> Knighty night Princess Luna > by StoryWeaverKP > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Knighty night Princess Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knighty night Princess Luna Tonight was the night, the moment Silver Spear had waited for since the beginning of his palace guard training. He licked his lips nervously as he stood at attention before the gilded serving cart. A gold-painted coffee pot sat beside an elegant coffee mug, a plate of muffins, and a series of various jam jars. Silver Spear was not as tall or bulky as some of the other palace guards. His lean body still looked impressive under his dark, steel armor, at least that’s what his mother had said. His grey coat made the blueish of the armor stand out a little, and both the armor and his coat made his yellow eyes really pop. The fading light of the day made them even more shimmering. His slender unicorn horn extended from his helmet. Silver Spear never really considered himself a handsome stallion, but one of average looks. Perhaps that was why he had never really had a special some pony in his life. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, for fate had already decided the state of Silver Spear’s heart, even before he knew it. Only one mare transfixed him, but she was impossibly far away. His chances of snagging the affections of that mare were as likely as him jumping to the moon. For her though, Silver Spear would make the attempt a thousand times. Any minute now… The door to Princess Luna’s chamber slammed open, and the most magnificent mare in all of Equestria trudged out like a radiant vision of death and weariness. Princess Luna’s eyes still maintained their glossy aspect, and she moved with her head lowered. Her steps were slow and they dragged against the marble floors. She yawned, and then she noticed Silver Spear. He stood straight and saluted her. “Good Evening, your highness. I have prepared coffee and some breakfast for you, if it so pleases you.” Princess Luna yawned again, and then she opened her eyes wider, as if trying to loosen the sleepy lenses that still blocked her complete vision. She stepped over to the cart, glanced at the spread, and then stared at Silver Spear. Did she not like it? Did he break protocol? His heart thumped in his chest, and he stared ahead. While it wasn’t necessarily against the rules to meet the eyes of a princess, the last thing Silver Spear wanted was to let her see how she made him react. Would she misconstrue his awe-filled gazes as something more lewd? Surely execution would follow such an assumption. Princess Luna asked curtly, “Did my sister request this of you?” The question hung in the air. Silver Spear opened his mouth to answer, but a softer, more benevolent voice cut him off. “This was not my doing,” Princess Celestia said. She stepped around the corner, and a soft grin covered her face. Princess Luna studied the other ruler for a moment. “If it was not you, then who?” She stared directly into Silver Spear’s eyes. “Guard, who told you to bring this assortment to me?” A thousand griffins had appeared within the base of his throat, and it tickled him immensely. He cleared his throat for a moment. “Um… No one, your highness,” Silver Spear said. Nervousness peppered every word. “I d-did this on my own accord.” “Really?” Princess Luna asked. The initial weariness of first waking up had slowly slipped off of her like sheets from a bed. “Why did you do this?” Silence hung on the air, and both of the royal sisters peered at Silver Spear with varying degrees of inspection. While Princess Celestia smirked and twinkled with her expression, Princess Luna donned a mask of suspicion and uncertainty. This was a perfect way to spend his first day on the job. Silver Spear swallowed hard. “I … wanted to make sure you had a good start to your night, your highness.” His cheeks felt hotter. Princess Luna stepped back a moment, and then she studied the spread once more. “I have never seen you before,” Princess Luna stated. Silver Spear stood up straighter. “I had only just graduated from my palace guard training.” Princess Celestia moved up beside her sister, and she appeared just as regal as Silver Spear had come to expect from the long-reigning monarch. “Your name is Silver Spear, isn’t it?” “Yes, your highness,” Silver Spear replied. The white alicorn giggled into her hoof. “I’ve heard of you. You specially requested to be put on night shift.” Her eyes grew more dazzling and knowing. “Specially, you requested this particular wing of the palace for the duration of the night. How very interesting.” “Is it?” Princess Luna asked. “Why is that so interesting?” Princess Celestia chuckled again as she started to walk back down the hallway. “Oh, it’s nothing. Don’t you have to raise the moon?” She peeked over her shoulder. “Perhaps you should indulge in the young guard’s coffee.” She disappeared around the corner, which left Silver Spear to remain behind with the younger of the royal sisters. Princess Luna’s horn glowed, and both the coffee pot and the mug floated in the air. The coffee was poured, and then Princess Luna sipped the hot drink. A delighted moan escaped her. “This is quite good.” Princess Luna gazed at Silver Spear again. “Just how I like my coffee.” “Yes, your highness,” Silver