> Hidden With A Tyrant > by TheVClaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Prince's Guilty Pleasure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor smiled with a sigh while looking at the sight before him. The annual Crystal Empire Winter’s Ball had just begun, and it looked to be the most-attended one to date from the crowd down in the ballroom. Even though he knew that he and his wife Cadance made this event absolutely perfect for their subjects and guests, it was honestly a little surprising that they were able to get so many ponies to arrive on this night. Heck, given the events that happened over the past eight months, it was almost a miracle that nopony tried to disrupt the event with a protest or attempted assasination. Of course, given that Sombra was down at the refreshment table with a clear circle of space from everypony avoiding his presence, Shining knew he shouldn’t count his blessings just yet. Yes, in the months since the discovery of Sombra in the Frozen North -- along with the intense rehabilitation from Twilight Sparkle and Discord -- everything that occurred between then and now seemed like some sort of unreal blur. While Sombra may have not been the first enemy of Equestria to be redeemed and changed to use his abilities for good, it was certainly the hardest for ponies to get used to. Figures like Discord and Starlight Glimmer were certainly more dangerous foes than the former Tyrant, but it was hard for Crystal Ponies to think about them when their former dictator was within eyesight all the time. Shining really wished that his sister didn’t insist on Sombra staying in the Crystal Empire for his rehabilitation, but he couldn’t really argue when Twilight was hosting a former enemy of her own in her castle. Still, as he walked down the steps from the balcony towards the ball, Shining couldn’t help but look around to ensure no suspicious ponies were around to plot anything sinister. In the short amount of time that Sombra has lived in the Crystal Empire as part of his probation, there have been over a dozen different times where ponies have tried to murder him for his crimes. But still, despite the countless deathly glares and attempted assaults (including an uncountable amount of crystal ponies who tried to spit on him), Sombra luckily hasn’t reverted back to his old ways as a means of revenge. Maybe a brooding stare or growl here and there, but nothing worth serious alicorn intervention. Shining wanted to think it was because of how well his sister’s rehabilitation tactics were, but he knew there was a bit more than just that. As he walked through the crowd of cheerful and influential ponies, Shining made sure to greet each one he came across with a smile and a respectful tone. But still, he always made sure that Sombra was within his eyesight just in case. Fortunately, by the time he was finished with his greetings and light conversations, Shining was happy to see that the former Tyrant didn’t stray too far from the punch bowl. After a quick glance around to make sure nopony was too close to them, Shining stood beside Sombra at the table while looking outward at the crowds. Due to his background in the military and as a ruler, Sombra’s expression was as stoic and unmoved as a statue. His smooth and curved horn may have still carried a dreadful blood-red hue, but any dark magic he may have had was completely gone now. The clouds of purple magic that used to expel from his glowing green eyes were long gone, leaving nothing but an ordinary pair of eyes with red irises in its place. Overall, Sombra looked very little like the dark ruler he once was, but he still kept an intimidating presence that left him completely untouched by most ponies. Shining sighed audibly enough to catch Sombra’s attention before saying, “Well… what do you think, Sombra? Kinda hard to recognize this place in such a light format, huh?” A few seconds of silence passed, but Shining stood patiently in wait. In the months he came to know the former King, he understood that sometimes it was hard for the stallion to be conversational. Eventually, a low and faint exhale escaped Sombra’s nostrils before replying in a low-tone, “The last time I saw this many ponies in this room at once, I was organizing the mass execution of a resistance group.” Shining sucked through his teeth and looked around again, hoping none of the attendees heard such a morbid detail. Fortunately, it seemed that the two were isolated enough that nopony noticed or gawked at Sombra’s words. “You know,” Shining said in disapproval while glancing back at the former ruler, “maybe you should think your words over before saying them out loud.” “What? I was making conversation!” Sombra looked back at the Prince and asked in response, “Isn’t that what you ponies want me to do? To converse with ponies and make friendships?” Shining groaned with a shrug. “Yes, it is. But it’s kinda hard for you to make amends with the Crystal Ponies if you keep saying things to remind them of those events.” “Hey, those resistance fighters started it!” snapped Sombra with a peeved look. “They tried to poison me!” “Yeah, because you poisoned half the Crystal Empire’s water supply!” Sombra shrugged and looked away. “Eeeehhhhhh, it was a complicated time for me.” “Yes, I’m well aware.” With his horn lit, Shining floated a glass of champagne to his hoof and took a sip before saying, “Listen, Sombra. I know that things haven’t been easy for you. It wasn’t easy for Discord or Starlight either. But the fact remains that you’re at least trying to show some good in you. You just need to understand how your words or actions might look from others.” “Yes, I know,” groaned the former Tyrant with a pout that made him look like a colt being scolded by his mother. “It’s just hard to really try and be… social while in a place full of ponies who wouldn’t hesitate to disembowel me.” “Again, it’s good that you’re trying,” repeated Shining while shooting him a kinder-looking smile. “And if you were to ask me what I think, I’d say you’re handling yourself with a lot more patience than I could have. Not many guys can keep their cool after somepony tries to throw acid in their face.” Even though he knew the Prince made a perfectly fine point, Sombra still sighed and replied honestly, “Well, it’s not like I didn’t understand why she tried it. She used to be my bathroom attendant when I was in rule. Plus, I doubt I could’ve done much in retaliation without being blown up by your wife.” Despite that disheartening, albeit very true outcome, Shining shrugged his shoulders as he tried to think of something to say in response. Most of Sombra’s magic was disabled as part of his rehabilitation, but he was luckily still able to perform small spells like levitation. So after floating a glass of champagne towards his own hoof, the grey stallion downed half of it before sighing bitterly. “I swear,” he muttered with disdain, “I could probably save a burning carriage full of babies, and Cadance would still give me the stinkeye afterward.” “Hey, come on,” said Shining in defense of his wife. “You can’t exactly blame her for that. She did have to stay up over three days straight to keep you fr-- I mean, your old form from entering the Crystal Empire after its re-emergence. And afterward she did a lot of research about your… tactics.” Shining couldn’t help shuddering a little, having read a few of Sombra’s previous horror stories as well. He may have known that the former Tyrant was a changed stallion now, but that didn’t stop him from grimacing at some of the forms of punishment he used to lay out. And given how they were surrounded by ponies who saw those acts done by Sombra personally, Shining could understand why most of the Empire was still put off by the former King’s domineering presence. Of course, maybe part of that presence was why the Prince was able to put up with him. Nevertheless, Sombra scoffed at Shining’s statement before retorting, “Well, it wouldn’t kill historians to bring up some of the positive things I did for my Empire. It’s always ‘torture’ this and ‘slavery’ that! But I dare you to find one book which mentioned how my dark magic helped advance medical fields by centuries after the Empire reemerged! Or how my Kingdom was the first to have indoor plumbing! Celestia would still be using a chamber pot if it wasn’t for me, but does anyone mention that?!” Even though he knew that those facts were indeed true, Shining still sighed and tried to respond, “Well, that might be so, but it can be kinda hard to notice the good with all that bad stuff.” Sombra huffed and looked away. “I know,” he admitted grumpily. “I just wish ponies weren’t so focused on those things anymore. It’s rather hard to understand the ‘infinite benefits of friendship’ when there’s nopony to be friends with.” Shining sighed, getting what the former King was trying to say. But instead of trying to stay silent and stoic for the sake of his subjects, the Prince looked back at Sombra with a smile and replied with a smile, “Well… what about me?” Sombra glanced back at him