Vanilla Horn

by RisqueRarity

First published

Twilight and Pinkie arrive at Carosuel Boutique to cheer up their friend. And it just so happens that Twilight has just the thing to make Rarity's day a little sweeter. Perhaps a little, too sweet?

Everypony has worries and responsibilities. Luckily through the magic of science, Twilight has found a way to take the edge off, just a little. Pinkie discovers Twilight's new invention and convinces her to try it out on their dear friend.

The hardest working unicorn in Ponyville is bound to be stressed every now and then.

Stirred Without Sugar

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“Rarity really hasn’t been herself since then,” Pinkie sigh as her ears fold.

From her chair she reaches toward the tiny mountain of brownies sitting upon the table, sixteen to be exact.

Despite being a princess now, Twilight still use the same type of dishes and silverware, even in the regal, crystalline décor, traces of her shone brighter still. As if the brownie plate wasn’t evidence enough, the cup she sip her warm coffee from was furnished from humble oak.

Twilight set her cup down, bringing a pensive hoof to her chin. “I can’t imagine opening another boutique is ever easy, you remember what we all went through the last time she held her big grand opening. Saying it was hectic is hardly an understatement.”

In a single-heavy gulp Pinkie downed the brownie she’d taken from the tray as Twilight spoke. “Mhmm.” There was a slight sparkle in her eyes, despite the air of conversation. “Wowie, Twilight these are pretty good, like Mr. & Mrs. Cake good!”

“Don’t I know it!” Spike’s tiny claw reach high and takes a brownie from the tray, carelessly flicking the warm delight into his maw; savoring it as if it were a gem. He licks his lips in glee as he jumps onto the table to have easier access, plucking another treat from the chocolatey mountain.

“Twilight’s been making me goodies like this for almost a week now.”

“I didn’t know you knew how to bake, Twilight! We should totally host a party together!” Pinkie smile at her discovery.

“Well Pinkie, while that certainly means something coming from you… if anything, it just makes me even more uncertain,” Twilight gives a kind smile in her decline. “I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to bake anything like this by day’s end.

Pinkie furrow a brow as Spike cram another brownie down the hatch.

“I only started doing this for Spike. Since we started living here his workload has doubled, if not tripled… and it took me a really long time to realize it. We all know I can get a little lost in my books from time to time—“

“Ha, a little?” he chewed through his every word, cheeks full and already sticky

To Pinkie’s surprise, Twilight didn’t even bat an eye toward the remark, as she normally would on any given day.

“So in order to make myself more aware or considerate of my friends I made an experimental potion. I thought of doing a sort of mood enhancer but those tend to be a bit messy; the want-it-need-it spell was a lesson well learned.”

Twilight raise her hoof in a matter-of-fact manner and tapped it against the cup’s rim before sliding it against the table toward Pinkie, halting the cup’s momentum with her magic entirely once it reaches her.

“Regarding the potion, I consider it more of a sweetener than anything. A few days a week I treat Spike to something extra-special and the coffee keeps me from stressing out too much concerning my royal duties as well. Strangely enough as you can see I have these urges to make sweet things like cakes, caramels, and all kinds of chocolate I never cared to before.” Twilight gesture a hoof to the brownies.

Pinkie breathe in the scent coming from the coffee, it was a faint aroma that tickled her snout; a mix of cream and taffy blended.

Twilight gently pat Spike’s head, she could practically feel his joy, her own smile beaming, while Spike’s was covered in chocolate.

Pinkie stare at the two in awe, so well off, namely Twilight. She’d never seen Rarity smile so freely or unrestrained as Twilight did this very moment. More than anything she wanted Rarity to smile like this, just once.

“The potion just makes you more courteous of others, honestly doing all this for Spike makes me happy too, so we both get peace of mind eating sweets every now and then.”

“I’ll say!” said Spike, already reaching for his sixth treat.

“Some a few more than others,” she said as she prods her assistant’s tender belly. Pinkie’s ears had sprung to life; Twilight’s smile was really doing a number on her.

“Heeeey! If this stuff helped you, then why don’t we use it to sweeten up Rarity a little too!?

Twilight was a scientist, a researcher at heart… but she was a friend first. The concern on her face was obvious, almost daunting

“I don’t know Pinkie, it’s still experimental. I haven’t tried it on a non-alicorn yet. The side-effects could be a myriad of things. It could even alter her magic.

Pinkie ears plummet yet again, she knew Twilight had a point. “If your magic’s been on the fritz then I can only imagine what it’ll do to poor Rarity.

“Well, my magic hasn’t exactly been on the fritz but— “

Pinkie leap onto the table, leaving her hostess wide-eyed as she slides toward her, stopping her own momentum through sheer will until they were a muzzle’s distance apart. She gave her plea with hooves clasp.

“Please-please-pleaseee, Twilight? We’ve got to at least try, there’s nothing more important in all of Equestria than helping a friend find their smile! We gotta try, before Rarity runs herself into the ground.”

Pinkie Pie had a sparkle in her eyes, puppy-eyed determination. As the princess of friendship it was almost impossible for Twilight to deny that they at least do something. Twilight look into her eyes and knew she was no match; she sighs in defeat.

“I… suppose it was relatively easy to make since it wasn't that strong a dose. I could make another—“

“Yipee!” Pinkie spring to the ceiling, confetti raining from her cotton mane before gravity brought her crashing down with an audible squeak and a smile.

The tray of brownies bounce from the table as she lands, as well as Twilight’s coffee. Pinkie’s tongue expands and stretch to the perfect size for catching all the airborne sugar. The eight brownies seem to parachute unto her tongue, all landing gently in a pyramid before her tongue retract like measuring tape; she swallowed them all in one gulp, her stomach would do the rest.

Twilight wave her hoof to get Pinkie’s attention, “We’ll only go through with it if Rarity agrees to it herself. I’m supposed to meet with her today after her boutique opens so we could discuss organizing her supplies and calculating expenses for the upcoming grand opening. I don’t think she’d mind you coming along.”

“Ooooh, I can’t wait!” She began prancing in place, the oak wood cup falling snug in her fluffed mane and the liquid filling the cup only seconds later.

“Spike, you’ll look after the castle once I’m gone won’t you?”

And as she asked this of her assistant, his less than enthusiastic expression was set on the mare who’d downed nearly a dozen brownies without a single bite. He rolled his eyes as he watch Pinkie’s tongue spin like a rotor, cleaning the chocolate from her lips.

What else should I expect from the Queen of Sweets? He thought.

