> Stars Above Equestria > by Devela > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Con > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright that's enough pictures for now. It's my turn to walk around some and see the con." Jack called out as he lifted his custom made commando rifle. It wasn't an exact replica of Commander Raynor's black marine suit, but it was as close as could be. Everyone seemed a bit sad but began to dispurt and head their own way. The whole costume was hand made by Jack himself. Everyone seemed to love his costume; he had seen videos of exoskeleton online and decided to make his own. So using small quarter inch PVC pipe he designed one, using free flow hinges to help with the joints. He drilled small holes in the pipe so metal rods could hold up plates of black molded plastic for the actual combat suit exterior. He took into account the matter of plates sliding under one another as his arms or knees bent, one plate slide under the other to avoid colliding. His rifle was rather simple. First he carved it out of molding plastic to get the right shape. Second he primed it with a black base and went over with a black mettalic finish. Third, he took an exacto knife to cut nicks into the rifle. Finally he used small brushes with silver paint to give the weapon a worn and battered look. The only thing his costume really lacked was the combat helmet, having focused so much on the suit itself, didn't leave a lot of time for the helmet. He just kept telling himself the helmet didn't matter, because he could say it was too hot inside the suit if the helmet was on. It wasn't the best excuse, but most people seemed to understand. With it being his first on most people expected the costume to have a few flaws. He finally started walking around the booths, being able to see over basically everyone as he was a good six feet on his own, but the suit made him a solid seven.  A few of the stands were interesting; there were even some advertising local LARP events, but he shrugged and moved on. Jack made his way to the merchandise eventually, almost no vendor was involved in costuming. Well that was until he heard a voice call out to him. "Marshall Raynor, I have some things for you to see." Jack looked over to see a fully done up Graven Hill, but what caught his eye was the slew of items displayed in the booth. The whole front table was nothing but miniatures. Jack recognized a lot of them, spying A Spear of Adun, a Hyperion, the Normandy, The King of Red Lions, and an accurate Spirit of Fire from Halo Wars. It was impressive by far, but what caught his eyes were the helmets along the back wall. Almost everyone imaginable was there, from StarCraft marines and Halo Spartans, to Dragon Age and Dark Souls. Jack was a bit shocked as he walked over and looked over everything, his eye catching the miniature Hyperion and the... skull helmet along the wall. "Alright how much for the helmet and the Hyperion model?" The man rubbed his chin before pulling the helmet off the shelf and setting it down in an open space. "Well the model is about one fifty alone, but the helmet is two hundred. How about I give you a bundle deal, so you can get both for three hundred?" Jack bit his lower lip before twisting off a gauntlet and reaching into his side holster for his money, but before he could pay another person walked up towards them. "Hey now, how do you know this helmet will even fit on your head or work with your armor?" Jack looked over and saw a man dressed as Patches from Dark Souls and rubbed his chin for a moment. "The man does have a point, but I do need a helmet. Can I try it on?" Graven didn't seem pleased as he glared at Patches; who just smiled before waving a hand. "Go ahead and try it on." Jack smiled as he lifted the helmet up and set it over his head, it had a bit of weight but settled on the mount rather perfectly. It even settled into the collar and locked in place when he twisted it. He started looking around to test how much it limited his vision, before there was an urgent beeping. It took a moment for him to push up the visor so he could check his phone; a simple red message flashed at him over and over again, 'Riot!' Jack swore silently as he shoved the phone back in his pistol holster on the belt, then tried to take the helmet off. He grunted for a minute, trying to force the helmet to turn, but it wouldn't budge in the slightest. A large sigh accompanied the look at the stall owner before he tossed down the money for the helmet. "The helmet seems stuck. I need to leave right now, but I will be back so we can take this damn thing off my head." Patches laughed as he looked at Graven. "See I knew this would happen!" "I'm sorry Marshall, I will fully refund the money when we get the helmet off you." Graven bowed his head as he collected the money and slipped back into his stall. With that Jack stalked off towards the front doors. Patches eyed the man before him and smirked. "Seems I win this match old friend." "Well why would you say that, he still needs to come and buy the other piece." "Are you so sure of that? I am The Con for a reason." Patches smiled before he slipped into nothingness and disappeared. One half hour taxi ride later. Jack grumbled as he tossed cash through the door into the back of a van. He didnt feel bad making the driver put down all the seats for him to be able to kneel in the back. Something told him this may be a false alarm but he hoped it wasn't. So the space marine walked around to the service entrance in the back to walk through the cargo doors. After swiping his badge, Jack stepped inside the main corridors. Each easily ten feet tall so he had plenty of head space and room to walk. A quick glance around and a frown later told Jack that nothing seemed was out of place. So he steaded heading towards the main cell block. There still wasn't any sign of anyone, not until he got close up to the s and peered inside. There was nothing wrong at all. All the prisoners were in their cells and the guards at their posts. Jack was curious as to what happened so he reached in for his phone but felt something different, so he pulled it out. Sitting in his palm was the Hyperion miniature, but he was sure he didn't pay for it... So how was it possible for him to have it? Before he could even question how it got there a blinding flash of white light filled the entire prison. Jack was disoriented for a moment before looking down as he felt that he wasn't his usual self. He heard servos working as he moved an arm and gasped. The suit just wasn't a costume anymore and he felt as if his body was different as well. He glanced around and noticed he was standing in the bridge of the Hyperion. Everything seemed so real, but it had to be a dream, it just had to. Right then he looked out the view screen and noticed the world below. It seemed like nothing he had ever seen before, dark orange and purple covered most of it. There was a large portion of desert but also some odd shapes in there like a giant statue made of red, like a bloodstain. Okay, that was disturbing even more than the Sun and Moon being equal distance from the planet. He didn't have a lot of time to examine the scenery as small black dots appeared from the planet and streaked towards the ship. Alarms sounded as the computer announced, "Enemies Detected!" > First Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alarms rang out across the entire ship as everyone started to run around; most trying to figure out what the hell had happened or what was happening now. Convicts and guards alike began scrambling to look for a way off the deathtrap of metal that was the Hyperion. Jack growled as he walked over towards the main console and looked down. There was a massive array of buttons, most seemed to be nothing but command prompts. Two in particular got his attention, at random he picked the green button. A deep hum sounded somewhere in the ship as energy flowed from her central reactor. Jack had a front row seat as all the auto cannons along the hull began to swivel into forward position. "Well, that is handy. Now where the hell is the fire button?" He looked down as he pressed the second button and heard soft buzz of the speakers. A silent prayer of thanks was given to any deity that would hear. His next task was to assemble some sort of order. "Alright you morons, this is Jack Glenmor at the helm. I suggest all of you pricks listen up. We are not going to die up here because I found out how to work the guns." It was a complete lie, but there was no one around to call him out on it so he kept rolling with it. "The things out there attacking us are gonna be mince meat due to some good old fashioned lead rounds smacking into ‘em. Now, I suggest all of you head to the cargo bay so we can sort this shit out afterwards." With that he lifted the finger and cut off the connection before swearing up a storm as he kept looking out the viewing window. In the distance he could see about a dozen black figures rising out of the clouds; they had massive wings that seemed to propel them at a good pace. The ascent was actually scary as Jack kept looking around before seeing a target on a big red button. He shrugged and pressed it before hearing a slight hum from within the ship as flashes occurred outside. Flashes of lights started streaking down toward the things and shredded the first few. About half a dozen were left before they began maneuvering and evading the streams of fire, but the turrets kept up the assault as the computer began to calculate how to eliminate the enemy. Jack sighed in relief as he watched the firing, seeing another one turned into a fine mist as the others came closer. He shivered and winced as the things were horrid and disgusting; each one about the average size of a Saint Bernard. These things had no lower jaw to speak of, just a slit that opened side to side with razor sharp teeth along each side. The legs were nubby at best, being maybe two feet