Why is Fluttershy So Shy?

by Theponywriter22

First published

Its Just another day at Canterlot High when a Girl catches your eye and steals your heart. You spend most of your time trying to get to know her and before you know it your going off on adventures, having the time of your life.

Anon is on his way to school, where he see's the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. He watches as she tries to hand out leaflets, before dropping to the floor in tears, no one will listen to her. Anon goes over to try and console her, but before he could even talk to her, she hides behind her hair and takes off not even replying to anything he said.

But this set back didn't discourage Anon in fact it made him more determined to just get to know the beautiful girl standing outside of Canterlot High. When he finally gets to know the girl he had longed after for so long, nothing could of prepared him for the crazy adventures that follow with dating a girl like Fluttershy.

Art work by Ninja-8004 on deviantart

Chapter One. Not The Best Start to a Week

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The sun shined brightly and the birds chirped happily this happy Monday morning. But that didn't matter to Anon, he had the blinds in his bedroom shut tight and the window's locked keeping any all sunlight and sound from waking him up. That was until his alarm started to go off, leading to his pet dogs (Buddy and Molly) bolting in licking his face awake. Anon tries to resist and gently push them away but they were having none of it and continued to cover your face in dog slobber until you woke up. "Alright, alright im up." Anon said sitting up sounding groggy, tired from the night's sleep.

Anon got up out of bed yawning while also stretching trying to wake up, before opening the blinds almost blinding himself in the process. "Okay, definitely awake." Anon covered his eyes a bit set back by the sunlight. Once he had recover he made his way to the bathroom getting ready for the School day ahead. Once he was washed and Dressed Anon head down stairs to fix himself some breakfast as well as Buddy's and Molly's. Anon had to leave his parents when he found a high school that was perfect for him. It was hard for him to move away from everyone he knew, so his parents let him take the dogs and Brought him a car as a going away gift so he could always come back when he missed them.

After breakfast was done, Anon made him self a portable coffee to go and said good by to the dogs before grabbing his school bag, phone and keys. Anon got into his car and placed his coffee into the cup holder and was about to start his car until his phone started vibrating let anon know he got a notification. Anon reaches into his pocket pulling out his phone, seeing he had a message from his best friend Flash.

Hey you on your way?

Yeah? why what's up?

Its the band!

What's wrong?


Alright! jeez im on my way! See you soon.

See you soon.

Worried Anon throws his phone on to the seat next to him and starts the ignition and begins driving off. Anon drives up to school and parks outside, before heading to the music room he grabs his phone and heads to the boot of the car where Anon grabs his back pack and drum sticks. He locks his car and begins to make his towards the music room. But he suddenly stops as he see's the most beautiful girl, he has ever seen handing out leaflets in front of the school's statue.

" Canterlot's animal shelter need's more volunteers. Wontcha ya help an animal that cant help its self?" the butter coloured girl asks, Anon watches as everyone ignores her and enters school leading to the Butter coloured girl dropping to her knees and crying.

Anon felt bad for the girl and the animals too if he was honest about it. So he fought through his fear and walked over to the girl and offered his hand. The girl looked up seeing Anon offering his hand and silently accepted while hiding behind her light pink hair. "Hi, im Anon." You Smile picking her up, before collecting all of her leaflets that she had dropped but saved one for your self.

The girl continues to hid behind her hair while, but you could see a sight blush cross her cheeks. "Im, im- OW!" She rubs the back of her hair and turns around to pick something up.

Anon looks at her oddly "Are you okay" he asks worried.

The girl quickly turns around taking the all of the leaflets out of your hands. "I've, I've... go to go. Im sorry." She then runs away leaving Anon behind feeling confused, sad but yet a little bit determined to find out who that girl was.

It suddenly dawns on Anon that he was meant to be in the music room five minute's ago. He starts running not wanting to keep his friends waiting any longer. soon he reaches the music room bursting through, hands on his knee's out of breath. "There you are Anon." Flash says sounding annoyed

" Where've you been?" Ringo asks

"Yeah and why are you out of breath?" Thunder Bass asks confused

"Out of shape... need to hit the gym" Anon says between breaths.

The guys look at you shaking their heads while smiling "It doesn't matter why he's late all that matters is the problem at hand." Ringo says causing everyone to nod in agreement.

"Wait, where's Norman?" Anon asks confused that he wouldn't be here.

"That's why I've called you here. Sunset talked to him and got him to leave the band!" Flash huffed crossing his arms.

"So what do we do now? The performance is this Saturday and we don't have our Singer!" Anon asks worried that they wouldn't be able to perform on the night.

"I don't know?" Flash sighed sadly

"Has anyone actually tried talking to him?" Thunder Bass asks trying to help.

"Yeah I tried and he just blanked me and walked into class." Ringo answers sounding defeated while looking at the floor.

"Flash, man, why out of all the girls in the school did you have to date the psycho?" Anon asks Flash semi serious.

"To be honest I don't know, she just continues to punish me for breaking up with her. That was the worse decision of my life!" Flash exclaims hanging his head low.

"What? breaking up with her?" Anon asks confused

"No! Dating her!" Flash face palmed

"Oh well im sure when you said yes she didn't look a psychopath who could ruin your life." Anon says smiling while patting flash on the back.

"Gee, thanks Anon" Flash replied sarcastically.

"No problem, what are friends for eh?" Anon and Flash and the rest of the lads began to laugh.

Soon the school bell went off signalizing the start of lesson causing everyone to get up and leave the room but before they all left they agreed to discuss this problem at break. Anon and Flash started to run to their class not wanting to be late and a get detention from Mr Cranky. Unluckily Mr Cranky was in a bad mood, Anon and Flash quickly enter the room only being a minute late.

"Why are you two so Late!" Cranky asks sounding grumpy as usually did.

"It was only a minute!" Flash argued.

"Are you talking back to me, BOY!" Cranky shouted.

"No sir!" Flash sighed

"It didn't matter that it was only a minute, that's a minute of learning gone!" Cranky crossed him arm looking angry then ever

"Sorry sir!" Anon and Flash apologized.

"I bet you are. you've got detention with this break time!"

"Oh come on sir!" Anon whined.

"Do you wanna make it lunch time as well?"

"No sir."

"Good, now sit down."

Anon and Flash made their way to their seats while Sunset watched with joy on her face seeing her ex and his best friend get in trouble. Flash saw the smile on Sunset's face it made him sigh, causing Anon to look at what Flash was looking at and saw how sunset was looking and it made him role his eyes tired of the on going battle between them. Anon took his seat and open his note book and began to half listen to Mr cranky go on about math while he started to draw, what ever came into his mind. Half way through the lesson Anon realised he had drawn the girl he had met outside along with three tiny butterflies. Anon looked up to see Mr Cranky making his way down handing out sheets of paper to the class, making Anon shut his book quickly not wanting Mr Cranky to see his drawing.

Cranky gave you ten sheets of paper and continued to hand out the rest before heading back to the front of the class. "Those papers I just gave you is your homework I've given you double! and I want it completed and given back to me by Wednesday!"

An eco of groans and moans were soon followed by the bell sounding for break, causing the class to cheer accept for Anon and Flash who just sat where they were. Once everyone had left for break it was just Flash and Anon left in class with Mr Cranky.

"You two might as well just get started on your maths homework, eh?" Mr Cranky asks rhetorically.

"Yes, Mr Cranky." Anon and Flash replied in unison.

The pair of friends worked quietly while Mr Cranky slept soundly at his desk. Flash looked up at his friend and asked the question that's been burning through his head during Maths. "Anon?"


"Why was you late this morning?"

"Well you see I kind of met this girl..."

"Ah, a girl at last. who is she?" Flash asks interrupting Anon.

"That's the thing she was so shy she didn't say."

"Why was she so shy? your like the most calm and non threatening guy I know?"

"Thanks I think? But I don't want to forget about her I wanna meet her. she was... it was like..."

"It was like what Anon?"

"Idk there was something Special about her, but I just cant put my finger on it!"

"Its okay dude, ill help ya. Its about time you gotten your self a girlfriend!" Flash patted Anon's Back.

"Cheers man."

The bell rang again waking Mr, Cranky and signalling next lesson. Mr Cranky let the pair go with a warning not to be late again. Next lesson flew by onto lunch, where you met the guys in the lunch hall. Anon got him self the pasta along with a fruit salad and bottle of Apple juice and sat next to flash waiting for the rest of the boys to arrive, which didn't take long.

"Hey what happened you two this break?" Ringo asks with Thunder Bass following behind him as they both sit at the table on the opposite side of Anon and Flash.

"Sorry got Detention from Fucking asshole of teacher, Mr Cranky, to you two." Flash answers as bites into his hamburger.

"ah, I've heard that teacher's an ass." Thunder Bass agreed.

"Yeah, well Sunset got a good laugh out of it!" Anon says dryly.

"Talking about the topic of Sunset, did anyone come up with an idea to get Norman back and stop her from being megabitch?" Ringo ask which all resounded in no from everyone in the group. "Well that sucks. So what do we do now?"

"We find another singer." Flash said as if it was a matter of fact.

"Well how do we do that?" Anon asks

"I don't know, I guess we wait to find someone around school." Flash answers.

"And if we don't find someone by the time of the concert?" Ringo asks hope he didn't suggest what he was implying.

"Then we cancel." Flash frowned.

"Well lets hope we find someone." Anon said bring in some optimism to the conversation.

"On the topic of Sunset she was torment another girl today at break, until this new girl got involved and stood up for her." Thunder Bass said changing the topic slightly.

"Wow someone actually had the balls to stand up to her?" Flash was shocked but also glad to hear someone wasn't cowering in fear of her.

"Well she didn't actually have Balls but, yeah she stood up to her" Flash gave thunder a dry look.

"Who was she?" Anon asks curious.

"Well I didn't know her name, hold let me see if I can see her" Thunder sat a bit and looked around the cafeteria to see if he could see the mystery girl who stood up to Sunset. But as luck would have it he found her. "She's over there talking to the girl she protected."

Anon looked over where Thunder was pointing and he could believe his luck. it was the girl from this morning, the girl had stolen all of his thoughts. "That's her." Anon said turning to Flash.

"Who the purple one?" Flash asked slightly worried.

"No. The yellow one." Anon corrected making Flash breath a sigh of relief

"Oh I know who she is." Ringo stated.

Anon's head turned quicker then a car at a race track. "Really who is she?"

"Why do you wanna know?" Ringo asks with a slight smirk.

"I met her this morning and she never told me her name. That's all." Anon tried to act calm about it.

"No come on there's more then that. I can sense it." Ringo stated staring Anon down.

"Fine I also have a bit of a crush on her, can I please have her name." Anon admitted just wanting the name of the girl who dug her way into his mind.

"See was that so hard. Her name is Fluttershy." Ringo smiled

"Fluttershy... Very fitting name. Why is Fluttershy so shy?" Anon asks Ringo.

"I don't know, I only know her name you have to find out the rest by your self Romeo." Ringo answers shrugging his shoulders.

"Your gonna help me right... Flash." Anon asks his best friend but he was so busy staring at the purple haired girl.

It wasn't until Anon punched Flash on the shoulder did he have his attention. "Ow!" Flash grabbed his shoulder "What was that for?"

"I was talking to you but you were staring bog eyed over at the girls. Do you know one of them?" Anon asks.

"Er, kind of. You see I was putting something in my locker where she kind bounced and fell into my leg. Then I helped her up and I asked her if she was okay, She nodded yes but didn't say anything so I left to head to the music room." Flash explained

"Why didn't you mention this before?" Thunder asks

"Because it didn't seem relevant at the time and I didn't think nothing of it." Flash lied, he planned to tell the truth but only to Anon.

"Fair enough." Ringo thought aloud.

"But your still gonna help me right flash?" Anon asks slightly worried.

"Of course, you need a girl in your life." Flash answered

Anon when to look back at the girls but they were gone. "Huh, I wonder where they've gone?"

"They were probably getting tired of be stared at by a bunch of creepy boys." Ringo answers making Anon and Flash felt bad.

"Well im done with lunch, what about everyone else?" Thunder Bass asks

"Yeah im done." Anon answers looking at his plate.

Flash and Ringo also nodded in agreement. "So should we go and rehearse for the concert this Saturday. We may not have a singer yet but that doesn't mean we shouldn't practice just encase we do find a singer." Thunder explained standing up getting ready.

"Yeah we might as well." Flash agreed standing up.

Anon and Ringo got up as well, they all headed to the music room where they practiced until the bell rang again alerting everyone the last lesson of the day. It caused everyone in the band to stop playing and pack up all of their instruments and head to class. The lesson flew by with ease since your mind was filled with thoughts of Fluttershy. Anon and the rest of the boys met outside Canterlot in the car park, by Anon's car.

"Does anyone wanna head to Sugar Cube Corner?" Flash offered. "I think we've all earned it today,"

"Yeah I could go for a shake, today's been a bitch." Ringo answered.

"I'll come but I've gotta get back home by five or my mum is gonna have a real go at me." Thunder answered making Ringo rolled his eyes.

"Would you grow a back bone Thunder." Ringo said pinching his nose tired of hearing Thunders wimpy excuses.

"You've met my mother, you know she's like." Thunder argued back.

"What about you Anon?" Flash looked to his best friend

"Do you know what lads Im gonna call it a day and get a start on the homework that I have." Anon replied getting into his car throwing his bag into the passenger seat.

"Oh come you can do your home work at any time you don't have your parents telling you what you have to do." Thunder protested while Ringo shock his head.

"Sorry lads I'll join you tomorrow. see ya" Anon started his and drove off wave to his friends behind him.

"So who wants to bet he's heading to Canterlot's animal shelter to talk to Fluttershy?" Flash asks causing Ringo and Thunder to nod and hum in agreement.

Meanwhile in Anon's car.

"Heh those sucks don't even know." Anon thought as he pulled out the Canterlot animal shelter leaflet.

Chapter Two. Making progress... Kinda

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Anon's car pulled up outside Canterlot animal shelter and he could see Fluttershy inside and nerves started to build up. Anon didn't understand why he was so scared, his heart began pound and stupid thoughts started entering his head. "What if her shyness is all a front and she actually a horrible person. Or What if she thinks im a weirdo whose following her around. What if she's into some really weird stuff like.... SATAN! yeah Satan." Anon started up his engine again, then stopped and started smacking his head against the steering wheel. "STOP. BEING. A. SCAREDY. CAT!" Anon shouted every time hit his head.

Anon looked up to left of him seeing an old lady looking at him weirdly through his car window. "What! You never seen someone have a mental break down BEFORE!" Anon shouts at the old lady making her walk on. He felt bad for the old lady but at the same time he didn't care, all that mattered was having the confidence to go up and talk to Fluttershy. Anon got out of the car and took a deep breath but little did he know his mates had been watching the entire thing from Sugar Cube Corner across the street.

"Do think we should help?" Flash asks before taking a sip of his shake.

"No if he wanted our help he would of asked." Ringo answers, sipping his own shake.

"But were still gonna watch right?" Thunder asks making sure.

"Oh definitely." The three friend turn back to the window and continue to watch their friends struggle.

Anon sat on the bonnet of he's car taking deep breath before get up off his car and walk the complete opposite way of the animal shelter. Anon decided to take walk around the block while also popping into another shop buying himself a bottle of water to help clear his dry mouth. he stood front of the shelter once more and took a deep breath before walking into the shelter as your freaks out pounding away. As soon as Anon stepped into the shop he could smell that certain smell that come from an animal shelter.

Anon looked over to see Fluttershy handling a baby Bunny feeding him from a bottle and in that moment Fluttershy looked so adorably cute, so much so he's fear of talking to her went away. "Fluttershy!" Anon called out alerting his presents to her.

Fluttershy looked up quite startled by the voice, she calmed down seeing it was the boy she had met earlier. But Anon could also see a slight blush across her cheeks. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Anon apologised feeling bad.

"Its... its okay." Fluttershy says as loud as whisper.

"Are you feel better since this morning?" Anon asks worrying.

"Oh y-yes im, im much better. thanks for your help..."

"Anonymous. but People just call me, Anon." Anon introduce himself while sitting down next to Fluttershy getting on her level.

"W-well thank you Anon, it was very kind of you." Fluttershy smiles.

"Its okay it just seemed like the right thing to do, is all." Anon shrugged.

"Um well if you don't mind me asking, that is if your ok with me saying; why are you here? Not that I don't want you here of course just wonder why you aren't with your friends?" Fluttershy hid behind her hair in fear she may have angered him.

"Nah its just, well um...." It is at this point Anon's brain had stopped working and he needed an excuse quickly, he put he hands in his pockets pulling out the Animal shelter leaflet that he got from her this morning. "Well you were asking for volunteers. and I love animals I even own two Dogs, Buddy and Molly."

Meanwhile Anon's friends had left the café and were now crouching outside the animal shelter watching him and trying to not get noticed at the same time. "He's just gotten the leaflet out." Flash noted. "You know what this means."

"Yep. Excuse time." Ringo answers.

"How do think he's doing?" Thunder asks.

"Well she hasn't freaked out and kicked him out of the shop. So id say its going pretty well." Flash answered

"I think they'd be a good couple, mind you I only know Fluttershy a small bit."

"Yeah how do you know her again?" Flash asks curious

"She's in my science class. I've worked on some class projects with her." Ringo answers

Thunder looks down at his watch checking the time and saw how late he was his heart almost stopped making him stand up straight. "I've got to go im gonna be late." Thunder starts running and stop suddenly and turns around look at his mates. "See you guys tomorrow and let me know how he gets on." Flash and Ringo nod and wave him off. Thunder starts running again hearing him say, "Oh boy, oh boy my mum's gonna kill me." making Ringo face palm before turning back to watch Anon.

"So your really interested in becoming a volunteer?" Fluttershy asks her voice little louder and more relaxed.

"Yeah I am, I love animals and its sad to see no one cares about these lovely creatures." Anon answers honestly.

Fluttershy gently picks up a grey four month old rabbit and hands him over to Anon. "His name is Thumper and he his the most calm and relaxed rabbit we have."

Anon gently takes hold of Thumper hold him closer to his chest. "Hello Thumper, your a good bun, aren't ya." Anon proceeded to stroke the rabbit softly.

Fluttershy let him have hold of the rabbit for while, she could see the kindness in his heart causing her to smile but then quickly frowned remembering why she cant get so close to him. "Okay, do you wanna put him back in his hatch?"

"Sure." Anon walked over to the hutch opening the door and placing him inside. "There you go little fella." he closed the door to the hutch and made his way back over to Fluttershy.

"Well, we meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday if that's good for you?" Fluttershy asks.

"What about this Wenesday we have The Fall Formal?" Anon asks

"Don't worry I've spoken to the owners for that day off and its all okay." Fluttershy answers realising how natural shes talking with Anon, it usually takes her a long time to get this comfortable around new people.

"Okay cool." It was starting to feel awkward, he didn't know if he should ask her about The Fall Formal, or ask her on a date, just leave.

After a very long and awkward silence until Fluttershy spoke up. "So I better set the animals down for their sleep and then I have to go home."

"Oh well do you want any help with the animals?" Anon asks trying to be helpful.

"No that's okay I can do this." Fluttershy answers

"Are you sure?" he asks one last time making sure

"Yes im... IM very, very sure." Fluttershy replies sounding uncomfortable and yet strained like she was carrying something heavy.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow" Anon waved, but Fluttershy didn't say any thing and just entered the back room of the shelter.

Anon left as well not wanting to over stay his welcome, he found it was dark out already and got into his car and drove away. On the drive back to his house Anon tried to figure out if the meeting went well. He weighed up all pro's and con's and yet Anon still didn't know if went well or not.

But for now he had to put a pin in the thought and come back to it later with his friends to help him out. He drove up to his house and got out of the car, bringing with his backpack and phone with him. As Anon open the door, Buddy and Molly happily run up to their owner greeting him wet slobbery kisses.

"Alright, alright in. Everyone in." Anon laughs while wiping the drool off face with his shirt.

The dogs do as their told and run into the kitchen with their owner following behind them. Anon throws his backpack onto the sofa before heading over to the kitchen and grab out a bag of dog food. He heads of to Buddy and Molly's bowls filling them up, as well as sorting out their bowls of water, making sure that his dogs were going to be okay for the day. Once the dog's were sorted, Anon went back into the kitchen and started on his own dinner. Once dinner was done he sat down on to the sofa and put You Tube on TV and put his favourite You Tuber on Loud mouth Irish man Jacksepticeye and he was doing his 5th episode of Dream Daddy. But it wasn't long until Anon fell asleep on sofa tired from the day's activities, letting his food fall on the floor.

Tuesday, 7:45 am

Anon begins to feel something wet brush his face multiple times causing him to sleepy push it away with out even opening his eyes, leading him to fall back to sleep straight away. seconds later the feel came back, only this time he could feel it on both cheeks. Anon's eyes open slowly seeing both buddy and Molly at opposite sides of him simultaneously licking both of his cheeks to wake him up. He frowns pushing both dogs off of him so he could sit up and wake up rubbing both of his eyes. The TV had been left on all night, it had gone on from Jacksepticeye playing Dream Daddy To him playing Players Unknown Battleground with PewdiePie. Anon grabbed the remote next to him and turn the TV off making a mental note to catch up on Jacksepticeye. Anon stood up and found his dinner all over the floor, with that his belly rumbled letting himself know he had eaten in a while.

So he clean up and checked on the time seeing that he was going to be late if didn't leave in the next five minutes, making Anon run up stairs to brush his teeth, get dressed and leave the house without having breakfast. Anon put his foot down to beat the morning traffic, getting to school on time without getting trouble with police. He got to his class to and took seat at his desk allowing him a moment to sigh in relief, almost instantly his belly rumbled begging to be filled. "Oh no." Anon looked at the clock and frowned, "its gonna be a long couple of lessons."

The second period was up and Anon was packing up when his phone started to vibrate, it was message from flash.

Me and the guys are going to sugar cube corner see you there.

Putting he's phone in his pocket and his backpack on his back he headed out of school, heading towards Sugar Cube Corner to meet up with his friend and get some advice for his girl problems and to feast on sugary pastry's before he died of starvation. when entering the café he found his friends on the comfy couch that reminded him of a comedy he use to watch.

Anon collapsed on to the couch next to Ringo "argh! I hate life."

Flash smiled but kept his cool, he didn't want to let on that he already new what was bothering his friend. "That maths home work getting on top of you is it?"

"Ill talk to you too guys about it in a minute I haven't eaten anything in along time and I might actually die." he forced himself off the couch leaving his bag behind.

"Drama queen!" Thunder bass calls out.

"Fuck you too thunder." Anon retaliated. soon he came back with massive pack of doughnuts and a chocolate milkshake. he flopped down back into the sofa and took a huge bite into the doughnut enjoying sweet taste of the raspberry jam before talking to his friends. "Okay, so I didn't go exactly back home to do my home work."

"Oh yeah?" Flash answered trying to sound intrigued while leaning forward in the arm chair.

"Yeah... I went to the animal shelter where Fluttershy works." Anon admitted.

"Wow. Anon taking the initiative, that's a first for you." Thunder said going along with flash in keeping up the act that they didn't know anything.

"But I thought we already, OW!" Thunder gave Ringo a hard kick and a look that said shut the fuck up man. "I mean im glad for you man." Ringo gave Anon a forced smile while he rubbed his leg from the pain. Anon gave Ringo an odd look but soon brushed it off and began to tell his everything that happened yesterday.

"Sound's like you made good progress, but im guessing from your demeanour when met that something went wrong?" Thunder asks.

"Yeah when I tried to help her put the animals to bed she got really weird and wanted me to leave." Anon answers

"But you got the job, right?" Flash asks.

"Yeah I did."

"Well I don't know maybe it was all too overbearing. Girls are weird, but its okay were figure it out." Flash reassured before standing up. "Okay im gonna get a refill." Flash left taking his empty glass up the to the till where he bumped into Twilight getting her drink all over him self, after talking to her he heads back over to Anon and the lads after getting a new drink of course. "Hey I think im Making some progress, with Twilight?"

"Wait they're..." Anon was stopped dead in her tracks as loud out burst from the other side café interrupted him. Anon looked up and turned around to see Fluttershy and her friends behind them discussing loudly about how to take Sunset Shimmer down. He takes deep breath to calm his nerves before getting up and heading over. Fluttershy and her friends were all standing up smiling and give Rarity the thumbs up, they're were all in their own little world leading to Anon to clear his throat gaining all of the girls attention "Hi." Anon smiles and gives a small wave.

"Anon?!" Fluttershys says in surprise.

"So this is Anon." Rainbow smiles and walks over to Anon putting her arm around him. "We've heard a lot about you." Anon and Fluttershy both blush making the rest of the girls giggle.

"Well, I came because... well I couldn't but help over hear your conversation and I think I could be able to help you." Anon says feel embarrassed and awkward.

"You wanna help me become Fall Formal Princess?" Twilight asks shocked.

"Well more like I wanna help you nock sunset shimmer of the top. You see im the drummer in Flashes Band and."

"YOUR IN FLASH'S BAND!... Ahem, I mean not that I care. anyway continue." Twilight put on a on straight face that was convincing no one.

"Anyway like I was saying im apart of flashes band and Sunset got our main singer to quit and now we cant do this weekends gig." Anon explained.

"So she did do something awful to him." Applejack said allowed to the girls.

"So what's your plan?" Rainbow asks curious.

"Musical number." Anon answers bluntly.

"A musical number?!" The girls reply.

"Yeah a song that will unite the school. you can all wear those ears and tails while singing and you can hand out the rest to all those who join in with the song." Anon explained.

"That could work, its worth a try." Twilight smiled.

"Ill be able to help count you all in with the rhythm and beat." Anon says with a hug smile.

"How?" Rainbow asks

"With these." Anon reaches into your bag and pull out 7 ear buds. "I used to play spies with my friends when I was little. They still work and this way ill be able to help you."

"So when should we do this?" Applejack asks.

"Well we need all the students in the same place." Anon answers while thinking.

"How about the school cafeteria everyone is in there at lunch, eating well lunch." Pinkie smiled.

"Great lets go work on it!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Let me just tell my friends im leaving." Anon rushes over to the lads. "Hey guys I've gtg ill talk to you later. oh and by the way flash, you so have a shot with Twilight." Anon runs back over to the girls and leaves walking beside Fluttershy who still seems to be quite distant.

Chapter Three. Gaining new friends

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Wednesday: Break Time

Anon was walking with Fluttershy and her friends they pulled off a killer performance in the canteen yesterday. uniting the entire school with Anon's help. And now today,as he walks down the school hall with his new friends, everyone is wearing the pony ears and tails that the girls threw out in the musical number even Anon was wearing the clothing. Since helping the girls Anon has kind of been neglecting the lads which he didn't like and was going to make it up to them.

Fluttershy turns around to hug Anon tightly with out even thinking abut it. "Oh my gosh, Anon that was so amazing, you are amazing!" All of Fluttershy's friends stare at her and blush making her realize what she was doing making her back off quickly and hid under her hair, turning her back to Anon.

"Anyway... Fluttershy's right that was awesome, you made us look so awesome." The Rainbow coloured hair girl smiled patting Anon's back.

"She's right we owe you one partner, thank you" The girl wearing the Stetson smiles placing her hand on Anon's shoulder.

"It was nothing really I just wanted to help, that's all." Anon answers while yawning.

"What's the matter partner, didn't get much sleep?" the farm girl asks.

"Well got some sleep but it was difficult to it felt like some one was watching me last night." Anon says earning an eep from Fluttershy who was still hidden behind her hair.

"Its alright Fluttershy it was probably just Anon's imagination. doubt there was actually anything there." Rainbow reassured but Flutters shy gave no reaction

"Well you can hang with us anytime, isn't that right Fluttershy." Pinkie asks with a smile, causing Fluttershy to glare up at Pinkie looking very pissed to then hiding away behind her hair again.

"Ahem... well I know your name pinkie, everyone knows you. Oh and of course you Twilight, but I don't think I actually know the rest of your names." Anon gestures to the rest of the girls.

"Well im Rainbow."

"Howdy im Applejack"

"Im glad to meet your acquaintance darling, my name is Rarity."

"Im glad to meet you girls and id love hang with you. you all seem really cool." Anon was about to continue talking but sunset and her goons; Snips and Snails walk past smiling.

"I don't know why she's smiling, Twilights the one whose gonna be crowned fall formal princess." Applejack said out loud.

Sunset rapidly knocks on Vice Principle Luna's office door, causing her to open up quickly. "Vice Principle Luna something terrible has happened!" Sunset says acting innocent. Anon and the girls watch as Sunset takes Vice Principle Luna away somewhere.

"I wonder she's up to?" Twilight thought aloud to her self.

"Well if you like I could follow her?" Anon suggested.

"Please if you could, I cant get to close to her." Twilight told Anon.

"No problem." Anon does a playful salute before heading in the direction that Sunset and Vice Principle Luna went.

As Anon followed Sunset he bumped into his Mate Flash they both head-butt each other falling on their butts. "OW!" they both exclaim simultaneously.

Anon rubbed his head and looked up to see Flash doing the same "Flash?!"

"Anon! We need to stop Sunset, she's about to blame Twilight for destroying the hall." Flash tells Anon as they get up off of the floor.

"How? and wait the hall's been destroyed?" Anon asks confused.

"She forged photo's that look obviously fake, she's cut Twilight out of another photo and placed her into a photo of the destroyed hall making it look like Twilight is responsible for the destruction." Flash explains taking a deep breath.

"Well why don't you check the Photography class out while I go check the library out and we'll meet back here after to see what we've found." Flash nods and they both head in the direction that they need to go.

Anon searches high and low in the library looking everywhere while still being quite, not wanting to be thrown out. It seem to be a lost cause, Anon had been searching for minutes on end and had found nothing at all. Anon was heading out of the library when something caught his eye in the trash can. Apon closer inspection there was cut up Photographs in the bin, images of Twilight playing football had been cut out. Anon headed back to the corridor where he said he'd meet Flash.

Flash stands in corridor waiting for Anon, apon seeing his friend he heads over to him. "I couldn't find anything! Please tell me you did?"

"I found the cut up photos in the library." Anon says while holding up the photo's.

"Great go take them to her." Flash says as he begins to start walking.

"Wait Flash." Flash stopped in spot, making Anon run up to him. "I think it would be best coming from you."

"Really?" Flash asks with big smile.

"You wanna date with Twilight to the Fall Formal right?" Anon asks with smile while he put the photo's in his friends hand.

Flash couldn't believe it. "But this could put you on good terms with Fluttershy."

"You need it more then I do and anyway bro's look out for bro's am I right?" Anon asks smiling.

"Your right bro." Flash answers

"Lets find the girls then shall we." Anon and flash spent their next couple of minutes searching for the girls all round the school only to find them out side on the steps of canterlot high. Anon noticed Twilight wasn't there. "Hey where's Twilight?"

"Shes getting told off by Vice Principle Luna, whatever sunset had planned its working." Rainbow answered.

Anon turned to face Flash. "That's your cue Romeo, go help her."

Flash ran back into the building to go help Twilight leaving Anon outside with his new friends. "So what did Sunset do?" Rarity asks curiously.

"She trashed the hall and tried to blame it on Twilight using forged photo graphs, but Flash found the real photo's in the trash can of the library" Anon lied hoping they believed him.

"SHE DID WHAT!" Pinkie exclaimed pulling at her.

"Its okay Pinkie we'll all help you fix it up later." Rainbow said calming the pink girl down

Anon looked around to see Applejack staring at him. "Who really found those photo's?" the farm girl asks crossed armed giving her most serious look.

"What do you mean Applejack?" Anon was beginning to break out into a cold sweat as he got stared down by the farm girl.

"I know your lying." Applejack continued to stare.

"Fine! it was me but don't tell Twilight that, Flash really likes her." Anon explained.

Applejack stopped staring, smiled and winked "I wont say a word sugar."

"Now that we know everything is going to be fine shall we head to my shop and look at some dresses for the fall formal?" Rarity asks to which the rest of the girls agree.

"I guess ill see you lot later then." Anon says and begins to walking away.

"Don't be so silly, I can do you a nice suit for the Fall Formal as well. You'll wanna look divine for your date." Rarity smiled and Fluttershy's ears picked up listening to what Rarity and Anon was saying cutting out any other sound.

"Actually I don't have a date to the Fall Formal." Anon sighed sadly, but Fluttershy sighed a sigh of relief.

"Well anyway dear I can make you a suit that will make all the other girls regret that they didn't ask you out." Rarity smiled. accept Rarity's last comment made Fluttershy feel very angry and she now knew that she couldn't let Anon Pass and she must finally open up to someone at last.

So Anon walked with the girls back to Rarity's shop/home and as they walked Anon felt something grip his it was Fluttershy she was hugging Anon's arm as they walked along, making Anon smile warmly. As soon as they entered the shop Rarity instantly started taking your measurements and picking out clothes as the rest of the girls went looking at clothes for them selves.

"So I see you've taken quite an interest in Fluttershy, dear?" Rarity asks making Anon Blush.

"Yeah... I have I couldn't help it ever since I saw her, I fell for. Is that okay?" Anon ask timidly.

"Of course I was just trying to find out what your plans are for our sweet Fluttershy. You see she's been bullied and she's quite scared to fight back so I wanted to see if you are how you act and now I fully trust you. hope I haven't offended you darling." Rarity ask worried.

"No not at all Rarity in fact im glad that you look out for your friend like that, its good of you." Anon answered honestly.

"Thank you dear." The conversation had been cut short as Twilight burst through the shop and run into the changing room with out saying anything.

Rarity had asked if anything was okay and it wasn't until much later that Twilight left the changing room and told us all about what happened with Sunset shimmer. Luckily the girls acted like they didn't know anything, gaining A wink from Applejack which mad Anon feel calmer. Twilight wanted to tell us more but she couldn't find the words. That was until Pinkie Spoke saying a whole lot of crazy nonsense about Twilight being Pony Princess from another world that has come here to get her crown back so she can protect her own world. and If she did get back by tonight she would be stuck here and wont be able to get back home for a long time.

It made Anon chuckle to Himself thinking about Pinkie's imagination and how wild it was. But Anon Almost had a heart attack when Spike Twilights Pet dog actually spoke and confirmed that Pinkie was right. And as Quick as a Flash Anon watch Fluttershy get down on Spikes level wanting to know what the purple dog was think, which led to Rarity being quite freaked out by him. Once Twilight confirmed what Pinkie said was right, Anon felt like he had been hit the head with a book It was all so much information at once. As twilights friends crowded, Anon's thoughts turned to his buddy's Flash and how he would take this new... development.

Suddenly Twilight started walking over to Anon pulling him out of his thoughts. "Anon you've been kind of Quite about all of this. what do you think of me."

"That was a good question what Did think of Twilight." Anon thought leading him into deeper thoughts while Twilight waited patiently. "Well this does explain your weird behaviour. but I do just have one question?"


"Is Sunset from your world as well?" Anon asks.

"Yes she is." Twilight nodded.

"That makes so much sense. And im actually okay with it. In fact I think it makes you that much more cooler." Anon answers Honestly leading to Twilight hug anon Tightly as Fluttershy glared at the from the side lines.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me." Twilight said smiling while letting you go.

"Well we Better head over to the hall and see what damage has been done and see if we can fix it in time." Anon says smiling back.

"Your right we better get going if we wanna fix it in time." Twilight agreed leading to Anon and the girls running out of the shop heading back to Canterlot High hoping they can fix the damage in time.

Chapter Four. Huh... So That's Why She's so Shy

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Anon and the girls arrive at the Hull seeing completely destroyed all of the banners and Streamers had been completely ripped and torn apart. tables and chairs had been broken down, all balloons had been popped, food ruined along with the lights and some how they cracked the disco ball in half. It was a huge daunting task that made Anon, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie all feel hope less. It was until Twilight spoke up giving us the confidence to fix up the this hall up. And before Anon new it he was helping fix up the hall while being dragged into a musical number while They worked. The further they got on more people turned up to help clean the hall up, which gave Anon a bright idea and called up the lads to come down and help. A couple of minutes later the lads there giving a helping hand, as soon as Anon sees Flash and Twilight bumped into each other it made simile then frowned at what he knew to happen. Anon joined the girls to see that the hall had been fully restored to its former glory, the girls start linking arms and Fluttershy drags Anon over making sure he feels apart of the group.

Soon Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna entered the hall congratulated everyone on a good job and reminded everyone to vote for Fall Formal Princess. As everyone placed their votes for the fall formal Princess they each promised Twilight that they would vote for her. Filling Twilight and the girls with glee as for Anon, he was just glad to get a little revenge against Sunset but something told him it was way too easy and he could help but think it wasn't the end.

Fluttershy sneaked away from the girls and Anon to the side. "I was well, wondering if you would... er... be my... um date?"

Anon looked at Fluttershy confused. "Im sorry what was that last part?

Fluttershy took a deep breath before shouting fast speed "WOULDYOUBEMYDATETOTHEFALLFORMAL!" Anon was taken back by how loud she was, the girls turned around to see us over in the corner. they smile and blush at us. "Was I too loud?"

"Just a little Bit" Anon chuckled making Fluttershy blush.

"Sorry." Fluttershy started to hide behind hair.

Anon move Fluttershys beautiful Pink Hair out of her beautiful face while stroking her cheek making her feel calmer "Its okay, I thought it was cute." Anon's remark made her blush bright red. "I would love to go to the dance with you."

Fluttershy Hugged Anon tightly. "Thank you."

Anon smiled and gave Fluttershy a light kiss on the check making you both blush. "No thanks needed."

Suddenly Rarity Spoke reminding Anon and Fluttershy that they had people watching them. "You two are so cute together, we must get back to my shop and get ready."

Anon and the rest of the girls nodded in agreement and headed back to Rarity's shop, but before Anon could actually take step inside put out her arm and stopped him. "Oh no you don't!"

"Huh." Anon looked at Rarity confused.

"Fluttershy you come with and you Mr stay there." Fluttershy Gave a small smile and wave goodbye before being dragged into the shop. Anon stood outside for a minute before Rarity came back with a dark green bag. "Here's what your wearing tonight and don't be late." Rarity closed the door once again.

"I guess im walking back to school to drive home then." Anon wasn't upset how could he be, he has an amazing, talented, beautiful woman as his date for The Fall Formal.

Anon finally gotten back to his car placing his backpack and the dark green bag on the back seats. he got into the car and started driving back home as the radio played, Anon sung along as each song played. Anon's spirts couldn't be higher but little did he know what he was in for tonight it was going to change his life forever. Anon reached his house and was about to get out when his phone went causing him to stop and look at it, it was text from each of the lads.

Hey so I asked Rose Luck and she said yes. cant wait to see you there with Fluttershy😉 From Thunder Blaze.

So you know I've been wanting to ask Derpy out well I did and she said yes Its gonna be so good Ill see you at the Fall Formal." From Ringo.

Hey Man we gave it good try I asked Twilight to the fall Formal and she made it clear that she didn't want to go with me, but im still gonna come no point missing out on a party. thanks for the help I hope your going with Fluttershy.

Anon didn't even know that Thunder and Ringo had girls that they were after and texted them a congratulations and that he would see them with Fluttershy. But as for flash, he felt so bad for him and text him back saying something.

Flash im so sorry man but im glad your still coming to the fall formal it wouldn't be the same without you. And Fluttershy actually asked me to the dance and of course I said yes I haven't I gone crazy, well not yet anyway lol.

Its okay and im happy for you ill see you at the dance, ill let you get ready for Fluttershy😉.

Ok see you then mate

Anon put his phone in his pocket and got out of the car grabbing his backpack and the dark green bag locking the car behind him. As soon as Anon gets in the house he slams the door shut causing the dogs to come running out from the front room waging their tails so happy to seen to their owner.

"Hi Guys, I cant give you much attention today sorry." Anon walks into the front room/kitchen placing his backpack and bag that Rarity gave him on the sofa and when straight on to giving his dogs the food and water needed. "You see daddy has date for the Fall Formal so you two have to be good while im gone. Do you think you two can do that for me?"

"Bark, bark" Molly and Buddy playfully bark back.

"Good, thank you." Anon smile and stroked the top of his dog's heads

Anon grabbed the dark green bag that Rarity gave him and heads up stairs, he pops into his bedroom and leaves the bag on his bed and heads to the bathroom to run him self a bath for tonight, he didn't want to disappoint her. After a nice long soak making sure that he was nice and clean he got out of the bath and began to dress him self. Anon put on the sexiest underwear he could think of, a pair of tight black boxers, black socks and sprayed some of his favourite deodorant on and then headed over to the dark green bag. Anon pulled out a nice long sleeved white shirt with black lines that crossed each other, also in the bag were a pair of tight gray trousers with a matching gray blazer that has a slight black trim around the collar along with black buttons. Anon put it all on and looked at him and stood in front of the mirror seeing how he looked, and Anon thought he looked the sharpest he's ever looked. And last but not least of and sorted out his hair, normally it would be stylishly messy but this time he combed it.

"Only the best for Fluttershy." Anon said aloud to himself. He checked the time seeing it was time to leave and so headed down stairs and slipped on his black laced shoes. Anon wasn't going to lie but he did think about grabbing condoms for tonight, but he didn't want tonight to go that way so he decided against it, he just wanted to get to know the real Fluttershy. Anon got in his car and droved down to canterlot high playing music along the way to calm his nerves.

Anon took one last deep breath before getting out of the car and entered the hall. Vinyl was already at her mix looking round for Fluttershy except you bump into Thunder dancing with Rose Luck. "Hey Anon." He extends his fist making Anon smile then bumped Thunders fist with his own.

"Hey Thunder your looking... good." Anon said not sure what to say.

"Heh, thanks so do you." Ringo smiled.

"Thanks Rarity picked these clothes out." Anon says looking down at him self.

"Oh so you get designer picked clothes now that your hanging out with your new girl pals." Thunder mocked

"Ha, ha, very funny. I'm still your friend and I will hang with you guys some days."

"I know. oh and before I forget Norman came up to me and said he's back in."

"That's great's and on that subject any sign of Sunset?" Anon asks still having that bad feeling from earlier.

"No sign, then why she wanna face the humility."

"That's good... I guess. Or not but hey ho, I'll let you get back to rose." Anon pat Thunder on the back and headed out of the Canterlot High and waited by the steps.

It wasn't long until the girls arrived in Limbo and out step Fluttershy looking beautiful as ever. She was wearing turquoise dress that split down the middle of it at the bottom of the dress revealing a yellow silk petticoat and at the tip of the split was glittery pink butterfly that matched her hair. Her boots were the same colour as her dress but it was rapped in pink ribbon with white butterflies on each cross of the ribbon. Fluttershy even had cutest turquoise butterfly in her hair. But as Fluttershy made her way her way towards Anon he could see Flashes car drive up and all you could do was hope that would go okay.

Fluttershy smiled and blushed as she stood in front of Anon. "Hi."

Anon smiled back he could tell she was as nervous as he was. "Hi."

"So how do I look?" Fluttershy asks quietly.

"You look beautiful." Anon simply replied making her giggle. "You also have the cutest smile." Anon added smiling.

Anon couldn't believe it but her blush got bigger. "Thank you. You look so handsome."

And this time it was Anon's time to blush "Th-thanks. shall we head in." Anon held out his hand and Fluttershy took hold of it and walked into the dance with him holding his hand tightly. Normally parties would make Fluttershy hide in the corner of the room, but now holding the hand of the boy who stole her heart. They got to the middle of the dance floor and Romantic music begin to play, Anon bowed to Fluttershy holding his hand out causing her to curtsy and take his hand letting Anon hold her close as they begin to slow dance. As they danced their hearts started to work in tandem with each other, both of them had never felt so complete until today. Anon looked into Fluttershy's eyes and she did the same, they knew that they was never going to be as happy with anyone else but each other. Anon let the moment flow and kissed her on the lips fear started to set in his mind that it was to early, but all of that got washed away as she started kissing back.

Anon pulled away to see a very happy Fluttershy making him smiling even more, he's cheeks were so going to hurt. "So, do you wanna get a drink?"

Fluttershy nodded "I would like that."

So Anon and Fluttershy headed over to the table where the punches bowls were set up they both poured themselves drinks. "Why do you like Animals so much?" Fluttershy asks smiling

"Why do you like animals so much?" Anon asked back joking around.

"I asked you first." Fluttershy said with that amazing giggle that Anon loved so much.

"Okay, well they're so much nicer then people, they don't judge you for who you are and all they ask for is a bit of love." Anon answered honestly. "Now why do you like animals?"

"I just feel that I get on better with animals then I do with actual people." Fluttershy answered.

Minutes passed by as Fluttershy and Anon told each other almost everything about each other and it just made both of them fall in love with each other even more. There was one last question that Anon need to ask and he was about to until he heard a familiar tune begin to play. Anon looked towards the stage seeing the lads performing without him and worse they had gotten a new drummer making Anon very angry, upset and betrayed by he's closest friends and Fluttershy could see it all written on his face.

Fluttershy pulled his face to face her. " Im so sorry, this wasn't fair on you." She pulled Anon into a hug making feel a bit better.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash came over looking confused. "I thought you said you were apart of Flash's band?" She asks Anon?

"It looks like I've been dropped." Anon answers clearly upset.

"Well I wouldn't worry about it." Rainbow said with huge grin.

"Oh yeah why's that?" Anon asks sounding defeated

"Since we pulled off such a good performance in the canteen I've been thinking of starting a band, interested?" Rainbow asks nudge him with her elbow.

Anon looks at his old friends on the stage and gives a thought for a minute before making up his mind. "Yeah im in."

"Awesome ill talk details with you later." Rainbow said with a wink then leaving to get back to the dance.

Anon turn to Fluttershy holding his and once more "Shall we my dear."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy ask worried.

"Im gonna waste this dance being upset especially when I have such a beautiful date." Anon Smiles making Fluttershy blush.

Fluttershy took his hand and they headed over to her friends and began to start dancing to the music. Anon wasn't going to let the lads get to him he was just going to enjoy him self surrounded by his new friends and hopefully soon to be girlfriend. When flashes band stopped playing it was time for the announcement of who is going to be crowed Princess of the Fall Formal. And of course Principle Celestia called out Twilights name making all her friends cheer on out of joy. But it didn't last long as Spike call out for help, Everyone turns around seeing Sunset's bunch of goons stealing Spike. Twilight jumps off stage chasing after them and the girls and Anon wasn't far behind helping chase after the idiots.

They follow the idiots outside to the old horse statue where Sunset was waiting, Spike struggled as he was held down by the two dip sticks who couldn't think for them selves. Surprisingly Sunset orders her goons to let go of Spike allowing him to jump back into his owners arms. Then she gave Twilight an offer, she could hand over her crown and leave unharmed or she was going to destroy the portal leaving her stranding in this world. And of course she defied sunset and choose to stay here with her new / old friends which sunset wasn't expecting causing her to give up. But that didn't last as her anger caused her to charge at Twilight knock the crown off.

And before anyone knew it everyone was playing piggy the middle With Twilights crown. It goes form snips to Rainbow to Pinkie to Rarity to Anon and then to Fluttershy. But unfortunately Sunset caught it and placed it on her head transforming herself into a raging she demon. With her new found power Sunset turns her goons into demons and mind warps the rest of the school into teenage zombies. Sunset soon reveal's her true plan to take over Equestria with her brand new army. And last thing to do was take out Twilight, Sunset was about blast Twilight with dark magic but as quick as Flash the girls and Anon run over to shield Twilight from the magic expecting Pain.

But as everyone open their eyes they found them selves glowing and floating into the sky. Twilight started calling out the elements of all her friends, Rainbow was the element of loyalty, Rarity was generosity, Pinkie was laughter, Applejack honesty and Fluttershy and Anon were Joint Kindness both having wings. Suddenly They began to blast Sunset with magic from friend ship leaving her a broken girl in a ditch. All seven of them begin to float back down to the ground, but as Twilight gives Sunset a strict talking to Fluttershy begins to freak out.

"No, no, no, no, this cant be happing, not now im not ready yet." Fluttershy starts freaking out checking her self all over.

"Fluttershy its okay calm down." Anon reassured her.

"No, im sorry I have to go." Fluttershy began running off leaving Anon and her friends behind.

"Its okay I'll go after her." Rainbow declared ready to fly after her wit her new found wings.

"No." Applejack shouted stopping the sky blue girl in her tracks. "Anon yah need to go ah've seen how close ya'll been together. Go to her."

Anon nodded and run after Fluttershy in the same direction that she left. Anon couldn't see where she had gone, but he had a pretty good guess where she was heading and got into his car started driving until arrived at the Animal shelter. And as Anon predicted the lights in the shop were on, Anon got out of the car and headed to the shelter.

Anon open the door slowly and alerted Fluttershy to his presence. "Hey its just me Fluttershy, okay." Anon spoke in soft voice. "Im coming in."

"No. go away, you cant see me." Fluttershy says as she runs into the back room closing the door behind her.

"Its okay Fluttershy im just like you. The wings and everything else." Anon says trying to comfort her.

"No, Your nothing like me, IM A FREAK!" She shouted though an already strained voice through crying.

"What do you mean?" He asks confused.

"Nothing, Just go away!" Fluttershy started crying again But Anon wont leave her alone like this what kind of person would he be.

"No not until I see you." Anon stood his ground.

"Why? Why wont you just leave me Alone?" Fluttershy asks sounding as if she's started giving up.

"Cos I love and care for you, now will you come out." he replied like it was obvious.

"Y-y-you love me?" She ask through her sniffles.

"Yes, now will you come out?" Anon asks but there was no reply just silence making him speak up again out of even more worry. "Fluttershy! Are you okay?"

"Oh um yes im okay... instead of me coming out how about I let you in?" Fluttershy suggested.

"Okay, sure. whatever makes you feel comfortable." Anon walked over to the back door ready to be let in.

"But when you see me you cant scream, runaway or fear me." She tells Anon, fear clear in her voice.

"I wont Fluttershy."

"Promise me!" Anon was taken aback by Fluttershy's attitude.

"I promise Fluttershy." And he meant that promise.

"O-okay." Anon watched as the door opened by it self already giving him weird vibes.

But still Anon entered the back room and closed the door behind himself and looked up to see Fluttershy and his brain felt like it had completely shut off. her skin was pale yellow and her hair was pale pink, she was wearing a skimpy black underwear one piece that had gold décor on it. she wore gold bands that had fabric attached to it that looped back to her underwear. Her boobs had gotten much bigger from c, to double d's, her eyes were bright red, she had two sharp teeth sticking out, but most noticeable of were the two wings sticking out of her back.

"Huh... So That's Why your so Shy."

Chapter Five. Decions

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"Please don't hate me?!" Fluttershy asks as she hides behind her hands sitting on the side counter.

Anon didn't say anything he was still stunned by the revelation, but the silence made him aware that he hadn't said anything. "Well I er... don't. That is to say um..." he shook he's head clear. "I don't hate you. You just er... Surprised me, yeah surprised me."

"Really you really don't hate me?" She asks looking at Anon through the gaps of her fingers.

"No of course not." He answers smiling and that smile made Fluttershy feel at ease.

"Your not scared of me or you don't think that im a freak?" She asks her hands completely taken her hands away from her face.

"No I don't think any of those things. I just wanna know how you became like this."

"Do you really want to know?" Anon just nodded and got up on to the side counter and sat next her. "Okay, well summer last year I was still working at the Animal Shelter and I was just hard at work taking care of the little lizards, cleaning their habitats and making sure they had enough food." Anon nodded along letting Fluttershy know he understood. "That's when Applejack came in and told me she had a family of bats in her attic and asked if I removed them for her. Oh course I said yes and we headed to her farm. But when I got to the attic and tried to move one of the bats it bit me and I could feel the venom move through my veins making me feel cold and empty. I eventually got them to leave and I left telling Applejack that I felt sick and I headed home locked my self away in my room as the transformation took hold. The venom eventually took hold and my heart just stopped beating but I didn't die, my skin and hair got paler and boobs got bigger and two sharp teeth grew. My clothes changed to what you see now and I started to crave blood." Fluttershy voice quivered at that last word.

Anon couldn't help but feel scared at that last sentence. "So how do you fill that craving?"

"I feed off of criminals like murders, Rapist, thieves and if I cant find any I make way into a hospital and find blood bags." Fluttershy admitted.

"How did you become a vigilante?" he asks shocked.

Fluttershy giggles "Well the transformation gave me abilities such super strength, immortality and Magic I actually use everyday, I use it to make my clothes, make my skin and hair brighter and feel warmer. but I cant keep it up all day im strong enough to, that's why I freaked out on you the other day."

"Oh wow so okay, can you not die?"

"No. I've tried."

"Oh shy?" Anon brought Fluttershy in for hug as she started to cry, it was the first time he felt how cold she actually was. "Is there anything else I should know?"

She nodded into his shoulder she looked up him looking guilty. "You see, remember when you said that you felt like someone was watching you?"

"Yeah..." he answered hesitantly.

"That was me. I had never felt a connection with you and I missed you and wanted to see you." She admitted.

"Okay at least you were honest. What's the second thing?" he asks as he strokes her hair.

"Well its more of a question and its a biggie." Fluttershy got up and looked at him seriously.

"Go for it."

"You have made feel alive for the first time in a year. And, you see im going to out live everyone but I don't want to out live you I don't think I could do it. So would you join me and let me bite you so you can be like me? I would help you thorough everything and I will be there with you through everything?"

Anon was completely stunned by her question he wasn't expecting it and was just so surprised. "Can I have time to think about it?"

"Of course take all the time you need!" she smiled hopefully.

"So shall we get back to the dance." asks he stretches his own wings. "Got any strength in you to conger up the other you?"

"I think so." Anon watches as Fluttershys eyes begin to glow and skin and hair become brighter her skimpy underwear gets replaced by her beautiful dress. "There."

"Lets get going." They head out of the animal shelter and was about to drive back to canterlot high when Fluttershy stops Anon by pulling on his hand causing him to look at her with concern. "You okay?"

Fluttershy smiles and pull's him into a deep kiss, as it goes on Fluttershy slipped her tongue into Anon's mouth leading the kiss how she wants. Five minutes pass and she pulls away leaving him breathless "Im perfect." she smiles and gets into the car.

Anon smiles and gets into the car and drives back to the dance, they walking in again holding hands. The girls run over along with flash. "Fluttershy are you okay?" Twilight asks concerned.

"Yeah im okay, Now." She smiles up at Anon but he's complete gone from being a fun, confident girl to shy and timid in a matter of seconds. "Im sorry the transformation was just a bit to much to handle." The girls end up getting into a conversation giving Anon a chance to talk to Flash

"Hey man, what happened to Fluttershy?" Flash asks sounding worried.

"Nothing that you need to worry about, I can look after my girlfriend." Anon snapped Flash.

"Whoa, what did I do?" Flash asks confused.

"What did you do. You kicked me out of the band! WITHOUT TELLING ME!" Anon's anger exploded.

"We, well I thought since you were hanging out with the girls more that you didn't want to be apart the band." Flash explained.

"Bullshit, you used to talk about bringing Metal Tune into the band but when Ringo pointed out that he could only play the drums and I was already the drummer I saw how upset you was. And ever since then you've been wanting to get rid of me." Flash didn't say a word, he just hang his head low. "Well it doesn't matter anyway I've been asked into a new band. So you take your band and shove it up your arse."

Anon walked back of to Fluttershy and the girls, Fluttershy could see he wasn't happy. "Are you okay?"

"Not really my old friends are pieces of shit." Fluttershy gave Anon hug.

"Don't worry about them Anon you've us." Rainbow smiled.

"Dang right you've been a good friend to us Anon, we'd love to have ya here in our little group." Applejack winked at Fluttershy.

"Oh absolutely darling you are most welcome here." Rarity added.

"Yeah Anon we could bake cookies and have sleepover's and it would be the bestest of fun." Pinkie bounced.

"Well it look's as though they want you to stay." Twilight said with a small giggle.

Anon looked at Fluttershy's Smiling face then back at all girls smiling faces back you. "How could I say no." Suddenly all the girls crowed around Anon hugging him tightly making Fluttershy slightly jealous.

After the hug everyone went back to the dance floor for one last dance. Anon held Fluttershy close as they danced, but her question played on in his mind, he thought it over and over again making sure he had his answer. As the music was coming to its end Anon whispered into Fluttershy's ear. "Yes" That yes didn't need to be explained Fluttershy knew what he was talking about and it filled her heart with joy.

The dance was over and they were now saying goodbye to Twilight and Spike as they prepared to go back to their home world of Equestria. You all join in one last group hug and until Twilight pulled away looking at Sunset hiding away in the wrecked part of school. "You will look after her wont you?" Twilight asks

"Of course darling, But I do expect an apology." Rarity stated

"Don't worry I think she'll be handing out a lot of apology's." Twilight smiled

Spike looked up at Twilight. "We better get going."

"I know with only been friends for a short time but im going to miss all of you." Twilight took a deep breath before turning around walking towards the statute and entering the portal back home.

Suddenly our wings, tails and ears disappear and Pinkie starts running head first at the statue hitting her head on the concrete. "Bummer."

"Sorry Pinkie I think its gonna be a while before we see Princess Twilight." Anon smiled sadly at Pinkie offering her a hand up which she takes.

"So what do we do now?" Rainbow asks

"I don't know about you, but I think my bed is calling me." Rarity said with a yawns causing rest of the girls to yawn, but Anon could tell that Fluttershy's yawn was fake.

"Your not wrong Rarity. Do you think you can drive me home?" Fluttershy asks with a fake tired smile looking at Anon.

"It would me my honour, my lady." Fluttershy giggles.

"See you at School tomorrow." Fluttershy smile, while Anon gave a small wave and headed to Anon's car.

Rainbow smirked as she, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie watch them drive away "They're so gonna bang."

"RAINBOW!" Applejack scolded

"What were all thinking it." Rainbow smirked.

"I was thinking about a new cookie flavour mint chip like the ice cream." Pinkie beamed.

"Seriously Rainbow its their private business we have no right poking our nose into it." Rarity said backing Applejack up.



"So shall we head to yours?" Anon asks as he keeps eyes on the road while drives.

"I was thinking we could head to your house." Fluttershy suggested.

"What about your parents?"

"I don't leave with my parents, they live in Fillydelphia." she explains.

"Oh okay then. You'll love Buddy and Molly." Anon smiles.

"I bet I will. Um would it be okay if transformed in the car?" Fluttershy ask her voiced strained.

"Yeah of course."

Fluttershy relaxed as the dress began to fade away and her actual appearance came back. "That's so much better." She sighed in relief as she stretches out her bat wings.

