From Ooo to Equestria

by B_Bubble132

First published

Sama's transport spell goes wrong, and ends up in Equestria

Sama, my OC, was doing a transport spell, but something went wrong. when she drank the potion (as the spell says to do), she passes out, wakes up in Pinkie Pie's house, meets everyone, and they work on a way for Sama to go back to Ooo.

This is gonna be good

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“Okay, time to try out that new spell” I said when I woke up that morning. “Okay, now where did I put the ingredients? Oh right, in the cupboard” I thought to myself. I opened the cupboard, only to see my pet fox, Kit, eating the last of the ingredients for the spell. “Ugh, Kit!! Why did yo-wait…how did you even get in here?!” I exclaimed. “Oh well” I sighed. “I guess I’ll just go get more of the ingredients from Finn and Marcy”. So, I set out for Finn’s house. “Hey Finn, can I ask you something?” I yelled up to Finn’s window when I got to the tree house. “Sure Sama. What do you need?” Finn said as he walked down the stairs to his door, and then opened it.
“Well, Kit somehow got into my cupboards last night and ate the ingredients for that new spell I wanted to try out. You wouldn’t happen to have lavenders, vanilla extract, cocoa beans, and some lettuce?”
“Actually, yeah, we do.” Finn paused, and thought 'I really don’t wanna leave her here alone. Ice King could try and nab her again!' so he thought “maybe Jake’ll do it” “Hey Jake?” Finn called upstairs.
“Yeah?” Jake replied
“Could you get Sama those lavenders, vanilla extract, cocoa beans, and lettuce?”
“Sure dude” Jake then came downstairs with the ingredients. “Thanks guys” I said. “No prob Sama” Jake replied. Then I headed back to my house. “Now, where’s that spell book?” then I realized I was standing on it. “Woops” I said. Then I started mixing the ingredients in my cauldron. “Okay, so now all I have to do is drink one large glass of this, and then I can teleport anywhere I want for the next 2 hours.” Then I scooped up 1 large glass of the goop. “Well, over the lips and through the gums, look out stomach, here it comes.” Then I drank the liquid, and I blacked out.