Spear said. “I found out your preferences from the royal chefs. They also told me what jams you liked.” Princess Luna gazed down at the gilded cart once more, and then she scooped up the muffins and the jam into the air. “I will see you later, guard.” She flapped her wings and flew out the closest window. *** Silver Spear really had to thank the royal chefs. They really outdid themselves by making arrangements for him to get these refreshments. Silver Spear stood beside Princess Luna’s bedchamber door with the same gilded serving cart. A silver tea-pot rested beside a tea-cup, and a plate with several sandwiches on it. It had been a long, uneventful night, and it gave Silver Spear plenty of time to think and process. While many of his good colt friends were building relationships with wonderful mares, Silver Spear didn’t mind not having a special some pony. No one could compare to the one who had stolen his heart. And it wasn’t as if this career track wasn’t perfect for him in several ways. His most coveted perk was being close to mare who meant most to him. Well, the second mare who meant most to him. No mare could ever top his mother. During the day, this door wasn’t guarded as well as the others. While the palace wing was protected for the most part, the life of the wondrous Princess Luna was always under-protected, according to Silver Spear anyway. Princess Luna strode into the hallway, and a tired glaze had coated her eyes. She stopped when she saw Silver Spear. “Guard,” She said. “It is nice to see you again.” She paused. “Is that for me?” Silver Spear nodded. “Yes, your highness. I thought you might enjoy some warm milk. It always helps me sleep better.” He swallowed hard for a moment. “I also have some sandwiches in case you’re hungry too.” For a brief moment, Princess Luna frowned a little. She tilted her head, and then studied Silver Spear closely. While he secretly reveled being in her presence, the small, pestering notion poked at him. Did she find offense over what he was doing? Was it inappropriate? He just wanted to take care of a princess. Well… it was more than that, but his intensions were true at the very least. “That is very kind of you. Thank you,” Princess Luna said. She moved over to the door, opened it with her magic, grabbed the entire cart, and rolled it into her room. As soon as the door closed, Silver Spear moved down the hallway. His work day was finally over, and he could finally return home to his own bed. While his dreams would be sweet, a small pang irked him. Too bad she wouldn’t ever see into his dreams. Then again, if she did, she would come to know the full extent of his devotion and love for her. He stopped before he moved around the corner, and he gazed back at Princess Luna’s door. Silver Spear sighed. His words came out in a hallowed whisper. “Oh Princess Luna, you are the most beautiful star in the heavens. My heart overflows for you and you alone. Sweet dreams, fair princess.” He turned to move around the corner, but then stopped. A tall, elegant alicorn princess stood before him, and her magenta-colored eyes locked with his. Her multi-colored hair flapped off to the side, seeming to block off a majority of the wide hallways. Dread and shock flooded Silver Spear’s insides. Surely she didn’t hear him right? He whispered it, and he could have easily been talking about anyone… Princess Celestia grinned widely. “I knew it!” She giggled, and she never took her eyes away from him. He stood at attention, and he stared ahead. Silver Spear didn’t need a mirror to know how he must have looked. The elegant day monarch leaned a little closer to him and whispered into his ears. “Don’t you have to get to bed, soldier?” Silver Spear swallowed hard. “Yes, your highness.” Princess Celestia repositioned herself, so that she was also heading in the same direction. “Then please allow me to walk part of the way with you.” What else could Silver Spear say? “Yes, your highness.” For most of the trek to the palace front door, Princess Celestia said nothing. She didn’t even look at him, but Silver Spear had noticed the twinkling in her eyes. It had been said throughout guard training, “Woe to the poor fool who becomes the object of Princess Celestia’s amusement.” The rumors surrounding the day monarch’s pranks never revealed them to be dangerous or overly malevolent, but they were said to be highly amusing to her. The results of the amusement meant different things for different situations. There was that one rumor about the stallion who had been running around with five mares at once… and the prank that the princess had planned for that retribution had become legendary throughout Canterlot. Was she planning something amusing for herself at Silver Spear’s expense? When they got to the front doors of the palace, Princess Celestia stopped. “Silver Spear,” she asked. “Do you like your current assignment, now that you have experienced it for a full day?” He stood at attention, and his cheeks grew hotter. “Yes, your highness. I like it very much.” The smile on the white alicorn’s face gave Silver Spear all the evidence he needed. One day, the reckoning of her amusement would come for him. *** Months had went by, and still Princess Celestia had left him unmolested regarding being pranked. Every sunset, Princess Luna