with a raised brow. “What about you?” Ignoring that tone, Shining huffed and kept his smirk on him. “Well, aren’t we friends? I mean, I kinda thought we were.” Now both of Sombra’s brows were raised as he gave a look that was a mix of slight surprise and curiosity. “Really? So… you consider me a friend?” Despite the hint of uneasiness in his smile as he made a quick look around, the white unicorn nodded when he turned back to him. “Well… yeah. I mean, it might not be the most conventional idea of friendship, but…” Shining’s blush began to appear faintly across his cheeks, forcing him to look away from the former King while rubbing the back of his luscious blue mane. Even though it was weird to actually make a statement like that, especially to a former villain who almost murdered him and his wife, the Prince knew that it wasn’t a lie either. Although, the details of their friendship were better left unsaid while in a public space. After a brief exhale, Shining looked back up at Sombra and asked, “I mean… don’t you consider me a friend?” Sombra blinked a couple of times, clearly surprised to be asked that sort of question. While he could personally admit that Shining was one of the more accepting ponies during his reformation, friendship didn’t seem like the most fitting term for their... relationship. However, at seeing the meek stature the Prince was showing while beside him, it wasn’t long before Sombra began to grow a wide, and slightly pervy smile that showed off his glistening fangs. “Sooooo…” At hearing that all too familiar purr in the former Tyrant’s voice, Shining perked his head up with widened eyes while his blush began to deepen. Meanwhile, Sombra’s eyes stayed pinned on the unicorn as he asked, “You want me to ask what I consider you, huh?~” “N-Nevermind,” blurted Shining as he looked away from the former King’s leering stare on him. “I’m not going to ask out here.” “Oh, no no no nooooo…” Without warning, Sombra stepped a little closer next to the blushing Prince. His grin grew even wider as he eyed the nervous-looking stallion, whose prone form was almost entertaining enough to make Sombra chuckle evilly. But instead, he kept his tone lewdly sweet as he continued. “You asked me a question, did you not, Shining? It would be rude of me to not give a proper answer~” Struggling to kept his stoic stance he learned from his time as a Guard, Shining’s blush began to deepen while keeping his line of vision away from the former Tyrant. Sombra’s look of playful sensuousness began to grow more apparent, but the Prince tried to pay little heed to it as he replied, “I-I know what you’re trying to imply, Sombra, and… a-and I don’t need to hear you say it.” “Oh?~” Sombra leaned his head in closer to the Prince’s ears, not caring if anypony was watching while he hissed discretely, “And why is that, Little Prince?” Shining tried his hardest to not shudder at feeling Sombra’s hot breath brushing his fur, nor from the way he heard that his title said so condescendingly. But with his face growing redder by the second, his timid tone was still apparent as he said shakily, “B-Because I… I-I already know what you’re g-going to say.” That was when Sombra’s grin grew especially wide, and he chuckled lowly while his muzzle was right up next to Shining’s twitching ear. Even though he looked around for a quick second, the grey stallion’s attention was mostly focused on the way Shining’s fur was sticking up along his back, like an innocent housecat who saw a dog for the first time. After closing his muzzle to conceal his devilish smirk, Sombra licked his lips before whispering to Shining, “Say it~” Shining pursed his lips shut as he shuddered more noticeably, feeling like his face was right up against a bed of coals from how hot he was. But despite how he may have appeared from any ponies peering back at the two, the Prince struggled to breathe out somewhat smoothly before shooting a nervous pout back at Sombra. “We are in a public. Place.” “That didn’t stop you from doing those things I told you to do back in the garden,” responded Sombra with a more knowingly dark tone of voice. “Or in the room adjacent from your daughter and her foalsitter.” Shining’s ears lowered while his face appeared as red as a tomato. “Sombra, ponies can see us!” snarled the unicorn with a heated hiss before looking away again. “So?” asked the former Tyrant with his eyes narrowed on Shining as he spoke with a sultry smile. “You and I are out of earshot. Saying one little word won’t cause any scene. In fact, if anyone is causing a scene right now, it’s you with your cute little blush~” Shining clenched his eyes shut while downing the rest of his champagne glass, hoping to ignore Sombra’s deliberate teasing. Unfortunately, the Prince’s resistance only seemed to rile up Sombra even more as he added, “Imagine if your wife saw how you looked right now, Shining. Do you think she’d get suspicious?” “SSSSHHHHH!!!” Shining winced from how loud that shush came out, but it didn’t seem to draw any unwanted eyes on him or the grinning stallion beside him. He bit his lip apprehensively, and breathed out through his nostrils before looking up at Sombra pleadingly. “Sombra, please… I am asking you as a friend to stop right now.” “Only if you say it,” purred Sombra with a gleaming, almost demanding grin on his face. Shining winced a little with his ears lowered, hating how small he felt in front of this pony who was supposed to be a vanquished foe. But despite knowing Sombra wouldn’t actually hurt him, that intimidating stare he had made the Prince feel so meek and tiny in comparison to the former King. His heart was racing faster with each passing second, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take from him. But at the same time, Shining would’ve been lying if he denied that that he didn’t completely hate it. Sombra’s nostrils flared out, obviously catching the scent of something that made him chuckle deep and lowly towards the unicorn. But instead of pointing out what that smell most likely was (or bending down to see the origin of it underneath the shaking Prince), he instead had himself stand less than a foot from Shining’s side as he said in a low tone, “You really wouldn’t be heard from anypony right now, Shining. So nothing should stop you from saying it. Besides…” The Tyrant leaned in to whisper sensually into Shining’s ear with a lustful sneer, “I have a feeling that part of you wants to say it. Out loud. In a crowded ballroom, nonetheless~” By the time Sombra pulled away, Shining’s lips were tightly bit shut while he stood with his face completely red and his legs shaking in anxiousness. Honestly, it felt like a miracle that his appearance hasn’t drawn any attention yet. And given what he was being asked to do, the Prince felt like it didn’t need to be said anymore given the former King’s entertained grin on him. But despite his hesitance, Shining couldn’t say anything as Sombra leaned in again and asked in a discrete, but still deceptively-casual tone, “So, Shining Armor… if you were to guess what I consider you, what would you say?~” Shining’s lips pursed shut even tighter, not wanting to answer Sombra given their location. Unfortunately, it was near impossible for him to look away from the Tyrant’s waiting, domineering stare. A long, pregnant moment passed before Sombra’s grin widened a little more. “Well?~” he asked teasingly, wanting to hear the Prince say it himself. “What. Would. You. Say?” Shining closed his eyes tightly as a defeated huff escaped his nostrils. Even though he knew it was ludicrous to even contemplate playing along with Sombra’s little game, he knew it’d also be pointless to refuse now. The Tyrant had him right where he wanted him. And despite how insane it sounded, Shining knew deep down that Sombra was just feeding into his deepest impulses. Into an unseen side of the Prince that barely anypony would even fathom him having. So after a small breath, Shining’s head stayed bashfully lowered when he finally opened his muzzle, “W-Well, I… I guess if I were to give an answer, I…” He paused momentarily and gulped, hating how red his face probably looked to the grinning Sombra. Nevertheless, he took another breath before continuing timidly, “I would guess that y-you… w-would say that I… I was… y-your…” Shining stayed silent for another long moment, clearly afraid to actually say it when ponies could hear him. But instead of teasing the unicorn about it, Sombra just waited with a wide, leering grin down at him. With his eyes closed shut, Shining finally exhaled shakily before saying that last little word. “... B… Bitch…” The Prince winced when he heard Sombra’s low and venomous chuckle, hating that someone who was supposed to be rehabilitated had him wrapped around his hoof so tightly. Unfortunately, his ears flattened when he heard the Tyrant say teasingly, “Oh, come on. I know you can say it better than that~” Before he could get a chance to reply, Shining gasped audibly as he felt a strong tingle of Sombra’s magic wrapped tightly between his legs. Even as he struggled to keep his