recognized Disterious walking in with a pack of energy drinks and a grocery store bought cake that read “Happy Zero Birthday!” with characters from the Fluffy Pony Funtime Show. A show that hasn’t been relevant for almost four whole years now. “So, I didn’t know what to bring, but this is technically a birthday, right?” “I wouldn’t say no to some cake.” He said, looking at Disty’s other hand. “Nor one of those. Thanks for making it.” He smiled, took the cake off of his hand and gave him a kiss.  “Of course! I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” He said as he looked around for a refrigerator in the lobby, but he didn’t see one. The whole place was pretty empty. There were plenty of chairs, but not a lot of people waiting for babies to be born. This was an odd thought that they were the only people in the hospital’s natal unit. Still, it wasn’t unwelcome, especially considering it would have been far worse if the place were crowded as all hell. “I’ll go see if they have a fridge I can use.”  Winter nodded to Disty as he walked away, then he looked out the window into the hallway outside the neonatal. There was a well dressed red pegasus leaned against the wall opposite the main door. His face was a mask of somber despair. He looked like he'd already cried for hours and was on the verge of more tears. Winter immediately threw away his coffee cup and went out into the hall. "Fable?" Winter asked, seeing Fable in something of a professor's get-up. As professionally as he was dressed, he looked like his favorite pet just died. "Fable? What's wrong?" He walked across the hall and grabbed him as he leaned into the unicorn's arms.  "It's over." Fable said as Winter ran his fingers through his black mane. This drew a puzzled look from the azure furred pony. "Letty asked me to move out." "What!? Are you serious right now?" Winter was incredulous. This escalated to an extent that he thought unfathomable. "What happened with her?" "She found someone else." Fable managed to say before giving a small sob and letting two tears trickle down the sides of his muzzle. "She pretty much told me that this wasn't working. After just a few months of being married, she's kicking me to the curb." His makeshift husband was quick to lead Fable into the natal unit lobby and sit him down onto one of the chairs near the wall, away from anyone else. He held Fable's head against his abdomen and stroked his hair as he allowed him a moment of much needed silence.  "It all started with the unanswered texts and phone calls. It got to the point where she would only call me when it was in regards to Ember." Fable paused as Winter kissed him on the brow three times. "Then she only talked to me when she wanted something, beyond that I was being ignored. I guess married life just wasn't for her." "Could have said that before the wedding." Winter rolled his eyes. He may have accepted Fable as a husband but she was another story. "Well, now you have me and you can come stay with us; Ember too." "What?" Fable asked, and before he could speak further, Winter's finger poked him in the center of his snout. "Before you tell me no, understand that I have magic that could freeze you into an ice cube and I will very readily use it and put your giant frozen carcass into my garage freezer. Don't think I won't, Mr. Prose." Winter Solstice looked like he was very willing, able and anxious to do such a thing. Fable looked at him for a moment before rising up from his seat to meet him in a kiss. They held onto that kiss for a good long while before Winter nuzzled his nose into the side of Fable's neck. "Thank you." Fable whispered, prompting Winter to rub his palm over the pegasus' back. "You're a good hubby." "You're the best hubby. Don't you forget that." Winter said back to him, making sure there was no room for argument. Then Winter looked over at Disterious to see he was standing across the room, watching them with a worried look on his face. "I'm going to go check on the two girls now. Are you gonna be okay?" As the pegasus nodded, Winter motioned for the gray unicorn to come over to him. Disterious scurried over to Fable as Winter let him go and the two of them met in an amorous embrace. Disty didn't ask questions, the two of them just held together like lovers. Fable sighed. ----------- "There he is!" Frozen said as she got up from the seat beside Golden. She kissed Winter on the cheek and sat back down. He took Golden's hand and the tan unicorn mare smiled at him. The contractions had calmed down a bit but she still had the ones that hit hardest and furthered her dilation. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked Golden as he got a brush from her side table and began to groom her mane. She scoffed a bit, then bit into an ice chip. "Fantastic, honey buns. Doing just dandy. I have a watermelon headed for my nether region and two mares in here telling me they've had it worse. Just dandy." She told Winter before downing two more ice chips. "We'll leave you two love birds alone." Hattie said as she motioned for Frozen. The two of them got up and gave their kids kisses, which they returned. "See you in the lobby, sweety. We'll be back with more advice!" Hattie said with a giggle. "Thanks for the warning, mother." Golden said between gritted teeth, causing both mares to laugh out loud as they exited. Once they were far enough away, Golden looked at her husband with a worried face. "Honey?" She gave him a head tilt and a prompt. "It's Fable. He needs help and a place to stay." He said with a deep sigh. This made her jaw drop a bit. He nodded.  