"Im glad, so I have a question for you." he says with a smirk across his face.

"Sure." she answers as she looks for a good station on the radio.

"Why do you act so shy and timid at school, but when your with me you are so confident and brave?" Anon had been wanting asks this for a while now.

"Oh that's easy im so much stronger and better then everyone at school and I don't want to hurt anyone or I don't want them to find out what I am so act the way I do to stop anyone from getting to close to me." Fluttershy found station and left it on.

"I get it, sounds lonely." he admitted.

"It wont be for long. And, well I did have the girls even though I couldn't tell them. But I have a question for you. Are you sure your ready for this commitment." she asks making sure.

"Yeah im sure I don't think im ever going to have this connection with anyone else." Anon looked over at Fluttershy smiling at before giving her light peck on the lips. "Besides were here."

Anon got out of the car along with Fluttershy and they enter his house and just on cue Buddy and Molly come running out to greet their owner. "Hey you two, you been good for me I bet you have." Anon kissed both their heads while stroking their fur."

They head over to see Fluttershy, greeting her with lots wet dog kisses. "Oh Anon, your dog's are just the cutest."

"Yeah... they are." Anon couldn't deny it they were so damn adorable.

Fluttershy sat their for a minute play with dog's before reluctantly getting up and looking at Anon. "Are you ready?"

Anon took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah."

Fluttershy smiled and held her hand it was cold but welcoming at the same time. "Lets go to your room." Anon nodded. She led him all the way up to his room, locking the door behind them. They sit on his bed facing each other with lights on low. They started to make out at first to calm Anon's nerves making him feel relaxed. Fluttershy pulled away from the kiss and smiled. "Turn your head to the side." Anon did as he was told, she planted a slow kiss on his neck before biting down hard sinking her two front teeth in. The venom entered his blood stream and the effects began to take hold immediately, Skin was completely white anyway so there was no change in that regard, but his suit disappeared revealing a dark brown leather trench coat with a Victorian suit underneath. His bright red hair became paler and slick back, his baby blue eyes turned blood shot red and two sharp teeth grew at the front of his mouth, suddenly a pair of white bat wings sprung out of his back stretching wide.

Fluttershy took her teeth out Anon's neck she cupped his face with her hands making him look at her. "how do you feel?"

"Cold, so cold." Anon answers weakly.

"Its okay you'll get used to it, here come on." Fluttershy pulled him up onto his bed, letting his head rest on the pillow. "Sleep, just sleep." Anon reached his and out for her and Fluttershy took it. "Don't worry im not going anywhere. I'll be right here with you."

Chapter Six. Control

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Anon's eyes began to flicker open seeing that he was still in his bedroom, he turned his head to the window seeing it was still night time. "Ugh! How long was I out for?" He placed his hands over his head as sharp thumping pain pelted away at it, as if had been out all night clearing out the local pubs. Anon brought his legs around sitting on the bed enjoying the silence that his head welcomed, suddenly an Ambulance came blaring past causing to get up fast. But as he got up he smacked his head against the wall causing himself more pain. He looked back at the bed feeling so confused, but he ignored and closed the window and started rubbing his hands together. "Im so fucking cold." He tried breathing hot air into his hands, but he couldn't.

"What the hell, why cant I breath properly." Anon started to freak out, he looked down to see that he was wearing some Victorian suit. Anon rushes over to the mirror in his room to have a good look at himself, but he couldn't, he had no reflection. Suddenly it dawned on him, and his memory came flooding back, he changed him self for Fluttershy.

Soon Fluttershy entered the room closing the door behind her "how are you feeling?"

"Cold." he answers honestly sitting on the bed.

Fluttershy walk forward placing her head on his shoulder. "Its gonna be okay, I'll help you though it."

"I know. I've also got this pounding head ache." Anon said, placing his hands on his forehead.

"Your hungry, you need blood here." She pulled out a blood pack from a small bag. "I popped back to my house while you were sleeping. I stocked up recently."

Anon had sudden urge to rip open the blood pack and drain it all and Fluttershy knew this. "I need that bag."

"I know you do. Put your head back and open your mouth." Anon did as he was told, allowing her to open up the blood pack and slowly pour the blood into his mouth. As the blood flowed into his mouth and stomach he noticed, It had a bitter sweet taste to it, with a weird metallic twang. Once the pack was empty and Anon had drunk it all, she lowered his head and pulled him into deep kiss pushing her tongue into his mouth still tasting the fresh blood that lingered on his tongue. Fluttershy pulled away looking hungrily at Anon and something primal clicked in both of them causing Anon to get up ad throw Fluttershy against the wall.


He held her hands against the wall as he kissed along her neck before he kissing her deeply, she enjoyed every second of being handled by Anon. As their tongues battled once more, Fluttershy took this opportunity to take control in one swift move, she flipped Anon pushing him into the wall like he did to her. this continued for a while, back and fourth pinning each other both of them trying to take control, it got so heated Anon punched a hole right through his wall. Fluttershy took hold of and threw him on the bed, she got to the bed her self and stood over him while she took off her clothes leaving her self naked and with her click of her fingers and a devilish smile, Anon was also naked.

He tried to get up but Fluttershy wasn't having any of it. "Uh, uh Mr your staying right there." Using Magic Anon's arms and legs were pulled out to the corners and kept there. She started by kissing downwards from his neck across his newly gained abs, Since his transformation his muscle mass has been tripled and Fluttershy liked this. She stopped at the bottom his abs feeling his massive erect cock prod her chin, she gave the tip a light kiss making him groan out of pleasure.

"That's all your get... for now anyway. I want you to pleasure me first." She moved up close to his face sitting on his stomach. "Such my milk out." She lead forward putting her hands on the bed bored. her huge breast swinging in front of his face, he latches onto the left tit licking the nub making Fluttershy gasp from shock. He started sucking like a new born foal hungry for dinner, soon the milk started flooding into his mouth and tasted good and he wanted more which gave Shy unbelievable pleasure. "Bite me. hard!" Anon did as he was told biting her tit hard causing her to scream out, joy plastered on her face.

Anon let go of the tit and looked up at his Girlfriend "Your milk tastes fucking amazing!" Before she could tell him to shut up and get back to sucking, Anon immediately latched onto the other tit doing the exactly the same thing he did to the other boob giving them both the same treatment. Fluttershy was getting so wet that it started drip from her pussy on to his chest, so she pulled away remorsefully.

She need something huge in her cunt and she needed it now, luckily Anon dick fitted her needs. She started slowly lower herself onto his huge dick "Holy shit your huge!" She screamed as she slides all the way down cock feeling it all inside her.

"And your so.... tight!" He strained

Fluttershy began to pick up speed before going full vampire spend anon causing them both to have multiple orgasms at the same time. Fluttershy soon fell off his dick falling next to Anon hugging him tightly. Soon Anon begins to laugh, causing Fluttershy to look at him oddly "What's funny?"


"I just thought of a new nickname for you." He smiled.

"Oh yeah! What is it?" she ask excited.

"Flutterbat." She giggles at the name.

"I like it, its cute." She kisses him on the cheek

"Just like you." He winks at her.

Fluttershy sighs out of joy. "I love you, Anon."

"I love you too, my Flutterbat." She giggles again at the name. "So before I how long was I asleep for?"

"A day." She answers honestly.

"What! I've Missed school?!" Anon shouted sitting up causing Flutterbat to do the same.

"No, its okay. School was cancelled on account of the damage sunset did to the school." She reassured him.

He layed back down calmed that he didn't miss a day of school. "So what should we do now?" He asks while yawning.

"How about we sleep?." Flutterbat suggested also yawing too.

"Sounds like a plan." Anon agreed, they layed there together holding each as they drifted of to sleep.

Friday night.

Flutterbat sat on the edge a top of the roof of the tallest building in canterlot waiting for Anon to make his way towards her, they had been training all day. This morning was being able to control his magic and what he could do with it. Anon was able to reassemble his vampire clothes and then change his appearance to his old human form allowing to walk out during the day. He had also learned to how to move objects with out touching them, Fluttershy told him would be important for later to night. Later on that Afternoon he was able to learn how he could control his sense's, speed and Strength. They started with his sense's, first of all his hearing, he learned to how to refine all noises around him and how to target his hearing zoning in on far away sounds. Then they continued and do the same with his sense smell along with His strength and Speed and it was all going to help for tonight.

Suddenly Anon lands right next to Flutterbat on his hand and knee (The superhero landing), they had been practicing jumping from house to house all around Canterlot, practicing his agility. Flutterbat turn to Anon and smiled, "Close your eyes and Listen, find a crime."

Anon closed his eyes and listens to the beating heart of the Canterlot city, Sirens, shops and late night parties, until he zones in on alarm bells of Bank Robbery. "There North, west." Anon pointed in the general area, "A bank robbery in progress."

"Well we should get there, before the police arrive." Flutterbat turned around and Gave Anon a wink before letting herself fall off the side

Anon watched as she fell turning around her arms Stretched wide as she catches the lamppost swinging her self up the next building along. "This is crazy." he took a run up before jumping off the side following his Girlfriend lead. They made their way across Canterlot using the roof tops and their incredible speed, strength and agility until they reached a th scene of the crime. They landed on a building away and sat on the edge watching as men with guns unloaded money into old battered sports bags.

"So how do you wanna do this?" Anon asks insure as he was completely new to this whole vampire thing.

"I say we say we cut the lights and drop down in from the celling. We'd have the element of surprise, they wont know what's hit them." she suggested and Anon could tell she had a lot of experience in this sort of thing, so he didn't even question her, instead he just nodded in agreement.

They make their way over to roof of the bank silently without being seen. They found the generator powering lights Flutterbat was about to turn it off until Anon reached hold her arm. "Got any advice?"

"Go for their weapons first." she nodded.

Anon nodded and let go of her arm allowing her to turn of the lights making the crooks below start to freak out. "What was that!"

"Its here! Isn't she!"

"Shut up and fill up bags!"

Flutterbat and Anon were now above them on the chandeliers watching as they had almost empty the vault. The watch as two guys emptied the money as two other guys pack the money away. Flutterbat turned to face her boyfriend. "Im going to do my stare and what I'll need you to do is keep the other two busy, while I deal with the other two. Do you think you can do it? Its okay if you don't, you can just stay here and wait for me to call you if your not ready yet." she says while whispering not wanting to alert the guards.

"No its okay flutters I can do this for you." he answers feeling nervous.

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "Okay then if your sure, I'll need you to deal with the two packing the money."

"Okay, I got it. you can count me." Anon promised with a confident smile.

"Alright then I need you to drop down first okay then I will follow dealing with the other two." She told him while giving him the warmest smile that somehow told him that everything was going to be all okay.

Anon took a deep before dropping down surprising the two criminals in front of him. the criminal quickly rush to their guns leading to Anon he grabbing hold of their shotgun's and throwing them to the side. The guy on the left threw a right hook, but Anon move so fast that he caught the guy's fist and punched him in the chest with such a force that threw him into the glass doors behind. The other two guys in the vault were about to start firing on Anon but Flutterbat dropped down swinging on the chandelier kick them back into the bank vault and Anon did as he promised he kept the other guys buys while Flutterbat worked on her stare. The criminal left standing went over to help his friend up so he could help him Fight Anon together. They both rushed Anon together
trying to get the jump on him, but he moved quickly. Anon moved so quickly that the thugs couldn't get a hit on him, unfortunately for the robbers it wasn't the same. He got quick short hard hits that kept pushing crooks back but they weren't hard enough to do any real damage it just kept them at bay for the time being. Towards the end the thugs got so desperate trying to get one over Anon, they tried attack from both sides. But Anon just moved out the way at the last second letting them hit each other in the face causing them to drop to the and wale out in pain.

Flutterbat walked out from the volt, blood dripping down corner of her cheeks which she quickly wiped away. Following her were the two other thugs that were now under her spell, they both had two bite marks where Flutterbat had just drained a reasonable and equal amount . She saw the two guys on the floor holding their noses and crying out of pain, causing her to giggling even though she knew she shouldn't really. "I see you've got a good handle on your abilities then."

"Yeah its kind of like riding a bike you get into a good rhythm and away you go, your unstoppable." That comment earned another cute giggle From Flutterbat.

But she composed her self and pulled a straight face. "You two. Pick up your friends and hold them still." Flutterbat ordered in serious voice, Anon stood by her as she ordered the crooks to do what ever she wanted. "Now get them to look me in the eyes." The thugs did as they were told now holding the friends head to look flutter bat in the eyes "YOU WILL DO AS YOUR TOLD AND LISTEN TO EVERYTHING I HAVE TO SAY." Her eyes barrowed into the criminals eyes, hypnotising them into doing what ever she said.

"Yes mistress Fluttershy." The two crooks replied.

"Good. You two may let go of your friends now." The other two thugs let their friends go and took a step back. " now you two stretch your heads to the right showing us your necks." And again with out question they did as they were told. "Go on Anon you can feed now." She says look at Anon with loving eyes.

"Okay then..." Anon got onto his knees sinking his teeth into his neck draining his blood. He thought the blood pack was good, it was nothing, nothing compared to fresh blood straight from the body.

"Fresh blood it feels good doesn't it?" Anon pulled his head away looking at Flutterbat smiling and nodding in reply. "Good why don't you move on to the next one." He didn't have to be told twice, Anon quickly moved over to the last crook sinking his teeth in. Each drop of blood that flowed into his mouth was more intoxicating then the last, it just sucking him in making him want more. "Okay Anon I think he's had enough." But Anon didn't listen he wanted more, he needed more

Flutter bat knew there was no point calling his name again so she just pulled Anon away making him gasp. "Im sorry. im sorry so sorry."

"Its okay. it was your first time trying fresh blood. I almost killed someone I first tried it, so you did better then me." Fluttershy comforted wiping away the blood giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"I want to go home." Anon felt bad he had almost killed someone and it would of been his thought.

"Okay let me just place the crooks right." Fluttershy got the four crooks to pick up their shot guns and hit each over the heads with then knock them out cold ready for the police. Flutterbat headed back over to Anon and held her hand out "Come on lets go back to mine." Anon nodded a took the hand up.


Once they got back had gotten back to Flutterbat's house Anon took shower at Fluttershys request, she told him he would feel better for it. Boy was she right after the shower Anon felt so clear and fresh like he could think again. He headed back down stairs to find that his girl friend had made a pot of tea with some chocolate chip cookies that made him just smile.

Flutterbat smiled as she saw anon enter the front room "So how do you feel?"

"Better, I really need that, thank you my Flutterbat." Anon planted a light kiss on her lips before sitting down on the sofa next to her.

She snuggled up to him causing her to put his arm around her cuddling softly. "Good im glad. I Just watched the news, they have no idea it was us so you can calm down on that."

"Well that's good news. So what are we watching?" Anon asks taking a sip of his tea that Flutterbat had made.

"I don't know. What do you want to watch?" she asks smiling.

"You don't happen to have You Tube do you." Anon asks as a thought comes into his head.

"Yeah I do." Flutters grabbed hold of her remote putting You Tube on the TV.

"I Thought we could watch my favourite You Tuber." Anon smiled.

"Oh yeah who's that?" Shy asks, grabbing her tea.

"Jacksepticeye. And trust me you'll like him." The rest of the night spent cuddling and laughing at Jacksepticeye before going up stairs to sleep.

Chapter Seven. Halloween. What Could Go Wrong?

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It was lunchtime and everyone was sitting around a table in the school cafeteria. They kept their promise to Princess Twilight by bringing Sunset into their friend group and it had been the best decision they had made. Sunset fitted nicely into the group and since she wasn't trying take over the school, Sunset was great person to hang with. The only Problem was that the school wasn't exactly friendly towards her, they had kind of made it their goal to extract revenge on her for all of what she's done in the past. They started of small she'd get the odd comment here and there, then it stared to build up. Sunset would get hit with a spit ball in class when the teacher's weren't looking, her stuff would get stolen or throw in the shower and there was so much on the internet about her. But she would never do anything about, probably because she thought she deserved it. Anon and the girls were always there for Sunset even if she didn't think that she didn't deserve it.

Anon looked up over at Rainbow dash "So how's the band going?"

"Im still looking for a drummer, wont you reconsider we could really use you." Rainbow pleaded as Pinkie tapped out a beat with her fingers next to her.

"No dash, im happy just directing and writing song's for your band that's it." Anon answers much to Rainbow's displeasure.

"Fine." Rainbow sighed sadly. "But if you change your mind you know where to find me."

Sunset looked up from her lunch smiling. "So what's everyone doing for Halloween tonight?"

"Well sugarcube, were all going to the party at Flashes house and wanted to know you'll join us?" Applejack ask.


"Good? it going to be better then good it is going to be AWESOME!" Rainbow cheered

"Oh I don't know. I cant believe your going Anon, especially since what flash did to you." Sunset say's looking at you in shock.

Anon began nodding understanding where Sunset was coming from. "Well I didn't want to go at first. But then shy went on about being able to enjoy this Halloween since I can be there with her and that we could do a couples costume. So my hands are tied."

"Talk about being on a leash." Rainbow mocked.

"No its called be a good boyfriend, Rainbow Dash." Anon countered back silencing the sky blue girl and Applejack smiled at that.

"Oh and I've just got the most darling little costume for you two." Rarity Squealed

"Oh well.... um, you see I've. well already picked out a costume for me and Anon to wear and, well we were really looking forward to wearing it. If that's okay with you I mean." Fluttershy hid behind her while playing with her food.

"Well okay if it means that much to you. But I want to make your next costume next year." Fluttershy smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Now you have to come im not going to be able to enjoy myself with out my best friend." Anon asks looking at Sunset.

she was touched and surprised at your words. "Im your best friend?"

"Yes you are. So Please come, its not going to be the same with out you." Anon pleaded.

"I don't know." Sunset said still unsure.

"Please." Anon pleaded once more, his hands together and doing his best puppy dog eyes, which he knew sunset wouldn't be able to resist.

"Okay fine. but im only hanging with you lot. I will not talk to any one else." Sunset says as she crosses her arms.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Anon says smiling

"Dose this mean I can pick you out a costume." Rarity asks hope in her voice.

"Yes, Rarity it does." Sunsets says with a slight smile that she kind of regrets.

"EEEE, come straight to the boutique after school." Rarity told Sunset while squealing. "But we will need someone to pick us up afterwards." Rarity announced

"Don't worry Ill pick you two I have plenty of room for both of you." Anon reassured her.

"What a gentlemen thank you." Rarity smiles

"Thanks Anon." Sunset smiled with slight blush.

The rest of the school day was uneventful and moved along quite quickly. Anon had just finished maths when he got a text from Fluttershy to meet her by your car in the car park. As Anon made his way down the corridors towards the front doors of the school he immediately stopped hearing his name being called out behind him. Anon turn around to see Flash making his way the through the crowd's in the hallway with his hand raised high so Anon knew where he was.

"Ugh! What does he want." Anon huffed to him self annoyed at the fact he was talking to Flash.

Flash finally found his way Anon with his hand still straight in the air. "...Hey man!"

"Hey." Anon replied back, not really wanting to talk to him but interested enough to hear what had to say.

"...So I was wondering what are you doing tonight." Flash asks his hand coming down to rub the back of his head nervously.

"Flash im honoured that you think that way about me, but im already taken." Anon says with an eyebrow raised in a questioning manner towards his former best friend.

"What! No! Was gonna ask if you would consider going to my Halloween party tonight? You can bring Fluttershy." Flash asks hopeful.

"Well as your luck would have it, I was already going to be coming, but not out of my own choice. Fluttershy wants to go with her friends and she was hopping that she and me could do a couples costume. So I have no choice." Anon started to walk away feeling he was done with the conversation and that he made his point clear that he would be hanging with his girlfriend and his new group of friends. But unfortunately Flash called him back once more much to Anon's annoyance.

"Wait Anon before you go." Flashed called out.

Anon turned around heading back to flash clearly annoyed. "What!"

"Will all the girls be there?" Flash asks.

Anon could of swore he saw a glint in flashes eyes when asked that last question he wasn't sure if it was about Twilight or Sunset. "No Twilight wont be at the party."

"Shame, but that wasn't who I was referring to." That im an evil smirk came Across Flashes face. Anon could of swore he saw it, he would of put money on it but he had no proof.

"Yes Sunset will be there. And you will treat my best friend nicely. She's trying to be a better person and that wont happen with everyone being assholes to her all the time." Anon defended Sunset's honour, sure she's done some bad stuff and she's trying to make up for it, that's what counts.

Flash was taken back by your words he could believe what you were saying. "Best friend! ...Trying to be a Better person! You don't believe that do you?"

"Yes I do and you have no right to talk on the matter." That last comment made Flash look straight at the ground kicking it with left foot. "Now if you don't mind im going to go meet my girl and get ready for the party tonight." And with that Anon left, heading out of the school Meeting Fluttershy by his car in the school car park.

He greeted Fluttershy with smile and peck on her lips making her smiling brightly. "What was that for?" Fluttershy asks as Anon made his around to the driver side of the car.

"Do I need a reason?" He asks getting into the car along with Fluttershy

"No I guess not." Fluttershy answers still not convinced.

The Radio had be on from the beginning but it was about half way from home before Anon started talking again. "So... I bumped into Flash on the way out of School."

"Oh yeah?" As soon as Anon finished that sentence, Fluttershy knew what he was building up to say.

"Yeah, and he really doesn't want to see my face at his Halloween party. And before you say anything, I said how you were really looking forward to going to the party with me, but he didn't care. Im sorry." Anon lied through his teeth hopping that she would take his bait.

"Before I give you my answer, I actually spoke to Flash, my self and he told me that he really wanted us to go." Fluttershy gave him that look when she gets one over on him.

"Fine. I lied, I just don't want to go. He's gonna try and talk to me and I just have no time for him." Anon frowned And Fluttershy just felt sympathy for him.

"I know and you wont have to talk to him. Stay with me and the girls and if tries to talk to you we'll block him off from you." Shy answers smiling lightly.

"Thank you. I'd appreciate it." Anon pulled his car up to his house parking it out side.

They both get out of the car and head inside greeting the dogs, before deciding to had up stairs to take a shower together getting ready for the Halloween party tonight. It soon quickly turned from having a wash for the party to shower sex, which then lead to them having separate showers since they clearly couldn't keep their hands off of each others. But after the showers they lowered their magic revealing their true forms, It was the only time of the year that their actually got show off their true forms and they were excited to do it. They sat on the sofa watching TV, You Tube and Films, until it was time to pick their friends up for the party.

Anon and Flutterbat got back into the car and put the radio on listening to all the Halloween music that radio was playing, so they could get into the Halloween mood. He stopped the car once had reached the carousel boutique and honked his horn before getting out of the car to greet Rarity and Sunset. Rarity walked out dressed as Cleopatra and she looked amazing the costume was made so well, But of course this was Rarity she always makes great looking clothes. But then Sunset stepped out wearing a black playboy bunny outfit that looked undeniably sexy on her making you blush. which of course soon led to Fluttershy getting of the car, trying up stage her out of jealousy.

"Wow Fluttershy couldn't believe you wear something like that." Sunset admits surprised by how good she looked feeling jealous.

"Yes, well its all thanks to Anon he gives me the confidence to wear things like this." Fluttershy says as she cuddles up to Anon, giving him a kissing on the cheek to show Sunset who he belonged to.

All of this attention was starting to make Anon feel Awkward, Anon's only bet was if Rarity changed the subject. "Well I must say Anon is having a positive effect on you dear." But unfortunately this wasn't the case.

"Thank you Rarity, now should we-" Rarity began talking again cutting Anon off whatever he was about to say.

"Anon, Darling what did you think of our costumes? You haven't said anything?" And just like, all eyes were Anon waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Damn it, Rarity are you trying to make this hard for me." He thought but little did he know she was and enjoying it at the same time. "Well I think both costumes look amazing, the work done on them look incredible. it must of took you long time to do." Anon congratulated himself in his head. for finding away round talking about how they looked in the dresses.

"Why thank you Anon, they did take some time but they were worth it." Rarity smirked at how he worked his way out of her question and she didn't want to apply more pressure and imply something that would make shy more jealous then she already was.

"Well should we get going, we don't want to keep the others waiting." Anon said as he got back into them smiling to himself.

The others soon followed getting into the car, once everyone was buckled in Anon drove off towards Flashes house. Anon was Always Jealous of Flashes house, even though he lived with his parents, Flash had massive house with a massive garden. His parents were never around even though they did care about him deeply, their work sent them on lots of business trips around the world so they were never home a lot. Not that Anon cared anymore he was done with those guys all of them Thunder Bass and Ringo, and Anon meant it. The car drive was so awkward no one was saying anything and Anon tried to think up something that would break up the tension. But he couldn't think of anything so he put on they radio on instead and a song from Countess Coloratura now know as Ra, Ra started to play and Anon started to singing along with the song. soon Rarity was singing along, but before anyone knew it everyone in the car started to sing along to the song which also broke the tension, which made the rest of the car ride so much better.

Anon parked right outside Flashes house see Applejack, Rainbow And Pinkie were already outside waiting for them. Of course Applejack is dress as Cowboy from those films that she watches and Pinkie is dressed as the Easter bunny for some reason. Rainbow is dressed as a shadow bolt from that horror film that she took you to see. Flashes house was filled with other kids from school and everyone could see the disco lights from outside and the music was loud. As Fluttershy and Sunset stepped out, Anon watched as Rainbows jaw dropped at the sight of the girls. Anon and Rarity soon followed after greeting their friends as they walked over.

"Fluttershy I couldn't believe you would wear something like this? Is Anon Making you?" Rainbow asks while giving Anon an accusing look.


"No I wanted to, Anon brings out the best in me. He brings out my courage, without him I wouldn't be here id be at home." Fluttershy says as she plants a kiss on Anon's cheek making him blush.

"Well I think ya Both look mighty cute your costume." Applejack says, Tipping her Stetson to both Anon and Fluttershy.

"And well I don't even know what say Sunset." Rainbow says looking at Sunset.

"Well ah do, you look stunning sugar cube." Applejacks words made Sunset blush.

"Thank you Applejack." Sunset blushed looking at the ground her hand on right arm.

"Yes, yes everyone looks great but can we go inside were missing the Party!" Pinkie asks impatiently.

Everyone nodded in agreement and followed Pinkie inside, the party was in full swing, everyone was dressed up and if people weren't dancing they were grabbing snacks or mingling with other in the people. Anon turned to face his friends "So what does everyone want to do first?"

"Well I heard Gilda is at this party and I want to find her. So ill see you lot later." And with that Rainbow was gone.

"Wait for me Dashie I wanna meet her too." Pinkie says as she bounces after in her Easter bunny costume.

"Okay then I guess that leaves us. What do you girls want do?" Anon asks looking at whose left in the group.

"Well I don't know about you gals but I wanna drink first." Applejack surgusted causing everyone to nod in agreement.

They had cut through the front room where everyone was dancing to get to the kitchen where the snacks were. But as they made their way through a couple of guys tried to hit on Fluttershy which got Anon Very angry as told them where to go he had to be careful let out his vampire rage. And as that happened Sunset was getting glares and she call hear whispers of people calling her slut and hoe making her regret coming out. They finally reach the kitchen where Anon Sunset head straight for a couple of beers downing them straight away.

"Well that was a fiasco" Rarity commented as she poured her self a glass of punch with Applejack and Fluttershy.

"Those guys are jerks." Fluttershy frowned.

"Well aint that the truth" Applejack agreed before drinking two glasses of the punch.

"But I, well... I still Kind of want to dance." Fluttershy admitted while keeping up her shy appearance. "How you two?"

"But of course this is still a party after all." Rarity Smiles


"Sugarcube you cant keep me away." Applejack answers putting her glass on the kitchen side.

Fluttershy Smiled and headed over to Anon. "Come lets dance."

"I cant Sunny's in really bad spirts, ill dance with you girls in a minute." Anon explained as he sips on his beer.

"Oh okay." Fluttershy was clear upset but she could also see how Bad sunset was and left with Rarity and Applejack to dance.

Anon walked back over to Sunset Smiling warmly trying to comfort her. "How are you doing Sunny?"

"I wish I had never come." Sunset admitted.

"Well Im glad you did." Anon says making sunset look up at him. "This party is gonna suck with out you."

That made her simile for a moment before "Thanks but no one else wants me here so what's the point."

"Well they-" Anon was cut of as he heard his and Sunset's name be called, they both turn around to see Flash behind them.

"Im so glad you both could be here, I wish I could stay and talk but I have to go deal with something quickly. Ill talk you guys later." As he pointed at Anon and Sunset while walking out of the kitchen.

Anon looked at Sunset then at the door that Flash left through before looking back at Sunset "That was weird right?"

"Yeah very weird." Sunset agreed.

"Wanna finish these beers and go dance?" Anon ask as he finishes his beer.

Sunset took a deep breath and down the rest of her beer before looking over at Anon "Why the hell not."

Anon and Sunset head back into front room to dance. They meet up with their friends and dance along with whatever music is playing, Anon joins up Fluttershy and Sunset joins Rarity and Applejack. After three rock ass songs play and romantic melody and Anon and Fluttershy are left on the dance floor along with other couples as Sunset, Applejack and Rarity go into to the kitchen to get a drink. But As they head over to the punch bowl a fold piece of paper with Sunset name is just placed next to it. Curious Sunsets picks up the note and begins to read it.

Hey Sunset, its Flash I know im the last person you would expect a note from but Anon said you were trying to be a better person and I can see it. I can see how your trying to be person and I thought that we could have a talk, I want us to be friends again. Im out in the garden, come meet me I think its time to talk every thing out.

P.S Your costume looks great! 😉

The note shocked and touched Sunset at the same time she didn't know whether to believe him or not. But if she was going to get use to this whole friendship thing then she would need to start trusting people. "Excuse me girls." Sunset says to Rarity and Applejack before heading back into the front room to only leave through the back door leading to the garden.

The garden was Pitch Black you couldn't see anything including flash so Sunset continued to walk out on to the wet grass from the rain yesterday. She called out Flashes names as walked until she half way out on to the grass. "Flash are you out here?" Sunset calls out as she wraps her arms around her self, cold from the autumn night.

Suddenly Sunset heard flash call out. "NOW!" and Before she could say anything, Sunset was being hit with multiple water balloons.

She tried to turn around to escape behind her but they were coming from that direction as well and all she could was break down as each painful wet cold balloon hit her. It felt like minutes had passed and the balloons continued to keep coming and they didn't seem to be letting up any time soon. So instead of standing their and taking the punishment Sunset tried to run and escape this disaster of an idea. But as soon as Sunset tried to run she slips falling straight into the mud, getting it all over her. She picks her self up as the water balloons continue to fly at her and she finally runs back into the house.

"SUNSET!" Anon shouts out of shock as he watches his best friend run come running in from the garden soaked and crying with mud caked all over, she runs straight passed everyone and leaves the house through the front door.

Seconds later Flash, Ringo and Thunder Bass come into the front room from the garden where Sunset just was. They were congratulating each other as everyone applauded them. Anon walked over to Flash furious "What did you do?"

"Just payback eh guys?" Flash held out a fist for Ringo to bump it.

"That's right!" Thunder Bass agreed smiling.

Anger took over Anon as he threw out a left hook hitting him right in the face, causing him to fall back landing outside on the wet garden floor. "You arsehole! Did no one learn from Twilights visit." And with that Anon left with Fluttershy and Rarity and Applejack followed in suite.

They left the house to see Sunset curled up hugging her knees and crying inside Anon's car, "Im gonna take her home. Are you girls gonna be okay getting a lift from dash."

"We'll be fine. Make sure she's okay." Fluttershy smiled before planting a kiss on Anon.

"Ill try." Anon turned around and got into the car and left taking Sunset home.

Sunset didn't say anything while Anon stroked her back trying help give her some comfort which soon led into sunset curling up to anon hugging him as she cried. They soon arrived at Sunsets house and their were a million questions about how she has a house, knowing where she came from but now wasn't the time. Sunset got out her keys opening the doors letting Anon in and closing the door behind him.

"Why don't you go up stairs and go get washed and changed." Sunset nodded in agreement and headed upstairs, while Anon stayed down and made her a cup of tea.

Soon Sunset came back down stairs wearing a bathrobe and towel on her head to find Anon in the front room. the lights were low and he had made cups tea and her favourite comedy on the TV ready for her. Sunset smiled at who was smiling back at her "Thank you."

"No problem you need it." Anon pat the cushion next to him, for sunset to sit next him as they put their feet up and enjoyed the comedy.

After the film was over, Anon looked at his watch and saw how late it was getting he knew Fluttershy would be getting worried. Anon was about to say something about leaving when sunset spoke first. "Why didn't you ask me if I was okay?"

"Because I knew you wasn't and I know all you need was some one to be there for you." Anon answers honestly.

"Yes I did. And I do now." Before Anon could say anything again, Sunset leaned forward and kissed Anon deeply on the lips. Anon wanted to pull away but he couldn't something was calling him to go and on all the way, and so he did. But little did he know Fluttershy saw everything from the front room window outside Sunset house.

Chapter Eight. Deceit, Fear and Unexpected Turn of Events

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The sun shined brightly this autumn morning as cold crisp breeze blew through the city, causing the early morning people to wear warm clothes to work. But for two people, a cold breeze is the least of their worry. Anon wakes up to the sound of an alarm clock ringing loudly, causing him to wake up without thinking and smack the clock off and falling back into the pillow. But seconds later Anon's eyes open wide as he notices that he doesn't own an alarm clock, leading him to sit up straight. Anon looks the room over and he's not in his bedroom, suddenly he feels movement next to him, making him look over. As he looks over to the side of him he finds a naked Sunset Shimmer sleeping peacefully. he instantly looks away from her and looks down at himself and finds himself naked also. And all he's memories of last night come flooding back to him along with a feeling of guilty and fear for his girlfriend. He couldn't keep this secret from shy and he didn't want to lie to her, she deserved better then that.

Quickly Anon got up to put his pants and trousers on, Sunset turned over to see his bat wings sticking out of his back and she could see that they were real making her gasp. This scared Anon causing him to look round in horror, Sunset had found out he's secret and he didn't know what to do.

"W-What are you?" Sunset asks her fear clear in her voice

"I......er..." Anon didn't know what to say.

"Are you from Equestria?" Sunset asks smiling calming down.

There was only one thing Anon could think to do at this time being and that was to bring her to Fluttershy to which he was not going to like. "Get dressed and ill show you." Anon grabbed his shirt, waistcoat, trench coat and left the house and Waited in his car for Sunset.

Minutes which felt like hours later Sunset left her house dressed and got into the car. "So where are we going?"

"You'll see." Anon replied, there was no joy in his voice only regret.

The drive was mostly silent until Sunset spoke up once more " Anon, About last night-" Anon lifted his hand to cut sunset off.

"I don't feel like talking right now. We'll talk about last night later, And just so you know im going to be completely honest to Fluttershy." Anon says keeping his eyes on the road, not even looking at Sunset.

"Do you regret it?"


"Do you?"



Anon sighed sadly "I would be lying if yes."

That seem to keep Sunset quite for the rest of the drive. But Anon's thoughts went wild and he knew that Fluttershy already knew about him sleeping with Sunset he didn't know, but he just knew that she did. Soon they arrived at Fluttershy's house and Sunset immediately became scared of what was about to happen next. Anon didn't say anything as he left the car and she knew better then to say anything that wasn't going to be given a proper response. Sunset followed Anon to Fluttershy's door, he could of unlocked it with the spare key she gave him but he didn't feel right doing that to day instead he just knocked and they didn't have to wait long before she answered.

Fluttershy opened the door with angry frown seeing Anon look sad and Sunset look fearful. "You've had sex haven't you?"

Anon stared her right in the eyes. "Yes."

Fluttershy bit her to hold back the tears. "Let me guess she saw your back and worked out the rest?"


"And you didn't know what to do so you brought her back to me?"


Fluttershy looked over to Sunset who looked confused and scared. "Its okay Sunset go sit in the front room." Sunset did say anything and just did as she was told, she scooted past Fluttershy and entered the front room. Shy looked back at Anon "I'll talk to you later." And that was it Fluttershy closed the door behind her, leaving Anon on his own.

Without knowing what to do Anon head back home in his car and sat down on the sofa and began to watch some YouTube. But as he sat there his thoughts began to wonder, wonder about what Fluttershy and Sunset are talking about, wonder about his future with Fluttershy and Sunset. His thought began to become to much for him so he called out to Buddy, Molly and grabbed their leashes to take them out on walks. Anon took the dogs to their local dog park and let them of the leashes to let them run around. As Anon walks around while the dogs play, Anon notice a familiar pink girl sitting alone looking upset.


Pinkie instantly looks up still frowning "Anon!"

"What's wrong you look sad and you never look sad. I didn't even think it was possible." Anon jokes forgetting his trouble for a little while.

"Its Nothing really." Pinkie continued to stare at her shoes.

"Nothing! Pinkie your upset, Its clearly not nothing. Come on tell me what's bothering you?" Anon asks giving pinkie a playful punch on the shoulder making her giggle.

"Do you think im embarrassing to be around?" Pinkie asks looking up Anon.

"No I don't. Why do you think that?" Anon asks clearly seeing there was something she was holding back.

"Well when I tried to meet Gilda, Rainbow's friend, they barely noticed I was there. And they kept running off together without me." Pinkie explains sounding so upset.

Anon smiled at pinkie and wished he had her problems right now. "They were probably just so excited to see each other from being apart for so long. Dash must of accidently forgot about you without meaning to. Give her a text and you'll see that everything is okay."

"Yeah your probably right." Pinkie says cheering up smiling brightly.

"I know I am." Anon says with confident smirk.

"So why are you upset?" Pinkie asks as her bright and colourful personality had seemed to come back in full strength.

Anon faked a confused look that could fool the police if he was on trial. "Im okay. Im take my dog's out for walks." Anon points out to Buddy and Molly.

"Yeah but your on your own. Where's Fluttershy?" Pinkie asks looking out for her.

"She busy at the pet store and she said that was nothing I could do, so I decided to take the dogs out for walks. " Anon felt bad about lying but he couldn't tell her the truth.

Pinkie nodded her accepting the lie. "Well since you've got nothing to do, do you wanna go to cinema and catch a film?"

"Yeah alright. Let me just get Buddy and Molly, ill take them home and we can go." Anon stands up to See buddy and molly. "BUDDY! MOLLY! COME ON!"

They come running over as soon as Anon calls and he attaches the leads and begin to walk them back home. After take Dogs back home, they take the car and drive down to the Cinema and look at the list of films that are on to day. Having decided on The Power Girls: Age of Maneiac, they buy their tickets, snacks and enter the screen to sit down and watch the film. But halfway through the film Anon's thoughts turn back to Fluttershy And Sunset it had been awhile now and nothing. No Phone call. No text. Nothing, but suddenly everyone starts laughing at the antics between Split-Second and Zapp, Causing Anon to focus back on the film and forget his problems for th time being. Once the film was done and they had watched the end credit scene Anon and Pinkie began speculation over the film and the Squeal to come.

"Its about time Sombra did something then just sit on his ass." Anon says with all the excitement of six year old hype up with sugar.

"I know and we finally got to see the Eternity Gauntlet!" Pinkie squealed with excitement.

"The Power Girls: Eternity War is gonna be the most amazing film." Anon announces as they make their way into the car park.

"Don't forget we've got Mistress Marvellous Civil War next." Pinkie says reminding him.

"Mistress Marvellous team vs Masked Matters team. I cant believe we have to wait a year!" Anon says as gets out he's car keys to open the car doors

"Its gonna be worth the wait!" Pinkie smiles as she gets into the car.

"I know. Whose team are you on? Im team Masked Matter." Anon asks he starts driving away from the Cinema.

"Oh no team Mistress Marvellous makes the most sense." Pinkie argues back.

The Argument carry's on for the entire car ride, both of them trying to get the other to see sense in their opinion. Anon drops Pinkie off at Sugar Cube Corner and they both agree the conversation isn't over and that they would continue it over text. But as soon as Anon drives away a notification sound goes of making Anon pull out his phone and look at it. It was text from Fluttershy, he opened up his phone as quickly as he could.

"We need to talk now."

And with that Anon turned the car around and head towards Fluttershy. This time surprisingly he's head was silent on the way down to Shy. No shouting, no over thinking, it was bliss and at the same time it was worrying. Maybe he had accepted his fate and what ever happens, happens, he just hoped for the best outcome possible. he arrived at Fluttershy's house and he thought it best open the door with his own key this time.

"Fluttershy?" he calls out, unsure of where she was.

"In the front room." Fluttershy answers back.

Anon found Fluttershy dressed her vampire clothes, sitting one of the two arm chairs, she has a table was between them with tea ready for them to discus what happened this morning. There's no expression on her face as she stands up and walks towards Anon and he didn't know what to expect. But suddenly her expression gets and she slaps Anon hard across the cheek.

"That was for making me scared by not coming back." Flutters slapped him harder a second time on the other cheek. "And that was for sleeping with Sunset." Fluttershy started to burst into tears as she suddenly grips Anon tightly in hugging him as he hugs her tightly back.

A couple of minutes late Fluttershy pulled away drying her from all the tears. "Feel better?" He asks smiling gently.

"Yeah, I just needed to get out all of my emotions. Sorry." Fluttershy apologies having dried her eyes.

"You don't need to say sorry. im sorry, I never meant to hurt you." Anon apologies as tears started to escape he dried them quickly and held them back.

"Come on we need to talk." Fluttershy took hold Anon's hand she led him to the arm chairs to sit down. "I want you to answers these questions honestly and I don't want you to lie. okay?"

"Okay." he nods show he understood.

"Do you love her?" It hurt Fluttershy to ask that but she needed to.

Anon thought it over deeply all of he's thoughts were on Sunset and how he felt. "Yes I do."

"Do you love me?" She somewhat feared this question.

Anon didn't even have to spend a second thinking of his answer. "Yes of course I do."

Fluttershy sighed a sigh of relief know he still loved her. "Okay well I had a chat with Sunset she now knows what we are and with a little talking she understood and accepted us. ...Im happy with you dating both of us, I tried to see if I could have feelings for her and form a herd, but I couldn't, she's a great friend, I just didn't feel anything like that for her."

"Are you sure your okay with me dating you and Sunset?" Anon asked shocked.

Fluttershy put on her serious voice. "Just make sure you make time for me and remember. If you feel that strongly for Sunset then you might want to give her the option to change like I did with you. Or do you think you could bare to live with out her and watch her grow old?"

She was right and Anon had thought it that way and now he had to ask her the question and he didn't know if he could handle watch sunset grow old as he stayed young.

Chapter Nine. New girls, New problems.

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Anon, Fluttershy and the rest of the girls were busy making the poster for the musical showcase that was going to be performed by the whole school working together. No one knew were Sunset was until Pinkie looked up from what she was doing and called her over. Sunset smiled seeing her friends and secret boyfriend.

Anon still felt uneasy when both Fluttershy and Sunset was in the same room, the Christmas period had to be one of the most awkward moments in his life. He had to get the most perfect gift for both of them and one gift couldn't be more expensive then other, just encase one of them thought that he loved one more then the other. Then when Anon received his gifts from Both Fluttershy and Sunset he couldn't act like he loved one gift more then the other. But luckily enough when it came to the day of gift giving, they had all given each other the exact same present. A gold heart shape locket with their photo's inside, but it would of been weird if he wore two so he one locket with both of his girlfriends photo's inside.

To be honest to himself, he didn't understand why he slept with Sunset and why he loves her just as much as Fluttershy, because he couldn't of imaged being unfaithful to her. And it wasn't until Fluttershy told him about over vampires she had met and that they had more then one partner. When Vampires fall in love they fall in hard and they mean it. A vampire cant sleep with someone with out being truly in love with them and its a feeling that never goes away, A Vampire can never fall out of love with someone. But then that conversation led into another conversation about other vampires, but he would talk to Fluttershy about that another time.

As Sunset walked past the other kids in her school they all stared harshly at her as they whispered about her. "I didn't know whole school was going to be here." Sunset frowns as Anon puts his hand on her should making her smile at him.

Rarity and Pinkie suddenly pickup the poster showing Sunset the music poster that they had made to change the subject. "Quite the eye catching subject if I do say so my self."

"And it smells of cake." Pinkie adds.

"It does?" Fluttershy asks leading to Pinkie shoving the poster in her face.

"I used frosting instead of paste." Pinkie pulled the poster away leaving a bit glitter on Fluttershy's cheek and frosting on her nose.

Applejack notices this and points it "Err Fluttershy you gotta little something." Applejacks points to own face showing her where the mess was of Fluttershy's own face.

Fluttershy wipes her cheek leaving missing everything else. "Did I get it?"

"Not exactly." Applejacks chuckles lightly at her friend still coved in frosting and glitter, leading to Anon to get out a tissue from his pocket and cleaning his girl friends face then giving her kiss on the nose. Making Sunset upset but she didn't show it even though Anon knew it.

It was at that point Principle Celestia and vice Principle Luna walked into see how we were doing and to tell us how proud of us they we're. But it wasn't until Celestia brought up The Fall Formal, making everyone turned to look at her with hatred making her fall back against the wall to then curl up into a ball and hide behind.


After the events of the in hall this morning, Anon and the rest of the girls head to the music room to get some practice in for the Musical Showcase. Anon and Sunset sit a top of the piano as the girls get ready. "Im never going to live this down!" Sunset Exclaims into her hands.

"Yes you will. You just have to keep showing them how much you've changed." Anon playfully nudged her with his shoulder making her smile.

"You were pretty bad at The Fall Formal." Fluttershy says with a tone that only Anon could understand causing him glare to at her but she really didn't react to or seemed to care.

Sunset then gave Fluttershy a deadpan expression. "A she demon, I turned into a raging she demon."

"And tried to turn everyone into teenage zombie for you own personal army." Pinkie added making sunset frown and Anon face palm as he was trying to make her feel better.

But luckily Rarity noticed this and was there to back him up. "Aww Darling you have us and we've forgiven you for your past boo boo's" she coughed at her last words.

"If im honest I'd say the whole experience brought Canterlot High closer then ever before." Applejack admitted.

Suddenly Pinkie starts counting down while hitting her sticks leading the girls to start playing and singing a song that they had been practicing for weeks. And it sounded perfect. Anon hopped off of the piano and offered a hand to Sunset and she grasped it firmly and jumped of the piano to join him. They start dancing to the music their friends were playing perfectly, pure joy was everyone's face it was like for couple of minutes they were ordinary Teen's. Then it started to happen again, wings and tails started producing from the girls in the band, like every timed they practised or performed their instruments. Once the song was done and the tails and wings disappeared, Anon and Sunset gave them the biggest round of applause they could give.

"I still cant believe that happens when we play." Rarity giggled from the excitement as she placed her keytar on the floor. "Oooh I've got to look into some new accessories, something that look good in a longer pony tail. OOOH! maybe some clip on earrings for those adorable pony ears."

"I just wonder why it happens. princess Twilight took her crown back to equestria, shouldn't that mean she took all the magic with her?" Fluttershy, Anon and Sunset seemed to ponder What Applejack was saying

"Who cares why it happens. It makes my band totally awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Rarity turned round in shock "Your band?"

"Duh it was my idea. Anon Was the first person I spoke to all about it with. Plus im the lead singer and guitarist."

Suddenly there's a knock on the door and Flash opens the door. Anon Quickly grabs hold of Sunsets hand as his vampire instincts kicks in to protect her from him. Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity all glared at him as he walked in. "Hey Rainbow, your band was sounding pretty tight." He complemented her not taking her eyes off the rainbow haired girl not wanting to face the wreath of anyone else in the room.

"Thanks were getting there. Rarity is coming in a little late with the second verse and Applejack bass solo could use a little work, but they're getting together in time for the showcase." Rarity and Applejack didn't even react to Rainbow's comment and this got a weird look from Pinkie.

"I don't suppose any of our friends from out of town will be visiting. Giving this will be a charity event and all." Flash rubbed the back of he's head nervously as he could feel or the hate aimed at him right now.

"Nope, im sorry big guy Twilight wont be back for a while." Rainbow says with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, cool, keep rocking it Rainbow." Flash slowly backed out of the room before turning around and walk straight into a wall. He quickly corrected him self and made a hasty leave, while Anon, Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack were glad to see him leave and walk straight into a wall.

"Geez he wants to bone Twilight so hard." That remark got a lot of angry glares from everyone in the room except Pinkie of course. "What?" Rainbow asks confused. "Its true!"

"Don't you think its a bit rude with Sunset sitting right there? They used to date!" Rarity says pointing to sunset Obviously no telling her the real reason since Sunset didn't want anyone else to know.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Rainbow apologised while rubbing the back of her neck feeling bad.

"Its ok I don't care anymore." Sunset gave Anon's hand a light squeeze before letting go, as to say thank you with out calling attention to it. Anon knew that But Pinkie noticed it and didn't say a word just encase she got the wrong end of the stick and she would be accusing them of something that she would be completely wrong on. She was going to keep her eyes on the pair of them in the future.

Suddenly Vice Principle Luna's voice crackled through the intercom speakers. "Sunset Shimmer report to the main foyer."

"Gotta run, im showing these new girls around. I thought it would be good for them to get to know the knew me, before they heard all of the stuff about the old me." Sunset gave Anon a wink before she left making him smirk to him self.

"We've still got a few minutes before lunch starts, what'd ya say we do awesome as I wanna be." Rainbow Suggests.

"Um... Rainbow, I was wondering if we could maybe play the song I wrote." Fluttershy ask keeping up her shy appearance.

"We'll get to it." Rainbow say brushing her off.

Anon was angry, he just saw his girlfriend completely ignored and he knew she wouldn't say anything because of the whole shy appearance thing. So he was about to say something but Fluttershy gave him a look to say not to, so he said something else instead. "Hey Dash before you guys play, could I have a chat with Fluttershy out side for a bit."

"Um, yeah sure, go for it." Rainbow nods smiling.

"Thanks we wont be long." Anon leaves the room hold the open for Fluttershy to walk through. Once the door were closed Anon looked at Fluttershy. "Why didn't you want me to say something?"

"Well it help's keep up the appearance of being shy. And I know Rainbow will play my songs, eventually." She says with an eye roll.

"She'd be fool not to." he says with a smirk.

"You would say that, your my boyfriend." Flutters shakes her head smiling at him.

"Oh I mean it. I've read them all." He says with a cheeky grin.

"I asked you not to." Fluttershy says with a shocked gasp that into a smile be before she punched him in the shoulder.

"The book was out in the open on the desk and I couldn't help myself. And may I say you have written some very Beautiful songs." Anon lean in closing his eyes kissing Fluttershy deeply.

Just at that moment Rainbow popped her head out of the doors "Are you two done shoving each others tongues down each others throat, cos I wanna play another song before hit the cafeteria."

Rainbow then disappears back into the music room and they both stop kissing only to break out into laughter. Anon was about to head back into the music room, but Fluttershy reached out and grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Wait I've got something to tell you. Since your going to be with Sunset tonight, Im gonna go visit my other friends."

"When am I gonna meet them?" Anon asks feeling as if she was keeping something from him.

"Soon, just not yet. I promise." She stroked the side of his face smiling softly

"You promise?"

"Of course, they're dying to meet you as well, excuse the pun. I just have some business to attend to first, then you can meet them."

"Okay." Anon answers following Fluttershy back into the music room.


After band practice Anon and the Girls head of to the cafeteria where they grab lunch, soon enough Sunset came in and sat down next to Applejack. "So how was the tour?"

"I don't know, these girls, there was something off about them." Sunset says sounding unsure.

"Off like this?" Pinkie squealed bring her hair round making it loo like she had a beard. "Or, off like this?" Pinkie slammed her face into the plate, putting carrots between her teeth and lettuce on her eyebrows. "Or, or, or."

Pinkie was bursting with excitement, until Rainbow had to calmed her down. "Maybe we should let her tell us."

"That's just it, I cant put my finger on it, they acted sort of strange around me. Maybe somebody already talk to them, told them about what I did. Ha talk about trying to make a good first impression." Sunset face planted onto the table.

"Maybe it was just nerves on their first day of a new school?" Anon Suggests trying to make his Girlfriend feel better.

"I don't know, maybe it was felt very offish towards me." Sunset answers with her face still on the table.

Suddenly the Cafeteria doors burst open and the new girls that Sunset mention walk in singing. Anon and the girls watch as they sing and seem to hypnotise the other teens around them. Soon the other teens were singing along, while becoming aggressive to each other as green fog appeared all of the canteen floor. Once the song had stop everyone was left arguing and fighting over each other about whose band was better. A school that was starting to come together had just been teared apart by a simple song.

"Oh they're that kind of off." Pinkie says as Anon and the other girls looked at each other with worry.

"We need to The Principle." Anon states earning around nods and agreements from the girls.

They all decide to wait until every one was done fighting so they didn't seem to stand out from the other teens in the hall. Along the way to Principle Celestia office Rainbow kicked around football while Pinkie happily skipped along. "Those three are definitely in possession of some dark magic. How else could you explain what happened back their."

"I agree Sunset and im sure we can get this sorted out when we tell Principle Celestia all about it." Anon says confidently.

"Yeah The Principle wont want another magical attack from some out of control force." Fluttershy adds then instantly shrinks at what she just said. "No offence."

"None taken." Sunset says with a sigh. Anon wasn't sure if what Fluttershy said was on purpose or not but he still wasn't happy about it.

They soon reach Principle Celestia's office and tell her everything about the new girls. "Dark magic I find that very hard to be true. Those girls cam into my office and were absolutely delightful." Celestia admits.

"Perhaps Sunset Shimmer is egger to make someone else out to be the new bad guy so that her actions at The Fall Formal would become old news." Vice Principle Luna theorised.

"I can see why'd you think that but," Anon instantly jump in your anger raised at the Principle and Vice Principle's questioning of her.

"Its so not true we all saw this go down in the cafeteria too and they are bad news." Anon says with the girls humming in agreement to back him up.

"Yes but isn't your band meant to be apart of the musical show case?" Celestia asks pointing at Dash.

"Yes." Rainbow Admits nervously at how bad this all looked.

"Maybe your all just worried that The Dazzling would steel your spotlight." Luna adds.

"The Dazzlings?" Applejack questions.

"Its the name of their band, that's why they came to my office, to sing up for the Musical Showcase. They even sang a song for Luna and I" Everyone looks at each worried.

"They did?" Anon questions not liking the sound of that.

"Yes they did. And we think having a battle of the bands is better the musical Showcase." Luna and Celestia's says as if they've rehearsed it before and their eyes glowed green letting Anon and the girls know they were under the Dazzlings spell.

Anon and the girls leave The Principle's Office feeling defeated. "What do we do now?" Fluttershy ask acting all scared and worried, it took almost all of Anon strength not to laugh at her and blow her cover.

"I don't know." Rarity Admitted with a sad sigh.

"I do, we need Twilight back she helped us kick one magical monster butt, she can help us kick three more." Anon realised what he said and felt so bad about it. "Im so sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that." He apologies feeling bad.

"Its okay, truly. I might just have away to bring her back or at least give us some guidance." Sunset says nudging Anon's arm letting him know he was forgiven for what he had said.

Chapter Ten. Friends and Secrecy

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Anon and the girls followed Sunset to her locker where she pulled out an old dusty brown book with an image sun on the front of it in similar colours as sunset's hair. "When I was Princess Celestia student she gave me this. And even when I abandoned her and my studies, I kept hold of it. I guess a part of me wanted to hold on and regretted what I did." She cleared the dust of the front cover and flicked through the pages to an empty page in the book. "Maybe it still works?"

"Its a book, Darling." Rarity called out looking at the book puzzled. "What do you mean, still works?"

Sunset looked up at with a smiling face. "It use to be if I wrote something down in the book, it would appear in a similar book owned by Princess Celestia. Its how we communicate if she was busy. So I was thinking if I could get a message to Princess Celestia maybe she could relay it to Princess Twilight."

"Well come on then, get to writing." Rainbow says while hold out a pen for Sunset to grab.

Sunset frowned as she grabbed then pen, looking at it before she started writing. "I haven't written these words out in a while." She continued to write out calling for help in the book. Telling Princess Celestia everything about her problems with the new girls and that they needed Princess Twilight back to help them defeat, The Dazzlings. "There, done!" Sunset say with a sigh of relief closing the book.

"What should we do now?" Anon asks with a shrug of his shoulders.

"We should Probably wait by the portal For Twilights arrival." Sunset Suggests.

With nothing better to do Anon and the girls agree and all walk to the statue outside the school where the was portal, to wait for Twilights arrival. To be honest to him self Anon didn't know why he and Fluttershy just didn't deal with the Dazzlings by themselves. They had been beating up criminals left, right and centre all over Canterlot so why couldn't they deal with these girls? But it seemed that everyone was now counting on Twilight to comeback and save the day, at least it gave a reason to see a good friend again and he couldn't argue with that now.


It had been a while waiting for Twilight, Fluttershy was having her nails painted by Rarity. Applejack and Pinkie were sitting a top of the statues base playing cards, Rainbow and Anon kicked a football around while Sunset sat against the side of the statue. "Ugh, I get the feeling she aint coming." Rainbow sighed picking up ball bored of waiting.

But soon after Rainbow said that she would be eating her own words as Twilight and Spike come tumbling out of the portal with quite the thump. "Twilight!" Everyone shouts in surprise at seeing their friend.

Twilight rubs the back of her head turning around to see her friends. "Im back."

They all watch as Sunset offers Twilight a hand up. Twilight hesitates before accepting the hand stands up and that when Anon and the girls rush over and trap her in a group hug. They all pull away at the same time to give her some breathing space. "I've got bad news bad those new girls."

"What is it?" Anon asks unsettled by her tone.

"Maybe we should sit down and talk about it. You know some where safer." Twilight Suggests as she looks around making sure the Dazzlings couldn't be seen.

That causes Pinkie to have an idea and happily bounce around with her usual excitement. "Why don't we go Sugar Cube Corner? Its Doubtful the Dazzlings know about it and its a public place so they couldn't do anything even if they wanted to."

"Sounds good to me." Anon, smiles.

"Yeah I could do with a shake or two." Rainbow admits as mouth begins to water at the thought .

"And I wouldn't mind a nice slice of Apple pie, around about now" Applejacks states as her belly rumbles confirming what she says.

"STOP!" Pinkie shouts at the top her lungs causing everyone to cover their ears. "That's enough agreements, to Sugar Cube Corner, we walk."

As they Recover from Pinkie's loud Antics the group begins its walk down to the café with the pink teenager leading the way happily skipping along in her own little world. Twilight takes this time to walk along side Anon. "Hey. So how are you and Fluttershy getting on?" She asks curiously

"We're doing great thanks, what about in your world. Has your Fluttershy found her pony version of me?" Anon ask with a curious smirk.

