Fall Of Nightmare Moon

by DryvernX

First published

The Elements Of Harmony has defeated Nightmare Moon and saved Princess Luna. But Nightmare still lives on, as they're now split into two separate beings. Now Nightmare Moon will be punished for her crimes. A punishment worse than death. Or is it?

The Mane 6 did it. They have defeated Nightmare Moon after her 1000 year return. But Nightmare Moon was not destroyed. Instead she's been split away from her good self Luna. Instead of being sentenced for execution, Celestia instead opts to sentence Nightmare Moon a punishment that'll be worse than death for her crimes. The former queen of the moon will spent the rest of her eternity with dragons... as their own pet. Will she get used to this punishment?

This story is an AU Friendship Is magic Part 2, where Nightmare Moon was instead split into herself and Princess Luna.
All ponies are anthro. Cover made by Skykain from Derpibooru. Contains: Rape, anal, blowjob, minor breast play, submission, sex slaves/pet, some mind break, and nudity.

Nightmare Moon's Demise

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The 6 ponies did it. Nightmare Moon stood in shock of the rainbow colored light glowing in front of her. The black alicorn wore dark blue armor breast plating, and armored blue panties connected with small chains. Her feet were covered with dark metal shoes. On her head she wore her helmet with a hole that connected with her horn. Other than that, most of her black fur was uncovered, and most of it was visible for any pony to see. Her cutie mark was of a black half moon. Light shined all around the throne room of The Castle Of The Two Sisters. Earlier, a unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle studied the 5 cores of the Elements Of Harmony, to discover the sixth. Nightmare Moon did break the cores to pieces, but Twilight soon discovered the true meaning of the elements power. By realizing that they run though the power of the 6 keys of friendship; Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty, and finally the spark of friendship Magic, she and her 5 new friends, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash represented the 6 Elements, and they together formed the one thing that leads to Nightmare Moon's defeat.

Nightmare Moon stepped back in fear. The Elements started forming a large rainbow, that got near her presence. "Nooo! NOOO!" She exclaimed of pure horror. But it was too late. The Elements Of Harmony soon begun engulfing her in pure rainbow energy of friendship. The evil lunar overlord tried every bit of energy, to struggle herself free of their grasp. But it was no use. She was within their power, and had no hope of escaping the rainbows surrounding her completely.

"This can't end like this! I will have my eternal night!" Nightmare Moon thought inside her own senses. They soon became weaker though, as she started feeling strange all of a sudden. "My body! It's... ripping apart." And true to her word, her body really felt like, as if her body was ripping in two pieces.

Out of Nightmare Moon's back, a shadow of a dark blue furred alicorn akin to herself was getting pulled out. The shadow soon got stripped out of Nightmare Moon's back, and fell to the ground. The 6 ponies that were using the elements upon her did not notice the pony that got pulled out of Nightmare Moon's back. Nightmare Moon soon felt her remaining strength leave her whole body, and she also fell to the ground unconscious.

Once the rainbows finished surrounding Nightmare Moon, they made everything in the whole room shine from their pure light. Once the light ceased, each pony were on the ground, having clearly been exhausted from using the power of the Elements. The blue pegasus Rainbow Dash was the first to wake up. "Ugh, my head."

Next one up, was the earth pony mare Applejack. "Everypony okay?"

Rarity the white unicorn woke up afterwards. "Oh, thank goodness."

The yellow and shy pegasus opened her eyes, and noticed something upon Rarity. "Why Rarity, it's so lovely."

"I know! I'll never part with it again." Rarity smiled, as she noticed her once torn mane tail was restored to it's original good self.

"No. Your necklace. It looks just like your cutie mark." Fluttershy pointed out, as she saw the golden necklace with a diamond shaped gem around her neck, which was the same shape as her cutie mark.

Rarity noticed it, and soon noticed that Fluttershy wore one too, except her gem had the shape of a pink butterfly, akin to her cutie mark. "What? Ooh. So does yours." The butter pegasus gasped in surprise of seeing a necklace upon herself too.

"Look at mine! Look at mine!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Her necklace contained the gem shaped like a blue balloon.

Rainbow Dash flew up with her wings, delighted to see her necklace shaped like a red lightning bolt. "Aw yeah." Applejack's gem had the appearance of an orange apple, and she walked toward her friend Twilight.

"Gee, Twilight! I thought you were just spoutin' a lot of hooey, but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship."

Then a voice replied to Applejack's recent line. "Indeed you do."

Everypony gasped, and they were all blinded by an upcoming light from a nearby opening. And once the light ended, they all noticed the presence of their one true ruler. Princess Celestia, the white alicorn of the sun. Everypony got on their knees before their princess, while Twilight Sparkle ran up to her mentor. She spread her arms out, and hugged the solar princess.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it." Celestia told her while she smiled down upon her faithful student.

"But... you told me it was all an old pony tale."

"I told you that you needed to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to defeat her, but you could not unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart." Celestia told her student. She then went near the stance of the rubble, where the queen of the moon once stood. "Now if only another will as..." but then her wise smile, turned into a face filled with surprise.

While Celestia expected the living corpse around the rubble was somepony else in her mind, she instead saw the still living queen of the moon, Nightmare Moon on the ground. "Nightmare Moon?!"