“Ugh, what happened?” I said when I woke up. I had a headache, so I rubbed my head with my right hoof.
Wait a sec…hoof?!?! “Okay, having a fox tail before was weird enough, but now hooves?! I must have done the spell wrong.” I tried to stand up on two legs, but I flopped over. “What the heck?” I tried again, but failed. I then noticed why I couldn’t stand on 2 legs…I was a pony. And that I was in a room, but not mine. THIS one was pink and white all over, with confetti on the floor. I smelled baked goods wafting from downstairs. Specifically, chocolate cake and brownies. “Mmmm” then I heard someone coming upstairs. A pink pony and a blue pony came through the door. “Good, you’re awake! Now we can have a party!!” “Why, exactly?” “Because you woke up, silly!!” I was utterly confused. “Why would she throw a party because I woke up?” “Because we thought you weren’t gonna wake up” Apparently, I’d said that last part out loud. “I forgot to ask, who are you?” “I’m Pinkie Pie!”
“And I am Michael J. Caboose.” I almost did a flip. “Michael J. Caboose? THE, Michael J. Caboose? Stationed in Blood Gulch, Blue Team?” “How did you know that?” “Um, I’m, um, j-just a r-really big f-fan.” I stammered. My heart was beating so fast; I thought it was gonna pop. I wasn’t scared, or angry…I was happy. You may not know this, but before the spell incident, I watched RvB on my computer, and have a crush on Caboose. I was thinking to myself, ‘don’t squee, don’t squee, don’t squee’ but I squee’d anyways. “What was that about?” Pinkie asked. I said “oh, nothing”. “Hey, you should meet our friends!” they said in unison. I said “o…kay?” and then Caboose grabbed hold of my hoof and started dragging me along, Pinkie behind me, when she noticed a small detail about me. “Heeeey…you don’t have your cutie mark! Just like that Tex lady that showed up here a week ago! Do you know her?” “I’ve heard of her. Didn’t she kick those three pegasi’s flanks?” I replied to Pinkie. “yeah, she did! She even plucked some of the-“
“Feathers off of one?” “How do you know all this? I’ve never seen you in Ponyville before…in fact, shouldn’t you be up in Cloudsdale?” “Why would I be up there?” “Because you’re a Pegasus, silly!” “I am?” I looked to my sides, and noticed that I had wings. “Oh, I am!” then she noticed something else about me. “You…you have a…a” “a what?” “A horn” “I do?” “ I tried to roll my eyes up to see, but I couldn’t. “Will you please get me a mirror?” I asked. “Sure!” she hadn’t left that spot, but a second or two later, she had a mirror in her muzzle “fer ya gah!” “Thanks” I looked at my forehead, and noticed the horn on it. “Huh…so I do have a horn” “Pinkie then said “then that makes you…an alicorn!!”
“A what?” I said. “An alicorn! They’re a unicorn with wings! Or, a Pegasus with a horn, either works.” She explained “so you can fly AND do magic!” “Well, guess I’ll test out my wings first.” So I extended my wings and flapped. Then I flapped again. And again, and again, until I was a little bit above ground, about a foot. “I’m doing it!.. kinda. Well, I’m scared of heights anyways, so this oughta work.” Then I landed, but I landed hard. “ow” I said as I stood up. “are you okay?”, Caboose said. “yeah, I’m fine.” He helped me up, and I looked into his eyes. My knees went wobbly, my heart raced, and I sweated a little bit. “Hello? New alicorn? Hellooooo??” I snapped out of it, and I was normal again. “Huh, what?” I said, still in a bit of a daze. ”Blbbffft” I exclaimed as I shook my head. “ I’m good now. Well, time to try out my horn. I pushed all my thoughts to the back of my head, and focused my horn on a pebble. I felt pressure in my forehead, and pushed it to the tip of my horn. Pinkie said “your horn is glowing dark blue…and so are the pebbles!” “Pebbles? I’m only trying to lift one pebble” I opened my eyes, and saw that about 20 pebbles were floating in the air, including the one that I was focusing on first. Then I stopped focusing, and the pebbles dropped. “Ugh” I said, dropping to my knees. “ARE YOU OKAY?!” Caboose yelled, running over to me. “yeah, I’m fine. It’s just the first time that I’ve used magic through a horn.” “that is good. I am okay now too” ‘strange’ I thought. ‘when I was down, he was screaming, and he sounded scared. When I was fine again, he was fine again too. I wonder…’ “well, let’s go meet your friends” I said. Seconds later, there was a hot air balloon in the center of Ponyville. “let’s head to Dashie’s-“ “ and Tucker’s” “and Tucker’s, house in Cloudsdale!” “um, okay, but I’m staying in the balloon till we get there.” “okay” Pinkie said. So we all got into the balloon’s basket and headed for Cloudsdale.