After his satirical title pass in his mind, something flat fell into his outward claws, a tray of all things, and in the blink of an eye a brownie falls in the center, the biggest one left.

Spike’s tiny dragon tooth show as he grin for all Equestria to see, “Sure thing Twi, take your time. This brownie and me have some unfinished business.”

It was Twilight’s turn to roll her eyes, she couldn’t help but giggle at her adorable and easily appeased assistant.

Pinkie was never the type of pony that needed a potion to make her sweetly considerate of others, she always had been. She threw parties almost daily for the sake of others and more than anyone she knew the tastiest treat was always the last one, because it also left the biggest smile.

“Oh, one more thing, Pinkie Pie. I need to check your measurements before I get started.”

A methodical knock sound at the door.

The sun had reached its peak, and the beautiful songs the birds were singing could even tell the blind what season it was.

“Just a moment,” a lyrical voice called from inside.

She had a habit of leaving you waiting at her door, some were starting to suspect she did it intentionally, just so companions and customers alike would be left to appreciate her home and its posh appearance.

It was difficult to doubt that the unicorn had the tallest traditional home in Ponyville, or the most lavished. The checkered and floral print never looked worn, the golden curtains letting in just enough sunlight to see the ponyquinns sporting the latest vogue, and the delicate flowerbed of forget-me-nots that kiss her home’s feet.

The silhouette of carousel ponies sitting above that guard the entrance of the lavender diamond door. In this suffuse of gold, lavender, and periwinkle anypony’s eyes would eventually be drawn to something.

“She definitely knows who's here now.” Pinkie said grinning ear to ear.

Twilight furrow a brow, “Well of course she does Pinkie, she asked me to come…”

Pinkie just kept hopping in place, she felt as if her cutiemark might actually inflate and carry her away. The bubbly thoughts racing through her head making her spry.

“Oooh! I can’t wait to see the smile on Rarity’s face once she drinks your potion, Twilight!”

Twilight’s eyes spring in rhythm to match Pinkie’s pace, over and under, until her vision begins to slightly blur. She rubbed her aching eyes.

“Pinkie, remember that’s only if—“

The locks click and the door open. “Twilight, I just knew it had to be you.” She couldn’t help but chuckle in her savior faire.

She gave Rarity the same quizzical look she gave Pinkie moments ago. “Huh? What’s that supposed to mean?”

She smiles politely. “Why, that knock of course dear; the rhythmic trio. You’ve always approached every door the same in the few years we’ve known each other.”

Pinkie snicker, “Told ya she’d know.”

Rarity gasp as she points a hoof. “What is… she doing here!? I have enough worries without that cotton cyclone tearing through my shop!”

“Well duh, silly, that’s why I’m here!” Pinkie’s smile remain at the ready.

“I didn’t think it would be much of an issue… She wanted to come along to try and cheer you up a little.” Twilight rubbed a hoof against the back of her neck.

“I don’t even think I can begin to express the magnitude of what she did the last time she was here! She didn’t tell you, did she?”

Twilight shook her head.

“I’d finally received an invitation to Manehattan’s Fashion Week, I immediately had the inspiration for a splendid wedding dress. And after tireless effort, the very day I completed the concept she managed to spill one of her—her messy desserts all over it! I had to work for days on end to finish another in time for the event, it was na disaster!”

Twilight gave Pinkie a curious glance, holding concern for a number of reasons, still untested to this day.

“I said was sorry a million times already for spilling that slice of triple-berry frosted cake all over the dress. I even offered to help, but you threw me out… I even sent over another apology.”

“Pinkie Pie! Cupcakes are not an acceptable apology.” She stamp her hoof in protest.

Pinkie sheepishly dig against the grass, “Well, every other way I could think to apologize was really loud, and you said how much you can’t stand loud noises….” Pinkie look to her dear friend with those sad Pinkie-dog eyes.

Rarity stare her down with diamond eyes, almost in grimace, the fashionista didn’t last long though. Seconds later she sigh in defeat, curls bouncing in her surrender, the same as Twilight did earlier that day.

“I know you would never ruin me intentionally, Pinkie Pie. Besides, I suppose your apology gave me a bit of inspiration for the shape of the dress’ silhouette while I was in the midst of sowing the replacement.”

The trio smiled as the hostess step aside and welcome them in her lovely home without protest this time, the door closing behind Twilight as her saddlebag as the two cross the threshold.

As they trot, Rarity guide them into the kitchen were two steaming cups were set upon saucers, the table that held the tea also kept a vase with a flower the garden’s bed. Twilight set her bag down in the corner.

“You two take a seat, I’ll just take what’s left in the French press and pour myself a cup. I may have a ceaseless amount of worries but that doesn’t mean I can forget my manners as a hostess.”

Rarity smile at her company before heading toward the kitchen’s opposite end.

Her guest took their chairs, looking down at the beautiful fixtures in front of them, the elegant display of ivory and trimmed gold in an assortment of utensils complementing the miniature pot that sit between; filled with cubed sugar that seem to sparkle as the sun peer through the curtain.

Upon Rarity’s mention of worries, Pinkie looked down at her cup and back at Twilight, pointing to the princess’ saddlebag, then shifting her eyes toward Rarity. Of course Twilight knew what she meant, as she didn’t disagree with the sentiment.

She turns to look over her shoulder, “Rarity… would you—“

Oh, no need to worry Twilight. I took so long answering the door after all. I wouldn’t dream of having you drink worn tea from any demitasse, I’m preparing a fresh cup for everyone as we speak,” she hummed as she prep the pot and minuscule plunger.

“Really Rarity, Pinkie and I are fine, this is more than enough.

“Nonsense dear, you’ve come in my hour of need, it’s the least I can do.”

They both knew how Rarity was when she was entertaining company, the two sigh before trying once more. Twilight’s horn shimmer and the vial of potion escape from her saddlebag and hover beside her.

“We actually brought something for you to try, i-it actually goes reallllly well with tea. Pinkie and I really think it’ll cheer you up a little.” She gave an awkward smile, admittedly she felt a bit silly, as if she were trying to sell something.

“Twilight’s super sweetener is sure to make your day a whole lot sweeter! It worked wonders for her and Spike!”

Pinkie could always make it seem as though her smile were as wide as the room itself.

Rarity turned from her brewing, halting the french press as she approach her companions with a curious face.

“Just a few drops usually does the trick for me.” Twilight said, her nervous smile still showing her excellent teeth as she felt one of her more personal urges coming on before she knew it.

Please say yes, Rarity, you’ll be a such a big help to me! Twilight mused to herself, as a bead of sweat spill down her brow.