Everypony gasped once more, yet this time, the gasp was out of horror and surprise. Pinkie Pie was the first to jump back in fear. "What?! Queen Meanie is alive?!"

Twilight was flabbergasted of the result. Despite firing up their elements on Nightmare Moon, she was laying on the ground unconscious, but still laying around, still breathing. "But... the elements... they should've taken Nightmare Moon down! How is she still here?!"

Nightmare Moon soon opened her two own eyes. She felt incredibly weakened, and almost unable to move herself. In front of her, stood the feet of her old enemy; Princess Celestia. While shocked that she had escaped her capture earlier, she still had the strength to grit her teeth, and glare upon the princess. "Cel... Celestia. Thou managed to... escape."

Celestia made her horn glow, and soon the defeated Nightmare Moon felt herself restrained, and surrounded by bright yellow magic. Celestia forced Nightmare Moon's face close to her own. "Nightmare Moon. Where is she?"

"Who're thou referring to?" Nightmare Moon weakly asked, while also coughing a bit. That only made Celestia glare on her even more.

"You know who i'm referring to alright." Celestia growled. "My sister. Where is my sister?"

Twilight was surprised at the reason why Celestia interrogated Nightmare Moon. "Sister? Princess Celestia has a sister?"

Nightmare Moon however shook her head weakly. "I do not know. I cannot feel her presence inside my veins anymore."

Celestia's glare only got even more angrier. "You... I won't hesitate to banish you back to the moon!" She exclaimed. Everypony but Nightmare Moon jumped back in surprise, of her large outburst, as they've never seen her this angry until this very moment. Before Celestia could continue any further, she heard a weak voice right close to where Celestia was restraining Nightmare Moon. In fact, it was actually right behind her.

"Sis... sister?" That made Celestia gasp, as she dropped Nightmare Moon with her magic(but the magic that restrained Nightmare Moon still remained), and then ran toward the source of the weak voice.

"Luna? You're alive!" Celestia exclaimed. Behind some more rubble, there laid another alicorn on the ground. She was almost similar to Nightmare Moon, but her fur shade and mane were lighter in color. Unlike Nightmare Moon, she lacked any kind of armor, she wore a dress that was purple in color in place of them. She weakly raised back up on her feet.

"Celestia?" She almost whispered. She used as much of her strength as possible to raise back on her feet, and ran up to her sister. Once she came close enough, she fully hugged her, while also dropping tears of joy. Celestia could no nothing but return the hug. "Sister. Oh how i've missed you so much."

"As have I my dear Lulu." Celestia said with tears of joy. The hug lasted for a bit, while the ponies but Nightmare Moon awed at their sisterly moment. "It's been so long since I had no choice but to banish your evil 1000 years ago."

"And i'm sorry for being so jealous of your sun back then." She said. Once they finished their hug, Twilight came up to her.

"Celestia? Is she truly your sister?"

Celestia turned and nodded to her student. "She is. My dear sister, Princess Luna once became Nightmare Moon all those years ago. But now thanks to you and your friends, she's now free from her grasp."

Then Rainbow Dash flew up to them. "Speaking of Nightmare Moon. How come she's still here?" She said, while pointing at Nightmare Moon who still tried to struggle free from her restraints.

Both Celestia and Luna walked toward her, and glared on the powerless evil alicorn. "You! Thou have once forced me into becoming just like you are. A wicked ruler who wants nothing but eternal night."

Nightmare Moon grinned to her good former counterpart. "Can you blame me? Thou were the one who couldn't resist your dear sister's good looking sun, who was always adored unlike our moon." She mocked her.

"Usually the Elements Of Harmony fixes the problem of any evil they touch. It seems that it had a different effect on you Nightmare Moon. Instead of purifying my sister like it should've done, it instead split you and Luna into two separate beings."

Twilight gasped. "I have no idea why the elements would still let somepony as wicked as Nightmare Moon still live like this."

"Well it's no use restraining me Princess. I can simply break myself free from your magic!" Nightmare confidently gloated. "And once i'm free, I will be back for another time, and my plan of eternal night shall be restarted!"

Pinkie then randomly appeared. "Speaking of eternal night. I do have an assumption. Is it really a good idea to hold an eternal night? Not sure if anypony wanna party all night forever. Ponies also need a bit of sun for us to live. In fact, wouldn't eternal night also result in no food for us? Our vegetables need food, and we can't live with cake forever... unless you're me of course."

Everypony looked at Pinkie flabbergasted. Applejack came toward Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie? How in tarnation... did ya figure out such a good point?"

Pinkie smiled to Applejack. "Just a hunch."

Nightmare Moon then turned serious again. "Enough of this. See ya another night foals!" She concentrated all of her strength, as her body glowed completely dark. But then suddenly the glow ended, and Nightmare Moon still found herself restrained by Celestia's magic.
"What? My power! Why am I feeling so weak! I'm the all powerful queen of the night Nightmare Moon!"

Celestia then looked down at Nightmare Moon. "It seems that once the Elements Of Harmony split you and Luna from each other, it also greatly weakened your power. And since my sister was the original out of you two, she must be the one who kept the most of her former power."

Nightmare's eyes widened in shock. She could not accept such a downgrade. She was Nightmare Moon. Queen of the night, and the rightful ruler of Equestria. Yet she had lost most of the power she formerly wielded. "No! You... you will suffer!"