That's when the pale white bat pony with bright turquois wings walked in, grabbing her clipboard with her recorded vitals on it. "Hey, Golden! How's that dilation coming?" She asked as she moved her blanket over to check her privates. "No blood, right?" "No blood." Golden assured her, looking over at Winter. She whispered, "We'll talk later." He nodded. "Oh, nice, five centimeters, it's almost time to party." She said with a fist pump. Winter read her name tag on her dark blue scrubs as "Heart Rhythm". "Only five? I was at four for the past hour! This baby is late and she still doesn't seem like she's in a hurry! Isn't there anything we can do?" Golden asked, lying her head back on her pillow. She was so desperately ready for this foal to be gone already! "Whoa, slow your roll, little sister. She is going to be out and about in no time flat, just you wait. A few pushes and that kid will be driving you crazy from the outside. Isn't that exciting?" Heart said, making both of them grimace. "Thrilling." Winter knew she meant well, but with everything happening, this was just another stresser they were going to need to deal with. They'd been waiting for this day to come and they knew that they would be lacking sleep as a result. What else was there to do? One could never fully prepare for a baby to come into their household. Everything happening with Fable merely complicated matters. Still, he wasn't about to let his friend stay alone in that state of mind. He was family in every sense of the word. "Alright, well, it looks like you're progressing just fine and your vitals are tip top!" Heart said as she wrote on the clipboard paper. "You should probably get some rest." "Yeah, I'm gonna go entertain our guests. You get as much sleep as you can. You know, while there's still time." Winter said and Golden sighed, slapping his cheek gently. "Yes, Winty, I am aware of what comes next. We can all stop with the reminders. I'll be fine." Golden said as she slid down the bed and handed the nurse her extra pillow as she hunkered down. Winter leaned in and they shared a kiss. "I'll be here if you need me." He whispered and she nodded to him before he walked out.  That's when Golden noticed Heart watching him walk out. She raised an eyebrow at this but then pretended not to notice. "If you don't mind me asking." Heart Rhythm said as she put a blood pressure wrap around Golden's bicep and turned on the machine. "Where do you find a stallion like that?" "He accidentally touched my ass during a meet and greet at Ranch U." Golden said, piquing Heart's interest. "I slapped him, then I gave him my phone number." She said, causing the nurse to laugh. Golden tried to join in but it hurt too much. "He's pretty icy hot." A grin coiled across the unicorn's face. Heart's interest continued to pique. ------------ "No one believes me, by the way." Disty said making Fable turn his head toward him as he sat behind him. They sat on a couch while Disty had his arms wrapped around Fable's torso. The pegasus' hands held onto the backs of Disty's and he leaned back into him, comfortably. He gave Disterious a puzzled look. "No one believes that you fucked me in front of the princess." This caused them both to laugh and Fable's hand to rest on his cheek. "They're missing out. If they saw this cling marks you made on me, they would know it's true. You were tighter than a finger trap." "Can you blame me?" Disty asked and Fable shook his head. That's when he leaned back and they sat in blissful silence for a little while.  "Well aren't you two precious?" Both of them heard a female voice said. Vodka arrived in the natal unit and she waved at Frozen and Hattie, who were on another couch, getting a little shut eye in a position much like Fable and Disty. "Looks like all of you are just having a fun little sleepover. Mind if we join?" The yellow shark pony asked, and both of them shook there heads. Then Citrus came up and waved at them as well. The shorter green shark pony smiled at Fable, who smiled back. "Where's that boy of yours, Frozen? If a man's going in for a life sentence, I at least want to give my condolences." Vodka said as she sat opposite the two stallions. Frozen came and sat with them all, giving her a hug.  "He's checking on the mother. Like the good boy I raised." Frozen said in a pointed manner, causing the shark woman to chortle. "What about you, red pony? How's the boy?" She asked and Fable held it in as he nodded. "Learned how to say some sentences. Now he's walking around." The pegasus said and Disty held his hand a little tighter.  "Great, next he'll be driving and wooing mares. Kids." She scoffed, grinning at her daughter, who rolled her eyes. Then Citrus looked up and her expression brightened. "Winter!" The green shark pony got up from the seat she was in and ran to him. Her tight purple skirt and yellow top did little to hide her cleavage or her little nipple hoops. She embraced the bright blue unicorn and they kissed each others' cheeks. "Glad you could make it." He said as he spied Vodka and met her in a hug as well. "Oh, don't kid yourself. Any kid of yours is obviously part of my family. Meaning, if anyone messes with her, you won't need to call the guard because I'll be knocking their block off." Vodka punched the air and Winter was not about to argue the point. The orange haired, yellow shark pony owned a strip club and constantly acted as her own bouncer when someone was acting up. Citrus co-owned it but she mainly managed the workers. Fable stood up from the couch and nodded his thanks to the very caring Disterious. He excused himself to the restroom, but he did not go to the one that was readily available in the natal unit. He walked out into the main hallway, obviously having a lot on his mind. Winter