> Wait, what!? > by Octavias Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Loving Embrace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am I ever going to find somepony? Silver Stripes was sitting as his usual table at the Ponyville Tavern, nursing a hard cider that had long since warmed up beyond pleasant drinking. His latest attempt to woo a mare had blown up in his face, and he had chosen to drown his sorrows rather than face the outside world. His brown muzzle tentatively lapped at the warm beverage in front of him; grimacing in mild disgust, he concluded that he was a worse drinker than he was a lover. Sighing to himself, he was about to get off his stool and head for the exit when his ears heard the distinctive chime of the door’s bell against the sound of soft rabble from elsewhere in the tavern. Looking around, his face treated itself to a small smile. Well, at least I won’t get to be sad alone tonight. Walking up to the bar was none other than Silver’s best friend, Cupid Stunt. Making eye contact with his wayward friend, the unicorn ordered two frosty ciders, and made his way over to Silver Stripes with both tankards in the grip of his magic. “You didn’t need to get me one, I’ve barely touched my own”, the pegasus muttered. “Who says they’re for you? You would not believe the day I’ve had”, said the white-furred unicorn. “I thought I had everything planned to perfection!” Silver sniggered, “So, what you’re telling me, is that Celestia’s gift to mares failed? You said that Orange Zest had a mouth like a garden hose!” “She did. I caught her ‘round the back of Sofas and Quills with another stallion, though… and here I was thinking we’d have a future together. So, on the topic of fuck-ups, how did your plan to woo Thunder Heist go?” Cupid looked at his friend with interest, hoping for a tale that would make him feel like less of an idiot. “Well… everything was going fine. We were going at it like rabbits, and I had her over the coffee table. She asked me t-to talk dirty to her…” Silver Stripes was right now silently begging the ground to just swallow him up and be done with it all. Cupid, meanwhile, was looking at his friend intently, silently willing the tale to continue. “... s-so I started… y’know. I got the bright idea of hoofing her clit, and that’s when I whispered in her ear, I’m going to fuck you so hard, our future foals will have whiplash’. Before I know what’s happening, I’m on the floor, and Thunder is looking down at me, saying ‘Um, I don’t want foals with you’. After that… well, I tried to explain, but by that point, the mood had kinda died, and I came here after she left”. Both ponies sighed to each other; by this time, Cupid had finished his second cider, and as he looked at his friend opposite, an idea crept into his head. Desperation for actual bodily contact was clouding his mind, and the alcohol seeping through his brain did little to dissuade his idea from taking form. Cupid was currently living with Silver in a house they jointly rented; the common joke around the area was that they were a couple, although both stallions were straight as an arrow. As the alcohol began to bubble through the unicorn, he began to entertain the idea of… dating his friend. It’s not like we don’t get on with each other; If I met a mare like him, I’d ask her out. The idea hit him like a brick to the muzzle, and for a shining moment, he felt like he found his place in the world. “Silver… I have an idea. But I want you to promise me that you won’t freak out.” The sudden seriousness of Cupid’s tone made Silver sit up and take notice. “O-Okay. What’s your idea?” I can’t believe I’m about to suggest this! “Well, um, Silver… we get on well together, and well… I think we’d be good together.” Cupid silently braced himself for the reaction he knew was coming. “... um, Cupid, I’m not gay. And last I checked, neither were you. What’s going on here” “I’m not gay either… but what if… and this is a big if, mind you… what if… one of us… was a mare?” Silver gently grabbed one of Cupid’s empty tankards, “You mean… one of us a mare… and the other a stallion… and we’d be able to…” Silver gently began to move his hoof in and out of the tankard as if to punctuate his line of thought. Cupid nodded, confirming that Silver had indeed got the right idea. “So, the question is… which of us becomes the mare?” Silver swallowed hard, and before he knew what he was going, he was downing the warm, stagnant cider from his own tankard. The sudden buzz was making him light-headed, but between the blush on his muzzle and the chill down his spine, he found himself agreeing with the points that Cupid had raised. Cupid had been his friend for many years, and wanted him to be happy as if he were a brother to him. Silver wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol talking, or whether it was bringing up deep-seated feelings he’d been burying, but as he closed his eyes in contemplation, the choice to be made seemed