Celestia shook her head. "No Nightmare Moon. You have done plenty of crimes on our beautiful land. It is time for us, to bring you to justice."

"After we celebrate right?" Pinkie Pie blurted out.

"Yes my friend. After we celebrate her defeat." Celestia agreed with Pinkie. The pink pony immediately cheered hard, and started bringing out everything she could think of, for their celebration.

Later that day, Celestia and Luna were being carried away on their chariot pulled by two pegasus guards. Nightmare Moon was still restrained, and was sitting on the back of their ride. Celestia has just announced to her student Twilight, that she was allowed to continue her studies in Ponyville, so she can be with her friends more, and learn much more about friendship. Now the princesses and the captured evil former alter ego of of Princess Luna, Nightmare Moon are returning to Canterlot, to justify her punishment. The ride wasn't too long, and they were back in Canterlot in a matter of minutes. Once they have landed on solid ground, the two princesses stepped out, along with Celestia carrying Nightmare Moon with her magic.

One of the pegasus guards stood in his guard position in front of her. "Princess Celestia? Want us to company you your throne room? You got a dangerous evil with you after all."

"No thank you lieutenant Metal Lance. Just return to your patrol duty. Me and my sister will take care of her punishment." Celestia told her lieutenant. Metal Lance bowed before her in respect, before he and his partner flew off with the chariot.

"Let's go to our thrones dear Lulu. You got much to catch on." Celestia told her younger sister. Luna could only nod in agreement with her.

"Yes. And there we shall see what punishment, this wicked mare deserves." Said Luna, who was glaring down at Nightmare Moon. The latter mare glared back at her. She wanted to get back at them, and free herself. But no matter how much she tried, she couldn't break free. Her future in Equestria now had huge possibilities. The two alicorn princesses then took off with Nightmare Moon floating beside them.

On their way to the castle, plenty of ponies they were walking through happily greeted Princess Celestia as they were relieved to see her being okay from the temporary eternal night. While some were a bit confused of Luna being among them, they took her calmly, and didn't mind her being among them at all. However noticing Nightmare Moon brought more confusion and anger upon her. It seems that some other than Twilight also knows the story about Nightmare Moon.

"Is this whore really Nightmare Moon?" Asked a random stallion. Nightmare Moon could only growl in return.

"She hardly looks dangerous for a 1000 year old villain." A question came out from a unicorn mare.

"What will the princesses do to her now?" Now asked a unicorn stallion. That question also haunted Nightmare Moon's mind at the moment.

"Is this it? Is this how it all ends for me? The great Nightmare Moon's end?" Nightmare Moon thought. She sweated deeply, as she couldn't resist thinking of the possible punishments she'll get. Banishment to the moon again? Getting transferred into a maximum security prison? Or even execution? She knows she'll find out soon, because the two princesses were now entering their castle, and with her right behind them.

After walking past dozens of guards patrolling the areas, they eventually reached the throne room. In there, Nightmare Moon was freed from being surrounded by magic, and was dropped to the ground. Despite that, she still had binds of magic restraining her hands and feet. Now Nightmare Moon knows it's time for her to receive her divine punishment.

"So... Princess Celestia? And my pathetic former self?" Nightmare Moon asked harshly toward her. She wanted to spit right at her face, but knew better to do so at such a moment. "What do you plan on doing with me now?"

Princess Luna was the first one, who had ideas in her mind. "Sister. I say we give her a punishment so horrid, that she'll regret of ever possessing me in the first place!"

Princess Celestia however kept her cool easier than her sister could. "I know Luna. It's time to figure out what her punishment shall be."

"Then I suggest we bring out the guillotine. Then she shall not ever exist in Equestria anymore!" Princess Luna exclaimed with her royal canterlot voice. Despite having disappeared for such a long time, her voice was still working functionally.

Celestia gasped, and turned to her sister in firm anger. "Luna! We do not! We're not going to execute Nightmare Moon."

Nightmare Moon almost sighed in relief, due to death sentence was not going to be her punishment.

"But sister! She possessed me! Made me do things against thy will! Why not exterminate her?!" Luna tried to argue, only for her sister to gently pat her shoulder, before giving her a soft glare.

"Listen Luna. I understand your fear and pain of her. And she may've done all those evil and bad things those years ago. But if we kill her, we'll be no better than Nightmare Moon."

That actually silenced Princess Luna for a few seconds, before looking down a bit. "I'm... i'm sorry sister. Just all that anger of her taking control of me back then, really pained me so much."

"Aww? Did I hurt your feelings this badly?" Nightmare Moon mucked her. She only stopped when Celestia glared back at her.

"You're not going to be sentenced to death Nightmare Moon." Celestia assured her. "On the contrary, i'm going to give you a punishment worse than death."

The restrained queen of the moon actually gulped at hearing Celestia tell her that info. "What're you... going to do with me?"

Celestia's glare transformed into a smirk. "First off, i'm going to confiscate everything you've worn all over these years."