Tucker and Rainbow Dash

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“Well, we’re he-ere!” Pinkie said sing-songy tone. She was going to step on the cloud, when I remembered “PINKIE!! ONLY PEGASI CAN WALK ON CL-“ but I was interrupted as Pinkie Pie stepped on the cloud, and didn’t fall through. “Wha?” Caboose then followed, and also didn’t fall through. “what the…how the?” “oh, I forgot to mention, Twilight, my friend, cast a spell on us so that we can walk on clouds! She did it while I was getting the balloon.” I stammered “but…but you were only gone for a few seconds.” “I was?” she giggled “it felt like ten minutes!” “but…ah, whatever.” I sighed. “OH DAAAAASHIIIIE!!” Pinkie called up to ‘Dashie’s’ window. She walked downstairs to her door and said, “yeah Pinkie? Whatch’a need?” “Well, me and Boosey found this alicorn in-“
“wait, back up. Alicorn?” “yeah, she’s right here!” “I stepped out from behind Pinkie, and Dashie gasped “wow, another alicorn other than Luna and Celestia. Hey, she doesn’t have her cutie mark, just like Tucker.” “well, anyways, we found her-what’s your name?” “Sama” “-Sama, laying at the edge of the Everfree Forest, so we brought her to Sugarcube Corner, then she woke up, she acted weird when she met Boosey, then we went outside, then I noticed she didn’t have her cutie mark, then I noticed she was an alicorn, then she tried out her wings, and she landed on the ground, hard, and she said ‘ow’ then Boosey asked if she was okay, she said yeah, then he helped her up, and she spaced out, the she went ‘Blbbffft’ and she shook her head, like this” Pinkie stopped talking for a minute and shook her head back and forth really fast, and then continued “then she was normal, then she did magic, and levitated, like, 20 pebbles, then she dropped them, then she fell on her knees, then Caboose acted all scared and ran over to help her up, then she said she was fine, then he was fine too, then we told her that she should meet his and my friends, then I got the balloon and Twi cast the cloud walk spell on me and Boosey, then we came here.” “Oh, m’kay.” Dashie said. “So, how good are you at flying?”
“well, before I came here, I was pretty good, could fly about 10ft in the air, but now I have these wings, so I can only go about a foot so far. Guess I need to practice with these.” And I stretched out my new wings. “Oh. Well, I’m Rainbow Dash, the only pony to ever perform a Sonic Rainboom, twice! And I’m gonna do it a third time at the royal wedding coming up. Twi’s bro is gonna marry some alicorn princess, I think her name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or something” “that name sounds REALLY stuck up. Oh, and I forgot to ask, what’s the big deal about Alicorns? There have to be more than 3, plus me.” “Nope, you’re only one of the, four now, in Equestria” Rainbow Dash said to me. “Really? That’s…AWESOME!” I said happily. I was jumping around on the cloud, when I remembered, “hey, when are we gonna meet this Tucker dude?” “Oh, he’s still asleep upstairs. I’ll wake him up. I’d cover my ears if I was you” Dash said. Me, Pinkie, and Caboose put our hooves over our ears, and from what I could tell, Dash said “TUCKER!! WAKE UP! CABOOSE AND PINKIE ARE HERE! You can uncover you’re ears now.” She said. A noise came from upstairs. I guessed it was Tucker falling off the bed, because a loud “OW!” followed the noise. “Rainbow! What the heck! I was having the best dream about-well, you don’t wanna know. Bow chicka bow wow!” he said from upstairs. “Oh, shut up Tucker, and get down here! Pinkie and Caboose met a new pony, and they want her to meet you!” “why me?” Tucker whined. I already didn’t like him that much. “because they already met me!” Rainbow replied. “alright, I’m coming.” I heard foo-I mean, hoofsteps, getting louder, as he walked down stairs. Tucker opened the door. “Where’s the new pony?” “I’m right here” I said, moving to stand in front of him. “Bow chicka bow wow”. I heard him mutter it under his breath. “Wow, she looks like that pony-“
“Celestia” Rainbow corrected him. I hate when peeps do that to me.
“Celestia” Tucker said, obviously annoyed. “That turned me into a pony. You two related?” “Uh, no” I said. “Hey, you don’t have a mark yet.” “I noticed” I said back to him. Again, not really liking this dude. “Why does it matter if I have one?” “Why does it matter? Why, does it matter?!” rainbow exclaimed. “A cutie mark lets other ponies identify your special talent. No cutie mark, no special talent.” I asked “well, I love singing, and I’m pretty good at it, could that be it?” “Maybe, Sama” RD replied. “You won’t know until you find what you’re best at. And don’t do it like the CCC do. They go around trying EVERYTHING to see if one is their special talent.” Then I started to feel tired. “I’m gonna head over to that cloud and take a nap. We can meet everyone else after I wake up.” Then I pointed to a cloud in the distance and flew over to it. “*yawn* this is SO soft. I could just…fall…asleep…*snore* *snore*” It felt like I was out for about an hour. “Wake up, sleepy head!” someone said. I opened my eyes, and saw Pinkie. “AAH!!” I screamed. “What, what?” she said. “Oh, sorry, you scared me” “oh, sorry! Hee hee!” “Wait a second, this cloud is only big enough for me. How are you on here?!”
“I’m not silly! We’re in the balloon!”
“You are?”
“Yeah!” I looked over to see a big purple-ish pink balloon next to the cloud. “Oh, you are.”
“well, we’re gonna head to Fluttershy’s house next! Hop in!” I got in the balloon, and we were on our way to the ground. When we landed, I said “I’ll fly there, but I won’t go fast. I like a nice, slow pace. Whether it’s flying or walking.”
“okay Sa!” great, now she’s given me a nick name. Not that I mind. As long as Caboose uses it when he talks to me.
“Come on, Sa!” Caboose yelled to me. They were already, like, 30 ft away.
“Oh, coming!” I yelled back. Looks like we were gonna meet another 2 ponies.