so… right to him. “... I’ll do it. I’ll… become a mare. You can switch me back, right?” Silver wanted Cupid to be happy, but he had become really attached to having a penis. Cupid waved a paw in the air dismissively, “Of course I can! I have the spellbook on the bookcase downstairs. Speaking of… do you want to get out of here and get this show on the road?” Silver nodded in agreement, and the two ponies retreated back to their shared abode, the soft moonlight of Luna’s rising moon shining down on them as they walked briskly to their front door. After some brief drunk-fumbling with the door lock, Cupid opened the door... before catching his hoof on the rug, causing his head to make painful contact with the hardwood floor. Silver muttered to himself, “Fucking lightweight”. As Silver went upstairs, Cupid retrieved the book from the bookshelf, and laid it on the desk, tapping the firefly lantern to the side, the insects doing as they are bid by illuminating the book’s content. His magic began rapping through the pages until he found the desired entry. Huh. It’s simpler than I remember. Oh well. Cupid ascended the stairs gingerly, half-nervous, half-excited at the prospect waiting upstairs for him. The door to Silver’s room was ajar, and the unicorn found himself softly using his muzzle to open it. Silver Stripes was sitting on his bed, eyeing the floor nervously. “D-do you have the spell ready?” Cupid nodded, and entered the room. Silver slowly made his way off the bed, and sat down in front of his friend. The unicorn powered up his horn, mentally preparing the energy formation needed. Silver didn’t know what to expect, and closed his eyes in silent, curious anticipation; when the spell finally hit him, he opened his eyes. At first, nothing happened. After a few seconds, Silver felt like his body was covered in elastic bands in an uncomfortable, ever-tightening embrace; just as it was about to become painful, the feeling ceased, and Silver’s lungs took an involuntary intake of breath. Steadying himself, Silver made eye contact with Cupid, “So… how do I look?” The unicorn wasn’t sure how to answer. Before him now stood an absolute stunning example of a mare, accentuated by the moonlight shining into the room. Silver’s red coat and white-striped mane and tail perfectly complemented the feminine form in front of him, her eyes full of that same quiet demeanour that he’d come to like about his friend. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he moved closer to his friend, not quite believing how fucking attractive… well, she, now was. Moving past the mental confusion, Cupid finally summoned the mental fortitude to utter more than primitive noises. “You should, um, consider changing your name to Sexy Stripes.” Silver blushed, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson. She had never been complimented like that before in her life, and against what she thought was possible, was starting to see Cupid as something more than just a friend. “So, um… how do you want to do this? How… do you normally do this?” Cupid swallowed, moving closer to Silver. “We… I usually just went straight in. Why, w-what do you normally do?” Silver smiled to herself. “Close your eyes and I’ll show you.” The unicorn blinked, and slowly closed his eyes. Without warning, he felt soft flesh against his muzzle. His immediate instinct was to back away, but something inside him soothed that away, and his soul melted into the generous affection he was being given, his tongue gently intertwining with the feminine intruder. After what felt like an eternity, the kiss was mutually broken, and Silver softly nuzzled Cupid’s chin. “So… what did you think?” Cupid’s gaze was fixed at the wall, his mind swimming with the mental conflict that, not five minutes ago, this pony was a dude. Now, this pony was a mare, and a smokingly hot one at that! The damning thing, was that he was pretty sure that he was enjoying this. “It was, um, o-okay. You’re… actually a good kisser. But, I think I can top that…” Cupid once again made muzzle-to-muzzle contact with the mare in front of him, and started applying forward pressure, eventually causing Silver to lie down. Breaking the kiss once more, Cupid started to kiss Silver’s neck in a move that caused the mare to involuntarily moan. It wasn’t long before Cupid began his move south, eventually arriving at Silver’s teats. Cupid teased them with a hoof, feeling them firm to the touch; getting bolder, he took one into his mouth, and gently suckled on it, causing another moan to escape Silver. Moving further down, Cupid came to what, on any other mare he’d been with, had been the ultimate prize, the gateway to getting his rocks off; he wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but in this moment, he felt compelled to thank his friend in the only way he knew how. Taking in a whiff, Cupid felt almost immediately buzzed by how clean it was; steadying himself, he slowly pierced the pink veil with