> This Nightmares Night > by Senderoth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By: Senderoth Author’s note: This is my first fanfic, honestly not sure how good I am. Planning on this to be a bit of a shorter fanfic, but heck if I know. Feel free to criticize me, if anything hopefully it will make me better for the future. I wrote this on the spur of the moment, heck past school projects which I never tried on, I never wrote anything. So thanks to anyone who reads and thanks to those who review. Credit: These are some friends who helped me out a lot with the story. Just thought i’d give a bit of credit. Crimson Tail Loki Lulu Setting: A few years ahead of the current time line, and of course this takes place in ponyville. A few things happened, and more of the ponies are learning about a different kind of friendship, Love. As for the time of our story, it is only about a week until Nightmares Night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was early in the morning as the rainbow pegasus was sleeping on the cloud-ground in front of her cloud home, having had a bit of a late night last night she could barely make it there, let alone to her bed. Now around 11am, the pegasus’s sleep was disturbed by another pony, a rather giggly and hyper pink one. “Hey hey!! Rainbowwww Dashhhhhhh, any pony homeeeee?” called out a pony that seemed to be much too hyper... all the time. Rainbow groaned a little as her eyes closed a bit harder before opening lazily, her hooves reaching up and rubbing against her eyelids to rub the sleep out of her eyes. She then continued to yawn and look around for the source of the noise, before poking her head over the cloud and looking down at Pinkiepie. “Ughh.. do you have to be so loud first thing in the morning? Well.. late morning...” Grumbling that last part. “Well of course silly billy! Every other pony is usually awake by now! Why arn’t you in bed anyway?” Rainbow sighed, having have this conversation with different friends a few times, and it seemed that every time other ponies that weren’t a pegasus didn’t understand that beds are just for fun when you live on clouds. “Who cares, why are you here anyway?” “Oooo! Thats right! I’m giving out invitations!!! Its gonna be a super duper looper party to celebrate Nightmares Night! Theres going to be everything! We’re going to have cake streamers cupcakes soda party hats costumes confetti decorations pin the tail on the pony apple-bobbing throw the spider...” At which point pinkie stopped to take a big breath to continue. Already Dash was annoyed, but expected this at some point during their conversation, as she stretched her limbs and then quickly flew down to pinkie putting her hoof over the pink earth pony’s mouth. “Alright Pinkie I’ll come.” Pinkie’s eyes widened as she had a rather happy look on her face that the pegasus would be coming, pulling an invitation out of seemingly nowhere and holding it out for Dash, who in turn took it. “By the way, if you have a date you can bring them, a lot of other ponies are doing it apparently.” And with that she happily hopped away in her happiness... Dash on the other hoof didn’t care too much one way or the other, as she figured she might as well bring Vinyl as her date even if she would be busy making the music, thought she figured that the problem mostly would be how her friends would deal with it, being as she has yet to tell anyone. With that she flew back up to her clouds, setting the invitation down somewhere and then drifting back off to sleep. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not long after this has happened Rainbow managed to finally wake up, yawning and stretching her body. After a good five minutes of being lazy she flapped her wings getting up into the air and headed off to Vinyl’s place. Knocking on the door and heading inside, being close enough by now to be allowed to just walk in, looking around and shrugging guessing Vinyl like usual was probably knocked out in her bed from the long night. Closing the door she went over to the bedroom and opened the door looking inside, and giggles a bit as she saw Vinyl sitting in her bed with her goggles still on, nibbling on a vinyl record. Unable to help herself Dash just watches for a bit before coming over and shaking her a bit in an attempt to wake her, succeeding after a few minutes. Vinyl groaned a little before opening her eyes, her goggles on her forehead as she realized she was nibbling on the record, blushing and looking away from the rainbow maned pegasus, setting the vinyl on the dresser before sitting up in the bed. "Heya dashie... any reason your over here so early?" "Well, you probably know but Pinkie is throwing the Nightmares Night party, and I was kind of wondering if.. you know.. you want to go with me?" At this Vinyl just grins a bit wrapping her fore-hooves the pegasus from behind leaning into her a bit "Heh, sense when did you do things like this? Your normally not like this.." at which caused Rainbow to blush a bit, "Though I thought we agreed to not get too intimate?" Dash frowned a bit, nodding as she knew Vinyl's nature and her profession, she preferred to be free and not tied down, though Rainbow, even with her tomboyish nature was the element of loyalty. Instead though she just nodded as she got up. "Well... I guess I'll see you at the party." After the conversation was over the pegasus went back to her cloud home, beginning to think about the conversation before and wondering if Vinyl is really the one she wants to be with, her mind then going to what kind of costume she should wear to the party. She had a few ideas in mind... but none of them seemed good enough. After a good hour or two she finally settled on an idea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now a few hours later in the day it was somewhere near 4pm, the rainbow-maned pegasus having woken up fully now and done her morning routines decided to head over to Rarity’s, after all she would need someone to make her a costume, and she already had an idea in mind. Of course being RainbowDash, no one can upstage her when it comes to the coolest costume... What would have taken a 5 minute walk or so was a measly 5 seconds to Dash, coming in front of the shop and knocking on the door a bit impatiently, wanting to get this over and done with, knowing that she’d have to stay still and let Rarity do her thing, which wasn’t Dash’s thing... especially standing still. Rarity having woken up rather early was already done all of her routines and was in the middle of going over a few designs she had in mind up in her private room, until she heard a knock at the door. She sighed a bit and set her materials down before leaving the room and coming to the front door, the light blue glow coming off her horn and then coating the door as the door opens, having used her magic to open it like she did with everything and smiling at the guest, stepping to the side to allow room for Dash to come inside. “Why hello there darling, is there something I can help you with?” Rainbow sat there for a few moments waiting, but luckily she didn’t have to wait too long, seeing the sight of Rarity she smiled a bit, catching herself and going back to her normal look, not sure why the sight of the unicorn calmed her down. Walking inside she nodded to Rarity as the unicorn used her magic to shut the door. “Well yeah, I have a costume that i would like you to make, for the party.” “You sure came to the right place dear, I’m a little booked on requests but I definitely can help you.” She says with pride. “So what is this costume that you wish to make?” At this RainbowDash frowned a bit, biting her lip as she looked down then up at Rarity. The kind of costume she wanted wasn’t her usual style at all, but considering that she was bringing a date it would be different. She leans in and whispers to Rarity, telling her the idea as the unicorn’s eyes light up. “My word dear, I didn’t know you would think of such a thing! I’m going to get started on this right away.. This might take a few days though, for you I shall make this just perfect!” At this Dash groaned a little, knowing this was going to tie her down for at least a few hours, already mulling over if she should do this or just forget it and wear her old shadowbolt costume. However the second she told the purple-maned pony that was thrown out the window....