long, so it could at least land and rest, but at the moment they were curled tight against its frame. The strangest thing was the head and wings. Its wings were easily six feet on each side, buzzing like an insect's, as they began to arc over the ship. There seemed to be a long protrusion coming out about six inches above their compound eyes. The best guess was that it was a horn, but he wasn't sure what it was used for before a green glow started to surrounded the horn and gave off a quick flash of light... The entire ship rocked after the first volley of those things hit, alerts came up on different screens. Jack growled as he started looking at the displays and sighed, seems they had hit the hyper drive engines and that meant. "We're fucking stuck here.." He kept looking around as he thought of a way to stop those things. Remembering back Jack began looking for a button with a hexed bubble on it before grunting in frustration. "Where the hell is that button.” As he kept looking the ship rocked again but with less severity as he looked out and saw a few more bits of those things falling back down towards the planet. Jack didn't worry about that as he found one with a small pack of missiles on it and pushed down. Around the ship small hatches opened as missiles launched out towards the remaining targets. Streaks of smoke filled the void of space as they soared against the enemy before impacting two of them with direct hits. "Fuck yeah! Take that you muty bastards." It made sense to call these mutalisks since they seemed to act like them and swarm over the ship like that. The remaining three swung away and began quickly retreating back towards the planet. Jack sighed as the things escaped, but they soon were out of range as the auto cannons stopped firing and the alarm slowly died away. After a few minutes of searching he found himself in the armory. He wanted to desperately get out of this armor. It took a few minutes before he found the right chamber, but he stepped forward and stood in the central platform. After a few seconds delay, the room came to life as it started reaching out towards him with drills, claws, and scanners. It took all of one minute before the machine stopped and slowly retracted its parts. A frown creased his brow and he saw a projection screen appear... It showed several major flaws in the armor that a registered engineer needed to handle. So for now Jack was left in the suit. On his way out he grabbed a C-14 gauss rifle and attached it to the magnet holster on his back beside the commando rifle, which had turned as real as his suit. Jack heard the babble of voices before he rounded the corner to the cargo bay. His eyes were met with a sea of orange jumpsuits mixed with the occasional black. A rough estimate could be at least two thousand people, give or take a few hundred. All eyes turned in his direction. He switched on his suit’s speakers. A soft buzz filled the air before he spoke. "Alright everyone, the things that attacked us are dead except for three, but I don't think they will be back anytime soon!" There were cheers all around before he motioned for silence again. "But I have to admit; I don't know what the hell happened or where we are. The continents of the planet under us do not resemble Earth in any way at all." He furrowed his brow before fiddling with a console beside the door before the computer accepted the command. An alarm sounded, the doors slowly began to open as they saw the plasma field already up. Down below them was a world covered in rolling burnt orange plains of grass, small dots littered the ground to mark cities and towns. There were dozens of strange shapes and landmarks as well. One man yelled out that there was a gicantic glistening black fortress resting atop a mountain. After a few moments of fighting the computer, he shocked everyone as he turned the ship to show the moon and sun. Each rotated around the planet on the same axis. Instead of a yellow ball of fire it was a green sphere of flame. The moon bore the image of a mare, regal and pristine, in soft pink splotches upon the smooth surface. He watched as some prisoners began yelling that it wasnt real, all a trick by the guards to control them. A few just sat down, curling up in the fetal posistion to start crying. Jack figured this would be hard for most people to accept, but he was showing them the truth of their situation. "Alright everyone, I know this seems desolate but we can try and figure everything out." A prisoner started walking towards the front of the bay towards Jack, a growing posse trailing behind. It was an inmate that didnt like being given orders. So as the man got to the front he shoved a few people put of his way before approaching Jack. "Who the fuck are you to give us orders?" He was a fairly recent prisoner who hadnt been taught his place in the system yet. Half the followers wanted to see the interaction, while the other simply wanted answers. Jack killed the speakers as he eyed the man. It was a lanky former drug dealer arrested for several counts of possesion and intent to sell. A chuckle escaped as he formed a fist. "Well I do know how to interior decorate sooo." "Wha-" The man didn't get a chance to respond as Jack simply decked him. There was a sickening crack as the jawbone exploded from the impact. Before the man could fall to the floor Jack grabbed his head in the other gauntlet before slamming it down. Gore and grey matter splattered everywhere as blood began to leak onto the floor. "A brain is a terrible thing to waste." With that he slowly rose up and shook the visceral off onto the floor. He stepped over and used an inmates jumpsuit to wipe off the blood while looking the man in the eyes. "Any other statements?" They all stood there with looks of shock or neutral expressions. It wasn't the first time any had seen Jack go overboard. It kinda went with the job when the prisoner didn't mentally evaluate their guards, because Jack was truly insane. "No? Alright then." He switched the speakers on before addressing the rest. "If you have a problem, keep it to your fucking self. Now I want you all to do as I say or else I have a lot of ways to make you walk the line." A slight evil smile crossed his lips as he scanned the crowd. "I don't have any kind of code to adhere to anymore. Like keeping you alive. So with that settled pick leaders amongst yourselves. After that they should approach me." He reached an arm up and pointed to the front. "All guards to the front." After a good solid two hours he found himself approached by four individuals. Jack knew all four by name and what crime they had committed; two had murder charges, one arson, and the last was in for tax evasion. They stood before him and waited, but before any of them could say anything, an azure light filled the air. A large pony stood there for a moment and gazed around, Jack just stared back before going for the rifle. A few thoughts raced across his mind. 'What the fuck, is that Nightmare Moon. Why the fuck is a Technicolor villain from a show I watch with my neice here. Fuck I better kill it.' His hand stopped mid draw as the same azure surrounded everyone. Jack could only stare in frustration as Nightmare Moon frowned at him. She stood an easy six feet tall before the horn added another two atop that. A long navy mane and tail, filled with stars, seemed to flow in an unnatural wind. Two leathery black wings stretched out as she seemed to adjust them before sitting down. Nightmare Moon had arrived...     > Meeting Royalty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack felt the servos in his suit struggle against the magic. Small jets of steam pushed out before he finally he admitted defated and stood still. His eyes began roaming over Nightmare Moon. She seemed like a pony back from his own world. The only similarities were the same shape, there it ended. This mare, was clearly built for combat. She had toned slender legs, the muscles rippling as she stomped a hoof. Her hoof was round and made a soft muffled noise, jack realized that meant these things didn't wear horseshoes. He did notice a regal black metal wrapping up her hooves and legs like ivy, it bent and flowed easily. Her fur was a rich black, a shiny coat that any breeder back home would praise. Upon her chest and flanks sat onyx battle armor, modeled to wrap around her curves and block anything that would hit vital areas. Bat wings fit through special of crafted holes and rested on custom fit sockets along her sides. The helm stretched from the base of her neck in a shingle pattern, the plate above overlapping the one below it. It seemed to be made of shadows the way tendrils dropped off onto the floor. Her horn was enveloped in the same azure light as his suit and everyone else assembled. Jack watched as she looked over the elected leaders. Nightmare Moon snorted in disgust before walking down the line. She reached the first and spat upon him. “Disgusting.” Jack wasn't prepared for what happened next, with a quick tilt of her horn saw the man’s neck snap with a sickening crunch. He'd seen it before during riots or fights between prisoners, but to witness it in cold blood. Shocking even himself he admitted she was using scare tactics to cow the populace, a Mensk move but she was ensuring it sank in. A single thought ran through his mind. 