That statement only made Nightmare Moon confused. Celestia's horn glowed, which forced Nightmare Moon's body stand up on her feet. Then next, all of her armor started to glow. Then to her own shock, the armor started to detach from her body, all thanks to Celestia's magic. Her breast plates detached from her chest, exposing her bare breasts, which were of size D. Her armor panties split into two pieces, and fell to the ground, leaving Nightmare Moon's bare rear and ass cheeks exposed. She felt her royal shoes leave her feet, and then her helmet was pulled out of her head, showing her whole head without it. Nightmare Moon now stood completely removed from all her armor/clothing. She was now stark naked in front of Celestia and Luna.

"Is this my punishment? Leaving me like this for everypony to watch?" Nightmare Moon asked. She wanted to cover herself, but sadly she could not, thanks to the magic bindings. Luna was a bit confused of what Celestia's doing to her evil former self.

"No. But you getting stripped is part of your punishment." Celestia informed her. "And next I wanna ask you something Nightmare Moon. How was your time on the moon for 1000 years?"

"Oh it was great sitting on my ass down, on a moon rock for 1000 years, without anything else to do." Nightmare Moon replied sarcastically. She then exclaimed the real deal. "It was like Tartarus! I haven't even taken a shower or even removed my armor for a thousand years!"

"That's what I was hoping you would answer Nightmare Moon." Celestia said, as she maintained her grin. That grin made Nightmare moon's spine almost tingle a bit. "It seems all that time on the moon has also made you quite lonely. Well you're in luck, because that's going to be changed."

Nightmare Moon was taken back a bit of what she just mentioned in front of her. "What? What do you have in mind?"

Celestia then decided to be slightly more serious, and get to the point. Now Nightmare Moon's punishment was at set. "Nightmare Moon. As your punishment for trying to create eternal night, harm my little ponies, and possessing Princess Luna..."

Nightmare Moon gulped, as Celestia continued. "You will be sentenced to be sent, and live in the Dragon Lands for life."

Neither Princess Luna nor Nightmare Moon anticipated Princess Celestia to deal her with such a punishment. "Sister? You're banishing her to the land, where every dragon lives?"

"I am." Replied Celestia, before turning to Nightmare Moon. "This will be your punishment, worse than death itself."

The stripped queen was shocked, and could not believe her punishment. "That is... despicable! You'll pay for this!"

The solar princess merely turned to Nightmare Moon, and faced her. "This is the justice you truly deserve. I even sent a magical message to the dragon lord of those lands on the way here. Once i've sent you there, he will neither treat you as an enemy, nor a friend. You're gonna be the dragons pet. I'm sure he won't mind you being there to serve him and his fellow dragons.."

"You shall not get away with this! I will return! And I will have my revenge! And I will make you all suffer! The night... will one night last... for..." She was then teleported off by Celestia's magic before she could finish her long sentence.

"Goodbye Nightmare Moon. Hopefully we shall not meet ever again." Celestia said, as she sighed calmly. Luna hugged her sister, which she returned happily. "Relax dear sister. It's finally over."

Luna smiled back. "I guess this is what Nightmare Moon really does truly deserve." She then noticed Nightmare Moon's stripped armor laying on the ground. "And what shall we do with those?"

Celestia had a small grin on her face. "I know exactly what we're gonna do with those."

Meanwhile at the mountains and outskirts far away from Canterlot, Nightmare Moon appeared in the middle of everything. "...ever!" She finished, before she noticed her surroundings. "Where am I?"

Nightmare Moon looked around, and found herself completely alone, almost just like when she was banished to the moon. Then she heard a very loud voice right behind her.

"You're stepping upon the Dragon Lands!" Nightmare Moon turned around, and noticed the presence of a large, no humongous four legged dragon, whom easily dwarfed her by almost a hundredfold. He was dark green in skin color, two giant horns on his head that were pointing down along with the left one wearing a gold band. His chest wore a large grey chest armor, his wings were large and terrifying, and his stare was so menacing that he could intimidate almost anypony underneath himself.

Nightmare Moon felt her spine tingle a bit, but she tried to keep herself firm at the presence of the dragon. "You big foal of a dragon. Thou you know, who you're speaking to?"

The enormous dragon stared down at Nightmare Moon, while also leaning his head down to show his might and position. "I am Dragon Lord Torch." He introduced himself. "And I know fully well who you are. Nightmare Moon."

Nightmare Moon took a few steps back, before Torch raised his voice again. "I have received a message from an old friend. It involved a slave for me and my dragons who shall serve. Princess Celestia did make a good choice, by moving the former queen of the moon to our land."

"You big oaf! I Nightmare Moon shall not serve under the lower species! Especially not dragons!" She arrogantly exclaimed. Dragon Lord Torch however remained firm. He knew clearly well that Nightmare Moon was of no threat to him and his dragon brethren.

"Princess Celestia sent you here. The teenage dragons are growing bored over time. They need excitement, pleasure, and satisfactory to run their dragon energy, and there are less female dragons for them to enjoy themselves with around these areas. You shall serve us, and help me and my fellow dragon's satisfactory!" Dragon Lord Torch then continued with a huge roar, that almost rivaled the Royal Canterlot Voice in terms of noise. Nightmare Moon protected her ears from the loud noise from his roar, before he eventually stopped. As Nightmare Moon stopped covering her ears, she then started hearing the sound of flapping dragon wings. In fact, she started to notice plenty of dragons approaching their location. Both adult and mostly teenage dragons could be seen flying toward them. They all seemed to be males by appearance alone. Once they were close enough, they landed on the earth, and surrounded the Dragon Lord.