his tongue, making tactile contact with her still-clenched nub. After only a few seconds of resistance, the nub finally opened in a not-so-subtle invitation for Cupid to dive in. It was not an invitation that he was about to decline, and his tongue began flicking against the hardened flesh of Silver’s clitoris. “Oh, fuck!” the pegasus exclaimed, wholly unused to the sensations her body was being subjected to. With each swipe of Cupid’s tongue, Silver could feel something building up inside her; she extended her hind legs, and wrapped them around Cupid’s head, offering gentle encouragement for Cupid to continue his ministrations. “Mmm… yeah, that’s it! Right there! Ohhh…. Fuuuuck!”, the pegasus screamed, clamping down on Cupid’s head as his tongue’s repeated lashings made her ride out her first orgasm in style. After her body released the pressure on his head, he sat up, and looked over the now heavily-breathing pegasus beneath him. “So, what did you think?”, he said, pretty sure that Silver already knew the answer. Still breathless, she was only able to offer a silent affirmation of approval. However, it did not escape her attention that Cupid’s… equipment, was at full mast, clearly begging for somepony to give it the attention it craved. Slowly getting up, Silver brought herself to eye-level with Cupid’s fully-erect penis. Nervously poking it, she could feel the desire behind the firmness. Moving closer to Cupid, she leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Cupid… do you find me attractive?” Taking a gulp, Cupid felt another throb in his loins as he looked at the feminine form in front of him, and for perhaps the first time in his life, was sure in the answer he was about to give. “Yes.” Silver moved her head down, not quite sure what force was compelling her to, but what she did know, was that she wanted to pay back Cupid for making her feel alive. Her muzzle gently lapped at the glistening head; this time, it was Cupid’s turn to moan involuntarily, his hips instinctively thrusting forward. Before she lost her nerve, Silver quickly took the throbbing organ into her mouth, her soft lips enveloping the shaft while her tongue danced a merry jig at the top. Cupid was enraptured by the attention that Silver was bestowing upon him, another moan escaping him as Silver’s lips went past his medial ring. Silver was fully aware of how her anatomy used to work, and knew exactly where to direct her attention, making every lick nudge her friend close to that inevitable precipice. Keeping an eye on his muscle movements, Silver decided that it was time, and removed her mouth from Cupid’s still-throbbing member. Before Cupid could complain, Silver stole another kiss from him, sharing the arousing masculine taste with her partner. Quickly breaking the kiss, Silver leaned in, whispering in Cupid’s ear. “I know you, Cupid. I know what you desire, what you yearn for…” Getting up, Silver raised herself onto her bed, and spreads her legs for the stallion before her. Using her hooves, she pulled apart her labia, and blew a soft jet of warm air at Cupid. “You know you want to.” Not needing to be told twice, Cupid moved forward, and put his forehooves on the bed, his slickened appendage coming to rest on Silver’s stomach. Taking a step back to steady himself, he slowly brought himself down, while Silver mentally braced herself for what was about to happen. Within seconds, Cupid began reflexively stabbing forward, having to use touch and sensation to locate Silver’s slit in the darkened room. On the fourth stab, the head found its destination, and Cupid began moving forward. Without warning, Cupid stabbed his member inside with a rapid thrust; Silver felt a sharp pain, lasting only for an instant, interrupted by a slow pumping action from Cupid. Not quite sure what to make of what she was feeling, Silver lay there, the air punctuated by the slapping of flesh and the odd grunt from Cupid. The unicorn was more used to the mare taking control of his encounters, and wasn’t used to having a mare not take the active role. “Uh, silver… c-could you not lie there like a wet fish?” he said behind a faux-mocking tone. Having been used to Cupid’s sense of humour for years, Silver knew not to be insulted, “Oh, I dunno, could you not fumble around in there like you’re trying to pick a lock?” she retorted, pressing her hind legs against Cupid’s hips. As if providing silent instruction, Silver used her legs to stabilize Cupid’s thrusts, and angled his body better. The change was immediate; with each thrust, she could now feel his member slide against her rapidly-winking clitoral hood. After a few thrusts, Cupid got the message, and quickened his pace while Silver’s vaginal walls began to lightly squeeze Cupid’s staff in mutual arousal. It wasn’t long before Cupid found himself at the same cliff he did earlier, and with control in his hooves this time, he sped towards it. “Silver! Silver I’m… I’m gonna… “ The stallion didn’t