Flutters and Grif

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“Here’s Fluttershy’s cottage! That forest is the Everfree Forest. It’s CRAZY spooky in there. Clouds move on their own, plants grow on their own, and animals take care of themselves!” Pinkie said to me.
“What’s so weird ‘bout that? That’s normal where I come from.” I said back to her.
“Then that means you must come from where Boosey comes from!”
“Well, no. I come from a different universe than him. I came from Ooo, and he came from Blood Gulch.”
“Oh. Well, anyways, let’s say hi to Flutters!”
“And Grif.” Caboose said to Pinkie.
“Oh, right, and Grif!” we walked up to the cottage, and Pinkie knocked on the door…with her forehead.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked her.
“A little, but not a lot” she replied. No wonder she’s crazy.
“H-hello?” a quiet voice said from inside. I assumed that was Fluttershy.
“Hi Flutters! It’s Pinkie and Caboose! And we brought a new friend!” she said.
“A new pony? Oh, I’ll be right there.” She opened the door a few seconds later. “Oh, where’s the new pony?” she asked. She seemed pretty timid.
“Oh, she’s right here!” Pinkie said, and I stepped in front of her.
“Oh my. She’s an alicorn!” she said it like she was excited, but she said it quietly, too. Yep, she’s timid alright.
“Yep, I’m an alicorn.” I said. Seriously, they have 3 alicorn princesses, and they’re surprised to see a fourth non-royalty alicorn? I seriously don’t get these ponies. I like ‘em, just don’t understand ‘em.
“Are you a princess?” Fluttershy asked me.
“Um…yes, I am. Bow before me! Pfft…Blbbffft…BAHAHAHA! Bahahaha! Oh, oh you shoulda seen your face! BAHAHA! Priceless, just priceless! Oh, my ribs!” really, you shoulda seen her face! She was like “O_O” and all wide eyed, it was priceless! I’m sounding like Discord now, aren’t I? Where was I? Oh yeah, laughing hysterically. “I’m sorry, I just…couldn’t…help myself! I just felt…the need to…do that!” I said in between laughs. By the way, if you hadn’t already guessed, I was rolling on the ground, a huge smile on my face, laughing, and I was clutching my ribs with both forelegs, anyways, I was able to stand after another 10 minutes or so of giggling, snickering, and just plain laughing my head off. “Okay…okay…I’m done!” I said when I could finally stand up. “So anyways, where’s Grif? They’re” I paused, and gestured with a wing to Pinkie and Caboose, “making me meet all of their friends. So I gotta meet Grif, or Caboose’ll probably pout the rest of the day because I didn’t meet him.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, he’s-“
“Yes, he is. How did you guess?”
“Oh, just a hunch.”
“I wonder how she knows that” I could hear her think. Yes, you heard right, I heard her thoughts. I forgot to mention, another one of my powers is to be able to read people’s, and pony’s, minds. I try not to that often, but sometimes it just slips through to ma brain.
“Well, alright. I’ll go tell him that Caboose, Pinkie, and a new pony are here to see him.”
“m’kay, I’ll be here.”
“Grif, wake up. We have guests.” I could barely hear her when she went to wake him up, but I could still make it out. Barely, but still.
“5 more minutes, mom.” I heard a voice mumble. Then I could hear Fluttershy giggle.