would come out of her bedchambers, and she would drink the coffee and eat the breakfast that Silver Spear had prepared for her. They would share pleasantries, and then Princess Luna would saunter off. Just after sunrise, she would return, greet him warmly, and then take the bed-time snacks that awaited her. While it wasn’t the progress of anything significant, Silver Spear still reveled and rejoiced. He was the first and last face that Princess Luna saw. Nothing could have made his life better. At least, that’s what Silver Spear thought… It had been the middle of winter, and the night air was a little chilly. Princess Luna had ventured off to perform her midnight duties hours before, and so Silver Spear was content with his solitude. The sounds of hoof falls made him jump a little. In all his time being a guard for this part of the palace, no pony had ever come down this way. Silver Spear’s muscles tensed up, and his horn illuminated. A pony stepped around the corner, and Silver Spear crouched down a little. “Easy there,” a gruff voice called out. “It’s just me.” His commanding officer, Wooden Buckler, stood at attention. In response, Silver Spear saluted. “Sir, I’m sorry sir!” Silver Spear said. “At ease,’ Wooden Buckler said. “You have been reassigned for tonight to guard the Royal Latrine. You’re to report there at once.” Silver Spear’s eyes widened. “The Royal … Latrine?” Wooden Buckler growled a little. “Did I stutter?” Silver Spear moved down the hallway quickly. “No, sir. I’m going right away.” It didn’t take long to get to the Royal Latrine. The room was the most elegant bathroom in the entire country, and it was located in an isolated part of the castle, much the same way that Princess Luna’s chamber was. Everything was silent, until a soft voice perked up. Silver Spear’s soul froze up a little. “Well, what is it, dear sister?” Princess Luna asked. “Why did you summon me here to this hallway of all places? What is so urgent that you had to see me now?” Silver Spear moistened his dry mouth. Surely Princess Celestia wouldn’t- Princess Celestia said, “I wanted to talk to you about a certain guard.” His heart dropped into his stomach, and yet it still beat as hard as it did before. “Oh?” Princess Luna asked. “Are we having challenges with one of them? Would you like me to relinquish them of duty? I know how much you hate to handle such matters.” “Oh , no no no.” Princess Celestia laughed a little. “Quite the opposite actually. Before I go further, I’d like to ask you a question.” A prolonged silence lingered in the air. “What do you think of Silver Spear?” “S-Silver Spear?” Princess Luna asked. “He’s an admirable and hardworking guard. He’s attentive, and considerate, and –” “Cute?” Princess Celestia asked. It got really hard to breath. Surely this wasn’t really happening. Maybe Silver Spear had nodded off at his post, and this was his nightmare. Please… let this be a nightmare. Princess Luna stammered a little, but she didn’t say anything. “Ha! You’re blushing! You totally think he’s cute,” Princess Celestia said. In response, Princess Luna made a kind of dismissal, scoffing noise, one that reverberated off of the hallway walls and columns acoustically. “S-so what if I do?” Princess Luna replied. “Am I not allowed to have little crushes here and there? What about you, dear sister? Didn’t you have crushes on your guards? What were their names? Wooden Buckler and Slender Shaft?” For the first time in all his life, Silver Spear heard uncertainty and embarrassment creep into the day monarch’s voice. “Lulu! We’re not talking about me here,” Princess Celestia replied. “And besides, since you want to bring them up, there is a big difference between you and I.” She paused for a moment. “I act on my crushes, while you never do.” Princess Luna replied, “I’ve not had any crushes since my freedom from Nightmare Moon.” “Which is exactly why it’s important for you to act on your crushes from time to time,” Princess Celestia said. “You have needs too.” Princess Luna sighed. “It’s not that easy. It’s not like this Silver Spear would reciprocate my intentions.” Silver Spear swallowed hard. Was this all a big joke? Was Princess Luna in on the prank? Surely some pony such as her would never truly have feelings for such an average stallion like him. Oh, that Princess Celestia was trying to make him do something embarrassing for a laugh. The saying was right! Woe to him indeed. Princess Celestia giggled. “Let me tell you a story, one from Silver Spear’s first day on the job.” A sudden urgency flickered in Silver Spear’s chest. If he could just get to a window and leap head long, the fall would surely be enough to- “Oh?” Princess Luna said. Silver Spear winced and listened to the retelling of that awkward day. Princess Celestia said “… and then he said, and I quote “Oh Princess Luna, you are the most beautiful star in the heavens. My heart overflows for you and you alone. Sweet dreams, fair princess.” It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard another pony say about you.” It got quiet… too quiet. Silver Spear held his breath. “He really said that?” Princess Luna asked. Princess Celestia replied, “He did indeed.” “Wait a second,” Princess Luna said. “Is this what you drug me out in the middle of my shift to tell me? Why couldn’t