> Apple Eyes > by Toxic Lullaby > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a happy, especially sunny, day at Sweet Apple Acres. Our whole family was busy working in the apple farm. I was harvesting the ripe fruits from the trees, Big Mac was stomping the less-than-perfect ones to make apple sauce, and Granny Smith was baking the others into a delicious apple pie. Apple bloom was off playing with her friends. Granny Smith had always been, well, a bit of a space-cadet kind of mare, but lately, she's been much more distant...and forgetful. I breathed in, and noticed an over-powering scent of burning apples. There was no way Granny Smith would ever burn a pie! I trotted quickly inside to check on her. She was asleep in her chair, and the pie was on fire. "Granny!!" I shouted as I tried to put out the fire. Luckily, the flames were small and still under control. "Wake up! The pie is burnt!!" Granny awakened somewhat violently, "WHO-Who's there?!? What pie?!" She said, confused. I tried to calm her down, "It's Apple Jack, Granny.", I told her, "You were baking a pie and you fell asleep." She looked at me like I was crazy, like..she didn't even know me. I trotted back outside, baffled by her behavior. I went to talk to Big Mac. Maybe he'd noticed something different about Granny, too. "Big Mac, have you noticed anything strange about Granny lately?" I asked "Well, no, Apple Jack.", He said, "I can't say I have. Now I have to get back to work." "Oh..." I said, disappointed, "Ok, thanks." I hurried back to my work, when I saw Apple Bloom galloping towards me in the distance. She seemed excited, as usual. I didn't even notice that Granny had come outside > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come here, dearie!" Granny shouted to my little sister. "I want to show you how quickly the apples have ripened!" I smiled as the two looked in awe at the scarlet fruits on the tree. Apple Bloom struggled to reach an apple at the top, but was too small to even touch the first branch. Big Mac came along and picked off the reddest apple there was and gave it to her, then promptly went back to his work. "Thank you, Big Mac!" Apple Bloom said excitedly, as she bit into the juicy fruit. Then, she galloped away again to play with her friends. That's when I noticed that Granny looked more tired than usual. I trotted over to check on her. She began to cough. "Granny, are you alright?" I asked, concerned, as she could barely articulate. "I'm fine, Apple..apple..." Then, she fell to the ground. "GRANNY!?!" I shouted as I tried to revive her. I called for help, "BIG MAC!!!!" I continued to shake her as Big Mac galloped over to us, "Oh please wake up!!" I began to cry as Big Mac carried her to the hospital. I followed close behind him, teary eyed and silently praying that she's ok. Granny was beginning to stir.. "Big Macintosh..", she said weakly, "Where in tar-nation are you taking me?" "The hospital, Granny.", I said, trying my best to comfort her, when I was the one who seemed to need it. "You fainted." She tried to laugh, but ended up coughing, in undeniable pain > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hung my head in dismay as Granny protested being taken to the doctor. I could tell she wanted to kick hard and break free, but he was too strong, and she was much too weak. "I ain't sick!" She said through her hacking. Big Mac held her tighter "Now, Granny," Big Mac said, "You're going to get checked out and that's final." We continued on our way to Ponyville Hospital. I sat with Big Mac as Granny was taken into a room after a brief wait and discussion between him and the doctor. I couldn't help but to break down as the doctor left with her. "Now, Apple Jack,", Big Mac comforted, "I know you're scared, but we have to think positive thoughts. Granny has led a long and happy life, and if it's her time to go, we have to accept that." I shook with animosity. "SHE'S ISN'T DEAD YET!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My brother looked at me in shock. "FOR ALL WE KNOW, SHE COULD BE FINE!!" Before he could say another word, I galloped home as fast as I could. Red-faced and tears pouring. I went inside the house, and simply dropped to the floor. I knew in my heart that Big Mac could be right, but I just couldn't bear to imagine life without Granny Smith. I just stood there, not sure how to react, or how to stop crying. I had to be strong for Apple Bloom. She can't come home and see her big sister bawling. After an eternity, Big Mac finally came home. With Granny. I wiped my tears away and went to greet them "GRANNY!!" I shouted with glee, "You're ok!!" I kissed her happily on the cheek. Granny stared at me. "Who are you?" She asked > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Granny?" I responded, surprised, "It's me..Apple Jack. Your grand-daughter?" I laughed, nervously. Granny walked away from me, delirious. I looked over at Big Mac for answers. "What is going on?" I asked, "What did the doctor say?" Big Mac sighed. "Well, she's not sick..." He began. I sighed with relief. "You didn't let me finish, Apple Jack. She's not sick. She's just old. The doctors can't prevent people from dying of old age. They said to take her home and let her be with her loved ones." I didn't want to believe it. I went into Granny's room to see her. She was sleeping, shouting out silly phrases, as usual. It was a sight that I had witnessed many times, but this time...it was different. There was a sinking feeling that she wasn't going to wake up. I couldn't look at her anymore. I trotted back outside. Big Mac was waiting for me. "I've been thinking. I don't think we should tell Apple Bloom., " he suggested, "She's too young and she wouldn't understand. It would just scare her." I nodded. He was absolutely right. Apple Bloom didn't need to be worrying about something like this. We had to be brave, for her sake. One thing did concern me, though. "Okay. Wait, what if she goes to speak to Granny, and she thinks Apple Bloom is a stranger?" I asked. Big Mac didn't respond..he just turned and left. I wanted to follow him, but I knew how he was feeling. I wanted to be alone too. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started picking apples again, to calm my nerves. This daily activity, which has been my work since I was a filly, now felt like a strange form of therapy. It was getting late. The sun was setting, and I could see Apple Bloom in the distance. " Howdy, Apple Jack!!", she greeted me, with her normal perkiness. I hid my true emotions, and smiled back to her. "Howdy. How'd your cutie mark crusading go today?" I asked her. She turned her head and stuck her tongue out. I chuckled. "It went ok.," She sighed, "When did you get your cutie mark?" I shook my head at the little filly. She frowned up at me. "That's a story for another day.," I replied, "Now it's late. Off to bed. And be quiet, Granny is asleep. Me and Big Mac will be in soon." She groaned and went inside. I looked over at Big Mac, who had gone back to stomping apples. He shot me half a smile. Neither one of us said it, but there was an ominous feeling between us. We dreaded going to sleep, because we were so uncertain of who'd be awake in the morning. I swallowed the lump in my throat and went inside. "Big Mac, " I called as I trotted back to the house, "I'm going to bed. You should come inside soon." He nodded with a sad look on his face. I laid in my bed, and tried to close my eyes, but I couldn't without seeing Granny. I acted on impulse and went to her room to check on her. She was snoring. Sleeping peacefully. I smiled and went back to bed. "I love you, Granny.", I whispered. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My slumber was surprisingly peaceful, except for a few brief periods where Granny was coughing. I awoke with a smile and came out of my room to begin my morning work. Apple Bloom and Big Mac were in the kitchen. Their heads were down, and Apple Bloom was crying. "Apple Jack. You're awake.." Big Mac said. Apple Bloom rushed over to hug me. "Good morning.", I said..suddenly realizing what was happening. Big Mac looked at me with tears in his eyes I knew what he was going to say, but I had to hear it to believe it. "Apple Jack!,", Apple Bloom cried, "What's going on?! Big Mac looks really sad and he won't tell me why! He won't even let me tell Granny on him!" I shrugged, trying to quiet her down. Big Mac sighed, and turned his head. "Apple Jack, Apple Bloom.." He struggled, "Granny Smith passed away in her sleep last night." He went outside and immediately started working. It was how he dealt with his emotions. "Oh.", Apple Bloom said, "Can I go to Sweetie Belle's?" I nodded and she trotted away. I knew she wouldn't be able to understand. I barely could. I went into my room and cried. For hours, I just sobbed. As we slept, Big Mac had taken Granny's body away. He felt that we didn't need to see it. As I sat in grief, I started to reminisce about all the good times we had with Granny. Like the time we made apple fritters for the first time. I cracked a smile. "We burnt the first 3 batches because I forgot to watch them!" I laughed to myself. Soon I was in a fit of crying and laughing. I loved Granny with all my heart, and I will miss her terribly. No matter how much my heart aches, I know that she would want the entire Apple family to be smiling, and remembering her for who she was. A kind, sweet, and crazy old mare.