"Dragons of Equestria! Hear me! Us dragons, particularly the teen dragons have felt no satisfactory for centuries! Now today, it shall all be changed!" He exclaimed, as he pointed down on Nightmare Moon. "The Princess Of Equestria has brought us all this gift! The former queen of the moon, now destined to serve the dragons forever!" All the dragons started cheering on Torch's name.

"This is my punishment?! I'm going to be a sex slave for all these brutes?!" Thought Nightmare Moon.

All the dragons around cheered even harder for their Dragon Lord, and every dragon let their tongue out, as if they couldn't stop thinking of their upcoming pleasure. "Now my dragons! Let us start our satisfactory today! Some volunteers for today?"

Most dragons wanted to have a turn at this very moment. After a small moment of silence, a group of 3 teen dragons approached the presence of the dragon lord. The group consisted of a bulky dark blue dragon, a skinny purple dragon, and were led by a semi large muscular male teen dragon. "We would be honored to have the first shot on this bitch!"

The Dragon Lord looked down and nodded to Garble. "Are you up for the first shot at our new plaything?"

"No doubt. They don't call me Garble for nothing."

Nightmare Moon on the other hand could not take such a punishment. She wanted to get out of here. She started running off, and flap her wings. But before she could take flight, she was suddenly pulled back by the enormous claw of Torch, who had taken a grip on her wings. "No one leaves unless I say so!"

Torch put her down, before giving out his next order. "Take her to the Dragon Caves! There you shall enjoy our satisfaction!" Soon the group of teen dragons started surrounding the defenseless alicorn, and they held a grip on every limb she got, to prevent her from escaping their grasp again.

"Let me go you brutes! I will tear you all apart for this!" She threatened them. But it was no use, as the dragons could care less, because her threats were all meaningless. They then approached a large cave nearby, and pulled her in. Once inside, Nightmare Moon was placed on a big table in the center of the cave.

From above the ceiling there was a large hole that was the source of the light, that shined down on her naked self. That light would soon end, as a large silhouette covered it all up. That was Dragon Lord Torch once more, who could not enter the cave entrance due to his size. "Now my dragons! Pleasure yourself, and use her however you like."

With that order, the dragon lord left, leaving Nightmare Moon with the teen dragons. The three teen dragons especially Garble smirked as they held the struggling mare. "Oh don't you worry Dragon Lord. We'll have no problem having fun with this bitch." He and his fellow teen dragons approached the table where Nightmare Moon still laid, and then they got up on that said table. Each dragon went for a part of Nightmare. Garble held Nightmare Moon up, and then laid her atop of himself as he laid on his own back. The dark blue dragon stood in front of Nightmare Moon's face. The purple dragon was right behind her rear. "Now let's have some fun guys."

"Oh I have waited a long time to have some fun. And who would've thought we would do it with an alicorn? And a former princess?" The purple dragon grinned. He reached his claws for her butt cheeks, and started spreading them out a bit. He slurped his tongue at the sight of her dry pussy and anus. He slipped his tongue into her pussy, and licked it long and slowly. The former royal black mare gasped in surprise. Before she could roar out her anger, she was silenced when the brown teen dragon in front of her started removing his pants, and then revealing his dick from between his legs.

"Hope you're hungry bitch. For this shall be your lunch. A penis sandwich!" Laughed the brown dragon a bit. He forcefully opened Nightmare Moon's mouth, and inserted his big fat dick in there. She widened her eyes, as she was given a blowjob by a dragon.

Garble drooled a bit by looking at her breasts. "Those are some nice tits. They better be as good as they appear to be." Garble landed his claws on her big breasts, and started grouching them slowly. While his right hand grouched her breast, his left hand had another plan at hand. His left hand was using his fingers to take a small grip on her nipple, and slowly pulled it back and forth. While Garble was enjoying it, Nightmare Moon on the other hand barely did.

"Disgusting... those dragons are... raping me!" She thought to herself out of disbelief. The former queen of the moon was being used as a sex toy.

The dragons kept on the process of having fun with her body for a bit, until they decided to stop. While the brown dragon did not remove his cock from her mouth, Garble and the purple dragon however stopped touching her breasts, and licking her pussy.

"We've heard the stories about you Moon. They said your full moon was said to be perfect." Said Garble, as he looked up at the panting Nightmare.

Nightmare Moon was about to reply, until she started to notice the purple dragon behind her pulling down his pants, and his cock was shown to be as large as the brown dragon's, despite his skinny look. Garble pulled his shorts down, and his dick was revealed. It was so large, that it put even the largest stallions stallionhoods to shame. Nightmare really wanted to scream, except she could not, thanks to her mouth being occupied at the moment.

"Answer me something Nightmare Moon? Since you became what you are today, have you ever felt any fun like this?" Garble asked her. The brown dragon decided to remove his cock from her mouth, in order for her to speak up. Once she coughed a bit, she glared down at Garble.

"No! And this is plain disgusting! I never planned on doing such a repulsive thing! Especially not with brute dragons such as yourself!" She exclaimed. The dragons were unfazed a bit.

"So you're a virgin huh?" The purple dragon said. "Or at least you were until you came to our land today."

Nightmare turned her head around, in order to give him a death glare. "You made a big mistake attempting to treat me as I was a lesser species than you!"