expression inconspicuous, there was nothing to hide how badly the Prince was shuddering while that strong aura of green magic discretely ran along his twitching, rock-hard member. Sombra’s illuminated horn was barely noticeable, so he seemed rather confident as he spoke casually while teasing his blushy Prince. “How about this?” he began with a lustful growl while leering at him evilly. “I’m going to tease you for a little while longer. And when I finish, I want you to say what you are to me. Out. Loud. In a normal tone. And if you do, I’ll take you to a restroom and take care of that little problem you have~” Shining’s face was twitching as he shakily peered back at his tormentor. “Oh y-yeah? An… And if I d-don’t?” Sombra’s eyes narrowed on him with a grin as he said firmly. “Or I’ll jerk you off with my magic right here where everyone will see. And considering the fact that your wife is close by, I doubt you want her to see that, and then end up explaining how many times I fucked you behind her back.” Shining was completely wide-eyed in shock, seeing clear as day that Sombra was dead serious with that threat. But despite his objection, it wasn’t like the Prince could exactly defend himself while feeling his Tyrant’s magic intensify around his cock. So for several minutes, all that Shining could do was stand stoically with his eyes half-lidded, being forced to endure Sombra’s sick form of pleasure while dozens of ponies stood only a few feet away. The stallion felt completely emasculated, unable to do anything to defend himself while being toyed with by Sombra’s perverted ways. Of course, given how badly his cock was throbbing within the Tyrant’s magic, it was clear that a big part of Shining wasn’t too upset by this predicament. For a long time, Shining always knew he had a strong, unrelenting submissive side deep in him. He tried to get Cadance to try things to help sate it, but she was way too loving to really be… rough. However, all of that seemed to change when Sombra reemerged. After all the months he spent with him, and developing complicated feelings about the former King, Shining was pretty much powerless when Sombra discovered his urges. And since the Tyrant had to vent his dominant nature elsewhere to keep from lashing out, why not towards the pony who actually wanted it, and kill two birds with one stone? So now, Shining could only whimper while struggling to keep his secretive affair with Sombra as unseen as possible, despite having his cock stroked by him in front of everyone. Fortunately, his upright position by the refreshment table and the angle of his forelegs ensured that most ponies wouldn’t be able to see his stallionhood throbbing and leaking within the Tyrant’s magic. Of course, if any ponies were to see how much the unicorn was squirming as Sombra’s toy, they probably would’ve guessed something was amiss. Just as Shining felt like he was about to cum, he felt Sombra’s magic dissipate from his cock, The Prince breathed out in relief, despite being brutally edged by his tormentor/lover. Unfortunately, that feeling was short-lived when a new aura of magic gripped the back of his mane tightly. While he cringed from the slight pain, Sombra stared at him with narrowed eyes and gave his order with a hungry grin. “Say what you are~” Shining had no idea if Sombra’s claims that nopony could hear them were true, but he was left with no choice but to obey after taking a shaky breath. With his muzzle trembling, the unicorn bashfully looked back at the former King holding his hair as he said apprehensively, “I’m… I’m your bitch.” His ears were lowered especially flat as he looked back ahead of them, but it didn’t look like his admission got any heads to turn their way. Even though that revelation made him breathe out in relief, his cock throbbed hard at the sensation of doing something so risky. Of course, his fur stood on end again as Sombra hissed into his ear, “Goooooood… That wasn’t so hard now, was it?~” Even with the wrinkled pout the Prince gave him, Sombra’s devilish smirk didn’t go away. In fact, it only intensified as he said with narrowed eyes, “You know what? If you say one more thing to me here. Out loud. I might fully indulge you in the restroom.” Shining’s face was already fully blushed, but he could still feel it getting hotter while staring up at Sombra wide-eyed. “Wh… What do you mean?” “Well, since we established nopony can hear us,” Sombra said with his tone turning more evil to match his fanged grin, “I want you to look me in the eyes and say…” He then leaned in and faintly whispered his order into Shining’s ear. The Prince gasped softly, looking extremely unsure with the order he was given by his Tyrant. Nevertheless, Sombra simply pulled away with a waiting grin and finished his order. “If you say that, word for word, I’ll fuck you so hard that you can’t walk right for a week~” Shining looked unbelievably feeble in front of Sombra, but his mouth couldn’t bear to open to protest. Instead, he just stood like a nervous dog while his owner continued to play with him. Sombra used his magic to keep Shining’s head pointed right at him, leaving him unable to look around or see if anypony was coming by. “Say it, bitch~” Shining’s heart was pounding harder than a jackhammer, but he still exhaled shakily and compiled in a mix of fear and unrelenting arousal. “Ummm…” Shining may have not agreed with what he was about to say, but he still gulped and muttered meagerly, “S-Sombra is… m-my King, and… an--” “No,” interrupted Sombra warningly as he gripped Shining’s mane tighter. But his grin still remained evilly wide. “Say it clearly, without pausing. You’re not getting another chance.” Shining closed his eyes and took a deep, shameful breath. After a few seconds, he exhaled before feebly looking his Tyrant in the eyes. “S… Sombra is my King, and I… ” Even with his cock throbbing, the Prince cringed as he said out loud, “I love… ch-cheating on my wife for him.” While Shining shuddered in overwhelming shame, Sombra’s toothy grin remained as wide as ever, clearly happy with the blushed Prince’s naughty admission. However, he still licked his lips and made one last order. “Say that last part again~” Shining winced guiltily before opening his muzzle. “I… I l-love cheating on my wife...” After that shameful statement, the low and guttural growl that Shining heard his lover emit was strong enough to make his legs quiver in unease. Even with all the newfound pleasures he was able to experience from Sombra, being reminded of what he was doing made his heart grow unbelievably heavy with guilt. There was no doubt in his mind that he loved Cadance, and she loved him back unconditionally. But despite all the love he felt and received from that wonderful Alicorn, that brooding smirk from the stallion before him made his heart thunder in his chest like nothing else. In a way, it sorta reminded him of the passionate nights he spent with Chrysalis when she was in Cadance’s form. Unfortunately, even that was downright pleasant compared to the Tyrant grinning before him evilly. “Oh, yes you certainly do~” purred Sombra as he began to walk away, making sure to give Shining’s face a teasing smack with his tail while heading towards the men’s restroom. “Meet me in exactly one minute, and do not be late...” Shining rubbed his cheek with a hoof as he stood apprehensively, hating how conflicted he felt about everything. He wanted to despise being treated so poorly from someone like Sombra, especially around all of his subjects and friends. But at the same time, his submissive side was absolutely reeling in deep pleasure from finding somepony who understood his urges so well. It was unbelievably insulting to his title, as well as demeaning and immoral, but the Prince couldn’t deny how much that former King turned him on. So after taking another moment to look around nervously, the married stallion floated his empty champagne glass back to the table before quickly walking towards the restroom. By the time he arrived at the door, Shining noticed a hastily-made “Out of Order” sign that was taped above the doorknob. Even though he was glad his lover made some precautions, he still made sure that nopony was looking his direction before slipping inside. As expected, it didn’t look like anything was actually wrong with the restroom. That was, except for the incredibly turned-on Tyrant who was standing less than a foot from Shining the instant he entered and closed the door behind him. With his smile now fully widened and his fangs completely exposed, Sombra cackled in delight as seeing how much Shining’s stature cowered at the sight of him. Even though the stallion was supposed to be head of the Royal Guard, his posture made him look as timid as that yellow friend of his sister’s. Nevertheless, Sombra stepped in a little closer and growled lustfully, “Nopony is in this restroom except for us, my little slave~” Shining’s heart pounded even faster after being called that term, even though he’d never admit how much he enjoyed it to his tormentor. Of course, it was clear that Sombra