get the chance to finish his train of thought, as an orgasm borne of several weeks of pent-up frustration washed over him. Silver felt the flare of Cupid’s penis expanding within her before Cupid made his final thrust. As the warm, alien sensation of his ejaculate violated her most intimate of parts, her hoof started to quickly rub her exposed clitoris; the combined sensations brought her to another, powerful climax. Silver’s vagina did as it was involuntarily commanded, and squeezed every last drop of ejaculate from the breathless stallion atop her. Lacking the energy to move most of his limbs, Cupid instead settled for a post-coital cuddle, and a quick smooch on Silver’s left cheek. Silver reciprocated by wrapping her limbs around Cupid, before drifting into a comfortable night’s sleep. The following morning, the two ponies found themselves in bed together; Silver wasn’t used to be the little spoon, but wasn’t displeased with the feeling of warmth behind her. Silver nudged her friend awake with a soft jab to the ribs; a quiet groan indicated that the approach had worked, and with that, Silver got out of bed. “Hey, Cupid, I wanna head for a shower. Could you change me back?” Cupid recalled in his head the counter-spell. Without leaving the bed, he channelled the spell at Silver. Once the spell had self-dispelled, Silver waited for the reversal to take effect. He waited. After a minute, Silver became visibly concerned. “Um, Cupid… why isn’t it working?” The unicorn sprang from the bed, and darted downstairs like a wild ferret on caffeine. He found the book open at page two of the spell, which contained the actual requirements for the spell. Cupid gingerly turned back one page, and on page one, in bright letters was the following warning. WARNING. THIS SPELL HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY THE REPLACEMENT ON PAGE 345. THE SPELL THAT FOLLOWS IS NON-REVERSIBLE, AS NO COUNTER-SPELL WAS EVER DEVELOPED. THE FOLLOWING SPELL IS PROVIDED FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Cupid froze, his mind caught in a loop of possible thoughts. Sensing something amiss, Silver crept downstairs, nudging Cupid in the ribs. “Cupid… is something wrong?” Taking a gulp, Cupid avoided eye contact, and looked down at the ground in shame. “Silver… I don’t think I can change you back.” The room fell silent, except for two words from Silver. “Wait, what!?” > Reality Strikes Back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think I can change you back. Silver Stripes stood there, in a mix of disbelief and shock, eyeing up her sorry-looking nocturnal companion. Cupid Stunt couldn’t bear to even make eye contact with his friend; he knew that he royally fucked up the spell. Silver was letting her new-found body do its thing, and the thing that it wanted to do most was inflict some serious bodily harm on the pony not six feet in front of her. The sound of her heavy breathing finally caught Cupid’s attention, the unicorn now acutely aware there was a very angry, very pissed-off pegasus beside him, eyeing up his weaknesses like an aerial squadron about to unleash a horde of carpet bombs. Cupid’s mind fumbled, and started reeling off every clichéd stalling tactic he could reach for;  “I can still fix this!” was followed very quickly by “Are you sure you want to change back? You look really sexy.” That was followed by Silver lunging at Cupid like a possessed panther, striking a hoof against Cupid’s somewhat-surprised expression. The impact sent the white unicorn reeling into a bookcase; looking across to a floor-reaching mirror, he didn’t fail to notice the telltale ring of a black eye now adorning his otherwise-flustered face. He put a hoof to his jaw, and almost immediately withdrew it when a sharp pain made itself known. Silver walked slowly toward Cupid, the unicorn now seeing for the first time the sheer bloodlust in his friend’s eyes; in a half-blinded fumble, he got to his hooves, and made a beeline for the back door. This would have been fine if it wasn’t for Silver making a last-second muzzle grab for Cupid’s hair. The startled stallion yelped, as the pain of having his hair follicles rudely tugged immediately registering with his panicking mind. Silver forcefully guided the stallion down, and launched a foreleg at his thorax before he made contact with the hardwood floor. Cupid immediately brought his hooves to his chest, gasping for breath as a new, searing pain now travelled across his torso. Releasing his blue-and-white-striped mane from her teeth, Cupid Stunt collapsed in a heap on the floor, wheezing like a bronchitis patient after a brisk jog. Not yet satisfied, Silver Stripes finished with a body slam, making sure to jab an elbow into Cupid’s exposed flank. No screams or sounds were heard from the gasping unicorn, beyond muffled and incoherent words of protest. It was only when confronted with the sight of her friend, who had finally regained enough lung capacity to begin