"She has actually. And its happiest I've seen my friend, so thank you." Twilight smiles.

Anon was confused at this "Why are you thanking me?"

"Well your basically the same person, so why not." Twilight says confidently.

He couldn't fault her logic since she was basically right. "Fair enough, just forget to thank the pony version too." Twilight didn't say anything but nod in agreement. As they continued walking he couldn't help but start wondering what a pony version of himself looked like. "Hey Twilight, you don't happen to have a photo of him on your person, do ya?"

"No I haven't sorry." Twilight frowned.

"Damn it!" Anon thought looking Disappointed.

"Ill remember for next time I promise." The Princess promise and he somehow knew she would keep that promise.

Anon grateful for that he looked over at Fluttershy and wondered what her pony version looked like. He looked over at Sunset and was about to do the same, but she was looking sad and Anon thinks he knows why. "Hey Twi, why don't you go talk to Sunset, Im sure she would hear some news from home."

Twilight also looked over at Sunset and she could see what he was getting at. "Yeah I think she would as well, Talk later?"

"Talk later." Anon nod's and Twilight walks over to Sunset seeing her light up at the sight of Twilight made him happy.

They soon reach Sugar Cube Corner and everyone orders what they want and sit down on the same sofa they did last time they were here. Once every had ordered what they wanted and sat had sat down, Twilight told them all about who the Dazzlings actually are and what they do. This of course made group worried until Rainbow was on hand to Remind them, that Twilight helped them beat Sunset, (She apologised soon afterwards and of course Sunset accepted the Apology), so she definitely can help them this time.

"Well I'll try my best, does anyone know where the Dazzlings are?" Twilights asks causing everyone in the group to shrug except for Pinkie. She got her friend's attention and finished her drink before talking.

"There's a party for everyone whose going to be in the showcase, that would include the Dazzlings." Pinkie answers.

"Looks we've got a party to crash." Twilight says with a grin on her face.

"When is it?" Anon asks wanting to know as soon as possible so they could get to making a plan of attack as quickly as possible.

"Its actually happing in a couple minutes." Pinkie happily chirps nonchalantly.

"WHAT! We gotta go!" Rainbow down's her Chocolate Shake and heads out of Sugar Cube Corner running back to Canterlot High with her friends following as closely as they could.


Anon and the girls enter the School Sports hall to find the Party had already started. But luckily there was no sign of the Dazzlings yet so the group decided to all spilt up and search the hall waiting for The Sirens to arrive. As Anon walked around the hall and bumped into Ringo and Thunder Bass, they were busy talking amongst them selves and hadn't seen Anon yet. So he had hope to just walk straight passed them unnoticed, but that wasn't the case. Ringo looked up and Called Anon over making him sigh, before walking over.

"What do you want?" Anon wasn't even going to pretended to be friendly, there was no point to it.

"Is that anyway to greet a friend?" Ringo asks in his condescending asshole tone of a voice.

"You dicks aren't my friends?" Anon plainly states and he can already tell that they're up to something.

"We have something to say that might change your mind." Thunder burst says while Anon still couldn't give a shit, but he didn't say anything just in case the guys said something important about The Dazzlings. "We want you back as our drummer."

"No." Anon wasn't going to mess around so he just got straight to the point He had no interest in being their drummer again.

"But your not even doing anything in the Rainbooms." Ringo Argued.

"I write their songs and that's good enough for me, thanks." Anon Patience is starting to wear thin.

"But your such a better drummer. A Great one actually and that talent isn't even being used?" Thunder Bass began to circle Anon. "It just seems such a wasted of Talent. We're offering you a chance back in."

"No. You guys are not even worth my time. You bullied Sunset, my Best Friend. Sure she's done some bad things in the past but she trying to make up for them and that makes you guys the bullies now." Anon turned around and walked away feeling pleased with himself. He wasn't going to listen to them anymore they weren't the friends he remember, they had changed and it was time for him to forget them completely.

He continued to walk around the Sports hall looking out for any sign of The Dazzlings. But as he's eye's scanned the room he saw Twilight and Flash talking and what looked to be flirting. Making him pull out his phone and text Fluttershy, Sunset, Applejack and Rarity alerting them. Anon watches as the girls all take out their phone and look up at Anon and then over at Twilight worried. But before they could do anything, The sirens walk in and Rainbow gets Twilights attention making her walk away from Flash. Anon and the rest of the girls walk over to join Twilight as they prepare to take the sirens down.

They all follow Twilight as she marches up to the new girls. "Their isn't going to be a Battle of The Bands! And were gonna make sure of that!" Twilight exclaims as Sunset watches happily from the side lines. They all join hands as Twilight Shouts "Friendship is MAGIC!!!" But awkwardly nothing happens as the school watched them.

"Twilight why isn't anything happing?" Anon whispers feeling very self conscious.

"I don't know I thought all of us together again would of ignited the magic to defeat the sirens." Twilight answers confused at the situation.

Suddenly one of the Sirens talk up breaking the silence. "Talk about throwing down the gauntlet, this group is obviously serious about winning. A little cocky though aint they, claiming there wont really be a Battle of The Bands. Seems they think they've already got this thing all locked up." Suddenly all the students start to argue with each other each claiming they are better then the other, Allowing Anon and the girls to make the escape undetected. Or so they thought little did they know the sirens were watching their escape and had worked out exactly who they were.


After having failed to defeat the sirens they all sit on the steps outside the school and try to work out why they failed. "It doesn't make any sense." Twilight states as she paces back and forth. "I should of been able to create the spark that would help us break their spell, that's how it worked before."

"But to defeat me you used my power against me. The sirens power comes from their music, so maybe you have to use the same sort of magic to defeat them." Sunset hypothesised, having Twilight say nothing made her doubt her self. "Or maybe not."

"No I think your on to something." Twilight confirmed, Anon held his for Sunset to high five him. "Its when you play music that you guys transform right?"

"Yep. Ears, tails the whole deal." Applejack confirms.

"So maybe the way to use that magic is to play a musical counter spell."

"Like a song?" Fluttershy asks causing Anon wonder if she ever gets bored of keeping her shy act up.

"Uh huh, and in order for the song to free everyone exposed to the sirens magic, we'll need everyone to hear it." Twilight stated causing everyone to think.

Suddenly Rarity jumps up having had an idea. "The Band Competition. That's the next time we can be sure that everyone would be in the same place at the same time."

"Looks like the Rainbooms are the bands to beat." Applejack smirks

"And I believe that you became the Rainbooms newest member, Twilight." Rarity says point her as the girls all run towards and hugs her.

While Anon and Sunset stay sat on the stairs, he can see that Sunset got upset that Twilight got instantly invited into the band while they didn't even ask her. While the girls were busy trying to find out what Twilight could play Anon moved in closer to his secret girlfriend and gave a hug and light kiss on the cheek making her blush. "Do you want me to say anything?" Anon whispers.

"No its fine really, I have you with me on the side lines after all." Sunset whispers back.

"Always." He Whispers back. Fluttershy could hear all of what Anon and Sunset had said and she thought back all of her jealousy into a smile.

Sunset and Anon got up to join the rest of the girls conversation. "So lets get to learning that musical counter spell." Rainbow says with as much gusto as possible.

"That's the problem I don't know any." Twilight answers honestly.

"Well I could help you if you like, I write most of the songs for the Rainbooms?" Anon asks trying to be helpful.

"No its fine, I've got this." Twilight nods.

"Are you sure?" Anon ask unsure why she would turn down the offer of help.

"Of course shes sure. That's how she became a princess in Equestria." Spike says patting Twilights shoe.

"Technically I helped finish a Spell and there was a lot more too it then that Spike." Twilight says with a frown.

"Well okay then." Anon says letting it go. "If she needs help she'll ask." he thought.

"Trust me I got this." Twilight Picked Spike up and headed back into the school and Stopped when Applejack talked up.

"Where you going?"

"Well last time we were here, Spike and I stayed the night up in library." Twilight explains.

Quick as flash Pinkie runs over to her. "Are you KIDDING ME! Were besties now. Sleepover at my house!" Pinkie exclaims, Making Anon, Fluttershy and Sunset frown, it looked as though their plans tonight had been changed.


It was late and everyone was hanging out in Pinkies bedroom waiting for their Pizza order to arrive. Applejack and Rainbow sat on the floor playing video games, while Rarity and Sunset took a selfie with Spike photobombing it. Anon and Fluttershy are cuddling sitting on the floor as Pinkie updates her status on her social accounts and Twilights sit's on the bed trying to work out the musical counter spell.

Rainbow and Applejacks games comes to a sudden end with Rainbow turning of the console, much to Applejacks dismay "Hey! Ah was 'bout to beat you."

"I doubt it." Rainbow says with a smug grin before looking over at Twilight. "How's the counter spell going?"

"Good, Great." Twilight answers startled flipping through the pages then looks over at Anon and Fluttershy. "Thanks for letting me borrow your notepad Fluttershy, I love the song's you've for the Rainbooms."

"Thanks, hopeful one day we'd get to play them." Pinkie whispers to herself, hugging Anon's arms tighter, while glaring at Rainbow.

"You will I promise." Anon Whispers back giving Fluttershy a peck on the cheek, While Rainbow plays keep away with Applejacks controller.

Rarity climbs on the bed making twilight bring up her knees, hiding what she has wrote. "Twilight, I think I speak for all of us when I say, I don't know what we would of done if you hadn't come back to help us."

As everyone agrees the door bell sounds alerting everyone that pizza has making them all get up rush down stairs to get a slice. Twilight soon followed after each of the friends grabbing a slice and sit down to watch a scary vampire movie making Fluttershy hide into Anon making him and Sunset slightly chuckle knowing the truth. The rest of the of followed with music and dancing with Anon taking turns dancing between Fluttershy and Sunset, wanting to have equal time with him.

Soon after the dance everyone was tired and thought it was time for bed and as everyone settled in and fell a sleep, there were three who were still awake. Fluttershy opened her eyes to see everyone else fast a sleep, she got up and let go of her magic spell revealing her true form and climb out the window to fly away. Not long after Fluttershy leaving Sunset opened her eyes and saw that Fluttershy was gone making her smile and turn her Attention on Anon. She got up and head over to his sleeping bag and got in wrapping her arms around him. Anon eyes shot open feeling sunset's arms around him. Anon turn around to face Sunset giving him a sultry grin. With out words Anon brought his head in kissing her deeply and before they knew it they were making out, Anon brought his hand to her pussy making gasp.

That caused Rainbow groan and stir but not actually wake up. " Maybe we should take this into the bathroom? " Anon quietly whispers.

Sunset nod's in agreement and they both got up quietly made their way out of the bedroom and headed into the bathroom. minutes later Anon and Sunset tiredly open the bathroom door to be faced by Twilight.

"What are you two doing?" Twilight asks shocked, which in turn shocked Anon and Sunset, they had been caught by one of their friends and they didn't know what to say.

Fluttershy flew many miles quite quickly and she soon arrived at very old decrepit church, it was all broken down and hadn't been used in years. Fluttershy landed outside pushed the concrete doors open. Inside it was dark and cold but that didn't matter her since she was dead anyway. The Moonlight was the only source of light inside. A hooded figure sat in the middle of one of the pew's causing Fluttershy to walk forward and sit next them.

"Hello Marble." Fluttershy greets the hooded figure.

She took off her hood and face Fluttershy. "Hello Miss Shy."

"How's your family?" Fluttershy

"They're very busy trying to deal with rock farm and they always get nervous when they get news from The Ministry About the Hunters. How are my sisters and your Boyfriend." Marble answers.

"Your sisters are fine and happy and Anon is great and I love him to bits, but I still cant help but get jealous." Shy admits crossing her arms

"He will be the same if you find someone else that you fall in love with." Marble says as her tone changing sounding like her sister Maud.

Fluttershy took a deep breath before talking again. "I have something important to ask you. What has been the latest news on the hunters?"

"They've burnet and killed more of the vampire villages looking for the chosen one, why?" Marble asks sounding worried.

"Because Im the chosen one?" Fluttershy admits.

"What?!" Marble looks at Fluttershy wide eyed in fear.

"Im pregnant."

Chapter Eleven. I Messed Up... Sorry.

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The sun raised high into the sky as Fluttershy quickly but silently slipped into Pinkie's and Maud's house though the bottom window of the front room. Fluttershy was about head back up stairs when she notice Anon face plated on the desk, he was snoring fast a sleep. For a moment Fluttershy didn't question why Anon was there she just stood there and watched him. She felt bad as she felt responsible for bringing him into this trouble, it wasn't his battle to begin with but now she made it his battle. But Anon didn't need to know yet, she would tell him everything when the time was needed. Fluttershy walked over to Anon and run her hands though his soft hair before bending down to give him a kiss on the cheek making him wake up in the process.

"Huh?" Anon wakes up to see Fluttershy's smiling face, making him feel happy before the guilt of last night set in making him frown.

"What you doing down here honey?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Errr.... I messed up." Anon groans as he sighed into the palm of his hands.

"What happened? im sure it wasn't that bad." Fluttershy reassures.

"Twilight caught me... and sunset having sex and I had to tell her everything..." Anon took a moment to compose him self before carrying on talking. "But I got to talking to her and she promise me that she wouldn't tell anyone about us. But she did say that she wanted to talk to both us. And I said that you would be able to help me explain everything much better." Anon let his face land on the table once more causing a dent in the table, he groaned at his own stupidity. "I'm sorry I messed up. im not fit to be a vampire like you." Anon mumbled into the table but Fluttershy still heard him and smiled lightly.

She knew that all of her friends would find out, eventually. not that she was ready for them all to know now, but at least it was only Twilight and she wasn't here for most of the time. It could of gone much worse, they could of been caught by any of their other friends and she wouldn't of heard the end of it as long as they lived. Fluttershy picked up Anon's head and got it him to look her straight in the eyes. "Its okay, it was a mistake that anyone could of made. but next time be careful and make sure your further away or don't use the bathroom." Fluttershy teased softly making him chuckle slightly. "And don't you dare say your not fit to be a vampire, if anything your too good to be a vampire." Fluttershy bent down pulling Anon into a hug.

"I love you, my Flutterbat." He leans in kissing Fluttershy Deeply.

Minutes later Fluttershy pulls away smiling back at Anon. "I love You too stupid." They both laugh lightly at her bluntness until Anon stops letting out a relaxed sigh smiling softly at Fluttershy. "So, how comes your down here on your own?"

"I couldn't sleep through worry and fear of what was going happen today. Sunset tried to stay up with me, but she end up falling a sleep so I took her back to her bed." Anon groaned, rubbing hi eyes with his hands.

Fluttershy notice his hands shake which leads her to notice other features on her Boyfriend, his eyes had sunken in more and his true form was slowly bleed through into his magic form. "Your magic is fading. When was the last time you fed on blood?"

"I don't know... Probably yesterday morning. To tell you the truth, Apart from worry about Twilight , all I could think of is blood and Its all I crave." Anon thought back to last night as he relayed his memory of the night. "I had to stay away from the others I sense their blood pumping, coursing through their veins. I just wanted to drain them all until they go limp, not because I hated them just because I knew it was what my body need."

"Of course does. Blood is now your main source of food, everything else is just to keep up appearances. but Blood also rules our lives and keeps us from going on rampages and hurting innocent living people." As Fluttershy said that Anon put his hand to his heart feeling no pulse. He hadn't realised he was dead until now it just wasn't something he focused on. It kind of made him feel sad until he remembered that he would Always have his Girlfriend by his sad made him feel more alive then his heart could ever do. "Look I'll carry you back home for you too feed on blood then we'll come back before everyone wakes up."

Anon nods in agreement. "There's no way I could make it home on my own."

"That's because you cant. don't leave it this long again Doofus." Fluttershy bent down picking Anon up as if he was a Bride on his wedding day being carried over the threshold.

"Hey you have to propose first." Anon jokes smiling up at her.

"Well, would you say yes?" Fluttershy ask nonchalantly.

"Of course." Anon answers instantly without thought, before realising what he had just agreed to. "Wait, did you just." Without noticing it Fluttershy had walked outside and transformed back into her normal form before jump high into the sky making Anon shut up as she flew him back home.


Sunset was in a blissful slumber before she was rudely interrupted as a sleepy Rainbow Dash trips over her Friend's Sleeping bag hitting the loud with a loud thud waking everyone in the room. Sunset Shot up confused by the sound, even more confused by seeing Rainbow on the floor across from her. Coming to her senses she got up and Helped Rainbow up on to her feet. "Are you okay Rainbow? Anything hurt?"

Rainbow rubs the back of her head as she accepts Sunset's hand up. "Only my pride." Rainbow chuckles, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"What Happened?" Applejack asks sitting up in her Sleeping bag yawning.

"Rainbow tripped over my Sleeping bag." Sunset Replied as Rainbow continued into the bathroom too embarrassed to talk about it.

"Is she okay?" Rarity asks worried as she takes off her Sleeping mask.

"Yeah she's fine, I think she just a little embarrassed about it." Applejack smirks as Sunset said that, she knew That the farm girl wont let Rainbow forget this anytime soon.

Pinkies eyes scan the room before asking where Anon and Fluttershy was. Sunset instantly looked over at Twilight as she stared judgingly back. "Yeah, where are they?" Twilight asks clear harsh tone.

"Well its a beautiful morning they probably woke up early and went for a walk." Applejack theorised as she opened the curtain before leaving the room and heading down stairs to the kitchen below with Pinkie getting ready to start on breakfast.

"Yeah Probably." Twilight Agreed not sounding convinced since being told everything by Sunset and Anon, but no one noticed except Sunset.

"That sounds so romantic." Rarity sighs as she follows her friends down to the kitchen leaving Twilight and Sunset alone in the bedroom.

The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Twilight stares judgingly at Sunset she still didn't trust sunset. last time they had met they had battled each other so Twilight still wasn't sure if she could trust her enough yet. She didn't know if last night was apart of some sort plan to tear the team apart all she needed to hear is Fluttershys confirmation of Anon story. "So where's Anon?"

"I don't know. last thing I remember was sitting down stairs at the kitchen Table. I must of fallen a sleep and Anon must of brought me back to my sleeping bag." Sunset nervously explains as she knew Twilight didn't trust her.

Twilight hummed not sounding convinced, She walked past sunset about go down stairs before turning back around. "If you are up to something I will stop you." And with that Twilight left leaving the threat lingering over Sunset not waiting for her reply.

Sunset slowly walked out of the bedroom feeling sad and alone, missing Anon. just as she was just about to head down stairs joining the Rainbow steps out of the bathroom fully dressed. "Hey Sunset Sorry about this morning. Wanna use the bath room next."

Sunset perked up at this at least it gave her time away from Twilight. "Sure. Thanks Rainbow."

"No problem." Rainbow gave a high five before heading down stairs to meet the other.

"Wow. Rainbow you certainly didn't waste any time." Rarity Remarked sitting at the.

"Well she was probably tired after the trip this morning." Applejack says as she helps Pinkie make breakfast.

"Oh ha ha." Rainbow rolled her as she took a seat across from the farm girl.

"Does this mean that Sunset in the bathroom?" Pinkie asks as she bounce around the kitchen making breakfast.

"Yeah I thought after... er. well this morning, that I would let her go next." Rainbow blushes.

"Well that was kind of you, Fluttershy would be impressed." Rarity remarked.

"Talking about Fluttershy where is she. Anon too for that matter." Rainbow asks noticing her friends were missing.

"I think they might of gone for a morning walk." Applejack repeated.

"They are just the cutest couple." Rarity says as she sips her coffee, Twilight stayed silent keeping her promise too Anon.

"Well if they're not back in time, can I have their breakfast as well?" Rainbow asks with cocky smile.



Once having got Anon home and fed, they make their way back towards Pinkie house hoping to get back before the others had even noticed. But as Fluttershy lands outside they both notice their friends in the kitchen preparing breakfast. They change back into their human from with Fluttershy laying her head on Anon's shoulder whilst holding his hand as walk in to give the impression they had been out on a walk. "Oh my, we're not late are we?" Like a switch Fluttershy was back to her shy version. "We're sorry if we had to make you wait."

"No, Not all sugar cube we're still cooking." Applejack states calmly with a wink.

"WERE MAKING PANCAKES!!" Pinkie adds shouting.

"Pinkie, Darling can you not be so loud in the morning." Rarity pleads.

"See I told you we would be fine." Anon plants kiss on her forehead before they take their place at the table. He could feel Twilights glazing stare on him, making not want to look in her general direction.

Rainbow pulled a face of disgust "Yuck, you guys make me wanna throw up." Rarity tuts at her friend's immature behaviour.

"Oh, im sorry. Ill not be like that in front of you again." Fluttershy frowns looking quite upset.

"Don't take any notice of her Darling. I think its quite romantic" Rarity says while passing a glare at Rainbow.

"Thank you Rarity. Oh, um... Twilight can I er... have a word with you in, er private? That is if you don't mind that is." The timid buttercup girl asks.

"Sure, lets head up stairs." Twilight suggested before both of them head upstairs.

Applejack passed Anon a cup of coffee and he accepted it with a nod of graduate before taking a small sip not wanting burn his tongue. "Where's Sunset?" he asks sounding curious but actually very worried.

"Bathroom." Rainbow replied

"Ahh, no chance I could have leak then?" Anon asks full well knowing the answer he would get.

"Ah don't think so fella, your just gonna have hold on for now." Applejack smirks.

"Damn!" Anon was about to have another sip of coffee until Rarity interjected.

"You wanna leave off the coffee, for now at least."

"Yeah maybe your right."

After few minutes later Twilight and Fluttershy came down, Twilight holding the book filled all the song she had written. Just as the two girls headed down stairs Sunset calls out letting everyone know the bathroom was now free. Seeing how desperate he was everyone allow Anon to go next. As Anon past Twilight she whispered into his hear telling him that she wanted to see him later as well as Sunset. Anon hoped that it had all had been cleared up now and she was just curious and filled with questions. As Anon head towards the bathroom he saw Sunset through the gap in the door getting changed all she had on at the was her skirt and a bra. He thought to pop his head through to let her he was back and to see how she was since last night.

"Hey, im back." Sunsets face lit up seeing Anon.

She dropped her shirt and ran over to him pulling Anon into a tight hug. "Im so glad your back." She pulled him into long kiss before letting him go.

"Are you okay Shimmy?" Anon ask he could feel something was up.

"Twilight Threatened me. she thinks it might be apart of some master plan that I come up with to spilt the group Apart." Sunset sighed into Anon's shirt. Before looking up into Anon's eyes. "Im tired of everyone expecting to do something bad. It feels like your the only one who gets me."

"Trust me everyone will get to see the real you trust me I will help you show them." Anon promised, he didn't promise much but when he did he meant it. Anon found promises hard to keep so that's why he never makes many he's always afraid he would break them.

"Thank you Anon." Sunset settled back into he's chest again.

"No problem, shimmy." Anon placed his head atop of hers. "And I wouldn't Worry about Twilight anymore, Fluttershy's had a talk with her and she said she wanted a word with us later."

"Okay then." Sunset said pulling away.

Anon was About to say something else but he could still hear snoring. "Wait is someone still a sleep?"

"Yeah its spike his in the pile of blankets over there." Sunset Pointed towards the corner and sure enough there he was fast asleep.

"Twilight Must of forgotten him, what with everything last night." Anon walked over to the sleeping pup as Sunset put her t-shirt on. "Hey Spike Wake up. Breakfast is happening." He slightly jogged the dog waking him up.

"Huh, Twilight?" Spike asks confused by the grogginess of sleep.

"Afraid not buddy." Spikes eyes open wide to find Anon and Sunset.

"Anon, Sunset? Where's Twilight?" Spike asks confused.

"Its Alright, Shes down stairs Pancakes are being made." Anon answers with huge smile.

"Oh, boy Pancake!" quick as shot spike ran down stairs looking forward to the promise food, leaving Sunset and Anon laughing.

"Well anyway I better get to the loo and you should head down stairs." Anon says leaving a kiss on Sunsets cheek heading to the bathroom.

Once having been too the loo, each of the girls took in turns as they ate their breakfasts. Once having told Twilight what has been going on the atmosphere was perfect again. Anon was sat between his two favourite girls, Applejack had said they could use her farm to practice on. And what with Twilight being with them The Dazzling's don't stand a chance.

Chapter Twelve. Clearing The Air

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Once breakfast was eaten and everyone was washed and dressed ready for the day ahead. Anon and the girls decided to head over to Sweet Apple Acres to get started on the counter spell. As they walked down towards Applejack's farm Sunset stayed close to Anon but So did Fluttershy, he could feel things were going to get complicated very soon. But no one noticed of course they were all too engrossed in discussions about either their jobs, hobbies or the battle of bands and defeating the dazzling's. The only who did notice was Twilight of course. She Pulled Sunset a side as they walked to talk to her and so that no one else got suspicious or any idea's. But little did they know that pinkie saw this all thanks to her pinkie sense only making her make more curious but she didn't want to say anything she wanted to watch it play out.

"Im sorry about this morning. I shouldn't of accused you like that." Twilight apologises feeling regret for her actions against Sunset. She knew how hard it was try to prove to everyone that she has changed, she didn't need to make her worse by presuming the worse.

"Its okay, None taken. I Probably would of done the same." Sunset smiles keeping it a polite front, not wanting to show how sad she actual was.

"But still it wasn't right of me. I should be better then that, im the Princess of Friendship for Celestia sake!" Twilight hanged her low Annoyed with her self

Sunset sighed as now the conversation had turned into something all about her. Again. As most conversations went with her it always got turned on to the other person. But it wasn't like this With Anon he cared about her and always asked how her day went, he always cared, which gave her the power to care for others. "Not everyone's perfect Twilight and you shouldn't be either." Sunset smiles giving Twilight a playful punch on the shoulder.

Twilight smiles and lightly giggles at Sunset "Thank you for forgiving me Sunset."

"Call me Sunny. All my friends do." Sunset gives twilight a wink and shoulder barge.

Twilight blushes and smiles wider "Only if you call me Twi."

"Deal." Having had Twilight mention Celestia, she couldn't hope but wonder if her former teacher ever talks about her. "Hey Twi?"


"Does Celestia... ya know, ever mention me?" She asks cagily not wanting to appear clingy like she hadn't let go.

Twilight frowns at the question she knew this was sensitive topic, but she had to be honest. Its what Sunset deserved. "No I don't think she does."

Sunset sighs as she knew it was to much to ask and hope for. "Guess she's too busy protecting Equestria. To care about me." Sunset Whispers the last part to her self feel low.

Twilight didn't know what else to say with out making her feel any worse. So she kept quite as they all walked up to Sweet Apple Acres. A few minutes later they had reached the farm and Twilights nerves were getting to her with every step she took. The song she had wrote was meant to beat the Dazzlings and she had no faith in it. she could tell it was going to suck but she had no other alternatives everyone was counting on her and she couldn't let anyone down. Applejack headed off inside to let Granny Smith know she was home and to ask for one of the barns so the Rainbooms could practice in private. Having had the go ahead Everyone went home to grab their instruments except for Anon, Sunset and Twilight who instead went for a walk around the Apple orchards letting spring breeze flow around them. Twilight took this moment of opportunity to flood the both of them with questions.

"So becoming a Vampire what was that like?" Twilight asks out of the blue almost making Anon choke on the apple he had just taken from the orchard.

Having coughed up all the bits of apple, Anon Wipes his mouth ready to talk. "Just gonna go straight for eh. No subtlety or beating around the bush just straight up ask."

"Sorry I thought getting straight to it would cut the awkward tension." Twilight explained.

"Well, it certainly worked." Sunset giggled at his antics.

They find a hill to sit down on as Anon a tells his story "Honestly, It was cold. I could feel the life draining from my body moment by moment as the poison infected my bloodstream. I felt colder and weaker as I transformed I felt as though I couldn't even move. Soon Everything faded to black and I died only to wake up a day later a corpse." He recalls happily as thought back to that day, the best day of his life.

Twilight was blown a way by the story she could believe what she was hearing neither could Sunset for that matter. They had never really talked about it, as she thought it was something that upset him. But seeing him Tell the story with such joy and happiness was odd to say the least. Saying that though it didn't change her thoughts about him, he was still the only boy for her even if he was dead. That was the oddest thought sunset had ever thought it even made her chuckle slightly.

"Wasn't you scared?" Twilight asks confused.

"No. I actually I wasn't. I had Fluttershy, her strength allowed me to go through with it. I trusted her completely and I love her with all of my heart." Anon Admits. Sunset sighs clearly feeling jealous and left out. Anon scoots over to the bacon haired girl bringing a finger under her chin getting her to look up at him. "Love you too. I know its hard feeling like your compete with Fluttershy. But listen when I say your not. My heart belongs to both of you, sure its a dead vampires heart. but its yours." Anon leans in as thy begin to start kissing passionately. They soon stop when they hear Twilight coughing loudly reminding them that she was still there.

"Sorry Twilight." The couple pull away from each other blushing madly.

"So Fluttershy explained to me the whole vampire relationship thing. Does this mean your one too?" Twilight looks to Sunset as Anon starts to sweat.

"Er... No. Im still alive. Last time I checked." Sunset jokes as her mind slowly started to run off on the thought of it.

"So, do you girls wanna see what my true form looks like?" Anon suggests quickly cutting off that run of conversation before it could go any further. The girls looked at each other Anxious, a little worried to see what might actually look like. But curiosity over took worry as they nodded in agreement. Anon sat cross-legged as sunset scooted back away to give him space. He closed his eyes and held his breath as the magic vail was lifted off revealing a darker greyer looking Anon, dressed in his black Victorian suit complete with black leather jacket.

Wow, was all the girls could muster seeing his true form for the first time. It was also the first time that Anon actually looked threating but with a hint of his caring nature following through. It didn't last long as Anon closed his eyes and mutter the spell bringing back the vail. As much as it was nice to just be him he couldn't risk getting caught by the others. "Well?"

The girls were silent for a minute before recollecting their thoughts. Twilight looks to Sunset for help but she seemed completely out of sorts by the whole thing, which confused her more. "Its er... bit of a shock, but its a nice look for you." Twilight says hoping that's best response she could give.

"Thanks Twi, That means a lot." Anon smiles before looking over at sunset who hasn't even said a word yet. "Sunset? What did you think?"

There was no reply and Anon was starting to worry, but it didn't last long as she finally opened her mouth to speak. "I thought you looked Beautiful, you looked like my Anon."

But before any more could be said, Rainbow dash came running up to the trio seeming out of breath. Once the athlete had finally reached them she placed her hands on her knees catching her breath. "Everyone's... Waiting... For you." Rainbow said through shortness of breath. That caused everyone to stand up and start walking back to the farmhouse. As they walked back Rainbow turned to face the Sunset, "Did you have to walk so far away?"


Having reached the barn that Granny Smith had so kindly let them use. They got setup and ready to practice Twilights counter spell with Spike Sunset and Anon watching and waiting on the side lines. Once everything was connected and Everyone was ready the band began to play, Twilights counter spell. they practice time and time again but each practice worse then the last time. It was the worse thing that they had ever heard the band play as Anon Sunset and Spike covered their ears. Suddenly the speaker flares letting of loud sharp tune causing Sunset to turn it down. Anon watches, cringing at the Rainbooms as they try to perform, he see Fluttershy try to get into the song only to be told off by Rainbow. Anon could of hit her right then for being mean to his girlfriend, if for the fact that he knew that she didn't care, so he shouldn't either. You could see on each of the girls that their pony ears were trying to come through but it wasn't enough to stabilize their pony versions.

"That sounded way better then the last five times you played it." Spike lied, sitting on the speaker.

Suddenly big mac walked past the window. "Nope." he honestly remarked making Spike frown

"I pretty obvious what's going wrong with this counter spell." Rainbow states confidently.

"Yeah, your turning what should be the chorus into a five minute guitar solo." Applejack rebuttals.

"Well I have to pick up the somehow, like are you guys even trying?" The athlete argues back.

"Im Trying." Fluttershy interjects shyly.

While her friends argue twilight freaks out trying to calm her self down. "Its fine, everything will be fine. Once more from the top!" Twilight exclaims punching her fist into the air.

A few seconds go by and no one says or does anything leaving Twilight in silence until Rarity speaks up. "Or.. perhaps we could take a short break." Rarity puts her Keytar down and walks forward pulling out a clothing rail full of costumes for the band. "Try on some of the wardrobe choices I put together. Im particularly fond of this one." In a spilt second Rarity had changed outfit into a pink glittery uniform style dress. "Or we could go for something a bit more modem."

Applejack frowns at the seamstress "We're trying to save our school , here. Enough with the fancy costumes."

But before they knew it Rarity was in another outfit one resembling a robot with three diamonds going across the helmet. "Ugh! You can never have enough costumes!" Rarity replies sounding robotic.

"She just wants to make things fun! Isn't that what being in a band supposed to be." Pinkie hits the drums for comedic effect.

"You don't have time for any of this!" Sunset says getting the girls attention.

"She's right. Your supposed to check in at the Battle of The Bands, in fifth teen minutes." Anon adds backing Sunset up.

But as soon as the pair had said that, the girls being to panic and start running around trying to get things sorted, Anon and Sunset helped out the best to their ability. But as everyone began to tidy up Twilight started to voice her concerns aloud. "But. But its not ready. If we play a counter spell in the first round and it doesn't work, the sirens will know what we're up to. AND THEY'LL MAKE SURE WE WONT BE ABLE TO PLAY IT AGAIN!" Twilight shouts freaking out, causing everyone to stop and look at her.

"Then we'll have buy us some time, so you can keep working on it." Applejack announces.

"And how do you propose we do that?" Rarity asks

"You guys enter into the battle of the bands for real. Rainbow takes over lead vocalist and you stay you stay alive until the finals. Then you unleash the counter spell by then." Everyone looked at each other and agreed in unison. "You'll have it done by then right?" Anon ask making sure.

"Of course she will. Twilight Sparkle hasn't met a problem she couldn't solve." Spike says patting her foot before looking up at her. "Right Twilight?"

"Right." Twilight agrees sounding a bit shaking.

Hearing the Princess agree, Anon and the rest of the girls finish packing the rest of the equipment into Applejacks truck. Applejack was about to get in the driver seat before Anon takes the keys off of her "What, the hell you think your playing at Anon. Give me back keys."

"Not this time AJ we need to get to school Quickly. Im driving." Anon opens the car and gets in the drivers seat with the rest of the girls getting in the back and Fluttershy taking the seat next to him.

"Like hell you are. This is my car im driving." The farm girls argues standing her ground.

"Im sorry but im with Anon on this one. We need to get there quickly. Not slowly. " Rainbow dash adds giving Applejack a dry look.

"Just because im safe doesn't mean he gets to drive my car." Applejack frowns placing her hands on her hips.

"Darling right Anon is who we need driving and your just wasting more time." Rarity chimes in

"Just get in." Sunset adds.

"Fine, fine. At least let me sit in front." Applejack bargains to which Fluttershy nods happily, while actually being annoyed at the fact she cant sit next to her boyfriend and gets in the back sitting next to Pinkie.

Applejack gets in the car and buckles up her seatbelt. As anon starts the car he looks over at the farm girl annoyed. " Happy now?"

"No." Applejack reply's bluntly, causing Anon to roll his eyes. The engine starts and Anon drives off back to Canterlot High to stop the Sirens.

Chapter Thirteen. Troublesome Sirens

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Having Anon in the Driver's seat made all the difference. Stepping into the hall Anon and the girls finding everyone in the school arguing again just like last time at the cafeteria. As everyone argues they find their way to a clear space to sit down as a group. It wasn't long before Rarity finds the sirens sitting at the top to the right of them wearing smug looks as they stared straight back at the Rainbooms. Rarity look to the others then looking back at the sirens. Anon and the girls look over to see sirens smiling and waving back them, Making the Rainbooms frown feeling uncertain especially Twilight.

Suddenly Rarity Stands up, "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" Rainbow asks before she leaves.

"I'm just getting my self prepped for our first performance." The seamstress winks before turning away with a hair toss.

"Do you think they know." Sunset asks aloud to the group as she stares at the Dazzlings, getting uneasy feeling.

"How could they? We haven't even done anything yet." Applejack reasoned

"I guess so." Sunset still wasn't sure. But what she was sure of, was she going to have a little chat later.

"I don't like that there's all this anger. It makes me sad." Pinkie frowned holding her head in hands.

"There, there pinkie were getting it sorted. isn't that right Twilight?" Fluttershy asks as she comforts pinkie.

"Without a doubt." Twilight replies with nervous laughter. she looks down at Spike for comfort as he smiles back at her with a confident nod.

Anon rested is head on Fluttershy shoulder as looked across the hall, Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna were wait patiently for Rest of the students to stop arguing so that they could talk again. As he looked through the crowed of angry students he saw Flash and retard cronies, Ringo and Thunder Bass arguing with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. "Such pathetic dicks." Anon whispers to himself.

"It still hurts doesn't it?" Fluttershy Whispers back.

"Crap! I forgot about the super sensitive hearing." Anon whispers relaxing into his girl even more.

"It does though doesn't?" Fluttershy questions as she brings her arm around him

"Sometimes. but... I know that what happened, happened for the best and I couldn't be happier." Anon reaches his head up and kisses Fluttershy on the cheek. She blush as she knew the others could of been watching.

The Arguing soo stopped long enough for the Principle and Vice Principle to start to talking again. "We will call you each of your bands in alphabetical order." Celestia stated

"When each band is about to take stage we will call the following band to get ready." Luna added

"We shall start with Aces then followed by A Claim To Fame." Celestia announces before exiting the stage with Luna.

Now all the Rainbooms could do was wait it out as they watched each band go up and perform. Snips and Snails were up next and The Rainbooms had been called to perform after. Once Having Snips and Snails performed their awful rap song, which pinkie seemed to enjoy somehow. The Rainbooms were queued up next. But there was no sign of Rarity and everyone was starting to worry. But it was soon put to rest when she returned in some southern looking outfit with metal chimes all over costume. Anon and the girls looked blandly at not impressed by her outfit.

Upset with the poor reaction Rarity had the need to justify herself. "We will be performing in front of audience. Im not going to wear something fabulous?" Applejack face palms while everyone else rolls their eyes at Rarity antics.

The Rainbooms had set up on stage and Anon and Sunset were waiting in the wings, supporting them the best they could. "Remember we have to be good enough to make it through, but not so good that the sirens will see the magic within us." Twilight reminds everyone to which they nod back in agreement. "They could realise that we plan to use it against them."

"Got it! Be cool enough to win, but not so cool that we show off the whole tails and ears and rainbow's thing. So about twenty percent less cool." Rainbow smirks confidently.

Anon, Sunset and Spike watch as The Rainbooms begin to perform. "So far so good." Anon thought to himself. And he was right to think so, they were all singing in tune and sounding good. But as the song kicked up suddenly Rarity's arms were being pulled up by magnets making her in able to play her keytar as she was dragged all over the place. But all of sudden Pinkie flipped one of her drums and shot out confetti going everywhere. Rarity tried to sing her lines but she was being dragged into Applejack until she kicked her away. If that wasn't enough, Twilight starts to chock on confetti as she was singing. Luckily Fluttershy was on hand to help Twilight cough up the confetti. But the strangest thing to Anon was as soon as their was a spotlight on Fluttershy she ran away hiding behind the others. When Anon turned around to Sunset, but she was just as confused and when he went look back she had gone hiding behind Pinkie. Rarity was soon able to brake free but in doing so she ripped the arms off of her dress causing her to break out into tears letting her mascara run down her face. The performance was soon over finishing with Rarity in tears and Fluttershy hiding behind Pinkie. It had started so well but slowly went down hill and finished terribly and it filled Anon and the girls with dread.

when the performance was over only principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna were clapping. The Rainbooms walked off the stage feeling dejected, with Rarity in floods of tears moaning about her ruined outfit. As soon as they were off stage Applejack angrily starts moaning at Rarity. "Rarity we're you trying to make us lose out there?!"

Rarity wipes the ruin make up off her face in shock before turning around to face everyone. "This was not my fault. this was an act of sabotage!" She exclaimed claiming her innocence.

"Yeah, well who ever did this, couldn't of done it if you hadn't of insisted on dressing like, like, LIKE THIS!" Applejack argued pointing to the outfit.

Anon and Sunset (who was holding spike at the time) were watching as the two friends argue of Rarity outfit before looking at each other worried, even twilight walked over to the three of them looking worried. And then if that wasn't enough Rainbow turns on Pinkie. "And what was with the confetti, Pinkie Pie. How am I supposed to shred with bits of confetti stuck in my strings?"

To Anon's surprise, Fluttershy added in on the bashing, even if it was meekly. "It was pretty distracting."

But then Pinkie retaliates and turns on Fluttershy. "AH, Says the girl who running away from a light the whole time. A LIGHT!" Pinkie screams.

Even though he knew Fluttershy was okay he felt like he had to step in, much to the surprise of both of his girlfriends. he stepped in front of like he was protecting her from the party girl "Hey! You leave her alone! You know she has stage fright and someone else knew that too. So they sabotaged your performance by putting the spotlight on her. You go moan at who ever that was and leave her alone. It was not her fault,"

Anon pulled Fluttershy into a hug. "That was good it really helps with keeping up the act." Fluttershy whisper so quietly down Anon's ear.

Pinkie rubs the back of her neck feeling bad, knowing that it wasn't her friends fault and someone else was to blame. "Im super sorry Fluttershy. I didn't mean to be such a meanie."

Fluttershy turns around away from, Anon's neck to look back at Pinkie rubbing her eye pretending that she had been crying. " That's okay." Fluttershy smiles lightly.

"Friends?" Pinkie ask with arms wide open.

"Friends." Fluttershy confirms accepting the hug.

Once that was over Sunset spoke up. "You still sounded much better then the other bands. But it won't matter if you don't have that counter spell ready." Sunset looked to Twilight who just looked worried. "Look, you guys find a place to practice. Ill keep an eye out here!"

"Yeah, Ill stay here with ya." Anon adds

"Huh? Your not coming with us?" Fluttershy asks confused.

"You don't need me to practice. But Sunset could use help here." Anon explains.

"Alright but I need to talk to you later, okay." Fluttershy gave Anon one of her this is serious looks while keeping her happy shy tone.

"Okay honey, we'll talk later." Anon plants a kiss on her forehead before letting her go off with the band.

Anon walks over to Sunset and stands next to her. "So... What did she mean by that?" Sunset asks as she takes hold of his hand holding it in hers lovingly their fingers interlocking.

"I have no idea, but ill find out later. Im sure it wasn't something I did. Well I hope it wasn't." Anon was trying to think back of anything he could of done. But then the next group was on and Derpy and her friends came on playing weirdest instruments. Daze was playing a cow bell. Aura, plays the Triangle and the weirdest was Derpy. She played as saw using a violinist bow. Anon and sunset look to each other confused before laughing lightly. Anon looked up to where the are Dazzlings are to find they had already gone. "Sunset look."

"I know were to go, follow me." Sunset led Anon out of the hall and into a dark hallway with a flickering light. "Act tough and hold your ground." Anon was confused, but he followed Sunset trusting her completely. They hid in the dark until The Dazzlings turned the corner, "You won't get away with this!" Sunset announces as she steps out of the dark crossed armed, along Anon who was standing behind her also crossed armed.

"We won't let it happen!" Anon says staring the sirens down.

"Why? Because Sunset didn't?!" As soon as the middle siren said that Sunset could feel what hold she had was slipping. The sirens started to circle the pair of them. "Oh yes, we know all about you Sunset Shimmer you have quite the reputation at Canterlot high."

And with that, all of Sunsets confidence was gone in matter of seconds. "I've changed. Im a much better place now."

"Waiting in the wings while your friends have all the fun." The purple girl adds as she follows her sisters lead.

Anon's anger raised as he watch the siren bitches take pot shots at an already emotional girlfriend. "Well then if you know about her, then you have to know about the one who protects her." He steps out in front of his girlfriend facing the sirens.

"Oh we do, and I must say your an odd one. The boy without a pulse." Anon eyes widen in fear at Adagio's words.

"The drummer slash song writer who got thrown out his former band. " Aria adds smirking.

"If you knew properly I left that group." Anon tries to argue back.

"Then joins another which eventually throws him to the back." Sonata says while trying to look innocent.

"With the runt of the friend group which he is also happens to be dating." Adagios adds making Anon and Sunset look at each other shock. "Yes all of you are so Tight. The Vampire boy not only has a dead girlfriend, but Sunset as well. And Sunset not even asked to be in the band."

"Probably afraid no one would wanna see them play if she was in the group. " Aria smirks.

"Not to mention the three of you Anon, Sunset and Fluttershy. All of you lying to rest of the group. Not to mention your girlfriend keeping secrets from you, Anon." Adagio glares at him at making him think.

"I've hid nothing from him!" Sunset declares.

"Who said any thing about you. shimmy." Sonata Giggles

Anon was lost in thought but two clear questions stood out. "Who are you? And how do you know all of this?"

"We're The Sirens and lets just say we know some powerful people who are interested in you. But don't worry she doesn't know who you are, yet? You wont be able to face what's coming for you and the Dazzlings will end up on top."

"Too bad. So Sad." Sonata smiles.

"But if its any consolation. No one will remember you at all once we're done." The sirens walk past bumping Sunset and Anon out of the way, laughing.

The couple were left completely in shock. "What do we do now?" Sunset asks looking to her Boyfriend for comfort.

"I don't know, shimmy." Anon pulled Sunset In for a hug. "I just don't know. They Know Everything!"

Chapter Fourteen. A Musical Showdown

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Sunset sat on the floor of the hall as Anon paced up and down nervously trying to figure out their next move. "They know everything. They know who we are. what we are and what we've done. All of it!" Anon run his hands through his dark red hair as stresses out. "Not to mention their warnings. Powerful friends? What's coming next? And what do they mean we won't survive. I'm starting to hyperventilate." Anon leans up against the lockers breathing heavy and fast.

Sunset calmly got up no to her feet and walked over to her boyfriend and took him by the hand leading hi into the girls bathroom where she know no one would be. "Look at me." Sunset said calmly as she held both of his hands. He eventually looked up looking Sunset in the eyes still breathing uncontrollably. "Breath, in... And out." Anon copied Sunset's breathing until finally calmed himself down. "Listen. This is what we can do. We are going to do absolutely Nothing. We'll stick with the counter spell, its our best chance to stop those Sirens. And about the other stuff, how do we really know if the Sirens are telling the Truth or just trying to cause chaos. We cant trust what they say."

Anon nods in agreement the Sirens were not to be trusted, but there was always that, what if. "What if they're telling the truth?"

"Then we cross that bridge when we come to it." Sunset Answers smiling warmly.

"What do we tell the others?" He asks confused.

"Nothing for the moment and that includes Fluttershy. We don't need to tell them stuff we don't even know is true. Okay?" Sunset brings her hand up under his chin stroking his cheek with her thumb.

"Okay." Anon agreed nodding his head.

"Okay then, Feel better?" Sunset asks with a caring tone.

"Much Better. Thank you." He smiles up at her.

"It was nothing." Sunset pulled him in kissing him deeply, before letting him go. "I love you, you idiot."

"That's Sir Idiot to you." Anon replies in posh accent acting offended, causing Sunset to giggle.

"Oh im terribly Sorry my lord Idiot, shall we go back to the hall." Sunset asks as she's bowing to Anon.

"Yes, I think we shall." Anon answers still speaking in a posh accent.

Anon and Sunset leave the girls bathroom arm in arm laughing loudly as they go back to the hall.


An hour Earlier.

Twilight and the Rest of the Rainbooms had just left main hall and were about to head back to the music room, until Twilight bumps into Flash Sentry. "we really have to stop bumping into each other like this." Twilight joked blushing brightly as she twirled her hair shyly.

"Er did you guys hear something?" Flash asks to Ringo and Thunder Bass acting like Twilight didn't exist.

Applejack and Rarity watched on in anger as they knew how much of an asshole Flash had gotten "I said we have to stop meeting-"

Twilight was cut off as Flash started talking again. "There it is again, so annoying."

The pony princess turned human looked at him with confusion. "Why are you acting like this? I thought we were friends?"

Flash took in a deep breath before turning around to face to face Twilight in and. "Yeah, and then you decided to come back here and join that bitch sunset and her asshole friends, just so you could beat me in the battle of the bands!" Twilight took a step back towards her friends she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I want this Twilight and your trying take it from me. Some friend." he looked at her with disgust.

"That's not why I-" Twilight was interrupted again this time by Applejack she had heard just enough of what Flash had to say.

"Come on Twilight" Twilight walked away with the rest of the band crying her eyes out, accept for Fluttershy who was still left behind which Pinkie Pie noticed.

"You coming, Fluttershy?" The Pinkie party girl asked her most up beat tone.

"Im just going to go to the toilet if that's okay?" Fluttershy asks shyly.

"Okay dokie lokie, meet you at the music room." Pinkie left with her normal happy smile.

Fluttershy's face turned from meek to angry and Before flash could even tell what was going to happen. Fluttershy at full force punched the lockers next creating giant dent in them making him flinch, he was about to run away in fear but she took hold of him by the neck and lifted him up. "Now I don't normal do this, but your are getting on my last nerves." Flash struggled as he looked into her bright blue eyes replaced with blood red, it terrified him and his friends who stood by and watched in horror. "Now listen to what I say. If you don't leave me, my boyfriend and my friends, that includes Sunset, if you don't leave them alone I'll come for you. You'll always be watching you back and you'll never be able to sleep. Understand?" Flash couldn't speak with the pressure that Fluttershy was inflicting on him, so he nodded instead. "Good boy." Fluttershy said as if she was talking to one of the animals at her shelter. She let go of Flash and he ran with Ringo and Thunder following behind him.

t was first time she had did that in the school and it felt good too using her powers to stick up for friends. For once in a long while feeling good about her self Fluttershy left too to meet up with the others in the music room.


Present time.

Anon and Sunset had made their way to hall watching the rest of the bands until The Rainbooms had come back. Anon saw Twilights eyes red, he could tell she had been crying. Sunset made her way over to Rainbow to tell her everything except obvious. Fluttershy walked over to Anon smiling giving him a hug. "Whoa, what's that for?" Anon asks jokingly.

"Ill tell you later?" She says pulling away smiling up at him.

Anon looks up frowning see Twilight leaning up against the wall hugging her book, she looked so delicate, like if you hugged her you could break her. "What's Happened?"

"I think its best if you talk to her." Fluttershy admits.

So that's exactly what Anon went to do, he leans up against the wall next to Twilight who hasn't even moved or acknowledge he was there. "Hey Twi."

"Hey." Twilight replied her voice all croaky.

"So... you gonna tell me?" Anon asks knowing he didn't need say any more, she knew what he was asking.

"I, er... had talk with Flash." Twilight answers wiping her eyes dry.

"Oh." Was all he could say in response.

"Yeah. Why didn't you tell me he was like this." Twilight asks looking over at him.

"Well what with two Girlfriends, being dead and Sirens to defeat I kind of was preoccupied. Also I was trying to forget them they kicked me out for drummer they don't even use now. I guess Ringo plays the drum since he's been wearing that shirt." Anon sighs before looking at Twilight. "Im sorry I didn't mean to let him hurt you I should of told you back at Sugarcube Corner."

The Princess turned to look at Anon. "Its not your fault and im sorry for blaming this on you." Anon held his arms open in the request for a hug to which she gladly accepted. Fluttershy looked over at the pair smiling knowing Anon had sorted it out.

Anon looked up to see his girlfriend looking at them nodding them over. "Come on. I think your on." Anon let go of her as she greeted the rest of the band with a smile.

"Ready Twilight?" Rainbow asks

"Ready." she replies with pure determination.

The rest of the day was just bands battling it out, Sunset and Anon got back stage access to all of them. They watched as Dazzlings defeated each talented and hard working band and musician that came across them. No matter how good anyone performed against the Sirens they couldn't win, they clearly had Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna under their control. Flash's band was the last band to go up against and the Dazzlings and they sure put up a good fight but like all the bands before, they were completely wiped out. It was one that brought the couple a smile as they watch Flash get angry and stomp away with his angry cronies. The Rainbooms had worked hard to get were they were but now they had been arguing more then often as they let small things get to them arguing between each and every break. It put pressure on Twilight as she try to work on the counter spell amongst all of the chaotic arguing. It was now close to the wire as the Rainbooms had one more band to beat, Trixie and The Illusionists.

Sunset and Anon stood in circle with the Rainbooms back stage just before they went on to perform. "This it. Last round and your in the final." Sunset announces excitedly.

"Unless you think the counter spell is ready to play now?" Anon counters looking towards Twilight, to which she looks unsure hugging her book close to her.

"Don't worry Twilight, finals aren't tonight. We'll get in a little bit more practice before we hit the stage. We wont let you down." Applejack says smile as everyone agrees.

"You wont let me down." Twilight whispers to herself sadly.

Anon could hear clearly what The Princess said and before he could say anything he was interrupted by Fluttershy talking to Rainbow. "Um, I was just wondering. We haven't played any of my songs yet."

Rainbow smiles giving Flutter shy a playful punch on the arm. "Its the semi-final, we gotta do awesome as I wanna be."

Fluttershy frowned feeling defeated. "I don't know why I even bother."

Trixie and The Illusionists had just finished after performing an impressive song that had both Celestia and Luna smiling and clapping in amazement. Trixie left the stage walking over to the Anon, sunset and the Rainbooms. "Your never gonna top that performance Raingoons. You shouldn't be aloud to when you've got such a big advantage over the rest of us."

"My superior guitar playing. And off the charts awesome singing voice." Rainbow replies smiling.

"Don't be ridiculous. I mean her." Trixie points to the Twilight making her feel nervous as she looks away rubbing the back of her neck. "If you were really all that Rainbow Dash, you wouldn't of needed to bring in some magical ringer to have half a chance. Everyone's talking about it."

Rainbow laughs Trixie off. "Paalease. I could win this thing as a solo act and everyone knows it." These harsh words hurt everyone in the group including Sunset and Anon, they all give Anon a pissed off look much to Dashes ignorance.

"Sure, you could." Trixie replies sarcastically before throwing smoke pallet leaving everyone coughing. once the smoke had cleared Trixie had seemed to of vanished.

"She's GONE!" Pinkie exclaims in shock. Only for the magician to appear from behind Pinkies drum kit. "Oh, there she is." The Party girl realizes making Anon Laugh.

Suddenly Principle Celestia's calls out. "Next up the Rainbooms." That lead to the group walking out on to the stage.

"Knock 'em dead Rainbooms!" Spike Gleefully cheers.

"We'll be here! Just watching." Sunset says frowning, leading to Anon wrapping an arm round Sunset hugging her tightly planting a kiss on her forehead. Spike looks up at the pair oddly before looking back at the Rainbooms.

The stage is completely dark until a spotlight lights up each band member as they play their instrument. So far so good Anon and Sunset thought as the band played everything was going well and no one was trying to sabotage them. Anon could tell Fluttershy was getting fed up with Rainbow's ego and he was sure they were going to have a conversation about that later. But then suddenly Rainbow started to show off as she runs about the stage getting into Twilight's and Applejacks personal space then decides to do tricks with her guitar, playing it behind her back while doing other sorts of poses. Sunset and Anon watch she was taking it too far and is about to show off her pony wings, they needed to do something and quick. Sunset was about to run on stage when Anon Holds her back and pulls her away. throwing her back before running out on stage himself tackling Rainbow to the ground quickly stopping her wings, ears and tail from forming. but instead Rainbow fell into, Twilight which led into a domino effect of her falling into Rarity who fell back knocking Applejack's base out of her hands, which went flying and landed right in one of Pinkies drum's. Lights of the stage all lit up showing everything that happened causing Fluttershy to run off stage the in fear. Rainbow got up looking at Anon angrily, he look down to see Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna frowning before writing down on their pieces of paper.

Suddenly you could hear Flash shout out. "See Anon's the biggest asshole! Trying ruin this competition, for everyone!"

"Oh go suck a dick, Flash." Anon held up both of his Middle fingers walking off stage as the rest of the school shouted at him in anger while dazzling smiled at the anger

Once they were off stage all members of the Rainbooms turned back to look at him "What was that?"

"That was me working on an impulse because a certain Rainbow haired girl was hogging spot light and almost ruined everything by revealing our power to the Sirens." Anon explains crossing his arms, he stood his ground confident in what he had done.

"Well you could of closed the curtains or unplug her amp. Give us a chance to deal with the situation." Rarity argued.

"It was like I said Rares, I worked an impulse I did the first thing that came into my head." Anon answered still holding on to what he did, he was upset that Fluttershy didn't say anything but he also understood why. If she said anything for what he did it would just look like favouritism for obvious reasons,

"To be honest, I agree with Anon none of this would of happened if you weren't trying to show as usual." Applejack says getting into Rainbow's personal space.

"Nice show Rainbrooms." Everyone had turned around to see Trixie gloating. "Especially like the part where Anon in fit of jealous rage knocked Rainbow Dash mid guitar solo," She says as she holds on to Anon's shoulders.

"Trixie I swear to hell if you don't get your hands off me I will shove 'em up your ass. you second rate magician." Anon snaps making Trixie let go of Anon and step back.

"How dare you. I am not second rate." Trixie huffs turning away to look over at Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna. "Oooo. Looks like they've already decided whose moving on to the finals. Im guessing it wasn't too difficult a decision."

But when Anon and Sunset looked over to the principle's, the sirens were there singing to them. Suddenly they hear Rarity talking and your concentration breaks, looking over to her. "What can we do there isn't going to be another opportunity for us to play. And I had the most gorgeous outfits for the finals." Everyone eye rolled at her dramatic statement.

"Yep because that's the real tragedy here Rarity, that you get to play dress up." Applejack says accusing her of not caring about the mission at hand.

"You know perfectly well that's not what I mean." Rarity argued back each of them angrily getting into their personal space.

Rainbow came through between them, keeping them away from each other at arms length. "You guys wanna keep it down. They're about announce who's moving on."

"Oh who are you kidding, you know it isn't going to be us." Fluttershy says finally speaking a breaking her character a little bit much to Anon surprise.

It was at that time Both principles walked out on stage. "The band that will be joining The Dazzlings in tonight's finals is... The Rainbooms!"

"WHAT!" Trixie shouts out in shock and The Rainbooms are left in complete shock.

"Did they just say the Rainbooms?!" Pinkies ask in shock.

Trixie angrily stomps away, angered at losing a battle she clearly should of won. "This isn't over."