“Hmm…” Rarity glared at the vial, her face now disproportionate from Twilight’s point of view as she appeared as if she were in a lime-tinted funhouse mirror.

My little Spike-wikey hasn’t been feeling his best either? I really should stop by to see him and Twilight more often. Rarity thought, as she study the liquid.

“So, what do ya say, Rarity?” Pinkie sat in her seat eagerly awaiting her answer.

Rarity now glance in her direction, a bit annoyed at the ever-innocent smile she could always portray.

I suppose they’re both sincere… and I can’t recall the last time there was a scientific mishap of Twilight’s. And if I refuse Pinkie will just use those fiendish eyes on me again… I suppose I could stand to lose a bit of stress and be a little less critical of myself, if only for a little while.

Rarity nod, “I’ll try your tonic—sweetener, just this once.”

“Yip—I mean, woohoo!” Pinkie had to contain herself, she’d barely been hanging on all this time. Her terrible attempt at mimicking Fluttershy at least manage to keep her from bouncing to the ceiling and possibly being thrown out again.

“You won’t regret this Rarity!” The joy on Twilight’s face was obvious as spoke, almost eerily so.

Ooookay Twilight, calm down, you’ve don’t want to scare her away do you!? Just… take a deep breath and prepare the journals. You’ve already taken the steps to make sure the potion as safe as possible, this is what any good friend would do.

“S-so Rarity, now that you’ve agreed to let us try to cheer you up a little, I’d like to ask you a few questions before we get started if you don’t mind.”

What’s gotten into her all of sudden? Rarity was growing suspicious of Twilight’s oddly enthusiastic smile.

“But Twilight I need to finish making the tea, the hayseeds I prepared are—“

“Oh! Oh! I can do it!” Pinkie raised a hoof as if she were a filly in class.

The tiny vial shimmer as it floats toward Pinkie, landing in her forehoof.

Rarity’s eyes dilate, “Pinkie Pie, you know how to use a french press?”

“Sure do, the Cakes keep one in their bakery. Mrs. Cake can’t greet customers without her coffee, she won’t even speak to me until she’s had a cup.”

“It’s settled then; Pinkie will be fine in here while we take a few notes on you!’ Twilight had already begun gently pushing a slightly frantic Rarity into the other room, “For instance: The girth of your horn.”

Excuse me!? A lady does not discuss…”

It wasn’t long until they were no longer in earshot of Pinkie Pie, she held onto the vial as tightly as she could, her warm thoughts of the three of them all smiling in harmony all snug just made her grin a silly-tongued face.

Pinkie looked back at the two cups still set in such a charming fashion atop the table, the steam still present, and as Twilight said they would be just fine with what they were given before.

Pinkie Pie scoffed. “And Applejack said Rarity wouldn’t be too happy about me knowing her whole house inside and out, but that’s silly. Now I won’t have to bother her at all and she can keep playing with Twilight. It’s like the two of us are super friends!”

Pinkie Pie was indeed a very caring sort of pony, she knew all her friend’s homes; including where they kept all their dishware, to even their most private belongings, that way she knew where not to intrude, which to her was mandatory for planning surprise parties.

She reaches a hoof above, into the cupboards—exactly two from the left of the oven, to find a cup and saucer of similar design; utensils as well, in the drawer next to the sink.

Rarity had already poured the hot water, Pinkie simply dropped the hayseeds and dark blend into the press and the plunger did the rest, after carefully adding a bit more boiling water using her all-purpose-always precise tongue measurements; she gently stirs the tea with a spoon and let it brew until it was complete.

The aroma was wonderful. Rarity might have been onto something, she thought as she breathe in a healthy amount before taking the vial from her cotton mane, she wasn’t sure when or how it got there, but details never stopped her before.

“Twilight sure seemed awfully excited today, especially when Rarity agreed to try this stuff out, I’m pretty excited too so… we gotta give it our best shot for Rarity, she has a lot on her plate right now opening up another store. If anything…”

And then a lightbulb appeared over the earth pony’s head. She nods to herself with effervescent approval. She removed the cork from the vial and began to prepare the kitchen table for three.

“Perfect!” Pinkie couldn’t help but be proud of herself when she saw her work, she hadn’t broken, cracked, or accidentally baked a single thing in Rarity’s kitchen… though she wasn’t particular too proud of the last one.

“I sure hope Twilight and Rarity aren’t having too much fun without me, hmm. It has been awfully quiet.”

Pinkie trot toward the exit, thinking of all the fun, silent things her two friends had to be doing in the ten minutes or so she’d spent preparing a third seat.

“Alright-ie gals, the tea is ready, come on!” she signal to them all hoof and smiles, seemingly ignoring the spectacle.

Rarity now stood on her hind-legs, her clenched forehooves covering… whatever it was that she wished to keep private, as well as parts of her that didn’t require coverage in their equine culture. A yarn of sweat crawled down her forehead as Twilight continually appear and reappear in magical burst, measuring every bare inch of the unicorn the tape could touch; while the tape could not measure levels of comfort it did a fine job elsewhere, cutiemark and all.

Twilight had just finished measuring the thickness and diameter of Rarity’s trademark curls before the unicorn let out a squeal of joy at Pinkie’s declaration.

“Ah ha! Excellent timing Pinkie Pie.” Rarity’s horn shimmer and the measuring tool escape Twilight’s eager clutches, and soar carelessly to a unmapped corner of the room.

Twilight’s ears sink with her heart. “Aww, but Rarity I hadn’t even gotten to your—“

A nervous giggle interrupt whatever intimate part of her Twilight was about to invoke. “Come now, Twilight, we don’t want the brew to get cold do we?”

She readily heads toward the kitchen.

Pinkie just smile through it all as she normally would, everything seemed ordinary to her, too ordinary to even question something as simple as two of her closest friends getting along and so… closely.

Twilight’s sadness was short-lived as an epiphany greet her, a look of utter satisfaction decorating her face; the face of an assignment well done. With a poised hoof Rarity managed to wipe the last bit of sweat from her brow, though she looked positively exhausted from her previous experience.

The two pass Pinkie one by one as they enter the kitchen, swiftly they grab their chairs and each one reside at an end, taking in the scent of what most considered the cornerstone of liquid of solace.

“Pinkie Pie this smells lovely, my nose can’t tell the difference from my own technique, I can’t even smell the tonic.” The hostess smile, her trust in her friend had been well deserved.

Rarity examined her cup, pondering uncertainties before looking at the miniature sugar pot. Though, I’d rather not risk adding anything until I know exactly what I’m in for.

