> The Real Me > by Creativa-Artly01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ten minutes till stage," says Rara's manager Blade Sloan. "Thanks Mr. Sloan," replies Rara as she brushes her hair in front of her dressing room mirror. "I'll be out then." Ten minutes later, Rara goes out onto the stage and to a crowd of cheering, overeager fans. She fakes a smile. She loves her fans but she doesn't love pop music. The truth is, she never did. She'd rather be belting out a country ballad to be completely honest. Just the same, she belts out the music they want to hear: the horrible thing she sees as modern pop. A tear falls from her eye. All she wants is to share her country music for everypony to enjoy not this sappy modern pop. Back in her dressing room after the concert, Rara falls down onto her sofa and cries. She wants to get out of the mold. She wants to be her own musician and her own boss. She wants to share the music she loves, the music she grew up with. She even discusses this with her manager hoping he'll be more understanding than her original manager Svengallop. "Sloan," says Rara to her manager, "I don't want to sing pop anymore. I want to start fresh. I want to do country music." "Then do country music," replies Sloan with a smile, "your fans will stick around no matter what you sing and you know that." This makes her smile. "Thanks Sloan," she replies. "Now can you tell Spotlight he can come in since I see him standing in the hall behind you?" He nods and motions Spotlight into her dressing room and then leaves himself. It's time for him to get to changing her public image as the local pop star into the local country star. He knows it's going to be a hard road but if it's what Rara wants, he's going to make it work. In the dressing room, Spotlight and Rara sit down and chat. "Spotlight," says Rara, "do you think I'm making the right choice, swapping from pop to country?" "Yes, I do," Spotlight replies. "You're going to make a great country star." He kisses her then continues to reassure her. "With your voice, you can sing anything and they'll still flock to you. Your fans are loyal and devoted. That will never change." "Thanks, Spotlight," she replies. She tucks a piece of loose mane back behind her ear and a sincere smile appears on her face. "You're welcome," he replies. "Now go show them the real Rara. After all, that's why I fell in love with you because I know the real you. The one that hates modern pop, the one that is humble, the one that loves country music. I love you because I see the parts of you they don't see." "Oh, don't make me blush," replies Rara, blushing. A few moments later, Spotlight leaves and returns to his own studio to work on his newest song. After all, he's not only Rara's boyfriend but a musician too that needs to make a living himself. That's another reason, he knows, they are the perfect couple. They know what it's like to struggle in the musician gig and that's why he has plans to ask her to marry him on Christmas Day in five months time. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at her Manehattan apartment that night, Rara slips out of her stage wear and into a breathable silk night gown. She then sits down at her writer's desk and begins writing lyrics to a country song she's been working on ever since she started her job as a singer but had to shove aside because Svengallop wanted her to do pop instead of what she truly wanted to do: country. She begins to sing the lyrics out loud to herself. "When I was young, I always wanted to be a country star. I wanted to sing country songs and hoped it would take me far. My idols that I adored were all country stars. Big names like Angel Apples and Dolly Colton. They were who inspired me and made me want to sing. They're the reason I'm on this stage so now I'm gonna sing. I'm gonna sing what I really want to, what I wanted to do since day one. I'm going to be a country star and take my place in Celestia's gold sun. I'm gonna be a country star and take my place in Celestia's gold sun." She sighs and a few moments later, falls asleep right at her desk. She'll continue to work on the song in the morning alongside her other country songs that she has been working on behind the scenes for weeks on end when she's not performing concerts for the ponies to enjoy. The next morning, Rara wakes up, changes into a simple plaid top and a denim skirt and gets back to work on her songs. She hums to herself as she writes the lyrics and the melodies. She can't wait to change her image in the eyes of the public and she couldn't be more excited. She's finally being the musician she's always been dreaming to be. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks later, Rara puts out her first country album titled Rara: Back in the Saddle-A Country Album. Within the week, the song "I'm Gonna Be a Country Star" is atop the music charts alongside her other new song, "Country Barbie Doll" as well as her first song ever, "Equestria the Land I Love". Rara couldn't be prouder of herself and neither could her bo. In the weeks following, Rara goes on to have several country music concerts that get a huge, overly positive reception. Rara can't help but smile as she sings and as she signs merchandise over the show. Her turn around is going a lot better than she thought. Even that weekend, she gets a visit from Applejack who congratulates her with a smile. The two then go out for lunch and they even write a duet together. They then perform it at one of her concerts the following day. AJ is glad to be helping her friend create a new image in the Equestria music scene and Rara couldn't be more thankful to have her best friend's help. That evening back at her apartment, Rara flops down on her couch and undos her mane and lets it down. She then falls fast asleep. She's worn out from all the concerts and happily welcomes the much needed rest. Tomorrow, she's got another concert. Until then, though, she can sleep in peace, happily knowing she's made a complete three sixty in her music career and to her, that's the best feeling in the world. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day, Rara puts on another concert with her country songs to massive success. All the merchandise also sells out as do all her copies of her newest album she brought along with her to sell. Ponies by the thousands have her sign their posters and Rara t-shirts. Meanwhile, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Rarity watch Rara with smiles from the very back of the crowd. They're all very proud of her for making this remarkable turnaround, especially Applejack. She's just glad her best friend is finally doing what makes her happy and not what makes only the world happy. A few moments later, the crowd departs and the five go up and greet Rara, who embraces all five of them in a great big hug. "I'm so glad y'all could make the concert!" she says. "It really does mean the world to me!" "I know it does, Rara," replies Applejack with a smile on her face. The six then all go backstage and continue to talk away from the masses of press and cameras. Everything is perfect and the friends would have it no other way. "So, how's everything going out at the farm? At your shops? How are things going with the crusading?" "Everythang at the farm is goin' jus' fine," says Applejack with a smile. "Everything is going smoothly at my shops, dear, thanks for asking," replies Rarity with a slight air in her voice. "We already have our marks, so crusading has slown down quite a bit," replies the CMC. The CMC then proceed to show Rara their cutie marks. "Congratulations on that!" she says with a smile. "Did I mention I'm going to be coming by Ponyville in a few days for a little get away? I was hoping I could stay on the farm, just like old times." "Sure ya can," replies Applejack. "We can even sleep in the loft together like old times." "I'd love that," replies Rara, "thank you." She and AJ share a hug. The group continues to talk for several more hours over sandwiches and lemonade backstage. Rara is glad she gets this alone time with her friends especially considering she has yet another big show in about three hours time, so she has to admit, this alone time with friends is definitely what she needs right now to keep her mind off the new onslaught of crowds that will soon be coming her way. Three hours later, Rara puts on yet another amazing performance, this time with Applejack backing her on banjo and guitar and Rarity helping with backing vocals alongside the CMC. This is a once in a lifetime experience the crowd is witnessing right now and they couldn't be more grateful as they stomp and clap their hooves and shine their horns in adoration. Rara can't help but feel satisfied, completed, she's finally being herself and the world actually prefers her that way, she honestly couldn't ever ask for more. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three days later, Rara arrives at Sweet Apple Acres, where she is greeted in a hug by Applejack and slobbery kisses from the family dog, Winona. The two then head for the barn and climb into the hayloft. "I'm so glad to finally be away from the city," sighs Rara as she plops down into the hay. "I can only imagine," replies AJ with a smile. The two then lay out their sleeping bags. After all, they're sleeping in the loft. Once their sleeping bags are set, the two climb down the ladder and head off to Sugar Cube Corner. Applejack and Rara are eager to catch up and the best way to do that, they can definitely agree, is over cupcakes. At Sugar Cube Corner, the two get their cupcakes then go sit down. "So," says Applejack, "I heard you are engaged now." "Yeah," replies Rara. "Well, congratulations on that." "Thanks." "I got us Dolly Colton tickets for tonight if you want to go." "I'd love that! I'm usually too busy having concerts instead of going to them. This'll be a nice change." That night, the two arrive at the concert grounds early and get the best spot. The two are proudly wearing their matching Dolly Colton shirts. They then unfold their blanket