As the Rainbooms walk up on stage, Sunset takes hold of Anon's wrist and takes him behind the stage and behind various other curtains until they enter the props room as Sunset shuts the door behind them "why did you do that? I was going to do that." Sunset asks punching him in the shoulder.

"Ow. If you did that it would of only confirmed what they thought of you. Its one mistake that I can bounce back from and to be honest I don't care what others think of me. Early this morning I promised you that they would see the real you, if had let you go... it could of ruined everything. I love you Sunny" Anon answers holding on to his shoulder.

There was nothing that sunset could say her boyfriend just saved her from looking like worse person and made himself look like the bad guy all because he loved her. Sunset leant forward kissing him passionately, putting all of her emotions into the kiss. Minutes later Sunset pulls away needing air. She looked up Anon smiling wondering how she got so lucky. "I wanna see the real you?" She ask stroking his chin.

"I cant, not in school its too risky." Anon answers to which Sunset replies by locking the door.

"I found the key, on the floor of the stage wings." Sunset smiles. "Now show me. Please."

With a sigh and a smile, Anon close's his eyes letting the magic projection fall leaving him as a vampire. "Happy?"

"Very, I get to see my beautiful boyfriend." Sunset leans in for another kiss before pulling away again. She took off her jacket and threw it to side along with her shirt leaving her in only in her skirt and red bra. "Take me."

"As you wish my lady."


Many minutes later the pair appear later out of the prop room to find their friends had gone, it wasn't long before they found them at stage the back of the school. "Hey, there you two are. Where did you go?" Pinkie asks. Causing everyone else to look round seeing Both Anon and Sunset.

"Well after being blamed for everything I was quite angry and I went for a walk. Sunset came with me and help calmed me down." Anon answers but no one said anything they all just looked sadly at the floor. "It doesn't matter."

Anon walked over to Fluttershy wasn't looking quite right. "Hey. Are you okay? You don't look well."

"Im just dizzy, feeling a bit faint." Fluttershy replies putting hand on her forehead.

"Is there anything I can do?" Anon asks worried.

"Can you get me fizzy Drink?" Fluttershy asks trying to smile.

"Sure, do you want your favourite?" Anon asks smiling


"Ill be right back." Anon plants a kiss on Fluttershy's forehead.

Anon was about to leave when he heard his name was being called from behind, It was Spike running up to him. "Can I come with you?"

"Sure, im only getting Flutter's a drink." Anon explains.

"Yeah I know but it would be nice to hang with another guy." Spike smiles as he walks along side Anon.

Anon and Spike walked talked until they reach the vending machine. "So what your telling me is that your actually a dragon and you defeated an evil pony king called Sombra."

"That's about right." Spike nods.

"Dude your crazy." Anon chuckled to himself which soon turned to a frown when saw that Fluttershy's favourite drink wasn't there. "Great the Drink isn't there."

"What you gonna do?" Spike asks his head angled to one side.

"Well I guess I could drive to the shop's I wont be too long." Anon thought aloud.

"And its not like the Rainbooms need you to defeat the Sirens." Spike adds

"Point taken, lets go. I mean their perfectly safe." Anon says as they head towards his car.


The Rainbooms are setting up for the final tonight as Twilight gets to work on the spell and the others get set up. "Check one two testing, testing." Rainbow taps on the mic and nothing is happening. Trying to help Sunset turns the volume all the way up which causes a loud high sharp pitch sound of Rainbow Dash's voice, which in turn cause everyone to cover their ears. So sunset instantly turns it down to a more acceptable level.

"This doesn't make any sense." Fluttershy announces as she rubs her forehead. "We we're awful, doesn't anyone else think its strange that we're the ones that made it to the finals."

"Very strange." Everyone turned round to see Trixie and the rest of her band.

"What are you doing here Trixie? Im pretty sure the losers are meant to be up there, in the cheap seats." Rainbow says point to seats in the stage mocking her.

"The great and powerful Trixie, is the most talented girl at Canterlot high. It is I who deserves to be in the finals and I will not be denied." With a snap of Trixie's fingers her friends pulled the leaver opening the trap door dropping the Rainbooms below. Trixie walks over to the hole an taunts the Rainbooms one last time. "See you never."

Unknown to Trixie Vinyl Scratch was hidden behind the side of the stage. "I've got to get Celestia." She ran off to find the principle.

And unknown to all of them the sirens had watched from a distance. "I told you someone would give them a shove." Adagio says, grinning.

"She didn't shove them. She pulled a leaver." Sonata stated causing her older sister face palm and Aria to eye roll.

"Go back to sleep Sonata." Aria sighed.

"It doesn't matter what happened. what does matter is that we've got them where we want them. which allows us to steal the rest of the magic to feed us, and hand the Rainbooms over to Miss Blake." Adagio says smiling again.

"But what about Anon he wasn't there?" Aria asks.

"We'll worry about him later and set up a trap for him to fall into. But for now we better get ready for tonight girls. Its The Finals!" Adagio says as the girls walk away.


Having got the drink for Anon was now on his way back, unfortunately the traffic was bad he didn't get back to the school until it was dark. Worried that Fluttershy could still be bad quite bad Anon and Spike hurry into the School and heads straight to the stage. As soon as he got to the Anon was shocked, confused and worried. He found That the Trixie and the Illusionists had just finished playing and The Dazzlings were on next.

"Where are the Rainbooms?" Spike asks worried.

"I don't know." Anon answers worried something could of happened to his friends and girlfriend's. Before Anon could decided what to do the Dazzling were now on playing and they had the audience under their spell. Anon felt a hand on his shoulder pulling him back into the school. he turned around to find it was vinyl. "Vinyl! How comes your not under the sirens control."

"I never take off my head phones." Vinyl replied with headphones still on.

"How comes you can understand what I just said?" Anon asks more confused.

"I read lips. now I know where your friends have gone. Follow me." Anon follows Vinyl to a door under stage.

Anon opens the door to find all the girls on the floor. "Hey, need any help?" He asks acting cool.

"ANON!" Fluttershy shouts out in joy hugging her boyfriend.

"I'm here too." Spikes say popping his head through the door way.

"SPIKE!" Twilight Pulls him over hugging him tightly.

"Where have you guys been?" Sunset asks.

"Well when I went to get Fluttershy her drink, here you go by the way." Anon Hands her drink leading to Fluttershy giving Anon a kiss. "Like I said I went to get her drink the vending machine was all out so I thought to take the car and quickly pop to the shops but lets just say it took much longer then I thought." He answers smiling.

"But how did you know where we we're?" Fluttershy asks.

"Oh that was vinyl. She's not under the sirens spell." Anon say as Vinyl pops her head round.

"How come?" Twilight asks as everyone gets up off of the floor.

"She doesn't take her headphones off." Anon answers leading to Vinyl giving the thumbs up.

"Well come on ya'll, time to prove we've still got the magic of friendship inside us!" Applejack announces.

"And there's only one way to do it!" Twilight adds.

"We're getting the band back together?" Pinkie asks excitedly.

"We're our band back together." Rainbow confirms causing pinkie to let out an excited squeal.

"Ooo, which version of the counter spell are we going to play?" Rarity asks.

"I don't think it matters which song we play, as long as we do it together, as friends." Twilight says looking back Sunset, both smiling to each other.

"I know just the song. Fluttershy's written a pretty good." Rainbow says walking over to Fluttershy who smiled brightly looking up at Anon who smiled back.

"We're about to save the world here. Personally I think we should do it in style, Rarity?" Applejack asks.

"I thought you'd never ask." Rarity says pulling a clothing rail full of dress for Rainbooms.

"Well you guys clearly got yourselves together." Anon says smiling at his friends.

"Lets just say we had good friendship expert by our side." Twilight says smiling over at Sunset.

"Well anyway we better go Vinyl said she'll takes to the perfect spot to defeat the sirens." Anon says leading to Vinyl nodding in confirmation.

Everyone nodded and headed for Vinyl's car, before they did anything vinyl made a quick pit stop and the Rainbooms grabbed their instruments ready to defeat the Sirens. Vinyl then drove the Rainbooms to the top of the hill on the opposite side of the stage and allowed the to get out and set up. The one problem was the Sirens music were to loud. "How are we suppose to play over them." Rainbow ask worried.

Vinyl hooted her car horn causing everyone to look at her as the car transformed into speakers and a mixing desk causing everyone to marvel at Vinyl's awesome new set up. Now the real battle of the bands began, the Sirens had just taken control over the rest of Canterlot high as they began to slowly show their true form. Suddenly from nowhere The Rainbooms began to play over the Sirens causing them to lose concentration and to lose control over crowed just a little bit. Anon and Sunset stood by the side-lines once more as they watched their friends battle again and before they knew it The Rainbooms were ponying up as the magic of friendship grew stronger. But Sirens sang further revealing their true siren form but the Rainbooms wasn't going to give them a chance to attack. Rarity beat Aria back with the first musical attack, then Fluttershy beat sonata back with the second musical attack. Twilight tried to beat adagio with the third attack, but the siren blocked it. With this tiny bit of comeback the sirens work together singing at such a force knock twilight and the others back making the microphone roll over to Sunset and Anon and the music stopped.

"Sunset, Anon we need you." Twilight calls out.

The pair look at each other and nodded, Sunset threw off her jacket and Anon picked up the mic and walked over to join the band. Vinyl started the music up again and Two started to sing a duet which whole band soon joined in on. The Sirens tried to attack but were defeated by a wave of magic blowing them back. But then suddenly Anon and Sunset both start to lift up off the ground, as the magic filled them up causing them both to pony up, Sunset gained her ears and tail for the first time. And Anon gained his ears, wings and tail too, the rest of the Rainbooms began to raise up with the pair as magic formed into a rainbow shooting up into the sky just like last time, but this time it formed a giant Alicorn which blasted the sirens destroying their necklace's . Once the dust had settled and the Rainbooms had made their way down off of the hill, the sirens tried to pick up the broken pieces of their red crystals and sing again but nothing was happening and they sounded worse then before and got booed off stage they the crowed.

Sunset picked up a piece of the broken crystals. "Guess that explains why these were so precious to them."

"Without those pendants and the magic you brought here from equestria, they're just three harmless school girls." Twilight explains.

"I just wonder who gave them those pendants." Anon asks as everyone shrugs.

"I guess we'll never find out." Twilight sighs. Suddenly Flash comes up on stage calling Twilights name. "Hold it right there you. My friends have told me everything you have done."

"But that bitch and asshole deserve for what they have done to me." Flash tries explain.

"No you are fill with hate and revenge, I never want to see you again!" Twilight exclaims crossed arm.

Flash stomps his foot on the floor out of anger like child not getting his own way. "This is all your fault Anon, ill get you I promise you that." Flash stomps off out of anger but suddenly he's phone goes off. Its a text from ab unknown number.

Don't give up flash, you deserve revenge - A B

Flash Walks away smiling leaving the Rainbooms peacefully much to everyone else surprise. But then Trixie appeared "You may have vanquished the Dazzlings. But you will never have the amazing show stopping of the great and powerful Trixie." Trixie threw a smoke pellet and just like last time she had seemed to be gone but then Pinkie Pie sees her just as she falls over the wall trying escape.

Everyone shakes their head at Trixie antics before Rainbow starts to talk. "You know Twilight is returning back to equestria, The Rainbooms could do with a someone to help Fluttershy on back up vocals."

Sunset quickly picks up a guitar and begins to play it perfectly and then soon stops. "I also play guitar."

Rainbow stood shocked at how good Sunset could play. "We'll see."

Everyone joined in for a group hug happy they had defeated the sirens but little did they know much worse was on its way.


In the church of canterlot high the three Siren kneeled before a woman dressed in army gear. " Im sorry Miss Blake we have failed you." Adagio apologised in fear they maybe killed.

"It is of no matter, we now know of the Vampires known as Anon and Fluttershy. And the shadows of mankind may still have use of you." Miss Blake replies.

Chapter Fifthteen. Everyone Makes Mistakes.

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After defeating the Dazzlings, everyone walked Twilight back to the portal and said their goodbye's before she left back through the portal to Equestria. They all sighed sadly having seen their dear friend leave for the second time. "I wish we could have Twilight here all the time." Pinkie says looking sadly at the portal.

"I know and so do I, But She's a Princess in Equestria with her own friends and Family." Anon says put his arm around Pinkie comforting her.

"Yes well I don't know about you all, but I've had enough excitement for one day." Rarity let out a long yawn her arm stretching high into the sky. "I think my bed is calling. Goodnight Darlings" Rarity says as she walks away heading home.

"Goodnight Rarity." Everyone called out waving their friend goodbye.

"We Better Go too Anon. we've got that er.... thing. We have to do." Fluttershy says giving Anon a look that only he could describe as wanting to go quickly as possible,

"Oh. Yeah... The thing. That we have to do." Anon says as he nods his head clearly faking he's agreement.

"Bye everyone." Fluttershy waves to her friends as she and Anon walks over to his car. Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie smile laughing lightly at how cute their friends were together. While Sunset sighed apart

Getting into the car anon started up the engine and drove away, once they out of sight from their friends, they let go of their magic spell revealing their true forms. "So what are we doing tonight?"

"Were going out hunting." Fluttershy answers her face stern.

Anon could tell something was wrong. "What's up?" Fluttershy didn't reply clearly lost in thought as she stared out the window. Worried Anon Put his hand on Fluttershy's shoulder causing her to jump a little. "You seem down is everything okay?"

"Im fine." Fluttershy answers sitting up straight staring forward out of the car window not making eye contact with Anon

"Are you sure?" Anon asks still very worried this wasn't normal behaviour for Fluttershy.

"I said I was fine." Fluttershy repeated herself as she didn't even bother to move a muscle.

"If you say so." Anon Didn't want to push the matter any further, he knew that she will tell him when she was ready to. The rest of the drive was in silence until Anon pulled up outside Fluttershys house letting her out. "Im not coming in, I've got check on Buddy and Molly and Spend some time with them." Fluttershy nodded out respect and understanding not having seen your own pet for a while can be difficult. "Shall I meet you at same build as last time."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement, but just as he was about to drive away she shouts out making Anon stop what he was doing. Fluttershy runs forward leaning her head through the open car window kiss Anon Deeply before pulling away needing air. Anon reached his hand out stroking her cheek as tears fell from her eyes. "What's wrong, tell me please?" Anon begged.

Fluttershy took a deep breath in before talking. "Sometimes I feel that I forced you into this life. I feel that I've ruined your life." She lied more or less, it was true that she felt like that, but that wasn't what was hurting her. It was the fact that she was pregnant. It wasn't that she was worried about he's reaction when she told him, in fact she knew he would quite over joyed. But in truth what her baby was, is what scared her. The fact that her baby is meant to be the next step in securing their species future. Not to mention being hunted by the Shadow's Of Mankind, who want Fluttershy, her Baby and the rest of her kind dead. luckily they didn't know who she was otherwise they both be hiding in the vampire city. she dragged Anon into this mess without him knowing and she felt guilty for ruining his life.

"What makes you think that?" Anon asks as he wiped her tears.

"Its just a stupid thought running around in my head." Fluttershy replies giving him a sad smile. She knew she had tell him soon, sooner then se liked but now wasn't the time.

"Well don't be stupid. I chose to be a vampire and if anything, you being in my life has made it better just by being in it. I love you, Remember that." Anon leaned in giving his girlfriend a kiss.

"I love you too." Fluttershy smiled.

"Ill see you later." Anon smiled back

"See you later." Fluttershy waved her Boyfriend off as she watched the car drive around the corner, out of sight.

In a blink of eye at her top speed she was in her bedroom at her desk writing out a letter to Marble. She had questions and only Marble could help her. Once the letter was Written, she seal in an envelop with Marble's name on it. Fluttershy took the letter and head over to the widow opening it up and whistling a high pitch tune that only her bats could hear. Fluttershy's pet bat Morbius flew over from his tree earning pet from his owner. "Hey there boy its been a while since I gave you any attention hasn't it. Im sorry, I've been a bit busy recently I didn't mean to ignore you." Fluttershy held out the letter to Morbius. "Could you take this to Marble please I would very much appreciate it. I'll introduce you to Anon and ill give you lots more treats and much more attention." Morbius let out a happy Squeak before taking hold of the letter in its claws and taking off heading to Night's Harmony the City of the Vampires.

Back at Canterlot High. (Just Before Anon and Fluttershy left)

Sunset let out a loud yawn as she stretches out her arms tired from a day of defeating equestrian sirens. "I don't know about you guys, but defending the world is tiring. Ill see you guys later." Sunset waved to her friends as she started walking away.

"Sunset are ya sure mmmphphph." Pinkie quickly cover Applejacks mouth stopping her from talking.

Sunset looks back to see her hyper pink friend goodbye, she shrugged it off as Pinkie being Pinkie. Once Sunset was out of ear shot Pinkie let go of applejacks mouth allowing her to breath. "What... the hay Pinkie!" Applejack exclaimed out of breath.

"Im sorry, but I have something super duper secret to tell you two." Pinkie Apologised.

"What is it?" Rainbow asked as her interest peeked.

"Its About Sunset and Anon I think they're dating behind Fluttershy's back." Pinkie answered sadly. It had been killing her keeping this secret from her friends and she need to tell somebody.

Rainbow and Applejack stood there completely in shock. "What makes ya think that Sugar cube?"

Pinkie proceeded to tell her friends about all the secret kisses, hand holding and all time she noticed them together. Rainbow and Applejack looked to each other worried for Fluttershy, with everything that Pinkie told them they could only assume the worst. "So what do we do?" Pinkie asks.

"We have to confront Anon. Now!" Rainbow answers angrily.

"Normally ah would say wait it out. But ah agree we need answers now." Applejack nodded.

"Then lets go." Rainbow Applejack and Pinkie got into Applejacks truck heading to Anon's House.

At Anon's House.

Anon opened his front door to be greeted by two very happy dogs, they were so happy to see their master. "Its good to see you guys too. Come on Buddy, Molly in, come on in guys, in." Anon laughed at slobbery greeting with his dogs as he walked into the kitchen finding the dog bowls empty of food and water. Anon filled all four bowls and took them into the front room, Anon didn't really care about the mess they would make he just wanted to spend time his dogs. As he waited for the dogs to finish eating, Anon put YouTube on the TV and watched the latest videos from his favourite Youtubers, since nothing on TV ever interested him anymore.

The dogs had soon finished eating as they ran over to their master for play time, Anon went got their favourite chew toy and sat down on the floor as he played with Buddy and Molly. A big smile was plastered on Anon's face as played with his dogs he never realised how much he missed Buddy and Molly. Just then somebody Knock on the front door causing the dogs to bark and Anon to angrily sigh out of Annoyance of having to get up and stop playing with his pets.

Anon quickly transformed back into his human form before opening the front door. He was surprised to find Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie on the other side of the door. "Hi guys, to what do I owe the pleasure of this oddly time visit?" Anon asked a posh manner joking around as he kept the dogs back.

"Hi Anon, we need to talk to you." Applejack replies with a stern look on her face, Pinkie looked sad while Rainbow looked angry.

"Sounds serious, come in. don't mind Buddy and Molly they wont bite." Anon welcomed the three of them into his home. Once he shut the door Anon walked back into the front room where the girls were waiting. "Did anyone want anything to drink or eat?"

"No we're fine thank you." The farm girl politely declined.

"Okay, well at least take a seat." Anon said as he pointed to the sofa as he took a seat in the armchair with Molly sat on his lap and Buddy at his feet. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie all took a seat on Anon sofa eagerly awaiting to Question Anon. "So what's this all About?" Anon asks as strokes molly.

"Well Anon, you see, Pinkie has seen you and Sunset being particularly close together." Applejack stated hoping that what she said was enough for him to see what she was getting at.

"Well of Course we're close, we're best Friends." He knew what she was trying to say, but he want to know how much they knew already and the only way he could do is if he stayed calm and played dumb.

Applejack mentally face palmed and was about say something else until Rainbow shouted out of interrupting her "ARE YOU FUCKING SUNSET!!!!! Pinkie has seen you kissing, hand holding and hugging Sunset. SO EXPLAIN YOUR SELF!!!!!"

Anon was a bit taken back by the athletes loud out burst, so were the dog's to which they growled back at dash, causing her to sit back down. Well firstly yes I have hugged Sunset she's my best friend I hug all my friends and Sunset. And secondly I held Sunset's hand when flash came to visit us when the Rainbooms were practicing music room before the battle of band. And I did that to comfort her, after everything that flash had done to her made her sensitive.

"What about the kissing? I saw you and Sunset kissing in the school car park." Pinkie accuses, looking at Anon with squinted eyes.

"Pinkie, I've Never kissed Sunset never in my life, I may of been hugging her but I've never kissed her. I think that you may of confused what you had actually seen." Anon lied as he make sure he didn't mess up again like he did with Twilight. He didn't like lying to his friends but he had to for his girlfriends sake.

"I may have confused what I had saw but really did look like you two were kissing." The Party Girl replied still sure of what saw.

"Well how about this I give you a Pinkie Promise that I would never ever cheat on Fluttershy. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Anon replied doing the actions that came with the saying.

Pinkie soon smiled and bounced off the sofa seem to believe what Anon had said. "Well if Pinkie is happy with that answer, then so am I. But I warn you if you do anything to hurt Fluttershy, I will personally hunt you down and cut off your balls." Rainbow said which didn't really frighten Anon if anyone was gonna get hurt it would be him from Fluttershy. But he acted scared to keep up the appearances.

Applejack didn't say anything and he could tell she didn't believe anything he had said tonight, but there was nothing else Anon could say that would make her think differently. Instead Anon walked all three them to his front opening it for them, he watched them get into and drive off as he waved them off. Once they were gone anon shut the door and transformed back into his vampire form. And headed back into his front room and said good bye to his dogs before heading up to his bedroom and leaving through the window. Before he met up Fluttershy he had to make a quick pit stop and visit Sunset at her house and warn her that Pinkie is onto them.


Sunset layed out on her bed, in her pyjamas ready for sleep. She had just finished writing a message to Princess Twilight, when she looked up and saw her boyfriend outside her window flying mid air in his black bat wings out, dressed in his Victorian suit with his leather trench coat on. Anon gave sunset a smile small smile and wave to which she in return gave back. Sunset ran down the small steps and opened the window for Anon to climb in.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were with Fluttershy tonight?" Sunset asks confused at his sudden appearance.

"I am. But I had an interesting talk with Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie." Anon stated, only add more to Sunset confusion.

"Why? What happened?" Anon proceeded to Sunset everything that just happened, all about Pinkie knew everything and all the excuses he had to give. "So what do we do?" Sunset asks worried that their secret and Fluttershy's could be found out.

"Its fine we just have to get better at keeping the secret up until Fluttershy feels ready to tell everyone, that's all." Anon hugs Sunset as she calms down. ever since what Flash did to her at the party all her confidence has disappeared and he need to find a way to help her get it back. How was completely different story. Sunset pulled Anon into a deep kiss as she poke her tongue into his lips asking for access, Without hesitation he opened his mouth letting Sunset take the lead in the kiss.

But as much as he was enjoying it he had a place to be and things to do so he pulled from the kiss cutting it short, leaving a very disappointed Sunset Shimmer wanting more. "Hey I was enjoying that."

"I know but I've have to go, I have hunting to do. And we can continue this tomorrow." Anon took hold of Sunsets hand planting a kiss on the back of it, before jumping out of the open window and taking flight.

"Tease." Sunset said she closed the window and back the stairs back to bed.


Anon bounced from build to build he love the feeling being agile and springy it made him feel like superhero that you'd watch at cinema, sure it was a childish reason but h loved it. Anon land a lower building where saw Fluttershy atop of the tallest build with shining brightly behind her it took his breath away (If he had one that is) at how beautiful she was. But as he was staring at her he notice her stomach was a bit bigger then normal. "How long has been like that, have I just not noticed that she's put on a bit more weight. Well she has been eating a lot more at lunch. Yeah that must be it." Anon thought to himself just as he launched himself off of the building spreading his wings wide as flew up the building like a speeding rocket.

Fluttershy watched as flew up high before landing down fast and hard causing the roof to crack. Fluttershy would lie if she said that display of power that hadn't turned her on. "What time do you call this?"

"Sorry my Flutterbat, I had an unexpected visit from our three mutual friends Applejack and Rainbow and Pinkie." Anon answers giving Fluttershy a kiss and a hug.

"Are they okay?" Fluttershy asks worried something might of happened.

"Yeah their fine I'll tell you about it later." Anon thought it was best to her later and get the hunt done first.

"Okay, well you know what to do focus your hearing and find a crime." Fluttershy instructed as she at on the ledge of the building.

Anon stood on top of the ledge of the building and closed his eyes as he focused his hearing through the city. suddenly he hears a woman's scream causing him to open his eyes. "There." Anon pointed towards the town centre. "In alley way a woman's being mugged and could possibly be Raped and killed."

Fluttershy nodded and stood up as jumped of the side of the building heading towards the woman in danger. They both stood on top of the shop looking down as saw three men corner the lady. "What do you see?"

"Three thugs the middle one has a gun, the guy on the left has a baseball bat and the guy on the right has a crow bar." Anon answers as could feel his anger rising.

"Good, now deal with them." Fluttershy said causing Anon to look at his girlfriend shocked.

"By myself?" he asks confused.

"She has got long Anon." Just as Fluttershy said that the woman screamed out for help.

Out of instinct Anon leaped of the building and landed on top of the middle guy. But in doing so it caused the man's gun to go off shooting the woman In the side of the stomach. "Oh no."

This caused Fluttershy drop down off of the roof and picked the injured woman up. "Behind you."

Anon turn around to find a crow bar hitting him in the face, sending him face first into the brick wall. The thug went to go for another attack as swung his crow bar a second time, but this time and Anon excepting as he quickly turned around and hit the guy in the gut at full force as his vampire rage took over as hit, slashed and ripped all three thugs to pieces.

Minutes later Fluttershy returned from take the lady to the hospital to find the thugs ripped to apart with Anon covered in blood sobbing hugging his knees. "Oh Anon." She whispered as made her way over to her boyfriend. "What Happened Sweetheart?"

"I um... Got so angry about hurting that woman... then, then I er. I let my guard from shock and got hit with an easy attack. And That was it felt my rage just go my vision was white. I stood back to find them like this..." Anon continued to sob as Fluttershy held Anon close.

"Shhh, Its okay. You made Mistake. Now let me clean it up." Fluttershy reassured him before getting up. with out even thinking Fluttershy headed to street bin and emptied rubbish out of the sack. She the headed back and filled the rubbish bag with all the body part and tied the bag up before taking flight. As fast as she could she flew over to the ocean a few the rubbish bag watched it sink before heading back to Anon. "Its done. Come on lets go home." Fluttershy held her hand as she helped him up.

They flew back to Fluttershy's house, nothing had been said but Anon felt like a failure not only did he get the victim hurt he killed the thugs as well. "Im going to take a bath." he was still covered in the thugs blood and he need off of him.

"Okay." she felt responsible for everything tonight, it was only his second hunt but she needed him strong and tough, the hunters are coming and she just wants to make sure that he was ready for when they come. The only other solution is if she trained him at home, but that was a thought for another time, Now she needed to cheer up her boyfriend.

Upstairs Anon threw off all his clothes covered in the thugs blood and ran himself a warm soapy bath cleaning all the blood off of himself until he felt like a decent vampire again. He looked at his hands and he saw was the hands of a murder, how could he ever look anyone in the eyes again. He was a monster worse then the villains out there. Suddenly there was a knock at the door with Fluttershy soon walking after wards wearing a tied up bath rob. "Hey, how you doing baby."

"How can I ever talk to anyone again, what would our friends think. Im a monster, no better then the criminals out there." Anon's reply broke Fluttershy's heart (if it was working that is).

Fluttershy walked over to Anon and bent down putting her finger under his chin, pulling his face up to face her. "When I first got these powers other Vampires told me to kill criminals and feed off of the dead remains. So I did and was drinking up as much blood as I could until I felt sick. It wasn't until learned how to hypnotise the thugs and criminals, I learned to stop killing them. You made a mistake that was my fault, I didn't train you for that and Im sorry. Luckily you didn't hurt anyone innocent and if it means that much to you. We can make amends for the killing you did, by saving more lives together."

Anon was shocked he could believe that his Fluttershy would be capable of killing. But it didn't change the he looked her, she was still his kind, smart and beautiful Flutterbat that he felling love with. But she was also right he could make it amends by saving more people, he couldn't kill again, he wouldn't ever he would only save people from the monsters Not become one. He looked into Fluttershys eyes and smiled before leaning in to plant a kiss on her lips. minutes later he pulled away to see her smiling back him. "Thank you, I don't think my life would be worth living without you."

Fluttershy walked away smiling as she opens the bathroom door before she left Fluttershy turned her head looking at Anon over her shoulder. "If you need more cheering up well I'll be waiting in the bedroom for you." Just as Fluttershy said that she untied the bath rob and let drop to showing her naked back giving Anon a good view of ass before walking away into bedroom.

This made Anon smile as he quickly finished the bath and dry him off he was already erect and Fluttershy was only one who could get to him through the foreplay. he grabbed hold of the bath rob she specially brought for him. He made his way into bedroom Finding a naked Fluttershy a top the bed covered in rose petals. there candles giving Fluttershy the sexiest lighting. There was no need for words as Anon threw the bath rob off leaving himself completely naked.

He made his over to Fluttershy kissing her deeply as their tongues thought for dominance. Anon brought his hand up to play with Fluttershy left tit causing her to gasp pulling her away from kiss giving chance to put other tit in his mouth licking and sucking as played with both of her tits causing her to moan loudly. he could tell she needed more he kissed all the way down from Fluttershys massive tits down to her soaking cunt. No invitation was needed as his tongue dug deep, her moaning only got louder she watched Anon eat her. She Tasted Amazing like you could only imagine and it was all his. Minutes later Fluttershy pulled away and brought him back on to the bed and got a top of him. "Fuck me now!"

She impaled her soaking cunt onto erect dick causing them both to moan out in ecstasy. Anon was about to take control but she held down his and started to slowly bounce up and down on his dick as if he was just a sex toy. Fluttershy began to build up pace as she slammed herself down faster and faster but it wasn't enough. Anon took hold of Fluttershy and threw against the wall as he started to take control. he pressed against the wall as held her started fucking her faster then before. The one thing best about Fluttershy was they could both be as rough as they wanted with fear of hurting the other. They can both Feel themselves getting close so Fluttershy turned around and threw Anon Against the wall fucking harder, faster like jackhammer. Fluttershy began kiss as Anon shoving her tongue into his mouth as he could feel her pussy getting tighter and he knew he couldn't hold on any longer. "Im gonna cum!!"

"Give It all to me." With one Final slam from Fluttershy they both orgasm at the same time before falling back to the bed tired. The pair cuddle up as Anon's dick was still inside Fluttershy as fall asleep in their warm embrace.


Anon woke up to see Fluttershy smiling back at him, she leaned forward planting a kiss on Anon forehead as yawned waking up from one of the best sleep's he's had in years. "Morning sleepy."

"Morning, How long have you been awake for?" Anon asks curious.

"Not long, but I've been working up the courage to tell you something. And after last night I think im ready to tell you." Fluttershy was nervous it was now or never.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Anon asks his interest intrigued.

"I'm Pregnant." It was like a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

As for Anon it was like had been hit by bus in the face as he let the information "Your... And I'm...."

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes Anon your the dad."

There was silence for awhile which scared her completely, before Anon let out a gleeful cheer. "I cant believe it were gonna be parents!" Anon Started happily bouncing on the bed causing Fluttershy to laugh out of joy.

"Im so glad your happy." Fluttershy smiled

Anon made his way over to his girlfriend. "Im ecstatic. I love you Mommy Fluttershy." he leaned forward as shared one of the most deep and meaningful kisses.

"I love you too Daddy Anon." Fluttershy smiles before giggling slightly.

He couldn't believe it they were going to be parents and knew there was one more step he needed to take, He needed to ask Fluttershy to marry him. But not until he got a ring. Suddenly Anon's phone began to ring surprising both Fluttershy and Anon. Fluttershy watched As Anon answered the phone with a shocked face. "Hey, Yeah im good. How are you guy's. Um sure, I can make it, can I bring My Girlfriend. Okay I'll see you then." Anon put his phone down letting out a deep breath.

"Who was that Anon." Fluttershy asks worried.

"That was my parents and it looks like we're going to visit them in Manehattan."

Chapter Sixteen. Truths and Doubt

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(Yesterday After Applejack, Rainbow dash and Pinkie visited Anon.)

Applejack quietly grumbling to her self as she drives to Sugarcube corner about to drop Pinkie back home. Rainbow was next to Applejack, staring out of the window and pinkie sat at that back crossed armed and looking cross. It had been too quite for too long and everyone was thinking the exact same thing it need someone to just break the silence. Suddenly from the Pinkie Shouts out. "ANON IS TOATALY LYING!!!!!!"

"You said it Sugarcube." Applejack huffed agreeing with her friend angry at the fact that he lied to them and be cheating on their friend.

"Wait, you think Anon is lying too?" Rainbow asks confused looking at her pink friend over her shoulder.

"Eeyup." Pinkie replied imitating Applejacks brother.

"Then why did you accept his Pinkie Promise?" Rainbow asks even more confused as she knew that Pinkie Promises were like a sacred bond to Pinkie that she took very seriously.

"Because I need to know how far Anon was going to take the lie." Pinkie answers like it was matter of fact.

"Well now we know. What do we do?" Rainbow asks.

"We could wait around to see if can catch him in the act?" Pinkie suggests.

"Nah Anon already knows were onto them he would just get smart at hiding it." Applejacks replies poking holes in her friends plan.

"What if we hit him where it really hurts and Just tell Fluttershy." The Athlete says making the farm girl look at her with wide eyed surprise.

"What if were wrong?" Applejack asks worried that they could accidently break up a good relationship.

"We''ll then we'd know the truth and if worst comes to worst we can admit that were wrong." Rainbow says as Applejack pulls up to Sugarcube Corner.

"I don't know. What do ya think Pinkie?" Applejack asks unsure.

"I say we DO IT!" Pinkie exclaims as confetti explodes behind her.

"Pinkie! That's gonna take that me ages to clean." Applejack huffs.

"Sorry." Pinkie looks down sadly.

"Anyway if your both up for this, then I guess I am." The Farm girl sadly agrees, they need to know for sure and if telling Fluttershy was the best way then so be it. She didn't like it though.

"Good then we visit her tomorrow."


Anon was about to get up and head towards the shower getting ready for the day ahead. That was before Fluttershy grabbed hold of Anon arm and pulled his naked body back on to the. "Before you go anywhere, is there anything I should know about your parents." She asks before giving Anon a quick kiss on the lips.

"Well, lets see there's my Dad (Adam Ymous). As long as I've known him every thing I do is never good enough and I never will be." Anon replies with a sad sigh and a frown before looking up at his Girlfriend and smiling.

"Im sorry." Fluttershy Apologises, hugging him.

"Its Fine, then there's my Mum (Kelsey Ymous). She's always supported me in what ever I wanted to do. If anything went wrong she always seemed to know what to do to make it better." Anon smiles as reminisced about his childhood, before frowning as he his thoughts turned to his Sister. "Last but definitely not last my Sister Kyomie. She is the biggest freeloader you will ever know. She's twenty nine and still living at home, had multiple jobs but quit them for silly reasons. like bad smell, didn't feel the vibe. or my personal favourite, "I cant work there its haunted." She even dropped out of school." Anon sighed as Fluttershy laughed.

"Im sorry I don't mean to laugh but your sister sounds like my brother." Fluttershy wiped the tears from all of the laughter.

"Well there you go a quick lowdown on my family. Now im going to have a shower." Anon says planting a quick kiss on Fluttershy's forehead before getting off the bed heading over to the bathroom.

"We could shower together?" Fluttershy called out teasing.

"Yeah but I wanna get there on time." Anon shouts from the bathroom before turning shower on.

"Spoilsport." Fluttershy frowns upset she couldn't join her boyfriend, but wasn't aloud time to dwell on it as she hers the doorbell go. Fluttershy quickly gets dressed into her pyjamas and made her way down stairs to front door. She looked through the peep hole of the door seeing Applejack, Rainbow dash and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy made sure that she looked before human before opening the front door to great her friends. "Oh hello I wasn't expecting to see you this early in the morning. Is everything okay?" Fluttershy ask as her innocent shy voice comes back to her with ease.

"No, its not. We need talk to ya Sugarcube." Applejack

"Goodness, please come in." Fluttershy welcomed her friends with a worried tone. "I'll make tea."

Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie took a seat in Fluttershys front room as waited for her to Finnish making the tea. The three friends sat in awkward silence as they looked at all the different pets that flutter's had in her care. Even Angel Bunny had come up to say hello. Which made Rainbow glare at the rabbit suspiciously as she knew that bunny had a mean streak. They didn't want to tell their friend that they had reason to believe Anon was cheating on her. Rainbows Thoughts started to run a muck as she started to have doubts about what they were doing. But before she could even say anything to the others Fluttershy walked in carrying a that carried a Teapot, milk, sugar and of course cups.

"So tell me what's the trouble." Fluttershy says as she hands out the cups of tea.

The three friends look to each other, not one of them wanting to be the one to tell Friend. The athlete sighs as she knew that Flutters had a right to know. "Well, you see t-t-that, um." Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck, as the words couldn't come out of due to fear. She wasn't afraid that she would get hated by her or that she would never talk to her again. she was afraid of braking her friends heart and making her cry.

Applejack took hold of Rainbows hand comforting the normal cocky hardball athlete. The farm girl took a deep breath and close her before talking "We think Anon is cheating on ya with Sunset."

Fluttershy spat her tea out in shock. This was definitely not what she was expecting, she thought it was going to be another magical villain that come though the portal from Equestria ready to cause havoc on Canterlot high again. But not this. "Can you say that again?" She asks still keeping her shy tone in tact.

Pinkie then proceed to go over everything. The party girl went over what she had seen personally and what had happened last night when they went to confront Anon. Once Pinkie had finished the room filled with silence. Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie waited for tears, while Fluttershy thought of the best way she could deal with this situation. She thought of lying her way though it but then quickly shook the thought away. She didn't want to lie to her friends anymore, she knew they were bound to find to find out the truth soon enough. "It wouldn't of worked anyway." She thought as she looked over to Applejack the element of honesty.

"Yes its true." Fluttershy says aloud.

This caught the three girls off guard "A pardon Sugarcube" Applejack says out of shock of what she had just heard.

"I said I know that Anon and Sunset are seeing each other." Fluttershy replied in a calm yet slight stern tone.

The three friends were just left sitting in shock words and thoughts were just bouncing around. It took Rainbow a good minute to process what she had just heard before she could say anything. "You mean you've known this entire time and your just letting it happen."

Hearing Rainbow talk gave Applejack and Pinkie the clarity to also bombard Fluttershy to ask questions. "Is He take advantage of both of you? Has been Hurting you?"

"Or is this apart some super weird game you two are playing?" Pinkie asks causing her to get odd looks from the other two friends. "What they be into that kind of stuff." The party girl shrugs.

Fluttershy's anger started to grow, she hated hearing how they talked about Anon. "Girls!" Fluttershy states her tone serious and angry, she had to hold it back slightly now wasn't time she want to show her friends her true form. "Firstly I am Furious that you would think Anon would even hurt me, next time you see Anon I want you to apologies to him."

"But-" Rainbow was about talk until she got cut of by Flutters.

"Non but's I don't want to hear your excuses. I want you to apologise to him as soon as you see him, got it?" Fluttershy crossed her arms, looking annoyed at her friends as mother would look at her child.

"Yes Fluttershy. " Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow replied simultaneously.

"Good now I will explain everything when me and Anon come back from Visiting his parents in Manehattan. We probably wont be back for at Least two days, so your going to have to wait for your explanation." Fluttershy spoke with such confidence it shocked her friends so much they just nodded in reply. They could tell there was something going on just by how their friend was acting and talking. "Good. Now I have to ask you to leave." Fluttershy showed her friends to the door.

But before Flutters could close the door Pinkie came running back hugging her friend tightly. "Im Just glad your okay." Pinkie whispered making the vampire smile. Pinkie pulled away with big smile. "Have fun at Anon's Parents?" With that Pinkie ran back to Applejack's Truck and it drove off.

Fluttershy closed the door letting out a sigh of relief it was over. Anon popped his head out of the bathroom "Was there someone at the door?"

Fluttershy could do was giggle. "Ill you about it on the train." She called back.


Applejack had driven Rainbow and Pinkie back to Sweet Apple Acres, where Applejack brought her friends to the back of the orchard where they could gather their thoughts. "I don't get it why would Fluttershy be okay with this?" Rainbow asks worried and confused. "Its just not like her at all."

"You don't think its another problem from some villain from Equestria do you?" Pinkie asks gasping in shock as shakes Rainbow out of fear.

"And what would be they gain from Anon dating Sunset and Fluttershy?" Applejack asks her tone of dry and confused?

"They might get some sick joy out of it I don't know." Pinkie shrugs.

"What if Sunset has-" Rainbow stopped talking at sound foot steps she could hear behind her. The athlete turned around to see Sunset make her way over.

As soon as Sunset noticed the trio of friends, she walked over smiling, wearing a saddle bag across her shoulder. "There you are Rainbow, I've been looking all over for you everywhere. Here." Sunset pulled out a Daring Do book out of her saddle bag. Rainbow had letting her borrow the books it was Issue thirty four, The Seven-Sided Chest of Shambhala. "I really like this chapter I didn't expect Dr Caballeron to return like that."

Rainbow took the book off of Sunset without looking at her. "Yeah its my favourite issue so far."

Her tone of voice unusably dry and uninterested. Sunset was a bit taken back by Rainbows stand off attuited towards her she could tell something was wrong. "Is everything okay? Has something happened?" Sunset asks worried another magical mishap had fallen through the portal from Equestria.

There was a long period of period of silence before Applejack let a huff of annoyance. "We know all about You and Anon." Applejack glared at her.

Fear had set in the cold sweat was already to start, she didn't want to lose her friends that she worked so hard for. "H-how did you find out?"

"We visited Fluttershy and she told us that you and her are dating Anon." Sunset started to calm down knowing it was Fluttershy who told them. "The only thing we don't get is why. Unfortunately they were getting ready to Visit Anon's parents In Manehattan. But hopefully you can clear that confusion." Rainbow says glaring at her.

Sunset gave out a nervous smile as she didn't know how to tell her friends that their friends are actually vampires. "Well you see they-" What Rainbow had said just hit like a tone of bricks. "Did you just say Fluttershy is meeting Anon's parents?"

"Yes but can we get back to the matter in hand." Applejack begs knowing she was so close to the answer.

"Hold on I need to text my boyfriend." Sunset angrily pulls out her phone and begins texting.


After they had both finished getting washed and Dressed, they had breakfast and packed a bag with clothes and any other essential that they needed ready to spend the weekend at Anon's parents house. They made their way to the train station, where having found out they had to wait half an hour for their train to arrive. They took seat on one of the benches by the platform as they waited. "So while we wait who was that at the door earlier?" Anon asks just trying to make small talk.

"Oh just our friends Pinkie, Applejack and Rainbow." Fluttershy says nonchalantly wanting to see if the penny.

"Oh, ohhhh." his memory of the night before came back. "So they didn't believe my lies then."

"Nope." Fluttershy giggled making Anon smile.

"So what did you tell them?" Anon asks genuinely curious.

"The Truth." Fluttershy leaned her head on Anon's shoulder smiling warmly.

"So they know we're vampires?" Anon asks surprised Fluttershy would go that far.

"No but they know you date me and Sunset. I thought we could explain it to everyone, Rarity included." Fluttershy answers.

Suddenly Anon felt his phone vibrate, He pulls his phone out to fine a text from Sunset.

Your taking Fluttershy to go see your parents!!!!☹☹☹

My mum called last night and I thought it would be easier to start of with one Girlfriend Im sorry😟

Oh but of course you take Fluttershy!!!

Its not like that Sunny.

Of course it is you always put her first!!!

Look i've got to go Ill talk to you about this when I get back.

Have Fun😒

Anon put is phone away in his pocket as the train arrived at the station. They board the train and found the most quite place on board as they comfy ready for long train journey ahead. As the train headed forward Anon couldn't help but think about who he had left behind.

Chapter Seventeen Home Visit

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The Train chugged through the night heading to its destination as all the passengers slept peacefully, well all except for one. Anon layed in bed wide awake as Fluttershy cuddled up to him fast asleep. Thoughts and worries of Sunset kept him awake, he was no longer worried about his parents as he hoped for this trip to be over quickly as possibly. Anon Tossed from side to side trying to get comfy enough to drift off to sleep, but subconscious wasn't having any of it. Annoyed Anon got up out bed put on a dressing gowned not because he was cold, no. It was more out of decency since he was only dressed in his underwear. once covered Anon made his way through three of the carriages to the back of the train for some fresh air. Stepping outside as the fresh air hit his face he felt as if he could actually breath as though his thoughts had been suffocating him. Anon pulled out his phone looking at a photo of him and Sunset happily sitting under a tree together with her head on his shoulder wearing the neckless he got her for Christmas. He wondered if had messed everything up with Sunset and when he got back would she be there for him or was it all over. He knew many people would be telling him so what if its over with Sunset and that he still had Fluttershy. Or that I shouldn't of even be dating Sunset and Fluttershy in the first place and Just be lucky that I still had Flutters, he thought.

But since Flutters turned him his heart rules everything. When he fell for Sunset he loved her with all of his heart but that didn't mean he loved Fluttershy any less he loves them both equally. He wondered if Sunset was awake worried with thoughts just like he was. He soon shrugged it off as he thought she would be fast asleep happy that he was far away at this moment. Anon's left ear twitched as he could hear the light patter of foot steps from the carriage behind him. Anon turned around to see Fluttershy standing in front of him dressed in her light pink night gowned that fluttered in the wind. still disguised as he was, She wore worried yet comforting smile. She looked beautiful and perfect standing there under the light of pale moon she made him so happy Anon thought. "Flutterbat I thought you were asleep? Are you okay?" Anon ask worried that she might of had a nightmare.

Fluttershy chuckled at Anon's cute nickname for her "I was until couldn't feel you next to me. Is everything okay?" She asks her tone of voice clearly concerned.

"Come here." Anon gently pulled Fluttershy to him hugging her tightly "Im sorry to of worried you, I just cant sleep. I needed fresh air to clear my head."

Fluttershy sighed placing her head on his shoulder as she finally got an idea what was bothering him. "Your worried about Sunset aren't you."

He pulled away looking Fluttershy nodding slightly. "I just don't know how to fix it and right now the thoughts are making me feel sick. I-I just want to forget for now and focus on the trip." Anon lowered his head looking to the floor.

Fluttershy placed two fingers under Anon's chin lifting his face up to face hers. She gave Anon a sultry smirk. "I think I know how to make you forget about Sunset." She lead Anon back to their room and locked the door while also closing the blinds giving them complete privacy.

hours later Anon and Fluttershy were wide awake they hadn't slept all night and sunlight had started to flood the room. They both layed naked in their vampire forms holding each other with their wings wrapped around each other both of them completely happy in each others warm embrace. Anon looked to Fluttershy stomach looking at her slight baby bump it wasn't big but it was quite big for only just being pregnant. Anon placed his hand on Fluttershy tiny baby bump but he didn't feel anything and to be honest he was hoping not to, at least not yet. Anon looked up he had noticed her boobs had gotten bigger these were all signs of pregnancy that shouldn't be show yet and he knew that much. "Fluttershy, Babe."

"Yeah." Fluttershy replied her eyes still closed enjoying the comfort of this moment.

"How long have you been Pregnant and not told me?" Anon asks his voice serious

That made Fluttershy open her eyes and look at Anon afraid that he would not like the truth. "A month."

Anon's eyes shot open wide out of shock. "Why didn't you say anything to me sooner."

"Well at the time we were busy fighting the sirens and I was afraid of how you were going to react. So kept putting it off until I worked up the courage to finally tell you." Fluttershy answers completely terrified not looking Anon in the eyes.

Anon looked at Fluttershy she reminded him of how she was when he first met him. he brushed the hair out of her face and got her to look him in the face as he gave a her sympathetic kind hearted smile that started to calmed her down. "Its okay im not angry with you I just wished you had told me that sooner. Im excited to be dad and I couldn't think of anyone who would be a better mother. I love you." They both leaned in kissing deeply, he was so excited to see what the future had in store for them.

Fluttershy pulled away smiling looking lovingly into Anon's eyes. "I love you too.

Suddenly announcement was called out on the trains intercoms. "Coming up to Manehattan station."

This led to Anon and Fluttershy turning back to their human form and getting dressed quite quickly. But there was one thing that Anon was still curious about. "how long are vampire pregnancies?"

This question would of frightened Fluttershy she wasn't ready to tell Anon about the hunters or that their baby shouldn't even been able to exist. But right now all of that went right out the window as she could feel vomit rising. Quickly she run out the door and off the train heading straight to the train station toilets. Anon followed soon after carrying all of the bags and waited outside the lady's toilets which gained some odd looks from the other people at the station. As Anon waited for Fluttershy to appear, he reached into his pocket pulling out his phone to text his mum letting her know he had arrived. In instant he got a reply.

Im Sorry your father couldn't be there to pick you up darling he was called into work.

Its fine Somethings never change. We'll walk home.

Okay sweetie. we all can't wait to see you again and your girlfriend, Ill have nice lunch prepared for both you.

Thanks Mum.

Your welcome, I love you sweetheart.

Love you too mum.

Anon Smiled to himself and put his phone back in his trouser pocket. At that moment Fluttershy walked out the toilet looking worn out and tired. "Fluttershy, are you okay?"

"Yeah im sorry I ran off like that. Morning sickness." Fluttershy answers before reaching in to her hand bag and pulls out a bottle of water. She takes a sip of water before spiting it out trying get the taste of vomit out of her mouth.

"Better?" Anon asks feeling sympathetic for his girlfriend.

"No I can still taste it." Fluttershy answers back while pulling face a the vile taste.

"Well before we head to my family, we can heading into high-street and get a pack of mints." Anon suggest as he picks his bag back up holding his hand out for Fluttershy to take hold of it.

"Sounds good." Fluttershy smiles as she puts her hand bag over her shoulder holding Anon's hand as they walked out of the station.


Having stopped by the high street for the pack of mints Fluttershy was in awe by all of the shops in high street. All the clothes stores and jewellery stores looked so amazing it made her feel like an ordinary teenage girl who just wanted to go shopping. But of course they couldn't stay, they needed to make their to Anon's parents house. Anon did promise that he would take her back to the high street he just didn't want to keep his mum waiting any longer then she needed to. To save time Anon whistled over a cab instead of walking the rest of the way. Along the cab drive Anon pointed his old primary school and all the spots he used to hang out as kid. It wasn't long until the cab pulled up to a rather large house with large gate and mail box out the front with Ymous written on the side of it. Getting out of the car Anon paid the taxi driver and made his way up the steps up to the gate with Fluttershy holding his hand. Memories came fluttering back to him. Memories of being a kid, memories of old friends, Memories of good times and the bad.

Anon let out long sighed before he pressed the buzzer of the security intercoms next to the gate. "Its me mum." Anon said into the microphone. Not long after the gate opened allowing Anon and Fluttershy to walk through.

As they walked up to front door it opened before they even reached it Anon's mum appeared wearing a long light purple dress with white and blue apron tied around her waist. She smiled brightly seeing her son again it had been two years since she had seen him. Getting to the door Anon let go of Fluttershys hand and dropped his bags on floor greeting his mum with a big smile and tight hug. "Hey mum."

"Hello stranger. Its good to see you." She hugged her son tightly, happy to see him again. She knew that he moved and stayed away mostly due to his father her husband. He always was away showed no affection to him and expected too much of him.

Anon pulled away from the hug smiling at his mother who was trying to hold back tears. "So, how have you been Mum?"

"I've been good, your Sister is still a lazy ass. And your Dad's been very busy with the company, as C.E.O he's trying to make deal with some one in Japan. He should be home later though." She smiled back just excited that her son is back for the weekend.

"Nothing changes?" Anon sighed shaking his head.

"I guess not sweetheart." Kelsey shrugged with a slight chuckle.

Seeing that Anon was slightly preoccupied, Fluttershy cleared her throat in hopes that it Grabs Anon's attention. "Oh yeah. Mum I would like to introduce you to my girlfriend Fluttershy." Anon took a Step to the side bringing Fluttershy into full view.

"Hello Mrs Ymous. Its a pleasure to meet you." Fluttershy greeted happily holding her hand out smiling brightly. She had thought of acting like old Fluttershy but since she was going to tell her friends the truth when she returns to canterlot, it didn't seem to be any point in acting anymore.

"Please Call me Kelsey. And the pleasure is all mine, im so excited we get to finally meet you." Kelsey replied smiling shaking Fluttershy hand gently. "And may I just say it is nice to see that my son has done alright for himself, your are stunning." She added looking Fluttershy up and down making Anon and Fluttershy blush.

"MUM! Can you please stop." Anon begged as he head was firmly in his hand, embarrassed by his mum.

"What im just complementing her." Kelsey responded acting like she didn't know what she was doing.

"Thank you Kelsey." Fluttershy smiled as she held back the blush on her cheeks.

"See. She knew I wasn't Doing anything wrong. Now come in both of you." Kelsey took a step to the side as Anon and Fluttershy entered the house.

Anon looked around to see if there was any changes it had been two years since had been back here. But as his eyes scanned the surroundings, he didn't see anything new or out of place it was like he hadn't of even left. With his hearing dialled up to the max he could hear his Sister upstairs slagging him off to her friends on the phone, making him eyes roll, tired of his sisters usual bullshit. "Nothing changes it seems." He whispers to himself sighing.

For Fluttershy it was different seeing the house of where her boyfriend had lived, it was exciting she couldn't help but wonder what this weekend had install for the both of them. As she looked around the house she imagined young Anon running, playing and getting into trouble she couldn't help but smile at the thought it was just to cute of a thought.

"Anon you can take your stuff to your room its still there I didn't have the heart to change it, just encase you came back to visit. Fluttershy you can either join him and sleep in Anon's room or you can stay in the guest bedroom. Its up to you wherever you feel comfortable." Kelsey smiled closing the door to enter the kitchen, leaving Anon and Fluttershy to get set up.

They made their way up the stairs, only to be greeted by Anon's sister at the top of the stairs. She was dressed in all black your typical goth. "So your back then?" Kyomie greeted with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Only for the weekend, I couldn't stay any longer dealing with your shit." Anon spat back, he wasn't in the mood to deal with any of his sisters rubbish.

Anon barged past his sister as made he made his way to his old room. "Good because we don't wont you here we we're all happier when you were gone!" Kyomie retorted angrily. Her eyes soon land on Fluttershy. "Who are you?" She asks her tone voice authoritative.

Fluttershy turned to Kyomie smiling with her hand out, trying to be nice given its Anon's family. If she was anyone else she wouldn't of stood for the way she treated him. "Hi im Fluttershy. Anon's Girlfriend."

Kyomie burst into laughter. "That nerd actually got a girlfriend like you? How much did he pay you?"

That was it, that was the final straw she knew exactly what to say to make her shut up. "No in fact I asked him. He took me to the school dance and it was the most romantic night of my life so far. I see my future in his eyes. he is kindest, the funniest person I know. I hope I get to marry him one day. Oh and he's really good in bed. Nice meeting you." Fluttershy walked leaving a stunned and shocked Kyomie. If she was pretended

Hearing what Fluttershy said shocked Anon but it also made him smile and he knew that he would have to make up to her but he had no problems in that department. He made it to his old room before grasping the handle pushing the door open. And it was exactly just like he remembered it, the blue wall the posters of The Power Girls Assemble and few gaming posters as well. His bed was a bit of a mess, clothes everywhere and computer parts were all over his desk along with his old computer. It made him chuckle slightly seeing that nothing in this house had changed, it was just like he was sixteen again. He placed his travel bag on the bed and began to take out his stuff.

Fluttershy had found her way to Anon's room. As walked in looking at the room around her she smiled it just anon written all over this room it was very him and she loved it. "Nice room. I think I'll stay here tonight." She walked into the room fully placing her travel bag on the bed doing the same as Anon.

"Thanks, sorry about the mess I haven't had the time to clear up." Anon joked as placed his clothes in the wardrobe for this weekend.

"Where should I put my clothes." Fluttershy asks unsure.

"Put them in my wardrobe, here," Anon handed Fluttershy a few coat hangers.

Fluttershy smiles taking the hangers and giving Anon a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you."

"So what do think? So far I mean." Anon asks as he starts to clear up the room, throwing all clothing that was on floor into the clothes bin, trying to make the room a nicer place for her stay in.

"Well your mum is really nice, she's quite funny really." Fluttershy admitted a with a slight chuckle that made Anon smile.

"Yeah my mum is the best she's always been there for me. Sorry about my Sister she likes to torment me." Anon sighed as he finished cleaning the rest of his room, and tidying his bed, before opening the window letting in fresh air. "But I guess that's siblings for ya."

Fluttershy was about to comment until Anon's Mum called out. "LUNCH IS READY YOU TWO!"

They both smiled at each other before heading down stairs with Anon leading the way to the kitchen. Kelsey sat at the kitchen bar with big smile that Anon never thought he had missed. In front of her were three glasses of Apple juice and three plates three plates of taco's, one her self and the other two for Anon and Fluttershy. "Thanks mum it smells really good." He smiled taking a seat in front of his along with Fluttershy.

"They really do smell Good." Fluttershy smiles unsure of to start eating straight away.

"Thank you dear, now don't wait for me eat up." Hearing this they started eating straight away. Kelsey took couple of bites of own Taco, before looking up at Fluttershy, this was time to test her true character as a person. "So Fluttershy, what are your intentions with my Anon." This Made Anon spit his drink out in surprise. "Are you after his money?" She asks harshly, giving the light pink hair girl a stern look.

"MUM!" Anon called out in anger, annoyed at how harshly she's accusing his Girlfriend for thing's he knows for a fact isn't even true.

"Its okay Anon, I understand why she's questioning me, she has every right to as a mother." She smiled before swallowing the lump in her throat. Even though she knew she hasn't done anything wrong it didn't stop her from being afraid of messing up. "But you have nothing to worry about I genuinely love your son and if it even counts I didn't even know he was rich until today. What im trying to say is I don't care about your money all I want is to be by Anon's side that's all." With that Fluttershy took hold of Anon's hand show how serious she was.