knew how much he liked being put in his place. Especially when the white stallion impulsively lunged forward and planted his muzzle right against Sombra’s in hungry passion. Shining wrapped his hooves tightly around the Tyrant’s head, and the two quickly had their lips entwined while making out ravenously in the empty restroom. Tongues entwined in each other’s mouths. Saliva began to mat the fur around their busy lips. Eyes were clenched to savor the tastes being exchanged between them. And muffled moans could be heard from both stallions (but mostly by Shining) as they held each other in passionate embrace and kissed like it was their last chance. Of course, given how dangerous their situation was, there was a good chance that this could’ve been their last chance. After a couple minutes straight of deep kissing, Sombra gripped Shining’s mane tightly with a hoof to pull him away and grin. “Say what you are,” he growled hungrily. Shining panted deeply with the taste of his Tyrant strong on his tongue. “I’m your bitch,” he moaned as he dreamily stared back at his lover. Sombra then pushed his muzzle back in so they could make out for another minute or so, all while Shining moaned and embraced him deeply. Tasting the stallion’s distinct muskiness in his mouth, the Prince couldn’t control how much he adored the former King, nor could he try to resist any orders given to him. Because of that, Shining felt lovingly powerless when Sombra pulled away again and said with an evil grin, “Who is your rightful King?~” Shining breathed out deeply with a smile and answered in a moan, “You’re my rightful King, Sombra~” He then tried to lean forward to plant another kiss, but Sombra kissed him first while pushing him back against the tiled bathroom wall. Shining winced from the pain of being thrown against the wall so hard, but couldn’t complain about being treated so rough from the stallion who knew he liked it. With his cock throbbing painfully between his legs, the unicorn could only lie against the wall in total submission while being pinned and kissed by his lover. By the time Sombra finally stopped his oral assault on Shining’s muzzle, several strings of their saliva connected between their lips when he pulled away slowly. Of course, his eyes were pinned right at the Prince’s as he said with a wicked grin, “Tell me what else you are~” Shining may have been incredibly turned on, but his heart shot up to his throat when he recognized that tone. He recalled the last time Sombra asked him to say it, and it was the only time that the Prince actually had the courage to admit it out loud. His legs squirmed while his tormentor kept him against the wall, and he could only groan in a mix of displeasure and arousal while struggling to look away from that knowing stare. Shining eventually let out a shaky breath and tried to say feebly, “I-I’m… I’m a…” Sombra’s smile turned more menacing while keeping his subject pinned down. Even though the Prince looked fairly uneasy while kept in such a compromising position, the fact that he was on his hind legs meant that his dark, marbled cock was on full display while throbbing and leaking at the tip. Seeing that Shining was still completely enticed, Sombra felt no shame while continuing to tease his pet a little further. “You know what I want you to say, Shining,” purred the Tyrant as he brought a hoof down and grasped at Shining’s cock, making the white stallion gasp with a heavy shudder. “You even admitted how much you loved it out there. So just be a good little bitch and tell me…” Slowly, Sombra’s hoof ran up and down Shining’s length, helping to coax out a little more pre that began to dribble from the tip and run down the underside of the shaft. The Prince closed his eyes and moaned out a little deeper, savoring the feel of his lover’s grip on his throbbing stallionhood. Even though he could admit that Sombra was quite skilled with his magic in that department as well, nothing seemed to beat the feel of another stallion’s hoof. Even Cadance, who was especially skilled in many aspects in the bedroom, sadly wasn’t nearly as skilled due to the lack of personal experience. “Mmmmnnnnggggg…” Shining tried to squirm against Sombra’s grip while against the wall, but it was to no avail as that hoof edged him closer to climax. The last thing he wanted to do was actually say that word again, even though he had to once before. But with each skilled stroke of the former King’s hoof across his length, Shining couldn’t help moaning out in deep pleasure while teased by him. As he bit his bottom lip tightly, the white unicorn knew he was about to finish soon; unfortunately, Sombra stopped his motions before his pet’s cock could throb any harder. While the pony panted deeply and winced from the lack of pleasure while so close, Sombra leaned in and got his attention with a tantalizing lick across his reddened cheek. “Tell me and I’ll let you finish in my mouth~” Shining’s eyes shot wide open in utter shock, looking his lover dead in the eyes to see that he wasn’t lying. That enticing grin that Sombra had on his muzzle, combined with his half-lidded stare on the Prince, was all the proof that he needed that it wasn’t just a bluff. Shining’s breathing became heavier while caught in his grasp, his heart pounding faster at the realization of what could happen if he complied. Even though the idea made him nauseous to actually say again, the Prince couldn’t resist his offer as he clenched his eyes shut with a defeated huff. “I’m… I’m a…” After one last breath, Shining Armor shuddered as he muttered shamefully, “I’m a cheater.” “Mmmmmmm…~” After that domineering growl in satisfaction, Sombra bent down while looking up at his guilty pet with a pleased sneer on his muzzle. He parted his fanged mandibles wide, making sure Shining was looking down before revealing his slick, reptilian-like tongue to make him shudder. The Prince may have felt upset about calling himself such a disgraceful term, but any lingering thoughts he may have had were temporarily vanished when he felt that thin, long muscle snake around his cock. The sudden coiling of his lover’s tongue made Shining gasp in shock, and it only took the feeling of Sombra’s lips wrapping around his shaft before his cock erupted strongly. “MmmmmMMNNNNNGGG!!!” Despite keeping his muzzle tightly shut to ensure nopony outside the door could overhear him, his heavy groan was still obvious during that deep, leg-buckling throb that his stallionhood made inside of Sombra’s waiting maw. Even though the Tyrant was clearly surprised by his pet’s eagerness, he only replied with a brief grunt while Shining’s cock spurted multiple times inside of his muzzle. After one last, weak shudder that swept throughout the Prince’s entire body, Sombra waited until every last drop was spent before pulling away with his muzzle filled with his lover’s seed. Shining’s eyes were closed as he breathed deeply after that orgasm, so he didn’t realize the Tyrant got back up while he said in a tired tone, “Th… Thank you, Som--MMMPHHHH!!!” As soon as he he got back on his hooves, Sombra held his pet tightly in place and pressed his muzzle right up against Shining’s. While the Prince’s eyes shot wide-open in shock, he was unable to move or resist as he felt his lover spit every drop of his own cum back into his mouth. Shining writhed and groaned in distaste of his own brand being fed back to him, but it was no use resisting as Sombra kept his hooves firmly planted on his head to keep him from pulling away. After several seconds of squirming and discomfort while Sombra’s muzzle was planted against his mouth, Shining clenched his eyes tightly shut as he was forced to swallow his own seed. Sombra waited as he heard his pet meagerly take several gulps, internally grinning at the fact that he got a Prince to swallow his own cum like a pure deviant. After turning his action to a deep kiss, solely to ensure that his bitch really did swallow every drop, he pulled away from Shining’s lips with a wet pop and shot him a domineering smile. “My, my… I bet your wife never tried that on you~” The Prince cringed a little, the inside of his mouth still plastered with the strong bitterness of his own cum. Even though he knew that his lover was just trying to bring up Cadance for his own pleasure, Shining still sighed and answered honestly, “N-No… She didn’t.” Sombra’s grin grew wider before adding in a raspy growl, “And I bet she never made you cum that quickly either, has she?~” Despite how intense that orgasm he received really felt, Shining still sighed and said timidly, “N… No…” Happy with that answer, the Tyrant’s fangs glistened menacingly to make his pet shudder in his grasp. “So that means I’m better than your wife, right?