> The Masked ones > by Sky Hooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The end and the beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Masked Chapter 1 The wind roared over the white plain of snow and ice. It's biting at everything that didn't took care to protect themselves from its cold teeth. On top of a mountain stood a single figure. Her white fur dancing in the wind. Untouched by its cold teeth and looking at a single spot in the distance. Waiting. For the only one, whoever managed to escape her. "It is close..." said the female figure with a voice soft like silk from behind her dark lilac mask with a white mark on the forehead. Her eyes glowing with a blue fire as a shadow rose from behind her. It took the form of a wolfs head, with a white mask and a dark lilac mark on its forehead. A perfect counterpart to the one the white figure wore. His body seems to be made of black smoke which seemed to flow like water. A flash of light let the snow glitter like diamonds for a moment, before it disappeared. In its place stood. a city of crystals. The Crystal Empire. "He will not escape this time!" said the wolf with a raspy male voice. Ready to begin the hunt for its prey. He has been waiting for a thousand years to finish the hunt. No one could escape them. Because in the end... every living being has to see them and made its choice. They are one and both. The Lamb. And the Wolf. Europe, Köln 2016 GamesCom Benjamin Alexander Woodman, a 28 year old man straitened the white fur of his costume and corrected the place of his mask a last time. "Alright. We both have our outfits AND, what's maybe more important, our masks. Are you ready, my dear Wolf?" He asked the last part with the try to sound like a girl... which failed... miserably. "Woof!" came his companions response. The big black dog with the white mask moved alongside his master and best friend towards the convention hall. As they were about to enter, they were stopped by a security guard. "I'm sorry, sir. But you can't take you bow inside." Said the man. Benjamin looked at him and asked: "What? Why not?" "There were some new rules published. Cosplayers are not allowed to bring their own weapons inside. It's a safety precaution." Answered the man. "Well, I think that's rather stupid. The thing is really just made from foam. It doesn't even have a string attached." protested Benjamin. "I'm sorry sir. But I can't let you in with it. You can leave it here and pick it up when you leave." said the man and moved his hand nearer to his Walkie-Talkie. Benjamin sighed. He really didn't like that, but he wasn't going to let this prevent him from going inside. "Alright. Sorry for being a bit pissed. You are just doing your job." He handed the guard the weapon, who bound a ribbon with a number around it and handed him a token with the same number. "Thanks for your understanding. I personally think it's stupid as well. But I can give you a tip. There is a special stand in hall 3. He has really high quality replicas for fair prices. When you buy something inside the con, it's legal." Said the guard to him. "Thanks for the tip. Anything special how I will recognize this merchant?" He asked. "Oh... I think you will know once you see him." said the guard mysterious and got back to work. Benjamin made his way to Hall 3. on the way he was sometimes stopped to take pictures with him and his loyal wolf. As he entered Hall 3, there were dozens upon dozens of stands for Cosplayers. He wondered how he would find this one merchant. "Hello, my friend." came a male voice from his right and he looked over to see who had spoken. The guy couldn't look shadier even if he tried. He looked exactly like the Merchant from Resident Evil. Even the voice was pretty convincing. "Do you mean me?" Benjamin asked. "Yes. Yes. I saw you coming in and you seem to lack a little thing for your costume. Let me guess. The guard at the entrance took it from you and then send you over to this hall?" Asked the man. "That's right. I take a guess, this is not the first time this happened?" Said Benjamin. "Not, it is not. Since this new rule was put into effect, a lot of Cosplayers are coming here to get the Items they need for their Costumes but had left at the entrance." I leaned a bit for and whispered in Benjamin's ear: "I personally think they just did it so more people would buy from the Merchandise." Benjamin laughed a bit at the thought. "Well, it certainly seems to work. Do you maybe have what I'm looking for?" "Take a look for yourself and tell me." said the Merchant and gestured to a stand a bit upside from the others. "He really seems to like being a bit mysterious." Thought Benjamin but got over to the stand and looked over the