When in Need

by CrimsonEquine

First published

Rainbow Dash requests something from her father to which he begrudgingly abides.

Rainbow Dash requests something from her father to which he begrudgingly abides.

When in Need

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Rainbow Dash was leaping excitedly to see her father. Bow Hothoof was supposed to fly at high speeds to her. He was shivering at the prospect of it. His daughter begging him to do something like this. Yet, he knew that his little girl needed it more than anything.

“Oh, what am I going to do”, he said. “If I don’t do this, she’ll be alone forever”.

He pondered on a tree and watched the bright blue sky. Wondering if there was another way to solve this problem. She had a history with dates that were “problematic”. But, He didn’t expect for her to turn towards this choice. And she asked him to help her become happier. Bow Hothoof scratched his scruffy chin. His wife Windy Whistles urged him to follow her request. Yet, he was still on the fence about it. Windy would fight tooth and nail for what she wanted. It just seemed like they were crossing a line. It didn’t feel any better, even at this time.

“Well, if I’m gonna do it, might as well get it done quickly.”

He sighed and flapped his powerful wings. Soaring through the cold sky, he could see his daughter’s home. The clouds piled up to simulate a house made of bricks. He landed at the front door. It’s patio was softer than a goat’s hairy back. He knocked on the door with a few soft hits. Rainbow Dash’s hoofsteps resounded from inside. The door opened slightly with Rainbow Dash peering out.

“Hi dad”, she said. “Want to come in?”

Bow Hothoof followed his daughter deeper into her home. There were several rooms across the hallway they passed. Everything fashioned out of puffy clouds. She pulled him with her towards one of the rooms. It was a closeted place, with a few lit cloud candles. Sitting atop of a cupboard alone. Rainbow threw her father to the soft bed. He landed on his back and felt the cushion caress him. He lay there exhausted, wanting to rest like a foal. Still, he knew what he had to do. It just didn’t sink in like the bed had. Rainbow Dash leaped upon his father and growled like a leopard. Her efforts denied by Bow’s ear deafening snores.

“Dad, come on don’t you remember that i’ve dreamed of this for years, with becoming a Wonderbolt?”

Bow woke up with a loud snort, he felt a warmth at those old memories. It made him feel like everything was right again. Her playing with her dolls and pretending she was a mom. How cute it was to him and his wife. He never guessed she wanted that so badly. But, he realized that his daughter needed him. He just couldn’t go through with it.

“I’m sorry my little rainbow, I know you wanted to feel better, but it just doesn’t feel right to me.”

Rainbow smiled, she had just the solution.

“Don’t worry dad”, Rainbow went to the cupboard and found a needle with a yellow liquid inside. “With this you’ll be on point in no time”.

Bow Hothoof watched as her daughter crept closer. She slid atop him and grinned a wide smile. He could feel a pinprick on his leg, and then a queasiness. Like he was going to vomit over everything. But, he didn’t have that urge; his full mast had surprised him. He couldn’t move, he felt numbness all over. Except for one place in his crotch. He could easily make that out.

“Oh daddy… Mmm”, Rainbow Dash pushed down on her cat’s dripping flesh. She’d been ready for a very long time. Too many instances she had been rejected by ponies she cherished. Now she would relish her time with the one pony that loved her. Rainbow released her tongue and began to lick her father from the tip. The scent of salty precum caused her to lose control of her senses. She wanted more, all of his love in her mouth. Her throat felt stretched from the length. Rainbow finally got what she wanted and she was going to savor it.


The suction of her sucking down was louder than the wind wafting by. Yet, no pony could hear their act. They were alone, and nothing could stop what was inevitable. Rainbow let loose the massive cock and felt enamored to even have a taste. For her, she was the luckiest mare in the world. And that cock would be all hers just this once. She stood atop Bow and slid herself onto him slowly. She grimaced before yelling out a horny moan.

“R-rainbow, I’m s-sorry.”

She looked at her father, so confused and bewildered. Rainbow smiled and raised her thick butt in the air. Letting it fall to the dick that created her, she wanted to reciprocate her existence. With her own little foal to take care of. From the stallion that had molded her into her mom. Now it was her turn to become the furnace that her clay would be molded. And that clay would become beautiful pottery.

Rainbow Dash slammed her crotch onto his. She repeated the motion, until she could feel his seed ready to shoot. Moaning like a wildebeast, the shot of life came quick and deep. Rainbow Dash bellowed with a thunderous scream. Her father’s sperm entering her womb. Her foal was signed and checked. Rainbow Dash would become a mother, at that moment she couldn’t have been happier.

“Thanks' dad”, she said, falling atop her father like a rock breaking onto a boulder. She slumbered satisfied. Bow Hothoof felt the presence of his daughter on him and lost himself to the dream world.

Rainbow Dash woke up to the sound of birds singing. She stood up and stretched her body and found that her father had vanished into the night. She sat upon the bed and cherished her stomach to what was to come. Rainbow lay back into the soft bed, and slept, feeling a lifetime of happiness consume her.