'What the fuck! This isn't like the show!' Nightmare moon then proceeded to walk down the line, commenting on each man, before snapping their neck. “Filthy.” Crack! “Grotesque.” Crack! “Apes.” She made the last one particularly disgusting as she twisted his head upside down but kept the skin from breaking. Then her eyes turned towards Jack. There was an emotion in there that didn't belong, pure joy at what she'd just done. Jack knew it was his turn, but a strange calm settled on his body as he flexed his chin and closed the visor. If he was gonna die, he would at least die in the dark. Nightmare Moon relished the audacity of this ape who dared hide from her, so she reached out and tried to open the suit with her magic. That was when everything went ass up. The magic didn't work, the glow around Jack's suit faded as a small buzz filled the air, electricity arcing across the outside of the metal before he moved. Inside the suit, Jack saw as the personal adjacent inside his suit had calibrated the correct counter frequency. It took him only a moment to realize what that meant. Nightmare Moon realized it in the same instant. Sadly neither could capitalize on it for an attack as a screech set everyone's teeth on edge. Nails on a chalkboard would of been favorable. Jack saw an image on his HUD of an enemy contact, it wasn't the mare before him but out through the plasma shield. It wasn't a moment later that he saw the movement of wings, one of the mutalisk things had come back for more. That didn't make sense, he had activated the turrets by hand... Jack felt like an idiot for not getting the auto targeting. Now it might cost him and his crew their lives. A hand reached back as he knelt down, soon he held the heavy commando rifle in his gauntlets. Jack peered through the scope and waited for a moment before squeezing the trigger. There was a small delay of barely a second before the boom came, something sped away quickly from the end of his barrel. The kick alone almost tore his arm off as he grunted in pain. A small female robotic voice spoke in his ear, “Activating recoil countermeasures.” He recognized that voice but couldn't tell what as he just set his shoulder and aimed back towards the beast. Jack had taken too long as it had fired a shot off towards him, his vision filled with a massive orb of green energy about to crash right into him. “Fuck...” That was all he said before his eyes closed and he braced himself. There was a solid smack, but he didn't feel a damn thing. An eye opened slowly as he saw an almost transparent azure barrier floating before him like a shield. A quick glance confirmed that Nightmare Moon was standing beside him, horn aglow. The shield dropped before orbs of azure light began shooting off towards the mutalisk. A glare was directed towards his way. "Are you going to just stare all day or destroy this abomination?” Jack could feel her anger as he aimed and started popping off round after round. Each one found its mark and blew off a solid chunk of flesh. After three solid hits from both the monster went dead in space, floating quickly towards the pair. Jack thought for a moment as his suit calculated the angle of impact. It took no time at all for him to return his rifle, an arm wrapped solidly around Nightmare Moon's waist as he dove to the side. Jack angled it so his suit would take most of the impact and friction burns as they skidded clear. Where the two were a moment again was painted in a mass of black flesh, the wings torn to shreds as yellow blood oozed out onto the floor. Jack stood up slowly. He didn't see a single shell casing anywhere and would figure that out later, for now he turned to gingerly pick Nightmare Moon up. The mare stood there with a disdainful look as his gauntlets brushed the dirt off her armor. Jack even adjusted the helmet that seemed a little crooked before standing before this demon? Yeah she seemed like a demon to him. Nightmare Moon spoke with sarcasm dripping on every word. “Oh thank you brave hero for your valiant rescue. I am forever in your debt.” She snorted in disgust before turning to examine the corpse. Normally Jack didn't enjoy arguing with people but right now he was a little agitated, well little isn't truly the right word. He was stuck in a robotic suit, looked like someone from a video-game, knew how to do things he never did before, was almost killed; twice!, and now she was being sarcastic after he saved her life. Oh he was gonna make her say thank you. Nightmare Moon was quietly lifting bits and pieces other beast in her magic as she ran some magical scans on it. She was slightly oblivious to the world until she felt a soft push against the back of her helm. Her head tried to turn but she simply got a jab in the neck for that “Alright bitch, we can do this two ways. Drop the act and treat me like a normal being. Or I blow your brains out the front of your head.” There was a roar of approval from the prisoners who seemed ubfrozen and eager to attack. Several of them brandishig fists as they began forming a ring around the whole scene. “You dare threaten the Empress of the Night, The Queen of Darkness, Sorceress of Shadows, Ruler of Ruin, and Mistress of All I Observe! .” “Yes I do because you are fucking insane.” Nightmare Moon just growled as he horn started to glow but she lost focus as he rammed the rifle onto the back of her head. “Nice try bitch. I know how it works now.” “I shall roast you over an open flame and savor the taste.” Jack just rolled his eyes before stepping forward, his visor opened up as he talked in a small calm manner. “Go ahead and try, because if that is your fortress. I can set this ship to bombard and make it rubble in mere moments.” “You're bluffing, no mortal is that heartless as to destroy a civilian target.” Now that was where Jack laughed, it was long and hearty as he dropped the rifle away from the head and looked at her. He had a tear roll down his cheek before shaking his head. “I am a prison guard as a living. I can tell you just how much punishment each man in here can take. Most also know better than to fuck with me. I break them when they come through. If they disobey me then I do that." He pointed over to the body laying on the ground minus a head. Nightmare Moon just turned her head to look at the man in the suit before reaching out and drawing on the repressed nightmares of those around her. She saw nothing but his old body tormenting and beating most of them. He did indeed have an evil side it seemed, she frowned and turned to face him. “Why save me then if you are a monster inside?” “Monsters need to stick together. Besides, I can't have someone as twisted as you alive without being partners. Now discuss some things.” The prisoners around them growled and a few even stepped forwards as they glared at the two. Both of the two looked out as Jack simply raised a brow and pulled out his gauss rifle. "I thought I told you to tow the line. Or do we have a disagreement already?" A burly prisoner stepped forward, a nazi symbol tattooed all across his back. "Yes, this bitch deserves to die for the simple act of restraining us." "Oh is that so? Who agrees with that statement? Stand beside your comrade. The rest back the fuck off." Several prisoners began standing behind the nazi before there was a about a dozen or so. Jack smirked as he looked over to Nightmare Moon. She was simply standing there eyeing up the two sides before sitting down. "Don't let me stop you from disciplining those who aren't smart enough to realize the way things are." Jack smirked as he simply leveled his rifle and before anyone could say a thing opened fire. The shots were quick as he began to see almost instantly that holes wete being ripped in the men. No one knew what was happening before there was just a pile of men's corpses riddled with holes. He shouldered the rifle before looking out across the sea of orange. "Again any other questions?" > Misunderstandings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack sighed as he stalked down the halls, examining his rifle to figure what exactly the ammo was. It confused him so much that there was no caliber of bullet to check, or the fact no casing were left after his short fight. The indicator said there was a single shot left, and he didn't really wanna waste it if he didn't know how to swap clips. So for now he slid it back into the mag holster along his back. Nightmare Moon was eyeing the rifle as well, silently wondering how it was able to fire such large and devastating magical blasts while being completely made of metal. “How are you able to produce magic?” “I'm not...” “Yes you are.” “No I'm not!” “That weapon creates heavy magic projectiles, and your armor is able to defend against my power. It is surely alive if you don't seem to do it on your own. None of the former suits I have collected have done such before.” “First, wait what! You've seen suits like this before, where?!” Jack turned towards her as they were just outside the bridge, he heard but didn't feel her smack into him. The angry growl said he was about to get smacked around with magic, so he did the only thing he knew could prevent it. A gauntlet wrapped around her horn as his suit activated the electric field, Nightmare Moon froze with eyes wide, her mane and tail lost their ethereal glow and wave. It faded into deep rich midnight amethyst locks of hair. A single streak of light raspberry blue weaved through the center of both. She stood there glaring angrily as a hoof swing up right between his massive legs. There was a yelp of pain before she sat on her haunches and nursed the hoof. “Ya good?” Jack inquired as a smirk spread across his lips. “Fuck you!” “Hey don't tempt me~” He wiggled his eyebrows behind the visor as a giggle filled the speakers of his suit. Both of them stood stock still as they turned to look at a speaker. “Who just giggled?” “I did Jim.” A robotic feminine voice came from the speaker again, it took him a moment before he realized why and just who that was. “Kerrigan, you're my Adjutant?” Jack was shocked that he had one hardwired into his suit. “I didn't know the suits had such a capability.” A small six inch hologram of Sarah Kerrigan, back before she was betrayed by mengsk, stood on his shoulder. Her red hair held up behind some goggles as she leaned on his helmet. “They don't, I am hard wired into a neural slot on the back and base of your skull.” “What is that tiny woman talking about?” Nightmare Moon seemed confused, angry, and curious all at the same time as she tried to use a hoof and poke through the projection. Who simply giggled as the hoof