~” Shining exhaled sharply with a clear tone of bitterness alongside his pout. While he understood why Sombra disliked Cadance, being constantly being reminded of their relationship was really upsetting to the already shameful Prince. He may have loved his passionate encounters with the former King, but the fact that he was doing this while his loving wife was outside just made him feel uneasy. But with the way that dominant, lustful stallion was narrowing his eyes on him, Shining eventually winced and admitted honestly, “Y… Yeah…” Sombra moved his face in closer, not even needing to open his muzzle for Shining to know what the Tyrant wanted him to say. But even as his body shook in overwhelming discomfort and submission, the Prince couldn’t bear to ignore the silent order his tormentor was giving him with those piercing, strangely beautiful eyes. His muzzle trembled for a brief moment before he breathed out through his nostrils, and he refused to open his eyes as he said towards Sombra, “You’re… you’re better than my wife.” After a malicious chuckle that made Shining squirm with a strong pout, Sombra nuzzled his pet lovingly as he purred, “See?~ That wasn’t so hard to admit, now was it?” He then pulled back to give his lover a devilish grin as he added, “And I didn’t even have to make you say it~” Shining groaned with his pout intensifying up at him. Sombra sighed in response with a carefree roll of his eyes. “Oh, don’t look at me like that, Shining. We both know the taboo turns you on just as much as it does me.” The Prince finally looked away from Sombra while his cock softened. “Well, I’d rather go back out right now. If I was in here for too long, ponies might get suspi--” One of Sombra’s hooves pounded up against the tiled wall strongly enough to make Shining yelp and fall on his back with a scared-looking wince. While the former King leaned up against the wall with both hooves, he peered down at his pet with a hungry stare that made the unicorn shrink with a growing blush. Shining’s muzzle pursed tightly shut with his back against the wall, and his body started to tremble with a worried look as he saw Sombra licking his fangs. Unfortunately, that sight not only made more blood rush through Shining’s face, but also back down to his now re-twitching member. “If you think for one second that you’re going to leave me blue-balled, you have another thing coming.” Sombra’s hind legs stepped in closer towards Shining, which brought his waist more prominently on display for his lover to see the throbbing stallionhood between the Tyrant’s legs. The massive length was standing triumphantly with a perfectly smooth, dark grey color, which helped to emphasize the milky-white pre that was beginning to emanate from the flared tip. At seeing that beautiful member up close, and catching the strong scent of his tormentor’s musk, Shining’s face reddened immensely as he gulped in nervous anticipation. His eyes stayed pinned to that glorious cock, barely even realizing how he was growing hard again while Sombra spoke threateningly. “After hearing all those things you told me, I do not intend to let you leave without satisfying your King.” Shining bashfully looked back up at Sombra’s face while frozen against the wall. “Bu… B-But the Social--” “I just gave you an order as your Rightful King~” Even with how menacing his tone sounded while peering down at the Prince, Sombra couldn’t help smirking when he saw Shining’s stallionhood spring up from that demand. Feeling hopeful that his pet’s submissive nature wasn’t completely vacant so soon after orgasm, Sombra continued while narrowing his eyes on him. “So you better turn around and get in position like you were planning to do, my little adulterous Slave. Because the longer the two of us stay in here, the more likely ponies outside will realize how much you enjoy being my bitch~” Shining looked unbelievably fretful with his closed lips stretched wide apart, but his cock was already throbbing while underneath his demanding lover. Meanwhile, Sombra stood over him in wait while grinning, knowing that his bitch was going to eventually give in. He watched as Shining’s eyes peered back at his Tyrant’s stallionhood, which was bobbing freely in front of his blushed muzzle. And with that bulb of pre growing larger while forming at the tip, Sombra growled in pleasure as he saw how his lover’s eyes were glued to it. Less than three seconds after Sombra’s threatening demand, Shining’s impulses took over as he closed his eyes and lunged his open muzzle forward. After breathing in his Tyrant’s heavenly musk for so long, the only form of resistance the unicorn could give was a heated moan before taking his lover’s cock into his mouth. The familiar taste of Sombra’s flesh and pre made the Prince’s heart race as he eagerly took more of that beautiful length in. His lips wrapped tightly around his King’s shaft, and the only noises he could emit were the occasional muffled groans as he forced that flared head towards the back of his throat. Meanwhile, Sombra shuddered with a growling groan as he savored the feel of Shining’s mouth around his cock once more. Even though this wasn’t the most risky place he forced the Prince to blow him in, the taboo of doing it outside of a major social event made the Tyrant’s cock twitch strongly. His hips began to thrust forward a little, which didn’t seem to phase Shining as he continually sucked with his head beginning to bob up and down Sombra’s length. The grey stallion groaned through gritted fangs as his devilish grin widened. “Nnnnnn… That’s a good Slave…” Shining’s heart skipped a beat at hearing that name, and he guiltily moaned out through the Tyrant’s cock shoved in his mouth. Despite how degrading that term was, being in a position as low as this felt unbelievably gratifying to the Prince while he continued to suck up and down Sombra’s shaft. He hated how much he enjoyed being treated like this, but he was extremely hesitant to admit it to the Tyrant above him; if Sombra knew that Shining actually liked being called his slave, he’d probably bring it up as often as the unicorn’s affair. Of course, the Prince’s shameful groans as he pleasured his lover seemed to catch Sombra’s attention from the way he was grinning down at him. “That’s right, little ‘Prince’,” spat Sombra with a condescending tone at Shining’s title. “Give your King his full attention~” Meanwhile, Shining’s muffled groans grew louder as his muzzle went up and down Sombra’s shaft at a faster pace. The Tyrant started to bite his bottom lip while leaned against the bathroom wall, thrusting his hips in and out of his pet’s wet maw while groaning deeply. Even though that sign outside made sure that nopony tried to come in here, Sombra pondered how soundproof this restroom really was to the ballroom outside. As the sounds of Shining’s slurps and guttural groans echoed in the bathroom, a mischievous grin began to grow across the former King’s muzzle as a naughty idea sprang into his head. After a couple more heated thrusts into his pet’s mouth, Sombra pulled his cock away with a wet pop that left Shining gasping while sitting on the tiled floor. With his lips and muzzle coated with his own spit and Sombra’s pre, it took a moment for the Prince to regain his senses before glancing up at the smiling stallion above him. Sombra’s red eyes darted between his blushed toy, and the unlocked restroom door. His grin grew more wickedly for a couple seconds until looking back at the nervous-looking Shining. “Brace up against the door,” Sombra ordered with a lustful growl. Not thinking about what was happening outside the restroom at the moment, Shining breathed out heavily and complied with his mind clouded by the lust for his tormentor. While the social was in full swing, with most of the ponies smiling and conversing happily, none of them seemed to hear the light thump of hooves from the other side of the ‘Out of Order’ restroom doors. But if somepony were to check, they’d most likely be in for a shocking sight as Shining Armor was leaned against the door with a deep blush, and looking back at Sombra hungrily while in a presented stance. And with his heart pounding in anticipation, the Prince took a breath before lifting his tail to comply with his King’s wishes. “He… Here you go, my King~” moaned Shining softly while his dangling cock twitched between his spread legs. Without warning, Sombra quickly mounted his lover as he growled dominantly over him. Shining’s fur stood on end as he felt the Tyrant’s hot breath hitting the back of his neck, making him shudder as a shameful smile grew on his face. Even though he knew it was wrong to try something like this at such a crowded event, the unicorn’s heart was racing at the idea of being with Sombra in such a dangerous venue. The thought of getting caught made his stomach turn three times over in dread, but the feeling of that stallion’s throbbing hot cockhead prodding against his presented hole made Shining quickly forget the risk while letting out a meager moan. “Mmmnnnnnnggg…~” Hearing his pet’s loving coos while his entrance was being teased, Sombra grinned while pushing his stallionhood in with the aid of the Prince’s saliva. “You better be careful, you cheating little peasant,” he teased as his flared cockhead began to sink in against Shining’s loosening hole. “You wouldn’t want anypony close to these doors to hear you, right?