watched him go while Vodka and Citrus went to Frozen and Hattie in their corner. Though the brown unicorn mother got up and walked over to Disterious, who looked like he was contemplating something fierce. "You have any more of those caffeine drinks?" She asked, and he nodded. He got up and led her toward the fridge in the breakroom near the back of the lobby. "You talked to Fable? Is something troubling him?" "He's got a few issues at home, but he'll be okay. I'll make sure of that. How is Golden holding up?" He asked and she giggled. "About as well as I did when I had her, but she'll be fine." She said as he got the fridge open and pulled one of the cans off the plastic loops. Before he could hand her one, she pulled his hand to the side of her cheek and moaned a bit as she felt the chill. "Oh, that's fabulous…" She smiled at him. ----------- Fable sat in the nurses' locker room. It was the first place he found that was quiet, uninhabited and free of through traffic. If anyone told him to vacate, he would do so without complaint, but he didn't want to leave. Winter's new daughter was being born and he was going to be there, come hell or high water. His problems were not going to spoil that and the future stories he could tell. Still, all of the thoughts swirling in his head told every part of him to flee. He wanted to be alone with his thoughts and come up with some kind of plan. There were just too many cobwebs. He couldn't think through the emotions. It was all too hard, too fucking complex and it all happened so suddenly. Where did he go wrong? That's when he heard the locker door open. It was apparently time to leave. He was sitting on the bench in the middle of the locker room but he was obviously not stealing anything. At first he was just going to leave but then he figured he'd just go unnoticed. Then he noticed it was a changeling. She had an earbud in one ear, which had a gauged piercing and she was chewing bubble gum. She glanced at him and went to her locker, opening it. "So, what's your story?" She asked, starting to empty her pockets. He raised an eyebrow at her as she kept putting things in and got on her phone for a moment. "You picking up some hot nurses?" "Needed a place to think." Fable admitted, then stood up. "I can go." "No one told you to leave." She said, running a comb through her short blue and white hair. "Sit. Think. I don't give a fuck. They don't pay me enough to give a fuck." She put her comb away and then his eyes widened as she pulled her top off and revealed her decently sized, perky black tits with dark greenish blue nipples. Then she tugged her pants down to reveal she wasn't even wearing panties. Her pussy lips were the same color as her nipples. Just above her crotch was tattooed "Enter at Own Risk", above her ass was tattooed "Fuck Off" in red hot letters. She couldn't help but notice he was staring. "You're a little easy to read, Mr…." She said as she looked toward his pants. He was outlined something fierce against his pants fabric. She had no way of knowing it'd been about two week since he was at the Neon Tail party and that was the last time he'd been with another. He'd been somewhat reclusive as of late. "Oh, uh, Fable… Prose." He said and she got a bag full of toiletries out of her locker.  "Well, Mr. Prose, I'm about to shower. You wanna watch?" She asked and he had no idea if she was serious or not. "This offer doesn't last long." She said as she closed her locker and draped a towel over her shoulder. She headed for the showers and he stopped hesitating.  As she let the shower water run over her, she pretended like she wasn't passing the naked stallion any glances. She wouldn't admit that she was getting wet or that her nipples were hard as tiny rocks.  "So, what do I call you?" He asked, doing his best not to draw attention to his extremely erect cock. She got more than one eyeful of his very thick member and gave him a feind apathetic look. "It's Sting. Not "baby" or "honey" and if you call me "bae" that big ass cock is going straight up your ass." She said, reaching over to him, gripping his shaft and pulling him closer to her. "Scrub my back." She demanded in her offhanded demeanor, handing him a soapy rag. He did as he was told, rubbing up and down, side to side. She pursed her lips and did everything short of purring. "You got a girlfriend?" She asked and he hummed a "no". "Soon to be ex-wife, one kid, one on the way." He said and she turned her head toward him with a confused expression. "Yeah, it's a long story, one I'm not 100% on either." "That's fucked up." She said, and looked down as his soapy hands came around to scrub her front, including her firm tits. "That's not my back." She said in a softer tone as she reached back and pulled him closer to her by his ass cheek. "Scrub harder." Sting demanded and he complied once again. "Technically, I have two on the way. I may or may not have been a winner at a breeding party." He said and her eyes bugged out a bit as he caressed her tits.  "Are you fucking serious?" She asked and he nodded as she looked back at him. As he pinched her nipples and squeezed her tits, she began to ooze her pussy down the shower drain. Just thinking about the stuff he was saying was causing her to melt into his warmth. His extra hard cock pressed against her ass cheek and she scowled back at him. "That is not where that goes." She said as domineering as she could, lifting her ass up as she bent over and angling him up as she slid him into her vagina. Her pussy walls stretched and slathered his member with juice. His cock reached far into her and she couldn't help letting go of a hard cry of passion. It was clear that both of them had been starved of sex. With his predicament and her long work hours, it was as if they were given a long drink of water after a journey through the desert. To her surprise, he was not easy on her. With his meek mannerisms and dismal outlook, she was expected some sweet lovemaking. No, this was not soft, and no, this was not making love. He pressed her against the shower wall and he pulverized her. His hips thrust against her as he clenched his eyes closed and gritted his teeth. Her cervix was taking a pounding as his balls slapped her clitoris. Pleasure outweighed the delicious pain as his hand held her leg upward and the other held her hip. He fucked her like an animal and she made whining animal sounds as her pussy tunnel felt the slick, glorious friction of his rigid dick. Sting felt the tension from within him as his hands squeezed her wet body and banged her into the wall. "Oh! God! Yes! Use me! Grind my pussy harder! Fuck my wet cunt!" She screamed with unfathomable lust as the red pony's entire length filled her and his groin pumped against her pelvis. Sting felt like he was going to fuck her inside out. He even made strained noises through his teeth as he pounded her without relent. The orgasm she had almost made her dizzy as she let out just a little whine. At that moment, she didn't care if she had just finished a sixteen hour shift, nor did she care if anyone in the hospital heard her sex noises. Hell, she didn't even care if Mr. Prolific gave her belly a foal. It all melted away as she gasped through a wondrous climax and felt a heavenly spray of hot jizz assault her insides. Fable had a similar apiphany in that moment. All of it was put aside. The wife, the house, the incoming kids, the burden of thought. All of the attic space was cleared out as the two of them stayed there in that shower, gasping for breath as he released her leg and she sank to the ground. As his cock slid out, a lot of white spunk followed and began to circle the shower drain. He sat near her as they both leaned against the wall. Her head finally came back down from the clouds and she was able to think. Sting looked at him to see his eyes were closed and he was deep in a train of thought. "So," Sting said, making him open his eyes and look at her. "What you gonna do now?" "I'm gonna go be with my husband while his baby is being born." "Of course you are." She laughed to herself, unsurprised at his whole scenario at this point. "Then I'm going to get my life back in order." Fable said as he held his hand out to her and she held it for a moment. "Thanks for the help."  "Are you kidding?" She chuckled a bit. "Anytime you need to blow off that steam, you give me a call." > A Full House > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter was about to send out a search party. No one had seen Fable for a good long minute and Frozen, Vodka and Citrus had fallen asleep. It had been a long day for all of them and there was still no news from the wife. She was apparently taking a small series of naps by some miracle. Disterious and Hat Trick was another story, though. Apparently, they hadn't gotten together to talk hockey in a while and they were getting their fill of it now. The championship Ranch U won over Canterlot was something of a special subject, given Disty and Goldie played key roles in the victory. They talked about his current job as an assistant coach and how he was planning to go pro when the drafts opened up again. Golden Goal had already made it clear that she was going to lose the baby fat and get back on the ice once she got settled and their new daughter was well taken care of. Then they began to make out periodically. This made Winter chuckle. "Hey, Wintz." The azure unicorn nearly jumped out of his skin as Fable seemingly appeared behind him in his chair. Winter stood up and met Fable in an embrace. "Fabs! Dear lord, I was about to come find you. Did you not get my texts?" Winter suddenly realized he was living up to the title of a high maintenance spouse and Fable snickered. This brought a wave of relief over Winter. "Yeah, I just needed some time to think for a bit." Fable said, and his smile seemed rather genuine. "I think I know more of what I need to concentrate on, rather than what I was needlessly dwelling on. You know what I mean?" "Of course I do." Winter said as he hugged him tighter. Then Fable looked off to the side. "Ummm, Disty?" He said as the gray unicorn eyed him. Disterious had a blanket draped over his lap, but there was a distinct body shape underneath it, one with a horn on the head. The head was bobbing up and down on his lap and he was doing his best to keep a straight face. "Yeah?" Disterious replied after a moment. A slight bit of a slurping suction sound emitted from under the cover and he cleared his throat. "Where's Hat Trick?" Fable asked and Disterious shrugged. Then the brown, older mare uncovered her dark brown, white streaked mane and gave him a smile beside that dark gray horse cock. "She's busy." Hattie said, then covered herself back up. She apparently doubled her efforts because now Disty was spreading his legs a bit and making faces. Winter rolled his eyes at this while Fable grinned at his friend getting serviced. Then Winter tugged on Fable's brown jacket sleeve. "Come on, this reminds me. I never told you that story I meant to tell." They began to walk and Fable gave him a confused look. "Story? What story?" He asked and Winter pursed his lips a bit. "There was that story you wanted me to tell. The one with me and asking Score…" That's when Fable snapped his fingers and began to nod. "Wow, I didn't know you still wanted to tell that story. That's been a while." Fable said as they walked into the main hallway and made their way toward the cafeteria. "Yeah, it was… interesting." ----------- Winter felt that he had been dating Golden for long enough. While Hat Trick had broadcasted her support for the two of them, Score Keeper, Golden's father, was a bit more reserved on the subject. He hadn't got any signs of condemnation on the subject, but the lack of disdain was not an automatic sign of permission. Frozen Pop was a firm believer in getting the parents' blessing before a marriage takes place. Doing otherwise could be taken as an insult and that made for awkward family get-togethers around the holidays. Winter was fairly confident Score wasn't going to turn him down, so he called ahead and made sure they knew he was coming.  