“Grif, come on.” She said gently. ‘She seems nice’, I thought to myself.
“Ugh, fine.” I could hear, who I could only guess was Grif, say from inside. “Who are these ‘guests’ you speak of?” he sounded groggy. Guess it was a good nap. I’m always groggy after a good, long nap.
“It’s Caboose, Pinkie, and someone else. I can’t tell you who till you get to the door.” Said Flutters.
“If it’s Tex, I’m gonna kill Caboose for bringing her here.” ‘He really seems to hate this Tex chic’ I thought.
“It’s not this ‘Tex’ of whom you speak of” I said from the door.
“Hmm…nope, it’s not her. I know because she can disguise her voice about as well as I can run a marathon.” So he finally came to the door. “Wellp, where is she?”
“Right here” and I turned visible. Another one of my powers is turning visible and invisible.
“Wow. That’s cool” he said to me.
“Thanks” and my coat turned hot pink. That means flattered. LIGHT pink means love.
“WHOA! How do you do that?” he asked as my coat changed colors.
“Oh, well, my emotions control my coat color. Love is light pink, flattered is hot pink, light blue is sad, green is envy, yellow is excited, red means happy, dark red means angry, etc.” I explained.
“Okay, but HOW do you do it?”
“I dunno. It just happens, I don’t control it. Might have something to do with me being half vampire, half fox spirit, but I’m not sure.”
“Wait, back up. Say that last part again?”
“I’m not sure?”
“No, before that.”
“Might have something to do with me being half vampire, half fox spirit?”
“Yeah, that.”
“Oh, that. Yeah, that’s why my coat has some white spots on it. When it’s red, and I get nervous, back home, when I was in human form (no I can’t shapeshift, it’s just what happens when you go to Equestria, you turn into a pony), I sucked the red out of my fox tail. Vampires can survive on the color red, as well as blood. I may like the metally taste of blood, but the texture is just BLEGH! So I just drink the color instead. I don’t have any red in my old house, so my tail works.” I explained to him.
“FOX tail?!”
“Yeah, hence the ‘fox spirit’ bit.”
“Well, now that THAT’S sorted out, nice to meet you miss..?”
“Sama. It’s Sama.”
“Sama. Nice name. You Japanese or something?”
“Well, fox spirits originated from either China or Japan, I can never remember which, but yes, I guess you could say that.” I noticed he had a red bathrobe on. I licked my lips.
“Uh…Sama? Yoo hoo!” I snapped out of my trance and saw an orange hoof waving in front of my face.
“Sorry, I just haven’t eaten in a while, red bathrobe, I think you can piece it together.”
“Oh, you’re hungry? Sorry, didn’t know.” He said apologetically.
“Well, before this turns into a biting match, we should head to Rarity’s, she probably has some extra red fabric you can suck the red out of!” Pinkie said cheerily. Finally, I was starving!
“Okay, let’s get going, or I might have to suck the red out of some flowers!” I said.
“Alright, then OFF TO RARITY’S!” Pinkie said. She somehow pulled a cannon out of her hair, and forced me, Caboose, and her into it.
“3…2…1…KA-POW!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, and then pulled a rope which shot us across the sky. This is gonna be one daring entrance.