~” Shining’s eyes shot wide-open, and his lingering moan cut off halfway through. Even though the feel of Sombra’s thick, meaty cock opening his hole was unbelievably tantalizing, the realization of where he was (and what he was braced up against), made the Prince shudder in growing fear. Right now, he could hear the light murmurs, albeit very faintly, from the crowd outside in the ballroom. His heart felt like it was going to jump up into his throat, and his pupils shrank while feeling more of that monstrous cockhead pushing its way inside of him. Meanwhile, Sombra’s heated growls only became louder, and started to reverberate within the empty restroom. “Mmmmmmm, that’s right, you little bitch~” purred the former King enticingly, just as he was about to get the remainder of his cockhead inside of the Prince’s puckering hole. “If you make too much noise, you’re going to get caught. We’re going to get caught. Together. And I have a feeling you don’t want to be seen like this by your WIFE!” With that last emphasized word, Sombra thrusted forward hard enough to make the head of his cock slip inside of Shining’s hole with a strained pop. Shining let out a pained cry from that sudden penetration, but was able to conceal the majority of his yelp with a hoof stuffed inside of his muzzle. Even with how much he pleasured and wettened that amazingly thick appendage with his tongue, the Prince still had to bite his hoof while his lover pushed in dominantly. The unicorn felt more and more of that length slowly fill him up from the inside, which caused his own member to twitch while he shuddered deeply. By the time Sombra was able to push himself to the point of his medial ridge inside of Shining, he had to bite his bottom lip to keep from unloading too soon. His stallionhood throbbed strongly, mostly due to the warm snugness of his pet’s hole tightly wrapped around it. Each pucker of Shining’s muscles caused a throbbing squeeze around Sombra’s cock, leaving him to breathe out shakily while trying to say, “Y-You know… part of me wonders if you want to get caught~” “N-No!” Shining hissed out almost instantly, despite how badly his cock was throbbing from being filled so much by his King. “I… I r-really don’t, Sombra.” “Ohhhhh…” The Tyrant’s grin widened while his hooves began stroking Shining’s sensitive cutie marks, leaving the Prince to shudder underneath him. “I bet you do~” Sombra then pulled out a few inches, happy to see Shining squirm from that massive length departing and leaving him emptied. In the months he spent as Shining’s fling, the former King had come to discover how much the white stallion loved to be filled as deeply as possible. Heck, Sombra was sure that if he didn’t thrust back in soon, that Shining would have no choice but to beg for it like the needy slut he was. However, due to the time constraint of the event outside, Sombra decided to give a rare act of compassion for his lover. Unfortunately, that involved the Tyrant thrusting his length back in with one hard push to pop the medial ridge inside. “GNAAAAHH-mmmmppphhhhhh~” Shining had to clench his eyes shut while biting his hoof, hoping to any higher power that his pained scream wasn’t noticed by any of the partygoers outside. His hole clenched tightly around the throbbing appendage buried deep inside of him, which caused Sombra to wince from the immense tightness gripping his cock like a vice. Of course, the former King breathed out in a shaky shudder as his grin soon resurfaced. He looked down at his blushing pet, marveling at the way the unicorn’s entire body shook from that first intense fuck-stroke. While Shining breathed rapidly and tried to come down from that first painful thrust, Sombra leaned his head down and whispered into his ear. “Oh, imagine if Cadance was right outside of the room right now~ Do you think she would’ve heard that and realized it was you? With her enemy who you think is better than her?~” Shining’s body writhed in an unholy mix of shame and pleasure, and his muzzle skewed while struggling to choke out a whispered reply, “S-Sombra! I… I d-don’t need to… h-hear that…” Sombra replied with only a low chuckle before saying, “Well, judging by how much you’re leaking, I think part of you likes being reminded of that~” Shining internally cringed, not needing to look down to know that Sombra was right. With each pulse of his member, the unicorn knew that a steady trickle of pre was coming out and leaving a small puddle on the tiled floor underneath him. Even though that proof of his arousal was clearly from being with somepony like Sombra in such a risky place, Shining cringed at knowing that his lover was just going to use it to keep playing that Affair Card for his own amusement. His heart may have been racing in exhilaration while savoring that thickness inside of him, but the Prince’s exhale was strained in annoyance as he tried to get Sombra back on track. “J-Just… just get to it, okay?” Sombra grabbed Shining’s mane tightly with a hoof and growled deeply, “Oh, so my little bitch thinks he can give me orders now?~” Shining winced from a mix of pain and hesitance, and closed his eyes with a blush as he tried to backtrack a little. “I-I just… We need to get b-back outside soon.” “No, YOU need to get outside soon,” corrected Sombra with a surly grin. “Otherwise your wife might get suspicious~” “Sh-She’s already suspicious!” blurted Shining before he immediately tried to clench his muzzle shut. Unfortunately, Sombra’s brows raised before smirking especially wide. As the Tyrant chuckled maliciously, obviously enjoying that unintended admission, Shining added before his lover could respond, “J-J-Just, please! I… I wan--” “What does she know?” Sombra interrupted with a hissed growl. His hips buckled forward to drive his cock just a little further inside of his Prince. “N-Nothing!” moaned Shining as his hole clenched tighter around that meaty stallionhood. “Sh-She… She just…” While trying to catch his breath, the unicorn’s cheeks turned redder as his head was pulled back even harder by his mane. After briefly bithing his lips, Shining struggled to breathe out calmly and confess, “She… She noticed I was away a lot, a-and… Sh-She thinks that you… have s-something to do with it…” Sombra grinned toothily as he rumbled in sadistic pleasure, and slowly pulled his hips away from Shining’s once more. While the Prince clenched his eyes and bit his hoof guiltily, his lover kept a tight grip on Shining’s hair as he replied, “Oh, my… So being in this room alone with you would be bad if she knew, hmmm?~” Shining’s hind legs trembled while he nodded feebly, not removing the hoof from his mouth. Of course, it was hard as Tartarus to stay quiet while feeling that rigid cock rubbing against his inner walls to make his whole body squirm in dire need. “Mmhmm…” As soon as the medial ridge popped out, making the unicorn underneath him writhe and shudder strongly, Sombra gave a tantalizing lick to the side of Shining’s blushed and sweaty face. “And she would know exactly what you’re doing, right?~” With his ears flattening against the sides of his head, Shining breathed out sharply through his nostrils and nodded once more. “Mmhmm.” Sombra paused for a brief moment, and lit his horn to show his ghastly green magic while a wicked smile spread across his muzzle. “Well then… It would be a rather bad idea if I were to send a signal out for her to come looking for me, now would it?~” Shining’s eyes shot open as wide as dinner plates, and his hole tightened strongly around his lover’s cock. “What?” he asked in a blunt and clearly unamused tone. “The last time I saw Cadance, she was out in the garden tending to your sister and her friends,” stated Sombra as his fanged grin remained unaltered. “It would take at least a few minutes for her to come back to the ballroom and realize where we were. And I have a feeling we could finish up and be out of here before that happens~” Shining stared back at his lover in absolute horror, seeing that the Tyrant was being one hundred percent serious. While the Prince’s eyes stayed wide-open with his pupils the size of pin-pricks, his cock throbbed immensely between his legs without him seeming to notice. However, it appeared that Sombra did while he kept his horn lit. “And if you stay quiet like a good little bitch, then that would give us even more time. So instead of denying that you want me to do it, how about you just look back to the door in case anypony hears us?