> A life stolen for a war unclaimed > by Corsair49 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Ending for a Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sounds of laughter filled my dreams. Not innocent like that of children but a twisted dark laughter that echoed in the darkness. As the nightmare continued a tainted and bloodied battlefield of a barren wasteland can be seen as the dark clouds move slowly parting from the center of the sky revealing a scarlet moon while sounds of thunder resonate in the distance. The laughter never ceasing and growing worse as the scene slowly focuses on a single figure barely standing as his body trembles from the laughter he gives. In front of him a women, fair of skin lay. No life in her eyes and not a breath escaping her parted crimson stained lips. The man looks down at the women as the crimson glow shines down onto him and a claret sword stabbed into the ground by his side revealing his face as his laughter begins to subside. Revealing my face, and suddenly as if without missing a beat I spoke against my will. "Don't think this is over just yet. No, this is only the beginning," my voice resonated with corrupted pleasure and joy complimented by insanity. With that my eyes snapped opened, my breathing calm and steady as my eyes cautiously took in the sight of the darkness that blanketed my room. As I began to sit up my phones' alarm went off signaling to me it was 4:30 AM and that it was time to wake up to go to work. Reaching over I turned off the pestering sound and let silence fill the room. Peace, quiet, Serenity....emptiness. This was what I looked for whenever I was totally alone and I had always achieved. Deciding to not waste anymore I left my bed and stretched my bones and joints giving several violent pops that I wince from and groan from. I decide to take care of my normal routine shower put on some clothes message my love and then go to work. Holding my phone I go to open the door to my closet. When I do though I get met with a blinding white light that was so intense I held my arms up in a futile attempt to shield my eyes as I take a step back. In doing so I feel my phone start to overheat, burning my hand and forcing me to let go of it as I feel myself falling through nothingness. I felt time slow and the blood in my veins chilling. A feeling I recognize all too well from my depression. A single thought began to race through my mind as began to scream in pain from my bones and muscles felt like they were being destroyed and remade. Am I finally going to die? Now, when everything was finally starting to go right? When I finally had control? My consciousness gave out and silence followed. I find myself coming to again to me what seemed shortly afterwards but could've been anywhere from 2 hours to 3 days. Slowly my sense returned. The first like always was scent. Taking in deep breaths now I tried to see if there was anything I recognized. The first thing I smelled was the air itself. So crisp, clean, fresh it was better than being in a forest with the fresh scent of pine and such. I coughed a little as I choked on the air. Soon feeling began to come to me. I hated this part of my self-dubbed 'resurrection' process, because it would feel like bugs are crawling all over me with little pins sticking into me. I gave a hollow shudder at that image and felt cloth and softness. Moving my arm slowly to feel better what I was on proved to be counter productive as every muscle in my body screamed in exhaustion and soreness. My legs feeling like i ran a marathon, my arms as if I had been holding weights for over 12 hours above my hand my stomach and chest feeling like i had been punched an been planking for over 3 hours my neck and face hurting like i had fallen on them from a 3 story building Recognizing it from experience. Taste came shortly as my mouth felt slightly dry feeling my tongue around my mouth to make sure I hadn't broken my face made me realize that my teeth either grew or I had dentures due to feeling more than normal and a few in the front where significantly sharper. Hearing came slowly and there was a steady beeping. Once ever 3 seconds i counted in my head. A heart monitor perhaps? That would lead me to be in a hospital. Finally Sight came to me. I slowly blinked my eyes to clear my vision followed by a deep yawn to see I was a lone in a single room with a window that was barred from the outside. Rule number one whenever you go into a new place or find yourself in a new place: Note the amount of entrances/exits possible, Windows included. Second make sure you were physically alright at all times. Knowing i was in a hospital was reassuring, Seeing the Bars on the outside of the window was not. So i decided to try and move the sheets. That's when i noticed something was wrong. When I lifted my arm that wasn't connected to the I.V. what lifted instead of my normal tanned skin was rather a white furred stump. Blinking I decided to try and move said stump left and right like I would my arm, and much to my own dissatisfaction and reluctance so did it. I sighed and tried to gather my thoughts, "Ok, lets run this over. I was going to get dressed for work when something bright made me start to fall, my phone hopefully didn't get destroyed from it overheating while I was falling and in honesty I've come closer to death this time than any of the 13 times before to actually end up in a hospital. Where not only I have no Idea where I am but I have a," I paused to examine the arm further. " I have a hoof. I have a White furred Hoof for a horse, my nose is more noticeable I have sharper fangs and more teeth than before and its daytime. I swear to whatever god or devil that may enjoy screwing with me if I am in THAT TV show my ex got me into that I forced myself to get out of I will deck someone so hard they will spin." My voice grew louder as i began to grow in frustration this lead the door to be opening for an armored Pony to walk in. "Oh good your awake, the Princesses were beginning to worry if you would ever awake. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Blitz Bolt a Sergent of the royal guard, My unit was tasked to watch over you in case of anything. You recovered amazingly well for the amount of damage you were in. I'll let the nurse your up and get her to bring you some food. But before that," his eyes slightly narrowed as he regarded me calmly. "I want to trust you to not do anything... Rash, if you do that I will be willing to answer any questions you may have is tha-" He noticed I raised my hoof to ask a question. "Ok we know you can you communicate and you have common sense, so what is it?" his voice became very guarded his stance ready, not threatening or preemptive but ready and reactive calmly. I sighed as i closed my eyes while lowering my hands before I spoke. "I'm in Equestria the land ruled by the Alicorn diarchs, being Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who raise the Sun and Moon Respectively aren't I?" He nodded his eyes having grown wider as I spoke this made me sigh further as I had to ask another question. "Have Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor had their Alicorn Daughter yet?" He nodded slowly again before speaking. "How do you know so much about us?" his voice reserved, confused, and mildly demanding. I had to choose my next words carefully as that would dictate the flow of this further. I opened my mouth to speak and very calmly I stated "That would be information I can only tell Celestia and Luna." He grimaced as i said that but nodded. "Fine then, I will have a nurse come here with some food after that she and I will escort you to the throne room. Understood?" I nodded to his response and looked him over as he turned and I laid back. Blitz was a Pegasus White fur like myself but his tail was oddly enough a striking dark blue contrast that seemed almost jagged looking. As he went to open the door he turned his head and looked back at me. "You should probably sit up straight or if possible try to stand on your own and stretch your wings... Sitting against them like that will make the go numb. You may not have feathers but it will still feel weird I'm sure." With that he left me and I had to sit up and crane my neck to look at my side to reveal I had indeed Webbed Wings like that had the same white color as my fur. Great, I gotta learn to use these now. Deciding the older Pegasus was right I shimmied my way to the edge of the bed and tried to steady myself as I dismounted landing my hind hooves just fine and slowly I tried to balance myself as i got onto my fore limbs. huh....Never knew how nice and cool tile floors felt against ones face... its numbing the sting of the physical pain but the humiliation is still there... ahhh.... don't we just love humiliation? > You Killed ME! WHY?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting at a table I looked from the sandwich, that had a literal Daisy as the main sustenance, to the Nurse and Sergent. The Nurse who explained her name was Nurse Tender Heart, however apparently among the staff and Royal Guards she has a nick name being Nurse Heart Breaker that she will acknowledge as well which was strange but I had no clue what the standards of beauty were. She smiled at me encouragingly as Sergent Bolt, as the recruits called him, rolled his eyes and ate his own sandwich. I decided to take the sandwich and take a bite out of it, the sandwich itself tasted oddly like some one took some lettuce and sauteed asparagus and put them together. All in all it wasn't too bad, so I continued to eat it until only a bit of the bread was left. "Thank you for the food Nurse Heart." I nodded my head and smiled in gratitude She helped fully figure out walking and Sergent Bolt was tasked to escort us to the throne room after we eat that being the case he called the small squad of troops that were guarding my door and around the window, which i didn't notice, to fall into formation. Nurse Heart smiled back before she replied "Please call me Tender, and I'll be honest given that status of your current dental records I was a bit afraid you may need a more... carnivorous diet. Besides I Don't think this entire time you have given us your name yet." She said it in a way that was more a statement instead of an implied question at this point however Blitz Bolt Intervened for me. "Sorry Heart Breaker, Our....friend here can only give info like that to the princesses until further notice. He may be your patient but he's my Responsibility until I turn him over to Prince Shining Armor. My eyes widened in panic for a moment. I was supposed to be turned over to Shining Armor? My thoughts were interrupted as the Sergent patted my back causing me to rise from the seat and in a less than graceful way make my way down the Corridor with them. A few minutes in Silence passed by before I began to sing a small song to myself. That ,if by nothing else than the flicking of a few ears, everyone one began to try and listen. So i sung a little louder so they could hear me. Memories flicking through my mind of my father as I did so Don't Tell the guards I left Mess, I can't undo what has been done Lets run for cover What if I'm the only hero left, you better fire off your gun once and forever He said go dry your eyes and live your life like there is no tomorrow, son And tell the others To go singing like a humming bird, the greatest anthem ever heard We are the heroes of our time But we're dancing with the demons in our minds We are the Heroes of our time HerOoOoo Ohh Oh And we're dancing with the demons in our minds HerOoOoo Ohh Oh We are the heroes of our time As I started to sing the next verse my mind started to play the scene of my fathers death when I first started to fully remember everything he taught me. As the heart attack took him away. Tears starting to fall down my cheeks slowly as I smiled HerOoOoo Ohh Oh And we're dancing with the demons in our minds HerOoOoo Ohh Oh The crickets sing a song for you, Don't say a word don't make a sound Its Life's creation I'll make worms turn into butterflies, wake up and turn this world around. In Appreciation He said "I Never left your side, when you were lost I followed right behind Was your Foundation Now go singing like a humming bird, the greatest anthem ever heard Now sing together It was this moment the rest of the group picked up the song in tune with my voice singing beside me as more tears fell. This must've been a pony thing but they did always sing in the show We are the heroes of our time HerOoOoo Ohh Oh we keep dancing with the demons in our minds HerOoOoo Ohh Oh We are the Heroes We keep dancing with our demons, you could be a hero Now go singing like a humming bird, the greatest anthem ever heard Now sing together We are the heroes of our TIIIIIIIMME HerOoOoo Ohh Oh But we're dancing with the demons in our minds Ohhooh HerOoOoo Ohh Oh We are the heroes of our time we keep dancing with the demons who could be our heroes HerOoOoo Ohh Oh But we're dancing with the demons in our minds Ohhooh we keep dancing with the demons who could be our heroes HerOoOoo Ohh Oh we are the Heroes. As if perfectly timed we entered the throne room to see Princess Luna and Princess Celestia sitting in their chairs next to each other Cadance and Shining Armor next to each other on Celestia's other side the Royal Guards snapping to attention and Nurse Tender Heart bowing for a moment before standing up and turning to me as I wiped my eyes with my fore limb. "Is there anything you need for now? If not I'll have to take my leave now." her voice held concern but she hid with a soft saddened smile. I realized she must've figured out the importance of that song to me. I turned my attention back to those in front of me as Shining Armor approached and Saluted Sergent Blitz Bolt. Who Returned the salute. Shining was the first to speak. "Report Sergent." Sergent bolt moved to the side as he gave his reply. "Sir, My Squad and I have come to Deliver and Turn over the Pegasus Male that was Summoned by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna 2 Days ago. Subject has been fed and was cleared by Nurse Tender Heart for leave under Supervision. We are to turn him over to you. Sir." His voice was Clear and loud. I began to grind my teeth because there was nothing I hated more than Military. I have respect for those who choose it but I cannot stand being talked down to. Shining Armor nodded understandingly. "Sergent you and your men are dismissed. I will handle it from here." Blitz Nodded and ordered his men to fall out and head back to the barracks for further instructions. I stood there annoyed as I looked at each one of the 4 of them before focusing on Shining who approached me with a stern look in his eye looking me over before softening up and smiling. "Hey there, How are you doing?" His voice seemed genuinely curious and he looked happy to see me almost while Celestia and Luna were smiling focusing on me along with Cadance. I felt my Face go stern and my brows furrow as rage built in me while I looked at the four faces. Four faces that, along with everything else, had no reason to be in my life ever again unless my future daughters wanted to watch the show. I walked Past Shining Armor not even regarding him any further and got closer to Celestia gritting my teeth, Stopping a few feet before the small steps before her throne and spoke. "Why?" Celestia's smile fell as surprise took her features, Luna instead of surprise grew pensive and started to stare daggers into me, Cadance growing shocked and worried and Shining Armor grew angry as I passed him. Celestia only looked at me as confusion spread across her features. So I spoke again, "Why did you bring me here Celestia? And better yet, did you think of what would happen if you did?" Shining Armor spoke up aggravated by how I was talking to her, "Hey you will respect Celestia, I don't know who you think you are but-" Unable to to bear listening to his righteous voice I Spoke again "Shut up! I will Speak to her with respect when she starts talking and telling me why she in all purposes of the phrase killed me!" My voice grew in rage as I spoke. Everyone's head shot back as if in shock and mild fear of what I said, everyone except her. She, instead, calmed herself from her previous surprise and held one of the greatest poker faces I have ever seen. "I don't know what you mean. How could I have killed you? I only summoned you here to help us as for what it is the details aren't completely clear but my sister and I have noticed something dark forming we don't know what and we can't identify it and discord cant figure it out either. However, if you would like we can send you back once we are done." her voice Calm, calculating picking out her words in the best way possible. So this is how she wanted to play it a battle of words and will. I straightened myself up as shining armor went to his wife's side watching what was about to happen ready in case of action. Luna on the other was starting to seem more and more interested. I spoke and decided that everyone in the room should feel the Ice of my words, "Yes, you summoned me, and since it was me you obviously have no control of whatever spell you used, meaning either it was so powerful it was a last resort or that you didn't know the full outcome because it was the first time. So let me explain all the ways you killed me then." I paused to make sure I had everyone's attention, only then continuing. "One: You Effectively ripped me from my home across Time and Dimensions just to come here and help you, Which fine OK I can deal with that. But saying that you can send me back? That's where we have an issue." I felt my face turn into a glare that Sombra could've been proud of, "You can send me back to my world OK. Sending me back to the right Dimensional world, are you sure you can do that? Let's say you can, what about the right time, the right day, the right place. You Killed me there to the rest of the world because I vanished from my own home where my roommate lives and my girlfriend knows where I lived without any kind of idea the amount of Variables that might go into to sending me back. That's the number one. Number two? In the middle of my travel to get here I suffocated and experienced every muscle and bone in my body shattering so you physically killed me, and before anyone goes to ask yes I have effectively died before to know how it feels and I know how dying by suffocation feels. Because I've died that way and so many others. If you want details feel free to ask me." I paused waiting only to have Cadance hesitantly speak up. "If you say you did...." She gagged at the word "Die.. Then how are you still alive now?" Shining Armor murmured in agreement as Luna nodded her head. I only gave a Fang filled smile as a result which I'm sure sent chills down her spine. "I'm Glad you asked Cadance, its simple really. I wasn't allowed to stay dead because of a certain Grim Reaper's bet with me. I wasn't allowed to die until a specific date of his choosing. That day would be the day I married a specific human woman of his choice. I didn't get to know who that woman was and I would suffer life as the result. For a while I fell into a deep depression when my friends betrayed me, my father died and I lost my job and my love at the time. So I tried every conceivable of death. The first few times were clean, Poisons, chemicals those kinds of stuff. Those failed... then I tried to drown myself, Woke up a few hours later coughing up water. Strangling myself hanging from the attic to the living room. Electrocution, in case you don't know, think a constant stream of lightning bolts continuously striking someone with no end or break, 5 minutes later I'm up and the neighborhood is experiencing a black out, lack of electricity. So I decided to go a little messier. I took a knife and stabbed it right into my neck and dragged it as far as I could. Finally I did something drastic I put myself in the center of an explosion with Metal and glass." This drew a gasp from All of them Cadance looking queasy. Luna Spoke now, "but you lived... through all of that?" her voice with growing Concern. I nodded in reply waiting for her to continue. "You tortured yourself because you lost everything... and there was no reason for you to really stay alive?" " Yes I did... Things got better after a while, I got a new job bought a new home, and found the love of my life... I had planned to marry her." I turned my gaze to Shining Armor. "Shining. In case you haven't figured something out yet on why I'm overly pissed with Princess Sun Butt and Moon Butt over there let me put it to you this way. Imagine that one day you wake up, go to put on your armor for your normal routine, then suddenly your ripped away from Cadance, from your daughter, from your sister Twilight Sparkle, from everything that gave your life meaning with no effective way of ever being sure to see them again as you get forced into a new body, and have no clue what to do now. What would you do if you were called by the those that did that because they needed your help for something." Realization Dawned on his face slowly as Cadance and him shared a look of longing and despair and he held her close as she nuzzled into him her wing going around his back. "I don't know what I would do." his voice was soft and mildly scared from the idea of losing what i had pointed out. "Exactly... that's what they did to me. But... how does that saying go again?" I theatrically put a hoof to my chin and gave a pose of deep thought before i answered my own question, "Oh yeah! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Right?" I turned to Glare at the Diarchs who in turn cast their gaze down. My thoughts began to process. Great I just effectively scarred four ponies and made two regret a decision. Sighing I sit down and look at Celestia. "Listen.... I'll help you with...whatever it is the Elements of Harmony, Discord, and you all can't handle with out me. I don't know how much help I can be but I will help." This made them all look at me in confusion when they saw my anger subside as i spoke. "I just have one Condition... Since the 2 people i care the most about are gone from my life forever... I want to have some kind of grave or something.... So I can at least have some closure." My voice was soft as a few tears began to fill my eyes... Celestia got up and walked to me before embracing me into a hug and whispering softly into my ear which caused me to break down completely. Luna out of curiosity cast a spell that began to play the memories of my times with my love and my little sister. > Memories of Death and a gamble of Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, Bubba, can I ask you something?" the voice coming from young girl with platinum blonde hair leaning into my side. I turn to look at her as I mute the T.V. "Sis, you know you don't need to ask permission for that. So what's up?" I smiled warmly at her. It was this moment I realized I was dreaming a memory and shook my head dispelling the bittersweet images in my head away. Sighing I look around before I speak up. "Princess Luna, as much as I appreciate you giving me this I would rather you not be in my dreams... I don't like Fabricated dreams and would rather live through the only thing I have left of my old life. Those Nightmares I actually do treasure to some extent." I Paused for a moment only to hear the sound of hoof steps behind me. "I apologize Rowan.... I had assumed from looking at your memories during our last encounter you would prefer this." I turned to look at her as she wore a sad smile combined with a tad bit of guilt in her eyes. "If you don't mind may we ask you some things since we are here?" her voice held and air of curiosity yet reservation. I nodded slowly before replying. "Before that... can you show me how I look when I'm awake? I have yet to look in the mirror. All I'm aware of is that my fur and wings are white as well as webbed instead of feathered, and also some fangs." She nodded and her horn began to glow as she conjured and Image from the seemingly nothingness. Before me stood a white stallion with a mane and tail that was as black as a starless night My mane seemed to fall naturally to the sides of my face just out of my eyesight unless I were to jerk my head I could almost make out a curved and pointed M in it. My eyes were two different colors. The left a dark crimson beyond blood that shone with hope, the right a disturbing and unsettling yellow that could pierce through souls. A thought mused in my head as i looked at myself in the eyes. So this is how it feels when I look at people and they look back at me... they focus on the left eye more than the right. I wonder if ponies are any different. I walked a bit around the figure to take a look its...MY Flank to see if I had a Cutie Mark. My body shuddered at the idea of it but it was necessary. Blank... both sides the same Stark white as the rest of my body. So no Cutie Mark and no known purpose in life. Seeing as I was done I decided to go back to standing where I was. I don't know if out of politeness or not Luna Changed the area to represent something like a living room just with more cushions and less couches. Taking a seat as she did our seats seemed to move or the space grew smaller as a small table appeared with 2 cups of tea appearing and some sugar cubes. Taking 3 lumps I dropped them in my tea and stirred it with a spoon I didn't know I had and gestured to her implying the floor was hers. "Our first question is simple, as for reasons we cannot understand we have no access to the memory of your first failed death. Why did you make that deal with your worlds Grim Reaper?" Luna emulated her sister in many ways. She held a Poker face just like her and i sighed as I moved my forelimb seeing myself as a pony now and changed the scene to what I remembered. She took a sip as the scene began to take form. First thing to appear was a lone figure that looked like a child whose hair was a golden yellow to rival the suns rays and looked about 7 years of age. A field that was colorless with only a single Blue rose just off a dirt path that the boy was standing on. Looking around confused he jumped when he heard a strange voice turning to face it. "My... it seems you have gotten yourself into a little accident and so young as well..." A man in a black suit and an old style fedora that nearly hid all of his face as he got to eye level with the kid spoke in a saddened yet amused tone. "Tell me little guy are you ready to leave mommy and daddy?" the boy stared confused at the man as a small shift of movement behind him to reveal a young girl who looked the same age but she had silver hair and fair skin. The man spoke again. "Hmmm Mommy and Daddy are gonna be really sad if you leave them now." For the first time the boy spoke. "I don't want mom and dad to be sad." His voice was worried but not scared this caused the man to lift his fedora a bit just enough to see his glowing pale blue eyes and this wicked smile he gave the boy at that answer. "Alright I'll make you a deal, I'm gonna be busy and my darling daughter needs a new friend to take her out and have fun with. If you are willing to take her to this dance going on later then when I'm finished with enough of my business to where I can come home then I'll send you back to your Mom and Dad a moment after you left them and this will all be like a dream to you then. Deal?" The boy thought and looked at the girl hiding behind the man and nodded to himself as he went into the field and plucked the blue rose taking it to her. "Would you like to go to the dance with me?" He asked her holding it out to her the girl whose eyes grew wide smiled and nodded as she took the rose gently. The man smiled and the scene changed fast forwarding through the times they spent together. Past meeting her 6 sisters and him spending time with each of them. It would seem like a hundred years have passed the boy looked only like he was 17 now and well fit but tanned with the same pitch black hair the stallion had. Luna watching this could only stare in wonder as she looked from me to the boy. Then suddenly it began at normal speed again. Rowan was holding a long rectangular box leaving his room in the large castle like building heading to the dinner hall for breakfast where he met with the 7 Daughters of Death. He got their attention and got them to stand up all together. Getting down on one knee. "I know this may not be a good idea...but" Rowan pulled out the box and opened it revealing 7 rings each one a different design matching each daughters taste. "Its probably really bad of me to do this, but that doesn't matter to me. what matters to me is the time we have all spent together and gotten to know each other. what you all have come to mean to me. So, Lala, Sarah, Lillian, Jillian, Victoria, Amanda, Rebecca... Will you Seven Marry me?" their eyes each going wide as he asked the question some starting to cry tears of joy others smiling and being giggly about it. Suddenly the Scene paused and Luna looked at me in confusion. "In my Death I fell in love 7 times.... I was dating all of them and they all were in love with me as the memory shows, but in life I've fallen in love only twice, and only had it honestly returned once." I spoke solemnly as I turned to look at her after drinking my tea and finishing it. "You wanted to know why I made that choice to accept Death's offer. They were why." I raised my hoof and acted like I was pressing play and the memory resumed. Only for the wind to blow open the doors as a monstrous being of bones and shadows and wielding a scythe came in screaming in Objection. I watched as the me in the memory stumbled dropping the box of 7 rings and the monster grabbing each ring individually then burning the box. As he finished burning the box with shadow fire the monster reverted back to the pale man in the suit glaring at the memory Rowan's very soul then turning to face myself before speaking to Rowan. "I Refuse your Proposal to them. Because 1: you are a human and its time for you to go back and 2: you are undeserving of their love for marriage. You can't Marry all 7 of them I would've been barely able to let you marry 1. Boy you have audacity for trying to pull this stunt." The daughters began to protest before he cut them off screaming silence. He began to speak again, " Due to how they feel though, I'll do this then. You can marry them under these 2 conditions, and it has to be both." Death gave a vicious smile. "When you Fail though. you will live for aeons watching everything you care about disappear slowly before your very eyes." I watched as I foolishly got up and walked up to death staring into his eyes with my own narrowed. "Fine, what are the Conditions?" I said Finality. The girls all screamed No as Luna did a spit take at what happened. While Death laughed. "One: You have to save a total of 300 lives from me, and its can any type of death possible, Including Suicide, and Two: you have to fall in love with a Human Woman of my choosing and marry her by a specific date. You do that and I'll even have you become the one to take my throne and Job." He smiled as he pulled out a Coin and Flipped it. I closed my eyes and answered at the same time as my memory who caught the coin. "Deal. Now send me back so I can beat this bet of yours." "Deal. Now send me back so I can beat this bet of yours." And like that the memory Faded. Luna could only stare as she turned her head back to me as I turned to look at her and meet her gaze. "There you go, so now you know I'm effectively death denied. Is there anything else you would like to know? I know you've been going through my memories but I don't exactly know when I fell asleep." She smiled and gave slight look of embarrassment as she spoke. "You fell asleep when my sister embraced you after a few minutes. As for if I want to know anything else I do have one more question to ask before you wake. Would you like stay here in Canterlot, The Crystal Empire or Ponyville? You, unfortunately, are to be watched by a princess and what she deems suitable given what me and my sister have seen about your.... Original species." I nodded my head and thought about it for a moment. "Would I be allowed to nomad myself between the 3 locations? Just so I can vary what I may need and I don't over impose on you all." Luna thought for a moment before grimacing. "I feel that would have to be discussed between my sister, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Princess Twilight Sparkle . For now we can start you off in Ponyville as Princess Twilight Sparkle has direct access to Celestia." I nodded in agreement to what she was saying. "Then I would like to request one more thing. Will you run the idea of making an announcement to the citizens of my presence to at least inform them that I'm not exactly from around here to Celestia?" I gave her a look with pleading eyes. She gave a laugh and nodded before her horn glowed again and I find myself completely enveloped in darkness. Suddenly I sit up my eyes snapping open as I look around the room. Huh it's very.... Pink in here > Explanations and the Decision to Train > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taking a good look around the room, I appear to be in a living room of sorts almost... If the open kitchen towards the corner over there is any sign of anything. There is a door opposite side of the kitchen and a hallway near the kitchen itself. Sitting up I noticed I was on a velvet red couch by soft bubble gum pink walls. A few hot Pink cushions and a painting of a heart with some baby toys on the floor. Wait a second baby toys? My eyes go wide in realization as I speak in a low voice to myself "Flurry Heart," as if my senses kicked into high gear I could literally feel my ears canting and moving to pick up any sounds then focusing as a door opens. "Still I don't understand why you had me bring him here Cadance. I know I'm supposed to be the one watching him but we can put him in another room. I just need to make sure he doesn't go to suddenly attack anyone." The door closes and hear hoof steps making there way towards me. "And based off that tirade he threw at Celestia and Luna, not to mention what he directed at us, He seems pretty rational to know recognize the state of affairs." "I know Shining Armor, but I can't help but feel bad for him and I wanna make it up to him." I felt my anger begin to stir as I realized she was pitying me. "Plus... He needs someone right now, he's all alone and I can't help but feel partially guilty. I thought to try and talk Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna out of it but I kept thinking that they were right. And you saw the memories Auntie Luna Projected from him when he broke down... He felt so much love and had so much to love to give, and we all just took it away from him." They stopped as they realized I was listening once they got into the living room. I simply quelled the anger in me and watched between them. Before getting up. "I'll See myself out before I wake your daughter..." Walking to the door I began to notice I was walking but I wasn't moving forward and felt a strangely warm and compassionate aura around me. One that was light blue and shimmering in the light of the setting sun. When I stopped trying to walk forward the Light dissipated into thin air. Sighing I turn around and sit on my rear as I looked them over. "Fine then... How much do you know, what do you want to know and why won't you let me leave. " My voice sounded defeated... tired. Its been a while since I've been like that to the point I started chuckling at myself. Cadance and Shining gave each other worrying looks as they looked from to each other than back to me. Cadance was the first to step forward hesitantly opening her mouth to speak then closing it unable to find the right words to say. Finally she began, "I'm sorry... I know it will Never be enough, but that's all I can say." She put an extra emphasis on never and I sigh when she finished slowly nodding my head muttering a thank and trying to say its not their fault. Getting up I turn and walk to sit on an arm chair next to the coffee table, sitting at an angle to face the couch properly. Shining gave a look of dismay but quickly shook it off. They walked and took their place on their couch before we continued. Shining Spoke up. " You Asked us how much we know, we know what we saw from Princess Luna's spell. It revealed what you were thinking about and a lot of other stuff. In this case your happiest memories and most painful ones and ones that just popped up. What do we want to know? For starters how you know so much about our culture and more specifically us." Giving them a look of uninterest I began. "That, My dear Shining Armor, Ex Captain of the Royal Guard of Canterlot and Current Captain of the Crystal Guard, is simply because of your sister. To be more specific from the world I'm from, you are all nothing more than drawings put together with voices sequenced in time for fluent conversation. They have covered you're sisters life for any major events and most friendship lessons her and her friends have been on since Princess Celestia sent her to Ponyville before Nightmare Moons Return. Which by the way the older fan base of is determined to view as a Possession of Princess Luna." Cadance and Shining Armor's Jaws have proceeded to slowly hit the floor with my explanation. "To that effect, that outside the obvious with you two that we have seen or has been implied via backstory info I don't know, and I'll be honest don't care, a lot about you both." Shining Armor merely shook his head snapping back to reality. "So you know about the wedding and Flurry Heart and Cadance being Twily's Foal Sitter? Prove it." His eyes narrowed and leered at me as I rolled my eyes as i got on to the ground closer to Cadance. "I can't believe I'm going to do this to prove my words are true but fine... Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladies bugs awake, clap your hooves and....well im not doing the shake." I proceeded to the motions with each part of it as Cadance reciprocated the clapping hooves. "If I'm not mistaken that's how you and Twilight Sparkle normally greet each other and how Queen Chrysalis gave herself away to Twilight at the beginning it wasn't really you." My cheeks feel warm. Am I blushing? "So there you go." Cadance shook her head in disbelief before speaking. "So wait...you saw drawings that flowed together of something meant for little girls?" I Groaned and instinctively face palmed... or would that be face hoof? which I quickly regretted... Hooves are harder than hands. Groaning I opened my eyes and saw a ceiling fan as I hear snickering. "Yeah yeah laugh it up... I was forced into the things fandom by and Ex Girlfriend of mine..." I stated as I got up and looked at my wings. "You know I've had this for two days going on three but I've never moved them once? Do you think you can get someone to teach me fly Shining?" He raised his eyebrow and nodded slowly. "So this brings us to last the question then before I assume I can take my leave. 'why won't you let me leave?'" Cadance at once stepped up to me hugging her wings wrapping around me as she does turning my head to look at Shining I mouth why. He simply smiles softly almost sadly at me. Then I hear a sniffle as she pulls away and hugs shining tightly who nuzzles her in an attempt at comfort her. Cadance had been crying lightly but turned to me and smiled wiping away her tears. "Sorry... I didn't want you to leave because..."She turned her head to look at shining and I realize why. "You know the Fear and some of the pain of losing the one you love.... you want to offer me comfort..." My voice was low and guarded.. but this brought a slow and reserved nod from her as Shining rolled his eyes. "Listen I know we got off on the wrong foot before what with you snapping at me and me trying to defend Princess Celestia's -" He was stopped mid way by me raising my hoof. Interrupting him also helped"Stop right there. One, In my Presence Celestia will be referred to as either Sun Butt or Sexiness.... And if you don't think I wont call her that in front of the entire Day Court when I figure out my wings I will bet you 50 bits otherwise. But on the Subject, I should be apologizing I was mad... normally this would be a lot of peoples dreams... to forget the lives they had prior to this to come live in a world of overall perpetual peace and happiness with magic and love and adventures and Pinkie Pie parties... I can't tell you how many people would give their legs up for that chance. But that's not me." Sighing and turn to Cadence. "So let me do this." Coughing to clear my throat I stood up straight and tried to give a light bow. "Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire, I would like to formally thank you for your concern over me and would like to be friends with you and you husband, Shining Armor, Under one Condition alone." Shining and Cadance with shocked smiles turn and look at each other before turning to me. "And what would this one Condition be, Oh Noble Rowan Wicker?" She tittered as she said that but I slightly wince when she says my name. This unfortunately doesn't go unnoticed by Shining Armor. "Well, I suppose it would be two Conditions now when you word it that way. One: To Refer to me as the new name Damocles, and Two: To help me get over my loss, attend their funeral and help me find a new love. I may want to be Celestia's consort but reality and wishes are something meant to be kept separated. Despite what Discord may say on that subject." I smile awkwardly at them as Cadance goes bug eyed and Shining Armor just Deadpans into a thousand yard stare. Clapping my hooves together to snap them back to reality they both shuddered at the same time. Cadance spoke up smiling putting a hoof over where her heart I would assume would be, since its not on Shining, and the other hoof up. "I Princess Cadance hereby agree to the first condition Young Damocles and as for the Second One we will attempt to attend the Ceremony, Shining will help you get over your lost," Shining went to protest but suddenly Cadance used her wing to Knock him on the back of the head. I resist Laughing at that with every fiber in my body... I couldn't wait to try that. " And I will help you find a suitable Courtship only after I can confirm you are either truly in love with another or that another is truly in love with you." Smilingly Happily I nod at them both. "But I must ask, Why Damocles?" "Time for a Mild Inter dimensional history lesson." I smile happily. " Damocles, also known as the Black Centurion, was a legendary and brave Roman centurion, or Captain of a military battalion. Romans where the predominating empire in the Bronze Age of my people, and he was among the most feared. Not out of cruelty though. Damocles to be more precise was a wise tactician and a noble leader but when his battalion was met with and overwhelming and over powering force he charged with his forces but half way into the charge before either side made contact Damocles's generals issued an Immediate Retreat. Leaving Damocles to fend for himself against and army neigh a thousand plus warriors. Out numbered and overwhelmed Damocles was struck down by a spear thrust into his heart. Now a certain goddess, Nemesis the goddess of revenge was smitten with Damocles but was extremely angered at the cowardice of his generals. So she granted Damocles a second life. In his first Life Damocles wore armor that shone like gold of the sun and Silver of the moon. But in his resurrection his armor was stained black his cape was tattered and worn but he himself was alive. She granted him this life for one purpose, to seek vengeance and justice for the wrongs his generals had committed unto him. No storm, no sea, no guard was able to stop Damocles and one by one he took their heads as if it was the will of all the gods. When he took the the Last general's head however he disappeared to the world of the dead. Since that day Roman generals were given a dagger with the mark of Damocles's helmet etched into its hilt. So that they may never forget the cost of cowardice but know the judgement of what is right." When I finished I couldn't help myself but to smile at the look of dismay and disappointment Shining Armor had and the worried look Cadance had. Until my Stomach growled loud enough to catch both of their attentions. Cadance and shining laughed a bit, smiling before Cadance Spoke up, "On that note I think its time for dinner lets go to the main dinner hall." Shining and I both nodded as Cadance walked to get Flurry when Shining put his hoof on his shoulder. "Listen I don't know why you have chosen that name. But I want you to know I'm here for you... and training begins tomorrow after a physical with our Doctor Angel Touch." I smile a bit nodding. Soon afterwards Cadance and Flurry who makes it a point to ride on my back head towards the dinner hall. > Dinner with the Divine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you had told me about a week ago I would be eating a salad, with what is the equivalent to the deity of love, whom I will now call Aphrodite because I can, a Lunar goddess and a Solar goddess with the captain of the guard of a race of Crystal Ponies while being a Pegasus, I probably would have tried to strike you in the neck to snap you out of whatever false reality then kiss you full on the lips. But now? Now, I just feel robbed. I look to the left to see Princess Celestia finishing her plate in the normal regal and pristine manor as she always does. Across from me Luna drinking some coffee and a wheat waffle, if i remember correctly. Next to her I see Aphrodite and Shining Armor trying to feed Flurry heart. I look down at my plate which I had barely picked at, only because I was hungry. In my previous life I took to the notion that at times I was far more carnivorous simply because I did not like most vegetables and fruits. Growing a wicked smile I turn and look Celestia. "Hey, Sexiness... since you and your sister have both read my mind and memories you probably know about That don't you.. So tell me. Is it True?" I smirk as her eyes go wide and she coughs a bit pulling her cup away for a moment before turning to look at me. Luna's eyes suddenly going wide as if what I had said had shocked her and woke her up more than her Coffee could, and Cadance looking concerned shifting her eyes from Celestia to me as she watched the Interaction. "Hmm... I wonder about that, I do know what your Implying and because of current company you are trying to keep it... for lack of a better word, clean, but I can only say this about that subject, my dear Damocles," She leveled her eyes to mine as I leaned forward with a predators grin. "you certainly gave me a lot to think about, but wouldn't you like to know what I thought about it." I grew a look of disappointment and my ears canted backwards annoyed. Feeling that I looked up at them. Celestia began to laugh slightly to herself from, I'm assuming, my reaction "Pony ears are weird, better but weird none the less..." I stated to no one particular this time. Looking back. "So just to be sure after my physical and basic flight training with Shining Armor's top pegasus guard here in the castle for about a week, Princess Twilight sparkle, who I will think up a nickname for later, and her friends will come to 'escort me'," I say making air quotation marks with my hooves before continuing, "and then I begin to study and attempt to figure out my Cutie Mark while also trying to find out why that spell of yours summoned me. On top of all that you and everyone else here want me to try to find my Place here in this wide wide world of Equestria, and make some friends. All after that funeral you promised me I could have." Celestia was listening intently smiling and nodding at me while I listed off everything. "Ok then I would like to request a few things more if that's would be alright with everyone here." This drew looks of curiosity from everyone when suddenly I some green goop, began to fly at me causing me to try and dodge out the way, making the entire chair fall back as I narrowly avoid it. "Sorry Damocles, Mashed peas are her favorite...." Shining Armor stated almost hypnotized before snapping back to reality as he used his magic to help me up. "Anyways it would depend on what you would be asking for." Luna raised an eyebrow as she proceeded to take a drink of her coffee" "I would like a Set of Clothes that are equivalent to leather armor and other light armor variants, a Weapon to my design forged from the Crystal forge from the Crystal Empire and to be able to travel to the Griffon Territory as well as Yak Yakistan , Saddle Arabia, and the Land of the Minotaur's and the Zebra's." Luna Did a spit take as even Flurry Heart looked at me in surprise. Unfortunately for me the coffee was still hot and I got a bit scalded giving a slight sound of pain falling back again with a loud thud Luna quickly came and helped me holding a rag for me in her magic. "I am so sorry Damocles. I did not mean to hurt you with my coffee, I was just so surprised at what you said as I'm sure everyone here was as well..." I got up wiping my self from the coffee the forcing the irritation and the pain down as my skin was matted. Shining Armor got up and slowly made his way over to me Snorting. "Why do you want those things." He glared at me as if I was threatening the safety of Cadance and Flurry Heart. In my life as a human I have come to learn many things. Never underestimate your opponent, nor overestimate, that leads to certain defeat. Never assume a father who pledged his life to pacifism won't take the life of one threatening his baby. Pick your fights wisely, you never when one may be your last. And in this case, learn to feign more weakness than you can afford to have, deception can be the best friend to a survivor. Huh... I wonder have changlings thought like this? "Shining Armor, before you blast me out the window from Sun Butt knows how many flights high up, here me out." I back up to an open window that showed the crimson glow of the setting sun against the clouds in the distance. Watching Shining carefully. This is why I hate Lawful good type people... it's so much easier to deal with neutral or chaotic types. "Then start talking." His eyes narrowed further as he stopped a few feet away from me his horn glowing. Only the hum of Celestia's horn and his and my increased breathing were heard as I attempted to gather my thoughts. As I went to speak Celestia Spoke up. "Shining Armor, stand down... I understand what he's requesting and why. In case of anything he wants to have some allies in different places of the world to call upon. Should something happen to incapacitate all of us while he is in the middle of his travels he wishes to be able to gain assistance without alerting our captors." She put her cup down and got up turning to face us walking to the both of us. Her voice was stern but not with rage, yet something was screaming at all my instincts to run. So this is what the intensity of a Goddess is. "That's exactly right.... You see Humans as a whole are far more violent than you would think... we seek to normally attack and destroy that which we do not know so we can tear it apart and study it... some of us have more intelligence and look to other ways than just fighting... but if I a truly screwed up human was taken then it can mean something very dangerous is coming. Griffons I can think I can convince considering their nature. Minotaurs, respect strength and Knowledge. Zebra's are wise and spiritual. Saddle Arabians are powerful in Numbers and Yaks are Stubborn survivors. I wish to better our tides with them all if possible." I quickly try to explain the reasons Celestia listed as if she was reading my mind. oh wait... she's read my memories and realized how I reacted in certain situations, top off shes a few thousand years old and with age comes wisdom she put two and two together to create fish in this world but four in mine. Shining's horn stopped glowing as he got closer to me no less angry than before but more scrutinizing. "Then why the Armor and Weapons." His voice was almost a growl while he essentially interrogated me. "My original race did well with tools, so do ponies, and I would like to be able to defend myself effectively if there will be a war, Because I promise I'll be on the front line to Protect this world and those who my Loyalties are." As I say this I step up Shining Armor putting my forehead to his. "And right now, Captain, that means you, Aphrodite, Flurry Heart, Princess Sun Butt, Princess Moon Butt, and your sister Princess Twilight. Make no mistake, I will fight to protect them and if necessary I'll even challenge this worlds Grim Reaper." Shining Began to step back as I pushed forward not about to back down. "And should I end up getting a child for myself I'll fight to protect him even harder than before as at that point I'll have something to call my own blood. Just like you would for your family." Sighing I pull myself away, and look at Shining with a soft smile, the same type he had given me when we first met. "Now, can we stop acting like little kids, I mean, foals and eat dinner? I'm rather hungry." Shining Nods before turning to sit back down by his wife and daughter. Luna laughed a little. "That would be because you haven't eaten anything really except for the bread crumbs of your meal." I give a nervous and embarrassed look as I move to sit back down, Luna moving to her seat as well. Looking at my food I hear my stomach grumble but I don't move to eat anymore. Instead I look to see if there is anything else. A few sweets, some more salad, a few fruits, nothing appetizing. Celestia must've noticed something as she leans down and whispers into my ear. "If you would like I can see if the cook can make something more, to you liking... would breakfast meats and some eggs be better for you?" I nod meekly at her and she calls a unicorn servant over. She had a light blue coat with a maid's outfit on and her mane was a mint to light green color her Cutie mark looked to be milkshake on a silver platter. "Would you please have Chef Zest make some biscuit sandwiches with egg white, Apple wood smoked maple sausage and Pepperjack cheese?" Literally the moment she said this my eyes went wide, my mouth gaped a bit and I felt my mouth salivate at the sound of the delicacy. "It would be for my newest acquaintance, and it would be much appreciated if he followed these instructions. For Damocles its something from his lost home that I hope would help him feel more welcome." The Unicorn looked from Celestia to me with a confused and perturbed look on her face nodding slowly walking away to the kitchen as I hear her mutter to her self. "just what kind of pony eats meat?" Hearing that I feel a bit dejected and my ears droop as for a moment I let my emotions show. Ofcourse I would be looked at like that... she's right... Ponies don't eat meet... they are vegetarians.. its shocking they even eat eggs. It was at this moment I feel my chair shift slightly and suddenly there is something warm on my back. Much to my own surprise it's Celestia's wing but I shrug it off and shake my head. "As much as I appreciate the gesture Sexy... I don't think it would be a good idea... my mind would give me mixed signals and I kinda don't want to learn about that side of my Anatomy just yet." This drew a heavy blush from Every adult in the room. Huh.. to be fair.... none of us are wearing....clothes.. At that thought I felt a heat start to rise and I adjust myself. "Ummm... Celestia... where would be the Colt's room?" She blushed further and pointed down the hall as i quickly got up and ran. Much to my own enjoyment despite my discomfort, I was bigger than before. That is not to say I didn't try to calm myself down without being perverted, however I learned hooves are hard. Being met with a guard outside of it I asked if he had a bandana or something to cover my eyes. He gave me a confused look but nodded, as he pulled out a scarf like cloth and at my request tied it around my eyes loose enough so i could make out forms and walk properly but tight enough so I couldn't see the full form of anypony in front of me. Curse you socially enforced mental taboo conditioning! Walking back I am met with light laughter and a divine scent my mouth watering as I walk back to my seat. to see something in place of my salad. Licking my lips I pick up one of a few of the small things on the plate I gave it bite and began weeping with joy as the taste danced across my taste buds. "So uh... Why are you wearing the Blind Fold?" From the Voice I could tell it was Shining Armor. Not wanting to be rude I put my Hoof up to inform him to wait a moment as i swallowed my food and took a drink of water. "So in my culture.... Its kind of a taboo to be without clothing or armor. And I am 23 years of age which is when, again in my home culture. We begin to have our.... Urges increase to High amounts... I didn't realize this till just now that most of the people I will be seeing will be in fact...without clothes or regalia, so it kinda had a reaction on me..." this drew a laugh from several of the ponies around me. Rolling my eyes behind my Blindfold I go back to happily eating my biscuit sandwiches. It's moments like these I wish time could stop in, Happy moments with good friends...but they aren't your friends are they Rowan. > Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my eyes to see a starless sky and a blood stained moon. It's starting off the same way. Now will I have control? Or will I be forced to relive the decisions I made so long ago. Hearing the sound of Dry dirt and sand crunching I turn my head to see a young woman approaching me. She had long dirty blonde hair, was wearing a jean jacket and a dirt covered white t-shirt with long black pants and a large Army belt. On her Side strapped to the opposite shoulder is an AK-47, and on the belt were several ammo bags and a holster for a pistol. "Why is it you're always here the first chance you get you come to the graves. Right after your brothers say its ok and you finish your routines you come here.. Even if it means coming when everyone should be asleep. When there is so much more you can do, Why Come her, Big Brother." Her voice was harsh and cut right into me like it always did. I Sat up and looked from her to the graves all around us. Some marked with slabs of Concrete or wood and steel bars making simple posts or crosses each with a prized possession of the owner by it. Because I can't let go of the past. " Because, Natalie, Someone needs to be here, to honor the dead and remember the fallen. So I'm sorry if I wish to be the one that does that as I personally had to witness each of their deaths. For some it was cause of my own decisions. Or does me doing this cause and Issue with everyone." My voice was cold, and cutting. I regret acting that way to her... She only wanted to make sure I was ok. Her face turned to a bashful embarrassed look. She sighed before shaking her head. "No... its not an Issue big brother. It's just that, I know you're putting the responsibility of their deaths on your shoulder, and that you just want to protect everyone. But you can't keep doing this to yourself. You are our leader, your brothers, Jack and Dante Follow you and help you. Jack is amazing at fighting, thinking not so much. Dante, I couldnt tell how he could figure out how to make a single fish full everyone here and last 3 days. But the one everyone turns to is you, and you're always there to protect everyone." Her voice was soft and sincere... "It's funny you know... I remember when we were younger and we first met. How you offered to help me fall asleep and how I started calling you big brother. How close we grew... and how you made a promise that if anything were to happen you would make your way to me as fast as possible." Her eyes looked down as she remembered. Her voice was soft as I stood up and hugged her gently to my chest. "And you kept your promise... you got your friends... got your brothers, and came and saved me." "Hmm? Did I save you? I seem to remember you trying to hurt me till you realized it was me," My voice was teasing and this got her to chuckle and smile for a bit. "Oh hush stop being a butt. It was after that you decided to tell those girls to not bother you for a week and during that time you stayed with me and sang that lullaby every time I was supposed to go to sleep to help me fall asleep... you never left me alone as you helped me get adjusted to living this way..." she hugged me tight when she said that. "I'm sorry I'm so Selfish brother." I huffed at that and kissed her forehead. "It's ok, your my little sister... your entitled to be a little selfish every now and again. Now, I know you didn't come here just to reminisce about simpler times, whats up?". I looked at her softly with a gentle smile. "Oh oh oh, That's right, I almost forgot!" She started bouncing up and down. "A scout came back, he said he found a lake. Can you Believe it?! A Lake with Water, and little forest around it. He said it was big to. Do you know what this means?" Her eyes were big, filled with emotions long forgotten... Hope, wonder, things that kids barely cling to and those that do are often found breaking the most. It means its time for me to say goodbye to you again... I don't want to..not like this "If he's right about this then... It means we can make a home. A base, a beacon for People. Natalie, go get the scout and two others. Then tell Jack and Dante, let them know I will be going with you four to locate and confirm if its safe. We will meet at my normal sleeping area." I was stern and direct as felt some kind of relief wash over me. IDIOT YOUR GOING TO LOSE HER "So here or your room?"she laughed at that while I rolled my eyes. I began to walk back towards the encampment we made for the time. "My room silly, now get going..." I smiled and chuckled to myself as she gave a salute then ran off holding her rifle. I walked through to get to my house, saying hello and evening to those I pass until I get to my cabin. Opening the door I feel everything stop and everything grays out as a figure moves on my bed. Looking over at it I begin to cuss as a certain dark coated alicorn moves close to what I had arrived for. "I thought I told you to Stay out of my dreams Luna..." She snorts at me unamused at me, "No you told me not to interfere with your Nightmares, not that I couldn't see what was happening in them. This is something Rare to see however...You are aware its a nightmare but you seem unable to do anything. Tell me, Is this normal?" Glaring daggers into her I speak softly, "Yes it is. Its like this every time until it gets to a 'New Night', only then can I decide things. But after that it all starts over, and I am forced to watch it all over. My decisions, my faults, and how those at that grave died." I say softly as she walks over to a strange sword on a desk. "I... I am sorry to hear that, to be forced to experience the same losses again and again when you think you're only doing whats best, whats right. Tell me Damocles, how have you stayed sane through it all?" Her voice was soft, nurturing, almost like a mother's voice. My anger I put aside as she looked at the sword. It's eye I swear shifting despite the dream being paused to look at her. Blinking to make sure I saw that right to see its eye locked back on center. "I haven't... When I was awake I would help where I could to numb the pain, before indulging myself in physical pleasures. It didn't help to remind me that bet I made applied here... If I was sane... I would've begged you to free me from this cycle. That's not the case though, is it." she turned to look at me strangely satisfied with my answer. "Or perhaps you're so sane that you don't see a point in escaping a demon you can't get help to fight. We aren't sure what matters to your kind most Damocles, tell me is this normal for them?" She sat on my bed patting the area next to her. Sighing Seeing there is no escape from this conversation I move to join her. Moving I am in my Pony body. The human standing where it was paused. "No, it's not normal. But to be normal as a human, is to be different and to err. Some of us prefer violence, others prefer to protect, some to be kind, others to hurt, some to make a profit, and the occasional few who just want to watch the world burn..." I say as I look over at her. "So what, did you want to watch my dream with me or something? And see how bad a human's dream can really be?" she smiled sheepishly before her horn lit with her dark magic. As color began to flow to the rest of the world I quickly said, "Rated M for Violence, Gore, and sexual intentions." She gave me a strange look before stopping her magic to keep the dream from playing. "What type of human were you, Rowan Wicker? If this dream should reveal who you are, then don't say anything. But from what I've gathered you are one who protects, but not without a heavy heart... Perhaps you are like the One whose name you take, Damocles." I stay quiet as she says that my eyes growing tired. Nodding she let the dream continue her eyes fixed on the sword. ******************************* PERSPECTIVE CHANGE: ROWAN WICKER HUMAN************************* Walking I stop at the entry way and stare at my sword. A monstrous weapon that I would swear came from the darkest parts of my nightmares. It looked similar to a great sword in basic structure outside of the fact it seemed close to being from something like Soul Calibur on the center of the Hand guard was a Large Yellow Cats eye that shifted for a moment towards my bed then settling its gaze back on me. Looking over at the bed to see nothing I sigh. Along the main blade and hand guards were several smaller black bumps. The followed me as I moved to the desk next to it. "A sword that never dulls... that literally drinks in the blood of what it cuts and has a fucking eye that watches me... Since this whole thing began you have been by my side. I know you're alive... I hear your screams for blood whenever I wield you and we encounter something new. But why? I can't help but won-" I stop abruptly mid sentence as I turn to face the door where Natalie walks in. "Big Brother, I've gathered them. We are ready to go when you are." She smiled happily, but it faltered for just a moment as it moved from me to the sword beside me. "W-will you be bringing that... Sword?" Her voice was hesitant and almost scared. I looked from her to the sword. The swords eye was locked into place as it was normally when it wasn't around myself or Dante and Jack. Slowly I nodded. "Sorry Nata, Its best I have what I'm used to in case of anything." She nodded slowly and fidgeted a bit. "Ok, Big Brother.... We will be waiting at the east entrance... according to the scout it was east northeast about 17 miles." her voice went from sensitive to strict and near military I sighed as I shook my grabbing the sword and putting it on the scabbard I made for it putting it on back and strapping a holster for a flare gun onto it with the flare gun and strapping a .454 Casull Auto. I walk out with an air of finality and aura despair. As I walked out Several People had caught wind of what could happen and saw that with his sword on his back knew that this was real there was a chance this could all be real. I had hear from time time several names and titles the people have given me. 'Death's Defier', 'God's Final Blade', 'Atlas of humans.' These were the names that I've heard and have the most appropriation with me. As I approached gate where I saw Natalie waiting for me I felt something Tugging my Jacket as if trying to slow me down. Stopping I turn to look at a young boy... He looked like he was only 6 and I knew him well. His name was Jason. His family had died protecting him by the time I found him and basically took him in. "Wait... Please... Don't go yet..." he looked up to me his voice straining as he pulled on my jacket. I turned to face him and bent down ruffling his hair. He quickly ran off within the next minute he was back panting and he held something in his hand letting it drop from his fingers as he held the chain it was on was a strange Japanese symbol surrounded by 9 spheres. "This... this is for you... Your only borrowing it so make sure to bring back. Promise you will!" His voice was in near tears as his eyes was watered up. I gently took it from him and put it on. "I promise... I will bring back to you Jason." smiling I stood up. "I will Come back, and we will with hopefully good news." This brought back something that was much needed. ************************* Perspective Change: Damocles************************ " I was a fool for thinking that..." My voice was bitter as I watched the scene play before me. "Honestly I thought you were quiet respectable and valiant for that. You held yourself well, so why would you say that?" Luna retorted as she looked at me while the scene continued with a rather boring trek. "Luna, Hope is dangerous. It's a powerful defense but it should only be a last resort to turn to. What That gave them was hope... and I acted as what was needed. Nothing More, Nothing less." Finally a clearing a had appeared in a small forest. "Watch what happens next... But it will not be clean." Luna looked at me wide eyed in confusion and mild trepidation. *********************Perspective Change: Rowan Wicker ************************** "We're here sir. It's Just up ahead." The scout had smiled at me with a sense of pride as I nodded Natalie Broke formation as we entered the clearing squealing in excitement. "Big brother look Its lake... A really Big lake with fresh water!!" Natalie was delighted with joy. As I stared in Joy and shock as she bent down and cupped her hand hands with the water and drank from it. "Oh my goodness. Brother it taste great!" There were counter ripples where she was as the rest of the group went and drank from it smiling in excitement. Could this be it... could we have at last found a place to finally call home? Thats when I noticed something moving beneath the waters surface. Animals... but... if every other animal had changed... whats to say those didn't. That's when it hit me.. Just a moment too late however. "EVERYONE GET AWAY FROM THE WAT-" I was cut off by a scream that was soon drowned out from under the waters surface as the scout was dragged under and blood began to color the water a dark red. Everyone quickly backed up and readied their weapons as I readied my Sword. Shortly after the scouts backpack was flung from the water. Before I could say anything, Natalie rushed to get the bag and at that same moment from a different point then where the bag came from a Large Alligator looking thing jumped out of the water. I rushed to stop it or at least save her. I did neither as it had snapped its jaws around her legs and with its moment effectively ripped them off at the knees. The sword gave an echoing scream as I did. Natalie screamed in fear and pain as she fell tumbling a bit. The two support units began firing at will at the alligator but their bullets just bounced off of it as if its hide was as hard as rock. Emerging from the water was two more of the alligators and I moved to stand between the 3 of them and my sister "Get Natalie and start to pull back Thats an order." I yelled back at them. The dinosaur looking alligators looked at me as a low growl came from them. The one that had gotten a taste of her charged me as one of the scouts began to draw the attention of the other two, and the other went and grabbed her while she was screaming in pain. Jumping towards the Alligator I aim for the left as I bring my sword to cut through the jaw's skin where it parts. I hear the screams of the other guard before I move and stab the gator deep into its eyes twisting the blade as I do the beast roaring in pain as it stops moving and falls onto its stomach completely. Taking my Flare gun out I aim it to the Sky and Fire and red Streak is shot into the air. The area would not be safe for us. "Fuck this I'm Not dragging your ass to just die!" The other started to run off and runs right into another alligator before it kills him, snapping its jaws around him and ripping him in half. His intestine being the only thing connecting the body. Pulling my sword out of the one I stabbed into its brain through the eye. Rushing to Natalie I take out my pistol and start firing at new alligator in sheer rage as a voice starts to come from the sword. " USE ME! USE ME AND DESTROY THEM! LET ME DRINK THEIR BLOOD!!! LET ME DRINK HER BLOOD!!!! The bullets bouncing off the Alligators mouth but hitting it with enough impact to make it move I draw its attention as it growls at me. Sliding to its side I slam the tip of the sword into it making it scream as I start to push the blade forward and fire into it's insides as I increase the gash in its side effectively gutting it. Ripping the blade out I turn to Natalie who is breathing but eyes aren't open, losing a lot of blood from her legs being ripped off. Moving as fast as I can I Jump at the two remaining alligators when suddenly 2 RPG rounds strike the alligators from behind me sending me tumbling back from the force of the explosion mid air. One of them was blown apart from the bottom half. As the other looked hurt it growled and went into the water. getting up and looking back in the direction where the rockets came from was a blinking green light. Dante and Jack must've fired them... I hate how accurate Dante can be and Jack only needs to mimic his movement. Fucking War masters Moving to Natalie I see her coming to and start to cough. "Big... Big brother? are you ok?" Her voice was weak as I lifted her up and carried her on my back. "Shhh... Don't Talk Save your strength. We will get you all fixed up when we get you to the relief group ok?" My voice was lacking the usual confidence as I tried to comfort her. I felt her start to breathe slower. "Hey don't, fall asleep not yet ok?" She shook her head as she weakly hugged me from behind. "Big bro...Rowan.. Can you do me a favor?" it sounded like she was struggling to keep it together. On my neck I felt tears start to fall as she moved her forehead to be against the back of mine. "Can you sing me that lullaby... the one you sang when I was afraid of the dark?" The moment she said that Tears began to fall on my face...her skin was getting slowly colder as I walked. " Please Rowan... Just this last time... For me?" I nod slowly. "Ok sis." my voice was trembling. "Ok...I'll sing for you..." I dont want to say goodbye not yet... Please no. " Hey Fairy, Where are you going? I'm trying to assemble all this liigghhht, I'll shine it down and make tomorrow briiigghht. ************************ Perspective Change: Damocles******************************** Standing there watching her die in his... My arms makes me tremble and start to cry. Luna looks mortified that a dream could even have this much detail as I begin to sing along with myself the lullaby I sang for her. Oh Yea Now do you hear the voices Calling out your name? Oh Yea Because I lost my voice while Doing the same Oh Yea I'll never quit until I feel your beating heart Oh Yea Oh Yea~ The sun and moon have joined in celebration Have you forgotten their affiliation? When you're not here to share your laughter with me ~ I just can't find my inspiration Now it's snowing Keep going Be honest Keep smiling because We're approaching The clock keeps on ticking And it never stops Hey Fairy Where you going I'm trying to assemble all this light I'll shine it down and make tomorrow bright Why? Why? Why? Don't say goodbye The relief team runs up to them as both he and I feel her heartbeat stop and they take her away from me as we stand there holding back our tears before we walk back into the encampment. Him taking off the blood covered necklace and hand it back to Jason. Saying nothing the entire time, everyone's eyes growing dull color fading as we pass before he shrugs off his jacket and puts the sword down along with the gun and we both lay down falling asleep as our tears fall in silence. Suddenly my eyes snap open and I see nothing but a ceiling fan above me along with the ceiling. Sitting up I look at outside the window to see a bunch of storm clouds and wipe away the last of my tears as a smile that would make a devil jealous grows on my face. "Time to Learn to fly." With that I walk out the door to my temporary castle suite after brushing my hair then shaking my head to have the hair fall in place. > Thunder from the ground and Sky| Part 1 Declaration. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking down the Corridor I couldn't help smiling to myself, As I heard the thunder Rumbling followed by a rush of hoof steps and wings flapping in my direction. Celestia being the benevolent and gracious ruler she is along with Luna, provided me with a literal home, a legitimate tower that I can rightfully say is mine as even the door to it had a sign and mail post that stated my new name. My ears flicked as the sounds of a rather large bodied being slowed but grew louder still. Along with the sound of their voices, a new one among that which I know? "I just don't understand though, with what your saying his mind should be so disturbed on a psychological level if that type of dream is normal, and if its in such vivid detail like you say... and the notion that it repeats itself. He shouldn't be anywhere near as sane as his previous displays according to all of you." His voice was concerned, fascinated and analytical. Kinda of gruff but nasally as well. Like Ghost Nappa. Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. NOOOO I'll never be able to see Team 4 Stars videos but DBZ Abridged was amazing. "Luna, are you sure this is accurate? If Doctor Nappa is right about this leaving him alone may have been a dangerous choice on my part." Celestia's voice was regretful. I had to stifle my laughter as I came into their view around the corner walking with a large smile on my face. "See Auntie you were over reacting, Damocles is fine." She paused for a moment and looked over at me. "You are fine right?" her voice held like a worried older sister's. I simply Nodded and stretched a bit. This time I reflexively felt my wings move with me eliciting several violent pops that made a few of them blink in surprise as I gave a slight sound of enjoyment. Now my wings were fully extended in a near wing boner state. Looking at them I sigh. "Do the wings staying up after popping some bones seem normal? Be cause outside of that I feel fine. Had a nights rest, had a good dinner, gonna get some breakfast and I would like some company, I don't do too well being completely alone for long periods of time. Makes my mind start to over work itself, and well You all know how imaginative I can get... and Luna?" She cocked her head giving a sound of curiosity. "While I appreciate the sentimentality of you worrying about my mental state based off the dreams I have normally, I assure you I am fine. Its been near 4 years I've had to live through that moment. Won't lie the first time messed me up pretty bad, became overly clingy with her and such during the first few repeats but I got better about it. And please, don't treat me as a foal. I'm damaged goods, as such I don't those who have a whole lot of... Political power, to get too attached to me. Can cause some issues." After saying that I mocked gasped and added shock giving everyone a look of worry and alarm. "How rude of me I forgot to say good morning to everyone, and good night to someone else." Looking at them all I said good morning to each individual starting with Celestia, "Morning Sexy, good morning Moon Butt, Aphrodite, Captain, and a special good morning to you Doctor Nappa." After that I started walking past them, Celestia giving them a smile as I walked. Everyone blinked as I passed them and they followed. Celestia was the first to speak, "So you are adamant with calling me that, yet you state you will not pursue anything?" Nodding I imitate Big Mac's voice for a response. Luna spoke up now, "And why is that? And I'm curious as to why you haven't given me a pet name yet." Her voice was concerned amused and I think held a slight hint of jealousy. "Well not to be rude or too forward Luna, I can't think of one for you properly yet, as to why I call your sister sexy, well don't get me wrong you've always been gorgeous in my eyes, but Celestia has an edge on you that you don't. She's had a thousand years of experience to learn to do some very... skilled things, in her free time if she ever got bored. Not to say that you don't either but lets be honest here. What guard, and some servants' I'm sure, haven't dreamt of the acts that lead up to you both bearing their children. As for why I chose not to attempt to pursue it, Simply because that doesn't interest me and currently Romantically my Loyalties lie...elsewhere " My voice was so matter-of-fact it made shining Armor trip and Luna and Celestia stop and look a guard that I had just passed who I'm sure had over heard our conversation was more than sweating bullets. "Although you are right, I haven't been fair to you. Give me some time today and I'll have a better one for you. Deal?" I say as I look back to see just about everyone blushing and a very mad doctor. "Ok I've heard enough! Princess Celestia, Princess Luna I demand that you have that pony.. no that mad Colt locked up." As if on cue some Jail bars appeared in front of me though not cutting me off and I decide to play it out because Cue Discord! "Oh the doc is right girls, I'm insane I shouldn't be around pony's. Only you both would know what I would do! Just Chain me to a wall," The bars turned to restraints that had me float on an imaginary wall. "Slam the door" a small wooden door appeared between me and them and slammed against nothing loudly as keys were placed. "Lock me up and throw away the keys." the key was turned then tossed out the window before a familiar laugh began to take place as terror befell their faces when they realized what was happening. I couldn't help but take part in the laughter as a certain Draconequus appeared with his arm around me. "Oh I do say this one is more fun than the others, where did you find him 'Tia." he laughed. "She didn't, I was summoned by her." I replied in between laughs in her stead suddenly he stopped laughing and looked over at me then to Celestia. "This is what you needed to borrow some of my Magic for? To summon a pegasus with bat wings?" His voice was arrogant and unamused. "I mean really, you told me it was reach across time and space to a reality where not even I could touch to bring someone to help us. But instead we got this?" Celestia Spoke finally rolling her eyes to bear a smile. "Good morning to you to discord, with your arrival that means that Princess Twilight and the other elements of harmony are here... I will answer all questions after Damocles has some breakfast. And Doctor Nappa, we all have coping mechanisms for everything I am sure there were psychiatrist and mental doctors where Damocles is from that attempted to help him." I simply nodded my smile still there as she continued "I am sure he went to them as well" I couldn't help but snicker at that, "and the fact that he wasn't incarcerated there means he should be fine among our kind as well. Though I will admit that someone that Discord can do a comedy bit with is a tad unsettling" Luna muttered something at that comment along the lines of that's not the only thing. "Not to mention that he is still adjusting to our world he is bound to have a few... quirks as they say. Now lets go eat before a certain pony realizes hes looking at several Naked females again." This drew a blush on my face as she smirked accentuating naked and I quickly turned around and began to walk. "Hmm, perhaps I should call that certain pony something back for the nickname I am allowing him to have." this drew a mild laugh from Luna as I started to walk faster. Crap I forgot the blindfold!! My mind raced with thoughts to try and calm myself down when I turned the corner and bumped into a certain white coated golden maned Unicorn in a suit that had a white and yellow star for a cutie mark, making us both fall down. "Ugh The Nerve, Do you have any Idea of who I am?" Nobles accent, pompous tone the 'I'm better than everyone and they should lick the very ground I step on' attitude, Yep this was Indeed the one pony I wanted nothing to do with. BlueBlood. Standing up the rest of the group Caught up with me as Twilight and friends walked down the hallway coming towards us. My mind raced as I assessed the situation. Lets see I'm in a new world, I have a new name. I still have my honor, I want to do what is right, after all their patience is only so vast and I am completely unaware of my current standing with them. I have the culmination of everything I despise in front of me and am at a tactical disadvantage when it comes to physical/magical properties and I REALLY hate this guy. My options: apologize a lot, save face and keep going to get food, Pick a fight with him and hopefully kick his ass, not the mule, with my sick human military training, ignore him and have him complain to Celestia and Luna, or insult him, fight him, and humiliate him. And despite me thinking all this through I'll still go with my gut feeling and say option D, before I even finish this- "I don't know, some brat who has been suckling on the teat of his family's status and success considering how by blood you are related to both Celestia and Luna and only get your way with what you want because no one generally wants to upset you because of said blood ties?" He looks at me his eyes widening and rage building. "Oh I'm sorry did I strike one of your very many shallow nerves?" The doctor aside,who having apparently left in anger due to my antics with discord, everyone stood flabbergasted at who I was talking and how. Rarity with sparkles in her eyes. "How Dare you!! I am Prince Blue Blood and you will Respect my authority." I couldn't help laughing in my head as I suddenly remember the ringtone my dad's phone had. South park was hilarious. "To think that such a disgusting being like you would even dare to compare to me. Whatever Mare who would try to wed you I feel sorry for, Due to their blindness or how much spirit they had to drink they you would be worth it or their lack of intellect with their lack of beauty." That was the final straw as my expression darkened and my laughter subsided. Celestia and Luna looked worried for what would come next giving each other a glance Cadance and Shining Armor did the same. A sound of a mirror shattering was heard through out the hall which later to be revealed was Discord falling to pieces in shock Blueblood had the audacity to do that. My eyes zeroed out for a moment and I felt every muscle in my body including my wings twitch to life as if saying with instinct we are yours to use. Breathing deep I close my eyes before I open them to lock on his eyes and spoke cold enough to make a windigo shiver. "Listen here, you little foal. I don't care if you go to insult me, but insult those I love and care about? You will regret. There is a window right there if you wanna take this outside, lets do that before we break some things in here. But I still hold some honor from my old home so ,I will give you just one chance. One chance alone, to apologize to the one who gave her heart to me for what you said." He laughed at me in that moment. "Oh please do you think you could honestly defeat me? A blank flank of a Colt? Fine then I will Accept your duel. I will not apologize for what I said as obviously she would be here. Or tell me did you have to pay the tart? In fact lets raise the stakes higher shall we?" he locked his eyes with a smug grin. "I'm listening." Hoof steps fell behind me, from the weight and movement it sounded like Shining Armors. "I will select a Champion to fight in my stead Should I win you will become my personal pack mule for my entertainment." "And when I win, You will do as I say, but lets make it better put on more of a show for everyone. I'll fight you and your champion at the same time. In 3 days you, your champion Vs me." My face stayed remarkably neutral as I spoke I could tell it was starting to get to him. He was growing angry. "Fine. Lets see how well you hold yourself when you have to hold 3 times your own weight." with that he turned and tried to slap me with his tail in the process Instinctively my wing came out and blocked it before going back against my sides. "Good, you better be ready to apologize to every mare you Insulted by name. Does that sound Fair to you Rarity?" My gaze turned from him to her as she led her friends up to me passing him with the usual lady like movement. "Hmmph, As much as I do distaste violence I would hope that the thrashing you give him would do well to remind him of his mannerisms. Which Bring me to this question, Darling. How do you know my name?" She squinted her eyes at me in suspicion. Celestia Intervened for me at that moment, "Hello Rarity, Pleasure to see you all here. Damocles will be willing to share exactly how he knows after we eat and Shining Armor finishes knocking sense into him. Isn't that right, my little Centurion?" her voice made me blush as she bent her head her lips near my ears as she said the last part. My wing shot up suddenly, causing her to giggle along with Luna and Cadance. "Ok... point to Celestia... Current Score? Crystal Couple:0, Luna: 0, Friendship squad:0, Myself:-1, Celestia:1" Shaking my head I make my way to the Diner hall. > Thunder from the ground and Sky| Part 2 72 hours remain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moment I sat down at the table I get hit hard enough on the back of my head to send my face into the table grunting in pain I groan holding my muzzles as I turned to see shining Armor Glaring at me and the 'Friendship Squad' as I named them look at what just happened in mild shock. Looking at the Friendship Squad I notice something wrong. "Ok. One: OW. Two: Where is Pinkie Pie?" Shining just snorts at me. As I rub the back of my head. Twilight Responded this time, "Um.. Pinkie said she wanted to give you a really special surprise but she had to visit an expert on your kind.... I don't see why though, Batponies are mildly common now." My eyes widened in horror, my jaw opening in shocked smile that began to show off my fangs. "That's not important right now, however. What is Important is how stupid you are to pick a fight with Blueblood! And to let him have his champion!" He huffed as he began to pace Cadance trying to get his attention by calling his name as he started to rant. Her sitting down next to Celestia this time as I took a seat next Luna. "Of all the ponies you had to anger, that you had to challenge, TO A PUBLIC MATCH NO LESS. It had to be him didn't it. What does your kind just thrive off of chaos? Or are you just-" "SHINING!" Everyone turned to look at Cadance in mild shock, as she held a neutral expression. "Darling, sit please." She gestured to the seat next to her and as I turned to look at him all I see was is a Shining Armor shaped Puff of smoke. Looking back at Cadance I see Shining Armor sitting next to her Obediently looking forward. A familiar thought crossed my lips in that moment , "Tartarus hath no fury like a Mare's scorn..." Luna merely made a sound of agreement next to me hearing what I had said. "Now, before we get into the ordeal with the duel our young Centurion had gotten himself into why don't we have him introduce himself and explain why he doesn't need you all to introduce yourselves to him." Her face still neutral. Her voice, Neutral. What was she trained by Celestia herself to play poker? I thought to myself. Shaking my head of the thought I stood and faced them clearing my throat before I spoke. Look at each of them individually I stated their names. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie who is currently not with us. I know about most of your adventures from the time that Twilight was just a unicorn and showed up in Ponyville to take care of Summer Solstice for Princess Celestia when Nightmare Moon was destined to return. If you would like I can provide a single bit of information that each of you have, for the most part refused to inform the others or just choose not to accept." Applejack looked at me skeptically, before she spoke "Well then Damocles, I'll call your bluff Name something about me that nopony else here should know about." Nodding I thought for a moment. "Would you like me to whisper it to you or to state it for everyone here as this is something only your family knows about and Applebloom has yet to ask about." She shook her head. "Out loud mister, since you're so sure of yourself." she gave a nod in affirmation with her statement. "As you wish, when you were a younger you lied to the point where everyone in the immediate Apple family ended up in the hospital but not due to them being hurt." Her eyes went wide and her pupils physically shrunk as her jaw dropped. Rainbow however, laughed at the notion. "Pfft yeah right, Applejack couldn't lie even if she wanted to. She's the Element of Honesty for crying out loud." It was only when she turned to look at Applejack that she faltered. "Right, Applejack?" The pony in question regained composure and frowned as she shook her head. "I just don't understand? How do you know that? No pony outside of the Apple and Rich Families should know about that! Heck I've never even told my friends that." Her voice held confusion mixed with irritation and a mild amount of pain. "Honestly, darling its quite alright. Even I tended to fib when I was a young filly so don't worry about it." She said trying to console her friend as our food arrived. My mouth watered from the meal before. Thank the sisters they had a Hippogryph for a chef. "But I am curios as to what kind of Scandalous information you have on me deary. It can't be too embarrassing however." she said as she used her magic to pick up a fork. "Rarity, I'm going to be nice here be cause I would like to ask you a favor after I finish proving myself. So I'm only going to say 3 words. 'Tom the Diamond'." Suddenly I had to move as a fork came flying at me and stuck into my seat next to my face I felt my eyes do what applejack did and my ears droop. "Right sorry never saying it again." this drew a hmmph from her as she fixed her composure. "Anyone else? But for reasons I won't go into this because Fluttershy is who she is I'm simply going to say 'Cockatrice'." A gasp was heard and fluttershy flew over to me. "Ok that is enough mister. I'm sorry but I think you have made your point very clear to not only me but everyone else here. Now start explaining how you know all this and who you are." Sighing I turn to Luna. "Nightingale can do me a favor and do that hold memory casting thing but focus it on the parts directly dealing with them?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "Is that what your going to call me from now on? It's mildly endearing." "It's a work in progress like I said give me time... but would be so kind as you do that for me please?" She smiled and nodded. "Anything for a possible member of my personal night guard, My little Centurion." She whispered into my ear as I went to take a bite out of my omelet and I got an Instant Wingboner making her laugh softly as her horn started glowing. Blushing I ate and Celestia began to explain everything. While Discord had a score board appear with Luna getting a point. "You see My little Ponies, Damocles isn't exactly from our world, he isn't naturally a pony either. In honesty he is something known as a human and We, according to him, were originally just drawings on paper came together to make movements and his kind would then record themselves talking and then sync it up so the voice came in time with the movements of our mouths." Celestia paused and Cadance picked it up. "And if we are being completely honest girls, Damocles isn't even his real name." This made growl in annoyance as I shot her a mild glare and drank some water to clear my throat. "No it's my new name, still real just not the one I was born with." I corrected before letting her get back to the explanation. "Right, sorry. Now... when he first got here I was certain he would hate us... in fact he's probably still upset at us, because as he put it. We have... we killed him in more ways then one. To make things worse for us, he had sound reasoning." She paused and nuzzled Shining's neck to... saddened to state the next part. Shining in turn took over. "Using his explanation let me say it this way Twilight. Let's say that one day when I woke up to begin my work day I suddenly disappeared, without a trace. And no one here had anyway of getting in contact with me. Let's keep saying that I then woke up in a different world a different body and was pulled away from You, Cadance, and Flurry Heart because the rulers of that world needed my help. Now normally when they would say they could send him back everything would be fine outside of the time he was missing." His expression grew more worried depressed as Cadance tried to hold him closer. "But he made several valid points. Twily can you guess them?" Looking from him to them all I see several worried expressions coming from Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight. Rainbow and AJ both shared looks of confusion until Twilight had a look of realization and looked from Shining to me. "They could send you back, but there would be no way to tell if it would be the right time or place or even give you back your original body......" I nod solemnly swallowing the last bite of my sandwich. "So they killed my life over there, and the trip here was less than painless. My home and everyone I loved gone without me even having a choice." Looking at Celestia and Luna gave Looks of sorrow. Ones that begged for forgiveness. Sighing I continue, "So I am here now. I am alive here. I took a new name for the closure that Rowan Wicker is indeed dead and passed. I, Damocles, was born and now I need to find my purpose here and figure out why That spell they used summoned me. Make a life here, friends and in the future hopefully find a new love. For privacy's sake I would like to take some time before I disclose everything to you both. As for how the chaos magic came into play.." I look at discord. "To me your personality, your structure, what your capable of was all made by my kind. What kind of messed up twisted individual would it take to make you." I say my lips curling slightly upwards as he thought and nodded. "Granted I wasn't made there but I can see your Logic." I continued, "Now I would like to let you know that after my duel with Prince stuck up the blonde I will be staying in Ponyville for a while and I would like to make friends with all of you. But if after the fight you don't want to I understand. Humans... don't exactly follow the same virtues of ponies. To put it simply, when I first met these 4," Gesturing from Luna to shining. "I'm pretty sure I gave them several scarring mental images of what I did when I hit a very bad depression due to a bunch of things. One of which made me question the value of bothering to have a friendship in the first place. Because among my group of friends, Kindess was replaced with Malice. Loyalty fell to betrayal. Honesty gave way to lies. Laughter gave way to Torment. Generosity corrupted by greed. From that happening I kinda fell from grace. As to what I will bite my tongue on the subject due to its... Nature." I paused as they all Including a now present Pinkie Pie looked at me with pity. Pinkie even gave me a crushing hug. "Pin....kie Need...Air" she let go after a moment. "I'm sorry Rowy, oops. I mean Damocles. It's Just how I don't get how anyone can be so cruel as to make someone stop laughing and hurt their feelings. Those must've been some pretty bad people. So No matter what I will be your friend." She gave her normal overly large smile and a squee type noise could be heard. I laugh shaking my head. "Now let's get to the matter at hand as shining stated. Rarity I have 2 request for you. One: Get word out that Someone is fighting Blueblood to make him apologize to every mare he has ever wronged I want a list and I want confirmation of them being there at the event so I can call them all down and he can give an apology stating what he did, I want you 4th or 5th on that list because, " I stop and turn to Celestia and Luna "Our princesses should be first on the list as he abuses his ties to them too much in my opinion. Then I want Cadance and Twilight on there because they pretty much had to live with him, that alone is messed up." Rarity's eyes grew to the size of her head as she smiled and did a little squeal in happiness tapping her front hooves together. "You can count on me for that, darling. Two days socializing with Canterlot's high society should be more than enough for getting every name down. Twilight may I borrow spike when he wakes up to have him get in contact with the mare's to let them know what is going on?" Twilight nodded. and I smile to myself. "Good the other part is get someone to make a Versus poster of me and him I want this fight to be known even by the foals and fillies." She nodded gleefully. "Now Shining Armor. Talk to me what I am looking at for dealing with Blueblood and his champion." "Certain defeat. You don't even know how to fly yet." He glared daggers into me as he said that. "Wait. He can't fly? Alright, since he intends on being awesome out there I think I can spare some of my time to teach him how to fly." Rainbow Dash grinned at me a coy look in her eyes. "I've never taught a bat pony before but you should still consider yourself lucky, your being taught by one of the fastest and coolest Wonderbolt fliers." My eyes light up at that. "Thanks Rainbow, I'll let you know after my combat training when I'm free. Speaking of which," I turn to Luna, "Would you be willing to lend me the current or ex Captain of the Night Guard to teach me how to fight, Nightingale?" I look at her with something similar to puppy dog eyes. Shining armor looking at everyone as Fluttershy and Rarity start planning and rainbow adding in here and there. "Hmm Captain Duskblade may be too busy but I'm sure Midnight wouldn't mind. Ill send a letter to him." Luna nodded. "Great!" turning to shining armor. "Shining Now this part I have in mind for you, if you would be wiling to help me?" grumbling he sighed closing his eyes before answering. "What is you want me to do?" "Can you gather any willing and top Crystal guard and Royal guards of the varying species and have them spar with me and tell me everything I should know about Blueblood, Please?" He opened his eyes and looked from me to Cadance to Celestia and Luna. Luna smiled Celestia gave a coy smile and raised an eyebrow that basically said 'why are you asking me?' "Fine, we start after your physical exam." He got up and started walking away. "Good that just leaves on final thing. Sexy, I'll need your help and the blacksmith for the royal guards help later today preferably. But before I start to learn anything, Flying included." Twilight Coughed "What did you just call Celestia?" Twilight asked Incredulously. Celestia began to laugh as I snickered. "I called her Sexy, that's what she is and she has made it more than clear I'm allowed to as she nor anyone else, save for your, has tried to stop me. But thinking about it, it would probably be a good idea to have the very Alicorn of Magic to add her power to the mix of things." Raindrops began to fall against the windows. Celestia spoke now, "And what, may I inquire, would you want help with the three of us?" Thunder crashed Before I spoke as I smiled my fangs showing and the lighting making my red eye shine a violent crimson. "A special type of magical augmentation that normally no pony sane or not would attempt or think of having it done on themselves." Getting up I followed out the door shining left through to see him there waiting for me leaving them all stunned. He grunted as he started walking. I followed him silently as I tried to feel out my muscles on my wings and began to make them move. You can feel the bones, you can feel the muscles now move them. You have stood up to death, you had broken many hearts. You have gained countless scars, you survived the fires. Fought your father. Fought demons and came out on top so now move your wings. You finally have them. Now move them. I felt them both start to move and stopped walking and started holding in a scream of rage as I fought to move them slowly at first in short movements they twitched to life. Shining turned to see what was going on as he watched me struggle with my wings then smiled softly to him self as he saw me fully stretch them out. Flapping them once I fought to do it again. The second time came easier, then I tried to retract them back to my side, before extending them to the forward of me. I started trying to curl them as if to cover my face. We were there for what felt like 3 hours, but in reality was 10 minutes. Satisfied with my ability to fully control them I tucked them to my side and nodded at shining who nodded back in approval. "We are running late. so lets see how fast we can run there, Its about a mile away from here I'll lead going at your pace." Nodding I started off at a smooth walk to light jog before I started running, Shining was by my side letting me know when we had to turn to get the doctor's office. I had to slow down when we turned but feeling frustrated by that I began to use my wings to shift my turns faster. During one particular turn I felt like I was drifting using my wings before flapping them in a way that propelled me forward. The door was directly in front of us. That's when I realized something really important, I couldn't stop. Well it wouldn't be the first time I've crashed into something, definitely won't be the last. Hitting the door hard enough I actually manage to tear it off its hinges making it fall down with a loud thud my bod there pressed against it and my tail falling after a moment. Pulling my head away from it I hear Shining armor laughing as I see stars dancing around my head. Nurse Tender Heart came out of a different room to see what the commotion was and spotted me. "While I appreciate you rushing to get here being late an all, I would think that you would be better off making sure your not injured Rowan." Shaking my head to regain my composure as I get up Shining Armor walks in through the hall. "Sorry Tender, I'll be sure to pay for the damages the moment I can." I say as I get off of it. "Also I have new name that I'll be going by, Damocles." "It's ok, don't worry. My what an interesting name. Though I suppose it does fit someone like you. Afterall you are a very interesting Pony. I can't help but wonder what makes you tick." My eyes go wide at that comment and I my ears droop. This I'm sure is what brings out her laugh. "So shall we begin your Physical?" She goes and opens the door and I nod slowly following her. There she has me sit and takes my blood pressure Measures my height, length, wingspan, and weight. She took a small blood sample. And then she had me answer some questions while being Recorded. "Ok, Mr. Damocles. Have you ever been allergic to anything?" "No" "Any type of medications you were prescribed?" "Only Codeine and that was only when I was sick." "How often do you normally get sick?" "Roughly one to three times a year." "Final Question, do you intend on being apart of the active Military?" "Not directly no." "Ok all we have to do is measure your Wind Speed Produced when flying. But you will have to know how to fly to be able to do that. So we will take that say.. Next week?" She said smiling at me. "Ummm next week I may be in Ponyville so that might be an issue." "Oh? That won't be an Issue at all, after all I'm... technically assigned to you so where you go," She got closer her eyes going half-lidded and mildly seductive. "I go." My cheeks seemed to flush as she looked into my eyes before I smile and lean into her ear. "Then its a date. I'll be sure to wear something nice for you." Pulling away from her I look over at Shining and nod. "Ok lets get going to the blacksmith. Celestia and twilight should be there waiting for me." I say smiling noticing the pink hue on Tender Hearts cheeks before leaving and he nods leading the way. Heading out of the castle to the main training area of the Royal and Night guard, respectively due to the times each on is active. Watching the guards training on each other as well as several training dummies with wooden swords and spears and a target range for unicorns blasting magic. In front of was a large staircase that led up to a forge built into the mountain side. Where Celestia was waiting with Twilight, and the Black smith a Unicorn with a blue coat messy brown hair and black spots on him in varying size and such he was wearing a set of goggles just under his horn but above his eyes and and thick leather looking apron tied at his midsection who was looking less than excited to see me. And another light purple pony looking at the forge before us who has yet to notice me. "So what does this.... Thestral want." he said point at me and I Glare daggers. "I'm sorry, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you just call me a cave pony. Be cause I'm not going to be that guy to insult you and your attitude." He scoffed at me and turned his attention back to Celestia. "Damocles play nice, he is doing this as a favor. Now what is it that you want us for?" Twilight looked at me curious and mildly annoyed. > Thunder from the ground and Sky| Part 3 Purpose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Damocles play nice, he is doing this as a favor. Now what is it that you want us for?" Twilight looked at me curious and mildly annoyed. "Ok First let me ask this, Have you ever used or made a metal that was reactive, increased its density as pressure was applied to it?" A smile began to grow across my features as I looked at the smith, Celestia giving her serene smile, and twilight with a look of growing confusion spread across their features. "Of course, I have to do that for every bit of Armor I make for both the guards changing the consistency as is necessary and adding additional magics to them so the Night guard doesn't get given away by the sound of their hooves hitting the ground and the metal clinking as they move. Why?" He sounded very prideful as he spoke. "Good I want you to provide that same type of metal and magic Directly to my wings. Sexy, Twilight I want you to help make it so it doesn't take away my ability to fly. To be precise replace the webbing of my wings with a liquid metal that I can use to guard and attack with and that will still allow me to fly, and feel." I explain with a wicked grin as more Lightning crackles and the drizzle starts to turn into a heavy rain gradually. Shining Armor makes a few umbrella's appear which everyone takes up holding so the rain doesn't get us all soaking wet. "ARE YOU INSANE?! THE AMOUNT OF MAGIC IT WOULD TAKE LET ALONE THE AMOUNT OF PAIN YOU WOULD BE IN! DO WANT TO DIE?!" A new voice speaks up coming from the other. Starlight Glimmer... She must've been with spike till only recently. But I can't help but laugh at that statement as looks of unease appear and fear appear over the smith's and Starlight's faces and Twilight's. Shining and Celestia however have solemn looks as I laugh more. "Damocles are you sure this is necessary?" Celestia looked at me worried. "The amount of pain you would be in would -" "Would be nothing I haven't already subjected to myself by choice. I will be responsible for whatever happens, Worse case scenario we cut off the wings I stab myself in the heart and pull a hard reset." I interrupt effectively cutting her off. The mention of the suicide made Starlight, the smith, and Twilight take a step back in mild disgust. Sighing she nodded slowly. "P-Princess are you really agreeing with him? He's obviously insane talking about resetting over death like its just a game! He can't be sane! It's just not possible." Starlight spoke up scared the black smith nodding in agreement. Shining Armor put his hoof on the blacksmith shaking his head and Twilight slowly nodded. Celestia gave her a pleading look of sadness, she knew I meant it and she knew I would. "Fine, I'll help you with this as well Damocles, only because Princess Celestia wants me to. Think of this as my offering of friendship but I won't be held accountable for what happens next." Twilight turned to look at Starlight. "Starlight, I know you don't know Damocles yet. He's new to Equestria and he will be living in Ponyville for a while and I would be more than grateful if you could help me. It's going to take a lot of magic to do this and I would rather be safe than sorry." Starlight simply stared at her teacher her mouth slowly opening as if searching for the words her gaze shifting from Twilight's saddened look to my silent smile as for moments I am sure my eyes glowed. She closed her mouth and eyes and shook her head. "I'm Sorry twilight I can't...." After that she teleported away to where I assume her bedroom is. Twilight looked down for several moments before everyone turned to look at the blacksmith. "How can I deny the request of the princess despite it being for a mad pony. FINE! But When this goes wrong.... It's your own fault." He screamed in frustration as he messed up his mane. He started while Twilight and Celestia Summoned several books and began to create several magic circles all connecting and interlocking. The black smith pumped the fire up as the heat increased steam rose and thunder sounded. The smith took several ingots of Inconel, sulfur, tin, copper, and lead and a single ingot of Iron and Arsenic before melting them together in the forge. Casting the spells necessary the metals began to ripple and move with life-like reactions as the fire and heat melted them down slowly and surely. An hour passed before taking his caster to apply the liquid metal, the blacksmith put them on my wings. "Somepony make it so he won't move when I'm applying this." Shining armor put magical binds which were strengthened by the empowering circle created by the Sun Princess and Magic Princess. Readying myself the blacksmith turned to Luna and the other elements of harmony Fluttershy and Rarity aside who had shown up when they heard word of what was happening trying to talk everyone out of it. "Would any of you like to give your luck for this mad colt?" Luna did not hesitate as she stepped forward and let magic pour from her horn into the super heated liquid metal. The others stared as the storm hit a new intensity as he poured it onto my wings. The heat of it lighting up the cast from the inside as it looked like molten lava was being done onto me. I, however, screamed. Lightning crashing around me as tears of pain and anger streamed down me. Unable to move from where I am Celestia and Luna hold each other close as Twilight and her friends cover close together. Pinkie Pie's Mane deflating as everyone tried to cover their ears as my screams turned from pain to anger and then finally to a twisted laughter that made a certain draconequus appear to stare in shock. Both wings were fully covered to my coat with the liquid and Celestia and Twilight joined by Luna began to cast a spell that grew in power. lighting the magic Circles to a point where it was near blinding. Quickly once the spell was finished casting the Black smith poured in as much ice water as he could the rain helping where it could. Then as the process finished something strange happened. As if the creators of all grew in anger at what I was doing Lightning struck where I stood as the magic completely enveloped me. Shining Armors shackles on me broke along with the cast. The area around me surged with power and the ground shattered at my feet. Standing as my body throbbed with pain I flapped my new wings feeling life into them, moving them to where I can see them carefully. It appeared to shine with several glows of magic. Flicking them, an intense wind was made and in that moment the rain seemed to stand still before falling again. Smiling as I walked up to the blacksmiths Armor mirror I looked from my metal wings, which seemed to sharpen along parts of it like it was a blade, to my eyes the yellow eye glowing brightly but the red eye dulled only to shimmer faintly as I look back at those behind me. This made me gasp as Lightning struck within the clouds. Quietly I spoke, but with enough sound so they could all here me. "When I was younger, my love and my little sister both asked me why my eyes were different colors. I told them that the left eye, my red one, would cast its gaze and help me find my resolve and grow strong for that which I wish protect. I then said afterwards my right eye, the yellow one, would give power and enhance me for that which I wish to destroy. My love was the only person to see my yellow eye glow between the two of them and that was when I grew angry for she broke a rule I had made when we were close to falling apart." Pausing I closed my eyes and turned around slowly. "Both of them however have seen my red eye glow. That was during times someone had threatened to hurt them. After helping me today.... I will forever be in your dept. So I will Vow now, my service to the Kingdom of Equestria, the Kingdom of Friendship, and the Crystal Empire." I kneel before them slowly my wings moving shimmering with not the magic I felt before but as if it was skin. "I know I may be... Different mentally and physically than most others, but I want to try... try to be apart of everyone here's lives... I won't lie... I've forgotten what real friendship is. Towards the last years of my life, I've grown to see friendship as only a tool of progress. So please, I beg of you," slowly I opened my eyes feeling energy build up inside me. "Let me learn to be a friend from all of you and to all of you. So I don't make the same mistakes. I will not lie and say I won't be violent at all. No, there are some people that words alone are not enough to stop someone." My eyes are wide and I see in the reflection of every pony's eyes both red and yellow glow from my eyes. "So I will defend all of you and what you hold closest until I fall, I will unite whatever nations to do it and lead armies if I have to. But I need a new purpose, so please. Let me be your guardian, like I was theirs. Let me be your warrior, as I was theirs." Closing my eyes again staying knelt. "Let me be your sword, your shield, Let me be," I rose slowly as my eyes opened and I felt the energy building surge and rush with power, "Your Centurion." Looking at each one of them they all nodded their heads slowly. Feeling their acceptance I felt myself float a moment and the energy I had built had released as I felt myself shine. Blinking as I landed down I heard a sound as if something appeared behind me. Smiling to myself I decided not to look at what had appeared. "Lets get in doors... the storm is supposed to worsen. We have an indoor training facility for you to practice flying however. I think you should rest Damocles." Celestia spoke before walking away Luna at her side. I look at the girls and slowly approach them before pinkie hugs me crying. Confused I just do what I always did when I had a girl crying in my arms. I wrapped my forelimbs around her and my wings and just console her. "Shhh shhh its ok Pinkie.. I'm here, everything this is fine. I'm ok, relax... Tell you what, I bet you had a very special party planned for me why don't we go enjoy some cake and stuff... if you want you can sleep...near me to make sure I'm ok..." I heard her sniffle and felt her squeeze me tighter. "R-really?" She pulled away slightly and I nod smiling. she starts to get fluff back into her hair and wipes her tears away as I let her go slowly. "Would it help if you feel my wings for yourself? They feel the same as before." She nodded and started to rub one softly and I felt a soft shiver from it. Wait, what was that. She continued to rub it and I felt myself start to grow a tad weak in the knees and I struggled to keep my face neutral. "Wow they are so smooth and they feel kinda like one of Rarity's satin dresses! And the water just rolls off it. Oh wait we are still out here in the rain we should go inside. That reminds me," her face goes serious and she holds me at the cheeks. "How did you know about my super duper welcome human surprise party?" "Ummm I don't?" I reply questioningly hoping that was the best answer. "Oh OK!" She replied before bouncing off. Rainbow and Applejack wait for me as I begin walking and twilight uses her wings to keep her self dry. "So you have metal wings now?" Rainbow asked seemingly concerned I nod to her as AJ walks on the other side of me. "And y'er none to concerned what kinds o' trouble may come from this are you?" I shook my head no at AJ's question as we got Shining putting away the umbrellas and closing the doors. "So you're sure you're gonna be able to fly right?" RD looked at my wings hesitantly as I shook them. "Well lets see if I can get off the ground with them. Based off what I understand from you and Fluttershy its about the initial movement of the wings right?" RD nods at that and I ready myself. "Just be careful not to-" I cut her off as I slam my wings down and shoot up into the air almost hitting the roof. "Flap too hard inside a building..." she finished. "Flap steadily and slowly to keep yourself afloat now and to move forward angle them a bit." I let my self glide a bit as my natural instinct comes into play a bit and my hooves start to kick wanting to feel the ground beneath them. This made me start to spin and loose control as I land, if you could call it that, abruptly on my back against the wall and slide down it till I landed on my head my body flopping to the floor shortly afterwards. Shaking my head I heard Rainbow laughing. Huffing I got up and shook my head. "That's gonna take awhile to get used to..." I sighed as I started walking. "I don't get it though, you were doing fine, why did you start freaking out like that?" AJ scratched the back of her head as she walked next to me. Rainbow flying lowly before breathing deep to calm herself down chuckling a bit to her self. "To put it in terms that make sense, where I'm from. No magic, No wings." This made both Rainbow and AJ stop and stand still in shock. Looking back at them I cocked an eyebrow. "What... was it something I said?" "No Wings?" RD complained as if terrified which got her a look of annoyance from AJ "So you use to be like me then?" AJ asked to Simplify what was said but I shook my head. "Everyone was like you AppleJack. We had no magic at all and if we wanted to fly, RD, we needed to progress technologically wise." The two of them caught up but at that point, we had lost the rest of the group. Anyways, I think my fridge is stocked so if you both would like I can attempt to cook something for you both." I smile at them and the nod. But Rainbow runs her hoof over my wings witch makes me visibly shiver and stagger to a stand still. "Huh so they are sensitive like a Pegasus wing. Good to know, anyways Where exactly his your room." "Room Rainbow Dash? I think you mean Tower." I smile as I point out the window towards the tower off the side of the castle. Lightning crashed behind it making it appear much more ominous than it actually was. After a few more turns we make it to the hall that leads to my home in Canterlot. However the guards were not there. "Hmmm...." "What is it Damocles?" AJ picked up on my obvious suspicion. "There were guards here before... Now there's not and shining isn't here with us..." I walked to the door opening it and continued slowly down the rest of the hallway RD and AJ behind me. "If anything happens run... Ill buy time." "If you think I'm gonna leave you to all the fun your crazy." RD Replied in a huff "No way, you may be crazy but Princess Celestia accepts you as one of us, and you may take some time getting used to but I ain't leaving nopony behind to save myself and that's that." Applejack stomped the ground and I rolled my eyes. "Fine then stay out here and if anyone tries to come out that isn't me do me a favor and kick their... Flanks" I paused for a moment to think of the appropriate word. They nodded and I proceeded in leaving the door open as I walk into my living room. Suddenly the door shut and as I turned to look everything went all kinds of black. "So this is 'The Centurion' huh? I've got my work cut out for me." A new voice older than most that held pride and disappointment was the last thing I heard. > Thunder from the ground and Sky| Part 4 48 Hours Remain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My eyes raced as I took in the scene around me. The moon was raised high yet seemed larger than normal, as did its cascading crimson glow seem more prominent on everything it could touch. Moving my head I looked towards the sword staked into the ground before me a few feet away, its Eyes watching me carefully as I walked around it in semi circle. Wait a second... this isn't supposed to happen till another 4 weeks from now. My mind was processing the sudden skip in the dream's timeline. My mouth began to move on it's own as I spoke. "Ok, I know you can talk... so spill it, why did you want me on this plateau? Why do you want so much blood? And finally what is it you wanted to do to me." My eyes narrowed slowly as I spoke. Suddenly the eye blinked, making me flinch in response. In over half a year that I dreamt of having that sword, from the first night it never blinked till now. Slowly the black ink-like portions of the blade, where the center eye and what looked like hardened flesh began to move and pulsate. My eyes began to widen as I take a step back in mild horror. It continued to move until the flesh parted just below the eye forming something similar to a mouth. " You wish for what you lost, yes?" My brow furrowed in Confusion as it always did. Before it spoke again, " To return from where you were taken, to have power, to earn back that which is lost. To defend what you desire." My eye brow raised itself slowly. Realization struck me though, Was it possible the sword wasn't talking to the me then... but the 'me' now. The spectator? After all it did notice Luna and myself earlier. But that shouldn't be possible right? Otherwise it would mean the multiverse has been correcting itself to the point where that thing is not just a figment of my imagination, and if that was the case then it was predetermined I would end up here regardless of everything. Meaning that bastard knew this would happen! Damn you Death! "Look who finally realized the shoes they were in~" My thoughts were interrupted as everything froze and leaning against a familiar scythe was someone I didn't know, and spoke in such a coy way it was sickening. Next to the sword now was a young girl who wore a bikini style sports bra, a large black jacket with a lock in place of a zipper at the top and a hood keeping me from seeing most of her face, but the jacket was unzipped, black extremely short shorts and a white belt. Everything was greyed out and frozen. Except for the Sword, the scythe her and me. Meaning the nightmare had stopped for now. " We wait for your answer Rowan Wicker." Everything was starting to make sense as I remember the conversation I attempted to have with the sword in the dream at this point in time I would be trying to ask it questions. Seeing what may be this worlds personal Grim Reaper I glare at her and move to walk forward. Finding myself in my human form I look at them. The Girl is smiling in such a way I feel my rage building. "How long as this been per-ordained?" I was trying collect myself and keep myself calm before I piss of someone who may actually be able to kill me and keep me dead and I didn't want to die in my sleep. "Hmm To be perfectly honest it took two events for this happen had you not done either one of them it would be someone else here. So you can blame yourself for accepting that deal with your old worlds Reaper, and then Picking up this sword here." She stuck her tongue out at me. She was enjoying me getting upset at this and wanted me to get angry, but stopped and put a finger to her bottom lip as she looked up. "It's kinda sad but your still not ready yet... But I thought I would introduce me and grant you one wish, after all you and I will be seeing each other a lot, Since you will be my Envoy." she started to giggle like a school girl before it turned into a wicked laugh that made me shudder. "Heh who thought that a pony of the night from a different world who doesn't even know what hes capable of yet and already started screwing with his body would be the one to do this job. But you still have a few choices before you Mr. Wicker." her voice accentuating the last sentence as if teasing me. "Its Damocles now, and your envoy?" I growl while gritting my teeth. This being knows everything about me probably. "Oh I'm sorry I can't give you that, but our time is drawing short someone wants to intrude and shes kinda powerful yet very annoying. But now lets get to the important part. You can call me Sheila for now. Sword you may ask your questions." She looked over at the blade annoyed her smile leaving her face slowly. My attention went back to the blade glancing at her occasionally out of annoyance. " Do you desire power? I shall grant that. Do you wish for Peace? I can bestow that. Do you require what you have lost? I will return it." the blade spoke solemnly. "What's the catch?" I was curious, I was always curious about this sword. But this offer seemed too good to be true, and if it sounded that way it was usually true. " I only require blood. Of enemies, the fallen, the ascended, allies, it matters not. Just Blood." It all but hissed at me "Enough power to protect those I care about." I paused as it gave a yes. Glancing at the reaper she was looking at us with a small amused smile. "The peace for those I protect and their loved ones." Again a yes but with more power. "My love?" a resonating yes once more louder than before. "My humanity." It now roared a yes as I was growing more enticed. Glancing at Sheila I paused her lips were parted in a amusement. "We wait for your answer Rowan Wicker." it stated as I looked at it. Sighing I shook my head. "I decline, If its not something I cant gain on my own or with the help of those around me... I dont want it. Because everyone sells humans, and I'm sure ponies, too short." The eyes must've accepted my answer as it Pulled back into the hilt slowly Locking into place and Sheila's eyes widen in shock as the jacket hood fell back revealing her short hair in twin short ponytails, the hair color was a a mellowing light blue. "Huh... you've never... just outright denied it like that before. Your answer, does that mean you aren't going to ask for anything?" Her look was of annoyance and disappointment. But that was until she started laughing. "uhh... Whats so funny?" I only stared as she leaned against the scythe struggling to calm herself down. "oh my.. whew I couldn't keep my face straight long enough man... Ok I already know what your gonna ask for, the response for that is 'No fucking way.' I Would only do it if a solar eclipse were to be allowed to happen followed by a lunar eclipse in the same 24 hour time period And if that did happen I would personally shove it through your crotch and quite literally split you in 2 only letting go after I made sure you wouldnt want to have sex for a month." She glared at me while smiling. "So go ahead and try to convince those two but I'll be a sport and give you a chance to ask for something else. You have about 5 seconds before one of them wakes you up. 5" "Wait What?" I couldn't understand what she was saying at then as she said it too fast. "4." "Hold on, let me think!" She was smiling holding her hand up reflecting the count down. "3" she put one of her fingers down. "Damn it stop doing that." My mind was racing with all the things I could possibly use, it would have to be a tool or a weapon. "2" "I GOT IT, YOUR SCYTHE LET ME HAVE IT IF NOT THAT THEN GIVE ME MINE!" I blurted out and she started laughing shaking her head. "1" One finger left. "that was already answered to and your out of time. Good luck Da-Mo-Cles~" She waved good bye smiling as I felt a hard hoof go across my face before I was sent flying off my bed on to the floor. "Rainbow Dash That was not necessary!" Rarity's voice was clearly upset. "What? I'm sorry but it seemed like Princess Luna couldn't wake him, so I did it the way I thought would work." Rainbow complained as she gestured to me I'm sure. "Besides it worked didn't it?" Fluttering my eyes open I groaned in pain as I rubbed my cheek with my hoof. Blinking to make sure I was where I was I heard the laughing of a older man who could still beat the living crap out of anyone younger than him despite being past his prime. Sitting up slowly I see a shadow Purple color bat pony walking up. "I have heard of Deep Sleeping but that's something else, slept through a bugle call, and even princess Luna couldn't get into your head. Just what kind of dreams do you have to sleep like the dead?" He smiled at me showing his fangs. His mane was Unkempt and messy with lines of gray going through the natural dark oak brown. His eyes were a vibrant Lime color. "Ones involving the dead and the bringer of the dead... Your the same bastard that hit and knocked me out weren't you." I looked at him with a deadpanned face as he started laugh more. "Princess he his entertaining. Woo, but he is... too raw to be fighting Blueblood in a 2 days, let alone his champion, and he already accepted it." He said while wiping away a tear. Luna pulled me and looked over where Rainbow had hit me to make sure I was ok before proceeding to take a handkerchief and wipe like a mother would do to a child. This instinctively made me pull away as Rainbow started laughing. "Hold still Damocles, I need to fix your mane. After all, you already screwed up introductions with your teacher. And former Captain Midnight, you did provide a sneak attack on him and hit him at a lethal point with a dagger." She stated as she got my brush and held me in place as struggled to get away. "Ow Please, ow, Have mercy! Agh! I would, Jesus Christ! rather the, erk, Flirty bit insteaaaahhh." all through out my struggle she was giggling as she pulled the comb through and yanking out the knots in my hair and finally pulling away. "Well you could say that was part of my flirty bit. Besides I dont think you have even noticed that something important has been revealed." she smirked at me as she got up. Rarity gasped suddenly and bolted over to me. "You have your Cutiemark?!" Suddenly a childs voice was heard from nearby. "Shhh Quiet scootaloo, y'ar gonna give us away." another one with the same southern accent sounded. I turned to look towards where it was and saw several hooves against the wall behind a curtain on the floor. One set a softer white, another a yellow a bit more toned down than Fluttershy's coat, and the last one an orange color. I could feel my eye twitch. "Ok before anyone says or does anything more! Scootaloo, AppleBloom, Sweetie Belle get out from behind the curtain." slowly they did and into my room came Applejack from the door way. "Morning Damocles, Breakfast wil be ready in a minute." I had to breath deep as i felt my rage building again. "And now Why are all of you in my house?" I got up slowly got and looked at the ponies in the room. Locking eyes with Midnight before he glared at me. Rarity stepped forward. "Well, I'm here because I have your versus poster done, darling. I just wanted your approval to set it out." With that she pulled a cylindrical tube from a saddle that was set on the nightstand near my bed taking opening a capped end and pulling it out to show me. I couldn't help smiling at it. "Rarity, this is perfect. How are we doing on the list?" "Well, as it turns out there is a lot more mares than I had first expected. If you were to start the fight early in the morning and win we would be there till later afternoon." She said with a slight amount annoyance as she leered back at the castle. "Its gotten to the point where I had to enlist Sweetie Belle and her friends to help. They arrived on the first train that came in this morning. As to why they are in your room, I have to say they wanted to meet the stallion I was doing this for." She smiled as the three fillies beamed and and ran up to me with such speed it made me jump back and cling to the wall in a way that pinkie would be proud of because of physical improbability. Midnight walked up extending his wing in front of the fillies. "They will have plenty of time to get know him after he's moved into ponyville I have 2 days left to train you beyond the capability of the Night Guard. Dusk Blade was in worse shape than you when I whipped him into shape and now he's captain. So lets get something straight, Damocles." He flew upwards to become eye level with me. "Prince Blue Blood is one of the most Combat Adept Unicorns I have ever had the privilege of seeing progress. If it weren't for his attitude on how he treats everyone who isn't of nobility or title I would have told Princess Luna to tell you to kindly, Sod off. I already don't like you and I will make these next 48 hours a living hell for you. I just hope for your sake, his champion won't be Troubled Mind. Now you have 2 Seconds to fly out that pretty little skylight of yours before I see how well you fall." Midnight moved out of the way eyeing me carefully as he studied my movements. Breathing in deeply I watched the skylight and pushed myself off the wall downwards towards the center of my room in front of where Luna was sitting, rolling slightly to the left of her before flapping my wings hard launching myself upwards. At that instant out of the corner of my eyes I saw something move in the darker corners of my room before something shiny shot towards me. My eyes widening I moved my wings so i would spin just enough to still make it out of the skylight and dodge what was launched at me. When I got out however waiting for me were 4 dark armored ponies, 1 Pegasus and 3 Thestrals. all of them armed with several hoof blades except the pegasus who was sporting Bolas and a net which was immediately threw it out towards me. Shit well lets see how sharp these wings of mine are. thinking this I angled my wings so that they looked similar to a reverse-edged katana and swung them hard, wincing a bit from the new form of strain, they connect and start to cut through the net in a X cross fashion making it so the net glides over me. Two of the Thestrals start to charge at me now as I gain my footing my mind still focused on the net and move to strike me noticing only from the movement the one on the left did with his wings as he thrust forward I had to twist my body as I attempted to kick down at his forelegs while I straightened and extended my wings outwards to throw off course the one attacking me from the other side. I quickly realized this was a mistake, but at that point it was too late. The pegasus had thrown his bolas aiming to tie my wings together, unfortunately he succeeded the vibration of the large metal orbs striking my wings effectively stunning me. My attempt at kicking down the blades further impeded my actions as he had used his wings to pull back making me strike at cemented ceiling damaging my hoofs the recoil striking withing my body. Within the next few seconds I felt their cold steel bite into my flesh deeply. The third Thestral walking up to me slowly gives an unamused look, as I see Midnight fly up through the skylight to look at the results. I was struggling to move but thestrals to my side effectively pinned me down with their blades and weight. "Are you sure he's worth it father?" "Of course I am, he reacted faster than you did and the threat of dying is real to him... well as real as it can be. I suppose, however the question then becomes are you comfortable with training him along side me, Captain Dusk Blade." Hearing that I looked up at him. "Dusk Blade? Wait, this was a test?" I was gritting my teeth as I felt my muscles burn for several moments, Oh, Hell the fuck no they want to test me? Lets give them something to test. Dusk Blade made an annoyed display of rolling his eyes as he readied his blade aiming for my head. "Yes and for the most part you failed... Then again no one passes on their first time." With that he thrust the blade forward while I smiled at him my eyes wide. > Rush the New Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Dusk Blade began to thrust his hoofblade towards me, I felt my body starting to pump adrenaline through me to the point I couldn't help but smile. In that moment I watched time slow around me like it had during others. I was alive and could die at any point in the next few seconds. While dying didn't bother me any it did fuel natural instincts or perhaps somewhere down the line that I walked I grew to enjoy the moments I died. Whatever twisted mentality it was I loved it so a thought popped into my head. I'll have what feels like 5 seconds of reaction time despite it only being about 2. I have 5 current adversaries. More uncounted lets assume for assumptions sake its all of the night guard to train me including recruits. Meaning a number well over 50 to potentially the hundreds. Well then, Lets. Play. A. Game!!!! An internal countdown clock began at the self-declaration of it, as I shifted my weight in such a way that I used the bone caught between the blades that were pinning me down to break both my bones and their blades. The ones that had me pinned lost their balance as they were leveraging their weight onto the blades to make sure I wouldn't push it off. My timer lowered from 5 to 4. Moving still I avoid the blade barely as my eyes lock with Captain Dusk Blade's Eminence colored eyes as his grew wider with mine. Mine in what could be regarded as enjoyment of a more carnal level while his in shock of whats happening. Moving in a swift motion before he could pull away his hoof, Using my Fangs I bit down onto his blade into the center portion of it. This made a violent crack into his blade not exactly shattering it but making it useless. From 4 the timer dropped to 3. Dusk Blade's eyes grew in anger as he now tried to punch me. Using what strength I had I threw myself back. The other 2 guards where standing again glaring at me. Looking behind me quickly I realized I was out of roof. The Thestral guards then flew in opposite directions as the pegasus readied another bola before throwing it at me. I jumped back and decided to dive. Craning my neck back I was able to get the Bola's keeping my wings incapacitated and remove them. Without wasting a thought, I took them and threw to my left before I opened my wings and began to spin. From the combined blood loss and the fact that the blood was now rushing to my head as I spun made my vision start to darken with plenty of random spots. I was getting close to black out, and the ground was getting closer. My timer went down from 3 to 2 as I adjusted my wings to stop the spin and make me glide before I began to flap them and focusing on gaining speed solely as I headed away from my Canterlot house. I ended up crashing into a random hall through a window more than scaring another maid who I'm pretty sure fainted. I started rushing my way through the rest of the castle. *****************Meanwhile On the roof************* Dusk Blade looked at the spot where Damocles occasionally eying his hoof blade. A heavy sigh uttered from him as his face scrunched into a look of annoyance while his brow furrowed before he turned to face his father. "I thought you said he would be easy to subdue." His voice was curt, making more of a statement than a question. His father Midnight looking amused at the situation as Princess Luna joined them on the roof. "Hello again Princess," Midnight spoke with a smile before turning to face the Captain of the Night Guard, "What I said was I was able to subdue him easily. I did say he wouldn't provide to be much of a challenge, that however I was apparently wrong on." Luna looked between the two and the area on the roof. "Tell me Captain, where is Damocles? Do you think of him suitable enough to be able to fight my sister's and I Nephew?" Luna was mildly worried with what was going on. Her eyes widening as she spotted large amounts of shattered metal and blood in front of them. "Well your highness, The first questions answer, is a simple I don't know. he escaped us until we have further information. The answer to the second question is a bit more... complicated. I haven't exactly seen him fight but he's very reckless and has lots of guts. He may have some kind of training but we haven't exactly been able to go hoof to hoof... However he is either very skilled...Or extremely lucky." "Wait so the test is still going?" Luna asked mildly shocked. Her eyes shrunk as she heard a fanfare in the distance. "He is injured right? Then I want as much of the Night guard on him to subdue, capture and... Reset him. Before our guests see him. I need to go greet them with my sister. Apparently we are supposed to be meeting with the Griffon ambassador and a new official to their court, well one training to join it." Dusk Blade and Midnight nodded and Saluted. "You Start Searching I'll head back to the barracks and let the troops know, we don't have much time." Midnight stated, Dusk Blade nodded adhering his fathers words quickly the flew off in opposite directions. *************** Back to Damocles in the supply closet*********** Grunting in pain I removed a part of the blade that was in my foreleg dropping it on the ground as I sat opposite to the door. "Jesus fucking Christ.... Bastard tried to kill me." Moving the limb down to pick up the blade made me stifle a scream in pain. My arm had effectively been shredded from the inside and I didn't have much time. If I was right I left a blood trail on the ground and the guards would be on me soon. I doubled back and took a few different paths but they should be able to see whats fresh as to whats not. "Whelp... Time to Reset. Sheila Lets see how fast you can get to me." With that I shoved the part of the blade that was in my hoof's grasp into my neck effectively severing the area where my artery should be. My neck and chest feeling warm as the blood pumped through spills down over my coat staining it I'm sure into either a deep pink or a scarlet color. I had begun to hate the color red with how much of my blood I have seen. My body was trembling yet i did not feel cold. Numb I did, and slowly I closed my eyes. Opening them up to be on that plateau where I first met Sheila. A saying on earth which I've come to realize is all too true. "Speak of the Devil and she will come, Call the Devil by her name and be ready for hell." I said in a joking tone. "I didn't think you would come." Across from me was the Woman in question staring down at me in anger. "Well its not like I have anything better to do. The only fatalities that actually happen are during times of war outside of that with how well.... equipped this land is I get kinda bored. Still though I was napping and you woke up me up. What do you want?" She was obviously angry then again so would I if I got woken up like that.... wait I got woken up like earlier today. "Right. So How long will my resets be here? How long do I spend dead before I wake up like nothing happened?" I was hesitant and took a step back as she smiled at me. "Oh is that all? Ok then. Lets make it a manner of how badly you were killed, like how you were now? just a few minutes. Let say you get ground up into a paste. that will take a day. A simple wound like being stabbed in the heart? an hour. Does that sound fair?" She smiled at me innocently. There was a catch. There is always a catch. "I don't exactly have time to argue so yeah that's fine tell me what the catch is later ok?" She nodded as she waved good bye as my vision began to blur and I would find myself waking up in the supply closet. Blood stained on my coat still. Rolling my eyes I quickly opened the door and closed it flying in the opposite direction of the barracks and where my room was. If they were still hunting me I had only a while longer to- "Sound the alarm! We've found Damocles!" The voice came from the hallway in front of me as I got to a conjoining corridor and a high pitched alarm went off as one of the 2 Thestrals blew a whistle In the distance I could hear wings flapping to gain speed from where I came from. I was in the castles western wing. They knew the castle and I didn't. I needed a map but right now I needed to bolt I would be severely outnumbered again if I stayed any longer. Flapping my wings as hard as I can to take off at an angle before leveling out my height at mid way Suddenly charging at me where 2 night guards from the front of me equipped with spears that were barrel rolling in sync. Coming on the right however was an open window, my only chance. Gunning it I flapped harder gritting my teeth before doing a hard air brake shifting my weight into a drift and swinging kick. Waiting outside the window was Dusk Blade growling in frustration as he guarded the hit but was knocked away from me. Using the remaining inertia I keep flying and here growl of warning and a yell of frustration. Landing on the roof I'm met with several differently armored ponies each one with the mark of a different constellation. Thirteen in total around me six on hoof while the other seven are in the air, each drawing their own weapons. Stretching my neck I make a few very loud pops come from neck both ways, I get on my hind hoofs balancing myself in a combat stance wings adjusted properly and the liquid metal even adjusting to act as barriers to Rapiers. "Alright Let's see how good the Zodiac's really are." Extending my right hoof forward I adjust it and flick my wrist to me two times. The one marked with Ares holding his bladed arm guard charges me with 2 others from behind me. Attempting to strike me with it a left jab. dodging by moving my body full to the right I grab his arm extending my hoof in front of him and pull him to trip over as i make him strike the armor of the one of the others letting go quickly I move back to avoid the halberd coming down onto me, behind me I hear a chain move through the air towards me and an arrow launched at me rolling to the left I see the one marked Sagittarius launch 4 more arrows towards me. Rushing to avoid them A spear strikes at one of my wings moving back just enough to grab the spear the break it with my wing. Taking it I deflect the next arrow launched at me with it before going to attack the one marked Orion who blocks with his sword blow for blow until the spear gets the chained wrapped around it and pulled away out of my grasp. I see him smile before he slashes at me with his sword Barely grazing my cheek I Block it with my wings before I start using them like i was fencing. Striking at the weak points of his armor before disarming him and removing and the armor Kicking him away. In the distance I could see some of the streets of Canterlot city and in that opening moment I Jumped off the buildings Roof flying as fast as I Can to wards it. The others were on my tail I started having to do barrel rolls to avoid the Arrows. I made into Canterlot City Airspace as apparently the weather Pegasi were setting up a storm as it began raining hard. One of the Zodiacs had apparently charged me into the ground making me face plant as they landed in front of me by a bit. Getting up I watched as they surrounded myself And began cursing myself. I began to stomp my hoof on the ground and scream in frustration. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!! If only I had my claws, or my guns or ANYTHING!" I slammed my hoof onto the ground again this time instead of hearing the normal sound of hoof against cobblestone I heard metal. Opening my Eyes I saw a 4 fingered and thumb giant metal gauntlet made of the liquid metal my wings were made of. Looking back at my wings I see a pair of daggers flying at me as well as seeing the bones of the wings. Using the gauntlets I block and smile. "Ok still learning the magics here... Lets have somefun." With that I charge at the closest one which was rushing me daggers that had a green tint from the lightning strikes glare. He thrust the blade his in left hoof forward I dodged right however that is what he wanted as he swung his right blade in an arc horizontal of me. Barely being able to react in time I raised the gauntlet enough to block the blade as an bites into my right hind leg. Staggering and making me lose my balance. Pushing Ares away from me I shift the metal back to my wings thinking of what could possibly have me escape this moment right now. ' I'm too exposed out here in the open... I need a small space to limit their movements... so i can deal with them easier... funnel them... where though. ' I thought to myself as i was looking around at and past each of the zodiacs. thats when I noticed there was only 12 the one whose armor I undid was not there. Thunder roared as lightning flashed and thats when it hit me. Shifting the wings on my back into wings that had the center of them turned into propellers and launched myself Straight up into the thunderstorm and above they were close on my tail however. Turning my wings back because of how ineffective that actually was I used them and flew back to where it started. I flew to my home. Upon entering through the sky roof I changed my wings again stretching the liquid metal as much as I can spreading it throughout my home of a tower leaving me into a windowless and one door access den. Looking back with my Dark vision I smiled and waited. A few minutes passed by until i heard the door open. With that I called out. " 'Come into my parlor' Said the spider to the fly. I felt the Vibrations of my metal strings travel to me as I caught one from the sky light and one from the door cutting through half their armor before they packed off. The began trying to cut it so I pulled it back thickening the others as they drew closer a third and fourth were taken. This meant eight were left before they reached the room I was in. I had taken the time to cover the wound from the Arrow. My wings were not full of the metal as I still had it as threads but was just waiting. The one marked with Aquarius took out two chakrams and threw them at me. Leaning back to avoid the attack I see both fly over my shoulder and face before they embed themselves into the wall behind me. Taking them I threw them at the bow Sagittarius held as he tried to launch an arrow however Aquarius caught them his hoofs sliding into the wrings of them with no issue as he stopped them from reaching their target and then used them to start to 'sever' the rest of the metallic threads that was holding them back. At that moment I snapped my wings to my side and several lines of said threads to wrap around the gauntlets and pull him deeper into the room to be wrapped up by even more. "Damn... I guess I'm out if we are still following those rules." The others nodded and I smiled. "Why are you smiling?" He looked at me confused. "You realize this is only going to get harder right? We are happy that you made it this far but honestly this is designed to fail... You haven't even made it close to Luna." He said as an arrow whizzed past his head nearly striking mine cutting my cheek a bit. My eyes shrunk as I realized that he was just a distraction and the others were merely getting ready to strike I hadn't even noticed that they got through all of the threads and the one labelled Scorpio who had the chain had whipped it around catch me in the leg. A hooked Blade at the end of it catching onto the chain locking it in place as he pulled it and me towards the group. Taurus who had the Halberd and Gemini who had twin short swords swung at me, Taurus to the ground sweeping with the blade, Gemini to the air to try and catch me. Pushing myself off the ground with just enough time I spin and narrowly avoid being strike by either. However Scorpio Pulled on the chains to get me into the center of the group after slamming me into my dining room table effectively shattering it and cracking several of my ribs before 4 of them pin me down. As my mind is racing to think of an escape the one marked with Capricorn on his chest walks up hammer in hoofs before he lifts it aiming for either my head or chest. Either way it would be the end of me, that's when it hit me. 'I have magic metal!' I couldn't stop myself from laughing the liquid metal had begun pooling underneath where i was pinned lining against my coat and as Capricorn slammed the hammer down onto me it formed into a thin Shield blocking the hit as well as forming several spikes that pushed the remaining Zodiacs back. "Tell me. When stars fall what do they feel? What do they see?" I spoke calmly as I got up. The liquid metal returning to their position in wings except for a portion which shifted between shuriken, swords, the gauntlets and countless other weapons as if I was going over a mental checklist. "What will become of the night sky when they fall? Will the Moon cry for she will be left in the darkness again? Or will just new ones be made to take their place." Finally it turned into a long and thick curved blade with two hoof guarded handles near the ends of the curve on the inside and one in between them before they receded to form my wings. I grin viciously as my fangs show a little more than usual. "Because I can't wait to see how dark everything here can actually get." > Bats in the Belfry and Talons at the Table > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- **********Meanwhile with Celestia and Luna******** Celestia began to pace a bit back and forth with growing worry and suspicion. “Perhaps, it wasn’t a good idea to allow my sister to go and check up on him. The Griffon Ambassadors are almost here and they are expecting the both of us. Not to mention with the growing unrest with our neighboring -“Celestia’s verbal tirade was cut off as a burst of magic appeared without warning and vanished just as quickly as it came as Luna appeared in her full regalia before her sister. “Hello again Dear sister, I trust the Griffon ambassador hasn’t arrived just yet?” Luna stated with tired but hopeful expression while Celestia gave a breath of relief. “Luckily not yet, so is everything going well for Damocles’ Induction into the Lunar Guard?” Celestia relaxed herself as she stood waiting seeing an airship in the distance slowly come closer. “They think so, He managed to escape the first wave, given our guest though I told them to utilize everyone including recruits. So it should only be a matter of time. Last they checked they were at the south wing heading west.” Luna stated slightly amused yet also concerned, it wasn’t often that somepony had escaped within the first few minutes, obviously they were one of three things: skilled, reckless, or lucky. Never more than a combination of 2 but usually only one. “Hmm if that’s the case then, How about we propose to have breakfast in the east wing, then head north so we can explain everything there in the grand story hall? Oh will we be able to gather the Element Bearers?” Celestia inquired “For breakfast I think that would be most appropriate. As for the Elements I believe he has them running around the city gathering those that our Nephew has insulted. Tell me, are we going to sanction this event dear sister?” Luna looked over at Celestia and smirked raising an eyebrow. “That would depend my dearest Luna, who do you think would win? After all Blue Blood is training with Shining Armor and Troubled Mind is more than adept at his craft. And we both know how important Blue Bloods position amongst the nobles and military classes is.”  Celestia turned her head away from the approaching airship to look at her sister with a slightly smug look. “While this is true, I wouldn’t throw Damocles out of the ring just yet looking into his memories and considering how well he is adapting to his body its rather impressive, I wonder how long till he finds out that those new wings of his can do some amazing things.” Looking back innocently at her older sister with eyes that betray it. Celestia couldn’t help but laugh as they turned back to face the now landing Airship. “Then we shall see Dear sister, for now though, let’s entertain our guest.” Celestia stated with a smile Luna nodding in agreement. A Ramp descended from the airship and coming down it were two Griffons. An older male with navy blue plumage as the base color and silver eyes and bit of a snow white accent. He wore a light piece of uniform that was a button up in Gray with red lining and yellow gold buttons with 2 Medals. One on blue and white left to right diagonal the cross its self was silver on the left and right arms of the cross were wings and in the center of the circle that connected the 4 segments was an angelic Griffon. The accents of the cross looked close to that of marble columns with a Fleur De Lis at the ends. The other hung from a ribbon that was woven into two copper bars with a simple flower accent pattern. The Ribbon itself had thin blue edges and Red. The Cross was White with an olive branch creating a circle and a crown inside it along the arms of the cross were Claret blades contrasting the white cross with azure handles. The other was a younger female who seemed to be coming in to her adult years had Jade feathers at the edge of her wings and almost like a necklace around herself. The main body being a dark crimson and the feathers of her head being a shimmering sand-like color. Her eyes A dark Violet and the style she wore the feathers of her head into a style where a few stray stuck out forward the most of them coming up to two pointed tufts at the back corners of her head and her eyes a dark violet with slit irises. Using her claw she fixed the stray feathers back into place just before the two walked forward. The older male taking a glance at the younger one before turning to face the Alicorn Princesses. The Stopped just before them and bowed in respect before the older one spoke. “Good Morning and greetings from Griffonstone, sent to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. I am Ambassador Baron Rio Janeiro. This is my Daughter and student Belladonna.” He gestured to the young maiden to his side who simply rolled her eyes. “It is a pleasure to finally meet the two of you.” He smiled honestly looking at them. Celestia and Luna Bowed in return smiling at them. Celestia smiled at the two before she spoke. “It’s an Honor that to have you both now I’m sure that you both are quite are hungry after your long trip here so please let us go and get some breakfast before we start to worry ourselves about the purpose of your visit. I would like to share with you some of our hospitality.” Celestia waited for the two griffons to nod in agreement before leading them. “So I hope you don’t mind if we talk while we eat but I’m sure you know that the new Griffon in charge was starting to worry with progressed increase in magical capabilities from your kingdom and when that surge of power that you caused nearly a week ago even had lasting affects for us and its rather… annoying. It would also display Belladonna’s rather sour mood.” The Griffon just gave an annoyed huff as she passed a window trying to fix her feathers when she heard some kind of high pitched noise in the distance. Turning her head to stare in the distance of the opposite one. “Excuse me, Princesses, but what is that sound I just heard?” Luna stood still for a moment the fur on the back of her neck standing a bit. As she turned and looked. It was coming from the Night Guard Barracks direction luckily. “Oh that? That would simply be our Thestral alarm I must’ve forgotten that the Night Guard were doing an ‘All-to-Arms’ Scramble alert Drill today. Meaning both the Day Guard and Night Guard would be more active than normal to find our ‘Target Villain’ who would be attempting to usurp the throne. It’s nothing to worry about they usually do this when a new recruit tends to think he is above our Military group in terms of skill.” Belladonna’s eyes seemed to shine with some intrigue. “So how do you know who has won the exercise? Because this sound like it would be fantastic to incorporate into our new guardsman training.” Belladonna seemed to have picked up the pace staying next to the princess with a smiling Rio Behind her watching the 3 females converse. “Well,” Celestia Began “Depending on the Species of the pony, whether if they are Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth, or in this case Thestral, we mildly handicap the defense group. We normally attempt to keep them in play with only their own kind, however should they prove to be truly evasive within in the first few minutes the guard slowly ups the ante by including various other methods. To even the full squadron. Usually that only happens when the person in question who only has the weapon he chose to train with has defeated in combat and wit several of our Elite Guards.” Belladonna gave a nod of approval but then a look of confusion crossed her face. “So if they get lucky it counts? And has anyone succeeded and what does the villain need to do to ‘succeed’ at their mission?” Belladonna added air quotes as necessary. Which drew Luna to continue. “Luck is always a factor in combat regardless of everything. Something I remember from when we… interviewed the newest Recruit was this quote, ‘the best need not fear the 2nd best in combat, but to fear the worse because it’s that ‘worse one’ would do something unconventional or something nobody would think to try because of how stupid it might be. And that’s where the win will come in because the best won’t know how to adjust properly without potentially ruining everything he was taught.’ And to succeed at their mission they simply have to make it to myself or my sister. Once they reach one of us they can choose to continue to attempt to approach the other but if they do then all of the guard including other recruits and elites are called to action. If the assailant can make it to us both we can offer to have him instructed privately and for him to develop what he thinks are his strongest and weakest with adjustments to cover what is necessary to be a field or home agent. As for anyone succeeding?” Luna paused for a moment and stopped as if trying to think about it. Celestia began to think about it as well closing her eyes as she opened the doors to dining hall to reveal an excited Pinkie Pie and Rarity putting up a poster and Rainbow dash being given a saddle with some of the Wonder Bolts all with posters and Spitfire in the middle of a speech. “You all know the mission, I want everyone to make sure each of these posters are at your local hotspots you all have been assigned to the areas you know the best thanks to that new friend of Dash’s ‘Officer’ Blue Blood will finally be getting what’s coming to him and all of you, I know for a fact have at least one close friend or family member that Blue Blood has messed with and that his Partner Troubled Mind has more than made afraid and break down. Honestly I’m surprised that nobody else has challenged him yet but I suppose that’s more out of fear, and as we all know, Fear can lead to great or terrible things from a person. Just like lack of information.” She stopped to look Soaring who was holding his hoof up. “Yes, what is it Soaring?” “Well, I was just thinking about this but why don’t we start a betting a pool? To bring in extra money, Damocles should still be doing his test if the increased sightings of Thestrals means anything so after he’s finished we can come to a decent conclusion and start up a win ratio from there. And knowing how most nobles and ponies are considering its 2 on 1 they will probably bet on Blue Blood to win.” When he finished his explanation there were murmurs of agreement until rainbow stomped her hoof. “If you want to do that go ahead but if any of you end up betting for Blue Blood, when you lose you forfeit all that you would’ve won if you bet for Damocles into the Wonder Bolts Funds! DO YOU HEAR ME!?” Rainbow Roared making while stomping her hoof more than mad as she pulled down her goggles. Spitfire nodded in agreement. “So there you go feel free to start a betting a fund, someone tell Damocles once his training is over to find out how much he wants since this is his fight and also someone find out if he has any fight music requests. A good Fight deserves a good song and something tells me he has at Least some decent music.  Pinkie Pie, Open the windows. Wonder Bolts I want to see some storm clouds today! Ready!” As spit Fire raised her hoof, Pinkie had opened the windows and the wonder bolts lined up in rows of 3 facing the windows with Rainbow in the center lead. Celestia, Luna, Baron Rio, and Belladonna all stood watching the spectacle as they flew out the window with the bags then Fluttershy to close the windows. Rarity holding her mane in place only then noticed the sisters and their guests. “Oh my, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!” Immediately she gave a light bow before going over to them. “How are you both and to the two of you welcome.” Celestia and Luna both smiled with a nod as Baron Rio bowed in turn to Rarity. Belladonna just rolled her eyes before moving to take a seat. “Baron Rio de Janeiro, these are two of our Elements of Harmony, Generosity and Laughter.” Celestia explained as Pinkie Pie began bouncing to them before gasping then dashing off leaving a pony shaped pink cloud of smoke. Celestia watching the puff of smoke dissipate raised an eyebrow. “You will have to forgive Pinkie Pie she is very excitable.” She said as she turned her head to rarity. “Now Rarity will you join us for Breakfast?” Rio stepped forth bowing and holding out his left claw. Rarity blushed a bit but held her hoof out onto his claw which he took gently before giving it a kiss. “It would be fantastic if one such as radiant as yourself dined with us.” The Baron said with a voice that gave a sense of interest, and romantic desires. Rarity couldn’t seem to find her words as her cheeks became a light shade of rose pink. “After All maybe you could enlighten myself and my dearest Belladonna exactly as to what that was just now?” he eyed the saddle bag holding several rolls of paper. Rarity nodded in agreement as they walked and take their seats. Rarity sitting next to Luna and Celestia, while the Baron and Belladonna sat across from them, opened one of the rolls of paper to reveal the poster. “‘Damocles, The Centurion versus Prince Blue Blood. Will the Pride of the Royal withstand the Wrath of the Loyal? At the coliseum on July 4th starting at 11:00 am. Mares that have been insulted will be given an invitation courtesy of the Elements of Harmony and Dragon assistant Spike.’  I’m sorry but I don’t understand something. Who is this Vampire looking pony, and what is a Centurion.” Rio Looked up confused as flash of light staggering him for a moment. “And isn’t Blueblood your nephew and the Military frontline tactics prodigy? With staggering offensive and defensive spells? But isn’t a part of the royal guard?” Belladonna chimed in looking at poster before noticing two stamps on the poster. “‘Sanctioned and promoted by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.’ You are promoting this?” Luna laughed softly as Celestia took the tea that was placed in front of the three mares while Belladonna gripped her coffee. “You see, Blue Blood is indeed one of the strongest Ponies we have here his defensive spells are second only to Shining Armor. His offensive capabilities as well as immediate response and planned tactics are the best as I’m sure you remember from our last friendly mock war.” Celestia said sweetly pausing for a moment to close her eyes to enjoy the flavor of the tea she sipped from. While Luna continued. “Damocles however, has some kind of former training we are unfamiliar with and is not from Equestria, no documents on him or his parents. He only recently got his cutie mark as well despite being a young adult. You will learn more about him later, but from what we gathered, he has a level of respect for most mares lost on Blue Blood. Now that’s not to say Damocles did not know about Blue Blood. In fact it’s because of this that He grew to hate Blue Blood, and their first encounter was less than a pleasant. Now Damocles is taking initiation into the Royal Night Guard, and he is equipped with a present that I gave him. My sister and I have a little wager going between each other on who we think will win their match, I’m betting on Damocles and she for Blue Blood. And please Baron Rio, do not call him a ‘Vampire Pony,’ he is a Thestral and a strange one at that.” “He has the eyes of a killer… they are dead inside more than veteran who survived the front lines.” Belladonna said calmly this made Rarity shudder as her eyes shrunk to pinpricks. The rest of the room fell quiet as tension filled the air making it so thick you could cut like it was a slice of cake. “But it’s not cake silly. It’s air, unless you want to make an Air Cake, which would be really cool. Or really bland… what would an Air cake taste like? You know what? I’m making you an Air Cake now. What type of icing do you want? I know you don’t like chocolate so strawberry? Or Vanilla?” Wait… what? Pinkie? “Yessss?” Ok three things. One: I don’t think it’s possible to make a literal air cake. 2: while I appreciate the thought it’s not necessary, but it was my girlfriend’s birthday recently care to make her a cake? And three: how did you know I hate chocolate. “One: You should know better than to challenge me. B: I will see if you promise to try and upload a nightmare night chapter since that’s also the day of her birthday and it’s a deal. And finally, I was on your Facebook. Your Girlfriend sends you a lot of pictures….”  Pinkie not now please, and I’ll try it’s hard to write without a computer. And the story is nowhere near Nightmare Night but we should get back to the story. “Okie Dokie Lokie, and I know its not Nightmare night in the story, yet silly but when it does please make it scary? I just love it a good Scare!” If your giggling right now fine, how can I resist your adorableness but I need to go back to the story. We will talk later…. Pinkie? Huh guess she’s gone. “Well I’ll be off now got more posters to put up. Thank you for approving the posters, Princesses I’ll Return later tonight.” After Rarity rushed off, The Baron snapped his wing open hitting Belladonna on the back of the head making her grumble as she rubbed it.  “We have to stay in town to watch the fight. I want to see what Ponies are capable of. If that’s alright with you sir.” Before The Baron could speak two plates with biscuits with sausage, egg, cheese, and bell peppers were placed in front of the Griffons. “The Chef would like you to try these under suggestion of Damocles they both hope you enjoy the dish. Damocles would like to apologize for not being able to meet the two of you as his….” The pony paused for a moment eyes flicking towards the princesses. “Training program is preventing him from doing so… I can only assume that this means he has no idea what he has to do yet. But he hopes you enjoy the food.” The servant who gave them the dishes walked away slowly. The two griffons looked at the food unamused as another server came with the same thing to be plated before Luna and Celestia. “I hope I’m not being too rude when I say this but ponies, don’t eat meat. So I know this is not actual meat, as Griffons we need that.” Belladonna stated flatly as she looked Celestia directly into her eyes before taking a drink of her coffee. “I assure you if Damocles made them then they are real meat. Unlike most of our… other Night Ponies, he has more of an omnivorous to carnivorous diet. He made this clear the first time he sat with us. It was quite amusing really when he suggested this.” Celestia paused giving a coy smile to Belladonna who looked at the breakfast sandwich with growing curiosity She began to think to herself as she shared a knowing glance with her Mentor and ‘father figure’ who in turn gave a soft nod allowing herself to smile, she looked around the room acting as if stretching her neck allowing a few pops into to place before her eyes shone for the briefest instance and both of the griffons proceeded to take a bite of their meal taking a look of shock as the flavors melded together. “My, what an exquisite taste, it’s unlike anything we’ve had before.” Rio smiled as he tore another bite before briskly finishing it off. Belladonna didn’t say anything as she ate it with a look of enjoyable confusion. “I am very happy to see you enjoy the meal, would you like more? Or would that hold you till the main dish at dinner after a light a lunch?” Luna was beaming with excitement as she inquired upon them. Rio nodded as Belladonna Replied. “For now that will hold us till a light lunch. But you haven’t answered my previous question Has anyone ever beaten this exercise that Damocles is doing?” Belladonna’s voice was serious with interest. Celestia put her teacup down and gave her, her signature look, the all-knowing mother’s smile. “Yes one unicorn has succeeded in the distant past to get to both myself and my sister. He was possibly one of the most adept students I have had in the past. But he should be of no concern to you he’s no longer with us.” Luna replied rather curtly before they continued. “Perhaps it’s time we shed light onto the situation at hand. Please follow us, we will take you and begin explaining exactly what has been happening as of late.” The Griffons and Alicorns all got up from the table and walked out of the main dining pavilion as a maid came to begin cleaning. Once she reached the griffons plates however she jumps in surprise as she stepped on a sausage link. Confused she went and got a dust pan and broom and began to sweep underneath the table near the sausage. What she pulled out from behind the table cloths however were the Griffons breakfast sandwiches. A Few Hours Later "And that is how, according to my faithful student, Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony were able to defeat Lord Tirek. I do apologize that we haven't been as so attentive as we used to be in regards to letting you all know about what’s been going on Rio, but since finding and restoring those lost artifacts our kingdom has been kind of crazy. No pun intended in regards to Discord." Celestia smiled warmly towards the two the older nodding in kind and the younger rolling her eyes. "It's quite alright, I just wanted to be sure there was nothing wrong going on, after all some of those ponies in these murals have visited us. We just wanted to make sure everything was ok as well as introduce the leading potential Griffon ambassador.  