passed harmlessly through her each time. Jack was ignoring them as he tried to remember when he added that to his suit... Then it hit him, he had a tattoo of a neural drive from Halo tattooed on the back of his head when he was younger. “Now I remember, I had a Sarah Kerrigan voice app on my phone. So when I was transformed my tattoo became real as well, and the only AI nearby was my phone and the voice module.” The armored man let out a groan as he walked over to the main console and looked at the buttons. The small image hopped off his shoulder and landed on the console before walking over the buttons, every so often she would drop a bullet over some. Jack raised a brow before he began sequencing the keys in order. Once again the heart poured energy out, it was all of a minute before the ship shook and warnings shot up on screen. “Ah seems I forgot the damage to our engines. We need to fix those before we can be fully operational, but I can at the moment activate the auto lock on all foreign targets for the auto cannons.” Sarah was standing next to the screen and began to access a 3D model of the Hyperion in her hands. “Alright, after that I'll take a shuttle down to hash out a deal with Miss Moon here." “Might I advise having an escort? There are a few more of those things approaching, and a large force are patrolling just out of range.” Nightmare Moon coughed at that moment, drawing both real and artificial eyes upon her. “I could simply teleport us down.” Jack laughed loudly and happily before giving her a straight faced. “No.” “Inform me as to why?” “Firstly, I don't trust you. Secondly, I am not turning of my suits anti magic field. Thirdly, that would leave me down there with no definitive way back unless you deemed it so. Fourth, your horn is shorted out. And finally, I don't trust you.” Jack didn't even look at her as he checked over the ship's inventory to even see if there was a dropship or fighters in the bays. Nightmare Moon growled as she tried to buck him full force, it didn't turn out as she expected. Because Kerrigan focused an electric current at the target area, and his suit had six inch plating. She was sprawled out on the floor with two aching and smoking hooves. “What did you learn?” Kerrigan was standing on the edge of the console and shaking her head. “I will destroy you for that!” Nightmare Moon lunged forward before she felt a power fist backhand. She felt immense pain as she was knocked onto her back, then a foot pressed down on her chest till she was gasping for breath. “Stop fighting, both of you. Now behave or I will break that pointy horn off your head. Then toss you to the inmates, I am sure they would have a grand ol time with you.” Jack pressed the foot down a bit more before he heard a whimper of submission before turning back to his work. “Good, now we need six pilots. Unless you can operate all the fighters via remote control Sarah?” The small figure shook her head before hopping into his waiting hand, she started climbing up the armor before reaching the shoulder again. “Negative, I could at most remote fly the dropship by setting it in autopilot. But taking off and landing requires a pilot. We do have copies of all prisoner and guard profiles though. Might I suggest the Skulls, all of them are former air force pilots decorated with combat medals." As she spoke several screens began cycling records from the prison manifest. Jack thought for a moment as he sighed. “We may as well, although every member was deemed insane for the war crimes. A few members have minor crimes but the high up ones have committed severe acts of violence against humanity." He started walking out before noticing that Nightmare Moon hadn't moved from the floor. So the suited giant knelt down and prodded the mare with a finger in the cheek. “Get up. We are moving out." Nightmare Moon looked up at him for a moment, blood dripping from her nose. A hoof gingerly touched the black ooze escaping from her nostrils before staring up towards this metal man. “You hit me...” “Yeah, and now we need to get moving.” “You hit me." “Great... You broke her!” Kerrigan sighed as she slumped into the cervix between shoulder and chest plate. “I don't see what the big deal is. This crazy bitch tried to attack me several times. Then she tried to go after you, and that could damage the ship beyond repair. We need every part of the “ Jack just knelt there as he waited for the mare to move. Nightmare's mind was racing, thinking of all that had happened. He had insulted her, threatened to kill her, disabled her magic, and finally beat her. She kept running it all through her mind before narrowing her eyes. "How dare you!" Both human and AI simply looked at one another before glancing at the black alicorn down below them. Black tendrils of power began leaking from Nightmare's mane, horn, eyes, and tail. Alarms began ringing all around them as the power output was escalating at an enormous rate. Jack raised a brow before doing the only thing that made sense to him. A hand snatched ahold of her horn as he poured every ounce of power into his disabling field. He felt the surge of power before an arc of electricity shot down his arm in a crackling ring. When it met the black magic there was a battle between the two forces. Light filled the entire bridge, shadows began fighting with the energy gave off from Jack's suit. Nightmare Moon glared angrily as she began to stand, forcing Jack up. The forces tried to overpower the other before Jack swung a fist up to smack against the side of Moon's face. A solid thud filled the air as Nightmare Moon's mane and tail faded to a dull look. The light began to fade as the shadows returned to normal. Nightmare slumped over as her power was exhausted and now she was unconscious. Kerrigan began scanning the mare almost immediately as an image of her began to construct itself in the air before them. "You shorted her out Jack." "Good. Let her sleep that off while I gather the troops." With that he turned and began walking towards the cargo bay. > Taking Stock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jack had little trouble finding the Skulls, mainly due to using the PA system and requesting them to the front of the cargo bay. The walk wasn't long from the bridge, his armored boots echoing down the metal hallways ahead of him. He arrived to a group of maybe twenty people milling beside the door. All of them had a standard orange jumpsuit, but somewhere on their person whether it be an arm, leg, neck, or even atop of their head was a red bandana with a white skull on it. The leader known as ‘Skull’ to everyone but the guards, used it to cover his face at all times. Even when eating, he would simply lift the bottom end. Jack spotted Skull casually talking with other members of his gang. Soon Skull turned to provide his full attention to Jack. A man with pale sickly skin stood before the armoured giant. Shoulder length white hair rested in a small bun atop his head. Skull stood at a height of 5'5" and strained his neck to look up towards Jack with deep crimson eyes. Jack knew his real name and crimes, David Hearth and several dozen counts of murder. Hell he knew every single crime of each Skull, a bare minimum to join was murder. “What can I do for you Jack?” Skull spoke in a raspy whisper, barely audible. All thanks to the scar he kept hidden under his mask. While serving he earned it during a crash, a shard of metal sliced across his voice box. Doctors were able to salvage his throat but this was one of the reasons he started committing crimes, finding a way through pain and destruction to talk and express himself. “I need eight of you to find flight suits and prep yourselves. I am going planetside but need three pilots for the dropships and five more for the escort. We have until you all are comfortable with the fighters on board. I think there is a simulator somewhere, search wraith and spec ops dropship. I can show you the actual ships if you want.” Before Skull could talk, Sarah spoke up. “Eight pilots?” Jack looked at the tiny hologram and smirked. “You advised an escort and well I decided on upping the number of bodyguards I wanted on the ground." Skull took a moment to watch before selecting his group. Then faced Jack with a small bow. "Show us the ships, we'll go from there.” It took a few minutes but Jack and the group finally arrived at the hangar bay. Three Spec-Op dropships waited in the bays, sleek and designed for covert drops in hot LZs. Twin turbines on both sides provided the necessary speed, while an auto dump feature allowed the entire bottom of the dropship to give out and allow quick instant landing. The main drawbacks were low armor and no weapons, these machines were built purely for speed. Sarah brought up a small 3D model of the dropship and began explaining the various features, focusing on top speed and maneuverability. “It can reach 600 mph in about a full minute of flight, full capable of stopping on a dime in order to deploy troops. The maximum number of marines it can support inside is twenty five." Jack whistled at the figure as that meant a lot of firepower, in a small amount of space, going really fast. “Hmm well I know three pilots who can handle those. Alex, Scott, Franky up in those three fine women and make em yours. Just remember be gentle at first.” Skull made his group laugh as three men quickly jogged forward. Kerrigan used her AI powers to lower the ramps “Alright that covers transport, now to show you the fighters, so known as Wraiths.” Jack began walking to the fighter bay, which was actually just a lower level of the hangar bay. While they moved Sarah brought out a Wraith for a full view. The first thing Jack realized was that for easier storage the wings on the sides folded down, resting along the center and giving a slim profile. Next was that the cockpit was on a fixed axis while the body twisted around freely. The games didn't explain things like this, but now it was how he thought