~” Shining’s heart was thundering in fear, and his body was completely frozen while clenching around that flared head of the Tyrant’s cock. Meanwhile, Sombra just narrowed his eyes on him and licked his fangs tantalizingly. “Just turn back around and nod your head, and I promise I’ll give you the rutting your wife never could~” The Prince’s mind was screaming at him to stop this insanity and get Sombra to quit, but his breath became shaky as his body responded to that order differently. Even with the looming danger of being caught by not only his wife, but his entire Empire, Shining felt utterly helpless as his head slowly turned away from his grinning lover. While one hoof stayed firmly braced against the door, his other remained in his muzzle as his eyes closed in dread. Despite how awful of an idea it really was, he knew that his King wouldn’t let up otherwise. So after a deep breath through his nostrils, Shining Armor hesitantly nodded his head in silence. Sombra purred with a devilish smile, and he said while his horn lit even brighter, “I knew you wanted that, you little cheating whore~” After hearing a brief zap of Sombra’s magic, undoubtedly sending a small signal to his wife, Shining wasn’t able to even get a breath in before the Tyrant rammed his length inside once more. Sombra grunted hard with that first thrust, shoving his cock inside of the trembling Prince while hearing him bite down hard on his hoof and let out a thankfully muffled groan. However, the former King refused to take it teasingly slow anymore. As soon as he felt the tip of that amazing stallionhood reach his deepest depths, Shining felt him pull back just as eagerly as he thrusted in so he could repeat his motions. And despite his growing apprehensions and shame, the Prince would be lying if he tried to say he wasn’t anticipating that next thrust to fill his hungry needs once more. Sombra’s next pounding motion was just as heated as the previous one, making his heavy balls slap lewdly against his groaning subject’s. Even though he knew that their noises might not be the most noticeable thing, especially compared to the party outside, there was always the chance that some eavesdropper could overhear the married Prince’s muffled noises while being rammed by a former enemy. Alas, the Tyrant refused to stop as he felt his cock pulsate hard inside of his pet, and he was determined to fill the Prince up with his heavenly seed before his wife could discover the two like this. So while Shining continued to withold his moans as much as he could, the former King pulled back to thrust his member inside of his lover again… And again… And again, and again, and again~ Sombra’s breaths came out more rapidly as he picked up a quick rhythm, making the schlicks of his rigid cock sliding in and out of Shining reverberate perversely in the restroom along with those fleshy slaps with each pounding thrust. While the Tyrant picked up the pace of his riled-up fucking, Shining had his eyes clenched shut while taking each hard ram of his lover’s cock deep inside of him. He could feel those massive orbs of his King’s balls slapping against his own, and he let out a shaky moan of a breath while drooling over his hoof. His mind may have been focused on making sure he made no noise, but each thundering thrust from behind was enough to make him temporarily think of nothing but that heavenly stallion rutting him like a showmare. Sombra may have been a cruel, sadistic fiend even after his reformation, but the way he pounded into Shining’s tailhole with growing succession just made the Prince shudder while biting his hoof with a shaky smile. “Mmmmmmnnnnghhhh~” Meanwhile, the sounds of Sombra’s balls hitting Shining’s just grew louder in the bathroom, and was only becoming more apparent as he picked up the pace to three or four thrusts per second. Instead of making a strained noise each time he was filled with his lover’s cock, Shining was now just letting out very long and withheld moans while his King grew closer to climax. The Tyrant’s teeth were gritted as he fucked his pet without hesitance, eager to unload and fill the Prince with his seed while his subjects were merely a few yards from them. With the idea of his little bitch walking around with a fake smile, talking with ponies while hiding the fact that he was an adulterous slut, Sombra couldn’t resist growling out in growing desire while his thrusts bore down harder into his pet. “S… S-Say I’m better than your wife, Bitch~” “Mmmmmmmmph~” Even though he hated saying something so horrible, despite knowing that having actual sex with him was far worse in comparison, Shining was too pent-up and close to climax to not obey his passionate King. “Y-You… You’re…” After a brief pause to catch his breath while taking his lover’s cock, one sharp tug of his mane from Sombra’s hoof made him hiss out, “Y-You’re better than my wife~” “Goooooood~” Sombra could feel himself getting close, and his remaining thrusts drove into Shining as hard as he could while feeling the unicorn tightening up around him. “Say… Say that you want me more~” Shining bit his hoof hard enough to risk drawing blood, and his own cock was pulsating while teetering on the very edge. Feeling how that monstrous cock was shoving itself into him with harder force, making his nerves tingle and his fur stand on end, the Prince felt completely helpless to resist saying in a strained whisper, “I… I want--” Knock Knock Knock! Shining and Sombra froze in an instant, both of them becoming deathly silent and wide-eyed as they stayed in their fucking positions. “Shining?” asked Cadance from the other side of the door. “Shining, do you know where Sombra is? I got a signal from him.” Shining Armor felt his heart jump up to the back of his throat, even though his stallionhood was still throbbing in dire need for release. And if the looming threat of being caught by Cadance wasn’t enough to make him frozen in fear, the Prince silently gasped when Sombra spoke out in response, “D-Don’t worry, Cadance, I’m fine!” Shining’s jaw dropped as he looked back at him, not expecting him to openly announce he was in the restroom alone with Cadance’s husband. Unfortunately, the Tyrant merely shot a cocky grin down at his pet as he pulled back his member once more. While his eyes were pinned down at Shining’s shocked expression, Sombra added in a casual tone out for Cadance, “I spilled some wine on my chest, and your husband…” The former King made sure to finish his statement as he pounded into Cadance’s spouse, “... offered to help me out~” In that brief pause that lasted for half a second, Sombra drove his cock back in while Shining bit down on his hoof and kept an aroused yelp from escaping his muzzle. With that last word being emphasized by the feel of Sombra’s throbbing cockhead pushing deep inside of the shaky Prince, Shining’s whole body trembled from the overwhelming pleasure and terror that was sweeping across every inch of his body. He and his lover have had some close calls before, but it felt like getting out of this would require a legitimate miracle. With his breaths coming out rapid and faint like a dying bunny, the unicorn was horrified to hear his wife ask, “Shining, is that true?” Shining knew he could never forgive himself for lying to his own wife, but he was left no choice as he struggled to say with an exhale. “Y-Yeah! H-He…” He gasped as he felt Sombra pull back again, making him realize what his lover was planning. He briefly glanced back at the stallion with a pleading look of refusal in his eyes, but was only met with an evil smile from his lover. Before Sombra could try to continue fucking him in front of his wife, Shining took a breath and said back through the door, “H-He spilled some wine so I wanted to h-helllLLLLPP!~” Sombra thrusted in once more, growling to himself dominantly with a wicked smirk. Since he was already close, he was hopeful that his cheating pet would take the reins with the conversation while he got himself some sweet relief with the aid of Shining’s tailhole. While Sombra regained his previous motions in a slightly more withheld pace, he heard Cadance ask cautiously, “Honey, is everything alright? You sound a bit stressed.” Shining winced at his wife’s correct, albeit very understated description, and tried his hardest to keep his voice sounding normal while feeling his lover fucking him from behind. “I-I’m fine, s-sweetie,” he lied guiltily, hoping his voice didn’t sound too hiccuped as his Tyrant started driving his body back and forth with his growing thrusts. “S-Sombra was just… u-upset about getting his… c-coat stained…” “... Is that what that noise is?” asked Cadance worriedly, undoubtedly hearing the sound of Sombra’s plump balls lewdly slapping against her husband’s backside once again. Even though Shining had his eyes clenched in concentration, he knew it’d be hard to come up with a feasible excuse for that sound while being fucked and close to cumming himself. Nevertheless, the Prince took a weak breath and answered, “Y-Yeah! H-He… He’s s-s-scrubbing his fur, and… A-And it’s really stained in…” Knowing he was about to blow his load at any moment, the last thing he wanted was for his wife to be right next to him while his lover came inside of him. So after gulping with his face as red as a tomato, the stallion said in a heated breath, “I-I’ll be finished in a second, so j-just… j-just let me do this and I’ll get back to yoooOOOUUUU~” Just as Shining got to those last few words, Sombra’s heated movements finally came to fruition as his entire body pulsated in pleasure. Unlike his pet, Sombra was luckily able to keep his noises to a bare minimum with that last hearty thrust, which pushed Shining harder against the