Isn't that right Belladonna?" Rio looked over at the Younger looking Griffon who was wandering over to a curtain. "Yeah, sure, whatever. I have a question though Princess Celestia. Why is this one still covered?" She said pointing at it as she looked back at the approaching group. "It's the only one in this entire Story hall covered." Luna approached smiling as her horn began to glow. Her magical aura taking hold of the curtain. "Before we show it I feel it would be best to warn you the story of this one is still incomplete yet the beginning deserved to be told. As you are well aware, my dearest sister Celestia has occasionally premonitions of what is to come. Recently in the month prior to her student gaining a student of her own, she had one of a creature that wishes only to see destruction of all life. It was neither pony nor monster but unlike anything we have seen before and it knew she was watching at that moment. But the darkness it gave off was stolen into a dulled light. This Reveal of the second creature was a champion who might be able to stop it." Luna spoke recalling the events. "Yes, however in that vision I have had, I saw and heard them speak but something the creature did has effectively erased my capability to remember what they looked like properly or even said. It's, if I'm to be honest worse than a hangover from drinking for three weeks straight as my own suns light penetrates to the eyes." Celestia stated in a flat tone, annoyed more that she allowed it to happen than not being able to get over it. The statement however made Rio Cringe and Belladonna look in surprise. "So then my sister along with, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire, Discord and myself, combined our magic and used a summoning spell to bring forth what is hopefully the champion and not the creature." Celestia nodded to Luna who then pulled away the Curtain to reveal its image. The top half of the window showed a white Thestral falling through a ring head first with marks to show its eyes are closed as a skull with a smile and red dots for eyes holding in its hand a red heart. Upon closer inspection it shows a black heart in the Thestral. The bottom Half showed a storm and the same Thestral chained as fire and lightning struck his wings with a Yellow eye with a shield in its Pupil and a red eye with a Sword in that one’s pupil in the background behind the pegasus. "One who is denied Death to the very meaning of it by a contract," Luna continued a smile fading. "Ripped from his home." Celestia added her voice was laced with detest towards herself as she remembered her first encounter with the pony in question. "To fight and live as an agent of something that he had nothing to do with," Luna appeared regretful over his forced hand into the matter. "Harming himself to be ready for a fight with anything." Celestia closing her eyes to keep from remembering the details of the augmentation and Luna cringing a bit. "With a mind that rivals Discord's chaos," Luna noted rolling her eyes as she recovered. "But a tormented soul like that of one who wishes to protect others even if it means losing everything else."  Finished Celestia with a saddened expression. "Just what kind of Pony is this guy? And did he really change his wings?" Belladonna looked at the Window in confusion, her mind racing with questions, among them being 'why would anyone risk so much, why would they bother helping others, why would they torment them self.' Baron Rio began to sniff the air confused as if smelling something that he recognized but was trying to remember exactly what. Realizing what it was his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm sorry but should we be worried Princess Celestia? I smell blood." Rio spoke with concern as rubbed his chin while looking at the window. Upon hearing this Luna's eyes shrunk to pin pricks "Oh No." Luna spoke with concern causing everyone’s head in the room to turn to her with raised eyebrows. “You all might be meeting Damocles sooner than…. Expected.” She gave a sheepish smile. ********************* At that Moment: Damocles********** "Get back here you insubordinate, vile, being!!" Midnight could be seen screaming at me as I throw Dusk blade away from me to the ground while flying backwards. Turning around I see lots of colors before I fly into a hallway shattering it cutting myself a bit and landing using my wings to stabilize myself by thrusting them into the ground tearing some of the concrete and tile in two parallel lines. To my right I see Luna, Celestia, and two Griffons. All of which are staring at me with shocked expressions. Looking back at the window I just crashed through I see part of an image of a purple dragon holding something blue. Then I see two dark Thestrals charge me, one with a dive kick and the other with a straight punch causing me to dodge left making them strike the ground. "Piss OFF Already!! I already took down the Zodiacs how much longer is this going to go on." I scream in frustration as I charge at them jumping into the air spinning into an axe kick which Dusk Blade Catches with his hoofs holding his ground before grabbing me and spinning before throwing me into a pillar. Midnight, not wasting his time, moves in for a move I can only describe simply as this: Midnight used Seismic toss... It’s super effective. Coughing blood from the impact I get up and they proceed to go close range with a multi strike combo, Using my wings and hoofs to guard as many attacks as possible I find myself being backed away grunting in pain. Till both of them stop and I trip backwards and find myself looking up at a mad Luna and miffed Celestia. "Hello Sunbutt, Moonbutt. I miss anything Important?" This rewards me with a dark blue hoof coming down onto my muzzle and suddenly I'm seeing stars then darkness. *************** Rio began Laughing as Dusk Blade and Midnight approached slowly. Belladonna looking at the ponies then to her mentor. "We apologize for this Princess Luna, he was… more difficult to apprehend then we originally had anticipated… he just kept resetting himself whenever best justified him and those wings of his he kept changing their form into some weapons and forms we have never in seen before.” Midnight and Dusk Blade both saluted the Princesses. “However the Target has been captured.” Luna smiled cockily as she looked at Celestia. “I wonder about that. After all dear Sister,” she put heavy emphasis into the ‘dear sister’. “After all, a Thestral and non-unicorn who wasn’t even military using only the weapon you approved of had not only gotten past my most skilled regiment, but even our entire military when given the option for lethal force had still gotten his way to not only you but me in roughly half a day.” She then held out her hoof. “I do believe that means I win the first half of our bet. So after that battle I expect to see a strawberry triple decker cake.” Celestia huffed annoyed but then sighed. “Sister there is still the other half and that determines to eats the cake.” Celestia added annoyed before her eyes went open all the way. “Wait a moment… Commander Dusk Blade. Did you just report that he came up with weapons you’ve never seen before?” “That is correct Princess.” He answered standing at attention. “Can you describe it?” Luna inquired. “I’ll do my best at first it seemed like a larger hoof shoe that covered the hoof itself and left a whole in the center of it but that was before the whole started to glow.” Belladonna spoke up intrigued stepping forward, “It glowed? Like what a flashlight? Or lantern?” Dusk blade shook his head no at the questions. “Closer to when a unicorn readies a magical blast. Then he did something similar as he adjusted the way his wings looked and added what I could only describe as an over fed trains smoke stack to both of them which increased his flying speed greatly.” “Those are called turbine engines…” Damocles sat up rubbing his head. “So I made it to Celestia and Luna before being apprehended and bonus Griffons...are…here…” His eyes halted as he looked at Belladonna for the first time. His face expressionless for a few moments as she stared back at him as he stood. The two stepped closer to each other as everyone just watched in silence, Dusk Blade and Midnight standing ready. Then as if a pin dropped onto a frozen mirror that shattered it the silence broke in rage. As the two instinctively jumped at each other. Belladonna claws drawn, Damocles wings changed to blaess “MOTHER FUCKING DEMON PONY!” “TRICKSTER DEMON GRIFFON! ILL KILL YOU!” “NOT BEFORE I EVISCIRATE YOU, YOU ABOMINATION TO NATURE.”   > Magic humans and accusations oh my > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia watched as the two began their squabble before magically ripping Damocles away from Belladonna as Rio Held her back. "What are you monster! Not a changling but why dont you have a heart like the rest of us!" Belladonna hissed at Damocles." "Why dont you try to describe what you see to them, Illusionist bitch!" Damocles laughed as he chided the female Griffon, until of course he was smacked on the snout by Luna. "Bad Damocles! No, Down my Centurion. These are our esteemed guests. Now explain, why the attack and the ... Colorful Accusations." Luna appeared to be trying to think of as much rational explanations as she was tempering her rage towards it. "I would like to know the same for you Belladonna, That is no way to treat him!" Baron said as he calmed down Belladonna enough. Both them sighed in annoyance. But it was Damocles to speak first. "The Griffon over there has a special ability that shes keeping hidden from you both with understandable intentions that will more than likely come in to play at a later time. Now I didn't expect her to jump at me like that so i gotta say I'm impressed." he turned to look at her and gave her a smug but teasing wink. "I like 'em feisty." This drew a blush from Luna, as Celestia's eyebrows rose in mild shock. Belladonna on the other simply growled. "While he is right and I would request of you to not try to find it out as for personal reasons. That is no freaking Pony. Part of this ability of mine lets me see the hearts or souls of a person when i want to. His i see passively a soul literally clean cut in half and no heart with a bunch of chains and locks over where the heart goes. No Equestrian ever has that type of....." Realization dawned on her as she walked over to the Mosaic and face palmed. "He is literally from an another world, and is literally tied to the grim reaper of that world and now this one." She growled Frustrated. "Princesses I have a serious Request of you both." "Belladonna this is a bad Idea I would advise against it." Rio's warning fell on deaf ears as she continued. "I want to fight him formally after blue blood. Provided he is not too much of a coward." Her words were sweet with just the slightest hints of venom as she chided him Leaving the Diarchs to look at each other for a moment. Celestia began after closing her eyes and taking a breath then looking at Damocles. "If you want to fight him I would request you wait till after we hear from the new leader of your homelands regarding our proposal. As it's more of a request than anything else." She paused as she watched the look of disappointment fall into place. "However, if things go as expected It would seem apparent that within the next few months Damocles and you will have your fights quite a bit as he trains abroad." she smiled as the look of realization dawned onto Belladonna and Damocles. A look of anger onto the former and a look of violent excitement on the latter. "But that just leaves a few things now. Midnight, Dusk Blade. Is my midnight pupil suitably skilled enough to defeat our nephew and his champion?" Her voice was heavy as she inquired the appointed teachers. Dusk Blade and Midnight looked at each other before turning and heavy whispering going on with one of them occasionally looking back at Damocles. Until they both nod and stand straight to their princesses. "Your highness as it stands, Damocles, while taking in consideration the burden he carries as to be the envoy and embodiment of death he is, we have decided upon the result that he is not best fit with his abilities to fight Prince Blue Blood." "WHAT?!?!" The scream of shock and anger, much to everyone's surprise, wasn't from Damocles, or Luna, but instead came from Princess Cadence who had just walked in on the situation with Flurry Heart in her carriage. Whose giggling could be heard over the silence caused by Cadence as she walked closer with an obvious forced smile. "I mean, Damocles successfully made it to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia with only his, wings and abilities." She shuddered as she said it. "So why isn't he good enough to fight Blue Blood." Flurry Heart flew over to Damocles who whispered a smiling 'What's up, brat' which caused her to giggle and poke his nose. Dusk Blade's eyes began to shrink in fear over the Pink Princess. "You see, your highness, Damocles is too well equipped to fight Prince Blue Blood with out a severe handicap that would force him into a losing situation. Due to his inability to.... breathe his last breath, we would have to limit it so that if Blue Blood merely Incapacitates or restricts his movements for a set period of time. One that would be fair for both. Which again would guarantee ones loss over the other." Midnight picked up in Dusk Blade's place. "Add on the fact that those wings of his have near limitless potential restricted only by his mind. I would say that he should've been made into a unicorn Only you all know what kind of spells he would craft for the betterment of-" he was cut off as a white furred hoof covered his mouth. "I'm just gonna stop you right there. Let me be frank. Where I go if its not for fun but for something that actually matters, then nothing but devastation and pain is left in my wake... whether I want to or not. Where Lord Tirek sought to destroy on purpose. I do it on accident as I try to keep everything and myself together. Now if you will excuse me I need to go find a unicorn willing to train with me in terms of keeping me restrained... or maybe four...." Damocles walked away slowly from then leaving the group stunned. "Sister did you Intentionally let him out of your grasp?" Luna said watching him. Before turning to see Celestia's horn was still glowing with a giggling Flurry Heart now in Celestia's Grasp "No.... Luna... No I did Not...." Celestia stood slack jawed for a moment until Rio Coughed Gaining everyone's attention. "Princesses... I think I know of that grave danger you speak about. An old Legend from before discord, but it told of Shape Shifters not like Changelings. I don't remember the details and I'm afraid the only ones who knew of it was the elders of my village, who began to tell of it once Changelings had surfaced but they have forgotten it now. I will have to ask them in time to see if I could get more information. But be careful of that one. Pony or not, he carries a Despair in his heart not like any I have seen. Perhaps a therapist will help him?" Rio turned to looked at the three princesses. Belladonna huffed before standing up. "Sorry to be rude but I'm tired so can someone show me to my room?" She said annoyed. Celestia nodded and they began to walk away followed shortly by everyone else. Except Luna Midnight and Dusk Blade. "Midnight, Captain Dusk Blade... watch him carefully and see if we can find someone who can help him mentally. Also to make it more fair we will use the terrain adjusters and we will have him be limited to specific weapons and if he resets himself its an instant loss AND he has to be a servant to Blue Blood for 3 months." Luna's voice was distant as if she was questioning her own decisions. Her eyes were locked on the point she last saw Damocles. Her mind locked onto one thought. 'What in his past has he done that warrants so much self hatred to the point he denies it.' The two Knights nodded before giving a salute and taking off to carry out their orders. ********************************************************************************************** Damocles walked back to his home watching the Windows as the storm was being cleared up by the weather ponies. Taking the blanket form his bed he made a makeshift cloak out of it to hide his wings. After that he began to fly out from the balcony gliding down until the gates of the castle. Still getting used to landing he struggled and slid hard but managed to keep himself upright this time smiling to himself he began to open the wooden gate to let himself out. "DAMOCLES THERE YOU ARE!" a feminine voice called out forcing himself to stop as he turned to see who was calling him. A bright flash of magic making him jump back with a yelp as he became blinded by it. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you ok?" The voice continued sounding worried. Damocles sounded off with a grumble about his eyes. Trying to recognize the voice he opened his right eye blearily to try help it focus. "Yeah I'm fine Twilight... what is it?" "I was looking for you because I wanted to ask you some questions about your homeworld... If you don't mind that is I'll pay you back for it if you want." She smiled as she pulled out a quill and a notepad Spike coming up panting heavily before falling over. "oh sorry spike.." She lifted him up and put him on her back as he caught his breath. Sighing heavily Damocles nodded before he scratched his chin. "Sure twilight under two conditions first is you treat me to lunch somewhere not here, second you help me train. And as long as the questions don't get too personal I'll explain everything I remember." Damocles said as he opened the doors. Twilight nodded happily and walked through Damocles by her side. "So first thing is first what is the name of the planet, and what country are you from?" "We call it Earth, its spelt E-A-R-T-H or Terra, I am from the A country found on the western hemisphere north of the equator called 'The United States of America' it is composed of 50 states, or territories, that each have its own elected officials to determine laws and the such as well as to help voice the peoples preferences to the nations leaders. The nations leaders are chosen once every 4 years and anyone filling the requirements for it can attempt to become the leader. When it first began this was called a Democratic Republic but the system is broken and has little no real success and as such violence as well as criminal activity has been steadily increasing. Much Like the Royal guard, We have our own form of Homeland protection but its easily corrupted by 3 simple things, Power, Money, and Sex. Some Criminals even pay cops a good amount of money to ensure they don't get brought to justice. Others cheat the justice system to bend the rules in their favor. It genuinely comes down to this, Those with money have power, those with power have no real rules or restrictions. This has given rise to several non-legal organizations that control certain areas, fight with each other for power and territory and exploit or genuinely protect the people. In that world depending on how much money you have, the type of race you were born to or from gives you too many advantages to were one born into a rich family white family, can literally rape over 50 women get half pregnant and kill the other half and no one would bat an eye. As to where if one is darker skinned and poor its a literal warzone right out their doorstep and even sometimes in their own home. I'll finish the brief political explanation here on the USA. The Human race is the most violent race ever... as a passtime we honestly look for better way to kill each other because of how much we fear each other. And its why I hate humans so much." Twilight stopped writing for a moment as she paused to look at spike who shrugged and they both looked at me. "But Damocles.... you are human... or atleast were." Twilight's comment made him stop in his tracks as he sat on the stone cobbled ground and looked up a the sky. "Yeah... and I hate that about me because Humans are the worst, Most of us are Selfish, without honor, cruel, Disloyal, and more than violent to the point a Husband would beat his kids and kill his wife. Some are actually so twisted as to molest their own kids." This made Spike jump down as he walked infront of Damocles. Who in turned looked down at the purple dragon. "Well not all of you, there has to be a few who are good out there." Spike said with a hopeful smile. "A child is a dangerous thing for humans, because we are so malleable of mind our innocence purity, the good in the world can easily become twisted and corrupt. There is a saying my father told me, 'Everyone is the hero of their own story but the villain to another.' After I heard that I viewed everyone including myself as a villain because all we do is hurt one another to the point where we can drive a person to kill themselves with words alone. Lets stop for today as I have gotten way off course with what we wanted to talk about. I apologize Twilight, we can continue later on and tomorrow definitely, as i promised as much info as i can afford. I will have to apologize though as somethings my memory is foggy until it has a trigger of some sort." Damocles stood up and turned to face her. "I would like to ask one more question, What happens to those who grow tired of all the pain, and sadness and destruction? What do they do?" "They either break down, or give up. Either way it ends up with them reaching the end of their time, if they be living or they let themselves slip from life. Everything we do that brings us happiness is an escape... and at times can burden us." Damocles said before going quite. "Even watching as a group of friends prove happiness can be real, even loving someone...." Twilight hugged him but Damocles made no movement before breathing deep. "Damocles... I... Its okay, you're away from all that pain and conflict now... Perhaps I can try to talk to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to make it so can just live peacefully. I'm sure there's..." She stopped as Damocles began to walk forward looking around at the buildings. "Twilight, they brought me here not to live peacefully but to do what humans do best and fight. At least here there is something worth protecting. So I'll do my best to preserve this world so long as I breathe. Simple as that. A Sword and Shield, to be used in protection and in vengeance. To think that they would want me to be happy is a false hope that I only would wish upon the most twisted of minds. After all, A broken sword can still take a life, a dulled one cannot. Now please lets get something to eat." He turned to look back at her his eyes dull and distant. She merely nodded as spike scratched his chin while the two walked ahead of him. " 'A Broken sword can still take a life, a dulled one cannot.' Where have I heard that before?" she muttered to herself. "Damocles, you know you're wrong about the princesses. Didn't Cadence ask if she could help you find somepony special for you?" Twilight began to argue, her voice although calm was obviously between annoyed and insulted. "Yeah, and? Like somebody, I mean somepony, is going to want to be around me especially considering the fact I'm Thestral, and I have Magic Metal wings. I would probably have better luck if Queen Chrysalis sent a Changeling to love me in an attempt to steal love from me, but trust me I would poison them with my love, its bittersweet..." he began to hum at that moment leaving twilight in frustrated stupor. "YOU ARE INSUFFERABLE!" She screamed making him stop and look back at her as she was huffing she walked closer and started poking him as she continued getting in his face. " You just don't get it. You found someone from your own home who LOVED YOU, and I Know you LOVED HER!" Damocles took a step back but that was met with Twilight taking a step forward. "Yeah you come from what I can tell as a screwed up place that seems worse than death and I'm sure you know about that more than ANYTHING ELSE THAT CAN LIVE because unlike you the rest of us when we die will be dead FOREVER." She took a deep breath before continuing. "Life is filled with good things and bad things. That doesn't mean the good always makes up for the bad but that also means the bad doesn't always take away from good. You have to learn to look for happiness regardless of anything, Damocles. Remember you don't know when you die if it will be your last time. So stop thinking of it as and advantage and look at it like a..." She pondered for a moment to think of a good a simile for the circumstance. "like in one of those new games, you used up your other lives. now get as far as you can on this one. Now I want to know more about your species history as we eat. So lets go, I need a moment to calm down before I really start to get angry." Twilight started to grumble as she left the stunned stallion and began to lead. Leaving spike to look at him. "Wow... I haven't seen Twilight that upset in a while. You know you are both right though." Spike said calmly as he shrugged his shoulders and started to follow behind Twilight. Damocles furrowed his brows in confusion before trying to catch up with spike. "How so?" "Simple answer: you are like Twilight before Celestia moved her to Ponyville. You are alone and its tearing you apart. Unlike her you don't have a spunky assistant whose amazing. The closest thing you have to a real friend is, and I mean this as a joke, your shadow. But you don't even know that. You don't even know everything about your body. For instance did you know you have some extremely powerful jaws and fangs that crush stone easily?" Spike said matter-of-factually. "I do?" Damocles questioned. "Yeah all Thestrals do, its to make up for their lack of connection with the sky or magic or earth. They were granted with hearty bodies and will. In recorded history there has only been one Thestral who ran from battle." "Wait how do you know so much about this?" "Twilight submitted an examination of Thestrals for her research paper back when she was younger. I had to help do the research. Anyways, the point is that you can't always be so depressing. Yes we accidentally took alot from you. But at the same time we are doing what we can to make up for it. Half of it is you just need to see it for yourself. The difference is here you have people to help. There you were alone until the essential end. Here well you have 4 princesses the nations most powerful defense group and 2 kingdoms essentially to help you, take into consideration you knew what everything here is and even about the fight against Tirek. Then you have to be honest. Wasn't there anything you wanted to do if you could come here? And think about this. How useful is a knight who is always on the verge of mental breakdown? Because you seem to be on your way about it?" Damocles stood stunned and looked at spike when he finished. Spike looked back at him with a questioning look. "What?" "You... we... how..." Damocles was unable to find the words before he gave deep breath. "Ok I see your point but aren't most of you doing this out of obligation?" Damocles attempted to argue. "Didn't Twilight go to Ponyville out of obligation?" Spike rebutted. " Now come on. Twilight's waiting on us." Damocles and Spike followed Twilight as they went down Restaurant Row turning a corner for some powerful spices and scents to strike Damocles hard. "Welcome to the Tasty Treat." Twilight Said as they walked in. The place seemed to be very busy "Princess Twilight! Welcome back to the Tasty Treat, We have a table that just opened up." A large and rather round pony with a mustache said with a smile. "Thank you Coriander, and please just Twilight is fine. You know spike, and this is my new friend Damocles." Twilight explained to the stallion as we walked to the table. "Ah well a friend of Twilight, is a friend of mine. I am Coriander Cumin. Please Damocles may i take your.. Cloak?" Coriander said with near forced smile as Damocles sat. "Er.. no thank you, I'm just a little cold you know?" Damocles lied through his teeth as he smiled back. The older stallion knew this and his face showed it. "Ofcourse, well Allow me to make a recommendation for you since you are so cold,friend. Today's special is Mango Chutney Chicken Curry survived with Fried Bake. It's known to be very warming." Cumin smiled as Damocles nodded. "That would do perfectly." he sated calmly. "Oh can I have some of that? You know I love trying Saffron's newest Dishes." Twilight smiled happily. "Ofcourse, Princess I'll bring you some sweet tea to pair with it as well. And ofcourse Ill have my daughter create you your Saphire and emerald Curry Spike." Cumin stated getting a thumbs up from the dragon before walking away. Twilight and spike then pulled out a quill and a note pad. "So then, lets begin what can you tell me about the human timeline? And if possible lets avoid the cynicism this time?" Twilight looked at Damocles with a gentle look. Damocles smiled. "Ok, I'm sorry for earlier. Now... where to begin... Oh.. I just remembered. There was a song someone made that I felt at the time covered the worlds biggests and most important factors. But first, let me say that we original came from caves. Now... How did that song go?" Damocless began to hum "We learned to band together and endeavor Clasp our hands together Man developed language, letters An incredible advantage, getting plans together But would we stand the test of time Against the planet's reckless climate And its angry weather?" Damocles took a pause to see spike and Twilight scribbling as fast as possible to keep up. Before he continued closing his eyes unaware his wings began to act as a conductors baton would. "Spread the sails And head west against the gales And storms aboard Norse longboats With decks as dense as nails Our aim was riding waves And finding, claiming strange horizons Invading islands Native populations slain with violence Enslaved and made to aim skyward Think of bigger things - sphinxes, pyramids Raise them high in the name of different kings The different things we've held sacred, divine Through places and times The range of supplications and rites Through ages we find Nations arise As old civilizations crumble to dust Becoming strangers in time, waiting to die Replaced in the night The day breaks and the light changes Illuminating newer human faces as fights rage The human race is facing the might Of righteous states who would write The history books even if it took a knife's blade To find the right page Sengoku Jidai Men offered to die For the honor of a warrior's life" His wings shifted uncomfortably under the cloak as it began to tear it, Damocles was lost to his own mind and the song not noticing it. In fact only spike noticed but didn't disturb either of them about it as he stared at the wings before trying to pick back up where he left off. "The sun's coming and we're watching it rise As a new era's here, it's as solid as iron Pull the tongs from the fire Strike the hammer to the anvil Craft a weapon to bring an enemy to a standstill The blacksmith is the wizard that gives us These powers - devour enemies Leaping down from the siege towers The better the tech is The lesser the effort to wreck it The less time to see their eyes And feel sympathetic Never regret it A true knight never stays a true blade Never says touché But would forever lay in blue rays of weathered glades To demonstrate his never-ending dedication To the crusade Reformation through flame And after the cremation is a new age Time's quill is quick to spill its ink onto a new page" Cumin had returned to give the drinks to the customers, everyone had been watching the singing white Thestral who was brought by Princess Twilight. Many of them were shocked about the wings but had did nothing to disturb the princesses guests singing. Some of them even closed their eyes to envision what was sung. "The faces are the same as when in days gone But brains are cultivated thus creating The Renaissance We're still using steel tools to stay strong Replacing blades with greater trades Pen and paper, song Faith in God is tested, hiding in the desert Men excited, then enlightened by the scientific method Tried describing its expression By inscribing his impression When applying it to heavenly bodies That everybody reckoned Must have been made by a creator or a greater force Nature's author faced examination never faced before The grace of horse and rider Replaced by wars and violence Debased the laws of science Made the case for all the pious Why is it progress always leads to loads of mess The western region spread across the globe and coalesced Settlers spread disease with effortless ease Was it reckless or did it just happen inevitably? While evidently we never can see Through the lens of this century But there's no retreating now Whether or not it was meant to be" Soon Saffron Masala came out of the Kitchen to see the source of the song Spike was looking around nervously at the time and had begun biting his talons. "The seven seas were sailed Navies prevailed Leaving trails of devastation in their wake As people wailed A world of wonder plundered traded in the name of progress But human nature's way shows we should expect no less Oh yes, struck by the realisation this is just civilisation In the natal stages of industrialisation, trust me when I say That previous achievements are just child's play Compared to this colossal school of thought We set the world ablaze with fossil fuel we bought It's an epiphany Giving us pretty much infinite energy It's electricity Edison, Nikola Tesla - different inventors Giving us everything we depend on Whether it's engines, cinema, television or telecoms Sending a message and spreading it on These unreal frontier channels We develop the tech and then sell it on The reel travels round With the speed of a machine gun's barrels Machinery's a meaner beast and we're still in the saddle No need for cavalry - battle superseded that with ease Allies and Axis Charging each other like batteries A power vacuum allowing the superstates to flourish Redistribute the food even if it means people are malnourished Propaganda is the only view that you're allowed to publish Cause totalitarians are well aware of how to punish Gunning down numbers countless For doubtless nothings that they've done But that won't stop subversive insurgents From coming out with courage Using their power to the fullest Whether creativity or demonstrating general relativity Evidently when we find time to be efficient Einsteinian clear vision can reveal the precision behind the blinds Nuclear fission Despite derision Physicists decide the mission is dividing, splitting atoms 'Till a blinding light is given, quite efficient The divine right to mankind's plight is christened A minor decision hijacked by politicians But as long as they listen to the will of the people Treat all as brilliant equals, we can achieve more Than we've ever conceived before" The entire Restaurant, staff and all, had stopped and listened. "Leave this poor place Please explore space Earth, she's a small base Even more awaits I implore great leaders To lead with all the grace Of which we're capable And be the author of your fate Clasp our hands together And stand the test of time forever" Damocles was Panting at the end of it. Only to find that he was at the center of attention his eyes widening as his wings where showing. His pupils were shrinking as he got up slowly before attempting to leave only to be stopped by Twilight. "And where do you think your going Damocles? We still have eat our food and i still have more questions for you. Although I appreciate the summary I need more details." Spike had started tapping Twilights shoulder because she was still looking down at her notes finishing the summary guide and writing out each question she was thinking of. "Yes what is it spike?" She said as she finally looked up to see a near panicking Damocles and everyone looking at him. "Wait a second, Damocles?" one of the customers stated before taking out one of the fight posters. "As in 'The Centurion, The Wrath of the loyal' Damocles?" A random spectator stated. The voice belonged to a male which drew a nod from the suspended Pony in question. The Stallion then walked forth Damocles was released and all parties took a good luck at the stallion infront of him. He had a Deep water blue coat and his cutiemark was that of a cracked mirror. His eyes were a more violet than then magenta of Celestia, and his mane was a simple black. "Goodluck in the fight against Prince BlueBlood. Most of us are hoping for you to make it a real showstopper. Based on the sound of your people, violence is something you will be exceptional at." With that the stallion had left. Almost immediately Damocles was swarmed after everyone heard that he is the new pony the one that is to fight Blue Blood. Twilight turned to Saffron and Coriander. "I'm sorry guys, I guess our meals will be to go?" They both nodded and shortly came back with a bag that spike took up. "Alright alright everyone back off him, he's still new here and you are all making him uncomfortable besides we need to get back to his training. He has a big day ahead of him." Twilight stated shooing the crowd before taking Damocles and leaving. "Thank you, Twilight." "Don't Mention it. now i believe I said I would help train against Unicorns, what exactly is it you need?" Her Voice was kinda hesitant but she would always honor what she promised. "Oh, Right. Can you Restrain me with your magic and I attempt to fight against it Or drag me down with magic and such? I don't want you to let up until we are back at the castle. Regardless of what happens. OK?" Twilight nodded and began to pour the magic on him it wrapping him and increasingly weighing him down. "I'll do this to help you with your training but you have to answer more of my questions ok?" Damocles gave a resound 'Eyyup' which made Twilight Double take for a moment. Time went on and it was a solid 3 hours of Damocles struggling to move while answering Questions. Only 2 times did Twilight really have to amp up the amount of magic poured onto Damocles and as the result of the training. When they walked back into the gates and into one of the larger halls neither one of them noticed the dark figures moving along the ceiling nor did they hear anything over their talking. "Wow... Just the amount of scientific discoveries made by your people and completely without any kind of magic to the point where they could produce something like that?! to the point where you can communicate visually with other people from across the world? let alone in the same COUNTRY! Damocles you have to help me do this! WIll you?" Twilight was jumping up and down excited by the thought creating these things. "ummm sure, but I dont know a lot about programming that stuff, or the details for it. I'll try to help you as much as possible but how about first we focus on trying to create the Internet?" Damocles presented the Idea to twilight who began to nod slowly understanding her new friends comments and concerns. Mean while 3 figures along the cielings rafter silently counted down before they jumped down like ninja's onto Damocles pinning him. Twilight screamed at first and was ready to fire a blast of magic before she heard one of the assailants' voice. "Damocles is back from his Date with the princess of friendship and it seems like he completely forgot about us doesn't it Veil?" The male asked the female as they got off him. "I wonder if that means you and Satin or maybe even Eclipse is gonna have 2-3 princesses to fight for him." He teased. He stood tall as the Simple of the ram was etched onto his armor shoulder pads but significantly smaller that the Declared Zodiacs. "Oh Knock it of Virulent, Sorry About that Princess, Damocles you need to be more aware of your surroundings, Dusk Blade would wring your neck for that." the one reffered to Veil stated. She wore armor bearing the Scorpio zodiac but again less apparent. Now come on. Princes Luna Demands your Audience to talk about what fighting style your going to use." Veil stated suddenly getting serious. "Besides as cute as he is, We don't know anything about him to see if we even are interested in him. Right Veil?" the one assumed to be satin stated. "Although we certianly have seen enough." the two Thestral mares began walking forward infront of Virulent, Damocles, and Princess Twilight. "Wait what do they mean by that?" Virulent turned to look at D amocles who was redder than a cherry. "Damocles I'll let you go, we will have plenty of time to talk about those Cellular Phones when we get to ponyville, you're just going to love it there I know it. Oh and I'll Leave your food with One of celestia's guards to take to your tower ok?"Twilight stated. "Not necessary my princess, I'll take it and watch over it he won't be talking to luna for long and he is supposed to eat lunch right after so that will be simple." Virulent took the Box marked "For the Loyal" that was in the bag from Spike Damocles ran after the two mares followed by Virulent Quickly after. > I am Legion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So Damocles have you decided on the fighting style and the weapons you want to use? Remember if you go to use my gift to you then you will be limited. Also you are not allowed any Resets.”  Luna rose her head from the list of women who had confirmed they had gone on a date with her nephew. “I was wondering about that actually among other things, but let me start with this question,” Damocles’ ear flicked in annoyance of his lack of understanding more than his fair share of things. “Am I allowed to use the Weapons of Others?” His voice wasn’t flat nor had it any kind of hidden or blatant emotion yet something in that one sentence appeared to resonate deeply with Luna. Her brow furrowed in mild contemplation as she tried to place where it came from and of a proper answer for his question. Her eyes betrayed calm face as a frustration shone through them ‘What is it? It’s not Pride, It’s not anger, nor is it any kind of real definitive emotion. He shows no fear nor is there hesitation,’ “There are no rulings to prevent it. Why do you ask?” Luna’s voice held the mixed sounds of confusion and frustration. “Because if possible I would want each one of those Mares on that list to pick a weapon and for her name to be placed on it. And left in the stadium at the start of the fight. If this is done I will limit myself to my wings, Something Inspired from my home and the gauntlets. No more no less. I may not even use my wings. Should I emerge Victorious from this fight I would have something I would request from you Luna.” His voice was the same and it baffled her further before her eyes shot open as she processed what he just said. “An army fallen before another as one protects what defines him and what he values.” She said softly. “He may break my blade but I will use the ones who have failed before me and bring justice to the barren blades.” Damocles stood then bowed to her before turning to leave. “What are you Damo-... no Rowan Wicker… You describe your kind so violently so why do you defy what it is that made you, why do you despise it?” Luna asked him. His ear flicked again as they both leaned back. “I am not human anymore and even when I was I hated it, I am now the sword and shield to be used against that which threatens the peace of this world. Humans… Only some stand with any honor. And as that life is lost to me Luna,” Damocles opened the door. “That name has no meaning to it.” He left closing the door to her office silently. Luna watched the door for a moment longer. “To quote the story you told to us by that being known as shaker spears, ‘A rose by any other name is just as sweet.’ I see now why discord wants nothing of your minds version of chaos. I must find you someone you can trust… if not for our sake then for yours. You are walking on an dark edge. And I fear which direction you are facing on that edge.” Later “ ‘Ey Damocles. What did Luna say?” Virulent asked with interest as he held his hoof up for him to bump. Damocles met with a smirk and gave him the Hoof bump. “Of course, did you two finish practicing the songs? I wanna make sure that Snob knows exactly what kind of person he lost to.” “Yeah we got it taken care of dear. How was the lunch Date with Twilight?” Veil asked. “I heard you two got into a little fight?” “It was nothing more than a disagreement between viewpoints on my position in the princesses Eyes.” Damocles said with a straight face. “Mhmm I bet, let me guess she was ‘oh the princesses care about you and want everyone to be happy’.” Veil snickered “Yeah yeah and I can almost guarantee that Damocles was all brooding and dark, ‘ I am a weapon to be pointed My happiness is not their concern, so long as i remain useful to them is all that matters.’ “ Virulent and Veil couldn’t help but laugh at that which drew a growl of annoyance. “Right Right we are sorry, but not as sorry as the time you walked in on Satin Eclipse and me in the communal bath. Didn’t even realize it as you were washing the blood off.” Veil stated “Personally I liked how he reacted when he realized he was in the woman’s side.” the voice came from the door as the mentioned mare walked in. “Especially the part when he tried to get out of the tub just to fall back closer to us for us to see everything” Satin gave Damocles a playful bump on his hip as she walked by. “Yeah yeah I get it.. Whatever. So the playlist is ready, Each mare is selecting a weapon to shape their anger. The only thing left? Is to keep fighting." Damocles's voice was filled with Resolve as he spoke. Each of the guard regiments zodiac Trainees present nodded in response and all began to lead the the 'odd' on of the bunch out to their personal training areas Where both Midnight and Damocles remained. ****** Time before the Showdown: 4 hours ****** Damocles eyes were closed as he floated as he drifted. His body was still but loose, his breathing was slow but light. No sound was heard since he began this dream until the sound of a horses shoes echoed sending out purple reverberations beneath where Damocles was laying his ears flicking for a moment as the sounds disturbed the peace. Another set of foot steps one that was considerably lighter yet very noticeable releasing a deep scarlet reverberated from the opposite direction. Damocles opened his eyes as his form shifted so he would be standing his hooves touching the alleged ground sending out several ripples of white as a field of blue roses grew into shape underneath and undisturbed from where he was standing. It seemed as if they were in the air despite being on solid ground. Both sets of footsteps had stopped. On his left was Princess Luna and on his Right was the Reaper Sheila. "Damocles. Where are we? and who is this?" Luna's voice held a deep tone of confusion as she looked from the darkness to the glow of the blue roses then to the being past us. "Hmmm Figures it was you who would intrude on this. Well I wasn't going to keep you out forever especially for one 'oh so special as Damocles.' " Sheila taunted the lunar goddess giggling at the end of it. "Anyways Miss Nightingale, we are, in quite literally the calmest part of his mind. Isn't that right Rowan?"she stated as she looked from Luna to Damocles. Who only grumbled in annoyance. "Sheila, Be nice. Luna, she is right. Now why are the two of you here?" Damocles said watching the roses colors begin to fade from blue to a soft white. "How does she know of that nickname? Only those inside the castle and even then only a select few know of those nicknames. I know she is not of the subconscious creations so explain please." Luna was growing both frustrated and worried. "Hey, I'm right here you could just ask me. Anyways, call me Sheila, and I guess you could say I'm the New Reaper in charge of Damocles, I just came to say I got approval for my present to give to you Damocles, so you will receive it during your fight with Blue Blood. Snobs like him are supposed to be nothing but losers anyways so I guess it works out heheh. But remember I will have some things you will have to do for me in the future. I'll leave you alone since nothing interesting is going on now. Bye bye now see you tomorrow~" The girl quickly then jumped back and faded into the very darkness she walked in from. Leaving only Damocles and Luna now. "Well that solves one of my questions. Now why are you here Luna?" Damocles turned to Face Luna. She blinked for a moment as he did so. "I Came merely to check on you and let you know that each weapon has been chosen. The field will be littered with it. But you realize that he will be able to use those to his advantage right?" Damocles nodded before sitting creating a large ripple of white to emanate from his position. Luna followed suit with a Purple one playing against the white. "Damocles, are you angry with us?" "No." "Do you resent us?" "No." "Then what do you feel about us?"Luna got up moving closer the flowers that were under her turned into White poppy's as the ones around Damocles remained their soft white. Damocles followed her allowing her to move as he watched the flowers thinking about his answer. "I... my normal response would be I don't, but we both know that to be a lie." Luna nodded slowly as if gauging the reactions. "I am not angry, at least not anymore. Resent? I've only ever resented 3 people in my entire life I don't want to resent anymore. When it comes to all of you I don't really know what I feel. I know I am thankful for everything you are doing for me and putting up with my shenanigans. But outside of that I don't feel much else. I know I should but I don't. I guess that's one of the few things keeping me together." The flowers beneath Damocles changed to that of a soft pink sweet brier roses. Luna looked towards the flowers noticing their change. "Damocles," her voice was soft as she looked back at the stallion. Her eyes were scanning for a trace of anything. "Why do you... How is it...." Her voice fell off as she searched for the correct words to say. "Why is what others feel and pains they have are more important to you than your own?" Her voice held concern and for once ripples were made by here with movement. The flowers changing with each ripple in a wide radius to Elderflowers all for the ones stood directly under Damocles. Those changed into common rue. "Must we do this?" Damocles's voice was soft and hollow. None of the normal bravado or the heartiness in it from before. "I am worried about you." what was Elderflower quickly changed to Snowdrops the petals of the heliotrope being flung into the air and burning into nothingness. You shouldn't be suppressing your emotions like you have been." Luna gently draped her wing over Damocles who flinched at the contact. "Why? So I can hurt those around me more than already? If I let go of my control... I may be the worse possible thing for Equestria. Worse than what discord did. Worse for it than Tirek, hell for all I know I could be that great evil." The Rue flowers slowly burned away into Peonies "More so why do you care?" "I am in the distressed dream of one who I have hurt, Why shouldn't I care?" "Because I am not supposed to have feelings, I am a tool for you Alicorns." suddenly there was a large resounding slap as the snowdrops blew up in the wind replaced by Marigolds. Waves of purple resounded for a less than a moment as the Peonies became white roses that slowly dried up. Damocles finally looked at Luna as he rubbed his cheek. Her eyes held shock, pain, and anger. "No being is ever destined to be a tool. You live, you Feel, and you hurt just like the rest of us. You are not an instrument to be replaced or forgotten once your purpose is fulfilled. You will become a legend because I KNOW you are here to protect us. To SAVE us. But who is going to save you if you don't let us in." Luna's voice was restrained but quiet. "We ponies are natural empaths and what affects one of us affects the herd. You are one of us now. You can learn so much from us as we can learn from you. But you have to let us in!" Luna pulled Damocles closer as the flowers mixed now the ripples of purple and white spreading. The roses changing to a vibrant red equinox flower. "You walk a line of light and darkness but you try so hard to steal the darkness in others it makes yours shine, as your light dulls. A shadows edge from which one cannot return from. Not by themselves." "No and all it takes a push for one to fall into the shadows, One bad day. One mistake. And then the you that everyone once loved is gone forever. Sure you can try to go back to your old ways but nothing really is the same isnt it." Damocles began to sink into the floor beneath them Lunas eyes widened as she tried harder to hold him where he was. "I asked for help yes. The issue is no ones given me a good reason to believe they have the intentions of helping without repayment. No gurrantee that once its done I'll be tossed aside. I have been alone before, and it is painful, but then again wouldn't you know?" The dream continued but he was no longer there. Luna tried to will the dream to change her to where he was but the dream did not change. "I am still here Don't worry Luna. I have not left yet. In honesty I don't want it end. It's been a while since I've been here and I've missed it. So tell me Luna, how can I trust that you or Celestia won't do away with me and I never hear from either of you again?" All of the flowers had slowly began to change to that ominous red. Luna sat her wings hanging along with her head. "You're right, I do know what its like to be alone. But I am not alone anymore. I have my sister, and I have my friends. Damocles, please if nothing else then trust me, I will not abandon you. There are so many who have been in the same place as you and returned." Luna was pleading looking around at the flowers in each direction. The ripples no longer appeared as she walked. "Fine. I'll give you my trust." Damocles's voice came from behind her as she stopped and turned and saw Rowan Wicker the Human."But for this to work, I need you to give me this. To rid me of those nightmares and then to help me leave my past behind. I've found myself clinging to it too much even now." "The nightmares I understand, but the past.. I can only do so much for. However I will try, but you will have to play by my rules for it." She began to walk forward blinking for a moment and in the place of Rowan wicker stood Damocles the pony. "Can I ask you show me something?" "It would depend on what it is?" "I want to see your scars... I want to know you all parts of you. If you do this I will show you my unyielding trust." The field of flowers disappeared with each step Luna took. Damocles nodded slowly as he sat again. Luna sat behind him and pulled him close the way a mother would hold their child. Nuzzling him gently, Luna whispered a thank you. This made Damocles start to tear up and cry. "So this is what its like." he whispered in a strained voice. In that moment Almond flowers, Pear blossoms, Snowdrops and Rainflowers bloomed with Equinox flowers still here and there throughout the field below them. "This is what what is like?" Damocles looked up at her as she asked this. "A mothers love." With that the scene changed and a stream of memories began to play. ******Time Remaining: 30 minutes****** Damocles awoke with tears in his eyes but smiling. Stretching his bones popped wickedly and he slowly made his way out. He was met by the group of Zodiac Guards he was instructed to train with waiting outside the corridor to hiw home. In front of the guards was Dusk Blade, Luna, and Midnight. "Damocles The Centurion. We are here to escort you to the Proving grounds where you will meet and do battle with Prince Blue Blood and his champion. We wish you goodluck." Luna said with gusto and small amounts of pride. This was quickly joined with the salutes of the Zodiac Guards. They all Flew there way there being met with Spitfire and the Wonderbolts for the guard transfer. Luna and the Zodiac all went to the stadium as The Wonderbolts got the scene ready for his entrance. At the Stadium the field was covered with weapons from whips to glaives to shovels and swords, spears, hammers, and a sword fish. The stadium was full with ponies from all over Canterlot and every mare that Blue Blood had scorned. The Royals had all gathered at their seating, the elements of harmony were also present as well as the Griffons and even Discord who happily sat next to Fluttershy. While Celestia and Luna had stayed standing to address the crowds. "Ladies and Gentlecolts, Welcome. It is with great honor and pride to have everyone gathered here today. Today is the shortly announced but quickly heard of Duel between the Pride of the Royals, Prince Blue Blood and the Wrath of the Loyals, Damocles the Centurion. I thank all of you who took time out of schedules to come and see this fight between three very skilled fighters. Now without further notice lets introduce the fighters." Celestia stepped back to have Luna being this part of the announcement. "You all have known him from our family, The stallion of many ponies dreams but the nightmare to others. A prodigy in combat and military expert. Our Nephew Prince Blue Blood." The pony Walked in and half the stadium erupted into cheers of endearment coming from some of the nobles side and a bunch of mares who knew nothing about the stallion personally a few of them even screaming 'I love you Blue Blood.' or 'Marry me my Prince.' The other half of the stadium erupted into Boos. "His chosen Champion to assist him in this fight is one of our most capable intelligence officers in our Homeland defense networks. Troubled Mind!" The stallion had a Deep water blue coat and his cutiemark was that of a cracked mirror. His eyes were a more violet than then magenta of Celestia, and his mane was a simple black. The same face from the Tasty Treat that Twilight and Damocles had eaten at the day before. This continued cheers from the half that supported Blue blood. The crowd fell silent as Luna held up her hoof. "And The first White Thestral and one of the newest Ponies to Equestria, who pledged himself to defend us in his own way to the point he was willing to harm himself to make sure he could do the job and current 'White Knight' as he battles for the honor of all the Mares whom Blue Blood has scorned. Damocles, The CENTURION." She cheered as the rest of the crowd began to cheer but Damocles didn't show which began to draw whispers from the crowd until a single Guard hooked up to certain DJ's amp began to play music. (song found here) Thunder began to roar as the Wonder bolts brought the storm. The night guard chanting with the guitar screaming thunder in time as Drums and base picked up. Virulent began singing into a microphone drawing the attention of the crowd. Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder I was caught In the middle of a railroad track I looked round And I knew there was no turning back My mind raced And I thought what could I do And I knew There was no help, no help from you Sound of the drums Beating in my heart The thunder of guns Tore me apart You've been Thunderstruck" Damocles silloughette is shown in the clouds as lighting strikes in the cloud. "Rode down the highway Broke the limit, we hit the town Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun We met some girls Some dancers who gave a good time Broke all the rules Played all the fools Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds And I was shaking at the knees Could I come again please Yeah them ladies were too kind You've been Thunderstruck" Damocles is seen flying over the Ponies as if racing the Wonder Bolts. Keeping a steady lead as Spitfire, Soarin and Rainbow Dash all Begin gaining on him. "I was shaking at the knees Could I come again please Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck It's alright, we're doin' fine It's alright, we're doin' fine, fine, fine Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck Thunderstruck, baby, baby Thunderstruck, you've been Thunderstruck Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck You've been Thunderstruck" Suddenly with a crash of thunder the other 3 peeled off as Damocles landed Sliding to a halt, lighting struck the path behind him 3 times each hitting a different weapon before hitting him as the song ended and the thunder clouds cleared away. The crowd burst into a roar of cheers Virulent and the other hoof bumping. Luna sat happily as Twilight stood up. "Now many of you may be beginning to wonder why all the weapons on the field. Well we shall have Damocles explain that." Twilight's horn lit up. "Damocles go ahead." He nodded as he turned to Face Blue Blood. "Prince Blue Blood, tell me do you recognize any of the mares around the royal seating area?" Blue Blood's brow furrowed as he turned his head. "Why should I? Not one of them seems recognizable or nobility in any sort of way." He said nonchalantly as he turned back to face Damocles. "Well they all remember you vividly, and at my request Selected a Single weapon represent them for this fight. So when I win, and I swear on the soul of my dearly departed Beloved, whom you insulted, it will be because of them as they each fight and fought along side of me in this battle. This is for the honor of all those who you insulted." Damocles stated his words were laced with palpable venom. Twilight's spell ended as she began to speak. "Now if you wish to make a bet on who will win this fight please address one of the Wonderbolts and make sure to have payment ready Betting will end after the first 3 minutes. Now fighters are you ready?" All 3 nodded their head. All three getting into a fighters stance. Twilight let the pause go on as silence fell before nodding to Discord who snapped his fingers and made a giant Gong appear in the sky and blast of magic fired from luna and celestia made it ring signaling the match had begun. Damocles Launched himself into the sky with his wings as it carefully changed to a pair of Gauntlets. Blue Blood teleported from the initial position to behind the Thestral and Troubled Mind began running along the wall, blasting a Gatling of energy blasts. Damocles activating the hidden boosters on the gauntlets propelled himself to the ground quickly creating a shock wave making the weapons on the ground fly up near where Troubled mind was. The wings shifted back blocking most of the attacks as Damocles grabbed two swords and began to swing them, Much to most peoples surprise he was moving like a dancing whirlwind using blade and wings to defend against the advance before Troubled Mind teleported away, Damocles throwing both blades up flipped upwards and kicked the two swords away. One towards the direction blue blood was forcing him to fire the charged blast at the sword instead of his attack lest he got struck. Troubled Mind however however was forced on the defensive. As he threw up a shield the sword breaking through it stopping just barely cutting the cheek as it stopped. Damocles used this chance to close his distance on Blue Blood blitzing at him. Grabbing a twin headed spear along the way, spinning it before impaling it on the wall behind Blue Blood to the side of him. Blue Blood took the chance to turn and buck Damocles landing a clean hit on Damocles's midsection effectively winding him. Damocles stood up as he knew from experience how to move with lack of air before breathing deep. Troubled Mind took advantage of this to start a spell. Blue Blood seeing this smiled and tried to use his magic to grab and hold still Damocles. "It's over Peasant. If you surrender now the next few moments will be that less painful for you." He grinned as he saw Troubled Minds power of the spell increase that much further. "Right, let me tell you something, Blue Balls." The white coated stallion looked at the floating Thestral aghast at the crude nickname. "Its not over till the fat lady sings." With that Damocles spread his wings which shifted ever so slightly and applied a great deal of pressure of flying force, forcing the unicorn to focus harder on the restraint than before. "Whats wrong Blue Balls, Never been Feather fucked while holding somepony down or have you always been a bottom bitch!" Damocles laughed as broke out of the aura causing a small amount of magical back lash onto Blue Blood to scream in pain as his horn throbbed in pain and a searing migraine took hold in his head. Grabbing a whip Damocles tied a dagger to it and began flinging it at Blue blood who used his magic to grab a few of the swords to cut the whip and ensue a Deadly Waltz of Blades Damocles deftly and barely dodging each attack with no real intent or plan as if instinctual he danced along closing the distance slowly to strike Blue Blood in the head with his wings making him loosing control of the swords and spears as he rolled knocking over a few of the other weapons. On the one he saw on his chest the name Luna and looked up at the princess of the night growling in frustration. Before launching an onslaught of magical blasts. Damocles used his wings to make something cylindrical as it charged up energy building inside of it and fired something at a high velocity. Which overpowered most of the blasts sent by Blue blood if not making them bounce to hit a weapon making it shatter the shards striking the Damocles's 'Tank gatling mode' before he got up on his hind two legs to create a heavy style looking weapon with the barrel slowly began to rotate firing red bullets that began to splatter against the walls. Blue Blood realized at this moment he was using his own blood as a weapon. Smiling Blue Blood began to teleport at random forcing Damocles to stop the firing. "Do you know why I'm risking my life now, Its because an important pony once told me I should let go of the past." Damocles rushed forward as Blue Blood released a flamethrower like spell completely engulfing the metal winged pony. Blue Blood began to laugh victoriously as he turned up the heat further making the flames turn a vibrant blue. "The reason why I'm getting closer to you, is to prove that not only is one pony the fastest flier but one of the best flying instructors." Damocles declared through the torrent of flames as a metal coated hoof came out of the fires spinning from the left and struck him hard enough to knock out a tooth. The Night Guards and Zodiacs where cheering as Luna looked at Celestia triumphantly. Grabbing a whip Damocles hooked Blue bloods legs and he began to pull him closer flipping him in the air with it sharpening his wings he flew towards Blue Blood who teleported just before the blade made full contact scratching his Cutie mark. Blue Blood teleported onto Damocles and Troubled Mind who was charging his spell released it engulfing them and all movement ceased nothing moved nothing happened. Luna got up and began to scan and the started to play one 4 visuals what was happening. "Damocles Blue Blood and Troubled mind are in Damocles's mindscape The battle is continuing there." Luna announced. Hoards of Changelings, Timber wolves, and Diamond Dogs began to form before moving to flood Damocles, surrounding and thrashing him about striking where they could with no regard for their comrades. Damocles growled as suddenly everything stopped. Blue Blood and Troubled mind looked confused as Damocles was suddenly wrapped with chains that pulled him upon a cross that had a fifth segment at an angle on the left side between the top and left arm. Tightened with 7 locks and as a woman draped in black cloth whose fingers turned to black claws and teeth were sharper than a manticore, appeared between them facing Damocles. "Damocles of Equestria. You live because I will it, You exist for me and bear the mark of my people I am 'Nemesis the goddess of Vengeance and Death. You will be my envoy, as of now and I shall give you this gift. Finish this fight and carry out my will!" With that she produced a Black bladed dagger and struck him in the heart before fading, the chains the cross and dagger itself burned away into smoke along with her image as Damocles opened his eyes. "Lets have fun since you dragged us to my fucked up mind. Lets see whose mind is worse Troubled." Damocles began laughing the mindscape changed to where both Trouble Mind and Blue Bloood where on a rack as Daggers are thrown into them. To change to show them on a dinner table as Queen Chrysalis began to devour them physically. Tearing apart their muscles and tendons. Damocles's wings returned to their normal leather white as the metal that replaced it took on a new form and shape. Troubled Mind increased his magic as he changed the spell returning to the arena. The new shape the metal took was a sword, a really huge sword. In the physical world as well this sword appeared in the hoofs of Damocles. "Time to devour, Ouroboros" The blade shifted suddenly to a monsters mouth that had four yellow lines for eyes as it growled and launched forward from the blade eating everything it could reaching snapping its jaw shut just before reaching Blue Blood then retracting. Damocles took the sky the sword switching from the monstrous mouth to a gun raining a flurry of explosive bullets down upon the warring battlefield as Blue Blood created a barrier to protect him and Troubled Mind. "Trouble how much longer till that spell is done I fear we may not have much time till he escapes." Suddenly Silence as Damocles willed the Mindscape to open the doors of the arena as Soilders walked in with powersuits equiped as well as rocket launchers and machine guns. Bullets flew and missles fired raining devastation. Blue Bloods barrier was holding off the destruction however the shields slowly began to crack. He was forced to teleport them to a different location in hopes of hiding. "Not much longer I've found the memory I can twist." Suddenly Troubled was blasted back as Damocles charged him with the sword. Flying faster and faster he slashed at ponies horn, and like that the dream ended as all parties were brought to reality. Troubled minds horn however shot of a magic blast that hit Damocles but did nothing just before his horn shattered from the intense damage as he screamed in pain fainting. The fight came down to 1 on 1. A mirror however appeared on the field behind Damocles watery and blurred as if an image was trying to form. The spell was completing itself now. "Blue Balls you need to understand something about these weapons." He breathed deep as he closed hi eyes. His metal wings stretching. The sword itself manifested itself from the will of its user. Slowly he opened his eyes and they shown with the sword and shield all the while Damocles cutie mark began shimmering a bit. Planting the monstrous swords blade into the ground in front of him as a Single yellow cats eye opened and looked directly at Blue Blood drawing a Gasp from Luna while Rarity and Rainbow where cheering. Blue Blood was staring at Damocles with eyes filled with more than just rage. It had become hatred, disgust, and most of all Fear. "Because of them. I. am. Legion!" > For we- are a pain in my flank. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "For we are ma-"Damocles was cut off as he heard a familiar voice from behind him. "Rowan? Rowan is that really you?" Damocles Turned Slowly to see something akin to a portal and walking through the portal was a young girl with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes with fair skin. "B-bubba? your a pony... just like we said you would be...Mary get over here it's... That's bubba I know it is." The young girl started to cry hysterically as she charged and hugged Damocles tight. The entire stadium was staring at the spectacle in confusion at what the hairless ape was doing. "Darling? is that you?" a second voice said as the source stepped through it. A brunette with long hair to the middle of her back wearing a red poloshirt and some torn jeans looked at what the young girl was hugging and crying. Damocles put his hooves around the image. "I thought I would never see you again. Your phone it got destroyed your room was a mess and there burn marks everywhere... we thought." Soon the girl had come to share in the hug. "Its me girls... Sis you doing good in school?" The girl nodded happily as she cried harder. "I knew you would've been upset if i didn't do good." she managed through her tears. "Maria.. you waited to see if I came back didn't you." The statement made the older one just kept crying nodding her head only shortly barely managing a nod, before hitting him with the base of her fist against his shoulders and wings. "Thats right you fucking dumb ass! Carajo! never do that me again!" She sobbed heavily as she cried out hitting him. Damocles began to cry at that point believing it was too good to be true. Luna was watching intensely with worry as Blue Blood picked up a sword and limped over slowly the pain from the attacks on the mind echoed into reality. "Heh I'm so happy... Say sis when do you graduate? April 21st right?" His sister nodded her head. "You still have your memory it seems... all of this though... will have to get used to though. Did you bang Luna or Celestia yet like you wanted?" She tried to laugh despite crying still. Damocles's smile faltered a moment twitching ever so slightly before he nodded his head. The crowd watched in silence at the scene as Blue Blood inched closer while the awaited reunion continued. Blue Bloods magic was Reaching its limits as he took the hilt into his mouth before it faded out. "Yeah I did.... I'm gonna miss you both. Promise me something the both of you. Remember what I said before, Dying, is easy all too easy when people really think about it but to live? That's so incredibly hard." Damocles voice was breaking as he spoke the tears choking him. "So I'm going to ask you both the hardest thing for you to do for me. Be sure to live on without me." Damocles whispered as he smiled the tears flowing like a river as they mixed with blood from injuries to his head from before. Both of them simply uttered a small sound of confusion. Before suddenly he moved his wings them sharpening to the point where one could hear the air being cut. Closing his eyes as their blood painted his wings a scarlet crimson. Gasps of horrors and silent screams filled the stadium as the image of the severed heads flew dissipating into mist Luna and Celestia's Eyes both widened as they witnessed the atrocity performed. Fluttershy fainted the same time with Rarity. Damocles, softly flicking his wings from the illusion of the blood, slowly turned to face Blue Blood before opening his right eye alone. It shone like a beacon revealing a darkness long since locked away within him. The eyes in the sword slowly opened each scrambling to lock onto the source that helped awakened it before it screamed for the target of its user's rage blood, only heard by Damocles. The eyes making Blue Blood freeze into place as he became paralyzed. "Blue BloOD YOU BASTARD!" Instantly Damocles Charged him head butting him into his chin before slamming him against the wall his wings impaling him at the fore hooves. The sword stabbing Damocles in the shoulder but not doing anymore than that. "I should Kill you for that..." Blue blood screamed in pain as Damocles wiggled his wings a bit baring his fangs as a hunger began to take hold of him before he bit down on nothing and pulled his wings out. "Yield Blue Blood, I don't want to bear the thought of this fight anymore..." The swords eyes began to close one by one. "I am tired and Don't want to fight... So please... just accept the defeat..." Damocles's voice was growing softer "After all you got what you wanted... the world will see me as a monster for that." He began to walk away towards the sword. Blue Blood winced in pain as he signaled he was surrendering. Damocles collected the sword putting it onto his back as a tendril attached itself around his torso before flying and leaving the stadium. Troubled Mind and Blue Blood were collected by the medical teams. The crowd began to roar with an outrage as the night guard mobilized to follow and possibly subdue Damocles. Celestia began to explain to the crowd with the help of Luna to let them know what those two beings that Damocles 'The Monster' had slain explaining that he had figured out what they were as well as to allow Blue Blood time to recover and have him apologize to the promised Mares for each event and insult. After The Diarchs The elements and Discord chased after the injured Damocles . The Wonderbolts and others of the night guards were busy collecting their winnings while paying those that won it back. Shining Armor was even seen giving a bag of bits to Princes Twilight. The Day Guard was clearing out the arena. A few moments later at the gravesite dedicated to Damocles The sword laid on the ground completely as a sobbing Damocles laid between the graves head stones that had nothing written in them yet. His wings spread across them. Discord was first to find him and let the others know where he was this area supposed to be a surprise for him. Luna was among the first of the group to get there as she walked to Damocles silently and merely put a wing around him. They had all Seen the spell Troubled Mind used to cause that. Twilight herself knew all too well the effects of it from her run in with Sombra but this was more advanced and far more twisted. The spell itself created a physical manifestation out his memories of that which he desired most that was considered lost. Those beings they saw were a false Image of Damocles's love and family from where he had once lived. Knowing this, Damocles had, in everyone else mind that didn't understand the spell, murdered them. He could've let the spell go on and lose himself in the delusion of it, but he didn't. Damocles soon fell silent as he fell asleep exhausted from the fight and the emotional Trauma. Twilight and Celestia looked over at the sword that was brought forth from the nightmare when they were in the mindscape caused by the one known as Nemesis who had interrupted the fight. Twilight began to walk forward to it before she bumped into a magical force field. "Don't go near it. Only he can touch it." Luna spoke softly as she ran her hoof along the Thestrals mane. Midnight walked up from the other entry point with Dusk Blade, The zodiac of Aries and Zodiac of Scorpio, accompanied by Virulent, Satin, Eclipse, and Veil all of them eyeing the bleeding pony in Luna's hooves and wings and then to the Sword that laid on the ground completely. "It's a living weapon, not unlike the elements of harmony but based on the premises of destruction. It will devour what it's master will allow it to make itself stronger and stronger yet. Born out of despair and a need to survive, it will do whatever it takes to ensure it and its master will survive. Bound by the yellow eyes they share the name he gave it is Ouroboros. Can someone go and collect Nurse Tender Heart?" Luna's horn began to glow as her magic ignited and cascaded over Damocles his crying beginning to cease. "Luna, that sword," Celestia began never finishing the sentence as Luna looked up with eyes that showed pain. "I am aware sister, He is not the one to save us. He is the one you saw who will attempt to destroy us." Luna said solemnly. "I've known since before the match started. He allowed me to learn everything of himself." "Then how is he not using that sword to take on the Elements of Harmony and you both? I mean I could make it poof away." Discord making a mini Damocles marionette that had boxing gloves on move like it was fighting. "It's the other part of what I saw, Discord. He is the one who will destroy us because of his darkness. But he is a Light who steals the darkness of others. It will be only when his burden becomes too much that he will lose himself. For now he will be a Darkness that shines in light, he will use what we see as a taboo to protect what he recognizes as pure." Celestia stated. "And we may have you hide it in case of an emergency." "Greed, Betrayal, Pain, Deception, Hate, Abyss. Those are the things that his kind are known for. Despite being capable of the opposite, the elements of harmony, the concepts of them are foreign, to him. He needs friends but he needs to learn to view them as friends. Or else he will lose himself." Twilight rationalized from what she learned with him prior. "Wait so we can't just friendship blast him and call it a done deal like with Tirek?" Rainbow asked confused. "I for one certainly, wouldn't be comfortable for it. I mean, yes he does display some rather..." Rarity shuddered for a moment as she paued "Gruesome traits but considering what the princesses have told us of his past one can hardly blame him. He was just doing society raised him to be like. No matter how savage it is, despite that though he still shows traits worthy of a true Gentlecolt." Rarity commented. "It would make sense how he is so skilled at adaption and improvisational combat then." Dusk Blade added. "Right? You could've sworn he was making me dance when we were doing CQC?" Veil shook her head. This brought forth other mutters of agreement. "So its official then, in order to beat this villain we have to have him realize friendship before he becomes a villain. But, just so I know what we are working with what is expected if we fail?" Starlight asked calmly as she watch the Thestral in question. Luna and Celestia looked at each other for a moment before nodding. "Tirek and Sombra super fusion with a little Nightmare Moon." They both stated in perfect time. Eclipse had left to go and bring Nurse Heart Breaker. Luna had used her magic to control the earth beneath the sword to lift it as she put Damocles on her back and they walked. "The hardest part for this however? Will be making him believe you want his friendship,due to him used to having friends and Family. Ones he trusted with his life but they betrayed him on the deepest level ending their friendship with him and his connections with everyone else. So I beg this of you all." Luna paused to look at the group of friends and the remaining guards. "Please save him. Like you saved Discord and myself. Save him from himself. " Luna said softly as she was escorted by the Guards to medical wing where they ran into his Nurse and Eclipse. ***** 4 Hours Later In The Medical Ward **** Blue Blood laid in the medical bed awake and looking towards the left where his partner, Troubled mind laid asleep still. Turning his head to the right he eyes the seemingly uninjured Damocles who began waking up. He watched as Damocles looked around before spying the Griffons walking in with escort of 2 Night guards. "So the Prodigy of Darkness awakens, Oh and look who hes sharing a room with. The same one who offended his mate and all those mares." One of the Night Guards Stated. Blue Blood only huffed before turning over on his side. Damocles looked and saw that, yes Blue Blood was laying on the bed next to him. "... Sorry... I lost control and was too brutal. I had to do something that not even my nightmares would allow me to escape from." He stated softly to no one in particular as his gaze went from Blue Blood to the ceiling. "Heh you were wrong Belladonna he shouldn't have been a Minotaur he should've been a griffon. Mr. Damocles You won the fight, although the amount of restraint you showed after that gruesome image. I am sure the leaders of Griffonia would love to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself since we didn't really get a chance to. I am Baron Rio De Janairo. But please call me Rio, this is my Daughter and assistant Belladonna." he gestured to her who gave a glare and half-heart attempt at a wave. "Hello again, Oh did you guys like the Sausage? Or do you prefer fish Personally I love steak but pork is good to." Damocles said after putting the water down smiling at them as if he didn't just almost kill someone followed by crying his eyes out. The two just looked at him like he was crazy. "You actually eat meat? and what is steak?" Belladonna asked confused. "Oh right that makes sense you wouldn't know about steak. The cows here are sentient to the point where we can talk. And yes I do indeed eat meat. The flavors combinations are great when prepared properly with certain other items." Damocles' stomach growled loudly at the mention of food. This caused the night guards to laugh which was joined by Rio. Blue Blood just growled in anger. "HOW DARE YOU! What kind of being are you who jokes about eating meat, let alone Cows, while they are not ponies they are still citizens under my Aunts reign." Blue Blood said sitting up followed by a heavy wince and the sucking in of air through his teeth. "Blue Blood, I'm not from Equestria where I am from Cows aren't citizens they are domesticated animals that we have found good for eating since they cannot communicate or voice any kind of opinion infact all they do is eat grass, poop and sleep and occasionally procreate. I am sorry if that offends you. Also I would like to... Apologize." Damocles said his voice reserved but not monotonous. "Apologize for what exactly." Blue Blood eyed at the Thestral warily. "For the fight. I was being immature, I am also sorry I scared you..." Damocles hung his head. "I have always been defensive and I actually never heard anything decent to good about you until after the declaration. I wish to have gotten to know you better because while you may be snobbish, you do present more.. Chivalrous features when you go to be diplomatic and you are apparently well respected enough in the Guard to actually matter here. I just thought you were an entitled jerk. I still want you to apologize to every Mare you insulted or hurt but I do want to make amends." He finished. Blue Blood sat confused looking at them. "Well, I suppose I did deserve it. After all I did intend to end you in your mindscape if possible from before. But what was that thing that stabbed you in your heart?" He asked his eyes narrowing, hesitant of any traps. "She... I guess you could say is a type of ancient curse or a blessing. Depends on how you look at it really." Damocles stated in a manner that meant it was not something he cared about. "Wait, She said her name is Nemesis and is the reason you live. What is she like your mother?" Belladonna chimed in. This caused Damocles to laugh loudly enough to wake up Troubled Mind. "DO. YOU. MIND?! SOME OF US ARE ACTUALLY SEVERELY INJURED AND TRYING TO GET SOME SLEEP!" He yelled before turning his back to get some rest. "Sorry," Damocles said to him. "Anyways, that is not my mother nor is she the origin of my unique capabilities. Judging by how you 2 came without the zodiac or the princesses it means that they don't know I'm awake and you want to know what you can as Intel in case they try to hide anything from you." Baron laughed softly at his statement. "That is exactly right boy. So we shall take our leave and let you rest. I'll have one of our escorts inform your princesses. Before I leave though, Good fight. When we get you to Griffonia I know a plethora of Griffons who would be itching to fight you." Rio Stated as he began to walk away. Belladonna followed behind before stopping at the door. "I'll be the first among them Damocles. I promise you that." Damocles smiled at her challenge with a fanged grin. "I'll keep you to that, Lets make it a date then. Say dinner at your place afterwards?" he laughed as she rolled her eyes before walking out the Night Guards closing the door. Blue Blood looked at Damocles with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have a thing for Griffons?" His voice continued to question the sanity of what just unfolded before him. "Honestly?" This elicited a nod from his unicorn counterpart. "I wouldn't care what species or race. So long as she is brilliant, capable, independent, and has a good figure. For instance, I wouldn't mind taking some of the mares that work here in the castle on a date." "Yes and you still owe me lunch when we arrive in Ponyville." A females Voice stated matter-of-factually. "Which because of the amount of trouble you caused it won't be till tomorrow." "Sorry, Nurse. Anyways whats the damage?" Damocles said excitingly. "Lets see you had 3rd degree burned skin on your fore hooves, not to mention a bunch of muscle you shredded, a severe stab to your left should socket, and on top of all that you had a heart attack at the end of everything. A bad one. That I've never seen anyone live from." Annoyance filled her voice like how air fills a room. "Had.. meaning I was reset wasn't I." "A heart attack I've never seen anyone live from. Seriously how high are your stress levels? You need some serious time to get laid." She said annoyed this drew heavy blushes from both stallions in the room making them glow in the cheeks "Well, New body technically. So how old is this body?" "Roughly 26? Give or take a few years? We don't have much to go on most of the night guards are either just turned 20 and joined or are 35 and up." "That long then." "Excuse me. New body? What are you a changeling." Blue Blood questioned confused, more annoyed by the fact that he didn't even know what he was facing. "Buddy I wish. No, you would have to talk to your aunts about that." "Hes from another world, was biped." Tender Heart stated as she looked over the screens for the vitals and started turning them off and removing the IV drip that was in Blue Blood. "Another world...Huh... well then. Are the rest barbarians like yourself?" "Worst than."Damocles stated nonchalantly as he laid on his stomach. "Whens lunch nurse?" "When Celestia and Luna decide it is for you. You are going to have a lot of questions. Also Blue Blood you are free to go most of the damage was placebo from your mind the only severe ones where the ones on your fore limbs and those are healing nicely just come back here every time after you shower for your bandages to be changed. Or don't, doesn't matter to me. Damocles lets go." She stated using her magic to yank Damocles out of bed and following her by the ear. Blue Blood got up deciding to follow wincing occasionally trying not to put too much strain on his forelimbs. He got to a wheelchair and used his magic to propel himself forward trailing behind the two. "Are you mad because I flirted with her?" Damocles asked as she pulled on his ear harder making him give an audible grunt of pain. "Keep doing that and I'll end up with you ripping my ear off." She let go of the ear before giving him a glowering gaze. "You didn't flirt with her you simply teased her." "Ok so you understand that, then why are you mad at me?" "Because you teased Her." Tender Heart's voice was laced with poison as if she just saw someone kicked an innocent puppy and wanted to show them how it felt if their puppy got kicked. "Nurse Tender Heart are you.. Jealous?" Damocles teased her, as he began to stress his words in a certain way that it seemed almost hypnotic and seductive the type of voice that just sends jolts of electricity down ones spine. "Oh I understand now you were hoping to have a 'special' relationship with your patient didn't you one that meant no one else interfering just you and me didn't you." He grinned at her as she blushed turning around to face him. If looks could kill Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis would need to carry a mirror for this gorgon. "That's better." she said a coy smile spreading across her features before continuing. Blue Blood looked shocked at the conversation as Damocles smiled and winked at him. "So Blue Blood. Why are you following us?" Damocles couldn't help but ask. "I honestly don't know, Half of my mind says to go see my Aunts, the other Half says to observe what makes you tick." He said calmly. "Also, would you like to assist me during this years mock war campaign against the griffons and Crystal ponies?" "I would love to, under one condition. You give me free reign for me and my squad to do what we want." "No. I will let you handle whatever Operations you go to do but absolutely not no free reign." "I'll take it." Damocles began smiling when a thought occurred to him. "Say, Blue Blood. your better with offensive Style tactics and spells right?" Blue Blood gave a nod as Damocles got behind Him and began to push his wheel chair for him. "Tell me why didn't you display most of them? You were near totally defensive." Blue Blood looked up at the Thestral with a look of annoyance. "I wanted to see what you were capable of. I heard you passed the Initiation test for the Royal Guards. You must have gotten lucky is what I initially thought. Now after having fought I see you have potential but you fight... Differently than most ponies." He whipped his mane so it fell into place near perfectly. "Ok then Adonis. Say, do you wanna go get a drink and play some cards later?" Damocles smiled at the stallion. "You're incorrigible. You handicap me and now you want me to come and 'play cards'? You know WHAT!?" he was quickly getting angered before sighing deeply. "Fine, whatever. Couldn't be worse than if I tried to fight you again. I was to understand you were holding back as well, and you understand Honor to some degree." "Honor is something I value. Also I am sorry for the insults I said to you and about you. I didn't know you were that important to the Equestrian Government. I've only heard about your.... Less than honorable interactions with Ponies." "But of course that is quite common and there is nothing one can do about it. The bad about a person will travel at speeds incomparable than the good. Everyone has their own viewpoints on this and some choose not to care while others take great care to not allow anything bad to spread. I've come to learn that there are multiple sides of every interaction. While yes I do let my pride get ahead of me most of the time and I do need to work on it, More often when I'm not busy for my job diplomatically or testing tactics and running drills with the Royal guards Dawn Guard I am running over my head the list of things I need to do. Which unfortunately most of the time runs over for courting and such." "Almost sounds like an excuse but you are right. Arrogance is Earned, and something I've learned from before, Everybody Lies." Damocles commented as they followed the nurse to the doors to the throne room. "If you two are done with your Stallion bonding then be ready, You will both be infront a good amount of nobles, as this is supposed to be some kind of after party. Damocles, congrats on the win. Blue Blood..." Nurse Tender Heart stated flippantly before walking off. Blue Blood snorted in annoyance as she walked away. "Ah so Tender Heart is on that list... Is that how she got the nickname Heart Breaker Blue Blood?" Damocles gave a coy smile at the stallion who met him with a poker face not unlike Celestia's. At this point in time Damocles chalked up the poker face to being a Royalty thing. "I have no clue what your talking about, now I don't think it would be a good idea to keep my aunts Waiting... Also Damocles I want you to understand something. We are not friends. We are nothing more than Rivals at this point, But as I'm sure you know this saying, Keep your friends close and your Enemies closer. I will defeat you." "Uh-huh sure. To go back to what I was going to say before, I am legion, For we-" "Are a pain in my flank. Now move Stallion! The door must be opened so we can greet our guests with Dignity!" Blue Blood decreed. Damocles thinned his lips before turning around and bucking the wheel chair towards the door to make Blue Blood and the Chair hit the door only to bounce back with a very audible thud. "Whoops. My bad." > The Crown of Thorns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia stood beside her sister as they walked. The Dawn Guard and the Zodiac were full dressed and stationed through out the hall as the Nobles all clustered to one side gossiping about a certain Thestral. Discord was with Fluttershy tending to her to ensure she was feeling okay as Rarity was among the Canterlot Elite along with Spike trying to tempt them to at least meet Damocles, however it was a losing battle. Pinkie was bringing out confections and little sweets here and there as well as having balloons put into place trying to make sure everyone was smiling. Twilight was going over the list with Celestia while Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Soarin, where drinking punch and chatting with Applejack. That's when there was a loud thud that hit the door making it shake a bit. Twilight raising an eyebrow with an annoyed look went to the door opening it up to reveal Damocles helping Blue Blood back into the chair. "I can't believe you did that." "You were being Snobby again. Do you know how long I've wanted to use that quote that has been interrupted the only chances I will have to use it?" "No, I am literally getting to know you now." Blue Blood snorted angrily. "A long time. Since I was 10, Now I have to wait to use another Quote that involves me sleeping for freaking ever. Oh hi Twilight. Come on lets go see what Sexy and Nightingale want." Damocles began pushing Blue Blood's wheelchair to the Diarchs. "Excuse me what Did you call the princesses?" Blue Blood looked back at him with an incredulous look combined with anger and disbelief. "Oh those are my pet names for them. Isn't that right Sexy?" Damocles smiled at Celestia who met him with the calm knowing look of satisfaction. "Hello to you as well Damocles, Nephew. Damocles you look better and you kept true to you're word on calling me that in front of the nobles, I'll be sure to get you back for that later. Blue Blood, are you two getting along so quickly?" She raised an eye brow to go with a sly smile that she wore as the entire room was watching the interaction. Most the nobles with shocked faces other looking aghast at the Thestral. "I would say we are trying to, Damocles may be more barbaric but he has certain redeeming qualities to him. Despite being a pest. It does seem I can make a true Gentlecolt out of him yet." Blue Blood said in a cocky manner. "Eh, I'll admit that I was wrong to insult him as such. But he and I have agreed to one thing. We are going to be Rivals so we intend to keep each other very close knit to one another." Damocles's eyes held an intensity with title to them. Luna blinked to make sure it was real. "So we can exploit when one of us shows a weakness and learn the kinks in each others armors. Which reminds me. How did you figure out they were an Illusion?" Blue Blood looked back at Damocles whose face had gone distant. "I believe it has to deal with the concept of memories for him. Blue Blood you, and everyone else here, must understand." Luna began to speak louder as to make sure everyone could hear. "Damocles always had trouble remembering dates and times for events and needed near constant reminders otherwise he would've miss it. During their talk Damocles had asked if it was a specific date for some event. He didn't know the date but they said yes it was that date despite him not knowing if it really was. The odds of him having been in right in the past were astronomical and given the mental state hes still recovering from the odds were practically 0, Thank you twilight for giving the numbers for that." Luna stated. "Now Damocles.... I know you may want a drink of something strong but I would advise against that given your record for those events." "But Moooommmm." Dacmocles whined before laughing. "I understand Nightingale. Listen with the way things are now the tension I'm more than certain the others here still view me as a barbarian if not worse. With the both of your blessings may I go and just relax in the garden?" Spitfire and Soarin along with some of the other guards blocked the exits. Celestia began to speak. "Unfortunately no. This more than just a victory party. It is with the advisement of my close friends, The Elements of Harmony, my sister Princess Luna, My student Twilight Sparkle, and my Niece and Ruler of Crystal Kingdom Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, that we fully indoctrine you into the Equestrian Alliance Millitary with you as head of a new faction. With it you gain the title as the Captain of this Section." Celestia finished as her horn glowed and a Document appeared floating in front of Damocles. "The Section will be named, Given its Direction by you but it will also be used to keep you in check and to detain you should you lose yourself in any emotional breaks that your mind may find you susceptible to. It is both a Military unit, and Personal guard. We mean no insult by this. Only as a safety precaution as the land you are from, does what we see as taboo for entertainment. You do show however the potential to be more than that and better and we want to help you as much as possible. We admit upon your first arrival we did not treat you fairly but after the time I had spent getting to understand you I would also like to ask you, not to be considered a joke based off your comment earlier, To join our family as my son." Luna stated her horn glowing as a second Document appeared. Damocles face went from smiling slowly to straight deadpan. "You are one who has had no one to rely on. Those that you tried to took that same support and compassion and trust you gave and used them as a poison against you and mocked you for it, we know this pain. While this subject may be sensitive to you, you were even betrayed and used by those you called family and those you deemed as your special somepony. Yet you care about others still regardless. This is not the reason behind my request. My reason behind it is because you willingly shared your twisted pasts every detail with me, if that was to push me away it has only drawn me closer because I want to prove your trust means something." The room was silent with nothing but magic holding various drinks and the like. Blue Blood began to roll to the side of Damocles as he turned the wheelchair to face him. The sound foot steps broke the silence. Damocles looked to see who was moving to see spike walking up to him with a quill. "Words and papers only mean so much. This is a sign of action which means something greater. Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, Aphrodite, Twilight. There is something you're all not telling me. I will accept the job because that I don't have much of a choice. However it is not a Pony based unit I am making. I want a member from each of the races, Pony, Crystal Pony, Griffon, Minotaur, Yak, and Diamond Dog and anything else I don't know about. Our unit will be surmised in a contradiction. Armed Intervention of all Potential and Ongoing Wars." he took the quill and pricked his hoof for a drop of his blood to fall on to the contract. Which in that moment the color around it glowed blue to white till it flashed in crimson flames but not burning away. "With my blood I accept this contract. With the remains of my soul I bind it to the service of this world. But not to any one nation. This goes to all Nations in Hopes to prevent a Great War." The paper then completely burst into Flames that changed to the white, but did not leave any ashes instead the Embers circled and flew through the window. He turned to look at the Adoption forms. "Damocles... Why are you hesitating. Anyone would jump to be adopted by the Princesses." Blue Blood stated trying to encourage him. "It's because he recognizes the weight of that crown. And considering what the world sees him as it must be something like a crown of thorns for him, if not insult to everything he once knew." A white coated stallion with soft blue mane and mustache and monocle. In a dark suit stated. "Tell us Damocles you weren't high on the hierarchy in your homeland were you." "No. I was close to the bottom. But I could blend in to almost any of the Caste and you are right. I do see its burden." His voice was clear but empty. "So will you reject my desires then My Centurion?" Luna's voice had not wavered as she asked the question. Damocles did nothing. "Damocles may I offer a remark?" The stallion asked. There was no response physical or verbal against it. "You come from a foreign land based of the opposites of what as ponies in this land hold as near Divine scripture for these concepts have saved us time and time again. Present Company as extra proof. You can show these but from the look of things you don't understand what they truly mean. Text Book Definition yes but as you stated words and papers only mean so much. That is because there are hidden elements no amount of words or paper can display. That is Emotion and Conviction. Princess Luna stated you showed her everything about your past. I can assume it was in a dream as that is the best place for memories to take place, That being the case, wouldn't it be safe to assume some part of you deep down wants to believe our principals? Then why not take this chance. If anything you can ask her rescind the adoption." Damocles took a deep breathe before he looked at Luna. "Is this what you want?"Damocles' voice was soft. Luna closed here eyes as if to protect herself while she stood stoically with a straight face. "It matter's not what I want. Only of what you wish to attempt." She stated calmly. He took the quill to the paper using his metal as he began to sign it. "I, Damocles, Hereby agree and adhere to acknowledge that, Luna Nyx Meteora, will take upon the roll of a mother to me." "Not a mother but as your true mother." Luna corrected as she smiled walking forward to embrace him after the scroll teleported its location. Damocles flinched his muscles tight until after she pulled away. "You realize I am going to be the biggest pain in the a-... flank you have ever dealt with." "Oh? Well I guess I'll just have to figure out ways to punish you then. Now, you need to address the party guests the two of you. Sorry for the delay Ladies and Gentlemen. But before we begin One more thing. Damocles you will be going to Ponyville Elementary school for the duration you are in Ponyville every other day. You are to learn how to write the proper language there as well as Twilight will be assigning and tutoring you on the laws. Blue Blood I request you go with him and Teach him etiquette here." Damocles Eye twitched as everypony outside of Blue Blood and Damocles began to laugh. Damocles hung his head as Blue Blood patted the Thestral's shoulder. The only other pony not laughing was a single unicorn with a purple mane and a white coat and She was seething with rage untapped as she kept on a fake smile. With that however the formalities were done and and Blue blood was quite literally dragging Damocles to meet the other nobles, all while trying to avoid Rarity, who was doing the same thing. "So where exactly are you from 'Captain.'" A gray coated unicorn with Amber Hair and a Feather and Inkwell for a cutie mark asked with mocking venom. "Due to the nature of how Barbaric and yet cunningly apt my people are one could say we are from a different world all together. But of course you wouldn't know that as how you probably wouldn't set one hoof in anything less than a the most highly rated resorts and such for vacation. At least Blue Blood isn't afraid to get dirty when it really calls for it." Damocles commented before being elbowed by Blue Blood. Barely wincing Damocles shot a glance at Blue Blood who gave him a slight wink. "Damocles, Allow me to introduce myself, I am Fancy Pants and I just have to congratulations on your fight. While yes it was more..." He grimaced as spoke, "Gruesome than one would want but it was well earned. I heard you were also Training with the best of the Night Guard the entire time? Is this true." "Yes however I'm sure they will be getting new armor deployed to everypony. There some very dangerous... Exposed points where any well aimed sniper can hit without worry." Damocles stated coolly. "Sniper? Can you explain what that is? I don't think any of us are familiar with that term." Rarity had stated. "Lets see. Think of an archer or arcane user who fires a bolt, silent or not matters not, from over 500 yards or meters into an opening about as big as the rim of that champagne glass with an 8 out of 10 accuracy. The really good ones can fire from further distance. Except they don't use either they use a form on concentrated metal that is combined with a high vacuum explosion in a tight space propelling it forward. Ofcourse thats just what I know off hand. My father, may he rest in piece, was Military. I was looking to joining in the medicinal field. Trying to become a physician." "Oh how far in your studies did you get before the princesses escorted you here?" Another member of the Canterlot High society asked. "lets see I had just finished my 7th year in the study and was about to begin my internship and my 8th year. So about half? My Co-leagues hated me. I was rushing past them." The eyes of those that were paying attention had grown to the size of dinner plates in disbelief. Damocles began to fidget uncomfortably. "Do you mind if we change the subject... Talking about there... I... Its not fun for me." "Oh my the poor lad seems to be homesick." Fancy Pants Stated. "No. its not that. I hated being there. I always made jokes with the only 2 people that one day I would open a portal to a new world, free of pain, free of struggle and strife, free of the savagery we come from and live peacefully." "Well why don't you go get them?" A mare with a slender figure next to Fancy Pants spoke up. "Oh, Forgive me, I am Fleur De Lis." "Its because you could say that it takes a lot to go and from my home. And its constantly moving to the point where it would take years to find where it might be with no promise of it being there for sure. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna happened upon it by chance. They found me on accident during a storm and saved me. I got caught and pulled into an ocean current after being slammed into spires and losing consciousness. Broke most of my bones at that time." This drew a gasp from most of the women there. Blue Blood merely nodded his head. "When my aunts had gotten back with him tow he was hanging on to life. It was honestly amazing that he recovered as quickly as he did but that I think would have to be due to the life he had led. You see Damocles, according my cousin Princess Cadence, Damocles isn't so much a name as it is a title amongst his Ponies. When one who believed in Valor and justice was betrayed and defeated or even brought to his demise they would be 'Resurrected'," he said with qoutes, "and come back even stronger to defeat those who had betrayed him and such. Never truly resting properly. And his little sister had called him that after the 4th time he nearly died as she explained." "So if its a title, then Tell what is your real Name?" Another one asked. "It doesn't matter, Damocles is the name I have taken since I'm basically being given a new lease on life I decided to take it with a new name." "Did they ever tell you what he calls me?" Cadence said as she walked up. A collection of no's and questions of the curiosity began. "I call her Aphrodite, Aphrodite was the name of one particular goddess in pantheon who was deemed the goddess of love and beauty. I am going to go get a drink." Damocles began to walk towards the punch bowl where Luna had met him. "Everything ok Damocles?" "Too many people asking questions... all asking about my home... Blue Blood is helping lie... but I don't remember half what we even said." "Hmmm Blue Blood should be fine in that regards. But what is really bothering you." "I don't do parties... not unless it involves hard drinking." "No, only when you do good. Now I know you like to sing so why don't you sing something to help calm your nerves. Here I will help you remember the Lyrics." Her horn glowed for an instant before pressing it against his head for a moment. Blinking he nodded. "You did more than just help me remember. You did something to calm me down, its weird... Please only do that when you think I might have a panic attack?" "Heh you are so much more frail than you lead other to believe. Do you want to sleep in momma's room tonight? " She teased causing him to blush before shaking his head. "I don't think I'll be getting much more sleep. By the way. I'll be naming the Faction The Spanish Inquisition." He said with a smile, this caused Luna to roll her eyes. "Oh I'm sure no one will be expecting that." The two laughed a moment. "But how about something different, something that will give allies to peace Hope, and its Enemies Despair?" Damocles nodded. "I sometimes forget how wise you can be... Then I have to remember you are very young for your years." Damocles stated before walking away. He went to look at the crowd before getting on the stage, tapping the glass of punch he had gotten with his wingtip to get everyone's attention. "Hello again everyone. I am Damocles as you all know... I was asked by Princess Luna-" "Your Mother, You were asked by your mother." Luna said getting a laugh out of some of the crowd. "Yes, to sing something from my home for you all. I want you all to understand this before I begin. The adults there believed in programming the young to do as what is best for society forging and forcing them onto paths that they deem is best. Not letting children figure things out. That is why most of us don't know what a cutie mark is and those that do don't believe they will ever get one and will live life without it. The song is called Pretty Lies." He nodded to Luna who began to play the instrumental of the music from her horn like it was a recording to assist him. "I've been starting to accept that Maybe this is all there is and Dreams that I've held in my head Should be forgotten just forget That you thought you were bound for greatness Rock and roll could be a savior Keep that to yourself And just fit in Don't stand out or they'll destroy you Words are sharp and filed with poison Every step that you take forward They'll pull you back a thousand more So give up your imagination Take the pill it's just sedation Be a member of society That's not worth living for I won't be afraid anymore Like a thief in the night Armed with their pretty lies They will haunt you Consume you But you can't let them win Let the fear be your friend Let it guide you Fulfill you Like a thief in the night Armed with their pretty lies They will haunt you Consume you But you can't let them win Let the fear be your friend Let it guide you Fulfill you" Damocles stood firm for a moment before his wings began flap hard not enough to lift him up but enough to show that the memories of his home as a child were not that of whimsy. "You close your eyes and dreams start racing Feels so real that you can taste it See the crowd and all their faces Hear them screaming out your name and Wish this was more than a vision You could break out of this prison Taking back control Defiantly Feel the fear and let it guide you Let the fire burn inside you Think of all that they've denied you Remember and use the drive You've always had but buried deeper You give up they get what they want Don't let them win Like a thief in the night Armed with their pretty lies They will haunt you Consume you But you can't let them win Let the fear be your friend Let it guide you Fulfill you Like a thief in the night Armed with their pretty lies They will haunt you Consume you But you can't let them win Let the fear be your friend Let it guide you Fulfill you I'm sick of all their pretty lies They sparkle like a blade But I will make damn sure That I will not die wondering What could have been I'll take nothing to the grave That's not worth living for I won't be afraid anymore Like a thief in the night Armed with their pretty lies They will haunt you Consume you But you can't let them win Let the fear be your friend Let it guide you Fulfill you" There was silence for a moment as the music came to an end and Luna's horn had stopped glowing. Shortly after the entire area erupted into a thunderous applause of stomping from the nobles. It slowly died down and returned back to everyone talking in their conversations. Damocles shuddered and began to walk towards Blue Blood and Cadence who was met with Shining Armor bringing Punch glasses for the both of them. "Wouldn't it be best to ask him himself?" Blue Blood stated. The moment Damocles got closer to the group everyone was silent. This brought him to sigh. "Ask me what?" He closed his eyes annoyed as he brought a hoof to rub his head for an oncoming headache. Shining Armor turned to look at Damocles. "Why do you call Princess Celestia Sexy? I know but can you explain it for them?" Shining armor stated. Damocles did an in audible 'Oh' as he realized the the question. "You see there are these groups of people called Seers in my home land they can often see things that others can't so some people chalk it up to imagination however there are times when they are accurate as well. Well one of my ex special somepony had me pay attention to what was believed as fiction for one such seer and it showed Celestia and Luna and different stories involving opposite gendered counterparts for everyone. And I thought she looked sexy, as well as Luna being cute. I mean Lets be honest. First and Foremost regardless of title and position they are Mares, They deserve respect yes, but when does respect become fear. Everyone puts them on a pedestals and holds them to be to some Degree and has high expectations. This being the case they have to work harder day in and Day out, and Night in and Night Out to meet if not exceed said expectations. When that happens people lose sight of who one being is. So I decided to ignore all that. As I follow one simple rule, 'I don't care who you are, you have to earn my respect to mean something important to me, and until you do you are just another face in the crowd.' So I thought it would be best to treat them as what they are Ponies with feelings." Damocles explained. This made Aphrodite, Fancy Pants, Shining and Fleur De Lis all smile and Laugh. The others just stood there shocked. "My dear boy. You may be exactly what the princesses need right now. I would offer my assistance in getting you a good suit but I would rather not infringe upon Miss Rarity's area of expertise. Besides I would've taken you to her regardless of everything. She is one of the best." "Thank you very much Mr. Fancy Pants." Damocles said with a smile. "I'm afraid we should be off to see the rest of the guests and so Damocles can begin to design his New Military squad." Blue Blood stated before anymore questions could be given. The two said their good byes then began to walk away being allowed to leave. "If it means anything to you. I think you did well representing your new mother. You shouldn't have any issues blending in like you stated. We shall go over what you know to what you don't later. In the mean time, have you thought about what you want to call this group of yours?" "Yes... I want them to be called The Doves of Crows." "The Doves of Crows?" "The Dove means peace and love. The Crow means Death and mourning. We will keep peace by Destroying that which threatens it." "You truly are a barbarian yet I think I understand you if nothing more than a little more. The doves to those you protect and Crows to those you wish to defeat. Just like a Rose's thorn." Blue Blood shook his head. "Very well then, the night is still young for you, lets find you the first set of recruits." > Moving day: Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damocles awoke as the door slammed open as a voice sang out with a slight tone of exhaustion "Damocles~ its time to wake up my dear boy." Luna was excited as the thought of having a child seemed to fill her with glee. "With the voice of an angel a demon doth come my way." Damocles stated as he got up. "What are you doing here so early Luna it's like seven in the morning. Shouldn't you be asleep?" He groaned as he looked at the all too preppy mare. "While normally yes but today is special because we need to get you packed and that means we need to get you fully acquainted with whatever clothes you may go to wear. Formal attire will be handled by rarity when we get you to Ponyville. Now in regards to the Regalia you should wear I was thinking something stoic, yet simple. Such as this cloak." She pulled from one of the bags a simple shimmering cloak that was a midnight blue. "Now because its you and your ties to.... them... I had the royal dresser embed a constellation of Enchanted Black Diamonds in to its back. Its of the guardian before death. While in our stories it's a bringer of peace, for you it will have a different meaning. Death is viewed as a sly serpent it sneaks up on us without warning, which is why we care so much for each other because of the pain its venom can cause. The sadness of loss and the pain of not being able to say goodbye. You take upon the serpent you use its poisons to heal others as you drink their pain." Luna stated as she ignited the gems with her magic. "They are tied to glow in three situations. When I want to see you or at least hear from you when you are safe. To warn those who are stepping too close as they will be tied to your anger, and to let you know if there is one who you can save at least a little longer from Her touch." Luna smiled as Damocles crawled out of bed to look at the glowing diamonds. "The snake handler... Luna I don't-" Damocles began before being interrupted. "Stop right there. First it's not Luna it's Mom, Mommy, Mother or Nightingale. Second Its a gift from her mother to her son I had long wanted to make the constellation official but never had a purpose for it to be a main aspect. You can be so much more than the warrior you set yourself out to be you have basic medicinal knowledge, but you are so clever, even to the point that you're probably already trying to figure out the best way for you to either represent me and what crowds to run with. I don't want that... what I want is for you to figure out who You are now. I know your past since you shared it with me, but that is the past. Your new lease on life begins today. You want to protect us, Ok then do so but in the way that you can be proud to do so. Thinking about what you said last night I understand that you still have resentment to your Aunt, the Elements, Discord and myself, despite not admitting it even to yourself. That's alright." She walked up to him and with her magic wrapped the cloak around him as his wings shifted. "I don't expect you accept us. I'm surprised you haven't lashed out further. But you have been doing that by starting the fights and even in your indoctrination into the Night guard. But I'll be honest if it wasn't for your will to follow the limitations during each of those matches and fights you probably would've killed more than a few of them." Luna said her voice slightly disturbed. "But my point is, that you can do so much. And only a hoof-full of Ponies know about your true past. Honestly with how much you have been through you could compare battle scars to dragons. Yet you are given a fresh start. You've lived your last life passing through the motions of it. Putting on one mask until you need the next. Here you don't need to be afraid and you don't need to hide." She pulled him close and kissed his forehead. "I'll be here to help you every step of the way. Celestia will be there with you. Twilight and her friends will be there when you want them. Blueblood has given his respect to you. Troubled Mind is upset but impressed. Shining Armor praised you in private and Baron Rio and his Daughter are more curious and happy about your appearance than anything else. They even requested for you to stay at their home when you go to visit. Just be yourself and do what you want. If you need to let out aggression talk to Blueblood, Shining Armor, Discord, Celestia or myself. Now enough on that subject." Luna said quickly before Damocles could offer a counterargument. "Outside of that I have a few basic tops and a necklace for you, and as by recommendation of Midnight, an Officers Armor of the Night Guard. The Rank on that is Warrant officer however you are a captain of your own branch. After you have some basic knowledge of the land the, history and how to write our language I will let you move around to the different Areas and Recruit. For now you are being assigned 4 Night guards who will act as wardens and soldiers for you. They will also be the first in your Branch of military." Luna stated. Using her magic she picked up Damocles and put the armor on him along with the necklace. "Hey I am not ok with this! This is embarrassing! I am a man!" Damocles shouted as the armor was put on while he struggled. Luna couldn't help but laugh at the display. When it was done he was placed in front of the mirror as she began to brush his hair. Damocles took the moment look over the way he looked. A Warrior bearing the marking of one who can heal was what he took away from it. The necklace was a Rose that ended in a sword's blade with two snakes coiled around it looking to strike each other or the flower. "I saw it and it reminded me of you when you and I first talked when you were showing me your past. You are more frail than you show. Yet you hide it so carefully." Luna stated as she finished packing the bag. "Nightingale?" He responded as he turned around to face her. "Yes Damocles?" She answered with a soft voice. He went up and hugged her. "Thank you.... I'm sorry..." he said his voice was almost whimpering and she wrapped her wings around him. At the Train Station 2 hours later "So We need to protect potentially the most dangerous Pegasus in the entire world while also being capable of detaining him even if it means Resetting him?" Virulent asked. "To that end we can employ any tactic?" Satin added "And every tactic?" Eclipse finished off. "That is our orders. Apparently we aren't going to be Zodiacs anymore. The new armors are going to be designed soon, but we are supposed to be apart of the new regiment headed by Damocles." Veil Commented as over looked the documents while they stood at train station. "So what are we going to be staying at the nearby barracks? Or in Twilight's Castle?" Virulent asked as he secured everyone's luggage onto the cart. "Doesn't say... But apparently we are supposed to secure some things for Damocles Courtesy of Princess Luna. Considering the Receipt I think we are making our home." Veil stated. "Right, so where is our 'Captain'?" Eclipse said with a snicker. "Probably with his mommy as she had to make him presentable." Virulent Laughed this made Eclipse, Veil and Satin join in. "And what's wrong with looking good for travelling?" Luna stated with a coy smile. Immediately the four bat ponies fell in line with Veil a step from the rest forward. All with stoic faces but terrified eyes followed with the standard Salute. The very being they were mocking was standing behind them next to their Princess. "Mom I think you scared them ease up on them. I'm sure they didn't mean anything by it. Besides, I think I look amazing and if I'm travelling anywhere I want to make sure its in style." Damocles stated with a smirk. "After all I have appearances I need to keep. I can't let everyone view me as a monster or a barbarian, That's for the nightmares of those who threaten the peace of this world. And any Soldiers who think light of me." Damocles growled. "Good Morning Sir, Good morning Princess Luna. We apologize for our rudeness." Veil stated after dropping her salute. "It's quite alright... Oh my I cant call you by your Zodiac Ranks anymore, Captain Damocles get with your Unit and on the ride to Ponyville I need you to begin working on the paper work for the official regiment you are making including proper Ranking and the such. Is that Understood Centurion Damocles?" Luna Declared. For the first time in Damocles's presence she was acting with authority and Discipline. "Yes, Your highness." Damocles Saluted bringing his wing forward then snapping it back. "Company! Attention!" The 4 Ponies dropped their salute looking straight. "Damocles Play nice. Veil make sure he gets to school on time. Virulent Taking him out drinking Occasionally. After you all finish building your home that is. I'll be off." Luna's horn began to glow as she readied her spell. "Have fun Dear!" she said with glee as she teleported away. "Company At Rest! All eyes on me." Damocles ordered the 4 as he turned to face them. "Now Before we start talking seriously I want to make something clear. I want to thank the 4 of you for your help in that... I guess you can call my Exhibition match. Virulent you sang the song exactly as it needed to be. Veil you were excellent with convincing the rest of the Night Guard to join in. Eclipse and Satin Thank you for your musical capabilities. Now talk to me Veil, What are we facing in Ponyville?" Damocles smiled. "Well sir after securing the materials we need to build our A.O. You need to meet with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends to find a proper location. Meet with Mayor Mare to approve said Location as well as meet with your teacher Miss Cheerilee." Veil stated struggling to keep a straight face at the end of the statement. Virulent began to snicker followed by Eclipse and Satin before the 4 broke into laughter. "I can trust the 4 of you will assist me in regards to learning the required materials as we establish our First Base. I'm sorry you are all stuck with an incompetent leader as myself. Now fall out take care of your gear stow it properly and meet me in our cabin so we can discuss proper Rank and Pay Grade. Thank you all again for Volunteering, I just have one warning. if you have an issue with any species I attempt to recruit Pull me aside talk to me and explain what the issue is. I will NOT accept blatant racism as a viable reason for not wanting someone so you better have a solid reason for it. Or else you are done for. With that being said Fall out and lets get our gear stowed." Damocles turned to move the cart holding his gear to the train cart. "I hope you weren't planning on leaving without me." An obviously annoyed voice stated. Virulent turned to look at the source only to see Nurse Heart breaker walking with a less than happy look. His pupils shrinking to the size of pin pricks he quickly loaded all the luggage on and ducked for cover in one of the train carts. "What's up Doc?" Damocles stated in slightly Nasally Voice. She shook her head. "Nothing much, but I'm going to have to ask you some questions on the train ride so we can get your medical record set up, Tomorrow we test you for allergies." A dark smile crept across her features. "we should make sure to have you properly inoculated as well. Although given your natural.... recovery, you should be just fine. Also we need to see what blood type you are." Damocles shuddered and Virulent's voice can be heard from the train car. "She's at it again boys, run for cover!" Immediately all the male Guards eyes widened and they moved hidden positions in a vain attempt to appear as if they aren't abandoning their posts. Eclipse couldn't help to laugh with Tender heart as she moved into the Reserved Train Cart. Shaking his Head he followed the mares onto the train and it began to depart shortly after. 1 hour later on the train "So, Damocles." Veil stated to catch his attention. Damocles turned his head away from the window to look at the source calling his name. "We know you told us about yourself already, but would it be alright if we ask you a few more questions?" Satin asked, Damocles looked at her and saw her eyes were filled with unbridled curiosity. "That would depend on what you want to know." Damocles said before he looked back out the window. "Ok then, I'll start." Virulent said irately. "Why did you mess with your wings like that?" Damocles looked over at him raising an Eyebrow before sighing then giving a smile. "Ok tell you what lets make this a game. Every question you 3 ask me I'll give you 2 true answers and 1 lie, if you figure out which is the lie I'll pay for a spa treatment for you. Nothing happens if you don't a Win-Win Situation. The catch is though the one who asks the question cannot guess if its lie or truth. For your question Virulent, It's because where I come from Augmentations to ones self is normal. If you have the... well here it would be bits you could get it. I figured it would be most beneficial to me, and because I figured they wouldn't actually let me. Now which is the lie?" Damocles said with a wicked smile. "Obviously the Augmentation bit is the Lie." Eclipse said Confidently. "Tender, would you be a dear and set up a Lie detection field to confirm my response?" Damocles asked who nodded as she focused a bit to set the field up around him. "No the Augmentation is true." "Truth." She said as she scribbled something down on her pad. "Damocles Are you aware of the inkblot test? If so just tell me the first thing you see when I show you these." Tender heart held up the first one as he turned and faced it. "A shadow with 4 eyes, 2 horns and 2 ears." Damocles stated "ok If the Augmentation is true then it had to be you thinking it would be better for you, I mean why else risk it?" Satin stated. "Nope, Because of the 'Reset' I was pretty sure I could just regrow my wings back to normal." Damocles said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Truth. Next image please. "The lie was that i didnt think they would let me do it. I figured they would because of how much I gilted them." He said before turning to the image. Blinking he looked at it. "two things at once for the record A creature standing a top a roof corner with a cape flowing from flames of destruction underneath it and a face with a twisted and dark smile. The face was first if that means anything." She scribbled quickly. "Ok, so your coming from a violent place, that is very advanced. That would do anything to get ahead. your birth parents are dead. You consider your special somepony dead along with your sister. your not allowed to die and now your a captain of a new military branch and the adopted son of Princess Luna. You have a really cool sword. And you have magic wings. How are you sane?" Satin began listing off before just looking at him incredulously. "Its Quite simple. I'm not Sane at all. At the same time I'm so sane I appear Insane. And I just look at things differently." Damocles stated as the next card flew infront of him. " The center point in red is a something like a bow the pieces falling off the sides are ribbons the rest of it looks like a fancy conservative top for a pony with a broach on the center." "Ok in this one I'm calling it its that your so sane you appear insane." Virulent stated. "That is wrong." Tender heart stated. "Then it would have to be that hes not sane at all." Eclipse stated for the first time joining in. "And thats a spa trip. Nice Job Eclipse." Damocles applauded with his hooves. "Thank you now its my turn then, What is your breaking point?" Eclipse Inquired. Damocles closed his eyes. "As my new mother has said to me before, I am actually a lot more fragile than you all would think. I'm pessimistic. Memories tied with specific emotions will break me down. And I am not very Trusting. But I have no fears". Another card floated infront of me. "Thats like a stone guardian or something. " "Wait a second that's 4 different ones." Veil pointed out. "Yes meaning this is the last one." Damocles said before turning his head away to stare back out of the window. "If thats the case then... its that you have no fears..." Veil replied. "Winner winner chicken dinner." Damocles said as he got up and began to walk away to the carts in the back. Virulent looked at him until the door closed and looked back at everyone there. "What just happened?" He questioned. "I think our fearless leader is terrified of this place." Eclipse said. "Your not wrong, but not right. Hes afraid of ponies getting close to him, of hurting others and getting hurt." Tender heart stated as she finished writing and putting away the papers and clip board. "What do you mean?" Veil's voice was more than confused. "When you think of ponies as a whole what do you think of?" Inquired Tender. "Usually happy kind and singing creatures that don't know what a good thing they have." "Exactly. his view point of ponies, forged from his past which Luna kindly admitted me to knowing. Deception, lies, pain, manipulation, and abuse. Even of the Princesses. So far Luna has only made the beginning of strides to lesson this." Tender stated. "Wait, so you mean he has experienced or saw it." Virulent stated more than questioned. "I'm saying he's lived it on all sides. Experiencing, Seeing, and doing. But he hated himself when he did it." Tender finished "Well atleast now we know how to snap him out of it if he goes berserk on us. Just try to remind him of things that make him sad." "Sadness and pain doesn't imobalize him. what hurts him the most is the memories of what was pure and good. His happiness stops him." Tender said. "At least based off what Princess Luna has informed me. "So we need to calm him by making happy? or reminding him of the happy times? How are we supposed to do that?" Virulent was growing annoyed. "It's like we are dealing with a baby that's capable of destroying everything!" "It's like we are dealing with a child of an Alicorn." Veil said forcefully drawing attention to her. "And we are... He's even going to schol so we need to help him and make good memories." "Someone may want to go wake him up... we are almost there now." Virulent stated as Ponyville Train station came into view. Damocles's Dream "Did you really think you can escape from me Rowan?" A voice sounded in the empty void of the dreamscape. Footsteps sounding from where the voice came from the field of dead and dying white roses changing with every echo into vivid Black Roses "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! Your not real!" Damocles screamed as he backed up. "Come now you know you cant run from me or lock me away. Lets show your new 'friends' what we really are. It'll feel just as good as it did then!" The voice declared with its echoing Laughter. "Besides its thanks to you that all of the others are dead, and you know how HUNGRY we get." "It's not real Luna said she would stop it. It's not real!" Damocles repeated to himself as his back hit the wall of his own abyss. The voice and the foot steps stopped and from behind him Damocles heard his whisper " You know I am real, Because You. Are. Me." It declared jubilantly. > Moving Day: Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damocles woke up sweating and breathing heavily as he felt the train lurch as it stopped before a steam whistle blew signifying it was at its destination. Virulent opening the door was met with Damocles staring at him in the face. "So... Did you sleep well, Sir?" Virulent asked. "Nope. Come on, Virulent. We need to get our gear and start on the days tasks." Damocles stated as Virulent moved out of the door frame. Veil, Satin, and Eclipse were already moving the luggage onto one of the temporary trolleys. "I see you're all ahead of the job... Good work. Lets get this show on the road." He declared as he got up and moved out of the train. The others looked at one another sharing a look of confusion. As Damocles stepped out he was met with a thunderous applaud and a huge welcoming committee equipped with balloons, Confetti Cannons and a banner that says "Welcome to Ponyville." Strangely enough the elements weren't there. Spike however was with a brown coated mare with silver hair and glasses. "Captain Damocles Meteora, The Centurion of the New Regiment. I Spike have been sent on behalf of the Elements of Harmony to introduce you to Ponyville. Along with Mayor Mare, to assist in making sure your set up runs smoothly." The Dragon said very proudly and diplomatically. "Good Afternoon Sir, It is an Honor to have you with us. I look forward to working with you." She said smiling. Damocles however stood unusually stoic, and straight faced until a quick shake of his head allowed him to regain his senses. Immediately he stood at attention and saluted the Mare. "Good afternoon Ma'am and Drake, thank you all for the warm welcome." He smiled as she gave civilian salute allowing him to relax a bit. "If this is the normal hospitality Ill have to see here in Ponyville then I might just have to make sure to book a few visits to the Dentist, because of how sweet you all are I worry I'll get a few cavities." Damocles tried to make a joke. which only got a few groans and some slight snickers at how bad the joke was. "Right, well let us get moving so we can take care of everything." Mayor Mare stated with a forced smile. before stepping closer and speaking privately. "Your Unique Situation has been made aware of me and your Teacher Ms. Cheerilee is waiting at the location we have selected for your barracks. Welcome to your new home Damocles." She stated happily as she and spike turned to walk away. Damocles smiled and nodded before turning back to his squad. "Veil as always you are acting officer until I return. Secure the gear, Secure the resources and meet me at the crystal tower. I..." Damocles shuddered as his voice became filled with dread and annoyance, "have paperwork." This drew a laugh from virulent and Eclipse. Smiling he turned and followed the Mayor as he used his wing to put Spike on his back. "So, Officer Damocles we have selected a total of 3 different Ideal locations. Based off of recommendations made by The elements of Harmony. Of which, Twilight sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, are already waiting for us. Pinkie would like to apologize as she she is babysitting and will setting up the 'Welcome Party' later, Rarity is busy with something else in her shop as well." Mayor Mare stated Dryly. "She's setting up your formal Dress attire at Princess Luna's request, along with trying to design your new armor. Princess Luna had informed her of how they looked at your home world and shes been on a creation and design binge." Spike said in Matter-of-fact tone. "Their situations are understandable. I would like to formally thank the both of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules, I know this is more than unexpected on all accounts." Damocles stated calmly. "I will admit I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome when my unit and I first arrived. I hope we aren't being too much of a burden on you." They rounded the corner before entering the doors. "Officer Damocles, please you needn't be so apologetic." Mayor Mare stated gently as she held the door open. "Unlike most situations your's is very unique and I am happy to say that its a breath of fresh air. Not to mention most military types are generally a stick in the mud with how strict they are. Also I would like to thank you for putting that brute Blue Blood into his place. I do regret that I could not attend, was informed that you went... oh how do the kids of today say it? That you went 'Ham' On him?" She couldn't help but giggle at that. Soon we approached her office and sitting there was none other than Princess Twilight and Miss Cheerilee. The latter of whom was looking a bit more than upset and the former with her signature nervous smile. "Twilight!" Spike said enthusiastically as he ran up to her. The two shared a brief hug before pulling away. "What are you doing here?" "I was asked here to help mediate the Distress Miss Cheerilee has about having Damocles in her class." She said eyeing the pony in question. "I'm sorry is there an issue with my presence?" He said hesitantly. Mayor Mare took this moment to take a seat followed by Damocles doing the same looking at the School Teacher. "Honestly, yes. I have do have a few issues I would like to Address as an educator." Cheerilee's voice matched the look she had. Damocles could only nod as he gestured with his hoof for her to continue. "Please, I wish to know what troubles you to see if we can come to a compromise and if there is anything i can do to help assist or alleviate any of the issues you may have." His voice moving to a new tone, one that caused Spike, Twilight and Mayor Mare to blink to understand what just happened. "Very well then. The first Issue I have is that you are a stallion who appears to be in his Adolescence, and is naturally violent, I feel would be a bad influence to my students." "I understand your concern, and you are correct I am naturally violent as that is how my home is. The rule of my home is 'Survival of the Fittest' after all. I know that as a stranger my word means nothing to you, and given what I have done to myself within the first week of being here and by the psychological evaluations given by my direct nurse, Nurse Tender Heart, if I were to attempt to say otherwise I would be wasting my breath." Damocles Paused as Cheerilee straightened up and lost the look of displeasure and replaced it with one of confusion. Continuing he stated, "Now I'm sure all of you are probably wondering at this point 'Why the hay is he saying what he is saying? Is he trying to ruin his chances?' I assure I am not. I am stating the obvious and being as honest as i can about this situation. As I've come to learn Ponies such as yourselves value Honesty as one of the greatest virtues one can have. To further this I shall perform.." Damocles gave a sigh of slight annoyance, "A 'Pinkie Promise' that I will refrain from any Violent Actions while attending and around any of the Foals and Fillies of the school, Unless a situation arises in which I should need to move to protect them and the establishment. To further this Promise I'll add on that Unless Requested or given permission specifically by anyone with authority that during the times I attending the classes, I.e. you Miss Cheerilee, my wings will remain in the normal state, as just my wings. Would this satisfy your worries regarding the first issue until my actions and words prove to have some pittance of Value to all those here?" Damocles looked around at the everypony and Spike for any sign of denial. All of them Nodded their heads yes save for spike. "Dude... Where you a Lawyer or Lobbyist or something from where you came from?" Spike said with a short laugh. This was followed with the others laughing at the statement. Damocles then performed the required actions. "Ok Now for the second issue. You are unable to write in equestrian as of yet, nor are you able to read it, yet you speak it so clearly. So you will not be getting a Recess like the other students. Is that understandable?" Damocles nodded. "Good and Finally, And i want to stress this to you. There will be no excuse for you being late to my class, there will be no tolerance for any bullying, and while your in my class unless there is a potential crisis your Unit is to remain away from the school, and you have no rank or social status in the class. I don't want any 'oh I'm a prince so I don't need to do this' ok mister?" Cheerilee began to glare at Damocles the moment she finished her sentence almost in his face. "Miss Cheerilee, May I make a statement?" Damocles requested as he looked at the mare. Backing up a moment she simply nodded. "Ranks social statuses and what not are nothing to me. I would offer the same table spot and food for anyone that entered my home Be they prince or pauper. There is a forgotten saying from my time as a child that my father... instilled in me. 'Treat others the way you want to be treated.' When I am attending classes you are the presiding authority and my superior officer, it would take Luna herself to come and say otherwise." "And I wouldn't, as you are very much right Damocles." Luna's voice was said from behind me both tired and excited. Everyone turned their heads to look at the present Princess. "And I thought I made it expressively Clear for you to refer to me as your mother." "P-Princess Luna!" Spike suddenly said before all other currently present suddenly moved and bowed before her. Luna gestured for them to rise before chuckling mirthfully. Moving towards the rest. "Young Spike, as of this moment until my child is properly situated i am not a Princess. I am only his mother. As per our agreement from before hand, Damocles must be under supervision of a princess at all times. And a thought occurred to me that because of him building a new military outpost Twilight would be unable to full perform her duty unless she inhibited him from doing his duty. I figured this way it would be easily covered as I could take my duty as your mother seriously. Would this satisfy all parties of any issues? To know that this ones mother is in the area?" She ended the statement with a great smile while gesturing to Damocles after she sat. Damocles couldn't help but laugh at the stunned looks of everyone in the room. "I can't believe i thought I would've gotten away with it... What gave it away Nightingale?" Damocles looked at his mother with an honest smile. "Oh nothing till just now, my child, you gave it away this was a ploy. And its mother, mom, or mommy. I will not repeat myself lest I have to punish you." Luna said sternly a triumphant look upon her features. Spike began to laugh at the spectacle as Mayor Mare rubbed her temples before pushing a stack of papers towards Luna. "Just sign the papers to approve your home and him enrolled, please." Luna nodded before her horn glowed and she began to look over everything before signing the papers. "So you both intend on living in Ponyville?" Twilight asked, "I'm sorry its just, Don't you need to take care of stuff in Canterlot Princess Luna?" Luna smiled softly. "Twilight, I have covered this with my sister and since Damocles will essentially be a cousin to you, and more importantly, a nephew to Celestia, and Son to myself I felt it would be best if we established a proper familial relationship before he feels neglected and begins his path of solitude again." Luna said calmly. "As for living in Ponyville it will be on of his main areas. My sister agreed with me in thinking it would be best if he experience the different locations of all the princesses." She gave back the paper work to Mayor Mare. "Dude they are talking like you aren't even here." Spike said looking at Damocles as he slouched in his chair. All the stallion could do was nod in annoyance to young dragon. "So should anything arise such as issues with discipline, behavior or grades I may contact you directly?" Cheerilee stated with a growing smile. Luna merely nodded happily before yawning heavily. "Now, Damocles let us go see the location where our home shall be built!" Luna declared in a soft Royal Canterlot Voice as she stood all but dragging the stallion with her. A thousand yard stare on his face as he did all he could to not blush. Twilight following with spike on her back the both of them holding back their laughter. Mayor Mare and Cheerilee both were left the room. A heavy sigh erupted from the mayor as she opened a desk drawer pulling out two shot glasses and a large crystal bottle of alcohol pouring herself one and one fore the Teacher. Both took a glass before drinking it. "its going to be a long one." Cheerilee said just before Mayor Mare let her head hit her desk before reaching over to press a button hidden from most ponies view by stacks of papers. "Daisy? Cancel the rest of the appointments for today... Thank you." > I Declare... A SHOKUGEKI! (FOOD WAR) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Guards looked at the plot of land before them as the materials they had been granted were behind them. Virulent groaned as he looked over at his team. "So Veil what are we building? Or better yet do you know what we should build?" His voice was somewhat bitter over the idea of it. "Honestly guys.... I got nothing. I don't have an architecture related cutie mark and I'm not the best with tools." She said with a sigh, her ears flicking as they heard a conversation in the distance. "Mother, honestly I'm fine I will be learning everything just fine, and if the written language is anything like the verbal I should be able to learn it quickly, besides I would be using my wings to write." "Nay, I told you and the nice teacher already that I will be supervising you and acting as an actual mother to you, would you make me to be a liar. Besides you are the first heir to the House of Meteora. As such I need to make sure you are properly acquainted with our house rulings. Not only that but you must technically indoctrinate your unit in front of 2 princesses and at least one of noble blood. Which is good news because your cousin Blue Blood will be arriving in the week." Luna said with confidence as she approached with Damocles, Twilight, and spike. "Oh cool I can carry out an Initiation ceremony." Damocles's voice sounded both intrigued and coy as the Guard came to attention awaiting the arrival of their princess and CO. "Wait a second Blue Blood will be coming? Oh dear... I'll have to keep Rarity Away from him. Please let spike know when," She asked of Luna before turning to Spike. "Spike Take advantage of the situation and use everything you can to distract Rarity from his presence, and I mean Everything." Twilight gave the dragon a worried look. "You can count on me Twilight. I'll make sure to keep Rarity nice and Happy" Spike was filled with confidence and pride. Damocles couldn't help to snicker at the statement. This resulted in a quick knock upside the head from Luna who scowled. "As they say from your old home. ' Get your head out of the gutter.' Ponies, and in this case Drakes, Are not like those you used to live with." Luna stated making Damocles frown and gaining looks of confusion from the others. Before they stood in front of the plot of land. "Princess on Site!" Veil Exclaimed bringing the Guard to salute. "Good morning Your Majesties! Good Morning Sir, This is the largest Plot of land Available that we have secured. The size of the plot is roughly 5 acres but we have been approved to build deep into the base and the High up with a limit of 10.5 meters deep and 15 meters high." Veil stated. Damocles and Luna nodded looking to each other. "Centurions. As you were." Damocles stated. He started to grow a wicked smile. Luna's eyes Slowly widened Before narrowing as she realized what he was considering. "So mother, can we build That One?" his voice was filled with a type of joy that can only be described as predator's hungry growl with a feast laid before it. "No... I will not allow it." Her voice sounded challenging as she held her gaze on his eyes. "Oh but think about it. A castle that represents a contradiction as such as what I will lead. A glimmering beacon of darkness in an area so bright." He teased. "I will not allow it and it is known as The Castle that Never Was and will continue to be The Castle That Never Was. Design a new one Damocles." Her voice was stern and unwavering. "Oh but think of the fun anyone trying to sneak in would be lost as magic is reversed. To go up is to go down and to go down is to go up. It would be simple to do. And I know Virulent would love the Rapid Launchers I am designing for him." Virulent's Ears Perked as the rest of the Guard looked over at their bosses. "And You know as well as I do Discord would love being able to dedicate a room or two to straight Chaos." At the mention of his name discord appeared offering popcorn to the rest of the guard as the spectacle continued. Only Virulent took a hoof full. "As much as it would be good for him The answer is still no. Not only is it a no, but it is a BUCK NO! Honestly Damocles, I understand your being reasonable with that one and not opting the one that messes with memories. My answer remains unchanged." "I'll make you a bet for it." He said suddenly. "If i win I'm allowed to build it." A gasp was made from discord. "And Should I win you will drop it and then adjust your schedule to match mine. As i teach you the ways of the Night Court for when we return to Canterlot." "And in the event you both tie?" Discord saying as he stepped into the family conversation dressed as a lawyer while drafting the contract. "I will meet him half way and we will build a Tenno Dojo." Luna said as she straightened her self and looked at Discord. Discord nodded before looking at Damocles. "Are these Terms acceptable, Young Master of the Starless Night?" Discord stated looking over at the Stallion in question. He merely nodded in response at this point. Discord began to organize the contract. "Now all we need is a nice and Fair game between the two of you. Princess Luna, as you are the challenged it is only fair that you get to decide." "A test of strength would not be fair, nor of flight and combat skills. I refuse to play cards against a shark like my son, so how about a cook off?" Luna offered. "A splendid Idea mother, we shall prepare a Lunch with a special ingredient for a set of judges. I believe 5 Judges would be the best." Damocles offered. "Yes now as for the judges. It will have to be 5 unbiased Ponies." Luna countered. "I think I have just the Ponies in mind. Please excuse me princess as I shall get everything set up." Discord bowed before snapping his thumbs disappearing in a flash of light. "Ooh this is getting good. Do you think they will let the audience try some as well?" Discord leaned over whispering to Virulent. who in turned jumped and fell on top of Eclipse. The latter giving the former a knock on the head as they untangled themselves. As the two waited the elements of Harmony converged on the site with Zecora. Soon after Discord returned with 5 Ponies and several other discords with construction outfits and helmets began making what would be the future kitchen and dining hall of the facilities. "Ladies and Gentlecolts. I give you your 5 judges," The lawyer dressed Discord stated. "Coming from Canterlot Nobility, We have the Fashion Icon Fleur De Lis." "Pleasure to be here." She said "Next coming from Manehattan, Iron Chef Ramsey." Discord introduced a rather annoyed and angry looking Earth pony with tan fur and a blonde mane that is in a short and messy display. Laughing at the display the "Right, lets hurry this up because I have to prepare for The dinner rush." He spoke with what sounded like a European accent. Damocles could only Gasp as he realized who this was. "Continuing we have Granny Smith, of Sweet Apple Acres." Discord stated as he presented a rocking chair for the older mare. "Why thank you sonny." She said as she sat down on chair while discord presented the the dining table and eating utensils. "Our next special Judge Hails from the Far Icy North of the Crystal Empire. The uncrowned King of Krystal Berry Wine, Chilled Keg." The pony he gestured to had a Wooden Keg Barrel with an Ice blue appearance. One could argue he was On the rocks? Pinkie pie walks up to the screen and grabs it from the other side. "Really? Really? Just no, Sir Just no." She then proceeds to go and sit next to the discord watching grabbing some popcorn and offers some Blood orange cupcakes to the guard. "Pleasure to be here with you all and Might I say it is an honor to be meeting so many of you." he said as no one dared to mention what Pinkie had just done. "Lastly we have our Special Guest coming from deep within the realms of the forgotten and dearly departed. Who only recently made a Public Debut the day the world saw our young White Light of Darkness, The Queen with no King, The cruelest and kindest with her soft Embrace, boy i wouldn't want to pick a bone with her, Lovely Miss Sheila!!!!" A roar of applause erupted from one bleacher set of discords with whoops and excitement a few with signs saying 'I ☠' while another set of discords where booing her. Laughing giggling like a school girl filly the Mare had her light blue mane in twin pony tails, a jacket with a lock on the zipper. "Thank you, Thank you! All I have to say is You can be a King, You can be a Sweeper, But in the end? You'll all Come to me!" She said "Provided my Envoy in training doesn't get to you first." she added before smirking at me. Everyone looked at the dark furred Unicorn with the strange jacket confused. "Discord?" Luna began, "Who is this pony? And what is this... familiar feeling?" "Oh right you wouldn't recognize her... This fine being is one whom is rather close to your new son. This is our worlds Grim Reaper and due to Damocles's presence she can occasionally and temporarily be around. She kinda just appeared in front of me while I was looking for somepony in trottingham. Gave me more of an earful than Celestia did when she saw me." He said glaring at her. " 'Ey! Don't you give me any of that! With how much paper work you gave me? Your lucky i only did that Much!" Her irritation was as plain as Luna's Confusion. "Anyways Knowing about the competition going on I just couldn't resist. See that's one thing I love about this worlds inhabitants more often than not they always offer some kind of snack for the departed trip to their specified locations along with the payment for the ferrybeing. They often give me a snack some are wonderful others are ok. But never is anything bad. So to hear that my Envoy would be cooking food? And i have a chance to eat it? And the eternal night that has claimed him as a child? HOW COULD I POSSIBLY PASS UP THAT CHANCE!!" Her voice and eyes lit and grew with excitement the more she talked about it. "BUT BEFORE ANY OF THAT!" she screamed with a look of seriousness she turned and marched Up to Pinkie Pie. Who greeted her with a smile. "You..." she whispered "Me?" Pinkie Replied "Yes You." "Oh, Me!" "YES!" "OK!" Pinkie suddenly Reached into her mane rummaging around in her mane before pulling out a special black icing dark chocolate cupcake that had little white sugar flakes on it with a Tombstone candy topper on it. Sheila Squealed in delight as she began to devour the cupcake with a look of heavenly bliss on her face. The kind that only comes once every lifetime. "Thank you." She said before hugging pinkie "Its ok... I know you've missed it... I'll try to make some more for you later, ok? Its your birthday coming up soon so I'll leave it at the usual place. I'm sorry I haven't visited in a while." Pinkie said while stroking the back of Sheila with her hoof. "No its ok, you don't need to do that Pinkie." she quickly shook her head as she pushed slightly away from pinkie to look into her eyes. "How can I not do that? You'd do the same for me! Hay I know your still planning for me when I come back." Pinkie looked into the tearful eyes of Sheila wiping away a stray tear. "You still have a while to come so just enjoy yourself ok? There's no need and we will have more than enough time to make up for it when you come back. You won't believe how many people talk about you. Oh and the old old old lady says hi and for you to not forget THAT Thing." "Okie Dokie Loki, As long as you and her don't forget about me. Cross My heart, Hope to Die, stick a cupcake in my eye Pinkie Pie Promise." she said as she said a strange version of it by the looks of her friends. "Okie Dokie loki, Cross My Bones, Hope to lie, Stick a Cupcake in my eye. Sheila Cry Promise " the two mimicked each other before they shared another hug before Sheila went and joined the Judges at the table. Sheila shedding some tears in the process. Everyone just looked at the two in disbelief before chalking it up to being a 'Pinkie Pie thing'. "Now," Discord began "both contestants are to have 2 hours to cook and prepare their dishes there will be a theme and specific ingredient both contestants will have to use for the purpose of the competition. They shall be graded on usage of the ingredient, Presentation, Appearance, Aroma, and Innovation." Everyone Nodded to the explanation. "Now without further adieu," A second Discord this one dressed a female assistant in an elegant Red Silk dress. pushing a card with a lidded over a dish approached the center. "The special ingredient to be used is..." They flipped the lid off to reveal a batch of mangos. "Mango's and the theme shall be what my judges?" All of them muttered to each other before looking at the clock. It was Fleur who spoke, "The theme shall be a Sea Side morning Breakfast." "Alright chefs 2 hours on the clock and...GO!!!" A giant floating clock began its countdown as they both made a mad dash to get their ingredients. > Flavors of Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two dashed off to their respective kitchen half and began to sort through all the ingredients. Luna was first to grab for the mangoes. While Damocles had ran for eggs and milk whipping it up and mixing it while preheating several pans. With Luna's magic the began to dice the mango, and several other vegetables and fruits. Damocles on the other hand had began to boil water while mixing spices in a bowl having set the eggs off to the side. Damocles seemed to put something into the pot before putting a lid on it. Setting a timer before he moving to cook rice. Before realizing something and audibly cursing. "Everything alright my dear child?" Luna called out as she continued to work her magic with the knives cutting intricate designs onto some of the foods. "Yeah, just realized something that may kick me in the flank later. Does anyone have any allergies? to Anything at all... Meat included?" He asked to the judges causing his mother to laugh. There was a quick response of no's. Luna had begun to cook a crab like substitute the scent filling the area with lemon and salt. "Hmm ladies and gentlecolts I don't know if I'm understanding this right, This is supposed to be a food war right?" Discord asked the audience and judges. The ones that weren't discord copies hesitantly agreed while the Discord copies went into an uproar. "Well lets make this Food go to war!" He declared Dressed in a General's Military Officer uniform before snapping his fingers. Suddenly The Tomatoes that Luna had been cutting into roses grew stems and thorns and began to swat at the knifes Luna was holding. On Damocles's end the Pot on the stove began to creak and stretch as if it was being torn apart before suddenly a red Lobster claw tore through it, and the lobster was still growing. "Well fuck... Suddenly Glad i opted out of the Octopus." Was all he said. "You know... I was hoping you would do that just because it would be funny to hear you scream 'It's Lord Ocho Muerte!' but this? This is slightly more terrifying." Discord said as he walked up next to Damocles while the lobster reached its full height. One that would make the Bumble bear Blush. The lobster in turn snapped its claws before roaring in rage as it pointed at Damocles. "Huh, I dont think he likes you." "Thank you, Discord, for pointing out the obvious." "Hey someone has to be the Captain." Suddenly the Lobster rammed its claw into the ground in front of Damocles Shattering the tiles that the construction Discords had laid out. Damocles in response ran to the sink and quickly washed his wings. As the Lobster was trying to remove its claw Damocles walked walked up to it. "Listen here Scorpion Mermaid. I don't take kindly to people ruining my food. I take less kindly to my food attacking me and even less so when I'm in a competition against my mother." Damocles gestured to Luna had gotten the Tomato vines under control and was cooking fluently again. "So here's how this is going to go. I'm going to kill you, then I'm going to cook you, and then The dragon baby, the judges, my mother, and myself are all going to dine on the deliciousness that is your flesh with a Mango Chutney Omurice, Understand?" Damocles stated as he walked to the lobster and put his hoof on its stuck claw. "Well you compliance is not really a necessity now that I think about it." Before the lobster could react Damocles's Wing struck the joint of the stuck claw cutting it off as a large crunch was heard. "Hmmm.... Hey Discord?" Damocles called out. "Yes Mr. Meteora?" Discord replied. "Can you get a pot of Boiling Salt water for what you did to my lobster?" A snap later and a flash of light later is a large pot of water with steam rising above it. "Thank you." Damocles quickly took of ramming the lobsters underside with his fore hooves as he flapped harder to attempt to lift the monstrous sized shellfish drop it into the Giant pot. A giant lid appearing on it as a hisses and roars could be heard as it died. Damocles Sighed as the 1 hour warning alarmed sounded and began to panic as he started cooking again. The rest of the time passed without any interruption from discord as Fluttershy (whom was emotional scarred at the death of a sea critter) Scolded Discord for interrupting the match. Soon it just became a battle of wills smells and cooking styles. Damocles chose to be more active while humming songs he remembered from his time in his home while cooking filling it with his passion. Luna on the other hand seemed to be focusing on a single thought one that any parent or guardian knew all to well from experience but to anyone who did not have to raise someone or had no one to raise them it would seem like a strange smile. At 8 minutes before the end of the time Luna Carried 7 dishes placing 5 before the judges handing to discord and placing the last on an open counter top for her son. "What I have for you today is a seafood pasta , using seaweed noodles, with a false crab and shrimp, along with mangoes and tomatoes served with a balsamic Vinegar and a light Alfredo glaze. This was among my favorite of dishes upon my return when I toured a river city in Bitaly." Luna explained. The judges each looked at the dishes and noticed that with the sauces it seemed to make some kind of picture with the mangoes and tomatoes cut into flowers. It was that of a crescent moon facing towards the left with a star that appeared to inside of it. Fleur suddenly took in a deep breath of the scent that was being given off. "Something so crisp and vivid that permeates the air around it, and the sight of the moon holding the star it deems most precious. Its scent reminds me of the time when Fancy and myself went to the tropics. I had awoken from my slumber and saw the sea and sky were bathed in the light of Moon that seemed to shine anew. And the stars that danced with it in the cresting waves. It brought me Greater peace and content than I ever experienced. As I sit before you all and take in the aesthetics of your dish, Princess Luna, I can't help but experience the same feeling as then, And for that, Merci." "Now to see how it tastes." Ramsey began to try the food focusing first on the tomatoes and Mangoes. " The balsamic vinegar with the tomatoes was brilliantly done, with the Alfredo glaze however, the flavor clashes with the mango ever so distinctly that its almost terrible," He paused as he took a bite with the pseudo seafood and noodles. Luna beginning to wilt under the scrutiny of the Iron Chef. "However with the rest of the dish it takes its flavor and transforms it, Nothing is under cooked and the mangoes are not too mushy, but there is something else in the Meat that's taking away from the saltiness of the dish... Honey?" Luna nodded hesitantly as she bit her lip. "Well its passable as a trial dish for my establishments however i would not, without editing it, have it as a permanent dish." Luna nodded. The rest of the group all gave sounds of approval of the flavor. "My only Complaint, yer highness, Is that the noodles are tad too stringy for the elderly and the meat is a bit hard ta chew." Granny Smith Declared. "Honestly, I haven't had a dish that tasted like this in a wild yet I can't help but remember my own childhood with my family as I eat." Chilled Keg stated mood almost wistful as he closed his eyes with each bite. "And that leaves our Lovely Miss Reaper." Discord stated as Sheila was just finishing the Dish. Cleaning her mouth with a napkin. She turned her head towards the Alicorn. "Princess Luna, All I can say is this, You, you adorable thing you, Are incredibly mean." Sheila said with tears in her eyes as she wiped them away. "With that, judges Tally your points." Discord Declared. All of a sudden 5 panels of digital numbers began alternating numbers from 1-10 with decimals included. Suddenly Granny smith's number stopped at a solid 8. Chilled Keg's followed with a 7.5. Fleur Dis Lee's Stopped at 9.2, the same time Ramsey's stopped at 6.8 and Sheila's ended at an even 10. "What! There is no way that this dish is worth a full 10." Ramsey Declared looking at the Unicorn in utter disgust. "Ramsey, This dish isn't meant for us. you need to understand that. We are just guest for the one that the dish is for. The emotions in the dish the pride she has for it. And her own memories that go into it. I can taste all of that. So i know who its meant for. I know why she made this dish in specifics. And I with the way it tastes. I can say without doubt its one of the best I have ever tasted." Sheila spoke calmly. Discord looked at the plate before looking to Luna who simply nodded at him. He looked back at the plate before eating it and his eyes began to water. "How sweet, Luna..." He took the plate and shared it with the mane six and spike. The timer was was 2 minutes left when Damocles Approached with his dishes. Using the metal tendrils that are his wings to serve them." "And what do you have for us Damocles?" Ramsey looked at the dish." "Its sort of an old trick I learned once upon a time. What i have for you is a Mango Chutney Omelette served on risotto with Lobster Sausage." Damocles said smugly. The judges smelled the dish Granny smith Sneezing a moment. "Why, this smells like my cousin Spiced Apple's Chili Powder. Sonny if you wouldn't mind could you show me later how you made this?" Granny Smith asked. "But of Course Ms. Smith it would be my pleasure." Damocles replied as the judges began to dig into it. "Faust, how much vinegar did you put into the risotto? Its like its drowning in it!" Ramsey Declared angrily, before eating into the Omelette and Sausage. "Now the Chutney is impressively made, the Sausage however Could use a little more work." "Honestly the heat from the chutney and the sweetness of the mango being soothed by the risotto is as if there is a dance on my tongue, but more so like a battle. The passion of the flavors all fighting for dominance." Fleur said after swallowing the food before continuing to eat it. "Hmm I wouldn't say fighting for dominance, No but fighting to bring out the best both sides have to offer. like there is something hidden." Chilled Keg takes another bite before his eyes go wide. "The Sausage... It was finished cooking in Black Berry Wine! Thats what they are fighting to free! Quickly, all of you try it with the Sausage Together not apart." Chilled encouraged before scarfing the rest of the food down as if he hadn't eaten in days. Fleur began to pant from the flavor and heat hitting her all at once. Her face flushed with the slight burning sensation in her mouth. Ramsey eyes were narrowed Dangerously as he was eating In disbelief of what was going on. He had tasted the subtlety of the Sausage with the dish but dismissed it all the same. Granny smith was just enjoying the dish lost in her memories of the flavor Spiced Apples food. When the other finished the Turned to Sheila who looked at the dish Disappointingly. Sighing she turned to face Damocles opening her mouth only to close it. She does this for a moment before shaking her head and turning her head to Luna. "You have a lot to teach him as a parent... I wish you luck if he will even acknowledge what you have to say." With that Sheila posted her score and walked away not finishing the dish and fading from visual existence like a ghost. The judges tallied their scores. Fleur at 7.0 Chilled at 8.9 Granny at 8.0 ramsey at 6.0 and Sheila at 4.0 The total scores for both chefs where Luna at 41.5 out of 50 and Damocles at 33.9. A Landslide Victory for Luna. Damocles stood in disbelief of the final scores. Stunned until Luna Prodded his shoulder with her hoof. "Son, your food is going to get cold if you let it sit. Shall we eat together like a family?" She asked as she picked up what he made for her and sat down with the rest of the group as Discord took back the 4 ponies. Damocles looked at the food she had made and then looked back at the ponies who were laughing and talking about the food and the happenings in their own lives the Construct-cords, what they named themselves began to build a base of operations similar to an Asian Guard Barracks and training grounds. Damocles sighed as he took a bite of the food as he stood by himself and realized what it was that made Sheila score him so low. Tears began to well up until a series of thoughts struck his mind and heart. 'Its Cute Isn't it? How much she sees you as her child. It's too bad we don't feel the same do we? No, but we will just continue to play along till she no longer needs us, ain't that right Rowan? Deny it all you want but that the Truth about People, oops I mean Ponies like us.' > Initiation Night | Phantoms Or Zodiacs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the Time the Construction Discords finished night had fallen and the Elements of Harmony had already returned to their homes. Princess Luna, Damocles, Nurse Tender Heart, and the Centurions walked about checking layout of the area. While the main training grounds where on the ground, Discord was 'kind' enough to make it so the primary area for the Barracks were up in the air floating. Thankfully an elevator was also installed as to make things easier on the more grounded ones. Rooms were selected as par the course of a new building with new residents, however on this full mooned night Princess Luna, Damocles and the Centurions All met in the outside Zen Garden each one careful to land without moving a grain of sand out of respect for Discords Hard Work. "Attention!" Damocles Called out. "Congratulations, you four and myself Have been selected to begin Initiation into our own Faction, which Upon much better delegation with someone who has had a hand at naming things," Damocles gestured with his hoof towards Luna, "That Calling you all Centurions or Doves and Crows was a bad idea, Centurion is a title after all, even among my home, So should you all pass this Initiation then you will all be able to call yourselves Phantoms. Rankings, from lowest to highest are as follows. Thrall is the term for all new recruits, Before Initiation Night. From that point we will break down into 3 sections. Goblin, Vandal and Acolyte. Since, none of you know what any of these mean allow to me to Explain in detail. But First things first, Ladies and Gentlecolts, You all need to understand what our Role is. The Royal Guard serves as the Military presence and sword of Equestria. The Dawn Guard are the Shields of the Princesses, The Night Guards are the hidden blades. The Zodiacs are the Surgical precision, and the Solar Flare are the shock troops of Guerrilla tactics for our country. "We as Phantoms are Contradictions, Our Very existence is a contradiction. What is a Phantom Soldiers?" Damocles asked watching all of the guards. Luna was standing behind with Nurse Tender Heart just to the left of her. Each of them were Silent as they listened "Phantoms, are ghosts until they are scene. They don't exist until they are forced to. Those stories you heard as a kid with the monsters that go bump in the night is what we are. Now i want you all to understand, We are not Protectors! Nor, are we Conquerors. We are loyal to no Country and Every country. We are the representation of Armed Intervention of all conflicts that would involve bloodshed. We will spill blood to prevent rivers of Blood from flowing. We are the ones who will do whatever it takes to Preserve Peace, by any means. Does anypony have any questions as of right now?" Damocles watched carefully as each guard looked pensive, their features tight and almost straining. "I have one Sir!" It was Virulent that broke the silence. "In the event that Equestria was to attack unprovoked, griffons for example, Would we take up arms against them?" Damocles smiled as he stepped aside while Luna walked forward. "Allow me to answer this question Centurion," She stated more than asked while Damocles nodded, "The answer is yes, you would turn and strike down those loyal to my sister and I. If I should regress into the nightmare and you all catch wind of it first, you would detain me with extreme prejudice. Should any pony instigate or attempt to instigate a war for us against any other civilization without us declaring it for the official reasons you will handle it. Does this answer satisfy your question?" Luna stated coldly, her voice holding neither the sternness she is known for nor the compassion that goes with her normal units. "If not then know this, should I regress into the nightmare again and If I am deemed incapable of being saved, it is by Damocles's hooves I leave this place for eternal dreamless slumber." Luna pointed a hoof over at Damocles to emphasize her point. "I would do it as well, without a moments hesitation, For we as Phantoms will show no emotion until the mission is done. Only after it is complete in a moment of silence, either by ourselves or the soft company of another do we then show our emotions. But not until then." Damocles stated "Love you too, son" Luna commented with an eye roll. "No further questions then sir. I apologize for that." Virulent said. "No need to apologize, in fact Company. At Rest!" All of them went to a more relaxed position a few faces of worry and fear appearing. "That's better, now I'm not going to make you all do this, but this is something that needs to be done, brings us to the next point. After a few months of learning what I can here i would." Damocles looked over to Luna "I would say, what 2,3 months?" earning a nod from Luna. "WE as a whole unit, will be travelling to each of the countries, to recruit applicants of the different species. Starting with the Crystal ponies, to Griffons, then the Minotaurs, Followed by Dragons, to the Yaks, if Possible Diamond Dogs, Etc Etc, until we have one of every Race Applicable. Before any of that though we have to finish tonight." Damocles's voice was stern, but his eyes held mirth in them. "Now, if any of you have any reservations about this you may walk over to Princess Luna and kneel before her. If you still wish to join this specialist group, then stand to my left." Damocles and Luna both Stood to face each other. To the left and right of everyone else. In that moment the sky seemed to be devoid of all cloud cover and the stars were absent, coating the area they stood in liquid silver. No one moved as silence reigned. In a shocking display of either intrigue alone or sheer unadulterated disregard, it was Tender heart that moved first, heading towards Damocles's left side. Getting stares from everyone, Luna's jaw dropping slightly as Damocles began to get a grin. "What? He has something new to offer, and while unorthodox, he is my patient. As I said before, wherever he goes, I go." She says calmly before taking a drink of her coffee. "Not only that but he has been holding a lot of things back mentally. Which I look forward to dragging out of him." Tender Heart gives a mischievous glare towards Damocles. "Awe, that's adorable the nurse thinks she can see what goes bump in the dark." Damocles teases before he turns his head back to his recruits. "So, Anyone else want to step into the shadows?" his voice was devoid of any emotion, or tension. No other movements were made. "My son, perhaps a demonstration must be in order for them to understand what it is you are asking them take up." Luna stated warmly. "Do I have your permission to wake It up?" He rose an eyebrow while looking at the princess of the night. She thought about it tapping her chin with her hoof before sighing and reluctantly nodding. This caused Damocles to smile with his fangs on full display. Damocles walked into the center of all parties the Night guards looking from one another confused. Taking a deep breath and steeling himself. After a moment of silence he spoke. "Ouroboros futh agh serve latob goth. madurz izish from the gaium ob draut za gaium izub burzum!" Damocles' Voice roared into the darkness of the night in a manner similar to the Royal Canterlot Voice making everypony except for the Speaker and Princess Luna cover their ears. The very ground seemed to shake and tremble as the winds whipped up in a flurry of anger. Even the once clear night sky became clouded by Thundering Clouds as his voice reached across the land. Then nothing. No light from the sky was seen. No sound heard. No voice made. A resonating Roar filled the heavens as the ground Trembled the Sky began to part as a new voice was heard directly into the minds of everypony in the vicinity. I am the great devourer, bound by Fang and Blood. I am the Serpent that Coils the world, restricted by Thirst and Hunger. I am the Leviathan of the Black Sea who Obeys only the Phantom. You ask me to break the bindings of light I obey. You call upon me and I serve, my master. 