it was supposed to be and....wait that meant almost everything on the Hyperion acted like he thought it was supposed to when not in combat. Skull walked up as the ship lowered down and the cockpit opened up, he slipped inside before nestling in and adjusting the straps. Soon he was putting the air mask on, pressing buttons as Kerrigan was showing him a live 3D interior and what to press to do what. Jack left them in the hangar, knowing the physical representation of Sarah Kerrigan would appear on him when she wanted to. He made his way back to the cargo bay, passing several people who had begun a search for food or the bathrooms. Jack didn't really care what anyone did as long as it didn't damage the ship, or anyone aboard. As soon as he stepped into the cargo bay Jack had a shadow, a lanky woman dressed in full guard uniform. Well it wasn't really a woman exactly, but she was on hormones to become one. A joke had circulated among the inmates, when she started the treatments. After a week she had broken six legs, fractured twelve arms, cracked fourteen different jaws before killing man during a small gang up on her. Jack always approved of her style and she acted like his right hand. "Kayla lovely to see you." "Same to you commander." Kayla was ex-military, she never said what branch. She was a good six feet tall, ghost white skin, piercing black eyes, peach puff hair, and a splattering of freckles over her body. Her body was built like an athlete, toned and firm. Well almost all of it, Kayla was proud of her small chest and semi bouncy ass, having taken months to achieve them. The inmate who died actually had started it all by smacking her ass as she walked by. It had taken six guards to subdue her until Jack could arrive. A single look and command returned her to normal. The respect was earned though, Jack was one of the few during training to subdue her. He actually was still undefeated and every new guard had to survive a three round fight against him. A sigh escaped Jack as he thought of all the pins and submissions he'd gotten. “Ah good times.” They were a good way through the cargo bay, the herd of people giving them room as Jack stopped. “Sir?” “Just remembering the old sparring matches Kayla.” “Ah.” She giggled, like actually giggled with a hand held to her mouth to cover it. Almost everyone around then froze with fear and looked towards the woman, fearing for their lives. Jack smirked as he eyed her before shaking his head. “Moving on...” He switched his speakers on as their buzz filled the air. “Attention, I need volunteers. I want people trained to use these suits and guns, the sooner the better. I also need to announce that you are all free men. Each and every one of you can do as you wish, but we can't promise your survival if you choose to live down on the planet. Bear with me for a day or two to set up something before stepping forward and informing us.” He let that all sink in, several prisoners were smiling as they thought of the crime they could commit. “Although I will say that the guards are still in charge, they will be remaining aboard as my crew if they'll stay. Inform us of any problems you have.” With that he shut off the speakers and began walking towards the doorway again. Kayla stayed right on his heels, peering down on everyone they passed as a murmur of voices filled the air. “Was that wise?” “We are all equal now, we aren't on Earth so why live by their laws anymore. Besides a lot of these men won't volunteer to fight if they aren't free.” He was almost at the door but stopped as he saw the rest of the Skulls lounging around. “Head to the hanger and become familiar with our ships please. We don't have a lot but I would rather have you be familiar with then bow, than learning when we might truly need you in ships.” The group nodded before starting to move off as Jack heard a small cough behind him. Both him and Kayla turned to see a large group of people assembled, a rough headcount told him there was maybe a hundred assembled. A smile spread across his lips as he waved a hand. “Follow me.” He began walking though the ship towards the armory, focusing as he stepped inside and started showing them the armor storage racks. “Don't worry, none of you will end up like me. These are all fully operational.” Kayla walked forward and quickly stepped inside of a suit, settling in as it began to close up around her body. The plates sliding and locking together across her chest. The massive chest piece rose up from around the feet to secure itself with a mechanical hiss. The suit stood motionless as Kayla started trying out controls forcing her arms against the metal and moving the suit. The servos whined and squealed painfully as she was not doing it correctly. Jack instantly knew what she was doing wrong, she was thinking the suit did most of the work, and she still had it in lock mode. He waited and let her figure it out before with a solid click, she began moving easier and was soon walking and flexing her limbs. "Good you found the suit doesn't move on its own, just makes you move better and with more armor and weight." Jack nodded as he walked over and grabbed a guard rifle off the rack and tossed it over to her. "Here we'll head to the cargo bay for firing practice." Kayla had a bit of trouble catching the rifle, but she eventually slide it on her back where the mag locks activated and held the gun in place. Soon the rest of the group were climbing into suits and figuring out how to move and use the controls. Each one grabbing a rifle when they felt comfortable and attaching it to the back. Jack noticed that most of the suits were the traditional dark blue, some were black just like his. The guards seemed to pick the black ones and the inmates didn't seem to care, knowing the guards were still in charge. Several soldiers walked over and grabbed a shield off another rack, it had a small port for the gun on one side and a slit in the top. Presumably for when troops were in two line firing squads.... Jack walked over and hefted a shield before handing it to Kayla. She readily took it and hooked it on her right arm, the solid thud of magnetic locks securing it in place. Several soldiers began taking her lead, but Jack shook his head. “Before we assign anything, we need to form squads, one guard and four inmates.” There was some shuffling around before everyone was settled, standing before him were twenty squads. An entire platoon, impressive, although there were some leftovers, two guards and two inmates.. “Stranglers on me.* They stepped forward and quickly took up positions behind him, standing regal and cocky since they were in Jack's squad. “Now we will from into companies, that is five squads. From there we will begin weapon and shield assignment.” There was more shuffling as the guards were the ones who picked the other squads they formed up with, the stragglers forming their own after a few minutes. “Alright now, two squads from each company will get shields, one will get heavy weaponry. The remaining two are simple rifle squads for now. Shield squads grab them now and heavy weapons approach me for further information.” Jack turned to his own group. “Someone go grab a shield, and the remaining three decide which two will get heavy weaponry.” He watched around him as the guards/commanders argued and ranted over reasons before it all ultimately settled down to... Rock! Paper! Scissors!... Jack groaned and facepalmed his helmet into his gauntlet as these were the people leading others into battle. Finally after twenty minutes groups moved to grab shields and others stepped forward, looking towards Jack expectantly. “Alright then, we will outfit your suits with rocket pods on each shoulder and a heavy CG-500 series assault gun.” He led the men towards requip stations, the same that informed him of his suits malfunctions. After a moment the modifications were plugged in, but there was a slight problem as there weren't any missile pods. Instead each suit came out with what looked like a Predator's shoulder cannon mounted on, just larger and with more bulk. There was also a large pack attached to their back, seeming to be an ammo system since it linked to the chain gun. An odd thing was the metal tubes along both sides with what seemed to be hand grips. Guess they would need to test it all out. Jack was confused by this but left it alone as he took stock of everything.  “Alright from into your company's then Sergeants, proceed to march your men down to the cargo bay for firing practice and formations.” He soon heard the cadence of ‘Left! Left! Right! Left!’ And the stomping of boots on metal as the troops thundered down towards the cargo bay. He was about to join them but a ball of black fire appeared in the armory, quickly swirling and opening to reveal a shadowy from stepping through. Black tendrils of mist leaked and dripped off of it, forming small pools before being absorbed back in as the thing stepped into them. It sent chills down everyone's spine. Kayla reacted by bringing up her shield and rifle, locking the two together as she stepped in front of Jack. The creature had green fire in its eyes, it searched the room for a moment before finally settling its haze upon the group before it. After a moment it started to solidify, dark purple fur coating it's body as a dark six pointed star rested on the flanks. It spoke a deep, firm, masculine voice. “My Empress sends word that the fortress is prepared and her subjects are awaiting your arrival.” Jack looked at him for a moment before smirking. “Alright then, my honor guard and I shall accompany you back. The rest shall arrive upon the hour.” The shadow pony seemed to have a little bit of an eye twitch before standing tall and regal, averaging three feet at the shoulder. “Alright then, I Dusk Shine, Element of Shadows, shall provide you safe passage.” Jack took a moment to activate the comms aboard the suits. “Alright boys, you have an hour to train. After that mount up and meet me down on the ground. The ships we have can each hold a full company, but we only have three so that means one company will have to remain behind. Sergeants decide upon company commanders, then the company commanders will choose a platoon director who decided which company remains behind. But above all else Skull is in charge while I am gone.” He switched over to a private channel to Skull’s wraith. “Kerrigan I need you back to me, we are going through a portal to the ground. Skull I assume you heard?” “Roger that Jack, one hour before take off. I'll ensure they all behave till then, and we have a total of fifteen fighters. I am ensuring each one has a pilot, so five escorts per transport.” “Good I'll seeya on the ground.” After that Sarah’s hologram appeared briefly on Jack's shoulder before disappearing. Kayla raised a brow and looked at her friend for a moment. “Going to explain?” “Later.” “I'll hold you to that.” With that she turned and hooked shields with the other soldier before advancing through the flames. Next was the heavy weapons, and finally Jack took a deep breath before walking towards Dusk Shine. “Let's go Shadow Element.” The stallion simply snorted in response before melting to tendrils of black smoke as he stepped through. Jack and the remaining soldier stepping through the blackness. > A Queen and her Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Moon roared as she appeared within her chambers in a flash of black light. Her eyes turned to a poor skeleton of a human standing in the corner. After one blink of an eye she was tearing into his throat with sharp predatory teeth. Gone was the soft coat she had, replaced by a thick layer of fur that looked matted and dishelved. Her eyes were pools of black that bore no mercy. Normally she enjoyed a balances diet of meat and vegtavles but today she gorged herself on the flesh of her slave. Blood was splattered against her fur, armor, and the floor. Soon she was back to normal as a pile of bloody bones sat on the floor before her. With a quick flash of magic she was back to her regal and majestic self and her body was pristine. After a few minutes she lowered her head and began sliding out of her armor, working the leg pieces all off before sighing as she took off the saddle and flanks soon. Finally she lifted both helmet and chest guard off. All the pieces being slipped onto an armor mannequin nearby before she shook her ethereal mane out. She stood there for a moment, basking in the comfort of air upon her fur and skin after that trip. After a moment she began walking towards her balcony, wincing at a knot of pain along her spin. It was a small point along the spine where the armor hit when she was smacked by that armored giant. Her thoughts drifted to him, Jack was the name right? Oh well she thought of how he wanted to come down here with an army to talk. Shivers ran down her spine as she thought of it all, the marching boots, the cadence of the calls, and lastly how dominating and intimidating it would look compared to her troops. It made her wonder just where he was from, because it was clear he wasn't one of her enemies. A sigh filled the air as she stepped out onto her balcony, below her spread out was a Gothic fortress of black, spiraling towers jutted here and there. Some contained massive crossbows loaded with giant bolts. Most of these were used whaen enemy airships tried attacking or trying to land. Several city districts and towers were still under heavy repair, the wood surrounding them allowing the masons to work. A few tower tops were level and empty, this allowed spell casters or archers to fire upon the enemy fighters. It also provided small refuge for her flyers to relax and heal up during the heat of a siege. Now that made her frown, seeing the damage still lingering from the last one. It had been two months and they expected one in just another. Yet half the damage was left untouched, all because her people were suffering. Last invasion she'd lost six towns, two cities, and her own fortress had seen the most fighting. A good two thirds of her standing army had died, so she was searching for ways to replenish it but.. No one seems willing to defend their lands, since most who did died horribly or were captured and taken away. Each time the enemy would press deeper into her territory from the portals, capturing and taking her people back through before she drove them back. Last time the only reason she managed to defeat them was a deal she struck with the minotaurs, allowing them free reign over half her lands. They picked her most fertile fields so now half her measly empire of a total of two hundred thousand were starving on half rations as she negotiated a deal with the vile bovines. The only offer they gave her was food in exchange for the rest of her farm lands, which would give them the sole control over the entire continent's food supply. It was a sound pressure tactic but she refused them every time, feeling her people deserved a better deal. Soon she'd have no choice but to give in, although she if she did she could promise full rations to anyone who enlisted to defend her lands. That was the only way she could bolster her numbers without directly forcing her subjects to join, but wasn't that still forcing them with the promise of food that might not always be there... Her hoof smashed down into the balcony and caused dust to puff up around her. Anger seethed within her as she stormed back inside, knowing just how to deal with all the stress and emotions she had welled up inside of her. It was time to visit the dungeons. After a moment to adjust her mane and fix a black crown of onyx upon her temple, she began walking down the halls. All the palace slaves bowed lowly their heads touching the ground as she passed. Sadly the number of slaves was in the single digits, she remembered the halls bustling with slaves going here and there to please her or her guests. But most ponies had chosen to run away and escape with the enemy during the last few invasions. It was some time before she started down the steps for the dungeon, she could hear faint screams and maniacal laughter echoing up from below as soon as she opened the door. It already brought a smile to her face as she soon was taking the steps four at a time. Something about torture always put her in a good mood. Soon Nightmare Moon reached the bottom of the stairs, noticing an Efreeti she had summoned centuries ago to act as the guard was calmly reading a book. A pair of small reading glasses sat atop his nose, a pair of deep teal eyes flicked up before looking back down to his book. One leg was raised and rested over the other as he licked a hoof and turned the page to keep reading. That simply peaked her interest as she leaned down to look over the title. 1000 and 1 Ways to Cook Human. she just blinked for a moment before giggling softly to herself. "Ah lovely book, I personally prefer roasted hamstring Alamode with a dash of onion and fey blood. Brings out a certain spice to the human meat." "What page?" "Recipe six ninety three to be exact. The next one is a lovely brain and eyeball dessert platter served in the ribcage of the human." The efreeti smacked its lips together before smirking. "Fuck you, and have a horrid time in the dungeon." Nightmare moon moved on, eyeing the pony before smiling as she licked her lips. She'd have to indulge herself later, but for now she was following the screams and laughter. After a moment she pushed a thick iron banded wood door open, looking inside to the various tools of torture and vice. She noticed several bodies on a few of the instruments, most of them dead or dying. Not only could the souls be heard wailing in their endless torment, you could see and feel the anguish and despair hang in the air like a thick cloud. "Hmm seems Bubble Berry is ecstatic today, wonder where he is?" As she talked a lone pony began walking down the aisles of machines and devices, all sounds of suffering going quiet with a single look as the stallion cast a dark gaze around himself. His color palate mainly consisted of purple, with no real splash of color. A small white apron covered the front of his body, with black leather gloves coating all of his hooves. Both gloves and apron were stained dark crimson, a bit of the white poking through here and there. The biggest thing about him was the lack of a mane and the group of tentacles wriggling around upon his face around his beak. ~Hello Mistress, the blood for your bath has been harvested and awaits you above.~  Bubble Berry didn't speak to her in the traditional sense, more like directly communicated within her mind. Using his psionic abilities upon her in the small way she allowed. Normally his powers were used to break and bend prisoners to his will, making them divulge all they knew before he tortured them for fun. "Ah excellent job once again Berry. I see your work is done efficiently as always. But to be fair, I came down here to do a little torturing of my own. It was a rather stressful day handling the ship within the sky. If you are heading above, please send down my student. I have a job for him." With that she started approaching the back, where fresh victims awaited their fate. ~As you wish your Highness~ With that the stallion bowed and began walking out of the dungeons, tossing his apron and gloves into a bin filled with similar items from the days before. Berry sighed as he headed towards the stairs, nodding to the guard on duty. ~Hector~ The efreeti nodded back. "Berry." The two had a mutual dislike for one another which translated to a typical co worker friendship and stayed at that. Berry took his time, relaxing and stretching after a long day of torture, how many did he go through today? About ninety or so before he hit a wall just before Nightmare Moon had arrived. He was about to stop anyway since you could only do so much torture in a day before it got tiring. It took Berry a few minutes before he reached the top of the stairs leaving the dungeons behind him as he went looking for the Element of Shadows somewhere. He knew the stallion was around the Fortress, the telepathic tracker he put in everyone's mind told him so. Although it also informed him Applejack was searching for him. The orange glow and pop of embers announced the Nightmare before he turned the corner. Standing before him was a pony made of pure fire and brimstone, his own dark soul providing fuel for his fire. The stallion also was the supreme commander of the standing ground forces, a prime title indeed. Although he'd gotten it though lies, deception, assassination, assault, and good old fashioned public execution. It made him the most feared and respected pony to exist and earned him the title he got. ~Hello Applejack, what can I do for you today?