and sit down. They're right at the front, the best place to be. They then put down their bag of things they hope to have Dolly sign for them including Rara's collectible Dolly doll and AJ's first guitar. A few hours later, the rest of the crowds flood in and the concert begins. As soon as Dolly appears on the stage, a giant smile appears on Rara's face. Applejack is glad to see her best friend so happy and enjoying herself. The two enjoy the five hour long concert and even have Dolly sign all their merchandise afterwards thanks to their backstage passes. The two friends are thrilled. This is the best start to their weekend together and to that fact, they couldn't agree more. Back in the farm loft after the concert, a tuckered out Rara falls fast asleep and AJ does the same not long after. The two then begin to dream of the great, excitement packed day they just had. Tomorrow, though, Applejack has something just as fun planned and she can't wait to show Rara. She really and truly can't. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Rara notices that Applejack is no longer in the loft, so she heads to the main farmhouse, where she smells pancakes coming from the kitchen. She enters the kitchen and that is where she finds Applejack. "Good morning, Rara," says Applejack with a smile. "Do you want some pancakes?" "Sure," replies Rara. Applejack then makes up two plates-one for Rara and one for herself. A few minutes later, Apple Bloom and Big Mac walk in and Applejack makes two plates for them as well. The four then sit down around the table together and begin to eat their pancakes. Apple Bloom is eager to finish hers because it's the day of the derby. She has her cart's block ready to be carved and she wants to go on and hurry up to get there so she can do it with her friends. A few minutes later, Apple Bloom and Applejack go to the derby grounds where Applejack drops Apple Bloom off with her friends. Apple Bloom then gets to work with help from the adults that decided to stick around. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are glad she made it. About fifteen minutes later, Applejack returns to the farm and she and Rara then go off to the fair grounds for the day just to hang out like old times. At the fair ground, the two compete head to head in darts and ring toss, laughing all the while. The two are having the time of their laugh. It's just like when they were foals and that, to them, is the best feeling in the world. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week later, Rara returns to Manehattan. That night in her apartment, Rara looks at pictures from her trip at Applejack's before falling fast asleep, letting the pictures fall to the floor. The next morning, Rara is up with the sun and begins to write the lyrics to a new song that she calls "What a Friend Means to Me" after framing all the pictures from her trip. It's a country ballad about Applejack. Rara smiles as she writes the lyrics into her song journal. That afternoon, she works on music to accompany her lyrics. After hours of doing this, she takes a break and goes on her dinner date with Spotlight. The two happily walk down the boulevard and to Ada Mae's Cafe, their favorite place to eat ever since it opened up in Manehattan. At Ada Mae's, the two are seated by a waiter named Chester. At their table, the two talk as Chester sets down the wine in front of them. A few minutes later, he returns and takes their orders. Rara gets the Ada Burger and a salad, while Spotlight gets a loaded baked potato and a hayseed marinated hay steak. The two then return to talking. "How was your trip to Applejack's? How was your visit?" asks Spotlight. "It went well, I needed it," replies Rara with a smile. "We did a lot of the things we used to do as fillies. It was great!" "Well, I'm glad you went," replies Spotlight with a smile. A few minutes later, Chester brings out their meals and the two get to eating. Spotlight gulps his down while Rara takes her time. Within a half hour, the two finish their meals, pay and go walking down the Manehattan streets for a few hours ending at the Manehattan Drama Society Foundation Memorial Fountain. At the fountain, Spotlight then pulls out a ring and asks Rara to marry him. "Yes! Yes! I'll marry you!" she squeals excitedly. "Great! I already have our Christmas wedding planned!" replies Spotlight. "I've always wanted a Christmas wedding with snow everywhere, it's been my dream for the longest time, probably since I was a foal to be honest," replies Rara. "I know," replies Spotlight kissing her on the lips. He then proceeds to walk her home. At her apartment, Spotlight drops her off after giving her a kiss and a hug goodbye. She then closes the door behind her and turns in for the night. Tomorrow she has another concert, so she needs her shut eye. She can only hope the ponies like her new song about her bestest friend in the whole wide world. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in her apartment that night, Rara works on her song titled "Best Friends Always Have Your Back". She can't wait to put it on at the concert tomorrow. "I have a close friend, she's been my best friend since we were young. She told me something I'll never forget, now I'm bringing it to you in song. Best Friends always have your back, they never let you down. They always have your back, they never leave you alone and comfort you when you're down. Best Friends do everything, they stick together through thick and thin. No matter what comes my way, a best friend is always there. Best friends always have your back, they never let you down. My best friend is the reason why I'm here right now and for that, I could never pay her back." She then puts her quill down and goes to sleep for the night. She'll work on the song more in the morning. The next morning, Rara wakes bright and early and puts the finishing touches on the song. That afternoon she goes out on stage, a shimmer in her eye, and puts on the concert for her fans, kicking it all off with her brand new song. As she sings, Rara can't help but smile. She then notices Applejack and Apple Bloom in the crowd, her smile widening. She's so glad they're here supporting her. After the concert, Rara goes down and greets Applejack in a hug and then hugs Apple Bloom. The three then head backstage and talk for a few hours over sandwiches and lemonade. Rara even introduces AJ and Apple Bloom to her fiance, Spotlight. The two couldn't be happier for her. After all, all of Rara's dreams are coming true, what more could they ever wish for her? The three then part ways as Rara goes back onstage for the second performance of the day. The Apple sisters smile as they watch from the backstage. They're so proud of Rara. They can't wait until tonight where they can catch up and chat more together in the comfort of each other's company far away from the clamoring crowds. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week later, Spotlight goes off for a few weeks to spend some family time with his sister, Limelight, and brother, Highlight. Rara sighs. She's glad to finally have a little time to herself since she doesn't have a concert again for another three weeks. She can begin work on several new songs. One of the new songs she's working on is a duet with Applejack, who is staying with her this week. "So, what do you think we should do for the lyrics on the duet?" Rara asks Applejack. "Well, I have an idea," says Applejack. "Follow my lead. When we were fillies, we were close as close could get. We did everything together and that hasn't changed, not yet. Our friendship has outlasted several others. It'll outlive history. I'm a part of you and you're a part of me." Rara nods then picks up her guitar and begins to sing along. "When I first met you, my life felt so complete. We were close as close could get. I will never forget. We became the best of friends, now I'd have it no other way. We went swimming together, bowling together, putt-putting together, we did everything together. We were the best of friends. Some things never change. You always have my back and I always have yours." The two then begin to sing together. "We are the best of friends, that will never change. I will always have your back and you'll always have mine too! When we first met, it changed everything. After that, we stayed close almost bound at the hip. Our friendship will outlast the years. We have no need to fear. Friends always stick together, best friends always stick together for years. Best friends always stick together for years!" Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Spotlight has a nice lunch with his siblings, chatting, joking, and just catching up. After lunch, the three go off to the Canterlot Music Hall of Fame and Art Museum for several hours on end. Spotlight can't help but smile. "I'm so glad I get to spend the week with you guys!" "And we're glad we get to spend it with you," reply Limelight and Highlight. "So," says Limelight, "did you ask Rara to marry you yet?" "Yes," replies Spotlight, "and she said yes!" "Well, good for you!" Limelight replies with a smile. "What about you and Trotter? How's that going?" asks Spotlight. "Trotter and I have just celebrated our third anniversary of our marriage and we're expecting our first foal," replies Limelight with a smile. "Congratulations!" replies Spotlight. "Yeah, congratulations little sis!" responds Highlight. "Thanks, you two are the best!" replies Limelight with a smile. The three then stop talking and get back to looking around at all the paintings and pieces of music history. The three are so glad that they're so close. They'd honestly have it no other way. Meanwhile back in Manehattan, Rara and Applejack finish up the songs and head out for some nice, refreshing ice cream. Rara is glad to have Applejack around. Applejack's just glad Rara is happy because that is all she could ever want for her best friend. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day as they're sitting over coffee, Rara and Applejack begin to talk. "So," says Applejack, "cider season is almost here. I'm excited about that!" "You were always one to excite over cider season," giggles Rara with a grin. Applejack then begins to laugh. Her friend is right. "So, are you going to try to make cider day at the farm in October?" asks Applejack. "I'll try, but keep in mind, I'm also in the midst of planning mine and Spotlight's Christmas Day wedding," replies Rara. The two then lift their cups to their faces and take giant sips of coffee before putting the cups down and popping blueberry walnut scones into their mouths. "These scones are delicious," says Applejack as she swallows one down. "Thanks, they're my Aunt Corona's recipe," replies Rara as a blushing smile appears on her face. Once the two finish up breakfast, the two go off to downtown Manehattan for the day to ride the newly opened Manehattan Express Roller Coaster in the Manehattan Theme Park. The two are the first two in line and get the front two seats followed by twenty other ponies, who are all seated behind them. The ride attendant then closes the braces in the coaster and sends them up the ramp and then shoots them out at 75 miles an hour. As they shoot 75 miles an hour at a time, Applejack and Rara laugh and smile and just have a blast, their hooves in the air the entire time. A few minutes later, the ride comes to an end and the two hop off and go get some funnel cake and apple soda. As they eat, the two express how much fun they had on the new coaster. Once they are done, they trash their dishes and go hop on a slower paced ride called Turtle Mountain, a lazy river style ride. The two are so glad they get to spend the week together. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At dinner that night, Rara asks Applejack a very important question concerning the wedding. "AJ," she asks, "will you be my maid of honor?" "Of course, I'd be honored," replies Applejack as she embraces her best friend in a hug. The two then begin to talk about other things and enjoy their meals. A few hours later, the two return back to the house. There, they set up a movie and watch it for the rest of the night. As they watch the movie, they can't help but giggle. The two can both agree, they always have a blast when they're together. Around midnight, the movie comes to an end and the two head off to bed. As she lays in bed, Applejack can't help but think about all she's missed in her friend's life. She and Rara may have been close as fillies and super close again now, but they weren't always this close. For a while, they were just penpals and nothing more. Now, that has changed and they've become almost inseparable. A few minutes later, she falls fast asleep and begins to snore. Meanwhile, in her room, Rara stares up at the ceiling. She then turns and looks up and through the window at the stars. She then closes her eyes and makes a wish before finally falling asleep. As she sleeps, she can't help but dream about her big day in three months time. The date keeps drawing nearer and nearer and unexpectedly, she is anything but nervous. If anything, she is nothing but excited. The next morning, the two go out for breakfast at the cafe. There, they continue to talk about wedding details over coffee. Spotlight, on the other hoof, is on a train back from his trip to Canterlot with his siblings. As he sits on the train, he can't help but think about his bride to be. He hopes she missed him a lot while he was away but also that she had a good time with her closest friend. After all, his only goal in life is to keep her happy for forever and for always. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, around 7:00, Spotlight returns to Rara's apartment. As soon as he walks in, Rara hears him and dashes down the stairs, a few minutes later, followed by Applejack. "Hey honey, hey Applejack," says Spotlight as he gives each of the mares a hug. "Howdy," replies Applejack. "I'm glad you're home," replies Rara. "So, what's for breakfast?" Spotlight then asks. "There are pancakes in the fridge," replies Rara as she lets go of his embrace. Spotlight then goes and grabs the pancakes out of the fridge and pops them in the toaster. A few minutes later, Rara and Applejack sit down with them and happily drink their coffee and eat their freshly made muffins they had made the day before. "So, how was Canterlot and your time with your siblings?" asks Rara. "It was fantastic! It was so nice to see them again! It's been forever!" responds Spotlight with a smile. "They'll even be attending the wedding and taking part in it. My sister as a bridesmaid and my brothers as best men." "I'm glad they want to be a part of our special day, I enjoy your siblings," replies Rara with a smile. Not long after breakfast, the three head off to the fairgrounds and enjoy the day together. There, they ride every single coaster ten times over and enjoy all the food and games together as well. Applejack is glad she's finally gotten to meet Rara's fiance. She's so glad Rara has found somepony she's happy with and in a good relationship with. A few hours later, Applejack hops a train back to Ponyville but not before sharing goodbye hugs with Rara and Spotlight. She is so glad she got to share the weekend with them and she honestly wouldn't have had it any other way. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's finally December 23rd, it's the day of the wedding. Rara is excited as Applejack helps her get ready. "I can't believe my special day is here, AJ. I'm glad you're my mare of honor." "I'm glad for you. I'm glad to be part of your wedding," responds Applejack with a smile as she zips up the back of the dress. A few minutes later, Coloratura walks down the aisle and takes her place beside Spotlight. She then hands her bouquet off to Applejack who takes it then backs away. The pastor then gives his speech then the two share their vows. "I, Coloratura Melody," says Rara, "take you, Spotlight Lyle, to be my husband, through good, bad, and everything in between." "And I, Spotlight Lyle, take you, Coloratura Melody, to be my wife," responds Spotlight. "You may now kiss the bride," says the preacher. The two then share a nice, long kiss before Applejack takes the stage and sings at the reception of the wedding. "When I first met you, we were just fillies, we became the closest of friends and remained that way forever. Now, look here you are. You're married, you're a star. I'm proud of you, Rara. You're the best friend I could've ever asked for. We were close, two peas in a pod and we've stayed that way to this day. Today is your special day, today's a day to celebrate. Today is your special day, today's the day to celebrate. Rara, just so you know, I've always been proud of you. Yes indeed, I've always been proud of you." Rara just blushes. "Thanks, Applejack, I'm glad we're best friends too," responds Rara as she walks up onto the stage and embraces AJ in a hug. The two then walk off the stage together and go join Spotlight over near the cake table. Rara and Spotlight then slice the cake and feed it to each other. They then begin to slow dance as Applejack watches from the sidelines with a smile. She's so proud of her friend. Now, if only she could find a stallion to love her too. > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days after the wedding, Rara and AJ are hanging out at the local cafe. "So, I'm so proud of you," says AJ to Rara. "Thanks, AJ, I'm glad to hear that coming from you," responds Rara with a giggle as she takes a sip of her coffee. "What now?" asks AJ. "Children, another tour, what?" "Maybe both," responds Rara. "I wouldn't mind doing another Equestria wide tour. I wouldn't mind having children of my own either." An hour later, the two part ways. Applejack hops on the train back to Ponyville while Rara returns back to her studio where she joins up with her husband Spotlight. There, she records some of her songs. After several hours of this, the two head home where they enjoy a nice dinner and dessert together. Rara couldn't be more happy with her life. She's a successful country star, married to the love of her life, what more could she ever ask for. Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Applejack walks into a sleeping Apple Bloom's bedroom and strokes her little sister's mane. "Hey Apple Bloom," says Applejack in a whisper. The young filly soon looks up and then squeals in delight when she sees her big sister on the side of her bed. "Hey Applejack," said Apple Bloom groggily but with a smile on her face, "how was the wedding?" "It was fun," responds AJ with a smile. "Now go back to sleep." Apple Bloom nods and then falls fast asleep in her big sister's arms. Applejack then slips out from under her sister's head and goes and climbs over into her own bed. There, she falls fast asleep, all the while thinking about Rara along with the fact that she, herself, has never found a perfect stallion to call her own. > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A year after their wedding, Rara and Spotlight welcome their first foal into the world, a filly whom they name Shining Star. “She’s so beautiful,” says Rara with eyes full of tears of joy, “with that pale white coat, blue eyes, and turquoise, blond, and white mane and tail.” “Yeah,” agrees Spotlight. “She has your eyes at that.” Rara blushes and thanks her husband. Spotlight kisses Rara on the head and heads out to work at the studio. While there, he meets up and has lunch with Lime Light. “So, how are Rara and the newest foal? How’s married life and parenthood treating ya?” Lime asks as they eat. “I love it, I’m so grateful. I’m so lucky!” Responds Spotlight. “Little Shining Star is such a gorgeous little angel. We love her oh so much!” “Well, I’m happy for y’all,” responds Lime Light. The two talk for another hour before parting ways. Lime Light goes to pick up her own daughter from school and Spotlight gets to work in the studio with one of his new clients in to record their first album. It’s going to be a long and busy day for both of them, maybe moreso for Spotlight than Lime Light, what with him being a new dad and all.