7 glowing yellow Serpentine eyes are seen 6 on the left and right of equal size and 1 massive in the center, above and behind Damocles all locked onto him. The clouds part to reveal A massive Black snake with its Fangs Bared wrapped around the Barracks 4 times and then once more around the training grounds. Allow me to drink thou Blood my master to undo your binds and free you. Damocles turned around to face it. "Then do so as the Sword." The serpent reared its head and moved to attack Damocles before shrinking and shifting in releasing pulses of shadows and Darkness as it turned back into the sword that was given during the match against Blue Blood embedded into the ground Blade first. Damocles taking his left forelimb pressed it against the blades edge and moved it slowly pressing into it to spill his blood. The eyes of the Sword began to shift and move taking in their surroundings before Darkness Seeped from from blade as it engulfed Damocles. Moving into the cut before being expelled as Shining Light. Damocles stood still as it all came to an end. Shuddering with an expression of ecstasy. "Oh~ Daddy's back in business... Ouroboros remain in blade form until I state otherwise." 6 of the eyes slowly closed as the center one locked into place staying open. As Damocles turned around. Gaining the stares of 5 deeply horrified Thestrals, one jaw dropped nurse, and one deeply concerned Alicorn, who quickly rushed forward towards the pony in question. "Oh my dear son are you alright? Let mama see the wound." Taking Damocles's Forelimb and turning it looking for a cut. while the stain of the blood against his coat was easily, the wound was non-existent. "I don't understand... what happened to the cut?" "Simple mother, while the serpent may take my blood it will never kill me. Because if I die permanently, so does it." Damocles said with a saddened smile. "Ouroboros, I thank you." He said turning his head towards his wards and recruits. "Now Mother, Princess Luna, Lady of the night and all that dwells in it, Guardian of the dreams. I ask of you. Put a shield around the recruits. And make the area impossible to teleport in." His voice was like honey as the cadets looked around in confusion. Luna did as asked by her son as look of realization was starting to stretch across her features. "Are you sure you will not succumb to it? Its powers may be influenced here in way you don't understand." Luna warned. "Thats why I had made such a show out of Ouroboros." He said calmly as 7 ponies and a dragon came running into sight all of them frazzled but most of them looking for a fight. "Princess Luna?! Prince Damocles?! Are you all alright?" Twilight had asked in fear and worry. "There was an intense pressure of dark magic when the all the stars disappeared and then there was something speaking like it was talking directly into our heads!?" "The towns' about as panicked as can be sayin' they all saw a giant snake-thing wrapped around the tower!" Applejack said with concern. "I-i-it called itself the, Serpent that coils the w-world." Fluttershy said in a fearful voice as she trembled. "Fear not Young Fluttershy, The serpent is at the beck and call of my son, But your presence here may be needed yet still." "Princess Luna what's going on? Why does it seem the dark magic is radiating from Damocles?" Starlight Glimmer asked in hesitation. "That's because, Starlight, it is..." Damocles said with a calmness that made everyone silent. "You see girls, my old family had a saying and little process they did. You are all aware of clovers right? how a 4 leaf Clover means nothing but good luck?" He watched them all nod before continuing. "Well on the day of birth for anyone in our family they bring out 3 clovers, a normal 3 leaf, a 4 leaf and one with 5 leafs. If they should pick up the 3 leaf, they will live a normal life." "let me guess if they picked up the 4 leaf they will live a life of good luck and fortune?"Rainbow Dash said with a bored expression. Receiving a nod from Damocles. as Luna picked it up. While Damocles began to channel his energy. "Those who picked up the 5 leaf Clover. Are said to be the monsters of the family. The ones who will stop at nothing to achieve what they desire, be it by right or wrong however they will protect anyone they deem worthy with twice the power they normally have. For the 5th leaf is one marked and made by despair and madness. Damocles draws his strength from feeding of and stealing the despair of others. In other simpler words...." Luna trailed off as a puddle of shadows formed around Damocles as he breathed evenly. "I use only Dark magic in a world meant for the light to defend it from the dark, If Sombra and I ever go into a Fight I'm sure i would win." Damocles finished as he sunk into the puddle Appearing behind the mares and picking Spike up and putting him on his back. "There are 7 sins that power dark magics. everything else afterwards is subcategory. Tell me girls do you remember them all? I've said them before." "There is greed." Rarity said looking Insulted that she has to say it. "Pride." Came from Applejack "Envy." Spoken by Starlight her voice showed shame "Gluttony." Explained Pinkie Pie, her face in a soft smile. "L-Lust." Muttered Fluttershy "Sloth." Spat Rainbow Dash. "And Wrath." Declared Twilight, "I understand that Each of our enemies, Discord aside, represented these after you mentioned these cardinal Sins and that we represent a sort of antithesis to them." "Very good Twilight," Damocles said clapping his hooves as he disappeared with spike. Appearing on the Tree over the Zen Garden. Spike still on Damocles's back. "Sombra represented Greed, Tirek represented Gluttony, Mothers alter ego represented Envy, and Chrysalis Represented Lust. you have 4 out of the 7, One could argue that Discord Represented Pride but discord is sort of all of them so lets not count him." Damocles disappeared from the tree leaving Spike there and appeared Next to Veil and Virulent inside Luna's Shield. "I would represent either Pride or wrath. That's for you to decide Should I become your next Big Bad Boss." Damocles held his hoof out as Darkness Coated it and then compressed into a ball in front of it. "I wanted you all here just incase you needed you need to turn me into stone in case the Dark Magic drives me... Batty." Damocles said as he inspected the black orb that seemed to shine in the moonlight with tints of blood and purple before taking aim at the top of the shield while chuckling to himself as he fire a beam of darkness that webbed the shield Luna had made upon impact. The others all heard Luna grit her teeth with a grunt as she apparently struggled to maintain the shield. Damocles Nodding turned his head to his mother. Luna understanding dropped the shield and breathed in. "How much was that?" "Roughly 12% of power poured into the shield. And it seems your magic bypasses normal laws..." Luna said as she watched his eyes. "How much did you use." "Well running on empty already I kinda scrapped together about 10% power. Hmm I wonder if at full power I'll be able to bring out my nightmares?" Damocles said a with a wistful smile." Twilight levitated Spike back to the ground Rainbow dash walked forward. "Wait you mean you're almost as strong as Princess Luna in regards to magic? But your a Thestral Ontop of being more related to Pegasus you dont have a horn." Rainbow Declared. Applejack walked up next to her. "On top o' that Nopony should be using any kind of Dark Magics. It messes with the mind way more than you could ever believe. I mean look at what it did to Sombra! fell'r was barely able to say a word that weren't 'Crystals'!" Applejack Argued "Who knows what it will do to you?" "I believe I'll be fine but for Safety and Sanity's sake that's why I'll be limiting how much I use and only with the Express permissions of at least 3 princesses will I go deep into what I know. One of them has to be Luna to add on to it, besides I need to build up my prison guards resistance to it so they can detain me long enough, if i do go nuts, for you girls to come and Zap into stone or the moon or Tartarus. Is that fair?" Damocles asked as he turned around. "And what happens if we cant stop you?" Starlight asked as she stepped forward. "Then have Discord detain me and Kill me. Its possible to put me down for good. He's a literal god of Chaos. And if that doesn't work seal in a tomb that is inescapable because its me In the darkest depths of Tartarus, that not even Cerberus would go near. Make it so it takes one who knows me, not as a myth or monster but as a person to free me. Make it so the Alicorns have to be present for it." Damocles stopped for a moment as he thought before smiling. "Bury me in a coffin beneath the Roots of the Tree of Harmony, I'll be like that mythical beast Nidhogg." "Nidhogg?" Spike Questioned. "whats that?" "Nidhogg was an ancient Dragon or serpent that sought to devour the world, like Ouroboros. The difference is, that when the gods of the old world found this out, they trapped him in the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree. The thing that seperated the realms of my world. Its also the resting place and heart of the worlds if that thing dies so does the rest of the world." Damocles explained as he walked up to his sword before sitting back down where he was opposed to his mother. "This brings back full circle." He turned to face the recruits. "So you all know what you are dealing with. What will you choose?" Luna asked them. Watching them shuffle in place Virulent and Veil both moved to stand behind Damocles. Satin and Eclipse both moved however both sisters stopped in place as they saw the direction the other was going. "Your not seriously thinking you can handle that, are you Satin?" "Eclipse..." "Because trust me I know I can't, I don't even wanna be near him. The guy is steps away from being a monster!" She Yelled. This made Luna Flinch and scowl. Damocles merely stood still and watched nothing infront of him as his eyes became distant. "No little sis, we are going back to Luna. I am not going to see you get hurt." Eclipse moved and grabbed Satin's Hoof and began to try and pull her before Satin jerked her hand away. "Eclipse... No... What you want to do... It's what he expects... and wants." Her voice was soft as she kept her eyes from focusing on anypony turned away. "What he wants? That THING only wants a good fight before he disappears to be with Death. Not Join the dead, He isn't even Equine with how he talks, We all know he's not Mortal, He's not like us!" Eclipse moved getting closer to her sister. "I'm sorry Eclipse but I wont go with you... He needs ponies... and the princesses think they need him, so we need him. I'm not going to leave him behind." She said as she stepped back from her sister. "So what you're just going to turn your back on me?!" Eclipse Cried. "No... But I'm Making a decision for myself Eclipse... I'm Sorry." Satin turned fully and walked away standing in front of Damocles. "Sir, Thrall Satin Reporting for Duty." She said Putting a hoof Over her heart. Damocles Looked at her in her eyes before breathing Deep and saluting her back. "Thank you Thrall Satin... If you would like to speak privately after Initiation night is done Please do so. Now fall in." She nodded. Eclipse Stood watching her sister before she flew infront of Damocles and Bucked him in the face Making him give a grunt of pain as he stumbled back. "If Anything happens to my Little Sister... I will Bucking kill you myself Prince or not, Savior or not. In my eyes you will only be another monster in the dark that needs to be Put Down." She said before flying back to canterlot. Not even stopping infront of Luna. Damocles Rubbed where he was hit before standing up and walking over the elements of Harmony and Smiling despite the bruise forming on his face. "Princess Twilight Sparkle... I have a favor to ask of you." > Initiation Night | The Best Laid Plans... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight blinked. Her eyes darting about as she began to mutter to herself. From what Damocles could tell it was around pros and cons and possible things that could happen as she thought about it. Her eyes narrowed before she gasped and opened them in shock then closed them before opening them and narrowing them at Damocles. "So Princess? Can we use that special Mirror of yours?" Damocles asked again. "Princess Luna? May I ask you something about Prince Damocles?" Twilight asked as she trotted past him not even acknowledging his question. The recruits Laughed at the CO's face as she passed him. Pinkie laughed because the entire thing was funny before she trotted up him, while Luna and Twilight Talked in private. "Damy... When you go over there I need you to remember something for me OK? And I mean I NEEEEED, you to do this OK, LIKE Pinkie Promise you will do this? Please?" Pinkie gave Damocles the look of pure innocence pleading, it culminating into a near perfect puppy dog eyes. For a few moments he stood strong in spite of this. But Unfortunately the Prince of the Night fell to his knees. By the Power of the Lip Quiver. "Blargh, Pinkie stop it! Fine! I'll do it!" He said. "Great I need you to make a delivery to this address at this time with these contents!" She said giving him a little box pushing it into his mane along with an alarm clock that has a sticky note. "When the alarm clock goes off is when you need to go to deliver it. Ok? Trust me... Its Important that you do. Now do the promise." Damocles felt around his mane for whatever it was just put into it but felt nothing but his scalp, fur and Mane. Eye Twitching he just thought to himself 'Pinkie Pie Hammerspace' before going through the motions. She smiled softly with tears in here eyes before hugging him tightly and Crying heavily. "I'm Going to Misss you-hou-hou-hou! You... You were always sooo ni-i-ice." She sobbed out loud sniffling in her pauses. Damocles simply looked at the mare then her friends who seemed just as confused with their awkward smiles Rainbow Dash and Applejack slowly walked forward before gripping their pink friend and pulled her away slowly as she struggled to hug him closer. Before relenting and walking away slowly. "Uhh... yeah we are just... gonna go now." Rainbow said awkwardly Starlight and Spike watched their Friends speak as Twilight came back saying goodnight. "Damocles The Centurion. Did you just make Pinkie Cry?" Twilight asked with confusion and Venom. "I swear to all that is fucking unholy Sparkle, That I did not intentionally make Pinkie Pie cry. She just asked me to do a favor and deliver something somewhere put into my mane using her hammerspace. Then wigged out saying how she would miss me." He said as his wings bristled."Don't know why its not like I'm going anywhere or leaving you guys." Twilight raised an eyebrow in suspicion before sighing. "Anyways I figured out what you were trying to do and After speaking with Luna I do here by give you permission as long as I Give the Objective. You will also have some of my resources over there available to you. Do you agree to these terms?" Twilight spoke with her head held high as stood in front of Tender Heart, Veil, Satin, and Virulent. Damocles Followed to stand by her. "I accept your Contract." Damocles stated smiling. "Then from this moment forward the Initiation Program of the Phantoms will be over seen by Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Damocles. I'm sorry my son but I must see what Eclipse is up to... As she did not come to me I must assume she is quitting the Lunar Guard as whole, I'll have to see that its properly taken Care of." Damocles bowed in respect a long with the remaining Thestrals as Twilight nodded. Luna then Flew off to Canterlot Promising to be back in the morning. "Well then Congratulations.... Thralls. Seriously Damocles why didn't you just call them recruits like normal ponies?" "Because Neither I am normal nor this program is." Damocles said calmly as he shined his hoof on his vest. "Right..."Twilight stated as she rolled her eyes at him. "As I was saying the Objective for your Initiation is One Find the location of a Certain Book Secure the Book and get signatures from 6 specific people. Each person will give you a clue to the next ones location. You will have until sunrise to get all 6. Now this seems like a simple thing However..." She trailed off as she looked at Damocles. Who nodded before speaking up to finish it off. "The rules we will be applying you will find out as we go. One of said Rules is that No one in the location we are going is to know your name. The other is that I am to try and stop you Delay you or any of the such. The most important Rule however? The book is to Remain UNHARMED by any means Necessary. Seriously your lives will depend on that. If that book Bites the dust you will be stuck there." "Stuck where? In the Everfree sir?" Veil had inquired. Damocles Laughed before shaking his head. "Nah the Everfree would be cheating. But maybe I should look into something like that ... Actually..." He blinked before looking at the recruits. " No. Next time..." Twilight sighed before continuing. "Where you will be going is a different world it holds lots of similarities to our world to the aspect that even Duplicates can be seen of the Ponies you know. Understand that these beings are not the Ponies you know... No matter how much Similarities they have." Twilight warned. "So what are they like Changelings?" Virulent asked. A gust of wind had been made and Twilight gasped as Tender heart Dropped her coffee jumping up in fear to be caught by satin. "Don't you dare Insult them like that Thrall... There are no Changelings where we are going. Each person there is Genuinely them. But its a different world. One that is supposed to run parallel to us but due to certain cosmic and magical interference we end up intertwining with them. Leave it at that and call it a done deal. Do I make myself clear Thrall Virulent." The words Damocles spoke seemed to physically drop the temperature around them by a few degrees as the metal wing pressed against Virulent's throat seemed to be colder than normal as it threatened to bite into his flesh. "C-crystal Sir, I apologize for my Inappropriate Comment, Princess." Virulent said as sweat developed on his brow. Damocles Seemingly Placated stepped back and nodded. Twilight Smiled as she beckoned Spike and Starlight to come to her as she charged up a mass Teleport. When everyone was in Range she activated the spell fully and with a quick Pop everyone appeared in front of the mirror a few feet away. "Now Damocles already knows the location of the book and is only allowed to mess with the book after one of you 4 have taken it. In the Spirit of Good sportsman ship One of my good friends over there will be there to manage everything going on. If Necessary they will stop you all and Have my full permission to throw you out. Damocles Go ahead and start heading out. I'll wake them up and let them know whats going." Twilight said walking over to the book opening it as she began to write a few messages. "Hey Virulent?" Damocles said as he stepped up to the mirror. "Yes sir?" "Have you ever been so hot that the Mirror wants to eat you up?" He asked as he stood on his back hooves facing the group before falling back into his reflection on the mirror. It suddenly rippling as he passed right through it. The group looked stunned as if they had just seen a rock suddenly jump up and start dancing before riding a boar that got eaten by a shark that fell into a volcano. "If I were you guys, I would start coming up with a plan. Your going to basically be fighting on his home turf. Of course hes restricting himself Greatly as well." Twilight said as her book buzzed back with a response at last. She went back to writing. "Ok, So we gotta find the place. get this book and get the signatures. Whose good a riddles?" Veil said instantly taking control. "I have a minors in Psychology so I can help solve those." Tender Heart said. "Oooh I havent been in the field in years This is going to be so much fun." She clapped her forehooves together. "Ok the rest of us would need to play keep away and deception. Remember to use your wings as much as you can and stick to the shadows. No holding back on our parts understood?" Veil Ordered. The rest nodded in affirmation. "Thralls You are ready to go all party members are awake and heading to their specified locations. So to start you off here is your first riddle: 'In place where the sunset shimmers moves something that doesn't rest. Be Shore you don't snore or else with bad burns you will be left.' Good Luck. May the Dark help you find your way." They 4 ponies said thank you before going 1 at a time through the mirror. Each one groaning in Pain from how they came out and in dizziness. "That was messed up." Virulent said as he shook his head before sitting up eyes still closed. "You can say that again Virulent." Veil said as she just laid on her stomach. "Sound off whose here." "Tender heart experiencing symptoms of Magic overuse and Exhaustion. The stars look pretty though." She said. "Satin Present Yeah they do." "You all know I'm here So that means we all made it Veil." Virulent stated as he opened his eyes to look at where the voice came from. "What.. the... Buck..." Veil turned and looked the Source of Virulent's Voice. "Virulent? Is... That you?" Veil said as she pointed her hand at the apparent(?) male. He was clad in Gothic attire with a Shirt that had metal buttons and belt like features. His pants are ripped jeans and in Black boots. His hair is scruffy and thats when she noticed her hand.... "Where Are my Hooves?!" Each of the Girls gave a short Shriek as they all started freaking out. Tender Heart was in a white polo shirt with blue jeans and white Nurse shoes. Veil was in a dark purples dress with frills and soft layers with her hair matching the style she had in Equestria. Satin was in similar dress only more slender. Each one of the outfits had their Cutie mark Emblazoned on them somewhere. In a car nearby was a girl with a hood texting. They are here Just like you said they would be. I swear its like your precognitive or something stupid like that Silver. No not Precognitive. Just remembering things... Make sure you do your part OK? Yeah Yeah Don’t worry ‘Big Brother’ 😈 Heyyy I see the first guy huh are you sure he is just a pony? He moves kinda like we do really naturally. Idiot if Silver and Jade say they are only Ponies they are Only Ponies 😒 Oops My bad You right Sorry😋😊 Must you be so mean to your sister? You know we don’t like that. It looks like they are calming down I’m going to go engage. Alright Everyone else Head to our Normal spot. I wonder if Vinyl will ever Grace us with her presence XD Aww is my darling getting bored of me already? After all we’ve been through ;~; Not a chance. its just funny to see things play out like this. Anyways everyone get going. After the Girl put away her phone she turned on her car and Drove forward slowly but not so slowly it was obvious she was waiting for them. “Ok so We know we need to get to the beach. Question how and where.” Veil said. “Hey is that Metal Chariot?” Satin called out pointing out. “Let’s see if they can help us?” “Its not against the rules and since we can’t fly we are stuck with the ground game. Any kind of transportation is better than none.” Virulent says as he approached it. “HEY! You in the Chariot Can you Stop A second?” The car pulled a stop and the window went down to reveal a lavender colored girl with purple hair and neon blue highlights in pig tails. “Can I help you?” She said curtly. “That’s what we would like to know... Do you know where there is a Beach near here? we are looking for a friend and they said they would be there but we got kinda lost.” Tender Heart said with a smile. “Yeah sure I’m heading that direction anyways so get in I’ll Drop you off.” “Thank you Miss...” Satin trailed off as she got into the car to wait for a name. The girl smiled softly. “Blaze... Aria Blaze...” She said as she began driving. > Initiation Night | Fall Apart at First Contact with the Enemy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tender Heart Closed the car door just before Aria drove off. The rest of the squad Stood silent for a moment as they listened for waves against the beach. It was rather loud so they followed it until they were walking on the sand. When a ringing was heard from a phone. “Hey Rarity. No I haven’t seen anyone but I just heard a car drive off. Wait some one stole Bulks Car?!...”The conversation continued until they found a girl in red t-shirt and black leather jacket and jeans with vibrant red and yellow hair. Holding a Book. Virulent seeing this quickly went ran up to the girl as she turned around to see them giving a quick scream at the nearly glowing eyes. "Oh Celestia you guys Scared me." She suppressed a yawn. "Hold on a second Rarity, I think this is them." She hung up the phone. "Are you guys the new special royal guards?" Virulent Nodded as he watched the area around. "OK cool. Princess Twilight said it was important... there were supposed to be 5 wasn't there?" Veil stepped Forward. "Technically yes but the 5th is acting as an obstacle to keep us from completing this mission. I am Veil, the stallion before you is Virulent to my left is Nurse Tender Heart, and to my right is Satin." Each one greeted her when their names where spoken. "Ok Let me just inform the princess." She opened the book and began writing in it. "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, 4 of the 5 you had mentioned have arrived and will be sending them on their way to the next one." She closed the pen and handed the book Veil. "Do I need to stress the Importance of this book to Both Worlds?" Veil shook her head. "We will be Guarding it with our lives." Virulent said as he watched the moon reflecting in the sea waves. Sunset blushed before rubbing her cheeks. "Right, the next person. Ok... 'Where things are Chic, Unique, and Tres Magnifique, Where Beauty that was always there is brought forth to be bared. This is where you will find the style just for you, so don't be blue. Just be you." Sunset said face palming. This however erupted with a loud girlish squeal from Nurse Tender Heart. "Oh My Goodness! We are heading to Carousel Boutique!" "Huh I guess that was too easy... Anyways hop in the car I'll drive you there." She said heading back to it. "So you guys are trying to be the new royal guard for some new Prince?" Sunset asked as she unlocked her car. Before looking at the one next to it. "Wait a second... thats bulk's car!" Taking her phone out and Taking a picture of it before texting it to Rarity that the car was found at the beach nothing seemed like it was stolen from it but it was obviously hot wired. "Did you guys Steal that?" She quickly turned Glaring the 4 of them. Satin quickly stepped up. "No we don't even know what makes them move on their own. On top of that we are not... advanced in ... Cars." Tender Heart said. Sunset sighed nodding as the others got in the car. "So... Hows the new prince?" Sunset asked. "He's... different..." Veil said. "I heard about Prince Blue Blood, so I'm guessing he's like him?" This caused everyone in the car to laugh. Confusing Sunset. "How wrong am I?" "Extremely," Virulent began, "Dude put the smack down on some of the top guards, Mentally scarred 3 of the princesses and on top of all that, beat the crud out of Blue Blood to make him apologize to every woman he has ever insulted. Got a list for it." "Oh yeah the 'Pride of the Royal vs the Wrath of the Loyal' Fight. I heard about that." Sunset said. "Did he actually start using his own blood as a weapon?" "As projectiles, then they tried screwing with his head." Satin said nodding as sunset stayed stopped at an intersection when the light turned green. "Why aren't you moving? the light changed so that means to move right?" Sunset rolled her eyes and merely put up a single finger. In the next moment 2 cars roared by racing followed by 2 more before she started moving again "So glad I decided to join that group text to get he course set ups..." Sunset muttered annoyed. "Anyways i stopped because a couple of hooligans decided to race against each other and that road was on the track,"She explained as drove for a while longer. "Some Ex actor decided to come back to school and decided to be jerk about how he has his fun. Set up races, owns a casino, I don't even know why he came back to school. All he does is sleep all day." Sunset was getting visibly frustrated. "Not to mention Twilight seems insistent on trying to see him because 'I know Silver, We used to play together.' Bah!" She pulled up and parked infront of Carousel Boutique which had the lights on and rarity sitting inside with a cup of something hot in her hands and another cup on the table."Anyways we are here lets go get your signature." everyone hopped out of the car and went inside to meet her. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique where everything is Chic Unique and Magnifique. Unfortunately we are closed currently."Rarity said on autopilot till she saw sunset with the 4 recruits. "Oh Sunset its you... and... are these the Military personnel you informed about?" "That's right rarity, they only need your signature then you go back to getting your beauty rest." Sunset said as Tender Heart approached the woman. "I am a big fan of your Designs Miss Rarity, Sorry for disturbing you." She said handing the book over to her. Rarity quickly signed it. "Worry not, when asked by a Princess of Equestria, and a personal friend I will do my best to deliver what ever the request may be. Besides I was able to have quite the conversation with the first of your group while he was here." Rarity said with a smile. This made the recruits eyes widen, the reaction worrying Rarity. "Was it something I said?" They all nodded. "About the first one of your group?" They nodded again. "Well he is certainly no Prince Charming but more of the Dashing Rogue...Is there some kind of issue?" It was Virulent who stepped forward. "What did you tell him?" He growled as he took the book back, moving forward to appear intimidating. "He asked me how my sales were, if there was anything interesting, and what the riddle was to the next area?" Rarity responded. "But really now is such an attitude something you need? He was a perfect Gentleman. Unlike you, you barbarian!" Rarity poked him hard in the chest at the end. "Hmmph. Sunset if that is all the Prince's Solder's need I'll be on my way now." Rarity turned to walk away. "Rarity Wait, the next clue?" Sunset called out while Virulent was being scolded coldly by Tender Heart. "Oh fine, since I must." She cleared her throat before beginning "Twist and turns are where the stories go, A midnight snack for something sweet should be on the next street, but beware the Stew in that corner for a storm that will be sure to brew.' Now I must return to my slumber. Ta ta~!" Rarity said as ushered the group out. "So where too next?" Veil looked towards Tender. Tender was still confused about it until Satin said something. "Umm Sunset is there a Maze or a library nearby?" This got a nod from her. "Actually they are across the street from each other, a lot of people like to take the books they want to read and go there and relax in the soon with them." She explained as she played with her keys. "Then we should head to the next street past that and look for a sweets store." Tender said quickly, Sunset nodded her head as she unlocked the car prompting everyone to get in before they drove off. **** Sugar cube corner at the same time. **** "Trust me Damy... They wont suspect it if your in the stew!" Pinkie Said excitedly. "Yeah yeah I get you... Thank you for the wetsuit btw.... I love the tribal shark image on it." Damocles said with a smile as he started to get into the large Cauldron that was by the corner of the Register Counter. "I knew you would, Oh also I want to say thank you, that and I'm sorry..." Her poof visibly died down when she said thank you. "Pinkie..." He sighed as he picked up the 'onion straw', "Listen whatever it is... I'm not going to fault you for it. There is a reason for everything that Happens. So if it means anything I can't forgive you because you did nothing wrong to begin with. I will always value as a friend, no matter what form you take on." Damocles said as he sat down submerging his face putting the Onion straw in his mouth so he can breathe as he get its so it looks like its barely floating. "I know... But it still doesn't make me feel better, At least i know a Pinkie will always be watching your back." she said softly her poof returning. The bell signalling someone opened the door came in rang a few minutes later. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner, Midnight Delights!" She said with glee. "Oh Hi Sunset!" "Hey Pinkie... Can you get me a Chocolate Eclair and a milkshake?" Sunset said as the rest walked in Said items coming up on the counter before they could walk up to her. "Hello Miss Pie." Veil said formally standing at attention. "I would request you sign this book and can you inform us if our Prince has been here." Pinkie looked at the book then Veil before snickering. "I'm sorry but No I can't sign that yet." Pinkie Said smiling. " But would like guys like some stew? Its a fresh." Pointing to the large Cauldron off to the side. "Wait Why can't you sign it?" Veil asked. "Because Silly... you haven't secured the area to ensure both the signer and book are safe. You only just arrived. For ex Zodiac's you havent been doing your jobs very well." Pinkie giggled as she booped Veil on the nose. "Besides I don't want that to go to waste. Its a big hit with the night class students and I know Foxy would've liked it... If he wasn't busy running his establishment..." "Ugh I do not want to hear about that guy, Pinkie..." Sunset said rolling her eyes. "But sunset, Twilight's right, He is a really good guy. He was just dealt a really bad hand for a while." Pinkie Argued. "The guys adopted the Dazzlings as sisters. He adopted SIRENS Pinkie! And everyone here knows who she is. But for some reason everyone is ok with it and are supporting him. Even the princess doesn't seem off put with it. Applejack has to bite her tongue because of Big Mac and Fluttershy doesn't want to insult Bulks Friend. But he is Bad News." "Silver is not bad news Sunset... He only wants a life he can enjoy..." Pinkie says timidly. Seeing that she was beginning to upset her friend Sunset sighs and goes around the cauldron to hug her. "I'm sorry Pinkie but the guy shows up at our school just after the friendship games after having 'retired from acting', and prefers to be around anyone but us? Aren't we the poster group for friends?" "Your fine Sunset, and I know Foxy can be a tad cold to us but he has his reasons. And maybe he doesn't like the whole fact that we do magic... It probably has him worried, and for Twilight he's probably just... struggling to come to terms... You know he and Jade both look over at us when no one else is looking? Like he's missing something? Jade just wants him to be happy." Pinkie said calmly. "I mean their parents left them alone when they traveled to Prance and never Heard from them again... They probably feel like they are all they really have. I also know He doesn't like parties and Jade doesn't like twilight, so that's why I don't throw him any parties." "Yeah... Yeah I know.. you told me before... Listen Pinkie tonight is going to be long... Do you think you can just sign the book so we can get moving?" Sunset Asked tiredly. Tender Heart was looking at the exchange. "Hold on a second!" Virulent getting noticeably irritated by each passing exchange. "How did you know we were EX Zodiacs?" "Because Damocles Told me." She said with the biggest grin ever. "When?" Virulent said glaring at the pink girl. "Before you guys came in here." "Do you know where he is?" Veil asked "He's here." "Where Here?" Satin inquired "Yeah you are, so is he?" "Who?" Sunset asked. "I don't know." "Damocles." Virulent growled "Oh Yes?" "He's here?" "Well technically he's over there." Pinkie said pointing into the darker part of the dining area. "He loved the flavor of the stew. Blood Orange and Tofu." This caused the 3 night dwellers eyes to open. "You have Blood oranges?" Virulent said calmly and quietly. "Mhmm I used it as the base for the broth. Help yourselves!" Pinkie decreed. In the next Moment the cauldron was surrounded by the night guard. "Sure is a shame though." "What is Pinkie?" Sunset asked. "They didn't Check for traps." She Whispered happily. At that moment she stomped her foot twice and all Heck broke loose. **** Meanwhile somewhere in the Frozen tundra's and Wasteland to the far North in Pony **** A small black rock break forth from the snow. Ice Wind and Shadows all begin to move and swell and swirl around the crystal, like a Blackened Snow Globe before it all collapses in on in itself. Revealing in its wake a dark unicorn with a Crimson Horn whose Eyes open revealing Green to red eyes and Purple haze flowing from it. Lighting his horn onto the wind and snow the Former king smiled as an ethereal Horse of snow and ice is made with eyes just as red as the sun. However in size it came only up to his knees. "Soon. For now... More is to be Made." The stallion Spoke. The small horse only Whinnied as it galloped on the winds circling the dark stallion who seemed unfazed by the biting cold as he Walked into the Blizzard. > Initiation Night | Battle Ballad Game? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bursting out of the pot splashing the warm stew everywhere Damocles Emerged in the borrowed pink wet suit reaching up he grabbed the heads of Virulent and Veil smashing their heads together lips first before pushing them away and elbowing Satin in the stomach before jumping out of the Cauldron and drop kicking Virulent into a booth. Looking over at Tender Heart. She quickly threw her hands up. "NON-COMBATANT NON-COMBATANT." She cried out. Nodding Damocles peeled the wet suit off his body to reveal his princely garments. The overwhelming pressure he was giving off told everyone in the room, he wasn't joking around on this and intended to make this night a living hell. Running quickly to grab the book he made a dash for the exit as Satin tried to get in the way her legs spread apart to block his path. Sliding underneath and shifting his position to face her on his knees, he threw three punches into her butt in rapid succession before punching her left Calf making her cry out in pain as she collapsed to her knees jerking the leg to nurse the now cramping muscles as he made to run out. Pinkie quickly ran outside the building. "Head down the street to right! Go to the Foxes Den!" She called out to the fleeing form. Tender Heart helped relax the muscles and numb the pains of the 3 fighters as Pinkie walked back in. "So that happened, and now he has the book. Oh well... Here's a cupcake everyone!" She pulled out a small tray of cupcakes for everyone from her hair. Sunset groaned as she took the cupcake. "Why did you tell him to go the Fox's Den Casino?" Sunset's was obviously annoyed. "Pinkie sense." Was the reply making Sunset eyes go wide "Wait really?" receiving a nod from Pinkie Sunset groaned and face palmed. "Great Everyone get in the car... After you dry off." Pinkie was giving everyone towels with their cupcakes them taking it and drying off then eating the cupcake. "These are almost as good as our Pinkie's cupcakes!" Veil said "What I don't understand is how does his movements seem so overpowered here. He cant use magic here!" Virulent growled as he opened the door letting Tender Heart and Satin, who was rubbing her hurt butt, in first while Veil got in the passenger seat. "He's probably just that much better than you... You were warned he would be in the stew, and pinkie pointed out that it wasn't safe... you guys really arent the best are you..." Sunset Pointed out. Veil sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "No he beat our teachers in one on One Combat... So the 3 of us should be able to over power him. As for the whole stew thing... well it has to do with our nature... We are addicted to Blood Oranges and the like for Citrus fruits. Sort of a rarity for us, those and Mangoes." Veil exclaimed as a shudder of delight went through Virulent at the mention of mangoes. "But you're both right. We haven't been thinking properly. How much time is left before the sun raises?" Pinkie checked her watch then her phone. "About 3 and half hours left. And you still need to get the remaining 5 people to sign off on this. After Getting Sunset's book back. I'd Get running." Pinkie said smiling. With that the group began running Satin calling out the directions Pinkie had given. Sunset was following behind with them on foot. As they approached the Foxes Den they were met with a Neon Sign that showed a small amount coins that a fox ran in by into a small cave that became a Large amount of Coins. Music can be heard from inside and Students from the Night school were acting as employees as adults and children from all ages moved in and out. The group was stopped at the entrance by a Extraordinarily buff man who by all means should have the strength to move a mountain. He had a Clipboard as he stood infront of a long Velvet roped off line. "If you all want to get in get in line."He said, "Unless your name is on the list you wait in line" He ordered. Until Sunset walked up. "Snowflake? What are you doing here working at the Fox's Den?"She asked. "OH Sunset, hey.. Silver needed a favor so he asked me and ofcourse i said 'YEAH!'" He screamed his response as he flexed his shirt being stretched to it limits before he calmed down. "Besides hes paying for tonight so its fair." Snowflake said. "Right... Do you think you can let me and a few of my friends in?" Sunset smiled at him. "Hold on let me check the list." He said as flipped the papers on the Clip Board. Then he undid the Velvet and opened the door. "YEAH! YOU ARE ON THE LIST! GO HAVE FUN!" He screamed. As they group walked into the club portion of it they saw people dancing and drinking throughout it along with a few students they recognized as music Began to play with 2 of the Sirens Walking onto the stage. Sonata and Aria, While Tan skinned Silver haired teen worked the turn Tables. Drinking at the bar they Saw Damocles. Unable to hear each other over the music Veil got their attention and pointed him out. Virulent using the signals they learned from their time training as zodiacs to not split up keep eyes on either each other or the target. They Informed Tender to stay by the entrance for the quick getaway and to stay with Sunset. Nodding they moved their way to the bar. Half way there they saw a Girl in what can only be described as a fancy Bartender outfit with extremely Poofy and orange colored hair Hand their mark a drink with a napkin tapped the book twice and move on. Drinking the drink the man Took the book and made head way for the center of the Dancefloor. The group followed fighting the dancing and grinding mob when an interruption in the song began. A Wolfs Howl had stopped the music. This caused the stages background Lights that was showing gambling themed things. To change To a full Moon that became tinted red and flash across the screen the Words 'Dance Fight!' A spotlight in red shone on their target the entire floor began to back up around him and form a giant Ring like Circle. undeterred they made their way into the Ring when a blue Light shone on the 3 of them. Flashing across the screen A New Challenger Approaches At this time the entire crowd was chanting for the two sides to fight. When a song came on. Damocles Blinked and smiled softly at a fleeting memory, before he hardened himself and entered a Battle Stance. The others followed suit. Slowly they circled each other. The Crowds Entire attention was on the the soloed man and his 3 challengers. Suddenly as if testing the waters Satin made a simplistic Rush with an all too obvious punch. Taking the full impact of the hit Damocles met it with his foot. Suddenly he dropped his leg and rotated to elbow her hard in the stomach Grabbing her wrist and flipping her over his back and shoulder. The other 2 then quickly ran around the circle till they were at opposite sides as the 3rd got up and all 3 charged him. Throwing a Kick at Satin Damocles moved his arms and wrists to knock the punches Virulent was throwing off course and attempting to get in some weak strikes on him. Veil Decided to go for a High Kick trying to catch Damocles by the Back of the head while Satin disengaged to make a play for the book in Damocles's right hand. Damocles didn't see the attack coming until a moment too late as Virulent decided to go for a low sweep from the front. Veil strike making contact made Damocles stumble forward his grip loosening at just the right moment for Satin to snatch the book. Virulent knocking the feet out from underneath Damocles grinned as it cost their Opponent Precious seconds that they needed Satin running out the Club back to Pinkie Pie with Tender Heart in tow. The rest of the club watched as Virulent pounced on top of the Downed Damocles and Began to hammer into him. Damocles For his part held his arms up covering his as he weathered the blows. The crowd was going wild with some of the night students saying to call the match was over. After a solid minute Virulent was beginning to get winded. Just before Sonata could call it, Damocles reached up grabbing Virulent's collar and yanking him down as forced himself of as fast as possible. Headbutting Virulent and breaking his nose before throwing him off to the side where virulent would be stringing a series of curses that would make Celestia Blush. staggering up to his feet Damocles' eyes where sharp and cold. Veil could only tighten her stance before Damocles came at her. Moving directly towards her he dove to left as she brought up the right knee to strike him where his face would be using his hands to spin his body like he was drifting around bringing his leg up to strike her at the shoulder. This caused Veil to scream in pain at the strike as she was thrown off balance and into some of the crowd who quickly pushed her back on her feet towards Damocles as the circle Tightened. "He's changing Fighting Styles." Virulent Stated as he got up moving towards his partner. "Yeah I noticed." Veil said bitterly. "I guess hes finally taking us seriously. We just need to stall him long enough for Satin and Tender to get to the next objective point." "Won't work." Damocles called out as his stance became loose. "You guys did ok for level 1, here's level 2." **** A Couple minutes Later with Pinkie **** "Oh hey you guys are back! Where's the other two?" Pinkie inquired with her trademark smile. Tender Heart was gasping for air from her sprint while satin was only panting heavily. "Fighting... Damocles... Sign...Please!!!" Satin Begged, breathing between her words, as she held out the book Pinkie taking the book and pulling a pen out of her hair signed the book quickly. "Thank you..." "No problem now here's your riddle. Honesty is my aim and Apples are my game. Where the crusaders plan is where I stand." Pinkie said cheerily. Tender Heart groaned. "Apple Orchard... Somewhere.... Look for...Little Children....Applejack.."Tender Heart translated. > Initiation Night | Its always Darkest... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virulent having been dropped onto the ground had his stomach stomped on knocking out any air left in his lungs as he begun gasping for air. "Peoples elbow!" Damocles Declared before dropping with his full weight onto his elbow impacting the humanized Threstral in his chest. Virulent's eyes had begun to roll into the back in his eyes before air was forcibly being pushed into his lungs forcing him to cough. "You... kept.. me...from... Fainting?"Virulent ask panted heavily while asking his question as he stared Incredulously at Damocles. "I'm not finished with you yet." Damocles said with a dark smile as he pushed himself off of Virulent. Veil had been looking for something to give her an edge some how found a fold-able metal chair. "Use The Chair!" Some random person shouted as Veil Slammed it against Damocles's back a Clang of Metal was heard as the Chair broke on his back while Damocles stumbled forward obviously shook from the hit. This got a Hard Cheer out of the crowd. Damocles simply held up one of his hands towards the crowd and someone threw him a Broom. Twisting it around Slamming its handle into Veils Head knocking her down, Damocles Shifted and Struck Virulent in the Family jewels. For a moment even in the Track Skipped as silence ensued. All the men in the crowd Taking a collective breath through Gritted Teeth. Virulent for his part held it together better than most men which Resulted in Giving a War-Cry of rage and pain as he grabbed the Broom turned Bo-staff and wrenching it out of Damocles's Hands. This drew a collective Supportive battle Cry from all the men in the area. And proceeded to swing the improvised weapon striking Damocles multiple times actually forcing him to go on the defensive as Damocles proved unable to fully dodge the hits. The Adrenaline rushing through Virulent spurred him on moving faster and faster as he got used to the muscle movements falling into an erratic rhythm. His new found strength coming forward he couldn't help but laugh. Blow after Blow his laugh becoming more and more Deranged until Damocles began to laugh with him. "THATS IT!" Damocles yelled a crazed look in his eyes. "THATS WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR! SHOW ME MORE OF THAT SEED, ONLY NOW IS YOUR WORTH AS A GUARD REALLY COMING THROUGH!" Damocles challenged Virulent as he struck the strained and weakened broom with his open palm breaking the wood. Virulent became stunned as time seemed to slow down when the wood broke the world was moving in slow motion and him with it as after the broken wood was sent flying, spiraling in the air, With a leg that seemed to cut through the air as it struck him in the temple sending him to the ground off to the left where he slid next to the broom piece. "That's one confirmed... Now for the other 3..." Damocles smiled greatly blinking as his eyes flickered for a moment from their normal red and yellow to black then back to normal. Veil confused at what she saw couldn't react fast enough as Damocles made a run for the door to try and find the book. "Shit Virulent!" She yelled as she rushed to her partner helping him and steadying him as he lost his balance. "Can you keep going?" "Yeah, Bucker hits hard." He said as he started to limp towards the exit the crowd cheering him and giving him an opening. Man fought with his strength and got an edge, got abused and kept fighting. He earned many peoples respect that night. The Crowd was Chanting his name. At the door a girl with Orange Poofy hair was waiting with some pills and a drink. Her name Tag read Adagio 'Phantom' Dazzle. "Courtesy of the Silver fox. as a thank you for your performance Some heavy duty Pain killers and Adrenaline inducers so you can keep going. On the House ofcourse. My sister should be waiting for you in her car to take you to your next location to meet up with your friends, Just don't mention our names to Sunset please?" She said Handing the stuff to Virulent who took the pills and Downed what looked like water in one gulp. This proved to be a mistake as He began to cough an his eyes watered. "The Strongest in the house. The Silver Ghost. Is not meant to be downed in one go... let him rest for a few minutes in the car." Adagio said as she walked away. Bulk who was watching the fight from his phone outside muttered to himself Veil barely hearing it. "So that's why he gave Vi the night off..." Waiting at the Street was the same Purple Car that had dropped them off at the beach getting in they saw Aria who simply smiled. "Where are we going?" Aria asked without question. At that moment Sunset Shimmers car drove by. "Follow that Car!" She said as Virulent laid his head back. Aria Drove a distance behind Sunset's car turning off her lights so as not be seen. "Must be heading to Applejack's orchard." Aria said as she lifted up the opening in her arm rest taking out a rolled up piece of paper. "Here take this. Its a map so you don't get lost. You know Just incase Oh and leave it by the statue in the morning you're only borrowing it got it?" Aria said harshly as Veil took it. "Why are you and your sister helping us? Why is Silver Fox helping us?" Veil asked confused. "For one, we're not helping you we're helping ourselves and that's all I'm going to say. Two because you lot obviously need it, and Three and this is important. Because it'll piss of Sunset if/when she finds out about our involvement." Aria laughed to herself. "In fact it will piss of the Rainbooms in general stopping a distance away from sunset as her phone got a buzz looking at who it was she got a scowl. "Get going this is where I'm dropping you off. The entrance is further down and Good luck, not that it matters." Aria said while replying to the text as the two got out. "How do you feel Vi?" Veil asked cautiously. "Still like shit but not like i got the shit beat out of me... what ever was in those pills is fucking amazing. And when Did i say you could call me Vi?" He asked angrily. "Sorry.." "Come on we don't have time to waste." ****Meanwhile with Sunset, Satin and Tender. **** "So Pinkie says they will be showing up in just a little bit... " Sunset said checking her phone. "How does Pinkie know that? Is she bringing them?" Satin asked. "No but someone she trusts is.... Given that it's Pinkie its better to just nod your head and agree." Sunset shrugged "So Applejack is in her orchard somewhere where kids meet?" "That's what I understood from the riddle Pinkie Gave us." Tender Confirmed. "So how are we going to find this place?" Sunset asked. She knew where it was as they all said their locations before but could not say where as it was part of their test. "We can't spread out because of the book, if Damocles has some Idea where Applejack is-" Satin began "Which He probably does considering he was with Pinkie." Sunset reminded. "Then if we try to spread out he would just pick us off one by one while searching through the orchard for the book." Satin finished. "But if we go as a group we are still at risk of wasting too much time." Tender argued. "Then i Guess we better go straight there don't we." Virulent called out. This startled Tender as she saw Veil and Virulent walking towards them The former watching the latter carefully as they walked. "What happened?" Tender immediately went to Virulent and began to look over his battered and bruised body. "Damocles is a bucking monster... You would swear he came from the pits of Tartarus. I got some heavy duty painkillers and some Adrenaline pills to help me out for a while." Virulent explained. "You have some seriously bad bruising I'm gonna wanna see if you have any damage to your bones when we get back to HQ." Tender informed Virulent getting reluctant nod from Virulent. "How are we going to go directly to the location?" Satin asked eyes darting around the trees scanning for their opposition. "We have a general Idea of where it is. We saw something like a map of it back in the Club." Veil said, Hearing this Made Sunset Glare angrily in the distant. "its over this way." she said leading the group. "Ok while we are walking I gotta ask what exactly did Silver Fox do to piss you off like this?" Virulent asked as he watched the trees his walk having a limp as he walked with his legs a little bit more spread than normal. "It's not imporant." "It obviously is if you're getting upset at just the mentioning of his name." Satin said. "Fine, Fine I'll spill the beans." Sunset sighed reluctantly. "So first off let me explain Silver Fox and his Girlfriend Jade Heart, are something of teen movie stars/producers." "Ok movies, the moving picture shows and such right?" Tender asked. "Yeah. Well over here they are a big deal. And those two, were some of the biggest ones as they created The Gold Bond Spy Movies. But the two are like some kind of Teenage Prodigies as they seem to know whats going to be a big deal or not in terms of entertainment. About 5 months ago they released to the world. that they were going retire from movies and continue their basic education 'back in there hometown of Canterlot.'" Sunset took a breath. "Well when he did come back he became enrolled in CHS. This is where things start to go crazy. About 8 months ago give or take a few weeks there was an event at the school called the Battle of the Bands. When this happened a group of girls known as the 'Dazzlings' showed up and started turning everyone on each other. Turned out they were Sirens." She said annoyed this then made Veil laugh at the notion. "Sirens as in the ones like Starswirl the bearded banished? That with the power of their singing nearly brought ruin to all of Ponykind?" She asked mockingly. Sunset scowled at her. "The very same ones actually.." "O-oh. Sorry... Continue please." Veil said with a blush. "Well we had to have Princess Twilight come and help bust us out of trouble. We eventually beat them and shattered their Crystals, which turned out to be the source of their power and singing capabilities. Then when we find out Silver Fox and Jade Heart are attending they Introduce themselves with an original song with, Guess who, The sirens singing with them who have new Crystals and are singing again." Sunset grumbled. "Then we have the Friendship games 2 months ago. Where Apparently our Twilight knows Silver from childhood. Well as it turns out Me and the other girls all have latent equestrian magic that we can activate. Our Twilight somehow built a device that stole it from the 6 of us and then went to use it because she was egged on by the rest of her classmates and headmistress. She went a little power crazy and the love crazy for Silver which made her get increasingly angry at Jade. So we had to save them. He almost made it a point to thank everyone but me. So in that moment of my anger I called him out on the sirens." She sighed when Applejack came into sight. "You tellin em about Silver?" Applejack huffed as she approached. "They asked." "Right... well I'll finish up from what ya gone and said. Sunset, pointed out to everyone that he was basically hanging around three evil songstresses. To which he replied back sayin. 'So what only those you seen fit can be redeemed? I saw potential I knew who they were they put their trust in me so I return it.' Essentially he called her out since sunset used to be evil too." Applejack said easily. "Now they are better, ain't quite good and model of citizenship but better. Silver though... Only man my brother would trust to get work done on the farm... He and Jade both go back to my childhood. He did what he could to help when... well tragedy struck for mah family. Big Mac is always willin to go and spend time with him if'n he ever asks him. Part of the reason why they are on Football team for CHS, Him, Snowflake, and Flash are somethin of a last resistance." Applejack explained. "Still don't you think its weird they can sing again? And those Crystals!" Sunset was about to start her rant when Applejack put her hand on sunset's shoulder. "I know he's not what he seems I mean... he even made a club for them to live in who does that?" "Well Pinkie's friend Vinyl Scratch does." Applejack said. "Listen Sunset I know you 'ave your suspicions, and that's fine. But Silver and Jade are good people. Animosities aside he seems like he only wants to enjoy his life. Heck he made that club to help the Night students out and give them a direction and what not. Now lets put this conversation down for now. If'n i recall you lot are here for some kind o' test right?" Applejack asked of the 4 others. "Yes can you sign this and give us the next riddle please?" Satin said as she gave her book to Applejack. "Sure can do." She signed off on it quickly before smiling. "Now i'll apologize if'n I don't say this right." She cleared her throat and began to talk with a High Society Accent. "In Glades of blue is where i'm true, with the light of the night is when i'm insight. to light the way to me is let the dark be." She spoke before returning to her country accent. "Now since I known none of ya know where anything is Near the Library is park. Y'all might wanna check there." > Initiation Night | ... Just Before Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know you didn't need to tell them that. Part of their training as far as we understand is information Gathering." Sunset Said. "There was nothing in the rules saying we couldn't be where get their information from." Applejack looked smugly. "Now its late and tomorrow is a school day. You lot get going I'm going to bed." Apple Jack said as she started walking back to her home. "Well I guess we back to the car..." Satin said. Sunset leading the way the rest of the group following. "Does anyone else find it strange Damocles hasn't showed up yet?" Tender asked. "I don't know back at the club he left on foot... so he may be a ways away or waiting for us in the next area." Veil said. "That or just waiting for us to drop our guard." Virulent countered. At that moment a heavy wind blew through the trees each their leaves shaking and rustling against one another. Everyone in this moment stopped, their muscles tensed and ears straining to hear anything akin to movement. As the wind died they stayed like that for a moment longer before resuming their movements. "Hold on a second guys... Did anybody notice how silent it is?" Sunset asked. "Yes Sunset its very quiet what of it?" Virulent asked annoyed and sore. "No Virulent.. She means where are the sounds of the animals like owls?" Satin said the group stayed quiet as things stayed deathly quiet. "Move slow, satin in center along with Sunset. Vector Formation Protect the VIP and keep your eyes on the trees." Veil ordered Everyone took their positions Immediately. "So the princesses are sure that this guy is a good guy right? Because this is some Horror Story level stuff." Sunset was obviously scared. "Well When we took on the job we are told we are his elite unit as well as his Wardens... so we Think he is a good guy?" Veil asked more than stated. The spoke while moving. "I mean yeah he's crazy strong and shouldn't be capable of a lot of things he is." Virulent said. "Not to mention that his Psychoanalysis report points to him being... well his mind is above average and on the darker side of the spectrum. I need to recommend to Luna he goes to Therapy." Tender said muttering the last bit to herself. "Plus he seems to have more advantages then us when it comes to Combat." Satin Said as her foot stepped into a large lasso loop without touching it. "Like honestly? where was this guy during the Pegasus and Griffon Wa-AHHH!" Satin screamed the loopp tightened around her ankle when she went to move out of it and she was dragged away dropping the book."HELP!" She screamed as she disappeared into the dark of the woods. before Suddenly going quiet. "WHERE THE BUCK DID SHE GO?!" Sunset Screamed. "I GOT THE BOOK!" Tender said. As the Wind Began to rustle the trees again leaves falling from them from the force of the gales. "Crud he's in the Trees! Get to the Clearing NOW!" Veil ordered as she picked up Sunset, Virulent popping an adrenaline pill and grabbing Tender hoisting her over his shoulder before the group began to book it. "Hmmm.... Seem they either think you are lost or are too afraid to fight me." Damocles Said while returning to a dangling upside down Satin that had been gagged. Holding her dress up so she doesn't flash him by accident. "... How should I deal with you." He mused to himself silently before snapping his fingers, As the rope came loose dropping Satin down. "Let's Play a game Satin.... You and me." He said to the girl as she spat out the gag. "What kind of game?" She eyed him wearily. This made Damocles Smile with his fangs showing. "You have 3 options. You can either A. Play hide and seek with me. B. Find something that shouldn't belong, or C. play 2 truths and 1 lie." "What does the winner get?" She asked seriously. "If you win any of the games I Stay back for 1 hour. Giving you guys ample time. As there is about 2 hours left." "And if you win?" Her eyes narrowed. "If I win when you get back to your group you hand me the book." He said. "And should I choose not to play?" "Then you fight me. And Let's be honest, you are not the fighter your sister is... But you're smarter. I'll Give you that much." Damocles said With an honest smile. "How long would each game be?" Satin asked. Damocles clicked his tongue. "That's enough Questions, Decide which game now." He said as he started to count down from ten. As he reached two Satin Spoke up. "2 Truths 1 lie!" She said frantically. Damocles actually looked shocked for a moment. Before nodding slowly. "Ok then We will keep playing until one of us has figured 3 lies. That's how the winner is decided, However if we have 5 draws as in neither of us then that means I take you to the next area but you are bound for atleast 3 minutes. Do you agree to these Terms?" He spoke softly and kindly as he explained the rules. In the distance they could hear the car driving off. "Yes, Sacrifices have to be made and risks taken to ensure the mission is a success, I am no fool to this." Satin said. "Then let us begin. I'll Start the first round." waiting for a nod from Satin he began. "I have been cheating this entire time. I have been looking for something specific in each of you. I have a slight attraction to some of the girls here." He said smiling at her. She frowned as he said the last statement. 'Which is the real lie... it should be obvious that the lie is he is cheating but why say that he is attracted to some of the girls in this world...' Her eyes widened. 'Wait Could he have been like the creatures here?' Looking into his eyes for any kind of tell. "Times up what's the lie?" "The lie is... You're attracted to some of the girls here isn't it." Satin said Anger caressing her features. "Very good Satin, Your turn." He held up his left hand putting a finger up. "I don't think you are here to protect our world. I hate that Princess Luna took you on as a Son. I intend on finding a way to kill you permanently." She said "hmm the lie is that you intend on finding a way to kill me permanently, you think that living for neigh eternity is punishment enough." Damocles sighed with a roll of his eyes. Putting a finger up on the other hand. "My turn, I don't intend on saving the world. I intend on being the greatest evil there can be. I'm going to put all of you through Tartarus." "I thought you were going to make this hard. The lie is that you don't intend on saving the world." Satin said sure of herself, this made Damocles laugh. "Wrong, Your turn." "I love my family. I have a child at home. My Boyfriend beats me." She said with a smirk. This made Damocles Scowl. "You Don't have a child... And I'll be paying your Boyfriend a visit later." Damocles hissed angrily. This made Satin take a step back confused. "How did you figure it out?" Her voice was soft and timid. "You fur may be dark but I can still bruises through it because of the pain you give off. Your good at masking but not that good. And you were going to have a child but because of what I assume was a drunken fight he made sure you wouldn't...." He said calmly. "HOW DID YOU FIGURE IT OUT!" Tears were forming in her eyes. He sighed softly as he stepped towards and held Satin close to him. "You know my strength comes from eating the despair of other right?" She nodded stiffly. "I was able to taste your despair when you said those... listen... when we get back the first chance we get I'm going to put that fucker down... and then you can just lean on me and cry... cry as much as you need to..." He said softly as he stroked her hair. "We can talk more about this later but for now its my turn ok?" She nodded softly. "I used to be an older Brother, and I would like to be one again by being yours. My old little sister was almost raped once so know I will protect you. This is just an excuse to get you into bed with me." She punched him softly as her breath hitched before slowly pulling him into a hug. "I know you don't want to have sex with any of us... not for a long while." she said softly. "Correct... its your turn." "I don't know what to think of you. One moment you seem to be something like a monster then like a white knight the next. You're like prince shining armor." "You know I'm the opposite of Shining Armor. He represents the Light." "And you Represent the Dark.. You win Sir..." Satin said as she let go and looked at him. Damocles's Red eye was glowing softly in the night. "Yeah I do... Come on." He lifted her up. "Sorry I've been cheating but I need to make sure to put you all to your limits." "Oh it's fine but I'll be letting your mother know." Damocles's metal moved down and out of the shirts bottom above the pant's flapping he took flight. "So this is how you have been moving about?" "Yeah..." Flying faster and Faster they eventually made it to the park where he dropped her off by sunset's Car. The rest where obviously inside getting the signature. "1 hour left... I wont be bugging you guys until the last one... And remember our deal." He said before Flying off. "You remember your promise." She said as he disappeared into the dark of the night. "Satin?! You're OK!" Sunset Shouted with Relief. "No.. No I'm not." Satin said... "What's wrong where did he hurt you?" Tender asked running to her. "Mental warfare..." she shivered slightly. "I Swear to Luna Damn it That bucker is cheating!" Virulent argued. "We have to hurry to the track before he strikes again." "Guys... he is cheating." Satin said which made everyone stop. "What do you mean Satin?" Veil's voice was very serious. "he's using his wings to move around faster... That's how he is able to keep pace with us so easily." "Wings? Guys we aren't in equestria he can't have wings not unless he has some kind of magic." Sunset explained. "Anyways we don't have time to waste you guys have 1 hour left and we need to get you to the next location." "Yeah some kind of Athletics field, involving a ball feet." Virulent rolled his eyes. They all got in the car as Sunset Drove to the school where there was Rainbow dash practicing soccer. "It's About time You all got here!" She complained. " Hurry up and give me the book so I can sign it and then head back home to get ready for class." She held out her hand waiting. All but snatching the book from Tender and writing in it. "Your Riddle is this." She said with a cocky smile before throwing the book like a Frisbee only for a Purple Dog to catch it mid air and start running away. "Chase that Mutt!" Virulent called out. Causing everyone to break into a mad dash after it. > Initiation Night | Day Break > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Purple dog despite being small for its size seemed extremely agile and just a tad faster, mostly due to the head start it got, than those chasing it. Zig-zagging all about to avoid Lunges ducking Under cars heading one way and rushing between legs. The Dog led them through the night. Damocles watched in Fascination from the top of the school as it led them the long way around the campus to Sci-Twi standing at the entrance with her face in a book. "What is with this Dumb Dog!" Virulent Roared as he went for one final lunge only for it dash to the left making him slide on the concrete to hit his head on the statue. The other caught up panting slightly from the mini Parkour Course before the dog, almost knowing the item was valuable, gently put it down in between the statue and the girl in purple sitting on the top steps of the High School. "First of all... if I'm a Dumb Dog, then that means you are even dumber than me." It spoke with a cocked eyebrow and an non-plus look. It turned to look at all the others that were chasing. "Before anyone says anything My name is Spike, yes I'm a dog, Yes I talk. Yes I'm amazing. Yes I'm from this world. No not all dogs talk. I was hit by equestrian magic. And yes I was the riddle to bring you to her... But not too close because..." Spike paused for a moment as Damocles descended from the top of the school landing behind spike. "Of him." Spike finished gesturing with his paw to Damocles. "Thank you Spike." "No problem Just remember what you promised me." Spike said as he walked over to sit on Sci-Twi's lap. "Yeah I'll get you the treat later." "You better those are expensive." Twilight said not even looking up from her book as she pet Spike. "Twist my arm why don't you." Damocles muttered as he took a stance that screamed 'come at me bro.' "Now then, Whose first." To everyone surprise Tender heart sighed growling before walking up to him slowly. "What's up Doc?" "Oh something No doctor should ever do." She said calmly. The confusion on Damocles' face was obvious as she quickly Kicked him in the family jewels hard enough to actually make his eyes water and legs buckle. "GET THE BOOK NOW!" She ordered. Damocles was stunned for a moment as Veil and Virulent Tackled him to pin him and Satin got the book. Damocles coming around from the pain groaned in pain. "SATIN!" He called as she almost made it to Twilight. "Remember our deal?" He said smiling confidently. This confused the other until realization hit Veil. "Satin you didn't.." She silently Pleaded. Twilight actually looked up from her book for a moment as sunset sat next to her. "Tell me you didn't agree to betray us." Satin sighed. "I did... but... THE MISSION COMES FIRST!" Satin said before running forward to meet Twilight. "YOU CHEAT!" Damocles roared as the metal on his back coming fully to life as he threw the two off of him using the metal wings to push him off he ground. Rushing Forward and grabbing Satin he threw her against a tree the book falling from her hands into a bush. Virulent got up his eyes glowing again as tender Rushed over to Satin. "VIRULENT DARK WIND PROTOCAL!" Veil ordered. As she charged Damocles only to stop just outside of his natural reach while Virulent used Veil as lift to Jump up and over Damocles, launching a leg out to put himself into a spin striking Damocles in the left arm. "SATIN IS KNOCKED OUT!" Tender called out as she grabbed the book from the bush and began to rush towards twilight only to get intercepted as Damocles grabbed Virulent's leg from the kick and threw him at her. The two hitting the wall hard. Veil moved in while he was distracted and put him in a sleeper Hold squeezing as tight as she could while getting hit repeatedly by Damocles' wings. One the last hit she was hit hard enough to fly back a few feet. Virulent and Tender had just gotten up as this happens and Virulent Rushed Damocles Grabbing the base of the wings and squeezing them. This caused Damocles to Actually scream as Tender picked up the book and limped towards Twilight. Veil got up and moved hold back Damocles while Virulent kept squeezing the Base of the wings more and more. Veil's eyes were glowing as well as she headbutt Damocles. Satin coming too slowly stood up staggering a bit before falling forward. Tender had just handed the Book to Twilight, who began to pull out her pen. Just before she would begin to sign her name however The first light of dawn would shine upon them. The Night was over. They had failed their mission ****** Meanwhile In The Castle Of Friendship ***** Luna paced back and forth chewing on the inside of her cheek as she kept watching the mirror before looking at Twilight was drinking her tea while reading a book. "Has there been any word recently? The time for the Moon to set and the Sun to Rise is nearly here." "Relax Princess if there was something wrong Sunset Shimmer and her friends have it all under control. There is absolutely No need to worry. Besides they got 6 signatures they just need to get their world's Twilight to Sign it and shes right outside the portal." Spike said as he read the rough draft drawing of Luna's adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventures. "Also Dio is a monster what the heck Luna! An Earth Vampony that just resurrected 2 knights of the past?! And can Manipulate the Temperature of blood?!" Spike was freaking out. As he presented the panels to Luna. Twilight ear flickered and she turned to face the two. "Ah yes but you haven't seen the true strength of Dio yet Spike. Please continue reading and see what happens with Baron Zeppoli and Speed Wagon." Luna smiled as her work was appreciated. "Wait... Princess Luna... just how graphic is that Comic Series?" Twilight asked as she put her book to approach it taking a few of the pages reading it. "Princess! Spike Shouldn't Be seeing these Things! He is still just a baby!" Twilight's wings flared as she scolded Luna. Luna for her part simply raised a questioning eye brow as a look of confusion crossed her features. "While yes by Dragon Years he is still young, Princess Twilight. But Spike by pony years is entering mid Adolescence if not his Young adult years. Correct us if we are wrong but isnt spike a meager 5 years younger than you?" Luna gestured with hoof towards Twilight the bottom of it upwards. Eliciting a nod from Twilight. "Add on that he has a higher that average Maturity level for one his age, with all that in mind to treat him as a child by his races standards in a society of pony standards would be demeaning and insulting would it not?" Luna stated more than questioned as she admonished Twilight. Twilight wilted as she listened to and considered what Luna was saying. "You are right Princess... Sorry Spike, I guess I haven't been fair to you." Twilight said softly. "Ah don't sweat it Twilight, I know how busy you get besides Your my big sister I kinda expected this out of you heh, and Honestly i wasn't going to worry too much about this especially with the Crystal Empire knowing my greatness. I could probably be just like JoJo and see if I can do Hamon Bre-" He shut up as everyone heard an alarm go off signaling it was time for Luna to lower the moon and Celestia to Raise the sun. Luna moving to Upstairs Balcony in the Crystal Castle began to bring her sovereign duty as the Mistress of the night to a close, making way for her sisters Sun. When the Job was finished there was the Tell tale sound of shimmering signalling someone was coming through the mirror. Damocles yawned Stretching as he walked to greet his mother. Flapping his wings a bit just to get them back to normal. This was followed by the shimmering sound again with 4 ponies flopping onto the ground outside of the mirror all of which groaning in pain. Tender began to then run medical detail on the group using her magic to take notes. "Ok lets see... 2 dislocated shoulders, sprained wings and bruised backs across the board, a few broken bones in various places on everyone, Chipped fangs, and Concussions... Lots of concussions." Tender Heart said as she held her own head. "All in all atleast a week and half of recovery...." She sighed. "Damocles we have returned..." groaning weakly. "So my Son?" Luna Asked hearing what happened as she turned and looked at Damocles. "How did they do?" "They almost had it.... But ultimately they failed the mission. Now if you will excuse me with your permission I need to use some Dark Magic mother." Damocles said as he looked at his troops. Luna nodded as she saw him approach. "Tender Heart I'm gonna need your full attention for the next few days, Please have some morphine or something ready for me and get me something to bite on please?" Tender Heart was confused at the orders until she saw some dark energy begin to wrap around Damocles. Twilight was quick with Quill and Paper as was Spike with getting a towel for Damocles. "thank you ... Now who has it worst." This was answered with a whimper from Veil. "Took it like a champ, dont worry you will be back up on your feet just now." Biting the towel he walked over to her placed his hoof gingerly on her chest as the dark aura enveloped Veil and everyone could hear and see her body physically repairing itself at the same time Damocles's was taking damage. Bones were melding inside of Veil while the cracking of Ribs was heard through out the room. Damocles's Eyes twitched as the pain grew and he bit down hard on the towel. The groans and whimpers of Veil Seemed to lessen to a content sigh as she slowly sat up. Damocles removed his hoof from her before walking with a limp over to Virulent and Glaring at Tender Heart who had just arrived with a med kit. Quickly injecting him with painkillers of high levels. "What just happened?" Veil asked as Damocles Repeated the Process on Virulent. "It seems an attribute of Dark magic is that the user can take all wounds from one person and inflict on another in this scenario Damocles is taking on all 4 of your conditions. That's not safe." Twilight said as she wrote down what has happening. "How do you all feel though?" Virulent got up as Damocles moved to heal Veil. "Like i just tried to make a hurricane with only 4 other ponies while wearing lead weights." Virulent said as he clumsily walked to the table. "Our Fearless leader... Cheats..." he said his face hitting the table. "Never Saw him use that fighting style before... not even on the Zodiacs." his voice was muffled. Satin got up and he began to heal Tender Heart. "Ok so you are all experience Physical and Mental Fatigue..." Twilight was writing this down. "Damocles is obviously in pain." There was a loud pop and Damocles screamed in pain as he essentially crumpled to the floor. Everyone's eyes suddenly shot to Damocles as he was on the floor with everyone's pains. "I swear to fucking Faust, one of you fucking do something!" Damocles Roared before trying to move and screamed in pain again. Satin was rushing to the med kit as Luna slowly walked over Damocles. "Damocles?" She said softly to get his attention on her. His eyes filled with rage as they opened up in understanding as she drew up her hoof. Before Closing his eyes grunting in affirmation. Luna's horn glowed blue for a moment as a hoof blade appeared on her raised hoof and she slammed it into this chest using the towel to keep the blood from the floor the blow was fatal. "Childish, stupid, prideful, wonderful stallion... What am I going to do with you... No I know what I'm going to do... I am going to get you realize there are better ways than what you're pursuing but i will help you with what you do every step of the way." Luna Said as she sat down with the Spare sheets of paper and Quill her aura encasing Damocles as putting him on the couch next to her resting his head on her barrel. The area that was stabbed had already healed. He was still unconscious for a while longer. "I guess I'll just have to give Ms. Cheerilee a note on why he wasn't in school today." "Whoa... So he really is Immortal?" Spike asked looking at Luna. "No not immortal, Just unable to stay dead for too long of a period." Luna answered. "So what happened during the initiation that you say he cheated?" She looked at her former Zodiac apprentices. Veil Sat up attempting to be at attention. "Relax there is no need for formalities... you all just recovered a lot of damage in no time at all Speak freely please." She said while sketching the complex fights. Veil opted to just sit. Virulent had already passed out and Satin was drinking heavy amounts of water, with Tender Heart supplying each of them with it and a small granola bar. "when we first made contact with the other side we were unprepared for what happened. Our physical forms had shifted into Bipedal like creatures with no wings or Horns, or magic of any kind. After analysis from Nurse Tender Heart, Thank you by the way Tender," She said nodding her head to the Mare aforementioned. "We made our way to the first contact points where we met Sunset Shimmer. The former Student of Princess Celestia. We also learned that the portal Regresses the age by a good amount at that point. When we got the book she said she would provide transportation for the location of the riddles but we had to Verbally state the answer for her and the next ones to continue. There was no Contact with Prince Damocles until we got the equivalence of Sugar Cube Corner and Met their Pinkie Pie for the 3rd signature. When we asked her to sign it she said 'you haven't secured the area to ensure both the signer and book are safe. You only just arrived. For ex Zodiac's you haven't been doing your jobs very well.' That's when everything went to Tartarus. Prince Damocles began using a fighting style that ignored the defense of the opponent while using High agility and dexterity. On top of that he seemed to be using Minimal effort to avoid, block or redirect our attacks. It was unlike anything we have ever seen before." Veil stated. "Watching it from the sidelines as I declared I was non-Combatant, I can confirm those movements were not from any kind of training, they were at the core instinctual and reactive reflexes." Tender stated. "Wait, it was 3 on 1 how did you guys get so banged up then?" Spike said. "On top of that, you were all training for the roll of zodiac for the past 3 years. How did he read your movements?"Twilight's voice carried the confusion the rest shared. As Luna smiled softly and knit her eyebrows. "He cheated us hard, his body moved like nothing I've ever seen before..." Virulent said Yawning "We were fighting his rules, with his strengths and our weakness, and worst of all he was toying with us... I know he wasn't going all out." Virulent growled as he bit into the granola bar his stomach growling. "How do you say that?" Satin asked panting from drinking the water. "It was in his eyes. He was gauging us treating it like a game... like we're toys...The dude is not equine in anyshape or form... dude is a monster." he sighed leaning back against the chair and staring up at the ceiling. "No A monster is not doing him any justice... No he is a Devil..." Virulent Slammed his hoof on the table in anger. "He was just toying with us as he tested what he could do! Not to mention he was using his wings!" "Well I can't say you're right or wrong. The technique you are all describing are 2 different things from his home that are practiced by the most Elite... He studied and adapted it to himself if I am to guess correctly. The offensive technique is something call Panzerkampf... Its meant to tear apart his opponents strength is replaced by speed and precision. The other is a sort of mode that many people try for eons to attain but more often than not fail to do so as it requires an insanely high aptitude of Reflexive Sensitivity. So I imagine he was testing how much of it had." She sighed as she began to hear him snoring. Smiling softly Luna let her son sleep. "We'll see you all tomorrow, Something tells me he will be sleeping the entire day away. He was awake for over 24 hours. So all of you should see about getting rest as well." Luna said calmly. "Spike Enjoy the story that is written so far. I'll send more and see if you could recommend anything that should be edited." Luna said before teleporting herself and the guards to their chambers. Luna resting with Damocles as the day continued on after Sending a letter to Cheerilee. > School Days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damocles was breathing normally as his eyes started to flutter open before sitting up groaning and yawning the sun glared into his eyes "Good morning my son... Did you enjoy your time with Sheila?" Luna asked