~ "Have you seen Blitz or Elusive at all today?" ~I can't say I have, I just recently left the dungeon. Our mistress asked me to retrieve her students for her.~ "Ah well I shouldn't of bothered you. I shall leave you to your mission while I find those two slackers." With that the Nightmare walked away, leaving small spots of fire on the floor in his wake. With that Bubble continued on his way till he found the alchemy lab, inside there was a dark stallion working on several experiments as a small imp ran around here and there to fetch various ingredients. ~Dusk Shine, Mistress desires you in the dungeon.~ Berry watched as the black furred stallion glared at him for a moment before turning off the burners and huffing softly. "Fine, but it better be a good reason or I'll slice off your tentacles." The little imp smirked and let out a laugh as it climbed onto a shelf to return a glass jar. "Ooh Oooh! Calamari!" Berry simply glared at the demonic imp before watching with a satisfied smirk as its head exploded in a mess of grey matter and bone. A large blob of grey matter landed right before him, a tentacle lifting it up to his beak within the center of his tentacle mass. The stallion gladly enjoyed his meal as Dusk simply groaned and stormed past him. Berry simply smirked? It shouldn't be possible with something with tentacle face but he did before going about and collecting the rest of the brain to eat. Dusk sighed as he walked, rather agitated his work was halted on the whim of a floozy of an empress. Yet when his newest poison was finished, they'd never have to worry about her never again. That brought an evil smirk to his lips. It didn't take him long to reach the dungeon, but something was off when he saw Hector sitting outside the door to the dungeon stairwell. "Shouldn't you be at the bottom of the stairs?" "And risk having my soul devoured, no thank you. I am enjoying my well paying, do nothing job too much to do that." "Oh so you're job is too easy, I can change that." Dusk stood tall, snorting as his eyes closed and he began focusing upon the power within his horn. A dark purple glow started to surround the bone protrusion, black shadows dripping off of it before suddenly it all stopped. Hector stood there with his maw wrapped around the horn, almost all of his teeth in the front were razor sharp and meant for tearing flesh. His jaws pushed together before blood leaked from the skin around the horn, Dusk was shaken and afraid now, trembling in fear as he felt himself being lifted by the teeth before getting himself slammed into the stone wall then the floor. After a moment Hector let go and stood over him, a hoof smashing down on the horn to gain screams of pain from the unicorn. The pressure didn't let up, it kept increasing and building as more weight was forced on the horn. Echoing screams filled the air. Blood kept pushing out of the wounds made by the teeth as Dusk saw the puddle forming just above his head and soon the liquid matting his fur and mane as it grew large enough to go under his head. They both stopped and looked up as they heard the door open, Nightmare Moon stood there with a smile on her face, blood still dripping from her maw, as was left over soul essence. Seems she cleaned up the forgotten souls trapped within the dungeon. Although she eyes the pair before sighing as she glared at Dusk Shine. "Please don't aggravate the staff." "But-" He didn't finish the sentence as it turned into a scream of agony as Hector ground his hoof down before stepping off and returning to his book. "It is your own fault Dusk. Now I have an errand for you to run. Go Up to the ship above and find a human with black armor, with a long rifle upon his back. Inform him I shall prepare for the arrival of him and his honor guard." Her horn glowed briefly before the blood pooled itself and whisked away towards her bath, although she healed the wounds so he could carry out her orders. Dusk bowed lowly before grumbly replying. "Yes mistress." He stalked angrily away, glaring this way and that as he made plans to finish the poison as soon as possible. But he opened a portal to the Ethereal realm as his body began turning to shadows, he stepped through and started his journey. > The Dark Fortress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nightmare Moon sat upon her throne, her dark eyes cast a hateful glare over the parade grounds. Her remaining guards, awaiting inspection under the guise she would be doing so herself. When they really were going to be reviewed by Jack, although none of the guards understood or knew that yet. The only ponies who knew were the Dark Six, although they didn't know the full truth. A tall, muscular, and intimidating stallion stood beside her. Blackened and charred skin stretched across his body, every so often a bubble seemed to rise in the skin before bursting in a cloud of embers and ash. It seemed as if his mane and tail were aflame. The base color was orange slowly rising in temperature to white hot at the end, and flickered in the breeze. After a few moments a cyan Pegasus landed beside them, his wings flapped for a moment before slowly folding by his sides. Claws on his wings formed a cloak like clasp around his neck the pristine feathers rustling gently before settling. The flash of color that he was even among his peers by the rainbow main cut short in a buzz atop his head and with a similar colored tail barely touching the ground behind him. Firm muscles rippled under his skin as he stretched and worked out kinks from flying. He wore thin armor on his from, the main color was black with maroon dots splatter across it. A glowing blue whip rested up on his saddle. There was a clicking sound like something sharp scraping the stones of the Fortress. All heads turn to see a black creature climbing down the wall. The only splash of color on it was a white torso which rose up and crossed it's hooves. A symbol marked the abdomen was visible for all, three gray diamonds. Seeming the size of a normal Pony it slowly walked up on its six spider appendages and stood beside the others. Bubble Berry soon approached, a beautiful stallion walking beside him who had soft supple and pouty lips. Long lashes flutter as his gaze passed over the ponies around him. Wide hips swaying with each and every step tail flicking side to side. His wings flowed around his body mystifying and entrancing any who saw. Bubble Berry noticed one guard almost falling over at the sight of Butterscotch. As they passed Bubble Berry shivered at the dark grin that had formed on Butterscotch's face. The Pegasus turned, his grin shifting into an alluring smile as he let out a soft, "Hello." His prey stood still to see what would happen, Butterscotch got within a foot before puckering up for a kiss. Everyone around them thought it a simple chaste kiss. It seemed so at first but soon Butterscotch's mouth began to widen and grow, a darkness began to coat the guard. Then the air began to whistle as Butterscotch started drawing air endlessly into his Maw. A white outline appeared from the guard slowly being drawn from his body, the skin shriveling up as the life was sucked out of him by Butterscotch. All the guards shook in fear as they saw this alluring stallion simply wipe his mouth before walking up to stand beside the others of the Dark Six. The only one missing was Dusk Shine, and he was arriving via a portal of black swirling magic now actually. One after another the humans emerged and took a moment to peer around the parade grounds and soldiers assembled before them.  Almost all the guards rushed to action as they saw the suits emerge. Even the Dark Six were twitching as they stood as a barrier between Nightmare Moon and the humans. Kayla stepped through after a moment and she raised her shield as she locked it beside the other shield bearer. The sole rifleman standing behind the shield man as he aimed his gun and heard the lock as it slotted in the small section on the shield. Finally both heavy weapon specialists stood and planted their feet on either side of the shields, heavy hydraulics operating as their feet clamped down to the ground. Their shoulder cannons began operating as they began searching for potential targets with small red lasers as leads. Both heavy auto cannons began slowly whirring as the guards began the stare down. Jack stepped through to find an army ready to assault his small squad, it was an odd sight of hundreds of monsters facing off for battle almost with a small five man team. Although he looked up to see something that sort of shocked him, it wasn't the Dark Six but the mare standing on the throne. Gone was the meek mare from before. Standing atop the throne was a goddess of destruction and evil. Wings unfurled to twelve feet a side, the green light seemed absorbed into their dark plumage, upon the tips of each wing were razor sharp blades. Two claws rested at the major joints, not small claws either, these were easily a foot long of curved bone designed to rip and tear at things. Nightmare Moon stood easily six feet tall at the shoulder, her head a good seven high. Jack stared in awe as her hoof lifted up and struck