goods. He really had everything: There was a Magic Staff from Yu-Gi-Oh! Black Magician, a Mega Man Blaster, A Green Lantern... Lantern with Ring and a lot more! "That's really impressive. And everything looks so realistic..." I said in wonder and my dog approved with a "Woof" of his own. Then he started sniffing around and I looked to make sure he didn't break anything. He stopped at a weapon rack and sat down while turning his head to me and back to the rack. That was his way to tell to look at something. I got over and what I saw was just beautiful... between all the weapons from Saurons Mace to the Morita MK1 from Starship Troopers, stood the one thing I needed. And it. Was. Perfect! I took the bow from the rack and hold it in my gloved hands. To hold it felt so... right? I couldn't really explain it, but I needed this weapon. To hell with the trash I left at the entrance! I turned to the Merchant and asked: "How much?" The Merchant smiled and said: "Well, since you had the trouble with the guard, I will give you a discount on this one. How about... 150 Dollars?" "Sounds alright to me." I said and handed him the money. My dog stood by my side and barked in approval. Finally. The Eternal Hunter was complete again. And better as before! Suddenly, I heard my dog whimper and I looked down to him. Under my feet was a glowing circle of some kind of runes! I looked back up and saw the Merchant wave to me: "Well then. Good luck with the hunt." And that's the last thing I remember... > Chapter 2: Make your choice... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Masked Ones Chapter 2: Make your choice... "Groan..." I awoke to the sound of rustling leaves above my head and something nudging my side... "Come on, wake up! We have a problem!" said a raspy male voice and I was nudged again. I sat up and said: "Alright, alright. I... am..." that was when I noticed the change in my voice. It was female and sounded like silk. It sounded exactly like... I was again nudged in the side and I turned around to see who it was. My heart nearly stopped and my eyes felt like they widened tenth times their size. Right beside me floated a giant head of a purple wolf... a purple wolf with a white mask whose eyes where shining in a blue and purple fire... and he was grinning at me. "Good to see you are awake Lamb. I was starting to worry." said the wolf head with the same voice I heard before. As he opened his mouth, I could see the same blue and purple flames in his mouth. I could only look at him in shock before I found my voice again and asked: "What is going on here?" My voice still sounded like that of Lamb.... wait a minute... he just called me... Lamb? I lifted my hands and looked at them. They were covered in long white fur and I had only three fingers and one thumb. I actually hoped to see only my fur covered gloves I wore for the costume, but no such luck. This were clearly not my gloves, but my REAL hands. I thought about moving my fingers and the fingers reacted accordingly. "I don't know. The last thing I remember is, you buying this bow from the merchant. Then I woke up next to you in this clearing, surrounded by trees." said the wolf head and chuckled "Luckily, you still have the same scent as you had as human. Otherwise, I would have probably eaten you. Hahaha!" "You would have eaten me!?" I screamed and crawled a bit away from him. "Who are you anyways?" I asked. "Don't you remember me? We have been together for some month now. I was with you on this Convention. You even made me this Mask." said the Wolf. I looked at him and then asked: "King? Is that you?" Yes, I named my dog King. Not really original, but I liked it. The wolf, King, came over to me and nuzzled my head fur. I just now noticed that I had really long, fluffy, white hair on my head. I hadn't really time to examine my body further. I was a bit distracted by the giant wolf head talking to me who turned out to be my dog King. "Yes. It's me. But I think with this new body, you can call me Wolf." he said and licked my mask. I rubbed the spit off and noticed another new thing. The mask didn't come off. I tried to get it off, but it wouldn't move a bit. I turned back to him and asked: "Is that why you called me Lamb?" "Yes. We both have new bodies, and with that, new names." said King, now named Wolf. Before I could answer, we heard a scream from the forest in front of us and saw something running towards us. I stood up fast, and instinctively reached for my Bow that was lying beside me. I took it in my hand and stood up on my feet turned hooves and aimed at the forest. I firstly wondered how I would shoot without an arrow, as suddenly a white arrow, shimmering with ethereal brilliance materialized as I