Twilight saw her suspicion, “Not to worry Rarity, it’s odorless, if elixirs have a strong scent it’s usually for a very good, or very bad reason. Our tea should turn a deep blue in a few minutes, oh, and remember to take light sips.”

Twilight was sure to note the importance of ingesting only a delicate amount so often.

“I’m just relieved I had all your measurements recorded accurately; even down to the cusp of your horn. Though I can’t recall a time I would have made such a mistake, not since Celestia first took me under wing, heh, I was so clumsy back then.”

Twilight just sat there smiling within her pride and memories, proud that her crown hadn’t gone to her head, and that she could still find bliss in such studious things. All the while Rarity’s cheeks flush due to the intimate nature of Twilight’s happiness.

Pinkie’s hushed giggling wasn’t helping either, every so often she’d whisper the word “cusp” between a cupped muzzle.

Despite Rarity’s blushing, she was shooting daggers at the princess. “Twilight… you do know that most ponies don’t keep records of their friend’s curves and figures. It’s like knowing the ins and outs of their home, a touch intrusive.”

Pinkie’s giggling abruptly end as she now looked like the cat caught eating the canary.

Twilight blink as she tries to wrap her mind behind this level of intrusion, she was genuinely surprised. “They don’t? But Rarity, don’t you keep records of all our measurements too?”

Rarity sigh as a hoof press against her temple, “Twilight dear, I am a seamstress. I have to know a customer’s curvature and figure to fit them just so, it’s completely different.”

“Speaking of figures, Rarity, I’m really surprised, it’s been nearly a year since I’ve tried to measure you and you’re still the same size all-around. It’s impressive really, I’m really curious to know how you manage to maintain your shape.”

Rarity’s lashes flutter, “Oh Twilight, you’re too kind,’ she primps her mane with a hoof. “Why, darling I’d be glad to share my diet and exercise regimen with you, you’re not the only one who's good with scheduling. I’ll show you my records before day’s end.”

“It’s a deal,” Twilight’s ears gave anyway her already obvious excitement. Hearing the word schedule in a sentence usually had that effect on her.

Rarity already seemed as though she were beginning to lighten up from the banter alone, and compliments always put the unicorn in a good mood.

“Oooh, Rarity, I can’t wait for you to try it!” Pinkie’s tail sway gently back and forth in her chair.

“Pinkie Pie, I hope this potion allows me to feel even half the joy you seem to acquire from helping others receive whimsy.” Rarity place a gentle hoof upon her companion’s.

“And Twilight thank you again for coming, it’d become impossible to manage every little thing in my mind without you being around to assist me. During this time of year; the sun shines even longer, birds sing themselves a different color each day, and their lovely voices wake the flowers from their bed.”

Rarity sigh within her words, giving a weary smile as she stares through the ajar curtains, soon her gaze falls to her cup as she watches its color change almost too gradually for her taste.

“Spring is also the busiest season, every dress is longer than the day it was sown, and every year you come to my rescue; and at the chime of noon without a complaint. I’m starting to worry that my friends are too good for me.”

Pinkie was stunned after hearing such a remark, “Are you crazy? You’ve done tons for us too, Rarity.”

Pinkie and I may have underestimated how stressed Rarity truly is if she is saying silly things like this.

Of course Twilight agreed with Pinkie’s protest, she looked down at her cup seeing how quickly her expression change tone, unlike the liquid in her cup.

“Then enlighten me, Pinkie Pie, what generous deeds have I done for any of you this year alone?”

Pinkie’s vision elevates as a single hoof go searching within the candy forest atop her head. She hadn’t glanced at her own tea yet, as her hoof flee from the forest it emerges with a tiny yet colorful monochrome box. She set it in the center of the table.

Twilight watch every movement, curious to a fault, and Rarity just raise her cup with a gentle grip of magic affixed to the cup’s handle as she guides it toward her muzzle and sip until the soothing flavor steal her grim focus for an infinitesimal moment in time.

“Look Rarity!” Pinkie opened the box, and inside were fabrics, one for every endeavor over the years that Rarity was responsible for their attire. The box practically held a prism of rainbows, every thread immediately identifiable to Rarity without touch. Their outfits from the Grand Galloping Gala, Fluttershy’s dangerous mission camouflage, as well as their gowns for Cadence’s crystal wedding.

“I’ve been collecting them ever since Twilight came to Ponyville, isn’t it great!?”

Rarity simply stare into her cup again, and this time, she enjoyed the unicorn smiling back at her, she breathes in the steam coming from her cup and gave a sigh of relief.

And who says it’s a terrible thing, to have friends that are too good for you sometimes? Rarity’s thoughts were already growing sweeter.

Twilight and Pinkie both knew what that smile and heavenly sigh meant, they followed suit and raised their own demitasse, Twilight and Rarity purse their lips blowing cool breaths against the cup’s rim, Pinkie’s tongue could simply take any temperature.

And at that moment the room seem to sit still, time only disturbing the world outside as they all grin in parade under the glow of the sun.

“Divine doesn’t even begin to describe what I’ve tasted, it’s just as the right balance of sweet,” Rarity’s jewel-toned eyes were dazzling, as though she were captivated, locking eyes with the stallion of her dreams.

“I’m glad you like it Rarity, I honestly didn’t think it would be this good. It’s unlike any blend I’ve ever tasted and—“

Twilight pause, Unlike anything I’ve… tasted. But the potion virtually makes everything I’ve mixed with it taste identical, but this taste completely… her expression turned to dread.

She looked down at her tea, and it was still as dark as it ever was, a rich burgundy. She looked to Pinkie whose face was all giggles and glee from finally seeing Rarity inevitable joy surface. As Twilight look to her left she notice Pinkie’s was also the same color. “Pinkie Pie… you didn’t, did you!?”

She nods, “Yep! Sure did, sharing is always the right thing to do Twilight!”

Consummating Confectionery

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It didn’t take Rarity long to notice the difference in the trio of drinks. She just smiled, “Honestly Twilight I don’t see the need for a big fuss, I feel better than I have in ages! Besides we’ve only—“

The shimmer affixed to the handle of Rarity’s cup instantly vanish and came crashing down against the floor in an almost deafening sound as it shatter... Rarity whisk a hoof against her forehead.

“Pinkie Pie there was a reason I wanted to double check your measurements! The potion was gauged specifically for the three of us, portioned precisely by our individual aspects and ages! An untested amount like that isn’t safe for anypony alone!”

“Oop-sie…” Pinkie wasn’t sure just how alarmed she should be, even though Twilight was almost shouting, Rarity didn’t seem to be as worried about herself, as she was more concerned about the broken dish.