Simmons and Rarity

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Where were we? Oh right, hurtling through the sky at 100 mph. anyways, we landed, or rather crashed, into a shop full of dresses.
“Pinkie Pie, Caboose, is that you?” a voice, whom I could only assume to be Rarity, say from upstairs.
“Yeah Rarity, just thought we’d drop in and say hi! And we made a new friend and thought you should meet her!”
“Alright, I’ll be right down, but I must finish this suit for Simmons. The Royal Wedding is coming up, and everything simply MUST be perfect! Just one more stitch, aaand…there, done!”
“Sama, hurry, turn invisible!” Pinkie whispered in my ear. So I did. I heard hoofsteps, and there was a white unicorn standing there, with a curly purple mane. “So, where is the new pony?”
“Right here” I said, turning visible again. Rarity conjured up a couch and fainted. Or at least, it looked like she fainted. She was up seconds later.
“Darling, you MUST tell me how you did that!”
“I dunno. I just…can. I think ‘invisible’ and shut my eyes, and when I open them again, I can’t see my own hoof in front of my face.” I explained
“How amazing! Do you have other powers?”
“Yeah. My coat changes colors according to my mood. Like this.” I looked at Caboose, and my coat turned light pink. And I had a goofy smile on my face.
“Simply dazzling! But what does light pink mean?” Rarity said, and I snapped out of my trance.
“Oh, um…it means love.” I muttered the last bit.
“It means love.” I muttered it again, only more quietly.
“Say that again?”
“It means love, alright? I have a crush on the blue goofball. Happy now?” I said more meanly than I intended.
“Oh, you’re in love! How wonderful! I actually have a ‘crush’ on someone myself.”
“Who?” I asked.
“It’s…Simmons” she whispered the last part.
“Who’s Si-oh right, I have to meet him.”
“Why must you meet him?”
“Because the blue goofball is gonna pout the rest of the day if I don’t meet all of his friends, and if we came here, I’m guessing you and Simmons are next on the list.”
“Oh, well then I shall call him down. Oh Simmons!”
“Yeah Rarity?”
“Caboose and Pinkie Pie are here, they brought someone new!”
“m’kay, I’ll be right down. I just gotta get this suit off.” I turned invisible when I heard hoofsteps.
“Well? Where is she?”
“Right here.” I said. “Can’t you see me?” I said teasingly, and then giggled, then reappeared.
“H-how did you do that?”
“Secret for girls, Grif, and Caboose” my coat turned light pink for a sec. “only. Sorry big boy.” I said to him.
“Am I seeing things, or did your coat change color for a sec?”
“No, you saw right. My coat changed color.” I said casually.
“H-how?” he seemed scared. Guess my awesomeness was too much to handle.
“Vampire/Kitsune powers.”
“WHAT powers?!”
“Vampire/Kitsune powers. And if you’re wondering what a Kitsune is, it’s a fox spirit.” I acted like I didn’t give a flying feather about my powers, but I LOVE being able to turn invisible at will and the other stuff. I’m like a living mood ring! So anyways, back to the story.
“You’re a…a what?”
“How many times I gotta say it, I’m a Vampire/Kitsune.”
“So you drink…b-b-b…blood?”
“No, I just drink the color.” And just then my stomach growled. “Sorry, I haven’t eaten in a while. Rarity, you wouldn’t happen to have some red fabric scraps or something?” I asked her.
“Yes, I have some leftover fabric scraps in the back room, I’ll go get them.” And she walked off. She was back a few minutes later with a basket full to the brim with red fabric scraps.