sweetly. Damocles smacked his lips before looking at his mother. "Morning Nightingale..." He got off the Bed and stretched before taking in surroundings. He was in his room sleeping with his mother. "How long have I been out?" "24 hours... You need to get ready for school. You missed your first day And I will not have you miss a second one." She said power up her horn before striking Damocles with a spell encasing him in light. When the light faded Damocles was a normal looking Thestral that was white with his mane and wings completely normal His fur was even a Royal Blue and he didn't have a Cutiemark anymore. "To save time I will just implant the Equestrian Written Language into you're head." Luna said as she approached her child. "Look at how adorable you are!" she said pinching his cheek before touching her horn to his head. "Moooom!" Damocles complained in a high pitched voice. "Good now that, that's done its time for school Damocles." She said teleporting a saddle bag and few quills, pencils a small jar of ink, and paper. "Here is your breakfast." She gave him a something wrapped in paper towels as she put him on her back. "And I'll carry your lunch for you until we get you to class." She said happily as they passed the troops in the main yard along with the main 7 and Spike. Spike began laughing so hard he fell on his back. Twilight was snickering as Tender, was making baby faces at him. Causing him to blush. casting a quick illusion spell on herself she donned the look of a Sapphire Blue Unicorn, with Dark satin like mane with streaks of white in it. Her cutie mark was a telescope and the moon. "Now let us be off my child." Luna happily trotted out the door. Towards the school. Damocles grumbling in his higher pitched Diminutive nature opened the paper towels to see a warm biscuit with egg and bell pepper and onions and some purple jam like thing with cheese. He immediately began to scarf it down as Luna giggled. "So do I call you Mom like this or whats up? And is my name still the same?" He asked. "No. As to risk little to the school itself you will be called Damos, and yes you call me mom." Luna said as she seemed to jump with every step. "Thank you for the biscuit." "Did you enjoy the Blueberries? Discord thought it would be a good idea." Luna's voice was nothing but compassion as they approach the school house. Damocles Quickly nodded his head as Luna Set him down. "Good now listen to Ms. Cheerilee, don't bully the other kids, and for the love of the Night, Do not sleep through your classes like you used to." "No promises on that last one, mother."Damocles said mockingly waving to Luna as he walked in to meet his teacher again. "So Teach, which desk am I getting?" "You are going to wait outside in the hallway until I call you in to introduce you." Cheerilee Said sternly with a smile. "Also, when is your birthday?" "The new one or the first one?" "ummm the new one I guess?" Her voice and face held total confusion at the question. "Don't know I think about a week ago? I was kinda knocked the hay out." "Language... but okay so that means it was July 12th... Excellent. Oh for your knowledge to day is July 19th 1432." Cheerilee said smiling before going into the classroom as the bell rang. Everyone else was already inside apparently. "Attention Class. I know yesterday we were all excited to meet your new classmate but due to family issues he had to stay home. Everything being settled now though he is here." This caused a cheer in the class. "Everyone please welcome Damos." She called to the door, When no one came in everyone began to get confused. "Damos... Dearie... you can come in now." Cheerilee said in sing song voice. Still no movement that's when a voice was heard from the back by cubby holes. "Ms. Cheerilee? Who are you all looking for?" Damocles' high pitched voice spoke from the back of the room yawning. "Damos!" Cheerilee said shocked before narrowing her eyes for the briefest moments. "I thought I told you to wait outside until I called you." "You did Ms. Cheerilee, and I did. I just didn't want to make a big fuss." Damos said sweetly smiling wide to show off his fangs. Cheerilee just sighed before pointing to a desk. "Please set your papers and pencils down on your desk at the front of the class and come and introduce yourself Damos." Cheerilee said exasperated. "Yes Miss Cheerilee~" Damocles sung in his kids voice as he walked up and using his wings to help hold things and put them away. Before going to the Chalkboard and writing out Both in English and Equish his name. "Hello Everyone I am Damos. Its a Pleasure to meet you all," He looked at miss Cheerilee with a smile. "Instead of Introducing myself can I have the class ask me questions about me instead?" Cheerilee Nodded. And Almost instantly everyone began blurting out questions. "Class one at a Time. Raise hoofs to be called on and please make sure to introduce yourself to Damos as well to help learn your names." Cheerilee said. With that said almost everpony raised their hooves up. Save for 5 fillies. Damos Pointed at the Colt who was why and spotted brown. "Hello, My name is Pipsqueak, Class President, Welcome to the class. My question is Are you a Vampony or are you Like Princess Luna's Night Guards?" PipSqueak asked after standing up. "As much as I would love to be the Day walker, I am of the same type of pony as Princess Luna's Night Guard, Alot of my old friends used to say I was kinda Batty." Damos said as a slight joke which made most of the class laugh as Pipsqueak sat down. Damos Pointed to Filly with glasses next. "I Peppermint Twisth. What isth that veird scribbling below your name?" She asked. "Oh... That's my name in home language..." Damos's voice went soft as he looked at it. "It's not important I'll just erase it... Force of habit... sorry." His voice grew softer as he spoke and started to erase the old language... Turning around he pointed at a chubby blue colt. "I'm Snips, And where did you come from? Especially to have such weird writings." Snips asked this actually made Damos Flinch as Sweetie Belle Spoke up. "Snips.. its obvious Damos doesn't want to talk about where he came from. just leave it alone." Sweetie belle said. "Thanks Sweetie..." Damos said which made a gray colt stand up and point. "How do you know Sweetie Belle?" This made Damos Blanche. "Well duh its because we met him when were in canterlot this past week." Scootaloo said. "His mom was working Princess Luna and Celestia in regards to helping Prince Damocles Settle in. She's Probably over at His new house here in Ponyville anyways." Scootaloo rolled her eyes at what seemed like an obvious thing. "So wait why didn't you all tell us about him." Diamond Tiara asked them. "Because his mother asked us not to. Only to help settle him in and keep you all from crowding him too much, So take it easy on him guys. Plus he's naturally suppose to be awake at night. And since he's going to be living with the new unit with Prince Damocles he's probably not gonna get a whole lot of sleep." Applebloom said with a nod. "However I have it that Despite that He will be Awake and Attentive during my Classes." Cheerilee Turned a Hard Look at Damos. "Isn't that Right Damos?" She said with a Sweet smile. "Yes Ms. Cheerilee." Damos Said with a smile. And a look of worry in his eyes. This earned him an approving nod. "Ok Class we have time for one more question before we start our lesson for today." Cheerilee said. This ended with only 1 pony left holding a hoof up. It was Silver Spoons. "I am Silver Spoon and to introduce those who talked asking about you but didn't directly ask you, The pegasus Colt is named Rumble, You already know the crusaders, and This." She said gesturing to Diamond Tiara,. "Is my best Friend in the entire world Diamond Tiara. My question is why are you down here instead of up in canterlot learning there?" "Oh.. that's simple. Princess Luna sent my mom to help act as an advisor for The training program Prince Damocles is setting up for his new guard, as well as helping him keep to a schedule and learn new things. And well since I don't have a dad mom thought it would be best if I came with here so she can active in my life still. She had to flip her schedule to be more nocturnal, I think she is sleeping right now so one of the guards may be coming to get me today. Her breakfast will end up being my dinner... and she will at least take me to school so its OK." Damos said with a smile. "And Prince Damocles always makes sure to at say hello to me. Its funny He says he can't stands foals but Honestly I think he's just scared of influencing us negatively. The Giant Snake from two days ago was an example of that!" He said excitedly. With that the day went on normally When the Bell Rang for recess. Damos stayed in and was being tutored by Ms. Cheerilee. "Why is he staying in the class?" Rumble asked watching the window as Cheerilee sat next to him and the two were talking but no one could hear what was going on but it was obvious that they were talking about something in the text book. "It's because he's not smart with history." Scootaloo said as they played hide and seek both of them hiding in the trees from Peppermint Twist. Going back to the game as Twist saw where they were and kicked the tree signaling they had been found both landed on the ground got a head start on running. The game continued until the bell Rang. The last class of the day was the one everypony hated. Math. And they had just begun doing the Times Tables. Cheerilee handed them all a work sheet. And once everyone sat down with one she turned to the class. "Ok Everypony, For the first 5 minutes work by yourself and solve as much as you can when I say so, You can ask your Neighbors around you for what they got and how they did it. When your done Go ahead and turn it in on my desk face down. There is a bo-" She stopped as Damocles Stood up and started to walk towards the table with the paper putting it face down. "Damos? what are you doing?" "Turning In my work... It was really simple... You can look at my answers and see if any are wrong But i can promise you, and would be willing to bet money that none are... Also making a problem a worded problem doesn't make it harder. it just gives useless context." He said as he sat down. Cheerilee Raised an eyebrow as she looked at the paper. "Well you didn't show your work..." She commented as she looked at the answers. Sighing she put it down. "Damos... Please tell your mother I need to see her." Damos flinched at that but nodded. "Seems you like you thought the tests where simple games..." "Life is nothing but a game and a series of math questions... specifically addition. When my father was alive he made sure I understood a few things... one of them was everything you do in life is just addition. Sometimes you add backwards sometimes you add the same thing over and over. Other times its adding the same thing backwards over and over." Damos said in response. "Was your father a mathematician?" Damos laughed slightly. "No no... He could make them seem really dumb... it was funny. now he was a Chemical Engineer. Science Was his life!" Damos said happily. Cheerilee nodded slowly. "As I was saying on the bottom of the paper is a bonus word question worth at least 3 of the questions. Damos... I ask that you don't just give the answers to your neighbors. Perhaps you could show them how you did it to help them." Cheerilee said before nodding her head. "Your five minutes starts now." Five minutes later "You can now ask your neighbors for help." Silver spoon tapped his desk to get his attention. "Yes?" Damos asked. "Can you show me how you did number 7?" she asked passing the paper to Damos. "Sure lets see. 32 times 12... Ok I can see why this one would be a little confusing but its really simple Break it down and do it number by number so instead of thinking of it at 32 times 12 first think of it as 2 times 2." He said. Blinking and raising an eye brow Silver spoon looked at him confused. "Trust me it will make sense in the end." He smiled at her shrugging her shoulders she nodded and wrote 4 underneath it. "Now draw a line under it. a long one." She did so. "Now in the same spot below the line where the 4 is put a 0. Now what is 3 times 2?" "Thats easy its 6." She responded. "Right, So put the 6 on the left of the 0 and you have what you would get when multiply 30 by 2." She blinked as her eyes went wide. "Now put a 0 in the same spot as before. and 2 times 1?" She wrote a 2 next to the 0. "And for the last line. put two 0s." "What why?" Silver asked confused. At this Point Cheerilee actually walked over to look at what was being said. "Because we are about to mutiply by the 10s to simplify it just drag the 0s to be next to each other. Miss Cheerilee will tell you if the answer you write is wrong or not trust me." Hesitantly she did so. "Now 3 times 1 is 3 so put that in front of the 0s. then add those numbers together. Doing the simplistic math her answer came out 384. She showed it to Cheerilee who looked at it with wide eyes and smiled nodding happily.. "That's exactly Right! Damos Can you do something like that for Division?" He nodded. " And what about dealing with Fractions and Decimals." He nodded again. "Would you mind helping the class with their math then acting as an assistant and a tutor?" "If they want my help they only need to ask." he said. Quickly as SIlver Spoon spread what she learned the rest of the class was getting to the questions easily and using the new method. Those around him only asked Damos for clarification if they were doing the process correctly or not. When they received a nod they smiled and went about continuing until everyone turned it in the bell ringing and everypony leaving the classroom leaving Damos and Cheerilee there by themselves. "Damos I do still want to talk to your mother... It seems you didn't take our testings seriously.... I want to know Why before I ask her though." "Honestly? I did it on purpose... I want to learn at a proper pace the history of this world... unfortunately we seem rather limited to equestria from the text books. And somethings don't make sense to me in regards to what I know." "I may not need to speak about taking the test again but If you can help me learn the techniques you use we can help accelerate young minds and make the next generation that much smarter." "I have no issues but I do have one stipulation." "And that would be?" "As I would be up late I may need to take a nap or two during class..." "Lunch time and Recess." "Recess and math after I do my bit to help them understand and move things faster along." "Deal." Cheerilee Said as Veil came in. "Damos? Your mother has sent me to pick you up. With permission from Princess Luna and Prince Damocles." She said with a roll of the eye." Veil stated. "Coolio.... Lets go." Damos said as got out and started walking with her out of the building. towards the home."Hows the bruises?" He asked her. "Better, hows the family jewels?" She said venomously. "Noted...Sorry." > Ranks and Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Damos and Veil walked Into the Training Field Luna hit Damos with magic returning him into Damocles. The Phantoms where all just sitting and talking until Veil Spoke up. "Attention On Deck!" Veil called out. Everyone Snapping to attention. As Damocles moved in front of them. Veil right by his side. "Fall In." Damocles ordered. "So its time for Promotions. I have a lot to say about Initiation Night... Some Great Some terrible. So let's start from the top." He Turned to Face Veil. "Thrall Veil Front and Center!" She marched to be at the forefront of the Group. "What would you rather to hear what you did wrong privately or have it aired out like dirty Laundry. Because if there is one thing my old homes military taught me. 'Shit Rolls down hill.' Eventually Someone will learn about it." "I would rather all of us know it sir, so that those behind me do not make the same mistake if they are put in charge of a mission, Sir." Veil said straight Faced. "Admirable... OK lets start with the First Screw up. You gathered Absolutely NO INTEL before initiating the Mission. You had a Wellspring of Knowledge about whats on the other side in the form of 2 princesses. One who has actually went their multiple times. Not to mention anyone else who might've been there. Say Spike Drake, or even Starlight Glimmer." He said. "Information Can mean the difference between Life and Death. Spike was Ready with a map and information for you guys had you simply ask him. He would've told you all that whats on the other side is similar to what I Was. with a map that that shows where you can go to get transportation. And what you need to do. The 2nd Blunder was trusting the people in an unknown environment. Always be wary of Civilians some will try to help you Others will Attempt to have you steered off course if not pose as a threat to begin with. And now for the biggest Blunder. You left someone behind." Damocles's Voice seethed with unbridled anger. "I understand that you have been Ingrained that the mission comes first. But the mission is and was not Do or Die. We are to Prevent That matter from ever Arising. You didn't need to defeat me or fight me. Just find a way to distract me long enough for all of you to escape. Never Leave someone behind do you understand me?" He turned and faced all of them. "From this point on we are going to be a family. If the end of the world comes, Through Fires and Damnation or High Waters and Salvation, we do whatever we can to keep each other alive. If we fail a mission we fail a mission. Yes it will look bad but where we fail, there is another group ready to act. I don't ever wanna hear we lost someone. Which Brings me to this point. From this moment On. The Phantoms will have a rather odd Motto, 'Phantoms Never Die, They just go Missing In Action.' From this point forward. As a Phantom your Military record will be so Fucking Red Taped only the top Royalties will get permission to look at them. That means Only Kings, Queens, Ruling princesses and The Dead will be the only ones allowed to know anything about what we are doing." Taking a breath to compose himself again he looked at Veil whose ears were splayed back. The only sign of emotion in her otherwise stoic look. "Now what I must commend you on. You kept the group focused and you easily set up what the purpose for each and everyone of your squad was capable of doing. With that In mind And per the normal situations Congratulations, You are now the Rank of Acolyte..." A visible rising Dark Aura Whips around Damocles as He extends his hoof out to Veil. " For you service and controlling the situation at the Fox's Den during the fight you have achieved this rank. You proved yourself as a capable leader when the chips are down, but you still have much to learn. Don't Disappoint me." Veil slowly Held Her hoof out and touch the extended hoof of Damocles. Suddenly the Aura of Darkness Stilled before moving to the connection point that was their hooves locking Veil's to his. The Darkness moved like ink across her coat and spreading slowly as panic and fear filled eyes. "Kids you must learn. The closer you get to the Light," Damocles Said as the darkness began to fully cover Veil leaving her eyes and chest for last. "The Darker your shadow will become." He said as suddenly the Darkness exploded off of her before recollecting onto her with a weapon holster and a Scythe. A black rose Growing in her shadow. "Congrats on your shadow Weapon. Now Fall in behind me." Damocles ordered as he pulled his hoof from the Newly Promoted Acolyte. The scythe itself seemed to glow with a white light that seemed to move. The same could be said for her holster and even her wings. "Next... Fall in, Virulent." The Thestral in question Stepped forward. "Same deal?" Virulent asked as he stepped up. "Yeah." "Whelp Dirty Laundry stinks so everyone will smell it eventually." He shrugged. "Very well. Virulent, you were Too Hot Headed. You didn't think about securing the area, And let you yourself be too exposed. That being said. You knew your Limit's or what were your predicted ones, and you surpassed them. When Pushed came to shove you became the backbone the team needed to hold me down for longer than a few moments. I mean You actually damn near broke a bone on the first hit that made contact." Virulent smirked at that. "The only thing holding you back is your own arrogance and anger. Some times attacking is not the best solution. But sometimes its the only solution. Learn when to pick your battles. Congratulations," Damocles became engulfed in Darkness again, "Vandal Virulent," He held out his hoof. Virulent smiled as he pressed his against Virulent. The Darkness Repeating the Process. Engulfing him until his eyes glowed Breaking the Darkness forcing it to reform, Instead of becoming a weapon like Veil the Darkness Seemed to seep into his entire body. And in a blink the darkness took to virulent like a second coating of skin the White light shifting around his body, Giving him a more demonic look. "Oh Luna... The strength I feel... The energy and Power!" Virulent eyes began to take on a paler look until Damocles knocked him on the head. Dispelling the Form with a an annoyed look. "S-sorry I got a bit drunk there didn't i." "Yeah. Go fall in behind me." Saluting Virulent left to join Veil. "Satin Fall in." Satin Approached. "Which do you want?" "I would like to address it in private sir. Along with a few questions if you don't mind." She said softly. Damocles rose his eyebrow at this but nodded slowly. "Then in your dedication to the mission and willingness to risk yourself for the sake of the mission in more than 1 way, I promote you to Acolyte. See me in my Quarters for the full details." He holds out his hoof encased in darkness. "Just breathe... It only looks scary." Nodding satin presses her hoof against his. Her eyes light for a brief moment as she opens her mouth. "I accept the terms." She says The darkness spreading from Damocles's Hoof suddenly stops. Her shadow however Lifts up slowly and stands with eyes of white looking at Veil. Behind the Shadow on one of the walls an Eye of Ouroboros Opens up. The shadow's Jaw begins to move and directly into everyone's mind who is near it A message is said. "You accept to bear a portion of his burden?"Keeping her hoof to Damocles Whose darkness has receded back to only his. She turns to face her shadow. "That is what I said... I wish to be able to Prove myself." The shadow turns its head towards Damocles. "Father of Shadows, King of Void, Lost Darkness, Do you agree to share your pains with this one who is young?" The snake spoke with a duality to its voice. The shadow looking and becoming more physically real with each second outside of the fact it has no shadow of itself. Damocles looks at Veil and Sighs. "I do not. Grant her a portion of what she would've received but I do not share my burdens with any of these." He says and the shadow pony nods slowly before lowering back into the ground the darkened life it had shoots up from the hooves of Satin and into Damocles who merely shudders. Damocles Turns towards Veil as the Eye Disappears. "Never Accept something you cannot handle. Ever." His glare hardened as he turned to address everyone else behind him. "How many of you now knowing that this is a thing want to do it?" nearly everyhoof including Princess Luna's went up. This made his anger rise and a snarl escape his lips. "Everyone Fall in. It's time to begin our Training." "Let me start off with something Simple NONE of you are ready to carry this burden. Because of something very fucking simple!" He stared into the eyes of his adoptive mother when he finished his sentence. "You are all Prey. Where I am from and even now I am still the APEX PREDATOR!" Wrenching his glare away from his mother to the recruits he continues. "To Be the Apex is to be the Top of the food chain. As in you will eat anything and everything. Your species is feared by all, and not even the gods of the Heavens or Devils of Tartarus will challenge your reign. When we move we leave nothing but destruction, Desolation, and the quiet silence of death and decay behind us. At the end of the day I am the final Villain you will all have to deal with. Do you understand?!" "Sir, Yes, Sir!" They shouted in unison. "WHAT?!" "SIR YES SIR!" "I CANT FUCKING HEAR YOU, YOU FUCKING SILVER SPOONED WEAK CHINNED DINNER MEALS! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" "SIR YES SIR!" Nodding with a smile. "Alright Everyone pick up a bow staff... We have a lot of work to do and we don't know how much longer till the next villain appears and start traveling." He said. "Also Heart Breaker? NO magic. And NO flying from the rest of you. Not for a while. So we go back to the basics." "Sir... we have already been through basic." Veil explained. This Made him grit his teeth. "THATS IT! I put in an order to the Empire to send me badasses and pillage hungry Murder machines but INSTEAD, All I got was you Cupcake COCK CLOWN and a side order of FUCK-Nuggets. I can tell at a glance at least 50% of you cock suckers, and the other 50% are cock suckers who have never been told to believe in themselves! I'm Gonna Shove my Hoof so HARD and FAST up your ASSHOLES it will trigger a Geological Event! You all Reek of Poverty, and Animal Abuse. Every breath you take is a stunning endorsement of Abortion. You Shitstains are a collective master piece of Failure, Your gonna end Cock gobbling and circle-clopping each other to exhaustion every night! You Signed up to get pounded by me and probably cried like little sissies when you realized I Don't have a thing for ponies! You're Sensitive ponies Cried so many Tears I could Float away on river of Douche Canoes. You glitter-toed, cock-wrangling, fairy-tinkle bag puff of fuck nuggets are gonna get you collective anal cavities stretched so far apart you'll think you're Pile-Drived By Ouroboros! I will reorganize the failure that is all your lives, I will FUCK-START your soul! I'll make you Mongoloid rock-chomping thunder cunts scream harder than your mothers after her fourth failed coat hanger abortion. I'm Gonna chop off your shriveled balls, Put'em where your eyes should be, Put a Sombrero on your head and Beat you Like a Pinata! Hell, I'll make you shit so many bricks, you'll put Mexicolt out of buisness. BUT FEAR NOT! Because in the Next Few Months, I will Turn you COCK MONARCHS into FUCK MASTERS OF GALACTIC DESTRUCTION! YOU WILL BECOME THE NEW SPARTANS OF THIS WORLD AND THE LAST TESTAMENT OF HUMAN STRENGTH!" Damocles Ranted in rage his eyes lighting with the fires of passion. In that Moment something stirred deep within the ponies standing across from him. Their eyes glowing with will as their shadows darkened. Their ears all flicked as if hearing a voice call out to them from the distance. "HOU HOU HOU!" They Chanted Each one Stomping Their Rear left hoof with each cry. A wicked grin appeared on Damocles Smile. Music Began to play as Damocles Kicked up a staff Grabbing it with his hoof before spinning it expertly around himself to grip it infront of him with both hooves. It horizontal to his body. "LETS Get down to business! To defeat our foes!" He began to walk them through the motions they would be using. "HOU!" They Called out as they replicated. "Did They Send weakness me When I Asked for Strength?" he called as the field began to change into a field with stone pillars into the sky with no 'Visible' Bottom. Damocles was using his staff to move about to each different stone pillar. As the Phantoms tried to replicate what he was doing with the shifting terrain they ended up falling to ground. Damocles shaking his head landed on the ground in front of all them shaking his head. "You're the Saddest Bunch I've Ever met. But you can bet before were Through," Damocles using his metal wings up righted them all shoving the staffs back into their hooves, "Somehow I'll Make a Man Out of you!" The scene changed as they appeared at an archery field With planks and apples. Grabbing a bow and 3 arrows using his front hoofs standing on his back legs. Stomping up on a plank launching 3 apples into the air firing the bow landing a hit on all 3 apples before they struck their targets. "Tranquil as a forest, But a fire Within!" The others attempted to repeat this usually either hitting an apple or hitting the target off center, Tender on the other hoof decided to try and use her magic to hold the apples in place for her arrows Which was met with a scowl from Damocles as he walked up to her. Smiling Sheepishly she let the apple fall from her grasp. The Next Scene showed Damocles Standing on a pillar of several rocks in the gorge blind-folded with with a bucket of water balanced on his head. The others all had several rocks. "Once you find your center," he began as each began to throw their rocks at him using the staff to block the rocks keeping the bucket of water balanced and maintaining his balance on the uneven rocks. "You are sure to win." One by one each of the other tried to repeat what Damocles did. Virulent swinging too hard causing the rocks to shift and fall from under him. Veil Jerking too much making the bucket fall, Tender Heart Getting knocked off. Satin getting the bucket knocked off as she knocked the rock under her towards Damocles dodging it as it struck Virulent who was laughing behind Damocles. "You're a spineless pale, Pathetic lot." Damocles said as he walked up picking up Satin. "And you haven't got a clue." The Scene changed to them being in a babble brook near Fluttershy's cottage Damocles Moving Rapidly to catch a fish in his mouth Holding it before spitting it back into the stream. The others trying to Replicate it Tender heart accidentally Grabbing Virulent's foot making him fall into the water as other missed or grabbed a stone. "Somehow I'll Make a man out of you." Scene Changed to the late at night in the training yard with Damocles, Starlight, Trixie, and Spike Firing mini fire works, small blasts of flames, or weakened magical blast from diffirent locations in mass amounts as the others tried to dodge. "I'm Never gonna catch my breath! Say goodbye to those who knew me." Veil said as she tripped and got pegged with an emerald fireball in flank. The scene changed again and Tenderheart was about to attempt to smash a slab of concrete. "Boy was I fool for cutting Gym." She said before near breaking her hoof on impact as her body shook from the tremor. In hoof to Hoof combat training Satin and Damocles were fighting until Damocles landed a Round house kick knocking her into a tree. Discord was pouring water on her and waving a towel. "This guy's gottem scared to death!" he sang with a glare at him. "Hope he doesn't see right through me." Veil said as discord helped her up to fight again. The scene changed again with them jumping over logs locked into place in a river in Everfree as the Sea Serpent Steven Magnet, made the waters near un-survivable. The Thestrals all had their wings tied to them as Damocles was doing backflips from log to log the others barely jumping across them only having enough room for a single hoof. "Now I realy wish that I knew how to swim!" Virulent sang as he nearly caused everyone else to fall into the waters. The scene changed again to the night as they were beginning Target Practice with some heavy Munitions "Be A Man!" they sang and chanted as they're shots missed by yards. "We Must be Swift as a Coursing River! With all the Force of a Great Typhoon!" Damocles sang as Discord decided to play a small prank on Tender Heart, making her aim go off by having the stand fall. Grabbing the Firework and holding it up it ended up blasting skywards before circling down and crashing into Trixie's Cart as she just walked out with more Fireworks. Right outside of Twilight's home. "With all strength of a Raging Fire, Mysterious as the Darkside of the moon." the scene changed again to the middle of the afternoon. Everyone was running with weighted armors and saddle bags Spike was riding Damocles who grabbed his attention and pointed out Satin falling behind. "Time is Racing Towards us." Damocles ran back to Satin Using the metal to strip the armor and saddle bags putting it on himself. "Till our Foes Arrive. Heed My every Order, And you Might Survive!" He sang as ran back ahead to the front of the pack. That night Damocles approached Satin and Tenderheart, with a pair of tickets. "Your Unsuited for, the Rage of war. So pack up, go home your through." He said pushing it into their hooves. "How Could I, Make a man out of you!"Damocles walked away to meet up wtih Starlight, Spike, Twilight and Rarity In Damocles's Lab. Luna watching from the window saw the two mares nod their heads as they tore the papers up and began training Hard in the Dead of night. "Be A Man." Discord sang as he watched over them. "We must be swift as a coursing River!" Satin declared as the two sparred. "With all the Force of a Great Typhoon!" Tenderheart Added, as they met each other blow for blow before healing themselves up and moving on to muscle building and Defining. "Be A Man." Discord Sang as he helped intensify it. At this point the rest of the group was waking up and watching the two Cheering them on. "With all the Strength of a Raging Fire!" Satin Sang as she started Climb the walls with weights she wore when running before going and making a strike at Tenderheart. "Mysterious as the Darkside of the Moon!" TenderHeart Sang as Her eyes pulsed with darkness for a moment as the two's movements got easier. Luna Landed before Damocles who had just walked outside and smiled nodding her head to the two. Damocles Looked on as the two were sparring in full gear before the both launched a cross punch and knocked eachothers helmets off to land directly infront of him. "Be A Man!" They all Sang. The scene Changed to a run in which Satin and Tender heart are leading the pack. "WE must be swift like a coursing River." the scene changes again to Veil sparring against Damocles using shadow weapons and skills before Fulling Knocking him back into a rock. "Be A Man!" Shaking off the dust Damocles gripped his jaw with a hoof before grinning violently. "With all the force of a Great Typhoon." The Scene changes back to the Everfree River with Virulent Jumping between the Posts Alternating the hoof non-stop between all of them. "Be a Man." The scene Changed to night as they were all dodging with great ease all the darts, Fireworks Flame Blast and magic Blast. "With all the Strength of a Raging Fire." The scene Changed to Tender heart Shattering 2 slabs of Concrete with her Fucking Face like it was nothing. Finally the scene changed to all 4 of them using their dark gifts to combat Damocles and successfully, Despite Discords Attempts to trip them up as 'Murphy's Law' Pinning and Detaining Damocles. "Mysterious as the Darkside of the moon!" Everyone stood at attention as Damocles in full Regalia Stood before them. "Congratulations Everyone. Over the Course of 5 Months, you have all become presentable and fitting Wardens for me. I have essentially completed Basic schooling. So Celebrations are in Order, Now you have the next few weeks off until we get assigned to something. Enjoy your time off. When you get back each of you, Good luck providing Of course, will get a shiny new set of armor. Now, Im going to go to sleep, Wake me up at you're own risk, just understand its not very healthy. If I need you Watch your shadow for a letter, you all know exactly what I mean." Damocles said as he shambled off to his room. In the Frozen Wastes of the North A dark Stallion surrounded by a perpetual vortex of Ice wind and cold looked at the army he created. "Yes... There we are. Everything is ready now to reclaim what is mine." The dark steed turned his head and the vortex shifted a break for his vision. Across the sky was an aurora that led the direction. "I am Coming for you." He said with a Dark Laugh. "My Crystals" > Lights! Camera! Audio! We are Live in 3...2...1! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You know Something... You're really weird Damocles." Starlight Said from her seat as she spun on her swivel chair. Spike and Damocles were busy messing with symbols and gems Carving them into it. The remains of a flash photography Camera around them. "Oh yeah?" He said offhandedly as he used a tentacle of his metal wing to move a gem over in front of her. "Please fill with mana. And how is that so?" Her horn lit up and the gem began to pulse till the carved symbol on it glowed faintly before fizzling out. "You go through a few months of training, you use dark arts and powers. Your nigh Immortal, coming from a place filled with more violence and hatred than what the Griffons are capable of and now your focusing on this pet project you have myself, Spike, and Trixie all apart of. What did you call it, Magitech?" Her voice was held with neither venom nor praise. as she spoke filled primarily with indifference. "The rune was off by a few points on the 2nd carving. You have terrible Calligraphy." She said with a hint of teasing. "Bah I am an tinkerer and a tactician I have no place in writing and documenting." Damocles said with annoyance as he shattered it over a pile of broken gems. "Thats another snack for you Spike." "Thanks, try this one I Think I have it now." Spike said as tossed it over to Starlight. "Which brings us to the next thing. You refuse to let Twilight come in and help you yet you pretty much begged me and starlight." "Let us not forget that you asked the Great and Powerful Trixie to help with your Tests!" Trixie explained. "And yet it seems your only intent to speak with us and indulge us in everyday pony things. But I will thank you for the accommodations after your.... Soilders, destroyed my cart." "It's not a big deal Trix, but Spike you need more time around guys, and Starlight You just have something about you I can't put. Its... attractive but in a different way." Damocles said as he stared carving the basic shape of the gems en masse and passing them to spike. " Spike please since yours actually work because Starlight put yours next to me." "Right no problem." "W-what?" Starlight's voice hitched. "Does the Prince fancy Trixie's best friend?" Trixie Teased. "What no... maybe, I haven't decided yet. I'm surprised mostly none of you have asked what this is for." Damocles responded evenly. "Well based of the evidence around us it seems like your trying to improve the cameras. To do what I don't know." "Allow to me explain then, Trixie you're going to love this by the way." That made her ears perk as he turned around and stepped away. "Take your average photo. Then animate it make it so all the movement and actions and sounds that were made during that moment. Could be seen and heard, and replayed even studied. Have it so can be seen by anyone anywhere who has access to it." "That doesn't sound possible." Starlight said with a furrowed brow. "Imagine being in one place in the world and talking in realtime to someone else in another part. Say from here To Neighpon. Or even From the Crystal empire to Canterlot. Imagine watching a Speech from Princess Celestia and being in the dragon lands as it happens. THAT IS WHAT I AM CREATING. I AM BRINING TELEVISION TO THE WORLD!!!" Damocles start laughing like a mad scientist. "While interesting, Trixie doesn't see how this would be good for her." Trixie said with disinterest. Damocles clicked his tongue as he got close to her putting a wing around her before whispering into her. "Imagine being payed to put on a show for every creature and using the illusion of Television to do many many different things. Putting on one the greatest Magic Shows you could ever Dream of. The First Entertainer of Television." He said her eyes widening. As she came to attention with a slight blush. "And you would, could Promise Trixie this spot?" He nodded to question. "Trixie is in." "Excellent." "So that's why you were looking up light transferring runes and echo runes. Magitech... Magical... Technology. Huh That's actually really clever!" Spike said with a smile. "You're damn right it is! Now lets get to work. On the receiver end." Damocles said. "Spike already covered that. and I filled his runes with mana and the spare energy supply. So I'm gonna head into to town to get some food. You want anything?" Starlight asked. "Oh I'll come to I should see if Twilight want's anything." Spike said. "I'm good Star, don't worry." Damocles said as he began putting things together slowly. "Huh... If you're sure Shade." Starlight said as she walked out the door with Trixie and Spike before Damocles stopped. "Wait what did you call me?" Damocles looked around and sighed to himself as he went back to work. Starting to hum as he did his work, A song his sister had played for him after a moment of time when his depression was at an all time high due to the betrayals. The song Increasing softly as the runes started work in tandem with each other and he thought about his time here. When he first got to Equestria. His first fight, the training. And now what he's doing. The tortured event of a false sister and lover appearing in the forefront of his memory. The song growing around him while looking at the reflective screen he putting into place for the projector. A false smile grew thinking about how everything seems to be falling into place as the projector started up without an issue. but only showed a black screen against the white of the room. Turning on the Camerune, as he called it began to auto focus and send its signal to the projector which shows a smiling Damocles. The boomrunes turned on with the Camerunes and sound began to play out of the makeshift speakers. The sound of the song. Nodding his head he shut everything off and began to tinker again with the boom and Camerunes to set up a control system. About an hour later a nervous Starlight came back with a rather, Smug Twilight and Calm Celestia. "Hey Star," Damocles's voice was jovial when saying her nickname. "Twilight." He said straight faced, "Aunt Celestia. To what do I owe the pleasure," He smiled happily at Celestia before turning his look to Twilight and dropping the smile, "Of this intrusion into my R&D area." "Hello Nephew, Twilight had just recently contacted-" "Spike told me what you were up to in here about Applying runes into something called Television. Which sounds like its some kind of weapon from your world. Which would make sense why you wouldn't want me around Because your using Dark Magic for it, and I would Stop you! Because No Pony Can resist the Corruption of Dark Magic and you were influencing poor Spike!" she ranted in an accusatory fashion. Both Starlight and Damocles sighed. "Do you mind explaining what you are making?" Celestia said Calmly. "I can show you rather explain. I figured out the common things already. I'll be dedicating the next month or so to developing armor for my team from it, and I'll need The element of Generosity's help." "Wait you got it working?" Starlight asked excited. "The basic form yes but remember we need to set up the movement functions, as well as extra zoom, recording, well every other function. Stay here for me please Starlight... Since Twilight seemed to run off my initial Star of the show." Damocles glared at Twilight as he finished. "Auntie, Twilight, If you would Follow me to my quarters." Damocles picked up the Projector and moved it with his guests to his room. Setting the project up. "Twilight since i Know you, Set up a Scrying spell and have it locked on to me." "Now Damocles, I hardly think that's necessary-" Celestia began only to be cut off when twilight made a Visible to show a screen of where Damocles was. Celestia Looked at Twilight with a sigh before smiling. "Very well. Go on Nephew." Damocles nodded as he walked away. "Twilight... What brought about this animosity, you have for him." Twilight smug look fell for a moment before she breathed Deeply. "It's... Well it's more the way his mind works. He knows he's using Dark Magic, he doesn't treat magic in general with respect. He knows he can't ... well for lack of Etiquette stop living permanently. And he acts with disregard towards those things. On top of it all, think of the world he came from Princess. He tried to kill himself 13 different ways out of sheer depression! He does anything primarily out of spite or to benefit himself. He just... He's worse than Tirek and Discord and is probably right up there with one who shall not be named!" Twilight cried out in frustration. "He doesn't look for peaceful ways to do things... He looks for the way that leaves a permanent reminder and will etch it into history. And it goes against everything I stand for and believe in. It's like we are using a Villain to fight worse Villains and he doesn't even feel guilty about it." "Twilight... Would like to know something He told Luna and I in private? When we inquired on why he was being so rough and hard on his Soilder's?" Twilight nodded her head. "He said 2 things. 'Hope for the best but always plan for the worst.' What is a worst case scenario to you?" Twilight mumbled something. Upon not getting a reaction Twilight sighed and said out loud. "Being sent back to magic Kindergarten." Her voice was morose and filled with sadness as she admitted it. "A reasonable thing for one such as you, but you never have to worry about that unless you wish to teach a class or two." Celestia said a with a giggle as she wrapped her wing around Twilight. "For Damocles, its seeing Innocent beings killed, Seeing Children grow up with parents, seeing Despair grow. He hates what you represent because its something he denies himself, out of a habit that was made from before he came here. Because what you represent is the worst kind of weapon anypony can bear to have." "What? I ... no that can't be right, I Represent friendship, and Peace. I'm the element of Magic." "Yes, you are. But you also Represent Hope for so many. Something he refuses to latch on to." "Hope? But how is that a weapon, and why?" "Because to him its a Poison. Hope, is something so small so powerful that it can give a single pony the strength to fight monsters. But just as easily its so fragile and small that if snuffed out, would completely destroy that pony's will to keep living. It Creates Despair, His fuel source. He hates Despair but he hates Hope more because of how easy it is to blow out and how hard it is to keep it going." Twilight stared with eyes of sorrow as she watched the scry of Damocles moving around "The 2nd thing he told us is something Very few ever came to understand when it comes to combat. 'History is written by the victors, So no one knows how many people end up without their family because of it.'" Damocles walked into the lab To see Trixie Talking animatedly to Starlight. "So because of Sparkle I don't get to be the primary entertainer?" Trixie Said as she turned to Damocles. "Trix, No one ever said that, Now if you and Star would teleport us out to the main field. I think we are going to enjoy putting on a show for my Aunt." Damocles said with a smirk Starlight catching the hint Ignited her magic making the 3 and their equipment appear in the center. "Ok take your positions in ladies. We are live in 3... 2... 1... Action." The Camerune and Boomrune came to life being held in place by Damocles's Metal wing. Suddenly the Projector in The bedroom turned on showing an image of Starlight and Trixie. "Behold and Be Amazed as the Great and Trixie Comes to you Live through the Magical advancements and Technological property by Prince Damocles and his wonderful capability of Magitech!" Trixie's voice was heard in double from the Scry spell and the speakers of the projector. Causing Twilight and Celestia's eyes to widen. "By using Magical runes infused with light traces of Mana and feeding the energies of them in a loop these 'Basic'"- Starlight air quoted while Speaking -"devices were made and as of right now have an indeterminable Span of energy use, The Camerune and Boomrune as our Prince of Darkness calls them, are both designed to capture the image like a camera and sound like a recorder, combining and 'streaming' them in real time to all receivers set on the same 'frequency.' Designed to help spread the flow of information-" "And Entertainment!" Trixie quickly added. "These will eventually be able to be used to record 'videos' of anything from your local sports to Lectures for classes, and Military training so when set to the 'MVR' or Magical Video Recording setting you can watch on repeat with the ability to fast forward to move the image and time faster in the video, Rewind to go back and watch or hear something again, and Pause so you can essentially freeze the video during any moment of the video to allow for short breaks to the restroom or to go and get snacks. While you can see us, we cannot see you." "Like wise anything that happens here won't physically affect you, and Vice Versa." Trixie added. The camerune panned to look at Damocles Smug face. "That satisfy you Sparkle. And with your permission Auntie, I'd Like to produce more of this. Please tell us your response in person as like explained prior we cannot see or hear your. With that done, catch us next time on The 'Damocles is smarter than your average Librarian' Channel." With that Damocles held up a Childishly drawn image of Him with lots green and positive imagery, while a Twilight looking drawing had her eyes as one Giant and Long side ways 'X' and sticking out her tongue in red. The image Covered up the Camerune with Trixie's laughter and The Failed attempts of Hiding a Snickering from Starlight. The Screen then faded to black. Twilight's eye was twitching as her spell was long dismissed. Celestia smiled and nuzzled Twilight. "You have to admit you had that one coming, Twilight. Now lets go see him." "I Don't like it." Twilight said. "But you're right... " the Two walked together into the Lab where Damocles was cutting up the basic structure of the runes again. "For the record Damocles I approve. But I get the feeling this has more applications than sheer information spreading. with out you needing to explain anything further on it I'll go ahead and give you the approval on that as well. But please for your mother's Sake do be careful." Celestia said sweetly. "Now I'll have to go for now so I'll leave you to you're toys. Damocles play nice with Twilight and Do me a favor Never make those Stone Masks... It's bad enough there are some Vampony's out there." Celestia muttered before walking away. "Eh atleast there isn't a Wyrm God trying to get them to move about to bring the end of the world." Damocles waived his hoof. "Bye Auntie, tell cousin Blue I'll be by next weekend for that party with my new toys if he would allow them~!" "It Baffles me how you can enjoy being around him." Twilight said. "So How can I help you..." That made Trixie Do a Spit Take coating Starlight. Damocles sighed and put the gem down before turning around and facing Twilight a neutral expression across his features but a cold intensity in his eyes. "Twilight Sparkle, Personal student of Princess Celestia, The Element of Magic, Princess of Friendship, More than likely the Next Heir to Equestria. You are Peaceful relations Incarnate. Talking someone down, Understanding taking time to apply booksmarts to commonsense situation." He listed off before pointing at himself with a hoof. "Damocles Meteora, Death Denied, Fallen Light, Prince of Void, Adoptive Son of Princess Luna. I am War, combat, cunning and Violence. I apply street smarts and Wit. When Peace Fails I Move in make it Succeed with Extreme Prejudice. Thankfully Equestria has not needed it that much until the most recent years. Nightmare Moon, Subdued the Royal Guard AFTER Abducting the Princess Celestia and Rendered the rest in Chaos, until you Pacified, Purified, and Saved Princess Luna from Corrupted Darkness. Discord, rendered the Elements of Harmony Useless by hiding and affecting their bearers and Bending the laws of reality more than what PInkie Pie would do if she was on Speed, PCP and Crack." He puased holding up a Hoof which was met with a Lions Paw appearing from nowhere for a brohoof then just as quickly Disappearing. "The riddle was ridiculously easy B. T. Dubs. I mean, 'Twists and Turns are my Master Plan, Then Find the Elements back where you began' You first found out about the Elements of Harmony in a book, and he broadcast that he would screw you guys over if you walked into the Maze of twist and turns, where he would Twist your minds and Turn you against each other. Sombra HONESTLY just got lucky on." Damocles Paused as he violently shivered. Blinking slightly before shaking his head. "Tirek you only barely defeated due to a few reasons, but lost in more ways than won." Twilight was grinding her teeth trying to keep her cool as Starlight and Trixie Both watched Wide-eyed. "Oh? Is that So?" Twilight's voice was Strained to remain Calm. "And how is that?" "1, You were only able to meet him on equal terms in case of Combat, because you had waited to fight him after he and you both became full power. If you had Fought him sooner, and used something as simple as a Scrying spell from his time with Fluttershy, as you know both exchanged gifts. you would've found him and dealt with him and Discord with out any issues. 2, just as easily as he was at manipulating magic you had no real way to see if your friends were really your friends if it was me They would've been an illusion and you would've given up your powers for nothing. 3. The Tree of Harmony was hidden from him as an unknown element. The elements of harmony in general where not used to capture and defeat him. Surprise beat him there. 4. There was an easy way to go about fighting him. We know its possible to drain magic, we know its possible to give magic and return magic back to its normal hosts. With that Knowledge twilight, what could you have engineered to stop him. That no one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE thought to consider." His voice rose in annoyance as he asked his Question. Twilight taking a deep breath before muttering slowly came to the realization dropping to her haunches as her eyes widened. "Looks like someone deserves a cookie." "I could've created a magic Draining Spell... and just drained everything out him when he didn't know where I was.." Damocles Clapped his hoofs together slowly. "You catching on now? I already have the basic information I need Twilight, I can work around the rest of it myself." Twilight's wings sagged. "That's not to say that it might go faster if you help with the second part of this project. Making this basic rune network was just a test. Now that I know this can work, I'm gonna start making a special set of armor using it. A weapon unparalleled in terms of Defense and Offense. If you want to help me prove that you won't be a burden and let spike come help carve the gems. We have work to do." Damocles said turning around. "A Dark Gale is Blowing from the North, and I want to be ready for it." Twilight wordlessly walked forward after teleporting Spike in. Trixie and Starlight both stepped up to help where they could. > Dance with the Devil in the Pale Moon Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Blood Moved about the Party with all the ease of his practice times. His Injuries having fully healed and having fulfilled his duty of Apologizing to every Mare he insulted, Decided to enjoy the time he had mingling and making sure everything was well. His Cousin, Damocles had requested to debut a few of his toys Approved by his Mother and Auntie Celestia. "So tell me Blue Blood. How is your pride after the recent events caused by that new prince?" A larger Portly stallion had asked with a rather smug grin. "Hmm I would say they are doing well, at least better than your endeavors in the name of honor, Remind me how many Mares have left your herd? 3... 4?" This caused several of the mares and Stallions nearby to have started snickering at the Stallion who had challenged him. The fine battlefield of the Social Elite was by no manner whatsoever easier than one of true war. "And Yet You choose not to have a herd, or a Significant other. I wonder is that because you see so few as worthy, or is that among the burdens to your duty." A new voice spoke from outside the circle. One that Immediately drew Blue Blood attention. So few of the Canterlot elites would dare challenge his loyalties to the crown after all. What stood before him were 2 ponies. One with a Pristine white coat that could mirror His own, the mane however was that seemed to drink in the light from the several sources not reflecting anything however was done in such a way that you knew it was well taken care of. The coat and cloak which he wore were a rich velvet red with shimmer that made it seem like liquid metal, where Blue Blood held his Signature Red Rose, a Blue Rose adorned his challenger. However adorned his face was an ominous Obsidian like mask that seemed to have ruby inlays as the came to the sharp point and sapphire tertiary seemingly guiding the eyes. The ruby seemed to almost pulse with magic. As the Smile gave away who the challenger was because of the large Fangs that glistened in the night. The Mare to his side had a Lilac color coat with purple and teal mane, that was done up so the bangs would accent her horn. Her outfit consisted of a Sea foam glittering green, that cascaded down her form to end in amethyst gems, while sky blue satin sitting atop the dress with ruffles. She however was not. "Cousin Damocles." Blue Blood smiled, "I'm so glad you could come, Did Auntie Luna, pick that outfit for you?" "As much to both of our dismay, yours more than mine, No. It was made by Rarity Belle as an Example for her new line for us more nocturnal Denizens of Equestria, The Alucard Line. This one in particular Is designed after with added Flairs from both She and I in regards to a famous King from my homeland, Vladimir Tepes III." "I see, Her craftsmanship is as stunning as always, I regret the way I acted in regards to her. But in response to your Question, you should know more about the Burdens of Duty than most, After all you have been busy training your wardens for combat, to only respond to this party Invitation." Blue Blood stated coolly. "Hmm I wonder about that. Oh before I forget, Blue Blood. Let me introduce my date for the Evening." Damocles said Gesturing to the mare to left. "This is Starlight Glimmer, Student of the Element of Magic." Glimmer Smiled and offered a hoof which Blue Blood quickly took and kissed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Your highness." Starlight said smiling with a slight bow. "Please now Ms. Glimmer, If my cousin has seen fit to invite you, then you have no reason to call me as such. Now Damocles I was told by Auntie Celestia you had some toys to show off. Several of which will revolutionize entertainment?" "Quite So, But for now Let us continue to enjoy ourselves the Stage is not set quite yet." Damocles explained."I think it's time I get more used the Upper crust of my... New Home." He gave smile but many could tell it was strained. The first one to speak this time was a thin mare, with a yellow coat and Blue hair done up looking like the mother of the Bride from Corpse Bride. "So we have seen some of those changes to the Royal Guards armors, The addition of Chain mail and such other such pieces of Equipment. Tell us Damocles, while you have strengthened the defense will you strengthen the offense of our military? For the Record I am Lady Quill." she said smiling. "Well Lady Quill, I think you misunderstand the purpose of the changes I made. They are not for Defense. They are for making sure our troops come home alive, Defense is all well and good but to survive is something completely different. That's all I ever do when it comes to improving our soldier's equipment. The armors they wear are to make sure they survive and come home in as much of one piece as possible. to their family and friends. As for strengthening the offense? You make it sound like I want Equestria to rule the world." "Hmm don't you? You are after all a crowned prince like our gracious host." The portly stallion commented. "Or are nobles from you're old home lacking in vision." Damocles could smiled softly as he looked up at the shimmering moon. "Lacking in vision? perhaps, but I would rather a Noble lacking in Vision to one with Delusions Of Grandeur my good sir. After All Lord Ink Well, We Barbarians, are very well versed in the Art of Subjugation and Domination and all the conflicts that it causes." Damocles let the smile fall from his face as he addressed the portly stallion, that made a 2nd attempt on humiliating him. " We have learned from our pride instead desire something more manageable maintaining balance through peace, silver tongues, heavy pockets, and the occasional flex of power. But of course a Noble who spends most of his time behind his desk instead of being active in the wilds of any land is sure to believe that they can do better." "And whose to say we can't do better." A mare spoke up who had a sun yellow coat, and orange mane. "As you said, silver tongues and Heavy pockets seem to have a higher performance than the occasional flex of power." "Yes this is true but between different cultures the same phrase may have 2 or 3 very different meanings. For example here a silver tongue stallion is one who can be very persuasive. In another country it could mean that they are naught but a liar." "And what of one who hides behind a mask as yourself, this was not a Masquerade after all." Lady quill commented on. Starlight saw this as her point to step into the conversation. "That comes from a saying from his culture." She began using her magic to take up a glass of Chardonnay from a passing servers tray. "We all Were Masks, But which is the real mask? The Mask that Hides our face?" "Or the Mask that Is our Face, either way, to determine the truth one needs only to gaze into the deepest parts of the Eyes." Damocles stated. "For the Eyes are the Gateway to the soul." Fancy Pants said as he approached from the side. Joining the group. "So some sayings are the same regardless where you come from." "Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis. A pleasure to see you both again." Damocles said with soft bow. Before righting himself. A sudden thought physically showed upon Damocles's Features as A letter appeared from White and Black fire before Damocles. "Hmm oh my." Damocles Exclaimed as he read the letter. "Some one sent a message through our Bale fire system? But that doesn't make sense no one should be at the Dojo tonight." Starlight said worried. "Blue Blood, could call the nearest Royal guard here please?" He nodded before calling one over. "What is wrong Damocles?" Starlight asked concern. "Your Highness you requested a guard?" A Pegasus Day guard in his golden Armor and white coat saluted. Damocles. "Yes yes.. I like to report something stolen. Or rather something going to be stolen." A wicked fang smile appeared upon his face. "Put the Royal Palace on High Alert, for Some pony is going to attempt to steal Princess Celestia's Crown this night and bring it to Discord at Pony Joe's Shop at precisely 1:04 this night." Damocles said as he presented a letter signed by Lupin's Shadow. "Yes you're Highness." The guard quickly flew off. Blue blood who was reading the note drew a scowl. "'Dear Chief Replacement, I give you this warning through the new Prince to inform you that I Shall steal Princess Celestia's Crown. I tell you this because there is not a thing you could do about it. I'll even tell you where it shall appear and to whose claws its going into. At Precisely 1:04 Am this Night I shall deliver it to Discord, Lord of Chaos. You have until then to stop me if you can find me. But beware the closer you get to light The darker your shadow becomes, So chase and chase these Shadows Away, can you catch them all? I think not for no pony ever caught me the first time. Sincerely Lupin's Shadow Cousin should we not Leave to watch over this and prevent this insult to crown from happening?" "Watch over yes, But we don't need to leave for that. Starlight?" Damocles smiled as her horn ignited with magic and a signal was launched. "If everyone would follow me please, it's time for tonight's Entertainment to begin." Damocles lead the group of nobles inside to an Auditorium where Tender Heart and Trixie where waiting with glittering sleek dresses that clung to their form. "If my lords would take their seats, the show can begin in just a moment." Tender Heart said. The nobles intrigued and confused about the situation all took their seats. "For those weak of heart, and expecting mothers, please be warned that levels of excitement for the show are to increase. So please practice Caution, while a nurse is on staff and ready in case of any emergency, Please be advised I am but one Mare." "Withe the warning out of the way, Prepare to be amazed as we introduce the first of the Toys our Prince Damocles has made. One of which there is a gift to our fair Prince Blue Blood." With that Trixie's Horn lit up and large screen appeared as Starlight Pushed forward a small cart with something on it. Several speakers all turned on as Trixie turned on the device on the cart and black box appeared on the screen. "Huh?" Trixie began to fiddle with the device when a voice is heard. "Trixie is everything ok? I don't hear the gasping of the crowd." Damocles's voice was heard which then made everyone look around looking for the source. "Trixie seems to be having some Difficulties. It doesn't seem to be working" "Did you click Live then Power?" "Oh wait. Trixie is on Video 2." She said as she fiddled with it. "No Dear, It's Video 1." Suddenly an image of Damocles mask an all appeared on the screen. The interaction created some laughter and Trixie walked back to her spot pouting and blushing from the indignation. "So he created a large scale slide show projector?" Lord Inkwell stated sarcastically. "My dear, Lord Inkwell If i Created something as simple as that You're fascination over it would show that small things do then, amuse small minds." Damocles's image moved in tandem with the words with a bow. Now this drew a gasp and shocked some of them. "There's the reaction I was hoping for." "What kind of magic is this?" Fancy Pants asked his voice seemingly impressed. "The magic of Technology." Damocles replied. "the device you see before you is a prototype to be used for any major events so our princesses can speak to cities and give them speeches in times of crisis instead of having to send a runner with a message, or arriving themselves, Saving time and streaming information as fast as possible. The image is captured by a special type of device that I call, a Ca Me Rune." The images on the screen panned to another part of the scenery where another was to fully encompass it. "With the use of magic runes, and your modern day technology, I've created these and their sister device as the two work in tandem with another the Boom rune. The camerune captures the images based on the light particles in a UV, or Ultra violet spectrum, translation for those lesser learned of advanced sciences and magics, a frequency of beams created by the sun that lets us perceive color, and sends those images to a device that receives and replicates the image like if one took a photograph in real time. These images and streams of images can be recorded and played back at another time, so its not just real time events but past events, This can help athletes find mistakes they made and work to correct them, Help spread the flow of information and keep everyone updated, as well as have entertainment saved on here and played back at any time. The Boom Rune is what picks up the sound like your average microphone and Magically/wireless transmits the data to a speakerphone and play it back. Please note that these are early developments for this. Now before anyone goes thinking this is a trick of the eyes. Lady Fleur, Would you Join me out here for a moment?" Fleur smiled and got up following Starlight out of the room as the scene changed to the entrance where Starlight and Fleur walked to meet Damocles. Who gave him a quick hug. Damocles smiled and starlight used her magic to bring a plate of cooked asparagus to Fleur. "Would you please take this back to Fancy? The asparagus is simply divine." Nodding she took it and walked back the camerune following her as she catwalked up until the doors which opened into the auditorium where the nobles all looked to see her holding a plate of Asparagus taking it Fancy as she sat down. "Now thats the first of 4 devices of Magitech. Now let us move onto my current pride and Joy." He smiled. "Phantoms Fall in." 3 full plated suits of armor covering wings and having horns made off Gemstone approached from the shadows. Each one seemed to appear only slightly larger than normal Ponies in armors height and size. Each one had dark trims to lighter colors and it seems almost customized styling. Wheels were made into the hooves yet they walked with professional grace. each one also had something similar to the design of the long ranged projectile weapon mounted on wings or back. With blades along there legs, and wings. "Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you the Newest Armor system, in a combination of Magitech, Biotech, and sheer Unadulterated Drive, I give you the Shadow Sky Systems. This is the Armor for only the Elite few. Each one is unique with their capabilities and Individual... Shall we say Personalities. A unique function with this armor is that it nearly alive, and learning. To explain what I mean allow me to give you the Definition of something call a symbiote. An organism in a partnership with another such that each profits from their being together; a symbiont." The armors all opened up and out of them walked Virulent, Veil, and Satin. "Each of the Phantom corp gets one, And each one has an Individual name from my homeland." Veil Stepped Beside hers "Acolyte Veil and Galahad Reporting for duty Sir." Veil said before stepping into armor and it beeped and shifted to completely cover her form. The slitted Eye panels on it seemed to glow Amber. The Camerune shifted to Virulent. "Vandal Virulent and Bedivere Report for duty Sir." Virulent said before he became shifted in the armor around him covering him completely as it released its Exhaust steam and the eyes glow scarlet. "Acolyte Satin and Gawain Reporting for duty Sir." Satin said as she her armor shifted around her. the Eyes lighting up like a sunset yellow before it beeped happily. "Phantoms What is our Moto?" Damocles asked of them as he turned to face the camerune. "Phantoms Never Die! Only Go Missing In Action." The three Replied. "Now I could Go into detail about all these things can do. Instead I'll show you. After all we are approaching Midnight are we not Discord?" The screen displaying Damocles suddenly cut in half compressing the image without distorting it one half, as on the other half of the screen appeared Discord at Pony Joe's with Spike and Big Mac. "Right you are My boy, and can i just say that Pony Joe's donuts are some of the best, You cant get jelly filled Donuts better than here anywhere, even in the Chaos Zone I've been allowed." Discord said "Eeyup." Big mac Commented as he ate one. Discord's Screen disappeared focused back on the Knights and Damocles." "Now then the 3 of you have your mission. Security has been put to high, Go show the Nobles of Canterlot what I've been training you." "Yes, Your highness!" The 3 replied before they turned around and began moving at high Speeds. "Well that's enough of me I think for now. Lets see how they do from their own perspectives." Damocles stated. Before the Screen went black and 3 scenes appeared. At the top left of the 3 images were the written names of each of the Armors as Heads up display appeared. The roof tops of Canterlot passing by as all three were focused on at different Angles of Canterlot Castle. Damocles smiled as he approached the audience in person this time. "Now who here is still willing to Dance with this devil in the Pale Moonlight." > Phantom Thieves and Knights of Light - Lupin's Brief Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gawain flew low beneath the Rooftops avoiding the patrols of the night guard, as Bedivere took advantage of the waterways propelling himself underwater against the small currents. Galahad Went through the crystal Caverns beneath Canterlot. "Damocles was not joking around when he said he would make sure they were on high security." Gawain Stated. "That marks the 5th patrol in this sector." "Meaning the lull should start proceed along the walls, Avoid the windows and keep on sound supression" Galahad ordered. "Bedivere how are the water ways?" She asked as sped through the streets weaving between the lights appearing faded as if a wind. "The fact that I can breathe and talk is amazing, the fact that they have been constantly scanning the waters says something else. Im at my Starting point, do you all need some assistance?" Bedivere said as his vision slowly went above the waters surface before jumping out and landing in the inside of the Botanical water garden near some boulders. "Confirmed at access point delta, Spotted 2 gaurds, Dawn guards." Gawain commented. Her Hud altered from looking at things normally to a lightened green vision and finally to a mostly blue vision that showed the bodies of the ponies with reds yellow and oranges. "Huh... so this is how dragons see.. Guard paths are seen. Will Breach in t-minus 35" " Confirmed Approaching the Sparkle household residence for the Magiskip. Timers synced. Bedivere on Gawain's Mark Initiate decoy Gamma. Sync." "Affirmative. t-minus 20 seconds sync." Bedivere commented. everything was still for all three as Galahads vision switched to mana registry, and a large portion of residual magic was shown near the Home nearby of one Twilight Sparkles Parents. Her hud Showed a gauge that began to fill up as she tapped a Gem rune on her gauntlet. Along with timers on everyone's appearing that was counting down. The movements of the guards on Gawains screen showed they were following the highlighted path. "5...4...3...2...1...MARK." Gawain said as on everyone elses screen a Giant Red Flare which was even able to seen by the nobles at the Party through the windows was released from bedivere Drawing the immediate attention of all guards and causing them to move enmasse to the source. Gawain at this point Had jumped through an open window landing silently on the floors Spread rugs. She was obviously near the Reception hall for day and night court. Galahads gauge had reached full and she sprinted into the the mass of the magic residue from years of teleporting and a flash of light ended with her landing in Twilight Sparkles Canterlot laboratory. Bedivere on the other hand was to run distraction from this point on and Literally Forced his way through the Stone castles outer wall into the courtyard where the royal guard trains daily Flicking his fetlocks to reveal a small Dull dagger that pulsed with electricity and another one that had some kind of tubed ending. "Hey boss not trying to undermine you but are you sure that this thing is going to work?" Bedivere asked as he looked over the device a quick display of what it was as it became highlighted by Sections on his visor appeared. parts were labelled barrel, ammo chamber, clip and a number followed by an X and the word, Stun Ammunition The overall device was called the Anti-Magic Tech Blaster. Damocles who had since removed his mask and had on some kind of headset. "No promises it could end up malfunctioning and exploding on your arm and severely injuring you." he responded. "WAIT WHAT?" Bedivere Cried on in fear before a bright light was shown onto him. "Intruder Halt! Get on the ground and put your hooves behind your head." A random guard declared. "Ready now Bedivere? Just like you rehearsed." Damocles ordered. "I am the Phantom Thief Bedivere The Vandal. Shadow of Lupin! Approach me if you dare, But I shall not Hold back. For Lupins Only Rule is To always Succeed in as Flashy a way as possible." He said as the True Hud came up with numbers and names at the top of the screen. Armor Integrity, Spell Shield Integrity, Effeciency driver, Power reserve. A flash came on the screen as the armor physically shifted. 'ENGAGING NON LETHAL COMBAT MODE DEVICE DRIVER AUTHORIZATION NEEDED IF APPROVED STATE THE FOLLOWING' Flashed across his screen until a new phrase began. Bedivere laughed a loud towards the guards. "Open the Gates of Tartarus and Let my Soul Bathe in this worlds light as I stand against those who escape their Punishment. I am the Phantom Thief Lupin Shadow!" Suddenly on Bediveres screen the guards were outlined in red with warnings coming up on several unicorns. His Fight began as he dashed towards the charging group of guards before flipping through the air to avoid a stun spell Striking a Pegasus guard on wing with the Dagger Everyone saw in that moment the Pegasus grow stiff from the electrical discharge before falling unconscious into an earth pony. A warning Flashed on his screen in small box with an arrow pointing towards his left before using the wings to propel himself to the right avoiding a spear falling down on him. Dashing through the fight spinning, kicking, Slashing with electricity he slowly began to whittle the numbers down. Before he was struck with a spell. The Number which was showing 100% by the Spell Shield Integrity flashed red and dropped to 87% Just before an earth pony guard rushed him and bucked him in the side The Armor integrity flashed red and dropped down to 79% and a notification appeared. 'Stand on rear Legs and cross fore limbs as an X infront of self to project active Defensive shield. Note: Active Sheild Drains Power Faster depending on the force it is stricken with.' "Bedivere Gawain and I have rendezvoused at the Dining rooms. And are on our way to Point 3. How much longer are you going to be?" "There is a lot of ponies and only one of me! GIVE ME A DAMN MINUTE." He said as he unloaded several rounds of the weapon for the first time into a single Unicorn who had erected a barrier around himself The rounds pierced the barrier as if it was paper before striking the stallion making him fall like a sack of rocks. Engaging the Highspeed combat he struck down another 3 earthponies before needing to twist and ready the shield for an empowered strike from an accellerated pegasus. A wonderbolt with fiery red mane. the power which was steadily dropping the entirety of the night showed at first 72% with the strike itself it dropped to 50%, but Armor Remained intact. Taking advantage of the position Bedivere grabbed the Wonderbolt and twisted throwing her into two other ponies before shooting down two more and a unicorn. Moving and Striking, Dodging and shielding. In that moment he was the embodiment of a Blitzkreig. He was Lightning given form. The nobles cheered for him and he could hear it. and feel himself Smile widely. "Bedivere, we are at rendezvous location point 3 its time to trade off. Do you have an opening?" Gawain asked. taking a moment to asses the battlefield he could hear more enemies were on the way but he saw a way out. The same way he came in. "Affirmative I'll be coming in through the Same route you did Gawain." A map of the city appeared on his lower left HUD as a highlighted path appeared. Stopping to take a Bow. "This evening has been fun my friends but its Time I bid you Adieu." He said to the Guards before the wheels dropped the weapons switched out and thrusters engaged. Speeding through the hole before diving into the waterway. the Guards gave chase but quickly lost him. Taking the suggested routes through Canterlot. He arrived at point 3 where Gawain and Galahad were waiting. "The combat mode is absolutely insane... These things are amazing." "Ofcourse they are. I designed them to be able to fight me but the one I plan on making for myself... Is not one you will be able to handle. The Mordred Designed to end wars. But first I need to make sure Equestrias finest are properly outfitted. Proceed to the next phase." "Thats my Cue.. gawain you take point. Bedivere you apply support The heat is high so lets turn it up even further. The day guard has been broken so the night guard is probably going to come out fully swinging. Everyone activate high sonar shielding. Im heading to my objective and will ping when to begin." Galahad ordered as she went to the night court. Knocking out the two guards standing by. Luna was not there tonight as she was busy doing her duty in the dream world in her chambers. There Several panels flipped over to like that of the speakers on her armor. tapping her hoof 3 times as a notice came up. 'Screech Resonance ready Proceed to highlighted for maximum echo and efficiency.' The notice dis appeared as a circle and floating arrow appeard about 4 steps to her left. Positioning herself she took a deep breath before letting out a high Frequency and pitch Scream. In that moment Bedivere and Gawain began their movement as the majority of the night guard Appeared through the shattered windows of the court room. Captain Dusk Blade among them with Red eyes as well as several Zodiacs. The Armor shifted into a form similar to Virulent's Bedivere's Stance but instead of a dagger with lightning was a split dagger similar to a Tuning Fork and a Loud Speaker on the other. Calmly she spoke. "I am the Phantom Thief Galahad, The Acolyte. Shadow of Lupin. Kneel or flee but all will fall to this Banshee's Wail For Lupin's only rule is to succeed in as loud a way as possible." She said Calmly before aiming the speaker phone. "Open the Gates of Tartarus and Let my Soul Bathe in this worlds light as I stand against those who escape their Punishment. I am the Phantom Thief Lupin Shadow!" "Kill her!" Dusk blade Screeched They charged and she fired a silent sound wave. Causing most of those who took the brunt of it fell unconscious to the blast while other crashed disorientated. As one of the Zodiacs Approached her she swung the tuning fork and struck the not the blade but of wrist of Libra's Hammer. His attack stopped in full Dead in its tracks. Before the armor around the wrist began to hum and resonate louder and louder before shattering violently making him drop the hammer away from Her. Striking Quikcly at his chest while he had a dumbfounded look over what just happened. on her hud it showed a small map with Bedivere and Gawain approaching the final objective point. At the vault. "Input access Comand... Soundquake, Password Banshee's Wail." She said after firing 3 more sonic blast knocking the guards unconscious as she defended her position with the dagger. Suddenly her weapons retracted Her fore hooves had drills as her rear hooves locked her into place. as panels dropped bolted her tothe floor. "really? Ugh... Let the beat... Drop." Suddenly soundwaves flowed outwards from her shattering the floor around her with zero noise pollution. But the bats where being blasted against the walls and becoming unconscious she continued the assault for a total of 10 seconds before the sound pressure stopped and they all dropped to the floor. "Gawain, Bedivere Night guards and Zodiacs are incapacitated. Proceeding to the Vault." "Already there Galahad, Gawain is opening her up just now." Bedivere said as he watched the runes on Gawain's Left foreleg rotate constantly to find the correct sequence until it lit up green and pulsed. Opening the vault slowly. "Scanning for the treasure." Gawain stated as her optics changed constantly to scanning. "That's... that can't be right. Galahad... it's not here. Not even the formal one..." Gawain said as she walked through slowly. before turning around. "No its not here... That means its at location B. Time on the clock is 0045 We need to move to keep the deadline." "She's right. All Units adjust all power to coms combat, and movement prioritize." Galahad ordered. "Confirmed" They responded before all 3 began their movements towards the Royal bed chambers. Gawain freezing the guards in place literally before they could react and opening the doors slowly. to the personal living area of the Princess. There on two pedestals just by the door to her personal bed chambers were the Crowns. Galahad nodding to Gawain she approached slowly switching through all optics to see for any traps or anything nothing was detected. Slowly she began to reach for it. Just before she grabbed it however. Damocles froze along with the others who had his 'gift'. A scream, A cry for help and a dark feeling that made the active thiefs all shudder. "All Units... The training Exercise is hereby cancelled. Tender... Get deployed to the cancel and initiate sequence Curaga... on all guards..." Damocles began. "S-sir... what was that?" Veil said. "Something, Ancient... something corrupted and something calling for help.... This is an order. All Phantoms we are entering Shadow Fall level 3 Whichever of you has the most balls go wake Celestia, The other go get my mother. Everyone else move to get the guard in high gear we need to go YESTERDAY! THIS IS NOT A DRILL SO GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR OR SO HELP ME YOU WILL WISH YOU NEVER MET ME Because if ANYTHING happens to my ADORABLE NIECE YOU WILL ALL FEAR ME OVER YOUR WORST FUCKING NIGHTMARES!" Damocles ordered before shutting off the visuals. "Cousin BlueBlood. Get to Canterlot Castle Assume control until we get back... Sombra is back... and he has violated several ancient laws." Darkness whipped from Damocles. "Starlight... get Trixie to her room then get back here with Twilight spike and the elements of harmony." "Trixie will not leave you behind... She is coming with!" She said stomping her hoof. "I'll call my unit now." Tenderhoof said as she ignited her horn after walking outside. Damocles however just disappeared as shadows engulfed him. "W-what just happened?" Fleur asked confused. "Damocles said... Sombra is back but how?" Fancy commented. > Sanctuary | A beating Heart, A Bleeding Heart. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the Train rushed in the Blizzard and snow. The princesses the Elements of Harmony, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, and the Phantoms where in the first train cart Watching Damocles. "Damocles are you sure?" Celestia asked narrowing her eyes. "I'm Telling you I KNOW what I felt. I only felt something like that once before and that was when I met a newly blooded Tremere by Chance when his Domination Failed. Nothing But Darkness but Not like mine... Twisted, Damaging, Corrupted. The kind that hurts you. That and Forced Elements bonded to the DEAD!" Damocles slammed his hoof into the Table he sat across from. "Calm down... If what you are saying is true then I guess you and your Troops will get you're field data for your Armor systems. You have point on this Operation Prince Damocles. But you will Follow every restriction either Myself, Luna, Or the Crystal rulers Decide to employ, do you Understand me?" "Yes your Highness." "Crystal Empire Sighted! They Have a shield up!" A Common Day guard stated. "It looks like its Princess Cadance's but somethings off." As Damocles looked at the dome they encroached upon Celestia Lit her horn as a magic wave cascaded and coated the Train and everyone inside of it. Presumably to allow everyone in the train and itself into the Dome. Damocles sighed as he opened a window and Jumped out before the Train could make contact with the wall. Rolling in the Snow with his armor. Shaking the snow off he saw the train already behind the barrier and nodded as he walked forward towards it. "Ain't that a pretty sight..." He spoke softly his voice heavy-hearted. Pressing a bare hoof against the shield a Sizzling could be heard as the shield burned away at the fur and flesh. Making Damocles wince and pull away. "Pure Light Erected to defend against the Dark and snow." He smiled and held his hoof up to it again but not touching, Coating it in a small veil of darkness. "I, Who am named by the Ponies who joined your shield, Damocles, Being of Darkness Request permission of the light therein to assist and defend against your attacker in an effort to keep Peace." The light of the shield Shimmered and pulsed before Ancient Runic Symbols appeared above the Veiled Hoof. "Come see you for a request, huh. Sure I'll see if there is anything I can do for you." The Symbols faded like glitter being blown away as the shield pulsed and physically retracted to form a space small enough for Damocles to move through. Walking through Damocles quickly took flight before his comm link rang, with a flick of the Ear it answered. "Sir are you ok?" Veil sounded off. "I am well, Veil. I got off before we hit the barrier. How are the others?" "Virulent got slammed into the wall, while Satin and I are suffering Continuous Light Burning." she said, her voice obvious with the light pain she was feeling as an annoyance. The last bit made Damocles chuckle. "Whats going on why is this happening?" "When you all accepted my gift you aligned yourself with True Dark. The barrier was consisting of a standard protection shield imbued with Pure light to defend against the Dark. To stop it simply hold you hoof up but not touching an object being protected and request for it stop hurting you as you wish to defend it." Damocles ignored the stares of look and fear he got as he approached the castle Touching down before main area where the Crystal Hear was softly spinning and glowing and Humming. "Once that's done Set up an AO Near the Crystal Heart Have the princesses meet up with my cousin and her husband. Then get me a report on the situation. I've got to talk to someone else. Centurion Out." Damocles said before flicking his ear again. "Yeah, Yeah I hear you." The Crystal Guards watched the White Thestral approach the Crystal heart before putting their spears to intercept them. "That's Close Enough." The Pink one stated. "Only a select few may approach the Crystal Heart." The other commented. "Listen you both Obviously don't know how this works so how about you stand aside so I can greet the Source of Pure light." Damocles said impassively. The Guards eyed Each other. "If you do not Cease and Desist we are authorized by Prince Shining Armor to Use Hostile force." Damocles Could only sigh. "You mind putting on a light show for them to let me through?" Damocles asked as more Crystal guards approached Damocles from behind. Suddenly the Crystal Heart Began to spin faster and glow brighter before shining something like a spotlight onto Damocles. His shadow began to steam but the Guards ponies immediately backed off in shock the Light continued to shine down onto Damocles until He was face to object with it. "Thank you sweetie." The heart slowed down and seemed to Hum in response as strange symbols began to appear around Damocles. The guards could only watch in wonder, Damocles laughed at some sequence of them. "No no I chose that name as I came here, some of them know its meaning." Another Sequence flashed... "Eh, its nothing new to me, so I'll just fulfill my purpose until I can rest, wouldn't mind if it was here?" a sequence flashed some symbols blinking green others red, making Damocles roll his eyes and smile. "Right, anyways you wanted to request something for me to do?" sequence of Light blue began to appear seemingly encircling Damocles in a pillar of light. "I... See... Do you Recognize I may not be able to? ... Right... I'll see what I can do, but I make no promise... you're awfully kind to someone like me for one like you... No no its... Refreshing? I don't know... Right... oh no I wasn't born here... I grant you permission..." A moment passed before the Lights shone red and yellow and blue violently. "Calm down... you will lose what little energy you have... Just rest and focus on keeping your people Safe... Yeah, I'll take care of the rest... Windigo? Oh that's what that was... Yeah those 3 are mine... Its a step in the right way I think... Maybe, but probably not... you could see from that that I was not lucky in that department... well why bother trying to make something when its going be taken away... Sorry I'm so morbid... A trial? Oh... Yeah... I'll see to that... Flurry Heart is the youngest one... I would offer my own but... heh yeah... I'll get going to make sure everything is accurate then. From the East right?... I'll have them add their strength to yours to make sure its safe... I won't go all out don't worry... Thanks, that... It means A lot... Do they all agree? Eh Collectives are collectives... I know it will be along while before my Niece joins the fray with you all... We shall see what we decide at the trial and what evidence we can gather. Yeah... I'll be going now." Damocles turned to walk away. "They Dishonor and Insult you." A soft voice said from behind Damocles heard by the guards making all of them jump and look around for the source. Damocles kept his head forward away before chuckling. "Who hasn't." He replied as he walked away. One of the guards following beside who was stoic but confusion apparent in his eyes. Heading into the Castle He met in the throne room of Crystal empire. The elements of Harmony, Princesses and Veil where all there Veil with a Large Metallic Crate. His Presence Became Known the Moment he Opened the doors by crystal "Prince Damocles!" Shining Armor Called out in Full armor. "So glad you could finally Join us. Now Care to explain how you knew what was going on moments before we figured it out?" "Calm down soldier boy, And get out of that weak outdated armor, your's is in the box especially made just for you." Damocles said with a wry smile. The guard that was escorting him Stepped Forward. "S-sir I am afraid I need to make you aware of something, Regarding the Crystal Heart and this... Stallion." he spoke up Hesitancy in his voice, Damocles could only smile wickedly as all eyes focused on them. "Well Soldier, you have their undivided attention best to spit it out." Damocles said coyly. The guard flinched visibly. "The Crystal heart Responded to him when he approached," Twilight's and Shining Armor's Eyes both widened as Luna and Celestia glanced at each other. "He had asked myself and my partner to stand aside so he may... so he may get to the source of Pure Light?" He paused swallowing air as he noticed how dry his mouth was before continuing. "Assuming you followed orders you didn't let him through to the heart did you?" Shining Inquired. "T-that's correct sir but its what happened next that things became.. buck it, Things got really bucking weird sir." "Soldier! You do not-" Shining began to berate it before he got cut off from Damocles's Laughter. "Tell him what happened you have a strong stride, Shatter." Damocles said as the Guard's Eyes widened at the mention of his name. "The Crystal Heart Responded to a verbal request from Him, He asked to put on a small light show to show he was to be allowed, and it began to spin much faster than it already was and some light welled up inside and shone directly onto him. His shadow darkened but then seemed to become wispy as if it being evaporated slowly like steam. Never seeing anything like this we let him pass the light show dimmed and the heart slowed its spinning and he talked to the heart, but the strange part is that the Heart made a series of glyphs and symbols and letters in old Crystellian and archaic language, As if talking back to him in real time. Now I only know a few words but He," He stopped to point a hoof at Damocles. "He acted like he was hearing it from its voice. They said something about a Request, a trial, And a promise that he would not make by try to deliver upon. I... I don't the details but towards the end he became enveloped in a pillar of light and the glyphs changed from blue to yellow and red, moving at high speeds, It was acting like it was angry about something. He told it calm down, and it did, then as he walked away loud as bell and Clear as a whistle...." He paused This made Damocles scowl as the dumb founded looks of intrigue came about the room. "Finish it." Damocles ordered. Veil stepped forward. "'They Dishonor and Insult you.' That's what she said." Veil spoke confused. "That voice I heard, and the others... That was the Crystal Heart?" Damocles sighed before nodding. "I.... How?" "Because A part of me is inside you... Your power is not your own. Not yet, It's only borrowed from me Until you find yourself falling down into the pit of the Kings And instead of climbing higher you dig deeper into the depths of Despair will you awaken yours... I pray you never have to. With that being Said, As of this moment I am taking full control over all operations Henceforth. This is a Specialist scenario For those of you wanted to know how I knew Sombra was back before his attack be thankful he made it obvious and didn't know there was another user of the Dark here. Otherwise you all would've been Frozen Solid by his Army of Windigos." Damocles said. "Windigos?" Shining Armor's eyes Widened. "That's Impossible!" Celestia Said stomping her hoof. "Those can't exist!" Twilight Declared. "Are you certain?" Luna questioned. "OK! in order, yes Windigos, no its not impossible He used Dark magic and bound the souls of those who died under his control to the elements of snow fueling his magic with anger and hatred and blood lust. Yes they do exist, Twilight Don't be nonsensical, Luna take a look outside with your magic eyes towards the East and you tell me." "Can you save my Ponies?" Cadance's voice asked softly as she stood up and walked towards Damocles. "Answer me Honestly Cousin. Can you Save my ponies." "Easily, its the .... request by a certain someone who, In all meanings and purposes, is more valuable to me than the lot of you that makes it harder. I could easily go out and drain him of every ounce of life energy he has, Or lobotomize him. Or a hundred other things. But this pony made a special request of me and I am inclined to agree to it. She is offering me Sanctuary after all. Shining Armor, pull your forces back comfort the people and get me a list of everyone who has been wronged and killed by Sombra, I WANT EVERYTHING. Twilight, Get your purple feathers unruffled and help Spike, Veil, Starlight and Sunburst set up my A.O. Near the Crystal Heart, Mother, Cousin, Aunt Tia. Go to the heart and funnel energy into it. That which makes you happiest, which gives you strength Positive energy, the desire to protect BUT NOT AT ANY COST. Shining Armor, If things go according to plan then you're going to want to read up on your new armor." "What are you going to do, Prince Damocles." Cadance asked. "I'm going to let Sombra know he has a Visitor of similar standing... An unspoken rule, Among people like me and ponies like him. We always respond to the Olive branch. Carried by Doves with 3 arrows." Holding his hoof out Dark energy coalesced as a dark bird appeared Flying around the room taking arrows from 3 different Quivers and Guards, before leaving through a Window. Time passed and everything began to set up properly. 1 day passed before the Dove Returned with all arrows and the branch, The arrows snapped in half and a single Arrow head lodged within center of the branch. The time was set, 3 days from that moment at noon on the east side is where They meet. Damocles and the Phantoms began their duty as he met with some Crystal Ponies those who had been wronged, those whose family had died in the wars, those who were betrayed. All that time he told the Heart who did not respond of the world and things that have happened. As if telling a bed time story to a child. Each time at the Twilight towards night and the first moments of Daybreak he would be seen there. When not there he was with Shining Armor going over the New armor. When not there Spike, Starlight and himself sat and talked about what they were going to do with Shining armor attending.As the Alicorns rested from powering the shields. On the Dawn of the 3rd day the Blizzard of Windigos was able to be heard the chilling cries of the elemental spirits. Luna and Celestia Decided to make lunch for the Diplomatic meeting as the boom runes and Camerunes and Projectors and speakers were all set up to play around the Castle. Alone Damocles strode out as he talked with his team about what they would do and when. When Approaching Sombra he stopped and Smiled Heartily at Sombra. "A Thestral? And an Albino one at that? Tell me where you the one that sent the old rite?" Sombra Asked as he eyed the floating camerunes and AudioRunes. "Indeed King Sombra, Wielder of the Corrupted Dark. I am Prince Damocles, Prince of the Void, Envoy of the Departed, and the wielder of Pure Dark but please let us not Stand I have refreshments, and would like to talk to you." Damocles gestured with his hoof as Open park pagoda formed with a table and seats for 2. "So you are the one, Very well Let us Speak, My prince. But what are these... Interesting tinkers?" Sombra said grinning madly as he took a seat. The Windigos were silenced by Sombra's will. "Something that will Broadcast our entire conversation to the whole of the Crystal Kingdom." Damocles replied as he poured coffee and placed the cakes. It was then the conversation would begin. > A Duel of Darkness | Prince of Light | Shining Lancelot Armor Engage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damocles smiled with his fangs showing as Sombra sat down at the table. Taking his Lunch Box and Thermos and serving the small refreshments of Coffee and cake. "So tell me Thestral, how are you able to use this level of magic with such ease?" The King asked of the prince. "Well, your Highness, Its something that I have always possessed. My mother was afraid of the power of light that I was able to call upon when i was born so she had a powerful mage bind it with magic of Ancient ones and Blood. However as you and I both know, Darkness is something that finds a way into everything and out of everything." He paused taking a sip of the coffee as the King nodded his head. "While bound, out of curiosity and sheer boredom i decided to test something. Manipulation of my shadow." "And it yielded results as your first attempt?" He asked Curiously eyeing the floating Recorders. "Oh more than I could believe I was able to send my shadow half-way across the country. Give it weight and depth and have it physically affect my target." Damocles smiled in remembrance of his success. "Was that when you drew first blood?" Sombra sharing in excitement as he talked with someone as if they were a colleague. "Oh no, that was when I added the first member of my harem." Damocles corrected with a wicked grin. "For the entire night She felt pleasures no being could ever give her as she screamed for me to keep going as she gave in to the pleasure. After that night she begged for it every night there after." "Ah A being of pleasure before wars?" "Oh no... see I'm a firm believer of if you want something done right-" "You do it yourself! I knew you were a being of sophistication. Unlike those Princesses!" his voice went from elation to seething with venom as he spoke. Then his face became questioning. "So why approach me when My army is here to take back that which is mine.. Do you may hap wish to join my conquest?" Sombra eyes held a glimmer of respect and satisfaction which was met with a laugh from Damocles before taking a bite of the cake. "No, unfortunately not that. I came at the request of someone who holds you dear to try and stop you. But I figured there should be a level of respect. So I came to offer terms for an agreeable and satisfying battle between the King of Darkness and Prince of the Void. May I begin?" Damocles' smile never left his voice. "Damn, are you sure there is no way I can convince you?" Sombra asked with a matching smile. "If it would entice you further, I can add it as a term if you win." Damocles joked. "That would be perfect because when I win nothing will be able to stop me. Of course you will be compensated for your efforts." Sombra praised "Very well then, as fighting the mass armies is below both of us how about we let each other's armies fight. I representing the Crystal Empire and Equestria and you Representing your Wendigo's will remain here as spectators to the fight. This battle will be timed for a total of .... say 15 minutes? as to prevent over damage to both sides." "You would represent the two nations? And what of those Princesses and that sham of a Prince consort?" "The Princesses have faith that I can handle this and The Prince of Light is more of a Soldier or in my case a pawn if you would." Damocles said staring into the camera. "Because he's always been good at playing Soldier, But not so much as a Savior." Sombra laughed at this. "And our fight? It Obviously will not be until the death correct?" The confidence in his voice was beyond anything Damocles could compare. A vein actually popped on his forehead from the agitation. "Until my death or you Yield. The one who asked me of this Favor had me promise not to kill you but to try and lead you back to the light." This made Sombra frown. "That's the 2nd time you have mentioned this being. Who are they exactly." His eyes began to narrow as curiosity took its root. "You will learn who at the end of the fight. So do we have a deal?" Damocles held out his hoof over the table as darkness seemed to Ascend from it much like a fire would. "You say until your Death. Would that not go against the terms we have set?" Inquired. "Call it a unique Trait of mine. Death just doesn't care for me." Damocles said shrugging. "I'll Always Come back." Sombra followed with his hoof meeting Damocles' his seething and dripping with darkness. "Very well then. I'll agree to these terms. Remember when I win you join me. and On the improbable chance you win I join you. As is fair of a bet between royals. Tell me though, how did you become a royal?" "Being unique as a being, the Princess of all that Dwells within the Night and Regent of the Moon, Princess Luna adopted me as a son. The title came easily with that. After all Death's only claim to me is that of an envoy. And she is not happy with what you did with the Windigos." Damocles Said his smile dropping along with his voice. "I would expect not. Very well Let us Begin. Windigos lay siege to the empire." Sombra ordered. This was met with a war cry of whinnies as the undead blizzard charged the barrier. Attacking it with the freezing cold and force. "Knight G1 to F3." Damocles said. In the Crystal castle at the balcony Shining Armor stepped up to the case before nodding to himself. "Trust him... he may be the dark but he stands against it." He muttered to himself. Cadence walked up to shining armor before giving him a kiss that a Camerune caught as the Audiorune came floating by. "Be safe my Knight in Shining Armor." Cadence said before walking back to the crystal heart to meet with the other Alicorns. "Hey Shining Armor." Virulent called out. "Hurry Up pretty Boy. I wanna hear the recording of the song that we made when you get out. It'll start playing right away." He explained as he walked away. Shining armor nodded when the Live feed of Damocles spoke up. 'Shining Armor Trust in me and Show IT you trust it with your life, with Cadence's Life, and With Flurry Heart's Life!' He had ordered. Steeling himself he stepped into the armor. The rune in-lay network shot to life as it glowed before sealing around him and beeping to life. "Alright Shining Lets get this party started." The music began to play as he rushed off the balcony The wings spreading and igniting as his HUD came up showing his ammo and status bar and energy amount with a timer. "Just like the manual, It responds to my thoughts, and natural movements..." He muttered to himself as focused on an opening where the Windgos where before bursting through and the shield. The armor as the Camerunes shown was a Brilliant white, with a rune encrusted Silver Crystal Blade and Gold Trims. Landing literally on the barrier it solid beneath his hooves the motors began to spin the wheels as he began to skate on it. Magic bullets firing and blade swinging as he cut a path through the Windigos en mass. Where one could see only a wave a white at first on their Dome Became as if someone was cutting rolled fabric, Splitting the sky with Silver and gold Energy. But just as quickly as the cut was being made was the Army of Windigos recovering and filling in the gaps as they brayed and stampeded across the dome. Majority of them however began to turn on the 'White Knight' Freezing his rifle solid before knocking it out of his Armors, unit. "Bishop C1 to F7. Galahad Support Lancelot." Damocles' voice ordered into the Kingdom. As a Thestral coated in an Armor of darkness came out of the trail moving in a different direction. "Rook A1 To A5 I want to see fireworks Bedivere." Virulent came out throttling full power as he faced the blizzards' wrath. "Pawn E2 to E4 Begin Territorial Claim Gawain." Damocles' Voice came out as Satin made her move. The 4 differnt units moving in interlocking spirals as they cut down the enemies before them leaving a trailing wake of sunlight piercing through the storm. But just as quickly as they cut down another seemed to take their place. Many Words could be used to describe a single Windigo, however an army, only one word should suffice. Immortal. As One fell another one took its place. The blizzard seemed to rage on Relentless and in Shining Armors's HUD came the status's of the entire group armors. Suddenly the Winidgos began to stampede towards the 4 units creating 4 separate roaming Blizzards over the dome in the locations of the Units. Spikes of Ice, bullets of hail, and waves of Frost and cold struck at the Armors from those that were high up in the air, while the ones that were close the armored Units where physically striking and bashing the armor. A cold meter came up on the HUD when shining armor began to get worried. He was at 50% insulation and dropping before the suit would begin to freeze. His energy Status was sitting at an unhealthy 25% remaining while his timer showed 7 and half minutes remaining before the suit ran out of its own power Before needing to be charged by the Sun and Fire. Knowing this he willed the HUD to swtich all remaining power to Combat and Communications. Using the Natural movements of his body his blades swung through and struck down the Ephemeral beings of the Biting cold and death with all the grace of an Eagle taking Flight or a Dancer on a darkened stage. "Virulent You're reaching freezing Point dive back into the shield and Head to point G7." Twilight's voice ordered. "Twily?" Shining Armor said Confused. "Hey BBBFF Watch your 7 o'clock you have a big blast about to come in I suggest dodging to the left." Twilight responded. Shining armor did as suggested just in time to see a large pillar of ice slide by breaking off in the air and falling to the grounds out side of the empire. "Veil, Satin. Get the tails on Virulent off." Starlight's voice came in. "Spike Get ready for me I need as strong as you can." Virulent's voice echoed annoyed. "I know. I'm prepping with Sunburst Right now." Spike replied as Shining Armor Rocket-sidestepped to right narrowly avoiding an Avalanche-like attack The shield seemed to hum and fight to keep its strength. Even being empowered by almost all the Alicorns. "Twilight, Do me a favor. Go help Cadance. Put me on an channell with the rest." Shining Armor said as he shot apart several large spikes of ice the shattered remains harmlessly bouncing off the armor's metal. "If that's what you want very well. Damocles you are connected to the Prince as well as the rest of the squad... Be safe Shiny." Twilight said as Shining Armor boosted forward to strike at a Windigo. "WAIT! NOT THAT ONE! YOU FOOL!" Damocles called out to warn, but it was too late. The Windigo he thought he was slashing was nothing more than reinforced Crystal Ice catching the blade at the awkward angle stopping it dead. Combined with the thrusters active use resulted in the sword being torn apart and ripped out of his grasp the mental pain from the action made him start to spin out Hard. "Breathe! You have to Breathe and Focus Don't Stop moving, Initiate the Drift." Shiny began to breath heavily and slowly. "Thats it shift your weight to your back legs and swing out in the opposite direction. To go right Turn left." Kickin out his legs and swinging for a Hip Check Shining Armor slowly came back to move straight once more. "Looks like the White Knight of the Crystal Empire can still Learn some new Tricks Huh." Virulent called out from the Recharge station. "Virulent Now is not the Time for petty remarks. Lancelot, whats the status show." Veil asked. "Insulation has taken a hit, I'm near freezing points and the Windigo are starting to make inclines of ice in front of me to keep me from going back in. The sword is destroyed, I AGH-" Not paying attention to the surrounding Shining Armor's Side of the Suit was pierced by several Spike of Ice Destroying the Gun. "Buck! I just lost the Blaster and took a hit!" He shivered as the feeling of the Cold started affect him. "Satin Get Lancelot Out of there!" Veil Ordered. "Yes' Ma'am!" "Shiny Lancelot is equipped with close to mid Range Weapons Called Leviathan Fangs! To activate them Call out the Name of your Love! The One I Gave Her!" a Volley of Ice spikes were coming at him from nearly all Direction. Closing in on him with each passing word. "Aphrodite!" Shining called as 2 tethered Harpoon/drill-like blades shifted on the forelegs of the Armor firing out seemingly at random but both were aimed at a point on the screen that could not be seen through the wall of snow. The Fangs Apparently struck something because as soon as the were reeling back it pulled shining armor out of the way nearly dragging him hard across the Ice. Breaking away from the Ice Platform and Falling through the shield it became obvious what they had fired at as Shining Became Face to Face with a rather Relieved purple dragon who Quickly began breathing fire. With Damocles and Sombra "Incredible... What are those things?" Sombra said in awe as he watched while the remaining 3 units tore through the Windigos with Renewed fervor. "You like them? They are weapons and armors of my own design." "You created them?!" Sombra asked tearing his gaze away to look at the Thestral next to him. "Yes, with help of course, but after testing the armors and might of the armies best I was severely disappointed So I created those armors and 3 of the 4 soldiers there are of my personal unit. The one in the Lancelot armor is Shining armor." Damocles said with a soft smile. "I see you have many uses outside of just magic. I can't wait to see what you create during my reign... I wonder if you would be able to help me conquer the world." Sombra said with a viscous grin as he turned his gaze back to the battle. "Sombra, Flattery will get you everywhere, thank you for the compliment. However, I have no desire for world conquering. But if I do find myself in your service I will do whatever I can to make sure I am on your good side. So let me just say this. What you see here is nothing but a few drops in the ocean of what I have in my head. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Devices capable of Cataclysmic and extinction level events. Torture methods that can break any beings mind without physically hurting them. Nightmares that would even frighten the corrupted Entity known as Nightmare Moon." Damocles began to laugh grimly as he held a dark smile. "Sombra I mean no offense when I say this but comparing you to myself. Is comparing an ant to a Black Hole." "You shouldn't think so little of yourself." Sombra laughed at his prod. "Oh I was complimenting you on being as strong as an ant." Damocles said, "They said you would be strong and Well I haven't found my limit but then again I haven't Tried to either. Since I removed the Seals I've been much stronger." Sombra glared at Damocles before returning to the fight. Watching the Lancelot. For a second its glowing parts seemed to dull before coming back to life as red with pulses of Pink over the weapons. During this time the Roaming Blizzards over each of the armors, had shrunk in size by half "Seems our time is almost up." Sombra said watching. "Seems so. All unit's Fall back and carry out the Protocol Dark Wind Rising." Damocles said into the Audiorune. "Mother, Aunt Celestia, Aphrodite You know what to do." He said as the Table and chairs dissipated into nothing. "Cease the attack." Sombra ordered. "Let us be 20 paces away from each other before we start. I have a inkling of respect for somepony who harnesses the darkness." He said Damocles nodded as they took their positions. > A Duel Of Darkness | Prince of Darkness | The one who stands with his back to the Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sombra and Damocles both stood 20 Paces apart from each other in their Respected Regalia. The Camerunes recording the event and Playing it live against the Crystal Castle. The boom runes Waiting for the sound as wind could be heard and seen blowing between them. "Tell Me Young Prince I wish to know more about you. Where did you come from?" Sombra asked. "Honestly? I was stolen from my home by those who wish me to protect them from the dark." Damocles said with a soft smile. "So should you not desire to get home?" "I do, but it is not something that is possible. I was Ripped from my realm." "Do you not desire revenge then? For this injustice done onto you? I could offer this for you, And allow you to exact revenge upon them all. Except for the Current Rulers of my home. Those are mine to dispose of." "See that's a problem Out of all of them I think I like Candy and that Wallflower the most. And I do enjoy showing up the Prince by doing what I do. But I will always help him." "What If I Make you Supreme Commander of my armies to sweeten the deal. Although at the moment it only consists of Windigos We'll rebuild Stronger Than Ever." "You would make me Supreme Commander is that A real Offer?" Damocles asked his voice showing the Temptations of it. "Damn Now I May actually regret. I'm sorry But I can't As much as it pains me I need the people of the Crystal Empire Especially to keep getting stronger. So do me a Favor Sombra, Bow before your Prince." He said Smugly. Sombra Laughed at that and Jokingly Bowed. "All Hail Prince Damocles." He said before standing up and baring his fangs as he Glared at him. "Prince of nothing." Sombra said with a scowl. "Are you Ready now Everyone? To witness a power not scene for thousands of Years?" Damocles said as Shadows began to shift around him like a small whirlwind of darkness flowing around his feet. At the same moment Sombra's Horn began to glow its sickly black and corrupted Green Aura. Before Sombra could fire his magic a Shadow of Damocles Uppercut him before dissipating. The Magic Blast Firing off and Obliterating a bunch of the Windigos. "Interesting you, used my own shadow against me..." Sombra stated analytically. "Fine then Draw your Weapon, Damocles." At that He created a black crystal Blade Damocles smiled and Let the darkness Envelop his wings completely before he shifted them to his left hoof. Raising with it an ebony steel War Glaive. "Any Final words before your freedom is forfeit?" Sombra asked pointing the blade As Damocles Grabbed the center hilt of his weapon before twirling it slowly the metal from his wings shifting himself into a battle stance as a Bi-ped. "Just a few, but I still have plenty of time before that happens."The Camerunes showed as Slowly he tapped his foot 3 times. Luna took this cue and ignited her Horn Brighter as she diverted some concentration to the song he requested to be heard. As Virulent stood up and Addressed the Ponies as the music began. Singing The song of one who went to Tartarus and Returned. "I'm sorry my son... you were never supposed to fight like this." She whispered to no one. Those surrounding the Crystal Heart who were Empowering its shield however All gave each other forlorn Glances as they thought about the one who stood against the dark for them. "A Stallion from Darkness, A Stallion of War." Virulent Sang as Shining Armor Walked forward. "Thrown into combat, Where souls lay defiled. Hides his Emotions." Shining Said Beating his chest with a hoof. "His Blood is running cold. Just Like his Victories," Virulent began "His Story Unfolds!" The two sang at the same moment gesturing to the Visuals. Damocles Holding his glaive of shadows and steel, breathed deeply as he spun it in his hooves gently before he moved in a Flash of Darkness that shot him forward his wings used to guide him as he spins with his Glaive thrusting Out. Knocking away the Crystal Sword and Striking the Unicorn in the Snout with his Iron covered hoof kicking back off before landing a distance away on three hooves. The Real Battle has begun. Sombra using his magic to propel himself forward readied his crystal swords Making a Strike at Damocles Who in turned Opened his mouth and Fired a Dark Blast of Magic in the ground between the two Kicking up a Smokescreen of Ash and Snow around them. "Fight! Our Black Knight!" Virulent Called Out. As Damocles Shot up out of the Smokescreen in his wings before Spearheading the Blades back down as it subsided with intent to impale Sombra. Sombra's Reaction However was Simple dodging to the left and letting the weapon pierce the ground becoming stuck as Sombra Blasted him away from his weapon with magic. "If there'd Be any glory in war, Let it rest On beings like him." Shining armor pleaded. "Who Went to Hell and Came Back!!" Virulent Sang with force as Damocles flew forward again out of the rubble. A blade of Shadows growing from his hooves as he does fly by slashes with wings and hooves cutting up the Tyrant's Armor and Cape until Sombra Throws up a Blackened Shield Before Firing Beam after beam of Dark Crystals and Energy. This was met with Damocles own Shadow Blast and Void Bullets being fired causing a growing Series of Explosions resulting in blackened Smoke, Ice, Crystal and White Snow that engulfed the two. "Tombs are grown! From Darkened Homes. Where No soldier Sleeps, And where Tart is Six Feet Deep." The Windigos began to swirl and stampede around the two making a something like a Tornado with the Eye being a Ring and Battlefield. Sombra's horn Drank in light as he fired a concentrated Stream of Magic. "That Death Does Stand,There's No debate." Damocles Turning His Glaive into a Dual Headed Scythe before throwing it in a spin against the Wall of the Ice and Death not Destroying the Windigos but instead Releasing them The Scythe Heads Freeing a new one during each rotation, While Damocles Flew to avoid and get closer to Sombra. "So Charge and Attack Going to Tart and Back!" The moment Damocles was almost in Reach of Sombra with his Bare hooves, Sombra widened the beam to catch Damocles in his left wing. Black Crystals growing from and Completely covering it making him spin out and into the wall of Windigos. "A Stallion of Void, A stallion of Duty." Shining Sang as Damocles Walked out of the Ice and snow back into the makeshift arena A camerune flying to get a close up on the scene As the Screen Split to show Sombra's Smirk become a Distasteful grimace His horn Alight. "Let's see what makes you angry," Sombra said as his eyes poured out ethereal mist in the same coloration as his aura before he fired a small beam at Damocles. The Snow and Ice around him taking forms as being in his past that Replayed the darkest events in his life. "Betrayed by those around him, And yet he grew strong."Shining armor declared, Damocles' Dark Aura Flaring to life around him as the manifestations Changed into what the focal points of when he began his dark path. The moments of his triumphs over them. "Let them fall by his feet, Making it easier for him to rise!" Each of the scenes changed into shadows of Damocles armed with their Weapons, Before Flying off into the Blizzard releasing the Windigos. Sombra Growled Before He began to use his Crystals to Impale Damocles Each one being Shattered by a Shadow that Came up struck and Shattered both themselves and the crystals. "Fight! Our Black Knight!" Virulent Called Out. "If there'd be any Glory in War,Let it rest on beings like him." Damocles began to walk forward slowly shattering the Crystals on his wings before using them to cut and deflect the Attacks from Sombra. "Who went to Hell and Came Back!" The two sang together before being Joined in by the Rest of the Kingdom. "Tombs are grown! From Darkened Homes. Where No soldier Sleeps, And where Tart is Six Feet Deep." Damocles Flew forward as Sombra Made a Crystal Shoot up from under him as a Spire That formed several small and sharper Crystals to Jut out in an attempt to Impale Damocles. Diving to the left, he began to Fly up the spire close enough to where he could tap his kneecaps against it Dodging left and right as more and more Crystal Spikes Appear and Spires Rising out of the Ground. Sombra was Throwing down Blast of darkness where he could to shoot down the Approaching the Prince. Finally Sombra Jumped onto another spire as the Diminishing Windigo army form a storm cloud overhead raining Lightning and hail down onto Damocles striking where they could. "That Death Does Stand,There's No debate. So Charge and Attack, Going to Tart and Back!" They sang In cheer as Their Prince of Void was pushing the Dark King Back. The Shadow Warriors However where Struck Down and destroyed by the Lightning. Sombra seeing this began casting Different spells. A flash of darkness covering the Battle Field into pure darkness. Suddenly Streams of White Fire with Black tips surged out of the fire like a beacon the Power of which stuck the Shield and shook the city as the shields cracked From that. Not Only once was the fire casted by Repeatedly in different Directions the Fire itself was blinding and each time that it struck the Shield the Crack spread worsening the Princess All Straining against it to keep from spreading anymore. The Pitch Black faded and the battle field became seen as standing tall on his spire of crystals was Sombra whose horn was bathed in the similar fires and on his Knees coughing some blood up with a melted Wing was Damocles. Damocles struggled to stand up as He picked up the song. "Oh gather 'round me. And listen while I speak, Of a war where hell is six feet deep. And all along the Snow, Where the Dead still roam. The Seven are waiting for me, They'll Be the ones to drag me to Sleep!" Damocles Called out as his Darkness lit up a black Flame on his Chest where his heart was. "He Saw the Tombs Grow! Where No soldier Sleeps and where Tart is Six Feet Deep!" The Kingdom Roared as Damocles Charged as An Army of Shadows with white flames in their chest where their hearts where formed each one taking on a different pony's shape some armored other not as they charged and rushed upwards towards the Windigos who charged back. "That Death does stand, There's no Debate!" The Shadows Colliding with the Windigos each one from both sides vanishing into nothing but two separate white flames as Damocles used the spires to avoid the Spells of fire and Climbed up the Crystals swinging and moving unlike a pony until he tackled Sombra off of the spire and both landed against the shield. "They charged and Attacked, They went to Tart and Back!" The Kingdom Sang as they Collided with the Shield But as soon as they did the Crystal Heart Stopped Spinning Sending out a Pulse and Undid the solidified shield Letting Both Fall to the Grass on the Outskirts of the kingdom. This Caused Panic in Everyone. "ENOUGH!" Sombra's voice was heard Roaring not only from the Speakerphones but from where they stood as Damocles was sent a short distance off of him. The Roar silencing everyone as Fear became present. Sombra Began to Turn into his ethereal Smoke form. > A Duel of Darkness | The Price of Sin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So this is how you wanna play this game?" Damocles asked remorsefully. He stared at the ever Expanding Cloud of Darkness and felt the Despair growing in the city. A Camerune Focused on him with a close up on his face the others focused on watching the progress of the Cloud. "Fine." Damocles watched directly into the Camerune to appear as if looking at the people of the Empire. "All of you This is where I require your help. Listen to my voice and heed my call. All that Fear, The Despair, Rage and Sorrow, That each and everyone one of feel. Those who have lost Loved ones. Those who had to bite their tongues, bare through the pain, take it all and Aim it directly at me, Every last ounce of it! To those who are dearly departed if you want one last chance to settle against Sombra ... Aide me here and now!" Damocles ordered with a Resolute glare as he stood his ground against the Dark King. The Princesses and Elements of Harmony all Kneeled one by one. The White Spirit Fires Began circle above Damocles. "To Stand with one who risks Everything Every day Take my fear and Uncertainty away." Starlight said Suddenly her shadow shifted as the Crystal Heart Pulsed and it flew towards Damocles. "To Bring about our Righteous Fury, let my Rage and Sorrow become your blades." Luna spoke. Her Shadow began to follow suit. "For There to be justice I offer the Pain of my failure to stop him before, Let it form the balance you need to weigh the scales." Celestia pleaded. "My Greed and Hatred shall be your armor." Spike promised resting a fist over his heart. "My pride will give you sight." Shining Armor said as bowed completely. "My envy will give you focus, and my weakness guide your Vision." Cadance committed. Slowly more and more shadows began to shift and fly towards Damocles until the Dark Whirlwind he had became a Raging Tornado that Battered and beat away the Smoke. Growing Ever more until all of the Crystal Empires shadows came together just before it all collapsed on to Damocles His Coat now the purest of Black. Then Clear as a bell that every Voice heard to past the Dragon Lands. "Solei, Diana, I bare no strength to move you nor the permission but in this moment I ask you both to Set the stage for me." Damocles' voice was heard by everyone. Then the Sun and Moon for the first time any creature could recall moved on their own. The Sun Set and the moon cast high its light shining directly onto Damocles. "Hear My call once again, Demons of my past Come forth and Obey. Stain the moon Black with your Shadow," Slowly the Full Moon darkened ever more as the head of Sombra appeared in the Mass of Darkness. As the Moon darkened The Spirit fires slowly began to pour into Damocles. "Paint the Sky red with The blood of my enemies and the countless who have fallen before my blades," Pulsing from the Moon the skies across the world suddenly filled with Blood Red Clouds coating the grounds in Crimson light as the last the moon was stained black. "And arise, Avatar of the First Nightmare, Black Dragon of the Abyss, Arise," Damocles' Form began to distort as the Shadows and Souls collected into him began to grow in size as if Damocles was transforming into something else entirely. "1st Guardian of my Darkness," A Pure black War Glaive formed Impaled into the earth between the two Darkened Forces as massive Metal talons form. Black armor with Pulsing Azure and Crimson Lines across the form. A Black Dragons Fist Forming Pressing onto the ground cracking the earth. "Phantom" Slowly the Monstrous creature Stood to as a pair of Razor sharp wings Spread from its back. "Blaster," its massive tail unfurls. "Dragon." The massive Dragon Reared its head towards the sky and Gave an ear Piercing Roar before snatching the glaive into its claws. Damocles was unseen to the world and only the Abyss Dragon was left in his place. "Weak...Ness!" Sombra said as he fired multiple laser from multiple heads towards the Enormous Black dragon that stood as tall the Crystal Castle Spire. Using the Glaive the Dragon Spun and Took the Brunt of The attacks onto the Blades. The Blades being Covered in the Black Crystals as Sombra tried become a wave of Darkness and Shadows to crash Down upon it. The Dragon Smacking the Head of Darkness physically with the Black Crystal encrusted Blade sending the King of darkness reeling back. The Dragon Roared again as Spirit fires of white poured from the chest into the blades shattering the crystals, and having the blade glow with darkness that seemed to reflect the Crimson glow of the sky. Spinning and Swiping the Blade into a portion of the cloud of Darkness Sombra Screamed in Pain as a portion of it Dissipated. "Not...Possible!" Growled Sombra Charging his Magic to strike at the Dragon who used his Blades to Cleave the attack in Half before Firing his Magic beam from the Blade to strike the Cloud. Which let an opening for the The sword strike pass through without hurting him. Sombra at the point rushed the Feet of the Dragon Before climbing upto the Neck and using his Fangs to pierce the Dragon Skin Making some blood pour from the wound. The dragon went and Grabbed Sombra by the horn Litterally ripping him off itself before flinging him into the Snow the Dragon Charging to follow suit. Striking the Cloud again and Again as if Sheering wool from sheep. In a final movement the The Dragon Drove the Tip of the Blade into the point underneath the Horn of the Cloud sombra's Head making it howl in pain as it dissipates away Leaving a bleeding and badly cut Sombra underneath the Black Dragon Roaring its victory before it quickly fades away to nothing like ash in the snow. Damocles Standing in its place. "No... I refuse... I REFUSE TO LOSE TO UPSTART LIKE YOU!" Sombra said Before hitting Damocles Directly in the face with his magic. "Give into to your darkest Fears." Sombra's voice was Dripping with Venom as Damocles' vision changed. The Moon and Sky were back to normal as the Light of the moon shone on the Snow outside the Crystal Empire. Fear took over on his face as the tell tale signs of Purple and Green Haze was coming from Damocles' eyes. Sombra Walked Forward as he made a Black Crystal Lance with his magic. "The Strongest Dark Magic User I have ever seen, Capable of using it with out being a unicorn. And your greatest fear is something so simple." Sombra's voice was filled with abhor for what he was seeing with is magic. The Camerune Got in close on the Spear and Sombra. "Equestria has finally Created a Fine warrior capable of Dark Divine Arts I have only dreamed of... Has fallen to I, King Sombra. As per our Agreement upon the Resurrection of Prince Damocles Prince of the Void. The Crystal Empire is mine, as well as his allegiance." Sombra said into the Camerune before starting to laugh. "Welcome to the Era Of Dark-" Sombra began as he slowly started to drive the Spear into Damocles stopping as it Pierced his skin. Suddenly his face was being twisted into one of fear. "Hmmm Lonely Little Sombra... Such a greedy soul." Damocles Spoke as the Haze disappeared from his eyes. Looking down at the spear he shattered it completely with his wings. "It's time to finish this I think." Damocles said angrily. "Lets take a Dive and Find out all the Missing Details on You and that Heart!" A moment passed before Damocles roared in primal Anger grabbing A disorientated Sombra Bringing His Head down to be kneed before upper cutting him and Launching Him into the Air. "You!" Damocles Flew up landing a rising Kick into Sombra's Stomach knocking loose some of his remaining Armor and Launching him further up into the air. "Ignorant!" Damocles flew faster and came around tackle him into his Side launching him flying into the Crystal Empire crashing into a few buildings as a Streak of White trails behind catching his skull with a fore hoof. "Childish!" Damocles Roared spinning and Launching Sombra from the Housing district to the shopping District. before flying above him and slamming down with both back hooves like he was bucking. "Brain Dead!" Making him crash into Ground of the Street before flying up and diving down to Grab him and drag him through destroying the street in the direction of the Castle. "GREEDY!" Lifting Him up and Round house kicking him. "FUCKER!" Breathing Deeply before grabbing Sombra by his hair and Dragging him through the crowd. "OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY! FLURRY HEART YOU ADORABLE LITTLE WONDER GET OVER HERE!" Damocles barked at the parting crowds. When Shining Armor attempted to step Forward his Shadow Punched him in the stomach winding him forcing The Prince Consort to gasp for air with a Glare from Damocles. "No one is to interfere with this Duel and Trial..." Damocles ordered silent rage. Flurry Heart for her part struggled out of her mothers Grasp before flying onto Damocles' Back staying there as the 3 approached the Crystal Heart. Which floated and pulsed with a strong thrumming sound. Almost like a Heart Beat. Sombra for his part tried to use the last reserves of his magic to force the crystal heart to teleport until Damocles split his wings into 4 tail like things with which he impaled the legs of Sombra Making him howl in Pain. "Try any magic Sombra... I dare you." Damocles requested with a twisted smile. Flurry Heart put here ears down and poked Damocles with a hoof giving him a sad and pained Expression. Sighing Damocles Pulled the metal spikes out and let it reform wings. "Sombra Lucius Cull, You stand here accused of using Corrupted Dark magic in effort for Greed and personal Gain. How do you plead." "Does... The Void... Think he can... put me... on Trial?" Sombra said panting between Each breathe. the response was met with Damocles Smashing His face into the Ground. "How do you plead?!" Damocles Repeated. Sombra Coughed up blood grunting with pained laughter. "Guilty." he strained. "Let the Trial of Balance Begin... Flurry Heart... Please Let her speak to her subjects one last time?" Damocles turned his head to look at the little Alicorn filly who nodded jumping to the Crystal heart powering her magic into it. A flash of white followed by a rainbow as magic washed over the Crystal empire Giving everyone but Damocles and Sombra Crystal Coats as a New being stood atop the podium with the crystal heart gone. Instead a Unicorn mare with a Crystal silver coat and a Cutie mark of the Crystal Heart stood her eyes a hypnotic golden, and her mane done in the royal crystal empire hairstyle as she wore heavy regalia of white and gold. Sombra with Wide eyes filled with tears began to futilely try to push himself away from the being only to be held in place by Damocles. "Who are you?" Celestia asked in confusion. "Only those who are apart of the trial May speak. Any being else is only to speak when Spoken to." Damocles and the Mare said at same time their eyes never leaving each other. "True Darkness, Purity before corruption the requiem after Destruction. Welcome to my home now that I am able to formally state it." She said with a smile. Flurry Heart began to walk back to Princess Cadance who quickly scooped her up. The Entire scene playing on screens due to the circling Camerunes. "Purest light, Made after the first Corruption... Thank you for granting me sanctuary here in your domain. As those around us have no idea who you truly are perhaps you should introduce yourself properly. Queen Crystal Heart." Damocles kneeled before the mare who frowned at his action. "It matter's not but if you so desire then I shall..." She says turning to address everyone. "As the one you all Wrongfully," She stresses, "Call Damocles has stated I am Queen Crystal Heart... The first Empress of the Crystal Empire. And whose heart joined by the love and will of each successive ruler afterwards has kept the Crystal Empire Safe for so many Ages." Her eyes go back to Damocles. "Thank you for honoring my Request. Please Rise so we may begin the formal event before I fade." "Of course. I stand before you, who was wronged by the Corrupted Dark, As the Pure Dark, Instrument of your will, and official prosecutor. The accused has caused personal sin upon you in the greatest points that you yourself have given." Damocles said Solemnly. Crystal Heart turned her eyes towards Sombra who was doing everything to not look at the mare. "Ex-King Sombra, One who has chosen the path of Corruption willingly..." She spoke softly. "You pleaded Guilty of your crimes... Why do you seek not to defend yourself?" She asked softly slowly Approaching the Unicorn. Sombra was stuttering and doing everything he could to get away until Crystal Heart used some magic to soothe him and Heal his injuries. "Please Stand and tell me why you hurt me so." Crystal said as she lowered to haunches and sat as if on a throne. "I..I..took the path I walked so that I may Restore you... Your grace." Sombra's Voice was low as he stared at the floor. Gently he saw her hoof come into view and he flinched away until her hoof gently touched his chin raising it slowly lift his head. Making him look at her. "He omits many things." Damocles Interrupted. "Speak them all Sombra... As you see me Speak them all." "I wanted to restore you so you may be with your people once more. So you can see them Laugh and Smile and love as you dreamed." In that moment Crystal's horn glowed with the colors of the aurora as a glare formed a pulse of light passed through everyone Sombra Wincing in great pain bit his lip as to not scream while other felt calmness wash over them. "I am not to be lied to Sombra." She spoke turning her head to Damocles. "Purest Dark... Tell me that which he is afraid to if he will not tell me himself I'll have it known in ways more painful." Nodding Damocles began. "King Sombra's Crime involve the enslavement of the people you love. And the deterioration of his ponies minds that you cherished. Robbing them of the Smiles and Joy that brought yours. The reason for it was his greed and desires. Many think it was his Greed for crystals that made him walk this path. His Desire for power. This is not the Case." Damocles paused as the surrounding Ponies all started to make an uproar of denials and shouts of monsters." "SILENCE!" Crystal Heart's Voice roared in ways beyond anyone and Those who were speaking Suddenly found themselves without sound. Even the Alicorn Princesses. "Continue Darkness." She gestured with a hoof. "His Greed is for that of your heart. Your Highness. He wanted to find a way replace the power your heart gave to stave off the bitter winters and protections from the Windigos. One that does not involve the process that you went through to get the desired Results. In hopes that he could do this he had hoped that it would earn him your Undivided and solely focused Love on him." Damocles said. "He bears the Foxes Sin of Greed for your heart." "Sin... A word Whose meaning I have not heard in so long... And it is used by the first pure Darkness I have seen." She smiled Ruefully before giving a saddened, and longing frown towards Sombra."Is this True Sombra?" Sombra whose tears have begun to flow nodded slowly making everyone watch wide eyed. "I have made my judgement. King Sombra While I thank you For attempting something for my sake. Staying as the Crystal Heart, is my purpose. I Gave my life for my people because I loved them too much to not do so. It is why I never took on a lover. For it wouldn't have been fair to them. Your crimes have hurt not only the ponies of this kingdom and countless other Kingdoms, but they have scarred my very heart and the Hearts of all Previous Rulers who make up your Court." She turned to face Cadance and Flurry Heart. "Youngest Princess of Crystals, Flurry Heart... May I borrow just a bit more of your Magic?" She asked with sorrowful Smile. Cadance held her daughter closer confused and scared. "Ah.... I see your mother is here. Then you Princess Mia Amore Cadenza... May I Borrow some of your magic?" Cadance looked towards Damocles who nodded She in turn did so as Crystal Heart Smiled And spread her wings from under her regalia revealing her to be an alicorn cast her spell to show row upon row of ascension of every previous ruler until Sombra For a brief moment before Cadance Stumbled weakened. "Sombra, For your punishment. I have declared you are lost to all titals, land and personnel you have ever owned. Returned to the crown. And a curse similar to the purest of Darkness. Until you learn to Love as I have. You will Be forced to walk the lands. Incapable of rest." Her horn glowing as words in ancient Crystalline Language is written into the air and pushed towards Sombra. As her form started fade starting with the wings and tail. "With the last of my power I ask and beg of you Darkness... Guide the lost onto a path The people can hope to love him for." She asked as she faded back into nothingness leaving the Crystal Heart in her place infront of Sombra. "You know as well as I do Your highness I Can't help someone atone for a Sin." Damocles Said as he guided it back towards its pedestal. "You know why Right Sombra?" Damocles said as he glared at him. Sombra nodded. "Then say it. Say it with the pride you had when you were ready to conquer the world and Break Her heart with the Deaths of those She loved!" "A Sin is Something that can never be atoned for." Sombra said Solemnly. "Right But I can at least point you in the right direction. You have a kingdom to Apologize to." Damocles looked towards the crowd before his Darkness whirled around him. "RELEASE!" He spoke in the RCV Suddenly sound was brought back to the world and everyone was able to move again. Just then Damocles began to pass out Unable to remain standing conscious from the toll his body just went through. > Dark and Yet Darker | The Newest Recruit is Second in Command? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna Had Sombra pinned against the wall as Damocles fell unconscious. The crowds freaking out as Spike moved forward to check his vitals with Starlight. "He's Alive but his Breathing is weak." The Crystal heart Pulsed as its shield powered down. "What did you do to my son!" Luna growled. "Nothing!" Sombra strained to speak Luna's Magic gripping him at the throat. "How Do we fix him?" Her magic Released him by the throat alone so he could breathe. "Throw him into a pit." Sombra coughed Starlight Spike and Trixie all jumped when they heard that. "YOU WOULD WISH THE ONE WHO SAVED YOU DEAD! HE WAS CAPABLE OF KILLING YOU!" Trixie was the first one to angrily Call Out. "You Who are Inferior to the mighty prowess of the Great and Dark Damocles, would desire him harm after he sought fit to Spare you To honor a Request for one Who YOU LONGED FOR! YOU WOULD DARE SAY SUCH THINGS?!" Trixie Screamed in rage as she walked forward towards the Former king before smacking him. "Trixie!" Starlight Cried as she dragged her friend back. As Sombra grunted in pain. "You all misunderstand... He is known as Pure Darkness Yes? Then Think of it this way, He was just Exposed for a long time of DIRECT UNDILUTED CONTACT with the very thing that can tear him apart. He needs to be steeped in darkness again, In Umbra or penumbra at least. He need to rest and recover. I have no reason to lie and killing me wouldn't work! I am as doomed as he is but there are fates worse than death!" Sombra pleaded. Flurry heart at this point struggled from Cadance's grasp and flew over to Luna making concerned baby noises as she tried to shove her her shoulder while pointing at Damocles. "Then why aren't you in the same state." Twilight asked him her horn glowing. "Because I am one born of light. Who Stepped into Shadow... All that did was cleanse and weaken me... For him its like a Penguin trying to swim in lava. Regardless of permissions. He was born of darkness for darkness in a world of light." Sombra explained. "He needs to steep and recover... His wounds." His eyes flicked to Damocles before focusing Onto Flurry Heart. "You," His voice was weak with rage, Flurry responded by blowing a raspberry at him, "If he does not awaken soon he will need a beacon telling him which direction. He navigates that maze better than any I have seen." Everybody was still trepidation before spike breathed a lick of flames his eyes more reptilian than normal. "If he does not recover in well enough time... You will answer for this." Luna said before Dropping him and picking up Damocles in her magic and walking. White fires began to drip from his wings unto the ground which slowly turned into a multitude of colors before growing slightly then fading. Burning into the ground the names of every soul that was used to make the Windigos. As Luna got to their guest chambers she laid Damocles on the bed and used her magic to weave a cocoon of shadows around him. Spike Following wanting to be near him, Sunburst and Starlight not knowing what else to do went to look at the damage done to the different suits, along with Twilight. Cadance had seen about restoring the natural order since they were apparently no longer in a crisis. Sombra was taken into custody under the Phantoms. Shining Armor wanted to prosecute further but any kind of spell or punishment he would try to do would just meet a wall mixed light and dark even despite their being a Alicorn level inhibitor ring on his horn. Flurry Heart made it a point to try to bring her mother towards the Resting Area of Damocles. Unknown to all however, was the internal struggle happening in his mind. By all medical explanations afterall, he was in a coma. Twisted Plateau "Come now Rowan... Wasn't it so much fun Finally being able to shake some of the dust off? Use some REAL Firepower? We could do so much more if just invite me in and accept what I have to offer. All that anger and rage you have in you after all. I know it better than one." A dark figure that looked like Rowan Wicker except for a pair of horns that jutted forward and black broken halo behind his head. "We both know it's better fix what's broken this way don't we? After all you just took on a lot of peoples burdens and despair." the being laughed as he watched from across the gap an anthropomorphic white thestral"It Must feel so heavy if it's taking you this long to get to over here. Or is that you are considering falling again?" the being mocked his voice slowly becoming more and more hysterical. "SHUT UP!" Damocles ordered as he walked on the tightrope bridge. Hooks stabbed into his wings back arms and legs, connected to chains that hung things into a swirling abyss that threatened to drag him down. " We split apart after high school when I made my decision to try and live a normal simple life." "You mean you tried to put me to sleep permanently and kill me when that first BITCH wasn't happy with what was going on with your REAL LIFE! We had so much power, We were so happy, We were whole and weren't at each others throats constantly because we lived the life we wanted. I just want us to go back to that, Is that so wrong?" The shadow looked honestly hurt and sad. "It tears me apart to see us like this. I get why you don't want me to come back. I do, its because you're afraid we will taint and destroy this pure world right?" The shadow watched Rowan take another few steps towards the other side before the Thestral nodded. "Then how about we make a deal?" he said as he walked towards him. A stone Path forming for him from the abyss as he moved towards him. Grabbing some of the chains and hooks and taking it upon himself. "What kind of a deal?" "First lets establish something I don't want to be just a shadow of the past. Let me be Rowan and you be Damocles. Let me be awake but only to observe and offer input. No other being except those two in this entire world will be able to detect me and he shouldn't be around for the next while. And even then He will have to look for me. She on the other hand has known of my presence." Damocles nodded slowly "We... You live life as is necessary for us to survive and be happy, because your survival is my survival. We both understand that with this they will know a portion of our strength. So they will try to use us. All politicians and rulers do. Let me help carry our burden, no reason for us to use half our strength for no reason. So the real portion of the Deal is this. If we can outlive the need for us I wont interfere with life after that and we can live that simple boring life you wanted us to have. I won't lie it was a nice a change of pace. But if we end up needing to use our full strength a total of 3 times. Regardless of everything to protect that which we are growing to cherish. We come together permanently, Sound fair?" Rowan offered as he and Damocles finished carrying the load across. The Plateau starting to wisp away. "Fine... 3 times when we both agree we need to but i have my own condition. We will need an heir and find away to fix ourselves. 1/8th of our strength no matter how powerful we are is... Infuriating. If we had our full strength that first hit would've been enough to fully destroy and devour the darkness of Sombra." Damocles laughed as Rowan smiled "So we shall need to find one who we can be happy with to bare our child, but if anything should happen to those two. No mercy no Quarter is to be given." Damocles held out his hoof which pulsed with the faintest light his eyes glowing red. Rowan eyes glowed Yellow as he brought forth a fist pulsing with darkness that wreathed and wrapped around the two of them when they met. The light pulsing through both as the shadows cocooned them like a warm blanket. This was where the true beauty of darkness was often forgotten. The purest dark was that of peace, Protection and healing. No maliciousness, Just true intentions. its where those hurt could go when afraid. As the dark would protect and warn them of the monsters that prowled. Before the first betrayal there was only Darkness. A single thought echoed across the minds of the Phantoms, heard loud and clear. Shared into Sombra's mind as well as the Princesses, and elements and Shining armor and Blue Blood. Reality " The closer you get to the Light, The Darker your Shadow becomes. The deeper you step into Darkness the easier it is to be blinded when faced with the Light. In this contract I do adhere my power shall ne'er be wrought to fruition, less I scar the land 3 times and I give myself to that which I was, am and Shall always be. This Vow has become a Blooded Oath and shall be forevermore etched into mine heart. Those who wish to follow this Vow be warned for your greatest foe shall be yourself as you follow me into depths Dark and Yet Darker." Damocles woke up that same night 5 days after the Duel of Darkness. Piercing the Dark Veil Luna placed upon Gasping as if he had been drowning. Spike was the first to see he was OK tackling him. It was at Dinner Everyone was Gathered. Including Sombra for final Verdict and Punishment. "Prince Damocles." Shining Armor began. "As per the Verdict with the 'Purest light'" he strained to regard it as Flurry's insistence who was sitting upon Damocles' head. "You have Final Decision on What happens to Sombra. I feel it is prudent to offer an execution for it. To this Damocles laughed slightly."What's so funny?" "An Execution would do nothing Shining." "I see why you say he is more of a soldier now." Sombra mumbled earning a quick shock from Virulent who was standing on his left like a warden. "he was given the same curse as I, to much lesser extent. He cannot die as I cannot die now. No I have a much better punishment in mind. Stand tall Sombra, Head up high and face your Fate." "As you Command Prince Damocles." He said as he took on hi royal pose "I Prince Damocles Meteora, Hereby decree that your punishment shall be this, In accordance with the trial of Light and Dark, written into thy being with my word. You who forced those under you to serve you shall now serve them as a protector. Using your Dark Magics and skills, mind and heart, you shall protect not only the Crystal empire but all lands united together, as one of my Phantom elites." This caused Multiple Gasps and a few screams of what. "Furthermore you who understands darkness and walked the path of corruption shall serve directly under me to help show the difference between pure and Corrupt. Between defilement and Destruction and shall teach the balance to all other Phantoms. You shall Learn to wield True Darkness and Do so until the avatar of Purest Light at any point in time says you have fulfilled your service and may finally rest." A wave of shadows pulsed from Damocles as Chains formed and flowed slowly over locking into place on Sombra before fading into him. A collar being made with a lock of darkness and beam of light going towards Flurry heart who giggled happily her right eye glowing blue. "As the purest LIght Dictated you have delivered." Sombra kneeled. "I adhere to the punishment and accept my fate with as much dignity and heart I can. My will is yours to do as you please, my blade is yours and my eternal servitude is bound to you until the lights final word." The Dark lock snapped shut at his words and the collar dissipated. "Welcome to the phantoms, Second in command. Witcher Sombra." Several of the glasses at that moment shattered. As 4 Mares spoke in the Royal Canterlot Voice all at the Same Time. "WHAT?!" Spike Could only start to laugh at this as Sombra smiled, Virulent, Veil, and Satin's Jaws dropped. Trixie, Starlight, and Sunset just didnt know what to do, the first of them settled for a glaring eye Twitch. "You sly devil, You had this planned all along didn't you, Sir." Sombra said. "I have no idea what your talking about, Witcher. But seeing as how my punishment has been decided and you have agreed to the terms I believe everything is Settled." "No its Not." Celestia said glaring at Damocles. "Prince Damocles, I have several Questions for you. As well as several complaints and must note of the Failures of Compliance you agreed to." "Please feel free to point them all out right now, Your Royal Highness. As long as I am given proper Accordance to explain my position for any of these alleged Failures you seemed to have conceived." "First and Foremost upon entering the Protective barrier of the Crystal empire instead of staying on the Train you jumped into the snow out the window moments before contact. Why?" "If i may sir," Sombra said smiling. "After all I was born to these lands and there for can explain it easiest to her." Damocles nodded. "Princess Celestia, With permission allow me to explain the Commanding officers reasons for the actions. As one who was not there for the event, I fully understand why it happened. The shield was generated by Princess Cadance." Sombra gestured to the pink pony who seethed at the usage of her name by his tongue. "But was empowered to defend against myself and all darkness like myself by the Crystal heart itself. Instead of suffering continuous painful, and potentially lethal harm from the Crystal heart he enacted an old write. A permission of sorts has to be granted for free movement and even then its restrained until meeting with the source and getting permission. Since she graced all of us with her presence it means that He," Taking a moment to point at Damocles, "Is Granted into every area except for the inner most sanctum, and even then he may be allowed to view it. I know I'm not." Sombra said whistfully and slightly annoyed. "That answers some of my questions and raises more. How do you know of these ancient rites Sombra? Not even my sister and I knew about this. The same question goes to you Damocles. There was nothing in your memories from what Luna had told me about this stuff." Celestia Said. Luna subtly flinched when she said this, and small flicker of something in Damocles's Shadow happened Sombra was the only one to see this as his eyes flicked to the shadow and then Damocles. "Please Princess," Damocles began Neutrally, "You insult both myself, and my second in Command. We are ones that have either been forced down a single path, or searched tirelessly for the hidden truths of the path. While you who are all born in light and revel in it blind to the very forces that empower you, we, in order to survive, have to learn these things. "Or else we end up losing ourselves to it completely. Becoming not even a shell of what we were but simply another tool for it to work its dark ministrations. A balance must be made and kept after all. Between Raw Energy, Manipulation, and Destruction. These are the building blocks of everything. Your subcatogories of harmony and the like, are all under the light. Most of this world is light. Balance was lost a long time ago, and when nothing but light is there? Of course something would be twisted and corrupted." "This is what led to beings like myself and the Draconequus watching us from afar." Sombra explained straight faced. "We were presented with the option told of its clauses and all details that pertain to it good and bad. And we accepted it into our beings. However occasionally luckily enough beings Like Prince Damocles are made but more often than not, they are snuffed out by the very light they were made to protect before they can mature. That is why I am corrupted and he is pure. I was made through defiling of the light. Born of light and steeped in darkness this is the path I walk." Sombra finished. "Born of darkness and burned and burdened by the light, This is the path I walk." Damocles agreed. Narrowing her Celestia exhaled heavily. Princesses don't snort after all. "Fine I will accept that, The next thing I wish to bring up is you Failure to defer to either Myself, Princess Luna, or the Crystal Rulers." "Princess Luna, Do you remember what i told you the purpose of the Phantoms was?" Damocles asked his eyes never leaving Celestia's Cold glare as he stifled his emotions to that of a drinking void. "You said it was to be designed for the purpose of ending all conflicts, and eliminating any malevolent factions." She stated questioningly. "The exact words were somewhere along the lines of 'Armed Intervention of all wars, by eliminating both sides armed forces.' Meaning this became a matter of a Civil War. If i had deferred to either of you in that regards then the Phantoms would've selected the side they wish to represent. I simply upheld the truths that i found evident." "So when you said you were representing the Crystal empire and Equestria, You meant you would stop me or both would fall didn't you." Sombra said scowling. "There is no way he could've known that." Shining Armor stepped up to argue. "Princess Twilight... I would like to request for you tell your brother what a Normal Windigo is capable of." Damocles stated as he mechanically turned his head to him. "The original pony tribes excluding the crystal empire were forced to move to a new land or fall to them in totality. But were beaten back by love and friendship." Twilight said. "According to history the few who said they 'saw' them saw 3 ephemeral equine Figures of wind and snow." "Sombra starting off where your Windigos normal?" Sombra laughed at the question. "Anything but. So long as I had my rage They would've never faltered." "And how many did you have?" "The total amount of that which was equal to the Royal Cavalries during my reign and all who had perished during it," He paused as he looked at Celestia and Luna. "From both armies." "A rough estimate if you would?" "Approximately over ten thousand or so." "Translation if I had not released them?" "You're armies would've frozen over the first moment contact was made. The only reason his Armors didn't was because of the composition of them, the partial dark rune network he had crafted and the power of the crystal hearts energy fighting to protect them. For Equestria? It would've been naught more than a Winter wasteland. Even the Forest Everfree, would've been turned to Diamond Dust in the wind." "And after you would take the Crystal empire with access to the trains as the Windigos need you near by how fast would've you been able to move across the land?" "Fast enough that by the time they could've made something to fight back it would already be too late." "This is also why he is appointed to my second in command. He understands the finer workings of ancient dark magics. Hell the whole transformation Sequence you us do is simple basic stuff." Damocles said with a roll of his eyes. Sombra was nodding his head to the statement. "With that being said I was simply working with the allowed parameters agreed upon when you first allowed me this sect. Because we arent allied with any one group If I had found that Sombra was in the right, I would've just as easily helped him. But because of Queen Crystal-" A flash of yellow runes in front of Damocles made him flinch before they dissipated. "Because of Serina-" Blue green runes flashed infront of Damocles, " Asking me to do this and giving me her view on the situation and how long its been going on." He paused to scowl at Sombra who gave a sheepish smile his green eyes glistening. "I believed it in the best interest to act upon the beliefs of her." "So you would fight equestria, not only you but you would order your group to fight against them if you believed we were in the wrong?" Celestia asked her anger apparent. "Princess Luna, Didn't we use you as an example? That if you fell from grace again to become a Nightmare once more that we were to detain and attempt to save you if possible and if not that I specifically was to eliminate your life force." Damocles responded, Celestia went wide eyed and turned to look at her sister. Luna's eyes were slightly watery as she nodded slowly gulping. "So I don't see a failure but adherence to what my group is to do." "Damocles... You are my Nephew so I ask this as family. You called yourself a broken sword before, You did not want to fight So why are you fighting now?" Celestia Asked, her voice was hard but filled with concern. Her eyes seeking comprehension and filled with tough love. "Because sister, that's all he knows how to do." Luna spoke up for the first time. "When one loses so much so many times as he has from his home. He want's to ensure he will always have a place by any means." She lowered her head. "So he will fight to keep it no matter what anyone says." "After all beings of darkness no matter how civil we may be, At the end of the day no one knows how to handle the truth in our hearts that even we know." "And what is that?" Starlight says. "That no being of light can truly see our hearts as we can perceive theirs. That at the end of the day, when everything is said and done. When all chips are on the table, we are, have been and always will be, Monsters, Traitors, And Devils. So we shall walk our paths ever alone unless we die burning in the light for those that we love." Damocles said before getting up and leaving Sombra and the rest of the Phantoms following him. Spike running after behind before being lifted up by shadows and put on Damocles's back. > D-Lessons | Ancient Powerful Wise The Apex Before Man! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My liege?" Sombra asked as they walked in the palace the rest of the phantoms having been dismissed Spike sitting on Damocles's back. "Why do you let the Dragon Whelp ride your back?" "Hey this Whelp has a name...It's Spike. And I'm not a whelp!" Spike chastised. "Because he needs male guidance and he sees me like an older brother." "Well you always say you want my help with something whenever Twilight was busy with something else she didnt want my help, plus you have taught me a lot of things. Like how to get stronger." Spike said happily. "Oh, And how has he done that young Drake?" Sombra Inquired. "Well he has been having me exercise regularly as well as practice using my claws and keeping them nice and sharp, Increasing my lung strength for my fire breath with the training the rest of the phantoms have been going through." "Now if Only I could break you of a few more terrible pony habits you could really grow into your own." Damocles said happily. This caught the eyes of not only his companions but several of the guards. "Come let us take a walk outside Sombra, Spike since you know this area as the 'Brave and Glorious' being you are, why don't you show us around?" "OH Yeah they fixed up a whole lot of stuff and the public even made something for you." Spike said as he jumped off and began to lead the two Stallions out of the Castle. "Hey Damos... Can... Can I ask you some questions?" "Ignoring the opportunity for a dad joke, Go ahead Spike." "Why does it seem like you don't like ponies very much." Spike asked softly. Sombra Raised an eyebrow as he eyed Damocles for his response. "Spike... its not that I don't like Ponies very Much, its that I don't like a lot of what they do. Especially to creatures like you. They are xenophobic and ostracize any who don't follow their way of life. Even if they are getting help from them." "I guess that makes some sense, but then how come you always get upset when you see me eating hayfries and other pony food?" "You what?" Sombra asked incredulously. "Because that's why." Damocles said gesturing with his wing as they finally left the Building Damocles taking a brief moment to bow towards the Heart before continuing. The Crystal Ponies on the street all stopped an waved hellos and good afternoons towards spike and Damocles before realizing Sombra was there and quickly running off. "What It bothers you I eat pony food?" "I'll Repeat myself again for the sake of being heard here, You What?!" Sombra scowled. "Sombra, he was raised by the purple librarian Alicorn for all his life, except when he was raised by Celestia. His primary diet consists of at least, Thankfully, gems and Pony foods." "But He is a Dragon! His very species is to represent Power? Why the herbivorous nature." "Exactly my issue." Damocles commented. "Ok now i'm lost, whats this about?" Spike said coming to a stop to turn around. "And it makes it worse when you hear that he actually won the Gauntlet of Fire and handed off the Blood Stone Scepter to the Daughter of the previous Dragon Lord." "Atleast he preserved a Suitable mate for himself." Sombra's comment was met with a look of confusion and slow shaking head. "Spike... Where you or where you not in a position of true power and governing?" "I was?" "And did you hand off the position to the Current Dragon Lord as a promise to be her Mate or for lack of better term for you both to be wed?" "What? No! Ember is only friend. I just felt she was more qualified for the position than I, and I didn't want to leave my home." Sombra's Jaw Dropped as they continued walking. "Why would I want to Date Ember, I already have my eyes set on another." "Oh thank the Shades." Sombra breathed in relief. "Don't get too happy yet, Sombra... in my honest opinion it's terrible." Damocles said as he paid for a small drink. "What atleast its not a pony, right?" Spike blushed and scrunched his face rubbing his arm slightly. "Oh dear god its a pony... At least its an alicorn?" He said trying to smile hopefully. Only to frown when Spike turned his head away from Him and Damocles shaking his head. "The prissy white unicorn with the violet blue mane? Cutie Mark of gems? Her... the Element of Generosity. Miss Rarity Belle." Sombra facehooved at the audacity of it all. "Damocles! You promised not to tell Any Pony." Spike cried. "Spike... I promised I wouldn't tell any body. Sombra doesn't count as he is a Shade, Shades don't always have corporeal bodies. Loophole, learn them, love them, ram rod your opponents with them." Damocles said holding up a hoof. "Like you did with the Princesses this morning." Sombra smiled and hoof bumped Damocles. "Ugh... Ok yes I like a pony whats wrong with that." Spike said defiantly. "Do you want this or me?" Damocles asked Sombra. "Please sir, he is your, Ahem, little brother, Your conversation I shall simply add input when I can." Sombra said Damocles gave a wry smile at that. "Cop out." Damocles said as they found a space in a park to sit down and talk. "Ok Spike listen carefully to what I am about to say, I'm about to drop untold knowledge into your head about dragons. Enough to make realize many things, question almost everything and enough to make you think I'm insane. So first, When you Think of Dragons what are the first words you think of?" "Jerks and bullies outside of the occasional few." Spike said without missing a beat. Sombra Groaned as he face hooved for the second time today. Damocles just breathed Deep, sitting on his haunches and putting his fore hooves together in front of him. "Boy, listen up. These are the only words that should cross your mind when you hear Dragons. Strong, Ancient, Wise, And most of all Powerful. A true Dragon is one that has lived for years, one that has survived the test of time and stood strong with use of his cunning wit and prowess to live that long. In a world like this it bothers me that the only reason they are not the Apex Creature is because of the Alicorns." Damocles explained. "Aptly said my liege, an addendum to that young drake is Ferocity, as well as Honor." Sombra added. "Okay I think I follow what your saying but The only dragon that sounds remotely like what your describing is the previous Dragon lord Torch." Spike commented. "Torch became a dragon lord?" Blinked Sombra. "And we are not at war with dragons? hmm he must have softened after settling down with a mate." "He did... But yes Torch is a prime example. Spike you know dragons used to live where I'm from right?" "Wait Really?! What are they like?" Spike asked excitedly. "Mighty beings capable of Rampaging through a kingdom and Razing it to the ground in a single day." Damocles said a Saddened expression appearing on Spikes face. "Very temperamental beings that respect knowledge, each having a very definitive version of their own code of honor, but with great respect for those that can earn it. They desired Any and all Treasures of the world. If it was deemed Valuable it was coveted by a dragon. But in times of darkness the Dragons were more often than not the first to call to arms and approach us to inform of what was coming. With a single wing beat they could level a small forest yet were so gentle they could be found laying in a forest with all the animals nestled against them. Each with their own unique personalities and Vices. And their own form of breath attacks." "What you mean fire?" "Fire is the most common yes, but no, some would use lightning, others would acid, some even breathed Ice. Others use pressurized water strong enough to punch a whole through stone and steel. There used to be millions of them." "Used to be?" "And that is were our dark twists begins my friend. As I said before these dragons were mighty and powerful, my people at this time had no magic, and were very weak to the world. To die old was to make it to 25 years." Spikes eyes were wide with shock. "And we who were so fearful, and so very frail and fragile. Grew to fear these creatures too much, and so began the Wild Hunt. Using science and the parts of previously slain monsters we sent forth our warriors young and old, male and female to slay all monsters and Dragons. Heh this actually reminds me of a song for a certain tribe that went missing at the end of the that age." Beginning to stomp hooves against the table of the park they were sitting at. "I be killing monsters All day No problem. They don't wanna bite on the Blade I'm too awesome! Jogging through the jungle, Jumping around all these tall trees I'm a Juke a Giant. Man, I'm Jacked up on raw meat! "Welcome to the New World. Gonna be exhausting, we out there, our guild we gotta study the elders falling. We're dual wielding blades, Enemy think we lost them. But we got scout flies Tracking down the target, Like that!" Damocles sang Clapping his hoofs together. Sombra smiled as he powered his horn make an illusion for the gathering crowd to change the scenery into a savage wilderness before singing. "Setting out a Man will test his worth. Another beast Emerges from the Earth!" In the middle of calm desert a Dragon with powerful front ward facing horns Burrowed out of the Sand in an explosive way Making the spectators Scream in surprise as it destroyed one of the few stone pillars. A group of four armored ponies in armor unlike any of them had scene jumped towards the dragons with Weapons Drawn. Duel Blades, a Lance, a Giant Sword, and Giant Bow with arrows. Swinging down upon it. The dragon in response Screaming and thrashing itself as it quickly fought back near killing them. In a single blow. "And He tries! And he cries out to the gods to make him strong!" The earth pony with the sword digging the blade into the sand to keep from flying too far away before wrenching it free as the Pegasus with arrows jumped from pillar using his wings to pull the bow taught and launching the arrows that exploded on contact. The Unicorn Charging at the dragon as it slammed its boulder axe like tail against him sending him into a stone pillar cracking and indenting it blood coming from the mouth of the pony. While the last Pegasus with the daggers moved like a windmill of blades down its back from head to tail tearing scales off. "He's Gotta be Strong. He's gotta be Strong, He's gotta be strong! And He prays, For the power and the swiftness of his blade!" Sombra sang as the next earth pony wielding a weapon similar to what Damocles used against him in their fight flew in on a rope tied to a much smaller dragons feet. "Hottens up his mind, And numbs the pain. To the bending of his will. Its the glory of the kill." The last words ended with the Earth pony swung his blade to meet the tail of Dragons cutting it off in a spray of blood. Spike wide eyed and afraid grabbed his tail in response. Damocles picked it up as the scene changed to another group fighting a leviathan that was threatening to kill another dragon. "Should I rock the long sword? or go and grab the gun lance. Either way these giant freaks are going down with with one Glance." Using the overly long Neighpanese looking sword the cut one of the fins of the sea monster making it release the Red dragon giving it a chance to swim away. While the Lance that had a whole above the tip slammed into the chest of the beast And with a movement of the hoof a Electric explosion surged through beast coming from the barrel. "We don't play games, Me and my hunting crew One Slice, Two Slice, Three Slice" The next strike made by one who had an axe that seemed burn the very waters around it as slashed across the neck of the thrashing Monster before the ponies all pushed away from it. "Down He goes!" Called out the crowd. As the scene changed to show a giant electrified squirrel swinging its spiked up tail at a lone Stallion. "Epic! Curving around these creatures so fast it'll make your head spin." The next showed a giant snake lizard with lighting sparking from its fangs. "Strategy is planned to the Tee it'll be perfected." A giant mass of bones rolling towards another pony who readied their hammer Who swung it low causing the the mass of bones to splinter and shatter as it bounced over the pony revealing the monster beneath. "Running for the exit, when you see me coming, Respect it." The scene changed once more to another pony about as large as Big Mac who had a weapon similar to the one that Damocles made from his wings metal during his fight against Blue Blood, with a belt of arrows that fed into firing rapidly into a giant furry fire breathing T-rex like creature. "Tracking down Monsters," The scene changed to another group of hunters in the forest following a trail of claw marks from the bushes Wanna hear the final roar. When i see a Dinosaur Imma make a Dino Sore!" A smaller pony swinging a large hammer into the head of another t-rex hitting it on the nose before the dinosaur stumbled and fell on its side. "Ask my Grand dad Bon-a-fide commander, they'll be under arrest and I aint talking about Miranda! Now stand up!" A lone Pegasus challenged a Massive Heavily Spiked Dark purple dragon Spikes were even on its wings as the two clashed and duel one waiting for the other to get up in stead of ever dealing a final blow. Sombra picked up the song again. "Setting out a Man will test his worth." The Spiked Dragon Flew high before diving into what seemed like molten magma, The Stallion with the glaive watched ground warily before using the staff to jump up and away from the ground where the Dragon Burst through covered in Lava The spikes that had been cut off Fully regrown. "Another beast emerges from the Earth!" The scene changed again to one of a single stallion holding the obviously dead mare amidst a storm of swirling winds and Metal shrapnel twisting around them as he cries out. "And he tries, and he cries out to the gods, To make him strong!" Gripping her sword and mustering his strength. "He's gotta be Strong." Lifting it up as the storm raged more the metal scales cutting through his armor like a hot knife through butter. "He's gotta be strong." Before he jumped up towards sky towards the location of a massive 4 winged dragon that roared in response flapping hard to sent a gust of wind with more scales at him. As Pushed against it swinging the giant sword down onto the beast. "He's gotta be Strong!" The scene changed again to fire breathing dragon chasing a pony down a landslide towards a cliff. "He Prays!" Jumping off the cliff and turning towards the dragon chasing him launching a harpoon like hook attached to a rope at the Dragon catching it in the thigh to avoid falling to his death as the dragon flies away from the landslide before doing a flip mid air whipping the Unicorn upwards. "For the power and the swiftness of his blades!" In response he whipped out his hooves as two blades form with him diving towards the dragon and the dragon towards him. "Hotten's up his mind, and numbs the pain!" The dragon biting down on the pony's hoof as he stabbed the other one into a break in the scales. "To the bending of his will, Its the glory of the kill!" The two started their descent back into the landslides cliff. The song ending as well as the illusion as the repeating lyrics go to a final battle a younger pony looking similar to the one that fought the spiked dragon fighting against a dragon that seemed more bones than dragon about to be killed as the spike dragon crashed into it. Pony and Dragon fighting side by side until the Bone monstrosity was slain the beating heart stabbed through by one of the spikes of the other Held by the pony. The Spiked dragon was on its side severely wounded, as the pony approached it. The dragon eyeing him closed its eyes before nodding slightly towards the pony. The pony in turn cried as he pushed the same spike into the chest of the spiked dragon. "Spike... my people became the apex Predators of our home by learning how to kill everything else. But we didn't exterminate everything. As always life finds away, The dragons of then are still around. just in different form. Some have learned to hide in plain sight surrounded by the very beings that hunt them. The fight between the old man and the spiked dragon was a fight that happened once a month for a full year. Both refusing to kill one another. The fight at the end was the grand child ending the fight for them as that bone dragon. Had killed his grandfather. The spiked Dragon recognized the blood and held a promise kept. I want to think you are related to the same species as that dragon. as that was essentially the most deadly of all the dragons. Capable of regenerating near everything as long as it ate enough and had the strength to return to it home. But your growth im sure is stunted. You are atleast 20 years of age. A baby by dragon standards but even at this age babies are learning to stretch their wings. Dragons Are omnivorous." "W-what?" Spike said confused by everything. "You have the potential to become the strongest dragon in history. But you aren't eating healthily. You still have you baby fat." Sombra said smoothly. "I have had to defend against dragons wanting our home for food. That was how I moved my way up through the ranks of nobility. I've fought dragons younger than you drake. that were easily more destructive but nonetheless coherent." "I mean... its true we don't have a knowledge on alot of dragons but what does my diet have to deal with all that?" Spike asked confused. "We were showing you what you could become how powerful. The difference is most of those were ones that lost themselves in their madness. Something i'm told you were able to fight back against. If you want Spike I'm willing to help you learn how to be a true Dragon. You have your Code of Honor as did most. You have no hoard, which is not necessary because you value knowledge and," Damocles scowled as he spoke. "Friendship and the like over anything else. But you must also realize regardless of what route you choose. In this world of peace and happiness, with the odd ball of disaster." "Like me for example." Sombra interrupted raising his hoof. "You can eventually grow to be as eternal as Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight. A full life for a pony can seem like the blink of an eye to you eventually. Now I'm not saying don't live for today, please do, make as many memories as you desire. But recognize a loss cause that would do more to harm you and hurt you than anything else." "I-is that why you keep throwing away those letters from the nobles asking to court you? Because of the same reason? Or is like Queen Crystal heart?" Starlight asked as she approached having seen the entire thing. Flashing a smile towards Starlight as spike looked over at her. "No... I do that to spare the pain of anyone else. I offer to teach you what is necessary Spike but in all honesty. Starlight, Spike listen thank you for spending time around me but you shouldn't, I can guarantee I'm the worst monster this world will ever see." Damocles said as he looked up wistfully at the blue sky laughing slightly to himself. Sombra looked forlorn at Damocles as Starlight chuckled softly and awkwardly. "I don't believe that Damocles... You go out of your way to help every pony whenever you can. You're a good Pony... And... I'll think about what you offer me." Spike said. "But we have 2 more stops before we head back to the castle and Its almost time to go back for dinner." Spike said as he led them. "This first is a tribute to me after I got the crystal heart to Princess Cadance the first time." Sombra rolled his eyes grumbling remembering his first defeat until he saw the large crystal Statue of Spike wide eyes and bright smile holding the crystal heart in a single Claw. His left eye started to twitch as Damocles snickered. "This next one is a tribute to you though Damocles." They walked to a freshly finished carving near Spike's statue one that Sombra in it Climbing upwards on crystals with Damocles Descending With his Glaive towards Sombra wings spread. As if someone took a picture of the scene mid fight and carved it out of onyx, ruby, sapphire and opal. Ruby in the eyes of Sombra and for his horn. Sapphire in the eyes of Damocles. His body forged from opal with an onyx heart. While Sombra was made mostly of Onyx. A plaque centered before it. 