Kelsey saw love in Fluttershys eyes for Anon, she could tell it was true love. "I can see now and im sorry I just had to make sure your feelings were true. But what I would like to know is how could you not know that Anon came from a wealthy background?" She asks confused.

This question was hard to answer and she struggled to answer, it wasn't until Anon stepped up to answer this question. "Its okay Flutters I got this one." Anon took a deep breath to calm his nerves before answering his Mum's question. "You see I never told anyone because to be honest im trying to leave this life behind. I wanna make my own way in life and not live off of my Dad's success. I would rather have the knowledge of doing it my way without relying on my family's wealth to give me the up hand in life." Anon had looking at his plate during the entire time of his reply. And we he did finally look he saw his mum smiling back at him with tears in her eyes.

"This is why your my favourite." Kelsey wiped the happy tears away from her face, she was so proud of her son and she couldn't happier with way he has turned out.

"HEY I HEARD THAT!" Kyomie shouts out from up stairs, Causing everyone to laugh to in in the kitchen.

Everyone soon got back to eating and enjoying the lunch that Kelsey had made. "So, how's the little band you and Flash made?" She asks

Fluttershy kept quite as she held his hand under the table comforting him. "Im not apart of their band anymore, they kicked me out."

"How come?" Kelsey asks shocked she always thought of Flash as good person.

"He said he found a better drummer." He replied a tinge of anger in his voice.

"But your so good. Fluttershy, you should hear him drum, he's really good." Fluttershy smiled at his mum's enthusiasm it was so sweet to see how much she encouraged him.

"Mum she's already heard me drum we're actually in band together called the Rainbooms with few other friends." Anon listed off his friends and everything the band have done so far with out telling her about the equestrian magic of course.

"Are you sure your happy just writing the song lyrics?" She asks unsure if he's telling the truth or not.

"Yeah if im honest I couldn't be happier with how things are right now." He answered looking at Fluttershy smirking.

"Well I don't know about you two but im finished with my lunch." She said looking down at her empty plate. They both agreed looking at their plates. "Good. Then would you play your drums for your two favourite ladies?"

"I don't know... I don't even have a drum kit to play for starters." Anon shot back rubbing his neck.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that I have your old drum kit in the garage. why don't you set it up in there while wash up, its been so long since I've heard you play." Kelsey begged as she collected the plates up and began to wash up.

Seeing how much his mum wanted to see him play twisted his arm. "Okay mum, ill play."


Having made his way to the garage Anon found his old drum nicely packed away in old boxes, Fluttershy on garden chair and watched Anon put together his drum kit. She was happy to see him focused on something he loved and not on Sunset. She would be a liar if she said she hoped they don't fix things so that she could get Anon all to herself but she also wanted him to be happy. she felt so conflicted about. Fluttershy put her hand on her own stomach feeling slight bit of movement only very slightly so small a normal mother wouldn't of felt it she knew that she had a few months before she gave birth. Visiting Anon's Parents was a nice break from the worries of the future she hoped that they had the strength to face what she knew was coming. When they get home and Anon's sort things out with Sunset, she knew that she had tell him about The Hunters, The truth about their baby and The Jewels Heart, he needs to everything. But that was for later, right now she enjoyed the time she had with her baby while watch her boyfriend work on set up his old drum kit.

Hours later had finally set up his drum kit and the taken a couple of minutes to find the right song that he wanted to play and instead decieded he was going play a song he had wrote. A song that had much more meaning than anything he could of picked on his phone. "Im ready." Anon smiled wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Do you want me to get your mum?" Fluttershy asks with sweetest smile.

"Would you mind?" he asks feeling bad.

"Never." Fluttershy moved in kissing Anon on lips.

"That's enough of that." Kelsey said smiling making them jump in surprise

"Mum you scared the living daylights out of us." Smiling wondering they didn't hear her coming.

"I was just coming to down to see how you were coming along?" She smiled softly in that motherly way.

"Well im finished if you want to take a seat." He smiled gesturing to the two garden chairs in front of the drums.

"Of course." Fluttershy and Kelsey take their seat's in front of the drum kit.

Once they were sat comfortably Anon took a deep breath before he began to play. Thoughts of Fluttershy filled his head as he played the song with all his might. Just the thoughts of her made him play better and pushed him to go the extra mile as he drum out his heart and soul, Playing out his emotions and feelings. Fluttershy was just enthralled by her boyfriends drumming somehow she knew that this song was meant for her. She didn't know how but Fluttershy got this gut feeling that the song was for her, just by the way he played the drums and how he put all of his focus into the song. Through out it all it just made her smile brighter then the sun, this something that belong to her and no one could take it away from her. Kelsey couldn't help but feel proud of her son and his talent, every beat and every hit just sounded right. She knew her son was going to be a great musician one day and she couldn't wait to see him grow. wiping the tears from her eyes she sat back and enjoyed the performance, it was never her type of music but for her son she made an acceptation.

Anon came to the end of the song causing his both Fluttershy and Kelsey to stand up applauding Anon making him smile and step out from behind his drum kit bowing too both of them. Fluttershy ran of over hugging Anon tightly "You were amazing!"

"I have missed your drumming Sweetie. it was very impressive." Kelsey joined in on hug making him chuckle slightly. "Now I do believe you deserve a rest, as you were setting up your drum kit I was setting up surprise of my own follow me." Kelsey pulled away leading Anon and Fluttershy to the front room.

Anon saw photo albums on the coffee table this brought out a cold sweat of fear to drip across his forehead. "Oh no."

"I thought Fluttershy would be interested in seeing your past." Kelsey smiles causing Anon to groan in embarrassment and Fluttershy squeal out of excitement.

Before he knew it Anon was sat between his girlfriend and Mother flipping through cringe worthy photo's of him as baby and all the way through preschool. "Aww look how cute you look with curlers in your hair." Fluttershy was in awe of the cuteness In front of her. It was photo of Anon as toddler with curlers in his standing in front of mirror posing. Anon just fell back onto the sofa pinching the brim of his nose embarrassed that this was happening to him but he should of seen it coming from his own mum. He just hope it wasn't going to get any worse.

Two hours later and they had looked through every baby, toddler and school photo that they had. "Sorry honey that seems to be the last photo." This led to Anon sighing in relief.

"So glad that's over." Anon got up stretching about to walk out the front room when he's mum began to talk again

"But were far from finished." Kelsey announced with giddy excitement carrying a large armfuls tapes.

This instantly brought Anon's spirits down "I spoke too soon."

He was about to sit down next to Flutters when his mother pulled him back. "Not you your gonna help me with dinner. Im sure Fluttershy can watch these by her self." She dumped the tapes next to Fluttershy before dragging Anon out by the arm.

Entering the kitchen Kelsey grabbed out the necessary cooking utensils and ingredients for Anon's favourite meal pasta bake with cut up sausages. He followed his mum's instructions to the letter and started chopping up the onions. Kelsey turned on the cooker and preheated the pot and started on making the sauce for the pasta. Now that she finally had her son's attention she could finally ask the questions that's been plaguing her all day. "So... Fluttershy then?" she asks her voice all innocent sounding.

"I knew that's why you brought me out here." Anon shook his head smiling. "So what do you want to know?"

"How did you two meet?" She asks genuine curiosity.

And so as they cooked Anon told his mother all the stories that they have been through, Sunset, The dance and The Dazzlings . Without the added addition of Equestria and the fact him and his girlfriend were both vampires, of course. He didn't know how she would feel about the fact that her son was apart of the living dead, He would guess unhappy. But he was never going to tell her he couldn't break her heart, he just couldn't, it wasn't in him. She wont even get to know that she was grandparent and he hated that but he did what he did to protect his mum and Fluttershy. His mum was the only one sat and listened to everything he had to say, she felt like the only one who cared.

Before they knew it dinner was ready and was perfect. "Go on, go get your girlfriend and your sister."

"Alright mum." Before he left, Anon gave his mum kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for listening your the best." With that Anon left the kitchen and entered the front room where he found Fluttershy with a massive smile on her face. "Hey Flutters Dinners ready."

Fluttershy came running over hugging Anon tight. "You were so cute when you were tiny."

"Oh, am I not cute anymore?" Anon asks in mock sadness.

"No. Your handsome." She says kissing him on the cheek.

Anon blushed at that making him slightly flustered at the unexpected reply. "Yeah, well dinner's done its going to be in the dining room."

"Ill be right there." With that Anon nodded and headed up stairs to get his sister.

Anon knocked on his sisters bedroom. "Oi, Penis breath, dinners done." he shouted over the blaring music .

He was about to leave until he heard the music stop and Kyomie poked her head around the door calling him back "Anon, I wanna talk to you!"

With a sigh Anon walked back wondering what names she was gonna call him this time. "What do you want?"

To Anon surprise Kyomie moved to the side opening the door to him fully, inviting Anon in. He walked in cautiously afraid of what his sister could have planed it all could be a ploy for some great prank, from out of the closet or from underneath the bed someone could jump out and scare the shit out of him. And he wouldn't put it past his sister. Kyomie Closed the door behind them cutting off anyone who could interrupted them. "Sit." he did as he was told and sat down on his sisters bed with Kyomie next to him. "What im about to say will never be repeated and this all thanks to your girlfriend so remember that, okay?"

He wasn't sure what to make of all of this so he just nodded in agreement. "Okay whatever you say."

Kyomie nodded at his before taking a deep breath. "I don't completely... hate you." She said through gritted teeth it was hard for her to admit this. She had always been the tough goth girl who didn't share her emotions so saying what she needed to say was difficult. It was all the fault of his Girlfriend, she made her realize how good of a person Anon was and that he wasn't trying to up stage her. So she need to find the right word stop just convey what she was thinking without getting all sappy. "Look its just, I thought that as we grew up that you tried to be better then me even though your younger." Anon was about to say something reply until Kyomie put her hand over his mouth and kept it there as she talked keeping him quiet. "Let me finish I know that now, but Im also stupidly jealous of you. Your in high school and you already seem to know what you want to do in life. I mean just look at your drumming, I heard it up here your rad as fuck. You have so much talent and I don't even what im meant to do... Im getting off top pic anyway what im here to say is that I think your cool, an alright person and er, hope we can be decent siblings to each other. I hate the way dad treats you and I want to be better then him, So how about it?"

To say that Anon was shocked would be un understatement but he was also glad of this it just meant one less of a reason to not want to come home. He knew he had to keep his cool he didn't want to annoy his sister any more then he had to. "Yeah okay we can have a better brother and sister relationship." He replied knowing he had to make it up to Flutters later.

"Good, good." Kyomie answered back, happy that they were going to be better friends to each other and doing with out getting soppy to each other.

They sat in silence awkward unsure of what to do. That was until Anon remembered the dinner he prepared with mum. "We better go down for dinner they'll probably be wondering where we got to." Anon got of the bed and headed to the bedroom door looking back at his sister. "Are you coming." She nodded getting off the bed and walk with Anon down stairs and into the dining room, where they found Fluttershy and his mum sat at the table. the room was all candle lit and Fluttershy had her hair done up in a pony tail. "There you are." Fluttershy smiled at Anon happy to see him.

"Yeah sorry we had to clear the air, we didn't mean to make you worried. Isn't that right sis?" Anon said smile looking over to Kyomie as they took their seats at the table.

"Your right bro sorry we're late mum." Kyomie agreed smiling back at her brother.

It was the first time in a long that she had heard an Apology from her daughter but she want to blow it up any bigger the she need to. she could tell that they had a talk and what ever happened in that talk had seemed to take good effect on her daughter and she wasn't about to argue with that. "Well that's quite all right I was just worried that your dinner was going to get cold."

With that everyone got on eating dinner in silence enjoying the food that Kelsey and Anon prepared. sooner or later a question was going to be asked unexpectedly It came from Kyomie of all people. "So, Fluttershy. What do you like to do?"

This also took Fluttershy by surprise as she didn't expect Kyomie to be so nice after last time they spoke. "I er like taking care of animals at the vets and I also perform in a band playing the tambourine along side Anon." She replied nicely.

This one question led into the back and forth of other question as they got to know each other that little bit better. His mum and sister each sharing their own stories that made everyone laugh. Of course Anon and Fluttershy shared their own stories with just a few tweaks here and there not telling anything about Equestria or about being a vampire, Anon felt so happy he was glad to be having so much fun with his family and girlfriend. They had finished their dinners but they were having so much fun they didn't leave the table, he never thought he would of felt this happy at home.

It was at this moment Anon stopped smiling as he could hear a car pull up with his vampire hearing. he knew it was his dad this was something he wasn't looking forward to and Fluttershy knew this to she grabbed his hand under the table holding it tight but she still acted as if nothing was wrong. It wasn't long before he was at the dining room table door and as it opened to revel his dad.

"Hey honey sorry I took so long the deals were harder then I thought." He looked along the table to see his son holding some girls hand under the table he didn't really care about her. "So your back then?"

"Just for the weekend, don't worry ill be gone soon father." Anon replied cold and harsh, his father never had time for him or show that he loved him so he didn't see the point in showing it back.

"Mmm. what are your grades so far?" he asks ignoring his son's behaviour.

"All b's, father." He replied knowing that his dad wouldn't be happy with his answer. He always asked for nothing but the best and when he work to his best it never felt enough for him.

Adam frowned at his son. "Get them to an A plus standard boy. Then worry about getting girlfriends."

Anon and Fluttershy both felt they're anger rise and had to keep the inner vampire calm before they ripped his head off. "Yes, father."

"Would you like to join us for dinner, honey?" Kelsey asks trying to change subject.

"Cant, ill take what's left in the kitchen and have it in the study, im rather busy, goodnight everyone." He blew his wife a kiss before leaving to do exactly what he said he was going to do.

Feeling the tension Kelsey was determine to defuse it "Why don't we all get into our pyjamas and cosy up to watch film in the front room together. Ill make two bowls of popcorn to share."

Happy that his dad was gone Anon and everyone Agreed to their mum's idea. They all left to change into their pyjamas before coming back down to grab the bowls of popcorn that Kelsey had made in the microwave. A bowl for Kelsey and Kyomie to share while and anon and Fluttershy shared the other bowl. They all headed into the Front room to pick out a film. After much arguing and debating they finally settled on watching Zombieland, Fluttershy knew Rainbow would be very proud of her. Anon layed down on the sofa, Fluttershy layed on top of him cuddling as they watched the film. But the days activities soon took toll on the both of them and wasn't long before they fell asleep on the sofa together.

Kelsey saw this it made awww from all the cuteness she didn't want to wake either of them, but she also didn't want them to get a bad neck. So she decied to just wake up Anon. She patted him on the cheek waking him up. "Huh what's going on."

"Shhh." Fluttershy stirred, but she didn't wake up. "Its okay you fell asleep. I thought you would want to sleep in an actual bed. Goodnight sweetie." Kelsey bent down kissing her son on the forehead before leaving him to go to bed.

Anon slowly turned around and got up carrying her in his arms to his room turning off all the lights along the way with his chin before ending up at his room gently placing her on the bed and right to her cuddling up to her. He gave her light peck on the lips and smiled. "I cant believe today went great. I swear im going to marry this girl, I cant wait for tomorrow." Fluttershy's sleeping face was the last thing he saw before he drifted off to sleep fell asleep.


The next day was blur of events that went by so quickly. It started by shower with Fluttershy, luckily she had no morning sickness, which mean a little bit fun was had. Before heading down stairs to find out that the family minus Dad had a whole day planed and that it started by having breakfast at a fancy café in The High Street. Anon enjoyed a nice full English while Fluttershy enjoyed a delicious stack of pancakes top with fruits and berries. This was something Anon had always hoped for a good relationship with his family and an amazing girlfriend who was always by your side.

After breakfast, Anon kept his promise and took Fluttershy into the high street and Before he knew it he was carrying all of Fluttershy shopping. half of the shopping was paid her but the other half was paid by Kelsey, even though Fluttershy argued for Kelsey to not pay for anything but she wasn't having any of it. They went from clothes shop to clothes shop as Fluttershy, Kelsey and Kyomie brought a couple of new outfits for them self's. hours later when they had finished and took a break from clothes shopping Anon took this chance to leave the bags of shopping with them. This gave Anon a chance to enter all the gaming and geek shop's that The high street had to offer.

After buying a few video games and the odd geeky memorabilia he met up with the rest of his family and decided for lunch to go to this new burger joint that had just opened up. It was some of the best Burgers they had ever had, the flavour bursting with every bite it was definitely a lunch to remember. everyone was in deep conversation except for Anon who had remembered all the problems that he had to deal with when he got back to canterlot. But he didn't have long to focus that as Kelsey had suggested to drop all the stuff they had brought at home before continued with the rest of the days activities.

Once they had driven home to drop all of the shopping off they headed back out heading out to the bowling alley where they spilt them self's into teams of two. Anon and Fluttershy was on one team and Kelsey and Kyomie was on the other. it was close call with each bowl being as good as the last. The scores went back and forth as no one stayed in the lead for long. Anon and Fluttershy knew they could with win this game easily if they used their vampire powers but they did encase they got caught and they just did see the point of cheating either. They played about three game and with each game they swapped the teams around so everyone got a game with each other.

It was getting late and the perfect day ended with dinner at fancy restaurant before they headed back home doing the bathroom routine before heading to bed. Anon and Fluttershy layed awake cuddling up to each other, enjoying the alone time. "This weekend has been so good we really needed to get away from all the stress." Fluttershy said as sighed into Anon's warm comforting arms.

"Yeah it turned out better then expected." Anon chuckled slightly before frowning at the thought of tomorrow. "I cant help but thinking about tomorrow and what we have to get back to."

Fluttershy turned to face Anon. "I know its going to be hard, but I'll be there for you if anything goes wrong im sure everything will work its self out." She kissed Anon deeply before looking at him and smiling stroking he's face with her hand. "Now get some sleep its going to be a long day tomorrow." Anon reluctantly nodded and brought Fluttershy closer to him as they drifted off to sleep worried about the day head of him.


In the next morning Anon and Fluttershy woke up early and had everything packed up and ready to go. Anon called a taxi to pick them up before both of them walk down stairs to find Anon's mother had been crying. Kyomie on the other hand wasn't crying but she was still upset to see her brother go knowing they had patched their relationship as siblings. "Hey mum."

"So your off then?" She asks smiling trying to act like hadn't been crying.

"Yeah in a bit were just waiting for the text to tell me the taxi arrived." Anon answers nodding his head.

"Well then do you have time for breakfast? I made pancakes." Kelsey asks with hope in her voice.

Fluttershy both looked at each other and nodded in agreement making Kelsey smile. They both enjoyed pile of Kelsey home made pancakes with a nice brewed cup of tea. As nice as this moment it couldn't last, Anon soon got a text from his phone alerting him to the taxi outside. Everyone said their goodbyes with Anon promising that would visit again sooner then last time. They both got into the taxi heading to the train station. He knew as soon as he got home Anon was going to face Sunset and hopefully save his relationship with her, before it was too late.

Chapter Eighteen. A Sunny Problem!

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Anon sat up silently as the train was coming into Canterlot train station, it was unusually quicker on the way back home then going up to his parents. His heart rapidly thumped at his chest, the palms of his hands were so sweaty, he just hoped he could save his relationship with Sunset. Fluttershy sat by his hold his hand as got closer to its destination, neither of them spoke she knew that she just had to be there for him. This was a common problem in the vampires back home. But back at the village it usually it would of been sort by the female or the males coming together to sort out some sort of schedule where they got to have equal time with the partner. But Sunset was different. Not only was she not a vampire, she also wasn't properly a human either so it just added to the problem.

Fluttershy had other problems of her own to deal with, weather or not she told her friends of their secret or not. Anon planned out a speech in his head going from one point to the other adding a few apologies here and there, with the admittance of being dumbass and for not treating Sunset right. It wasn't long before the train announcement came through the speaker. "Canterlot Train station ahead!"

She looked to Anon grabbing his thigh, stroking him with her thumb trying to comfort Anon. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as can be." He answered back smiling trying to be as strong as he could be. They both grabbed hold of the bags preparing to get off.

They soon left the train heading back to Anon's house in silence holding hands as both of them were still in deep thought. As Anon opened the door Buddy and Molly came bounding over to their owner greeting him with happy wagging tails and lots of joyful licks slobbering his face making him smile an laugh. This was exactly what he needed to relive the awful tension looming over him.

"Hello! It good to see you too." Anon greets his dogs hugging them, rubbing their stomachs. "Have you two been good boys and girls?"

Fluttershy closed the door behind them smiling at her boyfriend as he makes a fuss of his pets. She gave it a minute letting anon enjoy this moment with buddy and Molly. She would be a liar if she said that she wasn't looking forward to seeing Angel again. After a minute of making a fuss of his pets, Anon stood up to look back at Fluttershy blushing. "Sorry I didn't mean to leave you standing there."

"I know, but I have to head back home." He frowned at this, Fluttershy gave him the strength he needed. But he understood that she had their friends to deal with.

"So do you know how your going to deal with Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie?!" Anon asks curious on how she was going to deal with their nosey friends, who really do mean well.

"Im not sure, really, if im honest." Fluttershy smirk before quickly frowning. "Are you going to be okay?" She asks worrying how he was going to be.

"Yeah ill be okay." he walk forward leaning over giving her a kiss on the cheek and grabbing hold of the front door handle behind her. As he stood up straight he opened the door for his girlfriend. "Ill text you when I have the chance."

"I'll wait for you." Fluttershy walked out of Anon house giving a slight wave before turning around walking away.

He closed the door sighing sadly transforming back to his natural state, before turning around to walk up the stairs with travel bag hung behind his back. Making his way to his bedroom with his pets following closely behind him. Anon got straight to unpacked his clothing and all the games he brought yesterday, while Buddy and Molly sat on his bed keeping their owner company. Once he had unpacked everything he knew that he couldn't just go straight over smelling like Fluttershy, he need to shower first. As he got into the shower all of Anon's thoughts were on Sunset moments that they shared together, moments no one can take away. The day when they confirmed their relationship together they went out and celebrated by going out on date to a nice restaurant. Afterwards they went to see a film at the cinema before heading back to Anon's. It might of not sound like much, but to Anon its those moments that he shared with her were some of the best. He need to remined Sunset of those moments and show her how much he loves her.


Fluttershy had made her way back home and as soon as the door was closed, the magic was lifted and she back to being in her natural state. After a quick visit to angel bunny in the Garden, who at first wasn't the most pleasant of rabbits to wake up but once Angel saw Fluttershy her attuited changed completely rubbing her head on her owners hand. He soon snapped back to normal as the bunny kicked his food bowl demanding more lettuce. Fluttershy smiled and did as she filled his bowl with a pile of lettuce that she got from the fridge in the kitchen. The bunny happily scuffed down his food leading to Fluttershy to head up stairs to unpack her clothes from her travel bag. She then showered before changing her clothes to the new shirt and skirt that she brought yesterday with Anon's mother.

Since she was refreshed, dressed and calm Fluttershy headed out to find Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie and sort out this whole mess that they had left behind. She had no idea what she was going to do or say yet but she knew in the moment that she would know. Fluttershy headed straight to Sweet Apple Acres where she thought she would at least find Applejack. Apon entering the farm Fluttershy saw Granny Smith sitting out on the front porch in her rocking chair snoozing enjoy what was left of the summer. To be honest Fluttershy was looking forward Autumn and the longer nights that came with it.

She slowly approached Granny not wanting to wake her up it was then that Big Mac left the house carrying two full cases of Apple cider. "Applejack Is out with Rainbow and Pinkie." Fluttershy jumped back in surprise, her hand on her heart acting as if he had scared her. "Ah didn't mean to scare ya, im sorry." Big mac apologised putting the cases down gently as to not disturb Granny Smith.

"D-do you know where they are?" Fluttershy asks as shyly as she could remember to be, she had been acting normally for so long she almost forgot how she had to act.

"Eyep She said she they was heading to the café in town." Big mac replied with a warm smile.

With this new information Fluttershy thanked him and left head straight for the coffee shop in town. It didn't take her long before she arrived at the café, using her hearing she found them right at the back of the café. Applejack and Rainbow both had your normal run of the mill Coffee's while pinkie enjoyed a nice Hot Chocolate. "Hi." Fluttershy greeted causing Rainbow and Applejack to look up in surprise while Pinkie smiled and launched her self at the light butter skinned girl hugging her tightly.

Much to everyone's surprise Fluttershy didn't flinch or get scared she just hugged the Party Girl back smiled. "I missed you too Pinkie."

"So are you really gonna tell us what happened on Friday or what?" Rainbow asks before sipping on her coffee.

"Rainbow!" Applejack scolds looking at athlete angry.

"Its okay you want answers... and I guess Sunset didn't say anything?" Fluttershy asks her voice still soft and delicate. Pinkie let go and moved over as Fluttershy sat down at the table.

"We haven't seen her at all this weekend." Applejack answered a hint of worry in her voice.

"I tried to visit her, I knocked her door for ages and all I got was a text telling me to leave her alone." Pinkie said pulling the saddest frown she had ever pulled in her life.

It was in this moment Fluttershy knew that she had to tell them the truth, they were her friends and they need to know. The only other alternative would of been to use her stare and wipe their memories. It would of been useless they would of found eventually it was only a matter of time. And now seemed better then any other. She feared her friends would fear her and Anon but after Twilight told everyone she was a pony princess from an alternative world, Fluttershy had to have faith that they will accept them for who they are. She took a deep breath before talking. "Whereas Rarity? She need's to know this too."

"Rarity is visiting her Family with Sweetie Belle, they left yesterday as a matter of fact." Apple jack answered at frowning.

"Yeah you should have seen AJ she's been moping ever since Rarity left." Rainbow said with a smirk.

"Have not!" Applejack fired back.

"Sure." Pinkie winked before whispering into Applejack's ear "Your secret is safe with me."

This only made the farm girl blush even more, making Fluttershy and Rainbow laugh. It Calmed the butter skin vampire's nerves and now all she wanted to do was tell them. Her confidence had been was better then ever she felt as though she could trust her friends. It was Rainbow who brought up again. "So why is Anon dating you Sunset? And how can you be okay with that."

"I cant tell you here. Its to be more of a private. Come back to mine and I can show you." With that Fluttershy stood up and walked out with Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie following behind confused by Fluttershy. it was side they had never seen from her and Rainbow couldn't get over the wording of how she spoke. "Show?"


Anon had left the house and was on his way over to Sunset's he had messaged her that he was coming over, but he got no reply which only made him worry more. He quickly stopped off at the town buying her favourite flowers (lily's) and her favourite chocolates, before running over to her house being careful that wouldn't ruin the flowers. Reaching Sunset's house, Anon felt his nerves begin to waver and his heart pounded away as his thoughts went wild. What if she doesn't want to see me, what if she doesn't love me any more, What if she's found someone else. Anon shook his head, bit his lip and rapidly knocked on the door, before he changed his mind.

For a moment there was nothing but silence making Anon sweat buckets he was about to call out when the door opened up to see Sunset standing there. She was in her pyjama's, it look like she had been in them the entire time Anon was gone. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying a considerable amount. He couldn't tell if they were angry or sad tears. The look she gave made him think angry, but for all he knew it could of been both.

Having not been in this situation before Anon was unsure how to start the conversation. So he started off with what he thought was right. Anon hung his head low holding out the flowers and the chocolates. "Im sorry."

Sunset's eyes soften apon seeing the gifts Anon held out. She was surprised to see him holding her favourite flowers and chocolates, she had no idea that he knew her favourite flowers or chocolates. Even though she Anon was trying to make it up to her. She could see the sweat pits under the armpit of his t-shirt and the fact his hands were shaking just showed how afraid he was. But there we're things they needed to discuss it couldn't just be fixed as simple as couple of gifts. "I know, come in we need to talk." She took the gifts and moved to the side allowing for Anon to enter.

Anon swallow's the lump in his throat and walks into Sunset's home he clenched his fist just to stop them from shaking. The house was dark, the curtains had been shut so no sunlight entered anyway making the whole place feeling more depressed then ever before. Anon open the curtains allowing natural sunlight to fill the room making the whole place feel better.

Sunset walks into the kitchen finding a jug and filling with water before placing the flowers in the jug, She didn't have a vase and made mental note to buy one in the future. The funny thing is Anon never knew the reason why it was her favourite, back In Equestria Lily's were her favourite snack but they were expensive. Fortunately being protégée to Princess Celestia cost was never much of a problem hers. Sunset sighed placing the chocolates in the cupboard, before walking out carrying the jug flowers to find anon opened he curtains making everything feel so much better.

She saw Anon sitting on the coach sitting forward with his hands together and his knees bounces through nerves. Sunset smiled at her boyfriend giving him a sense of ease. She was still angry but she didn't want him to worry. Sunset held up the jug with the flowers, blushing from embarrassment. "I don't have a vase." she rubbed the back of her chuckling lightly before walking over to the windowsill placing down.

The room was deadly silent as Sunset sat down on the sofa, she crossed her legs and turned her self to the side to face Anon causing him to do the same. Anon wasn't sure if he should speak first and break the awkward silence between them, but before he could say anything, Sunset had started to shout startling him, causing Anon to lean back in surprise from her sudden outburst. "HOW DARE YOU TAKE FLUTTERSHY TO SEE YOUR PARENTS WITHOUT ASKING ME!" Anon thought about arguing back, but decided against it and thought it would best to let her out all the pain he caused her. "YOU GO STRAIGHT TO HER!"

Sunset started to cry and her voice lowered. "You never give a another thought. I LOVE YOU TOO CELESTIA DAMN IT!" She picked up the pillow behind her and started aggressively whacking Anon with the pillow. "From now on Anon Ymous. If you decide anything Fluttershy you tell me. All of the important thing's. All of it you got it!" She told him while continually whacking him with the pillow.

"Okay, okay I got it!" Anon answered as he held up his arms shielding himself from the pillow onslaught.

"Good." She gave him one more whack with the pillow, before landing on him sigh a sweet smile.

"Im sorry. Im sorry that didn't tell you that I was taking Fluttershy to see my parents. I got random call from my Mum and Flutters was just there at the time, you know. It was a spur of the moment and I just didn't give you any thought and that was wrong, im sorry. I know I should of been a better boyfriend and I will be from now I promise you." Anon meant every word and he knew there things had to tell her right here, right now but he was afraid of telling her the truth. He was unsure of what her reaction would be.

"I know you will so is there anything you wanted to tell me." Sunset asks smiling at Anon.

Anon bit the bullet and just came out with the truth. "Fluttershy's pregnant."

There was a long silence as what Anon said filled the air making it difficult to say anything after that revelation. She sat up getting off of her boyfriend feeling disheartened by the news. She always knew that Fluttershy and Anon were bound together by special vampire bond, but she wasn't expecting this. "How long have you known for?" Sunset asks braking the silence, her tone of voice low and clearly sad.

"I found out just before we left to see my family." he answered honestly as his heart beat rapidly and his palms began to moist up but kept a calm exterior.

That came as some comfort to her, but now Sunset thought she was just getting in the way of their happiness. That she was just ruining a good relationship and it would be better if she would just leave. But then it hit her. "If he really loves me just as much as Fluttershy, time he proved it." Sunset thought. "Turnme!" Sunset said at rapid speed turning to Anon smiling

"Wait what?!" Anon replied unsure of what she just said.

"If you really do love me, Then prove it and turn me just like you." Sunset spoke with such certainty.

"I can't." Anon admitted which made Sunset's heart plummet. "Im not saying I cant because I don't want to."

"THEN WHAT!? Im I not important to you would you rather just keep dating me as I age, get old and die as you stay young and live your life?!" Sunset felt all her anger raise to the surface.

"No I just don't know how to turn someone. Im still a vampire in training and I haven't unlocked my full potential yet." Sunset calmed down at this understanding her boyfriends point of view.

"Then lets get you to Fluttershy she can teach you how. im not having her stick her teeth in my neck." Sunset got up about to head up stairs when Anon grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"You can't right now, She's busy dealing with our friends. Either telling the truth or something." Anon said smiling. "But I wanna know are you sure. you'll live forever you won't be able die and what if you want to go back to Equestria. I just want to make sure you want this. you'll have an eternity to live.

"I know what I want. I want an eternity with you." Sunset sat herself down on Anon's lap kissing him deeply.

"And I want that too, I don't think I ever want to lose you." Anon kissed back just as deep. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way, how about we have two day's just us to make up this weekend. No Fluttershy, just us."

Sunset smiled brightly excited at the idea. "Sounds perfect and I know just how to start it." Sunset got up off of the sofa and led him by the arm upstairs to start their perfect two day's off right.


On the walk back to Fluttershy's house, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash teased Applejack about her Crush on Rarity, while Fluttershy stayed silent and giggled at the jokes. Pinkie and Dash took turns asking the farmer questions that she would always ignore and brush it off telling the pair to knock it off. Then turned into roleplaying between young Athlete and baker that would turn AJ bright red as an apple. The jokes helped ease the anxiety in her stomach she had lived a lie most of her teenage life. Lying to all of her friends and she was finally about to tell the truth and it was terrifying but also extremely liberating at the same time, Knowing she no longer had put on an act. She would be able to be herself, but she wasn't sure if they would except her.

It wasn't long before they were at Fluttershy's house it was at this point fear was taking over and she didn't like it. She started to regret going down this route but she was here now and there was no going back. "Why don't you sit down in the front room and ill make a tea." Fluttershy said as she opened the front door letting her friends in.

They all nodded in agreement entering the front room while Fluttershy head straight for the kitchen. As the kettle boiled Fluttershy splashed water on her face to calm her self down she knew all this stress wasn't good for the baby but she couldn't help but be afraid just like she was before she was bit. She wished Anon was by her side giving her the confidence to do this. The kettle soon whistled bring the vampire girl out of her thoughts making her pour the hot water into the tea pot and place It on the tray with four cups, some milk and sugar.

Fluttershy carried the tray and she could feel the piercing eyes of all her friends. Placing the tray on the she could feel her hands begin to shake. Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie could all see her hands shake as she poured out the tea into the cups spilling some of the tea in parts. "Fluttershy are you'll okay?" Applejack asks worry clear in her voice.

"I-Im f-fine." Her voice wavered as she tried to act normal.

"Stop bullshitting us shy. we can all see something is wrong. What is it!" Rainbow fired back.

Something in shy snapped and she couldn't handle the fear anymore and she took what she thought was the easiest and quickest way out. "LOOK INTO MY EYES!" Fluttershy commanded with authority using her vampire magic. The three friends couldn't help but be drawn into Fluttershy's eyes. "You will forget everything, that went on between me, Anon and Sunset in these last two days!"

"Yes Fluttershy!" AJ, Rainbow and Pinkie replied in unison under her spell.

Fluttershy continued coving all bases. "All you will remember is that this weekend Anon took me to see his parents. Then Invited you over for tea and a chat."

"Yes Fluttershy!" The three friends replied once.

She then closed her eyes and looked at her friends they were happily talk amongst themselves. Fluttershy sighed happily at this the worry and fear was over for now. It wasn't long before they had left and Fluttershy was rather glad of that as she ran up stairs crying hugging her cuddly stuffed cat . "Im a coward I should of told them." She continuously cried into her pillow until she fell asleep.

Chapter Nineteen. Beginning of Another School Year

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Summer had been and Gone and Autumn was rolling in slowly. School had started and nothing had changed when Anon found out that she couldn't go through with telling their friends the truth, he felt bad being able to comfort her when she needed it. But on the plus side everything seemed to be going well. Anon's relationships were going well they had worked out a week by week system that seemed to suit everyone's needs. The baby had seemed well the only thing was Fluttershy had quite the baby bump in her vampire form. Of course when she was in human form no one could tell a thing, but she still had to be careful and not over do it in sports or drama. Luckily Fluttershy was never know for be athletic and her shyness got her out of doing anything big drama.

Anon was helping Fluttershy settle all the animals down at the shelter. They we're just about to tell All the animals a bed time story when Anon got a
text from Rainbow dash.


Showing Fluttershy, worried she picked up Angle bunny and you both made your way to canterlot high as quickly as they could. Fluttershy and anon could see they everyone else had just arrived.

"I got your text Rainbow Dash. Did something come through the portal?! Is equestrian magic on the lose?! Did Twilight come through with a problem only we can solve?!" Sunset asks, the questions flowing from her mouth making Anon smile at how cute she was being.

"HAS A GAINT CAKE MONSTER COVERED ALL THE CAKES IN THE WORLD IN CAKE?!" Pinkie asks scream loudly scoffing two cup cakes simultaneously as Sunset looks at her unimpressed.

"Um, not exactly." Rainbow answered grabbing her guitar from the out of the case.

"I don't understand?" Sunset said confused.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Anon agreed just as confused as everyone else.

"Well you see Sunset, Anon, I was just telling Rainbow dash, here that a broken guitar string does not qualify as an emergency." Applejack answered flicking the broke string on rainbow's guitar.

"It totally does" Dash replies pulling her guitar away from Applejack, causing Anon to facepalm annoyed at the fuss Rainbow made.

"Really Rainbow Dash, I was in the middle of sewing a very complex applique on my latest frock." Rarity whined crossing her arms

"And Me and Anon was about to tuck everyone in for the night at the shelter." Fluttershy frowned very annoyed at the athlete as she cuddled Angel bunny comforting him.

"Yeah we're gonna have to start all over again." Anon sighed patting Angel gently.

"Why would you send us all an emergency texts for a guitar string?" Sunset asks confused at her friends actions.

"Well I was going to pony up and show our fans some awesome guitar licks, but I kind of need all six string's, Got any extra?" Rainbow asks sheepishly.

Everyone sighed at Rainbows antics as Sunset searched her bag finding the guitar string before handing it over. "Here, but everyone finished practicing for the day, Im pretty sure the music room is locked?"

"No problem the acoustics in the hallway are perfect for power cords." Rainbow answers as she fix's her broken guitar string before quick strum on all six stings. "Come on lets, go."

Everyone followed accept for Sunset making Applejack turn around. "You coming Sunset?"

"I'll catch up in a bit." Sunset answered back leading to Applejack walking in with out her.

Anon look around to see that Sunset wasn't here. "Let me take Angel out, he doesn't need to get all worked up again." Fluttershy nodded Handing Angel over. Then Bunny snuggled into his chest as he carried him out of the school seeing Sunset sitting on the steps writing into the book she contacts Princess Twilight. Anon walked down the step to sit next to his fiery haired girlfriend. She sighed as she finished writing and closes the book, before putting it in her bag and laying her head on Anon's shoulder. "Still hasn't replied?"

Sunset shook her head and was about to say something, until she noticed a mysterious hooded person at the portal carrying a strange device. Sunset tapped Anon's Face making him stroke his cheek looking down seeing her point at portal seeing hood figure. "HEY!" Anon shouted out scaring the mystery person, causing them to run off.

"What are you doing?! Come back!" Sunset got up and started running after them. Unfortunately the person ran across the road quickly getting on to the bus heading into the city.

Sunset stood at the bus stop completely shocked, Anon finally caught up to his girlfriend as he walked slow so he didn't wake up Angel. "Who was that?" Anon asks confused.

"I don't know." Sunset replied honestly looking at Anon concerned.

After chasing the mysterious person Sunset and Anon sat down at the steps once more as they waited for their friends to Finnish impressing their fan's. namely Applejacks and Rarity's sister's Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and their Friend Scootaloo. Anon was introduce to them once and it was a big ordeal that ended up in nearly having his kitchen burnt down. Anon looked over at Sunset see the concern as she stared at the portal. He knew just how to relax her. "So starting tomorrow im all yours for the week."

Sunset smiled at this. "So you are."

"Got any idea's what you want to do Sunny?" Anon asks, wiggling his eyebrows, making Sunset giggle.

"Well I was thinking we could-" Sunset was cut off as their friends walked out of the school.

"THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!" Scootaloo shouted excitedly from seeing Rainbow pony up.

"I know right!" Rainbow smiled.

Sunset and Anon got up racing towards their friends telling them all what had just happen with the mystery person. As Sunset told the story Fluttershy began to worry at the possibilities of The Hunters.

"Look that sound's bad and all but there's nothing we can do right now." Rainbow said with a yawn before ruffling Scootaloo's hair. "Besides I've gotta get squirt here, back to orphanage or my ass is grass. Miss killjoy over there isn't the most forgiving person."

"Alright. But we have to talk about this first thing tomorrow." Sunset said leading everyone to nod in agreement before walking off in different directions heading home.

Fluttershy walked over to Sunset and Anon interested to hear more about this mystery person. "So what did this mystery person look like?" She asks stroking Angel bunny in Anon's arms.

"We don't know, all we saw was a blue hoodie and jeans. Though I do think they we're wearing glasses. Looked feminine." Sunset answered as she recalled the chase.

Fluttershy began to calm down it didn't fit the descriptions of any of members from the hunters. "Well im sure we'll work it all out tomorrow. Come on Anon we have to tuck everyone in back at the shelter." Fluttershy Angel off of Anon and began walking back to the shelter.

"I'll see you tomorrow, love you." Anon gave Sunset a hug and a quick kiss before walking with off with Fluttershy.

"See you tomorrow." Fluttershy called out as Sunset was left at the statue wondering who that mystery person was.

"Yeah see ya..." With nothing else Sunset could do, she decided on going home, hopefully Twilight had some idea's.

When they finally arrived at the shelter Fluttershy put Angel down next to his friends as they begin to tell a story. It was story love, action and lot of tasty veg. Anon smiled as he watched her tell the story and thought about when their baby and all the stories he will tell her. They didn't know for sure what gender it was but Anon had a good feeling. And they couldn't go to a doctor's especially with how quickly its developing. He reckoned it wouldn't be long before she would be born, at a guess most like be born by December. "A Christmas present." Anon thought smiling brightly. When story time was over and the shelter had been locked up it was time to go home.


Streets away Flash Sentry was following texts from his from someone called A.B . luckily Autumn had just started mean the nights wasn't cold just yet. Suddenly his phone off again.

Head left and you shall see an abandoned building, enter it! We are waiting for you on the 3rd floor, Room 34. -A.B

Flash did as the message said and sure as it said an abandoned block of flats stood in front of him. The windows had black burnt edge where a fire had broken out. Flash remembered seeing the fire on tv a month ago. There was a yellow danger tape on the floor by the door like someone tared the tape off and left it on the ground. He entered the build seeing all the damage the fire caused parts of the ceiling had collapsed so many precious items burnt to dust all lost to the fire. Now if any sane person would get bad vibes from this and turn and leave. But Flash was different anger was consuming him and all he care about was getting revenge on Sunset and Anon. Sunset had made his life hell, using him just to get popular. And when she gets defeated, all her sins are forgiven, all the bullying and heart ache all just forgotten, It wasn't right. Then to have Anon his best friend defined Sunset for all she's done and making her his best friend. Not to mention Anon embarrassing him at his own Halloween party and destroying his band at the battle of bands. Something need to be done he needed vengeance and he hoped who ever A.B is they could help him achieve what he wants most.

The stairs creaked as Flash carefully made his way up hoping not to step on a bad floor board that could send him falling through. He finally made it to the 3rd floor and located the right room. Flash carefully pushed the door open, walking about half way finding three other people dress all in black hooded trench coats that had armour worked into the clothing. They belts filled with all kinds of gadgets that would make Batmare jealous. The two men either side both had a single sword on their back's with their hoods up. While the woman in the middle just had her hood up and a black fabric over her mouth and nose on leaving her piercing green eyes to peak out from behind the hood.

The woman started to walk towards flash making him step back nervous of the intimidating people before him. "Flash. Its good to finally meet you?"

"Im guessing your, A.B. How do you know Me?" Flash asks fear clear in his voice.

"Oh I know a lot of thing's, especially about what goes on at the school of yours. You need not worry or fear us. we have a common goal." A.B spoke softly as she took a couple of steps towards the window looking out at the moon.

"Who are you guys?" He asks more confused then ever.

"My apologies. I am Anita Blake and we are The Shadow's of Mankind. Vampire hunters. And there are Vampires at your School." Anita says looking back at Flash pulling her mask down and taking off the hood revealing her face.

"There always something at that school." Flash retorted with eye roll and a sigh.

"You don't seem very surprised?" Anita asks confused.

"Lady I fell in love with a pony princess from another dimension filled with other ponies. Not to mention her dog was actually a dragon and then our school was attacked by sea sirens who wanted to take over the school. So Vampires aren't exactly out there in terms of what we have had to deal with." Flash replied with deadpan expression.

Anita looked back out the window. "Be that as it may, these Vampires aren't from Equestria. They have been here a very long time, my Mum and Dad were killed by the ratcheted beasts. And ever since then I pledged my life to wiping their putrid scum off of this earth, I tried day and night until couldn't stand. Luckily all the standard things work, Wooden stakes, crossbows and holy water of course, its what we dip our swords in. The only thing that doesn't seem to effect them is the sun and garlic it just doesn't have any effect. its then that found others like me and we formed The shadows of mankind we work with out the public's knowledge. We work in secret"

"Does this Anon and Sunset are Vampires?" Flash ask as he connects the dots in his head.

"Anon, yes and so is his little girlfriend Fluttershy. But I have sources that tell me Sunset hasn't been turned yet." Anita replied.

"Well why don't you walk in and take them both?" Flash asks confused that if she knew so much why hasn't she done anything yet.

"That would cause complications not to mention reveal us to the world. We must be subtle and that's where you come in." Anita walked over to flash looking him in the eye. "We need your help and we promise you that you will have your revenge."

Flash didn't reply at first he put all as thought it over before making a decision. "How could I say no to a deal like that."


The following morning Everyone met up in the library to discuss what Sunset and Anon saw. Sunset paced back and though as everyone searched through the books looking for answers. "She was definitely doing something to the statue, or was going to."

"Do you think she came from the portal?" Fluttershy asks curious.

"No I would of noticed, I think she was from over here." Sunset replied.

"Well that's a relief." Applejack add. she lent back on her chair with her feet on the table. "The last thing we need is another magic so and so bent on world domination coming over from Equestria." The farmgirl winked making Sunset smile.

"Agreed." Rarity turned around from looking at the book shelf. "I have no interest in fighting the powers of evil magic. The were and tear on my wardrobe is too much too keep up with." With that Rarity turned back to looking at the books.

"Still a mysterious figure snooping around the portal. Don't you want to what she was up too?" Sunset asks smiling brightly as her excitement grew.

"I don't even want to guess." Fluttershy replied acting scared causing Sunset's eyes to roll at her over dramatic reaction. Knowing the real Fluttershy made her shy actions to keep true self a secret, just annoying and she didn't know how Anon didn't get annoyed by it.

Suddenly Rainbow and Anon come running around the corner with a big smile on both of their faces. "Well you don't have to because I totally figured out who it was."

"You figured it out?" Anon says in a judging tone glaring at Rainbow.

"Okay we found it, mostly me though." Rainbow coughed as Anon narrowed his at the athlete.

"I know Was it a night time statue cleaner. A Magical portal maintainer, A Gardener." Pinkie asks in her overly excited manner.

Rainbow just looked unimpressed by the curly haired pink girl she just continued to talk about what they found. "Seeing how they got off bus from the city and got back on a bus heading to the city. I'll bet they go to Chrystal Prep." Everyone announced with the same amount of annoyance. "Yep. What with the friendship games starting tomorrow, they'd totally try to prank us by defacing the Wonder Colts statue."

Sunset was just puzzled by this. "Why would anyone take a bus all the way from the city for that?"

"Because the Chrystal Preps Shadow Bolts are our biggest rivals." Applejack replied annoyed her arms crossed.

"Because that's just what students at Chrystal Prep would do." Rarity added.

"Because they beat us at everything. Soccer, tennis, golf. still have to gloat." Rainbow showed Sunset the image of the wonder colts statue dressed up as a clown.

"See when they did that my only question was how did they get the clown shoes on?" Anon asks causing Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity glare at him. "What it would of been difficult." That made Sunset and Fluttershy smile and chuckle slightly.

Sunset pushed the book out his face. "This all seems kind of silly to me."

"SILLY!" Everyone shouted annoyed. Everyone except Anon that is.

"To be honest I didn't really care about any of this either." Anon admitted, getting shocked gasps in return.

"Anon how could you say that?" Rarity asked leading to Anon shrugging reply.

"So I guess you both think the friendship games are silly too?" Rainbow asks slightly disappointed.

"Well its not like we'll be fighting the powers of evil magic. " Sunset replied shrugging.

"No we'll be fighting a school full of meanies. It doesn't have to be magical to be magical to be important." Fluttershy retort think back to her own problems. But things likes this made Fluttershy feel better she got to focus on something else.

"Your right, I know its a big deal." Even thought sunset said this she didn't really feel like she meant it. Fighting a school of other kids just wasn't interesting and she didn't really care.

"That's putting it mildly, darling. They're still revamping the sports field in preparation." Rarity says adding on to how much of big deal the friendship games were.

"What I don't understand aren't the friendship games supposed to be about our two schools getting along?" Sunset asks confused.

"Well its kind of hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything." Applejack admitted before Rainbow threw the book out Applejacks hand.

"Not anymore, this time things gonna be different." Rainbow said with confidence.

"What do you mean?" Sunset asks intrigued by the athlete.

"Oh you'll find out." Rainbow answers smile confidently.

"Bit ominous." Anon said making Sunset giggle cutting the tension.

It was then that the bell rang signalling for lesson to start, this caused everyone to pack away library books quickly not want to be late for class. Anon walk Fluttershy lesson giving her quick kiss before running off to Sunset. Suddenly Anon gets pull back by someone into a dark shadowy corner, he turns around to see Sunset smiling cutely at him, only for him to return the smile back. She pushed him back into the wall kissing him deeply after while it stop with both of them needing air.

"I still think that she was doing something more vandalism to the statue." Sunset said with her arms wrapped around Anon neck as he wrapped his arms around her midriff.

"I know and I do too, I thought she seemed to be examine the portal." Anon replied think back to yesterday.

"So did I, its so good to hear you say this." Sunset leaned for another quick kiss. "We need to find out who and what she was up to?"

"Okay, im sure we can find out together." He nodded.

"My thoughts exactly, also for tonight I was thinking an anime marathon?" She suggested changing topic of conversation.

"Sounds good, lets order takeaway too?" He add at the thought Chinese food.

"Great. Sounds like a plan." They were about to lean in for another kiss when Principal Celestia voice came through the speakers.

All students to the sports hall immediately.

"What do you think that's about?" Sunset asks worried.

"In all honesty probably about the Friendship games" Anon sighed "Come on we better go."

Anon and Sunset made their way over to the Sports hall and found seats next to their friends at the back of the hall. Usually Anon would gone over and sat next to Fluttershy but he stayed with Sunset. Since what happened during the summer holiday he has been doing a much better job of giving both Sunset and Fluttershy equal amounts of time.

It wasn't long before Principle Celestia and Vice Principle luna stepped out on to the stage. "As im sure you all know tomorrow Canterlot High School will be hosting be hosting our fellow students from Chrystal Prep Academy. As we join together in the spirt of excellence, sportsmanship and fidelity, to compete in the Friendship Games." Principle Celestia announced, leading to everyone in hall giving out half arsed claps and cheers since no one really cares about the Games. "Since the games only happen every four years, Im sure your all curious what goes on?"

This led to Flash Sentry to stand up and shout out. "Other then us losing!"

Anon rolled his at that and smirk "Well you should know all about losing Flash." This made everyone in the hall causing him to mutter something and sit back down angrily.

The principles were not amused by this but Principle Celestia continued talking anyway. "That is why I asked Rainbow Dash to come up and give you all a little... um, Context."

It was at this point Rainbow grabbed the mic off of the Principle. "Thank you Principle Celestia." The athlete continued to clear her throat before talking. "I know a lot of you might think there's no way we could beat a fancy school like Chrystal Prep at anything."


This made Rainbow sigh with annoyance. "And I know That CHS has never one the friendship games even once."

Anon raised an eye brow at Rainbow's speech and lead over to Sunset whispering in her ear. "This the worse motivational Speech I've ever heard ever!" Sunset smirked at that.

But then music started to play as Rainbow continued to talk. "Chrystal Prep student's are super athletic, super smart and super motivated. But there's one thing they aren't , They aren't Wonder Colts!" The curtain lifted up to reveal a marching band. It was then at that Moment Rainbow began to sing. She sang with all her might as she started to sing about all what Canterlot High had done and all the evil magic the school defeated. From out of no where Vinyl Scratch plugged her sound board into the speakers, giving the song a whole new kind of kick. Anon and the girls were amazed by Rainbows song and it wasn't long before everyone clapping and singing along with it even the Principles. And just as we thought it could get any more Amazing Rainbow began to pony up much to Anon and the girls surprise. The song had definitely pumped up the school spirts and the games seemed more possible wining then ever before.

After the song and everyone had left Anon and the girls met up with Rainbow back stage. "Rainbow Dash That was amazing! even I feel like we can win." Fluttershy announced with enough excitement that she didn't give herself away.

"I feel like my school pride is at an all time high!" Rarity conveyed with excitement.

"Ya really did knock it out of the park there Dash, now even im really starting to care if we win or not." Anon said with a massive smile on his face.

"Is anybody else wondering how Dash pony'd up without playing her guitar?" Applejack asks confused.

"I know right, its probably because im so awesome." Rainbow answered with huge amounts of excitement.

"Maybe... I mean you are awesome but there's got to be more to it then that. right? It just seems so random." Sunset thought aloud.

Unknown to them Vice Principle Luna was just behind them. "Well it would be nice if you girls could get a handle on it."

"There's also boy you know, that it matters." Anon sighed.

"Sorry, but it would be nice if you girls and boy, kept magic away from the friendship Games, we don't want to be accused of cheating." Luna advice her tone serious.

"We don't need magic to defeat those hoity toity Chrystal Preppers." Rarity announced causing everyone to agree.

"Still the Friendship games are serious business, we don't want any surprises, especially the kind that could cause us to forfeit. Sunset you came here from a world of magic perhaps you can get to the bottom of this?" Luna asks hopeful.

"Ill do my best." Sunset answers and luna seemed happy enough with that and nodded before leaving.

Rainbow and the rest of the girls began to start theorising about what the games could consist of. "I really want to help, but I think better focus on why Rainbow Dash pony'd up."

"Want any help?" Anon asks innocently.

"Yeah sure an extra bit of help would always be useful." Sunset nodded smiling.

Anon gave Fluttershy a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving with Sunset "See ya guys."

Pinkie and the girls smile wide as they watch Anon and Sunset walk off together to go and figure out how to control the magic. "It seem as though they've got it all under control."

Chapter Twenty. Twilight's Back!?

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Anon and Sunset went all over the Library searching books from science to Myth and nothing was showing up anywhere. Seeing as they were running up dry with the books, Anon turn his attention to the computers and began to search up anything to do with Magic. Sunset looked over the books once hoping she may of just missed or overlooked important information. But there was still nothing this world had no magic, well no magic that she was looking for, Sunset thought whilst looking at Anon. With no other option Sunset pulled out her own personal book out and began to write to Twilight, calling her back as she was out of idea's and needed help.

Sunset dropped the pen sighing as she dropped her head in her book. She was tired and Afraid, the stress of everyone looking to her for the answers of calm the magic down was daunting and she didn't know if she could cope with the pressure. Sunset Suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up seeing Anon, smiling brightly back at her.

"Come on, where not getting anywhere with this. and your only making your self worse by stressing out." Anon said while grabbing her book and putting in her bag before handing the bag over.

"Where are we going?" Sunset asks confused yet excited.

"We're going to get Coffee and im paying." Anon smiled.

It was infectious smile that Sunset couldn't help but catch. "What about the others. what if they need us?"

"Im sure they can manage without us for a few minutes. Now come." Anon led Sunset by the hand as they left library and snuck pass Principle Celestia's office, before heading out of the front doors of the school.

"I cant believe we've snuck out of school." Sunset said amazed she went through with it. She had done bad things before, sure. but since turning her back on her previous life, Sunset had stayed strictly with the School's rules. This had been a long time coming for her and felt good to be doing something bad again, even if it was small.

"Don't worry, we'll be back before they even notice we had left. We don't want to miss out on the arrival of Chrystal Prep now do we." Anon replied with little enthusiasm.

Walking into town Sunset and Anon spoke intensely about Rainbow's pony up. Since Anon wasn't from Equestria, he tried to keep up with as much technical speak as possible. In some parts Anon would get completely lost and he would nod as if understood. But then Sunset asked for his opinion And it was this moment Anon Knew he had fucked up. As Anon searched for a reply, his eyes went every where else but Sunset searching for response. But as he looked around Anon noticed a homeless man under the bridge in front of them. He was curled up in old news paper wearing old ragged and tattered clothing with no shoes. Anon knew he had to do something

"Hold that thought, come with me." He said as they raced off to the supermarket, buying a tent, pillows, sleeping bag, some clothes, food and bottles of different drinks. Having had bagged all the shopping he handed the bags over to sunset. "Here could you hold these for minute."

Taking the bags off Anon, Sunset was confused with what he was doing. "What are we doing? I thought we were going to get coffee?

"We will, but first." Anon enter the a shoe shop and brought the most comfy trainers he could find in an average size. It was then that Anon entered a burger bar buying the most expensive food on the menu, they before finally headed into the café. Anon brought one large hot chocolate and took all of the other stuff he brought and headed back to where the homeless man was sleeping he placed them all by him. Anon smiled at the help he could give, But suddenly he began to lift off the ground. Sunset watched in awe as she watched Anon glow as he pony up. "Sunset I think we have a problem."

After coffee and long debate Anon and Sunset Snuck back into the school, heading straight for the music room where their friends were waiting. Entering the music, the pair were met with disapproving eyes. "Where we're you two?" Rarity asks " We've been waiting for a while, not even Pinkie could find you?"

"And I looked everywhere!!!" Pinkie announce randomly appearing from behind them making both of them jump.

"Sorry, we were getting nowhere in the library and Sunset was getting stressed. So I decided we sneaked out and get a coffee to calm down and clear our heads." Anon explained before smiling widely. "Something amazing happened!"

It was then that Sunset and Anon began to tell others about Anon's pony up. "Well that was mighty kind of ya partner." Applejacks said, crossing her arms.

Fluttershy carefully hurried over hugging Anon tightly. "Im so proud of you."

"Im guessing by Anon's pony up, you haven't figured out how to control the magic inside us?" Rainbow asks as she crosses her arms.

This made Sunset frown a slightly as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "No, not yet. But I think im starting to understand how it works. well kinda… Maybe."

Rarity walked over to sunset placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Well that some progress at least darling." Sunset reluctantly nods at that and smiles ever so slightly. "Now, Since you are both here, we can finally get on with it."

"Get on with what exactly?" Anon asks a little worried knowing what Rarity is like.