sobbing, that her anger started to subside. As her body’s adrenaline levels lowered, Silver sank to the floor, her panting becoming noticeable against the tense silence that permeated the room, while the floor found itself smeared with the liquid remnants of last nights debauchery. The red pegasus wiped the sweat from her silver-striped white mane, while the unicorn continued to blubber weakly on the floor. While she was totally sure that Cupid deserved a right good kicking, she was pretty sure that he was in need of medical attention. Sensing an idea take hold in her head, Silver got up and began to drag Cupid back towards the stairs. Reaching for the telephone, Silver used her wingtips to call Ponyville Hospital. “Hello? Um, yes, I need an ambulance. My friend has fallen down the stairs.” ------------------------------ Cupid Stunt lay on the ridiculously cold surgical examination table, the sterile metal sending chills up his spine as he waited for the nurse to see him, after having already been sent to the X-Ray Department for a preliminary examination. Silver Stripes stood beside him, slightly amazed she wasn’t being questioned over Cupid’s… extensive injuries. After a few minutes of tedious waiting, Nurse Redheart opened the door and entered the room. The white-furred mare was, frankly, beginning to wish she'd slept in this morning, attempting as she was to wrap her head around the situation before her. Taking the x-ray’d negatives out of the saddlebag on her left, she gently placed them on the illuminating apparatus, and flicked on the nearby switch.” “So, from what we can tell from the x-ray images, and the initial examination from when he entered the hospital, Mr. Stunt over here has three broken ribs, a black eye, a fractured jaw, and severe renal bruising. You must have some deadly stairs to cause these injuries.” Silver thought quickly, “You should see the house; on its last inspection, we were warned that it could go up in flames at any moment!” Rolling her eyes, the embittered earth pony went back to her chart, before shooting a look at Silver that could best be described as half-way between disbelief and curiosity, “Miss, you look… similar to someone who came into this surgery a month or so ago, what did you say your name was?” “Silver Stripes”, she blurted out without processing. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did I just give my real name!? FUCK. As soon as Nurse Redheart heard the name, her mind was immediately cast back to that day in the surgery. Now that she recalled, she performed the procedure of bandaging Silver’s right wing after an accident mid-flight. Come to think of it, Nurse Redheart mused to herself, the unicorn on the table was there as well. They appeared to be friends. Oh… Oh no... The beauty about being a seasoned medical professional was that you get to see everything. After Silver’s little mistake, the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle started to fit together. Redheart moved over to the door, and after ensuring that it was fully closed, engaged the locking mechanism. She then walked back to the bed, facing Cupid, and beckoned SIlver to approach her, the pegasus’ saddlebags lightly bumping against her frame. “OK. So, whose idea was this?” she asked in a cold, curt tone, attempting to slice through as many layers of bullshit as possible at once. Almost immediately, Silver gingerly pointed a hoof at Cupid, who could only manage a weak nod in response. Rolling her eyes for the second time, she tutted under her breath, “Let me guess. He used the first spell from that book, but failed to see the warning about it being irreversible?” Silver’s ears pricked up in surprise, “Wait, you know about that book?” “Honey, my medical training included a twelve month secondment to Canterlot General. This happened twice while I was there; two ponies would get the idea in their head that this would be fun, and then they’d find the first spell… after the ponies re-read the chapter in full later on, the affected party invariably got violent. You, Mr. Stunt, got off lightly; the last time I saw this happen, the male recipient of the attack was beaten so badly, we had to geld him. Count yourself lucky. As for you, Miss, I need to examine you. But first...” Nurse Redheart went back to the door; unlocking it, she beckoned over a colleague, “Take the stallion on the table down to Orthopedics, he needs his ribs and his jaw bandaged.” The grey stallion nodded in understanding, and after taking control of the surgical table, wheeled it out of the room. Nurse Redheart gently raised a forehoof in front of Silver, “You stay here for the moment; you need an examination, remember?” Closing the door once more, the experienced nurse surveyed the room, “So, first off, you’re leaking, I’m going to make the assumption that you two engaged in intimate relations. I’m also going to make the assumption that no-one told you that that is a very bad idea so soon after performing