down on the black marble, an echo of claws on the stone rang out to fill the parade grounds. Soon all eyes were directed upon the beast walking down the steps towards Jack. He gulped and looked towards the others before shaking his head as Kayla aimed her rifle towards the god. Nightmare Moon stood before Jack and glared eyes of pure black hatred down upon him, a small green flame flickering inside the pupils. There was a small standoff as each of them looked into the other's eyes, neither wish to be seen as weak in front of their forces. So finally after a solid minute, a small figure appeared on Jack's shoulder only to jump at Nightmare Moon's face. The goddess was startled for a moment as she blinked and broke eye contact, then started trying to swat at the small hologram running through her mane. Jack started laughing and received angry glares from everyone around him but Nightmare Moon and his own men. He simply ignored them as he called out, “Kerrigan stop messing with the pony, we have business to discuss.” “But she is acting like a fool and her pants aren't even on the ground.” The small see through woman replied in a robotic echo voice. A hoof smashed down where the program had decided to stand to reply. “Gotcha bitch!” Came the triumphant cry from Nightmare Moon as she ground her hoof into the stone. Kerrigan simply stepped through it and walked back over to Jack while giving Nightmare Moon a dual one fingered salute. After the moments of crazy the two leaders looked at each other as Jack laid back now and relaxed. “Alright, Empress of the Night. Shall we discuss matters?” Nightmare Moon looked down at him for a moment before nodding her head. “Let's, and we shall watch my army perform maneuvers and march for inspection as we do.” Soon the two leaders began ascending the steps, standing at the top as Nightmare Moon took her throne. It wasn't anything grandeur just a large black marble seat with a smaller one sitting beside it. Jack assumed and sat down, receiving several glares and hisses from the Dark Six and soldiers below. He ignored them and reclined a little as he placed the Commando Rifle on the side of the chair. His C-14 Gauss Rifle laid across his lap in a ready position. The Dark Six and Jack's squad stared at one another on a small platform a few steps below the thrones. After a few moments Nightmare Moon nodded and a drum began to roll as the guards began marching in formations. Jack seemed a little interested before he noticed the size of the entire force, it was barely two thousand soldiers strong. It seemed rather pathetic with how much of the world he had seen, although much of the city was destroyed he hadn't seen it or been told. So he sat there thinking as Nightmare Moon started talking. “So Jack, let us start off with my introductions of the Elements of Evil. I believe you are acquainted with Dusk Shine Element of Shadow.” Dusk simply grunted as he kept his eyes locked in a death stare on Jack. “Then let me introduce the general of my forces, Element of Fire Applejack.” Applejack stepped forward and growled before stepping back. “Next is Rainbow Blitz, he may seem colorful but he is the Element of Slaughter.” “I just do what's fun, not my fault I can flay something alive in ten seconds flat.” Blitz boasted with his chest puffed out. “Yes we all admire that, now next in line is Elusive, Element of Corruption. A more proper name is Father of Monsters. Elusive is an ancient being who sired most actual monsters within this world.” “I simply injected pure evil essence eggs into unwilling beings and watched them mature then devour the parent. What came out was a mystery each time.” Elusive seemed nonchalant about all this and was lounging against his abdomen. “Our next one is Butterscotch-“ “Like the candy?” Jack injected. Nightmare Moon laughed a bit as he looked at the alluring stallion. “Spelled the same yes, but he is the Element of Lust. His favorite snack is souls taken from unwilling victims. His appearance means most don't take him serious till they are already being siphoned.” Scotch fluttered his eyelashes for a moment towards Jack, that was until Kayla stepped between and leveled her gun. “Well she's no fun at all now is she boys?” Scotch commented as he turned back to look over the troops. Both leaders looked at one another before shaking their head as Jack pointed the the last one. “Who is that?” “Ah, that is the master of mind and torture, Bubble Berry. Element of Misery. He is also a master of psychic abilities.” Bubble Berry stepped forward and bowed, tentacles wriggling around on his face. “A pleasure to met you. May I feast upon your brains when this falls through?” Jack furrowed his brow before glaring at the the tentacle faced pony. "How about I blow your brains out the back of your skull instead." "I double wolf dare you to try pig skin." Berry smiled, well smiled in a way a tentacle faced beak mouthed pony could. Nightmare Moon coughed as she extended a wing between the two. "Idiots, we are here to negotiate terms of peace not declare war. I know how it saddens me not to crush you under my hoof right now. But we can't afford anymore enemies of the state. We are in the verge of collapse as it stands now." Jack blinked for a moment and realized what she had just said. "Wait before, you said you have seen suits of armor like this before. How?" Nightmare Moon glanced down at Jack for a moment before directing a wing towards the mountain line in the horizon. "At the base of those mountains, three dormant rock formations rest. Although they lay dormat only for small periods of six months. Every three months for as long as even I can remember, the formations activate as a portal opens to another world. We don't know what's on the other side besides the enemy we face. Out of each portal a different force exits and fights us, there has been no peace. One you have already fought, upon your ship is a corpse of such a monster. They are recent and appeared in their last invasion, a nest lingers either in orbit or somewhere in a mountain cave system. It is rather hard to track them with so few troops." Jack thought for a moment as he looked up towards the sky. "I'm guessing there are different forms and such that fight alongside them?" "Yes although when they devour some of our people it sees to adapt them and change their biology. Since fighting them there have been several fire variants emerge. They seem mainly interested in fighting and combat abilities, everyone else they kill and leave the corpses for the birds. The entire race seems controlled by Pegasus with some sort of corruption growing over them. They look like Blitz but have some sort of growth of the monsters on them. I believe they use it as a control device, although I have never had the chance to dissect or interrogate one." Jack rubbed his chin for a moment before eyeing the mountains beyond. "How long till one opens?" "Another month and the center portal shall open, within are humans in suits like yours. But also ponies, seeming like my general. Firm, stout, and broad shouldered. All their abilities seem in technology and earth works along with physical strength. We have not seen any magic from that portal so at times it is easy to fight them. Although the machines of war they have are troublesome." "Alright then, since we have two out of three I am guessing the third has a group of tall bipedal aliens who seem to communicate effortlessly. Along with unicorns or something like that?" Jack was thinking as he tried to plan around the time spans. "Actually correct and I do say we are still recovering from the last invasion. It dealt a hard blow even here. Most of my populace was taken in the past few invasions. The first group simply slaughter most or take them away for food I assume. Forces out of the second portal actually use non lethal methods most of the time, and drag away prisoners. I hope to recover those taken one day. Now the tall aliens do have unicorns beside them, they give us the most trouble but we handle alright. Most of them time they burn and destroy the land and ponies, leaving nothing but barren sand in its place." Jack sighed as he leaned back in the throne. "So the purge with fire option.... Well I can see ways I can assist you but am not sure how much it will help. But before we get to that, tell me about the customs of this world. Some of my people may wish to live down here instead of staying with me. Nightmare Moon looked over her soldiers as they marched, a melancholy look upon her face.  "Well crime is the basis of my people. There is no kindness shown to others, it is a purely crime based society and evil. A great compliment towards someone is to try and murder them. Dusk Shine has shown his love by trying to assassinate me over twelve thousand times." Dusk simply grunted as he walked off towards the Fortress interior, he had poisons to craft and perfect. Jack rubbed his chin for a moment, smirking before he started to laugh and chuckle. "Oh well that is just ironic.. I bring a ship full of criminals to a crime based world." He sighed and closed his eyes, it had been a long day already and still there was more work to do. "Now how would your people take them into society." "Well considering humans are hated with a passion, and they want to kill or enslave any on sight. Rather well if your people can show they will obey our laws." Nightmare Moon stopped to take a breath but was interrupted by a crack of thunder from towards the mountains. This wasnt a normal crack but loud and deafening, shaking everyone to the core. After a few moments all eyes turned towards the mountain as another two cracks of thunder followed after. The guards and Dark Six seemed shocked as they turned towards their Empress. Nightmare Moon wasnt sitting there, the throne sat empty. Jack wasnt sure what was happening but he knew what shit hitting the fan looked like. So immediately he stood up and activated his radio. "Skull, we need you down here now!"