stretched the string. Wolf took place beside me and prepared to attack whatever would come. We certainly didn't expected a little blue horse running from the tree lines. And we totally didn't expected a dozen dogs chasing it. The dogs had all different kinds of weapons. Some had spear, some had swords and some had simple clubs. They all wore what looks like iron armor. I turned to the little horse and I could see the fear on the face of the little horse as it saw us and suddenly came to an stop in front of us. It looked at us fearfully and then back at the dogs who had stopped and where now also looking at us with me still aiming my bow at the Dogs. "I don't know who you are stranger, but this has nothing to do with you. Lower your bow and go away." said one of the larger Dogs, who seems to be the leader. I looked down at the little horse, which I now would rather call a pony to his size and thought about what to do. The pony looked female, with night blue fur and a lighter blue mane and tail. I also noticed not only wings on her back but also a horn on her head. Her eyes hold great fear, but also a shimmer of hope as she looked at me. I looked at Wolf who already know my decision and gave a nod while fletching his teeth in an grin. I turned to the dogs without lowering my bow and said in a calm voice: "I'm Kindred. The eternal Hunter. Everything is going to meet me one day. Will you embrace me or will you feed the wolf?" Even when my voice was calm and light, it rang around the clearing for everyone to hear. I could see some of the dogs becoming scared, clearly not expecting that I would dare to challenge them. I don't even know why I said that. But I had other things to think about. I made my choice. Now, the dogs had to make theirs. Just a few seconds later, the leader ordered the attack. And so... the hunt begins. > Chapter 3: Your choice was... bad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Masked Ones Chapter 3 An explosion rang from the streets of the Crystal Empire. A giant black crystal could be seen bursting through the surface of the street and shooting into the sky and destroying houses, trying to impale a white figure running from rooftop to rooftop. The jagged rock only missing by inches, but missing nonetheless. "He certainly became stronger in his absence." Lamb noticed as she dodged a crystal projectile. "Makes the hunt more fun!" Said Wolf, forming from her shadow and running beside her. Their target stood upon a balcony atop the largest structure, The Crystal Castle. His horn glowing with purple and green magic before he turned into a shadow and jettisoned after the pair. "It thinks it can beat us!" growled Wolf in amusement. "It's called... denial." Answered Lamb. Remembering their first hunt so long ago... Equestria 4900 years ago... One after the other, by order of their leader, rushed a pack of dogs towards us. Behind me hid a little pony, trembling from fear as she obscured her vision with her own hooves. I glanced at Wolf and said: "Never one..." Wolf looked to me and said: "...without the other." I looked back to the charging dogs and let my first arrow fly. The projectile struck the nearest dog's chest, the only indicator of the impact being a burst of red which now escaped through the fallen beast’s untouched chestplate. I quickly draw the chord back as another arrow materialized before me. In a single fluid motion, the arrow is aimed and released as it sends another dog flying into the face of one of it's few remaining allies. The arrow faded, leaving it's victims a braindead husk and a gutless mess. One of the dogs throws his spear at me, only for me to tumble underneath the lance and land upon my knees and release an arrow into his chest. That marked four fallen and nine to go. Even though it just begun, I could feel Wolf's impatience for the chase. I chose to try something else and put my hand on the ground, concentrating on one of Kindred's abilities. "Wolf's Frenzy..." I said in a whisper. As the words left my lips, the area around us became a shroud of darkness, almost as if this place was hidden from the sun. The area spread maybe thirty feet around us before it stopped. The dogs stood stock still, looking around confused and scared as they mumbled something about dark magic. Wolf smiled at the scent of their fear. With bared fangs and seeping hunger, fires of blue and white danced elegantly around him as he exclaimed: "My turn!" I looked to him and said: "Hunt to your heart's content." That was all Wolf needed. He ran towards the nearest dog and jumped at him, mouth wide open. The short scream of the dog was soon silenced by the sounds of sunken teeth and shattered bone soon followed by an orchestra of the tearing