a gender re-alignment spell on a pony.” Sensing that she was going to only get a blank expression from Silver, Nurse Redheart continued. “The spell that your friend used complicates matters, because it forces the body to go through hormonal changes normally found during adolescence. However, this spell amplifies the effect; your body tries to compensate for however many years it’s been between when it thinks puberty should have hit, and how old you are now. In effect, after you swapped, you became fertile within a few minutes. There is every possible chance that you’re pregnant now.” Silver involuntarily put a hoof to her abdomen, still not quite sure how to wrap her head around what she had just been told. “You m-mean… I could have a… l-little foal inside me r-right now?” she stuttered. While Nurse Redheart was, even by her own standards, jaded and bitter, she still couldn’t help but smile at the new life that might be taking hold in the pony before her. “Possibly. It’s a little early for us to tell; I’ll make an appointment for you to come back in a week’s time for a urine test. If it’s positive, then you can expect a little bundle of joy to show up in just under a year… and if the test does show positive, I’ll schedule some parenting classes for you-” “Wait. Nurse, what if I don’t… what if I don’t want this?” Silver swallowed hard, as she struggled to find a way, any way out of this predicament. “My dear… to do what you’re asking would involve me having to prescribe drugs that would bring your hormone levels crashing down. it would be incredibly dangerous to you to alter those levels so soon after what happened. My medical ethics prevent me from placing my patient’s life in danger. If you were any other mare, I’d be discussing that option with you.” The earth pony had had this conversation many times before. Nearly every time I have this talk, my heart breaks. Please let today be different. “But, I could still… abort this foal later on… right?” Silver’s expression turned to one of anguish, and she was clearly battling to think clearly on the subject. “Yes… it is possible. As an impartial medical professional, I cannot deny that option to you at a later date.” Nurse Redheart closed her eyes, and removed her white cap, placing it software on the desk. “Under the Equestrian Medical Code, section 5, the removal of a physician’s attire shall afford that physician entitlement to provide counsel that would not otherwise be permitted in the role of physician to a patient, as long as said patient understands that such counsel is not to be taken as medical advice.” Redheart was always proud that she could remember that passage, a testament to her years as a medical bookworm. “Silver… what I am about to share with you does not constitute medical advice, nor is it sanctioned by the Ponyville General Medical Council.” Silver wasn’t quite sure what to make of the emerging development, but she nevertheless nodded in silent approval. “When I was in high school. I… I had to terminate a pregnancy. I never thought about it at the time, but a few years later, I found myself awake at night, ruminating on the events of that week. I began to wonder what that foal might have grown up to be, and I felt this… emptiness at never knowing the answer to that question. The next day, I signed up for training to become a nurse. My task now, every day, is to preserve life.” Nurse Redheart put a hoof on Silver’s knee, “I can see that this is a difficult, almost unbearable choice that you have to make. I’m not going to stand here and preach to you about what should have been done, because that gets nopony anywhere… my advice to you is for you to have a long, deep think about what you want. If that test does come back positive, we still have plenty of time before the law forbids me to terminate, so if you do end up with a foal, don’t feel like you have a rush your decision.” The Nurse’s words allowed SIlver’s train of thought to re-assert itself back onto its tracks, and she smiled at the kind-hearted mare before her. “Um, nurse, could I get some help with… you know…” motioning a hoof at her still-dripping genitals. “Of course, dear. Wait right there.” Nurse Redheart replied, before donning her nurse’s cap once more and then going across the room to fetch a small cart of equipment. “Just relax, this won’t take long” she reassured, before taking one of the metal tools into her mouth. Pressing a small button on the cart, both ponies could hear the rushing air of a suction hose coming to life. With barely any warning, Silver felt the cold metal probe penetrate her vagina, as the competent nurse began the procedure. In just a few seconds, Silver no longer felt the sensation of cold seminal oozing out from her labia. Almost as soon as the nurse had begun the procedure, the suction pump began to wind down, and Silver felt palpable relief at having the metal probe withdrawn from her love tunnel. That didn’t stop Nurse Redheart from beginning