his sort of thing have waited until…” she paused. “Oh, Tia… tell me you didn’t.” A sudden trickle of stifled laughter escaped from somepony, presumably from the heinous day monarch herself. In a flat voice, Princess Luna asked, “He’s within ear shot, isn’t he?” In response, Princess Celestia boomed with delight and laughter. If he didn’t know any better, he would have sworn that she chuckled in the Royal Voice. Silver Spear winced as he stared in the direction of the laugher. “Where?” Princess Luna asked. The laugher that escaped Princess Celestia got harder. Silver Spear’s stomach swirled. If he moved right now, he could burst through the window opposite of him, and all this embarrassment could be done. Princess Luna’s visage came into view, and they locked eyes for a moment. She looked back over her shoulder, assumingly to the day monarch. “I swear, at times you are far more evil than any of the other villains we have confronted in the past.” Princess Celestia laughed even harder, which was previously inconceivable. Silver Spear averted his eyes, but when he glanced back toward Princess Luna, she had closed the distance between them. Her beauty sparkled in the moonlight. “Is what my sister said true?” Princess Luna asked calmly. All Silver Spear could do was nod slightly. Princess Luna averted her eyes, and her cheeks had become slightly purplish. “You are no longer needed at this post.” She turned around and walked toward her sister, who still laughed out loud. She stopped though, and peered back at him. “I would like to have warm milk tonight, and perhaps cookies please?” Silver Spear smiled widely. “Yes, your highness.” *** Just as the many nights that had proceeded it, the sun had risen, and Princess Luna walked down the hallway toward her bed chamber. Silver Spear stood at attention with the plate of cookies, the milk, and a never-before adorned grin on his face. Princess Luna had not admonished him, and she even made a special request as well. The whole ordeal had been awkward, but at least Princess Celestia had been amused. Would tale of his embarrassment spread through the guards’ ranks like other stories of the day monarch’s pranks? Princess Luna stopped before Silver Spear, and her cheeks were still a little purplish. “Thank you, Silver Spear.” She swallowed hard for a moment. Her beautiful eyes locked with his. “I realize that your duty ends when I close my door, but…” She averted her eyes for a moment. “Would you like to join me inside?” What else could Silver Spear say? *** This was quite strange. A billion stars stretched all around Silver Spear, and he floated amidst a great blackness. Twinkling lights glimmered everywhere. A few distant suns shined brighter, and a few comets streaked around him, disappearing from view. He was warm, far warmer than one might expect when they hung in space. He glanced over his shoulder, and a wide grin creased his face. A beautiful blue alicorn floated beside him, and she radiated with both magic and splendor. Nothing in the entire universe compared to her. Silver Spear opened his mouth to speak. *** Silver Spear awoke, and he pushed himself off of the bed. Everything felt so disorienting, and for a moment, he didn’t recognize his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the dark blue wing draped over him like a quilt. Sudden fiery warmth had exploded within him. His attention bounced to the set of blue eyes that stared back at him. Princess Luna lay beside him, her head on the pillow. Their legs were still tangled with one another. Her shimmering hair still moved as if caught in a perpetual breeze, but it did so on the bed. The sheets below them were still damp from their sweat. Princess Luna reached over and caressed his cheek with a hoof. “You have such beautiful dreams,” she said. “It is a shame that I have never seen them before.” Silver Spear chuckled nervously. “They are only beautiful because you are often in them.” Princess Luna leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. Absolute delight flooded his senses. Suddenly, the door opened up, and Princess Celestia moved in with a gilded cart full of food and a pair of coffee pots. “Good late afternoon,” She said gingerly. Princess Luna sat up in the bed, but Silver Spear pressed himself into the bed further. Surely this broke protocol or something. “What are you doing here?” Princess Luna asked. “Oh, I figured Silver Spear was going to be… indisposed, and not able to perform his normal routine,” Princess Celestia said. “I figured for this first night, I’d deliver the breakfast personally.” Princess Luna giggled. “First night?” “Well, I figured this was going to be a regular thing,” Princess Celestia said. Both of the sisters turned to regard Silver Spear. Princess Luna said nervously, “I mean… only if he wants it too.” No one said anything, and a great realization befell Silver Spear. “O-oh yes!” Silver Spear said. “I’d love to if you’d allow me the h-honor.” Princess Celestia laughed. “It is decided then. The Royal Chefs will prepare you both breakfast and dinner and the end and start of each day.” Wildness danced in the air, but Silver Spear disregarded it for the moment. As soon as he locked gazes with Princess Luna, he knew one thing for certain. His life had gotten way more meaningful. The End