Before Rarity answered Anon's question, she ran of the class bring back clothing racks after clothing rack filled with different shirts, robes, dresses and other clothing assortments. "FASHION!!! Anon fashion."

"Okay then..." Anon replied nodding his head, a slight bit overwhelmed by all the clothing.

"Let's start darlings!"

Half an hour they had all tried on serval different outfits for all sort of different activities, rock climbing, hockey, deep sea diving and even welding. Rarity was bouncing from friend to friend sorting out their outfits tweaking it here and there trying to get it absolutely perfect. "Er Rarity these outfits are great in all but why would you put so much time into outfits we might not even wear? your gonna exhaust your self out before the games even start." Applejack spoke worrying about her crush not wanting her to push her self to much.

Rarity waved Applejack off. "Pish posh, don't be silly darling. PUTTING EFORT INTO CLOTHES IS WHAT I LIVE FOR! AND PUTTING TIME ON MY FRIENDS FILLS ME WITH ME ENEGRY!" That was enough to cause Rarity to pony up just like Rainbow and Anon did.

They all stood around smiling in awe as Rarity pony up. well all except for Sunset "And magic apparently."

Suddenly from out of nowhere looked as if the magic drained its self from Rarity's body causing to low back down feeling tired. "Actually Applejack now that you mention it I suppose I could use a tiny brake." Rarity replied through short breaths before falling over.

Applejack rushed over just in time to catch her "I told you." Applejack frowned.

From out of nowhere None other then Twilight walked straight through the door. "TWILIGHT!!!" Everyone exclaimed excited to see their pony princess friend again. They rushed over to greet their friend, Sunset felt so happy to see Twilight knowing that her friend wasn't ignoring her and that she answered her call for help.

"Uh yes?" Twilight asks confused unknown to why these girls knew her name.

"Well I'll be, you should of told us you were coming." Applejack said as she placed her arm around Twilights neck.

Rarity overlooked Twilights attire and noticed a few things out of place. "Darling those glasses." she nervously chuckled. " What are you wearing? Its so severe."

Twilight looked down at herself confused. "My uniform?" she replied unsure of what was wrong.

Fluttershy and Anon looked at each other equally confused as the other. "Your uniform for what?" Fluttershy asks sweetly.

These questions just made Twilight feel uneasy and even more confused then before. "For Chrystal Prep. But why does everyone at this school know who I am."

Everyone just looked at each other in shock. "Did you just say Chrystal Prep?" Rainbow asks hoping she miss heard.

It was at this moment Spikes head pop out of Twilights bag, causing the girls to call out his name. As Fluttershy went to pet him Twilight pulled in fear. "You know my dog's name too?"

Just around Principle Celestia was walking Principle Cinch around the school before stopping outside the music room as Celestia noticed the familiar purple student. "Twilight?!"

"This is getting ridiculous." Twilight shock her head at the nonsense that surrounded her.

Principle Cinch walked forward placing a hand on Twilights shoulder. "I must apologize for the curiosity of my prize student" Cinch apologised in almost boastful manner.

Principle Celestia was taken back this. "Your Student?"

Cinch looked down at Twilight quite crossed at her. "The smart ones are always the most curious. I'll return her to check in with the rest of her classmates."

Celestia looked to the students in the music room. "I didn't know that Twilight had a twin sister?"

"She doesn't, That Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world because she doesn't go to Chrystal prep or have glasses. Pinkie answers in one quick speedy secession.

Principle Celestia was going to reply but as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't think of what to say. "Never mind."

Sunset frowned at this, it wasn't the Twilight she knew or needed. She had to solve this magical problem all by her self, she was just glad Anon was by her side. Having met this worlds Twilight killed the mood not to mention Rarity's collapse earlier. No one felt like trying on costumes for any event that the Friendship Games had coming up. When Anon left to change back into his normal beanie, shirt and jeans combo, he could see how annoyed Sunset was. This led Anon to think up something that he could treat her to later tonight.

Anon and the girls walked along the empty corridors waiting for the upcoming party where Chrystal Prep and Canterlot High are meant be coming together before the games begin. "I cant believe our world's twilight goes to Chrystal Prep."

"You know that mean's we're gonna have to play against her." Anon sighs as kicks the floor.

"She'd never play against us!" Rainbow retorted in shock.

"Our Twilight wouldn't" Fluttershy said calming tone as put hand on Dash's Shoulder.

Sunset burst at all the talk of Twilight. "Our Twilight is a Princess in Equestria and an expert in Friendship magic. And if she was here we'd have already figured out why magic is randomly popping during our pep rallies, helping the homeless or costume changes!" Every was a bit taken back looking at Sunset with wide eyes surprised expression. Anon walked over placing his hand on her shoulder try to be careful and go any further that would raise suspicions. "Sorry, im just frustrated that I haven't heard back from Twilight." She apologised hanging her head low.

"She's a princess in Equestria, probably got problems of her own to deal with." Applejack said with a sympathetic smile.

"We can't just expect her to drop everything and pop through the portal whenever. Especially if its to deal with something as minor as a few pony up's." Rarity adds confidently.

Sunset crossed her arms feeling insecure. "But they aren't minor. Magic came into this world when I stole Twilights crown, its taken a lot from me to gain everyone's trust, that is when Flash isn't trying to make me look like the bad girl again." Anon felt like saying something but he thought best to let her continue talking. "And if we have to forfeit the games because I cant think of a way to keep it under control.

Anon stroked Sunset shoulder making her look at him. "You've got this. We all believe in you, you were the one that helped us all understand what was going on with the sirens."

Sunset pulled back away from Anon's hand leaning against the lockers "I guess so. But Twilight was the one who really figured out what we needed to defeat the sirens."

Putting his hands in his pockets Anon look over at Sunset with a kind smile. "But I think your forgetting something." Sunset looked up at him with those sad eyes that could brake Anon's heart. "What Twilight needed was both of us to defeat them." Fluttershy frowned at this feeling a slight jealous but kept it held back.

As much as Sunset wanted to dismay it she could help but smile. "All right." This caused their friends to cheer Sunset smile even brighter.

Having cheered Sunset up Rainbow moved focus back to the Friendship Games "Come on guy's lets if we can find any info about the events and see if we can come up with a strategy." As everyone walked ahead towards the library, Sunset stayed where she was pulling Anon by the hand keeping him from walking off. Rainbow looked behind to see Sunset and Anon still by the lockers "Are you guys coming?"

Anon looked to Sunset as he had no idea what was happening. "We'll catch up with you guys in a bit." Rainbow smile and gave the pair a thumbs up.

"So where are going?" Anon asks intrigued

"Well firstly." She pulled Anon kissing him deeply before letting go "That was for all the kind words you said."

Anon smiled at that. "No problem, glad I could help."

"And secondly it was about what you last said, about Twilight needing us both to defeat the sirens." With that Sunset dragged Anon outside. The busses from Chrystal Prep were all lined up along the road with the students all waiting along side them. Sunset quickly pull out her book and she suspected nothing. She put the book in her bag and turn around look at Anon smiling excitedly. "I have a plan. We quickly pop into the portal and visit Twilight in Equestria." Whilst still holding Anon's Hand she excitedly ran down the steps towards the statue.

Anon was unsure about doing this he had so many questions. "Sunset are you sure? What if someone see's us? What if She is busy and we've come in at the wrong time?"

Sunset smiled back at Anon. "Then we solve it ourselves, But its a least worth a try and no one's watching us they could careless about what we're doing."

This Actually calmed the vampire boy down and made him put more trust in his girlfriend. "Alright then, Let's do it!"

As Sunset put her hand on the portal Anon watched as the magic drained away from the Statue, Sunset and himself as she held on to him. when it was over they both go flung left feeling drained of magic and exhausted from it all. Sunset got up quicker then Anon and noticed the device around her neck was glowing and sparking. "What did you do?" Anon got up at this point and notice Twilight and the device around her neck.

It was at this moment a Chrystal Prep Teacher calls out. "Twilight you have to check in with the others." With that Twilight ran away in fear before the pair could do anything.

Sunset grabbed hold Anon's hand angrily and tried again once more. Sunset place her hand on the portal and nothing happened, this freaked the pony girl out. Letting go of Anon's hand she franticly placed her hands all over the statue looking for the portal. "Whereas the portal! Whereas the portal!"

"Sunset what's wrong?" Anon asks confused.

Sunset turned to look at Anon, her face full of fear. "The Portal is gone!"

Chapter Twenty-one. No More Secrets.

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Having found the portal was gone Anon and Sunset headed straight to the library to tell their friends all that had just transpired with Twilight. Once they reached the library they found it empty with no one in it including their friends. "I don't understand, Where are they?"

"Rarity must of sent them home to get changed for the welcome party that's happing soon." Anon thought aloud.

"Dammit! Your right." Anon and sunset walked out of the library and back outside again. "We might as well go home and get changed too." Sunset said about to star walking, but Anon let go causing the bacon hair girl to look back at him confused.

"You go on ill wait for you to get back. Im gonna keep eye on this worlds Twilight." Anon said as put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Are you sure you don't want to change for the Party?" Sunset asks making sure he was okay to be staying at school waiting for her and their friends.

"Nah... I don't need to impress those stuck up rich teens. Plus I already look good enough." Anon says with a wiggle of his eyebrows making Sunset laugh before leaning to kiss Anon deeply.

Sunset pulled away minutes later placing her hand on Anon's cheek stroking it gently with her thumb. "Firstly don't forget your the actual definition of a rich teen. Secondly Just be careful and don't do anything dumb."

"Yeah but I don't like being the rich guy and im not stuck up so there's that. and Anyway Im already dead with my Equestrian magic drained from me. Nothing else is going to happen, im just going to keep an eye on her." Anon retorted honestly.

"Alright fair enough, I'll see you when I get back." Sunset gave him a quick peck on the cheek before they both turn around to leave.

The Welcome party for Chrystal Prep had started and Anon found The Sports Hall had been separated into two half's. On one side of the hall was Canterlot High, the other was Chrystal Prep, Neither side wanting to mix or converse with each other. That was until Flash and his two goons, Ringo and Thunder Bass try to make friends with one of the girls from Chrystal Prep. This resulted in the girl squashing the cup in her hand then throwing to the floor to be stepped on, rejecting flash and his friends, Causing them to look angrily back at the girl. Anon Sniggered at that seeing flash fail was always a highlight of his school life.

Anon grabbed a cup and poured himself some punch before return to Canterlot side of the hall. He stayed at the back, leaning against the wall sipping the punch as his eyes scanned the room before it landed on Twilight. She wasn't that hard to spot, if he was honest. she sat by her by her self sitting on the edge of the fold away chairs not talking to anyone. She seemed sad and alone staring at the ground, Anon couldn't help want to walk over and talk to her. But this wasn't the Twilight he knew, It wasn't Twilight he became friends with and fought equestrian evils with. It just wasn't the same person. But Against his better judgement, Anon finished his punch with swift mouthful and made his way over to Twilight crossing that metaphorical line dividing the two schools.

All eyes were on Anon As he walked straight up to Twilight. "Hi, I'm Anon."

Twilight looked up to see Anon Holding his hand out smiling so kindly It comforted the socially awkward girl. Twilight smiled back before taking hold of Anon hand. "Hi I'm Twilight." She greeted as they shook hands. Both Schools looked at them with disgust for even deciding to talk to each other.

"May I take a seat?" Anon asks as he points to the empty spot next to her

"Sure." Twilight agreed as she adjusted her glasses.

"Im sorry about our first meeting in the music room. It must of been a bit disorientating." Anon apologies, trying to be as sympathetic as he could.

"Its okay, but I would like to know how everyone knows my name?" Twilight asks confused.

"Well there was a girl that went to this and she made a very good impression on everyone here at the school. And you look quite a lot like except you have glasses and you wear your hair up. And her name just happens to be Twilight." Anon Answers, trying his best to not say anything about equestria or magic.

"That all sounds rather too farfetched and all too coincidental." Twilight replied not believing a word Anon said it all seem to scientifically improbable for her liking.

"Well what can I say its true." Anon answered back.

"Well do you have any proof to back up what your saying?" Twilight asks, putting him on the spot.

Anon thought for a moment, before it hit him, He reached into his pocket pulling out his phone. Twilight waited as Anon searched his phone before showing her the screen. "Here!"

Twilight took hold of the phone seeing a group photo of Anon with all the girls she had met in the music room earlier. But one girl took centre stage of the photo while the others including Anon huddled around her posing for the photo. She looked exactly like her it was uncanny, it was like looking at an exact copy of herself in just a different outfit.

"That's unbelievable! So where is she?" Twilight asks excitedly.

"Oh she out of town on family problems." Anon explained nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh..." Twilight replied sadly, upset that she wouldn't be able to talk to her look alike . But this didn't stop her from asking questions about her. This gave Anon the difficult job of not bringing up magic, Equestria, pony princess and the battling of Evil Equestrian Villains that come from the other side.

Sunset and the others were walking round the corner to The Sports hall as She explained to them what happened with Twilight and portal. "What do you mean the portal's gone?" Applejack asks confused.

Sunset reached the door to the hall and looked back to her friends not yet pushing it open. "I mean its gone, its closed! Its not there anymore!" her voice raising in anger.

"How did that happen?" Rainbow asks also confused.

"I don't know but it had something to do with this worlds Twilight. Anon felt so drained afterwards like all his magic was gone. Just like what happened to Rarity when she showed up Afterwards." Sunset explained annoyed and angry.

"Is he okay? Where is he?" Fluttershy had dropped her fake timid nature just for a second as worry over took her.

"Yeah his fine, he just felt weak for a bit but he wanted to stay and keep an eye on Twilight." Sunset explains.

"And you LET HIM?!" Fluttershy shouted as she let anger rule her head. Fluttershy was still worried about The Hunters and the thought of Anon being alone with his equestrian magic drained freighted her. She knew that he had all his other abilities but that was besides the point it was unsafe and if anything happened to him, she wouldn't forgive herself. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!"

Applejack and Rainbow had never seen Fluttershy like this before and tried to keep her back from Sunset. "Its okay now, Im sure Sunset had her reasons."

"It was his idea and he promised me that he wouldn't go near Twilight, look you'll see." Sunset pushed open the doors to the sports hall and walked in with the others following closely behind. Sunset's eyes panned the room scouting out Anon. She finally found Anon and she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Anon was sitting next to Twilight and talking to her, he completely lied to Sunset and she felt her blood boil with anger. It wasn't long before the others saw and Fluttershy stood next Sunset looking just as angry as she did. "Im going to kill our Boyfriend." Sunset angrily whispered to Fluttershy getting a nod in return.

Sunset and Fluttershy started angrily walking over to the pair sitting down. "Anon! What do you think your doing with Twilight?"

Anon's eyes shrank as he looked up to see both of his Girlfriend's stood over him, their arms crossed and their faces stern. "Oh Flutters, Sunny. you see..."

It was this moment a random blue hair girl got in front of Anon and Twilight. "Who wants to know?"

"We do!" Fluttershy stated, her friends could believe how confident she was being. "Anon is our boyfriend! And we have a right to what he's doing." Rarity, AJ, Pinkie and Dash gasped in surprised as Anon dragged off by two angry girlfriends each holding an arm. They left the sports hall taking him just outside into the corridor.

Before Anon could even talk Sunset steps forward giving Anon a hard slap across his right cheek. "You promised me that you would of stayed away. You lied."

"Ouch!" Anon rubbed his cheek as the magic began to bring out the red in his cheeks as If he had pumping blood. "I was going to, but I thought..."

He was cut off as Fluttershy brought another Hard slap to his left cheek. "What if you had gotten hurt she already took away your Equestrian magic! What if she took away your vampire powers! What if she was a Hunter. What then?!" It was stupid, stupid, stupid." Fluttershy started repeatedly hitting Anon's arm before breaking down into tears as Anon held her tightly.

"Im going to leave you guys to it." Sunset wanted to say more but felt as though they needed to talk. So reluctantly she left to re-join her friends and now explain what she could. But as she walked over to her friends the image of Anon embracing Fluttershy in his arms stayed in her mind and it made her question a few things in their Relationship.

Anon and Fluttershy fell to the ground, Anon lent against the lockers while Fluttershy held onto Anon hugging him tightly, so tight that she felt if she let go Anon would just disappear. Anon in turn held Fluttershy close he didn't mean to frighten her, he just thought that he would able to help and find out more about this worlds Twilight but he didn't it would cause all this worry. And now their friends know he's dating both Fluttershy and Sunset, but that was the last thing he want to talk about. Right now he wanted to know who are The Hunters?

Anon waited until he heard Fluttershy's sniffling had stopped before he started talking. "Are you feeling better?" No reply just the feeling of Fluttershy nodded into his chest. "Good, but I think its time you told me all about who these Hunters are?" Fluttershy's head picked up as she let go of him.

"I cant right now, what about later tonight? I know it was meant to be Sunset's week but, I just need to be close with you tonight." The tough girl that could take down five criminals, the strong independent girl that Anon had gotten to know was replaced with someone sensitive, fragile and vulnerable.

"Sure. Im sure that Sunset will understand. I'm sorry, you know... all I wanted to do was help, I thought that if I found out more about this Twilight then it would give us a better fighting chance. Im sorry." Anon explained.

"I know. I should of told you about The Hunters, sooner its also my own fault." Fluttershy frowned looking to the ground. "Just when I tell you about them I need you to promise me that your not going to leave me. I cant do this on my own."

Anon place a finger under Fluttershy's chin gentle lifting up her head to look at him while he put his hand on her stomach where her baby bump would be. "Im never leaving both of you. You couldn't make me. I love you my Flutterbat." Anon leant forward kissing Fluttershy slowly but deeply, this was a kiss filled with love and emotion. Neither one of wanted to stop but they knew, they had friends waiting for them and soon begrudgingly they stopped knowing they could of stayed lost forever in that moment. Anon slowly and reluctantly got up while carefully helping his girlfriend up.

They enter the Sports hall finding it very different from when they had first entered. It had turned into a proper party with music lights and disco ball shining bright in the middle of the hall. The school's no longer seemed divided. Everyone was talking to each, even dancing with each other it was such a transformation. The couple couldn't help but smile from seeing how happy the two schools were. While holding hands the pair made their way over to their friends "Let me guess Pinkie?"

"Yep, just look over there." Applejack smiles. Looking over to where applejacks pointing, they see very happy Pinkie all ponied up. Suddenly the music and lights were cut with loud high pitch screech from the microphone.

Principle Cinch took hold of the microphone bringing the party to a close. "I'd like to thank Principle Celestia for her unconventional welcome. Its been four years since the last friendship and yet it feels as though nothing has changed. Canterlot High continue to pick its competitors in a popularity contest and Chrystal Prep continue to field its top twelve students. It is a comfort to know that even after so many years of losses, your school remains committed to its ideals, how ever misguide they maybe. I whish you all the best of luck regardless of the inevitable outcome." This speech had seemed to divide the school just as they seemed to be coming together.

Pinkie walked back over to the group groaning while her hair looks dishevelled and she look tired. "Im sorry pinkie I thought your party additions were really swell."

"They really broke the ice." Fluttershy adds trying to make the party girl feel better.

"It really brought the two school together." Anon smiles warmly.

"Yes only if that Principle Cinch hadn't frozen it again." Rarity added crossing her arms in anger.

"Yeah she's awful." Pinkie sighed.

"Pinkie what happened to you?" Sunset asks seeing how tired the party girl was and that was odd, there wasn't much that tired her.

"I don't know? Everyone started having fun after Twilight and I fired the party cannons and I ponied up." Pinkie smiles as recalls the event.

"Of course you did." Sunset smiles as she crosses her arms.

Pinkies smiles turned to a frown. "Then the magic just drained right out of me."

"Just like Rarity and Anon." Sunset brought her hand up to her chin as she tried to piece together everything shes learnt so far.

"where is that other twilight?" Applejack asks.

"Oh she right..." Pinkie looked around to find Twilight had gone. "Well she was right here."

"Well since its the end the of the day, maybe you guys can tell us what's going on between ya." Rainbow Suggests her arms on her hips looking at Anon, Fluttershy and Sunset. This led to a chorus of agreements from their other friends.

"Okay but not here. not out in the open. We'll tell you everything at Mine, where its more private." Anon Answered.

"Lets Go then." Rainbow agreed as they all got into Anon's car and drove straight to his house.

Once they arrived Anon got out first and opened the door greeting Buddy and Molly before taking them into the garden to play, while Fluttershy and Sunset took the rest of their friends into Anon's front room. After leaving his dogs In the garden to play, Anon went into the kitchen to make tea for everyone. When the tea was ready he headed into the front room carrying the cups of tea on the tray and placed it of on the small table in front of the sofa where his friends where sitting. Anon went over and sat next to his girlfriends who were sitting on the arm chair, sitting on the arm he began to prepare for the conversation ahead.

Applejack was the first to speak up. "So ah guess the most obvious question is how come Anon is dating ya both."

It was at this moment the energetic pink haired girl butted in interrupting Anon before he could say anything. "Well I know that some of the Readers weren't happy with it. But I say they should trust him, he seems to know what he's doing."

Silence fell as everyone turned to looked at their friend bewildered at what nonsense she had spat out. Rarity smiled though the ramblings still confused "It seems though Miss Pinkamena has regained her energy."

The little remark made everyone laugh and helped relax moment before Anon and His girlfriends unload a wave of heavy new information on them. They started by Anon and Fluttershy revealing who they really are by lifting the magic showing their true vampire selves. This was met with some shocked reactions but after a flood of questions they were more relaxed and at ease much to Fluttershy's relief.

"I mean its great that you felt comfortable with us to tell us the truth and reveal your, er... true selves. But I must ask darling, how does this answer that Anon is dating both you and Sunset?" Fluttershy smiled as she explained the complex emotions of how vampires fall in love and Anon is dating both her and Sunset. This caused Rarity to sigh dreamily "How romantic."

"I think its TOTALLY AWESOME! Do you have any vampire powers?" Dash asks excited.

"Yeah we can fly." Anon demonstrates as he begins to flap his wings causing him to lift up off the ground creating a bit of a breeze that knocked over a few light weight item.

"Awesome! Anything else?" Rainbow asks barely able to contain her excitement as she bounced up and on her seat.

Anon began to lists most of the abilities that he knows of. "Im sure there's more but that's the Extent of my knowledge so far."

"YOUR LIFE GOT TWENTY PERCENT COOLER!" Rainbow exclaimed as if she was Rarity looking at new pair of shoes.

Anon looked to Fluttershy and Sunset before smiling to him self and whispers. "It certainly did." this caused Fluttershy to smile slightly.

"Hold up, so those out fits ya'll wore last Halloween were actually ya in your normal clothing?" Applejack asks as she remembered where she saw those outfits that Anon and Fluttershy were wearing. The couple look to each before looking back at Applejack nodding. "We'll I'll be! How long have ya been Vampires for?"

"It hasn't been too long for me, I asked Fluttershy to turn me on the night of The Fall Formal." Anon answers shrugging.

"I've Been a Vampire For a long time. I don't think there hasn't been a time since you've known me that wasn't a vampire." Fluttershy answers honestly.

"But why didn't you tell any of us darling?" Rarity asks confused on why Anon and Sunset knew before her life long friends.

"I was afraid I thought you would think that I was a monster." Fluttershy explains as she hides behind her hair.

"We're friends for life! we were never going to leave you silly. I didn't have those friends for life parties for nothing " Pinkie beams as everyone nodded and hummed in agreement, making Fluttershy smile and feel a bit silly for not telling them sooner.

"Anything else we should know?" Applejack asks hoping to clear up any loose threads.

"Well." Fluttershy got up off the chair slowly with the help of Anon. "Im Pregnant." This causes everyone to gasp in amazement.

"MY FIRST BABY SHOWER TO PLAN!" Pinkie Exclaims full of joy.

"I HAVE SO MANY BABY CLOTHES TO MAKE!" Rarity shrieked with excitement.

This led into another in depth conversation which had anon making another round of cup of tea's. But Sunset sighed as she sat there no one asking her any question, she felt so alone and so invisible like she didn't even matter. She got up and walked into the kitchen where Anon was finishing making the second batch of tea's.

"Hey," Sunset greeted as she walked in trying to smile and seem happy.

Anon turned around seeing Sunset and he could tell that something was up. "Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah im gonna go home, I feel useless here all the attention is on Fluttershy and I know every already so I was gonna go home and get ready for our date tonight." Sunset said with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Anon felt his stomach clench up as he remembered he hadn't told that he couldn't make it tonight. "Yeah about that... I, er. I can't make it tonight, Fluttershy needs me tonight and I need to know who the hunters. Im sorry this is really important. We'll do it tomorrow night."

Sunset smile falters for a bit as history was repeating its self again she was being pushed aside for Fluttershy. But this wasn't time to say anything about this so she back to a sympathy smile instead. "Er... yeah. No, sure it sounds important. you gotta do what you gotta do."

"Im sorry, are you okay." Anon asks as he tried to give her a kiss but she stepped back reject Anon.

"Yeah im just gonna probably order a Takeaway and try and figure out what going on with this worlds Twilight. See ya." Sunset gave a small wave before leaving.

"See ya." Anon sighed knowing he messed up.

Anon brought in the cups of tea as the conversation went on into the evening. "Well Anon is definitely gonna have to take ya place in da friendship games tomorrow. Ah cant believe he was gonna let ya compete!" Applejack say's as she gives him a stern look.

"Hey its not my fault I tried to talk her out of not doing it but she wasn't having any of it." Anon admitted.

"I just don't like feeling useless." Fluttershy frowned, crossing her arms.

"Well ya gonna listen to me little lady and your gonna stay on side lines and let Anon compete and aint taking no for answer." AJ says with a stern voice.

"Fine." Fluttershy pouts as she didn't like taking the back seat in any situation.

It was at that this moment Rainbow dash had noticed how late the time was getting and what with the friendship games happing tomorrow, everyone thought it would best if they would leave now and get ready themselves prepared for the day ahead. While Anon saw Pinkie, AJ, Rainbow and Rarity out of the house waving them as they walked away, Fluttershy let Buddy and Molly in from the garden. Anon shut the door before walking into the kitchen to prepare their dinner as well as food for the dogs of course. Fluttershy was order by Anon to relax so she sat in the front room watching what ever she could find on TV, there wasn't much it was mostly filled with garbage reality shows but it wasn't long before she found the nature channel.

As Anon cut up the vegetables, he couldn't help but keep thinking how he might of messed up with Sunset. He knew that he had to find away to make it up to her, he had to just think of it first. Once the vegetables were cut and cooked Anon started on cooking the stakes as an idea hit him, he could take her out on holiday somewhere nice. But with Fluttershy being heavily pregnant he couldn't afford to be away at the wrong time. "Dammit!" Anon thought as he went back to the metaphorical drawing board. As soon as the stakes were cooked and seasoned he plated it up with the vegetable before heading to the fridge pulling out a nice cold blood pack pouring out two glasses. "Fluttershy Dinner's ready!"

Hearing this Fluttershy got up off of the arm chair slowly, making her way over to the dinner table seeing the dinner Anon had prepared "It smells so good!" Anon held the chair out and pushed her carefully to the table, not want to catch the baby bump.

"I hope it tastes as good as it smells." Anon says he takes a seat opposite Fluttershy.

Anon gave it until they had both finished their meals to talk about The Hunters. "That was so good, you should definitely cook more." Fluttershy Smiles before finishing her glass of blood.

"Im glad you enjoyed it, but I think its time to address the elephant in the room. Fluttershy who are The Hunters?" Anon asks as he just wanted this question layed to rest.

Fluttershy sighs before she speaks up. "They're Vampire hunters who think we a demon plague on the world, that threaten the human race. They Call themselves The Shadow's of Mankind. Recently they have been getting quite loud as more and more vampires have been hunted down and murdered. Vampire used to kill innocent people but that was a long, long time ago and we've come along time since then. But they don't care, they wont stop until we're all dead."

Anon stayed silent as he took a minute to process all of what Fluttershy had just said, it was a lot to take in. "You told me there was a secret city of vampires, so there must be leaders and why aren't they doing anything about them?"

This wasn't the reply that she expected it surprised her. "The elders cant do anything encase they either reveal our kind to the world or they reveal the hidden city of vampires where most of the vampires are kept safe. It just mean's those who live outside the city are on their own with out help."

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" Anon asks he now feared the safety of his soon to be little family.

"I didn't want to scare you off at first and later on I didn't want to worry you." Fluttershy answers as she began to tear up a slight bit.

Anon made his way over to Fluttershy hugging her deeply. "You silly Flutterbat its gonna take a lot more then that to scare me off." Minutes later he pulled away, looking his girlfriend the eye. "I promise you im gonna train harder then ever before, I will keep you safe no matter what."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing, this wasn't the reaction she was expecting, but she was happy to be hearing it. Fluttershy broke down into happy tears as she held him tight "What did I do to deserve you."

Chapter Twenty-Two. The Friendship Games.

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It was the day of the friendship games and Anon and the girls had just spoken to Principle Celestia about Fluttershy being replaced with Anon. With a few well said lies she eventually agreed and allowed Anon to take Fluttershy place. They stood inside the main foyer to Canterlot High as the friendship games begins. "Welcome to the first event, The Academic Decathlon! You'll be scored on Chemistry, Tec and everything in between." As the other teacher from Chrystal Prep rambled on about what was to take place in the friendship games Anon, noticed the two teams including his girlfriend Sunset and his friends, they angrily stared each other down. Anon could be bothered to do so this just didn't mean as much to him as it did for his friend. But that didn't that he wasn't going to try, he didn't want to let his friends down after.

Once she had wished them luck that was it, the first round of the friendship games had started. Event after event as Anon and his friends and class mates battled it out winning in events such as Chemistry and Catering much to the thanks of Mona Lisa cake Anon helped Pinkie make. But They lost out in such events like Tec and the Spelling bee. It came down to a final tricky math question, Sunset vs Twilight. Anon and the girls join Fluttershy in the crowed as they cheered Sunset on. It was agony as it came down to the final minutes, everyone on the edge of their seats as waited to find out who won. But soon time was up and Principle Cinch came up to check the math and to reveal the winner. After an intense minute Cinch pointed to Sunset. "Incorrect."

Anon could help but feel upset for but also so proud for her, she was only out by ten in her calculation and that was something she should of been proud of. Luna stood up to announce the winner of the first round. "That means the winner of the first event. Is Twilight Sparkle and Chrystal Prep!" Twilight stood up on the stage so happy hoping her classmates would of finally accept and be happy with her. But was disappointed to hear the half arsed cheers and claps.

Anon and the girls rush up on to the stage to praise Sunset "That was Amazing!" Anon Hugs Sunset picking her up off the ground, before putting her back down again.

"Truly Amazing." Rarity added with a huge smile on her face.

"But we didn't win!" Sunset was confused by her friends happiness.

"That was as close to winning as Canterlot has ever been." Applejack explains.

Vice Principle Cadence came up on to the stage to show who would be moving on to the next stage. Anon, Sunset, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity and AJ al Stood tall as did Chrystal Prep competitors. Twilight Sighed as she turned around to find her fellow competitors had already left the stage leaving her alone. She soon follow in suit of her class mates, leaving the stage before bumping into the boy she met the following morning. "Congratulations! Your were really great!" Flash greets smiling ever so politely.

Twilight was about to reply, that was until Neckless begins to flash and beep taking her full attention. "Im sorry, excuse me." Twilight walked off leaving flash alone.

"Damn it I was so close that time." Flash angrily stomped away as he knew he had to wait for the right opening.


Anon and the girls met up with Fluttershy outside by the statue as they were aloud a half an hour break before round two of The Friendship Games started. "You guys are doing so well!" Flutters smiles before giving Anon a quick hug and kiss. "And Im so proud of you. Your doing so well too, thank you for taking my place."

Anon gave a quick kiss on Fluttershy's fore head before smiling. "No problem. Its actually been kind of fun. but we we're quickly going to go to the shops and get something to eat if you wanted to come." Anon offers as waggles his eyebrows.

This caused the vampire girl to giggle making Anon smile brightly. "No thanks im going to check on my friends." Fluttershy says as looks intently at her backpack.

"Okay, but if anything happens. Text me." Anon says as he wants to make sure she was safe.

"I will, I promise." Fluttershy replies giving Anon one last kiss before they went their separate ways.

Fluttershy head over to grass as she opened her bag, a cat popped its head out of the bag purring and nuzzling her affectionally. Suddenly the bush next to her started to shake and Fluttershy was about to get on the offensive. She soon calmed down seeing Twilights head pop out. Instant thought of trying to befriend the girl that look so much like her other friend. She knew apart of her was going to regret this, but what's a bit of kindness going to do. "Do you wanna give her Treat?" She asks acting as much as she can like old Fluttershy.

Twilight hesitated looking at her neckless before smiling and putting it away and walking over to the butter colour girl, sitting down next to her. "I guess im not the only one to sneak their pets into school."

"Not just one." Fluttershy opens her bag fully letting a full flock of different animals leave her bag. She maybe a kickass vampire that hunt down criminals of a night, but when came to the care of animals she was as soft as could be.

Twilight was a bit taken back but it soon made her smile. "Oh wow, all I have is Spike!" The Dog happily pop his head out soon as Twilight unzipped the bag.

Fluttershy was instantly at Twilight side looking Spike over. "It really is uncanny. Does he talk?" She asks knowing she was pushing her luck on the weird factor now.

"Er.. not that I know" Twilight replied, adjusting her glasses.

Fluttershy laid down on her side, stroking Spike's belly. "Well done on winning by the way. Though it didn't look like anyone on your team was very excited about it?"

"No one at my school gets excited about anything, they didn't do them selves." Twilight sighs looking off to the side.

"Well that's kind of shitty." Fluttershy bluntly replied before realising what she said.


"I Mean that sounds awful." Seeing how sad Twilight was, was getting to her and she knew the best thing to cheer her up. "Here hold this." Fluttershy hand over Angel bunny to Twilight.

"Why?" The nerdy girl asks looking oddly at the rabbit.

"Holding a Bunny always makes me feel better." She didn't like tell anyone that but it was true and she couldn't of denied it if she wanted to.

"Well that's ridiculous." Twilight stated before the Bunny began to snuggle up to Twilight. "Aww, it actually kind of works." Twilight smiles holding the bunny closer to her. Suddenly a thought just hit her. "Im on the other team from your friends and they just lost. Why are you being so nice to me?"

"You look like you needed it." Fluttershy suddenly began to glow and lift up into the air as Twilight sat in complete shock. When she had finished ponying up, Twilight's neckless began to float and drain all the magic out Fluttershy this in turn caused portals to Equestria to appear. An animal hoped out of the portal causing Spike to chase the unknown animal to from one portal to another.

As Spike chased the animal, he accidently got hit by the beam that was draining Fluttershys magic making him flop to the down. "SPIKE!" Luckily Fluttershy caught Spike, Twilight closed the neckless and grabbed hold Spike as the pregnant girl flopped to the floor physically and mentally drained. "Spike! Are you okay?" Twilight Held Spike close worried that's she might of hurt her longest time friend.

Spike ground as he rubbed his head better. "I Think so." Spike replied. For a moment everything was fine until they both realised they could Spike could talk making them both Scream in shock. Twilight drop Spike and ran away as Spike ran after her. "Twilight wait!"

Fluttershy stayed laying on the ground as she reached for her pocket, pulling her phone out and texted Anon. she kept it short and sure to get his attention.


Within a seconds of getting the text, Anon used his powers and ran back to Fluttershy. He freaked out as soon as he saw his girlfriend on the floor look pale and tired. "FLUTTERSHY! Are you okay?" Anon asks as he gets her to sit up slowly.

"Yeah im okay. Can you get me to the Stairs." Anon got Fluttershy to the stairs carefully not wanting to rush her.

"What happened?!" Anon asks as his tone began to wobble a slight bit.

"Twilight. I'll tell you more, but it'll be better if you get the others." Fluttershy suggested, Anon nodded and was about to go get their friends. When Fluttershy's hand on his arm. "Could you bag up my animals as well?"

"Slave driver." Anon winked at his girlfriend. In a blink of an eye, he collected all of Fluttershy's animals and collected their friends before sitting back down next to her.

"What Celestia just happened?" Applejack ask.

"Sorry that was my fault Fluttershy need us all here. you'll all be happy to know I held your head so you didn't get whiplash." Anon Admitted.

"So what's Flutters?" Rainbow asks.

As Fluttershy told the story of just transpired Anon Angrily paced up and down as he couldn't believe what he was hear after all the grief he got for talking to her. "So she's stealing magic and knows about Equestria that's not good." Sunset said as she began to pondered what to do next.

"I don't know if she the magic stealing type." Applejack admitted.

"I Wish Twilight was here she knows everything about this stuff." Sunset Admitted.

Fluttershy looked to Anon seeing how angry he was with made feel terrible. "Im sorry."

Anon looked over to her Annoyed. "I know."

"Your okay darling and that's the most important thing." Rarity

"For now lets Focus on the friendship games." Rainbow advised, changing the topic of conversation.

"Sound's good to me. I say lets check out what they have planned for us next." This got round of nods and Agreements.

They walked to the back of the school where the school sports team plays. "As long as this next event puts me on a playing field, we have nothing to worry about." Rainbow declared before Applejack open the doors to the playing field.

"It definitely puts you on a playing field." Applejack stated as she layed eyes on the playing field.

Everyone was shocked to find the playing field had been completely transformed into a Tri Course Relay for three different sports, Archery, Short track and Motorbike Racing. "Am I the only one who thinks this over kill?" Sunset asks rhetorically.

Applejack walks over to the dirt hill giving it a slight kick. "I don't suppose you made motor cross outfits?" Applejack asks Rarity.

"Oh don't be ridiculous... OF COURSE I DID!" Rarity cheered before pulling two motor cross outfits from nowhere.

"Did you happen to make a male archer outfit by any chance?" Anon asks hopeful.

"Anon! Do you expect me to think of everything.... Because I totally did! And before you ask, yes. I based the design off of that superhero from Marevel." Rarity Handed Anon a Purple and black suit with a purple quiver to boot.

"Rarity you think of everything!" Anon said while looking at the suit smiling.

"Lets go get ready! This is gonna be our games, I feel it!" Rainbow stated enthusiastically with her normal cocky tone.

Anon Fluttershy a quick peck on the cheek before following his friends inside. Once everyone was changed and ready to get going, they stepped out onto the playing field seeing the stadiums pack to the brim with their fellow classmates and peers. Anon felt his heart skip a beat seeing the stadiums full it was like he was at the Olympics, he searched the crowd for the one face he needed to see. It took a while but he saw Fluttershy at the back of the crowd sitting down wearing ponies and holding up a foam finger that said go Wonder Colts. It gave him sense of comfort just seeing her.

Applejack and Anon took their places as they waited for the horn to go. Anon couldn't help but look down at what he was Wearing and he couldn't help but feel awesome, he made a mental note to thank Rarity later. Applejack looks over to Anon giving him a nod and in return he nodded back. As soon as the horn blasted, the competitors were off. Anon hopped over the two barrels of hay like they were nothing, he kept up with the Shadow Bolt girl as she looked across at him angrily. The rope swing was nothing as he land on the ground he grabbed his bow and shot three arrows rapidly all hitting middle. Anon looks over at what the shadow bolt to see what she had done only one arrow had hit the middle. This made Anon smirk As he gave Applejack a thumbs up for her to start her run. AJ race Against Twilight, As quick as flash she was through the course and Twilight just behind. She missed her first Arrow, but before she took her next shot Applejack took a deep breath pulled back the string and let it go let the arrow fly hitting its target. This Allowed Pinkie and Rarity to start the short race.

Anon and Applejack watched as Twilight failed to hit a single shot while Rarity and Pinkie had already finished their first round. Twilight had begin to cry as her team mate shouted at her. Anon and AJ was a bit taken back by the verbal abuse she was getting "Im sure glad I don't go Chrystal Prep." Anon Admitted.

Suddenly you could hear one of her other class mates tell Twilight she was terrible and this set Applejack over the edge. "I cant take anymore!" She handed Anon her bow before jumping over the gap to help Twilight. "You have to stop aiming at the target."

"Oh that makes perfect sense, don't aim at the target, thanks so much." The Chrystal Prep spoke with a bitter sweet tone.

Applejack just ignored the other girl and got back to helping Twilight. "You have to stop aiming at where the target is and aim at where the target is going to be."

"Yeah diffidently, take advice from the PERSON YOUR COMPETEING AGAINST!" The girl Screamed at the top of her lungs.

Applejack looked bluntly at Twilight. "Do you wanna hit the target?" Twilight wiped away her tears and nodded back in reply. "Then trust me. Take a deep breath and let the arrow go right...... Now!" Twilight did as she was told and let the arrow go and it the target dead centre.

Spike popped from the side of the stage. "Yeah that's my girl!"

The Chrystal Prep girl backed away afraid of Spike while Applejack went in too give Twilight a high five, Instead she was greeted with a hug. Applejack returned the hug smiling. "See I was telling the truth." Applejack began to pony up as her hair grew and her pony ears appear. Almost instantly Twilight's neckless activated and began to drain the magic out of Applejack. "What are ya doing?" AJ asks tried to restrain against the neckless

"I don't know?" Twilight replied as she tried to close it.

It was at this moment Anon Sprung into action as he ran over using all his might close the damn thing before he threw it away. But when it land on the dirt path it opened and let out a pulse wave of magic. This was start to create portals from Equestria, plant tentacles were coming out of the portals as the games continued. Pinkie and Rarity had won the second round allowing for Rainbow and Sunset to go first Plant monsters were appearing from the portal and were now on the course. Rainbow had successfully dodge them, but Sunset wasn't so successful as the plant knocked her off her bike. Rainbow looked behind her to see Sunset on the ground she did a one eighty turn, letting Shadow Bolts take lead for the time being. Sunset watched as the one of the plant monsters devoured the motorbike.

It was about to turn on Sunset when Rainbow drove by and picked her up. "Rainbow you saved me."

"I wasn't about to let my friend become plant food." Sunset smiled as Rainbow began to glow bright. Rainbow quickly stopped the bike and got off, throwing her helmet she ponied up, back up in the main view stand for the teachers this Caused Principle Cinch to Look at Principle Celestia who just shrugged and act as if she didn't know anything.

"We can still win this!" Sunset took Rainbow's bike and continued the race while Rainbow kept the competitors safe as she distracted them and bashed them to the ground. Sunset raced to her hearts content and won the race, wining the second round of The Friendship Games. The crowed cheered Cadence told everyone to head to the sports hall.Twilight finally close the neckless causing the portals to close up and the plant monsters to disappear.

While Fluttershy went with the other students in the sports hall. Anon and Applejack met up Sunset and the others "Is everyone okay?" Applejack asks.

"Better then alright, WE WON!" Rainbow cheered.

Sunset took her helmet of and placed it on the bike. "Yeah we won. But somebody could of been seriously hurt. The magic is going haywire and I don't know to fix it!"

"Its okay sunny we'll find away to fix it." Anon said as he put a comfort hand on her shoulder. She moved her shoulder cold making Anon take his hand away.

"Um excuse." Everyone turned around to see Twilight and Spike. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to learn about the strange energy coming from your school. I had no idea it was magic or how it works."

Rainbow walked over to greet Twilight. "That's okay neither do we." She admitted.

But suddenly the neckless activated and started to drain Rainbow's magic. "No, no, no. Not again." Sunset went to Rainbow side, While Anon went over to Twilight to try and shut the neckless close. "Im sorry it just started absorbing energy on its own, but im not sure how."

"What do you mean you don't know how?" Sunset tried to help Anon and Twilight close the device but shot a portal of an Equestrian night sky, into the sky.

"it also causes these corresponding rifts to appear, I don't know how that works either." Twilight added as she and Anon went back to closing it again.

"Is there anything you do know?!" Sunset asks as her rage was about to go through the roof. "Like how to get our magic back or how to fix the portal to equestria!"

"Equestria?" Twilight was just confused.

"I hadn't gotten to that bit." Anon said as he struggled to close the device he was using the strength of his vampire powers and it wasn't budging. "If anyone wants to help that would be great.

"Your supposed to be so smart. But have you thought that you shouldn't be messing around with things you don't understand." Sunset put her hands on the device and work together with Anon to finally shut the neckless close making the portal close and disappear.

"But I Wanna Understand!" Twilight replied


"Im sorry, I didn't mean too." Twilight ran away crying with Spike following behind her.

Sunset felt bad as soon as Twilight left, They walked over to the teachers hearing Principle Cinch bad mouth them before leaving. "Im sorry I couldn't stop all of this from happening."

"Its not your fault Sunset." Principle Celestia said trying to console her.

"Isn't it. I should know how to control the magic I brought here, but I don't. I let everyone down and now Principle Cinch thinks were cheating." Sunset replied feel like she failed.

"It doesn't matter what Principle Cinch thinks." Celestia admits.

Sunset took a step back away. "But it does. The students here at CHS don't just want to win. They wanna beat Chrystal Prep and isn't going to count if the other side doesn't think we won fairly if there's magic around. And that magic is only around because of me." Sunset let out a sad sigh. "im sorry, I need to be on my own for a while. Ill see you guys later for round three." And with that Sunset ran off but Anon Followed in suit.

She finally stopped outside the front of Canterlot High as she began to cry sitting on the steps front of the statue where the portal use to be. "Hey Sunny wanna talk?" Anon said as he stood behind.

She didn't turn around to look at him, she knew that he was going to follow her. She wipe her eyes dry and took a deep breath replying. "Yeah. I er... do."

"Great. I just want to say that without magic our lives would of been boring and." Anon interrupted as Sunset put her hand over his mouth.

"No that isn't what I want to talk about." Sunset sighed, Anon Could tell she was working up the courage to say something. "I need to tell you something and I want you to be quiet as tell you." Anon nodded as Sunset still had her hand over his mouth. "Last night while I was on my own and I had a real good think about our relationship where its going. And After all the debating I have my answer." Sunset stopped talking as she felt something wet hit her tiny finger. She looked over to Anon and Tears were dripping down his face he knew. Sunset gave him a sad smile moving her hand to his cheek. Im sorry but we're braking up im tired of feeling second fiddle to Fluttershy, I need someone whose is all about me and most importantly I need someone who isn't dead." Anon felt his feelings crushed. "You have your future with Fluttershy and you don't need me. I hope you understand?" Sunset asks as wiped away her own tears.

Anon wiped all his tears away before taking a deep breath to find the write words. "I um... yeah. I get it and im sorry. I did mean to make you feel like second fiddle. But I hope that you find some who can treat you like the princess you deserve. Someone better then me." Anon stood up left sunset on her own. He didn't want to end it horribly he wanted to be the kindest he could be. Anon made his way back to Fluttershy and stayed there until he was called for.


Round four started outside the front of the school late at night. Anon just wanted this day to end he hoped it was over soon so he could just go home and cuddle up his girlfriend. No one wanted to continue, except for Rainbow of course she want to beat the snobby nosed rich kids of Chrystal Prep. Once the rules were explained everyone had a moment to get ready.

"I cant be arsed to play anymore." Anon admitted.

"But we have to play! Its the last event!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Its a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening." Rarity added.

"I could handle it, if that was it." Anon whispered to him self, Fluttershy was sat in the crowed and frowned hearing what Anon just said.

"I feel horrible about what I said to Twilight." Sunset admitted.

"Well she clearly didn't know what she was doing." Anon bluntly admitted. That made Sunset frown while everyone looked at Anon. "What?!" He shrugged.

"Lets just get through this last event and prove were not a bunch of cheaters. Then you can go over and Apologise." Applejack smiles putting comforting hand on Sunset's shoulder making her feel better

This felt way too awkward for Anon he didn't know what to say or how to act towards Sunset. But then suddenly Anon noticed Twilight walking towards the middle holding out her device causing everyone to worry. Sunset started walking towards Twilight slowly as she didn't like the gleam in her eyes. It wasn't until too late that she noticed Twilight opening the device up. Sunset tried to run over and stop her, but it was tool late. A giant wave of energy blasted everyone back as the magical ball of energy lifted into the air pulling Twilight in. Afraid, in last ditch effort Twilight held out her hand. "HELP ME!" But Principle Cinch started to backing away abandoning her star pupil.

Twilight was consumed by the by the magical ball of energy, it lifted higher and higher until exploded revealing Twilight had transformed into magical demon with wings and a horn. She was a darker shade of purple and her Glasses replaced with a glow of blue magic, her hair floated into the air as if it was fire. Twilight cackled, feeling the power of the magic flow through her. "You were right I didn't understand magic before. BUT I DO NOW!" Twilight exclaimed power hungry as she shot out beam destroying the horse statue. It opened a portal to Equestria! This led to other cracks causing Twilight blast each crack that she sees.

Students began to flee and in the middle of all the chaos while no one was paying attention Anon used his quick speed to grab Fluttershy from the stands and take her inside the school. "You'll be safe in her."

"Im not weak im-." Fluttershy began talking before Anon cut her off.

"No. Your pregnant. I know were both dead but we don't anything to go wrong." Anon said before giving her a deep kiss before leaving to join his friends at rapid speed.

"Twilight! You cant do this!" Sunset stated.

"Why not there's a whole other world and its just filled with magic. " Twilight retorted as she blasted open another portal.

"But your destroying this world to get it!" Sunset tried to reason.

"So what! There's more magic there. AND I WANT TO UNDERSTAND IT ALL!" Using the full power of her magic, she blasted the ground creating a massive portal to Equestria.

Students began to fall in but luckily Anon and the others where there to help. Anon was picking up as many students as he could. The Chrystal prep students who once competing against them where now trying to help. They went around helping Rarity, Rainbow, AJ, and Pinkie save the other students. they were going to help Anon but saw him carry out four students at once and just stood there amazed at his strength.

"How are you doing that?" One of the Chrystal prep girls ask.

"Oh... you know. Eat your vegetables." Anon smiles awkwardly.

Sunset found Twilight device and it began to give the magic back person by person. And at that moment Sunset understood how equestrian magic works in this work. "This isn't the way! I know you feel powerful right now, like you can have anything everything you wanted! I've been where you are, I've made the same mistakes your making. I put on a crown and just like you I was over whelmed by the power it contained! I thought it could get me everything I wanted."

"Oh your wrong. Unlike you I can have everything I want." Twilight disagreed.

"No you cant even with all that magic and power, you'll still be alone!" Sunset held up Twilights device. "True magic comes from honesty, loyalty, laughter, Generosity, kindness." Anon and the girls magic began to flow into the device lifting Sunset up. "I understand you Twilight. And I want to show you the most important magic of all." Sunset threw the device on the ground letting the magic consume her transforming her into magical goddess. "The magic of friendship."

Sunset began healing up the cracks and portals making Twilight angry as she rushed forward hitting a beam of energy, only to be met by Sunset own beam. But Twilights magic was beginning to over power Sunset making Twilight cackle. Suddenly Twilight hears her name called out, she looked down to see Spike whimpering. This distracted Twilight enough For sunset to over power Twilight and defeat her turning her back to normal. "Im so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Twilight apologises tears falling from her eyes.

"I know and going by own experiences, they'll forgive you." Sunset smiles warmly and takes her by the hand comforting her. Suddenly Spike came running along jumping into Twilights arms knocking the girl back carrying her glasses making Twilight laugh.

It was at this moment Principle Cinch came out from where she was hiding demanding that CHS forfeit The Friendship Games. "I'd like to think saving the world benefits us all."

"At least they didn't manipulate twilight into unleashing the magic and turning her into a power crazed demon that tried to rip the world apart just win a game." A Chrystal Prep student admitted.

"Wow that's a lot to take in when you say it all once." Pinkie admitted.

"That's ridiculous!" Cinch rejected.

"Nope, that's pretty much what happened." Spike agreed shocking Principle Cinch.

"Actually were all to blame. BUT MOSTLY HER!" Another Chrystal Prep student admitted.

"Obviously my students have been infected with your magic! But I plan to take this up with the school board!" Cinch announced.

"Good. Im sure they'll be very interested in hearing all about the students with wings." Celestia smiles confidently.

"Oh and the magical portals to other worlds." Luna adds.

"And don't forget to tell them about the talking dog." Cadence also pitches in to mock Cinch, causing her to growl with anger.

"Because that would never ruin your reputation." Spike says making twilight and Sunset smile.

Principle Cinch stood alone as everyone had turned on her. she had nothing and was about to make a scene, but instead chose to calmly walk away. " I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected, but having what all just went through, I think its fair to declare us all winners."

Whilst everyone cheered Anon slipped away to go get Fluttershys, She sat on the fall of the hall fast a sleep She was tired from the chaotic day. Anon Bent down and pick Fluttershy up carrying her in his arms. He had enough of today, all he want to see was his house. Anon Carried her through to the playing field where transformed back into a vampire and flew home holding his girlfriend tightly into his arms. Once he arrive home Anon took Fluttershy upstairs to his bedroom gently placing her on the bed, He gave her a light peck making her stir slight bit before just going back to sleep.

Anon quietly tip toed out of the room heading back downstairs where he was greeted by Buddy and Molly. Anon bent down making a fuss of his beloved pets while making sure they didn't go for is wings. "Hello, you two! Have you behaved your selves while I was gone?" Anon asks whispering, Buddy and molly began happily licking Anon face in reply making Anon to giggle quietly. "ill take that as a yes."

Anon headed into the kitchen, turning the lights on and made himself a nice warm cup of tea before heading into the Front room. He turned on the lamp giving the room a nice warm, he sat on the sofa placing his cup on the small table in front of him. Buddy and molly jumped up onto the sofa joining their own has he watch TV. while later His mind turned to Sunset and all the things they had as vampire love was a complicated emotion and it was something Anon was used to yet. He began to sob as he had wished had done so much better. He dried his and shook his head as thought turned to Fluttershy and their baby, That was his main response ability now and he to focus on them.


The next day.

Anon and the girls stood around what was left of the horse statue, The Chrystal Prep students were all saying their goodbyes. "Still no reply from Princess Twilight yet?" Rarity asks.

Sunset closed the book. "Not yet. But I think I understand how magic works in this world. We Pony up when we're showing the truest part of our selves. I was so busy waiting for someone to give me the answers I that gave up looking for them myself. Im sure there will be more magical problems that pop up in this world, but like applejack said princess twilight has her own problems in Equestria we cant expect her to be around to help us."

"but maybe I can be?" Everyone look behind them to seeing Twilight, Spike and Principle Celestia.

"It seems we have a new wonder colt here at Canterlot High." Celestia announced.

"I don't know how much help I could be. But I would like to try?" Twilight asks smiling sheepishly.

"Im sure I can count on you lot to help Twilight feel at home here?" Celestia asks.

"You sure can." Sunset said as everyone gave her a group hug.

"Ill leave you girls to it." Celestia smiles before walking away.

"We have a lot to tell you." Anon said causing everyone to laugh slightly.

Rarity pulled out a blanket and everyone sat down and explain everything. "Wow. That's a lot take in."

"We'll show you our true forms later. when its bit more private." Fluttershy explained.

"Can this get any weirder?" Twilight asks when suddenly Princess Twilight came through the portal.

"Im so sorry I didn't get here sooner, I didn't get your messages until now because I was stuck in this travel loop and honestly it was the strangest thing that's ever happened to me." It was at this moment Princess Twilight faced human Twilight.

"Hi." Human Twilight sheepishly waved.

"Make that the second strangest thing."

Chapter Twenty-Three. Baby Shower.

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It had been a good few weeks since the Friendship games and Twilight was starting to settle in at CHS. Flash has kept trying his luck with Twilight, but Anon and the girls had warned her about Flash all the thing's he's done. Making sure she stays well enough away from him. Sunset and Anon announced their break up to the group gaining a mixed reaction, but no one really seemed too upset for them. Their friends reaction didn't really surprise the bacon haired girl, she was the add on to what was a perfect relationship and now that she had been cut off it was perfect again. But there was no hard feelings between Sunset and Anon they were making it work as just being friends and besides she had her eyes set on someone else.

It was now late November and special day for Fluttershy and Anon, they had party planned by The Pink Party Girl. But it wasn't just any party, it was a baby shower and everyone was looking forward to it. Fluttershy was the first to wake up and find the room in unusual state. She reached over to Anon, shaking him gently. "Um... Anon."

Anon only budged a small bit, muttering in his sleep. "If you know where to get the jam sandwiches, show me."

Fluttershy looked at her boyfriend oddly before she shouted loudly trying to waking him up. "ANON!"

This seemed to work as Anon and sat straight up, but proceed to freak out. "What!? Are you okay? Oh my god your having the baby aren't! OH GOD ITS HAPPENING!" He buried his face into his hands.

"No Dummy." Fluttershy smiles hitting Anon's arm. "Look at our room."

Anon removed his hands looking at his bedroom. It was covered in multi-coloured streamers, balloons and confetti, it was clearly the work of The Pink Party Girl. Anon grabbed one of the balloons seeing it had something written on the side of it. "Happy Baby Shower Day!" This made Anon chuckle. "How did she do this with out waking us up?"

"Its Pinkie. How does she do anything." Fluttershy shrugs.

He couldn't help but smile and nod at that. Anon noticed a note on the inside of the bedroom door and with a yawn and stretch, he got out of bed to look at it. Just from looking at the write he knew it was from Pinkie, firstly it was written in pink crayon and secondly it was very messy.

Hello my super duper soon to be undead parents, you need to be at Sugarcube Corner at 12 o'clock and don't be late! Seriously don't be late Twi will all get huffy and worry. - Your local Pink Party Girl, Pinkie Pie.

P.S Have you decided on a name yet? I kinda need to know. For no reason what so ever.... Smiles.

"What does the note say?" Fluttershy asks curious what was written.

Anon walks over to Fluttershy and helps her get out of bed. "Nothing much, we just have to be at the Sugarcube by 12."

"At least that gives us a bit of time. Shall we have some breakfast?" Fluttershy ask sweetly.

"That sounds perfect, I'll make some o negative Pancakes."


Sunset was already up, dressed in warm winter clothing as the cold wind cut through the sky. She was on her way over to Sweet Apple Acres, she had got a text last night from Applejack asking if she could visit early morning. The cow girl wouldn't exactly say why, but it saved her from waiting around in empty house so it she couldn't complain. After a couple weeks from braking up with Anon, She had started looking for a partner and found it in the most unlike place. Though the girl didn't know it yet, she would do soon as Sunset was just finding the courage to ask her out. But that could wait a farm girl needed her help and she wasn't about to turn her down.