"We know everything alright. We actually listened to Dragon Lord Torch's message he got earlier. About your arrival. We heard from that message, that you're nowhere as strong as you originally were. So we got no reason to be afraid of you." Garble replied to her. "And since you mentioned that you never had any fun. Then this must no doubt be your first time."

"Nice thinking captain obvious." Nightmare sarcastically replied. "Oh how I wish I was at full power so I could blast you all to the sun, and then make eternal night like I was supposed to do."

The brown dragon's face went near her own. "Just too bad for you, that you aren't anymore. No, now you're just a cute little bitch that needs her holes filled."

"Shut up! I am not..." She stopped, when she felt pain. Pain that came right from her ass. She turned around, and saw the palm of the purple dragon was up in the air, and her left ass cheek felt a bit sore.

"Don't speak up for your masters like that." The purple dragon said, as he started sounding a bit more demanding. "If you were somewhere like Ponyville, ponies would bow before you. In your new home here, your in charge of nothing. Us dragons are. So we're in control, while you're in control of nothing"

That sentence silenced Nightmare Moon for a moment. But that didn't stop her from still being angry at them. "Let's teach her some manners then boys. And since she's a virgin, i'm taking her virginity."

"The ass looks like a great place for me to take." The purple dragon said, while looking at her dry anus.

"I already got her mouth. That's working fine for me." The brown dragon then said. He then inserted his cock back into her mouth. Meanwhile the purple dragon started spreading her anus a bit, before he inserted it in. And lastly, Garble prepared to take her virginity with his dragon cock. Nightmare felt pain all over her holes. Her mouth is getting ravaged again. Her virginity was started to be taken. And her asshole has been filled with a huge dick. Nightmare gained a few tears out of the pain she received. She could not think they didn't hurt so much. In reality, it hurt a lot.

"Damn. She's a tight moon queen." The purple dragon panted, as he slowly moved his cock back and forth in her tight asshole. Due to Nightmare had never gotten such a huge cock in her anus until now, the cock had trouble inside. Still that doesn't stop the purple dragon from keep moving on.

Garble was giving her pussy quite a ride. He was on fire, as he could not stop at any moment from moving in her pussy. He moved faster and faster by the second. He absolutely could not stop. He felt lots of pleasure from moving his cock around there. "Fuck yeah! That's the stuff!"

"This hurts... so badly. Screw you... Princess Celestia." Nightmare Moon thought, as more tears dropped from her eyes.

"Fuck! This is the best thing ever! This is totally what I wanted to do since I became a teen dragon!" The brown dragon yelled. Nightmare Moon had no choice but to suck up his dick. She almost wanted to bite that dick inside her mouth, off that dragon with her teeth. But for some reason, she could not. Other than due to being powerless against them, the feeling from being taken by them started to feel a tack bit different than it did earlier.

The three dragons continued pounding her harder and harder. Each time their dragon balls hit her chin, pussy, and lower belly felt almost like more than seconds. Minutes. Hours. It felt as if time was running faster than she could count. "Damn. Her holes are growing tighter the more we fuck her."

"No doubt." The brown dragon agreed. Then he noticed Nightmare Moon's small tears in her eyes. "I think we just made her cry."

Garble rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Oh? How sad for her. She should just learn her place already."

"Learn my place? Is that what I haven't been accepting for such a long time?" Thought Nightmare in her mind. Lately after getting her first time with those teen dragons, she could feel a tingling in her gut. It felt as if she feels a bit better everytime she feels it. And the feeling suddenly comes whenever the dragons take her. "Celestia never decided to kill me. And she asked if I felt lonely. Maybe she did something more than make me pay for my crimes. She made me feel less lonely."

"She seems to be a bit silent dudes." The brown dragon said, before deciding to pull his cock out a bit. "What're you thinking bitch?"

Nightmare looked down to Garble underneath her. Her face expression has now changed suddenly. She doesn't look that angry at the dragons anymore. She retained some of her tears, but she doesn't seem to be crying. Her face was filled with calm eyes, a leaping tongue from the dragon's cock, and something more than that. Nightmare Moon felt something she never had felt in her life. Lonely, and lustful. Yes. Lustful is what she has been feeling the most. And now she wanted to fulfill her lust. Out from her lips, she started to whisper out two words not even the dragons expected she would say at this very moment.

"Take me."

Garble looked up to her a bit confused. "What did you just say bitch?"

"Take me." She said, a bit louder. Enough for the other dragons to hear her two exact words.

"I'm sorry bitch? What is it you want us to take?" The purple dragon demanded. Nightmare Moon panted a bit, before she called out her pleads.

"Take me! Take my virginity! I want you to fuck me! Fuck me even harder! Please."

The dragons looked at her in slight disbelief. After a small silence, their expressions were turned to satisfied grins. "Well would you look at that? Our little bitch seems to have her attitude changing a bit."

"Now that's a wish we can easily grant for her." The purple dragon notes. The dragons nodded Nightmare Moon's request, and started to continue mercilessly pound her holes harder.

With her asshole getting less tighter, he could move his cock around much easier. He was quite satisfied with the outcome of keep rampaging in her ass for a bit. As he kept fucking her ass, he got a slight idea. He moved his left claw up, and slapped Nightmare's ass again. Nightmare gasped, but this time, it was out of pleasure rather than pain.