Winter was on a no knocking basis with Golden's family. Hat Trick straight up told him he was welcome any time, day or night. It wasn't as if he didn't sneak into the house with their daughter anyway. Ever since that first date, it was no secret that they boned like cats in heat. He walked through the door, seeing that Hat Trick’s car wasn’t even in the driveway. Score’s car was clearly there, though. He looked around the living room, hearing the TV turn off as he walked in. This had been their home for quite some time, and it was a little untidy, but definitely not disgusting or a complete mess. There was hockey apparel all over the walls, magazines lined across the coffee table in the center between the two recliners and in front of the couch. It wasn’t all hockey stuff, though. There were two bookshelves and an entire entertainment center around the TV with a collection of movies and video games. It didn’t take him long to notice that the gray recliner was backwards, with a brown head of hair and a bright tan unicorn horn visible on the other side of it.  “Hey, Winter, my boy! How’s it going?” Score Keeper asked, still turned around in the gray chair with a magazine in his hands.  “Oh, umm, hey Mr. Keeper. If I could, I wanted your blessing to marry your daughter?” Winter asked. He’d worn his favorite suit and tie. It was a red jacket with a black tie and white button-up shirt. All the sudden, it felt like his tie was a little tight. As good a relationship he had with Golden’s mother, he didn’t know Score Keeper near as much.  “Oh? Is that right? Well, she seems to have taken a liking to you.” There was a long pause for a moment while Score Keeper thought. It was at least a good note to leave off on, so that’s a positive sign. Winter wasn’t entirely sure why, but he was sweating. If Score Keeper didn’t give him his blessing, what would Golden think? Would she go along with him and NOT marry Winter? Or would this cause a feud between father, daughter and possibly the mother? The implications were beginning to make Winter’s knee twitch. “Alright, Mr. Solstice, I’ll give you my blessing,” He said as he turned the chair around to face Winter. “If you can impress me.”  As Winter heard this, at first there was relief, then there was confusion, then there was shock! Winter looked down to see Score’s cock was rock solid hard, pointing straight out of his pants with two big balls underneath it. He was on full display for Winter to see and he was grinning, leaning his head on his fist. “I-Impress you?” Winter asked, blinking as he looked from the brown unicorn’s face, down to his rock solid cock, which was throbbing in front of him. The stories Golden had told him of Score’s lewd demeanor started to come back to him all at once. It was no secret that Hattie and Score were not exclusive, even going to swinger parties every chance they got. Though, Winter had no idea Score Keeper had any interest in him. Obviously, word had gotten out about Winter’s forays into more “male bonding” activities with Fable and Disterious had reached him. He supposed he should count himself lucky. Winter did find those two bulbous balls quite impressive.  So, that’s where he started. Winter shrugged off the shock and got down on his knees in front of Score, leaning his cock back with one hand and lifting his scrotum up with the other. His tongue began to work his way over those two big testes one after the other before running up the shaft. His lips rubbed softly against the dark brown length of the future father-in-law’s dick and he began to slide his head into his mouth.  “Okay, need to hand it to you. You’re doing better than I expected.” Score said as he felt Winter’s mouth engulf his glans in a warm, wet embrace. His head began to bob up and down on the older stallion’s dick and he felt Score’s fingers begin to run through his bright blue hair. “You’ve got some talent, that much is certain. Now, get those clothes off.”  It wasn’t long before the two of them stripped down as they headed to his bedroom. Score looked him over as they did, and he liked what he saw. Winter was somewhat lean but not too muscular. He could definitely see what his daughter saw in him. That was when Winter took him by surprise and pushed him onto the bed and got on top of him.  Before he could ask what he was doing, he felt Winter’s big blue, spotted cock press against his own and begin to rub. Their balls pressed together as their cocks created wet friction, his saliva still drizzled over Score’s member. Their dicks pulsed together and Score was having a hard time keeping his thoughts together. “N-nice start, Winter, but this is just a warmup.” Score said as he Winter’s pelvis ground against his and their dicks kept throbbing. “Now, it’s my turn.” He said as he rolled over on top of Winter and got into a position where both of their cocks were in front of their faces. The classic sixty-nine position could never be overstated. Their cocks went into their mouths and began to suck deep down. Score got a good feel for his young, rock solid dick. It was hard to believe this was a horsecock that had fucked his daughter on many occasions with the work Winter was putting in. It wasn’t until he felt Winter fucking his face that he started to really see the charm of welcoming the blue unicorn into their family.  “I’ve got to admit, you’re really giving this old man a run for his money.” He said this, but he really wasn’t that terribly old. He held onto Winter’s dick and began to fuck downward into Winter’s face, getting a full feel for his muzzle. That long, brown, cylindrical cock fucked hard and it wasn’t until it was too late that he began to feel the very sudden orgasm coming on. “Oh, fuck!” Score gritted his teeth and was able to keep himself in check, but still spurted one nice wad of cum into Winter’s mouth. “S-sorry about that.”  “That’s a good compliment, Mr. Keeper.” Winter winked at him. He licked his lips, showing no signs that the unexpected spunk bothered him. Then he slid out from underneath him and got up behind him. Score Keeper could barely get a word out before Winter pushed his hot wet cock deep into the older pony’s asshole, making Score’s cock stand straight up.  Winter eased into a good rhythm as his lubed up erection stretched Score's ass nice and wide. He quickened his pace and it wasn't long before he began to pound him. "Oh! Winter, it seems like you've practiced ass fucking before. How many times have you pounded my daughter's butt?" He asked as he felt the younger stallion plow him harder and faster with every passing moment. "Not that many times, Mr. Keeper," Winter said through his teeth as his cock began to twitch inside Score. "She prefers it in her pussy, hard and fast!"  That seemed to trigger the orgasm Score Keeper was holding back. As Winter plunged balls deep and came inside the sweating stallion, he also began to spurt hot spunk. ------------ "Then he pretty much just gave me his blessing right then and there. I was still in his ass and everything." Winter said and Fable chuckled. "You don't seem all that surprised." "Well, seems how I fucked you and you told me that was how your time with Score Keeper played out, I already had a basis for what to expect." Fable said and Winter nodded. The two of them sat with two mugs of coffee across from each other. He noticed Winter was giving him a look. "I'm fine, Wint." "How 'fine' are you?" Winter asked, causing Fable to chuckle. "We still haven't discussed what's going to happen with your unborn daughter. That's like, what, in four months?"  "Five, give or take." Fable sipped his coffee and had another somber expression. "I'd imagine I won't be attending that birth." There was a long, drawn out silence between them then. The implications played and played inside Fable's head and now Winter was starting to see just how deep the rabbit hole was. This was all so sudden. It was like Letty was a completely different pony. It was either the pregnancy hormones were completely different this time around or the marriage was no longer what she wanted. Maybe it was a combination of both. "Mr. Solstice!" A voice cried out at the other end of the cafeteria, nearly making him spill his beverage as he started. "She's at nine centimeters and is going into labor!" A young, short nurse's assistant said from the doorway. Both Fable and Winter looked at one another for a very brief instant. Then they began to rush toward the door. ---------- Winter came into the room and it was booming with activity. He could hear nurses instructing Golden to breathe. Two assistants held up her legs while a doctor and her assistant nurse had just arrived. "Has she reached ten?" The doctor asked and the nearest nurse nodded. "The baby's started to travel and her contractions are steady." She told the lady doctor who put on her gloves and lit up a light on the edge of her safety glasses. "Very good." She nodded then got in front of the laboring mare. "Golden! It's me! Dr. Cureall! Good news! It's almost over! You're going to be a mother! The foal is sliding in as we speak. "Wonderful!" Golden strained her gut to say as the contraction finally ended. "Where… where." She gasped for breath as she looked around. "Winter?" "Right here, honey." He said as he grabbed her hand. She was visibly relieved as he squeezed his hand and he endured it.  "Damnit, Winter! Don't ever leave me again!" She growled as yet another contraction took form. "Where have you been?" "I was talking to Fable. You know? About his problem?" He said as he endured another squeeze. He had to grit his teeth on this one. She was very strong. "Oh, yeah, that's right." She visibly relaxed again as the contraction ended. "I can feel her, Winter. She's coming and soon!" Her eyes screwed shut as she began to push. "Wonderful, darling! You're amazing! Those muscles are working overtime!" Dr. Cureall said as she smiled behind her surgical mask. "She's close!" "Just think, honey," Winter said as he petted Golden's sweaty, brown and white hair and held her hand gently. "She's going to be skiing those slopes and skating the ice in beautiful formations soon. And you two can bond in the snow." He said in a gentle tone. He remembered how mesmerized she was when she dreamed of their beautiful daughter. With her beautiful blue, golden brown streaked hair and her skill on the ice and snow. "Yeah," she said in a wondrous expression of awe. The drugs were in full effect and she was half dazed from exhaustion. Then she growled again, clamped onto his hand and pushed like her life depended on it! ------------ There she was, cleaned up and wrinkly with her eyes closed as Golden held her in her arms. Winter stood beside the bed, gazing at their little filly who was sleeping after a long cry. "She's lovely." Fable said from the door. He saw the two of them as Golden sat up in her bed, a big smile across her face. Winter motioned him in and all of them looked at her, wrapped up like a burrito in a blanket. The red pony gazed at the newborn with her purple muffin hat and her teeny little horn poking out underneath it. "My sweet little Twin Tips." Golden said as she stroked the little baby's head. "I can't wait to get her home and show her her new bed. We got her everything, right?" She asked Winter, who nodded and rubbed her back. She teared up a bit, then leaned her head on his shoulder. "But guys, I don't know," Fable looked off to the side, his expression doubtful. "Maybe I should just find an apart-" "Fable," Golden stopped him, then reached over and put her hand on his thigh. "You are going to stay with us until you find a place to live. Okay?" Then she slapped his hip lightly. "That is non-negotiable!"  There was a long silence before Fable nodded and went back to looking at the sleeping baby, whose every twitch, every yawn was adorable.  "We're staying overnight for observation." Winter said and Golden nodded. She obviously expected it and didn't care. She placed the baby in her natal crib that was a bin with a miniature bed cushion in it. Then Golden laid back on her pillow. Before either man could ask her if she was okay, she was out and snoring. "Oh my God." Both of them heard from the door. They looked to see Sweet Voltage and Spark there, catching sight of the sleeping baby and walking in. "Hey, sorry we're late." Spark said as he looked down at her as well. "Wow, she's definitely yours." He said, looking at her ice blue fur and mixed highlighted hair. The twin orange unicorns gazed at the foal with similar interest and marvelled at how small she was. "She's so precious. I get babysitting rights for her too, right?" She asked Winter, who chuckled. He nodded at her and then she looked to Fable. "Looks like I'll be setting up a nursery at this rate." Voltage said to the red pony, who gave a tiny smile. "No need. I'll be living with Winter for a while." Fable said, drawing both twins' attention. There was a long silence for a moment as they looked from Fable to the baby. Spark didn't know what to say, but Voltage bit her lower lip.  She leaned down to Fable and whispered in his ear. It was a long whisper whatever it was and Fable's eyes widened a bit. After a moment, she stood back up and gave them all an innocent smile. "There she is!" Another female whisper came from the door. Frozen, Vodka, Hattie and Citrus came in as quietly as they could, though their excitement was palpable. One close look at the baby and there was just one gasp. Then there was silence. Out of all three of the older ladies, it was Vodka who cracked.  The yellow shark pony began to tear up as she saw the little angel move her little hand around. Her hand covered her muzzle as her eyes streamed down her cheeks and the silence continued. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was a shared silence, one that they all shared in that moment. Citrus walked up beside Winter and held his arms, quietly congratulating him. As much as they loved looking in on the new member of the family, they decided to let both the mother and the daughter sleep. As the mothers began to leave, Nurse Heart Rhythm walked into the room to check on both of the girls after their ordeal. As expected, both of them were unconscious.  “Alright, Mr. Solstice, if you could, I’d like to take you to the examining room for a moment?” She asked, making Winter blink. He shrugged and nodded to Fable as he also left the room to go get some coffee. As Winter walked through the hall with the nurse, he noticed Vodka Martini, the yellow shark pony woman on the phone. She still looked a little worse for wear, but she still smiled at Winter as he passed. “Hey, Midori.” Vodka said in a quieted tone. “Yeah, it’s Vodka.”  The blue unicorn followed the white batpony nurse as she walked toward a room and opened the door for him. It was a lab. There were several chairs for blood drawing, there was a small rack of test tubes on the counter and there was a small fridge beside that to put the specimens. Then there was a small box full of small specimen cups. He blinked at these cups and then looked toward Heart Rhythm, who was writing a few things on a couple of charts and then pulled one of the cups from the box and began to fill out the label.  To say Winter was tired was a bit of an understatement, as he still had not slept that night and it was already four in the morning. He watched her pen something on the label and then smiled up at him.  “Okay? What are we doing here?” Winter asked, really hoping he wasn’t getting blood drawn, especially when she was filling out the label for a five ounce cup.  “Your wife told me to take good care of you because it was going to be a while before she could. So, I thought, why not check on your health with a little bit of a sperm specimen collection? You’ve seen enough contrived porn scenes. Go ahead and drop those pants.” Heart said as she unscrewed the cup’s top. She crouched down in front of him with her scrubs tightening around her curves, accentuating her tits for him a bit.  “Oh, well, alright.” Winter said as he began to undo his trousers. “Though, I mean, I’m probably not in optimal sperm-giving condition. I haven’t slept in a while. I may need some hel-oh…” He said this as his cock was drooping out of his unzipped pants and the bright blue maned bat pony engulfed him in her mouth. Her maw went straight to the base of his penis and her tongue dragged across his scrotum as she rubbed her entire mouth up his shaft. He shivered as his shaft began to harden. "Well, he seems lively enough." Heart said as she began to jerk him off, getting him to his peak erection status before swallowing his knob once again and letting him feel her throat. As hard as she sucked and as hard as she squeezed his balls, it seemed like it should have been enough. He was as hard as a diamond, her tongue was lavishing just underneath his cock head and she even pulled her big white bat tits with bright blue nipples for him to gaze at while her blowjob was in full force. "You really are tired, aren't you?" She said as she kept jacking his wet blue prick with both hands.  "Yeah, I'm feeling a little sluggish. Sorry." Winter said, though he was clearly enjoying himself. His cock was pulsating and practically begging for release. She licked his tip, lazily, thinking for a moment. Then the white bat pony seemed to come upon an idea then. That was when she began to rub two fingers over his shaft, smearing saliva and precum all over them, all the while grinning at the perplexed Winter. He was on the verge of asking what she was doing, but then she sank his cock back down into her gullet.  As she did this she reached her hand up between his legs, back behind his scrotum and shoved her two fingers into his asshole. He squeaked, the feeling of her lubed fingers gave a lot of pressure, but it was a welcome pressure as he was already very riled up. His prostate reacted to the sudden stimulation and his cock twitched three times. Heart slid the blue dick from her mouth and got the cup to his cock hole as he began to pulse cum into it. There were four nice big wads that filled the cup half way. With the remainder that dripped from the tip, the cup was almost three quarters full. Her hand slid up and down his shaft, slick with spit as she squeezed his glans to get every last drop. "That's a good boy." She said in a motherly tone, making him shiver as she pulled her fingers from his ass. Then she screwed the top back onto the cup as she grinned at it. "Now to get this in my womb." Her grin widened. Winter's eyes bugged out. The sentence playing back in his head over and over after she said it. As he stuttered to ask what she was talking about, she began to giggle uncontrollably. "I'm kidding, you dork." Her giggling subsided as she got the cup into the freezer on the counter. "It's going to the sperm bank so we can get more cute little Winter babies in the world." Heart stood up as he sighed with relief and gave him a little peck on the snout. "Now, get some sleep. That should be easy now." She giggled again. ------------- Winter was done for the week. He knew he wasn't going to get much sleep for the next few years of his life, so he figured he'd get what he could. The baby was probably going to be awake already, that was going to be a joy. He sighed. Winter could already feel the bags under his eyes as he opened the door to their room. To his relief, Golden was still asleep, giving little snores and breathing evenly. Then he looked to see the medical baby bin was empty. He didn't panic, though, because one look at Fable made it clear that he had things well under control. He sat in a rocking chair in the corner, with a small bottle of formula planted in Twin's mouth. Her tiny eyes were closed and her mouth worked the bottle's nipple while Fable pushed the rocking chair into slow motions with his hoof. "Well, don't you look like a natural." Winter whispered, prompting Fable to open one eye toward him and smile a bit. "Figured I'd give you two time to sleep. You've been through the ringer already. I'll keep her quiet." He looked down at the baby who already seemed like she was lulling back into unconsciousness. Carefully, he placed the bottle onto a side table, placed the baby on his shoulder and began to pat her very softly on the back. To Winter's astonishment, she not only didn't wake, but she gave the tiniest burp. Then Fable back into the small baby bin. "It's almost like you've done this before." Winter mused, then walked up to Fable, giving him a loving embrace. They stood like that for a moment and Fable leaned his head onto his dear friend's shoulder. "You should go ahead and head back to the house. We should be there tomorrow if everything goes to plan." Fable thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "I prefer to stay here, if it's all the same to you." He whispered, looking at the little bundle of joy as she stretched within the confines of her swaddle blanket. "That's fine by me." Winter said as he sat next to him in the second bed. Then he looked at their family as a whole. Somehow, it seemed even more complete this way. That's when Winter furrowed his brow and looked over at Fable for a moment.  The red pegasus had his eyes closed, seeming content as he sat on the bed, leaning his head onto Winter's shoulder. After a moment, Fable lifted his head and looked at Winter face to face. He pecked him on the muzzle. "Yes?" Fabled asked, making Winter chuckle. "I was just wondering. What did Voltage say to you earlier when she whispered in your ear?" Winter asked. This time it was Fable's turn to snicker a bit. "She said that when the babies are asleep, she can either become my babysitter…" Fable said with a small smile on his face, making Winter's eyes widen. "Or I could be her professor. The choice was mine." There was a long silence between them before Winter cleared his throat just a little bit and gave Fable a hearty pat on the back. "Welcome home, bud."