She waked up to the house in Sweet Apple Acres, knocking quite hard on the door, harder then she meant to. She came face to face annoyed Big Macintosh. "Sorry I didn't mean to knock that hard." Big Mac stayed quite waiting for a reason why she was knocking so early. Feeling awkward by the silence Sunset just continued to talk. "Applejack asked me to come down, do you know where she is?"

"In the Barn." Big Mac closed the door after that, he was a man of so few words.

Sunset head straight for the barn, pushing the doors open. "Applejack?" she called out into the dimly lit barn.

Applejack had just finished feeding the horse before turning to see Sunset behind her. "Hey there Sunset, Im glad ya could make it."

Sunsets walk into the barn getting out of the cold, it wasn't that much warmer in the barn but it was better then nothing. "Its no problem, did you need me to help you out with some farm work before the party?"

"Not exactly I need ya advice." Applejack took a seat on a bale of hay.

"What's up?" Sunset sat down next to her friend ready to listen.

"I feel bad asking you since you having just broke up with Anon in all, But im desperate." Applejack took a deep breath letting all her secrets tumble out. "I like Rarity and I don't know how to tell her. Im nothing like all those fancy boys she likes, but I just cant help it her generous nature and beauty has me head over a barrel for her. And I need help."

Sunset sat there for a while in silence as she was taking in what AJ had just told her, trying to think up a plan to help her. " Christmas is coming up soon and you could leave her gifts in her locker as mystery admirer."

"Oh that's good... But what if she notices my hand writing?" Applejack asks worried

"Type it out on the computer using the most fanciest font." Sunset replied quicker then ever.

"Wow Sunset ya really good at this. Is there anyone ah can set ya up with? I know you broke up a while ago but you don't deserve to be alone." Applejack said, smiling softly.

"Well now that you mention it." Sunset then leaned over, whispering into Applejacks ear all about her crush and who she wants to be with.

"Ah see what ah can do." The farm girl said with a wink. "Now we better head over to Sugar Cube Corner and help out with the decorations."

Sunset nodded at this before getting off they hay. "I hope we get there quick its cold and my hands are freezing."


Anon sat on the sofa playing on his console as Fluttershy was laying next to him, her head rest on his leg as she read a book to do with baby names. "What about Charming Wind for a boy?"

Anon took a moment to think about the name. "I don't know sounds a too silly and flowery."

This took Fluttershy back to the book once more. "How about Breezy Dusk if its a girl."

Anon's eyes open wide at the sound of the name. "That's quite beautiful." He admitted.

"I Thought so." Fluttershy smiles sweetly.

As nice as the moment was, it couldn't last, it wasn't long before there was a knock on the door making Anon sigh. "That'll be them." He turned off his games console before putting the pad on the table.

"What's the matter you don't sound happy?" Fluttershy asks as Anon gently helps her up.

"Its just I wished this wasn't made into a big thing, I would rather kept it small and between us. ya know?" Anon admitted, standing up as he stretched his arms and wings before transforming into his human form.

Fluttershy did the same and transformed back into her human form only this time she left the baby bump showing "I understand, but our friends needed to know and they're only being supportive. Its better then alternative of them hunting us down like monsters. To be honest we all knew pinkie was going to do this. So lets just get through today shall we. Tomorrow we can spend the day all alone, just us."

This made Anon smile. "Sounds perfect."

They made their way to the door finding Rarity waiting Patiently on the other side. "Hello Darling's I'm here to escort you to your first baby shower."

"First?!" Anon wasn't sure on having a second baby, this made Fluttershy frown. "Oh no not like that Flutterbat, l just mean I don't think I'm ready for a second baby just yet. I'm not eve sure how to look after the first one." He Explained making Fluttershy smile knowing he was up for the idea.

Anon locked the door behind them before they head out walking to Sugar Cube Corner. "Oh it will come to you darling natural fatherly instincts will kick in, but this does bring me to my next question. How will you deal with a baby and cope with school at the same time?" Rarity asks curious if they had a plan in place or if they were just winging it at this point .

"Well we was hoping Princess Twilight could help us out. Last time she was here we asked her it was okay to the baby in and out of the portal and she said it was fine and safe to do so we're kind of hoping the pony versions could help." Fluttershy answers as she holds Anon's hand while walked along.

"Well that sound like a fine idea darlings, it's sound as if you guy's have this covered and couldn't be happier for the both of you." Rarity smiles brightly.

It didn't take them long to reach Sugar Cube Corner, everyone else was waiting inside to start the party. It started off with a simple mingling and normal catch up before. Fluttershy sat down on the sofa as everyone gathered round to give gifts. "Who wants to go first?" Twilight asks.

"I will darling. Here, I hand made them my self." Rarity handed over to over two presents, one for each parent.

Fluttershy and Anon opened the gifts finding baby onesies, one pink and the other. They both hand stitched and crafted with the most love and care from the softest material they had ever felt. "Rarity this beautiful, I can't ever repay you." Suddenly Fluttershy began to cry as her hormones began to work in overtime.

"Oh flutters." Anon pulled out tissue from his trouser pocket, ever since she's been pregnant he's know to keep a pack of tissue on hand at all time. "Thank you Rarity, it means more then you could know."

"You are most welcome." Rarity smiles before move back to sit next to Applejack.

Gift after gift came forward. Applejack gave over a handed a home made crib, built by her and her little sister Applebloom. Rainbow gifted a Wonder Bolt blanket, Twilight gave a set children books and Pinkie made a bucket of Baby biscuits. The only one that was left was Sunset, she awkwardly made her way forward before crouching down in front of the couple. Fluttershy was drying her eyes from crying so much and this put a lot of Pressure on Sunset but she wasn't one to back down. With a quick clear of throat She was ready. "So I didn't know what to get or make after hearing everything that everyone else was getting. So I put a lot thought into it and, well... you'll see I hope you like it."

Sunset handed over a white and red box, Anon opened to find a weird starry blue cuddly bear inside. "This was my cuddle toy from when I was a foal in equestria. It's called an Ursa Minor and it the was the only thing I took with me from my past."

"We cant take this-" But before Anon could say anymore, Sunset spoke up.

"Please take it. You two are the kindest people we have ever known. Its time some kindness was given back to you both." Sunset said smiling warmly.

"We don't know what to say. Thank you." Anon could feel himself about to cry as the kindness from everyone was almost overwhelming.

"Group Hug!" Everyone joined in on the group hug and they had never felt strong as friends they felt as though they could take on anything the world had to throw at them.

Chapter Twenty-Four. Merry Christmas!

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Its Christmas day and it had been snowing now for two weeks now. Fluttershy was resting in bed nice warm bed as the pregnancy had been taking its toll on her. Anon was working hard away in the kitchen preparing Christmas dinner. Since Fluttershy couldn't move much, Anon said that this year he would put on a Christmas dinner for all his friends. Things started off fine as Anon started by preparing the turkey, but one thing led to another and it became too much even for a vampire as fast as him. Panicking, Anon picked up the phone, looking through his contacts over. He stopped as saw his mum's number. She knew all about cooking, what with all the meal she's made him. But if he invited his mum over, his sister would come too then he'd have to show her who he has become. Anon wasn't sure if he was ready yet to tell them who he was.

Anon continued on through his contacts and ended up calling Pinkie as he stirred the gravy, with his phone between his shoulder and ear. "Hey Pinkie!"

"Hi Anon, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" Pinkie loudly shouted down the phone.

Anon jumped at the loud noise spilling some grave down the back of him messing up bat wings while also scrunched up his nose as the loud shout hurt his ear, almost making him drop the gravy all together. "...Er. Merry Christmas to you too Pinkie."

"How's Christmas Dinner going?" Pinkie asks.

"Funny you should mention that I need your help? Please, im kind of lost." Anon begged.

"I Be in three." And with that Pinkie was gone and making her way over.

Pinkie quickly threw on some winter clothes and instantly ran out the bakery, dashing through the snow, making her way to Anon's home. For Anon it was less then a minute that he had just put down the phone, for there then to be a knock at the door. He opens the door, finding no one there, he stood there confused as he was just letting in the cold winter snow and air. With nothing else he could do, Anon closed the door and entered the kitchen finding Pinkie already hard at work, cutting potato's.

"How did you? I didn't even hear you?" Anon was just puzzled by the pink girl.

"Don't just stand there Anon! We have Christmas to prepare!!!" Pinkie pulled out her and put her play list of Christmas music.

Up stairs Fluttershy began to stir, feeling the little one kick and move about. "Ugh... fine, im up." Fluttershy sighed as she sat stretching her arms and wings before standing up to go down stairs where she could hear Christmas music, Playing. Rubbing her eyes whilst yawning she remembered it was Christmas Day and what Anon had offered to do. She made her way down stair seeing the Christmas lights and decorations lit up, it brought a slight smile to vampires face. Yawning, she entered the kitchen closed eyes as Slade's: Merry Christmas, played. "Merry Christmas!"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!" Pinkie exclaimed, drowning out Anon's Merry Christmas

Fluttershy's eyes shot wide up at the sound of her friend's voice. "AH, PINKIE!!!!" Fluttershy changed from her vampire clothes into her more normal human clothes, whilst still keeping the wings. "What are you doing here?" Fluttershy asks confused while still being a groggy from sleep.

"Anon need help cooking Christmas dinner, so he called me!" Pinkie smiles as explains everything.

"I see, well im gonna go sit down with Buddy and Molly." Fluttershy says before turning around to walk into the front room.

"Okay then Sweetie, Do you want me to bring you anything?" Anon calls out.

"COFFEE!" Fluttershy shouted back.

While Pinkie took the main lead in cooking, Anon made Fluttershy her coffee and took out to her placing it on the table in front of her. Anon made his way over to Fluttershy, kneeling in front of her looking up. "How are you doing?"

"Well the baby is being very rowdy, here feel." Fluttershy took Anon's hand and placed it on her stomach.

Anon felt the baby move and kick about. "We cant to meet you little one, Dad's here waiting for ya." Anon says smiling before giving the baby bump a kiss.

"I hope its sooner then later." Fluttershy smiles weakly.

Anon leans over giving Anon a kiss on the forehead. "Im so Proud of you. And your doing ever so well, just hanging in there. I love you."

Fluttershy couldn't help be filled with a warm glow from her boyfriends words. "I love you too." Fluttershy kissed Anon in tensely on the lips.

Anon got up off of his knees smiling brightly. "Alright im going to leave you to it, let you gather your strength." With that Anon returned to the kitchen to get back to cooking.


Over in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was sat down on her bed dressed in her nicest winter clothes, which meant she went clothes shopping with Sunset. And now Sunset was helping her prepare for what will hopefully be a lovely date between her and Rarity. Sunset was putting the final finishing touches to her hair, It had been cut short and now curled. It was a new look for Applejack but she pulling out all the stops, she was putting her out on line. Every change has been be with in who she was, if she didn't like it, she wouldn't of done it, the changes had to be true to her or wouldn't of been worth it. "That's it im down." Sunset said step back to admire her work. "Shall we have a look."

Applejack got up off of the bed and walked over to the mirror seeing her in her out fit for the first time. She had light brown corset and dark green skirt, her hair short and gently curled and light bit of make up. "What if she's disappointed when she see me. Ah don't know if ah can take that kind of rejection."

Sunset grabbed hold of both her hands looking her friend in eye. "Applejack, listen to me. You've already gotten this putting all those gifts and notes in her locker and you saw her reaction to it all. You have to go, you look stunning, Drop-dead gorgeous. You owe it to her and most importantly you owe it to your self."

"Ya right, ah have to do this!" With this new found confidence she walks over to the table in her room and places her Stetson on her head. Applejack heads down stairs putting on a scarf, warm coat and toastie snow boots before she opened the door feeling that icy cold winter wind hit her. "Wish mah luck."

"Go get her." Sunset winks while smirking.

Applejack headed towards the big oak tree in the middle of the forest. Her thought ran a muck as she tried to get a grip of her fears. She began by not even thinking about what she was going to do, but instead she focused on the nature around her. The
way the snow caked the trees and the loud sound of her boots stepping into the snow. She always thought the forest was at its most beautiful at this time of year, it didn't stop it from being so cold. Applejack shivered as the icy cold wide blasted through her. Suddenly she heard a crunch behind her, the farm girl turned around to find no one there, so she carried on to the oak tree feeling captious.

Little did she know, Sunset, Rainbow and Twilight were following behind her hiding behind tree's."Sunset are you sure that this is okay? " Twilight whispers.

"Yes we're just looking out for them, Its what good friends do. Isn't that right Rainbow?"" Sunsets whispers in reply getting Rainbow to agree with her.

"Yeah of course, this all because we're looking out for our friends and not because we're being nosey." Rainbow whispers, making Sunset facepalm.

"Well if its what good friends do." Twilight whispers in agreement as they quietly made their way forward.

Applejack had made it to the bottom of the hill, she could see Rarity a top of it waiting by the tree her heart raced as fear began to hold of her once more. It was do or don't time, her palms became sweaty and stomach was twisting and turning. The farm girl shook her head violently getting rid of horrid thoughts. She bit the bullet and made her way up the hill, being careful that she didn't fall down and hurt herself. The hill felt longer then it did last time she we walked up the hill but it wasn't long before she made the top. Rarity had her back to her, she didn't even know that Applejack was there. The farm girl cleared her throat before making her presence clear. "Howdy." her voice clearly nervous.

Rarity turned around surprise to see her friend standing there, her heart almost skipped a beat. "Applejack?"

"Hey Rares." Applejack greeted with small nervous smile as she walked forward, now only a step away from her.

"Oh I get it. Its a prank. Did Rainbow set this up, are the others are waiting in a bush or something. Come on out guy's, the prank is over." Rarity just couldn't believe that Applejack, the girl she's wanted more then anybody else, had set up this date.

Applejack felt her heart just snap, she thought it was a joke. Apart of her wanted to agree with Rarity and brush the whole thing under the rug. But she didn't get dressed for nothing Applejack thought as she look down at What she was wearing. This is go time hold nothing back. Applejack then leaned forward kissing Rarity intensely on the lips, her jaw tight closed as where her lips tight an.d afraid. Time felt as though it had stopped, she didn't know what was going to happen next. Was Rarity going out to shout at when the farm girl pulled away, was Rarity going to disowner her as a friend. Suddenly Applejack noticed something. "Was Rarity kiss me back."

The farm girl's heart began to flutter while she relaxed her jaw, lips and leaned more into the kiss. They had both never felt more happier then they had now. Applejack pulled smiling seeing Rarity to do the same. "Ah know im no Prince to sweep you off ya feet. But Ill be there for ya and do all ah can."

"Darling I don't need a Prince, you'll do just fine." Rarity replied while stroking Applejack's cheek.

"Ah love you Rares." The Farm girl said while blushing.

"I love you too Jackie." Rarity leaned in kissing her new found girlfriend once more.

Sunset, Rainbow and Twilight were all smiling as they watch their friends kiss and embrace each other. But before Sunset could say anything about leaving, Rainbow had made a snow ball and threw it at the couple hitting both in the face, mid kiss. "DASH!" Sunset and Twilight shouted in surprise, both stood shocked.

"You two should really do that in private." Rainbow said with a smirk.

"DASH! Do you know nothing of romance!" Rarity angrily shouted cross at the athlete.

"No, but I do know something about perfect timing." Rainbow smiles making Sunset giggle.

"Sunset! You followed me?!" The farm girl asks feeling hurt.

"Im sorry I got curious." Sunset shrugged.

"And you told them!?" Applejacks asks while pointing at Rainbow And Twilight.

"To be fair, they already knew you liked Rarity. It wasn't much of a Secret." Sunset smile's

"Enough talking." Rainbow picked up another snow ball throwing it at Applejack. She Stood there shocked from the snow ball. "What's the matter AJ not gonna fight back."

"Oh your on!" Applejack picked up snow throwing it back at Rainbow, thus began the snow ball fight.

Without noticing Rarity got hit in the arm by snowball. She looked over to see sunset had a massive grin on her face. "I maybe a lady, but that won't stop me."

The snow ball fight went on for a while, as snow was being thrown from all different angles, the group of friends smiled as they messed around. Twilight smiled as she sat on a long watching from a distance, she didn't feel as though she was a close enough friend to join in. But that was okay to the egghead, she enjoyed watching her friends mess around. The light outside started to dim and the cold started to get worse as it started to snow. Twilight started to shake and shiver in the cold wind. "Can we go to Anon's now im freezing." Everyone immediately stopped and looked at Twilight seeing how cold she was. Everyone was in agreement and dropped what snow they had and started to make their way to Anon's house. Sunset put an arm around Twilight, holding her close trying to keep her warm while they trudged through snow as light from the sky had completely faded by the time they reached Anon's house.

Rainbow knocked on the door to be let in by Pinkie Pie, much to the other surprise. She wore a massive smile on her face as well as a very dirty apron. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" Pinkie shouted as her friends entered the house almost deafening them.

"Merry um... Christmas Pinkie." Rainbow greeted back a bit taken back by her friend's loudness.

Pinkie shut the door behind her friends as they hung up all the clothes and took off their shoes. "Join Fluttershy in the front room, there's a fire on in there that should warm you up. Anon we'll work on making you all Hot Coco and dinner will be done shortly."

"Thanks Pinkie. That'll do just nicely." Applejack thanked the Pink girl.

Pinkie was just about done, when she remembered one more thing. "Congrats on finding each other Applejack and Rarity! Ill throw you a party soon." Pinkie shouted out from the kitchen.

Still in the hallway, Applejack look at Sunset bluntly. "Hey, don't look at me, I didn't tell her anything." Sunset replied honestly.

The five friends enter the front room finding it lit up the glow of the fire place and the Christmas tree in the corner. Underneath the tree were all the gifts that they had left behind yesterday for today. The room was filled with the smell of Christmas dinner and it smelt good. They found Fluttershy sat on the sofa her feet up on the stall relaxing with Anon's dog's sat around her almost as if they were guarding her. "Hey Flutters, how have you been." Rainbow asks as she sits next to her best friend.

"I've been better, im getting constant pain's and this little one doesn't want to rest." Fluttershy sighs while looking down at her baby bump.

"Could I have feel Darling?" Rarity asks politely.

"Oh, but I wanna feel." Rainbow whined.

"You can feel after." Rarity said as she placed her hand on Fluttershy's belly.

"I'd quite like to have a feel, if that's okay." Twilight asks quite shyly.

"Everyone can have a feel of the baby." Fluttershy says with a small smile.

Everyone got to place their hand on Fluttershy's Stomach feeling the baby move around. "Well he's quite the rambunctious little one. Your gonna have your hands full Fluttershy."

Flutters giggled at Rarity's comment. "Oh don't I know it. But I know I wont be alone, ill always know that Anon will be at my side, makes all of this pregnancy so much easier with his support."

"Well thank you for that glowing reference." Anon said smiling as he brought in a tray of Hot Chocolate, one for all of his friends including one for Fluttershy. He walked around the room allowing Everyone to grab a cup. He place Fluttershy's cup on the table before leaning in giving Fluttershy a kiss on the forehead. He stood back afterwards and to face his friends. "Dinner won't be long now. Were just finishing cooking some dishes here and there and then we just have to plate it up." Anon says.

"Well it all ready smells so good." Applejack Admitted.

"Thanks Applejack. it shouldn't be too long now." Anon said before leaving.

The group of friends began chat and laughing as they reminisced about the year before and all the up's and the downs. They shared jokes and stories, playing the different game like charades and Guess who, before sticking on some Christmas music and have a sing song. Soon Anon and Pinkie entered the front room again, but this time they were both dressed in Christmas jumpers while Anon still had his batwings showing. "Dinner is served." Anon said in his smoothest voice. He walked over helping Fluttershy before following their friends into his Dining room.

The Dining room table was filled with delicious food, the turkey looked amazing, it was wrapped in bacon and the potato's were golden crispy and everything you could think of filled the table. Anon carved the turkey and made sure everyone had a slice while everyone passed around the other dishes making sure everyone got what they wanted. Once everyone was happy and got what they wanted the room broke out into a chorus of noise everyone join in conversation or sometimes having a one on one with a friend next to them.

Anon looked down the table smiling but he could help as though something was missing, but then it hit him he stood up and left the dinning room without a word to anyone leaving his friends and Girlfriend quite confused. It wasn't until he came back that things made sense. "Christmas crackers." Anon handed one out to each of his friends, before taking his own place sitting down at the table. On the count of three everyone pulled a cracker and cheered, everyone found a party hat to wear around the table. After dinner was done Anon brought out the Christmas pudding and it was lit a flame with rum much to everyone's amazement. Each friend having piece of pudding with a nice drizzle of custard to go with it.

After dinner was consumed and everyone was happy they made their way into the front room where gathered to hand out presents. "Who wants to hand out their present first?"

"Well ah would like to hand out my gift to Rarity." Applejack answers, which earned her a chorus of ooo's and awe's making the farm girl blush. Applejack grabbed hold of a small flat rectangle present and handed over to Rarity. "Merry Christmas, I hope you like it."

Rarity opened the gift finding two plane tickets to prance, she was shocked beyond belief, she couldn't believe her eyes. "How?"

"Ah been saving my er, well saving's. I was hoping we could go together." Applejack said with small smile.

"Yes. A million time yes." Rarity leaned forward kissing her girlfriend.

Anon waited until everyone else handed out their gifts until he could get to his. "Well guess its my time." Anon pulled out small box from his pocket before getting down on one knee in front his Girlfriend. "Fluttershy will you marry me?"

Fluttershy was overwhelmed with feeling and was about answer until she felt something pop before feeling something wet. "Anon I think my water's just broke!"


Miles and miles away three Sirens hiked through a damp dark cave, they had been traveling deep into the cave for while. "This is literally the worst, how much longer?" Sonata whined.

"Ugh, your the worst Sonata!" Aria shot back at her sister.

"Both of you stop! Im trying to read the map directions, she gave us." Adagio looked intensely on map and smiled seeing they reached their destination. "We've reach the spot. Start digging." Sonata and Aria started digging with their shovels and they didn't stop digging until Adagio noticed something red and shiny. "Stop!" She mover the rest of the dirt with her hand and pulled out the Red Gem. She could feel the power coming off it. It was strong, stronger then she had ever felt before. Adagio looked at her sister with an evil smile. "Sisters, we're back!"

Chapter Twenty-Five. The Best Christmas ever.

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At Canterlot Hospital Anon sat next his Girlfriend who was holding his new born Son, after hours of waiting and agony. Being Vampires, would of given the hospital Staff a complete freak out, so Fluttershy gave Anon a Brief yet angry rundown of how to hypnotise the doctors and nurses into helping them. And now that he was born they soon had to make a quick get away, they just waiting for one more thing.

Anon lent over Fluttershy's shoulder, both completely in awe of their little baby boy. "He's so cute, I cant believe he's ours." The baby was a pale dark yellow similar to his mother, with his father's hair colour.

Fluttershy turned to face Anon, kissing him deeply while placing her hand on his cheek before pulling away smiling. "Well Believe it. This our little buddle of joy and we're gonna bring him up right."

Anon nodded and Smiles Fluttershy before look down at their son. It was at this moment he thought of the perfect name. "What about, Star Shine."

Fluttershy gave it some thought before smiling. "I love It! Our little Star Shine." Anon felt a slight bit of pride in naming their child. "Here!" Fluttershy gently and carefully handed Star over to Anon.

He carefully took his son into his arms, holding closely against his chest. He knew from that moment on his life was devoted to protecting and caring for his girlfriend and son which led him to another thought. "You know, you still didn't give me an answer." Anon says as he sat on the bed staring down at his future, smiling brightly.

Fluttershy Giggles lightly at Anon's statement. "I guess I haven't have I?"

Anon smiles knowing she was dragging this moment out for her own bit of fun. "Well Fluttershy... Will you marry me?"

She gently places her hand under Anon's chin to make him face her. "Yes, a million times over yes!" She pulled Anon in for deep kiss, but it was at that moment the hypnotised nurse entered the room with three blood packs. Anon handed Star back over, before getting up and walking over to the nurse. He took the blood packs off of her before staring at straight in the eye. "You Will forget us and you will make sure everyone else forgets us and wipe the security tapes." The nurse nodded before leaving the room to do exactly what Anon told her to do.

With everything cleared up Anon walked back over to his fiancé and baby. "Now, with that done, I know six girls who are very anxious to meet you. And I think its cruel to make them wait any longer." Fluttershy held Star close as they left via the window with their wings stretched wide so no one else in the hospital would see them leave, They Flew through the winter sky heading back home to where their friends were waiting for them.


Rainbow, Sunset, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack and Rarity sat around the fireplace in Anon's front room. They we're all worried, some more impatient then others. But neither the less, they were all worried for Fluttershy and the baby's safety. It had been three hours since they had last saw them, it was one of the most dramatic moments in their lives as Fluttershy was going through contractions teaching him to hypnotise the ambulances people into helping them. A hectic event, they never ever want to go through again. "How long is it going to take?!" Rainbow whines as stands up and begins to pace up and down.

"Dash, babies are just born in a matter of minutes. Its gonna take time!" Sunset replies honestly.

"I get that. But its been way too long. I don't like it!" Rainbow states making Sunset giggle.

"Well actually the average time it takes to give birth is about seventeen to about eighteen hours, give or take." Twilight says with a small smile, anytime she was able to educate someone always made her happy.

"EIGHTEEN HOURS!!!!!" Dash exclaims out of shock.

"Give or take." Twilight nods shyly feeling as though she upset her friend.

"That's way too long!" Rainbow exclaims, throwing her arm into the air.1

"If its gonna take that long then ah reckon we'd all should get some sleep." Applejack interjected as she stood up with Rarity

It was at this moment there was a knock at the door. "Who could that be this hour?!" Rarity asks surprised

"Ill go look, Its probably just more carol singers." Sunset got up off of the couch and walked out into the hall before opening the front door, revealing Anon and Fluttershy both dressed in their vampire clothes. "We thought you would be back later?" Sunset asks shocked at seeing the couple.

"Vampire births a lot quicker then you think." Fluttershy says before looking down at Star and smiling.

"Can we come in?" Anon asks as Sunset was blocking the door way.

"Oh of course, Sorry." She moved to the side while keeping the door open.

The couple walked on into the front room surprising all of their friends. "Everyone! I want you to meet my son, Star Shine." Anon announces as Fluttershy sits down on the sofa, holding her baby close.

Everyone quickly gathered round to see Star. "He so cute!" Rarity quietly squealed as to not wake up the sleeping baby.

Pinkie on the other hand wasn't as quite as Rarity. "OH MY GOSH, I GOT SO MANY PARTIES TO PLANNNNN!!!!!!!" Pinkies loud shouting caused Star to wake up screaming and crying. Everyone give pinkie unimpressed look making her frowned and back away to the back of the group. "Sorry."

Fluttershy's calm and soothing motherly tone as she gently rocked Star was enough to send him back to sleep before both Anon and Fluttershy gave Star a kiss on the forehead. Applejack smiled as she watched both Fluttershy and Anon take good care of Star she could clearly see how good parents they we're going to be. After that fiasco Anon let each friend take a quick look at Star, as Fluttershy was getting tired and wanted to rest. When everyone had their look at Star, Anon walked everyone back home through the heavy snow. He took them back in order starting with Sunset and ending on Applejack. At Sweet Apple Acres He was about to fly back home, Until Applejack called him back. "What's up?"

"Ah just wanted to say, Seeing how attentive you n' Fluttershy are with Star. Ah think you gonna make great parents!" Applejack said before entering her house.

That left a massive smile on Anon face making him feel a top of the world on top of the world. He flew home excited to see his fiancé and Son, But as soon as he got home Anon found Fluttershy fast asleep with Star wrapped up in her wings. even though there was no need Anon still felt the urge and left a Blanket over Fluttershy. He went into the kitchen put the packets of blood away in the fridge before making himself a cup of tea and sitting at the bottom of Fluttershy feet. He sat on the sofa in the glow of the Christmas lights as he took this moment to think about how far he has come and just made him think about what else he had to come. He sipped on the tea as he looked over to the tree seeing there was one last present under the tree. Anon left his cup on the table and made his way over to the present. He picked up the gift and read the tag, seeing it was for him from Fluttershy. He tore of the wrapping paper to find the video game he had been after for so long. Anon turned on the tv and console and made sure he put on his head set so he didn't wake up Flutters or Star. This had been the best Christmas he had ever had and he couldn't wait to see what the new year had instore for him.

Chapter Twenty-Six. New Year, New Problems.

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From Christmas onwards Fluttershy had decided on leave school and moving out of her house and into Anon's, it aloud her to put all her focus raising Star and kept them together as family. Whilst Anon got to work on turning the spare bedroom into nursery for little Star. He got in all the essentials like a changing table, a ton of nappies and stuff to clean Star with. He also when and got all sorts of toys and books for him. Anon spent two days decorating the room in a calm blue with Star's name painted on the wall as well as carved into the door. This was whole new chapter in their lives and it wasn't something Anon was going to take lightly. On new years Eve, Fluttershy and Anon left Star at home with Cakes. They made sure Star looked as normal as ever as they used safe magic on him, turning his skin warm. They went out to the fireworks display to celebrate with their friends and welcome in the new year.

Afterwards they got a few days at home as family before Anon had to go back to Canterlot High. "Are you sure, you want to do this?" Anon asks as stood in the door way a bit hesitant on leaving.

Fluttershy walked over while carrying Star Tightly in her arms. "Im sure, he needs to be brought up by his own Mum and Dad. Not someone else. And besides this gives me time to plan out the wedding."

"Okay, if your sure." Anon leaned in giving Fluttershy a kiss on the lips before giving Star kiss on the forehead. "Ill see you, after school."

"See you later." Fluttershy smiles as waved him off as he got into his car and drove down the street before getting so far away that she entered the house and closed the door.

Fluttershy layed Star in his cot sleeping soundly before, heading down stairs to start preparing for the wedding. As she entered the front room two figures appear out of nowhere dressed in dark red robes, their hoods were up and inside their hood was just pitch black. Fluttershy couldn't see their face's and no one ever has. No one was even sure that they had a face or not and no one dared ask. "No, not now, we're happy! He doesn't need to learn about my past, not yet!" Fluttershy said her voice clearly panicked.

"Your father request's them both now." One of the hood figures says their voice indescribable sounding neither like a man or a woman. It was unsettling to someone who was wasn't use to it, and Fluttershy was all too use to it.

"Fine. But come back much later he isn't here right now and wont be for some time, and my son isn't going anywhere without his father." Fluttershy's tone was harsh and serious.

"We shall return." With that they disappeared leaving Fluttershy worried and angry.


Anon he parked up out the front of Canterlot high where he met up Pinkie Pie, he got out of the car and greeted with one pinkie's massive hug's. "Hi Anon."

"Hey Pinkie." Anon greeted back hugging Pinkie.

"So Flutters, is really going through with this?" Pinkie asks as she pull's away from the hug.

"Yep, she wants to stay home with Star so we have to do this." With that Anon and pinkie started walking into Canterlot High.

"Im gonna miss Fluttershy." Pinkie sadly mopped.

"Well you can always come with me after school to come visit her and the baby." Anon said making Pinkie smile excitedly.

"Really?!"Pinkie asks excitedly, looking as though she ready to bounce all of the school, three times over.

"Of course, but only if you do two things for me." Anon said with stern face.

"NAME IT!" Pinkie shouted like an excited child.

"Well for one you have to calm down when you go to see Fluttershy and Star, I don't want you scaring him again." Anon said with a very parental tone.

"Ill be on my best behaviour I promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She promised while doing the movements that came with it.

"Good and the second is go do your part of the deal." Anon said with a slight nod of his head.

"Yes sir." The party girl saluted before running off, while Anon waited for her return outside Principle Celestia's office. It wasn't long before Pinkie came back with Vice Principle Luna.

"Anon is everything okay, Pinkie said you were in trouble?" Luna asks with worry in her voice.

"Im fine but I need to talk to you and Principle Celestia about Fluttershy." Anon replies trying to sound as scared as possible.

"Very well, we shall talk inside." Anon followed his teacher inside as Pinkie waited outside. While Anon mind wiped his teacher with the eye stare pinkie pulled out note book and tried to think off new and exciting cake recipes.

After a couple of minutes Anon left the office on his own to be greeted by his pink friend. "So is that it?" Pinkie asks with a wide smile.

"No we have erase her from School entirely." Anon pulls out a list that Fluttershy gave him this morning. it was a list of all her teachers that she was taught by. "Come on." And one by one Anon and Pinkie went from teacher to teacher erase Fluttershy from each of them as though she never existed. And Luckily Fluttershy acted shy and blended into the background so no one was going to notice she was absent from school. And by the time it was all over It was time Lesson, but as school continued like nothing happened, Anon couldn't help but think about how weird it was to be in school when Fluttershy wasn't there with him. It was weird to think he had a family waiting for him to come. School felt so pointless after everything that's happened.

At lunch Anon met up with the Girls of course they all asked how Fluttershy and Star were doing. There wasn't much to say of course except that they were well and happy. After that conversation carried on as normal But afterwards they continued with band practice and until now he never noticed how much he would miss his fiancé Triangle playing. It was odd, through out the day Anon just felt as though things weren't the same. He had never felt so much relief when heard the school bell signalling the end of the day. Pinkie joined Anon in the car as he drove off excited to spend the rest of his day at home.

"I cant wait to go see Fluttershy and Star! IM SO EXCITED!!!" Pinkie excitedly giggles as if she child on her way to the Fun Fair.

"Look Pinkie I know your excited but remember what we agreed on, you need stay calm around star he's only young and your loud um..... Personality can be a bit much for him. So please stay calm." Anon begged.

"I will I promise." Pinkie answers nodding.

Anon soon pulled the car up to the house, Pinkie was first out of the car already waiting for Anon to open the door. Anon got out of the car and opened the front door to find Fluttershy already waiting for him on the first steps of the stairs. "honey are you okay?" Fluttershy's worry went off the charts seeing Pinkie was here. She walked past Anon Giving Pinkie hug before forcing her out of the house. "Fluttershy?!" Pinkie called sad tone to her voice.

"Im sorry Pinkie you cant be here right now." With that Fluttershy shut the door on her friend.

"Flutters what did you do that for? She just missed you and wanted to see you." Anon was very weirded out by her behaviour.

"I know and I will make it up to her, but she cant be here now." Fluttershy says before giving Anon a hug. "My Dad contacted me, he sent enforcers. You and Star have to be confirmed vampires, which means you have to go with the enforcers to citadel of the vampires!"

"Don't worry Everything will be fine." Anon reassured as he held her tightly. "Ill look after Star, I wont let him out of my sight."

"I know you will." Fluttershy muttered into Anon's chest.

"Anything I should know about your Dad? Any pointers?" Anon asks trying to prepare for the best outcome ahead.

"Just know that he's going to undermined you and think that your not good enough for me. That includes Star! He will try to dispose of Star, thinking that my life would be by living in the citadel then with you two... Just don't trust him. No matter what and let him near star."

"That's awful, why would he try to harm a baby?" Anon asks disgusted by the news of Fluttershy father.

"In the traditions of vampires if the father believes what he is doing is right then he is every right. Even if that means kill their daughters child, or lover." Fluttershy admits with a sad sigh.

"Wait, WHAT?!" This left Anon with so many more questions.

Fluttershy was about to reply when at that moment The Enforcers from earlier had reappeared. "Its time. They must come with us." Anon turned around to see the dark red robed, hooded figures, They were Unsettling and gave anon the most uneasy feeling. "Ill go get Star." Fluttershy said, before leaving Anon to stare judgingly at the Enforcers, until she returned holding star and something else. "Here you go, put this on." Fluttershy said while handing Anon something weird over.

"What is it?" Anon asks he strapped it to the front of him.

"Its a sling for you to keep Star on you at all times." Fluttershy answers before placing star gently in and making sure he's tightly secured. "Be good for daddy now okay he's gong to keep you safe, Mummy loves you and she'll see you back here soon." She gave star a gentle kiss top of he's head trying to hold back the tears.

"Its okay were gonna be fine, I promise." Anon said with a reassuring smile.

"I know and I love you." Fluttershy said before leaning in to give Anon a loving kiss.

"I love you too" Anon replied before heading over to the Enforce stand between them. Fluttershy gave them a little wave and that was it the were gone, heading to the city of vampires.

Chapter Twenty-Seven. The City of Vampires.

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Sunset took a deep breath as she locked the door to her home, trying calm the nerves racing through body. Today was the day she wanted to do something about her loneliness. The house was so silent that it was loud, the quietness and loneliness was getting to her and there was only one person she was missing. They flooded her mind to point it hurt. And there was only one farm girl that could help her get what she needed. With her thought's clear in her mind Sunset set out to visit Sweet Apple Acres. Sunset made sure that she walked through the area that she was most likely not to be seen by anyone she knew. There was one goal in her mind and she wanted nothing to get in her way. But when she eventually got to Sweet Apple Acres her nerves came flooding back and her mind began to speak up, spouting all her fears and worries that she had been doing so well at fighting on the way here. But now that she was faced with the farm and all what she was about to do overwhelmed her and second thoughts kicked in. But in retaliation Sunset shook her head violently removing all the nasty thoughts and gaining her confidence back as she strolled up to the house, knocking on the door.

It wasn't long before the door opened revealing Applebloom, "Oh hi, is Applejack here?"

"She's in her bedroom packing for next week's trip." Applebloom answers as she moves to the side opening the door fully for Sunset to come in. "It's the second door on the left."

"Thanks." Sunset gave Applebloom a quick nod before heading up stairs and knocking on Applejacks bedroom door.

"For goodness sakes Rarity I told you im-" Applejack stop talking soon as she opened the door finding Sunset instead of Rarity. "Oh Sunset it's you."

"Hi, can I come in?" Sunset asks her voice sounding uneasy.

"Of course Sugarcube, come in." Applejack let Sunset in before closing the door behind them both. "Sorry about that ah thought you were Rarity, I love the girl but she's driving me crazy, she's been constantly on at me about packing for the trip next week. I mean, ah know that she's excited but she needs to calm down. we've got a while yet." As soon as AJ looked at Sunset face, she knew that she had something important to say. "Im sorry, Im just rambling, So what's up?"

"How do you go about asking Rainbow out?"


Rarity had just finishing packing almost half her of her room into the many suit cases and bag's that she owned. While sat on her on her bed the fashion ester felt pretty pleased with all the packing she had done. Rarity looked over to her clock she saw it was still early and she decided to continue work on the latest coat that she was working on for a latest school project. Rarity was about to concentrate on very intricate bit of sawing when sweetie belle burst into the slamming the door open. "Sis there someone at the front door for you."

"SWEETIE BELLE!!! How many times do I have to tell you, Knock before you enter!" Rarity shouted at her younger sister.

"Sorry, jeez just letting you know there someone down stairs." Sweetie left in huff going back to her room.

"Thank you sweetie." Rarity sighed before getting up and heading down stairs. "Im sorry for keeping you waiting what can I-" Rarity stop speaking as she laid eyes on Flash Sentry standing in the middle of her front room.

"Hey Rarity." Flash greeted awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his head whilst looking at the floor appearing to not be able to make eye contact with her.

"You have some nerve coming here. Im not making you anything if that's what you've come." Rarity replied crossing her arms.

"I want forgiveness?" Flash asks as he finally looked at Rarity in the eyes.


Anon opened his eyes and his safe and secure home was gone Replace with dark grey skies, heavy rain and huge winds and a sea behind him that stretched out as far as the eye could see. They gate with two guards guarding a long bridge that led to a huge city and a massive Victorian style castle placed dead centre of the city. It looked bigger then any normal castle, it stood taller then anything he had seen before. Anon walked over to the cliffs edge and looked out to the sea and the city his leather coat flapped and fluttered in the wind. "Well we're definitely not in Canterlot anymore, eh Star." Anon said as he look down at his son, he started crying making Anon Pick him up cuddling him gentle. "Shhh, It's gonna be okay, im gonna look after you. Grandad isn't coming anywhere near you." Anon planted a kiss on Star's forehead, this seemed to calm him as if he understood what he's dad just said.

"Come, We must not delay." One of the Enforcers said as they wait at the now opened gate.

Anon Placed Star in the sling and followed behind the Enforcers as they crossed the bridge. Knowing that the only thing under the bridge was water it would of scared the old Anon, it would of terrified him to the core. But Anon's thoughts were fixed on Fluttershys dad he felt a lot of stress and pressure, He just hoped he could get what ever he needed to do over and done with. At the other end of the bridge was a Victorian looking horse and carriage, Anon reluctantly got in with the Enforcers they sat across from Anon as they entered the city. Anon looked out the window and everywhere he looked he saw something different. As they made their way through he found their where whole different blocks of buildings of different time zone. some roman looking, others more modern and some Victorian and that was only couple that he saw. It wasn't just the buildings but the vampires who lived their too. He so many vampire dressed in different eared clothing and from all over the world, it was quite a sight to behold.

"We are here." The carriage stopped on very busy street, Anon left the carriage following the Enforcers seeing many vampires dress In different types of suits from different era's going in and out of the castle. The castle's entrance was replace three doors two automatic either side a revolving door, Instead of big heavy wooden door that you would expect to see.

"Here we go I guess." Anon entered the castle not far behind the Enforcers. As he walked up the stairs he found a massive black gothic looking room. It was a wide open space with cloth poster's of what he assumed was leader hanging on the walls. Multiple stairs led upwards to many other rooms, almost like spider web if you looked up. A huge stone statue of the leader had him stood on top of a pile of what looked to be normal people, he was posed victorious holding a strange object in his hand. looking at the statue gave Anon a bad feeling in his gut. Many vampires busy heading to their job's or wherever it was they were needed. This wasn't what he expected when he saw the castle, but to be honest, he didn't know what he expected. Anon followed the enforcers to the main desk across the stone cold foyer. The desk was in front of a large stone tablet, telling of some sort of fight that had happened. Who it was between Anon couldn't tell, but what he could understand was that it was a bloody fight with many a lives lost in the process.

"Is he busy?" One of the Enforcers asks.

"He expects you on bottom floor five." The receptionist replies.

Both of the Enforcers bow before Anon follows them to an elevator behind the stone tablet wall. As the elevator went down, Star began to start crying, loudly. "Hey baby boy, what's wrong?" Anon took him out of his sling and held him closely. "Everything is gonna be okay." Anon gently rocked him back and forth singing a little lullaby softly into his ear. This seemed to work as Star began to fall back to sleep in the comfort of his fathers arms. Anon placed him carefully back into the Sling. but now Anon was starting to worry, feeling little pit in his stomach that made him want to vomit if he could. The elevator stopped moving and the doors opened causing Anon to swallow a lump in his throat. All you could see was a dark black corridor leading to lightly lit room ahead. "Your... stop..." On of the Enforcers spoke

Anon clenched his fist calming his nerves as he walked forward and just after a few steps, the Enforcers left in the elevator leaving Anon on his own. Not knowing what else to do he walked forward towards the lightly lit room. As his eye's adjusted to the light, Anon was shock to see distraught female vampire tie down to a chair. "PLEASE DO IT! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!" She Screamed as tears streamed down. A massive looking gun lowered from the celling. It looked like it was made from bits of metal junk with a bright red jewel attached to the back of it. The jewel looked as thought it was pulse sating. Before Anon could even work out what was happening the gun started to glow red as if it was about to explode. But it suddenly shot out a red beam hitting the vampire straight in the forehead and stopped soon after. She smiled as she closed her eye and her head fell forward. Anon was Shocked he wasn't sure what just happened, was she dead, unconscious? He didn't know but watched as the floor opened up and she was lowered away at the same time the gun was lifted back up.

It was silent for a minute Before hearing a loud booming voice. "ENTER!"

Anon look down at Star, giving him a kiss a top of his head. "Here we go." As he entered the room a door came down shutting him in. Anon walked into the centre of the room. He couldn't see anything as the lights shined down from where the vampires sat. He could hear the sound of faint laughter leaving Anon more confused then anything. "

I demand you leave us." Anon heard the same voice say before hearing about four sets foot steps get up and leave.

Suddenly with immense speed a vampire dressed in a sharp dark black Victorian suit stood in front of him, tightly griping a cane leaning forward smiling . Anon knew it was leader, he recognised him off the poster and statue. Anon couldn't help but feel afraid, if he had a heart it would of been beating fast. "Its so good to finally meet you. Im Fluttershy's father." Anon stood their shocked.


Unsure of what to do now that Anon and Star was at the citadel, Fluttershy just didn't want to just sit around worry. She felt bad for pushing pinkie away so she got up off of the sofa and transformed into her human form before headed out to Sugarcube Corner. When she got there, Fluttershy found a very sad looking Pinkie talking to Rainbow and Twilight at the usual spot in the café. "Hi Pinkie." Pinkie looked up to see Fluttershy smiling gently down at her.

"Im sorry for scaring star the first time at met him I promise I will be better next time I promised Anon he can tell you go on ask cos I." Fluttershy had stop the pink girl before she exploded. She forced Pinkie to take a deep breath before she spoke to the hyperactive girl.

"That isn't why I pushed you out of the house." Fluttershy explained.

"It isn't?" Pinkie began to perk up smiling brightly.

"No." Fluttershy frowned before explaining everything that happened.

Rainbow, Twilight and Pinkie were left surprised. "That must be tough knowing you can't be there to help them." Twilight sympathised.

"That isn't the hardest part." Fluttershy sighed.

It was at this moment Rarity walked in with Flash Sentry, much to the group's shock and confusion. Seeing the others sitting in the corner of café caused Rarity to drag Flash over. "What is he doing here, Rarity?" Rainbow asks, glaring at Flash.

"He want's forgiveness." Rarity replied as she sat him down next to Fluttershy and Pinkie, before sitting next to Twilight and Rainbow.

"And what makes you think we should give it to him?" The sporty girl huffed.

"Just hear him out?" Rarity sighed be gesturing a hand to Flash letting him speak.

"Thank you Rarity, Look I know I haven't been the best-" Flash was immediately cut of by Rainbow.

"That's putting it mildly, you kicked Anon out of his own band! Humiliated Sunset at the Halloween party and then you tried to get Anon back just to beat us in the battle of band's! That's only half of it!" Rainbow replied annoyed.

Flash's head fell into his hands "Your right and im sorry, I was a terrible person and all I want to do is make up for what I've down. All I'm asking is that you give me a chance?" The blue haired guitarist pleaded.

Rainbow was still unconvinced and so was Fluttershy. "I say we give him a chance." Pinkie said braking the silence.

"What?!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"We gave Sunset and Twilight a second chance to prove them selves, I say give him the same chances." Pinkie suggested.

"I agree." Twilight chimed in.

"And so do I." Rarity added with smile.

Flash looked up smiling at Pinkie, Twilight and Rarity. While Rainbow looked stunned at the easy of them giving Flash their trust. "What about you Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked hoping for a sane voice.

"I can't trust you Flash or even give you the chance, not with what you did to Anon, Im sorry." Fluttershy replied making Rainbow sigh out of relief, hearing a sane point of view.

"I don't think Sunset or Applejack are give you a chance either." Rainbow said as she crosses her arms and leant back.

"Well, why don't we ask them?" Pinkie asks pointing over at the enter trance. Everyone turned to see Sunset and Applejack had just entered Sugarcube Corner.


Anon just stood there frozen, unsure of what to do as Fluttershy's dad circled him, looking him up and down. He occasionally went to look at Star and Anon wasn't having it as he shilled his son away from him each time. He walked in front of Anon placing his hand on Anon's shoulder looking him in the eye's "It is so good to finally meet you my son."

"How do you know of me?" Anon asks his voice stern giving him a look of disgust.

"Ah Fluttershy told you to beware of me didn't she?" He asked a sort of smirk appeared on his face. "Please come with me, I need to show you something." Anon reluctantly followed him into the elevator all the way up to the top floor. There was a small corridor leading to one door and nothing else. As they made their way to the wooden black door Anon noticed a black and silver name plate on the door, "Fangedshy." Fangedshy threw the door open with his cane revealing a large office more colourful then the rest of the castle. The wood that room was made of out of was light brown, his desk was a tacky gold with a Gold throne that had a deep red cushioned back and seat.

Fangedshy threw his cape perfectly on to the hat stand before sitting down at his desk. A large painting sat on the wall behind Fangedshy, it was of an old decrypted man dressed in red and black clothes. Anon could only assume that it was the previous leader and most likely Fangedshy's father. He doubted that they held elections here, it was more likely a family thing given to each generation "Please, sit." Fangedshy said pointing to the chairs in front his desk.

Anon did as he was told, while making sure he didn't wake Star up as carefully sat down. "What do you want to show mem Fangedshy?" Anon asks wanting to get straight to the point.

"First of all you must be feeling weak." he pulled out glass Chrystal decanter filled with and blood and two glasses. "And, Please... call me dad." Fanged shy asked as he poured out a glass for Anon, before sliding it over.

Anon was anxious about drinking it but he was beginning to feel week, it had been a while before his last feed. Anon grasped the glass chugging the blood savouring the deep rich tasted. "I'd rather not." Anon slid the glass back over.

"Look im not the big bad that she told you about and She's no saint herself." Fangedshy said before getting a remote out of the draw.

"Your a liar." Anon wasn't having any of what he was saying.

"See for your self." Fangedshy press a button on the remote causing the shelves to move apart and the projector to come down from the celling. Anon turn around to see a black and white projection of a familiar pink haired girl. "Is that?"

"Yes that's Fluttershy when she was little girl on the night of her first human hunt." Anon watched as a young Fluttershy tore into innocent man on his way somewhere.

As he watched shocked something didn't feel right until he noticed the clothing and the buildings. "What year is this?"

"Well that must of took place in the 18th century, I think it was 1833, novemberish." Fangedshy said looking back.

"She, she told me when we met that, that it was just a year ago when she tried help our friend applejack get rid of bats and accidently got bit by one." Anon trailed off as he got lost in thought, everything she told him in the beginning was a complete lie.

He was brought out of thought by Fangedshy's loud laughter. "My boy did you not notice her clothes? When vampire is born, they're vampire clothes come from the era they were born in. But vampires like you get the clothes from whom ever bit you mixed with a piece of clothing from your time. Which explains your modern looking long leather coat."

Anon felt like such a fool, he believed in her lies. He believed in her! It felt as the whole world had been lying to him. Anon turned to face Fangedshy as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "What do you what from me." his tone of voice still strong.

Fangedshy got up and walked over to Anon placing his hand on Anon's shoulder "first of all I want to show you the truth of the lie you were living and to tell you there's a way out if you ever wanted it."

"What way out?" Anon asks a little hopeful.

Fangedshy smiled at the question. "You see living for ever isn't for everyone, it takes a mental toll on the body and brain. What you walked in on earlier wasn't a murder it was a mercy. Attached to the gun was a jewel called The Devils Beckon. It has the power to turn any vampire back into the human they once was, but it will also erase their mind's of their time being a vampire. If you ever tire of the life of a vampire then you need is to call my name aloud with strong meaning and ill teleport you here, not matter where you are."

"Is this all you wanted from me?" Anon questioned confused.

"No I need you to tell Fluttershy something from me." Fangedshy said before sitting back at his desk. "She won't listen to me anymore."

"What is it?" Anon asks unsure of what he was going to say.

"Tell her The Hunter's and their attacks are getting worse. As another group of vampires have been killed in the south. I grow weary and tired and she'll need to take my place soon." Fangedshy said with a sigh.

"I'll tell her but doubt she'll be thrilled." Anon responded.

"Maybe you could convince her?" Fangedshy asks.

"I don't even know where I am with her now." Anon said as he looked down at Star still asleep.

"I understand. I'll take you home now." Suddenly The Enforcers were either side of Anon. "It was very pleasant to meet you Anon and im sure you will make the right decision." Fangedshy smiled warmly

Suddenly Anon was back in Fluttershy front room where he had left before he had to talk to Fluttershy. Before he left Anon placed Star in his crib and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "I don't know what's going to happen between your mother and me but I promise you that I loved you very much." With that Anon changed back into his human form and left house, he remembered that Fluttershy treated Pinkie bad and decided to check Sugarcube Corner.

Anon walked into the Café and much to his shock they were all sat round talking to Flash Sentry. He soon locked eyes with Fluttershy and quickly leftwards, he could do it he just felt so much anger and pain. But as he was about to leave he heard Fluttershy call out. "ANON!"

Anon stopped dead in his tracks not even bothering to turn around and face him. "Im sorry."

"Sorry." Anon turned around to face her. "You lied and manipulated me. told me things that weren't true I changed myself for you, IT WAS ALL BASED ON A LIE!!!" Anon shouted.

"Don't say that im sorry I never meant for this." Fluttershy responded as tears fell from her eyes

"What for me to not to find out, well I have. Im staying at mine and I don't want see you for a long while." Anon was about to leave but remembered What Fangedshy said. "I forgot to say daddy dearest wants me to tell you he wants you in charge and the hunter attacks are getting worse." With that Anon left Fluttershy sitting on sidewalk crying her eyes out as she watched Anon walk away.

Later that Night.

Flash followed the a new set of text to the Canterlot docks where he met up with Anita Blake she was dressed in a big coat hiding who she was. They sat down at the benches over looking the ships on the sea. "So how did it go?" She asks.

"It well with most of them willing to give me a second chance." Flash said neither of them looking at each other.

"That's good now all you have to do is make them believe you have changed. That means hanging with them smiling and being all friendly with them, do you think you'll be okay with that?" Anita asks

"It wont be a problem." Flash answers.

"Good remember if you succeed you'll be right where you'll want to be to have that revenge. And our plans move forward but it all relies on you." she tells him her voice very serious.

"I understand, I wont let you down I promise." Flash retorted.

"Good boy, now go and make friends." Anita said dismissing him.

Flash got up and left to follow out his orders.

Chapter Twenty-Eight. A Break Away.

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The Next day Anon had cleared out all of his stuff from Fluttershy house and moved it back into his house, they weren't broken up but they were taking a break away from each other. He need the time to think about how he felt and what he wanted. Before he left the house Anon spent some time with Star, he was unsure when he would see his son next and wanted make the most of the time he could have. He placed his stuff into cardboard boxes before putting the boxes into his car and driving off. The further he drove away the more it hurt, but he knew he couldn't be with someone who lied and manipulated him. He changed himself for her, he gave up everything for her. The Silence was becoming violent as he wiped the tears away with his sleeve before turning on the radio not wanting to think anymore.

He pulled up to his house finding Rainbow standing at his front door with her arms crossed and angry expression across her face. Anon got out of his car and got his boxes out of the boot before heading his inside being happily greeted by Buddy and Molly. Rainbow followed in behind, neither one of them had said anything yet. As soon as Anon put the boxes down, Rainbow snapped and grabbed Anon by his shirt and pushed him against the wall. Anon didn't do anything, he just let it happen. "I found Fluttershy yesterday crying on the streets outside Sugarcube Corner, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Rainbow asks shouting at his face until he began to cry much to Rainbow surprise causing her to let go.

Anon slumped to the floor. "She lied to me." he sobbed.

Rainbow felt enormous amounts of guilt fill her, she felt so bad for acting so hot headed. She reached down and picked him up for him to be able stand up on his own. "Come on." She led him into the front room and sat him down on the sofa as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Now tell me, what happened?"

Anon began to explain everything that happened yesterday from his trip to the Citadel of the vampires to when he came back. Rainbow was shocked to hear what Fluttershy had done, she felt ashamed to of stood up for her as long as she has. All of those times when she got bullied and Rainbow stepped in and took the beating's instead, those memories gave her a whole new sense of pain. "I-I-I don't know what to say."

"There isn't much you can say." Anon said as he sat on the sofa, hugging a pillow while Buddy rested his head on Anon's lap.

"Do you know what you're going to do?" Rainbow asks cagily.

"Fluttershy's dad offered me a way out, a chance to turn me back to human... But I will lose all my memorise of my time with Fluttershy, and forget that I even have a son. But maybe that's best, he doesn't need a Dad like me " Anon said with that far away look in his eyes.

"Well, whatever you decide, im here for you and ill try to help I can in anyway I can." Rainbow went over to Anon and gave him a massive hug being careful not to catch Buddy . "Let me start by helping you unpack those boxes, you shouldn't be alone not now." She got up and held her hand out to Anon with a massive smile across her face. Anon couldn't help but look at her and smile he took her hand and got up off of the sofa and got to work unpacking the boxes.

As they unpacked the boxes there was one thing Anon had yet not asked. "Rainbow?"


"Why was Flash sitting down with you girls at the café." Anon asks worried about the response.

"Rarity brought him, she said about how he wanted forgiveness, Everyone was willing to give him a chance even Sunset but I couldn't there was something about him that I did like. Not to mention all the thing's he's done to you and Sunset, I just wasn't having it." Rainbow explained.

"Great flash hanging around us, that's all I needed." Anon said sarcastically.

"Hey we've got the camp everfree trip next week to look forward to." Rainbow reminded.

"That is a definitely needed getaway." Anon smiled

"You said it." Rainbow smiled.

For the rest of the week Anon spent his time with Rainbow as they went to school together, hanged out during breaks with the girls and spent every day after school hanging out at Anon playing video games and taking Buddy and Molly out for walks. Dash did as she promised she stayed by his whenever she could to keep him company through this rough time. But during the night when Rainbow had left and Anon was all alone his thoughts flooded back to Fluttershy and his problems. Whenever Anon thought he had his thoughts in order and thought he knew what he wanted some other thought that he had forgotten would come tumbling in pushing Anon back to square one again.

Anon woke up to sound of his phone going nut's. With his still buried into the pillow Anon searched for his phone blindly until he felt the familiar cold rectangle. Anon lifted his head a bit allowing his right eye to see. He had six missed texts each one from his friends telling him he's going to get up or he was going to be late. Then it suddenly hit him today is the day of the Everfree camp trip. He turn to the clock seeing he only had half an With his vampire speed Anon was washed, dressed and a had a bag ready of all that he need during this trip. He rushed down stairs and out of the door into his car and drove off to catch the bus at Canterlot High. Much to his dismay Anon sent a text to Fluttershy asking her to look after Buddy and Molly. He got a reply almost immediately.

Sure I'd be happy to. Have fun

Anon didn't really want to call on Fluttershy but he had no other choice it was short notice and there was no one else he could call on. He Arrived at school just in time and lunched out of his car and ran to the bus. Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna were waiting outside the bus "You just made it Anon." Celestia said with a small smile.

"ANON!" Pinkie and Rainbow shouted calling you over making him smile.

"I Saved you a seat." Rainbow removed his bag so that Anon could sit down next to her. As soon as Anon sat down the bus took off heading to Camp Everfree.

"Woke up late ah see." Applejack smirked.

Anon gave a sheepish smirk. "I forgot to set my alarm."

"Well you'll get plenty of sleep on the bus ride." Rainbow said with a yawn.