“Don’t worry Twilight, I admittedly feel a bit dizzy, but I’ll be fine, no harm done. I just need to pick the pieces up. I wouldn’t want any of my dear friends to hurt themselves due to my carelessness.”

Rarity’s horn light up like a bug zapper, buzzing and flickering spastically. The cup’s remnants vibrate and barely lift off the ground before returning to the floor. Instead Rarity carefully removes herself from her chair, and Twilight’s horn shine to intercept her.

“No, no Twilight. Don’t trouble yourself, you and Pinkie are guest here, there’s some aspirin upstairs, just give me a moment to get myself together would you?”

The unicorn’s stride wasn’t as elegant as it usually was, in fact it was almost the same as Rainbow Dash after she’d had one too many mugs of cider. As Rarity trots toward the exit, she just barely makes it before falling to her knees.

Pinkie rushes over to aid her, raising Rarity’s hoof over her shoulder as she lifts them both from the floor.

A lesser mare would have spoken in slurs, but not Rarity. She meekly tries to push Pinkie away. “Thank you Pinkie, but I’m positively, truly fine, don’t make such a fuss over me.”

A bubbly grin now present on Rarity’s face, “You’re so adorable, always tripping over yourself to make strangers into something more, to stop them from being strangers,” she takes a deep breath, “and always smelling of chewing gum and sundaes.”

Twilight teleports to Rarity’s side, “Come on Pinkie, we should take her too her room. I’m not sure if using my magic on her is such a good idea until know exactly what’s happening to her.”

Pinkie nod, at the moment willing to do whatever Twilight thought was best. And with only a few close calls the two manage to carry her up the final stair and through the door to her room.

As they enter, Rarity used the last bit of her grace and managed to break free of their grasp, carrying herself to a ponyquinn, her back resting against it as she supports herself on two legs alone.

Her vision wasn’t exactly top notch at moment either as she looks to the ceiling and all around her, “When did Sweetie Belle’s room become larger? Aww, how sweet. It must be trying to keep up with her, how cute.”

The two looked at themselves, and then at Rarity with even more worry than they had before. They were indeed in Rarity’s room. Her canopy bed and its rubellite veil still embracing her foam mattress and satin, crimson sheets. Her desk and fabrics were all still shelved and in order; shades of periwinkle floors and amethyst drapes decorating the room.

“Oh Piiiinnnkie,” Rarity beckon her with a liquor grin, “over here, I know you can appreciate something like this.”

Pinkie furrow a brow as she approaches without question, a familiar smell filling the air as her nose search for its origin.

She giggles, “You can smell it already can’t you, isn’t it wonderful? I smell like a bakery.” Rarity smile soften.

Pinkie try and be polite but the aroma was anything but subtle as her snout tickle Rarity.

“I’d just gotten out of the shower a few minutes before you and Twilight arrived, though I can’t imagine what soaps or perfume I used that could have done this… I meant to apologize the moment I opened the door.”

Twilight look on confused, now feeling guilty for not watching Pinkie herself as she handled the potion before.

Pinkie shut her eyes and buried her nose in Rarity’s chest, rubbing her delicate nose against the spongy surface.

The earth pony spoke almost in a whisper, “You smell like you just got out of the oven, ode to marshmallow.”

Pinkie’s breathing hasten, it was almost impossible to resist the urge as her tail twitch, as she pull herself closer to Rarity’s eyes. “R-Rarity… I—“

Soon Twilight began to catch small whiffs of something faint coming from the other side of room now, her wings gently beginning to unfurl with her curiosity.

Rarity’s vision had been continually blurring then correcting itself ever since she’d downed her blue tea, although now it steadily began to improve for the better, yet now her balance was the opposite; as her legs begin to wane Pinkie wrap her hooves around her solid but squishy waist almost instinctively, the two falling onto the rug in the center of the room. The unicorn’s new body, while too gooey to fall with a thud, instead barely makes a sound.

She could see the look in Pinkie’s eyes, and now she almost feared for the sweets that met Pinkie’s ravenous gaze. Poor dear, I didn’t think I was teasing her so severely... To her it looked almost painful for her friend, resisting an obvious urge.

An ivory hoof comb through Pinkie’s swirly mane, “… Go ahead darling, a small taste is punishment enough for how long I left you and Twilight at the door... The offer extends to the both of you.”

Pinkie Pie had literally dreamed of this, a pony made of something entirely delightful! Usually the dreams would come when the Cakes midnight baking caught her nose off guard while she slept.

She locks eyes with Rarity, the final confirmation before she attacks the spot she knew would be tender. A tongue crawl against the unicorn’s neck. Each stroke of Pinkie’s tongue was gentle, yet desperate, making sure she fit as much sugar on her tongue regardless of the mess she’d soon be making.

Rarity’s moaning, her volume rising with Pinkie’s tongue, the sensation was more than she imagined it would be, yet Pinkie never cease; eyes sealed as her lips start to curl at the saturated crease of her throat as she try to savor every inch.

Rarity could feel every morsel of sugar moistening as it glisten beneath that greedy tongue, Pinkie driving deeper still, licking the sugar from her own teeth as to not let any go to waste, until she could no longer contain herself!

Her dripping teeth chomp and bite into the unicorn’s pillow-ie neck. Taking a sizable piece of the living confection in her teeth, leaving an empty pocket in its place.

“OoooOooOh!” Rarity blush as her eyes almost roll to the back of her head, her body jolt and quiver as her chest contract in pleasure her body never knew existed. Shortly after the room fill with the faint taste of honey.

“Ohmygosh--Rarity! Are you alright, I’m soooo sorry! I didn’t mean to I—I—“
Pinkie panicked with cheeks still full.

Before Pinkie could even swallow the marshmallow down, the empty space in Rarity’s neck simply swell, puffing and filling up like a balloon and in a manner of seconds she was the same as when she was new. Pinkie sigh in relief as she finally gulps down her dream-come-true.

Twilight’s body stood solely as a monument to her wings, now fully erect as she watch the display in full from across the room, the origin of honey was no mystery to her at all. Her eyes were glued to the scene, her horn shimmering as quill and scroll were already at her side; they had been for a while now. Her hornwriting was incredible, she’d begun recording every detail, only observations along with the subjects now labelled ”Pi” and ”Pt” for easier reference.”

She ignored her throbbing wings, they were commonplace when ecstatic or aroused, as the book “The Wonderous Workings of Wings” as informed her, undocumented research just had a way with her.