“I do hope this is enough.” She said once she put the basket down.
“You HOPE that this is enough? This is MORE than enough!” I said happily, and my coat turned yellow for a few minutes. I levitated a few scraps to my fangs, and sucked every bit of red out of them. And then I ate some more, and then a few more. When I finished eating, I had some red on my fangs.
“Darling, you have some red on your face.”
“Oh, sorry, when I’m hungry I get a bit messy.” And I just licked off the extra red. “Hey look, there’s some more fabric in here. I’ll save it for later.” I said. “You know, in case I get a bit peckish and need a snack. You never know.” So I shrunk the basket so it was small enough to fit comfortably under my wing.
“Dear, you seem to be in need of a saddlebag. I’ll tailor one for you.” She said. She hurried upstairs and I heard the sound of a sewing machine.
“Darling, would you mind coming up here so I can measure you for your saddlebag?”
“m’kay, I’ll be right there” I called upstairs. I grew the basket, and then I grabbed a piece of fabric, in case I got hungry during the measurements. “Okay, I’m coming” I called as I walked up the stairs. I entered the only door I saw up there, and was greeted by the sight of fabric, and the smell of red. If you’re wondering what red smells like to me, it smells like snickerdoodles. Ones that just came out of the oven. With chocolate chips.
“Hello darling, your saddlebag is almost done. I just need to measure you for the strap.” she said.
“m’kay. One question…did you make it my favorite color?”
“If dark blue is your favorite color, then yes.”
“Yes!” I whispered and hoof pumped.
“Alright darling, time to measure you.”
“Alright, but how long is this gonna take?”
“Oh, half an hour at most.”
“I’m not sure if I can stand still for that long.”
“Then I’ll just have to use my holding spell.” Her horn glowed, and I couldn’t move.
“This feels weird.” I said.
“Don’t worry, it won’t last long.” Sure enough, about 10 minutes later, the weird feeling went away
“I don’t mean to sound like a little foal, but how much longer?”
“Oh, another 10 minutes or so. Maybe 20.” Another 10 minutes went by.
“Just one more stitch, aaand…done!” and she released me from her grip.
“Whoa” I said as I wobbled a little. “Guess I got so used to not having to use my legs that it’s making me wobbly!”
“Well, it’s done, so here you go. I’ll add the patch for the flap once you get your cutie mark.” She said.
“m’kay.” I said simply. I walked downstairs, and Caboose tackled me.
“What took so long? I thought that you were coming down in a little while, but when you didn’t I thought that you weren’t going to ever come down! And that scared me! And made me a little mad at that Rarity lady. But not very mad. Just a little.”
“Well, I’m fine, so we can go now.” And my coat was light pink with maroon spots. Maroon is what would be blushing if I had been fully human, not just in human form.
“Okay then. We can go and see Church now, right?”
“Yes Boosey, we can go and see Church ‘n Twi now!” Pinkie said. She reached into her mane, and I panicked a little.
“NO! I mean, no, it’s fine, we don’t need to take the cannon this time. I’d rather walk.”
“Okie dokie lokie!” she said. “Let’s head to Twilight’s house!” so we started walking out the door, when I remembered
“OH! I almost forgot!” I levitated my new saddlebag onto my back, shrunk the basket of fabric, after grabbing a few pieces and sucking out their red, and levitated it into my saddlebag. “Okay, I’m ready!” so we set off to this ‘Twilight’s’ house.