"Quite its going to be along journey." Rarity added.

Rainbow kept her self entertained as she read the latest Daring Do book, Rarity and chat amongst themselves and Pinkie was being Pinkie while Twilight slept. Anon Just stared out the window as his thoughts turned to Fluttershy and Star as he looked out the window, watching the world go by. He was about to get his head phones out when Sunset lent over Anon's chair to talk to him. "Hey."

"Hey." Anon repeated back surprised to see Sunset talking to him. They hadn't really spoken much to each other since they broken up.

"How's it going with Fluttershy?" Sunset asks with a sad smile.

"Not great but I think I know what I want to do." Anon answered with a slight nod.

"Well im sure you'll make the right decisions." Sunset smiled.

"I hope so." Anon sighed.

"I gotta ask, do you ever think about me when it was us." Sunset asks hopeful.

"Of course I do, I still have feelings for you, but if I even for a moment think about that then I would just lose focus." Anon said sadly.

Sunset was about to reply when suddenly Twilight shot awake screaming. "STOP!"

Pinkie and Sunset lent over the seat to see Twilight. "We cant stop silly, we haven't even got there yet." Pinkie smiled.

"Hey, are you okay" Sunset asks worried.

Before Sunset could say anything Pinkie interrupted her. "We are gonna have so much fun! Were gonna roast marshmallow and eat marshmallow and sleep on marshmallow Pillows!" The hyperactive girl cheered.

Rainbow put her book down and looked over her chair at Pinkie. "Yeah.. Probably not going to do that."

"Maybe your not." Pinkie pulled out a bag of Marshmallows and held them close.

"Attention students!" Principle Celestia called out to all the students on the bus. "We're almost there, but before we get there, we just wanted to tell you how proud we are of you for raising enough money to go on this trip."

"When were your age we made some of our favourite memories in these woods and im sure you will too." Vice Principle added.

"Now whose excited for Camp Everfree!" Principle Celestia asks causing everyone to cheer except for Anon, he put his earphones in and looked out the window until they arrived at the camp.

When the bus arrived Anon took out his earphone's got off the bus with the girls. He took in surroundings looking at all the nature, animal's and plants there near. He wished he could breath in some of the fresh, it was times like this he missed being alive. "Gotta admit it looks amazing here quite stunning. Hope there's a nature walk to take it all in." Anon smiled.

"I definitely wanna go one of those." Spike agreed, looking up at Anon.

"You wanna go one those?" Anon gave spike an odd look.

"Well more the fact I wanna chase squirrels." Spike added as looked ready to pounce on any near by woodland creature.

The farm girl had just struggled getting the bag finally out from the bus storage components. "Im just looking forward to roughing it, make my own shelter, forage for food."

"Er... you know they provide us with food and tents right?" Rainbow asks as she walked off.

"Yep. Still gonna forage though!" Applejack proudly stated.

On the other side of the bus Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie were taking the nature of the park. Whilst Rarity had just gotten her large amount bags from out of the of the bus all next to her in a massive almost mountain size pile. "Im just after some R and R, the past year has all been a bit too much for me."

"I'd say we thought three magical sirens who tried to hypnotise everyone with their singing. Found out two of our friends we're vampire's. Fluttershy giving birth and the on and off again friends with Flash. And we thought Two Demon friends!" Pinkie announced getting the attention of said previous demon girls. Making Twilight frown. "No offence."

Sunset looked at Twilight smiling and put an arm round her while giving her playfully punching Twilight on the arm. "None taken. You'll get used to it." This made Twilight smile and feel a little bit better.

Applejack and Anon walked over from the other side of the bus. "Yep. Canterlot High has become a regular magic magnet. Its gonna be nice getting away to a place you don't have to worry about that sort of stuff."

Suddenly Flash ran over with Twilight's Bag, handing it over. "Twilight, here you go."

"Oh thanks Flash." Twilight smiled. Everyone had gotten so friendly with Flash, well everyone except you and Dash. Both of you still didn't trust him and Anon wasn't sure he wanted to be his friend again after everything. But suddenly a loud high pitched speaker went off making everyone cover their ears the sound. While Anon dropped to the floor in agony as the loud high pitch sound hurt his sensitive ears.

"Hey everyone if you could started to the courtyard that would be great! Its time to start the best week of camp ever!" The voice from the speaker announced in a way too happy and over the top manner.

Sunset Quickly rushed over to Anon as quickly as she could. "ANON! are you okay!?" Sunset asked worried.

"Yeah... Im fine." Anon groaned. "That speaker really sucks." he chuckled slightly as Sunset helped Anon up.

"Im just glad you okay." Sunset smiled.

"Yeah im okay we better get over to the courtyard." Anon said as shook his head trying to get the ringing out of his ears.

Sunset was about to walk off when Applejack reached out and pulled her back while everyone else walked off. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Sunset said trying to play dumb.

"You know exactly what im referring too missy. Rushing too Anon's side like that, And I saw that look in your eyes as he walked off. I thought you were interested in Rainbow?" Applejack asks confused.

"It was only small crush after the fact she saved me in the race." Sunset admitted. "I still care for Anon a lot and I know its bad of me but I kind of hope he splits up with Fluttershy. And I hope he takes up on Fluttershy's dad and his offer to becomes human again because I miss him. And I want him all for myself. I know that's selfish but when I was with him and when he saved me that was the happiest time of my life." Sunset didn't wait for AJ's reply as she walked off to join the others.

Everyone stood around the gazebo as the people running the camp walk on to it. "Hi everyone and welcome to Camp Everfree, Im Gloriosa Daisy your Camp Director, think of me as your friendly camp and nature guide. And this is my brother Timber Spruce." Gloriosa introduced as timber took the microphone.

"Think of me as that awesome guy who should always be invited to fun things." Greeted before handing the mic back to his sister.

"We aim to please so before we hand out our tent assignments, we would like to hear from you, your free to do what ever you like here." Gloriosa announced.

"Except hike near the rock Quarry that's strictly out of bounds." Timber interjected.

"Yes, but otherwise your options are wide open. So what activities will make this the best week of your lives ever?" Gloriosa pointed the mic out for everyone to shout out what they wanted to do while they were. Anon's ears were still ringing from when the speaker went off and only caught the tails end of what everyone was saying. "Ill be taking requests the rest of the time your here so if there's anything you'd like to do, anything you need just ask." Gloriosa smiled

"What about the camp gift? That was my favourite moment during camp Everfree tradition." Principle Celestia asks sitting on the bench with Luna.

"Camp gift of course!" Gloriosa answered excitedly before getting into a quite spat with Timber.

"Anyone else picking up on a little tension between Gloriosa and her brother?" Sunset asks with Pinkie and Twilight agreeing.

"Every year Campers work together to create something useful, A gift for future campers. working towards this common goal is key to forming the bounds that will last well beyond your time here at camp. This gazebo was a gift from last years group. oh and the totem pole and the sun dial, were also made by campers."

"The sun dial were our years gift." Celestia's said proudly.

"Even though some people thought it was a little impractical since a sun dial cant be used at night." Luna added with a glare.

"You all seem like a really amazing group so I'm certain you'll come up with something inspiring to leave behind." Everyone cheered excitement and left in wonder about what they will create.

"Speaking of leaving thing's behind now's the time we give out tent assignments, so you can leave your heavy bag's behind." Timber winked while Gloriosa shook her head at the cheesy joke.

"Girl's will be getting their assignments from Timber and Guys your with me." She announced.

"See you lot in a bit." Anon smiled as he walked over to Gloriosa and lined up and waited his turn and pulled out a card from the bag. He Turned the card to see Garnet. "Huh got Garnet."

"Tent buddies." Flash said as he show Anon his card with the same gem.

"Oh come on!"

Chapter Twenty-Nine. An Intresting Time At Camp

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Anon Couldn't believe It! he had hoped for a relaxing break away from all the drama that was going on in his life. But no he had to get Flash Sentry as his room mate. Out of all of the other boy's he had to get Flash Sentry, It couldn't get any worse. Suddenly Anon hears Timber tell Bulk Biceps his Tent was Rubbish, causing Bulk to shout out in frustration. Anon saw this as a gold opportunity and rushed over as quickly as humanly possible. "Hey Bulk, Ill swap with ya!"

"Sweet." Bulk and Anon just swapped cards when Timber interjected

"Sorry guy's No swapping." Timber said he swapped the cards back causing them both to sigh.

Timber walked off with Bulk to show him where his tent is, while Twilight walked over to Anon. "Why do you want to change so much anyway?"

"Im With Flash!" Anon as he hanged his head low sighing sadly.

"Oh... Well look at it this way, this will be a great way for you to see how much Flash is willing to change." Twilight suggested making Anon look up at Twilight unimpressed before walking away.

With nothing else to do Anon headed over to his tent. Inside he found two beds opposite side of the tent with Flash already set up in on the left side. "Hey, roommate!" Flash cheered with a smile seeing that Anon had entered the room.

"Unfortunately you can't swap tents appears, so it looks like we're stuck with each other." Anon said with a grumpy tone.

"Oh don't be like that Anon. Look I've changed, we can be friends again, just like the old times." Flash said with a weird smile.

"look I don't want to be your friend! Im gonna stay out of your way, you stay out of mine." With that Anon turned to his bed and began to start unpacking his bag as put a photo of him holding star surrounded by Buddy and Molly.

Once everything was unpacked Anon headed straight out of the tent to meet up others. Anon soon met up with Rainbow, Pinkie and Rarity at the Dock's. "Its beautiful, look's like a diamond shining in the sun." Rarity said at awe of the lake glistening under the light of the sun.

"It is nice out, the cool breeze with the warm sun and all the animals that you can see if you stop and look." Anon smiled.

"Its good to see you smile." Rainbow said with her own smirk while standing crossed arm.

Gloriosa spoke to most of the other students whilst Anon sat on the docks feeding bits of bread to the animals. It felt relaxing, duck's weren't as complex as people we're. "This was as much bread as I was aloud so eat up." He noticed Twilight past with a paddle. "Going boating?"

Twilight started walking backwards about to reply as her foot went through a broken plank causing her to fell backward into Timber Spruce who catches her immediately. "Woah, I know im charming but you don't have to fall for me." Timber jokes making Twilight blush and Anon smile at the pair.

From the side-lines Flash watches quite annoyed as he knew he should be With Twilight, not Timber. From the corner of his eye Flash notices Sunset coming and act sad instead. "Guess I cant get too jealous, right?" Flash asks. "After all she isn't my Twilight." Noticing how bad that sounded Flash worked on making what he said sound better. "Not that the other Twilight was my mine. but you know, ugh!"

Sunset put a sympathetic arm around the sad look Flash. "Yeah I get it. But your Twilight is a Princess in Equestria. hate to break it to ya, that's where she's gonna spend most of her time."

"So your saying I just need to get over her?" Flash asks as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Kinda, yeah." Sunset says bluntly.

"Ouch, your not pulling any punches." Flash had a sudden thought what if he tried to get back with Sunset that would definitely put him closely in the friend circle.

"Not really my style. Sorry" Sunset replied with a light friendly punch on his arm.

Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna met up with gloriosa to look over the damage on the dock. "This is a health and safety issue. I sugguest we close down the dock for the remainder of the camp " Luna said earning some unhappy groans from the other students.

Hearing everyone unhappy caused gloriosa try to pick everyone's spirits up again. "I'm sure it won't be for the remainder of the camp. It just need's to be patched up a bit. I've got this!"

This led to Applejack having an idea. "Huh or maybe we do. If you ask me this whole dock needs to go. Building a new one, could be our camp gift. A nice new dock would benefit us and future campers as well." This earned happy cheers form all of the students.

"I don't know, it's an awful lot of work. I wouldn't want you guys to miss out on doing other fun camp things. because your building a dock for future campers." Timber Spruce glared at his sister.

This caused Rainbow to dash over to timbers side. "I hear what your saying timber, but we're Canterlot Wondercolts we've got a reputation to up hold." Rainbow then began walk around to talk to all the other students. "There's no way we're gonna leave this place with out contributing the most awesome camp gift, ever! Im with AJ, building a new dock is definitely it, what do you think?" Everyone cheered in agreement with the athletic girl.

Half of students moved on to dismantling the dock, while Anon and the girls went on to drawing up designs for the new version. Everyone each threw in an idea on how to make this dock the best its ever been. Once they had the design down and the old dock removed they began to start work instantly. Some students began work on the floor and based, as other students worked on the cosmetic look like the sign and lanterns that were going built into it.

They non-stop worked until Principle Celestia called it for day as it was going to be dark soon and everyone needed a rest. Everyone went back to their tents for a little bit of a rest before heading back out into the woods to start a camp fire. Anon sat next to Sunset with the girls as everyone began to tell scary stories whilst also roasting marshmallows to make s'mores. As the night continued, Anon soon found Sunset her head resting on his shoulder. it wasn't long before they headed back to their tent's, Flash tried to make small talk but Anon just put his head phone's in and laid down facing the tent wall before falling asleep.

The next day everyone was out enjoying the day, everyone decided to work on the dock later and just enjoy their time doing stuff they wanted. Anon went looking for any of the girls out by the dock's when suddenly a boat with Derpy and Sandalwood crash straight into the dock partly destroying it as well. Rainbow rushed over next Sunset and Twilight. "What happened?!" The athlete asks shocked and concerned.

"I didn't mean to." Twilight was cut of as sunset spoke of her.

"We didn't see anything so we don't know what happened." Sunset said answering honestly, before heading over. "Are you okay?" Sunset asks Sandalwood.

"Yeah it was so weird, we were stuck in the middle of the lake with no wind and then suddenly BAM! The wind picked up and we were pushed right into the dock." Sandalwood explained before Timber took him and Derpy inside to check if they were okay.

While Anon and the girls looked over the destruction of the dock. "let's see what we can salvage out of the water maybe we can still fix this." Sunset optimistically. Everyone got busy working on saving what they could to fix up the dock for now and make it better later.

After fixing up the dock Pinkie came bouncing up to Anon. "ANON LET'S MAKE COOKIES!!!!" The hyperactive girl shouted excitedly.

"Um sure." Before Anon knew it he was being dragged off by Pinkie into the baking area.

Anon and pinkie began to start baking cookies as they started making the dough, Pinkie began throw sprinkles into the mix, when suddenly the sprinkles explode to causing Anon to shout out in shock. Suddenly Sunset and Twilight run in with worried look's on their faces. Anon and pinkie were covered cookie mix and so was the room. "What happened?"

Pinkie shook all the cookie mix off before answering. "Well I was all like, You get sprinkles more and you get sprinkles more."

"Standard Pinkie pie stuff." Sunset said with a smile.

"I was just tossing sprinkles to Anon when they glowed pink and exploded." Pinkie grabbed a handful of sprinkle and threw them into the air to showing everyone the explosion.

Sunset and Twilight stood there shocked at what pinkie's new abilities. "Ooookay, why don't you lay off touching stuff for a while." Sunset said with a smile as she walked over to Pinkie and pulled her hand way from the counter.

"Ill get something to clear this up." Anon headed over to the shelf but found the paper towels on the very top out his reach. With no one else around, Anon was about transform into his vampire form when a white glow came from his hands. "UM LADIES! YOU MIGHT WANT TO SEE THIS!!!" Anon shouted out causing the girls to turn around quickly worried for their friend. Suddenly a white see-through bird appeared out of Anon's hand and flew up to get the paper towels off of the shelf and dropped them into Anon's hands. The bird disappeared back into Anon causing him to fall backwards on to the floor.

"Anon!" Sunset calls out as she and the girls dashed over as quickly as possible. "Are you okay?"

"No I feel overloaded, my head hurts." Anon says as he gets up with help of Sunset.

"these powers with being vampire must be too much for you." Twilight thought aloud making Anon frown and sigh.

Suddenly a soaking Applejack and Rarity burst into the room. "Did ya tell 'em? It was so crazy, ah hoisted Rarity up the wall like it was nothing, like had way more strength then I normally do."

"And I made a perfect diamond thing out of nothing, It knocked Applejack over and then it disappeared." Rarity added excitedly giddy.

"Speaking of disappearing... has anyone seen Rainbow Dash?" Applejack as Suddenly Rainbow burst through the doors running Faster then speeding bullet and it hit the back wall knocking on to the ground. letting out a cry of pain as she rubbed her head. Applejack went over to help the Rainbow athlete up. "Woah how'd you do that?" The farm girl asks amazed.

"I don't know. I was running to get the harness and next thing I know im back at town." Rainbow answered just as confused.

"But if you had some super speed, why we're you gone for so long?" Rarity asks curious.

"I lost my powers the further away I got and got them back the closer I got." Rainbow explains.

"Being at camp is giving us all new abilities!" Pinkie gasped.

"Not all of us have gotten new abilities, I haven't, but Twilight... hasn't either." Sunset said keeping Twilight' secret safe.

"Ugh, so much for my theory Tha leave CHS would be leaving any new magic behind." Applejack sighed.

"Something at camp must be making this happen." Sunset thought aloud to the group.

"I know you can figure it out. I believe in you." Anon said with smile.

Applejack was about to say something when Gloriosa entered the room carrying towels and her Stetson. "Applejack I was looking every where for you. I got you some towels and dry clothes." gloriosa handed of the Towels and placed her Stetson on AJ's head. She then looked around to find the room in a mess. "What happened in her?"

"We we're kinda trying to figure that out." Sunset replied awkwardly.

"Well never mind I've got this." then suddenly sandalwood and Derpy entered the room asking for a new bean bag and arrow's. "new arrows and bean bag's coming up." Gloriosa replied with an overly happy tone when suddenly Timber pushed past the students.

"There you are." Timber rushed over to his sister. "Filthy Rich is back, do you want me to handle it?" Timber asks whispering.

"Absolutely not.I've got this." Gloriosa pushed past Timber and Sunset, making Sunset her small scream as the bother and sister duo left the room as well as the other students who just arrived.

"Rarity enough screaming." Sunset said frustrated.

"I didn't." Rarity replied confused.

"No one did." Applejack added just as confused as her girlfriend.

"Huh?" before Sunset could figure out what just happened Celestia's voice came on to the intercom's let camper's know that paper lanterns are being made by the dock for tonight.

"Ah don't know about you guy's but I was looking forward to coming here for a while, maybe we forget about this new magic thing and just enjoy our time at camp?" Applejack suggested.

"I was also excited about the designs for the camp fashion show." Rarity smiles excited about her work.

"And I've barely kicked anyone's but's in tether ball yet!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"I think we should try to figure it out, but if its letting it go for now what the rest of you want then..." Everyone cheered in agreement except for Twilight and Anon.

Twilight was scared While Anon was just tired after using his powers. Anon called Sunset over while everyone else left to make paper lanterns. "What's up Anon?" Sunset asks.

"Can you see what my power's are doing to me?" Anon asks in a very serious tone.

"Sure I brought some equipment from home in my bag just encase anything else happened, But I think its best if we do this in my tent we don't want anyone walking in on us." Sunset suggested, Anon nodded in agreement and followed her back to her tent. "take your shirt off and lay on the bed please."

Anon did as he was told and took his shirt off before laying down on Sunset's bed. "Do you want me drop transformation spell?" he asks unsure.

"I think that would give the clearest results." Sunset said with a small nod.

With a deep breath Anon drop the spell revealing his true self to Sunset. The bacon haired girl set to work she began to look Anon over started testing whilst asking question's making sure he wasn't any discomfort and also checking on how he was feeling. Once the testing was over Sunset had the results. "So what's going on with me?"

"It look's as though your vampire side is fight the new magical ability, you body cant handle both." Sunset said with a frown. Anon sighed in defeat this gave him very clear view of what he needed to do. "Im sorry." Sunset placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, Suddenly she could see all of Anon's thoughts and feeling's and how conflicted they really were. She saw how much he loved Fluttershy and Star, but then how betrayed felt and how much he was tricked into this life. She also saw how Anon was still very much in love with Sunset and how he longed for a normal life with her.

Sunset quickly pulled her hand away gasping, unaware Anon instantly sat up worried about her "Are you okay?"

"I think I know what my new power is! I can see other peoples memories, thoughts and feelings. I know how your feeling about Fluttershy and all your problems with, I also how you feel about me!" Sunset blushed and looked away from Anon not able to look him eyes.

"Sunset I.." Anon didn't know what to say.

"I still have feelings for you too Anon. Im not going to say anything to push where I would want you to be, that would be old Sunset way, not mine. All im gonna say is ill be here for you and what ever you choose ill be there for you and so will our friends." Sunset said before standing up "Now get your shirt on lets go find our friends." Sunset smiles.

Anon put his shirt back on and made sure his spell was back working before walking with Sunset, they found their friends making paper lanterns on the benches. Anon and Sunset decided to sit down and join in as they make their own lanterns. Once everyone's lanterns were read, they lighted them and threw them into the air. As Anon watched his lantern slowly lifted into the sky, he felt as though his thoughts were completely clear and he knew what he finally wanted to do.


The next day Anon, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and Pinkie got to work on rebuilding the dock after the boat had crashed into it yesterday. Everyone was being so careful as to not use any their powers encase they destroyed the dock again. it wasn't until Sunset came along and showed them they didn't have to be afraid of their own magic. And with Sunset's help and their magic the dock was finished in no time and it looked better then ever. And since the dock was done it was on to helping Rarity and her dress rehearsal for the camp fashion show. "So I guess ill sit this one out." Anon smiled about to walk away.

"Oh no, darling I made you a suit too." Rarity smiled as held out his outfit making him sigh. Before Anon knew it he was walk down the walkway in time with the music as he shows off what Rarity made "This only a preview of I've got another entire line to debut at the real thing." Rarity told the other students excitedly.

Suddenly the music stopped making everyone turn to see what looked Gaea Everfree, the monster from Timber story. "Attention campers!" The monster called out. This caused all the other students call and scream out in fear of her.

Timber walked forward shocked to see it was her sister, she had turned into a monster "Gloriosa! What are you doing?" He questioned his she didn't respond.

"That's Gloriosa?!" Applejack said in surprise as she, Anon and the girls stood on the dock. Am I going crazy or is her feet floating off the ground?"

"Freaky deaky?" Pinkie noted.

"I have an announcement to make! Filthy Rich wants this to be the last session of Camp Everfree, but don't worry I'VE GOT THIS!!!!" Gloriosa plunged her hands into the ground causing large brambles to come out of the ground surrounding the outside of the camp, destroying the dock and knocking Anon and the girls onto the ground.

"Oh come on we just finished building that." Rainbow moaned.

"Ah think we've got more pressing matters Rainbow." AJ said as she pointed over to Gloriosa.

Her magic began to grow stronger then ever as she sang the thorns started to cover the camp locking the teachers and some students in the cooking hut while also locking other students in gazebo. Anon and the girls hid behind some boat's unsure of what to do. "Why do these sorts of things always happen to us." Anon sighed.

"What are we going to do?" Rarity asks as Applejack holds her close.

Rainbow stood up in front her friends "what we always do, save the day." Everyone looked to each other and nodded smiling. "We have to stop Gloriosa from trapping everyone in here.

As they each used their powers they each ponied up, Rarity shield the students with her powers while Rainbow ran them over to Anon. He conjured up white see through moles to dig a hole under the thorns and It work for small amount time until the thorn ended up just covering the hole making it unable to climb through. Applejack picked up a massive bolder and threw it into the wall of thorns surrounding the camp. She teared a hole into the wall but it soon covered its self up sealing the hole shut. Pinkie tried exploding holes in the walls while Applejack tried to hold them open. But nothing would work the brambles were too strong and sealed themselves shut. Soon gloriosa started sealed students shut in thorns, dash tried to rush over to each student but she wasn't quick enough.

"This isn't working her magic is too strong." Applejack said as the team came back together.

"Why are you fighting me?! Im doing this to save our camp! Im doing this for you." Gloriosa announced to Anon and the girls, annoyed at having to fight them off.

"Gloriosa." Rarity laughed nervously. "Lets just think about this for a moment shell we? I mean, I think camp Everfree is a splendid place I do. But I don't know if im ready to give up my weekly trips to the spa."

"To the spa? TO THE SPA?!" Suddenly thorns wrapped around gloriosa as she lifted into the air.

Timber step forward to try and to his sister out of what she was doing. "Gloriosa this isn't the way!"

"I appreciate the concern Timber, BUT IVE GOT THIS!!!" Gloriosa called out as the brambles covered her.

Suddenly bramble were pulled part in a section of the wall leading to Sunset and Twilight to walk throw. Causing Anon the girls to cheer seeing their friends were okay. Sunset and Twilight rushed over to Timber to try and pull him out but to no avail. Gloriosa had reached full power and control over the camp. Green magic burst through the thistles as everything was covered in thorns including Timber. Anon the girls we're about to be trapped in cocoon of thorns. "Rarity!" Applejack called as the group of friends stood together allowing Rarity to put a dome of diamonds around her friends keeping them safe.

But Rarity was having trouble keeping the dome up as the thorns tried to crush it. "Twilight its up too you, you can use your magic to pull the brambles apart."

"I can't It would take too much magic! What if Midnight Sparkle takes over?! what if instead of trying to help I only make things worse?!" Twilight said as she began to have a panic attack.

"It wont happen! we wont let it!" Sunset smiles at Twilight.

Twilight began to use magic but as she did Midnight Sparkle tries to take over. causing everyone to call out to bring twilight back in control of her magic allowing to set her friends free and pony up. With her new found wings, Twilight flew up to were Gloriosa is and pull her out of the thorns using her magic. This caused the gems on Gloriosa's neckless to come off and over to each of the seven friends giving them each gem. Suddenly the gems exploded in a flash of light giving each friend a super suit. Anon and the girls each held hands as they lifted into the sky magic of their friendship blasted away the thorns covering the camp.

Anon and the girls landed safely back down on to the ground greeted by the cheers of the other students. Spike came bounding up Twilight panting happily. "You did it!" Twilight picked him cuddling him closely. "Nice bling." Spike noticed a new neckless around Twilights neck.

"What are these?" Applejacks asks as everyone else looks at their new necklace's, all except for Anon who has worked into work into the wrist of his dark green and red suit.

"I don't know, but clearly we have some sort of connection to them." Sunset answered honestly.

"I almost don't care what they are! They're gorgeous and would totally go with the clothes design that I have for the camp fashion show!" Rarity squealed. everyone looked at her with unimpressed face. "That's probably cancelled isn't it." Rarity sighed as AJ came over to her partner a kiss on the cheek making her smile.


After defeating Gloriosa, everyone got set on clearing up the mess left behind after the fight. Gloriosa made her way over to Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna to apologise. "I am so sorry, I only wanted this to best last week of camp ever and I made it the worst! Maybe its best if the camp does get taken away from me." Gloriosa sighed.

"No its not! This camp has meant so much to so many people. My sister and me included." Celestia replied.

"Why do you think we wanted our students to come here." Luna added.

"We cant let Filthy Rich take the camp." Twilight added as she and the other students joined in on the conversation. "If it meant so much to you two, it must of meant a lot to other campers who came here before."

"Maybe we get them to help save it!" Sunset added.

"Like a fundraiser." Applejack smiles.

"Or A ball." Rarity excitedly squealed

"Our band will play." Rainbow announced excitedly.

"Ill write a new song just for the occasion." Anon added with a smile.

All the other students muttered in agreement excited for the party. "They're all nice idea's but where would we hold it?" Gloriosa asks

"We can hold it in the crystal cave." Sunset suggested.

"A crystal ball!!! I love it!" Rarity squealed once more.

"I love everyone enthusiasm, I do but I don't know if we have the time." Gloriosa sighed sadly.

"We got this." Anon and the girls answered back.

Twilight, Timber and Rainbow got the invites out to the nearest towns. While Sunset and everyone else got the cave cleared out and the equipment set up as pinkie Got the food and drink ready for the party. And by the end of the night they had full party with enough people attending, to save the camp. Once the Rainbooms had performed, the stage was handed over to Vinyl Scratch. Allowing Anon the girls to relax. Sunset walked over to Anon after teasing Twilight about Timber. "Are you okay?" Sunset asks worried, she could see how tired he was, she knew that today must of took a lot out of him.

"Im fine, I just need to ask you something?" Anon asks seriously.

"Anything." Sunset replied straight away.

"I when I call for you I need to know you'll be there for me?" Anon asks look Sunset straight in the eyes.

"Of course I will." She promised that.

Anon let out relived sigh. "Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day."

Sunset and Anon walked over to their friends as they all clinked cups and congratulated them selves on saving Camp Everfree.

Chapter Thirty. Making The Right Decisons

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The school bus dropped all of the students off back at Canterlot high as most of them were either being picked up by their parents or they made their own way back home. Anon quickly sent a text to Fluttershy, before catching up with his friends. "That wasn't quite the relaxing break ah was hoping for." Applejack said with a small sigh.

"True, but look at the awesome powers we got. I bet we'll need it for something major, like battling huge wave of evil foes or save people from a terrible onslaught." Rainbow retorted excitedly.

"Well, what ever it is ah hope it can wait! I'm done fighting my fair share supervillains for the moment." Applejack Replied crossing her arms.

"I couldn't agree more Darling. I don't know about you, but the uproar of camp was too much. I need a trip to the spa. Would you care to join me?" Rarity asks her girlfriend whilst giving her the puppy dog eye look, that she know works on AJ too well.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt..." Applejack agreed reluctantly

"Let's go." Before Applejack knew it she was being dragged of by Rarity towards the spa.

Rainbow stuck out her disgusted before turning to her other friends. "I don't know about you guy's but im going home, see ya."

"Yeah I better get home too I Promised the cakes I'd help bake new line orange crunch cup cakes, catch ya later!" Pinkie said before bouncing off towards home, leaving Sunset and Anon alone, when suddenly Anons phone buzzed. It was text back from Fluttershy.

"I should head off too, but I need you to keep your phone on today. I'm not sure what's going to happen." With that Anon headed over to where he parked his car and drove off.

Sunset was about to start walking home when she heard flash call out for her. "Sunset wait up."

"Flash, what's up?" Sunset asked curious.

"Well I was hopping I could talk to you in private there something I wanted to ask you." Flash stated.

"Um sure, lets talk in the school." With that Sunset and Flash headed into Canterlot high.


Anon had made it to Fluttershy's house and knocked on the door to be greeted with a familiar chorus of barking. As Fluttershy opened the door Buddy and Molly came running up to greet Anon. "Hello to you too." Anon smiled as he made fuss of his dogs before standing up to face Fluttershy. "Thanks for looking after Buddy and molly."

"It was no problem, they were very good. How was the trip?" Fluttershy asked timidly.

"It was good, thought a new equestrian demon, got a gem that gives us new powers." Anon says as he shows Fluttershy the gem on his wrist. "Pretty standard time away, though it did give me time to think, to think about what I... What I want." Anon said as he hesitated on that last part.

"Oh... okay." Fluttershy answered with wide eyes, as she understood what he meant.

"Would it be okay if came in and sat down?" Anon asks as he was finding it very hard to do this conversation in the doorway.

"Of course come in, ill make some tea." Fluttershy said as Anon stepped in.

"No tea please, I just need to talk to you." Anon said as felt desperate to just sit and talk to Fluttershy.

"Lets going into the kitchen." She knew if her heart was beating that it would be beat so fast and launch out of her chest.

They made their way to the table and sat opposite each other at the table, there was a long moment of silence as Anon tried to get his thought and questions in order. Once he was he let out a sigh and hit Fluttershy with the heaviest of question first. "Why did you lie to me?"

Fluttershy too a deep breath before letting out. "I was scared and lonely, I thought if I told you the truth that you would want to be with me. I had been on my own for so long and when I found you I couldn't lose you, so I lied."

"Did you lie to me about anything else?" Anon asks his tone of voice quite mono tone.

"Yes, vampires can fall out of love just like any normal person. What I said back then was just a lie to make you believe you would stay with me." Fluttershy said with a sigh.

Anon just sat their in silence for a while not knowing what else to say, until one person came into his thoughts. "Is Star up stairs?"

"Oh um... y-yeah he's asleep in his crib if you want to see him." Fluttershy answered as the question shocked her.

Anon didn't say anything as he got up from the table and made his way upstairs into stars room. He just stood over Star's cot as he watch his son sleep. After a while he knew for certain what he wanted to do, Anon leant over and planted a kiss on stars forehead. "Goodbye my little man, you got to look after your mother you hear me. Im sorry I cant be there for you but I don't think im the right man for the job. You have a bright future ahead of you." Anon gave Star a little stroke on the cheek before leaving the room and heading back down into the kitchen to talk to Fluttershy.

"I cant be with you. Im sorry, im going to take your dad up on that offer and I think you should stop running away from your responsibilities." Anon said before he put buddy and molly's leads on.

Before Anon left Fluttershy stood up and ran up to Anon. "I love you, you know?"

"I know, but I just don't love you anymore." With that Anon left the house and closed the door behind him. He got Buddy and Molly into the back of the car and drove off, dropping them off at home. On the way he texted Sunset telling her what happened and that he needed her with him. Soon after Buddy and Molly were dropped off back home Anon drove off again when he got a text back from Sunset.

Anon I need your help come quickly, im in the Canterlot Sports hall.

Anon got out of the car and used his vampire speed and ran as quickly as he could. When he got to school Anon made his way over towards the sports hall. The doors were wide open and Anon could Sunset laying face first on the sports hall floor. "SUNSET!" Anon rushed over but before he could do anything Flash came out from behind the left open door and hit Anon on the back of the head with a baseball bat knocking him out cold.

"Way too easy." Flash smirked as threw the bat to the ground, before he pulling out his phone make a call. "Anita, You can commence your attack, I have have him and I'm bringing him back."

Chapter Thirty-One. Not The Best Ending.

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Fluttershy sat on the sofa sobbing as the love of her life had left her. Not only had he left her, but it was her fault. The lies she told all back fired on her and she only knew of one thing left to do. Fluttershy began to pack up everything all of her clothes, books and anything else that she want to keep with her. Once everything was packed away she picked Star up from out his cot and got all of her suitcases together. But as she opened the door Fluttershy found distraught Sunset leaning with one hand on the door frame. She looked a wreak like she had gotten mugged by some thieves, her hair was a mess and there was a cut across the left side of her cheek along with bruise over right eye.

"Sunset, what happened?!" Fluttershy asked alarmed.

"Fl-FLASH! I-I-I Couldn't stop him!" Sunset cried as she started hyperventilating.

"Its okay... deep breaths, deep breaths." Fluttershy said as she put down her suit cases and brought Sunset in and sat her down on the couch. She waited asks Sunset calmed her self down. "Now tell me everything that happened."

Sunset took and another deep breath before talking. "After we got off of the bus and everyone went home Flash said he want to talk to me in private so we went into the Canterlot high. once we were inside I was about ask him what was up and before I knew it he hit me and pushed up against the wall. I thought back and tried asking what he was doing but all he said was that this was pay back for everything and all he needed was Anon. Suddenly he shoved me back into the wall and grabbed me by the neck, he pulled out a knife and cut me across the cheek before punching me in the eye and slamming my head against the locker knocking me out cold. When I woke up I found myself in the sports hall and Flash was gone."

Fluttershy was shocked and upset to hear what her friend had gone through. "Im so sorry Sunset that must of been horrible, shouldn't had to of gone through that!"

"But the thing is I tried calling, Anon and nothing. I went to his house found his dogs but no sign of him and Found this text on my phone that came from my phone, but I didn't send it!" Sunset turned her phone to show Fluttershy the text.

Anon I need your help come quickly, im in the Canterlot Sports hall.

"Something must of happened to Anon!" Sunset exclaimed making Fluttershy's eyes go wide in fear.

"Have you checked Flash's house?" Fluttershy asks.

"No I came straight here after I couldn't find Anon." Sunset Answers.

"You made a good choice wait here." Fluttershy took Star upstairs and placed him back into his cot and gave him a kiss on the cheek before going back down stairs to join Sunset. "You wait here and look after Star, while I go look for Flash."

"No way! Im going with you!" Sunset retorted as she stood up and walked over to Fluttershy.

"Your in no state, your badly hurt and in need of medical attention." Fluttershy spoke back when suddenly the front door burst open with Marble Pie landing the floor. She was badly bruised all over and her vampire outfit was burnt and torn up. "THE CITYDEL IS UNDER ATTACK!! The hunters have gotten though!"

Fluttershy rushed over to Marble. "How did this happen?!"

"They have new allies, sirens... 3 of them and a boy with blue hair. The place is in ruins! You have to help." At that moment Marble pasted out from exhaustion.

"Does that mean what I think it means?" Sunset asks.

"Flash has joined The Hunters and they've teamed up with Dazzlings." Fluttershy answers as she sat there shocked and afraid at this new information.

"They have Anon!" Sunset state with a little quiver in her voice. "What do we do?"

"Go get the girls and tell them to get the music equipment with them and come back here." Fluttershy stated sounding confident.

"Okay ill go get them." Sunset answered and was about to go when Fluttershy called her back.

"Could you also get me the book you use to call Princess Twilight, I need to ask her something." Fluttershy asked.

"Sure." And with that Sunset left to go get everyone and everything they'll need.


Anon eyes flickered open as he awoke on the floor groggy and completely confused. As he sat up, he felt a massive pain radiating from the back of his head causing him to gently rub the back of his head. Anon's eyes searched the room, he was in a jail cell three gray concrete walls with the other being prison bars. "How did I get here?!" He tried to think back to the last thing he could remember, suddenly image of Sunset laying on the ground of the sports hall flashed. "SUNSET!"

"Oh I've been waiting for this day!" Anon recognised that voice, he turned around to see Flash on the opposite side of the prison dressed some unusual clothes.

"What a surprised the asshole is still an asshole. why am I not shocked, you may of fooled everyone else but you could never fool me. NOW TELL ME WHERE SUNSET IS! OR I SWEAR ILL RIP YOUR THROAT OUT!" Anon screamed at the top of his lungs staring at Flash with murderous intent as he transformed into his vampire form.

"Id like to see you try." Flash said as he smirked.

Anon suddenly ran forward and griped the bars and was about to rip them apart, but instead let scream out of pain. He instantly let go as his hands began to burn, smoke bellowed from his hand red burn patches covered his. He looked to his hands confused before looking back at Flash. "The bars are doused in holy water, it burns vampires to the touch. Your not going anywhere." Flash laughed as he walked away.

Anon crawled to the side wall and started starring at his slightly burnt hands as he leaned against the wall, but all he could think about was Sunset and just wanted to know if she was all okay. Using his powers he could summon animal to knock the bars down but he could see the shadow to two guards standing outside his cell. even if could take them both he didn't know where he was or who else was out there and who many. It could just make things worse and end up in a worse state. The only thing he could do was wait and hope that there was someone coming to rescue him.


Sunset did as Fluttershy asked, she got the girls together along with their instruments, as well as bring her book that she uses to contact Princess Twilight. Fluttershy had written to Princess Twilight and was waiting for her at the portal to come out the other side. She paced up and down as thought up a plan to find and save Anon. Suddenly mid pace, Twilight came tumbling out of the portal, landing on her hands and knee's.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy rushed over to the Princess and helped her up onto her feet.

"I am never gonna be able to do that gracefully." Princess Twilight stated as she brushed off her knee's.

"Im so glad your here Twilight, Im sorry this is so short notice." Fluttershy apologises as begins walking back home with Twilight.

"Don't be silly, Anon is trouble. We cant let him down." Twilight retorted confidently.

"Thank you Twilight." Fluttershy smiled.

"So what's the plan? What do you need me to do?" Twilight asks ready to do anything to help her friends, after all she wasn't a newbie to stopping evil.

"I need you to baby sit for me." Fluttershy states smiling.

"Wait, what?" Twilight questioned confused. Fluttershy went on to explain how she needed someone to look after Star while, she and the girls go save Anon and Stop the bad guys. "Oh, right."

"Im sorry that your not doing more but this would mean a lot to me." Fluttershy said as if she was acting like old timid self.

"Its fine, everyone needs to do their part." Twilight said smiling at Fluttershy making her smile back.

They soon made their way back to Fluttershy's house, where everyone was waiting for their return. Princess Twilight greeted everyone along with an awkward hello to her human counterpart. Fluttershy handed Princess Twilight a note with everything she'll need to know about looking after Star before going up stairs to see the baby.

"So what's the plan Fluttershy?" Rainbow asks eager and rearing to go.

Fluttershy walked into the kitchen where she had blueprints of the Citadel layed out on the table causing the girls to gather around the table. "Well as far as my friend has told me a group known as The Hunters, a large group of humans that dedicate their life to killing vampires. They train, breath and Live to kill vampires like me, they are high trained, skilled and deadly. And right now they have Anon, thanks to Flash who has been secretly working with them this entire time. If that wasn't enough to scare you, they've also made a partnership with the Dazzling's and right now they have the entire city under their spell. This is where you girls come in, my friend told me The dazzling's are positioned in the main stage that connects all of the city together. You guys will be placed under the city in the old radio room and broadcast out to the entirety of the city. And once the spell is broken the vampires will turn on the hunters and sirens."

"So what do we play to city of vampires? I doubt its a song about friendship and getting along." Rainbow asked.

"That's exactly what you play. Vampires have been about getting long with each other and humans for hundreds of years now. They've been trying to live a peaceful life until The Hunters came in and tried to ruin it." Fluttershy explains with a sad frown.

"Normal song are good to play, noted." Rainbow said with a nod.

"Why'd ya have blueprints to the city laying around?" Applejack asks curious to why her friend would have such a thing.

"I took them when I was a little girl. Its how I escaped in the first place." Fluttershy answered with a small smile.

"I got a question, while we're stopping the sirens, what will you be doing." Twilight asks as she adjusts her glasses.

"Ill make my way down to the jail cells where I assume their holding Anon and get him out. Then I'll go to face The Leader and put an end to it all." Fluttershy answers confidently.

"What by yourself?" Rainbow asks surprised

"Its safer by myself. You girls wouldn't survive, trust me ill be fine." Fluttershy replied honestly.

"Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie demanded.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cup cake in my eye." Fluttershy promised whilst doing the actions that came with it.

"So, how do we get there?" AJ asks intrigued.

Fluttershy went over to her cupboard and got out a white piece of chalk and turned to her friends. "Huddle together." Once huddled together Fluttershy drew a circle around them with patterns coming off it, while Fluttershy spoke words none of the girls knew. The chalk on the floor began to light up in flames causing Fluttershy to jump in quickly as they we're teleported away.

At that moment Princess Twilight came down the stairs. "Fluttershy, sorry to bother you all, but what does number twenty three mean. I cant read your writing?" Seeing no one here caused the princess to sigh. "Im sure ill figure it out." She said to her self before returning up stairs.


Suddenly Fluttershy and the girls teleport outside the Citadel along side a wall of rocks and bushes. The Rain poured down soaking the group friends, the city was above them with buildings that towered over them and behind they could see the sea stretched out as far as they eye could see. They could the faint sound of the dazzling's sing along with sound of hunters trashing buildings and homes searching for anything of value and burning the rest. The city was in chaos and with the vampires incapacitated, no one could stop them.

"Fluttershy, what are we doing out here?! I thought we going to be in the radio station?" Rainbow asks confused at their situation.

"We cant use that type of magic under the city I could only get us to where the entrance is. Just give me a moment and ill get us inside." Fluttershy said as she began tearing rocks away, even using her wings help tear away the larger and tougher boulders. It was long until Fluttershy called her friends over apon seeing the small old rusted door. Fluttershy kicked it in tearing the door off its hinges. "Come on this way!"

Fluttershy lead the way for her friends through the dark and damp passage ways right up to they reached the Radio Station, where Fluttershy bust open the door and turned on the lights. She instantly went over to the sound boards, cleared the dust off and turned them on checking if they still worked. "Good they still worked." Fluttershy sighed to herself. She then turned to her friends. "Everything works you just have to set it up, do it as quick as you can, time is of essences."

"Come on girls lets do this!" Rainbow cheered.

Fluttershy knew she had to leave immediately if she had any chance to save Anon and was about leave without saying a word, but it didn't feel she turned around to her friends. "Good luck." The girls turned around to wish Fluttershy the same.

Before Fluttershy could leave Sunset called her back. "Do what you can to get him back safely!" Fluttershy just nodded before finally leave to go get Anon.


Anon sat against the wall of jail cell as whistled the most annoying tune he could think of to annoy the guards. "KNOCK OFF WITH THAT GODDAMN WHISTLING!!!" The guard shouted as he grasped the bars with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Why, what you gonna do throw me in jail and burn my hands." Anon retorted smugly.

"NO ILL CUT THOSE LIPS OFF AND STAB YOU, YOU UNDEAD BUSTARD!" The guard screamed angrily causing the other guard to quickly come to his side.

"Calm your self john, Anita has plans for him, he'll get his." The other guard said causing john to calm down and turn his back to Anon again.

"John, eh? You have some serious anger problems, I'd recommend you take up some mediation or something buddy, because all that rage building up inside you is not good. Now take my good friend Flash and all that rage and anger he has held onto and it just built up over time and made him do such bad decisions like join you goons."

"Do you ever shut up?" The other guard asked.

And before he could Answer Flash entered the room. "No but he should." Flash stood in front of the bars confidently.

"Oh sorry am I being inconvenient for you? Your life must be such a struggle, I must have it so easy, wanna switch places?" Anon asks as he gets up and stares bluntly at Flash.

"Sound's tempting But Miss Blake is Ready for you now and I have plans." Flash replied before opening the jail cell.

"Oh big mistake." Anon said with a massive smile as he leaned his head to the side clicking his neck.

"Come on Anon just come quietly." But before Flash could do anything to Anon launched himself out of his cell pushing him against the wall.

"But where's the fun in that." Anon was about to punch Flash in the gut when the two guards planted a syringe into the back of Anon's neck, knocking him out cold.

"You really should think about where your standing." Flash said with a smug grin as he sort out his crimpled coat, before put Anon over his shoulder. "I'll take it from here, keep up the good work." The guards saluted before getting back into position.


Fluttershy was following a mental mind map of the blue prints for the deep dark damp caverns, luckily darkness is a vampires natural habitat. Soon Fluttershy came to an wide and more open part of the caverns. Unfortunately it was flooded with water which was going to slow Fluttershy down a little bit. But without hesitation Fluttershy took a run up before diving head first straight into the water, swimming as hard and as fast as she could. Fuelled with determination to Save her city, her Family and to save Anon. She had so many counting on her and she wasn't about to let anyone down.

once out of the water she continued onwards with out stopping, time was of the essences and she could stop, she didn't have time to stop. She made it cross large gaps until she ran into her biggest problem. The celling had collapse and was blocking her way, the attack on the city above caused the rocks and structure to fall in on its self. "No, Im so close." Just a bit further was a door that lead to safe room in the prison and there was no other way through. Angry Fluttershy began punching at full force braking the rocks, or pulling the larger ones out of the way, her anger and rage pushed her until she could see a hole through to the other side. as soon as she made the gap big enough, she climbed through and headed over to the door and busted it down with her shoulder as quietly as she could to not draw any attention.

The room just as dark and empty except for a code panel next to the door. Fluttershy punched in the numbers one, two, six, zero. The door opened letting in light. "Haven't changed the codes." Fluttershy slightly laughed to her self. She stood still and closed her eyes and listened out she could only hear sound of two guards. and no one in any of cell's. "No, they must of moved him. I have no idea where he will be?" Then idea popped into her head. Fluttershy took a deep breath before rush over to the first guard and kicked him in the back of the knee and snapped his neck. The second guard screamed out in terror, but she grabbed him up by the neck and pinned him against the wall, before he could call out for help. "You will tell me where Anon has been taken?" Fluttershy eyes glow red as she used powers of persuasion on the guard.

"Flash took him to see the big boss Anita Blake she's in charge of everything. They're up stairs in the room with the big gun about test it on guy. That's all I know I swear!" The guard pleaded.

"I believe you." She replied before grabbing the guards head and smashed it against the wall until he was dead, blood covered the wall and his face was almost unrecognisable.

Now she was truly worried and had to get him fast before something bad happened.


The loud sound of machinery powering up caused Anon to wake up as his eyes slowly open up as he was still groggy from what they injected into his neck. his vision was bit blurred, it took a second for Anon to notice a massive gun was pointing directly at. "Holy crap!" Anon tried to get up out of the way but found himself strapped to a chair. Anon tried to look around to figure out where he was but with bright spot lights pointed down at him, everything outside of the lights we're hard to see it was just pitch black. "Flash untie me now and fight me like a man!" Anon called out before hearing the sound of foot steps back coming towards him.

"I would but your hardly a man, yet. We'll have our chance at that soon enough." Flash smiled.

"Your a coward." Anon spat at him.

This caused Flash to give Anon a back handed smack across the face. "And your Irritating."

"Now, now Flash don't get him too roughed up the process hasn't begun yet." A female voice said from the darkness.

"What process? What are you going to do to me? Who are you? Show your self?" Anon demanded.

The woman walked forward into the light dressed in armoured battle suit from neck downwards. It look tough yet flexible, but there wasn't a single Scratch on it. The suit was bright and shiny, clearly it was new and hadn't seen battle yet. "Where's my manners, I am Anita Blake Leader of The Shadow's of Mankind, and all I want to do is help you."

"Sure you do. You hurt my girl, knock me unconscious, shove me in a jail cell and then tie me to chair. And you did this all to help me?" Anon replied sarcastically.

Anita Stepped forward towards Anon."Sure the methods to get you here wasn't the best, but all im going to do is turn you human, so you can live that normal you want with Sunset. You know I sympathise with you. You we're tricked into a life by a selfish vampire and lied to for so long your not the only one to be lied to by those vermin. but im here to fix those mistakes."

"So what do you get out of this charity work?" Anon asked still sceptical of her.

Anita smiled at the question. "I get to see how this machine works and the ability to be able to transform it into a weapon eliminate vampire scum off of the planet and finally Finnish my father's work. He was Killed by those scum, though he did leave me gifts to be able to wipe them all out. But you, your different you hate your vampire existence and so im going to cure you of your illness before I cure the world."

"That's genocide!"

"Don't worry once I use the machine, you'll forget all about vampires and you'll be living your happy life." Anita smiles before around and walking back to the controls.

Anon looked over to Flash. "What do you get out of the this."

"The ability to kick the crap out of you without the fear of you kicking my ass. I won't kill ya but you will wake up with some nasty bruises." Flash smiles.

"Your helping to commit genocide, so we can be on an even playing field so you can kick the crap out of me?" Anon asked confused?

"Well I already kicked the crap out of your girlfriend, im just getting what I deserve." Flash said before turning away.

"When Im back to being human I'll still kick your ass asshole. No one hurts Sunset and gets away with it!" Anon shout angry and fuelled with rage.

"We'll see." Flash smirked.

Before Anon could reply Anita began counting down. "Turning on in, five, four, three, two, one." Anita turned the dial up as beam lasered into Anon's brain causing him scream out in pain as his biology was been rewritten back to being human. His wing's and fang's began to disappear and his skin was slowly being brought back to colour getting rid of the pale colour. Suddenly Fluttershy burst into the room seeing Anon being turned back to human. As fast as possible Fluttershy rushed over to the cables and unplugged the gun , turning the gun off.

"NO!" Anita turned around to see Fluttershy holding the plug "You!" Fluttershy didn't say, instead threw the cables to the ground and readied herself. The soldiers in the room we're about to attack when Anita called them off . "No this one's mine. She'll die calling out for help just like her Father." The woman launched herself at Fluttershy griping a wood stake. Fluttershy dodge the attack and kicked her back.

While the two women traded blows, the soldiers stood around and watched the spectacle unfold. Anon was slowly coming to and noticed Fluttershy fighting, he tried to summon his vampire strength and bust out of the chair but nothing happened no wings and no strength. He was actually feeling cold as he shivered from the chilly air. "Im human again." Anon whispered to himself smiling. But was soon brought out of his moment when he could hear the sounds Fluttershy Fighting. He needed to find away to escape and help her, he soon dawned on Anon he had more powers then just his vampire abilities. Anon focused and mentally called out white see-through rats to bite and tare through the straps letting him free.

"Oi Fuckers!" Everyone turned around to see Anon lift up from the ground as he ponied up letting off a bright light. "Your in for it now." Anon called out multiple White see-through tigers to attack all the soldiers in the room.

This distracted Anita allowing Fluttershy to get the up hand as she kicked her in the back of the leg and grab arms and flipped her over her shoulder and threw her to the ground. Anita looked up at Fluttershy growling, She got up slowly clinging her arm around her ribs. "You think this stops us, your very mistaken. I still have control over your city and the Sirens power is stronger then ever!" Suddenly the communicator on her arm started flashing.

"The Vampires they're free. A big unicorn appeared in the sky and before we know it the vampires began attacking back!" The voice replied with sounds of gunfire and explosions going on in the background, making it hard to hear.

"Where are the Dazzlings?!" Anita demanded.

"They fled into the water- OH GOD NO PLEASE NO!!!!" The General screamed out in pain before going dark.

"General! General are you receiving me?!" Nothing but static came from the other end making Anita look at Fluttershy with great anger.

"You've lost step down." Fluttershy said sternly.

"NEVER!" Anita pulled out a dagger had been drenched in holy water, she tackled Fluttershy to the ground and tried to bury the dagger into Fluttershy's heart. Fluttershy struggled as held back her arms and in turn the dagger, as she held it back little droplets holy water dropped on to her chest causing her to cry out in pain, tear drops fell down her cheek. When it all seemed lost Anon charged in and knocked Anita off of Fluttershy, dropping the knife on the floor.

"You ungrateful Asshole." She placed Anon his front and was about brake when Sunset, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie And Rainbow rushed into he room all dressed in their superhero outfits.

"Get away from him you bitch!" Sunset shouted in anger as she and the girls joined hand hands and shot their magic, knocking her out completely. The tigers had done their job and got rid of the of all soldiers in the room. Sunset and the girls ran over to Anon making sure he was okay. "Are you okay?" Sunset asks

"Better then okay." Anon lent in giving Sunset a quick kiss. "Im human again." Anon and Sunset lent their foreheads against each other both happily crying excited for their future together.

"Ya gave us quite the scare sugarcube." Applejack smiled.

"Sorry about that girls." Anon smiled apologetically.

"Where did Flash get to anyway, I wanna give him a piece of my mind for what he did to Sunset." Rainbow said annoyed.

"Don't worry I dealt with him, He won't be bothering us again." Anon said before turning to look at Sunset seeing the cut on her cheek and the bruise over her eye. Anon gently stroke her other cheek as he began to get teary eyed, he hated seeing Sunset like this. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there."

"It wasn't your fault and besides it doesn't hurt that much now. Im just glad your okay." Sunset said before pulling Anon into a hug.

Suddenly a red beam hit Anon and the Girls knocking them all out. Fluttershy stepped out from behind the gun, she had wiped all her friends memories. It was easier this way, it wasn't the best ending she wanted but she saw that she didn't fitting in with them anymore and she had a city to fix and rule over. She took each other friends back in their homes she left Anon and Sunset in Anon's house. She left them in Anon's bed and was about to leave but turn back to Anon and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Thank you for being everything to me, I wont ever forget about you. And im so sorry I caused your life to be such a mess." With her goodbyes done she headed back to her house thanked Twilight, got Star and Marble and went back home to the Citadel to take over as Queen of the vampires.

Epilogue. Life Here After.

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It had been five years since the fight for the Citadel of Vampires not that any of them would know that. They had all graduated from Canterlot High with flying colours. Rarity had a chance to expand her business and go all over the world making dresses that would of made her famous beyond belief. But it would of either caused Applejack to leave her farm and everything she knew behind, or It would of took her away from Applejack and caused her to loose her way. So Instead she stayed with Applejack on the farm and became an Apple and help design work clothes that made life on the farm easier. Rarity and Applejack were happy with even talks of adopting kids on the way. Some days Rarity finds herself wondering what her life could be but in the end she wouldn't of traded it for the world.

Rainbow went to join be the worlds best football team we're they went on to win many matches and even loose a couple here and there. But one day during an after party Dash met a Footballer called Soarin and are now Happily living together, both causing a stir in the football world. Twilight went on to follow her passion for science and went on to join on one of the top notch colleges for Science where she met up a Girl called Moondancer and their both happily pursuing Science together and on their way to doing world changing improvements. Pinkie Succeeded on making her own party preparation/cake making shop in Canterlot. Not many people understood what her shop did but if you needed anything for a party that was the place to go. One day man called Cheese Sandwich came in and applied to work at Pinkies Shop, he had impressive CV and found himself soon working there and as time got on lets just say he found himself having half ownership over the shop, with a few little baby party planners too.

Sunset and Anon stayed in Canterlot and Found them selves a new house to call their own. They got married soon after graduating, they both knew that they didn't want anything else, they were the happiest they had ever been. Anon went to be vet in the local vets shop, helping to save many pets, he wanted to step away from the whole music career that he had planned for him self. He found his love for animals was something he wanted to focus on and follow. Sunset follow hobby of recording games on YouTube had really taken off so she decided to make it into her Career and she had never been happier. What they did may not seem like much compared to their friends but they we're happy and make a change in their own way and with their own little one on the way life couldn't be happier.

Anon sat on the sofa watch TV With Buddy and Molly laying Down on the carpet in front of him sleeping soundly. Sunset carefully walked in as to not wake up the dog before sitting down next to Anon giving him a kiss on the cheek and curling up next to as the rain could be seen from the window next to them, it poured down outside. The warm glow of the lights and cuddling up on the sofa made everything so perfect and cosy. "How did the editing go?" Anon asks smiling.

"Fine it was just a little bit difficult as he wouldn't stop kicking." Sunset said looking down her pregnant belly.

Anon smiles as he places a hand on Sunsets baby bump. "He seems quite now."

This made Sunset smile. "Well he was does when your here." Sunset gave Anon a long kiss before resting her head on his shoulder holding him tightly.

"Wanna cuppa?" Anon asks thinking she must be thirsty.

"That would be nice." Sunset replied still holding on to Anon tightly.

"Well I kinda need you let go then." Anon said with a smirk.

"In a minute." Sunset replied making Anon laugh before kissing her on the forehead hugging tightly

Outside Fluttershy sat a top on of the highest branch of the tree as she looked in on Anon. She used her wings to keep the rain off of her and Star who sat In her lap. "Mummy, who are they?"

"Just humans who had I promised to look after and Mummy was just cheeking in on them." Fluttershy Answered.

"Shall we go say hi?" Star asks looking up at his mum with eyes

"No they seem busy. Lets go home." Fluttershy smiles looking down at Star kissing him atop of his head

"Okay." Star got on to he's mum's back before she stretched her wings and flew back home.