As Rarity’s body begin to settle down, she noticed her spongey-self becoming a bit silky, though there was no sweat despite this new noticeable warmth she now felt slowly subsiding as she catch her breath. It was as if every spec was a sugary nerve on her body focused on the very spot Pinkie had sunk her teeth into; every pinch stirring and rising with the heat inside of her until she pop like a soufflé.

Celestia that felt good, too good perhaps. Even with all my magic and candles in Equestria I’ve never come close to—

“Guess I got a little ahead of myself,” Pinkie let loose a soft-hearted giggle in her embarrassment of succumbing to her appetite so easily.

Generally, Rarity would be embarrassed and certainly miffed considering what she’d just done so shamelessly, in front of her friends; all the squirming, inelegant sounds, potent odors, and not to mention the faces she knew she was prone to making when she reached her limit.

However, the tonic made her a softie, far more considerate of those around her.

“Well, I guess we’re all done then,” Pinkie gently pulled herself up with a weary smile, “Thanks Rarity it was really—“

Just look her, seconds ago she was on the verge of tears because of me… then relief, and now I can feel her heart trembling. Am I cruel enough to let her walk away now, would she ever have a chance like this ever again?

“One moment,” Rarity grabbed her hoof. “I don’t mind, Pinkie… if it’s just a bit more.”

She avert her shy eyes from Pinkie’s, I can’t believe what I’m saying, I’m practically the one begging at this point.

Her profuse blushing made it impossible to keep her embarrassment hidden any longer.

“And, Twilight, you are welcome to measure whatever you may…”

“I’m fine! O-over here!” Twilight respond before Rarity even finish her last breath, her face was a similar color to Rarity’s now. She had hoped she was doing a better job of blending into the background.

Pinkie left herself fall belly to belly, her nose barely an inch apart from Rarity’s, “Are you super-duper sure you don’t mind?” she gave Rarity’s nose a quick peck.

Rarity gave Pinkie a stern gaze, prodding her pink chest with her squishy hoof every few words as she begins to lift her own body from the rug, every touch becoming a guilty pleasure of Pinkie’s. “Only if you behave yourself, your hooves almost feel like a stallion’s now that my body has become so sensitive, because of you so you must be careful.”

“I promise I’ll be good this time,” Now she was the one prodding, her heart skip with every touch as she gently guide Rarity backward.

“Is it a patent Pink-Aaaahn,” Rarity quickly cover her muzzle with a hoof.

Pinkie had rest her shoe on to Rarity’s hoof, still underestimating her cushiony exterior as her own hoof weight down on it, the gratuitous sound the unicorn let loose making it obvious to everyone that she enjoyed the pinch more than she should.

Every time Rarity made a sound, Pinkie’s body twitch and the sweet smell spark something wonderful in her head, almost as if she were mesmerized. And there it was, those eyes of Pinkie’s that screamed her carving, telling Rarity with each passing second that Pinkie’s sweet-tooth was evolving into something unnatural. Rarity’s heart race, an odd mix of warmth and fear, nopony had ever stared at her so intently, so sorely with carnal desire. She imagined this was the gaze of a carnivore.

Subject “Pt’s” coat has fused to her skin.She has verbally confirmed that her skin is exceedingly sensitive compared to her previous body.Subject “Pi” appears almost feral when studying the other subject.
Perhaps she requires more studying that I first theorized.

Like a curious pet, Pinkie pressed down on Rarity’s ear, and the unicorn squeal beneath clasped hooves, the same treatment was given to her horn and this time she cooed. With every press more and more of her powdery scent perfume the air. Pinkie’s assault continued, her hooves massaging Rarity’s exposed slender belly, the tip of her hooves pinching whatever it could just to see and hear more of this beautifully unrestrained, writhing creature from her dreams now brought to life.

Yes, yes right there you pink fool, harder, squeeze tighter!

Pinkie knead and press whatever she lay eyes on, every sound becoming a new dessert for her ears; flinching with every vibration and silent command she give the marshmallow’s body. She tries to pace herself, as she promised earlier that she’d be good; taking a breath for both their sake, her limbs tingling with the sensation of sugar and gelatin petting her hooves. Her tongue traces the rim of her sticky horseshoes, every taste was better than the last. Pinkie’s sticky hooves massage Rarity’s body just right, she kept going until she found an especially soft spot, she felt something new and delicious; that could easily stick to your teeth.

Rarity’s eyes beg her to continue, and Pinkie refuse to disappoint as she force even more of her weight down, under such pressure Rarity’s hooves finally unlock and her euphoric clamor echo throughout the room.

As sneaky as she was, Pinkie had planned for this, taking the opportunity to search for more as Rarity’s body begin to convulse, she lock succulent lips and found another surprise as her merry tongue slip inside.

She ravish Rarity’s tongue with her own, the taste was even more than she hoped for, her own hooves grabbing hold of Rarity’s squishy, cherry colored cheeks as she explore the cavern.

Her gums taste of taffy, just as flavorful and savory as her tongue; the flavor staining Pinkie’s lips. While her tongue was also taffy, the top was vibrant and sour; while the bottom was bittersweet, Pinkie battle with both in a war she hope to win as she periodically chew the tongue.

Rarity could feel her eyes starting to float upward again, every sensation for her starting like an oven and burning into a wildfire. Why, why does it feel so wonderful? Yes,Celestia, chew--bite it! Tear out my tongue!

Her saliva held a faint hint of caramel and her teeth were subtle peppermints, neither were overbearing or over stimulating to any but Rarity, possibility. Everything Pinkie taste just made things foggier, everything inside of her beginning to tighten.

Twilight could see every action, every thrust, pulse, and twitch in view. Two of her closest friends, marehood in full view, salivating, and grinding against one another in a spectacle that only seemed to raise more questions, and her wings.

She’d never admit it in the moment, but the blended fragrance reminded her of a candy store, particularly the ones in Canterlot that Celestia took her too when she was still a filly.

Pinkie pull back just a bit before kissing Rarity’s tender lips again, her hooves treading across the unicorn’s rear, tracing a hoof against her cutiemark before she grab hold of as much puffy flank as she could cup in her hoof. Rarity had always appeared polished and poised beyond the typical upper-crust pony, and yet this was as soft as Pinkie had imagined her rear had always been.

“P-P-Pinkie Pieee!” Rarity’s legs clench as her eyes elevate as her tongue spasm in bliss, Pinkie suck on her tongue, before she effortlessly bite through the chewy center.


“How is it Pinkie?” Twilight’s curiosity caused her to break her preferred silence. She immediately cover her muzzle, blinking at the slight shock, hoping she hadn’t ruin the moment.