and sundering of flesh. Wolf stood happy over the remains of what was once an armored dog, in it's place was nothing more then piles of flesh, blood, and bone. The remaining dogs stopped dead in their tracks. Fear plastered on their faces as they saw the spectacle of Wolf's hunt. Wolf sniffed the air and looked around. "I smell their fear!" Before any could react to this exclamation, Wolf had begun his chase of another. This one fell faster, as Wolf just bit his head off and ran straight for his next target. Three more dogs were now lying on the ground swimming in a pool of blood and limbs, recuperating from their shock, the legs of the rest decided to work again and flee in hopes of escaping alive. "They race from us!" Said Wolf disappointed. "Only to find us sooner." I answered and prepared my bow once again. Wolf turned into his black fog form and danced around my arrow. "Mounting Dread. Dance of Arrows" I said and sent the arrow towards the fleeing dogs. The arrow split in three and Wolf flew with the middle arrow and quickly jumped off it and onto the next dog, tearing him apart. The other two arrows impaled the fleeing dogs legs and slowed them down. Wolf took care of the last two, who now could no longer run as fast as before. Wolf vanished into the shadows and came out of my shadow again to stand beside me. I pet his head and he growled in pleasure of the hunt. "Only one thing left..." he said and turned to the leader of the dogs. In turn I too looked upon their leader. Tears running down his face as he holds his sword in his trembling hands. He looked just about ready to… no, scratch that, he did just piss himself. "Stay back! I will kill you when you come closer!" screamed the dog in panic. "It thinks it can beat us!" exclaimed Wolf. "It's called... denial." I told wolf as he ran towards the last dog. The hound’s fearful scream echoed throughout the forest, getting every critter to turn their heads towards the sound before it stopped as abruptly as it started. Wolf came back to me and licked his teeth from the remains of the dogs. I looked around and saw the slaughter we performed upon these dogs. My breath became fast and frantic as I suddenly realized WHAT I did. I killed... I killed precisely and efficiently without hesitation. My stomach churned and I fall to my knees and hands. Wolf came to me and nuzzled my face. "Are you ok?" He asked with what sounded like concern. I wasn't sure if he could even feel something like that anymore, after remembering what he did to these dogs. "I will live... but sleeping will be more difficult." I answered. It wasn't because of the slaughter I took part in, but more the lack of me not feeling any regret in my actions that makes me worry. What was happening to me? Have I really become Kindred? Have I really become... death? As if he could read my mind, Wolf licked my mask and said: "We did, what we had to do. Whoever tries to harm us, will have to choose, between your Bow and my Teeth." I was about to say something, but the clip-clop sound of hooves brought my attention towards the forest. A group of golden armored ponies burst through the bushes, looking around the scene of slaughtered dogs and then looking towards us. As I looked closer, I could see there were different kinds of ponies in the group. Some had Wings, others Horns and some had neither. A much bigger pony, this one had wings AND a horn like the little one behind me but with chocolate brown fur stepped forward from the group. "DADDY!" screamed the little pony from behind me as she ran with tears in her eyes towards the big stallion. "Star Night!" he screamed as he saw his daughter running towards him. He kneeled down and nuzzled her while she hugged his big body as best as she could. It was a rather cute scene and helped in getting my mind off of my previous thoughts. "Daddy! I was so scared! Those dogs took me, but then I escaped! They chased me and I was so scared since I couldn't find you! Then I saw this beast and I was even more scared. But she helped me and saved me from the dogs!" She explained it all with the excitement and speed expected of a child. Her father still seemed to understand her and looked at her with a smile and some tears building around his own eyes. He looked around the field and saw all the lifeless bodies of the dogs. His eyes narrowed a bit and he looked right at me. The other ponies held their weapons at the ready, but didn't threaten me. The big stallion walked a few feet towards me before he stopped. "I am King Helios. I must thank you for saving my daughter, but I must also ask, who and what are you? I have never seen someone like you." he asked curiously. I took a deep breath and said calmly: "My name... is Kindred."