door while his churning balls pressed against his lover’s. Strong, heavy throbs of his King’s cock inside of him were the only warning Shining received before his body was flooded with rope after rope of Sombra’s thick, virile seed. The unicorn’s entire body convulsed under his Tyrant as that gooey warmth filled him to his deepest depths, making him freeze mid-word as his breathing hiccuped with an orgasm of his own. Shining’s fur stood on end from the sensation of being filled by his rightful King, and his teeth broke the skin on his hoof as his cock erupted between his quivering legs. Multiple spurts of his cum spat out onto the tiled floor, and every nerve in his body pulsated and tensed up as he rode that shamefully amazing orgasm. His tailhole clenched unbelievably hard around Sombra’s cock, leaving the Prince to shudder from the amazing thickness of that appendage before finally being able to breathe again. His first exhale was a shaky gasp before his face rested against the door, and his muzzle drooled a little while saying in a panted voice towards Cadance, “J-Just… lemme clean up and I’ll find you…” “Ummm… O-Okay, Shining…” His wife’s tone sounded apprehensive, but it was unclear whether or not she assumed anything to bring Shining out of his post-orgasmic high. Before the sound of her hooves could be heard leaving, she made sure to say back to her husband, “Well, let me know when you’ll be out. Love you!” His eyes clenched tightly shut in remorse as he replied in a sincere moan, “I… I love you too, Cadance…” For a long, pregnant bout of silence, Shining could only stay leaned against the door while regaining his breath. He could feel every pulse of Sombra’s heartbeat through that deflating cock inside of him, but about a minute passed before the Tyrant was able to pull out with ease. As soon as he heard Sombra grunt and pull his body off of him, the unicorn’s hind legs gave out as he collapsed on the floor. Laying in a puddle of his own seed, with another puddle beginning to form at his backside from his King’s load dribbling out of his loosened hole, the Prince kept his eyes closed while wallowing in the post-sex regret he always felt after indulging with his lover. But before Shining could even swallow some of the excess drool that was in his mouth, he felt a strong grasp of Sombra’s magic pull his head up from the tiled floor. After being pulled up to a seated position on the ground, the unicorn looked up to see Sombra’s relaxed, but still devilish smile on him. Towering over the Prince like one of the foes who defeated him before, Sombra kept his magical grip on his pet and said firmly, “You never finished your statement to me~” It took Shining a long moment before remembering what his lover meant, and he winced while trying to look away from him, “S-Sombra… come on--” A strong jerk of his Tyrant’s magic forced Shining to look back up at Sombra, whose eyes narrowed on him as he came in closer. He may have been just as spent as Shining, but the former King was still clearly antsy by the grin on his face. “If you want to be a good slave, you’ll say it~” After biting his lip in great apprehension, Shining sighed in defeat with his eyes closed. He then gulped before reopening them to look up at his deepest guilty pleasure. “I… I want you…” A couple seconds passed before Sombra tilted his head with a hungry sneer. Feeling the intensity in the Tyrant’s eyes bearing down on his own, Shining trembled as he admitted in completeion. “... m… more than her…” That was when Sombra dove his head in and gave his pet a deep, passionate kiss on the muzzle. Despite the pain in his heart from saying that, the Prince couldn’t resist closing his eyes and kissing his lover back with a faint moan. Since both of them knew enough spells to get this restroom cleaned in literal seconds, it felt like no rush as the two made out in shameful pleasure while the social continued outside. They may have not been caught by anypony yet, but even if they were, it wouldn’t have changed the passion the two felt as they laid on the ground in each other’s sweet, guiltily-taboo embrace. Cadance was standing at the refreshment bar, having downed her second glass of champagne by the time she saw her husband. Shining may have gotten himself cleaned up like nothing happened (besides maybe the hastily-made bandage on his hoof), but no spells in the world could hide that heavy blush on his face. It also couldn’t hide how he was walking bow-legged around the crowd before standing timidly next to his wife. Neither of them said anything for a brief moment, and Shining picked up a glass of his own to take a much-needed sip. When the unicorn was halfway finished with his glass, Cadance looked at him with an annoyed pout and asked, “Did you really have to have sex with Sombra during this event?” Shining spat out a little of his champagne in response to his spouse’s statement before looking at her wide-eyed. “H-Honey!” “I’m just saying,” said the Princess with a roll of her eyes. “You should be really glad I was the one to knock and not one of the guards. They probably would’ve castrated him if they knew you two were a thing.” Shining sighed painfully and turned away from Cadance, knowing that she was most likely right. With his muzzle skewing in awkwardness, he said with a huff, “Well, it wasn’t like I planned it, okay? He just kinda… thrusted it on me.” “And from the sound of it, I'm betting he thrusted it in you too,” replied his wife with a cheeky smirk at him. Shining just groaned in response, not caring for Cadance’s juvenile humor about their understanding. Alas, the mare paused for a couple seconds before adding, “But seriously though, you two really need to keep your whole exhibitionist thing in check. I mean, I know you like being dominated, but that’s a bit much even for you.” “I know, and I’m sorry,” said Shining in an honest tone of voice. “It’s just kinda hard to resist when he’s… you know…” From the way she saw her husband’s cheeks redden in embarrassment, Cadance smiled with a huff as she nudged him. “Hey, I get it,” she said with an understanding tone of her own, “I’m just happy you’re able to reform Sombra while also getting yourself off. You’re just like your sister with Starlight.” “Yeah, I guess…” After rubbing the back of his mane awkwardly, still feeling the sting from where his lover grabbed him, Shining exhaled and looked back to his wife to say, “But can you please let him know that you know already?! I’m sick of acting like an adulterer to get him off! It’s making me sick.” “What, and spoil the fun for him?~” asked Cadance with a flirty grin back at her husband. “Plus, it’s not like you’re actually cheating. As long as you know that, saying a couple fibs to him shouldn’t get you so upset. Besides, do you remember what you said when you first suggested this plan to me?” Recalling his statement several months ago, during what had to be the most uncomfortable discussion the two ever had in bed, Shining nodded and answered meagerly, “Y-Yeah, I… I said that if he thought he was doing a little bad, then… it could keep him from doing a lot of it later.” “Exactly,” stated Cadance before giving him a supportive peck on the cheek. “So just keep up the 'cheating on your wife' stuff for a little while longer. You enjoy being with somepony so taboo anyway, so just treat it like an extension of that. If I can do it with Flash Sentry, you can do it with that guy.” Getting his wife’s point, Shining apprehensively nodded in acceptance. “O-Okay, fine. But!” he said while pointing at his wife firmly, “If he tries to make me insult you or say that I love him more than you, all bets are off.” “Deal.” After giving Shining a proper kiss on the lips, Cadance noticed her husband’s “side-stallion” finally coming out from the restroom. Several ponies who were nearby the doors jolted and ran away in fear, which just made the former King cackle to himself and venture off elsewhere. Seeing that he was headed to a more exclusive part of the castle, Cadance nudged Shining and said, “Hey, maybe you should check on him to make sure he doesn’t do anything.” The Prince looked to see where his tormentor was heading, and sighed with a wince as he said, “Ummm… are you sure? You just told me to--” Looking much like the stallion Shining guiltily fell for, Cadance silenced him with a hoof pressed against his lips. Her eyes narrowed on the Prince as she said in a discrete and mockingly-randy tone, “I’m telling you to follow him…” After glancing around briefly to ensure nopony was listening in, she peered back at her husband and said with a hesitant grin, “B-Bitch!” Shining blushed with his muzzle wrinkling in embarrassment, which just caused Cadance to giggle and nudge him elsewhere. Even though he was infinitely grateful to have a wife so open and accepting, Shining couldn’t help groaning shamefully before complying with the mare’s command. As he ventured away from the ballroom to find his Tyrant, the stallion shook his head and muttered while out of earshot from Cadance, “Well… at least she doesn’t call me a cheater...”