A clever idea came to Pinkie’s eyes as she points to her cheeks, eyes shut as she smile through her teeth; rising from the now stained rug that reek of caramel and honey, she trot toward Twilight as innocently as she could until their snouts were a breath apart.

The princess was a bit nervous at the sudden, yet familiar invasion by Pinkie of her personal space. Pinkie playfully prod her own cheeks, then Twilight’s, the message was very clear to her now.

“O-Oh! Pinkie, that’s probably not the most sanitary exchange of information… But I am curious and presently it is the most… effective method?”

Twilight cautiously open wide, preparing for Pinkie’s sudden strike, instead, it was tender. Pinkie purse her lips and gently embrace the alicorn, their tongues merely shaking hooves, and their noses brushing against each other as the taffy was exchanged.

A thread of saliva form as they part. Twilight’s eyes follow the liquid yarn, interestingly enough acting as twine. It was her first time experiencing such a phenomenon. The string lead to her reflection in fact, now she could she herself in Pinkie’s eyes. As the strand fall she also notice Pinkie’s single bouncing brow as she gaze at her.

Twilight quickly advert her eyes, blushing at Pinkie’s very unusual advances, and simply turned about face. As a single entity, she’d given up on trying to figure out Pinkie Pie years ago.

Pinkie just stood there for a moment, her silly tongue still hanging freely as she giggles to herself, it was the type of adorable response she expected from her bookish friend. If she were a lesser mare she might have taken advantage of Twilight turning her back to her so carelessly.

Twilight raise an inquisitive brow as she chew and ponder the discovery, the blend of sour and bittersweet as she made certain to chew a precise number of times before inadvertently swallowing Rarity’s tongue and coming upon her new theory.

Based on the combination of flavors, I’m almost certain the potion has changed the subjects cellular chemistry, perhaps based upon the subject’s personality and or experiences we can begin to understand more. As gossip is potentially known to make any tongue sour, and romanticizing the truth is often a sign of a bitter tongue.

Pinkie peaked over Twilight’s shoulder, “Come on Twilight, Rarity doesn’t gossip that much.” She said in her half-hearted defense.

“Well, it’s only a hypothesis for now, there isn’t much—“

“Hhhn” Rarity groan as she struggle to pull herself from the floor. She finally manage to pull herself up using the corner of her bed, her legs barely keeping her balance.

This body is even more fragile than I thought. Pinkie’s brutish kneading will be the death of me. Still, I suppose there are worse way to expire.

Rarity’s efforts capture the room’s audience in full, they wondered how long she would last with her legs trembling as they were. And this was the second time somepony turned their back to Pinkie Pie today.

“Don’t worry Rarity, Pinkie to the rescue!” she skipped toward her confectionary friend.

“N-no need to worry dear, it’s my fault for letting you get so… close?” She blink in response to the sudden embrace of weight.

“Why can’t you be like this all the time?” Pinkie softly whined, sighing blissfully as if nothing in the world would make her happier.

Rarity nuzzle her odd friend, she didn’t mind being dessert for the time being, so long as Pinkie kept staring at her with such lust. A soft hoof caress the bubbly mare’s cheek.

Pinkie leans in, hooves wrapped around the unicorn’s waist as she supports them both. She rest her head upon Rarity’s shoulder, breathing in her scent as if it were the last time, her hoof carefully descending, until her nose halt her exodus; as it begins to discover something new, darker and robust.

“Well darling, I can’t imagine I’d last too long out in the sun like this, it definitely wouldn’t be good for business. It’s clear that I’d attract wild beasts smelling like this,” she giggles, “who knows the next one that comes along might—“


Pinkie’s teeth bite down, every tooth lining up with every delectable strand and row of the darkened, curly texture, unfurling under the weight until it straighten into a rich contour and break under Pinkie’s ivory fangs.

“PpppiiiIInnkie PIE!”

“M-my nose told me to do it! I’m sorry!” she plead as she chew.

Rarity just sigh as she grit her teeth, It will grow back-it must grow back, remain calm, just like everything else before. It has too, doesn’t it!?

Twilight looked on, the expression of confusion and pure disbelief obvious on her face.

Pinkie turn to her and point to her pudgy cheeks, “It’s mwlk chwlklate!”

Twilight understood her, barely, she still wasn’t taking note of this however.

Subject “Pt” appears to have gone into shock, I believe this will be the true stress-test.

Pinkie’s tongue propel across her muzzle, cleaning her lips of the thick residue. Seeing the look on Rarity’s face made it clear she’d perhaps crossed a line. Maybe I went a teensy-bit too far. But I know how to cheer her right up.

She smile to herself as her hooves worm their way behind Rarity’s lithe backside, trailing down to her flank unbeknownst to her longtime friend.

“Honestly Pinkie, Of all the things to do! I’ve had stallions tug at my mane, but eating something so painstakingly beautiful should be a crime! It’s simply, s-s-simply, f-forgivable, incredibly, entirely for-givable.” Her last word came as if it literally melted off her tongue.

Pinkie would have given a retort to the beauty comment and how it correlate to what she spend the better part of today sampling, but her tongue was far too busy at the time. Every new piece of Rarity she found tested her sanity, the odor was almost mind numbingly sweet.

After tasting the chocolate mane she’d gone right for the center, in Rarity’s rising anger, Pinkie managed to part her legs without breaking her frail balance. She buried her tongue into Rarity’s warm oven without question; in what turn out to be a gummi-grotto.

She nimble every inch she could fit in her mouth, the taste and scent of strawberries being one of her favorites, this was made evident even to Rarity as her head begin to swirl from the sheer sensation of Pinkie’s pleasurable gluttony.

The strokes of Pinkie’s tongue build more and more in strength as she explore, at times she simply lap at the walls, dragging her tongue all the way to the base of Rarity’s tail so numerous flavors would dance on her tongue.

Rarity squirm under the lashing, faint drops of honey splashing against her insides. She could hardly feel her face, she couldn’t imagine how lewd her expressions were as her muscles clench and loins glisten. Pinkie’s appetite was insatiable, it wasn’t long until she find the gumball acting as the gummi-cavern’s crown.

Her tongue told her it was traditional flavor, after a few licks she begins sucking at the flavor, blowing a gentle gust upon the surface as she wanted more, the scent blowing back at her and causing her nostrils to flare in ecstasy.

Rarity’s breathing had gotten ahead of her now, it was all too much, she was holding onto the bed’s end as if for dear life. She was panting in breaths. Her body flare with each flick of Pinkie’s vigorous tongue, her flank jiggling like sponge cake with every sample Pinkie taste.