"You like being slapped bitch? Don't you?" He asked, as he kept slapping her ass even more.

The alicorn mare gasped more, and then looked up to him. "Yes. It feels so incredible. Your claws touching my ass is what makes me feel so great! Please slap me more."

The purple dragon smirked, and did as she requested. He slapped her ass cheek again, this time with greater and greater force of power for each slap. Garble looked up to him. "For not being the leader here, you seem to be having fun up there."

"Don't blame me for being the one who got her ass Garble." The purple dragon excused.

Garble rolled his eyes in respond. They kept fucking her for more than 30 minutes, before the dragons could feel something pump up in their systems. Something that's been collecting since they started fucking her hard. It was their cum, being ready to being fired out of their dragon hoods. They however decided not to unleash it all yet. Not until they wanted to hear what they want to hear from their plaything.

Garble looks up to Nightmare Moon once more. Her ass cheeks were both red from the spanking she earned from the purple dragon. "Answer us bitch. You're in our land. Who is your masters?" Nightmare Moon was too occupied with her feeling pleasure from their cocks from answering his question. "Answer! Or else we will not do the best part here."

Nightmare heard his warning, and went on to to look down at Garble, before letting out her answer. "You dragons are. You dragons are my master."

The brown dragon grinned. "Good answer. And you are?"

"I am the dragons plaything. Their sex toy. Their slave that will always be loyal to them. I am the dragons sex slave! Their slut! And their whore!"

Then the purple dragon was next to question her. "And now for the final question. How much do you want our dragon cocks in yourself?"

"Always. I want your cocks inside me. I will give your body to you. I will leave my body exposed to all of Equestria to gain the pleasure I need!"

The dragons smirked, as they got just what they wanted her to say. "Excellent bitch. As our pet and slave, you deserve the reward you've been starving for."

The three dragons did what they've been hiding inside, and unleashed their white cum inside her mouth, vagina, and asshole. Her tongue took a taste from both cum in her mouth, as her eyes went a bit ditzy from her first taste of cum. The teen dragons removed their cocks from her three holes. Nightmare Moon was letting her tongue out of delight, as cum was dripping from it. Her pussy and asshole were both also dripping out dragon cum. Her asshole was also more loose than before. "This is so good. I love this."

"That was great Garble. This Nightmare Moon is now our bitch." The brown dragon said in delight of having her as their slave.

"That's right. I AM your bitch. I'm Nightmare Moon. Queen of the moon no more. Now I am a bitch. The dragon's whore. That's who I truly am." Nightmare Moon thought. Her mind has been mentally broken. Her plans to conquer Equestria, and make eternal night forever were all but left in the dust. She was no longer the queen of the moon. She's now a whore. A lustful slut who cannot let her lust go. Ever.

Garble nodded to his comrades. "No doubt about that. And look at her. She seems like we broke her hard." The red dragon points at Nightmare Moon still lying on the table. She was playing with her own breasts, while also massaging her pussy. She panted while doing those actions. Her masturbation could not be stopped.

"More. Please give me more. My body needs it."

Garble's comrades were no doubt in agreement. "Yep. She's mentally broken to me alright." They now turned to Garble. "So now what?"

"It seems our turn is over. We should tell Dragon Lord Torch about our success at satisfying ourselves, and making her submit to our will.
He may even reward us."

"Like the claw for his daughter?"

Garble shook his head. "I doubt that. I've heard that he's really overprotective of her."

"It's worth the try."

"Forget about her. Let's tell Torch, and then he may send some more dragons for her." Garble commanded them. They quickly found their pants, and put them back on. They now attempted to leave the cave together.

But Nightmare Moon could not let it go. She could not let her pleasure leave her. "Please. Don't leave me alone. I want your cocks in me. I need it."

Garble turned to Nightmare Moon still on the table. "Silence bitch. There'll be plenty of more dragons that want fun with you. So stay silent. Or else we might not return for another round."

Nightmare shut her mouth, before calming down her nerves. "Sorry master. I will wait for more to take me."

"That's a good girl. Now stay and do not leave." He demanded her. Nightmare weakly nodded, and the dragons walked out of the cave together. Nightmare Moon was alone in the cave.

"This is truly what happiness and pleasure feels like. It's more than even trying to be the ruler of Equestria. It's to have my dirty holes filled." She thought. She started masturbating her body once more, while she waited for the next dragons to come. "This is where I truly belong. And what I truly want."

The Aftermath

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Months has passed since Nightmare Moon has truly become the whore for the dragons. The former queen of the moon was happily enjoying her life as their sex slave. Every single day, a pair or three dragons would have some fun with her, and fuck her until she couldn't take more. She loved each day. Most of the dragons who came to accompany and have fun with her, were Garble and his gang, much to both their delights. After her first month there, some dragons even offered her some clothes for her to wear. She turned them down however, as she felt that clothes and armor was something she would never want to wear again. She now had absolutely no modesty anymore, as all that time in the dragon lands made her lose what remained of her dignity. But even when she's walking around naked, she still felt happy that her hidden lust was being settled there. Despite all the times her virginity was taken by the dragons, no pregnancy was guaranteed from her. Dragon Lord Torch once mentioned to her that due to her alicornhood and loss of most of her power, any cum that wasn't of pony origin would be of no effect on her reproduction system. But that didn't matter to neither the dragons, nor Nightmare Moon. She just wanted one simple thing in her life. Being fucked every single day without mercy.