another bit of advice. “Since this is your first time being a mare, I’m going to give you the one-oh-one for your vagina. First, it is self-cleaning; having a bath or shower is fine, but don’t go sticking fancy cleaning products up there. Second, stay away from douches; they’re made with vinegar, and as they make the vagina more acidic, they invite bacterial growth, which makes you smell like old fish. Third, the vagina is a muscle, you’d be amazed at what can fit in there. Oh, and one more thing… when you were a stallion, you no doubt remember that you had to wait after you ejaculated before you could do it again. It’s called the “refractory period”; mares don’t get that. If done right, it’s not uncommon for multiple orgasms to be able occur within minutes of each other.” Silver’s mouth was now hanging open, as she struggled to remember if anything like this was taught in school when she went. While her mind stumbled over itself, Nurse Redheart was busy writing out a ticket with a tongue so dexterous, that it could almost certainly be capable of calligraphy at a competitive level. “This is for your return trip in one week. Please provide a fresh urine sample from that morning. Note that I said sample; no full-to-the-brim pickle jars, please.” Redheart shuddered when she remembered that particular patient. “You also might consider  dropping in to see your... “friend”. From here, go left, and then right, and then all the way to the end for the Orthopedics Department.” “T-thanks” was all the stunned pegasus could mutter as she stowed the ticket in one of her saddlebags for safekeeping. It was a fairly short walk to Orthopedics, and once inside could easily see Cupid on a hospital bed, as the attending nurse finished applying his bandages. Nodding in acknowledgement of her walking in, the nurse gathered up the spare bandages and left to check on another patient. Seeing Cupid lying on the bed was a strange sight for Silver; she was still angry at him, but she couldn’t help but think back to the other times that Cupid fell foul of life… and whenever he did, she was always there, by his side. What’s happening to me? Every time he’d get injured like this, I’d roll my eyes, and I couldn’t wait to get out of the room… but now, I almost feel sorry for him…. even if I did kick the shit out of him. The weary unicorn’s eyes lit up in alarm at seeing Silver, Cupid being unable to express any other form of distress due to the bandages on his head. The day’s events slowly came back to him, punctuated by his ribs reminding him that damn, Silver Stripes really did a number on him. Silver approached Cupid, and took up temporary residence on the chair next to the bed, keeping the distance between them short so as to lower the volume required for the conversation that was about to follow. “Don’t worry, Cupid, I’m not here to kick your flank again. I was… angry at you. I still am… and I’m… still trying to adjust to this new body… and I’m trying to let go of the fact that I might not be able to go back to my old body. We both made the decision to use that spell, and we were both clouded by hormones to think straight last night. I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now… and I need time to think. I’m going to go back to the house to tidy up; your chart says that you’ll be in for overnight observation, I’ll come back in the morning for you. In the meantime… stay out of trouble, okay?” Cupid managed a weak nod against the confines of the bandages, and he slowly reached out a hoof in Silver’s direction. Silver instinctively grabbed the hoof with both of hers… and to her surprise, she found herself pondering how long it had been since she’d held another pony's’ hoof. I… can’t remember the last time I did something like this. This feels… good… even if he is a idiot at times. Last night, I just wanted to make him happy… this morning, I wanted to make him pay for a mistake. But now… I don’t know what I’m feeling. Silver sighed to herself, wishing that her mental anguish would just avail itself of bothering her. I need space… I need time… I need time away from all this! The pegasus put Cupid’s hoof gently beside him, and bent down to whisper to the hospitalised unicorn, “I’ll be back tomorrow. Sleep well.” Silver said, before getting up, and motioning to leave the room; she turned around once more to look at Cupid, before turning her head again to face the room’s exit. As she began to walk away, part of her felt like she didn’t want to leave. Why do I feel like I’m leaving a piece of me behind, back there? Finally emerging into the afternoon air outside, Silver pensively made her way back to the house that she and Cupid shared. Opening the door, the light immediately fell on the open spellbook next to the stairs; her heart sank once more as reality took another cruel bite from her resolve. Turning around, she closed the door behind her, and made a beeline for the only pony in Ponyville who might be able to help.