“Slow down, Pinkie Pie, I’m almost at my…”

Pinkie couldn’t hear a word as Rarity’s leg feel like jello. Her tongue stretch to its limit as she teases the gumball and rolls her tongue into the gummi depths where honey was adamant, unfurling as it enters and curling as it exits so her tongue would soak up as much nutrition as it could. Pinkie was truly the queen of eating sweets.

What does it taste like, I can’t tell very well tell the texture from here… And there are so many smells in the room I don’t really know what my nose is trying to tell me anymore. Gosh… I’ve never seen Pinkie Pie eat anything like that… is it— does Rarity really that good?

Twilight couldn’t tell much from her senses, all she could truly trust were her ears, the constant smacking, slurping, and moaning serve to prove that both subjects in question were enjoying the experience; the puddle of drool and nectar beneath also made for convincing evidence.

Twilight’s wings hadn’t settled down at all, they’d remained erect as her quill every so often write curiosity after another. The princess try to narrow her vision, but to no avail.

Should I… move in closer. I’m missing out on valuable information. And… Rarity did say the offer was for both of us. But, what if they’re already too far gone?

She bit her bottom lip as she ponder her next move, the best way to gather information. Her cheeks now blood red, and yet she wasn’t certain if science was the only reason for her eagerness now.

Rarity’s horn sparkle, the heat inside her finally reaching a boil as her climatic howl resound within the room as her magic expound in a kaleidoscopic burst; every part of her form quivering underneath Pinkie’s hunger.

Pinkie indulged in every drop of sweetness, she lap away as much of the honey as she could, eventually it just pool on her tongue until it cascade like a petite fountain. Pinkie’s tongue retreat only to swallow what little was left decorating her tongue, and Rarity fall to her knees in satisfaction and euphoric bliss.

As Rarity catch her breath, Pinkie rub her fully belly, usually after an hour or so of eating sweets she admittedly had a mild stomach-ache. Now this was a marvel of science to somepony like her.

I wonder… in Pinkie’s sun-dream she envision opening a shop selling nothing but the sweetest of things, all mouth-watering pieces of Rarity of course. The thought of just simply using the potion on other things itself never crossed her mind, or even seemed as alluring as plucking or sculpting edibles from a vulnerable, convulsing, yet very willing Rarity behind the counter. She could hear her soft moans any day of the week, and every bite would send shivers to her and the customers.

However, her daydream was short-lived as she felt herself lift from the floor, now breath to breath with a curious yet authoritatively toned Rarity raising a brow after seeing Pinkie’s blushing stupor and questionable grin. Rarity had called out to her twice before resorting to magic.

“Are you alright… Pinkie Pie, what were you thinking about just now?”

“Who, me!? Nothing! Peppermint Buffalo!” A nervous giggle made it clear that it wasn’t entirely the truth.

An obvious lie, but Pinkie would never think anything vile or cruel concerning her friends. Rarity smile at the thought, and simply pet Pinkie’s head before carelessly tossing her onto the bed like a pillow.

The veil to her luxurious bed now pushed aside, she climb atop the mattress, much like Opal did when she was after affection. Her eyelashes flutter as she crawl closer to Pinkie, which made the earth pony’s heart do the same.

Nearly an hour has passed and Subject “Pt” appears to still possess fully functional magic despite cellular reconstruction. Further testing will be required to know if the subject’s horn is still—

Twilight noticed her quill’s waltz had come to a halt.

“A lady—more importantly a friend, always repays any kindness they are given.” Rarity leans down and gives Pinkie a gentle kiss on the lips, she could still taste herself.

Pinkie felt as though the soft sheets would pull her under, Rarity’s breath being the only thing keeping her afloat as she leave kisses one by one upon Pinkie’s neck, then chest as she attentively travel down her frame.

As Twilight look forward she noticed the world itself had been tinted in a faint hue of sapphire and her hooves no longer touch solid ground.

“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you Twilight, jotting down notes while Pinkie and I have all the fun. Experience is the epitome of excellent research. A little bit of hooves-on experimenting never hurt.”

Twilight wipe the sweat from her brow, everything seemed to be happening so fast. “B-but Rarity, what about the shop and the preparations for—“

Rarity slightly tilt her shimmering horn, “There, the sign is now flipped, and the boutique is now closed. And while I appreciate your consideration, the day is young and you and I have all afternoon leaving us with plenty of time to prepare.”

“Yipee! Twilight’s going to join in on the fun, now it’s starting to feel like a party!” Pinkie throw her hooves in the air.

“See darling, even Pinkie thinks you’re too adorable to pass up,” she giggles. “Besides, your wings would obviously do well with some preening. And everypony’s taste buds are different, who knows I may taste better to you than I did to Pinkie Pie. It’s only fair you find out, for science of course.”

Rarity’s smile was dazzling, especially when she just knew she’d said exactly what you wanted to hear.

“I suppose, I can’t argue with you there.”

Twilight smile as the magic drew her closer to the gorgeous canopy bed, her tail swishing with excitement.

More like, why would I!? Twilight's smile was brilliant.

The rubellite veil brush aside once again, and Twilight found herself inches away from her wonderful friends.

Rarity kiss Pinkie’s thighs as she slowly part them, then came a strong unfair odor flooding her senses. In truth she was a bit annoyed once the smell of bubblegum struck her.

How is that even possible!? Even if it is natural, it can’t possibly taste the way it smells.

“Now watch closely Twilight, there is an art to everything. Once Pinkie and I are done I’ll start on your wings, and you can experiment as much as you like.”

“I’ll help!” Pinkie raise a hoof to volunteer.

“And hopefully once we’ve all gotten some rest, my body will turn back to normal. If not, then perhaps you can clean the rest of the sugar off of me, hmm Twilight?”

“I’ll definitely help, again!”

Twilight was nervous as she begins to watch the act of Rarity’s skillful tongue against Pinkie’s flesh up close, but the princess; while always eager to learn, could finally smell all of Rarity and her marshmallow scent in full and it was sweeter than any others she’d smelled before.

As her own curiosity demand she lean in closer, she also caught a small whiff of something else, it was then that her stomach remind her that she hadn’t eaten a single thing all day. Suddenly she couldn’t help but notice Rarity’s right ear periodically twitching in the corner of her eye, or even more tempting the actual length of her horn.

Twilight shut her eyes, taking a deep breath as she brace herself, and seconds after her tongue was welcomed with the taste of vanilla.