Twi and Church

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So we were walking towards a big tree with a balcony, a door, and window, which I assumed to be Twilight’s house, when it started to rain. Wait, no, not rain…and by that, I mean it wasn’t raining rain. It was raining milk. Chocolate milk, to be precise. And there were pink clouds over head.
“Does this mean what I think it means?” I said, the cheer in my voice growing more prominent by the second. Then, the famous Draqonequus appeared.
“It certainly does, m’dear, it certainly does!”
“Ponyville has been thrown into chaos once again?” I said, glee being a bit too noticeable.
“BEST DAY EVER!” I exclaimed. And I wasn’t faking my happiness. Chaotic Ponyville was awesome! But now that I was ACTUALLY there to experience the awesomeness, I nearly exploded into a pile of confetti and sparkles!
“It certainly is. Chocolate rain, cotton candy clouds, soap roads, and the look on everypony’s face is simply-“
“PRICELESS!” we said in unison.
“Exactly!” he said. “Well, I should be going. I have some more chaos to wreak.” And he flashed away. Then Twilight ran up.
“What was that?”
“What was what?” I said.
“You talking to Discord! That’s what!”
“Oh, that.”
“You’re acting like this isn’t a big deal. You were acting like you liked him!”
“I do. Discord is awesome. As a random pony once said, ‘eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain!’” I said to her.
“But…but he’s evil!”
“Actually, he doesn’t seem like THAT bad of a guy. He’s just having some fun! And I personally think that Ponyville is BETTER like this! You can skate anytime of year, you can walk outside and have a glass of chocolate milk in seconds, either ask a Pegasus or a unicorn to grab a piece of cloud for you and you’ve got a snack, get an apple and you have a MEAL, grab an ear of popping corn, and you’ve got movie night, it’s AWESOME!” then guess who else dropped by.
“Sama, you have GOT to see what I just did!” I looked to my right, and saw a giant pepper shaker, shaking pepper over Berry Punch. She sneezed, and several houses, or at least standees that LOOKED like houses, fell backwards. We both had an immense laugh attack.
“BAHAHAHA!!! Simply…priceless!” I said, laughing in between words.
“Yes…yes, it…is!” he had to stop to laugh while he was talking too. Twilight just stood there, gaping.
“Twilight, you do know it’s not polite to stare, correct?” Discord said.
“Ah…ah…ah…” she squeaked. I had to put a hoof over my mouth to hide the smile widening on my face.
“What’s wrong Twilight? Draqonequus got your tongue?” I said with a wry smile. Discord then poofed a fake tongue into his hand.
“Um, Discord, can I ask you something?” I said to Discord.
“Yes, m’dear?”
“Could you possibly conjure up a love potion?”
“Of course, m’dear. But for whom?”
“Well, for me, but I’d like to give it to the blue goofball over there”
“Alright, but only because you’re the only pony that is my friend, and a friend that actually LIKES my chaos.”
“I don’t see it as chaos…I see it as an improvement.” I said.
“Ew, GAG! You’re giving me complements!” he said jokingly.
“Alright, just please make that love potion already!” I said as I chuckled.
“Okay” he snapped his fingers, and he had a little bottle of orange potion in his claw. “Give him a small glass of this, and bam, he’ll have been bitten by the love bug, but I need one more thing.” And he plucked a hair from my mane.
“Sorry, but that was the last ingredient. A piece of you. Spike tried to give this to Rarity once, he ended up giving to Twilight, and she became his stalker. I made it less strong, so that it will only make him love you, not want to stalk you.” He said “now I just need to mix it until it turns brown, and it will be ready.” So he shook it until it was brown.
“It looks like coffee.” I said.
“Yes, but just tell him it’s hot chocolate”
“Alright, here goes nothing.” I walked over to Caboose.
“Hey Caboose, I was just wondering…would you like some hot chocolate?”
“Of course!” so I gave him a glass of the potion, and he drank it all in one gulp. “That did not taste like hot choc-“ he stopped midsentence and stared at me.
“What is it?” I asked.
“You…you’re…pretty” he said. And I turned Pink and maroon. Again.
“Well, you’re…um…cute.” I said. “I just remembered. Remember when Church said that no one likes you?”
“I like me.”
“I know. And, there’s something that I’ve always wanted to tell you…I…l-l-l-like you too.” And after I said it, he glomped me. He LITERALLY, glomped me.
“I like you, too.” He said. And then, the best thing ever happened…he kissed me. No tongue action, but it was a kiss of pure love, that was for sure! I realized, he liked me like that all along, ever since he laid eyes on me. I didn’t need to give him some potion that FORCED him to love me. He already did. And then…it happened. Everything in Equestria was right again. No more cotton candy clouds, no chocolate rain, no checker board streets. It was all fine. It turned out me and Caboose had been in the air when it happened, and we slowly descended.
“What just happened?” I said after he stopped kissing me, and we had landed.
“Apparently, that…erm…embrace…was so powerful, that it restored everything to it’s natural state.” Twi said matter-of-factly.
“half of me is glad about that, and the other half wishes everything was still at least a LITTLE chaotic, like a few cotton candy clouds left” I said.
“Well,” Pinkie said, after apparently not speaking through the entire Discord incident. “We should go and meet AJ and Sarge!”
“But we haven’t seen Church yet!” I said.
“Oh, I’ll go get him. He’s talking with the Necronomicon.”
“The Necro what?”
“The Necronomicon. The book of death. Tells when a pony died, or will die. You know, Necronomicon.”
“oh. ohh…kaaay.” She was back a few minutes later.
“alright, where is she?” he said.
“I’m right here” I said, reappearing.
“wow. I thought that only Tex could do that.”
“wellp, no, I can too.”
“Thanks, dude.” There was an awkward silence. “’re Caboose’s ‘best friend’?”
“Eh, kinda. He just THINKS I am.”
“That’s kinda funny. I remember that time when he said ‘Church, if I die, I want you to have, my orange juice’.”
“I actually face palmed at it, but-wait, how did you know that that happened?”
“Oh, ummm…I’m just a, erm, fan of Caboose”
“Oh” another awkward silence.
“Well, we better get going! We don’t wanna keep AJ and Sarge waiting!” Pinkie said.
“Okay, let’s go!” I said. As we walked off I quietly said “phew” well, at least there’s only one more of their friends to meet. This oughta be good, if I know Sarge, and I do. In the distance, a very familiar laugh could be heard…