'In Honor of The Shadow of Hope, he who devoured our fears using the dark to fight against The Corrupted King of Heart.' > Following Into Darkness | Invitation to Gryphonia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the way back to the Crystal Empire Castle Spike laid back on Damocles' back just between the wings watching the clouds in the sky. Sombra held a pensive look as he walked with pride and conviction Following just off to the left and behind his Commanding officer, His prince of Void and Darkness. Damocles for his part was walking like a noble man however anyone that saw his eyes could see he was lost in thought and on autopilot. The Yellow and Red which could normally pierce through a pony like an arrow through Chain mail, appeared dulled and foggy. Until he snorted and came to a stop. Starlight by his side. "Sombra?" "Yes, My liege?" "I think it's time to expand our Faction. We need to go travelling and recruiting from the different lands. This would also be good to make sure and Introduce myself to the rest of the world. And announce your return as a member of my team. It would also do us good to learn the state the rest of the world is in." Damocles said resolutely. "I think we should also spend some time away from... my family." "Do you have concerns?" Sombra asked. "I'm just being a neurotic paranoid freak." "Well stop that." Spike said pushing himself up. "You have nothing to worry about Damos... We're your family and we aren't going anywhere and most of all we have your back." he said giving a thumbs up. Damocles couldn't help but smile at that. "Spike? Do me a favor... never loose that optimism." Damocles said. "But some things were said during that meeting that, I don't know if i can trust everything. I'm not going to say you wouldn't understand because your not old enough, I'm going to say you wouldn't understand because you haven't Experienced enough of the world to understand." "So would you be wiling to teach me?" Spike asked. "I mean I kinda have to be quick study so I could always learn if you tried to teach me." "I think what Damocles is trying to say Spike, is that somethings alone cannot be learned but must be experienced to comprehend." Starlight said getting a look of realization out of Spike. "Like Twilight with friendship or Me." "Tell you what Spike. I'll give you a riddle, and if you can tell me the True answer to it." Damocles said with a smile. "Oh Ok I've always been good at those." He said with a smile. "'In this world as true as the next, there is but one long treacherous riddle, we are all caught in the middle of. Can I trust you? Should you Trust me, too?' If you can figure that out Spike Then feel free to tell me the answer." Damocles said The riddle actually making Starlight pause for a brief moment as Sombra laughed following him. "My Prince, I shall have no issue with following you, of this I can guarantee is true." Sombra said happily. "Hey Sombra? As someone else who used to be a Villain, why don't you call Damocles by his name?" Starlight asked. "You just call him by his title." She pointed out. This made Sombra scowl as he turned to face her. "Why should I desire to insult the one who is saving my life." Sombra stated more than questioned. "Come now Witcher, You know more than anything I'm damning the two of us." Damocles said as Twilight and company stepped forward out of the Castle. Twilight looking at Damocles and Sombra with a worried frown before smiling at Spike and Starlight. Picking Spike up with her magic before putting him on her back. "So you're trying to reform Sombra," Twilight began smiling at Damocles. "If you want we have some pointers and maybe some advice for you if you want to help smooth things over. We can even work together!" She said animatedly. This was met with a scowl from Sombra and blank look from Damocles. "I'm not trying to reform him Princess." Damocles said Evenly. "So he is making you evil! Lets go you an me right now Buddy!" Rainbow Said flaring her wings as she stared Sombra down. This got a roll of eyes from the dark magic users. "To think these were the ponies that were instrumental to my defeat so many years ago." Sombra muttered before dragging his hoof down his face, "Calm yourself Sky Touched. I'm not making him Evil. And he isn't trying to make me into something I'm not. He is simply assisting me in becoming something more by showing me a new way to use my gifts." He said Grimacing his fangs showing making Fluttershy Give a sound in fear as she moved behind her friends trembling. "I do must apologize darling, But somehow I find that hard to believe. Damocles, could you properly explain as to why you chose... this one to be your second in command? I, as well as others, all had assumed that Veil was to your Second." Rarity had pointed out. The 3 Phantom members were watching and listening from a nearby Balcony. "Especially since they were granted to you from your mother's elite guard." Mulling it over in his head Damocles nodded before looking at Rarity with a smile. "Rarity. Say that you wanted to teach the Crusaders how perform," he paused clearing his throat, "The Art of the Dress." This made Rarity blink before her full attention was on what was being said. "Now normally you would feel that just showing them would get them on the right track initially right? Because it is simple and easy to you, and you understand it as near second nature. But when they present their first original designs, you see nothing but mistakes with small glimpses of potential that shine underneath, yet you have no idea how to help bring it out." his eyes glanced towards the 3 Thestrals on the balcony before locking with Rarity again. Her doing the same thing. "So instead you custom make them the items to help get them in the right direction as they practice on their own. Say for Sweetie you give her the sewing machine so she can properly mix the different fabrics and pieces together. For applebloom the sketch pad to design it and for Scootaloo the ponequin to fit it all and make necessary adjustments. But its still not enough. Then you meet someone who took something that was not their initial talent and dedicated their lives to the Art of The Dress. Something even you find no faults with, and you end up in a position were they can work with you in teaching the kids. Would you not take advantage of that?" Rarity shifted her head left and right biting her lip as she thought. "Ok I see your point, dear. But do please, try to be more sensitive about the subject and explain it to her? For the most part she thought you were getting rid of her." Rarity was for the most part being civil about the issue. "We all did." Apple Jack said walking up to him. "And I don't care none about who ya are and what ya did, but ya don't turn your back on family. And You Military types, y'all are family." Her eyes hardened into a glare. "So y'all better apologize to her when you can. Or so Help me, I'll-" She was pushed back by a snarl and hard look from Damocles as he took a step forward making her fall back onto her haunches as she recoiled away. "Or You'll what!" Damocles challenged. "Please tell me how to do my job! Show me how well YOU can manipulate Darkness to the point where YOU are the one standing on the THIN, DECAYING LINE Between MADNESS, and Reality." He snarled. "Show Me How to Train those that WANTED to follow an IDIOT like ME into a world where nothing is as it seems. To WANT to Potentially destroy themselves," Tears began to well up in Damocles' eyes. "And ruin whatever Friendships and Relationship with family and friends that they ever-" Damocles was cut off as 2 ponies was hugging him tightly. Trying to get him to calm down. A pair of pink manes pulled away to reveal the two that stopped him cold. "It's ok, I promise that it's ok." Pinkie said softly, "Just breathe... you need rest." "You, are not a monster." Fluttershy whispered softly. "You need to see that you are NOT a Monster." She repeated as they pulled Pinkie wiping away a tear. "Damocles... Sorry... we shouldn't have tried to do this so soon after everything. We'll just leave you be." Twilight said as she started to lead the girls and Spike away. Only to stop briefly when Damocles started speaking. "If you and the other element bearers knew how bad I really was Twilight, you wouldn't hesitate to use the elements of harmony on me. It wouldn't work, but you wouldn't hesitate." Damocles said as he walked away followed by Sombra. A total of 2 days passed before the Phantoms Left fortheir Home Base. Damocles fixed the Lancelot armor before leaving it to Shining Armor. Princess Luna didn't see her son before the celebration of their Victory. On the train Ride Damocles took the time to explain everything regarding his decision to force Sombra into his position. Including the unwanted immortality. Training with Sombra as well as upgrading and fixing all issues with the armors would begin as soon as they got back. However upon their arrival there was Griffon dressed to the Nines waiting at their door. "Greetings and Good Afternoon, Prince Damocles Meteora, and Company. My name is of no importance to you all as I am simply a messenger sent by Griffon Ambassador Baron Rio De Janeiro." Pulling out a Envelope from his vest pocket and presenting it to Damocles who proceeded to open it to read. "The Baron and her Ladyship, Belladonna wish to know of your response in regards to attendance as well as any additional persons you may bring up to five in total attendance. Lady Belladonna also requested off the record for me to pass along this message." He said holding himself in a high regard. "Proceed." Damocles said. "The message was as follows, and I apologize due to my lady's crassness and vulgarity. 'So the Vamp went and made a small task force without so much as responding my challenge? Come on Punk lets brawl it out for the entire Flock to see. I'll even make a bet, if you win without any fancy schmancy bullshit magicks then I'll even treat you for the rest of the Festival. But if I win you have to be my pet for the festival.' Once again I apologize I took the liberty of removing some of the worst of it before delivering." "Thank you, How long do I have until the Festival to begin? And can you explain it to me, I must apologize for my ignorance in the matter." "It begins in 2 weeks Sir. The Falling Feathers Festival is more or less a Tournament in tribute to our fallen ancestors after the Great Griffon war against Equestria. Our command structure was more or less ruined so the youngest survivors of the major nobility houses began to fight one another. Until only one remained standing. Some where along the lines Others began fighting just for honor and glory. while every griffon enjoys themselves with partying and drinking and good brawling sportsmanship." "Ah i see its like a Garou moot." Damocles said smiling as the Griffon squawked his eyes going wide looking down at the pony. "Something wrong?" "I'm Sorry its just I didn't know ponies knew of those terms." "You misunderstand Ponies Don't. I do, If thats the case then i wonder if can earn some rank... with you all... Can I join in the tournament?" Damocles said excitedly. "The tournament was what was going to the challenge grounds sir." "Excellent, I'll definitely be there. As for who else... I'll be taking a few more ponies." The griffon nodded. "If I may be so brash sir, but are you perhaps a Ragabash?" "Nope.. Closer to the Corrax than Garou. But I had someone I used to call my big brother who was quite the Nuwisha." The Griffon could only smile at that and give a laugh. "I'll be sure to inform our King of that sir, have a good day and I look forward to singing your tale." He said before he started to fly off. "What just happened?" Virulent asked confused. "It appears our leader has more than one ace up his sleeve. Just what kind of being did I choose to follow." Somrba said smirking. "How did you know about Griffon Culture so much? And what were those words?" "In order, I don't, And just some Stupid stuff from my home. Stories legends etc. Didn't think they would apply here a group of beings that tolerated me and I tolerated back would play this game, that involved with us essentially changing forms into more primal and animal type creatures. Liek going from pony to wolf, and the such. I wasn't very good as a wolf so i tried for the bird as there was more than one type. As a bird... I was the aerial bomber of the world. Only of the Western Fera Breeds that could fly. And magic wasn't as limited in the game as it is here, all sides could use magic but almost always required some kind of Catalyst." Damocles explained. "So Care to explain what we were just volunteered for sir?" Veil said testily. This made Damocles lose the smile and his brows furrow. "Veil Cut the shit. You have every right to be angry but i am not about to have you sowing seeds of discontent. But what I'm trying to do right now is get our group more worldly and culturally known. I was just personally invited to an event that the princesses don't often get invitations to, I assume, and I'm damn sure Blue Blood has only ever gone once out of politeness. If this is what I think it is I'm going to go enjoy myself as well as make a name for us and hopefully come home with a new recruit." "Another one?" Satin questioned. "Yes, I want one of basically every sapient and Intelligent species if I can. to round out our crew. Now Everyone get some rest and Tonight I go over the fine workings of the Garou Nation and the Triat." Damocles ordered. "Virulent Help Sombra pick his room. Satin tomorrow I want you take Sombra and get him accustomed to life here in Ponyville, as well as get him registered with Mayor Mare. Sombra. I want you on best behavior. If you can power down to base unicorn form no fangs no corrupt horn." Sombra nodded before breathing deep as his size and form diminished slightly. "Veil, Head to the Bookworms home and get me a few books on griffon culture. Sombra Over the next week I want you to personally spar with Satin and Virulent. Figure out their strong and weak points. Temper the strong hammer the weak. Chains and links and all that jazz. Also, get the stick out of your flank, I know you think it an insult but I Chose it. So use the name. Do you understand me?" Sombra fidgeted uncomfortably as he sighed. "Yes Prince Damocles." he said. "Good everyone carry about your day and reconvene at the Zen Garden at 2330. Dismissed." Damocles turned around immediately walking into a Shadow gate that led directly into his room in Canterlot Castle. Where he took of the necklace Luna had given him and stuck it into the wooden table. Taking off the cloak as well and hanging it up. He growled before a set of shadow like claws formed over his hooves and he struck at the stone wall Leaving deep grooves in place as he attacked it relentlessly. The sound of stone being cut and metal scrapping was heard along with a powerful roar of anger. A few royal guards immediately ran in the room to see their prince just attacking the wall the sound of the armor catching the attention of Damocles mid strike. His Yellow Eye Glowing Before dimming as his breathing slowed from its ragged form. "Is everything alright your highness?" The guard on the left asked, his voice showed no signs of fear as neither did his eyes just the look of someone tired, someone who recognized pains and angers of the heart related to family. "I... No... everything is not fine... but I can't do anything about it anyways so I have to deal with it." He replied The guard nodded his head and walked forward igniting his horn and undoing the damage dealt to the wall slowly. "If I may be so bold sir, I want to thank you." the unicorn guard said. "Because of the modifications you did initially with the armors my little sister, was able to survive an otherwise deadly situation. About a month ago she had run into a Diamond dog den to find out about some missing ponies. She got the ponies out, and just as some reinforcements arrived one of them through a spear hard enough to pierce the outershell of our armor. For context, she is not a unicorn like me... She's an earth pony. Instead of what was potentially a fatal strike she received a broken bone and bad bruise." He finished fixing the wall to face Damocles. "I don't understand a whole lot when it comes to nobles and other gaurds, After all I'm a simple Day guard who was assigned to watch the halls and a new nobles room in the castle. But I do know when someone is trying to make sure that ponies go back to their families. So thank you, for standing in the dark where nopony else will dare walk and dragging it back with you to get us closer to the light." The unicorn nodded. "I don't want or need you to say anything in response, just thought i would say it so you know you're efforts are acknowledged and welcomed. I can only imagine what happened in the Crystal empire for you to be here but I'll keep my trap shut. Have a good afternoon sir, is there anything you would like a maid to bring you?" he asked as he began to leave the room. "The Damocles biscuit... Please... and thank you." He said softly. "One order of it coming up. Rest up,sir." ***** 2330 at the Zen Gardens ***** The Phantoms all sat on individual rocks. Sombra was watching the Sand seemed to ever shift and create new images as a single gem constantly move and the rocks adjust their positions around the standing fire Above the phantoms in the Cherry blossom tree was Damocles resting on his back with his eyes towards the stars Luna had decided to join sitting on a blanket with Spike and Twilight had notes ready as Damocles saw them when eating telling them about the invitation and storytime. "So I want you all to understand, it will sound like I'm speaking of a religion or something, This is a purely fictional story that as much as there is good there is even more that twisted, there is no correct telling of the story as every tribe has its own variation and No one outside of maybe the Mokele know the truth but as far as anyone can tell they were completely wiped out or on the brink of extinction. And ill get to all the different types in a bit so no questions until i ask for them There is a lot to cover and not a lot of time do it." Damocles commented as soon as he heard the scratching of quill on the paper pause before it started again. "In the beginning there was nothing, no light, no dark, no life. Then something happened, No one truly knows what, but from that 2 beings where born. The first was The Wyld, thats with a Y not a I princess." "Thank you." Twilight said with a nod. "From her came the cosmic energies and potential raw power without shape or purpose blasting through the universe. The other Was the Wyrm. Again with Y. The Wyrm would take those energies and destroy them to make room for more so the Wyld could run free and the Wyrm could continue to eat. A balance of two parts. At one point though a 3rd was made from the Wyld and Wyrm, She would take the raw power and energy and give it shape and form which the Wyrm would devour so Wyld could make resources for her to play with. She became known as the Weaver. "Now somewhere along the line the Weaver, Wyrm and Wyld got bored of simply constructing reshaping and breaking, so then they decided why not give something form and watch it progress under a timel imit and once thats up have it be removed for something else. Wyld and Wyrm loved the idea so they both agreed to the Weavers suggestion, Weaver ofcourse needed a stage for all this so she created the first Daughter, Gaia. The world in which everything would live. Gaia herself would also have a time limit but far longer than that of what would live on or in her. After Gaia, Came Helios the sun, and Luna, or selene depending on which fera you talk to, the Moon. "But that wasn't enough she wanted to see how far the things she created could last and go. so she created them guides, spirits, Some of the most notable ones for me are, Coyote, the Trickster god of Creation and destruction." A howl of a coyote was quickly heard as discord popped in to existence having been watching what was going on from a cotton candy cloud. "Raven the patron god of the Corrax, who was a lesser trickster than coyote but saught to gather all the info of the world. There were plenty others, like Grand Father Thunder and Falcon, and such but they arent the important things here, well they are but not as important. Soon life began to flourish and Gaia took to making new things as well with little gifts from Wyld and Weaver and Wyrm. From the gifts of wyld and the spirits Gaia made the Fera. Creatures that could change forms from one type of animal to Humans, Advanced prime apes without tails and larger more active cognitive brains. From the Wyrm Came Creatures of death and destruction to help feed him along. with weaver they gave these creatures the power to create and build and grow. Everyone was satisfied with everything again until something happened. The weaver who would spend such meticulous time building everything just right would have her work often ruined by Wyld, So she tried to catch her older sister and hold her in place. That did not work, So she turned to her brother. "Wyrm who would destroy and Devour all that she made infuriated her. So she decided to put a stop to that and Captured or tricked or something to the Wyrm. Preventing it from being able to destroy everything as quickly as possible. So life grew undisputed. The Wyrms Sole purpose was to destroy so there was room for all to grow, But it was unable to do that. so it fought and struggled against its bonds slowly going mad." Damocles eyes flicked towards discord who simply shook his head. "Some where along the line the mind broke. And instead of trying to destroy that which Weaver created decided to use the very bindings it had against it. The first of which was the primary feras. It would whisper into their heads twist their desires and darken their hearts and have them continue thier purprose to the worst possible extremes. it would Defile them. and so began the World of Darkness. "Of the fera the primary or last living known groups there are as follows. the Garou, or Werewolves, Bastet: the Werecat, Corrax:Were Raven, Nagah: were snake, Mokele: werelizards, Rokea: wereshark, Ratkin: were Rat, Nuwisha: Were coyote, Ananasi The werespiders, Kitsune: The fox, Ajaba: Hyena, Gurahl: The bear. Each had there purpose for gaia. Each had variation with each tribe within the species. now all but 3 of those were given gifts by Luna. The Nuwisha were blessed with Coyote's gifts. As the Mokele and Corrax were granted the love of Helios. "There used be untold amounts before of all species but due to the pride the Garou, something known as the War of Rage Began. Where the Garou had begun to cull the other Fera to prove they are the best. The Mokele, Bastet, and nuwisha were one of their prime targets, but due to the efforts of the Corrax some were able to be saved. "now there are also 3 different breeds within most of the Fera, not the corrax though. There are those who are born human and then change into the were form who atleast one parent was fully human, known as homid, there are those born animal and change human known as Lupus primarily because the dogs where one parent was fully animal, and then there are those born to both parents being fera. They are the Metis, the hated. For some reason or another they always have SOME Deformity... Except for 2. "The first Ronin... the first defiled by Wyrms whisper... cast out by the silver fang clan of the Garou as a mere pup he was touched by the voice of the Defiler. He became the first friend of this Garou... and the most loyal being to it. This was the first Black Spiral Dancer... A black spiral dancer is a fera who has become overly tainted by the Wyrm and decided to try to follow in its path. Some thing it made in its thrashing in the spirit world is something known as the Black Spiral Labyrinth. A BSD, is the worst scum of the world. One who would defile twist and destroy for a laugh as they rape and break the one the 'love'." Damocles air quoted with his hooves. "The 2nd one is to be known as the Perfect metis the first BSD who could complete all 10 levels of the labyrinth and spiral. When that is done it marks the end of Gaia. And the end of the world. But once again its just a game. Now Twilight, I'll gladly tell you about what I know about the other tribes and if you want I can give the full information of the games i have at a later time. Spike... This was a game done to pass time in my home do you see why I say I'm a monster? Luna... What you tried to do compared to this stuff... well you know. So any important questions?" Luna's hoof raised high. "I have a question, as I'm sure you have questions for me. Can we speak in private?" Her voice was timid and she refused to meet his eyes with her own. Rolling them Damocles nodded before gliding down and walking towards his lab Luna followed wordlessly. Sombra on the other hand had lowered his hoof which was unseen by the rest. "I wanted to ask if Dio would return And who made the stone mask?" Sombra asked. "You read to the point where Jojo died on the boat right?" Spike asked getting a nod. "Then dude, its time to start Battle Tendency, 50 years later." Spike gave a large smile as everyone else left. "Stop by the library later and ill get you hooked up." "Dont bother we get the first editions right here we have until the 3rd arch. with more on the way." Virulent called out. "Also Dio sucks!" > Following into Darkness | Confessions of the Moon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Damocles led Luna into the lab he closed the door and locked it. She then put a Sound Supression spell so no one else would be able to hear them. From the outside while Damocles Shadow Darkened for a moment. "So?" Damocles' voice was empty and made Luna flinch. "I... I am sorry Damocles." Luna spoke as she lowered her head and looked at him. "For what?" The question confused Luna. "For having betrayed your trust and telling my sister about what you shared about yourself and past." "Oh... yeah no, you don't need to apologize for that. I figured something like that was going to happen eventually which is why I didn't tell you everything about me and the old ways." Luna upon hearing this frowned and looked down. Her mane moved less even. "Why do you look so hurt?" "You do not trust me... and rightly so. You expected to be betrayed by us and as you predicted it happened. So why are you not angry?" Her voice was soft and sounded just before breaking down. "What's the point in getting upset about something that you know is going to happen anyways no matter what you do." he replied coldly. "I know Cadance doesn't trust me anymore after what happened with Flurry heart. Shining Armor probably thinks i'm a monster, Which you know full well I am, Pretty sure that Twilight is going to have the elements of Harmony ready to blast both me and Sombra at any point." Damocles shrugged his shoulder. "This is just the nature of my life Princess Luna." Damocles said. "You.. don't see us as your mother anymore do you." "I'll be honest I never did, I was simply indulging you." Damocles said with his back turned as he sat at his work desk. "T-truly?" Luna's eyes were starting to be filled with tears as her voice faltered for but a moment. "I mean Kinda? I don't know, I think at one point I had duped myself into believing it was possible." He said picking up gems from the pile and working on them. "I see. So my Actions just reinforced your point of view of your world?" Luna's voice held Jovial disbelief. "Mhm, That's why not I'm not upset at you. I'll still refer to you as mother out in public unless the occasion calls for otherwise." "Don't Bother!" She barked causing Damocles to turn with a confused look at Luna. "Just don't... to do so would be pouring salt into the wounds. But then again you don't even really care do you." she said with a mocking smile as tears in her eyes began to slowly crawl down her face. "No... Things happened exactly the way you expected them and close yourself off to the world you paint yourself to be a monster when you could be a hero. And I will never understand why." "You want to know why I view myself as a Monster and not a Hero? Fine. Here it is in it's most direct form. I'm the monster you will need when the Hero Fails. You're heroes you have plenty of them, monsters... I'm the only one you all have. So let me close myself off. Let me be aloof. Its better that way for when I get to the point I need to be put down as no one would care and just say good riddance. 'I always saw it coming'" "You... You truly are not a pony... I know you recognize What I feel. I know you feel something, some kind of emotion, but you suppress it so unbelievably well. Damocles I hurt you and broke a promise to you. Yet you do nothing about it..." "Well what would you have me to do then?!" Damocles snapped his eyes glowing for a moment before shaking his head. "There's no point in seeking retribution, there is no point in getting angry, or doing anything about it. What's done is done, the damage, the choice, all of it has already been decided. So I don't need to do anything." Sighing Damocles offered tissues to Luna who took them wordlessly. "Luna... When you have something happen enough times to you, you become Jaded to it, I have closed my heart to that and I very well will probably never find a proper mate. Fuck, I mean I still cant fathom the concept that I have a horses dick for shadow's sake." That made her chuckle a little bit which made him smile before it fell away in a heavy sigh. "Every Moment is fleeting, friends allies family, they will always come and go. Always have, always will. And there ain't nothing i can do about that. The only people who I can say haven't betrayed me are the ones who haven't had a moment, or reason to yet. No one... I mean it, No one, would willingly stand by my side when I find what it is I seek and that will only happen when i fully break and whats left of whatever form of sanity or morality is blown away like diamond dust. The only way for some one to be able to do that is if they two were born in darkness like me, dragged into the light and have seen the horrors of the world, and how the beauty of the world pales in comparison." "So what is it you will seek when you break fully?" Luna's voice held trepidation. "Blood. I will seek blood and fill oceans with it. And when that blood comes crashing down on me I will drown in it, finally then i will have my peace... Do you want to hear a story from my world? It's one you don't know yet... and its not very nice but its about these deities that walked the earth." Sitting down on the couch Luna joined him as she laid her head down on the armrest just to listen. "Once upon a time, There was a man named Edmond Dantes, He was not litterage or smart but he had a good heart. Saved a man at sea who would then become his best friend. Fell in love. Was to be married to the girl of his dreams. however due to one act in effort to save his commanding officer his alleged best friend had all the means he needed to take everything AWAY!" He began to roar. "On the very day of his wedding Edmond Dantes was arrested and tried for treason stolen away from the altar by the doings of his best friend and 2 others to rise in power. He was found guilty and instead of being executed was sent to a place worse than Tartarus. They were Sent to the Chateu D'if, There he was beaten tortured and whipped every day given the worst form of nutritment possible with little care for medical condition for over 12 years Luna. In that time His best friend married his love and had a child. Edmond Dantes was considered Forgotten and dead to the world! When he escaped through the means of an old man's help and was taught everything in literature, math, and language, he sought his freedom to return to the world. Unfortunately the world had not been kind enough of for that. "The men who had caused him so much pain had all but erased and ruined any chance of his return and when he found the love his life in the arms of one of his betrayers? He went mad." Suddenly Damocles' eyes were both shining as the room seemed to darken. "So he struck a deal with the Devil." Thunder crashed in Rhythm as Damocles put his hoof up to her as he went and opened the door everypony from before having been listening in on the conversation through the use of Sombra's magic in Damocles's Shadow. Everyone Spike included gave a gulp of fear as Luna saw them wide-eyed. For each being that was there they began to see The room shift and turn into a plane unlike anything thy have known. Sulfur and brimstone filled their noses sickening them as the grounds cracked. "The world is a place, Where the Villains where a smile on their face, While they take what you could never Replace. Stolen moments gone forever!" The full memory of Damocles's Betrayal as he was human played before everyone. "But Tables can turn, like my enemies will soon enough learn. As i strike a match and watch them burn, upon the pyres of Obsession!" The visions each of them saw changed as things changed. For Twilight it became the burning of Alexandria. For Rarity the French Revolution. Pinkie Pie was the Fate/apocrypha back story of Jack the Ripper. Spike just saw the end of all light. Fluttershy was destruction of the planet via pollution. Sombra saw the systematic destruction via nuclear war. Starlight Saw the dreamscape Rowan Wicker going mad and massacring everyone. Trixie just saw as everyone shunned her until the beckoning rope coiled around her neck like a snake. And so on Until an opening was made that they could save everything. "You'll run till you drop, Chasing an Advantage, You'll pay any price, as long as its free! I will Carry hell to their doorstep. I will make them pay! They will reap the Hate they've sown on their Judgement Day!" Twilight was able to lower the fires using liquids she pulled from behind her but it was only until something fell in her peripheral. It showed to be a dried husk of another pony. That she pulled the liquids from. Making her scream. Spike saw things from Damocles' eyes as he waged a war on the cruel deities that brought this about. Himself against agents of heaven and hell. "Sleepless nights, Days of Damnation! Soon and evermore! I will bring the Chateau D'if, knocking upon their doors!" Then suddenly everyone's vision became an image of Rowan and his love. The one whose tombstone is in Canterlot. With Damocles infront watching it all beside him was image of another man who watched as his love went with another man. "And Love is a Lie!" Damocles declared as a vacuum tried to pull him away and he fought to stay with her. Only for her to start laughing as she wrenched his hands free hold him by the wrist as whispered into his ears. "Swearing that no matter what, it won't die!" just before she threw him into the vortex. before she went to lay with another man. "Disappearing like a star in the sky, in the hot light of morning!" The image changed to all of females who have been offered in his time in canterlot and the Crystal empire. "But what do I care, When there are women to be had Everywhere. First there's Retribution I must prepare, Mighty Vengeance is MIIne! I'll prepare a great show That will tempt you onward." the scene changed to Damocles the pony uniting the world ending all conflicts. "And just when its done, and the prize is yours. I'll Deliver Hell to their doorstep, Dressed IN rich Facade. "Then I'll burn them to the ground Like an Angry God!" Everyone saw as several strange beings were lit in flames at the mere tap of Damocles' hoof to the ground. A Cathedral then appeared around all of the spectators as Damocles was wrapped in chains and dragged to the cross. As A bell began to ring each time it did another chain broke freeing Rowan Wicker from the cross."Once your in my shining Cathedral heed the tolling bell. It's the final sound they hear before they descend to hell!" Black demonic like wings Spread outwards as one of them filled to be like an angels wing. "Fall Down on your knees. FALL DOWN AND LET US HEAR YOU PRAY. Fall down on your knees 'till we can hear you bargaining, scheming, begging and Screaming to pay! SO I'LL GUIDE YOUR WAY TODAY! ITS A PLACE WITHOUT ANY MERCY! - FASHIONED IN COLD BLOOD! STONES OF MERCY, STONES OF DOUBT! NO FORGIVENESS NOWAY OUT SAY AMEN!" And just like that the visions and songs ended With Damocles' back to everyone as he faced the door way everyone huddled by Luna but Spike. "You're right it's not a very nice story... But i get what your doing... You suppress everything until you have something to direct it at, then you use it like a blade." Luna said shaking her head. "This is not a way to live Damocles." "No it's a way to survive... Luna when I first arrived I told you all, that you guys killed me. There is no grand rebirth for me. My heart know it, my mind knows it, the body just hasn't caught up yet. So no... I am angry at you that broke your promise and lied to me. But I'm not too angry because I expected it. I'm sure once I've outlived my usefulness to you guys you euthanize me with the elements of harmony." "Is there nothing I can do to make it up to you? Or even get you to truly believe?" Luna asked looking at Damocles. "Because I want you to believe that I can be a mother to you, a true one." "You may want me to believe that but remember my words? Action's speak louder than words. There is not a being alive in this world or the next that would NOT betray me if i went against Equestria. I know it, Hell Sombra is probably only with me to learn how use and manipulate Pure darkness. Not what he uses. So he probably wont hesitate to do away with me if given the order." "But what about-" "Luna in order for me to believe anyone won't betray me. They would need to be ready to stand with me when that ocean of blood I make comes crashing back down on me. And you are one of the few ponies who just can't no matter how much you want to." He said before leaving everyone else behind. Starlight, Twilight, Trixie and Spike all looked at each other briefly. Spike getting off Twilight's back and running after Damocles. "C'mon Spike lets go get you something to eat." He said before flying into the Everfree forest. "So that's it then... That's what it all boils down to... you put on a show for everyone to think you are happy when in reality, you are the loneliest being i have ever seen." Pinkie said to no one before Luna charged her horn to head back to Canterlot. Spike came back just before the sunrise to cook the prepared food for himself and make some for the castle occupants. Starlight was informed of her invitation to Griffonstone, and hesitantly Accepted it. So she and Veil both got ready. Damocles did not go back to the base but upon questioning Spike said he knew where he was and that Damocles 'Needed time to himself.' During that week Spike would grow about 5 inches and lose a bit of baby fat for muscles as his claws and fangs grew stronger. > Following into Darkness | D Lessons II > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damocles Sat With No regalia. No armor. It was in the personally built ProtoType Car. Called K.I.T.T. or if your a nerd like Twilight the Knight Integrated Technological Trekker. He designed it to look as close as possible to 1982 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am as it was one of his favorite. In the car with him, Was Veil, Starlight, Trixie, Rainbow Dash and Spike. Damocles was incessant of calling it K.A.R.R. but was overruled by the marjority. "So Thanks again for the ride Damocles." Rainbow Dash said he drove. To which he grunted. "Right... So Spike You grew? Whats the secret? New diet and training regiment." "Something like that." he said twiddling his claws. "Honestly its because of Damos." "Right that reminds me. When did you and a few others start calling him Damos?" Rainbow asked. Veil interrupted to answer. "It started a few weeks into our training when Blueblood learned of our leaders name's meaning. Decided upon the nickname with the help of Princess Cadance." "Of course Lovebutt had her hand in that cookie jar." Damocles muttered. Which made Starlight snort in laughter making the rest of the car start laughing with them. Damocles's ear twitched before he looked in the mirror at Starlight with wide eyes. The car slowing down before shaking his head and returning his eyes to the dirt road. "Hey Damocles... I uh... I wanted to say I'm sorry... for before... it was totally uncool of me to be eaves dropping like that on you. And I'm sorry for what happened to you back... then." The Magitech engines roar increased as Damocles subconsciously began to speed up. He started Reaching 88.5 Kmph. "And... I want you to know that if anything comes up you can count on me. No matter what. You know, because of the element of Loyalty an all that." She added nervously. "I mean you can be a really cool dude when you want to be. And the fact that you can do that weird shadowy stuff is just awesome. I mean that mental mind junk you did initially messed with everyone pretty badly but then we saw what you saw... what happened to you. and... The girls and I all decided we want to try and prove ourselves as friends you can trust." She said happily. "Uh-huh." Damocles said neutrally as he pressed the Accelerator more reaching 120 KmPH. Spike was the one to reach his claw forward and tap Damocles on the shoulder. Getting his attention before they started slowing down. "It's ok... Listen you have friends... you can let us in." Spike said softly. Damocles just breathed heavily before he focused back on driving. "Good try Rainbow Dash. But His royal highness, has made it plain that none of us care about him." Veil Said as she looked back at her room mate. "Spike what are the rules Twilight told you?" "Oh No drinking, I'm not old enough. No eating anything strange. Sleep normally and don't follow anyone weird." "God damn that girl needs to get laid... In fact all of you probably do." Damocles said. "Careful Damocles you just spoke a full Sentence." Starlight teased. "oh shut up you need a good dicking more than the rest. Spike Forget all that. I was put in charge of you right?" Damocles asked "yeah?" He said, "Oh man I can't wait to hear this." Rainbow said chuckling. "I'm gonna get you laid, Get you smashed on mead and alcohol and most of all You are going to party, we have a week long celebration, your my little brother in this fucked up world ive found myself trapped in so therefore its my job you get your dick or dicks I don't know how many dragons have as drowned as possible in as many pussies as I can." Damocles said. "Dash, you lesbian straight or bi?" making the the pegasus in question blush as her wings shot straight up. "Why do you wanna know?" She asked with an annoyed voice. "Because i want to know if He or I can be your wing man. Or if you want I'm pent up as fuck, agitated as all hell and need to fuck. Or if you want to get spikes dick wet." Damocles offered. "And Spike your over 20 right? You know what alcohol is? Then you can drink. Drinking age in Griffonstone from what I have read and what Veil told me is 16." "DEAL!" The two of them all but shouted. "Holy Luna..." Veil said with a shocked face her left eye twitching in disbelief. "You're... you're serious aren't you." "A Moot is a celebration through and through more so if the guys fighting. Even more so if its a warrior race. Who ever looks the best, fights the best and fucks the best and has the best stories, usually gets the most attention. Rainbow you already have some credit for outliving some BS with griffons. But You and especially Starlight. Hell nah. I At least get some shit since Belladonna challenged me in the tournament. But Veil you're here to learn. and Starlight well they don't like magic. but shes the closest thing I have to a female friend. So if you want to have fun, any of you, Be sure to have fun. The king is already going to be watching me and knows I'm a prince. They also have already had word from their neighbors about the defeat of the 'shadow of the north'. Not to mention the cause of the Lunar Eclipse. So fuck it. I was invited to have fun let me have some real fucking fun." "Emphasis on the fuck it seems." Starlight said. "Wait how come you offer Rainbow to have sex with and not me?" She said now slightly annoyed. "What, it wasn't implied? Plus I don't fucking know if you would even like a virgin like me. I don't know how to operate these hips. Now if you Put me back in the human world and girl I can drive you insane." He said making a turn as he glanced behind with a Raised eyebrow. "o-oh." She said meekly blushing with a smile as she looked away. As Rainbow Dash was trying to fix her wings. "Don't go soiling the seats just yet you two. I will be trying Some Griffon meat as well. So keep in mind I doubt at any point in time it will be 1 on 1." "Oh..." Starlight said less enthusiastic. "Hey I think my friend might be interested in it as well. She and I used to mess around when we were younger but nothing too serious." Rainbow said happily. "Who Gilda?" Spike and Damocles said at the same time. Causing them to laugh. "Oh shut it." She said annoyed. "And how far away are we now?" Veil took a moment to look at the map and watch the area to see a town sign. seeing it she marked it on the map. "About half way. We are making great time. Airships usually take twice as long to get this far. Especially since this is a single day of travelling." "K.I.T.T. is really working ain't it." Spike said happily this was met with dark mutterings from Damocles. "As I have said before, There is a special Connection between man and Machine. Or Equine or whatever Species you are and machine. Lets take a stop here. Spike I want you to drive the rest of the way." "Wait really?!" "Yeah I was gonna give this one to you anyways." He said as he slowed the car down to a stop just outside the town. "All right every creature. go get something to eat and drink use the bathroom or what not. Spike Get up here so you can learn the basic controls." He said putting in park before getting out. "Veil Rainbow, Stay close to Starlight. Starry, if anything happens throw a signal flare. Red for antagonist. Blue for creeper, and black for someone that hurt or threatens to hurt any of you got it." He said as they all got out of the car. "Yes Daddy~" Starlight said teasingly. "I aint got my dick in you yet, so get moving you 3 and get some snacks for me and spike please?" Damocles asked as the 3 of them left. Spike who was at even height now just a few inches shorter than Damocles. "So are you serious about what you were talking about big bro?" Spike asked quietly getting a look from Damocles. "I thought I told you not to call me that in public. Now shut up and get in the drivers seat." "You know I helped you make this so i Know how it works." Spike said as he sat down. "Damos... You know you can trust me right? I mean... I wouldn't be as strong as i am now without you." "Spike, Stop it... You won't like what i will have to say if you keep going." He said as he sat down closing the doors. and leaning the chairs back to rest his eyes. "I'm gonna catch some sleep. Keep an eye out for the flares or anything. Oh and as a rule. Anything I give you to drink hit it with some fire before you drink it. Unless I look angry. In that case burn it away." "Ok..." Spike sat gripping the steering apparatus of the vehicle and testing to make sure he could reach everything poperty until he heard the soft snore of Damocles. "To think... I was a dragon type that needed meat. I could've died from starvation and malnutrition with out anyone knowing the wiser." Watching the Bat pony twitch in his sleep spike sighed deeply. "I promise on my name and life, that no matter what, I will help you and stand by your side whenever you need me. Just like how you were helped me. You taught me how to defend myself with your troops. How to create the different types of fire projectiles. You taught me what i needed to eat. Showed me how to go about getting. How to prepare it, and then cook it like a chef. And then you were there and helped experience my first hunt. All the way through to the end." He sat back and closed his eyes as he remembered his time in the Everfree Forest with Damocles. Spike Watched the jaguar as it circled him and Damocles. Damocles as always was looking calm and even bored before he merely laid down on his stomach. "Spike, this shall be your first prey." He said, his voice as calm as if he was stating the sky was blue. "W-What?! Damos... y-you can't be serious. It will tear me to Shreds!" Spike said panicked as his eyes jumped between the jaguar and Damocles. "Is that so? Then you better make sure that doesn't happen." He said just as calmly. The Jaguar had begun growling. "Take a deep breath Spike. Watch its movements. You've read about Jaguars before. You've fought worse things than it. You will be ok Just remember what you have at your disposal. You have all the tools you need. And you have and your strength that's been increased. You don't want to be torn to shreds? Then Spike you have 2 options. Fight or Run. "I have gotten you to the point to be able to Fight, but you have been running all your life. When will you run towards the enemy instead of away. I wonder if I'll live to see the day." Damocles said mockingly. It was at that moment Spike Looked solely at Damocles for just a moment too long. The jaguar Pounced upon Spike. Making the baby Dragon yelp in surprise as he got pinned using his claws to keep the Jaguar from biting at him Spike began to panic. "Calm down! The adrenaline will not help you in your fear!" Damocles called out watching the spectacle as the Jaguar backed up a bit just enough before it would make a swipe with its claws. Spike was able to just barely get away as he scampered before he began to run in the jungle that is Everfree. The jaguar began to hunt him jumping from tree to tree. Damocles stayed right where he was before his shadow flew forward to follow spike and watch him. "Damos! This isn't Fun Anymore! HELP ME!" He cried Sliding into a log just as the jaguar pounced again. The Jaguar began to bat at parts of the clawing into whatever opening it can. Spike only avoiding being struck by pure luck. "This was never meant to be fun Spike. It was meant to teach you. So learn." The shadow whispered. Running out the Log, the Jaguar Roared as it chased Spike until he ended up trapped by the mountain. The jaguar growled baring its fangs. "No where left run spike." He said to the panting and scared baby drake. "You have one more choice to make. Fight or give up and accept your fate." Spikes instincts where warring in his mind as his adrenaline and fear where reaching all time highs. flames where licking the air as he panted and his eyes shifting from normal to slit. "You are a Dragon Spike. You have two sides. Mentally you are a pony. You are gentle, you do not wish to hurt others. Instinctually you are are a dominant predator. A need to fight fills you. To reject one aspect is reject both. only you can find the balance you need. Be kind if you so desire and Cherish the life you have, But you must realize there are those in this world that words alone simply will not reach. And You will be forced to act or lose what you love." Time seemed to slow down as the jaguar began to run forward to pounce upon the young drake. "So what will you do?" Spikes eyes went fully slit before returning to normal as he grit his teeth taking a breath before loosing a small fire ball at the jaguar catching it off guard burning some of the fur it has making it crash into the dirt just before Spike. Scrambling it gets up and begins to run away into the jungle. "I....I did it." Spike panted happily. "Not yet, it still lives. Find it Quickly!" "How?" "As a Dragon you have heightened senses. Stronger eye sight, hearing. use it. Tap into your dragon capabilities. After all you jsut burnt its fur." Spike blinked when Damos's shadow said what it did. before smelling the air and closing his eyes. Opening htem they became slit as he started to give chase. Following the scent of burnt fur one he can distinctly tell from nearly everytime Twilight tried to cook. His eyes shifting from its dulled colors to Thermal visual. Seeing the cooling tracks of the jaguar as he chased. finding it by a river trying to cool its burn. "Good you have the advantage, now finish it." Spike Steadied himself his claws Sharp as he stared his prey down. Every muscle in his body was tight as his instincts screamed out for the final Kill. But it never came. The jaguar swam across the river heading back to its den as Spike dropped down and nodded. His vision and eyes returning to normal. Damocles is seen landing beside the dragon smiling. "I'm proud of you Spike, you made the right choice. Now come on." He said as he handed a fishing rod to Spike. "Lets get you some dinner." Spike opened his eyes when a flash of red light erupted in the sky. "Oh no." Spike said with wide eyes. "Girls!" > Following Into Darkness | D Lessons Applications PT. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight was knocked to the ground along with Veil as Rainbow was held by her neck in the grip of a Griffon with Dusty gold or yellow primary to dust brown secondary feathers. "Stupid ponies and your stupid magic! You're Lucky I don't break your friends wings for that. And what was that even supposed to be? A pretty light show?" He and his friends began to laugh. "Actually it was meant to call us." Spike said from behind. When one of the griffons turned around it was met with a Purple dragons Fist knocking him down the street. "Nice shot. Hey buddy... you holding the possibly bisexual Pegasus." Damocles called out to the griffon. "What do you want Meat slab?" The Griffon asked growling. As Damocles approached his cloak hiding the wings as the metal slowly trickled down to his hooves out of their sight. "It's just you got a little something on your beak." He said gesturing to his own face with a hoof. Confused the griffon using his free talon began to rub it seeing nothing coming off he looked up in time to see the metal gauntlet mere centimeters from his face. "IT WAS PAIN!" Damocles said in a voice made intentionally deeper and rough. The strike forced him squawk in pain as he let go of Rainbow while flying backwards into his friend. "Besides i'm sure a group of 'obviously superior beings' wouldn't mind taking on a 'pathetic wingless Pegasus and baby dragon.'" Damocles said in a mocking voice as Rainbow was seen to by Veil and Starlight. "After all I'm kind of grumpy that because of you all my nap was interrupted." "And it seems like they out right injured a couple of our friends so how about this We challenge the both of you to a fight of honor." Spike Said. "After all it would get you both a lot of glory and honor to take down a dragon and A bat. So why not accept it." "You Runts don't know the first thing about our culture so how dare you challenge us like that!" A Griffon with orange feathers and sky-blue crest Declared Pointing a talon. This caused Spike and Damocles to start laughing. "Whats wrong, Ahroun. Cant stand the fact that a Sun blessed bat is mocking your intelligence. I Wonder how your Sept leader would react to hearing how you sullied your honor with punishing a non-combattive civilian and then running away from a challenge." Spike said as Damocles took his hood off grinning madly The Griffon in question eyes widened in disbelief before narrowing. "Fine you want to fight we accept your challenge of honor!" He said before turning and getting his friend up. "Sheik Go and get a Philodox and Galliard!" Nodding the "Hah the birds want an official judge." Spike said as the two of start laughing. Damocles looked over to Starlight who was doing healing magic on Rainbow. "I'll give you guys a handicap" Damocles said as he walked over to the downed ponies. Whispering he spoke to starlight. " Make me and everyone else glow flashily i'm going to take your damage for myself." Nodding her horn glowed intensely as all the damage was given to Damocles, including the fractured wing of Rainbow who was out cold until that moment. As shiek returned two more Griffons showed up one that Damocles recognized giving a sly wink towards him. It was the same one that gave him the invitation in the first place. "Ah so these are the challengers A nuwisha and a corrax I see." The Philodox said "All this merry band needs is a bastet and maybe, just maybe a rokea." Spike said with a wicked smile. "Indeed, there is a proper area for sparring just by the Square. Let us convene there." The Dressed up Griffon said. "For the records our names are Luster and Dredd." "Wait like Judge Dredd?" Damocles said without thinking. "You know of my ancestor?" Dredd said surprised. "Sorta, he was a judge that was an active guard, often dispensed 'Punishments' on scene right?" "Thats exactly him! Ah someone who knows of my Families greatness, very well i shall be watching this event closely." He said as they all and the gathered crowd moved to the mock arena. "The rules will be simple, no usage of magics, no weapons only what you have naturally." He said as they all went to the arena, Starlight and Veil in close tow with Rainbow Draped over Veil's Shoulder. "Both Combatants introduce yourselves so the praises can be sung accordingly." The Galliard said excited to take notes. "I am Gandor And my buddy Here is Shiek." Spike and Damocles nodded before looking at each other sharing massive grins as Damocles Gestured to his little brother. "I Am Spike Drake Solis, Dragon of Equestria. Beside me is Prince of the Void, Son of Princess Luna Damocles, The Shadow of Hope." > Following Into Darkness | D Lessons Applications PT. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In that moment the Spectators about began whispering in awe. There stood two of the Equines greatest warriors. Starlight, Veil and Rainbow looked around in confusion as they heard the names. "The Shadowed Death." a griffon said in disbelief "Star's Guardian." a Pegasus said in fear "Dark Guillotine." A Thestral said in awe "The Crystal Fire." Another said in reverence. "Wait like the band?" Rainbow asked confused. "THEY WERE NAMED AFTER HIM!" some griffon answered angrily. "BEGIN!" Dredd Declared and almost immediately Spike shot forward after Sheik Using his tail to shift his momentum into a side spin before Kicking Sheik in the face by the left temple, the turn and twist forcing the head to crash into the ground with a sickening Crunch, Gandor responded by moving to Hit Spike with a clenched Talon knocking him off of Sheik. After the hit A hoof wrapped itself around the talon pulling it down as a hoof came up on to the bicep of the arm causing a shatter felt by the crowd followed by screams of Bloody Murder. Sheik having gotten up from his daze heard Gandor’s Screams of pain and watched in horror as Damocles then yanked the arm forward forcing the grif off balance so Damocles can grip the base of the wings forcing them fully out as the flames of two fire balls destroyed the majoritys of the wings feathers causing Gandor to pass out from the pain. Sheik Gave an ear Piercing screech as he lunged after Damocles only for the pony to dove under the Griffon as he grabbed its tail and pulled it over his shoulder leaning into the pull Causing the griffons flight to be interrupted. Screaming in pain the griffon was essentially thrown backwards into a dragon style drop kick aimed just between the wings. Every winged creature cringed while sucking in air through their grit teeth as the hit connected. The poor Grif squeaked in pain before dropping knocked out. "Well then, This victory of honor and glory goes to the Corrax and Nuwisha, Damocles and Spike!" Dredd declared. "Mmmm nope." Spike said as his eyes settled on Damocles. "Hey Damos... How about we show these griffs a real fight between us? Since this one wasn't much of one." Spike said as he got into a fighting stance. Damocles eyes widened as he smiled with mirth. "You sure you want to do that Spikey?" Damocles said he took on his strange two legged combat stance. His wings tightly closed in. "Yeah but i wonder what the crowd thinks?" He questioned and almost immediately the crowd started chanting Fight over and over again. The Philodox Shrieked gaining everyone's attention. "Alright it is my solemn honor and duty to ref this match do either players have any restrictions they wish to impose?" "Only one." Both said. "And that would be?" "Damos's Dark magic.. none of that now ok? Your wings are fair game." He said smiling fully with his fangs. "I agree to this, As my restriction for you? You can't use Rapid Fire, too many potential collateral targets." Damocles said "That's fair only if i am down right?" Spike Inquired "As always." Damocles said "Very well the, both restrictions have been acknowledged. Ready Begin!" Dredd Declared. Damocles and spike met each other in the middle as spike jumped to dodge a leg sweep and attempt to claw Damocles. Damocles using the sweep as a feint used his wings to spring board himself into Spike As if he was headbutting the shoulder. Spike responded by grabbing onto Damocles's shoulder and biting down As Damos Swung the two of them back and over before dropping the two of them onto their back like it was a wrestle Mania match. The two rolled away from each other before getting up the cheer roaring with excitement. "Come one little brother, You can do better than that!" Damos accused laughing as he dodged a pair of flaming claws. "I'm just warming up. Gotta give the show a little flair after all big bro." Spike challenged with a wide grin licking the blood off his lips. He said before digging his claws into the ground and ripping a chunk of earth out and launching it at the white thestral. Releasing a blast of fire to turn the rock into molten slag forcing Damocles to block with the metal of his wings ripping through it like a ship through a wave. Upon flicking the stage off his wings he was decked in the center of his chest by Spike who charged him behind the slap. The hit connecting and Spike driving it through further as he shifted most of his kinetic energy into the punch. Forcing Damocles back almost knocking him out of the ring. Spike not about to let up on the advantageous position he's in began to lay into Damocles with more punches and a small stream of fire. As it seemed like Damocles was about to fall off the ring Spike grabbed him by the barrel with his tail before throwing him into the center of the ring. The crowd roaring with approval. Starlight, and Rainbow looked on with shock. While Veil simply nodded. "Since when did Spike know how to fight?" Starlight couldn't help but question aloud. "Since lord Damocles decided he needed to after getting him proper diet. He took to it with masterful grace and respect." Veil said nonchalantly. "Twilight doesn't know does she?" Rainbow asked rhetorically "Not at all, the classes were designed to teach discipline, help grow him properly, as well as under the ruling that he only use it to protect those around him he cared about. And he can only go all out against Damocles." As Veil spoke Damocles had turned the tide having launched Spike into the air as he commenced quick strikes to juggle him. "COME NOW LITTLE BROTHER I TOLD YOU HOW TO DEAL WITH THIS!" Damocles taunted and reminded spike as he took quick dives and flip kicks before Spike slammed his tail into one of Damos hooves throwing off the attack off balance and forcing him to fall onto the arena followed by Spike falling like a meteor as he wreathed himself in flames. Damocles took the full brunt of the hit using his hooves and wings to catch Spike. The ground bowed a bit from the impact and Spike took advantage of the instability of Damocles's footing to trip him with his tail. Stumbling onto his back Spike quickly pinned Damocles's legs and wings with legs and knees as he sat on the prince's stomach. Grabbing his Mane with one claw and another going to his throat the fight was all but decided. "Didn't see that coming did you big bro?" Spike said panting with a smile. "Do you yield?" Damos could only smile and close his eyes. "Judge Dredd, I yield before Spike the Dragon." "Acknowledged winner of this bout is Spike Drake." Dredd declared as more than half the spectators erupted into cheers. Rainbow and Starlight where speechless as Veil clapped alongside the the griffs. The crowd taking the two fighters who were on their feet dusting each other off to the nearest Tavern to celebrate. "You know something," Veil began getting the attention of the other mares. "This makes the first official fight that Spike won. Hes really coming into his own." "What usually happens?" Rainbows voice was reserved and trying to process everything. "Spike usually gets beaten into unconsciousness." Veil said as she got up and started to walk to the tavern. "WHAT!!! WHY WOULD HE KEEP FIGHTING THEN?!" Her voice cracked in shock. "Didn't you see it Rainbow?" Starlight interrupted her gaze going back to where the fight was taking place her voice was sad almost like she was hurt. "See what?" Rainbows brows furrowed. "The look in their eyes, they were having fun... they were enjoying every hit and movement. They were fighting because they liked it." Starlight explained morsely. "Girls this something each of us of the phantoms had to learn, predators, apex or otherwise, have an innate desire to get stronger, hes still the Spike you knew before Prince Damocles. But he's growing and evolving. For better or worse we won't know but its too late to stop it now the only thing you cannot do is stop him from progressing because he will rebel, and he will follow his heart." Veil explained. "You may not like it but the fact of the matter is that its too late to stop it, and you have to accept it." "The tartarus i do!" Rainbow challenged "when we get back Im-" "Not gonna tell Twilight because if she tries to keep me from learning about dragons and my origins then ill walk away." Spike said as came up with 2 mugs one of which was on fire with his green flames. "It will hurt and it will suck but this is something I've needed to know for a very long time. Besides this way I can protect what matters most to me. You girls." He said as he gave the second mug to Rainbow. "Spike, this is not cool at all!" Rainbow challenged pushing the mug away. "And what is cool rainbow? Watching all of you risk your lives on nearly every magical catastrophe? Watching you all get hurt and not being able to do anything about it? Rainbow before you judge whats best for me walk a mile in my claws, and see things from my perspective." "But if anything happened to you we would never be able to forgive ourselves!" "And you don't think the same applies to me?" This statement made Rainbow physically rear back. "Listen we can talk more on this later but for now we are heading out to have fun at a great festival with good friends. Can we do that?" Spike offered a soft smile with hopeful eyes. Rainbow looked at him pensively before turning her head to the side and rubbing one of her fore limbs. "Ugh fine only because I don't do sappy stuff well. But this conversation is far from over you understand? We will talk about this more later on." She said as she jabbed a hoof into his chest to make a point before turning around and walking back K.I.T.T. "You ok with everything Starlight?" Spike asked his overly silent friend. "No I'm not, but ill speak with Damocles about it." Starlight said mildly upset. "Talk to me about what?" The prince said as we walked up holding a barrel of ale with his wings. "About spike sir. And your training methods." Veil said. "Oh, well let's get going while the goings good then." Damocles said without missing a beat leading the rest of the party back to the car and getting on their way. The next stop the Capital. > Following Into Darkness | Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So what is it you wanna talk about in regards to the way I'm raising Spike?" Damos said as leaned in to the back of the chair getting comfy as Spike was driving. Veil sighed ruefully. "Why are you training him to be a viscous dragon? Why are you bothering treating him like blood relation to you at all. The closest you two actually are is nothing but cousins. But your going out of your way to have him lose his virginity in a noble, albeit stupid, right of passage event. So why are you putting this much effort into him?" Veil said getting an annoyed look in the mirror from Spike Rainbow was drinking a juice box as starlight only blinked before mulling the idea in her head as she nodded. "Veil brings up a good point, Damos..." "Simple... Because Spike would've died without intervention." Damocles said nonchalantly. This statement caused Rainbow to do a spit take out the window which made Damocles Frown as she coughed . "Your cleaning those stains." "I'm sorry Spike would've died? How? WHY?!" Rainbow screamed growing more distressed as they spoke. "Hey Starlight," Spike began. "Did you know that Dragons are omnivorous?" "Yeah, they are herbivore and geovorous aren't they?" She responded. "To a degree." Damos answered while yawning." "Did you know that some Dragons are carnivores? Because I didn't and neither did Twilight." Spike said a little somber "Did you know that I was among them? I didn't... Did you know that I was actually being starved of the nutrients to increase my strength, natural armors and the ability to turn my baby fat into muscles? I didn't...." "Wait Spike... When did you start eating meat?" Rainbow asked. "After Damos showed me that i need it." He replied happily. "Damos how did you know?" Starlight asked worry as veil was still mentally reeling from the information bomb that was blown in her face. Starlight was answered with Damos having fallen asleep gently his wings dripping down and pooling around him. "On his home world... His kind hunted dragons to extinction turning them into myth has time passed." Spike said softly the low humming of engine permeating the silence that filled the air with Tension. "Damos... he shared some stuff about his world as he spent time making sure I ate properly and how to prepare it properly. Among is that humans... his kind have 3 wells of infinite potential which should never be underestimated." Spike spoke as he turned the car to have it follow a main road where some griffons where beginning to be seen hauling large carriages of goods and the such. "Wh-what were they spike?" Veil questioned her voice filled with Trepidation "The first was their ability to learn. 'Knowledge is Knowledge any knowledge can be used for good as well as bad.' bad people have attained power using common knowledge that everyone had access to as well as good people conquering them because of 'forbidden knowledge'." Spike said "The second?" Starlight inquired. "Their innate ability to adapt to anything. 'life, time, hell even death are rivers weaving and bobbing through space, no two instances will ever be the same and unforeseen events may force a river to go one way, the other or both. If you cant flow with it, it will swallow you alive and that will be the end of you. To adapt is to survive, to survive is to live, to live is to die. Death devotion and bravery are the key things to adapt.'" "Death?" Rainbow questioned. "how is that necessary to live?" "what he told me was 'devotion inspires bravery, bravery inspires sacrifice, sacrifice leads to death. So feel free to cause as much Death as you need to adapt.'" Spike said remembering when he watched Damocles kill an elder manticore. "whats the third then?" Rainbow asked. the pooled liquid metal immediately wrapped around the three mares' necks as Damos Spoke up. "Never underestimate a humans Infinite potential for MALICE." His voice was dripping with untold things. None of which where threats, but all were simple promises. Everypony had a look of fear as they watched Damocles metal tendrils start to spike up going closer and closer to their throats and just as any of them felt the first pinch of a thorn threatening to pierce them it all receded to his back. Spike easily weaved between the increasing griffons as on the edge of the clearing of the forest paths the Gryphonia capital Griffonstone could be see on the mountain. Griffons of all kinds could be seen coming and going from the Mighty refurbished and remade castle. As the group was beginning to get closer to the main entrance of the capital they were stopped by a few Griffons with pointed spears. "Ponies and Dragon Step out of the...... Thing! Slowly!" The guards said as they sneered. Damocles growled as he slowly stepped out followed by the rest. "I swear to Tartarus, you mess up my Car You will pay for it." Damocles challenged. "State your business." The lead griffon Rebutted before having an envelope thrown at him. "We are guests of Ambassador Baron Rio. My name is Damocles Nyx Meteora, this Automated carriage is my vehicle and mode of transportation, the other ponies and Dragon are all my extra personnel i was permitted to invite. Damn Ahroun...." Damocles said. The griffon in general Squawked loudly as he read the letter in the envelope before offering a bow. "M-my apologize Prince Damocles, We were told special guests would be on their way from Equestria, but we did not expect them so soon." He explained before returning the letter. "Would you like us to escort your... Vehicle, to the Barons estate?" "I would Deeply appreciate this Thank you. Spike Passenger seat." Damos demanded. "Awww" Spike gave a light sigh of disappointment before nodding as the two traded positions with the others getting in the car and following the guard griffons to the estate where they pulled up and out of the vehicle. Almost immediately a Screech from a bird was heard as Damocles was tackled down bowling over Veil before Damocles ended the rolling having pinned the Griffon to the ground with a shark like grin. "Miss me you soulless fuck?" The female Griffon challenged. "Nah, i havent taken a shot at you but your aim is still as impeccable as ever your trickster image bitch." Damocles replied as he got off her. "Oh no don't mind me... i'm just the pony meant to keep an eye on you, please feel free to run me over." Veil said petulantly as she got up. Belladona blinked before looking at Damocles. "Whose the bitch with the stick up her ass?" She said gesturing with the thumb of her talons at the pony in question. "Veil she's supposed to be one of my... wardens? Watcher? Legally appointed stalkers!" Damocles stated as he thought what to say before settling on it. This caused Spike and Rainbow to laugh alongside a chuckling Griffon. "Well I do see my dear daughter is in brighter spirits at your arrival Prince Damocles." A familiar voice spoke jovially to the group. "And I'm quite ecstatic that you aren't put off by her crude choice of words." "Baron Rio, a pleasure to see you and I would get up to shake your claw but I appear to be pinned by your aforementioned daughter." Damos laughed at the expression on Belladona's face before getting the air knocked out of him with a laugh from the ponies and Dragon. > Following Into Darkness | Griffon Festival pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baron Rio, Damocles, Spike, Rainbow, Gilda and Belladona and Starlight were smiling and drinking with rest of the griffons on the first night. A full moon graced their glade in perfect light with the fires of forges bonfires and the like. The few griffons that could sing were singing as others were laughing, bragging went about. Until one of the of the more noble griffons made his presence known. "Hey batsy, you ponies all love your songs, but arent none too violent, But i was told you be different from the rest. If thats so, why don't you sing us a song and make us one of your fancy gadgets while you're at it." He challenged. Belladona rolled her eyes Gilda began to snicker at the scenario as Rainbow, Starlight and Spike all looked worried about it. The baron sat back and watched. "Hmm sure, someone get me a log and some rope, a hammer and some nails. Oh, and a quiver of arrows." He said as he used his wings to turn into speakers and began to make something quickly using most of the log. Shortly afterwards he made a simple Automatic crossbow loading the arrows into it. And music began. "Killer for hire, soldier of fortune." Damocles began gaining all the attention of even the most drunk and uninterested and youngest griffons. "Gotta walk thru fire for what's important. And the warriors blood through your veins is coursing." He sang as he started testing the crossbow on the target hanging above a house. each arrow landing in a tight cluster just off center of the bulls-eye. "Killer for hire, Soldier of fortune." He said as he made adjustments to the crossbow. then improving it. giving it a self ignition aspect. before passing it to the one that challenged him and pointed out a target. "The whole world's watching every move, Take your shot don't act a fool." The griffon gulped as he mimicked the aiming and was adjusted by Damocles. He sang as took flight circling the primary bonfire. The king followed suit as did everyone else that could. "All you've got and all you'll ever need" Damocles led the flock with the king right by his side as they flew odd patterns in front of the target providing a brief window of opportunity for a safe shot. "Is one arrow in the chamber, Breathe Easy take your Aim Boy." Damocles called to calm the griffon. "Ain't no body gonna save you, So what you gonna do!" "All Eyes on you." The Griffons echoed at him as took his shot the burning arrow flying true as the suns next rising. "Do or die, you're a mercenary." Damocles picked up as he gestured to an older group of griffons, "One of a kind, that your burden to carry." He said as flew gently around them before going to circle the fire pit he was originally at gathering what was looking several training equipment for warriors Only until he landed before a few younger Tiercels, handing them the items. "Go and make them proud," he began he had each one take flight and take a combative stance. "oh no, Do or Die you're a mercenary." As the older group seemed to fly up to help instruct the next generation. "The whole worlds watching every move," Baron Rio began to echo. As the nearby Nobles where watching carefully essentially analyzing the possible Prospects to be grown and cultivated into proper soldiers. "Take your shot don't act a fool." The leader of the group of mercenaries picked up. "All you've got and all you'll ever need," He sang as they sparred and trained in time with the rhythm of the song. "Is One arrow in the chamber!" he Roared glancing a hit of the older griffon's wing. Making everyone take a breath before the Nobles Erupted in unison as the sparring went into full force "Breathe Easy and take your Aim BOY!" "Ain't Nobody gonna save you!" His Friends Called as they Sparred with new flame in their eyes. "So what're you gonna do?" Spike Challenged as Rainbow Put some gear on and Began to fly against a battle Prepped Gilda. "All eye's on you" Veil said as she sang staring down Damocles from the balcony. "Now the whole world's watching every move" Belladona Rainbow Sang toward Gilda as they engaged in high speed 'Combat', Tackling and side checking each other as they flew over the area. "Still your heart so much to prove" Damocles sang at Belladona with Coy smile alluding to their impending fight. "Fight for all the things that you believe in" She replied her eyes seemingly have taken on a glow for but a brief moment. Damocles proceed to walk towards Spike giving him a push on the back forcing Him forward towards a few females One in particular that seemed to be occasionally looking at him every other change she got. "take your shot, don't act a fool, All you've got and all you'll ever need. Is one Arrow in the chamber." Damocles sang softly encouraging Spike to go talk to the girl. Seeing this Spike nodded smiling Going up to her. "All eyes on you" Damocles ended the song with the cheers of a majority of the young bloods Showing the world what they've got and the older generations appreciating the return of old way. "Hey I'm Spike Drake." Spike said to the dark and pale blue gray colored Griffon "I'm Gabriella but you can call me Gabby." She said with a tease as her near by friends tittered. "Do you wanna go grab a drink?" Spike asked feeling a mild blush thankful the fire was hiding it. As some of the Teenage Griffons and Adults started cheering for the Drake. "I would love that." She said batting her eyelashes before walking away with them. The two of them conversing animatedly. As Damocles Sat down next to Baron Rio he couldnt help but relax. Handed A mug of Ale from the Baron he contently Sat and drank watching the shows around as Starlight sat on his otherside. "That was quite a show and well done one, Sir Damocles." Rio smiled as he watched with open eyes. "A little on the nose if you ask me but it had a nice message." Starlight commented as she leaned against Damocles who instinctively wrapped his wing around her, Starlight smiling and enjoying the warmth he was providing. The baron raised an eyebrow as he eyed the pony. "Ah do beg my pardon for prying but I was under the assumption you both were close friends not romantic partners. Is that not the case?" Damocles blinked at that statement before realizing and quickly retracted it much to the dislike and slight shiver of Starlight. "No... we are just close friends, maybe more in the future but right now just friends. Possibly fuck buddies unless i get into a relationship." He stated as his gaze drifted towards the bonfire. Rainbow and Gilda having returned with more alcohol and food for everyone, as Bella watched from beside her mentor. "I see, well if I may offer a bit of advice on your behalf Damocles?" He nodded at this as Gilda gave him a turkey leg. With a wide grin hoping to see something interesting. "To those that may wish to court or go for a roll in the hay who may or may not be listening to this conversation, of any species, understand 3 things, Passivity will get you nowhere with him. Strength in all forms is valued and attractive. If you see an opening be sure to take it lest he grows bored and seeks elsewhere for the chase, as a hunter such as he," taking the moment to gesture to Damocles who was tearing into the drumstick with a face that most would thing was arousal. "Is just as much.... i'll be blunt given present company, Foreplay and sex as the actual act. That being said I think its time I go and find my mate." With that he flew off. "So Damos..."Gilda began, "I hear you're a virgin needing a couple of tutors?" She said near Immediately afterwards making Rainbow do a spit take as Bella simply scoffed while Starlight coughed and choked a bit on her sandwhich. "I'll be heading back to my room I'll see you for the match soon enough Damocles." Bella exclaimed flying off shortly. Damocles for his part simply blinked and looked at Gilda who was sporting a predatory grin with some of the most attractive 'Fuck me' eyes she could. Her chest floof being pushed forward a little bit more. "Think you mind giving me an all-nighter lesson because I do my best work after a long work out." he said before taking a long drink. "Oh don't worry about that As long as miss prissy over there doesn't mind hearing more than a few squeals and screeches Then I'm sure we can teach everything you need to know to make any winged brat act hornier than a bitch in heat." Gilda said as began to play with Rainbow's wings erecting them into stiff wing boners. "Well then, I hope you understand I like the struggle and domination." He said as he walked up to Gilda. "OH MY GOD I'LL SOUND PROOF YOUR ROOM SO JUST GET ON WITH IT AND LET ME BE!" Starlight Cried being more than embarrassed and redder than a tomato. "Sorry Starlight." Was all Damocles stated before She teleported them to the room and then herself out. As they Pounced on each other.