Right now, Nightmare Moon was called to Dragon Lord Torch's throne. Once Nightmare crawled her way toward his presence, she was on her knees in front of him. "Master. You called me." She asked obediently to one of her masters. Out of all her dragon masters, Torch stands above them all due to his status.

"I did!" He exclaimed without any surprise, due to that's how he normally speaks. He then roared out his order to her. "Now stand upon your feet!"

Without any question, she obediently and slowly raised up on her feet. Once up on her feet, she stood calmly while having her arms spread, not bothering to cover her naked self, as she had long ago refused to wear clothes again. Now she was ready to hear what Torch wanted to roar out next. "I have to admit, that you have been a very good sex slave for my teen dragon brethren. You're certainly the best mare Celestia could send me!"

Despite roaring at her, his voice sounded as if he was actually impressed with her time on his land. Nightmare bowed her before him. "Thank you master. I'm a bitch, happy to serve you and your dragons."

"Yes I know. And you'll keep doing a great job keeping their pleasure up." He said with a softer tone this time. Nightmare Moon smiled to her master, as she was always happy to please her masters. "But now i'm getting to the point why I called you here!"

Nightmare then prepared herself, as Torch began to open his big mouth(literally). "I called you here, because I have a small task for you."

The former queen bowed her head to him. "Name it, and I shall do it in your honor Dragon Lord Torch."

"It's a simple task. It's about my daughter Ember." He roared. Nightmare said nothing, and listened what he further had to say. "She's quite bored these days. No dragon can even peek her interest. But maybe someone who's not a dragon can."


"I'm having an idea that she's not interested in either other dragons, or males of the same species. So I want you to go check on her, and entertain her. Make sure she's satisfied within her presence!"

Nightmare bowed before him. "I shall master. I serve any dragon here."

"Good. Now go meet her at the Dragon Caves like I scheduled her to." He roared. "And back on your knees!" Nightmare bowed one more time, before falling back on both hands and feet, walking on all fours again. She then started crawling toward the Dragon Caves.

"Yes. I'm their pet and slut. It is now my sworn duty to serve and be their sex slave." Nightmare thought, while dropping a tear of joy. "Forever."

Meanwhile back in Canterlot, not much has happened since Nightmare Moon's defeat and punishment. Nopony ever saw, mentioned, or heard from the wicked mare of the moon since she was defeated by the Elements Of Harmony. Only Princess Celestia and Princess Luna truly knew what happened to Nightmare Moon, as they thought that keeping her real punishment in secret was for the best. Nopony but the princesses doesn't know what happened to her since then.

At the same time during the Canterlot Museum exhibition rooms, Cheerilee's class were on a school trip there, to go watch the old relics and artifacts over the princesses times in Canterlot. Cheerilee were currently being guided by Princess Celestia herself for the school trip, much to the students delight.

"And this is where me and my sister once found the Elements Of Harmony for the first time." Princess Celestia said, while showing the whole class a large painting made of glass, of a huge multi colored tree, with herself and Luna looking up to it. On each branch of the tree, a glowing orb of light was found there.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were looking in awe of the scenery. "Sweet. This looks so beautiful."

"Meh. I've seen Rainbow Dash showing better stuff."

"Show some respect Scootaloo. Does Rainbow Dash have to involve anything ya say?"

Cheerilee arrived to break them up. "Now now you three. Each pony has their right to have their own opinions."

Once the three young fillies were broken up for their small argument, Sweetie Belle had a question in her mind. "Princess Celestia? When do we get to the new exhibition? They said there was a new one today."

"You're all in luck. We're just right next to our new exhibition." Celestia told the young filly. The solar princess followed the class to the next scenery, where pieces of armor were laying beneath a glass exhibit case. That was no ordinary armor. That armor beneath the case, are Nightmare Moon's. Her breast plates, armored shoes, her armor chained panties, and her helmet were all in the exhibit. In front of it was an information sign. Cheerilee went up to read it out loud.

"This armor was once used by the evil alicorn of the moon, Nightmare Moon. That was until she received her rightful punishment."

All the fillies were fascinated by the new exhibition. Some of the students found it naughty. Some found it quite cool. Snips and Snails wished they brought some cameras to take pictures of them, but they were taken away before they could even think about it. One question came in Apple Bloom's mind.

"Princess Celestia?" Apple Bloom asked as she raised her hand up. "It says that Nightmare Moon did receive punishment for her troubles. Just what was that punishment?"

Celestia smiled to her, while secretly also sweat dropping a bit. "That's... something that's best to not tell you."

The fillies were a bit confused of the answer to the question. Then Cheerilee interfered. "I guess we could say that something happened to her that wasn't filly friendly."

"Exactly. And maybe it's best you don't find out." Celestia continued. "Now how about we continue our tour? This museum might close in a few hours."

"You heard her class. Let's get moving." Cheerilee ordered the class. The teacher and her students continued their way. But before Celestia followed, she looked out in the window.

"Nightmare Moon. I hope you enjoy your punishment with the dragons." She smiled mischievously. She then continued walking past the exhibit, and off with the tour group she led.